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Ae 2.104:42/3
Weekly Compilation of FED-DOCS


Monday, August 7, 2006

Volume 42—Number 31
Pages 1419–1440

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Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies

Florida Waiving Prohibition on United States Military
Port of Miami in Miami–1422, 1427 Assistance With Respect to Lesotho,
Remarks to reporters in Miami–1422 memorandum–1430
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, Interviews With the News Media
Maryland, remarks to reporters at the Exchange with reporters in the Press Briefing
National Naval Medical Center in Room–1428
Bethesda–1427 Notices
Middle East situation—1420
Ohio, remarks following a tour of the Lake Continuation of Emergency Regarding Export
County Emergency Management Agency in
Control Regulations—1435
Mentor—1429 Statements by the President
Radio address–1419
Texas, immigration reform in McAllen–1430
White House tee-ball–1421 Supplementary Materials
Acts approved by the President–1440
Communications to Congress
Checklist of White House press releases—
Export control regulations, letter on 1439
continuation of national emergency—1435 Digest of other White House
People's Republic of China, letter certifying announcements–1435
exports–1420 Nominations submitted to the Senate–1438

Editor's Note: The President was at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX, on August 4, the closing
date of this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but
not received in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

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PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
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Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
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The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607.
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, August 4, 2006
The President’s Radio Address opportunity to achieve lasting peace and sta
July 29, 2006 bility for both countries. Next week, the
United Nations Security Council will also
Good morning. This week, the inter meet. We will work with our allies to adopt
a resolution that establishes a framework to
national community continued to build a po
litical and security framework to confront the end the violence quickly and mandates the
crisis in the Middle East, a crisis that began multinational force. This approach will dem
with Hizballah's unprovoked terrorist attacks onstrate the international community's deter
on Israel. Secretary of State Rice traveled to mination to support the Government of Leb
anon and defeat the threat from Hizballah
Lebanon, Israel, and Europe, and met with
key leaders to discuss a way forward. In and its foreign sponsors. And this approach
Rome, she met with representatives of more will make possible what so many around the
world want to see: the end of Hizballah's at
than a dozen nations and international orga
nizations. Our Governments agreed to pro tacks on Israel; the return of Israeli soldiers
vide relief to the people of Lebanon, using taken hostage by terrorists; the suspension
comdors for humanitarian aid that Israel is of Israel's operations in Lebanon; and the
withdrawal of Israeli forces.
opening. We pledged to support Lebanon's
revival and reconstruction. And we agreed to As we work to resolve this current crisis,
continue to work for a sustainable cease-fire we must recognize that Lebanon is the latest
that will stop the current violence, end the flashpoint in a broader struggle between
suffering of people in Lebanon and Israel, freedom and terror that is unfolding across
and move us toward a lasting peace. the region. For decades, American policy
Yesterday I met with Prime Minister Tony sought to achieve peace in the Middle East
Blair to discuss our strategy to achieve these by promoting stability in the Middle East,
shared goals. We agreed that Lebanon's yet these policies gave us neither. The lack
democratic Government must be empow of freedom in that region created conditions
ered to exercise full authority over its terri where anger and resentment grew, radi
tory. Militias in Lebanon must be disarmed; calism thrived, and terrorists found willing
the flow of illegal arms must be halted; and recruits. We saw the consequences on Sep
the Lebanese security services should deploy tember the 11th, 2001, when terrorists
throughout the country. We also agreed that brought death and destruction to our coun
a robust multinational force must be dis try, killing nearly 3,000 innocent Americans.
patched to Lebanon quickly. An effective The experience of September the 11th
multinational force will help speed delivery made it clear that we could no longer tolerate
ºf humanitarian relief, facilitate the return the status quo in the Middle East. We saw
ºf displaced persons, and support the Leba that when an entire region simmers in vio
~e Government as it asserts full sovereignty lence, that violence will eventually reach our
wer its territory and guards its borders. In shores and spread across the entire world.
adition, Iran must end its financial support The only way to secure our Nation is to
and supply of weapons to terrorist groups change the course of the Middle East by
such as Hizballah, and Syria must end its sup fighting the ideology of terror and spreading
port for terrorism and respect Lebanon's sov the hope of freedom.
ereignty. So we have launched a forward strategy
Secretary Rice will return to the region for freedom in the broader Middle East, and
this weekend, and she will work with the that strategy has set in motion a trans
leaders of Israel and Lebanon to seize this formation that is changing millions of lives

1420 July 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
for the better. From Kabul to Baghdad to to Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United King *

Beirut and beyond, we've seen the birth of dom; Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel: *
democratic governments that are striving to Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon; Prime
serve their people, reject terror, and work Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq; and President.
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian -
for peace. We're also seeing those who op
pose democracy fighting its progress with all Authority. The Office of the Press Secretary also
released a Spanish language transcript of this ad- -

the destructive power they can muster. We dress.

see this in Hizballah's attacks on Israel, in
the suicide bombings that kill innocent
Iraqis, and in Al Qaida's campaign of terror Remarks on the Situation in the
across the world. Middle East
The enemies of freedom have shown their
ability to set back our efforts with deadly at July 30, 2006
tacks, but ultimately they will fail. They will
fail because courageous leaders in the region is The current situation in the Middle East :
a reminder that all of us must work to
have stepped forward to defend freedom and
set the Middle East on a better course. And gether to achieve a sustainable peace. Amer
ica mourns the loss of innocent life. It’s a "
they will fail because millions of people who
have suffered decades of oppression and vio tragic occasion when innocent people are
lence will choose to live in peace with their killed. And so our sympathies go out to those
neighbors. who've lost their lives today and lost their
In Iraq, we will help Prime Minister lives throughout this crisis.
Maliki's unity Government defeat the terror I've been in touch with Secretary of State
Rice twice today. She'll be returning tomor
ists, insurgents, and illegal militias and estab row, where she'll brief me on her discussions
lish a democracy in the heart of the Middle with leaders in the Middle East. I also talked -
East. In Lebanon, we will stand with the
democratic Government in its efforts to rid to Tony Blair. The United States is resolved
to work with members of the United Nations
the country of terrorists and foreign influ
ence and bring about a better life for the Security Council to develop a resolution that
Lebanese people. In the Palestinian Terri will enable the region to have a sustainable
tories, we will work with President Abbas to peace, a peace that lasts, a peace that will
enable mothers and fathers to raise their chil
support the forces of moderation and achieve
our shared vision of two democratic states, dren in a hopeful world.
Israel and Palestine, living side by side in May God bless those who lost their lives.
peace and security. Thank you.
This moment of conflict in the Middle
East is painful and tragic, yet it is also a mo NOTE: The President spoke at 4:12 p.m. on the
ment of opportunity for broader change in South Lawn at the White House. In his remarks,
the region. Transforming countries that have he referred to Prime Minister Tony Blair of the
suffered decades of tyranny and violence is United Kingdom.
difficult, and it will take time to achieve. But
the consequences will be profound—for our
country and the world. When the Middle Letter to Congressional Leaders
East grows in liberty and democracy, it will Certifying Exports to the People's |
also grow in peace, and that will make Amer Republic of China
ica and all free nations more secure.
July 28, 2006
Thank you for listening.
NoTE: The address was recorded at 2 p.m. in the Dear Mr. Speaker. (Dear Mr. President:)
Cabinet Room at the White House for broadcast In accordance with the provisions of sec
tion 1512 of the Strom Thurmond National
at 10:06 a.m. on July 29. The transcript was made
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
available by the Office of the Press Secretary on
July 28 but was embargoed for release until the 1999 (Public Law 105–261), I hereby certify
broadcast. In his address, the President referred that the export to the People's Republic of
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / July 31 1421

China of the following items is not detri day's actions in the Middle East remind us
mental to the United States space launch in that the United States and friends and allies
distry, and that the material and equipment, must work for a sustainable peace, particu
including any indirect technical benefit that larly for the sake of children.
could be derived from such exports, will not And so I want to welcome you here to the
measurably improve the missile or space White House. What an honor to be with the
anch capabilities of the People's Republic Commissioner, Willie Mays. See, when I was
of China.
1. Two million pounds of bulk .
growing up, I wanted to be the Willie Mays
of my generation, but I couldn't hit a curve
use by Smarteem Precision Manufacturing ball. So instead, I ended up being President.
Company, Qingdao Dezong Trading Com Laura and I welcome you here, along with
pany, Qingdao Haier Moulds Company, Hi the Commissioner. It's a proud day for us
PShanghai Precision Mold and Die, Shang to welcome—a little hot for baseball, but I
hu Sharp Mold and Manufacturing, Shang know these teams are up for it. First, I want
hi Koito Automotive Lamp Company, to welcome the Civitan Club of Frederick
Ningbo Yongyao Graphite Product, Heibei Challengers from Thurmont, Maryland.
Ningin Matsimiya Semiconductor, Heibei We're glad you all are here. We also want
Ningin Yangguang Electrodes, Jiaxiang to welcome the Mayor, Mayor Marty Burns
Zhengda Xingxin Electrodes, Shanghai
Shenhe Thermo-Magnetics and Genic of Thurmont. Welcome, Mr. Mayor. Thanks
Shanghai) Company to manufacture elec for coming. There he is. Marty used to work
trodes, dies and molds for the production and at Camp David, by the way.
handling of plastic, rubber, copper, tin, alu I also want to welcome the Challenger
minum, and iron components. Braves from Shady Spring, West Virginia.
2. One 36-inch micronizer to be used by We welcome both teams, the coaches, the
Jiangsu Sopo Chemical of º China, helpers, and the families. We're glad you're
for processing azodicarbonomide for use in here. We're lucky today to have not only one
manufacturing plastics. Major Leaguer but three Major Leaguers
3. One 42-inch micronizer to be used by with us–coaching first base, the lefty, Al
Cabot Performance Products Company, Leiter; welcome, Al—at third base, Dan Wil
LTD of Tianjin, China, for manufacturing son. Glad you're here, Dan, thanks for com
carbon black to be used in rubber and plas ing. Proud you're here.
tics manufacturing. We welcome Steve Keener, who is the
Sincerely, President and CEO of Little League Inter
national. We want to thank the Girl Scout
George W. Bush
Council of the Nation's Capital who carried
NotE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis the colors. I want to thank Nichola Kouzes,
Hastert. Speaker of the House of Representatives, who sang the national anthem. Nichola, you
and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. did a fabulous job here on the South Lawn.
The letter was released by the Office of the Press Thank you. She did a good job, didn't she?
Secretary on July 31.
Not only a good job but a great job.
We're lucky today to have an old hand at
Remarks at a White House Tee-Ball calling this game—the former announcer of
Game the Washington Senators, Charlie Brotman.
July 30, 2006 Welcome, Charlie. Glad you're here; thanks
for coming. Glad you're here.
Thank you very much. You know, as we And finally, we have a tradition here, and
listen to our national anthem, it reminds us that is we actually don't throw out the first
how blessed we are to live in a land where ball; we actually put the first ball on the tee.
our boys and girls can grow up in a peaceful And joining me today is Kevin Turley. He's
world. And on today, our hopes for peace a Special Olympics gold medalist. Kevin,
for boys and girls everywhere extends across thanks for coming. Thank you for being a
the world, especially in the Middle East. To part of this. 315SU

08/07 3.1150–12) ---
1422 July 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
You ready? Everybody ready? And right plan in the United Nations Security Counci
before we play ball, we'll give the Little that addresses the root causes of the problem
League Pledge. Ready for the pledge? so that whatever comes out of the Security
Council will be able to last and that the peo
|At this point, the pledge was recited.]
ple in both Lebanon and Israel will be able
Play ball. to grow—be able to remain in peace. That's
what we want. We want there to be a long
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:45 p.m. on the lasting peace, one that's sustainable. And I'll
South Lawn at the White House. In his remarks,
he referred to White House Tee-Ball Commis speak to Condi Rice when she gets back to
sioner Willie Mays. The transcript was released night, to talk about what she saw and what
by the Office of the Press Secretary on July 31. she heard in the Middle East. And of course.
there will be a way forward in the Security
Council later on this week.
Remarks to Reporters in Miami, Thank you.
NoTE: The President spoke at 8:47 a.m. at the
July 31, 2006 Versailles Restaurant and Bakery. In his remarks,
It's an honor to be here at one of Miami's
he referred to Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida. º

most famous restaurants. Brother Jeb sug

gested we come here and have some coffee Remarks at the Port of Miami in
with some of south Florida's leading entre Miami
preneurs. We've got people who have started July 31, 2006
their own business, people who are carrying
on family traditions—all of whom share with Thanks for the warm welcome on a warm
me their optimism but also share with me day. [Laughter] I’m proud to be here in this
some of the problems they face. really dynamic city. You know it's an amazing
One of the key problems that many of the part of our country when you walk off and
businesses face here is labor. The unemploy a Member of the United States Congress
ment rate is unbelievably low right now, and says, “Bienvenido a Miami.” -

therefore, businesses who are planning for This trip is a little different from the last
the future are wondering whether or not time I spent the night here in Miami. Last
they're going to be able to find people to night Jeb and I had some crabs with mem--
help their businesses expand. I assured them bers of the 1972 Miami Dolphins, Dan
that the administration is still working toward Marino and his really dynamic wife; TV .
a comprehensive immigration policy that will stars—Andy Garcia, a movie star. We had
be rational, that will be able to, one, enforce a fantastic experience. It's a lot better, by ,
rule of law, and on the other hand, be com the way, than preparing for a presidential de
passionate about how this country treats peo bate. [Laughter]
le. I'm glad to be here. I'm glad to be with
I assured them as well, that we will con brother Jeb. We're really proud of him in
tinue to work to keep taxes low. It's very in our family. He's a guy who does what he said
teresting, you know, when an entrepreneur he's going to do. He's a good man, mi
gets their business started, they want to keep hermanito.
more of their own money so they can expand. Miami is a strong and vibrant city, and be
And one way to do that is to make sure that cause your economy is strong and vibrant, "
taxes stay low, and that's what we will do. you've helped this State's economy grow and
We talked about health care; we talked you've helped the country grow. I want to
about energy; we talked about Cuba. So I spend some time talking about the economy .
want to thank you all very much for being and how we can keep our economy strong—
here. Thanks for giving me a chance to come. no better place to do that than here in the
And by the way, we also talked about the Port of Miami. I'm proud to be with those
situation in the Middle East. And I assured who work in the port. I'm particularly proud
the people here that we will work toward a to be with those who wear the uniform of º
distration of George W. Bush, 2006 / July 31 1423

*United States of America. Thanks for To achieve the peace that we want, we
ºng must achieve certain clear objectives: Leb
The Commandant of the United States anon's democratic Government must be em
* Guard has joined us today, Admiral powered to exercise sole authority over its
Thad Allen. Thanks for coming. Rear Admi territory. A multinational force must be dis
HDAid Kunkel is with us. I appreciate you patched to Lebanon quickly so we can help
king here, Admiral. I particularly want to speed the delivery of humanitarian aid to the
ink all those who are on our ships, work Lebanese people. Iran must end its financial
mºur ports. And I thank your families. You support and supply of weapons to terrorist
* \our wife or your husband how much groups like Hizballah. Syria must end its sup
is country appreciates the support of our port for terror and respect the sovereignty
indies for our Coast Guard men and of Lebanon.
This approach will make it possible what
Iwant to thank Bill Johnson, who is acting so many around the world want to see: the
*Port director. I'm proud to be here with end of Hizballah's attacks on Israel; the re
the Federal Emergency Management Agen turn of the Israeli soldiers taken hostage by
tº head, Dave Paulison—south Floridian by the terrorists; the suspension of Israel's oper
tº way. Members of the United States con ations in Lebanon; and the eventual with
Jºsional delegation are with us, starting drawal of Israeli forces.
ºth the Congresswoman from this district, The current crisis is part of a larger strug
rana Ros-Lehtinen. Los hermanos Diaz gle between the forces of freedom and the
Blaſt are with us today, Lincoln y tambien forces of terror in the Middle East. For dec
Mano. It's good to see you guys. Thanks for ades, the status quo in the Middle East per
coming Clay Shaw, Congressman Shaw is mitted tyranny and terror to thrive. And as
withus I'm proud you're here. we saw on September the 11th, the status
The new speaker of the house, Marco quo in the Middle East led to death and de
Rubio, is with us today. Mr. Speaker, thank struction in the United States, and it had to
wn Mayor Carlos Alvarez is with us, el al change. So America is opposing the forces
de Thank you. Mayor Manny Diaz is with of terror and promoting the cause of democ
is Thank you, Manny. I want to thank all racy across the broader Middle East.
the local folks for coming, all the people who This task is long; it is difficult work, but
are concerned about south Florida—the local it is necessary work. When democracy
ºfficials. I'm proud to be here. spreads in the Middle East, the people of
Let me start by telling you I'm monitoring that troubled region will have a better future.
the situation in the Middle East very closely. The terrorists will lose their safe havens and
Secretary Rice was in the region over the their recruits, and the United States of Amer
weekend, and she is working urgently to get ica will be more secure. The hard work of
a sustainable cease-fire, a cease-fire which helping people realize the benefits of liberty
will last. We're going to work with our allies is laying the foundation of peace for genera
ºbſing before the United Nations Security tions to come.
Council a resolution that will end the vio It's an honor to be here at the largest con
* and lay the groundwork for lasting tainer port in Florida and one of the most
Peace in the Middle East. important ports in our Nation. From these
As we work with friends and allies, it is docks, ships loaded with cargo deliver prod
"Portant to remember, this crisis began ucts all around the world carrying that label,
* Hizballah's unprovoked terrorist attacks “Made in the USA.” See, the Port of Miami
º Israel. Israel is exercising its right to is shipping what the world wants to buy. The
º itself. And we mourn the loss of inno Port of Miami is also the largest cruise port
gº life, both in Lebanon and in Israel. in the whole world. All you got to do is drive
to deliver relief to those
down the highway and look at the size of
. suffer ** determined to work to re
Sºme this crisis. those ships. This is known as the “Cruise
Capital of the World.” And that's important.
1424 July 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
It's important for the people who want to One of the reasons why the national unem
find a job here. ployment rate is at 4.6 percent is because
See, the Port of Miami not only enables the entrepreneurial spirit is strong in Amer
us to ship products all over the world, which ica. And we intend to keep it that way. And
encourages job creation—people working one of the ways to make sure entrepreneurs
here, getting those products moving around like Nelson and others are able to realize
the world—but it's also a place where tourists dreams is to keep the taxes low.
come to travel the world on some great cruise There's a great temptation in Washington
ships, which means that chefs and grocers to say, “We can spend your money better
need to be hired to prepare food for the peo than you can,” see. But when you start talking
ple on the ships or accountants and travel about raising taxes, you're talking about tak
agents to handle the bookings or hotel work ing money away from entrepreneurs and
ers to house the passengers before the ships small-business owners. Good policy is policy
depart. that says, we want to strengthen the small
One reason south Florida's economy is business sector in America. We want the en
doing well is because of the importance of trepreneurial spirit to flourish. And one of
this port. But it's just not the port that is the ways to do so is to make the tax cuts
helping the people in south Florida. Do you we pass a permanent part of the Tax Code.
realize that over the past 3 years, the Miami And here's another way that we can help
Fort Lauderdale metropolitan area has cre the entrepreneurial spirit flourish and help
ated more than 200,000 new jobs? The un make sure south Florida remains a vibrant
employment rate in this area is down to 3.2 part of our national economy, and that is to
percent. It's amazing economic vitality in this open up markets for trade. I'm worried about
part of the world, and I congratulate the en protectionist tendencies in the United States,
trepreneurs. people saying, “Well, we don't want to—real º
Today I met with some entrepreneurs. I ly want to compete. Let's just kind of throw
met a guy named Nelson Gonzalez. Are you up some walls and barriers so people can't i.
here, Nelson? Yes, there he is. And he's got sell products into the United States.” Such *
a partner who's not here. But think about policies will damage the Port of Miami; such
this—I want to tell you about Nelson's story. policies are short-sighted, as far as I'm con
It is an American story. It's a story about two cerned.
people who had a dream, and 10 years ago America is home to 5 percent of the
they sat in Nelson's garage talking about how world's population. That means 95 percent *
to create a business. And they had $10,000 of the world's population are potential cus
in capital to start their business. And so they tomers. The port is known as “The Gateway :
... to build high-performance, custom of the Americas” for a reason, because inter y
designed personal computers. That was their national trade is one of the key reasons why
dream. First year, the revenues were Miami prospers. I don't know if the folks re
$87,000, like they started getting moving. alize that because of trade—in other words,
Last year, the revenue was $192 million. the ability to move products overseas–
They went from 2 people sitting in a garage 120,000 jobs here in this part of the world
to employing 750 people. are supported by trade.
So here's the spirit behind Nelson's dream. I believe trade leads to opportunity; trade
He said, “Losing was not just in our vocabu leads to jobs; trade means this port will re
lary. We overcame a lot of things. We really main vibrant. And so good policy from our
didn't sit on our laurels, and we always look Government perspective must be to continue
at what we can improve.” See, one of the to working up—working to open up markets
jobs of Government is to put policy in place for U.S. products, and say to people around
that encourages the entrepreneurial spirit to the world, “You treat us the way we treat
flourish. We want more people owning their you.” In other words, trade must be a two
businesses. We want more dreamers working way street. We must work to open up mar
hard to accomplish their dreams. And when kets but at the same time, we must say to
they do, more people find work. foreign nations, “As we open our markets to
ºnlinof George W. Bush, 2006 / July 31 1425

ºf gºods, you ºYour markets to our derstand how important trade is for the econ
*"The United States can compete with omy of the United States. And so Susan
* anywhere so long as the rules are Schwab now has been in Brazil recently, and
will continue talking with other trade min
Congress passed NAFTA, and as a result, isters. Completing the Doha round is going
finds exports to Mexico tripled. Two to demand tough choices. We're willing to
** ago, we passed a free trade agreement make those choices, and others nations
ºth Chile, Florida exports to that country should as well. This is a once-in-a-lifetime
*jumped by 40 percent. Now when you opportunity to jump-start global trade and
ºf me say, "Florida's exports,” that means create opportunities around the world.
ºports of products made in the United In order to make sure this country con
Males leaving ports like Miami, which creates tinues to remain strong, we must also ensure
* Exports means work. Exports means vi that America welcomes new immigrants,
liyat our ports. people who add to our prosperity. See, we
last year we passed CAFTA. I want to can be a nation of law and a welcoming na
ink the Members of Congress who sup tion at the same time, and we don't have to
Pºſted me on that important agreement. This choose.
ºn handles nearly one-half of all American Of all the places in our country, Miami
rºots to Central America. And as CAFTA
understands the importance of the contribu
*s hold, we can envision more products tion that the newly arrived can make to a
Passing from the United States to Central
society. Jeb and I just went and had a little
America through the Port of Miami. coffee at Versailles, which reminded me of
Now, one of the most promising ways to the important influence that those who have
ºpen up new markets for our workers and
tºnesses is the Doha round of negotiations fled oppression at home can make to our so
* the World Trade Organization. See, these ciety. It's so hopeful when people who escape
talks are important talks. They have a chance repression come to the land of the free and
embrace that freedom. We welcome the
to break down trade barriers around the
Cuban influence in the United States of
wºrld. They have a chance to expand the flow
ºf commerce, which is what we want. They America. We understand that people flee op
e a chance to create new jobs and eco pression and poverty and seek a better life.
We understand the Haitians who have come
nomic growth not only here but elsewhere. here to seek freedom. We understand that
And they have a chance to help lift millions
ºf people out of poverty around the world. this is the land of opportunity, and for mil
These are important negotiations taking lions, Miami is the first stop toward realizing
their dreams.
Place. And our Government is strongly com
mitted to a successful outcome of the Doha To keep the dream alive, we must have
round. comprehensive immigration reform. We
The problem is, is that some others aren't must be logical about the approach we take
ºmitted. Recent discussions broke down. to immigration. Of course, we want to en
order to make sure that they don't break force our borders. The Coast Guard works
*Permanently, I asked Trade Represent hard to enforce our borders. We got hard
* Susan Schwab to continue to work with working people on the Mexican border work
* Sounterparts, to continue to discuss ways ing hard to enforce our borders. And we'll
* the United States to be flexible, particu provide more Border Patrol agents. And we'll
larly on agricultural subsidies, and for our provide new technologies to help those work
*Parts to be flexible when it comes to ing hard. But in order to enforce the border,
*hºng fairness when it comes to trade. we have got to recognize that people are
We'll do ‘’Vºything we can to get Doha
back on track. That's what the people in this
sneaking in here to work. The best way to
enforce the border is to have a rational way
.". . 'º the export of goods must for people who are doing jobs Americans
evon. º ...” “linderstand how important aren't doing to come to this country on a
* * to the Port of Miami. We un temporary basis so they can realize their
1426 July 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

dreams. We need a guest-worker program as But it's my job, a job that I really understood
part of a comprehensive reform. clearly on September the 11th. My job is to
There's a lot of document forging going rally the Federal Government and to work
on. See, we got people being snuck across with State and local government to protect
in 18-wheelers; we got people walking miles you. It's the most important job of our Gov
across the desert because of coyotes or smug ernment, is to protect the American people.
glers. There's also a lot of people who forge And so we work hard to-I work hard to re
documents. It's hard for an employer to know mind people that there's still a war going on.
whether someone's here legally or not. That's But I also assure them that we're doing ev
why we need to have a document that can't erything we can to bring the enemy to justice
be forged and faked. So people say, “I’m here and to secure the homeland at the same time.
for a temporary basis to work. I'm here le And one of the most important parts of
gally to do a job Americans aren't doing"— securing our country is securing our ports.
and that way we'll be able to have better Port security is one of the top priorities of
worksite enforcement. It's against the law for our Government. Since September the 11th,
somebody to hire somebody who is here ille we've provided $700 million in grants to en
gally. In order to make sure that those laws hance physical security at our ports, and the
work, we need to have tamper-proof docu Port of Miami received about $25 million of
ments in the hands of people applying for those grants. We understand the important
work. the Coast Guard plays to port security, and
Fourthly, it is unrealistic to think that we so we've increased funding for the Coast
should give automatic citizenship to people Guard by almost $2.9 billion.
who've been here illegally. That's not going We're using technologies to protect this
to work. It basically says, fine; then the next country of ours, such as state-of-the-art x-ray
wave of people will come to try to become— and gamma-ray scanners to screen cargo and
get automatic citizenship. Amnesty is not the containers. We launched what we called the
right approach. But neither is trying to re Container Security Initiative, which is to
move the 10 or 11 million people who've identify and inspect suspicious cargo at for
been here illegally. Deportation is not going eign ports before they depart for America.
to work. What must work is a rational middle In other words, doesn't it makes sense for
ground that says, you can pay a fine; you can us to inspect product and cargo overseas, be
learn English; you can prove you've been a fore they're shipped here? That's what we're
lawful citizen; and then you can get in the doing. We've got a smart policy about how
citizenship line—but at the back of the line, to protect our ports. And we'll continue to
not the front of the line. work with Port Authorities and custom offi
And finally, we'll continue to work to help cers and immigration agents and the Coast
people assimilate into the United States. We Guard and Jeb's office and local folks to do
want people learning English. We want peo our duty, to do the duty the American people
ple learning our history and our traditions. expect—which is, to the best of our ability,
We're going to work hard to make sure we're protect the United States against further at
one Nation under God. Rational immigration tack.
policy is possible, and it's important for I want you to know that I am optimistic
Members of the United States Congress to about the future of this country. I'm con
work toward a comprehensive immigration fident that we're going to win the war on
plan. terror, because I understand that our vision
Finally, I want to talk a little bit about what of freedom, our belief in liberty, is more
we're doing to secure this country. You got powerful than the ideology of hatred that the
to understand, we're still a nation at war. I terrorists espouse.
fully understand why the American citizens I believe this economy will remain strong
would hope there is no such thing as war. if we leave hands in the if we leave people's
I know that. I know that people iº like money in their own hands so they can save,
to be reminded about the fact that there's invest, and spend. I believe in the entrepre
still an enemy that lurks and plots and plans. neurial spirit in America. I believe in our
Aministration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 1 1427

wºkers. I believe in our small-business own pers, the good boats to be able to do their
en I believe that when people can dream iob.
mido and accomplish, our society is better We talked about a lot of issues besides port
ºff I’m confident that the values of the security. One of the big issues that people
United States will remain strong, because I face here is the migration issue, a lot of peo
understand the character of Americans by ple trying to sneak into Florida. And the
birth and by choice. Coast Guard is doing their job to enforce our
And so I understand we face a lot of chal policy, and I appreciate them for their hard
lºnges, but I believe this country can over work.
come those challenges. And I want to thank At the United Nations today, the Security
wnſorletting me come to the Port of Miami Council passed a resolution regarding Iran's
tº discuss some of the challenges we face. attempt to have nuclear weapons. It's a
Thanks for your hard work. May God bless strong resolution. I want to thank our part
wall. ners. This resolution follows up on North
Korea resolution, and it goes to show that
NOTE: The President spoke at IO: 17 a.m. at the when America takes the lead and works with

US Coast Guard Integrated Support Command, our friends, we're able to accomplish diplo
In his remarks, he referred to Gov. Jeb Bush of matic objectives.
And now Condi Rice comes back from the
Fonda former professional football player Daniel
C. Marino, Jr., and his wife, Claire; Rear Adm. Middle East and will be working with our
Daid W. Kunkel, USCG, district commander, friends and allies on a resolution regarding
Seventh Coast Guard District; Bill Johnson, acting Lebanon. But the Iranians must hear loud
irector, Port of Miami, Marco Rubio, speaker and clear with this resolution: The world is
designate, Florida State House of Representa intent upon working together to make sure
thes Mavor Carlos Alvarez of Miami-Dade Coun
* FL. Mavor Manuel A. Diaz of Miami, FL; and that they do not end up with a nuclear weap
Nelson Gonzalez and Alex Aguila, founders, on or the know-how to build a nuclear weap
Alienware Corp.
Again, I want to thank our allies on this
very important resolution, and remind the
Remarks Following a Tour of the American º that we've had a strategy
Port of Miami in Miami in place to send a common message, a unified
message to the Iranian leadership.
July 31, 2006 I want to thank you all. Appreciate it.
I want to thank Admiral Allen and the
members of the Coast Guard for what has NoTE: The President spoke at 11:24 a.m. at the
been a really interesting tour of the Port of U.S. Coast Guard Integrated Support Command.
A couple of things. One, it's clear that the
money we've been spending to help secure Remarks to Reporters at the
National Naval Medical Center in
our ports is working. In
technologies—there's newother
wayswords, new
to inves: Bethesda, Maryland
Cºate cargo that gets here. Obviously, there's August 1, 2006
more work to be done, but one of the most
innovative projects we've done: by the way, The President. I'm just amazed at the
is to have a-is to use ports of-the disem health care here at Bethesda. The Admiral
haſkation to inspect cargo so that the cargo runs an amazing operation. And it's really im
has been inspected before it arrives here. portant for our citizens to know that if one
So I want to thank you all for the tour. of our men and women get hurt on the bat
I'm real proud of our Coast Guard. The tlefield, they're going to get incredibly good
health care.
Coast Guard is really, really good. And part
of our efforts is to work with the Coast Guard And, Admiral, I can't thank you and your
leadership to make sure the Coast Guard is staff enough for serving the country with
modernized, that they've got the latest chop great dignity and class.
1428 Aug. 1 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Rear Adm. Robinson. Thank you very ple how to do it, will you? I mean, it's a–
much. [laughter].
The President. Appreciate being here. But anyway, Laura and I wanted to come
God bless. Thank you. by and wish you all the best as you get to
I'm doing fine; my health is fine. I prob move headquarters for a while. I look for
ably ate too many birthday cakes. ward to welcome you back here in, I guess,
6 or 7 months. Is that right?
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:40 p.m. Partici
pating in the visit was Rear Adm. Adam M. Robin Q. Nine months. We hope.
son, Jr., USN, commander, National Naval Med Q. We're setting no timetables, Mr. Presi
ical Center, and chief, Navy Medical Corps. dent. [Laughter]
The President. That's what you get when
you bring your crackpot up from Texas.
Remarks on the Renovation of the |Laughter
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room Q. No comment, sir. [Laughter]
and an Exchange With Reporters The President. So, like, suede chairs?
August 2, 2006 [Laughter Is that what you're looking—kind
of velvet armchairs? Armchairs. Everybody
Press Secretary Tony Snow. All right, wants to be able to lean back.
well, never mind. See, every once in a while, It looks a little crowded in here. And so
hideous threats have a clarifying effect. And you want to double the size?
sometimes they make people make impor Q. Yes.
tant choices, and apparently the threat of my The President. Forget it. [Laughter] You
singing has persuaded the President of the get to work like the rest of us. We may have
United States to intervene on yet another
some air conditioning if we decide to.
mission of peace. |Laughter]
Mr. President.
Anyway, good luck in the new building.
The President. Dee Dee, how’re you Looking forward to seeing you over there.
doing? Q. Can we come see you?
Margaret J. “Dee Dee” Myers. Mr. The President. I don't know. Does the
air conditioner work better there than here?
The President. Marlin, you're looking as |Laughter
pretty as ever.
Q. Yes.
Marlin Fitzwater. Thank you, Mr. Presi
dent. Really good to see you. The President. The last time I had a press
conference in here, it felt like it was outside.
The President. Sarah, good to see you.
Sarah Brady. How are you? As a matter of fact, some of your makeup
The President. Jim, really good to see was running. [Laughter
you, sir. Thank you. Q. Mr. President, should Mel Gibson be
James S. Brady. Nice seeing you too. forgiven? [Laughter]
Q. Speech, speech. The President. Is that you and Gregory
Q. Press conference. [David Gregory, NBC News] standing back
Q. Welcome, Mr. President.
Q. We have a few questions, if you don't Q. I was there first. [Laughter]
mind. The President. You know
Q. Just a couple of questions. Q. —complaining that the Jews start all
The President. I know you've been com the wars
plaining about the digs for a while. [Laugh The President. Is that Sam Donaldson?
ter] So this is like the end of an old era. And |Laughter Forget it. You're a has-been. We
let me just say, we felt your pain. And so don't have to answer has-been's questions.
we decided, you know, to help you renovate Q. Oo-o-oh!
and come up with a new Brady center. Q. Mr. President, do you want to say a
And so I want to thank the former spin little about the White House press corps,
meisters for joining me up here. Tell my peo please?
Ministration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 2 1429

The President. Say something about the Remarks Following a Tour of the
White House press corps? Lake County Emergency
0.Yes, sir. Management Agency in Mentor,
The President. It’s a beautiful bunch of Ohio
ºple [Laughter] August 2, 2006
Q. How about your best moment in here, I have just been briefed by the emergency
*Canyou remember your management teams of Lake County and the
The President. My best moment in here other counties affected by the recent flood
swhen my press conference ended. [Laugh ing. Law enforcement was there; firefighters
ºr. were there; and our FEMA representative
Q. Inaudible)—about Mel Gibson was there at the briefing.
A couple of impressions: One, the local re
The President. I can’t hear you; I'm over sponse was really good. The interoperability
5 ſustlike you. [Laughter] between various jurisdictions was superb.
Q —Ronald Reagan could get away And as a result, a lot of people's lives were
with that, sir. saved. And I want to congratulate you, Sher
The President. He was over 60 as well. iff, and congratulate Larry for your good
At any rate, as you can tell, I’m thrilled to work in helping people.
be here. [Laughter] But we do wish you all Secondly, FEMA has been on the ground
the best. Looking forward to being here here, and I signed a major disaster declara
whenyou kickoff the new room. You deserve tion for this part of the country, which means
this: that º will be helped. Individ
better than this. I appreciate the relationship uals will be helped with rental assistance; in
with the press. I know these folks enjoyed dividuals will be helped with temporary
he—enjoyed dealing with you—well, an housing; individuals will be helped with
ºther crowd of you, been dealing with you i. to help rebuild their homes; and small
swell. It's an important relationship. usinesses will be helped with low-interest
Joe Lockhart. Some of the same crowd. loans. In other words, the first wave of help
from the Federal Government as a result of
The President. Well, you're the head of
the whole thing. Like, have you got a thing— these disasters is now available for people
arole to play? whose lives were affected by the flooding.
There are still assessments going on for
Q. No, no, no.
further Federal help and Federal assistance,
The President. Okay, good. But anyway, and when those assessments are made, the
gºodluck. proper help will be granted. For those people
Q. What about Crawford? who are wondering about the Federal help,
The President. For those of you going to there's toll-free numbers. You can call the
Crawford, saddle up. All right, good to see emergency center, they'll give you the toll
WUu. free numbers if you've been a citizen affected
by these recent floods.
Press Secretary Snow. Thank you, every Again, I want to congratulate you all for
body. a job well done. I had the honor of talking
to dispatchers, hardworking people that are
Note: The President spoke at 1:57 p.m. in the on the phone all the time helping people.
And now, once the lives have been saved,
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White
House. Participating in the visit were former with the exception of one soul, that it's now
White House Press Secretaries Margaret J. "Dee time to help the people rebuild their lives.
Dee" Myers, Marlin Fitzwater, Joe Lockhart, Ron There's a lot of people concerned and a lot
Nessen, and James S. Brady, and his wife, Sarah. of people working here, and the Federal
In his remarks, the President referred to ABC Government will do its part with the local
News national correspondent Sam Donaldson. A authorities.
reporter referred to actor Mel Gibson. Thank you all very much. Appreciate you.
1430 - Aug. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 5:47 p.m. at the job he's done as Governor of the State of
Lake County Emergency Operations and Com Texas, and I'm proud to have been intro
munications Center. In his remarks, he referred
duced by the Governor of my State. º
to Jesse Munoz, Federal Coordinating Officer,
Federal Emergency Management Agency; Sheriff I want to thank you all for the warm wel
Daniel A. Dunlap of Lake County, OH, and Larry come. It's nice to get out of Washington.
D. Greene, director, Lake County Emergency |Laughter] It's even better to come down to :
Management Agency. Texas. And I'm proud to be with my fellow

I learned a lot growing up here; I learned

Memorandum on Waiving a lot as your Governor. And as Rick said, `
Prohibition on United States Military I understand this border, and I want to talk.
Assistance With Respect to Lesotho to you today about border policy. We have.
August 2, 2006 an obligation to secure our border, and we .
Presidential Determination No. 2006–18 have an obligation to treat people with de
cency and respect. And we're going to do.
both in the United States of America. .*
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
I just traveled and met some of the fine :
Subject: Waiving Prohibition on United men and women of the National Guard and
States Military Assistance With Respect to Border Patrol who are working long hours .
to do the to keep this border secure. And .
Consistent with the authority vested in me I first—I want to say thanks to all the Border ,
by section 2007 of the American Patrol agents and the Guard men and women :
Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002 (the who are here. You've got a tough job, and -
“Act”), title II of Public Law 107–206 (22 the role of the Federal Government is to give .
U.S.C. 7421 et seq.), I hereby: you the tools necessary to do your job. º
• Determine that Lesotho has entered
So we landed, and we saw choppers with
into an agreement with the United all kinds of new equipment on it—airplanes
States pursuant to Article 98 of the that can interdict people flying in drugs, fast
Rome Statute preventing the Inter
boats to stop the people trying to bring drugs
national Criminal Court from pro or people up and down the coast of Texas.
ceeding against U.S. personnel present One of the things that you'll hear me talk
in such country; and -
about is the need to modernize the tech
• Waive the prohibition of section 2007(a) nology along this border. And that's what
of the Act with respect to this country we're going to do.
for as long as such agreement remains I also recognized we needed more people
in force.
You are authorized and directed to report to help the Guard and to help the Border .
this determination to the Congress, and to Patrol do its job. And so last May, I said,
arrange for its publication in the Federal Reg we'll deploy up to 6,000 National Guard .
members to assist the Border Patrol. And I
said we'd get it done by August 1st. Well,
George W. Bush we got it done by August 1st. And I want
to thank those in the National Guard who

Remarks on Immigration Reform in have joined us.

McAllen, Texas It's good to look out in the crowd and see
a lot of folks that I got to know over the
August 3, 2006 years. And most of the folks that I got to
Thank you all very much. It's good to be know over the years realize that I married
home. Thank you for coming. Please be seat well. And so Laura sends her deep affection
ed. You know, when I left the Governor's to the people of south Texas and our friends
office, I knew I would leave it in capable here in the audience. She's doing just fine,
hands with Rick Perry. And I'm proud of the by the way. She's a great First Lady.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 3 1431

I'm proud to be here with Congressman people down here. And one thing the Guard
Ralph Hall, right out of the Dallas area. has done well is, they've organized this effort.
Thanks for coming, Congressman. He's a fine I'm also proud to be here with Chief Lynne
Texan who cares deeply about the people Underdown. She is the Rio Grande Valley
along the border here. I’m traveling . Border Patrol Sector chairman. Chief, thank
with the Commissioner of the U.S. Customs you for being here. Thanks for serving.
and Border Protection, Ralph Basham. I want to thank Mayor Salinas of Mission
Ralph, thank you for joining us. who's with us today. Mayor, thank you for
So what happens when the President sets joining us. Proud you're here. Mayor Cortez
pºlicy in Washington, like on the Guard I. of McAllen is with us. Mayor, good to see
ity—I said, “We need to get 6,000 members you. Thank you very much. [Applause] Yes,
of the Guard down to help the Border Pa that's a good sign, Mayor; it's a good sign.
trol." And then that order goes down the Finally, one of my dear friends, I've known
chain of command, and the first person him for a long time, and that's Mayor John
whose desk it landed on in the chain of com
David Franz of Hidalgo. Mayor, it's good to
mand after Secretary Rumsfeld was Lieuten see you. John David told me just as I got
ant General Steve Blum of the Guard Bu
off the airplane—I said, “How is your fam
teau. General Blum said, “Mr. President,
ily?” He said, “My son has just enrolled in
were going to get the job done.” I said, West Point.” And you tell |. thank you,
That's good, General Blum, because come John David, on behalf of a grateful nation.
August 1st, I'm going to come down to the And for those of you who have got a loved
area and take a look-see.” And he did. Thank
one in the United States military, you tell
you, General Blum, for a job well done. them the Commander in Chief is incredibly
David Aguilar is the Chief of the U.S. Bor proud of the job they're doing to help secure
der Patrol. I don't know if you know this or this Nation and bring peace to this world.
not, but David's mother lives here in the
area. And he made sure the first person I We've got a fantastic military, and it's a mili
met when I got off the ai lane, as far as tary that will have the full support—[ap
he is concemed, was his mother. [Laughter] plause].
One reason he's advanced so highly in the I'm going to talk today about comprehen
Border Patrol, like the head of the whole sive immigration reform. I say “comprehen
sive” because unless you have all five pieces
thing is because he has listened tº his mºth working together, it's not going to work at
er–ſlaughter—just like I have listened to
mine. So thank you for being here, David. all. This is an important debate facing our
Nation, and the debate is, can we secure this
Thanks for serving. border and, at the same time, honor our his
Major General Chuck Rodriguez, adjutant of º land of immigrants? And the
general of the Texas National Guard, very tory
answer is, absolutely, we can do both. And
instrumental in making sure we've got the we will do both.
troops here to help the Border Patrol. Gºn First, we've got to secure the border. We
eral thank you very much. General Allen
Dehnert who's the adjutant general for the will keep it open to lawful trade and com
Texas Air National Guard; General Dehnert, merce, and we will work to secure the border
thank you very much as well. General Mike to prevent people and goods and weapons
Kostelnik who's the Assistant Commissioner, from being lº illegally here. That's our
Office of CBP Air and Marine, U.S. Customs job. It's the job of the Federal Govern
and Border Patrol, look, he's the guy in ment—it's the job of the working with the
charge of airplanes and boats. [Laughter State government to get the job done. That's
We're here as well, with Lieutenant Colo what the American people expect.
nel Jose Carrillo. He is the Rio Grande Valley All this strategy has got to start with more
Texas National Guard Task Force com money, and so we've increased funding for
mander. See, in other words, when you got border security from $4.6 billion in 2001 to
to bring people down from other States to more than 7.6 billion in 2006. In other words,
help the |. Patrol do their job, you have you can't say the American people are going
to i. an organization. You just can't send to make a commitment to secure the
1432 Aug. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
border, unless you spend money to secure we moved the Guard down here, Operation
the border, and we're doing just that. And Jump Start. So when you hear about Oper
I recently signed an emergency supplemental ation Jump Start, that means Guard.
spending bill that provides an additional $1.9 And the Guard has helped a lot. You know,
billion in immediate funding for border secu it's interesting that—and by the way, the
rity. And what does that mean? Well, it Guard is not just in Texas. It's in New Mex
means we're going to give the Border Patrol, ico, Arizona, and California as well. In other
the people on the frontlines of securing this words, Border Patrol agents all up and down
border, better technology, and we're goin thissouthern border are getting help from
to expand the number of Border #. our Guard men and women. And the Guards
agents that will be able to use that tech are doing—look, they're not arresting people.
nology. That's the strategy. We're not going to militarize this border. The
We put new resources in people's hands. job of arresting people is up to the Border
And as a result of the hard work of Border
Patrol. That's your job. That's what you're
Patrol since 2001, Federal agents have appre trained to do. That's what your skill level is.
hended and sent home more than 6 million
Their job is to help the Border Patrol by,
people entering America illegally. you know, surveillance and construction, lo
I mean, people are working hard. There's gistics. I mean, if you've got a Guard person
people doing their job, but we could do dispatching, it means there's more—one
more. There's more work to be done. And
more Border Patrol agent out on the front
so we've called for increases in manpower line. And so we're going to use this Guard
and technology. We're going to train 6,000 until we get 6,000 more people trained.
additional agents so that you've got more
people to help you do the job. And in the Guard For the people who wonder whether the
could be effective down here, when
meantime, the reason we brought the Guard
down here was because we knew we had an we deployed Operation Jump Start—since
immediate need to enforce the border. And we've deployed it, our agents have seen
so until those 6,000 are trained, we're going 17,000 pounds of illegal drugs and appre
to be using National Guard units from over hended 2,500 illegal immigrants. In other
30 States here. And the plan is working. It words, the Guard is leveraging—giving the
makes sense. If we need more manpower and Border Patrol more opportunity.
the need for manpower is immediate, it Last month, Border Patrol agents in this
makes sense to call upon our Guard troops sector confiscated more than 4,200 pounds
to come and help the Border Patrol do the of marijuana that was hidden in a tractor
going to help build a virtual border trailer. And the support of the Guard was
important in making this seizure happen. So
by using infrared and motion sensors. We'll for those of you in the Guard, I want to thank
deploy unmanned aerial vehicles. In other you for coming down here and helping these
words, we're going to leverage the manpower good folks in the Border Patrol, and your
we have. It's amazing, the new technologies presence is making a difference.
that are arriving. People are—these Border In order to make sure the Border Patrol
Patrol agents will tell you that they're seeing is effective, we've got to stop what's called
more and better equipment. You got heat catch-and-release. For the veterans down
sensors on guard stations that will enable here, they know what catch-and-release
people to detect movement. We got chop means. And it had to have been discouraging
pers that are able to send real-time video for you—risk your life, or you're spending
streams back to Border Patrol command cen long hours, and all of a sudden, you appre
ters that will then enable a dispatcher to help hend people who are sneaking here illegally.
an agent catch somebody who's smuggling But we didn't have enough detention space
people or drugs in a near real-time basis. to hold people. And so the people were given
This border is changing, and it needs to a court date. And they said, you check back
change so the Border Patrol can do its job. in when your court date comes up. But a
We call this, by the way, this operation when lot of folks didn't want to check in when their
Aministration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 3 1433

outdate came up, so they just didn't show you're going to do a job Americans aren't
p. And one of the things I learned early doing, you can come for a period of time—
m was how discouraging that can be for the say, 3 years—and do that work and support
ºple on the frontline of securing this bor your family back home, and then you go
der. home after your time is up. That's the way
You can imagine what it must feel like to to treat people humanely.
work hard and chase somebody down, treat I don't like a system that's not working and
them humanely, send them in for their court a system that forces people who want to
date, and then they don’t show up. It seemed work, in the back of 18-wheelers. I don't like
like wasted effort, didn’t it? So this Govern a system that encourages smuggling. I don't
ment is committed to ending this unaccept like a system that encourages people to walk
be practice. Step one is to add detention across the desert to risk their life. I think
beds. If you didn't have enough detention we need to have a system that is orderly and
space in the first place, the way you solve fair and transparent.
the problem is, you add beds. And here in We've got to enforce our immigration laws
the Rio Grande Valley, we’re going to add at the worksite. But as a result of illegal ac
1500 beds in short order. tivities in trying to get people into this coun
We're also accelerating the deportation try, there's a lot of document forgery. Our
process, particularly for people who are not employers cannot be document verifiers.
from Mexico that we catch coming across the They don't know whether they've got a real
border. Last year, for example, we put to: document to look at or a fake document to
gether what was called Operation Texas Hold look at. One of the temporary—parts of a
Em We cut through redtape so we could temporary-worker program would be to give
quickly retum Brazilians who we caught ille people a tamper-proof temporary-worker
glycrossing this border. And we sent a clear card, that they could say, I'm legal, see; I'm
message. When we catch you, there will be here to do the job; I'm going to work for
Immediate deportation. And guess what hap a period of time, and then I'm going to go
pened? As a result of that clear message, the home after I work a period of time; I can
number of illegal immigrants from Brazil has be here legally. That will make it easier for
us to have worksite enforcement.
dropped significantly across the whole re
3.0m. Listen, we will hold people to account. It's
That's the message we must continually against the law in the United States to em
send over and over again to people who feel ploy somebody who is here illegally. And a
like they can come from Central America, nation of laws is a nation that upholds its
for example, and if caught, be let back into laws. But we've got to be wise about the pol
society, and if not caught, they're able to es icy that we enforce. We've got to give people
cape the Border Patrol. We want to send a something that document forgers can't tam
clear message. We will enforce our border. per with so our employers know whether or
But in order to make sure these Border not they're hiring somebody who's here ille
Patrol agents can do their job, we must have gally or not.
a temporary worker program. You gºt to un Fourthly, we've got to make sure that we
derstand here, and I know you do, there are resolve the status of illegal immigrants who
people doing jobs Americans aren't doing. are already in this country. It's an interesting
There are people who have come across this debate taking place in America. I'll give you
border to do work Americans are not doing. my position: One, I do not think we ought
And it makes sense to let them come on a to grant amnesty to people who are here ille
temporary basis in a legal way. gally. And the reason I don't is, I think that
Wouldn't you rather have people who are will encourage a whole other bunch of people
doing work Americans are not doing, not try to come. But I know you cannot deport 10
ing to sneak across the border? I know the million people who have been here working.
Border Patrol agents would rather not have It's unrealistic. It may sound good in certain
people try to sneak across the border. It circles and political circles. It's not going to
makes sense to me, to say to somebody, if work.
1434 Aug. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The best plan is to say to somebody who the Border Patrol or the United States mili
has been here illegally, if you've been paying tary. We're a blessed country. We're a great
your taxes, and you've got a good criminal country because we've got people who stand
record, that you can pay a fine . being here up and say, I want to serve. And it's the serv
illegally, ºyou can learn English, like the ice of the men and women in uniform that
rest of us have done, and you can get in a are doing the job down here that the Amer
citizenship line to apply for citizenship. You ican people expect.
don't get to get in the front; you get to get I can't tell you how proud I am to be the
in the back of the line.
Commander in Chief of the military and to
But this idea of deporting people is just be the President of the United States, full
not—it doesn't make any sense to me, and of such decent and honorable people. I'm
it doesn't make any sense to a lot of people honored to be back in this part of the world.
who understand this issue. So here's a rea
I want to thank you for coming out and giving
sonable way to treat people with respect and me a chance to talk about a comprehensive
accomplish what we want to accomplish, immigration plan. I expect the United States
which is to be a country of law and a country Congress to do its duty and pass comprehen
of decency and respect. sive immigration reform.
And finally, in order to make a comprehen God bless.
sive immigration plan work, we've got to help
folks assimilate into our society. And what
does that mean? It means, help people learn NOTE: The President spoke at 2:40 p.m. at
English, to help people understand the tradi Anzalduas Park. In his remarks, he referred to
tions and history of the United States of Gov. Rick Perry of Texas; Mayor Norberto “Beto"
America. Salinas of Mission, TX; Mayor Richard F. Cortez
One of the fabulous things about our coun of McAllen, TX; and John David Franz, Jr., son
of Mayor John David Franz of Hidalgo, TX.
try is that our soul has constantly been re
newed by people seeking the American
Dream, people coming here to work to real Statement on Cuba
ize their dream, people wanting to raise a
family in the United States of America. And August 3, 2006
we come from different backgrounds, but
we're all united by the great ideal of being The United States is actively monitoring
an American citizen. That's why we say, we're the situation in Cuba following the an
one Nation under God. And to help people nouncement of a transfer of power. At this
assimilate will help us keep that in place. time of uncertainty in Cuba, one thing is
And so it's good to be down here on our clear: The United States is absolutely com
border. It's an exciting part of the United mitted to supporting the Cuban people's as
States of America. It's amazing how this pirations for democracy and freedom. We
country has grown and how vital the valley have repeatedly said that the Cuban people
is of the State of Texas. It's got to be exciting deserve to live in freedom. I encourage all
for people to grow up in this part of the world democratic nations to unite in support of the
and see the new prosperity. Gosh, it wasn't right of the Cuban people to define a demo
all that long ago that—I know these mayors cratic future for their country. I urge the
can remember—the economy was tough Cuban people to work for democratic change
down here. It was, kind of, farming, and that on the island. We will support you in your
was all. And now there's economic vitality. effort to build a transitional government in
People are making a living, and the schools Cuba committed to democracy, and we will
are improving. It's a great place to raise a take note of those, in the current Cuban re
family. gime, who obstruct your desire for a free
It's a great place to also come and honor Cuba. In the event of a transition in the
those who wear the uniform of the United Cuban Government, we stand ready to pro
States of America, whether it be local law vide humanitarian assistance as needed to
enforcement or the sheriff's departments or help the Cuban people. It has long been the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1435

hope of the United States to have a free, Letter to Congressional Leaders on

independent, and democratic Cuba as a close Continuation of the National
friend and neighbor. In achieving this, the Emergency Regarding Export
Cuban people can count on the full and un Control Regulations
conditional support of the United States. August 3, 2006
NotE: The Office of the Press Secretary also re Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:)
leased a Spanish language version of this state Section 202(d) of the National Emer
ment. gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), provides for
the automatic termination of a national emer
gency unless, prior to the anniversary date
Notice—Continuation of Emergency of its declaration, the President publishes in
Regarding Export Control the Federal Register and transmits to the
Regulations Congress a notice stating that the emergency
is to continue in effect beyond the anniver
August 3, 2006 sary date. In accordance with this provision,
On August 17, 2001, consistent with the I have sent the enclosed notice, stating that
authority provided me under the Inter the emergency caused by the lapse of the
national Emergency Economic Powers Act Export Administration Act of 1979, as
50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), I issued Executive amended, is to continue in effect for 1 year
Order 13222. In that order, I declared a na beyond August 17, 2006, to the Federal Reg
ister for publication.
tional emergency with respect to the unusual Sincerely,
and extraordinary threat to the national secu
rity, foreign policy, and economy of the George W. Bush
United States in light of the expiration of the NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis
Export Administration Act of 1979, as Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2401 et seq.). Be and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate.
cause the Export Administration Act has not
been renewed by the Congress, the national
emergency declared on August 17, 2001,
must continue in effect beyond August 17,
2006. Therefore, in accordance with section Digest of Other
202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 White House Announcements
U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year
the national emergency declared in Execu The following list includes the President's public
tive Order 13222.
schedule and other items of general interest an
This notice shall be published in the Fed nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
eral Register and transmitted to the Con not included elsewhere in this issue.
July 29
George W. Bush
In the morning, the President had an intel
The White House, ligence briefing.
August 3, 2006. July 30
In the afternoon, the President traveled to
Miami, FL. While en route aboard Air Force
Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
8:45 a.m., August 4, 2006) One, he had a telephone conversation with
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to dis
cuss her ongoing visit to the Middle East.
NotE: This notice was published in the Federal Upon arrival in Miami, he met with USA
Register on August 7. Freedom Corps volunteer Dorcas Piegari.
1436 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

During the day, the President had several The President announced his intention to
separate telephone conversations with Sec nominate Arthur K. Reilly to be a member
retary of State Condoleezza Rice, Prime of the National Science Board (National
Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, Science Foundation).
and National Security Adviser Stephen J. The President announced his appointment
Hadley to discuss the situation in the Middle of Bryan Corbett as Special Assistant to the
President for Economic Policy.
In the evening, the President traveled to
Miami Beach, FL, where he attended a dim The President announced his appointment
of Kenneth Kiyul Lee as Associate Counsel
ner with community leaders. He then re to the President.
turned to Miami.
The President announced his appointment
of Andrea Becker Looney as Special Assistant
July 31 to the President for Legislative Affairs.
In the morning, the President had an intel The President announced his appointment
ligence briefing. Later, at the Versailles Res of Michael Magan as Special Assistant to the
taurant and Bakery, he participated in an President and Senior Director for Relief, Sta
interview with Radio Mambi. He then visited
the National Hurricane Center.
bilization, and Development of the National
Security Council.
Later in the morning, at the U.S. Coast
Guard Integrated Support Command, the The President announced his appointment
President participated in an interview with of Scott Walter as Special Assistant to the
Michael Putney of WPLG-TV Miami. President for Domestic Policy.
In the afternoon, at the U.S. Coast Guard
Integrated Support Command, the President August 1
participated in separate interviews with In the morning, the President had an intel
Pedro Sevcec of Telemundo and Neil Cavuto
of FOX News. Later, he traveled to Coral ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Be
thesda, MD, where, at the National Naval
Gables, FL, where, at a private residence,
he attended a Republican National Com Medical Center, he had his annual physical
mittee luncheon. He then returned to Wash examination and visited wounded military
ington, DC. personnel and presented Purple Hearts to
seven of them.
In the evening, the President met with
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to dis During the day, the President met with
cuss her recent visit to the Middle East. Republican Senators.
The President announced his intention to The President announced his intention to
nominate Randolph James Clerihue to be As nominate C. Stephen Allred to be Assistant
sistant Secretary of Labor for Public Affairs. Secretary of the Interior for Land and Min
The President announced his intention to eral Management.
nominate Susan E. Dudley to be Adminis The President announced his intention to
trator of the Office of Information and Regu nominate Carl Joseph Artman to be Assistant
latory Affairs at the Office of Management Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs
and Budget. and to appoint him as a member of the Board
The President announced his intention to of Trustees of the American Folklife Center.
nominate Michael F. Duffy to be a member The President announced his intention to
of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Re
nominate Alex A. Beehler to be Inspector
view Commission, and, upon confirmation, General of the Environmental Protection
to designate him as Chairman.
The President announced his intention to Agency.
The President announced his intention to
nominate Roger Romulus Martella, Jr., to be nominate Wilma B. Liebman to be a member
Assistant Administrator of the Environmental
of the National Labor Relations Board.
Protection Agency (General Counsel).
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1437

The President announced his intention to Secretary of the Army (Financial Manage
nominate Leland A. Strom to be a member ment).
of the Farm Credit Administration Board. The President announced his intention to
The President announced his intention to nominate Cynthia A. Glassman to be Under
nominate James H. Bilbray to be a Governor secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs.
of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal The President announced his intention to
nominate John K. Veroneau to be Deputy
The President announced his intention to
U.S. Trade Representative with the rank of
nominate Charles R. Christopherson, Jr., to Ambassador.
be a member of the Board of Directors of
The President announced his intention to
the Commodity Credit Corporation. nominate Gerald Walpin to be Inspector
The President declared a major disaster in General of the Corporation for National and
Ohio and ordered Federal aid to supplement Community Service.
State and local recovery efforts in the area The President announced his intention to
struck by severe storms, straight line winds, nominate William H. Graves to be a member
and flooding on July 27 and continuing. of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee
Valley Authority.
August 2 The President announced his intention to
In the morning, the President had an intel nominate the following individuals to be
ligence briefing. Later, he met with Secretary Commissioners of the Mississippi River
of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. He then Commission: Bruce Arlan Berwick; Robert
met with Republican Senators. Crear, and, upon confirmation, to designate
In the afternoon, the President met with him President; Samuel P. De Bow, Jr.; and
Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Gregg F. Martin.
Jr. Later, he participated in a photo oppor The President announced his appointment
tunity with Make-a-Wish Foundation chil of Jay Hein as Deputy Assistant to the Presi
dren. He then traveled to Mentor, OH. dent and Director of the Office of Faith
Later in the afternoon, the President trav
Based and Community Initiatives.
eled to Kirtland Hills, OH, where, at a pri
vate residence, he attended an evening re
ception for Ohio gubernatorial candidate J. August 4
Kenneth Blackwell. He then returned to In the morning, the President had an intel
Washington, DC. ligence briefing.
The President announced his designation
August 3 of the following individuals as members of
In the morning, the President had an intel a Presidential delegation to attend the fu
ligence briefing. neral of former Prime Minister Ryutaro
In the afternoon, the President traveled to Hashimoto of Japan on August 8: Norman
McAllen, TX. While en route aboard Air Y. Mineta (head of delegation); and John
Thomas Schieffer.
Force One, he had a telephone conversation
with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany The President announced his designation
to discuss the situation in the Middle East. of the following individuals as members of
Upon arrival in McAllen, he participated in a Presidential delegation to attend the Inau
a tour of Border Patrol and National Guard guration of President Alvaro Uribe Velez of
assets. Colombia on August 7. Henry M. Paulson,
Later in the afternoon, the President trav Jr. (head of delegation); Carlos M. Gutierrez;
eled to Mission, TX, where he viewed a dem and William B. Wood.
onstration of the Border Patrol-National The President declared a major disaster in
Guard Skybox. Later, he traveled to the Bush Alaska and ordered Federal aid to supple
Ranch in Crawford, TX. ment State and local recovery efforts in the
The President announced his intention to area struck by snow melt and ice jam flooding
nominate Nelson M. Ford to be Assistant from May 13–30.
1438 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Nominations the term of 5 years expiring August 27, 2011

Submitted to the Senate (reappointment).
Roger Romulus Martella, Jr.,
The following list does not include promotions of of Virginia, to be an Assistant Administrator
members of the Uniformed Services, nominations of the Environmental Protection Agency,
to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
vice Ann R. Klee, resigned.
eign Service officers.
Arthur K. Reilly,
Submitted August 1 of New Jersey, to be a member of the Na
tional Science Board, National Science
C. Stephen Allred,
Foundation, for a term expiring May 10,
of Idaho, to be an Assistant Secretary of the 2012, vice Michael G. Rossmann, term ex
Interior, vice Rebecca W. Watson, resigned. pired.
Carl Joseph Artman, Leland A. Strom,
of Colorado, to be an Assistant Secretary of of Illinois, to be a member of the Farm Cred
the Interior, vice David Wayne Anderson. it Administration Board, Farm Credit Ad
Alex A. Beehler, ministration, for a term expiring October 13,
of Maryland, to be Inspector General, Envi 2012, vice Douglas L. Flory, term expiring.
ronmental Protection Agency, vice Nikki
Rush Tinsley, resigned. Submitted August 2
James H. Bilbray, Dabney Langhorne Friedrich,
of Nevada, to be a Governor of the U.S. Post of Virginia, to be a member of the U.S. Sen
al Service for the remainder of the term ex tencing Commission for the remainder of the
W. December 8, 2006, vice John F. term expiring October 31, 2009, vice Michael
Walsh, resigned.
James H. Bilbray, Roslynn Renee Mauskopf,
of Nevada, to be a Governor of the U.S. Post of New York, to be U.S. District Judge for
al Service for a term expiring December 8, the Eastern District of New York, vice David
2015 (reappointment). G. Trager, retired.
Charles R. Christopherson, Jr., Liam O'Grady,
of Texas, to be a member of the Board of
of Virginia, to be U.S. District Judge for the
Directors of the Commodity Credit Corpora Eastern District of Virginia, vice Claude M.
tion, vice Joseph J. Jen. Hilton, retired.
Randolph James Clerihue,
of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Lawrence Joseph O'Neill,
Labor, vice Lisa Kruska. of California, to be U.S. District Judge for
the Eastern District of California, vice Oliver
Susan E. Dudley, W. Wanger, retired.
of Virginia, to be Administrator of the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office Submitted August 3
of Management and Budget, vice John D. Brig. Gen. Bruce Arlan Berwick, USA,
Graham, resigned.
to be a member of the Mississippi River
Michael F. Duffy, Commission.
of the District of Columbia, to be a member
of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Re Brig. Gen. Robert Crear, USA,
view Commission for a term expiring August to be a member and President of the Mis
30, 2012 (reappointment). sissippi River Commission.
Wilma B. Liebman, Rear Adm. Samuel P. De Bow, Jr., NOAA,
of the District of Columbia, to be a member to be a member of the Mississippi River
of the National Labor Relations Board for Commission.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1439

Nelson M. Ford, Fact sheet: A Day in Miami. President Bush

of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Highlights Economic Growth and Hurricane
the Army, vice Valerie Lynn Baldwin. Preparedness Efforts
Cynthia A. Glassman, Released August I
of Virginia, to be Under Secretary of Com
merce for Economic Affairs, vice Kathleen Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
B. Cooper, resigned. retary Tony Snow
Statement by the Press Secretary: Renewal
William H. Graves, of the Burmese Freedom and Democracy
of Tennessee, to be a member of the Board Act of 2003
of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Author
ity for a term expiring May 18, 2007 (new Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
position). that the President signed H.J. Res. 86
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
Col. Gregg F. Martin, USA, that the President signed H.R. 2977, H.R.
to be a member of the Mississippi River 3440, H.R. 3549, H.R. 3934, H.R. 4101, and
H.R. 4108

Rachel K. Paulose, Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster

of Minnesota, to be U.S. Attorney for the assistance to Ohio
District of Minnesota for the term of 4 years,
vice Thomas B. Heffelfinger, resigned. Released August 2
John K. Veroneau, Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
of Virginia, to be a Deputy U.S. Trade Rep
resentative, with the rank of Ambassador, Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
vice Susan C. Schwab, resigned. that the President signed H.R. 4456, H.R.
4561, H.R. 4688, H.R. 4786, H.R. 4995, and
Gerald Walpin, H.R. 5245
of New Y. to be Inspector General, Cor
poration for National and Community Serv Released August 3
ice, vice J. Russell George.
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that the President signed H.R. 4019, S. 310,
and S. 1496
of White House Press Releases
Fact sheet: Operation Jump Start: Acting
Now To Secure the Border
The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as Released August 4
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements. Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
Released July 30
that the President signed H.R. 5877 and S.
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec 3741
retary Tony Snow Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
Released July 31 assistance to Alaska

Transcript of a press briefing by Federal Fact sheet: Job Creation Continues—More

Emergency Management Agency Director Than 5.5 Million Jobs Created Since August
R. David Paulison 2003
1440 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Acts Approved Approved August 2

by the President H.R. 4456 / Public Law 109–258
To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 2404 Race Street
Approved August 1 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, as the “Hattie W.
Caraway Station”
H.J. Res. 86 / Public Law 109–251
Approving the renewal of import restrictions H.R. 4561 / Public Law 109–259
contained in the Burmese Freedom and De To designate the facility of the United States
mocracy Act of 2003, and for other purposes. Postal Service located at 8624 Ferguson
Road in Dallas, Texas, as the “Francisco
H.R. 2977 / Public Law 109–252 ‘Pancho' Medrano Post Office Building”
To designate the facility of the United States H.R. 4688 / Public Law 109–260
Postal Service located at 306 2nd Avenue in
Brockway, Montana, as the “Paul Kasten To designate the facility of the United States
Post Office Building” Postal Service located at 1 Boyden Street in
Badin, North Carolina, as the “Mayor John
H.R. 3440 / Public Law 109–253
Thompson Tom Garrison Memorial Post
To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 100 Avenida RL H.R. 4786 / Public Law 109–261
Rodriguez in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, as the To designate the facility of the United States
“Dr. Jose Celso Barbosa Post Office Build Postal Service located at 535 Wood Street
ing in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, as the “H. Gor
don Payrow Post Office Building”
H.R. 3549 / Public Law 109–254
H.R. 4995 / Public Law 109–262
To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 210 West 3rd Ave To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 7 Columbus Avenue
nue in Warren, Pennsylvania, as the “William
F. Clinger, Jr. Post Office Building” in Tuckahoe, New York, as the “Ronald
Bucca Post Office”

H.R. 3934 / Public Law 109–255 H.R. 5245 / Public Law 109–263
To designate the facility of the United States To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 80 Killian Road in Postal Service located at 1 Marble Street in
Massapequa, New York, as the “Gerard A. Fair Haven, Vermont, as the “Matthew Lyon
Fiorenza Post Office Building” Post Office Building”
H.R. 4101 / Public Law 109–256 Approved August 3
To designate the facility of the United States H.R. 4019 / Public Law 109–264
Postal Service located at 170 East Main
To amend title 4 of the United States Code
Street in Patchogue, New York, as the “Lieu
tenant Michael P. Murphy Post Office Build to clarify the treatment of self-employment
for purposes of the limitation on State tax
ation of retirement income

H.R. 4108 / Public Law 109–257 S. 310 / Public Law 109–265

To designate the facility of the United States Newlands Project Headquarters and Mainte
Postal Service located at 3000 Homewood nance Yard Facility Transfer Act
Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland, as the “State
Senator Verda Welcome and Dr. Henry Wel S. 1496 / Public Law 109–266
come Post Office Building” Electronic Duck Stamp Act of 2005










A E 2.101: 4-2/32
Weekly Compilation of


Monday, August 14, 2006

Volume 42—Number 32
Pages 1441–1454

Addresses and Remarks Statements by the President

Radio address–1441 Kleptocracy—1451
Terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom, Pension reform legislation—1441
prevention—1450 Terrorist attacks in Najaf, Iraq–1452
Supplementary Materials
Arrival in Green Bay—1450
Acts approved by the President–1454
National economy in Green Bay—1451 Checklist of White House press releases—
Interviews With the News Media
Digest of other White House
News conference with Secretary of State Rice announcements—1452
in Crawford, TX, August 7–1442 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1453

Editor's Note: The President was at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX, on August 11, the closing
date of this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but
not received in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607;
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, August 11, 2006
Statement on Pension Reform I look forward to signing this important
Legislation legislation into law soon.
August 4, 2006 NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 4. This
item was not received in time for publication in
After a lifetime of work, American workers the appropriate issue.
have earned the opportunity to enjoy a se
cure retirement. Last year, I asked Congress The President’s Radio Address
to strengthen protections for workers' pen
sions. Congress has now delivered the most August 5, 2006
comprehensive reforms to America's pension
system in over 30 years. Good morning. This week my administra
tion met a key objective in our efforts to bet
This legislation sets the right target for ter secure our Nation's border.
pension plan soundness: 100 percent funding In May, I pledged to deploy up to 6,000
of all promises. It would allow employers to National Guard members to support the Bor
put more money into their pension plans dur der Patrol, and we fulfilled that pledge by
ing good times, building a cushion that can August 1st. Through Operation Jump Start,
survive lean times. Congress has also acted National Guard members are now on duty
to make it harder in the future for employers supporting the Border Patrol in Texas, Cali
with underfunded pension plans to promise fornia, Arizona, and New Mexico.
additional benefits to their workers without
On Thursday, I visited the Rio Grande Val
funding those new promises. ley Border Patrol Sector in Texas. I saw first
These measures will provide workers with hand how the National Guard is working with
better information about their pension plans, our Border Patrol agents to improve border
eliminate loopholes that interfere with strong security. National Guard troops are helping
pension funding, and increase the accuracy with surveillance, construction, and logistics.
of pension plan measurements. The bill They're building and repairing fences, main
would reform the rules governing employer taining vehicles, and manning detection
funding and premium contributions to equipment on the border and in command
strengthen the pension insurance system. CenterS.

The legislation also contains provisions to The arrival of National Guard units has al
help workers who save for retirement lowed the Border Patrol to move more agents
through defined contribution plans. The leg into frontline positions, and this additional
islation will make it easier for workers to par
manpower is delivering results. With the sup
ticipate in such savings plans by removing port of the National Guard, Border Patrol
regulatory barriers to automatic enrollment. agents have seized over 17,000 pounds of ille
It also gives workers more information about gal drugs and caught more than 2,500 illegal
how their accounts are performing and great immigrants since June 15th. Just last month,
er control over how their accounts are in Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Val
vested. Workers will be allowed greater ac ley Sector confiscated more than 4,200
cess to advice about how to safely invest for pounds of marijuana hidden in a tractor trail
retirement. And finally, the bill will enable er. And the support of the National Guard
more workers to build larger retirement nest was important in making this seizure happen.
eggs, by making permanent higher allowed Rational and comprehensive immigration
contribution amounts in IRA and 401(k) reform must begin with border security, and
plans. we have more to do. So I've asked Congress
1442 Aug. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

to fund dramatic increases in manpower and tion of the melting pot by helping newcomers
technology for the Border Patrol. We will assimilate. Americans are bound together by
add 6,000 new Border Patrol agents. We will our shared ideals, our history, and the ability
build high-tech fences in urban corridors and to speak and write the English language.
new patrol roads and barriers in rural areas. When immigrants assimilate, they advance in
And we will employ motion sensors, infrared our society, realize their dreams, and add to
cameras, and unmanned aerial vehicles to the unity of America. We can fix the problem
prevent illegal crossings. By deploying 21st of illegal immigration and deliver an immi
century technologies, we will make our Bor gration system that is rational and compas
der Patrol agents even more effective and Sionate.
our border more secure. By passing comprehensive immigration re
Yet to be successful, comprehensive immi form, we will uphold our laws, meet the .
gration reform must also accomplish four needs of our economy, and keep America :
other critical goals. We need a temporary what she has always been—an open door to
worker program that will create a legal and the future, a blessed and promised land, one .
orderly path for foreign workers to enter our Nation under God.
country to work on a temporary basis. This Thank you for listening.
program will add to our security by helping
us know who is in our country and why they NOTE: The address was recorded at 8:05 a.m. on
are here. And by reducing pressure on our August 4 at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX, for
border, it will free up our Border Patrol to broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on August 5. The tran
focus on making sure we stop terrorists, vio script was made available by the Office of the
lent criminals, and drug smugglers from en Press Secretary on August 4 but was embargoed
tering our country. for release until the broadcast. The Office of the
We need to enforce our immigration laws Press Secretary also released a Spanish language
at our Nation's worksites. To enforce the law, transcript of this address.
we have launched raids on businesses that
knowingly hire illegal immigrants. We are fil The President’s News Conference
ing criminal charges against these employers,
and we are prosecuting them to the fullest With Secretary of State Condoleezza
extent of the law. Rice in Crawford, Texas
To help honest businesses follow the law, August 7, 2006
I propose more effective tools to verify the
legal status of workers. These tools should The President. Good morning. Since the
include a tamper-proof identification card for crisis in Lebanon began more than 3 weeks
legal foreign workers. By taking these steps, ago, the United States and other key nations
we will make it easier for businesses to obey have been working for a comprehensive solu
the law and leave them no excuse for vio tion that would return control of Lebanon
lating it. to its Government and to provide a sustain
We need to resolve the status of illegal im able peace that protects the lives of both the
migrants who are already here. They should Lebanese and the Israeli people.
not be given an automatic path to citizenship. Secretary Rice and diplomats from other
This is amnesty, and I oppose it. Amnesty countries are developing United Nations res
would be unfair to those who are here law olutions to bring about a cessation of hos
fully, and it would invite further waves of ille tilities and establish a foundation for lasting
gal immigration. We will find a rational mid peace.
dle ground between automatic citizenship for The first resolution, which the Security
illegal immigrants and mass deportations of Council is now considering, calls for a stop
people who've been living here for many of all hostilities. Under its terms, Hizballah
years with jobs, families, and deep roots in will be required to immediately stop all at
our country. tacks. Israel will be required to immediately
Finally, we need comprehensive immigra stop all offensive military operations. In addi
tion reform that honors the American tradi tion, the resolution calls for an embargo on
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 7 1443

he shipment of any arms into Lebanon, ex I believe that the two resolutions I have
cept as authorized by the Lebanese Govern discussed and that Secretary Rice is working
Tent. on will put us on that path.
A second resolution, which the Security And now I'll be glad to answer some ques
Council will begin working on as soon as pos tions. Nedra [Nedra Pickler, Associated
sible, will help establish a sustainable and en Press].
during cease-fire and provide a mandate for United Nations Security Council
a robust international force that will help the Resolution on the Situation in the
legitimate Government of Lebanon extend Middle East
its authority over all of Lebanon's territory.
Under this second resolution, the Leba Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Lebanon has
nese Armed Forces, supported by the inter rejected the draft proposal, and Israel is not
speaking out in support of it. How do you
national force, will deploy to southern Leb get a resolution that both sides will support?
anon. This international force will help Leb The President. Everyone wants the vio
anon patrol its border with Syria and prevent lence to stop. People understand that there
legal arm shipments to Hizballah. As these needs to be a cessation of hostilities in order
Lebanese and international forces deploy, for us to address the root causes of the prob
the Israeli Defense Forces will withdraw.
lem. That was the spirit that came out of the
And both Israel and Lebanon will respect the G–8 conference; it came out of the Rome
Blue Line that divides them. conference that Secretary Rice attended. We
These two resolutions are designed to all recognize that the violence must stop. And
bring an immediate end to the fighting, to so that's what Secretary Rice is working to
help restore sovereignty over Lebanese soil ward with our friends and allies.
to Lebanese democratic government—to Look, everybody is—I understand both
Lebanon's democratic Government, excuse parties aren't going to agree with all aspects
me—to strike a blow against the terrorists of the resolution. But the intent of the resolu
and their supporters, and to help bring last tions is to strengthen the Lebanese Govern
ing peace to the region. By taking these steps, ment so Israel has got a partner in peace.
The intent of the resolution is to make sure
it will prevent armed militias like Hizballah
and its Iranian and Syrian sponsors from that we address the root cause—the resolu

sparking another crisis. It will protect inno tion is to address the root cause, which was
cent Lebanese and Israelis. And it will help a state operating within the state. Hizballah
was or is an armed movement that pro
the international community deliver humani voked the crisis.
tarian relief and support Lebanon's revival And so whatever comes out of the resolu
and reconstruction. -

tions must address that root cause. And so

The loss of life on both sides of the Leba
nese-Israeli border has been a great tragedy. the task today for the Secretary and her coun
Millions of Lebanese civilians have been terparts is to develop a resolution that can
get passed. It is essential that we create the
caught in the crossfire of military operations conditions for the Lebanese Government to
because of the unprovoked attack and move their own forces, with international
kidnapings by Hizballah. The humanitarian help, into the south of Lebanon to prevent
crisis in Lebanon is of deep concern to all Hizballah and its sponsors from creating
Americans, and alleviating it will remain a this—creating another crisis. And so that's
priority of my Government. where we're headed.
I also believe that innocent civilians in Steve [Steve Holland, Reuters].
Israel should not have to live in bunkers in
fear of missile attacks. To establish a lasting Level of Violence in the Middle East/
peace that protects innocent civilians on both United Nations Security Council
sides of the border, we must address the un Resolution
derlying conditions that are the root cause Q. The Lebanese Prime Minister is de
of this crisis. manding a quick and decisive cease-fire after
1444 Aug. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

an Israeli air raid today killed 40 people. today, particularly after the Arab League
When will we see this resolution? And if it's meets and Prime Minister Siniora emerges
approved, when will we see a cessation of from that.
violence? The President. Yes, Peter [Peter
The President. I'll let Condi talk about Wallsten, Los Angeles Times].
the details of what she's going to do today,
if you care to hear from her. But we will U.S. Armed Forces
work with our partners to get the resolution Q. Thanks. Mr. President, officials have
laid down as quickly as possible. And the res been quoted saying that the international
olution will call for a cessation of violence.
force would not include U.S. troops. And I
And the concern, by the way, from the par
ties in the region is whether or not the resolu wonder if you can explain why that is? Is it
tion will create a vacuum into which because the military is already overtasked?
Is it because you're afraid that the U.S.
Hizballah and its sponsors will be able to pro doesn't have credibility in the region?
mote more instability. The President. No, I think—first of all,
We all agree that we ought to strengthen
this Government, the Lebanese Govern there has been a history in Lebanon with
U.S. troops. Secondly, I have said that if the
ment—that's the purpose of the resolutions, international force would like some help with
as well as to stop the violence. logistics and command and control, we'd be
I don't know if you want to comment willing to offer logistics and command and
Secretary Rice. First of all, we are work control. There are some places where—it's
ing from what we believe to be a strong basis like Darfur: people say to me, “Why don't
you commit U.S. troops to Darfur as part
for a cessation of hostilities, that is the U.S.-
French draft, a strong basis for the cessation of an international peacekeeping?” And the
of hostilities, and then as the President said, answer there is that those troops would be—
would create a sensation around the world
to have a process then that can address the
root causes. And we also believe that it's that may not enable us to achieve our objec
tive. And so when we commit troops, we
going to be very important that this first reso commit troops for a specific reason, with the
lution lay a very quick foundation for passage
of a second resolution. So these have to be intent of achieving an objective. And I think
worked, in a sense, together. command and control and logistical support
I spoke last night and yesterday with Prime is probably the best—is the best use of U.S.
Minister Olmert, with Prime Minister
Siniora, with Secretary General Kofi Annan, Mike Fletcher [Washington Post).
with a number of others, and I think we be
lieve that there is a way forward. Syria/Iran
Now, we understand that this has been a Q. Many strategists say that we'll never get
very emotional and, indeed, devastating and to the bottom of this crisis unless the U.S.
tragic set of circumstances for Lebanon and engages directly with Syria and Iran. Why
for Israel. And obviously, the parties have not talk to them directly about this and have
views on how to stop this. Their views are a back-and-forth conversation?
not going to necessarily be consonant about The President. Yes, that's an interesting
how to stop it. The international community question. I've been reading about that, that
has a view, but, of course, we're going to take people have been posing that question. We
a little time and listen to the concerns of the have been in touch with Syria. Colin Powell
parties and see how they can be addressed. sent a message to Syria in person. Dick
But I want to just note, we believe that Armitage traveled to Syria. Bill Burns trav
the extant draft resolution is a firm founda eled to Syria. We've got a consulate office
tion, is the right basis, but, of course, we're in Syria. Syria knows what we think. The
going to listen to the concerns of the parties problem isn't us telling Syria what's on our
and see how they might be addressed. And mind, which is to stop harboring terror and
that's really what's going to be going on to help the Iraqi democracy evolve. They
Wiiliation of George VV. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 7 1445

wºul, what our position is. The prob Part of the problem in the past in the Mid
misis that their response hasn't been very dle East is people would paper over the root
ºffive. As a matter of fact, it hasn't been cause of the problem, and therefore, the situ
Niveat all. ation would seemingly be quiet, and then lo
Ald in terms of Iran, we made it clear and behold, there'd be another crisis. And
they would honor pre
The Iranians that if innocent people would suffer. And so our
is obligations and verifiably stop enrich strategy all along has been, of course we want
rt of nuclear materials, we would sit at to have a cessation of hostilities, but what
stille. And so there's a way
forward for both we want to do in the same time is to make
viſies. The choice is theirs. Now, I appre sure that there is a way forward for the Leba
it people focusing on Syria and Iran, and nese Government to secure its own country
w should, because Syria and Iran sponsor so that there's peace in the region.
dpromote Hizballah activities—all aimed And that deals with an international peace
(ſtating chaos, all aimed at using terror keeping force to complement a Lebanese
ºpthe advance of democracies. army moving into the south to make sure that
Our objective, Our policy is to give voice Resolution 1559, passed 2 years ago by the
people through democratic reform, and U.N., was fully upheld. Had the parties in
his why we strongly support the Siniora volved fully implemented 1559, which called
Gwemment. That’s why I've articulated a for the disarmament of Hizballah, we would
twº-state solution between Israel and the not be in the situation we're in today.
Plestinians, two democracies living side by Let's see here. Yes, Richard | Richard
side in peace. That's why Condi went to see Bennadetto, USA Today].
President Abbas, the President of the Pales
timan Territories, to assure him that we're Diplomatic Efforts To Achieve
Sustainable Peace in the Middle East
committed to a democracy. That's why we're
making sacrifices in Iraq–to build democ Q. Mr. President, what are the specific
tly. stumbling blocks that are preventing this first
In other words, we believe democracy resolution from being passed quickly? What
Yields peace. And the actions of Hizballah, are the people—what are the parties object
through its sponsors of Iran and Syria, are ing to in the language that needs to be al
Tying to stop that advance of democracy. tered?
tizballah launched this attack. Hizballah is Secretary Rice. I think that first of all,
tying to create the chaos necessary to stop I don't—I'm not going to get into specifics
the advance of peace. And the world commu about the views of the parties. I think that
º must come together to address this prob
we have to do that privately and talk with
the parties privately. But obviously, this par
Let's see here. Jim [Jim Axelrod, CBS ticular resolution is important because it sets
News). an agenda for the basis for a sustainable
United Nations Security Council peace. And so it will not surprise you that
the Lebanese have views of what should be
Resolution 1559
on that agenda. The Israelis have views of
Q. Mr. President, in the last couple of what should be on that agenda. They aren't
*ks, every time the question was asked, always the same views, and so working to
why not get an immediate cessation and then gether to get to what that agenda should be
"d a sustainable—terms for a sustainable is part of what's going on here.
cease-fire after you get the hostilities But I will say something that's very inter
"PP"; it was categorically rejected. Yet a esting. There is more agreement than you
ºks later, here we are Can you explain might think about how to prevent, again, a
why this *** t done a couple weeks ago? situation in which you have a state within a
º *resident. Sure. Because, first of all, state able to launch an attack across the Blue
"ations a community hadn't come to Line.
*"Nº on a **ncept of how to address the
For instance, there is agreement that the
ſºot cause of the problem, Jim. Lebanese Government needs to extend its
1446 Aug. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

authority throughout the country, that it conflict. But what is the magnet, what is the
needs to have the Lebanese Armed Forces pressure point, what is the hook to get this
move to take care of this vacuum that has group to accept a cease-fire, to stop shooting
been existing in the south, that there should and to stop kidnaping soldiers from across
not be any armed groups able just to operate the border of another country?
in the south in the way that Hizballah has The President. Yes, I would hope it would
been able to operate in the south, that there be international pressure on not only
ought to be respect for the Blue Line. These Hizballah, the group of Hizballah within
are all agreements between the two parties. Lebanon, but also its sponsors. And that's the
And so there is going to be some pressure whole purpose of the United States working
from both sides to get things onto the agenda with allies and friends, is to send a clear mes
because they want to get them onto the agen sage that sponsoring terror is unacceptable.
da. But I think we have a reasonable basis It's the great challenge of the 21st century,
here that both sides can accept. I think there really.
are some issues of timing and sequence that Q. Do you
need to be worked out. There are some con The President. Let me finish for a
cerns about when an international force minute.
would actually be available. And so we're Q. I'm sorry.
going to continue to work to address those The President. It is the great challenge
concerns of the two parties. of this century, and it's this: As young democ
But as the President said, this last 3 weeks racies flourish, terrorists try to stop their
has been extremely important. Had we done progress. And it's the great challenge of the
this 3 weeks ago, we were talking about what United States and others who are blessed
people—an unconditional cease-fire that I with living in free countries. Not only do ter
can guarantee you would not have addressed rorists try to stop the advance of democracy º

any of these items that both sides know are through killing innocent people within those
going to have to be addressed if we're going countries, they also try to shape the will of
to have a sustainable cease-fire in the future. the Western World by killing innocent west
So this has been time that's been well spent erners. They try to spread their jihadist mes
over the last couple of weeks, that everybody sage, a message I call—it's totalitarian in na
agrees it's time to have a cessation. We're ture, Islamic radicalism, Islamic fascism.
going to work a little bit more with the par They try to spread it as well by taking the
ties, and I think this resolution will be the attack to those of us who love freedom.
right basis—both to cease the hostilities and And as far as this administration is con
to move forward. cerned, we clearly see the problem, and
The President. Sheryl |Sheryl Gay we're going to continue to work to advance
Stolberg, New York Times]. stable, free countries. We don't expect every
country to look like the United States, but
Diplomatic Negotiations/Situation in the we do want countries to accept some basic
Middle East
conditions for a vibrant society—human
Q. Mr. President, you've spoken with rights, human decency, the power of the peo
Prime Minister Blair and Chancellor Merkel ple to determine the fate of their govern
about this. Have you spoken directly with ments. And, admittedly, this is hard work be
Prime Ministers Olmert and Siniora? And if cause it flies in the face of previous policy,
not, why not? which basically says stability is more impor
The President. Because Condi is handling tant than form of government. And as a result
those conversations, and she's doing a fine of that policy, anger and resentment bubbled
job of doing so. forth with an attack, with a series of attacks,
Yes. the most dramatic of which was on Sep
tember the 11th.
Hizballah/War on Terror You know, your question is, can we get
Q. Mr. President, you've been quite spe people to-a terrorist group to change their
cific in Hizballah's role as the creator of this attitude” What we can do is, we can get state
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 7 1447

sponsors of terror to understand this behav there's—I sense a certain impatience in your
ior is unacceptable and that we can convince voice about diplomacy coming to a conclu
some people in terrorist groups that there sion. What Secretary Rice is doing, as well
is a better way forward for them and their as me, is we are dealing with a lot of different
families. interests. Remember, each nation at the Se
Remember, Hizballah is a political party curity Council has got its own domestic issues
within Lebanon. They actually ran people for to deal with, as well, and so it is—I wish
office. The problem is, is that they're a polit things happened quicker in the diplomatic
ical party with a militia that is armed by for realm—sometimes it takes a while to get
eign nations, and, obviously, this political things done. But what the American people
party with militia was willing to try to influ need to know is, we've got a strategy—a strat
ence the Middle East through unprovoked egy for freedom in the Middle East which
attacks. protects the American people in the long run.
And what Condi is working on and I work And we've got a strategy to deal with the
on is to remind people about the stakes in situations that arise in the Middle East—first
the Middle East. And those stakes include Lebanon; of course, the Iranian nuclear
not only helping the Lebanese Government weapon issue.
firm up its democracy—remember, we And, as you remember, right before the
worked with the French 2 years ago to boot G–8, the question on your mind was, would
out Syria. Syria was inside Lebanon, and we we ever get a resolution out of the U.N. on
felt that in order for a democracy to flourish, the Iranians' desire to have a nuclear weap
Syria needed to remove not only her troops on, as well as whether or not we'd ever get
but her agents, her intelligence agents, for a resolution out of the U.N. to deal with
example. North Korea” As a matter of fact, there was
And, obviously, there are some in the re great skepticism, I felt, in some circles, as
gion that don't want the Lebanese Govern to whether or not we'd be able to put a diplo
ment to succeed. I also happen to believe macy in place that would deal with these two
that as Prime Minister Olmert was making very difficult problems.
progress in reaching out to President Abbas And, in fact, during the G–8, two resolu
and others in the region to develop a Pales tions were passed—by the way, those resolu
tinian state, that that caused a terrorist reac tions overshadowed by the situation in Leb
tion. Remember, this all started with the kid anon. And I'm confident that working with
naping of an Israeli soldier by militant our friends, if we stay on principle and re
Hamas, followed shortly thereafter by the mind people of the stakes, that we'll be able
kidnaping of two Israeli soldiers by to accomplish the diplomatic objectives that
Hizballah. we have set out—which is dealing with this
And finally, the third most notable battle problem and addressing the long-term issues.
ground in the advance of liberty is Iraq. It's A couple more questions, and we'll get
interesting; if you go back to the work of Mr. out—Suzanne [Suzanne Malveaux, Cable
Zarqawi, he talked about fomenting sectarian News Network].
violence in order to stop the advance of de
mocracy. The challenge of the 21st century MiddleSpread of Democracy/Situation in the
is for free nations to help those who aspire
to liberty. And, you know, the first question Q. If I could follow Nedra's question. She
is, do people aspire to liberty? And the an had asked, Lebanon
swer is, absolutely—look at the 12 million The President. I can't remember that far
people who voted in Iraq. Or look at the peo back. [Laughter
ple who went to the polls in Lebanon. It's Q. Lebanon's Parliament Speaker, Nabih
just clear to me that there will be terrorist Berri, who has been negotiating for
activities that will try to stop people from liv Hizballah, has rejected the first resolution,
ing a decent, hopeful life. saying it's unacceptable; they want the Israeli
And what you're watching now is diplo troops to pull out immediately. Is that a ne
matic efforts to address the problem. I know gotiable point? And also, Secretary Rice, will
1448 Aug. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
you be reaching out to Berri, as you had spo in a free society. It's not okay for us. If you
ken with him before? love peace, in order to achieve peace you
The President. Whatever happens in the must help people realize that which is uni
U.N., we must not create a vacuum into versal, and that is freedom.
which Hizballah and its sponsors are able to She asked you a question.
move more weapons. Sometimes the world Secretary Rice. Our point of contact for
likes to take the easy route in order to solve the Lebanese Government is obviously
a problem. Our view is, it's time to address Prime Minister Siniora. As you know, I've
root causes of problems. And to create a vac also spoken to Speaker Berri on a couple of
uum, Suzanne, is unacceptable. It would OCCaSiOnS.

mean that we haven't addressed the root I understand how emotional this is for the
Lebanese. They've been through a very dif
The idea is to have the Lebanese Govern ficult war. It's emotional for Israel as well.
ment move into the south so that the Govern They're in the midst of a difficult war.
ment of Lebanon can protect its own terri Let me just say that in terms of what the
tory and that there be an international force end state will look like here, I don't think
to provide the help necessary for the Leba there is any disagreement that the right solu
nese Government to secure its country. Re tion is the one that the President referred
member, in Germany, the first thing I said to. It's the Lebanese and the Lebanese
was or one of the first things I said: I think Armed Forces able to secure their territory.
I said this—help me out here, if I didn't And the international help is so that Lebanon
Secretary Rice. I think you did. can secure its territory. And I don't believe
The President. was we want the anybody anticipates that there should be for
Siniora Government to survive and to be eign forces on Lebanese soil as a result of
strengthened. The linchpin of the policy is what has happened here.
to support democracies. And so the strategy And so I think there is room on this issue
at the U.N., the diplomatic strategy is to sup to work on this issue, because everybody has
port that notion, because a democracy in the same vision—that it's the Lebanese
Lebanon will not only help that nation ad Army, with support from an international
dress its long-term issues—such as rebuild force, that can actually prevent that vacuum
ing and providing a hopeful life—but a de from obtaining again in the south, so that
mocracy on Israeli's northern border will sta we're not right back here 3 or 4 or 5 months
bilize—help stabilize the region. We are from now, in the same situation.
committed to a democracy in the Palestinian
territory. President Fidel Castro of Cuba
President Abbas, in his conversations with Q. Mr. President, I don't think we've
Condi, talked about moving forward with de heard from you since Fidel Castro has fallen
mocracy. There are people who can't stand ill. Can you give us what you know of his
the thought of a society based upon universal current condition, what your administration's
liberty from emerging. And that in itself contingency plans are for his death, and how
ought to be a warning signal to those of us they address the desire of Cuban exiles in
who care deeply for peace, that people would this country to eventually go home and re
be willing to kill innocent citizens in order claim their property?
to stop the advance of liberty. The President. First of all, Cuba is not
Now, I've talked a lot about the universal a very transparent society, so the only thing
appeal of liberty, and I readily concede some I know is what has been speculated. And that
people aren't willing to-some say, well, you is that, on the one hand, he's very ill, and
know, liberty may not be universal in this on the other hand, he's going to be coming
sense—America imposes its will. We don't out of a hospital. I don't know. I really don't
impose liberty; liberty is universal. know.
It's one of the interesting debates of the And secondly, that our desire is for the
21st century, I think, that some would be Cuban people to be able to choose their own
willing to say it's okay for people not to live form of government, and we would hope
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 7 1449

that—and we'll make this very clear—that as met his demise. Remember, Al Qaida is in
Cuba has the possibility of transforming itself the country, all attempting to stop the ad
from a tyrannical situation to a different type vance of democracy. And the blowing up of
of society, the Cuban people ought to decide. the mosque created an opportunity for those
The people on the island of Cuba ought to who were trying to foment sectarian violence
decide. And once the people of Cuba decide to achieve their objective. But the Iraqi peo
their form of government, then Cuban Amer ple rejected that kind of sectarian violence;
icans can take an interest in that country and the Army stood strong.
redress the issues of property confiscation. No question, it's still difficult. On the other
But first things first, and that is, the Cuban hand, the political process is part of helping
people need to decide the future of their to achieve our objective, which is a free coun
country. try, an ally in the war on terror that can sus
tain itself and govern itself and defend itself.
Progress in Iraq Okay, who else? I don't want to hurt any
Q. Mr. President, if I could turn to Iraq feelings. Yes, sir.
for a moment.
The President. Sure. United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1559/War on Terror
Q. When you and Prime Minister Blair
met at the White House a few months ago, Q. Thank you very much.
you were asked about mistakes and missteps. The President. Identify yourself.
And he said the one mistake he made was Q. Kevin Corke, NBC News, sir.
miscalculating in thinking that a young de The President. Right. I knew that.
mocracy, as you put it, would be born very Q. Yes, sir.
quickly after the fall of Saddam. Are you pre The President. Just wanted to make sure
pared today to agree with him and acknowl you did.
edge that you've had the same expectations, Q. Yes, indeed. In reading the 1559 resolu
which were wrong? tion and the draft as it's currently con
The President. Actually, I think—I can't structed, there are a lot of similarities, quite
remember his answer; I'm sure you've char frankly. And I'm wondering if you could
acterized it perfectly. My attitude is that a speak to, maybe, the frustration some Ameri
young democracy has been born quite quick cans might be feeling that you've said we
ly. And I think the Iraqi Government has want sustainable peace; we don't want to
shown remarkable progress on the political come back here in a few months or a few
front, and that is, is that they developed a years, and yet it seems like there will be an
modern constitution that was ratified by the other resolution, maybe another resolution,
people, and then 12 million people voted for maybe another this, that, and the other. Peo
a government—which gives me confidence ple get frustrated. Can you understand that
about the future in Iraq, by the way. and respond to that, sir?
You know, I hear people say, “Well, civil The President. Well, the people who
war this, civil war that.” The Iraqi people de should get really frustrated are the Israelis
cided against civil war when they went to the and the Lebanese. They ought to be the ones
ballot box, and a unity government is working who are frustrated, because 1559 clearly laid
to respond to the will of the people. And a way forward for there to be a strong democ
frankly, it's quite a remarkable achievement racy in Lebanon, which will more likely yield
on the political front, and the security front the peace. And there is a level of frustration
is where there have been troubles. And it's around the world with organizations that will
going to be up to the Maliki Government, take innocent life to achieve political objec
with U.S. help, to use the trained forces and tives. And our job is to remind people that
eventually a trained police force to take care this isn't a moment; this is a movement, and
of those who are trying to foment sectarian that we must deal with this movement. We
violence. must deal with this movement with strong
We've made some progress against some security measures; we must bring justice to
of those folks, particularly when Mr. Zarqawi those who would attack us, and at the same
1450 Aug. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

time, defeat their ideology by the spread of focused on the problem and stay focused on
liberty. coming up with solutions that, when imple
And it takes a lot of work. This is the begin mented, will leave behind a better world.
ning of a long struggle against an ideology Thank you all very much for your interest.
that is real and profound. It's Islamo-fascism.
It comes in different forms. They share the NOTE: The President's news conference began at
8:59 a.m. at the Bush Ranch. In his remarks, he
same tactics, which is to destroy people and referred to former Secretary of State Colin L.
things in order to create chaos in the hopes Powell; former Deputy Secretary of State Richard
that their vision of the world become pre L. Armitage; President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu
dominant in the Middle East.
Mazen) of the Palestinian Authority; Prime Min
And Condi and I will work hard—by the ister Ehud Olmert of Israel; Prime Minister Tony
way, the United States can't win this war Blair of the United Kingdom; and Prime Minister
alone. We can do damage to the enemy. We Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq. Secretary Rice referred to
can take the philosophical high ground and Prime Minister Fuad Siniora and Speaker of Par
remind people of the importance of how liament Nabih Berri of Lebanon; and Secretary
General Kofi Annan of the United Nations. A re
freedom can change societies. But we will porter referred to Chancellor Angela Merkel of
work with allies and friends to achieve this
objective. And part of the challenge in the
21st century is to remind people about the
stakes and remind people that in moments Remarks on Arrival in Green Bay,
of quiet, there's still an Islamic fascist group Wisconsin
plotting, planning, and trying to spread their August 10, 2006
ideology. And one of the things that—one
of the things that came out of this unfortu Prevention of Terrorist Attacks in the
nate incident in the Middle East is, it is a United Kingdom
stark reminder that there are those who want The recent arrests that our fellow citizens
to stop the advance of liberty and destabilize are now learning about are a stark reminder
young democracies. And they're willing to kill that this Nation is at war with Islamic fascists
people to do so. who will use any means to destroy those of
I repeat, this whole incident started be us who love freedom, to hurt our Nation.
cause Hizballah kidnaped two soldiers and I want to thank the Government of Tony
launched rocket attacks. And it's been unfor
Blair and officials in the United Kingdom for
tunate that people on both sides of the bor their good work in busting this plot. I thank
der have lost life. And we're committed to
the officials in Washington, DC, and around
helping the Lebanese Government rebuild. our country who gather intelligence and who
On the other hand, what we won't do is work to protect the American people. The
allow for a false hope. We believe that it's cooperation on this venture was excellent—
important to challenge the root cause now. cooperation between U.K. and U.S. authori
We thought we had done so with 1559, but ties and officials was solid. And the coopera
1559 wasn't implemented. In other words, tion amongst agencies within our Govern
there was a way forward to deal with the ment was excellent.
problem. And now there's another chance to This country is safer than it was prior to
deal with the problem, and that's the role 9/11. We've taken a lot of measures to protect
of the United States, working with others to the American people. But obviously, we're
not only remind people about the problem still not completely safe because there are
but to come up with solutions in dealing with people that still plot and people who want
the problem. And the solutions that we are to harm us for what we believe in. It is a
working with our friends are, in our judg mistake to believe there is no threat to the
ment, is the best hope for achieving stability United States of America, and that is why
and peace. we have given our officials the tools they
But it takes a lot of work. And it takes need to protect our people.
commitment and focus. And that's what this Travelers are going to be inconvenienced
administration will continue to do. We'll stay as a result of the steps we've taken. I urge
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 10 1451

their patience and ask them to be vigilant. more workers—workers that can do the job
The inconvenience is—occurs because we necessary to put out a good product.
will take the steps necessary to protect the I also want to make it clear that Congress
American people. needs to keep the taxes low on the working
Again, I appreciate the close cooperation people. I'd much rather have these people
between our Government and the Govern spend their own money than the Govern
ment of the United Kingdom. The American ment. We've got ample money in Wash
people need to know, we live in a dangerous ington to do what we need to do. And there
world, but our Government will do every fore, in my judgment, it's better that the folks
thing we can to protect our people from behind me who are working hard, have more
those dangers. money so they can save and invest and spend
Thank you. as they see fit. So I'm here to herald the
tax cuts as they affected the small businesses
NotE: The President spoke at 10:54 a.m. at Austin of America but also as they affect the families
of Wisconsin and America.
Straubel International Airport. In his remarks, he
referred to Prime Minister Tony Blair of the John, I want to thank you. I'm impressed
United Kingdom. by your operation. I particularly want to
thank your workers for giving me a chance
to come by and meet you. America is blessed
Remarks on the National Economy in by having a highly-skilled workforce like we
Green Bay have, and that enables us to compete. This
is a competitive company. It's a company that
August 10, 2006
can't fill every order it gets because they're
The President. John, thank you very constrained by being able to find enough
much for your hospitality. workers. It's one of the issues that faces
John E. West. You're welcome, Mr. Presi America: Can we compete? And one way we
dent. compete is to make sure our education sys
The President. I understand that the tem educates people who've got the skills
small-business sector of our economy is vital necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century,
for economic growth. And that's why we cut just like they're being filled here at this com
taxes on people like—on businesses like any.
John's business. See, when you reduce the Thank you all very much.
income taxes, you affect many small busi
nesses. And when he's got more money in NoTE: The President spoke at 11:29 a.m. at Fox
his treasury to invest, the workers become Valley Metal-Tech, Inc. Participating in the event
was John E. West, president, Fox Valley Metal
more productive. Tech, Inc. A tape was not available for verification
The reason why this company is successful of the content of these remarks.
is one, they've got a good product; but, more
importantly, they've got a workforce that is
skilled and capable and treated well. Statement on Kleptocracy
The bonus appreciation—accelerated de August 10, 2006
preciation schedules we passed for small
businesses helped John buy new equipment. For too long, the culture of corruption has
And when you buy new equipment, it helps undercut development and good governance
the folks behind me become more produc and bred criminality and mistrust around the
tive; and the more productive you are, the world. High-level corruption by senior gov
better wages you make. ernment officials, or kleptocracy, is a grave
And so I'm here to herald small businesses and corrosive abuse of power and represents
in America and to remind the American peo the most invidious type of public corruption.
ple that by cutting taxes on small businesses, It threatens our national interest and violates
it encourages small businesses to grow. John our values. It impedes our efforts to promote
was telling me they hired five new people freedom and democracy, end poverty, and
over the past 3 weeks, and he's looking for combat international crime and terrorism.
1452 Aug. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Kleptocracy is an obstacle to democratic According to Iraqi officials, the terrorist

progress, undermines faith in government in who committed this atrocity was stopped by
stitutions, and steals prosperity from the peo Iraqi police before he could enter the holy
ple. Promoting transparent, accountable gov shrine. These police officers were killed in
ernance is a critical component of our free the attack. They died for their country and
dom agenda. for the cause of freedom, and we honor their
At this year's G-8 meeting in St. Peters dedication and bravery. We also mourn the
burg, my colleagues joined me in calling for loss of every innocent life in this atrocity and
other atrocities perpetrated in Iraq in recent
strengthened international efforts to deny
kleptocrats access to our financial systems months.

and safe haven in our countries; stronger ef On behalf of the American people, I join
forts to combat fraud, corruption, and misuse Iraqi leaders of all communities who have
condemned this barbarous action in the
of public resources; and increased capacity
internationally to prevent opportunities for strongest possible terms. To the Iraqi people,
high-level public corruption. Today I am an I pledge the commitment of the United
nouncing a new element in my administra States to helping your new Government
tion's plan to fight kleptocracy, the National bring peace and security to all areas of your
Strategy to Internationalize Efforts Against country.
Kleptocracy, which sets forth a framework
to deter, prevent, and address high-level
public corruption. It identifies critical tools
to detect and prosecute corrupt officials
around the world, so that the promise of eco Digest of Other
White House Announcements
nomic assistance and growth reaches the
Our objective is to defeat high-level public
corruption in all its forms and to deny cor The following list includes the President's public
rupt officials access to the international fi schedule and other items of general interest an
nancial system as a means of defrauding their nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
not included elsewhere in this issue.
people and hiding their ill-gotten gains.
Given the nature of our open, accessible
international financial system, our success in
fighting kleptocracy will depend upon the August 5
participation and accountability of our part In the morning, at the Bush Ranch in
ner nations, the international financial com Crawford, TX, the President had an intel
munity, and regional and multilateral devel ligence briefing.
opment institutions. Together, We Can COn
During the day, the President met with
front kleptocracy and help create the condi Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Na
tions necessary for people everywhere to tional Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley to
enjoy the full benefits of honest, just, and discuss the situation in the Middle East.
accountable governance.
August 6
Statement on Terrorist Attacks in In the morning, the President and Na
Najaf, Iraq tional Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley
participated in a video teleconference with
August 11, 2006 Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United
The terrorists in Iraq have again proven
that they are enemies of all humanity. Yester
day they targeted innocent civilians in Najaf August 7
near a holy Muslim shrine—and a symbol of In the morning, the President had an intel
peace throughout the world. ligence briefing.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1453

August 8 military personnel killed in Iraq. He then re

In the morning, the President had an intel turned to the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX.
ligence briefing followed by briefings by Na
tional Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley August 11
and Homeland Security Adviser Frances In the morning, the President had an intel
Fragos Townsend. ligence briefing.
In the afternoon, at Broken Spoke Ranch,
August 9 the President attended a Republican Na
In the morning, the President had an intel tional Committee reception. He then re
ligence briefing. turned to the Bush Ranch.
In the afternoon,the President had a tele Also in the afternoon, the President had
phone conversation with Prime Minister a telephone conversation with Prime Min
Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. ister Ehud Olmert of Israel to discuss the
During the day, the President had separate United Nations draft resolution to end fight
telephone conversations with Secretary of ing in Lebanon.
State Condoleezza Rice and National Secu
ſity Adviser Stephen J. Hadley.
The President announced that he has
named Deb Fiddelke as Deputy Assistant to
the President for Legislative Affairs.
The President announced that he has Submitted to the Senate
named Neal Burnham as Special Assistant to
the President for White House Management. NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
The President announced that he has
named Darren Hipp as Special Assistant to Senate during the period covered by this issue.
the President and Director of Presidential
The President announced that he has
named Gregory Jacob as Special Assistant to Checklist
the President for Domestic Policy.
of White House Press Releases
The President announced that he has
named Brent J. McIntosh as Associate Coun
sel to the President. The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
August 10 items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
In the morning, the President had an intel Other White House Announcements.
ligence briefing and a briefing on the arrests
of suspected terrorists in Birmingham and
London, England. Later, he traveled to Released August 6
Green Bay, WI, where, upon arrival, he met Transcript of a press briefing by Secretary
with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Karl of State Condoleezza Rice
Durant. He then participated in a tour of
Fox Valley Metal-Tech, Inc. Transcript of a press briefing by National Se
In the afternoon, the President traveled to curity Adviser Stephen J. Hadley
Oneida, WI, where, at a private residence, Released August 8
he attended a reception for congressional
candidate John G. Gard. Later, at Oneida Po Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
lice Department, he met family members of retary Tony Snow
1454 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Released August 9 Acts Approved
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec by the President
retary Tony Snow
Approved August 4°
Released August 10
H.R. 5877 / Public Law 109–267

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec To amend the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act
retary Tony Snow of 1996 to extend the authorities provided
in such Act until September 29, 2006
Fact sheet: National Strategy To Internation S. 374.1 / Public Law 109–268
alize Efforts Against Kleptocracy
To provide funding authority to facilitate the
evacuation of persons from Lebanon, and for
Released August 11 other purposes
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec * These Public Laws were not received in time
retary Tony Snow for inclusion in the appropriate issue.
Washington GPO

CA *******ALL
At 2.10% : 4-2/33.
Weekly Compilation of

Monday, August 21, 2006

Volume 42—Number 33
Pages 1455–1477

° SEp 2006 -

‘’BRAR tº


Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies

See also Bill Signings Presidential Determination on Continuation of
Maryland, economic advisers, meeting at U.S. Drug Interdiction Assistance to the
Camp David–1471 Sovernment of Colombia, memorandum—
Pennsylvania 1471
Harley-Davidson Vehicle Operations in Interviews With the News Media
Reception for gubernatorial candidate Lynn Exchanges with reporters
C. Swann in Lancaster–1463 Camp David, MD-1471
Radio address–1455 State Department—1457
Secretary of State Rice and the foreign policy Statements by the President
team, meeting—1457
Virginia See also Bill Signings
Counterterrorism team, meeting in United Nations Security Council resolution on
McLean–1462 the situation in the Middle East–1456
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and the Supplementary Materials
defense policy and programs team,
meeting in Arlington–1456 Acts approved by the President–1476
Checklist of White House press releases—
Bill Signings 1475
Pension Protection Act of 2006 Digest of other White House
Remarks–1469 announcements–1474
Statement—1470 Nominations submitted to the Senate–l475

Editor's Note: The President was at Camp David, MD, on August 18, the closing date of this
issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration. Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607;
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, August 18, 2006
The President’s Radio Address most liquids as carry-on items on planes. I
August 12, 2006 know many of you will be traveling during
this busy summer vacation season, and I ask
Good morning. This week, America re for your patience, cooperation, and vigilance
in the coming days. The inconveniences you
ceived a stark reminder that terrorists are still
plotting attacks to kill our people. Beginning will face are for your protection, and they
on Wednesday night, authorities in Great will give us time to adjust our screening pro
Britain arrested more than 20 individuals cedures to meet the current threat.
who we believe were plotting to detonate liq I’m grateful for the outstanding work of
uid explosives aboard flights from the United intelligence and law enforcement officers in
Kingdom to the United States. If these ter the United Kingdom and in our country. This
rorists had succeeded, they could have week's arrests were the culmination of hard
caused death on a massive scale. The plot work, cooperation, and information sharing
appears to have been carefully planned and across different agencies and different gov
well-advanced. They planned to bring the ernments. We're dealing with a new enemy
components of their explosives on board in that uses new means of attack and new meth
their carry-on luggage, disguised as bottled ods to communicate. This week's events
drinks and electronic devices. demonstrate the vital importance of ensuring
We believe that this week's arrests have that our intelligence and law enforcement
significantly disrupted the threat. Yet we can personnel have all the tools they need to
not be sure that the threat has been elimi track down the terrorists and prevent attacks
nated. So as a precaution, on Thursday, the on our country.
Federal Government took several steps to in Because of the measures we've taken to
crease security at our airports and aboard our protect the American people, our Nation is
planes. safer than it was prior to September the 11th.
First, the Department of Homeland Secu Still, we must never make the mistake of
rity has raised our Nation's threat warning thinking the danger of terrorism has passed.
to Code Red—the highest level—for flights This week's experience reminds us of a hard
from Great Britain to America, in coordina fact: The terrorists have to succeed only once
tion with British authorities. Second, we've to achieve their goal of mass murder, while
raised the threat warning for all domestic and we have to succeed every time to stop them.
international flights landing in the United Unfortunately, some have suggested recently
States to Code Orange—the second highest that the terrorist threat is being used for par
level. We also have sent additional Federal tisan political advantage. We can have legiti
air marshals to Great Britain to provide extra mate disagreements about the best way to
protection aboard flights from the United fight the terrorists, yet there should be no
Kingdom to the United States. disagreement about the dangers we face.
This plot is further evidence that the ter America is fighting a tough war against an
rorists we face are sophisticated and con enemy whose ruthlessness is clear for all to
stantly changing their tactics. On September see. The terrorists attempt to bring down air
the 11th, 2001, they used box cutters to hi planes full of innocent men, women, and
jack airplanes and kill thousands of innocent children. They kill civilians and American
people. This time, we believe they planned servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they
to use liquid explosives to blow up planes deliberately hide behind civilians in Leb
in mid-air. In response, we've adjusted our anon. They are seeking to spread their totali
security precautions by temporarily banning tarian ideology. They're seeking to take over
1456 Aug. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

countries like Afghanistan and Iraq so they anon's democratic Government and help en
can establish safe havens from which to at sure security for the people of Lebanon and
tack free nations. These killers need to know Israel.
that America, Great Britain, and our allies The loss of innocent life in both Lebanon
are determined to defend ourselves and ad and Israel has been a great tragedy. Hizballah
vance the cause of liberty. With patience, and its Iranian and Syrian sponsors have
courage, and untiring resolve, we will defend brought an unwanted war to the people of
our freedom, and we will win the war on ter Lebanon and Israel, and millions have suf
fered as a result. I now urge the international
Thank you for listening. community to turn words into action and

NOTE: The address was recorded at 8:05 a.m. on

make every effort to bring lasting peace to
the region.
August 11 at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX,
for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on August 12. The
transcript was made available by the Office of the NOTE: The statement referred to United Nations
Press Secretary on August 11 but was embargoed Security Council Resolution 1701.
for release until the broadcast. The Office of the
Press Secretary also released a Spanish language
transcript of this address. Remarks Prior to a Meeting With
Secretary of Defense Donald H.
Statement on the United Nations Rumsfeld and the Defense Policy
and Programs Team in Arlington,
Security Council Resolution on the Virginia
Situation in the Middle East
August 12, 2006 August 14, 2006
I welcome the resolution adopted yester Mr. Secretary, thanks for having me. The
day by the United Nations Security Council, national security team from the White House
which is designed to bring an immediate end is anxious to come over and get a briefing
to the fighting sparked last month by an from you. We've got a lot to discuss. It's very
unprovoked terrorist attack on Israel by important for the American people to know
Hizballah, a terrorist group supported by that we're constantly thinking about how to
Iran and Syria. The United States and its al secure the homeland, protect our interests,
lies have been working hard since the begin and use all assets available to do our jobs.
ning of this conflict to create the conditions I appreciate very much you and your team
for an enduring cease-fire and prevent armed providing the very important briefing. We
militias and foreign-sponsored terrorist live in troubled times, but I'm confident in
groups like Hizballah from sparking another Our capacity to not only protect the home
Cr1Sls. land, but I'm confident in our capacity to
leave behind a better world. And one reason
Yesterday's resolution aims to end
Hizballah's attacks on Israel and bring a halt I feel so confident is because we've got a
to Israel's offensive military operations. It fantastic military. It's been an honor to travel
also calls for an embargo on the supply of the country to meet those who wear the uni
arms to militias in Lebanon, for a robust form. We're a blessed nation to have men
international force to deploy to southern and women who are willing to volunteer dur
Lebanon in conjunction with Lebanon's le ing these difficult times.
gitimate armed forces, and for the disarming And so, Mr. Secretary, thanks for the brief
of Hizballah and all other militia groups op ing; I'm looking forward to it. And thank you
erating in Lebanon. These steps are designed all for giving us your insights and inputs.
to stop Hizballah from acting as a state within
a state, and put an end to Iran and Syria's NOTE: The President spoke at 9:27 a.m. at the
efforts to hold the Lebanese people hostage Pentagon. The Office of the Press Secretary also
to their own extremist agenda. This in turn released a Spanish language transcript of these re
will help to restore the sovereignty of Leb marks.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 14 1457

Remarks Following a Meeting With can only imagine how much more dangerous
this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
and the Foreign Policy Team and an weapon it seeks,
Exchange With Reporters Syria is another state sponsor of Hizballah.
August 14, 2006 Syria allows Iranian weapons to pass through
its territory into Lebanon. Syria permits
The President. Good afternoon. Today I Hizballah's leaders to operate out of Damas
met with members of my national security cus and gives political support to Hizballah's
team, both here at the State Department and cause. Syria supports Hizballah because it
wants to undermine Lebanon's democratic
at the Pentagon. I want to, first of all, thank
the leadership of Secretary Condi Rice and Government and regain its position of domi
Secretary Don Rumsfeld. nance in the country. That would be a great
During those discussions, we talked about tragedy for the Lebanese people and for the
the need to transform our military to meet cause of peace in the Middle East.
the threats of the 21st century. We discussed Hizballah and its foreign sponsors also
the global war on terror. We discussed the seek to undermine the prospects for peace
in the Middle East. Hizballah terrorists kid
situation on the ground in three fronts of the
global war on terror—in Lebanon and Iraq naped two Israeli soldiers; Hamas kidnaped
another Israeli soldier for a reason—
and Afghanistan.
Friday's U.N. Security Council resolution Hizballah and Hamas reject the vision of two
on Lebanon is an important step forward that democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living
will help bring an end to the violence. The side by side in peace and security. Both
resolution calls for a robust international groups want to disrupt the progress being
force to deploy to the southern part of the made toward that vision by Prime Minister
country to help Lebanon's legitimate armed Olmert and President Abbas and others in
forces restore the sovereignty of its demo the region. We must not allow terrorists to
cratic Government over all Lebanese terri prevent elected leaders from working to
tory. As well, the resolution is intended to gether toward a comprehensive peace agree
stop Hizballah from acting as a state within ment in the Middle East.
the state. The conflict in Lebanon is part of a broad
We're now working with our international er struggle between freedom and terror that
partners to turn the words of this resolution is unfolding across the region. For decades,
into action. We must help people in both American policy sought to achieve peace in
Lebanon and Israel return to their homes the Middle East by promoting stability in the
and begin rebuilding their lives without fear Middle East. Yet the lack of freedom in the
of renewed violence and terror. region meant anger and resentment grew,
America recognizes that civilians in Leb radicalism thrived, and terrorists found will
anon and Israel have suffered from the cur ing recruits. We saw the consequences on
rent violence, and we recognize that respon September the 11th, 2001, when terrorists
sibility for this suffering lies with Hizballah. brought death and destruction to our coun
It was an unprovoked attack by Hizballah on try, killing nearly 3,000 of our citizens.
Israel that started this conflict. Hizballah ter So we've launched a forward strategy of
rorists targeted Israeli civilians with daily freedom in the broader Middle East. And
rocket attacks. Hizballah terrorists used Leb that strategy has helped bring hope to mil
anese civilians as human shields, sacrificing lions and fostered the birth of young democ
the innocent in an effort to protect them racies from Baghdad to Beirut. Forces of ter
selves from Israeli response. ror see the changes that are taking place in
Responsibility for the suffering of the Leb their midst. They understand that the ad
anese people also lies with Hizballah's state vance of liberty, the freedom to worship, the
sponsors, Iran and Syria. The regime in Iran freedom to dissent, and the protection of
provides Hizballah with financial support, human rights would be a defeat for their
weapons, and training. Iran has made clear hateful ideology. But they also know that
that it seeks the destruction of Israel. We young democracies are fragile and that this
1458 Aug. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

may be their last and best opportunity to stop In both Lebanon and Iraq, elected govern
freedom's advance and steer newly free na ments are contending with rogue armed
tions to the path of radical extremism. So the groups that are seeking to undermine and
terrorists are striking back with all of the de destabilize them. In Lebanon, Hizballah de
structive power that they can muster. It's no clared war on Lebanon's neighbor, Israel,
coincidence that two nations that are build without the knowledge of the elected Gov
ing free societies in the heart of the Middle ernment in Beirut. In Iraq, Al Qaida and
East, Lebanon and Iraq, are also the scenes death squads engage in brutal violence to un
of the most violent terrorist activity. dermine the unity Government. And in both
Some say that America caused the current these countries, Iran is backing armed groups
instability in the Middle East by pursuing a in the hope of stopping democracy from tak
forward strategy of freedom, yet history ing hold.
shows otherwise. We didn't talk much about The message of this administration is clear:
freedom or the freedom agenda in the Mid America will stay on the offense against Al
dle East before September the 11th, 2001: Qaida; Iran must stop its support for terror;
or before Al Qaida first attacked the World and the leaders of these armed groups must
Trade Center and blew up our Embassies make a choice: If they want to participate
in Kenya and Tanzania in the 1990s; or be in the political life of their countries, they
must disarm. Elected leaders cannot have
fore Hizballah killed hundreds of Americans
in Beirut and Islamic radicals held American one foot in the camp of democracy and one
hostages in Iran in the 1980s. History is clear: foot in the camp of terror.
The freedom agenda did not create the ter The Middle East is at a pivotal moment
rorists or their ideology. But the freedom in its history. The death and destruction we
see shows how determined the extremists are
agenda will help defeat them both.
to stop just and modern societies from
Some say that the violence and instability emerging in the region. Yet millions of peo
we see today means that the people of this ple in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan and
troubled region are not ready for democracy. elsewhere are equally determined to live in
I disagree. Over the past 5 years, people peace and freedom. They have tired of the
across the Middle East have bravely defied false promises and grand illusions of radical
the car bombers and assassins to show the
extremists. They reject the hateful vision of
world that they want to live in liberty. We the terrorists, and they dream of a better fu
see the universal desire for liberty in the 12 ture for their children and their grand
million Iraqis who faced down the terrorists children. We're determined to help them
to cast their ballots and elected a free govern achieve that dream.
ment under a democratic constitution. We
America's actions have never been guided
see the universal desire for liberty in 8 mil by territorial ambition. We seek to advance
lion Afghans who lined up to vote for the the cause of freedom in the Middle East be
first democratic Government in the long his cause we know the security of the region and
tory of their country. We see the universal our own security depend on it. We know that
desire for liberty in the Lebanese people who free nations are America's best partners for
took to the streets to demand their freedom peace and the only true anchors for stability.
and helped drive Syrian forces out of their So we'll continue to support reformers, in
country. side and outside governments, who are work
The problem in the Middle East today is ing to build the institutions of liberty. We'll
not that people lack the desire for freedom. continue to confront terrorist organizations
The problem is that young democracies that and their sponsors who destroy innocent
they have established are still vulnerable to lives. We'll continue to work for the day
terrorists and their sponsors. One vulner when a democratic Israel and a democratic
ability is that many of the new democratic Palestine are neighbors in a peaceful and se
governments in the region have not yet es cure Middle East.
tablished effective control over all their terri The way forward is going to be difficult.
tory. It will require more sacrifice. But we can be
Administration ofGeorge W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 14 1459

confident of the outcome because we know I can't speak for Hizballah. They're a ter
ind understand the unstoppable power of rorist organization. They're not a state. They
fredom. In a Middle East that grows in free act independently of evidently, the Leba
dºm and democracy, people will have a nese Government, and they do receive help
chance to raise their families and live in from the outside.
peace and build a better future. In a Middle Andrea [Andrea Mitchell, NBC News].
East that grows in freedom and democracy, Hizballah/War on Terror
the terrorists will lose their recruits and lose
their sponsors and lose safe havens from Q. Thank you, Mr. President
which to launch new attacks. In a Middle The President. It's good to see you.
East that grows in freedom and democracy, Thanks for breaking in with us—kind of a
there will be no room for tyranny and terror, rough crowd here, hanging out with you.
and that will make America and other free Q. Thank you. Despite what you've just
nations more secure. said, there is a perception, a global percep
Now I'll be glad to answer a couple of tion, certainly in the Arab media and in many
questions. Deb (Deb Riechmann, Associated Western media as well, that Hizballah is real
Press]. ly a winner here because they have proven
that they could, as a guerrilla force, withstand
Situation in the Middle East/Israel the Israeli Army. They have been the sole
source of humanitarian aid to many of the
Q. Mr. President, both sides are claiming Lebanese people in the south. So they've im
victory in a conflict that's killed more than proved their position politically, within Leb
900 people. Who won, and do you think the anon, and militarily and globally. They've
cease-fire will hold?
gotten an aura of being able to stand up for
The President. We certainly hope the so long against Israel. How do you combat
cease-fire holds, because it is step one of that and the perception that we settled for
making sure that Lebanon's democracy is less than we originally wanted in the U.N.
strengthened. Lebanon can't be a strong de resolution, a less robust force? And what ac
mocracy when there's a state within a state, tions can the United States or this inter
and that's Hizballah. national force take if Iran, for instance, tries
As I mentioned in my remarks, Hizballah to rearm Hizballah?
attacked Israel without any knowledge of the The President. Yes. First of all, if I were
Siniora Government. You can't run a govern Hizballah, I'd be claiming victory too. But
ment, you can't have a democracy if you've the people around the region and the world
got a armed faction within your country. need to take a step back and recognize that
Hizballah attacked Israel. Hizballah started Hizballah's action created a very strong reac
the crisis, and Hizballah suffered a defeat in tion that, unfortunately, caused some people
this crisis. And the reason why is, is that first, to lose their life, innocent people to lose their
there is a new—there's going to be a new life. But on the other hand, it was Hizballah
power in the south of Lebanon, and that's that caused the destruction.
going to be a Lebanese force with a robust People have got to understand—and it will
international force to help them seize control take time, Andrea; it will take time for people
of the country, that part of the country. to see the truth—that Hizballah hides behind
Secondly, when people take a look-see, innocent civilians as they attack. What's really
take a step back and realize how this started, interesting is a mindset—is the mindsets of
they'll understand this was Hizballah's activi this crisis. Israel, when they aimed at a target
ties. This was Hizballah's choice to make. and killed innocent citizens, were upset. Its
I believe that Israel is serious about up society was aggrieved. When Hizballah's
holding the cessation of hostilities. The rea rockets killed innocent Israelis, they cele
son I believe that is, I talked to the Prime brated. I think when people really take a look
Minister of Israel about it. And I know the at the type of mentality that celebrates the
Siniora Government is anxious that the hos loss of innocent life, they'll reject that type
tilities stop and the country begin to rebuild. of mentality.
146() Aug. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

And so Hizballah, of course, has got a fan sponsor them? And this administration is :
tastic propaganda machine, and they're willing to do so. And that's what we're doing.
claiming victories and—but how can you And you asked about Iran? What did you
claim victory when at one time you were a
state within a state, safe within southern Leb say about them? My answer was too long to
anon, and now you're going to be replaced remember the third part of your multipart
by a Lebanese army and an international question.
force? And that's what we're now working
on, is to get the international force in south Syria and Iran/Sponsorship of Hizballah
ern Lebanon.
None of this would have happened, by the Q. I'm sorry. How can the international
way, had we–had 1559, U.N. Resolution force or the United States, if necessary, pre
1559 been fully implemented. Now is the vent Iran from resupplying Hizballah?
time to get it implemented. And it's going The President. The first step is and part
to take a lot of work, no question about it. of the mandate in the U.N. resolution was
And no question that it's a different kind of to secure Syria's borders. Iran is able to ship
war than people are used to seeing. We're weapons to Hizballah through Syria. Sec- ...
fighting the same kind of war. We don't fight ondly is to deal is to help seal off the ports -
the armies of nation-states; we fight terrorists around Lebanon. In other words, there's—
who kill innocent people to achieve political part of the mandate and part of the mission
objectives. And it's a hard fight. It requires of the troops, the UNIFIL troops will be to
different tactics, and it requires solid will seal off the Syrian border.
from those of us who understand the stakes.
The world got to see what it means to con But, as well, there's a diplomatic mission
front terrorism. I mean, it's the challenge of that needs to be accomplished. In other
the 21st century. The fight against terror, a words, the world must now recognize that
group of ideologs, by the way, who use terror it's Iranian sponsorship of Hizballah that ex
to achieve an objective—this is the challenge. acerbated the situation in the Middle East.
And that's why, in my remarks, I spoke about People are greatly concerned about the loss
the need for those of us who understand the of innocent life, as are the Americans—
blessings of liberty to help liberty prevail in American people. We care deeply about that,
the Middle East. And the fundamental ques the fact that innocents lost their life. But it's
tion is, can it? And my answer is, absolutely; very important to remember how this all hap
it can.
I believe that universal—that freedom is
pened. And Hizballah has been emboldened
because of its state sponsors. I know they
a universal value. And by that I mean, I be claim they didn't have anything to do with
lieve people want to be free. One way to put it, but sophisticated weaponry ended up in
it is, I believe mothers around the world want
the hands of Hizballah fighters, and many
to raise their children in a peaceful world. assume and many believe that that weaponry
That's what I believe. And I believe that peo came from Iran through Syria.
ple want to be free to express themselves and
free to worship the way they want to. And And so the task is more than just helping
if you believe that, then you've got to have the Siniora Government; the task is also
hope that, ultimately, freedom will prevail. and the task is not just America's alone; the
But it's incredibly hard work, because there task is the world's-and that is to continually
are terrorists who kill innocent people to stop remind the Iranians of their obligations, their
the advance of liberty. And that's the chal obligations not to develop a nuclear weapons
lenge of the 21st century. program, their obligations not to foster ter
And the fundamental question for this rorism and promote terrorism.
country is, do we understand the stakes and
the challenge, and are we willing to support And we'll continue working with our part
reformers and young democracies, and are ners to do that, just that.
we willing to confront terror and those who Yes, Michael [Michael Allen, Time].
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 14 1461

Prevention of Terrorist Attacks in the the right to defend herself, has a right to try
United Kingdom/Security Measures to suppress that kind of fire. And that's how
I read the resolution. And that's how Ms.
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Until the
Rice reads the resolution.
other day, few Americans thought about liq
uld explosives when they got on a plane. Yes, Bill [Bill Plante, CBS News].
What are the other emerging or evolving
threats to the homeland that are most on
your mind? That is, what else needs to be United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1701
hardened as convincingly as cockpits have
been hardened?
The President. Michael, we will take the Q. Mr. President, to much of the rest of
actions that are necessary based upon the in the world, the United States appeared to tol
telligence we gather. And obviously, if we erate the bloodshed and ongoing fighting for
find out that terrorist groups are planning a long time before assertively stepping in,
and plotting against our citizens—or any and in the process, perhaps earned the fur
other citizens, for that matter—we will notify ther enmity of a lot of people in the rest
the proper authorities and the people them of the world, particularly the Arab and Mus
selves of actions that we're taking. lim world. What is your thought about that?
Uncovering this terrorist plot was accom
plished through the hard and good work of The President. My thought is that, first
British authorities as well as our folks. And of all, we, from the beginning, urged caution
on both sides so that innocent life would be
the coordination was very strong, and the co
operation, interagency and with the Brits, protected. And secondly, I think most leaders
was really good. And I congratulate the Blair around the world would give Condoleezza
Government and the hard-working folks in Rice and her team great credit for finally get
Great Britain. And, by the way, they're still ting a U.N. resolution passed. We were work
analyzing; they're still dealing with potential ing hard on a U.N. resolution pretty quickly,
threats. And I want to thank our folks too. and it can be a painful process; diplomacy
It was a really good effort. can be a painful process. And it took a while
But my point to you is that if we find out to get the resolution done. But most objec
or if we believe that the terrorists will strike tive observers would give the United States
using a certain type of weapon or tactic, we credit for helping to lead the effort to get
will take the necessary precautions, just like a resolution that addressed the root cause of
we did when it came to liquids on airplanes. the problem. Of course, we could have got
Okay. Yes. a resolution right off the bat that didn't ad
Israel dress the root cause. Everybody would have
felt better for a quick period of time, and
Q. The U.N. resolution says that Israel then the violence would have erupted again.
must stop all offensive action. What do you
view as defensive action? If Hizballah And our hope is that this series of resolu
The President. Somebody shoots at an tions that gets passed gets after the root
Israeli soldier. cause. We want peace, Bill. We're not inter
Q. They can respond in what way? ested in process; what we want is results. And
The President. Absolutely. so—look, America gets accused of all kinds
Q. Any way Israel responds to that, if they of things. I understand that. But if people
start another ground offensive, that is all de analyze the facts, they were to find two
things: One, we urged caution; and two, sec
The President. I'm not going to-I keep ondly, that we worked on a diplomatic proc
getting asked a lot about Israel's military de ess that we believe has got the best chance
cisions, and we don't advise Israel on its mili of achieving a long-term objective, which is
tary options. But as far as I'm concerned, if peace.
somebody shoots at an Israeli soldier, tries
to kill a soldier from Israel, then Israel has Final question, then I got to go.
1462 Aug. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Homeland Security/Prevention of Washington would like to dismantle. That’s
Terrorist Attacks in the United Kingdom why we passed the PATRIOT Act, to give
Q. Mr. President, 4 days later, now do you our folks the tools necessary to be able to
believe that the U.K. terror plot was devel defend America. The lessons of the past
oped by Al Qaida leaders? Do you believe week is that there's still a war on terror going
that there are terror cells operating within on, and there's still individuals that would
the U.S.? And along with Nº. question, like to kill innocent Americans to achieve po
what do you say to critics who say there are litical objectives. That's the lesson. And the
giant loopholes in homeland security? lesson for those of us in Washington, DC.
The President. Well, first I would say is to set aside politics and give our people
that—I don't know the loophole question. the tools necessary to protect the American
Maybe you can give me some specific loop people.
holes. But it sounded like to me Homeland Thank you.
Security did a good job, along with intel
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:40 p.m. at the
ligence services and FBI, in working with the State Department. In his remarks, he referred to
British to shut down a major plot that could Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel; President
have killed Americans. Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian
First part of the question? That's what Authority; Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of Leb
happens when you get 60. anon; and Prime Minister Tony Blair of the
Q. Do you believe the terror plot was de United Kingdom.
veloped by Al Qaida leaders?
The President. We certainly—I stand by
the statements that initially came out of Remarks Following a Meeting With
Chertoff, which was, it sure looks like it. It the Counterterrorism Team in
looks like something Al Qaida would do. But McLean, Virginia
before we actually claim Al Qaida, we want August 15, 2006
to make sure that we have—we could prove
it to you. Of course, the minute I say it's It's been my honor to be here at the
Al Qaida, then you're going to step up and NCTC. A couple of observations: One, that
say, prove it. So therefore, I'm not going to because of the work being done here by some
say it until we have absolute proof. But it really fine Americans from different agencies
looks like the kind of thing Al Qaida would in our Government, America is safer than it
do, and has been. But it's not yet safe. The enemy
Q. As far as terrorist cells inside the U.S.” has got an advantage when it comes to attack
The President. Any time we get a hint ing our homeland—they've got to be right
that there might be a terrorist cell in the one time, and we've got to be right 100 per
United States, we move on it. And we're lis cent of the time to protect the American peo
tening; we're looking. And one thing that's ple.
important is for us to make sure that those I'm proud to report that there's a lot of
people who are trying to disrupt terrorist good folks that are working hard to see to
cells in the United States have the tools nec it that we're right 100 percent of the time.
essary to do so within the Constitution of the And I want to thank all the people in this
United States, see. building and around our Government who
One of the things we better make sure is, spend an incredible amount of time and en
we better not call upon the Federal Govern ergy and effort to do a very difficult job, and
ment and people on the frontlines of fighting that's to protect the American people.
terror to do their job and disrupt cells with Recently we saw the fruits of their labor
out giving people the necessary tools to dis in conjunction with their counterparts in
rupt terrorist plots before they strike. And Great Britain. Because of the good work in
that's what we're doing here in this Govern Great Britain, and because of the help of the
ment. people there at NCTC, we disrupted a terror
And that's why the terrorist surveillance plot, a plot where people were willing to kill
program exists, a program that some in innocent life to achieve political objectives.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 16 1463

And that plot is—and this building and the correlation between exports and jobs. In
work going on here really is indicative of the other words, the more Harleys that are sold
challenge we face, not only this week but this in a place like Vietnam or China or India,
year and the years to come, because the the more likely it is somebody is going to
United States of America is engaged in a war be able to find work.
against a extremist group of folks bound to And so we talked about that. We also
gether by an ideology, willing to use terror talked about the fact that one reason this
to achieve their objectives. company is successful is that they invest a
Our most solemn duty in the Federal Gov lot in technologies and that there is a part
ernment is to protect the American people, of our Tax Code that encourages investment,
and I will assure the American people that called the research and development tax
were doing everything in our power to pro credit. And I assured them that when I said
tect you. And we've got some good assets, I'm for it being permanent, I meant I was
and the best asset we have is the people, peo for it being permanent. We hope Congress
ple represented right here in this building. makes the research and development tax
So I've come to listen and learn and to credit a permanent part of the Tax Code.
look at reforms that have been put in place. That encourages folks here at Harley to make
And I've also come to thank the good people new investments; it means that the workforce
who work here and elsewhere in our Govern
becomes more productive; it means that the
ment for doing what they are doing. product is more likely to be able to compete.
Thank you very much. And so I come away from this plant with
NoTE: The President spoke at noon at the Na
a lot of very positive impressions, and it is
tional Counterterrorism Center. a joy to be here. And again I want to thank
you all for opening up your facility, and thank
the good folks there on the line for being—
Remarks at Harley-Davidson Vehicle for greeting me in such a warm fashion.
Operations in York, Pennsylvania Thank you all.
August 16, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:55 p.m.
I want to thank the folks here at the Harley
º for their wonderful hospitality. I've
Remarks at a Reception for
n impressed by Harley-Davidsons. It's
Gubernatorial Candidate Lynn C.
one of America's finest products. And today
I add to my impressions about the product Swann in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
with the impressions of the workforce. I August 16, 2006
was really enjoyed walking the floor and
shaking hands with the people who work Thank you all for coming. Thanks for being
here. I'm impressed by the esprit de corps; here. The people of Pennsylvania know that
I'm impressed by the fact that these people when you draft Lynn Swann—[laughter]—
really enjoy what they're doing; I'm im you get a man who performs. I am proud
pressed by the fact that they're impressed to be here with the next Governor of the
by the product they make. great State of Pennsylvania, Lynn Swann. I
One of the things we talked about with know something about being a Governor.
some of the employees here and some of the Here's what you need. You need somebody
management was the need for Government who tells the truth, somebody who sets the
tº do a couple of things to help them here. people's agenda above political parties,
One is to open up markets around the world somebody who makes decisions based upon
to products like Harley-Davidsons. Harleys principle, not based upon polls or focus
get shut out of certain markets, like other groups, somebody who doesn't go around the
American products. And it makes sense that State trying to become everybody's friend,
if you're making something people want but somebody who goes around the State to
around the world, that we ought to work hard try to improve the lives of the people of the
"Open up those markets. There's a direct State. And there's no doubt in my mind that
1464 Aug. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Lynn Swann has got the characteristics nec And so when you're voting for a candidate,
essary to be a great Governor of this impor you're really voting for a family as well.
tant State. And I like people who put their families
And I'm proud to be here with Lynn and ahead of all else in life. I like people who
Jim Matthews. You know, one of the inter prioritize. I think it's going to be good for
this State to have a Governor who sets the
esting things—I'll never forget; one time I
was campaigning for my dad in the sixties right priorities. It starts with faith and family,
in Texas. And I went to a county courthouse and then you can get into politics.
on his behalf, and it was empty. It turns out I'm proud to be here with Congressman
he was a Republican, and they were all Joe Pitts. Joe, thank you for serving the dis
Democrats. [Laughter. It was my first lesson trict with distinction. I'm glad you're here.
of how important it is to stay in touch with I appreciate you being here.
the people who run the counties. You see, I just came from the district next door,
really good politicians and smart people un where they put me on a Harley-Davidson.
derstand that county politics is where you |Laughter. It was a static display—[laugh
find the pulse of the people and where you're ter]—fortunately. [Laughter] But that dis
able to do your best work. And so it's a smart trict is also represented by a person of dignity
and character, and that's Todd Platts. Con
thing that Lynn Swann asked Jim Matthews,
a man who understands the county Structure gressman, thanks for coming.
in Pennsylvania, to run on his ticket. You've The attorney general—you're going to
got vision and you've got experience side by need to have a good attorney general by your
side, Governor, and you got one in Tom
side, which makes a powerful ticket for the Corbett. Thanks for coming, General.
people of Pennsylvania. I want to thank Rob Gleason and Bob
I just had my picture taken with some of Asher and all who else are involved with
you, and about every fourth person said, party politics. I want to thank those of you
“Where's Laura” [Laughter] What they're who have given of your hard-earned money
really saying, “How come you didn't send
to help these folks. You can't run unless the
Laura and you stay at home?” [Laughter people are willing to contribute. That's just
Laura sends her love to the Swanns. She is
the way it is. And the fact that Lynn and
very fond of Lynn and Charena. She respects Jim have raised so much money tonight is
them like I respect them. These are noble, a good sign. I want to thank you for those
decent people. They don't have to be running of you who have helped organize this event,
for politics, see. They can be sitting, doing and thank you for giving of your money. It
a lot of other things—watching a football really means a lot to them. I know. I speak
game, talking on TV—[laughter—helping with firsthand experience how much it means
people help themselves. They're great, chari to have people willing to contribute.
table people. They've got big hearts. But in And now you need to contribute your time.
stead, they've decided to serve a State they You need to go to your coffee shops and your
love and a people they love. So Laura stands community centers and your houses of wor
with me in saying to the people of Pennsyl ship, and you need to talk to your friends
vania, you've got two really fine people in and neighbors and let them know the quality
Lynn and Charena. Put them in office, and of the people that are seeking their vote. You
you'll be proud of the job they'll do for you. need to let them know that these two good
It's good to meet Lynn's sons and Jim's men will do a fine job for the people of Penn
sons. There's nothing better than having a sylvania. Getting ready—coming down the
family by your side when you're running for stretch here pretty soon, going to need you
office. This is a big State you got here, and to put up the signs and lick the envelopes
it takes a lot of work. And these candidates and make the phone calls and knock on the
are going to do the work necessary to get doors. They need your help. They'll work
elected. I know they'll work hard. There's hard, but they can't win alone. And so it's
nothing better to-coming home to some one thing to give of your money, and now
body you care for after a hard day's work. I hope you give of your time when they're
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 16 1465

coming down the stretch—because they can lems you have when it comes to owning your
win this race. And when they do, Pennsyl home, and I'll do everything I can to cut your
vania will be better for it. property taxes as well.”
Not only do you have to have the character I used to tell people this: Education is to
to serve in office, but you have to run for a State what national defense is to the Fed
a reason. There's got to be a compelling rea eral Government. Education must be the
son why you seek the vote, and Lynn Swann number-one priority of your Governor. And
has got compelling reasons why he'll be a it is the number-one priority for Lynn Swann.
good Governor for the State of Pennsylvania. See, one of the reasons he's decided to run
It starts with his philosophy about the role is because he's concerned about an education
of government in the economy. He under system that's not educating every child. Sure,
stands that governments don't create wealth, it educates some children, but we want an
that governments create an environment in education system to educate every child, and
which the entrepreneur can flourish or which here's our vision of how it's done.
the small-business owner can grow bigger or First, you must have leadership that sets
which a person can realize their dreams by high standards. It's amazing what happens
creating their own company. That's the kind when you have low standards. Guess what
of Governor you want. You want a Governor happens? You get low results. It's what I call
who understands entrepreneurship; a Gov the soft bigotry of low expectations. If you
emor, when the small-business person looks don't have high standards, you get lousy re
out and says, “That person mº my sults, particularly in some neighborhoods.
needs, and he understands my concerns.” And that's unacceptable to a person like
And that means you have to have a Governor Lynn Swann and me.
who is willing to cut the taxes on the people, Secondly, you measure. You say to some
creating the jobs and doing the work. body, “Are you achieving the results I ex
He said, “I know how to prioritize a budg pect?” There's a justified role for that, as far
et." If you don't prioritize in State govern as I'm concerned, in government. The Fed
ment or Federal Government, they'll figure eral Government spends a lot of money,
out how to spend every single dime that they about 7 percent of the education budget,
raise from you. But if you can get somebody around the country. I've said, since we're
to prioritize, that leaves money for you—to spending 7 percent, we'd like to see the re
stay in your pocket. See, that's how you end sults for the money we spent. Lynn Swann
up cutting the taxes. You say, “Here's my pri says the same thing. He understands the pri
orities; here's what I think is essential,” and mary driver of education in Pennsylvania is
then with the money left over—since I recog the State. Therefore, he has got a legitimate
nize it's your money, you get to keep it. It's right to say to the educators, “We like what
amazing what happens to the economy when you do; we stand squarely with you, but
you cut the taxes on the people who work. please show us whether or not a child can
I know him well enough to say to the people read or write and add and subtract early, be
of Pennsylvania, when he says he's going to fore it's too late.”
cut the taxes by a billion dollars, you can take There's a pitiful practice in some schools
it to the bank. that say, “You're too hard to educate; we're
You know, one of the issues that hurts peo just going to shuffle you through.” It may
ple a lot is property taxes. People struggle be the color of somebody's skin or some
to own their own home. One of the things body's demographics that says to somebody,
we stand for is ownership. We love it when “We’re just going to quit on you.” That's not
somebody opens the door to the place they right. It's not good for Pennsylvania. It's not
we and says, “Welcome to my home; this good for the United States. You need to have
is my piece of property.” We stand strong a Governor who'll set high standards and
for the ownership society. It's harder to own hold people to account. And when you find
a home when your property taxes are going people learning to read, write, and add and
"p too
tº high.
high. It's good to
its good to re somebody
have run
Sv. iv. iv. 3 “. subtract, you say, thank you for what you're
1466 Aug. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

status quo so no child is left behind in Amer government, is to do everything we can to

secure the homeland to protect the people.
I like his education plan. It's well-thought That's my most important job now, and it’s
out. It makes a lot of sense. But most impor the most important job of a lot of other peo
tantly, it's going to deliver the results for the ple too.
families of Pennsylvania. And it doesn't mat I learned that we face an enemy that
ter whether you're Republican or Democrat knows no bounds of cruelty. I understand the
or independent; these are results that affect nature of this enemy. This is an enemy that
all children. And that's the kind of Governor
has an ideology. Some people say, well, this
you need. may be a law enforcement matter. No, these
One of the things I learned when I cam are people that are politically driven. They've
paigned here was that you had a problem got motives. They do not believe in freedom.
with your doctors—like, a real problem. As They don't believe in freedom of religion;
a matter of fact, I was deeply concerned they don't believe in freedom of dissent; they
when I sat down at these roundtables with
don't believe in women's rights. They have
ob-gyns to find out what it's like to try to a backward view of the world. And yet they
practice medicine in the State of Pennsyl want to impose their vision on other people.
vania. You can't have good quality of life if That's what they're trying to do. And the
you can't find good docs. And the truth of United States of America must never retreat
the matter is, many of your doctors are leav and let them have their way.
ing the State or quitting practice because of This is a different kind of war. Veterans
the junk and frivolous lawsuits. of World War II and Korea would tell you,
Now, I understand something, that these we were able to measure progress based
trial lawyers are strong politically. They're
tough, and that's why you need a tough Gov upon miles gained or based upon tanks de
ernor to stare them down and say, for the stroyed, or however people measured war in
sake of good medical care, for the sake of those days. This is different. We're facing
availability and affordability of medicine, people with an ideology but without a nation
we've got to end these frivolous and junk law state. Sometimes they have people sponsor
suits that are hurting the people of Pennsyl them and help them, but this is not a nation
state. It's a different kind of conflict. And

Now, he's got the right platform. He's run it's hard on the American people, and I un
derstand that. But we shouldn't let the dif
ning on the right issues, and he's running
for the right reason. He's a fellow that doesn't ficulties of facing this war force us to retreat
need to say, “I try to make myself feel better from the world. If your most important re
by being Governor.” He's had plenty of acco sponsibility is to protect the American peo
lades—[laughter—just ask the Dallas Cow ple, the best way to do so is to stay on the
boy fans. [Laughter] See, he's not running offense and bring these people to justice be
for his ego. He's running because: he wants fore they hurt us again.
to serve the people of this State, and he's A different kind of war requires a different
got a platform that makes a lot of sense. And kind of approach. It means we better have
I'm proud to help him. I'm proud to help good intelligence in order to be able to figure
him. And I know you are as well. out the designs of the enemy before they
You know, we're living in historic times. strike. Just last week, we had good intel
These are difficult times for the American ligence in working with our partners in Great
people because we're in a war. We're in a Britain to disrupt a plot. I know it's hard for
war we did not ask for but in a war that we Americans to believe this, but the enemy that
must wage and win for the sake of our future attacked us before has got people that want
generation of children. Much of my thinking to act like them, are maybe taking instruction
about the world changed on September the from-I can't tell you whether this plot we
11th. I recognized on that day that we face disrupted was Al Qaida. I'm not going to say
a threat and that the responsibility of the that unless I'm certain it was. But it's the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 16 1467

the past, and that is to place suiciders on air United States of America? If we leave before
planes to destroy innocent life, trying to the mission is complete, if we withdraw, the
shake the will of the United States, trying enemy will follow us home.
to send a political message. By defeating the enemy in Iraq, jihadists
And so we've got to use new tactics, new who try to spread sectarian violence through
efforts,new assets to protect ourselves brutal suicide bombings, jihadists who have
against an enemy that will strike us at any declared openly that their mission is to con
moment. This war on terror is more than just vert that country into a safe haven for them
chasing down people hiding in caves or pre to launch attacks—when we defeat them,
venting people from getting on airplanes to there will be a major defeat for the terrorists.
blow them up; the war on terror is fought It will strengthen the spread of democracy
in many theaters, and the central front in the in the Middle East.
war on terror now is Iraq. I say it's the central Look, our strategy is this: We will stay on
front because that's what the enemy them the offense—and we are. Any time we get
selves have said, that they want to drive us a hint that somebody is going to hurt us, we
from the region—that they view it as the cen respond. And we're keeping the pressure on
tral front as well. They've got objectives in the enemy. By the way, anybody who follows
Iraq. They want the United States to suffer me should always understand, you must keep
a defeat in Iraq. They want us to retreat from the pressure on the enemy; otherwise, they
Iraq. They want to create such havoc on our will put the pressure on us. They still exist.
TV screens by killing innocent people that It's important to understand this is a global
the American people finally say, we've had war on terror, not an isolated moment of law
enough—leaving Iraq before the mission is enforcement. This is the first war of the 21st
complete. century, and the United States of America
And the mission is to have a country, a must lead that war. And we must be firm,
free country that can sustain itself and govern and we must be resolved.
itself and defend itself and serve as an ally We will stay on the offense so we don't
in the war on terror in the heart of the Mid have to face them here in the United States
dle East. That's the mission. And they want of America. The way to defeat this enemy
is to leave; they want us to cut and run. And in the long term is to defeat their hateful
there's some good people in our country who ideology with a hopeful ideology; is for the
believe we should cut and run. They're not United States of America to understand the
bad people when they say that; they're de power of liberty to help transform people's
cent people. I just happen to believe they're lives to the better and the power of liberty
wrong, and they're wrong for this reason: to help spread the peace that we want for
This would be a defeat for the United States our children and our grandchildren.
in a key battleground in the global war on You know, when you have resentment and
terror. It would create a-leaving before we anger, that breeds hatred; that breeds re
complete our mission would create a terrorist cruiting grounds for people to become a
state in the heart of the Middle East, a coun suicider. Imagine the mentality of somebody
try with huge oil reserves that the terrorist willing to kill for an ideology that just
network would be willing to use to extract doesn't—is not hopeful, and yet I believe a
economic pain from those of us who believe lot of that has to do with the fact that parts
in freedom. of the world breed resentment. And I believe
If we were to leave before the mission is that is due in part to the nature of the govern
complete, it would hurt U.S. credibility. Who ments. I believe a system of government that
would want to stand with the United States encourages people to participate and a gov
of America if we didn't complete the mis ernment that says, “We respond to your will.”
sion—and a mission that can be completed is the kind of government that ends up cre
and will be completed? If we cut and run, ating a hopeful alternative to resentment and
if we don't complete the mission, what would hatred.
ºut say to those brave men and women who Our foreign policy in the past in the Mid
1468 Aug. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

let us not care what the form of government It's interesting, isn't it, that the Prime Min
is; let's just make sure everything appears sta ister of a country with which we had a mighty
ble. The problem was, that foreign policy war, thousands lost their lives—as a matter
came home on September the 11th, 2001. of fact, it took us, I don't know how long,
It didn't work. What looked placid, what a decade or so to even get racial slurs out
looked serene, what looked calm was not. Be of our vocabulary because of the enmity that
neath the surface was this deep resentment arose as a result of fighting the Japanese. We
brewing that caused people to come and kill couldn't stand them, and they couldn't stand
3,000 of our fellow citizens. The best way us. And yet 60 years after the end of World
to defeat this enemy in the long run is to War II, George W. Bush flies on the airplane
spread liberty, is to give people the hope of with Junichiro Koizumi to go to Elvis' place.
freedom. |Laughter! And we didn't spend much time
Isn't it interesting today that the most vio talking about Elvis's place on the way down;
lent parts of the world are where young de we talked about the peace. Isn't that inter
mocracies are trying to take root? Isn't it in esting? A former enemy, the sworn enemy
of the United States, the leader of that coun
teresting that Hizballah would attack Israel,
a democracy in the heart of the Middle East, try now sat down with the President of the
try to destabilize the Middle East so that United States doing something that our fore
Lebanon doesn't get to be a strong democ fathers could not have possibly imagined—
racy, and starts to try to turn the world that we talked about the peace.
against Israel? Isn't it interesting that the Something happened between World War
young democracy of Iraq is the place where II and today, and what happened was, Japan
the enemy is trying to stop the progress? That adopted a Japanese-style democracy. Some
should tell the American people the fol thing nobody would have thought as possible
after World War II, except for Harry S. Tru
lowing things. One, we face an enemy that man and some other people that had great
has an ideology that can't stand freedom; and faith in the desire for people to live in free
secondly, as freedom progresses, it changes dom and in the capacity to change—for free
the world for the better. Otherwise, the
dom to change an enemy into an ally.
enemy wouldn't be trying to stop it. Someday, an American President will be
And so in the long term, the United States sitting down talking to a duly elected leader
of America must take the lead in spreading of Iraq, talking about how to keep the peace.
liberty. And we've got to have great con And our children will be better off.
fidence that it will work. I believe there's an
The stakes are high. But I clearly see
Almighty, and I believe in the heart and soul where we need to go. And the stakes are high
of everybody is the gift of freedom from that in Pennsylvania, and Lynn Swann clearly sees
Almighty. I believe Muslim women, Hindu where the State needs to go. You can't lead
women, Christian women, Jewish WOInen
unless you see the end result. You've got a
want their children to grow up in peace and man who has got the vision. He's got the
hope. I believe there is the universality of skills necessary to lead toward that vision.
freedom, and I know it works. He's the right man for the job. I'm honored
You might remember, I recently went to be with him.
down to Graceland—that's Elvis's place— I want to thank you all for supporting Lynn
with the Prime Minister of Japan. Wasn't that Swann and Jim Matthews. God bless you all,
interesting? [Laughter] I thought it was. and God bless America.
|Laughter] More importantly, my guest
thought it was. He was an Elvis fan. I bet
you, in 1949, 1950, if somebody had stood NOTE: The President spoke at 5:18 p.m. at the
Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center.
up and said, “You know, I bet one of these In his remarks, he referred to Jim Matthews, can
days an American President is going to take didate for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania:
the Japanese Prime Minister to visit the
Robert A. Gleason, Jr., chairman, Republican
heartland.” thovº, have said, “Man, vou are
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 17 1469

National Committee; and Prime Minister tions to their employees and their retirees.
Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. Yet, some businesses are not putting away
the cash they need to fund the pensions they
promised to their workers. These companies
Remarks on Signing the Pension get into financial trouble and go bankrupt:
Protection Act of 2006
their underfunded pension plans can leave
some retirees with checks much smaller than
August 17, 2006
the ones they were promised.
Thank you. Please be seated. Thanks. Wel The Federal Government has created an
come to the White House. We're glad you're insurance system for businesses offering pri
here. In a few moments, I will have the honor vate pensions, and that insurance is funded
of signing the most sweeping reform of by premiums collected from these employ
America's pension laws in over 30 years, the ers. When some businesses fail to fund their
Pension Protection Act of 2006. And we wel pension plans and are unable to meet their
come you here to witness the signing. obligations to their employees, it puts a strain
Americans who spend a lifetime working on the entire system.
hard should be confident that their pensions And if there's not enough money in the
will be there when they retire. Last year, I system to cover all the extra costs, American
asked Congress to strengthen protections for taxpayers could be called on to make up the
the pensions of our workers. Members of shortfall. Every American has an interest in
both parties came together to pass a good seeing this system fixed, whether you're a
bill that will improve our pension system, worker at a company with an underfunded
while expanding opportunities for Americans pension or a taxpayer who might get stuck
to build their own nest eggs for retirement. with the bill.
And I'm really pleased to sign this bill into The Pension Protection Act of 2006 will
law. help shore up our pension insurance system
I want to thank two members of my— in several key ways. It requires companies
three members of my Cabinet who have who underfund their pension plans to pay
joined us today: Secretary of Treasury Hank additional premiums. It extends the require
Paulson, Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, ment that companies that terminate their
and the Director of the OMB Rob Portman. pensions must provide extra funding for the
As an aside, while Portman served in Con system. This legislation insists that companies
gress, he was the principal author of some measure their obligations of their pension
of the important provisions of this bill. plans more accurately. It closes loopholes
I also want to welcome Members of the that allow underfunded plans to skip pension
United States Senate and the House of Rep payments. It raises caps on the amount that
resentatives here. I welcome Senator Mike employers can put into their pension plans
Enzi, who is the chairman of the Health, so they can add more money during good
Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. times and build up a cushion that can keep
| welcome Senator Blanche Lincoln from Ar pensions solvent in lean times.
kansas. I welcome Congressman John Finally, this legislation prevents companies
Boehner, House Majority Leader, who was with underfunded pension plans from
instrumental in getting this bill passed; along digging the hole deeper by promising extra
with Buck McKeon, who's the chairman of benefits to their workers without paying for
the Education and Workforce Committee; those promises up front. The problem of un
Congressman Bill Thomas, chairman of the derfunded pensions will not be eliminated
Ways and Means Committee: Congressman overnight. This bill establishes sound stand
John Kline of Minnesota. Thank you all for ards for pension funding, yet in the end, the
coming. Thanks for coming back from your primary responsibility rests with employers
vacations. to fund the pension promises as soon as they
Many Americans work for private compa Can.
nies that offer traditional pensions, and most The message from this administration,
of those companies are meeting their obliga from those of us up here today, is this: You
1470 Aug. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

should keep the promises you make to your to do our duty. I'm going to continue to work
workers. If you offer a private pension plan with the Congress and call on the Congress
to your employees, you have a duty to set to work with the administration to reform
aside enough money now so your workers these programs so we can ensure a secure
will get what they've been promised when retirement for all Americans.
they retire. Today we've taken an important step to
In addition to reforming the laws gov ward ensuring greater retirement security for
erning traditional private pensions, the bill millions of American workers. I want to
I signed today also contains provisions to help thank the House and the Senate for their
workers who save for retirement through de good work on this vital legislation. It's been
fined contribution plans like IRAs and hard work. It took a lot of pages to write
401(k)s. These savings plans are helping that bill, as you can see. [Laughter] But the
Americans build a society of ownership and Members did good work, and now I'd ask
financial independence. them to join me as I sign into law the Pension
And this legislation will make it easier for Protection Act of 2006.
workers to participate in these plans. It will
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:13 p.m. in Room
remove barriers that prevent companies from 450 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Of
automatically enrolling their employees in fice Building. H.R. 4, approved August 17, was
these savings plans, ensure that workers have assigned Public Law No. 109–280.
more information about the performance of
their accounts, provide greater access to pro
fessional advice about investing safely for re Statement on Signing the Pension
tirement, and give workers greater control Protection Act of 2006
over how their accounts are invested.
August 17, 2006
Finally, this bill makes permanent the
higher contribution limits for IRAs and Today I have signed into law H.R. 4, the
401(k)s that we passed in 2001, and that will “Pension Protection Act of 2006.” This legis
enable more workers to build larger nest eggs lation strengthens the pension insurance sys
for retirement. tem and ensures that workers will receive
To ensure more secure retirement for all better information about their pension plans.
Americans, we've got more work to do. We The legislation makes permanent the deduct
must also prepare for the impact of the baby ible limits for contributions to Individual Re
boomer generation's retirement, and what tirement Accounts and 401(k) plans, encour
that impact will have on Federal entitlement ages employers to automatically enroll work
programs like Social Security and Medicare. ers in 401(k) plans, and expands workers' ac
As more baby boomers stop contributing cess to investment advice.
payroll taxes and start collecting benefits— The executive branch shall construe sec
people like me—it will create an enormous tions 221(a) and 1632(b)(1) of the Act, which
strain on our programs. Entitlement pro call for the submission of legislative rec
grams are projected to grow faster than the ommendations to the Congress, in a manner
economy, faster than the population, and consistent with the constitutional authority of
faster than the rate of inflation. If we fail the President to supervise the unitary execu
to act, spending on Social Security and Medi tive branch and to recommend for the con
care and Medicaid will be almost 60 percent sideration of the Congress such measures as
of the entire Federal budget in the year 2030. the President shall judge necessary and expe
And that's going to leave future generations dient.
with impossible choices: staggering tax in Section 1634(e) purports to require the
creases, immense deficits, or deep cuts in United States Trade Representative to sub
benefits. mit to congressional committees the contents
We have an obligation to confront this of the negotiating positions of the United
problem now. The Secretary of Treasury un States and foreign countries in certain inter
derstands what I'm telling the Congress: national trade negotiations. The executive
Now is the time to move; now is the time branch shall construe section 1634(e) in a
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug 18 1471

manner consistent with the President's con Federal Register and to notify the Congress
stitutional authority to conduct the Nation's of this determination.
foreign affairs including negotiations with
foreign countries, supervise the unitary exec George W. Bush
utive branch, and to withhold information
the disclosure of which could impair foreign
relations, national security, the deliberative Remarks Following a Meeting With
processes of the Executive, or the perform Economic Advisers and an Exchange
ance of the Executive's constitutional duties. With Reporters at Camp David,
George W. Bush August 18, 2006
The White House,
The President. Thank you all for coming.
August 17, 2006. We've just finished a really informative meet
ing with my economic team. I want to thank
NoTE: H.R. 4, approved August 17, was assigned them for their service to the country. I'm
Public Law No. 109–280. really proud to be serving the American peo
ple alongside them. I've put together a really
Presidential Determination on
good team of people; smart, capable, decent,
honorable people who are serving America
Continuation of United States Drug with great distinction.
Interdiction Assistance to the We discussed the state of the economy.
Government of Colombia We discussed where our economy is headed,
August 17, 2006 and we discussed the steps that we're going
to take to ensure that our economy continues
Presidential Determination No. 2006–19 to lead the world. The foundation of our
economy is solid, and it's strong. Because of
Memorandum for the Secretary of State, the the tax cuts we passed, American workers
Secretary of Defense and families and small businesses are keeping
more of the money they earn. And they're
Subject: Presidential Determination on using that money to drive this economy of
Continuation of U.S. Drug Interdiction ours forward.
Assistance to the Government of Colombia
The economy grew at 4 percent annual
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by rate during the first half of 2006, and this
section 1012 of the National Defense Au means that our economy is maintaining solid
thorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995, as growth and performing in line with expecta
amended (22 U.S.C. 2291–4), I hereby cer tions. Our solid economic growth is creating
tify, with respect to Colombia, that: (1) inter real benefits for American workers and fami
diction of aircraft reasonably suspected to be lies and entrepreneurs. Since August 2003,
primarily engaged in illicit drug trafficking we've added more than 5.5 million new jobs.
in that country's airspace is necessary be The unemployment rate is 4.8 percent. Pro
cause of the extraordinary threat posed by ductivity growth is strong. Behind the num
illicit drug trafficking to the national security bers are stories of hard-working Americans
of that country; and (2) that country has ap who are realizing their dreams. The entre
propriate procedures in place to protect preneurial spirit in this country is strong, and
against innocent loss of |. in the air and that's good for America.
on the ground in connection with such inter You know, in Miami a couple of weeks
diction, which shall at a minimum include ago—and I met a fellow named Nelson Gon
effective means to identify and warn an air zalez. Ten years ago, he and a friend started
craft before the use of force is directed a computer business in a garage with
against the aircraft. $10,000. Their revenues are $192 million
The Secretary of State is authorized and today. They employ about 750 people around
directed to publish this determination in the the world.
1472 Aug. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

I visited a fellow in Wisconsin named John Competitiveness Initiative to make sure this
West. He runs a manufacturing company. country remains the economic leader we
Over the past 2 years, John's factory has ex want it to be.
panded from 65 employees to 90 employees. And we also talked about the need for this
He told me he's receiving more orders than administration to work with Congress to real
he can fill, and he's looking for more workers. ly deal with the biggest challenge facing our
The other day I went to York, Pennsyl budget and a huge challenge for our eco
vania, to visit the Harley-Davidson plant. nomic growth in the future, and that is the
They're selling motorcycles all over the unsustainable growth of spending on pro
world. Harley has doubled its workforce in grams like Social Security, Medicare, and
the past decade. In other words, things are Medicaid. These programs need to be re
good for American workers and good for the formed so that they will be available for our
entrepreneurs, and that's good for the coun children and our grandchildren. It's a dif
try. ficult issue, I know, for Members of Con
The economic growth has had a positive gress. The people here with me clearly see
impact on the budget, and that's good for the problem, and we look forward to working
the taxpayers. Last year, economic growth with both Republicans and Democrats to do
pushed up Federal tax revenues by 14.5 per our duty, and that's to solve the problem.
cent—it's the largest increase in 24 years. All of us here are confident about the fu
This year, tax revenues are projected to in
crease by another 11.4 percent, and at the ture of this country. Over the past 5 years,
same time, we are working with Congress to our economy has faced unprecedented chal
restrain Federal spending. We're meeting lenges, from recession to corporate scandal
to terrorist attack to natural disasters. And
our priorities, and we're restraining Federal
spending. through it all, our free enterprise system has
We recently learned that this year's deficit proved to be the most resilient and respon
sive in the world.
is projected to be 30 percent lower than we
initially thought, and that means we're on With hard work and wise policies, we'll
track to cut the deficit in half by 2008, a full meet every challenge that comes. And in so
year ahead of the original goal. doing, we'll help more Americans realize
their dreams and continue to make this coun
We've got to keep this economy growing
through progrowth economic policies. Taxes try a grand—a land of great opportunities.
need to be kept low. We're working with And now I'll answer a couple of questions.
Congress to restrain spending. Congress Deb |Deb Riechmann, Associated Press],
needs to pass the line-item veto so we can you got any?
work together to cut out wasteful and unnec
essary spending. We're going to work to Situation in the Middle East/United
make sure health care is more affordable for
our businesses and our families. We will con
Nations Security Council Resolution
I 701
tinue to invest in new energy technologies
so we can promote alternative sources of en Q. Mr. President, on Lebanon, how can
ergy and be wise stewards with the environ you say that Hizballah has suffered such a
ment. We'll continue to work to stop the bad defeat when it's rebuilding—helping re
build in southern Lebanon and it remains in
spread of junk lawsuits, and we'll continue
to open up markets for American products. tact? And secondly, are you disappointed at
all about France's decision to scale back its
We also discussed ways to keep this econ
omy of ours competitive, flexible, and dy support of the international force?
namic into the future. We discussed ways to The President. I think when people take
make sure we improve education and job a sober look at what took place in Lebanon,
training. It's really important for our workers they'll realize that the destruction was caused
to have the skills necessary so we can remain by Hizballah. Hizballah caused the crisis. It
a competitive country. It's really important was Hizballah's kidnaping of Israeli soldiers
for Congress to fully fund the American as well as Hizballah's launching rockets that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug 18 1473

caused Israel to defend herself from an ac necessary—that they think is necessary to

tion that the Lebanese Government didn't launch attacks.
support. The issue is broader than just Hizballah.
Hizballah acted as a government within a The issue is also Syria and Iran, two nations
government, and the world came to that rec that supported Hizballah in its attempts to
ognition very quickly. I remember—I don't create enough havoc so that—I guess people
know if you traveled to St. Petersburg with feel like they could take political advantage
us, but one of the first things that happened of the situation; we just can't let them do
in the G–8 after this crisis occurred was that it.
we all sat around the table and came to the
conclusion very quickly, this type of behavior French Role in Lebanon
from a state within a state is intolerable for
Q. But what about France, though?
peace. The President. France has said they'd
The first reaction, of course, of Hizballah send some troops. We hope they send more.
and its supporters is, declare victory. I guess And there's been different signals coming out
I would have done the same thing if I were of France. Yesterday they had a statement.
them. But sometimes it takes people a while Today they had a statement. We're working
to come to the sober realization of what with France. France is a friend. France is
forces create stability and which don't. an ally. France has got a great stake in the
Hizballah is a force of instability. I appreciate future of Lebanon.
the Siniora's Government's efforts to make President Chirac has made it very clear
it clear to the Lebanese people that they are that he believes that democracy in Lebanon
the legitimate Government of Lebanon and is very important—been supportive of the
they will work to rebuild that country. Prime Siniora Government like we have. France
Minister Siniora gave a very—I thought, a and the United States cosponsored 1559.
very interesting speech the other night, and That's the U.N. resolution that was the be
a powerful speech, about how it's now time ginning of the end of Syria's involvement
for the duly elected Government of Lebanon in—or Syria's occupation in Lebanon. So we
to do its duty and help rebuild. And they're have common interests with France, and they
getting help from around the international are a very important part of the international
community to do so. scene and will be a very important player in
Other part of your—oh, the peacekeepers.
Diplomacy takes a while, as you know. You Toby Tabassum Zakaria, Reuters].
watched the unfolding of the U.N. resolution
necessary to get a cease-fire in the first North Korea
place—it took a while. And we will continue Q. Mr. President, are there indications
to work with friends and allies to make it
that North Korea is preparing to conduct its
clear to them, now is the time to address first nuclear bomb test? And if that were to
the root causes of the problem, and that's occur, how would the United States respond?
being Hizballah's state within a state, particu The President. Well, it's a hypothetical
larly in southern Lebanon. And we'll work question, and you're asking me to divulge any
with nations to step up to the plate and do intelligence information I have, and I'm not
what they voted to do at the United Nations, going to do that, as you know. I'm not going
and that is to provide robust international to break tradition.
forces to help the Lebanese Army retake the If North Korea were to conduct a test, it's
just a constant reminder for people in the
Hizballah, they're pretty comfortable there neighborhood, in particular, that North
in south Lebanon. They're now going to find Korea poses a threat. And we expect there
themselves not only that which caused the to be—we expect our friends and those sit
destruction, but they'll find themselves with ting around the table with us to act in such
now a Lebanese army, with U.N. help, mak a manner as to help rid the world of the
ing it clear they won't have the safe haven threat.
1474 Aug. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
War on Terror/Terrorist Surveillance
Digest of Other
Program White House Announcements

Q. Mr. President, the Federal ruling yes The following list includes the President's public
terday that declared your terrorist surveil schedule and other items of general interest an
lance program unconstitutional—the judge nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
wrote that it was never the intent of the not included elsewhere in this issue.

