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Subject : Bridge & Deck Procedures Check Lists

Section : BDP-021 Page : 1 of 1
Issue Date : June 15 2016 Authorised by : General Manager
Issue Status : Zero (0) Prepared by : C&C Department


This section comprises Check-lists pertaining to Bridge Procedures. The Check-lists

are to be completed, signed and filed as per instructions given on each check-list.

21.1. Index Of Check-Lists

No. Content Issue Revise

CL-D01 Bridge Equipment Familiarization Checklist 3 01/2009

CL-D02 Bridge Equipment Test Checklist 3 01/2009

CL-D03 Departure Preparation Checklist 5 01/2009

CL-D04 Arrival Preparation Checklist 2 16/2007

CL-D05 Pilotage Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D06 Vessel Information For Pilot 3 08/2010

CL-D07 Bridge Watch - Underway Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D08 Bridge Watch - Deep Sea Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D09 Bridge Watch - Coastal Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D10 Change Over Of Bridge Watch Checklist 2 16/2007

CL-D16 Restricted Visibility Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D12 Navigation In Heavy Weather Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D13 Anchoring Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D14 Anchor Watch Checklist 1 16/2007

CL-D15 Navigation Charts Correction Record 0 04/2010

CL-D16 Fire/Safety Night Round Checklist 0 08/2010


Bridge Equipment Familiarization Checklist

This Checklist is to be completed by all new Masters and Deck Officers upon joining the vessel to verify that they
are familiar with the location and operation of the vessel’s Bridge Equipment. The completed Checklist shall be
filed in the “Bridge Checklist” File located on the Bridge and should be readily accessible. Records of this
Checklist are to be retained for a minimum of ONE year. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck
Procedures Manual”.
Operation of Gyro Compass / Repeaters
Operation of Magnetic Compass
Operation of Speed / Distance
Log Operation of Echo Sounder
Operation of Radio DirectionFinder
Operation of Radar
Operation of ARPA
Operation of Electronic Navigational Fixing Aids
Operation of Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)
Operation of Steering Gear - Manual, Auto-Pilot, Change over to Emergency
Operation of Navigation Lights and Emergency Navigation Lights
Operation of NUC Lights and Signal Lights
Operation of Deck, Overside and Bridge Lighting Panels
Location and Operation of Whistle Controls
Operation of Telegraphs and Bridge Control of Main Engine
Operation of Bow Thruster
Operation of Engine Movement Recorder
Operation of Internal Communication
Systems Operation of VHF Radios
Operation of Weather Facsimile
Operation of GMDSS
Operation of Orion Onboard Guidance System
Emergency Changeover Procedure in event of Main Power
Failure Location and Operation of Alarms and Indicators
Location and Operation of Fire and Hazard Monitoring Equipment on Bridge
Location and Operation of Safety and Distress Equipment on Bridge
Location and Operation of Ancillary Bridge Equipment
Location of Charts and Nautical Publications
Location and Operation of Meteorological Equipment
Location and Operation of Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (SVDR)
Location and Operation of Water Ingress Alarm System

Completed by : Verified by :

_________________________ _________________________
Name : Master
Rank : m.v.
Date :
FORM CL-D01 – Rev.4, 06/2016

Bridge Equipment Test Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by a Certificated Deck Officer at least ONE hour prior to S.B.E. To verify the
operation of the vessel’s Bridge Equipment. After verification by the Master an entry shall be made in the Deck
Log Book, with the time, stating CL-D02 completed and any deficiency noted. Reference is available in the
“Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual”.

The following equipment is to be operationally tested and ready to use at least ONE hour prior to S.B.E.

Gyro Compass / Repeaters

Magnetic Compass
Speed / Distance Log
Echo Sounder
Radio Direction Finder
Electronic Navigational Fixing Aids
Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)
Two Steering Motors running
Steering Gear - Manual, Auto-Pilot, Change over to Emergency
Navigation Lights and Emergency Navigation Lights
NUC Lights and Signal Lights
Deck, Overside and Bridge Lighting Panels
Whistle Controls
Telegraphs and Bridge Control of Main Engine
Bow Thruster
Course Recorder
Engine Movement Recorder - Marked, Time Up-dated and Signed
Internal Communication Systems
VHF Radios
Emergency Changeover Procedure in event of Main Power Failure
Alarms and Indicators
Fire and Hazard Monitoring Equipment on Bridge
Safety and Distress Equipment on Bridge
Ancillary Bridge Equipment
Bridge / Engine Room Clocks Synchronized

Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (SVDR)

Water Ingress Alarm System

FORM CL-D02 – Rev.4. 06/2016


Departure Preparation Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by a Certificated Deck Officer prior to the vessel’s departure from every port
and Canal. After verification by the Master an entry shall be made in the Deck Log Book, with the time, stating
CL-D03 completed and any deficiencies noted. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures

Ocean Routes route Recommendation Checked on O.G.S.

