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Exercise: Read the sentences. If a sentence is correct, put a tick next to it.

If a sentence is
incorrect, fix it.

1. When people go camping, they must bring lots of things. For example, a tent, a sleeping
bag, and matches.
2. There have been many leaders in history who have tried to rule the entire world. For
instance, Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.
3. Food such as pizza and hamburgers are not really junk food; they contain a lot of protein
and vitamins.
4. When I visit England, I want to go to many cities such as London and Brighton.
5. Children love watching TV shows, for example, Teletubbies and Caillou.
6. Speaking Asian languages, for instance Chinese and Korean, will give businessmen an
advantage when doing business with these countries.
7. Rock musicians from the 1960s; for example, Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin are still
popular among young people these days.
8. The elderly should take up some hobbies. For example, collecting stamps or gardening.

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