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BLT ACLU LC Re lu) Le TU RA ml y _s ; p ~ e Engineering Academy (India's leading institute for 1ES/GATE PSUs) oe an cd “<= Engineering Academy som Hyderabad | New Delhi | Bengaluru | Bhubaneswar | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati | Pune | Chennai Transportation Engineering (Theory with worked out Examples, Self and Classroom Practice Questions) GATE - Civil Engineering ACE is the leading institute for coaching in IES, GATE & PSU’s HO: 204, II Floor, Rahman Plaza, Opp. Methodist School, Abids, Hyderabad-500001, Ph: 040-24750242, 24750263, 24750437, 24752469. THE ONLY INSTITUTE WHICH HAS SECURED All INDIA 15° RANK 26 TIMES & 2“° RANK 13 TIMES IN GATE Copyright © ACE Engineering Academy 2014 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers, Published at: ACE Engincering Academy 2nd Floor, Rahman Plaza, Opp. Methodist School, Near Taj Mahal Hotel, Abids, Hyderabad - 500 001 Phones : 040-24750242 / 24750263 email : Authors : Subject experts of ACE Engineering Academy, Hyderabad Foreword Transportation Engineering for GATE The Study material for Transportation Engineering is thoroughly revised this year to meet the requirements of all categories of students, It consists of ‘© Brief synopsis covering the entire syllabus * Worked out examples, concept-wise ‘* Level 1 Problems : For self practice by the students after attending the Lectures. However, the faculty concerned will clear the doubts, if any ‘© Level 2 Problems : The concerned faculty will analyze and solve these questions in the class. The students are advised to go through the theory duly understanding the worked out examples to the extent possible and bring the booklet to the class, By doing so, the students will get familiarized with some of the concepts and can really enjoy the lecture in the class, Also, the students can interact with the faculty in a better way. ‘Thanks to all Professors who extended their valuable services in the preparation of this Booklet. It is believed that this volume is also a valuable aid to the students appearing for competitive exams like IES, DRDO, ISRO and other PSUs. With best wishes to all the Students Y.V. Gopala Krishna Murthy, M Tech. MIE, Managing Director, ACE Engineering Academy ACE inering Academy Herb Deli Bangla Rubs, Yiepawada, Msahapaman, Tat, Pane & Chena (Coprighs Reser | Highway Planning: Geometric design of highways, testing and specifications of paving materials, design of flexible and rigid pavements. Traffic Engineerin; Traffic characteristics, theory of traffic flow, intersection design, traffic signs and signal design, highway capacity. Planning of highway systems, alignment and geometric design, horizontal and vertical curves, ‘grade separation; Materials and construction methods for different surfaces and maintenance: Principles of pavement design; Drainage. Traffic surveys, Intersections, signalling: Mass transit systems, accessibility, networking. S.No. Name of the Chapter | Page No. 01 Highway Development and Planning 01-05 02 | Highway Alignment and cn 06-07 | 03. | Highway Geometric Design - Basic Elements 08-12 04 Highway Geometric Design - Gradients Bais. 05 | Highway Geometric Design - Sight Distances | 16-20 06 | Highway Geometric Design : Overtaking Sight Distance (OSD) | 21-23 | @ 07 | Highway Geometric Design : Horizontal Curves 24-29 it | 08 Horizontal Curves (Extra Widening) 30- 3 7 8 09 | Set Back Distance and = Rouune | 2 -34 : 10 | Highway Geometric Design - Transition Curves 35-38 | 11 | Highway Geometric Design - Vertical Curves i 39-41 12 Highway Geometric Design - Valley Curves 4- “ 13. | Highway Materials and Testing | 45 -56 14 Pavement Design 2) 57-65 15 | Rigid Pavements 7 66-72 16 Traffic ne 3-86 Key Sheet 0 | Highway Development & Planning L. Important events in Road development: 1, Roman's are the pioneers in road construction. At Rome 29 roads were meeting 2. Indian Roads: + Indus valley civilization (5000BC), towns are planned with Grid Pattern. + Mouryans (4000 to 2000 BC) Chandra Guptha Mourya constructed 2400 km long road from Pataliputra (patna) to Takshashila (now in Pakistan) «First British Road : GT road from Caleutta to Delhi 3. Treasagat construction (France) (1716-1796) 4. Metcalf (England) (1717-1810) 5, Telford(1757-1834) construction «Sub grade is kept horizontal and hence sub grade drainage was not proper «Heavy foundation stones, to total thickness of the order of 35 cm at edge to 41 cm at center. 6, Macadam constructions (1756-1856) + The importance of sub grade draining and compaction was recognised and cross slope of 1 in 36 was proposed from sub grade level itself. + The first thinking, method based on scientific It was realised that the stresses due to wheel loads of traffic gets decreased and the lower layers of the pavement and therefore it is not required to provide large boulder and stones or soiling course at the lower layer of the pavement Il. Highway development in India (important events): 1. Jayakar committee (Indian road development ‘committee)-1927 recommendations: (a) Road development to be considered as a national interest. (SRT ee ens | ine [ Veit 4. (b) An extra tax to be levied on petrol from the road users to develop @ road development fund called “Central Road Fund” (c) A semi official technical body should be formed to pool the technical know — how and act as advisory body. (@ A research organisation should be instituted. Central Road Fund (March 1929) (CRF): «Extra leavy on petrot at the rate of 2.64 paise iter in 1929 + The levy is revised in 1998, on petrol the new cess is Rs.1/- on petrol and Rs. 0.5/- on diesel. + 20% of annual revenue is to be retained as @ “Central reserve”, and towards administration, R and D on road and bridge projects of special importance. Balance 80% to be allotted to various states. Indian Roads Congress: (1934)(IRC): + An. offshoot of Jayakar Committee's recommendations. a + Publishes various codes standardizing the specifications. Motor vehicle’s act: (1939) : Revised in 1977 Nagpur road conference: (1943) «The first attempt to prepare a coordinated road development program in a planned manner. + The first 20 years road development plan (1943-1963) popularly known as “Nagpur road plan «All Run way roads were classified into five categories.(viz., : NH,SH.MDR, ODR and YR). «The target for Nagpur road development plan (1943-63) was aimed at 16 Km per 100 sq. Km area of the country. = + Recommended gird pattem of road system is star and grid, Tirapa | Pane | Chena ® seeAFi nie ‘Transportation Engineering 6. Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) — 1950: It may be in line with Jayakar Committee's recommendation, Located in New Delhi. . National Highway Act — 1956 : The responsibility of development and Maintenance of National Highways lies with Central Government, . Second road development plan: (1961-81) (Bombay Road Plan) + The target is 32 km/ area + Construction of 1600 km express ways. Highway research board of IRC — 1973 The third twenty year plan: (1981-2001) (Lucknow plan) + Target 82 km/100 sq. km ) Expressways 2000 km. Length of NH = area in Km? / 50 Length of SH = area in Km? / 25 or 62.5 x no. oftowns = Length of MDR = area in Km’/ 12.5 or 90 x no. of towns mnal highway Authority of India(NHAD) Established in 1988, became operational only in 195. Responsibility is to develop, maintain and operate the National Highways Under the control of Ministry of Road and Transport and Highways National Highway Program(NHDP) Prime focus is on developing Intemational standard roads with facilities for uninterrupted flow of traffic with +” Enhanced safety features + Better Riding Surface. Development Better Road Geometry Better Traffic Management and Noticeable Signage + Divided earriageways and Service roads + Grade separators c + Over bridges and Underpasses + Bypasses (SSRI) eater Dats | Rens |Bhtinenar| Vivavada | Vikiapsoam | Taupe | Pe | Cha] + Wayside amenities Projects under NHDP 1. Golden Quadrilateral — (total 5,846 km) connecting Delhi-Kolkata-Chennai-Mumbai (already constructed 99.67%) Total cost Rs. 58,000 crore 2. North - South & East - West Corridor (total 7300 Km) + North-South Corridor connecting Srinagar (Kashmir) to Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu) including Salem to Cochin (Kerala) Spur + East-West Corridor connecting Silchar (Assam) to Porbandar (Gujarat) 3. Port Connectivity & others 1133 km 13. State Highway Research Laboratori 1. Highway Research Station, Chennai 2. Maharastra Engineering Institute, Nasik 3. Gujarat Engineering Research Institute, Vadodra 14, Highway staff Training Institute: National Institute for Training of Highway Engineers (NITHE) , New Delhi 15. National Rural Road Development Ageney (NRRDA) «The programs under this agency: ‘Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana’ (PMGSY) Aim of this program is to connect villages with a population over 1000 persons through good all-weather roads by 2003 (already achieved) and to connect villages with 500 population by 2007. + Cost of this program is 60,000 crores location and IIL. Classification based on function: (Rural or non urban) 1. National Highway (NH) 2. State Highway (SH) 3. Major District Roads (MDR) 4, Other District Roads (ODR) 5. Village Roads (VR) This classification was done in Nagpur road plan Important National Highways: NH-1 : Delhi-Ambala-Amritsar NH-3. : Bombay-Agra NH-4 : Madras-Banglore-pune NH-S : Madras-Calcutta NH-7 : Varanasi Kanyakumari National Highway Bombay-Pune-Hyderabad- ‘Vijayawada NE. NOTE: Please go through the description of various types of roads and salient features of Nagpur Road Plan by following any standard textbook. National Highways: Main frame on which entire road communication is based, Highest specifications. ‘A National Highway connects state capitals, Industrial tours, Places of strategic importance, neighboring countries etc. State Highways: Specifications similar to that of NH. MDR: Roughly to be same specifications of SH. ODR: Some what lower specifications. However, these roads should be maintained to function in all weathers to carry the traffic. (All weather roads). VR: Lower specifications Details of various Road Network in India Indian road network of 33 lakh_km. is second Targest in the world and consists of ~ 4 Express ways 200 km 4 National Highways 70,548 km 4 State Highways 1,31,899 km 4 Major District Roads 4,67,763 km 4 Rural Roads and other roads 26,50,000 km National Highways are less than 2 % of network but carry 40% of total traffic Number “of vehicles has been growing at an average pace of 10.16% per annum over the last five yeurst)s 1) coer ——_————E—— FOr reece cok SS Highway Development & Planning | © Mumbai-Pune Expressway: The Mumbai-Pune Expressway was India's first limited access expressway of 93 km Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway: This 28 km long expressway Delhi, national Gurgaon, an important satellite city of Delhi. which is a part of the Golden Quadrilateral. Delhi-Noida-Greater Noida Expressway: Two separate expressways provide _ high-speed connectivity between Delhi, NOIDA and Greater Noida. The DND Flyway was the first expressway built in Delhi. ‘Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway: This 95 km. Jong expressway connects the Ahmedabad and Baroda PY Narasimharao Express Flyover : A 11.46 km Jength, Asia’s first express fly over started in Hyderabad in October 2009 Current Status of traffic: Passenger: 85% by road, 15% by railways Freight :70% by road, 30% by railways IV. Road Patterns: 1. Rectangular or Block Pattern: + Adopted in Chandigarh, from traffic operation point this is not consideted convenient. 2, Star and Grid Pattern : Nagpur road plan formulae were prepared assuming star and Grid pattem + Provides inter communication facilities to each of the villages, towns, district Head Quarters, State Capitals ete. ‘+ The best example of grid pattem is Chandigarh (Chandigarh is the 1 planned modem city of India designed by the French architect Le Corbusier) 3. Radi New Delhi and circular pattern: Connaught place, V. Master Plan: It is the final road development plan for the area under study which may be a district, state or the whole country. 1 VL. Concept of saturation system (or) Maximum utility system: Useful in arriving at the best road system out of the altemative proposals. In this system optimum road length is calculated for the area, based on maximum utility per unit length of road. Factors considered are (a) Population (b) Agricultural and Industrial productivity. LEVEL ~ 1 Questior 01. Nagpur road plan is based on (a) Block pattem (B) Star and grid pattern (©) star and circular pattem, (d) Hexagonal pattern 02. The saturation system of development of ‘optimum road length is based on (a) Population only (b) Population and Agricultural productivity (©) Agricultural and Industrial productivity (d) Population and productivity of both ‘Agricultural and Industrial sectors 03. The construction of “express way” was planned for first time by (a) Jayakar Committee (c) Nagpur road plan (@) Bombay plan (@) Lucknow plan 04. The first scientific method of road const. was made by “Macadam ”.Reasons for this are (a) It is recognized the importance of sub grade drainage (b) Materials are used in such a way that superior materials in for top layers and inferior materials in lower layers keeping in view stress distribution £) Both (a) and (b) (@) none of the above 05. Consider 1. Creation of Central Road Fund My 2. National Highway Act 3. Formation of Indian Road Congreso ay av “Transportation Engineering 4, Creation of Highway Research Board “The correct chronological order of these events is 06. In 1927, Jayakar committee was set up to examine and report on road development in India, based on which certain institutions were subsequently set up. Which of the following were the direct outcome of Jayakar committee recommendations _G29 Indian Road Congress (b) Central Road Fund (CRRI (d) National Highway 07. The semi official body set up for controlling and standardisation of roads and bridges in India is. (a) Highway Research Board (b) National highways Act Committee (©) Central Road Fund (49 Indian Road congress 08. Nagpur road plan has recommended the use of road pattern type of (a) star and circular pattern (b) star and block pattern (©) star and rigid pattern (@ star and hexagonal pattern 09. While providing Hill roads the length that is aimed to be kept at minimum is (a) horizontal length (b) vertical length (©) diagonal length {@hresisting length 10. The total length (in km) of the existing National Highways in India is in the range of (GATE-99) (a) 15,000 t0 25,000 (b).25,000 to 35,000 (©) 35,000 t0 45,000 £4) >65,000 11. The portion of a road-surface which is used normally by high speed vehicular traffic is known as (IES- 92) g express way (b) highway carriage way (@) right of way (CSRS aN | Rene | Blatamenrar| Vinod | VieMapamam | Tropa | Pune | Choma] Highway Development & Planning 12. In which one of the following location surveys of the road soil profile is sampling done up to a depth of | m to 3m below the existing ground LEVEL — 2 Questions level? (IES-03) | O1. Three new roads P,Q, R are planned in a (a) Preliminary survey district, The data for these roads are given in (b) Final location survey the table given below. Based on the principle of (©) Construction survey ‘maximum utility the order of priority for these _{si¥ material location survey three roads should be 13, Which one of the following is the chronological Teme |__ Naber ilags wi =| sequence in regard to road construction / Road | Gm) ago Tae S500] development? ES- 98) poe imma (a) Telford, Tresaguet, C.B.R., Macadam ie re u — 1 (b) Treasaguet, Telford, Macadam CBR Roba 7 5 (©) Macadam, C.B.R. Treasaguet, Telford i ae (@) Treasaguet, Macadam, Telford, C,B.R. @P.QR WARP RP, ROP 14, The length of National Highways as per 3° 20 ae ies years (Lucknow) road plan is given by(IES- 00) | 02, Four new road links are to be constructed P.Q,R. (@) area of the country/75 and § with different road lengths. The details of (b) area of the country / 50 population and products served as follows: (c) areas of the country/40 Suggest the order of priority for phasing the (@) area of the country/25 road construction programme based on ‘maximum utility approach, 15. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), Teunched in the year 2000. aims to provide rural | (——] | — No oF wages wih population ranges] connectivity with all weather roads. It is || Road | Length [7000 | 2000 7 S000) | ndustial proposed to connect the habitations n plain areas || lines | iskm |v) | >10000 | of population more than 500 persons by the year 2000 | $000 | 10000 F_ [30 [100 | so [30 60 2. Highway cross section elements = Typical cross section of a road Shoulder Shoulder RoatMargin] Je Camwewey _,) | Road Margin Building Line + Road Boundary Control line J<— Fomion wtion ty | — ——- ae (a) Pavement surface characteristics: ——'5? + For calculation of SSD, IRC has I) Friction (or Skid resistance) : recommended longitudinal frictional Determines operating speed, distance coefficient 0.35 t0 0.4. requirements in stopping, accelerating, fijdcrabed | Now Deis | Benga | Bhubanewar | VGarawads | Vinktapaimam | Trupall| Pune | Cheam In the case of horizontal curve design, lateral coefficient of 0.15 is recommended. Coefficient of friction is less when pavement surface is smooth and wet. ‘Also decrease with increase in temperature, type pressure and load, New tyres are more dependable than smooth and old ones in adverse surface and conditions like wet. Smooth and wom out tyres offer higher friction factors on dry pavement than new types with threads Longitudinal coefficient of friction (f) as per IRC Pavement Unevenness Measured by unevenness index (using. unevenness indicator) which the cumulative vertical undulations of the pavement surface per unit horizontal length of road (em/kmn). It should be low. For good pavement =150 em/km. + 250 cm/km is satisfactory for design speed of 100 kmph, Value greater than 320 cm/km is very uncommon table even at speed above 55 kmph, Important Instruments: Rougho meter, Bump Indicator (GATE- 12) (b) Camber slope Functions: To drain off the rain water from the road surface. ‘ Better surface drainage is important from considerations of (i) prevention of entry of surface water into sub-grade soil through. pavement (ii) To make the surface dry soon after the rain so that skid resistance ¢ reduce. Designation: As ‘1’ in ‘n” (LV: "2" HY or as percentage (?) Factors: (i) Type of pavement surface Gi) Amount of rainfall Highway Geomeuic Design-Basic Elements ‘Types of Camber based on shape (a) Parabolic or elliptic shape Equation 2x? /nW x vt i<—_ w — 1 }+}——— Merit: i) Profile will be flat at the middle and steeper towards the edges. It is preferred by fast ‘moving vehicles as they have to frequently cross the crown line during overtaking operations, Since steeper at edges slow moving vehicles have a tendency to overturn Inside and hence try to occupy the central portion of the road way, resulting in reduction of traffic capacities Generally in cement concrete pavements, the wheels does not have contact at centre when straight camber, is provided or when vehicle is ous ‘curved crogs slope. lerit : Uniform cross slope on either side of centre, comfortable for slow moving vehicles Demerit: Discomfort for fast moving vehicles which have a tendency to overtake slow moving vehicles by crossing the centre line, which is a sharp point, resulting in jerk. Further the road is likely to get damaged at the centre, Since stress intensity is high because of sharp point of negligible area. Combination of straight and parabolic slope This is particularly useful to increase the area of eqntact of the wheel and thus decrease the contact straiglt pressure in case of animal drawn vehicles with steel tyres occupying different lateral positions of the pavement. (ASMA) deta Noe ath | Benen | acinar | Vina | Vinton [Tied | Pune | Chena _ACE ‘Engineering Academy ‘Transportation Engineering Merits: It has the positive points of both parabolic and straight cambers. i.e., comfortable for both slow and fast moving vehicles and damage to the road. Relation between longitudinal gradient and camber: Type of road surface ‘ement concrete and high type bit face 2__| Thin bituminous surface 3. | WBM, gravel Earth road (©) Width of Pavement or carriage way: + The maximum width of vehicle as per IRC is 2.44 m. + The number of lanes depends on (a) Predicted traffic volume and (b) Traffic capacity of each lane. ‘Width of Carriage Way ** | . Classification weet | || Kerbs — iv | Intermediate carriage | 5.5 m y___| Multilane Pavements | 3.5 per lane — [10.5 m psychological efféets called extra widening, ————E Terre Findeniad | New Delhi Be __|_Carriage Way | TEs m forall) | | oss | without [7.0 m iy | Two lanes with raised | 75m (on bridges) or NOTE: The width of pavement is increased on horizontal curves, to take care of off tracking and | Recommended values of camber for different types of road surfaces For better drainage and smooth flow of traffic the camber (C) of the road should be approximately equal to half of longitudinal gradient (G). ie, G=2C. "Range of camber in areas of rainfall range = 1 in 50 (2%) Light 1 in 60 (1.7%) “Lin 50 (2.0 %) Tin 40 (2.5%) Tin 33 (3%) Vin 402.5%) 1in33.3%), 1 in 25 (4%) superior the road flatter the camber. (GATE-87) (d) Traffic separators or medians Main function: To prevent head on collision. + IRC recommends a minimum desirable