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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Elements of Electronics Engineering [18EC14/18EC24]


1. An enhancement type NMOS transistor with V t=0.8V and k=2mA/V2, find the drain current for each
of the following cases:
a. VGS=5V and VDS= 1V. c. VGS=2V and VDS= 1.2V.
b. VGS=0.6V and VDS= 0.2V. d. VGS=VDS= 3V.

2. An N-channel enhancement type MOSFET with Vth=1V conducts a current I D=100μA when
VGS=VDS=1.5V. Find the value of ID for VGS=2.5V and VDS=4V. Also calculate the value of rDS for
small values of VDS, when VGS=3V.

3. An n-channel MOSFET is used as an amplifier with a drain resistance of 20KΩ. It is biased such that
VGS=4V and VDS=5V.If Vth= 0.8V and k=1.5mA/V2 for the MOSFET, determine the trans-
conductance, gm, and the voltage gain.

4. An N-channel enhancement type MOSFET with Vth=0.7, ID=100μA when VGS=VDS=1.2V. Find ID
and gm when VGS=1.5V and VDS=3V.

5. Find rds for the small value of VDS when Vth=0.7, VGS =3.2V and k=2mA/V2.

6. A carrier of 2MHz has 1KW of its power amplitude modulated with a sinusoidal signal of 2KHz.The
depth of modulation is 60%.Calculate the sideband frequencies, the signal bandwidth, the power in
the sideband and the total power in the modulated wave.

7. For an AM signal VAM=10(1+0.5sin6280t)sin(62.8X106t), calculate upper and lower side band

frequencies, amplitude of each sideband and bandwidth.

8. The rms value of a carrier voltage is 100V. After amplitude modulation by a sinusoidal audio
voltage, the rrms value110V. Calculate modulation index.

Course Co-ordinator Name Course Co-ordinator Signature

Tutorial -3

1. An enhancement type NMOS transistor with Vt=0.8V and k=2mA/V2, find the drain current for each of
the following cases:
a. VGS=5V and VDS= 1V. c. VGS=2V and VDS= 1.2V.
b. VGS=0.6V and VDS= 0.2V. d. VGS=VDS= 3V.

a) VGS-Vt= 5-0.8=4.2> VDS . Hence device in linear

ID= K [(VGS-Vt)VDS- VDS2/2]=7.4 mA

b) VGS<Vt. Hence device is cut-off.

ID= 0

c) VGS-Vt= 2-0.8=1.2= VDS . Hence device in saturation

ID= K/2(VGS-Vt)2=1.44mA

d) VGS-Vt= 3-0.8=2.2> VDS . Hence device in saturation

ID= K/2(VGS-Vt)2=4.84mA

2. An N-channel enhancement type MOSFET with Vth=1V conducts a current ID=100μA when
VGS=VDS=1.5V. Find the value of ID for VGS=2.5V and VDS=4V. Also calculate the value of rDS for small
values of VDS, when VGS=3V.

= When VGS=VDS=1.5V, device in saturation.

ID= K/2(VGS-Vt)2
100μA= K/2(0.5)2
200 μA= KX0.25

When VGS=2.5V and VDS=4V, device in saturation.

ID= K/2(1.5)2=0.9mA.

rDS= 1/K(VGS-Vt) when VGS=3V,

= 0.625K ohm

3. An n-channel MOSFET is used as an amplifier with a drain resistance of 20KΩ. It is biased such that
VGS=4V and VDS=5V.If Vth= 0.8V and k=1.5mA/V2 for the MOSFET, determine the trans-conductance, gm,
and the voltage gain.
= Device operating in
saturation. gm=K(VGS-Vt)=
4.8m mho

gain= -gmXRD= -96.

4. An N-channel enhancement type MOSFET with Vth=0.7, ID=100μA when VGS=VDS=1.2V. Find ID and
gm when VGS=1.5V and VDS=3V.

When VGS=VDS=1.2V, device in saturation.

ID= K/2(VGS-Vt)2
100μA= K/2(0.5)2
200 μA= KX0.25

ID when VGS=1.5V and VDS=3V, device in saturation.

ID= K/2(1.5-0.7)2=0.256mA.

gm= K(VGS-Vt)= 0.512m mho

5. Find rds for the small value of VDS when Vth=0.7, VGS =3.2V and k=2mA/V2.

rDS= 1/K(VGS-Vt) when VGS=3.2V

=0.2K ohm

6. A carrier of 2MHz has 1KW of its power amplitude modulated with a sinusoidal signal of 2KHz.The
depth of modulation is 60%.Calculate the sideband frequencies, the signal bandwidth, the power in the
sideband and the total power in the modulated wave.

= Pc=1KW,fc=2MHz, fm=2KHz,ma=0.6
fLSB=1.998MHz, fUSB=2.9002MHz
B.W= 2fm= 4KHz
Pt= Pc(1+ma2/2)= 1.18KW

7. For an AM signal VAM=10(1+0.5sin6280t)sin(62.8X106t), calculate upper and lower side band

frequencies, amplitude of each sideband and bandwidth.

Vc= 10, ma=0.5, fm= 1KHz, fc=10MHz

fLSB=9.999MHz, fUSB=10.001MHz

amplitude of each sideband=maVc/2= 2.5V, BW= 2fm= 2KHz.

8. The rms value of a carrier voltage is 100V. After amplitude modulation by a sinusoidal audio voltage, the
rrms value110V. Calculate modulation index.
Vc= 100V, Vc+Vm=110V ie,Vm= 10V
Therefore ma=0.1

Course Co-ordinator Name Course Co-ordinator Signature

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