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Building Brand Architecture Report: Mercedes Vs Toyota

This report builds and examines on the two brands of automobile industry i.e Mercedes and
Toyota (Sedan cars) .This two brands are chosen because both brands come in most valuable
brand category. These two brands although coming in same market have different brand
personalities and brand architecture, this report highlights the differences between the two
brands. The aim of the report is to show that how different brand architecture of brands can
make relationship between brands and consumers.

Brand Architecture:
• Brand architecture of Mercedes

Brand Core/Essence:Luxury and Power

Brand Personality:Male,30-40 years

old,Businessman,Organised,Well dressed.

Emotional Benefits:Premium

Product Benefits:Highly Comfortable,Durable,


Product Attributes:Luxury Design,Luxury

interior,Expensive,High technology, High Engine
• Brand architecture of Toyota

Brand Core/Essence:Accessible, Smart, Go-getter

Brand Personality:Male/Female, 28-35 years

old,Middle class,smart

Emotional Benefits:Reliable,Casual,Optimistic

Product Benefits: Low Price of spare parts,Value For

money,Comfortable Seats.

Product Attributes:Performance,Low Price,Economy

Brand Comparison:
Each brand focuses on performance and quality and also compete in the similar market.
Both the brands are targeting different segments through different brand personalities,
Mercedes showcases its high-tech features and luxury designs to be unique while Toyota gives
competition through value of money, good performance and economical gas consumption.
Brand Loyalty is high in case of Mercedes as they are targeting high-end consumers who
use their cars to show their luxury life. Toyota is targeting large segments of car buyers; its
customer has a criteria of value of money.
Mercedes achieves its company goal by targeting premium customers who have a good
income, while Toyota achieves its company goal by targeting large segment keeping in mind the
economical factors.

Brand Value:
Toyota ranked 7th in 2019 in Interbrand ranking with brand value 56,246$M also it is one of the
most valuable brand in automobile sector. Mercedes came in with 8th rank and with brand
value of 50,832$M. Both the brands have a growth of 5%.
Forbes ranked Toyota 9th with brand value of 44.6$ Billion, Mercedes came in as 17th with
brand value of 33.2$ Billion.

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