Passage Plan Prepared and Posted on Chart Table
Port Information File updated and Posted on Chart Table
Charts and Nautical Publications Prepared and Courses Laid
off Tides and Currents Calculated and posted on Chart Table
Weather Report and Surface Analyse Facsimile Received
Navigation Warnings Received
Pilot Boarding Time Confirmed and Advised to Department Heads
Bridge Equipment Operational Test as per Bridge Equipment Test
Checklist Cargo Operations Completed
Lashings Completed and Checked
Draft Read and Displayed on Bridge
Stability Calculated and Found to Satisfy All
Criteria Confirmed all Personnel Onboard
Mandatory Shipboard Search Carried Out & Form D52 Completed.
Cargo Papers Checked and Onboard
Port Clearance and Ship’s Certificates Onboard
Agent given Departure Condition and Informed of ETA at Next
Port Pilot Boards, unberthing and Harbour Passage Plan Confirmed
All Shore Personnel Disembarked and Gangway Raised/Secured
Crew Called to Mooring Stations
Anchors Cleared Away, clear of freezing ice, warp back or drop tested and ready for
Use Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.) input data / setting completed
Situation checked to ensure safety of the vessel to sail/shift from this port.
Duct Keel Access closed/secured
Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (SVDR) checked in good functioning.
Water Ingress Alarm System checked in good functioning.

FORM CL-D03 – Rev.6, 06/2016


Arrival Preparation Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by a Certificated Deck Officer prior to the vessel’s arrival at every port and
Canal. After verification by the Master an entry shall be made in the Deck Log Book, with the time, stating CL-
D04 completed and any deficiencies noted. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual”.

ETA Reported to Pilot Station at Appropriate Time

Vessel Traffic Information Reports made (if required)
Passage Plan, Port Information File, Sailing Directions and Other Navigation Information Studied
Minimum & Maximum Depths of Water in Port Approaches, Channels & at Berth Calculated
Draft / Trim Limitations Noted
Ballast Re-arranged if necessary to Meet Draft / Trim Limitations
Draft / Trim Calculated and Displayed on Bridge
Tide and Current Information Calculated and Posted
Navigational Warnings Received
Weather Report Received
VHF Channels for Various Ports Services Posted
Vessel Information for Pilot Prepared
Master Called
Duty engineer Officer Informed of ETA and Vessel’s Intentions
Deck Officers and Ratings Called as Necessary
All Navigational Equipment tested and Availability Confirmed
Two Steering Motors Running and Tested - Primary & Secondary Systems
Bridge / Engine Room Clocks Synchronised
Course Recorders & Engine Movement Recorder - Marked, Time up-dated &
Signed All Appropriate Flag / Light Signals Displayed
Manual Steering Engaged in Sufficient Time for Helmsman to become Accustomed
before Manoeuvring Commenced
Pilot Embarkation Arrangements
Prepared Anchors Cleared Away
Gradual Decrease of Main Engine RPM to Manoeuvring RPM
Prior to Pilot Boarding Test Main Engine Astern and Test Bow
Thruster Crew Called to Standby Stations Fore & Aft
Primary & Secondary Communications Between Bridge & Mooring Stations Verified
Mooring Equipment Prepared and Winches Tested
Situation checked to ensure safety of the vessel to anchor/berth

FORM CL-D04 – Rev.3, 06/2016


Pilotage Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by a Certificated Deck Officer prior to the vessel’s arrival and departure at every
port and Canal. After verification by the Master an entry shall be made in the Deck Log Book, with the time,
stating CL-D05 completed and any deficiencies noted. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures

Embarkation / Disembarkation Of Pilot

ETA Sent to Pilot Station

Side From Which Pilot Will Embark / Disembark Agreed
Engine Room Given ONE Hour Notice of ETA
Ratings Called for Preparation of Embarkation / Disembarkation Arrangements
Pilot Embarkation / Disembarkation Arrangements and Ancillary Equipment Checked and Prepared
Deck Officer Available to Supervise Pilot Embarkation / Disembarkation
Communications Between Bridge and Deck Officer Verified

The presence of the Pilot on the Bridge does not relieve the Master or the Officer of the
Watch from their responsibilities for the Safe Navigation and Safety of the Vessel.

