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Habits that will make you smarter

Intelligence i:s not limited to those with high IQs. There are also potential
methods to develop one's cognitive abilities and become smarter

e re n r e

actions that
could h e l p
you become
a smarter person:

1 Come up with 10
Ideas every day
Think abom how to re·
duce poverty. how to solve
a dally problem you ha�·e.
Interesting movlc ideas. or
anything, It doesn't matter
what subject your Ideas fall
In to. as long asyou're work·
mu scle s. Your li s t might
even lead to a new startup
Idea or wrltlng ubcct.
s )

2 Share what you

learn with other
If you rind someone to de ·
bmeand analyse Ideas with,
you cnn add to each 0U1er's
spectlves. Also, when you
can cx1>lain ideastosomeone
else. It means you've defl·
nltcly mastered the concept.
Youcancvcnshnrcwhatyou lonsandoonnect lhedotsbe- sound more eloquent In dal · 8Takeonllnecourses yourself when y o u 1>lny
learn wltho\11 directly talk· 1weensw.mingly unrelaled ly lmeracllon�. Check out some of lhe them. !'or example, play
lnll to someone. Many pe<» things. You ·11alsoha1•e a lot You can also try to learn m ost popular onllnc Scrabble wit hout a diction·
pie like tostan biogs so U1ey more to tal k about at parties new vocabulary In adI!fer· courses for professionals, ary. You can also solve1mz·
can engage others in an 011· orwlthMcnds. ent language.Everyday, t ry rcl cv3nt to you. Make-sure 7.les vht g;unos like Sudoku.
fine dialogue. to a(ld (i1•e to lO more words you don't overload yourself: 2�8and Doors.
5 Talk to someone to the foreign language rou commit to one to two :ind
3 Followyour you find Interesting are trying to pursue You
. truly focuson them.The syJ. lo Exercise, and
questions Even If they're stran· can use LlvcMocha. 011suu. labus will also keep you on eat a healthy
ffyou see or hear abo-ut gers. don't be afraid t o ap­ or DuoLlngo trnck, so you know you will diet
somethlng cool, don't Ju st proach them. Ask about be doing somelhing every 01>t for brain foods to fuel
leL Lhe moment pass. Follow their Interests and how they 7 Dosomethingscary clay. whether It's llstenlnR your thinking, and avoid
up- pursueyour curi osity discovered them, onen. you Getting out of our to aleclm-e or working on an alco hol and heavy meals
nnd !'Ind the answer to your learn the most from people con1fort zone always assignment. that wlll make you sluggish.
question. you barely know. makes us wiser. Every day. When your energy d ips .
push>'OUrselfallttlel\Jrther. 9 Play'smart'games take a walk The more blood

4 Read the newspaper 6 Use a word-of-the­ Try public speaking. lead a Somegrunes.llkechcss flowing into y o u r brain,
n will hcl1> you become day app meeting by volu nteerlng a a nd Scrabble, expand the better your perfOrm·
more aware of the im· You w ill increase your proposal at work or reach your mind. Certain g:ames nnce. Great thinkers like
1>ortant th ings hap1>cning vocabulary, which can hel p out to someone you really can train thebrainand!rnus· M a h a t m a G:t11dhl 3nd
around t h e world. You'll you I ncompetitive tests Uke admire by sending a quick cles to perform better In t'e· Charles Darwin were fa·
lcarntoformyourownopln· thcSATorGRE.orcvcn)USI letter oremail. al-life activities. Chalncnge mousforthclrlongwalks.

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