Family Involvement Section 2 1 Letter of Welcome and 2 Family Questionnaire Sheet

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Welcome back,


Dear Families and Students,

Welcome to John Burroughs Elementary School and second grade!

I hope you are all excited for the new school year! My name is Ms.
Kiana Dabay and this will be my first year teaching a second-grade
class. For this school year, I have many fun ideas that incorporates the
learning of our students. I believe that learning should be enjoyable so
please look forward to our exciting activities! In addition, student
learning will not be possible without your support so I would like to
keep a close communication and please do not hesitate to email or call.
I will try to respond by the end of the day. Thank you and I am looking
forward to working with you all!

Ms. Kiana Dabay

Please answer the attached Family Questionnaire Sheet. The information you will
put in will greatly impact how I plan for our class activities and lessons.

Contact Information:
Phone: 202-576-6150 extension 5467
Student Information
Student Name: _________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________ Student’s Sexual Orientation*: ________
*Student’s Sexual Orientation is included because I want to be respectful of the student’s identity.

Languages Spoken: ______________________________________

Favorite Subject/Class: _____________________________________
Hobbies (play sports, video games, read, etc.): _____________________
Does the student have allergies: Yes or No
If you circled “Yes,” please provide an information about the student’s allergy

Parent Information:
Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________________
Provide Contact Information:
¨ Home Phone: _____________________
¨ Mom’s Cellphone Number: _________________ Mom’s Work: _________
o Mom’s Email: ____________________________________
¨ Dad’s Cellphone Number: ________________ Dad’s Work: ___________
o Dad’s Email: _____________________________________
Religion: ________________________ Holidays Celebrated: ______________
Please provide more information about your child that I should know, so I can
best support your child. Do not hesitate to use the back of this page.
Any learning difficulties? Positive or negative character of the student?

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