Framers to give the President such unfet

tered control. How do you respond, sir, to August 12
opponents who say that this ruling is really In the morning, at the Bush Ranch in
the first nail in the coffin of your administra Crawford, TX, the President had an intel
tion's legal strategy in the war on terror? ligence briefing.
During the day, the President had a tele
The President. I would say that those who phone conversation with Prime Minister
herald this decision simply do not understand Fuad Siniora of Lebanon to discuss U.N. Se
the nature of the world in which we live. You
curity Council Resolution 1701 to establish
might remember, last week, working with a cease-fire in Lebanon.
the-with people in Great Britain, we dis
August 13
rupted a plot. People were trying to come
and kill people. This country of ours is at In the afternoon, the President returned
war, and we must give those whose responsi to Washington, DC.
bility it is to protect the United States the August 14
tools necessary to protect this country in a In the morning, the President had an intel
time of war.
ligence briefing. Later, he had a telephone
conversation with Prime Minister Romano
The judge's decision was a_I strongly dis Prodi of Italy to discuss the situation in Leb
agree with that decision, strongly disagree. anon. He then traveled to Arlington, VA.
That's why I instructed the Justice Depart In the afternoon, at the Pentagon, the
ment to appeal immediately, and I believe President had a working lunch with experts
our appeals will be upheld. on Iraq. Later, he returned to Washington,
I made my position clear about this war DC. Then, in the Oval Office, he participated
on terror. And by the way, the enemy made in a bill signing ceremony for Public Law
109–272, providing for the Federal acquisi
their position clear yet again when we were tion of the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial
able to stop them. And I–the American peo in San Diego, CA.
ple expect us to protect them, and therefore
I put this program in place. We believe— August 15
strongly believe it's constitutional. In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to
And if Al Qaida is calling in to the United McLean, VA, where, at the National
States, we want to know why they're calling. Counterterrorism Center, he participated in
And so I made my position clear. It would a National Security Council and Homeland
be interesting to see what other policy Security Council briefing.
makers—how other policymakers react. In the afternoon, the President had a
working lunch with counterterrorism and
Listen, thank you all very much. homeland security experts. Later, he met
with his homeland security team. He then
returned to Washington, DC.
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:33 a.m. In his The President declared a major disaster in
remarks, he referred to Prime Minister Fuad Texas and ordered Federal aid to supplement
Siniora of Lebanon; President Jacques Chirac of State and local recovery efforts in the area
France; and U.S. District Court Judge for the struck by flooding beginning July 31 and con
Eastern District of Michigan Anna Diggs Taylor. tinuing.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1475

The President announced his intention to of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, military

appoint John Edward Niederhuber as Direc commanders, and senior military advisers to
tor of the National Cancer Institute at the discuss the war on terror.
Department of Health and Human Services. In the afternoon, the President traveled to
The President announced his intention to Camp David, MD.
appoint Marta Brito Perez as Chief Human In the evening, the President met with his
Capital Officer at the Department of Home economic team.

land Security.
The President announced his intention to August 18
appoint the following individuals as members In the morning, the President had an intel
of the Congressional Executive Commission ligence briefing.
on the People's Republic of China: Chris The White House announced that the
topher R. Hill (At Large Representative); President will welcome President Alan Gar
Franklin L. Lavin (Department of Com cia Perez of Peru to the White House on
merce Representative); and Barry F. October 10.
Lowenkron (State Department Representa
The President announced his intention to
appoint Nancy Davenport as a member of
the National Historical Publications and Nominations
Records Commission. Submitted to the Senate

August 16
In the morning, the President had an intel NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
ligence briefing. Later, he granted pardons Senate during the period covered by this issue.
to 17 individuals.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to
York, PA, where he toured Harley-Davidson
Vehicle Operations. Later, he participated in
aroundtable discussion on the economy with of White House Press Releases
Harley-Davidson managers and workers. He
then participated in an interview with USA
Later in the afternoon, the President trav The following list contains releases of the Office
eled to Lancaster, PA. of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
In the evening, the President returned to Other White House Announcements.
Washington, DC.
The White House announced that the
President will welcome President Roh Moo Released August 14
hyun of South Korea to the White House
on September 14. Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
The President announced that he has retary Tony Snow
named David McCormick as Deputy Assist Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
ant to the President and Deputy National Se that on August 14 the President signed H.R.
curity Adviser for International Economic 5683 and on August 12 the President signed
Affairs. S. 250, H.R. 3682, and S. 3693
The President announced that he has
named Jennifer Christie as Special Assistant Released August 15
to the President for Presidential Personnel.
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
August 17 retary Tony Snow
- In the morning, the President had an intel Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
ligence briefing. Later, he met with Secretary assistance to Texas
1476 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Released August 16 S. 250 / Public Law 109–270

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Edu
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec cation Improvement Act of 2006
retary Tony Snow
S. 3693 / Public Law 109–271
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of
President Roh Moo-hyun of the Republic of To make technical corrections to the Vio
Korea lence Against Women and Department of
Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005
Released August 17
Approved August 14
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow H.R. 56.83 / Public Law 109–272
To preserve the Mt. Soledad Veterans Me
Statement by the Press Secretary on a Fed morial in San Diego, California, by providing
eral judge's ruling on the terrorist surveil for the immediate acquisition of the memo
lance program rial by the United States
Statement by the Press Secretary on U.S. as
sistance to the Government of Colombia Approved August 17
Airbridge Denial Program H.R. 4646 / Public Law 109–273
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing To designate the facility of the United States
that the President signed H.R. 46.46, H.R. Postal Service located at 7320 Reseda Boule
4811, H.R. 4962, H.R. 5104, H.R. 5107, H.R. vard in Reseda, California, as the “Coach
5169, and H.R. 5540 John Wooden Post Office Building”
Fact sheet: The Pension Protection Act of
H.R. 4811 / Public Law 109–274
2006: Ensuring Greater Retirement Security To designate the facility of the United States
for American Workers
Postal Service located at 215 West Industrial
Park Road in Harrison, Arkansas, as the
Released August 18 “John Paul Hammerschmidt Post Office
Transcript of a press briefing by Secretary Building”
of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Direc H.R. 4962 / Public Law 109–275
tor of the Office of Management and Budget
Robert J. Portman, and Chairman of the To designate the facility of the United States
Council of Economic Advisers Edward P. Postal Service located at 100 Pitcher Street

Lazear on the President's meeting with eco in Utica, New York, as the “Captain George
nomic advisers A. Wood Post Office Building”
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by H.R. 5104 / Public Law 109–276
President Alan Garcia of Peru To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 1750 16th Street
South in St. Petersburg, Florida, as the
“Morris W. Milton Post Office”

Acts Approved H.R. 5107 / Public Law 109–277

by the President To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 1400 West Jordan
Street in Pensacola, Florida, as the “Earl D.
Approved August 12 Hutto Post Office Building”
H.R. 3682 / Public Law 109–269 H.R. 5169 / Public Law 109–278
To redesignate the Mason Neck National To designate the facility of the United States
Wildlife Refuge in Virginia as the Elizabeth Postal Service located at 1310 Highway 64
Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Ref NW, in Ramsey, Indiana, as the “Wilfred Ed
uge ward Cousin Willie Sieg, Sr. Post Office”
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1477

H.R. 5540 / Public Law 109–279 H.R. 4 / Public Law 109–280

To designate the facility of the United States Pension Protection Act of 2006
Postal Service located at 217 Southeast 2nd
Street in Dimmitt, Texas, as the “Sergeant
Jacob Dan Dones Post Office”
20402 -


STATE *******ALL
Me 2,104: 47%
Weekly Compilation of FED - DOCS


Monday, August 28, 2006

Volume 42—Number 34
Pages 1479–1509

s SEp 2006


Addresses and Remarks Letters and Messages

Minnesota, discussion on health care National Park Service, 90th anniversary,
transparency in Minneapolis—1494 message—1506
Radio address–1479
Rockey Vaccarella, meeting—1504 Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade
Communications to Congress Agreement With Colombia–1505
Colombia, letter transmitting notification of Proclamations
intention to enter into a free trade
Minority Enterprise Development Week
agreement—1505 1503
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Communications to Federal Agencies Recovery Month—1507
Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of Women's Equality Day—1493
the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act Statements by the President
of 1962, as Amended, memorandum—1493
Future of America's National Parks, France's decision to send troops to Lebanon
memorandum—1506 in support of United Nations Security
Council Resolution 1701–1505
Executive Orders
Supplementary Materials
Promoting Quality and Efficient Health Care Acts approved by the President—1509
in Federal Government Administered or
Checklist of White House press releases—
Sponsored Health Care Programs—1501 1509

Interviews With the News Media Digest of other White House

News conference, August 21–1480 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1509

Editor's Note: The President was in Kennebunkport, ME, on August 25, the closing date of
this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended: 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607.
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, August 25, 2006
The President’s Radio Address Yet these young democracies are still frag
August 19, 2006 ile, and the forces of terror are seeking to
stop liberty's advance and steer newly free
Good morning. This week I met with my nations to the path of radicalism. The terror
national security, counterterrorism, and eco ists fear the rise of democracy because they
nomic teams. We've set clear goals: We will know what it means for the future of their
defeat the terrorists and expand freedom hateful ideology.
It is no coincidence that two nations that
across the world; we'll protect the American
homeland and work tirelessly to prevent at are building free societies in the heart of the
tacks on our country; and we will continue Middle East, Lebanon and Iraq, are also the
to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of scenes of the most violent terrorist activity.
America and build a more prosperous future We will defeat the terrorists by strengthening
for all our citizens. young democracies across the broader Mid
On Monday, I visited the Pentagon and dle East.
the State Department, where we discussed The way forward will be difficult, and it
the war on terror, including the recent con will require sacrifice and resolve. But Amer
flict in Lebanon, a conflict which began with ica's security depends on liberty's advance in
an unprovoked attack by Hizballah on Israel. this troubled region, and we can be confident
Thanks to the leadership of Secretary Rice of the outcome because we know the
and Ambassador Bolton at the United Na unstoppable power of freedom.
tions, the U.N. Security Council passed a res On Tuesday, I went to the National
olution that will help bring an end to the Counterterrorism Center, where I was
violence and create a foundation for a sus briefed by the fine professionals who work
tainable peace. day and night to protect our Nation from ter
The resolution calls for a robust inter rorist attacks. Their efforts are vital, as we
national force to deploy to the southern part saw with the recent terrorist plot to destroy
of Lebanon. This force will help Lebanon's airliners headed for America.
legitimate armed forces restore the sov I thanked the men and women of the intel
ereignty of its democratic Government over ligence community for all they did to help
all Lebanese territory and stop Hizballah the British Government uncover and disrupt
from acting as a state within a state. The reso this vicious plot. This attempted attack is a
lution will help make it possible for civilians reminder to us all: The terrorists remain de
in both Lebanon and Israel to return home termined to destroy innocent life on a mas
in safety and begin rebuilding their lives sive scale, and we must be equally deter
without fear of renewed violence and terror. mined to stop them.
The United States is now working with our On Friday, I met with my economic advis
international partners to turn the words of ers at Camp David, where we discussed our
this resolution into action. The conflict in efforts to keep our economy growing and cre
Lebanon is part of a broader struggle be ating jobs. Our economy has created more
tween freedom and terror that is unfolding than 5.5 million new jobs since August of
across the region. Terrorists and their spon 2003, more jobs than Japan and the 25 na
sors recognize that the Middle East is at a tions of the European Union combined. The
pivotal moment in its history. Freedom has unemployment rate is 4.8 percent. The pro
brought hope to millions, and it's helped fos ductivity of America's workers is rising, and
ter the development of young democracies our economy grew at a strong annual rate
from Baghdad to Beirut. of 4 percent during the first half of 2006.
148() Aug. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

To keep this momentum going, we're pur it's essential to the freedom of Lebanon. An
suing a strategy to sustain our economic effective international force will help ensure
growth and keep our economy competitive the cessation of hostilities holds in southern
for decades to come. We will keep taxes low, Lebanon once the Israeli troops withdraw.
restrain Federal spending, open new markets An effective international force will help the
for American products, invest in new energy Lebanese Army meet its responsibility to se
technologies, and help American workers de cure Lebanon's borders and stop them from
velop the skills they need to compete for acting as-and stop Hizballah from acting as
high-wage jobs. a state within a state. An effective inter
American workers also need affordable, national force will help give displaced people
high-quality health care, and more trans in both Lebanon and Israel the confidence
parency in our health care system can help. to return to their homes and begin rebuilding
Next week, I will travel to Minnesota to dis their lives without fear of renewed violence
cuss ways to ensure patients have access to and terror.
more information about their health care. An international force requires inter
When patients know the facts about the price national commitment. Previous resolutions
and quality of their health care options, they have failed in Lebanon because they were
can make decisions that are right for them. not implemented by the international com
With all these steps, we're working to im munity, and in this case, did not prevent
prove the health, security, and prosperity of Hizballah and their sponsors from instigating
the American people. Our Nation does not violence. The new resolution authorizes a
fear the future because we are determined
force of up to 15,000 troops. It gives this
to shape the future. We will build a more force an expanded mandate. The need is ur
peaceful world and leave behind a stronger gent. The international community must now
and better America for our children and
designate the leadership of this new inter
grandchildren. national force, give it robust rules of engage
Thank you for listening. ment, and deploy it as quickly as possible
NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on to secure the peace.
August 18 at Camp David, MD, for broadcast at America will do our part. We will assist
10:06 a.m. on August 19. The transcript was made the new international force with logistic sup
available by the Office of the Press Secretary on port, command and control, communica
August 18 but was embargoed for release until tions, and intelligence. Lebanon, Israel, and
the broadcast. In his address, the President re
our allies agreed that this would be the most
ferred to United Nations Security Council Resolu effective contribution we can make at this
tion 1701. The Office of the Press Secretary also
released a Spanish language transcript of this ad time. We will also work with the leadership
dress. in the international force, once it's identified,
to ensure that the United States is doing all
we can to make this mission a success.
The President’s News Conference Deployment of this new international
August 21, 2006 force will also help speed delivery of humani
tarian assistance. Our Nation is wasting no
The President. Thank you all. Please be time in helping the people of Lebanon. In
seated. Fancy digs you got here. Thanks for other words, we're acting before the force
your hospitality. It's good to visit with you. gets in there. We've been on the ground in
I look forward to taking some of your ques Beirut for weeks, and I've already distributed
tions. I do want to talk to you about the latest more than half of our $50 million pledge of
developments in Lebanon and what we're disaster relief to the Lebanese people who
doing to ensure U.N. Security Council 1701 have lost their homes in the current conflict.
is implemented and its words are quickly put Secretary Rice has led the diplomatic efforts
into action. to establish humanitarian corridors so that re
Resolution 1701 authorizes an effective lief convoys can get through, to reopen the
international force to deploy to Lebanon, Beirut airport to passenger and humanitarian
which is essential to peace in the region, and aid flights, and to ensure a steady fuel supply
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 21 14S1

for Lebanese powerplants and automobiles. Progress in Iraq

I directed 25,000 tons of wheat be delivered
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. More than
in Lebanon in the coming weeks. 3,500 Iraqis were killed last month, the high
But we'll do even more. Today I'm an est civilian monthly toll since the war began.
nouncing that America will send more aid Are you disappointed with the lack of
to support humanitarian and reconstruction progress by Iraq's unity Government in
work in Lebanon, for a total of more than bringing together the sectarian and ethnic
$230 million. These funds will help the Leba groups?
The President. No. I am aware that ex
nese people rebuild their homes and return
to their towns and communities. The funds tremists and terrorists are doing everything
will help the Lebanese people restore key they can to prevent Iraq's democracy from
bridges and roads. The funds will help the growing stronger. That's what I'm aware of
Lebanese people rehabilitate schools so the And therefore, we have a plan to help
children can start their school year on time them—“them,” the Iraqis—achieve their ob
this fall. jectives. Part of the plan is political, and that
is to help the Maliki Government work on
I've directed that an oil spill response team reconciliation and to work on rehabilitating
be sent to assist the Lebanese Government
the community. The other part is, of course,
in cleaning up an oil slick that is endangering security. And I have given our commanders
coastal communities; proposing a $42 million all the flexibility they need to adjust tactics
package to help train and equip Lebanon's to be able to help the Iraqi Government de
armed forces. I will soon be sending a Presi feat those who want to thwart the ambitions
dential delegation of private-sector leaders to of the people. And that includes a very robust
Lebanon to identify ways that we can tap into security plan for Baghdad.
the generosity of American businesses and We've, as you may or may not know, Terry,
non-profits to continue to help the people moved troops from Mosul, Stryker Brigade,
of Lebanon.
into Baghdad, all aiming to help the Iraqi
Government succeed.
We take these steps—and I'll also work
closely with Congress to extend the avail You know, I hear a lot of talk about civil
ability of loan guarantees to help rebuild in war. I'm concerned about that, of course, and
frastructure in Israel, infrastructure damaged I've talked to a lot of people about it. And
by Hizballah's rockets. what I've found from my talks are that the
Iraqis want a unified country, and that the
America is making a long-term commit Iraqi leadership is determined to thwart the
ment to help the people of Lebanon because efforts of the extremists and the radicals and
we believe every person deserves to live in Al Qaida, and that the security forces remain
a free, open society that respects the rights united behind the Government. And one
of all. We reject the killing of innocents to thing is clear: The Iraqi people are showing
achieve a radical and violent agenda. incredible courage.
The terrorists and their state sponsors, The United States of America must under
Iran and Syria, have a much darker vision. stand, it's in our interests that we help this
They're working to thwart the efforts of the democracy succeed. As a matter of fact, it's
Lebanese people to break free from foreign in our interests that we help reformers across
domination and build their own democratic
the Middle East achieve their objectives.
future. The terrorists and their sponsors are This is the fundamental challenge of the 21st
not going to succeed. The Lebanese people century. A failed Iraq would make America
have made it clear: They want to live in free less secure. A failed Iraq in the heart of the
dom. And now it's up to their friends and Middle East will provide safe haven for ter
allies to help them do so. rorists and extremists. It will embolden those
I'll be glad to answer some questions, start who are trying to thwart the ambitions of re
ing with you, Terry [Terence Hunt, Associ formers. In this case, it would give the terror
ated Press]. ists and extremists an additional tool besides
14S2 Aug. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
safe haven, and that is revenues from oil cation, but well—let's wait until they have
sales. a formal response. The U.N. resolution calls
You know, it's an interesting debate we're for us to come back together on the 31st of
having in America, about how we ought to August. The dates—dates are fine, but what
handle Iraq. There's a lot of people—good, really matters is will. And one of the things
decent people saying, “Withdraw now.” I will continue to remind our friends and al
They're absolutely wrong. It would be a huge lies is the danger of a nuclear-armed Iran.
mistake for this country. If you think prob But, no, you're right; this is a-they’re a
lems are tough now, imagine what it would central part of creating instability, trying to
be like if the United States leaves before this stop reformers from realizing dreams. And
Government has a chance to defend herself, the question facing this country is, will—do
govern herself, and listen to the and answer we, one, understand the threat to America?
to the will of the people. In other words, do we understand that a
Patsy [Patricia Wilson, Reuters]. We're failed—failed states in the Middle East are
working our way here everybody. a direct threat to our country's security? And
secondly, will we continue to stay engaged
Iran/Democracy in the Middle East in helping reformers, in working to advance
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Iran has in liberty, to defeat an ideology that doesn't be
dicated that it will defy the U.N. on nuclear lieve in freedom? And my answer is, so long
enrichment. It's been holding military exer as I'm the President, we will. I clearly see
cises, sending weapons and money to the challenge. I see the challenge to what
Hizballah. Isn't Tehran's influence in the re these threats pose to our homeland, and I
gion growing despite your efforts to curb it? see the challenge—what these threats pose
The President. The final history in the re to the world.
gion has yet to be written. And what's very Helen [Helen Thomas, Hearst News
interesting about the violence in Lebanon papers]. [Laughter! What's so funny about
and the violence in Iraq and the violence in me saying “Helen” [Laughter] It's the an
Gaza is this: These are all groups of terrorists ticipation of your question, I guess.
who are trying to stop the advance of democ Situation in the Middle East
racy. They're trying to thwart the will of mil
lions who simply want a normal, hopeful life. Q. Israel broke its word twice on a truce.
That's what we're seeing. And it's up to the And you mentioned Hizballah rockets, but
international community to understand the it's—Israeli bombs have destroyed Lebanon.
threat. Why do you always give them a pass? And
I remember, right after Hizballah what's your view on breaking of your oath
launched its rocket attacks on Israel, I said, for a truce?
this is a clarifying moment. It's a chance for The President. Yes, thank you. I like to
the world to see the threats of the 21st cen remind people about how this started, how
tury, the challenge we face. this whole—how the damage to innocent life,
And so to answer your question on Iran, which bothers me—but again, what caused
Iran is obviously part of the problem. They this?
sponsor Hizballah. They encourage a radical Q. Why drop bombs on
brand of Islam. Imagine how difficult this The President. Let me finish—let–
issue would be if Iran had a nuclear weapon. ma'am, let me—ma'am, please let me finish
And so therefore, it's up to the international the question. It's a great question, to begin
community, including the United States, to with. The followup was a little difficult, but
work in concert to—for effective diplomacy. anyway. [Laughter] I know you're waiting for
And that begins at the United Nations Secu my answer, aren't you, with bated breath.
rity Council. There you go.
We have passed one Security Council reso This never would have occurred had a ter
lution, demanding that Iran cease its enrich rorist organization, a state within a state, not
ment activities. We will see what their re launched attacks on a sovereign nation. From
sponse is. We're beginning to get some indi the beginning, Helen, I said that Israel, one,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 21 1483

has a right to defend herself, but Israel ought Q. I'm talking about strategy
to be cautious about how she defends herself. The President. The strategy is to help the
Israel is a democratically elected govern Iraqi people achieve their objectives and
ment. They make decisions on their own sov their dreams, which is a democratic society.
ereignty. It's their decisionmaking that is— That's the strategy. The tactics—now, either
what leads to the tactics they chose. you say, yes, it's important we stay there and
But the world must understand that now get it done, or we leave. We're not leaving,
is the time to come together to address the so long as I'm the President. That would be
root cause of the problem. And the problem a huge mistake. It would send an unbeliev
was, you have a state within a state. You had ably terrible signal to reformers across the
people launch attacks on a sovereign nation region. It would say we've abandoned our de
without the consent of the Government in sire to change the conditions that create ter
the country in which they are lodged. ror. It would give the terrorists a safe haven
And that's why it's very important for all from which to launch attacks. It would em
of us, those of us who are involved in this bolden Iran. It would embolden extremists.
process, to get an international force into No, we're not leaving. The strategic objec
Lebanon to help the Lebanese Government tive is to help this Government succeed.
achieve some objectives. One is their ability That's the strategic—and not only to help the
to exert control over the entire country; sec Government—the reformers in Iraq succeed
ondly is to make sure that the Hizballah but to help the reformers across the region
forces don't rearm, don't get arms from Syria succeed, to fight off the elements of extre
or Iran through Syria, to be able to continue mism. The tactics are—which change. Now,
to wreak havoc in the region. if you say, are you going to change your stra
Let's see—we'll finish the first line here. tegic objective, it means you're leaving be
Everybody can be patient. fore the mission is complete. And we're not
Q. Thank you. going to leave before the mission is complete.
The President. Yes. [Laughter] It's kind I agree with General Abizaid: We leave be
of like dancing together, isn't it? [Laughter] fore the mission is done, the terrorists will
Q. Yes, kind of [Laughter] -
follow us here.
Q. Very close quarters. And so we have changed tactics. Our com
The President. If I ask for any comments manders have got the flexibility necessary to
from the peanut gallery, I'll call on you, Her change tactics on the ground, starting with
man [Ken Herman, Cox]. [Laughter. By the Plan Baghdad. And that's when we moved
way, seersucker is coming back. I hope every troops from Mosul into Baghdad and re
body gets—[laughter]—never mind. placed them with the Stryker Brigade. So in
Q. It's the summertime east Texas county essence, we increased troops during this time
commissioner look. [Laughter] of instability.
The President. Yes. Yes, Martha [Martha Suzanne [Suzanne Malveaux, Cable News
Raddatz, ABC News]. Sorry. Network].
Q. Sir, that's not really the question. The
Iraq strategy
Q. That's quite all right. Mr. President, I'd The President. Sounded like the question
to me.
like to go back to Iraq. You've continually
cited the elections, the new Government, its Q. You keep saying that you don't want
progress in Iraq, and yet the violence has got to leave. But is your strategy to win working?
ten worse in certain areas. You've had to go Even if you don't want to leave—you've gone
to Baghdad again. Is it not time for a new into Baghdad before; these things have hap
strategy? And if not, why not? pened before.
The President. You know, Martha; you've The President. If I didn't think it would
covered the Pentagon; you know that the work, I would change the our commanders
Pentagon is constantly adjusting tactics be would recommend changing the strategy.
cause they have the flexibility from the White They believe it will work. It takes time to
House to do so. defeat these people. The Maliki Government
1484 Aug. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

has been in power for less than 6 months. force that is committed is robust and the
And, yes, the people spoke. I've cited that rules of engagement are clear. And so it’s
as a part of the reason I cite it is because an ongoing series of conversations and dis
it's what the Iraqi people want. And the fun cussions, and hopefully, this will happen
damental question facing this Government is quite quickly.
whether or not we will stand with reformers Q. Will you pressure the French to con
across the region. It's really the task. And tribute more troops?
we're going to stand with this Government. The President. Well, we're pressing on
Obviously, I wish the violence would go all. I was asked about the French the other
down, but not as much as the Iraqi citizens day at Camp David, and I–listen, France
would wish the violence would go down. But, has had a very close relationship with Leb
incredibly enough, they showed great cour anon; there's historical ties with Lebanon. I
age, and they want our help. And any sign would hope they would put more troops in.
that says we're going to leave before the job I mean, they understand the region as well
is done simply emboldens terrorists and cre as anybody. And so we're working with a lot
ates a certain amount of doubt for people of folks, trying to get this force up and run
so they won't take the risk necessary to help ning.
a civil society evolve in the country. Look, like you—I mean, you sound some
This is a campaign—I'm sure they're what frustrated by diplomacy. Diplomacy can
watching the campaign carefully. There are be a frustrating thing. I think the strategy
a lot of good, decent people saying, “Get out can work, so long as the force is robust and
now; vote for me; I will do everything I can the rules of engagement are clear.
to”—I guess, cut off money is how—is what
they'll try to do to get our troops out. It's
a big mistake. It would be wrong, in my judg Iran/United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1696
ment, for us to leave before the mission is
complete in Iraq. Q. Mr. President, as you mentioned, we're
Suzanne. just 10 days from the U.N. Security Council
deadline on Iran. Judging by the public com
Situation in the Middle East/United
ments from the Iranians, it appears, at least,
Nations Security Council Resolution highly unlikely that they're going to stop or
I 701
suspend their enrichment program. Are you
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Back to Leb confident that the U.N. Security Council will
anon. The Lebanese Prime Minister, over move quickly on sanctions if Iran thumbs its
the weekend, said that Israel flagrantly vio nose at the world again?
lated the cease-fire with its raid into Leb The President. I certainly hope so. In
anon. And so far, the European allies who've order for the U.N. to be effective, there must
committed forces, the U.N. security peace be consequences if people thumb their nose
keeping forces, have expressed reservations; at the United Nations Security Council. And
those Muslim nations who've offered troops we will work with people in the Security
have been shunned by Israeli officials. Why Council to achieve that objective, and the ob
shouldn't we see the cease-fire as one that jective is that there's got to be a consequence
essentially is falling apart? And what makes for them basically ignoring what the Security
this more than a piece of paper if you don't Council has suggested through resolution.
have the will of the international community Q. Understanding that diplomacy takes
to back it up? time, do you think that this could drag out
The President. Yes. No, listen—all the for a while?
more reason why we need to help our friends The President. You know, I don't know.
and allies get the forces necessary to help I certainly want to solve this problem dip
the Lebanese forces keep the cessation of lomatically, and I believe the best chance to
hostilities in place, intact. And that's why do so is for there to be more than one voice
we're working with friends, with allies, with speaking clearly to the Iranians. And I was
Security Council members, to make sure the pleased that we got a resolution, that there
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug 21 14S5

was a group of nations willing to come to And the only way to defeat this ideology
gether to send a message to the Iranians— in the long term is to defeat it through an
nations as diverse as China and Russia, plus other ideology, a competing ideology, one
the EU-3 and the United States. that—where Government responds to the
Kelly [Kelly O'Donnell, NBC News]. will of the people. And that's really—really
the fundamental question we face here in the
Iraq/War on Terror beginning of this 21st century is whether or
not we believe as a nation, and others be
Q. Morning, Mr. President. When you lieve, it is possible to defeat this ideology.
talked today about the violence in Baghdad, Now, I recognize, some say that these folks
first you mentioned extremists, radicals, and are not ideologically bound. I strongly dis
then Al Qaida. It seems that Al Qaida and agree. I think not only do they have an ide
foreign fighters are much less of a problem ology; they have tactics necessary to spread
there, and that it really is Iraqi versus Iraqi. their ideology. And it would be a huge mis
And when we heard about your meeting the take for the United States to leave the region,
other day with experts and so forth, some to concede territory to the terrorists, to not
of the reporting out of that said you were confront them. And the best way to confront
frustrated; you were surprised. And your them is to help those who want to live in
spokesman said, no, you're determined. But free society.
frustration seems like a very real emotion. Look, eventually Iraq will succeed because
Why wouldn't you be frustrated, sir, about the Iraqis will see to it that they succeed.
what's happening? And our job is to help them succeed. That's
The President. I'm not—I do remember
our job. Our job is to help their forces be
the meeting; I don't remember being sur better equipped, to help their police be able
prised. I'm not sure what they meant by that. to deal with these extremists, and to help
Q. About the lack of gratitude among the their Government succeed.
Iraqi people. Q. But are you frustrated, sir?
The President. Oh. No, I think—first of The President. Frustrated? Sometimes
all, to the first part of your question, if you I'm frustrated—rarely surprised. Sometimes
look back at the words of Zarqawi before he I'm happy. This is—but war is not a time
was brought to justice, he made it clear that of joy. These aren't joyous times. These are
the intent of their tactics in Iraq was to create challenging times, and they're difficult times,
civil strife. In other words, if you—look at and they're straining the psyche of our coun
what he said. He said, “Let's kill Shi'a to get try. I understand that. You know, nobody
Shi'a to seek revenge,” and therefore, to cre likes to see innocent people die. Nobody
ate this kind of—hopefully, cycle of violence. wants to turn on their TV on a daily basis
Secondly, it's pretty clear that—at least the and see havoc wrought by terrorists. And our
evidence indicates that the bombing of the question is, do we have the capacity and the
shrine was—it was an Al Qaida plot, all in desire to spread peace by confronting these
tending to create sectarian violence. No, Al terrorists and supporting those who want to
Qaida is still very active in Iraq. As a matter live in liberty? That's the question. And my
of fact, some of the more—I would guess, answer to that question is, we must. We owe
I would surmise that some of the more spec it to future generations to do so.
tacular bombings are done by Al Qaida Bill [Bill Plante, CBS News].
Situation in the Middle East/United
No question there's sectarian violence as
well. And the challenge is to provide a secu Nations Security Council Resolution
rity plan such that a political process can go
forward. And I know—I'm sure you all are Q. Mr. President, as you have reminded
tired of hearing me say 12 million Iraqis us a number of times, it was Hizballah that
voted, but it's an indication about the desire started the confrontation between Israel and
for people to live in a free society. That's Lebanon. But you were supportive of the
what that means, see. holding off of any kind of cease-fire until
1486 Aug. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Israel had a chance to clear out the Hizballah The cornerstone of our policy in that part
weapons. By all accounts, they did not exactly of the world is to help democracies. Lebanon
succeed in doing that. And by all accounts, is a democracy: we want the Siniora Govern
the Lebanese Army, as it moved into south ment to succeed. Part of our aid package is
ern Lebanon, had a wink-and-a-nod arrange going to be, help strengthen the Army of
ment with Hizballah not to disturb anything, Lebanon so when the Government speaks,
to just leave things as they are, a situation when the Government commits its troops,
not unknown in the Middle East. Do you they do so in an effective way.
demand that the peacekeeping force, if and Knoller [Mark Knoller, CBS Radio].
when it gets up and running, disarm Presidential Pardons
The President. The truth of the matter Q. Yes, sir.
is, if 1559, that's the United Nations Security The President. How are you feeling?
Council resolution number, had been fully Q. I'm good, sir. It's good to be back.
implemented, we wouldn't be in the situation The President. Good to see you. Yes, it's
we were in to begin with. There is—there good to see you. Sorry we didn't spend more
will be another resolution coming out of the time in Crawford. I knew you were anxious
United Nations giving further instructions to to do so.
the international force. First things first—is Q. Always am.
to get the rules of engagement clear so that The President. That's good. [Laughter]
the force will be robust, to help the Leba That's why we love seeing you.
Q. Thanks. Let me ask you about Presi
One thing is for certain—is that when this dential pardons. Last week, you issued 17 of
force goes in to help Lebanon, Hizballah them. That brought the number of pardons
won't have that safe haven or that kind of you've issued in your Presidency to 97, and
freedom to run on the in Lebanon's south that's far fewer than most of your recent
ern border. In other words, there's an oppor predecessors, except your dad. And I want
tunity to create a cushion, a security cushion. to ask you, do you consider yourself to be
Hopefully, over time, Hizballah will disarm. stingy when it comes to pardons? What is
You can't have a democracy with a armed your philosophy on granting Presidential par
political party willing to bomb its neighbor ons?
without the consent of its Government, or The President. You know, I don't have
just deciding, well, “Let’s just create enough the criterion in front of me, Mark, but we
chaos and discord by lobbing rockets.” have a strict criterion that we utilize—“we”
And so the reality is, in order for Lebanon being the Justice Department and the White
to succeed—and we want Lebanon's democ House Counsel. And I, frankly, haven't com
racy to succeed—the process is going to pared the number of pardons I've given, to
the Lebanese Government is eventually any other President. Perhaps I should. But
going to have to deal with Hizballah. I don't think a scorecard should, necessarily,
Q. But it's the status quo if there's no dis be the guidepost for pardoning people.
arming. McKinnon [John McKinnon, Wall Street
The President. Not really. I mean, yes, Journal]. I'm going to go to you, Jackson
eventually, you're right. But in the meantime, [David Jackson, USA Today], and kind of
there will be a-there's a security zone, work around.
something to-where the Lebanese Army
and the UNIFIL force are more robust, Energy/Alternative Fuel Sources
UNIFIL force can create a security zone be Q. Thanks. Mr. President, what do you say
tween Lebanon and Israel. That would be to people who are losing patience with gas
helpful. prices at $3 a gallon? And how much of a
But, ultimately, you're right. Your question political price do you think you're paying for
is, shouldn't Hizballah disarm, and ulti that right now?
mately, they should. And it's necessary for The President. I've been talking about gas
the Lebanese Government to succeed. prices ever since they got high, starting with
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 21 1487

this—look, I understand gas prices are like ple can get after it, and I would hope they
a hidden tax—not a hidden tax, it's a tax— would.
it's taking money out of people's pockets. I Q. What
know that. All the more reason for us to di The President. Let me finish. Thank you.
versify away from crude oil. That's not going We provided about $1.8 billion for edu
to happen overnight. We passed law that en cation. That money has gone out the door.
couraged consumption through different We want those schools up and running. As
purchasing habits, like hybrid vehicles—you I understand, the schools are running now
buy a hybrid; you get a tax credit. We've en in New Orleans; a lot of schools are. Flood
couraged the spread of ethanol as an alter insurance—we're spending money on flood
native to crude oil. We have asked for Con insurance. There is more work to be done,
gress to pass regulatory relief so we can build particularly when it comes to housing. We've
more refineries to increase the supply of gas spent about—or appropriated about 16 bil
oline, hopefully taking the pressure off of lion, $17 billion for direct housing grants to
price. people in the gulf coast and in Louisiana.
And so the strategy is to recognize that I made the decision, along with the local
dependency upon crude oil is—in a global authorities, that each State ought to develop
market affects us economically here at home, a housing recovery plan. That's what they call
and therefore, we need to diversify away as the LRA in Louisiana. They're responsible
quickly as possible. for taking the Federal money and getting it
Jackson. to the people. Same in—Mississippi has de
veloped its own plan.
I thought it would be best that there be
Hurricane Katrina Recovery Efforts a local plan developed and implemented by
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. As you local folks. And so there's now, as I men
know, the one-year anniversary of Katrina is tioned, $16 billion of direct housing grants.
coming up. And there are a lot of Each State has developed its own plan, how
retrospectives about what went wrong down much money goes to each homeowner to
there last year. Specifically, what has your help these people rebuild their lives. And so
administration done in the past year to help I think the area where people will see the
the folks down there, and what remains to most effect in their lives is when they start
be done? getting this individualized CDBG grant
The President. Yes, thanks. You know, I money.
went to New Orleans, in Jackson Square, and Q. Is there anything that's disappointed
made a commitment that we would help the you about the recovery, the Federal re
people there recover. I also want the people sponse?
down there to understand that it's going to The President. I was concerned at first
take awhile to recover. This was a huge about how much Congress and the taxpayers
would be willing to appropriate and spend.
First things—the first thing that's nec I think $110 billion is a strong commitment,
essary to help the recovery is money. And and I'm pleased with that. Any time we
our Government has committed over $110 I named a man named Don Powell to go
billion to help. Of that, a lot of money went down there, and the thing that's most impor
to-went out the door to help people adjust tant is for the Government to eliminate any
from having to be moved because of the bureaucratic obstacles when we find some
storm. And then there's rental assistance, in thing that's not moving quick enough.
frastructure repair, debris removal. Mis I think, for example, about debris removal.
sissippi removed about 97 percent, 98 per There was the issue of whether or not the
cent of its—what they call dry debris. We're Government would pay for debris removal
now in the process of getting debris from on private property, or not. So we worked
the waters removed. Louisiana is slower in out a plan with the local mayors and local
terms of getting debris removed. The money county commissioners, local parish presi
is available to help remove that debris. Peo dents to be able to designate certain property
1488 Aug. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

as a health hazard. And when they did so, The President. That's not—wait a minute.
then Government money could pay for it. In |Laughter
other words, we're trying to be flexible with Q. But a followup real quick. Do you think
the rules and regulations we have to deal that more needs to be done? Does the Fed
with. eral Government need to put its hands on
But the place where people, I'm sure, are what's going on? Because New Orleans is not
going to be most frustrated is whether or not moving
they're going to get the money to rebuild The President. I think the best way to
their homes. And my attitude is, we've appro do this is for the Federal Government's rep
priated the money, and now we'll work with resentative, Don Powell, to continue to work
the States to get the money. with Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco to
April [April Ryan, American Urban Radio get the money into the hands of the people.
Networks], I suspect you have a followup on The money has been appropriated; the for
this. mula is in place; and now it's time to move
State and Local Government Role in Now, you have another question, I pre
Hurricane Recovery Suline.

Q. Yes, I do, sir.

North Korea
The President. Why don't you let her go?
Q. And another question, sir. The fol Q. Yes, sir. And this is it, sir. Chinese offi
lowup: Some have a concern that you've cials are saying that you need to get involved
given all of this money, but the Federal Gov in the six-party talks, and that ultimately, you
ernment has moved away to let the local gov have to be a part of the six-party talks in deal
ernment, particularly in New Orleans, handle ing with North Korea. And also, they're say
everything, and things are not moving like ing that you need to stop dealing with the
they expected. And that's one of the con issue of money laundering and deal with the
cerns. And another question, if you real issue of ballistic missiles. What are your
The President. Well, let me address that, thoughts?
and I promise you can ask that other one. The President. Well, counterfeiting U.S.
As I mentioned to you, the strategy from dollars is an issue that every President ought
the get-go was to work with the local folks to be concerned about. And when you catch
in Mississippi and Louisiana, and they would people counterfeiting your money, you need
then submit their plans to the Federal Gov to do something about it.
ernment, particularly for housing. And that We are very much involved in the six-party
upon approval, we would then disburse the talks. As a matter of fact, I talked to Hu Jintao
appropriated monies—in this case, about $17 this morning about the six-party talks and
billion for housing grants. And so each State about the need for us to continue to work
came up with a grant formula, and I can't together to send a clear message to the North
give you all the details. But it's—the whole Korean leader that there is a better choice
purpose is intended to get money into peo for him than to continue to develop a nuclear
ple's pockets to help them rebuild. And once weapon. The six-party talks are—is an impor
the strategy is developed at the State and tant part of our—the six-party talks are an
local level, it makes sense for the monies to important part of our strategy of dealing with
be appropriated at the State and local level. Kim Jong Il. And the North Korean—the
And if there's a level of frustration there, we Chinese President recognized that in the
will work with the LRA in this case. phone call today. And so we talked about how
Second question. we'll continue to collaborate and work to
Q. Well, I have one followup on that. Do gether.
you think Jim [Jim Rutenberg, New York Times].
The President. Well, how many—are you
War on Terror/Public Debate
trying to dominate this thing? [Laughter
Q. No, sir, but I don't get a chance to Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You men
talk to you as much as the others. tioned the campaign earlier. Do you agree
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 21 1489

with those in your party, including the Vice necessary to protect the American people
President, who have said or implied that simply don't see the world the way we do.
Democratic voters emboldened Al Qaida They see, maybe these are kind of isolated
types by choosing Ned Lamont over Joe incidents. These aren't isolated incidents:
Lieberman, and then as a message that—how they're tied together. There is a global war
Americans vote will send messages to terror going on. And somebody said, “Well, this is
ists abroad? Thank you. law enforcement.” No, this isn't law enforce
The President. You're welcome. What all ment, in my judgment. Law enforcement
of us in this administration have been saying means kind of a simple, singular response to
is that leaving Iraq before the mission is com the problem. This is a global war on terror.
plete will send the wrong message to the We're facing extremists that believe some
enemy and will create a more dangerous thing, and they want to achieve objectives.
world. That's what we're saying. It's an hon And therefore, the United States must use
est debate, and it's an important debate for all our assets, and we must work with others
Americans to listen to and to be engaged in. to defeat this enemy. That's the call. And
In our judgment, the consequences for de we—in the short run, we've got to stop them
feat in Iraq are unacceptable. from attacking us. That's why I give the Tony
And I fully understand that some didn't Blair Government great credit, and their in
think we ought to go in there in the first telligence officers, and our own Government
place. But defeat—if you think it's bad now, credit for working with the Brits to stop this
imagine what Iraq would look like if the attack.
United States leaves before this Government But you know something—it's an amazing
can defend itself and sustain itself. Chaos in town, isn't it, where they say, on the one
Iraq would be very unsettling in the region. hand, “You can't have the tools necessary—
Leaving before the job would be done would we herald the fact that you won't have the
send a message that America really is no tools necessary to defend the people,” and
longer engaged, nor cares about the form of sure enough, an attack would occur, and say,
governments in the Middle East. Leaving be “How come you don't have the tools nec
fore the job was done would send a signal essary to defend the people?” That's the way
to our troops that the sacrifices they made we think around this town.
were not worth it. Leaving before the job And so, yes, we'll continue—Jim, we'll
is done would be a disaster, and that's what continue to speak out in a respectful way,
we're saying. never challenging somebody's love for Amer
I will never question the patriotism of ica when you criticize their strategies or their
somebody who disagrees with me. This has point of view. And, you know, for those who
nothing to do with patriotism; it has every say that, well, all they're trying to say is, we're
thing to do with understanding the world in not patriotic, simply don't listen to our words
which we live. It's like the other day; I was very carefully, do they?
critical of those who heralded the Federal What matters is that in this campaign that
judge's opinion about the terrorist surveil we clarify the different point of view. And
lance program. I thought it was a terrible there are a lot of people in the Democrat
opinion, and that's why we're appealing it. Party who believe that the best course of ac
And I have no—look, I understand how de tion is to leave Iraq before the job is done,
mocracy works—quite a little bit of criticism period. And they're wrong. And the Amer
in it, which is fine; that's fine; it's part of ican people have got to understand the con
the process. But I have every right, as do sequence of leaving Iraq before the job is
my administration, to make it clear what the done. We're not going to leave Iraq before
consequences would be of policy. And if we the job is done, and we'll complete the mis
think somebody is wrong or doesn't see the sion in Iraq. I can't tell you exactly when it's
world the way it is, we'll continue to point going to be done, but I do know that it's
that out to people. important for us to support the Iraqi people,
And therefore, those who heralded the de who have shown incredible courage in their
cision not to give law enforcement the tools desire to live in a free society. And if we
1490 Aug. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

ever give up the desire to help people who Democrats and my party, and that is, they
live in freedom, we will have lost our soul want to leave before the job is completed
as a nation, as far as I'm concerned. in Iraq. And again, I repeat, these are decent
Ann [Ann Compton, ABC Radio]. people. They're just as American as I am.
I just happen to strongly disagree with them.
Mid-Term Elections/Iraq And it's very important for the American
Q. Is that a make-or-break issue for you people to understand the consequences of
in terms of domestic politics? There's a Re leaving Iraq before the job is done.
publican in Pennsylvania who says he doesn't This is a global war on terror. I repeat what
think the troops should—would you cam our major general said—or leading general
paign for Mike Fitzpatrick? said, in the region. He said, “If we withdraw
The President. I already have. before the job is done, the enemy will follow
Q. And would you campaign against Sen us here.” I strongly agree with that. And if
ator Joe Lieberman, whose Republican can you believe that the job of the Federal Gov
didate may support you, but he supports you ernment is to secure this country, it's really
too, on Iraq.” important for you to understand that success
The President. I'm going to stay out of in Iraq is part of securing the country.
Connecticut. [Laughter We're talking about a long-term issue here
Q. It's your native State, Mr. President. as well, Ann. In the short term, we've got
You were born there. to have the tools necessary to stop terrorist
The President. Shhh.. [Laughter] I may attack. That means good intel, good intel
be the only person—the only Presidential ligence sharing, the capacity to know whether
candidate who never carried the State in Al Qaida is calling into this country and why.
which he was born. Do you think that's right, We've got to have all those tools—the PA
Herman? Of course, you would have re TRIOT Act, the tearing down those walls be
searched that and dropped it out for every tween intel and law enforcement are a nec
body to see—particularly since I dissed that essary part of protecting the country. But in
just ridiculous looking outfit. [Laughter] the long term, the only way to defeat this
Q. Your mother raised you better than terrorist bunch is through the spread of lib
that, Mr. President. erty and freedom.
The President. That is—so I'm not going And that's a big challenge. I understand
to say it it's a challenge. It requires commitment and
Q. There is Al Gore. patience and persistence. I believe it's the
The President. I don't want anybody to challenge of this—the challenge for this gen
know that I think it's ridiculous. Look, I'm eration. I believe we owe it to our children
not through yet. and grandchildren to stay engaged and to
Q. make-or-break issue for you? help spread liberty and to help reformers.
The President. And by the way, I'm stay Now, ultimately, success is going to be up
ing out of Connecticut because that's what to the reformers. Just like in Iraq, it's going
the party suggested, the Republican Party of to require Iraqis—the will of Iraqis to suc
Connecticut. And plus, there's a better place ceed. I understand that. And that's why our
to spend our money, time, and resources strategy is to give them the tools necessary
Q. But you're the head of the party. to defend themselves and help them defend
The President. Right. I've listened to themselves, in this case, right now, mainly
them very carefully. I'm a thoughtful guy. I in Baghdad, but, as well, around the country.
listen to people. [Laughter] I’m openminded. At home, if I were a candidate, if I were
I'm all the things that you know I am. running, I'd say, look at what the economy
The other part of your question? Look, has done. It's strong. We created a lot of
issues are won based upon whether or not jobs—let me finish my question, please.
you can keep this economy strong—elections These hands going up—I'm not—I'm kind
are won based upon economic issues and na of getting old and just getting into my perora
tional security issues. And there's a funda tion. [Laughter] Look it up. [Laughter] I'd
mental difference between many of the be telling people that the Democrats will
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug 21 1491

raise your taxes. That's what they said. I'd mainly the killing of innocent people, to
be reminding people that tax cuts have achieve their objective. And they're skillful
worked in terms of stimulating the economy. about how they do this, and they also know
I'd be reminding people, there's a philo the impact of what it means on the conscious
sophical difference between those who want ness of those of us who live in the free world.
to raise taxes and have the Government They know that.
spend the money, and those of us who say, And so, yes, I care; I really do. I wish–
you get to spend the money the way you want and so therefore, I'm going to spend a lot
to-see fit; it's your money. I'd remind peo of time trying to explain as best as I can why
ple that progrowth economic policies have it's important for us to succeed in Iraq.
helped us cut that deficit faster than we Q. Can I follow
thought. The President. Let me finish. On the
I'd also remind people, if I were running, other hand, Ken, I don't think you've ever
that the long-term problem facing the budget heard me say—and you've now been cov
is Social Security and Medicare. And they ering me for quite awhile, 12 years—I don't
look—Republican or Democrat ought to say, think I've—12 years? Yes. Exactly. Yes. I
“I look forward to working with the President don't think you've ever heard me say, “Gosh,
to solve the problem. People expect us to I'd better change positions because the polls
come here to solve problems, and thus far, say this or that.” I’ve been here long enough
the attitude has been, let's just kind of ignore to understand, you cannot make good deci
what the President has said and just hope sions if you're trying to chase a poll. And so
somebody else comes and solves it for us.” the second part of your question is, look, I'm
And that's what I'd be running on. I'd be going to do what I think is right, and if people
running on the economy, and I'd be running don't like me for it, that's just the way it is.
on national security. But since I'm not run
ning, I can only serve as an adviser to those
who are. War on Terror/Spread of Democracy in
the Middle East
Yes, Herman.
Q. Quick followup. A lot of the con
Public Opinion Polls/Iraq sequences you mentioned for pulling out
Q. Thank you, sir. Go ahead. [Laughter] seem like maybe they never would have been
The President. I don't need to, now that there if we hadn't gone in. How do you
you've stood up and everybody can clearly square all of that?
see for themselves. [Laughter The President. I square it because, imag
Q. Mr. President, polls continue to show ine a world in which you had Saddam Hus
sagging support for the war in Iraq. I'm curi sein who had the capacity to make a weapon
ous as to how you see this developing. Is it of mass destruction, who was paying suiciders
your belief that long-term results will vindi to kill innocent life, who would—who had
cate your strategy and people will change relations with Zarqawi. Imagine what the
their mind about it, or is this the kind of world would be like with him in power. The
thing you're doing because you think it's right idea is to try to help change the Middle East.
and you don't care if you ever gain public Now, look, part of the reason we went into
support for it? Thank you. Iraq was the main reason we went into Iraq
The President. Thank you. Look, I mean, at the time was we thought he had weapons
Presidents care about whether people sup of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't,
port their policies. I don't mean to say, I but he had the capacity to make weapons
don't care; of course I care. But I understand of mass destruction. But I also talked about
why people are discouraged about Iraq–I the human suffering in Iraq, and I also talked
can understand that. There is—we live in a the need to advance a freedom agenda. And
world in which people, I guess, hope things so my question—my answer to your question
happen quickly, and this is a situation where is, is that, imagine a world in which Saddam
things don't happen quickly because there's Hussein was there, stirring up even more
a very tough group of people using tactics, trouble in a part of the world that had so
1492 Aug. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
much resentment and so much hatred that The President. I believe that Plan Bought
people came and killed 3,000 of our citizens. to be—ought to require a prescription for
You know, I've heard this theory about ev minors; that's what I believe. And I support
erything was just fine until we arrived, and Andy's decision.
then—kind of the “stir up the hornet's nest”
theory. It just doesn't hold water, as far as James S. Brady Briefing Room
I'm concerned. The terrorists attacked us and
killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started Thanks for letting me come by the new
the freedom agenda in the Middle East. digs here.
Q. What did Iraq have to do with that? Q. Do you like them?
The President. What did Iraq have to do The President. They may be a little too
with what? fancy for you.
Q. The attack on the World Trade Center? Q. We'd be happy to go back.
The President. Nothing, except for it's Q. Are we coming back?
part of and nobody has ever suggested in Q. Ever?
this administration that Saddam Hussein or The President. Absolutely, you're coming
dered the attack. Iraq was a-the lesson of
September the 11th is, take threats before Q. Can we hold you to that?
they fully materialize, Ken. Nobody has ever The President. Coming back to the
suggested that the attacks of September the bosom of the White House. [Laughter] I’m
11th were ordered by Iraq. I have suggested, looking forward to hugging you when you
however, that resentment and the lack of come back, everybody. When are you coming
hope create the breeding grounds for terror
ists who are willing to use suiciders to kill Q. As soon as they can have us.
to achieve an objective. I have made that Q. You tell us.
CaSe. Q. May.
And one way to defeat that—defeat resent The President. May, is that when it is
ment is with hope. And the best way to do
hope is through a form of government. Now, Q. They've sealed off of our—they sealed
I said going into Iraq, we've got to take these off the door. We're wondering if we're really
threats seriously before they fully materialize. coming back or not.
I saw a threat. I fully believe it was the right Q. The decision will be made by com
decision to remove Saddam Hussein, and I manders on the ground, sir. [Laughter
Q. There's no timetable.
fully believe the world is better off without
him. Now the question is, how do we succeed The President. What do you think this is,
in Iraq” And you don't succeed by leaving a correspondents dinner or something?
before the mission is complete, like some in Thank you all.
this political process are suggesting. Q. Thank you, sir.
Last question. Stretch [Bill Sammon, Q. Want to come down and see our work
Washington Examiner]. Who are you work space?
ing for, Stretch? The President. No. [Laughter
Food and Drug Administration NOTE: The President's news conference began at
Q. Washington Examiner. 10:02 a.m. at the White House Conference Center
The President. Oh, good. I'm glad you Briefing Room. In his remarks, he referred to
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and former Presi
found work. [Laughter
Q. Thank you very much. Mr. President, dent Saddam Hussein of Iraq: Gen. John P.
Abizaid, USA, combatant commander, U.S. Cen
some pro-life groups are worried that your tral Command: Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of
choice of FDA Commissioner will approve Lebanon; Mayor C. Ray Nagin of New Orleans,
over the counter sales of Plan B, a pill that, LA; Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of Lou
they say, essentially can cause early-term isiana; President Hu Jintao of China: Chairman
abortions. Do you stand by this choice, and Kim Jong Il of North Korea; U.S. District Court
how do you feel about Plan B in general? Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan Anna
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 21 1493

Diggs Taylor; and Prime Minister Tony Blair of pation in civic and political life. Our Nation
the United Kingdom. Reporters referred to sen remains committed to advancing the equality
atorial candidates Ned Lamont and Alan Schles of women in the world's newest democracies
inger of Connecticut; and former Vice President
Al Gore. and fighting threats to women around the
The courage of American suffragists made
Proclamation 8040—Women’s our Nation a stronger and more hopeful
Equality Day, 2006 place, and we will continue to build an Amer
ica where the dignity of every person is re
August 21, 2006 spected and where opportunity is within
By the President of the United States reach of all our citizens. On Women's Equal
of America ity Day, we honor the contributions and ac
complishments of women throughout our
A Proclamation
history, and we pay tribute to all those who
The ratification of our Constitution's 19th helped bring equality to women in America.
Amendment on August 26, 1920, marked a Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
turning point for America as women were President of the United States of America,
guaranteed the right to vote. On Women's by virtue of the authority vested in me by
Equality Day, we celebrate this milestone the Constitution and laws of the United
and pay tribute to the inspiring individuals States, do hereby proclaim August 26, 2006,
who stepped forward and asked our Nation as Women's Equality Day. I call upon the
to live up to its founding principle of equality people of the United States to celebrate the
for all. achievements of women and observe this day
The struggle for women's rights is a story with appropriate programs and activities.
of strong women joining together to break In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
down the barriers to equality. With courage my hand this twenty-first day of August, in
and determination, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and other of the Independence of the United States of
suffragists inspired generations of women America the two hundred and thirty-first.
and helped change the path of our Nation's
history. The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 George W. Bush
sparked a mass movement for women's vot
ing rights that gained support from women [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
8:47 a.m., August 23, 2006]
of all ages and backgrounds. In 1890, Wyo
ming became the first State whose constitu NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
tion allowed women to vote, and by 1918, Federal Register on August 24.
women could vote in 14 additional States.
Two years later, women secured nationwide
suffrage with the passage of the 19th Amend Memorandum on Determination
ment. By demanding participation in the Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the
democratic process, these visionaries helped Migration and Refugee Assistance
spread freedom, justice, and hope for gen Act of 1962, as Amended
erations to come.
August 21, 2006
Women today are continuing the suffra
gists' legacy of leadership and strength. They Presidential Determination No. 2006–21
are shaping the future through their con
tributions to all aspects of American life, in Memorandum for the Secretary of State
cluding science, law, business, education, Subject: Determination Pursuant to Section
athletics, and the arts. They are serving our
Nation with honor and distinction in our 2ſc)(1) of the Migration and Refugee
Armed Forces. American women have Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended
served as examples for women in other coun Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migra
tries in their efforts to increase their partici tion and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as
1494 Aug. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

amended, 22 U.S.C. 2601(c)(1), I hereby de got an interesting debate in health care in

termine that it is important to the national America. And I guess if I had to summarize
interest that up to $13.5 million be made how I view it, I would say there's a choice
available from the U.S. Emergency Refugee between having the government make deci
and Migration Assistance Fund to meet un sions or consumers make decisions. I stand
expected urgent humanitarian needs related on the side of encouraging consumers. I
to the conflict in Lebanon. These funds may think the most important relationship in
be used, as appropriate, to provide contribu health care is between the patient and their
tions to international, governmental, and provider, the patient and the doc. [Applause]
nongovernmental organizations, and, as nec Thank you. And health care policy ought to
essary, for administrative expenses of the Bu be aimed at bolstering the consumer. Em
reau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. powering individuals to be responsible for
You are authorized and directed to inform health care decisions is kind of the crux about
the appropriate committees of the Congress what we're talking about.
of this determination and the obligation of Obviously, all of us are concerned about
funds under this authority, and to arrange costs. You know, I hear it a lot. We talk
for the publication of this memorandum in about—we'll hear from Jane Brown here,
the Federal Register. who helps those who need help here in your
George W. Bush community. She says health care costs often
times make it hard for people to buy food.
You talk to small-business owners and one
Remarks in a Discussion on Health
of the big concerns they have is the cost of
Care Transparency in Minneapolis, health care, that many, in order to stay in
business, you know, have to say to their em
August 22, 2006 ployee, “You provide for yourself.” And that's
troubling. It's troubling. It doesn't matter
The President. Thank you very much. what your political party is; it's an issue that
Thank you. Please be seated. Thank you for needs to be addressed
coming. Thanks for the warm welcome.
We've got some work to do. [Laughter And so the fundamental question is, how
Thanks for being here today. And I want do you address cost, given the philosophy
to thank our panelists for joining Secretary that I've just described to you? And so here
Leavitt and me to talk about health care. And are some ideas I'd like to share with you.
before we do, I want to say a couple of words One way to help small businesses address
about some of the guests here. First, I'm real the cost of rising insurance is to allow them
proud to be here with your Governor, Tim to pool risk across jurisdictional boundaries.
Pawlenty. Governor, thanks for being here. In other words, if you're a restaurant in Min
Senator Norman Coleman is with us. Sen nesota and you're a restaurant in Texas, you

ator, thanks for coming. Three Members of ought to be allowed to pool your employees
the Congress: Jim Ramstad, whose district into a employee risk pool so that the insur
we're in; Mark Kennedy is with us; John ance is lower because of the spreading of risk.
Kline is with us. Thanks for coming. Those are called association health plans.
We've got members of the statehouse One idea to—that says basically, the small
here. We've got local officials—Mayor Jan business owner will be in charge of the health
Callison, the mayor of Mayor, thanks for care for his or her company—is to encourage
coming. This is the 50th anniversary of association health plans.
Minnetonka, right? Yes, good. Congratula Another idea is to make sure that—let me
tions. Wait until you turn 60. [Laughter] It's take a step back. There is a very important
not as old as it sounds. [Laughter role for the Federal Government in health
We're going to have an interesting dialog care. And that is to provide for the elderly
today. I'm going the sign an Executive order and the poor. One of the things that Mike
after a while, but I want to explain why we're and I have worked on, and I hope some of
signing the Executive order to you. We've you have helped with, is to encourage seniors
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 22 1495

to take a look at the new Medicare drug ben in the Senate. The trial lawyers are tough
efit. I was very concerned that Medicare had in Washington, by the way; they really don't
gone stale, and it needed to be reformed. want to see medical liability reform. But if
Medicare is a vital program, and it's an im you're interested in making sure the system
portant Federal program. And it worked. works, if you want people to have access to
The problem is, medicine had changed affordable health care and have doctors that
and Medicare hadn't. Medicare would pay, are around to practice to begin with, you
you know, $100,000 for an operation but not need to have strong medical liability reform
a dime for the prescription drugs that would in order to make the health care system work.
prevent the operation from being needed in Thirdly, have you ever watched how these
the first place. And it didn't make any sense. files work in medicine? We're going to talk
It didn't make any sense to the seniors, nor to Dr. Dean here in a minute. Her penman
did it make any sense to the taxpayers. So ship is probably pretty good—[laughter]—
we've changed Medicare. And if you're a but most doctors don't write too well, and
poor senior in America, the Government is
yet they write a lot in files. What I'm telling
going to really help you with prescription you is, medicine is really behind the times
drugs. And if you're not a poor senior, you'll when it comes to information technology.
save a half on your drug—prescription drugs. And one of the things we'll talk about here
It's a good deal. is how to use information technology to wring
The Federal Government has also got a the costs out of medicine and yet be able
role in helping the poor through Medicaid. to deliver good quality care to our citizens.
And one of the tasks that I've given to Mi It's estimated that between 25—that we
chael Leavitt is to say to the Governors, “You
should have the flexibility necessary to design can reduce costs by 25 to 30 percent with
the advent of what we call medical—electric
a Medicaid program that meets the needs
of your citizens.” medical records, so each person has got their
Now, having said that, here's what we need own electronic medical record that you've
to continue to do in the private sector. One got data on. In other words, we'll be passing
of the problems to make sure health care is information from provider to provider via the
affordable and available is the legal system. Internet, via new technology as opposed to
handwritten files that are carried from one
And, look, it's out of kilter. We want every
body to have justice. But unfortunately, par office to the other. We're going to spend
ticularly in medicine, there are too many friv some time talking about that. It is a practical
olous and junk lawsuits that are running good way to help control medical costs so people
doctors out of practice and running up the have got health care that's available and af
cost of medicine. Do you realize that in order
to avoid lawsuits, many doctors practice Fourthly, we've got to make sure that we
what's called defensive medicine? In other have plans that encourage consumer saving,
words, they prescribe medicines that may not in other words, insurance plans, products for
be necessary or procedures that may not be people to be able to use in order to get health
necessary, just in case they get hauled into care that encourages savings. One idea is
the court of law. As a matter of fact, it's esti health savings accounts. These are plans
mated that the defensive practice of medi where you buy a high-deductible cata
cine costs your Federal Government, costs strophic plan. You contribute money tax-free,
you, the taxpayer, $28 billion a year. but you're the consumer—you're the deci
Now, when I first went to Washington, I sionmaker when it comes to health care. You
said, “Well, this is an issue that ought to be decide. You decide what doctor you see.
solved at the State level,” until I realized the Think about the system today as a third
budgetary impact that these lawsuits are hav party payer. How many of you have got insur
ing on you, the taxpayer. And so I went to ance, and you never really cared about the
Congress and worked with the House, and cost because somebody else is paying the bill,
we got a good medical liability reform law right? You don't really care about the quality
out of the House. Unfortunately, it's stuck because some person in an office somewhere
1496 Aug. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

is paying the bill on your behalf. It's called you come to my shop.” Or you noticed docs
a third-party payer system. It's the prevalent were advertising. All of a sudden the cost
system today. of laser surgery has dropped precipitously.
One of the things we're trying to encour It's now affordable procedure. Markets work
age is the design of new opportunities for when consumers have got options to make
citizens to be able to get quality health care in the marketplace.
where they're in charge of the decision And that's what this Executive order is
making, that encourages people to make ra going to do. I'm going to have Mike describe
tional savings. If we have more consumer in the Executive order to you here in a minute.
volvement in health care, then it makes But it's an order that basically commits the
sense—if that's the goal—then it makes Federal Government to work with State and
sense to make sure that consumers have got local and docs and hospitals to lead the way,
rational data from which to make choices. to be a part of this new movement about
And that's not the case today in medicine, transparency in pricing and quality.
really, when you think about it. Have I done it all right?
I don't know how many of you all have Secretary of Health and Human Serv
ever said, “Gosh, I wonder how much this ices Michael O. Leavitt. You've done a
procedure is going to cost me,” or, “Before good job, Mr. President. [Laughter
I go to see this person, I want to know how The President. That's what he's supposed
much it costs,” or, “Maybe I need to know to say.
what this hospital charges.” I doubt many of
you have done that. I think the new trend |At this point, Secretary Leavitt made brief
in medicine is going to be to encourage trans remarks.]
parency in pricing as well as transparency in The President. There's a lot of savings,
quality. And that's the subject of today's dis by the way, when you're not writing things
cussion. How do we encourage consumerism.
What do you do? Well, one thing you do is down on paper. Just ask some of the more
modern businesses here in Minnesota, where
you make sure people understand their op
tions, how much something costs. And if they you're unemployment rate is, like, really low
decide to make a purchase, what do they ex because of the productivity of your compa
pect; what are the expectations from the con nies. One reason why is, they use information
sumerº technology.
The Federal Government has got a lot to Sorry, Secretary.
do with this because we spend a lot of money [Secretary Leavitt made further remarks.]
in health care, when you really think about
Medicaid and Medicare, veterans' benefits, The President. Yes. Why don't you talk
Department of Defense. And one of the ini to them about electronic medical records?
tiatives Mike is now going to undertake is I didn't do a very good job of describing it.
to say, “In order to do business with the Fed Secretary Leavitt. When
eral Government, you've got to show us your The President. I'll give it a stab, and then
prices and you've got to help us develop a you come back in.
qualitative standard so the people that we're Secretary Leavitt. All right. Got you.
trying to help know what they're getting.” |Laughter
And so here are some practical ways to The President. So one of these days,
address the rising cost of medicine. These you're going to have all your medical records
are ways that basically say, we want you, the on a little key that you can then plug into
consumer, in charge, that there is such thing a computer, and all of a sudden, information
as a market, and that markets function. You is at the provider's fingertips, which makes
remember Lasik surgery, eye surgery? It's a the system a lot more efficient, which means
place where—it was a procedure that cost less costly, but also saves on medical errors.
a lot of money when it first came on, and But the problem we face is that the we've
yet there was quite a bit of competition. Peo got to develop a standard language. Medicine
ple said, “Look, I'm good at this. Why don't is a fairly complicated—got a complicated
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 22 1497

dictionary, let's put it that way. So what's the The President. So do you have one in a
procedure on that, Mike? shopping mall?
[Secretary Leavitt made further remarks, Mr. Howe. Absolutely. We have one in
concluding as follows.] the Eden Prairie Mall right over here in Min
Secretary Leavitt. My mother went to The President. Really? Isn't that inter
the doctor the other day. She told me that esting.
she filled out her name, address, insurance Mr. Howe. And the idea
company name, birth date, telephone num
ber—seven different times. Now, that's not The President. A person walking down
there looking, and says, “Here's the if you
The President. My mother wouldn't have need help, here are the costs.”
been so patient as your mother. [Laughter] Mr. Howe. That's right.
I hope she's not watching. [Laughter] Good The President. Posted right there for
them to see on
job, Michael.
Michael Howe is an interesting character Mr. Howe. Absolutely. And to compare
here. He is an entrepreneur who's come up it to where they go. It's also right-sized. And
with a unique idea on how to help people what I mean by that, it's a small facility. It's
have affordable and available health care. focused on a very specific scope of practice;
Michael, did you start your deal—like, are common family ailments that some estimates
you the classic entrepreneur, start in the ga are as high as 40 percent of the medical visits
rage? in today's society, are covered by these condi
Michael Howe. No, actually, I have to tions.
give credit; there were other groups. There So this is an opportunity to provide a high
were physicians and entrepreneurs that de er quality care, transparent pricing, but also
vised the mechanism, devised the innovation much more affordable. Our prices are 40 to
that MinuteClinic really represents. 50 percent of what it would cost anywhere
The President. Okay, well, tell people else.
what MinuteClinic is. If you haven't heard The President. And are people going?
about it, it's worth listening. Mr. Howe. Well, in the last 6 years, we've
[Mr. Howe, chief executive officer, completed 500,000 patient visits; we've had
MinuteClinic, made brief remarks.] no malpractice claims; consumers tell us that
The President. What's process manage their patient satisfaction runs between 97 and
ment? Tell people what that is. 98 percent: 99.6 percent of our patients tell
Mr. Howe. Well, the interesting thing is, us they'd use the service again, refer it to
you can go through, and when you do some family and friend. Clearly, the providers we
thing—strep test, a strep throat test—if you selected do a tremendous job making the
emotional connection that delivers the end
do thousands of strep throat tests, you
Can result that we're really looking for.
The President. You've got a problem, if
there's thousands of strep tests. [Laughter] [Mr. Howe made further remarks.]
Mr. Howe. You do. You have a problem. The President. Well, in order to have
But you also have an opportunity. electronic medical records, there has to be
The President. Yes, right. Okay. [Laugh a standardization in medicine to begin with.
ter] That's the spirit. [Laughter] Sorry. Go You know, it's interesting, isn't it; it's an
interesting idea he had, and it's meeting a
Mr. Howe. No, no, it's all right. You have consumer need. That stands in stark contrast
an opportunity to measure the effectiveness to the government making the decisions for
of one provider versus the next. You have you, is to make different options available to
all opportunity to measure treatment proto

patients. And you're providing health care at
a 40 percent or 50 percent
[Mr. Howe made further remarks.] Mr. Howe. It's half the cost.
1498 Aug. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The President. Yes, it's great. Thanks for we're dealing with an industry that really is
doing what you're doing. And you're in other not modern, that needs help in the legal pro
States? fession, and that needs more consumerism.
Mr. Howe. Yes, we have 86 clinics across You know, you mentioned preventative
11 States at this point. We anticipate some health. Nothing that will cause somebody to
very significant growth over the next few take good care of their body than a-than
years. having an insurance program that encourages
The President. Yes, you ought to. savings. You make rational decisions and you
Mr. Howe. We're going to drive them very exercise and you don't smoke and watch your
drinking; it's amazing how your health im
The President. Nothing better than being proves. If you walk 2 miles every day, it really
with an entrepreneur, isn't it? [Laughter] makes a big difference.
Thanks, Michael. And if you have policies that say there's
Marilyn, thanks for joining us. an incentive for you, you benefit from mak
Marilyn Carlson Nelson. Delighted to ing that kind of rational decision, you mone
be here. -

tarily benefit—like the health savings ac

The President. We're thrilled you're counts, it helps with prevention. If people
here—Chairman of the Board, CEO of one really watched what they ate, it's amazing
of Minnesota's great companies, Carlson
how health care costs would also go down
Companies. Thanks for joining us. What's on in America as well.
your mind? Yes, Michael.
Ms. Carlson Nelson. Well, first of all, I Secretary Leavitt. Mr. President, there
want to say thank you. I think we've been is—this is a good thing for our health, and
waiting at Carlson and in this community for it's a good thing for the system. It's also an
about 20 years to hear what we've just heard, economic imperative that we do it.
and that is inoperability, standards, quality The President. Yes.
standards, incentives.
At Carlson, we've worked with the Busi
Secretary Leavitt. What Ms. Carlson
suggested, I'm hearing from employers all
ness Health Care Action Group for—I think over the country. Health care is now 16 per
we started almost 20 years ago now—to look cent of our gross domestic product, and it’s
at how to incentivize providers to have more
headed for 20 percent. And there's really not
transparency. We've worked on involving and a place on the economic leader board for a
engaging our employee base in preventa country that continues to spend more and
tive—various kinds of preventative activities. more and more in one sector.
But recently we've put in several innova
tions—one, I have to say, a MinuteClinic in I was looking at the and it's hitting con
our headquarters. sumers. I was looking in my home State at
The President. You saved 50 percent, I Crease teachers. They've got the largest in
hope? [Laughter
Ms. Carlson Nelson. Actually, we did the The President. What is your home State?
research. It looked as if a cost to us and our Secretary Leavitt. That's Utah, by the
employees was about $40 to $50 through way. [Laughter And yet the teachers, many
MinuteClinic for this certain set of services: of them end up having less take-home pay
because of the cost of health care.
it was, like, $100 in the doctor's office, and
dramatically more than that in the emer [Secretary Leavitt made further remarks.]
gency room, where a lot of people end up
going for that kind of care. The President. Jim Chase, what do you
do, Jim?
[Ms. Carlson Nelson, chairman of the board, Jim Chase. Well, Mr. President, I work
chief executive officer, and president, Carlson with an organization here in Minnesota that's
Companies, made brief remarks.] been working on many of the things that you
The President. This is an issue that we're and Secretary Leavitt have talked about, and
focusing on the core problem, and that is, we're quite excited to have you here today.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 22 1499

Jim Chase, executive director, MN Commu The President. A lot of ob-gyns are leav
nity Measurement made brief remarks.] ing the practice because they're getting sued
out of existence, pure and simple. I can't put
The President. And so, like, what is your
group—what's the name of your group? it any more plainly than that. If you want
Mr. Chase. We're called Minnesota to have ob-gyns in America, we need medical
The President. I know, but—[laughter]. liability reform to protect these good people.
Mr. Chase Minnesota Community Meas Step up, Doc. How long have you been
urement. We're a non-profit that's been to practicing?
gether for about 3 years. Dr. Dean. I've been practicing obstetrics
The President. Really? And so the local and gynecology for 10 years in the commu
folks came together and said, “Let’s give old nity of Stillwater, and I've delivered more
than 1,500 babies.
Jim some work and figure out how to do—
laughter—have a health care system that The President. Really?
works well.” Dr. Dean. Yes, sir.
Mr. Chase. My work came later. [Laugh The President. That's good. [Laughter
ter] But I think what's exciting is that we're What's on your mind?
actually seeing some changes now. Being Dr. Dean. Well, I, certainly, as a physi
able to measure this, we're seeing the results cian, my goal is to help my patients make
change. And it's very encouraging, I think, good decisions about their health care. And
for the providers out there who are—that's I'm excited about what you're here to talk
what they were in this for, was to find ways about today, because I've been providing
them with all kinds of medical information
to treat their patients better.
to help make decisions, but the financial
[Mr. Chase made further remarks.] piece has been missing. And people need
The President. So, like, how many com that piece in order to make good and whole
munity measurement groups are there in the
country, do you suspect? It sounds like it's The President. So, like, are you going to
pretty unique. put on the window, you know, Dr. Laura
Mr. Chase. Yes. There are several that Dean, 100 bucks? [Laughter] How does it—
have started. In fact, we're pleased to be are you an individual practitioner?
working with Secretary Leavitt in the Ambu Dr. Dean. I'm in a group practice with
latory Quality Alliance that has formed na family practice doctors, other ob-gyns, inter
tionally, that are bringing together, to start nists, pediatricians.
with, six sites around the country that are [Dr. Dean, ob-gyn, Stillwater Medical Group
in various stages of pulling together this kind and Lakeview Hospital, made brief remarks.]
of information.
The President. See, it's interesting, isn't
[Mr. Chase made further remarks.] it, kind of a mindset change. It used to be
The President. Good work. Thanks. It you'd go in and just take whatever they gave
must be exciting to be, kind of, on the leading you, because somebody else is paying the bill.
edge of substantial change. And if we can get a system down where peo
Mr. Chase. It keeps us busy. [Laughter] ple are able to have a good program, a good
The President. That's good. I know the product, good insurance, but where the con
feeling. [Laughter] sumer has more to say with what's purchased
We are joined by Dr. Laura Dean, ob-gyn. or not, all of a sudden the dynamic begins
I will start off by telling you a startling sta to change, and costs begin to go down. You
tistic: There are 1,600 counties in the United know, the good doc here volunteered to us
States without an ob-gyn. I mean, we're talk all you don't need this procedure.
ing about availability and affordability; obvi That cost—that saves money over time.
ously, 1,600 counties have got a serious prob The whole system benefits if we have a thou
lem. sand providers making that same decision on
Thanks for hanging in there. an hourly basis. And so what Laura is saying
Laura Dean. You're welcome. is, if consumers have more information from
15()() Aug. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
which to make decisions, all of a sudden, Actually, you're feeding people who need
costs begin to become less of a burden on help.
the system, I think is what you're saying. Rachel “Jane” Brown. That's correct, sir.
Dr. Dean. Absolutely. The President. Actually, if people need—
The President. Lawsuits bothering you? I presume it's okay for me to say, you could
Obviously, look, I led the witness. [Laughter] use some contributions?
Not even a lawyer, and I led the witness. Ms. Brown. Oh, my, yes. That's a wonder
|Laughter ful thing for you to say. [Laughter]
Dr. Dean. Certainly it is something loom The President. Seriously. I know—I know
ing over the heads of physicians every day, Marilyn will help you. [Laughter
the thought about lawsuits, really—maybe Ms. Brown. Thank you for that.
ordering tests to protect yourself and to make The President. She has.
sure. I have many colleagues similar in age Ms. Carlson Nelson. Yes. [Laughter]
to me, which is not real old yet, in practice The President. She has been helping, as
of medicine has corporate Minnesota.
The President. Twenty-seven. [Laughter Ms. Brown. Yes, corporate Minnesota has
Dr. Dean. who have stopped deliv been very good to us. And the Carlson Com
ering babies, who have stopped performing panies are wonderful.
surgery. Second Harvest Heartland is a food bank,
The President. It's a problem; you've got and we have 800 agencies that get their food
a problem. It is a problem when society starts from us, so every little bit helps, so thank
losing good souls that otherwise would be ob you for that.
gyns. It's a real problem, and we better do The President. Yes. Well, we were talk
something about it. It's one thing to have ing—actually, the reason that this subject
good law; we want good law. But these frivo came up is, I was asking her whether or not
lous lawsuits are a real problem for the peo she had enough product to help people who
ple of Minnesota and all across the United need help, and the answer is, never enough.
States. It's serious business. These trial law Ms. Brown. Never enough, no, nowhere
yers need to back off, and these politicians near enough yet.
in the United States Senate, people like The President. Yes. But you've done some
Coleman, need to step up, and he will. interesting things through health care.
|Laughter] And he has. Ms. Brown. We have. We have—Marilyn
No, he's been strong, he's been strong on and I were contrasting—she has a huge com
medical liability reform. I'm not trying to pany; there are 76 employees at Second Har
vest Heartland and 66 who receive their
turn this thing into a political deal. I'm just
telling you, for the sake of this country, for health insurance through our organization.
the sake of good medicine, we better get And this last year, we offered an HSA for
some good medical liability reform out of the the first time as one of the options, and 15
United States Senate. percent—or 10 of those employees—opted
Thanks, Dr. Dean. to take it. And I'm one of those who opted
to take it.
Dr. Dean. Thank you.
The President. Thanks for practicing. The President. Everybody understand
One of the wonderful things about America what that is? It's, again, a high-deductible
is, our health care providers are fantastic peo catastrophic plan, and that the person and/
or company can put money in tax-free to
ple. They really are decent, honorable people
who've answered a higher calling. And we cover up to the deductible.
appreciate—[inaudible]. Ms. Brown. That's great.
Dr. Dean. Thank you. Thank you, sir. The President. Which actually saves
The President. Speaking about a higher money.
Ms. Brown. It saves money. It does so
calling, Jane Brown, executive director, Sec
ond Harvest Heartland. Has anybody ever many things, and that's why we've chosen it.
heard of Second Harvest Heartland? Good. [Ms. Brown, executive director, Second Har
So you don't need to tell them what you do. vest Heartland, made brief remarks.]
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 22 15()]

The President. And you contribute into leave with the notion that we're thinking dif
the savings account? ferently, because you need to think dif
Ms. Brown. Yes. As the employer, yes, we ferently. The system right now needs reform
do. and needs to be fixed. And you're fortunate
The President. One hundred percent? in the State of Minnesota that you've got
Ms. Brown. No. It's a shared responsi leadership at the State and local and the cor
bility, and that's very important, that there's porate and individual level that is willing to
a shared responsibility in that. think differently to help a new system evolve.
And it's coming, and it's going to make a
[Ms. Brown made further remarks.] huge difference for people's lives.
The President. Right, right. This is a And I want to thank all our panelists for
Jane has given her employees a very inter joining us today. It's been a fascinating con
esting option, and that is a consumer-driven versation. God bless you all.
plan where there is a incentive to save, to Oh, wait a minute, now I'm going to sign
be a good shopper, and to make rational an Executive order. And I think you'll find
choices about how you live your life. And this interesting. It doesn't take very long, and
if you live a healthy lifestyle, you're going we usually have people stand behind me
to spend less money out of the money she when I do it. [Laughter
has contributed into their health account. You ready, Pawlenty?
But the money is yours. In other words, [The President signed the Executive order.]
there's a catastrophic plan available; you may The President. Done.
pay the first 3,000—the $3,000 is on the com
pany, and anything above $3,000 goes to the NOTE: The President spoke at 2:41 p.m. at the
insurance company. Minneapolis Marriott Southwest. In his remarks,
So you can see, if you don't spend the he referred to Mayor Jan Callison of Minnetonka,
$3,000, and you're able to roll it over, tax MN.
free, and then there's another 3,000 contrib
uted next year, and you roll over money you
save, pretty soon you've got a good health Executive Order 13410–Promoting
savings account, because the Government Quality and Efficient Health Care in
doesn't tax any of it. It doesn't tax the money Federal Government Administered
going in; it doesn't tax the earnings; and it or Sponsored Health Care Programs
doesn't tax the money coming out. August 22, 2006
And if you change jobs—by the way, which
is an interesting statistic in our society today. By the authority vested in me as President
Somebody told me the other day that people by the Constitution and the laws of the
change jobs about eight times before they're United States, and in order to promote feder
32 years old. That wasn't the case when we ally led efforts to implement more trans
were growing up. parent and high-quality health care, it is
Ms. Brown. No, it wasn't. [Laughter] hereby ordered as follows:
The President. Anyway, doesn't it make Section I. Purpose. It is the purpose of
sense to have a plan that you can carry with this order to ensure that health care pro
you? That's called portability. And so what grams administered or sponsored by the Fed
Jane has provided her employees is some eral Government promote quality and effi
thing that encourages consumerism but also cient delivery of health care through the use
helps meet their needs, and that's what medi of health information technology, trans
cine has got to do. It's got to meet the needs parency regarding health care quality and
of the consumer, not the government. And price, and better incentives for program
that's what we're talking about, innovative beneficiaries, enrollees, and providers. It is
ideas, innovative ways to help control costs the further purpose of this order to make
in health care. relevant information available to these bene
And I hope you've gained something from ficiaries, enrollees, and providers in a readily
this conversation. At the very least, please useable manner and in collaboration with
1502 Aug. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
similar initiatives in the private sector and utilize, where available, health infor
non-Federal public sector. Consistent with mation technology systems and prod
the purpose of improving the quality and effi ucts that meet recognized interoper
ciency of health care, the actions and steps ability standards.
taken by Federal Government agencies (2 ) For Contracting Purposes. Each
should not incur additional costs for the Fed agency shall require in contracts or
eral Government. agreements with health care pro
Sec. 2. Definitions. For purposes of this viders, health plans, or health insur
order: ance issuers that as each provider,
(a) “Agency” means an agency of the Fed plan, or issuer implements, acquires,
eral Government that administers or spon or upgrades health information tech
sors a Federal health care program. nology systems, it shall utilize, where
(b) “Federal health care program” means available, health information tech
the Federal Employees Health Benefit Pro nology systems and products that
gram, the Medicare program, programs op meet recognized interoperability
erated directly by the Indian Health Service, standards.
the TRICARE program for the Department (b) Transparency of Quality Measure
of Defense and other uniformed services, mentS.

and the health care program operated by the (l ) In General. Each agency shall imple
Department of Veterans Affairs. For pur ment programs measuring the quality
poses of this order, “Federal health care pro of services supplied by health care
gram” does not include State operated or providers to the beneficiaries or en
funded federally subsidized programs such as rollees of a Federal health care pro
Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insur gram. Such programs shall be based
ance Program, or services provided to De upon standards established by multi
partment of Veterans' Affairs beneficiaries stakeholder entities identified by the
under 38 U.S.C. 1703. Secretary or by another agency sub
(c) “Interoperability” means the ability to ject to this order. Each agency shall
communicate and exchange data accurately, develop its quality measurements in
effectively, securely, and consistently with collaboration with similar initiatives in
different information technology systems, the private and non-Federal public
software applications, and networks in var Sectors.
ious settings, and exchange data such that (2) Facilitation. An agency satisfies the
clinical or operational purpose and meaning requirements of this subsection if it
of the data are preserved and unaltered. participates in the aggregation of
(d) “Recognized interoperability stand claims and other appropriate data for
ards” means interoperability standards recog the purposes of quality measurement.
nized by the Secretary of Health and Human Such aggregation shall be based upon
Services (the “Secretary”), in accordance
with guidance developed by the Secretary,
as existing on the date of the implementation,
standards established by multi-stake
holder entities identified by the Sec
retary or by another agency subject
acquisition, or upgrade of health information to this order.
technology systems under subsections (1) or (c) Transparency of Pricing Information.
(2) of section 3(a) of this order. Each agency shall make available (or provide
Sec. 3. Directives for Agencies. Agencies for the availability) to the beneficiaries or en
shall perform the following functions: rollees of a Federal health care program
(a) Health Information Technology. (and, at the option of the agency, to the pub
(1) For Federal Agencies. As each agency lic) the prices that it, its health insurance
implements, acquires, or upgrades issuers, or its health insurance plans pay for
health information technology sys procedures to providers in the health care
tems used for the direct exchange of program with which the agency, issuer, or
health information between agencies plan contracts. Each agency shall also, in col
and with non-Federal entities, it shall laboration with multi-stakeholder groups
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 23 1503

such as those described in subsection (b)(1), Proclamation 8041—Minority

participate in the development of informa Enterprise Development Week, 2006
tion regarding the overall costs of services August 22, 2006
for common episodes of care and the treat
ment of common chronic diseases. By the President of the United States
(d) Promoting Quality and Efficiency of of America
Care. Each agency shall develop and identify, A Proclamation
for beneficiaries, enrollees, and providers,
approaches that encourage and facilitate the During Minority Enterprise Development
provision and receipt of high-quality and effi Week, we celebrate the outstanding progress
made by
cient health care. Such approaches may in their importantminority business owners, recognize
contributions to our Nation's
clude pay-for-performance models of reim
bursement consistent with current law. An vibrant economy, and emphasize our com
agency will satisfy the requirements of this mitment to helping them succeed.
subsection if it makes available to bene Throughout our country, minority entre
ficiaries or enrollees consumer-directed preneurs strengthen our economic growth
and keep our Nation moving forward. As
health care insurance products. Ronald Reagan said, entrepreneurs are the
Sec. 4. Implementation Date. Agencies “explorers of the modern era,” and minority
shall comply with the requirements of this business owners help expand opportunities
order by January 1, 2007. for their communities and their fellow citi
Sec. 5. Administration and Judicial Re zens. A free society in which people have the
tiew. opportunity to pursue their goals, In O matter
(a) This order does not assume or rely who they are or where they are from, is a
upon additional Federal resources or spend stronger and more just society.
ing to promote quality and efficient health Over the past 3 years, our economy has
care. Further, the actions directed by this grown by nearly $1.3 trillion, and minority
order shall be carried out subject to the avail businesses have contributed to that growth.
ability of appropriations and to the maximum Since 2001, my Administration has worked
extent permitted by law. with the Congress to deliver the largest tax
(b) This order shall be implemented in relief in two decades, leaving more money
new contracts Or new C.Ontract cycles as they for minority business owners to reinvest. We
may be renewed from time to time. Renego are also undertaking initiatives to widen the
tiation outside of the normal contract cycle ownership of businesses. With these re
sources, minority enterprises are hiring In Ore
processes should be avoided.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does employees, improving their communities,
not, create any right or benefit, substantive and helping fuel our country's economic re
or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity
against the United States, its departments, Minority businesses throughout our Na
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, tion remain strong, and our country benefits
from the positive impact they have on our
or agents, or any other person.
economy. Minority business owners rep
resent the hopeful spirit of America, and all
George W. Bush across this land, Americans continue to
achieve their dreams and build better futures
The White House,
for themselves and their families. During Mi
August 22, 2006. nority Enterprise Development Week, we
underscore our commitment to helping en
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, trepreneurs realize the promise of our great
8:45 a.m., August 25, 2006] Nation.

Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,

NotE: This Executive order was published in the President of the United States of America,
Federal Register on August 28. by virtue of the authority vested in me by
1504 Aug. 23 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the Constitution and laws of the United him that to the extent that there's still bu
States, do hereby proclaim August 27 reaucratic hurdles and the need for the Fed
through September 2, 2006, as Minority En eral Government to help eradicate those hur
terprise Development Week. I call upon all dles, we want to do that.
Americans to celebrate this week with appro Now, I know we're coming up on the first
priate programs, ceremonies, and activities year anniversary of Katrina, and it's a time
to recognize the many contributions of our to remember, a time to particularly remem
Nation's minority enterprises. ber the suffering that people went through.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
Rockey lost everything. He lost—he and his
my hand this twenty-second day of August, family had every possession they had wiped
in the year of our Lord two thousand six, out. And it's a time to remember that people
and of the Independence of the United suffer, and it's a time to recommit ourselves
States of America the two hundred and thir
to helping them. But I also want people to
ty-first. remember that a one-year anniversary is just
George W. Bush that, because it's going to require a long time
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, to help these people rebuild.
8:46 a.m., August 24, 2006 And thank you for your spirit.
Mr. Vaccarella. Thank you, Mr. Presi
NOTE: This proclamation was release by the Of dent.
fice of the Press Secretary on August 23, and it
was published in the Federal Register on August The President. It's an amazing country,
25. isn't it, where
Mr. Vaccarella. It is. You know, it's really
amazing when a small man like me from St.
Remarks Following a Meeting With Bernard Parish can meet the President of the
Rockey Vaccarella United States. The President is a people per
August 23, 2006 son. I knew that from the beginning. I was
confident that I could meet President Bush.
The President. I just had coffee with And my mission was very simple. I wanted
Rockey Vaccarella, St. Bernard Parish, Lou to thank President Bush for the millions of
isiana. He caught my attention because he FEMA trailers that were brought down
decided to come up to Washington, DC, and there. They gave roofs over people's head.
make it clear to me and others here in the
People had the chance to have baths—air
Government that there's people down there condition. We have TV, we have toiletry: we
still hurting in south Louisiana and along the have things that are necessities that we can
gulf coast. live upon.
And Roc is a plain-spoken guy. He's the But now, I wanted to remind the President
kind of fellow I feel comfortable talking to. that the job's not done, and he knows that.
I told him that I understand that there's peo And I just don't want the Government and
ple down there that still need help. And I President Bush to forget about us. And I just
told him the Federal Government will work
wish the President could have another term
with the State and local authorities to get the in Washington.
help to them as quickly as possible.
Rockey Vaccarella. That's right. The President. Wait a minute. [Laughter
The President. He met with my friend Mr. Vaccarella. You know, I wish you had
Don Powell. Don's job is to cut through bu another 4 years, man. If we had this Presi
reaucracy. I told Rockey the first obligation dent for another 4 years, I think we'd be
of the Federal Government is to write a great. But we're going to move on.
check big enough to help the people down Mr. President, it's been my pleasure.
there. And I want to thank the Members of The President. You're a good man,
Congress of both political parties that helped Rockey. Thank you all.
us pass over $110 billion of appropriations. Mr. Vaccarella. You are too. Thanks a
And that's going to help the folks. And I told bunch.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 24 1505

NotE: The President spoke at 10:15 a.m. on the [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
South Lawn at the White House. The Office of 8:45 a.m., August 25, 2006]
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
guage transcript of these remarks.
NOTE: This notice was published in the Federal
Register on August 28.
Statement on France’s Decision To
Send Troops to Lebanon in Support Letter to Congressional Leaders
of United Nations Security Council Transmitting a Notice of Intention
Resolution 1701
To Enter Into a Free Trade
August 24, 2006 Agreement With Colombia
I welcome President Chirac's decision to
August 24, 2006
send a total of 2,000 troops to Lebanon and
to continue to exercise leadership on the Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:)
ground in enforcing United Nations Security Consistent with section 2105(a)(1)(A) of
Council Resolution 1701. This is an impor the Trade Act of 2002, (Public Law 107–210)
tant step towards finalizing preparations to (the “Trade Act”), I am pleased to notify the
deploy the United Nations Interim Force of Congress of my intention to enter into a free
Lebanon. I applaud the decision of France, trade agreement with the Republic of Co
as well as the significant pledges from Italy lombia.
and our other important allies. I encourage
other nations to make contributions as well.
The United States-Colombia Trade Pro
We are working with the United Nations and
our partners to ensure the rapid deployment motion Agreement will generate export op
of this force to help Lebanon's legitimate portunities for U.S. farmers, ranchers, and
armed forces restore the sovereignty of its companies, help create jobs in the United
democratic Government throughout the States, and help American consumers save
country and stop Hizballah from acting as money while offering them more choices.
a state within a state.
The Agreement will also benefit the people
of Colombia by providing economic oppor
NOTE: The statement referred to President tunity and by strengthening democracy.
Jacques Chirac of France.
Consistent with the Trade Act, I am send
Notice—Intention To Enter Into a ing this notification at least 90 days in ad
Free Trade Agreement With vance of signing the Agreement. My Admin
Colombia istration looks forward to working with the
Congress in developing appropriate legisla
August 24, 2006 tion to approve and implement this Agree
Consistent with section 2105(a)(1)(A) of
the Trade Act of 2002, I have notified the
Congress of my intention to enter into a free Sincerely,
trade agreement with the Republic of Co
George W. Bush
Consistent with section 2105(a)(1)(A) of
that Act, this notice shall be published in the
Federal Register. NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate.
The White House, The Office of the Press Secretary also released
August 24, 2006. a Spanish language transcript of this letter.
1506 Aug. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Message on the 90th Anniversary of Memorandum on the Future of

the National Park Service America’s National Parks

August 24, 2006

August 24, 2006 Memorandum for the Secretary of the
I send greetings to those celebrating the
90th anniversary of the National Park Serv
ilºt The Future of America's National

In honoring its 90th anniversary, I have

Americans take great pride in our coun called on the National Park Service, and
try's natural and historic treasures, and the every American, to continue the cooperation
National Park Service plays an important role necessary for our vibrant national parks to
in ensuring that our .. heritage is preserved endure for the next 100 years and beyond.
and enjoyed for generations to come. Since Over the past 5 years, the National Park
its establishment in 1916, the National Park Service has built a strong foundation for the
Service has grown to include almost 400 sites, future, with 6,000 park improvements com
with parks in nearly every state. These parks leted or underway. We should further en
protect beautiful landscapes, tell important |. our national parks during the decade
stories about our country's past, and encour leading up to the 2016 centennial celebra
age our citizens to conserve our natural envi tion.

ronment and celebrate our national history. Therefore, I direct you to establish specific
performance goals for our national parks
that, when achieved, will help prepare them
Over the past five years, the National Park for another century of conservation, preser
Service has made significant progress in con vation, and enjoyment. These goals should
serving our natural resources and improving integrate the assessments of the past 5 years
the condition of park facilities. I | on all used in monitoring natural resources and im
Americans to help in these efforts and to en proving the condition of park facilities. You
hance our parks as we get ready for the Na are to identify signature projects and pro
tional Park Services' centennial celebration.
grams that are consistent with these goals
Through continued cooperation and partner and that continue the National Park Service
ship, our national parks can endure for the legacy of leveraging philanthropic, partner
next 100 years and beyond. ship, and government investments for the
benefit of national parks and their visitors.
You are directed to consult with the Direc
I appreciate the volunteers and employees tor of the Office of Management and Budget
of the National Park Service who dedicate
and the Chairman of the Council on Envi
their time and talents to maintaining and en ronmental Quality as appropriate in imple
hancing our national parks. Your efforts help menting this memorandum. I encourage you
advance environmental stewardship, pro to invite and receive suggestions from those
mote outdoor recreation, and preserve our who desire to preserve the scenic, cultural,
national memory. historical, geological, and recreational values
of our national parks.
Laura and I send our best wishes on this You are to report the results of the imple
special occasion. mentation of this memorandum to me by
May 31, 2007.
George W. Bush
George W. Bush

NOTE: This message was released by the Office NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of
of the Press Secretary on August 25. An original fice of the Press Secretary on August 25. An origi
was not available for verification of the content nal was not available for verification of the content
of this message. of this memorandum.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 25 1507

Proclamation 8042—National tinuing and devastating threat in too many

communities across our Nation. While the
Alcohol and Drug Addiction number of teens who have ever tried this
Recovery Month, 2006
deadly drug has decreased since 2001, we re
August 25, 2006 main focused on keeping methamphetamine
By the President of the United States from reaching more Americans. Through the
of America Access to Recovery program, $25 million will
A Proclamation
be targeted in fiscal year 2007 to help indi
viduals recover from methamphetamine
Alcohol and drug abuse disrupts families, abuse. Additionally, earlier this year I signed
threatens the safety of our neighborhoods, into law the USA PATRIOT Improvement
and ruins the lives of countless men, women, and Reauthorization Act of 2005, which in
and youth. During National Alcohol and creases penalties for smuggling and selling
Drug Addiction Recovery Month, we recog methamphetamine and introduces common
nize the damaging effects of substance abuse sense safeguards to make many of the ingre
and renew our support for individuals bat dients used in manufacturing it harder to ob
tling to overcome addiction. The theme for tain and easier to track.
2006, "Join the Voices for Recovery: Build These efforts are helping in the fight
a Stronger, Healthier Community,” urges all against substance abuse in America, yet gov
Americans to help prevent alcohol and drug ernment action is not the only answer. We
abuse and to promote treatment and recov are making progress because there are mil
ery options. lions of our fellow citizens answering the uni
While drug use among youth is down since versal call to love a neighbor. To find out
2001, we must continue our efforts to help how to join the armies of compassion and
our next generation avoid substance abuse. be a part of building a stronger, healthier
This work begins with understanding that community, interested volunteers should
youth are less likely to engage in risky behav visit and
iors when they are connected to strong fami By working together,
lies and communities. To assist our children we can make a difference in the life of some
in learning to make healthy choices, the one in need and help fulfill the promise of
Helping America's Youth initiative, led by a more hopeful tomorrow for generations to
First Lady Laura Bush, is encouraging local COrne.
partnerships that empower families, schools, Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
and communities to help our young people President of the United States of America,
reach their full potential. by virtue of the authority vested in me by
In order to effectively battle alcohol and the Constitution and laws of the United
drug addiction, we must ensure that Ameri States, do hereby proclaim September 2006
cans in need can readily access services and as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Re
programs. Over the past 3 years, my Adminis covery Month. I call upon the people of the
tration has provided nearly $300 million for United States to observe this month with ap
the Access to Recovery program so that indi propriate programs and activities.
viduals who desire treatment have the ability In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
to seek the form of treatment most suitable my hand this twenty-fifth day of August, in
for their needs, including assistance from the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
faith-based and community providers. My of the Independence of the United States of
fiscal year 2007 budget proposes to build America the two hundred and thirty-first.
upon the success of this initiative by pro
viding $98 million to further expand indi George W. Bush
vidual choice.
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
My Administration is also committed to 9:10 a.m., August 29, 2006
protecting our citizens and our young people
from the scourge of methamphetamine. This NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
substance is highly addictive and is a con Federal Register on August 30.
1508 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Michael Frederic Neidorff, and Dean A.
Digest of Other
White House Announcements Spanos.

August 23
The following list includes the President's public
schedule and other items of general interest an In the morning, the President had an intel
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and ligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Office,
not included elsewhere in this issue. he met with Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice. Then, in the Map Room, he partici
pated in separate interviews with WWL-TV,
August 19 WVUE-TV, and WGNO-TV of New Orle
In the morning, at Camp David, MD, the ans, LA, and WLOX-TV of Biloxi, MS.
President had an intelligence briefing. Also in the morning, the President had a
telephone conversation with President
August 20 Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan to discuss U.S.-
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Pakistani relations and regional issues. He
Bush returned to Washington, DC. also had a telephone conversation with
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi
August 21 Annan to discuss U.N. peacekeeping efforts
In the morning, the President had an intel in Lebanon and the situations in Iran and
ligence briefing. Darfur, Sudan.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to
August 22 Alexandria, VA, where, at a private residence,
In the morning, the President had an intel he attended a reception for senatorial can
ligence briefing. Later, he met with the didate George Allen.
Homeland Security Council to discuss avian In the evening, the President returned to
influenza. Washington, DC.
Also in the morning, the President had a
telephone conversation with President August 24
Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to In the morning, the President had an intel
Minnetonka, MN, where, upon arrival, he ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to
met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Kennebunk, ME, where, at Sea Road School,
David Jewison. Later, he traveled to he met with family members of military per
Wayzata, MN, where he visited Glaciers Cus sonnel killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and during
tard and Coffee Cafe. Then, at a private resi the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
dence, he attended a reception for congres Also in the morning, the President had
sional candidate Michelle Bachmann. separate telephone conversations with Prime
In the evening, the President returned to Minister Romano Prodi of Italy and Chan
Washington, DC. cellor Angela Merkel of Germany to discuss
The President announced his intention to the situations in Lebanon and Iran.
nominate Charles L. Glazer to be Ambas In the afternoon, the President traveled to
sador to El Salvador. the Bush family home in Kennebunkport,
The President announced his intention to ME.
appoint Dennis Prager as a member of the
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.
The President announced his intention to August 25
appoint the following individuals as members In the morning, the President had an intel
of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Ken ligence briefing.
nedy Center for the Performing Arts: Ed The White House announced that the
ward William Easton; James A. Haslam II: President and Mrs. Bush will host a White
Helen Lee Henderson; Nancy G. Kinder; House Summit on Malaria in December.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1509.

Nominations Health and Human Services Michael O.

Submitted to the Senate
Fact sheet: Health Care Transparency: Em
NoTE: No nominations were submitted to the powering Consumers To Save on Quality
Senate during the period covered by this issue.
Released August 23
Transcript of a press briefing by Deputy
Checklist Press Secretary Dana Perino
of White House Press Releases
Released August 24
The following list contains releases of the Office
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as Secretary Dana Perino
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Fact sheet: The One-Year Anniversary of
Other White House Announcements. Hurricane Katrina

Released August 21 Released August 25

Fact sheet: United States Humanitarian, Re Statement by the Press Secretary announcing

construction, and Security Assistance to Leb that the President and Mrs. Bush will host
anon a White House Summit on Malaria in De
Released August 22
Transcript of a press briefing by Gulf Coast
Region Recovery and Rebuilding Coordi
nator Donald E. Powell, Federal Emergency
Management Under Secretary R. David Acts Approved
Paulison, and Army Corps of Engineers by the President
Commanding General and Chief of Engi
neers Lt. Gen. Carl A. Strock
NOTE: No acts approved by the President were
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press received by the Office of the Federal Register
Secretary Dana Perino and Secretary of during the period covered by this issue.
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At 2.101:42/36
Weekly Compilation of


Monday, September 4, 2006

Volume 42—Number 35
Pages 1511–1552

6. - d.

Addresses and Remarks Executive Orders

Arkansas, Cotham's in the City in Little Improving Assistance for Disaster Victims—
Rock—1530 1527
Interviews With the News Media
Gulf Coast School Library Recovery
Initiative, discussion in New Orleans— Exchanges with reporters
1520 Gulfport, MS-1518
Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts in New Little Rock, AR–1530
Mississippi Letters and Messages
Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts in Labor Day, message—1549
Lunch meeting with community leaders in
Biloxi−1513 National Day of Remembrance of Hurricane
United States Marine, Inc., in Gulfport— Katrina—1511
1518 National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month—
Radio address—1512 1528
Tennessee, dinner for senatorial candidate National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month—
Bob Corker and the Tennessee Republican 1529
Party in Nashville—1531
Utah Supplementary Materials
American Legion national convention in Acts approved by the President—1552
Salt Lake City—1537 Checklist of White House press releases—
Arrival in Salt Lake City—1536 1551
Reception for senatorial candidate Orrin Digest of other White House
Hatch in Salt Lake City—1544 announcements—1549
War on terror—1536 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1551

Editor's Note: The President was at Camp David, MD, on September 1, the closing date of
this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607,
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, September 1, 2006
Proclamation 8043—National Day of faith in God that no storm can take away,
Remembrance of Hurricane Katrina, and an unyielding determination to clear the
2006 wreckage and build anew.
August 25, 2006 In the past year, Federal, State, and local
governments have worked to enhance our
By the President of the United States Nation's ability to prepare for and respond
to natural disasters. The Federal Govern
of America
ment has conducted an extensive review of
A Proclamation
preparedness and response efforts, and ac
One year ago, a vast coastline of towns and tions are being taken at every level to im
communities was virtually destroyed; one of prove communications and coordination and
America's great cities was submerged; and strengthen emergency response capabilities.
many lives were lost in one of the worst nat The American people can know that our gov
ural disasters in our Nation's history. On this ernment is working hard to be prepared to
National Day of Remembrance of Hurricane protect life and property should we face an
Katrina, we honor those who did not survive other such challenge.
the fury of the storm and those who continue In the life of our Nation, we have often
been reminded that nature is an awesome
to put their lives back together in its after
math. We also remember the heroism of or force, and that all life is fragile. However,
dinary citizens who touched our hearts with Americans have always summoned the will
their bravery and compassion and moved our and compassion to persevere and rebuild.
whole Nation to action. Guided by our enduring American spirit, we
Hurricane Katrina brought many days of know that a bright new dawn will rise over
struggle and sorrow; yet, we also witnessed the great city of New Orleans, and the entire
extraordinary acts of courage and kindness. Gulf Coast region will reemerge stronger and
more vibrant than ever.
Rescue workers, other first responders, and
concerned citizens from around the country Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
risked their lives to save others and per President of the United States of America,
formed heroically under the most difficult of by virtue of the authority vested in me by
circumstances. Many were victims them the Constitution and laws of the United
selves, acting on a sense of duty greater than States, do hereby proclaim August 29, 2006,
their own suffering. Men, women, and chil as a National Day of Remembrance of Hurri
dren across America rallied to help their cane Katrina. I call upon State and local gov
neighbors in desperate need, providing food, ernments, places of worship, and all Ameri
water, shelter, and hope to the victims of cans to mark this day with services and ap
Hurricane Katrina. Those days tested our propriate observances. I also encourage all
Nation, and they revealed a resilience more Americans to remember and support the
powerful than any storm. continued effort to rebuild our Nation's great
Gulf Coast.
Millions of lives were changed in a day by
that cruel and destructive storm. America ac In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
cepted the challenge to restore broken com my hand this twenty-fifth day of August, in
munities and disrupted lives not as a burden, the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
but as our responsibility to help our fellow of the Independence of the United States of
citizens. Victims and volunteers continue to America the two hundred and thirty-first.
demonstrate a spirit that cannot be broken—
a core of strength that survives all hurt, a George W. Bush
1512 Aug. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, In these and countless other selfless acts, we
9:10 a.m., August 29, 2006] saw the spirit of America at its best.
Unfortunately, Katrina also revealed that
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the Federal, State, and local governments were
Federal Register on August 30. This item was not unprepared to respond to such an extraor
received in time for publication in the appropriate dinary disaster. And the floodwaters exposed
a deep-seated poverty that has cut people off
from the opportunities of our country. So last
The President’s Radio Address year, I made a simple pledge: The Federal
Government would learn the lessons of
August 26, 2006 Katrina; we would do what it takes, and we
Good morning. Earlier this week, I had would stay as long as it takes, to help our
coffee with Rockey Vaccarella in the White brothers and sisters build a new gulf coast,
House. Rockey is from St. Bernard Parish where every citizen feels part of the great
in Louisiana, and he and his family lost every promise of America.
thing they owned to Hurricane Katrina. That was the same pledge I repeated to
Rockey drove to Washington to thank the Rockey during his visit to the White House.
Federal Government for its efforts to help This pledge meant stronger levees and re
people like him, and he brought a trailer built homes and new infrastructure. It also
along to help remind us that many good peo means safe streets and neighborhoods filled
ple along our gulf coast are still living in dif with locally-owned businesses and more op
ficult conditions and that the hard work of portunities for everyone.
rebuilding has only just begun. Next week, Laura and I will return to Mis
This Tuesday marks the first anniversary sissippi and New Orleans to meet with local
of Katrina—one of the deadliest and most citizens and officials, and review the progress
costly natural disasters in American history. we have made. The Federal Government has
In Mississippi, the storm wiped out virtually conducted a thorough review of its response
everything along an 80-mile stretch of the to natural disasters, and we're making re
coast, flattening homes and destroying entire forms that will improve our response to fu
communities. In Louisiana, flooding left 80 ture emergencies. With help from Congress,
percent of the city of New Orleans under we have committed $110 billion to the recov
water. The human costs were even more ter
ery effort, and we are playing a vital role in
rible. More than a thousand people died, helping people clear debris, repair and re
countless families lost their homes and liveli
hoods, and tens of thousands of men, women,
build their homes, reopen their businesses
and schools, and put their lives back to
and children were forced to flee the region gether.
and leave behind everything they knew. -

The Federal Government will continue to

During the storm and in the days that fol do its part. Yet a reborn gulf coast must re
lowed, Americans responded with heroism
and compassion. Coast Guard and other per flect the needs, the vision, and the aspirations
sonnel rescued people stranded in flooded of the people of Mississippi and Louisiana.
And their State and local officials have a re
neighborhoods and brought them to high
ground. Doctors and nurses stayed behind sponsibility to help set priorities and make
to care for their patients, and some even tough decisions, so people can plan their fu
tures with confidence.
went without food so their patients could eat.
Many of the first-responders risking their One year after the storms, the gulf coast
lives to help others were victims them continues down the long road to recovery.
selves—wounded healers, with a sense of In Mississippi and Louisiana, we can see
duty greater than their own suffering. And many encouraging signs of recovery and re
across our great land, the armies of compas newal, and many reminders that hard work
sion rallied to bring food and water and hope still lies ahead. This work will require the
to fellow citizens who had lost everything. sustained commitment of our Government,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 28 1513

the generosity and compassion of the Amer We saw that spirit right after the storm
ican people, and the talent and vision of peo hit, and we still see that spirit. And so I want
ple determined to restore their homes, to thank the good folks for letting us come
neighborhoods, and cities. We will stay until by and say hello. We value our friends down
the job is done, and by working together, we here, and we really appreciate the good peo
will help our fellow citizens along the gulf ple of the gulf coast of Mississippi for what
coast write a new future of hope, justice, and you stand for.
opportunity for all. Governor, thank you; appreciate you.
Thank you for listening.
NoTE: The address was recorded at 9:25 a.m. on NOTE: The President spoke at 12:39 p.m. in the
August 24 in the Cabinet Room at the White Biloxi Schooner Restaurant. In his remarks, he re
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on August 26. ferred to Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi. A
The transcript was made available by the Office tape was not available for verification of the con
tent of these remarks.
of the Press Secretary on August 25 but was em
bargoed for release until the broadcast. The Office
of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan Remarks on Hurricane Katrina
guage transcript of this address.
Recovery Efforts in Biloxi
August 28, 2006
Remarks Following a Lunch Meeting
With Community Leaders in Biloxi, The President. Listen, thank you all for
Mississippi coming. I'm glad to be back here in Biloxi,
August 28, 2006 and I'm glad Laura came with me. I've been
in this neighborhood before. As a matter of
Laura and I are pleased to be down here fact, I was here a couple of days after Katrina
again, and we want to thank the community hit. It's amazing, isn't it? It's amazing what
leaders from the gulf coast region of Mis the world looked like then and what it looks
sissippi for sharing their thoughts and their like now.
concerns and their hopes and their aspira I remember meeting Patrick Wright. Re
tions. member, Patrick? I don't know if you all re
I was just commenting on how clean the member the picture of me seeing this fellow
beaches look, and that wasn't a given a year sitting in what used to be his home, a pile
ago. The beaches were cluttered with debris of rubble. Patrick, it's good to see you.
and garbage—the beautiful beaches here had I also met Sandy and Lynn Patterson when
been destroyed. And now they speak to the I was walking down the street, your neighbor.
hope of this part of the world. They—well, just about everybody here,
There's still a lot of problems left, but the they'd lost everything they owned. People
people down here need to know the Federal can't imagine what the world looked like
Government is committed to working with then. I went by their home—just came out
you and the local people, and that, even of their home. It's got air-conditioning—
though we've been through about one year [laughter]—and electricity. You can see the
together, one year doesn't mean that we'll reconstruction effort beginning here in this
forget. As a matter of fact, now is the time part of the world.
to renew our commitment to let the people It's a sense of renewal here. It may be hard
down here know that we will stay involved for those of you who have endured the last
and help the people of Mississippi rebuild year to really have that sense of change, but
their lives. for a fellow who was here and now a year
The truth of the matter is, the ultimate later comes back, things are changing. And
future for this region down here depends on I congratulate you for your courage and your
the people of Mississippi. It requires the spir perseverance.
it and the courage of the people of this part And there's still challenges. There's still
of the world to rebuild and I'm confident more to be done. You can see it with the
that's going to be the case. temporary trailers. I feel the quiet sense of
1514 Aug. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
determination that's going to shape the fu well. These are all mayors trying to help their
ture of Mississippi. And so I've come back communities recover, doing the hard work
on this anniversary to thank you for your to helping the people improve their lives. I
courage and to let you know, the Federal want to thank my friend, Brent Warr. He's
Government stands with you still. Laura and the mayor of Gulfport. Brent, good to see
I really care for the people whose lives have you. Thanks for coming. I want to thank the
been affected. We understand the trauma, Biloxi firefighters who have joined us today.
and we thank you for your determination. Thank you for your work. Thank you for stay
I want to thank Governor Haley Barbour ing the job.
and Marsha for joining us today. I appreciate When Katrina made landfall on August
the Federal coordinator of gulf coast rebuild 29th at 6:10, it was one of the strongest hurri
ing, Don Powell. He's my friend from Texas. canes to ever hit America. The devastation
We've got two of the military who helped and debris were unimaginable. You had to
after the storm. I think they made an enor see it for yourself to fully understand the na
mous difference in people's lives—General ture of this storm and the damage done. The
Russ Honore and Admiral Thad Allen. Thank terrible force of the storms tossed some of
you for joining us. You've got two fine United the giant casinos here onto the land. They
States Senators from Mississippi, Thad Coch twisted traffic lights. They ripped some of
ran and Trent Lott. And I thank Tricia for the beautiful trees from the ground. They
joining us as well. I want to thank Congress stripped the cities of familiar landmarks and
man Chip Pickering who has joined us today. buildings.
Congressman Pickering, like these two Sen In the days that followed, the people of
ators, care a lot about the people of Mis Mississippi worked together to save lives.
sissippi. People reached out to those who were
I remember walking the block here with trapped by rising waters. Three people were
A.J. Holloway, your mayor. He-A.J. obvi pulled through a window in that house right
ously was upset and concerned, but he also there, to save their lives. People opened their
made it clear to me that with the proper homes to help the suffering. The people of
amount of help, Biloxi can rebuild. And Bi Mississippi said, “We'll overcome this dis
loxi is rebuilding. You got a fine mayor in aster,” and worked together to do so.
A.J. Holloway. Since the days of heroism and bravery, the
I've had the pleasure of meeting some of gulf coast has begun one of the largest re
the local officials up and down the coast— building efforts in our Nation's history. This
matter of fact, probably all of the local offi is my 11th visit since the storm hit. You know,
cials. One of the people that has intrigued each visit you see progress. I was struck by
me the most is Mayor Tommy Longo of the beauty of the beaches. The beaches were
Waveland. Mayor, good to see you, buddy. pretty rough after the storm, as you know.
Thanks for coming. I'm always asking about Today, they're pristine, and they're beautiful.
you, Tommy. They reflect a hopeful future, as far as I'm
Mayor Tommy Longo. I'm always asking concerned.
about you. I appreciate the fact that the people down
The President. That's right. [Laughter] here have embraced this amazing challenge
Check is in the mail. [Laughter] with determination and grit. And your Gov
You know, one of the interesting people ernor is leading the way. He says this: He
I met was Malcolm Jones—he's a city attor says, “With all its destruction, the storm gave
ney of Pass Christian. Malcolm, thanks for birth to a renaissance in Mississippi that will
coming. He helped design the plan that en surely result in building our State bigger and
abled us to expedite the debris removal, and better than ever before.” He believes that.
I appreciate your contribution. I want to A lot of the people in Mississippi believe that.
thank Chipper McDermott, who is the And so do I.
mayor, with us—he's Pass Christian's mayor. A year ago, I committed our Federal Gov
Rusty Quave is with us today. Mr. Mayor, ernment to help you. I said, we have a duty
thanks for coming. Billy Skellie is with us as to help the local people recover and rebuild.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 28 1515

And I meant what I said. Working with Thad helping friends that turns out to make an
and Trent Lott and other Members of the enormous difference in saving lives and help
United States Congress, we have appro ing to get by the trauma of the first days.
priated $110 billion to help rebuild this area. We all have roles to play, but in every State
It is a strong Federal commitment that we hit by last year's storms, it was the bravery
will keep. of the local citizens that meant the difference
We understand people are still anxious to between life and death. It was the bravery
get in their home. We understand people of the first-responders on the scenes. I'm
hear about help and wonder where it is. We here to thank you all for showing the country
know that. But the first thing is, is that this how to respond to natural disaster.
Federal Government has made a commit
See, there's a new Mississippi that's com
ment to help, and it starts with a large check. ing, and you're going to see it in the construc
It also means that in order for the rebuilding tion of homes and the return of local busi
to be as strong as we want, there has to be
a partnership with the Federal Government nesses. This requires a different kind of cour
and the State and local governments. age, but it's a courage, nevertheless, for peo
Here's my attitude about the partnership: ple to take risk and to rebuild and to say,
You know better than the people in Wash “I’m not going to let the storm disrupt my
life forever.”
ington the needs of your communities. I'd
rather listen to local mayors and county com See, you got people here leading the re
missioners than folks sitting in Washington, construction. We'll help you. We've com
DC, about what this part of Mississippi mitted more than $3 billion in housing
wants. grants, and that money is beginning to flow
The first test of this partnership was to to the homeowners. And I know there's some
clear debris. You can't rebuild a community frustration, but I want to appreciate the State
when the community is full of debris. We've working hard to make sure that when that
now removed about 98 percent of the dry money is spent, it's spent well and it goes
debris. I remember when we first came down to people who deserve it. That's what you
here; the mayors weren't so happy with the expect, and that's what's going to happen.
debris removal. But we listened to them. We
The checks have begun to roll; they're begin
got the funding equations right. And we got ning to move, and the Governor and his staff
after it, and the debris is basically gone— are on top of it. It's a huge undertaking that's
which is step one of making sure our partner going to require cooperation with govern
ship works, and step two about making sure ment agencies, insurance companies, volun
we can rebuild this area bigger and i.
than before.
teers, and community leaders.
The folks right back here said they couldn't
We're also working together to make sure have rebuilt this house without the church,
we're better prepared to handle the hurri
canes. Every Department of my administra without volunteer organizations that have
tion participated in a comprehensive study stepped up to help. Governor Barbour's
that looked at our response to last year's hur Commission on Recovery, Rebuilding, and
ricanes. Each Department came up with Renewal was an important step to bringing
practical reforms, ways to do things better. citizens together to develop a vision of how
And so we've been reviewing plans. We've people can work together. It's a smart thing
been working with the State and local folks. to have done.
The people in Mississippi are prepared. See, I said, you develop the plan. We're
And I want to thank Governor Barbour and not going to do it for you because you know
the local folks for making impressive efforts better the local needs, and Mississippi
to protect the people of Mississippi. The stepped up. The Commission brought to
truth of the matter is, we can work together, gether more than 500 volunteers. The Com
and will, but when disaster strikes, the first mission held more than 50 public forums in
people that you rely upon—the people that 33 counties. They heard from thousands of
matter most—are your friends. It's friends citizens on how to rebuild, and as a result,
1516 Aug. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the recovery efforts began with concrete rec That's a smart man who understands that
ommendations on how to improve the infra as this part of the world flourishes and busi
structure, on how to revamp zoning laws and nesses grow, people are going to find work
building codes, and how to increase local co and have the wherewithal to help rebuild the
operation in planning for future storms. communities in their lives.
It was a smart thing to do, Governor, and I appreciate the spirit of Pass Christian.
I appreciate you doing it. You have a strategy After the hurricanes leveled many of its
now to build smarter homes. You've got a buildings, the city responded by permitting
strategy to have neighborhoods connected by businesses and community organizations to
parks and playgrounds. You've got a sound set up trailers in War Memorial Park. The
strategy. idea started when Hancock Bank set up a
And I understand that rebuilding neigh shop in an RV. Today, the park has two
borhoods begins one house at a time, and banks, an insurance agent, a real estate busi
ness, a convenience store, a construction
that's what's happening here. When some
body goes back to their home, it helps renew company, a takeout restaurant, and a town
the community, and so part of our efforts library. Scott Naugle—he's with us today;
and part of our focus is to make sure that he's the president of the chamber. He says,
people can get back in their homes as quickly “We're going to do business even if we have
as possible. to learn new ways to do it.”
Sandy Patterson—she can tell you how im Optimism is the only option. We want to
portant it is to feel reconnected. She says, help. We want to help that optimism suc
ceed. And so I signed legislation that creates
“My house is my home again, and it's good
what's called the Gulf Opportunity Zones.
to be home.” And that's what we want; peo That means if you invest in this part of the
ple to help people here in this part of the world, you get tax breaks. In other words,
they're using the Tax Code to say, come and
Listen, the spirit is alive here in the small invest your capital here. It's very important
business owners who are working hard to get for the Congress to extend this legislation.
their businesses open. One of the entre It's important for planners and job creators
preneurs, a fellow named Ernest Henley— to know that the incentive we created will
he's here. He owns West End Cleaners. still be there.
When Katrina hit, it blew out his windows, And also, we've put out small-business
hurt his roof. Less than 2 weeks later, the
loans. In other words, what we're trying do
windows were boarded up, but West End is just help you. The spirit is here. The people
Cleaners was back in business. See, he wasn't want to succeed. And our job at the Federal
going to let the storm stop him from realizing level is to help you succeed. That's what I've
his dream, which is running his own business. come to tell you.
Bobby Mahoney is with us. He showed the One of the remarkable things about this
same spirit when he opened Mary part of the world that was so affected by the
Mahoney's. That's a restaurant he named for storms was what happened to the schools.
his mother. That's a smart thing to do if you Laura has visited the gulf coast 13 times.
have a restaurant. [Laughter] Within 2 She's carried the message that a lot of people
months of Hurricane Katrina, Mary in America feel, and that is, it's important
Mahoney's was once again serving its world to help children get back to school as quickly
famous gourmet seafood gumbo. Inside the as possible. And you've done that.
restaurant you can see where Bobby painted For children who lost everything—their
the lines to mark how high the waters were homes, their belongings, and their friends—
for Camille and then Katrina. He says this: going to school can be a place where they
“The reason why Biloxi is going to get back find stability and a familiar routine. The peo
real quick is because of businesses. You can ple of Mississippi understood that well.
come back and build a home with a job, but Teachers and community leaders worked
you can't come back and build a home with hard to get the children back into school as
out a job.” quickly as possible.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 28 1517

Catch this: As a result of these efforts, in that abound here. When the hurricane
the past school year, every district closed struck, men and women of faith stepped for
after Katrina was reopened. It's a remarkable ward immediately. The following Sunday,
accomplishment by the good folks in this part Father Harold Roberts—he's with us
of the world. Lizana Elementary School is today—and the congregation of Episcopal
a good example. In the days and weeks after Church of the Redeemer gathered at the site
Katrina, it first served as a Red Cross shelter. where their church once stood. They carried
And to get school back on its feet, the citizens lawn chairs, and they brought blankets to sit.
from Mississippi and all across the Nation Some of them had been through this before.
helped it rebuild. They donated desks and See, back in 1969, Hurricane Camille de
file cabinets and even clothing and bookbags stroyed everything but the steeple and the
and pencils and paper. Vickie Williams is old church bell. This time, nothing was left
with us today. Here's what she said. She said, standing, and so the congregation had to ring
“None of the students had to purchase sup the old bell from its new place in the rubble.
plies. Through donation efforts across the On that first Sunday after Katrina, Father
country, everything got back to normal. It Harold Roberts read from the Book of Ro
was a blessing from everywhere.” Vickie, mans. Here's what he said. He said, “Rejoice
thanks for giving other people credit, but you in hope. Be patient in suffering. Persevere
and your staff deserve a lot of credit. in prayer"—precisely what the people of this
Charles B. Murphy and Gulfview elemen part of the world have done.
tary schools are another inspiring story. Father Roberts is working hard. His con
When the schools were destroyed, the teach gregation began to rebuild their school, and
ers had to adapt, and they began to hold their now they're building—they're going to build
classes in trailers. Teachers helped with a church on higher ground. In the meantime,
maintenance duties, and parents pitched in, they're gathering in the gymnasium. He said,
and volunteers came as far away as Vermont “In spite of the challenges of the past year,
and Canada. And they assembled furniture we see the power of God working. The peo
and hauled boxes and set up computers and ple have been incredibly patient. We will re
planted trees. There was an outdoor class cover from this, and we will not rebuild until
room that served as a meeting place for we can do it right.”
science and music and physical education. Good citizens have risen up all over Mis
Jan White is with us. She said this: “Last sissippi to rebuild this State. Many volunteers
year was survival; this year is innovation.” traveled thousands of miles to be here. In
The school system has not only survived, but other words, I hope you realized you weren't
they're going to be stronger and better than alone. One of the amazing groups was Hands
they were before. On Gulf Coast.
One of the things that the Governor and Hands On Gulf Coast is a group of volun
the Senator said to the Federal Government, teers, total strangers to the people of this part
they said, “We need help. Our tax bases have of the world, in large part. They said, “What
been destroyed. We need operating cash to can I do to help?” They came en masse. They
keep our schools running.” And so we've did all kinds of things. They cleaned up
spent almost $480 million to help the schools wreckage, and they removed mold, and they
recover. But there's a lot more work to be repaired roofs, and they provided clothing,
done. and they tutored students. Somebody said,
And one of the places where work can be “We have a need.” They said, “I want to
done and is being done is in libraries. Laura help.”
Bush feels strongly about this. She's set up When the Coastal Family Health Center
what's called the Laura Bush Foundation, lost three buildings and more than 60 staff
and in working with the private sector, has members, Hands On offered to help. They
awarded more than a million dollars in grants worked with nurses who came from the gulf
to 20 schools to purchase new books. coast. They got FedEx to supply funding for
We see the new Mississippi because of the airfare. They provided food and housing. And
faith-based and community organizations as a result, the Coastal Family Health Center
1518 Aug. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

was able to provide critical help for good peo Army; Patricia Thompson Lott, wife of Senator
ple in this part of the world. C. Trent Lott; Mayor A.J. Holloway of Biloxi, MS;
Suzanne Stahl, who I happen to have met, Mayor Rusty Quave of D'Iberville, MS; Mayor
is standing right over there. You've been Billy Skellie, Jr., of Long Beach, MS; Vickie Wil
down here for 12 months, see. Isn't that liams, principal, Lizana Elementary School; and
Jan White, principal, Gulfview-Charles B. Murphy
amazing? Somebody shows up and says, “I Elementary School.
want to help,” and is still here helping be
cause she cares, as do a lot of other people.
She said this: “It’s been incredible to see the
Remarks Following a Tour of United
power and will of all the volunteers who have States Marine, Inc., and an Exchange
come to do something. If only I could have With Reporters in Gulfport,
bottled the energy and enthusiasm of these
volunteers. It's just about as unbelievable as Mississippi
the devastation.” August 28, 2006
So, I want to thank all those who have vol
unteered. I want to thank those who have The President. One of the things I've
given of their hard-earned money to help the learned here is that the good folks at United
good people down here recover. I want to States Marine are looking for workers, and
remind those who are constantly looking for there's a shortage of workers here in the gulf
a way to serve your fellow man that there's coast. The reason I bring that up is that if
still work to be done down here, that there's people are looking for work, they should
still hope. There's still a need for people to
come and help. Obviously, part of the problem is getting
The armies of compassion that conducted housing. That's why we're working with Gov
the millions of acts of kindness remind us ernor Barbour to make sure that the housing
money starts moving. But people are going
that the true strength of the United States
of America lies in the hearts and souls of to have to-they're coming down to work;
our citizens, and we're thankful for that. they're going to have to have a place to live.
No doubt in my mind, Mississippi will have But what's fascinating about this part of the
the renaissance that Governor Barbour world is that in one year's time, it's gone from
talked about. You can't drive through this despair to hope and that if you're somebody
State without seeing signs of recovery and who wants to find a job, you can find work
renewal. It's just impossible to miss the signs in Mississippi, good-paying jobs. That's what
of hope. And you've done it the old-fashioned the man just told me who runs the company.
way, with vision and hard work and resolve. There is hope down here. There's still a lot
Some of the hardest work is still ahead. of work to be done.

