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Trash Truck Misses Pick-up

Every Monday night, Felix checked the big blue container in the carport behind his
apartment building. If the container was at least a third full, he would take it out to the
street for pick-up. Monday night, it was two-thirds full. He rolled it out into the street.
The next day, he checked the container. It was still almost full of recyclables. That was
odd, because all the other blue containers across the street were empty. He could tell
because a couple of lids were open. He walked across the street to double-check. Hmm,
he wondered. Then he looked up his side of the street. There were two blue containers
standing there. He walked about 120 feet up the street and lifted each lid. Both containers
were empty. How could the truck have missed his container?
He went upstairs to his apartment and called city hall. They connected him to the public
works department. Susan said she would call Acme Trash to let them know about the
missed container. On Wednesday, Felix checked the container again. It was still full. But,
the big green dumpster in the carport was missing. Apparently, the message that Susan
sent to Acme Trash had been misunderstood. Acme picked up the big green dumpster,
which had already been emptied on Tuesday, instead of the blue container.
Felix left a message on Susan’s answer machine, saying to forget it. Then he went
downstairs and pulled the almost full container back into its space in the carport. Let it sit
there till next Tuesday, he told himself. Had he left another message, he was worried that
his building would accidentally get dropped permanently off Acme’s pick-up list.

52. Her First Driving Accident

Colleen was in a hurry, which made her driving even more careless than usual. Her
boyfriend Simon had already criticized her many times for failing to stop completely at
stop signs. That’s what they call a “California, or rolling, stop,” he told her.
“If the cops catch you sliding through a stop sign like that,” he said, wagging a finger at
her, “they’ll give you a ticket for running a stop sign. That’s a moving violation. That
means at least a $100 ticket, plus eight hours of driving school for another $30.”
“I know, I know,” she replied. “But I never do it when they’re around, so how can they
catch me?” Simon was about to tell her that cops have a habit of suddenly appearing out
of nowhere, but Colleen told him to stop thinking so negatively. “You are bad luck,” she
said. “When you talk like that, you make bad things happen.” He told her that life doesn’t
work that way.
Colleen was in a hurry because she needed to drop off a package at the post office. It had
to get to New York by Wednesday. She exited the freeway and pulled up at the stop sign.
One car was in front of her. Colleen looked to the right and to the left. No cars were
coming. It was safe to pull out. She hit the gas pedal. Bang! The car in front of her was
still sitting there. The driver was a young woman, who got out of her car, walked back to
look at the damage to her new car, and started yelling at Colleen.
“What were you waiting for?” Colleen demanded.

53. Maybe You’re Not a Good Principal

Tina was going back to school for her third master’s degree. She was a Special Education
teacher, but she couldn’t take her job anymore, so she had quit. The kids were out of
control. There were too many of them in one classroom for her to manage effectively.
The school administration ignored her pleas to add teacher assistants. They ignored her
complaints that some of the kids were simply little monsters. They were discipline
problems that other teachers had shunted off to Special Education.
The administration didn’t even respond to her complaint that one oversized young student
had pushed her down one day onto the floor. Tina wanted to call the police, but the
school principal talked her out of it with promises to improve things. Two weeks later,
not one promise had been fulfilled.
Tina angrily visited the principal, who told her that if she didn’t have the patience to wait
for things to improve, maybe she wasn’t cut out to be a teacher.
“How dare you! The issue is not whether I’m cut out to be a teacher,” she angrily replied.
“I am a teacher, and a damn good one. But no teacher can get along forever with
inadequate supplies, with overcrowded classrooms, with students who are dumped into
her class, and with students who attack her. And especially,” she growled, “with idiots
like you in charge who continually ignore the needs of Special Education students and

54. I’ve Got You Covered

Abigail and Jeremy got divorced about 10 years ago. Abigail did not want to see a
lawyer, worried that it might turn ugly. So she talked to Jeremy, who agreed that it was a
good idea to not use lawyers. He said not to worry, he would take care of her. She said
she wasn’t looking for a free ride—she could take care of herself. But, Jeremy insisted,
he would help her out, then or whenever she needed money. It was the least he could do
for her, since she was not taking 50 percent of his income and property.
So, Jeremy gave her $10,000 before they got divorced, because Abigail said that would
be all she would need to finish getting her master’s degree and start teaching. And that
was it. For the next 10 years after getting her degree, Abigail worked as a teacher. She
liked her job and the people she worked with. Unfortunately, a tornado wiped out the
entire school and half the town. Many teachers got laid off. Abigail spent a month
visiting family and friends, but then had to find a new job.
She decided to change careers. To do so, she needed to go back to school for two years.
Her tuition and living expenses would cost her $25,000. She called Jeremy. She and
Jeremy had remained friendly over the years.
“Jeremy, I need a big favor,” she said over the phone.
“Sure, Abi, you name it,” Jeremy replied agreeably. Jeremy had a great job and a good
life. She told him that she had been laid off, and she needed $25,000 for a degree and a
new career. The friendliness left Jeremy’s voice. She reminded him of his promise ten
years ago to help her out whenever she needed it.
“Yeah, Abi, but that was ten years ago. That’s history now, right? Have you tried your
local bank?”

55. Paris Goes to Jail in LA

The biggest news in the whole world occurred two weeks ago when Paris Hilton was
sentenced to 23 days in a Los Angeles jail. The heiress to the Hilton hotel fortune, who
was a favorite of the paparazzi, had been cited for driving on a suspended license, among
other things.
When the judge decided that she must go to jail, people everywhere voiced their approval
or disapproval. The news was on the radio, TV, and the Internet. Why her situation was
such worldwide news mystified almost everyone. After all, her only known value to
society thus far had been her ability to party with one boyfriend after another, one week
after another. As many said, she was famous for being famous—nothing more.
When she finally went to jail, there must have been 100 photographers taking pictures of
her. At first, the jail officials put her in a private cell, but her claustrophobia caused her to
have panic attacks. They released her the next day. The following day, however, the
judge ordered her back to jail to finish her sentence.
The sheriff said she was treated like all the other prisoners. She ate baloney sandwiches
and other nutritious food, just like the others. When she finally was released from jail, at
12:01 a.m. on a Tuesday night, dozens of photographers again congregated around her to
snap the “perfect” photo. She spent the first day relaxing—and recovering—at home in
her parents’ mansion.
Then she went on the Larry King radio show and talked about her experience. She hadn’t
liked being in jail, she said, but it had turned her life around. She had found God, and
now she was going to do all she could to help needy people improve their lives.

56. A Year with No TV

Starting in February 2009, broadcasts of all TV signals will be digital, replacing current
analog signals. For people who have cable or satellite TV, this is a non-issue, because
their reception will not be affected. But people who use rabbit ears or outside antennas
won’t be able to receive the new digital signals. They’ll have to buy a converter for each
TV, which will cost about $50 each. For Chris, that was too much.

Instead, Chris was simply going to give his two TVs away to a thrift shop. Then he would
wait until the prices went way down on digital tuner TVs, and buy one when the price
was right. He loaded the TVs into his car.
The lady at the thrift shop wasn’t interested at first. She changed her mind when he said
that they were only 13” TVs, and that they worked perfectly. He was relieved when she
accepted them. Had she not, he would have had to deposit them at a hazardous waste
facility, which meant waiting in line, in his car, for hours on end.
Chris got home feeling good. Now he was going to enjoy at least a year of no TV. The
“idiot box” was a good name for that waste of electricity. He felt like a new man for
having got rid of his two TVs. When Donna called that night, he proudly told her the
news. Donna, whose native language was Chinese, was not happy.
“What do you mean, you have no TV?” she yelled over the phone. “How are you going
to teach me anything when I call to ask you about new vocabulary on the 11 o’clock
news?” She had a few more things to say. Chris sighed. When she finished, he promised
her he would buy a new digital TV the very next day.
57. Let’s Buy Some Paint

“Let’s go to Wal-Mart,” Elizabeth told Kenneth. She wanted to buy some paint supplies.
He suggested that they go to Home Depot instead because employees there could tell
them exactly what to buy. After arriving there, Elizabeth found a friendly looking worker
who was momentarily free.
“Excuse me,” she said. “Could you help us?” She explained that she wanted to paint her
office. “Neither me nor my husband knows how to do it, so please tell us the basics,” she
added. He smiled and told her that it was simple. All they needed were two gallons of
white glossy paint, a roller, a tray and an insert to pour the paint in, and an extension-
handle to reach the high parts of each wall.
“Don’t we need primer?” Kenneth asked.
“Oh, yes, of course. I was getting to that. If you don’t put primer on first, the paint won’t
stick to the walls. Here are two gallons of good, but inexpensive, primer. And a brush
would be a good idea for use in the corners and edges. And that should take care of it.
Just put the primer on first. Let it dry for a couple of hours. Then put on one coat of paint.
Let it dry. Then, if you want to, put on another coat, but it shouldn’t be necessary.”
As they were putting the items into the trunk, Kenneth told her they should buy a ladder,
too. “We’re going to have to use the brush to paint up near the ceiling. The roller won’t
do in a corner,” Kenneth said.
“We don’t need a stepladder. I can sit on your shoulders,” Elizabeth laughed. They went
back inside and bought a stepladder.

58. I Need Water for My Clients

Cynthia and George went shopping together at Wal-Mart. “I need a water dispenser for
my office,” Cynthia told George.
“What do you mean by water dispenser?” George asked.
“You know, one of those things that they put the big five-gallon jug upside down into.
Then you can pour yourself cold water using the blue handle, or hot water using the red
handle,” Cynthia said.
George tried to tell her that she had too few clients coming to her office to need such a
dispenser. He told her to buy a case of bottled water. She could keep the bottles cold in
the office refrigerator. Plus, she had a stove and a coffeemaker in her office, so she could
use either of them to produce hot water for her clients or herself.
“A contract with a water company is going to cost you at least $30 a month,” he argued.
“And maybe you won’t even be consuming that much water a month. Why don’t you
wait a few months and see how many clients you get and then decide if a water dispenser
is absolutely necessary? If it is, buy it then. There’s no rush to buy it now.”
In addition, he argued, the trunk of her car was too small for the dispenser to fit into. Nor
would it fit into her back seat. So, “end of argument,” he concluded. They left Wal-Mart.
Cynthia dropped George off at his place, and then drove back to Wal-Mart. The dispenser
was in a box that was almost the size of Cynthia, but she carted it out to the parking lot
and managed, somehow, to get it into her trunk.
That night, when George called, he asked, “You didn’t go back to Wal-Mart and buy that
thing, did you?”
“Of course not!” she told him.

59. Putting Bunny to Sleep

Jim and Alicia had two dogs – Bugs and Bunny. They were both 15 years old. Bunny was
dying. Bugs was still healthy. They were brother and sister, and had been together since
birth. They had never been separated for longer than a couple of hours.
Jim and Alicia weren’t sure what to do. The vet had told them that Bunny was in pain,
and might continue to suffer for as long as another year. This was unacceptable to both
Jim and Alicia. So, putting Bunny to sleep now, instead of letting her suffer, was not an
issue. However, what to do about Bugs? The vet said Bugs was still healthy. He could
last another two to three years. But how long, they wondered, would he last without his
Bunny had always been Bugs’s “big sister”; she was confident and assertive. Bugs was
rather timid. He didn't mind when his sister bossed him around; she was also there for
him when he was feeling anxious. Bugs followed Bunny everywhere. And whenever
Bunny decided to sleep, Bugs always curled up next to her, whether he was sleepy or not.
Jim and Alicia both arrived at the same conclusion without very much discussion. When
they took Bunny to the vet so that she could be put to sleep, Bugs went, too.

60. Where Is That Darn Battery?

The Buick wouldn’t start. Considering it was 15 years old, this shouldn’t have been a
surprise. But, the battery wasn’t that old. It was a Die Hard, sold by Sears. Gerard had
bought it six years ago, but it was a 100-month battery. It was fully guaranteed for the
first 12 months, and then pro-rated after that.
Gerard called Sears. The service rep told him he would probably get “$10 to $40” credit
toward a new battery. Gerard wondered how there could be such a $30 range, but he
didn’t bother to ask. If the problem was electrical, he asked the service rep, what would
Sears fix? The rep said Sears only replaced alternators and starters; if the electrical
problem involved something else, Gerard would have to take it to the dealer.
Gerard went out to pull the battery out of his car so he could recharge it overnight. Then
he could hook the battery up the next day and use a meter to see if the electrical system
was working properly. He opened the hood. He looked. He looked some more. Where
was the battery?! Had someone stolen it?
He opened the manual. The manual said nothing about the location of the battery. He
called up his friend Bryan. Bryan told him that he was looking in the wrong place; the
battery was under the rear seat. Gerard scoffed. “Nobody puts a battery under the rear
seat—except Volkswagen,” he told Bryan.
“Well, it’s got to be somewhere if it’s not under the hood,” Bryan replied. Gerard went
back out to the Buick and lifted up the rear seat. He found a few coins, some real old
chewing gum, a paperback novel, and a watch battery—but no car battery.
Enough was enough. Gerard called AAA’s emergency road service. Before the tow truck
driver towed the Buick to Sears, Gerard asked him if he knew where the battery was.
“Oh, sure,” he said. “It’s under the hood, but you’d never know it because it’s completely
hidden by the big, white plastic windshield washer reservoir.”
61. If You Really Love Me…

It was only a ’93 Lincoln, but he loved it. Not a ding on it. Only 75,000 miles, even
though it was 14 years old. The leather seats were like new, as was the headliner. All the
bells and whistles worked, including the cruise control and the power seats and mirrors. It
even got 14 miles per gallon. What was not to love?
She hated it. She hated it because she thought he loved his car more than he loved her.
“We can’t go anywhere because all you do is worry about what will happen to your car,”
she complained. “The last time we went shopping, after an hour you stopped talking and
listening to me. You had that long face. I knew what you were thinking about.”
“What was I thinking about?” he asked.
“You were thinking about your Lincoln!” She continued, “When we went out to the
parking lot, you walked all around it to check for fresh dings. Then, when you saw none,
you unlocked the car and got in. As usual, you didn’t open the door for me because you
were so busy adjusting the airflow out of the dashboard vents.”
“I just do that to make you feel comfortable,” he said.
“If you really want to make me comfortable,” she said, “sell this car”.

62. The Wedding Gift (1)

Ray’s wedding had gone off without a hitch. Everyone seemed to have had a good time.
A few people had too good of a time; they went home with designated drivers. All
evening, the gift table remained unguarded. Who would steal anything, Ray thought. He
had never heard of such a thing happening at a wedding. But his best friend Aaron said
there was a first time for everything. He strolled out regularly from the inside festivities
to check on the gift table, making sure no one suspicious was hanging around it.
Ray and Julia went on a 3-week honeymoon to Italy right after the wedding. When they
got back, they opened all the gifts and sent out thank you notes. But there was one
problem. A married couple that used to be good friends had apparently given nothing.
This surprised Julia, because Walt and Mary said they were thrilled to be invited. And,
they actually seemed to have had a great time at the wedding. Frankly, Ray didn’t even
care if they hadn’t given a gift. He just needed to know whether to send a thank you note.
Ray called Aaron. Aaron said maybe Walt had left an envelope on the gift table like
Aaron had. “Yes, but we got your envelope with the cash inside,” Ray said.
“Maybe my envelope looked too thin, and some thief thought Walt’s envelope looked
nice and fat.”

