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Observe the above mentioned model and answer the following questions:

i. Identify variables in given model as independent, dependent, moderator and mediating


ii. What would be the research question for this research model?

iii. What would be the hypotheses for this research model?

iv. What other variables do you think that can be related to this model? Construct a research

model with your own variables.

V what is the impact factor and why we calculate?

Question 4: Identify the reasoning in the following statements as deductive or inductive. Comment on
your answer.
i. A recruiter conducts a study of recent hires who have achieved success and stayed on with
the organization. She finds that they graduated from three local colleges, so she decides to
focus recruiting efforts on those schools.
ii. Human Resources staff identify public speaking skills as an important qualification for a
target position, so they require candidates to present on a topic as part of the second
interview day.

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