We'll complete the clearing of the wet debris My message to the people down here is
that we understand there's more work to be
from the Mississippi Sound. We'll ensure
Federal money reaches the individuals who done, and just because a year has passed—
need it to build their homes. We'll make sure the Federal Government will remember the
the schools and libraries are rebuilt better people. This is an anniversary, but it doesn't
than before, and we'll stand by you as long mean it ends. It's the beginning of what is
as it takes to get the job done. And when going to be a long recovery. But I'm amazed
the job gets done, your children and your by the opportunity; I'm amazed by the hope
grandchildren will have a brighter and more that I feel down here. Anyway, thought you
would be interested.
hopeful future.
May God continue to bless the courageous
people of Mississippi. Thank you for coming. Federal Government Role in Hurricane
Recovery Efforts
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:10 p.m. in an
East Biloxi neighborhood. In his remarks, he re Q. Mr. President, a few minutes ago, in
ferred to Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi and your remarks a few minutes ago, you talked
his wife, Marsha; Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore, about the role of faith-based organizations.
USA, commanding general, First United States Has the experience down here given you a
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 28 1519

new opinion about what the role of the Fed cause I sat in it with he and his wife. And
eral Government can or should be in a situa now it's completely obliterated. There's noth
tion like this? ing. And I remember coming down here—
The President. The role of Government these giant piles of debris were here.
here, first and foremost, is to provide enough People say, “How can we rebuild with de
money to say that the rebuilding effort will bris?” Now it's gone. But to answer your
be robust. I felt it was very important for question, I can't predict, but I do know how
us to be generous, and the people of America massive the effort is going to be, and I know
responded. The people in the gulf coast re how massive it's been. There's just more
gion have got to understand, the American work to be done. The people down here need
taxpayers have stepped forth with a lot of to know the Federal Government is helping,
money. And you can't have hope unless and we understand that there are still issues,
there's a reason to be hopeful, and the $110 and people are still hurting, and people want
billion was a reason to be hopeful. to get into their homes.
Obviously, there's a lot of work to be done, Okay, final question.
but the Federal Government had a very im Funding for Hurricane Recovery Efforts
portant role to play and we're playing it, but
so does the State and local government, Q. Sir, is $110 billion the end of it? And
whether it be here in Mississippi or in Lou which promises from Jackson Square are you
isiana. The citizens of our country and the finding hardest to make a reality?
The President. One hundred and ten bil
citizens of this region have an important role
to play, because this storm was so big it re lion dollars, hopefully that will work. Hope
quires all aspects of American life to help fully, that's enough. It's certainly enough to
the people. It was a massive storm. It was get us through the next period of time. And
the largest in the Nation's history or at least the hardest part has been to get a State re
the most expensive. construction effort up and running. Mis
sissippi's is up and running. Of course, I said
Rebuilding Efforts on the Gulf Coast/Jobs early on that the States and local govern
Q. How long do you imagine it will be ments have got to devise a plan to rebuild.
before this area is fully rebuilt? And the reason I said that is because the peo
The President. Well, it's hard for me to ple of Mississippi know best how to rebuild
say. I would say years, not months. On the Mississippi, and the Governor stepped up,
other hand, the progress in one year's time and he put this fantastic commission to
has been remarkable. And I suspect that gether, and they developed a plan. That plan
what you'll see, Toby (Tabassum Zakaria, has been funded. The money is beginning
Reuters], is there will be a momentum; mo to go out the door, so people can rebuild
their lives.
mentum will be gathered. Houses will begat
jobs; jobs will begat houses. And they're just In Louisiana, it's been a little slower. And
beginning to get to that point where the in I look forward to talking to the folks there
frastructures are being expanded, the houses tomorrow and this evening about what we
are going to be—more houses are going to can do to work together to expedite these
be added. plans being implemented, because we fund
The Governor was talking to me today ed the housing. And I think when people
about an interesting modular concept to ex begin to see the checks that come—that say,
pedite people getting out of trailers into “Okay, here's some money to help you re
something more permanent. But the storm build,” they'll have a lot better spirit. They'll
feel a lot better about their future.
was massive in scope. You came down with
me and saw it. But most Americans didn't Anyway, thank you all.
get to see what it was like. It's hard to de NOTE: The President spoke at 3:19 p.m. In his
scribe the devastation down here. It was mas
remarks, he referred to Gov. Haley Barbour of
sive in its destruction, and it spared nobody. Mississippi; John Dane III, cochairman, United
United States Senator Trent Lott had a fan States Marine, Inc.; and Patricia Thompson Lott,
tastic house overlooking the bay. I know be wife of Senator C. Trent Lott. A tape was not
1520 Aug. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
available for verification of the content of these These grants, for the press, might want to
remarks. know that these are for materials to restock
a school library. They come in the form of
a check because we know that school librar
Remarks in a Discussion on the Gulf
ians want to build their library the way that
Coast School Library Recovery it will support their curriculum and be most
Initiative in New Orleans, Louisiana appropriate and perfect for their school
children. So this is not—this is not a book
August 29, 2006
distribution; this is a check to these schools
The President. Laura and I want to thank so they can do what all professional librarians
the educators and students who have taken want to do, and that is restock their libraries
time to come over and help us make the with the best books possible, including the
point that renewal requires good education, course books that are especially bound for
and that there are a lot of good folks up and libraries so they can get a lot of use.
down the gulf coast who understand that, and So I'm so excited to be here with all of
that part of good education means having you. I especially want to thank four founda
good books and strong libraries. tions which have been very, very generous
And so I'm going to turn it over to the with the second round of grants. The AT&T
person who's the strong, good library person Foundation, Conoco/Philips, Target, and En
in our family. terprise Corporation have been very gen
The First Lady. Well, I'm so excited erous so that we can continue to give grants
today to get to see each one of you. I had across the gulf coast. And I want to thank
a foundation already for school libraries, and them, their representatives of their corpora
we were just getting ready to disband the tions here. Thank you all very much for that.
fundraising arm of that, the advisory com And I also want to thank Marshall Payne
mittee, last year, last October. And when we out of Dallas, who's the chairman of the Gulf
met for our last meeting, they said, “Let’s Coast Recovery Initiative. He's back here—
keep going; let's raise money now specifically and Pam Willeford, who's our director.
for the gulf coast and try to raise enough So, Pam, I believe we'll take it over to you
money so that if every school comes up and
is functional again and is staffed, that they [At this point, the public portion of the event
can apply for a grant for—to stock their li concluded; however, the discussion contin
brary.” ued, and no transcript was provided.]
And it’s been a thrill to be associated with
school people. I know how school people NOTE: The President spoke at 11:04 a.m. at War
work. You're first-responders, just like fire ren Easton Senior High School. The First Lady
men and policemen. You know you've got referred to Marshall B. Payne, chairman, Gulf
to get your schools up and going imme Coast School Library Recovery Initiative; and
diately. And I want to thank you for your Pamela P. Willeford, chair, advisory committee,
Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries.
determination and your very hard work, be A tape was not available for verification of the
cause I know that many of the people on content of these remarks.
every school staff who rebuilt their schools
are also having to rebuild their own lives.
They lost their own houses, or they are living Remarks on Hurricane Katrina
in FEMA trailers. And so they're doing dou Recovery Efforts in New Orleans
ble work, and I want to thank you very, very August 29, 2006
much for that.
This is the second round of grants that Thank you all. Thank you. Good morning.
we're announcing today—we gave 10 From our beginnings as a nation, the church
schools, 7 in Louisiana and 3 in Mississippi, steeple and the schoolhouse door have been
earlier this summer. And this is our second enduring symbols of the American commu
round of grants to 10 more schools, once nity, and so it is today in New Orleans. Ear
again 7 in Louisiana and 3 in Mississippi. lier this morning, we gathered at St. Louis
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 29 1521

Cathedral in the presence of a just God who I want to thank the attorney general of the
asks us to love our neighbors as ourselves. State of Louisiana. General, thank you for
And now we stand inside Warren Easton joining us. He's an alumnus of Warren Eas
Senior High School. Warren Easton is the ton Senior High School. I appreciate so very
oldest public school in New Orleans. much the superintendent of schools—State
In a little more than a week, its classrooms Superintendent of Schools Cecil Picard is
will again be filled with young men and with us today. I thank all those State and
women who will write the future of this great local officials who have come. I appreciate
American city. And that future draws from Jean Case, who is the chair of the President's
a rich past—the music of Fats Domino, the Council on Service and Civic Participation.
stories of Tennessee Williams, shotgun I want to thank one of the fine, fine citi
houses and iron-lattice balconies, seafood zens of your State, a man who brings great
gumbo, red beans and rice on Mondays. dignity in anything he does, and that's Dr.
Over the course of nearly three centuries, Norman Francis, who is the chairman of the
a city that once was the center of slave trade Louisiana Recovery Authority. I want to
has been transformed to a unique and great thank Lexi Medley, who is the principal of
American city. This city is a story of hope Warren Easton Senior High School. Happy
and dignity and perseverance. And it's these birthday. Today is her birthday. We're not
qualities that have seen you through trials of telling, are we? [Laughter] No, 25, okay.
war and prejudice and natural disaster. I want to thank all those school administra
One year ago today, your beloved New Or tors, teachers, librarians, and students who
leans and surrounding parishes and counties are here from not only—they're not only
and the great State of Mississippi were struck here from New Orleans, but they're from
by a cruel hurricane. And here in this city, around the area, including Mississippi. Wel
there was flooding on a biblical scale. Less come. Thanks for coming.
than 3 weeks later, with many of the homes When the waters broke through the levees
and churches and schools still under water, a year ago, southern Louisiana was consumed
I came to Jackson Square. I said we could by flood waters, and New Orleans faced the
not imagine America without the Crescent greatest disaster in its history. Eighty percent
City and pledged that our Government of your city was under water. Thousands of
would do its part. And today Laura and I businesses were hurt. Tens of thousands of
have come back to discuss that pledge and homes were damaged and destroyed, and
your future. hundreds of thousands of folks fled the re
I want to thank Don Powell, the Federal gion in perhaps the greatest dislocation of
Coordinator of the Gulf Coast Rebuilding, American citizens since the Dust Bowl of the
who is with us today. I appreciate Admiral 1930s.
Thad Allen, who's now the Commandant of Your fellow Americans offered you more
the United States Coast Guard, who is with than sympathy. They responded with action.
us today. And I want to thank Lieutenant Those of you who were stranded on rooftops
General Russ Honore. looked to the sky for deliverance, and then
I appreciate the members of the congres you saw the Coast Guard choppers come.
sional delegation who have joined us today: Members of Louisiana National Guard, who
Senator Mary Landrieu as well as Senator had just come back from Iraq, stepped for
David Vitter and his wife, Wendy. Thank you ward to bring food and water and ice. On
both for being here. I want to thank Con every street, in every parish, there were con
gressman William Jefferson and Andrea; stant acts of selflessness.
Congressman Bobby Jindal; and Congress Doctors and nurses stayed with patients;
man Charlie Melancon and his wife, Peachy. they went without food so that the sick and
Thank you all for joining us. Proud to be the infirm might be able to eat. Fishermen
working with you. used their flat-bottom boats to form the
I noticed that Mary brought her brother, “Cajun Navy” and pulled women and chil
Mitch, the Lieutenant Governor of the great dren and the elderly out of flooded homes,
State of Louisiana. Mitch, thanks for coming. and brought them to dry ground. Volunteers
1522 Aug. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

embraced frightened boys and girls with nonsense. He's a good listener, and when he
warm blankets and loving arms to reassure finds hurdles in the way between intentions
them somebody cared. In these and count and results, he works to remove them. He’s
less other acts of courage, we saw the very on the job now, and he's going to stay on
best of America. the job until we get the job done. And I ap
Unfortunately, the hurricane also brought preciate you, Don, for your service.
terrible scenes that we never thought we To make sure that we keep our promises
would see in America: Citizens drowned in and to make sure this good area recovers,
their attics; desperate mothers crying out on we have got to give assurance to the citizens
national TV for food and water; a breakdown that if there is another natural disaster, we'll
of law and order; and a government at all respond in better fashion. Every Department
levels that fell short of its responsibilities. of my administration has looked at its re
When the rain stopped and this wounded sponse to last year's hurricanes and has rec
city was laid bare, our television screens ommended practical reforms, things to do to
showed faces worn down by poverty and de make sure that the response is better.
spair. For most of you, the storms were only Chertoff—Secretary Chertoff has in
the beginning of your difficulties. Katrina ex creased manpower and training for FEMA,
posed the big things that need repairing; yet strengthened partnerships with the Red
it's most devastating impact has been on the Cross and the Department of Defense, im
rhythms of everyday life. proved communications among local, State,
Some of you still don't know whether you and Federal emergency teams, and has ex
have a neighborhood to come back to. Others panded supplies so that FEMA can feed up
of you who made the decision to return are to a million people for about a week. We
living in trailers. Many are separated from looked at what went right, and we looked
their loved ones and simply long just to go at what went wrong, and we're addressing
to church on a Sunday afternoon with some that which went wrong.
body you care about. Many of you find your In Louisiana, we have pre-positioned sup
self without jobs and struggling to make do plies in advance of this year's hurricane sea
without the convenience of a supermarket son. The people of the gulf coast can know
nearby. Many fear for your safety because that at the Federal level and at the State level
of violent criminals. The challenge is not only and at the local level, we've all assessed, and
to help rebuild, but the challenge is to help we're now working together in better fashion.
restore the soul. We're better prepared. And step one of re
I take full responsibility for the Federal building is to assure people, if another hurri
Government's response, and a year ago I cane comes, there will be a better, more ef
made a pledge that we will learn the lessons fective response.
of Katrina and that we will do what it takes Secondly, in order to make sure that peo
to help you recover. I've come back to New ple understand there's hope and renewal in
Orleans to tell you the words that I spoke this area, they've got to have confidence in
on Jackson Square are just as true today as a stronger levee system. It became clear to
they were then. me in my first of my many visits down here—
Since I spoke those words, Members of the people said, “It’s fine—you can talk all
the United States Congress from both polit you want, just get the levees stronger.” I
ical parties came together and committed think that was your message, Senator.
more than $110 billion to help the gulf coast [Laughter
recover. I felt it was important that our Gov The Army of Corps of Engineers has been
ernment be generous to the people who suf working nonstop—and I mean nonstop—to
fered. I felt that step one of a process of repair the damage and make 350 miles of
recovery and renewal is money. the system stronger. I say 350 miles. Most
I also put a good man in charge of coordi people in America don't understand the na
nating the Federal response for local rebuild ture of your levee system. They're extensive
ing. I've already introduced him—his name and require a lot of work, including rebuild
is Don Powell. He's a good fellow. He's no ing I-walls with T-walls. In other words, that
lministration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 29 1523

rengthens the foundations of levees. We're is a lot of the effort, a lot of the success,
orm-proofing the pumping stations, and the and a lot of results were achieved because
imping stations' capacities are being in of faith-based and community groups.
eased. We're elevating electrical systems so Groups like Katrina Krewe have mobilized
ey can work during a flood. thousands of volunteers, ranging from stu
Today, almost the entire flood protection dents on spring break to moms and retirees.
stem around New Orleans has been re Isn't it interesting to have a country where
red to pre-Katrina level. And in many people are willing to show up to help clean
aces, the system is now better than it was out houses and remove debris for someone
fore Katrina. We're working to make the they didn't even know? It's a spectacular na
vees stronger than ever by 2010, and we tion, isn't it, when compassion overflows to
| study what we need to do to give New overwhelming?
rleans even greater protection. The Krewe's founder, Becky Zaheri, is
One thing that the American people have with us. She left; then she came back. And
t to understand is that in order to make she said, “I went and visited other States and
re the levee system works, there has to be they were beautiful, but they were not
barrier system to protect the State of Lou home.” That's the spirit that we're trying to
ana. I strongly urge the United States Con capture. That's the spirit we want people who
ess to pass energy legislation that will give are watching from afar to understand; this
e State of Louisiana more revenues from “home” is beginning to be.
|shore leases so they can restore the wet The debris is getting cleaned. As a matter
lds. of fact, in order to make sure that the Fed
The Army Corps of Engineers has been eral—that we continue to clean the remain
rking with local citizens in difficult cir ing debris, the Federal Government has
mstances. I've been on the levees; I've agreed to pay 100 percent of reimbursement
en these good folks working. One such fel costs through the end of the year on the five
w is Kevin Wagner. He's with us today. hardest hit parishes.
e's an engineer whose house had 12 feet We need to get homes available for people.
water after the storm. I think it's important A renewed New Orleans is a New Orleans
r people to listen to what Kevin said. He with new homes. Everybody understands
id, “For me, it's personal. My whole family that. The people here, and those who have
ed down there in St. Bernard Parish. Ev left, they all tell me one thing—particularly
yone who's working on this effort has the those who—“I miss New Orleans,” is what
me motivation and the same sense of ur they say. But we got to make sure they have
ncy.” a place to move to. Trailers are only tem
There is a sense of urgency, and I want porary. The goal is to make sure that commu
thank those in the Corps and those who nities are restored because there's new
e helping the Corps send reassuring mes homes. That's the goal. And we will help.
ges to the people who live here and the I want to thank the Louisiana Recovery
ople who want to move back here. Authority. Dr. Francis and his team have
A more hopeful New Orleans means we've done a really good job of developing a strat
ſt to get rid of the broken furniture and egy, a plan, to help renew communities
d refrigerators and get rid of the wreckage. through homes. You know, when we first got
ru can't rebuild until you remove the rub going in this deal, we had choices to make,
e. The sheer tonnage of debris in Louisiana and a lot of people said, “Why don't you just
many times greater than any previous dis take it over, Washington? Why don't you
ter. And after many months and more than make all the decisions for the local folks?”
.8 billion from the Federal Government, That's not the way I think. I trust the people
9m the taxpayers, more than three-quarters like Dr. Francis and the parish presidents
the debris has now been cleared. and the mayors and the city councilmen to
You know, it's amazing when you really make the right decisions for the people of
ink about the effort. Of course, govern this community. And so the Federal Govern
ent has a part, but the truth of the matter ment is working with the Louisiana Recovery
1524 Aug. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Authority to help people get back in their say, “We not only believe in success; we see
homes. And we've appropriated more than success for the good of the future of this
$10 billion to help people achieve that State.”
dream. Laura mentioned that the First Lady's
Under this program, eligible homeowners Foundation established a Gulf Coast School
will receive up to $150,000 for damage not Library Recovery Initiative, and they started
covered by insurance or other Federal assist granting—giving grants—more grants today
ance. All of us agree, at all levels of govern to help libraries restock. Her view is the view
ment, that we've got to get the money as of many, in that the center of a school is
quickly as possible in the hands of the people, the library. Without a library, schools can't
so they can rebuild their lives and help this realize their full potential. And so she and
city recover. her foundation and folks in the private sector
A more hopeful New Orleans means re have awarded more that a million dollars in
placing a school system that didn't work with grants to 20 schools, including $70,000 to the
one that will. And I congratulate the good library here at this high school.
people of New Orleans and the LRA for Nancy Hernandez is the librarian. She is
coming up with a novel plan to address fail a graduate from this high school. She puts
ure that had caused—in many cases, was a it this way: “I think the library is the heart
root cause of poverty. I'm excited for you of the school. For a child, there is nothing
about the innovative charter school system that can replace the joy that comes from a
you have put in place. I applaud you for book.” And she is right. And I want to thank
thinking differently. I can't thank you enough you, Laura, for helping people realize dreams
for seizing the moment to say to the good with new books, in the midst of helping this
folks and the families, we will do a better public school system recover.
job with the school system here in New Orle New Orleans' school system is enriched by
anS. the religious schools here. And the Cathedral
I know Margaret Spellings was down here Academy has been educating in New Orleans
recently—she's been down here a lot, and for nearly three decades. There's an inter
she should. We provided about a billion dol esting story I’m about to tell you. Last Octo
lars to help the school system to get people ber, Cathedral Academy became the first
back in school. The Federal Government has school to reopen. That was last October. Sis
helped. It's very important, however, that ter Mary Rose is the principal, and she be
people understand that the best way to make lieves this: No child would be turned away
sure the school system delivers excellence is from her school's front door.
there be local control of schools, that people For 10-year-old Aaliyah Carr, who is with
be charge of the future—local people be in us today here, the return to school was a day
charge of the future of the New Orleans she will never forget. I love what she said.
schools. She said, “I was so happy, I could hear the
Warren Easton Senior High School is a choir singing in my head. It was a long time
new charter school. One year ago, the class before I thought I'd see a school again, and
rooms and corridors were covered by about I'm so glad to be walking these halls.” Aaliyah
10 feet of water. Like many other schools says it better than I can. Education is the
in New Orleans, Warren Easton is now re gateway to a brighter future. Education pro
opened. When you say “charter school”, it vides the light of hope for a young generation
means the funding actually follows the stu of children.
dents, which makes schools more account It's really important—I look forward to
able to parents. It means parents will be working with the Federal Government to
more involved in the schools. provide opportunity scholarships for the
By reopening as a charter school, Warren poorest of our families so they have a choice
Easton is providing a new model. The motto as to whether they go to a religious school
of this school is, “We believe in success.” A or a public school. It's good for New Orleans
revitalized New Orleans needs a reformed to have competing school systems. It's good
public school system where everybody can for our country to have a vibrant parochial
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 29 1525

school system. And I applaud those who are at the Federal level understand we still have
very much involved with the Catholic school a continuing commitment, Attorney General
system here in the great city of New Orleans. Al Gonzales came down here. And he an
I predict, a year from now people are going nounced a new Justice Department initiative
to be wondering where they can find workers to send more Federal agents and prosecutors
and wondering what they're going to do to New Orleans to help local law enforce
about the equipment shortages, supply short ment crack down on violent crime. If you
ages. I see an incredibly bright future for the want there to be renewal and recovery, like
entrepreneur. A lot of the revitalization of we all do, you've got to crack down on violent
New Orleans and the area—surrounding crime. You've got to send a message that the
area is going to come because there's more streets of New Orleans are safe. And we'll
businesses opening and more shops reopen help you do so. The work ahead includes—
i believe that Government has a role to Last night I had dinner with your parish
play in encouraging entrepreneurship, and so presidents and Mayor Nagin and Oliver
I worked with Members of the United States Thomas and the good doctor and a lot of
Congress, both political parties, to pass Go other good folks, and one message was clear
Zone legislation. Go Zone legislation gives to me: That for this city to recover, there
entrepreneurs and small businesses tax in needs to be help on infrastructure. There
centives to invest in this area, to help jump needs to be better sewers and better infra
start this economy and provide jobs. The Go structure around which a new New Orleans
Zone legislation is set to expire. The United can emerge. I listened carefully, and to the
States Congress needs to extend this good extent there's bureaucracy standing in the
piece of legislation. way, me and Don Powell will—or Don Pow
There's a guy named Joe Peters—he's here ell and I–excuse me, darlin'—Don Powell
with us. Where are you, Joe? Somewhere. and I–ſapplause]—Don Powell and I will
Got a lousy seat. [Laughter] I want to tell work to get rid of them.
you what he said. He's a Vietnam vet. He We can also-we'll work with your leaders
runs a tire store on St. Claude Avenue. Right to achieve a larger goal, and that is this: To
after the flood, the waters went up to his rebuild a New Orleans where every child
desktop. He and his workers, though, re who grows up here feels a great part of the
opened the shop. They had a job to do. They American promise. That's the challenge. And
were fixing tires for police cruisers and family we've got a role to play, and we'll play it.
cars that were trying to get to safety. They That's what I'm here to say—we'll play it.
were providing an important service. Here's But I also want to remind you that the
what Joe says about this city's future. See, Federal Government cannot do this job
he's an entrepreneur. He's a can-do person. alone, nor should it be expected to do the
He believes in the future. He said, “This ain't job alone. This is your home; you know what
nothing. This is New Orleans. We were here needs to be done. And a reborn Louisiana
before there was a United States. You cannot must reflect the views of the people down
kill a city like this.” here and their vision and your priorities.
I have returned to make it clear to people State and parish authorities have a responsi
that I understand we're marking the first an bility to set priorities, and they're doing so.
niversary of the storm, but this anniversary We all have a responsibility to clear obstacles
is not an end. And so I come back to say that stand in the way of meeting goals. And
that we will stand with the people of southern we've got to make sure the money that has
Louisiana and southern Mississippi until the started to flow continues to flow.
job is done. At this critical moment, there are a lot of
A lot of work has been accomplished, and people making big decisions about where
I congratulate the people here. But there's their future lies. I understand that, and so
more work to be done. The work ahead in does the LRA and Governor Blanco and local
cludes making sure that your streets are safe. authorities. We all understand that. We know
And to make sure that people understand we there are people weighing a big decision. We
1526 Aug. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

want to make sure that, when they do make for work. At one point, Samantha and her
the decision to rebuild, that the rules are daughters were living in cars. She felt alone
clear and that the zoning decisions by local and abandoned. And that's when she walked
authorities make sense. That's a local deci into the office of Catholic Charities and met
sion to make. But we are going to make sure a lady named Peggy Matthews, who's also
that we work closely together to clear up any here.
ambiguity. See, we want people coming Peggy wiped the tears off Samantha's face.
home. We want the rules clear, so when peo She gave her love and encouragement.
ple come home, they know that they'll be Samantha agreed to enroll in Peggy's job
coming to a safer, better place. training class and give it one more try. And
I appreciate the fact that State and local within 2 weeks, she found work. And at the
authorities are working together and making same time, Catholic Charities helped her
tough decisions. It hadn't been easy, but the with food and clothes and diapers and a gift
storm was a big storm that created a lot of card to Wal-Mart that allowed her to buy the
damage, and the good folks down here are uniform she would need for her new job. She
working together. They're thinking smart. found help and love.
They've got a plan, a strategy to help rebuild, Catholic Charities also helped Samantha
and the Federal Government will stand with
find a house in the Carrollton neighborhood
near Lafayette Academy. It's a new charter
The private sector has a responsibility to school that her daughters will be attending
help down here. You know, during the storm, very soon. Recently she found a new job she
American companies showed a lot of re loves; she's now a nurse. For the first time
sourcefulness to get supplies and relief to the
affected areas, and I know everybody down in her life, Samantha says she feels a sense
here thanks private—corporate America for of ownership and control over her future.
doing that. But now that the immediate crisis Here's what she says: “I was just hoping for
has passed, the people of this region are look some motivation so I could keep going. I
ing to corporate America to see if they're think God sent me to Catholic Charities, and
here for the long haul. So I ask America's I think of myself as blessed because now I'm
business leaders to show the people here the able to help other people who cannot help
same commitment you showed during the
flood. New Orleans is going to rise again, and Samantha's story is a story of renewal. And
by planting your corporate flag here now and it may sound like a familiar story to people
contributing to this city's rebirth, you'll gain who know the history of New Orleans; it's
some loyal customers when times get better. always been a city of second chance. When
The people of this city have a responsibility your first settlement was leveled by a storm,
as well. I know you love New Orleans, and you rebuilt again. When fire struck, you re
New Orleans needs you. She needs people placed the wood buildings with brick. When
coming home. She needs people—she needs you were ravaged by war and epidemics of
those saints to come marching back, is what malaria and smallpox and yellow fever, you
she needs. New Orleans is calling her chil picked yourself up and you prospered. And
dren home. I hear it from all of the local when the hurricanes hit in the past, you
officials. They say they got a plan in place cleaned up, you salvaged what you could, and
and money coming to make New Orleans a you rebuilt. Every time New Orleans came
hospitable place. back—louder, brasher, and better.
One woman who's come back is a woman We see the same resolve today. In keeping
named Samantha George. She is with us with the tradition of this city, New Orleans
today. A year ago, the future looked bleak again looks to music to express her feelings.
for Samantha and her four young daughters. And these feelings were captured on a ben
Their home in Mid-City had five feet of efit album called “Higher Ground.” One of
water in it. Everything they owned was gone. those songs is called “Come Sunday,” written
And so they left, and they went to Mississippi by Duke Ellington. In her rendition of this
and Georgia, as this good mother searched classic, Cassandra Williams implores a loving
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 29 1527

God to “please look down and see my people Sec. 2. Task Force on Disaster Assistance
through.” Coordination. (a) Plan to Improve Delivery
Sunday has not yet come to New Orleans, of Federal Disaster Assistance. To further
but you can see it ahead. And as you ap the policy in section 1 of this order, there
proach that joyful day, you can move forward is established the interagency “Task Force
with confidence in your abilities, trust in the on Disaster Assistance Coordination” (Task
compassion of your fellow Americans, and Force). The Task Force shall develop a plan
faith in a loving God who makes the path to streamline and otherwise improve the de
through mighty waters. God bless. livery of Federal disaster assistance (Plan).
The Plan shall:

NotE: The President spoke at 11:35 a.m. at War (i) include an inventory of Federal disaster
ren Easton Senior High School. In his remarks, assistance programs and assess the effective
he referred to Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore, USA, ness of their respective delivery mechanisms;
commanding general, First United States Army; (ii) recommend specific actions to improve
Andrea Green-Jefferson, wife of Representative the delivery of Federal disaster assistance,
William J. Jefferson; Louisiana State Attorney which shall include actions to provide a cen
General Charles C. Foti, Jr.; Sister Mary Rose tralized application process for Federal dis
Bingham, principal, Cathedral Academy of New aster assistance; provide a centralized and
Orleans; Mayor C. Ray Nagin of New Orleans, continuously updated clearinghouse from
LA, Oliver M. Thomas, Jr., president, New Orle
ans City Council; Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blan which disaster victims may obtain informa
co of Louisiana; and entertainer Cassandra Wil tion regarding Federal disaster assistance and
son. The transcript released by the Office of the State and local government and private sec
Press Secretary also included the remarks of the tor sources of disaster assistance; reduce un
First Lady, who introduced the President. necessarily duplicative application forms and
processes for Federal disaster assistance; and
strengthen controls designed to prevent im
Executive Order 1341.1—Improving proper payments and other forms of fraud,
Assistance for Disaster Victims waste, and abuse; and
August 29, 2006 (iii) include an implementation schedule
for the Plan's recommendations that provides
By the authority vested in me as President for the phased implementation of the Plan
by the Constitution and the laws of the by December 31, 2008, including quarterly
United States of America, including the Rob milestones and metrics to be used to measure
ert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer and evaluate implementation.
gency Assistance Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. (b) Membership of the Task Force. (i) The
5121 et seq.) (the “Stafford Act”), and to take Task Force shall consist exclusively of the fol
further actions to improve the delivery of lowing members, or their designees who shall
Federal disaster assistance, it is hereby or be at the Assistant Secretary level (or its
dered as follows: equivalent) or higher:
Section I. Policy. It is the policy of the (A) the Secretary of Homeland Security,
Federal Government to ensure that individ who shall serve as Chair;
uals who are victims of a terrorist attack, nat (B) the Secretary of the Treasury;
ural disaster, or other incident that is the sub (C) the Secretary of Defense;
ject of an emergency or major disaster dec (D) the Attorney General;
laration under the Stafford Act, and who are (E) the Secretary of Agriculture;
thereby eligible for financial or other assist (F) the Secretary of Commerce;
ance delivered by any department or agency (G) the Secretary of Labor:
of the executive branch (Federal disaster as (H) the Secretary of Health and Human
sistance) have prompt and efficient access to Services;
Federal disaster assistance, as well as infor (I) the Secretary of Housing and Urban
mation regarding assistance available from Development;
State and local government and private sec (J) the Secretary of Education;
tor Sources. (K) the Secretary of Veterans Affairs;
1528 Aug. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
(L) the Director of the Office of Personnel with applicable laws, including Federal laws
Management; protecting the information privacy rights and
(M) the Commissioner of Social Security; other legal rights of Americans, and subject
(N) the Administrator of the Small Busi to the availability of appropriations:
ness Administration; (b) be implemented in a manner con
(O) the Director of the Office of Manage sistent with the statutory authority of the
ment and Budget; and principal officers of executive departments
(P) such other officers of the United States and agencies as heads of their respective de
as the Secretary of Homeland Security may partments or agencies; and
designate from time to time. (c) not be construed to impair or otherwise
(ii) The Secretary of Homeland Security, affect the functions of the Director of the
or the Secretary's designee, shall convene Office of Management and Budget relating
and preside at meetings of the Task Force, to budget, administrative, regulatory, and
determine its agenda, direct its work, and, legislative responsibilities.
as appropriate to address specific subject Sec. 5. Judicial Review. This order is in
matters, establish and direct subgroups of the tended only to improve the internal manage
Task Force. A member of the Task Force ment of the Federal Government and is not
may designate, to perform Task Force sub intended to, and does not, create any rights
group functions of the member, any person or benefits, substantive or procedural, en
who is part of such member's department forceable at law or in equity by a party against
or agency and who is either an officer of the the United States, its departments, agencies,
United States appointed by the President or or entities, its officers, employees, or agents,
a member of the Senior Executive Service. or any other person.
(c) Plan Approval and Implementation. George W. Bush
Not later than March 1, 2007, the Secretary
of Homeland Security shall submit the Plan The White House,
to the President for approval through the As August 29, 2006.
sistant to the President for Homeland Secu
rity and Counterterrorism and the Director [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
of the Office of Management and Budget. 8:45 a.m., September 5, 2006
Upon approval of the Plan by the President, NOTE: This Executive order will be published in
the Secretary of Homeland Security, assisted the Federal Register on September 6.
by the Task Force, shall coordinate the im
plementation of the Plan. Until the comple
tion of such implementation, the Secretary Proclamation 8044—National
of Homeland Security shall submit a quar Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month,
terly progress report to the Assistant to the 2006
President for Homeland Security and August 29, 2006
Counterterrorism and the Director of the Of
fice of Management and Budget. By the President of the United States
Sec. 3. Assistance and Support. To the ex of America
tent permitted by law, the heads of all execu
A Proclamation
tive departments and agencies shall provide
such assistance and information as the Sec National Ovarian Cancer Awareness
retary of Homeland Security may request in Month provides an opportunity to raise
carrying out the Secretary's responsibilities awareness of risk factors, prevention, and
under this order. Consistent with applicable treatment of this deadly disease. Our Nation
law and subject to the availability of appro is committed to fighting ovarian cancer, find
priations, the Department of Homeland Se ing its cure, and providing hope and healing
curity shall provide necessary funding and to those who are affected by it.
administrative support for the Task Force. While ovarian cancer remains one of the
Sec. 4. Administration. This order shall:
leading causes of cancer-related death among
(a) be implemented in a manner consistent women in our country, scientists have made
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 29 1529

ignificant progress in understanding the fac sionals, educators, volunteers, and the people
ors associated with it. Women of all ages of the United States to continue our Nation's
an develop this cancer, but studies have strong commitment to preventing and treat
hown risk increases with age. Other factors ing ovarian cancer.
issociated with ovarian cancer include family In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
listory, obesity, use of fertility drugs, and a my hand this twenty-ninth day of August, in
rior occurrence of certain cancers. Because the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
he chances of surviving ovarian cancer are of the Independence of the United States of
ligher when it is diagnosed and treated in America the two hundred and thirty-first.
ts early stages, women should talk to their George W. Bush
łoctors about risk factors and screenings for
his disease. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
America leads the world in medical re 8:45 a.m., August 31, 2006
earch, and we are committed to continuing NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
3rogress in research for prevention, better Federal Register on September 1.
reatments, and a cure for ovarian cancer.
This year, the National Institutes of Health
will invest an estimated $106 million in ovar Proclamation 8045—National
an cancer research, and the National Cancer Prostate Cancer Awareness Month,
Institute is sponsoring clinical trials to ex 2006
lore new ways to improve ovarian cancer
reatment. The Department of Defense will August 29, 2006
lso dedicate an estimated $10 million for By the President of the United States
ts Ovarian Cancer Research Program, and of America
he Centers for Disease Control and Preven
ion (CDC) will invest an estimated $5 mil A Proclamation
ion to ovarian cancer research. The CDC The United States continues to move for
s additionally partnering with private organi ward in its fight against cancer, yet an esti
ations to sponsor ovarian cancer survivor mated 27,000 American sons, fathers, broth
ourses for patients, as well as their friends ers, and husbands will be lost to prostate can
and loved ones, following successful cancer cer this year. As we observe National Prostate
reatment. Cancer Awareness Month, we underscore
During National Ovarian Cancer Aware our commitment to defeating prostate cancer
less Month, we honor the victims and sur by raising awareness about its risk factors,
ivors of this disease for their courage, hope, promoting the importance of early detection
and perseverance, and we thank the families and treatment, and advancing our under
and friends who provide these individuals standing of the disease and how to stop it.
with comfort and care. Our Nation is grateful Medical research has shown that there are
o medical professionals, researchers, and all steps men can take to reduce their chance
hose whose tireless efforts are making a of developing prostate cancer. For many
Yositive difference in the lives of countless men, regular exercise and healthy eating hab
women in our country. By working together, its may decrease the likelihood of developing
we can continue to fight ovarian cancer and this deadly disease. Men over the age of 50,
help more of our citizens defeat this dev African-American men, and men with family
stating disease. medical histories that include prostate cancer
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, face the greatest risk—and they can realize
°resident of the United States of America, the greatest benefits from early detection,
y virtue of the authority vested in me by when treatment is most effective. All men
he Constitution and laws of the United should discuss their risk of prostate cancer
States, do hereby proclaim September 2006 with their physicians, determine the best
is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness screening and early-detection options, and
Month. I call upon government officials, adopt healthy lifestyles. Young men are also
usinesses, communities, health care profes encouraged to find out whether a family
1530 Aug. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

member has ever been diagnosed with pros Remarks at Cotham's in the City and
tate cancer and to seek medical advice at an an Exchange With Reporters in Little
earlier age if a medical history exists. Rock, Arkansas
The progress we have made in the battle August 30, 2006
against prostate cancer is remarkable, yet
more work remains. America leads the world The President. Asa recommended I come
in cutting-edge medical research, and the in and get some fried chocolate chip pie, so
Federal Government will continue to do its I did. I'm looking forward to eating it. It's
part to support work that will lead to better a pleasure to be here with you. I've known
diagnostic tools and innovative treatments for Asa for a long time. He's the kind of fellow
prostate cancer. By providing substantial who can set an agenda and then achieve the
funding for programs at the National Insti results necessary to get the job done. I've
tutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, seen him first hand in Washington. He's a
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fellow I called upon to help us get the Home
and Department of Defense, my Administra land Security Department up and running.
tion aims to improve our ability to prevent, And so I want to thank you for having me
detect, treat, and ultimately cure prostate come here.
Asa Hutchinson. Thank you, Mr. Presi
During National Prostate Cancer Aware dent.
ness Month, America honors the victims and The President. I'm proud to call you
survivors of prostate cancer and applauds the friend, and thanks for the advice.
family members and friends who provide Mr. Hutchinson. You can't beat the fried
love and encouragement. We also commend pie here at Cotham's in Little Rock.
the medical professionals and researchers The President. Well, I'm looking forward
who are working to administer care, improve to eating it. When you get to 60, you've got
treatments, and find cures. Prostate cancer to be a little careful about what you eat. But
can be defeated, and we will continue this nevertheless, I'm going to give it a shot, on
fight until the day when the battle to beat the recommendation of my friends. Anyway,
prostate cancer has been won. it's good to be back here in Little Rock. This
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, is a good town. I've come here a lot, as can
President of the United States of America, didate and as President. I appreciate my
by virtue of the authority vested in me by friends here; I appreciate the values of the
the Constitution and laws of the United people that live in this State. I hope to be
States, do hereby proclaim September 2006 back soon. Anyway
as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. President, we're
Month. I call upon government officials, glad to have you. It's been a great visit.
businesses, communities, health care profes Thanks for helping us out. And we welcome
sionals, educators, and the people of the you back anytime. And thank you for your
United States to reaffirm our Nation's strong leadership.
and ongoing campaign against prostate can The President. Thank you, sir. We'll see
you all in Tennessee.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this twenty-ninth day of August in President’s
Upcoming Speeches/War on
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
of the Independence of the United States of Q. Sir, do you think your new series of
America the two hundred and thirty-first. speeches are going to have an impact on mid
term elections?
George W. Bush The President. My series of speeches—
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, they're not political speeches. They're
8:45 a.m., August 31, 2006) speeches about the future of this country,
and they're speeches to make it clear that
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the if we retreat before the job is done, this Na
Federal Register on September 1. tion would become even more in jeopardy.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 30 1531

These are important times, and I seriously this State—Republican, Democrat, and inde
hope people wouldn't politicize these issues pendent—that when you have somebody of
that I'm going to talk about. We have a duty his caliber, they need to go to the polls and
in this country to defeat terrorists. That's why put him in office.
we'll stay on the offense and bring them to So thanks for coming. Thanks for orga
justice before they hurt us, and that's why nizing this great dinner. And I'm proud to
well work to spread liberty in order to spread be here. And when Corker gets elected, he's
the peace. going to be replacing one of the finest citi
Anyway, thank you all. zens your State has ever produced in Bill
Frist. It's been my high honor to serve with
NoTE: The President spoke at 2 p.m. Participating him, and we're not through yet. He's going
in the event was gubernatorial candidate Asa
Hutchinson of Arkansas. A tape was not available to get back up there in September and make
for verification of the content of these remarks. sure we get legislation to help protect this
country. It's been a joy working with a citizen
like Bill. We're going to miss him in Wash
Remarks at a Dinner for Senatorial ington, DC. But I take comfort in knowing
Candidate Bob Corker and the that he'll be replaced by a fine citizen of this
Tennessee Republican Party in State in Bob Corker. Mr. Leader, thank you
Nashville, Tennessee for your friendship, and thank you for your
August 30, 2006 I'm proud also to be here with members
Thanks for the warm welcome. Appreciate of the Tennessee congressional delegation,
you treating this Texan with such a warm Congressman Jimmy Duncan, Congressman
Tennessee welcome. What Corker didn't tell Zach Wamp, and Congresswoman Marsha
you was, is that the first choice was Laura
for the dinner—[laughter)—who, by the way, Earlier I had the privilege of meeting a
sends her love to all our friends and agrees man who is running hard for Governor of
with me that Bob Corker is the right man this important State, and I ask you to support
for the United States Senate for Tennessee. Senator Jim Bryson in his quest to be the
I think it makes sense to send somebody Governor of the State of Tennessee. And by
up to Washington who's not a lawyer. Noth the way, Senator, if you want some good ad
ing wrong with lawyers, but we got a lot of vice, you ought to turn to Winfield Dunn or
them up there. [Laughter] It makes sense Don Sundquist, members who served—peo
to have somebody who understands how the ple who served well in this important State.
economy works because he was a business I'm glad those two former Governors are
man. It makes sense to send somebody up here. Thank you for coming.
there who understands how local commu I'm also proud to be here with a man who
nities work because he was the mayor of an served our country with such distinction as
important Tennessee city. It makes sense to the Senate majority leader and under my ad
send a man of integrity and decency to Wash ministration as the Ambassador to Japan, and
ington, DC. And that man is Bob Corker. that would be Senator Howard Baker. I
I'm proud to call him friend, and you'll thank Senator Ron Ramsey for being here.
be proud to call him United States Senator. He's the majority leader of the senate. I want
And I want to thank you for your help. I to thank all the local folks and State folks
thank you for giving of your money, and I who have come. Thanks for running; thanks
urge you to give of your time. I know there's for serving. I appreciate you working hard
a lot of grassroots activists who are here. And to make this State a fantastic place.
Bob and Elizabeth are going to be counting I bring a message of optimism to you. I
on your help coming down the stretch. He's believe, and I know, our party is a political
got the message; he's got the courage; but party that trusts the wisdom of the American
he's going to need you to put up the signs people. Ours is a party that is willing to con
and make the phone calls and go to commu front challenges instead of passing them on
nity centers and remind the good people of to future generations. Ours is the party with
1532 Aug. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
a positive vision that makes a difference for ing to take innocent lives in order to achieve
every citizen of this country. I appreciate you their objective.
supporting the Republican Party as you sup These are historic times, and we must have
port Bob Corker. people in the United States Congress who
We face historic times here in this country. understand the stakes. After September the
These are tough times. They're difficult 11th, I vowed to the American people we
times because we face an enemy that longs would use all assets at our disposal to protect
to hurt America. Much of my thinking about you. And the best way to defend America
the world in which we live, of course, was is to stay on the offense against these killers
shaped on that fateful day of September the and bring them to justice before they hurt
11th, 2001. It's a day I'll never forget. It's this country again.
a day—after that day, I vowed to the Amer We got brave troops around the world who
ican people that we will do whatever it takes are on the hunt, who are doing their duty
to defend this country from further attack. to protect the American people. I can't tell
And I need people in the United States Sen you how inspiring it is to be the Commander
ate standing by-side by side who under in Chief of a United States military full of
stand our most important task is the security men and women who understand the dan
of the United States of America.
gers and have volunteered to serve our coun
I need people in Washington, DC, who try. And we need people in the United States
are willing to give those who are responsible Senate who will make sure that these troops
for protecting America all the tools they have all the equipment, all the training, all
need—tools such as the PATRIOT Act; tools
the support they need to do their jobs and
such as programs that say if Al Qaida is call
ing into the United States, we want to know protect this country.
why, in order to protect the United States In the short run, we'll defend this country
of America. by staying on the offense; in the long run,
We face an enemy that has an ideology; we've got an equally effective weapon, and
they believe things. The best way to describe that is freedom and liberty. The way to defeat
their ideology is to relate to you the fact that an ideology of hate, the way to defeat an ide
they think the opposite of the way we think. ology that exploits hopelessness and despair,
We treasure the freedom to worship. We is to spread liberty. It's the calling of our
time. The United States of America must un
value the freedom for people to express
themselves in the public square. We honor derstand that freedom is universal, that there
the right for people to be able to raise theiris an Almighty, and the great gift of that Al
children in a peaceful society so they can re mighty to each man and woman in this world
alize their dreams. The enemy we face is the desire to be free. I strongly believe,
doesn't believe in dissent. They don't believedeep in the soul of people all across the globe
in the freedom to worship. They got a narrow is the desire to live in liberty. I strongly be
view of freedom. But this enemy is particu lieve that mothers all across the world long
larly lethal because they're willing to use to raise their children in a hopeful society.
whatever tactic is necessary to achieve their And it's up to us, working with our friends
objective. and allies, to defeat the ideology of hate with
You know, right after September the 11th, an ideology of hope. And that hope is based
I knew that one of my challenges would be upon the universal principle of liberty and
to remind the American people about the freedom. -

dangers of the world. I knew that the natural One of the lessons of September the 11th
tendency for our country would be to hope is that this Nation must take threats seriously
that the lessons of September the 11th would before they come to hurt us; that we just
be faded memory. Earlier this month, thanks can't hope anymore that things calm down
to the good intelligence work of Great Brit or that there's a rational way of thinking with
ain, and with our help, we uncovered yet an an enemy; that we must be bold in our ac
other plot—a plot in which these killers who tions in defense of the American people. I
do not share our belief of freedom were will saw a threat in Iraq, and so did Members
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 30 1533

of the United States Congress of both polit is to drive us out of the Middle East because
ical parties. Saddam Hussein was a state they want to spread their view, their vision.
sponsor of terror. Saddam Hussein had used If we leave Iraq before the job is done,
weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hus as some have advocated, this will be a major
sein had been shooting at our pilots. Saddam defeat for the United States of America in
Hussein paid families of suicide bombers. the global war on terror. If we leave Iraq
Saddam Hussein was a threat, and the world before the job is done, it will embolden an
is better off without Saddam Hussein in enemy that wants to harm the American peo
power. ple. If we leave Iraq before the job is done,
And now the central front in the war on it will create a terrorist state in the heart of
terror, the central front in this struggle to the Middle East; a terrorist state much more
protect ourselves, is Iraq. You know, amazing dangerous than Afghanistan was before we
things have happened in Iraq, when you removed the Taliban; a terrorist state with
think about it. Oh, I know the news is full the capacity to fund its activities because of
with terrible suiciders, and it shakes our will. the oil reserves of Iraq. If we leave before
I know that. It's troubling for many of our the job is done, it will shred the credibility
citizens, no matter what their political party of the United States of America. If we leave
is. But that's what the enemy wants. They before the job is done, it will have meant
want to trouble us. They're willing to take incredibly brave souls will have given their
lives for nothing. And if we leave Iraq before
innocent life to cause us to forget our mission
and purpose and the calling of this in the the job is done, as General Abizaid has said,
21st century. “They will follow us here.”
But when you really think about it, amaz The stakes in Iraq are high. It's very im
ing progress has been made. Twelve million portant for the American people to under
people went to the polls. These are people stand that the security of the United States
who had just recently lived under the thumb of America, the capacity for our children to
of a brutal tyrant who killed hundreds of grow up in a peaceful world, in large part
thousands of his own people. And yet, when depends on our willingness to help this young
given a chance, these Iraqis said, “We want Iraqi democracy succeed.
to be free; we want to self-govern; we want And we will succeed. And when we suc
a government of and by and for the people.” ceed, it will be a major defeat for the ideologs
And since then a government has been of hate. And when we succeed, it will serve—
formed, a unity government headed by a democracy will serve as a powerful example
good man named Prime Minister Maliki. for others in a region that is desperate for
Our task is to stand with those who reject free societies. And when we succeed, we'll
extremism and violence. Our task is to train create a valuable ally in the global war on
the Iraqis so they can defend themselves. terror.
Our task is to achieve a goal of an ally in Our mission must be to stay on the offense
the war on terror that can defend itself, sus and defeat them overseas so we do not have
tain itself. And we're on our way to achieving to face them here at home. This country
that mission. ought to have confidence in our capacity to
Now I understand there's a serious—[ap succeed. We have faced these kind of chal
plause]—there are Saddamists, Al Qaida, ex lenges before. We have stared down and de
tremists, militia, all attempting to stop the feated the ideology of fascism. We won a cold
advance of democracy. That should say war. The path to victory was never straight
something to the American people: What lined, but the path to victory required perse
type of mentality is it that fears freedom? verance, strength of character, and deter
What kind of mentality is it that can't stand mination. It's important to have Members of
the thought of liberty? It's a mentality based the United States Senate like Bob Corker
upon an ideology that is foreign to our way who share that sense of purpose and deter
of thinking. It's a mentality based upon an mination.

ideology of hate, and they have aspirations. You know, recently I was just right down
Their goal—this is what they said, not me— the road here with the Prime Minister of
1534 Aug. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Japan, and he and I went to Graceland. Here's what we know: We know that when
|Laughter] It was an interesting moment. a soul has more of his or her own money
[Laughter] I chose to take my friend Prime to spend, save, or invest, the economy grows.
Minister Koizumi there—one, I had never There's a philosophical difference between
been there. [Laughter] So it was a little self what we think and what the other bunch
ish. Secondly, he's an Elvis fan; he loved thinks. They think they can spend your
Elvis. And I thought it would be fun to take money better than you can. We believe the
him there. Thirdly, I wanted to send a mes more of the money you have in your pocket,
sage to the American people. Imagine some the stronger the economy grows and the
body in the late '40s saying, one of these days more hopeful America is.
an American President will be taking a Prime And our philosophy is working. Our econ
Minister from Japan to the home of a famous omy is growing at 4.2 percent annual rate
singer. You know, right after that war, you in the first 6 months of this year. That's faster
can imagine what the reaction would have than any other major industrialized nation in
been. They'd say, “Man, that guy is off his the world. For 35 straight months, our econ
rocker.”[Laughter] omy has added jobs. People are working in
We had fought the Japanese in a bloody, the United States of America. The unem
bloody conflict. And it was a brutal war. I ployment rate is 4.8 percent, and since Au
find it ironic that my dad fought the Japa gust of 2003, we've added 5.5 million new
nese, and yet some 60 years later, I was on jobs. The tax cuts we provided for the entre
Air Force One flying down to Memphis, Ten preneurs and small businesses of America are
nessee, with the Prime Minister of a former making a difference for the working people
enemy. And on that plane we weren't talking of this country.
about Elvis's songs; we were talking about Now the question is, how do we keep the
how to work together to keep the peace. We economy growing? Well, it starts with making
were talking about North Korea. I thanked sure the tax cuts we passed are permanent,
this good man for sending 1,000 Japanese so Congress can't undo them. We want there
troops to help the young democracy in Iraq to be certainty in the Tax Code. We want
succeed. He understands what I know: De people planning their future knowing that
mocracy yields the peace. taxes will remain low, and I need a man like
If we want peace for the long run for our Bob Corker who understands that.
children and grandchildren, we must work You know, you hear the talk in the cam
hard to spread liberty. Something happened paign. They say, “Oh, well, we've got to bal
between World War II and my trip to ance the budget.” We'll balance the budget,
Graceland, and what happened was, Japan but we're not going to balance the budget
adopted a Japanese-style democracy. De and wreck the economy at the same time.
mocracy and liberty have the capacity to You see people say, “The best way to balance
change an enemy into an ally. Someday, an the budget”—some in Washington say, “Just
American President will be sitting down with give us more of your own money.” But that's
duly elected leaders from the Middle East not the way Washington works. If you send
talking about how to keep the peace, and our more of your own money up there, they will
children and our grandchildren will be better figure out new ways as to how to spend your
off. money. The best way to balance this budget
I appreciate Bob Corker's understanding is to keep progrowth economic policies in
of the role of government in our economy. place and be fiscally sound with the people's
He and I know the role of Government is money.
not to create wealth; the role of Government You know, something happened the other
is to create an environment in which the en day that's interesting. This budget—I said,
trepreneurial spirit can flourish in the United we'll try to—we'll cut the budget in half, the
States of America. And that means—ſap deficit in half by 2009. We're ahead of goal—
plause]—and that starts with letting the ahead of that goal. It's amazing what happens
American taxpayer keep more of their own when the economy grows. Guess what hap
money. pens? More tax revenues come into the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 30 1535

Treasury. Progrowth economic policies work. your car—and it won't look like a golf cart—
And I need people in Washington, DC, like using a new battery. We'll be using Ten
Bob Corker who understand, one, you set nessee crops to power our automobiles.
priorities; two, you eliminate programs that We must proceed with civilian nuclear
might sound good but don't deliver the re power as a source of electricity. We must
sults; and three, you help people who can't make sure we promote clean coal tech
help themselves. And my number-one pri nologies. I look forward to having a United
ority is making sure we have enough money States Senator who understands that tech
to defend the United States of America nology will help us become less dependent
against attack again. on foreign sources of oil.
I think it's interesting what Bob Corker I've got two other things I want to say:
said. He said, “America must be the world then you'll be liberated. [Laughter One of
leader in new technology.” Our young people my most important jobs is to put people on
need an exceptional education in the sciences the bench who know the difference between
in order to compete for the jobs of the future. a legislator and a judge. And I thank Senator
You see, the real challenge facing this coun Bill Frist for his strong leadership in getting
try is, is to make sure we're the economic two new Supreme Court judges through the
leader of the world. I’m not interested in United States Senate–Judge Roberts and
being second place. I think it's—I know it's Judge Alito. There will be more picks to be
best for the future of this country that we made. There will be picks throughout all the
remain the leader. judiciary. And I need a United States Senator
And how do you do that? Well, first and who understands that we need people on the
foremost, you make sure each child gets a bench who will strictly interpret the Con
good-quality education. And we're on our stitution and not use the bench to legislate.
way. You know, the No Child Left Behind And that man is Bob Corker.
Act will be up for renewal, and we really And finally, one of the most important ini
need people in the United States Congress tiatives that my administration has pursued
who understands the wisdom of that act. And is what I call the Faith-based and Commu
here's the wisdom: It says that we must chal nity-based Initiative. This initiative recog
lenge the soft bigotry of low expectations. We nizes a couple of things: One, the true
cannot tolerate a system that just simply shuf strength of this country lies in the hearts and
fles kids through school. We must set high souls of the American people. It recognizes
expectations and measure to make sure our there are social entrepreneurs all over Amer
children are learning to read and write and ica who feed the hungry, provide shelter for
add and subtract early. And if they're not, the homeless, love those who need love,
we'll provide extra money to make sure no without one single law emanating out of
child is left behind. Washington, DC. I believe Government has
And I understand people say, “Well, we an obligation to open its coffers for competi
don't like that; we don't like to be measured; tive bidding to faith-based and community
we don't want there to be accountability.” based groups in order to make sure Amer
There must be accountability in the public ica—America's souls are saved one person at
schools of the United States of America, to a time.
make sure the promise of this country is met. You know, here is my great buddy, Mi
Senator Frist and I have been working on chael W. Smith. He's an interesting man—
policies to get us less dependent on foreign he's a good musician, obviously, but he, too,
sources of oil. It's really the challenge of our is a social entrepreneur. I remember visiting
time. We have got to use technologies to with Michael's team who helped found
make us less dependent on energy from un what's called Rocket Town. It's an example
stable parts of the world. It's in our economic of what I'm talking about. Rocket Town came
interests, and it's in our national security in into existence because there was a need to
terests. And there's some exciting tech provide a place where people could find love.
nologies coming along. One of these days You see, government is not a loving organiza
you'll be able to drive the first 40 miles in tion. [Laughter] Government is about law
1536 Aug. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

and justice. Love comes from the hearts and I want to thank the Governor for being
souls of individuals. And I need a soul like here today. Governor, thank you for coming.
Bob Corker in the United States Senate who I want to thank your two fine United States
understands that many of the social problems Senators, Senator Hatch and Bennett for
we face require something greater than gov joining us. I thank Congressmen Matheson,
ernment, require the help of people who Bishop, and Cannon for being here as well.
hear a higher calling to love their neighbor I want to thank you all for coming.
just like they would like to be loved them Most of all, I want to thank you all for
selves. staying up a little past your bedtime, for some
America can change one heart and one of you, to greet me.
soul and one conscience at a time. Govern I'm looking forward to talking tomorrow
ment should not fear faith; government to our veterans. I'm going to tell the veterans
ought to welcome the good works of faith how much America appreciates their service
based and community-based organizations to to the United States of America. And I'm
help make this country as strong as it possibly going to thank our veterans for setting such
can be. a great example for incredibly fine men and
women who wear the uniform of the United
And so I want to thank you for coming
tonight. I'm proud to share the stage with States military today.
a good man who is leaving the United States These are challenging times. I wish I could
Senate. People of this State will be able to report to you that all is well, but there's still
say, Bill Frist, job well done. And I'm proud an enemy that wants to harm the United
to be serving—sharing this stage with a man States of America because of what we stand
who I look forward to serving with, to do for. We learned that lesson earlier this
what's right for this country. He doesn't need month, when, because of the good work of
to take a poll; he doesn't need to run a focus our friends in Great Britain and some of our
group to determine what's right and what we own help, we stopped a terrorist plot against
need to do. He'll make you proud. He's the the United States. This is the challenge of
kind of United States Senator you want. It's our time and my most important duty. And
my honor to endorse and strongly support the most important duty of our Government
Bob Corker for the United States Senate. is to protect the American people from fur
Thank you all for coming. ther attack.
We will stay on the offense and defeat the
terrorists abroad so we do not have to face
NOTE: The President spoke at 5:45 p.m. at the
Loews Vanderbilt Hotel. In his remarks, he re them here at home. And as we do so, we'll
ferred to Elizabeth Corker, wife of senatorial can remember the power of freedom and liberty
didate Bob Corker; former President Saddam to transform regions of hate to regions of
Hussein and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of compassion. I believe there's an Almighty,
Iraq: Gen. John P. Abizaid, USA, combatant com and I believe the great gift of the Almighty
mander, U.S. Central Command; and Prime Min to every man and woman on the Earth is
ister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. the desire to live in freedom.
Iraq is the central front in this war on ter
ror. If we leave the streets of Baghdad before
Remarks on Arrival in Salt Lake City, the job is done, we will have to face the ter
rorists in our own cities. We will stay the
August 30, 2006 course. We will help this young Iraqi democ
racy succeed, and victory in Iraq will be a
War on Terror major ideological triumph in the struggle of
Thank you all for coming out. I can't thank the 21st century.
you enough for this fantastic Utah welcome. I firmly believe we'll succeed. We'll suc
I am delighted to be here in Salt Lake City. ceed in spreading liberty. And as we do so,
My only regret is that Laura is not here to we can say that this generation did our duty
see this great crowd. She sends her best; she and laid the foundation of peace for genera
sends her love. tions to come.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 31 1537

For those of you with loved ones in the to our Nation, and I'm proud to join you
United States military, I thank you from the today.
bottom of my heart. I can't tell you how First, I want to thank Tom Bock, the na
proud I am to be the Commander in Chief tional commander, for his kind introduction
of such a fantastic group of young men and and his strong leadership. I always am
women. And I'll make this pledge to you: Our pleased to welcome the commander to the
Government will make sure your loved ones Oval Office to discuss common issues, and
have all the support, all the help, all the train you've done a fine job leading this organiza
ing necessary to do their job of defending tion, Tom. I also want to thank your wife,
freedom, defending America, and spreading Elaine, and I particularly want to pay respect
liberty that will yield the peace we all want. to your son, Captain Bock of the United
So I want to thank you all for coming. It States Army, who's joined us today.
warms my heart to see such a huge crowd.
I appreciate being here with Carol Van
May God bless the great State of Utah, and
may God bless America. Thank you all very Kirk, the national president of the American
much. Legion Auxiliary. And I want to thank all the
Auxiliary members who are with us here
NotE: The President spoke at 9:04 p.m. at the today as well.
Utah Air National Guard base at the Salt Lake I'm proud that the Governor of this great
International Airport. In his remarks, he referred State, Jon Huntsman, and his wife, Mary
to Gov. Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., of Utah. A tape Kaye, have joined us. Governor, thank you
was not available for verification of the content
of these remarks. for your time. I'm also proud to be joined
by two United States Senators who are strong
supporters of the United States military, Sen
Remarks at the American Legion ator Orrin Hatch and Senator Bob Bennett.
National Convention in Salt Lake Members of the congressional delegation
City from the State of Utah have joined us, Con
August 31, 2006 gressman Rob Bishop and Congressman
Chris Cannon. Thank you both for coming.
Thank you all very much. Please be seated. Proud you're here. I thank the State Senator
Thanks for the warm welcome. It's great to John Valentine, who is the president of the
join you here in one of America's most beau Utah State Senate. I appreciate Speaker
tiful cities. I appreciate your hospitality. I'm Greg Curtis. I want to thank all the State
proud to stand before some of our country's and local officials who have joined us here
finest patriots, our veterans and their fami today. Most particularly, I want to thank you
lies. And I'm pleased to call you my fellow all for giving me a chance to come and speak
Legionnaires—I suspect I may be the only to you. I particularly want to thank all the
one here, though, from Post 77, Houston, Gold Star families who have joined us today.
Texas. That's what I thought. [Laughter. If May God bless you. May God bless you.
you're from Post 77, behave yourself here As veterans, all of you stepped forward
in Salt Lake. [Laughter]
Laura did remind me the other night, when America needed you most. From north
though, that a few of my fellow members— Africa to Normandy, Iwo Jima to Inchon,
at least I've joined a few of my fellow mem from Khe Sanh to Kuwait, your courage and
bers in another illustrious organization, the service have made it possible for generations
“Over 60 Club.”[Laughter] to live in liberty. And we owe you more than
For almost 90 years, Legionnaires have just thanks; we owe you the support of the
stood proudly “for God and country.” From Federal Government. And so in my first 4
big cities to small towns, the American Le years as President, we increased funding for
gion name brings to mind the best of our veterans more than the previous administra
Nation—decency, generosity, and character. tion did in 8 years. Since then, we've in
I thank you for a lifetime of service. I thank creased it even more. My budget for this year
you for the positive contributions you make provides more than $80 billion for veterans—
1538 Aug. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

that's a 75-percent increase since I took of. defending our freedom in the first war of the
fice. It's the highest level of support for vet 21st century. I know that Legionnaires are
erans in American history. following this war closely, especially those of
For many veterans, health care is a top you with family and friends who wear our
priority, and it's a top priority of my adminis uniform. The images that come back from
tration. When Congress passes my 2007 the frontlines are striking and sometimes un
budget, we will have increased the VA health settling. When you see innocent civilians
care budget by 69 percent since 2001. We've ripped apart by suicide bombs or families
extended treatment to a million additional buried inside their homes, the world can
veterans, including more than 300,000 men seem engulfed in purposeless violence. The
and women returning from Afghanistan and truth is, there is violence, but those who
Iraq. We're building new VA facilities in cause it have a clear purpose. When terrorists
places where veterans are retiring so that murder at the World Trade Center or car
more veterans can get top-quality health care bombers strike in Baghdad or hijackers plot
closer to their homes.
to blow up planes over the Atlantic or ter
I appreciate the Legion's strong history of rorist militias shoot rockets at Israeli towns,
care and compassion for your fellow veterans. they are all pursuing the same objective—
Earlier this week, I traveled to Mississippi to turn back the advance of freedom and im
and Louisiana to mark the first anniversary pose a dark vision of tyranny and terror
of Hurricane Katrina. Veterans were hit hard
across the world.
by this storm, and American Legion posts all The enemies of liberty come from dif
across the United States responded with vital ferent parts of the world, and they take inspi
relief. In an hour of suffering, you showed ration from different sources. Some are
the good heart of our Nation, and you radicalized followers of the Sunni tradition
showed the world that America can always
count on Legionnaires.
who swear allegiance to terrorist organiza
tions like Al Qaida. Others are radicalized
I also appreciate the Legion's long history
of supporting wise legislation in the Nation's followers of the Shi'a tradition who join
Capital. Earlier this year, the Senate voted groups like Hizballah and take guidance from
on a constitutional amendment to ban flag state sponsors like Syria and Iran. Still others
desecration—we came within a single vote are “homegrown” terrorists—fanatics who
of passing it. The administration looks for live quietly in free societies they dream to
ward to continuing working with the Amer destroy. Despite their differences, these
ican Legion to make sure we get this impor groups from-form the outlines of a single
tant protection in the Constitution of the movement, a worldwide network of radicals
United States of America. that use terror to kill those who stand in the

Your organization supported another good way of their totalitarian ideology. And the
piece of legislation called the Respect for unifying feature of this movement, the link
America's Fallen Heroes Act. This bill en that spans sectarian divisions and local griev
sures that families of fallen service members ances, is the rigid conviction that free soci
eties are a threat to their twisted view of
will not have to endure protests during mili
tary funerals.
My administration will also continue to The war we fight today is more than a mili
work to locate the men and women in uni tary conflict; it is the decisive ideological
form whose fate is still undetermined, our struggle of the 21st century. On one side are
prisoners of war and personnel missing in ac those who believe in the values of freedom
tion. We will not forget these brave Ameri and moderation—the right of all people to
cans. We must not rest until we've accounted speak and worship and live in liberty. And
for every soldier, sailor, airman, coast-guards on the other side are those driven by the
man, and marine. And we will always honor values of tyranny and extremism—the right
their courage. of a self-appointed few to impose their fanat
At this hour, a new generation of Ameri ical views on all the rest. As veterans, you
cans in uniform is showing great courage in have seen this kind of enemy before. They're
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 31 1539

successors to Fascists, to Nazis, to Com Then came the nightmare of September the
munists, and other totalitarians of the 20th 11th, 2001, when 19 hijackers killed nearly
century. And history shows what the outcome 3,000 men, women, and children.
will be: This war will be difficult; this war In the space of a single morning, it became
will be long; and this war will end in the de clear that the calm we saw in the Middle
feat of the terrorists and totalitarians and a East was only a mirage. We realized that
victory for the cause of freedom and liberty. years of pursuing stability to promote peace
We're now approaching the fifth anniver had left us with neither. Instead, the lack of
sary of the day this war reached our shores. freedom in the Middle East made the region
As the horror of that morning grows more an incubator for terrorist movements.
distant, there is a tendency to believe that The status quo in the Middle East before
the threat is receding and this war is coming September the 11th was dangerous and un
to a close. That feeling is natural and com acceptable, so we're pursuing a new strategy.
forting—and wrong. As we recently saw, the First, we're using every element of national
enemy still wants to attack us. We're in a power to confront Al Qaida, those who take
war we didn't ask for, but it's a war we must inspiration from them, and other terrorists
wage and a war we will win. who use similar tactics. We have ended the
In the coming days, I'll deliver a series of days of treating terrorism simply as a law en
speeches describing the nature of our enemy forcement matter. We will stay on the of.
in the war on terror, the insights we've gained fense. We will fight the terrorists overseas
about their aims and ambitions, the successes so we do not have to face them here at home.
and setbacks we've experienced, and our Second, we have made it clear to all na
strategy to prevail in this long war. Today tions: If you harbor terrorists, you are just
I'll discuss a critical aspect of this war: the as guilty as the terrorists. You're an enemy
struggle between freedom and terror in the of the United States, and you will be held
Middle East, including the battle in Iraq, to account.
which is the central front in our fight against And third, we've launched a bold new
terrorism. agenda to defeat the ideology of the enemy
To understand the struggle unfolding in by supporting the forces of freedom in the
the Middle East, we need to look at the re Middle East and beyond. The freedom agen
cent history of the region. For a half-century, da is based upon our deepest ideals and our
America's primary goal in the Middle East vital interests. Americans believe that every
was stability. This was understandable at the person of every religion on every continent
time; we were fighting the Soviet Union in has the right to determine his or her own
the cold war, and it was important to support destiny. We believe that freedom is a gift
Middle Eastern governments that rejected from an Almighty God, beyond any power
communism. Yet over the decades, an under on Earth to take away. And we also know,
current of danger was rising in the Middle by history and by logic, that promoting de
East. Much of the region was mired in stag mocracy is the surest way to build security.
nation and despair. A generation of young Democracies don't attack each other or
people grew up with little hope to improve threaten the peace. Governments account
their lives, and many fell under the sway of able to the voters focus on building roads
radical extremism. The terrorist movement and schools, not weapons of mass destruc
multiplied in strength, and resentment that tion. Young people who have a say in their
had simmered for years boiled over into vio future are less likely to search for meaning
lence across the world. in extremism. Citizens who can join a peace
Extremists in Iran seized American hos ful political party are less likely to join a ter
tages. Hizballah terrorists murdered Amer rorist organization. Dissidents with the free
ican troops at the Marine barracks in Beirut dom to protest around the clock are less like
and Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. Terror ly to blow themselves up during rush hour.
ists set off a truck bomb at the World Trade And nations that commit to freedom for their
Center. Al Qaida blew up two U.S. Embas people will not support terrorists—they will
sies in east Africa and bombed the USS Cole. join us in defeating them.
154() Aug. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
So America has committed its influence in democracy. Hizballah launched an
the world to advancing freedom and democ unprovoked attack on Israel that undermined
racy as the great alternatives to repression the democrat Government in Beirut. Yet
and radicalism. We will take the side of their brazen action caused the world to unite
democratic leaders and reformers across the in support for Lebanon's democracy. Sec
Middle East. We will support the voices of retary Rice worked with the Security Council
tolerance and moderation in the Muslim to pass Resolution 1701, which will strength
world. We stand with the mothers and fa en Lebanese forces as they take control of
thers in every culture who want to see their southern Lebanon—and stop Hizballah from
children grow up in a caring and peaceful acting as a state within a state.
world. And by supporting the cause of free I appreciate the troops pledged by France
dom in a vital region, we'll make our children and Italy and other allies for this important
and our grandchildren more secure. international deployment. Together we're
Over the past 5 years, we've begun to see going to make it clear to the world that for
the results of our actions, and we have seen eign forces and terrorists have no place in
how our enemies respond to the advance of . a free and democratic Lebanon.
liberty. In Afghanistan, we saw a vicious tyr This summer's crisis in Lebanon has made
anny that harbored the terrorists who it clearer than ever that the world now faces
planned the September the 11th attacks. a grave threat from the radical regime in
Within weeks, American forces were in Af Iran. The Iranian regime arms, funds, and
ghanistan. Along with Afghan allies, we cap advises Hizballah, which has killed more
tured or killed hundreds of Al Qaida and Americans than any terrorist network except
Taliban fighters; we closed down their train Al Qaida. The Iranian regime interferes in
ing camps; and we helped the people of Af Iraq by sponsoring terrorists and insurgents,
ghanistan replace the Taliban with a demo empowering unlawful militias, and supplying
cratic government that answers to them. components for improvised explosive de
Our enemies saw the transformation in Af vices. The Iranian regime denies basic
ghanistan, and they've responded by trying human rights to millions of its people. And
to roll back all the progress. Al Qaida and the Iranian regime is pursuing nuclear weap
the Taliban lost a coveted base in Afghani ons in open defiance of its international obli
stan, and they know they will never reclaim gations.
it when democracy succeeds. And so they're We know the death and suffering that
trying to return to power by attacking Af Iran's sponsorship of terrorists has brought,
ghanistan's free institutions, and they will fail. and we can imagine how much worse it
Forces from 40 nations, including every would be if Iran were allowed to acquire nu
member of NATO, are now serving alongside clear weapons. Many nations are working to
American troops to support the new Afghan gether to solve this problem. The United Na
Government. The days of the Taliban are tions passed a resolution demanding that Iran
over. The future of Afghanistan belongs to suspend its nuclear enrichment activities.
the people of Afghanistan, and the future of Today is the deadline for Iran's leaders to
Afghanistan belongs to freedom. reply to the reasonable proposal the inter
In Lebanon, we saw a sovereign nation oc national community has made. If Iran's lead
cupied by the Syrian dictatorship. We also ers accept this offer and abandon their nu
saw the courageous people of Lebanon take clear weapons ambitions, they can set their
to the streets to demand their independence. country on a better course. Yet so far the
So we worked to enforce a United Nations Iranian regime has responded with further
resolution that required Syria to end its occu defiance and delay. It is time for Iran to make
pation of the country. The Syrians withdrew a choice. We've made our choice: We will
their armed forces, and the Lebanese people continue to work closely with our allies to
elected a democratic government that began find a diplomatic solution, but there must be
to reclaim their country. consequences for Iran's defiance, and we
Our enemies saw the transformation in must not allow Iran to develop a nuclear
Lebanon and set out to destabilize the young weapon.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 31 1541

In Iraq, we saw a dictator who harbored Now these enemies have launched a new
terrorists, fired at military planes, paid the effort. They have embarked on a bloody cam
families of Palestinian suicide bombers, in paign of sectarian violence which they hope
vaded a neighbor, and pursued and used will plunge Iraq into a civil war. The outbreak
weapons of mass destruction. The United of sectarian violence was encouraged by the
Nations passed more than a dozen resolu terrorist Zarqawi, Al Qaida's man in Iraq who
tions demanding that Saddam Hussein fully called for an “all-out war” on Iraqi Shi'a. The
and openly abandon his weapons of mass de Shi'a community resisted the impulse to seek
struction. We gave him a last chance to com revenge for awhile. But after this February
ply, and when he refused, we enforced the bombing of the Shi'a Golden Dome Mosque
just demands of the world. And now Saddam in Samarra, extremist groups mobilized and
Hussein is in prison and on trial. Soon he sectarian death squads formed on the streets
will have the justice he denied to so many of Baghdad and other areas. Our Ambassador
for so long. And with this tyrant gone from reports that thousands of Iraqis were mur
power, the United States, Iraq, the Middle dered in Baghdad last month, and large num
bers of them were victims of sectarian vio
East, and the world are better off.
In 3 years since Saddam's fall, the Iraqi
people have reclaimed the sovereignty of This cruelty and carnage has led some to
their country. They cast their ballots in free question whether Iraq has descended into
civil war. Our commanders and our dip
elections. They drafted and approved a
democratic constitution and elected a con lomats on the ground in Iraq believe that's
not the case. They report that only a small
stitutional democracy at the heart of the Mid number of Iraqis are engaged in sectarian
dle East.
violence, while the overwhelming majority
Over the same period, Iraq has seen a rise want peace and a normal life in a unified
of terrorist and insurgent movements that country. Iraqi leaders from all backgrounds
use brutal and indiscriminate violence to
remember the elections that brought them
frustrate the desire of the Iraqi people for to power, in which 12 million Iraqis defied
freedom and peace. Al Qaida terrorists, the car bombers and killers to proclaim, “We
former elements of Saddam's regime, illegal want to be free.”
militias, and unlawful armed groups are all Iraq's Government is working tirelessly to
working to undermine Iraq's new democracy. hold the nation together and to heal Iraq's
These groups have different long-term ambi divisions, not to exploit them. The Iraqi peo
tions but the same immediate goals. They ple have come a long way. They are not going
want to drive America and our coalition out
to let their country fall apart or relapse into
of Iraq and the Middle East so they can stop tyranny. As Prime Minister Maliki told the
the advance of freedom and impose their United States Congress, “Iraqis have tasted
dark vision on the people of the Middle East. freedom, and we will defend it absolutely.”
Our enemies in Iraq have employed ruth America has a clear strategy to help the
less tactics to achieve those goals. They've Iraqi people protect their new freedom and
targeted American and coalition troops with build a democracy that can govern itself and
ambushes and roadside bombs. They've sustain itself and defend itself. On the polit
taken hostage and beheaded civilians on ical side, we're working closely with Prime
camera. They've blown up Iraqi Army posts Minister Maliki to strengthen Iraq's unity
and assassinated government leaders. We've Government and develop—and to deliver
adapted to the tactics. And thanks to the skill better services to the Iraqi people. This is
and professionalism of Iraqi and American a crucial moment for the new Iraqi Govern
forces, many of these enemies have met their ment; its leaders understand the challenge.
end. At every stop along the way, our en They believe that now is the time to hammer
emies have failed to break the courage of the out compromises on Iraq's most contentious
Iraqi people; they have failed to stop the rise
of Iraqi democracy; and they will fail in I've been clear with each Iraqi leader I
breaking the will of the American people. meet: America is a patient nation, and Iraq
1542 Aug. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

can count on our partnership as long as the Here at home, we have a choice to make
new Government continues to make the hard about Iraq. Some politicians look at our ef
decisions necessary to advance a unified, forts in Iraq and see a diversion from the
democratic, and peaceful Iraq. Prime Min war on terror. That would come as news to
ister Maliki has shown courage in laying out Usama bin Laden, who proclaimed that the
an agenda to do just that, and he can count “third world war is raging” in Iraq. It would
on an ally, the United States of America, to come as news to the number two man of
help him promote this agenda. Al Qaida, Zawahiri, who has called the strug
On the security side, we're refining our gle in Iraq, quote, “The place for the greatest
tactics to meet the threats on the ground. battle.” It would come as news to the terror
I've given our commanders in Iraq all the ists from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan,
flexibility they need to make adjustments Libya, and Yemen and other countries, who
necessary to stay on the offense and defeat have come to Iraq to fight the rise of democ
the enemies of freedom. We've deployed racV.

Special Operation forces to kill or capture It's hard to believe that these terrorists
terrorists operating in Iraq. Zarqawi found would make long journeys across dangerous
out what they can do. We continue to train borders, endure heavy fighting, or blow
Iraqi police forces to defend their own na themselves up in the streets of Baghdad for
tion. We've handed over security responsi a so-called diversion. Some Americans didn't
bility for a southern province to Iraqi forces. support my decision to remove Saddam Hus
Five of Iraq's 10 Army divisions are now tak sein; many are frustrated with the level of
ing the lead in their areas of operation. The violence. But we should all agree that the
Iraqi security forces are determined. They're battle for Iraq is now central to the ideolog
becoming more capable, and together, we ical struggle of the 21st century. We will not
will defeat the enemies of a free Iraq. allow the terrorists to dictate the future of
Recently, we also launched a major new this century—so we will defeat them in Iraq.
campaign to end the security crisis in Bagh Still, there are some in our country who
dad. Side by side, Iraqi and American forces insist that the best option in Iraq is to pull
are conducting operations in the city's most out, regardless of the situation on the ground.
violent areas to disrupt Al Qaida, to capture Many of these folks are sincere and they're
enemy fighters, crack down on IED makers, patriotic, but they could be—they could not
and break up the death squads. These forces be more wrong. If America were to pull out
are helping Iraq's national police force un before Iraq can defend itself, the con
dergo retraining to better enforce law in sequences would be absolutely predictable
Baghdad. And these forces are supporting and absolutely disastrous. We would be
the Iraqi Government as it provides recon handing Iraq over to our worst enemies—
struction assistance. Saddam's former henchmen, armed groups
The Baghdad Security Plan is still in its with ties to Iran, and Al Qaida terrorists from
early stages. We cannot expect immediate all over the world who would suddenly have
success. Yet the initial results are encour a base of operations far more valuable than
aging. According to one military report, a Afghanistan under the Taliban. They would
Sunni man in a diverse Baghdad neighbor have a new sanctuary to recruit and train ter
hood said this about the Shi'a soldiers on pa rorists at the heart of the Middle East, with
trol: “Their image has changed. Now you feel huge oil riches to fund their ambitions. And
they're there to protect you.” Over the com we know exactly where those ambitions lead.
ing weeks and months, the operation will ex If we give up the fight in the streets of Bagh
pand throughout Baghdad until Iraq's demo dad, we will face the terrorists in the streets
cratic Government is in full control of its cap of our own cities.
ital. The work is difficult and dangerous, but We can decide to stop fighting the terror
the Iraqi Government and their forces are ists in Iraq and other parts of the world, but
determined to reclaim their country. And the they will not decide to stop fighting us. Gen
United States is determined to help them eral John Abizaid, our top commander in the
succeed. Middle East region, recently put it this way:
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 31 1543

“If we leave, they will follow us.” And he “from despotism to liberty in a featherbed.”
is right. The security of the civilized world That's been true in every time and place. No
depends on victory in the war on terror, and one understands that like you, our veterans,
that depends on victory in Iraq. So the understand that. With the distance of history,
United States of America will not leave until it can be easy to look back at the wars of
victory is achieved. the 20th century and see a straight path to
Victory in Iraq will be difficult, and it will victory. You know better than that. You
require more sacrifice. The fighting there can waged the hard battles; you suffered the
be as fierce as it was at Omaha Beach or wounds; you lost friends and brothers. You
Guadalcanal. And victory is as important as were there for dark times and the moments
it was in those earlier battles. Victory in Ira of uncertainty, and you know that freedom
will result in a democracy that is a . is always worth the sacrifice.
of America and an ally in the war on terror. You also know what it takes to win. For
Victory in Iraq will be a crushing defeat to all that is new about this war, one thing has
our enemies who have staked so much on not changed: Victory still depends on the
the battle there. Victory in Iraq will honor courage and the patience and the resolve of
the sacrifice of the brave Americans who the American people. Above all, it depends
have given their lives. And victory in Iraq on patriots who are willing to fight for free
would be a powerful triumph in the ideolog dom. Our Nation is blessed to have these
ical struggle of the 21st century. From Da men and women in abundance. Our military
mascus to Tehran, people will look to a forces make this Nation strong; they make
democratic Iraq as inspiration that freedom this Nation safe; and they make this Nation
can succeed in the Middle East and as evi proud.
dence that the side of freedom is the winning We thank them and their families for their
side. This is a pivotal moment for the Middle sacrifice. We will remember all those who
East. The world is watching. And in Iraq and have given their lives in this struggle. And
beyond, the forces of freedom will prevail. I vow that we will give our men and women
For all the debate, American policy in the in uniform all the resources they need to ac
Middle East comes down to a straightforward complish their missions.
choice. We can allow the Middle East to con One brave American we remember is Ma
tinue on its course—on the course it was rine Corporal Adam Galvez from here in Salt
headed before September the 11th, and a Lake City. Yesterday Adam's mom and dad
generation from now, our children will face laid their son to rest. We're honored by their
a region dominated by terrorist states and presence with us today. About a month ago,
radical dictators armed with nuclear weap Adam was wounded by a suicide bomb in
ons. Or we can stop that from happening i. Iraq's Anbar Province. When he regained
rallying the world to confront the ideology consciousness, he found he was buried alive,
of hate, and give the people of the Middle so he dug himself out of the rubble. And
East a future of hope. And that is the choice then he ran through gunfire to get a shovel
America has made. to dig out his fellow marines. As soon as he
We see a day when people across the Mid recovered from his injuries, Adam volun
dle East have governments that honor their teered to go back to the frontlines. And 11
dignity, unleash their creativity, and count days ago, he was killed when a roadside bomb
their votes. We see a day when leaders across hit his convoy.
the Middle East reject terror and protect Here is what Adam's mom and dad said
freedom. We see a day when the nations of about the cause for which their son gave his
the Middle East are allies in the cause of life: “Though many are debating the justifica
peace. The path to that day will be uphill tion of this war, Adam . in his coun
and uneven, but we can be confident of the try—Adam's belief in his country did not
outcome because we know that the direction waver, even to the point of the ultimate sac
of history leads toward freedom. rifice. It's our hope and our prayer that peo
In the early years of our Republic, Thomas ple share the same conviction and dedication
Jefferson said that we cannot expect to move to our troops and fellow Americans.”
1544 Aug. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Our Nation will always remember the self And he married well. We're proud to be
lessness and sacrifice of Americans like Adam here with Elaine and the Hatch family. Laura
Galvez. We will honor their lives by com said to me, she said, “You get over to Utah,
pleting the good and noble work they have and you help our friends come back to Wash
started. And we can be confident that one ington, DC.” She sends her love. I married
day, veterans of the war on terror will gather well, just like Orrin married well. It helps
at American Legion halls across the country to have somebody you love stand by your side
and say the same things you say: “We made when you're in politics. There's nothing bet
our Nation safer; we made a region more ter than having a person that you care deeply
peaceful; and we left behind a better world about and—to share the experience. And
for our children and our grandchildren.” that's the way the Hatchs have been, and
Thanks for having me. May God bless our they've served a great example for a lot of
veterans. May God bless our troops. And may younger political families. And thank you for
God continue to bless the United States of having the right priorities, faith and your
America. family and your friends.
And so I've come to say as best as I can
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:08 a.m. at the and in as plain English as I can possibly
Salt Palace Convention Center. In his remarks,
speak—which sometimes gets a little dis
he referred to U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay torted—[laughter—please send Orrin
Khalilzad, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq; Hatch back to the United States Senate.
Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist
organization: Ayman Al-Zawahiri, founder of the I want to thank the Governor and Mary
Egyptian Islamic Jihad and senior Al Qaida asso Kaye for joining us. I appreciate you all tak
ciate; and Gen. John P. Abizaid, USA, combatant ing time to come to support the senior Sen
commander, U.S. Central Command. ator from the State of Utah. It's smart poli
tics. [Laughter] You're doing a fine job, and
the people of Utah are proud of you.
Remarks at a Reception for I want to thank the other Senator, Senator
Senatorial Candidate Orrin Hatch in Bob Bennett, for his courageous leadership
Salt Lake City and friendship. I want to thank Congressman
August 31, 2006 Rob Bishop and Congressman Chris Cannon
for joining us today and for serving the coun
Thank you all very much. Thank you all. try. Glad you all are here. Cannon's brother
Please be seated. Thanks for the warm wel is the chairman of the Republican Party. I
come. It's great to be here in Utah. Gosh, like to remind the chairman that he's the
I landed at the airport last night—a couple cuter Cannon. [Laughter Is that okay? No.
of thousand people out there to say hello. [Laughter
I just had the honor of speaking to the Amer I want to thank all the statehouse folks
ican Legion; then come to a hall filled with who've joined us today too. I appreciate John
great citizens concerned about the reelection Valentine who is the senate president—lead
of Orrin Hatch. I'm telling—here to tell you, er, and Greg Curtis, the speaker. I want to
this guy is doing a great job and you need thank all of you who are senators and rep
to send him back to the United States Senate. resentatives. I appreciate you serving your
I'm proud to call him friend. And he's an communities. I had—some of the greatest ex
effective person in Washington. I don't know periences I've ever had in politics—was
if you can tell it this far away from Wash working with our State senate and our house
ington, but he's effective. He gets things of representatives in the State of Texas. And
done. People like to hear him; they listen to I hope, Governor, you're having as much fun
him; they trust him; they trust his judgment. working with them as I had. And if not, just
And so do I. And every time I'm around keep telling them what to do, and eventually
Orrin Hatch, after he gets through talking they'll get the message. [Laughter] But thank
about Utah, he finally gets to the country. you all for serving.
|Laughter. In other words, he loves Utah, I appreciate all the local folks here. I par
and he loves the citizens of Utah. ticularly want to say thanks to former Senator
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 31 1545

Jake Garn, who is with us. Senator, good to and defeat them overseas so we do not have
see you. I appreciate you coming. And I see to face them here at home.
my friend Jim Hansen is with us today. Con But it's important to understand the nature
gressman, good to see you, thanks for being of this war. This is more than just a military
here. And I wish LaVar Christensen all the conflict. This is the decisive ideological strug
best in his run for the congressional seat here gle of the 21st century. Some would like to
in Utah. Good luck to you. Appreciate you. assign this war to something as simple as law
enforcement. That shows a lack of under
And most of all, thanks for helping Orrin.
It takes a lot of work to get this many people standing of the nature of the enemy. Law
enforcement means we wouldn't use all as
in the room. And for those of you who orga
nized this event, thank you. I know how hard sets at our disposal to protect the American
you worked, and so does he. This is an in people. This is an ideological struggle, and
credibly successful fundraiser, and he de it's the struggle of the century. And it's the
serves it. struggle in which we must prevail for the sake
And for those of you involved in grassroots of our children and our grandchildren.
On the one side of this struggle are those
politics, thanks a lot for your hard work. who believe in freedom and moderation, the
Thanks for making sure that Utah was solid
in 2004, and thank you for making sure that right of people to speak, the right of people
Utah remains solid in 2006. I appreciate you to worship freely—one of the great privileges
in America, isn't it? I’m proud as the Presi
putting up the signs. I appreciate you making dent to be able to say you're equally Amer
the phone calls. I appreciate you knocking ican if you're Jew, Muslim, Christian, agnos
on the doors.
tic, atheist—we're all equally American. And
A lot of times, people kind of forget the one of the great treasured rights of our soci
efforts you make, but I don't, and I know ety is for people to be able to worship freely.
Orrin doesn't. I know the Governor appre On this struggle are those who believe in
ciates all the grassroots activists. So thanks the universality of liberty. I personally be
for the good work you're doing here in the lieve there's an Almighty, and I believe that
great State of Utah. one of the great gifts of that Almighty to
These are historic times in which we're liv
every man, woman, and child on the face of
ing. This generation of ours is being chal the Earth is the desire to live in freedom.
lenged, and it's a tough challenge because And on the other side of this ideological
we're facing an enemy that knows no bounds struggle are those who are driven by tyranny
of decency, an enemy that uses tactics that and extremism, the right of a self-appointed
are beyond our imagination to achieve cer few to impose their fanatical views over the
tain objectives. The President has to make rest of us. And that's the struggle. And it's
a lot of decisions. Mine is a decisionmaking important that our fellow citizens understand
experience. And I just want you to know that that struggle.
a lot of the decisions I have made were based We didn't ask for this war, but we will an
upon the experiences of the attacks on Sep swer history's call with confidence. And it's
tember the 11th. See, I vowed that day that important to have Members of the United
I would never forget our most important duty States Senate who understand the call of his
in Washington, DC, is to protect the Amer tory and are willing to stand strong in the
ican people. face of an enemy who is relenting. That's the
And Orrin Hatch understands that. He is challenge of the 21st century.
a strong supporter of our strategy to defend As I told you, we'll stay on the offense.
the country. That strategy starts with under As well, I made it clear that if you harbor
standing this doctrine: One, you can't ration a terrorist, you're just as guilty as the terror
alize with these people; you cannot negotiate ists, and you're an enemy of the United
with these extremists, these terrorists, these States, and you will be held to account. In
people who are bound together by an ide other words, this is a war in which nation
ology that is hateful. The only way to protect states aren't necessarily in the league, as pre
the American people is to stay on the offense vious wars, in, but they provide safe haven
1546 Aug. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

for. It's important when the President speaks, to drive us out of Iraq in order to achieve
he means what he says. I spoke clearly to safe haven, safe haven from which to launch
the world that if you harbor a terrorist, you're further attacks against moderate elements in
equally as guilty as the terrorists. The Taliban the Middle East, safe haven from which to
didn't take our word seriously. And thanks plan and plot attacks against the United
to a fantastic United States military, along States of America. They're not going to suc
with allies, we removed the Taliban. We ceed.
upheld doctrine; we freed 25 million Afghan There are powerful forces inside Iraq that
citizens; and the world is better off. to me—causes me to be optimistic, starting
A lesson of September the 11th is that with the Iraqi people themselves. You know,
when this Nation sees a threat, we must take last December seems like an eternity, par
it seriously, before it fully materializes. If ticularly to those of us in political office. But
there is a threat, we must recognize that that's not too long in the march of history,
threat and deal with it before it comes home is it? Last December, 12 million Iraqis, in
to hurt us. You know, the tendency in any defiance of terrorists and killers and suicide
difficult situation is for some to want to forget bombers, said loud and clear, “We want to
the lessons, put the past behind and think be free. We want a government of, by, and
about a more comforting future. And I can for the people.”
understand that. As a matter of fact, part of And since then, under a constitution that
my job is to assure the American people that is one of the most modern constitutions ever
we understand the threat and that people in the Middle East, a unity government has
should go on about their lives. Let us worry formed; a government desirous of respond
about it. That's why I've asked to make sure ing to the people; a government working
we have all the tools necessary to protect the hard to reject the extremists who want to stop
American people—tools like the PATRIOT the advance of democracy and freedom. This
Act, which Orrin helped get passed. Tools is a tough war. It's a tough war because the
like the capacity to listen to an Al Qaida enemy will use any tactic to cause the Iraqis
phone call. If they're calling into the United to split apart or any tactic trying to drive the
States, we want to know why so we can pro United States out of the Middle East. We
tect the American people. must persevere. We must continue to work
I saw a threat in Iraq. As a matter of fact, with this democratically elected Government
members of both political parties in the of Iraq. We must continue to give their army
United States Congress saw the same threat. the skills necessary to fight. And we must
Nations around the world saw the threat. stay on the hunt for terrorist elements, which
And the threat was a tyrant who brutally mur we are doing. We'll succeed in Iraq, and
dered thousands of his own citizens; a tyrant when we do, this country will be more se
who had invaded his neighbors; a tyrant who Cure.
had used weapons of mass destruction on his I understand there's a debate, and, of
people; a tyrant who previous administrations course, there should be a debate. I mean,
had declared a state sponsor of terror; a ty I welcome debates in our society. One of the
rant who, when the world spoke through the great things about America is, people can go
United Nations, ignored the world. I think into the public square and express them
when the world speaks, it must mean what selves openly without fear of the state. That's
it says. And so we gave the tyrant one last what we welcome. In these 2006 campaigns,
chance to disclose and disarm, or face serious there will be a lot of debate. There will be
consequences. It was his choice to make. The people—good people, decent people, patri
world is safer, the Iraqi people are better, otic people—who say, “Now is the time to
the cause for liberty is more advanced be leave Iraq,” and they are wrong.
cause Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. If we leave before Iraq can defend itself
Iraq is the central front in the war on ter and govern itself and sustain itself, this will
ror. Usama bin Laden has made that clear. be a key defeat for the United States of
Zawahiri has made that clear—he's the num America in this ideological struggle of the
ber-two man in Al Qaida. Their mission is 21st century. If we leave before this young
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Aug. 31 1547

democracy has its roots firmly in place, so ed to go. See, he was an Elvis buff. [Laugh
that an example of liberty flourishes in a re ter] I also thought it would send an inter
gion that's so desperate for something other esting message that I hope helps explain the
than a society that's caused resentment and stakes of this ideological struggle we're in.
hopelessness—if we leave, it will embolden Can you imagine somebody after World War
the enemy. The enemy has said this is the II saying, “I predict one day an American
front in the war on terror. That's what they President will be going to a singer's home
have proclaimed. They'll become even more with the Prime Minister of Japan?” They'd
bold. If we leave before the job is done, we'll have thought the guy was off his rocker. Isn't
help create a terrorist state in the heart of it interesting that a son of a Navy torpedo
the Middle East that will have control of
fighter who fought the Japanese with all his
huge oil reserves. If we leave before the job soul and all his might, like many of your rel
is done, this country will have no credibility. atives did, flew down on Air Force One with
People will look at our words as empty words. the Prime Minister of the former enemy? I
People will not trust the judgment and the think it is. And I think it's an historical lesson
leadership of the United States. Reformers that we all can learn something about.
will shrink from their deep desire to live in And by the way, when we were on the
a free society. Moderates will wonder if their plane, guess what we talked about—how we
voice will ever be heard again. If we leave can work together to keep the peace. We
before the job will be done, those who sac talked about North Korea. We talked about
rificed, those brave volunteers who sacrificed
what it meant for Japan to send 1,000 troops
in our United States military will have died into Iraq to help this young democracy fight
in vain. And as General Abizaid has said, if
off the ideologs of hate. We talked about our
we leave before the job is done—if we leave HIV/AIDS initiative in Africa. We talked
the streets of Baghdad, the enemy will follow
us to our own streets in America. about building roads in Afghanistan. I found
The stakes are high. I believe the only way it incredibly interesting that I was able to sit
down with the Prime Minister of a former
we can lose is if we leave before the job is
done. That's what I believe. I'm making my enemy and talk about the peace. Something
decisions based upon the recommendations happened between 41's time in the U.S.
of commanders on the ground. I want to as Navy and 43's time talking with the Prime
sure you, polls and focus groups will not de Minister of Japan. Japan adopted a Japanese
cide the Iraq policy in the global war on ter style democracy.
ror. And when we win and when we achieve Liberty has the capacity to transform en
our stated objective, it will be a major defeat emies into allies. One of these days, Amer
for the terrorists in this global war on terror. ican Presidents will be sitting down with duly
It will strengthen the spread of democracy elected leaders of the Middle East, and they
in the Middle East. Imagine what the exam will be talking about keeping the peace. And
ple of a democratic Iraq, a country that has this generation will be able to say, the world
adopted a democracy based upon its history was safer for our children and grandchildren.
and its traditions, imagine the signal it will And this Senator understands the stakes,
send to those reformers in Iran or those and I'm proud to serve with him. Both of
hopeful Palestinians that say, “Someday, we us are honored to be able to say, we're laying
want a state to live in peace with our neigh the foundation of peace for generations to
bor Israel.” When we succeed in Iraq, we'll COIne.
have created a valuable ally in the global war He also understands this, that the more
On terror. money you have in your pocket, the more
I don't know if you remember this, but you're going to save, invest, and spend, and
recently I had the honor of and privilege of the better our economy does. The classic de
taking my friend the Prime Minister of Japan bate in Washington, DC, really centers
to Graceland–Elvis's place. [Laughter] I've around this: Who best to spend your money,
never been to Graceland. I thought it would you or the Government? Senator Hatch and
be fun to go, but more importantly, he want I believe you can spend it better than the
1548 Aug. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Government, and therefore, we strongly be so therefore, we will continue to spend

lieve—[applause]. And that's why, when money wisely on new technologies.
things got tough, economically tough, we cut We're big believers in the nuclear power
the taxes on everybody who paid taxes. And industry's capacity to make sure that we pro
it worked. This economy of ours is strong. tect the environment with renewable sources
Progrowth economic policies work. And the of energy. I see automobiles being driven by
way to make sure this economy remains batteries that can drive the first 40 miles on
strong is to make the tax relief we passed electricity. I know we got clean coal tech
a permanent part of the Tax Code. nologies that will eventually work. It's the
The unemployment rate is 4.8 percent. calling of our time to make sure that we do
Since August of 2005, we've created more smart things with your money to enable us
than 5.5 million new jobs. Productivity is to diversify away from oil from countries,
high. The economy has grown now for 35 particularly those countries that don't like us.
straight months. It has added jobs for 35 I look forward to working with Orrin to make
straight—your unemployment rate, Gov sure that we remain competitive by spending
ernor, congratulations, is 3.4 percent. People money, wisely spending money on research
are working. Productivity is high. That's and development both at the Federal level
good—we're a productive society. We're con and at the private level, which is why we need
stantly trying to improve. Entrepreneurship to make permanent the research and devel
is strong. Minorities are owning businesses. opment tax credit.
Homeownership has been high. I mean, this I look forward to working with Orrin and
is a productive period of time for the Amer other Members of the United States Senate
ican people. It's because our philosophy to once and for all do something about junk
works—cutting taxes, trusting people with lawsuits, particularly those that are running
their own money makes sense. good doctors out of practice. People worry
And you know what else happens? It in about the cost of health care. One way to
creases revenues for the Treasury. You know, deal with the cost of health care is to get
there's been a lot of talk about the deficits, rid of these junk lawsuits.
and there should be. We're concerned about It's one thing, if you got a problem, to have
the deficit. As a matter of fact, I said to the your day in court. But these junk lawsuits—
Congress, join us in being fiscally responsible you see, when I first got to Washington, I
about how we spend the people's money, and said, “Well, the States can figure it out.” Gov
we can cut that deficit. The deficit is going ernor, you know, you all write your own laws.
to be cut in half, not by 2009 but by 2008, And then I realized the defensive practice
because progrowth economic policies work. of medicine costs you, the taxpayers, about
The best way—and by the way, in Wash $28 billion a year. Docs and providers pro
ington, you'll hear them say, “Well, in order viding unnecessary services in order to de
to balance the budget, we need to raise more fend themselves against junk lawsuits cost
revenues.” But that's not the way it works the Federal Government—because of Med
in Washington. Yeah, they'll raise revenues; icaid, Medicare, and veterans health bene
they’ll increase your taxes; but they will fig fits—about 28 billion. I came to the conclu
ure out new ways to spend your money. The sion, therefore, this is a Federal problem that
best way to balance the budget is to keep requires a Federal solution.
taxes low and be fiscally responsible with the Congress passed—the House passed a
taxpayers' money. And that's what we're good piece of legislation. I’m going to con
doing. tinue to work with Senators Hatch and Ben
Orrin said, “Keep it short.” I obviously nett to get good legislation out of the United
didn't listen very carefully. I want to work States Senate to make sure health care is
with him to make sure this country becomes available and affordable for folks all across
less dependent on foreign sources of oil. It's the United States of America.
in our economic interests that we become And speaking about health care, you did
less dependent on foreign sources of oil, and a fine job of training my Secretary for Health
it is in our national security interests. And and Human Services—Leavitt. He's doing a
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1549

great job. He really is. And he said he's down Message on the Observance of Labor
there—somebody said he was fishing with Day
him recently. So when you see him again,
tell him to get back to work. [Laughter] September 1, 2006
I send greetings to those celebrating Labor
Finally, I want to say something about the Day 2006.
judiciary. I've had no stronger ally than Orrin America is the most innovative Nation in
Hatch in making sure that we appoint judges
who know the difference between being a the world because our free enterprise system
judge and a legislator. One of my most im unleashes the talent and creativity of our peo
portant responsibilities is to make sure we ple. American workers are vital to our Na
have people on the Federal bench who strict tion's economic prosperity, and they help us
ly interpret the Constitution and not use the confront the competitive challenges of the
bench from which to legislate. And I had the global marketplace.
honor of naming two members of the Su My Administration remains committed to
preme Court—and I took my time, and I fostering an environment where innovation
looked at a lot of good folks, and I came up succeeds and opportunity thrives. Since Au
with some fine names. And thanks to the sup gust 2003, our economy has created more
port and leadership of Senator Orrin Hatch, than 5.7 million jobs, and manufacturing pro
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sam duction has risen 5.6 percent in the last year.
Alito now sit on the bench, and the United Our economic expansion is lifting the lives
States is better off for it. of millions of our citizens, and we will con
tinue to work toward developing sound eco
He just told me, if I didn't end, he's going nomic polices that keep our economy moving
to make me listen to one of his songs. forward and create more jobs for American
[Laughter] Actually, the man has got some
talent. [Laughter] And he's a great song Each year on Labor Day, we recognize the
dedicated men and women of our Nation's
writer but not as good a Senator—as he is
a Senator. And that's saying a lot. You've got workforce. By working hard each day, these
a fine man in the United States Senate in highly-skilled individuals build better lives
Orrin Hatch. He's decent; he's honorable; he for themselves and their families and make
gets the job done. I thank you for supporting America stronger.
him. Send him back to Washington, and Utah Laura and I send our best wishes on this
and America will benefit—continue to ben special occasion.
efit from his service.
George W. Bush
I thank you for the warm welcome here.
It's been such a joy to come back to your NOTE: An original was not available for
beautiful State. May God bless you all. verification of the content of this message.

NotE: The President spoke at 11 a.m. at the

Grand America Hotel. In his remarks, he referred
to Gov. Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., of Utah, and his
wife, Mary Kaye; Joseph A. Cannon, chairman, Digest of Other
Utah Republican Party; LaVar Christensen, can White House Announcements
didate for Congress in Utah's Second Congres
sional District; former President Saddam Hussein
of Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida
terrorist organization; Ayman Al-Zawahiri, found The following list includes the President's public
er of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and senior Al schedule and other items of general interest an
Qaida associate; Gen. John P. Abizaid, USA, com nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
batant commander, U.S. Central Command; and not included elsewhere in this issue.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan.
1550 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
August 26 Louis Armstrong New Orleans International
In the morning, at the Bush family home Airport, he and Mrs. Bush participated in a
in Kennebunkport, ME, the President had photo opportunity with the New Orleans
an intelligence briefing. Saints professional football team. He then
traveled to the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX.
August 27 The President announced his intention to
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. nominate Robert T. Howard to be Assistant
Bush returned to Washington, DC. Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Information
and Technology).
August 28 The President announced his intention to
In the morning, the President had an intel nominate Collister Johnson, Jr., to be Admin
ligence briefing followed by a briefing on istrator of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Devel
Hurricane Ernesto. He and Mrs. Bush then
opment Corporation.
traveled to Biloxi, MS. While en route aboard The President announced his intention to
Air Force One, they participated in an inter nominate Sara Martinez Tucker to be Under
view with April Ryan of American Urban Secretary of Education.
Radio Network. Upon arrival at Kessler Air The President announced his intention to
Force Base in Biloxi, he met with U.S. mili nominate Peter E. Cianchette to be a mem
tary personnel. ber of the Internal Revenue Service Over
Later in the morning, the President and sight Board.
Mrs. Bush participated in a walking tour of The President announced his intention to
a neighborhood damaged by Hurricane
Katrina in 2005. designate Naomi Churchill Earp as Chair
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. man of the Equal Employment Opportunity
Bush traveled to Gulfport, MS, where, upon The President announced his intention to
arrival, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol
unteer Ken Wetzel. Later, they traveled to designate James R. Kunder as Acting Deputy
New Orleans, LA, where they had dinner Administrator of the U.S. Agency for Inter
with State and local officials. national Development.
August 29 August 30
In the morning, the President had an intel In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, at Betsy's Pancake ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Little
House, he had breakfast with Mayor C. Ray
Nagin of New Orleans. Then, at the Windsor Rock, AR, where, upon arrival, he met with
Court Hotel, he and Mrs. Bush participated USA Freedom Corps volunteer Joy Cam
in an interview with Garland Robinette of
WWL Radio of New Orleans. In the afternoon, at a private residence,
Later in the morning, at the St. Louis Ca the President attended a luncheon for guber
thedral, the President and Mrs. Bush at natorial candidate Asa Hutchinson. Later, he
tended a service commemorating the first an traveled to Nashville, TN, where, upon ar
niversary of Hurricane Katrina. rival, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. unteer Patricia Gray.
Bush toured the Musicians' Village housing In the evening, the President traveled to
development and hosted a lunch for Habitat Salt Lake City, UT, where, upon arrival, he
for Humanity volunteers. He also presented met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer
a National Medal of the Arts to entertainer Sam Delis.

Antoine “Fats" Domino as a replacement for The White House announced that the
the original medal which was lost during President will welcome Amir Sabah al
Hurricane Katrina. Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah of Kuwait to the
Later in the afternoon, the President and White House on September 5.
Mrs. Bush participated in an interview with The President announced his intention to
Brian Williams of NBC News. Later, at the nominate Terrence W. Boyle and William
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1551

James Haynes II to be U.S. Circuit judges The President announced that he has
for the Fourth Circuit. named Dennis C. Wilder as Special Assistant
The President announced his intention to to the President and Senior Director for East
nominate William Gerry Myers III and Nor Asian Affairs of the National Security Coun
man Randy Smith to be U.S. Circuit judges cil.
for the Ninth Circuit.
The President announced his intention to
nominate Michael Brunson Wallace to be a
U.S. Circuit judge for the Fifth Circuit. Nominations
The President declared a major disaster in Submitted to the Senate
New Mexico and ordered Federal aid to sup
plement State and local recovery efforts in
the area struck by severe storms and flooding NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
on July 26 and continuing. Senate during the period covered by this issue.
August 31
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, he met with leaders
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Checklist
Saints (LDS) at their Administration Build of White House Press Releases

i. the afternoon, the President traveled to

Camp David, MD. The following list contains releases of the Office
The President announced his intention to of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
recess appoint Paul DeCamp as Adminis items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.
trator of the Wage and Hour Division at the
Department of Labor.
The President announced his intention to Released August 28
recess appoint Michael F. Duffy as a mem Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
ber of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Secretary Dana Perino
Review Commission.
The President announced his intention to Fact sheet: President Bush's Visit to Biloxi
and New Orleans
recess appoint Daniel Meron as General
Counsel of the Department of Health and Fact sheet: A New Mississippi. Rebuilding
Human Services. in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
The President announced his intention to
designate Michael J. Sullivan as Acting Di Released August 29
rector of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Firearms, and Explosives. Secretary Dana Perino
September 1 Transcript of a press briefing by Gulf Coast
In the morning, the President had an intel Region Recovery and Rebuilding Coordi
ligence briefing. nator Donald E. Powell and U.S. Coast
The President announced that he has Guard Commandant Adm. Thad W. Allen
named Marc Thiessen as Deputy Assistant
Fact sheet: Keeping the Promise of Jackson
to the President and Deputy Director of Square: A More Hopeful Louisiana

The President announced that he has Released August 30
named Martha Miller as Special Assistant to
the President for Presidential Personnel. Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
The President announced that he has Secretary Dana Perino
named David Trulio as Special Assistant to Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on
the President and Executive Secretary of the the death of Egypt's Nobel Prize Laureate
Homeland Security Council. in Literature, Naguib Mahfouz
1552 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary: Released September 1

Visit by Amir Sabah of Kuwait to Washington Fact sheet: Job Creation Continues—More
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on Than 5.7 Million Jobs Created Since August
disaster assistance to New Mexico 2003

Released August 31 Acts Approved

by the President
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Secretary Dana Perino
NoTE: No acts approved by the President were
Fact sheet: Winning the Struggle Between received by the Office of the Federal Register
Freedom and Terror in the Middle East during the period covered by this issue.


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AE 2.104:42/20 FED-DOCS
Weekly Compilation of


Monday, September 11, 2006

Volume 42—Number 36
Pages 1553–1594

OCT2006 -


Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies—

See also Appointments and Nominations;
Meetings With Foreign Leaders Transformation (SST) Program,
Cabinet meeting—1569 memorandum—1556
Georgia Public Policy Foundation in Meetings With Foreign Leaders
Atlanta–1576 Kuwait, Amir Sabah–1557
Reception for congressional candidate Max Notices
Burns in Pooler—1583
Maryland, Labor Day in Piney Point—1554 Continuation of the National Emergency With
Military Officers Association of America– Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks—1567
Radio address—1553
War on terror—1569 National Days of Prayer and Remembrance—
Appointments and Nominations Patriot Day—1589
Transportation Department, Secretary, Resignations and Retirements
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Communications to Congress Administrator, statement—1566
Military commissions, message transmitting
draft legislation—1576 Statements by the President
Patent Law Treaty and Regulations Under the See Resignations and Retirements
Patent Law Treaty, message transmitting—
1568 Supplementary Materials
Terrorist attacks, letter on continuation of Acts approved by the President—1594
national emergency—1567 Checklist of White House press releases—
Communications to Federal Agencies Digest of other White House
Transfers of Defense Articles and Services in announcements—1590
Support of Sudan Security Sector Nominations submitted to the Senate—1591

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the jnents.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607;
1 CFR Part 1()).
Week Ending Friday, September 8, 2006
The President’s Radio Address Iraq has not descended into a civil war. They
September 2, 2006 report that only a small number of Iraqis are
engaged in sectarian violence, while the over
Good morning. This week, I spoke to the whelming majority want peace and a normal
American Legion in Salt Lake City. I thanked life in a unified country. America will stand
the military veterans for their lifetime of with the Iraqi people as they protect their
service to our country. And I gave them an new freedom and build a democracy that can
update on the war that America is now fight govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself.
ing in defense of freedom in our time. Working side by side with Iraqi forces, we
We're approaching the fifth anniversary of recently launched a major new campaign to
the September the 11th attacks—and since end the security crisis in Baghdad. This oper
that day, we have taken the fight to the ation is still in its early stages, yet the initial
enemy. Yet this war is more than a military results are encouraging. The people of Bagh
conflict; it is the decisive ideological struggle dad are seeing their security forces in the
of the 21st century. On one side are those streets, dealing a blow to criminals and ter
who believe in freedom and moderation— rorists. According to One military report, a
the right of all people to speak, worship, and Sunni man in a diverse Baghdad neighbor
live in liberty. On the other side are those hood said this about the Shi'a soldiers on pa
driven by tyranny and extremism—the right trol: “Their image has changed. Now you feel
of a self-appointed few to impose their fanat they are there to protect you.” Over the com
ical views on all the rest. We did not ask ing weeks and months, the operation will ex
for this war, but we're answering history's call pand throughout Baghdad until Iraq's demo
with confidence—and we will prevail. cratic Government is in full control of the
We are using every element of national capital. This work is difficult and dangerous,
power to defeat the terrorists. First, we're but Iraqi forces are determined to succeed,
staying on the offense against the terrorists, and America is determined to help them.
fighting them overseas so we do not have to Here at home, some politicians say that
face them here at home. Second, we made our best option is to pull out of Iraq, regard
it clear to all nations, if you harbor terrorists, less of the situation on the ground. Many of
you're as guilty as the terrorists; you're an these people are sincere and patriotic, but
enemy of the United States, and you will be they could not be more wrong. If America
held to account. And third, we have launched were to pull out before Iraq can defend itself,
a bold new agenda to defeat the ideology of the consequences would be disastrous. We
the enemy by supporting the forces of free would be handing Iraq over to the terrorists,
dom and moderation in the Middle East and giving them a base of operations and huge
beyond. oil riches to fund their ambitions. And we
A vital part of our strategy to defeat the know exactly where those ambitions lead. If
terrorists is to help establish a democratic we give up the fight in the streets of Bagh
Iraq, which will be a beacon of liberty in the dad, we will face the terrorists in the streets
region and an ally in the global war on terror. of our own cities. The security of the civilized
The terrorists understand the threat a demo world depends on victory in the war on ter
cratic Iraq poses to their cause, so they've ror, and that depends on victory in Iraq, so
been fighting a bloody campaign of sectarian America will not leave until victory is
violence which they hope will plunge that achieved.
country into a civil war. Our commanders For all the debate, American policy in the
and diplomats on the ground believe that Middle East comes down to a straightforward
1554 Sept. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
choice: We can allow the Middle East to con say to the union members who are here,
tinue on the course that led to September happy Labor Day, and thanks for supporting
the 11th, and a generation from now, our leadership that is progressive, smart, capable,
children will face a region dominated by ter and has your best interests at heart.
rorist states and radical dictators armed with
I'm proud to be here with the family mem
nuclear weapons. Or we can stop that from bers. Michael, thanks for inviting family
happening by rallying the world to confront members. As you know, I think family is an
the ideology of hate, by supporting the forces important part of life, and that—invite the
of liberty and moderation in the region, and family here—families here today was a smart
by helping give the people of the Middle East thing to do. And I look forward to shaking
a future of hope. And that is the choice as many hands as I can this morning.
America has made.
The path to victory will be uphill and un Today on Labor Day, we honor those who
work, and we honor those who work because,
even, and it will require more patience and
sacrifice from our Nation. Yet we can be con in so doing, we recognize that one of the
fident of the outcome, because America will reasons why we're the economic leader in
not waver and because the direction of his the world is because of our workforce. And
tory leads toward freedom. the fundamental question facing the country
Thank you for listening. is, how do we continue to be the economic
leader in the world? What do we do to make
NoTE: The address was recorded at 9:55 a.m. on sure that when people look around the world
August 31 at the Grand America Hotel in Salt next year and 10 years from now, they say,
Lake City, UT, for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on Sep “The United States is still the most powerful
tember 2. The transcript was made available by economy in the world"? I think that's an im
the Office of the Press Secretary on September portant goal to have, because when we're the
1 but was embargoed for release until the broad
cast. The Office of the Press Secretary also re most powerful economy in the world, it
leased a Spanish language transcript of this ad means our people benefit. It means there's
dress. job opportunities. That's what we want. We
want people working. We want people to re
alize their dreams.
Remarks on Labor Day in Piney And so the best thing to do is to keep
Point, Maryland progrowth economic policies in place as the
September 4, 2006 first step to making sure we're the most pow
erful economy in the world. And I think that
The President. Thank you all. Please be means keeping those taxes low, letting you
seated. Happy Labor Day. keep more of your own money. See, when
Audience members. Happy Labor Day. you have more money in your pocket, you
The President. Yes, thanks. Listen, I'm
thrilled that Michael invited me to come and get to spend the money. You get to make
the decisions. And the fundamental question
visit with you this Labor Day. But this isn't
facing Government is, who best to spend
the first time he invited me. [Laughter. He
invited me for last year, and I committed. your money, you or the Government? I be
And then we had a terrible storm hit, and lieve you ought to do it.
I hope you understood—understand why I So we ought to make the tax relief perma
needed to be there than up here last year. ment. I like it when people are working for
Now he invited me again. And I couldn't a living, having more after-tax money in their
wait to say yes and couldn't wait to come pocket. That's what I like. And I think that
here. I must confess, Michael, I didn't realize ought to be a policy of the United States Gov
ernment. So to make sure that we're the eco
how strong your facility—facilities are here.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but this is a nomic leader of the world, we got to keep
taxes low.
fantastic facility. It speaks to your leadership
and the leadership and the importance of But we also got to do some other things
your union. And so here on Labor Day, I that's smart, and it starts with making sure
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 4 1555

our workers have the skills necessary to com same technological breakthroughs when it
pete in the 21st century. And that's one of comes to energy. And that starts with how
the primary reasons I came to this facility. we drive our automobiles. You know, one of
Now, I just happened to be over here at these days, you're going to have a-batteries
the training building, and they put me behind in your automobile that will enable you to
the wheel of a Coast Guard cutter in Balti drive the first 40 miles without gasoline, and
more Harbor, and they made the boat rock your car doesn't have to look like a golf cart.
a little bit. [Laughter And I got slightly dis |Laughter] I mean, I bet the people down
combobulated. [Laughter] It's one of the in this part of the world like to drive pickups,
most amazing training tools I have ever seen. Mike. [Laughter] But we're going to have a
But it shows this union's commitment, along battery that makes those pickups go.
with industry's commitment, to making sure And the reason why is, is that we're spend
that those who pilot the boats, those who are ing money to develop new technologies to
engineers on the boats, have the absolute enable us to become less dependent on oil.
best training possible. See, as we con And that makes sense. And so in order to
stantly—as the world constantly changes, we think about how we remain competitive as
better make sure that our workforce has the a nation, we've got to be aggressive in pro
skills necessary to compete if we want to be moting new technologies, particularly on the
the world's leading economy. energy front.
And so I applaud the Seafarers Union, and You know, in the Midwest, a lot of people
I applaud the employers working together to are beginning to fuel their cars with more
make sure that those who work for a livin and more ethanol. Ethanol is derived from
have what it takes to be competitive. X. corn. So you've got to get out there growing
we got to make sure that's the case through corn. The corn goes into an ethanol plant,
out all the workforce. And we got to make and out comes fuel to drive the car. That
sure that our community colleges are acces seems to make a lot of sense to me, to say,
sible to people who need to gain new skills in order to become less dependent on foreign
of the 21st century. See, as the workforce oil, why don't we become more reliant upon
stays productive—in other words, if you keep America's farmers to produce energy for our
getting a good education, it increases your automobiles. And that's the kinds of things
standard of living, but also helps this country we're doing.
remain strong economically. You know, we flew over—coming here, we
A couple of other things we need to do flew over a nuclear powerplant, and it's a
as well. We got to do something about energy modern, safe plant. In my judgment, this
in order to make sure that we're competitive, country ought to continue to expand nuclear
that this economy will remain strong, that power if we want to become less dependent
people are able to find work. By the way, on foreign sources of energy. Nuclear power
the unemployment rate is 4.7 percent. That's is safe; nuclear power is clean; and nuclear
a good sign if you're somebody looking for power is renewable. And so what I'm telling
a job. It means people are working here in you is, and what I want the country to under
the United States. stand is, is that technologies has enabled this
But one thing is clear, is that dependence workforce, this union to become—have a
on foreign oil jeopardizes our capacity to more productive workforce; technology is
grow. I mean, the problem is, we get oil from going to enable us to become less dependent
some parts of the world and they simply don't on oil. And we've got to continue to pursue
like us. And so the more dependent we are technologies.
on that type of energy, the less likely it will And finally, one of the ways to make sure
be that we are able to compete and—so peo that we're a competitive nation is to continue
ple have good, high-paying jobs. opening up markets for U.S. products. If I
And so I've got a plan to work with—to was somebody who was driving a ship or an
nd money on technologies. See, the tech engineer on a ship, I’d want to hear a Presi
nological development here at this school has dent say, “We want you to be selling U.S.
been dramatic. Well, we can achieve the products—transporting U.S. products
1556 Sept. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

around the world.” See, we've got 5 percent NoTE: The President spoke at 11:38 a.m. at the
of the world's people here in the United Paul Haul Center for Maritime Training and Edu
cation. In his remarks, he referred to Michael
States, which means 95 percent are potential
customers. And therefore, it's important for Sacco, president, Seafarers International Union of
North America, AFL–CIO.
us to be aggressive about opening up mar
And my message to the world is this: Just Memorandum on Transfers of
treat us the way we treat you. That's all we Defense Articles and Services in
expect. We just want the rules to be fair– Support of Sudan Security Sector
because I believe this country can compete Transformation (SST) Program
with anybody, anytime, anywhere, so long as
the rules are fair. August 28, 2006
So Mike asked me to come and talk about
Presidential Determination No. 2006–22
ways to make sure we're competitive. He
said, “What are you going to do, Mr. Presi
dent? There you are; things are going okay Memorandum for the Secretary of State
now, but what about 5 years from now; what Subject: Transfers of Defense Articles and
will the world look like?” And I hope here Services in Support of Sudan Security Sector
are some good ideas for you to think about, Transformation (SST) Program
about how to make sure that the United
States is competitive. Pursuant to the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and laws of the United
In the meantime, it's important for Presi
dents to embrace the Jones Act. Sacco's con States, including section 40(g) of the Arms
stantly talking to me about that. I have, so Export Control Act (AECA), I hereby:
• Determine that the transaction, encom
far, 5% years as the President, supported the
Jones Act and will continue to do so as the passing transfers of defense articles and
President. services, funded by United States Gov
I can't help but look at a man over there ernment assistance, necessary for an
in uniform and think about our military right SST program for the Government of
now on Labor Day. First, thank you for serv Southern Sudan that will support trans
formation of the Sudan People's Libera
ing. And our soldiers and sailors and Coast tion Army from a guerrilla force into a
Guard men and marines and Air Force have
smaller, conventional force is essential
got to understand this—that this country sup to the national security interests of the
ports them in the mission; that they may hear United States. Such transfers include
all the political discourse going on, but the the provision of vehicles and commu
people of this country, the people of the nications equipment; power generation;
United States of America stand squarely be facilities construction/renovation; train
hind the men and women who wear our uni
ing and technical assistance; rec
form. And on Labor Day, we think about ommendations for force structure,
those who are sacrificing for our freedom and training, equipment, infrastructure, and
peace, and we think about their families too. resource management; and other de
And so I want to thank you for greeting fense articles and services in support of
me. I look forward to coming to say hello military reform in Southern Sudan, in
to you. I appreciate you taking time out of cluding support to the Sudan People's
your day to say hi. I know you're a little dis Liberation Movement;
appointed that Laura didn't come. [Laugh • Waive the prohibitions in section 40 of
ter] You probably wish she'd have come and the AECA related to such transaction;
I stayed at home. [Laughter] But she sends
her greetings. God bless you all, and may • Assign to you the functions under sec
God continue to bless the United States of tion 40(g)(2) of the AECA to consult
America. with and submit reports to the Congress
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 5 1557

for proposed specific exports or trans gratitude on my own behalf and the behalf
fers, 15 days prior to permitting them of the delegation that accompanying me for
to proceed, that are necessary for and this kind invitation. We have conducted a
within the scope of this determination very fruitful talk. We have covered several
and the transaction referred to herein. issues, bilateral issues, economic issues re
You are authorized and directed to report lated to strengthening the bilateral relation
this determination to the Congress and to ar between our two countries. And also we have
range for its publication in the Federal Reg discussed some regional matters related with
ister. the aim of both of us to achieve stability in
George W. Bush the region.
Yes, I do agree that there are differences
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, between points of view from the United
8:45 a.m., September 11, 2006] States and some of our region. But, neverthe
NoTE: This memorandum was released by the Of less, I would like also to say that there are
fice of the Press Secretary on September 5 and differences between ourselves, the region.
will publish in the Federal Register on September
But the * is to achieve peace and security,
and we have seen in a lot of our positions
that we are seeing our—the positions eye to
Remarks Following Discussions With eye. Therefore, I am very grateful for the
outcome of this visit.
Amir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al President Bush. Thank you, sir. Thank
Sabah of Kuwait
September 5, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:54 a.m. in the
President Bush. Your Highness, thank
you for coming. It's been my . to wel Oval Office at the White House. Amir Sabah

come you and your delegation here to the spoke in Arabic, and his remarks were translated
by an interpreter.
Oval Office. I congratulate you for taking on
the very important responsibilities of our
close friend and ally, Kuwait. Remarks to the Military Officers
We've had a important strategic dialog Association of America
about how to work together to promote
peace and stability in . Middle East. I September 5, 2006
thank you for your leadership. I congratulate
you for your steady reforms in your country. Thank you all. Please be seated. General
They have served as a notable example for here.Hendrix, thank you for the invitation to be
Thanks for the kind introduction. I'm
others in the region. I thank you very much honored to stand with the men and women
for your steadfast support of our United
States military. It means a lot, Your High of the Military Officers Association of Amer
ness, to know that we can count on your ica. I appreciate the board of directors who
friendship. are here and the leaders who have given me
I appreciated your advice on a variety of this platform from which to speak. I'm proud
matters. His Highness has got a clear vision to be here with active members of the United
about how we can work together strategicall States military. Thank you for your service.
as well as commercially. And I want to i. I'm proud to be your Commander in Chief.
you for that vision. I assured His Highness I want to—pleased also to stand with
that I fully understand that the United States members of the diplomatic corps, including
has an obligation to work to promote the many representing nations that have been at
peace. And we will work to promote the tacked by Al Qaida and its terrorist allies
peace with our friends. since September the 11th, 2001. Your pres
And so I welcome you here, sir. It's great ence here reminds us that we're engaged in
to see you again. And I'm honored that you a global war against an enemy that threatens
would take time to visit me. all civilized nations. And today, the civilized
Amir Sabah. Thank you very much, Mr. world stands together to defend our freedom;
President. I would like really to express my we stand together to defeat the terrorists; and
1558 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

we're working to secure the peace for gen East and beyond. Most recently, they at
erations to come. tempted to strike again in the most ambitious
I appreciate my Attorney General joining plot since the attacks of September the
us today, Al Gonzales. Thank you for being 11th–a plan to blow up passenger planes
here. The Secretary of Homeland Security, headed for America, over the Atlantic Ocean.
Michael Chertoff, is with us. Three Members Five years after our Nation was attacked,
of the United States Senate—I might say, the terrorist danger remains. We're a nation
three important Members of the United at war, and America and her allies are fight
States Senate—Senate President pro tem ing this war with relentless determination
Ted Stevens of Alaska. Thank you for joining across the world. Together with our coalition
us, Senator. Chairman of the Appropriations partners, we've removed terrorist sanc
Committee, Senator Thad Cochran of Mis tuaries, disrupted their finances, killed and
sissippi. The chairman of the Armed Services captured key operatives, broken up terrorist
Committee, John Warner of Virginia. cells in America and other nations, and
I thank Norb Ryan, as well, for his leader stopped new attacks before they're carried
ship. I do appreciate all the folks that are out. We're on the offense against the terror
at Walter Reed who have joined us today. ists on every battlefront, and we'll accept
I'm going to tell the parents of our troops, nothing less than complete victory.
we provide great health care to those who In the 5 years since our Nation was at
wear the uniform. I'm proud of those folks tacked, we've also learned a great deal about
at Bethesda and Walter Reed—are providing the enemy we face in this war. We've learned
you the best possible care to help you recover about them through videos and audio record
from your injuries. Thank you . your cour ings and letters and statements they've post
age. Thank you for joining us here today. ed on web sites. We've learned about them
May God bless you in your recovery. from captured enemy documents that the
Next week, America will mark the fifth an terrorists have never meant for us to see. To
niversary of September the 11th, 2001, ter gether, these documents and statements have
rorist attacks. As this day approaches, it given us clear insight into the mind of our
brings with it a flood of painful memories. enemies—their ideology, their ambitions,
We remember the horror of watching planes and their strategy to defeat us.
fly into the World Trade Center and seeing We know what the terrorists intend to do
the towers collapse before our eyes. We re because they've told us—and we need to take
member the sight of the Pentagon broken their words seriously. So today I'm going to
and in flames. We remember the rescue describe, in the terrorists' own words, what
workers who rushed into burning buildings they believe, what they hope to accomplish,
to save lives, knowing they might never and how they intend to accomplish it. I'll dis
emerge again. We remember the brave pas cuss how the enemy has adapted in the wake
sengers who charged the cockpit of their hi of our sustained offensive against them and
jacked plane and stopped the terrorists from the threat posed by different strains of vio
reaching their target and killing more inno lent Islamic radicalism. I'll explain the strat
cent civilians. We remember the cold bru egy we're pursuing to protect America by de
tality of the enemy who inflicted this harm feating the terrorists on the battlefield and
on our country—an enemy whose leader, defeating their hateful ideology in the battle
Usama bin Laden, declared the massacre of of ideas.
nearly 3,000 people that day, I quote, “an The terrorists who attacked us on Sep
unparalleled and magnificent feat of valor, tember the 11th, 2001, are men without con
unmatched by any in humankind before science—but they're not madmen. They kill
them.” in the name of a clear and focused ideology,
In 5 years since our Nation was attacked, a set of beliefs that are evil but not insane.
Al Qaida and terrorists it has inspired have These Al Qaida terrorists, and those who
continued to attack across the world. They've share their ideology, are violent Sunni ex
killed the innocent in Europe and Africa and tremists. They're driven by a radical and per
the Middle East, in central Asia and the Far verted vision of Islam that rejects tolerance,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 5 1559

crushes all dissent, and justifies the murder “Death is better than living on this Earth
of innocent men, women, and children in the with the unbelievers among us.”
pursuit of political power. They hope to es These radicals have declared their uncom
tablish a violent political utopia across the promising hostility to freedom. It is foolish
Middle East, which they call a “caliphate,” to think that you can negotiate with them.
where all would be ruled according to their We see the uncompromising nature of the
hateful ideology. Usama bin Laden has called enemy in many captured terrorist docu
the 9/11 attacks—in his words—“a great step ments. Here are just tWO examples: After the
towards the unity of Muslims and estab liberation of Afghanistan, coalition forces
lishing the righteous—caliphate.” searching through a terrorist safe house in
This caliphate would be a totalitarian Is that country found a copy of the Al Qaida
lamic empire encompassing all current and charter. This charter states that “there will
former Muslim lands, stretching from Eu be continuing enmity until everyone believes
rope to north Africa, the Middle East, and in Allah. We will not meet the enemy half
Southeast Asia. We know this because Al way. There will be no room for dialog with
Qaida has told us. About 2 months ago, the them.” Another document was found in 2000
terrorist Zawahiri—he's Al Qaida's second in by British police during an antiterrorist raid
command—declared that Al Qaida intends in London—a grisly Al Qaida manual that
to impose its rule in “every land that was includes chapters with titles such as “Guide
a home for Islam, from Spain to Iraq.” He lines for Beating and Killing Hostages.” This
went on to say, “The whole world is an open manual declares that their vision of Islam
field for us.” “does not make a truce with unbelief, but
We know what this radical empire would rather confronts it.” The confrontation calls
look like in practice, because we saw how for “the dialog of bullets; the ideals of assas
the radicals imposed their ideology on the sination, bombing, and destruction; and the
people of Afghanistan. Under the rule of the diplomacy of the cannon and machine gun,”
Taliban and Al Qaida, Afghanistan was a to end quote.
talitarian nightmare—a land where women Still other captured documents show Al
were imprisoned in their homes; men were Qaida's strategy for infiltrating Muslim na
beaten for missing prayer meetings; girls tions, establishing terrorist enclaves, over
could not go to school; and children were throwing governments, and building their to
forbidden the smallest pleasures, like flying talitarian empire. We see this strategy laid
kites. Religious police roamed the streets, out in a captured Al Qaida document found
beating and detaining civilians for perceived during a recent raid in Iraq, which describes
offenses. Women were publicly whipped. their plans to infiltrate and to take over Iraq's
Summary executions were held in Kabul's western Anbar Province. The document lays
soccer stadium in front of cheering mobs. out an elaborate Al Qaida governing struc
And Afghanistan was turned into a launching ture for the region that includes an Edu
pad for horrific attacks against America and cation Department, a Social Services Depart
other parts of the civilized world, including ment, a Justice Department, and an Execu
many Muslim nations. tion Unit responsible for “Sorting out, Arrest,
The goal of these Sunni extremists is to Murder, and Destruction.”
remake the entire Muslim world in their rad According to their public statements,
ical image. In pursuit of their imperial aims, countries that have—they have targeted
these extremists say there can be no com stretch from the Middle East to Africa to
promise or dialog with those they call Southeast Asia. Through this strategy, Al
infidels—a category that includes America, Qaida and its allies intend to create numer
the world's free nations, Jews, and all Mus ous, decentralized operating bases across the
lims who reject their extreme vision of Islam. world, from which they can plan new attacks
They reject the possibility of peaceful coex and advance their vision of a unified, totali
istence with the free world. Again, hear the tarian Islamic state that can confront and
words of Usama bin Laden earlier this year: eventually destroy the free world.
1560 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
These violent extremists know that to real Bin Laden and his allies are absolutely
ize this vision, they must first drive out the convinced they can succeed in forcing Amer
main obstacle that stands in their way—the ica to retreat and causing our economic col
United States of America. According to Al lapse. They believe our Nation is weak and
Qaida, their strategy to defeat America has decadent and lacking in patience and resolve.
two parts. First, they're waging a campaign And they're wrong. Usama bin Laden has
of terror across the world. They're targeting written that the “defeat of American forces
our forces abroad, hoping that the American in Beirut in 1983 is proof America does not
people will grow tired of casualties and give have the stomach to stay in the fight.” He's
up the fight. And they're targeting America's declared that “in Somalia, the United States
financial centers and economic infrastructure pulled out, trailing disappointment, defeat,
at home, hoping to terrorize us and cause and failure behind it.” And last year, the ter
rorist Zawahiri declared that Americans
our economy to collapse.
Bin Laden calls this his "bleed-until-bank “know better than others that there is no

ruptcy plan,” end quote. And he cited the hope in victory. The Vietnam specter is clos
attacks of 9/11 as evidence that such a plan ing every outlet.”
can succeed. With the 9/11 attacks, Usama These terrorists hope to drive America and
bin Laden says, “Al Qaida spent $500,000 our coalition out of Afghanistan so they can
on the event, while America lost—according restore the safe haven they lost when coali
to the lowest estimate—$500 billion,” mean tion forces drove them out 5 years ago. But
ing that every dollar of Al Qaida defeated they've made clear that the most important
a million dollars of America. Bin Laden con front in their struggle against America is
cludes from this experience that “America is Iraq–the nation bin Laden has declared the
“capital of the caliphate.” Hear the words of
definitely a great power, with unbelievable bin Laden: “I now address the whole Islamic
military strength and a vibrant economy, but nation: Listen and understand. The most se
all these have been built on a very weak and rious issue today for the whole world is this
hollow foundation.” He went on to say, third world war that is raging in Iraq.” He
“Therefore, it is very easy to target the flimsy calls it “a war of destiny between infidelity
base and concentrate on their weak points, and Islam.” He says, “The whole world is
and even if we're able to target one-tenth watching this war,” and that it will end in
of these weak points, we will be able to crush “victory and glory or misery and humilia
and destroy them.” tion.” For Al Qaida, Iraq is not a distraction
Secondly, along with this campaign of ter from their war on America—it is the central
ror, the enemy has a propaganda strategy. battlefield where the outcome of this struggle
Usama bin Laden laid out this strategy in will be decided.
a letter to the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, Here is what Al Qaida says they will do
that coalition forces uncovered in Afghani if they succeed in driving us out of Iraq. The
stan in 2002. In it, bin Laden says that Al terrorist Zawahiri has said that Al Qaida will
Qaida intends to launch, in his words, “a proceed with “several incremental goals. The
media campaign to create a wedge between first stage. Expel the Americans from Iraq.
the American people and their Govern The second stage: Establish an Islamic au
ment.” This media campaign, bin Laden says, thority or amirate, then develop it and sup
will send the American people a number of port it until it achieves the level of caliphate.
messages, including “that their Government The third stage: Extend the jihad wave to
will bring them more losses, in finances and the secular countries neighboring Iraq. And
casualties.” And he goes on to say that “they the fourth stage: The clash with Israel.”
are being sacrificed to serve the big investors, These evil men know that a fundamental
especially the Jews.” Bin Laden says that by threat to their aspirations is a democratic
delivering these messages, Al Qaida “aims at Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself, and
creating pressure from the American people defend itself. They know that given a choice,
on the American Government to stop their the Iraqi people will never choose to live in
campaign against Afghanistan.” the totalitarian state the extremists hope to
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 5 1561

establish. And that is why we must not and and we will not withdraw from the fight until
we will not give the enemy victory in Iraq this threat to civilization has been removed.
by deserting the Iraqi people. Five years into this struggle, it's important
Last year, the terrorist Zarqawi declared to take stock of what's been accomplished
in a messageº on the Internet that de and the difficult work that remains. Al Qaida
mocracy “is the essence of infidelity and de has been weakened by our sustained offen
viation from the right path.” The Iraqi people sive against them. And today, it is harder for
disagree. Last December, nearly 12 million Al Qaida's leaders to operate freely, to move
Iraqis from every ethnic and religious com money, or to communicate with their
munity turned out to vote in their country's operatives and facilitators. Yet Al Qaida re
third free election in less than a year. Iraq mains dangerous and determined. Bin Laden
now has a unity government that represents and Zawahiri remain in hiding in remote re
Iraq's diverse population, and Al Qaida's top gions of this world. Al Qaida continues to
commander in Iraq breathed his last breath. adapt in the face of our global campaign
Despite these strategic setbacks, the against them. Increasingly, Al Qaida is taking
enemy will continue to fight freedom's ad advantage of the Internet to disseminate
vance in Iraq, because they understand the propaganda and to conduct virtual recruit
stakes in this war. Again, hear the words of ment and virtual training of new terrorists.
bin Laden in a message to the American peo Al Qaida's leaders no longer need to meet
ple earlier this year. He says, “The war is face to face with their operatives. They can
for you or for us to win. If we win it, it means find new suicide bombers and facilitate new
your defeat and disgrace forever.” terrorist attacks without ever laying eyes on
Now, I know some of our country hear those they're training, financing, or sending
the terrorists' words and hope that they will to strike us.
not or cannot do what they say. History As Al Qaida changes, the broader terrorist
teaches that underestimating the words of movement is also changing, becoming more
evil and ambitious men is a terrible mistake. dispersed and self-directed. More and more,
In the early 1900's, an exiled lawyer in Eu we're facing threats from locally established
rope published a pamphlet called “What Is terrorist cells that are inspired by Al Qaida's
To Be Done?”—in which he laid out his plan ideology and goals but do not necessarily
to launch a Communist revolution in Russia. have direct links to Al Qaida, such as training
The world did not heed Lenin's words and and funding. Some of these groups are made
paid a terrible price. The Soviet Empire he up of homegrown terrorists, militant extrem
established killed tens of millions and ists who were born and educated in Western
brought the world to the brink of thermo nations, were indoctrinated by radical
nuclear war. In the 1920's, a failed Austrian Islamists or attracted to their ideology, and
painter published a book in which he ex joined the violent extremist cause. These lo
plained his intention to build an Aryan super cally established cells appear to be respon
state in Germany and take revenge on Eu sible for a number of attacks and plots, in
rope and eradicate the Jews. The world ig cluding those in Madrid and Canada and
nored Hitler's words and paid a terrible other countries across the world.
price. His Nazi regime killed millions in the As we continue to fight Al Qaida and these
gas chambers and set the world aflame in Sunni extremists inspired by their radical ide
war before it was finally defeated at a terrible ology, we also face the threat posed by Shi'a
cost in lives. extremists who are learning from Al Qaida,
Bin Laden and his terrorist allies have increasing their assertiveness, and stepping
made their intentions as clear as Lenin and up their threats. Like the vast majority of
Hitler before them. The question is: Will we Sunnis, the vast majority of Shi'a across the
listen? Will we pay attention to what these world reject the vision of extremists. And in
evil men say? America and our coalition part Iraq, millions of Shi'a have defied terrorist
ners have made our choice. We're taking the threats to vote in free elections and have
words of the enemy seriously. We're on the shown their desire to live in freedom. The
offensive; we will not rest; we will not retreat; Shi'a extremists want to deny them this right.
1562 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

This Shi'a strain of Islamic radicalism is just your eyes and see the fate of pharaoh. If you
as dangerous and just as hostile to America do not abandon the path of falsehood, your
and just as determined to establish its brand doomed destiny will be annihilation.” Less
of hegemony across the broader Middle East. than 2 months ago, he warned, “The anger
The Shi'a extremists have achieved some of Muslims may reach an explosion point
thing that Al Qaida has so far failed to do: soon. If such a day comes, America and the
In 1979, they took control of a major power, West should know that the waves of the blast
the nation of Iran, subjugating its proud peo will not remain within the boundaries of our
ple to a regime of tyranny and using that na region.” He also delivered this message to
tion's resources to fund the spread of terror the American people: “If you would like to
and pursue their radical agenda. have good relations with the Iranian nation
Like Al Qaida and the Sunni extremists, in the future, bow down before the greatness
the Iranian regime has clear aims: They want of the Iranian nation and surrender. If you
to drive America out of the region, to destroy don't accept to do this, the Iranian nation
Israel, and to dominate the broader Middle will force you to surrender and bow down.”
East. To achieve these aims, they are funding America will not bow down to tyrants.
and arming terrorist groups like Hizballah, The Iranian regime and its terrorist proxies
which allow them to attack Israel and Amer have demonstrated their willingness to kill
ica by proxy. Hizballah, the source of the cur Americans, and now the Iranian regime is
rent instability in Lebanon, has killed more pursuing nuclear weapons. The world is
Americans than any terrorist organization ex working together to prevent Iran's regime
cept Al Qaida. Unlike Al Qaida, they've not from acquiring the tools of mass murder. The
yet attacked the American homeland. Yet international community has made a reason
they're directly responsible for the murder able proposal to Iran's leaders and given
of hundreds of Americans abroad. It was them the opportunity to set their nation on
Hizballah that was behind the 1983 bombing a better course. So far, Iran's leaders have
of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut that rejected this offer. Their choice is increas
killed 241 Americans. And Saudi Hizballah ingly isolating the great Iranian nation from
was behind the 1996 bombing of Khobar the international community and denying the
Towers in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 Ameri Iranian people an opportunity for greater
cans, an attack conducted by terrorists who economic prosperity. It's time for Iran's lead
we believe were working with Iranian offi er to make a different choice. And we've
cials. made our choice. We'll continue to work
Just as we take the words of the Sunni ex closely with our allies to find a diplomatic
tremists seriously, we must take the words solution. The world's free nations will not
of the Shi'a extremists seriously. Listen to the allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.
words of Hizballah's leader, the terrorist The Shi'a and Sunni extremists represent
Nasrallah, who has declared his hatred of different faces of the same threat. They draw
America. He says, “Let the entire world hear inspiration from different sources, but both
me. Our hostility to the Great Satan, Amer seek to impose a dark vision of violent Islamic
ica, is absolute. Regardless of how the world radicalism across the Middle East. They op
has changed after 11 September, death to pose the advance of freedom, and they want
America will remain our reverberating and to gain control of weapons of mass destruc
powerful slogan: Death to America.” tion. If they succeed in undermining fragile
Iran's leaders, who back Hizballah, have democracies like Iraq and drive the forces
also declared their absolute hostility to Amer of freedom out of the region, they will have
ica. Last October, Iran's President declared an open field to pursue their dangerous goals.
in a speech that some people ask—in his Each strain of violent Islamic radicalism
words—"whether a world without the United would be emboldened in their efforts to top
States and Zionism can be achieved. I say ple moderate governments and establish ter
that this goal is achievable." Less than 3 rorist safe havens.
months ago, Iran's President declared to Imagine a world in which they were able
America and other Western powers: “Open to control governments, a world awash with
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 5 1563

oil, and they would use oil resources to pun operatives within our borders. If Al Qaida
ish industrialized nations. And they would is calling somebody in America, we need to
use those resources to fuel their radical agen know why in order to stop attacks.
da and pursue and purchase weapons of mass I want to thank these three Senators for
murder. And armed with nuclear weapons, working with us to give our law enforcement
they would blackmail the free world and and intelligence officers the tools necessary
spread their ideologies of hate and raise a to do their jobs. And over the last 5 years,
mortal threat to the American people. If we Federal, State, and local law enforcement
allow them to do this, if we retreat from Iraq, have used those tools to break up terrorist
if we don't uphold our duty to support those cells and to prosecute terrorist operatives and
who are desirous to live in liberty, 50 years supporters in New York and Oregon and Vir
from now, history will look back on our time ginia and Texas and New Jersey and Illinois,
with unforgiving clarity and demand to know Ohio, and other States. By taking the battle
why we did not act. to the terrorists and their supporters on our
I'm not going to allow this to happen, and own soil and across the world, we've stopped
no future American President can allow it a number of Al Qaida plots.
either. America did not seek this global strug Second, we're determined to deny weap
gle, but we're answering history's call with ons of mass destruction to outlaw regimes
confidence and a clear strategy. Today we're and terrorists who would use them without
releasing a document called the “National hesitation. Working with Great Britain and
Strategy for Combating Terrorism.” This is Pakistan and other nations, the United States
an unclassified version of the strategy we've shut down the world's most dangerous nu
been pursuing since September the 11th, clear trading cartel, the A.Q. Khan network.
2001. This strategy was first released in Feb This network had supplied Iran and Libya
ruary 2003; it's i. updated to take into and North Korea with equipment and know
account the changing nature of this enemy. how that advanced their efforts to obtain nu
This strategy document is posted on the clear weapons. And we launched the Pro
White House web site, wº and liferation Security Initiative, a coalition of
I urge all Americans to read it. more than 70 nations that is working together
Our strategy for combating terrorism has to stop shipments related to weapons of mass
five basic elements. First, we're determined destruction on land, at sea, and in the air.
to prevent terrorist attacks before they occur, The greatest threat this world faces is the
so we're taking the fight to the enemy. The danger of extremists and terrorists armed
best way to protect America is to stay on the with weapons of mass destruction, and this
offense. Since 9/11, our coalition has cap is a threat America cannot defeat on her own.
tured or killed Al Qaida managers and We applaud the determined efforts of many
operatives and scores of other terrorists nations around the world to stop the spread
across the world. The enemy is living under of these dangerous weapons. Together, we
constant pressure, and we intend to keep it pledge we'll continue to work together to
that way—and this adds to our security. stop the world's most dangerous men from
When terrorists spend their days working to getting their hands on the world's most dan
avoid death or capture, it's harder for them gerous weapons.
to plan and execute new attacks. Third, we're determined to deny terrorists
We're also fighting the enemy here at the support of outlaw regimes. After Sep
home. We've given our law enforcement and tember the 11th, I laid out a clear doctrine:
intelligence professionals the tools they need America makes no distinction between those
to stop the terrorists in our midst. We passed who commit acts of terror and those that har
the PATRIOT Act to break down the wall bor and support them, because they're equal
that prevented law enforcement and intel ly guilty of murder. Thanks to our efforts,
ligence from sharing vital information. We there are now three fewer state sponsors of
created the terrorist surveillance program to terror in the world than there were on Sep
monitor the communications between Al tember the 11th, 2001. Afghanistan and Iraq
Qaida commanders abroad and terrorist have been transformed from terrorist states
1564 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
into allies in the war on terror. And the na the foreign forces that are seeking to under
tion of Libya has renounced terrorism and mine the country's sovereignty and inde
given up its weapons of mass destruction pro pendence. And we're standing with the lead
grams and its nuclear materials and equip ers of Iraq's unity Government as they work
ment. Over the past 5 years, we've acted to to defeat the enemies of freedom and chart
disrupt the flow of weapons and support a more hopeful course for their people. This
from terrorist states to terrorist networks. is why victory is so important in Iraq. By
And we have made clear that any govern helping freedom succeed in Iraq, we will
ment that chooses to be an ally of terror has help America and the Middle East and the
also chosen to be an enemy of civilization. world become more secure.
Fourth, we're determined to deny terrorist During the last 5 years, we've learned a
networks control of any nation or territory lot about this enemy. We've learned that
within a nation. So, along with our coalition they're cunning and sophisticated. We've wit
and the Iraqi Government, we'll stop the ter nessed their ability to change their methods
rorists from taking control of Iraq and estab and their tactics with deadly speed, even as
lishing a new safe haven from which to attack their murderous obsessions remain unchang
America and the free world. And we're work ing. We've seen that it's the terrorists who
ing with friends and allies to deny the terror have declared war on Muslims, slaughtering
ists the enclaves they seek to establish in huge numbers of innocent Muslim men and
ungoverned areas across the world. By help women around the world.
ing governments reclaim full sovereign con We know what the terrorists believe. We
trol over their territory, we make ourselves know what they have done, and we know
more Secure.
what they intend to do. And now the world's
Fifth, we're working to deny terrorists new free nations must summon the will to meet
recruits by defeating their hateful ideology this great challenge. The road ahead is going
and spreading the hope of freedom—by to be difficult, and it will require more sac
spreading the hope of freedom across the rifice. Yet we can have confidence in the out
Middle East. For decades, American policy come, because we've seen freedom conquer
sought to achieve peace in the Middle East tyranny and terror before. In the 20th cen
by pursuing stability at the expense of liberty. tury, free nations confronted and defeated
The lack of freedom in that region helped Nazi Germany. During the cold war, we con
create conditions where anger and resent fronted Soviet communism, and today, Eu
ment grew and radicalism thrived and terror rope is whole, free, and at peace.
ists found willing recruits. And we saw the And now, freedom is once again con
consequences on September the 11th, when tending with the forces of darkness and tyr
the terrorists brought death and destruction anny. This time the battle is unfolding in a
to our country. The policy wasn't working. new region—the broader Middle East. This
The experience of September the 11th time we're not waiting for our enemies to
made clear, in the long run, the only way gather in strength. This time we're con
to secure our Nation is to change the course fronting them before they gain the capacity
of the Middle East. And so America has com to inflict unspeakable damage on the world,
mitted its influence in the world to advancing and we're confronting their hateful ideology
freedom and liberty and democracy as the before it fully takes root.
great alternatives to repression and radi We see a day when people across the Mid
calism. We're taking the side of democratic dle East have governments that honor their
leaders and moderates and reformers across dignity and unleash their creativity and count
the Middle East. We strongly support the their votes. We see a day when, across this
voices of tolerance and moderation in the region, citizens are allowed to express them
Muslim world. We're standing with Afghani selves freely; women have full rights; and
stan's elected Government against Al Qaida children are educated and given the tools
and the Taliban remnants that are trying to necessary to succeed in life. And we see a
restore tyranny in that country. We're stand day when all the nations of the Middle East
ing with Lebanon's young democracy against are allies in the cause of peace.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 5 1565

We fight for this day, because the security trator, Mary led efforts to improve safety and
of our own citizens depends on it. This is security, reduce traffic congestion, and mod
the great ideological struggle of the 21st cen ernize America's roads and bridges.
tury—and it is the calling of our generation. And before coming to Washington, Mary
All civilized nations are bound together in served in the Arizona Department of Trans
this struggle between moderation and extre portation for more than 15 years, rising
mism. By coming together, we will roll back through the ranks to become the director in
this grave threat to our way of life. We will 1998. Mary has a reputation for character
help the people of the Middle East claim and common sense. She's an innovative
their freedom, and we will leave a safer and thinker. She knows how to set priorities and
more hopeful world for our children and our to solve problems. And as a member of my
grandchildren. Cabinet, Mary will work closely with State
God bless. and local leaders to ensure that America has
a state-of-the-art transportation system that
NoTE: The President spoke at 1:15 p.m. at the meets the needs of our growing economy.
Capital Hilton Hotel. In his remarks, he referred When confirmed by the Senate, Mary will
to Gen. John W. Hendrix, USA, (Ret.), chairman succeed one of our Nation's finest Secre
of the board, and Vice Adm. Norbert R. Ryan,
taries of Transportation in Norm Mineta.
Jr., USN, (Ret.), president, Military Officers Asso
ciation of America; President Mahmud Ahmadi When I came to Washington, I asked Norm
nejad of Iran; and A.Q. Khan, former head of to continue his service by joining my Cabinet.
Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. And he shows that when we put politics
aside, people from different political parties
can work together to achieve results for the
Remarks on the Nomination of Mary American people.
Peters To Be Secretary of He was the Secretary of Transportation on
Transportation September the 11th, 2001, and he led the
September 5, 2006 unprecedented effort to bring tens of thou
sands of passengers aboard commercial air
The President. Good afternoon and wel craft to safe landings. And since then, he's
come to the White House. I'm pleased to worked to strengthen the security at Amer
announce that I intend to nominate Mary Pe ica's airports and seaports. He's played a crit
ters to be the next Secretary of Transpor ical role in keeping America safe from ter
tation. rorist attacks. Norm also worked hard to
Our Nation's transportation infrastructure modernize the aviation market. And after
is vital to our prosperity and competitiveness; Hurricane Katrina, Norm and his team
it's critical to the everyday lives of our citi swung into action to repair and reopen major
zens. The Secretary of Transportation is re highways and seaports and airports and pipe
sponsible for maintaining a safe, reliable, and lines along America's gulf coast.
efficient transportation system. In addition, Norm Mineta has served America with in
the Secretary of Transportation plays an im tegrity and dedication and distinction. He
portant role in our Nation's coordinated ef leaves office as the longest-serving Secretary
forts to guard against terrorist threats to our of Transportation in our Nation's history. I
aircraft, our seaports, and our infrastructure. appreciate Norm's lifetime of service to our
It is the job that requires vision and strong country. I wish him and Deni and all his fam
leadership. ily all the best. I also want to thank Maria
Mary Peters is the right person for this Cino for her outstanding leadership of the
job. She brings a lifetime .”experience on Department since Norm stepped down in
transportation issues, from both the private July.
and public sectors. She now serves as a senior Mary Peters knows the legacy she has to
executive for transportation policy at a major live up to at the Department of Transpor
engineering firm. Before that, Mary served tation. She will take this new post during a
in my administration as the head of the Fed time of historic challenges for our economy
eral Highway Administration. As Adminis and our transportation system. I want to
1566 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

thank Mary for her willingness to serve yet Americans will receive better care at lower
again. She's going to make an outstanding overall prices.
Secretary of Transportation, and I call upon Mark has been a trusted adviser, and he
the United States Senate to confirm her leaves behind a strong record of accomplish
promptly. Congratulations. ment. I wish all the i. to Mark, his wife,
|At this point, Secretary-designate Peters Stephanie, and their children.
made brief remarks.]
The President. Good job, thank you. Proclamation 8046—National Days
Thank you all. of Prayer and Remembrance, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:36 p.m. in the
September 5, 2006
Roosevelt Room at the White House. In his re
marks, he referred to Danealia “Deni" Mineta,
By the President of the United States
of America
wife of former Secretary of Transportation Nor
man Y. Mineta; and Maria Cino, Acting Secretary
A Proclamation
of Transportation. The transcript released by the
Office of the Press Secretary also included the This year, we mark the fifth anniversary
remarks of Secretary-designate Peters. of the brutal and ruthless terrorist attacks
carried out against our Nation on September
11, 2001. We will always remember the thou
Statement on the Resignation of sands of lives lost, and the innocent men,
Mark B. McClellan as Administrator
women, and children forever changed by
of the Centers for Medicare & those acts of evil. During these National
Medicaid Services Days of Prayer and Remembrance, we honor
September 5, 2006 the heroism of the police officers, fire
fighters, rescue personnel, members of the
Mark McClellan has served my adminis military, and private citizens who responded
tration in a number of pivotal positions and selflessly in the face of terror. We also honor
in doing so has bettered the lives of millions the courage and spirit of the mothers and
of Americans. He played an instrumental role fathers, sons and daughters, brothers and sis
in transforming the Nation's health care sys ters, and husbands and wives who continue
tem, and his efforts will continue to make to grieve for their irreplaceable loss.
a difference for generations. As we pray for the families of the victims
Mark first served as a member of my and reflect upon that defining moment in our
Council of Economic Advisors, focusing on history, we are inspired by the knowledge
health care and related economic issues. He that from the pain and sorrow of that Sep
then became head of the Food and Drug Ad tember morning rose a Nation united by our
ministration, where he provided steady lead love for freedom. We remember that we are
ership to empower consumers and to ensure a people determined to defend our way of
rapid access to products that are safe and life and to care for our neighbors in need.
effective. For the last 2% years, Mark has The scenes of distress and devastation we
run the Center for Medicare and Medicaid witnessed in the heart of New York City, at
Services in the Department of Health and the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania were over
Human Services. As CMS Administrator, come by sacrifice, bravery, and compassion.
Mark was critical in the successful imple We resolved to answer history's call to bring
mentation of the Medicare prescription drug justice to our enemies and to ensure the sur
benefit—the most important health care re vival and success of liberty. Since that day,
form in 40 years. He has also worked to en we have confronted a murderous ideology by
sure that price and quality information are taking the fight to our adversaries and by
available to consumers and led reforms that spreading the universal hope of freedom to
brought principles of private sector competi millions around the world.
tion to Government programs, thereby mov We are grateful for the service and sac
ing the country toward a system in which rifice of the men and women of our Armed
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 5 1567

Forces who are advancing liberty and pro Notice—Continuation of the

tecting our country, and we pray for their National Emergency With Respect to
safety. We ask that God continue to comfort Certain Terrorist Attacks
the families of those who have lost their lives -

or who have been injured while defending September 5, 2006

our freedom. We will succeed in this struggle Consistent with section 202(d) of the Na
against evil, and the legacy of peace we leave tional Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)),
behind will be the greatest memorial to the I am continuing for 1 year the national emer
victims of September 11, 2001, and all those gency I declared on September 14, 2001, in
who have paid the ultimate price while wear Proclamation 7463, with respect to the ter
ing our Nation's uniform. rorist attacks at the World Trade Center,
On these Days of Prayer and Remem New York, New York, the Pentagon, and
brance, we mourn with those who still
aboard United Airlines flight 93, and the con
mourn, and find comfort through faith. We tinuing and immediate threat of further at
give thanks to the Almighty for our liberty, tacks on the United States.
and we pray for His blessing on all those who Because the terrorist threat continues, the
were lost and for strength in the work ahead. national emergency declared on September
May God continue to watch over the United 14, 2001, and the measures adopted to deal
States of America, and may His will guide with that emergency must continue in effect
us in the days to come.
beyond September 14, 2006. Therefore, I am
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, continuing in effect for an additional year the
President of the United States of America,
national emergency I declared on September
by virtue of the authority vested in me by 14, 2001, with respect to the terrorist threat.
the Constitution and laws of the United
States, do hereby proclaim Friday, Sep This notice shall be published in the Fed
tember 8, through Sunday, September 10, eral Register and transmitted to the Con
2006, as National Days of Prayer and Re
membrance. I ask that the people of the George W. Bush
United States and their places of worship The White House,
mark these National Days of Prayer and Re September 5, 2006.
membrance with memorial services, the ring
ing of bells, and evening candlelight remem [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
brance vigils. I also invite the people of the 8:45 a.m., September 6, 2006]
world to share in these Days of Prayer and NotE: This notice was published in the Federal
Register on September 7.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this fifth day of September, in the
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of Letter to Congressional Leaders on
the Independence of the United States of Continuation of the National
America the two hundred and thirty-first. Emergency With Respect to Certain
Terrorist Attacks
George W. Bush
September 5, 2006
Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:)
Section 202(d) of the National Emer
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, gencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), provides for
the automatic termination of a national emer
11:40 a.m., September 7, 2006]
gency unless, prior to the anniversary date
of its declaration, the President publishes in
the Federal Register and transmits to the
Congress a notice stating that the emergency
NoTE: This proclamation was published in the is to continue in effect beyond the anniver
Federal Register on September 8. sary date. Consistent with this provision, I
1568 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
have sent to the Federal Register the en imposed on patent applicants, and in addi
closed notice, stating that the emergency de tion, provides standardized requirements for
clared with respect to the terrorist attacks obtaining a filing date from which no party
on the United States of September 11, 2001, may deviate. Additionally, the Treaty pro
is to continue in effect for an additional year. vides that applicants cannot be required to
The terrorist threat that led to the declara
hire representation for, among other things,
tion on September 14, 2001, of a national the purpose of filing an application and that
emergency continues. For this reason, I have patents may not be revoked or invalidated
determined that it is necessary to continue because of noncompliance with certain appli
in effect after September 14, 2006, the na cation requirements, unless the noncompli
tional emergency with respect to the terrorist
threat. ance is a result of fraud. The Treaty does
not limit the United States from providing
patent requirements that are more favorable
George W. Bush to the patent applicant or patent owner than
those set forth in the Treaty or from pre
NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis scribing requirements that are provided for
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, in our substantive law relating to patents. Ad
and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. ditionally, the Treaty is not intended to limit
the United States from taking actions that
it deems necessary for the preservation of
its essential security interests.
Message to the Senate Transmitting This Treaty is in harmony with current
the Patent Law Treaty and U.S. patent laws and regulations, with minor
Regulations Under the Patent Law exceptions to be addressed in proposed legis
Treaty lation. Because U.S. law does not require that
September 5, 2006 each patent application apply to only one in
vention or inventive concept, and because
To the Senate of the United States: the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as
With a view to receiving the advice and
consent of the Senate to ratification, subject sesses that implementing a provision of the
to the reservation outlined below, I transmit Treaty requiring “unity of invention” for all
herewith the Patent Law Treaty and Regula national applications would require a sub
tions Under the Patent Law Treaty (the stantive and impractical change to our Patent
“Treaty”), done at Geneva on June 1, 2000, Law, I recommend that the following res
between the Governments of 53 countries in ervation be included in the U.S. instrument

cluding the United States of America. I also of ratification, as allowed by the Treaty:
transmit, for the information of the Senate, Pursuant to Article 23, the United States
the Key Provisions of the Patent Law Treaty declares that Article 6(1) shall not apply to
report prepared by the Department of State. any requirement relating to unity of inven
Strong intellectual property protection is tion applicable under the Patent Cooperation
a cornerstone of free trade and global market Treaty to an international application.
access. This Treaty promotes patent protec I recommend that the Senate give early
tion by codifying, harmonizing, and reducing and favorable consideration to this Treaty
the costs of taking the steps necessary for and give its advice and consent to its ratifica
obtaining and maintaining patents through tion, subject to the reservation described
out the world. The provisions set forth in the above.
Treaty will safeguard U.S. commercial inter
ests by making it easier for U.S. patent appli
cants and owners to protect their intellectual George W. Bush
property worldwide.
The White House,
The Treaty generally sets forth the max
imum procedural requirements that can be September 5, 2006.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 6 1569

Remarks Following a Cabinet 3,000 innocent people. We watched the Twin

Meeting Towers collapse before our eyes, and it be
September 6, 2006 came instantly clear that we'd entered a new
world and a dangerous new war.
I want to thank my Cabinet for what has The attacks of September the 11th horri
been a very fruitful discussion. I thank you fied our Nation. And amid the grief came
for your continued service to our country. new fears and urgent questions: Who had at
Congress is coming back into town, and we tacked us? What did they want? And what
welcome them . and we look forward to else were they planning? Americans saw the
working with them on a variety of matters. destruction the terrorists had caused in New
One of the most important tasks is for York and Washington and Pennsylvania, and
Congress to recognize that we need the tools they wondered if there were other terrorist
necessary to win this war on terror, and we'll cells in our midst poised to strike; they won
continue to discuss with Congress ways to dered if there was a second wave of attacks
make sure that this Nation is capable of de still to come.
fending herself. With the Twin Towers and the Pentagon
Secondly, I recognize this is a political sea still smoldering, our country on edge, and
son; there's elections coming down the road, a stream of intelligence coming in about po
but I made sure the Cabinet understands tential new attacks, my administration faced
that we'll continue to address the concerns immediate challenges. We had to respond to
of the American people. That's what the peo the attack on our country. We had to wage
ple expect us to do. And those concerns in an unprecedented War against an enemy un

clude being fiscally wise with the people's like any we had fought before. We had to
money. So when Congress starts appro find the terrorists hiding in America and
priating money, we º continue to urge across the world, before they were able to
them to be wise with the people's money. strike our country again. So in the early days
We talked about the economy; we talked and weeks after 9/11, I directed our Govern
about energy; we talked about health care ment's senior national security officials to do
and a variety of other matters. I'm looking everything in their power, within our laws,
forward to working with Congress, Members to prevent another attack.
of both political parties, to i. the job that Nearly 5 years have passed since these—
the American people expect us to do. those initial days of shock and sadness, and
Thank you. we are thankful that the terrorists have not

