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Why Coating Technologies for Hip

Replacement Systems, and the Importance of

Testing Them In Vitro
Hani Haider, PhD, Joel N. Weisenburger, MS, Fereydoon Namavar, ScD, and
Kevin L. Garvin, MD

The rationale behind novel surface engineering and coating technologies for implant articular
surfaces is described especially for the significant number of metal-sensitive patients with total
hip replacement. We list the important coating characteristics, and emphasize adhesion as the
most challenging. We report on 2 large scale experimental hip wear simulator studies we
conducted on samples of 2 such coating technologies implemented by external experts in their
respective fields. One was a titanium nitride ceramic coating on a metal-on-metal total hip
replacement, which aimed at wear reduction and a barrier against metal-ion diffusion. The other
was a nanocrystalline homometallic surface treatment where same element metals were vapor-
deposited in a novel ion-beam-assisted deposition process onto CoCr alloy femoral heads in
CoCr metal on ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) hips. The gradual
reduction in crystal size toward the surface into nano size aimed at increasing hardness and
reducing wear. Both test series were conducted on an AMTI hip simulator for 5 million cycles
under the 14242-1 ISO standard, simulating walking gait, without any deliberate edge-loading or
harsh conditions, and using uncoated specimens of identical design and materials as controls in
each test. Both tests resulted in some of the coating eventually rubbing away (separating) to
various levels on all specimens. The wear rate of the coated specimens was generally higher not
lower than the uncoated controls, but not multiply so. Our discussion compares and contrasts
our results with others, and we speculate whether a metal-sensitive arthritic patient who badly
needs a hip replacement may still benefit from a coated implant despite the risk.
Oper Tech Orthop 27:152-160 C 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS Coatings, Surface treatments, Metal-sensitive, Stop metal ion diffusion, Ceramic

Introduction surfaces of hip replacements. We then report on 2 large scale

experimental hip wear simulator studies in our laboratory on

I n this article, we summarize the rationale, categories, and

significance of surface coating technologies for articular
samples of 2 such technologies implemented by external
experts in their respective fields.
Hip arthroplasty surgery is among the most successful in
modern medicine, substantially alleviating pain with implants
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, University of Nebraska lasting tens of years, with patients remaining ambulatory to
Medical Center, Omaha, NE. enjoy longer, healthier lives. This impeccable history was
No author has any conflict of interest directly relevant to this work. H.H. (first
author) is a consultant to AMTI (Watertown, MA), which manufactures
partially dented with severe criticism of some all-metal bearing
implant wear testing simulators. The laboratory in which this work was total hip replacements (THR) and hip resurfacing devices
carried out uses AMTI hip simulators and has received tens of research having excessive metal wear and release of metal ions from the
funding contracts from many orthopedics companies for hip testing using articulating surfaces and/or, the fretting corrosion of the
that kind of simulator. modular taper between the femoral head and the stem. All
Address reprint requests to Hani Haider, PhD, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery and Rehabilitation, University of Nebraska Medical Center,
metals in contact with biological systems corrode at various
985640 Nebraka Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5640. speeds to various levels. The resulting metal ions vary in
E-mail: magnitude and can trigger an immune response. Some of the

1048-6666//& 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hip replacement systems 153