width of 5.0m for medians of rural high ways. +n long bridges, it may be upto 1.2 m. () Road Margins: Shoulders + Serve as emergency lane. Also act as service lanes for vehicles that have broken down. + The surface of shoulder should be rougher than the traffic lanes so that vehicles are discouraged to used the shoulder as a regular traffic lane, Formation width of various roads Highway Geometric Design-Basic Elements | Maximum land width required for NH and SH is 60 m. + Orresponding distance between building lines is 80 m and between control lines is Road Roadway width in m classification |~ Plain and | Mountainous and | rolling terrain | steep terrain 50m: ‘Open areas %, NH/SH 45 ry | [wpe [25 ag LEVEL ~1 Questions [ope 6 VR 2 —> O1, Superior the road Built-up areas (a) steeper is the cross slope (or) camber aya a oa gentler is the camber MORE “4 = (©) steeper is the super elevation — | (@) lesser is the cost : ‘OpR 15 12 I VR 10 | 9 02. The convexity provided to the cars ‘+ The minimum shoulder width recommended by the IRC is 2.5 m. Frontage Roads: Are provided to give access to properties along an important highway with controlled access as express way or free way. Drive Ways: Connects the high way with commercial establishments like fuel stations, service stations ete, Guard. Rails: When embankment height is more than 3 m. (®) Width of rod way or formation Formation Width = Carriage way width (including separators) + stioulders + It is the top width of highway embankment (or) bottom width of highway cutting excluding side drains. (g) Right of Way : Area of land required for the road, along its alignment. The width of this acquired land is known as land with. The right of way or road land = formation width + road margins «Building activities are to be disallowed up to “Building Line’ with sulficient set back from road boundary. In addition to this is it is desirable to exercise control on the nature of building upto control lines. . + Normal land width required for NH and SH Sis dSm. ~ (a) gradent -€8) camber (c)slope (4) vertical curve 03.The value of camber recommended for CC roads in area of heavy rainfall is (@) 1:33 (b) 1 in 40 41 in 50 (@) Lin 60 04, Arrange the following terrains in the increasing order of their steepness. i) plain terrain iii) mountainous * Codes: (a) i, iv i, ii ive i, iti, tt ii) steep terrain iv) rolling @) iv iv, i, ii (Ais it iv, it 05. “Right of way “ is the width in which is (a) Carriage way + shoulders ~ fo) Carriage way + shoulders + Road margins (c) In between building lines (d) None of the above 06, As per IRC lateral friction coefficient is * hy 0.15 (b) 0.35, (c) 0.4 (d) None 07.As speed increases, longitudinal _ friction ~¢oefficient > io decreases (b) increases (©) remains same (@) none RGR) ets hater Vinod | Vinliopamn | Tal | aoe] Gea @ ‘Transportation Engineering 08, Pick up the incorrect statement of the following: (a) As tyre pressure and load increase, friction coefficient decrease (b) Smooth and wet surfaces will have less coefficient of friction, 4©) Old tyres ate more dependable than new ‘ones in rainy season. (@) For a four lane road, the width of carriage way is 14m, 09. Read the following statements about camber 1) Parabolic camber is steep at edges and flat at centre 2) Straight camber is preferred for C.C pavements. 3) Combination of straight and parabolic camber is the best from all consideration. Which of the above statements are correct (@)2&3 (b) 1&2 (1&3 Saf all are correct, 10. Pick up the incorrect pair : Type of road (a) Single lane (b) Double lane with raised kerbs (0) Intermediate lane (@) Three lane Carriage way widt} 3.75m ‘00 m 3.5m 105m inderabad | Now Dali | Bengaline 11. “Formation width “for National Highway single lane road is — (7m (6) 9m Bi2m (@ None. 12. Ifthe width of a pavement is 5.5 m then what is it called? "As-07) (a) single lane (b) double lane (cYintermediate lane (d) multi lane 13. What is the full width of land acquired before finalizing highway alignment known as? (a) width of formation 6} right of the way (©) carriage way (d) road way (As-07) 14, Consider the following statement, and select the correct statements (IAS-06) Excess of camber is not provided on the roads because of 1. Transverse tlt causes un comfort 2. Of formation of cross rut3 3. OF likely toppling over of highly lades bullock carts 4. -Of higher costs involved (@)2,3and4only (41, 3 and 4 only (c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 1,2 and 3 only Highway Geometric Design -—Gradients Vertical Alignment ~ Longitudinal Gradients (a) Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of the road with respect to horizontal. (b) Expressed as horizontal units. vertical unit to (a) Type of Gradients (Ruling Gradient Gradient’ During normal course, the Gradient on road. should never exceed this value, ‘The gradient is fixed in such a way that speed of the vehicle should not decrease while ‘moving on the gradient. ‘The gradient is also fixed in such a way that maximum power developed by the engine is equal to the power required to overcome the resistance to motion on the grade at design speeds. (ii) Limiting Gradients (Maximum gradient): ‘gradient steeper than the ruling gradient which may be used in restricted length, where keeping with in the ruling gradient is not possible due to topography. (ii) Exceptional Gradient: A gradient steeper than the limiting gradient which may be used in short stretches only (< 60 m in 1 km road length of should not exceed 100 mat astretch ) in exceptional situations. Minimum Gradient : On the basis of satisfactory road drainage _ requirements. Generally about 0.5% or 1 in 200 in concrete drains and 1% or I in 100 in kutcha open drains. Also known as ‘Design co) (b) Gradients for roads in different terrains | 7 orm, | ani ene SS ete (SR Noa Tosti tne jewel | Voakpaan | Tira | Pune | Chews] (©) Grade Compensation: As per limitation IRC Grade Compensation is not necessary for pradients flatter than 4% and therefore when applying grade compensation correction, gradients needs not be eased beyond 4% Grade Compensation = (30 + R)/R (or) 75/ R which ever is less. Where R = radius in m Gradient on a highway is 1 in 15. Radius of curve is 150m. after grade compensation the grade to be provided should not be less than 42%, What is grade compensation? Sol: gradient, =1/15 =L100=g67% Grade compensation = 2228 20150 1.2% Use minimum. ie., 0.5% Afier grade compensation the gradient to be provided on the road is 6:67-0.5 = 6.17% (hich is more than 4%, 0K) Grade compensation = 0.5% O1. The longitudinal gradient on a road is 1_in 20. if the radius of curve is_150.m, the grade compensation is... () 02. The longitudinal gradient on a road is 1 in 20. if the radius of curve is 30 m. the compensated gradient is 4 /: 03. Which one of the following is associated with “Ruling Gradient”, on highways? (IES-93) (a) Requirement of maximum tractive effort for a short distance ¢6) Requirement of minimum tractive-effort on the whole gradient (©) Efficient drainage conditions (4) Alignment design in general 04. At sharp horizontal curves of highways of radius ‘R’ (in metres), the perceritage reduction in gradient provided to compensate the loss of eae force due to a is (IES-O1) o2 ge of oF 05, Match List —I with List I and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List I (Type of Road) 1 = A. Water bound macadam 3 — B. Bituminous concrete 4 =C. Earth road (untreated) —D. Rigid pavement List I (Recommended camber) 1. Lin 72 2.1 in 60 3. Lin ds 4, Lin 25. Codes: ABCD A BC OD (a) 1 4 3 2 )4 3 2 21 () 2 3 1,4 @3 2 4 1 road camber is given in the following figure: p : ‘or designing this camber the equation to be used is (07)The camber provided on a sloping road is 1 48, which one of following is the gradient? (ES-03), (@) 1 in 15 (b) 1 in 20 ef Lin 24 (4) 1 in 30 (*} hile aligning a hill road with a ruling gra f 1 in 20, a horizontal curve of radius 80 = encountered. The compensated gradient on curve will be (ES-93) Vin 15 (b) 1 in 17 Or in 25 (a) Lin 27 09, Flatter cambers are required for the purpose smooth traffic flow and steeper cambers neéessary for the purpose of drainage. In w' one of thé following situations can both objectives be achieved? (ES-94) (@) when the camber slope is equal to gradient (b) when the camber slope is slightly gre than half the gradient (ef when the camber slope ‘is equal to half gradient (@ when the camber slope is slightly less ¢ the gra 10. Assertion (A): When a sharp _horizo: curve is to be introduced on a road whi already has the maximum permissible gfadie should be decreased. Reason(R) : The gradient should be decre to compensate for the loss of tractive effort to the introduction of sharp horizontal curve the road. Dd 42 — we ” Doe b © SFipderaad | New Dal | Benslura | Bhubanewar | Visvawada | Vaaiapamam | Tiupat | Pune | Chen _ ACE Engineering Academy LEVEL-2Questions } [ Common Data for Questions 01 & 02 ‘A road of width 3.5 m is to be laid. Calculate the maximum height of the crown with respect, to the edges of the road in the following cases; 1. Straight line camber for village CC road in the areas of light rain fall (@) 14.3 mm. (0)57.5m (@Y29. 2mm (@)U15 mm 02. Parabolic camber for major district road with thin bituminous surface in’ the areas of heavy rain fall (a) 17.37 mm (47.5 mm. (b) 23.75 mm (0) 43.75 03. Consider the following types of roads in the same rainfall region: (IES-95) 1, Water-bound Macadam roads 2. Cement concrete roads 3. Bituminous high-speed roads 4, Gravel roads. The correct sequence of the descending order of steepness of camber of these roads is (2) 41,23, (b) 4,1,3,2 (©) 1.43.2 14.23, [REALE ad [Ne Dats | eae | nance | Vows | Vinpana | Trad | Poe | Chea] 04, 05, 06. 07, 08, ‘Highway Geometric Design-Gradients While designing a hill road with a ruling gradient of 6%, if a sharp horizontal curve of 50m radius is encountered, the compensated gradient at the curve as per the Indian Roads Congress specifications should be (GATE-07) (4.4% (b) 4.75% (©) 5.0% (a) 5.25% If the difference in elevation between the edges of a pavement of width 9 m and its crown is 7.Scm, what is the camber of the CC pavement? (AS-09) (6 Lin 60 (b) 1 in 45 - (©) Lin 30 @ Lin 13 Match List I (type of pavement) with List II (camber) and select the correct answer using the codes given below. (IAS-05) 1 List 11 ‘A.Cement concrete 1.4% B.WBM 2.3% C. Thin Bituminous 3.2% D. Earth 4.15% Codes: A.BoCD ABCD @ 3 142 @3 241 @ 3 241 @4 3 12 What is the value of camber that should be provided in case of WBM pavement surface in an area of heavy rain fall? (IAS-05) (a) 1 in 30 (b) 1 in 33 (©) 1 in 60 (lin 72 Radius of the curve is 240m, over a highway with gradient of 1 in 15 the grade compensation Highway Geometric Design —Sight Distances 1. Sight Distance: Three sight distance situations are considered in the design. (at design speed). (@ SSD: Stopping (or) absolute minimum sigh distance (or) non passing sight distance. (ii) OSD: Safe over taking (or) passing sight distance. (iii) Safe sight distance for entering into uncontrolled intersections. Apart from above, the two additional sight distances are considered by IRC. Intermediate Sight Distance (ISD): It is twice the stopping sight distance. (ISD = 2 x SSD). When OSD cannot be provided, ISD is provided to given limited over taking opportunities to fast vehicles. Head Light Sight Distance: Distance visible to driver during night driving under the illumination of vehicle head lights. This is critical at up gradients and at the descending stretch of the valley Curves. Stopping Sight Distance (SSD): Length of road visible ahead of driver at any instance it depends on > (i) Features of road ahead such as horizontal alignment and vertical profile of road, traffic ete, (Gi) Height of driver’s eye above road surface (1.2 mas per IRC). (iii) Height of object above road surface (0.15 m). ‘The above values are at summit curves, Definition :( as per IRC) The distance between a moving vehicles with the eye level of the driver at a_height of 1.2 m and an object of 0.15m, so that no collision occurs in case a situation arises to stop the vehicle. (a) Total Reaction Time (t): Perception Time + Break Reaction Time. + PIEY Theory: Total reaction time is split into four parts. (i Perception (ii) Emotion (i) Intetlection (iv) Volition Total reaction time of 2.5 seconds is considered satisfactory for most situatia The distance traveled by vehicle di total reaction time is known as Distance or Reaction Distance. The distance traveled after application brakes, to a dead stop position is knows Breaking Distance. (b) Formulation of SSD (Units in meters) SSD =Lag Distance(L) +Breaking Distance ( (i) Lag Distance (L) = vt, Where v= velocity in m/sec. = 0.278 Vt, t= reaction time in sec, (2.5 sec as per IRC) \V = velocity in kmph. (ii) Braking Distance (B) : On a level groun is obtained by equating work done in stopping the vehicle to kinetic energy lost. Let, W= weight of vehicle coefficient of longitudinal friction Work done in stopping vehicle = frictional force developed = braking & =1WxB ....) : 2m: WW" Kinetic Energy Lost= (1 /2)mv# ="E% ..(2) 8 Queating (1) and (2) fwxs, = WY 2g on simplifying 26h NOTE: In case SSD provided is not sufficient. moving vehicle will collide with the object another parked vehicle. Breaking distance, S, The principle to be used in this analysis is follows for breaking distance. ACE ) Engineering Academy Highway Geometric Design-Sight Distances ea Rentic Design Sight Distances Kinetic Energy lost= work done in skidding before collision. , Whi="d) ow, where 2g NOTE: If coefficient of longitudinal friction is “ (iii) Equations for SSD : [ Nature ; Surface / Vehicle initial velocity before application of brakes, final velocity before collision £” the retardation (a) developed in the process of braking SSD with vin Mellcee ‘SSD with V in “kmph” (wv?) v? ,) v vith friction eoett | vt-+| > 0.278V, +| Yr Level Surface with friction coeff (2eF } itl 555 } | ae vt +[v7/2g (f+ 0.0In) | | Inclined surface with coefficient Where ‘n’ % of gradient 0.278 Vi-+ V7/254 (40.010) “ign for ascending gradient |< Mie for descending gradient, | Level Surface with braking | efficiency Important Note : vt+ (v7 /2gf i) 0.278 Vt+ [V7/254(f¥)] ( Minimum $sD SSD calculated for single lane one way traffic. = 2x SSD calculated for single lane road with two way traffic SD calculated for two lane two way traffic. (ti) The ‘SSD" should invariably be provided throughout the length of all road and hence this is also known as ‘Absolute minimum sight distance’, IRC specifications for one way single lane [Design speed, kmph [20 [35] 30 [40 [30] 60 [es [80] T00" ai SSL |? | pear | 80 Safe SSD.m_ 20 | 25/30 | 45 [60 | 80 | 90 | 120 | 180 ee Bc al OF EO Example Calculate SSD for V =S0kmph for (a) two-way traffic in a two lane road (b) two-way traffic in single lane road. use: f= 0.37, reaction time of driver, t= 2 SSD =v t+ =13.9%2.5 413.9? (2x9.81%0.37) 2ef «SSD =16.4m Stopping sight distance when there are two lanes = stopping distance= 61.4m, Sol: V =S0km/hr = 13.9ns Stopping sight distance for a two way traffic for a £037 single lane = 2[stopping distance]=122.8m 125 sec stopping distance-lag distance + braking distance | Hyderabad | New Deli [Berl | Bhubanevwar | Vinvavada | VieKopatam [Tiga | Ras] Ghose Example 2: Find minimum sight distance to avoid head-on collision of two cars approaching at 90 kmph and 60 kmph, Use reaction time of driver, t= 2.Ssee, Coefficient of longitudinal friction, f = 0.7 and brake efficiency of 50 percent in either case. Sol: Given: V.=90 Kmv/hr. a= 60 Kin/hr. t= 25sec. Braking efficiency=50%, (7-0-5) f=0.7 (Hint: brake efficiency reduces the coefficient of friction by 50 percent), Stopping sight distance of first car = SSD, =153.6m Stopping sight distance of second car = SSD2 = 82.2m Stopping sight distance to avoid head on collision of the two approaching cars SSD =SSD, + SSD) = 235.8m. Example 3: Find SSD for a descending gradient of 2% for a design speed of 80kmph. Other data take from IRS standard specifications. Coefficient of friction is 0.35 SSD on road with gradient = 132m. Example 4: Find head light sight distance and intermediate sight distance for a design speed of 65 kmph. Use £0.36, 2.5 5, Sol: Design speed o1. 02, 03, 05, 06, gps OTEX (dO ANS & ae :Skmph=18m/s SSD=ve+y? (29h 1 1825+ a atmos Headlight Sight distance, HSD=SSD = 91= Intermediate Sight distance = 2[SSD] = 18: A vehicle traveling on dry, level pavemest 80 kmph had the brakes applied, ‘The ve traveling 76.5 m before stopping. What is coefficient of friction that has developed (GATE-88) @o2z 03 033" (aos The safe stopping distance for a design of 50 kmph for a two lane road ws coefficient of friction of 0.37 in m is (GATE-88) (@) 61.3 (b) 81.7 (©)123.7 (161.6 If the design speed is 80 kmph, percept reaction time is 3 sec and coefficient « fiction is 0.5, then the SSD is (GATE-91) (@).61.3m (6) 117m (©)85.5m (@) 171m A two lane road having two way traffic desig speed is 60 kmph, Longitudinal frietion is 0.4 reaction time is 3 sec. Level road, Nos passing sight distance is (@) 61.03 m (b) 7m (885.5 m @) 171m | In the above problem, singe lane but two wa traffic, Minimum SSD is (a) 61.3m (b) 117m (©) 85.5m (171m Design speed is 40 kmph, breaking efficienc along with coefficient of friction is 40° reaction time is 3 sec. Then SSD in m (9549.6 (b) 118.46 © 123.8 (4189.5 07. 08, 09. 10. u 12. fay Design speed is 80 kmph, reaction time is 2.5 sec, longitudinal friction is 0.4 and lateral friction is 0.15 Then sight distance in m is (a) 49.6 (b) 118.46 (©) 1238 (189.5 A test car of mass 1250 kg is traveling at a speed of 72 kmph, when it is suddenly braked by locking the wheels. The average vehicle comes to a stop in a distance of $0 m. Skid resisting force is, (a) 5027N (c) 1234.8N (b) 1189.46. N (@) 1895.5 N ‘A test car is braked when traveling at a standard speed. The declaration developed, as measured by a decelerometer fitted on the car is 4.2 m/sec’. The skid resisting coefficent is (a) 039 (b) 0.43, (©) 0.26 (4) 0.49 ‘A vehicle was stopped in two seconds by fully jamming the breaks. The skid marks measured 9.8m. The average skid resistance coefficient will be (@) 0.7 (04 (0) 0.5 (0.25, ‘The distance traveled by a moving vehicle during perception time and break reaction time is known as (GATE-87) (a) sight distance _(b) stopping distance (cyfag distance (d) breaking distance ‘The reaction time for calculating stopping sight distance may be assumed as (GATE-99) (a) 5 see ) 2.5 sec (6) 0.5 see (@) 10sec The design speed of a road is 80 kmph. Assume t = 2 sec, f= 0.4. It has a falling gradient of 5%, The absolute minimum sight distance is (one way traffic) (a) 448m (b) $4.78 m (©) 993m (@f116.47 m Fipdcabed | New Dells | Bengal | Bhubaneswar 19: 14 02, 05, ol. 03. Highway Geometric Design-Sight Distances Total reaction time of a driver does not depend upon (IES-00) (a) perception time (b) brake reaction time (©) condition of mind of the driver {af Speed of vehicle Brake is applied on a vehicle which then skids fa distance of 16 m before coming to stop. If the developed average coefficient of friction between the tyres and the pavement is 0.4 then the speed of the vehicle before skidding have been nearly (IES-99) (20 kmph (b) 30 kmph 4) 40 kmph (a) 50 kmph Consider the following factors: (IES-02) 1, Reaction time % Speed % Coefficient of longitudinal friction Gradient Which of these factors are taken into account for computing braking distance? (a) Land 3 (b) 1.2 and 4 (©) 2.3 and 4 (4) 2 and 3 ‘Assuming a longitudinal coefficient of friction to be 0.4, the resulting retardation of a vehicle being brought toa stop is, nearly | (IES-01) (a) 0.98 m/s? (b) 1.95 mvs (©) 2.90 m/s* (@) 3.93 mis* For a design speed of 80 km/hr, the minimum stopping sight distance for moving vehicles on a roadway is (IES 92) (a) 80m (b) 120m (©) 150m (d) 200 m While driving at a speed of 30 kmph (with available friction 0.4) down the grade, the driver requires a braking distance twice that required for stopping the vehicle when he travels up the same grade, The grade is (ES-01) @™% (©) 13.3% (b) 10.6% (4) 33.3% “Visawade | Vinkispamam | Tiupa | Pune | Chennai 06. A car is moving at a speed of 72 kmph on a road having 2% upward gradient. If the reaction time of the driver is 1.5 seconds, assuming that f = 0.15, calculate the distance moved by the vehicle before the car stops finally? (GATE-02) (24m (b)150 m (©) 1056 m (4) 324m 07. SSD and Friction coefficients are (GATE-02) (a) directly proportional to each other (b) unrelated (¢f inversely proportional to each other (d)ether directly or inversely proportional they depends upon nature 08. A vehicle moving at 60 kmph on an ascending gradient of a highway has to come to stop position to avoid collision with a stationary object. The ratio of lag to brake distance is 6:5. Considering total reaction time of the driver as 2.5 seconds and the coefficient of longitudinal friction as 0.36, the value of ascending gradient (%) is (GATE-06) (a)3.3 (0) 4.8 (53 6s 09. The value of lateral friction or side friction used in the design of horizontal curves per India Roads Congress guidelines is (GATE-09) (0.40 (6)0.35 —_(c) 0.24 (d) 0.15 4 20: 10. 