63. The Wedding Gift (2)

Aaron asked Ray if he had looked everywhere for Walt’s gift. Had he called up the
wedding site to see if anything had been left behind? Ray said that he had looked
everywhere and made a lot of calls that were fruitless.
Ray didn’t know what to do. If he sent Walt and Mary a thank you note for a gift they
hadn’t given, they would be insulted. If he didn’t send them a thank you note for a gift
they HAD given, they would be insulted.
“What would you do?” Ray asked. Aaron said he would call Walt up and tell him the
“You can’t go wrong with simply being honest,” Aaron said.
“Oh, yes, you can,” Ray countered. “Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.” But he
thought about it, and finally decided that honesty might be the best policy. He called Walt
and told him the problem. Walt said that yes, he had given an envelope. In fact, the
envelope contained $500 cash.
“$500?!” Ray asked. “That’s a lot of cash, Walt!” Walt admitted that it was, but he had
gotten a fat raise early that year and Ray’s was the only wedding he’d been to in quite a
while. Ray thanked him very much, and apologized sincerely for someone stealing Walt’s
generous gift. Walt told him that it was “only money.”
When Ray told Aaron about Walt’s gift, Aaron laughed. “The only thief at the wedding
was Walt! I quit playing cards with him last year because I caught him cheating. And it
was only a $10 pot! I’m sure I told you about that.”
“Yes, you did tell me,” Ray said. But, of course, he had to send Walt a thank you note

64. Does a Tiger Change Its Stripes?

Melissa had heard about Bill. He was a womanizer. He dated one woman after another,
telling one lie after another. He was a pilot, a tiger trainer, a banker, a publisher, a tycoon,
an investor, an adventurer, and on and on. He laughed about how easy it was to deceive
women. Dress sharp and drive a luxury car, and they would follow you anywhere. Bill
could get almost any woman he wanted. And then he discarded them like so many empty
water bottles.
Although Bill owned a carpet-cleaning business that had five employees, he made most
of his money gambling. He went to Vegas at least six times a year, and played at a couple
of casinos in the Los Angeles area regularly. Tonight he had invited himself to a monthly
neighborhood poker game. For most of the evening, Bill was rather quiet. He hadn’t said
one unkind word about women, and he only briefly bragged about his poker skills.
Melissa wondered if Bill had finally met a woman who had put him in his place.
Meanwhile, he was winning every third hand.
Melissa decided to play one last hand, and then leave. She ended up with a wonderful
hand—three nines and two aces. The betting was spirited, but eventually all the other
players dropped out, except Bill. Bill made a final raise, and Melissa called. There was
almost $200 in the pot, the biggest of the evening. Melissa was mentally shopping with
the money (much of it Bill’s!). Bill, however, also had a full house—three tens and two
deuces. Bill chuckled, “The best female poker player in the world couldn’t beat me,
honey. What on earth were you thinking?”

65. There’s No Place Like an Open House

Edith wasn’t getting any help from anyone. She had just taken the state realty exam,
which was a lengthy multiple-choice exam in downtown Los Angeles. The testing room
in the government building was freezing. As she hunched up shivering, she looked
around and saw others feeling equally cold. Why couldn’t these people let us know
beforehand to bring jackets, she wondered.
After getting the news that she had passed the test, she signed up with a realty company.
They told her how much money she would owe them each month, and wished her good
luck. Other than that, they weren’t much help or encouragement. They told her how to
have open houses on weekends. She had to carry big signs in her car and place them in
the neighborhood around the open house. The signs were not always easy to push into the
ground, nor did they always stay upright. To make matters worse, one Saturday evening
she discovered that all of her signs had been stolen! Her realty company told her not to
worry—they would just add the cost of replacing the signs to her monthly bill.
After she had asked him many times, her husband finally accompanied her to an open
house. They ended up spending eight hours together with each other that Sunday. Only a
dozen house-hunters showed up all day. She tried to engage Edgar in conversation, but all
he wanted to do was read the newspaper. After he helped her pick up all the signs, he told
her that was the last time he was going to help her on an open house. She asked why. He
said he didn’t want to talk about it. Edith wondered how long her realty “career” was
going to last.

66. “We Could Have All Died!”

Two bombing attempts in London failed last night. A Mercedes was parked in front of a
popular nightclub before closing time. There were at least 500 patrons inside the club.
The Mercedes contained 11 full gasoline cans and 7 containers of nails. Apparently, the
car was to be exploded by a call from a cell phone, but someone, or something, goofed.
The cell phone call didn’t trigger the explosion. Instead, some smoke started spewing out
of the car.
An ambulance happened to drive by. The driver, seeing the smoke, called the police. The
police arrived quickly, and a bomb expert immediately entered the car and started
disarming the vehicle. A few minutes later, the police were notified about another car,
also full of explosive material, parked behind the nightclub. That vehicle was also
disarmed. Twice in one night, deadly explosions had failed to occur. The bad guys had
lost--this time.
A new prime minister had just taken over in England. He said that God was watching
over London. Scotland Yard believed that terrorists were behind the bombing attempts.
When one patron at the nightclub found out how close he had been to death, he said, “I’m
so happy to be alive! Last night I was dancing all night near the windows next to the
street, and I would have been one of the first to die. It’s scary to think about. I won’t be
coming to this club for another week or so.”

67. It’s the Thought that Counts

Adam and Constance were very religious. Both had been raised in Catholic families.
Except for her uncle Chandler, who was agnostic, all their relatives were devout
Catholics. Adam’s oldest brother was, in fact, a priest. Adam, as a youth, had been an
altar boy and had prayed to God to become a priest. Instead, God made him a fireman.
Constance had seriously thought about becoming a nun, but that was before she met
Her heart fluttered at her first sight of Adam. He was taking pictures with kids at a charity
event. What a big, strong man, she thought. And so good-looking! Constance took her
nephew over to get his picture taken. She couldn’t believe it when she saw that Adam
was wearing a St. Christopher medal around his neck. He’s Catholic, too! she marveled.
Not being a shy woman, Constance started up a conversation with Adam.
One thing, as they say, led to another. Both sets of parents were so happy that their child
had fallen in love with a Catholic! There was a huge wedding at the cathedral. Adam’s
brother married the two lovebirds. Everyone said it was the best wedding ever.
When Adam and Constance got around to opening their gifts a few days later, Constance
opened an envelope from her uncle Chandler. In it was $100 cash. But, the cash was
inside a Jewish card for Happy Hanukkah! The note in the card was, “I couldn’t find a
wedding card that I liked. I know this is Jewish, but it really is a beautiful card, don’t you
think? Love, and Best Wishes.” Constance did not send her uncle a thank you note, nor
did she ever talk to him again. She was unable to think about her wedding again without
thinking about that card.

68. Who Ordered the Scallops?

“Why don’t you ever take me out to dinner?” Ginger screamed. “All my girlfriends go
out to dinner with their boyfriends at least once a week. They go to nice restaurants and
they have a good time. Then they call me up the next day and brag about what a nice time
they had. They make me sick! And so do you, you cheapskate!”
This was not the first time she had had this conversation with Barney. He replied, “How
many times have I told you that I don’t trust restaurant food? All you have to do is watch
these specials on TV news occasionally to see what’s going on in the kitchen. When you
see how the cooks don’t wash after using the bathroom, how they sweat into your food
while it’s cooking, how they touch every bite of your food with their hands--and who
knows what else you DON’T see--then you’d agree with me.”
“You exaggerate,” she yelled. “Not all restaurants are like that—only a few!” He told her
that even a few was one too many for him.
“Well, one more week without going to a restaurant is going to be one too many for me,
buster,” she warned. “Lester takes Heidi out three times a week. She has the life.” Okay,
okay, Barney surrendered. He promised to take her out that Friday night to the best sushi
place in town.
The next evening Ginger’s best friend called. “Did you hear about Heidi? She almost
died!” she wailed. Heidi was still in the hospital. She had been taken to the emergency
room that morning because of the bad scallops she had eaten at the most exclusive
restaurant in Pasadena the night before.

69. You’re Not My Daddy

Zach drove over to his fiancée’s place. She was in China, visiting her parents. Her son
Bradley hadn't gone with her. Bradley was a junior in high school. He neither liked nor
disliked Zach, even though he had known Zach for three years. Zach was still trying to
win Bradley over. He called Bradley to tell him that he was coming over. Bradley said
okay. When Zach got there, he checked all of Christine’s mail to see if there were any
bills to pay. There were none.
He asked if Bradley wanted to drive Zach's car. Bradley had a driver’s permit, and was
always pestering his mom to let him drive her car. Bradley said all right. Zach told him
not to speed, but he could drive anywhere he wanted. Bradley got on the 210 freeway and
headed northwest to where it meets the 5. Zach gave Bradley a few driving tips: Don’t
drive next to big rigs, because you never know when they might tip over and crush you.
Don’t drive behind pickup trucks with loads, because you never know when something in
the truck will get airborne and come flying through your windshield.
On their way back, Zach suggested that they stop at the driving range. He wanted to show
Bradley how to play golf. Bradley wasn’t enthusiastic. He preferred his video games. But
Bradley soon discovered that golf was fun! He hit a large bucket of balls. Zach told him
that he had a natural swing. The next day Bradley, for the first time ever, called Zach. He
had a few blisters on his hands; Zach said that was normal. Then Bradley asked if Zach
would come by next Saturday so they could take a drive and hit golf balls again. Zach
said of course, with a happy feeling in his heart.

70. Let He Who Is Without Sin…

Senator Earl Adams recently admitted that he had been having sex with prostitutes. He
claimed, however, that he actually wasn’t having sex with them; he was just talking to
them. But he did admit that he wore diapers during “some” of those conversations. When
the senator got wind that a newspaper was going to reveal his shortcomings, he called a
news conference. Apparently, he figured that by “confessing” instead of “getting caught,”
he would be forgiven faster. The senator announced that God would forgive him because
He understands that senators need to relieve their stress somehow.
In a 1998 magazine interview, his wife said that Adams was as faithful as a puppy dog.
She added, however, that if she ever did catch him cheating, she would divorce him. In
1999, Adams told CNN that President Clinton should resign because of his affair with
Monica—he was “unfit” to remain in public office after his “shameful behavior.”
Senator Adams, however, said he would remain in office. To resign would be to let down
the people who had voted for him. His wife announced that she loved him and would
stand by her man.
The US Senate contains 100 of the most powerful men in the United States. They are
elected because of their integrity, intelligence, and leadership. Yet here is a senator who
regularly cheats on his wife, who doesn’t realize that an escort service keeps phone
records, and who dresses in baby clothes. The man is a joke, but he will have the last
laugh—when the good people of California reelect him!

71. Shopping at the 99 Cents Store

Once a week, Neil went grocery shopping. He always made a list, but he always forgot to
put one or more items on the list. This used to anger him, but now he just accepted it.
You're not as sharp as you used to be, he told himself.
It was Friday—shopping day. He went to the 99¢ store. Sometimes they had a lot of fresh
produce, sometimes they didn't. He got lucky. There were fresh, packaged broccoli,
celery, eggplant, and squash. Also, packages of peaches, plums, and apples. He easily had
enough produce to last all week, if it didn't rot first. The produce alone filled up four
plastic bags. Four other bags contained other items that were on Neil's list.
He drove to Albertson's, which sold milk by the gallon and at cheaper prices than the 99¢
store. Interestingly, the price of milk had soared in the last month. He used to buy 2
gallons of nonfat milk for $3.59. Now he was paying $4.69. Yet, the news media was
silent—the same news media that reports a 2-cent increase in gasoline prices or even a 1-
cent decrease. That's all over the news. Milk, he thought, just isn't sexy enough.
He parked his car in the carport and opened the trunk. Somehow he managed, as usual, to
put all 10 plastic bags into his hands and lug them upstairs. What a drag shopping is, he
thought. And then he mentally slapped himself: if you think it's a drag now, wait till you
can't drive. Wait till you can't even walk up the stairs unless you use a cane. How are you
going to get your groceries then? The older you get, he told himself, the more you'd
better appreciate the fact that you can still do all these boring chores and errands.

72. Betting Big in Vegas

Jasper's parents were going to Las Vegas for a week. The last time they were there was
10 years ago. The city had changed greatly in those 10 years. For one thing, the all you
can eat buffets were $15, instead of $3. And traffic was much worse, of course. But now
Las Vegas had a monorail that stopped at all the major hotels. No more walking in the hot
sun (or the bitterly cold wind, if you visited Las Vegas in the winter). Jasper's dad loved
the buffets. "Even at $15, he'll still eat $20 or $30 worth," Jasper's mom said.
Jasper asked his dad what games he was going to play. Blackjack, he replied, if he could
find a $2 table. Jasper told him that he might have to go downtown to a real old casino.
Most casinos, he said, require a $5 minimum nowadays. That didn't surprise his dad.
After he lost a hundred dollars, he was finished anyway, he said. He was never one to
throw good money after bad.
Jasper's mom had no use for anything except slot machines. She loved the slots, as long
as she could find nickel machines and dime machines. "Are any of those left?" she asked
Jasper. He said he wasn't sure, but there had to be some, somewhere. She said she was
going to play differently on this visit: she would wait till someone used a machine for at
least 15 minutes. Then she would play that machine when that person got up and left.
Maybe, she hoped, the jackpot would hit on the first nickel that she put in. That's a good
idea, Jasper thought. Unfortunately, it's the same trick that everyone who plays the slot
machines does. And almost everyone goes home broke.

73. Priced to Sell!

It can be a lonely, depressing job. Not for the successful realtors, of course. Their job is
almost glamorous. Some of them, the most successful, work with wealthy people who
live in, buy, and sell beautiful houses in beautiful neighborhoods. But for a new realtor,
life is hard.
A realtor has to pass a comprehensive test, and then take continuing education credit
classes annually. He (or she) has to join a realty company and attend meetings regularly.
He has to spend hours on the computer researching the latest properties that are being
offered for sale. He has to make "cold calls" to potential clients. These cold calls are
uncomfortable for the realtor and annoying to potential clients.
Once a realtor gets a client, he must chauffeur the client from one property to another,
patiently explaining this and that while answering questions about these and those. It’s
always a contest between the seller trying to get as much as he can for his house and the
buyer trying to pay as little as he can for the same house. Neither one wants to give in.
On top of it all, the seller often lies, proclaiming that there are no problems with his
house—“No, sir, absolutely none whatsoever.”
The realtor has to put up with the seller’s lies and the buyer’s cries of poverty, and in the
end he hears these same words from the buyer: “I don’t know. Let me think about it."

74. The Handyman Comes

The sinks were leaking. David looked in the local paper and saw an ad for Toby the
handyman. David left a message on the answering machine. Two days later, he called
again. He told Toby that he had left a message two days ago. Toby apologized. He said
he hadn’t checked his messages in a couple of days.
David felt like hanging up. Why was it so hard to find a worker who was responsible?
Responsible and clean—many workers were slobs who left messes for the homeowner to
clean up. Toby doesn’t check his machine, David mused. David told Toby that the
kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room faucets were leaking. Toby said he could come over
on Friday; each faucet would cost $20. If he had to buy any parts, that would be extra.
David was pleased. Sixty dollars was a great price. Of course, if Toby fixed faucets like
he checked his messages, maybe the deal wouldn’t be so good. Then again, it was only a
$60 risk. David asked Toby if a check was okay. Toby said no; he only accepted cash.
David said that was okay, as long as he got an invoice. Toby said he would be over
Friday at 1:00 p.m.
At 3:00 p.m., David left a message on Toby’s machine, asking where he was. At 3:30,
Toby showed up. David asked if he had brought an invoice. “Oh, jeez, I forgot. I’m
sorry,” Toby said. David shook his head in disbelief. But, since Toby was there, he
decided to let him in. Before Toby walked into David's house, he wiped his feet very
carefully on the mat. David noticed that. Maybe Toby will work out just fine, he thought.

75. A Woman Has Needs

Wally asked Anita how her daughter Heather was doing. Heather had always been a
dutiful, loving daughter. She got married about 10 years ago, at the age of 23. It was the
first marriage for her and her husband Ben. They had two kids. Everything seemed fine,
even though Heather was the only one working. Ben had gotten laid off two years ago.
He was still looking for work.
They were fortunate because Heather’s grandma loved her to death. She had bought a
house for Heather as a wedding gift, so Ben and Heather had no mortgage to pay. Not
one penny. Grandma asked only that Heather call her twice a month. Recently, grandma
had asked Anita what was wrong with Heather. Anita said she didn’t understand—
nothing was wrong. “Then why hasn’t she called?” grandma asked. Anita said she would
talk to Heather.
She left several messages, but Heather didn’t call back. Anita drove over to the house.
Ben was home, taking care of the kids.
“Where’s Heather?” Anita asked.
“She went to the beach,” Ben told her.
“Without you and the kids?” Ben was reluctant to talk, but he did. Heather had started
smoking again. Even worse, she had found a boyfriend. She had met this guy at work,
and things got out of hand. Ben didn’t know what to do. If he filed for divorce, he might
be out on the street with two kids to support. If he didn’t get a divorce, he had to live with
the humiliation of being supported by a wife who was cheating on him.
Anita was astounded at her daughter’s selfish actions. She drove home and called her
mom. Grandma said that hopefully it was just a phase that Heather was going through.
She told Anita to make sure to remind Heather to call.