problematic metal-on-metal hips described earlier might not In arthroplasty, some implants are given a thin ceramic layer
have been thick enough to resist deformation during surgical covering the original metal articulating surfaces. The modified
insertion from an exactly spherical shape, or had insufficient or articulating surface should, theoretically, benefit from super-
excessive radial clearances, or had curtailed articulating area hardness to reduce scratching and abrasive wear, or to achieve
coverage, or had faulty taper designs or installations. If such higher wettability to improve lubrication and thus reduce
design, material, or manufacturing issues were to be combined friction and adhesive wear. Some of these technologies have
with possible surgical misalignment during insertion, unin- seen successful clinical use, such as the ceramic zirconium
tended metal-metal contact and even edge loading and oxide6 (with the trade name “Oxinium” by Smith and Nephew,
accelerated damage could occur. The resulting risk to the TN). Wrought zirconium-2.5 niobium alloy substrate is heated
patient from this multifactorial problem was in many cases in air until the oxygen diffusion causes the top 5 μm of the
adverse local tissue reaction, metallosis, pseudotumors, and surface to transform into a stable (monoclinic form) of
associated total implant failure and revision in many cases.1-4 zirconium oxide ceramic.
The scale of the problem eventually instigated a massive Various diamond-like carbon coatings7,8 have been tried for
regulatory body recall of various metal-on-metal hip designs their biocompatibility, resistance to corrosion and acid attack,
in the United States and Europe. and superior tribological and mechanical properties. However,
The problem is especially severe in patients with metal low thickness, residual stresses, instability, and reliable adhe-
hypersensitivity, for whom the risks are obviously elevated and sion of such coatings have always been a challenge. Modern
in extreme cases can include skin lesions, hair loss, and other variations of these have combined nanocrystalline diamond
complications. Results from a systematic literature review4 coatings onto silicon nitride ceramic substrates, aiming to
reported an estimated 10%-15% of the population to have reduce wear and related debris.9
some metal sensitivity or allergic reaction to the metals that A lot of work has been published on nitride based coatings
diffuse into their systems. Approximately 25% of patients with for hip replacement systems, such as ceramic coatings of
“well-functioning implants” were metal sensitive, and a star- titanium nitride (TiN)10,11 or chromium nitride (CrN).12 These
tling 60% of patients with “poorly functioning implants” were super-hard “surface engineered” components have been used
shown to have some metal sensitivity. It is not clear from that clinically to provide a barrier to metal-ion diffusion, as well as
review, or the studies upon which it was based, whether the resist scratching and abrasion to their surface.
patients' sensitivity had arisen because of the device function- All these technologies are ultimately validated through
ing poorly or failing or vice versa, in terms of cause and effect, clinical outcomes of the implants employing them. Preclini-
or if other factors (eg, genetic auto immunity) were responsible cally, they tend to be tested in vitro for their direct benefits, viz.
for both. hardness, wear reduction, and success as a diffusion barrier for
The numbers prone to risk stated above point to a large scale metal ions, etc. Overall, a large review study11 on TiN coatings
problem when considering that orthopaedic arthroplasty was generally favorable.
systems, including the “gold-standard” metal‐on‐UHMWPE It is imperative for coating designers and manufacturers that
hips, contain varying levels of cobalt, chromium, molybde- all the following characteristics13 of coatings should be assessed
num, nickel, titanium, vanadium, and aluminum. Cobalt, preclinically, as they all have direct or indirect influence
chrome, and especially nickel can cause allergic reactions. especially for the application of articular surfaces in joint
Nickel is almost poisonous, and so is chrome. Cobalt, chrome, replacement implants: (1) purity and composition, (2) coating
and nickel constitute 62%-67%, 27%-30%, and 1%, respec- density and defects, (3) surface finish and roughness, (4)
tively of most metallic hip femoral heads according to residual stress, (5) hardness and elastic modulus, (6) fracture
ASTM F75,5 the standard to which they are typically toughness, (7) corrosion, and perhaps most importantly, (8)
manufactured. adhesion.
The significant risks described above have warranted In our opinion, “adhesion” is very important in the
sophisticated engineering solutions with various technologies application of hip replacement bearings. One could have the
to modify the metallic surfaces to protect the patient from the most advanced coating, which does everything intended but it
metallic wear particulate and ionic debris. “Surface engineered” does not adhere for long enough on the substrate to last the
implants can feature bearing surfaces that combine the bulk in vivo duty of the implant. That has been the curse of coatings
properties of a metal implant with the surface qualities of a throughout the history of engineering and development of
ceramic (or other desired material). These can be categorized coatings, and it is especially pertinent in the case of joint
into either surface “coatings” with addition of a material layer replacement articular bearing surfaces where the coating is the
onto the surface, or “surface treatments” where the outer layer subject of continuous rubbing and stress variations in normal
is transformed (eg, oxidized) to change its characteristics. duty. All of the benefits of coatings depend on the coating
However thin (eg, 2–8 mm) and fine grained a coating is, a adhering to the substrate and not delaminating or flaking off,
clear boundary between the coating and substrate typically or oxidizing and slowly rubbing away.14 Any failure of
results in a relatively steep hardness gradient. Surface treat- adhesion can turn the intended benefit of the coating into
ments such as diffusion hardening on the other hand can harm. When the substrate is exposed not only are all the
produce a similar thickness of compound layer with a transi- coating benefits negated, but the delaminated coating acts as
tional diffusion zone with a smoother hardness and strength third body wear particulate, which could greatly accelerate the
gradient, and a coating less likely to fail. wear or scratching of the bearings.15
154 H. Haider et al.