12, 13. APO abt QUROST The design speed on a road is 60ks Assuming the driver reaction time of seconds and coefficient of friction pavement surface as 0.35, the requ stopped distance for two-way traffic single lane road is (GATE-07) (@)82.1m (b) 102.4 (ef 164.2m (A) 186.4m For a given road, safe stopping sight dist is 80 m and passing sight distance is 300 ‘What is the intermediate sight distance? (dE (a) 220m (b) 190 m. (©) 160 (@) 150m For total reaction time of 2.5 seco coeflicient of friction 0.35, design speed kmph, what is the stopping sight distance highway? (IAS-06) (a) 124m (b) 132m (©) Tom (@) 56m If v is the initial speed of a vehicle, © acceleration due to gravity, G is the upw longitudinal slope of the road and f is coefficient of rolling friction during br: the braking distance(measured horizon for the vehicle to stop is (GATE-11y, ve ve — pe One) = 2gG08) ve ve Over Oe =o Highway Geometric Design —Overtaking Sight Distance (OSD) Definition: The minimum distance open to the vision of a driver of a vehicle intending to overtake slow vehicle ahead with safety against the traffic of opposite direction is known as ‘Minimum Overtaking Sight Distance’ or ‘Safe Passing Sight Distan ‘As per IRC : The distance measured along the centre line of road which a driver with his eye level at 1.2 m above road surface can see the top of an object 1.2 m_above road surface. 2) Formulation of OSD: IF 8 Se 4d) = distance traveled by overtaking vehicle ” during reaction time ‘t’ from position SAy't0 “Ag d;= distance traveled by vehicle “A’ from ‘Ay’ to ‘As’ during actual overtaking operation. ds = distance traveled by oncoming vehicle °C’ from ‘Cy’ to ‘Cy’ during the overtaking operation of “A’ (i) d)=vyt (As vehicle A reduces speed to that of B) t= reaction time of driver in OSD=2 sec .Vs= speed of slow vehicle in m/sec. (ii) y= (b+ 2.8) metres =(v,.T +28)m fe [as where T= ,|— sec. Va a= acceleration in ‘mist (ii) ds = v.T OSI +4, +4, =v, .t+(v,.1+28)+v.P Tn ‘kmph’ units, OSD = [0.278V, + (0.278 V, }T +2S]+0.278VT m Spacing between vehicles = (0.7V, + £)m, vpin m/sec =(0.2V, +), Vp in in kmph. Here /= length of wheel base (6.1m as per IRQ); T = time of overtaking operation in ‘s b=v,T Note: If *Vs’ is not given, it may be assumed Vi =(V~ 16) kmph or (v - 4.5) mps Important Note: 1. For two way traffic, OSD = dy + da + ds 2. For one way traffic or divided highway OSD = 4) + dy Minimum length of overtaking zone : =3 (OSD) 3 (di + dh), for one way roads. =3 (d) + d2 + ds), for two way roads. Note: It is desirable that the length of overtaking zone is five times the O.S.D. Overtaking accelerations as per IRC peed kph 35 ]30 ]40 [50 [STR] 100 Ofacempe? [TE TS] 09 | 070 | O55 01. Two way traffic road, design speed is 60 mph, Acceleration of fast moving vehicle is, 3.6 kmphisee difference between overtaking and overtaken vehicles is 20 kmph. ‘What will be passing sight distance. If the one way traffic exists.what is passing sight distance ? 02.0n a two way traffic road the speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 65 mph and 40 kmph respectively. Ifthe average acceleration of overtaking vehicle is 0.92 nu/sec’. Determine the () Safe OSD, indicating the details of overtaking operation by a sketch and Gi) ‘The minimum length of overtaking. zone and show the details of the overtaken zone by a neat sketch. 03. On a two lane two way highway, a car “A” was following a truck ‘B” and both were traveling at a speed of 40 kmph. While looking for an opportunity to overtake the truck, the driver of the car *A’ saw another car °C’ coming from the ‘opposite direction. At that moment, the distance between ‘A’ and °C’ was. 450 m. After an initial hesitation period of 2 sec, the river of a car ‘A’. started overtaking operation. The distance between ‘A’ and ‘B’ at that instance was 30 m. ‘A’ overtook ‘B’ b; acceleration at an uniform rate of 1.20 m/sec’, ‘When the overtaking operation was completed, there was a distance of 25 m between *B’ and A’, Determine the distance between two cars ‘A’ and °C’ at the instance of completion of the overtaking action, The distance between different vehicles given are as measured from the front bumper of one vehicle to the front bumper another vehicle. Design speed of the highway is 80 kmph. (GATE-99) 01. For a highway with design speed of 100 k= the safe OSD is (assume acceleration as 0.53m/sec”, use other data as per IRC standard values) (GATE-99) (a) 300m (bf 750m (©320m ——@) 470m The speeds of overtaking and overt vehicles are 80 kmph and 50. kx respectively. The acceleration of overtaks vehicle is 2.5 kmphisec. Spacing betwa vehicles =16 m, reaction time of driver = 2 s= Calculate the safe OSD. (Two lane road) 02. On one way traffic road (@) 27.78 m (b) 165.33 m ()193.1m. (6213.31 m 03. On two way traffic road (@) 27.78 m (b) 165.33 m (193.11 m. (@) 406.42 m 04. On two way traffic four lane divided nati hhigh-way (a) 27.78 m (b) 165.33 m (193.11 m. (213.31 m (On the same lane of a road a car ‘A’ is follow car “B’ at a centre distance of 25 m. Both cars traveling at a speed of 100 kmph when car attempts to overtake car ‘B' at a unifon acceleration of 0.8 m/sec”. After traveling for sec at that acceleration, it increases & acceleration rate to overtake car ‘B” and comes a position 20 m (centre to centre) in front of “B’ in another 5 sec. (GATE - SMART) sta | New Dati | Benetra | Bhbaneovar | Vinyard | Viakiapanam | Taupal | Pe | Gham Highway Geometric Design-OSD_ 05. What is Ithis increased uniform acceleration rate? (a) 0.6 mis’ (©) 1.2 mis (b) 0.8 mis? (d) 2.4 mis? 06. What is the distance traveled by car ‘A’ during the total period of acceleration? (a) 148.89 m (b) 173.89 m (6)277.78 m. (d) 322.78 m ‘Common Data for Questions 07 & 08 A car travelling at 22.22 mps is overtaking another car moving at 16.67 mps on a two lane undivided highway. The acceleration of the overtaking car is 0.7 m/sec” Driver reaction time is 2see, and length of rigid wheel base of vehicle is 6m. [New Dali] Benga] Bhubaneswar | Vissawada | Vikatan | Tiupatl| Pune | Chennai 07. The minimum overtaking sight distance in ‘m’ is, (a) 33.34 (b) 202 (©) 4572 (a) 236m 08, Desirable length of overtaking zone in ‘m ‘is (a) 457 (b) 606 (©) 1180 (a) 2300 09. A four lane divided state highway in a plain terrain is to be designed with a ruling design speed of 100 kmvhr, the difference between fast moving vehicle and slow moving vehicle is 16 km/hr. The rate of acceleration is 1.92 kmvhr per sec. The safe overtaking sight distance required is (a) 250.4m.m. (©) 390m, (b) 330m. () none Highway Geometric Design Horizontal Curves With out super elevation: (a) Centrifugal force on a vehicle _w? ak where 'W = weight of vehicle (kg), R= Radius of circular curve (mm), v= speed of vehicle (m/sec), g= Acceleration due to gravity (m/sec”) P (b) Centrifugal ratio or impact factor Pv Wek (6) Conditions for overturning and lateral skid (without super elevation) For equilibrium © Ww Inner side 4) To avoid overtuming: >? 2h W ii) To avoid lateral skid: £> Ww If f< Pte vehicle skids prior to overtaking, If ze f, the vehicle overturns prior to skidding, Super elevation (e) : (a) Definition: Rise of outer edge of pav with respect to inner on a horizontal curve a transverse slope. Also known as ‘Can* ‘Banking’. e=tan@=sin@ = Where rate of super elevation E = total super elevated h with respect to inner edge. B= width of the road v aR (© Equilibrium super elevation 9% se (b) General Equation: e+ f If super elevation is provided according to formula, the outer and inner wheels will b equal pressure. (@) Allowable speed of a vehicle on a horizontal curve without super elevation aR (¢) Maximum super elevation (as per IRC) (Ca 13)_ [in plain and rolling terrains 7% (Lin 18) | fa snow bound hilly terrain 10% | onl roads not bound by snow. (f) Super elevation for mixed traffic: ‘© Only 75% design speed is taken into account. (0.75 V) ‘+ Lateral friction is neglected. 75v)} eR YX —— ee _ACE O wrsct Finn 25; Highway Geometric Design-Horizontal Curves ory _ vt Absolute Minimum Radius(Rx) based on (0) aR = DER ‘minimum design speed(v.) + Vin kmpb. Va (eR, (@) Attainment of super elevation: Example I: {) elimination of crown ii) rotations of pavement about 1. inner edge, 2.outer edge 3. center line (h) Design of super elevation: (0.75v) v? Step 1: Calculate ¢= 75%) (og) V7 cep ate = OTD Cot) See Step 2: If © < ema, the value so obtained is provided. If € > Cm then provide maximum super elevation equal to 7% or 10 % for plain and rolling terrain or hilly terrain respectively. Then proceed with following steps. Iv |\iz7R Jo If £<0.15, super elevation provide is O.K., otherwise restrict the speed as follows. Step 3: Calculate Step 4: ey, +f =e 127R 2 0.15)=—2 (eau #015)= 8 .¢.,0.07+0.15 = 0.22 > for plain & rolling terrain, 0.14015 =0.25 > forhilly terrain Ruling Minimum Radius(Ry: based on ruling design speed(v,); e+f= (gR,) Geer | New Deli ‘Bengaluru | Bhbancowar | Visyarada The ruling design speed on a curve is 100 kmph, and absolute minimum design speed is 80kmph. The super elevation on curve and coefficient of lateral friction are 7% and 0.15 respectively. The ruling design radius and absolute minimum radius ‘on the curve respectively in m are (@) 230 and 360 m (b) 360 and 480m (©) 420 and 980 m (@) 360 and 230 m Sol: ruling design radius vj~$/18(100)-27.77mvs pate ea *gle+ sf) 981(0.07+0.15) Absolute minimum radius Max design speed, Vi=5/18(80)=22.22mis oe 02.22? 9.81(0.07 +0.15) = 228.81 = 230m Example 2: Design rate of super elevation ona high way in plain terrain with design speed of 100 kmph with radius of curve 500 m is, @™% (b) 88% ©) 9.2% (A) 15.72% Sot: e= (025%) _ (0.75x27.777 - sR 9.81% 500 = 0.088 =8.8%>7% ‘As per IRC in plain terrain 1€=7% ‘A vehicle of width 2.4 m and centre of gravity height 0.75 m is passing over a curve with centrifugal ratio 04. Coefficient of lateral friction on curve is 0.1 the vehicle is (a) Safe in overturning & skidding (b) not safe in skidding (©) not safe in overturning 04. The super elevation needed on a hor circular curve of 150 m radius for a des (@) 1255 (b) 3.87% ()4.25% (d) 7.0% 05, Sliding considerations for stopped vehicle super elevation horizontal curve provide (@) not safe in both by £> & Gtifl,) folowing pound on the amount of Boe on rm elevation, so 2 = a) e > coefficient of rolling friction 2h 20.75 f=01 (b) e < coefficient of side friction , A> bagi (ovedimw) (©)e> coefficient of rolling friction wrod oh ow (d) e >coefficient of side friction 2 06, The super elevation need for a vehicle trav ol 03, b 23? p> _. Vehicle is not safe in skid LEVEL If V = design speed in kmph, *R’ is the radius of the curve of a road (m), the design super elevation ‘e” is given by v e = we- Oct © ze ve v = @e= Oe Of nsR . Super elevation is given to a road surface so as (a) to prevent sudden occurrence of centrifugal force (b) to counter act the centrifugal force developed on curves (©) to facilitate the introduction of a transition curve (@) to limit the rate of change of radial acceleration to the desired values. For the load on inner and outer wheels to be equal, the super elevation needed on a horizontal circular curve of radius 100 m wit design speed of 50 kmph is (a) 0.196 (b) 0.245 (©) 0.07 (0.10 at a speed of 60 kmph on a curve of radius m on a surface with coefficient of friction 0.15 is (a) 7.0% (b) 7.12% (©) 10% (d) 10.58% 07. The ruling minimum radius of horizontal of a national highway in plain terrain f ruling design speed of 100 kmph with e = and_ f= 0.15 is close to (@) 250m, (b) 360m (©) 36m (@) 300 m 08. Design rate of super elevation of horiz highway curve of radius 450 m for a traffic condition, having a speed of 125 kmpl (@) 1.0 (b) 0.05 (©) 0.08 (a) 0.154 09, If equilibrium super elevation is provided 0 horizontal curve, pressure at inner wheel is o8 wheel (a) Lesser (©) Equal (b) Greater (d) No relation 10. The best method of attainting super elevation flat terrain is by rotating about (a) Centre line (b) Inner edge (©) Outer edge (@) None. [RGGEEEENSEN ctr ero | Vinten | Tra Pe | Cia Highway Geometric Design. lorizontal Curves 11, Which one of the following is relevant for the determination of super elevation to be provided in horizontal curves of radius R in m. in hill roads, given that the design traffic velocity is V kmph? (IAS-09) ve DR OER vi (v+8)? (d) © 225R @ 127R 12, The absolute minimum speed of a road is 80 mph, what is absolute minimum radius if €= 0.07 and lateral friction is 0.15, (a) 230m (b) 130m (©) 360m (a) 380m 13. The ruling minimum speed for a National Highway is 100 kmph, If the maximum permissible super-clevation is 0.10 and the coefficient of lateral friction is 0.15, the ruling minimum radius of horizontal curve on the highway should be (a) 260 m (©) 380m (b) 315 m (@ 410m 14, The absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve of a NH in plain terrain. The maximum super clevation allowed is 7%. The design minimum speed is 80 kmph. Use f= 0.15. (a) 230m (b) 360m (©) 140m (8) 480m 15. A vehicle plays over a horizontal curve of 98 m radius with lateral friction of 0.1 what is the maximum velocity that can be allowed without any super elevation (a)9.8 m/sec (b) 98 misee (©)4.9 m/sec (4) None 16.For the design of super elevation for mixed traffic condition the speed is of design speed (290% — (b) 65% — (©) 75% ==) 85% 17. 18, 19, 20. 21. If a road surface is adequately super elevated on horizontal curve, which one of the. following is the proper distribution of pressure on the vehicle wheels ? (IES-08) (a) Pressure on both outer and inner wheel equal (b) Pressure on inner wheels is more than the outer wheels (©) Pressure on inner wheels is less than the outer wheels (4) Pressure on front wheels is thrice the pressure on rear wheels While designing the super elevation of a highway, its maximum value is fixed considering the need to (IES-93) (@) avoid toppling of slow moving vehicles in mixed traffic flow (b) avoid transverse skidding (©) provide drainage @) counteract centrifugal force due to 75% of design speed. The radius of a horizontal curve is 100 meters. The design speed is 50 kmph and the design coefficient of lateral friction is 0.15. What would be the rate of super elevation if full lateral friction is considered? (a) Lin 21.2 (b) 1 in 15.8, (©) 1in 25.0 (@) 1 in 32.6 For a circular curve of radius 200m, the coefficient of lateral friction of 0.15 and the design speed is 40 kmph. The equilibrium supper elevation (for equal pressure on inner and outer wheel) would be (@213 7 (©)63 (46 Horizontal curve of 480 m for 7.5 m two lane road is to be designed for a speed of 80 kmph. The raising of the outer edge of the pavement with respect to the inner edge to cater to the mixed traffic condition is ES-00) (@) 0.14m, (b) 0.22m, (©) 0.44m (@) 0.78 m 128: 22. A road is having a horizontal curve of 400 m radius on which a super elevation of 0.07 is provided. The coefficient of lateral friction mobilized on the curve when a vehicle is traveling at 100 kmph is (a) 0.007 (b) 0.13, (0.17 @o4 23. Width and the height of center of gravity of a vehicle negotiating a horizontal curve, are b and h respectively. f is the coefficient of friction between the road surface and the wheels. If radius of the curve is low and the speed of the vehicle is high, it would overtum before skidding when (IES -01) (@) (b/2h) is more than f (b) (bh) is less than f (©) (b/h) is more than f (@) (b/2h) is less than f 24. The maximum super elevation for hill road should not exceed (a) 0.005 (b) 0.050 (08 (a0. Seam pista | New Dal oa 02. 03, [ LEVEL ~ 2 Questions [ Common Data for Questions 01 to A horizontal curve of radius 600 m on = lane highway with width 7 m is to be d to cater for mixed traffic at a speed of 65 ke The raise of outer edge of the pavement, respect to ground level. If the pavement is rotated with respect to center line (a) 0.11m (b) 0.22 m (©)0.49m (12m If the pavement is rotated with respect to inner edge (a) 0.11 m (b) 0.22 m (©) 049m, @ 12m ‘A Highway is designed for a speed of 65 to carry mixed traffic, the super elevation is to exceed 7% and coefficient of lateral fri is 0.15. Radius of horizontal curve is. 12: then which of the following statements correct? (a) design speed of 65km/hris allowed (b) maximum speed can be allowed is up 30kmn/hr only (©) maximum speed can be allowed is up to kavhr only (@) the road can allow a speed up to SOkm/hr ‘Common Data for Questions 04 & 05 AMDR with thin bituminous pavement su is in low rainfall area has horizontal curve radius 1400 m. design speed is 65 kmph, camber is provided as per IRC. The permisss lateral friction on the road surface is 0.15 If the vehicle is traveling on inner side of ‘curve the super elevation required is (a) 1.34% ) 7% ©) 10% (@) not required Engineering Academy Highway Geometric Design-Horizontal Curves a Desi Horizontal Curves 05. If the vehicle is traveling on outer edge of the curve with out any extra super elevation, but having camber, the condition of the vehicle on the curve is (@) safe (b) not safe (©) needs extra super elevation (@) needs the road to be flattened Common Data for Questions 06 to 09 Determine the following for a road on a horizontal curve in plains of radius 500 m. The design speed is 100 km/hr and the coefficient of lateral friction is 0.15, 06. Super elevation required on a road, when full lateral friction comes into play (a) 0.16% (b) 0.75 % ©09% (4) 10% 07. Coefficient of friction when no super elevation is provided (@) 0.15 (b) 0.16 (0.373 (@)0.7 AGERE) [Neves Beast ithe Vinee | Veo Tee] 08. 09, 10. LL, Equilibrium super elevation required for Pressure on inner wheel is equal to that of outer wheel is. 7% (b) 10% (©) 15.75% (6) 21.78% ‘Super elevation for mixed traffic condition if the design speed is now changed to 60 knv/hr is.. (a) 3.2% (b) 5.67% (7.0 % (@) 10.0% What will be the ruling radius of a horizontal curve on a national highway for a design vehicle speed of 100 knyh, assuming allowable super elevation to be 7% and lateral friction as 0.13 (@) 405 m. (b) 395m (©) 385 m (@) 375 m The centrifugal ration for a vehicle is 0.25 width of vehicle is 2.4 m. Height of vehicle to its C.G is 4.2m, lateral friction is 0.15, assuming no super elevation (a) Lateral Skidding occur first (b) Overtuming occurs first (©) Neither lateral skid nor overturning (@) Both simultaneously Horizontal Curves (Extra Widening) ‘Widening of Pavement on Horizontal Curvé Note: (For sharp curves of radius less than 50m, the extra widening shall be provided on inner side of curve. ‘otal Widening, (i) For curves of R >50m, widening shall be Mechanical widening, to equally distributed op both sides of the curves. account for the off tracking due to the rigidity of wheel base Example 1: : Find the widening necessary for a horizontal curv. having R=100m, wheel base =6.Im, pavemen Where n width = 7m, Design speed, V= 70 km/hr 1 length of wheel base of largest vehicle, metres | Sol: , (generally 6m for commercial vehicles). Total extra widening on the road ‘Wps = psychological widening 7m wide road has two lanes as per IRC v me w, W, ee *95VR “2x95 Where “Vis speed in kmph. 37+0.74=1.11m — = 2x100 “ 9.5x/100 Extra width of pavement on horizontal curves, as per IRC [ Radius, m | Upto20 | 21-40 [41-60] @1-100 | 101-300 300 | Single Tane | 1.5 13 12 |09 _J06 Ni] Double lane | 0.9 06 06 NA | Nit Nil GREE) ca Xo ‘Bhubaneoar | Vinyavad | Viapaman | Tipe [Pine | Chena] O1. The off tracking distance for a vehicle (wheel base = 6.5m) while negotiating a curved path with a mean radius of 125 m is (a) 0.61 (6) 0.17 © 023 (4) 0.56 02. The radius of a horizontal curve is 150 m. the design speed is 60 kmph. The road is of two lane. Assuming wheel base of 6m, the extra widening required is (@) 0.3m (b) 0.56m (©) 0.76m (@) 0.93m 03. What is the extra widening required for a road of width 7m, horizontal curve of radius 400 m, Longest wheel base = 6 m. Design speed 100 mph. (a) 0.616 (©) 0.09 (6) 0.571 (087 04. If the length of wheel base ofa vehicle is doubled, the mechanical widening on horizontal ‘curve is to be (@) doubled (©) increase 4 times (b) halved (d) reduced by 4 times 05. Psychological widening on road curves is given by (symbols have the usual meaning) (IES-94) (a)nL?/2R (b) 0.1 V/NR (©) 0.1m V/VR (d) 1 V/NR) + (n L/ 2k) 06. A road of carriage way 7.5 m on a horizontal curve of radius 300 m. The longest wheel base of vehicle using the road is 6.1m. Design speed is 80 kmph. The extra widening in ‘m’ is (b) 0.87 (@)0.93m (@) 0.609 (©) 0.16 A national highway with design speed of 76 mph, width of the pavement 7 m, length of wheel base 7 m , super elevation provided is 1/15 and coefficient of lateral friction is 0.15 07 The ruling minimum radius of the curve, in m, @7s (123 @) 158 (a) 209 08, Total width of pavement on horizontal curve in 724 (b)7.45 (©)7.69 (4) 7.76 09 The extra widening required for a two-lane national highway at a horizontal curve of 300 ‘m radius, considering a wheel base of 8m and a design speed of 100 kmph is (GATE-08) (a) 0.42m (b) 0.62m (c)0.82m, (6) 0.92m 10 The design speed for a two lane road is 80 kmph, when a-design vehicle with a wheel base of 6.6 ‘mis negotiating a horizontal curve on that road, the off tracking is measured as 0.096 m. The required widening of carriageway of the two lane road on the curve is approximately (GATE-10) (@) 0.55m (©) 0.75m, (b) 0.65m (d) 0.85m, Ferd | New Deli | Bengaluru | Bhubaesvar | Vierwvads | Viapanan | Tiupad [Pune GR Set Back Distance &Curve Resistance 1, Curve Resistance: The loss of tractive force due to turing of a vehicle on a horizontal curve. =T(1~Cos 0) Where a = Turning angel, T= actual tractive force, ‘+ Curve resistance develops only in vehicles having Rear driving wheels. * Curve resistance is acute in hill roads. 