76. A Hot Day and a Cool Pool

It was their first vacation together in years. Meg and Oscar had been running their own
jewelry business for years. They made a nice income, but they were busy all the time.
They went to one trade show after another, flying throughout the US and often to China
and other countries. Their last vacation was at least ten years ago. Recently, Oscar’s
doctor said that Oscar’s high blood pressure was going to be the death of him. After
questioning Oscar about his eating and exercise habits, he concluded that Oscar was
stressing himself out at work. He told Oscar that he needed to stop and smell the roses
more often.
“In short,” he said, “I’m writing you a prescription for two weeks of R&R—rest and
relaxation, immediately. In fact, I want you to take off four weeks a year, and these must
be nonworking vacations. No cell phone, no laptop. Do you understand me? In case you
don’t, I’m telling Meg, too. You might not listen to me, but you will listen to her.”
Meg canceled all their activities for the two weeks at the end of July. Fortunately, they
did not have any flights scheduled. She booked them a nice hotel near Palm Springs.
“We’ll catch up on our magazines, newspapers, and TV reruns,” she told Oscar. “We
won’t even TALK about work for two weeks, okay? We’ll relax in the pool, get
massages, and treat ourselves like royalty. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Oscar said, smiling as he saluted her.
The hotel had failed to tell them that it was undergoing renovations. But when it offered
everything at half price, Meg and Oscar stayed. The second morning, about 10, Oscar
told Meg he was going to take a swim. She told him not to forget his sun block. She went
back to sleep. When she woke up at noon, she put on her swim suit and went outside.
She couldn’t stop screaming when she saw Oscar submerged beneath the water. His foot
had gotten caught in a suction vent that workers had not covered properly. He had been
under water for ten minutes.
A month after the funeral, back home, Meg was going through her mail. The hotel,
apparently worried about a lawsuit, had sent her an offer to stay there free for a month.
The congenial letter suggested that she “Bring a friend!”
77. Up, Up, and Away

Twelve people in British Columbia experienced a disastrous balloon ride when it

accidentally caught fire. The balloon was still tied to the ground when the fire started.
Three people jumped out immediately and safely. But the ropes securing the balloon
burnt through and the basket started rising.
Seven more people jumped out as quickly as they could, but each one jumped from a
higher height. The last two jumped from almost 50 feet up. Their clothes were on fire.
They survived, but both would be in the hospital for several months, according to
officials. The others escaped with broken bones and first- and second-degree burns, but
nothing “critical.” Officials said that another balloon fire, causing no deaths and only
minor injuries, had occurred only a week earlier.
The two balloon riders who failed to jump out were a married couple celebrating their
50th anniversary. Their oldest son had surprised them with this “champagne flight” as a
gift. The couple burnt to death in the basket, which ascended to about 500 feet. Then the
entire balloon burst into flames and plummeted to the ground, landing in a trailer park.
The basket was still burning furiously. It looked like an orange torch as it descended,
brilliant against the blue sky. Four trailers were destroyed by the bomb-like effect of the
basket’s heavy landing. When the dust finally cleared, the married couple were found,
completely charred, embracing each other.

78. Man's Best Friend

A professional football player was charged by government prosecutors with breeding

dogs to fight, providing the site for the dog fights, gambling on the dog fights, and killing
dogs that were not good fighters. The quarterback, Roger Cheney, at first denied
everything. He told the media that he hoped his mother would not hear about any of this
and, if she did, she knew him well enough not to believe any of the charges.
Unfortunately, all the people that worked for him immediately confessed everything,
hoping for reduced sentences. They all pointed a finger at the quarterback.
The media interviewed Cheney’s father, who said that he had told his boy that dog-
fighting was evil and he should stop it. His son told him that it was only some dogs—it
wasn’t like he was destroying lions or elephants. “He told me that humane societies
destroy thousands of dogs a month, so what was the big deal,” Cheney’s dad said.
Two weeks after the initial charges were made, Cheney agreed to plead guilty to several
reduced charges, including animal cruelty. He could be sentenced to five years in jail.
Across the nation, football fans and animal fans were equally outraged at his admission.
“Athletes are supposed to be a model for our nation’s youth,” said some. “He is more of
an animal than any of his poor dogs,” said others. Few were surprised or saddened when
the National Football League suspended Cheney without pay for an undisclosed term.

79. Six Feet Under

Six coal miners in Utah were trapped 1,500 feet underground when the support beams
collapsed. Digging was immediately started in an effort to rescue the six. Five volunteer
miners risked their lives to descend down to the location of the cave-in. A day later,
another cave-in occurred, killing three of the five would-be rescuers. All five were pulled
out of the mine.
The government banned any further attempts at rescue by men. Instead, machines would
be used to burrow into the ground. Listening devices would be able to detect any human
activity, and probes would be able to detect the amount of oxygen present. Even though
most people figured that the original six had died almost immediately, five more holes
were dug during the next two weeks in an effort to find, and deliver food and water to,
survivors. This effort was made more difficult because searchers did not know the exact
location of the original cave-in.
After the fourth, fifth, and sixth digs had produced no positive results, the owner of the
mine said that was it. Enough was enough. He had done all he could do, and after two
weeks of no food and water, it was impossible that anyone could still be alive. The
families of the six miners were outraged, telling the media that the owner had given only
lip service to rescue attempts. They planned to sue.

80. An Unhappy Worker

She was a big, homely, overweight young woman, in her late 20s, maybe. No ring on her
finger, so she was probably single. In fact, judging from her unfriendly demeanor, she
probably had no boyfriend. And unless she started dieting and exercising regularly, she
would probably remain unattached.
Vivian asked her to make sure to remove the plastic tag from each article of clothing that
Vivian was buying at Marshall's. The woman looked at Vivian but said nothing. Not "yes,
ma'am," not "of course," not "no problem." She yanked each shirt off its hanger, removed
each tag, and folded each shirt quickly but carelessly. Even though the building was air-
conditioned, her forehead had beads of sweat. Occasionally she wiped the sweat off with
the back of her hand.
When she finished removing all the plastic tags and folding shirts into three piles, she
rang up the total--$530.78. Vivian presented her VISA card. The clerk completed the
transaction and gave Vivian the receipt to sign. Then she started to put all 19 shirts into
one big bag. Vivian said no, please put them into three bags because that would be easier
to carry back out to the car. The young woman made a sour face, as if she had been asked
to lick the floor clean.
She almost threw each pile of shirts into three separate plastic bags. Vivian said thank
you and picked up the bags. The young woman said nothing. Wordlessly she wiped the
sweat off her forehead, pulled a shirt off the hanger for the next customer, and folded it.

81. Why the Sky Is Brown

Every two years, DMV sent Cory a notice to get a pollution check to make sure his
Cadillac wasn't fouling the California sky. Cory thought that DMV was fighting a losing
battle, considering that there were 30 million cars and 10 million cows in California, not
to mention the air pollution drifting into California from across the Pacific.
After driving on the 210 freeway for 20 minutes to warm the engine up, Cory drove to the
test-only center on Colorado Blvd. Sam, the owner, offered Cory a bottle of purified
water. Sam pulled the car up to the test machine and stuck the machine's sensor up the
car's tail pipe. This isn't good, Cory thought. Sam showed Cory the printout: “Your
vehicle is a gross polluter!”
"What does that mean?" Cory asked. It meant that Cory had to take his car to a mechanic
to find out why the car was running so rich. It was using gasoline inefficiently. Maybe
that's why I'm getting only 8 miles per gallon, Cory thought. Sam said that once the
problem was fixed, bring the car back for a second test, which would be free.
Cory took his car to Moe, his regular mechanic. Moe said he couldn't help Cory, but his
friend Ramsey specialized in emission problems. He gave Cory Ramsey’s business card.
“Tell him that I recommended you,” Moe said.
Ramsey said to bring the car by 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday--"first come, first
served." Cory got there at 7:40 a.m. Monday. There were three cars already parked there,
but Cory was relieved to discover that they were the mechanics’ cars. He was the first
customer. Ramsey introduced himself, saying, "Coffee will be ready in a few minutes. I'll
show you the waiting room." He was a friendly, courteous man. Cory felt comfortable.
Moe had sent him to a good place.

82. It’s a Small World

Nicolas was sitting in the waiting room Monday morning. He had brought four
magazines with him, in case the mechanics had to spend all day fixing his car. His
portable Sony radio was on, and one earbud was stuck in his right ear. A customer came
into the waiting room. Nicolas overheard the customer talking to Harold, the service
representative. The customer was from Milford, the same little town that Nicolas was
from. After the customer and Harold had finished talking, Harold went back outside.
Nicolas thought he would introduce himself. He said, "I heard that you are from
Milford." The young man nodded. "Are you going to the parade on Wednesday?" Nicolas
"What parade?" the man asked. Wednesday was the fourth of July. Nicolas wondered if
he was talking to someone who just happened to be visiting Earth on his way to Pluto.
"Didn't you say you live in Milford?" Nicolas asked. The man nodded. "How long have
you lived there?" Nicolas asked. Five years, the man replied.
"And you've never been to the Fourth of July parade?" Nicolas asked. The man shook his
head. He seemed totally uninterested in continuing the conversation, although all he was
doing was watching cars drive by on the nearby street.
Oh well, I tried to be neighborly, Nicolas thought, as he put the earbud back in his ear
and opened one of his magazines.

83. Suspicious Shoppers

Martin and Jane were shopping. They were in Ross Dress for Less. They had just
bought shirts, pants, skirts, and tops that filled up four plastic bags. Martin picked up all
four bags. Jane said there was no need to do that. “Why not?” he asked her.
“We can just put everything into a Ross cart and roll it out to the car,” she suggested.
“We can't do that,” he replied. “These carts are for in-store use only. You can't walk all
over the mall with their carts. Let's just carry these bags out to the car, put them into the
trunk, and then we can continue to shop.” They no sooner walked out the door of Ross
than they saw about 50 rental shopping carts locked to a rail.
“See,” Martin pointed out to Jane, “if you want to use the cart, you can just rent one for
the whole day from the rack.”
The mall was huge, and it was air-conditioned. Both of them were chilly. "When we get
back to the car, let's grab our jackets," Jane suggested. As soon as they walked outside,
the blast of summer heat hit them. Once at the car, they put the bags into the trunk. Then
they plopped down into the front seats. They were both tired from all the walking they
had just done. When they felt more refreshed, they locked the car and walked back to the
mall entrance.
"Wait a minute," Jane said. They stopped. Jane told Martin about the two suspicious
characters sitting outside the entrance. "They were watching us as we carried the bags out
to the car," she said.
"You have very sharp eyes," Martin said. They went back to their car. Martin drove
around to the other side of the mall, and they parked in the area marked “6.”

84. Death Is Part of Life

"Happy birthday! This is your dad calling," Dad said. Dad always identified himself, as if
after 60 years Joel didn't recognize his own dad's voice. "Well, you're getting pretty old,
aren't you?" Dad asked.
"I sure am," Joel said. "In fact, I'm the same age you were 20 years ago!"
"Yes, who'd ever think that they wished they were 60 again," said his dad. "This aging
process is certainly no fun."
"You can say that again," Joel said. But as they say, it's a lot better than the alternative.
As long as you're reasonably healthy in mind and body. They both agreed.
His dad and mom were still quite active. They lived together in their house. They both
drove. They both played golf regularly and were active volunteers in the community.
But, such independence would not last forever. Both of them would eventually need part-
time or full-time nursing assistance at home, or maybe even have to be moved into a
nursing home.
What a quiet end that will be, Joel thought, to such fun, productive, and eventful lives.
Lying in a bed in a nursing home, waiting for relatives and friends to come visit. Waiting
for the nurse’s aide to bring medication, dinner, or an extra blanket. Waiting for help to
use the bathroom.
Much of that time spent waiting would also be spent in thought. What do people think
about when they know their time is almost up, Joel wondered.

85. Tagger Shoots Woman

A 58-year-old woman, mother of three, grandmother of eight, was shot twice in the head
Friday night. She was driving to the Wal-Mart east of Pasadena. Only a block from her
home, she saw two kids spray-painting graffiti on a new building. She honked at the kids.
They continued to tag the building. She honked again. Then she got out of her car and
started yelling at them to stop it. They turned around and shouted obscenities at her. She
got back into her car, telling the boys that she was calling the police.
She did not notice another car behind her. The car pulled up next to her. The passenger
window rolled down, and two shots were fired. The two boys, who had been watching,
walked over to the woman’s car. One opened the driver’s door and grabbed her purse.
The other opened the passenger door and dug through the glove compartment. Then they
calmly got into their friend’s car and left the scene.
It is said, “If good people are silent, evil will win.” This woman was not silent, yet evil
won. The police caught a 19-year-old who they think fired the shots. He will be tried. If
convicted, he will go to prison for 20 years, where he will get free food, housing, and
medical care. And where he’ll learn how to commit other crimes.
But because the prisons are so overcrowded, he will probably get out in 10 years. So, at
the age of about 30, he will be out committing more crimes, while three children and
eight grandchildren will never get to grow older with their grandma. For bravely speaking
up, she was put down. People say that what goes around, comes around. But how often
does that happen to cold-blooded murderers?

86. Crime on the Rise

A woman is standing at a bus stop at noon. A van pulls up. A young man hops out of the
van, grabs the woman’s purse, gets back into the van, and it drives off.
An elderly man is standing on the sidewalk in front of his home at 10:30 p.m. He is
admiring the full moon. A car pulls up right in front of him and stops. Two men get out.
One man punches the old man in the mouth. The other man takes the man’s wallet out of
his pants. They get back into their car and drive off.
A woman puts her laptop and purse into her car in her driveway at 3:15 p.m. She starts
the car, and then remembers that she forgot to turn off the TV. She goes back into her
house, turns off the TV, and comes back to her car. Her purse and her laptop are gone.
The department of transportation built an elevated freeway on top of the 110 freeway in
Los Angeles. The new freeway is supported by more than 100 thick concrete columns.
Since the freeway was built, each column has been tagged with graffiti and repainted at
least ten times.
Late one night, someone managed to raise a heavy metal shopping cart to the top of a
flagpole outside a supermarket. The next morning, a 56-year-old supermarket worker
hooked up the US flag and started to raise it by pulling on the rope. A second later, the
cart crashed down on her. She was permanently paralyzed. When released from the
hospital, she told a TV reporter that she forgave the culprit. “Please don’t do this again,”
she said. “You might kill someone, and that would be terrible.” A police spokesman
admitted that they might not ever find the “prankster.”

87. Too Soft on Crime

No one knows for sure, but some experts estimate that half of the crimes committed in
the US go unreported. Half of those reported never result in the criminal being found.
Half of those in which the criminal is found never result in convictions. Half of the
convictions result in reduced or full sentences. Half of the full sentences eventually
become reduced sentences because of "good behavior" or overcrowded prisons that result
in early releases.
“The problem,” said Wyatt Earp, a retired police officer, “is that punishment is not swift
enough or severe enough. All they get is a slap on the wrist. Too many judges are soft on
criminals. We need to change the law so that there is an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a
tooth. Even criminals understand physical pain.
“If I were president, I would do many things to teach these punks a lesson. Prisons would
have no heat and no air-conditioning. Let the jerks freeze in the winter and bake in the
summer. They would get one peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast, for lunch,
and for dinner. This way we don’t have to worry about prisoners using utensils to injure
guards or other inmates, or dig out of prison. And no crunchy or organic peanut butter
either—only the cheap stuff. Their only beverage would be water—no soda, milk, coffee,
or tea. And no fancy bottled water, either. Their water would be straight from the faucet.”

88. Pluto Chases Kid

Visitors to Disneyland in southern California see lots of life-sized cartoon characters,

such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pluto the Dog. Most parents take their small
kids right up to these characters. If the child doesn't start bawling because he or she is
afraid of the cartoon character, the parents will take snapshots or videos of their kid with
Snow White, Grumpy, Goofy, or others. Often the camera will be rolling even when the
child looks afraid or is crying.
Last week, Eva Gunderson took her 7-year-old son Billy Bob to Disneyland. Pluto was
the first character they met once they got inside. Eva asked Billy Bob if he wanted a
picture with Pluto. Billy Bob said no. He said Pluto’s tail was too skinny and his nose
was too big. Eva told him to go ahead, please, just so she could show daddy. Billy Bob
reluctantly agreed.
He went over to Pluto and sat on his lap. Eva said, “Say cheese!” and both Billy Bob and
Pluto said the magic word. Then, as Billy Bob got off Pluto’s lap, he grabbed Pluto’s
round black plastic nose and ripped it off Pluto’s costume. Pluto yelled “Ouch!” (even
though it didn’t hurt). Billy Bob started running, and Pluto started chasing him. Just as
Pluto got close enough to grab him, Billy Bob kicked Pluto between his legs. Pluto fell to
the ground, groaning. This time he really was in pain.
Eva got it all on video cam. “That was great, honey!” she told her son as they walked off
to find more characters. “Wait till daddy sees this. He’ll be so proud of you!”