In the remainder of this article, we report the results of two

comprehensive in vitro wear studies on 2 different advanced
technologies. The first was a titanium nitride (TiN) coating on a
CoCrMo (will be shortened to CoCr in the remainder of this
document) substrate femoral head, intended as a metal-ion
diffusion barrier with reduced wear.11 The second was a
homometallic gradual surface transformation of a cobalt
chrome (substrate) femoral head into a nanocrystalline CoCr
with decreasing grain size toward the surface.16 This nano- Figure 2 Test 1's 44 mm uncoated femoral head 1 (left) and TiN coated
technology solution was intended to add super hardness and femoral head 2 (right) prior to testing.
reduce wear. Both were vapor deposition surface treatment
technologies. Both were implemented by the advanced inter-
national experts who invented them. Test 2
The subject coating of the second test was a homometallic
surface treatment by ion-beam-assisted deposition16 onto a
Materials CoCr hip femoral head. The coating was described as
homometallic because the metal elements added in the treat-
Test 1 ment were not different from those of the substrate. The ion
The titanium nitride (TiN) coating of the first test was through beam assisted deposition (IBAD) process made the substrate
a vapor deposition process by a third party giving a golden surface gradually reduce in crystal size until the crystals reached
color to CoCr substrate femoral heads. The coating was a nano scale at the surface. The extra boundaries between the
intended as a metal-ion diffusion barrier with added wear smaller crystals should, theoretically, have hindered fracture
reduction of a metal-on-metal system. A total of 6 metal- initiation and growth and thus brought super-hardness which
on-metal THR specimens were supplied by the same manu- in turn should have been expected to reduce wear against
facturer of size 44 mm femoral heads and acetabular liners UHMWPE hip bearings.
(44 mm I.D.), all polished to an orthopedic grade finish. A total of 16 metal-on-plastic THR specimens were supplied
Three of the THR specimens had femoral heads and acetabular by an orthopaedic manufacturer and some of which were
liners that were coated with TiN, and the remaining 3 were coated by the coating specialists. The hips were of size 36 mm
not coated as controls. Six acetabular shells were also femoral heads made out of standard CoCr, with half of them
provided, made from CoCr. The shells were 56 mm having the CoCr homometallic coating. The acetabular liners
inner diameter. Examples of the acetabular liner specimens (36 mm I.D.) were made of standard Arcom UHMWPE.
for Test 1 are shown in Figure 1, and the heads are shown in Sixteen acetabular shells were also provided, made from TiAlV.
Figure 2. The shells were 54 mm inner diameter. 12 THRs were used as
wear specimens (6 coated, and 6 uncoated as controls) and
4 were used as active soak controls to compensate for fluid
adsorption (2 of each type). Examples of the femoral heads for
Test 2 are shown in Figure 3 and an acetabular liner is shown
in Figure 4.

All testing was conducted on a 12-station AMTI hip simulator
(Watertown, MA). This hip simulator design holds the THR in
a physiological orientation with the acetabular components
superior and the femoral head inferior (as opposed to several
simulators that use an inverted design). Special fixtures were
manufactured to hold the femoral heads and acetabular shells
or liners at an anatomically correct angle on the simulator. For
Test 1, the femoral necks or tapers were aligned at 301 from
vertical in the coronal plane, and the acetabular shells were
tilted at 301 from horizontal in the coronal plane. This was
Figure 1 Test 1 metal acetabular liners before testing. Top pictures
show an uncoated liner (specimen 1), and bottom pictures show a
necessary to place the wear patch in a similar location as would
TiN coated liner (specimen 2, note the golden color from the TiN likely be seen in vivo. Test 2, had the same alignment, but the
coating). Pictures on the left show the highly polished articulating femoral necks were mounted vertically.
surface of the liner, whereas pictures on the right show the surface that The waveforms specified in ISO-14242-117 were used
interfaced with the acetabular shell, as well as the inscribed lot # for which simulated normal human walking gait at a frequency
specimen identification. of 1 Hz. During the test, the THR specimens were kept
Hip replacement systems 155

Figure 3 CoCr-coated femoral heads 4 and active soak 2, and uncoated 1 (from left to right).