2. Set Back Distance (M) “Setback” or the “clearance” is the distance required from the center line of horizontal curve to an obstruction on the inner side of the curve to provide adequate sight distance at a horizontal curve, Factors Affecting: (i)Sight distance desired (OSD, ISD and OSD), Gi) Length of curve (iii) Radius of horizontal curve Approximate Formulae: Case 1: When length of curve is more than the sight distance m= 8R ‘Case 2: When length of curve is less than sight distance peabad | New Deli | Bengals | Bhubaneswar | Visyavada | VinUhapaman | Tapa | Fine Rational Formulae: Case 1: As per IRC, if Length of curve > sight distance, ie. L > S =R-Ronf 2) Where a=s/R radians and % = 1895 desrees 2” 2nR For multi lane roads, if “d” is the distance between center line of the road and the center line ofthe inner lane, then 180s 2n{R | Where a =s/(R-d) radians and a 180s 2° 2n(R=d) m=R-(R~d)co degrees Case 2: If L SSD Where deviation angle = algebraic difference in grades, = stopping sight distance H= height of eye level of driver = 1.2masper IRC, height of object 0.15 mas per IRC. Length of summit curve for OSD or ISD: Case (i): When L > OSD or ISD NS? _ NS* 8H 9.6 Case (ii): When L < OSD or ISD + Minimum radius of parabolic summit curve R=LIN + On humps, where the sight distance s not a problem simple transition curve is more appropriate Example 1: A. vertical summit curve is formed at the intersection two gradients + 3% and ~5 % Design speed of two lane two way roads is $0 kmph. Driver reaction time is 2.5 sec over the curve to stop the vehicle frictional coefficient between road and tyres, is 0.35. (i) Safe stopping sight distance (SSD) on the road is @1275m (b) 255m (©) 147.6 (d) 295m (ii) Length of summit curve based on SSD is (@) 296m (b) 1182 m’ ()73.6m (@) 1472 m Sok: Design speed v= 80kmph =22.22m/s SSD = vit+2— OT 22.227 = 22.2225 “2981x035 Safe SSD = 2 x SSD =2 x 127.5=255 m Deviation angle, N = 3 — (-5 Length of summit curve (assuming H= =127.45m 01. Given the sight distance as 120 m. The height of driver's eye as 1.5 m height of object is 0.15 m. Grade difference of intermediate gradient is 0.09. The required length of summit parabolic curve is (25m (©) 250m, (b) 125m, (a) 500m (02. The important factor considered in the design of summit curves on highway is (a) Comport to passengers. (bf Sight distance (©) Super elevation (@) Impact factor. 03. The ideal form of the curve for the summit curve is (a) lemniscates (@) circular (6) parabolic (@ spiral 04.A rising gradient of 1 in 25 meets a falling gradient of 1 in 50. The length of summit curve for a stopping sight distance of 100m. will be as per IRC (H= 1.2m, h=0.15 m) (2) 364m (6) 1364 m (©) 62.5 (@) none iE or Dai] Bains | Bini | Vis | Vaan “Tea | Pane | Chena ‘Transportation Engineering 05.A rising gradient of 1 in 25 meets a falling gradient of 1 in 25. for having @ minimum Passing sight distance of 300 m, the length curve is, (a) 1636 m (©) 1500 m, (b) 750m (@) none 06. A falling gradient of 1 in 25 meets a rising gradient of 1 inSO. If rate of change of grade is 0.3% per 20 m chain, the length of curve is (a) 100m (b) 200 m (©) 400m (©) 600m 07. The length of summit curve on a two lane two ‘way highway depends upon (GATE-05) (@) allowable rate of change. of centrifugal acceleration (b) coefficient of lateral friction (©) required stopping sight distance (@F distance sight required overtaking 08. A summit curve is formed at the intersection of 8 3% up gradient and 5% down gradient. To Provide a stopping distance of 128 m, the length of summit curve needed will be (IES-95) @271m (55298 m (©) 322m (4) 340m 1. Given the sight distance as 120m. The height of driver's eye as 1.5m. Height of object is 0.15m. Grade difference of international gradient is 0.09. The required length of summit parabolic curve is (@) 191.11. m (©) 294.5 m (b) 249m. (@) none 02. A parabolic curve is used to connect a 4% upgrade with a 2% down grade as showm in fig. The highest point on the summit is ata distance of (measured horizontally form the first tangent point — FTP) | 190m 5} (@) 50m (©75m (b) 60 m (@) 100m. 03. A rising gradient of 1 in 50 meets a falling gradient of | in 100. The fength of vertical curve if the rate of change of gradient is 1% per 100m length, is (a) 100m (b) 200m (©) 300m (@) 600m ‘Common Data for Questions 04 to 05 A rising gradient of 1/25 meets a falling gradient of 1 in 50 on a national highway. The minimum stopping or non overtaking sight distance is 180 m. Design speed is 100 knv/r. Fivicrbal | New Dali | Benalra | Bhakaneswar | Vijvawada | ViaMapaiain | Taya) Pane | Ghennat Highway Geometric Design-Vertical Curves 04, The length of summit curve (@) 202.5 m (b) 286.67 m (0) 442 m (6) 956.78 m 05. The distance of highest point from the starting of | in25 gradient is (a) 150m (b) 294.74 m (©) 450m (@) 675 m 06. An ascending gradient of 1 in 100 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 120. A summit curve is to be designed for a speed of 80 km/hr so as to have an overtaking sight distance of 470m. The length.of summit curve is (@) 422m (6) 407 m, (©) 236m (a) 122m 07. A summit eurve is formed at the intersection of 2.3% upgrade and a 5% downgrade. What is the Jength of the summit curve in order to provide a stopping distance of 128 m? (IES-05) (@) 271 m (b) 298 m. (©)322m (a) 340. m 08 Consider the following statements in the context of geometric design of roads. (GATE-10) 1. A simple parabolic curve is an acceptable shape for summit curves. Tl. Comfort to passengers is an important consideration in the design of summit curves. The correct option evaluation statements and theit relationship is (@) Lis true, His false (b)-1is true, Tl is true, and I is the correct ‘reason for I (©) Lis true, I is true, and I is NOT the correct. reason for I (@) Tis false, Tis true the above Highway Geometric Design — Valley Curves (a) Design of valley curves: (cubie parabola is generally preferred in valley curves as per IRC) Criteria: (Vehicle head light distance (ii) Motorists comfort (Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration) (ii)Cross drainage control at lowest point of valley (iv)General aesthetic considerations. + The valley curve is usually made fully transitively by providing two similar transition curves of a equal length (without a circular curve in between), From Comfort Condition: | vertsea = 0.38(Nv?)* + Where C= 0.61 m/s* + Equation of cubie parabola is y = = x! + Minimum radius of valley curve for cubie parabola, ie, ReLy/N=L/2N From head light sight distance: Case 1: When £2 SSD Where = height of headlight = 0.75 m NS ns “3h +2Stana (15+ 00355) «= head light beam angle = I°as per IRC Case 2: When L < SSD Le2s 2h +28tana) N = 9g _(1.5+0.0358) N Fipderabad | New Dei | Be Note: ‘OSD” is not a problem for valley curves, as during night, other vehicles with head lights can be seen from a considerable distance. Therefore, head light sight distance available shall be at least equal to SSD. Location of deepest point in valley curve: X=Nj L/N5 Where X= location from initial tangent Nj = Gradient of initial tangent N= deviation angle, Impact factor: The ratio of the maximum centrifugal force to the weight of the vehicle and is expressed as Percentage I= P/W= 1.6NV?/ L percent $17 % as per IRC Example 1: A valley curve is formed by a descending gradient of 1/20 meets with an ascending gradient of 1/30 Design speed 80 kmph allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration is 0.61 m/s’. Length of valley curve for comfort is (a)38.64m ——(b) 77.28m (©) 42m (@ 84m Design speed = 80km/h=22.22m/s 1 (1) 0.083 20 -, J [S] fr =2% 38.64 fo.os3x22.22° 061 77.28 m O1. Which of the following are the criteria associated with the design of sag vertical curve? (IES-96) 1. Provision of minimum stopping distance during day time 2. Adequate drainage 3. Comfortable operation 4, Pleasant appearance Select the correct answer using the Codes given below: (@) 1.2 and 4 (©) 2,3 and 4 () 2 and 3 (@ Land3 02. Which of the criteria given below are used for the design of valley vertical curves on roads? (ES-98) 1) Rider comfort. 2) Headlight sight distance 3) Drainage Selected the correct answer using the codes given below (a) 1,2 and 3 (©) 2and3 (b) 1 and 3 (@) 1 and 2 03. An ascending gradient of 1 in 100 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 50. The length of summit curve required to provide overtaking sight distance of 500 m willbe (IES-99) (a) 938m (b) 781 m (©) 470 m (170m 04. If a descending gradient of 1 in 25 meets an ascending gradient of | in 40, then the length of valley curve required for a headlight sight distance of 100 m will be (IES-99) (a) 30m () 130m (©) 310m (4) 630m. 05. If gy and go are the two gradients, r is the rate of change of grades (%) per chain, the length of the vertical curve will be (ES-03) +8) Bi-8: @ ae wae 8: vei +82 o©® @ Highway Geometric Design-Vertical Curves 06. Which of the following are the accepted criteria for design of valley curve for highways? (IES-03) 1. Head sight distance 2. Passing and non-passing sight distance 3. Aesthetic consideration 4, Motorist comfort 5, Drainage control Select the correct answer using the codes given below (@) 123. &4 ()23,4&5 (b) 1.3.4. &5 @1&5 07. The design criteria for a valley curve does not include the following (a) Head light distance (b) Overtaking sight distance (c) Comfort condition (@) Drainage 08. For a vertical valley curve is generally preferred (@) Square parabola (b) Cubic parabola (©) Spiral (d) None 09. Which one of the following dictates the minimum required sight distance in valley curves? AS-09) (a) Design speed (b) Height of obstacle (c) Height of driver's eye (@) Nighttime driving condition 10. Consider the following statements, which are correct statements? (IAS-05) 1. An ascending gradient I in 100 meets an ascending gradient of | in 120 form a valley curve 2, Anascending gradient of 1 in 75 meets a falling gradient 1 in 60 form a summit curve 3. The length of summit curve is determined on the basis of headlight sight distance (a) 1&2 (b)2&3 1&3 (d)2 only [ada |e | sane] Wi | Vsapan [Tin [Re Chews] 03. The lowest point in the curve is located at distance of. from the flatter gradient (@) 166.22 m (b) 200 m (©) 380m (@) 806m lesigned for a NH in rolling terrain where a falling gradient of 1/2 sree i sing gradient of 1/20. The design Speed is 100 km / hr. C= 0.6 m/sec. SSD = 180 m. Sf Pisin country. Design speeds 80 kon O1. The length of valley curve is SSD “120m, C=0.6 msec @ 80m (b) 360m ; - Osu eae Of. Te prove sat driving at night the length of ‘ : (0) 74m (b) 190 m 02. The maximum value of impact factor while 4 traversing over the curve is 26a! OS (a) 2.48 3.84 lowest point os ee OS: Impact factor atthe lowest point of the valley @4 8 (©) 13 (d) 17 Ee PHivieated | Nev Dei | Beslan | Biahanenar] Visas Visithapaonin | Tuopail| Pane | Ghowal peaceeecti Academy Highway Materials & Testing I. Subgrade: It is the natural foundation or fill which directly receives the loads from pavement. 1. Functions: (i) It should give adequate support to the pavement. (ii) It should posses sufficient stability under adverse climate and loading conditions. 2. Important tests for subgrade soil: A) Modulus of subgrade reaction (K); Defined as the pressure sustained per unit deformation of subgrade at specified deformation or pressure level, in plate bearing test. 1. USE OF PLATE BEARING TEST: Plate bearing test is used to evaluate + The supporting power of sub grade for use in pavement design by using relatively large diameter plates. + Modulus of sub grade reaction of soils (K) + Modulus of Elasticity of soils (E,). 2. Apparatus: «Plates of dia 75, 60, 45 and 30cm + A loading device consisting of jack and proving ring arrangement +A reaction frame against. which the jack can give a thrust to the plate. + A datum frame resting far from the loaded area and dial gauges from this frame are used to measure the settlement of the loaded plate. be ao soexer rt simu riaesane weygy es Foe Tipderabad | New Deli Bengalura | Bhubaneswar | Viayivada | Visa Plate bearing test setup Seating load : 320 Kg for 75 cm dia plate Seating: (0.07 Kg/em? Standard plate size: 75 em dia ‘commonly used size is 30cm dia Unit of K: kg/em? or Nimm? Method 1: Standard settlement 1.25 mm. K = P/0.125 kg/cm’/em Method 2: (Revised U.S. Corps of Engineers method) Standard Pressure = 0.7 kg/cm” K=0.7/8 Kg/cm’/cm ) Boussinesq settlement equations for subgrade modules : i) For flexible plate: Es = Modulus of elasticity of soil essure on plate a = radius of plate 8 = maximum vertical deflection at the centre of the flexible plate NOTE: Wheel loads through inflated rubber tyres may be considered as flexible plate loading or loading with uniformly distributed pressure. ii) Fora rigid plate: + The pressure on the surface is not uniformly distributed L18pa 5 p= pressure at a level of design deflection (6) (If ‘8° is theoretical maximum deflection, *p’ is the corresponding pressure) a= radius of plate E,= van | Tinupal | Pune | Chemnah ® bccn Transportation Engineering i eitntion Engineering, NOTE i) A mild steel plate is considered relevant to the condition of rigid plate. fi) Boussinesq’s equation above are valid only for homogeneous single layer only. ©) Correction to *K’ value for small plate size : As per IRC the standard plate size is 75 cm diameter. If 30 cm diameter plate is used for the purpose of experiment then K of soil = K based on 75 em dia plate = 0.5 ( K based on 30 cm dia plate) B) CBR Test: A test for evaluating the stability of soil sub grade and other flexible pavements. Flexible pavement thickness is determined based on this test. It may be conducted in the laboratory as well as in the fields. It is an arbitrary strength test and hence cannot be used to evaluate the soi properties like cohesion or internal friction or shearing resistance. Material passing 20 mm sieve is only used in the test presence of coarse grained particies would result in poor reproducibility of results. The test is meant for soil but it is also carried out on sub base and granular base course materials. Test Apparatus: Cylindrical mould (150 mm dia), Base plate, cylindrical plunger (50 mm dia), surcharge weight (147 dia) and compression testing machine. ‘Test Procedure: Specimen in the mould is subjected to four days soaking load is applied in the cylindrical plunger of 5 cm dia so that the penetration rate is 1.25 mm/minute. The loads for 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,2.5,3.0,4.0,5.0,7.0,10.0, and 12.5 mm penetration are recorded. The load penetration curve is then plotted. If the curve is concave upwards initially due to surface irregularities, correction is applied by drawing a tangent to the curve at the point where the tangent meets the horizontal axis. The test load for 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetration are recorded. RNB isa Bees [| Woe Wa Fee] P, CBRO) “x10 Peat or Som Normally CBR 2mm > CBR $ nn (CBR reported is higher of the two). IE CBR s mm > CBR 25 mm, test is to be repeated for checking. If it again gives the same result, the higher value is repeated as CBR value. ‘+ Standard load values on crushed stones | Standard Toad | Standard stress Eis0 T2055 | 4 3. North Dakota test: Another arbitrary strength test having a cone whose semi vertex Angle is 745" | kg) | egver 25 1370 II. Aggregate: Main constituent in the pavement used as sub base as base courses. The strength ofa flexible pavement depends upon the strength of aggregate. Hard aggregates are used for wearing course of superior pavement types. Used for base courses also. Ex : Granite i) Toughness : Resistance against impact. ‘aggregate impact test’ is conducted, Specimen passing 12.5 mm sieve but retained on 10mm sieve —3 layers ~ 25 times tamping ~ hammer of 13.5 to 14 kg — free fall 38 em — 15 blows. Aggregate impact value is percentage fine passing 2.36 mm sieve to total aggregate weight. Specifications for wearing coarse < 35%, for base coarse < 45% fi) Soundness test: Resistance of aggregates to weathering action, Solution of sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate used. Specifications: The average labs in weight after 10 cycles < 12% when tested with Sodium sulphate and€18% when tested with ‘magnesium suljfhate i) Shape tests: better shape is angular Flakiness index: Percentage by weight of aggregate particles whose least dimension’ thickness is less than 0.6 times their mean dimension, The test is applicable to sizes larger than 6.3 mm, + For road aggregate F.I shall be less. than 15%. Elongation Index: Percentage by weight of particle Greater dimension or length is greater than 1.8 times their mean dimension. For road metal not greater than 10 to 15%. iy) Strength: Resistance against gradual load + Assessed by aggregate crushing test. Dry aggregates passing 12.5 mm IS sieve and retained on 10 mm sieve is used. Three layers in mould — each layer tamped 25 times by 1.6 cm dia tamper — 45 to 60 cm fall — 40 t load applied at the rate of 4t ‘minutes. Aggregate crushing value Crushed material passin g2.36mm 100 Total weight of ageregate IRC recommendations: Strong aggregates give low crust Forbase course > 45% For surface course > 30% ¥) Hardness: Resistance to abrasion, Standard Abrasion tests are a) Los Angle’s test b) Deval abrasion test ) Dorry abration test. + Los angel’s test : Resistance to abrasion and impact is evaluated by this method. 5 to 10 kg specimen ~ rotated at 30 to 33 1pm — 500 to 1000 revolutions depending on the grading of specimen. 2 value, (SSDS) ed Noe Dats | Benet | Bhhancsvar | Vinyard | Viskhapataan | Til | Pine | Chenoa] Highway Materials & Testing Wtof aggregate passin g1.7mmsieve 100 Total weight Specifiedtions: For cement construction * 16% conerete Surface or wearing course of bituminous mix #30% For base courses of bituminous bound Macadam + 50% vi) Specific Gravity: Preferably between 2.6 to 2.9 for good road aggregate. Water absorption test: * 0.6% Angular number: For any aggregate it measures the voids in excess of rounded gravel For which voids ratio is 33%. Angularity number = 67 - % solid volume w = 67-100. ca Where W = mean weight of aggregates in the cylinder, 8 C= Weight of water required to fill the cylinder, g G= Specific gravity of aggregate + The higher the number, more angular is the aggregate. + The range of the number for constructions is, Otoll + The angularity number is expressed to the nearest whole number vii) Bitumen adhesion test: adhering capacity of bitumen with aggregate ‘Static Immersion Test’ is very commonly used as it is quite easy and simple. As per IRC, the stripping value of aggregates should not exceed 5% for use in Bituminous surface dressing, penetration Macadam and Bituminous. Macadam constructions, when aggregate is immersed in water bath at 40° C for 24 hours. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Transportation Engineering + Desirable value: 50. 1, a) Bitumen: It is a hydro carbon of either natural orartificially obtained during fractional distillation of petroleum b) Asphalt: If the Bitumen contains some inert material of minerals, itis called “Asphalt, ©) Tar: The viscous liquid obtained when natural organic materials such as wood and coal are destructively distilled in the absence of air. ) Cut back: I f the viscosity of bitumen reduced by volatile dilutent, itis called cut back. €) Emulsion: If bitumen is suspended in a finely divided condition in an aqueous medium and stabilized with an emulsifier, the material is known as ‘Emulsion’ 2. Tests on Bitumen: a) Penetration tests: + Determine Hardness or softness of bitumen. Itcan be measured by the depth in tenths of millimeter (0.1mm) to which a standard loaded needle will penetrate vertically in 5 seconds. + Sample is maintained at a temperature of 25°C + Total weight of needle assembly is 100 g. + ‘Grading of Bitumen’ is done using this test value. + 80/100 the range of 80 to 100 at standard test conditions. 30/40 and 80/100 are the more commonly used. ‘+ In hot climate 30/40 grade is preferred due to its lower penetration value. + As road tars are soft, penetration tests can not be carried out on these. b) Due in ‘cm’ to which a standard briquette of bitumen ean be stretched before the thread breaks. ‘The test is conducted at 27° C and at a rate of pull of 50 mm/min. The cross section at minimum width of specimen is 10 mm x 10 mm. + The tests is believed to measure the adhesiveness and elasticity of bitumen. (GREET ett [Henan Bhatanesnar View| Vinita | Tia | Paw | Choma tests: It is expressed as the distance | ©) Viscosity test: Viscosity is the general term for consistency and it is a measure of resistance of flow + ‘Orifice wpe viscometer’ may be used. + It is the number of seconds required for 50 ml of material to flow through an orifice of specified size at specified temperatures. + Suitable to test cut backs and tars (10 mm. otifice viscometer) d) Float test: Also measures consisteney. ‘The test is used for those bituminous materials for which neither orifice viscometer nor penetration test could be used to define consistency of material, + The time taken in seconds by water to force its way into the float through the bitumen plug is noted as the float test value. + The higher the test value, the stiffer is the material ©) Specific gravity tests : + Specific gravity is used in, classifying bitumen, bituminous mix design. + Pure bitumen has the values 1.02 to 0.97. Cut backs will have lower value depending ‘on proportion, + Tats have 1.10 to 1.25, f) Softening point test: (Ring and Ball test) + It is the temperature at which the substance attains a particular degree of softening under specified conditions of test. + Usually determined by Ring and ball test Hard grade — bitumen higher softening point, Soft grade bitumen-lower softening point. It usually varies from 35 to 70°C. + Higher the softening point the lower will be temperature susceptibility and is preferred in warm climates. g) Flash and fire point test: These are primarily safety tests. + Pensky ~ Martens closed cup or open cup are used for conducting the tests. Flash point: ‘The lowest temperature at which the vapour of a substance momentarily takes fire in the form of a flash. The minimum specified value for bitumen used in pavement Highway Materials & Testing construction in pensky martens closed cup test is 175°C. Fire point: The lowest point temperature at which the material gets ignited and bums under specified conditions of test h) Solubility tests: Pure bitumen is completely soluble in solvents like carbon disuplhide and carbon tetrachloride, + If the black residue is over 0.5%, the bitumen considered is specified as 99% to be cracked. + The minimum proportion of bitumen soluble in carbon disulphide is specified as 99%. 