89. In Harm’s Way

A new invention, called “Arm Yourself,” is in arcades in Japan. It is a mechanical arm-

wrestling machine. In the old days, fairs and carnivals usually had a “Test Your Strength”
contest that required a player to swing a small sledge hammer as hard as he could to ring
a bell and get a prize. The Japanese invention also challenges a player’s strength. Players
can set it to four different levels: Baby, Girl, Man, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The mechanical arm operates at half-strength for the first 10 seconds: “Baby,” for
example, would be “Half-Baby,” or 50-percent full-strength, for 10 seconds initially.
“This gives the human time to evaluate his mechanical opponent, and usually allows him
to win,” says the inventor. But after 10 seconds elapse, the mechanical arm instantly
achieves full strength, so that weak Baby suddenly becomes strong Baby. “That comes as
a surprise to the human,” said the inventor. “If you watch the human compete, you will
see a look of surprise come over his face at the machine’s sudden burst of strength. It’s
funny to see!”
Unfortunately for some players, the look of surprise is followed by the look of pain, as
the steel and plastic arm breaks their flesh and blood arm! Two players recently went to
the hospital. The inventor said that he wouldn’t put a warning sign on the machine.
“It’s not the machine’s fault,” he said. “Humans often think that they’re smarter, faster,
and stronger than they actually are. I think it’s a good lesson that they are learning. Many
refuse to combat the machine at the Baby or Girl level because they think that they’re
equal to the Man or Arnold level. They don’t know their limitations. They’re proud and
foolish, and some of them have to pay the price for their pride.”

90. “Semper Buy”

Semper Fi means Always Faithful. It’s the motto of the Marine Corps, which is a
segment of the US Navy. The Marines do whatever the federal government tells them to
do, and the government always talks about how important the Marines are and how
grateful the government is. So when a former marine, James Reid, recently applied for a
Purple Heart for a wound that he received while serving in the Korean War more than 50
years ago, he expected no problems. But a Navy official said that they had no more
Purple Hearts. If Reid wanted one, he could buy it at a military supply store. “They’re
only $42,” said Arthur Chertoff. “It’s not exactly like buying a new car.”
However, the 75-year-old Reid subsists on a military pension that barely covers his rent.
His daughter and son send him money for food, transportation, and other expenses.
“Well, then, let your kids pay for it,” Chertoff said when Reid told him that he depended
on his kids for living expenses. So Reid asked his son for $42 for the medal. His son got
so upset about the ungratefulness of the Navy that he called the local newspaper.
The local newspaper printed a front page article about how the Navy couldn’t be bothered
to pay for and present Reid his Purple Heart 50 years after his injury. Network television
news picked up the story. The Navy, of course, was immediately embarrassed. Somehow,
officials found the money and the time to buy Reid his Purple Heart and even make a
ceremonial presentation.
“We are always eager and happy to show that we take care of our own,” said the broadly
smiling Chertoff as he presented Reid the medal in front of TV news cameras. “Thank
you so much for your service to your country.”

91. A Little Respect, Please

It sounds incredible, but the small country of Greece seems to be burning down. Police
believe arsonists are responsible for at least half of the fires. Thirty people have died so
far, many of them trapped in their homes or their cars. Residents all over Greece have
called fire departments, police, and media about fires surrounding their homes, but there
have simply not been enough firemen to respond to all these fires.
The government has asked for aid from France, Italy, and Germany. Greek ruins that are
almost 3,000 years old are in danger of being burnt down. Fires surround Athens, the
capital city. The hillsides are ablaze, and there seems to be no end in sight. Entire villages
have been destroyed. There has been no rain for two months, and the trees are so dry that
just the heat from an approaching fire causes them to explode into flames.
Police have arrested three suspected arsonists. One suspect, oddly enough, was still
complaining about the 2004 Olympics. He had applied to carry the torch into the stadium
and light the fire to officially start the Games. His application was ignored. “You have to
be somebody,” was the reply he got when he called the Olympic Committee in Athens.
“And you’re not—you’re nobody,” an official told him. The man was in jail for three
years for trying to blow up the committee’s headquarters. Yesterday, police caught him
walking away from a new fire with an empty gas can in his hands.
“I’m nobody, huh?” he told the police. “Well, I’m somebody now!”

92. A Dream from Beyond (1)

I was sound asleep. My grandfather appeared in a dream. He asked why I had never
visited him and grandma at the cemetery. He said that even my mom hadn’t visited since
October 4 (grandma’s birthday). He told me that, when I was young, I had walked out
into a pond and slipped under water. He had rescued me. He said grandma was supposed
to be watching me, but that she had gotten sick all of a sudden and was throwing up. It
was probably the fresh blackberries they had picked and eaten earlier. Grandma had a bad
My parents were out on a boat in the pond. They did not know that grandpa had saved me
until they got back to shore. I was in a towel and my clothes were drying on bushes. My
brown and white Buster Brown shoes were also soaked. I was only three years old,
grandpa said. My parents were angry at first, but when they saw that grandma was still
feeling sick, they forgave her.
Grandpa told me that we had a picnic after that. The four of us ate some chicken, potato
salad, and homemade cookies. We drank lemonade. Then grandpa took me for a walk in
the woods (I sat on his shoulders). I saw some daisies, and we picked them. When we
returned, I presented three daisies to mom and three to grandma, who was finally feeling
better. Grandpa said to bring some daisies to the gravesite. Then I woke up.

93. A Dream from Beyond (2)

The next day, I called my mom. “Do you remember me walking into the pond and
grandpa rescuing me?”
“My God! Who told you about that?”
“You mean, it really happened?”
“Yes, but your father and I never told you about it because grandma swore us to silence.
Even though it wasn’t her fault, she felt that she had failed in her responsibility, and
never wanted you to know about it. My goodness, that was so long ago. Who told you
“Mom, did I go for a walk with grandpa and return with daisies for you and grandma?”
“Okay, I get it. You and your dad are playing some kind of prank. Okay, it’s very funny.
Now, quit it.”
“This is no prank, mom. Grandpa told me this in a dream last night.”
“It still sounds like a prank.”
“No, I’m serious. He told me that grandma had a reaction to blackberries. He said I was
wearing brown and white Buster Brown shoes. He said I gave you and grandma daisies.”
“Oh, my God. Your father would never remember all this. It must be Daddy! Did he say
anything about visiting his gravesite?”
“Yes, that was his problem. He wanted me to visit them. He also said you had not visited
“—Since mom’s birthday six years ago?”
“Well, not—”
“I’ve got to get over there right now!”
“Wait for me! I’m coming with you, and I’ve got to bring those daisies. Maybe we’d
better start going every year, huh, mom?”
“Yes. There’s no telling what grandpa might tell you next time.”

94. A Trip to Egypt

Roy wanted to visit Egypt two years ago. But while he was checking out different tour
packages, an airplane crashed into the Atlantic. The plane was an Egypt Air flight from
New York to Cairo. It had no sooner gotten airborne than it dove straight down into the
ocean, killing all on board. There was a great deal of investigation into the crash, but the
final conclusion, made after recovering the black box, was that the copilot had decided to
take his life, along with all the passengers and crew.
Pat told Roy to forget about flying to Egypt. As his wife of 50 years, she wouldn’t permit
it. If he wanted to see the pyramids, she said, he could rent a video or google the
pyramids online. Two years went by, and no further crashes occurred. One day Roy told
Pat that he was going to Egypt, with or without her approval. He asked her if she wanted
to go with him. She said no, thank you—she didn’t have a death wish “like someone I
Roy said that the plane crashed two years ago—she worried too much. He said he was
also making a side trip to Israel. Pat said, “Go ahead. I’ll call the funeral parlor so they
know you’ll be dropping by.” Roy laughed. He said there was a greater chance of dying
in a car accident in their own neighborhood than of being killed by terrorists in Egypt or
“Yes,” Pat said, “but we have to drive around our neighborhood to do our errands. We
don’t have to go to Egypt and Israel. You’re just tempting fate.”

95. No Doughnuts for Old Folks

In New York, the residents at a senior center have been receiving free doughnuts and
other baked goods for years. The sweets are donated by bakeries and other shops that
have leftovers that are not quite fresh enough to sell. The seniors devour the sweets. But
the city council has decided that these sweets are no good for the seniors. It just passed a
law forbidding free day-old sweets for the senior center.
“We want our seniors to live as long as possible, and these sweets can only contribute to
obesity. With obesity come high blood pressure, circulation problems, and diabetes. So
we are doing this for their own good,” said Karl Rove, a city council member.
The senior citizens are having none of this. They immediately called Rove and other
council members to protest this ban. “Who are these people to tell us what to eat?” asked
Doug Fairbanks, a resident at the center. “I’ll bet every one of them has a doughnut
several times a week. Where do they get this attitude? They act like they are our parents.
“Instead, they are elected officials who are supposed to do the will of the people. And
there isn’t one person in this senior center who has complained about the free doughnuts.
If they’re concerned about seniors, are they going to prohibit all the seniors in the whole
town from eating doughnuts? They can’t just pick on us if they’re interested in the health
of all seniors.
“People get a little bit of power and it goes straight to their heads. We are starting a
petition to recall all the council members who voted for this law.”

96. It’s Just Business

May was hoping to broker cigarette lighters in America. Her friend said that Mr. Wang
was a big manufacturer in China. She gave May Mr. Wang’s phone number. May called
Mr. Wang, and invited him to Los Angeles. She arranged several meetings between Mr.
Wang and some US wholesalers. Because he did not speak English, she was the
interpreter at the meetings. Mr. Wang promised to give May a commission for whatever
business deal was made and for all future orders.
The first three meetings were unproductive. The last meeting was with a Chinese
wholesaler. He spoke Chinese, so there was no need for May to interpret his remarks. She
sat there throughout the meeting and listened. The two men discovered that they both had
grown up in Guiyang, a large city in southwest China. At meeting’s end, no deal was
made. Everyone shook hands.
May and Mr. Wang walked out to her car. Then Mr. Wang said that he had forgotten
something. He excused himself and walked back to the office. May waited a moment.
Then, suspicious, she snuck back to the office and heard the two men making a deal
behind her back. Mr. Wang was cutting her out of her commission.
May went back out to her car and waited. Mr. Wang was whistling as he returned to the
car. He apologized for making her wait. She said it was no problem. Then she drove Mr.
Wang back to his hotel. He thanked her for her help, and said he was returning to China
the next day. She didn’t say anything about what she had overheard. She went home and
tried not to cry about what had just happened—she must be strong.

97. A Walk in the Wild

Bill parked his car on the residential street. The street used to be safe, but now there were
frequent reports in the weekly paper about break-ins. He put The Club on his steering
wheel and made sure that nothing of value—not even a pair of cheap sunglasses—was
visible through the car windows.
He got out of the car and started the uphill walk. The mountain trail was mostly narrow
for the first two miles. Only two people could walk side by side. When the trail got close
to the edge of the mountainside, it was best if people walked single file. Several years
ago, an experienced hiker, walking alone, slipped and fell to his death. The trail went past
a small lake created by a dam, and then broadened as it went up into the heart of the
mountain, away from cliffs. When Bill got to First Camp, he stopped by the small stream
to look for fish or frogs. Suddenly, he heard a sinister rattling sound. Then, he felt a sharp
bite on his calf. He turned around in time to see a rattler slithering off.
There was nothing to do now but walk back down to his car. He had no cell phone with
him. He would remember to bring it next time, if there was a next time. Should he walk
slowly, so the poison would spread slowly? Or should he walk fast, so he could get to his
car and get medical help faster? Perhaps he’d meet someone on the way down.
A simple walk, he thought. It was just going to be a simple walk up a mountain trail.

98. Elvis Is Alive and Well

Tamara Smith sliced open an eggplant. The seeds were arranged in the likeness of Elvis’s
profile. “Oh, my God!” Tamara screamed. She was The King’s biggest fan. She had all
his CD’s and all the DVD’s of his movies. She knew everything about the artist from
Mississippi. She had been to his birthplace and to his memorial—Graceland—in
Memphis. She had never actually seen him live, yet she worshipped him. She felt that she
was his soul mate, because they were both born on January 8.
She always claimed that Elvis would be alive today if she could have contacted him that
fateful day. She had had a strange feeling that morning in her own bathroom. She sensed
that there was danger for Elvis in his bathroom. She suspected that he might slip in the
tub, or maybe accidentally electrocute himself with his hair dryer. But she wasn’t sure.
All she knew was that Elvis must not use his bathroom that day.
She dialed Memphis 411, but Information told her that his number was not listed. She
called the Memphis police, but they said she would have to get in line behind all the other
crank callers. She called her cousin who lived in Memphis, but her cousin was out.
She almost died when she saw the TV news that night, August 16, the saddest day of her
life. I was right, I was right, she kept repeating to herself. If only she had gotten through
to poor Elvis.
Now she had this eggplant. It could mean only one thing—Elvis was trying to
communicate with her. She wrapped the eggplant in saran wrap and put it in her
refrigerator. The next day she was going to visit Mabel, her palm reader / medium /
manicurist, to have a séance.

99. Bad Weed, Bad Call

Boy, this is the worst weed I’ve ever had, Wesley thought, even though it smelled great.
He’d rolled two joints, smoked them both, and still didn’t feel high. He’d heard about
some super weed that gets people so high that they think they’re straight. Maybe this was
super weed. Naw, he thought. This is just crap. His best buddy had ripped him off! There
was only one thing to do: call the police.
Wesley told the police his problem. They said they would be right over. He went to the
front door and unlocked it. Slowly, he printed Buster’s phone number and address on a
cigarette paper. He put it into the big baggie of grass. He wondered if his call was going
to make TV news. Or maybe the front page of the newspaper: “Good Citizen Turns in
Drug Dealer.” Wow! The city might make him an honorary deputy sheriff. He lit another
joint—maybe the third one would be the charm ...
He heard the car doors closing and the footsteps approaching. All right, he thought. He
wondered if they had brought a television crew with them. Maybe he’d make the 11
o’clock news. The police were very polite. They thanked him for Buster’s phone number
and address. Then they arrested Wesley. “What for?” he protested.
“For possessing more than 28 grams of pot,” an officer replied.
“But this isn’t pot—it’s more ‘not’ than ‘pot.’ Why do you think I called you—I got
ripped off!”
“Well, we’ll see about that after the lab analyzes it. If you’re both lucky, you did get
ripped off.”

100. Shark Attack

It was a hot, sunny day. The waves off Santa Barbara were almost three feet high because
of a distant Pacific storm. Surfers were having fun. Then the fun ended. One surfer
started yelling. Surfers on the beach saw him swinging his arms. He went under water.
Then he came back up, shouting for help.
“He was in big trouble,” said one woman on shore. She called 911. He was still shouting
and fighting. They could not see a shark, but they knew the surfer was being attacked by
one. Again, the surfer went under. Four surfers hopped onto their boards and swam
rapidly out to the surfer. By the time they got to him, he was alone. The shark had given
up on the taste of the rubber wetsuit and the battle that the surfer had put up.
The 24-year-old man was groaning in pain, but he was still alive. The surfers put him on
a board and paddled back to shore. “I don’t think he’s going to make it,” said someone on
the beach. “Look at that leg.”
A helicopter arrived shortly afterward. Paramedics hopped out and examined the victim.
They thanked the surfers and the woman for their aid, and put the man into the chopper.
A hospital spokesman said an hour later that the surfer would survive—he was in fair
condition. Meanwhile, because there was nothing they could do and because the waves
were still good, most of the surfers were out on their boards.

101. Love in the Hospital

Jenny was hot for Roger. They were both nurses, and they were both married—to
someone else. Jenny knew that the feeling was mutual; Roger had that sparkle in his eye
whenever he saw her. He often grabbed Jenny’s hand and pulled her aside to talk to her
privately about something that was quite unimportant. They frequently gave each other
shoulder massages. It was only a matter of time, Jenny figured.
“You’d better be careful,” Carol said. “You don’t think anyone has noticed the two of
you? It’s not like you’re being very secretive.” Carol was Jenny’s coworker and best
“Well, we don’t have anything to be secretive about,” Jenny replied. “We’re not doing
anything, so we don’t have to be careful about anything.”
“Who are you kidding? You’ve told me plenty of times how hot you think Roger is. What
are you going to do when he gets tired of just flirting? You won’t be able to resist. And
then, the fun will be over sooner than you think. You could both end up getting divorced.
And then, even if you married each other, how could you trust each other, since both of
you would be cheaters?”
Jenny told Carol that her imagination was out of control. Nothing was going to happen.
Just then, Carol saw Roger walking toward them. He quietly came up behind Jenny and
gave her a big, tight hug. Jenny grinned broadly. Carol rolled her eyes and walked away.

