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Balance between personal and professional life

Work life balance is a term which is used to maintain fluency between professional and family
(or personal) life. Depending upon the job role everyone tries to fight at their own levels. There
are few basic points that need to be considered for balancing these two environments.

First, and very important thing is STRESS. Now-a-days due to huge number of
competitors in the market, the targets are getting worse. Everyone wants to go beyond the basics
and do some state-of-art activity. For doing this and proving how we are best, is making it
stressful. Infact if smart work is done you would realize the decrease in stress level. “Do less, be
more” (Elizabeth Grace Saunders). Try to prioritize your work. This is how one should proceed
towards success. Stress will hamper your personal life and health.

Second, CAREER. Most of the people run behind their career. There is a lack of control
over how you do your work. “Don’t confuse between having a career with having a life” (Hillary
Clinton). Many people chase the success at work in order to make them happy. They think over
working will bring success in their career. Remember personal life is as important as your work.
Give time for your hobbies. Live your dreams, it is nothing wrong in having your work as your
passion but remember at the end of the day your family is waiting for you, communicate with
them. Your family is happy because of you don’t let them go, spend time with your family.
Ultimately many people work for their family. If family is not in shape, it’s of no use.

Third, Satisfaction. Now-a-day many companies encourage employees by organizing

employee-driven competitions, different events etc.. But still many employees are not satisfied at
their work front. “You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life”
(Heather Schuck). You will be satisfied by life when your sense of accomplishment is going in a
positive front. Try to take things positively. Don’t always be in demanding mode. Try to enjoy
the work and workplace you will automatically enjoy life and sense the goals of your life. This
will self motivate you and you will definitely find time in some or the other way for your
personal life/family life.

There are many such points to discuss but to conclude here, being an employee your physical
and mental health is very important. Due to unbalanced situation of these environments we have
no time to take care of ourselves. Keep in mind time flies so keep a balanced life.

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