Master / Pilot Information Exchange

Pilot Supplied with Vessel Information Sheet

Pilot Proposed Track, Passage Plan, Contingency Plan and Available Anchorage’s Along Route
Explained and Agreed Upon
Pilot informed of Present Course and Engine Command
Tide, Currents, Wind Force / Direction, Visibility Expected Along Route
Berthing / Unberthing Plan including Availability and use of Tugs and other External Facilities
Agreed by Master and Pilot
The Safe Progress of the Vessel in Relation to the Agreed Track and Plan Constantly Monitored
by the Master and the Officer on Watch
The Execution of all Orders Verified
Pilot Informed / familiarization of Position of Life Saving Appliances Provided for His
Use Under-Keel Clearance :_____________M
Mooring lay out: Head lines: __________ pcs ; Fore. Spring lines: __________ pcs
Stern lines: __________ pcs; Aft Spring lines: __________ pcs

FORM CL-D05 – Rev.3, 06/2016


Vessel Information For Pilot

Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual”.
* Please delete as appropriate

Port : * Arrival / Departure /Shifting Date :

Owner :
Agent :

Net Tonnage : Gross Tonnage :

L.O.A. : Breadth :
Bridge to Bow : Bridge to Stern :

Draft For’d : Draft Aft. :

#Air Draft :
#Air draft = the height from waterline to the top of the mast or the highest point of the ship.
Please consult with the Pilot of the following information and fill in checklist CL-D05 for
reference:-1. Under keel clearance. 2. Mooring plan.
 Please delete as appropriate.

The Vessel is *able / unable to propel on her own *and is declared as a “dead-ship”
(outof own propulsion)
The Vessel *is / is not fitted with Bow Thruster. B.H.P. : _____________
Main Engine is *Diesel / Heavy Fuel. *Single / Twin Screw. Right / Left

Engine Order R.P.M. Speed in Knots

Full Ahead __________ ________________

Half Ahead __________ ________________
Slow Ahead __________ ________________
Dead Slow Ahead __________ ________________
Sea Speed __________ ________________

Engine Response Timing *Laden / Ballast

Ahead / Stop Mins. Mins.
Stop / Reverse Mins. Mins.
Slow / Full Mins. Mins.
Engine Standby Notification Required : Hour(s). For inland / river steaming
Has the vessel’s maneouvring characteristics displayed on bridge been pointed out to pilot ? YesNo

Completed by : Verified by : Acknowledged by :

___________________ ___________________ ____________________

Name : Master Pilot
Rank : m.v. Name :
Date :
FORM CL-D06 – Rev.4, 06/2016

Bridge Watch - Underway Checklist

This Checklist is to be completed by all Deck Officers prior to their First Bridge Watch upon joining the vessel.
The completed Checklist shall be filed in the “Bridge Checklist” File located on the Bridge. Records of this
Checklist are to be retained for a minimum of ONE year. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck
Procedures Manual”.

The Officer of the Watch shall always bear in mind that his primary responsibility is the Safe Navigation of the

Bridge Procedures read and fully understood and complied with

Officer On Watch is not to leave the Bridge unless properly relieved by a Certificated Deck
Officer or the Master
Good lookout, both visual and audible maintained at all times
Extra lookouts posted as required in reduced visibility or when lookout is required as wheel
man International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea complied with at all times
Position fixed frequently utilizing all available means. Reliance on single method of position fixing
to be avoided if possible
Change from Auto-Pilot to Hand Steering early, especially when passing in the close proximity
of land, shallow water or other vessels
Inform the Master immediately when :-
1. Reduced visibility
2. Shore lights appear unexpectedly or doubtful lights are observed
3. Difficulty is experienced in maintaining the vessel’s course
4. Traffic conditions or movement of other vessels cause concern
5. Any unusual occurrence such as colour of the water, the run of the sea, threatening appearance
of the weather, circumstances affecting the ship or the engines and anything else of an abnormal
6. Light or other navigation object is not visible at the expected range
7. Breakdown or failure of any of the Navigation Equipment or Electronic Navigational Aids
8. Contact on VHF or NAVTEX regarding Safety
9. At any time when in any doubt

Despite calling or informing the Master as required, the Officer of the Watch should not hesitate to take
immediate action for the safety of the vessel, cargo or crew, where circumstances so require, or as required by
the ordinary practice of seaman.
The presence of the Master or a Pilot on the Bridge does not relieve the Officer of the Watch of his duties for the
safe navigation of the vessel. He shall continue to be an important member of the Navigation Team constantly
monitoring the safe navigation of the vessel and giving advice to the Master and/or the Pilot.
At the end of the Watch after being properly relieved, Fire and Safety Rounds of the vessel are to be carried out
and the Officer of the Watch informed upon completion of Rounds and entry made in the Deck Log Book.