1) Spot test: Test for detecting over heated or cracked bitumen. + ‘Naptha’ solution is used. 4) Loss on heating tests: ‘+ Heated to 163” C for 5 hours. + For bitumen used in pavement mixes, loss on heating > 1% k) Water content: Maximum water content in bitumen > 0.2% by weight. 3. Cut back Bitume © Used. in surface dressing, soil bitumen stabilizations particularly at low temperature. ‘Types of cut backs: i) Rapid curing (RC): Are bitumen fluxed with a petroleum distillate such as naphtha or gasoline. Which will rapidly evaporate ii) Medium curing (MC) : Fluxed with kerosene or light diesel oil. ili) Slow curing (RC) : Blending with high boiling point gas oil. ‘The classification is based on rate of curing or hardening after the application. + The grade of cutback or its fluidity is expressed by a figure which follows the initials 4, For ex: MC-2 means that is medium curing cut back of grade 2 ‘© The most fluid cut back is designated by numerical ‘0’. Such as RC-0, MC-O and SC- 0. Suffix numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 designate progressively more viscous cut backs as the number indicates a definite irrespective of type of cut back. Bitumen Emulsion : Emulsions are used in bituminous road constructions, especially in maintenance and patch repair works. * It can be used in wet weather even when it is raining. Also can be used for stabilisation of sands in desert areas. ‘Tar: Obtained by Destructive distillation of ‘wood or charcoal. Five grades of tar viz Rt-1, RT-3, RT-2, RT-4, and RT-S in the increasing order of viscosity. RT-I is used for surface painting under - exceptionally cold weather as this has very low viscosity. RT-2: Recommended for standard surface painting under Normal Indian Climatic conditions RT-3:Used for surface pointing, renewal coats and per premixing chips for top course and light carpets. RT-4: Used for premixing Tar Macadam in base course. RT-5 : Used for grouting purposes. MARSHALL STABILLITY TEST: © Applicable to hot mix-paving mixture design using penetration grade bitumen and containing aggregates with maximum size of 2.5 em + Not suitable for open graded mixes and is doubtful for course graded mixes + It is a type of unconfined compressive strength test, in which a cylindrical specimen 10 cm dia and 6.3 cm height is Fiyderbad | Nw Deli | Beaealra | Bhabaneiwar | Visyavada | Vieiapamam | Tia | Pune | Chea 250: ‘Transportation Engineering compressed radially at a constant rate of strain of Sem per minute + Standard temperature 60°C the corresponding load carried by specimen is called Marshal stability value and the deformation at faiture in units of 0.25 mm is recorded as Marshal flow value. + Prior to stability flow test density voids analysis is carried out on the test specimens. + The optimum binder content for the aggregate mixture and anticipated traffic conditions is a compromise value which meets specified requirements for stability flow value and voids content. Percent air voids v. G, Gu = bulk density or mass density G,= theoretical density G,=—__ Saar _ WW WW, G,G,G, G, Wi = % by weight of coarse aggregate in total mix Gr Wa = % by weight of fine aggregate in total mix G. % by weight of filler in total mix Gs % by weight of bitumen in total mix Gs Percent voids in mineral aggregate %VMA VieWvtVerVitVe volume of air voids Hivdenad | New Deli Bengt Bhubaneswar | Wiyanada | Vialdupatnann | Tirupa| Pane | Chennat Percent voids filled with bitumen vp — Yex100 MA The average value of each of the above found for the three specimens for each mi The tests are repeated with different bitumen contents and the following graphs are plotted. i) Stability ii) Unit weight iii) Percent voids in total mix (Vv) iv) % voids filled in the bitumen (VFB) of MA Vs bitumen content Example 1: The bulk specific gravity of bituminous mix is 2.33, the theoretical specific gravity is 243. The percentage of bitumen in the mix is 4% by weight with specific gravity 1. The percentage voids in bitumen (VEB) will be (2) 78% (b) 68% (62% © (d) 60% Sol: Air voids 2.33 2.43 % volume of bitumen, Vi = Gm 100 = 4.11% XW, |G, = 2.33 ¢ = 9.32% Percentage voids in mineral aggregate, VMA = V.+ Vi = 4,11 +9)32=13.43% Percentage voids filled in bitumen (VFB) = 100K, _ 1000.32) _ 68.43% VMA 13.62 MARSHALL TEST GRAPHS ‘Marshall Design Specifications Marshall stability, 340 kg (minimum) Flow value, (0,25 mm units) 8-17 Percent air voids in the mix (Vv%) 3-5 Voids Filled with bitumen (V FB% ) 75 — 85 Highway Materials & Testing 0 i 2, po pm | i " Fae ; i 1400 7* Eee ie awl 1000 + 4 $ 6 7 237 ss * “ a 2 _ ‘ is + a 6 z 4 5 2 ° as ee: sae i (“TeveD=] one 03. In CBR test the value of CBR is calculated for a penetration of (2) 0.125 mm (b) 2.5 mm only O1. The modulus of sub grade reaction on is the (©) 5 mmonly (@) 5mm also pressure corresponding to a plate settlement of 04. CBR testis a/an (a) 0.125 em (b) 0.25 om (a) rationalistic strength test (©) 0.375 em (@)0.50cm (b) arbitrary strength test (©) shear resistance test 02.As per revised method, the modulus of | (q) impact test subgrade reaction corresponds to a pressure of (a) 0.125 kg/m? (b) 0.25 kg/em? (©) 0.7 kg/cm” (d) 0.70 kg/cm? >Hiderabad | New Delhi | Bena Bhubaneswar | Viayawada | Vielapamnaan | Tipe | Pane | Chena Type of test property: A) Impact 1. Resistance to weather B)Soundness 2. Hardness ©)Crushing 3. Toughness D) Abrasion 4. Strength D ABCD 1 @®3 4 1 2 3°@3 1 42 06. The desirable aggregate crushing value for a surface course is (2) 30% (6) 40% — (0) 45% (a) 50% 07. Los Angels Abrasion test is actually (a) a abrasion test only (b) abrasion cum impact test (©) strength test also (@) none 08. The maximum permissible aggregate impact value to be used in base course is (2) 10% () 20% (©) 30% _(d) 45% 09. The general range of angularity number for aggregates used in constructions is @0to11 (b) 11 to. 20 (©) 20 t0 30 (4) 30 to 45 10. For standard 2.5. mm standard load in CBR test is (a) 1000 kg (b) 1370 kg (©) 2055 kg (70 kg II. The grade of Bitumen generally preferred in hot climates is Penetration, the (a) 30/40 (b) 80/100 (©) 100/40 (@) 100/20 12, Match the following: Type of test A) Penetration test B) Marshal test C) Ring and ball test D) Benkelman beam test 18. Pick up the correct pair SS ac ee Ter aa] Pet | Berens | Hhutsnewar | Vinyavadh | Viathapamamn | Tha Fase TChomad Is. 16. 17, NS? Engineering Academy “Transportation Engineering 05. Match the following: Purpose 1. Design of Bitumen concrete mix 2. Over lay design 3. Gradation of Asphalts 4, Determination of softening point Codes: AB CD AB CD @3 2 413 1 42 923 41@42 37 13. Pick up the incorrect pair Test type Purpose (@) Ductility test : Adhesiveness and elasticity (©) Spot test : Detecting cracked bitumen (©) Float test: Stiffness or consistency (@) Viscosity : Softening point 14, Flash and fire point testis conducted using (@) ring and bell (b) Benkelman test (©) Pensky martens closed cup (@) none Pick up the correct statements: (@) The ducttity value of Bitumen for suitability in road construction should not be less than Sem (©) Specific gravity of pure bitumen isin the range of 1.10 t0 1.25. (©) Minimum specified flash point of bitumen used is road construction is 175 °C (@) All the above Read the following statements about Cut back 1. itis a bitumen, the viscosity of which has been reduced by a volatile dilutent. 2. Used for surface dressing, 3. Useful for patch repairs of these, the comect, statements are (@) I only (b) 1 and 2 only (©) Land 3 only (@all RC-O, MC-O and SC-O correspond to cutbacks of (@) Viscosity of ascending order (b) Viscosity of descending order (©) Same velocity (d) none of the above ‘Type of cutback Solvent used (a) Rapid curing: Naphtha (b) Medium curing: Kerosene (©) Slow curing: High boiling point (d) All are correct. Bitumen stabilization of sandy soils can be done using sut back (a)Rapid curing (b) Medium curing (¢) Slow curing (d) none ‘The most fluid cut back is (a) RCO (b) RC-1 (©) MC-2 (d) $C-3 Bitumen emulsion consists of (a) Bitumen, water, emulsifying agent (b) Bitumen, oil, cutback (c) Bitumen, water only (@) Bitumen, water, tar Bitumen emulsions are used for (a) Bituminous macadam (b) Bituminous concrete (Ciera Patch repair works Bitumen of grade penetration value is (@) 30 to 40 mm (©)3t04mm 30/40 means _ its (b) 3 mm (4mm Pick up the incorrect pair: Tar type : Use (a) RT ~ 1: In exceptionally how weather (b) RT—2: Surface painting under normal () RT 4: Base course (a) RT—S: Grouting purpose Pick up the incorrect statement: (a) Tar is obtained from destructive distillation of wood or char cool where as Bitumen is obtained from fractional distillation of petroleum, (b) Percentage of free carbon in Bitumen is, less than that in tar (©) In presence of water tar coats aggregates better than Bitumen (d) Bitumen is more temperature susceptible than tar. 26. 27, 29, 30, 31 Highway Materials & Testing The optimum Bitumen, content for Bitumen mix based or Marshal’s method corresponds to (a) maximum stabi (b) maximum unit weight (c) 4% air voids in total mix (a) average of three types A typical marshal test graph is shown in the figure: “The variable on y-axis is (IES-95) (@) stability value (©) flow value (©) % of voids d unit weight ae (@ none of the above —, If aggregate size of 50-40mm is to be tested for finding out the porton of elongated aggregates using length gauge, the slot length of the gauge should be (a) 81 mm (©) 53 mm (b) 45 mm. (90mm The consistency and flow resistance of bitumen can be determined from the following. (a) Duetility test (b) Penetration test (©) Softening point Test (d) Viscosity test Match the following tests on aggregate and its properties Test Property P. Crushing Test 1. Hardness Q. Los Angles abrasion test. 2. Weathering R. Soundness test 3. Shape S. Angularity test 4. Strength Codes: PQRS P QRS @2 14 3 ®4 231 ©3214 @4 122 ‘The specific gravity of paving bitumen as per IS:73 — 1992 lies between (a)1.10 and 1.06 (©) 1.02 and 0.97 (b) 1.06 and 1.02 (4) 0.97 and 0.92 ® snob Fite 32.A combined value of flakiness and elongation index is to be determined for a sample of aggregates. The sequence in which the two tests are conducted is (a) elongation index test followed by flakiness index test on the whole sample. (b) flakiness index test followed by elongation index test on the whole sample. (©) flakiness index test followed by elongation index test on the non-flaky aggregates, (@ elongation index test followed by flakiness index test on non elongated aggregates 33. In 500 gm sample of coarse aggregate, there are 100 gm flaky particles and 80 gm elongates particles. What are the flakiness and elongation indices (total) as per LS.? (IES-04) (a) 40% (b) 36% (©) 18% (4) 4% 34. What should be the relative magnitude of free carbon in bitumen over that in tar for road construction? (AS-09) (a) More (b) Less (©) Equal (4) Un relative 35, Match List I with List I and select the correct answer using the codes: (IES-04) List (Test) List 11 (Purpose) | ‘A Impact test 1. Bitumen adhesion B.Los-Angeles 2. Toughness abrasion test C. Crushing test 3. Hardness | D. Stripping test 4. Strengtha | Codes: | ABCD ABCD | @ 2.3 4 1 @4 1 2 3 | @ 4321 @2 1 43 | 36. In Marshall testing of bituminous mixes, as the bitumen content increases the flow value (GATE-11) (a) remains constant (b) decreases first and then increases (c) increases monotonically (d) increases first and then decreases ‘Transportation Engineering 37. The Marshall flow value is expressed in units of (a) 25 mm (b) 2.5mm, () 5mm (@) 3mm 38. Consider the following statements related to Los Angeles Abrasion test on aggregates 1. Ttevaluates hardness of source - rock 2. Ithas a coefficient of variation of about 30 percent Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (©)Both land2 (4) Neither 1 nor2 39, Which of the following statements are correct? Penetration to know bitumen grade is measured in (IAS-06) (a) one tenth of mm (b) one hundredth of mm (c) one tenth of an inch (d) one micron 40. Match list-I (material) with List -IT (property) and select the correct answer using the codes given below: (IAS-05) List 1 A. Asphalt B, cutback bitumen C. bitumen emulsion —_—D.. tar List It 1. Coal distilled in the absence of air 2. Bitumen dissolved in aqueous medium 3, Bitumen with aquatic dilutant 4, Bitumen along with some proportion of minerals Codes: A BCD @23 41 (2 1 43 ABCD 4 1 2 3 (ja a2 1 41, Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the following codes: (IAS-04) List 1 ‘A Abration test —_B, Crushing strength test C. Impact test D, Soundness test List II 1. Durability 2, Toughness 3. Hardness 4. Compressive strength Codes: ABCD ABCD @3 42 1 @213 4 3 124 @2 431 [ei Nev Datei | Bitanowe Vioovade | Vinhapamans | Tirupati | Pane | Chennai e ® rnb Fis 55 Highway Materials & Testing 42.In Marshall stability test, the sample is compacted using a rammer giving (a) 50 blows (b) 20 blows, (©) 25 blows (d) 75 blows 43, Following test results were obtained by a CBR test ona sub grade soil: ‘Penetration | Load | ‘Area of plunger = 19.6cm* standard aggregate pressures for 2.5mm and 5 mm penetrations are 70 kg/em* and 10Skg/em* respectively. The CBR of the soil is? LEVEL -2 Questions 01. In the plate bearing test if the load applied is in the form of an inflated type of wheel, then this mechanism corresponds to (a) rigid plate (b) flexible plate (c) semi-rigid plate (4) semi-elastic plate 02. The modulus of Subgrade Reaction is evaluated from (a) plate bearing test (©) direct shear test (b) CBR test (A) triaxial test 03, Modulus of sub grade reaetion using 30 em diameter plate is obtained as 200 N/cm’. The value of the same (in N/em’) using the standard plate will be (IES-01) (a)100 N/em’ (b)200 Nem? (6150 Niem* (d)50 Niem* 04. The modulus of subgrade reaction is evaluated from which one of the following? (AS-09) (a) Plate-bearing test (©) Direct shear test (b) CBR test (@) Triaxial test, Pci treocenng Acer — SS [Specimen [AT [Weights [925 | | gravity | 05. A plate load test conducted with a 75 cm diameter plate on soil sub grade yielded a deflection of 2.5 mm under a stress of 800 N/em’. ‘The modulus of elasticity of elasticity of the subgrade sol in KNicm* (GATE-03) (a) 141.6 (by154.6 (©) 160.0 (1854 06.A bitumen concrete mix has average specific gravity of material 2.325 and theoretical specific gravity as 2.41 The density of bitumen used is 1.03, glee with 4.5% bitumen content by of weight in the mix. Determine VMA and VFB? 07.A Marshall specimen is prepared for bituminous material with a bitumen content of 5% by weight of total mix. The theoretical and the measured unit weights of the mix are 2.442 g/cc and 2.345 glee respectively. The bitumen has a specific gravity of 1.02. The present voids in mineral aggregate filled with bitumen (VFB) are (GATE-04) (a) 34.55 (b) 39.9 (©) 73.55 (743 08. The specific gravities and weight proportions are given as under for the preparation of Marshall mould. The volume and weight of Marshall specimen are 475 ce and 1100 g respectively. ‘Specific 2.63 246 | 243 Assuming absorption of bitumen by aggregate is zero, Determine (a) % air voids (v.) (b) % bitumen by volume ¢) % voids in mineral aggregates 09. A bitumen mixture contains 60% CA; 35% FA; 5% Asphalt (by weight). Determine unit weight of the mixture after compaction with 7.0% air voids. Gca= 2.72 Gra=2.66 Ga= 1.0 @ 10. The composition of a certain Bituminous concrete sample and specific weights of its various components are given below. Se Specific Weight eg/m') 300 Percent ‘Component by Weight Coarse Fine a segregate [= itumen S ozzolana Ds Specific weight (kg/m') of the Bituminous concrete sample @199 (a) 319. (b)217 (©) 209 CSR 5 asi ee [Von Veen Ta Pe Go] ‘Transportation Engineering 11. In the Marshall method of mix design, the course aggregates, fine aggregates, filler material and bitumen, having respective specific gravities of 2.62,2.72,2.70, and 1.02, are mixed in the ratio of 55,346, 4.8, and 5.6 percent, respectively. The theoretical specific gravity of the mix would be (GATE 03) @236 ()240 (244) 2.50 A sub grade soil sample was tested using standard CBR apparatus and the observations are given below. Load, kg Penetration, mm 60.5 25 80.5 5.0 Assuming that the load-penetration curve is convex throughout, the CBR value (%) of the sample is @)65 @)S5 (44 (A) Pavement Design 1. INTRODUCTION : Based on structural behaviour pavements are generally classified into two categories. Difference Between Flexible And Rigid Pavements: The major differences between the type of pavements can be tabulated below 4) Flexible pavements 1. It consists of a series of layers with the highest ‘quality materials at or near the surface. 2. It reflects the deformations of sub grade and subsequent layers on the surface. 43. Its stability depends upon aggregate interlock particle friction and cohesion. 4, Pavement design is greatly influenced by the subgrade strength 5. It functions by way of load distribution through the component layers. 6. Design is based on IRC: 37-2001 ii) Rigid pavements 1. It consists of one course Portland concrete slab of relatively highbending resistance. 2. Itis able to bridge over localized failures and areas of inadequate support. 3, Its structural capacity is supplied by the pavement slab itself by beam action. 4, Flexural strength of concrete is major factor for design, 5. It distributes load over a wide area of sub grade because of its rigidity and high modulus of elasticity 6. Design is based on IRC: 58-2002 2. COMPONENTS OF PAVEMENTS : Sub grade: The lowest layer. A layer of natural soil properly prepared. The strength evaluation of a subgrade is highly decisive in pavement design. The common tests conducted are CBR test, Califomia resistance Value test, Plate bearing test etc. Sub base: Stabilized soil, gravel subbase, broken stone ete. For load dispersion from base course to subgrade. Base Course: Improve the load carrying capacity. A layer between wearing course and subbase. Can be of graded stone, WBM and Bituminous layer. Under rigid pavements.) it prevents mud pumping ii) Products the subgrade against frost action. Wearing Course: To give a smooth riding surface. Dense materials, It resists pressure exerted by tyres and takes up wear and tear due to traffic, Water light layer against surface water infiltration. Generally of Bituminous or asphaltic. DESIGN FACTORS: (a) Design life: The number of standard axles that can be carried before strengthening of the pavement is necessary (i) Flexible Pavements: Expressways 20 years; NH and SH: 15 years; Other categories 10 to 15 years, (ii) Rigid Pavements: High volume roads 30 ‘years; Low volume roads 20 years (b) Anticipated traffic: The following formulae are used. A= Ptltr? Where ‘A= Design traffic intensity in terms of number of commercial vehicles (laden weight > 3 tonnes) per day. P= Number of commercial vehicles per day at last count. Rate of growth of traffic (generally 7.5%) Number of years between the last count and till the end of life of pavement. (©) Design Traffic: Design traffic is based on 7 day 24 hour traffic count as pet IRC - 9 Ipdcabal [Now Dali | Bewphra | Bhabanemar | Viaeoada | Viekiapatam | Tip | Pane | Chea] ACE @® Engineering Academy 258: ‘Transportation Engineering on Engincering, —(@) Design Wheel Load: ible [Rigid ize cent pavements | pavements Maximum legal me s200kg | 10.2t Maximum equivalent single wheel load | 4100kg / 5.1t Maximum tendem ee 14500kg | 19 ¢ Maximum tridem axle load e a (® Maximum Wheel Load: + Total load influences the thickness requirements of pavements. + Tyre pressure influences the quality of surface course. + Design of pavement is passed on 98” percentile of axle load (ii) Contact Pressure: Contact pressure = Load on wheel Contact area or area of Imprint + Contact area is assumed as a circle though it is mostly ellipse + At greater depth the effect of tyre pressure diminishes and the total load exhibits a considerable influence on the vertical stress ‘magnitudes. Three terms: Tyre pressure Inflation pressure | P*#°ty the same Contact Pressure: For road vehicles 5 to 7 kg /cm* Contact Pressure is found to be more than tyre Pressure is less than 7 kg / cm? and is vice versa when tyre pressure exceeds this value. Contact pressure Hyderabad | New Delhi Benga | Bhubaneswar | Viwawada | Viakapatam | Tid] Pane] Choma Gi), EquivaLent Riciprry FACTOR: Contact pressure Tyre pressure = 1, for tyre pressure of 7 kg/cm? > 1, for low tyre pressure <7 kg/cm? < 1, for high tyre pressure > 7 kg /em? Rigidity factor tyre pressure for the design is 0.8 MPa (8 kg/ cm’) in the design of rigid pavements as per IRC 58, SINGLE WHEEL Loan sw To maintain the maximum wheel load with in the specified limit and to carry greater load, itis necessary to provide dual wheel assembly to the rear axles of road vehicles. ‘The effect of dual wheel assembly is not equal to two times the load on any wheel. The Pressure at any depth lies between single load and two times load carried by any one wheel. S_.: Approximate point 8 = ESWL (log scale) 7 Zed 7, Depth, z (log scale) =28, Quad ‘Engineering Academy Pavement Design + ESWL may be calculated either by equivalent deflection or equivalent stress criterion. