Cyberman, Keyhole Surgery

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Fordítás angolról magyarra

Maximális pontszám: 25

I lost my heart to a cyberman* last night

Lonely hearts1 too busy or shy to spend endless nights

out2 looking for the perfect partner can get a computer
to do it for them. Instead of enduring3 the noise, smoke,
crowds and boredom4, they can send an alter ego** to
check out the possibilities. They never even have to
leave the house. Entrepreneur5 and philosopher Peter
Small developed "virtual reality" computer dating after
his daughter complained about her lack of social life.
His company, London CyberSpace, aims to provide each
client with an instant6 social group of about 50
compatible7 people. "lf everyone went out to places
randomly8 they would find the number of people they liked
would be very small," said Mr. Small. "The program
manipulates9 the population into groups which will get
on. Clients answer 95 questions about their likes,
dislikes and personality. Mr. Small's computer uses the
information to create an electronic "cyberperson". The
cyberpeople then go partying in an artificial10 electronic
London, making friends and forming groups. When around 50
cyberpeople hit it off11, their human counterparts12 meet
at a real venue13.

lonely heart = magányos lélek
night out = szabadnap, esti kimenő
endure = eltűr, elvisel, kibír, megadással visel/tűr
boredom = unalom
entrepeneur = vállalkozó
instant = azonnali, közvetlen, rögtöni
compatible = együttérző
randomly = véletlenül, találomra, vaktában
manipulate = kezel, befolyásol vkt
artifical = mesterséges, utánzott, művi, koholt
hit it off = jól kijön/megfér vkvel, jól megvannak egymással, jól megértik egymást
counterpart = hasonmás, eleven/szakasztott mása vmnek, alterego
venue = találkozóhely
*cyberman/cyberperson/cyberpeople = komputer-
teremtmény(ek)/ kiberember(ek)

**alter ego = vki hasonmása


Maximális pontszám: 20
Olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi szöveget, majd annak
alapján válaszoljon magyarul a kérdésekre. A választ
gyakran összetett, vagyis megfogalmazásához a szöveg
különböző részeiből szerzett információ szükséges.

Keyhole surgeons risk patients' lives


A 4 million programme to train surgeons in "keyhole"

surgery is to be set up following 1 report which
discloses that patients have died or suffered serious
injuries as the result of incompetent practice. The
sudden introduction of the new keyhole techniques, which
were developed in 1990 and are already used in one in
five abdominal operations, is putting patients at risk,
says the unpublished report by a working party of
surgeons. It was commissioned by the health department
and the Scottish Office. Professor Alfred Cuschieri, a
pioneer of keyhole surgery and chairman of the working
party, said: "We warned disaster would ensue unless
something was done." The health department yesterday
announced the 4 million funding, half provided by the
Wolfson Foundation, to establish three training centres,
in London, Leeds and Dundee. However, Dr Brian Mawhinney,
the health minister, refused to disclose the contents of
the Cuschieri report or say whether it would be
published. Professor Cuschieri's report says the need for
training has been stressed repeatedly, but there is
evidence that some surgeons have attempted keyhole
techniques without it. The report cites evidence from New
York State where 158 "adverse incidents" involving
keyhole surgery were reported between August 1990 and May
1992, 24 of them "permanent or life threatening" and more
than two thirds requiring further surgery to repair
injuries. It says the picture is "similar" in the UK.
Professor Cuschieri, head of surgery at Ninewells
Hospital, Dundee, said: "The problem is that many
surgeons think they have been operating all their lives
and they can do it. But they can't. It involves different
techniques. You are operating from a distance using a TV
monitor, the instruments are long and you have lost your
tactile sense. This can result in disasters and disasters
have happened. "The technique is only safe if it is
safely practised. There have been a lot of problems. At
one stage t was getting two requests from solicitors
every week seeking my opinion on keyhole surgery cases."

1. Mi a "keyhole surgery"?

2. Milyen esemény késztette az egészségügyi tudósítót,

hogy cikket írjon erről a


3. Hol, mióta, milyen gyakorisággal és mely területeken

alkalmazták ezt az új eljárást?

4. Miért jelenhet problémát a módszer alkalmazása?

5. Milyen intézkedést hoztak, és honnan van rá pénzügyi


6. Mi minden derül ki a cikkből Cuschieri professzorról?

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