Image Processing (Mcae501B) Set I (Multiple Choice Type Questions)

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(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

1. In image processing technique the input and output are

a) low quality image and improved quality image b) description and image
c) image and description d) low quality image and image/description.

2. An image function f(x, y) is characterized by f(x, y) = i(x, y)r(x, y) where

a) 0 < i(x, y) < 1 & 0 < r(x, y) < ∞ b) 0 < i(x, y) < 1 & 0 < r(x, y) < 1
c) 0 < i(x, y) < ∞ & 0 < r(x, y) < ∞ d) 0 < i(x, y) < ∞ & 0 < r(x, y) < 1

3. Sampling of an image is required for

a) Quantization b) Sharpening
c) Smoothing d) Digitization.

4. The effect, caused by the use of an insufficient number of gray levels in smooth areas of a digital image is
a) false contouring b) gray level slicing
c) bit plane d) thinning

5. Intensity range of 8-bit pixel image is

a) 0 ot 7 b) 0 to 15
c) 0 ot 31 d) 0 to 255

6. Consider an image of size M X N with 64 gray levels. The total number of bits required to store this digitized
image is
a) M X N X 64 b) M X N X 63
c) M X N X 6 d) M X N X 8

7. An image of size 1024 × 1024 pixels in which the intensity of each pixel is an 8 bit quantity requires the
storage space ( if not compressed )
a) 1 KB b) 1 MB
c) 2 KB d) 2 MB

8. A pixel p at coordinates ( x, y ) has four horizontal and vertical neighbours whose coordinates are given by
a) ( x – 1, y – 1 ), ( x – 1, y ), ( x, y – 1 ), ( x, y + 1 )
b) ( x + 1, y ), ( x – 1, y ), ( x, y + 1 ), ( x, y – 1 )
c) ( x + 1, y – 1 ), ( x – 1, y ), ( x – 1, y + 1 ), ( x, y + 1 )
d) ( x + 1, y ), ( x + 1, y – 1 ), ( x, y + 1 ), ( x – 1, y + 1 ).

9. In 8-distance measurement system distance between centre pixel and a corner pixel is
a) 2 unit b) √2 unit
c) 1 unit d) 1.5 unit

10. The D8 distance (chessboard distance) between p and q with coordinates (x, y), (s, t) is defined as
a) | x – s | + | y – t | b) max( | x – s |, | y – t | )
2 2
c) [( x – s ) + ( y – t ) ] ½ d) min( | x – s |, | y – t | )
(Long Answer Type Questions)

1. Define a digital image? What is understood by pixel? What is understood by luminance and

2. What do you mean by Digital Image Processing? Discuss the different Application areas of Digital
image processing?

3. Explain the fundamental steps in Digital Image Processing.

4. Briefly explain about the different components of a typical image processing system.

5. Write a short note on image acquisition technique using a sensor array.

6. Describe the elements of visual perception, clearly indicating image formation, brightness
adaptation and discrimination in the eye.

7. Explain the following terms with respect to digital image capturing:

i) Sampling
ii) Quantization

8. Explain neighbours of a pixel. Discuss 4-adjacency, 8-adjacency and m-adjacency in this context.

9. Explain the terms connectivity, path, region and boundary.

10. Explain Euclidean distance, city-block distance and chessboard distance.

11. Consider the image segment shown.

3 1 2 1(q)
2 2 0 2
1 2 1 1
(p)1 0 1 2

Let V = {0, 1} and compute the lengths of the shortest 4-, 8-, and m-path between p and q. If a
particular path does not exist between these two points, explain why.

12. Consider two 8-bit images whose intensity levels span the full range from 0 to 255.
a) Discuss the limiting effect of repeatedly subtracting image 2 from image 1. Assume that the
result is also represented in 8 bits.
b) Would reversing the order of the images yield a different result?

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