NotE: The President spoke at 10:17 a.m. in the

succeeded in launching another attack on our
soil. This is not for the lack of desire or deter
Cabinet Room at the White House.
mination on the part of the enemy. As the
recently foiled plot in London shows, the ter
Remarks on the War on Terror rorists are still active, and they're still trying
September 6, 2006 to strike America, and they're still trying to
kill our people. One reason the terrorists
Thank you. Thanks for the warm welcome. have not succeeded is because of the hard
Welcome to the White House. Mr. Vice work of thousands of dedicated men and
President, Secretary Rice, Attorney General women in our Government, who have toiled
Gonzales, Ambassador Negroponte, General day and night, along with our allies, to stop
Hayden, Members of the United States Con the enemy from carrying out their plans. And
gress, families who lost loved ones in the ter we are grateful for these hard-working citi
rorist attacks on our Nation, and my fellow zens of ours. Another reason the terrorists
citizens: Thanks for coming. have not succeeded is because our Govern
On the morning of September the 11th, ment has changed its policies and given our
2001, our Nation awoke to a nightmare at military, intelligence, and law enforcement
tack. Nineteen men armed with box cutters personnel the tools they need to fight this
took control of airplanes and turned them enemy and protect our people and preserve
into missiles. They used them to kill nearly our freedoms.
1570 Sept. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The terrorists who declared war on Amer Taliban fighters trying to conceal their identi
ica represent no nation; they defend no terri ties, and they withhold information that
tory; and they wear no uniform. They do not could save American lives. In these cases, it
mass armies on borders or flotillas of war has been necessary to move these individuals
ships on the high seas. They operate in the to an environment where they can be held
shadows of society. They send small teams secretly, questioned by experts, and, when
of operatives to infiltrate free nations; they appropriate, prosecuted for terrorist acts.
live quietly among their victims; they con Some of these individuals are taken to the
spire in secret, and then they strike without United States Naval Base at Guantanamo
warning. In this new war, the most important Bay, Cuba. It's important for Americans and
source of information on where the terrorists others across the world to understand the
are hiding and what they are planning is the kind of people held at Guantanamo. These
terrorists themselves. aren't common criminals or bystanders acci
Captured terrorists have unique knowl dentally swept up on the battlefield. We have
edge about how terrorist networks operate. in place a rigorous process to ensure those
They have knowledge of where their held at Guantanamo Bay belong at Guanta
..". are deployed and knowledge namo. Those held at Guantanamo include
about what plots are underway. This intel suspected bombmakers, terrorist trainers, re
ligence—this is intelligence that cannot be cruiters and facilitators, and potential suicide
found any other place, and our security de bombers. They are in our custody so they
pends on getting this kind of information. To cannot murder our people. One detainee
win the war on terror, we must be able to held at Guantanamo told a questioner ques
detain, question, and, when appropriate, tioning him—he said this: “I’ll never forget
prosecute terrorists captured here in Amer your face. I will kill you, your brothers, your
ica and on the battlefields around the world. mother, and your sisters.”
After the 9/11 attacks, our coalition In addition to the terrorists held at Guan
launched operations across the world to re tanamo, a small number of suspected ter
move terrorist safe havens and capture or kill rorist leaders and operatives captured during
terrorist operatives and leaders. Working the war have been held and questioned out
with our allies, we've captured and detained side the United States, in a separate program
thousands of terrorists and enemy fighters in operated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Afghanistan, in Iraq, and other fronts of this This group includes individuals believed to
war on terror. These enemy—these are be the key architects of the September the
enemy combatants who were waging war on 11th attacks and attacks on the USS Cole,
our Nation. We have a right under the laws an operative involved in the bombings of our
of war, and we have an obligation to the Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and indi
American people, to detain these enemies viduals involved in other attacks that have
and stop them from rejoining the battle. taken the lives of innocent civilians across the
Most of the enemy combatants we capture world. These are dangerous men with unpar
are held in Afghanistan or in Iraq, where alleled knowledge about terrorist networks
they're questioned by our military personnel. and their plans of new attacks. The security
Many are released after questioning or of our Nation and the lives of our citizens
turned over to local authorities—if we deter depend on our ability to learn what these ter
mine that they do not pose a continuing rorists know.
threat and no longer have significant intel Many specifics of this program, including
ligence value. Others remain in American where these detainees have been held and
custody near the battlefield to ensure that the details of their confinement, cannot be
they don't return to the fight. divulged. Doing so would provide our en
In some cases, we determine that individ emies with information they could use to take
uals we have captured pose a significant retribution against our allies and harm our
threat or may have intelligence that we and country. I can say that questioning the de
our allies need to have to prevent new at tainees in this program has given us informa
tacks. Many are Al Qaida operatives or tion that has saved innocent lives by helping
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 6 1571

us stop new attacks—here in the United dures. These procedures were designed to
States and across the world. be safe, to comply with our laws, our Con
Today I'm going to share with you some stitution, and our treaty obligations. The De
of the examples provided by our intelligence partment of Justice reviewed the authorized
community of how this program has saved methods extensively and determined them to
lives, why it remains vital to the security of be lawful. I cannot describe the specific
the United States and our friends and allies, methods used—I think you understand
and why it deserves the support of the United why—if I did, it would help the terrorists
States Congress and the American people. learn how to resist questioning and to keep
Within months of September the 11th, information from us that we need to prevent
2001, we captured a man named Abu new attacks on our country. But I can say
Zubaydah. We believe that Zubaydah was a the procedures were tough, and they were
senior terrorist leader and a trusted associate safe and lawful and necessary.
of Usama bin Laden. Our intelligence com Zubaydah was questioned using these pro
munity believes he had run a terrorist camp cedures, and soon he began to provide infor
in Afghanistan where some of the 9/11 hi mation on key Al Qaida operatives, including
jackers trained and that he helped smuggle information that helped us find and capture
Al Qaida leaders out of Afghanistan after coa more of those responsible for the attacks on
lition forces arrived to liberate that country. September the 11th. For example, Zubaydah
Zubaydah was severely wounded during the identified one of KSM's accomplices in the
firefight that brought him into custody, and 9/11 attacks—a terrorist named Ramzi bin
he survived only because of the medical care al-Shibh. The information Zubaydah pro
arranged by the CIA. vided helped lead to the capture of bin al
After he recovered, Zubaydah was defiant Shibh, And together these two terrorists pro
and evasive. He declared his hatred of Amer vided information that helped in the planning
ica. During questioning, he at first disclosed and execution of the operation that captured
what he thought was nominal information— Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
and then stopped all cooperation. Well, in Once in our custody, KSM was questioned
fact, the “nominal” information he gave us by the CIA using these procedures, and he
turned out to be quite important. For exam soon provided information that helped us
ple, Zubaydah disclosed Khalid Sheikh Mo stop another planned attack on the United
hammed—or KSM-was the mastermind States. During questioning, KSM told us
behind the 9/11 attacks and used the alias about another Al Qaida operative he knew
Muktar. This was a vital piece of the puzzle was in CIA custody—a terrorist named Majid
that helped our intelligence community pur Khan. KSM revealed that Khan had been
sue KSM. Zubaydah also provided informa told to deliver $50,000 to individuals working
tion that helped stop a terrorist attack being for a suspected terrorist leader named
planned for inside §: United States, an at Hambali, the leader of Al Qaida's Southeast
tack about which we had no previous infor Asian affiliate known as JI. CIA officers con
mation. Zubaydah told us that Al Qaida fronted Khan with this information. Khan
operatives were planning to launch an attack confirmed that the money had been deliv
in the U.S. and provided physical descrip ered to an operative named Zubair and pro
tions of the operatives and information on vided both a physical description and contact
their general location. Based on the informa number for this operative.
tion he provided, the operatives were de Based on that information, Zubair was cap
tained—one while traveling to the United tured in June of 2003, and he soon provided
States. information that helped lead to the capture
We knew that Zubaydah had more infor of Hambali. After Hambali's arrest, KSM was
mation that could save innocent lives, but he questioned again. He identified Hambali's
stopped talking. As his questioning pro brother as the leader of a JI cell and
ceeded, it became clear that he had received Hambali's conduit for communications with
training on how to resist interrogation. And Al Qaida. Hambali's brother was soon cap
so the CIA used an alternative set of proce tured in Pakistan and in turn led us to a cell
1572 Sept. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

of 17 Southeast Asian JI operatives. When us to identify individuals that Al Qaida

confronted with the news that his terror cell deemed suitable for Western operations,
had been broken up, Hambali admitted that many of whom we had never heard about
the operatives were being groomed at KSM's before. They include terrorists who were set
request for attacks inside the United States— to case targets inside the United States, in
probably using airplanes. cluding financial buildings in major cities on
During questioning, KSM also provided the east coast. Information from terrorists in
many details of other plots to kill innocent CIA custody has played a role in the capture
Americans. For example, he described the or questioning of nearly every senior Al
design of planned attacks on buildings inside Qaida member or associate detained by the
the United States and how operatives were U.S. and its allies since this program began.
directed to carry them out. He told us the By providing everything from initial leads to
operatives had been instructed to ensure that photo identifications to precise locations of
the explosives went off at a point that was where terrorists were hiding, this program
high enough to prevent the people trapped has helped us to take potential mass mur
above from escaping out the windows. derers off the streets before they were able
KSM also provided vital information on Al to kill.
Qaida's efforts to obtain biological weapons. This program has also played a critical role
During questioning, KSM admitted that he in helping us understand the enemy we face
had met three individuals involved in Al in this war. Terrorists in this program have
Qaida's efforts to produce anthrax, a deadly painted a picture of Al Qaida's structure and
biological agent—and he identified one of financing and communications and logistics.
the individuals as a terrorist named Yazid. They identified Al Qaida's travel routes and
KSM apparently believed we already had this safe havens and explained how Al Qaida's
information, because Yazid had been cap senior leadership communicates with its
tured and taken into foreign custody before operatives in places like Iraq. They provided
KSM's arrest. In fact, we did not know about information that allows us—that has allowed
Yazid's role in Al Qaida's anthrax program. us to make sense of documents and computer
Information from Yazid then helped lead to records that we have seized in terrorist raids.
the capture of his two principal assistants in They've identified voices in recordings of
the anthrax program. Without the informa intercepted calls and helped us understand
tion provided by KSM and Yazid, we might the meaning of potentially critical terrorist
not have uncovered this Al Qaida biological communications.

weapons program or stopped this Al Qaida The information we get from these detain
cell from developing anthrax for attacks ees is corroborated by intelligence, and we've
against the United States. received—that we've received from other
These are some of the plots that have been sources, and together this intelligence has
stopped because of the information of this helped us connect the dots and stop attacks
vital program. Terrorists held in CIA custody before they occur. Information from the ter
have also provided information that helped rorists questioned in this program helped un
stop a planned strike on U.S. marines at ravel plots and terrorist cells in Europe and
Camp Lemonier in Djibouti—they were in other places. It's helped our allies protect
going to use an explosive laden water tanker. their people from deadly enemies. This pro
They helped stop a planned attack on the gram has been and remains one of the most
U.S. consulate in Karachi using car bombs vital tools in our war against the terrorists.
and motorcycle bombs, and they helped stop It is invaluable to America and to our allies.
a plot to hijack passenger planes and fly them Were it not for this program, our intelligence
into Heathrow or the Canary Wharf in Lon community believes that Al Qaida and its al
don. lies would have succeeded in launching an
We're getting vital information necessary other attack against the American homeland.
to do our jobs, and that's to protect the By giving us information about terrorist plans
American people and our allies. Information we could not get anywhere else, this program
from the terrorists in this program has helped has saved innocent lives.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 6 1573

This program has been subject to multiple members of our own military. One of the
legal reviews by the Department of Justice first suspected terrorists to be put on trial
and CIA lawyers; they've determined it com by military commission was one of Usama
plied with our laws. This program has re bin Laden's bodyguards—a man named
ceived strict oversight by the CIA's Inspector Hamdan. His lawyers challenged the legality
General. A small number of key leaders from of the military commission system. It took
both political parties on Capitol Hill were more than 2 years for this case to make its
briefed about this program. All those in way through the courts. The Court of Ap
volved in the questioning of the terrorists are peals for the District of Columbia Circuit
carefully chosen, and they're screened from upheld the military commissions we had de
a pool of experienced CIA officers. Those se signed, but this past June, the Supreme
lected to conduct the most sensitive ques Court overturned that decision. The Su
tioning had to complete more than 250 addi preme Court determined that military com
tional hours of specialized training before missions are an appropriate venue for trying
they are allowed to have contact with a cap terrorists but ruled that military commissions
tured terrorist.
needed to be explicitly authorized by the
I want to be absolutely clear with our peo United States Congress.
ple and the world: The United States does So today I'm sending Congress legislation
not torture. It's against our laws, and it's to specifically authorize the creation of mili
against our values. I have not authorized it, tary commissions to try terrorists for war
and I will not authorize it. Last year, my ad crimes. My administration has been working
ministration worked with Senator John with members of both parties in the House
McCain, and I signed into law the Detainee
Treatment Act, which established the legal and Senate on this legislation. We put for
ward a bill that ensures these commissions
standard for treatment of detainees wherever
they are held. I support this act. And as we are established in a way that protects our na
implement this law, our Government will tional security and ensures a full and fair trial
continue to use every lawful method to ob for those accused. The procedures in the bill
tain intelligence that can protect innocent I am sending to Congress today reflect the
people and stop another attack like the one reality that we are a nation at war and that
it's essential for us to use all reliable evidence
we experienced on September the 11th,
2001. to bring these people to justice.
The CIA program has detained only a lim We're now approaching the 5-year anni
ited number of terrorists at any given time, versary of the 9/11 attacks, and the families
and once we've determined that the terrorists of those murdered that day have waited pa
held by the CIA have little or no additional tiently for justice. Some of the families are
intelligence value, many of them have been with us today. They should have to wait no
returned to their home countries for pros longer.
ecution or detention by their governments. So I'm announcing today that Khalid
Others have been accused of terrible crimes Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi
against the American people, and we have bin al-Shibh, and 11 other terrorists in CIA
a duty to bring those responsible for these custody have been transferred to the United
crimes to justice. So we intend to prosecute States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. They
these men, as appropriate, for their crimes. are being held in the custody of the Depart
Soon after the war on terror began, I au ment of Defense. As soon as Congress acts
thorized a system of military commissions to to authorize the military commissions I have
try foreign terrorists accused of war crimes. proposed, the men our intelligence officials
Military commissions have been used by believe orchestrated the deaths of nearly
Presidents from George Washington to 3,000 Americans on September the 11th,
Franklin Roosevelt to prosecute war crimi 2001, can face justice. We'll also seek to pros
nals, because the rules for trying enemy com ecute those believed to be responsible for
batants in a time of conflict must be different the attack on the USS Cole and an operative
from those for trying common criminals or believed to be involved in the bombings of
1574 Sept. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the American Embassies in Kenya and Tan are held there. The facility has been visited
zania. With these prosecutions, we will send by government officials from more than 30
a clear message to those who kill Americans: countries and delegations from international
No longer—how long it takes, we will find organizations as well. After the Organization
you, and we will bring you to justice. for Security and Cooperation in Europe
These men will be held in a high-security came to visit, one of its delegation members
facility at Guantanamo. The International called Guantanamo “a model prison” where
Committee of the Red Cross is being advised people are treated better than in prisons in
of their detention and will have the oppor his own country. Our troops can take great
tunity to meet with them. Those charged pride in the work they do at Guantanamo
with crimes will be given access to attorneys Bay, and so can the American people.
who will help them prepare their defense, As we prosecute suspected terrorist lead
and they will be presumed innocent. While ers and operatives who have now been trans
at Guantanamo, they will have access to the ferred to Guantanamo, we'll continue search
same food, clothing, medical care, and op ing for those who have stepped forward to
portunities for worship as other detainees. take their places. This Nation is going to stay
They will be questioned subject to the new on the offense to protect the American peo
U.S. Army Field Manual, which the Depart ple. We will continue to bring the world's
ment of Defense is issuing today. And they most dangerous terrorists to justice, and we
will continue to be treated with the humanity will continue working to collect the vital in
that they denied others.
As we move forward with the prosecutions,
telligence we need to protect our country.
The current transfers mean that there are
we will continue to urge nations across the now no terrorists in the CIA program. But
world to take back their nationals at Guanta
namo who will not be prosecuted by our mili as more high-ranking terrorists are captured,
tary commissions. America has no interest in the need to obtain intelligence from them
being the world's jailer. But one of the rea will remain critical. And having a CIA pro
sons we have not been able to close Guanta gram for questioning terrorists will continue
namo is that many countries have refused to to be crucial to getting life-saving informa
take back their nationals held at the facility.
Other countries have not provided adequate Some may ask: Why are you acknowl
assurances that their nationals will not be edging this program now? There are two rea
mistreated or they will not return to the bat sons why I'm making these limited disclo
tlefield, as more than a dozen people re sures today. First, we have largely completed
leased from Guantanamo already have. We our questioning of the men, and to start the
will continue working to transfer individuals process for bringing them to trial, we must
held at Guantanamo and ask other countries bring them into the open. Second, the Su
to work with us in this process. And we will preme Court's recent decision has impaired
move toward the day when we can eventually our ability to prosecute terrorists through
close the detention facility at Guantanamo military commissions and has put in question
Bay. the future of the CIA program. In its ruling
I know Americans have heard conflicting on military commissions, the Court deter
information about Guantanamo. Let me give mined that a provision of the Geneva Con
you some facts. Of the thousands of terrorists ventions known as Common Article Three
captured across the world, only about 770 applies to our war with Al Qaida. This article
have ever been sent to Guantanamo. Of includes provisions that prohibit “outrages
these, about 315 have been returned to otherupon personal dignity” and “humiliating and
countries so far, and about 455 remain in our
degrading treatment.” The problem is that
custody. They are provided the same quality these and other provisions of Common Arti
of medical care as the American cle Three are vague and undefined, and each
servicemembers who guard them. The Inter could be interpreted in different ways by
national Committee of the Red Cross has the American or foreign judges. And some be
opportunity to meet privately with all who lieve our military and intelligence personnel
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 6 1575

involved in capturing and questioning terror and women we ask to obtain information that
ists could now be at risk of prosecution under will save innocent lives. For the sake of our
the War Crimes Act, simply for doing their security, Congress needs to act and update
jobs in a thorough and professional way. our laws to meet the threats of this new era.
This is unacceptable. Our military and in And I know they will.
telligence personnel go face to face with the We're engaged in a global struggle, and
world's most dangerous men every day. They the entire civilized world has a stake in its
have risked their lives to capture some of the outcome. America is a nation of law. And as
most brutal terrorists on Earth. And they I work with Congress to strengthen and clar
have worked day and night to find out what ify our laws here at home, I will continue
the terrorists know so we can stop new at to work with members of the international
tacks. America owes our brave men and
community who have been our partners in
women some things in return. We owe them this struggle. I've spoken with leaders of for
their thanks for saving lives and keeping eign governments and worked with them to
America safe. And we owe them clear rules, address their concerns about Guantanamo
so they can continue to do their jobs and and our detention policies. I'll continue to
protect our people. work with the international community to
So today I'm asking Congress to pass legis construct a common foundation to defend
lation that will clarify the rules for our per our nations and protect our freedoms.
sonnel fighting the war on terror. First, I'm Free nations have faced new enemies and
asking Congress to list the specific, recogniz adjusted to new threats before, and we have
able offenses that would be considered
crimes under the War Crimes Act so our per prevailed. Like the struggles of the last cen
sonnel can know clearly what is prohibited tury, today's war on terror is, above all, a
in the handling of terrorist enemies. Second, struggle for freedom and liberty. The adver
saries are different, but the stakes in this war
I'm asking that Congress make explicit that
by following the standards of the Detainee are the same: We're fighting for our way of
Treatment Act, our personnel are fulfilling life and our ability to live in freedom. We're
America's obligations under Common Article fighting for the cause of humanity against
Three of the Geneva Conventions. Third, I'm those who seek to impose the darkness of
asking that Congress make it clear that cap tyranny and terror upon the entire world.
tured terrorists cannot use the Geneva Con And we're fighting for a peaceful future for
ventions as a basis to sue our personnel in our children and our grandchildren.
courts—in U.S. courts. The men and women May God bless you all.
who protect us should not have to fear law
suits filed by terrorists because they're doing
their jobs.
The need for this legislation is urgent. We
need to ensure that those questioning terror
ists can continue to do everything within the NOTE: The President spoke at 1:45 p.m. in the
limits of the law to get information that can East Room at the White House. In his remarks,
save American lives. My administration will he referred to Usama bin Laden, leader of the
continue to work with the Congress to get Al Qaida terrorist organization; Khalid Sheikh Mo
this legislation enacted, but time is of the hammed, senior Al Qaida leader responsible for
essence. Congress is in session just for a few planning the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack,
more weeks, and passing this legislation who was captured in Pakistan on March 1, 2003;
Ramzi bin al-Shibh, an Al Qaida operative sus
ought to be the top priority. pected of helping to plan the September 11, 2001,
As we work with Congress to pass a good terrorist attack, who was captured in Karachi,
bill, we will also consult with congressional
leaders on how to ensure that the CIA pro Pakistan, on September 11, 2002; and Nurjaman
Riduan Isamuddin (also known as Hambali), Al
gram goes forward in a way that follows the Qaida's chief operational planner in Southeast
law, that meets the national security needs Asia, who was captured in Thailand on August
of our country, and protects the brave men 11, 2003.
1576 Sept. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Message to the Congress I ask that the Congress carefully consider

Transmitting Draft Legislation on this legislation and respectfully urge its
Military Commissions speedy passage for enactment into law.
September 6, 2006 George W. Bush
The White House,
September 6, 2006.
To the Congress of the United States:
I transmit for the consideration of the
Congress draft legislation entitled the “Mili Remarks to the Georgia Public Policy
tary Commissions Act of 2006.” This draft Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia
legislation responds to the Supreme Court September 7, 2006
of the United States decision in Hamdan v.
Rumsfeld, 126 S. Ct. 2749 (2006), by estab Thank you all very much. Please be seated.
lishing for the first time in our Nation's his Thank you. Sonny, thanks for the introduc
tory a comprehensive statutory structure for tion. Thanks for your leadership. It's always
military commissions that would allow for the d pleasure to be in Georgia. I appreciate you
fair and effective prosecution of captured coming, and I appreciate this chance to speak
members of al Qaeda and other unlawful here before the Georgia Public Policy Foun
enemy combatants. The Act also addresses dation. And I thank you for what you do.
the Supreme Court's holding that Common For 15 years, you've been researching and
Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions applies writing on issues that matter. You take on
to the conflict with al Qaeda by providing tough questions; you apply innovative think
definitions rooted in United States law for ing; you push for action; and you do it all
the standards of conduct prescribed by Com without regard to politics. Come on up to
mon Article 3. Washington. [Laughter
I have come here to Atlanta to continue
The military commission procedures con a series of speeches marking the fifth anni
tained in this draft legislation reflect the re
versary of the September the 11th, 2001, at
sult of an extended deliberation both within tacks. Last week at the American Legion
the executive branch and between represent Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, I out
atives of my Administration and Members of lined the ideological struggle between the
Congress. The draft legislation would estab forces of moderation and liberty and the
lish a Code of Military Commissions that forces of extremism across the Middle East.
tracks the courts-martial procedures of the On Tuesday in Washington, I described our
Uniform Code of Military Justice, but that enemies in their own words and set forward
departs from those procedures where they a strategy to defeat them. Yesterday I an
would be impracticable or inappropriate for nounced that the men we believe orches
trated the 9/11 attacks have been transferred
the trial of unlawful enemy combatants cap
tured in the midst of an ongoing armed con to Guantanamo Bay, and I called on the
flict, under circumstances far different from United States Congress to pass legislation
those typically encountered by military pros creating military commissions to bring these
ecutorS. people to justice.
Today I'll deliver a progress report on the
Five years after the mass murders of steps we have taken since 9/11 to protect the
9/11, it is time for the United States to begin American people, steps we've taken to go on
to prosecute captured al Qaeda members for the offense against the enemy, and steps we
the serious crimes that many of them have are taking to win this war on terror.
committed against United States citizens and Today I traveled with two United States
our allies abroad. As we provide terrorists the Senators who clearly see the issues before
justice and due process that they denied their us, and I appreciate and I'm proud to be as
victims, we demonstrate that our Nation re sociated and friends with Senator Saxby
mains committed to the rule of law. Chambliss and Senator Johnny Isakson.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 7 1577

I do thank Brenda Fitzgerald for encour helped break up a terror cell in London.
aging the board of governors to invite me Working together, we foiled a suicide plot
and for taking the lead for the Georgia Public to blow up passenger planes on their way to
Policy Foundation. And I want to thank the the United States.
board of governors for your kind invitation. Many Americans look at these events and
I appreciate very much being with Major ask the same question: Five years after
General Terry Nesbitt. He's the director of 9/11, are we safer? The answer is, yes, Amer
the Georgia office of Homeland Security. ica is safer. We are safer because we've taken
Joining us today is a man I got to know action to protect the homeland. We are safer
quite well under trying circumstances, and because we are on the offense against our
that would be Lieutenant General Russ enemies overseas. We're safer because of the
Honore of the United States Army—Honore. skill and sacrifice of the brave Americans who
He issued one of the great lines I've ever defend our people. Yet 5 years after 9/11,
heard, and you're welcome to use it—"Don't America still faces determined enemies, and
get stuck on stupid.” It’s good advice for peo we will not be safe until those enemies are
ple in Washington, DC. [Laughter finally defeated.
I welcome the other State and local offi One way to assess whether we're safer is
cials here. Thank you all for letting me come to look at what we have done to fix the prob
bv. lems that the 9/11 attacks revealed. And so
In Atlanta, you know the pain of terrorism today I'll deliver a progress report. The infor
firsthand. This summer, you marked the 10th mation about the attacks in this report is
anniversary of the bombing in Centennial largely drawn from the work of the 9/11
Olympic Park. That was the act of one mad Commission and other investigations of the
man. Next Monday is the fifth anniversary terrorist attacks. I'll begin by looking back
of an attack on our Nation, and on that day, at four key stages of the 9/11 plot, the gaps
we awoke to a new kind of terrorism. Instead in our defenses that each stage exposed, and
of a localized strike, we faced multiple attacks the ways we've addressed those gaps to make
by a network of sophisticated and suicidal ex this country safer.
tremists. In the years since, we've come to In the first key stage of the 9/11 plot, Al
learn more about our enemies. We've Qaida conceived and planned the attacks
learned more about their dark and distorted from abroad. In the summer of 1996, Usama
vision of Islam. We've learned about their bin Laden issued a fatwa from Afghanistan
plan to build a radical Islamic empire stretch that said this: “By the grace of Allah, a safe
ing from Spain to Indonesia. We learned base here is now available.” And he declared
about their dreams to kill more Americans war on the United States. A month later, the
on an even more devastating scale. That's Taliban seized control of Kabul and formed
what they have told us. As President, I took an alliance with Al Qaida. The Taliban per
an oath to protect this country, and I will mitted bin Laden to operate a system of
continue using every element of national training camps in the country which ulti
power to pursue our enemies and to prevent mately instructed more than 10,000 in ter
attacks on the United States of America. rorist tactics. Bin Laden was also free to cul
Over the past 5 years, we have waged an tivate a global financing network that pro
unprecedented campaign against terror at vided money for terrorist operations. With
home and abroad, and that campaign has suc his fellow Al Qaida leaders, Usama bin Laden
ceeded in protecting the homeland. At the used his safe haven to prepare a series of
same time, we've seen our enemies strike in attacks on America and on the civilized
Britain, Spain, India, Turkey, Russia, Indo world.
nesia, Jordan, Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq, and In August 1998, they carried out their first
other countries. We've seen that the extrem big strike, the bombing of two U.S. Embas
ists have not given up on their dreams to sies in east Africa, which killed more than
strike our Nation. Just last month, police and 200 people and wounded thousands. Shortly
intelligence officers from Great Britain, with after the Embassy bombings, bin Laden ap
the help of the United States and other allies, proved another attack. This one was called
1578 Sept. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the “planes operation.” Our intelligence will deny them safe haven. We will find
agencies believe it was suggested by a fellow them, and we will bring them to justice.
terrorist named Khalid Sheikh Moham Key advantages that Al Qaida enjoyed
med—or KSM. KSM's plan was to hijack while plotting the 9/11 attack in Afghanistan
commercial airliners and to crash them into have been taken away, and so have many of
buildings in the United States. He and bin their most important leaders, including
Laden selected four preliminary targets—the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. For the past 3
World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the Cap years, KSM has been in the custody of the
itol Building, and the White House. The Central Intelligence Agency. He's provided
“planes operation” would become the 9/11 valuable intelligence that has helped us kill
plot, and by the middle of 1999, KSM was or capture Al Qaida terrorists and stop at
tacks on our Nation. I authorized his transfer
at work recruiting suicide operatives to hijack
the airplanes. to Guantanamo Bay, and the sooner the Con
The first stage of the 9/11 plot exposed gress authorizes the military commissions I
have called for, the sooner Khalid Sheikh
serious flaws in America's approach to ter
rorism. Most important, it showed that by Mohammed will receive the justice he de
allowing states to give safe haven to terrorist
networks that we made a grave mistake. So In the second key stage of the 9/11 plot,
after 9/11, I set forth a new doctrine: Nations KSM and bin Laden identified, trained, and
that harbor or support terrorists are equally deployed operatives to the United States. Ac
guilty as the terrorists and will be held to cording to the 9/11 Commission, two of the
account. And the Taliban found out what we first suicide hijackers to join the plot were
men named Hazmi and Mihdhar. KSM's
meant. With Afghan allies, we removed the
Taliban from power, and we closed down the plan was to send these two men to infiltrate
Al Qaida training camps. Five years later, the United States and train as pilots so they
Taliban and Al Qaida remnants are des could fly the hijacked planes into buildings.
perately trying to retake control of that coun Both operatives attended a special training
camp in Afghanistan, and then traveled to
try. They will fail. They will fail because the Malaysia and Thailand to prepare for their
Afghan people have tasted freedom. They trip to America. KSM doctored Hazmi's pass
will fail because their vision is no match for
port to help him enter the United States. And
a democracy accountable to its citizens. They from Thailand, the two men flew to Los An
will fail because they are no match for the geles in January of 2000. There they began
military forces of a free Afghanistan, a NATO carrying out the plot from inside our Nation.
Alliance, and the United States of America.
They made phone calls to planners of the
Our offensive against the terrorists in attack, overseas, and they awaited the arrival
cludes far more than military might. We use of the other killers.
financial tools to make it harder for them to
Our intelligence community picked up
raise money. We're using diplomatic pres some of this information. CIA analysts saw
sure, and our intelligence operations are used links between Mihdhar and Al Qaida, and
to disrupt the day-to-day functions of Al officers tracked Mihdhar to Malaysia. Weeks
Qaida. Because we're on the offense, it is later, they discovered that he had been ac
more difficult for Al Qaida to transfer money companied by Hazmi and that Hazmi had
through the international banking system. flown to Los Angeles. This gave the CIA rea
Because we're on the offense, Al Qaida can son to be suspicious of both these men. Yet
no longer communicate openly without fear at the time, there was no consolidated ter
of destruction. And because we're on the of
rorist watch list available to all Federal agen
fense, Al Qaida can no longer move widely cies and State and local governments. So
without fearing for their lives. even though intelligence officers suspected
I learned a lot of lessons on 9/11, and one that both men were dangerous, the informa
lesson is this: In order to protect this country, tion was not readily accessible to American
we will keep steady pressure, unrelenting law enforcement, and the operatives slipped
pressure on Al Qaida and its associates. We into our country.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 7 1579

Since 9/11, we've addressed the gaps in administration strongly disagrees with the
our defenses that these operatives exploited. ruling. We are appealing it, and we believe
We've upgraded technology. We've added our appeal will be successful. Yet a series of
layers of security to correct weaknesses in protracted legal challenges would put a heavy
our immigration and visa systems. Today, visa burden on this critical and vital program. The
applicants like Hazmi or Mihdhar would surest way to keep the program is to get ex
have to appear face to face for interviews. plicit approval from the United States Con
They would be fingerprinted and screened gress. So today I'm calling on the Congress
against an extensive database of known or to promptly pass legislation providing addi
suspected terrorists. And when they arrived tional authority for the terrorist surveillance
on American soil, they would be checked program, along with broader reforms in the
again to make sure their fingerprints Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
matched the fingerprints on their visas. When the FISA was passed in 1978, there
Those procedures did not exist before 9/11. was no widely accessible Internet, and almost
With these steps, we made it harder for all calls were made on fixed landlines. Since
these—people i. these guys to infiltrate our then, the nature of communications has
country. changed quite dramatically. The terrorists
Nine-Eleven also revealed the need for a who want to harm America can now buy dis
coordinated approach to terrorist watch lists. posable cell phones and open anonymous e
So we established common criteria for post mail addresses. Our laws need to change to
ing terrorists on a consolidated terrorist take these changes into account. If Al Qaida
watch list that is now widely available across commander or associate is calling into the
Federal, State, and local jurisdictions. Today, United States, we need to know why they're
intelligence community officials would im calling. And Congress needs to pass legisla
mediately place terrorist suspects like Hazmi tion supporting this program.
and Nº. on a consolidated watch list. In the third key stage of the 9/11 plot, the
And the information from this list is now ac rest of the 19 Al Qaida operatives arrived in
cessible at airports, consulates, border cross the United States. The first two hijackers in
ings, and for State and local law enforcement. America, Hazmi and Mihdhar, had given up
By putting terrorists' names on a consoli flight training, so Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
dated watch list, we've improved our ability selected operatives from a cell in Germany
to monitor and to track and detain operatives to become the new pilots. These men, led
before they can strike. by Mohammed Atta, obtained visas, and they
Another top priority after 9/11 was improv traveled to the United States, and then they
ing our ability to monitor terrorist commu enrolled in flight training schools. Atta and
nications. Remember, I told you the two had his team visited airports and flight training
made phone calls outside the country. At my centers along the east coast, including here
direction, the National Security Agency cre in Georgia. Atta was pulled over by police.
ated the terrorist surveillance program. Be On his way—one of his co-conspirators, the
fore 9/11, our intelligence professionals terrorist who would go on to pilot Flight 93,
found it difficult to monitor international was also stopped. Yet there was no informa
communications such as those between the tion that the men were dangerous, so the offi
Al Qaida operatives secretly in the United cers treated the encounters as routine traffic
States and planners of the 9/11 attacks. The stops. By September the 10th, the hijackers
terrorist surveillance program helps protect had moved to their final destinations near
Americans by allowing us to track terrorist major airports and were ready to execute
communications so we can learn about their attacks.
threats like the 9/11 plot before it is too late. As these terrorists finalized their plans, Al
Last year, details of the terrorist surveil Qaida dispatched another operative named
lance program were leaked to the news Moussaoui to the United States. Moussaoui
media, and the program was then challenged took flight lessons in Oklahoma and Min
in court. That challenge was recently upheld nesota. He communicated with an Al Qaida
by a Federal district judge in Michigan. My leader abroad. But he remained isolated from
1580 Sept. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the other operatives and was not a suicide important agency, full of decent people, has
hijacker on the day of the attacks, didn't par changed. The top priority is to protect the
ticipate in the 9/11 attacks. American people from terrorist attack. The
During this stage, law enforcement and in Bureau has hired large numbers of
telligence authorities failed to share the in counterterrorism agents and analysts.
sights they were learning about the 9/11 plot. They're focusing resources on what they
For example, the FBI intelligence analyst need to do to protect America. They created
working at the CIA came across information a unified National Security Branch to coordi
that raised her suspicions about Hazmi and nate terrorist investigations. They expanded
Mihdhar. But she did not relay her concerns the number of Joint Terrorism Task Forces.
to FBI criminal investigators because of a And the Bureau is submitting more FISA re
wall—or “the wall” that had developed over quests in terrorist cases. In other words, they
the years between law enforcement and in understand the challenge, and the FBI is
telligence. You see, throughout the Govern changing to meet those challenges. The FBI
ment, there was an assumption that law en is responding to terrorist threats like
forcement and intelligence were legally pro Moussaoui more quickly, more effectively,
hibited from sharing vital information. At one and with more resources. At every level,
point, key officials from the CIA, the intel America's law enforcement officers now have
ligence branch of the FBI, the criminal a clear goal—to identify, locate, and stop ter
branch of the FBI were all sitting around rorists before they can kill again.
the same table in New York, but they be Since the attacks, we've also worked with
lieved that “the wall” prohibited them from Congress to do something about that wall
telling each other what they knew about that prevented intelligence and criminal in
Hazmi and Mihdhar, and so they never put vestigators from talking to each other. The
the pieces together. wall made no sense. It reflected an old way
By the summer of 2001, intelligence about of thinking. And so I called upon Congress
a possible terrorist attack was increasing. In to pass a piece of legislation that would tear
July, an FBI agent in Phoenix noted that a down the wall, and that was called the PA
large number of suspicious men were attend TRIOT Act. The PATRIOT Act has in
ing flight schools in Arizona. He speculated creased the flow of information within our
that this activity might be part of a bin Laden Government, and it has helped break up ter
plan to attack inside the United States. The rorist cells in the United States of America.
following month, the FBI field office in Min And the United States Congress was right
neapolis began an investigation into to renew the terrorist act—the PATRIOT
Moussaoui. He was soon arrested on immi Act, the terrorist prevention act called the
gration charges, and Minneapolis agents PATRIOT Act.
sought a FISA warrant to search his com We created the National Counterterrorism
puter. FBI headquarters turned them down, Center, where law enforcement and intel
saying the case did not justify a FISA request ligence personnel work side by side in the
because there was not enough intelligence same headquarters. This center hosts secure
tying Moussaoui to a foreign power. The FBI video teleconferences every day that allow
later learned that Moussaoui had attended for seamless communication among the FBI,
an Al Qaida training camp in Afghanistan, the CIA, and other agencies. Now officials
but the information didn't arrive until Sep with critical threat information are sitting at
tember the 13th. the same table and sharing information. We
It is clear, after 9/11, that something need created the position of the Director of Na
ed to be done to the system; something need tional Intelligence to operate the intelligence
ed to be changed to protect the American community as a single unified enterprise. We
people. And it is clear to me that this started set up the Terrorist Screening Center, which
with transforming the FBI to ensure that it maintains the Government's master list of
effectively and quickly respond to potential suspected terrorists and helps get this infor
terrorist attacks. And so now the top priority mation in the hands of State and local law
of the FBI, since 9/11—the culture of that enforcement. Today, a police officer who
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 7 1581

stops a driver for a routine traffic violation the controls. We merged 22 Government
can access terrorist watch lists and be auto agencies into a single Department of Home
matically directed to the Terrorist Screening land Security and tripled spending for home
Center if there's a match. land security on our airlines, on our ports,
We've learned the lessons of September and our borders and other critical areas. We
the 11th. We're changing how people can will continue to provide the resources nec
work together. We're modernizing the sys essary to secure this homeland.
tem. We're working to connect the dots to Even if all the steps I’ve outlined this
stop the terrorists from hurting America morning had been taken before 9/11, no one
again. can say for sure that we would have pre
The fourth and final stage of the 9/11 plot vented the attack. We can say that if America
came on the morning of the attack. Starting had these reforms in place in 2001, the ter
around 6:45, the 19 hijackers, including rorists would have found it harder to plan
Hazmi and Mihdhar, checked in, cleared se and finance their operations, harder to slip
curity, and boarded commercial jets bound into the country undetected, and harder to
for the west coast. Some of the hijackers were board the airplanes and take control of the
flagged by the passenger prescreening sys cockpits and succeed in striking their targets.
tem. But because the security rules at the We are grateful to all those who have
time focused on preventing bombs on air worked to implement these important re
planes, the only precaution required was to forms. We're grateful to our Federal and
hold the operatives' checked baggage until State and local law enforcement officers who
they boarded the airplane. Several hijackers are working tirelessly to protect our country.
were also carrying small knives or box cutters, We're grateful to all the intelligence and
and when they reached the security check homeland security and military personnel.
points, they set off metal detectors. The Together these dedicated men and women
screeners wanded them but let them board are keeping their fellow Americans safe, and
their planes without verifying what had set Americans are proud of their important serv
off the alarms. When the flights took off, the ice to our country.
men hijacked each plane in a similar way: On the morning of 9/11, we saw that the
They stabbed or subdued the pilots and crew; terrorists have to be right only once to kill
they seized control of the cockpit; and they our people, while we have to be right every
started flying the airplane. By 9:03 a.m., the time to stop them. So we had to make a larg
hijackers had driven two of the flights in the er choice about how to respond to the threats
World Trade Center. By 9:37, they had to our country. Some suggested that our ef
struck the Pentagon. And shortly after 10 fort should be purely defensive, hunkering
a.m., the fourth plane crashed into a field down behind extreme homeland security and
in Pennsylvania. The passengers realized law enforcement measures. Others argue
what was happening, and they rose up against that we should respond overseas, but that our
their captors. These brave passengers saved action should be limited to direct retaliation
countless lives on the ground; they likely for 9/11. I strongly disagree with both ap
spared the Capitol or the White House from proaches. Nine-Eleven lifted the veil on a
destruction; and they delivered America its threat that is far broader and more dangerous
first victory in the war on terror. than we saw that morning, an enemy that
We have taken many steps to address the was not sated by the destruction inflicted that
security gaps that the hijackers exploited that day and is determined to strike again. To an
morning. We created the Transportation Se swer this threat and to protect our people,
curity Administration to ensure that every we need more than retaliation; we need more
passenger and every bag is screened. We in than a reaction to the last attack; we need
creased the number of Federal air marshals to do everything in our power to stop the
on domestic and international flights. We next attack.
trained and authorized thousands º to And so America has gone on the offense
carry firearms. We hardened cockpit doors across the world. And here are some of the
to prevent terrorists from gaining access to results. We've captured or killed many of the
1582 Sept. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
most significant Al Qaida members and asso more than 70 countries that are cooperating
ciates. We've killed Al Qaida's most visible to stop shipments related to deadly weapons.
and aggressive leader to emerge after 9/11, Together with Russia, we're working on a
the terrorist Zarqawi in Iraq. We've kept the new Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear
terrorists from achieving their key goal, to Terrorism. We worked with Great Britain to
overthrow governments across the broader persuade Libya to give up its nuclear weap
Middle East and to seize control. Instead, ons program, and now the components of
the governments they targeted—such as that program are secured right here in the
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia—have become United States. We uncovered the black mar
some of the most valuable allies in the war ket nuclear network of A.Q. Khan, who was
on terror. These countries are joined by the shipping equipment to Iran and North
largest coalition in the history of warfare— Korea—that network is now out of business.
more than 90 nations determined to find the And now the world is uniting to send a clear
terrorists, to dry up their funds, to stop their message to the regime in Tehran: Iran must
plots, and to bring them to justice. end its support of terror; it must stop defying
This coalition includes two nations that its international obligations; and it must not
used to sponsor terror but now help us fight obtain a nuclear weapon.
it—the democratic nations of Afghanistan Our enemies have fought relentlessly these
and Iraq. In Afghanistan, President Karzai's past 5 years, and they have a record of their
elected Government is fighting our common own. Bin Laden and his deputy Zawahiri are
enemies. In showing the courage he's show still in hiding. Al Qaida has continued its
ing, he's inspired millions across the region. campaign of terror with deadly attacks that
In Iraq, Prime Minister Maliki's unity Gov have targeted the innocent, including large
ernment is fighting Al Qaida and the enemies numbers of fellow Muslims. The terrorists
of Iraq's democracy. They're taking increas and insurgents in Iraq have killed American
ing responsibility for the security of their free troops and thousands of Iraqis. Syria and Iran
country. have continued their support for terror and
The fighting in Iraq has been difficult, and extremism. Hizballah has taken innocent life
it has been bloody, and some say that Iraq in Israel and succeeded briefly in under
is a diversion from the war on terror. The mining Lebanon's democratic Government.
terrorists disagree. Usama bin Laden has Hamas is standing in the way of peace with
proclaimed that the “third world war is rag Israel. And the extremists have led an aggres
ing” in Iraq. Al Qaida leaders have declared sive propaganda campaign to spread lies
that Baghdad will be the capital of the new about America and incite Muslim radicalism.
caliphate that they wish to establish across The enemies of freedom are skilled, and they
the broader Middle East. It's hard to believe are sophisticated, and they are waging a long
that extremists would make large journeys and determined war. The free world must
across dangerous borders to endure heavy understand the stakes of this struggle. The
fighting and to blow themselves up on the free world must support young democracies.
streets of Baghdad for a so-called “diver The free world must confront the evil of
sion.” The terrorists know that the outcome these extremists. The free world must draw
in the war on terror will depend on the out full measure of our strength and resources
come in Iraq. And so to protect our citizens, to prevail.
the free world must succeed in Iraq. We see that full measure and the strength
As we fight the enemies of a free Iraq, of this Nation in the men and women in uni
we must also ensure that Al Qaida, its allies,form who fight this war and we have—and
and the extremists never get their hands on who have given their lives in the cause of
the tools of mass murder. When we saw the liberty and freedom. One of these soldiers
damage the terrorists inflicted on 9/11, our was a young lieutenant named Noah Harris,
thoughts quickly turned to the devastation who was killed last summer in Iraq when his
that could have been caused with weapons Humvee was hit by a roadside bomb. Noah
of mass destruction. So we launched the Pro grew up here in Georgia. He graduated from
liferation Security Initiative—a coalition of the University of Georgia. He volunteered
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 7 1583

for the Army after September the 11th, 2001. also shown what we can achieve when our
He told his dad that people had an obligation Nation acts with confidence and resolve and
to serve a cause higher than themselves. In clear purpose. We've learned the lessons of
Iraq, Lieutenant Harris was an officer known 9/11, and we have addressed the gaps in our
for his toughness and his skill in battle and defenses exposed by that attack. We've gone
for the Beanie Babies that he carried with on the offense against our enemies and trans
him to hand out to the Iraqi children. He formed former adversaries into allies. We
was also known for the photo of his parents' have put in place the institutions needed to
home in Ellijay that he used as a screensaver win this war. Five years after September the
on his computer. When his troops asked why 11th, 2001, America is safer, and America
he chose that picture, he explained, “That is winning the war on terror. With vigilance,
is why I'm here.” determination, courage, we will defeat the
Lieutenant Harris understood the stakes enemies of freedom, and we will leave be
in Iraq. He knew that to protect his loved hind a more peaceful world for our children
ones at home, America must defeat our en and our grandchildren.
emies overseas. If America pulls out of Iraq God bless.
before the Iraqis can defend themselves, the
terrorists will follow us here, home. The best
way to honor the memory of brave Americans Cobb NOTE: The President spoke at 10:24 a.m. at the
Galleria Center. In his remarks, he referred
like Lieutenant Harris is to complete the mis to Gov. Sonny Perdue of Georgia; Brenda Fitz
sion they began—so we will stay; we will gerald, chairman, board of governors, Georgia
fight; and we will win in Iraq. Public Policy Foundation; Lt. Gen. Russel L.
The war on terror is more than a military Honore, USA, commanding general, First United
conflict; it is the decisive ideological struggle States Army; Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al
of the 21st century. And we're only in its Qaida terrorist organization; Khalid Sheikh Mo
opening stages. To win this struggle, we have hammed, senior Al Qaida leader responsible for
to defeat the ideology of the terrorists with planning the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack,
a more hopeful vision. So a central element who was captured in Pakistan on March 1, 2003;
in our strategy is the freedom agenda. We U.S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District
know from history that free nations are of Michigan Anna Diggs Taylor; Zacarias
Moussaoui, an Al Qaida operative who was sen
peaceful nations. We know that democracies tenced on May 4 for helping to plan the Sep
do not attack each other and that young peo tember 11, 2001, terrorist attack; President Hamid
ple growing up in a free and hopeful society Karzai of Afghanistan; Prime Minister Nuri al
are less likely to fall under the sway of radi Maliki of Iraq; and Ayman Al-Zawahiri, founder
calism. And so we're taking the side of demo of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and senior Al Qaida
cratic leaders and reformers across the Mid associate. He also referred to the National Com
dle East. We're supporting the voices of tol mission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United
erance and moderation in the Muslim world. States (9/11 Commission).
We're standing with mothers and fathers in
every culture who want to see their children Remarks at a Reception for
grow . in a caring and peaceful world. And
by leading the cause of freedom in the vital Congressional Candidate
region, we will change the conditions that Max Burns in Pooler, Georgia
give rise to radicalism and hatred and terror. September 7, 2006
We will replace violent dictatorships with
peaceful democracies. We'll make America, Thanks for coming. I want to thank you
the Middle East, and the world more secure. all for coming and joining me in supporting
In the early days after 9/11, I told the my friend Max Burns to be the next Con
American people that this would be a long gressman from this district.
war, a war that would look different from Max, this is a good sign that so many peo
others we have fought, with difficulties and ple would show up. [Laughter] And I thank
setbacks along the way. The past 5 years have you for supporting him. I know him quite
proven that to be true. The past 5 years have well. See, as he mentioned, we have worked
1584 Sept. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
together before. He's not an unknown quan ate. Thanks for coming, senator. Tommie
tity. You don't have to guess about his polit Williams, who is the majority leader of the
ical philosophy. You don't have to worry Georgia State Senate, is with us. Senator,
about whether he will do the right thing. Max thank you for coming as well.
Burns is a man who is the right man to rep I know Max appreciates the statehouse
resent the 12th Congressional District for the people supporting him. I know he is proud
State of Georgia. And I want to thank you to have the support of those who run for of.
for giving him this strong support. fice themselves. It's a good sign. When peo
Max not—I not only think Max is the right ple have been out there knocking on doors
guy, but so does Laura. [Laughter] She sends saying, “I’m for this man for Congress,” they
her love to the Burns family, to Lora and know what the grassroots are thinking: they
Max. She sends her thanks to all of you. And know what the people want. The people want
she reminded me to remind—to thank you Max Burns to return to the United States
for the fantastic experience we had down Congress, and so do I.
here in 2004. If you ever want to host an Swainsboro mayor, Mayor Charles
international conference, I strongly suggest Schwabe is with us today. Mayor, thank you
this part of the country. The G–8 was a great for coming. I appreciate Karen Handel,
success, primarily because of the beauty of who's the candidate for secretary of state,
the coastline and, more importantly, the joining us today. Perry McGuire, the can
warmth of the people here on the coastline. didate for the attorney general for the State
And so we're proud to be back in Savannah. of Georgia, is with us as well. Brent Brown
This is good country with good people. And and Gary Black—they're colorful char
I'm proud to be back, and I'm real proud acters—[laughter]—running for the labor
to be supporting Max. commissioner and agriculture commissioner.
Today I'm traveling from Atlanta, where I appreciate—let me just say this—I ap
I gave a speech, the third of three speeches preciate all of you running statewide. It's
on what we're doing to secure this country, hard work. I know you want me to say this—
and I traveled over on Air Force One with these folks need your help too. It's not easy
a man who is doing a fabulous job as the to be a candidate; it just isn't. And when you
Governor of an important State, and that's find somebody as honest as Max, who's will
Governor Sonny Perdue. Sonny, thanks for ing to step up there and run, I believe you
coming. He's a straightforward fellow. He's owe him more than just writing a check; I
the kind of guy, frankly, that the Texas voters
believe you owe him putting up those signs.
would be comfortable with. [Laughter. He's That's what I believe. I believe you owe him
no-nonsense. He's down-to-earth. What you time, if you don't mind me saying so. He's
see is what you get. And even though he counting on it, and so am I. It's important
didn't ask, I do want to remind you to sup to have good, strong, decent, honorable peo
port him for his reelection. He deserves it. ple like Max Burns representing you in the
Max is going to be working with a really United States Congress.
important and a very fine senatorial group I want to thank Mike Wiggins, the can
of folks from Georgia. I know firsthand be didate for the Georgia Supreme Court. I ap
cause I work with them all the time. This preciate you being here, Mike.
State has done a very smart thing in sending And finally, I can't—I want to thank the
Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson to the original members of the Mighty Eighth Air
United States Senate. I'm proud they're here, Force. I want to thank the museum director.
and I thank them for coming. This is a spectacular facility, and we're grate
I'm looking forward to getting my instruc ful that we could use it.
tions on Air Force One flying back to Wash These are historic times in which we live.
ington. [Laughter] They're not shy about tell These are—and that's why it's important to
ing me what's on their mind, and it usually have people in the Congress who clearly see
starts with, “Here's what's best for Georgia.” the challenges this Nation faces. We are a
I'm proud to be here with Eric Johnson, nation at war. I can't tell you how much I
president pro tem of the Georgia State Sen wish I could come to Savannah, Georgia, and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 7 1585

say we weren't at war. I wish I could report I learned another lesson, and that is, in
that to you, but I can't. order to protect the country, we must deny
It should have been clear to the American the enemy safe haven. See, the people were
people that we're still under threat when a plotting and planning to attack us from Af
couple of weeks ago, working with Great ghanistan, and so I laid out a doctrine that
Britain, we uncovered yet another plot. Peo said, if you harbor a terrorist, you're equally
ple were going to get on airplanes bound for as guilty as the terrorist. You'll be an enemy
the United States and destroy them because of the United States, and we will hold you
they can't stand what we believe. We're fac to account.
ing ideologs. The Taliban found out what I meant, and
In other words, these are people that have so over the last 5 years, we liberated 25 mil
a belief system. The best way to understand lion people in Afghanistan but, equally im
the belief system they have is to think oppo portant, denied the radicals, the extremists,
site of what we believe. We believe in the
a safe haven from which to plot and plan.
freedom of people to worship. See, you're I need Members of Congress who under
equally American if you're Christian, Jew, stand—Members like Max Burns—that
Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, whatever. You're when the President says something, he better
equally American. You have the right to mean what he says, in order to make sure
choose. The people that face us, the radicals the world is a more peaceful place. -

and extremists who attack us, believe you A lesson of September the 11th, an impor
ought to worship one way, the way they be tant lesson for the President and Members
lieve, or else you're condemned. We believe of Congress and people of the United States
in people being able to express themselves is that when we see a threat, we must take
in the public square. We believe in dissent. the threat seriously before they come to the
We believe in the freedom of the press. We United States and hurt us. I saw a threat in
believe in freedom, and they don't.
I will be in New York City and in Pennsyl Iraq. I not only saw the threat; nations
vania and at the Pentagon next Monday with around the world saw the threat. Republicans
and Democrats in the United States Con
Laura. It is a day for us to remember the
sorrow and the horror of that day. It's a day gress saw the same threat. We went to the
United Nations and said to Saddam Hussein,
for us to remember the incredible bravery
“Disclose, disarm, or face serious con
of first-responders who were willing to rush
into danger to save life. It's a day to remem sequences.” I believe that when the Presi
ber those on the airplane that drove that air dent and the world speaks, they better mean
plane into the ground, which was the first what they say, in order to keep the peace.
I meant what it said. Saddam Hussein didn't.
victory in the war on terror.
And it's also a day to remember the lessons He ignored the demands of the free world.
learned. And the first lesson learned from Our coalition removed Saddam Hussein from
that day is that the most important duty that power, and the world is better off.
those of us in the executive branch and the And now the question is, will the United
legislative branch have is to protect the States of America keep its word and help this
American people from harm. And the best young democracy survive? It's really the chal
way to do so is to stay on the offense, is to lenge. And it's hard work. I fully understand
defeat the enemy overseas so we do not have why Americans are troubled by the death and
to face them here at home. destruction they see on their television
So I need Members of Congress who un screens. I know that. You see, it's easy to
derstand that we must give our troops and understand because I understand the com
intelligence and those responsible for pro passion of the United States of America. Isn't
tecting America all the support they need. it a wonderful country when people suffer
See, in order to stay on the offense, we have when they see a child maimed by an extrem
got to support those on the frontline of pro ist's car bomb. It's the nature of our country.
tecting the American people. We will use all We care deeply. We suffer when one of our
assets to defend this Nation. youngsters lose their life in combat.
1586 Sept. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The stakes in Iraq are incredibly high, that is, in order to win an ideological struggle,
however. It's really important that we suc you have to be able to have an ideology of
ceed. It's important for a lot of reasons. If hope that defeats an ideology of hate.
we were to leave before the job is done— And we have such an ideology; we live it.
and the job is this: to help this young democ It's an ideology based upon liberty. It's this
racy govern itself, sustain itself, and defend notion that we strongly believe here in Amer
itself to help this young democracy that has ica that democracies don't war, that a free
formed because 12 million people went to society is the best way to prevent radicalism
the polls and said, “We’re tired of tyranny, and extremism from convincing people to be
we're tired of subjugation; we want to be come suiciders. Free societies equal hopeful
free.” Societies.
That's the challenge. If we leave before You know, one of the challenges I face as
the job is done, if we leave before this coun your President is to make it absolutely
try's forces are able to defend themselves clear—the stakes in this war on terror. And
from the enemies of freedom who want to what I'm saying is, the stakes are more than
destroy this young democracy, if we forget just protecting you from attack. The stakes
the words of Usama bin Laden, who has de really are protecting future generations from
clared that Iraq is the central part of this attack. If we were to leave early and concede
war on terror, if we ignore the words of the Middle East to the enemies of freedom,
Zawahiri—the number-two man in Al Qaida, imagine a world in which moderate govern
who has said that what we're going to do is ments get toppled. Imagine a world in which
drive America out of Iraq: we'll be able to extremists and radicals have control of oil
use Iraq then as a launching pad to destroy that they'll be able to use to inflict incredible
moderate governments in the Middle East; economic damage on those of us who love
we'll be able to launch attacks against our liberty. Imagine a world in which state spon
enemy, America—if we ignore those words, sors of terror have a nuclear weapon to be
if we ignore the hopes and aspirations of the able to blackmail the world. Imagine such
Iraqi people, we will have failed when history a world. I can see it coming if America does
looks back. not do our duty and support moderation over
We will have created a situation that is extremism.
more dangerous than today. We will have The other day in a speech, I said, “Fifty
said to our enemies that we will give you a years from now, if the United States does
key victory in the war on terror. We will have not rise to the challenge, a generation of our
said to our friends, “You can't count on us.” citizens will look back and say, ‘What hap
We will have said to the reformers and mod pened? What happened to America? " No
erates in the Middle East who are so des President is going to allow this to happen,
perate to live in a society that is hopeful that and I'm not going to allow this to happen.
“You don't matter.” We will say to the troops We will—[applause].
and their families who have sacrificed, “Your And I got great confidence in the outcome.
sacrifice wasn't worth it.” You know, I guess the best way for me to
Make no mistake about it, if the United describe why I'm confident is to tell you
States leaves before the mission is complete, about my experience with Prime Minister
the enemy will follow us here to America. Koizumi of Japan. You might remember, re
The stakes are high. We will help this Gov cently I had the pleasurable experience of
ernment succeed, and we will achieve victory going to Elvis's place—[laughter]—
in Iraq. Graceland, right there in Memphis, Ten
I have defined the struggle we're in as the nessee. Isn't that interesting? I thought it
ideological struggle of the 21st century. You was. [Laughter] I invited him to go down to
see, we face the task not only of protecting Graceland, and I’d never been to Graceland.
ourselves in the short run by staying on the I thought it would be kind of fun to go down
offense and improving our intelligence and there, and Laura wanted to go. [Laughter]
finding people before they come here; we More importantly, he wanted to go. See, he's
also have a weapon for the long term. And an Elvis fan. [Laughter] I also wanted to send
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 7 1587

a message to our fellow citizens that is rel I want to work with Max to make sure the
evant today, and here it is. One way to put tax cuts we passed are permanent. You know,
it is—and can you imagine somebody in it's interesting in Washington; you'll hear
1948, after World War II, after the bloody people say, “Well, we just need to raise your
battles and fighting the Japanese—the sworn taxes to balance the budget.” That's the lan
enemy of the United States—saying, “You guage of a lot of folks up there. That's not
know, I'll make a prediction for you; some the way Washington works. Max understands
day, an American President is going to be this, as do I. Here's the way it works: They'll
taking a Japanese Prime Minister to the say, “Okay, we'll raise your taxes, but we will
home of a famous American singer.”[Laugh figure out new ways to spend your money.”
ter] I don't think that person would have had |Laughter. The best way to balance this
much credibility. [Laughter] budget—and we're on the way to doing so.
Something happened between when my I said we'll cut the deficit in half by 2009,
dad and many of your relatives fought the we're cutting it in half by 2008. The best way
Japanese in a bloody war, and the 43d Presi to balance the budget is to keep progrowth
dent is on Air Force One flying down to see economic policies in place—that means low
Elvis Presley. Something happened—Japan taxes and be wise about how we spend your
adopted a Japanese-style democracy. Liberty money—is to set priorities about how we
has got the capacity to convert enemies into spend your money.
allies. That's what history tells us. You know, And here are my priorities. Here are my
when the Prime Minister and I flew down
priorities. The first priority is to spend
on Air Force One to Elvis's place, we didn't enough money to make sure we can protect
talk about Elvis. We talked about keeping the homeland. The Port of Savannah, I un
the peace. We talked about North Korea. We derstand, is an important part of securing the
talked about the fact that he had 1,000 troops homeland. You need a Congressman who can
helping this young democracy in Iraq, be pick up the phone and say, “Mr. President,
cause he understands what I know—liberty you came and talked about the Port of Savan
can transform areas of hate into areas of
hope. Someday, an American President is nah when you campaigned for me.” That
Congressman is going to be Max Burns.
going to be sitting down with duly elected
And the other priority is to make sure our
leaders in the Middle East talking about troops, our brave men and women who wear
keeping the peace, and a generation of Amer the uniform
icans will be better off. of the United States of America,
have all it takes to defend the United States
Max Burns understands the stakes. He's
of America. Max understands that. He un
going to be the right guy to represent you
in Washington. He also understands this: He, derstands when you put a kid in harm's way,
like me, understands that if you're worried they deserve the full support of the United
States Government.
about whether your economy is going to
grow, that the best way to encourage growth A couple other things I want to talk about
is to just let you keep more of your own right quick is—you know, the country
money. See, we have a theory that says, if shouldn't fear the future. We really
you have more money in your pocket to save, shouldn't. As a matter of fact, we ought to
invest, or spend, the economy will grow. welcome the future and shape the future.
And you know what? We tested our theory And the best way to remain the world's lead
in the face of recession, corporate scandal, ing economy, which I strongly think we ought
war, Katrina, high energy prices, and it to do, is not only keep taxes low and keep
works. Today, the national unemployment lawsuits reasonable, make sure the entrepre
rate is 4.7 percent. We've added over 5% neurial spirit is strong—is to do some things
million jobs since August of 2003. Our econ on energy. I am concerned about the fact
omy is the strongest of any major industri that we are addicted to foreign oil. I know
alized nation in the world. Lowering your that might sound odd for somebody from
taxes has worked. Texas to say, but I am a realistic fellow. See,
1588 Sept. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I get to see the consequences of needing en But it also says that, in return for Federal
ergy from parts of the world that don't like money, you measure, so we can know.
us. That creates a national security issue. There's nothing worse than a system that
The world is connected today so that when guesses on whether a child has got the skills
demand for crude oil goes up in China and necessary to compete. We need to know
India, it affects the price of gasoline in Savan early. And if we find a child that needs extra
nah, Georgia. There are economic con help, we'll provide extra help so no child is
sequences, and there are national security left behind.
consequences for being dependent on for Max is an educator. He knows what he's
eign sources of oil, and we have started a talking about when it comes to education.
very strong initiative to diversify away from And 2007 is going to be an important year
oil. And I'm going to work with Max to make when it comes to reauthorizing No Child
sure that the ethanol initiative that we pro Left Behind. This district would be wise to
moted—an initiative that says we want Geor send a good man, who knows what he's talk
gia farmers growing energy on behalf of the ing about when it comes to educating chil
American people. dren, to Washington, DC.
Old Max said this—I thought this was an Laura said, “Don’t talk too long when you
interesting quote—so for all the farmers who get up there.” I’m running out of oxygen,
might be listening to what your Congressman and so are you. [Laughter
thinks, he said, “I already know Georgia I do want to share one other thought about
farmers are the best providers of food and our country. I mean there's a lot of issues,
fiber in the world, and if we can grow it, and Max will be talking about them. One of
eat it, drink it, and wear it, then certainly the most important initiatives that I have
we can burn it.” And we need to be selling started in Washington is called the Faith
that which Georgia grows. Based and Community-Based Initiative.
Now, I know the trade is important for The reason it's an important initiative is
the Port of Savannah. I just want to tell you because it taps into the strength, the true
my view on trade. I believe it's in the interest strength of the American people, and that
of Georgia farmers—I know it's in the inter is the hearts of the American people. We are
est of Savannah, people who depend upon a compassionate neighbor. It's just an amaz
the Port of Savannah—to have more markets ing country, isn't it, where there are millions
for U.S. goods. of acts of kindness that take place on a daily
We're 5 percent of the people in the world, basis without one government edict. People
in the United States. That means 95 percent are listening to a-many times, to a higher
of the world is potential customers. But trade calling, a calling much higher than govern
means this to me—it just says—let me put ment.
it to you this way: I want the other people De Tocqueville, a Frenchman, came to
to treat us the way we treat them. That's all America in the 1830s and saw the spirit of
I ask. Treat us fairly. America can compete America. He saw the fact that America is a
with anybody, anytime, anywhere, so long as unique place because there were voluntary
the playing field is level, and that's what we'll associations where people bound together to
be working for in Washington, DC. help solve community problems.
In order for America to be a great nation, I strongly believe that many of the most
we got to make sure that we have got an intractable problems in society require some
education system that is giving the kids the thing more than government, and therefore,
skills necessary to be able to compete in a our society must welcome the healers and
global economy. And that starts with the helpers and people full of love as a part of
early grades. It means we got to make sure solving and improving the human condition.
a child can read, write, and add and subtract And one practical thing—the way to do this
early, before it's too late. is to open up Federal money for competitive
I'm a strong believer in the No Child Left grants to houses of worship.
Behind Act. It believes in local control of See, I firmly believe that there are some
schools. It says the Governor sets the policy. neighborhoods in which the church or the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 7 1589

synagogue or the mosque can be much more of America is found in the hearts and souls
effective than the government program. of our citizens. We witnessed firefighters, po
After all, people who go to the houses of wor lice officers, other public safety officials, and
ship go because they want to love a neighbor ordinary Americans demonstrate extraor
just like they'd like to be loved themselves. dinary courage, risking their lives to save in
Ours is a fantastic country, full of the ar nocent victims. We saw our country united
mies of compassion that feed the hungry and in compassion as Americans came together
find shelter to the homeless and put their
to provide relief and bring hope to others.
arm around somebody and says, “I love you, Today, America is fighting a war that is
brother; what can I do to help?” Government testing our Nation's resolve. We are once
is of law and justice; love comes from a high again answering history's call with con
er calling. And I need Members of the fidence, and we know that freedom will pre
United States Congress who are willing to vail. Our brave men and women in uniform
stand strong to make sure the Faith-Based have stepped forward to fight our enemies
Initiative in Washington, DC, is strong, ac abroad so that we do not have to face them
tive, and alive, so we can help change Amer
ica one heart, one soul, one conscience at here at home, and we are grateful for the
a time. courageous individuals bringing terrorists to
And so I've come back to Savannah with justice around the world.
a simple message: Please send a good man— We are also confronting the extremists in
a good, smart man—a good, honest, smart the great ideological struggle of the 21st cen
man, who loves his family and loves the peo tury. September the 11th made clear that,
ple of this district, to the United States Con in the long run, the only way to secure our
gress. And that man is Max Burns. Nation is to advance liberty and democracy
Thanks for coming. May God bless. as the great alternatives to repression and
radicalism. By working together with our
NoTE: The President spoke at 1:46 p.m. at the friends and allies, we are helping spread the
Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum. In his remarks, blessings of freedom and laying the founda
he referred to Walter E. Brown, president and tions of peace for generations to come.
chief executive officer, Mighty Eighth Air Force
Museum; former President Saddam Hussein of The events of September 11, 2001, will al
Iraq, Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida ways be a defining moment in our history.
We hold the victims and their families in our
terrorist organization, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, found
er of Egyptian Islamic Jihad and senior Al Qaida hearts, and we lift them up in our prayers.
associate; and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi By a joint resolution approved December
of Japan. 18, 2001 (Public Law 107–89), the Congress
has designated September 11 of each year
as “Patriot Day.”
Proclamation 8047—Patriot Day, Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
September 7, 2006 do hereby proclaim September 11, 2006, as
By the President of the United States Patriot Day. I call upon the Governors of the
|America United States and the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, as well as appropriate officials
A Proclamation of all units of government, to direct that the
On the fifth anniversary of the attacks of flag be flown at half staff on Patriot Day.
September 11, 2001, we recall the fire and I also call upon the people of the United
horror at the twin towers of the World Trade States to observe Patriot Day with appro
Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania priate ceremonies, activities, and remem
field. America will always remember the brance services, to display the flag at half
thousands of innocent lives taken by the en staff from their homes on that day, and to
emies of freedom that morning. observe a moment of silence beginning at
In the face of these unspeakable attacks, 8:46 a.m. eastern daylight time to honor the
we were reminded that the great strength innocent Americans and people from around
1590 Sept. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the world who lost their lives as a result of The President announced his intention to
the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. nominate Mary Amelia Bomar to be Director
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set of the National Park Service and to appoint
my hand this seventh day of September, in her as a member of the Board of Trustees
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and of the American Folklife Center.
of the Independence of the United States of The President announced his intention to
America the two hundred and thirty-first. nominate Larry W. Brown, John E. Mans
George W. Bush field, and Peter S. Winokur to be members
of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Board.
9:20 a.m., September 11, 2006) The President announced his intention to
nominate William W. Mercer to be Associate
NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
Federal Register on September 12. Attorney General and to designate him as
Acting Associate Attorney General of the De
partment of Justice.
The President announced his intention to
nominate Charles F. Conner to be a member
Digest of Other of the Board of Directors of the Commodity
White House Announcements Credit Corporation.
The President announced his intention to
The following list includes the President's public appoint Dennis Bovin and Martin S. Feld
schedule and other items of general interest an stein as members of the President's Foreign
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and Intelligence Advisory Board.
not included elsewhere in this issue. The President announced his intention to
appoint Dallas Rob Sweezy as a member of
September 2 the President's Committee for People with
In the morning, at Camp David, MD, the
Intellectual Disabilities and upon appoint
ment to designate him as Chair.
President had an intelligence briefing. The President announced his intention to
September 3 appoint the following individuals as members
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. of the President's Committee for People with
Bush returned to Washington, DC. Intellectual Disabilities: Clayton Aiken; Ste
phen Bird, Valerie Billmire, James Boles;
September 4 Stephanie Brown; William J. Edwards; Brian
In the morning, the President had an intel J. Kelly; Mary Margaret Pucci; Linda Hamp
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Piney ton Starnes; Stephen Henry Suroveic; and
Point, MD. William E. Tienken.
In the afternoon, the President returned
to Washington, DC. September 6
In the morning, the President had an intel
September 5 ligence briefing. Later, he participated in an
In the morning, the President had an intel interview with Katie Couric of CBS Evening
ligence briefing. Later, he met with Secretary News.
of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Jr. The President announced that he has pro
In the afternoon, the President had a moted Anita B. McBride to be Assistant to
working lunch with Amir Sabah al-Ahmad al the President and Chief of Staff to the First
Jabir al-Sabah of Kuwait. Lady.
The President announced his intention to
nominate Mary E. Peters to be Secretary of September 7
Transportation. In the morning, the President had an intel
The President announced his intention to ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to At
nominate Robert K. Steel to be Under Sec lanta, GA. While en route aboard Air Force
retary of the Treasury (Domestic Finance). One, he participated in an interview with
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1591

Charles Gibson of ABC News. He then trav Kansas City, MO, where, upon arrival, he
eled to Marietta, GA, where, upon arrival, met with USA Freedom Corps volunteers
he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Bradley Fisher and Taylor Mayes. Later, at
Margaret Rose Halbert. a private residence, he attended a reception
In the afternoon, the President traveled to for Senate candidate James M. Talent.
Savannah, GA, where, upon arrival, he met In the evening, the President returned to
with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Mary Washington, DC.
Nelson Adams. He then traveled to Pooler,
GA. Later, he returned to Washington, DC.
While en route aboard Air Force One, he
participated in an interview with Paul Gigot Nominations
of The Wall Street Journal.
The White House announced that the Submitted to the Senate
President will visit Tallinn, Estonia, on No
vember 28 and Riga, Lativa, where he will
participate in the North Atlantic Treaty Or The following list does not include promotions of
members of the Uniformed Services, nominations
ganization summit, on November 28 and 29. to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
The President declared a major disaster in eign Service officers.
Arizona and ordered Federal aid to supple
ment State and local recovery efforts in the
area struck by severe storms and flooding Submitted September 5
from July 25 to August 4.
The President announced his intention to David Longly Bernhardt,
nominate Lauren M. Maddox to be Assistant of Colorado, to be Solicitor of the Depart
Secretary of Education (Communications ment of the Interior, vice Sue Ellen
and Outreach). Wooldridge.
The President announced his intention to
nominate Jovita Carranza to be Deputy Ad Mary Amelia Bomar,
ministrator of the Small Business Administra of Pennsylvania, to be Director of the Na
tion. tional Park Service, vice Frances P. Mainella,
The President announced his intention to resigned.
nominate Donald Y. Yamamoto to be Ambas
sador to Ethiopia. Terrence W. Boyle,
The President announced his intention to of North Carolina, to be U.S. Circuit Judge
nominate Dean A. Pinkert and Irving A. for the Fourth Circuit, vice J. Dickson Phil
Williamson to be Commissioners of the U.S. lips, Jr., retired.
International Trade Commission.
The President announced his intention to Larry W. Brown,
designate Leslie Silverman as Vice Chairman of Virginia, to be a member of the Defense
of the Equal Employment Opportunity Com Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a term
mission. expiring October 18, 2010, vice R. Bruce
Matthews, resigned.
September 8
In the morning, the President had an intel Peter E. Cianchette,
ligence briefing. Later, he participated in an of Maine, to be a member of the Internal
interview with Matt Lauer of NBC News. He Revenue Service Oversight Board for a term
then traveled to Flint, MI, where, upon ar expiring September 14, 2010, vice Nancy
rival, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol Killefer, term expired.
unteer Greg Ybarra.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to Charles F. Conner,
Clarkston, MI, where, at a private residence, of Indiana, to be a member of the Board
he attended a reception for Senate candidate of Directors of the Commodity Credit Cor
Michael J. Bouchard. Later, he traveled to poration, vice James R. Moseley.
1592 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

John Ray Correll, Halil Suleyman Ozerden,

of Indiana, to be Director of the Office of of Mississippi, to be U.S. District Judge for
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforce the Southern District of Mississippi, vice
ment, vice Jeffrey D. Jarrett. David C. Bramlette, retired.

Charles L. Glazer, Norman Randy Smith,

of Connecticut, to be Ambassador Extraor of Idaho, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the
dinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Ninth Circuit, vice Stephen S. Trott, retired.
States of America to the Republic of El Sal
vador. Richard Stickler,
of West Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary
William James Haynes II, of Labor for Mine Safety and Health, vice
of Virginia, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the David D. Lauriski, resigned.
Fourth Circuit, vice H. Emory Widener, Jr.,
retiring. Sara Alicia Tucker,
of California, to be Under Secretary of Edu
Tracy A. Henke, cation, vice Edward R. McPherson, resigned.
of Missouri, to be Executive Director of the
Office of State and Local Government Co Michael Brunson Wallace,
ordination and Preparedness, Department of of Mississippi, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for
Homeland Security, vice C. Suzanne the Fifth Circuit, vice Charles W. Pickering,
Mencer, resigned. Sr., retired. -

Robert T. Howard, William Ludwig Wehrum, Jr.,

of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of of Tennessee, to be an Assistant Adminis
Veterans Affairs (Information and Tech trator of the Environmental Protection Agen
nology), vice Robert N. McFarland. cy, vice Jeffrey R. Holmstead, resigned.
Collister Johnson, Jr., Peter Stanley Winokur,
of Virginia, to be Administrator of the Saint of Maryland, to be a member of the Defense
Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a term
for a term of 7 years, vice Albert S. Jacquez, expiring October 18, 2009, vice John T.
term expired. Conway, term expired.
John Edward Mansfield, Otis D. Wright II,
of Virginia, to be a member of the Defense of California, to be U.S. District Judge for
Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a term the Central District of California, vice Gary
expiring October 18, 2011 (reappointment). L. Taylor, retired.
William W. Mercer, George H. Wu,
of Montana, to be Associate Attorney Gen of California, to be U.S. District Judge for
eral, vice Robert D. McCallum, Jr. the Central District of California, vice Ron
ald S. W. Lew, retiring.
Mark Myers,
of Alaska, to be Director of the U.S. Geologi Submitted September 6
cal Survey, vice Charles G. Groat, resigned.
Robert K. Steel,
William Gerry Myers III, of Connecticut, to be an Under Secretary of
of Idaho, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the the Treasury, vice Randal Quarles.
Ninth Circuit, vice Thomas G. Nelson, re
tired. Submitted September 7
James F. X. O'Gara, Jovita Carranza,
of Pennsylvania, to be Deputy Director for of Illinois, to be Deputy Administrator of the
Supply Reduction, Office of National Drug Small Business Administration, vice Melanie
Control Policy, vice Barry D. Crane. Sabelhaus, resigned.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Paul DeCamp, Checklist

of Virginia, to be Administrator of the Wage of White House Press Releases
and Hour Division, Department of Labor,
vice Tammy Dee McCutchen, resigned, to
which position he was appointed during the The following list contains releases of the Office
last recess of the Senate.
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Michael F. Duffy, Other White House Announcements.
of the District of Columbia, to be a member
of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Re
view Commission for a term of 6 years expir Released September 5
ing August 30, 2012 (reappointment), to Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
which position he was appointed during the retary Tony Snow and Assistant to the Presi
last recess of the Senate.
dent for Homeland Security and
Counterterrorism Frances Fragos Townsend
Lauren M. Maddox,
of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Fact sheet: The President's National Strategy
Communications and Outreach, Department for Combating Terrorism
of Education, vice Kevin F. Sullivan, re Fact sheet: Mary Peters: The Right Person
signed. for Secretary of Transportation
Text: Letter from Chief of Staff Joshua B.
Daniel Meron, Bolten to Senator Harry Reid
of Maryland, to be General Counsel of the
Department of Health and Human Services, Released September 6
vice Alex Azar II, to which position he was
appointed during the last recess of the Sen Transcript of a background briefing by a sen
ate. ior administration official and a senior intel
ligence official on the transfer of Central In
Mary E. Peters, telligence Agency detainees to the Depart
ment of Defense's Guantanamo Bay deten
of Arizona, to be Secretary of Transportation,
vice Norman Y. Mineta, resigned. tion facility
Fact sheet: The Administration's Legislation
Dean A. Pinkert, To Create Military Commissions
of Virginia, to be a member of the U.S. Inter Fact sheet: Bringing Terrorists to Justice
national Trade Commission for the term ex
piring December 16, 2015, vice Jennifer Released September 7
Anne Hillman, term expiring.
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Irving A. Williamson,
of New York, to be a member of the U.S. Statement by the Press Secretary: President
International Trade Commission for the term To Visit Estonia and to Participate in the
expiring June 16, 2014, vice Stephen Koplan, NATO Summit in Latvia
term expired. Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that the President received the second report
Donald Y. Yamamoto, of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of
of New York, a career member of the Senior North America (SPP)
Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor,
to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
assistance to Arizona
potentiary of the United States of America
to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethi Fact sheet: Progress Report: Fixing the Prob
opia. lems Exposed by the 9/11 Attacks
1594 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Released September 8 Acts Approved
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec- by the President
retary Tony Snow
NoTE: No acts approved by the President were
received by the Office of the Federal Register
during the period covered by this issue.
Washington GPO
Penalty 25


AE 2. loq: 4-2/27 FED-DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, September 18, 2006

Volume 42—Number 37
Pages 1595–1623

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* OCT 2006

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Addresses to the Nation Proclamations

War on terror—1597 Constitution Day and Citizenship Day,

Constitution Week—1606
Addresses and Remarks
National Hispanic Heritage Month–1605
See also Addresses to the Nation; Meetings National Historically Black Colleges and
With Foreign Leaders Universities Week—1595
House Republican Conference, meeting— National POW/MIA Recognition Day—1607
New York City, tour of the Tribute WTC Statements by the President
Visitor Center—1597 Death of Ann Richards—1605
Radio address—1595 House of Representatives action
Earmarking rules, reform—1605
Communications to Federal Agencies “Federal Funding Accountability and
2006 Combined Federal Campaign, Transparency Act of 2006"—1601
memorandum—1601 Senate action on the “Port Security
Continuation of the Exercise of Certain Improvement Act of 2006’—1605
Authorities Under the Trading With the Visit of Prime Minister Blair of the United
Enemy Act, memorandum—1601 Kingdom to the Middle East—1597
Interviews With the News Media Supplementary Materials
Exchange with reporters in the Oval Office— Acts approved by the President—1623
1602 Checklist of White House press releases—
News conference, September 15–1607 1622
Digest of other White House
Meetings With Foreign Leaders announcements—1620
South Korea, President Roh–1602 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1622

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607,
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, September 15, 2006
Proclamation 8048—National solve to continue to support their critical mis
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities Week, 2006 Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
September 8, 2006 by virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and laws of the United
By the President of the United States
of America States, do hereby proclaim September 10
through September 16, 2006, as National
A Proclamation Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Education is the cornerstone of a pros Week. I call upon public officials, educators,
perous and hopeful Nation. By providing a librarians, and all the people of the United
quality education, Historically Black Colleges States to observe this week with appropriate
and Universities (HBCUs) help students programs, ceremonies, and activities in rec
achieve their dreams and realize the promise ognition of the vital contributions of HBCUs.
of America. During National Historically In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
Black Colleges and Universities Week, we my hand this eighth day of September, in
recognize the significant contributions of the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
HBCUs and underscore our commitment to of the Independence of the United States of
helping these distinguished institutions in the America the two hundred and thirty-first.
pursuit of educational excellence.
Our Nation's Historically Black Colleges George W. Bush
and Universities are places of higher learning
and achievement that prepare new genera [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
tions of Americans to become responsible 8:45 a.m., September 12, 2006
leaders in their communities and around the
world. HBCUs enable students to gain the NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
skills necessary to compete for the jobs of Federal Register on September 13. This item was
the 21st century. not received in time for publication in the appro
My Administration is dedicated to ensur priate issue.
ing the continued success of HBCUs and se
curing the constitutional guarantees of liberty
and equality to all Americans. The Presi The President’s Radio Address
dent's Board of Advisors on Historically September 9, 2006
Black Colleges and Universities has worked
to help these institutions benefit from Fed Good morning. This Monday our Nation
eral programs, obtain private-sector support will mark the fifth anniversary of the attacks
for their endowments, and build partnerships of September the 11th, 2001. On this solemn
to strengthen faculty development and coop occasion, Americans will observe a day of
erative research. In addition, the HBCU prayer and remembrance, and Laura and I
Capital Financing Program provides HBCUs will travel to New York City, Pennsylvania,
with access to funds for the repair, renova and the Pentagon to take part in memorial
tion, and construction of educational re ceremonies. Our Nation honors the memory
sources and facilities. of every person we lost on that day of terror,
During National Historically Black Col and we pray that the Almighty will continue
leges and Universities Week, we celebrate to comfort the families who had so much
the enduring importance of HBCUs, and re taken away from them.
1596 Sept. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
On this anniversary, we also remember the Qaida member or associate detained by the
brutality of the enemy who struck our coun U.S. and its allies since this program began.
try and renew our resolve to defeat this Were it not for this program, our intelligence
enemy and secure a future of peace and free community believes that Al Qaida and its al
lies would have succeeded in launching an
So this week I've given a series of speeches other attack against the American homeland.
about the nature of our enemy, the stakes We have largely completed our questioning
of the struggle, and the progress we have of these men, and now it is time that they
made during the past 5 years. On Tuesday are tried for their crimes.
in Washington, I described in the terrorists' So this week I announced that the men
own words what they believe, what they hope we believe orchestrated the 9/11 attacks had
to accomplish, and how they intend to ac been transferred to Guantanamo Bay. And
complish it. We know what the terrorists in I called on Congress to pass legislation cre
tend because they have told us. They hope ating military commissions to try suspected
to establish a totalitarian Islamic empire terrorists for war crimes. As soon as Congress
across the Middle East, which they call a ca acts to authorize these military commissions,
liphate, where all would be ruled according we will prosecute these men and send a clear
to their hateful ideology. message to those who kill Americans: No
Usama bin Laden has called the 9/11 at
matter how long it takes, we will find you
tacks “a great step towards the unity of Mus and bring you to justice.
lims and establishing the righteous caliph As we bring terrorists to justice, we're act
ate.” Al Qaida and its allies reject any possi ing to secure the homeland. On Thursday in
bility of coexistence with those they call
“infidels.” Hear the words of Usama bin Atlanta, I delivered a progress report on the
Laden: “Death is better than living on this steps we have taken since 9/11 to protect the
Earth with the unbelievers amongst us.” We American people and win the war on terror.
must take the words of these extremists seri We are safer today because we've acted to
ously, and we must act decisively to stop address the gaps in security, intelligence, and
them from achieving their evil aims. information sharing that the terrorists ex
On Wednesday at the White House, I de ploited in the 9/11 attacks. No one can say
scribed for the first time a CIA program we for sure that we would have prevented the
established after 9/11 to detain and question attacks had these reforms been in place in
key terrorist leaders and operatives, so we 2001—yet we can say that terrorists would
can prevent new terrorist attacks. This pro have found it harder to plan and finance their
gram has been invaluable to the security of operations, harder to slip into our country
America and its allies and helped us identify undetected, and harder to board the planes,
and capture men who our intelligence com take control of the cockpits, and succeed in
munity believes were key architects of the striking their targets.
September the 11th attacks. America still faces determined enemies.
Information from terrorists held by the And in the long run, defeating these enemies
CIA also helped us uncover an Al Qaida cell's requires more than improved security at
efforts to obtain biological weapons, identify home and military action abroad. We must
individuals sent by Al Qaida to case targets also offer a hopeful alternative to the terror
for attacks in the United States, stop the ists' hateful ideology. So America is taking
planned strike on a U.S. Marine base in the side of democratic leaders and reformers
Djibouti, prevent an attack on the U.S. con and supporting the voices of tolerance and
sulate in Karachi, and help break up a plot moderation across the Middle East. By ad
to hijack passenger planes and fly them into vancing freedom and democracy as the great
Heathrow Airport or the Canary Wharf in alternative to repression and radicalism and
London. by supporting young democracies like Iraq,
Information from the terrorists in CIA cus we are helping to bring a brighter future to
tody has also played a role in the capture this region, and that will make America and
or questioning of nearly every senior Al the world more secure.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 11 1597

The war on terror will be long and dif Remarks Following a Tour of the
ficult, and more tough days lie ahead. Yet Tribute WTC Visitor Center in New
we can have confidence in the final outcome
York City
because we know what America can achieve
when our Nation acts with resolve and clear September 10, 2006
purpose. With vigilance, determination, and Laura and I approach tomorrow with a
courage, we will defeat the enemies of free heavy heart. It's hard not to think about the
dom, and we will leave behind a more peace people who lost their lives on September the
ful world for our children and our grand 11th, 2001. You know, you see the relatives
of those who still grieve—I just wish there
Thank you for listening. were some way we could make them whole.
So tomorrow is going to be a day of sadness
for a lot of people.
NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on
It's also a day of remembrance. And I
September 8 in the Cabinet Room at the White vowed that I'm never going to forget the les
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on September sons of that day. And we spent time in there
9. The transcript was made available by the Office
of the Press Secretary on September 8 but was
looking at some of the horrific scenes, inside
embargoed for release until the broadcast. In his this fantastic place of healing, and it just re
address, the President referred to Usama bin minded me that there's still an enemy out
there that would like to inflict the same kind
Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organiza
tion. The Office of the Press Secretary also re of damage again.
leased a Spanish language transcript of this ad So tomorrow is also a day of renewing re
dress. solve. I asked—today at the church service
I asked for God's blessings on—of those who
continue to hurt.
Thank you.
Statement on the Visit of Prime
Minister Tony Blair of the United NOTE: The President spoke at 7:04 p.m. A tape
Kingdom to the Middle East was not available for verification of the content
of these remarks.
September 9, 2006
I am pleased that Prime Minister Blair will Address to the Nation on the War on
be visiting Lebanon, Israel, and the Pales Terror
tinian territories. The deployment of increas
ing numbers of international forces in an en September 11, 2006
hanced United Nations Interim Force in
Lebanon (UNIFIL), which enabled the lift Good evening. Five years ago, this date—
ing of the air and sea blockade of Lebanon, September the 11th–was seared into Amer
makes this a timely visit. The Prime Minister ica's memory. Nineteen men attacked us with
will be discussing ways to facilitate the full a barbarity unequaled in our history. They
murdered people of all colors, creeds, and
implementation of United Nations Security nationalities and made war upon the entire
Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1701, includ
free world. Since that day, America and her
ing enforcing the ban on unauthorized arms allies have taken the offensive in a war unlike
shipments to Hizballah from Iran and Syria. any we have fought before. Today, we are
I understand the Prime Minister will also be
safer, but we are not yet safe. On this solemn
exploring ways to advance the dialog between night, I've asked for some of your time to
Israelis and Palestinians and the two-state so discuss the nature of the threat still before
lution—a democratic Israel and democratic
us, what we are doing to protect our Nation,
Palestine living side by side in peace and se and the building of a more hopeful Middle
curity. I wish him well in his efforts to pro East that holds the key to peace for America
mote peace and stability in the region. and the world.
1598 Sept. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
On 9/11, our Nation saw the face of evil. war. We saw what a handful of our enemies
Yet on that awful day, we also witnessed can do with box cutters and plane tickets.
something distinctly American: ordinary citi We hear their threats to launch even more
zens rising to the occasion and responding terrible attacks on our people. And we know
with extraordinary acts of courage. We saw that if they were able to get their hands on
courage in office workers who were trapped weapons of mass destruction, they would use
on the high floors of burning skyscrapers and them against us. We face an enemy deter
called home so that their last words to their mined to bring death and suffering into our
families would be of comfort and love. We homes. America did not ask for this war, and
saw courage in passengers aboard Flight 93, every American wishes it were over. So do
who recited the 23d Psalm and then charged I. But the war is not over, and it will not
the cockpit. And we saw courage in the Pen be over until either we or the extremists
tagon staff who made it out of the flames emerge victorious. If we do not defeat these
and smoke and ran back in to answer cries enemies now, we will leave our children to
for help. On this day, we remember the inno face a Middle East overrun by terrorist states
cent who lost their lives, and we pay tribute and radical dictators armed with nuclear
to those who gave their lives so that others weapons. We are in a war that will set the
might live. course for this new century and determine
For many of our citizens, the wounds of the destiny of millions across the world.
that morning are still fresh. I've met fire For America, 9/11 was more than a trag
fighters and police officers who choke up at edy. It changed the way we look at the world.
the memory of fallen comrades. I've stood On September the 11th, we resolved that we
with families gathered on a grassy field in would go on the offense against our enemies,
Pennsylvania who take bittersweet pride in and we would not distinguish between the
loved ones who refused to be victims and terrorists and those who harbor or support
gave America our first victory in the war on them. So we helped drive the Taliban from
terror. I've sat beside young mothers with power in Afghanistan. We put Al Qaida on
children who are now 5 years old and still the run and killed or captured most of those
long for the daddies who will never cradle who planned the 9/11 attacks, including the
them in their arms. Out of this suffering, we man believed to be the mastermind, Khalid
resolve to honor every man and woman lost, Sheikh Mohammed. He and other suspected s
and we seek their lasting memorial in a safer terrorists have been questioned by the Cen
and more hopeful world. tral Intelligence Agency, and they provided
Since the horror of 9/11, we've learned a valuable information that has helped stop at
great deal about the enemy. We have learned tacks in America and across the world. Now
that they are evil and kill without mercy but these men have been transferred to Guanta
not without purpose. We have learned that namo Bay so they can be held to account
they form a global network of extremists who for their actions. Usama bin Laden and other
are driven by a perverted vision of Islam— terrorists are still in hiding. Our message to
a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, re them is clear: No matter how long it takes,
jects tolerance, and despises all dissent. And America will find you, and we will bring you
we have learned that their goal is to build to justice.
a radical Islamic empire where women are On September the 11th, we learned that
prisoners in their homes, men are beaten for America must confront threats before they
missing prayer meetings, and terrorists have reach our shores, whether those threats come
a safe haven to plan and launch attacks on from terrorist networks or terrorist states. I'm
America and other civilized nations. The war often asked why we're in Iraq when Saddam
against this enemy is more than a military Hussein was not responsible for the 9/11 at
conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle tacks. The answer is that the regime of Sad
of the 21st century and the calling of our dam Hussein was a clear threat. My adminis
generation. tration, the Congress, and the United Na
Our Nation is being tested in a way that tions saw the threat. And after 9/11,
we have not been since the start of the cold Saddam's regime posed a risk that the world
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 11 1599

could not afford to take. The world is safer America cherishes their memory. We pray
because Saddam Hussein is no longer in for their families. And we will never back
power. And now the challenge is to help the down from the work they have begun.
Iraqi people build a democracy that fulfills We also honor those who toil day and night
the dreams of the nearly 12 million Iraqis to keep our homeland safe, and we are giving
who came out to vote in free elections last them the tools they need to protect our peo
ple. We've created the Department of
Al Qaida and other extremists from across Homeland Security. We have torn down the
the world have come to Iraq to stop the rise wall that kept law enforcement and intel
of a free society in the heart of the Middle ligence from sharing information. We've
East. They have joined the remnants of tightened security at our airports and sea
Saddam's regime and other armed groups to ports and borders, and we've created new
foment sectarian violence and drive us out.
programs to monitor enemy bank records
Our enemies in Iraq are tough, and they are and phone calls. Thanks to the hard work
committed, but so are Iraqi and coalition of our law enforcement and intelligence pro
forces. We're adapting to stay ahead of the fessionals, we have broken up terrorist cells
enemy, and we are carrying out a clear plan in our midst and saved American lives.
to ensure that a democratic Iraq succeeds. Five years after 9/11, our enemies have not
We're training Iraqi troops so they can de succeeded in launching another attack on our
fend their nation. We're helping Iraq's unity soil, but they've not been idle. Al Qaida and
Government grow in strength and serve its
people. We will not leave until this work is those inspired by its hateful ideology have
carried out terrorist attacks in more than two
done. Whatever mistakes have been made in
Iraq, the worst mistake would be to think dozen nations. And just last month, they were
that if we pulled out, the terrorists would foiled in a plot to blow up passenger planes
leave us alone. They will not leave us alone. headed for the United States. They remain
determined to attack America and kill our
They will follow us. The safety of America
depends on the outcome of the battle in the citizens, and we are determined to stop
streets of Baghdad. Usama bin Laden calls them. We will continue to give the men and
this fight “the third world war"—and he says women who protect us every resource and
that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will legal authority they need to do their jobs.
mean America's “defeat and disgrace for In the first days after the 9/11 attacks, I
ever.” If we yield Iraq to men like bin Laden, promised to use every element of national
our enemies will be emboldened; they will power to fight the terrorists, wherever we
gain a new safe haven; they will use Iraq's find them. One of the strongest weapons in
resources to fuel their extremist movement. our arsenal is the power of freedom. The ter
We will not allow this to happen. America rorists fear freedom as much as they do our
will stay in the fight. Iraq will be a free nation firepower. They are thrown into panic at the
and a strong ally in the war on terror. sight of an old man pulling the election lever,
We can be confident that our coalition will girls enrolling in schools, or families wor
succeed because the Iraqi people have been shiping God in their own traditions. They
steadfast in the face of unspeakable violence. know that given a choice, people will choose
And we can be confident in victory because freedom over their extremist ideology. So
of the skill and resolve of America's Armed their answer is to deny people this choice
Forces. Every one of our troops is a volun by raging against the forces of freedom and
teer, and since the attacks of September the moderation. This struggle has been called a
11th, more than 1.6 million Americans have clash of civilizations. In truth, it is a struggle
stepped forward to put on our Nation's uni for civilization. We are fighting to maintain
form. In Iraq, Afghanistan, and other fronts the way of life enjoyed by free nations. And
in the war on terror, the men and women we're fighting for the possibility that good
of our military are making great sacrifices to and decent people across the Middle East
keep us safe. Some have suffered terrible in can raise up societies based on freedom and
juries, and nearly 3,000 have given their lives. tolerance and personal dignity.
1600 Sept. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
We are now in the early hours of this strug rightful place in a world of peace and pros
gle between tyranny and freedom. Amid the perity. We look to the day when the nations
violence, some question whether the people of that region recognize their greatest re
of the Middle East want their freedom and source is not the oil in the ground but the
whether the forces of moderation can prevail. talent and creativity of their people. We look
For 60 years, these doubts guided our poli to the day when moms and dads throughout
cies in the Middle East. And then on a bright the Middle East see a future of hope and
September morning, it became clear that the opportunity for their children. And when that
calm we saw in the Middle East was only good day comes, the clouds of war will part,
a mirage. Years of pursuing stability to pro the appeal of radicalism will decline, . we
mote peace had .. us with neither. So we will leave our children with a better and safer
changed our policies and committed Amer world.
ica's influence in the world to advancing free On this solemn anniversary, we rededicate
dom and democracy as the great alternatives ourselves to this cause. Our Nation has en
to repression and radicalism. dured trials, and we face a difficult road
With our help, the people of the Middle ahead. Winning this war will require the de
East are now stepping forward to claim their termined efforts of a unified country, and we
freedom. From Kabul to Baghdad to Beirut, must put aside our differences and work to
there are brave men and women risking their gether to meet the test that history has given
lives each day for the same freedoms that us. We will defeat our enemies. We will pro
we enjoy. And they have one question for tect our people. And we will lead the 21st
us: Do we have the confidence to do in the century into a shining age of human liberty.
Middle East what our fathers and grand Earlier this year, I traveled to the United
fathers accomplished in Europe and Asia? By States Military Academy. I was there to de
standing with democratic leaders and re liver the commencement address to the first
formers, by giving voice to the hopes of de class to arrive at West Point after the attacks
cent men and women, we're offering a path of September the 11th. That day I met a
away from radicalism. And we are enlisting proud mom named RoseBllen Dowdell. She
the most powerful force for peace and mod was there to watch her son, Patrick, accept
eration in the Middle East: the desire of mil his commission in the finest Army the world
lions to be free. has ever known. A few weeks earlier,
Across the broader Middle East, the ex Rose Ellen had watched her other son, James,
tremists are fighting to prevent such a future. graduate from the Fire Academy in New
Yet America has confronted evil before, and York City. On both these days, her thoughts
we have defeated it—sometimes at the cost turned to someone who was not there to
of thousands of good men in a single battle. share the moment, her husband, Kevin
When Franklin Roosevelt vowed to defeat Dowdell. Kevin was one of the 343 fire
two enemies across two oceans, he could not fighters who rushed to the burning towers
have foreseen D-day and Iwo Jima, but he of the World Trade Center on September
would not have been surprised at the out the 11th and never came home. His sons lost
come. When Harry Truman promised Amer their father that day but not the passion for
ican support for free peoples resisting Soviet service he instilled in them. Here is what
aggression, he could not have foreseen the RoseBllen says about her boys: “As a mother,
rise of the Berlin Wall, but he would not have I cross my fingers and pray all the time for
been surprised to see it brought down. their safety. But as worried as I am, I'm also
Throughout our history, America has seen proud, and I know their dad would be too.”
liberty challenged, and every time, we have Our Nation is blessed to have young Amer
seen liberty triumph with sacrifice and deter icans like these, and we will need them. Dan
mination. gerous enemies have declared their intention
At the start of this young century, America to destroy our way of life. They're not the
looks to the day when the people of the Mid first to try, and their fate will be the same
dle East leave the desert of despotism for as those who tried before. Nine-Eleven
the fertile gardens of liberty and resume their showed us why. The attacks were meant to
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 13 1601

bring us to our knees, and they did, but not Memorandum on the 2006
in the way the terrorists intended. AmericansCombined Federal Campaign
united in prayer, came to the aid of neighbors
in need, and resolved that our enemies would September 13, 2006
not have the last word. The spirit of our peo Memorandum for the Heads of Executive
ple is the source of America's strength. And Departments and Agencies
we go forward with trust in that spirit, con
fidence in our purpose, and faith in a loving Subject: 2006 Combined Federal Campaign
God who made us to be free. Admiral Thad W. Allen, Commandant of
Thank you, and may God bless you. the United States Coast Guard, has agreed
to serve as the Chair of the 2006 Combined
Federal Campaign of the National Capital
NoTE: The President spoke at 9:01 p.m. in the
Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks, Area. I ask you to enthusiastically support the
he referred to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, senior CFC by personally chairing the campaign in
Al Qaida leader responsible for planning the Sep your agency and by encouraging top agency
tember 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, who was cap officials around the country to do the same.
tured in Pakistan on March 1, 2003; Usama bin The Combined Federal Campaign is an
Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organiza important way for Federal employees to sup
tion; and former President Saddam Hussein of port thousands of worthy charities. i.
Iraq. The Office of the Press Secretary also re servants not only contribute to the campaign
leased a Spanish language transcript of this ad but also assume leadership roles to ensure
its success.

Your personal support and enthusiasm will

Statement on House of help positively influence thousands of em
Representatives Action on the ployees and will guarantee another successful
“Federal Funding Accountability
and Transparency Act of 2006” George W. Bush
September 13, 2006 NOTE: An original was not available for
verification of the content of this memorandum.
I applaud the House for today's passage
of S. 2590, the Federal Funding Account
ability and Transparency Act of 2006, and Memorandum on Continuation of
look forward to final passage by the Senate the Exercise of Certain Authorities
soon. This legislation demonstrates Under the Trading With the Enemy
Congress's commitment to giving the Amer Act
ican people access to timely and accurate in
formation about how their tax dollars are September 13, 2006
nt. Presidential Determination No. 2006–23
This bill builds on existing administration
initiatives to help ensure Federal agencies Memorandum for the Secretary of State and
clearly reflect how they spend the taxpayers' the Secretary of the Treasury
money. is one such re
source, allowing Americans to see which Subject: Continuation of the Exercise of
Federal programs are successful and which Certain Authorities under the Trading with
ones fall short. the Enemy Act
In addition to these reforms, I urge the Under section 101(b) of Public Law 95–
Senate to follow the House in passing the 223 (91 Stat. 1625, 50 U.S.C. App. 5(b) note),
line item veto, a critical tool that will help and a previous determination on September
rein in wasteful spending and bring greater 12, 2005 (70 Fed. Reg. 54607), the exercise
transparency to the budget process. I call on of certain authorities under the Trading with
the Senate to pass this important legislation the Enemy Act is scheduled to terminate on
this month. September 14, 2006.
1602 Sept. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I hereby determine that the continuation NOTE: The President spoke at 10:44 a.m. at the
for 1 year of the exercise of those authorities United States Capitol. In his remarks, he referred
with respect to the applicable countries is in to H.R. 6054, the “Military Commissions Act of
the national interest of the United States. 2006." A tape was not available for verification
of the content of these remarks.
Therefore, consistent with the authority
vested in me by section 101(b) of Public Law
95–223, I continue for 1 year, until Sep Remarks Following Discussions With
tember 14, 2007, the exercise of those au
thorities with respect to countries affected President Roh Moo-hyun of South
by: Korea and an Exchange With
º the Foreign Assets Control Regula Reporters
tions, 31 C.F.R. part 500; September 14, 2006
(2) the Transaction Control Regulations,
31 C.F.R. part 505, and President Bush. Welcome to the White
(3) the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, House. I will give an opening statement; the
31 C.F.R. part 515. President will give an opening statement; we
The Secretary of the Treasury is author will answer two questions a side.
ized and directed to publish this determina Mr. President, thank you for coming. The
tion in the Federal Register. relationship between the United States and
South Korea is a strong and vital relationship.
George W. Bush Today we talked about how to strengthen our
commitment to peace and security on the
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Korean Peninsula. All our discussions began
8:45 a.m., September 14, 2006) with the notion that our alliance is important
to security and peace in the Far East. I thank
NOTE: This memorandum was published in the the President, the South Korean Govern
Federal Register on September 15. ment, and the people of South Korea for
sending troops into Iraq to help that young
democracy realize the benefits of liberty.
Remarks to Reporters Following a We reaffirmed our commitment to the six
Meeting With the House Republican party talks so that we can peacefully deal with
the North Korean issue. We talked about our
September 14, 2006 economic relations and the importance of a
free trade agreement to benefit our respec
Thank you very much. It's an honor to tive peoples.
meet with the Capitol press corps, and a few
White House—a few White House folks scat And finally, the President talked to me
tered in. Just had a great visit with House about a visa waiver policy. He strongly advo *
cated the need for there to be a visa waiver
Members—House Republican Members. I
talked about a lot of issues and answered for the people of South Korea. I assured him
questions. I thanked them for the House we will work together to see if we can't get
Armed Services Committee passing a very this issue resolved as quickly as possible.
important piece of legislation in a bipartisan We've had a very friendly and very mean
fashion that will give us the tools and where ingful dialog, and I'm glad you came, Mr.
withal to protect this country. I reminded President. Please.
them that the most important job of Govern President Roh. First of all, I would like
ment is to protect the homeland, and yester to offer my sincere condolences and sym
day they advanced an important piece of leg pathies, and those of the Korean people, for
islation to do just that. I'll continue to work the tragedy of 9/11, which struck 5 years ago.
with Members of the Congress to get good President Bush. Thank you, sir.
legislation so we can do our duty. President Roh. I would like to also reit
It's nice seeing you all. Thank you very erate our support for the war against terror
much. -

and of President Bush, the people of the

Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 14 1603

United States. And we stand with you, Presi ple who have information about future at
dent Bush and the people of America, in your tacks.
fight against terror. So the question I ask about any piece of
President Bush. Thank you, sir. legislation is, will the program provide legal
President Roh. Prior to our summit meet clarity so that our professionals will feel com
ing, we have closely coordinated the agenda fortable about going forward with the pro
and issues of interest. And on this basis, we gram? That's what I'm going to ask. And I
had very sufficient and very satisfactory talks. will resist any bill that does not enable this
And President Bush spoke about the three program to go forward with legal clarity. And
issues that we discussed. If I may add to one there's all kinds of letters coming out—and
of them, of the wartime operational control, today, by the way, active duty personnel in
I was very happy that the President reassured the Pentagon, the JAG, supported the con
me of the continued commitment of the cept that I have just outlined to you. This
United States for the defense of the Korean is an important program for the security of
Peninsula. this country. And we want to work with Con
As for the remaining issue of timing of the gress to make sure that the program can go
transfer of OPCON, we agreed that this is forward. If there's not clarity, if there's ambi
not a political issue: this is an issue that will guity, if there's any doubt in our profes
be discussed through the working-level talks. sionals' minds that they can conduct their op
And we will continue to work together on erations in a legal way, with support of the
this issue. Congress, the program won't go forward and
And also, the President and I agreed to the American people will be in danger.
work together for the restart of the six-party President Bush. Mr. President.
talks. And as for specific steps that we can
take before the resumption of the six-party U.S. Armed Forces in South Korea/North
process, our ministers and staff will be con Korea
sulting closely.
And, Mr. President, I would like to thank |At this point, a question was asked in Ko
you again for the open and understanding rean, and no translation was provided.]
that you have shown in these difficult issues. President Bush. Okay, I'll interpret the
President Bush. Thank you, sir. Caren question for you. [Laughter “How come you
[Caren Bohan, Reuters]—I mean, Nedra look so beautiful in your blue tie, Mr. Presi
[Nedra Pickler, Associated Press]. dent?” [Laughter]
No, he asked about operational control and
“Military Commissions Act of 2006” the date—the appropriate date of operational
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Your former control. My message to the Korean people
Secretary of State endorsed the plan to block is that the United States is committed to the
the terror suspect interrogation legislation security of the Korean Peninsula. Decisions
that you have proposed. He says it would about the placement of our troops and the
raise doubts about the moral basis for the size of our troops will be made in consulta
U.S. fight against terrorists and would put tion with the South Korean Government. We
U.S. troops at risk. Does this hurt your ef will work in a consultative way at the appro
forts? priate level of government to come up with
President Bush. We have proposed legis an appropriate date.
lation that will enable the Central Intel I agree with the President that the issue
ligence Agency to be able to conduct a pro should not become a political issue. I have
gram to get information from high-value de talked to our Secretary of Defense about
tainees in a lawful way. And that idea was making sure that the issue is done in a con
approved yesterday by a House committee sultative way and at the appropriate level of
in an overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion. It government, and that's how we will end up
is very important for the American people deciding the appropriate transfer of oper
to understand that in order to protect this ational authority.
country, we must be able to interrogate peo Did he ask you a question?
1604 Sept. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
President Roh. Yes, that was a very good verifiably get rid of his weapons programs,
answer. Thank you, Mr. President. [Laugh there is clearly a better way forward. And
ter] that is the message we've been sending to
President Bush. Hope everybody else the North Korean Government through the
agrees with it. six-party talks.
President Roh. As for the question about Final question. Do you want to call on
the common and broad approach being somebody?
talked about between our two countries for
the restart of the six-party talks, I must tell South Korea-North Korea Relations
you that we are at the working level of con
sulting very closely on this issue, but we have [A question was asked in Korean, and no
not yet reached a conclusion. And this issue translation was provided.]
is very complex, so I would be hesitant—and
it would be difficult for me to answer the President Roh. As for your question, that
question at the moment. there is a concern in Korea that the United
The important thing to remember, that States will take further sanctions against
South Korea now faces the issue of North North Korea and whether this will jeopardize
Korean nuclear issue. And this, I would say, the chance of a successful six-party process,
is one important issue that we're facing. On my answer is that we are working very hard
the other hand, the United States has a host on restarting the six-party talks. That is what
of other issues to deal with: the Iran/Lebanon the President and I have discussed this morn
crisis, the war in Iraq. So what is important ing, and this is not the appropriate time to
to remember is that—the fact that we are
think about the possibility of a failure of the
consulting closely on the North Korean nu six-party process. So this is my answer.
clear issue, and we are consulting on ways And my Government has taken certain
to restart the six-party process. And I believe measures, and although—because we do not
this is the important point, that this is, in want to hurt the inter-Korean relations, we
fact, very meaningful that the United States do not label this—these measures as sanc
is devoting much of its efforts to resolving tions, we are, in fact, taking measures tanta
the North Korean issue. This is very signifi mount to sanctions after the North Korean
cant for the Korean Government.
missile launches. This is—we have sus
President Bush. Thank you. Caren. pended rice and fertilizer aid to North Korea,
North Korea's Participation in the Six and this is, in fact, similar to sanctions in its
Party Talks
And we are, in fact—this measure of sus
Q. Mr. President, North Korea has refused
to engage in the six-party talks for nearly a pension of aid to North Korea, I believe, is
year. What's the incentive to get them back in line with the implementation of the U.N.
to the table? security resolution on North Korea. And as
President Bush. No, I appreciate that. for other sanctions you have mentioned by
First and foremost, the incentive is for Kim the United States, these are being done in
line with the U.S. law enforcement. And so
Jong Il to understand there is a better way
we would be—we would not delve into this
to improve the lives of his people than being
at this time.
isolated; that stability in the region is in his
interest, the ultimate interests for the people President Bush. Thank you, sir. Thank
of North Korea to be able to benefit and for you.
families to be able to have food on the table.
His refusal to come back to the six-party
talks has really strengthened an alliance of NOTE: The President spoke at 11:53 a.m. in the
five nations that—who are determined to Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks,
solve this issue peacefully, but recognize a he referred to Chairman Kim Jong Il of North
threat posed by a country in the region Korea. A reporter referred to former Secretary
armed with a nuclear weapon. If he were to of State Colin L. Powell.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 14 1605

Statement on the Death of Container Security Initiative, which identi

Ann Richards fies and inspects cargo at foreign ports before
they are placed on vessels destined for the
September 14, 2006 United States, and the Customs-Trade Part
Laura and I are deeply saddened by the nership Against Terrorism, which helps our
passing of Governor Ann Richards of Texas. international trading partners secure their
Ann loved Texas, and Texans loved her. As supply chains before shipping goods into our
a public servant, she earned respect and ad country.
I look forward to the House and Senate
miration. Ann became a national role model,
and her charm, wit, and candor brought a resolving their differences in conference and
refreshing vitality to public life. We extend sending this legislation to me for my signa
our sympathies to Ann's family and friends.
Texas has lost one of its great daughters. NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 4954.

Statement on House of Proclamation 8049—National

Representatives Action on Reform of Hispanic Heritage Month, 2006
Earmarking Rules September 14, 2006
September 14, 2006
By the President of the United States
I applaud the House of Representatives of America
for voting again this week in support of great A Proclamation
er transparency and accountability in Gov
ernment. H.R. 1000 [H. Res. 1000) * would Americans are a diverse people, yet we are
shine a brighter light on earmarks by requir bound by common principles that teach us
ing disclosure of the sponsors of each provi what it means to be American citizens. Dur
sion. This reform would help improve the ing National Hispanic Heritage Month, we
legislative process by making sure both law recognize the many contributions of His
makers and the public are better informed panic Americans to our country.
before Congress votes to spend the taxpayers' Through hard work, faith in God, and a
money. deep love of family, Hispanic Americans have
pursued their dreams and contributed to the
strength and vitality of our Nation. They have
Statement on Senate Action on the enriched the American experience and ex
“Port Security Improvement Act of celled in business, law, politics, education,
2006” community service, the arts, science, and
September 14, 2006 many other fields. Hispanic entrepreneurs
are also helping build a better, more hopeful
Today the Senate passed legislation to future for all by creating jobs across our
strengthen my administration's efforts to se country. The number of Hispanic-owned
cure our ports and detect dangers before businesses is growing at three times the na
they reach America's shores. tional rate, and increasing numbers of His
By furthering our coordination with re panic Americans own their own homes. We
sponsible countries throughout the world, continue to benefit from a rich Hispanic cul
the Port Security Improvement Act of 2006 ture and we are a stronger country because
will help secure the global supply chain and of the talent and creativity of the many His
help ensure the smooth flow of commerce panic Americans who have shaped our soci
into and out of the United States. I am ety.
pleased this bill codifies several administra Throughout our history, Hispanic Ameri
tion efforts that have already substantially im cans have also shown their devotion to our
proved security at our ports, including the country in their military service. Citizens of
Hispanic descent have fought in every war
* White House correction. since our founding and have taken their
1606 Sept. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

rightful place as heroes in our Nation's his Proclamation 8050—Constitution

tory. Today, Americans of Hispanic descent Day and Citizenship Day,
are serving in our Armed Forces with cour Constitution Week, 2006 -
age and honor, and their efforts are helping September 14, 2006
make America more secure and bringing
freedom to people around the world. By the President of the United States
of America
As we celebrate National Hispanic Herit
A Proclamation
age Month, we applaud the accomplishments
of Hispanic Americans and recognize the Americans are united by the principles
contributions they make to our great land. embodied in the United States Constitution.
To honor the achievements of Hispanic On Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
Americans, the Congress, by Public Law and during Constitution Week, we celebrate
100–402, as amended, has authorized and re the establishment of the United States Con
quested the President to issue annually a stitution and honor the Framers of this
proclamation designating September 15 groundbreaking document.
through October 15 as “National Hispanic In 1787, the Framers of the Constitution
Heritage Month.” met in Philadelphia and drafted a document
that continues to be the foundation of our
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, Nation's identity. The Constitution estab
President of the United States of America, lished the enduring governmental framework
by virtue of the authority vested in me by in which our free society has flourished for
the Constitution and the laws of the United more than two centuries, and it is a testament
States, do hereby proclaim September 15 to the wisdom and foresight of our Founders.
through October 15, 2006, as National His America is grateful to those who have
panic Heritage Month. I call upon public of worked to defend the Constitution and pro
ficials, educators, librarians, and all the peo mote its ideals. During this observance, we
ple of the United States to observe this also recognize the profound impact our Con
month with appropriate ceremonies, activi stitution has on the everyday lives of our citi
ties, and programs. zens, and we call upon all Americans to help
uphold its values of a free and just society.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set In celebration of the signing of the Con
my hand this fourteenth day of September, stitution and in recognition of the Americans
in the year of our Lord two thousand six, who strive to uphold the duties and respon
and of the Independence of the United sibilities of citizenship, the Congress, by joint
States of America the two hundred and thir resolution of February 29, 1952 (36 U.S.C.
ty-first. 106, as amended), designated September 17
as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.”
and by joint resolution of August 2, 1956 (36
George W. Bush U.S.C. 108, as amended), requested that the
President proclaim the week beginning Sep
tember 17 and ending September 23 of each
year as “Constitution Week.”
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
8:45 a.m., September 18, 2006 President of the United States of America,
do hereby proclaim September 17, 2006, as
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and
September 17 through September 23, 2006,
as Constitution Week. I encourage Federal,
NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the State, and local officials, as well as leaders
Federal Register on September 19. The Office of
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
of civic, social, and educational organizations,
guage version of this proclamation. to conduct ceremonies and programs that
celebrate our Constitution and reaffirm our
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 15 1607

rights and responsibilities as citizens of our and noble mission, even at the cost of their
great Nation. own freedom. On this day, we express our
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set deep appreciation to each of our Soldiers,
my hand this fourteenth day of September, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines and our endur
in the year of our Lord two thousand six, ing commitment to achieve the fullest pos
and of the Independence of the United sible accounting for all of our men and
States of America the two hundred and thir women in uniform who have been prisoners
ty-first. of war or are missing in action.

George W. Bush Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,

President of the United States of America,
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, by virtue of the authority vested in me by
8:45 a.m., September 18, 2006 the Constitution and laws of the United
States do hereby proclaim Friday, September
NoTE: This proclamation will be published in the
Federal Register on September 19. The Office of 15, 2006, as National POW/MIA Recognition
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan Day. I call upon the people of the United
guage version of this proclamation. States to join me in paying solemn tribute
to all former American prisoners of war and
those missing in action who valiantly served
Proclamation 8051—National POW/ our great country. I call upon Federal, State,
MLA Recognition Day, 2006 and local government officials and private or
September 14, 2006 ganizations to observe this day with appro
priate ceremonies and activities.
By the President of the United States In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
of America my hand this fourteenth day of September,
in the year of our Lord two thousand six,
A Proclamation
and of the Independence of the United
As a Nation, we look to our service men States of America the two hundred and thir
and women as examples of courage and sac ty-first.
rifice. When our country and the world have George W. Bush
needed brave Americans to advance the
cause of freedom, our men and women in [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
uniform have proudly stepped forward and 8:45 a.m., September 18, 2006)
selflessly endured hardships to defend lib NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
erty. We are grateful to all who have served, Federal Register on September 19.
and on National POW/MIA Recognition
Day, we give special honor to the extraor
dinary patriots who have been prisoners of The President’s News Conference
war and to those who are still missing in ac September 15, 2006
tion. We take inspiration from their valor and
loyalty and will not rest until we have ac The President. It's always a pleasure to
counted for them all. be introduced into the Rose Garden. Thank
On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, you, Wendell [Wendell Goler, Fox News
the National League of Families POW/MIA Channel]. Thank you for coming. I'm looking
flag is flown over the White House, the Cap forward to answering some of your questions.
itol, the Departments of State, Defense, and This week our Nation paused to mark the
Veterans Affairs, the Vietnam Veterans Me fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. It was
morial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, a tough day for a lot of our citizens. I was
World War II Memorial, U.S. military instal so honored to meet with family members and
lations, national cemeteries, and other loca first-responders, workers at the Pentagon, all
tions across our country. The POW/MIA flag who still had heaviness in their heart. But
is a symbol of our Nation's resolve never to they asked me a question, you know, they
forget the service and great sacrifice of the kept asking me, “What do you think the level
heroes who have carried out liberty's urgent of determination for this country is in order
1608 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
to protect ourselves?” That's what they want The bill would also provide clear rules for
to know. our personnel involved in detaining and
You know, for me, it was a reminder about questioning captured terrorists. The ...
how I felt right after 9/11. I felt a sense of tion that the Central Intelligence Agency has
determination and conviction about doing obtained by questioning men like Khalid
everything that is necessary to protect the Sheikh Mohammed has provided valuable in
people. I'm going to go back to New York formation and has helped disrupt terrorist
to address the United Nations General As plots, including strikes within the United
sembly. I'm going to talk to world leaders States.
gathered there about our obligation to de For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
fend civilization and liberty, to support the described the design of planned attacks of
forces of freedom and moderation through buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives
out the Middle East. As we work with the were directed to carry them out. That is valu
international community to defeat the terror able information for those of us who have
ists and extremists, to provide an alternative the responsibility to protect the American
to their hateful ideology, we must also pro people. He told us the operatives had been
vide our military and intelligence profes instructed to ensure that the explosives went
sionals with the tools they need to protect off at a high—a point that was high enough
our country from another attack. And the to prevent people trapped above from escap
reason they need those tools is because the ing. He gave us information that helped un
enemy wants to attack us again. cover Al Qaida cells' efforts to obtain biologi
Right here in the Oval Office, I get briefed calWe've
also learned information from the
nearly every morning about the nature of this
world, and I get briefed about the desire of CIA program that has helped stop other
lots, including attacks on the U.S. Marine
an enemy to hurt America. And it's a sober ase in East Africa or American consulate
ing experience, as I'm sure you can imagine. in Pakistan or Britain's Heathrow Airport.
I wish that weren't the case, you know. But This program has been one of the most vital
it is the case. And therefore, I believe it is
vital that our folks on the frontline have the tools in our efforts to protect this country.
It's been invaluable to our country, and it's
tools necessary to protect the American peo invaluable to our allies.
ple. Were it not for this program, our intel
There are two vital pieces of legislation in ligence community believes that Al Qaida
Congress now that I think are necessary to and its allies would have succeeded in
help us win the war on terror. We will work launching another attack against the Amer
with members of both parties to get legisla ican homeland. Making us—giving us infor
tion that works out of the Congress. The first mation about terrorist plans we couldn't get
bill will allow us to use military commissions anywhere else, this program has saved inno
to try suspected terrorists for war crimes. We cent lives. In other words, it's vital. That's
need the legislation because the Supreme why I asked Congress to pass legislation so
Court recently ruled that military commis that our professionals can go forward, doing
sions must be explicitly authorized by Con the duty we expect them to do. Unfortu
gress. So we're working with Congress. The nately, the recent Supreme Court decision
Supreme Court said, “You must work with put the future of this program in question.
Congress.” We are working with Congress That's another reason I went to Congress.
to get a good piece of legislation out. We need this legislation to save it.
The bill I have proposed will ensure that I am asking Congress to pass a clear law
suspected terrorists will receive full and fair with clear guidelines based on the Detainee
trials without revealing to them our Nation's Treatment Act that was strongly supported
sensitive intelligence secrets. As soon as Con by Senator John McCain. There is a debate
gress acts on this bill, the man our intel about the specific provisions in my bill, and
ligence agencies believe helped orchestrate we'll work with Congress to continue to try
the 9/11 attacks can face justice. to find common ground. I have one test for
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 15 1609

this legislation; I'm going to answer one ques cent women and children to achieve an ob
tion as this legislation proceeds, and it's this: jective, Terry.
The intelligence community must be able to My job, and the job of people here in
tell me that the bill Congress sends to my Washington, DC, is to protect this country.
desk will allow this vital program to continue. We didn't ask for this war. You might re
That's what I'm going to ask. member the 2000 campaign. I don't remem
The second bill before Congress would ber spending much time talking about what
modernize our electronic surveillance laws it might be like to be a Commander in Chief
and provide additional authority for the ter in a different kind of war. But this enemy
rorist surveillance program. I authorized the has struck us, and they want to strike us
National Security Agency to operate this vital again. And we will give our folks the tools
program in response to the 9/11 attacks. It necessary to protect the country; that's our
allows us to quickly monitor terrorist com Jiob.It's a dangerous world. I wish it wasn't that
munications between someone overseas and
someone in the United States, and it's helped way. I wish I could tell the American people,
detect and prevent attacks on our country. “Don’t worry about it; they're not coming
The principle behind this program is clear: again.” But they are coming again. And that's
When an Al Qaida operative is calling into why I've sent this legislation up to Congress,
the United States or out of the country, we and that's why we'll continue to work with
need to know who they're calling, why allies in building a vast coalition to protect
they're calling, and what they're planning. not only ourselves but them. The facts are,
Both these bills are essential to winning is that after 9/11, this enemy continued to
the war on terror. We will work with Con attack and kill innocent people.
gress to get good bills out. We have a duty, I happen to believe that they're bound by
we have a duty to work together to give our a common ideology. Matter of fact, I don't
folks on the frontline the tools necessary to believe that—I know they are. And they want
protect America. Time is running out. Con to impose that ideology throughout the
gress is set to adjourn in just a few weeks. broader Middle East. That's what they have
Congress needs to act wisely and promptly said. It makes sense for the Commander in
so I can sign good legislation. Chief and all of us involved in protecting this
And now I'll be glad to answer some ques country to listen to the words of the enemy.
tions. Terry [Terence Hunt, Associated And I take their words seriously. And that's
Press]. what's going to be necessary to protect this
country, is to listen carefully to what they
War on Terror/Preventing Further say and stay ahead of them as they try to
Attacks attack us.
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. Presi Steve [Steve Holland, Reuters].
dent, former Secretary of State Colin Powell Q. Can I just follow up?
says the world is beginning to doubt the The President. No, you can't. Steve. If
moral basis of our fight against terrorism. If we follow up, we're not going to get—I want
a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Hillman [G. Robert Hillman, Dallas Morning
Staff and former Secretary of State feels this News] to be able to ask a question. It's his
way, don't you think that Americans and the last press conference—not yet, Hillman.
rest of the world are beginning to wonder [Laughter] Soon. You and Wendell
whether you're following a flawed strategy?
The President. If there's any comparison
between the compassion and decency of the “Military Commissions Act of 2006”
American people and the terrorist tactics of Q. Thank you very much, sir. What do you
extremists, it's flawed logic. I simply can't ac say to the argument that your proposal is ba
cept that. It's unacceptable to think that sically seeking support for torture, coerced
there's any kind of comparison between the evidence, and secret hearings? And Senator
behavior of the United States of America and McCain says your plan will put U.S. troops
the action of Islamic extremists who kill inno at risk. What do you think about that?
1610 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The President. This debate is occurring words, it is a way to bring U.S. law into play.
because of the Supreme Court's ruling that It provides more clarity for our professionals,
said that we must conduct ourselves under and that's what these people expect. These
the Common Article Three of the Geneva are decent citizens who don't want to break
Convention. And that Common Article the law.
Three says that there will be no outrages Now, this idea that somehow we've got to
upon human dignity. It's very vague. What live under international treaties, you know—
does that mean, “outrages upon human dig and that's fine, we do, but oftentimes the
nity”? That's a statement that is wide open United States Government passes law to clar
to interpretation. And what I'm proposing is ify obligations under international treaty.
that there be clarity in the law so that our And what I'm concerned about is, if we don't
professionals will have no doubt that that do that, then it's very conceivable our profes
which they are doing is legal. You know, sionals could be held to account based upon
it's—and so the piece of legislation I sent court decisions in other countries. And I
up there provides our professionals that don't believe Americans want that. I believe
which is needed to go forward. Americans want us to protect the country,
The first question that we've got to ask is, to have clear standards for our law enforce
do we need the program? I believe we do ment, intelligence officers, and give them the
need the program. And I detailed in a speech tools necessary to protect us within the law.
in the East Room what the program has It's an important debate, Steve. It really
yield—in other words, the kind of informa is. It's a debate that really is going to define
tion we get when we interrogate people with whether or not we can protect ourselves. I
in the law. You see, sometimes you can pick will tell you this: I've spent a lot of time on
up information on the battlefield; sometimes this issue, as you can imagine, and I've talked
you can pick it up through letters; but some to professionals, people I count on for ad
times you actually have to question the peo vice—these are people that are going to rep
ple who know the strategy and plans of the resent those on the frontline of protecting
enemy. And in this case, we questioned peo this country. They're not going forward with
ple like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who we the program. They're not going—the profes
believe ordered the attacks on 9/11, or Ramzi sionals will not step up unless there's clarity
bin al-Shibh or Abu Zubaydah—coldblooded in the law. So Congress has got a decision
killers who were part of planning the attack to make: Do you want the program to go
that killed 3,000 people. And we need to be forward or not?
able to question them, because it helps yield I strongly recommend that this program
information, information necessary for us to go forward in order for us to be able to pro
be able to do our job. tect America.
Now, the Court said that you've got to live Hillman. This is Hillman's last press con
under Article Three of the Geneva Conven ference, so—sorry, sorry, about that.
tion, and the standards are so vague that our
professionals won't be able to carry forward Immigration Reform
the program, because they don't want to be Q. Thank you, Mr. President. On another
tried as war criminals. They don't want to of your top priorities, immigration, leaders
break the law. These are decent, honorable of both parties have indicated that any
citizens who are on the frontline of pro chance of comprehensive immigration re
tecting the American people, and they expect form is dead before the election. Is this an
our Government to give them clarity about issue you would like to revisit in a lame-duck
what is right and what is wrong in the law. session after the election? Or would it be put
And that's what we have asked to do. off until the new Congress?
And we believe a good way to go is to use The President. Bob, I strongly believe
the amendment that we worked with John that in order to protect this border, Congress
McCain on, called the Detainee Treatment has got to pass a comprehensive plan that
Act, as the basis for clarity for people we on the one hand provides additional money
would ask to question the enemy. In other to secure the border, and on the other hand
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 15

recognizes that people are sneaking in here is, as soon as possible; that's what I'd like
to do jobs Americans aren't doing. It would to see done.
be better that they not sneak in, that they Thank you. Let's see, Wendell. Coming
would come on a temporary basis, in an or your way. Everybody is going to get one.
derly way, to do work Americans aren't doing
and then go home. And I will continue to United Nations/Iran
urge Congress to think comprehensively
about this vital piece of legislation. Q. My apologies, Mr. President, for talking
too long at the start.
I went up to the Hill yesterday, and of The President. Don't worry. I'm not going
course this topic came up. It's exactly what to apologize for talking too long to your an
I told the Members of Congress. They want swer. [Laughter]
ed to know whether or not we were imple
Q. Talk as long as you'd like, sir. [Laugh
menting border security measures that they ter
had funded last January, and the answer is,
we are. One of the key things I told them When you go to New York next week, it's
was we had ended what's called catch-and our thinking that one of the things you'll be
trying to do is to get more international sup
release. That was a-you know, a Border Pa port for taking a tough stance against Iran.
trol agent would find somebody, particularly I wonder how much that is frustrated by two
from—not from Mexico, and would say, things: one, the war in Iraq and world criti
“Well, we don't have enough detention cism of that; and the other, the Iraqi Prime
space, so why don't you come back and check Minister going to Iran and basically chal
in with the local person you're supposed to lenging your administration's claim that Iran
check in with,” and then they'd never show is meddling in Iraqi affairs.
back up. And that, of course, frustrated the The President. First, Wendell, my deci
Border Patrol agents; it frustrates American sion, along with other countries, to remove
citizens; it frustrates me. And we ended it
Saddam Hussein, has obviously created some
because Congress appropriated money that concern amongst allies, but it certainly hasn't
increased the number of beds available to
diminished the coalitions we put together to
detain people when we get them sneaking deal with radicalism. For example, there's 70
into our country illegally. nations involved with the Proliferation Secu
The border has become modernized. And
rity Initiative, and that's an initiative to help
Secretary Chertoff here, later on this month, prevent weapons of mass destruction and/or
will be announcing further modernizations, component parts from being delivered to
as he has led a contract that will use all kinds countries that could use them to hurt us; or
of different technologies to make the border the broad war on terror, the intelligence
more secure. But in the long run, to secure sharing or financial—sharing of financial in
this border, we've got to have a rational work formation; or Afghanistan, where NATO
plan. troops are there now, along with ours.
And finally, we're going to have to treat In other words, there's a broad coalition.
people with dignity in this country. Ours is Most nations recognize the threat of Iran
a nation of immigrants, and when Congress having a nuclear weapon in the middle of
gets down to a comprehensive bill, I would the Middle East. And there's common con
just remind them, it's virtually impossible to sensus that we need to work together to pre
try to find 11 million folks who have been vent the Iranian regime from developing that
here, working hard and, in some cases, rais nuclear weapons program.
ing families—and kick them out. It's just not I am pleased that there is strong con
going to work. But granting automatic citi sensus. And now the objective is to continue
zenship won't work either. To me, that would reminding the Iranian regime that there is
just provide an additional incentive for peo unanimity in the world and that we will move
ple to try to sneak in, and so therefore, there forward together. And we expect them to
is a rational way forward. I'll continue work come to the table and negotiate with the EU
ing—I don't know the timetable. My answer in good faith. And should they choose to
1612 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
verifiably suspend their program, their en The President. No, I'm not going to meet
richment program, we'll come to the table. with him. I have made it clear to the Iranian
That's what we have said, offer still stands. regime that we will sit down with the Iranians
During the Hizballah attacks on Israel, the once they verifiably suspend their enrich
United Nations did pass a resolution with our ment program. And I meant what I said.
European friends and ourselves, and of Martha.
course, Russia and China voting for the reso
lution. I think it passed 14 to 1; one nation Saddam Hussein's Link to Al Qaida
voted against the resolution toward Iran. So
there is common consensus. And you've Q. Mr. President, you have said through
heard me lament oftentimes, it takes a while out the war in Iraq and building up to the
to get diplomacy working. There's one nation war in Iraq that there was a relationship be
of Iran and a bunch of nations like us trying tween Saddam Hussein and Zarqawi and Al
to kind of head in the same direction. And Qaida. A Senate Intelligence Committee re
my concern is that they'll stall; they'll try to port a few weeks ago said there was no link,
wait us out. no relationship, and that the CIA knew this
So part of my objective in New York is and issued a report last fall. And yet a month
to remind people that stalling shouldn't be ago, you were still saying there was a relation
allowed. In other words, we need to move ship. Why did you keep saying that? Why
the process, and they need to understand do you continue to say º And do you still
believe that?
we're firm in our commitment, and if they
try to drag their feet or get us to look the The President. The point I was making
other way, that we won't do that—that we're to Ken Herman's [Austin American-States
firmly committed in our desire to send a man] question was that Saddam Hussein was
common signal to the Iranian regime. a state sponsor of terror and that Mr. Zarqawi
was in Iraq. He had been wounded in Af
It is important for the Iranian people to
also understand we respect them; we respect ghanistan, i. come to Iraq for treatment.
their history; we respect their traditions; we He had ordered the killing of a U.S. citizen
respect the right for people to worship freely; in Jordan. I never said there was an oper
we would hope that people would º able ational relationship. I was making the point
to express themselves in the public square; that Saddam Hussein had been declared a
and that our intention is to make the world state sponsor of terror for a reason, and
safer. And we'll continue to do so. therefore, he was dangerous.
Suzanne [Suzanne Malveaux, Cable News The broader point I was saying—I was re
Network] and then Martha [Martha Raddatz, minding people was why we removed Sad
ABC News]. dam Hussein from power. He was dan
gerous. I would hope people aren't trying to
Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Program rewrite the history of Saddam Hussein—all
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. If I could of a sudden, he becomes kind of a benevolent
follow up on that question. fellow. He's a dangerous man. And one of
The President. Yes. the reasons he was declared a state sponsor
Q. Mahmud Ahmadi-nejad, the Iranian of terror was because that's what he was. He
President, will actually be in the same build harbored terrorists; he paid for families of
ing as you next week, in Manhattan for the suicide bombers. Never have I said that Sad
United Nations General Assembly. You say dam Hussein gave orders to attack 9/11.
that you want to give the message to the Ira What I did say was, after 9/11, when you see
nian people that you respect them. Is this a threat, you've got to take it seriously. And
not an opportunity, perhaps, to show that you I saw a threat in Saddam Hussein—as did
also respect their leader? Would you be will Congress, as did the United Nations. I firmly
ing to, perhaps, meet face to face with believe the world is better off without Sad
Ahmadi-nejad, and would this possibly be a dam in power, Martha.
breakthrough, some sort of opportunity for Dave [David Gregory, NBC News]. He's
a breakthrough on a personal level? back.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 15 1613

“Military Commissions Act of 2006” ahead and violate it; we won't prosecute you.
Q. Sorry, I've got to get disentangled These people aren't going to do that, Dave.
The President. W. you like me to go Now, we can justify anything you want and
to somebody else here, until you—[laughter]. bring up this example or that example; I'm
Q. Sorry. just telling you the bottom line, and that's
The President. But take your time, please. why this ă. is important, and it's a vital
[Laughter] debate.
Q. I really apologize for that. Anyway Now, perhaps some in Congress don't
The President. I must say, having gone think the program is important. That's fine.
through those gyrations, you're looking beau I don't know if they do or don't. I think it's
tiful today, Dave. [Laughter] vital, and I have the obligation to make sure
Q. Mr. President, critics of your proposed that our professionals who I would ask to go
bill on interrogation rules say there's another conduct interrogations to find out what might
important test—these critics include John be happening or who might be coming to
McCain, who you've mentioned several times this country—I got to give them the tools
this morning—and that test is this: If a CIA they need. And that is clear law.
officer, paramilitary or special operations sol Q. But sir, this is an important point, and
dier from the United States were captured I think it depends
in Iran or North Korea, and they were The President. The point I just made is
roughed up, and those Governments said, the most important point.
“Well, they were interrogated in accordance Q. Okay.
with our interpretation of the Geneva Con The President. And that is, the program
ventions,” and then they were put on trial is not going forward. David, you can give a
and they were convicted based on secret evi hypothetical about North Korea or any other
dence that they were not able to see, how country; the | ". is that the program is not
would you react to that, as Commander in going to go forward if our professionals do
Chief? not have clarity in the law. And the best way
The President. David, my reaction is, is to provide clarity in the law is to make sure
that if the nations such as those you named, the Detainee Treatment Act is the crux of
adopted the standards within the Detainee the law. That's how we define Common Arti
Detention Act, the world would be better. cle Three, and it sets a good standard for
That's my reaction. We're trying to clarify the countries that you just talked about.
law. We're trying to set high standards, not Next man.

ambiguous standards. Q. No, but wait a second, I think this is

And let me just repeat, Dave, we can de an important point—
bate this issue all we want, but the practical The President. I know you think it's an
matter is, if our professionals don't have clear important point.
standards in the law, the program is not going Q. Sir, with respect, if other countries in
to go forward. You cannot ask a young intel terpret the Geneva Conventions as they see
ligence officer to violate the law. And they're fit—as they see fit—you're saying that you'd
not going to. They—let me finish, please— be okay with that?
they will not violate the law. You can ask this The President. I am saying that I would
question all you want, but the bottom line hope that they would adopt the same stand
is—and the American people have got to un ards we adopt and that by clarifying Article
derstand this—that this program won't go Three, we make it stronger; we make it clear
forward; if there is vague standards applied, er; we make it definite.
like those in Common Article Three from the And I will tell you again, David, you can
Geneva Convention, it's just not going to go ask every hypothetical you want, but the
forward. You can't ask a young professional American people have got to know the facts.
on the frontline of protecting this country to And the bottom line is simple: If Congress
violate law. passes a law that does not clarify the rules—
Now, I know they said they're not going if they do not do that, the program is not
to prosecute them. Think about that: Go going forward.
1614 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Q. This will not endanger U.S. troops, in Q. But how do you measure progress with
your a body count like that?
The President. Next man. The President. Well, one way you do it
Q. This will not endanger U.S. troops is, you measure progress based upon the re
The President. David, next man, please. silience of the Iraqi people—do they want
Thank you. It took you a long time to unravel, there to be a unity government, or are they
and it took you a long time to ask your ques splitting up into factions of people warring
tion. with the head leaders, with different alter
natives of governing styles and different phi
Democracy Efforts in Iraq/Insurgency losophies. The unity Government is intact.
and Terrorist Attacks It's working forward. They're making tough
Q. Morning, sir. I'd like to ask you another
decisions, and we'll stay with them. We'll stay
question about Iraq. It's been another bloody with them because success in Iraq is impor
day there. The last several weeks have been tant for this country. We're constantly chang
40, 50, 60 bodies a day. We've been talking ing our tactics. We're constantly adapting to
for the last several months about Iraq being the enemy. We're constantly saying, “Here's
on the brink of a civil war. I'd like to ask the way forward, we want to work with you.”
you if it's not time to start talking about Iraq But this is really the big challenge of the 21st
as being in a civil war, and if it's not, what's century, whether or not this country and al
the threshold? lies are willing to stand with moderate people
The President. Well, it seems like it's in order to fight off extremists. It is the chal
pretty easy to speculate from over here about lenge. -

the conditions on the ground. And so what I said the other night in a speech, this is
I do is, I talk to people like our Ambassador like the ideological war of the 21st century,
and I believe it. And I believe that if we leave
and General Casey, which I just did this
morning. And they and the Iraqi Govern that region, if we don't help democracy pre
ment just don't agree with the hypothesis it vail, then our children and grandchildren will
be faced with an unbelievable chaotic and
is a civil war. They believe that there's, no
question, violence; they believe that Al Qaida dangerous situation in the Middle East.
is still creating havoc; they know there's peo Imagine an enemy that can't stand what we
ple taking reprisal; they're confident there believe in getting a hold of oil resources and
are still Saddamists who are threatening peo taking a bunch of oil off the market in order
ple and carrying out attacks. to have an economic punishment. In other
But they also believe that the Baghdad se words, they say, “You go ahead and do this,
curity plan is making progress. There was a and if you don't, we'll punish you economi
lot of discussion about Al Anbar province re cally.” Or imagine a Middle East with an Iran
cently, and I spent some time talking with with a nuclear weapon threatening free na
our commanders. No question, it's a dan tions and trying to promote their vision of
gerous place. It's a place where Al Qaida is extremism through Hizballah.
really trying to root themselves; it's a place I find it interesting that young democracies
from which they'd like to operate. You know, are being challenged by extremists. I also
this business about Al Qaida—Al Anbar's loss take great hope in the fact that, by far, the
is just not the case; it's not what our com vast majority of people want normalcy and
manders think. want peace, including in Iraq: that there is
So to answer your question, there's no a deep desire for people to raise their chil
question, it's tough. What I look for is wheth dren in a peaceful world; the desire for moth
er or not the unity Government is moving ers to have the best for their child. And it's
forward, whether or not they have a political not—this isn't—you know, Americans—
plan to resolve issues such as oil and fed you've got to understand, this is universal.
eralism, whether or not they're willing to rec And the idea of just saying, well, that's not
oncile, and whether or not Iraqi troops and important for us—to me—or the future of
Iraqi police are doing their jobs. the country, it's just not acceptable.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 15 1615

And I know it's tough in Iraq. Of course a political process could go forward to save
it's tough in Iraq, because an enemy is trying lives.
to stop this new democracy, just . people The problem is, is that the United Nations
are trying to stop the development of a Pales hasn't acted. And so I can understand why
tinian state, which I strongly support, or peo those who are concerned about Darfur are
ple trying to undermine the Lebanese de frustrated; I am. I'd like to see more robust
mocracy. And the reason why is because the United Nations action. What you'll hear is,
ideologs understand that liberty will trump “Well, the Government of Sudan must invite
their dark vision of the world every time. And the United Nations in for us to act.” Well,
that's why I call it an ideological struggle. there are other alternatives, like passing a
And it's a necessary struggle, and it's a vital resolution saying, “We’re coming in with a
struggle. U.N. force in order to save lives.”
Richard [Richard Bennadetto, USA I'm proud of our country's support for
Today]. those who suffer. We've provided, by far, the
vast majority of food and aid. I'm troubled
United Nations
by reports I hear about escalating violence.
Q. Mr. President, as you prepare to go up I can understand the desperation people feel
to the United Nations next week to address for women being pulled out of these refugee
the General Assembly, Secretary Kofi Annan centers and raped. And now is the time for
has been critical of some of U.S. policies, par the U.N. to act.
ticularly in Afghanistan, lately. How would So you asked if there are levels of frustra
you characterize the relationship between tion—there's a particular level of frustration.
the United States and the United Nations at I also believe that the United Nations can
this point? do a better job spending the taxpayer—our
The President. Yes. First of all, my per taxpayers' money. I think there needs to be
sonal relationship with Kofi Annan is good. better management structures in place, bet
I like him. And we've got a good relationship, ter accountability in the organization. I hope
personal relationship. I think a lot of Ameri the United Nations still strongly stands for
cans are frustrated with the United Nations, liberty. I hope they would support my call
to be frank with you. Take, for example, to end tyranny in the 21st century.
Darfur—I’m frustrated with the United Na So I'm looking forward to going up there
tions in regards to Darfur. I have said and to—it's always an interesting experience,
this Government has said, there's genocide Richard, for a west Texas fellow to speak to
taking place in the Sudan. And it breaks our the United Nations. And I'm going to have
collective hearts to know that. a strong message, one that's—hope, based
We believe that the best way to solve the upon hope, and my belief that the civilized
problem is there be a political track as well world must stand with moderate reformist
as a security track. Aº.part of the security minded people and help them realize their
track was for there initially to be African dreams. I believe that's the call of the 21st
Union forces supported by the international century.
community, hopefully to protect innocent Let's see; who else? The front row people
lives from militia. And the AU force is there, have all asked. Hutch [Ron Hutcheson,
but it needs—it's not robust enough. It needs Knight Ridder].
to be bigger. It needs to be more viable.
And so the strategy was then to go to the Terrorist Surveillance Program
United Nations and pass a resolution ena Q. Good morning.
bling the AU force to become blue The President. Good morning. Thank
helmeted—that means, become a United Oul.

Nations peacekeeping force—with additional Q. On both the eavesdropping program

support from around the world. And I sug and the detainee issues
gested that there also be help from NATO The President. We call it the terrorist sur
nations in logistics and support in order to veillance program, Hutch.
make the security effective enough so that Q. That's the one.
1616 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The President. Yes. had the capacity to, they would raise taxes
Q. You're working with Congress sort of on the working people. That's what I believe. º

after the fact, after you established these pro They'll call it tax on the rich, but that's not
grams on your own authority. And Federal the way it works in Washington, see. For ex
courts have ruled in both cases, you over ample, running up the top income tax brack
stepped your authority. Is your willingness et would tax small businesses. A lot of small
to work with Congress now an acknowledg businesses are subchapter S corporations or
ment that that is a fact? limited partnerships that pay tax at the indi
The President. First of all, I strongly be vidual level. And if you raise income taxes
lieve that the district court ruling on . ter on them, you hurt job creation. Our answer
rorist surveillance program was flawed. And to economic growth is to make the tax cuts
there's a court process to determine whether permanent so there's certainty in the Tax
or not my belief is true. That's why it's on Code and people have got money to spend
appeal. We're working with Congress to add in their ...!
certainty to the program. And so yes, I've always felt the economy
In terms of the Hamdan decision, I obvi is a determinate issue, if not the determinate
ously believed that I could move forward issue in campaigns. We've had a little history
with military commissions. Other Presidents of that in our family and—[laughter]—you
had. The Supreme Court didn't agree, and might remember. But it's a–I certainly hope
they said, “Work with Congress.” And that's this election is based upon economic per
why we're working with Congress. formance.
McKinnon [John McKinnon, Wall Street Let's see here, kind of working my way—
Journal]. yes, Mark [Mark Silva, Chicago Tribune].
National Economy/2006 Elections
Q. Thank you, sir. Polls show that many
people are still more focused on domestic Q. Thank you, Mr. President. I'd also like
issues like the economy than on the inter to ask an election-related question. The Re
national issues in deciding how to vote in Nopublican leader in the House this week said
vember. And I'd just like to ask you if you that Democrats—he wonders if they are
could contrast what you think will happen more interested in protecting the terrorists
on the economy if Republicans retain control than protecting the American people. Do you
of Congress versus what happens on the agree with him, sir? And do you think that's
economy if Democrats take over? the right tone to set for this upcoming cam
The President. If I weren't here—first of paign, or do you think he owes somebody
all, I don't believe the Democrats are going an apology?
to take over, because our record on the econ The President. I wouldn't have exactly
omy is strong. If the American people would put it that way. But I do believe there's a
take a step back and realize how effective difference of attitude. I mean, take the PA
our policies have been, given the cir TRIOT Act, for example—an interesting de
cumstances, they will continue to embrace bate that took place, not once, but twice, and
our philosophy of government. We've over the second time around there was a lot of
come recession, attacks, hurricanes, scandals, concern about whether or not the PATRIOT
and the economy is growing—4.7 percent Act was necessary to protect the country.
unemployment rate. It's been a strong econ There's no doubt in my mind, we needed
omy. And I've strongly believed the reason to make sure the PATRIOT Act was renewed
it is because we cut taxes and, at the same to tear down walls that exist so that intel
time, showed fiscal responsibility here in ligence people could serve—could share in
Washington, with the people's money. That's formation with criminal people. It wasn't the
why the deficit could be cut in half by 2009 case, Mark, before 9/11.
or before. In other words, if somebody had some in
And so I shouldn't answer your hypo telligence that they thought was necessary to
thetical, but I will. I believe if the Democrats protect the people, they couldn't share that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 15 1617

with somebody who's job it was to rout peo wouldn't shirk from the spotlight but would
ple out of society to prevent them from at talk Texan and explain our State. And she
tacking. It just made no sense. And so there was really good at that.
was a healthy debate, and we finally got the And so I'm sad she passed away, and I
PATRIOT Act extended after it was passed wish her family all the best—and all her
right after 9/11. To me, it was an indication friends. She had a lot of friends in Texas.
of just a difference of approach. A lot of people loved Ann Richards.
No one should ever question the patriot And anyway, as I understand, they're
ism of somebody who—let me just start over. working on the deal and how to honor her,
I don't question the patriotism of somebody and she'll be lying in state in the capitol,
who doesn't agree with me—I just don't. And and
I think it's unwise to do that. I don't think Q. Will you be sending anybody to—
that's what leaders do. I do think that—I The President. Yes, I will send somebody
think that there is a difference of opinion to represent me. I don't know who it is going
here in Washington about tools necessary to to be yet. Well, we're trying to get the details.
protect the country—the terrorist surveil Before I ask somebody, I've got to find out
lance program—or what did you call it, the full details.
Hutcheson, yes, the illegal eavesdropping Thanks for asking the question. Let's see,
rogram is what you wanted to call it— New York Times, Sheryl [Sheryl Gay
[laughter]—IEP as opposed to TSP. [Laugh Stolberg].
ter] There's just a difference of opinion about
what we need to do to protect our country, “Military Commissions Act of 2006”
Mark. I'm confident the leader, you know, Q. Hi, Mr. President.
meant nothing personal. I know that he The President. Fine. How are you doing?
shares my concern that we pass good legisla Q. I'm well today. Thank you. [Laughter]
tion to get something done. The President. Did you start with, “Hi,
Ken. Mr. President”?
Q. Hello, Mr. President.
Former Governor Ann Richards of Texas The President. Okay, that's fine. Either
Q. Thank you, sir. I'd be interested in your way, that's always a friendly greeting. Thank
thoughts and remembrances about Ann yOUI. Q. We're a friendly newspaper.
Richards, and particularly what you learned
in running against her 12 years ago. The President. Yes. [Laughter] Let me
The President. Yes. Obviously, Laura and just say, I'd hate to see unfriendly. [Laugh
I pray for her family. I know this is a tough ter]
time for her children. She loved her children, Q. Mr. President
and they loved her a lot. The President. Want me to go on to
Running against Ann Richards taught me somebody else and you collect your—[laugh
a lot. She was a really, really good candidate. ter]. Sorry, go ahead, Sheryl.
She was a hard worker. She had the capacity Q. Mr. President, your administration had
to be humorous and yet make a profound all summer to negotiate with lawmakers on
int. I think she made a positive impact on the detainee legislation. How is it that you
the State of Texas. One thing is for certain: now find yourself in a situation where you
She empowered a lot of people to be—to have, essentially, an open rebellion on Cap
want to participate in the political process itol Hill led by some of the leading members
that might not have felt that they were wel of your own party, very respected voices in
come in the process. military affairs? And secondly, would you
I'll miss her. She was a-she really kind veto the bill if it passes in the form that the
of helped define Texas politics in its best way. Armed Services Committee approved yester
And one of the things we have done is, day?
we've—in our history, we've had characters, The President. First, we have been work
people larger than life, people that could fill ing throughout the summer, talking to key
the stage; when the spotlight was on them, players about getting a bill that will enable
1618 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

the program to go forward, and was pleased The President. Oh, you were following up
that the House of Representatives passed a on Sheryl's question?
good bill with an overwhelming bipartisan Q. Yes, sir.
majority out of their committee, the Armed The President. That's a first. [Laughter]
Services Committee. And I felt that was good
progress. And, obviously, we've got a little Iraqi Military and Security Forces/U.S.
Armed Forces
work to do in the Senate, and we'll continue
making our case. But, no, we've been in Q. We're a friendly paper too. [Laughter]
volved—ever since the Supreme Court deci Mr. President, you've often used the
sion came down, Sheryl, we've been talking phrase “stand up/stand down,” to describe
about both the military tribunals and this Ar your policy when it comes to troop with
ticle Three of the Geneva Convention. drawals from Iraq–as Iraqi troops are
The Article Three of the Geneva Conven trained and take over the fight, American
tion is hard for a lot of citizens to understand. troops will come home. The Pentagon now
But let's see if I can put it this way for people says they've trained 294,000 Iraqi troops and
to understand. There is a very vague standard expect to complete their program of training
that the Court said must kind of be the guide 325,000 by the end of the year. But American
for our conduct in the war on terror and the troops aren't coming home, and there are
detainee policy. It's so vague that it's impos more there now than there were previously.
sible to ask anybody to participate in the pro Is the goalpost moving, sir?
gram for fear—for that person having the The President. No, no. The enemy is
fear of breaking the law. That's the problem. changing tactics, and we're adapting. That's
And so we worked with members of both what's happening. And I asked General
Casey today, “Have you got what you need?”
bodies and both parties to try to help bring
some definition to Common Article Three. He said, “Yes, I've got what I need.”
We all want the troops to come home as
I really don't think most Americans want quickly as possible. But they'll be coming
international courts being able to determine home when our commanders say the Iraqi
how we protect ourselves. And my assurance Government is capable of defending itself
to people is that we can pass law here in and sustaining itself and is governing itself.
the United States that helps define our trea And, you know, I was hoping we would
ty—international treaty obligations. We have have—be able to-hopefully, Casey would
done that in the past. It is not the first time come and say, you know, “Mr. President,
that we have done this. And I believe it's
there's a chance to have fewer troops there.”
necessary to do it this time in order for the It looked like that might be the case—until
program to go forward. the violence started rising in Baghdad, and
Peter [Peter Baker, Washington Post). it spiked in June and July, as you know—
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Sheryl's sec or increased in June and July.
ond question was whether you would veto And so they've got a plan now. They've
the bill as it passed yesterday. adapted. The enemy moved; we'll help the
The President. Oh, I don't—that's like Iraqis move. And so they're building a berm
saying, can you work with a Democrat Con around the city to make it harder for people
gress, when I don't think the Democrat Con to come in with explosive devices, for exam
gress is going to get elected. I believe we ple. They're working different neighbor
can get a good bill. And there is—as you hoods inside of Baghdad to collect guns and
know, there's several steps in this process. bring people to detention. They've got a
The House will be working on a bill next “clear, build, and hold” strategy.
week—the Senate will be. Hopefully we can The reason why there are not fewer troops
reconcile differences. Hopefully we can there, but are more—you're right; it's gone
come together and find a way forward with from 135,000 to about 147,000, I think, or
out ruining the program. 140-something thousand troops—is because
So your question was Sheryl's question? George Casey felt he needed them to help
Q. No, sir. the Iraqis achieve their objective.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 15 1619

And that's the way I will continue to con explain why you think it's a bad idea to send
duct the war. I'll listen to generals. Maybe more resources to hunt down bin Laden,
it's not the politically expedient thing to do, wherever he is?
is to increase troops coming into an election, The President. We are, Richard. Thank
but we just can't—you can't make decisions you. Thanks for asking the question. They
based upon politics about how to win a war. were asking me about somebody's report,
And the fundamental question you have to well, Special Forces here—Pakistan—if he is
ask—and Martha knows what I’m about to in Pakistan, which this person thought he
say—is, can the President trust his com might be, who is asking the question—Paki
manders on the ground to tell him what is stan is a sovereign nation. In order for us
necessary? That's really one of the questions. to send thousands of troops into a sovereign
In other words, if you say, “I’m going to nation, we've got to be invited by the Gov
rely upon their judgment,” the next question ernment of Pakistan.
is, how good is their judgment, or is my judg Secondly, the best way to find somebody
ment good enough to figure out whether or who is hiding is to enhance your intelligence
not they know what they're doing? And I'm and to spend the resources necessary to do
going to tell you, I've got great confidence that. Then when you find him, you bring him
in General John Abizaid and General George to justice. And there is a kind of an urban
Casey. These are extraordinary men who un myth here in Washington about how this ad
derstand the difficulties of the task and un ministration hasn't stayed focused on Usama
derstand there is a delicate relationship be bin Laden. Forget it. It's convenient throw
tween self-sufficiency on the Iraqis' part and away lines when people say that. We have
U.S. presence. been on the hunt, and we'll stay on the hunt
And this is not a science but an art form until we bring him to justice. And we're
in a way, to try to make sure that a unity doing it in a smart fashion, Richard, we are.
government is able to defend itself and, at And I look forward to talking to President
the same time, not be totally reliant upon Musharraf. Look, he doesn't like Al Qaida.
coalition forces to do the job for them. And They tried to kill him. And we've had a good
the issue is complicated by the fact that there record of bringing people to justice inside
are still Al Qaida or Saddam remnants or mi of Pakistan, because the Paks are in the lead.
litias that are still violent. And so to answer They know the stakes about dealing with a
your question, the policy still holds. The violent form of ideological extremists.
“stand up/stand down” still holds, and so And so we will continue on the hunt. And
does the policy of me listening to our com we've been effective about bringing to justice
manders to give me the judgment necessary most of those who planned and plotted the
for troop levels. 9/11 attacks, and we've still got a lot of pres
Richard [Richard Wolffe, Newsweek) and sure on them. The best way to protect the
then Allen [Mike Allen, Time]. homeland is to stay on the offense and keep
pressure on them.
Usama bin Laden/Pakistan's Role in the
Last question. Allen.
War on Terror
American Culture
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Earlier this
week, you told a group of journalists that you Q. Thank you, Mr. President. It was re
thought the idea of sending Special Forces ported earlier this week that in a meeting
to Pakistan to hunt down bin Laden was a with conservative journalists, you said you'd
strategy that would not work. seen changes in the culture. You referred to
The President. Yes. it as a Third Awakening. I wonder if you
Q. Now recently you've also could tell us about—what you meant by that,
The President. It's because, first of all, what led you to that conclusion? And do you
Pakistan is a sovereign nation. see any contradictory evidence in the cul
Q. Well, recently you've also described bin ture?
Laden as a sort of modern day Hitler or Mus The President. No, I said—Mike, thanks.
solini. And I'm wondering why—if you can I was just speculating that the culture might
1620 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
be changing, and I was talking about when Faisalabad, Pakistan, on March 28, 2002; U.S.
you're involved with making decisions of his Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad; Gen.
toric nature, you won't be around to see the George W. Casey, Jr., USA, commanding general,
effects of your decisions. And I said that Multi-National Force—Iraq: Gen. John P.
Abizaid, USA, combatant commander, U.S. Cen
when I work the ropelines, a lot of people tral Command; Usama bin Laden, leader of the
come and say, “Mr. President, I'm praying Al Qaida terrorist organization; and President
for you"—a lot. As a matter of fact, it seems Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan. The President also
like a lot more now than when I was working referred to H.R. 6054, the “Military Commissions
ropelines in 1994. And I asked them—I was Act of 2006,” and S. 2455 and S. 3874, both con
asking their opinion about whether or not cerning the terrorist surveillance program. A re
there was a Third Awakening, I called it. porter referred to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki
I'd just read a book on Abraham Lincoln, of Iraq.
and his Presidency was right around the time
of what they called the Second Awakening,
and I was curious to know whether or not
these smart people felt like there was any Digest of Other
historical parallels. I also said that I had run White House Announcements
for office the first time to change a culture—
Herman and Hutch remember me saying,
you know, the culture that said, “If it feels The following list includes the President's public
good, do it, and if you've got a problem, schedule and other items of general interest an
blame somebody else"—to helping to work nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
not included elsewhere in this issue.
change a culture in which each of us are re
sponsible for the decisions we make in life.
In other words, ushering in a responsibility September 9
era. And I reminded people that responsi In the morning, at Camp David, MD, the
bility means, if you're a father, love your President had an intelligence briefing.
child; or if you're corporate America, be hon
est with the taxpayers; if you're a citizen of September 10
this country, love your neighbor. In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
And so I was wondering out loud with
Bush traveled to New York City, where, at
them. It seems like to me that something is the site of the September 11, 2001, terrorist
happening in the religious life of America. attacks, they participated in a wreath-laying
But I'm not a very good focus group either. ceremony commemorating the fifth anniver
I'm encapsulated here. I'm able to see a lot sary of the attacks. Later, at St. Paul's Chapel,
of people, and from my perspective, people they participated in a service of prayer and
are coming to say, “I’m praying for you.” And remembrance.
it's an uplifting part of being the President; Also in the afternoon, the President toured
it inspires me. And I’m grateful that a fellow the Tribute WTC Visitor Center commemo
citizen would say a prayer for me and Laura. rating the September 11, 2001, terrorist at
Anyway, thank you all very much. tacks.

