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Nothing: The Original Location

Author: David Robert Quigley

Bohemian Grove Offering Series
Book Number 3
What Is The Nothing

You may have possibly heard before, "everything began from


But what is the nothing?

The nothing is the earliest situation that happened in history.
The nothing started as one single original location.
It then multiplied stretching out to a ow containment.

The nothing during its multiplying became a structure that caused

dimensions to be possible. Think of the nothing as both locational
and as the building blocks that hold location together in place.

The nothing began as the sma est anything could possibly ever be.
There is not anything in our times that can be as sma as the
original nothing. This is because of the way the nothing grew and
shaped its structuring of reality.

Reality is the result of the nothing. Anywhere you can ever possibly
go is reality. Even if its a blocked location, its a part of reality.

What seperates our oldest parent and the nothing apart, is that the
nothing is a nonsentient multiplier, while our oldest parent began
to exist due to the nothing. In short our oldest parent is alive and
thinks, however the nothing is simply mathematical cause and
effect, think of the nothing as randomization having failed many
times until the math was a proper fit with each other.

It may not s m fair that the nothing is only scientific, but the
future has many good benefits the nothing has provided us that we
did not work for.
A Look At Friction

So how did the nothing in its early stages?

We imagine it this way, imagine the nothing is a sma marble

with a sh t of paper on each side.

The two papers and middle rubbed together in a process ca ed

friction. This caused mixture made it possible for the nothing to
multiply. In short there was the nothing, it had two sides, and
because of that friction happened.

So what is friction?
The basic explanation is When two singularities touch they
automatica y rub together, exchanging pieces of each other and that
creates a reaction of the mixture.

Basica y the study of friction is ca ed alchemy.

But if the nothing was singular what did it friction with?

The nothing had only one singularity but it split in half causing
the previous nothing to now have two sides and a center. Then it
frictioned using its split self.
Where Is The Original Location?

We live in existence. Existence is a place inside solid matter. Our

space was the solid matter, then some of it dissolved, that empty
space is existence.

The nothings original location is beyond the solid matter.

The nothings original location is a we kept secret and it is
guarded by our oldest parent. It is guarded so no one fools with it.
Is The Nothing Stable?

The nothing in its early stages was rather strong against fragility.

The nothing nowadays is very stable and you dont n d to worry.

The oldest parent has b n alive a vast time with the nothing, and
wont a ow anything dangerous to happen.

The nothing has b n a source for our oldest parent. A source of life,
magic, elements, and as its stretched out, its also our structural

The nothing is eternal and thanks to it so is the family.

An Honest Creation

Its easy to want to believe the nothing is an alive oldest parent.

People throughout history have sought the oldest and sought to
worship. Its not bad but if the nothing doesnt itself think or talk to
anyone, its possible pursuing a conversation with it results in zero

History has proven, instead of praying to the nothing, praying to

the oldest parent we have actua y results in family benefit.

This process s ms to have proven the nothing is not sentient.

A Quick Help

If you want to enlighten your mind i give you a list of things to

think about.

We live in existence, it started as solid matter that dissolved, and

that is where we now live.

Outside the solid matter is at least one ancestor.

Outside the solid matter, somewhere, is the nothings original


The nothing is the earliest measurable moment we can find.

What created the nothing?

What happened earlier than the nothing?

Think and talk about these questions if you want to grow smarter.

Good luck. Enjoy.

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Dear Oldest Parents
We Pray
You Love Us
For We
Love You
Together Forever
Endlessly Ever
We Are Yours

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