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN METHODS + Equivalent deflection criteria is more reliable. 1, Empirical: Based on physical properties or Repetition of Loads: strength pavements of soil sub grades. PIN; =P:N. © Gl method, CBR, Stabilito meter and MC Where load methods. Nj, Nz = Number of repetitions 2. Semiempirical or Semi theoretical: Triaxial P),P2 = Corresponding loads test method modified by Kansas state highway Me = load method is based on this department. -10° load repetitions = 1 million repetitions 3. Theoretical Method: Burmister method CBR Method: DPC CONSTRUCTION em BERBTIPRHESSSEY BS CBR design curves IRC RECOMMENDATIONS ¢ Itis a simple Method: + CBR test performed in laboratory test. In situ Basis: A material with a given CBR requires @ test are not recommended. certain thickness of pavement layer as a cover. + For new roads compacted to OMC. + Existing roads to FMC Higher the load — higher the thickness of pavement | + Four days soaked CBR Thickness of sub base + Minimum 3 samples. © Top 50 cm of subgrade be compacted up to 95 Total thickness ~ thickness over base. to 100 % of proctor density + Pavement of major roads be designed for 10 Thickness of base years life = thickness over sub base ~ thickness over base. + Thin layer of wearing course shall not be treated | ascrust derabad | New Deli | Bava Bintbaneswar | Vinyavods | ViaKhapataan | Tira) Pune | Chennai ing Academy ‘Transportation Engineering tin Engineering Draw BAcks oF CBR METHOD: The current Indian practice suffers from the following drawbacks. 1. It does not take fully into account the damaging effects of heavier wheel loads and their frequency in the wheel load spectrum. This does not consider whether the road is for multi ~ Jane single carriage way or dual carriage way 3. The design curves only give the value for the total thickness of pavement for different traffic intensity and CBR values of sub grade. These curves do not specify the thickness of sub-base, base and surfacing separately which are needed to evolve the most economic design pavement. 4, It permits an equivalency factor of up to 2 for bituminous constructions to equate the thickness of bound base to that of conventional water bound macadam. But itis questionable to use an equivalency factor of up to 2 for the better load spreading properties of bitumen bound bases irrespective of the type of mix used. The equivalency factors for different types of such bases need to be evaluated under different conditions of pavement composition and environment. Modified CBR Method (as per IRC 37-2001) Design is based on cumulative no of standard axles, in the lane carrying maximum traffic 68h th pee Where: N= msa; A = initial traffic n the year of completion of construction in terms of no of ev /day n= design life in years N ie of traffic Single lane traffic (cv in both the directions should be consi Two lane single carriage way roads |(cv in both the directions should be considered ) Four- lane single carriage way roads P= vehicle damage factor (VDF) D= lane distribution factor (LDF) Example 1: A new four lane divided highway (with two lanes on each side of median) is to be constructed on a sub grade of CBR 1.8 %. The ADT of commercial truck traffic based on the last count was 8000(in both the directions). The directional split of traffic is $5:45. Vehicle damage factor based on axle load survey was 4.0. pavement section to be designed for a life of 15 years. The last traffic count was taken 1 year back and the project would be completed in 2 years from now. Growth rate of traffic = 7%. The design cumulative standard axles ‘on the road will be Sol: 4-lane divided carriageway ADT of trucks in the last count = 8000evpd Growth rate = 7% ADT of commercial trucks in the year of completion of construction, A= 8000(1-+0.07)"") = 9800evpd Design life = 15 years VDF=4000 Directional distiibution factor, D= 0.55 (use max of the two) Lane distribution factor, L = 0.75 Vehicle damage factor = 4.0 Cumulative number of standard axles during, design life of 15 years _365{1+0.07)' Ny (98000.55)x0.75x4 =148 msa LDF for various types of roads: [LDF | SEND iad [NDA Rens | Shabana | aseen| Vial nam | Tips | Pe | Che (cv in both the directions should be considered Duel two lane carriage way roads (cv in one directions should be considered (Duel three lane / four lane carriage way roads ns should be L(ev in one direc sidered ) 0.75 1 0.61045 | 61 Pavement Design VDF values: the designer should take realis ic values of VDF after conducting axle load surveys Terrain 7 Initial traffie volume in ] terms of no of ev/day _| Rolling / pl Hilly | 0 0s | 300 . [1s >1500_ [45 2.5 Where ‘Note: Traffic in one direction is equal to half of the Ne = number of esa to produce 20% cracked total traffic in both the directions. If significant | difference between two streams occur then maximum traffic should be considered for the design. Subgrade: For expressways , NH, SH and MDR should be compacted to 97% dry density with heavy compaction (modified proctor compaction) other cases 97% of dry density of standard proctor compaction + For Ex ways, NH and SH sub-grade material should have the dry density < 1.75 g/cc + CBR value should be based on remoulded soils tested in the lab only, preferably by static compaction ‘+ CBR test samples should be soaked for 4 days + Minimum 3 samples should be tested with the ‘maximum variation as shown below CBR% | Max variation #1 22 1 3 31 =5 = + Where the variations are more than above specified values 6 test samples are required Equivalency factor: Damaging factor for different axle loads with respect to standard load. Single axle load = {axle load in kg / 8200}* Tandom axle load = {axle load in kg / 14500}* Fatigue Criteria: Bituminous surfacing of pavements display flexural fatigue cracking of the tensile strain at the bottom of the bituminous layer is beyond certain limit Ny = 2.21 * 104 [1/e} (1/E)* Fiyderbad | New Delhi | Benpluns | Biuhans surface area € = tensile strain at the bottom on BC (micro strain) E= modulus of clasticity(MPa) The above equation is calibrated at 35 °C with 80/100 bitumen it can be safely used for temperature ranges 20°C to 40°C. The poisson’s ratio of bituminous layer is 0.5 at temp. 35°C to 40°C and 0.35 for temp 20°C 10 30°C yer Rutting crite Nr= 4.1656 * 10 [1/e]* Nr = number of cumulative standard axles to produce rutting of 20 mm = vertical subgrade strain in micro seconds Note: The total cumulative standard axles to be used for the design of the pavement should include fatigue and rutting criteria also Modulus of elasticity of subgrade Sub grade: E(in MPa) =10* CBR for CBR <5 and 76 * (CBR) for CBR > 5 Granular sub base and base: Ex (in MPa) = E, *0.2 *h°“S E,=composite elastic modulus of granular sub base and base (MPa) Ey= elastic modulus of subgrade (MPa) h= thickness of granular layer (mm) Note: Poisson’s ratio for both granular layer as well fas sub grade layer is taken as 0.4 Tyavad | Viakhaparam | Tirpad | Pane | Chena ‘Transportation Engineering Omen Totic, ese = 1000 {00 700 600 : : 5 z : 500. 400. 102030 30 can co om 5% ot 1% om 3% 10% 100 0 Design Trattic.msa —= Hyderabad | New Dali | Bena 1 Bhsanervar | Vinyawada | Viskhapatam | Tiupat | Pune | Chennai Pavement Design 1. What is the Equivalent single wheel load of a dual wheel assembly carrying 20,440 N each for pavement thickness of 20 cm? Center spacing of tyres is 27 em and the distance between the walls of tyres is Ilem. (GATE-98) (a) 27,600 N (b) 32,300 N (©) 40,880 N (d) 30,190 N 02. In CBR test the value of CBR is calculated for a penetration of @ 0.125 mm (©) Smmalso (b)2.5 mm only @7mm 03, Flexible pavement distribute the wheel (a) through slab action (b) directly to subgrade (©) by grain to grain transfer through a set of layers to subgrade (@) None of the above loads 04. The present method of design of flexible pavement as per IRC is based on (a) CBR (b) Cumulative standard axles (©) Both (a) and (b) (@) None of the above 05. The number of load cycles (Nf) to cause the failure of a pavement is proportional to (P is respective applied load) _ (IES97, TAS-2007) @p &)p* ©p' Mp 06, In a dual wheel assembly if “P” is equal to each wheel load ‘S’ is center to center spacing of dual wheels and ‘d’ is the clear distance between wheels, then the equivalent single wheel load for a depth between d/2 and 2S is (a)P (b)2P (c) between P and2P — (d) None ae pp Hrdeaiad | Now Dah | Benga | Bhubaneswar | Vinyavac | Vikiapanann | Tina] Pane | Chea 07. Variation of rigidity factor for a tyre pressure is as follows: (a) Equal to 1.0 for an average tyre pressure of 7 kgicm? (b) I for tyre pressures less than 7 kg/em” (@) All the above are correct. 08. Which of the following is a theoretical method of pavement design (@) CBR method (b) Triaxial test method (c) Mc ~ load method (d) Burmister method 09, Main draw back of ‘CBR’ method is that {@) gives total thickness which remains the same irrespective of the quality (b) does not consider the strength parameters of soil (©) itis a complex method (@) None of the above 10. The main cause of rattling below the flexible pavement is (ES-92) (a) vehicular traffic (b) absence of surface drainage (c) improper mix of pavement (d) consolidation of one or more layers of pavement. 11. Consider the following statements with reference to pavements: (IES-96) 1. Flexible pavements are more suitable than rigid pavements in regions where sub grade strength is uneven 2. Load carrying capacity of rigid pavements depends more on the properties of concrete than the strength of sub grades. 3. Compared to flexible pavements, rigid pavements are more affected by temperature variations. Which of these statements is/are correct? (a) 1&2 (bh) 1&3 (2&3 (@ 3alone 12.A two lane single carriage - way is to be designed for a design life period of 15 years. Total two — way traffic intensity in the year completion of construction is expected to be 2000 commercial vehicles per day. Vehicle damage factor = 3.0, Lane distribution factor = 0.75, Assuming an annual rate of traffic growth as 7.5%, the design traffic expressed as cumulative number of standard axles, is (GATE-99) (b) 22.6x10° (a) 42.9x10° (@)5.3x10° (6) 10.1x10° Cumulative number of standard axles for a new bypass road as per the following data are? Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction = 400 ev/day Tratfe growth rate per annum = 7.5% Design life = 15 years; Lane distribution factor = 0.75 Vehicle damage factor = 2.5 (standard axles per commercial vehicle, based ‘on axle load survey) Design CBR of sub grade soil = 4% (a) 7.2. msa (b) 8.9msa (©) 18.3msa (4) 123 msa It is proposed to widen an existing 2-lane ‘National Highway section to 4 lane divided road with the following data initial traffic in each direction = 5600 cv / day; Design life = 15 years; Traffic growth = 8%; Vehicle damage factor = 4.5; DF=0.75; VDF=4.5, the msa is (a) 187.3 (by100 S424 01. Following test results were obtained by a CBR test on a sub grade soil [Penetration in mm" 02.5 [5.0 [Toad tey To [ss [78 Area of plunger = 19.6cm” standard aggregate pressures for 2.5mm and S mm penetrations are 70 kg/cm’ and 10Skg/cm? respectively, The CBR of the soil is? A pavement of a two - way road on a soil of CBR § for initial traffic of 1000 cviday. The period of construction is 5 years and the design life is 15 years after opening to traffic. The vehicle damage factor is 2.5. The rate of growth of traffic is 7.5% per annum. What will be the cumulative standard axles on the pavement in its life? A two lane road at present carrying a traffic of 1000 eviday. It is to be strengthened for growing traffic needs. The vehicle damage factor is 3. The rate of growth 10% per annum, The period of constriction is 5 years. The pavement is to be designed for life of 15 years after completion. The cumulative standard axles used for design is (a) 23 msa (©) 42 msa (b) 36 msa (@ 87msa It is proposed to widen and strengthen an existing 2-lane NH section as a divided highway. The existing traffic in one direction is 2500 commercial vehicles (CV) per day. The construction will take I year. ‘The design CBR of soil sub grade is found to be 5 percent. Given: traffic growth rate for CV = 8 percent, vehicle damage factor = 3.5 (standard axles per CV), design life = 10 years and traffic distribution factor = 0.75. ‘The cumulative standard axles (msa) computed are (GATE-08) (35 )37 (65 (70 BMD) Hideraiad | Nov Deh | Bengals | Bhabancovar| Vinyowada | Visithpatnam | Tiupal | Pine | Gbeamal 0s. (a) © 06, Using IRC: 37-1984 of Flexible Pavements” and the following data, choose the total thickness of the pavement. No. of commercial vehicles when construction, is completed = 2723 veh/day Annual growth rate of the traffic = 5.0% Design life of the pavement = 10 years Vehicle damage factor = 2.4 CBR value of the sub grade soil= 5% Data for 5% CBR value (GATE-06) 620mm (b) 640 mm. 670mm (700 mm The following data pertains to the number of ‘commercial vehicles per day for the design of a flexible pavement for a national highway as per IRC: 37-1984 Type of Vehicles — commercial | considering | YMC | _Numberof | the number | Tranee vehicles per day _| of lanes i“ Twoaxle trucks | 2000 5 Tandem axle trucks [200 6 07, ‘Benglura | Bhubancowar | Vivaah | Viekhapaman Pavement Design Assuming a traffic growth factor of 7.5% per annum for both the types of vehicles, the cumulative number of standard axle load repetitions (in million) for a design life of ten years is (GATE-07) (44.6 (0)578 (624 (A) 78.7 Calculate design repetitions for 20 years period for various wheel loads equivalent to 2268 kg, wheel load using the following data for mixed taffic in both the directions is 1860 vehicles/day over a four lane road. The details of the distribution of the wheel loads of the commercial vehicles are as given below. The cumulative standard axles per lane of the road will be? Wheel load, kg | Percentage in total 2268 | 25 2722 12 3175 9 | 3629 6 4082 wm 4536 2 4990 Mi Rigid Pavements Load carrying capacity is mainly due to rigidity and high modulus of elasticity of the slab itself ie, slab action, Considered as a thin elastic plate resting on soil sub grade, assumed as a dense liquid. Upward reaction is proportional to deflection. ie. pad and p=kd where k= Modulus of sub grade reaction.; pressure below the plate: ‘5 deflection at the centre of plate Radius of relative stiffness: A certain degree of resistance to slab defection is offered by the sub- grade. The sub-grade deformation is same as the slab defection. Hence the slab defection is direct measurement of the magnitude of the sub-grade pressure. This pressure deformation characteristics of rigid pavement lead Westergaard to define the term called radius of relative stiffness( /) as given below f a U12K (=n? Where E= Modulus of elasticity of concrete 1= Radius of relative stiffness, = Poisson’s ratio of concrete, taken as 0.15 h= Slab thickness K= Modulus of sub grade reaction, Critical load positions: Interior, Edge and Comer positions: Corner: Load is located on the bisector of ‘comer angle formed by the intersecting edge of slab and the loaded area is at the comer ‘touching the two comer edges. Equivalent radius of resisting section (b): ‘When the interior point is loaded, only a small area of the pavement is resisting the bending moment of the plate, Westergaard given a relation for equivalent radius of the resisting section (b) Fined for Dai] Bewsara | Bh where a= radius of wheel load distribution ie. VP qT) i= slab thickness (q= contact pressure va fr 0.675h ifa 0.55 0.0828 Fatigue life consumed = expected repetitions of the axle load / fatigue life If fatigue life consumed < 1 the pavement is safe. Design of dowel Bars: + Dowel bars are mild steel round bars of short ength (coated with zinc or lead based paints or epoxy coated). = Half of length is bonded in one C.C. slab and the remaining portion, kept free for movement in other slab. SSfipderabad | New Dain | Benen | Bhubaneswar | Vinvawads | Voakhapairam | Tipet| Pune | Cheon QO reboots feo: Rigid Pavements + Maximum load transferred through dowel bars | Step 2 Length of the tie bar: is 40% of maximum axle load * not provided for slab thickness < 150 mm. + bearing stress in concrete is responsible for the performance of the joints for the dowel bars = maximum bearing stress between concrete and dowel bar © woe k pe/ 48° EL (2+ Bz) B= {kb/4En!* where B = relative stiffness of the bar embedded in concrete K = modulus of dowel / concrete interaction (dowel support, kg/m’ /em) b= diameter of the dowel, em z= joint width , cm E = modulus of the clasticity of the dowel, gfom? ‘moment of inertia of the dowel, em 4 P; = load transferred by a dowel bar b= dowel diameter, em allowable bearing stress on concrete, Fp= (10.16 b)fex/ 9.525 + dowel bars up to a distance of 1.0 x relative stiffness, from the point of load application are effective in load transfer + Minimum dowel length = La +5 Design of tie bars: + Used across longitudinal joints. + Ensures two adjacent slabs to remain firmly together. + Not designed as load transfer devices. + Load transfer is through aggregate inter locking. + Bars are designed to with stand tensile stress induced due to friction at bottom. Step 1 Diameter and spacin ‘© Considering one meter length of joint, Bhir. A= ea of steel in em”/metre length Jane width in m Allowable working tensile stress in steel in kg/em? (1400 to 1750 kg/cm’) Assume 8 to 15 mm diameter HYSD bars for the design. (SEEN ea ace | open | Tra ne Chee] Length of the tie bar is twice the length needed to develop bond stress equal to the working tensile stress and is given by; do, 20, d= dia of tie bar © b= permissible bond stress of concrete (for deformed tie bars 24.6 kg/em2; for plain tie bars 17.5 kg/em2) L To permit warping at the joint the maximum diameter of tie bars may be limited to 20 mm, and to avoid concentration of tensile stresses they should not be spaced more than 75 em apart. The calculated length may be increased by 5 to 8 em to account for any inaccuracy in placement during construction. Reinforcement In Cement Concrete Slab. To control cracking, not increase the flexural strength, the reinforcement is provided to counteract the tensile stresses caused by shrinkage and contraction due to temperature cor moisture changes. Maximum tensile force in the slab is in the middle of the slab, where cracks occur first. The longitudinal and transverse steel in slab is given by the following formula Sy. 26, Where A.