NOTE: The President's news conference began at September 11

11:15 a.m. in the Rose Garden at the White In the morning, the President had an intel
House. In his remarks, he referred to Khalid ligence briefing. Later, at Fort Pitt Fire
Sheikh Mohammed, senior Al Qaida leader re house, the President and Mrs. Bush had
sponsible for planning the September 11, 2001, breakfast with New York City first-respond
terrorist attacks, who was captured in Pakistan on
March 1, 2003; Ramzi bin al-Shibh, an Al Qaida ers. Then, at 8:46 a.m., they participated in
operative suspected of helping to plan the Sep a moment of silence followed by a ceremony
tember 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, who was cap to commemorate the anniversary of the Sep
tured in Karachi, Pakistan, on September 11, tember 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
2002; Abu Zubaydah, a leader of the Al Qaida Later in the morning, the President and
terrorist organization, who was captured in Mrs. Bush traveled to Shanksville, PA,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1621

where, at the site of the crash of United Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley and Min
Flight 93, they participated in a wreath-lay ister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni of Israel.
ing ceremony for victims of the September
11, 2001, plane crash. September 14
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
In the morning, the President had an intel
Bush traveled to Arlington, VA, where, at the ligence briefing. Later, at the U.S. Capitol,
Pentagon, they participated in a wreath-lay the President made remarks to the House
ing ceremony to commemorate the anniver
sary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist at Republican Conference.
tacks. They i. returned to Washington, In the afternoon, the President had a
DC. working lunch with President Roh Moo-hyun
of South Korea. Later, he met with the
September 12 Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents.
In the morning, the President had an intel In the evening, in the State Dining Room,
the President and Mrs. Bush hosted a social
ligence briefing. Later, he met with Secretary dinner in honor of the Thelonius Monk Insti
of Education Margaret Spellings. He then
met with Secretary of Defense Donald H. tute of Jazz followed by entertainment in the
Rumsfeld. East Room.
The White House announced that the
Later in the morning, the President par
ticipated in an interview with print journal President will travel to New York City to par
ists. ticipate in the 61st United Nations General
During the day, the President dropped by Assembly on September 18–20.
The White House announced that the
a meeting between National Security Adviser
President will welcome President Pervez
Stephen J. Hadley and Minister of the Inte
Musharraf of Pakistan to the White House
rior and Regional Development Nicolas
Sarkozy of France. on September 22.
The White House announced that the The White House announced that the
President will welcome President Nursultan President will welcome President Hamid

Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan to the White Karzai of Afghanistan to the White House

House on September 29. on September 26.
The White House announced that the The President announced his intention to
President will welcome Prime Minister nominate Michele Davis to be Assistant Sec

Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to the retary of the Treasury (Public Affairs).
White House on 8. 2. The President announced his intention to
The President announced his intention to nominate Caroline C. Hunter to be Commis
nominate Frank Baxter to be Ambassador to sioner of the Election Assistance Commis
The President announced his intention to The President announced his intention to
nominate David Palmer to be a Commis
appoint Joseph B. Gildenhorn and Susan
Hutchison as members of the Board of Trust sioner of the Equal Employment Oppor
ees of the Woodrow Wilson International tunity Commission.
Center for Scholars. The President announced his intention to
nominate Michael J. Astrue to be Commis
September 13 sioner of Social Security.
In the morning, the President had break The President announced his intention to
fast with Secret of State Condoleezza nominate Ned L. Siegel, Norman B. Cole
Rice. Later, he had an intelligence briefing. man, and Barbara Boxer to be U.S. Rep
In the afternoon, at the historic Evermay resentatives to the 61st Session of the United
house, the President attended a Republican Nations General Assembly.
National Committee reception. The President announced his intention to
During the day, the President dropped by nominate Barbara McConnell Barrett and
a meeting between Vice President Dick Che Cecil E. Floyd to be Alternate U.S. Rep
ney and Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski resentatives to the 61st Session of the United
of Poland and a meeting between National Nations General Assembly.
1622 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The President announced his intention to David Palmer,
appoint Frank D. Stella as a member of the of Maryland, to be a member of the Equal
Board of Governors of the United Service Employment Opportunity Commission for a
Organizations, Inc. term expiring July 1, 2011, vice Cari M.
The President announced his intention to Dominguez, term expired.
appoint Duane R. Roberts, Jean Kennedy
Smith, and Wilma E. Bernstein as members
of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Ken
nedy Center for the Performing Arts. Checklist
The President announced that he has
of White House Press Releases
named Jeremy Katz and Myriah Jordan as
Special Assistants to the President for Policy.
September 15 The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
In the morning, the President had an intel items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
ligence briefing. Other White House Announcements.

Released September 10
Nominations Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
Submitted to the Senate retary Tony Snow
Released September 11
The following list does not include promotions of Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
members of the Uniformed Services, nominations
to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
retary Tony Snow
eign Service officers. Fact sheet: The Fifth Anniversary of Sep
tember 11, 2001

Submitted September 13 Excerpts of the President's address to the

Nation on the war on terror
Frank Baxter, Advance text of the President's address to
of California, to be Ambassador Extraor the Nation on the war on terror
dinary and Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America to the Oriental Republic Released September 12
of Uruguay.
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
Thomas M. Hardiman, retary Tony Snow
of Pennsylvania, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of
the Third Circuit, vice Richard L. Nygaard, President Nursultan Nazarbayev of

Submitted September 15 Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by

Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey to Wash
Michael J. Astrue, ington
of Massachusetts, to be Commissioner of So
cial Security for a term expiring January 19, Released September 13
2013, vice Jo Anne Barnhart.
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
Caroline C. Hunter, retary Tony Snow
of Florida, to be a member of the Election
Assistance Commission for a term expiring Released September 14
December 12, 2009, vice Paul S. Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
DeGregorio, term expired. retary Tony Snow
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1623

Statement by the Press Secretary: President Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary an
Bush's Participation in the 61st U.N. General nouncing that Donald L. Evans will attend
Assembly the funeral of former Gov. Ann Richards of

Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of Texas to be held on September 18

Pakistani President Musharraf

Statement by the Press Secretary: President

Bush To Welcome President Karzai of Af
ghanistan Acts Approved
by the President
Released September 15
Transcript of a press briefing on the Presi NOTE: No acts approved by the President were
dent's Participation in the 61st United Na received by the Office of the Federal Register
tions General Assembly during the period covered by this issue.



AE2.loa: 42|38

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, September 25, 2006

Volume 42—Number 38
Pages 1625–1662

OCT 2006

A-' ' , , , , , , -,* . .
- * - 1 - - --


Addresses and Remarks Communications to Congress–Continued

See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders Terrorism, message on continuation of
national emergency with respect to persons
Reception for congressional candidate Gus who commit, threaten to commit, or
Bilirakis in Tampa-1641 support—1653
Reception for gubernatorial candidate
Charlie Crist and the Republican Party of Communications to Federal Agencies
Florida in Orlando—1647
Senate action on the “Military Commissions Presidential Determination on Major Drug
Act of 2006” in Orlando–1646 Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing
New York City Countries for Fiscal Year 2007,
Luncheon hosted by United Nations memorandum—1627
Secretary-General Annan–1637
Interviews With the News Media
United Nations General Assembly—1633
White House Conference on Global
Exchange with reporters in New York City
Literacy—1629 1632
Radio address—1626
News conference with President Musharraf of
Communications to Congress Pakistan, September 22–1653
Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast
Letters and Messages
Rebuilding Office, letter transmitting
budget amendments—1641 Rosh Hashanah, 5767, message—1651

(Continued on the inside of the back cover.)

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential
charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended: 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607.
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, September 22, 2006
Proclamation 8052—National Farm Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
Safety and Health Week, 2006 President of the United States of America,
September 15, 2006 by virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and the laws of the United
By the President of the United States States, do hereby proclaim September 17
of America through September 23, 2006, as National
Farm Safety and Health Week. I call upon
A Proclamation the agencies, organizations, and businesses
Generations of farmers and ranchers have that serve America's agricultural workers to
strengthened our Nation and enriched our continue to strengthen their commitment to
communities by providing us with food, raw promoting farm safety and health programs.
materials, and energy. National Farm Safety I also urge all Americans to honor our agri
and Health Week is an opportunity to cele cultural heritage and to recognize our farm
brate their contributions to America and ers and ranchers for their remarkable con
raise awareness about potential hazards these tributions to our Nation's prosperity and
workers and their families face. This year's strength.
theme, “Prepare to Prevent,” underscores In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
the importance of injury prevention, pre my hand this fifteenth day of September, in
paredness, and safety on farms and ranches. the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
Farming and ranching are challenging oc of the Independence of the United States of
cupations. Agricultural workers often work America the two hundred and thirty-first.
long hours and are exposed to many dangers George W. Bush
associated with heavy machinery, tools, live
stock, chemicals, and extreme weather condi
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
tions. By identifying hazards and taking pre 8:45 a.m., September 19, 2006]
ventive measures, farmers and ranchers can
create a safer environment for themselves
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
and their employees. Wearing protective Federal Register on September 20. This item was
gear can help prevent injuries, and farm ma not received in time for publication in the appro
chinery can . equipped with safety devices priate issue.
to decrease accidents. Agricultural workers
can also take steps to make their workplace
safer by training family members and staff Proclamation 8053–Literacy Day,
in first aid and other emergency response
techniques. September 15, 2006
Our country depends on farmers and
ranchers to help provide an abundant and By the President of the United States
safe food supply for our citizens and for the of America
world, and we are grateful to them for their
significant contributions to the economic A Proclamation
prosperity of our great Nation. By raising The ability to read is the gateway to edu
awareness about injury prevention and safety cational excellence and a key to success in
in the workplace, farmers and ranchers can any democratic society. On Literacy Day, we
protect their employees, families, and them recognize the vital importance of literacy to
selves, and continue their good work to help our Nation and affirm our commitment to
America stay productive and prosperous. helping improve the lives of the men,
1626 Sept. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
women, and children in America and around people throughout the world enjoy the bene
the world who cannot read. fits of literacy.
Our society has a responsibility to ensure In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
individuals have the educational opportuni my hand this fifteenth day of September, in
ties to learn to read. Literacy is a basic re the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
quirement for healthy societies and enables of the Independence of the United States of
people to better care for themselves and their America the two hundred and thirty-first.
families. Reading also encourages participa George W. Bush
tion in the democratic process and helps peo
ple reach their full potential through self-reli [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
ance and independence. 8:45 a.m., September 19, 2006]
My Administration is committed to help NoTE: This proclamation was published in the
ing children and adults gain the reading skills Federal Register on September 20. This item was
they need to succeed in life. Through No not received in time for publication in the appro
Child Left Behind programs such as Reading priate issue.
First, Early Reading First, and Striving Read
ers, we are challenging the soft bigotry of The President’s Radio Address
low expectations and helping to provide stu
dents with the foundation to achieve their September 16, 2006
dreams. Reading also helps adults to be bet
ter consumers, and wider literacy increases Good morning. On Monday I visited New
York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon to at
economic participation, which helps to create tend memorials marking the fifth anniversary
more stable and vibrant economies. The
White House Conference on Global Lit of the 9/11 attacks. It was an emotional day
for me and for our country. On that day, we
eracy, led by First Lady Laura Bush, is work remembered those who lost their lives, and
ing to promote literacy for individuals of all we paid tribute to those who gave their lives
ages and help give people around the world so that others might live. We rededicated
the skills necessary for success. By increasing ourselves to protecting the American people
literacy, we can help change lives and equip from another attack.
all people with the knowledge and tools to Next week, I will return to New York,
excel in the 21st century. where I will address the United Nations Gen
On Literacy Day, we recognize the great
eral Assembly. I look forward to talking to
value of reading and encourage individuals the world leaders gathered there about our
around the world to take an active role in
obligation to defend civilization and how we
promoting literacy. Together, we can build must work together to support the forces of
a stronger society and a bright future for peo freedom and moderation throughout the
ple everywhere. Middle East.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, As we work with the international commu
President of the United States of America, nity to defeat the terrorists and extremists,
by virtue of the authority vested in me by we must also provide our military and intel
the Constitution and laws of the United ligence professionals the tools they need to
States, do hereby proclaim September 18, keep our country safe. Congress is consid
2006, as Literacy Day. I call upon the people ering two vital pieces of legislation to help
of the United States to observe this day with us do just that. My administration is working
programs and activities that advance literacy closely with members of both parties to pass
for Americans and all the people of the these bills.
world. By donating books to local libraries, The first bill would allow us to use military
volunteering to tutor, supporting inter commissions to try suspected terrorists for
national literacy programs, and fostering a war crimes. We need this legislation because
learning environment in the home, citizens the Supreme Court has ruled that military
across this great Nation can make a dif commissions must be explicitly authorized by
ference and help their fellow Americans and Congress.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 18 1627

Recently, I announced that 14 suspected a lawful way, and monitor terrorist commu
terrorists, including Khalid Sheikh Moham nications, so we can stop new attacks on our
med, the man believed to be the mastermind Nation.
of the 9/11 attacks, had been transferred to Thank you for listening.
Guantanamo Bay. As soon as Congress acts NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on
to authorize the military commissions I have
proposed, the men our intelligence agencies September 15 in the Cabinet Room at the White
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on September
believed helped orchestrate the deaths of 16. The transcript was made available by the Oſ
nearly 3,000 Americans on September the fice of the Press Secretary on September 15 but
11th, 2001, can face justice. was embargoed for release until the broadcast. In
This bill will also provide clear rules for his address, the President referred to Khalid
our personnel involved in * and Sheikh Mohammed, senior Al Qaida leader re
questioning captured terrorists. The informa sponsible for planning the September 11, 2001,
tion the Central Intelligence Agency has ob terrorist attack, who was captured in Pakistan on
tained by questioning men like Khalid Sheikh March 1, 2003. He also referred to H.R. 6054,
Mohammed has helped disrupt terrorist the “Military Commissions Act of 2006,” and S.
plots, including planned strikes inside the 2455 and S. 3874, both concerning the terrorist
surveillance program. The Office of the Press Sec
United States and on a U.S. Marine base in
east Africa, an American consulate in Paki retary also released a Spanish language transcript
of this address.
stan, and Britain's Heathrow Airport. This
CIA program has saved American lives and
the lives of people in other countries. Presidential Determination on Major
tº... the recent Supreme Court Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug
decision put the future of this program in Producing Countries for Fiscal Year
question, and we need this legislation to save 2007
it. There is debate about the specific pro
posals in this bill, and my administration will September 15, 2006
work with Congress to find common ground. Presidential Determination No. 2006–24
I have one test for this legislation: The intel
ligence community must be able to tell me Memorandum for the Secretary of State
that the bill Congress sends to my desk will
allow this vital program to continue. Subject: Presidential Determination on
The second bill before Congress would Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug
modernize our electronic surveillance laws Producing Countries for Fiscal Year 2007
and provide additional authority for the ter Pursuant to section 706(1) of the Foreign
rorist surveillance program. I authorized the Relations Authorization Act, FY03 (Public
National Security Agency to operate this vital Law 107–228) (FRAA), I hereby identify the
program in response to the 9/11 attacks. It following countries as major drug transit or
allows us to quickly monitor terrorist com major illicit drug producing countries: Af
munications between someone overseas and ghanistan, The Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil,
someone in America. It has helped detect Burma, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ec
and prevent terrorist attacks on our own uador, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jamaica,
country. The principle behind this program Laos, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama,
is clear. When Al Qaida operatives are calling Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela.
into or out of our country, we need to know A country's presence on the Majors List
who they are calling, why they are calling, is not necessarily an adverse reflection of its
and what they are planning. government's counternarcotics efforts or
Both these bills are essential to winning level of cooperation with the United States.
the war on terror, so we will work with legis Consistent with the statutory definition of a
lators from both sides of the aisle to get them major drug transit or drug producing country
º By passing these critical bills, we will set forth in section 481(e)(2) and (5) of the
ring terrorists to justice, continue collecting Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended
vital intelligence from captured terrorists in (FAA), one of the reasons that major drug
1628 Sept. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

transit or illicit drug producing countries are GOB to refocus its efforts on eliminating ex
placed on the list is the combination of geo cess coca, the source of cocaine. This would
graphical, commercial, and economic factors include eradicating at least 5,000 hectares,
that allow drugs to transit or be produced including in the Chapare region; eliminating
despite the concerned government's most as the “cato” exemption to Bolivian law; re
siduous enforcement measures. scinding Ministerial Resolution 112, Admin
Pursuant to section 706(2)(A) of the istrative Resolution 083, and establishing
FRAA, I hereby designate Burma and Ven tight controls on the sale of licit coca leaf
ezuela as countries that have failed demon for traditional use; and implementing strong
strably during the previous 12 months to ad precursor chemical control measures to pre
here to their obligations under international vent conversion of coca to cocaine. My Ad
counternarcotics agreements and take the ministration plans to review Bolivia's per
measures set forth in section 489(a)(1) of the formance in these specific areas within 6
FAA. Attached to this report (Tab A) are jus months.
tifications for the determinations on Burma The Government of Canada (GOC) con
and Venezuela, as required by section tinued to effectively curb the diversion of
706(2)(B). precursor chemicals that are required for
I have also determined, in accordance with methamphetamine production to feed U.S.
provisions of section 706(3)(A) of the FRAA, illegal markets. The GOC also continued to
that support for programs to aid Venezuela's seize laboratories that produce MDMA/Ec
democratic institutions is vital to the national stasy consumed in both Canada and the
interests of the United States. United States. The principal drug concern
Although President Karzai has strongly at was the continuing large-scale production of
tacked narcotrafficking as the greatest threat high-potency, indoor-grown marijuana for
to Afghanistan, one third of the Afghan econ export to the United States. The United
omy remains opium-based, which contrib States enjoyed excellent cooperation with
ºutes to widespread public corruption. The Canada across a broad range of law enforce
government at all levels must be held ac ment issues and shared goals.
countable to deter and eradicate poppy cul The Government of Ecuador (GOE) has
tivation; remove and prosecute corrupt offi made considerable progress in combating
cials; and investigate, prosecute, or extradite narcotics trafficking destined for the United
narcotraffickers and those financing their ac States. However, a dramatic increase in the
tivities. We are concerned that failure to act quantity of cocaine transported toward the
decisively now could undermine security, United States using Ecuadorian-flagged ships
compromise democratic legitimacy, and im and indications of increased illegal armed
peril international support for vital assist group activity along Ecuador's northern bor
ance. der with Colombia remain areas of serious
My Administration is concerned with the concern. Effective cooperation and stream
decline in Bolivian counternarcotics coopera lined maritime operational procedures be
tion since October 2005. Bolivia, the world's tween the U.S. Coast Guard and the Ecua
third largest producer of cocaine, has under dorian Navy are resulting in an increase in
taken policies that have allowed the expan the amount of cocaine interdicted. Building
sion of coca cultivation and slowed the pace on that cooperation, we will work with Ecua
of eradication until mid-year, when it picked dor to change the circumstances that make
up. The Government of Bolivia's (GOB) pol Ecuadorian-flagged vessels and Ecuadorian
icy of “Zero cocaine, but not zero coca” has citizenship so attractive to drug traffickers.
focused primarily on interdiction, to the near As a result of the elections in Haiti, the
exclusion of its necessary complements, new government now has a clear mandate
eradication and alternative development. from the Haitian people to bring crime, vio
However, the GOB has been supportive of lent gangs, and drug trafficking under con
interdiction initiatives and has had positive trol. We urge the new government to
results in seizing cocaine and decommis strengthen and accelerate ongoing efforts to
sioning rustic labs. We would encourage the rebuild and reform Haiti's law enforcement
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 18 1629

and judicial institutions and to consult closely NoTE: This memorandum was released by the Of
with the United States to define achievable fice of the Press Secretary on September 18.
and verifiable steps to accomplish these
goals. Remarks at the White House
While the Government of Nigeria con
tinues to take substantive steps to curb offi Conference on Global Literacy in
cial corruption, it remains a major challenge New York City
in Nigeria. We strongly encourage the gov September 18, 2006
ernment to continue to adequately fund and
support the anti-corruption bodies that have Thank you all. Thank you for attending this
been established there in order to fully ad important conference. I look around the
dress Nigeria's ongoing fight against corrup room and see some familiar faces—my moth
tion. We urge Nigeria to continue improving er. [Laughter. How are you doing? It's good
the effectiveness of the National Drug and to see you; my mother-in-law. [Laughter]
Law Enforcement Agency and, in particular, Both of these ladies have instilled a great pas
improve enforcement operations at major sion for literacy not only in Laura and me
airports/seaports and against major drug but for others around our country. Thank you
kingpins, to include targeting their financial all for coming. Laura, thank you for your
assets. We look forward to working with Ni leadership.
gerian officials to increase extraditions and Laura believes strongly in the power of lit
assisting in drug enforcement operations.
Although there have not been any drug eracy to change societies, and that's really
seizures or apprehensions of drug traffickers what we're here to talk about. The capacity
with a connection to the Democratic People's of-the simple act of teaching a child to read
Republic of Korea (DPRK) since 2004, we or an adult to read has the capacity to trans
remain concerned about DPRK state-di form nations and yield the peace we all want.
rected criminal activity. The United States So I want to thank you for being here. I
Government has made clear to the DPRK particularly want to thank the First Ladies
that an end to all involvement in criminal who are here and the ministers from dif
activity is a necessary prerequisite to entry ferent Governments around the world. We're
into the international community. really proud you've taken time to join us here
Under provisions of the Combat Meth today.
amphetamine Epidemic Act (CMEA), which As you probably can tell, our Government
modified section 489(a) of the Foreign As takes this initiative seriously. After all, we've
sistance Act of 1961, as amended, and section got the Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice,
490(a) of the FAA, a report will be made and the Secretary of Education, Margaret
to the Congress on March 1, 2007, naming Spellings, both here. It should say to people
the five countries that legally exported the loud and clear that when you combine the
largest amount of methamphetamine pre resources of the Department of Education
cursor chemicals, as well as the top five and the State Department, that we're serious
methamphetamine precursor importers with about helping global literacy. And then we've
the highest rate of diversion for illicit drug added Randy Tobias, who's the head of
production. This report will be sent concur USAID. He's the fellow who's got the re
rently with the International Narcotics Con sponsibility of handing out some money—
trol Strategy Report, which will also contain [laughter)—which is what we're doing, be
additional reporting on methamphetamine cause we believe strongly in this initiative.
precursor chemicals pursuant to the CMEA. So I want to thank you all for taking time
You are hereby authorized and directed to
submit this report under section 706 of the out of your busy schedules to send a clear
FRAA, transmit it to the Congress, and pub message to folks.
I want to thank Mr. Matsuura of
lish it in the Federal Register.
UNESCO. Thank you very much for serving.
George W. Bush Thanks for leading this vital organization. We
1630 Sept. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
want to work with you. And I see you're sit perity. But you can't be a prosperous nation
ting next to one of my great friends—the Am if you don't have people who can read.
bassador, Karen Hughes, is here as well. I mean, think about it; it's pretty clear—
I want to thank Paul LeClerc of the of in order to be an informed consumer, you
this fantastic library. Isn't this a wonderful have to read. In order to be able to take ad
place to meet? Obviously, it makes sense to vantages of jobs that may come to your coun
meet in a library if you're going to talk about try as a result of expanding economic oppor
literacy. It's really one of the most special tunity, you've got to read. In order to be a
spots here in New York. And I also want to productive worker, you have to be able to
thank Catie Marron for allowing us to use read the manual. And so part of this initiative,
this facility. She's the chairman of the board, part of the practical application of this initia
and Paul, of course, is the president and tive is to encourage prosperity by enhancing
CEO of the New York Public Library. people's capacity to read. And I want to thank
I want to thank those who have partici you for your focus on that important issue.
pated in panels. I had the honor of meeting I also strongly believe that those of us who
some of the panelists and the panel leaders. have the benefits of living in free society
I met Gerri Elliott, who is a corporate vice must help others realize the benefits of lib
president of Microsoft. The reason I bring erty. I believe that. I believe that's part of
up Gerri Elliott is because, in America we America's responsibility in the world. I real
believe that there is a combined responsi ize we can't impose our vision of government,
bility to help. We believe government has got nor should we try. But we believe here in
America in the universality of freedom. We
a vital role, but we also believe corporate don't believe freedom belongs only to the
America and our citizens have got a vital role United States of America; we believe that lib
to play in helping others benefit from learn erty is universal in its applications. We also
ing how to read. And so I want to thank Gerri believe strongly that as the world becomes
for setting such a good example. more free, we'll see peace. That's what we
I call upon others in our country to under believe. And we're going to act on those be
stand the importance of this initiative and to liefs.
step forth. After all, a literacy initiative will But one thing that's for certain. It is very
help spread prosperity and peace. And that's hard to have free societies if the citizens can
really why we're here at the UNGA. I've not read. Think about that. It's much harder
been looking forward to coming here. As you for a society to realize the universal blessings
know, it's an annual event. Every year, I get of liberty if your citizens can't read the news
to come. It gives me a chance to meet with paper in order to be able to make informed
fellow leaders, and it gives me a chance to choices and decisions about what may be tak
clearly explain, the goals of this country are ing place in a country. You can't realize the
to help those who feel hopeless; the goals blessings of liberty if you can't read a ballot
of this country are to spread liberty; the goals or if you can't read what others are saying
of this country is to enhance prosperity and about the future of your country.
peace. I am deeply concerned about the spread
You can't have prosperity unless people of radicalism, and I know you are as well.
can read. It's just as simple as that. You know, We long for the days when people don't feel
one of things that we have committed our comfortable or empowered to take innocent
selves to in America is to help eradicate per life to achieve an objective. One reason radi
sistent poverty. But there is a direct link be cals are able to recruit young men, for exam
tween illiteracy and persistent poverty. Of ple, to become suicide bombers is because
tentimes when we're talking about prosperity of hopelessness. One way to defeat hopeless
and helping this world become a more pros ness is through literacy, is to giving people
perous place, we tend to focus only on trade. the fantastic hope that comes by being able
And no question, good trade agreements and to read and realize dreams.
tearing down the barriers that prevent the So this literacy initiative is vital as far as
free flow of goods will help enhance pros the United States of America is concerned,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 18 1631

and we want to help. That's what I'm here we were going to help people, particularly
to say. I want to thank you for being here, those who fight corruption, those who be
and let you know that we want to lend our lieve in markets, but equally important, those
help. who invest in the education and health of
I know Laura talked about our initiative their citizens.
on the continent of Africa. It is a firm, real,
dedicated commitment to helping folks be We believe strongly that this world must
come literate. We share—we have that same confront the pandemic of HIV/AIDS and be
sense of commitment in more places than lieve that to whom much is given, much is
Africa. I mean, for example, in our own required in order to solve disease and pov
neighborhood, we are deeply concerned erty—a lot of it brought about because—a
about illiteracy, and we believe it's in our na lot of that poverty brought about because of
tional interest to help folks become literate illiteracy.
in Central and South America.
One of the most, I guess, heartwarming And so one thing I'd like for you to take
literacy initiatives that I have witnessed as away from today is, one, we're committed.
President was the Women's Teacher Train We believe that the United States of America
ing Institute in Kabul. I know there's some must not isolate ourselves from the problems
people from Afghanistan here, and I want of the world. We believe we have an oppor
to thank you for your courage and your brav tunity to help you solve problems of the
ery. I don't know if you know what the insti world.
tute has been doing, but think back to the
days prior to liberation when women really There is nothing more hopeful, there's no
weren't let out of the house; young girls greater gift than to teach a person to read.
couldn't go to school. There was an under When I was the Governor of Texas, I remem
ground teacher movement because of the ber an African American woman walking up
great passion teachers feel for their students. to me, and we were talking about the impor
And so after the liberation of the country,
we have worked with that institute to teach tance of teaching every child to read—not
trainers—teach teachers how to teach, in the just a few, but every child to read. We believe
in America that reading shouldn't be the
knowledge that when they leave the institute,
they'll then go to their village. right of just a few people; it ought to be—
it's universal as well. And the woman walked
It's kind of this cascading movement of
skill so that people can fulfill their compas up to me, and she said, “Mr. Governor,” she
sion, fulfill their dreams about a more literate said, “I want you to understand how people
Afghanistan. This young democracy will sur in my community feel.” She said, “Reading
vive. And one of the reasons it will survive is the new civil right.” I feel the same way
is because of the committed effort by a lot about global literacy. Reading will yield the
of folks, not just the United States but by peace we want.
people around the world, to help the brave
educational entrepreneurs that recognize So thanks for coming. God bless.
hope and peace come about as a result of
We—a lot of times you hear a lot of
words—people are pretty good talkers in this NoTE: The President spoke at 12:10 p.m. at the
society of ours. People step up and make New York Public Library. In his remarks, he re
ferred to Koichiro Matsuura, director-general,
promises and, kind of, flowery statements. I United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul
want it to be said that our Government is
tural Organization. The transcript released by the
doing more than just talking, that our Gov Office of the Press Secretary also included the
ernment is willing to act. We've doubled the remarks of the First Lady, who introduced the
development assistance since I've been the President. The Office of the Press Secretary also
President. We have set forth what's called released a Spanish language transcript of these re
the Millennium Challenge Account. We said marks.
Sept. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Remarks Following Discussions With Well, indeed, today we have discussed and
Prime Minister Abdullah bin Ahmad evidenced the fact that we have common ap
Badawi of Malaysia in New York City proaches and a common sense of the main
issues that we discussed, relating as they do
September 18, 2006 to peace and to development throughout the
world—in fact, this coincides with the 61st
President Bush. It's been my honor, Mr.
Prime Minister, to be with you. You're one U.N. General Assembly, which is going to
of the outstanding leaders in a very important meet today.
part of the world. I want to thank you for So we discussed peace and development.
strategizing our discussions. We talked about And particularly on the subject of peace-re
lated issues, we addressed the issue of Iran,
a lot of things. The main thing we talked of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; we ad
about is how we can work together to keep dressed Lebanon and, of course, Africa, in
the peace. And I want to thank you for your
time. particular—in Africa. And with respect to Af
Prime Minister Abdullah. Thank you, on rica, we addressed the issue of what's going
in Darfur.
Mr. President. You shared me—with me
Americans nation's, and your views on many And we, as a result of this, have once again
issues is very, very impressive. And I am cer confirmed that we are entirely on the same
tainly most likely to see that you are very wavelength—we have the same approach to
concerned for peace and U.N. peacekeeping the different issues, which are of deep and
in the Middle East. grave concern to us, as they challenge and
President Bush. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. jeopardize peace in different parts of the
Thank you.
I repeat what I've already said, namely that
we concur, our views concur on these mat
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:58 p.m. at the ters, particularly on the issue of a possible
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. A tape was not available agreement with the Iranians. And therefore,
for verification of the content of these remarks.
France, I'm convinced, the United States,
the American administration and the French
Government see eye to eye on these matters
Remarks Following Discussions With and on how to address them.
President Jacques Chirac of France
and an Exchange With Reporters in President Bush. One question a side.
Nedra [Nedra Pickler, Associated Press].
New York City
September 19, 2006 Iran/Nuclear Weapons Development
President Bush. It's been a pleasure to Q. Yes, thank you, Mr. President. Presi
have a meaningful, strategic .. with dent Chirac has proposed suspending the
Jacques Chirac. We talked about a lot of sub threat of sanctions against Iran as an incen
jects. It's important that France and the tive to get them to the negotiating table.
United States work closely to keep the peace. What do you think of that idea?
We talked about Iran; we talked about Syria; President Bush. First of all, France and
we talked about the Palestinian-Israeli issue; the United States share the same goal, and
we talked about Darfur; we talked about that is for the Iranians not to have a nuclear
common problems and how to solve those weapon.
problems. It was a very constructive and im Secondly, we share the same goal. We'd
portant dialog. like to solve this problem diplomatically, and
Mr. President, welcome back to America, we understand working together is impor
and thank you for your time. tant. And the Iranians have got to under
President Chirac. We're always welcome stand, we share the same objective, and we're
in the United States. Relations between the going to continue to strategize together.
United States and France are longstanding The EU-3 will continue to dialog with the
and deeply rooted. Iranians to get them to the table so that they
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 19 1633

will suspend, verifiably suspend their enrich stand what kind of controversy has arisen or
ment activities, in which case, the United misunderstanding could have crept in, inso
States will come to the table. And we believe far as this, as I said, has been repeatedly said.
time is of the essence. Should they continue Maybe it's due to a lack of understanding
to stall, we will then discuss the con of the situation, but there's no ambiguity on
sequences of their stalling. And one of those our side.
consequences, of course, would be some kind President Bush. Thank you, Jacques.
of sanction program.
But now is the time for the Iranians to NOTE: The President spoke at 10:10 a.m. at the
come to the table. And that's what we dis Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. President Chirac spoke in
cussed. French, and his remarks were translated by an
President Chirac. For the past 2 days,
I've had the opportunity to speak very clearly
on the subject—at least I hope I've been very Remarks to the United Nations
clear—and let me take this opportunity once General Assembly in New York City
again to say that the present views of the September 19, 2006
United States and I again see eye to eye on
this one. I totally agree with President Bush. Mr. Secretary-General, Madam President,
We are both determined to push forward on distinguished delegates, and ladies and gen
this one, to move ahead in a constructive tlemen, I want to thank you for the privilege
manner. And the first thing we need to do of speaking to this General Assembly.
is to find a solution so that, indeed—and end Last week, America and the world marked
be put to the uranium enrichment activity the fifth anniversary of the attacks that filled
being engaged in, and then we can move on another September morning with death and
to finding solutions to the other problems suffering. On that terrible day, extremists
that arise and stem from this issue. killed nearly 3,000 innocent people, includ
President Bush. Final question. Do you ing citizens of dozens of nations represented
want to call on somebody? right here in this chamber. Since then, the
enemies of humanity have continued their
[At this point, a question was asked in campaign of murder. Al Qaida and those in
French, and no translation was provided.] spired by its extremist ideology have attacked
President Chirac. There never has been more than two dozen nations. And recently
any ambiguity as to the positions adopted re a different group of extremists deliberately
spectively by the Europeans, by the six, by provoked a terrible conflict in Lebanon. At
the United States, and in particular by the start of the 21st century, it is clear that
France. We have always said very clearly that the world is engaged in a great ideological
any negotiations—and let's face it; this is the struggle between extremists who use terror
normal course of events; this negotiation is as a weapon to create fear and moderate peo
the normal way in which one expects to ad ple who work for peace.
dress and, indeed, settle, solve such a thorny Five years ago, I stood at this podium and
issue as this one—that negotiations are the called on the community of nations to defend
way we are heading. civilization and build a more hopeful future.
Nonetheless, we have equally said that we This is still the great challenge of our time;
cannot have negotiations if we do not have it is the calling of our generation. This morn
prior suspension, on the one hand, of ura ing I want to speak about the more hopeful
nium enrichment activity on the part of Iran, world that is within our reach, a world be
and on the other, on the part of the six, the yond terror, where ordinary men and women
agreement not to approach the Security are free to determine their own destiny,
Council on this matter, in particular, this will where the voices of moderation are empow
include the possibility of examining a sanc ered, and where the extremists are
tion program. marginalized by the peaceful majority. This
I think this has been said abundantly clear world can be ours if we seek it and if we
ly time and again, and I do not really under work together.
1634 Sept. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The principles of this world beyond terror National Council will be chosen by elections.
can be found in the very first sentence of Kuwait held elections in which women were
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. allowed to vote and run for office for the
This document declares that the “equal and first time. Citizens have voted in municipal
inalienable rights of all members of the elections in Saudi Arabia, in parliamentary
human family is the foundation of freedom elections in Jordan and Bahrain, and in
and justice and peace in the world.” One of multiparty Presidential elections in Yemen
the authors of this document was a Lebanese and Egypt. These are important steps, and
diplomat named Charles Malik, who would the governments should continue to move
go on to become President of this Assembly. forward with other reforms that show they
Mr. Malik insisted that these principles apply trust their people. Every nation that travels
equally to all people of all regions, of all reli the road to freedom moves at a different
gions, including the men and women of the pace, and the democracies they build will re
Arab world that was his home. flect their own culture and traditions. But the
In the nearly six decades since that docu destination is the same, a free society where
ment was approved, we have seen the forces people live at peace with each other and at
of freedom and moderation transform entire peace with the world.
continents. Sixty years after a terrible war, Some have argued that the democratic
Europe is now whole, free, and at peace— changes we're seeing in the Middle East are
and Asia has seen freedom progress and hun destabilizing the region. This argument rests
dreds of millions of people lifted out of des on a false assumption that the Middle East
perate poverty. The words of the Universal was stable to begin with. The reality is that
Declaration are as true today as they were the stability we thought we saw in the Middle
when they were written. As liberty flourishes, East was a mirage. For decades, millions of
nations grow in tolerance and hope and men and women in the region have been
peace. And we're seeing that bright future trapped in oppression and hopelessness. And
begin to take root in the broader Middle these conditions left a generation disillu
East. sioned and made this region a breeding
Some of the changes in the Middle East ground for extremism.
have been dramatic, and we see the results Imagine what it's like to be a young person
in this chamber. Five years ago, Afghanistan living in a country that is not moving toward
was ruled by the brutal Taliban regime, and reform. You're 21 years old, and while your
its seat in this body was contested. Now this peers in other parts of the world are casting
seat is held by the freely elected Government their ballots for the first time, you are power
of Afghanistan, which is represented today less to change the course of your govern
by President Karzai. Five years ago, Iraq's ment. While your peers in other parts of the
seat in this body was held by a dictator who world have received educations º prepare
killed his citizens, invaded his neighbors, and them for the opportunities of a global econ
showed his contempt for the world by omy, you have been fed propaganda and con
defying more than a dozen U.N. Security spiracy theories that blame others for your
Council resolutions. Now Iraq's seat is held country's shortcomings. And everywhere you
by a democratic Government that embodies turn, you hear extremists who tell you that
the aspirations of the Iraq people, rep you can escape your misery and regain your
resented today by President Talabani. With dignity through violence and terror and mar
these changes, more than 50 million people tyrdom. For many across the broader Middle
have been given a voice in this chamber for East, this is the dismal choice presented
the first time in decades. every day.
Some of the changes in the Middle East Every civilized nation, including those in
are happening gradually, but they are real. the Muslim world, must support those in the
Algeria has held its first competitive Presi region who are offering a more hopeful alter
dential election, and the military remained native. We know that when people have a
neutral. The United Arab Emirates recently voice in their future, they are less likely to
announced that half of its seats in the Federal blow themselves up in suicide attacks. We
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 19 1635

know that when leaders are accountable to To the people of Afghanistan: Together we
their people, they are more likely to seek na overthrew the Taliban regime that brought
tional greatness in the achievements of their misery into your lives and harbored terrorists
citizens, rather than in terror and conquest. who brought death to the citizens of many
So we must stand with democratic leaders nations. Since then, we have watched you
and moderate reformers across the broader choose your leaders in free elections and
Middle East. We must give them—voice to build a democratic government. You can be
the hopes of decent men and women who proud of these achievements. We respect
want for their children the same things we your courage and your determination to live
want for ours. We must seek stability through in peace and freedom, and we will continue
a free and just Middle East where the ex to stand with you to defend your democratic
tremists are marginalized by millions of citi gains. Today, forces from more than 40 coun
zens in control of their own destinies.
tries, including members of the NATO Alli
Today I'd like to speak directly to the peo ance, are bravely serving side by side with
ple across the broader Middle East: My you against the extremists who want to bring
country desires peace. Extremists in your down the free Government you've estab
midst spread propaganda claiming that the lished. We'll help you defeat these enemies
West is engaged in a war against Islam. This and build a free Afghanistan that will never
propaganda is false, and its purpose is to con again oppress you or be a safe haven for ter
fuse you and justify acts of terror. We respect rorists.
Islam, but we will protect our people from To the people of Lebanon: Last year, you
those who pervert Islam to sow death and inspired the world when you came out into
destruction. Our goal is to help you build a the streets to demand your independence
more tolerant ...i hopeful society that hon
from Syrian dominance. You drove Syrian
ors people of all faiths and promotes the forces from your country, and you reestab
lished democracy. Since then, you have been
To the people of Iraq: Nearly 12 million
of you braved the car bombers and assassins tested by the fighting that began with
last December to vote in free elections. The Hizballah's unprovoked attacks on Israel.
world saw you hold up purple ink-stained fin Many of you have seen your homes and your
gers, and your courage filled us with admira communities caught in crossfire. We see your
tion. You've stood firm in the face of horren suffering, and the world is helping you to re
dous acts of terror and sectarian violence, build your country and helping you deal with
and we will not abandon you in your struggle the armed extremists who are undermining
to build a free nation. America and our coali your democracy by acting as a state within
tion partners will continue to stand with the a state. The United Nations has passed a
democratic Government you elected. We will good resolution that has authorized an inter
continue to help you secure the international national force, led by France and Italy, to
assistance and investment you need to create help you restore Lebanese sovereignty over
jobs and opportunity, working with the Lebanese soil. For many years, Lebanon was
United Nations and through the Inter a model of democracy and pluralism and
national Compact with Iraq endorsed here openness in the region—and it will be again.
in New York yesterday. We will continue to To the people of Iran: The United States
train those of you who stepped forward to respects you; we respect your country. We
fight the enemies of freedom. We will not admire your rich history, your vibrant cul
yield the future of your country to terrorists ture, and your many contributions to civiliza
and extremists. In return, your leaders must tion. You deserve an opportunity to deter
rise to the challenges your country is facing mine your own future, an economy that re
and make difficult choices to bring security wards your intelligence and your talents, and
and prosperity. Working together, we will a society that allows you to fulfill your tre
help your democracy succeed, so it can be mendous potential. The greatest obstacle to
come a beacon of hope for millions in the this future is that your rulers have chosen
Muslim world. to deny you liberty and to use your nation's
1636 Sept. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
resources to fund terrorism and fuel extre Administrator Andrew Natsios, to lead Amer
mism and pursue nuclear weapons. The ica's efforts to resolve the outstanding dis
United Nations has passed a clear resolution putes and help bring peace to your land.
requiring that the regime in Tehran meet its The world must also stand up for peace
international obligations. Iran must abandon in the Holy Land. I'm committed to two
its nuclear weapons ambitions. Despite what democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living
the regime tells you, we have no objection side by side in peace and security. I'm com
to Iran's pursuit of a truly peaceful nuclear mitted to a Palestinian state that has terri
power program. We're working toward a dip torial integrity and will live peacefully with
lomatic solution to this crisis. And as we do, the Jewish state of Israel. This is the vision
we look to the day when you can live in free set forth in the roadmap, and helping the
dom and America and Iran can be good parties reach this goal is one of the great ob
friends and close partners in the cause of jectives of my Presidency. The Palestinian
peace. people have suffered from decades of cor
To the people of Syria: Your land is home ruption and violence and the daily humilia
to a great people with a proud tradition of tion of occupation. Israeli citizens have en
learning and commerce. Today, your rulers dured brutal acts of terrorism and constant
have allowed your country to become a cross fear of attack since the birth of their nation.
road for terrorism. In your midst, Hamas and Many brave men and women have made the
Hizballah are working to destabilize the re commitment to peace. Yet extremists in the
gion, and your Government is turning your region are stirring up hatred and trying to
country into a tool of Iran. This is increasing prevent these moderate voices from pre
your country's isolation from the world. Your vailing.
Government must choose a better way for This struggle is unfolding in the Pales
ward by ending its support for terror and liv tinian territories. Earlier this year, the Pales
ing in peace with your neighbors and opening tinian people voted in a free election. The
the way to a better life for you and your fami leaders of Hamas campaigned on a platform
lies. of ending corruption and improving the lives
To the people of Darfur: You have suf of the Palestinian people, and they prevailed.
fered unspeakable violence, and my nation The world is waiting to see whether the
has called these atrocities what they are— Hamas Government will follow through on
genocide. For the last 2 years, America its promises or pursue an extremist agenda.
joined with the international community to The world has sent a clear message to the
provide emergency food aid and support for leaders of Hamas: Serve the interests of the
an African Union peacekeeping force. Yet Palestinian people; abandon terror; recognize
your suffering continues. The world must Israel's right to exist; honor agreements; and
step forward to provide additional humani work for peace.
tarian aid, and we must strengthen the Afri President Abbas is committed to peace
can Union force that has done good work and to his people's aspirations for a state of
but is not strong enough to protect you. The their own. Prime Minister Olmert is com
Security Council has approved a resolution mitted to peace and has said he intends to
that would transform the African Union force meet with President Abbas to make real
into a blue-helmeted force that is larger and progress on the outstanding issues between
more robust. To increase its strength and ef them. I believe peace can i. achieved and
fectiveness, NATO nations should provide lo that a democratic Palestinian state is possible.
gistics and other support. The regime in I hear from leaders in the region who want
Khartoum is stopping the deployment of this to help. I've directed Secretary of State Rice
force. If the Sudanese Government does not to lead a diplomatic effort to engage mod
approve this peacekeeping force quickly, the erate leaders across the region, to help the
United Nations must act. Your lives and the Palestinians reform their security services
credibility of the United Nations is at stake. and support Israeli and Palestinian leaders
So today I'm announcing that I'm naming a in their efforts to come together to resolve
Presidential special envoy, former USAID their differences. Prime Minister Blair has
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 19 1637

indicated that his country will work with part Remarks at a Luncheon Hosted by
ners in Europe to help strengthen the gov Secretary-General Kofi Annan of the
erning institutions of the Palestinian adminis United Nations in New York City
tration. We welcome his initiative. Countries
like Saudi Arabia and Jordan and Egypt have September 19, 2006
made clear they're willing to contribute the Mr. Secretary-General, distinguished
diplomatic and financial assistance necessary members of the United Nations community,
to help these efforts succeed. I'm optimistic Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
that by supporting the forces of democracy we're proud to welcome you here to our
and moderation, we can help Israelis and Pal country.
estinians build a more hopeful future and I'm pleased to be with you at the 61st ses
achieve the peace in a Holy Land we all want. sion of the United Nations General Assem
bly, this year under the President—under the
Freedom, by its nature, cannot be im leadership of President Sheikha Khalifa from
posed—it must be chosen. From Beirut to Bahrain, the first woman from the Middle
Baghdad, people are making the choice for East to serve in this position. We welcome
freedom. And the nations gathered in this her presence on the podium.
chamber must make a choice as well: Will
Mr. Secretary-General, it is appropriate
we support the moderates and reformers that we offer you a toast today, a toast based
who are working for change across the Mid upon our gratitude for your 10 years of serv
dle East, or will we yield the future to the ice to this important body. We need to toast
terrorists and extremists? America has made
its choice: We will stand with the moderates
your compassion, when the world saw the
and reformers.
United Nations respond to natural disasters.
We need to toast your desire for peace. We
need to toast the fact that you're a hard work
Recently a courageous group of Arab and er. For those of you who have had the honor
Muslim intellectuals wrote me a letter. In it,
of taking phone calls from Kofi Annan, you
they said this: “The shore of reform is the know that he's not always calling from the
only one on which any lights appear, even same address. I've talked to him a lot of times
though the journey demands courage and pa during my time as President, and a lot of
tience and perseverance.” The United Na times my discussions with him came from
tions was created to make that journey pos when he was in faraway places, because he
sible. Together we must support the dreams cares deeply about the world.
of good and decent people who are working We need to toast the fact that he loves
to transform a troubled region, and by doing his wife, and his wife loves him. We need
so, we will advance the high ideals on which to toast the fact that he is a decent, honorable
this institution was founded.
man. We need to raise our glasses to 10 years
Thank you for your time. God bless. of extraordinary service and be thankful that
a man such as Kofi Annan was willing to
stand up and serve the cause of justice and
NotE: The President spoke at 12:15 p.m. in the And so now if you'll join me in a toast to
General Assembly Hall. In his remarks, he re a good man and a good friend, and we ask
ferred to Secretary-General Kofi Annan of the for God's blessings on you.
United Nations; Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa,
President, 61st Session of the U.N. General As
sembly; President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan; NOTE: The President spoke at 2:14 p.m. at the
former President Saddam Hussein and President United Nations headquarters. In his remarks, he
Jalal Talabani of Iraq; President Mahmoud Abbas referred to Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa,
(Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian Authority; Prime President, 61st Session of the U.N. General As
Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel; and Prime Min sembly; and Nane Maria Annan, wife of Secretary
ister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. The Of General Annan. The transcript released by the Of
fice of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish fice of the Press Secretary also included the re
language transcript of these remarks. marks of Secretary-General Annan. A tape was
1638 Sept. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
not available for verification of the content of So, Mr. President, thank you for coming
these remarks.
again. I appreciate your time. I appreciate
your longstanding courage and support for
freedom and liberty. History will judge you
Remarks Following Discussions With kindly, Mr. President, when they look back
President Jalal Talabani of Iraq in and realize that under your leadership, a new
New York City democracy began to flourish in the º of
September 19, 2006 the Middle East, called Iraq.
President Bush. I want to thank the Presi President Talabani. Thank you. Today
dent of Iraq for joining us. President we were honored to meet President Bush,
Talabani, you and your colleagues here have who we consider him as the hero of liberation
given us time so we can strategize together of Iraq and who we are—very much appre
to help you succeed, help you become a de ciate the sacrifice of brave American Army,
mocracy, a country that can sustain itself and those who gave their life to liberate our coun
govern itself and defend itself, in the heart try from the worst kind of dictatorship, which
of the Middle East. left behind mass graves with hundreds of
I want to congratulate the Iraqi people on thousands of innocent Iraqis in it. And the
your courage. These are tough times. There liberation of Iraq from this kind of dictator
is still violence in your midst because extrem ship opened the door for Iraqi people to
ists want to stop the advance of a free society. enjoy democracy, human rights, and all kinds
We spent time strategizing on how we can of liberties, and to have free election, the Na
continue to help the Iraqi Government pro tional Assembly then elects the Presidency
vide security for her people. It's not only se and Speaker and Prime Minister, and to have
curity that comes from troops but security national unity, a Government headed by Dr.
that comes from economic vitality. Maliki.
We had a very good meeting yesterday on This Government is representing main
the compact for Iraq. The international com portions of Iraqi people, of course Arabs,
munity came and listened very carefully to Sunnis, Shi'as, Turkomans, Christians, Mus
the Iraqi Government's proposals and lims, everyone represented in this Govern
pledged support for this new democracy, and ment, and is working well for national rec
that ought to hearten the Iraqi people. I onciliation. I briefed his Excellency, Presi
made it very clear to the President that it's dent, about the steps we have taken towards
important for the Government of Iraq to con implementing—implementation of national
tinue to make very difficult decisions so that reconciliation program. And also, I told him
the people of Iraq see progress, to see dif that we are trying to do our best to remove
ferent political parties capable of working to all obstacles in the way of national reconcili
gether for the good of the country and for ation, to try to review some of those like de
the good of the people. I'm optimistic that Baathification and look to the amendment of
this Government will succeed. And I’ve told a Constitution and also try to have some kind
the President of Iraq that America has given of discussion, free discussion about federa
her word to help you, and we will keep our tion and some other issues. We have also our
word. The people of Iraq must know that. roadmap in Iraq, which was decided by a po
I spoke today at the United Nations, and litical council of national security for solving
in my speech, I spoke directly to the people other problems of Iraqi people.
of Iraq. I wanted them to know that we're We, again, expressed our gratitude to his
thinking about them during this difficult pe Excellency, our dear friend, President
riod of time. I want them to know we appre George Bush, and to American people. We
ciate their courage. And I want them to know hope that America also understand that we
that the United States of America stands with are grateful to them, to the America, and we
them, so long as the Government continues will never forget those friends who helped
to make the tough choices necessary for us in the difficult days of Iraq, and Iraq will
peace to prevail. be always in the future in very good relation
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 20 1639

and be the friend of the United States and I am confident she will continue to dedicate
partner of United States in fighting against herself to keeping Americans safe from crime
tyranny, dictatorship, and terrorism. You can and bringing those who violate our laws to
count on the Iraqi people, Mr. President, in justice.
fighting against terrorism and for democra I continue to encourage the Senate to pro
tization of whole Middle East. vide all of my nominees a prompt up-or
President Bush. Thank you, sir. down vote.

NotE: The President spoke at 4:16 p.m. at the

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. President Talabani re
Remarks Following Discussions With
ferred to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq. President Mahmoud Abbas of the
A tape was not available for verification of the
content of these remarks. Palestinian Authority in New York
Statement on Senate Action on the
September 20, 2006
United States-Oman Free Trade President Bush. Mr. President, thank you
Agreement for coming. Yesterday, in my speech to the
September 19, 2006 United Nations, I said that you're a man of
peace who believes in a two-state solution.
I commend the Senate for passing the And after our conversation today, once again
U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement, which you confirmed that.
will deliver benefits to both America and I, too, believe that the best way to bring
Oman. This agreement will level the playing peace to the Holy Land is for two democratic
field for U.S. workers and businesses, pro states living side by side in peace. I said in
vide additional market access for U.S. goods, my speech yesterday that the Palestinian
help Oman's leaders develop long-term op state must have territorial integrity. I firmly
portunities for their people, and advance our believe that. I also said in my speech that
shared goal of building a Middle East Free the-one of the great objectives of my ad
Trade Area. ministration is to achieve this vision. I fully
understand that in order to achieve this vi
By strengthening our relations with a stra
tegic friend and ally in the Middle East, this sion, there must be leaders willing to speak
important agreement will also help protect out and act on behalf of people who yearn
America's national security interests. for peace, and you are such a leader, Mr.
I look forward to signing this legislation
into law. I can't thank you enough for the courage
you have shown. I assure you that our Gov
ernment wants to work with you in order—
Statement on Senate Confirmation of
so that you're able—capable of delivering the
Alice S. Fisher To Be Assistant vision that so many Palestinians long for, and
Attorney General for the Criminal that is a society in which they can raise their
Division at the Department of Justice children in peace and hope. And I know that
September 19, 2006 society is possible. And I appreciate your vi
sion along those lines.
I am pleased that the Senate acted today So, welcome to Washington, DC [the
to confirm Alice S. Fisher as Assistant Attor United States] *; I think this is our fifth visit.
ney General for the Criminal Division at the Every time, I've left our visits inspired by
Department of Justice. your vision.
Alice is a talented and effective public President Abbas. Mr. President, thank
servant. As Acting Assistant Attorney Gen you very much. I'm honored to meet with
eral, she has led hundreds of DOJ attorneys you, as you said, for the fifth time during
and other staff in their efforts to combat ter these past years.
rorism, gang violence, drug trafficking, cor
ruption, fraud, and crimes against children. * White House correction.
164() Sept. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
First of all, I would like to thank you great the Director of my National Economic
ly for the wonderful speech that you have Council. Deborah Lehr will serve as Sec
iº yesterday before the United Na retary Paulson's special envoy to the dialog.
tions, and talk about the Palestinian issues President Hu and I agree on the importance
and your vision of two states, and you adopt of maintaining strong and mutually beneficial
this vision. Mr. President, you are the first U.S.-China economic relations and on the
American President to adopt the vision of need to establish an overarching bilateral
two states living side by side. economic framework between our two coun
Of course, I've talked with the President tries. The Strategic Economic Dialogue will
about the situation in the Palestinian Terri help us achieve those objectives.
tories and the difficulties that the Palestinian The economies of the United States and
people are facing as well as the possible solu China have been engines of global growth.
tion that can get us out of these difficulties. We must ensure that citizens of both coun
And I mentioned to the President that more tries benefit equitably from our growing eco
than 70 percent of the Palestinian popu nomic relationship and that we work together
lation, they believe in the two-state solution, to address economic challenges and opportu
a state of Palestine and a state of Israel living nities.
in peace and security next to each other. That
means that the Palestinian people desire
Proclamation 8054—Gold Star
peace, and there is no power on Earth that
can prevent the Palestinian people from Mother's Day, 2006
moving toward the peaceful solution and liv September 20, 2006
ing and coexisting in peace.
Of course, we look forward to activate the By the President of the United States
various plans and various resolutions and the of America
roadmap in order to be in a position to reach,
A Proclamation
with our neighbors, the desired objectives.
We always, Mr. President—we look for Since America's founding, every genera
ward to your support and your help and your tion has produced patriots willing to sacrifice
aid, because we are in dire need for your for our great Nation. Many of these proud
help and support. Mr. President, we will al sons and daughters have given everything for
ways be faithful and truthful to peace, and our freedom, and America has mourned the
we will not disappoint you. loss of every life. On Gold Star Mother's Day,
President Bush. Thank you, sir. Thank we pay special tribute to the mothers of those
you very much. lost while defending our country and extend
ing the blessings of liberty to others.
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:33 a.m. at the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. President Abbas spoke in Gold Star Mothers have long borne the
Arabic, and his remarks were translated by an in hardships of war with dignity and devotion.
terpreter. A tape was not available for verification Through heartbreaking loss and unimagi
of the content of these remarks. nable grief, they continue to support each
other through difficult times, stand up for
those wearing the uniform of the United
Statement on the Creation of the States, and serve their communities in the
United States-China Strategic best traditions of the American spirit. Their
Economic Dialogue strength, compassion, and determination are
September 20, 2006 an inspiration to all and a source of great
pride for our Nation.
I am pleased to welcome the creation of America lives in freedom because of the
the Strategic Economic Dialogue between sacrifices of America's finest citizens and of
the United States and China. My leading eco the mothers who raised them. In the words
nomic adviser, Secretary of the Treasury of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944,
Henry Paulson, will chair the U.S. side of “There is nothing adequate which anyone in
the dialog, with support from Allan Hubbard, any place can say to those who are entitled
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 21 1641

to display the gold star in their windows.” Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuild
Each year, this observance is an opportunity ing Office in the Department of Homeland
to offer our solemn respect to Gold Star Security. The total discretionary budget au
Mothers and renew our ongoing pledge that thority in my FY 2007 Budget would not be
America will always remember those who increased by this request.
died while wearing the uniform of the United The details of this proposal are set forth
States and forever honor their families' sac in the enclosed letter from the Director of
rifice. the Office of Management and Budget.
The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution Sincerely,
115 of June 23, 1936 (49 Stat. 1895 as George W. Bush
amended), has designated the last Sunday in
September as “Gold Star Mother's Day” and
has authorized and requested the President Remarks at a Reception for
to issue a proclamation in its observance. On
Congressional Candidate Gus
this day, we express our deep gratitude to Bilirakis in Tampa, Florida
our Nation's Gold Star Mothers, and we ask
God's blessings on them and on their fami September 21, 2006
Gus, thanks. There's nothing wrong with
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, a son following in his father's footsteps, par
President of the United States of America, ticularly when you've got such a good son
do hereby proclaim Sunday, September 24, as Gus Bilirakis. [Laughter. He's the right
2006, as Gold Star Mother's Day. I call upon man for the United States Congress, and I
all Government officials to display the flag appreciate you all coming to support him.
of the United States over Government build
I've been looking for Brother. [Laughter]
ings on this solemn day. I also encourage the He claims he's working. [Laughter] But I
American people to display the flag and hold know he sends his best. He, like me, recog
appropriate ceremonies as a public expres nizes that Gus is the right man to serve you
sion of our Nation's sympathy and respect in the United States Congress. He really is.
for our Gold Star Mothers.
He's a good, decent, honorable, family-ori
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set ented man who will represent the interests
my hand this twentieth day of September, of the folks down here. So Jeb sends his best.
in the year of our Lord two thousand six, But more importantly, so does Laura.
and of the Independence of the United [Laughter] Like me, Gus married well—
States of America the two hundred and thir
[laughter]—and it was my privilege to meet
ty-first. Eva and the four boys who are here. It's good
George W. Bush to see you guys. Thanks for coming. Thanks
for helping Dad get elected. He's going to
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, need your help putting up those signs. And
8:45 a.m., September 25, 2006) he's going to need the help of a family stand
NotE: This proclamation will be published in the ing with him. And that's why it's important
Federal Register on September 26. to have people who go to Washington, DC,
who have prioritized their families. And the
Bilirakis is a family-oriented group of folks.
Letter to the Speaker of the House of They understand that families are important
Representatives Transmitting for a stable society, and I'm proud to be here
Budget Amendments for the Federal with Gus and all his friends.
Coordinator for Gulf Coast Thank you all for coming. It's not easy to
Rebuilding Office have a fundraiser this successful; it really
isn't. And I know how much work it took,
September 20, 2006 Gus, to convince this many people for com
Dear Mr. Speaker: ing. It's a good sign when you're running for
I ask the Congress to consider the en Congress, Gus, and you get this many people
closed FY 2007 Budget amendments for the to stand up and say, “We’re willing to help
1642 Sept. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
you.” And for those of you who have given, didn't think it made sense, by the way, to
thanks. And for those of you who wonder penalize marriage. We think in society, you
if there's still more to do, there is. And so ought to encourage marriage.
I urge you to think about putting up signs We cut the taxes on capital and—capital
and getting on the telephone and turning out gains and dividends to encourage investment.
the votes. Go to your churches and places We understand the role of Government is
of worship, community centers, and remind not to create wealth but to create an environ
people, when you've got somebody who is ment in which the entrepreneurial spirit
honest and decent and who shares the values
flourishes. We put the death tax on the road
of the people in Tampa, vote for him and to extinction, because we want to help our
send him to Washington, DC. small businesses and farmers. There should
We not only married well; we share some be no doubt in anybody's mind where we
thing else in common: We've got strong stand on cutting taxes.
willed mothers. [Laughter And I'm glad to And the Democrats in Washington have
be here with Evelyn. The only difference be got a record of their own, and there should
tween Ms. Bilirakis and my mother is, my be no doubt in anybody's mind where they
mother's hair is white. [Laughter] Both of stand. When we first cut taxes back in 2001
them speak their mind. As a matter of fact, to get this economy going, when we cut taxes
when I ran into Miss Bilirakis earlier, she to recover from a recession, when we cut
said to me—this is in Washington—she says, taxes to make sure we recovered from a cor
“My boy is running, and you get down there porate scandal, almost 85 percent of the
and help him as quickly as you can.” [Laugh House Democrats voted against it. When we
ter. Isn't that right? [Laughter] I’m proud
to be with you. And thanks for serving. You cut taxes in 2003, nearly 95 percent of the
married a good man. He served this district House Democrats voted against you having
well, as will his son. more money in your pocket. And when we
I'm proud to be here with Congresswoman extended the key tax cuts earlier this year,
Katherine Harris, running for the United more than 92 percent of the House Demo
States Senate. I want to thank Bing Kearney, crats voted against it. I think you're begin
who is the event chairman, and all the orga ning to get a drift of their philosophy about
nizers. Appreciate you coming. Thanks for your money.
your help. One leading Democrat predicted this: He
I'm looking forward to the campaign. I'm said the tax cuts would do nothing to create
looking forward to reminding the American jobs. That's what they were saying when we
people there are significant differences in be said we were going to cut the taxes on the
tween what our party believes and what the small-business owners and the working peo
other party believes. If there's a–it's easy ple to make sure you had more money in
to tell us apart. And the first place you can your pocket, which would stimulate job
start is looking at taxes. There's a funda growth. And one of the leaders said, “No,
mental difference in this campaign and cam that's not going to do anything to create
paigns all across the country about who best jobs.” Well, since those words were uttered
to spend your money. We believe that the in May of 2003, our economy has added
best people to spend your money is you. We nearly 5.7 million new jobs. That's more jobs
believe that once you set priorities, it's im than Canada, France, Germany, Great Brit
portant to have money in their pocket, be ain, Italy, Japan, all put together. This econ
cause we know that when you save, invest, omy
strong because of progrowth eco

and spend, it helps this economy grow.

And so working with Members of the You see, what our opponents don't under
United States Congress, we passed the larg stand is that the economy grows when you
est tax relief since Ronald Reagan was the control more of your own money. The tax
President. We cut the taxes on everybody cuts we passed put more than a trillion dol
who pays income taxes. We doubled the child lars in the hands of American workers and
credit. We reduced the marriage penalty. We families and businesses. And you used that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 21 1643

money to help us become a strong economy, to let the tax relief expire. That's like a boss
the world leader. who came in and said, “You know something,
And now we've got a choice to make, and I'm going to let your last pay raise expire.”
that's what elections are all about, giving the |Laughter] We're not going to let it happen.
people clear choices. Do you want to keep We're going to make it clear the differences
your taxes low so we can keep the economy between our desire to keep your taxes low
growing, or do we raise taxes and let the poli and their desire to run your taxes up. Good
ticians in Washington try to grow the econ economic policy says, we got plenty of taxes
omy? in Washington, DC; let's make sure the en
Gus has made his position clear, and so trepreneurs and small businesses have
have I. We're going to let you keep more enough money in their pocket to expand this
of your own money. But the Democrats have job base so people can find work.
made their position clear too. I want you to And I'm looking forward to talking about
remember, the last time they had control of this until election day. I think it's a big issue.
the United States Congress back in 1993, I think there are plenty of people across the
they passed a massive tax increase. In the country—Republicans, discerning Demo
13 years since then, they've worked hard to crats, and wise independents—who under
sustain their record as the party of high taxes. stand they're paying plenty of taxes to Wash
A majority of House Democrats have ington, DC. Oh, you'll hear this; they're
voted against reducing the marriage penalty going to say—and Gus, I'm sure you'll have
not once, not twice, but 26 times. It's a clear
to deal with this—they're going to say,
record. A majority of House Democrats have “Look, we've got to raise your taxes to bal
voted against a higher child tax credit 19
times. It's a clear record. If they get control ance the budget.” That's not the way Wash
of the House of Representatives, they'll raise ington, DC, works. They will raise your taxes
your taxes, and it will hurt our economy, and and figure out new ways to spend your
that's why we're not going to let them get money. The best way to balance the budget
control of the House of Representatives— is to keep progrowth economic policies in
and elect people like Gus Bilirakis. place that are generating additional tax reve
Just this week, the top Democrat on the nues into the Treasury and be wise about
House tax-writing committee said this—it's how we spend your money.
important for the American people to know We've got to set clear priorities in Wash
there's a difference in point of view; they just ington, DC, and the top priority is to make
think differently, got different philosophies sure our troops will have what it takes to de
fend the United States of America.
about to do—what to do with your money.
Here's what the top Democrat said on the There's a lot of issues. A lot of issues will
committee that's going to write—determine be—I'll be working with Gus on. One issue,
what happens to your taxes. He said, “I can't of course, is to make sure we diversify our
think of one of our tax cuts that should be energy supplies. We've got to make sure we
extended.” get off of hydrocarbons as quickly as possible.
That's one way of saying, they're going to But in the meantime, we'll be exploring for
raise your taxes, because, you see, if you don't hydrocarbons, and we'll do so in an environ
extend the tax cuts, your taxes go up. They mentally friendly way that protects the coast
may not call it a tax increase; they may want of the State of Florida. I told you that I would
you to think something different. But if they support reasonable limits, extended limits,
don't extend the tax cuts that are set to ex about off-shore drilling, and I've kept my
pire, the working people, the small-business word to the Governor. I've kept my word
owners, those who are struggling to put food to the people of Florida, and I’m going to
on the table for their families, the taxes are continue working with this Congressman to
going to go up. make sure that we have good, same energy
Now, they're going to say—they may not policy.
tell you they're going to raise your taxes. I'm going to continue to work with this
They're just going to say they're just going Congressman-to-be on making sure seniors
1644 Sept. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
have got prescription drugs that they can af America from attack. If there are walls that
ford. You might remember, before I came make it hard for intelligence gatherers and
into Washington, DC, Medicare was an im those charged with protecting this country,
portant policy, but it was growing tired and make it hard for them to communicate, we
old. Medicine was changing—there's a lot of want to tear down those walls so we can pro
doctors out here who know what I'm talking tect the United States of America from at
about—Medicare wasn't changing with it. It tack. Our most important job in Washington
was a system that just simply wasn't meeting is to protect you, and we'll do everything we
the needs of our seniors. So I said to Con Can.

gress, “Why don't we modernize Medicare; I remind people that the enemy has got
why don't we make sure that our seniors have to be right once, and we got to be right 100
got prescription drug coverage as a part of percent of the time in order to protect us.
a modern Medicare system.” So the best way to protect the United States
We worked hard, we got the legislation of America is to stay on the offense and bring
out. And now I'm going to make sure we the enemy to justice before they come here
work with the United States Congress, the and hurt us in America.
new Congress after this election, to make And that's exactly what we're doing. Every
sure the Medicare reforms we put in place day, you just need to know, some of Amer
that are benefiting seniors of all political par ica's finest folks are on the offense. We're
ties all across the Nation don't get watered running down every lead possible. It's hard
down by people who think the best way to to plot and plan attacks against the United
run medicine is to have the Federal Govern States when you're on the run. I need Mem
ment make every single decision. bers of Congress who understand that you
I'm looking forward to working with Gus can't negotiate with these folks; you can't
Bilirakis to make sure the good reforms we hope that they change their mind; that the
put in place to make sure every child gets best way to protect the American people is
a good education stays there. The No Child to defeat them overseas so we do not have
Left Behind Act is making a significant dif to face them here at home.
ference for the United States of America, and And the central front on this war on terror
Congressman, I look forward to working with is Iraq. Now, I know some Americans say,
you on its reauthorization. “Well, it's not associated with the war on ter
And I'm looking forward to working with ror.” Well, all I ask them to do is listen to
this good man to keep the peace. This is a what Usama bin Laden says when he calls
nation at war. And we've got to have people Iraq the third—world war III. All I ask is
in the United States Congress who see the that our fellow citizens be realistic about the
world the way it is, not the way we would world and listen to the words of senior Al
like it to be. We can't afford to not be realistic Qaida when they say our objective is to—
about the world in which we live. The stakes their objective is to run us out of the Middle
are too high. There's an enemy that still East so they can topple moderate govern
wants to attack us. I wish I could report oth ments, so they could have energy resources
erwise, but that is not the reality of the world at their disposal to inflict economic damage
in which we live. And therefore, the most on those of us who refuse to kowtow to their
important job the Congressman will have— demands, run us out of the Middle East so
will—to join with other Members of Con that they could achieve one of their objec
gress and the administration to protect the tives, which is the destruction of our close
United States of America. ally Israel.
If somebody is—associated with Al Qaida Iraq is a central front in this war on terror,
is making a phone call into the United States and we've got a plan to defeat the enemy.
of America, we want to know why, so we can And it starts with answering to the will of
protect the United States against further at 12 million brave Iraqis who said, when given
tack. If somebody associated with terrorism a chance to vote, “We want to be free.”
is moving money around, we need to know There's big debate about Saddam Hussein.
why, so we can protect the United States of My view is today as it was then; he was a
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 21 1645

threat. You see, after 9/11, we had to take You know, people ask me all the time—
threats seriously before they came home to people ask me all the time, you know—they
hurt us. In order to protect this country— say, “What do you mean, when democracy
if you think the most important obligation takes hold? Do you think—really think peo
of the Federal Government is to protect the ple in the Middle East want to be free?” And
country, then you must recognize that we do the answer is, absolutely. We believe in the
two things. One, if we find somebody har United States and the universality of free
boring terrorists, we hold them to account; dom. I personally believe there's an Al
and we've got to take threats seriously before mighty, and I think a great gift from that
they come home to hurt us. Saddam Hussein Almighty is the desire in everybody's soul to
was a threat. be free. I'm not talking about just American
And don't let people rewrite the history Methodists. I believe in everybody's soul is
of the way the world was. He was a state the desire to be free. And I know that when
sponsor of terror. He paid family of suiciders. you look at history, liberty has got the capac
He had attacked his neighbors. He had used ity to defeat resentment and ideologies of
weapons of mass destruction. He was a sworn hate.
enemy of the United States of America. And You know, one of the stories I like to share
he had been given ample time to disclose, with people is my experience with the Prime
disarm, or face serious consequences by over Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Koizumi.
a dozen United Nations Security Council res You might remember, I had an interesting
olutions. Getting rid of Saddam Hussein was trip. [Laughter. He and I went down to Elvis'
the right º; to do, and the world is peace place. [Laughter] Went down there for a cou
ful because of it—the world is more peaceful ple of reasons: One, I had never been to
because of it. Elvis' place, and I'd like to go, you know.
And the world will be more peaceful when I thought it would be kind of fun. [Laughter
democracy takes hold in Iraq. And it's hard More importantly, he wanted to go. [Laugh
work. It's hard work because Al Qaida under ter. He loves Elvis. [Laughter. He can sing
stands that democracies in the Middle East all the songs, you know—[laughter]—collects
defeat their ideological vision of an extremist the memorabilia.
caliphate. It's hard because Saddamists are But I also wanted to send a signal to the
upset that they're no longer in power. It's American people about what's possible when
hard because people are taking revenge for liberty takes hold. A fellow came through the
past history. But it's necessary work. It's nec line recently here, and he said, “My grand
essary for our security. father served on the USS San Jacinto with
If we were to leave before the mission was
your dad.” They were in the Pacific Ocean,
done, what kind of signal would that send young guys who had been called into action
to the extremists and radicals who want to because the Japanese had attacked us, and
harm either the United States or our close we were in a brutal war with Japan—a really
allies? What kind of signal would it send to tough war.
the reformers and dreamers of a better life, The hatred for—of America for Japan was
that the United States has lost its will? What intense, and so intense, you can imagine how
kind of signal would it send to those who people would react if somebody had stood
count on the United States for its leadership? up and said, “I predict, someday, an Amer
Our credibility would be damaged. Our en ican President and the Japanese Prime Min
emies would be emboldened. ister would be going to, you know, a singer's
We're constantly changing tactics, but our house.” [Laughter|They would have run him
strategy has not ...' We will help the out of town, probably, you know. [Laughter
Iraqis build a military where they can defend But that's, in fact, what happened. And
their freedom. We will help them build the when we were on the airplane going down
institutions necessary for a free society to from Washington to Memphis, we were talk
work. We will do our job and stand by the ing about keeping the peace. The Prime Min
people of Iraq, and the world will be better ister of a country with which we were at war,
for it when democracy takes hold. a brutal war—young kids went off and never
1646 Sept. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
came home, unbelievable devastation and NOTE: The President spoke at 1:36 p.m. at Ray
destruction in that war, a war ended by mas mond James Stadium. In his remarks, he referred
sive bombing—the Prime Minister of that to Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida; Usama bin Laden,
country and the President of the United leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organization;
former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq; and
States were talking about peace. We were
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan.
talking about North Korea, what we could
do together to keep the peace. We were talk
ing about the need to help this young democ Remarks on Senate Action on the
racy in the heart of the Middle East succeed “Military Commissions Act of 2006”
so it could defeat an ideology of hatred. We in Orlando, Florida
were talking about how democracy has got
the capacity to defeat the conditions that cre
ate resentment and hopelessness that cause September 21, 2006
young men to decide to become suicide I want to thank the Members of the
United States Senate for working with my
It's an amazing lesson of history, isn't it? administration to meet our top legislative pri
It strikes me as so ironic, in a way, that my ority, and that is a law that will help us crack
dad fought the Japanese, and his son sits the terror network and to save American
down with the Prime Minister of the same lives.
country to keep the peace. What happened
was, Japan adopted a Japanese-style democ I had a single test for the pending legisla
racy. Liberty has got the unbelievable capac tion, and that's this: Would the CIA operators
ity to convert enemies into allies, to change tell me whether they could go forward with
nations from hopelessness to hope. Someday, the program, that is a program to question
an American President will be sitting down detainees to be able to get information to
talking to duly elected leaders of the Middle protect the American people? I'm pleased to
East about how to keep the peace, and a gen say that this agreement preserves the most
eration of American children will be better
off for it.
single—most potent tool we have in pro
tecting America and foiling terrorist attacks,
And those are the stakes. We're in the
and that is the CIA program to question the
great ideological struggle of the 21st century. world's most dangerous terrorists and to get
It's a struggle playing out now in the Middle their secrets.
East between decent, honorable people who
want something better for their children than The measure also creates military commis
war and turbulence versus extremists and sions that will bring these ruthless killers to
radicals who use terrorism and murder to justice. In short, the agreement clears the
create fear. And the United States must lead
way to do what the American people expect
in this ideological struggle to achieve the us to do, to capture terrorists, to detain ter
peace we all want. rorists, to question terrorists, and then to try
And so I'm proud to stand with a man who them. I hope the Congress will send me leg
sees the world the way it is; a person who islation before it wraps up their business next
understands that this great country has got week.
responsibilities not only to protect ourselves
but responsibilities to lay the foundation for Thank you.
peace for generations to come.
It's an exciting time to be representing the
greatest nation on the face of the Earth. NOTE: The President spoke at 5:04 p.m. at the
You'll like it up there, Gus. [Laughter] And Ritz-Carlton Orlando. In his remarks, he referred
I hope you all work hard to make sure he to S. 3930. The Office of the Press Secretary also
gets there. Thanks for coming. May God released a Spanish language transcript of these re
bless you. marks.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 21 1647

Remarks at a Reception for who is with us today. I, too, encourage you

Gubernatorial Candidate Charlie to vote for Katherine Harris for the United
States Senate. Welcome, Katherine.
Crist and the Republican Party of
Florida in Orlando One of my long-time friends here in Or
ange County is a guy whose son made him
September 21, 2006 famous—[laughter—a while ago. You might
The President. Thank you all. Thanks for remember the incident. I was up there giving
coming. I appreciate you all being here. one of my best speeches. [Laughter] I was
Thanks for your time. From “Chalkboard putting 100 percent into it. I thought I had
Charlie” to “Governor Charlie.” Thanks for the crowd on their feet, until I looked behind
helping this good man. He's a good, decent me. And Crotty's son was sound asleep.
man. He's had plenty of experience. He |Laughter! So, Crotty, you tell him, stay
knows what he needs to do. He's been the awake the next time he comes to one of these
commissioner of education; he's been your things. It kind of hurts an old guy's feelings.
attorney general; he's been a State senator. But I'm glad to be here with Rich Crotty.
He's the right guy for the job, and I want He's doing a fine job in Orange County.
I want to thank all the other State and local
to thank you very much for standing strong
when you find somebody who is decent and officials who are here. I want to thank the
honorable, willing to serve the State of Flor party activists who are here, starting with
ida—and that's Charlie Crist. Carole Jean Jordan, who is the chairman of
And you're right, Charlie, you're following the Republican Party of Florida, and my
a good man. He's made our family proud. friend Al Austin, who is the finance chairman
But more importantly, he's done a fine job of the Republican Party of Florida.
for the people of Florida. He's the kind of And raising money is one thing, and to
guy—[applause]—and, Charlie, I know you'll night is an extraordinarily successful event,
follow this example about you—he doesn't and I thank you. I know it takes a lot to orga
need a poll or a focus group to tell him what nize one of these events, and you've done
to think. a marvelous job. But I also want to remind
And that's what is necessary to make the you, in order for Charlie to win, he's going
hard decisions when you're the chief execu to need people to put up the signs and make
tive officer of a State, or in my case, the the phone calls and stuff the envelopes—
United States. I'm proud to be here with those quiet heroes of grassroots politics. So
Charlie. I know something about being a for those of you who have been involved with
Governor; I was one once. It requires a man grassroots politics here in Florida, thank you
with vision and a person who knows how to for what you have done and thank you for
set the right priorities for a State. There's what you're going to do to help this good
no doubt in my mind Charlie Crist will make man get elected Governor of the State of
a great Governor for the State of Florida, Florida.
and I want to thank you for helping him. You know, it's—one of the big issues that
And my wife feels the same way. If you faces our country and your State is the issue
were smart, Charlie, you'd get Laura down of taxes. I think you're taxed too much; so
here to campaign for you. She sends her love; does Charlie. And I think there's going to
she sends her love to Jeb, and she sends her be a clear difference in this race, and there's
love to our friends here in Florida. And we've certainly a clear difference nationally. You
got a lot of friends. We've been blessed in know, the we share a philosophy, and that
this great State to have made a lot of friends. is, the role of Government is not to try to
And I want to thank all my buddies who were create wealth, but the role of Government
there when nobody thought we could win in is to create an environment in which the en
2000, and then came back through in 2004. trepreneurial spirit flourishes and which
Now you're back in 2006, and I’m grateful. small businesses can grow to be big busi
It's for a good cause. nesses. It's an environment in which people
I want to thank Jeff Kottkamp, the next get to keep their own money. And the funda
Lieutenant Governor of the State of Florida, mental question facing this Nation and this
1648 Sept. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
State is, who best to spend your money? We if they're going to say, “Well, we're just not
believe the best people to spend your money going to extend the tax cuts,” that means
is you. they're going to run up your taxes. Running
The Democrats believe they can spend it up your taxes would be * for our econ
better than you can. omy, and it would be wrong for the working
Audience members. No-o-o! families of the United States.
The President. And it's a fundamental, So I asked Charlie, I said, what's he mak
philosophical difference. I aim to make taxes ing a priority? He said, “I’m making property
a key issue across this country, and we've got taxes a priority in the State of Florida.” You
a good record on taxes, and so does Brother put him in office, he's going to cut your |.
Jeb, and so will Governor Crist. erty taxes, and you can take that to the bank.
I was proud to sign the largest tax relief You know, we enacted some good legisla
since Ronald Reagan was President of the tion when it came to making sure our seniors
United States. I did so because I felt we had have got good health care. You might re
enough money to spend on your behalf in member, the Medicare º had gone a
Washington, DC, and I knew that if you had little stale. We would pay for surgeries but
more money in your pocket to save, invest, not for the prescription drugs that would pre
or spend, this economy would grow. vent the surgery from being needed in the
There's a fundamental difference in Wash first place. And that didn't make any sense.
ington. When we cut the taxes on child care, My attitude is, if you're going to provide a
most Democrats voted against—on the child service for our seniors, let's provide a good
credit, most Democrats voted against it. We Service.
tried to get rid of the marriage penalty—it's And so we modernized Medicare, and
a simple concept, by the way. You shouldn't today, the bills that seniors pay for prescrip
penalize marriage in the Tax Code; you ought tion drugs is way down, and the days of sen
to encourage—most Democrats voted iors—poor seniors having to choose between
against it. When we tried to get the death food and medicine, those days are over. And
tax on the road to extinction, most Democrats I'm going to need a Governor, just like Jeb
voted against it. We've got a record of cutting did, to make sure the modernization of this
taxes, and they've got a record of opposing Medicare program is available for all of Flor
tax cuts. It's night and day. It is a clear exam ida's seniors.
ple of the philosophical difference that di When I was the Governor of Texas, I used
vides Republicans and Democrats. to say, education is to the State what national
I remember in 2003 when we cut the taxes, defense is to the Federal Government. I
one of the leading Democrats stood up and think it's the most important priority of a
said, “Cutting taxes will do nothing to create State, is to make sure the public school sys
jobs.” Well, since that person uttered those tem insists upon excellence for every single
famous words, our economy has added 5.7 child. And that's what Charlie thinks too.
million new jobs. This economy is strong. That's why I called him “Chalkboard.”
This economy is strong because we let you |Laughter. He understands that a Governor,
have more of your own money, and we intend just like your Governor has done, needs to
to keep it that way. Just the other day, a top lead when it comes to challenging mediocrity
Democrat—the top Democrat on the House when we find it in the public schools.
tax writing committee—that's called the It's essential that our public schools work.
Ways and Means Committee; they'll be the It's essential that we set high standards and
people who decide whether or not your taxes measure to make sure children are learning
go up or down—said this, “I can't think of how to read and write and add and subtract.
one of our tax cuts that should be extended.” And if we find it early, we'll correct problems
Now let me try to boil down Washington early so no child is left behind in America
speak for you. If the tax cuts are not ex or in the State of Florida.
tended, your taxes go up. It's kind of like These are the issues that the people of
an employer saying, you know, “I’m not Florida are going to have to decide upon,
going to extend your pay raise,” see. And so you know—taxes, fiscal sanity, making sure
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 21 1649

the health care system works, and making have to face them here at home, and bring
sure every single child gets educated. And them to justice before they hurt us again.
I think if Floridians of all parties—or even And that's exactly what the United States
if they're not of a party—pay attention to the of America is doing, with a lot of other na
debate, they'll find that Charlie Crist stands tions. We're keeping the pressure on them.
with them. He'll be a people's Governor. He It's hard to plot and plan when you're on
likes to shake hands; he likes people. That's the run. And that's what we have been doing
the kind of Governor you want. You want for 5% years, and that's what we will con
somebody who feels comfortable with the tinue to do so long as I'm your President.
people of a State, somebody who can make The most important job we have is to protect
decisions, and somebody who can set a clear the American people.
vision on behalf of this vital State. And that's
Charlie Crist. You know, there's an enemy that still wants
I want to talk a little bit about the stakes to strike. I mean, it should be clear to the
of the world in which we live. We're at war. American people, particularly after we re
We're at war with a group of ideologs that cently, working with the Brits, foiled suicide
use murder as a weapon to intimidate and attacks, bombing these airplanes when
create fear. I wish I could report otherwise. they're flying into the United States. These
I vowed after September the 11th, 2001, are ruthless people. You cannot negotiate
that I would use every one of our national with them; you can't hope that their ambi
tions go away; you can't try to—you know,
assets in order to protect you. The most im
portant job of any government in this day therapy won't work. [Laughter. The only
and age is to protect the American people thing that matters is to bring them to justice.
from further attack. That starts with making And make no mistake about it—[applause].
sure our homeland is secure and making sure And so our strategy is twofold. On the one
those on the frontline of protecting you have hand, we'll protect you by staying on the of
the tools necessary to be able to protect you. fense. But we've got another weapon beside
We have to find out what the enemy is think a fantastic military and great intelligence
ing in order to stop attacks. If an Al Qaida people, and another weapon is liberty and
or an Al Qaida associate is making a phone freedom.
call into the United States, we need to know First, let me talk about the first part of
why in order to be able to protect you from our strategy. One is that when the President
further attacks.
says something, he better mean it. And when
If somebody is moving money around to I said, “If you harbor a terrorist, if you feed
finance a terrorist operation, We want to
a terrorist or house a terrorist, you're equally
know why they're moving money around, to as guilty as the terrorist, and you will be held
protect you. If the CIA and the FBI need to account.” That's why we removed the
to be able to share information to protect Taliban that was providing safe haven for Al
you, we need to make sure those walls are
permanently torn down. In order to protect Qaida, from Afghanistan. Twenty-five million
the United States of America, we must give people now are free.
those on the frontline that are protecting this The second part of the strategy is, when
Nation the tools necessary to do so within you see a threat, you must take threats seri
the Constitution of the United States, and ously before they come and hurt us in the
United States. It's a different doctrine than
that is precisely what this administration is
doing. we had in the past, but these threats are dif
But the facts are these: The enemy only ferent than the threats we've had in the past.
has to be right one time to protect you— I want to remind you that—what the world
to hurt us, and we've got to be right 100 per was like in 2001. In Iraq, there was a state
cent of the time to protect you, which means sponsor of terror. There was a tyrant who
that the best way to protect the American brutalized his own people. This man was the
people is to stay on the offense against these sworn enemy of the United States of Amer
killers, defeat them overseas so we do not ica. He paid suicide—families of suicide
1650 Sept. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
bombers to attack young democracies, for ex will prevail, because I believe that liberty,
ample. He had used weapons of mass de liberty and freedom have got the capacity to
struction. He was a threat. overcome the dark vision of these ideologs.
Now, before the President commits We've seen it happen in our history before.
troops, he must try diplomacy. I want you We have seen liberty triumph over hopeless
to walk back in that period of time and re ness and despair. See, in the short run, we
member resolution after resolution after res will stay on the offense, and we will hel
olution that came through the United Na those brave souls who want to fight the
tions, and yet the tyrant didn't change his enemy overseas so we don't have to face
mind. Saddam Hussein chose war, and war them here. In the long run, we will lay the
he got, and the world is better off without foundation of peace for our children by
Saddam Hussein in power. spreading liberty.
And now Iraq is the central front on the Now, one way to make this point to you
war on terror. I hear people in the United and to the American citizens is to remind
States, “Well, that's not true.” My advice to people about an interesting experience that
them is to listen carefully to the words of I just had, when I flew to Memphis, Ten
the enemy. Usama bin Laden has called Iraq nessee, with the Prime Minister of Japan.
world war III. He and Mr. Zawahiri, the Prime Minister Koizumi and I went to Elvis'
number-two man in Al Qaida, have made it place. [Laughter] It was an interesting expe
clear that their intention is to drive us out rience. I chose to go for three reasons: One,
of Iraq. They want the death and suffering I had never been to Elvis' place—[laugh
we see on our TV screens to cause us to aban ter—and I thought that would be fun to do;
don the 12 million people who said, “We plus, Laura wanted to go to Elvis' place.
want to be free.” |Laughter] Secondly—and secondly, the
And they want us to leave because they Prime Minister wanted to go to Elvis'
want to topple moderate governments in the place—[laughter—because he's a big Elvis
region. They want to get a hold of oil re fan. He loved Elvis Presley. Isn't that inter
sources. Imagine these radical jihadists, these esting? The Prime Minister of Japan thought
extremists who've subverted a great religion, Elvis was “It.”
controlling oil. They would—they would love But I also wanted to make a point to the
to create economic havoc on the United American citizens, and it's this: My dad, and
States of America. They have clearly stated many of your relatives, fought the Japanese.
their ambitions. The Commander in Chief They were the sworn enemy of the United
must always take the words of the enemy se States of America. And yet his son had in
riously. And like them, I see Iraq as the cen vited the Prime Minister of the former sworn
tral front in the war on terror, and unlike enemy to travel to Elvis Presley's place. And
them, however, I refuse to yield to their bar on that plane going down there, we talked
barism. And we're going to stand strong with about peace. We talked about what we could
the 12 million Iraqis and help that young de do, working together, to deal with Kim Jong
mocracy survive for the sake of peace for our Il in North Korea. We talked about the fact
children and our grandchildren. that Japan had 1,000 of her troops alongside
And it is hard work, but America has done our brave troops in Iraq to help this young
this kind of work before. I believe we're in democracy defeat the forces of hatred. We
a great ideological struggle. It's the ideolog talked about HIV/AIDS on the continent of
ical struggle of the 21st century. On the one Africa and how the United States and Japan
hand, you have reasonable people—moms can work together to save lives. We talked
who want their children to grow up in a about feeding the hungry. We talked about
peaceful world; decent people who can't helping the fledgling democracy in Afghani
stand terror and violence and who long to stan survive against the Taliban's attempts to
be free—versus ideologs, people bound to overthrow them.
gether by a common philosophy who use Isn't it interesting? My dad fought the Jap
murder as a weapon. These are the stakes anese—or our dad fought the Japanese, and
of the 21st century. And I'm confident we his son is now talking about the peace with
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 21 1651

the sworn enemy. Can you imagine some Message on the Observance of Rosh
body in 1948, after this terrible war, with all Hashanah, 5767
the hatred and bloodshed, standing up in September 21, 2006
front of the country and saying, “I predict
an American President someday will be tak I send greetings to those around the world
ing a leader of the sworn enemy to the sing celebrating Rosh Hashanah.
er's house.” [Laughter] They would have run During these holy days, Jewish people
him out of town. [Laughter] begin the new year by answering the call of
But it happened; it happened because the Shofar and gathering in synagogues. It
Japan adopted |. democracy. is a time to reflect on the past, celebrate the
And the lesson of history is that liberty has beginning of life, and welcome the promise
got the capacity to change enemies into allies. of the future with a spirit of renewal and
Liberty has got the capacity to lay the foun hope.
dation of peace. Someday, an American On this sacred holiday, I appreciate the
President will be sitting down with duly Jewish people for your efforts to ensure that
elected leaders in the Middle East talking your values and traditions are passed on to
about the peace, and a generation of Ameri future generations. As you begin the Days
cans will be better off.
of Awe, your faith in the Almighty reminds
These are trying times for our country. us of the gift of religious freedom in our
We've got a lot of stuff going for us, though, country and helps make the world a more
you know. We've got a fantastic military. And hopeful place.
I will assure you this, that our military will Laura and I send our best wishes for a
have whatever it takes to do their job and peaceful Rosh Hashanah.
defend this country.
But we also have a lot of people who un George W. Bush
derstand that liberty is not just an American
concept. Liberty is universal. I personally be NOTE: An original was not available for
lieve º: is an Almighty, and I believe that verification of the content of this message.
that Almighty's gift to each man and woman
on the whole face of the Earth is the desire
Proclamation 8055—National
to be free. And I know that when people
are able to realize that ambition, no matter Employer Support of the Guard and
what their religion, no matter where they Reserve Week, 2006
live, the world will become a more peaceful September 21, 2006
It's an honor to be the President of a coun By the President of the United States
try that has got such good values—deter of America
mined country, a country that knows that his
A Proclamation
tory can repeat itself with perseverance and
strength of character. No, these are chal In times of war or crisis, the citizen-sol
lenging times, but out of these times will diers of our National Guard and Reserve are
come a more secure America and a more ready and willing to answer the call of duty.
peaceful world. During National Employer Support of the
Thanks for helping Charlie. May God bless Guard and Reserve Week, we express our
you all. deep gratitude to these brave men and
women and to the employers who support
NoTE: The President spoke at 5:55 p.m. at the them and enable them to serve.
Ritz-Carlton Orlando. In his remarks, he referred Members of the National Guard and Re
to Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida; Mayor Richard T.
Crotty of Orange County, FL, and his son, Tyler; serve put on the uniform of the United States
former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq: Usama when our country needs them most. In the
bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organi war on terror, thousands of these civilians
zation; Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of from all walks of life have been called away
Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of North Korea. from their jobs and families and mobilized
1652 Sept. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
for duty around the world. They are per in the year of our Lord two thousand six,
forming many different missions, but all are and of the Independence of the United
working to deliver the blessings of freedom States of America the two hundred and thir
to people who have not known liberty. ty-first.
Here at home, the National Guard is work
ing to protect our borders, and National George W. Bush
Guard personnel and Reservists help rebuild
communities and bring comfort, security,
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
and healing to individuals in the aftermath 8:45 a.m., September 25, 2006)
of hurricanes and other natural disasters. The
dedicated service of our National Guard and
Reserve personnel is vital to the security of NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
our Nation, and these patriots are an inspira Federal Register on September 26.
tion and source of pride to all Americans.
We also appreciate the commitment of the Notice—Continuation of the
civilian employers of these courageous men
and women. By providing time off, pay, National Emergency With Respect to
health care benefits, and job security, these
employers help members of the National
Guard and Reserve and their families serve
our country and prepare for their return to
Commit, Threaten To
September 21, 2006
Terrorism .
civilian life. In offices, schools, factories, and On September 23, 2001, by Executive
small businesses across America, employers Order 13224, I declared a national emer
operate without some of their most talented gency with respect to persons who commit,
people, and America appreciates their sup threaten to commit, or support terrorism,
port and the support they provide to their pursuant to the International Emergency
employees in our National Guard and Re Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–
1706). I took this action to deal with the un
National Employer Support of the Guard usual and extraordinary threat to the national
and Reserve Week is an important oppor security, foreign policy, and economy of the
tunity to express our country's debt of grati United States constituted by the grave acts
tude to the men and women of the National
of terrorism and threats of terrorism com
Guard and Reserve and to all the employers mitted by foreign terrorists, including the
who stand behind these dedicated individ
uals. terrorist attacks in New York, in Pennsyl
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, vania, and against the Pentagon of Sep
President of the United States of America, tember 11, 2001, and the continuing and im
by virtue of the authority vested in me by mediate threat of further attacks against
the Constitution and laws of the United United States nationals or the United States.
States, do hereby proclaim September 24 Because the actions of these persons who
through September 30, 2006, as National commit, threaten to commit, or support ter
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve rorism continue to pose an unusual and ex
Week. I encourage all Americans to join me traordinary threat to the United States, the
in expressing our thanks to members of our national emergency declared on September
National Guard and Reserve and their civil 23, 2001, and the measures adopted on that
ian employers for their patriotic sacrifice on date to deal with that emergency, must con
behalf of our Nation. I also call upon State tinue in effect beyond September 23, 2006.
and local officials, private organizations, busi Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d)
nesses, and all military commanders to ob of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C.
serve this week with appropriate ceremonies 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the na
and activities. tional emergency with respect to persons
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set who commit, threaten to commit, or support
my hand this twenty-first day of September, terrorism.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 22 1653

This notice shall be published in the Fed reasons, I have determined that it is nec
eral Register and transmitted to the Con essary to continue the national emergency
gress. declared with respect to persons who com
George W. Bush mit, threaten to commit, or support ter
rorism, and maintain in force the com
The White House,
prehensive sanctions to respond to this
September 21, 2006. threat.

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,

11:45 a.m., September 21, 2006) George W. Bush
NoTE: This notice was published in the Federal The White House,
Register on September 22. September 21, 2006.

Message to the Congress on The President’s News Conference

Continuation of the National With President Pervez Musharraf of
Emergency With Respect to Persons Pakistan
Who Commit, Threaten To Commit,
or Support Terrorism September 22, 2006
September 21, 2006 President Bush. Thank you very much.
To the Congress of the United States: Please be seated. Laura and I appreciate the
Section 202(d) of the National Emer opportunity to welcome President and Mrs.
gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for Musharraf here to Washington. We remem
the automatic termination of a national emer ber fondly, Mr. President, your great hospi
gency unless, prior to the anniversary date tality in Pakistan, and we remember the im
of its declaration, the President publishes inportance of that visit. It reconfirmed our
the Federal Register and transmits to the friendship, gave you and me a chance to dis
Congress a notice stating that the emergency cuss important issues. And there's no more
is to continue in effect beyond the anniver important issue than defending our peoples.
sary date. In accordance with this provision, This President is a strong defender of free
I have sent the enclosed notice to the Federal dom and the people of Pakistan, and I appre
Register for publication, stating that the na ciate your leadership.
tional emergency with respect to persons President Musharraf. Thank you very
who commit, threaten to commit, or su port much.
terrorism is to continue in effect beyond Sep President Bush. He understands that we
tember 23, 2006. The most recent notice are in a struggle against extremists who will
continuing this emergency was published in use terror as a weapon. He understands it
the Federal Register on September 22, 2005 just about as good as anybody in the world—
(70 FR 55703).
after all, they've tried to take his life. These
The crisis constituted by the grave acts of extremists who can't stand the thought of a
terrorism and threats of terrorism committed
moderate leader leading an important coun
by foreign terrorists, including the terrorist try like Pakistan want to kill the President.
attacks in New York, in Pennsylvania, and That should say things to the people of Paki
against the Pentagon of September 11, 2001,
and the continuing and immediate threat of stan and the people of America—that be
further attacks on United States nationals or cause he has been a strong, forceful leader,
the United States that led to the declaration he has become a target of those who can't
of a national emergency on September 23, stand the thought of moderation prevailing.
2001, has not been resolved. These actions I admire your leadership. I admire your
pose a continuing unusual and extraordinary courage. And I thank you very much for
threat to the national security, foreign policy, working on common strategies to protect our
and economy of the United States. For these respective peoples.
1654 Sept. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
We had a good discussion here today. We stands that the best way to defeat radicalism
talked about how our intelligence coopera and extremism is to give people a chance to
tion can continue. I want to remind the peo participate in the political process of a nation.
ple of Pakistan and the people of America We talked about India in relations—and
that because of the good work of our intel the President's relations with India. I was
ligence forces and Pakistani intelligence pleased to see that in Havana Prime Minister
forces, as we helped people in the United Singh and President Musharraf had another
Kingdom, we prevented the loss of innocent discussion. I think it's very important that the
life. That kind of cooperation is necessary in issue of Kashmir move forward and be re
a world in which extremists and radicals are
solved peacefully. And I appreciate your ef
willing to kill to try to achieve political objec forts, Mr. President.
We talked, of course, about Afghanistan.
We talked about the earthquake recovery, And President Musharraf and President
and our Nation was proud to support you,
Mr. President, because we care when we see
Karzai and I will have dinner right here in
the White House next week. And it's going
people suffering. And I was briefed by you to be an important discussion. It's going to
and your administration when I was there, be an important discussion because one of
and I was impressed by the great organiza the most important avenues for peace is for
tion and compassion shown for the Pakistani Afghanistan to succeed. And it's in our mu
people by your Government. I hope all is tual interests that we work together to help
going well, particularly for those who suf that country that's been devastated by war
fered mightily. succeed. And so I'm looking forward to our
We talked about economic development trilateral discussion, Mr. President. It's going
and the need to move forward on a recon
to be a good one, and it's going to be an
struction opportunity zones as well as a bilat interesting one. And it's an important discus
eral investment treaty. In other words, our S1On.
relationship is more than just helping to se
cure our respective homelands. Ours is a re All in all, we've had yet another good
lationship that recognizes that through eco meeting between people who are able to
nomic prosperity, people can embetter them speak frankly with each other and people
selves. who share the common desire for our people
We had a very interesting briefing on the to live in security and peace.
federally administered tribal areas. The gov
ernor of the areas are with us here, and he President Musharraf. Thank you very
briefed me and members of my national se much. I would like to, first of all, express
curity team on the strategy to strengthen gov my gratitude and also on behalf of my entire
ernance and to promote economic develop delegation for the warmth and hospitality
ment. that we have received and many courtesies
We talked about education. The first time that are being extended to us since our arrival
I ever met President Musharraf, he talked in the United States.

about the need to make sure that school sys I had an excellent meeting with President
tems in Pakistan worked well. I was im Bush. We, first of all, reinforced our trust
and confidence in each other. I trust Presi
pressed then and I’m impressed now by your
commitment to an education system that pre dent Bush, and I have total confidence in
pares students for the and gives students him that he desires well for Pakistan and for
the skills necessary to compete in a global our region. And I trust him also that he's
economy. trying to do his best for bringing peace to
We talked about democracy. The last time the world. And I trust him also that he's try
I was with the President, he assured me and ing to resolve the core issue of the Palestinian
assured the people that were listening to the dispute.
news conference that there would be free We discussed the entire gambit of rela
and fair elections in Pakistan in 2007. He re tions bilaterally between the United States
newed that commitment, because he under and Pakistan and also in our region and on
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 22 1655

international issues. Bilaterally, we rein agencies of Pakistan. This is a political site

forced our desire to have this relationship on of the holistic strategy—the holistic strategy
a long-term basis, broad-based, and a stra being the military arm being used, a political
tegic relationship. When we are talking of element, an administrative element, and a re
broad-based, whatever the President has construction element.
said, it involves all aspects which we dis So we want to move on all these aspects
cussed. It has its political and diplomatic as forward, confining myself to this deal. This
pects, which we reinforced, and then our de deal is not at all with the Taliban; as I said,
sire to fight terrorism and succeed against this is against the Taliban, actually. This deal
terrorism. is with the tribal elders of north Waziristan
Other than that issue, in the social sector, agency. And the deal has three bottom lines
on the economy, how whatever assistance is which we fixed for ourselves. And this is very
being given to us, whatever assistance we re important, which I explained to the Presi
quire, our requests on that—especially in the dent.
field of trade and investment, which are the Number one: There will be no Al Qaida
main areas which we require assistance in— activity in our tribal agency or across the bor
otherwise, on a broad-based level, assistance der in Afghanistan. There will be no Taliban
in the education and health sector, on the activity in our tribal agency or across in Af
defense side, the F-16 deals. All this was dis ghanistan. There will be no Talibanization,
cussed. which is an obscurantic thoughts or way of
On the regional issues, on the international life—no Talibanization. So all these three
plain, we did discuss the core issue of the have been agreed by the tribal elders who
Palestinian dispute, which needs to be re signed that deal. And when they signed the
solved, and being at the core. And I am ex deal, they are honorbound, and they have a
tremely glad that the President has a desire very strict honor code to not only abide by
and a will to resolve this Palestinian dispute. it but also that whoever violates it they'll
I wish him very well because that lies at the move against them.
heart of all problems, even at the heart of So this is, in brief, the deal which I ex
terrorism and extremism.
plained to the President. And I know that
On the regional side, in our region, we also he's satisfied with that deal. And maybe this
discussed the rapprochement going on be shows the light or the way forward for bring
tween Pakistan and India. And I proudly told ing peace to the region.
the President that we had—I had an excel
So this is what we discussed holistically.
lent meeting with Prime Minister I would like to conclude by saying we had
Manmohan Singh in Havana. And it was a a total understanding of views between Presi
step forward towards resolution of disputes dent Bush and myself. And as I said, we rein
between India and Pakistan. I did tell him forced our trust and confidence in each
on the way forward that we are moving on other. Thank you very much.
the Kashmir dispute especially. President Bush. Good job.
Coming on the other side, we had an in Two questions apiece. Deb [Deb
depth discussion on what is happening in Af Riechmann, Associated Press].
ghanistan and our tribal agency. They are—
I explained to him whatever we are doing Pakistan’s Role in the War on Terror
in the form of the peace treaty that we have
just signed through a grand jirga, which is Q. Mr. President, after 9/11, would the
an assembly of elders. United States have actually attacked Pakistan
This treaty is not to deal with the Taliban; if President Musharraf had not agreed to co
it is actually to fight the Taliban. The operate with the war on terrorism? He says
misperception in the media, I did clarify to that the United States was threatening to
the President. And may I very briefly say— bomb his country back into the Stone Age.
and what I explained to the President—that And, President Musharraf, would Pakistan
this is a holistic approach that we are taking have given up its backing of the Taliban if
to fighting terrorism in Pakistan, in the tribal this threat º not come from Armitage?
1656 Sept. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
President Bush. First, let me—she's ask respects Islam. And we do. We don't respect
ing about the Armitage thing. The first I've people who kill in the name of Islam to
heard of this was when I read it in the news achieve political objectives, like the terrorists
paper today. You know, I was I guess I was do.
taken aback by the harshness of the words. As a matter of fact, these extremists exploit
All I can tell you is, is that shortly after propaganda in order to justify their behavior.
9/11, Secretary Colin Powell came in and All of us need to step up and talk about a
said, “President Musharraf understands the world in which we respect each other's reli
stakes, and he wants to join and help rout gions. As a matter of fact, it's very important
out an enemy that has come and killed 3,000 for Muslims around the world to know,
of our citizens.” As a matter of fact, my recol there's a lot of Muslims living at peace here
lection was that one of the first leaders to in the United States. They are proud Ameri
step up and say that the stakes have changed, cans, and they're equal to me as a citizen.
that attack on America that killed 3,000 of We respect their religions.
the citizens needs to be dealt with firmly, I repeat to you, however, that the free
was the President. And if I'm not mistaken, world and the moderate world must stand
Colin told us that, if not the night of Sep up to these extremists and not let them
tember the 11th, shortly thereafter. Now, I spread their hateful propaganda, not let them
need to make sure I get my facts straight, try to incite people to acts of violence, be
but it was soon. cause these extremists are not only against
I don't know of any conversation that was Western people, they're also against mod
reported in the newspaper like that. I just erate people. And the President is reaching
don't know about it. out to help understand—the world to under
President Musharraf. I would like to stand that the Muslim religion is a peaceful
I am launching my book on the 25th, and religion—is very important. And we can help,
I am honorbound to Simon and Schuster not and we will help.
to comment on the book before that day. One way we can help is to work with the
[Laughter] Palestinians and the Israelis to achieve peace.
President Bush. In other words, buy the I'm the first President ever to have articu
book, is what he's saying. [Laughter] lated a two-state solution. I believe a Pales
tinian state, as a democracy living side by side
Islam/Religious Freedom with Israel, will yield the peace. What's im
Q. My question is for the U.S. President. portant is for people to understand that in
Your Excellency, President Musharraf has order to have that peace and that Palestinian
issued a call for building bridges and pro state, people have got to recognize Israel's
moting interfaith harmony between the West right to exist in order for this to happen. You
and the Islamic world, which is in upheaval can't ask people to negotiate with people who
and in complete turmoil. So your comments say you shouldn't exist.
of Islamic fascists and then the comments We will continue to give aid to people who
of the Pope have inflamed the Islamic world. suffer. We didn't ask the question whether—
And my question is that—would you take the you know, what was the nature of the religion
leading role, along with President Musharraf, of the people who suffered in Pakistan when
to build these bridges and promote interfaith we spent a half a billion dollars to help this
harmony to avert any wrong notion of class President. We said, they're suffering, and we
of civilizations, sir? want to help. And so we will continue to out
President Bush. I appreciate the Presi
dent's leadership in promoting harmony. It's important, however, for people in the
There is unbelievable propaganda in the Middle East to reject the extremist propa
Middle East these days that try to inflame ganda that is spreading, in many cases, abso
passion. The propagandists are attempting to lute lies about the intentions of the United
create conditions where terror is justified. States. They love to say this is a war against
And so at my speech at the United Nations, Islam; I can't think of anything more false.
I stood up and said loud and clear, America These are moderate, reasonable people who
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 22 1657

reject extremism in order for there to be nation at the operational level, at the stra
peace. And so I'll work hard to do my part. tegic level, even at the tactical level. So there
Thank you for that question. fore, we are working together, and when the
Steve [Steve Holland, Reuters]. situation arises, we need to pick the right de
cision to strike. That's how I
Usama bin Laden/Pakistan-U.S.
President Bush. You probably don't want
Cooperation in the War on Terror to let them know what we're thinking about
Q. Thank you, sir. There's been a back anyway, do we?
and-forth this week over whether the U.S. President Musharraf. And may I also say
needs permission to strike inside Pakistan if that we need to have—ladies and gentlemen
Usama bin Laden is located. Could each of here, we have the pieces of a relationship
you give your position on that? And did is trust and confidence. Now, if we don't have
you—are you satisfied with his assurances on that trust and confidence in each other, and
the tribal deal? we think that we are bluffing each other—
President Bush. Well, first of all, I appre I don't think that's a good way of moving
ciate the briefing on the tribal deal. When forward, anyway.
the President looks me in the eye and says,
“The tribal deal is intended to reject the Kashmir/Situation in the Middle East
Talibanization of the people and that there
won't be a Taliban and won't be Al Qaida,” Q. Mr. President, I have two-part ques
I believe him, you know. This is a person tion. And first, I must—[inaudible)—the re
with whom I've now had close working rela marks which you gave at the outset about
President Musharraf. And second is, Mr.
tionships for 5% years. And when he says,
“If we find—when we find Usama bin President, in Pakistan, we cherish the idea
Laden, he will be brought to justice,” I be of having strategic and long partnership with
United States of America. But we found that
lieve him. And we'll let the tactics speak for
themselves after it happens. there is—a discriminate reality is being fol
We're on the hunt together. It's in the lowed by your great country pertaining to
President's interest that Al Qaida be brought the-ſinaudible]—of the nuclear technology
to justice, and it's in our interest. And wefor the peaceful purpose. Pakistan needs en
collaborate and we strategize and we talk a ergy, and we have been denied of that. Could
lot about how best to do this. you ensure us that this discrimination will
Q. So you do have permission to go inside come to an end after this great meeting with
Pakistan? President Musharraf’

President Bush. All I can tell you is, is And the second part of my question, Mr.
that when Usama bin Laden is found, he will President, is that President Musharraf has
be brought to justice. And that's what we've been asking resolution of the problem of Pal
continually discussed. estine and Kashmir for the sustainable peace
President Musharraf. May I addP in the world, especially in this part of the
President Bush. Yes, please. world. Aren't you going to contemplate—are
President Musharraf. I think, as the you contemplating some step to take, some
President said, we are on the hunt together initiative to resolve these two problems? And
against these people. Now why are we both uestion for Mr. President is, is how far
ering—or how to-the semantics of the tac
tics of how to deal with the situation? We President Musharraf. Three in one.
will deal with it. We are on the hunt together. [Laughter
You want the person—if at all we confront President Bush. If I ask him—then I'll
him, if at all we find out his location, we remember yours.
are quite clear what to do. Q. talk about these discussions with
But let's not get involved in how it ought President Bush and the agenda, the item for
to be done, by whom it ought to be done. which you are going to take up with the
There's total coordination at the intelligence President of the United States, how far have
level between the two forces. There's coordi you been successful? Thank you, sirs.
1658 Sept. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
President Bush. Man, you represented President Bush. Thank you, Mr. Presi
the entire press corps there; that's good. dent. Good job.
|Laughter] We talked about energy, and we President Musharraf. Thank you.
talked about our need to work through the President Bush. Buy the book. [Laugh
recent history that we've had together on ter]
dealing with proliferation matters.
Secondly, in terms of Kashmir and Pal NoTE: The President's news conference began at
10:21 a.m. in the East Room at the White House.
estine, Kashmir issue will be solved when two
In his remarks, he referred to Sehba Musharraf,
leaders decide to solve it. And we want to wife of President Musharraf Prime Minister
help. The United States can't force nations Manmohan Singh of India; President Hamid
to reach an agreement just because we want
Karzai of Afghanistan; and former Deputy Sec
there to be an agreement. Lasting agree retary of State Richard L. Armitage.
ments occur when leaders of nations say,
“Let’s get the past behind us, and let's move Statement on Senate Confirmation of
Kenneth Wainstein To Be Assistant
I am encouraged by the meetings that the
President and the Prime Minister of India Attorney General for National
have had. It is an indication that there is de Security at the Department of Justice
sire at the leadership level to solve this long September 22, 2006
standing problem.
Leadership is also going to be required be I am pleased the Senate has confirmed
tween Israel and Palestine. We, of course, Kenneth Wainstein as the first Assistant At
can help and will help. But it's important for torney General for National Security at the
you to understand that we cannot impose Department of Justice. As head of this new
peace. We can help create the conditions for division, Ken will bring together our national
security, counterterrorism, Counter
peace to occur. We can lay out vision. We
can talk to world leaders, and we do. We espionage, and foreign intelligence surveil
can provide aid to help institutional building lance litigation under one Assistant Attorney
General. Ken is an effective leader, who will
so that a democracy can flourish.
But, ultimately, peace, long-standing |. an important role in our efforts to com
at terrorism.
peace depends upon the will of leaders. I'm Ken's confirmation fulfills one of the crit
impressed by this President's will to get ical recommendations of the WMD Commis
something done in Kashmir. He and I have
talked about this issue in the past. He has sion and further strengthens our ability to
said he was going to reach out to the Prime protect all Americans.
Minister of India, and he has. And our hope I urge the Senate to give all my nominees
is that this process continues forward. a prompt up-or-down vote.
I asked the President, just like I would ask
the Prime Minister of India, what can we
do to help. What would you like the United
States to do to facilitate an agreement? Digest of Other
Would you like us to get out of the way? White House Announcements
Would you like us not to show up? Would
you like us to be actively involved? How can
we help you, if you so desire, achieve peace? The following list includes the President's public
And that's the role of the United States, as schedule and other items of general interest an
far as I'm concerned. nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
not included elsewhere in this issue.
President Musharraf. Thank you. I think
I've already answered. We've had far-reach
ing discussion encompassing bilateral issues, September 16
regional, and international. I think we have In the morning, the President had an intel
general consensus on all issues. ligence briefing.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1659

September 18 A. Shannon, Jr., (Government Representa

In the morning, the President had an intel tive); and Jack Vaughn (Public Representa
ligence briefing. Later, he and Mrs. Bush tive).
The President announced his intention to
traveled to New York City.
In the afternoon, at the Waldorf-Astoria designate Sylvester J. Schieber as Chairman
Hotel, the President had separate meetings of the Social Security Advisory Board.
with President Elias Antonio Saca Gonzalez The President announced his intention to

of El Salvador, President Manuel Zelaya designate Jack Vaughn as Vice Chairman of

the Board of Directors of the Inter-American
Rosales of Honduras, and President Jakaya
Mrisho Kikwete of Tanzania. Foundation.
In the evening, at a private residence, the
President attended a Republican National September 20
Committee reception. In the morning, the President had an intel
The President announced his designation ligence briefing. Later, at the Waldorf
of the following individuals as members of Astoria Hotel, he met with members of the
a Presidential delegation to Ukraine to attend U.S. mission to the United Nations. He then
the commemoration of the 65th anniverary participated in an interview with Wolf Blitzer
of the tragedy in Babyn Yar on September of CNN.
27: Margaret Spellings (head of delegation); In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
William B. Taylor, Jr.; Gregg Rickman; Fred Bush returned to Washington, DC.
S. Zeidman; and Vincent Obsitnik.
September 21
September 19 In the morning, the President had an intel
In the morning, the President had an intel ligence briefing. Later, he met with Secretary
ligence briefing. Later, at the United Nations of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. He then
headquarters, i. met with United Nations traveled to Tampa, FL, where, upon arrival,
Secretary-General Kofi Annan. He then met he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer
with Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa of Bah Zach Bonner.
rain, President of the 61st Session of the Later in the morning, the President visited
United Nations General Assembly. the NFL Tampa Bay Bucaneers training fa
In the afternoon, at the United Nations cility.
headquarters, the President participated in In the afternoon, the President traveled to
a roundtable discussion on democracy with Orlando, FL, where, upon arrival, he met
other heads of state and leaders of non with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Linda
governmental organizations. Feld.
The White House announced that the In the evening, the President returned to
President will welcome President Pervez Washington, DC.
Musharraf of Pakistan and President Hamid The President announced his intention to
Karzai of Afghanistan to the White House nominate Curtis S. Chin to be U.S. Director
on September 27. of the Asian Development Bank with the
The President announced his intention to rank of Ambassador.
nominate Mark J. Warshawsky and Dana K. The President announced his intention to
Bilyeu to be members of the Social Security nominate Steven R. Chealander to be a
Advisory Board. member of the National Transportation Safe
The President announced his intention to ty Board (Qualified).
nominate the following individuals to be The President announced his intention to
members of the Board of Directors of the nominate Ronald Spogli to be Ambassador
Inter-American Foundation: Kay Kelley Ar to San Marino.
nold (Public Representative); Gary C. Bryner The President announced his intention to
(Public Representative); Thomas Joseph nominate Craig Stapleton to be Ambassador
Dodd (Public Representative); Hector E. to Monaco.
Morales (Government Representative); John The President announced his intention to
P. Salazar (Public Representative); Thomas designate Paul J. Hutter as Acting General
1660 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Counsel of the Department of Veterans Af Barbara Boxer,
fairs. of California, to be a Representative of the
United States of America to the Sixty-first
September 22 Session of the General Assembly of the
In the morning, the President had an intel United Nations.
ligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Office,
he participated in separate photo opportuni Gary C. Bryner,
ties with 2006 National Spelling Bee cham of Utah, to be a member of the Board of
Directors of the Inter-American Foundation
pion Katharine “Kerry” Close and the 2006
for a term expiring June 26, 2008, vice Nancy
Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year Stacey
Walker and regional finalists Kelly Barefield, Dorn, term expired.
Alyse Eady, Montorie Lee, and David Shelly. Norman B. Coleman,
In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the
President participated in a photo opportunity of Minnesota, to be a Representative of the
with Secretary of Defense Employer Support United States of America to the Sixty-first
Freedom Award recipients. Session of the General Assembly of the
United Nations.
In the evening, at the John F. Kennedy
Center for the Performing Arts, the Presi Thomas Joseph Dodd,
dent and Mrs. Bush attended the musical of the District of Columbia, to be a member
drama “Asleep at the Wheel: A Ride With of the Board of Directors of the Inter-Amer
ican Foundation for a term expiring June 26,
The President declared a major disaster in 2008, vice Nadine Hogan.
Virginia and ordered Federal aid to supple
ment Commonwealth and local recovery ef Cecil E. Floyd,
forts in the area struck by severe storms and of South Carolina, to be an Alternate Rep
flooding, including severe storms and flood resentative of the United States of America
ing associated with Tropical Depression to the Sixty-first Session of the General As
Ernesto, from August 29 to September 7. sembly of the United Nations.
Hector E. Morales,
of Texas, to be a member of the Board of
Directors of the Inter-American Foundation
Nominations for a term expiring September 20, 2010, vice
Submitted to the Senate Jose A. Fourquet, resigned.
John P. Salazar,
The following list does not include promotions of of New Mexico, to be a member of the Board
members of the Uniformed Services, nominations of Directors of the Inter-American Founda
to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
eign Service officers.
tion for a term expiring September 20, 2012,
vice Anita Perez Ferguson.
Submitted September 20 Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.,
of Virginia, a career member of the Senior
Kay Kelley Arnold, Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor,
of Arkansas, to be a member of the Board to be a member of the Board of Directors
of Directors of the Inter-American Founda of the Inter-American Foundation for a term
tion for a term expiring October 6, 2010 (re expiring September 20, 2012, vice Roger
appointment). Francisco Noriega.

Dana K. Bilyeu, Jack Vaughn,

of Nevada, to be a member of the Social Se of Texas, to be a member of the Board of
curity Advisory Board for a term expiring Directors of the Inter-American Foundation
September 30, 2010, vice Gerald M. Shea, for a term expiring September 20, 2012 (re
term expired. appointment).
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1661

Mark J. Warshawsky, Checklist

of Maryland, to be a member of the Social of White House Press Releases
Security Advisory Board for a term expiring
September 30, 2012, vice Harold Daub, term
expired. The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
Withdrawn September 20 items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.
Nadine Hogan,
of Florida, to be a member of the Board of
Directors of the Inter-American Foundation Released September 18
for a term expiring June 26, 2008, vice Frank Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
D. Yturria, resigned, which was sent to the Secretary Dana Perino and National Security
Senate on January 24, 2005. Adviser Stephen J. Hadley
Nadine Hogan, Transcript of a press briefing by National Se
of Florida, to be a member of the Board of curity Council Senior Director for East Asian
Directors of the Inter-American Foundation Affairs Dennis C. Wilder, National Security
Council Senior Director for Western Hemi
for a term expiring June 26, 2008 (reappoint
sphere Daniel W. Fisk, and National Security
ment), to which position she was appointed Council Senior Director for African Affairs
during the recess of the Senate from January
3, 2006, to January 18, 2006, which was sent Cindy L. Courville on the President's bilat
to the Senate on February 10, 2006. eral meetings
Statement by the Press Secretary on the
John E. Maupin, Jr., President's annual report on the Major Drug
of Tennessee, to be a member of the Social
Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing
Security Advisory Board for a term expiring Countries for Fiscal Year 2007
September 30, 2010, vice Gerald M. Shea,
term expired, which was sent to the Senate Released September 19
on September 6, 2005. Transcript of a press briefing by Deputy Na
Submitted September 21 tional Security Adviser for Iraq and Afghani
stan Meghan O'Sullivan, National Security
Steven R. Chealander, Council Senior Director for Democracy,
of Texas, to be a member of the National Human Rights, and International Organiza
Transportation Safety Board for the remain tions Michael G. Kozak, and National Secu
der of the term expiring December 31, 2007, rity Council Senior Director for European
vice Ellen G. Engleman, resigned. Affairs Judith A. Ansley on the President's
bilateral meetings
Curtis S. Chin,
of New York, to be U.S. Director of the Asian Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of
President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan and
Development Bank, with the rank of Ambas
sador, vice Paul William Speltz. President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan
Fact sheet: Address to the UN General As
Ronald Spogli, sembly: A More Hopeful World Beyond Ter
of California, to serve concurrently and with ror and Extremism
out additional compensation as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Released September 20
United States of America to the Republic of Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
San Marino.
retary Tony Snow
Craig Roberts Stapleton, Transcript of a press briefing by Deputy Na
of Connecticut, to serve concurrently and tional Security Adviser for Global Democ
without additional compensation as Ambas racy Strategy Elliott Abrams on the Presi
sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of dent's bilateral meeting with President
the United States of America to Monaco. Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
1662 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Released September 21 Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
- assistance to Virginia
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Secretary Dana Perino
Transcript of a press briefing by National Se-
curity Adviser Stephen J. Hadley
y the President

Released September 22 Approved September 22

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing S. 3534 / Public Law 109–281
that the President signed S. 3534 YouthBuild Transfer Act

Meetings With Foreign Leaders Statements by the President

France, President Chirac—1632 Creation of the U.S.-China Strategic
Iraq, President Talabani–1638 Economic Dialogue—1640
Malaysia, Prime Minister Abdullah–1632 Senate action on the U.S.-Oman Free Trade
Pakistan, President Musharraf-1653 Agreement—1639
Palestinian Authority, President Abbas–1639 Senate confirmation
Unites Nations, Secretary-General Annan– Alice S. Fisher to be Assistant Attorney
1637 General for the Criminal Division at the
Notices Department of Justice—1639
Kenneth Wainstein to be Assistant Attorney
Continuation of the National Emergency With General for National Security at the
Respect to Persons Who Commit, Threaten
Department of Justice—1658
To Commit, or Support Terrorism–1652
Proclamations Supplementary Materials
Gold Star Mother's Day—1640 Acts approved by the President—1662
Literacy Day—1625 Checklist of White House press releases—
National Employer Support of the Guard and 1661
Reserve Week—1651 Digest of other White House
National Farm Safety and Health Week— announcements—1658
1625 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1660



Ae 2.104: 42/34 FED - DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, October 2, 2006

Volume 42—Number 39
Pages 1663–1701

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7, OCT 2006 °

Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies

See also Bill Signings; Meetings With Foreign Presidential Determination With Respect to
Leaders -

Foreign Governments' Efforts Regarding

Alabama Trafficking in Persons, memorandum–1675
Energy in Hoover—1679 Interviews With the News Media
Luncheon for gubernatorial candidate Bob
Riley in Birmingham–1680 News conference with President Karzai of
Ohio, tour of Meyer Tool, Inc., in Afghanistan, September 26–1668
Radio address—1664 Joint Statements
Republican Senate Conference, meeting— Joint Statement by the U.S. and Kazakhstan—
1679 1696
Reserve Officers Association—1688
Letters and Messages
U.S.-Lebanon Partnership Fund, meeting with
business leaders—1665 Observance of Ramadan, message—1663
Observance of Yom Kippur, 5767, message—
Bill Signings 1687
Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act of 2006, remarks—1666 Meetings With Foreign Leaders
Communications to Congress
Afghanistan, President Karzai–1668, 1677
Kazakhstan, President Nazarbayev–1695
U.S.-European Union Agreement on Pakistan, President Musharraf-1677
Extradition, message transmitting—1678
U.S.-European Union Agreement on Mutual
Legal Assistance, message transmitting— Child Health Day—1687
1677 Family Day—1663

(Continued on the inside of the back cover.)

Editor's Note: The President was at Camp David, MD, on September 29, the closing date of
this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

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The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
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ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
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regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607.
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, September 29, 2006
Message on the Observance of tance of stable and loving relationships be
Ramadan tween children and parents.
September 21, 2006 Families are a source of inspiration and
strength, and they provide hope and solace
I send greetings to the many Muslims ob in the face of adversity. Children especially
serving Ramadan in America and around the benefit from the bonds of family. During crit
world. ical times in children's lives, family members
Ramadan is the holiest time of the Muslim encourage them to aim high and achieve
year and an important holiday when Muslims their dreams, herald their successes, and pro
take time for prayer, fasting, and personal mote positive behavior. Through their guid
sacrifice. According to Islamic teachings, this ance and support, family members prepare
month represents when God delivered His young people for the challenges and opportu
nities ahead.
word to the prophet Muhammad in the form
of the Qur'an. Ramadan is also an oppor Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and
tunity to gather with friends and family and other caregivers are the first line of defense
show thanks for God's blessings through in helping young people avoid the dangers
works of charity. and temptations they face each day. By being
Ramadan and the upcoming holiday sea attentive to children's activities and choices,
sons are a good time to remember the com families can help young people grow into suc
cessful adults.
mon values that bind us together. Our society
is enriched by our Muslim citizens whose My Administration remains committed to
commitment to faith reminds us of the gift strengthening American families. We are
of religious freedom in our country. working to protect the institution of mar
Laura and I send our best wishes for a riage, promote responsible fatherhood, en
blessed Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak. courage parents to be involved in the edu
cation of their children, and provide every
George W. Bush child with the opportunity to learn. By help
ing America's families thrive, we can build
NoTE: The transcript was released by the Office
of the Press Secretary on September 22. An origi
a brighter future for our country and give
nal was not available for verification of the content our young people the foundation they need
of this message. This item was not received in to make good choices and build lives of pur
time for publication in the appropriate issue. pose.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
Proclamation 8056—Family Day, by virtue of the authority vested in me by
2006 the Constitution and laws of the United
September 22, 2006 States, do hereby proclaim September 25,
2006, as Family Day. I call on the people
By the President of the United States of the United States to observe this day by
of America reflecting on the blessings of family and par
ticipating in family activities that strengthen
A Proclamation
relationships between children and parents.
Families instill values, shape character, In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
and are the foundation of a hopeful society. my hand this twenty-second day of Sep
On Family Day, we celebrate the rich tradi tember, in the year of our Lord two thousand
tions of family life and emphasize the impor six, and of the Independence of the United
1664 Sept. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
States of America the two hundred and thir such as President Abbas, the United States
ty-first. can help Israelis and Palestinians build a
George W. Bush more hopeful future and achieve the peace
we all want in the Holy Land.
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Next week, I will host a meeting at the
8:45 a.m., September 26, 2006] White House with two courageous leaders,
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the President Karzai of Afghanistan and Presi
dent Musharraf of Pakistan. These two lead
Federal Register on September 27. This item was
not received in time for publication in the appro ers are working to defeat the forces of ter
priate issue. rorism and extremism. Under President
Musharraf, Pakistan is siding with the forces
The President’s Radio Address
of freedom and moderation and helping to
defend the civilized world. Many Pakistani
September 23, 2006 forces have given their lives in the fight
against terrorists. President Musharraf un
Good morning. This week I traveled to derstands the stakes in the war on terror be
New York City to address the United Nations cause the extremists have tried more than
General Assembly. In my speech to the lead once to assassinate him. They know he's a
ers gathered there, I spoke about a more threat to their aspirations because he's work
hopeful world that is within our reach—a ing to build modern democratic institutions
world beyond terror, where ordinary men that could provide an alternative to radi
and women are free to determine their own
destiny, where the voices of moderation are calism. And it is in America's interest to help
him succeed.
empowered, and where the extremists are
marginalized by the peaceful majority. In Afghanistan, President Karzai continues
I said that every nation must make a the work of building a safer and brighter fu
choice: We can support the moderates and ture for his nation. Today, forces from more
reformers working for change across the than 40 countries, including members of the
broader Middle East, or we can yield the fu NATO Alliance, are bravely serving side by
ture to the terrorists and extremists. America side with Afghan forces. These forces are
has made its choice: We're standing with the fighting the extremists who want to bring
moderates and reformers. down the free Government that the people
In New York, I met with two such leaders, of Afghanistan have established. America and
President Talabani of Iraq and President its allies will continue to stand with the peo
Abbas of the Palestinian Authority. In my ple of Afghanistan as they defend their
meeting with President Talabani, I told him democratic gains. Working with President
that America will continue to support Iraq's Karzai's Government, we will defeat the en
democratic Government as it makes the emies of a free Afghanistan and help the Af
tough decisions necessary to bring security ghan people build a nation that will never
and prosperity to the Iraqi people. I assured again oppress them or be a safe haven for
President Talabani that America will not terrorists.

abandon the Iraqi people in their struggle In the broader Middle East, the world
to defeat the terrorists and build a free soci faces a straightforward choice: We can allow
ety in the heart of the Middle East. that region to continue on the course it was
In my meeting with President Abbas, I headed before September the 11th, and a
told him that America remains committed to generation from now, our children will face
the vision of two democratic states, Israel and a region dominated by terrorist states and
Palestine, living side by side in peace and radical dictators armed with nuclear weap
security. President Abbas shares this goal. ons; or we can stop that from happening by
He's working hard to oppose violent extrem confronting the ideology of hate and helping
ists and build a society in which the Pales the people of the Middle East build a future
tinian people can raise their children in peace of hope. All civilized nations, especially those
and hope. By supporting moderate leaders in the Muslim world, are bound together in
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 25 1665

this struggle between moderation and extre businesses will work together to send a clear
mism. By working together, we will roll back message to the Lebanese people: We care
this grave threat to our way of life, we will about you; we want you to live in a free soci
help the people of the Middle East claim ety; we've got great hopes for you; we believe
their .. and we will leave a safer and in your Prime Minister, Prime Minister
more hopeful world for our children and Siniora; and we will back up our words with
grandchildren. actions.
Thank you for listening. So I appreciate John Chambers, who has
NoTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on
taken the lead for this group, and I appre
September 22 in the Cabinet Room at the White
ciate you all taking time to go over to Leb
anon and show the face of America. We're
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on September
23. The transcript was made available by the Of a compassionate people; we care when peo
fice of the Press Secretary on September 22 but ple suffer; and we care about the type of gov
was embargoed for release until the broadcast. In ernments that people live under. And we
his address, the President referred to President strongly support the young democracies in
Jalal Talabani of Iraq: President Mahmoud Abbas the Middle East; we support the democracy
(Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian Authority; Presi of Lebanon; we support the democracy of
dent Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan; and President Iraq. And our dream is one day for there
Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan. The Office of the
Press Secretary also released a Spanish language
to be a Palestinian democracy living side by
transcript of this address. side in peace with Israel.
Thank you all very much for your commit
ment. May God bless the good people of
Remarks Following a Meeting With Lebanon. Thank you.
Business Leaders on the U.S.-
Lebanon Partnership Fund NOTE: The President spoke at 9:38 a.m. in the
Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks,
September 25, 2006 he referred to Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of
I've just had a fascinating discussion with Lebanon; and John T. Chambers, president and
four business leaders and members of my ad chief executive officer, Cisco Systems, Inc.
ministration, all of whom are strategizing on
how to help the good people of Lebanon re
cover from the recent crisis. Remarks Following a Tour of Meyer
Our goal and our mission is to help Leba Tool, Inc., in Cincinnati, Ohio
nese citizens and Lebanese businesses not
September 25, 2006
only recover but to flourish, because we be
lieve strongly in the concept of a democracy I've come to this company because, first
in Lebanon. Right from the beginning of the of all, I like to honor the entrepreneurial spir
crisis, I had stated that our objective is to it. We've got a father and a son who are run
help the Siniora Government—the Siniora ning this company and making sure of two
Government, which is a democratically elect things: One, they're on the leading edge of
ed government. And now we've got generous technological change; and two, they got a
citizens of the United States, people who are workforce that is trained and prepared to be
very busy in their own right, who are willing able to provide product.
to step forward and to strategize and raise This is a company that has benefitted from
monies to help people in Lebanon. the tax cuts. They've increased their employ
And this is a very important mission for ment by about 125 over the past 12 months.
our country. It's a public/private partnership. They've expanded because of the bonus de
Our Federal Government has committed preciation schedule—in other words, the tax
$250 million; OPEC, [OPIC| * under Chair cuts encouraged them to buy equipment, and
man Mosbacher's lead, has arranged financ when you buy equipment, you expand your
ing. And now private-sector individuals and business. Plus, this is a company that bene
fitted from the cut in the individual income
* White House correction. tax rates—this is a subchapter S.
1666 Sept. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
This economy of ours is strong. And one the tax dollars arrive here, most Americans
of the main reasons it's strong is because of have little idea of where the money goes, and
the tax cuts that we passed. And the funda today our Government is taking steps to
mental question facing the country is, will change that. We believed that the more we
we keep taxes low? Some have advocated that inform our American citizens, the better our
we ought to raise taxes on individuals, which Government will be.
would take money out of the pockets of this And so in a few moments, I'll sign the Fed
company. And if you take money out of the eral Funding Accountability and Trans
treasury of this company, it means it's less parency Act of 2006. This bill is going to cre
likely somebody is going to find work. So I ate a web site that will list the Federal Gov
think we ought to keep taxes low so compa ernment's grants and contracts. It's going to
nies like this can continue to expand and be a web site that the average citizen can
grow. access and use. It will allow Americans to
This is an important debate facing the log onto the Internet just to see how your
United States of America. I believe that small money is being spent. This bill will increase
businesses are the backbone to economic vi accountability and reduce incentives for
tality. I know that most new jobs are created wasteful spending. I am proud to sign it into
by small businesses just like this one, and law, and I am proud to be with members
I know the tax cuts we passed have helped of both political parties who worked hard to
this small business expand. Congress needs get this bill to my desk.
to make the tax cuts we passed permanent This has been a good effort by concerned
so these entrepreneurs can plan. You hear Members of the House and the Senate to
people say, “Well, we're not going to extend say to the American people, “We want to
the tax cuts,” that means they're going to earn your trust; when we spend your money,
raise taxes on the small business just like this we want you to be able to watch us.”
one. And it's bad economic policy, and it will I want to thank Rob Portman, who is in
be bad for our country. my Cabinet—he's the Director of the
Anyway, I want to thank you all for letting OMB-and my good friend Clay Johnson, is
us join you. I'm impressed by your company. the Deputy Director, for insisting on ac
I know your workforce is vibrant, growing, countability when it comes to taxpayers'
well-trained. I know you know that you money. I know this has been a particular
couldn't be doing what you're doing without project—a fond project of Clay, and I'm glad
a good workforce. So I want to thank you that Members of Congress got it here.
for taking care of them as well. Thank you. I want to thank Susan Collins, who is the
chairman of the Homeland Security and
NOTE: The President spoke at 4:22 p.m. In his Governmental Affairs Committee. I want to
remarks, he referred to Arlyn Easton, president thank the bill sponsors, Tom Coburn from
and principal owner, and Beau Easton, director
of continuous improvement, Meyer Tool, Inc. The Oklahoma, Tom Carper from Delaware, and
Barack Obama from Illinois.
Office of the Press Secretary also released a Span
ish language transcript of these remarks. I appreciate Roy Blunt, who is the majority
whip. He's a sponsor of the House com
panion bill. I also want to thank Tom Davis,
Remarks on Signing the Federal who is the chairman of the Government Re
Funding Accountability and form Committee, as well as cosponsors of the
Transparency Act of 2006 bill, Jeb Hensarling and Randy Kuhl.
September 26, 2006 You know, we spend a lot of time and a
lot of effort collecting your money, and we
The President. Thank you, and sit down. should show the same amount of effort in
Please be seated—except for you all. [Laugh reporting how we spend it. Every year, the
ter. Welcome. Every April, Americans sit Federal Government issues more than $400
down and fill out their tax returns, and they billion in grants and more than $300 billion
find out how much of their hard-earned in contracts to corporations, associations, and
money is coming here to Washington. Once State and local governments. Taxpayers have
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 26 1667

a right to know where that money is going, Information on earmarks will no longer be
and you have a right to know whether or not hidden deep in the pages of a Federal budget
you're getting value for your money. bill—will be but just a few clicks away. This
Under Clay's leadership, we launched a legislation will give the American people a
new system for measuring how Federal pro new tool to hold their Government account
grams are doing. In other words, Federal able for spending decisions. When those de
programs say, “We want to achieve this re cisions are made in broad daylight, they will
sult,” we're trying to figure out whether or be wiser and they will be more restrained.
not they're meeting the results. In other This is a good piece of legislation, and I con
words, it makes sense for all of us in Wash gratulate the Members here.
ington, DC, to say, “We’re a results-oriented Recently the House made an important
Government.” I know Henry Waxman be rule change that will also improve trans
lieves that. [Laughter] Thank you for coming. parency in the legislative process. Under the
Proud you're here, sir. I was just praising the rule change, the sponsor of each project will
bipartisan support that this bill has received, now be disclosed before the bills come to
and you're confirmation of that bipartisan a vote. This is a wise change. It will shine
support. [Laughter] Thank you; appreciate the light on earmarks. It's going to help the
you coming. American taxpayers know whether or not
And so we've got—we're measuring, and they're getting their money's worth here in
we put a web site out called Washington.
In other words, people can go onto that web Rule change, along with the bill I'll sign
site and determine whether or not the results today, are important steps, but there's more
are being met for programs. to be done. This President needs a line-item
And now Congress has come forth with veto. Here's the problem: I get a big bill,
an additional sense of accountability here in an important bill to my desk, and in that bill
Washington, additional way for taxpayers to there may be some bad spending items, some
figure out whether or not we're being wise kind of last minute cram-ins, or items that
with your money. And the Federal Funding may not have seen the full light of day during
Accountability Act—Accountability and the legislative process. I then either have to
Transparency Act will create a new web site accept those or veto a good bill. And there's
that will list Government grants and con a better way forward, at least the House
tracts greater than $25,000. We'll list all thought there was a better way forward in
grants except for those above 25,000—except the legislative process, and that's the line
for those that must remain classified for na item veto.
tional security reasons. Under the proposal, the President can ap
The web site will allow our citizens to go prove spending that is necessary; redline
online, type in the name of any company, spending that is not; and send the wasteful
association, or State or locality, and find out and unnecessary spending back to the Con
exactly what grants and contracts they've gress for an up-or-down vote. I think this is
been awarded. It will allow citizens to call an important part of making sure we have
up the name and location of entities receiving accountability here in Washington, DC.
Federal funds and will provide them with the I want to thank the House for passing the
purpose of the funding, the amount of money bill. I would hope the Senate would take it
provided, the agency providing the funding, up. We can work together to inspire con
and other relevant information. fidence in the appropriations process here in
By allowing Americans to Google their tax Washington. And it's in the interest of both
dollars, this new law will help taxpayers de political parties to do so, and it's in the inter
mand greater fiscal discipline. In other est of both branches of Government to do
words, we're arming our fellow citizens with SO.

information that will enable them to demand Right now, however, I have the honor of
we do a better job—a better job in the execu signing this new bill. It's a bill that empowers
tive branch and better job in the legislative the American taxpayer, the American citizen.
branch. And we believe that the more transparency
1668 Sept. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
there is in the system, the better the system a person who served her Government. She
functions on behalf of the American people. was a person who cared deeply about the fu
Again, I thank the Members. It's my honor ture of the country. And, Mr. President,
now to sign the Federal Funding Account Laura and I and the American people join
ability and Transparency Act of 2006. you in mourning her loss.
And her loss shows the nature of this
[At this point, the President signed the bill]
enemy we face. They have no conscience.
The President. All right, dismissed. Their objective is to create fear and create
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:47 a.m. in Room
enough violence so we withdraw and let
350 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Of them have their way. And that's unaccept
fice Building. S. 2590, approved September 26, able. It's unacceptable behavior for the free
was assigned Public Law No. 109–282. world and the civilized world to accept, Mr.
I know that Taliban and Al Qaida remnants
The President’s News Conference and others are trying to bring down your
With President Hamid Karzai of Government, because they know that as
Afghanistan democratic institutions take root in your
September 26, 2006 country, the terrorists will not be able to con
trol your country or be able to use it to launch
President Bush. Thank you. Please be attacks on other nations. They see the threat
seated. It's my honor to welcome President of democratic progress.
Karzai back to the White House. Mr. Presi In recent months, the Taliban and other
dent, Laura and I fondly remember your gra extremists have tried to regain control, most
cious hospitality when we met you in your ly in the south of Afghanistan. And so we've
capital. We had a chance today to reconfirm adjusted tactics, and we're on the offense to
our strong commitment to work together for meet the threat and to defeat the threat.
peace and freedom. And I'm proud of your Forces from dozens of nations, including
leadership. every member of NATO, are supporting the
You've got a tough job— democratic Government of Afghanistan. The
President Karzai. Yes, sometimes it is. American people are providing money to
President Bush. and you're showing help send our troops to your country, Mr.
a lot of strength and character. And we're President, and so are a lot of other nations
proud to call you ally and friend. I really am. around the world. This is a multinational ef
We discussed how the Government is fort to help you succeed.
building institutions necessary for Afghans to Your people have rejected extremism. Af
have a secure future. We talked about how ghan forces are fighting bravely for the future
America and our international partners can of Afghanistan, and many of your forces have
continue to help. given their lives, and we send our deepest
Our allies are working on initiatives to help condolences to their families and their
the Afghan people in building a free Afghani friends and their neighbors.
stan. And we discussed those initiatives. We The fighting in Afghanistan is part of a
discussed whether or not they could be effec global struggle. Recently British forces killed
tive, and we discussed how to make them a long-time terrorist affiliated with Al Qaida
effective. We discussed our cooperation in named Omar Farouq, Farouq was active in
defeating those who kill innocent life to Bosnia and Southeast Asia. He was captured
achieve objectives, political objectives. in Indonesia; he escaped from prison in Af
The Afghan people know firsthand the na ghanistan; he was killed hiding in Iraq. Every
ture of the enemy that we face in the war victory in the war on terror enhances the se
on terror. After all, just yesterday, Taliban curity of free peoples everywhere.
inmen assassinated Safia Ama Jan–cold Mr. President, as I told you in the Oval
blooded kill—she got killed in cold blood. Office, our country will stand with the free
She was a leader who wanted to give young people of Afghanistan. I know there's some
girls an education in Afghanistan. She was in your country who wonder or not—whether
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 26 1669

or not America has got the will to do the peace and democracy in your region, Mr.
hard work necessary to help you succeed. We President.
have got that will, and we're proud of you I thank you for coming today. I'm looking
as a partner. forward to our discussion tomorrow evening.
President Karzai. Wonderful. Great. Welcome back to the White House. The po
President Bush. We discussed our efforts dium is yours.
to help the Government deliver a better life. President Karzai. Thank you very much,
President Karzai said this about his aspira Mr. President. It's a great honor to be in your
tions—he said he “wants to make Afghani very beautiful country once again, especially
stan a great success and an enduring example during fall with all the lovely leaves around.
of a prosperous and democratic society.” And thank you very much for the great hospi
We're helping you build effective and ac tality that you and the First Lady are always
countable Government agencies. We dis giving to your guests, especially to me. And
cussed different agencies in your Govern thanks also for your visit to Afghanistan and
ment and how best to make them account for seeing us in our country, for seeing from
able to the people. We're going to help you close as to who we are and how we may get
build roads. We understand that it's impor to a better future.
tant for people to have access to markets. I'm very grateful, Mr. President, to you
I thought our general had a pretty interesting and the American people for all that you have
statement—he said, “Where the road ends, done for Afghanistan for the last 4% years,
the Taliban tries to begin.” The President un from roads to education, to democracy, to
derstands that. Parliament, to good governance effort, to
We're helping you with a national literacy health, and to all other good things that are
program. happening in Afghanistan.
President Karzai. Yes. Mr. President, I was, the day before yes
President Bush. We understand that a terday, in the Walter Reed Hospital. There
free society is one that counts upon a edu I met wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. And
cated citizenry. The more educated a popu there also I met a woman soldier with six
lace is, the more likely it is they'll be active boys, from 7 to 21, that she had left behind
participants in democratic forms of govern in America in order to build us a road in
ment. We're helping you build schools and a mountainous part of the country in Afghan
medical centers. istan. There's nothing more that any nation
We talked about the illegal drug trade. The can do for another country, to send a woman
President gave me a very direct assessment with children to Afghanistan to help. We are
of successes in eradicating poppies and fail very grateful. I'm glad I came to know that
ures in eradicating poppies. It was a realistic story, and I'll be repeating it to the Afghan
assessment of the conditions on the ground. people once I go back to Afghanistan.
And he talked about his strategy, particularly We discussed today all matters that con
in dealing in Helmand Province. And, Mr. cern the two countries—the question of the
President, we will support you on this strat reconstruction of Afghanistan, improvement
egy. We understand what you understand, for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, the
and that is, we've got to eradicate drug trade equipping of the Afghan Army, the training
for the good of the people of Afghanistan. of the Afghan Army, the police in Afghani
Tomorrow President Karzai and President stan, and all other aspects of reconstruction.
Musharraf and I will have dinner. I'm looking We also discussed the region around us,
forward to it. It's going to be an interesting discussed our relations with Pakistan and the
discussion amongst three allies, three people question of the joint fight that we have to
who are concerned about the future of Paki gether against terrorism. And I am glad, Mr.
stan and Afghanistan. It will be a chance for President, that you are, tomorrow, hosting a
us to work on how to secure the border, how dinner for me and President Musharraf. And
we can continue to work together and share I'm sure we'll come out of that meeting with
information so we can defeat extremists, how a lot more to talk about to our nations in
we can work together to build a future of a very positive way for a better future.
Sept. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Mr. President, we, the Afghan people, are ment requires us to ignore 20 years of experi
grateful to you and the American people for ence. We weren't in Iraq when we got at
all that you have done. I have things in mind tacked on September the 11th. We weren't
to speak about, and you did that, so I'll stop in Iraq, and thousands of fighters were
short and let the questions come to us. trained in terror camps inside your country,
President Bush. Thanks. We'll have two Mr. President. We weren't in Iraq when they
questions a side. We'll start with Jennifer first attacked the World Trade Center in
Loven [Associated Press]. 1993. We weren't in Iraq when they bombed
National Intelligence Estimate/Situation the Cole. We weren't in Iraq when they blew
in Afghanistan up our Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
My judgment is, if we weren't in Iraq, they'd
Q. Thank you, sir. Even after hearing that find some other excuse, because they have
one of the major conclusions of the National ambitions. They kill in order to achieve their
Intelligence Estimate in April was that the objectives.
Iraq war has fueled terror growth around the You know, in the past, Usama bin Laden
world, why have you continued to say that used Somalia as an excuse for people to join
the Iraq war has made this country safer? his jihadist movement. In the past, they used
And to President Karzai, if I might, what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was a con
do you think of President Musharraf's com venient way to try to recruit people to their
ments that you need to get to know your own jihadist movement. They've used all kinds of
country better when you're talking about excuses.
where terror threats and the Taliban threat
is coming from? This Government is going to do whatever
President Bush. Do you want to start? it takes to protect this homeland. We're not
President Karzai. Go ahead, please. going to let their excuses stop us from staying
|Laughter] on the offense. The best way to protect
America is defeat these killers overseas so
President Bush. I, of course, read the key we do not have to face them here at home.
judgments on the NIE. I agree with their
conclusion that because of our successes We're not going to let lies and propaganda
against the leadership of Al Qaida, the enemy by the enemy dictate how we win this war.
is becoming more diffuse and independent. Now, you know what's interesting about
I'm not surprised the enemy is exploiting the the NIE-it was a intelligence report done
situation in Iraq and using it as a propaganda last April. As I understand, the conclusions—
the evidence on the conclusions reached was
tool to try to recruit more people to their
murderous ways. stopped being gathered on February—at the
Some people have guessed what's in the end of February. And here we are, coming
report and have concluded that going into down the stretch in an election campaign,
Iraq was a mistake. I strongly disagree. I and it's on the front page of your newspapers.
think it's naive. I think it's a mistake for peo Isn't that interesting? Somebody has taken
ple to believe that going on the offense it upon themselves to leak classified informa
against people that want to do harm to the tion for political purposes.
American people makes us less safe. The ter I talked to John Negroponte today, the
rorists fight us in Iraq for a reason: They want DNI, You know, I think it's a bad habit for
to try to stop a young democracy from devel our Government to declassify every time
oping, just like they're trying to fight this there's a leak, because it means that it's going
young democracy in Afghanistan. And they to be hard to get good product out of our
use it as a recruitment tool, because they un analysts. Those of you who have been around
derstand the stakes. They understand what here long enough know what I’m talking
will happen to them when we defeat them about. But once again, there's a leak out of
in Iraq. our Government, coming right down the
You know, to suggest that if we weren't stretch in this campaign—to create confusion
in Iraq, we would see a rosier scenario with in the minds of the American people, in my
fewer extremists joining the radical move judgment, is why they leaked it.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 26 1671