immersed in a lubricating solution at 37 ⫾ 1 1C. The coating was removed (Fig. 6). By the end of the 5 Mc test, these
lubricating solution was composed of diluted filter-sterilized areas had increased in size (Figs. 7 and 8). Additionally, the 3
bovine serum, with the precise dilution adjusted to maintain a coated specimens displayed deeper and more numerous
protein concentration of 20 g/L. To slow bacterial growth, scratches than the uncoated controls, likely due to the removed
0.2% sodium azide was added to the solution and 20 mM coating debris acting as third body abrasive wear particles. The
(7.45 g/L) EDTA (ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid) was also damage to coated specimen 3 was the most severe of all. No
added to reduce calcium precipitation. The diluting solution surface analysis of the heads and liners or particle analysis on
was passed through a 2 mm filter to remove particulate before the lubricating fluid was conducted, but the loss of TiN coating
being added to the serum. was obvious to the eye, and also clearly corroborated by the
All liners and heads were weighed before the wear test and wear results presented later (Fig. 9, Table 1).
removed from their fixtures for cleaning and weighing at 0.25 The uncoated specimens were not free from damage, as
million cycles, 0.5 million cycles, and every 0.5 million cycles, evidenced by the photos taken at 5 Mc (Figs. 7 and 8).
thereafter until the completion of the 5 million cycle (Mc) test. Especially noteworthy were the deep circular scratches visible
The weight for each specimen was measured on a balance with on all specimens, including those without the coating. The
0.01 mg resolution (Sartorius ME215S). Specimens were damage was concentrated at the regions, which would
photographed at 1 Mc intervals, unless something noteworthy correspond to high contact stress in a truly physiological
was observed. configuration, as the THR components were aligned physio-
logically as described earlier.
The gravimetric weight change data from the 6 femoral
Results heads and acetabular liners are shown in Figure 9. Uncoated
components are shown in blue, and TiN components are
Test 1 shown in orange. Femoral heads are shown as solid markers,
During the first weighing, at 0.25 Mc, it was visually observed and acetabular liners are shown as hollow markers with dashed
that the coating was wearing or peeling away on both the lines. All components lost weight over the course of the test,
femoral head and liner of THR specimen 3, and that the and the TiN coated specimens lost more weight than the
substrate metal was scratched (Fig. 5). At this point in the test, uncoated specimens. Coated specimen 3 displayed immediate
the TiN coating on the other 2 coated specimens still appeared “break away” wear between the start of the test and 250,000
intact. During the second weighing (0.5 Mc) the area of cycles, which was supported by its loss of coating during the
damage had increased on the head and liner of specimen 3. same period. By 1 Mc, a clear difference in wear between
By 1 Mc, all 3 TiN coated specimens displayed areas where the coated and uncoated components was apparent. This was also

Figure 5 TiN coated femoral head 3 (left) and liner 3 (right) after
Figure 4 Acetabular liner from THR specimen Uncoated 1. Interior, 250,000 cycles when the coating was first observed to be damaged/
acticulation surface shown on left, backside shown on right. missing.
156 H. Haider et al.

Figure 6 TiN coated femoral heads (top) and acetabular liners (bottom) at 1 million cycles, showing regions of missing
coating. (Color version of figure is available online).

the point in the test where the area of missing coating appeared rates of the TiN coated specimens were only slightly higher
on regions of the other 2 coated specimens and was observed than the uncoated specimens, likely due to most of the coating
to be much larger on coated specimen 3. After 1.5 Mc, the wear in the articulating region already having been removed by this

Figure 7 The uncoated (left) and TiN coated (right) femoral heads after Figure 8 The uncoated (left) and TiN coated (right) acetabular liners
5 million cycles. (Color version of figure is available online). after 5 million cycles. (Color version of figure is available online).
Hip replacement systems 157

Figure 9 Weight change of femoral heads and acetabular liners in Figure 10 Combined wear of femoral heads and acetabular liners in
Test 1. Test 1.

