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1 What is Human circulatory system and how many parts?

The circulatory system consists of three independent systems that work

together: the heart (cardiovascular), lungs (pulmonary), and arteries, veins,
coronary and portal vessels (systemic). The system is responsible for the flow
of blood, nutrients, oxygen and other gases, and as well as hormones to and
from cells.

2 Transports chemical substances called__ Diffusion ____________

 3) What are the 3 major types of blood vessels?

 Arteries.
 Capillaries.
 Veins.

What are the two pathway of blood circulation happens?

4 Pulmonary Circuit
Systemic Circuit

The Heartstrings called the___ chordae tendineae (tendinous cords)________________ anchors the val

Right 5 points about the Heartbeat

Both side of the heart pump at the same
1 complete of contraction & Relaxation
is called 1 cardiac cycle that makes one
heart beat during 1 cardiac cycle , and
its sounds LUB -DUB
As the right ventricle contracts and end
blood to the l8ungs the left ventricle
also contracts and squeezes the blood
out to the body
The heart circles activity has 2 stages
Systole & Diastole
Diastole is a stage when Ventricles relax
and artia Contract.
Why does not the blood flow backward?
Blood can flow from the atria down into the ventricles
because there are openings in the walls that separate them.
These openings are called valves because they open in one
direction like trapdoors to let the blood pass through.

8 The Heart of an average person at rest beats __60__ to _80___ times each Minute

When does the heart stop beating?

Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops

which stops oxygen-rich blood from reaching the brain and other
A person can die from SCA in minutes if it is not treated right away.

Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating

Physical stress, which can cause the heart’s electrical system to stop

When do people get heart attacks? Right 5 Points



Coronary atherosclerosis
Rheumatic Heart disease

How many layers heart has?

3 layers
11 Myocardium

What are the Major types of blood vessels?

12 Veins
________ Deoxygenated _________ blood is returned to the chamber of the heart via coronary veins

How our blood does circulates?

Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior
and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-
poor blood from the body into the right atrium.

15 Blood contains red and white blood cells that float inside a liquid called ___Blood Plasma ____________

Right the Fact about the Human Circulatory system?

The human circulatory system keeps blood, oxygen and nutrients flowing
through the body. ... Nutrients, oxygen and hormones are delivered to every
cell and as these necessities are provided, waste products such as carbon
dioxide are removed.

17 _____WBC ___________________ gather around the wound site to kill invading microbes

18 Red and white blood ______Corpuscles _________ and _______Platelets_____________ are suspended in the

Where are the jugular veins situated? Right 5 points

They each rest beside the thyroid gland at the center of the neck

They each rest beside the thyroid gland at the center of the neck
veins functions to carry oxygen-depleted blood from the brain

face, and neck

Internal Jugular Veins are much larger then external


20 Blood is also helped along by the Heart and ______Kidney _________---

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