= Area of steel in cm” required per m ‘width or length of slab L= distance in m between free transverse joints (for longitudinal steel) or free ongitudinal joints (for transverse steel); coefficient of friction between pavement and sub-base/ base (usually 1.5) ‘ye= weight of slab in kg/ m? and ; ,=allowable working stress in steel in g/cm? (usually taken as 50 to 60 percent of the minimum yield stress or steel; (generally taken as 1400 kg/em’) ‘Transportation Engineering Design Requirements as per IRC: Step 2: Length of the bar ) Reinforcement in the RCC pavement: top face only (nearly with an effective cover of 11750 50mm). "2246 b) Minimum cement: 350 kg/m’ Use 1 cm ® tie bars of length of 36 em @55 ©) Maximum cement: 425 kg/m? eae 4) Maximum nominal size of aggregate 25 mm ©) AIV: shall be <30% for wearing surfaces £) LA abrasion value <35 % Questions 8), Water absorption : 2% maximum by weight 4) Flexural strength of concrete 38-42 kg/em* A i) Imall eases use E= 3 x 10° kg/em? 01. Effect of impact on the design of rigid =0.15 and a=10x 10% Pe pavements is accounted for by (IES 96) ® Required minimum compressjysiifeth (@) increasing the thickness as would be 35MPa (M35 grade of concrete) calculated with static wheel load Minimum k= 6 kg/em? (b) providing a base course "Seperation layer between sub base and (©) adopting a reduced flexural strength of pavement: 125 rmicfort polythene sheet is conerete through a factor of safety recommended as per IRC 15-2002 (@) adopting an increased stress relative to that produced by static wheel load om Example 2: Given that r = radius of load distribution, Design the length and spacing of tie bars given that E= modulus of elasticity K= modulus of the pavement thickness is 20cm and width of the subgrade reaction, x = Poisson's ratio of road is Tm with one longitudinal joint. The unit concrete h = geYagthickness of slab, weight of concrete is 2400 kg/m’, the coefficient of P= wheel load, The combination of parameters friction is 1.5, allowable working tensile stress in required for obtaining the radius of relative steel is 1750 kg/cm’, and bond stress of deformed stiffhiess of cement concrete slab is (IES-95) bars is 24.6 kg/em’, @EK, wr )h,K, wr ED Kp @ PK Sol: Given Thickness of slab, h = 20 em width of pavement, b = 7/2 = 3: If the load, warping and frictional stresses at © = 1750 kg/cm” edge in a cement concrete slab are 210N/mm?, he 3 90 N/mm? and 10 N/mm* respectively, the es critical combination of stresses during summer midday is (IES 99) (a) 290 Nimm? (b) 390 N/mm? (©) 490 Nimm? (4) 590 Nimm? 24:6 kg/em’. liameter and spacing: SERIO Aten? im For a 25 em thick cement conerete pavement, e ’ analysis of stresses gives the following values Assume dia of steel bar, ® = 1 em; ‘Wheel load stress due to edge loading 30kg/em’, =£ (2)= 0.785 m2, Wheel load stress due to comer loading 32 4 g/cm? Warping stress at comer region during ‘Therefore spacing is summer 9kg/em? Warping stress at comer region during winter 7kg/cm* Warping stress at 1000-785 _ 54 57cm 2 55 edge region during summer 8 kg/cm” Warping 10080785 _ 54 570m = SScm ‘i 1a stress at edge region during winter 6 kg/cm: 54:57 cm, say $5 m Frictional stress during summer 5 kg/em” (SST td [ow aie | Bhar | Vimawads | VinMapamamn | Tip] Pane | Cheol] 7: Rigid Pavements Frictional stress during winter 4 kg/em? ‘The most critical stress value for this pavement is (a) 40 kg/em’ (©) 44 kglem* (b) 42 kg/om? (d) 45 kg/em? In case of governing equations for calculating wheel load stress using Westergaard’s approach, the following statements are made. L. Load stresses are inversely proportional to wheel load, Il. Modulus of subgrade reaction is useful for load stress calculation (a) Both statements are TRUE (b) lis TRUE and Il is FALSE (c) Both statements are FALSE (A) Lis FALSE and Il is TRUE 06. The mix design for pavement conerete is based on (IES-06) (@) The flexural strength (b) The characteristic compressive strength (c) The shear strength (d) The bond strength 07. The width of the expansion joint is 20mm in a cement concrete pavement. The laying temperature is 20°C and the maximum. slab temperature in summer is 60°C. The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is 10 x 10° mm/mm / °C and the joint filler compresses up to 30% of the thickness. The spacing between expansion joints should be (GATE-07) (a) 20m (b) 25m (©) 30m (d)40m 08. Which of the following stress combinations are appropriate in identifying the critical condition for the design of concrete pavements? (GATE-09) Type of Stress Location P. Load 1, Comer Q. Temperature 2. Edge 3. Interior (a) P-2,Q3 (b) P-1, Q-3 (©) P-3, QL (4) P-2,Q-2 09. IRC code No. 37-1985 deals with which one of the following? (ES-08) (a) Design of rigid pavements, taking ESWL and CBR into account (b) Design of rigid pavements, taking axle load and CBR into account (©) Design of flexible pavement, taking ESWL and CBR into account (d) Design of flexible pavement taking cumulative axle loads and CBR into account 10. Which of the following factors are used for calculating temperature stress at the critical edge region in rigid pavement design? _(IES-07) 1. Maximum temperature difference between summer and winter 2. Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 3. Slab length 4. Slab width Select the correct answer using the code given below (@) 1, 2and3 (©) Land 2 only () 2,3 and 4 (d) 1 and 3 only Which of the following are the purposes for use of steel bar reinforcement in cement concrete Pavements. Select the correct answer using the code given below (IAS-06) 1. To increase the flexural strength of concrete 2. To prevent the onset of cracks 3. To allow wider spacing of joints (a) 1 and2 only (©) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only (@) 1, 2and3 . The parameters required to get the value of radius of relative stiffness of CC pavement is (conventions are as per IRC) (IAS-04) (@) EK, rt () Bh k, (Oh, Kr @PLALK W GREED deat New ahs | Benn | Biuhrewar | Vins | Vinliopamar “Tirapat | Pane | Chena] 01. A cement concrete pavement is constructed at a temperature of 10 °C. The peak summer temperature is 45 °C. The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is 10 x 10 ® per °C. The gap at expansion joint is 2.5 cm, The spacing of expansion joint is (37.5 m (35m (b) 45m @5m ‘The rigid pavement of thickness 20 cm has coefficient of relative stiffness 8 kg/em’, Poisson's ratio 0.15; Young's modulus of concrete 3 x 10 * kg/cm’; coefficient of thermal expansion 10 x 10%Pc; The Bradbury coefficients at edge are ex = 0.92 and cy =0.72 respectively; temperature change is 16.2° C. Radius of contact area between tyre and the road. surface is 15 em. . Wapring stress at the edge is; (a) 22.35 kg/em? (b) 34.65 kg/om™ (c) 45.73 kglem* (@) 67.8 kg/em™ Wapring stress at comer is (a) 2.18 kglem? (c) 4.55 kg/cm? (b) 3.45 kg/cm? (a) 8.7 kg/om? ‘A cement concrete pavement of thickness 18 ‘om, has two lanes of 7.2 m with a longitudinal joint, With thickness of slab =18 cm, Total ‘width of pavement =7.2, Permissible stress in steel in tension, 0 = 1700 kg/cm? Density of concrete = 2400 kgm’ f = 1.5 permissible bearing stress in steel, Oy=24.6 kg/m’; Diameter of the bars used 10 mm FACE Erwincering hex SR Tow Dai | Bewnlara | Bisbaneovar | Viyaweds | VoaRhapaiiam | Trap | Pune | Chena ‘Transportation Engineering (04. The spacing of tie bars is (a)850mm ee (b)650 mm cle (c)750 mm cle (850 mm ele 05. Minimum length of the rie bar is; (a) 30cm (b) 36cm. (©) 45cm (d) none ‘Common Data for Questions 06 & 07 ‘A.20 cm thick cement concrete slab has a width of 3.75m; f 1.5 The allowable tensile stresses in concrete is 0.8 kg/cm’; The allowable tensile stress in reinforcing steel is 1200 kg/cm’; 10 mm diameter bars at a spacing of 300 mm spacing is used. The spacing of contraction joints ‘cement concrete pavement is (a)2.2 mele (b) 2.75 mele ()44mele (@) none in plain |The spacing of contraction joints pavement is (a) 4.2 mele (87 mele (b) 6.57 mele (@) 9.24 mele A CC pavement of slab thickness 20 cm is placed over a soil with coefficient of friction as 112 the length of the pavement between two successive contraction joints is 4m, width of the slab panel is 3m , the density of concrete is 2400 kg/m’. The frictional stress developed during peak winter is (a) 0.58 kg/em? ie (0)0.82 kefem? (c) 0.98 kg/em’ (@) 1.1 kgfem* Traffic Engineering 1. Traffic Studies: Traific Studies are made to analyse the characteristic of traffic, The basic objects are i) To obtain knowledge of type and volume of traffic at present in future ii) To study the road facilities and improvements to be done iii) To design geometric features and pavement thickness iv) To analyse accidents. Traffic Volume Study: or flow (q) is expressed as the number of vehicles crossing a section of road per unit time, Done by manual or automatic counters. In this study, the type of vehicles and number of vehicles are to be counted including the direction of vehicles. Generally, the traffic volume is expressed as vehicles day or vehicles/hour. variety of vehicles, a number is to 2 vehicle based on its speed, 1d characteristics, in comparison to the ‘Car termed as equivalent Passenger Car Unit (PCU) Vehicle Type Passenger car. tempo, auto-rickshaw. jeep, 1 van, agricultural _ bus, agricultural tractor-trailer cycle, scooter and cycle | Cycle-rickshaw "| Horse-drawn vehicle ~ | Bullock-cart | Small bullock-cart | Hand-cart Thus the volume can be obtained as a uniform value, when it is expressed in terms of Passenger Car Unit (PCU) per hour or day. (GIN) ced New Da Bente | Bhtanenar| Waren | Veaopamam | Tierat| ne Goes] (b) Method of Volume Counting (i) Manual Counts To be recorded volume, vehicle classification turing movements and direction of. movements. * Still this is the most reliable and best method to obtain classified volume and directional volume for short counts, (ii)Automatic or Mechanical Counter Methods + Photo electric cell. + Electrical method + Pneumatic method Suitabilit For long installations. counts and for permanent Limitations: Do not give directional counts or classified counts. So, the data is not as accurate Compared to manual counting, since two or ‘more vehicles going abreast will be recorded as, single unit. (Presentation of Traffic Volume Data: + As per IRC, for rural roads traffic count shall be taken over seven consecutive dat and 24 hours during each day. Counts are taken at least twice each year. Once count being taken during the peak season of harvesting and marketing and the other during the lean season. The counts should not encompass abnormal conditions of traffic fair or exhibition. (i) Average Annual Daily Traffie(AADT) The average 24-hour traffic volume at a given the location over a full 365-day year, ie. total number of vehicles passing the point in a year divided by 363. (ii) Average Daily Traffic (ADT): An average 24-hour traffic volume at a given location for some period of time less than a year. It may be measured for six months, a ‘Transportation Engineering season, a month, a week, of as little as two days. An ADT is a valid number only for the period over which it was measured. Passenger Car Units (PCU) are used to convert different vehicles to one class, (iii) Trend Charts: Showing volume trends over period of years. (iv) Traffic Flow map or diagram along routes: The thickness of lines represent the traffic volume to any desired scale. (v) Volume flow diagram at intersections. (vi) 30" highest hourly volume: The hourly volume that will be exceeded only 29 times in a year and all other hourly volumes of the year will be less than this volume + Highway facilities are generally designed, for this volume which is satisfactory from both facility and economic considerations. + Congestion only during 29 howrs in the year. + Generally taken as hourly volume for design 3. Speed Studies: ‘+ Spot Speed: Defined as the instantaneous speed of a vehicle ata specified location + Running Speed: Defined as the average speed maintained over a given route while the vehicle is in motion. + Overall Speed or Travel Speed or Journey Speed: The effective speed with which a vehicle traverses a give route between two terminals. (@) Spot Speed Study: Methods to determine spot speeds are ( Enoscope Method or Method: © Mirrors are set at 45°. + Generally Enoscope is kept at 50 m from observer, ‘Advantages: Simple, cheap and easy to use. Disadvantages: Progress is slow. Difficult for heavy multilane waffic. Possibility of human error. Mirror Box 30” highest hour 203040 60 80 100 hours with traffic volume greater than shown (ii) Other Methods: Presentation of Spot Speed Dat Pressure contact strip method. Radar speed meter method (speed gun, the most efficient and easy to use). Time lapse method. Electronic meter method Photo electric meter. ‘Cumulative Speed Distribution Curve: 85" Percentile Speed: The speed at or below which 85% of vehicles are passing a point on the highway or only 15% of vehicles exceed the speed at that point. This is adopted for safe speed limit at this zone. 98" Percentile Speed: For the sped purpose of highway geometric design. 15 Percentile Speed: The speed value which is used as minimum speed on major highways. (b) Model Speed: The speed at which greatest number of vehicles travel. Itis the peak value of frequency distribution curve. , From the adjacent figure, Model Speed = 30 kmph (©) Median Speed: The middle or 50™ percentile speed, Spot speeds can be divided into 1)Time mean speed and 2) Space mean speed [SON TN Dams ent anor | Winarah| Wnt | Trp Pane [Chem a Traffic Engineering ‘Time mean speed (vi) is defined as the average speed of all the vehicles passing a point on a highway over some specified time period. average of spot speeds. Space mean speed(v,) is defined as the average speed of all the vehicles occupying a given section of a highway over some specified time period. This is the harmonic mean of spot speed Relation between ¥; « Vet v, =v, += where o?-standard deviation Both mean speeds will always be different from each other except in the unlikely event that all vehicles are traveling at the same speed. 4, Traffic Density (k): The number of vehicles occupying a unit length (km) of a lane of road way at a given instant. Relation between Traffic volume(q) , Traffic density(k) and Speed(v) q=kv 5, Derived characteristics From the fundamental characteristics like —_flow(volume)"q”, density"k", and speed’v”, a few other parameters of traffic flow can be derived. Significant among them are the time headway, distance headway and travel time (a) Time Head way: Time gap between two successive vehicles which are crossing a section on a road H, 25% traffic flow ; where Hy is time head way in seconds; q= traffic flow in vehicles / hr (b) Distance headway: The average distance between two successive vehicles or inverse of density and is sometimes called as ‘spacing’ or “space headway" | ET aT TO] 6. Traffic Capacity: is the ability of road way to accommodate traffic volume . the capacity is maximum traffic volume or traffic flow. ~ _ 1000V c= lw s ‘Where V =speed in kmph and S =distance headway in m () Basic Capacity (Theoretical or Ideal Capacity): The maximum number of vehicles that pass a given point on a lane or road way uring one hour under ideal road way and traffic conditions. + Two roads of same physical features will have same basic capacities. $= S, +L; for theoretical capacity Sy=vt; where v is design speed in mps; tis reaction time of driver 0.7 sec; L= length of rigid wheel base (i) Practical Capacity (Design Capacity): The maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point so that they may not cause unreasonable delay, hazards and restriction to driver's freedom to maneuvers under the prevailing road conditions. It is of primary interest to the designers. Capacity of single lane road is + S= SSD+L_ ; for practical capacity + SSD= stopping sight distance Example 1: The design speed of traffic lane is 80 kmph. Average length of the vehicle 6m. The capacity of the road when reaction time of driver is 2sec. Coefficient of longitudinal friction is 0.35. (@) $23 Velvhr (b) 656 Velvbr (c) 832 Velvbr (@) 932 Veb/be Sol: 2 22 S8D=v 12 F120) Fee gag HOM S=S8D+L=116+6=122m c= 100 100080 _ gseveh (hr Ss 122 7. Traffic Stream Models: (a) Greenshield’s macroscopic stream mod Green shield assumed a linear speed-density relationship as shown Where v is the mean speed at density k, ve is the free mean (design) speed and k; is the jam density Example 2: The free mean speed on a road wing is found to be 60 kmph under stopped condition the average spacing between vehicles is 6 m. The capacity of flow, assuming linear speed density relation, is (a) 2333 velvhr (b) 3333 velv/hr (c) 2870 velvhr (d) 3838 vebv/hr 1000 Sol: Jam Density = ES = 166.67 veh! km ‘Maximum flow or capacity - (3) ($s a) 3333.33 velv/hr (lane) Xap) aaa eae ‘Transportation Engineer (b) Greenberg's logarithmic model: ve vy ink Where aga = Im this model density becomes zero, when speed tends to infinity. Therefore not possible to predict the speeds at low densities. een3i9, \derwood’s exponential model: ie veve Where vp = free flow speed, ko = density corresponding to maximum flow. In this model, speed becomes zero only when density reaches infinity which is the drawback of the model. ‘Moving observer method for measurement of traffic parameters: wieetee| tte) and q= hy Where ‘y= Time taken by the test vehicle to reach the other end of the stream while it is moving along with the traffic; jiyderad | New Dali | Benga] Bhubanenrar | Visjaveda | Viakhapataam | Tira) Pane | Chena inACE @ Engineering Academy a valfic Engineering —e—C ic Engineering ta= Time taken by the test vehicle to reach the other end of the stream while it is moving against the traffic; 1-Mp: m, = no of vehicles moving against stream; 'm,-no of vehicles over tken by the test vehicle mpy=no of vehicles overtaken by the test vechicle 8. Origin and Destination Studies: These studies show the amount of travel existing between certain destination. (i) The purposes of these studies are: + Planning and designing highway routes and terminals, + Improving existing routes and terminal facilities. + Determining one way streets, signals and parking, + Future needs for expansion of roads. + Planning and designing interchanges. (i) Method of Collecting ‘O" &*D" Data: + Road side interview method. + License plate method. + Post card survey * Tags or stickers on vehicles. + Home interview. * Work place interview method, (iii) Presentation of ‘O” and ‘D* Data (a) ‘O" and ‘D’ tables. (b) Desire Lines. + A graphical representation of “O° and ‘D" data, + These are straight lines connecting the origin points with destinations, summarized into different area groups. + The width of a desire line is drawn Proportional to the number of trips in both directions. + The desire line density map easily enables to decide the actual desire of the road desire of the road users and thus helps to find the necessity of a new road link, a division, a bypass or a new bridge. ©) Pie Charts: Circles are drawn. The diameter being proportional to number of trips. Contour lines may be drawn similar to topographic contours. 9. Accident Studies: Collision diagrams are Prepared. Reasons are ascertained. (Please refer text box for detailed study), 10. Traffic Flow Characteristics: Diverging, ‘merging and crossing are the basic manoeuvres, Diverging on the left and merging from left side. But, diverging to the right and merging from the right create some problems in regulating the traffic. Sa Merging Diverging Crossing Weaving No of points of Conflicts on two lane roads meeting at right angles _—_Type of traffic | No of e Both the roads two way | —__ One road one way | Both the roads one way | 11, Traffic Islands: Are raised constructions with in the road way to form channels through which vehicular traffic may be guided. (@ Divisional Islands: The kerbs or medians Divisional constructed to divide the road into lanes. These prevent accidents and head on collisions. ————— Divisional eel (ii) Channelising Islands: Are used to guide the traffic into channels at intersections. tH a (ps a (iii) Pedestrian Loading I bust stops. The traffic island provided at multilane highways to facilitates pedestrians to cross the roads called refuse island, (iv) Rotary Islands: The traffic islands located in the centre of an intersection to control movement of traffic when all the roads meeting at an intersection are equal of equal importance. This type of traffic island suitable is the circular rotary. — Rotaries especially suitable for intersections with five or more inter section legs. (vi) Design factors: Design Speed: Design speeds are reduced at rotary intersections (40 kmph for rural highways and 30 kmph for roads in urban areas ). Shapes: Circular, elliptical , tangential, turbine etc., (turbine is most efficient) Radius of rotary: Recommended minimum radius is 1.33 times the radius of entry curve. Radius is calculated by keeping super elevation, e = 0 and longitudinal coefficient of friction, f= 0.43 to 0.47 ‘Weaving angle and weaving length: The angle between the path of a vehicle entering the rotary to that of another vehicle leaving the Fiydeabed | New Delhi | Bengal | Bhubaneswar | Vinyavada ‘Transportation Engineering rotary is called weaving angle, It should be kept as small as possible > 15 The length of rotary road way between any two adjacent canalizing islands is called weaving length, (45 m to 90 m for 40 kmph; 30 m to 60 m for 30 kmph). Width of carriage way at entry and exit: The ‘minimum width at entry should be Sm, Width of rotary road way(w): Capacity of rotary depends on width of rotary road way. where e,= avg. width at entry; 2 =avg. width at non weaving section Practical Capacity of rotary road way: 280w {1+ (e/w)} {1-(p/3) } f+} Where w = width of weaving section (6 to 18 m) fe, +e) 2 L = weaving length P= proportion of weaving traffic bte avbre+d b =crossing / weaving traffic tuning towards right while entering the rotary c= crossing / weaving traffic turning towards eft while leaving the rotary a= left tuming traffic moving along left extreme lane dé right turning traffic moving along right extreme lane. 12, Road Intersections: When two or more roads intersect each other, it is called a intersection. (a) At grade intersections: Roads that cross cach other at same elevation (b)Grade separated intersections: Roads that cross each other at different levels. (i) At grade intersections: Square crossing, skew crossing, staggered junction, T-junction, Y-junetion, and muitiple intersection. aapanam | Tipal | Pune ® sich Fhcstan ‘Traffic Engineering Minimum distance between two adjacent intersections should be about 40 cm. ‘Types:Un-channelised and channelised intersections. (ii) Grade separated intersections or interchange: Un-interpreted through movement. Itmay be an over crossing or under crossing. Direct Semi-Direct Indirect ‘An interchange is also called a flyover. A bridge is an interchange without ramps. ‘A diamond crossing is an interchange which provides for transfer of traffic from one road to another crossing but with reduced speed. A clover leaf is a high speed interchange. The diamond interchange is used in built up areas while the clover leaf is preferred in open country, when two high speed roads meet at a junction. 