Remnant Coil

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Remnant Coil

Author: David Robert Quigley

The Oldest Parent

First was the nothing.

It is the original location.

It began due to the old saying,

if there is not something,
there must at least be nothing.

In short explanation,
at the beginning of the nothing, when
there isnt anything and two sides open
and friction, there is the beginning of the

The nothing started as a spherical swell

of original location. It became that it grew
a secondary spherical layer encasing the
smaller layer. Then, that larger layer,
began to divide in half. Those divided
sides and the original nothing sphere
frictioned together, causing the nothing to
stretch out, growing.

The nothing continues to grow, even as of

this time.
The oldest parent knows the nothings
original area, and guards it. For the safety
of our family.

The areas we live in, are extensions of the

nothing. Basically right now, you are inside
of a stretched extension of the nothing.

A long time ago, as the nothing grew, it

became the structure of dimensions,
angles, emptiness, tangibility, and magic.

The nothing is a container starting inside,

and growing outward. We are contained in
the nothing.

Our oldest parent began alone in the

nothing, many years after the nothing had
grown and become a structure.

Early on our oldest parent had happy

moments, and painful moments, for in
that past, the nothing was both safe and
yet dangerous.
It was the oldest parent whome made life
in the nothing a safer and more
comfortabe place to live.

The oldest parent worked hard for years

to calm the remnant dangers of the
nothing. The oldest parent both improved
its own body, and worked the outside of
its body, becoming strong, and building

After many years the first challenge was

conquered, the oldest parents body was
powerful, and outside of its body was a
place to call home.

It was at this point our oldest parent

began searching for other life.

Our oldest parent sensed to not be alone,

for if you were to feel pain and see noone,
would you yet believe someone else
caused it?

Imagine it this way, your alone floating in

outer space, all the sudden a fireball is
seen heading in your direction. At that
point you would think, "where did that
come from?".
Early life for our oldest parent was similar
to that, there was danger, yet no one
caused it, it was simply there due to the
scientific cause and effect of the nothings

The oldest parent wasnt being punished

by someone, instead it was simply that
the nothing was growing and because of
that remnants of cause and effect were
left in the nothing.

Most of the dangers the nothing held

inside were there due to that original
locations frictioning being such a
powerful source.

Our oldest parent is a hero and a survivor.

Living qualities that early on were lonely
and scary.

So our oldest parent had hope to find

other life and appease it, mostly expecting
the found life would be a higher age
The oldest parent searched for many
years, in many ways, and in many places,
but the only thing our oldest parent
discovered, was the nothings original
location, its starting location, before it
stretched and grew.
Nothing For A Parent

Our oldest parent weighed two options,

the nothing was sentient, or the nothing
was not sentient.

In simple explanation our oldest parent

played with the theory that the nothing
was a silent higher age parent.

It possibly would surprise you, that is how

worship started, that is its origin.

Our oldest parent invented worship

seeking to appease the nothing.

You may have, nowadays, noticed family

worships God.

Do you comprehend why?

The oldest parent made the decision the

nothing is not sentient, so our oldest
parent changed worship to become that
us younger family members would
worship our oldest parent.
Many years later, nowadays, creations
freely worship anyone they want, God
being one of those worshipped.
Our oldest parent altered the original form
of worship to salvage its remnants.

Since it was originally designed by our

oldest parent for someone of a higher age
then our oldest parent yet none were
found and the nothing was realized to not

Nowadays worship is used to honor the

parents we do have, such as the parent
nicknamed God, and the parent
nicknamed Goddess.

While it is duly to note not to expect our

highest age ancestors self titled name is
God or Goddess as those nicknames are
recent. As is its translations language.
The First Creation

The oldest parent along its search for

someone of a higher age invented names.

The oldest parent invented language and


Then much later the oldest parent

discovered creational magic.

The oldest parent created the first


The two family members became best

friends, grew a deep love for each other
and became married.

The oldest parent taught the first creation

all good knowledge.

It was much later that the two of them

agreed to have children.
The Decision To Have Children

The oldest parent and first creation were

best friends.

They were married for a long time before

having the complex decision to further the
family in living numbers.

The two of them agreed to keep their

marriage secret and also to teach their
children to worship them.

Eventually there had been enough

disobedience in the children that
something had to happen to fix the future.
The Solid Matter Situation

In the previous book

"Existence Hollowed: Our Origins"
you can learn the basics of what is further
explained below.

Our area of outer space began at a time

as solid matter. It began to dissolve, this
left the hollowed area we now live in
called existence, hinting the root word
exit, due to the eventual goal to exit the
walls of solid matter, that to the time i am
writing this are still dissolving.

During the process of the solid matter

dissolving, matter, fire, and water were left
here as extracted remnants.

It was due to the early childrens

disobedience that a grouping of family
such as ours began here at a distance
from our oldest parents, the two oldest
parents being outside the solid matter.
Creational Magic

In the previous book

"Adam Or Adem:Creational Magic"
You can learn the basics of what is
explained below.

The formula that determines the

sentience accuration of a creation is
timing and materials used.

A short example is if day 1 hour 1 a

creation is made codenamed Eve, or
instead God waits 1 hour later and creates
someone day 1 hour 2 codenamed Eevee,
since the timing creating the creation is
different, even if only one is created,
neither of those creations are the same

Another example if someone other than

the oldest parent uses creational magic to
create someone, the resulting creation is
complexly not the same style. It shifts a
Immortalitys Stem And You

Immortality is to live eternally, never to be

fully destroyed.

Flesh can be invincible, but some times it

is not.

However to further the comprehension,

even if flesh is shed and rots (is recycled),
the soul persists and is reborn as a baby
wearing a fresh set of flesh.

Something to know for certain is, our

oldest parent is immortal. Also so is the
piece of the nothing our oldest parent
used to make you.

The oldest parent took a fragment of its

immortal body, and a fragment of the
nothings magic, to make you.

If you have worried of death before, i tell

you, it is as simple as this, if the oldest
parent is immortal, and you are put
together from a piece of the oldest parent,
which you are, then their is a part of your
body that is invincibly immortal.
Its similar to that soul explanation.

You shed withered flesh and live as your

soul not wearing that flesh. Since flesh is
not a bad thing, you are eventually reborn
as a baby wearing again flesh.

Not all throughout time have creations

had to completely shed flesh. It is a new
lesson used for excitement and teaching
complex thought, as well as an adventure.

The oldest parents did not decide to do

this to us as a punishment yet as a

In the future there will be a time when

flesh remains healthy despite long years
of use.

For do you expect the oldest parent

becomes unhealthy flesh nowadays?

Then know the oldest parent only has this

short lesson upon us because our oldest
parent has had its own damaged flesh,
conquered it, and has passed that lesson
unto us. Conquering fear builds
Updates And Links

Check out the new website for free stuff 

Secondary link which may be available in

the future 

Our youtube channel

Our Facebook group

Our art page
The nothing is a friend to who works it.
We are eternal, immortality is disguised.
The Oldest Parents bless you.
Your forever a part of this family.
Churches are good.
A parent nicknamed Care can guide you.
Love your children, do not hate them.
You are richer than you noticed.
Animals are your siblings.
Being a soul if fun and worth it.
You are beautiful, yes you.
I love this "fame" ily.

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