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Type Testing of Cables and Accessories

Conference Paper · January 1999


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Sonja Monica Berlijn



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S.M. Berlijn, R.J.B. Gruntjes and G.P.T. Roelofs.
KEMA Nederland B.V., High-Voltage Laboratory
P.O. Box 9035, NL 6800 ET Arnhem,

Résumé Abstract
Parce que câbles et accessoires est une part très Because cables and accessories are an important
importante de infrastructure électrique, ils se sont part of the electric infrastructure they are subjected
soumettre des quelque essais. Un des essais est le to several tests. One of these tests are type tests.
essais de type. Par essais de type, quelque For type tests several standards are available. Type
standards sont disponible. Essais de type de câble testing of cables and accessories is not a
et des accessoires ne sont pas superflu luxe, parce superfluous luxury, while it appears that around 26%
que 26% des objets échouer de essais de type á of the objects do not pass the type tests because of
cause de faute de concept. Le nombre de échouer design failures. The failure rate for accessories
de câbles (17%) sont plus bas que le nombre de (33%) is higher than for cables (17%). For
échouer de accessoires (33%). Pour accessoires, accessories, VDE 278 is a severe standard, 50% of
VDE 278 est un standard très difficile, 50% des the objects does not pass type tests according to this
objets échouer de essais de types. Une tendance standard. No clear trend in failure rate can be seen
distinct par le chiffre de échouer dans les années, over the years, although the failure rate of
c’est ne pas visible, mais le nombre de échouer des accessories has the tendency to increase.
accessoires a la tendance par monter.
Introduction Standards used for type testing of cables and
Cables and accessories are an important part of the
electric infrastructure. The necessity of a high quality At this moment there are several national and
of manufacturing is basically expected [1]. Because international standards for testing of MV and HV
of this, cables and accessories are subjected to cables and accessories. The most applied
several tests in several manufacturing stages. One international standards can be divided into four
can distinguish between for instance pre-qualification categories, according to the nominal voltage:
tests, type tests, routine tests, acceptance tests and • 150 – 500 kV, IEC 602675 in preparation
after laying tests. • 6 – 30 kV, e.g. IEC 60502-2 and -4 and VDE 278
These tests can be performed according to different • 30 – 150 kV, e.g. IEC 60840
standards, depending on the rated voltage of the • 1 and 3 kV, e.g. IEC 60502-1
cable or accessory and the requirements of the From the 166 type tests performed in six years time,
purchaser, for instance VDE 278 [2], IEC 60502 [3], most tests are performed according to IEC 60840,
IEC 60840 [4], etc. IEC 60502 and VDE 278, as is shown in Figure 1.
To prove the correct design of the cable and
accessories, type tests are often required. The
manufacturer and the utilities have to make choices
between several standards and they have to decide 50
if only the cable or accessories will be tested or that
Number of type tests

the combination that will be used will be tested. 40

In this paper results will be presented of type tests 30

performed on cables and accessories during the last

six years (1993-1998) at KEMA High-Voltage
Laboratory. Figures are presented about the total 10
number of cables and accessories tested, according
to which standard, the number of failures and causes 0
IEC 840 IEC 502 VDE 278 Other
of the failures. At the end of the paper some
conclusions are drawn and some recommendations
Figure 1 Number of type tests performed as a
are given.
function of the standard
The category other standards contains for instance The electrical and non-electrical type tests as
Canadian or Dutch standards, however the number described in part 2 are in general the same as the
of tests performed per standard is not enough to tests described in IEC 60840. Regarding the
make any statistical analysis. The three standards electrical type tests two important differences can be
used most for type testing and a new standard are mentioned. In the first place, IEC 60502 requires the
explained in the following four paragraphs. heating cycle test to be performed without applying
voltage and with a heating cycle of at least 8 hours
IEC 60267 duration. IEC 60840 requires a heating cycle of at
least 24 hours duration and continuously voltage
Until now no official IEC standard is available for should be applied to the sample. The number of
tests for power cables with extruded insulation and cycles amounts to 20 for both standards.
their accessories above 150 kV (Um=170 kV). At this
moment the International Electrotechnical Secondly, the maximum allowed dielectric loss factor
Commission is preparing a new standard for rated for XLPE insulation in accordance with IEC 60840 is
voltages above 150 kV up to 500 kV. The pre- much lower than the requirement in IEC 60502-2.
qualification test will be one of the tests, described in The non-electrical type tests in both standards are
this standard. The publication of the final draft is to comparable and have the same purpose: checking
be expected in the beginning 2001. the properties of the cable materials.