102. Interstate Bridge Collapses

An eight-lane steel bridge on interstate 35 collapsed during evening rush hour. Dozens of
cars plummeted 60 feet into the Mississippi River. Ten people died, and more than 50
were seriously injured. The bridge was being repaired because it was found to be
structurally deficient; it needed to be reinforced. Like many bridges throughout America,
the bridge was built more than 40 years ago. Traffic was much lighter then. Nowadays,
cars, buses, and big trucks cross the bridge steadily, even late at night.
“I heard a terrific boom. It was like the loudest thunder I ever heard,” said one witness to
the disaster. She ran out of her car to see what was happening. She saw cars falling into
the river and heard people screaming. She heard the loud cracking sounds of the bridge
collapsing and splashing sounds as bridge sections and vehicles hit the water. “It was
horrible,” she said.
Engineers had no explanation for the collapse. They said the bridge had been inspected
recently. The report said that, although it was structurally deficient, the bridge was not
unsafe. Since the report did not declare the bridge unsafe, the decision was to simply
reinforce it at strategic locations.
Americans were shocked that an American bridge could simply collapse. The news was
all over TV, radio, and most newspapers. One newspaper investigation revealed that
almost 10 percent (about 59,000) of America’s bridges were structurally deficient.
Initially, some people speculated that terrorists might have rigged a bomb to the bridge.
Others noted that all the pigeon poop on the bridge’s support rails might have eroded the
steel. One blogger wrote that, before he drove over another bridge in America, he would
make sure that a life jacket was in the front seat next to him.

103. Stop Selling Those Bunnies

An animal rights group in Phoenix, Arizona is gathering signatures to present to the

president of PetsRUs, a nationwide store that sells pet accessories and small pets. “They
said they would never sell dogs, cats, or rabbits,” said activist Barbara Walters. “Now
they’re selling rabbits, and it’s only a matter of time before they start selling cats and
She said that there are already too many rabbits in shelters, along with too many cats and
dogs. People can get all the rabbits, cats, and dogs that they want at any local shelter, she
advised. In addition, she warned that rabbits make terrible pets: they scratch, they bite,
they’re not people friendly, they don’t like to be held or petted, they multiply like “well,
like rabbits,” and they’re high maintenance. She said that people no sooner buy a rabbit
than a month or two later they take it out to a field and release it. These house-reared
rabbits often die quickly in the wild, she said. Finally, she said, there are plenty of small,
independent pet shops that already sell rabbits, so it’s not like there’s a lack of places to
get these so-called pets.
A spokesman said that this was only a trial program for PetsRUs. The Phoenix store was
the only store in the state that was selling rabbits. He said that a market survey showed a
demand for rabbits, and that PetsRUs was merely trying to satisfy customer needs. If
sales were slow, he said, the trial program would probably end. “I don’t know what the
problem is,” he said. “Rabbits are cute, they don’t bark, and they eat all the vegetables
that your kids refuse to eat.”

104. Actor Tries to Kill Himself

Actor Brett Maverick, the lead actor in many movies, was taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital
after his brother called an ambulance. Luke had found Brett in a dazed state with both of
his wrists slashed. A hospital spokesperson said that the cuts on his wrists were
superficial, and that Brett was in good condition.
The actor has starred in many romantic comedies. He often portrays a character who
meets a girl who doesn’t like him at first but falls in love with him by the end of the
movie. In fact, a real-life romance occurred in his last movie. His costar, actress
Katherine Hepburn, fell in love with Brett and moved in with him. This occurred despite
the fact that Katherine was engaged to wed Richard Burton, another well-known actor.
Burton, heartbroken, told the media that he was going to become a Buddhist monk.
Unfortunately for Brett, Katherine recently made another movie with actor Errol Flynn.
This movie, “Love in Baghdad,” is a drama involving a married couple who are separated
by terrorists. Katherine told Brett she was going to “visit” Errol on his 200-foot yacht
after filming was finished. But soon afterward, TV entertainment shows like “Access
Hollywood” and “Entertainment Tonight” showed photos and videos almost daily of
Katherine and Errol hugging, kissing, dancing, and shopping.
“Brett couldn’t take it anymore,” said Luke. “He was ready to settle down with
Katherine. He was going to quit acting. He had told her that he planned to buy a ranch in
Wyoming for the two of them. Just them, the blue sky, the meadows, and the cows and
the sheep, for the rest of their lives.”

105. The US Senator Says He’s not Gay

A Republican US senator, Lance Dreyer, held a press conference yesterday. He thanked

the media for showing up, and then protested that he was not gay and had never been gay.
He said he had never been involved in any way with a man. He said that he had hired a
lawyer to help him defend his good name. Furthermore, Dreyer said, he had no plans of
resigning. Then, instead of allowing the two dozen media members, including TV and
radio reporters, to ask questions, he simply got in his car and left. His remarks made
headlines on all the local and national TV shows.
In June, Dreyer had been arrested in an airport rest room by a plain-clothes detective.
Because of complaints from the public that gay men had been having sex in the rest
room, the city’s vice squad went into action. The detective, Thad Grey, would sit in a
stall and wait for men to suggest having sex with him.
Dreyer entered the rest room and sat in the stall just to the left of the detective. Dreyer’s
right foot edged closer and closer to Grey’s stall. When his foot was under the divider, he
started tapping his foot. Tap-tap-tap. Tap. Tap-tap-tap. Grey repeated the seven taps in
the same pattern. Then Dreyer tapped with his knuckle on the dividing wall. Tap-tap.
Tap-tap. Grey repeated the signal. Then Dreyer put his right hand under the dividing wall
and gave the thumbs-up signal. Grey gave the same signal back, and then walked into
Dreyer’s stall and arrested him for soliciting sex in a public facility.
Dreyer pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of “disorderly conduct.” He denied that
his actions were signals for sex. He said that he was merely signaling that he had no toilet
paper in his stall.

106. E. Coli Is Everywhere

We all have Escherichia Coli bacteria in our intestines. These are the good strains of the
bacteria. They help us digest our food. There are billions of these bacteria in our
intestines and in our feces. Of the hundreds of strains of good E. coli, there are only a few
strains that are bad for us. These strains usually cause stomach problems and diarrhea.
The worst of these strains is labeled E. coli 0157. This strain is common in healthy cows,
sheep, and goats. But when it gets into humans, it causes illness. This strain can kill
humans, but only rarely. It kills our red blood cells and causes our kidneys to stop
functioning. Hospitalization and transfusions are necessary to prevent death.
Most people just get mildly sick from E. coli 0157. There are usually just two symptoms:
stomach cramps and diarrhea (non-bloody or bloody). These symptoms may last up to
two weeks. The very young and the very old are most susceptible to severe symptoms. In
the US, more than 100,000 people get infected annually. People who live in countries
with contaminated water develop immunity to infection.
The primary sources of infection are contaminated water, undercooked hamburger,
unwashed fruits and vegetables, and unpasteurized milk or milk products. Swimming in
or swallowing contaminated lake water can also result in infection. In the US, outbreaks
involving hundreds of people have been traced to undercooked hamburgers at fast food
restaurants, to packaged vegetable products such as spinach, and even to petting zoos.
One of the best preventive measures is to wash our hands often, and wash thoroughly
after using the toilet.

107. Influenza

Influenza, or the flu, attacks up to one billion people annually. In the US, it kills 20,000
annually, most of whom are children or elderly. Occasionally the flu becomes pandemic:
in 1918, it killed 20 million people worldwide. The flu is a very contagious viral infection
spread through the air by coughing, sneezing, or simply talking. It is not caused by
getting caught in a rainstorm or by sleeping with the fan or air-conditioning on.
The incubation period is about three days. It doesn’t sneak up on you, like a cold does.
All of a sudden, you feel weak, you have a high fever, you have chills, you cough
frequently and forcefully, your throat is sore, and your body aches.
For most adults, the treatment is to simply wait it out: stay home, get lots of bed rest,
drink lots of fluids, and take over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, pain-killers,
and nasal decongestants. Symptoms usually go away within two weeks. For the elderly
and young, the initial viral infection may become a bacterial infection with deadly
consequences, because the victim becomes too weak to battle the disease. The death rate
for the general population is about one in 1,000. Those most susceptible to severe effects
of the flu are people over 65 and people with chronic heart or lung problems, such as
Flu season in the US is usually December to March. The best prevention, of course, is to
stay away from infected people. Since that is almost impossible, the next best preventive
strategy is to get an annual flu shot. This vaccine reduces the number of people who get
infected—and who die—yearly.

108. The Hospital Orderly (1)

Jake was tired of his job. He’d been doing it for 10 years, and it wasn’t getting any easier.
He was a hospital orderly. That’s a vague title that covers many specific duties—some of
which are quite unpleasant. Whenever a patient threw up, for example, it was Jake's
responsibility to clean the patient’s body and face, remove all the soiled clothing and bed
linens, put fresh bed linens on the bed, and put clean hospital clothing on the patient.
After hundreds of such incidents, Jake still had not gotten used to the odor and sight of
fresh vomit. It was disgusting. Every time he cleaned up vomit, he thought to himself that
he wasn’t getting paid nearly enough.
Jake was also responsible for checking a patient’s blood pressure, taking his pulse and
temperature (usually orally, but sometimes rectally), and doing electrocardiograms to
monitor his heart condition. These chores used to be done by nurses or technicians. Now
they were done by Jake. He fed patients who couldn’t feed themselves. He helped move
patients from their beds to gurneys, or from their beds to wheelchairs, and vice versa.
Whenever a patient died in his hospital bed, it was Jake’s job to zip the body into a
plastic bag, put the bag on a gurney, and roll the gurney into the elevator and downstairs
into the basement morgue. Sometimes he stayed in the morgue, just thinking.

109. The Hospital Orderly (2)

Jake was always sick. He repeatedly got infections—mostly colds or the flu—from
patients. He considered himself lucky to be alive, considering what he’d read about
deadly bacteria and viruses that were developing immunity to all the latest drugs. A
hospital is a dangerous place. He wanted out of the hospital, but he had nowhere to go.
He was no spring chicken. The pay, benefits, and hours were good. His schedule
regularly included three- or four-day weekends.
But, he was just going through the same motions, day after day. He was at the top of the
ladder for an orderly. There were no other jobs that he could qualify for, unless he wanted
to go to school for several years to become a tech or a registered nurse. But those jobs
would mean working in a hospital. He wanted out.
He wished he had stayed with his old job as an assistant pro at Brookside Golf Course.
The pay was low and the benefits were few, but the game of golf was his passion. He
loved teaching the game to others. He was a happy man when he worked at the golf
course—the freshly mowed green grass, the blue sky, the white clouds. Not a sick person
in sight—only healthy people, enjoying themselves. Why had he quit that job, he
wondered over and over. Ten years ago, he must have had a good reason, but he sure
couldn’t remember what it was now. His life was now a constant regret about the poorest
decision he had ever made.

110. Flower Power

Ted Nugent was in love. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in love with his wife. He was in love
with his girlfriend. He had met Lauren at a car show. She was one of the pretty models
who gave sales pitches extolling the wonders of the new cars. To impress her, Ted
promised that he would buy a new Mercedes if she would go out with him. She said yes,
and one thing led to another.
Ted’s wife, Stephanie, wondered why Ted bought the new car, since he had just bought a
new Cadillac two years ago. Because Stephanie liked the Cadillac so much, Ted said, it
was now hers. He had bought the Mercedes for himself. Ted started staying late “at the
office.” He told Stephanie that he had to work extra hours to help pay for the Mercedes.
She didn’t mind—she was enjoying her Cadillac.
When Lauren’s birthday rolled around, Ted called up 1-800-Blossom and sent her three
dozen roses. To ensure that the transaction would be private, he put it on his business
credit card. Even though Ted had to give his home phone and address, the Blossom
representative promised that no paperwork would go to Ted's home.
A week later, Stephanie greeted the mailman at the mailbox. He handed her the mail,
including an envelope marked “Thank You, 1-800-Blossom.” Stephanie was curious. It
wasn’t her birthday, or Valentine’s Day, or their anniversary. Why on earth had Ted
ordered flowers? Opening the envelope, she hoped she wasn’t going to ruin a surprise
from her husband. The enclosed letter thanked Ted for his order of three dozen roses. The
letter even included the note that went with the flowers: “My darling Lauren: These roses
aren’t half as pretty as you are.” The letter offered a 10-percent discount on Ted’s next
When Ted got home late that night, he found an angry note on the door explaining why
all the locks had been changed. Four weeks later, Ted sued 1-800-Blossom for ruining his

111. Dog Inherits Millions

The late Leona Bridges, a New York woman who married into millions, left her mansion
and her $12 million fortune to her pet, a little white Chihuahua named Duchess. Although
Leona is survived by one son, Wilbur, and three grandchildren, they received nothing in
her will.
Wilbur was not surprised. He had already hired a lawyer to fight the will. The lawyer said
there would be no problem proving that Leona wasn’t “all there” when she signed her
will. No one, said the lawyer, in their right mind could be so cruel to their own flesh and
blood while being so generous to a dog that had been rescued from an animal shelter.
“The dog doesn’t even have papers,” said the lawyer.
Leona had not spoken to Wilbur in five years. They used to get along very well. Then
Wilbur made an unfortunate joke. He was visiting Leona one afternoon. She had just
spent $400 at a dog beauty parlor. The employees had washed, shampooed, and blow-
dried Duchess, and then tied a big pink ribbon around her neck. Leona mentioned to
Wilbur how beautiful Duchess looked. Wilbur said, “Yes, if your idea of beauty is a large
rodent with a pink ribbon around its skinny neck.” Leona gave him a dirty look.
Wilbur apologized, saying he was just joking, but Leona told him to leave immediately.
How dare her son belittle her “baby.” She didn’t respond to any of his emails or phone
messages. Leona told her staff to never use the words “Wilbur” or “rodent” in her
presence. Days later, she fired her butler when he said he was going to “polish the
silver”—she thought he said he was going to “watch for Wilbur.” The butler had worked
for Leona for 25 years.

112. Man Holds Staff Hostage

Morgan Cohen walked into the campaign office for Hillary Clinton. He claimed to have a
bomb strapped onto him. He told the five workers to go about their business, but he
ordered them not to try to leave. “If one of you tries to leave,” he said, “I will kill myself
along with the others.” Then he walked over to a desk and asked for Hillary’s phone
number. Hillary was in Iowa, talking to voters about her plan to provide national health
care for everyone in America.
None of the workers had her cell phone number. Upset, Morgan dialed 911. He told the
dispatcher that if they didn’t give him Hillary’s phone number immediately, he would
blow up her campaign office and everyone in it. The dispatcher asked him to please hold
on while he tried to get the number. Police and the FBI drove over to the office and
surrounded it.
The dispatcher gave Morgan the correct phone number. He dialed it, and Hillary
answered her phone. Morgan explained to her that he was not getting the medical
treatment that he needed. Every time he went to visit his doctor, his doctor was out to
lunch--even at 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. “How can my doctor eat lunch
all day long?” he asked Hillary. Hillary said she didn’t know, but that she would try to
get a law passed forbidding doctors to have all-day lunches.
Morgan continued talking to Hillary until he noticed the police car lights outside the
building. He hung up and walked to the front door of the building. A police captain asked
Morgan to release all the hostages. Morgan said he would release them if the police
brought him a cigarette and a Whopper from Burger King. A short while later, while
Morgan was eating the Whopper, the police rushed in and tackled him. His “bomb” was
nothing more than a few flares taped to his waist under his jacket.
Morgan, who lived in a nearby town, was known for his strange behavior. He had been
under psychiatric care for much of his life. FBI officials were outraged that Morgan had
interrupted a busy presidential candidate. A spokesman vowed that Morgan would be
thrown into jail for a long time for kidnapping, reckless endangerment, and terrorism.
“Mental illness is no excuse,” he declared. “This is a nation of laws, not excuses.”