Completed by : Verified by :

_________________________ _________________________
Name : Master
Rank : m.v.
Date : From __________ To __________(Port)

FORM CL-D07 – Rev.2, 06/2016


Bridge Watch - Deep Sea Checklist

This Checklist is to be completed by all Deck Officers prior to their First Bridge Watch upon joining the vessel.
The completed Checklist shall be filed in the “Bridge Checklist” File located on the Bridge. Records of this
Checklist are to be retained for a minimum of ONE year. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck
Procedures Manual”.

Standing Orders and Master’s Orders and complied with

Corrected charts and nautical publications available
Courses for the Watch checked and laid off well clear of all
dangers Passage Plan consulted
Special points of navigational interest noted
Estimated time of next alteration of course calculated
Navigational Equipment tested and in good working
order Gyro and Magnetic compass errors verified
Gyro and Magnetic compass compared
frequently Navigation Light on
VHF monitoring Channel 16
Smoke and Fire Detection systems operable
Navigational Warning received and noted
Weather reports received and noted
Weather facsimile surface analysis chart received
WNI Weather observation completed and transmitted
Sun or Star sights taken whenever possible
Position fixed by Satellite Navigator. Loran, Decca..etc
Weather and tendency of barometer constantly monitored
Clocks adjusted when necessary
Lookout maintained throughout the Watch
Deck Log Book entries made
Fire and Safety Round of the vessel made at end of the Watch and Officer of the Watch
informed and entry made in Deck Log Book.

Completed by : Verified by :

_________________________ _________________________
Name : Master
Rank : m.v.
Date : From ___________ To _________(Port)

FORM CL-D08 – Rev.2, 06/2016


Bridge Watch - Coastal Checklist

This Checklist is to be completed by all Deck Officers prior to their First Bridge Watch upon joining the vessel.
The completed Checklist shall be filed in the “Bridge Checklist” File located on the Bridge. Records of this
Checklist are to be retained for a minimum of ONE year. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck
Procedures Manual”.

As for BRIDGE WATCH - DEEP SEA (CL-D08) with additionally as following :-

Following factors are to be taken into consideration :-

1. Advice / recommendations in Sailing Directions
2. The close proximity of the vessel to the shore and dangers
3. Depth of water and vessel’s draft
4. Tides and currents
5. Weather particularly in areas renowned for poor visibility
6. Degree of accuracy of navigational aids and navigational fixes
7. Day light / night time passing of danger areas
8. Concentration of fishing vessels
9. Traffic density
10. Traffic separation scheme
Position fixed at regular intervals, particularly when navigating in, or in the vicinity of
Traffic Separation Scheme
Position of buoys or other floating marks to be used with caution
Position fixed whenever possible by :-
1. Visual rather than radar
2. Radar range rather than radar bearing
3. Near rather than distant objects
4. Visual fix rather than electronic fix
5. Check one method by another - visual checked against radar
6. When in shallow waters soundings should be checked
Care exercised when transferring position to the next chart
Likelihood of encountering small poorly lit or unlit craft
Gyro and magnetic compass errors verified after each alteration of
course Appropriate publications referred to for effect of tidal streams or
currents Effects of “squat” on under-keel clearance in shallow waters
When navigating in, or in the vicinity of Traffic Separation Schemes, Rule 10 of the
International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea should be complied with
Vessel Traffic Reporting Scheme reports made where necessary
Anti-Piracy security measures taken in Piracy Risk waters

Completed by : Verified by :

________________________ _________________________
Name : Master
Rank : m.v.
Date : From __________ To __________(Port)

FORM CL-D09 – Rev.2, 06/2016


Change Over of Bridge Watch Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by all Deck Officers prior to every occasion of their change over of bridge watch.
After verification, an entry shall be made in the Deck Log Book, with the time, stating CL-D10 completed and any
deficiency noted. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual”.