IEC 60840 VDE 278

In February 1999 the first edition (from 1988) has VDE 278 is a German standard for power cable
been replaced by the second edition. The first edition accessories with extruded insulation for rated
of IEC 60840 only describes test methods and voltages up to 30 kV. The latest edition was
requirements for power cables with extruded published in November 1997 and consists of
insulation for rated voltages above 30 kV up to different parts, which are based on the
150 kV. Harmonisation Documents. VDE 278 is describing
Type tests consist of the following electrical tests: tests for the following type of accessories: joints, in-
bending test, partial discharge test, tan δ and outdoor terminations, stop-ends and cable
measurement, heating cycle voltage test, partial connectors. The VDE 278 was a more severe
discharge measurement, impulse withstand test and standard for accessories than the IEC 60502 from
a power frequency voltage test. Furthermore a 1993, the latest edition is in general equal to, the
number of non-electrical type tests are required in now more severe, part 4 of IEC 60502.
order to test the properties of the materials. Results of type tests performed
This standard is often used for performing type tests
on HV cables as can be seen in Figure 1. Although Data used for analysis
the first edition of IEC 60840 does not describe tests
From 1993 until 1998, 166 Type test are performed
for accessories of power cables for rated voltages
on cables and accessories for around 50 different
above 30 kV up to 150 kV, some manufacturers
customers. From these 166 type tests, 75 were
have performed type tests according to IEC 60840
performed on cables and 91 on accessories. In
on a cable with joints and terminations as is shown in
Figure 2 it is shown how this is divided over different
Figure 1. Apparently there was a need for a
standard for accessories, therefor, a new edition has
been published which replaces the first edition and
describes tests for both power cables with extruded Transition joints
insulation and their accessories for the same voltage 5%
rating. Regarding the test programme no major Crossbonding
changes have occurred. joints
All figures presented in this paper are related to tests
performed in accordance with the first edition. Straight-through
joints Cables
19% 46%
IEC 60502
Since April 1997, this standard consists of three
parts (1, 2 and 4) under the general title: Power
cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
for rated voltages from 1 kV up to 30 kV, which Terminations
replace the former IEC 60502 (1993). Part 2 and 23%
part 4 of IEC 60502 concern rated voltages from 6
kV up to 30 kV for tests on respectively cables and
Figure 2 Data used for analysis
Number of type tests not passed seen that the failure rate per year is depending more
on the standard according which the type tests have
Of the 166 Type tests performed, 123 were passed
been performed than on the years.
and 43 were not passed. In this number the number
of tests not passed because of an assembling or
manufacturing failure is not included. Thus, 26% of
the type tests are not passed because of design 40%

failures. The number of type tests not passed, 35%

including assembling and manufacturing faults is 30%

failure rate in %
much larger.

Remarkable, but logic, is that the percentage of tests 20%

not passed for accessories in general is considerable
higher (33%) than for cables (17%). As is shown in
Figure 3, the failure rate is the highest for cross- 10%

bonding joints (50%). 5% Cables

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

50 year
Failure rate in %

40 Figure 5 Trend in failure rate

Therefor, it can be concluded that the general failure
20 rate for accessories will increase with the
introduction of the new IEC 60502-4.
The trend is not shown for each type of accessory
Cables Transition Terminations Straight- Cross- separately since the numbers are too few.
joints trough joints bonding
Figure 3 Failure rate for different objects 18
IEC 60840
VDE 278
Failure rate as a function of the standard
Number of tests

12 IEC 60502

From Figure 4 it can be seen that for accessories for 10

ratings 6-30 kV the failure rate is significant higher 8
for tests performed according to VDE 278 (around 6
50%) than for tests performed according to 4
IEC 60502 (around 10%). For cables the failure rate
for tests according to IEC 60840 is higher than for
tests according to IEC 60502. 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Figure 6 Number of tests per standard per year
for cables
Failure rate in %

30% other

30 IEC 60840
VDE 278
IEC 60502
Number of tests


IEC 50502 VDE 278 IEC 60840 Other
Figure 4 Failure rate for cables and accessories
for different standards 5

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Trend Year

At first sight, no clear trend can be seen over the Figure 7 Number of tests per standard per year
years in Figure 5. When taking into account the for accessories
figures presented in Figure 6 and Figure 7 it can be
Failure cause Several standards for type tests are available,
From the 43 faults, 13 appeared in cables and 30 in however the differences in requirements are
accessories. The faults can be divided into 4 nowadays smaller than they were before. For type
categories as can be seen in Table 1. In some types tests of accessories according to IEC 60502, this
of cables and accessories multiple faults occurred. implies that the type tests will be more severe. This
This can happen, because for type tests more than will cause that the failure rate for accessories will go
one loop is used. It can therefor occur that a cable or up in the future.
accessory does not pass the short-circuit test, does From the 166 type tests performed the percentage of
not pass the non-electrical tests and fails during the tests not passed for accessories considerable higher
heating cycle. (33%) than for the percentage not passed cables
(17%). The failure rate is the highest for cross-
Table 1 Number of faults for different moments in
bonding joints.
the type tests
Remarkable is that before the heating cycle test
Moment in Cables Accessories starts, around 70% of the cables has already not
type tests passed the type tests, while this percentage for
non-electrical 7 2 accessories is much smaller.
tests Since a number of faults during the heating cycle test
before heating 4 10 is caused because of the interaction between cable
cycle and accessories and because sometimes the object
that is not under test fails, it is important to test
during heating 3 9 combinations. As is well known the strength of a
cycle chain is the strength of its weakest link.
after heating 2 13
From these figures it can be seen that for cables
around 70% of the faults occur in the first two stages,
while for accessories this is only around 35%. Most [1] General reports, Group 21, Electra, February
faults in the before the heating cycle stage are the 1999, No 182, page 53
presence of partial discharges for both cables and
[2] VDE 278, Starkstromkabel-Garnituren für
accessories. In some of the cables a breakdown
Nennspannung U bis 30 kV, Anforderungen und
occurred when the voltage was increased towards
the tests level. From the 9 faults of accessories
during the heating cycle 5 of them were because of [3] IEC 60502, : Power cables with extruded
the difference of shrinking properties of the cable insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
and the accessories [6]. from 1 kV up to 30 kV
Conclusions and recommendations [4] IEC 60840, Power cables with extruded insulation
and their accessories for rated voltages from 30 kV
Since cables and accessories are an important part
up to 150 kV,
of the electric infrastructure and because 26% of the
type tests are not passed because of design failures, [5] IEC60267, Power cables with extruded insulation
type tests are nowadays necessary. From the figures and their accessories for rated voltages from 150 kV
about the trend it can not be concluded that the up to 500 kV.
failure rate will go down or go up, so also in the
[6] S.M. Benda-Berlijn and G.P.T. Roelofs, ‘Type
future type tests will be important.
testing of cables and accessories, a way to improve
the quality of these products?’, 10th ISH ’97,
Montreal, volume 4.

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