113. Young Boy Defends Sister

A nine-year-old boy defended his sister from her angry ex-boyfriend yesterday. Woody
Harrelson, 24, who had a house key, had hidden in the closet of the Shatner family’s
home waiting for his ex-girlfriend Ethel, 23, to return. He attacked Ethel with a knife
seconds after she arrived home. She was carrying their 11-month-old baby in her arms.
Woody stabbed away, not caring if he injured his baby or not. Ethel, bleeding and
screaming, ran into her bedroom and put the baby into the crib. Woody followed her into
the bedroom.
Curt ran into the bedroom and jumped onto Woody’s back. From behind, he managed to
jam his fingers into Woody’s eyes. Woody yelled and dropped the knife. As Woody
stumbled around rubbing his eyes, Curt grabbed the knife and plunged it twice into
Woody’s lower back. Woody ran out of the house. Curt held onto the knife in case
Woody came back. Ethel called 911. The paramedics treated Ethel’s wounds and
transported her to the hospital, where she is in stable condition. The baby, protected by its
heavy clothing and a blanket, was unharmed. Woody has not been caught yet.
All hospitals in the area were alerted to watch for Woody, because Curt said that he “got
him good.” In fact, said one doctor, Woody should get to a hospital as soon as possible.
He might bleed to death if Curt actually punctured one of Woody’s kidneys. The
paramedics and police commended little Curt for his bravery. He said that it was his
responsibility to protect his sister, because “when Daddy’s not home, I’m the man of the

114. Remember Me?

Chet and Eliot had been running around all day. It had been hot. They were unshaved,
and wearing shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops. At about 6 p.m., they felt like eating
something. They were on south Lake, which had several restaurants. Eliot suggested that
they go to the Mediterranean restaurant. “The food is good and there’s lots of it,” he told
Chet. It was refreshingly cool inside the restaurant. They were seated at a table near the
front door.
Their waitress was a young, pretty blonde. Chet hit on her immediately. “Could I have
you for dessert?” he asked, with a big grin on his face. She smiled, but said nothing. Chet
told her that he was a famous heart surgeon, and if she didn’t give him her phone number,
he would have to operate on his own broken heart. She smiled again. When she asked
Chet and Eliot if they wanted appetizers, they both realized that English was her second
Chet asked her where she was from. She said she was from Russia. Chet told her that her
English was very good. She thanked him. They had a delicious meal, and Chet left the
waitress a big tip. She thanked him, but she still refused to give him her phone number. “I
have husband,” she explained. “Yes, and he’s the luckiest man on Earth,” Chet told her.
She smiled.
Outside the restaurant, Chet kidded Eliot. “You didn’t say a word in there to her. How do
you expect to get anywhere with women if you don’t talk to them?” “I didn’t want to
spoil your chances,” Eliot smiled.
Two months later, Eliot was substitute teaching for a US Citizenship class. When the
class ended, one student lingered. It was the blonde waitress from the restaurant. She
talked to him for about five minutes about George Washington. Sensing that she had
something else on her mind, Eliot asked her to join him for a cup of coffee. She said she
would love to.
115. The Way to a Man’s Heart…

He was her university teacher. He was smart, confident, and had a great sense of humor.
And he was rather good-looking, too. The fact was, she had fallen in love with him. She
sensed that he might like her. She had caught him looking at her more than once. What to
At the end of the semester, she waited till all the other students had left. She said she had
a gift for him. He said that was very nice of her. Then he looked around for a wrapped
package. Where was the gift, he asked. She said it was still at the store. She would pick
him up and take him there that Saturday, if that was okay with him.
She picked him up at the Starbucks near his apartment. He was enjoying the mystery. He
asked her: Was it an alarm clock so that he wouldn’t be late for class? Was it teaching
materials, like markers and erasers? A new briefcase? An extra ink cartridge for his
computer for when he printed handouts? She said that she couldn’t comment.
They got to the mall and went into Nordstrom’s. “I hope it isn’t a suit,” he joked. “I never
wear suits.”
“No, it isn’t. But it’s something that you always wear with a suit.”
“A tie? Why would I wear a tie if I never wear suits?”
“Not a tie, silly,” she said, as they walked into the shoe department. She had noticed that
he always wore the same pair of shoes in class. She had guessed that he wore size 11, and
had picked out a nice two-tone casual model by Clark. She hoped that he would like the
shoes as much as she did. The shoes fit perfectly, and he did like them. When they left
the store, he offered her his hand, and they walked out to her car hand in hand. She was
tingling. “Let me at least buy you dinner,” he suggested as they got into her car.

116. Homemade Ship to Sail Around the World

Hans Andersen, a life-long fisherman, had a dream. He wanted to sail around the world.
And he did it. He got several sponsors who subsidized his trip. He bought a beautiful 40-
foot yacht, with all the latest technical and safety gear, and had a pleasant voyage. Well,
except for almost sinking while going around the tips of South America and Africa.
The voyage went so smoothly that, looking back on it, he felt it was too easy. He needed
a new challenge. He decided to build his own boat. But that was nothing new. Several
people had built their own boats and sailed them around the world. No, he needed a
unique boat. Watching TV commercials one day, he got it—ice cream sticks! He would
be the first man to sail around the world in a boat built exclusively of ice cream sticks.
He put out the word. Within three years, school children from all over Holland had sent
Hans 15 million ice cream sticks. He used these sticks to build a 45-foot replica of a
Viking ship. After all the sticks were glued together, Hans took his new boat out to sea on
a one-week voyage. “It’s magnificent, and totally sea-worthy,” he proclaimed.
He plans to set sail in early 2008 with a crew of two. He will sail across the Atlantic to
Canada, and then down to Florida and through the Panama Canal. Then he’ll travel to
Los Angeles, Honolulu, Tokyo, around the tip of Africa, and back to Holland. “If this trip
succeeds,” he joked, “my next goal will be to build a plane out of ice cream sticks and fly
it around the world!”
117. LA City Council Passes New Dog-Barking Law

Noise. It gets into your head and under your skin. Too much noise can turn ordinary
people into raging maniacs. All too-common noises in neighborhoods are the blaring
TVs, blaring car radios, and barking dogs. Most cities have ordinances against excessive
noise. Of course, if you complain about your neighbor’s noise, your neighbor will hate
you and start making more noise. So, many people try to ignore their inconsiderate
neighbors. Finally, when they can take it no longer, they simply move.
The city council of Los Angeles recently came to the rescue of its residents—or seemed
to. It passed a new ordinance: the owner of a dog that barks for 30 minutes straight will
get a warning the first time a complaint is made. For a second complaint, the owner will
pay a $100 fine or go to jail for a week maximum, or both. The council wrote no penalty
concerning a third or fourth complaint. “Finally,” said Zev Doheny, “we’ve passed a
noise law with some teeth in it.”
Of course, there are a few problems with the new law: How does a resident prove that a
dog was barking for 30 minutes? Does he present an audio tape? With modern
technology, couldn’t that tape easily be “doctored” so that one minute of actual barking
magically becomes 30 minutes? Couldn’t a person tape just any old dog barking and then
claim that it’s his neighbor’s dog doing all that barking? Do dogs have voiceprints, like
humans have fingerprints? Will all dogs have to get “voice-printed?”
“There isn’t one brain among the lot of them,” complained the owner of a pet store when
he heard about the council’s new law. “Their ‘solutions’ are almost always worse than
the problems themselves.”

118. Man Flies 200 Miles in Lawn Chair (1)

Bo Jackson was sitting in his favorite chair, drinking a beer, and watching a football
game. At halftime, a car commercial featured a few hundred helium balloons floating
skyward. I could do that, Bo thought. I could strap a bunch of balloons to my lawn chair
and float up into the sky.
He told his wife. She asked him how many beers he’d had. He told her that he wasn’t
joking. What was the problem, he asked. Blow up a bunch of balloons, tie them to his
chair, and away he goes. How was he going to steer, she asked. The wind would steer
him, he said. How would he know where he was going to land? When he saw a nice
landing spot, he’d just shoot holes in the balloons with his BB pistol, he said. He told her
not to be so negative.
He went online and found out what wind patterns were in Oregon that time of the year.
He called up his friend Duke, who was a pilot. In a few days, Bo had it all figured out. He
called up a balloon store and ordered 50 balloons and a few helium tanks to fill up the
balloons. His 6-year-old son asked if he could go with him. His wife promised to divorce
him if he actually went through with this.

119. Man Flies 200 Miles in Lawn Chair (2)

A few days later, Duke and Bo drove a few miles out of town where there were no
electrical wires. They used fishing line to secure 50 balloons to the lawn chair. The chair
was secured to the truck. They filled up all the balloons. The balloons were actually
lifting the truck off the ground a little. Bo put on his jacket, shook hands with Duke, and
sat in the chair. He tied a rope to his belt and the chair, in case he fell out of the chair. All
he had was a knife, an altimeter, his cell phone, a BB pistol, and a pair of binoculars. At 8
a.m., Duke took a picture of Bo sitting in the lawn chair. Duke then cut the rope holding
the chair to the truck. The balloons lifted Bo so fast he almost fell out of the chair.
Bo got up to 15,000 feet, where the air is thin. His heavy coat kept him warm. The wind
carried him eastward at an average speed of 22 mph. He flew over the Cascade Range.
When he got near the Ochoco Mountains, he started shooting the balloons. He made a
soft landing near Paulina, about 200 miles east of Roseburg. Duke was waiting for him.
When Bo got home late that night, he tried to tell his wife all about his journey. Still
angry, she refused to listen to his story. She couldn’t believe that her husband could be so
stupid. She told Bo to sleep on the sofa. The next day, he told his son about his
interesting adventure. His son went to school and bragged about his dad to all of his
schoolmates. Nobody believed him.

120. Cleaning a Dirty Plate

It was a white, plain-looking dinner plate, with no adornment. The brand name was
Corelle, a popular brand made by Corning. On the bottom of the plate, in addition to
“Corelle” and “Corning,” was the following text: “Microwave Safe—Not for Broiler or
Stovetop Use.”
Although now they were hard to find, all of his plates were the same brand and the same
color. He had bought these plates, years ago, for two reasons. One, food cannot easily
stick to or “hide” on unadorned plates. Therefore, they are easier to clean. Two, white
plates show stains more clearly than colored or decorated plates. Stains you can see are
stains you can clean. He had the same philosophy about silverware. He bought knives,
forks, and spoons that had no ornamentation.
Standing at the kitchen sink, he turned on the cold water faucet. He picked up the dinner
plate in his left hand. He grabbed the pad with his right hand. Dishwashing soap was
already on the pad. He wet the pad and started scrubbing the plate. There was a stain in
the middle of this plate, about six inches across. It went all around the plate, just inside of
where the plate curved upwards.
This light brown stain had been growing for months. Today, he was going to get rid of it
once and for all. He scrubbed. He scrubbed some more. He rinsed the plate off. The stain
was still there. He added more soap to the pad. He scrubbed some more. All of a sudden,
because the plate and his hands were so soapy and he was scrubbing with such force, the
plate flew out of his hands. It didn't land softly on the seat cushion of the dining room
chair. Instead, it crashed into the metal arm rest of the chair. Each of the four pieces on
the floor was about the same size.

121. Her Driving Lesson

He had just bought a new car—a Lincoln. It was a big, long, four-door sedan. Some days,
he would go out to his beautiful car and just sit in it. But he was going to the hospital next
week for a colonoscopy; he needed to give his wife some practice in driving the Lincoln.
She had to drive him home after the medical procedure. Because he was receiving
anesthesia before the colonoscopy, the law required that he not drive himself home. She
drove a Honda Accord, a medium-sized car. But the Honda was in the shop. Someone
had crashed into it while she was Christmas shopping at Macy’s.
They got into the Lincoln. She moved the seat all the way forward. They put on their
seatbelts. She raised the seat a little so she could see better over the dashboard. He told
her that it was just like driving the Honda, except that the Lincoln had a longer hood and
a bigger trunk. She started the engine. She moved the gearshift from park to reverse.
“Now be careful,” he said, a little nervously. She looked in the rearview mirror, and
started backing up.
“Brake, brake!” he yelled, because she was about to hit the three-foot-high hedge that
bordered the parking lot. But his yell startled her. Instead of hitting the brake, she
slammed on the gas. The brand new Lincoln went through the thick hedge, through a six-
foot-high wooden fence, and right into the shallow end of the swimming pool.

122. Hurricane Dean

Hurricane Dean looked like a monster. It developed into a category 5, the highest and
most dangerous level. Category 1 is called “minimal,” with wind speeds up to 95 mph.
Category 5 is called “catastrophic,” with wind speeds of at least 156 mph. It blows over
trees and destroys small buildings. Hurricane Dean hit Jamaica, just south of Cuba. It
destroyed hundreds of homes in Jamaica, and then continued west toward Belize and
Yucatan, part of Mexico. Cancun, a Mexican resort town on the Gulf of Mexico, was also
in danger.
Thousands of tourists caught early flights out of Cancun. But some stayed. “Hurricanes
are usually more bark than bite,” said one tourist from Mississippi. “Of course,
sometimes they’re all bite, like Katrina a couple of years ago, and Andrew and Camille
before that.”
“Don’t forget Hugo, and Charley, and Agnes, and Rita,” his wife chimed in. “Oh, yeah,
and Gilbert! And what about Wilma?”
“Yeah, you’re right. They can be dangerous. But usually, they just bring lots of rain and
wind without much destruction. My wife and I are having a great time here in Cancun,
and we’re not going to pick up and leave, especially considering how much this vacation
is costing us. We’ll take our chances.”
This tourist and his wife were lucky. Dean traveled south of Cancun, causing little
damage to the resort. In fact, two days later, Cancun was almost completely cleaned up
and bustling again. It was as if Dean had never been there. The hurricane brought heavy
rain to parts of Mexico, but died out two days after hitting land. Two weeks later,
Hurricane Felix, also a category 5 at one point, passed south of Jamaica and headed
straight toward Nicaragua.

123. Adventurer Disappears

Steve Magellan, world-famous adventurer, has been missing for two days. The man who
soared around the world by himself in a balloon took off in a single-engine airplane from
a private airport in Nevada. He left at noon for a three-hour flight. The weather was
perfect. There were no storms in the area. He took no emergency provisions. Presumably,
he considered his flight to be little different from a trip to the market for a quart of milk.
He didn’t file a flight plan, so exactly where he went is unknown. Searchers are combing
a 200 by 200 mile area by air. The terrain is high desert, with lots of ravines. “It would be
very easy for a small plane like that to remain undetected for months,” said an officer
from the Civil Air Patrol. The plane, like most small planes, did not have a “black box,”
which sends out radio signals in event of a crash. A friend of Magellan’s said that he
usually wears a watch that can send radio signals. But no signals were coming from that
watch, if he was in fact wearing it.
Magellan had a knack for walking away uninjured from accidents, so friends and
relatives did not seem to be overly alarmed. His younger sister said that it wouldn’t
surprise her if he came strolling out of the desert in a day or two. Magellan made his
fortune in real estate when he was young, and has devoted the rest of his life to pursuing
world records in ballooning, piloting airplanes, and driving fast cars. The purpose of his
afternoon flight was to find a suitable area to try to set a new land speed record for

124. Nursing Student Disappears

A young woman who is a nursing student at Pasadena College has disappeared. She had
just started her final semester, and was planning to graduate two weeks before Christmas.
“She is one of our best students,” said Mrs. Nelson, an instructor. “It’s certainly very
strange for her to miss class without calling in.”
Annabelle Florence had just moved into a new apartment at the beginning of September.
A few classmates had helped her move. After all the boxes, clothes, and furniture were in
the new apartment, Florence treated her three friends to a fantastic dinner at Sur la Table,
a local French restaurant. Dinner included a couple of delicious—and expensive—bottles
of wine. Everyone hugged when the meal was finished, and Florence drove home by
She did not answer or return phone calls the next two days. “I talked to Sara and Jeri.
Annabelle had not returned their calls, so I decided to go over to her new place,” said
classmate Vicki. “When I got there, her car was in the parking lot. The roof was down on
her Miata convertible. I thought that was strange, since it had sprinkled the day before.
“Her apartment door was closed. After I knocked and knocked, I tried the door. It was not
even locked. I walked inside, calling her name. There was no answer. I was getting very
nervous, especially when I went into the bedroom and the bathroom. But no one was
there. All her boxes were unopened, her clothes were still not hung up, and nothing was
in the refrigerator.”
The police are investigating. Florence’s credit card has not been used in the last two days,
nor have any calls been made from her cell phone during that period. She is simply
missing, with no signs of violence and no clues as to where she has gone. “It doesn’t look
good,” said one detective.

125. The Lovely Banana

What a wonderful fruit the banana is, popular all over the world. Its three colors tell you
how ripe it is. Green means go, as in go find another banana. Yellow means eat me.
Brown means eat me but don’t bother chewing before you swallow. The only thing that
would make a banana more user-friendly is if you could eat the peel. Plus, a banana is
neat to eat. When you bite into it, you don’t have to worry about juice squirting all over
yourself and your dinner neighbors (like oranges or grapefruit, for example). And it’s a
silent food—you can chew it all you like without driving your neighbors crazy with
crunching sounds (like apples or carrots, for example). Finally, it’s easy to cut—you
don’t need a steak knife. You can slice it with a fork or a spoon, if you like.
You’re never too young or too old to eat bananas. Babies eat mashed bananas before their
teeth grow in. Great-great-grandparents eat mashed bananas after their teeth fall out.
The banana is versatile. You can fry it, bake it, mash it, or eat it raw. You can slice it and
put it on your breakfast cereal. At lunchtime you can snack on a raw banana, or make a
peanut butter and banana sandwich, or eat a bag of dried bananas. You can add a banana
to your ice cream for dessert and call it a banana split. You can order a healthful banana
smoothie at your local smoothie store. On weekends you can order a banana daiquiri at
your local bar or restaurant.
Here in the US, we get most of our bananas from Ecuador and Costa Rica, although the
fruit reportedly originated in Asia. Bananas give us lots of potassium and vitamins A and
C, and hardly any sodium. The price of bananas hasn’t changed much over recent years—
they’re still about 65 cents a pound, despite rising gas and labor prices. If that’s too
expensive, you can still get three pounds for a buck at many dollar stores.