And so we're going to-I told the DNI and how they can hurt. You are a witness
to declassify this document. You can read it in New York. Do you forget people jumping
for yourself. We'll stop all the speculation, off the 80th floor or 70th floor when the
all the politics about somebody saying some planes hit them? Can you imagine what it
thing about Iraq, somebody trying to confuse will be for a man or a woman to jump off
the American people about the nature of this that high? Who did that? And where are they
enemy. And so John Negroponte, the DNI, now? And how do we fight them; how do
is going to declassify the document as quickly we get rid of them, other than going after
as possible. He'll declassify the key judg them? Should we wait for them to come and
ments for you to read yourself. And he'll do kill us again? That's why we need more action
so in such a way that we'll be able to protect around the world, in Afghanistan and else
sources and methods that our intelligence where, to get them defeated—extremism,
community uses. And then everybody can their allies, terrorists and the like.
draw their own conclusions about what the On the remarks of my brother, President
report says. Musharraf-Afghanistan is a country that is
Thank you. emerging out of so many years of war and
Q. My question destruction and occupation by terrorism and
President Bush. What was that question? misery that they've brought to us. We lost
Q. Why is that declassification not almost two generations to the lack of edu
President Bush. Because I want you to cation. And those who were educated before
read the documents, so you don't speculate that are now older. We know our problems.
about what it says. You asked me a question We have difficulties. But Afghanistan also
based upon what you thought was in the doc knows where the problem is—in extremism,
ument, or at least somebody told you was in madrassas preaching hatred, preachers in
in the document. And so I think, Jennifer, the name of madrassas preaching hatred.
you'll be able to ask a more profound ques That's what we should do together to stop.
tion when you get to look at it yourself— The United States, as our ally, is helping
[laughter]—as opposed to relying upon gos both countries. And I think it is very impor
sip and somebody who may or may not have tant that we have more dedication and more
seen the document trying to classify the war intense work with sincerity, all of us, to get
in Iraq one way or the other. rid of the problems that we have around the
I guess it's just Washington, isn't it, where, world.
you know, we kind of there's no such thing An Afghan press? You?
as classification anymore, hardly. But, any
way, you ought to take a look at it, and then War on Terror/Progress in Afghanistan
you'll get to see.
Why don't you ask somebody—yes, you've Q. from Voice of America. Mr. Presi
got the two-part question. dent, what is your strategy—your new strat
President Karzai. Ma'am, before I go to egy to fight against terrorism and also to deal
the remarks by my brother, President with narcotics in Afghanistan? Thank you.
Musharraf, terrorism was hurting us way be President Karzai. All right. This was to
fore Iraq or September 11th. The President me or to President Bush? Okay. Ma'am,
mentioned some examples of it. These ex there is no new strategy on the fight against
tremist forces were killing people in Afghani terrorism. We are continuing the strategy
stan and around for years, closing schools, that we have. We are implementing the strat
burning mosques, killing children, uprooting egy. We are moving further in that strategy.
vineyards with vine trees—grapes hanging on We are getting more of them. We are trying
them, forcing populations to poverty and to clean the country of these elements and
misery. the region of these elements by doing more
They came to America on September 11th, reconstruction, by doing more search for the
but they were attacking you before Sep terrorist elements hiding around there. So
tember 11th in other parts of the world. We the fight against terrorism will continue the
are a witness in Afghanistan to what they are way we started it.
1672 Sept. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Q. Mr. President, sorry, do you think it's Former President Clinton/War on Terror
working now the way it's going? Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Former
President Karzai. It is absolutely work President Clinton says that your administra
ing. We come across difficulties as we are tion had no meetings on bin Laden for 9
moving forward, and that's bound to happen. months after he left office. Is that factually
And we get over those difficulties; we resolve accurate, and how do you respond to his
them; and we go to the next stage of this charges?
fight against terrorism for all the allies. President Bush. You know, look, Caren,
At one stage 4 years ago, we had a war I've watched all this finger-pointing and nam
against them to dislodge them from Afghani ing of names and all that stuff. Our objective
stan, to remove them from being the Govern
ment of Afghanistan. And then there were is to secure the country. And we've had inves
tigations; we had the 9/11 Commission; we
major operations against them to arrest or had the look back this; we've had the look
to chase them out. And then we began to
rebuild the country, to have roads, to have back that. The American people need to
schools, to have health clinics, to have edu know that we spend all our time doing every
cation, to have all other things that people thing that we can to protect them. So I'm
not going to comment on other comments.
need all over the world. And now we are at
But I will comment on this—that we're
a stage of bringing more stability and trying
to get rid of them forever. The desire is to on the offense against an enemy who wants
to do us harm. And we must have the tools
do that sooner, but a desire is not always what necessary to protect our country. On the one
you get. So it will take time, and we must
have the patience to have the time spent on hand, if Al Qaida or Al Qaida affiliates are
getting rid of them for good. calling somebody in the country, we need to
On narcotics, it is a problem. It is an em know why. And so Congress needs to pass
barrassment to Afghanistan. And I told Presi that piece of legislation. If somebody has got
dent Bush earlier in my conversation with information about a potential attack, we need
him that we feel very much embarrassed for to be able to ask that person some questions.
having narcotics growing in our country. But And so Congress has got to pass that piece
again, it has come to Afghanistan because of of legislation.
years of our desperation and lack of hope You can't protect America unless we give
for tomorrow. I know Afghan families, those people on the frontlines of protecting
ma'am, who destroyed their pomegranate or this country the tools necessary to do so with
in the Constitution. And that's where the de
chards or vineyards to replace them with
bate is here in the United States. There are
poppies, because they did not know if they
were going to have their children the next some decent people who don't believe—evi
day, if they were going to be in their own dently don't believe we're at war and there
country the next day, if they were going to fore shouldn't give the administration what
be having their home standing the next day. is necessary to protect us.
It has become a reality because of jobs and And that goes back to Jennifer's question,
years of misery. you know. Does being on the offense mean
We have worked on the problem. In some we create terrorists? My judgment is, the
areas of the country, we have succeeded; in only way to defend the country is to stay on
other areas of the country, we have failed the offense. It is preposterous to think if we
because of the circumstances and because of were to withdraw and hope for the best,
our own failures. We have discussed that, and things would turn out fine against this enemy.
we will continue to be very steadfast. It is That was my point about, before we were
Afghanistan's problem, so Afghanistan is re in Iraq, there were thousands being trained
sponsible for it, and Afghanistan should act in Afghanistan to strike America and other
on it with the help of our friends in the places. The only way to protect this country
United States and the rest of the world. is to stay on the offense, is to deal with
President Bush. Caren [Caren Bohan, threats before they fully materialize and, in
Reuters]. the long term, help democracy succeed, like
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 26 1673

Afghanistan and Iraq and Lebanon and a Pal spokesman for the obscure organization that
estinian State. said that the international commitment to
But there's a difference of opinion. It will fighting terror is declining. It's quite the con
come clear during this campaign, where peo trary, starting with the evidence that NATO
ple will say, “Get out; leave before the job has committed troops in Afghanistan. These
is done.” And those are good, decent, patri are troops who are on the ground who are
otic people who believe that way—I just hap serving incredibly bravely to protect this
pen to believe they're absolutely wrong. So country.
I'm going to continue to work to protect this Secondly, when the Brits, along with our
country. And we'll let history judge—all the help, intercepted the plot to attack us, every
different finger-pointing and all that busi body started saying, “They're still there.”
ness. I don't have enough time to finger They began to realize that their hopes that
point. I've got to stay—I've got to do my job, the terrorist threats were going away weren't
which comes home every day in the Oval Of true. Since September the 11th, it's impor
fice, and that is to protect the American peo tant for the American people to remember,
ple from further attack. there have been a lot of attacks on a lot of
Now, there are some who say, “Well, nations by these jihadists. And some of them
maybe it's not going to happen.” Well, they are Al Qaida and some of them are Al Qaida
don't see what I see. All I ask is that they inspired. The NIE talked about how this
look at that terror plot that, along with the roup of folks are becoming more dispersed.
Brits, we helped stop—people who were That's what I've been saying as well. After
going to get on an airplane and blow up inno all, look inside of Great Britain. These are
cent lives in order to achieve political objec people inspired by, perhaps trained by Al
tives. They're out there; they're mean; and Qaida, but nevertheless plotted and planned
they need to be brought to justice. attacks and conducted attacks in the summer

International Support for the War on of 2005, and then plotted attacks in the sum
Terror/Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations mer of 2006. See, they're dangerous, and the
world knows that.
Q. Thank you, sir. Mr. President, are you And so from my perspective, intelligence
convinced, like President Bush, that the deal
sharing is good; cooperation on the financial
General Musharraf signed with the tribal fronts is good—and that more and more na
leaders in Waziristan actually meant to fight tions are committing troops to the fight, in
the Taliban? And why are you convinced that
Usama bin Laden is not in Afghanistan? Afghanistan in particular.
If I may, Mr. President, do you agree with Now, the other question
the analysis from the counter chief Euro Q. The tension between two allies—does
pean—counterterrorism chief European this undermine the efforts of getting bin
spokesman who said today that the inter
national support for terrorism has receded? President Bush. No. No, it doesn't. It's
in President Karzai's interest to see bin
Do you agree with that? And do you see the
tension between two important allies of Laden brought to justice. It is in President
yours, Pakistan and Aºn. under Musharraf's interest to see bin Laden
mining your effort to get Usama bin Laden? brought to justice. Our interests coincide. It
Thank you. will be interesting for me to watch the body
President Bush. It's a four-part question. language of these two leaders to determine
First of all, I didn't—what was this person how tense things are.
a spokesman for? President Karzai. I'll be good. [Laughter]
Q. Counterterrorism chief in Europe. President Bush. Yes. From my discus
President Bush. Some obscure spokes sions with President Karzai and President
man? Musharraf, there is an understanding that by
Q. No, actually, he has a name. working together, it is more likely that all
President Bush. Okay, he's a got a name. of us can achieve a common objective, which
[Laughter] Well, no, I don't agree with the are stable societies that are hopeful societies,
1674 Sept. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
that prevent extremists from stopping Statement on the Report of the
progress and denying people a hopeful world. Commission on the Future of Higher
I know that's what President Karzai thinks, Education
and I know that's how President Musharraf
thinks. And so—I'm kind of teasing about the
body language for the dinner tomorrow September 26, 2006
night, but it's going to be a good dinner, and
it's an important dinner.
So, to answer your question, no. What you Today Education Secretary Margaret
Spellings released the report of a commission
perceive as tension is stopping us from bring whose focus was to help make America's
ing high-value targets to justice—quite the higher education system more affordable and
contrary, we're working as hard as ever in
more accessible and to provide parents and
doing that.
students with information that will help them
President Karzai. On the question of make better-informed choices. I strongly
Waziristan, ma'am, President Musharraf,
support the thrust of this important report
when he was in Kabul, explained what they and look forward to working with Secretary
had done there. My initial impression was Spellings, the higher education community,
that this was a deal signed by the Taliban— the Congress, and the States to ensure that
and then later I learned that they actually our higher education system remains the fin
signed with the tribal chiefs. It will have a est in the world.
different meaning if it is that signed with the
tribal chiefs—that for us, for the United
States, for the allies against terror. America's colleges and universities have al
The most important element here is item ways played an important role in advancing
innovation, opportunity, and prosperity
number one in this agreement, that the ter
rorists will not be allowed to cross over into throughout our Nation and the world. We
must all work to provide our students with
Afghanistan to attack the coalition against
terror—that is, the international community
the knowledge and skills they need to shape
and Afghanistan together. We will have to a hopeful future for our country.
wait and see if that is going to be imple
mented exactly the way it is signed. So, from
our side, it's a wait and see attitude. But, NOTE: The Office of the Press Secretary also re
generally, we will back any move, any deal leased a Spanish language transcript of this state
that will deny terrorism sanctuary in north
Waziristan or in the tribal territories of Paki
President Bush. Mr. President, thank Statement on the Death of Byron
you. Nelson
President Karzai. Thank you, sir.
President Bush. Well done.
September 26, 2006
NOTE: The President's news conference began at I was saddened to learn today of the pass
11:37 a.m. in the East Room at the White House.
ing of Byron Nelson. Byron Nelson was a
In his remarks, he referred to senior Al Qaida legend in the game of golf, setting extraor
associate Omar al-Farouq, who was killed in Iraq dinary standards for excellence on the
on September 26, Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry, USA,
commander, Combined Forces Command—Af. course. More importantly, he was a true gen
ghanistan; President Pervez Musharraf of Paki tleman and role model for generations of
stan; Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida golfers. Laura and I join fellow Texans and
terrorist organization; and Gijs de Vries, the sports world in extending our sympathies
counterterrorism coordinator, European Union. to his wife, Peggy, and his family and friends.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 27 1675

Presidential Determination With mists, or sports or cultural figures would

Respect to Foreign Governments’ promote the purposes of the Act or is
otherwise in the national interest of the
Efforts Regarding Trafficking in
Persons United States;
Determine, consistent with section
September 26, 2006 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to
Presidential Determination No. 2006–25 Saudi Arabia, that provision to Saudi
Arabia of all programs, projects, or ac
tivities of assistance described in sec
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
tions 110(d)(1)(A)(i) and 110(d)(1)(B)
Subject: Presidential Determination with of the Act would promote the purposes
Respect to Foreign Governments' Efforts of the Act or is otherwise in the national
Regarding Trafficking in Persons interest of the United States:
Consistent with section 110 of the Traf- e
Determine, consistent with section
ficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Divi 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to
sion A of Public Law 106–386), as amended, Sudan, that provision to Sudan of all
(the “Act"), I hereby: programs, projects, or activities of assist
• Make the determination provided in ance described in Sections
section 110(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, with 110(d)(1)(A)(i) and 110(d)(1)(B) of the
respect to Burma, Venezuela, and Act would promote the purposes of the
Zimbabwe, not to provide certain fund Act or is otherwise in the national inter
ing for those countries' governments for est of the United States;
fiscal year 2007, until such government o Determine, consistent with section
complies with the minimum standards 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to
or makes significant efforts to bring Syria, that funding for educational and
itself into compliance, as may be deter cultural exchange programs described
mined by the Secretary of State in a re in section 110(d)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act
port to the Congress pursuant to section that include educators, municipal lead
1.10(b) of the Act; ers, religious leaders, journalists, econo
• Make the determination provided in mists, or sports or cultural figures would
section 110(d)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act, with promote the purposes of the Act or is
respect to Cuba, the Democratic Peo otherwise in the national interest of the
ple's Republic of Korea, Iran, and Syria, United States;
not to provide certain funding for those © Determine, consistent with section
countries' governments for fiscal year 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to
2007, until such government complies Uzbekistan, that provision to
with the minimum standards or makes Uzbekistan of all programs, projects, or
significant efforts to bring itself into activities of assistance described in sec
compliance, as may be determined by tions 110(d)(1)(A)(i) and 110(d)(1)(B)
the Secretary of State in a report to the of the Act would promote the purposes
Congress pursuant to section 1.10(b) of of the Act or is otherwise in the national
the Act; interest of the United States;
• Make the determination provided in o
Determine, consistent with section
section 110(d)(3) of the Act, concerning 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to
the determinations of the Secretary of Venezuela, for all programs, projects, or
State with respect to Belize and Laos; activities of assistance for victims of traf
• Determine, consistent with section ficking in persons or to combat such
110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to trafficking, or for strengthening the
Iran, that funding for educational and democratic process, including strength
cultural exchange programs described ening political parties and supporting
in section 110(d)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act electoral observation and monitoring
that include educators, municipal lead and related programs, or for public di
ers, religious leaders, journalists, econo plomacy, that provision to Venezuela of
1676 Sept. 27 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the assistance described in sections mary objective(s) to: (a) increase ef
110(d)(1)(A)(i) and 110(d)(1)(B) of the forts to investigate and prosecute traf
Act for such programs, projects, or ac ficking in persons crimes; (b) increase
tivities would promote the purposes of protection for victims of trafficking
the Act or is otherwise in the national through better screening, identifica
interest of the United States; tion, rescue/removal, aftercare (shel
• Determine, consistent with section ter, counseling) training and re
110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to integration; or (c) expand prevention
Zimbabwe, for all programs, projects, or efforts through education and aware
activities of assistance for victims of traf ness campaigns highlighting the dan
ficking in persons or to combat such gers of trafficking or training and eco
trafficking, for the promotion of health nomic empowerment of populations
or good governance, or which would clearly at risk of falling victim to traf
have a significant adverse effect on vul ficking
nerable populations if suspended, that would promote the purposes of the Act or
provision to Zimbabwe of the assistance is otherwise in the national interest of the
described in sections 110(d)(1)(A)(i) United States.
and 110(d)(1)(B) of the Act for such The certification required by section
programs, projects, or activities would 110(e) of the Act is provided herewith.
promote the purposes of the Act or is You are hereby authorized and directed to
otherwise in the national interest of the submit this determination to the Congress
United States; and to publish it in the Federal Register.
• Determine, consistent with section
110(d)(4) of the Act, that assistance to George W. Bush
Venezuela or Zimbabwe described in
NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of
section 110(d)(1)(B) of the Act that: fice of the Press Secretary on September 27.
(1) is a regional program, project, or ac
tivity under which the total benefit to
Venezuela or Zimbabwe does not ex Statement on House of
ceed 10 percent of the total value of Representatives Action on the
such program, project, or activity; or “Military Commissions Act of 2006”
(2) has as its primary objective the ad September 27, 2006
dressing of basic human needs, as de
fined by the Department of the Earlier this month, I discussed with the
Treasury with respect to other, exist American people a CIA program that has
ing legislative mandates concerning proven to be one of our most effective tools
U.S. participation in the multilateral in the war on terror. Under this program,
development banks; or suspected terrorists have been detained and
(3) is complementary to or has similar questioned about threats against our country.
policy objectives to programs being Because a Supreme Court decision put the
implemented bilaterally by the future of this program in question, I asked
United States Government; or Congress to provide legislation to save this
(4) has as its primary objective the im important tool.
provement of the country's legal sys Today the House passed legislation that
tem, including in areas that impact would allow this vital program to continue
the country's ability to investigate and and help keep our country safe. The Military
prosecute trafficking cases or other Commissions Act of 2006 addresses the Su
wise improve implementation of a preme Court's ruling regarding the applica
country's anti-trafficking policy, regu tion of Common Article 3 of the Geneva
lations, or legislation; or Conventions and clarifies the standards for
(5) in engaging a government, inter U.S. personnel who detain and question un
national organization, or civil society lawful enemy combatants. The act also cre
organization, and that seeks as its pri ates a comprehensive statutory structure for
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 28 1677

military commissions so that we can pros America respects religion, and we respect the
ecute suspected terrorists. right for people to worship the way they see
I appreciate the House's commitment to fit. We welcome Muslim leaders here in the
strengthening our national security. I urge White House. I look forward to having din
the Senate to act quickly to get a bill to my ner with friends of mine who don't happen
desk before Congress adjourns. to share the same faith I do, but nevertheless
share the same outlook for a hopeful world.
NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 6166. As we work for a more hopeful world, we
will continue to make sure that extremists,
such as Usama bin Laden, that wants to hurt
Remarks Prior to Discussions With
my friend here as well as upset the democ
President Hamid Karzai of
racy in Afghanistan, is brought to justice. The
Afghanistan and President Pervez main thing I was looking forward to talking
Musharraf of Pakistan about is how the United States Government

September 27, 2006 and the people of the United States can help
these two countries provide a foundation for
President Bush. Tonight it's my honor to hope. And so I want to thank you for coming.
host a dinner with President Musharraf of We're proud to have you here, Mr. President.
Pakistan and President Karzai of Afghanistan. President Musharraf. My pleasure.
These two men are personal friends of mine; President Bush. Proud to have you here,
they are strong leaders who have a under Mr. President. Let's go eat dinner. Thank
standing of the world in which we live; they you, sir.
understand that the forces of moderation are President Musharraf. Thank you very
being challenged by extremists and radicals. much.
And we're working closely together to help President Karzai. Thanks very much.
improve the lives of the people in Afghani
stan and the people in Pakistan. NOTE: The President spoke at 7:35 p.m. in the
President Musharraf kindly greeted me to Rose Garden at the White House. In his remarks,
Pakistan. I had the great privilege of meeting he referred to Usama bin Laden, leader of the
many in his Government. I met people in Al Qaida terrorist organization.
the civil society there. I met those who were
helping the Pakistan citizens who were
whose lives were turned upside down by the Message to the Senate Transmitting
devastating earthquake. I saw the compassion the United States-European Union
of this Government, and I was very proud Agreement on Mutual Legal
that the American people were helping them Assistance
September 27, 2006
I also had the opportunity to visit Presi
dent Karzai. He's leading a young democ To the Senate of the United States:
racy. It's a democracy that was formed as a With a view to receiving the advice and
result of the Afghan people voting, having consent of the Senate to ratification, I trans
shed itself, with American help, from the mit herewith the Agreement on Mutual
Taliban regime. Legal Assistance between the United States
We've got a lot of challenges facing us. All of America and the European Union (EU),
of us must protect our countries, but at the signed on June 25, 2003, at Washington, to
same time, we all must work to make the gether with 25 bilateral instruments that sub
world a more hopeful place. And so today's sequently were signed between the United
dinner is a chance for us to strategize to States and each European Union Member
gether, to talk about the need to cooperate, State in order to implement the Agreement
to make sure that people have got a hopeful with the EU, and an explanatory note that
future. is an integral part of the Agreement. I also
It's very important for the people in Paki transmit, for the information of the Senate,
stan and Afghanistan to understand that the report of the Department of State with
1678 Sept. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

respect to the Agreement and bilateral in Message to the Senate Transmitting

the United States-European Union
Agreement on Extradition
A parallel agreement with the European
Union on extradition, together with bilateral September 27, 2006
instruments, will be transmitted to the Sen
ate separately. These two agreements are the To the Senate of the United States:
first law enforcement agreements concluded With a view to receiving the advice and
consent of the Senate to ratification, I trans
between the United States and the European
mit herewith the Agreement on Extradition
Union. Together they serve to modernize between the United States of America and
and expand in important respects the law en the European Union (EU), signed on June
forcement relationships between the United 25, 2003, at Washington, together with 22
States and the 25 EU Member States, as well
bilateral instruments that subsequently were
as formalize and strengthen the institutional signed between the United States and Euro
framework for law enforcement relations be pean Union Member States in order to im
tween the United States and the European plement the Agreement with the EU, and
Union itself.
an explanatory note that is an integral part
of the Agreement. I also transmit, for the
The U.S.-EU Mutual Legal Assistance information of the Senate, the report of the
Agreement contains several innovations that Department of State with respect to the
should prove of value to U.S. prosecutors and Agreement and bilateral instruments. The bi
investigators, including in counterterrorism lateral instruments with three EU Member
cases. The Agreement creates an improved States, Estonia, Latvia, and Malta, take the
mechanism for obtaining bank information form of comprehensive new extradition trea
from an EU Member State, elaborates legal ties, and therefore will be submitted individ
frameworks for the use of new techniques ually.
such as joint investigative teams, and estab A parallel agreement with the European
lishes a comprehensive and uniform frame Union on mutual legal assistance, together
work for limitations on the use of personal with bilateral instruments, will be trans
and other data. The Agreement includes a mitted to the Senate separately. These two
non-derogation provision making clear that agreements are the first law enforcement
it is without prejudice to the ability of the agreements concluded between the United
United States or an EU Member State to States and the European Union. Together
refuse assistance where doing so would prej they serve to modernize and expand in im
udice its sovereignty, security, public, or portant respects the law enforcement rela
other essential interests. tionships between the United States and the
25 EU Member States, as well as formalize
and strengthen the institutional framework
I recommend that the Senate give early for law enforcement relations between the
and favorable consideration to the Agree United States and the European Union itself.
ment and bilateral instruments.
The U.S.-EU Extradition Agreement con
tains several provisions that should improve
the scope and operation of bilateral extra
George W. Bush dition treaties in force between the United
States and each EU Member State. For ex
The White House,
ample, it requires replacing outdated lists of
September 27, 2006. extraditable offenses included in 10 older bi
lateral treaties with the modern "dual crimi
NoTE: This message was released by the Office mality” approach, thereby enabling coverage
of the Press Secretary on September 28. An origi of such newer offenses as money laundering.
nal was not available for verification of the content Another important provision ensures that a
of this message. U.S. extradition request is not disfavored by
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 28 1679

an EU Member State that receives a com sure that we do have the capacity to protect
peting request for the person from another you.
Member State pursuant to the newly created Our most solemn job is the security of this
European Arrest Warrant. Finally, the Extra country. People shouldn't forget there's still
dition Agreement simplifies procedural re an enemy out there that wants to do harm
quirements for preparing and transmitting to the United States. And therefore a lot of
extradition documents, easing and speeding my discussion with the Members of the Sen
the current process. ate was to remind them of this solemn re
I recommend that the Senate give early sponsibility. And so I look forward to you
and favorable consideration to the Agree passing good legislation, Senators. Thank you
ment and bilateral instruments. for having me. Appreciate your time.
George W. Bush NOTE: The President spoke at 9:16 a.m. at the
United States Capitol. In his remarks, he referred
The White House, to H.R. 6166.
September 27, 2006.

NotE: This message was released by the Office Remarks on Energy in Hoover,
of the Press Secretary on September 28. An origi
nal was not available for verification of the content September 28, 2006
of this message.
You know, the price of gasoline has been
dropping, and that's good news for the Amer
Remarks Following a Meeting With ican consumer; it's good news for the small
the Republican Senate Conference business owners; it's good news for the farm
September 28, 2006 ers. But it's very important for us to remem
ber that we still have an issue when it comes
I just had a really constructive and inter to dependence on foreign oil. And one way
esting session with Republican Members of to become less dependent on foreign oil is
the United States Senate. I’m impressed by for us to develop new ways to power our
the leadership here in the Senate. I’m im automobiles, right here in America.
pressed by the caliber of people that serve And so I've come to Hoover, Alabama, to
our country. recognize this city for being innovative and
I want to congratulate the House for pass progressive and for having a good football
ing a very vital piece of legislation that will team. [Laughter] I want to thank Mayor
give us the tools necessary to protect the Tony Petelos and the city council for serving
American people, and that's the Hamdan leg and leading. See, what we have just wit
islation. That's the legislation that will give nessed is a police force that is filling up its
us the capacity to be able to interrogate high vehicles with a fuel called E-85. When you
valued detainees, and at the same time, give hear somebody talk about fuel E–85, that
us the capacity to try people who—in our means 85 percent of the fuel comes from
military tribunals. ethanol. And ethanol is produced from corn,
In speaking to the Senate, I urged them and corn is grown right here in the United
to get this legislation to my desk as soon as States of America.
possible. Senator Frist and Senator McCon One way to become less dependent on for
nell committed to that end. The American eign oil is to use American-grown products
people need to know we're working together to power our automobiles. And that's what
to win this war on terror. Our most important we just witnessed. So I asked Officer Parker
responsibility is to protect the American peo of the Hoover Police Department, I said,
ple from further attack, and we cannot be “Do you like using E-85?” See, he has a
able to tell the American people we're doing choice, because there are what we call flex
our full job unless we have the tools nec fuel vehicles. He can either use ethanol
essary to do so. And this legislation passed based fuel or regular gasoline. As a matter
in the House yesterday is a part of making of fact, there's a lot of cars in the United
1680 Sept. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

States that are flex-fuel, and some of you making ethanol. That's pretty good news for
probably don't even know you've got a car people. You know, if that ever becomes a re
that's flex-fuel. It doesn't cost much money, ality, there's going to be a lot of switch-grass
by the way, to convert a regular automobile, growers.
an automobile that uses gasoline, to a flex He was talking to me about how they're
fuel car. spending time and money figuring out
So anyway, so I said to Officer Parker, I whether or not we can use wood products
said—first, I told him thanks for serving. And to make ethanol. Imagine if we can achieve
then I said, “You've got a choice, don't you, a technological breakthrough that enables us
between gasoline and E–85?” He said, “I to use wood chips. You got a lot of wood
do.” I said, "Which one do you pick?” He here in Alabama. You'll become one of the
said, “E-85.” I said, “Why?" He said, “Be leading ethanol producers if—when we
cause it's got a little better get up to it.” In achieve that breakthrough. And that's good
other words, it works just fine. news for America.
And it works just fine for other reasons I like the idea of a President or a Governor
as well. It works just fine because it helps saying, “You know something, there's a lot
keep our air clean. It works just fine because of corn, and we're less dependent on oil from
it helps address a national security issue. So overseas,” or, “We’ve got some new break
one of the important policies of governments throughs, which makes us less dependent on
ought to be to encourage the production and oil.” And the good news is, this technology
use of ethanol. And there's a Federal role also helps us be good stewards of the envi
for that. In other words, we provide tax cred ronment.
its. We think it's in our national interest that And so I want to thank the good folks from
ethanol penetrate more market—in other Hoover, Alabama, for thinking differently,
words, more people use ethanol. for being on the leading edge of change. I
We're providing research dollars, and one appreciate the mayor and the city council for
reason you provide research dollars is be thinking about how best to represent your
cause it's going to be important for us to use people, and you're making a fine contribution
something beyond corn to make ethanol. In to our country as well.
other words, corn is good, and so is sugar, It's an honor to be here. I'm thrilled to
but you can imagine, it's going to put a little see this E-85 plant operating right here in
strain on the corn market after a while if the the State of Alabama. I predict there are
only raw material we use for ethanol is corn. more coming, and when more come, this
After all, you've got to feed the cows and country is going to be better off.
feed the hogs and feed people as well as feed Thanks for having me, and God bless.
automobiles with fuel.
And so the Federal Government has com NOTE: The President spoke at 12:06 p.m. at the
mitted to spending a fair amount of your Hoover Public Safety Center. In his remarks, he
money to research other ways to make eth referred to Mayor Tony Petelos of Hoover, AL;
Reggie Parker, officer, Hoover Police Depart
anol. And one such place where good re ment; and David Bransby, professor of agronomy
search is going on is right here in the State and soil, Auburn University. The Office of the
of Alabama at Auburn University. Press Secretary also released a Spanish language
And I just had the honor of meeting a pro transcript of these remarks.
fessor who came here from South Africa and
is now one of the eminent scholars there at
Auburn, who spends his time developing new Remarks at a Luncheon for
ways to make ethanol. See, what's happening Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Riley
here in America is, is that we have made it in Birmingham, Alabama
a focused effort of our Government to diver
September 28, 2006
sify our fuel, and we're spending your money
to do it. Thanks for coming. It is a joy to be back
The doc was telling me that one of these in Alabama, and I appreciate your warm wel
days, we could be using switch grass to be come. I am proud to stand with one of the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 28 1681

Nation's finest Governors and ask for your grassroots activists here today, thanks for
help in reelecting Bob Riley as Governor of coming, and thanks for what you do.
Alabama. I want to thank the State and local officials
He deserves to be reelected because he's who are here. Thanks for serving. I appre
got a record he can run on. He has made ciate your willingness to be a public servant.
you proud. He listens to the people. He I want to thank the Selma High School
shares your values for the good of Alabama Choir. I appreciate you lending your beau
and for the good of all citizens, regardless tiful voices to this important occasion.
of their political party. Bob Riley needs to One of the most important jobs of a Gov
be reelected as your Governor. ernor is to set a tone for a State. Bob Riley
I'm proud to be here with Patsy, first lady and I share a philosophy about the role of
of the great State of Alabama. Riley and I government when it comes to the economy.
married well, and we're both wise enough The role of government is not to create
to listen to our wives. [Laughter] So Laura wealth; the role of government is to create
said, “When you get down to Alabama, say an environment in which the entrepreneurial
hello to our friends” on her behalf, and so
spirit can flourish, in which small business
I do. I bring greetings from Laura Bush, a grow to be big businesses, an environment
wonderful mother, a fantastic wife, and a
in which people are able to find work.
great First Lady for the United States of I was noticing that the unemployment rate
America. And Patsy, thank you for being
here. Thank you for serving your State with in the great State of Alabama is 3.5 percent,
which says Riley knows what he's doing when
dignity, just like Riley is serving the State it comes time to this economy. When you
with dignity.
I'm also proud to recognize the candidate have people working, it makes sense to put
for the Lieutenant Governor, a man who will the man in charge of setting the tone for the
State back in office.
stand tall for the State of Alabama—[laugh
ter-my friend Luther Strange. I have got You know, one of the things Bob and I
ten to know your State attorney general, Troy understand is that one way to grow the econ
King. He is an accomplished attorney, who omy is to let people keep more of their own
brings great credit to the office he holds. I taxes. You see, we believe that when you've
can say without a doubt, he's the right can got more of your own money in your pocket
to Save, spend, or invest, the economy grows.
didate to serve as the State attorney for this
great State of Alabama. Troy, thanks for serv He told me that he's running on cutting
ing; it was an honor to meet your wife, Paige. taxes, another reason to put him back in of
fice as the Governor of Alabama. And I'm
I want to thank the State auditor, Beth Chap
man, who is with us here today. I thank Twintelling you, cutting taxes works.
kle Cavanaugh, who is the chairman of the You might remember what this economy
Alabama Republican Party, and I want to of ours has been through. We've been
thank all the grassroots activists who have through a recession and corporate scandals,
joined us here today. a terrorist attack, a war, hurricanes, and high
This is a fantastic fundraiser. The next gasoline prices. Yet we're growing, and we
thing that needs to be done is a fantastic intend to keep growing. And the best way
grassroots effort to turn out the vote. For to keep growing is to keep the people's taxes
those of you who are stuffing the envelopes OW.
and putting up the signs and getting on the The tax cuts we passed are working, and
telephones and turning people out to vote, it's a campaign issue as far as I'm concerned.
I want to thank you in advance for what There's no doubt in my mind that if the na
you're going to do for this excellent Gov tional Democrats had control of the House
ernor. or the Senate, they'd raise your taxes. And
You win campaigns by having somebody there's no doubt in my mind, raising your
who has got a vision and can carry the mes taxes will hurt this economy. The best way
sage, and you also win campaigns by finding to keep the people in Alabama working and
your voters and turning them out. For all the the best way to keep the people across this
1682 Sept. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

country working is to make the tax cuts we to remain competitive in the 21st century,
assed permanent. we must diversify away from foreign sources
When I was the Governor of Texas, I used of oil.
to tell people education is to a State what And so we went to a E–85 ethanol distribu
national defense is to the Federal Govern tion place. See, what happened is, is that the
ment. The single most important priority of fine mayor of Hoover and its city council de
a State is to make sure the people get edu cided that they were going to use ethanol
cated. And Bob Riley has made the school as the primary fuel for their police auto
system of Alabama his top priority, but he's mobiles. That's called innovation. It's called
made the school system in Alabama a priority thinking ahead.
in a different kind of way. See, he refuses I found it to be really interesting to talk
to accept the status quo when he finds medi to the officers who drive the vehicles that
ocrity or failure. are run on fuel that is 85 percent ethanol—
You know, I was talking to Margaret in other words, fuel made from corn. So I
Spellings. She's my buddy from the State of said to the guy, do you—see, he has a choice;
Texas who is now the Secretary of Education. he can either use gasoline or ethanol. I said,
And Margaret Spellings, if she were here, “Which one do you use?” He says, “I like
would tell you that Alabama has some of the the ethanol.” I said, “Why?" He said, “It’s
most innovative programs in the United got a lot of get up and go to it.” In other
States of America when it comes to making words, it works well.
sure every single child gets an education. You What we're beginning to see is a change
got a Governor who is an education Governor in how we fuel our automobiles. We're
and needs to be returned to your State cap spending a lot of money at the Federal level,
itol. your money, to try to advance new tech
He is spending money on schools, and nologies to make us less dependent on oil.
that's important. But he also understands It's in the national interest that we become
money alone won't bring excellence to the less dependent on oil from overseas. After
classrooms. And that's why he has set high all, a lot of the oil we get is from parts of
standards, and that's why he insists upon the world that don't particularly care for us
strong accountability measures. The best way right now.
to achieve educational excellence for every I look forward to the day when more and
child in your State is to measure, is to deter more of you have flex-fuel vehicles and you
mine whether a child is learning how to read, can go and make the decision as to whether
write, and add and subtract, and if not, cor or not you want to use ethanol as the primary
rect problems early, before it's too late. source of energy in your automobile—or gas
I'm proud of the standards your Governor oline. I look forward to the day when I can
has set. I'm proud to call my friend an edu say to the American people, “Because we've
cational innovator. I'm proud that he has got more corn growing, we're less dependent
made reading a top priority. I'm proud he's on foreign sources of oil.” I look forward to
challenging the soft bigotry of low expecta the day when you can use wood chips from
tions. I'm proud he's working hard to make Alabama trees as the feedstock for ethanol.
sure no child is left behind in the State of I look forward to the day when we have these
Alabama. great breakthroughs of research and tech
Riley and I just went over to-excuse nology done right here in Auburn University
me—Governor Riley—[laughter]—and I to say to the American people, “The research
went over to Hoover, Alabama, today, the we're doing today means your children are
home of the mighty Bucs, the number-one going to be less dependent on oil in the fu
high school football team in the United ture.”
States. That's kind of hard for a Texan to And Bob Riley is a partner in encouraging
say. [Laughter] But we went over for a dif diversification away from hydrocarbons that
ferent reason, because we both understand we import from overseas. And I appreciate
that in order for America to remain competi his stance. I appreciate his vision. He's got
tive in the 21st century, in order for Alabama a vision for the people of Alabama, and he's
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 28 1683

got the skill and capability of implementing into the United States, we want to know why,
that vision. He's done an excellent job for in order to protect the American people.
the people. And I want to thank you for sup In order to make sure we get the informa
porting him, to put him back in office. It's tion necessary to protect you—see,
this is a
good for this State that Bob Riley is the Gov different kind of war. We cannot measure
the enemy's progress based upon the move
I want to talk about—[applause]—I want ment of tanks or airplanes. These people hide
to spend a little time on what else occupies in remote reaches of the world and then
my mind, other than making sure our econ strike with lethality, as we learned firsthand
omy grows. And it's this: My most solemn in our country.
responsibility and the most solemn duty of And therefore we must find kernels of in
the Federal Government, as a matter of fact formation that then will enable us to track
governments at all levels, is to protect the them down and bring them to justice before
American people. We are a nation at war. they hurt Americans. And that's why it's es
I wish I could report differently, but you sential that I created a program with the pro
need to have a President who sees the world fessionals in the Central Intelligence Agency
the way it is, not the way somebody would to detain and question key terrorist leaders
hope it would be. In order to protect this and operatives that were captured on the bat
people, we must understand the nature of tlefield. As a result of this program, we
the threats we face. We face an enemy that have—we've learned information that en
is brutal, an enemy that is determined, an abled us to save American lives.
enemy that has a set of beliefs that is the I also believed it was important to set up
opposite of our beliefs. military commissions that will enable us to
I'll never forget the lessons of September bring to justice the people that ordered the
the 11th, 2001, and I will continue to use, attacks on the United States of America. The
as I vowed then to the American people, Supreme Court said, you must work with the
every element of national power to defeat legislature to achieve these objectives, and
the terrorists and to defend the freedom of we're doing just that.
the United States of America. Last night—yesterday afternoon, the
And that starts with making sure those re House of Representatives voted on the legis
sponsible for defending you have all the tools lation we put forward to create military com
necessary to do so. As the Commander in missions and to continue that vital program
Chief of the finest group of men and women of questioning detainees. The bill passed, but
produced in this country, I'll make you this I want to remind you about the vote. The
pledge: Our troops will have whatever it bill passed over the objections of 160 House
takes to do the job we have asked them to Democrats, including the entire Democrat
do. leadership.
And we have got to make sure that our We must give our professionals the tools
intelligence officers have the tools they need necessary to protect the American people in
to protect you and our law enforcement offi this war on terror, and those in the House
cers have the tools they need to protect you. of Representatives were wrong to vote
So working with the Congress, we passed against this bill.
what was called the PATRIOT Act, an act Ours is an important job—to protect you.
that broke down barriers and walls that pre We have to be right 100 percent of the time,
vented the intelligence community from and the enemy only has to be right once.
sharing information with the law enforce And that's why it's important that we do
ment community. the-pass the laws that we've asked the Sen
You see, we recognize that in order to pro ate and the House to pass. And that's also
tect you, all elements of national Govern why it's important that we must defeat the
ment must be able to communicate freely enemy overseas so we do not have to face
to defeat this enemy. If somebody that we them here at home.
think is Al Qaida or an Al Qaida affiliate gets And there's a lot of debate in Washington
on the telephone and is making a phone call about this war on terror. And perhaps you
1684 Sept. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

heard something about what's called a Na Iraq when the extremists killed nearly 3,000
tional Intelligence Estimate. The National of our people on September the 11th, 2001.
Intelligence Estimate is a classified docu Five years after the 9/11 attacks, some in
ment that, in this case, analyzed the threat Washington, DC, still don't understand the
we faced from terrorists and extremists. nature of the enemy. The only way to protect
As you know, parts of that classified docu our citizens at home is to keep the pressure
ment were recently leaked to the press, a on the enemy across the world. When terror
sure sign that elections are right around the ists spend their days working to avoid cap
corner. Some in the other party have been ture, they are less able to plot and plan and
quoting selectively from the document for execute new attacks. We will stay on the of
partisan political gain, and so I felt that it fense. We will fight them across the world,
was important for people to actually see what and we will stay in this fight until the fight
was in the document, and so I declassified is won.

it. In order to win this war, we need to under

And I'd like to share some thoughts about stand that the terrorists and extremists are
what was in the NIE with you today. It offers opportunists. They will grab onto any cause
a frank assessment of where we are in the to incite hatred and to justify the killing of
war on terror. It confirms that we face a de innocent men, women, and children. If we
termined and capable enemy. It lists four un weren't in Iraq, they would be using our rela
derlying factors that are fueling the extremist tionship and friendship with Israel as a rea
movement: longstanding grievances such as son to recruit, or the Crusades or cartoons
corruption and injustice, or fear of Western as a reason to commit murder. They recruit
domination; the second such factor was the based upon lies and excuses, and they mur
jihad in the Iraq: the third was the slow pace der because of their raw desire for power.
of reform in Muslim nations; and the fourth They hope to impose their dominion over the
factor that the leaders of this extremist move broader Middle East and establish a radical
ment were using to recruit was anti-Ameri Islamic empire where millions are ruled ac
Call ISIIl.
cording to their hateful ideology. We know
It concludes that the terrorists are exploit this because Al Qaida has told us.
ing all these factors to enhance their move The terrorist Zawahiri, number-two man
ment. The debate over this document raises in the Al Qaida team—Al Qaida network, he
really an important question about the war said, “We'll proceed with several incremental
on terror: Should we be on the offense or goals. The first stage is to expel the Ameri
not? Some in Washington—some decent cans from Iraq; the second stage is to estab
people, patriotic people feel like we should lish an Islamic authority, then develop it and
not be on the offensive in this war on terror. support it until it achieves the level of caliph
Here's what a senior Democrat in Congress ate; the third stage, extend the jihad wave
put it when she was discussing Iraq. She said, to secular countries neighboring Iraq; and
“The President says that fighting them there the fourth stage, the clash with Israel.”
makes it less likely we'll have to fight them This is the words of the enemy. The Presi
here. The opposite is true.” She went on to dent of the United States and the Congress
say, “Because we are fighting them there, it must listen carefully to what the enemy says
may become more likely that we'll have to in order to be able to protect you. It makes
fight them here.” sense for us to take their words seriously, if
History tells us that logic is false. We didn't our most important job is the security of the
create terrorism by fighting terrorism. Iraq United States. Mr. Zawahiri has laid out their
is not the reason why the terrorists are at plan. That's why they attacked us on Sep
war against us. Our troops were not in Iraq tember the 11th. That's why they fight us
when the terrorists first attacked the World in Iraq today. And that is why they must be
Trade Center. They were not in Iraq when defeated.
they blew up our Embassies in Kenya and Some Democrats in Congress say that we
Tanzania. They were not in Iraq when they should not be fighting the terrorists in Iraq;
bombed the USS Cole. And we were not in it was a mistake to go into Iraq in the first
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 28 1685

place. I believe these Democrats need to an field where there's—outcome of the struggle
swer a simple question: Do they really be will be decided.
lieve that we would be better off if Saddam The NIE I quoted earlier says this about
Hussein were still in power? In a recent Iraq. It said, “Perceived jihadist success
interview, the top Democrat on the Intel there,” in Iraq, "would inspire more fighters
ligence Committee was asked this very ques to continue the struggle elsewhere.” It also
tion. And his answer was, “Yes, yes, and, yes.” says that “should jihadists leaving Iraq per
If this is what the Democrats think, they ceive themselves, and be perceived, to have
need to make this case to the American peo failed, we judge fewer fighters will be in
ple—they need to make the case that the spired to carry on the fight.”
world would be better off if Saddam Hussein Democrats in Washington have been
were still in power. If Saddam Hussein were quoting the NIE a lot in recent days, but
still in power, he would still be sponsoring you don't hear them quoting that part of the
terror and paying families of suicide bomb document. The Democrats can't have it both
ers. If he were still in power, he would still ways. Either they believe that Iraq is a dis
be pursuing weapons of mass destruction. He traction from the war on terror or they agree
would still be killing his own people. He with the intelligence community and the ter
would still be firing at our pilots. He would rorists themselves that the outcome of Iraq
still be defying the United Nations. He would is important in the war on terror. Truth is,
still be bilking the Oil-for-Food Programme the Democrats are using the NIE to mislead
and using one of the largest oil reserves in the American people and justify their policy
the world to threaten Western economies of withdrawal from Iraq.
and to fuel his ambitions. The American people need to know what
After the attacks of September the 11th, withdrawal from Iraq would mean. By with
it became clear that the United States of drawing from Iraq before the job is done,
America must confront threats before they we would be doing exactly what the extrem
come and hurt us. Saddam Hussein's regime ists and terrorists want. The terrorists' entire
was a serious threat, a risk the world could strategy is based on the belief that America
not afford to take. America, Iraqis, and the is weak and does not have the stomach for
world are safer because Saddam Hussein is the long fight. Bin Laden has called Amer
not in power. ican withdrawals from places like Beirut and
In a recent series of speeches, I made it Somalia as proof that if the terrorists are pa
clear that we're in the early hours of a long tient, America will lose her nerve and with
struggle for civilization. I have made it clear draw in disgrace.
that we're in the ideological struggle of the The greatest danger is not that America's
21st century. I've also made it clear that the presence in Iraq is drawing new recruits to
safety of the American people depends on the terrorist cause; the greatest danger is that
the outcome of the battle in the streets of an American withdrawal from Iraq would
Baghdad. embolden the terrorists and help them find
I strongly believe that Iraq is a central new recruits to carry out even more destruc
front in the war on terror. The Democrats tive attacks on the American homeland. And
may not think so, but Usama bin Laden does. that is why the United States of America will
Here are the words of bin Laden: “I now stand with the brave Iraqis and defeat the
address the whole Islamic nation. Listen and terrorists in Iraq.
understand. The most serious issue today for The stakes are high in this war. It's really
the whole world is this third world war that important that the United States of America
is raging in Iraq.” He calls it “a war of destiny understands the nature of this enemy and un
between ºil, and Islam.” He says, “The derstands what it would mean to leave Iraq
whole world is watching this war,” and that before the job is done. If we were to abandon
it will end in “victory and glory or misery this young democracy to the extremists,
and humiliation.” imagine what other reformers and people of
For Al Qaida, Iraq is not a distraction from moderation would think about the United
their war on America, it is a central battle States of America. If we were to abandon
1686 Sept. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
our mission in Iraq where many have sac thing as mothers here—they want their chil
rificed, imagine what the enemy would think dren to grow up in a peaceful world.
about the United States of America and our And that's why it's essential that the
will. United States of America stand with mod
If we were to abandon Iraq and create a erates and reformers and peaceful people,
vacuum in that country and that country millions of men and women in the Muslim
were then taken over by the extremists, make world who want a normal life and a more
no mistake about it, they would have mighty hopeful future for their children and their
assets to use in order to inflict economic pain grandchildren. And as this powerful majority
on the United States of America. We're not gains control over the destiny—over their
going to let this happen. America is a nation destiny through the democratic progress,
that keeps its commitments to those who they will marginalize the radicals and extrem
long for liberty and want to live in peace. ists and their hateful vision of the world.
America is a nation that will keep its commit The transition from tyranny to democracy
ment to make sure that you're secure. Amer is tough work, but it's necessary work. It's
ica is a nation that does not retreat in the the calling of history. It's the challenge to
face of thugs and assassins. our generation to defend America and to lay
We're going to help the Iraqi people. Re the foundation of peace for generations to
member, 12 million of them voted in elec come. The extremists and the radicals will
tions last December. That probably seems exploit these difficulties in every way they
like a decade ago to you, but when the history can. They will try to shake our will. They
is finally written, it will be just a comma. will use the murder of innocent men and
Twelve million people stood up in the face women and children in order to convince
of assassins and car bombers and said, “We America that the fight isn't worth it. Yet in
want to be free.” the long run, America—if we keep our faith
I'm not surprised. I was pleased. I'm not in our principles—will prevail.
surprised, because I believe in this principle, Encouraging the rise of free societies
a principle which should be a guiding light across the broader Middle East is the only
of American foreign policy: There is an Al way to overcome the threat of terrorism and
mighty, and a gift of that Almighty to every to protect the American people in the long
man, woman, and child on the face of the run. We owe it to a generation of children
Earth is freedom. I believe deep in the soul to come to do the hard work now. Imagine
of every person is the desire to live in liberty, a Middle East where there's competing fac
and I know that liberty will yield the peace tions of extremism. Imagine a Middle East
we want for generations to COme.
where the radicals control oil. Imagine a
From the beginning of the struggle, I've Middle East where there's an armed theoc
made it clear that we will defend this country racy with a nuclear weapon. Fifty years from
by giving people the tools needed, that we'll now, people will say, "Couldn't they see it;
defend America by staying on the offense, why couldn't they see the threat?”
that we will find the terrorists and bring them Now is the time for the United States of
to justice so they can't hurt us here at home. America to lay the foundation of peace, to
But I've also made it clear that defeating the confront the challenges we have square on,
terrorists in the long run requires defeating to protect our country, to do our duty so that
their hateful ideology. generations will look back and say, “Thank
The NIE explicitly states, the National In God this generation of Americans was willing
telligence Estimate that I have been dis to serve and serve strong.”
cussing and has been widely discussed in the The stakes in this war are high, and so are
newspapers, states this, that the terrorists the stakes this November. Americans face
greatest vulnerability is that their ideology is, the choice between two parties with two dif
quote, “unpopular with the vast majority of ferent attitudes on this war on terror. Five
Muslims.” People want to be free. People years after 9/11, the worst attack on Amer
want to be able to express themselves freely. ican homeland in our history, the Democrats
Mothers in the Muslim world share the same offer nothing but criticism and obstruction
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 28 1687

and endless second-guessing. The party of and keep his commandments, to a thousand
FDR and the party of Harry Truman has be generations . . .
come the party of cut-and-run. Deuteronomy 7:9
Our party's record is clear. We see the
stakes. We understand the nature of the On this most holy day of the Jewish cal
enemy. We know that the enemy wants to endar, Jews celebrate God's goodness and re
attack us again. We will not wait to respond flect on their lives. Yom Kippur is a solemn
to the enemy. We're not going to wait for time to express thanksgiving that the Al
them to attack us in order to respond. We mighty remembers the names of all His chil
will fight them wherever they make a stand. dren. During this blessed Day of Atonement,
We will settle for nothing less than victory. Jewish people gather in synagogues, consider
Thanks for coming. God bless. their deeds and actions, and celebrate as the
sound of the Shofar proclaims the forgiveness
NotE: The President spoke at 1:34 p.m. at the and mercy shown by the Creator of life.
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex. In As the High Holy Days come to an end,
his remarks, he referred to Mayor Tony Petelos the Jewish people in America and around the
of Hoover, AL; former President Saddam Hussein
of Iraq; and Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al
world remind us of the gift of religious free
Qaida terrorist organization. dom and the blessings of God's steadfast
love. On Yom Kippur and throughout the
year, your deep commitment to faith helps
Statement on Senate Action on the make the world a more hopeful and peaceful
“Military Commissions Act of 2006” place.
Laura and I send our best wishes for a
September 28, 2006
blessed Yom Kippur.
Today the Senate sent a strong signal to George W. Bush
the terrorists that we will continue using
every element of national power to pursue NOTE: An original was not available for
our enemies and to prevent attacks on Amer verification of the content of this message.
ica. The Military Commissions Act of 2006
will allow the continuation of a CIA program Proclamation 8057–Child Health
that has been one of America's most potent
tools in fighting the war on terror. Under this Day, 2006
program, suspected terrorists have been de September 28, 2006
tained and questioned about threats against
our country. Information we have learned By the President of the United States
of America
from the program has helped save lives at
home and abroad. By º the cre A Proclamation
ation of military commissions, the act will America's young people enjoy a future of
also allow us to prosecute suspected terrorists
hope and promise, and we must be com
for war crimes.
mitted to supporting them through each op
Our most solemn responsibility is pro portunity and challenge they face ahead.
tecting America's security, and I thank the Each year on Child Health Day, we empha
Senate for passing this vital legislation. size the importance of keeping our children
NOTE: The statement referred to S. 3930. safe, encouraging them to practice healthy
habits, and educating and empowering them
to avoid risky behavior.
Message on the Observance of Yom Parents are children's first teachers, and
Kippur, 5767 they play a crucial role in promoting good
September 28, 2006 health and helping young people grow into
responsible, moral, and productive adults. Vi
Know therefore that the LORD your God olence, illegal drugs, alcohol, smoking, and
is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant early sexual activity are some of the top
and steadfast love with those who love him causes of disease and early death among our
1688 Sept. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
youth. By being vigilant and talking with their Remarks to the Reserve Officers :

children about the issues they face, parents Association

can teach children to make the right deci September 29, 2006
sions when they are challenged by peer pres
sure or tempted to participate in dangerous Thanks, Captain Smith, for your kind in
troduction. Thank you all for being here, and
My Administration recognizes the impor thank you for the warm welcome. I am hon
tance of investing in the health and well ored to stand with the men and women of
being of our young people, and we remain the Reserve Officers Association. For more
committed to helping our children build than 80 years, this organization has stood up
healthy and successful lives. Through the for America and its citizen soldiers, and I ap
Helping America's Youth Initiative, led by preciate your contribution to our country.
First Lady Laura Bush, we are encouraging We're safer because you stand ready to put
children to make good choices, educating on the uniform. I am grateful for your serv
parents and communities on the importance
ice, and I am proud to be your Commander
of positive youth development, and sup in Chief.
porting organizations that are dedicated to I want to speak to you today about the
the success of America's children.
struggle between moderation and extremism
Every day, parents strive to raise their chil that is unfolding across the broader Middle
dren to be strong and successful adults. By East. At this moment, terrorists and extrem
working together, families, teachers, men ists are fighting to overthrow moderate gov
tors, and government and community leaders ernments in the region so they can take con
can help ensure young people enjoy the op trol of countries and use them as bases from
portunity to have long and healthy lives. which to attack America and from which to
The Congress, by a joint resolution ap impose their hateful ideology. This is the
proved May 18, 1928, as amended (36 U.S.C. challenge of our time. This is the call of a
105), has called for the designation of the generation, to stand against the extremists
first Monday in October as “Child Health and support moderate leaders across the
Day” and has requested the President to broader Middle East, to help us all secure
issue a proclamation in observance of this a future of peace.
day. This week in Washington, I met with two
Now Therefore, I, George W. Bush, courageous leaders who are working for
President of the United States of America, peace, President Karzai of Afghanistan and
do hereby proclaim Monday, October 2, President Musharraf of Pakistan. These lead
2006, as Child Health Day. I call upon fami ers understand the stakes in the struggle, in
lies, schools, child health professionals, faith the ideological struggle of the 21st century.
based and community organizations, and They understand the stakes from a personal
State and local governments to reach out to perspective as well, since the extremists have
our Nation's young people, encourage them
tried to assassinate them. They are coura
to avoid dangerous behavior, and help make geous people. They have seen the destruction
the right choices to achieve their dreams. that terrorists have caused in their own coun
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
try, and they know this, that the only way
my hand this twenty-eighth day of Sep to stop them is to work together and to stay
tember, in the year of our Lord two thousand on the offense. By standing with brave lead
six, and of the Independence of the United ers like these, we are defending civilization
States of America the two hundred and thir
itself and we're building a more peaceful
ty-first. world for our children and grandchildren.
George W. Bush I appreciate very much the Ambassador
from Afghanistan, Ambassador Jawad, and
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Ambassador Durrani from Pakistan for join
8:45 a.m., October 3, 2006]
ing us here today. Thank you all for coming.
NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the I appreciate members of my administration
Federal Register on October 4. who have joined us. I appreciate people
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 29 1689

wearing the uniform who have joined us. I mands were not up for negotiation, and that
appreciate those from Walter Reed who have if they did not comply immediately and hand
joined us, and from Bethesda. I thank you over the terrorists, they would share in the
for your sacrifice. same fate as the terrorists.
I also want to thank those from Walter I felt these were reasonable demands. The
Reed who are—and Bethesda who are giving Taliban regime chose unwisely—so within
you the help you need to recover from your weeks after the 9/11 attacks, our coalition
wounds. It gives me great comfort to be able launched Operation Enduring Freedom. By
to tell the loved ones of those who wear our December 2001, the Taliban regime had
uniform that if you get hurt, you will receive been removed from power, hundreds of
first class, compassionate care from the Taliban and Al Qaida fighters had been cap
United States military. And so for the healers tured or killed, and the terrorist camps where
who are here, thank you for doing your duty the enemy had planned the 9/11 attacks were
and providing these brave folks the help they shut down. We did what we said we were
need to recover. going to do. We made our intentions clear.
Earlier this month, our Nation marked the We gave the Taliban a chance to make the
fifth anniversary of the September the 11th, right decision. They made the wrong deci
2001, terrorist attacks. We paused on that sion, and we liberated Afghanistan.
day to remember the innocent people who The liberation of Afghanistan was a great
were killed that day. We ..". reinem
achievement, and for those of you who
ber the rescue workers who rushed into served in that effort, thank you. I thank you
burning towers to save lives. After 9/11, I on behalf of America, and the Afghan people
stood in the well of the House of Representa thank you. But we knew it was only the be
tives and declared that every nation, in every ginning of our mission in Afghanistan. See,
region, had a decision to make: Either you the liberation was only the start of an impor
were with us, or you stood with the terrorists. tant mission to make this world a more
Two nations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, made peaceful place. We learned the lesson of the
very different decisions with very different 1980s, when the United States had helped
results. the Afghan people drive the Soviet Red army
Five years ago, Afghanistan was ruled by from Kabul and then decided our work was
the brutal Taliban regime. Under the Taliban finished and left the Afghans to fend for
and Al Qaida, Afghanistan was a land where themselves.
women were imprisoned in their own homes, The Taliban came to power and provided
where men were beaten for missing prayer a sanctuary for bin Laden and Al Qaida, and
meetings, where girls couldn't even go to we paid the price when the terrorists struck
school. What a hopeless society that was, our Nation and killed nearly 3,000 people in
under the rule of these hateful men. Afghani our midst. So, after liberating Afghanistan,
stan was the home to terrorist training camps. we began the difficult work of helping the
Under Al Qaida and the Taliban, Afghanistan Afghan people rebuild their country and es
was a terrorist safe haven. It was a launching tablish a free nation on the rubble of the
pad for the horrific attacks that killed inno Taliban's tyranny.
cent people in New York City on September With the help of the United Nations and
the 11th, 2001. coalition countries, Afghan leaders chose an
After 9/11, America gave the leaders of the interim Government. They wrote and ap
Taliban a choice. We told them that they proved a democratic Constitution. They held
must turn over all of the leaders of Al Qaida elections to choose a new President, and they
hiding in their land. We told them they must elected leaders to represent them in a new
close every terrorist training camp and hand Parliament. In those parliamentary elections,
over every terrorist to appropriate authori more than 6 million Afghans defied terrorist
ties. We told them they must give the United threats and cast their ballots. They made it
States full access to the terrorist training clear, they wanted to live in a free society.
camps so they could make sure they were As I travel around the country, I tell people
no longer operating. We told them these de that I'm not surprised when people say, “I
Sept. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
want to live in liberty.” I believe liberty is troops and more than 20,000 personnel from
universal. I believe deep within the soul of 40 countries are deployed in Afghanistan. In
every man, woman, and child on the face of the summer of 2003, NATO took over the
the Earth is the desire to live in freedom. International Security Assistance Force—it's
And when we free people, we not only do called ISAF—in Afghanistan, NATO's first
our duty to ourselves, but we help the rise mission outside the Euro-Atlantic area.
of decent human beings. Other nations besides the United States un
As Afghans have braved the terrorists and
derstand the importance of helping this
claimed their freedom, we've helped them, young democracy survive and thrive and
and we will continue to help them. It's in grow.
our interests that we help this young democ Since then, NATO has expanded ISAF
racy survive and grow strong. We helped from a small force that was operating only
them build security forces they need to de in Kabul into a robust force that has taken
fend their democratic gains. In the past 5 responsibility for security in nearly 60 per
years, our coalition has trained and equipped cent of the country. And this week, NATO
more than 30,000 soldiers in the Afghan Na announced that it would take over security
tional Army—and at this moment, several operations in all of Afghanistan in the coming
thousand more are in training at a Kabul weeks. Under the plan, the U.S. will transfer
Military Training Center. These Afghan sol 12,000 of our troops that are now serving in
diers are on the frontlines with coalition the country to the NATO force, while the
troops. Some have suffered terrible wounds rest will remain under coalition command
in battle; others have given their lives in the and continue antiterrorist operations across
fight against the terrorists. Afghans in uni the country.
form are determined to protect their nation We saw the effectiveness of NATO forces
and fight our common enemies, and we're this summer when NATO took responsibility
proud to fight alongside such brave allies. from the United States for security oper
Our coalition has also trained about 46,000 ations in southern Afghanistan. The Taliban
members of the Afghan National Police. The saw the transfer of the region from the
training of the Afghan police has not gone United States to NATO control as a window
as smoothly as that of the army. The police of opportunity. They saw it as an opportunity
have faced problems with corruption and to test the will of nations other than the
substandard leadership, and we've made our United States. See, they've been testing our
concerns known to our friends in the Afghan will. And they understand it's strong, and
Government. When we see a problem, we they need to understand it will remain strong.
adjust; we change. And so this year, President So the Taliban massed an estimated 800
Karzai's Government announced a new team to 900 fighters near Kandahar to face the
to lead the National Police. As the police be NATO force head on, and that was a mistake.
come more capable and better led and more Earlier this month, NATO launched Oper
disciplined, they will gain legitimacy and they ation Medusa. Together with the Afghan Na
will earn the respect of the Afghan people. tional Army, troops from Canada and Den
Listen, the Afghan people want to live in mark and the Netherlands and Britain and
a peaceful world. It's important for the the United States, engaged the enemy—with
American citizens to understand, an Afghan operational support from Romanian and Por
mother wants the same thing for her child tuguese and Estonian forces. According to
that our mothers' want for our children: the NATO commanders, NATO forces killed
chance to grow up and realize dreams; the hundreds of Taliban fighters. NATO's Su
chance to live in peace. And it's important preme Allied Commander, General Jones, a
for the Afghan Government to provide the United States marine, says this about the
kind of security so the citizens have trust that NATO operation in southern Afghanistan:
their Government can enable the peace to “The Taliban decided to make a test case
evolve in that strife-ridden part of the world. of the region, and they paid a very heavy
The army and police are good fighters. At price for it. The operation sent a signal to
this moment, more than 21,000 American the insurgents that NATO forces would not
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 29 1691

back down. The operation also sent a clear These haters of humanity know that when
message to the Afghan people, that NATO the Government in Kabul can reach out and
is standing with you.” improve the lives of local Afghans in distant
I appreciate the courage of the NATO parts of the country, the population will gain
forces. I appreciate the governments of our confidence in Afghanistan's democracy.
allies in NATO understanding the impor That's part of the struggle, this ideological
tance of helping the Afghan people achieve struggle we're engaged in. And so they are
their dream, and that is a stable country. The going to try to do everything they can to stop
people from NATO must understand that the progress. And they'll fight Afghan and
they're helping a young democracy defend coalition forces, and that's what you're seeing
itself and protect its people. And in so doing, today.
they're helping to lay the foundation of peace But they do more than just fight our
in the ideological struggle of the 21st century. forces—they destroy schools, and they de
The NATO deployment has begun to stroy clinics. They do everything in their
bring security and reconstruction to a region power to intimidate local folks. The enemies
that had previously had little and has allowed of a free Afghanistan are brutal, and they're
the United States and Afghan forces to stay determined, and we're not going to let them
on the offense. And so we launched another succeed. NATO and coalition and Afghan
major offensive in the east called Operation forces will continue to fight the enemy. We
Mountain Fury. The operation is ongoing. will stay on the offense, and we're going to
It's aimed at clearing out enemy safe havens help this Government of President Karzai
in five Afghan provinces, including three bring a better life to his people.
provinces bordering Pakistan. The operation In order to bring a better life to the Afghan
is being led by about 4,000 Afghan forces people, our coalition and NATO forces have
and supported by about 3,000 of our finest. deployed 23 Provincial Reconstruction
And Afghan and coalition forces clear out the Teams across Afghanistan. These teams are
enemy—then we will follow up with recon important because we're talking about a
struction assistance—so we can improve the country that has been torn apart because of
quality of life for local Afghans and help ex war over the years. The teams are led by
tend the authority of the central Government Sweden and Norway and Germany and Hun
to distant areas of the country. gary and Italy and Spain and Lithuania and
See, the enemy understands what we're Canada and Britain and the Netherlands and
doing, and they don't like it. That's why the United States. And these teams are
they're reacting the way they're reacting. bringing security and reconstruction assist
They understand that the arrival of Afghan ance to distant regions of the country. And
and coalition forces in the region means that to link the distant regions to the capital,
the Government is beginning to win the we've got a strategy—it's called building
hearts of the people. In many of these re roads. This is a country that is in dire need
gions, the Taliban and Al Qaida fighters and for transportation. And since the liberation
drug traffickers and criminal elements have of Afghanistan, we've provided more than
had—enjoyed free reign. There hasn't been $4.5 billion for reconstruction throughout the
any countervailing force to their presence. country. We're helping with electricity and
And you can imagine how that makes inno irrigation and water and sanitation and other
cent people feel, you know, when you've got necessities.

these killers in your midst. It creates an at Our coalition is working with President
mosphere of fear. As a matter of fact, people Karzai to strengthen the institutions of Af
like Al Qaida, whose ideology is hateful, have ghans—Afghanistan's young democracy. We
got one major tool at their disposal: They kill understand that the institutions must be
innocent life to create fear. And what a con strengthened and reformed for democracy to
trast it is to the United States of America survive. And one of the areas most in need
and coalition partners and decent Afghans of reform is the nation's legal system. Re
who believe in hope. cently President Karzai took important steps
1692 Sept. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

to strengthen the rule of law when he ap So we're going to help the people of Af
pointed a new Attorney General and judges ghanistan, and we're going to help them
to serve on Afghanistan's Supreme Court. build a free nation. We're going to help them
Our coalition is helping his Government in be a successful part of defeating an ideology
stitutionalize these changes. Italy, for exam of hate with an ideology of hope. And think
ple, is helping to train Afghan judges and what that will mean for reformers and mod
prosecutors and public defenders and court erate people in a region that has been full
administrators so all Afghans can receive of turmoil. Imagine the effect it will have
equal justice under the law. when they see a thriving democracy in their
And from the beginning, our actions in Af midst.
ghanistan have had a clear purpose—in other No, this ideological struggle of the 21st
words, our goals are clear for people to un century will require tough military action,
derstand—and that is to rid the country of good intelligence. It will require the United
the Taliban and the terrorists and build a last States to give our folks on the frontline of
ing free society that will be an ally in the terror the tools necessary to protect us, in
war on terror. And from the beginning, the cluding listening to phone calls from Al
American people have heard the critics say Qaida coming into the country—so we know
we're failing, but the reasons keep changing. what they're getting ready to attack—or
In the first days of Operation Enduring Free questioning people we capture on the battle
dom, the critics warned that we were headed field. That's what it's going to include.
toward a quagmire. And then when the But it also means helping the millions who
Taliban fell and operations began in Iraq, the want to live in liberty to do so. In the long
critics held up the multinational coalition in term, we will help our children and grand
Afghanistan as a model and said it showed children live in a peaceful world by encour
that everything we were doing in Iraq was aging the spread of liberty.
wrong. And now some of the critics who Five years ago, another country that faced
praised the multinational coalition we built a choice was Pakistan. At the time of 9/11,
in Afghanistan claim the country is in danger Pakistan was only one of three nations that
of failing because we don't have enough recognized the Taliban regime in Afghani
American troops there. stan. Al Qaida had a large presence in Paki
Look, in order to win war, in order to win stan. There was a strong radical Islamic
the ideological struggle of the 21st century, movement in that country. Some of the 9/
it is important for this country to have a clear 11 hijackers were housed and trained in Paki
strategy and change tactics to meet the con stan. Pakistan's future was in doubt, and
ditions on the ground, not try to constantly President Musharraf understood that he had
respond to the critics who change their posi to make a fundamental choice for his people.
tions. And so I listen to the advice of those He could turn a blind eye and leave the peo
who matter in Afghanistan, and that is Presi ple hostage to the extremists, or he could
dent Karzai and our commanders. We will join the free world in fighting the extremists
continue to help Afghanistan's Government and the terrorists. President Musharraf made
defeat our common enemies. the choice to fight for freedom, and the
I've constantly told the American people, United States of America is grateful for his
we must defeat the enemy overseas so we leadership.
do not have to face them here at home. I Within 2 days of the September the 11th
will continue to remind the American people attacks, the Pakistani Government com
that is—you deal with threats before they mitted itself to stop Al Qaida operatives at
materialize. In this war that we're in, it is its border, to share intelligence on terrorist
too late to respond to a threat after the activities and movements, and to break off
after we've been attacked. I'm not going to all ties with the Taliban government, if it re
forget the lessons of September the 11th, fused to hand over bin Laden and the Al
2001, and I know you won't either. We must Qaida. President Musharraf's decision to
take threats seriously now in order to protect fight the terrorists was made at great per
the American people. sonal risk. They have tried to kill him as a
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 29 1693

result of his decision, because they know he provide Pakistani forces with better access
has chosen to side with the forces of peace to remote areas of the country's western bor
and moderation and that he stands in the way der. We're providing high-tech equipment to
of their hateful vision for his country. help Pakistani forces better locate terrorists
President Musharraf's courageous choice attempting to cross the border. We are fund
to join the struggle against extremism has ing an air wing with helicopters and fixed
saved American lives. His Government has wing aircraft to give Pakistan better security
helped capture or kill many senior terrorist and surveillance capabilities.
leaders. For example, Pakistani forces helped And as we work with President Musharraf
capture Abu Zubaydah, a man we believe to to bring security to his own country, we're
be a trusted associate of Usama bin Laden. also supporting him as he takes steps to build
Pakistani forces helped capture another indi a modern and moderate nation that will hold
vidual believed to be one of the key plotters free and fair elections next year. In an ad
of the 9/11 attacks, Ramzi bin al-Shibh. Paki dress to his fellow citizens earlier this year,
stani forces helped capture the man our in President Musharraf declared this: “We have
telligence community believes masterminded to eliminate extremism in our society. It will
the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. eat us up from within. So it is my appeal
Once captured, these men were taken into to all of you to shun extremism. Adopt the
custody of the Central Intelligence Agency. path of moderation. We will eliminate this
The questioning of these and other suspected extremism in our society, and then Pakistan
terrorists provided information that helped will be considered a moderate, developed
us protect the American people. They helped country.” President Musharraf has a clear vi
us break up a cell of Southeast Asian terrorist sion for his country as a nation growing in
operatives that had been groomed for attacks freedom and prosperity and peace. And as
inside the United States. They helped us dis he stands against the terrorists and for the
rupt an Al Qaida operation to develop an free future of his country, the United States
thrax for terrorist attacks. They helped us of America will stand with him.
stop a planned strike on a U.S. Marine camp In both Pakistan and Afghanistan, America
in Djibouti and to prevent a planned attack has strong allies who are committed to rout
on the U.S. consulate in Karachi and to foil ing out the terrorists in their midst. And with
a plot to hijack passenger planes and to fly their help, we've killed or captured hundreds
them into Heathrow Airport and London's of Al Qaida leaders and operatives, and we
Canary Wharf. put the others on the run. Usama bin Laden
Were it not for the information gained and other terrorists are still in hiding. Our
from the terrorists captured with the help message to them is clear: No matter how long
of Pakistan, our intelligence community be it takes, we will find you, and we're going
lieves that Al Qaida and its allies would have to bring you to justice.
succeeded in launching another attack On Wednesday night, I had dinner with
against the American homeland. Our close Presidents Musharraf and Karzai at the
cooperation with the Government of Paki White House. We had a long—and we had
stan has saved American lives, and America a frank conversation about the challenges we
is grateful to have a strong and steadfast ally face in defeating the extremists and the ter
in the war against these terrorists. rorists in their countries and providing the
President Musharraf understands that the people of these two nations an alternative to
terrorists hide in remote regions and travel the dark ideology of the enemy. We dis
back and forth across the border between Af cussed the best ways to improve intelligence
ghanistan and Pakistan. And so we're helping sharing so that we can target and eliminate
his Government establish stronger control the leaders of Al Qaida and the Taliban.
over these border areas. We are helping him We resolved to strengthen the institutions
to equip the nation's paramilitary Frontier of civil society in both countries. We agreed
Corps that is policing the border regions. The on the need to support tribal leaders on both
United States is funding the construction of sides of the border. By helping these local
more than 100 border outposts, which will leaders build schools and roads and health
1694 Sept. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
clinics, we will help them build a better life things about America is, you're equally
for their communities and strengthen their American if you're a Jew, a Muslim, a Chris
hand against—the fight against the extrem tian, an agnostic, or an atheist. What a power
ists. It was clear from our conversation that ful statement to the world about the compas
our three nations share the same goals: We sion of the American people—that you're
will defeat the Taliban; we will defeat Al free to choose the religion you want in our
Qaida; and the only way to do it is by working country. They can't stand the thought that
together. people can go into the public square in
Our meeting took place at a time when America and express their differences with
there is a debate raging in Washington about government. They can't stand the thought
how best to fight the war on terror. Recently that the people get to decide the future of
parts of a classified document called the Na our country by voting. Freedom bothers
tional Intelligence Estimate was leaked to the them because their ideology is the opposite
press. As I said yesterday in Alabama, it's an of liberty; it is the opposite of freedom. And
indication that we're getting close to an elec they don't like it because we know they know
tion. [Laughter. The NIE is a document that we stand in their way of their ambitions in
analyzes the threat we face from terrorists the Middle East, their ambitions to spread
and extremists. And its unauthorized disclo their hateful ideology as a caliphate from
sure has set off a heated debate here in the Spain to Indonesia.
United States, particularly in Washington. We'll defeat the terrorists in Iraq. We'll
Some have selectively quoted from this deny them the safe haven to replace the one
document to make the case that by fighting they lost in Afghanistan. We're going to make
the terrorists—by fighting them in Iraq, we it harder for them to recruit a new generation
are making our people less secure here at of terrorists. And we're going to help the
home. This argument buys into the enemy's Iraqis build a free society, a hopeful country
propaganda that the terrorists attack us be that sends a powerful message across the
cause we're provoking them. I want to re broader Middle East and serves with those
mind the American citizens that we were not of us who believe in moderation and hope
in Iraq on September the 11th, 2001. as an ally in the war against these extremists.
And this argument was powerfully an We can have confidence in the outcome
swered this week by Prime Minister Tony of the war on terror because our Nation is
Blair. Here is what he said. He said, “I be determined. We've done this kind of hard
lieve passionately that we will not win until work before, and we have succeeded. And
we shake ourselves free of the wretched ca we can be confident because we've got in
pitulation to the propaganda of the enemy credible men and women who wear our Na
that somehow we are the ones responsible.” tion's uniform. I am constantly amazed at the
He went on to say, “This terrorism is not incredible courage that our fellow citizens
our fault. We didn't cause it, and it is not who wear the uniform show on a regular
the consequence of foreign policy.” He's basis.
right. You do not create terrorism by fighting I think of two Navy SEALs named Mat
terrorism. If that ever becomes the mindset thew Axelson and Danny Dietz. In June of
of the policymakers in Washington, it means 2005, they were part of a SEAL team oper
we'll go back to the old days of waiting to ating deep in the mountains of Afghanistan
be attacked and then respond. Our most im on a mission to kill or capture a Taliban lead
portant duty is to protect the American peo er. They were discovered, and they were
ple from a future attack, and the way to do soon surrounded in a mountain ravine by 30
so is to stay on the offense against the terror to 40 Taliban fighters. During the firefight
ists. that ensued, Axelson urged an injured team
Iraq is not the reason the terrorists are at mate to escape, and he provided cover before
war against us. They are at war against us suffering a mortal wound. Fighting nearby,
because they hate everything America stands his partner, Dietz, was also mortally wound
for-and we stand for freedom. We stand for ed, but he stood his ground and kept firing
people to worship freely. One of the great until finally—he finally died.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 29
Because of the courage of Petty Officers I thank very much the President for his
Axelson and Dietz, their wounded teammate concerns about Afghanistan's democracy and
made it out alive. For their heroism, these his willingness to help in Afghanistan. We
two petty officers were awarded the Navy talked about our mutual—our bilateral rela
Cross. But I want you to hear what Petty tions and our mutual desire to-for
Officer Dietz's wife said about her husband Kazakhstan to join the WTO. We talked
and his comrades in arms. She said, “Danny about our commitment to institutions that
and his brothers went toward evil and ran will enable liberty to flourish.
forward and gave their last breath.” I have watched very carefully the develop
We live in freedom because of the courage ment of this important country from one that
of men like Matthew and Danny, and we will was in the Soviet sphere to one that now is
honor their sacrifice by completing the mis a free nation. And I appreciate your leader
sion. From Afghanistan and Iraq to Africa ship, Mr. President. And I welcome you here
and Southeast Asia, we are engaged in a to the White House, and I'm looking forward
struggle against violent extremists—a strug to buying you lunch. [Laughter]
gle which will help determine the destiny of President Nazarbayev. Thank you very
the civilized world. We've borne these re
much, Mr. President, for hospitality and for
sponsibilities before, and we have seen our warm feelings that I feel in this country and
faith in freedom vindicated by history. In this for the invitation. This is the third time that
young century, a new generation of Ameri I'm in the Oval room since the independence
cans is being called to defend liberty—and of our country and as I am the President of
once again the cause of liberty and peace will Kazakhstan. And Kazakh nation never had
prevail. experienced statehood before, and I had this
Thank you for coming. God bless. blessing of becoming the first President of
Kazakhstan, and the United States was the
NotE: The President spoke at 9:36 a.m. at the country that supported our independence
Wardman Park Marriott Hotel. In his remarks, and recognized it from the very first days.
he referred to Capt. Michael P. Smith, USN Thus in economics, in energy partnership, in
(Ret.), national president, Reserve Officers Asso policy, in war on terrorism, we've truly be
ciation: Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida
terrorist organization; Attorney General Abdul come close partners.
Jabbar Sabbit of Afghanistan; and Prime Minister And Kazakhstan today is very proud that
Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. we have the highest rate of economic growth
in the world, and a lot of countries learn from
the experience of Kazakhstan today. But that
Remarks Following Discussions With wouldn't be possible if Taliban would not be
President Nursultan Nazarbayev of defeated in Afghanistan. And that war was
Kazakhstan led by United States. And nobody in central
Asia will feel safe and peace if we'd be sur
September 29, 2006 rounded by countries populated with ter
President Bush. Mr. President, thank you rorist people, and if we'd be surrounded by
for coming. It's been my honor to welcome countries where some people crave to put
the President of Kazakhstan back to the Oval their hands on the nuclear weapons, which
Office. He informed me that the first time Kazakhstan renounced in the past volun
he was here was when my dad was the Presi tarily, and thus contributed significantly to
dent. And I welcome you back. global security.
We've just had a very important and inter The United States is the major investor,
esting discussion. We discussed our desire to foreign investor into Kazakhstan. One-third
defeat extremism and our mutual desire to of all foreign investments in Kazakhstan are
support the forces of moderation throughout from United States. And after this meeting,
the world. I thanked the President for his we'll publish the joint declaration, and you
contribution to helping a new democracy in will—in that declaration, you will read about
Iraq survive and thrive and grow. the details and what we have discussed and
1696 Sept. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
what we have achieved during these negotia elections deemed free and fair by inter
tions. national standards. We note that our two gov
And I'm here today to tell once again that ernments are signatories to international
Kazakhstan is a friend of the United States, human rights covenants and our common
because the United States is the country that membership in organizations whose goal is
guaranteed stability and protection of to support democracy and human rights, in
Kazakhstan when Kazakhstan renounced nu cluding the Organization for Security and
clear weapons, and we will continue to work Cooperation in Europe. The United States
in all fields of our cooperation that exist supports efforts to promote democracy,
today. strengthen religious freedoms, and bolster
President Bush. Thank you. civil society in Kazakhstan. With the full par
ticipation of all political parties and non-gov
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:51 a.m. in the ernmental organizations, the United States
Oval Office at the White House. President
Nazarbayev spoke in Russian, and his remarks supports the activity of the State Commission
were translated by an interpreter. to develop a program of democratic reforms.
Kazakhstan supports the assistance of Amer
ican and other international non-govern
Joint Statement by the United States mental organizations promoting these objec
and Kazakhstan tives and will take the necessary steps to fa
September 29, 2006 cilitate their legal functioning.
The United States commends
We express satisfaction with the progress Kazakhstan's traditions of religious tolerance
the United States and Kazakhstan have made and its efforts to promote inter-ethnic har
in advancing our strategic partnership, and mony and cooperation. We welcome the ini
declare our commitment to a shared vision tiatives Kazakhstan has taken internationally
of stability, prosperity, and democratic re to promote mutual understanding and
form in Central Asia and the broader region. strengthen religious freedoms, such as the
We affirm our commitment to advancing Congress of Leaders of World and Tradi
that vision through an increasingly dynamic tional Religions, as well as initiatives to pro
and varied partnership that advances our mote peace, such as the Conference on
global and regional objectives. We will deep Interaction and Confidence-Building Meas
en our cooperation in fighting international ures in Asia. These initiatives bring important
terrorism and the proliferation of weapons contributions to inter-religious and inter-eth
of mass destruction. We will strengthen our nic tolerance, as well as international security
cooperation to enhance regional security and and conflict resolution. We commit to deep
economic integration and the reconstruction ening our cooperation to help ensure mutual
of Afghanistan and Iraq. We will expand our understanding and security in the world.
joint activities to ensure the development of The United States recognizes Kazakhstan's
energy resources, while supporting economic leadership and commends its efforts in pre
diversification and reform, market principles, venting the proliferation of weapons of mass
and the development of small- and medium destruction, thus enhancing global security.
size enterprises. We recognize that peaceful Kazakhstan was the first country to volun
democratization invests citizens in the future tarily renounce its nuclear weapons after the
of their nation. Developing democratic insti break up of the former Soviet Union and also
tutions is therefore the crucial condition of closed its nuclear test site. This example re
long-term stability. flects our shared commitment to threat re
The United States and Kazakhstan reaf duction and nonproliferation remains a cor
firm the importance of democratic develop nerstone of our joint effort to ensure global
ment, and are committed to accelerating and regional security. We welcome new
Kazakhstan's efforts to strengthen represent agreements to blend down highly enriched
ative institutions that further invest its citi uranium in Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan's
zens in the political process, such as an inde strong policy of strengthening the regime of
pendent media, local self-government, and nuclear nonproliferation as concrete steps in
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 29 1697

support of the recently launched Global Ini dustries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to en
tiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. sure that companies in the petroleum and
The United States and Kazakhstan are mining industries observe international
steadfast partners in the international war on standards of transparency and accountability.
terrorism. The United States is grateful to The United States supports Kazakhstan's
Kazakhstan for its unwavering commitment membership in the World Trade Organiza
to strengthening stability in Afghanistan and tion, and welcomes Kazakhstan's efforts to
Iraq. We commit to further strengthening prepare for membership, recognizing that a
the excellent cooperation already achieved by market access agreement will enhance free
our two countries, and confirm the deter trade and contribute to the continuing mod
mination to strengthen our close cooperation ernization of Kazakhstan's economy. The
in the fight against international terrorism United States will send a team of experts to
and illegal trafficking in drugs, persons, and Kazakhstan in the coming months to con
dangerous weapons. tinue this joint work. Both sides pledge to
We commit to further cooperation be facilitate Kazakhstan's graduation under the
tween our armed forces in counterterrorism
Jackson-Vanik Amendment.
and peacekeeping operations, both bilaterally In order to strengthen friendship between
and through NATO's Partnership for Peace our peoples, we intend to expand our cultural
Program. and humanitarian cooperation, including ex
We commend our energy partnership changes of students. We also intend to
which has helped move Kazakhstan into the strengthen scientific and technical coopera
ranks of the world's leading reliable suppliers tion between researchers and students at uni
of hydrocarbon reserves. The United States versities, research institutes, and in the pri
welcomes Kazakhstan's recent accession to vate Sector.
the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline which has The United States supports Kazakhstan's
made a valuable contribution to this impor leadership in regional integration efforts in
tant multilateral project. Our energy partner cluding its significant investment throughout
ship will promote the participation of U.S. Eurasia and in Afghanistan. We declare our
companies in exploring the reserves of common commitment to strengthen the
Kazakhstan, as well as in the development
of nuclear energy. Our nations pledge to en independence, sovereignty and security of,
hance common efforts to expand global en and to develop democratic institutions in, the
ergy supplies and will seek new means to de countries of the region, ensuring their sus
liver those resources to the international tainable development and prosperity. We
market. pledge to support legal trade by improving
We share a commitment to economic di border crossings and customs procedures,
versification across a range of industries and the implementation of transportation and in
sectors. Recognizing Kazakhstan's macro frastructure projects, and the use of cross
border resources.
economic reforms and impressive economic
successes, the United States will continue to Confirming our commitment to this
assist in Kazakhstan's transformation into a shared view to implementing the agreements
strong, economically developed country. achieved today, we declare our intention to
Both sides view liberalization and diversifica further strengthen our strategic partnership
tion of the economy as a key to sustained through enhanced strategic dialogues on en
growth. The United States supports ergy, military cooperation, trade and invest
Kazakhstan's plan to join the world's fifty ment, and democratization. We express firm
most competitive nations consistent with the confidence that an enhanced strategic part
strategy outlined by President Nursultan nership between our countries will promote
Nazarbayev. Strengthening the rule of law, security and prosperity and foster democracy
taking steps to improve Kazakhstan's invest in the 21st Century.
ment climate, and reducing business risk will
contribute to that shared goal. We pledge our NOTE: An original was not available for
support for efforts under the Extractive In verification of the content of this joint statement.
1698 Sept. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Statement on Congressional Action Robert “Kent” Wellington II. Later, he

on the “Department of Defense toured Meyer Tool, Inc.
Appropriations Act, 2007” In the evening, at a private residence, the
September 29, 2006 President attended a reception for senatorial
candidate Michael DeWine. Later, he re
I applaud Congress for passing legislation turned to Washington, DC.
that will provide our men and women in uni The President announced his designation
form with the necessary resources to protect of the following individuals as members of
our country and win the war on terror. As a Presidential delegation to Budapest, Hun
our troops risk their lives to fight terrorism, gary, to attend the 50th anniversary of the
this bill will ensure they are prepared to de Hungarian Revolution on October 23:
feat today's enemies and address tomorrow's George E. Pataki (head of delegation); April
threats. I look forward to signing this bill into H. Foley; Peter K. Gogolak; and Steven F.
law. Udvar-Hazy.
NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 5631.
September 26
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing.
Also in the morning, the President had a
Digest of Other telephone conversation with President Ali
White House Announcements Abdallah Salih of Yemen.
In the afternoon, in Room 350 of the
The following list includes the President's public Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office
schedule and other items of general interest an Building, the President participated in a sign
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and ing ceremony for Public Law 109–283, the
not included elsewhere in this issue.
United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act. Later, he met with Re
September 23 publican congressional leaders to discuss leg
islative priorities.
In the morning, the President had an intel In the evening, at a private residence, the
ligence briefing. President attended a reception for Iowa, Ar
The President announced his designation kansas, and Wisconsin congressional can
of the following individuals as members of didates.
a delegation to Beirut, Lebanon, to visit areas The President announced his intention to
affected by recent conflict and to meet with nominate Kevin M. Kolevar to be Assistant
Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon and
business leaders to discuss rebuilding prior Secretary of Energy (Electricity Delivery and
ities: Dina Powell (head of delegation); Jef Energy Reliability).
The President announced his intention to
frey Feltman; John T. Chambers; Yousif nominate Jane C. Luxton to be
Assistant Sec
Ghafari; and Ray Irani.
retary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmos
September 25 phere.
The President announced his intention to
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to New nominate Phillip L. Swagel to be Assistant
York City, where, upon arrival, he met with Secretary of the Treasury (Economic Policy).
USA Freedom Corps volunteer Katie The President announced his intention to
Hustead. He then traveled to Riverside, CT. nominate Thurgood Marshall, Jr., to be a
In the afternoon, at a private residence, Governor of the Board of Governors of the
the President attended a Connecticut Re U.S. Postal Service.
publican Party luncheon. Later, he traveled The President announced that he has
to Cincinnati, OH, where, upon arrival, he named Tony Fratto as Deputy Assistant to
met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer the President and Deputy Press Secretary.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
September 27 Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National
In the morning, the President had a tele Environmental Policy Foundation.
The President announced his intention to
phone conversation with Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe of Japan to discuss Japan-U.S. appoint the following individuals as members
relations and to congratulate him on his Sep of the Advisory Commission on Drug-Free
Communities: Catherine Thatcher Brunson
tember 26 election victory. Later, he had an
intelligence º; He then met with Sec (Public); Dennis Griffith (National Sub
stance Abuse Reduction Organization); Steve
retary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Moak (National Substance Abuse Reduction
Later, in the morning, the President trav
eled to Memphis, TN, where, upon arrival, Organization); and Janet R. Wood (State
he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Substance Abuse Reduction Organization).
Linda Smith. September 29
In the afternoon, at a private residence, In the morning, the President had an intel
the President attended a luncheon for sen
ligence briefing.
atorial candidate Bob Corker. Later, he re In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the
turned to Washington, DC.
In the evening, in the Old Family Dining
President participated in separate .
ceremonies for S. 418, the Military Personne
Room, the President had a working dinner Financial Services Protection Act, and S.
with Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary 3850, the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act
of State Condoleezza Rice, National Security of 2006.
Adviser Stephen J. Hadley, President Hamid In the evening, at the Library of Congress,
Karzai of Afghanistan, and President Pervez the President and Mrs. Bush attended the
Musharraf of Pakistan. 2006 National Book Festival Gala and din
ner. Later, he traveled to Camp David, MD.
September 28 The President announced his intention to

In the morning, the President had an intel nominate Robert F. Hoyt to be General
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Hoo Counsel for the Department of the Treasury.
ver, AL, where, at the Hoover Public Safety
Center, he participated in a briefing on en
. He then participated in an interview
with the Wall Street Journal. Nominations
In the afternoon, the President traveled to Submitted to the Senate
Birmingham, AL, where, upon arrival, he
met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer
Heather Shufelt. Later, he traveled to Co The following list does not include promotions of
members of the Uniformed Services, nominations
lumbus, OH, where, upon arrival, he met to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Eva eign Service officers.
Bradshaw. He then traveled to New Albany,
Submitted September 26
In the evening, at a private residence, the
President ºid a reception for congres Kevin M. Kolevar,
sional candidate Deborah Pryce. He then re of Michigan, to be an Assistant Secretary of
turned to Washington, DC. Energy (Electricity Delivery and Energy Re
The White House announced that the liability), vice John S. Shaw, resigned.
President will welcome Prime Minister Ivo
Sanader of Croatia to the White House on Jane C. Luxton,
October 17. of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of Com
The President announced his intention to merce for Oceans and Atmosphere, vice
James R. Mahoney.
nominate Dana Gioia to be Chairperson of
the National Endowment for the Arts. Thurgood Marshall, Jr.,
The President announced his intention to of Virginia, to be a Governor of the U.S. Post
nominate Eric D. Eberhard to be a member al Service for a term expiring December 8,
of the Board of Trustees of the Morris K. 2011, vice Ned R. McWherter, term expired.
1700 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Phillip L. Swagel, The following list contains releases of the Office

of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
the Treasury, vice Mark J. Warshawsky, re items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.
Submitted September 28
Michele A. Davis, Released September 25
of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
the Treasury, vice Antonio Fratto. retary Tony Snow
Eric D. Eberhard,
of Washington, to be a member of the Board Released September 26
of Trustees of the Morris K. Udall Scholar
Transcript of a press briefing by Assistant to
ship and Excellence in National Environ the President for Homeland Security and
mental Policy Foundation for a term expiring Counterterrorism Frances Fragos Townsend
October 6, 2012, vice Malcolm B. Bowekaty,
term expiring. Fact sheet: Achieving Greater Transparency
and Accountability in Government
Dana Gioia,
of California, to be Chairperson of the Na Released September 27
tional Endowment for the Arts for a term
of 4 years (reappointment). Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Submitted September 29
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
John Roberts Hackman, Secretary Dana Perino
of Virginia, to be U.S. Marshal for the East
ern District of Virginia for the term of 4 Statement by the Press Secretary on the
years, vice John Francis Clark. President's dinner with President Hamid
Karzai of Afghanistan and President Pervez
Robert F. Hoyt, Musharraf of Pakistan
of Maryland, to be General Counsel for the
Department of the Treasury, vice Arnold I. Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
Havens, resigned. that the President signed H.R. 866, H.R.
2808, S. 1773, and S. 2784
William Lindsay Osteen, Jr.,
of North Carolina, to be U.S. District Judge
for the Middle District of North Carolina, Released September 28
vice William L. Osteen, Sr., retired. Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Martin Karl Reidinger,
of North Carolina, to be U.S. District Judge Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by
for the Western District of North Carolina, Prime Minister Sanader of Croatia to Wash
vice Graham C. Mullen, retired. ington
Thomas D. Schroeder,
of North Carolina, to be U.S. District Judge Released September 29
for the Middle District of North Carolina, Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
vice Frank W. Bullock, Jr., retired. retary Tony Snow
Statements by the Press Secretary announc
ing that the President signed S. 3525, S.
3850, and S. 418
of White House Press Releases Fact sheet: Afghanistan and Pakistan: Strong
Allies in the War on Terror
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1701

S. 2784 / Public Law 109–287

Acts Approved
by the President Fourteenth Dalai Lama Congressional Gold
Medal Act

Approved September 26 Approved September 28

S. 2590 / Public Law 109–282
Federal Funding Accountability and Trans S. 3525 / Public Law 109–288
parency Act of 2006 Child and Family Services Improvement Act
of 2006
H.R. 5684 / Public Law 109–283
United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act Approved September 29
Approved September 27 H.R. 5631 / Public Law 109–289
H.R. 866 / Public Law 109–284 Department of Defense Appropriations Act,
To make technical corrections to the United 2007
States Code
S. 418 / Public Law 109–290
H.R. 2808 / Public Law 109–285
Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act
Military Personnel Financial Services Protec
tion Act

S. 1773 / Public Law 109–286

Pueblo de San Ildefonso Claims Settlement S. 3850 / Public Law 109–291
Act of 2005 Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006

Statements by the President Supplementary Materials

Commission on the Future of Higher Acts approved by the President—1701
Education, report—1674
Death of Byron Nelson—1674 Checklist of White House press releases—
“Department of Defense Appropriations Act,
2007,” congressional action—1698 Digest of other White House
“Military Commissions Act of 2006" announcements—1698
House of Representatives action—1676
Senate action—1687 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1699
Washington GPO
A £ 2.ſoa: +2/4-o

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, October 9, 2006

Volume 42—Number 40
Pages 1703–1763


$ *
"NOV2006 -

*** . * * * * * ~ i - -- -


Addresses and Remarks Bill Signings—Continued

See also Bill Signings; Meetings With Foreign Department of Homeland Security
Leaders Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2007
Arizona, breakfast for congressional candidate Remarks in Scottsdale, Arizona–1740
Rick Renzi in Scottsdale—1734 Statement—1742
Arrival in Los Angeles—1731 Communications to Congress
Breakfast for congressional candidate Denmark-U.S. Taxation Convention, message
Richard W. Pombo in Stockton—1719 transmitting protocol amending–1709
George W. Bush Elementary School in District of Columbia's fiscal year 2007 budget
Stockton—1725 request, message transmitting—1706
Reception for congressional candidate John Estonia-U.S. extradition treaty, message
T. Doolittle in El Dorado Hills—1725 transmitting—1710
Wildfires—1731 Finland-U.S. Taxation Convention, message
Colorado, reception for gubernatorial transmitting protocol amending—1709
candidate Bob Beauprez and the Colorado Germany-U.S. Taxation Convention, message
Republican Party in Englewood—1743 transmitting protocol amending—1710
Education Department—1749 Latvia-U.S. extradition treaty, message
Hispanic Heritage Month, reception—1758 transmitting—1711
National economy—1757 Malta-U.S. extradition treaty, message
Nevada, reception for congressional candidate transmitting—1711
Dean Heller in Reno–1713
Radio address—1706 Communications to Federal Agencies
Sudan, meeting with Special Envoy Natsios— Extension of the Safety, Health, and Return
1712 to-Employment (SHARE) Initiative,
Woodridge Elementary and Middle memorandum—1705
Campus—1750 Presidential Determination on Drawdown of
Commodities and Services From the
Bill Signings Department of Defense To Support
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, Transport of Indonesian Peacekeeping
2007, statement—1703 Forces to Lebanon—1708

(Continued on the inside of the back cover.)

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607,
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, October 6, 2006
Statement on Signing the 15 days after the executive branch notifies
Department of Defense six committees of the Congress of the
Appropriations Act, 2007 planned transfer. To the extent that protec
September 29, 2006 tion of the U.S. Armed Forces deployed for
international peacekeeping, peace enforce
Today, I have signed into law H.R. 5631, ment, or humanitarian assistance operations
the “Department of Defense Appropriations might require action of a kind covered by
Act, 2007.” The Act appropriates the funds section 8050 sooner than 15 days after notifi
needed to fight the war on terror, advance cation, the executive branch shall construe
other United States interests around the the section in a manner consistent with the
world, and support our Armed Forces. The President's constitutional authority as Com
Act also continues funding for Government mander in Chief.
programs for which the Congress has not yet
enacted regular appropriations acts. A proviso in the Act's appropriation for
Sections 8007, 8084, and 9005 of the Act “Operation and Maintenance, Defense
prohibit the use of funds to initiate a special Wide” purports to prohibit planning for con
solidation of certain offices within the De
access program or a new start program, un
less the congressional defense committees partment of Defense. Also, sections 8010(b),
receive advance notice. The Supreme Court 8032(b), and 8089 purport to specify the con
of the United States has stated that the Presi tent of portions of future budget requests to
dent's authority to classify and control access the Congress. The executive branch shall
construe these provisions relating to planning
to information bearing on the national secu
rity flows from the Constitution and does not and making of budget recommendations in
a manner consistent with the President's con
depend upon a legislative grant of authority.
Although the advance notice contemplated stitutional authority to require the opinions
by sections 8007, 8084, and 9005 can be pro of the heads of departments, to supervise the
vided in most situations as a matter of comity, unitary executive branch, and to recommend
situations may arise, especially in wartime, for congressional consideration such meas
in which the President must act promptly ures as the President shall judge necessary
under his constitutional grants of executive and expedient.
power and authority as Commander in Chief Section 8005 of the Act, relating to re
of the Armed Forces while protecting certain quests to congressional committees for re
extraordinarily sensitive national security in programming of funds, shall be construed as
formation. The executive branch shall con
strue these sections in a manner consistent calling solely for notification, as any other
construction would be inconsistent with the
with the constitutional authority of the Presi constitutional principles enunciated by the
Supreme Court of the United States in INS
Section 8050 of the Act provides that, not v. Chadha.
withstanding any other provision of law, no
The executive branch shall construe sec
funds available to the Department of De
fense for fiscal year 2007 may be used to tion 8093, relating to integration of foreign
transfer defense articles or services, other intelligence information, in a manner con
than intelligence services, to another nation sistent with the President's constitutional au
or an international organization for inter thority as Commander in Chief, including for
national peacekeeping, peace enforcement, the conduct of intelligence operations, and
or humanitarian assistance operations, until to supervise the unitary executive branch.
1704 Sept. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Also, the executive branch shall construe sec portunity to underscore our commitment to
tions 8095 and 8101 of the Act, which pur bringing an end to violence in the home.
port to prohibit the President from altering A home should be a place of stability, com
command and control relationships within fort, and love. Domestic violence shatters
the Armed Forces, as advisory, as any other this important foundation. My Administra
construction would be inconsistent with the tion is strongly committed to addressing do
constitutional grant to the President of the mestic violence and helping those who have
authority of Commander in Chief. been victimized. In January, I was proud to
The executive branch shall construe provi sign legislation reauthorizing the Violence
sions of the Act relating to race, ethnicity, Against Women Act. Since I announced the
gender, and State residency, such as sections Family Justice Center Initiative in 2003, we
8013, 8018 and 8048, in a manner consistent have opened 11 Family Justice Centers
with the requirement to afford equal protec across the country. These centers offer serv
tion of the laws under the Due Process ices to victims and their families, including
Clause of the Constitution's Fifth Amend legal advice, counseling, and support. In ad
ment. dition, we are continuing to work with faith
Sections 8039 and 8064 of the Act purport based and community organizations to pro
to allocate funds for specified purposes as vide training, expertise, and funding to help
set forth in the joint explanatory statement deliver hope and healing to those who need
of managers that accompanied the Act and it most.

to direct compliance with a classified annex During National Domestic Violence

which was not incorporated into the Act and Awareness Month and throughout the year,
for which presentment was not made. The we are grateful for the advocates, counselors,
executive branch shall construe all these pro and others who provide care to those affected
visions in a manner consistent with the bi by these acts of cruelty and for the law en
cameral passage and presentment require forcement personnel and others who work
ments of the Constitution for the making of to bring offenders to justice. We extend our
a law. compassion to the victims of domestic vio
George W. Bush lence and urge them to seek assistance
through local Family Justice Centers, faith
The White House, based and community organizations, and the
September 29, 2006. National Domestic Violence Hotline at
1–800–799–SAFE. By working together, we
NOTE: H.R. 5631, approved September 29, was
assigned Public Law No. 109–289. This item was can build an America where every home hon
not received in time for publication in the appro ors the value and dignity of its loved ones.
priate issue. Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
by virtue of the authority vested in me by
Proclamation 8058—National the Constitution and laws of the United
Domestic Violence Awareness States, do hereby proclaim October 2006 as
Month, 2006 National Domestic Violence Awareness

September 29, 2006 Month. I urge all Americans to reach out to

victims and help end domestic violence.
By the President of the United States In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
of America my hand this twenty-ninth day of September,
in the year of our Lord two thousand six,
A Proclamation
and of the Independence of the United
Domestic violence has no place in our soci States of America the two hundred and thir
ety, and we have a moral obligation to help ty-first.
prevent it. The terrible tragedies that result George W. Bush
from it destroy lives and insult the dignity
of women, men, and children. National Do [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
mestic Violence Awareness Month is an op 8:45 a.m., October 3, 2006]
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 29 1705

NoTE: This proclamation was published in the The four goals of the SHARE Initiative
Federal Register on October 4. This item was not will continue to use FY 2003 as the baseline.
received in time for publication in the appropriate The goals for the timely filing of workers'
compensation claims (Goal 3) and reduction
of lost production days (Goal 4) have been
Memorandum on Extension of the modified to recognize consistent and supe
Safety, Health, and Return-to rior agency performance and, at the same
Employment (SHARE) Initiative time, to hold low-end performers to more
significant and challenging performance lev
September 29, 2006 els.

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Each executive department and agency
Departments and Agencies will collaborate with the Department of
Labor to establish ambitious annual goals
Subject: Extension of the Safety, Health, and based on its current performance in each of
Return-to-Employment (SHARE) Initiative the four areas. Agencies are encouraged to
On January 9, 2004, I established the 3 work with the Department of Labor's Occu
year Safety, Health, and Return-to-Employ pational Safety and Health Administration
ment (SHARE) Initiative, and directed all ex and Employment Standards Administration's
ecutive branch agencies to participate in this Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
Government-wide effort to improve safety to develop and refine strategies for improv
and health in Federal workplaces. SHARE's ing workplace safety and health. The Depart
four goals focus attention in the most critical ment of Labor will continue to lead the
areas of a safety, health, and injury case man SHARE effort by measuring and tracking
agement program: lower total injury and ill performance and reporting to me annually
ness case rates, lower lost-time injury and ill on performance, both Government-wide and
ness case rates, improved timely reporting of by agency.
injuries and illnesses, and reduced rates of Safety and health and return-to-work are
lost production days due to work-related in important employment values. To ensure
juries and illnesses. that workers are protected from harm, Fed
During the first 2 years of SHARE, most eral supervisory personnel must concentrate
departments and agencies reduced their in their attention and use all the management
jury and illness and lost production day rates, tools and resources at their disposal to pre
and significantly improved the timely report
ing of incidents. From 2003 to 2005 the Gov vent workplace injuries and illnesses. Man
ernment as a whole achieved a 5.5 percent agers and supervisors should encourage Fed
reduction in an injury and illness case rate, eral employees to perform their jobs safely,
a 2.6 percent reduction in its lost-time injury effectively, and alertly to remain injury-free.
and illness case rate, and a 43 percent in A safe and healthy Federal workforce not
crease in timely reporting. According to the only preserves the Government's valuable
human resources, but also contributes to the
Department of Labor, which leads the
SHARE Initiative and tracks and reports its effective and efficient delivery of Govern
performance results, Fiscal Year 2006 results ment services to the American people.
will be even more favorable.
Therefore, I am extending the SHARE George W. Bush
Initiative through Fiscal Year 2009 to reaf
firm my commitment to improving the safety NOTE: This item was not received in time for pub
of Federal workplaces and reducing the sig lication in the appropriate issue. An original was
nificant personal and financial costs of occu not available for verification of the content of this
pational injuries and illnesses. memorandum.
1706 Sept. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Message to the Congress icanism. It concludes that terrorists are ex

Transmitting the District of ploiting all these factors to further their
Columbia's Fiscal Year 2007 Budget
Request Some in Washington have selectively
quoted from this document to make the case
September 29, 2006 that by fighting the terrorists in Iraq, we are
To the Congress of the United States: making our people less secure here at home.
Pursuant to my constitutional authority This argument buys into the enemy's propa
and consistent with section 446 of The Dis ganda that the terrorists attack us because
trict of Columbia Self-Governmental Reor we are provoking them. Here is what Prime
ganization Act as amended in 1989, I am Minister Tony Blair said this week about that
transmitting the District of Columbia's 2007 argument: “This terrorism isn't our fault. We
Budget Request Act. didn't cause it. It's not the consequence of
The proposed 2007 Budget Request Act foreign policy.” Prime Minister Blair is right.
reflects the major programmatic objectives We do not create terrorism by fighting ter
of the Mayor and the Council of the District rorism. The terrorists are at war against us
of Columbia. For 2007, the District estimates because they hate everything America stands
total revenues and expenditures of $7.61 bil for and because they know we stand in the
lion. way of their ambitions to take over the Mid
George W. Bush dle East. We are fighting to stop them from
taking over Iraq and turning that country into
The White House, a safe haven that would be even more valu
September 29, 2006. able than the one they lost in Afghanistan.
NOTE: This item was not received in time for pub Iraq is not the reason the terrorists are at
lication in the appropriate issue. war against us. Our troops were not in Iraq
when terrorists first attacked the World
Trade Center in 1993 or when terrorists blew
The President’s Radio Address up our Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania or
September 30, 2006 when they bombed the USS Cole or when
they killed nearly 3,000 people on September
Good morning. Today I want to talk to you the 11th, 2001. Five years after the 9/11 at
about a matter of national security that has tacks, some people in Washington still do not
been in the news—the National Intelligence understand the nature of the enemy. The
Estimate on terrorism. The NIE is a classi only way to protect our citizens at home is
fied document that analyzes the threat we to go on the offense against the enemy across
face from terrorists and extremists. Parts of the world. When terrorists spend their days
this classified document were recently leaked working to avoid capture, they are less able
to the press. That has created a heated de to plot, plan, and execute new attacks on our
bate in our Nation's Capital and a lot of people. So we will remain on the offense
misimpressions about the document's con until the terrorists are defeated and this fight
clusions. I believe the American people is won.
should read the document themselves and In my recent speeches, I've said we are
come to their own conclusions, so I declas in the early hours of a long struggle for civili
sified its key judgments. zation and that our safety depends on the
The National Intelligence Estimate con outcome of the battle in Iraq. The National
firms that we are up against a determined Intelligence Estimate declares, quote, “Per
and capable enemy. The NIE lists four un ceived jihadist success there would inspire
derlying factors that are fueling the extremist more fighters to continue the struggle else
movement: first, longstanding grievances where.” It also says that, quote, “Should
such as corruption, injustice, and a fear of jihadists leaving Iraq perceive themselves,
Western domination; second, the jihad in and be perceived, to have failed, we judge
Iraq; third, the slow pace of reform in Mus fewer fighters will be inspired to carry on
lim nations; and fourth, pervasive anti-Amer the fight.”
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Sept. 30 1707

Withdrawing from Iraq before the enemy a safe, reliable, and efficient transportation
is defeated would embolden the terrorists. system.
It would help them find new recruits to carry I congratulate Mary and her family on her
out even more destructive attacks on our Na confirmation and thank her for her service
tion, and it would give the terrorists a new to our Nation.
sanctuary in the heart of the Middle East,
with huge oil riches to fund their ambitions.
America must not allow this to happen. We Statement on Congressional Action
are a nation that keeps its commitments to on the “Iran Freedom Support Act”
those who long for liberty and want to live September 30, 2006
in peace. We will stand with the nearly 12
million Iraqis who voted for their freedom, My administration is working on many
and we will help them fight and defeat the fronts to address the challenges posed by the
terrorists there so we do not have to face Iranian regime's pursuit of weapons of mass
them here at home. destruction, support for terrorism, efforts to
Thank you for listening. destabilize the Middle East, and repression
of the fundamental human rights of the citi
NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:55 a.m. on zens of Iran. We are engaged in intense di
September 29 in the Cabinet Room at the White plomacy alongside our allies and have also
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on September undertaken financial measures to counter the
30. The transcript was made available by the Of. actions of the Iranian regime.
fice of the Press Secretary on September 29 but I applaud Congress for demonstrating its
was embargoed for release until the broadcast. In
his address, the President referred to Prime Min bipartisan commitment to confronting the
ister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. The Of Iranian regime's repressive and destabilizing
fice of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish activities by passing the Iran Freedom Sup
language transcript of this address. port Act. This legislation will codify U.S.
sanctions on Iran while providing my admin
istration with flexibility to tailor those sanc
Statement on Senate Confirmation of tions in appropriate circumstances and im
Mary Peters To Be Secretary of pose sanctions upon entities that aid the Ira
Transportation nian regime's development of nuclear weap
September 30, 2006
I applaud the efforts of Chairman Richard
I am pleased that the Senate swiftly con Shelby, Ranking Member Paul Sarbanes,
firmed Mary Peters as Secretary of Transpor Rick Santorum, and Bill Nelson in the Senate
tation. and Chairman Henry Hyde, Ranking Mem
Mary is an innovative thinker who will ber Tom Lantos, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, and
work with State and local leaders to confront Gary Ackerman in the House. I look forward
challenges and solve problems. I look for to signing this bill into law, which will facili
ward to working with her to reduce highway tate America's support for the Iranian people
and aviation congestion, modernize our Na in their efforts to build a just, free, and
tion's infrastructure, and increase the effi peaceful society.
ciency of travel in our country. Her leader
ship will enable the Department to maintain NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 6198.
1708 Oct. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Presidential Determination on Memorandum on Waiving
Drawdown of Commodities and Prohibition on United States Military
Services From the Department of Assistance With Respect to Various
Defense To Support Transport of Parties to the Rome Statute
Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces to Establishing the International
Lebanon Criminal Court

September 29, 2006 September 29, 2006

Presidential Determination No. 2006–26 Presidential Determination No. 2006–27

Memorandum for the Secretary of State and Memorandum for the Secretary of State
the Secretary of Defense Subject: Waiving Prohibition on United
States Military Assistance with Respect to
Subject: Presidential Determination on Various Parties to the Rome Statute
Drawdown of Commodities and Services
from the Department of Defense to Support Establishing the International Criminal
Transport of Indonesian Peacekeeping
Forces to Lebanon Consistent with the authority vested in me
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by by the Constitution and the laws of the
the Constitution and laws of the United United States, including section 2007 of the
American Servicemembers' Protection Act of
States, including section 552(c)(2) of the For 2002 (the “2002 Act”), title II of Public Law
eign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, I
107–206 (22 U.S.C. 7421 et seq.), I hereby:
hereby determine that: • Determine that it is important to the
(1) as a result of an unforeseen emer national interest of the United States to
gency, the provision of assistance waive the prohibition of section 2007(a)
under Chapter 6 of Part II of the Act of the 2002 Act with respect to Bar
in amounts in excess of funds other bados, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cro
wise available for such assistance is atia, Ecuador, Kenya, Mali, Malta, Mex
important to the national interests of ico, Namibia, Niger, Paraguay, Peru,
the United States; and Samoa, Serbia, South Africa, St. Vincent
and the Grenadines, Tanzania, Trinidad
(2) such unforeseen emergency requires and Tobago, and Uruguay with respect
the immediate provision of assistance to military assistance provided under
under Chapter 6 of Part II of the Act. the International Military Education
I, therefore, direct the drawdown of up and Training program, chapter 5 of part
to $2,999,000 in commodities and services II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
from the Department of Defense to support (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.); and
the transportation of Indonesian forces in • Waive the prohibition of section 2007(a)
support of the United Nations Interim Force with respect to the military assistance
in Lebanon. described above with respect to these
The Secretary of State is authorized and You are authorized and directed to report
directed to report this determination to the this determination to the Congress and to ar
Congress and to publish it in the Federal range for its publication in the Federal Reg
Register. ister.

George W. Bush George W. Bush

NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of
fice of the Press Secretary on October 2. fice of the Press Secretary on October 2.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 2 1709

Message to the Senate Transmitting Message to the Senate Transmitting

the Protocol Amending the the Protocol Amending the Finland
Denmark-United States Taxation United States Taxation Convention
September 29, 2006
September 29, 2006
To the Senate of the United States:
To the Senate of the United States: I transmit herewith, for Senate advice and
I transmit herewith, for Senate advice and consent to ratification, a Protocol Amending
consent to ratification, a Protocol Amending the Convention Between the Government of
the Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov
the United States of America and the Gov ernment of the Republic of Finland for the
ernment of the Kingdom of Denmark for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Pre
Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Pre vention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to
vention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital, signed at
Taxes on Income signed at Copenhagen May Helsinki May 31, 2006 (the “Protocol"). Also
2, 2006 (the “Protocol"). A related exchange transmitted for the information of the Senate
of notes is enclosed for the information of is the report of the Department of State with
the Senate. Also transmitted for the informa respect to the Protocol.
tion of the Senate is the report of the Depart The Protocol eliminates the withholding
ment of State with respect to the Protocol. tax on certain cross-border dividend pay
The Protocol eliminates the withholding ments. Like a number of recent U.S. tax
tax on certain cross-border dividend pay agreements, the proposed Protocol provides
ments. Like a number of recent U.S. tax for the elimination of the withholding tax on
agreements, the proposed Protocol provides dividends arising from certain direct invest
for the elimination of the withholding tax on ments and cross-border dividend payments
dividends arising from certain direct invest to pension funds. The Protocol also elimi
ments and cross-border dividend payments nates the withholding tax on cross-border
to pension funds. In addition, the Protocol royalty payments. In addition, the Protocol
modernizes the Convention to bring it into modernizes the Convention to bring it into
closer conformity with current U.S. tax-treaty closer conformity with current U.S. tax-treaty
policy, including strengthening the treaty's policy, including strengthening the treaty's
provisions preventing so-called treaty shop provisions preventing so-called treaty shop
ping. ping.
I recommend that the Senate give early I recommend that the Senate give early
and favorable consideration to the Protocol and favorable consideration to the Protocol
and give its advice and consent to ratification. and give its advice and consent to ratification.
George W. Bush George W. Bush
The White House, The White House,
September 29, 2006. September 29, 2006.
NOTE: This message was released by the Office NOTE: This message was released by the Office
of the Press Secretary on October 2. An original of the Press Secretary on October 2. An original
was not available for verification of the content was not available for verification of the content
of this message. of this message.
1710 Oct. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Message to the Senate Transmitting Message to the Senate Transmitting
the Protocol Amending the the Estonia-United States
Germany-United States Taxation Extradition Treaty
September 29, 2006
September 29, 2006
To the Senate of the United States:
To the Senate of the United States: With a view to receiving the advice and
I transmit herewith, for Senate advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, I trans
consent to ratification, a Protocol Amending mit herewith the Extradition Treaty between
the Convention Between the United States the United States of America and the Gov
of America and the Federal Republic of Ger ernment of the Republic of Estonia, signed
many for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on February 8, 2006, at Tallinn. I also trans
and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with mit, for the information of the Senate, the
Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital and report of the Department of State with re
to Certain Other Taxes, Signed on August spect to the treaty.
29, 1989, signed at Berlin June 1, 2006 (the The new extradition treaty with Estonia
“Protocol"), along with a related Joint Dec would replace the outdated extradition treaty
laration. Also transmitted for the information between the United States and Estonia,
of the Senate is the report of the Department signed on November 8, 1923, at Tallinn, and
of State with respect to the Protocol. the Supplementary Extradition Treaty,
The Protocol eliminates the withholding signed on October 10, 1934, at Washington.
tax on certain cross-border dividend pay The treaty also fulfills the requirement for
ments. Like a number of recent U.S. tax a bilateral instrument between the United
agreements, the proposed Protocol provides States and each European Union (EU) Mem
for the elimination of the withholding tax on ber State in order to implement the Extra
dividends arising from certain direct invest dition Agreement between the United States
ments and cross-border dividend payments and the EU. Two other comprehensive new
to pension funds. The Protocol also provides extradition treaties with EU Member
for mandatory arbitration of certain cases be States—Latvia and Malta—likewise also
fore the competent authorities. This provi serve as the requisite bilateral instruments
sion is the first of its kind in a U.S. tax treaty. pursuant to the U.S.-EU Agreement, and
In addition, the Protocol also modernizes the therefore also are being submitted separately
Convention to bring it into closer conformity and individually.
with current U.S. tax-treaty policy, including The treaty follows generally the form and
strengthening the treaty's provisions pre content of other extradition treaties recently
venting so-called treaty shopping. concluded by the United States. It would re
I recommend that the Senate give early place an outmoded list of extraditable of
and favorable consideration to the Protocol, fenses with a modern “dual criminality” ap
along with the Joint Declaration and give its proach, which would enable extradition for
advice and consent to ratification. such offenses as money laundering and other
newer offenses not appearing on the list. The
George W. Bush treaty also contains a modernized “political
offense” clause. It further provides that ex
The White House, tradition shall not be refused based on the
September 29, 2006. nationality of the person sought; in the past,
Estonia has declined to extradite its nationals

NOTE: This message was released by the Office to the United States. Finally, the new treaty
of the Press Secretary on October 2. An original incorporates a series of procedural improve
was not available for verification of the content ments to streamline and speed the extra
of this message. dition process.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 2 1711

I recommend that the Senate give early nationality of the person sought; in the past,
and favorable consideration to the treaty. Latvia has declined to extradite its nationals
to the United States. A national who has been
George W. Bush
The White House,
convicted in the courts of the other Party may
request to be allowed to serve the resulting
September 29, 2006. sentence in his state of nationality. Finally,
NOTE: This message was released by the Office the new treaty incorporates a series of proce
of the Press Secretary on October 2. dural improvements to streamline and speed
the extradition process.
I recommend that the Senate give early
Message to the Senate Transmitting and favorable consideration to the treaty.
the Latvia-United States Extradition
Treaty George W. Bush
September 29, 2006 The White House,
September 29, 2006.
To the Senate of the United States:
With a view to receiving the advice and NOTE: This message was released by the Office
consent of the Senate to ratification, I trans of the Press Secretary on October 2.
mit herewith the Extradition Treaty between
the United States of America and the Gov
ernment of the Republic of Latvia, signed Message to the Senate Transmitting
on December 7, 2005, at Riga. I also trans the Malta-United States Extradition
mit, for the information of the Senate, the Treaty
report of the Department of State with re September 29, 2006
spect to the treaty.
The new extradition treaty with Latvia To the Senate of the United States:
would replace the outdated extradition treaty With a view to receiving the advice and
between the United States and Latvia, signed consent of the Senate to ratification, I trans
on October 16, 1923, at Riga, and the Sup mit herewith the Extradition Treaty between
plementary Extradition Treaty, signed on Oc the United States of America and the Gov
tober 10, 1934, at Washington. The treaty ernment of Malta, signed on May 18, 2006,
also fulfills the requirement for a bilateral at Valletta, that includes an exchange of let
instrument between the United States and ters that is an integral part of the treaty. I
each European Union (EU) Member State also transmit, for the information of the Sen
in order to implement the Extradition Agree ate, the report of the Department of State
ment between the United States and the EU. with respect to the treaty.
Two other comprehensive new extradition The new extradition treaty with Malta
treaties with EU Member States—Estonia would replace the outdated extradition treaty
and Malta—likewise also serve as the req between the United States and Great Britain,
uisite bilateral instruments pursuant to the signed on December 22, 1931, at London,
U.S.-EU Agreement, and therefore also are and made applicable to Malta on June 24,
being submitted separately and individually. 1935. The treaty also fulfills the requirement
The treaty follows generally the form and for a bilateral instrument between the United
content of other extradition treaties recently
States and each European Union (EU) Mem
concluded by the United States. It would reber State in order to implement the Extra
place an outmoded list of extraditable of. dition Agreement between the United States
fenses with a modern “dual criminality” ap and the EU. Two other comprehensive new
proach, which would enable extradition for extradition treaties with EU Member
such offenses as money laundering and other States—Estonia and Latvia—likewise also
newer offenses not appearing on the list. The serve as the requisite bilateral instruments
treaty also contains a modernized “political pursuant to the U.S.-EU Agreement, and
offense” clause. It further provides that ex therefore also are being submitted separately
tradition shall not be refused based on the and individually.
1712 Oct. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

The treaty follows generally the form and And Andrew knows my opinion and knows
content of other extradition treaties recently my beliefs. And I appreciate him very much
concluded by the United States. It would re implementing the strategy that our Govern
place an outmoded list of extraditable of ment will develop to save lives. And I thank
fenses with a modern “dual criminality” ap you for your efforts again, and thank you for
proach, which would enable extradition for your commitment.
such offenses as money laundering and other Mr. Natsios. Thank you. I've been going
newer offenses not appearing on the list. The to Sudan now for 17 years; I know leaders
treaty also contains a modernized “political in all regions of the country; and I'm going
offense” clause. It further provides that ex to use those contacts and that history to move
tradition shall not be refused based on the
this process along. I have a great affection,
nationality of a person sought for any of a personally, for the Sudanese people, north
comprehensive list of serious offenses; in the and south. My first trip to Darfur was 17
past, Malta has declined to extradite its na years ago, during the first Darfur war—this
tionals to the United States. Finally, the new
is the third war in Darfur in 17 years.
treaty incorporates a series of procedural im
provements to streamline and speed the ex And I think what our objective is, is not
tradition process. just to have a temporary fix for 2 months
I recommend that the Senate give early but to try to deal with the root causes of this
so we don't have another fourth war in 5
and favorable consideration to the treaty.
years—should we end this one successfully.
George W. Bush So I'm going to work on that. I think with
The White House, the President's strong support, both of us are
September 29, 2006. committed to this, and we're going to see
what we can do.

NOTE: This message was released by the Office The President. Thank you, Andrew. Ap
of the Press Secretary on October 2. preciate it.
Mr. Natsios. Thank you.
Remarks Following a Meeting With NOTE: The President spoke at 9:50 a.m. in the
Special Envoy for Sudan Andrew S. Oval Office at the White House.
October 2, 2006
Remarks Following Discussions With
The President. Recently I named my Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
friend Andrew Natsios to be the Presidential
Erdogan of Turkey
Special Envoy to Sudan to help us deal with
the issue in Darfur. The reason I named An October 2, 2006
drew is, one, he knows the area well—he's
President Bush. Mr. Prime Minister, wel
been involved in this area for a long period
of time. Secondly, he, like me, shares a deep come back to Washington. We just had a ex
concern about the suffering in Darfur. tensive and important dialog about how Tur
We believe the world has a responsibility key and the United States can and must work
to respond to what this Government has together to achieve peace. We talked about
called genocide. And Andrew Natsios is our determined efforts to fight terror and ex
tremism. We talked about our common ef
going to help rally the world to solve the
problem. The United Nations can play an im forts to bring stability to the Middle East.
portant role in helping us achieve our objec We had an important discussion about both
tive, which is to end human suffering and Iraq and Iran. Our desire is for—to help peo
deprivation. In my view, the United Nations ple who care about a peaceful future to reject
radicalism and extremism.
should not wait any longer to approve a blue
helmeted force, a U.N. force of peacekeepers I made it very clear to the Prime Minister,
to protect the innocent people. I think it's in the United States' interests that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 2 1713

Turkey join the European Union. And I con All in all, I think we had a very positive
gratulate the Prime Minister and his Govern meeting, and I would like to thank the Presi
ment for the economic reforms that have en dent for that.
abled the Turkish economy to be strong, for President Bush. Thank you, sir.
the good of the Turkish people.
And finally, we shared our deep desire to NOTE: The President spoke at 11:40 a.m. in the
Oval Office at the White House. Prime Minister
improve the lives of those who are suffering Erdogan spoke in Turkish, and his remarks were
in Darfur. The Prime Minister shared with
translated by an interpreter.
me a personal account of what he saw, the
suffering he saw, the human—the pitiful
human condition he personally saw in Remarks at a Reception for
Darfur. He shared with me his Government's
Congressional Candidate Dean
anxiousness to help the people there, and I Heller in Reno, Nevada
assured him I shared the same concern. And
October 2, 2006
it's important for the United Nations and the
Government of Sudan to take forward steps Thank you all for coming. It's good to be
to help the-end the suffering. back in Reno. I appreciate the invitation. I'm
I consider the Prime Minister a friend and here to say as clearly as I can, Dean Heller
a man of peace, and I welcome him. is the right person for the United States Con
Prime Minister Erdogan. Thank you. gress. And I want to thank you for helping
Distinguished members of the press, it is a him.
great honor and pleasure to be here upon I appreciate the fantastic fundraiser. It's
the invitation of President Bush, an ally. The a good sign, Dean, when your friends and
United States is a strategic partner, a very neighbors are willing to put a little hard
important strategic partner for Turkey and earned cash into the hat in order to help you.
an ally for many years. |Laughter] But he's going to need more than
In our meeting we had the opportunity to your money; he's going to need your time.
discuss many points, especially terrorism. And so coming down the stretch, I call on
And the joint steps that we have taken in the grassroots activists and those who have
order to pursue with determination our fight been participating in campaigns to put up
against terrorism continues to be very impor the signs and go to your houses of worship
tant in our relations. In fact, we do share or your community centers and say, “We’ve
the same opinion about forming a joint plat got a good man in Dean Heller; he loves his
form in order to combat terrorism on a global family: he loves his country; he loves the peo
scale. ple of the Second Congressional District—
We also had opportunity to discuss Leb let's send him to Washington, DC.”
anon as well as Israel and Palestine. All he's got to do is get his family to go
It was important to hear the President say to work for him. [Laughter] I met a bunch
that their support for Turkey's membership of them today. I'm really proud to be with—
to the European Union will continue. We [laughter)—with Lynne and the four chil
have also .the opportunity to discuss Cy dren. I like a man who knows his priorities.
prus, and I have expressed our sensitivities We need people in Washington who have got
with regard to the issues related to Cyprus. the right priorities. And the priorities—he
And we had an opportunity to extensively dis and I share a priority: our faith, our family,
cuss what we can do in the Middle East— and our country.
what Turkey specifically can do in the Middle Now, I wasn't Dean's first choice. [Laugh
East. ter] He wisely had put in a request for
We have also discussed Turkey's progress Laura—[laughter)—who sends her love and
and reforms with regards to the European her best to all our friends out here in Reno,
Union—the Copenhagen political criteria as in Nevada. We're blessed with friends. I
well as Maastricht criteria—and the recent wouldn't be standing here without the people
work that is ongoing with the screening proc of this good State voting for me, not once
ess at the EU for Turkey's accession. but twice. And in selecting me, you selected
1714 Oct. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
a really fine person to be the First Lady. I Brigade, 101st Airborne, recently returned
can't tell you how proud I am of Laura. I from Iraq. It is an honor to be the Com
am a lucky man that she said yes when I mander in Chief of the finest military in the
asked her to marry me, and some of her world. And the reason we're the finest mili
friends in Texas wondered whether it was a tary in the world is because of the men and
wise decision or not, but we're doing great. women who have volunteered to wear the
And we're really proud—I'm proud to be uniform of the United States of America.
here. She, like me, understands Dean Heller And being—one of your jobs and one of my
will make a great United States Congress jobs is to make sure our troops have all that
man. I want to thank his predecessor, Jim is necessary to do their job and protect the
Gibbons. I've been honored to work with Jim United States of America.
on behalf of the people. Another predecessor I've been looking forward to this campaign
is here. Barbara Vucanovich is with us. Bar because it gives me a chance to travel around
bara, it's good to see you. I'm proud you're the country making it clear there are signifi
here. Mother and Dad send their best. cant differences in what we believe and what
|Laughter] This Barbara knows the other the other bunch believes. You take taxes, for
Barbara. [Laughter example. You know, Dean talked about the
I want to thank Kenny Guinn and Dema fact that when we came in, we had a reces
for joining us today. Kenny Guinn has been sion and then there was a terrorist attack and
a great Governor for the State of Nevada. then we went to war and there was corporate
We're proud to call him friend, and I'm scandals; there was hurricanes and high gaso
proud to call Dema friend. You know, one line prices—and, yet, this economy is grow
of the interesting things that we get to do ing. And the reason it's growing, and the pri
is to share the White House with our friends mary reason in my mind it's growing is be
from around the country. We've had the cause we cut the taxes on the working people:
Governor and his wife spend the night with we cut the taxes on the small-business own
us when the National Governors were in ers; we cut taxes on families with children.
town. And I remember Kenny walking We put an end to the marriage penalty—
around the White House saying, “My good or started to put an end to the marriage pen
ness, I can't believe I'm here.” [Laughter] alty. I really don't understand a tax code that
And then he looked at me. [Laughter penalizes marriage. [Laughter] We ought to
I hope you all support Jim Gibbons to re be encouraging marriage in the United
place Governor Kenny Guinn. And now that States. The tax cuts we passed have worked.
I'm going down the election roster and— And this election campaign is one in which
make sure you put Ensign back in too; he's the people have got a stark choice. You listen
a great United States Senator. to those Democrats in Washington talk. I
I want to thank Brian Krolicki; he's going don't know how they're talking in Nevada,
to be the Lieutenant Governor of the State but I can tell how they're talking in Wash
of Nevada. Thanks for coming, Brian. We've ington. And they're saying, “Well, we're not
got the mayor here, Bob Cashell. Bob, good going to-we're going to let these tax cuts
to see you again. Mr. Mayor, proud you're expire,” see, hoping the American people
here. And all the local officials—it's a good don't pay attention to those words.
sign when the local officials are coming. It's See, if you let the tax cuts expire—in other
when they stay away from the rallies, is when words, if you don't make the tax cuts perma
you get nervous. [Laughter] ment—it means your taxes are going to go
I want to thank you all. It really is impor up. It's a tax increase. The way I like to put
tant you're here. Obviously, this is a race that it is, if the Democrats take control of the
my administration considers to be an impor United States Congress, they're going to have
tant race. That's why I got on the airplane their hand in your pocket; they're going to
after meeting with the Prime Minister of be running up your taxes. Raising the taxes
Turkey to come out here and help Dean. on the people who work for a living, raising
I want to thank Troy Marston, he led the the taxes on the farmers and ranchers, raising
Pledge of Allegiance—Private 1st Class, 3d the taxes on the small-business owners is bad
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 2 1715

economic policy. And that's why we need fact, anybody who says, “Vote for me; I want
Dean Heller in the United States Congress. to be a war President"—don't vote for him.
Oh, you'll hear them tell you up there, or |Laughter] No one should ever wish that. But
over there, they'll say, “Well, we need to raise an enemy declared war on us, a war we didn't
taxes just on some of you in order to balance want, but it's a war we must engage. Sep
the budget.” That's not the way Washington, tember the 11th made it abundantly clear
DC, works. They'll raise your taxes, and that the most solemn responsibility of the
they'll figure out new ways to spend your Federal Government is to protect the Amer
money. The best way to balance the budget ican people.
is to keep progrowth economic policies in We're fighting an enemy that knows no
place so this economy grows and to prioritize rules. They're inhumane. They are evil peo
how we spend your money. And the priorities ple who have taken the religion and kill in
I've set for the United States Congress is win the name of that religion to achieve geo
ning this war on terror and making sure we've political objectives. They're bound by a com
got what it takes to defend the American peo mon ideology. They want to establish a ca
You know, it's amazing what happens liphate that ranges from Indonesia to Spain.
I'm not making this up. I'm simply repeating
when you grow the economy. See, cutting that which we have learned about the enemy
taxes is counterintuitive for some in Wash
from their own words.
ington, but when you reduce taxes, it causes
the economy to grow. And when the econ You can't negotiate with these people.
omy grows, there's more tax revenues coming Therapy is not going to work. [Laughter] The
in. And that's what's happened recently. And best way to deal with this enemy is to bring
that's why we're cutting the deficit in half them to justice before they hurt the Amer
prior to the goal I set in 2009. We need fis ican people again.
cally responsible people in Washington, DC. You know, it's a difficult task to protect
And Dean Heller will be a fine Congressman the homeland, because we've got to be right
when it comes to watching your money. 100 percent of the time, and these killers
We need people in Washington, DC, who have got to be right once. And, therefore,
understand that we need to make sure health I thought it was important to make sure that
care is available and affordable. Now, there's those on the frontline of fighting terror and
an interesting debate up there in the Nation's the extremists had all the tools necessary to
capital, and it's this: who best to decide how protect the American people.
to make decisions for health care, who best And that's why I called upon Congress to
to make that decision—the Federal Govern eliminate the walls and barriers that had aris
ment, or the doctors and patients? We be en over time between the intelligence serv
lieve that the doctors and patients should be ices and the criminal justice people, so they
making the health care decisions in the can share intelligence that is necessary to
United States of America. And one way to protect you. And that's why I thought it was
make sure health care is available and afford important to set up a program that said, if
able is to do something about these junk law Al Qaida or an Al Qaida affiliate is making
suits that are running good doctors out of a phone call into the United States of Amer
practice. ica, we need to know why in order to protect
Now, I'm looking forward to working with the American people.
Dean on good domestic policy that keeps this And I want our fellow citizens to look at
economy growing and keeps the power—de who voted for those proposals and what polit
cision-making power in the hands of the peo ical party voted against them. There's a clear
ple. And I'm looking forward to working with difference of opinion about how to protect
him to do our most solemn duty, and that's this homeland.
to protect you. You know, recently, we just had an impor
You know, when I ran in 2000—I remem tant debate in Washington, DC. It's a debate
ber campaigning here—you know, I didn't over whether or not the Central Intelligence
want to be a war President. As a matter of Agency should have a program that enabled
1716 Oct. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

our professionals to question high-value de bombers. He was a threat, and the United
tainees to determine if they had information Nations said that loud and clear. It was his
that could help protect the homeland. Obvi choice to make, of whether or not he wanted
ously, I thought that was an important pro war. He chose war, and the world is better
gram. I submitted the bill after a speech in off without Saddam Hussein in power.
the East Room of the White House. I sub And I think it's a legitimate question to
mitted that bill to the Congress. See, I under ask candidates running for Congress or
stand the nature of the information we re United States Senators who have been crit
ceived from people such as Khalid Sheikh ical of policy, whether or not they think the
Mohammed—he is the mastermind of the world would be better off with Saddam Hus
September the 11th attacks. sein in power. You know, when this question
I'll be signing that bill pretty soon. The was asked to a senior member of the Intel
Congress passed the bill, but I want you all ligence Committee, the Democrat member,
to remember, when you go to the polls here he said, “Yes, the world would be better off,
in Nevada, what political party supported the given the world today, with Saddam Hussein
President to make sure we had the tools nec in power.
essary to protect the American people, and Well, I just see it differently. I think it's
which political party didn't. important we take threats before they come
I have made the decision that the best way home to hurt us. America cannot wait to be
to protect the American people is to get on attacked again. In order to protect the United
the offense against this enemy and stay on States of America, we must stay on the of—
the offense. There is a difference of opinion fense, and we will do so.
in Washington. If you listen closely to some The other thing you hear coming out of
of the leaders of the Democrat Party, it the Nation's capital is whether Iraq is a dis
sounds like they think the best way to protect traction on the war on terror—you know, it's
the American people is, wait until we're at not part of the war on terror. I happen to
tacked again. That's not the way it's going think it's a central front in the war on terror.
to be under my administration. We Wi stay Success in Iraq will help make this country
on the offense, we will defeat the enemy more secure. Failure in Iraq will mean that
overseas so we do not have to face them here we will have left behind a treacherous world
at home. for children and our grandchildren.
And it's hard work, but it's necessary work. But if you don't take my word, take the
It's the calling of the 21st century. It's the word of Usama bin Laden or Mr. Zawahiri
call of a generation to determine whether we about the importance of Iraq. The number
have the will and the vision to protect the one and two of Al Qaida have made it clear
American people. that Iraq is the central front in the war on
Now, the lesson I have learned from Sep terror, and their ambitions are to drive the
tember the 11th was two—one—many, but United States out of Iraq and to abandon the
two of the most notable ones were, if you 12 million people who went to the polls and
find somebody harboring a terrorist, they're to say it's not worth it. They believe it's worth
equally as guilty as the terrorists and must it. Al Qaida thinks it's necessary in order to
be held to account. And that's why we re defeat America. They want us to leave so they
moved the Taliban from Afghanistan and can have a safe haven from which to plot
freed 25 million people from the clutches of and plan new attacks against the United
a barbaric regime. States of America.
And I saw a threat in Iraq, and so did Imagine a world where moderate govern
Members of the United States Congress and ments have been toppled by extremists and
people on the United Nations Security Coun extremists get ahold of oil. If you think it
cil. Saddam Hussein was a state sponsor of was tough at $70 a barrel, imagine what it
terror. He had killed thousands of his own will be like when these extremists get ahold
people. He had used weapons of mass de of a valuable resource and say to the free
struction. He was a sworn enemy of the world, “Do it our way, or we're going to have
United States. He paid families of suicide an unbelievable economic peril.” And couple
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 2 1717

with that an Iran with a nuclear weapon, and measure progress based upon the number of
20 or 30 years from now, the world will look airplanes in the air or number of ships on
back and say, “What happened to America? the sea. It's hard to measure progress in this
How come they couldn't see the threat?” kind of war. But I'm just telling you, we're
The threat is real. We will help those 12 dismantling Al Qaida one person at a time.
million people who demanded freedom in We're on the hunt. And it's just a matter of
Iraq achieve a stable democracy that can gov time before Usama bin Laden gets the justice
ern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself, and he deserves.
America and generations of Americans will You know, let me conclude by sharing this
be more secure.
story with you. You might remember, I had
You know, people ask me all the time, do an interesting experience recently when I
you really think people in the Middle East went down with the former Prime Minister
want to be free? It's a legitimate question, of Japan, my buddy, Koizumi, who just left
I guess. But it belies the fact that we believe office recently. And we went down to Elvis'
in the universality of freedom. Freedom is place—[laughter]—in Memphis. It was an
not just an American possession. It's not our interesting experience. [Laughter] I went
gift to the world. I happen to believe there there for a couple of reasons. One, I wanted
is an Almighty, and I believe one of the great to see Elvis' place; I'd never been—[Laugh
gifts of that Almighty is the desire to be ter]–60 years old and had never been to
free—to every man, woman, and child on the Graceland. Plus, Laura wanted to go. Sec
face of the Earth.
ondly, Prime Minister Koizumi really wanted
So in the short term, our strategy is clear: to go. [Laughter. He likes Elvis; he likes his
We will stay on the offense; we will bring songs; he likes everything about Elvis.
people to justice before they can hurt us
again. In the long term, we will defeat the Thirdly, I wanted to tell a story about
ideology of hatred with an ideology of hope. what's possible and what will happen if we
I have made it clear to the American peo keep faith in the values that led to our forma
ple, I view the struggle we're in as the great tion and has led to us doing hard work in
ideological struggle of the 21st century. It's order to keep the peace. You see, the story
akin to the cold war in some ways. It is the I tell is the one that started with 18-year
difference between tyranny and freedom, be old George H.W. Bush, my dad, when he
tween moderation and extremism. Make no joined the United States Navy to fight the
mistake about it: Most moms in the Middle sworn enemy, the Japanese. A lot of other
East yearn for the same things our mom's people did too. It was a brutal war. A lot
of folks died.
want, which is a peaceful world in which to
raise their children. Most people in the Mid And I find it interesting—not only inter
dle East long for peace. What we're dealing esting, I find it ironic in many ways that some
with are radicals and extremists who have a 60 years later, the son of the 18-year-old
dark vision for the future. And the funda fighter pilot was on Air Force One, flying
mental question facing this country is, will to Memphis, Tennessee, with the Prime
we have the nerve, will we have the will Minister of the former enemy, talking about
power, will we have the perseverance to do how to keep the peace. We talked about
North Korea. We talked about the fact that
the hard work today so a generation of
younger Americans can grow up in a more the way you defeat extremists and radicals
peaceful world? is by helping people realize the blessings of
And I take great hope, and I’m optimistic liberty. Isn't that interesting? The Prime
about achieving our objectives. First, I know Minister of the former enemy talking about
how good our military is. Point them in the the blessings of liberty and freedom.
right direction; give them a clear goal; and Something happened between World War
they'll achieve the objective. Second, I know II and 2006, and that was, Japan adopted a
how hard people are working to protect you. Japanese-style democracy. Liberty has the
Our intelligence is getting better. See, it's a capacity to transform enemies into allies.
different kind of war. You used to-could Liberty has the capacity to transform regions
1718 Oct. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

of hate into regions of hope. What you're see people, to support the maintenance and use
ing is the beginning of a victory against an of sustainable fisheries (1) as a source of nu
ideology of extremists, by an ideology that tritious food for the United States and the
yields the blessings of peace, an ideology that rest of the world, and (2) to meet the needs
enables the sons of former enemies to sit of commercial and recreational fishing. To
down, crafting strategy to make the world a implement the policy set forth above, the
better place for generations to come. Secretary of State, after consultation with the
And that's what's going to happen some Secretary of Commerce, shall:
day. Elected leaders in the Middle East will (1) work with other countries and inter
be sitting down with an American President, national organizations to eliminate
talking about how to keep the peace. And fishing practices that (a) jeopardize
our children and our grandchildren will be fish stocks or the habitats that support
better off for it. them, or (b) provide a commercial ad
And those are the stakes in this election. vantage to those who engage in such
It's an important election. And we need peo practices that is unfair in comparison
ple in the United States Congress who see with their competitors;
the world the way it is, not the way we would (2) work within Regional Fishery Man
hope it would be now. We have to have clear agement Organizations (RF MOs),
eyed realists on the one hand but people who and through other cooperative ar
have got faith in the great values, the uni rangements, to establish rules based
versal values that can enable us to look back on sound science to enhance sustain
when history passes by and say, we did our able fishing practices and to phase out
jobs. We were called to serve, and we served destructive fishing practices;
by leaving behind a better world—and Dean (3) work with other countries to establish
Heller is such a man. new RFMOs, or other cooperative in
Thanks for coming. God bless. stitutional arrangements, to protect
ecosystems in high seas areas where
NOTE: The President spoke at 5:29 p.m. at the no competent RFMO or other ar
Mercury Air Center. In his remarks, he referred rangement exists, including calling on
to Lynne Heller, wife of congressional candidate
Dean Heller, Gov. Kenny C. Guinn of Nevada all nations to protect vulnerable ma
and his wife, Dema; Mayor Bob Cashell of Reno, rine ecosystems by prohibiting their
NV. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of vessels from engaging in destructive
Turkey; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, senior Al fishing practices in areas of the high
Qaida leader responsible for planning the Sep seas where there are no applicable
tember 11, 2001, terrorist attack, who was cap conservation or management meas
tured in Pakistan on March 1, 2003; former Presi ures or in areas with no applicable
dent Saddam Hussein of Iraq; and former Prime international fishery management or
Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. He also re ganization or agreement, until such
ferred to S. 3930, the “Military Commissions Act time as conservation and manage
of 2006.”
ment measures consistent with the
goals of the Magnuson-Stevens Fish
Memorandum on Promoting ery Conservation and Management
Act (Public Law 94–265, as amend
Sustainable Fisheries and Ending ed), the United Nations Fish Stocks
Destructive Fishing Practices
Agreement, and other relevant instru
October 2, 2006
ments are adopted and implemented
Memorandum for the Secretary of State and to regulate such vessels and fisheries:
the Secretary of Commerce (4) work with other countries to develop
and promulgate criteria to guide the
Subject: Promoting Sustainable Fisheries and determination of which marine eco
Ending Destructive Fishing Practices systems are or are not at risk of dam
It shall be the policy of the United States, age or loss because of destructive fish
in advancing the interests of the American ing practices; and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1719

(5) work with other countries to combat I know firsthand; I watch him up close;
through enhanced monitoring and I've seen him in action. I think it makes sense
surveillance, including through the for people from the State of California to
use of Vessel Monitoring Systems and send somebody to Washington, DC, who
other technologies, fishing that is un trusts the people of California. And that's
lawful, unregulated, and unreported. Richard Pombo. I think it makes sense to
Further, to implement the policy set forth send somebody from the State of California
above, the Secretary of State, after consulta to Washington, DC, who knows what it
tion with the Secretary of Commerce, shall means to make a living off the land. And
carry out diplomatic activities for the pur that's Richard Pombo.
poses of (a) ending destructive fishing prac In all due respect to those of you who are
tices, and (b) promoting rules based on sound here who are attorneys of law—[laughter]—
science to support sustainable fisheries and we've got enough of those kind of people in
to end destructive fishing practices. Washington. [Laughter. It makes sense to
As used in this memorandum, the term have a rancher and a farmer—speak com
“destructive fishing practices” are practices. monsense language. See, what we need is
that destroy the long-term natural produc some common sense in Washington, DC.
tivity of fish stocks or habitats such as Chairman Richard Pombo brings common
seamounts, corals, and sponge fields for sense to the big debates of our time. He
short-term gain. brings practical experience when it comes to
This memorandum shall be implemented promoting cooperative conservation.
consistent with applicable law and subject to He understands, like I understand, that
the availability of appropriations. It is in being dependent on foreign oil endangers
tended only to improve the internal manage the United States of America. It's a national
ment of the executive branch and is not in security risk and an economic security risk.
tended to, and does not, create any right or Richard Pombo thinks strategically on behalf
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforce of the people of this district and the United
able at law or in equity by a party against States. I'm proud to support his efforts to
the United States, its departments, agencies, pass comprehensive energy. See, he and I
entities, officers, employees, or agents, or any know that technology is going to help us be
other person. come less dependent on foreign sources of
energy in the longer term. We'll be using
George W. Bush ethanol from a product grown right here in
California to power our cars. We'll have plug
NotE: This memorandum was released by the Of. in hybrid batteries. We'll be using hydrogen
fice of the Press Secretary on October 3. An origi to power our automobiles. But in the mean
nal was not available for verification of the content time, we need to be exploring in environ
of this memorandum. mentally friendly ways for energy from the
United States of America, to make us less
dependent on foreign sources of energy.
Remarks at a Breakfast for I'm proud to support Richard Pombo, a
Congressional Candidate Richard W. commonsense leader in the House of Rep
Pombo in Stockton, California resentatives, and urge you to send him back
October 3, 2006 to the United States Congress.
I want to thank you all for coming. I told
Thank you all very much. Thanks a lot. Richard when I walked up here, it's a good
Please be seated. I don't want your eggs to sign when the home folks show up in the
get cold. [Laughter] Mr. Chairman, thank numbers like you have. [Laughter] It's always
you for welcoming me to your district. I'm a good indication that when the people who
proud to be here on behalf of Richard know you best support you the strongest. So
Pombo, and I'm proud to be able to tell the I want to thank you for contributing of your
people of the State of California, he's doing hard-earned dollars and urge you to help this
a fine job for the people of this district. good man as we're coming down the stretch.
1720 Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

And that means turning out the vote, finding Pombo. You don't have to worry, and I don't
those solid Republicans, discerning Demo worry about him making sure our troops have
crats, and wise independents to go to the all that's needed to do their job to support
polls and send Richard Pombo back to the the United States of America and its people.
United States Congress. There's a lot of issues I could talk about,
Laura sends her best. She sends her best because there's big differences of opinion in
to Richard; she sends her best to Annette Washington, DC. I don't know how it gets
and the Pombo family; and she sends her translated back here at home. Sometimes
best to our many friends here in California. they go up to Washington and say one thing,
I'm a lucky man, when Laura said yes when and then come back and talk differently
I asked her to marry me. She has got to be when they–in front of the home people. You
the most patient woman in America. I realize don't have to worry about Richard Pombo.
I'm not very objective, but I'll report from He tells you exactly what he thinks. You don't
the homefront, America's got a fabulous First have to try to read between the lines. You
Lady in Laura Bush. don't have to worry about him taking a poll
And old Richard, the chairman, married to determine what he believes. He stands on
well himself—Annette, thank you for being principle, and that's what you need in Wash
here. Thank you for supporting Richard. And ington, D.C.
I'm proud to be here with Rena and Rachel. And he and I share a principle, and that
It's good to see you young women. Thanks is what to do with your money—how to we
for coming today. I know you'll be putting deal with the hard-working people's money.
up the signs and making those phone calls And make no mistake about it, there is a phil
for old dad coming down the stretch. osophical divide in Washington, DC. You
I'm proud to be with Ralph and Onita might remember what this Nation went
Pombo, Richard's mom and dad. I suspect through, what our economy went through
that Mrs. Pombo has something in common over the last 5% years. We had a recession.
with my mother—that they're both not afraid We had corporate scandals. There was, obvi
to tell us what to do. [Laughter] And my only ously, the devastating attack on September
advice, Richard, is you make sure you listen the 11th, 2001. We responded and protected
to her, because I'm listening to mine, you'll this people by taking a war to the enemy.
be happy to know. We've had hurricanes. We've had high en
I'm proud to be here with Mayor Ed Cha ergy prices. Yet our economy is the envy of
vez, the mayor of Stockton, California. Mr. the industrialized world.
Mayor, thank you for coming. It gives me The national unemployment rate is low.
great joy to be able to look out in the audi The entrepreneurial spirit is high. Small busi
ence and see one of the city's finest citizens nesses are making a living. Our farmers and
and a family we call friend in my household, ranchers—they probably don't want to admit
somebody who's been a friend with you dur it, but our farmers and ranchers are doing
ing good times and somebody who's a friend fine. See, I’m used to farmers and ranchers;
with you during not-so-good times but some after all, I'm from Texas, you might remem
body who's always a friend, and that's the ber. I also want to take a step back and tell
Spanos family. Alex and Faye, thank you for you, though, that a strong farm economy and
coming. a strong ranching economy is really impor
I want to thank all the local and State offi tant to the national economy.
cials who have joined us. I especially want And so, in spite of these obstacles, the
to thank Specialist Gerry Lee, United States economy has grown. And something hap
Army National Guard, who not only served pened, and what happened was, we cut the
in Iraq but went down and helped those souls taxes on the working people. We understand
recovering from Hurricane Katrina. It's an the role of government is not to try to create
honor to be the Commander in Chief of such wealth but to create an environment in which
fine, fine men and women, people who put the entrepreneurial spirit flourishes. The tax
on the uniform to the protect this country. relief we passed is working, and the Amer
And I'll tell you one thing about Richard ican economy is strong. And the fundamental
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1721

question is, how do we keep it strong? And make a lot of decisions on your behalf, and
Richard Pombo and I believe the best way many of those decisions were affected by the
to keep this economy growing is to make the fact that we lost nearly 3,000 of our citizens,
tax relief we passed permanent. 3,000 innocent lives on our soil on that fateful
And the Democrats don't agree. If the day. I vowed then, and I've vowed ever since,
Democrats were to gain power, they will to use every national asset at my disposal to
raise your taxes, because they believe they protect the American people. And the best
can spend your money better than you can. way to do so is to defeat those people over
Oh, you'll hear all kinds of excuses: “Let us seas so we do not have to face them here
raise your taxes to balance the budget.” at home.
That's not how Washington works. They will I thank Richard's support. I appreciate the
raise your taxes and figure out new ways to fact we've got Members of Congress who
spend your money. The best way to balance clearly see the enemy for what they are. You
the budget is to keep the taxes low so we can't negotiate with these people. You cannot
can grow our economy, which increases more hope that they will go away. I like to remind
tax revenues, and be wise about how we people, therapy isn't going to work. The best
spend your money. We're on our way to cut way to deal with these folks is to bring them
ting this deficit in half before the year 2009 to justice before they hurt America again.
because of the progrowth economic policies You know, there's a debate in Washington,
we put in place and because of fiscal conserv DC, about how to wage this war, and that's
atives like Richard Pombo. positive. Ours is a democracy; I welcome the
The issue on the economy is a big issue debate. But I also have a responsibility to
in any campaign. And I want the people of make it clear—the consequences of some of
this district to know, plain and simple, that the positions our opponents take. They say
if Richard's opponent wins, your taxes will that Iraq is a distraction in the war on terror.
go up. Make no mistake about it. The Demo I strongly disagree. I think Iraq is a central
crat Party is anxious to get their hands on front in the war on terror, and we must de
your money. If you want to keep taxes low, feat the enemy in Iraq if we want America
if you want to make sure this environment to be secure.
for small-business growth and farmers and But don't take my word for it about Iraq.
ranchers remains strong, put Richard Pombo Our fellow citizens ought to listen to the
back in the United States Congress, and we'll words of Usama bin Laden and Mr. Zawahiri,
work to make the tax cuts we passed perma who is his number two in Al Qaida. They
nent. have clearly stated that Iraq is a central front
I also appreciate his strong support in this in their war against us. They have made their
war on terror. I wish I could tell you that ambitions clear, and that is, to inflict harm
there wasn't a war, but that's not the truth. and damage on innocent life to the point
That is not the reality of the world in which where America says it's not worth it and re
we live. There's an enemy that still plots and treats and leaves before the job is done. They
plans, that wants to attack us again. They're have made their ambitions clear—to topple
a group of ideologues bound together by this moderate governments. Al Qaida's leader
evil vision of the world, that want to inflict ship has told us loud and clear in their own
harm on the United States because we stand words, their ambitions are to develop new
in the way of their ambitions and because safe haven from which to launch attacks.
we strongly believe in liberty. Imagine a world in which there are com
The most important job of the Federal peting forms of religious extremists trying to
Government in the beginning of the 21st achieve dominance, a world in which mod
century is to do everything in our power to erate governments feel no longer capable of
protect you from further attack. The key defending themselves against these radicals
issue in this campaign is the security of the and extremists, a world in which they control
United States of America. You got to under oil, and a world in which a theocracy may
stand, a lot of my thinking about the world have a nuclear weapon. Those are the stakes
changed on September the 11th, 2001. I as we begin the 21st century. We're in the
Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

midst of an ideological struggle. And the fun But we got to do a job here at home too.
damental question is, will we have people in See, our job is one in which we got to be
the United States Congress who see the right 100 percent of the time to protect you,
world the way it is, who clearly see the and the enemy has got to be right one time.
threats? And that's why, in the days after 9/11, I
I'm going to tell you this: 20 or 30 years would—I vowed that we would give those
from now it's not going to be said, during responsible for defending you the tools they
my administration or during Richard need to do so. We worked with Congress—
Pombo's time in Congress, that the United my administration worked with Congress to
States of America didn't confront these pass what's called the PATRIOT Act. It's the
first measure we took that would break down
threats now, in order to make our children
live in a more peaceful world. barriers that prevented intelligence and law
It's hard work, but it's necessary work. Iraq enforcement personnel from sharing infor
mation with each other.
is a central part on the war on terror, and
we have a plan for victory there. We have It's probably hard for you to understand,
a security plan that will chase down those but law enforcement and intelligence officers
extremists and radicals who would like to do couldn't talk, and so the PATRIOT Act ad
us harm, and enable the Iraqis to defend dressed that issue. How can you protect the
themselves. We have a political strategy, and American people if you don't have all
that is to stand squarely with the 12 million branches of government sharing information,
is what we thought.
people who said loud and clear, “We want We also established the terrorist surveil
to be free.”
lance program to monitor terrorist commu
You know, it must seem like an etermity nications in and out of our country. We cre
to you, when you think about those elections ated a program with the Central Intelligence
last December. It certainly does to me, in Agency to detain and question key terrorist
some ways. Ultimately, when this chapter of operatives that were captured on the battle
history will be written, however, it's going field. I told the American people we would
to be a comma—the Iraqis voted, comma, give our folks on the frontline of fighting ter
and the United States of America understood ror to protect you the tools necessary.
that Iraq was a central front in the war on On each of these programs, the Democrats
terror and helped this young democracy have said they share our goals. But when it
flourish so that a generation of Americans comes time to vote, they consistently oppose
wouldn't have to worry about the extremists giving our personnel the tools they need to
emanating from that country to hurt the protect us. Time and time again, the Demo
American people. crats want to have it both ways. They talk
The stakes are high. The Democrats are tough on terror, but when the votes are
the party of cut-and-run. Ours is a party that counted, their softer side comes out.
has got a clear vision and says we will give Let's take the PATRIOT Act. In the weeks
our commanders and troops the support nec after 9/11, we passed this vital law—and I
essary to achieve that victory in Iraq. We will want to thank Richard Pombo for his sup
stay in Iraq: we will fight in Iraq; and we port. You don't have to worry about him. He
will win in Iraq. understands that those on the frontline of
Our strategy is to stay on the offense, and fighting terror need to have the tools nec
we will do that. You just got to know there's essary to protect you. And in the 5 years since
some fine, fine, brave men and women in that law was passed, it has proved invaluable
uniform, and some not in uniform—in the to stopping new attacks on our country. Our
intelligence services, doing everything they law enforcement community has used the
can to find the enemy every single day. It's law to break up terror cells or prosecute ter
hard to plot and plan when you're hiding in rorist operatives and supporters in California,
a cave and are on the run. And that's our in Texas and New Jersey and Illinois and
strategy, and that's the way we're going to North Carolina and Virginia, Ohio, New
keep it. York, and Florida.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1723

