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ERP Solution Document

Microsoft Dynamics BC 14

Prepared by:
Engineering Design & Manufacturing S.A.L. (EDM)

Beirut - Lebanon

This document contains EDM proprietary information and is supplied to you purely in order to enable you to evaluate details
concerning EDM’ products and services. This document (including any part hereof) is not to be disclosed or transferred outside
your organization without prior written consent of a duly authorized representative of EDM and may not be copied or
reproduced in any form or by any means except internally within your organization in order to enable such evaluation. It is
submitted based on the information currently available to EDM. None of the information contained in this document shall be
contractually binding unless and until incorporated in a formal written contract between the parties
The descriptions of other companies’ products in this document, if any, are provided only as a convenience to you. EDM should
not consider any such references an endorsement or support. EDM cannot guarantee their accuracy and the products may
change over time. In addition, the descriptions are intended as brief highlights to aid understanding, rather than as thorough
coverage. For authoritative descriptions of these products, please consult their respective manufacturers.

All trademarks are the property of their respective companies.

© 2019 EDM s.a.l. All rights reserved.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents
Hospitality Setup.........................................................................................................................................4
How to Create Dining Areas?.......................................................................................................................4
How to Create Sales Type?......................................................................................................................5
Adding Tables to The Dining Area............................................................................................................8
Startup POS & Sales POS...........................................................................................................................10
Split Bill/Transfer Lines..............................................................................................................................12
After Finishing all the above always press Check for Correct Setup, to make sure your setup is correct. .13
Service flow...............................................................................................................................................13

Hospitality Setup
How to Create Dining Areas?

1. go to Hospitality Type

2. Press New

3. Start by choosing the Restaurant No. “Restaurant No. is the Store No.”

4. Select the Order Guest Marking
5. Select Sales type “Every Area have Special Sales Type

How to Create Sales Type?

- Open Sales Type

- Press Advanced
- Sales Type page will open
- Press New

- Add the Code you want

- Suspend Type is POS Transaction
- Select Price group if “Same Item with different prices”


- Select the Service Type depending on the Area Type
- Service Flow ID: Fine-Dining Flow
- Guest Handling: Request of Guest (No. Mandatory)
- Guest Registration: None
- Dining Area ID “Every Dining Area must have a separate Dining Area ID”
- Inside the Dining Area ID

- Press New
- Dining Area Card will open
- Insert ID, description, and Restaurant No.
- In the Dining Area Select the Layout View: “Graphical Dining Tables or Dining Table Grid “

- Choose Current Layout If it is Weekday or Weekend

Adding Tables to The Dining Area

- In the Hospitality Type Card Select the Dining Area ID

- Press Advanced

- Press On Add Dining Tables

- The Add Dining Tables will open

- Then put the No. of Tables to Add
- Select the Section you want to add the tables to
- Select The Table Size and how many seats from Dining Table Type ID
- Starting from: is the No. Series of the tables, that start from the last No. of the table

Startup POS & Sales POS

- Layout Function Menu ID

- Grid Data Table Id and Grid Direct Edit Menu ID are assigned by default


- In Case of KDS availability, Restaurant KDS in Use Should always be Yes

- Menu Type Usage is Yes-Sent Manually to KDS
- Menu Type Data Usage: No
- KDS Display/Printing: At POS Exit
- On Modify Order: It depends to the restaurant policy either Add Item to New KOT or Add Item
to Same KOT
- Always Send Void. Lines to KDS, should always be ticked

Split Bill/Transfer Lines

- All in Red Box are assigned by Default

- Transfer Restriction From Bill Printed Trans: Options are set according to the Restaurant Policy
If the Manger is allowed to move whole transaction or not, or non-manger can do that.

- Tips are set by default

After Finishing all the above always press Check for Correct Setup, to make sure your setup is correct

Service flow

All Data are set by default, and by pressing the Service flow you make sure that the settings are correct,
and this page includes the Kitchen Order Status that can be modified, KOT Status, Transaction Status,
and Dining table status.


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