Community Service Form (NEW)

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Roy & Dora Whitman Academy

Amman, Jordan

Community Service Credits Report

Name: ___________________Joseph Doudt______________________ Grade Level/Year of Graduation: ____12/2020___________

Name/Description of Service: _______Salvation Army_____________

Date of Project: ____March 2018____ Date of Form Submission: _____April 2020________

To be filled out by Supervisor of project:

Supervisor Name: __________Julena Doudt_____________________ Position: _______________________

Email Address (for verification contact): __________julenadoudt@me.com_______________

How many hours (approx.) did the student serve? ____6____ (without pay)

Supervisor Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

To be filled out by Student:

1. Describe the service you performed and the activities involved.

My class and I sorted and packaged items to send to those in poverty worldwide.

2. Describe its benefits to those around you.

I was able to help us achieve our goals of that day, and was the indirect benefactor of whoever
ultimately received the boxes I packaged.

3. What objectives did you achieve?

We we able to pack up hundreds of boxes and send them out.

4. Describe some things you learned about yourself through this project.
I learned that I am more than willing to work to help others, even if I get no benefit other than the
satisfaction of having done my part.

To be filled out by CS Coordinator:

Signature: __________________________________________________ Number of Hours Approved: _________________________

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