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oldal, összesen: 2

1. Milyen kritikával illeti Karen a biztosító társaságokat?

Túl drágák a fiatalok számára. (2 pont)

2. Mit kért Karentől a cég, amellyel megállapodott és hogyan reagált erre Karen?

Azt kérték, hogy azonnal küldjön pénzt. Ez nem tetszett Karennak. Megállapodtak, hogy hitelkártyáról fog
fizetni (miután kap egy levelet). (3 pont)

3. Milyen felvilágosítást kapott, amikor a későbbiekben kereste a céget?

Először azt mondták, hogy nem tudják kapcsolni, mert rossz a vonal. A következő hívásnál kiderült, hogy
a cég nem létezik. Az összes ügyfél pénzével eltűntek. Karen biztosítása nem érvényes. Szabálytalan volt,
hogy így járt az autójával. (5 pont)

4. Rosszabbul is alakulhattak volna a dolgok. Mit gondol erről Karen?

Szerencse, hogy a pénzét nem vesztette el. Rossz arra gondolni, hogy baleset is történhetett volna.
Ugyancsak szerencse, hogy nem sodort mást bajba. (5 pont)

As soon as she passed her driving test, Karen Barnet began saving to put her car - a birthday present -
on the road.

Just three months later, Karen, who is 20, was ready to go, so she started telephoning around to get
some insurance quotes.

"I'd heard that the prices could vary enormously, so I was determined to find myself a good one."

But each insurance company quoted her very high prices. She was just about to lose heart when at last
one day she spotted on an advertisement in the local newspaper for car insurance that read: "Don't be
penalised because you are young, over 50 or have car convictions..." It seemed to be the answer to her
problems, so she called the number.

"The man was very friendly and helpful," says Karen. "He gave me a quote for Ł190, which was a lot
cheaper than anywhere else."

The next day Karen phoned again to get some more details.

"I was asked to send the money, right away but I said I did not like the sound of that," she explains. "He
seemed very understanding - we even shared a joke about letting people take advantage of you. We
agreed that I'd pay on my credit card after I'd received a note from the company." The note arrived the
next day and Karen went straight to the Post Office to get her car taxed.

"I was really pleased with myself and started driving my car everywhere. I told all my friends about the
insurance company and promised to pass on details so they could save money, too."

The first clue that something was wrong was when Karen tried to call the company to give her credit card
details. "I could not get through: the operator told me there was a fault on the line. I kept trying, and two
weeks later, I had my call answered by someone saying that the company did not exist, had gone off with
everyone's money and that as my insurance is not valid it was illegal for me to be driving around in my

"I was so shocked. Everyone I'd told said I was lucky I had not actually parted with my money, but I was

"I had been driving round for over two weeks without any insurance cover whatsoever. I dread to think
what would have happened if I had had an accident."

"Also I was horrified at the thought that I could have led other people into trouble.

Karen, who is now properly insured, says legitimate insurance companies are to blame because they
charge too much for people who are young and on a tight budget. 2003. 09. 08.

2. oldal, összesen: 2 2003. 09. 08.

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