point, and the third body wear particles washed out during the subtle change in appearance was difficult via camera on a
serum changes. In general, the femoral head of a given system reflective surface, but an attempt is shown in Figure 12 (at the
wore slightly more than its paired acetabular liner. The wear end of the 5 Mc test). The lower regions of the femoral head
rates of each test component are shown in Figure 9 and were not subjected to any articulation, so no wear or peeling
Table 1, calculated via a least squares error line with a free took place here, leaving the coating intact. The top surface,
intercept. Figure 10 shows the combined wear of the head and however, was in contact with the acetabular liner and after
liner of each THR specimen over the course of the test, and 5 Mc, the missing CoCr coating was quite apparent.
Figure 11 shows the average total wear for each of the 2 groups. On all coated samples, a region of missing coating was
The average wear rates of the TiN coated and uncoated visible on the femoral head. However, damage to all femoral
THRs are shown in Figure 11. The uncoated THRs (head and heads, even the uncoated ones, was visible. Especially note-
liner wear combined) resulted in a wear rate of 3.19 ⫾ worthy were the deep circular scratches visible on many of the
0.281 mg/Mc whereas the coated THRs wore at 8.53 ⫾ samples, but especially on uncoated sample 2 (Fig. 13) which
4.07 mg/Mc. Note the wide 95% CI for the TiN coated displayed the highest wear rate (Fig. 14), likely caused by this
specimens, especially after 0.5 Mc. This resulted from the damaged area. The wear rate of uncoated sample 2 was
much higher wear displayed by coated THR #3. These CI were essentially the same as the lowest wearing coated sample. In
so wide that only marginal statistical difference in wear every other case, the UHMWPE liners from the CoCr-coated
rate between the coated and uncoated heads resulted samples wore at a higher rate than those paired with uncoated
(P ¼ 0.0752). heads, as shown in Figure 14. The circular scratches were seen
on many of the coated as well as the uncoated samples, and the
coated samples still had higher wear rates. The high number
Test 2 and depth of scratches on the femoral heads of the coated
When the specimens were disassembled at 1.0 Mc for gravi- samples, as well as the loss of coating, resulted in higher wear of
metric weight loss measurements, it was observed on the
coated specimens that an area of the coating was missing. This
was detected by eye, evidenced by a transition from the foggy,
coated region to the shiny uncoated region. Capturing this

Table 1 Total Wear and Wear Rates of all Specimens From

Test 1. Wear Rates Were Calculated With a Least Squares
Error Line With a Free Intercept
Femoral Heads Acetabular Liners

Total Wear Total Wear

Wear Rate Wear Rate
Specimen (mg) (mg/Mc) (mg) (mg/Mc)
Uncoated 1 9.01 1.79 6.20 1.26
Uncoated 2 8.63 1.70 6.67 1.31
Uncoated 3 10.1 2.04 7.45 1.47
TiN coated 1 15.5 3.04 13.7 2.67
Figure 11 Average combined wear of femoral heads and acetabular
TiN coated 2 16.8 3.39 16.0 3.29
liners in Test 1. Wear rate calculated via least squares error line with a
TiN coated 3 36.4 6.69 35.4 6.51
free intercept. 95% confidence intervals (CI) also shown.
158 H. Haider et al.

patients with well-functioning implants, and possibly causing

or resulting from up to 60% of patients with poorly function-
ing implants. This in itself was justification enough and a solid
rationale for emerging technologies for coatings and innovative
surface engineering to reduce wear from metal surfaces, or as
diffusion barriers against the ion release.
The rationale behind and enthusiasm associated with the
above have inspired many coating technologies described
earlier, and some brought the usual exuberance and premature
nod of approval from the in vitro testing community. For
example, a well know study18 of in vitro wear tests by a large
lab showed a chromium nitride (CrN) hip coating for exactly
the purposes above (thin ceramic onto a CoCr metal substrate)
had shown 80% lower wear and much lower Cr and Co ion
release than controls without the coating. The title of that 2009
study advocated for the coating as a “low wearing solution,”
presumably, a medical solution for all patients, not only ones
with metal sensitivity. The conditions for those wear simulator
tests were supposed to be the same (along the lines of ISO
14242-1) as those of this study. Yet, that coating was reported
not to fail.
Figure 12 Coated femoral head 1 at 5 million cycles, showing damaged
In both tests of this (our) study, 2 categorically different
and intact regions of coating. (Color version of figure is available types of coatings for the same purpose as earlier were tested.
online). The coating in each was definitely present at the start of the test
and missing on portions of the metal surfaces at some point in
the middle of the tests. The cleaning protocol used before
their UHMWPE acetabular liners, shown in pink in Figure 14. weighing the components for wear measurement was gentle
This was likely because of the loose coating acting as third body enough that it could not have removed the coating. Addition-
wear particles, which damaged both the femoral head, and ally, the tests were meticulously clean, and no intentional third
plowed through the UHMWPE liner. Coated sample body wear particles were included to increase abrasion.
4 remained lower in wear than the other coated samples, Therefore, the coating itself must be at fault for the failure.
evidenced by its wear trend line falling within the group of Again, “adhesion” which we described as the main challenge
uncoated, blue wear trend lines. This is also displayed in and ultimate curse of all industrial coatings was the problem.
Table 2, which organizes the specimens from highest wear rate Our results showed extra wear with the homometallic coated
to lowest. femoral heads articulating against UHMWPE, than the
Figure 15 shows the average wear of the liners paired with uncoated controls, and the same for the TiN coatings. Perhaps
the coated and uncoated femoral heads over the course of the the surfaces were not cleaned properly before coating applica-
5.0 Mc test, corrected by active load soak data, along with a tion, or perhaps the coating was applied or deposited too thinly
linear, best fit trend line calculated via the least squares fit on the substrate, or a myriad of other reasons might have
method. A clear and significant difference between the 2 sample caused the gradual detachment. This effect might have been
groups was present. Coated specimens had an average compounded by the curved geometry of the components,
UHMWPE liner wear rate of 55.6 ⫾ 3.37 mg/Mc whereas which may have made achieving a coating of uniform thick-
uncoated specimens had a lower average wear rate of 44.5 ⫾ ness difficult. As most of these vapor deposition coating
4.08 mg/Mc. The difference in wear between the 2 groups was processes are directional in nature during application, at least
statistically significant (P ¼ 0.00024). 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional robotics with sophisticated