126. Smells like Chicken

Kentucky Fried Chicken announced that it is going to advertise its new $3 lunches
through customers’ nostrils. The company plans to send a fried chicken scent throughout
office buildings at lunchtime. The aroma will be dispensed from the mail-cart that
distributes interoffice mail throughout a building. KFC’s president thinks it’s an idea
whose time has come.
“That’s a terrible idea,” exclaimed Rose, a secretary for the Department of Defense in
Alexandria, Virginia. “First of all, I’m a vegetarian; the scent of cooked meat appalls me.
Secondly, I belong to PETA—People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. And we all
know how terribly chickens are treated before they are butchered. The whole idea is
disgusting. And what makes it even worse is that they plan to foul the air every workday
with fried chicken odor. Once a month would be bad enough, but once a day?”
A KFC spokesman said that KFC’s chickens are caged and butchered humanely, and that
the scent would be subtle, “like a woman’s perfume in a very big elevator.” He said the
scent would be just strong enough to notice. He also noted that KFC has a vegetarian
menu that includes tofu shaped like chicken breasts and wings.
“Do they make the tofu crunchy and greasy, too?” asked Rose. “I’m going to demand
equal time—if office workers have to smell fried chicken every day, then they should
also have to listen to the sound of chickens’ heads getting chopped off every day.”

127. The Wedding (1)

It was a strange day—Thursday—for a wedding. Who ever heard of a Thursday
wedding? “Well,” Harlan explained to everyone, “the Thursday event is going to cost me
half of what Friday, Saturday, or Sunday would cost me. And a 50-percent discount is a
lot of money, believe me.” Everyone believed him. Harlan knew how to count his
pennies. The early evening event was at Cowfish, a popular restaurant and meeting place
on campus.
Nevin and Janelle arrived at 5 p.m. for pictures, but the photographer had been delayed
on the freeway because someone had jumped off an overpass. So they decided to take a
stroll on campus. Walking westward, they soon found a fish pond. About a dozen small
turtles were swimming in the eastern end of the pond. As Janelle kneeled at water’s edge,
all the turtles swam toward her. A couple of them climbed out of the water and onto the
footpath. They wanted food, but a sign advised visitors not to feed the fish or turtles. So
she apologized to the turtles—not that she had any turtle food anyway, she added. Nevin
and Janelle took pictures of themselves and the turtles.
They walked back to Cowfish just before the ceremony was to begin. Some of the
preacher’s words were unclear because of static on the portable microphone. After the
preacher pronounced Harlan and Ellen husband and wife, guests clapped and cheered.
The photographer, who had gotten “some great pictures” of the fallen body, busily took
pictures of the bride and groom, the preacher, the parents, and the guests.
After their meal, Nevin and Janelle said good night to the newly married couple. This
was the fourth marriage for Harlan, so everyone was hoping it would be his last. Then
Nevin and Janelle walked out to their car, holding hands and talking about what would be
the same and what would be different at their own wedding. That is, if they didn’t decide
to just drive to Las Vegas for a quick marriage, with Elvis performing at their ceremony.
“That way, our only difficult decision will be to pick which song he will sing for us,”
Janelle said.

128. The Wedding (2)

The next day, Harlan called Nevin to thank him for coming to the wedding. “By the way,
how was your steak?” he asked. “Ernie told me his steak was tough, and so did several
“Mine was tough,” Nevin said. “It looked and smelled good, but it was tough. I needed a
steak knife, because my butter knife wasn’t working out. But they didn’t have any steak
knives on the table. I guess that’s part of our war against terrorists. So, I ate about a
fourth of it, and left the rest on the plate. Janelle's was a little tough, too. She switched it
for salmon.”
Nevin went on. “Also, as you probably know, the only urinal was busted. It had an out of
order sign on it. One of the two soap dispensers in the men’s room was completely empty
of soap. On the plus side, the wait staff served the food without coughing on it or getting
their fingers all over the plates or glasses. And they always said sir, ma’am, please, thank
you, and you’re welcome. And, perhaps most important to me, I never had to ask to have
my coffee cup refilled.”
Harlan asked Nevin to write a letter to the Cowfish about how tough his steak was, and
about the other negatives he had just mentioned. Nevin asked how much Harlan was
hoping to get refunded. “Well, I think they’re going to get four or five complaint letters.
If they don’t refund me at least $2,000, I'll tell them that I’m going to hire a lawyer.”
“Well, I hope the rest of the evening went better than the dinner,” Nevin said.
“Oh, yes,” said Harlan. “I was online all last night and found a great deal on a cruise to
Panama. We’ll save 50 percent if we go during the rainy season and if we take the cabin
nearest to the engine room, so I signed us up.”

129. The Waiter

Alvin didn’t like the way the waiter walked—he projected an air of arrogance. The waiter
came to their table with three glasses in one hand and three menus in the other. His thumb
and fingers were all over the insides of the glasses. Alvin was disgusted. Hank and
Nathan didn't seem to mind. “Any germ that doesn’t kill you, just makes you stronger,”
Hank said. Alvin told Hank to remember that in a day or so when he was barfing in the
Alvin refused to drink or eat anything. He told them he would eat when he got home. Ten
minutes later, after finally getting the waiter’s attention, Hank and Nathan each ordered a
small salad, a double cheeseburger with chips, and a couple of beers. Alvin asked the
waiter if he had worked there long. “Long enough,” the waiter replied. When he returned
with the beers, Nathan told the waiter thanks. The waiter said nothing in reply.
“Did you see that?” Alvin asked. “You said thanks, and he didn’t bother to say you’re
welcome.” Hank said that younger people today were not taught the finer points of
“The finer points?!” Alvin said. “The finer points are knowing which side of the plate the
forks and spoons are supposed to be on. Knowing when to say ‘sir,’ ‘thank you,’ and
‘you’re welcome’ is elementary etiquette.” The waiter came back to clear the plates from
the table. Nathan hadn’t quite finished, but said nothing. When the waiter brought the bill
about ten minutes later, Alvin motioned to him.
“Give me the bill,” he said. “I’m going to treat my friends.” Wordlessly, the waiter
placed the bill in front of Alvin.
Nathan and Hank were astounded. “You know,” said Nathan, “this might be the first time
I’ve ever seen you pick up the tab. What’s the occasion?” Alvin told Nathan that he just
felt like being nice to his friends for a change. The bill was $20. After his friends had left
the table, Alvin put a 35-cent tip on the table.

130. Your Country Thanks You

Jordan Wolf signed up for the Army as soon as he graduated from high school. After
Jordan took various aptitude tests, the recruiter said that Jordan scored high in
electronics. He would receive a stateside assignment in a computer lab, where he would
learn to program software and repair electronic hardware. Also, Jordan would receive a
$10,000 cash bonus.
He attended eight weeks of basic training at Ft. Benning, Georgia. While in training, he
talked to his new buddies about how he was going to be in a computer lab stateside after
basic training. His buddies were amazed, as all of them were going straight to Iraq. They
all graduated from basic training on a Friday and spent the weekend getting drunk in
nearby Columbus.
On Monday morning, the drill sergeant told all of them that their next duty station was
Iraq. Jordan told the drill sergeant that there must have been a mistake. “The Army
doesn’t make mistakes, soldier!” the drill sergeant barked at him. “Now pack your gear.
You’ll be in Baghdad in two days.”
Jordan wrote letters to his congressman and senators while he was in Iraq. He couldn’t
believe that the recruiter had lied to him like that. Meanwhile, for almost 18 months he
went out on daily missions looking for the bad guys. One day, his vehicle got blown up
by a handmade bomb. He got shrapnel in his left eye and was permanently blinded. The
Army gave him a glass eye, declared him unfit for duty, and discharged him.
After enrolling at Troy University, Jordan got a letter from the Pentagon. Maybe it's a
commendation, he thought as he opened the letter. Since he hadn’t completed his three-
year commitment to the Army, the letter said, he must return all of his cash bonus, plus

131. D.B. Cooper Lives On (1)

Where is D.B. Cooper? Who is D.B. Cooper really? Is he still alive? Did he spend the
stolen $200,000? Did his parachute fail to open? No one knows the answers, except D.B.
On Nov. 24, 1971, an airline passenger later identified as D.B. Cooper called the
stewardess to his seat in the back of the plane. He was alone. He gave her a note that said
he was carrying a bomb. He would blow up the bomb if she didn’t follow all of his
instructions. He opened the bag on his lap and showed her its contents. It looked like six
sticks of dynamite connected with wires to an alarm clock. The stewardess gasped.
She went to the cockpit and told the pilot of the 727 what D.B. had told her. The pilot
followed D.B.’s instructions. The plane landed at Tacoma Airport in Washington and
refueled at the end of the runway, far away from other planes and vehicles. D.B. ordered
all passengers off. He asked for four parachutes and $200,000 in cash. The FBI got the
parachutes and the money. The money was marked. All of it was delivered to Cooper.

132. D.B. Cooper Lives On (2)

D.B. Cooper checked out the parachutes and the cash. He strapped on a back chute and
then a front chute. He filled a third parachute bag with the money. He tied that bag
securely to his front chute. The stewardess watched his every move. She was impressed
with how “professional” he was.
When he finished, D.B. told the pilot to take off. D.B. said to fly south toward Mexico at
10,000 feet. Once the 727 was airborne, D.B. told the stewardess to go sit up front with
the pilot. Sometime later, D.B. opened the rear door of the passenger plane and jumped
out. It was dark, and it was cold.
Pilots in the two fighter jets that were following the 727 saw nothing. Nor did their radar
detect a descending parachute. D.B. disappeared into the night, and almost 40 years later,
D.B. is still a man who simply vanished into thin air.
In 1980, a kid found $6,000 of the marked bills on the bank of the Columbia River, near
Portland, Oregon. Had D.B. landed in the river and drowned? Had his body and most of
his money eventually drifted into the Pacific? Or, had D.B. left the money there as a ruse,
to make the FBI think that he had died? The FBI is angry that D.B. Cooper got away. “If
we find that dirtbag, he’s going to prison for 30 years,” said one agent recently.

133. I’m No Alcoholic!

“Brigham, you really ought to think about stopping drinking,” Lionel said. “People are
talking.” He brought up the subject as they were walking to lunch. Brigham always had a
couple of beers for lunch, with a couple of bean burritos.
“Who cares?” Brigham asked. “It doesn’t interfere with my work. I’ve never killed
anyone while driving. In fact, I haven’t even gotten a ticket for drunk driving. Not only
that, but I’m a better driver with a buzz than most people are when they’re sober. Why
should I quit? I enjoy my beer—it makes me feel good. It takes the edge off a tough day.
I don’t do crazy things, and I don’t get mean and angry after I have a few. Most of the
time, I drink at home, alone, watching TV. I’m not bothering or hurting anyone. What
harm is there in that?”
“What harm? You told me that you stood up to get another beer last week and you
crashed into your front door so hard that you got a lump on your forehead. I can still see
the bruise. You were trying to walk into your kitchen, but instead you staggered into your
front door! Your door is 15 feet away from the refrigerator.”
“I just stood up too fast. It wasn’t the beer. It’s called low blood pressure. And next time,
I’ll just keep my mouth shut about what happens in my home.”
“Do you remember William Holden, the guy in the movie ‘Network’? He was on top of
the world, but he died alone and drunk in his hotel room after he cracked his skull on the
corner of a coffee table.”
“Yes, but I’m not William Holden, and my coffee table doesn’t have any corners—it’s

134. 48 Homes Burn Down near Malibu (1)

It was only three days after Thanksgiving. The Santa Ana winds had returned to Los
Angeles for the weekend. Fire crews were on the alert throughout the county, ready for
more fires. Just a month earlier, 20 fires had occurred throughout four southern California
counties. Almost half of them were the result of arson or human carelessness. Officials
hoped that this weekend would be uneventful.
Near the end of the road that goes into Coral Canyon, which is only a few miles from the
Pacific Ocean and Malibu, is a small park. That park is a popular weekend gathering
place. People party there until early morning hours. These people do not live in Coral
Canyon. They are outsiders. They do not pay any attention to park rules about hours (the
park closes at dusk), fires (no fires of any kind are permitted), or littering. But because of
a constant lack of funds, no park rangers are ever available to enforce these regulations.
Early Sunday morning, Jimi Hendrix, a resident of Coral Canyon, heard loud rock music
as a car drove down out of the park. That car was followed by another vehicle, also
playing music loudly. “For crying out loud,” Jimi muttered, “it’s 3:00 a.m. Do these a-
holes have any consideration for others?” He tried to go back to sleep. Ten minutes later,
his friend Bill Gahr called.

135. 48 Homes Burn Down near Malibu (2)

Bill told Jimi to look up at the ridge, near the park. Bill thought he saw flames. Jimi went
outside with his binoculars. He could see a suspicious glow. Using the binoculars, he
could see flames. “God damn it!” he yelled.
He called Bill back. Then he and Bill started calling one neighbor after another, as they
had established a fire warning and evacuation plan years ago. The whole community of
98 homeowners managed to get into their cars with their families and pets and just a few
of their material possessions. They all survived the raging fire.
Unfortunately, 48 homes were destroyed and 27 were damaged. The fire engines were
just not close enough to the community to get there before the Santa Ana winds, gusting
up to 60 mph, ripped through the canyon. The next day, firefighters declared that the fire
was a result of “human activity,” although they hadn’t determined if the fire was
deliberate or accidental.
Homeowners were allowed to return to their home sites to assess damages. Most
homeowners were philosophical about their losses. “We’ve got our families and our
friends. That’s far more important than our homes and other possessions,” said Eve
But Jimi Hendrix was less even-tempered. “Common sense would tell anybody that you
don’t set fires in a wooded area when the wind is blowing like crazy. Any idiot would
know that. As far as I'm concerned, these bastards ought to be burned at the stake. And
I’d grab me a front-row seat.”

136. Drought Attacks Georgia

The state of Georgia is in the midst of a major drought. Experts predict that, unless it
rains “cats and dogs” real soon, the whole city of Atlanta will have no drinking water in
four months. Lake Lanier, the source of Atlanta’s water delivery system, is now at only
20 percent of its usual level. To make matters worse, when Georgia water officials tried
to block the flow of the Chattahoochee River southward to Alabama and Florida, those
states threatened Georgia with lawsuits. They claimed that they were just as desperate for
and entitled to that river water as Georgia was.
The Georgia Civil Air Patrol has been trying to seed the clouds overhead for the last six
months, to no avail. State officials asked the local Cherokee Indians to do a rain dance.
The Indians told them they would do a rain dance when the state returned all the land that
it stole from the Cherokees. Officials hired the nation’s number one water finder. He
found a still for making whiskey.
Finally, the governor himself held a press conference on the steps of the state capitol
building. He asked all the media to bow their heads, raised his hands to heaven, and
prayed. “Lord, we are asking for relief, not for us, but for the sick and the young in this
state. Thank you, oh most powerful Lord.” The Georgia Association of Atheists
immediately sued the governor for conducting prayer sessions on state property.
137. A Bad MRI Experience

“Boy, we just wasted a whole morning,” Roy complained over the phone to his middle-
aged son. Roy’s wife had been scheduled for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam,
because her shoulder had been bothering her for months. It had gotten to the point where
her golf game was suffering—she couldn’t break 120 anymore. Her drives, although still
down the middle of the fairway, barely went 90 yards. Without the game of golf and the
company of her golfing companions, Pat was a depressed woman.
Her doctor had recommended the MRI exam. For a shoulder exam, the patient lies face
up on a flat metal “bed.” The bed slides into the MRI machine, like a DVD sliding into a
DVD player. The patient’s nose is barely two inches from the metal ceiling. Many
patients who are even slightly claustrophobic become nervous or even hysterical when
they are slid into this compartment. The MRI operator has to slide them back out where
they can “breathe” again. This happens regularly, even though patients are warned about
the tomblike environment.
Pat’s doctor had given her a sedative to take half an hour before the exam. He had also
told her to wear a sleep mask, which would cover her eyes so that she wouldn’t see the
ceiling just inches from her face. Pat took the sedative and wore the mask. But as soon as
she was slid all the way into the machine, she started screaming. The technician pushed
the button to slide her back out. She was hyperventilating.
“Oh, my God! I could feel it! It was like I was being buried alive!” she exclaimed to her
husband. “You’re such a baby,” Roy told her as they walked out of the MRI room.