In 2001, the vote in the United States Sen Qaida planners are making phone calls into
ate to pass this law was 98 to 1. But when the United States, then you vote Republican.
the bill came up for renewal in 2005, Senate We got to make sure people have got the
Democrats filibustered it—that means, tried tools necessary to defeat this enemy in a new
to talk it to death. That's what filibuster kind of war. After the 9/11 attacks, I estab
means up in Washington-speak. They didn't lished a CIA program to detain and question
want it to pass. In fact, the Senate Democrat key terrorist operatives and leaders who were
Leader bragged, “We killed the PATRIOT captured on the battlefield in this war on ter
Act.” That's what he said. When he was asked
ror. Captured terrorists have unique knowl
later by a reporter whether killing the PA edge about where their operatives are de
TRIOT Act was really something to cele ployed and what plots may be underway. In
brate, he answered, “Of course it is.” The other words, they know. And it seems like
Democrat attempt to filibuster the PA it makes sense for us to know what they
TRIOT Act follows an approach that might know, in order to protect you.
sound familiar: They voted for it before they See, I know the security of the United
voted against it. States depends on getting this kind of infor
Eventually, common sense prevailed. The mation. For the past 5 years, the good and
bill was passed, and I signed it into law, and decent professionals of the CIA have worked
I firmly believe the American people are tirelessly to get information from captured
safer because that bill was renewed.
terrorists that enabled us to stop new attacks
After 9/11, we recognized the need for on our homeland and to save American lives.
new tools to learn what the terrorists are
planning and then to be able to move quickly Every American must understand what
to stop them. See, this is a different kind this program has meant to the security of our
of war—that is, different kind of threats— country. Information from the terrorists
and we've got to make sure the tools are questioned by the CIA helped break up a
given to those on the frontline of protecting cell of Southeast Asian terrorist operatives
you. If the biggest issue and the biggest job that had been groomed for attacks inside the
of the Federal Government is to protect you, United States. The program helped us stop
we must have the tools necessary to do so. an Al Qaida cell from developing anthrax for
So I directed the National Security Agency attacks against the United States. This pro
to establish the terrorist surveillance program gram helped us stop a planned strike on a
to track terrorist communications between U.S. Marine camp in Djibouti. It helped pre
someone overseas and someone in the vent a planned attack on the U.S. consulate
United States. The philosophy behind this in Karachi. It helped foil a plot to hijack
program is pretty clear: If Al Qaida planes and fly them into Heathrow Airport
operatives are making calls in the United and London's Canary Wharf.
States, we need to know who they're calling, Were it not for the information gained
why they're calling, and what they're plan from the terrorists questioned by the Central
ning. Intelligence Agency, our intelligence com
Apparently, this simple logic is not very munity believes that Al Qaida and its allies
clear to the Democrats in the United States would have succeeded in launching another
Congress. Last week, when legislation pro attack against the American homeland. The
viding additional authority for the terrorist CIA program has saved lives, and it remains
surveillance program came before the House one of the most vital tools our Nation has
of Representatives, 177 Democrats voted in the war against these extremists and ter
against listening in on terrorists communica rorists.
tions. Last week, Congress held a vote on the
The stakes in this election couldn't be future of this CIA program. The choice be
more clear. If you don't think we should be fore every Member was clear: Should the
listening in on the terrorists, then you ought CIA program continue or not? Congress
to vote for the Democrats. If you want your voted to continue the program. I look for
government to continue listening in when Al ward to signing it into law.
1724 Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The vote tells us a great deal about where proach to the midterm elections. She said
the two parties stand when it comes to de this—and I quote—she said this election,
fending America in this war on terror. In the quote, “should not be about national secu
House of Representatives, 160 Democrats— rity.” I strongly disagree. The security of this
including the entire Democrat leadership— country comes first, as far as I'm concerned.
voted against continuing this program. Think And this Government, with supporters like
about that. Almost 80 percent of the House Richard Pombo, will do everything we can
Democrats want to stop a program that has to protect you. Of course, to give the Leader
provided invaluable intelligence that's saved some credit, given her party's record on na
American lives. In the Senate, 32 Democrats, tional security, I can see why she feels that
including every member of the Senate lead way. [Laughter] I wouldn't want to be talking
ership save one, voted to kill this vital pro about the record, either.
gram. That means almost three-quarters of The difference between our parties comes
the Democrats in the Senate, including both down to this: Democrats take a law enforce
of your Senators here in California, voted to ment approach to terrorism—that means
stop the men and women of the CIA from America will wait until we're attacked again
continuing a program to get information before we respond. We believe we're at war,
from terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Moham and we will prevent those attacks from hap
med about planned attacks on the United pening in the first place.
States. Their record is clear. When people go to
During the debate on the Senate floor, one the polls here in this district and districts
senior Democrat, their ranking member on around the country, I want them to look at
the Judiciary Committee, compared the the record, to look at the facts. Democrats
brave Americans who question these terror have voted time and again to deny our per
ists to the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. This sonnel the tools they need to protect you.
exposes a dangerous mindset on the part of Republicans are giving you the tools they
Democrats in Congress. You can't defend need—giving our folks the tools they need
America if you cannot tell the difference be to keep this country safe. If you want leaders
tween the CIA officers who protect their fel in Washington that understand the enemy we
low citizens and brutal dictators who kill their face and who are not going to sit back and
fellow citizens. wait for them to attack us again, I urge you
Another Senate Democrat said that allow to send Richard Pombo back to the United

ing the CIA to go forward with this program States Congress.

to questionthe most dangerous terrorists we Again, I want to thank you for coming. I
believe the decisions that I have made have
have captured would diminish the security
and safety of Americans everywhere. If they made this country safer. And I believe the
feel we are safer without this program, the decisions I have made to take the enemy on
Democrats in the United States Senate need overseas and to promote liberty and freedom
to explain to the American people which of to people who are desperate to be free—I
the attacks that the CIA program stopped believe those decisions are laying the founda
would they have been willing to let go for tion of peace for a generation to come.
ward. I'm proud to be on the stage with a fellow
We got a clear record on this issue. We citizen who understands the power of liberty
know this program is making Americans to bring the peace we want. I'm proud to
safer, and we're not going to allow the Demo be with you all as you help this good man
crats in Congress to take it away. get reelected. I thank you for your prayers.
People of this district have got to under I thank you for being here, and may God
stand, there's a different mindset. Look, peo bless you all.
ple in Washington are patriotic people. The NOTE: The President spoke at 9:22 a.m. at the
Democrats are good people; they've just got Stockton Memorial Civic Auditorium. In his re
a different view of the world than I have. marks, he referred to Annette Pombo, wife of
They don't see it the way I see it. The House Representative Richard W. Pombo: Alex G.
Democrat Leader summed up her party's ap Spanos, owner, San Diego Chargers professional
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1725

football team, and his wife, Faye; Usama bin course, the superintendent and principal
Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organiza know that.
tion; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, senior Al Qaida We also had a reminder of the need for
leader responsible for planning the September 11, people in positions of responsibility to uphold
2001, terrorist attack, who was arrested in Pakistan
on March 1, 2003; and former President Saddam that responsibility when it comes to children,
Hussein of Iraq. in the case of Congressman Mark Foley. I
was dismayed and shocked to learn about
Congressman Foley's unacceptable behavior.
Remarks at George W. Bush I was disgusted by the revelations and dis
Elementary School in Stockton appointed that he would violate the trust of
the citizens who placed him in office.
October 3, 2006 Families have every right to expect that
when they send their children to be a con
The President. I want to thank Sylvia gressional page in Washington, that those
Ulmer, the principal of George W. Bush Ele children will be safe. We have every right
mentary School, for welcoming me. It's such as citizens to expect people who hold higher
an honor, Sylvia—and Jack, thank you, sir— office behave responsibly in that office. I
it's such an honor to have a school named
fully support Speaker Hastert's call for an in
after me. When I pulled in the parking lot vestigation by law enforcement into this mat
and I saw George W. Bush Elementary, I ter. This investigation should be thorough
couldn't think of a higher tribute to a person, and any violations of the law should be pros
and I thank you all and the citizens of this ecuted.
community for this honor and tribute. Frank Now, I know Denny Hastert; I meet with
ly, I was a little emotional when I pulled him a lot. He is a father, teacher, coach, who
cares about the children of this country. I
Sylvia Ulmer. So am I. So am I. know that he wants all the facts to come out,
The President. I want to thank the teach and he wants to ensure that these children
ers and the faculty here. I can't wait to tell up there on Capitol Hill are protected. I'm
Laura that I went into the Laura Bush Li confident he will provide whatever leader
brary and saw teachers working hard to teach ship he can to law enforcement in this inves
kids how to read. It's just a blessing to be tigation.
there. Again, I want to thank you for your hospi
You know, being at this school reminds us, tality. It's an honor to be here. Appreciate
we have a special responsibility to protect our your time. God bless. Thank you.
children. One of the most important jobs of
those involved with schools and government NOTE: The President spoke at 10:28 a.m. In his
is to make sure that children are safe. And
remarks, he referred to Jack McLaughlin, super
Laura and I were saddened and deeply con intendent, Stockton Unified School District.
cerned, like a lot of other citizens around the
country, about the school shootings that took
place in Pennsylvania and Colorado and Wis Remarks at a Reception for
consin. We grieve with the parents, and we Congressional Candidate John T.
share the concerns of those who worry about Doolittle in El Dorado Hills,
safety in schools. California
Yesterday I instructed Attorney General October 3, 2006
Gonzales and Secretary of Education Mar
garet Spellings to convene a meeting next Thank you for coming. Thanks for the
Tuesday, a meeting of leading experts and warm welcome. It's good to be in El Dorado
stakeholders to determine how best the Fed County. [Laughter] I can see why you live
eral Government can help States and local here. It's a beautiful part of the world. And
governments improve school safety. Our I'm honored to be standing here with a man
schoolchildren should never fear their safety who has done a fine job as a Member of the
when then enter to a classroom. And, of United States Congress, John Doolittle.
1726 Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

He was telling me on the way in, you did Something happened, and what happened
a pretty good job filling the hat—[laugh was, we cut the taxes on the working people
terl—and I want to thank you for doing that. and the small-business owners. Our philos
He deserves your support. He's a straight ophy is that the more money you have in
forward, honest, decent man with a lot of your pocket, the better off the economy is.
common sense. That's what we need in We like it when you've got more money to
Washington, DC–a lot of common sense. save, spend, and invest. We know that when
And I'm proud to be standing with John Doo you save, spend, or invest, the economy
little, and I appreciate Julie, and I appreciate grows.
his family. That stands in stark contrast to our oppo
I'm also proud to be here with the Con ments, the Democrats. They believe they can
gressman from the next district, and that spend your money better than you can. And
would be Dan Lungren. Dan, thank you for make no mistake about it, one of the funda
coming, and I'm glad you brought Bobbi with mental differences of this campaign is what
you. I also appreciate Doug Ose, a former will the tax rates look like. If you vote Repub
Congressman. Doug is with us, a good friend lican, we're going to keep the taxes low. If
of mine—I'm proud to be with him. the people vote Democrat, the Government
The truth of the matter is, old John, when is getting into your pocket and spend your
he's thinking about who could come and money on your behalf.
speak, really didn't want me first. [Laughter] Now, you might not—listen carefully to
He had somebody else in mind for this the rhetoric in this campaign. You see, we've
event—not Barbara—[laughter]—Laura. got these tax cuts in place, and a lot of them
That shows good judgment. [Laughter are going to expire. So when you hear people
Laura sends her best to the Doolittles. She, say, “Well, we're not going to extend the tax
like me, strongly believes John deserves to cuts,” that really means they're going to raise
be reelected to the United States Congress. your taxes. It's like saying to somebody—just
And we want to thank you for doing that. giving them a raise and say, “Well, I'm going
By the way, I know I'm not very objective, to take the raise away from you.” That's not
a ral Se.
but I think Laura is a fabulous First Lady.
I know she's a great wife and a fabulous In order to make sure this economy con
mother, and she's got to be the most patient tinues to grow, in order to make sure the
woman in America. [Laughter] entrepreneurial spirit remains strong, in
I believe strongly that our philosophy rep order to make sure our small-business sector
resents the philosophy that is the most hope continues to lead economic growth, we need
ful for all Americans. I believe our philos to make the tax cuts permanent. And John
ophy is one that works, because we've seen Doolittle understands that. He knows it loud
it work. Take, for example, the economy. I and clear. He stands on principle in Wash
want you all to remember that the past 5 ington, DC. He trusts you with your own
years, this economy has been through a lot. money.
It's been through a recession, corporate scan You'll hear these—all kinds of excuses
dals; it's been through a terrorist attack on about why they want to raise your taxes. Per
the United States. The economy had to en haps the one you hear the most of is, well,
dure the fact that I decided to protect this we just need to raise your taxes to balance
country by going on the offense against the the budget. The problem is, that's not the
terrorists, and so we had a war in Afghanistan way Washington, DC, works. I've been up
and a war in Iraq–and natural disasters we there long enough to know how it works.
had to deal with, high energy prices. And yet, They'll figure out new ways to spend your
the economy of the United States is the envy money when they raise your taxes. They'll
of the industrialized world. People are work have more money to spend on pet projects.
ing. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong. Our The best way to balance the budget is to keep
farmers and ranchers are doing well. Small taxes low, grow the economy—which yields
businesses are growing. Productivity is up. more tax revenues, set priorities with your
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1727

money, and be fiscally sound. And that's what your money on research to enable this coun
we're going to continue to do. try to become less dependent on foreign
And the single biggest priority to spend sources of oil, and in the meantime, we need
with your money is to make sure our troops to be exploring for oil and gas in environ
have all the equipment, training, and support mentally friendly ways right here in the
they need to do their job. And Congressman United States of America.
John Doolittle understands that. And I'm There's a lot of issues I look forward to
proud to say that by working with people in working with Congressman Doolittle on:
the Congress like Congressman Doolittle, making sure our education system continues
our military is well-funded and the esprit de to hold people to account; making sure the
corps is high. I can't tell you how great it health care system empowers patients and
is to be the Commander in Chief of such providers—and not the Federal Government
wonderful people, men and women who, in when it comes to making decisions for you;
the face of danger, said, “I volunteer to serve making sure we get legal liability for our doc
the United States of America to protect our tors. We got too many junk lawsuits that are
freedoms.” Our military is great, and we in running good doctors out of practice, which
tend to keep it that way, for your sake. is running up the cost of your medicine.
I couldn't help but notice there's a lot of And I look forward to working with John
farmers and ranchers in this part of the to make sure our faith-based and commu
world. I strongly suggest making sure you've nity-based initiative still has support in the
got a Congressman in Washington, DC, who United States Congress. Let me tell you
understands how important it is to have a something about this country. The great
strong agricultural sector. I personally be strength of America is not in our military or
lieve that when the ag sector is strong, our not in the size of our wallets but exists in
economy is strong. And I know full well the hearts and souls of our fellow citizens.
we've got to have a strong agricultural sector I am proud of and complimentary of the fact
for national security reasons. John Doolittle that thousands of our citizens volunteer on
understands farming, and he understands a daily basis to feed the hungry, find shelter
ranching, and he's representing you well in for the homeless—without one single law.
the United States Congress. People hear that call to love a neighbor just
Speaking about national security, we got like you'd like to be loved yourself. And it's
to make sure we become less dependent on changing our country, and it's saving souls.
foreign sources of oil. There's a complacency, And the Federal Government ought not to
I'm sure, that's going to start setting in here fear the influence of faith in our society, but
because gasoline prices are low. And I'm glad we ought to welcome faith-based and com
they're going down. I'm glad for the sake of munity projects to help solve America's most
the working people in the United States. I'm intractable problems.
glad for the sake of the farmers and ranchers. There's going to be a lot of domestic issues
I'm glad, for the sake of those who make a we will be working on. But by far the biggest
living on the highways, that the price of gaso issue of this campaign and the biggest issue
line is going down. But that doesn't lessen confronting the Federal Government is this:
the national security consequences of being the security of you, the security of the United
dependent on foreign sources of oil. States. Make no mistake about it, there's an
And so I look forward to working with John enemy that still lurks, an enemy that still
Doolittle to fund research and development plans, an enemy that still plots, an enemy
on technologies that will enable us to drive that still wants to hurt the United States of
automobiles with ethanol or to be able to America. These are ideologues bound by a
have new batteries that will enable you to hateful ideology. They can't stand what
drive the first 40 miles on electricity—and America stands for.
your car is not going to have to look like a We believe strongly in the right of people
golf cart—[laughter)—or eventually to worship any way they see fit. As a matter
powering your automobiles by hydrogen. of fact, one of the great strengths of the
And this is coming. We're spending a lot of United States of America is you're equally
1728 Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

American if you're a Muslim or a Jew or a that this state sponsor of terror, a person who
Christian or a Hindu or an agnostic or atheist. had used weapons of mass destruction, a per
You have a right to choose in the United son who invaded his neighbors, the sworn
States of America, and that right is a sacred enemy of the United States, someone who
right. But that's not the case with these was shooting at U.S. pilots, someone who de
ideologues. If you don't worship the way they fied the United Nations resolution—remov
want you to worship, there's penalty, and ing him from power has made America safer
harsh penalties at that. They don't believe and the world a better place.
in the public square. They don't believe in The debate is active and alive, and that's
people being able to dissent. They're bound good. You hear people in Washington, DC,
by this ideology, and they've got objectives. say that Iraq is a distraction from the war
And their objective is to drive the United on terror. I believe it is a central front in
States from parts of the world so they can the war on terror, and I believe we must de
spread their ideology throughout the Middle feat the enemy and help that young democ
East in the form of a caliphate. racy succeed in order to make sure this
I like to remind people that we're in the homeland is more secure. But don't believe
ideological struggle of the 21st century. It's me. Just listen to the words of Usama bin
a struggle between good and evil. It's a strug Laden or Zawahiri, the number two in Al
gle between moderate people and extremists. Qaida. They have loudly proclaimed that Iraq
It's a struggle between those who believe in is central to their ambitions. They have made
democracy and those who support tyranny. it abundantly clear that they will continue
And the decisions that we make today will their murderous ways to drive us out of Iraq
affect the security of the United States and so they can establish safe haven from which
affect the type of world your children and to launch further attacks.
grandchildren live in. They want a capacity to be able to topple
These are historic times, and they're tough moderate governments who do not subscribe
times, and they require steady leadership to their view of the world. Imagine a world
from the United States of America. And I 20 or 30 years from now where moderate
need steady support in the United States governments have been toppled, where ex
Congress to protect this country. After 9/11, tremists are battling for power in the Middle
I came to these conclusions: One, that in East, where these killers have got control of
order to protect you, in order to defeat this oil resources, which they would use to punish
enemy .." hatred, that we must stay on the the free world economically if the free world
offense. We must defeat the enemy overseas didn't concede to their demands. Imagine
so we do not have to face them here at home. that kind of world in the midst of which was
I concluded that where we find people har a country with a nuclear weapon aiming to
boring these terrorists, they should be judged and vowing to destroy our close friend Israel.
equally as guilty as the terrorists. And the If that world were ever to exist because the
Taliban found out what the United States United States of America lost its nerve during
meant when they refused to turn over Al this battle in Iraq, history would look back
Qaida. And today, because of the actions of and say, what happened to them? How come
our coalition in Afghanistan, terrorist training they couldn't see the problem? How come
camps and safe havens have been eliminated: they lost their nerve and left a generation
25 million people now live in freedom; and of Americans to deal with a troubled world?
the world is better off for it. Now is the time to confront this group of
And of course, the great debate is Iraq. killers and these extremists. Now is the time
The debate you'll hear a lot of talk about to defend the United States of America by
is, what should the United States of America defeating the enemy overseas. Now is the
do in Iraq” The first thing I would ask the time to stand with the 12 million people who
Democrats is, do they truly believe the world demanded their liberty. Now is the time to
would be better off with Saddam Hussein help young democracies and moderates
still in power? And if so, they need to say around the world, so when history looks back,
it loud and clear—because I know full well they can say they did their duty and they
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1729

laid the foundation of peace for a generation ment, and that is to protect you from further
to COme.
attack. Time and time again, the Democrats
The challenge of defending you here at want to have it both ways. They talk tough
home is immense, because we've got to be on terror, but when it comes time—when
right 100 percent of the time, and the enemy their votes are counted, their softer side
has only got to be right one time. And that's comes out. [Laughter
why, after 9/11, I called upon the Congress You don't have to worry about Doolittle.
to make sure that those responsible for de |Laughter. He understands the stakes. He
fending you have got all the tools necessary understands the cause.
to do so. I worked with Congress to pass the If you've got a second, I'd like to review
PATRIOT Act to break down walls that pre these three acts and the legislative history
vented the intelligence services from talking in the hopes of clarifying the differences be
to the criminal justice, the law enforcement tween how we think and how the other peo
personnel. I can't explain very well why that ple think. First, on the PATRIOT Act: In
was the case. I'm sure you're wondering how the weeks after 9/11, we passed this vital law,
come somebody who gathered intelligence in and in the 5 years since, it has proved invalu
the United States couldn't share that same able to stopping further attacks. In other
information with law enforcement, but nev words, it's worked. The law enforcement
ertheless, that's the way it was. community has used the law to break up ter
You cannot defend this country unless all ror cells or prosecute terrorist operatives and
branches of government have the capacity to supporters in California and Texas, New Jer
talk to each other, to share information. This sey, Illinois, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio,
is a different kind of war. This isn't a war New York, Oregon, and Florida.
measured by the number of platoons or size In 2001, the vote in the United States Sen
of a navy. This is a war in which we must ate was 98 to 1. And then, 5 years later, when
find about the intentions of the enemy and the bill came up for renewal, the Senate
take care of them before they come and hurt Democrats filibustered it. That's Wash
ington-talk for trying to kill it. They didn't
And so therefore, our people need the want it to go forward. As a matter of fact,
tools necessary to protect you. And that's why the Senate Democrat leaders, when they
I established the terrorist surveillance pro were filibustering, said, “We killed the PA
gram to monitor terrorist communications TRIOT Act.” And a reporter said whether
coming into this country and out of this coun that was something to celebrate—does that
try. Listen, after 9/11, we created the pro really make sense to celebrate that maneu
gram with the Central Intelligence Agency ver? And his answer was, “Of course it is.”
to detain and question key leaders that we See, there's a difference of opinion in
picked up off the battlefield. When I said Washington, DC. It's a difference of opinion
we're going to give these people tools, those in this campaign and campaigns around the
are the kind of tools I was talking about. country. As a matter of fact, saying they were
On each of these programs—the PA for the PATRIOT Act and then working to
TRIOT Act and the terrorist surveillance kill the PATRIOT Act kind of reminds me
program and the legislation to authorize ag of another campaign. [Laughter] We may be
gressive interrogation of terrorists—the heading back to the old days. Finally, the fili
Democrats say they share our goals, but buster died, and I signed the law, and the
when it comes time to vote, they have con United States of America is safer because of
sistently opposed giving our personnel the it.
tools they need to protect us. And this is an I know you're familiar with the program
issue in this campaign. of the National Security Agency called the
The issue in this campaign is which party, terrorism surveillance program that I in
which group of individuals have got the will stalled. I did so to protect you. The philos
and the foresight necessary to give our pro ophy behind the program is pretty clear,
fessionals the tools necessary so they can do pretty simple to understand. If Al Qaida or
the most important job facing our Govern an Al Qaida associate is calling into the
1730 Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
United States, we want to know why. We had been groomed for an attack on the
want to know their intentions. We want to United States. The program helped us stop
be able to prevent an attack. an Al Qaida cell from developing anthrax for
People say, “Well, how do you know attacks against the United States. It helped
they're Al Qaida?" Well, a lot of times, we're stop a planned strike on a U.S. Marine camp
picking up information on the battlefield— in Djibouti, prevent a planned attack on the
say, one of these people we pick up has got U.S. Consulate in Karachi. It helped foil a
a phone number on their possession, and it plot to hijack airplanes and fly them into
happens to be a U.S. phone number. I think Heathrow or London's Canary Wharf.
it makes sense—I don't care whether you're In other words, from this program, we got
Republican or Democrat or independent— vital information that enabled us to act to
for the United States—[laughter)—won protect you. Were it not for this information
dering why somebody would be calling that from the terrorists questioned by the CIA,
phone number. [Laughter our intelligence community believes that Al
Last week, when the legislation providing Qaida and its allies would have succeeded
additional authority for the terrorist surveil in launching another attack against the
lance program came before the House of United States.
Representatives, 177 Democrats voted Last week, the Congress held a vote on
against listening in on terrorist communica the future of this program. The choice before
tions. See, it's a clear position. It's a clear every Member was clear: Should the CIA
signal of how they view the world in which program continue or not? Congress voted to
we live. I'm not saying these people are not continue the program, thankfully, for the se
patriotic; they are. I'm not saying they don't curity of the country. I'm looking forward to
love America; they do. They just see the signing this bill into law. And I thank John
world differently, and it's an important issue Doolittle for his strong support in helping
in this campaign, as to how we see the world. getting that bill out of the United States
I see the world as a dangerous place. I House of Representatives.
see the world with enemies coming to try In this campaign season, this vote tells us
to hurt us. I see our most important job is a great deal—the vote on this bill tells a great
to protect you. And therefore, we will give deal where the two parties stand. In other
our folks on the frontline of terror the tools words, you can get rid of all the rhetoric and
necessary to do so. you can look where the parties stand. In the
I want to spend a little time on this CIA House of Representatives, 160 Democrats,
program. I set up the program to detain and including the entire Democrat leadership,
question key terrorist operatives and leaders voted against continuing this program.
who were captured on the battlefield. You Eighty percent of House Democrats want to
see, a captured leader may have some infor stop a program that has provided invaluable
mation that will help protect you. You know, intelligence that has saved American lives.
they may know plans; they may understand In the Senate, 32 Democrats, including
what plots are underway. And I know that every member of their Senate leadership
our security depends on getting this kind of save one, voted to kill the program, which
information. means that about three-quarters of the
In the past 5 years, the good and decent Democrats in the Senate, including both of
professionals of the CIA have worked tire the Senators from the State of California,
lessly to get information from captured ter voted to stop the men and women of the
rorists that enabled us to stop new attacks CIA from continuing a program to get infor
on the homeland. In other words, we were mation from terrorists like Khalid Sheikh
able to get vital information that we can act Mohammed about planned attacks on the
on to protect you. Every American has got United States of America.
to understand the importance of this pro We just have a fundamental difference,
gram. Information from the terrorists ques and it's a key difference for all Americans
tioned by the CIA helped break up a cell to look at and listen to. During the debate
of Southeast Asian terrorist operatives that on the Senate floor, one senior Democrat,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1731

their ranking member on the Judiciary Com going to sit back and wait to be attacked
mittee, compared the brave Americans who again, you make sure you send people like
question the terrorists to the Taliban and John Doolittle back to the United States
Saddam Hussein. I believe this exposes a Congress.
dangerous mindset on the part of Democrats I'm an optimistic fellow. I believe strongly
in the United States Congress. You can't de in my heart of hearts that not only will we
fend America if you can't tell the difference secure this country, but we will do the hard
between brave CIA officers who protect their work necessary to help moderates and rea
fellow citizens and brutal dictators who kill
sonable people and people who long for
their citizens.
peace in the Middle East achieve their
I'm not making any of this up. [Laughter] dreams. When we find young democracies
Another Senate Democrat said that allowing attacked by extremists, we'll help them sur
the CIA to go forward with its program to vive. When we find liberty challenged in dark
question the most dangerous terrorists we corners of the world, we'll stand with those
have captured would, in this person's words, reformers and those reasonable people who
"diminish the security and safety of Ameri are anxious to see the extremists defeated
cans everywhere.” We just have a different and marginalized. This is the call of the 21st
mindset, a different view of the world. If they century. This is the challenge for our genera
feel safer without this program, the Demo tion. And I'm confident, I'm confident, that
crats in the Senate need to explain to the our generation will rise to that challenge.
American people which of the attacks that And when history looks back, they will say,
the CIA program stopped would they have job well done.
been willing to let go forward. Thanks for coming. God bless.
Protecting your country is the number-one
priority as far as I'm concerned, and it's the
number-one priority as far as Congressman NOTE: The President spoke at 2:12 p.m. at the
Doolittle is concerned. We must see the Serrano Country Club. In his remarks, he referred
world the way it is and stay on the offense to Julia Harlow, wife of Representative John T.
Doolittle; Bobbi Lungren, wife of Representative
and bring these people to justice before they Daniel E. Lungren; former President Saddam
hurt any American citizen. Hussein of Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader of the
But there is a different point of view in Al Qaida terrorist organization; and Khalid Sheikh
Washington. The House Democratic Leader, Mohammed, senior Al Qaida leader responsible
right here from the State of California, for planning the September 11, 2001, terrorist at
summed up her party's approach to the mid tack, who was captured in Pakistan on March 1,
term elections this way: She said, “This elec
tion shouldn't be about national security.”
Well, I think it's about national security, and
I think when the people take a good look Remarks on Arrival in Los Angeles,
about the dangers confronting the United
States of America, they'll think it's about na October 3, 2006
tional security. Democrats take a law en
forcement approach to terrorism that means
America will wait until we're attacked again California Wildfires
to respond. That's kind of a pre-9/11 men Thank you all very much for talking on Air
tality, and it's not going to make this country Force One. We had a briefing on the fires
any safer. that have been ravaging country here in Cali
We believe that we're in a war and that fornia. I was proud to be here with the U.S.
we must prevent attacks from happening in Forest Service—as you can see, one of the
the first place by staying on the offense. If yellow shirts. These are the people on the
you want leaders in Washington who under frontline of fighting these fires.
stand the enemy we face and will give our And they brought me up to date, particu
folks the tools necessary to protect you, if larly on the Day Fire. And that fire has been
you want people in Washington who are not contained, which is good news for the people
1732 Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

of California. I congratulate the Forest Serv grams are vital since treatments are most ef
ice for their planning and operational plan fective when breast cancer is detected early.
ning on fighting this fire.
I really want to thank the brave firefighters
Our Nation is making advances in the de
tection and treatment of breast cancer, and
who risk their lives on a daily basis to contain my Administration is committed to con
the fires. I was briefed on the Healthy Forest tinuing this progress. In fiscal year 2007, the
Initiative, particularly in the urban interface Department of Health and Human Services
and was pleased to hear we're making will spend nearly $844 million on breast can
progress on helping to contain fires once they cer research and prevention activities. In ad
start. We've got a lot more work to do. I be dition, the Federal Government is promoting
lieve Congress needs to pass further law that breast cancer screening services for low-in
will enable us to restore forests once they've come and uninsured women through out
been burned. reach activities and educational materials.
But all in all, it's been a good lesson for Throughout our Nation, compassionate
us to watch these Forest Service people do citizens provide love and encouragement to
their job, and I’m really proud of them. I individuals living with breast cancer and their
want to thank you for joining me, and I con loved ones. Survivors of this disease show the
gratulate you for your good work. world that life after breast cancer can be a
Thank you. reality, and we must continue to support
these individuals and their families. Through
NOTE: The President spoke at 4:52 p.m. at the medical advances, preventative programs,
Los Angeles International Airport. A tape was not and quality health care, we can continue to
available for verification of the content of these make significant strides in the fight against
this devastating disease and provide a bright
er future for many Americans.
Proclamation 8059—National Breast Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States, by virtue of
Cancer Awareness Month, 2006 the authority vested in me by the Constitu
October 3, 2006 tion and laws of the United States, do hereby
proclaim October 2006 as National Breast
By the President of the United States Cancer Awareness Month. I call upon Gov
of America ernment officials, businesses, communities,
health care professionals, educators, volun
A Proclamation
teers, and all the people of the United States
During National Breast Cancer Awareness to continue our Nation's strong commitment
Month, we underscore our commitment to to preventing and treating breast cancer and
advancing the fight against breast cancer and to finding a cure for this disease.
bringing hope to those affected by this deadly In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
disease. my hand this third day of October, in the
Breast cancer remains the second leading year of our Lord two thousand six, and of
cause of cancer deaths among American the Independence of the United States of
women, and both men and women should America the two hundred and thirty-first.
be aware that age, obesity, genetics, and fam George W. Bush
ily history are factors that can contribute to
the risk of developing this disease. Individ [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
uals may help reduce their personal risk of 11:47 a.m., October 4, 2006]
breast cancer through regular exercise and
healthy lifestyle choices. Also, regular self NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
exams, clinical breast exams, and mammo Federal Register on October 5.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 3 1733

Proclamation 8060—National designated October of each year as “National

Disability Employment Awareness Disability Employment Awareness Month.”
Month, 2006 Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
October 3, 2006
by virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and laws of the United
By the President of the United States
of America States, do hereby proclaim October 2006 as
National Disability Employment Awareness
A Proclamation
Month. I call upon Government officials,
labor leaders, employers, and the people of
During National Disability Employment the United States to observe this month with
Awareness Month, we pay tribute to the ac appropriate programs, ceremonies, and ac
complishments of the men and women with tivities.
disabilities whose work helps keep America's In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
economy strong, and we underscore our my hand this third day of October, in the
commitment to ensuring equal employment year of our Lord two thousand six, and of
opportunity for all of our citizens. the Independence of the United States of
Our country has made great progress to America the two hundred and thirty-first.
ensure that opportunities are accessible to George W. Bush
everyone who is willing and able to work.
Access to jobs was significantly expanded in [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
1990 when President George H. W. Bush 11:47 a.m., October 4, 2006]
signed the Americans with Disabilities Act NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
(ADA) into law. This important legislation Federal Register on October 5.
has served as a foundation for strengthening
our Nation's workforce and advancing inno
vation and American leadership in a global Proclamation 8061–German
marketplace. American Day, 2006
In 2001, my Administration announced the October 3, 2006
New Freedom Initiative to build on the
progress of the ADA and more fully integrate By the President of the United States
men and women with disabilities into all as of America
pects of life. The New Freedom Initiative
A Proclamation
has helped expand access to technology,
training, and education for citizens with dis Throughout our history, the spirit and hard
abilities. As a result, those who have a dis work of German Americans have been an im
ability and seek employment are better able portant part of the cultural fabric of our Na
to compete for jobs. To assist in providing tion. On German-American Day, we cele
additional access to employment opportuni brate German Americans and their many
ties, we have also implemented the “Ticket contributions to the character of our country.
to Work” program and strengthened training Germans were among the first to settle in
and employment services at One-Stop Ca this great land of promise, and their talent,
reer Centers. By visiting, faith, and strong values helped establish this
individuals and employers can learn more country as a place of freedom and oppor
about the Federal Government's disability tunity. Today, millions of German Americans
related programs and receive information are adding to the success and prosperity of
and resources they need to help achieve their our Nation as leaders in government, sports,
personal and professional ambitions. business, science, the arts, and many other
To recognize the contributions of Ameri fields.
cans with disabilities and to encourage all In every generation, German Americans
citizens to ensure equal opportunity in the have courageously stepped forward to serve
workforce, the Congress, by joint resolution in our country's hour of need. During the
approved as amended (36 U.S.C. 121), has Revolutionary War, General Friedrich von
1734 Oct. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Steuben helped train the Continental Army ing. It brightens my spirits, as well, to know
for battle, and in World War II, great men that there are a lot of good folks from north
like General Dwight Eisenhower and Admi ern Arizona and other parts of this State who
ral Chester Nimitz helped lead the Allied are willing to stand up and support a good
Forces to victory. Our Nation will always be man, Rick Renzi, in his quest to be reelected
grateful to the many German Americans who to the United States Congress. So thank you
have selflessly answered the call to defend for coming. Both of us are really glad you're
liberty and advance the cause of freedom as here. I remember campaigning for Rick in
members of our Armed Forces. The sac Flagstaff in a rain storm. That didn't dampen
rifices of these heroes help preserve the our spirits, nor did it dampen my enthusiasm
ideals of our country's founding and make in saying as clearly as I could, I'm confident
the world a safer place. he will make a great Congressman. And he
German-American Day is also an oppor has proven me right. He deserves to be re
tunity to recognize the friendship between elected to the United States Congress, and
Germany and the United States. By working I thank you for helping him.
together as partners in peace with a mutual I say he deserves it because he's got a
commitment to liberty, the United States and record. And I'm going to talk a little bit about
Germany can lay the foundation for a more what we have done together to make Arizona
hopeful tomorrow. and the country a better place. But one thing
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, about Renzi, he stands strong on principle.
President of the United States of America, He's got his priorities straight. He prioritizes
by virtue of the authority vested in me by his faith. He loves his family—all of them.
the Constitution and laws of the United |Laughter] Three of his boys are here, Rob,
States, do hereby proclaim October 6, 2006, Ron, and Rick. Listen, when you got 12 kids,
as German-American Day. I encourage all it's good to have their names start with the
Americans to celebrate our Nation's German same letter—that way you don't forget them.
heritage and the many ways German Ameri |Laughter] But I want to thank the Renzi
cans have enriched and strengthened our boys for being here. Thanks for supporting
country. your dad.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set I'm sorry mama is not here—Roberta is
my hand this third day of October, in the taking care of the kids. I understand that.
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of But one of the good things about Rick is,
the Independence of the United States of his family stands squarely with him, and it's
America the two hundred and thirty-first. important when you're in public service,
George W. Bush when you're serving the people, that your
family is with you. And that ought to give
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, people in northern Arizona comfort, to know
11:47 a.m., October 4, 2006] that they got a Congressman who not only
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the works hard on their behalf in Washington
Federal Register on October 5. and when he's back in the district, but he's
got good priorities. I'm proud to support Rick
Renzi in his reelection effort, and I thank
Remarks at a Breakfast for you for coming.
Congressional Candidate Rick Renzi I've got somebody else here who is run
in Scottsdale, Arizona ning for reelection, and he's a man who has
October 4, 2006 brought a lot of dignity to the office of United
States Senator. He's solid; he is strong; he
Thank you all. Thanks for coming. Please is influential, and that is Senator Jon Kyl. And
be seated. I'm honored to be here. Thanks I appreciate you coming, Senator—he
for a warm Arizona welcome. You know, brought Caryll along.
there's nothing like waking up in Arizona I appreciate Congressman J.D. Hayworth,
with a fantastic sunrise. What a great way who's up for reelection, and I urge you to
to brighten the spirit. And thank you for com vote for J.D. Thanks for coming, J.D. J.D.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 4 1735

has got him a race, and I hope the people says, look what we have been through. In
of his district are wise enough to send him other words, we're not just talkers; we're
back to Washington, DC. doers. We've been through a recession. We
I'm proud to be here with another Con had corporate scandals. We had a significant
gressman, and that would be U.S. Congress stock market correction. We had to suffer a
man Trent Franks, who brought his wife, terrorist attack on the United States of Amer
Josie, with him. Trent, thanks for coming— ica, which hurt our economy. I made the de
and sweet Josie. cision to defend this country, and we have
Last night when I got here at the airport, been in two theaters in this war on terror
I was greeted by a young person running for with troops. We had hurricanes, high energy
Governor, an attractive man—[laughter]—a prices—and yet the American economy is the
family man, an honest man, and that's Len envy of the industrialized world.
Munsil. I appreciate you coming, Governor. It's one thing to go out and advocate a
I'm glad you're here, and I wish you all the philosophy; it's another thing to put it into
very best. effect. Progrowth economic policies work.
I know Renzi well enough to know that We cut the taxes on people who were paying
he can be a plain-spoken fellow, and he said taxes. Small businesses are growing. The en
to me, “I want you to know, you weren't my trepreneurial spirit is strong. Productivity is
first choice for this breakfast.” [Laughter] I up. Our farmers and ranchers are doing well.
said, “Well, thanks for having me fly all the The progrowth economic policies of the Re
way out here,” you know. [Laughter] I said, publican Party have made a significant dif
“Who might that have been?” He said, ference to the working people in the United
“Well, I really wanted Laura to come.” States.
[Laughter] Another reason to put him back And if the other bunch gets elected,
in Congress is because he's got good judg they're going to raise your taxes. Make no
ment. [Laughter mistake about it, we have a different philos
Laura sends her best. She's proud of your ophy. See, they think they can spend your
service. She says hello to all our friends here money better than you can. They want more
in the great State of Arizona. I'm a lucky man of your money to enhance their vision of big
that Laura Bush said yes when I asked her ger government. Oh, I know that words get
to marry me. - couched in different ways or—the reason we
We're getting ready for—we're coming campaign is, we help clarify Washington
down the stretch in these campaigns. I'm speak. You'll hear people say, “Well, all we're
looking forward to traveling the country, going to do is just let the tax cuts expire"—
making it clear, there are substantial dif those would be tax cuts on people who have
ferences in the philosophy we adhere to and got children, small businesses, those who are
the philosophy advocated by the Democrats. married—“Oh, we'll just let them expire.”
I like campaigns. It's a good opportunity to What that means is, they're going to raise
explain to the American people why we make your taxes. See, if those tax cuts expire, your
the decisions we make. It's a good chance taxes are going up. It's like an employer say
to explain the philosophy of the two different ing to somebody, I'm going to give you a
parties. raise, and a couple of weeks later, I'm going
I'd like to start with talking about our eco to take it away, but I hope you still think
nomic philosophy. Rick and I believe that the you got the raise. [Laughter
way to grow an economy is to let you keep Rick and I strongly believe that the best
more of your own money so you can save, way to keep this economy growing, the best
spend, or invest. We strongly believe that the way to keep America to be entrepreneurial
more money you have in your pocket, the heaven is to make the tax cuts we passed
more likely it is somebody is going to be able permanent. Oh, you'll hear them say in
to find work. That is not only our philosophy; Washington, “Oh, we just need to raise some
that is a practice that we adhere to. of the people's taxes in order to balance the
See, you might remember—and when budget.” You know, I've been there long
you're out there campaigning, I know Rick enough to tell you, that's not how it works.
1736 Oct. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Yeah, they'll raise your taxes, all right, but People in northern Arizona must feel con
they will figure out new ways to spend your fident that their Representative, Rick Renzi,
money. The best way to balance the budget trusts their judgment and is willing to work
is to keep taxes low so we grow the economy on behalf of them in Washington, DC, in a
and to prioritize how we spend your money. cooperative way.
You know, I said we can cut the deficit in Rick and I firmly believe that it's really
half by 2009, because of progrowth economic important that we diversify away from for
policies and strong fiscal policy out of the eign sources of oil. Look, we're all applaud
House of Representatives, because of votes ing the fact that gasoline prices are going
like Rick Renzi, this deficit is going to be down. I'm sure it pleases you if you drive
cut in half by 2008. The worst way to treat a car. I know it helps our small-business own
the budget is to run up your taxes, slow down ers and our families who are concerned about
economic growth, and expand Federal Gov
ernment. And we're not going to let them whether or not they'll have enough money
to save for their child's education, for exam
do it. We're going to win the election because
we're progrowth and wise about the money. ple. Declining gasoline prices are good for
It's really important that Congress the economy, but they should not cause us
prioritize, set priorities. If you try to be all to forget that dependence upon foreign oil
things to all people, we're going to spend is a national security problem. It's a national
foolishly. And I've set some priorities. And security concern. And therefore, I look for
I want the people of Arizona to understand ward to continuing to work with the Arizona
that the number-one priority for this Govern delegation and Congressman Renzi to pro
ment is to defend this country and to make vide research and development money to en
sure our troops have all that is necessary to able us to fuel our automobiles in different
do their job for the sake of security. And I ways.
thank Congressman Renzi and the other I can't wait for the day when we can con
Congressmen here in this audience and Sen tinue to say, “Corn is up and, therefore, de
ator Kyl for standing strong for those brave pendence upon oil is down.” I can't wait that
men and women who put on the uniform we develop new ways to develop ethanol, like
of the United States of America. What an
from wood chips, so that people in northern
honor it is to be the Commander in Chief
Arizona become significant producers of en
of such a fine group of people. ergy that will enable this country to diversify
I appreciate the fact that Rick joins me away from reliance on foreign crude oil. One
in what I call cooperative conservation. That day, we'll have hybrid vehicles with new bat
means we're going to work with local folks, teries, plug-in hybrids, and you'll be able to
local stakeholders, and States to conserve our
environment. You know, there is a mindset
drive the first 40 miles on electricity—and
your car won't have to look like a golf cart.
in Washington that says, we'll tell the folks |Laughter] When these kids are learning to
in Arizona how to do it. That's not my view. drive, they'll be having hydrogen-powered
See, I’m from Texas; I believe that Texans
automobiles at their disposal. In other words,
can manage the environment in Texas plenty
fine. And I believe the same thing in Arizona. we're on a massive effort to diversify away
I worked with Rick to pass what's called from foreign sources of oil.
And in the meantime, we need to be ex
the Healthy Forest Initiative. See, his district
has got a lot of important forests. It means ploring for natural gas and oil in our own
that we can work together with local folks hemisphere in environmentally friendly
to thin out those forests so they're not full ways. We've got a comprehensive plan to
of combustionable fuel, to be able to help help this Nation's national security and eco
deal with the catastrophic fires that have nomic security by having a comprehensive
plagued this State and other States. It is a energy bill, and I want to thank Congressman
wise use of government resources to plan and Renzi for working on that.
affect good environmental policy by working Oh, there's going to be a lot of domestic
with the local folks. Rick understands that. issues well work on, but there's no issue
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 4 1737

more important than protecting the Amer running or when you're hiding in a cave.
ican people. It's the calling of the 21st cen We've got fantastic people working on your
tury. The most important job for the Federal behalf, unbelievably brave men and women
Government is to protect you. After 9/11, I in our intelligence services or in the United
vowed that we would do everything in our States military who are pressing this enemy
power to prevent a further attack. We're at every single day.
war with an enemy that would like to hurt And now we're involved in a great conflict
us again. I know some would hope that the in the war on terror in Iraq. And there's a
President wouldn't say that, but that's the re debate in Washington, DC, and the debate
ality of the world in which live. I live it every is whether or not Iraq is a part of the war
day. I think about the importance of defend on terror. You'll hear the Democrats say,
ing this country every single day of my Presi “Well, it's a distraction on the war on terror.”
dency. I strongly disagree. I fully understand the na
It's important to have Members of Con ture of this enemy. I fully understand their
gress who see the world the way it is and intent is to drive us out of the Middle East
who understand the nature of the enemy. so they can topple moderate governments
These are evil people who have taken the and get a hold of oil resources, develop weap
tenets of a great religion and used it to their ons of mass destruction and safe havens from
ends to achieve objectives. These are which to attack the United States again.
ideologues. These are people bound by an If you don't believe me, listen to the words
ideology of hate. Their ideology is opposite of Usama bin Laden and the number two
of what we believe. We believe that anybody of Al Qaida, Zawahiri. They have made their
can worship any way they want and be an intentions clear. They have made it clear that
equal citizen of the United States of America. Iraq is a central front in this war on terror.
We believe Jew, Muslim, Christian, atheist, They have made their intentions known, out
agnostic are all equally American. We believe loud—well, they probably didn't want us to
in the great right of an individual to choose hear it, but, nevertheless, we did—that they
how to worship as they see fit. The enemy want to drive us out of Iraq. It's just a matter
says, “If you don't worship the way we wor of time, in their mind. They believe that the
ship, you're guilty.” lessons of Somalia will apply to Iraq. They
We believe in dissent in the public square. think that with enough carnage and blood
Oh, sometimes it gets a little loud, but never shed and death and the murder of the inno
theless, we welcome dissent. We welcome cent, the United States will let them have
the fact that in our country, people can ex their way.
press themselves any way they want. If you They're wrong. The United States under
express dissent with these ideologues, they stands that the security of the United States
will hold you to account. They have a dark of America, for our children, depends upon
vision of the world. It stands in stark contrast victory in Iraq. We will stand with the 12
with those of us who believe in liberty, who million brave citizens who demanded their
love freedom. And they'll do anything they freedom. We will help the new unity Govern
can to drive us out of parts of the world so ment succeed. We will train Iraqis so they
they can achieve their ambitions. They will can take the fight to the enemy. In the mean
murder innocent lives in the hopes that the time, we will stay in the battlefield and
United States of America will lose its will to achieve the victory for a generation of Ameri
confront them. CanS to COme.

After 9/11, I vowed that in order to protect Right after 9/11, I said to the American
the United States of America, we must stay people, we'll make sure that those on the
on the offense. We must defeat the enemy frontline of defending this country have the
overseas so we don't have to face them here. tools necessary to do so. The reason I said
We must bring them to justice before they that is because I understand the nature of
hurt Americans again. And that's what we're this war. See, it's a different kind of battle.
doing. We're on the offense every single day. The old World War II vets here—and I thank
It's hard to plot, plan, and kill when you're you for your service—will remember—or the
1738 Oct. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Korean war vets—will remember the days See, we just have a different attitude about
that you could measure success against an the war on terror. My attitude is, we've got
enemy based upon the number of ships sunk to give people the tools necessary to protect
or aircraft shot out of the air. This is a dif you and not wait for another attack. You
ferent kind of war. It's a war that depends know, they filibustered the PATRIOT Act
upon our capacity to find individuals and and then—after they had voted for it—kind
bring them to justice before they strike again. of sounds familiar. [Laughter] That old re
And therefore, it requires intelligence and frain from 2004–[laughter]—appears to be
tools that we didn't need in other wars. coming back to-coming back into the polit
And so I vowed—and the reason I know ical dialog.
this is because, you see, we've got to be right The reason I bring this up is, in an election
100 percent of the time to protect you. And year, I want the American people and the
the enemy has got to be right one time. And people of Arizona to understand, there is a
therefore, I worked with people like Rick clear difference of opinion about how to pro
Renzi and other Members of Congress to tect this country. Oh, they can talk good talk.
make sure those on the frontline of terror But when it came time to vote, the American
had what it needed—had what they needed people can see exactly where the Democrat
to defend you. Party stands in protecting this country.
That's why I proposed and worked hard You might remember that I instituted a
to pass the PATRIOT Act. See, the PA program through the National Security
TRIOT Act—prior to the PATRIOT Act, in Agency to establish what's called the terrorist
telligence and law enforcement could not surveillance program. I felt it was very impor
communicate. I know that's hard for you to tant for those of us whose job it is to protect
believe, but matter—somebody whose job it you to understand the nature of the enemy.
And if somebody from Al Qaida is calling into
is to collect intelligence on what might be the United States, in order to protect you,
happening in the United States, and because we need to know why and what they're plan
of walls that had grown up over the years, ning and what they're thinking. See, this is
it was impossible for them to share that intel a different kind of war, and we need to know
ligence with law enforcement. You cannot the intention of the enemy now in order to
protect the United States if our—those re protect you from attack.
sponsible for protecting you cannot commu This bill came up—the idea of providing
additional authority for the terrorist surveil
And so I said to Congress, “This is ridicu lance program came to the House floor re
lous. Let's tear down the walls that prevented cently. And there was a vote, and people got
good people from talking.” And they agreed. to stand up and declare whether or not this
The House passed a bill; right after 2001, program was important: 177 Democrats
the Senate did, 98 to 1. But I want you all voted against listening in on terrorist commu
to remember, when the bill came up again nications; 177 of the opposition party said,
for renewal in 2005, Democrat Senators fili “You know, we don't think we ought to be
bustered the bill. Evidently, their attitude listening to the conversations of terrorists.”
changed. Filibuster is Washington-speak for, If the people of Arizona, if the people of
like, try to talk it to death. I promise I'm the United States don't think we ought to
not going to filibuster you here today. be listening in on the conversations of people
|Laughter] As a matter of fact, during that who could do harm to the United States, then
period—I think it is illustrative for people go ahead and vote for the Democrats. If you
to hear the words of the Senator minority want to make sure those on the frontline of
leader. He bragged, “We killed the PA protecting you have the tools necessary to
TRIOT Act.” That's what he said. And then do so, you vote Republican, for the safety
when pressed by the press, he said—they of the United States of America.
said, “Are you sure this is the right thing to After the 9/11 attacks, I established a CIA
do, to celebrate killing the PATRIOT”—he program to detain and question key terrorist
said, “Of course it is.” operatives and leaders who we captured on
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 4 1739

the battlefield. I did so because I believed stand that I would never question a person's
that those who were responsible—we think patriotism; I don't. They just have a different
were responsible for planning attacks, such point of view about the war on terror, and
as the 9/11 attack, might be able to tell us it's a point of view that the American people
some information about how the enemy op must understand.
erates, where they operate, and what they Think about that vote. Think about what
intend. I understand this is a different kind it says between different philosophies. Think
of war and our most solemn duty is to protect about the difference of how we view the
you. And I felt—I know it's vital to get this world. Eighty percent of the House Demo
kind of information. For 5 years, really fine crats—nearly 80 percent want to stop the
professional people at the CIA have worked program that has provided invaluable intel
tirelessly to get information from these cap ligence that saved lives, that saved lives of
tured terrorists. the United States of America. In the Senate,
It's important for people of Arizona and 32 Democrats, including every member of
the Nation to understand what this program their Senate leadership save one, voted to kill
has meant to our security. Information from the vital program. This means that nearly
the terrorists questioned by the CIA helped three-quarters of the Democrats in the
break up a cell of Southeast Asian extremists United States Senate voted to stop the men
and terrorist operatives who had been and women of the CIA from continuing a
groomed for attacks inside the United States program to get information from extremists
of America. The program helped stop an Al and terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Qaida cell from developing anthrax for at about planned attacks on the United States
tacks against the United States. Information of America.
that we gained helped to stop a planned We just think differently. And it's impor
strike on a Marine base in Djibouti and tant, during a campaign, for the American
helped prevent an attack on the U.S. con people to understand the facts. There is a
sulate in Karachi and helped foil a plot to difference between rhetoric and action in
hijack passenger planes and fly them into Washington, DC. And the votes of the
Heathrow and London's Canary Wharf. Democrats to deny the tools necessary to
The reason I bring—I declassified this in protect you speak loud and clear about their
formation because I wanted the American vision of the world in which we live.
people to understand the stakes of the debate We've got a clear record. We believe
on the detainee program, and I wanted them strongly that we must take action to prevent
to understand with clarity that this program attacks from happening in the first place.
is essential to help get information to protect They view this election—they view the
you. Were it not É. information gained from threats we face like law enforcement, and
the terrorists questioned by the CIA, our in that is, we respond after we're attacked. And
telligence community believes that Al Qaida it's a fundamental difference, and I will travel
and its allies would have succeeded in this country for the next 5 weeks making it
launching another attack against the United clear the difference of opinion.
States of America. And these are the facts. You know, the House Democrat Leader
And the Congress held a vote on the future summed up her party's approach to the mid
of this CIA program, and the choice between term elections this way. She said, “This elec
every Member of Congress was clear: Should tion should not be about national security.”
this program continue or not? Congress, for I strongly disagree. There's an enemy that
tunately, continued the program. I'm going wants to hurt the American people. The most
to sign it into law, and I thank them for their solemn responsibility of the President and
leadership. those of us who have been honored to serve
But I want you to understand what hap you is to do what is necessary to protect the
pened during this vote. In the House of Rep American people, and we will continue to do
resentatives, 160 Democrats, including the SO.

entire Democrat leadership, voted against I'm optimistic we will prevail in the great
continuing the program. I want you to under ideological struggle of the 21st century. You
1740 Oct. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
are witnessing historic times, and this is an curity of our borders, airports, seaports, and
historic election. You're witnessing a struggle other key infrastructure. It's helped give our
between moderation and extremists, tyranny partners in local and State law enforcement
and freedom. You're witnessing a struggle the tools they need to do their jobs.
between those who would impose their dark The legislation I sign today provides about
vision on others and people who just want $33.8 billion in funding to help secure the
to live in peace. These are historic times, and homeland. This is a good bill. It will help
it's going to require strong U.S. leadership us deploy nuclear detection equipment at our
to help win this ideological struggle. ports of entry, raise security standards at the
But I have got great faith. I believe in the Nation's chemical plants, safeguard Amer
universality of freedom. I believe all souls ican cities against weapons of mass destruc
want to be free, and if given a chance, they tion, and stop terrorists seeking to enter our
will help us yield the peace we want. I believe country.
the hard work that we're doing to protect The bill will also help our Government
you is also laying the foundation of peace for better respond to emergencies and natural
generations to come. I want it to be said
disasters by strengthening the capabilities of
when people look back at this moment of the Federal Emergency Management Agen
history that the United States of America had
confidence in the values that caused our cy. This legislation will give us better tools
to enforce our immigration laws and to se
founding to begin in the first place; that we cure our southern border.
believed strongly in an obligation to help oth
ers realize the blessings and benefits of lib This bill is going to make this country safer
erty. We did our duty; we did what we were for all our citizens. And I appreciate the
called to do. And that's going to happen. Members of the Congress who have joined
I want to thank you for your interest. I me to witness this signing, Senator Jon Kyl,
thank you for supporting good, solid people J.D. Hayworth, Trent Franks, and Rick
who share my vision of peace. May God bless Renzi. These Members supported this good
you all, and may God continue to bless the bill, and I thank them for their support. I'm
United States. also pleased that Governor Janet Napolitano
has joined us. Governor, thank you for being
NOTE: The President spoke at 8:32 a.m. at the here. We're honored to have you up here
Camelback Inn. In his remarks, he referred to with us.
Caryll Kyl, wife of Senator Jon Kyl: Usama bin The bill I sign helps us address one of the
Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organiza central issues facing all States but particularly
tion; and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, senior Al
Qaida leader responsible for planning the Sep a State like Arizona, and that's illegal immi
tember 11, 2001, terrorist attack, who was cap gration. I understand full well that illegal im
tured in Pakistan on March 1, 2003. migration puts pressure on the public schools
and hospitals. It strains State and local budg
ets. In some communities, it increases crime.
Remarks on Signing the Department The administration and Congress have been
of Homeland Security taking decisive steps to address this issue.
Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year Since I took office, we've increased fund
2007 in Scottsdale ing for our border security from $4.6 billion
in 2001 to $9.5 billion in 2006. We have in
October 4, 2006
creased the number of Border Patrol agents
Thank you all for coming. Pretty soon, I'm from about 9,000 to 12,000. We significantly
going to sign an important piece of legislation decreased the time it takes to return illegal
that will highlight our Government's highest immigrants to their home countries. We've
responsibility, and that's to protect the Amer apprehended and sent home more than 6
ican people. The Department of Homeland million people entering this country illegally.
Security plays a critical role in fulfilling this We've stepped up worksite enforcement
responsibility every day. Since its creation in against companies who knowingly hire illegal
2003, the Department has strengthened se workers. We're sending a clear signal that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 4 1741

we're a nation of law, and laws will be en The bill I sign today also includes a 25
forced. percent increase for funding for immigration
We've made progress in addressing illegal and customs enforcement. This funding will
immigration, but there is a lot more work help Federal agents better enforce our immi
to be done. This May, I asked Congress to gration laws inside our country. It will allow
fund improvements in infrastructure, tech us to add at least 6,700 new beds in detention
nology, and manpower at the border, and I centers. Part of the problem we face is that
appreciate Congress delivering upon my re illegal immigrant was caught sneaking into
quests. the country, and because there was no deten
The bill I sign today includes nearly $1.2 tion beds, the Border Patrol would say, “Why
billion in additional funding for strength don't you check back in with us after awhile.
ening the border, for new infrastructure and There's no place to hold you, so check back
technology that will help us do our job. It in with the judges.” And of course, they
provides funding for more border fencing, didn't check back in. It created a lot of frus
vehicle barriers, and lighting, for cutting tration with the Border Patrol. -

edge technology, including ground-base

radar, infrared cameras, and advance sensors So we're in the process of ending catch
that will help prevent illegal crossings along and-release. This bill will help us end catch
our southern border. That's what the people and-release. You see, when people know that
of this country want. They want to know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter
we're modernizing the border so we can bet the country illegally, they're going to be less
ter secure the border. likely to try to enter illegally in the first place.
The bill also supports our efforts to in The funds that Congress has appropriated
crease the number of Border Patrol agents are critical for our efforts to secure this bor
to about 18,000 by the end of 2008. I recog der and enforce our laws. Yet, we must also
nized, Congress recognized that we needed recognize that enforcement alone is not
more Border Patrol agents to do the job. So going to work. We need comprehensive re
we were in Artesia, New Mexico, earlier, and form that provides a legal way for people to
went to the Border Patrol Training Center; work here on a temporary basis. It's going
they were thanked first hand, the men and to relieve pressure on the border. It will en
women who are willing to go out and do hard able our Border Patrol agents to do a better
work and help secure a really long border. job when we reduce the number of people
And I appreciate the service of the Border trying to sneak into the country. It will free
up our law enforcement officers to focus on
It provides funding for about 1,500 addi criminals and drug dealers and terrorists and
tional Border Patrol agents. In other words, others who mean us harm.
this is part of a doubling of the Border Patrol We'll continue to work with Congress to
that I called for earlier in my administration. pass comprehensive immigration reform that
I fully understand it's going to take time to
recruit and train these Border Patrol, and secures this border, upholds our laws, and
that's why, in coordination with the Gov honors our Nation's proud heritage as a land
ernors, we deployed 6,000 National Guard of immigrants.
members to the southern border, and they're I want to thank the Members of Congress
doing a fine job. who have joined me for this important bill
I remember the outcry when I thought it signing. And now it's my honor to sign the
was a good—told the American people I Department of Homeland Security Appro
thought it was a good idea to send them down priations Act for 2007.
there. But, thankfully, we did. And they're
helping the Border Patrol. And when the NOTE: The President spoke at 9:37 a.m. at the
Border Patrol agencies—number of agents Camelback Inn. H.R. 5441, approved October 4,
double, then we're not going to need the Na was assigned Public Law No. 109–295. The Office
tional Guard. But in the meantime, America of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
owes them a debt of gratitude and thanks. guage transcript of these remarks.
1742 Oct. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Statement on Signing the branch and as Commander in Chief, to clas

Department of Homeland Security sify and control access to national security
information and to determine whether an in
Appropriations Act, 2007
October 4, 2006 dividual is suitable to occupy a position in
the executive branch with access to such in
Today, I have signed into law H.R. 5441,
To the extent that section 514 of the Act
the “Department of Homeland Security Ap
propriations Act, 2007” (the “Act”). The Act purports to allow an agent of the legislative
appropriates the funds needed to protect the branch to prevent implementation of the law
United States against terrorism, secure the unless the legislative agent reports to the
Nation's borders, assist States and localities Congress that the executive branch has met
in dealing with natural disasters, and perform certain conditions, the executive branch shall
the other important functions of the Depart construe such section as advisory, in accord
ment of Homeland Security. The Act also ance with the constitutional principles enu
strengthens the capabilities of the Federal merated in the Chadha decision.
Emergency Management Agency to prepare The executive branch shall construe sec
for and respond to emergencies requiring ac tion 522 of the Act, relating to privacy officer
tion by the Federal Government. reports, in a manner consistent with the
The executive branch shall construe as President's constitutional authority to super
calling solely for notification the provisions vise the unitary executive branch.
of the Act that purport to require congres To the extent that provisions of the Act,
sional committee approval for the execution such as section 558, purport to direct or bur
of a law. Any other construction would be den the conduct of negotiations by the execu
inconsistent with the principles enunciated tive branch with foreign governments or
by the Supreme Court of the United States other entities abroad, the executive branch
in INS v. Chadha. These provisions include shall construe them as advisory. Such provi
those under the headings “United States Vis sions, if construed as mandatory rather than
itor and Immigrant Status Indicator Tech advisory, would impermissibly interfere with
nology;” “Automation Modernization, Cus the President's constitutional authorities to
toms and Border Protection;” “Border Secu conduct the Nation's foreign affairs, partici
rity Fencing, Infrastructure, and Technology, pate in international negotiations, and super
Customs and Border Protection;” “Air and vise the unitary executive branch.
Marine Interdiction, Operations, Mainte Provisions of the Act, including under the
nance, and Procurement, Customs and Bor heading “Office of the Secretary and Execu
der Protection;” “Automation Moderniza tive Management” and sections 521, 539,
tion, Immigration and Customs Enforce 540, and 559, refer to joint explanatory state
ment;” “Protection, Administration, and ments of managers accompanying con
Training, United States Secret Service;” ference reports on specified acts. Such state
“Preparedness, Management and Adminis ments do not satisfy the constitutional re
tration;” “United States Citizenship and Im quirements of bicameral approval and pre
migration Services;” “Management Adminis sentment to the President needed to give
tration, Science and Technology,” “Research, them the force of law.
Development, Acquisition, and Operations, Section 503(c) of the Homeland Security
Science and Technology;” and sections 504, Act of 2002, as amended by section 611 of
505, 509, 511, and 552. the Act, provides for the appointment and
Section 513 of the Act purports to direct certain duties of the Administrator of the
the conduct of security º suitability inves Federal Emergency Management Agency.
tigations. To the extent that section 513 re Section 503(c)(2) vests in the President au
lates to access to classified national security thority to appoint the Administrator, by and
information, the executive branch shall con with the advice and consent of the Senate,
strue this provision in a manner consistent but purports to limit the qualifications of the
with the President's exclusive constitutional pool of persons from whom the President
authority, as head of the unitary executive may select the appointee in a manner that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 4 1743

rules out a large portion of those persons best the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution to
qualified by experience and knowledge to fill afford equal protection of the laws.
the office. The executive branch shall con Section 1802(a) of the Homeland Security
strue section 503(c)(2) in a manner con Act of 2002, as amended by section 671 of
sistent with the Appointments Clause of the the Act, calls for the Secretary of Homeland
Constitution. Also, section 503(c)(4) purports Security “in cooperation with the Depart
to regulate the provision of advice within the ment of National Communications System
executive branch and to limit supervision of (as appropriate)” and others to develop and
an executive branch official in the provision update a National Emergency Communica
of advice to the Congress. The executive tions Plan. An examination of the text and
branch shall construe section 503(c)(4) in a structure of the Act reveals that the term
manner consistent with the constitutional au “Department of National Communications
thority of the President to require the opin System” in section 1802(a) is most reasonably
ions of heads of departments and to supervise construed as a reference to the National
the unitary executive branch. Accordingly, Communications System in the Preparedness
the affected department and agency shall en Directorate of the Department of Homeland
sure that any reports or recommendations Security, to which section 611 of the Act re
submitted to the Congress are subjected to fers in amending section 505 of the Home
appropriate executive branch review and ap land Security Act of 2002, and the executive
proval before submission. branch shall so construe it.
Section 507(f)(6) of the Homeland Secu George W. Bush
rity Act of 2002, as amended by section 611 The White House,
of the Act, and sections 689i(a)(4)(B)(iv) and
October 4, 2006.
689;(b)(2)(E) of the Act, purport to require
in certain circumstances that an executive NOTE: H.R. 5441, approved October 4, was as
branch official submit legislation for the con signed Public Law No. 109–295.
sideration of the Congress. The executive
branch shall construe such provisions in a
manner consistent with the President's con Remarks at a Reception for
stitutional authority to supervise the unitary Gubernatorial Candidate Bob
executive branch and to recommend for con Beauprez and the Colorado
gressional consideration such measures as Republican Party in Englewood,
the President shall judge necessary and expe Colorado
October 4, 2006
Several provisions of the Act purport to
direct the President to perform the Presi Thanks for coming. I appreciate those kind
dent's duties “acting through” a particular of words—Governor. I'm proud to be here with
ficer. These provisions include section 303(b) Bob Beauprez. I've gotten to know him quite
of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and well. See, we both served in Washington,
Emergency Assistance Act, as amended by DC, together. [Laughter. He is a straight
section 633 of the Act, section 1802 of the thinker. He is a clear thinker. He's a person
Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended who understands that as the chief executive
by section 671 of the Act, and sections 643, officer of a State, that you have to have a
644, 689, and 689; of the Act. The executive vision and the capacity to make decisions
branch shall construe such provisions in a necessary to achieve that vision. There's no
manner consistent with the constitutional au doubt in my mind he'll make a great Gov
thority of the President to supervise the uni ernor for the State of Colorado, and I thank
tary executive branch. you for supporting him.
The executive branch shall construe provi And there's no doubt in my mind Claudia
sions of the Act relating to race, ethnicity, will make a fine first lady for the State of
and gender, such as sections 623 and 697 Colorado. I know something about first la
of the Act, in a manner consistent with the dies. [Laughter] I’m a fortunate man that
requirement of the Due Process Clause of Laura said yes when I asked her to marry
1744 Oct. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
me. We're both west Texans. At the time, Benson is with us. I'm proud everybody is
I can promise you, neither of us dreamt that here. Thanks for contributing.
I'd be President and she'd be First Lady. As I do want to remind you, however, that
a matter of fact, if she thought at that time— campaigns are more than just raising money.
[laughter]. Thankfully, she is our First Lady, It helps; don't get me wrong. [Laughter] But
and I know I'm not objective, but I feel like the next Governor is going to need your help
she's doing a fabulous job on behalf of the turning out the vote. I know what it means
American people. to have a grassroots organization in Colorado
It's important to have—to be able to follow working on one's behalf. Many in this room
somebody in office who's done a good job. worked on my behalf to help me become the
See, Beauprez is going to be a fine Governor, President. I want to thank you for what
and one of the reasons he's going to be a you've done and encourage you to support
fine Governor is, he's following another fine Bob Beauprez and turn out that vote come
Governor, and that's Bill Owens. I appreciate November. And while you're doing it, make
Bill's leadership; I appreciate his steadfast sure we get these congressional candidates
adherence to principles. I'm proud to be with back in office too.
Bill and my friend Frances today, and I want Before I talk about some of the issues, I
to thank you both for serving your State. do want to talk about an event that just re
I appreciate Lieutenant Governor Jane cently occurred here in Colorado, in Bailey,
Norton and Mike Norton for joining us. Colorado. A lot of Americans, and I know
Thank you all for coming. I am proud to be a lot of folks in Colorado, express our deepest
here with a fine United States Senator in sympathy to the folks in that good commu
Wayne Allard, and his wife, Joan. Thank you nity about the tragic loss of Emily Keyes. She
all for serving, and thanks for joining us. died one week ago of an unspeakable act of
Colorado is going to lose a really fine Con violence. It wasn't necessary. We join her
gressman in Joel Heſley. I'm proud to call family in prayer. We extend our deepest sym
Joel friend. He brought honor and dignity pathies to those good people.
to the office of United States Congressman. This next week, I have asked Attorney
He represents the folks of Colorado Springs General Al Gonzales and Secretary of Edu
and the area with a lot of class. I appreciate cation Margaret Spellings to convene a meet
him coming today, and I'm honored also to ing of leading experts and officials to deter
be here with Lynn. Thank you both for com mine how the Federal Government can help
In QI.
State and local folks deal with these shootings
# want to thank the State attorney general, and the tragedies. Look, we wanted to make
John Suthers, and Janet for joining us today. us certain around the country that the school
Thank you for serving. I thank State treasurer house is a safe place for children to learn.
Mike Coffman and Cynthia for joining us And so I'm looking forward to the results of
today; proud you both are here. By the way, that meeting, how we can facilitate help, and
just in case you might forget, Mike is running how we can help these communities heal and
for Colorado secretary of state. And in case recover from the tragic events like those that
the people of Colorado forget, he is a United have taken place in three States over the past
States marine who, when this Nation called, couple of weeks. May God bless Emily's fam
served with distinction in this battle against ily.
these terrorists. Mike, I want to thank you 'sºng about education, when I was the
very much. Proud to have been able to call Governor of Texas, I used to say this: I said,
you commander in chief—[laughter]—for education is to a State what national defense
me to call—as Commander in Chief, call you is to the Federal Government. Education is
proud marine. [Laughter by far the most important priority for State
I want to thank Commissioner Janet Row government, as far as I'm concerned. And
land—Mesa County—and Lance—candidate I know the next Governor feels the same way.
for Lieutenant Governor. Thanks for coming, I appreciate Bill Owens' approach to edu
Janet. Bill Armstrong is with us. Bob Mar cation, and I'm looking forward to continuing
tinez is with us. John Elway is with us. Bruce to work with Bob Beauprez. And here's the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 4 1745

approach: We're setting high standards. We about it. The best way to keep this economy
believe every child can learn to read and growing is to make the tax cuts we passed
write and add and subtract. And we're willing permanent and to make sure Republicans
to measure to determine whether or not each control the House and the Senate.
school is educating each child. And we meas The most important job of government in
ure early so we can correct problems early, this day and age is to protect you. It is a
so that the people of Colorado will be able vital call for those of us who serve in Wash
to say no child is being left behind in the ington or in State government. The reason
State of Colorado when it comes to public I say that is because we're at war with an
I know that a Governor can set the tone enemy that still wants to inflict harm. I wish
for a State. Your Governor has set the tone I could report differently to you, but that's
for the State, and your next Governor must
not my job. See, my job isn't to paint a pic
set the tone. And the tone for a State is: One, ture of the way we'd like it to be; my job,
it's a safe place to live; two, the schools are in order to protect you, is to travel this coun
worthy of the dollars being spent; and three, try and explain to people exactly what's at
this is a good place for people to invest so stake. And what is at stake is your security
people can find work. A Governor has the and our freedoms, because there's a group
capacity to say loud and clear to risk-takers of coldblooded killers bound together by a
and people looking at your State, “Please common ideology that wants to strike us
come and invest in the State of Colorado. again. *

Please come to this State of entrepreneurial I think about this every day, as your Presi
dreams.” I know that Bob Beauprez will be dent. I resolved after 9/11 that we would use
able to do this because I worked with him all assets at our disposal to do the most im
to help overcome a recession and a corporate portant job for a Federal Government, and
scandal and a terrorist attack on the United that's to protect the American people. And
States, war, two hurricanes, and high energy the best way to do that is to stay on the of.
prices. And yet, our economy is the envy of fense against these people and defeat them
the industrialized world. overseas so we do not have to face them here.
Our people are working. The unemploy And that's exactly what we're doing.
ment rate is low in the State of Colorado.
There's some incredibly brave people work
Productivity is up; small businesses are on ing on your behalf—great intelligence offi
the rise. I've always felt it's important for the cers, people in diplomatic corps, and people
State and the Nation to be able to say, entre who have volunteered to wear the uniform
preneurs welcome here. The role .govern of the United States of America. And the job
ment is not to create wealth but to create
of us in Washington, DC–of those of us in
an environment in which the entrepreneurial Washington is to make sure that these brave
spirit can flourish. And so when it came time men and women have all that is necessary
to overcome the economic obstacles we
to do the job we have asked them to do. And
faced, I went to the United States Congress,
spoke directly to people like Bob Beauprez we will continue to do just that.
and said, “Why ...; we cut the taxes on This offense against these terrorists is
everybody who is paying taxes. Why don't we waged in different fronts and in different
let the people have more of their own money ways. And the current front, the most visible
in their pocket so they can save, invest, and front against the killers who would do harm
spend.” in the United States, is in Iraq. And there's
Progrowth economic policies work. This a difference of opinion. I believe that we
economy is on the run—on the rise. And this must achieve victory in Iraq to make sure
is an issue in this national campaign. It really America is secure. Democrats in Washington
is. The issue is, the Democrats get control believe Iraq is a distraction from the war on
of the Congress, they're going to have their terror. These are decent people, and they're
hands on your wallet. [Laughter] They'll be patriotic people—they just happen to be
running up your taxes; make no mistake wrong people. [Laughter
1746 Oct. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

If you don't believe me, if people in Colo that's why a chief part of our strategy is to
rado are doubtful about whether Iraq is im keep the pressure on them. But I also recog
portant to the security of the United States, nized that I needed to call upon Congress
I would hope they would listen to the words to help us develop tools so that those on the
of Usama bin Laden or the number-two man frontline of protecting you could do so.
in Al Qaida, Zawahiri, both of whom have One of the tools was given to folks through
proclaimed loud and clear that Iraq is essen the PATRIOT Act. There was an extensive
tial to their plans. See, they believe America debate on the PATRIOT Act, and it's an im
is weak, and if they can kill enough innocent portant debate. But it's important for you to
people, we'll retreat. That's precisely what know that prior to the PATRIOT Act, intel
they want. They want us to leave the Middle ligence officials and law enforcement officials
East so they can establish safe haven from could not exchange information. Now, this
which to plot, plan, and attack again. They is a different kind of war. In the old days,
want to get their hands on oil reserves so you could measure success based upon the
that when they demand the free world to ca number of aircraft that were flying or the
pitulate and there is resistance, they can number of ships that were sailing—but no
wreak economic havoc. And into this mix of
longer. See, in this war, we have to find peo
hatred comes a country that wants to have ple—find their intentions and bring them to
a nuclear weapon that has made their ambi justice before they come and hurt us again.
tions clear.
In other words, we're not isolated or immune
This is the world we face today. If America from the attacks. That's the lesson we learned
were to retreat, if we were to cut and run,
if we were to abandon our friends and allies, on September 11th.
And so I decided to work with Congress
30 years from now, historians will look to tear down these barriers. And right after
back—the country will look back, and say,
“What happened to them? What happened 9/11, everything went fine. As a matter of
fact, in the United States Senate, the vote
to the people in charge of providing security
for the United States of America? How come was 98 to 1. And then something happened,
because when it came time to renew the act,
they couldn't see the threat to future genera Senate Democrats filibustered—that's Wash
tions of Americans?” I want you to know I
clearly see the threat we face today, and I ington, DC-speak for talking until the bill
clearly see the threat we face in years to dies. As a matter of fact, the Senate minority
come. The United States of America will leader openly bragged in the press that “We
killed the PATRIOT Act,” as if that's some
stand with those who long to live in freedom.
We will support those moderates who stand kind of noble gesture in the middle of a war
in opposition to the extremists. We will keep against killers and terrorists. He was asked
the pressure on the enemies of freedom. We by a reporter whether killing the PATRIOT
will help Iraq become a democracy that can Act was really something to celebrate, and
sustain itself, defend itself, and govern itself, he answered loud and clear, “Of course it
which will be yet another blow to Al Qaida
and the haters. The United States of America Eventually we overcame the filibuster, and
will not retreat. We will achieve victory in I signed the renewal of the PATRIOT Act.
Iraq. We will have done our duty for a gen But the reason I bring this story up, as people
eration of Americans to come. are getting ready to go to the polls, people
After 9/11, I recognized this fact—that we from both political parties and people not af
must be right 100 percent of the time to pro filiated with a political party, they must un
tect you, and the enemy only has to be right derstand there is a different attitude in
one time. And that's the challenge we face. Washington, a different mindset between the
It really is. It's a daunting challenge. The two political parties about the threats we
challenge is made easier, by the way, by face. I strongly believe that we've got to give
keeping these folks on the run. It's a lot hard our folks the tools necessary to protect you.
er to plot and plan if you're hiding in a cave In this case, Senate Democrats, key members
or you're moving around the world. And of the Democrat Party, tried to kill a bill that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 4 1747

would have given people the tools necessary attacks—a man named Khalid Sheikh Mo
to protect you. hammed, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Abu
I think it's important for us to understand Zubaydah—these are people that we believe,
the intentions of the enemy, understand what we suspect were involved with planning the
they're thinking and what they're saying. And 9/11 attacks, and we captured them. And I
that's why I instructed the National Security thought it made sense to have a program that
Agency to establish what is called the ter enabled our professionals in the CIA to see
rorist surveillance program to track commu whether or not we could learn information
nications between someone overseas making about what they knew. If you're at war and
a phone call into the United States, someone you capture somebody—one of the key com
we know is Al Qaida and/or Al Qaida affiliate. manders—it's in the interests of the country
People say, “Well, how do you know?" Well, that we find out what they're thinking.
sometimes in the pick people up on the And I'm going to tell you point-blank, this
battlefield that we know is Al Qaida or an program worked. Let me give you some of
Al Qaida affiliate, they might have some in the data that we learned, some of the infor
formation in their possession. Take, for ex mation. As a result of the information from
ample, if they had a phone number in the the interrogations, the CIA helped break
United States, I think it makes sense for us up—we helped break up a cell of Southeast
to understand why somebody might be call Asian terrorist operatives that had been
ing that phone number—if the most impor groomed for attacks inside the United States.
tant job is to protect you, which it is. See, Information gained meant we were able to
let me put it in plain talk: If Al Qaida is mak act to protect you. The program helped stop
ing a phone call into the United States, we an Al Qaida cell from developing anthrax for
want to know why they're making the call, attacks against the United States. The pro
where they're making the call, and what they gram helped stop a planned strike on a U.S.
intend to do. Marine camp in Djibouti. It helped prevent
People talk good in Washington, see. They a planned attack on the U.S. consulate in Ka
say, we're going to do everything we can to rachi. It helped foil a plot to hijack passenger
protect you. Then, all of a sudden, the vote planes and fly them into Heathrow and Lon
comes along which helps clarify the dif don's Canary Wharf. In other words, we
ference of opinion. And so when it came time gained information that enabled us to do the
for legislation to provide additional authority job you expect us to do.
for the terrorist surveillance program, 177 Were it not for the information gained
Members of the Democrat Members of the from the terrorists questioned by the CIA,
House of Representatives voted against lis our intelligence community believes that Al
tening in on terrorist communications. We Qaida and its allies would have succeeded
just have a different point of view. And this in launching another attack against the
is an issue in this campaign. It's an issue on United States. That's the measured judgment
how best to protect the United States. Our of those professionals that we call upon to
most important job is to get information so protect you.
we can protect you before an attack comes. The program is a vital program to protect
It is no longer acceptable to respond to an the United States. And last week Congress
attack after it happens. The lesson of 9/11 held a vote on the future of this program.
is we must take threats seriously now and Again, it was another clarifying moment. It
deal with them, in order to protect the men was a chance for the American people to see
and women of the United States. which party would take the means necessary
I felt it was very important that we have to protect the American people. In the
the capacity to interrogate people once we House of Representatives, 160 Democrats,
have captured them on this battlefield in the including the entire Democrat leadership,
war on terror. And we've captured a lot of voted against continuing this program.
key operatives, people that we think were in I want our fellow citizens in Colorado–
timately involved in the planning, people we of both political parties and those not affili
suspect was involved in the planning of these ated with a political party—to think about
1748 Oct. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
that vote. Nearly 80 percent of the House They were the sworn enemy, and it was a
Democrats want to stop a program that has bloody war. A lot of people lost their lives.
provided invaluable intelligence that has It was a war ended by a horrific bombing—
saved American lives. There is a fundamental one tough decision for a President to have
difference of opinion on how to best defeat to make. And yet, here we were 60 years
the terrorists and to protect the American later, old George W. and Prime Minister
people. The good news is, for Colorado, you Koizumi, flying down to Elvis's place.
don't have to doubt where Bob Beauprez |Laughter]
stands. But let me tell you what made the story
By the way, it just wasn't the House even more amazing—was that on the way
Democrats that voted against the bill, so did down, we were talking about keeping the
the Senate Democrats—32 Democrats, in peace. We were talking about North Korea.
cluding every member of their Senate leader We were talking about the fact that Prime
ship save one, voted to kill this vital program. Minister Koizumi had committed 1,000 of his
I'm going to continue to campaign as hard troops to help a young democracy in the
as I possibly can and remind people about heart of the Middle East succeed. He knows
the facts, because I understand the threats what I know: We're in the middle of an ideo
we face. This isn't a political issue; this is logical struggle between good and evil, be
an issue of national security, to make sure tween moderation and extremism, between
that we give those on the frontline of fighting those who just want to live in peace and those
the war on terror all the tools, all the support, who want to kill in the name of an ideology
all that is necessary to protect the American of hatred. He understands that.
people. We talked about how nations must re
You know, those votes and the comments spond to pandemic like HIV/AIDS, and I as
that you hear out of Washington really reflect sured him the United States of America will
a different attitude and mindset about how continue to take the lead to help alleviate
to protect you. Democrats take a law en suffering. We talked about helping the young
forcement approach to terrorism. That democracy in Afghanistan. I thought it was
means America will wait until we're attacked amazing, when I thought back about the
before we respond. That is a pre-September same experience my dad, as a young man,
the 11th, 2001, mindset. That won't work. had with the Japanese. Something happened
It's just not going to work. The best way to between 41's time in the Navy and 43's time
do our duty is to stay on the offense, is to in the Presidency. And what happened was,
respond to intelligence and information, is Japan adopted a Japanese-style democracy,
to bring people to justice so they can't attack and the lesson is, liberty can convert enemies
in the first place. And the best way to protect into allies. Someday, an American President
a generation of Americans that are counting will be sitting down with duly elected leaders
on us, that are counting on this generation in the Middle East, talking about how to keep
to do the hard work—like many generations the peace. And a young generation of Ameri
before us were called to do—is to stay on cans will be better off.
the offense and, at the same time, spread Those are the stakes. Thanks for helping.
liberty. God bless.
You know, recently I had an amazing expe
rience. I went to Elvis's place with Prime NOTE: The President spoke at 1:27 p.m. at the
Minister Koizumi. You should have been Inverness Hotel and Conference Center. In his
there. [Laughter] I went because I'd never remarks, he referred to Frances W. Owens, wife
been there. I went because Prime Minister of Gov. Bill Owens of Colorado; Lynn Heſley, wife
Koizumi wanted to go there. [Laughter] And of Representative Joel Heſley; Janet Suthers, wife
of Colorado State Attorney General John W.
I went because I wanted to tell you a story. Suthers; Cynthia Coffman, wife of Colorado State
I find it ironic that I was traveling to Elvis's Treasurer Mike Coffman; Lance Rowland, hus
place, particularly since my dad and many band of Mesa County Commissioner and can
of your relatives—my dad, as an 18-year-old didate for Colorado Lieutenant Governor Janet
Navy fighter pilot—fought the enemy, Japan. Rowland; former Senator William L. Armstrong,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 5 1749

Bob Martinez, State chair, Colorado Republican the Independence of the United States of
Party; pro football Hall of Famer John Elway; America the two hundred and thirty-first.
Bruce Benson, chair and president, Benson Min
eral Group, Inc.; and former Prime Minister George W. Bush
Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
8:45 a.m., October 6, 2006]
Proclamation 8063—Leif Erikson NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
Day, 2006 Federal Register on October 10.
October 4, 2006

By the President of the United States Remarks at the Department of

of America
October 5, 2006
A Proclamation
I want to thank Secretary Spellings and her
Leif Erikson Day honors a great son of fine team for welcoming me here to the De
Iceland and grandson of Norway who be partment of Education. I have just reassured
came one of the first Europeans known to the Secretary and the folks who work here
reach North America. This day is also an op that the reauthorization of the No Child Left
portunity to celebrate the generations of Behind Act is a priority of this administration.
Nordic Americans who have contributed to And the reason I say it's a priority is because
our country and strengthened the ties that this act is working. We strongly believe in
forever bind the United States with Den setting high standards for all students, and
mark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Swe we strongly believe that in order to make sure
den. those standards are met, we must measure
Like the crew of risk takers that Leif to determine whether or not the schools are
Erikson boldly led on a quest to find new functioning the way we expect them to func
lands, Americans have always valued the tion and the way the parents expect them
ideals of exploration and discovery. A desire to function and the way the taxpayers expect
to seek and understand inspired their voyage them to function.
more than a millennium ago, and it remains No Child Left Behind is working, and
a central part of our national character as a we've been strategizing here as to how to
new generation pursues great new goals make sure we not only defend it during the
today. Nordic Americans continue to make reauthorization process but how we strength
valuable contributions to our society that en the law.
have expanded human knowledge and And so I want to thank you all for your
helped make our world a better place. work. I particularly want to thank the teach
To honor Leif Erikson and to celebrate ers and principals who have taken the No
our citizens of Nordic-American heritage, the Child Left Behind Act and have imple
Congress, by joint resolution (Public Law 88– mented it and have seen the dramatic results
566) approved on September 2, 1964, has au that can be achieved by rigorous academics
thorized the President to proclaim October and strong curriculum and hard work in the
9 of each year as “Leif Erikson Day.” classroom.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, The most important function of Govern
President of the United States of America, ment at home is to make sure that a child
do hereby proclaim October 9, 2006, as Leif receives an excellent education, and that's
Erikson Day. I call upon all Americans to particularly important in a world that is be
observe this day with appropriate cere coming more globalized. I'm optimistic we
monies, activities, and programs to honor our can achieve our objectives. I know this law
rich Nordic-American heritage. is working, and I look forward to working
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set with Congress in the next legislative session
my hand this fourth day of October, in the to reauthorize and strengthen the No Child
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of Left Behind Act.
1750 Oct. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Thank you. failure and mediocrity are unacceptable in
any classroom anywhere in the United States.
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:03 a.m. The Of. I thank Donald Hense for joining us,
fice of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish founder and chairman of the board of trust
language transcript of these remarks. ees of the Friendship Public Charter School.
Mr. Hense told me he had the opportunity
of meeting my mother one time, and I said
Remarks at Woodridge Elementary to him, “Well, you met the A-team then"—
and Middle Campus [laughter]—“Now you met the B-team.”
October 5, 2006 |Laughter] But thank you for your leader
ship. I welcome the members of the Friend
Thank you all. Thank you for the warm ship Public Charter School Board. Thank you
welcome. Thank you for inviting Madam Sec for coming.
retary and me to your school. It's nice to be Being on a school board is difficult work,
introduced by somebody with a Texas accent. I know. Being on a school board that chal
|Laughter] She's a good buddy, and she is lenges the status quo is important work, and
doing a fine job as the Secretary of Edu I thank you for that. It means a difference—
cation. And so, Margaret, thank you very I was in Lyle Brown's class. Lyle is not here.
much for your service.
I'm glad to be at Woodridge as well. I'm He's still teaching. But one of the things I
here because this is one of America's fine saw was a teacher who loves being a teacher.
public charter schools. I'm here to remind And I applaud the teachers in this school and
people that charter schools work, and they teachers all around the country who are add
can make a difference in the lives of our chil ing to the great future of our country.
I was in Max Brooks' class. He's not here
dren. So I want to thank you for letting me either, but he is the facilitator in what's called
come. I want to thank the teachers and the
administrators and the principals—and the a Smartlab. They didn't have Smartlabs
principal for setting high expectations. I when I was going to elementary or junior
know that sounds simple, but you know what high school. They've got one here. And it's
happens when you set low expectations? You an innovative program that teaches people
get low results. And so a center of excellence practical skills.
is always a place of learning where people You know, one of the interesting questions
believe the best. And I want to thank the I like to ask to students when I go into the
folks here for setting high expectations. I classroom is, how many of you are going to
want to thank you for achieving results. go to college? You'll be pleased—there you
I applaud the parents of the students who go—you'll be pleased to hear the hands went
are here for being—and I applaud you for up. See, that's a good sign, when the prin
being involved in the life of your children, cipal and students and parents have encour
particularly when it comes to one of the most aged our children to set a goal. Going to col
important aspects of their development, and lege is an important goal for the future of
that is school. And I want to thank the stu the United States of America, and I'm please
dents for letting me come too. to report that when I asked that question in
I want to thank Mary, the principal. You both classrooms I was invited to go to, there
know, one of the things I have found, and was unanimity.
I've spent a lot of time in schoolhouses as The students have set a goal to go to col
a result of being the Governor and the Presi lege, and I reminded them that now is the
dent, is that a good school always has a good time to work hard so you get to go; like, take
principal. And Mary Dunnock must be a advantage of the SmartDab; read more than
good principal, because this is a good school. you watch TV, practice your math and
And I applaud you for being an educational science. I want to applaud you, Madam Prin
entrepreneur. An educational entrepreneur cipal, for encouraging our students to aim
is somebody who is willing to challenge fail high, and I thank the teachers for helping
ure and mediocrity if she finds it, because them achieve those dreams.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 5 175]

In recent days, we have seen some sad and measured.” My attitude is, what are you try
shocking violence in our schools across ing to hide? How can you solve a problem
America. Yesterday I was in Colorado, which until you measure the problem? How can
is one of the States that had received this you make sure a child is achieving what we
sad and shocking news firsthand. all want if you don't measure early to deter
Next week, Secretary Spellings and Attor mine whether or not the skills are being im
ney General Al Gonzales are going to host parted?
a conference here in Washington, DC, and And so the No Child Left Behind says,
it's an important conference. We're going to look, we trust the local folks. I don't want
bring together teachers and parents and ad Washington, DC, running the schools. That's
ministrators and law enforcement officials
up to the people in the States and the local
and other experts to discuss ways to help our community. I've been a strong believer in
schools protect the children. See, it is para local control of schools. But I also believe
mount that the Federal Government work
it makes sense to ask the question whether
with the State government and local govern or not a child can read, write, and add and
ments to make it clear that our schools are subtract. I don't think it's too much to ask.
places of learning, not places where there will I know it's an important question if we expect
be violence. And so, Margaret, I want to our children to have the schools—necessary
thank you for that initiative, and I'm looking to compete in the 21st century. I know the
forward to hearing the results of the impor kids don't like tests, and I didn't like it either,
tant discussions.
to be honest with you. You hear people say,
I'm here today to talk about the No Child “Well, we're testing too much.” No, we're
Left Behind Act. It's a–this act is an impor just trying to figure out whether or not peo
tant way to make sure America remains com ple have got the skills necessary to succeed.
petitive in the 21st century. We're living in You know, I remember the debates when
a global world. You see, the education system
in America must compete with education sys I was the Governor of Texas and Margaret
tems in China and India. If we fail to give and I were working on accountability sys
our students the skills necessary to compete tems. I remember somebody standing up and
in the world of the 21st century, the jobs saying, “It is racist to test.” I said, uh-uh,
it is racist not to test, because there are too
will go elsewhere. That's just a fact of life.
It's the reality of the world in which we live. many children being shuffled through our
And therefore, now is the time for the United schools without understanding whether or
States of America to give our children the not they can read and write and add and sub
skills so that the jobs will stay here. tract. I think it's important to hold people
to account now to make sure the education
Oh, there will be jobs—don't get me
wrong. But I'm talking about the high-paying system functions for all. And that's the spirit
of No Child Left Behind.
jobs, the quality jobs, the jobs that will be
helping to lead the world in the 21st century. By measuring, it helps us determine
whether or not a curricula works. Is the read
And there's no doubt in my mind we can
achieve that objective. And the No Child Left ing curriculum you're using working? That's
Behind Act was all part of making sure that a fundamental question a parent ought to ask
we get it right in the schools. So when I came or a principal ought to ask or a teacher ought
here to Washington, I made a focused effort to ask. The best way to find out is to measure
to determine whether or not a child can read
to work with Democrats and Republicans to
pass this important law. And the theory be at grade level. And that helps you determine
hind the law is straightforward. We'll spend whether or not your curriculum are working.
more money on education, but in return, we One of the things that I think is most im
want to see results. portant about the No Child Left Behind Act
Oh, I know that may be too much to ask is that when you measure, particularly in the
for some. It's not too much for this school. early grades, it enables you to address an in
As a matter of fact, I get a little nervous when dividual's problem today, rather than try to
I hear people say, “Well, I don't want to be wait until tomorrow. My attitude is, is that
1752 Oct. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

measuring early enables a school to correct abled them to get the help they need early.
problems early. I appreciate the fact that you have interven
See, let's be frank about it. We had a sys tion sessions with teacher assistance. In other
tem that just shuffled kids through grade words, we identify a particular child's prob
after grade. I know some say that wasn't the lems, and then this school intervenes. You
case, but it was—let me just say, my State, have specialized learning projects, extra tu
the place I was familiar with. It's so much toring.
easier, when you think about it, just to say, Each child matters. Every child has poten
“Okay, if you're such and such a grade, you're tial. All hands went up and said, “I want to
supposed—age, you're supposed to be in this go to college.” And this school recognizes
grade,” and just shuffle them through. And that some students need a little extra help
guess who got shuffled through—inner-city early to make sure they can realize those
kids, the hard to educate. It made it easy dreams. That's what measuring helps you to
just to say, “Oh, gosh, let's just—you know, do.
let's don't worry about whether or not you've Woodridge has met standards for 3 years
got the skills. Let's just put you here because in a row. You've put in a lot of hard work,
that's where you belong.” That's unfair to and you have the results to show for it, and
parents. That's unfair to the children. And I thank you for your contribution to the fu
the No Child Left Behind Act demands re ture of this country.
sult for every child, for the good of the If you don't make progress, you get extra
United States of America. help. One of the most important initiatives
There's an achievement gap in America is the Supplemental Service Initiative. This
that's not good for the future of this country. initiative says that when we find a child that
Some kids can read at grade level and some needs help, that child gets extra help-in
can't, and that's unsatisfactory. I know it's un other words, if a child is falling behind. Re
satisfactory for the educators who are here. member, I keep talking about individual chil
It's unsatisfactory if you're a parent, and it's dren. It used to be when they measured, they
unsatisfactory for the President. just measured everybody, you know. And
You can't have a hopeful America if certain now we're forcing them to disaggregate re
kids can read at grade level and others can't, sults. That's a fancy word for saying, just split
and we don't address the problem. I'm proud individuals out so we know.
to report the achievement gap between white And when we find a child that needs extra
kids and minority students is closing, for the help, there's money to do so. And there are
good of the United States. options for parents, which is an important
How do I know? Because we measure. In part of making sure there's parental involve
reading, 9-year-olds have made larger gains ment and making sure—an important part
in the past 5 years than at any point in the of making sure the strategy works.
previous 28 years. That's positive news. In A parent can enroll their child in a free
math, 9-year-olds and 13-year-olds earned intensive tutoring program. There's money
the highest scores in the history of the test. for that. If your child is not up to grade level
In reading and math, African American and early on, there's extra help available for each
Hispanic students are scoring higher, and the family to do so. Parents can transfer their
achievement gap is closing. child to a better public school if that school
Oh, I know people say we test too much, refuses to change. In other words, at some
but how can you solve a problem until you point in time, there's got to be some account
measure? And how can you hold people to ability. It's one thing to be talking the talk
account when there's an achievement gap about educational excellence, but pretty
that is not right for America, unless you soon, if nothing happens, a parent ought to
measure? Measuring is the gateway to suc be allowed to walk—and that means to an
other public school, just like Woodridge, see.
Woodridge Elementary School gets meas If you're in a neighborhood and one school
ured. The accountability system helped your won't teach and change and another school
school identify struggling students and en will, I think it makes sense for a parent to
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 5 1753

have the option, with space available, to be This program is aimed particularly at low
able to say, “I’ve had it; I'm tired of my child income students.
being trapped in a failed school; I'm owed Let's be frank about it; upper income fami
better as a parent and a property taxpayer lies have got school choice. They can afford
than failure; therefore, I'd like to move my it. Low-income families don't. This program
child to another school.” enables low-income families to say, “I’m sick
And that's what's happened to some of the and tired of my child not receiving a quality
students right here. Asia Goode—where's education.” Eighteen hundred low-income
Asia? Oh, thank you for coming, Asia. Can students have used these scholarships. One
I quote you? Thank you. I was going to quote of them is Carlos Battle. Carlos isn't here,
you anyway. [Laughter Asia first came to but I thought his quote might interest—he
Woodridge; she was reading well below was in a school, and he transferred to As
grade level. How do we know? Because she sumption Catholic School 2 years ago. In
measured. Her teachers stayed after school other words, his parents—family qualified,
to tutor her, and she caught up. Somebody received a scholarship, and off he went.
said, “It is my job to make sure this individual After transferring, he made the honor roll.
is not left behind and not just shuffled He became the class president. He led the
through.” And I thank that teacher for doing basketball team to its first championship. He
that. said this, “There is no limit to what I can
Even after Asia reached grade level—in do. And that not only makes me happier, but
other words, we measure to determine my mom can't seem to stop smiling.” It is
whether a child can read at grade level—the really important that as we think about how
teacher said, “Wait a minute; grade level is to make sure every child gets a good edu
not good enough for you, Asia.” I started off cation, that we not only measure but we say
my speech by saying we're setting high stand that if things don't change, parents ought to
ards. That's how you help somebody achieve have different options.
educational excellence. Asia is now an honors The No Child Left Behind Act is good
student. She loves reading, and she sings in progress, but we've got a lot of work to do,
the school choir. And I congratulate her par and it starts with making sure that here in
ent and the teachers and Asia for setting high Washington, we don't soften our desire to
standards and working hard to achieve those hold schools accountable. As I'll tell you,
standards. look, there's a lot of pressure, and I'm sure
Washington, DC, has a really innovative the Congressmen and Senators feel that
and interesting program that I strongly sup pressure. They feel the pressure because
port, as did your mayor, Mayor Williams. Oh, people say, “Look, we're tired of measuring.”
I know it's controversial for some, but it rests They feel the pressure because, you know,
on the premise that a parent ought to have “We're just teaching the test.” I mean,
different options if a child is trapped in a there's every excuse in the book.
school that won't teach and won't change. But as we come time to reauthorize the
I happen to think that is a good, solid prin No Child Left Behind Act, my attitude is,
ciple on which to operate—that the parent instead of softening No Child Left Behind,
is the primary teacher of a child and the par we need to strengthen it. The law is working.
ent ought to have different options for his It makes sense. We must hold schools ac
or her child. count—to account if we expect our children
And so the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship to be able to realize dreams. And if we want
Program was enacted. And it wasn't easy to America to remain competitive, we must
enact it. There are some who are willing to have high standards.
defend the status quo at all costs. That's okay. You know, there's a–kind of a mindset
That's generally what happens sometimes in at times, a culture that says, “Well, you know,
the political arena. But this is a program that maybe certain kids can't learn, and therefore,
enables a parent to transfer his or her child let's don't have high standards.” I reject that
to a private or religious school if the parent notion. I strongly believe every child has got
feels like the current school isn't working. the capacity. And all of us must demand that
1754 Oct. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the high standards be set and met. And so sense, and Congress ought to fund that pro
one of the top priorities next year for me gram.
will be the reauthorization and the strength We've got to improve options. One of the
ening of the No Child Left Behind Act. problems we have in the Public School
Here are some ways to improve the law. Choice program is, parents aren't getting in
In order for every child to get up to grade formation on a timely basis. So in other
level, there must be a quality teacher in every words, you got your kid going to a school.
classroom. And one way to help the law is The school's accountability system says,
to help our teachers in an innovative way. “Wait a minute; you're not doing as well as
We created what's called the Teacher Incen you should.” And the parent gets notified
tive Fund. It allows States and local districts after the next school year begins. That
to reward teachers who demonstrate strong doesn't help.
results for their students. It's an interesting It kind of looks like people are afraid to
concept, isn't it? In other words, if your put out results for some reason. And so we'll
measurement system shows that you're pro work with Congress to clarify the law and
viding excellence for your children, it seems to strengthen the law to make sure our par
to make sense that there ought to be a little ents get timely information and useful infor
extra incentive to do so through the bonus mation so that they can take advantage of
program, not run by the Federal Govern the No Child Left Behind Act's—law that
ment—funded by the Federal Government, provides flexibility and transferability. r
administered by States and local govern We're going to work with school districts
to help more students take advantage of free,
I think it's very important to encourage our intensive tutoring. You'd be amazed at the
good teachers to teach in some of the tough number of districts that don't use this extra
est school districts. You know, when you find tutoring. They don't take advantage of the
a good teacher, a good, high-quality teacher extra money to help an individual child. Oh,
in a-for example, an inner-city district they'll figure out ways to spend it—don't get
needs help, or a rural district needs help, me wrong. But the money is aimed for help
there ought to be a bonus system available, ing an individual succeed, and it's the cumu
an incentive program to say to a teacher, lative effect of bringing these students up to
“Thanks; thanks for heading into some of grade level that will enable us all to say, we're
the-you know, an area that is—that needs more competitive for the future.
help, and here's a little incentive to do so.” I believe in opportunity scholarships. I be
So there's some ideas that Congress can work lieve that the program here in Washington,
on in order to provide incentives for our DC, ought to be replicated around the coun
teachers. try. I call on Congress to create such a pro
I believe we ought to encourage math and gram for 28,000 low-income children as a be
science professionals to bring their expertise ginning step to help parents challenge fail
into the classrooms. I remember going to a ure.

school here in Maryland recently. Margaret We've got to do something about our high
and I went over there, and I met a guy who schools, by the way. I think there needs to
worked at NASA. And do you know what he be strong accountability in America's high
was doing? He was in the classrooms basi schools. You've got strong accountability
cally saying to seventh and eighth graders, right here at Woodridge. It seems like it
“Science is cool, take it seriously.” makes sense, if it's working, to extend that
You know, it's important that you learn the concept to our high schools.
skills necessary to be good scientists because One out of every four ninth graders in
it's important for the United States of Amer America does not graduate from high school
ica that we've got young scientists. And by on time. That's unacceptable. If we want to
the way, every neighborhood in America can be competitive, we better make sure that the
produce young scientists. And therefore, en skills that are now being imparted at elemen
couraging these professionals in the class tary school and junior high carry on through
rooms as adjunct teachers makes a lot of high school. We don't want the good work
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 5 1755

here at Woodridge to be lost because NOTE: The President spoke at 11:02 a.m. In his
there's—because some say, “Well, I don't remarks, he referred to Mayor Anthony A. Wil
need to get out of high school,” or the ac liams of Washington, DC. The Office of the Press
countability systems in high school don't Secretary also released a Spanish language tran
script of these remarks.
measure up. And so what I want to do is,
I want to have the same sense of account
ability in our high schools that we have in Proclamation 8064—National School
our junior high and elementary schools—not Lunch Week, 2006
to increase the testing burden but to help October 5, 2006
us understand whether or not we are achiev
ing our national objective, which is giving our By the President of the United States
kids the skills necessary to be competitive. of America

And so I think we need to fund testing A Proclamation

early in the high school systems and to help
students fix problems like we're doing in ele For 60 years, the National School Lunch
mentary school and high schools. I proposed Program has contributed to the health and
a billion-and-a-half dollar initiative; Congress well-being of America's youth. National
needs to fund it. I've also proposed a pro School Lunch Week highlights the many
achievements of the National School Lunch
gram to train 70,000 teachers over 5 years
to lead Advanced Placement classes in our Program and the importance of helping chil
high schools. Advanced Placement works. It dren develop good nutrition habits.
is a-it is an excellent program that helps Eating healthy foods and maintaining an
our high schools set high standards. And it active lifestyle are vital for children's health
calls—it challenges our students to achieve and reduce their risk of serious long-term
great things by raising the standards. health problems, such as obesity, asthma, and
diabetes. The National School Lunch Pro
Many of you know about AP. It needs to gram, part of the United States Department
be spread all throughout America. And step of Agriculture (USDA), provides more than
one is to make sure our teachers have the
29 million children with healthy meals each
skills necessary to teach it. And step two is day. The program raises awareness about the
to help States develop programs that will importance of good food choices and trains
help parents pay for the AP test. What we food service professionals to prepare nutri
don't want is a child taking an AP class and tious breakfasts, lunches, and snacks that in
having mom or dad say, “It’s too expensive clude foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and
to take the test.” You pass an AP test; you're fiber. In addition, the USDA offers edu
on your way. If you've got the skills necessary cational resources for school nutrition direc
to pass an AP test, it means the education tors, managers, and staff based on the re
system has done its job, and our country is quirements for healthy school meals estab
better off.
lished in the Dietary Guidelines for Ameri
And so here are some ideas for the Con
cans. By promoting good nutrition and exer
gress and the administration to work on as cise, schools can help children develop well
we think about how to reauthorize the No balanced diets and lead healthier lives.
Child Left Behind Act. I strongly believe this During National School Lunch Week, we
piece of legislation is working. I know it is recognize dedicated parents, school officials,
necessary to have this kind of rigor in our community leaders, and food service profes
school systems to say we have done our job sionals for their efforts to ensure that our
and given our kids the skills necessary to suc children are provided with nutritious meals
ceed. And I want to thank you all for serving each day.
as a great example. Thank you for inviting In recognition of the contributions of the
me. Again, I thank the teachers for teaching National School Lunch Program to the
and the parents for loving and the students health, education, and well-being of Amer
for reading. ica's children, the Congress, by joint resolu
God bless. tion of October 9, 1962 (Public Law 87–780),
1756 Oct. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
as amended, has designated the week begin new energy sources, and solve our most dif
ning on the second Sunday in October of ficult medical challenges.
each year as “National School Lunch Week,” Columbus Day is also an opportunity to
and has requested the President to issue a celebrate the heritage we share with the leg
proclamation in observance of this week. endary explorer, the important relationship
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, between the United States and Italy, and the
President of the United States of America, proud Italian Americans who call our Nation
do hereby proclaim the week of October 8 home. Italian Americans have strengthened
through October 14, 2006, as National our country and enriched our culture, and
School Lunch Week. I call upon all Ameri through service in our Armed Forces, many
cans to join the dedicated individuals who have defended our Nation with courage and
administer the National School Lunch Pro helped lay the foundation of peace for gen
gram in appropriate activities that support erations to come.
the health and well-being of our Nation's In commemoration of Columbus' journey,
children. the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30,
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set 1934, and modified in 1968 (36 U.S.C. 107),
my hand this fifth day of October, in the year as amended, has requested that the President
of our Lord two thousand six, and of the proclaim the second Monday of October of
Independence of the United States of Amer each year as “Columbus Day.”
ica the two hundred and thirty-first. Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
George W. Bush
do hereby proclaim October 9, 2006, as Co
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, lumbus Day. I call upon the people of the
8:45 a.m., October 10, 2006] United States to observe this day with appro
NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the priate ceremonies and activities. I also direct
Federal Register on October 11. that the flag of the United States be displayed
on all public buildings on the appointed day
in honor of Christopher Columbus.
Proclamation 8065—Columbus Day, In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
2006 my hand this fifth day of October, in the year
of our Lord two thousand six, and of the
October 5, 2006
Independence of the United States of Amer
By the President of the United States ica the two hundred and thirty-first.
of America George W. Bush
A Proclamation
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
More than five centuries ago, Christopher 8:45 a.m., October 10, 2006]
Columbus boldly set out on a long and chal
lenging journey across the Atlantic that led NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
the way for exploration of the Americas. On Federal Register on October 11.
Columbus Day, we celebrate the historic
voyages of the Italian explorer and honor his
Proclamation 8062—Fire Prevention
life, heritage, and lasting legacy.
Columbus' brave expeditions expanded Week, 2006
the horizons of human knowledge and in October 4, 2006
spired generations of risk-takers and pioneers
in America and around the world. Our Na By the President of the United States
tion is built on the efforts of men and women of America
who possess both the vision to see beyond A Proclamation
what is and the desire to pursue what might
be. Today, the same passion for discovery During Fire Prevention Week, we under
that drove Columbus is leading bold vision score our commitment to advancing fire safe
aries to explore the frontiers of space, find ty and awareness, and we honor the brave
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 6 1757

firefighters and volunteers who work to pro [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
tect our lives, homes, and communities. 11:07 a.m., October 5, 2006]
Thousands of injuries and deaths occur
each year as a result of fires, and Americans NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of
fice of the Press Secretary on October 6, and it
have a shared responsibility to help minimize was published in the Federal Register on October
the risk of fires that can cause harm to people 6.
and property. By installing and maintaining
smoke alarms and having a plan of action in
the event of an emergency, citizens can prac Remarks on the National Economy
tice simple but effective fire safety measures. October 6, 2006
Unattended cooking is a leading cause of
household fires, and this year's theme, “Pre Secretary Paulson and I want to thank
vent Cooking Fires: Watch What You Heat,” FedEx for inviting us here today to have a
highlights the importance of practicing kitch discussion about our economy and about en
en safety at all times. By keeping cooking trepreneurship. We just met with a handful
areas clear of flammable items and closely of small-business owners, business creators,
monitoring children and appliances while in people who had an innovative idea, followed
the kitchen, individuals can greatly reduce up on their idea, and have now built healthy
the number of fire-related accidents in the
little businesses that are growing and em
ploying people.
Our Nation's firefighters selflessly risk I don't necessarily want to speak for the
their lives to protect their fellow citizens. Secretary, but I will tell you that it does my
These brave men and women play a critical spirits good to be able to talk to risk-takers
role in safeguarding our families, our house and dreamers and doers. And one of the jobs
holds, and our communities, and their cour of Government is to make sure the entrepre
age and dedication are an inspiration to all neurial spirit is strong by creating an environ
Americans. Fire Prevention Week is an op ment that encourages entrepreneurship—
portunity to reaffirm the importance of fire which means low taxes, less regulation, ra
safety, celebrate those who devote their lives tional spending at the Government level,
to protecting others, and honor the memory opening markets overseas so that the entre
of our Nation's fallen heroes.
preneur can trade but is treated fairly, and
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, making sure that foreign countries don't steal
President of the United States of America, products—that's called intellectual property
by virtue of the authority vested in me by rights. It's to really say to the good folks in
the Constitution and laws of the United
America that Government will help you as
States, do hereby proclaim October 8 opposed to impede your ability to expand
through October 14, 2006, as Fire Prevention your company. And the entrepreneurial spirit
Week. On Sunday, October 8, 2006, in ac is strong in America. Our economy is strong.
cordance with Public Law 107–51, the flag I say that because today we got more good
of the United States will be flown at half
news. The national unemployment rate is
staff on all Federal office buildings in honor down to 4.6 percent. We have added 6.6 mil
of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial lion new jobs since August of 2003. The
Service. I call on all Americans to participate wages are going up; energy prices are falling,
in this observance through appropriate pro which means people are going to have more
grams and activities and by renewing their money in their pocket to save, invest, or
efforts to prevent fires and their tragic con spend. And the fundamental question is, how
sequences. do we make sure we sustain the economic
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
growth? And one way to do so is to make
my hand this fourth day of October, in the the tax cuts we passed permanent. One sure
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of way to hurt this economy is to take money
the Independence of the United States of out of the pockets of consumers or small
America the two hundred and thirty-first. business owners and send it to Washington,
George W. Bush DC.
1758 Oct. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

And so I'm pleased with the economic to His Majesty and your mom. And I will
progress we're making. The Secretary of the do the same on behalf of you to my father
Treasury and I will continue to work as hard and her majesty, my mother. [Laughter]
as we can to encourage entrepreneurial—en I am proud to be here with the Attorney
trepreneurship and small-business growth. General of the United States, Alberto
And so, again, I want to thank the people Gonzales. The U.S. Treasurer, Anna Cabral.
of FedEx. This is a great example of what Anna, thank you for coming; y su esposo, Vic
is possible in America. A fellow I knew long tor. Welcome, Victor. Good to see you.
years ago, named Fred Smith, had a dream
about how to better distribute mail and prod Today we've got a special guest, Ana
uct. And he and a lot of other good folks Cristina, who will perform two songs after
built this into a great American company. I finish speaking, which probably means you
So I want to thank the folks here |. letting want me to finish speaking soon, so that Ana
us come by to say hello. can come up here. We're proud you're here,
Ana. I want to thank my friend Emilio
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:27 a.m. at the Estefan for arranging for the entertainment
FedEx Express DCA Facility. In his remarks, he today. He's a great buddy of ours from
referred to Frederick W. Smith, chairman, presi Miami. It's good to see you, sir.
dent, and chief executive officer, FedEx Corp.
I am proud to be here with Lieutenant
Colonel Consuelo Kickbusch. She's the win
Remarks at a Reception Celebrating ner of the Hispanic Heritage Award 2006.
Hispanic Heritage Month Interesting name, Kickbusch. [Laughter] It
October 6, 2006 sounds like the political campaign. [Laugh
ter] Congratulations.
The President. Thank you. Hola. Please
be seated. I appreciate all the Ambassadors who are
Audience member. Viva Bush! here. Thanks for coming. We've got Ambas
The President. Shhh.. [Laughter] sadors from neighboring countries. I like to
Bienvenidos. We are glad you're here. remind people that the best foreign policy
Thanks for coming. Laura sends her best. is to make sure that we've got good foreign
She, like me, greets you to come—to wel policy in our own neighborhood. And so
come you to the Casa Blanca—[laughter— we're glad you're here. Thanks for coming.
la casa de todos. We are glad you're here. We've got distinguished members from
I am glad that so many of you joined us for the IDB, USO, all kinds of organizations.
Hispanic Heritage Month. Today we honor And I'm proud you're here. Thanks for com
the contributions of Hispanic Americans to Ing.
our country, to our culture, and to our na We are a blessed nation to have thousands
tional character.
of people who claim Hispanic heritage. I
We celebrate the values de la familia y firmly believe that. I know that to be true.
fe. After all, those values are at the heart of I think our citizens must recognize the great
the Hispanic American community. We wel contribution of Hispanic Americans to our
come the diversity that enriches our lives, a country. Hispanic Americans are hard-work
diversity that makes America a stronger and
better country. Thanks for coming. ing people. They're entrepreneurial people
I am proud to welcome a . of my fam who dream big dreams. They're people who
ily's, His Royal Highness Prince Felipe de love their God and especially love their fami
Borbon, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom America. But most of all, they love their country,
of Spain. Thank you for coming. His Royal
Highness is here to help celebrate Hispanic As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month,
Heritage Month, which I think is a kind ges we've got to recognize we have responsibil
ture and a noble gesture from a very impor ities in Government to make sure that all in
tant country. We're proud you're here, sir. this country can realize the American Dream.
Thank you for coming. Please give your best In the 21st century, the best way to do that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 6 1759

is to make sure every child gets a good edu citizens for serving the country. I thank our
cation—not just a few children—but every Attorney General for serving the country. I
single child must receive a quality education. thank the Secretary of Commerce, Carlos
I believe strongly that every child can learn Gutierrez, for serving the country. They're
regardless of the color of their skin or wheth in my Cabinet. These are men who serve at
er their parents speak English as a first lan the highest councils of Government and can
guage. And I know that in order to make walk in the Oval Office any time they feel
sure every child gets educated, we've got to like it and say, “Mr. President, here is what's
set high standards. And we've got to measure on my mind.” I appreciate their counsel in
to determine whether or not schools are helping me make good decisions on behalf
achieving that which we expect. And when of our country.
we find a child cannot read at grade level, We've got Hispanic Americans all across
then that child deserves extra help to make the country who serve our country by loving
sure that we make—to make sure that we a neighbor like they'd like to be loved them
meet a national objective, and that is no child selves. Thousands of our fellow citizens feed
should be left behind. the hungry or find shelter for the homeless
I'm pleased to report that Hispanic stu or put their arm around a child who needs
dents, in reading and math, are scoring high love in order to help create a society that
er, and an achievement gap in our country is welcoming to all. And for those of you who
is beginning to close. We're making progress, are involved in our faith-based communities
but I assure you we will not rest until every and charitable communities, I thank you on
child receives a quality education in our behalf of a grateful nation.
country. The Hispanic community is also known for
I believe that America should remain the its willingness to serve in the United States
land of the entrepreneur, and that ours is military and protect our freedoms. Today, we
a country that benefits when people have a have over 200,000 Hispanic Americans wear
dream and work hard to achieve that dream. ing the uniform of the finest military on the
The small-business community is strong here face of the Earth. Today, we've got members
in America. It's strong because we have en of the Hispanic community who wear our
trepreneurs in our midst. And the role of uniform with us, representing those 200,000,
Government is to encourage the entrepre and I want to thank you for your service.
neurial spirit. Government doesn't create These fine Americans, like the other
wealth, but Government can create an envi Americans in our military, are working hard
ronment in which people who dream dreams to secure this country. They're answering the
have a chance to realize those dreams. call to history. They have volunteered to
I'm proud to report that the number of serve in an historic time, a time when this
Hispanic-owned businesses is growing at United States will do what it takes to defend
three times the national rate. And that's posi ourselves from people who spread evil by
tive, particularly if you're a fellow like me killing the innocent; at a time when the
who worries about whether or not people can United States understands that in order to
find work, because the truth of the matter spread the peace, we will stand with those
is 70 percent of new jobs in our country are who long for liberty. I'm proud to be the
created by small businesses. And so when the Commander in Chief of such a fantastic
small-business sector is growing, the job base group of men and women.
is growing. And equally importantly, when And as we renew our commitment to our
the small business is growing, it means own Hispanic Americans, we also must renew our
ership is growing, and the more owners we commitment to make sure we're a welcoming
have in the United States of America, the society. We are a land of immigrants, and
more hopeful country we will have for all as we debate immigration policy, we must
of us. always keep that important fact in mind. One
We take pride in the service of Hispanic of the important things about our country is
Americans. When we celebrate Hispanic that we provide hope, and that we recognize
Heritage Month, it's time to thank our fellow that we're a stronger nation when we're
1760 Oct. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
bound together under one God—when we Digest of Other
bind together under one God, different cul White House Announcements
tures and different heritages.

We will conduct this debate on immigra The following list includes the President's public
tion in a way that is respectful to our heritage. schedule and other items of general interest an
We are a nation of law, and we will enforce nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
not included elsewhere in this issue.
our law. But at the same time, we must re
member that in order to secure our borders,
in order to make sure we fulfill our heritage, September 30
immigration reform must be comprehensive In the morning, at Camp David, MD, the
in nature. We must understand that you can't President had an intelligence briefing.
kick 12 million people out of your country;
that we must figure out a way to say to those October 1
that if you're lawful and if you've contributed In the afternoon, the President returned
to the United States of America, there is a to Washington, DC.
way for you to eventually earn a citizenship.
October 2

Nobody in our land wants to grant auto In the morning, the President had a tele
matic amnesty. But everybody in our land phone conversation with President Vladimir
understands these people must be treated Putin of Russia. Later, he had an intelligence
with respect and dignity. There are citizen briefing followed by a briefing on wildfires
ship lines for people from our neighborhood. inğ. He and Mrs. Bush then partici
People ought to be given a chance to get pated in planting an elm tree on the north
at the back of the citizenship line and have grounds of the White House.
a chance. And so I assure my friends here In the afternoon, the President traveled to
that I will—we will enforce the border as Reno, NV, where, upon arrival, he met with
people expect us to do. But as we do so, we'll USA Freedom Corps volunteer Elaine
do so in a humane way, in a way that honors
that great tradition of the United States of In the evening, the President traveled to
America, one Nation under God. Stockton, CA, where, upon arrival, he met
with USA Freedom Corps volunteer
Masanobu Kamigaki.
And so on this day that we recognize the The President announced his intention to
contributions of our Hispanic Americans, we appoint Mary E. Peters as a member of the
renew the great—our faith in the greatness Amtrak Reform Board.
of our country. I welcome you to the White
House. I'm honored, Royal Highness, that October 3
you have joined us today. I thank you for In the morning, the President had an intel
serving the United States of America. And
ligence briefing. Later, at the Radisson
I now welcome to the stage Ana Cristina. Hotel, he participated in a signing ceremony
for Public Law 109–294, the Partners for
Fish and Wildlife Act.
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:29 p.m. in the Later in the morning, the President toured
East Room at the White House. In his remarks,
the George W. Bush Elementary School.
he referred to King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia In the afternoon, the President traveled to
of Spain; Victor G. Cabral, husband of U.S. Treas El Dorado Hills, CA. Later, he traveled to
urer Anna Escobedo Cabral; Ana Cristina Alvarez,
Cuban American singer, Emilio Estefan, Jr., presi Los Angeles, CA. While en route aboard Air
dent, Estefan Enterprises; and Lt. Col. Consuelo Force One, he had a briefing on wildfires
Castillo Kickbusch, USA, (Ret.). The Office of the in California. Upon arrival in Los Angeles,
Press Secretary also released a Spanish language he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer
transcript of these remarks. Matthew Cook.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1761

In the evening, at a private residence, the ister Stephen Harper of Canada to discuss
President attended a Republican National international issues.
Committee reception. Later, he traveled to Later in the morning, the President toured
Phoenix, AZ, where, upon arrival, he met the FedEx Express DCA Facility. Later, at
with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Barbara the facility, he participated in a roundtable
MacLean. He then traveled to Scottsdale, discussion on the national economy.
AZ. In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the
President participated in a photo opportunity
October 4 with .. of the Supreme i.
In the morning, the President had an intel Allied Expeditionary Force/Headquarters
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Den European Theater of Operations U.S. Army
Veterans Association.
ver, CO, where, upon arrival, he met with
USA Freedom Corps volunteer Mary Lester. The President declared a major disaster in
He then traveled to Englewood, CO. Indiana and ordered Federal aid to supple
In the afternoon, the President returned ment State and local recovery efforts in the
to Washington, DC. area struck by severe storms and flooding
from September 12–14.
October 5

In the morning, the President had an intel

ligence briefing. Later, he toured Woodridge
Elementary and Middle Campus. Nominations
In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the Submitted to the Senate
President met with Paul A. Morin, national
commander, American Legion. NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
The President announced his intention to
nominate Charles E. Dorkey III to be a Senate during the period covered by this issue.
member of the Advisory Board of the Saint
Lawrence Seaway Development Corpora
The President announced his intention to Checklist
designate Stanley E. Taylor as Chairman of of White House Press Releases
the Commission on Presidential Scholars.
The President announced his intention to
appoint Mark B. Murphy as a member of The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
the Advisory Board of the National Air and items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Space Museum. Other White House Announcements.
The President announced his intention to
appoint Debra Lynn Crisp as a member of
the Klamath River Compact Commission Released September 30
(Federal Representative) and, upon appoint Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
ment, to designate her as Chairman. that the President signed H.R. 6138 and
The i. announced his intention to H.R. 6198
appoint Steven M. Colloton as a member of
the Board of Trustees of ...'. Madison Released October 2

Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Federal Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec

Judiciary). retary Tony Snow
Released October 3
October 6
In the morning, the President had an intel Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
ligence briefing. Later, he had separate tele Secretary Dana Perino
phone conversations with President Statement by the Press Secretary on pro
Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal to discuss the moting sustainable fisheries and ending de
situation in Darfur, Sudan, and Prime Min structive fishing practices
1762 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on Acts Approved

North Korea's announcement of its intention
to undertake a nuclear test by the President

Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary: Approved September 30

Thai Coup Developments
H.R. 6138 / Public Law 109–292
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary an Third Higher Education Extension Act of
nouncing that the President signed S. 260 2006

Released October 4 H.R. 6198 / Public Law 109–293

Iran Freedom Support Act
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Secretary Dana Perino Approved October 3

Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on S. 260 / Public Law 109–294

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan's up Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act
coming visit to China on October 8 and
South Korea on October 9
Approved October 4

Released October 5 H.R. 5441 / Public Law 109–295

Department of Homeland Security Appro
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec priations Act, 2007
retary Tony Snow
Approved October 5
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that the President signed H.R. 3408, S. 176, H.R. 3408 / Public Law 109–296
S. 244, S. 1025, S. 1275, S. 1323, and S. 2690 To reauthorize the Livestock Mandatory Re
porting Act of 1999 and to amend the swine
Fact sheet: The No Child Left Behind Act: reporting provisions of that Act
Challenging Students Through High Expec
tations S. 176 / Public Law 109–297
To extend the deadline for commencement

Released October 6 of construction of a hydroelectric project in

the State of Alaska

Transcript of a press briefing by Deputy

S. 244 / Public Law 109–298
Press Secretary Dana Perino
To extend the deadline for commencement

Statements by the Press Secretary announc of construction of a hydroelectric project in

ing that the President signed H.R. 1036, the State of Wyoming
H.R. 1442, H.R. 5074, H.R. 5187, H.R. 5574,
H.R. 683, H.R. 2066, H.R. 4841, S. 31.87, S. 1025 / Public Law 109–299
S. 3613, and H.R. 3858 Wichita Project Equus Beds Division Au
thorization Act of 2005

Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster

assistance to Indiana S. 1275 / Public Law 109–300
To designate the facility of the United States
Fact sheet: Job Creation Continues—More Postal Service located at 7172 North Tongass
Than 6.6 Million Jobs Created Since August Highway, Ward Cove, Alaska, as the “Alice
2003 R. Brusich Post Office Building”
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1763

S. 1323 / Public Law 109–301 H.R. 1442 / Public Law 109–304

To designate the facility of the United States To complete the codification of title 46,
Postal Service located on Lindbald Avenue, United States Code, “Shipping", as positive
Girdwood, Alaska, as the “Dorothy and law
Connie Hibbs Post Office Building”
H.R. 5074 / Public Law 109–305
S. 2690 / Public Law 109–302 Railroad Retirement Technical Improve
ment Act of 2006
To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 8801 Sudley Road H.R. 5187 / Public Law 109–306
in Manassas, Virginia, as the “Harry J. Parrish
Post Office” To amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act
to authorize additional appropriations for the
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing
Approved October 6 Arts for fiscal year 2007
H.R. 1036 / Public Law 109–303 H.R. 5574 / Public Law 109–307
Copyright Royalty Judges Program Technical Children's Hospital GME Support Reauthor
Corrections Act ization Act of 2006

Communications to Federal Agencies— Proclamations—Continued

National Disability Employment Awareness
Promoting Sustainable Fisheries and Ending Month—1733
Destructive Fishing Practices, National Domestic Violence Awareness
memorandum—1718 Month–1704
Waiving Prohibition on U.S. Military National School Lunch Week—1755
Assistance With Respect to Various Parties
to the Rome Statute Establishing the Statements by the President
International Criminal Court, See also Bill Signings
memorandum—1708 “Iran Freedom Support Act,” congressional
Meetings With Foreign Leaders Transportation Secretary, Senate confirmation
Turkey, Prime Minister Erdogan—1712 of Mary E. Peters—1707
Proclamations Supplementary Materials
Columbus Day–1756 Acts approved by the President—1762
Fire Prevention Week—1756 Checklist of White House press releases—
German-American Day—1733 1761
Leif Erikson Day—1749 Digest of other White House
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month— announcements—1760
1732 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1761
Ae 2.10%:42|+| FED - DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, October 16, 2006

Volume 42—Number 41
Pages 1765–1822

s" "Nº.
"N072006 :


Addresses and Remarks Bill Signings

See also Bill Signings; Meetings With Foreign National Heritage Areas Act of 2006,
Leaders statement—1815
Georgia, reception for congressional candidate Rio Grande Natural Area Act, statement—
Mac Collins in Macon—1777 1815
Illinois, reception for congressional candidates SAFE Port Act
Peter Roskam and David McSweeney and
the Illinois Congressional Victory
Committee in Chicago–1808
Maryland, discussion on school safety in Communications to Federal Agencies
Chevy Chase—1770 Presidential Determination on FY 2007
Missouri, National Renewable Energy Refugee Admissions Numbers and
Conference in St. Louis—1802
Authorizations of In-Country Refugee
National economy and the Federal budget— Status, memorandum–1801
1796 Presidential Determination on Waiver and
North Korea—1767
Certification of Statutory Provisions
President's Management Council, meeting— Regarding the Palestine Liberation
1818 Organization (PLO) Office, memorandum—
Radio address—1765
Virginia, christening ceremony for the USS Interviews With the News Media
George H.W. Bush in Newport News—
1766 News conference, October 11—1782

(Continued on the inside of the back cover.)

Editor's Note: The President was at Camp David, MD, on October 13, the closing date of this
issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $300 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
#. Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607,
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, October 13, 2006
The President’s Radio Address than at any point in the previous 28 years.
October 7, 2006 In math, 9-year-olds and 13-year-olds earned
the highest scores in the history of the test.
Good morning. In recent days, we have In both reading and math, African American
seen shocking acts of violence in schools and Hispanic students are scoring higher,
across our Nation. Laura and I are praying and they are beginning to close the achieve
for the victims and their families, and we ex ment gap with their white peers.
tend our sympathies to them and to the com The No Child Left Behind Act also gives
munities that have been devastated by these parents more options. If your child's school
attacks. consistently fails to show progress, you can
I have asked Secretary of Education get free, intensive tutoring for your child or
Spellings and Attorney General Gonzales to transfer your child to a better public school.
host a conference on school safety this Tues By shining a spotlight on schools that are not
day. We will bring together teachers, parents, performing and offering parents and children
students, administrators, law enforcement of. a way out, the No Child Left Behind Act
ficials, and other experts to discuss the best is ushering in a new era of accountability and
ways to keep violence out of our schools. Our choice. And this is putting America's children
goal is clear: Children and teachers should on the path to a better life.
never fear for their safety when they enter The No Child Left Behind Act has brought
a classroom. good progress, yet we still have a lot of work
As we work to keep our classrooms safe, to do. So I will be talking more about edu
we must also ensure that the children study cation in the coming months, especially as
ing there get a good education. I believe we discuss the reauthorization of this law
every child can learn. So when I came to next year. I will focus on three areas where
Washington, I worked with Republicans and we can improve. First, we must improve
Democrats to pass the No Child Left Behind teacher quality, so that every child has an
Act, and I was proud to sign it into law. The excellent teacher. Second, we must give
theory behind this law is straightforward. We more options to parents whose children are
expect every school in America to teach every trapped in struggling schools. And third, we
student to read, write, add, and subtract. need to bring the same high standards and
We are measuring progress and giving par accountability of the No Child Left Behind
ents the information they need to hold their Act to our high schools, so that every high
schools accountable. Local schools remain school graduate has the tools he or she needs
under local control. The Federal Govern to go to college and to get a good-paying job.
ment is asking for demonstrated results in When we set expectations high, America's
exchange for the money we send from Wash children will rise to meet them. And by help
ington. Thanks to this good law, we are leav ing our children succeed, we're creating a
ing behind the days when schools just shuf brighter future for them and for our Nation.
fled children from grade to grade, whether Thank you for listening.
they learned anything or not.
Earlier this week, I visited the Department NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on
of Education, where I was ... On Our
October 6 in the Cabinet Room at the White
progress under the No Child Left Behind House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on October 7.
Act. The most recent national tests show en
The transcript was made available by the Office
couraging results. In reading, 9-year-olds of the Press Secretary on October 6 but was em
have made larger gains in the past 5 years bargoed for release until the broadcast. The Office
1766 Oct. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
guage transcript of this address.
his only distinction. While training ºil.
Chesapeake Bay, the pilots in our dad's flight
class learned about a beach across the way
where young ladies liked to sunbathe. It be
Remarks at a Christening Ceremony came popular for the pilots to fly low over
for the USS George H.W. Bush in the beach. So one day he came in low to
Newport News, Virginia take a look. It just so happened to be the
October 7, 2006 same day that a traveling circus had set up
its tents. Dad's flyover upset an elephant,
Mr. Secretary, thank you very much. Laura causing him to break loose and make a run
and I are honored to be here to honor our throughout the town. He was called in for
dad. We appreciate you coming. Mother, it's a reprimand from his commander. He puts
good to see you. Members of the Bush fam it this way: “I was grounded for causing an
ily, all of you, distinguished Members of elephant stampede”—probably the only
Congress, Governor, ex-Governors, the men Navy pilot in American history who can make
and women of the United States Navy, mili that claim.
tary veterans, the workers who helped build After training, he was assigned to a light
this great ship—I join you; I know you join carrier. He took part in the Great Turkey
me in saying to our father: President Bush, Shoot of the Marianas. He knew the horror
your ship has come in. [Laughter] of kamikaze attacks. He would complete 58
In a few minutes, my sister Dorothy will combat missions. These were tough days, but
christen the newest and most advanced air he had something that kept him going. And
craft carrier in the Navy—the George H.W. if you look closely at the photographs of the
Bush. For the pilots of the World War II planes he flew, you will find what kept him
generation who are with us today, this carrier going in the name he had painted ſº his
may seem a little more inviting than the ones cockpit; Barbara.
you landed on. As you can see, our Navy has One of Dad's most important missions was
made a few upgrades. The George H.W. a strike on a radio tower on an island called
Bush is the latest in the Nimitz line of aircraft Chichi Jima. The Japanese were using that
carriers. She is unrelenting; she is tower to intercept U.S. military radio trans
unshakable; she is unyielding; she is missions and alert the enemy about impend
unstoppable. As a matter of fact, probably ing American air strikes. On September 2,
should have been named the “Barbara 1944, his squadron was given a simple assign
Bush.” [Laughter] ment: to take it out. The pilots knew they
In accord with a long and honored tradi would face heavy enemy fire because the Jap
tion, we gather to christen this fine ship. We anese had fortified the island. But Dad and
recall the service and sacrifice of earlier gen his fellow pilots did their duty without com
erations. And we pay tribute to a new genera plaint or hesitation. During that raid, his
tion of sailors and marines who have stepped plane was hit by antiaircraft artillery, and it
forward to serve in freedom's cause. caught on fire. Yet, he kept his plane on
The George H.W. Bush is named for a man course. He released his four bombs and
who exemplifies the great character of our scored four direct hits on that tower; he
country. On the day Pearl Harbor was at headed out to sea; he ejected.
tacked, George H.W. Bush was a teenager— Japanese boats were sent out to capture
he was a high school senior. Six months later, him. And after more than 2 harrowing hours
he was sworn into the Navy. A year later, at sea alone in a rubber life raft, he was res
he received his wings at a ceremony in Cor cued by the crew of the USS Finback. For
pus Christi, Texas. Here is what he said. He his action, he earned the Distinguished Fly
said, “I had an ensign's stripe and an admi ing Cross. Yet it is characteristic that from
ral's confidence.” [Laughter) “I was a Navy those moments aboard his life raft to this
pilot.” ceremony today, Dad's thoughts have always
Our dad would become known as one of been of the two fine members of his crew
the Navy's youngest pilots, but that wasn't who did not make it home: Radioman Second
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 9 1767

Class John Delaney and Lieutenant JG Ted the 1836 Battle of San Jacinto. And in that
White. On that day over Chichi Jima, a young battle, the free Texas forces led by Sam
American became a war hero and learned Houston defeated a Mexican army that was
an old lesson: With the defense of freedom much larger in size—and Sam Houston suc
comes loss and sacrifice. ceeded in capturing the Mexican general re
The George H.W. Bush honors a genera sponsible for the slaughter of the Alamo just
tion that valued service above self. Like so a few weeks before. Yet on the eve of the
many who served in World War II, duty battle, the outcome was far from certain, and
came naturally to our father. In the 4 years the Mexicans seemed to hold the advantage.
of that war, 16 million Americans would put So Sam Houston called his Texans together,
on the uniform, and the human costs were and he reminded them what they were fight
appalling. From the beaches of Normandy ing for. He told them: “Be men—be free
to the jungles of Southeast Asia, more than men—that your children may bless their fa
400,000 Americans would give their lives. ther's name.”
From the beginning of that war, there On this proud day, the children of George
were those who argued that freedom had H.W. Bush bless their father's name; the
seen its day and that the future belonged to United States Navy honors his name; and the
the hard men in Tokyo and Berlin. Yet the ship that bears his name sails into this .
war machines of Imperial Japan and Nazi century as a symbol of American strength an
Germany would be brought down by Amer freedom. May God watch over all those who
ican GIs who only months before had been sail this ship, all those who fly from her deck,
students and farmers and bank clerks and and all those at home who pray for their safe
factory hands. The generation of World War return.
II taught the world's tyrants a telling lesson: It is my honor to bring to you the 41st
There is no power like the power of freedom President, a great dad, George H.W. Bush.
and no soldier as strong as a soldier who
fights for a free future for his children. NOTE: The President spoke at 10:55 a.m. at the
The George H.W. Bush will serve—as a Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard. In
new generation of Americans every bit as his remarks, he referred to Gov. Timothy M.
brave and selfless as those who have come Kaine of Virginia.
before them. The 21st century—in the 21st
century, freedom is again under attack, and Statement on the Death of
young Americans are volunteering to answer John J. “Buck” O’Neil
the call. In the years since September the October 7, 2006
11th, 2001, more than 1.6 million Americans
have volunteered to wear the uniform of the
Buck O'Neil represented the best of
United States. Today, they serve in distant America's national pastime. He devoted his
lands and on far seas—from the islands of
long and full life to baseball and refused to
Southeast Asia to the Horn of Africa to the
allow injustice and discrimination to diminish
mountains of Afghanistan and in Iraq. And his love of the game and his joyous, generous
once again, with perseverance and courage spirit. Laura and I extend our sympathies to
and confidence in the power of freedom, a his family and friends, and on behalf of all
new . of Americans will leave a
Americans, we give thanks for the life of one
more hopeful and peaceful world for genera of the great ambassadors in baseball history.
tions to come.
The men and women of the United States
military represent the best of America, and Remarks on the Situation in North
they deserve the best America can give them. Korea
And the George H.W. Bush is the best Amer October 9, 2006
ica can give them.
During his time in the South Pacific, En Last night the Government of North
sign Bush served on a light carrier called the Korea proclaimed to the world that it had
USS San Jacinto. That ship was named for conducted a nuclear test. We're working to
1768 Oct. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
confirm North Korea's claim. Nonetheless, Remarks Following Discussions With
such a claim itself constitutes a threat to President Alan Garcia Perez of Peru
international peace and security. The United October 10, 2006
States condemns this provocative act. Once
again North Korea has defied the will of the President Bush. Bienvenidos, Mr.
international community, and the inter Presidente, a la Casa Blanca. I'm proud to
national community will respond. welcome the President of Peru to the Oval
This was confirmed this morning in con Office. We've had a fascinating and impor
versations I had with leaders of China and tant discussion. First of all, I ºft.
South Korea, Russia, and Japan. We re experience, and I appreciated his advice on
affirmed our commitment to a nuclear-free some key issues. He comes to the Oval Office
Korean Peninsula, and all of us agreed that as a friend, somebody with whom I can have
the proclaimed actions taken by North Korea good working relations.
are unacceptable and deserve an immediate We . about world issues; we talked
response by the United Nations Security about issues regarding South America and
Council. Central America; and we talked about our
The North Korean regime remains one of bilateral relations. The central issue facing
the world's leading proliferator of missile us right now is the passage of a free trade
technology, including transfers to Iran and agreement. I assured the President that I will
Syria. The transfer of nuclear weapons or ma work with Congress as soon as possible to
terial by North Korea to states or non-state get this agreement passed. We talked about
entities would be considered a grave threat the need for both countries to work closely
to the United States, and we would hold to fight drugs, and I appreciated the Presi
North Korea fully accountable of the con dent's attitude and understanding of this im
portant issue.
sequences of such action. And we talked about the need to work to
The United States remains committed to
gether to help promote social justice. The
diplomacy, and we will continue to protect President has a big heart. He cares deeply
ourselves and our interests. I reaffirmed to
about those who suffer. And I assured the
our allies in the region, including South President it's in our Nation's interest that we
Korea and Japan, that the United States will work with our friends in the-in South
meet the full range of our deterrent and se America to promote good education and
curity commitments. good health care and good opportunities.
Threats will not lead to a brighter future All in all, it was an excellent meeting. And,
for the North Korean people nor weaken the Mr. President, welcome.
resolve of the United States and our allies
President Garcia Perez. Thank you. I am
to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean
very happy to be here for the first time in
Peninsula. Today's claim by North Korea the Oval Office. President Bush and I have
serves only to raise tensions, while depriving agreed on the general topics that we dis
the North Korean people of the increased cussed in terms of strengthening democracy
prosperity and better relations with the world and also strengthening relations between de
offered by the implementation of the joint veloped countries and developing countries.
statement of the six-party talks. The op And one basic tool for that goal is free trade.
pressed and impoverished people of North And we are very satisfied to have heard Presi
Korea deserve that brighter future. dent Bush's promise to work with the Con
Thank you. gress to push forward the passage of a free
trade agreement with Peru.
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:58 a.m. in the And we have explained today that in terms
Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House. of free trade, we are looking for an agree
ment that does much as focus on the most
In his remarks, he referred to President Hu Jintao
of China; President Roh Moo-hyun of South modern or the most significant economic
Korea; President Vladimir Putin of Russia; and groups in the country. We are also looking
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan. to have a free trade agreement that is focused
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 10 1769

internally and that will benefit our entire do now, thanks to the technological and com
population, all our productive sectors, includ puter revolution that we are experiencing.
ing the less advantaged sectors, so that they And this is a way also to reach the poor in
may export to the world and to the United our countries and give them access to the
States in particular. world market.
We see the free trade agreement as one And finally, I want to say that I'm a leader
of our tools in our fight against poverty and who belongs to a party that is a popular party,
also a tool for us to strengthen equality. Also, that believes in social justice and fights for
however, it is a tool that will help us achieve sovereignty in Our country. However, I rec
security through democracy and to give our ognize the opportunities that this time offers
population a road, a goal, and an aspiration us in terms of our economies, and I believe
in terms of economic development in the it is important for our peoples to have spe
country. cific and concrete gains in terms of the econ
We see our role as a country in terms of omy, education, and health. And I believe
helping strengthen democracy and achieving that this free trade agreement that we have
friendship without threat in our region. And been referring to is a very important tool in
in this regard, Peru will continue to work to its regard.
wards the democratization of Latin America. And we have told the President that even
As I said, it's a comprehensive democratiza though we are coming from a more modest
tion that we are looking for. We are looking position, we believe that with our leadership,
to strengthen the options that our popu we can stand side by side with the U.S. and
lations have in participating in the benefits make contributions in order to strengthen
of modernization and democratic civilization democracy and peace in the world and social
everywhere in the continent. justice among nations and also within our so
And one issue that we need to work on cieties.
is a full eradication of the threat of drugs. And I want to thank the President for his
And this is a commitment that we share with hospitality. I look forward to continuing to
the United States. It's a commitment that will work together, and I hope that we will see
be strengthened and revised. And at some the President soon in Peru. And thanks again
point, we will propose a high-level meeting for your invitation. Thank you a lot, Mr.
on this topic in order to relaunch the fight President. Thank you very much.
against drugs in terms of offering other alter President Bush. Muchas gracias, senor.
natives, such as alternative development, and Thank you.
the free trade agreement is one of these
tools. And the goal is to allow the poorest NOTE: The President spoke at 10:11 a.m. in the
Oval Office at the White House. President Garcia
sectors, the farmers in the Andes, to have
Perez spoke in Spanish, and his remarks were
access to the buying power of the U.S. mar translated by an interpreter. The Office of the
ket and other markets in the world.
Press Secretary also released a Spanish language
In the relationship between the United transcript of these remarks.
States and Latin America, there have been
several missed opportunities in the 20th cen
tury. There was an opportunity that was put Joint Statement by the United States
forward by President Roosevelt in the '40s, of America and the Republic of Peru
with his proposal. There was also the Alliance October 10, 2006
for Progress, proposed here by the United
States, by President Kennedy. And now we Presidents George W. Bush and Alan Gar
have a third possibility involving—or increas cia underscored the strong relationship be
ing world trade and the use of free trade as tween the United States and Peru, and re
a tool to fight poverty. And it is an oppor affirmed their commitment to strengthening
tunity that Latin American countries must democracy and expanding free trade in the
take advantage of this time. What could have region as a means of improving the well
been done almost 50 years ago with the Alli being of all citizens by securing freedom and
ance for Progress is something that we can delivering the greatest possible economic
1770 Oct. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

benefits to the largest number of people. The Presidents reaffirmed their commit
They pledged to continue working together ment to a strong bilateral relationship and
toward these and other shared objectives. to promoting prosperity and social justice for
The two leaders agreed that democracies all people of #. Americas.
must strive to improve basic services for all
citizens, and emphasized the importance of NOTE: The Office of the Press Secretary also re
leased a Spanish language version of this joint
expanding health and education as a means statement. An original was not available for
of empowering citizens with the tools to fully verification of the content of this joint statement.
participate in society, providing opportunities
for economic growth and social development.
They further concurred that democracy and Remarks in a Discussion on School
democratic governance are the right and re Safety in Chevy Chase, Maryland
sponsibility of all, and that an educated, en October 10, 2006
gaged citizenry is the foundation for strong
democratic institutions. They also agreed that The President. Thank you very much.
all citizens should have the ability to partici Thank you all for coming. In many ways, I'm
pate fully and fairly in a modern economy, sorry we're having this meeting. In other
under the protection of the rule of law. ways, I know how important it is that we're
Both stressed the central role of initiatives having this meeting. The violence that has
such as the mutually beneficial U.S.-Peru been occurring in our schools is incredibly
Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) in sad, and it troubles a lot of folks, and it trou
strengthening bilateral ties while leveling the bled me and Laura. And so I asked Margaret
trade playing field, spurring job creation, and and Al to host a gathering of concerned citi
reducing poverty and inequality. In this re zens, the purpose of which is to come up
gard, President Bush reaffirmed his commit with best practices and just shared experi
ment to securing congressional approval of ences so that others might know how to
the PTPA as quickly as possible. Both Presi react—to prevent and react to inexplicable
dents noted that domestic capacity-building and—violence that is hard to imagine.
programs, such as President Bush's Center All of us in this country want our class
for Education Excellence in Teacher Train rooms to be gentle places of learning, places
ing and the Poverty Reduction and Allevi where people not only learn the fº
ation Program initiatives, and President Gar basic skills necessary to become productive
cia's Sierra Exportadora and “Internal FTA" citizens but learn to relate to one another.
programs, ensure that the opportunities de And our parents, I know, want to be able
rived from free and open markets accrue to to send their child or children to schools that
the broadest number of Peruvians. are safe places. And the violence we've
Presidents Bush and Garcia reaffirmed seen—this is upsetting to a lot of people, and
their strong commitment to protect their I know it's upsetting to the professionals who
people and the hemisphere from the depre are with us. But rather than be upset, it's
dations of transnational terrorist and criminal best for all of us who are responsible for help
organizations, pledging to promote speedy ing folks not only cope but to prevent action
extradition of drug cartels' members. Among from taking place. It's best to beſº
the many ways our countries work together And that's what this meeting is. And so I want
to combat the scourge of narcotrafficking, to thank you all for joining.
based on the principle of shared responsi I got a firsthand report on one of the pan
bility, are Peru's comprehensive efforts els from Laura, who said that—I think if I
against drug trafficking and illegal coca cul could summarize your words, it was, like,
tivation and U.S. programs that provide infra really interesting and very important. And so
structure and training to develop a police I thought what I would do is ask Al and Mar
presence east of the Andes and alternative . to begin this session and maybe hear
development to people in former coca grow rom some of the folks here—and then, if
ing areas, giving them hope for a sustainable, time permitting, hear from you all out in the
legal livelihood to provide for their families. audience.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 10 1771

Again, I want to thank Margaret and Al of solutions. There was many different speak
for setting this up, and really thank you all ers that came up and told us about different
for coming and taking an interest. I know resources to use.
we got people from all around the country, The President. Yes, that's my point.
and it's—this is a nationwide effort to help Attorney General Gonzales. Mr. Presi
people who are responsible, protect our chil dent, I think that Sheriff Dawsy would say
dren. that this program helps him to do his job,
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. which means that I'm sure all the sheriffs
Thank you. Mr. President, thank you for ask around the country would like that kind of
ing Margaret and I to host this important program as well, to help them do their job.
conference. We've had some good panel dis The President. That's my point. Yes, so
cussions, as you've already heard already. who is responsible for talking to the head
You've met some of the panelists that we've of the Sheriff’s Association or the police
invited back. And just for our audience, chiefs to make sure that happens?
again, we've asked Dr. Marleen Wong, Craig Audience member. I'm right here, sir,
Scott, Fred Ellis, and Sheriff Jeff Dawsy to and it will be done.
help us speak with the President about this The President. Thank you, sir. Very good.
important issue. [The discussion continued.]
[At this point, Attorney General Gonzales The President. Did you say 81 percent
continued his remarks.] of the students were aware of a violent act?
The President. I like the Secret Service, Fred Ellis. Some of the data that I had
too, Art. [Laughter] heard today from the Secret Service and
some of their research, that much informa
[Art Kelly, former police chief New Bedford, tion was out there.
MA, made brief remarks.] The President. It seems like a pretty good
The President. Let me ask you a question, opportunity to prevent an attack if 81 percent
Al—not you, Chief, but—well, I can ask you of the-there's an 81-percent awareness of
too. I presume out of this there will be a a potential attack, which then I guess would
series of best practices that you will share lead to making sure principals explain to stu
with principals and schools districts that ex dents: “When you hear something, please tell
plain, for example, what people could look Ine.