We started this article by describing a serious problem of
particulate and metal-ion release from metal-on-metal THRs or
corrosion of metallic modular taper junctions. The risk of
adverse biological reaction posed to patients and the massive
legal and regulatory response has significantly dented the
reputation of metal-on-metal bearing couples with their long
history and various revivals. We explained that according to
one study, 10% of all people were metal sensitive to some Figure 13 Uncoated sample 2 at the end of 5 Mc, showing a circular
degree, and metal-ion release was a problem to 25% of all scratch (right). (Color version of figure is available online).
Hip replacement systems 159

Figure 14 Wear of UHMWPE acetabular liners paired with coated and uncoated femoral heads over 5 Mc, corrected with
the weight gain of active soak control liners (also shown).

computed paths and velocities are needed to manipulate the on further hip simulator testing of the same CrN coated metal-
implant during the coating process to achieve the desired on-metal THRs, but they imposed edge loading between the
uniformity of thickness. It is also known that such vapor head and liner this time. The edge-loading damage was
deposition processes need to be performed inside very high simulated with a spring-loaded transverse offset (in the medial
vacuum chambers. High vacuum causes outgassing, and thus lateral direction) between the simulator fixtures. Termed
all conventional mechanisms or robotics would not be able to “micro-separation,” during the swing phase with almost zero
operate inside as they instantly outgas and run out of lubricant. compressive load, the spring-loaded offset separated the
Even plastics can outgas and cannot be used inside such femoral head laterally from the cup. Severe edge loading
chambers, so that rules out plastic bushings and bearings, or occurred upon return of the compressive load, forcing return
similar alternatives. No doubt many of those mitigating reasons of the hip (ball in socket) engagement in part of the repetitive
can be removed or improved upon with improved future simulated walking cycle. This mechanism would result in
coating technology. stripe wear in any hip with hard-on-hard bearings, and thus
Our results echo those of several other studies15,19,20 where coating failure too. It is interesting, however, that ultimately
the TiN coating was missing on retrieved metal-on-metal and those coated implants under edge loading showed
metal-on-plastic THRs. In 1 retrieval study,20 the TiN coating 4 times the wear rate of the uncoated THRs. Therefore, the
damage extended to about 70% of the articulating surface on wear reduction coating solution reported in 2009 turned out
the femoral head from a high demand patient, which was very later to be a wear multiplier under a different and harsher test.
similar to our TiN coated specimen 3 in this study. It is understood by the authors that TiN coatings are already
Indeed, 4 years after their original study, the same lab18 being used on implants for patients in Europe, therefore the
(cited near the start of this section) published another study12 results of this study could be a cause for alarm and necessitate

Table 2 Wear Rates in mg/Mc of UHMWPE Liners in Test 2,

Calculated via a Least Squares Error Line With a Free Intercept
Over the Entirety of the 5 Mc Test. Wear Rates were Organized
From Highest Wearing to Lowest Wearing
Sample Wear Rate (mg/Mc)
Coated 6 58.5
Coated 3 57.3
Coated 1 56.8
Coated 5 56.2
Coated 2 55.7
Coated 4 49.0
Uncoated 2 48.9
Uncoated 4 47.6
Uncoated 1 44.7
Figure 15 Average wear of UHMWPE acetabular liners paired with
Uncoated 5 44.4
coated and uncoated femoral heads over 5 Mc, corrected with the
Uncoated 3 44.0
weight gain of active soak control liners (not shown). Least squares
Uncoated 6 37.2
error lines and 95% CI shown.
160 H. Haider et al.

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