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Digital Marketing internship -Olcademy

Q1) Suppose you're working for an e-commerce platform, what all strategies would you use to
enhance their overall ranking on Google and other Search Engines.
The criteria used to rank websites in search results vary by the search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing,
and the others) which are constantly evolving. Although these criteria are not publicized, general
strategies applied consistently over time will increase website rankings. Despite promises offered by
some SEO companies, attaining a high search engine ranking will not happen overnight.
Although the exact formulas are not widely publicized, search engines provide high ranks to websites
that are relevant, important, trustworthy, authoritative, and popular. Any strategy that seeks to
increase these five criteria, will ultimately improve your search engine optimization.
Strategies that can be used to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and watch your
website rise the ranks to the top of search-engine results.
The strategies include (non-technical) with outcomes:
1) Writing better web copy thus improving relevance
Search engine ranking can be improved by writing better web copy focusing on how a
product meets customer needs. Web copy should include keywords which should match
commonly search words by people in order to get maximum clicks.
2) Increase of inbound links in terms of number and quantity
Getting referral traffic from high traffic sites like Wikipedia, websites can improve site
visibility and perceived importance. Companies can provide new and entertaining content to
increase links in their site.
3) Becoming trustworthy by operating ethically
Using questionable tactics like providing long list of keywords and little usable content will
eventually lead to penalties. Contact information should be provided in the page and comment
box should be provided for the products and services delivered.
4) Becoming an authority by networking
Build up a reputation as an authority using products or services by using networking sites like
LinkedIn, indeed or by creating vlogs. With time company will develop an image of being an
expert in the products or services by them. This will not only increase traffic in websites but
also increase search rankings.
5) Increasing popularity by encouraging repeat visitors
By providing Interactive content that is demanded by customers, the website will become
more popular and ranking will increase over time. Satisfying customer need will encourage
repeat visitors and repeat visitors will increase traffic.
Q2) Create a presentation or document listing what tools do you use for your SEO Strategies

The strategies/tools include (Technical) with outcomes:

1) HTML Improvements
Under Search Appearance, you will find HTML Improvements. This report provides a
snapshot of any issues with your site’s meta descriptions and title tags, along with a record of
any content that isn’t indexable. In the SEO world, we know that it’s important to have
unique meta descriptions and optimized title tags. This report allows you to easily identify
title tag/meta description issues and prioritize your efforts.
For example, in the screenshot above, you can see that 634 pages have a duplicate title tag. If
I were to click on the “Duplicate title tags” link, I’d be taken to a screen listing all 634 pages,
giving me a quick and easy way to identify page titles that need to be updated.

2) Content Keywords
Under Google Index, you’ll find Content Keywords. This tool allows you to determine not
what you think your site is about, but how google sees it.
It shows the keywords that are used on your site, along with keyword variations and significance.
These data help you quickly determine if you need more content created around certain keywords,
themes and topics. It also shows which pages the keywords appear on. (See the examples below;
keywords were shaded out due to confidentiality.)

3) Structured data
Structured data is a helpful way to explain the content of your website to the search engines — which
can, in some cases, can help with rankings and traffic. If you have structured data on your site, GWT
has a feature that shows the type of structured data that Google was able to detect on your site, along
with the URLs containing each type. You can find this report under Search Appearance > Structured

Note: This tool includes only the top-level entities discovered on a page. For example, if your page
contains a that in turn contains a, only the Event item will be

4) Data Markup Helper

Under Other Resources, the Structured Data Markup Helper allows you to tag the data fields for
events, products and more on your site.
If you aren’t sure where to begin with structured markup, this is an easy to use point-and-click tool.
The nice part about this is that HTML changes are not required. Your mouse highlights and tags each
key piece of data on the appropriate page of your website.
5) Sitemaps
The Sitemaps section allows you to view all the sitemaps that you’ve added (or Google
found) along with statistics such as the last date it was processed and the number of pages
submitted and indexed.  These stats can be viewed by content-type, meaning Web, video,
images and news. Another great feature is the sitemap test option; you provide the URL
of a sitemap, and Google scans it, quickly detecting any errors that need to be fixed.

6) Google Analytics-
Other than the core set of keyword that you are optimizing, you will likewise have the
capacity to discover what other keywords your visitors type in to discover your website.
During the initial optimization campaign, the quantity of keywords might be close to
nothing. Yet, as time passes by, you will begin getting more keywords being listed on
natural postings, due to your overall optimization effort.

Q3) Present your analysis of social media marketing
-Having a little experience in digital marketing (beginners course) I have
created my own vlog although have not generated enough traffic to
The link of my blog is This is just a
sample. Below are images of google analytics.

This snapshots give the no. of users that have visited in 90 days. Sessions are nothing but how
many times site has been visited.

Source - Direct


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