138. Body in a Barrel (1)

George Gobel thinks that he might have helped dump his own sister’s body. George told
police that recently his brother-in-law Russell had asked him to help move a big metal
barrel out of his house. “I’ll buy you a case of Bud,” Russell promised. The barrel was in
the master bedroom. George remembers that when he was looking at the barrel, he
happened to ask Russell, “Where’s Staci?” Russell told him that she was out shopping.
Oddly, the barrel was warm to the touch. “What’s in here?” George asked. Russell said it
was just some old rags and engine parts. He wanted to get rid of them because he had
heard that spontaneous combustion could occur. George said that he thought it might be
occurring at that very moment.
The barrel was very heavy. He asked Russell if the whole engine was inside the barrel.
Russell just grunted. Once they got it outside, they rolled it to the back of Russell’s
pickup truck. George helped Russell position a metal motorcycle ramp behind the truck,
and they pushed the barrel slowly up into the bed of the pickup. When they finished,
George told Russell that this was a “two case” move, meaning two cases of Budweiser.
Russell told him no problem.

139. Body in a Barrel (2)

Russell closed the tailgate of the pickup and they drove to the dock. It was a cold day,
and it was raining. They transferred the barrel into the back of Russell’s 25-foot fishing
boat. The boat was named “Staci,” although it had first been named "Kathy," and then
“Beverly,” after Russell’s first two wives. Russell steered the boat into the gulf. An hour
later, after some slipping and grunting and lifting, they managed to dump the barrel
overboard. George told Russell that it had become a “three case” job. Russell chuckled
and said no problem.
Russell stopped at a supermarket on the way home, and they put three cases of cold Bud
into the bed of the pickup. Russell opened a case and pulled out two cans, and they drank
them on the way back to the house in the warmth of the cab.
George called Staci a few days later, because he wanted to borrow some money from her.
Russell said that Staci was gone.
“What do you mean, ‘gone’”? George asked. Russell said that Staci had left him for
another man, and she had moved out of the city. George thought that was very odd; but
because Russell was a policeman, George believed him. He asked Russell if he could
borrow $300 so that he could spend the weekend in Las Vegas. Russell said no problem.
Before leaving, George called his mom to tell her about Staci. When he returned from
Vegas, George saw his sister’s face on the local TV news. Under her picture was the
word “Missing.” The TV reporter said that Kathy, Russell’s first wife, had been
accidentally shot to death while turkey hunting with Russell six years ago. Beverly,
Russell’s second wife, had accidentally drowned in her bathtub three years ago. George,
now suspicious, put down his beer. He called the police. The officer asked if she could
put him on hold for a second. George said no problem.

140. Red Meat, Gray Water

See that bright red hamburger meat in the grocery store? It’s bright red because a food
processor added carbon monoxide to the package. Most European governments do not
allow carbon monoxide in packages that contain beef products. They warn that the gas
keeps the beef looking bright red even if the beef has started to decay. This bright red
color is attractive, but it’s a cheap trick that allows the processor to sell possibly spoiled
In the US, however, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of
Agriculture say not to worry, the gas is completely safe.
“They might change their mind,” said activist Maureen Downey, “when a lot of people
get sick, and it’s all over TV and radio news. These two agencies bend over backward for
food companies. Guess what? Processors now want to use gray water in canned soups.
Look out, America—your favorite chicken soup will soon be 50 percent gray water.”
Conan Nolan, head of FDA, said, “Ms. Downey has a vivid imagination. Our primary
concern is the health and safety of American consumers. Gray water is simply 'used'
household water. It does not include toilet water. We would never allow 50 percent gray
water in canned soups—that amount might make people sick. The amount we allow will
probably not exceed two or three percent. People have to realize that water is getting
more valuable every decade, as the world’s population increases and the amount of fresh
water decreases. Just as people’s digestive systems get used to contaminated water in
developing countries, Americans will get used to gray water in their canned soups and
other products. Look, no processed food is 100 percent sterile. Consider how much rat
feces we allow in processed food today. I’ve yet to hear of one American dying from
eating too much rat feces, so a little gray water shouldn't be a problem either.”
141. All Bite, No Bark

A New York City entrepreneur is seeking investors for his “No Bark” startup. With
enough investment money, Ty Cobb says, he will be able to discover the melodies that,
when played, will instantly quiet barking dogs. Because dogs hear sound frequencies that
humans cannot hear, the melodies will be unheard by humans.
“There’s a huge market for this service,” Cobb declared. “There’s about 30 million dogs
in this country, probably 2 million right here in the city. And what do these dogs love to
do more than anything? Bark, that’s what! And what do people hate more than anything?
Barking dogs, that’s what!”
Cobb says that he went to India to study how snake charmers control the deadly cobra
with music. He figured that if they could use music to prevent a deadly cobra from
striking out at humans, he could use the same music to prevent a dog from barking. So he
learned how to play the pungi, the snake charmer’s flute. And he learned many of the
same tunes that the snake charmers played.
He returned to New York, where he practiced the tunes on his dog. At first, his dog
simply barked along with the music. After hours of modifying tunes, Cobb discovered
one that actually caused his dog to stop barking.
He was jubilant. He had discovered a melody that would shut dogs up. He would be rich
beyond his wildest dreams! Unfortunately, the melody worked on his dog, but not on his
neighbor’s dog. Nor on several other dogs in the neighborhood.
Cobb figures that computers will help him find the right melodies at the right frequencies
to shut up any dog on Earth. “My dream, of course,” he said, “is to discover one melody
that will shut up a whole block of barking dogs. That might rank right up there with the
discovery of penicillin!”

142. Tiger Kills Two Men (1)

The Ozark city zoo’s tiger exhibit featured Winnie, a female Siberian tiger. She was five
years old, weighed 300 pounds, and stood three feet tall at her shoulders. Siberian tigers
are endangered; only about 500 exist in the wild, and about 200 exist in captivity. They
live up to 25 years.
Two brothers, 18 and 19 years old, visited the zoo just before closing. Earl and Merl had
had a few drinks. They went straight to Winnie's pit. They decided it would be fun to
tease her as she lay within the walled pit minding her own business. They threw pine
cones and sticks at Winnie, causing her to growl. Then Earl hopped onto the wall and
dangled his legs into the tiger pit area. He yelled at Winnie while Merl threw a plastic
bottle full of water. The bottle struck Winnie's head.
Enraged, she sprang toward the wall. She slashed at Earl’s foot, removing one of his
shoes. Earl screamed, hopped off the wall, and started running. Winnie quickly measured
the height of the wall, and leapt. Although the wall was 13 feet high, Winnie landed on
top of it. The two brothers were running toward the zoo restaurant, figuring that there
would be safety in numbers. But they never made it. Winnie quickly caught up to one,
and then the other. With one bite to each of their necks, she killed them both.
143. Tiger Kills Two Men (2)

Only minutes later, another zoo visitor happened by. Spotting the two dead men, he
called 911. By the time police arrived, zoo officials were already scouring the area with
their dart guns. They had told the police not to shoot the animal unless it was a life or
death situation. Not only did Winnie belong to an endangered species, but she was also
pregnant. Unfortunately, a police officer panicked when he saw the tiger only ten yards
from him, and fired. It was a perfect shot.
The father of the two brothers immediately hired a lawyer. The zoo would probably have
to offer him at least a million dollars just to avoid a jury trial. The local humane
association also promised to sue the zoo for not building a higher wall, which would have
kept the animal in its pit and thus saved its life. Zoo officials said that lawsuits might
result in closing the zoo permanently. City residents were divided in their opinions about
the event. “They both deserved to die,” said one resident. “Boys shouldn’t lose their lives
just for acting like boys,” said another.

144. Red Flowers Make Her See Red

“What are these flowers doing here?” Anita asked as she was about to sit in the car’s
passenger seat. The towel that covered the leather seat had a couple of small red flowers
sitting in a crease. The flowers appeared as she straightened out the towel before she sat
down. She always straightened out the towel before sitting down, because Logan
sometimes left his glasses, pen, or other items on the passenger seat. She didn’t want to
break anything by sitting on it, nor did she want to injure herself by sitting on something
“What flowers?” Logan asked. “These flowers!” she said sharply, holding the two little
flowers up to his nose. He said he didn’t know. He said he thought they had been there
for quite a while. No, they hadn’t, she told him, as she put them into a tissue and then put
the tissue in her purse. They weren’t there two days ago when she had last been in his car.
Maybe they had been there, but she hadn’t seen them, he suggested. “Maybe you’re
lying! Who did you buy flowers for?” she yelled at him. This was not the first time she
had “caught” him cheating on her. She had never really caught him, of course, because he
had never cheated on her. It was a little game she liked to play, just to remind Logan not
to cheat.
“Well? Who did you buy these flowers for?” she asked again. He was trying to think. He
was sure he had seen the flowers lying there for days, but he had no idea where they had
come from. He told her that he had driven for a while yesterday with all the windows
open, to freshen the car. “You know how windy it was yesterday. Maybe the flowers got
blown into the car.”
“Ha!” she snorted. “If I ever catch you even thinking about cheating on me, we’re
through! Got it?” On the one hand, Logan was too much in love with Anita to ever cheat
on her. On the other, when she got bossy like this, he did think—however fleetingly—
about moving on.

145. The Starbucks Robbery

It is a crime that is getting to be common in Los Angeles. Customers are enjoying their
meals at a restaurant. Two or more criminals stroll in and start waving their guns at
everyone. They demand that everyone put their wallets or empty their purses into a bag,
and then the gunmen stroll out. They usually wear hoodies or baseball caps with
sunglasses to thwart identification.
At 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, the business establishment was a Starbucks. Three young men
walked in, emptied the cash register, robbed the employees and the customers, and
walked out to their stolen SUV. The police were able to respond quickly. A chase ended
with one police car ramming the SUV from behind on the Third Street overpass. The
SUV came to a stop, but, as usually happens, the three criminals were unhurt. They
immediately hopped out of the SUV and started running in three different directions. It
took about 10 minutes to catch two of them; one had hidden in a dumpster, and the other
had broken a car window and hidden in the car.
The third one, instead of running, had decided it was quicker to jump off the overpass
onto the freeway 20 feet below. He landed in an emergency lane, but did not get up and
run. He did not get up at all. When police got to him, he was dead. “Too bad he wasn’t
holding hands with the other two when he jumped,” said one officer, who asked to
remain nameless.

146. The Argument (1)

Lulu didn’t want to go to the play. This Wednesday was going to be very busy. She had
realty meetings and clients to drive around. Called “Narnia,” the play was based on the
novel by C.S. Lewis. It was a musical. “You know that I don’t like musicals,” she told
Walt. “I can never understand what they’re saying when they sing, and the music is not
that good, either.” He told her that there were a lot of great musicals, famous just for their
music if nothing else. She asked when he was going to take her to one.
Well, he said, someone had told him that this play was the one. She still said that she’d
rather not go. He argued that they only went to a play once every two months, so please
be ready. He would pick her up the next day at 7 p.m.
Throughout the next day, he thought about the play—maybe Lulu was right. He called up
a couple of friends to ask if they had seen the play, but they had not. At about 6 p.m., he
had the bright idea to Google the play. Sure enough, he found a site that contained music
samples from the play. He sampled about six tunes; they did nothing for him. Lulu was
right, he thought, at least about this play. He was going to call Lulu, but just then his
sister called him. They talked for at least half an hour.

147. The Argument (2)

Walt finally called Lulu at 6:55 p.m. “You were right, honey,” he said. “The music is not
very good. So let’s not go to the play, if that’s all right with you.” That was great, she
“So, let’s go to a movie,” she suggested.
“A movie? When?”
“Right now!” she said. She was all dressed up, and she was ready to go somewhere! But
he wasn’t. He had already decided to stay in. "How about a movie tomorrow?" he asked.
“Tomorrow!?” she yelled over the phone. She was furious. Did he have any idea what a
difficult day she had had, trying to finish all her realty work so that she would be ready
by 7 p.m.? And then he had the nerve to call her up at 6:55 to tell her to forget it? Forget
it?! Had he thought about calling her up earlier? Had he thought about asking her for her
opinion before deciding everything on his own? “Of course not!” she said as she
answered her own question. This was just one more example, she raged on, of how he
had absolutely no respect for her, and she was tired of it. “We’re through!” she shouted
just before hanging up.

148. The Toilet Tank (1)

Stanley had just finished brushing his teeth. He noticed water flowing into the toilet bowl.
That's strange, he thought. The water continued to seep into the bowl. Stanley lifted the
toilet tank top. The tank was half full, but the water was slowly rising. What in the world
is going on, he wondered. He had not just flushed the toilet. He continued to watch the
water rise in the tank. The water got up to the Water Line mark in the tank, where it was
supposed to stop rising. But it continued to rise.
Stanley was alarmed. Is this thing going to overflow, he wondered. He went into his
bedroom and grabbed some towels. When he returned to the bathroom, the toilet was
silent. The water had stopped rising at one inch above the water line. But that was only
about two inches below the top of the tank. That was too close for comfort. Stanley put
two and two together. He had heard water running for more than a week now, but he had
assumed it was his neighbor’s toilet. Now he knew it was his own.
He called Henry the handyman. Henry was a really nice guy. His rates were much
cheaper than a regular plumber’s rates. Henry said he’d be over the next day. The next
day, Henry arrived only 30 minutes late, which was “on time” for Henry. He tried to turn
off the toilet tank shutoff valve on the bathroom wall, but the valve was “frozen.” “We
don’t want to mess with that,” he told Stanley. “That valve is too easy to bust, and it
would take a lot of work to put a new one on.”

149. The Toilet Tank (2)

Henry went out to the front of the apartment building and turned off the main water
valve. No one was home in the building except Stanley, so Henry didn’t have to warn the
neighbors about the shutoff. Back in the bathroom, Henry flushed the toilet. Then he used
a couple of rags to dry and clean the bottom of the toilet tank. He unscrewed the plastic
Fluidmaster 400A Fill Valve and removed it. He replaced it with a new fill valve. “When
the water keeps running, it’s usually your fill valve. It could also be the flapper, but your
flapper looks okay. Plus, it’s a weird-looking flapper. I’d probably have to special order
Henry tightened the plastic nut below the tank, securing the fill valve. “You mustn't over-
tighten this, because it’ll break,” he said. “In the old days, we used rubber gaskets and
metal nuts and washers. Nowadays, everything is cheap plastic.” He went back outside,
turned on the main valve, and returned. He flushed the toilet, waited for the bowl to refill
and for the new fill valve to shut off the water. It shut off exactly at the Water Line mark.
“We got lucky,” Henry said. “I don’t have to fiddle around adjusting the fill valve. That’s
good, because I’m a little late for another job right now.” Henry flushed the toilet again,
and watched the bowl and the tank fill. "That does it," he told Stanley. Stanley thanked
him and paid him.
Three hours later, Stanley noticed a puddle of water, hardly bigger than a quarter, on the
bathroom floor. He called Henry, who said the plastic nut just needed a little tightening.
But because he was working all that day on another job, he wouldn’t be able to come
over until tomorrow. He told Stanley to put a big plastic bowl under the tank and not to
worry. “It’s just a tiny leak. Your bathroom won’t get flooded.”

150. Santa Molested by Young Woman

At a popular mall in Dothan, Alabama, Santa Claus asked a 33-year-old woman, sitting
on his lap, what she wanted for Christmas. She said she wanted him! “I couldn’t believe
it,” said Paul Moyer, 65 years old. “I figured that I misheard her, so I asked her again.
She didn’t say ‘Yule’; she said ‘You’—meaning me!”
And then she started groping Santa. She put both hands on his cheeks and gave him a big
kiss on his lips. She pulled off his cap and stroked his white hair—or what was left of it.
Then she unbuckled his big black belt and stuck her hand down his pants. Santa was no
match for this young woman, who was stronger, faster, and hornier than he was. He
started yelling for help.
By the time a security guard arrived, the woman had unbuttoned Santa’s jacket and was
rubbing her chest against his. She was wearing flip-flops, shorts, and a T-shirt, with no
bra. The guard asked her to leave Santa alone, but she ignored him. He had to pull her off
Santa. Both Santa and the woman were out of breath.
The police eventually arrived. They handcuffed the woman and put her in a squad car.
They said she would be charged with sexual assault and battery. “That poor guy didn’t
know what hit him,” said one officer. Santa took a 10-minute break to recover and to put
his Santa suit back together.
When Santa returned to his chair by the Christmas tree, he apologized to the kids who
had witnessed the attack. They did not seem to be bothered by the excitement, except for
the fact that they had to wait in line a little longer to visit with Santa. Two 13-year-old
boys, however, enjoyed the “show.” They both said they couldn’t wait until they were old
enough to work as Santa in a mall. “She was hot!” said one of the boys.

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