The Change Over of the Navigational Watch “Must Be” postponed if

engaged in collision avoidance action or charted course alteration.

The Relieving Officer (on) should carry out the following

Read and note Standing Orders and Master’s Order

Book Read and note Navigation Warnings
Study latest weather report and surface analysis facsimile
Study chart(s) of area vessel will transit during his watch and check
courses Study relevant section of Passage Plan

The Relieved Officer (off) is to inform the following to his successor

Vessel’s position, true / gyro / magnetic courses, speed and

draft Prevailing set / drift of tide / current
Weather and visibility encountered
Condition and operational status of navigational aids /
equipment Operational status of Automatic Identification
System (A.I.S.) Gyro and magnetic compass errors
Radar heading error
Vessels in the vicinity and movement relative to own vessel
Identification of shore lights, navigation marks / aids coast line both visually and on
radar Conditions and hazards likely to be encountered
Steering and effect of heel, trim, squat, weather helm

The Officer of the Watch is to satisfy himself that the Relieving Officer and Rating(s) are in capable condition to
take over the watch.

The Relieving Officer is to ensure his sight is properly adjusted before taking over the watch.

FORM CL- D10 Rev.3, 06/2016


Restricted Visibility Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by the Officer on watch on every occasion where visibility of
less than three miles is experienced. After verification by the Master an entry shall be made in
the Deck Log Book, with the time, stating CL-D16 completed and any deficiencies noted.
Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual”.

Reduction to safe speed in accordance with International Regulations for

Prevention of Collisions at Sea.
Both Radars & ARPA operating and plotting commenced. Radars to be operated
in different ranges
Prescribed Fog Signal sounded
Two steering motors running
Hand steering engaged if in close proximity to other vessels or heavy
traffic Master called
Engine room placed on S.B.E., or main engine on wheelhouse
control Lookouts posted (audio and visual)
Echo sounder operating, if in area of soundings
VHF operating on Channel 16 and any other locally required
Channel All watertight doors closed
If position is in doubt, possibility of anchoring should be considered

Remarks :-

FORM CL-D16 – Rev.2, 06/2016


Navigation in Heavy Weather Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by Officer of the watch on every occasion where heavy weather is expected or
encountered. After verification by the Master an entry shall be made in the Deck Log Book, with the time, stating
CL-D12 completed and any deficiencies noted. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures

The observation of the weather is one of the primary duties of the Officer of the watch.
Every available means is to be taken to give the earliest warning of the out set of heavy weather and
this means should include :-

1. Visual observation of the weather, wind, sea and swell

2. Tendency of the barometer
3. Radio weather forecasts
4. Weather facsimile surface analysis and prognosis charts

If heavy weather is expected please check the following

Master informed
Engine Room informed
All ships personnel informed
Water tight doors and access hatches closed and
secured Port and deadlights closed and secured
Moveable objects on Deck secured
Moveable objects Under Deck secured
Moveable objects in the Engine Room secured
Moveable objects in the Accommodation secured
Container and Break bulk cargo lashings checked and tightened
Gangway, pilot gangway and pilot ladder lashings checked
Anchor lashings checked
Air vents to store rooms and spaces on Forecastle and upper deck closed
Vessel’s course and speed adjusted as necessary
Crew warned to avoid upper deck areas
Safety lines rigged where necessary
Instructions issued on schedule of monitoring of weather reports and weather facsimile
surface analysis and prognosis
Instructions issued on schedule of transmitting weather reports from the vessel to the
appropriate authorities
Instructions issued on schedule of recording weather in Deck Log
Book Two steering motors running
Verified with engine room that stand by generator running

FORM CL-D12 – Rev.2, 06/2016


Anchoring Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by Officer of the watch on every occasion the vessel is proceeding to anchor.
After verification by the Master an entry shall be made in the Deck Log Book, with the time, stating CL-D13
completed and any deficiencies noted. Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual”.