13, Parking: a) On street or kerb parking b) Off street parking Note: vehicles can be parked in parking lots at 30, 60 90° (90° parking is most efficient parking is space is a constraint) 14, Highway lighting: As per IRC the minimum illumination required on important roads is 30 ux and main roads 15 lux. (SORRY Fed | Neve | en | Wc | Wise | Vpn | Tia [Pine | Ghana] Spacingof lamps = amplumenscoefficien of utilization ma int enance factor ‘Avg lux on road width oF road Note: maintenance factor is considered as 80% generally 15. Traffic Control Devices: (Islands (i) Traffic Signs (iii) Signals. (iv) Marking ‘a) Traffic Signs: The arrangement adopted to ‘war, direct and guide road users, Regulatory or mandatory signs: These signs are used to inform road users certain rules and regulations which have to be observed for safe and free flow of traffic. The violation of these signs is a legal offence. Ex: Dead slow, no turn, speed limit, over taking prohibited, sound born prohibited, parking prohibited. To be displayed on a circular disc of 600 mm dia with white back ground, red border and black numerical and installed at a height of 2.8 ‘m above the ground level up to centre of disc. (GATE-10) Warning of Cautionary Signs: Used to caution the drivers about certain hazardous conditions ahead. Equilateral triangular with its apex pointing upwards. White in background red border and black symbols. Ex: Junction, sharp bend, hill or ghat road, school zone ete. Informatory or guiding signs: Provided for route identification, direction to travelers etc. Ex: Route marker sign, road junction approach, end of speed limit road name sign etc. ‘Traffie Signals: Are provided at road intersections. Provided to control, wam and guide, the traffic. It generally consists of three lenses, arranged vertically one above the other with red lies on top, yellow or amber in the middle and green lies at the bottom. Traffic signals are located on the left hand side of road as near the stop line as possible, This is the primary signal. If an additional signal is placed ‘on the departure side of intersection on the right side, itis called a secondary signal. ‘Normal sequence of traffic signal is, red-amber- green, Amber-red and so on. The ini given by these colours ar Re: Vehicles must stop. Amber: Lights about change. Green: Vehicles can proceed. Cycle: The time lapsed from the beginning of getting red to a particular side to the beginning of next red to the same side is called a ‘eyele’. ‘Types of road signals: (@) Manual Signal police. (b) Fixed time Signals: These signals are set to repeat a cycle of sequence and phase of the cycle at regular intervals. Designed for peak time taffic requirements. Cause delay during off-peak hours. (©) Traffic Actuated Signals: Designed so that phase and cycle can be changed according to traffic demand. A yellow signal installed ‘on main road warns the driver to slow down. (c)Pedestrian Signals: For Pedestrian control. ‘One signal is erected on each side of crossing Ithas only two colours ~ Red and Green. Operated by a traffic Design of signals: 1. Trial cycle method: Based on trial and error ‘method to determine cycle time. 2. Approximate method: 3. Webster’s Method: «This is a rational method. ‘+ Optimum signal eycle time based on least delay at intersections is worked out. + Saturation flow (S) and Normal flow (q) values per unit time on each road meeting at junction are required for signal design. Fiperabad (er Dali | Benslans | Bhbanewear | Viayaved | Viikapamams | Trop | © Green time on road ‘No: 1° is given by AECL) Where fY=yi ty tyson Lost time per eyele in sec, L=2n+R n= number of phases; R = all red time . yr=qi/ Sis y2=a2/ So: ys =ay Ss. + effective green time: effective green time is the actual time available for the vehicles to ‘ross the intersection. It is the sum of actual green time plus the yellow minus the applicable lost times. + Lane Capacity: ¢... Where: saturation flow on i* lane; green ratio; sffective green time on i" lane; cyele time + Green time for pedestrian crossing: Where: {= startup lost time (4.7sec as per IRC for pedestrians); jidth of road; up - walking speed of pedestrians (usually 15% speed , 1.2 m/s as per IRC) Webster's delay model ‘Traffic Engineering Where, Duration of Red, ffective green time; ‘Normal flow (traffic flow under normal flow conditions) $= saturation flow (saturation flow rate is the number of vehicles that can be moved in one lane in one hour assuming the signal to be green always; Road Markings: (a) Carriage Way Markings (b) Object Markings 01. The road geometries in India are designed for the (GATE-04) (a) 98" highest hourly traffic volume (b) 85" highest hourly traffic volume (c) 50" highest hourly traffic volume (@730" highest hourly traffic volume 02. PCU equivalent for a cycle is 0s (b) 1.00, (©) 2.28 (@) 6.00 03. The safe speed on a highway is, (a) 50" percentile speed (b) 75" percentile speed (ey85" percentile speed (d) 98" percentile speed 04. ‘Weaving’ is (a) merging (b) diverging (©) crossing taymersing, traveling and diverging 05. The maximum number of points of conflicts in two way two lane roads meeting at right angles (a) 12 (b) 32 (a4 (d)24 06. Traffie density is (a) no. of vehicles moving in a specific direction per lane per day (b) no. of vehicles moving in a specific direction per hour (©) no. of vehicles per unit length (d) max. no. of vehicles passing a given point in one hour 07. An advantage of manual counting of traffic is (a) permits traffic classification by the type of vehicle (b) suited in any climate (©) highly accurate (@) it can be carried out for any length of time 08. An instrument used to study ‘Spot Speeds’ in traffic engineering is (a) speedometer (c) speed recorder Abyenoscope (a) enometer 09. ‘Fixed delay” in a highway is due to (a) pedestrians crossing the rod (b) parked vehicles (c) traffic signals, (@) road repairs 10. The minimum radius for intersection curve when the speed is 35 kmph is (a) 15m (b) 25m (ey35m, (50m 11, Name the traffic survey data which is plotted by means of “desire lines” (GATE-06) (a) accident (b) classified volume (forigin and destination (d)speed and delay 12. The 30" highest hour volume is (a) The average of the 30 peak hour volumes in a month (b) The hourly volume which is exceeded by only 30 hours ina year [SREB ta [New Dat Benet | Dinar | Visas | Veattapaam [Ta | Fine | Chews @ ch 4h The hourly volume which is exceeded by only 29 hours in a year (d) The average of the 30 highest hourly volumes ina year 3. If a tworlane national highway and a two-lane state highWay intersect at right right angles; the number of potential conflict points at the intersection, assuming that both the roads are two-way is Se) 17 (24 (a) 32 a 14, Moving car observer method is a procedure {@) to find the traffic flow of a traffic stream (b) to estimate the traffic capacity of a road section (6) to carry out origin destination studies (d) to identify accident prone locations on highways 15. In desire-tine diagram, (a) width of desire line is proportional to the number of trips in one direction. (b) length of desire line is proportional to the number of tripe in both directions (©) width of desire line is proportional to the ‘umber of trips in both directions. (d) both length & width of desire line one proportional to the number of ‘trips in both directions, 16. Which of the following diagrams illustrates the relationship between traffic speed and traffic density (@) (b) Speed Speed’ > Density —> Density © d) Spee Speeds 7 —> Density “> Density Fiydcrabod| New Deh | Bengilars] Bhubaneswar | Vinyaveda | Viskiapatam | Tirupati | Pane | Chennai ‘Transportation Engineering 17.On a right angled road intersection with two lane, two-way traffic the total number of potential conflict point will be (a)22 (b)24 (©) 16 32 18, Ratio of width of the car parking area required at kerb for 60°parking relative at 30°parking to approximately. (a)0.5 (b)0.7 08 (20 19. The shape of the STOP sign according to IRC: 67-2001 is (GATE-08) (a) circular (b) triangular }) octagonal (4) rectangular 20. The lost time due to starting delay on a Traffic signal approach is noted to be 3 seconds, the actual green time is 25 seconds and amber time is 3 seconds. How much is the effective green time? (IES-04) (a) 19s (b)25s (278A) 318 21.How many number of points of conflicts can rise with one-way regulation in both directions on an intersection having 4 legs? (1AS-09) 4 (b)6 =©8 10 22. The basic capacity of a single lane road? Where speed in kmph; S = average centre to centre spacing of vehicles in m; H= average head way between two successive vehicles in seconds (IAS-07) (b) 10008/V (d) 000 V/H (a) 1000V/S (c) 1000 Hiv 23. What is the maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during ideal roadway and traffic conditions known as? (IAS-07) (a) practical capacity __(b) possible capacity (©) basic capacity (d) road capacity 24.In highway geometric design once the cumulative speed distribution is drawn, the design adequacy is checked at which percentage? (IAS-06, 07) (a) 89 th percentile (b) 85 th percentile (c) 98 th percentile (a) 99 th percentile vaffic Engineering 25. When speed of the traffic flow becomes zero, then (IAS-04) (@) traffic density attains its maximum. value whereas traffic volume becomes zero (b) traffic density and traffic volume both attains respective maximum values (©) traffic density and traffic volume both become zero (d) traffic density becomes zero and traffic volume attains its maximum value 26. is the length of vehicle in meters, C is the clear distance between two consecutive vehicles (SSD), V is the speed of vehicles in kmph, then the maximum number , N, of vehicles / hour is equal to (IAS-04) (a) N= 1000V/ (C+L) (b) (C+L) / 1000V (©) L000V/(C-L)_— (A) 10007 ( L-C) 27. Space mean speed is (a) the harmonic mean of spot speeds (b) the sum of spot speeds (©) the arithmetic mean of spot speeds (@) the sum of journey speeds 28. The instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified location is called (a) Spot speed (b) Journey speed (©) Running speed (d) Time mean speed 29.Which of the following is not a derived characteristic? (a) Time headway (c) Travel time (b) Distance headway (@) Density 30. Which among the following is the fundamental equation of traffic flow? f@ (b) q=ky, (©) v= ak (@q-kv 31. As per IRC 67-2001; a traffic sign indicating the speed limit on a road should be of (GATE-10) (@) circular shape with white background and red border (b) triangular shape red border (©) ttiangular shape with red background and white border @ circular shape with red background and white border ith white background and Fp ‘or Dah | Bengalars | Bhibancsar | Visvavada | Vin 01. A transport company operates a scheduled daily tuck service between city P and city Q. One — way joumey time between these two cities is 85 hours. A minimum layover time of 5 hours is to be provided this service? (GATE-05) (a4 (6 ©7 @s 02. If the spot speeds in kmph are 50, 40, 60,54 and 45, then the time mean speed and space mean speed are (a) 49.8 &48.82 kmph (b) 49.8 & 49.8 kmph (©) 48.82 and & kmph (4) 48.82and & kmph 03. The results of a speed study is given in the form of a frequency distribution table. The time mean space mean speed respectively are 1 Fregency | eu | | 1 (a) 11.83 and 9.44 mps (b) 12.67 and 2.36 mps (©) 23.78 and 4.67 mps (A) 11.23 and 2.67 mps 04. The speeds at the entry and time required to travel Ikm length of road in sec are tabulated below. What is the time mean speed and space mean speed? [ Speed. kmph ate [62 [90170 ‘Travel 50 [36 [39 | Time.see | 45 05. The survey on spot speed study at a section of a highway is given below. Determine (i) safe speed (ii) design speed (ii) minimum speed on the highway. ane | heal No of Speed No of ] vehicles | B® | Ohsy observed | it | chseved 10 [80-60 | 359 {60-70} — 00] 30] 70.80} 9 5090.50} —an 150 90-100 | 20) 06.A single lane unidirectional highway has a design speed of 65 kmph. The perception — brake —reaction time of drivers is 2.5 seconds and the average length of vehicles is Sm. The coefficient of longitudinal friction of the Pavement is 0.4. The capacity of this road in terms of ‘vehicles’ per hour per lane’ is (a) 1440 (6) 750 (e) 710 (a) 680 07. The theoretical capacity of a traffic lane in vehicle / hour / lane with one way traffic flow at a stream speed of 40 kmph. Assume average length of vehicles is 5.0m. (@) 2830 (b) 3130 (©) 4380 (@ 4830 08.On a highway if the velocity of the moving Vehicle on a lane is 40 kmph, stopping distance is 20, the length of rigid wheel base if 6m then the flow of the traffic is (a) 1200 vehicles per hour (b) 1538 vehicles per hour (©) 2000 vehicles per hour (4) 2400 vehicles per hour 09. Tf the standard deviation of the spot speed of vehicles in a highway is 8.8 kmph and the mean speed of the vehicles is 33kmph, the coefficient of variation in speed is (GATE-07) (a) 0.1517 (b) 0.1867 (©) 0.2666 (0.3646 10.On an urban road, the free mean speed was measured as 70 kmph and the average spacing between the vehicles under jam condition as 7.0 m. The speed-flow-density equation is given by u=v, [iE fotoeu Where U = space-mean speed (kmph); Us = free mean speed (kmph); k = density (velvkm); k= jam density (vely/km); = flow (vebv/hr), The maximum flow (veb/hr) per lane for this conditions is equal to (GATE-05) (a) 2000 (b) 2500, (©) 3000 (@) None of these 11. A linear relationship is observed between speed and density on a certain section of a highway. The free flow speed is observed to be 80 km per hhour and the jam density is estimated as 100 vehicles per km length. Based on the above telationship, the maximum flow expected on this section and the speed at the maximum flow will respectively be (a) 8000 vehicles per hour and 80km per hour (b) 8000 vehicles per hour and 2Skm per hour (©) 2000 vehicles per hour 80km per hour (4) 2000 vehicles per hour and 40km per hour 12. The jam density is given as k and the free flow speed is given as u. the maximum flow for a linear traffic speed-density model is given by which of the following options? (a) % ku (b) 1/3 ku (©) 3/Sku (6) 2/3ku 13. two lane road with one way traffic has a ‘maximum capacity of 1700 veb/hr. Under the Jam condition average length occupied by the vehicles is 5.5m. The speed versus density relationship is linear. For a traffic volume of 1000veh/hr, the density (in vel/km) is 14. Free flow speed is Sokmph, jam density is 70 veh/km. at a particular condition it is observed that there are 20 vehicles on a lane in 1 km length of road. The average speed on the road is 15. The length of a road stretch used for conducting the moving observer test is 0.5km and the speed with which the test vehicle moved is 20kmph, Given that the number of vehicles encountered in the stream while the test vehicle was moving ® sncABoaiem a ‘Traffic Engineering and the number of vehicles overtaken by the test vehicle is 74, find flow, density and average speed of the stream? 16. A roundabout is provided with an average entry width of 8.4m, width of weaving section as 14m, and length of the weaving section between channelizing islands as 35m, The crossing traffic and total traffic on the weaving are 1000 and 2000 PCU per hour respectively: The nearest rounded capacity of the roundabout (in PCU per hour) is (a)3300 (b) 3700 (©) 4300 (@) 5200 17, Determine the capacity of rotary road way for the following data: width of weaving section 6 length of weaving section 20 m proportion of weaving traffic 0.5 average width of the rotary road 5.5 m 18, Four legs in a rotary intersection are designated as 1,2,3 and 4. The traffic volume s (Vij) in terms of PCU/hour are given below. What is the proportion of weaving traffic to the total traffic in the weaving section between legs 2 and 3 ? What is the use of this value? (IES-01) [via [iso [vai [ 310 [vai [ 1520 [vai [30] vis [450 | vas | 200 [van | s70 [ven | i060 | [vie [an [vas [0 [vie [a0 [vas | wo 19. A road intersection has five legs designated as 1,2,3,4 and 5. Leg 1 is in N-S direction and others are marked clockwise. The traffic volumes in terms of PCU/hr (Vj) during peak petiod are given below. Find weaving ratio (ES-06) between the legs (1) and (2)? cas | var [12 [vst az | a | va | 5a V2 va [at_[vas [iva [62 v3s | 657 | vas [116 | vsa va vis [via (wis (RGDRREERR TEIN) eta [Nev Dati | Besson | Bhubaneswar | Viavads | Vinkapainam | Tirupati | Pane | Cheanal_] 20. For designing a 2- phase fixed type signal at an intersection having north-south and east-west road where only straight ahead traffic s permitted, the following data is available. The time lost per cycle is 12 seconds. The cycle length (seconds) as per Webster's approach is Faretee [Now | Set aa We ‘Design hour flow(PCUTh) | 1000 Saturation flow(PCU/hr) | 2500 (0)77 (a9 (a) 67 (87 21. In signal design as per Indian Roads Congress specifications, if the sum of the ratios of normal flows to saturation flow of two directional traffic flow is 0.50 and the total lost time per cycle is 10 seconds, the optimum eycle length in seconds is (GATE-07) (100 (b) 80 (©) 60 (a) 40 22. An intersection approach has an approach flow rate of 1000vph, a saturation flow rate of 2800vph, a cycle length of 90s, and effective green ratio for the approach 0.55. what average delay per vehicle is expected under these conditions? Also what is the critical capacity of the lane? 23. Design parameters for a signalized intersection are shown in the figure below. The green time calculated for major and minor roads are 34 and 18s, respectively. The critical land volume on the major road changes to 440 vehicles per hour per lane and the critical lane volume on the ‘minor road remains unchanged. The green time will (GATE-08) (a) increase for the major road and remain same for the minor road. (b) Increase for the major road and decrease for the minor road. (©) Decrease for both the roads. (d) Remain unchanged for both the roads. @ vat Fn ‘Tm wide ond, sino oad? lane 180vph il £660 vol (total rst ward tattie)> SsOvph(total left ward tac) Majorroud tne divided 140 wide 180vph (SREETI ead [Nov Dati | Heaps [Biches | Wind | Vetapamam | Tapa Pew | Gea 286: ‘Transportation Engineering 24. The cycle time of an intersection is 60 seconds, the green time for a phase is 27 seconds, and the corresponding yellow time is 4 seconds. If the saturation headway is 2.4 seconds/vehicle, the start-up lost time is 2 seconds/phase, and the clearance lost time is 1 second/phase, what is the capacity of the movement per lane in veb/hr? (@) 700 (b) 600 (© 500 (@) 400 aa SS Key Sheet Chapter - 1 Highway Development & Planning Level - 1 O1(d) 020d) 03.00) 04.(c) 05.6) 06a) 07d) 08.(b) 09a) 10.(4) 11) 12.04) 13.0) 14.6) 15.00) Level - 2 01.4) 024) Chapter - 2 Highway Alignment and Surveys Level - 1 O1(©) 02(d) 03a) 04(c) 05.(a) 06.(b) Chapter - 3 HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGN - BASIC ELEMENTS Level - 1 O1.(6) 02.(b) 03.(c) 04. (b) b) 06.(a) 07.(a) 08. (©) 09.(d) 10. (b) 11.(e) 12.(¢) 13.(b) 14. (6) (RTI NG Date entre | atancvar | Vanavada | ViaKapatam [Tina | Pane | Chena Chapter - 4 Highway Geometric Design ~Gradients Level-1 01.0.5 02.4% 03.(b) 04. (b) 05. (d) 06.(c) 07.(c) 08.(c) 09.(c) 10. (a) Level - 2 O1.(b) 02.(d) 03.(b) 04.(a) 05. (@) 06.(d) 07.(a) 08.0312 Chapter - 5 HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGN - SIGHT DISTANCES Level - 1 02.(a) 03. (b) 04. (c) 05. (b) 07.(b) 08.(@) 09. (b) 10. (b) 12.(6) 13.(@) 14.4@) 01.) 06. (a) © Level -2 O1.(c) <02.(e) 03. (d) 04. (b) 05. (0) 06. (a) 07.(c) 08.(b) 09.(d) 10.(c) 1.) 12.@ 13.) “Transportation Engineering Chapter -6 Highway Geometric Design —Overtaking Sight Distance (OSD) Level - 1 01. 256m and 132.2m 02.) 257m (ii) 3x257=771m 03, 3.27m Level - 2 02.(c) 03.(d) 04.(€) 05.(c) 07.(d) 08.(c) 0946) 01.0) 06. (b) Chapter -7 Highway Geometric Design -Horizontal Curves Level-1 03. (a) 08. (d) 13.(b) 18. (@) 23.@) 01.) 06. (b) 1.) 16. (0) 21.() 02. (b) 07. (b) 2@ 17. (a) 22. (b) 05. (b) 10. (b) 15. (a) 20.(c) 01. (a) 06. (b) IL@ 02.(b) 03. (b) 04. (d) 07.(b) 08.(c) 09. (a) 05. (a) 10. (b) (CSR te NS | Bena Bhbanar | Vinawade | VieKapamam | Tapa | Pane | Chea] Chapter - 8 Horizontal Curves (Extra Widening) Level - 2 02.(c) 03.(a) 04.(c) 05. () 07.(d) 08.(d) 09. (6) 10.(¢) 01. (b) 06. (a) Chapter -9 Setback Distance & Curve Resistance Level - 2 O1.(@) 02.() 03.) 04.(6) 05. (0) 06. (a) Chapter - 10 Highway Geometric Design - Transition Curves Level - 1 02.(b) 03. (d) 04. (b) 05. (c) 07.(d) 08. (b) 09.(b) 10. (d) 01. @) 06. (d) Level - 2 02.(d) 03.(€) 04.(¢) 05.(¢) 07.(c) 08. (a) 01. (@) 06. (c) ACE “Engineering Academy 189: Key sheet Chapter - 11 Chapter - 13 Highway Geometric Design - Vertical Highway Materials & Testing Curves Level - 1 Level -1 O1.(@) 02.(c) 03.(d) 04.(b) 05. (c) O1.(@) 02.0) 03.(b) 04.(@) 05. (b) 06. (a) 07.(6) 08.() 09.(a) 10. (b) 06.(c) 07. (@) 08. (b) I1.@) 12.6) 13.) 14.@) 15.4) 16.4) 17.(©) 18.(4) 19.(@) 20.(@) Level -2 21.(@) 22.(d) 23.) 24.) 25.(0) O1.(b) 02.() 03.(@) 04.6) 05.06) | 26. (4) 27.(a) 28.(@) 29.(d) 30.(d) 06.(b) 07.(b) 08. (a) | 31. 32. 33.@ 34.0) 35.@ 36.(6) 37.(b) 38.(6) 39.(@) 40.(d) 41.) 42.@) Chapter - 12 Highway Geometric Design - Level - 2 Valley Curves O1.(b) 02.(a) 03.(a) 04. (a) 05. (a) 06.(71.91%) 07. (d) Level-1 O1. (©) 02.(a) 03.(b) 04.(b) 05. (€) 06. (b) 07. (b) 08. (b) 09. (4) 10. (4) Chapter - 14 Pavement Design Level - 2 O1.(c) 02. (b) 03.(a) 04. (b) 05. (a) Level -1 O1. (@) 02.(6) 03.0) 04.(€) 05. (a) 06.(c) 07.(d) 08.(4) 09.(a) 10.(@) 11.4) 12.(6) 13.(@) 14. (a) (RSD cet New Dai | Benet | Bhabanenwar | Viwavada | Vinapatam | Tvpal | Pune | Cheuml Chapter - 15 Rigid Pavements Level - 1 O1.(@) 02.(€) 03.(@) 04.@) 05. (@) 06. (a) 07.(b) 08.(d) 09. (4) 10. (6) 1L.@) 12.0) Level -2 02. (a) 03.(d) 04,(a) 05. (b) 07.) 08.2. iderabad | New Delhi | Beng | Bhutancevar | Visvaveda | Voaihapatam | Tia | Pave | Chewal Transportation Engineering ‘Chapter - 16 ‘Traffic Engineering Level - 1 2.) 03.) 04.) 07.(@) 08. (6) 09.6) 12.) 13.0) 14.4) 17.0) 18.) 19.() 2.(a) 23.) 24.10) 27.(@) 28.() 29.) Level - 2 01.(d) 02. (@) 03. (@) 04. 75.4 & 74.07 kmph 05. 06.(c) 07.(4) 08.(b) 09.(¢) 10.(6) 11. (a) 12.(a) 13.32 &149velhr 14, 35,7 kmph 15. 860 veh/km, 17.2-veh/km, and $ km/hr 16.(b) 17.2064 vehvhr 18.0.8 19. 20.(b) 21.(d) 22. 14.2 3/veh.1540 velvbr 23. (a) 24, (700veb/hr)

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