ETA reported to Port Authority

Vessel Traffic Information reports made (if required)
Passage Plan, Port Information File, Sailing Directions & other navigation information studied
Anchoring Plan prepared taking into account :-
1. Speed reduction and S.B.E. in ample time
2. Direction / Strength of wind, current and tidal stream when manoeuvring at slow speed
3. Adequate room particularly to leeward
Minimum and maximum depths of water in port approaches, channels and at anchorage calculated
Draft limitations noted
Ballast re-arranged if necessary to meet Draft limitation
Draft / trim calculated and displayed on Bridge
Tide and Current information calculated and posted
Navigational warnings received
Weather report received
VHF Channels for various Port services
posted Master called
Duty engineer Officer informed of ETA and vessel’s
intentions Deck Officer and anchor party called
All navigational equipment tested and availability confirmed
Steering gear tested in primary and secondary systems
Bridge / Engine room clocks synchronized
Course recorder & Engine movement recorder - marked, time up-dated and signed
All appropriate flag / lights signals displayed
Hand steering engaged in sufficient time for helmsman to become accustomed before
manoeuvring Anchor party stand-by forward and communications established / verified
Anchor cleared away
Gradual decrease of main engine RPM to manoeuvring RPM
Prior to arrival at anchorage test main engine astern and test bow thruster
Anchor lowered to above waterline and readied for letting go (if depth of water more than 30M,
anchor to be walked back to ONE shackle in the water once the vessel has arrived at anchorage
After anchoring anchor lights / balls displayed and navigation lights extinguished
Anchor time and position reported to Port Authority
Anchor watch established and engine room informed of notice of readiness

FORM CL-D13 – Rev.2, 06/2016


Anchor Watch Checklist

This Checklist is to be observed by Officer of the watch during anchor-watch. After verification by the Master an
entry shall be made in the Deck Log Book, with the time, stating CL-D14 completed and any deficiencies noted.
Reference is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual”.

Under no circumstances is the Bridge to be left unattended

Master’s Order Book read and signed
At least one Radar in operation at all times
Vessel’s position plotted and verified at frequent intervals
Position of other vessels monitored
Sufficient swinging room verified
Master is to be immediately informed and main engine(s) placed on SBE if it is suspected that
the vessel may be dragging anchor or swinging to close to other vessels or obstacles.
Times of change of tide and high water and low water posted
Engine room properly informed of Notice of Readiness for
SBE Efficient lookout maintained
Appropriate lights, shapes, flag signals displayed
Deck lighting on during hours of twilight and darkness
VHF listening watch maintained on VHF Channel 16 and specified port operation channel
Periodic inspection of anchor chain, windlass and rounds of the vessel made by duty AB
In case two anchors are used, anchor/cable fouling to clear as soon as found.
Anti-piracy security measures adopted
Weather, tide and sea conditions constantly monitored
Upon deterioration / reduction of visibility the Master is to be informed and the appropriate sound
signals prepared
In addition the Master is to be immediately notified :-
1. Upon the approach of other vessel / boat or suspicious looking craft
2. VHF contact by shore, other ship, or Pilot station
3. Weather deteriorates, or report of imminent gale force wind
4. Sea / Swell conditions increase
5. Barometer dropping rapidly

FORM CL-D14 – Rev.2, 06/2016


Navigation Charts Correction Record

Vessel Name: MV_______________________________

No.. Chart No. Marine Notice No. Correction Signature

Date Verified by Master


Second Officer
FORM CL-D15 – Rev.1, 06/2016

Fire / Safety Night Round Checklist

This Checklist is to be completed by all Deck Officers after he is being properly relieved from the navigation
watch between period of sunset and sunrise. The completed Checklist shall be filed in the “Bridge Checklist”
File located on the Bridge. Records of this Checklist are to be retained for a minimum of THREE year. Reference
is available in the “Bridge & Deck Procedures Manual” section BDP-009 – Bridge Watches.

Fire and Safety Night Round Areas:- (Please  tick as appropriate)

Forecastle deck / store

rooms Weather deck store
rooms Crane houses
Paint lockers
Cargo holds / assess hatches
Upper deck
Lower deck
Poop deck
Bridge deck
Captain’s deck
Tally room
Gym room
Recreational room
Officer and crew mess rooms
Officer and crew smoke rooms
Public lavatories / wash rooms / drying
rooms Galley / pantry
Spare cabins
Hospital / medical locker
Changing rooms
Alleyways (Port and Stbd)
Others :
Before calling or informing the Master via Officer on Bridge watch as required, the Officer carrying out Fire and
Safety rounds should not hesitate to take immediate action for the safety of the vessel, cargo or crew, where
circumstances so require, or as required by the ordinary practice of seaman.

Completed by (relieved officer): Acknowledged by (relieving officer):

_________________________ _________________________
Name : Name :
Rank : Rank :
Date : Date :
Time : Time :
FORM CL-D16 – Rev.1, 06/2016

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