for to determine whether or not there's an

early warning sign, and then how to respond. [Mr. Ellis, director, Office of Safety & Secu
Attorney General Gonzales. Exactly. rity, Fairfax County Public Schools, Centre
The President. Okay, good. Thanks, ville, VA, made brief remarks, and the discus
Chief. sion continued.]
The President. Is it typical of a student
[Attorney General Gonzales made further re that expresses a wish to die, makes that clear
marks, and Jeff Dawsy, sheriff, Citrus Coun to his or her peers and to-if people are at
ty, FL, made brief remarks.] tuned to what that means, to pay attention
The President. Is there an opportunity to to somebody who exhibits the behavior that
share, between sheriffs around the country, says, “I am depressed, and I want to die?”
how they're dealing with this issue? Does it I mean, is it—it's a pretty strong statement.
make sense to have the National Sheriff’s As Marleen Wong. It's a wonderful question,
sociation contact members, ask for stories, because there are behaviors, and there are
practices, and then condense them and send expressions of hopelessness that come before
them back out so that people can—who that. And so I think we have to do a lot of
probably aren't listening to this will be able education with just folks who say, you know,
to— “They've changed; they don't have joy in
Sheriff Dawsy. I think it would be a won life,” and that this is an early warning sign.
derful initiative. One of the things I learned The President. But is it easy to define the
today was not more about questions but more behavior that would tip off an adult in a
1772 Oct. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
school, or some—a coach or an art teacher Ms. Wong. And I think that varies around
that this is the kind of behavior that ought the country.
to say to us, we better pay attention to this The President. Yes, I'm sure it does.
person, this child? Ms. Wong. I think that more and more
Ms. Wong. Yes. There's a short list, and people are beginning to pay attention just be
actually, the student who sat on the previous cause we have paid such a dear price for ig
panel did an excellent job of naming all of noring some of the warning signs.
those things. I was so proud of her. I thought The President. So maybe an outcome for
she ought to come . do some training with this is to encourage—for you to get in touch
with the principals' organizations or the
The President. And how many educators teachers' organizations and help
do you think that can name—good job, by Secretary Spellings. them be aware
the way—how many adults do you think of the warning signs.
around the schools in America can name the
The President. And then—I guess there's
traits that would say, we better pay attention a certain confidence that has to come with
to this person? interfering—not interfering but interceding
Ms. Wong. Not enough. in a child's life. My only question is, is there
The President. And therefore, what can hesitancy when an adult says, “Well, maybe
we do to make sure that people understand this is just the way it's supposed to be,” or
what to look for? It seems like to me that “Maybe it's none of my business”? And the
a lot of our focus ought to be on preventing. question is, if that's the case—if you can de
And no question, we ought to worry about termine that's the case, how do you get peo
recovering, but preventing is—makes the re ple to respond differently?
covery not necessary. Secretary Spellings. Cathy Paine from
Secretary of Education Margaret Oregon told us about—where they had an
Spellings. Chiarasay, you did such a nice job incident there, that there were dozens of
this morning; why don't you go to the micro signs of this particular shooter and that the
phone real quick and tell us the nine signs. full picture didn't become clear until after
The President. Where are you from the incident.
Chiarasay? The President. Can you—do you mind
Chiarasay Perkins. Mr. President, I'm sharing that? Thanks, Cathy.
from Walton County, Florida.
The President. Good. I know your Gov [Cathy Paine, special programs adminis
ernor. [Laughter] trator, Springfield School District, Spring
field, OR, made brief remarks.]
[Ms. Perkins, student, Walton Senior High The President. The whole purpose of this
School, DeFuniak Springs, FL, made brief re
marks.] exercise is to help educate and, if there needs
to be cultural change inside schools, for
The President. That's great. Thank you. teachers to become more aware and more
Ms. Wong. Thank you. active—or principals—is to try to stimulate
The President. Let me ask you a question. these kinds of discussions, obviously, outside
From your experience, Marleen, if a teacher of Washington, at the local level or State lev
els, in the hopes of preventing these from
were to notice those traits, is it typical that
someone would act on them? In other words, happening in i. first place.
I'm just trying to make sure I understand. Thank you for coming to share your expe
If a student sees—I mean, a teacher sees a rience and appreciate your sharing your ex
student begin to change clothes and begin pertise.
to—does a principal and a teacher tend to Secretary Spellings. One of the people
say, “Well, that's really not my business; it's who's been doing that in a very meaningful
the parents' business?” In other words, way is Craig Scott, who has talked all over
awareness requires, by the way, some kind the country to teenagers and teachers and
of response. educators and school leaders. And he has a
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 10 1773

very powerful story, as you know. His sister, something, President. It made me think
Rachel, was murdered in Columbine. about growing up—I was going the wrong
So, Craig, why don't you share your direction completely. I was stealing; I was
thoughts. doing everything possibly wrong—vandalism,
[Craig Scott, former student, Columbine beating up kids. And in seventh grade there
was a teacher, Mrs. Muldanado, who touched
High School, Aurora, CO, made brief re
marks.] my heart. In 10th grade there was a lady that
you know from Herbert, Texas, that touched
The President. Good job. Whew. Which my heart. And in ninth grade my tennis coach
one of us up here can now talk after that? touched my heart, and those three people
Thank you. Yes, that's great. You are chang changed my life. And as we–why I believe
ing our society. You may not realize it, but in what I'm doing so much is Darrel's motto
thank you—powerful statement. is that if we touch the heart of the kid, the
I'd be glad to hear from people in the audi head will follow. If we touch their heart, the
ence. [Laughter] Yes, I probably won't be head will follow, and the hands will make
able to hear from all of you in the audience. the difference.
That was great, Craig. Thank you. Could My question to you today is, I don't want
I have that?
us to look at the warning signs; I want us
Mr. Scott. Oh, absolutely. to eliminate the warning signs.
The President. Thank you. Yes, sir. The President. Right, right.
Q. What can we do—what can we do, and
Character Education/Community this is echoing Darrel and what Craig just
Involvement in Schools
said—what can we do from the government's
Q. Mr. President, I haven't had this feeling standpoint to go back to touching the heart
since I was 17, and that's the last time that of the kid, to teaching character education?
I asked you a question in Herbert, Texas. Because we hear that all the time about the
I've spoken to hundreds of thousands of peo testing.
ple since. Last time I was nervous was when The President. I agree. Pete, let me say—
I was 17 in Herbert, Texas, and you were first on the tests. Thanks for coming. It's
campaigning in Herbert, Texas. good to see you again. I was probably more
The President. Don't tell them I came nervous than you were when you asked the
in second place in a two-man race. [Laugh question. [Laughter
ter] Q. You look the same. [Laughter
Q. My name is Pete Vargas. I'm the na The President. I like selected memory.
tional director for Rachel's Challenge, the [Laughter
program First, in terms of testing, I don't think it's
The President. Oh, fantastic, Pete. zero sum. I think you can make sure a child
Q. that Craig just talked about. And learns, and I think you can instill character
I want to echo something that's very dear at the same time. I don't think you have to
to my heart and Darrel, his father who is choose. As a matter of fact, I know we can't
sitting right here. say that one doesn't beget the other. I hap
The President. Your dad is there? Where pen to believe that self-esteem comes when
is your dad? Excuse me. Okay, thank you. a child realizes he or she can read early, at
Raised a good man here. grade level. And I think one of the real prob
Q. I talk to thousands of educators every lems—[applause]—I think one of the real
month—our team does—thousands. And one problems we have, Pete, is a school system
of the things that disturbs me is there's hun across the country that basically gives up on
dreds that say, “Pete, you all have changed children because we don't measure to deter
the culture of our school.” But then there'smine whether or not they have the skills nec
thousands that say, “It’s so hard for us to essary to read, for example.
fit our—we want your program so bad, but And so I'm concerned about a system that
we have testing and testing and testing and socially promotes children, because I think
this and that,” and it made me think about that at some point in time, that begins to
1774 Oct. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
affect a child's vision of the future, and a your soul that caused you to sit here in front
grim vision of the future may be that which of the President of the United States and give
triggers a response that is negative. an unbelievably eloquent testimony about
Character education is—I know we funded compassion.
quite a bit of it when I was the Governor And the second line of defense in schools
of Texas. Let me put the funding issue right is, obviously, teachers. And the hope is, is
on the table. The Federal Government is a that out of this violence and terror comes
limited funder of education, and I happen this notion that teachers have got to be—
to believe that's the way it should be. I don't and by the way, the teachers have got an un
think it's possible for the people to have ex believably hard job—to not only teach but
pectations that the Government should fund to show concern and compassion. They've
public schools. This is a local responsibility. got their own lives to live. They've got their
It's been that way throughout our history. I own families to raise many times, and now
think it makes sense to do so, because it tends they've got to deal with yet another family
to make control of our schools more local situation, Pete. But yet, nevertheless, that is
ized, which I happen to think is the best way where the compassion—you notice, you
to achieve excellence. didn't say, “I went to a program.” You named
And so therefore, not to try to pass respon three individuals that were heroic in your
sibilities, although we do have character edu lives. And that's the way it works.
cation grants out of Washington, and we've Now, teaching character matters—no
got school safety grants out of Washington, question about it—and there's some great
but the best place to facilitate that kind of curriculum to do it. But the truth of the mat
initiative, to make sure that character is ter is, all this need to say, “I love you,” comes
taught in schools, is at the State level. from your soul. And so hopefully, out of these
Secondly, it's really important, Pete, that tragedies will come the sense of communal
people not think government is a loving enti obligation all throughout our country, for
ty. Government is law and justice. Love .." to take an extra effort to comfort the
comes from the hearts of people that are able onely. That could be a student or a teach
to impart love. And therefore, what Craig is er—Pete, in your case, a tennis coach. Still
doing is—he doesn't realize it—he's a social got a backhand? Anyway, thank you, buddy.
entrepreneur. He is inspiring others to con It's good to see you again.
tinue to reach out to say to somebody who Yes, ma'am. Oh, yes, sir.
is lonely, “I love you.” And I'm afraid this
requires a higher power than the Federal
Government to cause somebody to love Q. My name is John Kavelin. Up until yes
somebody. And therefore, it's a–ſap terday, I was a Walt Disney Imagineer for
plause]—and therefore, one of the things we 16 years, but I have quit that activity to com
can do, though, is to call upon people—we've mit myself for the rest of my life to a char
got the USA Freedom Corps Initiative, for acter education program that my sister, her
example, that calls on volunteers to take ac husband, and I created 15 years ago, on a
tive participation in their communities. little island in the Pacific Northwest, called
You know, Craig said something inter The Virtues Project. And it is exactly what
esting. I believe societies change one heart I think many people are looking for, because
at a time. I don't mean to mimic what you it reaches the heart. It is a multifaith, multi
said, but I was actually praising what you cultural effort to simply teach five strategies
said, because that's how it works. And the that help people practice virtues in everyday
truth of the matter is, if we really think about life.
it, the primary responsibility, the primary What we've learned in 85 countries where
teacher of character is the parent. That is this is applied is that values are culture spe
the frontline of enabling our society to be cific; virtues are universal to every sacred tra
a compassionate, decent place. You wouldn't dition. So simply practicing virtues in the
be sitting here if your mother and father home, in the school, in the workplace makes
hadn't instilled in you a-something inside a shift in the culture.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 10 1775

And I am offering my love and my admira for you. So we're not going to talk about me;
tion for so many good-willed people in this we're going to talk about her.
room for bringing this group of people to The President. Thank you, buddy. Nice
gether. It's so exciting. And we're simply here looking hat.
to support whatever is going on. Q. Mr. President, Madam Secretary of
The President. Yes, thanks for doing what Education, Marleen, Craig, and everybody
you're doing. See, this is a-our country is else, my name is—[inaudible)—and I'm just
blessed by i. fact that we have people who a regular person. I don't have a radio talk
stand up and say, “I want to contribute,” like show. [Laughter] And I don't—I'm not in
you. Just retired yesterday? You don't look charge of a big, major organization. I am a
a day over 60. Anyway—[laughter]. flight attendant for Frontier Airlines, and I'm
But, see, Craig, what you're doing and shaking right now because I didn't think I
what this gentleman is doing will stimulate was going to get up here. And I'm also a
a lot of as you said, you've talked to a mil proud, retired teacher from Columbine High
lion kids, or a million people—same with School.
you, sir. I believe that there is no single an And I think everything I was going to say
swer, no single jº. It's a mosaic of pro just kind of flew out of my mind. I'm also
grams all stimulated because people have de a professional volunteer, and I am not here
cided to do something about the problem. to ask for money for any program. When I
And it's really the uniqueness of the country. said “professional volunteer,” I don't mean
I like to remind our fellow citizens that I make money volunteering, but there are
de Tocqueville recognized this in 1832, the a whole group of just regular people like me
fact that voluntary organizations came to out there. Even though I retired from Col
gether to help solve local problems. And it umbine, I have a daughter at Columbine
is—in my judgment, it is this capacity of citi right now who is a junior. I volunteer in the
zens to take action to solve problems that post-grad center there. I volunteer with the
defines the true greatness of America. cheer squad, the football team, and it doesn't
And, Pete, to answer your question about always take a lot of money to get things done.
government: Government's role, in many It's little people like me—I don't mean in
ways, is to stimulate and to encourage and size. I mean, it's little people like me who
to thank people who have taken it upon get there, little people like us. Like Grand
themselves to either start character edu Daddy Wong used to say, “Okay, one stick—
cation or go into classrooms and to change you break it one at a time,” but if we stick
society one person at a time. together, we can get it done.
Yes, sir. I'm just saying, unless us volunteers—I al
ways have time to volunteer, and I know
other people do too, and it's what Craig was
Parent and Community Involvement in saying, it comes from the heart. President
Bush, it's what you were saying. It's what our
Q. Mr. President, my name is Marvin parents taught us, and it's what we need to
Nash. I represent the Bullying Hurts Pro teach our kids. It's that—I hope I don't pro
gram and the NASH Foundation, which nounce it wrong—generativity, where we
stands for “No Adolescent Should Hurt,” help to make the next generation better. So
from Cheyenne, Wyoming. I want to let you I'm sorry I forgot what my question was.
know that I will be traveling back to Nash [Laughter]
ville, Tennessee, where Storme Warren, with The President. What matters is your testi
Great American Country, and Charlie Dan mony, not your question. Thank you.
iels will be helping me make PSAs to address Last question, and I've got to go. Gonzales
this issue. Instead of talking about my pro is also reminding me; actually I'm on a sched
gram though, I want to give my time up to ule here. I apologize. I'd like to sit here all
this lady right here. She spent seven—she day, listening, and I am inspired that so many
spent her time with 17 students locked in came to talk about this subject.
a closet at Columbine, and she has a question Yes, ma'am.
1776 Oct. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Character Education in State Curricula The President. Yes, that's why. [Laugh
Q. Good afternoon, Mr. President, ter]
Madam Secretary. My name is—[inaudi Q. I appreciate it.
ble]—and I'm a youth programs director in The President. Thank you for coming.
New York City for a nonprofit called Art of Q. My name is Michael Wade Smith, and
Living Foundation. And like a lot of these I'm the national president for Family, Ca
wonderful people here, we teach a program reer, and Community Leaders of America.
in human values and stress management for We are an in-school, high school, and middle
teenagers and how to handle their negative school organization focusing on the family.
emotions—which they just don't learn, I'm Our main mission is to promote family as the
finding nowadays. And what I have students basic unit of society.
constantly asking me is, “Can't this be a class And I'm happy I got to follow up after
in our school? Can we learn human values your question because we are—family con
and universal ethics that are found in every sumer sciences—its curriculum in high
culture?” But they're not being taught—a lot schools and middle schools is teaching char
of times not at home—they're not being acter education, that is teaching youth vio
taught. And they're definitely not always lence prevention. We're teaching career ex
being taught in schools. There's some amaz ploration. Because of our title, Family and
ing public school teachers, but there's also Consumer Sciences and Family, Career, and
some very stressed-out public school teach Community Leaders of America, we address
every one of the issues that's been presented
The President. Absolutely. in the discussions and in this room. And we
Q. Can this be—is there a way to have are willing and wanting to partner with every
a class in public school where students learn single person in here to help students get
stress management, the ability to deal with this message out to students. We're about
their own anger, frustration, and violent ten peer-to-peer message sharing. We want each
dencies, and also to learn human values and
and every student in our organization, which
actually practice them? Can they receive reaches about a quarter of a million students,
credit for a class like this? This is what stu to be a lot broader than that. We want to
dents are asking, and I have superintendents touch every student in America through our
coming to me saying, “What can you do?— programs and through our mission to pro
in our suspension centers—we'll give credit mote family as the basic unit of society—and
to students for doing this.” Is there a way the values thereof.
we can do that?
So I thank you, Mr. President, Mrs.
Secretary Spellings. Well, those are State Bush
curriculum issues, and lots of States have in
The President. Why the red coat?
cluded character education or programs like
that as part of their required curriculum and |Laughter] Just so you got called on? I mean,
give credit for it. But I would commend all is there a—[laughter].
those superintendents to their State board of Q. I just wanted that. No, our colors in
education and put them to work. We had the organization are red and white.
The President. Fabulous.
some of that in Texas and gave a lot of credit
for peer mentoring and those sorts of things Q. So all of the officers wear our red jack
that are so supportive of kids.
The President. I am sorry for those of you The President. I, once again, apologize.
standing in line. I know, I apologize. I've got to get on an airplane. But I do want
Q. Time for one more? to thank you all for coming. I hope you have
The President. Okay, one final guy—go found this interesting. I am a results-oriented
ahead. [Laughter person, and I expect from Margaret and Al
to make sure that out of all this effort comes
some concrete action to help people under
Q. I wanted to explain why I had on a stand what is possible, what is doable, the
bright red jacket. programs that are working. And the head of
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 10 1777

the sheriff's department readily sprung to his I firmly believe this country is better off with
feet to say, “You can count on me.” Laura as the First Lady.
The purpose has got to be more than just I'm not only proud to be here with Mac
hoping somebody is listening to TV. The pur Collins—and I want to thank you for sup
pose has got to be—out of this—that we porting him, by the way. I cannot thank you
share information so that we can save lives, enough for helping this good man. He not
encourage parents, and help people respond. only needs to fill the hat in order to run a
And I want to thank you all very much good campaign, he's going to need your work
for coming. I'm proud you're here. God bless coming down the stretch. He's going to need
you all. you to help make the phone calls and put
up the signs and turn out the vote. He's going
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:24 p.m. at the to need the grassroots activists to step up and
National 4–H Conference Center. In his remarks, say to their fellow citizens, you've got a good
he referred to Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida. Partici man in Mac Collins. He knows what happens
pating in the event was Marleen Wong, director, in Washington, DC. He's not a novice up
Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services, Los there. When he gets back up there, he knows
Angeles Unified School District, and director,
Trauma Services Adaptation Center for Schools what he needs to do. And he's going to rep
and Communities, Los Angeles, CA. resent the will of the people of this district,
see. That's the thing I like about Mac. And
so I want to thank you for giving of your
Remarks at a Reception for money, and thank you for giving of your time
Congressional Candidate Mac when we come down the stretch.
Collins in Macon, Georgia I also want to thank you for supporting
one of the Nation's fine Governors, Governor
October 10, 2006 Sonny Perdue. You know what—all Sonny is
Thanks for coming. It's good to be in doing is—in office is what he said he's going
Macon. Thanks for coming out. One thing to do. He said he's going to do this; he's going
about old Mac is, you know where he stands. to do it; and he does. And I'm proud to be
That's the kind of Congressman you need with Sonny, and I want to thank you for help
from this part of the world, and that's the ing him.
kind of Congressman we need in Wash I'm also proud to be able to work with
ington, DC–straightforward thinker, bring a really fine United States Senator in Senator
ing common sense to the Nation's Capital. Saxby Chambliss, and I see sweet Julianne
I'm proud to stand here with Mac Collins. is with you. Thanks for coming, Julianne.
I know him well. I’ve worked with him; I've Now, let me say this about Saxby—if you're
listened carefully to his ideas. No doubt in interested in agriculture, you don't have to
my mind he's the best person to represent worry about your interests being represented
the Eighth Congressional District from the in the United States Senate. The man has
State of Georgia. got some stroke up there in Washington—
I'm also for him because he married well. [laughter—and he knows what he's talking
Of course, that's why he invited me, because about. And those of us in the White House
I married well. [Laughter] And I want you listen to him. Senator, we're proud you're
to know, Julie and Mac, that Laura sends her here.
very best to you both. I know she was your Georgia has got a fine congressional dele
first choice for this fundraiser. [Laughter] gation, and one of the Congressmen is with
She's got to be the most patient woman in us today—Lynn Westmoreland. Congress
America. I know we've got some Texans here, man, thanks for coming. Good to see you.
and they went to the same college as Laura Appreciate your time. We've spent some
did. And when she went there, she, frankly, quality time together, and I know he's a good
wasn't interested in politics and, I think, one, and I know he's looking forward to get
didn't care for politicians. [Laughter] Now ting Mac up there to work with him to do
here she is as the Nation's First Lady, and what's right for the country.
1778 Oct. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I want to thank Alec Poitevint—with us; White House. We cut the taxes for every
he's the chairman of the national com American who pays taxes.
mitteeman. It seems like I've been saying his If you paid income taxes, we cut your taxes,
name for two decades, or three decades. see. We doubled the child tax credit; we re
[Laughter] Thanks for coming, Alec. Perry duced the marriage penalty; we cut taxes on
McGuire—Perry McGuire is with us; he's small businesses; we cut taxes on capital gains
the candidate for the attorney general for the and dividends to promote investment and
State of Georgia. Perry, thanks for coming. jobs. And to reward family businesses and
farmers for a lifetime of hard work and sav
Good luck to you, Perry.
I want to thank all the local officials and ings, we put the death tax on the road to
State officials who are here. Appreciate you
serving. The Republican record on taxes is clear,
There are a lot of issues that I'll be talking and the Democrats in Washington have a
about. I know Mac will be talking about clear record of their own. The trouble is, they
them. We've got issues such as making sure don't want you to know about it. Recently
we become less dependent on foreign oil. It's the top Democrat leader in the House made
going to be helpful to have these Georgia an interesting declaration. She said, “We love
tax cuts.” Given her record, she must be a
farmers growing oil—growing the feedstock
for oil—[laughter]—like soy diesel or eth secret admirer. [Laughter] It's not just the
so-called tax cuts for the rich she opposes.
anol. It's coming. I look forward to working
with Mac to spend some money to help new When we cut taxes for everybody who pays
income taxes, she voted against it. When we
technologies evolve. We can't be complacent reduced the marriage penalty, she voted
just because the price of gasoline is going against it. When we cut taxes on small busi
down. Being dependent on oil from overseas nesses, she voted against it. When we low
is still a national security concern. And I in ered the taxes for families with children, she
tend to push hard for technologies that will voted against it. When we put the death tax
enable us to diversify. on the road to extinction, she voted against
I'm going to work with Mac to make sure it. Time and time again, she had an oppor
health care costs are reasonable so people tunity to show her love for tax cuts—[laugh
can have affordable insurance. There's a lot
ter]—and she voted no. [Laughter] If this is
of issues we can talk about, but one of the a Democrat's idea of love—[laughter]—I
most important issues is taxes. It's a big na wouldn't want to see what hate looks like.
tional issue. I want to spend a little time talk Now she and other Democrats are trotting
ing about it today because there's a funda out their old line about how they're only
mental difference between the Republican going to raise taxes on the rich. We've heard
and Democrat Parties on this important that before. Sounds like a nice idea until you
issue. And I'm going to discuss this issue and start doing the math. Let me just give you
these differences between now and election
one example. Earlier this year, the Demo
day. And I'm going to spend some time right crats put forward a budget alternative that
here in Macon, Georgia, talking about it. called for $177 billion in additional spending
Mac and I share a philosophy about taxes. authority over the next 5 years—a number
We believe that the people who best know that does not include all the other spending
how to spend your money are the people who they proposed. The problem is, even if they
earn the money in the first place. And that's raise taxes on everyone making over
you. So we worked to ensure that working $200,000, they would bring in only $108 bil
families are able to keep more of their pay lion of new revenues. And that means the
check. And that—those weren't just empty Democrats would have to come up with $69
campaign words. Those are actually billion for additional spending they proposed.
deliverables; that's what we did. Mac stood And guess who's going to have to pay?
squarely for cutting the taxes. My administra When the Democrats find themselves
tion and the Congress have enacted the larg short of money to pay for all their spending
est tax relief since Ronald Reagan was in the promises, it's the middle class Americans
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 10 1779

who get stuck with the bill. Recently the top for their spending. The Republican approach
Democrat on the House Ways and Means is to restrain spending and let you keep more
Committee—that's the committee that of your own money so this economy grows.
writes taxes—said he can't think of one of And there's a fundamental difference, and
our tax cuts that should be extended. Think it's clear as night and day.
of that, not one—not the tax cuts for families Next month, our Nation has got this choice
with children, not the reduction in the mar to make: Do we keep taxes low so we can
riage penalty, not the tax cuts on small busi keep this economy growing, or do we let the
nesses, not the tax cuts on dividend and cap Democrats in Washington raise taxes and
ital gains, not the cut in the death tax. Even hurt the economic vitality of this country?
when asked to explain his remarks, he re The decision is yours to make in the voting
fused to commit to extending a single tax cut booth. This decision will have a huge impact
we passed. If he's not going to commit to on the working people all across the United
extending these tax cuts now, think of what States of America. Whether you're a worker
he would do if the Democrats gained control worried about the size of your paycheck or
over the United States Congress and he be a business owner who's thinking about hiring
came chairman of this important committee. more workers or a family worried about gas
The difference between our parties could prices or health care costs, the last thing you
not be clearer, and so is your choice on elec need is higher taxes. To keep this economy
tion day. If you want to keep the tax cuts growing and delivering prosperity to more
we passed, vote Republican on November Americans, we need to make the tax relief
the 7th. we passed permanent. And the best man for
What they don't seem to understand, what the Eighth Congressional District from
the national Democrats don't seem to under Georgia to do that is Mac Collins.
stand, is that the economy grows when you Now, there are a lot of issues we got to
control more of your own money. The tax discuss on the campaign trail, lot of domestic
cuts we passed put more than a trillion dol issues. But there is no bigger issue facing the
lars in the hands of American workers and voters than who best to protect the United
families and small businesses. And you've States of America. You know, when I was
used that money to help fuel our strong and campaigning in Georgia in 2000, I didn't be
growing economy. The national unemploy lieve I'd be saying such a statement. I didn't
ment rate is now 4.6 percent. People are want to be a war President. I don't remember
working in the United States of America. a lot of discussion about war in the 2000 cam
Since August of 2003, our economy has paign. But war came to our shores, a war
added more than 6.6 million new jobs. Our we didn't ask for and a war we must win
progrowth economic policies work. They're for the sake of future generations.
making a difference for the people of Amer People ask me, what's it like to be the
1Ca. President. I said, it's a decisionmaking expe
And this strong and growing economy has rience. [Laughter] And I make a lot. And a
helped us reduce the Federal deficit. When lot of decisions I make are based upon the
I set a goal of cutting the deficit in half by knowledge I learned from that attack on Sep
2009, Democrats said we couldn't get it tember the 11th, 2001. I learned we face an
done. Last year the ranking Democrat on the enemy that is ruthless, that will kill the inno
House Budget Committee said that my cent in order to achieve objectives. I learned
budget brought us nowhere near the goal of we face an enemy that has got an ideology,
cutting the deficit in half. Here's what actu an ideology that is hard for a lot of Americans
ally happened: A growing economy has to understand, an ideology that does not be
helped produce record tax revenues, and in lieve in the same freedoms we believe.
July, I announced that we were a year ahead Let's talk about religion for a second. One
of schedule in our plans to cut the deficit of the great, great beliefs of America and the
in half. fundamental cornerstone of our liberty is the
The Democrats' approach to cutting the fact that in America, you can worship any
deficit is taking more of your money to pay way you so choose. If you're a Jew, Christian,
1780 Oct. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Muslim, Hindu, atheist, agnostic, you're before the job is done, they would follow us
equally American—equally American. That's straight to America.
a sacred right for all of our citizens. It's a And I understand it's hard on the Amer
right that we must never abandon in Amer ican people, because the enemy is able to
ica. And it stands in stark contrast to what
take innocent lives, and it gets on our TV
the enemies of freedom believe. They say if screens. And it's hard. I know it's hard, be
you don't worship the way they tell you to cause Americans are compassionate people.
worship, you'll be held to account. They say We care about innocent life. We care about
that if you don't view religion the way they the human condition. But it's necessary work.
view religion, you'll be punished. We'll continue to make sure our com
We're in the ideological struggle of the manders have that which they need to do
21st century. It's a struggle between rational, the job. We will be flexible in our tactics in
reasonable people who believe in basic free
doms versus extremists and radicals who order to help this young democracy survive.
murder the innocent in order to achieve their We will deploy the assets necessary to bring
people to justice overseas so we don't have
objectives. Right after 9/11, I made it clear to face them here at home.
that if one were to harvest—harbor one of
And I need people by my side in the
these extremists or radicals, they will be United States Congress like Mac Collins,
judged as equally as guilty as those who com who will make sure our brave men and
mit murder.
women who wear the uniform have all that's
And that's why we went into Afghanistan.
I said, “You’ve been harboring Al Qaida"— necessary to defend the United States of
remember, they were providing safe haven America. We will stay; we will fight; and we
for Al Qaida to train. I gave them time to will win, for the security of the United States.
But we must do more than just stay on
turn over Al Qaida to us; they chose other
wise. And as a result of defending ourselves, the offense against these killers. We pressure
which is the most important job of govern them every day. It's harder to plot and plan
ment, we liberated 25 million people from when you're on the run or you're hiding in
the clutches of that ideology. a cave. But I recognized after 9/11, we must
This Nation cannot wait for threats to fully also deploy all assets to protect you. I think
materialize. If we're to do our most impor about my job of protecting you every day.
tant job, which is to protect the American It's the most fundamental of all requirements
people, we must make sure we deal with of government. And so after 9/11, I called
threats before they hurt us. That's one of the upon Congress, and sometimes—and a week
fundamental changes of September the 11th. later called upon Congress to give our folks
And it's important to have people in Con on the frontline of fighting terror the tools
gress who understand that. It's important to necessary to protect you.
have a person like Mac Collins who knows There were walls set up between intel
that we must deal with the threat overseas ligence and criminal investigators that made
so we do not have to face that threat here it impossible for folks to share intelligence
at home. I saw a threat; the Congress saw with those who are hired to protect you. It's
a threat; the United Nations saw a threat in hard for me to explain why that was the
Saddam Hussein; and the world is better off case—just take my word for it. [Laughter
without him in power. It was there. You had somebody get some
And now the challenge is to do the hard intelligence—they couldn't share it with the
work of helping the Iraqis defend their free person charged with criminal justice matters.
dom, the hard work of helping this young And it made us vulnerable to attack.
democracy survive the onslaught of murder And so I asked Congress to pass the PA
from those who would prevent democracy TRIOT Act. Congressman Mac Collins didn't
from taking root. It's in our interests that we hesitate. He said it's the right thing to do,
do so, because, you see, we must defeat the to give those on the frontline of fighting ter
enemy overseas so we don't have to face ror the tools necessary to protect you. As a
them here at home. And if we were to retreat matter of fact, right after 9/11, it wasn't hard
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 10 1781

to get the bill passed. Five years later, how find out whether or not they know about at
ever—or 4 years later, I came back and said, tacks on the United States. In my discussion
“We need to renew the bill,” and on the floor to the American people about this issue, I
of the United States Senate, Democrats fili talked about some of the examples. For ex
bustered the bill. See, that's Democrat-talk— ample, we have captured and interrogated
I mean, Washington-talk for killing it, trying a fellow named Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,
to kill it. They must think differently about who our intelligence people believe was the
this war on terror. It's a fundamental issue mastermind of the September the 11th at
in this campaign, the difference about how tacks.
to defend America. This country is under threat. The enemy
The Senate minority leader openly still wants to hurt us. And therefore, it
bragged about—“We killed the bill,” he said, seemed like it made sense to me that when
killed the PATRIOT Act. To me, it speaks we found the mastermind, or the presumed
volumes in this campaign about which party mastermind of the September the 11th at
clearly sees the enemy as it is and which party tacks, that our professionals should find out
is willing to do the hard work necessary to what this fellow knows. If the most important
protect the American people. I do not ques job is to protect the American people, we
tion the patriotism of anybody. I just know must give our professionals the tools nec
there's a different mindset, when they fought essary to protect you.
the PATRIOT Act's renewal. This bill came up for a vote recently in
As you know, I put in place a plan that the House and the Senate. The over
said if Al Qaida is calling into the United whelming majority of Democrats voted
States, we want to know why. We want to against giving our professionals the tools nec
know why. In this war on terror, we're cap essary to protect you. There's a fundamental
turing people. And sometimes, for example, difference in this campaign, and it's a clear
we might find something in somebody's difference. And the American people need
pocket, and, say, it had a phone number of to understand there's a difference in this
an American phone number, and that phone campaign. Our most important job is to pro
number gets called from overseas—not with tect you from attack, and the Republican
a call within the United States but from out Party will make sure our professionals have
side in. We need to know. If the most impor the tools necessary to defend you.
tant job is to protect the American people, And the people of this congressional dis
we need to know why that person, that Al trict don't need to worry about where Mac
Qaida and/or Al Qaida affiliate, is making a Collins stands. I look forward to working with
phone call. this good man to help protect you from the
So the United States Congress had a vote threats we face.
on this recently, out of the House of Rep We're in an ideological struggle. It's the
resentatives—166 Democrats voted against challenge of our time. It's the call of our gen
the bill, voted against giving our people the eration. We've got a great military. We've got
tools necessary to protect you. These are fine wonderful professionals working hard to pro
people; I know a lot of them. They're decent tect you. We've got one other fantastic way
citizens of our country. They just have a dif to defend America, a great asset, and that's
ferent view about the world in which we live. freedom. I believe in the universality of free
Perhaps one way to summarize it is, okay, dom. I believe there's an Almighty. I believe
we'll get tough; we'll respond after we're at one of the great gifts of the Almighty is the
tacked. My attitude is, we better give our desire for people to be free. And I believe
folks the tools necessary to protect you be that the United States of America—it's in our
fore we get attacked, to protect the American interest that we promote liberty. Oh, not
people. every democracy is going to look like ours.
As you, I'm sure, read, we have been cap Each democracy ought to represent their
turing people on the battlefield—I call it a own history and traditions. But it's in our in
battlefield because this is a war—and we terest that liberty flourish, because that's how
have interrogated those people in order to you ultimately win the ideological struggle
1782 Oct. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

that pits reasonable people against extrem And combine that with a nuclear weapon
ists. That's how you win a struggle with those in the hands of an Iran, and Koizumi and
who want their children to grow up in a rea I understand that the world would look back
sonable society, a hopeful society, against and say, “What happened to them? How
those who will create chaos so that they can't come they couldn't see the threat?" We're
do so. all flying on Air Force One with the former
You know, I recently—you might remem Prime Minister of Japan—he recently left of
ber, I just had an interesting experience re fice—talking about the peace. And I found
cently when the Prime Minister of Japan and that to be amazing. Something happened be
I went down to Elvis's place. [Laughter] tween when George H.W. Bush became a
Laura and I had never been there, and so— Navy pilot, and his son is talking about the
[laughter]—I thought that would be fun. peace. And what happened was, Japan adopt
[Laughter] Prime Minister Koizumi really ed a Japanese-style democracy. Liberty has
wanted to go there—[laughter]—because he got the capacity to change an enemy into an
is a-he's an Elvis fan. He loves Elvis. But ally. Liberty has got the capacity to bring
I also wanted to tell a story. I'm going to hope where hope is needed and light where
there's darkness.
tell it right quick and then head back up—
and have dinner with Laura. Here it is: I find I believe if this generation does its duty
it is a really interesting kind of twist of his to protect future generations of Americans,
tory, I guess you could put it, that I'm going someday, an American President will be sit
to Elvis's place with the Prime Minister of ting down talking with the duly elected lead
Japan, and my dad fought the Japanese. ers of the Middle East and talking about the
Eighteen-year-old George H.W. Bush—I'm peace, and a generation of Americans will
be better off.
sure you've got relatives, the same thing hap Those are the stakes of the elections of
pened to them—responded to the violent at 2006, the stakes of the world in which we
tack on the United States, and said, “I want
to volunteer,” like thousands of other kids. live. And I'll be proud to work with Mac Col
lins to bring the peace we all want. God bless.
And we fought the Japanese with all we
had. And it was a bloody war—really bloody
war. And yet 60 years later, I'm on Air Force NOTE: The President spoke at 5:35 p.m. at the
One flying to Memphis—[laughter)—talking Macon Centreplex. In his remarks, he referred
to former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq:
about the peace, working with Prime Min former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of
ister Koizumi on issues like North Korea.
Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of North Korea.
And I will tell you, we're more likely to solve
this issue peacefully when we've got people
like Japan and China and South Korea and The President’s News Conference
Russia saying the exact same thing as the October 11, 2006
United States is to the man in North Korea.
It helps to be able to sit down and talk The President. Thank you. Before I take
ally to ally about the peace. We talked about
your questions, I'd like to discuss a couple
the fact that the Japanese had 1,000 troopssubjects. First, I want to briefly mention that
in Iraq helping this young democracy fight today we've released the actual budget num
off the extremists that can't stand the thought bers for the fiscal year that ended on Sep
of a free society in their midst. We talked tember the 30th. These numbers show that
about the strategic implications of aban we have now achieved our goal of cutting
doning those who long for liberty in the Mid the Federal budget deficit in half, and we've
dle East. He knows what I know, that there done it 3 years ahead of schedule. The budg
could be a world in which moderate govern et numbers are proof that progrowth eco
ments get toppled, which is precisely what nomic policies work. By restraining spending
the enemy said they want to do, so that these in Washington and allowing Americans to
extremists control energy resources in which keep more of what they earn, the economy
they'd be able to blackmail the free world. is creating jobs and reducing the deficit and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1783

making our Nation a more prosperous nation of attacking North Korea. With its actions
for all our citizens. this week, North Korea has once again cho
I'm going to talk about the progrowth eco sen to reject the prospect for a better future
nomic policies that helped bring about the offered by the six-party joint statement. In
dramatic reduction in the deficit this after stead, it has opted to raise tensions in the
noon, and I'm going to remind our fellow region.
citizens that good tax policy has a lot to do I'm pleased that the nations in the region
with keeping the economy strong, and there are making clear to North Korea what is at
fore, we'll continue to urge the Congress to stake. I thank China, South Korea, Japan, and
make the tax cuts permanent. Russia for their strong statements of con
I also want to talk about the unfolding situ demnation of North Korea's actions. Peace
ation in North Korea. Earlier this week, the on the Korean Peninsula requires that these
Government of North Korea proclaimed to nations send a clear message to Pyongyang
the world that it had conducted a successful that its actions will not be tolerated, and I
nuclear test. The United States is working appreciate their leadership.
to confirm North Korea's claim, but this The United States remains committed to
claim itself constitutes a threat to inter
diplomacy. The United States also reserves
national peace and stability. all options to defend our friends and our in
In response to North Korea's actions,
terests in the region against the threats from
we're working with our partners in the region North Korea. So, in response to North Ko
and the United Nations Security Council to rea's provocation, we'll increase defense co
ensure there are serious repercussions for operation with our allies, including coopera
the regime in Pyongyang. I've spoken with
other world leaders, including Japan, China, tion on ballistic missile defense to protect
against North Korean aggression and co
South Korea, and Russia. We all agree that
there must be a strong Security Council reso operation to prevent North Korea from ex
lution that will require North Korea to abide porting nuclear and missile technologies.
by its international commitments to dis Our goals remain clear: peace and security
in Northeast Asia and a nuclear-free Korean
mantle its nuclear programs. This resolution
should also specify a series of measures to Peninsula. We will take the necessary actions
prevent North Korea from exporting nuclear to achieve these goals. We will work with the
or missile technologies and prevent financial United Nations. We'll support our allies in
transactions or asset transfers that would help the region. And together we will ensure that
North Korea develop its nuclear and missile North Korea understands the consequences
capabilities. if it continues down its current path.
Last year, North Korea agreed to a path I'd like to discuss the latest developments
to a better future for its people in the six in Iraq. This morning I just had a meeting
party talks—September of last year. We had with Secretary Rumsfeld and General
an agreement with North Korea. It came George Casey, who is in town today. General
about in the form of what we call the six Casey, as you know, is the top commander
party joint statement. It offered the prospect on the ground in Iraq. The brutality of Iraq's
for normalized relations with both Japan and enemies has been on full display in recent
the United States. It talked about economic days. Earlier this week, Deputy President
cooperation in energy, trade, and investment. Tariq al-Hashimi lost his brother, Major
In that joint statement, North Korea com General Hashimi, when gunmen dressed in
mitted to abandoning all nuclear weapons police uniforms broke into his house and shot
and existing nuclear programs and to adher him in the head. Only a few months ago,
ing to the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nu his sister and other brother were assas
clear Weapons and to IAEA safeguards. They sinated. On behalf of the United States, I
agreed. express my heartfelt condolences to the al
The United States affirmed that we have Hashimi family. And we express our condo
no nuclear weapons on the Korean Penin lences to all those who've suffered at the
sula. We affirmed that we have no intention hands of these brutal killers.
1784 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The situation is difficult in Iraq, no ques Prime Minister told them that he welcomed
tion about it. The violence is being caused their support and would help them.
by a combination of terrorists, elements of Third, Prime Minister Maliki's Govern
former regime criminals, and sectarian mili ment suspended the Eighth Brigade, Second
tias. Attacks and casualties have risen during Division of the national police after learning
the Ramadan period. A rise in violence has that this unit was not intervening to stop sec
occurred every Ramadan period in the last tarian violence in and around Baghdad. This
3 years. police brigade has been decertified by the
Attacks and casualties have also increased Iraqi Ministry of Interior; it's been removed
recently because our forces are confronting from service; it's now being reviewed and re
the enemy in Baghdad and in other parts of trained. With this action, the Iraqi Govern
Iraq. The past weekend, U.S. and Iraqi forces ment has made clear, it's not going to tolerate
engaged militias—or members of an illegal the infiltration of the Iraqi security forces by
militia—during a mission to capture a high militias and sectarian interests.
value target. The reason I bring this up is The reason I bring this up, these examples
that we're on the move. We're taking action. up, is that there's a political process that's
We're helping this young democracy suc going forward. And it's the combination of
ceed. The reasons we went after the illegal security and a political process that will en
militia was to capture a man responsible for able the United States to achieve our objec
killing many innocent Iraqis, and we accom tive, which is an Iraq that can govern itself,
plished that mission. Our troops have in sustain itself, defend itself, and be an ally in
creased their presence on the streets of this war on terror.
Baghdad, and together with Iraqi forces, Iraq's Government—Iraq's democratic
they're working to ensure that terrorists and Government is just 4 months old. Yet in the
death squads cannot intimidate the local pop face of terrorist threats and sectarian vio
ulation and operate murder rings. lence, Iraq's new leaders are beginning to
Amid the violence, important political de make tough choices. And as they make these
velopments are also taking place. The Iraqi tough decisions, we'll stand with them—we'll
legislature reached a compromise and set up help them. It's in our interests that Iraq suc
a process for addressing the difficult issues ceed.
of federalism and constitutional reform. In Look, I fully understand the American
addition, the Government of Prime Minister people are seeing unspeakable violence on
Maliki has taken three important steps to their TV screens. These are tough times in
build confidence in his Government and in Iraq. The enemy is doing everything within
the Iraqi security forces. First, Prime Min its power to destroy the Government and to
ister Maliki announced a plan to bring to drive us out of the Middle East, starting with
gether Sunni and Shi'a parties and stop sec driving us out of Iraq before the mission is
tarian violence. The Prime Minister's plan done. The stakes are high. As a matter of
has received support from every major polit fact, they couldn't be higher. If we were to
ical group in Iraq, including some hard-line abandon that country before the Iraqis can
Sunni elements that chose not to join the defend their young democracy, the terrorists
unity Government. Among the steps the would take control of Iraq and establish a
Prime Minister announced is a new system new safe haven from which to launch new
of local and neighborhood committees, made attacks on America. How do I know that
up of both Sunni and Shi'a members, that would happen?—because that's what the
will work directly with Iraqi security forces enemy has told us would happen; that's what
to resolve tensions and stop sectarian strife. they have said. And as Commander in Chief
Second, this past weekend Prime Minister of the United States military and as a person
Maliki met with tribal leaders from the Anbar working to secure this country, I take the
Province. These tribal leaders told him words of the enemy very seriously, and so
they've had enough of the terrorists seeking should the American people.
to control the Sunni heartland, and they're We can't tolerate a new terrorist state in
ready to stand up and fight Al Qaida. The the heart of the Middle East, with large oil
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1785

reserves that could be used to fund its radical for his country. It is his decisions. And what's
ambitions or used to inflict economic damage changed since then is that we now have other
on the West. By helping the Iraqis build a parties at the table who have made it clear
democracy—an Iraqi-style democracy—we to North Korea that they share the same
will deal a major blow to terrorists and ex goals of the United States, which is a nuclear
tremists; we'll bring hope to a troubled re weapons-free peninsula.
gion; and we'll make this country more se Obviously, I'm listening very carefully to
cure. this debate. I can remember the time when
With that, I'll take some questions, starting it was said that the Bush administration goes
with Terry Hunt º Press]. it alone too often in the world, which I always
Diplomatic Efforts With North Korea thought was a bogus claim to begin with. And
now all of a sudden people are saying, the
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Democrats Bush administration ought to be going alone
say that North Korea's reported test shows with North Korea. But it didn't work in the
that your policy has been a failure, that you past, is my point. The strategy did not work.
got tºº.down in Iraq, where there were I learned a lesson from that and decided that
no weapons of mass destruction, while North the best way to convince Kim Jong Il to
Korea was moving ahead with a bomb. Is change his mind on a nuclear weapons pro
your administration to blame for letting gram is to have others send the same mes
North Korea get this far?
The President. North Korea has been try
ing to acquire bombs and weapons for a long And so, in my phone calls that I recently
period of time, long before I came into office. made right after the test, I lamented the fact
And it's a threat that we've got to take seri that he had tested to Hu Jintao and also la
ously, and we do, of course. mented the fact that Hu Jintao had publicly
asked him not to test. I talked to the South
In 1994, the Government—our Govern
ment—entered into a bilateral arrangement Korean President, and I said, “It ought to
be clear to us now that we must continue
with the North Koreans that worked to make
sure that they don't have the capacity to de to work together to make it abundantly clear
to the leader in North Korea that there's a
velop a bomb, and North Korea agreed that
there would be no program whatsoever to better way forward.” When he walks away
ward the development of a weapon. And yet from agreement, he's not just walking away
from a table with the United States as the
we came into office and discovered that they
were developing a program, unbeknownst to only participant, he's walking away from a
the folks with whom they signed the agree table that others are sitting at.
ment, the United States Government. And And my point to you is, in order to solve
we confronted them with that evidence, and this diplomatically, the United States and our
they admitted it was true and then left the partners must have a strong diplomatic hand,
agreement that they had signed with the U.S. and you have a better diplomatic hand with
Government. others sending the message than you do
And my point—and then I–as I men when you're alone. And so, obviously, I made
tioned in my opening statement, we, once the decision that the bilateral negotiations
again, had North Korea at the table—this wouldn't work, and the reason I made that
time with other parties at the table—and decision is because they didn't. And we'll
they agreed once again, through this state continue to work to come up with a diplo
ment as a result of the six-party talks, to matic solution in North Korea.
verifiably show that they weren't advancing This is a serious issue. But I want to re
a nuclear weapons program. And they chose mind our fellow citizens that the North Ko
again to leave. A.F my point to you is that rean issue was serious for years. And I also
it's the intransigence of the North Korean remind our citizens that we want to make
leader that speaks volumes about the process. sure that we solve this problem diplomati
It is his unwillingness to choose a way for cally. We've got to give every effort to do
ward for his country—a better way forward so. But in my discussions with our partners,
1786 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I reassured them that the security agree necessary to put the tactics in place to help
ments we have with them will be enforced us achieve an objective.
if need be, and that's in particular to South And I appreciate Jimmy Baker—willing
Korea and Japan.
Terry. I mean—you're not Terry; you're
ness to—he and Lee Hamilton are putting
Steve [Steve Holland, Reuters]. this—have got a group they put together that
I think was Congressman Wolf's sugges
Iraq Study Group/Democracy Efforts in tion—or passing the law. We supported the
the Middle East idea. I think it's good to have some of our
elder statesmen—I hate to call Baker an
Q. Thank you very much, sir.
The President. It's a huge insult, I know. elder statesmen—but to go over there and
take a look and to come back and make rec
Q. Senator Warner says Iraq appears to
be drifting sideways, and James Baker says ommendations. Somebody said he said,
a change in strategy may be needed. Are you “Well, you know, cut-and-run isn't working.”
willing to acknowledge that a change may be That's not our policy. Our policy is to help
needed? this country succeed, because I understand
The President. Steve, we're constantly the stakes. And I'm going to repeat them one
changing tactics to achieve a strategic goal. more time. As a matter of fact, I'm going
Our strategic goal is a country which can de to spend a lot of time repeating the stakes
fend itself, sustain itself, and govern itself. about what life is like in the Middle East.
The strategic goal is to help this young de It is conceivable that there will be a world
mocracy succeed in a world in which extrem in which radical forms, extreme forms of reli
ists are trying to intimidate rational people gion fight each other for influence in the
in order to topple moderate governments Middle East, in which they've got the capac
and to extend a caliphate.
The stakes couldn't be any higher, as I said ity to use oil as an economic weapon. And
earlier, in the world in which we live. There when you throw in the mix a nuclear weapon
are extreme elements that use religion to in the hands of a sworn enemy of the United
achieve objectives. And they want us to leave, States, you begin to see an environment that
and they want us to—and they want to topple would cause some later on in history to look
government. They want to extend an ideolog back and say, “How come they couldn't see
ical caliphate that is—has no concept of lib the problem? What happened to them in the
erty inherent in their beliefs. They want to year 2006? Why weren't they able to see the
control oil resources, and they want to plot problems now and deal with them before it
came too late?” Steve.
and plan and attack us again. That's their ob
jectives. And so—and our strategic objective And so Iraq is an important part of dealing
is to prevent them from doing that. And with this problem. And my vow to the Amer
we're constantly changing tactics to achieve ican people is, I understand the stakes, and
that objective. I understand what it would mean for us to
And I appreciate Senator Warner going leave before the job is done. And I look for
over there and taking a look. I want you to ward to listening how—what Jimmy Baker
notice, what he did say is, if the plan is now and Lee Hamilton say about how to get the
not working—the plan that's in place isn't job done. I appreciate them working on this
working, America needs to adjust. I com issue because I think they understand what
pletely agree. That's what I talk to General
Casey about. I said, General, the Baghdad I know, and the stakes are high.
security plan is in its early implementation. And the stakes are high when it comes to
I support you strongly, but if you come into developing a Palestinian state so that Israel
this office and say we need to do something can live at peace. And the stakes are high
differently, I support you. If you need more when it comes to making sure the young de
troops, I support you. If you're going to de mocracy of Lebanon is able to fend off the
vise a new strategy, we're with you, because extremists and radicals that want to crater
I trust General Casey to make the judgments that democracy.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1787

This is the real challenge of the 21st cen tries is that we have—we want to solve issues
tury. I like to tell people we're in an ideolog peacefully. We said there's a better way for
ical struggle. And it's a struggle between ex ward for you. Here's a chance, for example,
tremists and radicals and people of modera to help your country economically. And all
tion who want to simply live a peaceful life.
you got to do is verifiably show that you—
And the calling of this country and in this in Iran's case, that you suspended your weap
century is whether or not we will help the ons program; and in North Korea's case, that
forces of moderation prevail. That's the fun you've got international safeguards on your
damental question facing the United States program—which they agreed to, by the way.
of America—beyond my Presidency. And And so my point is, is that—to the Amer
you can tell I made my choice. And I made ican people I say, “Look, we want to solve
my choice because the most solemn duty of this diplomatically.” It’s important for the
the American President and government is President to say to the American people, di
to protect this country from harm. plomacy was what—is our first choice and
Martha [Martha Raddatz, ABC News]. that I've now outlined a strategy. And I think
Yes. I'm sure it was a profound followup. it is a hopeful sign that China is now a inte
Okay. gral partner in helping North Korea under
stand that it's just not the United States
Situation in North Korea/Six-Party Talks speaking to them.
Q. Can we go back to North Korea, Mr. And it's an important sign to North Korea
that South Korea, a country which obviously
The President. Please.
is deeply concerned about North Korean ac
Q. You talk about failures of the past ad tivities—South Korea is a partner, and that
ministration with the policy towards North if North Korea decides that they don't like
Korea. Again, how can you say your policy what's being said, they're not just stiffing the
is more successful, given that North Korea United States—I don't know if that's a diplo
has apparently tested a nuclear weapon? And matic word or not—but they're sending a
also, º wouldn't mind, what is the redline message to countries in the neighborhood
for North Korea, given what has happened that they really don't care what other coun
over the past few months? tries think, which leads to further isolation.
The President. My point was, bilateral me And when we get a U.N. Security Council
gotiations didn't work. I appreciate the ef resolution, it will help us deal with issues like
forts of previous administrations. It just proliferation and his ability—“he” being Kim
didn't wº And therefore, I thought it was Jong Il's ability—to attract money to con
important to change how we approached the tinue to develop his programs.
problem so that we could solve it diplomati Q. What about the redline, sir?
cally. And I firmly believe that with North The President. Well, the world has made
Korea and with Iran that it is best to deal it clear that these tests caused us to come
with these regimes with more than one voice, together and work in the United Nations to
because I understand how it works. What
send a clear message to the North Korean
ends up happening is, is that we say to a regime. We're bound up together with a
country such as North Korea, “Here's a rea common strategy to solve this issue peace
sonable way forward.” They try to extract fully through diplomatic means.
more at the negotiating table, or they've got Kevin [Kevin Corke, NBC News].
a different objective, and then they go and
say, “Wait a minute; the United States is
being unreasonable.” They make a threat. International Cooperation on Situation
in North Korea
They could—they say the world is about to
fall apart because of the United States prob Q. Thank you, Mr. President.
lem. And all of a sudden, we become the The President. If I might say, that is a
issue. beautiful suit.
But the United States message to North Q. Thank you, sir. My tailor appreciates
Korea and Iran and the people in both coun that,
1788 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The President. And I can't see anybody to amend or update your figure, and do you
else who even comes close. [Laughter] consider this a credible report?
Q. Thank you very much. I'll be happy The President. No, I don't consider it a
to pass along my tailor's number if you'd like credible report; neither does General Casey
that, sir. and neither do Iraqi officials. I do know that
The President. I'll take that back. I will a lot of innocent people have died, and that
recognize that on this—please. troubles me, and it grieves me. And I ap
Q. On May 23, 2003, sir, you said—you plaud the Iraqis for their courage in the face
effectively drew a line in the sand. You said, of violence. I am amazed that this is a society
“We will not tolerate a nuclear North Korea.” which so wants to be free that they're willing
And yet now it appears that they have crossed to—that there's a level of violence that they
that line. And I'm wondering what now, sir, tolerate. And it's now time for the Iraqi Gov
do you say to both the American people and ernment to work hard to bring security in
the international community vis-a-vis what neighborhoods so people can feel at peace.
has happened over the last 48 hours? No question, it's violent, but this report
The President. No, I appreciate that, and is one—they put it out before; it was pretty
I think it's very important for the American well—the methodology was pretty well dis
people and North Korea to understand that credited. But I talk to people like General
that statement still stands, and that one way Casey and, of course, the Iraqi Government
to make sure that we're able to achieve our put out a statement talking about the report.
objective is to have other people join us in Q. the figure of 30,000, Mr. Presi
making it clear to North Korea that they dent? Do you stand by your figure, 30,000?
share that objective. And that's what's The President. You know, I stand by the
changed. That's what's changed over a rel figure. A lot of innocent people have lost
atively quick period of time. It used to be their life—600,000, or whatever they guessed
that the United States would say that, and at, is just—it's not credible. Thank you.
that would be kind of a stand-alone state Baier [Bret Baier, FOX News].
ment. Now, when that statement is said,
2006 Elections
there are other nations in the neighborhood
saying it. Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Since you
And so we'll give diplomacy a chance to last held a news conference here in the Rose
work. It is very important for us to solve these Garden, about a month ago, Republicans
problems diplomatically. And I thank the across the country have seen races that were
leaders of listen, when I call them on the once safe, tighten, with the tide turning, ac
phone, we're strategizing. This isn't, “Oh, cording to several polls, towards the Demo
please stand up and say something.” This is, crats. Understanding that you don't lead by
“How can we continue to work together to looking at polls
solve this problem?" And that is a substantial The President. Thank you, sir. Thank you.
change, Kevin, from the previous times. Finally.
Suzanne [Suzanne Malveaux, Cable News Q. as you've said many times, are you
Network]. First best dressed person here. still confident Republicans will hold the
Sorry. House and the Senate?
The President. Yes, I am.
Report on Iraqi Civilian Casualties Q. If so, why? And do you believe that
Q. Kevin and I coordinated. the biggest drag on the Republican Party is
The President. Yes. No, he actually the situation in Iraq”
looks The President. I believe that the situation
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Back on in Iraq is, no question, tough on the Amer
Iraq, a group of American and Iraqi health ican psyche, like I said, I think, at this very
officials today released a report saying that spot last time I faced the press corps. And
655,000 Iraqis have died since the Iraq war. it's serious business. Look, the American
That figure is 20 times the figure that you people want to know, can we win—that's
cited in December, at 30,000. Do you care what they want to know—and do we have
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1789

a plan to win. There are some who say, “Get affiliate phone calls coming from outside the
out; it's not worth it.” And those are some country to inside the country.
of the voices, by the way, in the Democrat It's very important for our fellow citizens
Party. Certainly not all Democrats, but some to recognize that I don't question anybody's
of the loud voices in the party say, “Get out.” patriotism, but I do question a strategy that
And so, no question this is an issue, but says, we can't give those on the frontline of
so is the economy. And I believe there'll be— fighting terror the tools necessary to fight ter
I still stand by my prediction, we'll have a ror. I believe that in order to defend Amer
Republican Speaker and a Republican leader ica, we must take a threat seriously and de
of the Senate. And the reason I say that is feat an enemy overseas so we don't have to
because I believe the two biggest issues in face them here. I don't believe we can wait
this campaign are, one, the economy. And to respond after attack has occurred.
the economy is growing. The national unem And so I think these are the two biggest
ployment rate is 4.6 percent. We've just dis issues, Bret. And Iraq is a part of the war
covered, as the result of analyzing new data, on terror. Now, I recognize Democrats say
that we added 6.6 million new jobs since Au that's not the case, and what I say to the
gust of 2003. Gas prices are down. Tax cuts American people when I am out there is, all
are working. you've got to do is listen to what Usama bin
And there's a difference of opinion in the Laden says. Don't believe me that it's a part
campaign about taxes, and we will keep them of the war on terror; listen to the enemy,
low. Matter of fact, I would like to keep or listen to Mr. Zawahiri, the number two
the-make the tax cuts we pass permanent. of Al Qaida, both of whom made it clear that
And the Democrats will raise taxes. Now, I Iraq is central in their plans. And I firmly
know they say only on rich people, but believe that American people understand
that's—in my judgment, having been around that this is different from other war because
here long enough to know, it's just code in this war, if we were to leave early before
word. They're going to raise them on who the job is done, the enemy will follow us
ever they can raise them on. here.
And then on security—the American peo And so I believe, Bret, that we'll maintain
ple know that our biggest job is to protect control because we're on the right side of
this country from further attack, and—be the economic issue and the security issue.
cause they know there's an enemy that still Let's see. Yes, sir, Mr. NPR [Don Gonyea,
plots and plans. And there is; there is. Re National Public Radio]. Welcome to the front
cently we learned that when British intel row. Yes, it's good.
ligence and U.S. intelligence—with our
help-broke up a plot to get on airplanes and Democratic Party/2006 Elections
blow them up, the planes that were going Q. Thank you. It's good to be here. Appre
to fly from Great Britain to here. And they ciate it. Following up on that answer, one
want to know—“they,” the people—want to of the things Democrats complain about is
know what are we doing to protect them. the way you portray their position
There have been some votes on the floor The President. Oh, really?
of the Senate and the House that make it Q. in wanting to fight the war on ter
abundantly clear, we just have a different ror. They would say you portray it as either
view of the world. The vast majority of they support exactly what you want to do,
Democrats voted against a program that or they want to do nothing. We hear it in
would enable us to interrogate #. de some of your speeches. Is it fair to portray
tainees. That was the vote. It's wide open it to the American people that way?
for everybody to see: Should a CIA program The President. Well, I think it's fair to
go forward or not go forward? The vast ma use the words of the people in Congress or
jority of Democrats in the House voted their votes. The vote was on the Hamdan
against a program that would have institu legislation: Do you want to continue a pro
tionalized the capacity for this Government gram that enabled us to interrogate folks or
to listen to Al Qaida phone calls or Al Qaida not? And all I was doing was reciting the
1790 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
votes. I would cite my opponent in the 2004 Warner. Senator Warner said, “If the plan
campaign when he said there needs to be isn't working, adjust.” I agree completely. I
a date certain from which to withdraw from haven't seen Baker's report yet, but one of
Iraq. I characterize that as cut-and-run be the things I remind you of is that I don't
cause I believe it is cut-and-run. In other hear those people saying, get out before the
words, I've been using either their votes or job is done. They're saying, be flexible. And
their words to characterize their positions. We are.

Q. But they don't say "cut-and-run.” I believe that you—you empower your
The President. Well, they may not use generals to make the decisions, the rec
"cut-and-run,” but they say “date certain is ommendations on what we do to win. You
when to get out,” before the job is done. That can't fight a war from Washington. In other
is cut-and-run. Nobody has accused me of words, you can't make the tactical decisions
having a real sophisticated vocabulary; I un necessary to win. It just won't work. And I
derstand that. And maybe their words are trust General Casey. I find him to be one
more sophisticated than mine. But when you of the really competent, decent guys.
pull out before the job is done, that's cut Q. But
and-run as far as I'm concerned, and that's The President. Let me finish please for
cut-and-run as far as most Americans are a second. Plus, I couldn't hear you, but I saw
concerned. And so, yes, I'm going to con you talking. Anyway, I think it's—I value his
tinue reminding them of their words and judgment. I value his—I know he wants to
their votes. succeed, and I value his objectivity. And he—
Jim [Jim Axelrod, CBS News]. what's important for the President is when
I open up that door in there and General
Iraq Study Group/U.S. Armed Forces in Casey walks in, he feels confident to tell me
Iraq what's on his mind, Jim—“Here's what's
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. My best suit going right, and here's what's going wrong,
is in the cleaners. and here's what we're doing about it.”
The President. That's not even a suit. And so, for those folks saying, make sure
Q. I know. [Laughter] You got to give me there's flexibility, I couldn't agree more with
more time in the morning ... a newS COIn
you. And I think the characterization of,
ference. “Let’s stay the course,” is about a quarter
The President. I know. You like to wake right. “Stay the course” means keep doing
up about 8:30. [Laughter] what you're doing. My attitude is, don't do
Q. I want to ask you what you're doing if it's not working; change.
The President. High-priced news guys. “Stay the course” also means don't leave be
Q. Yes, sure. fore the job is done. And that's—we're going
The President. Yes. [Laughter] to get the job done in Iraq. And it's important
Q. I want to ask you a little bit about— that we do get the job done in Iraq.
I want to follow on the criticism that you've Defeat in Iraq will embolden an enemy.
received for the suggestions from Senator And I want to repeat to you the reality of
Warner and from James Baker, now Olympia the world in which we live. If we were to
Snowe. This is not exactly the board of direc leave before the job is done, the enemy is
tors for Do you coming after us. And most Americans—back
The President. That's true. to your question, Bret—understand we've
Q. Do you feel in some way that there got to defeat them there so we don't face
is some shift going on in terms of the general them here. It's a different kind of war, but
support for the war in Iraq and your strategy nevertheless, it is a war.
specifically? And do you ever feel like the Go ahead.
walls are closing in on you in terms of support
for this? Insurgency and Terrorist Attacks in Iraq
The President. [Laughter] Jim, I under Q. I'm just wondering, 2 months ago,
stand how hard it is, and I also understand Prime Minister Maliki was here, and you
the stakes. And let me go back to Senator talked about how we had to be nimble and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1791

facile in our approach. And my question is, newed and reinvigorated by having China
are we being nimble and facile in the right and South Korea and Japan and Russia join
way? Is what General Casey telling you the ing us in convincing Kim Jong Il there's a
most effective advice? Because it would seem better way forward.
in the 2 months since Prime Minister Maliki And frankly, I was quite optimistic that we
was here, things have only gotten more had succeeded last September when we had
bloodvin Iraq. this joint statement, which you adequately
The Pºint. No question, Ramadan is covered. And yet he walked away from it.
here; no question we're engaging the enemy He decided, well, maybe his word doesn't
more than we were before. And by the way, mean anything.
when you engage the enemy, it causes there And so we will continue to work diplomati
to be more action and more kinetic action. cally to solve the problem. That's what I owe
And the fundamental question is, do I get the American people, to come up with a dip
good advice from Casey? And the answer is, lomatic solution. I also made it clear, and I
I believe I do; I believe I do. will repeat, that we have security obligations
Please. Sanger [David Sanger, New York in the region that I reconfirmed to our part
Times]. ners.

Sir. Washington Post man [Michael

Diplomatic Efforts With North Korea Fletcher, Washington Post).
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You spoke
very passionately before about acting before Situations in Iran and North Korea
it was too late on major issues. You faced
one of those moments in early 2003. This Q. Good morning, Mr. President.
was when the North Koreans had thrown out The President. That would be Mike.
the international inspectors, said they were Q. Right. I'd like to follow up on an earlier
going to go ahead and turn their fuel into question about your rhetoric on Iran and
weapons. And you had a moment to tell them North Korea.
that they would face serious consequences The President. Okay.
if they were going to do that. You . had Q. You said yesterday in your statement
what may have been the last moment for any that the North Korean nuclear test was unac
American President to destroy their fuel sup ceptable. Your chief º for the six
plies while they were all in one place. º talks said last week that North Korea
The President. You mean, bombing as a choice of either having weapons or hav
them? ing a future. When you spoke a month or
Q. Whatever action you might have need so ago to the American Legion, you talked
ed to take, including military action, against about Iran and said, “There must be con
the site—the one site at the time where they sequences for Iran's defiance, and we must
were getting ready not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.”
The President. I just wanted to clarify. I am wondering, sir—your administration has
Sorry to interrupt you. issued these kinds of warnings pretty regu
Q. Yes. And you chose not to. And I was larly over the last 5 years, and yet these coun
wondering whether in retrospect you regret tries have pursued their nuclear programs.
that decision at all; whether or not you think I'm wondering if you—what is different
that, because of the long history of deception about the current set of warnings, and do
that you pointed out before, you should have you think the administration and our Govern
acted differently? ment runs a risk of looking feckless to the
The President. I used the moment to con world by issuing these kinds of warnings reg
tinue my desire to convince others to become ularly without response from the countries?
equity partners in the Korean issue, North The President. That's a fair question.
Korean issue, because, David, I, obviously, First of all, I am making it clear our policy
look at all options all the time, and I felt hasn't changed. It's important for the folks
like the best way to solve this problem would to understand that we don't continually shift
be through a 㺠effort that was re our goals based upon polls or—whatever.
1792 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

See, I think clarity of purpose is very impor peace, requires an international response. It
tant to rally a diplomatic effort to solve the says volumes about a person who signs an
problem. And so I try to speak as clearly as agreement with one administration and signs
I can and make sure there's no ambiguity an agreement or speaks about an agreement
in our position. I also found that's a pretty with another administration and doesn't
good way to help rally a diplomatic effort that honor the agreement. It points up the fact
I believe will more likely work. that these are dangerous regimes and re
I know this sounds—I'm just saying it over quires an international effort to work in con
and over again, but it's—rhetoric and actions Cert.
are all aimed at convincing others that they Roger [Roger Runningen, Bloomberg
have an equal stake in whether or not these News].
nations have a nuclear weapon, because I
firmly believe, Mike, that that is the best
strategy to solve the problem. One has a Six-Party Talks With North Korea
stronger hand when there's more people Q. Thank you. I'd like to turn back to
playing your same cards. It is much easier North Korea for a bit. You've said that bilat
for a nation to hear what I believe are legiti eral talks didn't work. Secretary Baker has
mate demands if there's more than one voice said that maybe they should be considered,
speaking. And that's why we're doing what maybe at some point under certain condi
we're doing. tions. Are you prepared now to just take the
And to answer your question as to whether possibility of one-one-one talks with North
or not the words will be empty, I would sug Korea off the table?
gest that, quite the contrary, that we not only The President. I'm saying as loud as I can
have spoken about the goals, but as a result and as clear as I can that there is a better
of working together with our friends, Iran way forward for North Korea and that we
and North Korea are looking at a different— will work within the context of the six-party
a different diplomatic scenario. talks.
I thought you were going to ask the ques People say, “You don't talk to North
tion, following up on Sanger, how come you Korea.” We had a representative, a United
don't use military action now? You kind of
hinted it; you didn't say it. And some wonder States representative at the table in the six
that. As a matter of fact, I'm asked questions party talks. The North Korean leader knows
around the country—just go ahead and use our position. It's easy to understand our posi
the military. And my answer is, is that I be tion: There is a better way forward for his
lieve the Commander in Chief must try all Government. And people need to review the
diplomatic measures before we commit our September '05 document, the joint statement
military. And I believe the diplomacy is— that talked about economics, and we won't
we're making progress when we've got others attack North Korea. We agreed that we
at the table. shouldn't have nuclear weapons on the pe
I'll ask myself a followup. If that's the case, ninsula. I mean, there is a way forward for
the leader in North Korea to choose. We've
why did you use military action in Iraq” And
the reason why is because we tried the diplo made our choice, and so has China, South
macy. Matter of fact, we tried resolution after Korea, Japan, and Russia. And that's what's
resolution after resolution. All these situa changed.
tions are—each of them different and re I also am deeply concerned about the lives
quire a different response, a different effort of the citizens in that country. I mean
to try to solve this peacefully. And we'll con there's—and that's why I named a envoy, Jay
tinue to do so. Lefkowitz, to talk about the human condition
The inability to convince people to move inside of North Korea. And the reason we
forward speaks volumes about them. It ought did that is we care about how people live.
to say to all the world that we're dealing with We care about people starving. We care
people that maybe don't want peace—which about the fact that there are large concentra
in my judgment, in order for there to be tion camps.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1793

You know, one of the most meaningful mo But I think when they get in that booth,
ments of my Presidency came when a Japa they're going to be thinking about how best
nese mother came to the Oval Office to talk to secure the country from attack and how
about what it was like to have her daughter best to keep the economy growing.
kidnaped by North Korea. You can imagine I think the last time I was out here with
what that was like. It broke my heart, and you, I reminded you that I understand that
it should break everybody's heart. But it the economy is always a salient issue in cam
i. to the nature of the regime. And
erefore, we—I am convinced that to solve
paigns. We've had some experience with that
in my family, I think I said. I still believe
this diplomatically requires more than just the economy is an important issue, and I be
America's voice.
lieve on this issue there is a huge difference
Let's see here. Mark [Mark Silva, Chicago of opinion.
The other day, by the way, Don, I did
Former Representative Mark Foley/2006 bring up the words of the leader of the House
Elections when she said, “I love tax cuts.” And then
I reminded everybody that if she loved them
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. so much, how come she voted against a lot
The President. Yes.
of tax cuts? In other words, again, back to
Q. Mr. President, with growing numbers your question about whether it's fair to use
of House Members and staffers saying that people's words—I think to say, I love tax cuts,
they knew of and told others about a problem and then vote against tax cuts it's just—it's
with Mark Foley some years ago, has House
Speaker Hastert lost touch within his own worthy, it's just worthy of people's consider
ranks, and has the scandal damaged Hastert's ation in the political process—I believe taxes
credibility and effectiveness in maintaining are a big issue in the campaign, Mark.
And I know how—I know that—how best
party control in the midterm elections?
The President. No, I think the Speaker's to protect the country is a big issue, a really
strong statements have made it clear to not big issue. And there's a kind of law enforce
only the party members but to the country ment mentality that says, “Well, we'll re
that he wants to find out the facts. All of spond after attack.” It’s not going to work.
us want to find out the facts. I mean, this It's just not going to work. We've got to deal
is disgusting behavior when a Member of with these problems before they come to
Congress betrays the trust of the Congress before they come to our territory.
and a family that sent a young page up to I understand that some are saying, “Well,
serve in the Congress. And I appreciated he's just trying to scare us.” My job is to look
Speaker Hastert's strong declaration of his at the intelligence and to-and I'm going to
desire to get to the bottom of it. And we tell you, there's an enemy out there that
want to make sure we understand what Re would like to do harm again to the United
publicans knew and what Democrats knew, States, because we're in a war. And they have
in order to find the facts. And I hope that objectives. They want to drive us out of parts
happens sooner rather than later. of the world to establish a caliphate. It's what
Q. And his credibility, sir they have told us, and it's essential that we
The President. Oh, Denny is very cred listen to the words of the enemy if we want
ible, as far as I'm concerned. And he's done to protect the American people.
a fine job as Speaker, and when he stands And in this debate about which party can
up ºd says, “I want to know the truth”— handle it better, I will—it's very important
I believe yesterday he said that if somebody that no one question the patriotism or the
on his staff didn't tell him the truth, they're loyalty to the country. There is a different
gone—I respect that and appreciate that and mindset, however, that is worth discussing in
believe him. And—no, I think the elections the course of a campaign. And I'm going to
will be decided by security and the economy. continue to do it. And I believe those two
I really do, Mark. I know this is-this Foley issues will be the issues that drive the elec
issue bothered a lot of people, including me. tion.
1794 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
April [April Ryan, American Urban Radio Retrospective Analysis on Iraq
Networks]. Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You spoke
Diplomatic Efforts With North Korea/ of the troubles in Iraq. And as you know,
we have Woodward [Bob Woodward, Wash
Nuclear Weapons Development
ington Post] and we have a shelf full of books
Q. Thank you, sir. Mr. President, some in about Iraq, and many of them claim that ad
the national security community are won ministration policies contributed to the dif
dering if, indeed, you're ready to live with ficulties there. So I'm wondering, is there
a nuclear North Korea”
anything you wish you would have done dif
The President. No.
ferently with regard to Iraq”
Q. Well, they're saying that that is a possi The President. Speaking about books,
bility. somebody ought to add up the number of
The President. Well, they're wrong. pages that have been written about my ad
Q. Well, can I give you ministration. There's a lot of books out
The President. Well, it was a short ques there—a lot. I don't know if I've set the
tion and a short answer. [Laughter record or not, but I guess it means that I've
Q. One, China is not ready to put teeth made some hard decisions and will continue
behind sanctions—enough teeth to really to make hard decisions.
threaten the regime. And also, economic And, David, this is the this is about the
sanctions have limited effect on North Korea. fifth time I've been asked this type of ques
The President. We got to try it diplomati tion. And as you know, there are some things
cally first, April. And this is back to old Mi that I wish had happened differently—Abu
chael's question about, am I serious about Ghraib. I believe that really hurt us. It hurt
saying what I mean? It's why I say what I us internationally. It kind of eased us off the
say, because some people are beginning to moral high ground. In other words, we
wonder whether or not it's the goal. The goal weren't a country that was capable of, on the
is no nuclear weapon. And again, I think I've one hand, promoting democracy, and then
shared with you my views of diplomacy. Di treating people decently. Now the world has
plomacy is—it's a difficult process because seen that we've held those to account who
everybody's interests aren't exactly the same. are—who did this.
We share the same goal, but sometimes the You know, there's just a lot of look-backs.
internal issues are different from ours. And Presidents don't get to look back, but I will
therefore, it takes a while to get people on tell you, the decision to remove Saddam was
the same page, and it takes a while for people the right decision. And I would look forward
to get used to consequences. to the debate where people debate whether
And so I wouldn't necessarily characterize or not Saddam should still be in power.
these countries' positions as locked-in posi As you know, a leader in the Senate Intel
tions. We're constantly dialoging with them Committee on—I think it was CBS News,
to make sure that there is a common effort Axelrod, I'm not sure—you follow your news
to send a clear message. closely, you can verify this—said that the
And the other part of your question was? world would be better if Saddam were in
Q. And the followup, yes. Military op power. I strongly disagree. So when it comes
tions—there are a menu of options the White to that decision, which is a decision to cause
House is saying. Once diplomacy has run its a lot of people to write books, it's the right
course and you've run through your time decision.
table, what about military options against And now the fundamental question is, will
North Korea.” this country help this young ... Suc

The President. Well, diplomacy hasn't ceed? And the answer is, we will. We'll
run its course. That's what I'm trying to ex change tactics when we need to change tac
plain to you a la the Sanger question. And tics to help this . democracy succeed.
we'll continue working to make sure that we But the stakes are high if we were to leave.
give diplomacy a full opportunity to succeed. It means that we would hand over a part of
Yes, David [David Gregory, NBC News]. the region to extremists and radicals who
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1795

would glorify a victory over the United States of developing now. It's a combination of
and use it to become—use it to recruit. It fencing and technologies—UAVs, sensors. I
would give these people a chance to plot and don't know if you've ever been down there,
and attack. It would give them resources
which to continue their efforts to
but it's a pretty vast part of country down
there. It's hard to enforce that border. You've
spread their caliphate. The stakes are really got some rugged country; you've got
high. stretches of territory where you don't even
j. [Joseph Curl, Washington Times]. know where the border is. You've got urban
areas like El Paso or southern California
Immigration Reform where people have been able to sneak in by
Q. Thank you. On a different topic. You've use of urban corridors. And so therefore,
said you will sign the border fence bill to fencing makes sense there.
I went down to Arizona, the Arizona sec
build 700 miles of fence along the U.S. bor
der, but DHS has said it prefers a virtual tor, and saw a place where there's literally
fence of sensors and cameras rather than an neighborhoods *m. the border, and peo
actual wall. Are you committed to building ple come—100 of them would rush across
the 700 miles of fence, actual fencing? the border into a little subdivision, and the
The President. Yes, we're going to do Border Patrol would catch 2 or 3, and 97
both, Joe. We're just going to make sure that would get in. And they're asking, what are
we build it in a spot where it works. I don't— you going to provide to help us do our job?
DHS said they want a virtual wall. I don't And in this case, those who are in charge
believe that's the only thing they've said. I of coming up with the proper strategy to en
think you might have truncated their state force the border said, “We need double fenc
ment, because we're actually building fence, ing with space,” so that the Border Patrol
and we're building double fence, in par can use that fencing as leverage against peo
ticular, in areas where there is a high vulner ple rushing into the country.
ability for people being able to . in. And my only point to you is, is that the
You can't fence the entire border, but what strategy to develop this border requires dif
you can do is you can use a combination of ferent assets based on the conditions—based
fencing and technology to make it easier for upon what the terrain looks like. And that's
the Border Patrol to enforce our border. I what we're doing.
happen to believe, however, that in order to But I repeat to you, when you've got a
make sure the border is fully secure, we need situation where people are sneaking in to do
a guest-worker program, so people aren't jobs Americans aren't doing, it's also .
sneaking in in the first place. to keep a strain on the border. And so there
And so I look forward to not only imple fore, a temporary-worker plan, to me, makes
menting that which Congress has funded, in sense, and it's a much more humane pro
a way that says to folks, the American people, gram—approach, by the way. It will certainly
“We'll enforce our border,” but I'm going help stamp out all these illegal characters
to continue to campaign and work for a com that are exploiting human beings. You know,
prehensive bill so that whatever we do in these coyotes that stuff people in the back
terms of equipment and manpower works of 18-wheelers for money is just—that's not
better. If somebody is not trying to sneak in character with how this Nation works. And
in to work, in other words, coming through I think we ought to—I think a good program
in a way where they're showing a temporary that helps us enforce our border also will see
worker pass, where they're not using coyotes to it that people are treated more humanely.
to smuggle across, where they're not going Thank you for your interest.
through tunnels, it's going to make it much
NoTE: The President's news conference began at
easier for us to do our job, Joe, and that's 11:01 a.m. in the Rose Garden at the White
enforce the border.
House. In his remarks, he referred to Gen.
And so my judgment is, if the people want George W. Casey, Jr., USA, commanding general,
this country secure, we've got to do—have Multi-National Force—Iraq; Chairman Kim Jong
a smart border, which we're in the process Il of North Korea; President Hu Jintao of China;
1796 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea; James Steve Preston, who is the Administrator of
A. Baker III, cochair, and Lee H. Hamilton, co the U.S. Small Business Administration.
chair, Iraq Study Group; and Usama bin Laden, Thanks for being here, Steve.
leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organization. I see members of my staff who are here,
who probably should be working—[laugh
Remarks on the National Economy ter]—instead of taking time off. But I thank
and the Federal Budget you for coming.
The reduction of the deficit I've an
October 11, 2006
nounced today is no accident. It is the result
Thank you all. Please be seated. Good of the hard work of the American people,
afternoon. Thanks for coming to the White and because of sound fiscal policies here in
House. Washington. When I first came to office, I
In 2004, I made a promise to the American thought taxes were too high—and they
people: we would cut the Federal budget were—and this economy of ours was headed
deficit in half over 5 years. Today I'm pleased into a recession. Some people said the an
to report that we have achieved this goal, and swer was to centralize power in Washington
we've done it 3 years ahead of schedule. and to let politicians decide what to do with
This morning my administration released the people's money. I had a different ap
the budget numbers for fiscal 2006. These proach. I have a different view. And there
budget numbers are not just estimates; these fore, we chose a different course of action.
are the actual results for the fiscal year that See, I believe that our economy prospers
ended February the 30th [September when we trust the people to make |. eci
30th]." These numbers show that the budget sions on how to save, spend, or invest. And
deficit has been reduced to $248 billion and so starting in 2001, we worked with Members
is down to just 1.9 percent of the economy. of the United States Congress to pass the
As a percentage of the economy, the deficit largest tax relief ever passed since Ronald
is now lower than it has been for 18 out of Reagan was the President. We cut taxes on
the last 25 years. These budget numbers are everybody who pays income taxes. I was con
proof that progrowth economic policies work. cerned about this kind of selective tax cut
By restraining spending in Washington and ting. I didn't think that was fair. Our attitude
allowing Americans to keep more of what was if you pay income taxes, you ought to
they earn, we're creating jobs, reducing the get relief.
... and making this Nation prosperous We reduced the marriage penalty. We
for all our citizens. doubled the child tax credit, and we put the
Today I'm going to talk about the death tax on the road to extinction. We cut
º economic policies that helped the tax rate paid by most small businesses.
ring a dramatic reduction in the Federal Most small businesses are a subchapter Scor
deficit. I'm going to remind the American poration, for example, or a limited partner
people that we cannot afford to be compla ship, and therefore, pay tax at the individual
cent. I’ll discuss some of the issues that I income tax rate. And therefore, when you cut
intend to address over the next 2 years to the rates on people who pay income taxes,
help ensure that our dynamic economy con you're cutting tax on small businesses.
tinues to grow and provide jobs. And by the way, it was really the corner
Before I do so, I do want to recognize stone in many ways of our economic recovery
members of my Cabinet who have joined us. policy, because we understand that 70 per
I want to thank the Secretary of the Treasury, cent of new jobs in America are created by
Hank Paulson, for being here today. Mr. Sec small businesses, and therefore, when small
retary, thank you for your service. And the businesses have more capital to spend, it is
Director of the Office of Management and more likely they'll create jobs.
Budget, affectionately known as OMB-Rob We increased the amount small businesses
Portman. Thanks for coming, Rob. I thank can expense, on the knowledge that pro
viding incentive for people to buy plant and
* White House correction. equipment will cause somebody to have to
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1797

make the plant and equipment that the per excited, and he appreciates the tax cuts.
son purchases. We encouraged economic ex |Laughter
pansion by cutting taxes on dividends and We talked to the Under Armour man. I
capital gains, understanding that by cutting don't know if you ever heard of that product.
those types of taxes, we're reducing the cost I know I'm not supposed to advertise—
of capital, which makes it easier for people [laughter]—so I won't. [Laughter] But here's
to borrow so we can expand our economy. a dreamer. The man had an idea. He didn't
In other words, we had a comprehensive plan like the way the cotton shirts that he wore
that when enacted, has left nearly $1.1 tril absorbed his bodily fluids when he exercised,
lion in the hands of American workers, fami so he came up with a better product. And
lies, investors, and small-business owners. it worked. And now he's built a huge busi
And they have used this money to help fuel ness, and he's talking about how to continue
economic expansion that's now in its 37th to expand, and he's worried about our trade
straight month of growth. policy. Here's a small-business guy who came
The theory was, was that if we can encour out of a garage, and he's talking to the Sec
age entrepreneurship and investment and retary of the Treasury and the President of
consumption by reducing taxes, it will cause the United States about making sure we have
the economy to recover from a recession and intellectual property rights protection in
a terrorist attack, corporate scandals, war, China.
hurricanes—and it has. The progrowth poli My point to you is, is that America must
cies have worked. Since August of 2003, this remain entrepreneurial heaven if we want to
economy of ours has added more than 6.6 be the leading economy in the world, and
million new jobs. And the national unem we will do so through good policy. And that's
ployment rate is down to 4.6 percent. People by keeping taxes low. As a matter of fact,
are working, and that's good for our country. the best policy would be for Congress to have
Behind these numbers are millions of indi certainty in the Tax Code by making the tax
vidual workers who start each day with hope cuts we passed permanent.
because they have a job that will enable them Back to the budget. When we an
to do their duties to support their families, nounced—when I announced the plan to cut
or to put food on the table. Behind these the deficit in half by 2009, a lot of folks said
numbers are small-business owners that are it's just simply not going to be done. They
being rewarded for taking risk. Government said that we had to choose between cutting
can't make anybody successful; we can make the deficit and keeping taxes low—or another
the environment such that people are willing way to put it, that in order to solve the deficit,
to take risk. And when small businesses take we had to raise taxes. I strongly disagree with
risk, the economy flourishes and grows. those choices. Those are false choices. Tax
You know, last week I went to a FedEx relief fuels economic growth, and growth–
facility here in DC. The Secretary and I when the economy grows, more tax revenues
went, and we met with a group of entre come to Washington. And that's what's hap
preneurs who are helping to drive this eco pened. It makes sense, doesn't it? As busi
nomic growth. It was a fascinating meeting. messes expand, people pay more taxes, and
It was really exciting, wasn't it, Hank? I when you pay more taxes, there's more reve
mean, it was so wonderful to sit with dream nues that come to our Treasury.
ers and doers. We met a guy—I think he Tax revenues grew by $253 billion in 2006.
said he was an engineering graduate from That's an increase of 11.8 percent. Over the
Purdue—who on his way from upstate New last 2 years, we've seen the largest back-to
York to Purdue to go to college, he and his back increases in tax revenues ever, and the
brother would stop and dive for golf balls— largest percentage increase in 25 years. In
[laughter]—and then they'd sell the golf balls other words, when you put policies in place
to help pay for college. He has since—he that cause the economy to grow, tax revenues
and his brother have since started an Internet increase.
company that sells golf clubs. And he's suc I know that sounds counterintuitive for
cessful, and he's employing people, and he's some here in Washington. People say, “Well,
1798 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
they're cutting taxes; that means less rev pet project that's not working. But you've just
enue.” But that's not what happened over got to know that Rob and his office are work
the past 2 years. As a matter of fact, I'm con ing hard to do just that.
vinced that if we had raised taxes, it would I believe Congress can make the Presi
cause there to be an economic decline, which dent's job more effective in dealing with bad
would make it harder to balance the budget spending habits if they gave me the line-item
over the years. veto, and let me tell you why. The President
In February this year, we projected the is presented with a dilemma: On the one
Federal budget deficit for 2006 would be hand, we sit down and we negotiate the
$423 billion. That was the best guess. Today's budget with the Congress. We say, “Here's
report, as I mentioned to you, shows that the the top line we can live with,” and they'll |

deficit came out at 248 billion—so, $175 bil pass appropriations that meet our top line.
lion less than anticipated. The difference is But the problem is, within the appropriations
because we have a growing economy, and the are oftentimes programs that may not have
difference is because we've been wise about
been properly debated, in other words, stuck
spending your money. in—earmarked. They may not be meeting
Congress votes every year on day-to-day national priorities. And therefore, the Presi
spending, and it's called discretionary spend dent is confronted with either vetoing a good
ing. There's two types of spending in Wash budget bill because he doesn't like parts of
ington: discretionary spending, over which the bill, or accepting the overall bill and the
Congress has got discretion—and we're in bad parts exist in it.
volved, we submit a budget; and we've got And so one way to remedy that is to give
the capacity to veto to help bring some dis
cipline to the process—or mandatory spend the President the capacity to analyze the ap
ing. Mandatory spending helped—just hap propriations process, to remove—approve
pens. It's formula driven. It's—the Congress that is not, andis send
spending that necessary, redline spending
back the wasteful and
doesn't allocate money for it; it just comes
unnecessary spending
to be, based upon the circumstances in or-down vote. That's how to Congress for an up
we define line-item
Every year since I took office, we have re
duced the growth of discretionary spending It makes sure that the President is directly
that is not related to the military and the involved with the process in deciding the size
homeland. And the reason that's the case is, of the slices of the pie, once the size of the
I believe it's important for the President to pie has been delivered. But it also makes sure
lead and to set budget priorities, and so long that Congress is involved with the process
as we've got kids in combat, they're going of approving, up or down, whether or not
to have what it takes to do their job. And the spending is needed or not needed.
so long as there's an enemy that wants to Governors have got this power; 43 Gov
strike us, we'll spend money to protect the ernors have got the authority, and they use
homeland. Those are the most important jobs it effectively. One of the advantages is this,
we have. that they know—if the chief executive has
The last two budgets have actually cut non got the line-item veto, then legislators will
defense, nonhomeland discretionary spend understand that a program they may try to
ing. And I want to applaud the Congress for sneak into a bill will see the light of day, and
making hard choices. Every program sounds therefore, make it less likely somebody will
fantastic in Washington, until you actually try to sneak something into the bill. It's kind
determine whether or not they're working. of preventative maintenance.
And a lot of times, the nice-sounding pro The House has passed the bill. The Senate
grams are not delivering the results that the really needs to get the line-item veto to my
people expect. And so we worked with Con desk. If Senators from both political parties
gress to focus on those programs that work are truly interested in helping maintain fiscal
and do away with those that don't work. It's discipline in Washington, DC, and they want
not easy, by the way, to get rid of somebody's to see budgetary reform, one way to do so
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1799

is to work in concert with the executive are blessed to be in public service is to con
branch and pass the line-item veto. front problems now. It's so much easier to
And for those of you who are here, who quit and just say, “Let’s let another Congress
are helping us get that legislation out of the deal with it.” The problem is, is that the
Senate, I want to thank you for your work. longer we wait, the more costly it becomes
The reason I brought it up is, I am absolutely for future Congresses. And so now is the
convinced it is necessary to make sure that time. Now is the time. And Hank and I are
we continue to maintain budget discipline going to-after these elections come and go,
here in Washington, DC. we're going to work with the leaders and—
We've made good progress, as I mentioned to say, “We’re all responsible for getting
to you, in getting the fiscal house in order, something done.” My hope is, in the last 2
but there's another problem with our budget, years of this administration, we can set aside
and that has to do with mandatory spending, needless politics and focus on what's right
particularly with Social Security, Medicare for the United States of America and solve
and Medicaid. These are really important these entitlement programs once and for all.
programs. They're called entitlement pro I hope you're optimistic about this coun
grams because when each of us retire, we're try's future, because I sure am. I am opti
entitled to a benefit, in Social Security for mistic because I have great faith in American
example. ingenuity, and I know how hard our people
And yet the health of these programs— work. I am optimistic because we're an inno
the health is in serious jeopardy. Why? Be vative society, and there's a lot of really capa
cause there's a lot of people like me and ble, smart people continuing to make sure
Paulson who are fixing to retire. [Laughter] we remain innovative. I’m optimistic because
As a matter of fact, both of us reach retire the public sector and private sector encour
ment age at the same time, which is in 2008. ages important research and development to
That's quite convenient in my case. [Laugh make sure America is on the leading edge
ter] of change. I’m optimistic that we have put
But unlike the previous generation, there's good policy in place that will encourage the
a lot more of us, and we've been promised entrepreneurial spirit. And I firmly believe,
greater benefits than the previous genera so long as this is an entrepreneurial-oriented
tion. In other words, the Government has country, America will remain the economic
made promises with a future generation's leader we want her to be.
money that we can't keep. And so the funda I want to thank you all for coming to hear
mental question facing the Government in this proclamation of good news. [Laughter]
Washington, DC, is, will we have the will God bless.
necessary to deal with these entitlement pro
grams to leave behind a better budget pic NOTE: The President spoke at 2:10 p.m. in Room
ture, to deal with the unfunded liabilities and 450 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Of
fice Building. In his remarks, he referred to H.R.
the mandatory programs for future genera 4890, the “Legislative Line Item Veto Act of
One reason Secretary Paulson came to
work in this administration is because he
wanted to understand whether or not we Proclamation 8066—General Pulaski
were committed to continue trying to bring Memorial Day, 2006
Social Security reform, to modernize the sys October 11, 2006
tem. Look, you don't have to cut benefits.
You've just got to slow the rate at which ben By the President of the United States
efits are growing in order to make sure a fu of America
ture generation is not †. with a budg
A Proclamation
etary system that is unaffordable.
And I assured Hank that I was deeply com On General Pulaski Memorial Day, we re
mitted to working to solve Social Security, member Casimir Pulaski, a Polish-born hero
because I believe the call for those of us who of the American Revolution who fought and
1800 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
died for the freedom and independence our NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
country enjoys today. Federal Register on October 13.
General Casimir Pulaski entered into a
campaign against tyranny in Poland in 1768,
bravely fighting for the freedom of his native Proclamation 8067–To Modify
land. This patriotic spirit and thirst for free Rules of Origin Under the North
dom remained with Pulaski throughout his American Free Trade Agreement
life and influenced his success in the Amer October 11, 2006
ican Revolutionary War. After meeting Ben
jamin Franklin in Paris, Pulaski traveled to By the President of the United States
America to join forces with General George of America
Washington and assist in the fight for Amer
ican independence. He was quickly commis A Proclamation
sioned as a Brigadier General and dem
onstrated such skill on the battlefield that he 1. Presidential Proclamation 6641 of De
became known as the “Father of the Amer cember 15, 1993, implemented the North
ican Cavalry.” In 1779, General Pulaski was American Free Trade Agreement (the
mortally wounded at the siege of Savannah. “NAFTA") with respect to the United States
By giving his life for our country, General and, pursuant to the North American Free
Pulaski inspired many Americans and helped Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Pub
ensure a future of freedom for our citizens. lic Law 103–182) (the “NAFTA Implementa
Through his service and dedication to lib tion Act”), incorporated in the Harmonized
erty, General Pulaski demonstrated the Tariff Schedule of the United States (the
strong will and patriotism that made our free “HTS”) the tariff modifications and rules of
dom possible, and the ties between the origin necessary or appropriate to carry out
ū. States and Poland are strengthened the NAFTA.
by these common values. On General Pulaski 2. Section 202 of the NAFTA Implementa
Memorial Day, we honor the courage and tion Act (19 U.S.C. 3332) provides rules for
sacrifice of this great hero of the American determining whether g imported into
Revolution, recognize the many contribu the United States originate in |. territory
tions of Polish Americans to our country, and of a NAFTA party and thus are eligible for
celebrate the lasting friendship between our the tariff and other treatment contemplated
two great nations. under the NAFTA. Section 202(q) of the
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, NAFTA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C.
President of the United States of America, 3332(q)) authorizes the President to pro
by virtue of the authority vested in me by claim, as a part of the HTS, the rules of origin
the Constitution and laws of the United set out in i. NAFTA and to proclaim modi
States, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2006, fications to such previously proclaimed rules
as General Pulaski Memorial Day. I encour of origin, subject to the consultation and lay
age Americans to commemorate this occa over requirements of section 103(a) of the
sion with appropriate programs and activities NAFTA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C.
honoring General Casimir Pulaski and all 3313(a)).
those who defend our freedom. 3. The United States, Canada, and Mexico
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set have agreed to modifications to certain
my hand this eleventh day of October, in the NAFTA rules of origin. Modifications to the
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of NAFTA rules of origin reflected in general
the Independence of the United States of note 12 to the HTS are therefore necessary.
America the two hundred and thirty-first. 4. Section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974,
as amended (the “1974 Act”) (19 U.S.C.
George W. Bush 2483), authorizes the President to embody
in the HTS the substance of the relevant pro
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, visions of that Act, and of other acts affecting
8:46 a.m., October 12, 2006] import treatment, and actions thereunder,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 11 1801

including the removal, modification, continu Presidential Determination on FY

ance, or imposition of any rate of duty or 2007 Refugee Admissions Numbers
other import restriction. and Authorizations of In-Country
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, Refugee Status
President of the United States of America, October 11, 2006
acting under the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and the laws of the United Presidential Determination No. 2007–01
States, including section 604 of the 1974 Act
and section 202 of the NAFTA Implementa Memorandum for the Secretary of State
tion Act, do hereby proclaim: Subject: Presidential Determination on FY
(1) In order to reflect in the HTS modi 2007 Refugee Admissions Numbers and
fications to the rules of origin under the Authorizations of In-Country Refugee Status
NAFTA, general note 12 to the HTS is modi Pursuant to Sections 207 and 101(a)(42),
fied as provided in the Annex to this procla respectively, of the Immigration and
Nationality Act, and Determination Pursuant
(2) The modifications made by this procla to Section 2(b)(2) of the Migration and
mation shall be effective with respect to Refugee Assistance Act, as Amended
goods of Canada or of Mexico, under the In accordance with section 207 of the Im
terms of general note 12 to the HTS, that migration and Nationality Act (the “Act”) (8
are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse U.S.C. 1157), as amended, and after appro
for consumption, on or after July 1, 2006. priate consultations with the Congress, I
(3) Any provisions of previous proclama hereby make the following determinations
tions and Executive Orders that are incon and authorize the following actions:
sistent with the actions taken in this procla The admission of up to 70,000 refugees
mation are superseded to the extent of such to the United States during FY 2007 is justi
inconsistency. fied by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set in the national interest; provided, however,
my hand this eleventh day of October, in the that this number shall be understood as in
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of cluding persons admitted to the United
the Independence of the United States of States during FY 2007 with Federal refugee
resettlement assistance under the Amerasian
America the two hundred and thirty-first.
immigrant admissions program, as provided
George W. Bush below. The ceiling shall be construed as a
maximum not to be exceeded, and not a min
imum to be achieved.
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, The 70,000 admissions shall be allocated
8:46 a.m., October 12, 2006]
among refugees of special humanitarian con
cern to the United States in accordance with
NOTE: This proclamation and its annex were pub the following regional allocations; provided,
lished in the Federal Register on October 13. however, that the number of admissions allo
cated to the East Asia region shall include
persons admitted to the United States during
FY 2007 with Federal refugee resettlement
assistance under section 584 of the Foreign
Operations, Export Financing, and Related
Programs Appropriations Act of 1988, as con
tained in section 101(e) of Public Law 100–
202 (Amerasian immigrants and their family
members); provided further that the number
of admissions allocated to the former Soviet
Union shall include persons admitted who
were nationals of the former Soviet Union,
1802 Oct. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

or in the case of persons having no nation Remarks at the National Renewable

ality, who were habitual residents of the Energy Conference in St. Louis,
former Soviet Union prior to September 2, Missouri
October 12, 2006
Africa … 22,000
East Asia ........................................... 11,000 The President. Thanks for the warm wel
Europe and Central Asia ................ 6,500 come. I appreciate the chance to come and
Latin America/Caribbean ................ 5,000
Near East/South Asia ...................... 5,500
speak to the Renewable Energy Conference.
Unallocated Reserve ........................ 20,000 I hope you're excited about being here, be
cause I sure am. This is—it's exciting to be
The 20,000 unallocated refugee admis with—[applause]. I view this as kind of a
sions shall be allocated to regional ceilings meeting of pioneers, people who are on the
as needed. Upon providing notification to the leading edge of change, and people whose
Judiciary Committees of the Congress, you research, thought, and production will all
are hereby authorized to use unallocated ad help this country become stronger and bet
missions in regions where the need for addi ter. And so I appreciate you giving me a
tional admissions arises. chance to come by and visit with you.
Additionally, upon notification to the Judi This is a-energy is a subject dear to my
ciary Committees of the Congress, you are heart—as it should be for any President—
further authorized to transfer unused admis because you can't grow your economy with
sions allocated to a particular region to one out energy. And yet it is apparent, and should
or more other regions, if there is a need for be for most Americans, we've got to change
greater admissions for the region or regions our habits if we want to remain the economic
to which the admissions are being trans leader of the world.
ferred. Consistent with section 2(b)(2) of the
Before I share some of my thoughts with
Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of you, I do want to recognize members of my
1962, as amended, I hereby determine that Cabinet who have joined you: The Secretary
assistance to or on behalf of persons applying of Agriculture, Mſ. Johanns; the Secretary
for admission to the United States as part of Energy, Sam Bodman; and the Adminis
of the overseas refugee admissions program trator of the EPA, Steve Johnson.
will contribute to the foreign policy interests I think it is interesting that when we–we
of the United States and designate such per got an energy conference going on here, that
sons for this purpose. we have the Secretary of Energy, which
Consistent with section 101(a)(42) of the makes sense—[laughter]—but the Secretary
Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(42)) and after appro of Agriculture as well. And the man who runs
priate consultation with the Congress, I also the EPA, whose job it is to make sure our
specify that, for FY 2007, the following per environment is clean, is with us. And the rea
sons may, if otherwise qualified, be consid son I find that interesting is because we've
ered refugees for the purpose of admission got an interesting confluence of national se
to the United States within their countries curity concerns and environmental concerns
of nationality or habitual residence: that come together, probably unlike any
a. Persons in Vietnam other time in our history. And I want to share
b. Persons in Cuba some thoughts with you about that in a
c. Persons in the former Soviet Union
d. In exceptional circumstances, persons
I do want to thank the United States Sen
ators from the State of Missouri—both men
identified by a United States Embassy in any
location believe strongly in the future of renewable
energy—and that would be Kit Bond and Jim
You are authorized and directed to report Talent. Thank you for coming. I appreciate
this determination to the Congress imme Congressman Todd Akin being here, and his
diately and to publish it in the Federal Reg wife, Lulli.
You know, I—gasoline prices are down,
George W. Bush and that's good news. ſº Yes. I mean
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 12 1803

everybody in America ought to be applaud And reliance upon oil and hydrocarbons has
ing. [Laughter] It's like—if you're driving a created some challenges when it comes to
truck for a living, it helps you. If you're trying the environment.
to put food on the table and you got to drive And so this is one of the reasons why I
to work, it helps you. If you're a small-busi believe so strongly that this country has got
ness owner, it means you've got more capital to use its talent and its wealth to get us off
to invest when the price of gasoline goes oil. And I believe we will do so, and I be
down. lieve—I know the best way to do so is
My worry is, however, that a low price of through technological breakthroughs.
gasoline will make it complacent—make us And the Government has got a role to play.
complacent about our future when it comes First, I understand there are some entre
to energy, because I fully understand that en preneurs here, some people that are inves
ergy is going to help determine whether or tors, venture capitalists, and I welcome you
not this Nation remains the economic leader here. I think it's a good sign for those of us
in the world. We're doing fine now. We've who understand the need to diversify away
got a really strong economy, and in order to from oil that private money is beginning to
make sure it's strong tomorrow, we need to make investments into some of the tech
make sure we work on how we use energy. nologies I'm going to be describing.
Energy is—look, let me just put it bluntly: And we can help you in Washington, and
We're too dependent on oil. [Applause] And one way we can help you is to reward people
see, low gasoline prices may mask that con for investing in research and development.
cern. So, first, I want to tell you that I wel There's a research and development tax cred
come the low gasoline prices; however it's it that's on the books. The problem is, it ex
not going to dim my enthusiasm for making pires every year, on a year-by-year basis,
sure we diversify away from oil. which means you've got to come back to
We need to diversify away from oil for eco Congress on a year-to-year basis; which also
nomic reasons. We live in a global world. means there's unpredictability in the Tax
When the demand for oil goes up in China Code, and that's not wise, if you're trying to
or in India, it causes the price of crude oil encourage people to invest dollars in the long
to rise, and since we import about 60 percent term. And so in order to encourage private
of the crude oil we use, it causes our price initiative and private investment in new ener
to go up as well, which means the economy gies, we ought to make the research and de
becomes less competitive. velopment tax credit a permanent part of the
And then, of course, there's the national Tax Code.
security concern for oil. Why? Well, we get And we need to continue what we're doing
oil from some countries who don't particu at the Federal level, which is spend your
larly care for us. They don't like what we money on research. I think it's a legitimate
stand for. They don't like it when we say, use of taxpayers' money, to spend on grants,
“For the sake of peace, let us work in a way to find new ways to power our economy, new
that we don't develop nuclear weapons,” for ways to conserve, new ways to protect the
example. environment through new technologies.
I spend a lot of time on national security Since I've been President, we've spent
issues, which you expect your President to about $10 billion on research. A lot of it goes
do. And a lot of times those national security through Sam's shop. He's the Energy man.
issues are involved with countries that have |Laughter] We will vigorously pursue new
oil. They have something we want, and so ways to power our automobiles. If you want
there's a national security issue when it to get off oil, the surest and quickest way
comes to the status quo. to do so is to change how we power our auto
And then, of course, we have a great de mobiles. We consume a lot of oil through
bate about the environment in America, and gasoline. And the more inefficient our cars
that's good. It's an important debate. We all are, the more we drive old clunkers, the more
want to be good stewards of our environ gasoline we use, which means we're more
ment. We want to be good conservationists. dependent on oil.
1804 Oct. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
And so we've got some interesting initia curity concern, and helps us deal with an en
tives at the Federal level to help change hab vironmental concern.
its. One of them is, and it's probably the fast Now, there's another technology that will
est way we can begin to change the consumer enable us to help change our driving habits,
habits, is to promote hybrid vehicles. You all and that's ethanol. See, I like the idea of pro
know what hybrids are, it's a combination of moting a fuel that relies upon our farmers.
gas and—gasoline and electric battery that I happen to believe a good farm economy
gets the driver a lot more miles per gallon. is important to a good national economy, and
And so one way to do this—one way to I also know it makes sense to have our—
encourage people to buy hybrids, one way [applause]. Sounds like we might have some
to stimulate demand so that the production farmers here. [Laughter
will follow—is to provide tax credits. You can But I also know it makes sense to have
get up to, now, $3,400 tax credit when you our farmers growing the feedstock for new
buy your hybrid automobile. In other words, energy. The way I like to tell our citizens
the Government is using the Tax Code to is, Johanns is going to come in someday and
stimulate demand, which then should stimu say, “Mr. President, corn is up, which means
late more automobile—more production on we're less dependent on oil.” And that's good
the auto lines of hybrids. And the more hy news for the country and good news for our
brids we get on the road, the less oil we're economy.
going to be using. People are using ethanol. For those of you
Secondly, we're spending money on new who are in the ethanol business, you're on
battery technologies. See, we envision a day the leading edge of change. It's coming, and
in which light and powerful batteries will be Government can help. That's why we en
come available in the marketplace so that you hanced and extended the 10-cent-per-gallon
can drive the first 40 miles on electricity, on tax credit. We did that to stimulate produc
batteries, and your car won't have to look tion. We've extended a 51-cent-per-gallon tax
like a golf cart. [Laughter] In other words, credit for ethanol blenders. We provided a
it will be a technology that will meet con 30-percent tax credit for the installation of
sumer demand and, at the same time, meet alternative fuel stations, up to $30,000 a year.
a national need, which is less consumption In other words, I believe and Congress
of gasoline. These are called plug-in hybrid agrees that the proper use of tax credits will
vehicles. help stimulate a new industry that will help
And the battery technology is coming. In our economy and help us when it comes to
order to expedite it, Sam's shop, the Depart national security. You know, we're up to now
ment of Energy, is putting out grants. In 5 billion gallons of ethanol sold this year.
other words, we're using your money to expe That's up from 1.6 billion gallons in 2000.
dite the arrival of a new technology that will Ethanol—there are now 100 ethanol refin
enable folks to drive the first 40 miles on eries which are operating. There—it's antici
electricity. pated there are going to be 40 more next
That's not going to help rural Missouri or year. In other words, we're just at the begin
rural Texas, but it's certainly going to help ning stages of a new industry that is evolving.
those who live in the cities. Most folks in It's one of the reasons I’m excited to be here.
the cities don't drive more than 40 miles, so For those of you on the cutting edge, I want
you can envision consumer habits beginning to thank you and just let you know we want
to change: You drive to work; you go home; you to succeed. It's in our interests that you
you plug in your automobile. And you go— do succeed.
ride to work and go home the next day— Today, there are 900 stations selling E-85.
and you're still on electricity. It's going to For those of you who don't know what that
change the consumption patterns. This new means, that's 85 percent ethanol. Look, a lot
technology will change the consumption pat of Americans wonder whether or not this is
terns on gasoline, which in turn will make feasible, what I'm talking about. A lot of folks
us less dependent on crude oil, which meets aren't exposed to ethanol yet. In the Midwest
a national security concern, an economic se you are; you've got a lot of corn. And it makes
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 12 1805

a lot of sense to have these plants where the you've got some in Missouri. I have been to
feedstocks are. But ethanol is coming, and a biodiesel plant in Virginia. And it doesn't
it doesn't require much money to convert a take much capital investment to refine bio
regular gasoline-driven car to a flex-fuel auto diesel from soy, soybeans; it just doesn't. Bio
mobile. See, the technology is available. It diesel is coming. It makes a lot of sense for
takes about a hundred and something dollars us to continue to invest in biodiesel tech
to change a gasoline-only automobile to one nologies to make the production process
that can use E-85. And it works. even more efficient. I have seen biodiesel
And in my judgment, the thing that's pre poured into a new truck and watched that
venting ethanol from becoming more wide truck crank right up, and realize it emitted
spread across the country is the lack of other no emissions. I know, because I put a hand
types of feedstocks that are required to make kerchief over the stack. [Laughter
ethanol—sugar works; corn works—and it These are exciting times, and people are
seems like it makes sense to spend money, beginning to take advantage of them. I told
your money, on researching cellulosic eth you I was down in Alabama. I went to the
anol, so that we could use wood chips or Hoover Police Department. They're using
switch grass or other natural materials. E–85. Their people on the beat are filling
And we've got an aggressive effort to re up their cars with E-85. I asked a guy, one
search new raw materials to be used in eth
anol. When I was down in Alabama—I'm of the policemen—I said, “Why do you use
it?” He said, “First of all, I like the fact that
going to tell you an interesting story when it keeps the environment clean”—that's a
I was down there the other day. But I talked good reason. He said, “By the way, when you
to a fellow from Auburn, he's a Ph.D.—just
reminded me the difference between a Ph.D. fill it up with the 85, it gives you better get
and a C student; the C student is the Presi up-and-go.” [Laughter] In other words, it
dent, and the Ph.D. is the adviser. [Laughter] works. That's a good sign when police depart
But he's telling me how optimistic he is ments begin to use E-85.
that someday we're going to be able to take I was over at a FedEx place, and they've
wood chips from those southern pine forests got what they call the OptiFleet E700—it's
and convert that raw material into ethanol. a new vehicle, all aimed at reducing emis
He said it's right around the corner as far sions by 96 percent. In other words, people
as he's concerned. It makes a lot of sense are thinking differently now. There's a whole
for the Federal Government to continue to new industry beginning to evolve. Users are
invest taxpayers' money, because the more beginning to understand the benefits of using
ethanol or biodiesel. And these are exciting
different raw materials that are practical in times.
use, the more ethanol production facilities
will spread around the country. And the And the Federal Government's job is to
more spread around—the more production continue to research so that we provide our
there is, the more likely it is that the entire consumers, the American people, with more
industry will evolve quicker. options. And one of the great options that's
So you've got a lot of plants here in the coming down the road is hydrogen. That's
Midwest. The vision has got to be for these a longer term project. If you notice, I kind
plants to be able to spread throughout the of talk about hybrids that are on the road
entire country. And when it does, ethanol will today and how we stimulate demand, hybrids
become a primary source for the fuel people that are coming with new batteries, ethanol
use, which will help us meet our national se which is now evolving into a significant in
curity and economic concerns and objectives. dustry. Ultimately, in my judgment, one of
The Department of Energy announced the ways to make sure that we become fully
$250 million in funding to establish and oper less dependent on oil is through hydrogen.
ate two new bioenergy research center, all And we're spending $1.2 billion to encourage
aimed at accelerating i. research into cel hydrogen fuel cells. It's coming; it's coming.
lulosic ethanol and other biofuels. I suspect It's an interesting industry evolution, to think
we've got some soybean growers here. I know about your automobiles being powered by
1806 Oct. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
hydrogen, and the only emission is water out there, and they need to get the work
vapor. done. They need to come together between
Oh, I'm sure there are some people out the House and the Senate version to encour
there saying, “Well, you know, he's just age exploration in the Gulf of Mexico in new
dreaming.” Well, I'm just listening to the areas to make sure that we transition to a
dreamers who happen to be good, smart, ca new day when it comes to energy.
pable people who know what they're talking And I believe that States ought to share
in the royalties because I know, in the State
Audience member. Out of Iraq now! Out of Louisiana, for example, they have com
of Iraq now! Soldiers are not renewables! mitted their share of new royalties in this new
The President. Since 2003, my adminis exploration to help protect their coastline.
tration has made hydrogen and fuel-cell tech And I believe Congress needs to get the bill
nology a priority to my desk as quick as possible. So when
|At this point, there was a disruption in the you finish the elections, get back and let me
audience.] sign this bill so the American people know
The President. and we will continue that we're serious about getting off foreign
to research to make sure America is less de
And that's going to be important because
pendent on foreign sources of oil. we can find a lot of natural gas offshore, for
As you can tell, I'm excited about new
example, and we need natural gas in order
technologies. But I think we've got to be real
istic about the timing. And in order to be to make sure we meet our second objective,
come less dependent on foreign sources of and that's how we protect the environment
oil, we've got to explore for oil and gas in and power our society.
our own hemisphere in environmentally I don't know if you know this or not, but
friendly ways. And one of the interesting electricity is generated from natural gas,
technological developments is the capacity to about 18 percent; coal, 50 percent; nuclear
find oil in unique places. I don't know if you power, 20 percent; and then solar and wind.
followed recently the exploration in the Gulf And the fundamental question is, can the
of Mexico, where there was a well that was Federal Government help make sure that we
drilled five miles in depth in thousands of have energy so we can power our economy,
feet of water. protect the environment, and grow? And the
In other words, these new technologies en answer is, we can, and we can spend money
able us to go to new places, and they enable to help you.
us to be wise stewards of the environment. One thing we don't need to spend money
I understand there's a big debate about on but need to do is permit more liquefied
whether or not you can explore for oil and natural gas terminals. LNG is a new tech
gas and protect the environment. I believe nology that is—it's not that new, but it's
you can. And I understand that as we transi evolving technology. It means you can get—
tion to the ethanol era, we must also-or the buy natural gas from overseas in liquefied
hydrogen area, we must also find oil and gas form and deliquefy it. There's a lot of natural
in our own hemisphere if the objective is to gas in the world, and it makes sense for us
become less dependent on foreign oil. to be in a position to receive that natural gas
They estimate that the new discovery in in order to make sure you've got energy in
the deep Gulf of Mexico could increase our your home.
reserves from 10 to 50 percent. In other A shortage of natural gas causes your elec
words, this is a big deal. And Congress is tricity bills to go up. Supply of natural gas,
debating an energy bill. They passed a good increased supply, makes it more likely that
energy bill, by the way, in the past, that en you're going to have rational bills, more likely
courages conservation and encourages a lot the economy will continue to grow. And nat
of the research that I was talking about, un ural gas protects the environment.
derstands we've got to diversify away from Secondly, on coal, we got a lot of coal. We
our current structure. But there's another bill got 250 years of coal. That's a lot, and yet
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 12 1807

coal presents us with an environmental chal France and Japan and Russia to spend
lenge. And so we're spending quite a bit of money—$250 million from the United
money here at the Federal level to come up States' perspective, and they're matching it—
with clean-coal technologies. If you want to on what's called the Global Nuclear Energy
be less dependent on foreign sources of en Partnership, all designed to research reproc
ergy, it seems like it makes sense to me that essing and fast-burner reactors.
we use the energies we have here at home The idea is to take the nuclear industry,
and do so in environmentally friendly ways. take the spent fuel, reprocess it, put it into
We're spending $2 billion to promote a fast-burner reactor, which will yield about
technologies that will enable our coal-fired 90 percent less of the waste than under the
plants to protect the environment. As a mat current system. What I'm telling you is, is
ter of fact, we got what's called a FutureGen that the engineering is much safer today than
Initiative. By the year 2012, we'll build the it has been in the past, and we're spending
first clean-coal powerplant that will remove money to make sure that we can deal with
virtually all pollutants and greenhouse gases the waste in a sane way, so that we can with
from burning coal. In other words, there's confidence say to the American people, now
a way coming that's going to enable us to is the time to accelerate the expansion of nu
use this plentiful resource. clear power, for the sake of national and eco
A controversial subject is nuclear power. nomic security.
You might remember, we've had a time in I believe that with the proper amount of
our country where people liked nuclear research, whether it be public or private, we
power, thought it was a strong solution to will have solar roofs that will enable the
energy independence, and then we just shut American family to be able to generate their
her down because of engineering concerns. own electricity. And it's coming.
I strongly believe that if we want to keep I believe wind power has got the oppor
this country competitive, if we want to make tunity to help. All we need is to put a couple
sure we can compete globally, we must pro of windmills right there in Washington, DC,
mote civilian nuclear power. We must have and we'll be—[laughter)—less dependent on
more energy coming from nuclear power. foreign sources of energy.
Nuclear power is renewable, and there are What I'm talking about is a comprehensive
no greenhouse gases associated with nuclear approach to solving a national issue, which
power. One of the problems we've had is that is dependence on oil, and how best to protect
nobody wants to build any plants. They're this environment. You know, it's time to get
afraid of the costs of regulation and the liti rid of the old, stale debates on the environ
gious nature that surrounds the construction ment and recognize new technologies are
of nuclear powerplants—litigious problems going to enable us to achieve a lot of objec
surrounding the construction of the nuclear tives at the same time.
powerplants. Technology will enable us to be able to
And so, in the energy bill that I signed, say we can grow our economy and protect
the Congress wisely provided incentives and our environment at the same time. It's not
risk insurance for nuclear powerplant con a zero-sum game anymore. These techno
struction. Last year only three companies logical breakthroughs are going to say to our
were seeking to build powerplants—nuclear farmers, “You’re energy producers.” And
powerplants. Today, 14 have expressed new that's good for America. It's going to say to
interest in construction. In other words, those entrepreneurs that are risk-takers, this
there's a new industry beginning to come is a good place to try to make a good return
back. on capital.
I think it's very important for us to spend There's a lot of smart money in the United
dollars on how to best deal with the waste, States going into energy diversification and
in other words, research new ways to be able to research. And for those of you here,
to assure the American people that we'll be thanks. I hope you make a good return. I
able to deal with the nuclear waste in a smart think you will. There is no question in my
way. And that's why we're teaming up with mind that we're on the verge of significant
1808 Oct. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
breakthroughs, and so what I wanted to come results for the people. This country is better
and tell you is, one, thanks for your interest; off with Denny Hastert as the Speaker, and
thanks for showing up at a conference like it will be better off when he's . Speaker,
this. You're the beginning of what's going to the next legislative session.
be a new environmental debate, an economy The Speaker has heard me give a lot of
based upon new technologies, a new way to talks, so |. wants to make sure if there's a
º our automobiles, and a way that . chair nearby—[laughter]—but I want to
y making good decisions now and research thank you all for coming. Your support means
ing now, we'll leave behind a better world a lot.
for our children. Audience member. We will win.
Someday, some—the 56th President will The President. Yes, sir. I am also proud
be standing up here saying, I appreciate the to be with two fine candidates, Peter
fact that there was some pioneers back in Roskam, David McSweeney. And I want to
America in those days; I can't spent too much thank you for helping them. I have a sense
time because I've got to go get my limousine of what it's like to run for office. [Laughter]
filled up byi."º". I ap I've done it before, and I know how impor
preciate the fact that the solar panels are tant it is for two candidates who are out, day
working so you can see me. [Laughter] In in and day out, campaigning to be able to
other words, it's coming, and I’m excited to look at an audience this size and realize
be a part of it. And I hope you're excited they're getting fine support. Your support
as well.
means a lot not only to their campaigns, in
Thanks for letting me come by. God bless. the sense that you're helping to fill the hat,

: NOTE: The President spoke at 12:29 p.m. at the but it means a lot to their spirits to realize
St. Louis Convention Center. In his remarks, he there's a lot of people pulling for them.
And there's nobody better to pull for a
referred to David Bransby, professor of agronomy
and soil, Auburn University. candidate than his family—in this case, Pe
ter's family, Elizabeth and his children, and
in David's case, his wife, Margaret. And it's
Remarks at a Reception for been my honor to be able to see both those
Congressional Candidates Peter families, and I want to thank the families for
Roskam and David McSweeney and supporting these good men for running for
office as well.
the Illinois Congressional Victory
Committee in Chicago, Illinois Speaking about wives—[laughter]—I
October 12, 2006 was I happened to have my picture taken
a while ago with a group of citizens that came
The President. Thank you very much. through, and one fellow—I guess I would de
Thanks for coming. I'm proud you're here. fine him as blunt—said, “You know, I was
Before I liberate the Speaker, so he doesn't hoping to have my picture taken with Laura.”
have to stand up here for this long speech— |Laughter] I said, “It’s not hurting my feel
[laughter—I want to say this to you; I am ings, man; you got good taste.” [Laughter]
proud to be standing with the current Speak She sends her best to the Speaker and to
er of the House who is going to be the }. the candidates; she sends her best to you all.
Speaker of the House. I am a lucky man to have Laura Bush as my
Speaker Denny Hastert has a long record wife. And our country—in my nonobjective
of accomplishment. You know, he's not one opinion—is lucky to have her as the First
of these Washington politicians who spews Lady.
a lot of hot air. He just gets the job done. I wish Kevin White all the very best in
I have worked with him up close. I know his run for the Fifth Congressional Delega
what it's like to work with a Speaker who tion. Thanks for coming, Kevin—give Geral
is determined to protect the United States dine a hug for me.
of America, and a Speaker who wants to Audience member. Right in front of you;
make sure that everybody who wants a job right here. [Laughter]
in America can find one. He has delivered Audience member. I’ll do it for you.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 12 1809

The President. Yes, thank you. [Laughter] your car won't have to look like a golf cart.
Audience member. Give her a hug for |Laughter]
me. [Laughter We've got an aggressive agenda—aggres
Audience member. Okay. sive agenda to diversify our energy sources
The President. That's your responsibility. so that we're not dependent on Middle East
[Laughter ern oil. It's in our national security interests.
I am proud to be here with Congressman I'm looking forward to working with these
Members to make sure health care is avail
Don Manzullo from the great State of Illi able and affordable. We don't need the Fed
nois. My thanks to State Representative Tom
Cross, who is the minority leader of the Illi eral Government telling doctors how to prac
nois House. I want to thank all the State and tice and telling patients who they got to go
see. But we do need the Federal Govern
local officials who've joined us. But most of
all, thank you all for being here. ment to do something about these junk and
frivolous lawsuits that are running good doc
I thank my friend Pat Ryan. It's not easy tors out of practice.
to raise this much money, and I know how A big issue always facing the Congress is
much organization it takes, and therefore, it how to make sure that the entrepreneurial
takes a strong leader up top, and that's ex spirit remains strong in the United States.
actly what Pat Ryan is. He's a strong leader And we got a strong record. This administra
and a great American, and I'm proud to be tion has got a strong record on the economy,
with you, Pat. and so does Speaker Denny Hastert.
I want to thank my friend Andy McKenna, You might remember the facts. This coun
who is the chairman of the Illinois Repub try has been through a recession, a stock mar
lican Party. The reason I mention grassroots ket correction. We've been through a ter
activists is that you win campaigns by having rorist attack on our Nation. We've been at
candidates who can carry a strong message, war to defend this country. We've had major
and we have those candidates. You win a
hurricanes. For a while, we had high energy
campaign because people are generous with prices. And yet America is the envy of the
their hard-earned money, and you have been industrialized world when it comes to eco
so tonight. And you win campaigns when nomic growth.
people get out and put up the signs and make Our national unemployment rate is 4.6
the phone calls, go to the community centers percent. People are working; we've added 6.6
and houses of worship and say, “Support million new jobs since August of 2003. Our
these candidates.” So I want to thank you farm economy is strong. Productivity is up.
for what you have done, and I encourage you Small businesses are on the rise. This econ
to continue to work to turn out the vote come omy is in good shape, and we need to keep
this November. Denny Hastert and the Republicans in
We've got a lot to do to make sure this charge of the United States Congress to keep
country is prosperous and safe. I'm looking it that way.
forward to working with these two new Con And we're in good shape because we cut
gressmen as we work to diversify our energy the taxes on everybody who paid income
supply. I'm going to tell you why we need taxes. We have a philosophy of government
to. I'm a little concerned at the price—the that says, if you have more of your own
drop in gasoline prices, which I welcome, money in your pocket to save, spend, or in
and I know you do too. [Laughter. How vest, this economy will do well. That stands
ever—masks the fact that it is not in our na in stark contrast to our opponents, who be
tional interest to be dependent on foreign lieve that they can spend your money better
sources of oil. And so I look forward to work than you can spend your money. And so we
ing with these Congressmen to promote al cut the taxes—not once, but twice. We cut
ternative energy sources, such as ethanol, the taxes on families with children; we cut
and new research and development into new the taxes on people who were married; we
battery technologies that will enable you to put the death tax on the road to extinction;
drive the first 40 miles on electricity, and we cut the taxes on small-business people.
1810 Oct. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
As a result of good fiscal policy in Wash her love for tax cuts, she voted, no. If this
ington, DC, this economy is strong. And the is the Democrats' idea of love—[laughter]—
best way to keep it there is to make the tax I don't want to see what hate looks like.
cuts we passed permanent. [Laughter]
That's the opposite view of the Democrats. A big issue in this campaign across the
You might remember the debate about the United States and here in Illinois with these
deficit—they go around the country saying, two Congressmen is, who is going to keep
“Well, we got to solve the deficit, and we your taxes low? When we win, we will keep
need to raise taxes.” That's not the way your taxes low. And make no mistake about
Washington works. If they were to get in it, the Democrats will raise your taxes. It's
charge of the House of Representatives, they a fundamental difference in this campaign.
would raise your taxes and figure out new And I'm looking forward to leading us to vic
ways to spend your money. The best way to tory to make sure the taxes on the people
balance . budget—by the way, a couple of the United States remain low and reason
of years ago, I stood up and said, we can able.
cut the deficit in half by 2009. It's amazing No, there's a lot of big domestic issues—
what happens when you cut taxes; the econ and I'm sure our candidates are out there
omy grows; you end up with more tax reve telling people what's on their mind—but the
nues. When you couple that with fiscal dis biggest issue facing this country is, who best
cipline in Washington, DC, which we have to protect you? We are a nation at war. You
exhibited, the deficit gets cut. As a matter know, I wish I didn't have to say that. I wish
of fact, we cut the deficit in half not by 2009,
I could say everything is fine, but that's not
but by 3 years prior to that. the reality of the world in which we live. The
. The best way to keep this economy grow most fundamental job of those of us in gov
ing, the best way to make sure we've got a ernment is to protect you and to do every
fiscal situation that makes sure the economic thing in our power to protect the American
growth continues is to keep taxes low and people.
prioritize how we spend your money. And There's an enemy that lurks and plots and
the number-one priority has got to be to pro plans because they cannot stand—they can't
tect America and make sure those who wear stand our values and what we believe. They
t the uniform have all the support they need don't believe in the freedoms that we believe
to do their job. in. They're bound by an ideology, and they're
Our record on taxes is clear. The Demo willing to use murder as a tool to achieve
crats in Washington have a clear record of that iº It's a different kind of war, but
their own. The trouble is, they don't want it's real—as we learned on that fateful day
you to know about it. Recently the top Dem of September the 11th, 2001.
ocrat leader in the House made an inter On that day, I vowed that I would use all
esting declaration. Here's what she said: “We of my powers and national assets to protect
love tax cuts.” Given her record, she must the American people—and so did the Speak
be a secret admirer. [Laughter er. These are folks you can't negotiate with.
It's not just the so-called tax cuts for the These are ideologues who have stated clearly,
rich she opposes, when we cut taxes for ev their objective is to drive the United States
erybody who pays income taxes, she voted out of the Middle East so they can establish
against it. When we reduced the marriage a caliphate based upon their ideology of hate.
penalty, she voted against it. When we cut They have made their plans clear, and it's
taxes on small businesses, she voted against essential that the President and the United
it. When we lowered the taxes for families States Congress listen carefully to the words
with children, she voted against it. When we of the enemy.
cut the taxes on dividends and capital gains My view is, is that the best way to defeat
to stimulate investment, she voted against it. this enemy is to stay on the offense and de
When we put the death tax on the road to feat them overseas so we do not have to face
extinction, she voted against it. Time and them here at home. And so we're keeping
again, when she had an opportunity to show steady pressure on a group of people who
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 12 1811

would want to do America harm. It's hard We're constantly changing our tactics to
to plan and plot when you're on the run. It's meet those of the enemy. We're constantly
hard to plan and plot when you're in a cave. adjusting. But make no mistake about it, our
You just got to know, there's some incredibly plan is victory. We will stay in Iraq; we will
brave Americans, working with allies, that are fight in Iraq; and we will win in Iraq for the
keeping the pressure on this enemy to keep security of the United States.
you safe. We have to be right 100 percent of the
One of the terrible lessons of September time to protect the country. The enemy has
the 11th is that oceans can no longer protect to be right one time. And therefore, it is in
us, and therefore, it is essential that the cumbent upon those of us in government to
United States treat threats seriously before make sure the professionals on the frontlines
they come home to hurt us, before they fully of protecting America have all the tools nec
materialize. I saw a threat. Members of both essary to protect you. The Speaker under
parties in the United States Congress saw a stands that. These candidates running for of
fice understand that.
threat. The United Nations saw a threat in
Iraq. Removing Saddam Hussein from power And that is why I worked with the Con
was the right decision, and the world is better gress to pass what's called the PATRIOT Act.
off for it. It was an act that tore down walls that pre
Iraq is a central front in this war on terror. vented the intelligence community and the
Oh, I know the Democrats say it's a diversion criminal justice community from talking. I
from the war on terror—some of them say know that probably sounds strange that that
that. But I would ask them to listen to the happened, but it's the reality. You can't de
words of Usama bin Laden or Zawahiri, who . America unless all elements of govern
is the number two of Al Qaida, who have ment are capable of sharing information so
said clearly, their ambitions are to drive us
that we can prevent the attack from hap
pening in the first place. I also believed it
out of Iraq so they can establish a safe haven was essential—and by the way, the Speaker
from which to launch further attacks; to drive
led the charge in making sure the House
us out of Iraq so they can have resources passed the PATRIOT Act the first time and
to use to fund their ambitions; to drive us then reauthorized it.
out of Iraq so they can topple moderate gov Secondly, I believe strongly that if an Al
Qaida or Al Qaida affiliate was making a
Imagine a world in which there are violent phone call into the United States from out
forms of extremists who've crushed the hopes side the country, we need to know why. If
of moderate, decent people because they the most important job of government is to
have this ideology that is so foreign to us. protect you, we need to understand what the
Imagine a world in which they could use oil enemy is thinking and what they're planning.
to blackmail the free world. Imagine that I thank the Congress for getting the House
world, as well, with a group of people that of Representatives to endorse the terrorist
don't care for America, with a nuclear weap surveillance program. I thought it was very
on. If that were to happen, a generation of important that when we captured a leader
Americans would look and say, “What hap of the enemy on the battlefield that we detain
pened; what happened to the leaders; how and question that enemy. I thought it was
come they couldn't see the threat?” essential to protect you, that we gain infor
I see the threat. The Speaker sees the mation from the leadership of those who
threat. We've got a plan for victory in this would do us harm.
war on terror, and that includes helping those One of the people we captured was Khalid
12 million people who are desperate for free Sheikh Mohammed, who our intelligence of
dom to achieve their dreams of democracy. ficers believe was the mastermind of the
We've got a goal, a clear goal, which is an 9/11 attacks. I thought it was important for
Iraq that can defend itself and sustain itself, this country to gain information from this
an Iraq that will be an ally in the war on mastermind in order to be able to say we're
doing everything we can to protect you. And
1812 Oct. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
we learned a lot of information from those must be on the offense to make sure the at
who we have captured, information that our tacks don't happen in the first place.
intelligence service believes strongly has pre We've got one great asset at our disposal
vented attacks on the homeland. And yet as well, and it's called liberty. I believe in
we've had a debate on this issue, and the the universality of liberty. I believe there is
Speaker of the House led the House of Rep an Almighty, and I believe one of the great
resentatives to endorse this vision. gifts of that Almighty is the desire for people
In other words, we've been giving people to be free. I believe that. I believe that Mus
the tools necessary to protect the homeland, lim moms want to be free. I believe that peo
and our Democrat colleagues back in Wash ple all across the globe have this great desire
ington have taken a very different approach and yearning to live in freedom. And I be
to the war on terror. There is a difference lieve that freedom will help us yield the
of opinion. I'm not questioning anybody's pa peace we want for our children and grand
triotism or love for America, but I am ques children.
tioning their view of how best to protect you. The way to defeat—the way I like to put
And this is an issue in this campaign. If the it is, we're in an ideological struggle. It's a
security of the United States is the most im struggle between extremists, radicals, and
portant issue, then part of this issue is which reasonable people who simply want to have
party has been willing to step up and give a better life. And I believe it's incumbent
those charged with protecting you the tools upon the United States of America to stand
necessary to do so. with those who are reasonable and moderate
In each vote, a clear pattern has emerged against the extremists and radicals.
on which party can best protect the American I believe it's our call to do so, and I have
people. More than 75 percent of the House
Democrats voted to block the renewal of the
. faith in the power of liberty to trans
orm regions of hate to regions of hope and
PATRIOT Act. Almost 80 percent of the to transform enemies to allies. And the rea
House Democrats voted against allowing the son I say that to you—I’ve had some amazing
CIA to continue the interrogation program. experience as your President, and perhaps
Almost 90 percent of the House Democrats one of the most unusual is my relationship
voted against continuing to monitor terrorist with the Prime Minister of Japan. I must
communications through the terrorist sur have told this story hundreds of times be
veillance program. Rarely has a single series cause it is so ironic that my relationship is
of votes summed up the difference between so close, and yet my dad, when he was a
the two political parties so clearly. If the young man, volunteered to fight the Japanese
Democrats' Congress had their way, we as a sworn enemy.
wouldn't have had the PATRIOT Act or the You know, recently I invited my friend, the
interrogation program or the terrorist surveil former Prime Minister—he just left office—
lance program. They can run from this to go to Elvis's place. [Laughter] I'd never
record, but we're not going to let them hide. been there. [Laughter. He wanted to go
You know, I was—recently read where the there. See, he's an Elvis fan. But I also want
Democrat leader said this. She said, “The ed to tell a story to the American people
midterm elections should not be about na about ideological struggles and the faith we
tional security.” I strongly disagree. I want should have in liberty—because on Air Force
those discerning Democrats and independ One, going down to Memphis, Tennessee,
ents and Republicans to hear loud and clear the Prime Minister and I talked about keep
that the person who wants to be Speaker of ing the peace. Isn't that interesting? My dad
the House has said that the midterm elec fought the enemy, fought the Japanese as the
tions shouldn't be about national security. enemy, and now his son is talking about the
I know this election ought to be about na peace.
tional security. I'm briefed every day on the We're talking about North Korea and how
threats this country faces. The United States it's important for there to be more than one
of America cannot afford to wait and respond voice at the table when it comes to con
to an attack. The United States of America vincing the leader of North Korea. By the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 12 1813

way, it's much better to have China at the jured many others, leaving the victims' loved
table with the United States. It's much better ones and our Nation to mourn our collective
to have Japan and South Korea—[applause]. loss.
We talked about the fact that Japan had On the sixth anniversary of this attack, we
deployed 1,000 troops in Iraq, because he pause to remember those brave service men
understands what I know, the advent of de and women whose lives were cut short by
mocracy is a huge defeat to the extremists. this act of terrorism and to give thanks to
That's why they're fighting so hard. That's the brave crew whose heroic actions saved
why this is such a brutal battle. And I under their ship and fellow shipmates.
stand it affects the American people, because With the men we believe to be the key
the enemy has got a weapon, and they use architects of that attack now in custody, this
it, and that's the murder of innocent people. anniversary should serve to renew America's
And it gets on our TV screens, and we're dedication to bring terrorists to justice and
a nation of compassionate, decent people our gratitude to those men and women of
who care about human life in all its forms. the U.S. Government serving abroad who
And yet Prime Minister Koizumi knows what take great risks in protecting America.
I know, that we will succeed as liberty pro Six years ago, our Nation was tested by
gresses, and we will succeed by helping peo terrorism. Terrorists continue to be an active
ple who yearn for a better life, and we will threat to our Nation, but we are responding
succeed by marginalizing those extremists resolutely and forcefully. On this solemn an
and radicals and, if need be, bring them to niversary, we rededicate ourselves to the
justice before they hurt us again. fight against the enemies of humanity, offer
Something happened between World War our prayers and condolences to the families
II and when I became the President, talking of the Cole victims, and offer thanks to the
with this Japanese Prime Minister. And what men and women of our Navy who protect
happened was, Japan adopted a Japanese our country and promote peace and freedom
style democracy. Liberty has got the capacity around the world.
to transform an enemy into an ally. And
someday, an American President will be sit
Proclamation 8068—National
ting down with elected leaders in the Middle
East talking about how to keep the peace, Energy Awareness Month, 2006
and a generation of Americans will be better October 12, 2006
off for it.
God bless. By the President of the United States
of America
NOTE: The President spoke at 5:25 p.m. at the
Hilton Chicago. In his remarks, he referred to Pat A Proclamation
rick G. Ryan, executive chairman and founder,
Aon Corp.; former President Saddam Hussein of Our Nation is moving toward remarkable
Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida technological advances that will make energy
terrorist organization; former Prime Minister cleaner, more abundant, and more affordable
Junichiro Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Kim for our citizens. During National Energy
Jong Il of North Korea. Awareness Month, we underscore our com
mitment to a more secure energy future.
My Administration is working to improve
Statement on the Sixth Anniversary energy efficiency and conservation, increase
of the Terrorist Attack on the our domestic supply of energy, and diversify
USS Cole our energy supply through advanced tech
October 12, 2006 nologies. Since 2001, we have invested nearly
$10 billion in the development of cleaner,
Six years ago, on October 12, 2000, Al less expensive, and more reliable energy
Qaida attacked the USS Cole, a U.S. Navy sources. We developed a comprehensive Na
warship refueling in Aden harbor in Yemen. tional Energy Policy, and last year I signed
This terrorist attack killed 17 sailors and in into law the Energy Policy Act of 2005—the
1814 Oct. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
first comprehensive energy bill in more than NotE: This proclamation will be published in the
a decade. Federal Register on October 17.
My Administration's Advanced Energy
Initiative seeks to diversify energy resources Proclamation 8069—White Cane
by substantially increasing funding for clean
energy research. To change how we power Safety Day, 2006
our homes and offices, we will invest more October 12, 2006
in zero-emission coal-fired plants, revolu
tionary solar and wind tºº." and By the President of the United States
of America
clean, safe nuclear energy. We will focus on
improving hybrid and hydrogen technologies A Proclamation
for our automobiles and increasing the use Our Nation believes in the promise of all
of biofuels. By harnessing the power of tech our citizens, and we must work to ensure that
nology, we can grow our economy, protect the opportunities of America are more acces
our environment, and enhance our energy sible to every person. Many Americans who
security. are blind or visually impaired use white canes
Technology is also helping develop new to enable them to enjoy greater mobility, en
energy-saving products that give our con gage in productive work, and participate fully
sumers better performance at a lower cost. in all aspects of life. On White Cane Safety
At home, energy-efficient windows reduce Day, we celebrate the many achievements of
the loss of hot and cold air, and high effi Americans who are blind or visually im
º ciency light-bulbs last longer than traditional
bulbs while requiring less electricity. The
paired, and we recognize the white cane as
an important symbol of their determination
Federal Government's Energy Savers and independence.
website,, offers more infor My Administration remains committed to
mation about how to use less energy in removing barriers that confront Americans

. homes, offices, and vehicles, and how con

sumers can save money on energy costs.
Meeting our growing energy needs will re
quire creativity, determination, and dis
cipline. By working together, we can foster
economic growth, improve our environment,
with ...i. Since we launched the New
Freedom Initiative 5 years ago, we have
worked to improve access to community life,
expand educational opportunities, strengthen
training and employment services, and pro
mote the development of technology for peo
and leave behind a safer, cleaner, more pros ple with disabilities. We are building on the
perous world for future generations. progress of the Americans with Disabilities
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, Act and working to make America a place
President of the United States of America, where all citizens have the opportunity to re
by virtue of the authority vested in me by alize their full potential.
the Constitution and laws of the United The Congress, by joint resolution (Public
States, do hereby proclaim October 2006 as Law 88–628) approved on October 6, 1964,
National Energy Awareness Month. I en as amended, has designated October 15 of
courage Americans to take steps to conserve each year as “White Cane Safety Day.”
energy and develop responsible habits that Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
will reduce energy consumption in their ev President of the United States of America,
eryday lives. do hereby proclaim October 15, 2006, as
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set White Cane Safety Day. I call upon public
my hand this twelfth day of October, in the officials, business leaders, educators, librar
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of ians, and all the people of the United States
the Independence of the United States of to join as we .. to ensure that the benefits
America the two hundred and thirty-first. and privileges of life in our great Nation are
available to Americans who are blind or vis
George W. Bush
ually impaired, and to observe this day with
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, appropriate ceremonies, activities, and pro
8:51 a.m., October 16, 2006] grams.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 13 1815

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set NoTE: This statement was released by the Office
my hand this twelfth day of October, in the of the Press Secretary on October 13. S. 56, ap
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of proved October 12, was assigned Public Law No.
the Independence of the United States of
America the two hundred and thirty-first.
George W. Bush Statement on Signing the National
Heritage Areas Act of 2006
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
8:51 a.m., October 16, 2006) October 12, 2006

NotE: This proclamation will be published in the Today, I have signed into law S. 203, the
Federal Register on October 17. “National Heritage Areas Act of 2006.” The
Act establishes national heritage areas and
reduces the royalty rate on certain minerals.
Statement on Signing the Rio Grande A number of provisions of the Act purport
Natural Area Act to give to management entities or local co
October 12, 2006 ordinating entities, composed of individuals
who are not officers of the United States ap
Today, I have signed into law S. 56, the pointed in accordance with the Appoint
“Rio Grande Natural Area Act.” The Act es ments Clause of the Constitution, significant
tablishes the Rio Grande Natural Area in governmental authority, such as authority to
Colorado to help protect natural resources make grants from Federal appropriated
on Federal and non-Federal lands. funds to implement management plans for
The Act establishes a commission to per heritage areas. As is consistent with the Ap
form specified functions relating to the Nat pointments Clause and with requirements in
ural Area. The Commission consists of nine the Act concerning approval by the Secretary
individuals appointed by the Secretary of the of the Interior of the management plans, the
Interior, of whom one must represent the executive branch shall construe i. provi
Colorado State Director of the Bureau of sions to require exercise by the Secretary of
Land Management, one must be a specified the Interior of the significant governmental
Federal employee, three must be appointed authority given by the provisions, specifically
on the recommendation of the Governor of including the exercise by the Secretary of
Colorado to represent various Colorado gov final authority over any disbursement of Fed
ernmental entities, and four must be knowl eral appropriated funds by a management
edgeable, experienced local citizens to rep entity or local coordinating entity.
resent the general public. Thus, the Act lim George W. Bush
its the º of the pool of persons
The White House,
from whom the Secretary may select ap
October 12, 2006.
pointees to the Commission in a manner that
rules out a large portion of those persons best NoTE: This statement was released by the Office
ſº by experience and knowledge to fill of the Press Secretary on October 13, S. 203, ap
e positions, which the Appointments proved October 12, was assigned Public Law No.
Clause of the Constitution does not permit 109–338.
if the appointees exercise significant govern
mental authority. To faithfully execute the
Act to the maximum extent consistent with Remarks on Signing the SAFE Port
the Appointments Clause, the executive
branch shall construe the provisions of the October 13, 2006
Act specifying functions for the Commission
as specifying functions that are advisory only. Thank you all. Please be seated. Thank
you, and welcome. I'm pleased to have you
George W. Bush here as I sign a bill that will help protect
The White House, the American people and our ports. The
October 12, 2006. SAFE Port Act will make this Nation more
1816 Oct. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

prepared, more prosperous, and more se gally. This is important progress, but we've
got a lot of more work to do.
I want to thank the Congress for its good Last week in Arizona, I signed a bill that
work. I'm pleased that key Members of the will allow us to hire 1,500 more Border Patrol
Senate and the House have joined me here agents, deploy advanced technology like
today, and I want to thank you for being here. ground-based radar and infrared cameras,
I first want to thank the Secretary of Home add beds in our detention facilities so we can
land Security, Michael Chertoff, for his serv work to end catch-and-release. Congress also
ice to the country. I appreciate that Senate passed a bill that will authorize the construc
Majority Leader Bill Frist has joined us. I'm tion of about 700 miles of double-layered
pleased that Senator Susan Collins, who is fencing along our Southern border. I’m going
the chairman of the Senate Homeland Secu to sign that bill into law. I'll continue to work
rity and Governmental Affairs Committee, with Congress to pass comprehensive immi
has joined us. She is one of the sponsors of Fº reform that protects our country, en
the bill, as is Peter King, who's the chairman orces our laws, and upholds our values.
of the House Homeland Security Com Protecting our homeland also requires
mittee. These two Members are strong, protecting our seaports. Our seaports are a
strong chairmen, and they're doing a fine job gateway to commerce, a source of oppor
to help us protect this country. I appreciate tunity, and a provider of jobs. Our ports
very much Senator Bob Bennett and Senator could also be a target of a terrorist attack,
Patty Murray and Senator Norm Coleman and we're determined to protect them.
for joining us, as well as Congressman Dan Since September the 11th, we've launched
The most solemn responsibility of the Fed
a series of new efforts to improve port secu
rity. We worked with Congress to pass the
eral Government is to protect the American Maritime Transportation Security Act, which
people. And since September the 11th, the required American ports and vessels to adopt
administration and the Congress have strict new security measures. We made wider
worked together, and we've led an unprece use of intelligence to screen cargo and target
dented effort to safeguard our homeland. In suspicious containers for inspection. We've
other words, we learned the lessons of that worked with foreign partners to improve
attack. We've more than tripled spending on their security procedures. And with the bill
homeland security. We've created a Federal I sign today, we renew a clear commitment:
Department of Homeland Security with a We will work tirelessly to keep our Nation
single mission, to protect the American peo safe and our ports open for business.
ple. We've trained and equipped hundreds The SAFE Port Act will build on progress
of thousands of State and local first-respond and help us protect our ports in three key
ers. We've worked with public agencies and ways. First, the SAFE Port Act will strength
private companies to improve security at air en physical security measures at our ports
ports and aboard commercial airliners. We've by helping us harness the power of tech
strengthened protections at bridges and tun nology. The bill authorizes the development
nels and other critical infrastructure. We of 21st century inspection equipment, so that
have a responsibility to protect the home Customs agents can check inside cargo con
land, and we're meeting that responsibility. tainers for dangerous materials without hav
Protecting our homeland requires pro ing to open them. The bill also requires radi
tecting our borders. Since I took office, we ation detection technology at our 22 busiest
more than doubled funding for border secu ports by the end of next year. America has
rity, from $4.6 billion in 2001 to 9.5 billion the best technology in the world, and with
in 2006. We've increased the number of Bor this bill, we will apply that technology to
der Patrol agents from around 9,000 to a little make our ports the safest in the world.
more than 12,000. We've upgraded tech Second, the SAFE Port Act provides legis
nology and infrastructure along the border. lative authority for key elements of our port
We've apprehended and sent home more security strategy. The bill codifies into law
than 6 million people entering America ille the Container Security Initiative, which we
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 13 1817

launched in 2002. Through this initiative, we Statement on Signing the SAFE Port
have deployed American inspectors to doz Act
ens of foreign ports on five continents where October 13, 2006
they are screening cargo before it leaves for
our country. Today, I have signed into law H.R. 4954,
The bill also codifies into law the Customs the “Security and Accountability For Every
Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, a joint Port Act of 2006,” or the “SAFE Port Act”
effort between the public and private sectors (the “Act”). The Act strengthens the Govern
to improve cargo security. Under this part ment's ability to protect the Nation's seaports
nership, private shippers agree to improve and maritime commerce from attack by ter
their own security measures, and in return, rorists.
they can receive benefits, including expe The executive branch shall construe provi
dited clearance through our ports. sions of the Act that purport to require exec
And the bill provides additional authority utive branch officials to submit recommenda
for the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, tions for legislation to the Congress, includ
which we established to guard against the ing section 201, in a manner consistent with
threat of terrorists smuggling a nuclear de the President's constitutional authority to
vice into our country. recommend for the consideration of the Con
All these efforts are smart. They're work gress such measures as the President judges
ing. And with this bill, they're here to stay. necessary and expedient and to supervise the
Finally, the SAFE Port Act requires the unitary executive branch.
Department of Homeland Security to estab The executive branch shall construe provi
lish a plan to speed the resumption of trade sions of the Act, including subsection 401(c)
in the event of a terrorist attack on our ports and subsection 2(d) of the Act of March 3,
or waterways. This bill makes clear that the 1927, as amended by section 402 of the Act,
Federal Government has the authority to that purport to make consultation with con
clear waterways, identify cleanup equipment, gressional committees a precondition to exe
and reestablish the flow of commerce fol cution of the law, to call for but not mandate
lowing a terrorist attack. We'll do everything such consultation, as is consistent with the
we can to prevent an attack, but if the terror Constitution's provisions concerning the sep
ists succeed in launching an attack, we'll be arate powers of the Congress to legislate and
ready to respond. the President to execute the laws.
We take these steps to improve our port The executive branch shall construe sub
security, and as we do so, we thank the hard section 301(h)(2) of the Customs Procedural
working Americans who protect our people Reform and Simplification Act of 1978, as
day in and day out. We're grateful to the amended by section 403 of the Act, which
Coast Guard's men and women, the Customs purports to give a subordinate official within
and Border Protection officers, our port the executive branch authority to prevent an
workers and managers, State and local law action by the superior official to whom the
enforcement officers, and all those in the pri subordinate official reports, in a manner con
vate sector who do their part to keep America sistent with the President's constitutional au
safe. We're going to protect our ports. We're thority to supervise the unitary executive
going to defend this homeland. And we're branch.
going to win the war on terror. The executive branch shall construe sec
With that, I'm now pleased to sign the tion 709 of the Act, which purports to direct
SAFE Port Act into law. the President to perform the President's du
ties “acting through” a particular officer, in
a manner consistent with the constitutional
NOTE: The President spoke at 10 a.m. in Room
350 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Of authority of the President to supervise the
fice Building. At the time of publication, H.R. unitary executive branch.
The executive branch shall construe as ad
4954, approved October 13, had not been re
ceived by the Office of the Federal Register in visory provisions of the Act that purport to
time for assignment of a Public Law number. direct or burden the conduct of negotiations
1818 - Oct. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
by the executive branch with foreign govern I will tell you our agencies are responding
ments, international organizations, or other well. It's important to measure results so that
entities abroad, that purport to direct execu we know we're doing our job. It's also impor
tive branch officials to negotiate with foreign tant to measure results to determine whether
governments or in international organizations or not the taxpayers' money is being spent
to achieve specified foreign policy objectives, wisely.
or that purport to require the executive We've all dedicated ourselves to rallyin
branch to disclose deliberations between the around this model. We are º
United States and foreign countries. Such people, and we work on behalf of the tax
provisions include subsections 205(d) and (i) payers. And when we find wasteful spending,
and 803(b) of the Act; subsection 431(b) of we work to eliminate it. When we find a pro
the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as gram that is making a significant difference,
amended by section 301 of the Act; and sub we work to enhance it. And we are gettin
section 629(h) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as results for the people. And I want to than
amended by section 404 of the Act. Such pro everybody around |. table for being public
visions, if construed as mandatory rather than servants, people who are willing to serve the
advisory, would impermissibly interfere with public º bring dignity to the process.
the President's constitutional authorities to I want you to go back to your agencies
conduct the Nation's foreign affairs, partici and thank those who are working hard on
pate in international negotiations, and super behalf of the American people as well. Thank
vise the unitary executive branch. you.
George W. Bush
NOTE: The President spoke at 2 p.m. in Room
The White House, 350 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Of
October 13, 2006. fice Building.
NOTE: At the time of publication, H.R. 4954, ap
proved October 13, had not been received by the Presidential Determination on
Office of the Federal Register in time for assign
ment of a Public Law number. Waiver and Certification of Statutory
Provisions Regarding the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO)
Remarks Following a Meeting With Office
the President’s Management Council October 13, 2006
October 13, 2006
Presidential Determination No. 2007–02
It's been my pleasure to meet with mem
bers of my º on a very impor Memorandum for the Secretary of State
tant topic, and that is, how do we make sure
that the taxpayers' money we're spending is Subject: Presidential Determination on
getting the results we want. And I appreciate Waiver and Certification of Statutory
Clay Johnson of the OMB staff. And I appre Provisions Regarding the Palestine
ciate the Director for spearheading this Liberation Organization (PLO) Office
project, which says to our agencies, it's im Pursuant to the authority and conditions
rtant to set clear goals and to set priorities contained in section 534(d) of the Foreign
or the dollars we spend. And once a goal Operations, Export Financing, and Related
is set, a goal that everybody can understand, Programs Appropriations Act, 2006, Public
it's important to make sure we measure to Law 109–102, I hereby determine and certify
determine whether or not we're achieving that it is important to the national security
the results. interests of the United States to waive the
See, the people expect, when they send provisions of section 1003 of the Anti-Ter
their money up there, expect us to achieve rorism Act of 1987, Public Law 100–204.
certain results. And so we've been through This waiver shall be effective for a period
a rigorous process in this administration of of 6 months from the date hereof. You are
judging agencies' ability to get results, and hereby authorized and directed to transmit
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1819

this determination to the Congress and to Kurpius, commander-in-chief, and Robert E.

publish it in the Federal Register. Wallace, executive director of the Wash
George W. Bush ington office, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Later, also in the Oval Office, he met with
Morris H. Chapman, president and chief ex
ecutive officer, Southern Baptist Convention,
and Frank Page, SBC Executive Committee
Digest of Other president, and his wife, Dayle.
White House Announcements The White House announced that the
President will welcome President Leonel
Fernandez Reyna of the Dominican Repub
The following list includes the President's public lic to the White House on October 25.
schedule and other items of general interest an
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and October 12
not included elsewhere in this issue.
In the morning, the President had a tele
phone conversation with Prime Minister
October 7 John Howard of Australia. He then had an
In the morning, the President had an intel intelligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Of
ligence briefing. Later, he and Mrs. Bush fice, he met with State Councilor Tang
traveled to Langely Air Force Base, VA, Jiaxuan of China.
where, upon arrival, he met with USA Free Later in the morning, the President trav
dom Corps volunteer Leah Hunkins. They eled to St. Louis, MO, where, upon arrival
then traveled to Newport News, VA. in the afternoon, he met with USA Freedom
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Corps volunteer Tom Bailey, Jr.
Bush returned to Washington, DC. Later in the afternoon, the President trav
eled to Chicago, IL.
October 9
In the evening, the President returned to
In the morning, the President had separate Washington, DC.
telephone conversations with President Hu The President announced that he has
Jintao of China, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe named David Broome as Special Assistant to
of Japan, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, the President for Legislative Affairs.
and President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea The President announced that he has
to discuss the situation in North Korea. named Gordon Johndroe as Special Assistant
Later, he had an intelligence briefing. to the President and National Security Coun
cil Press Secretary.
October 10 The President announced that he has
In the morning, the President had an intel named Richard Klingler as Senior Associate
ligence briefing. Counsel to the President and National Secu
In the afternoon, the President traveled to rity Council Legal Advisor and General
Chevy Chase, MD. Later, he traveled to Counsel.
Robins Air Force Base, GA, where, upon ar The President announced that he has
rival, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol named Bobby Pittman, Jr., as Special Assist
unteer Melissa Rosa. He then traveled to ant to the President for African Affairs of the
Macon, GA. National Security Council.
In the evening, the President returned to October 13
Washington, DC.
October 11
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, on the South Portico,
In the morning, the President had an intel he º in a photo opportunity with
ligence briefing. World War II veterans of the U.S. Air Forces'
In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the 57th Bomb Wing.
President met with Deputy Secretary of Vet In the afternoon, at the historic Evermay
erans Affairs Gordon H. Mansfield, and Gary house, the President attended a Republican
1820 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
National Committee luncheon. Later, in the Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
Oval Office, he participated in a photo op that on October 10 the President signed H.R.
portunity with members of the U.S. Air 5664 and H.R. 6159
Force Thunderbirds. He then traveled to
Camp David, MD. Fact sheet: Economic Strength and Spending
The White House announced that the Restraint Drive Down Budget Deficit
President and Mrs. Bush will welcome King
Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden Released October 12
to the White House on October 23.
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Secretary Dana Perino, Chairman of the
White House Council on Environmental

Quality James Connaughton, and Deputy
National Security Adviser Jack D. Crouch II
Submitted to the Senate
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that on October 11 the President signed H.R.
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the 318, H.R. 326, H.R. 1728, H.R. 2720, H.R.
Senate during the period covered by this issue. 3443, H.R. 5539, H.R. 6106, S. 213, S. 2146,
and S. 2430

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing

that the President signed H.R. 4109, H.R.
4674, H.R.5224, H.R. 5504, H.R. 5546, H.R.
of White House Press Releases 5606, H.R. 5929, H.R. 6033, H.R. 6051, and
H.R. 6075

The following list contains releases of the Office Released October 13

of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements. Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow

Released October 8 Statement by the Press Secretary: The Presi

dent and Mrs. Bush To Welcome the King
Statement by the Press Secretary on the and Queen of Sweden to the White House
death of Russian journalist Anna
Politkovoskaya Statement by the Press Secretary: Appoint
ment of the New Secretary-General of
Released October 10 the United Nations Foreign Minister Ban
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that the President signed H.R. 315, H.R. 562,
Fact sheet: Conference on School Safety H.R. 1463, H.R. 1556, H.R. 2322, H.R. 4768,
Excerpts of the President's remarks at a re H.R. 4805, H.R. 5026, H.R. 5428, H.R. 5434,
ception for congressional candidate Mac Col S. 2856, S. 3661, and S. 3728
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
Released October 11 that the President signed H.R. 3127
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by Fact sheet: The President's Management
President Leonel Fernandez Reyna of the Agenda: Making Government More Effec
Dominican Republic tive
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1821

Acts Approved Croix, Virgin Islands, as a unit of the National

by the President Park System, and for other purposes
H.R. 326 / Public Law 109–318
Approved October 6 ° To amend the Yuma Crossing National Her
H.R. 3858 / Public Law 109–308
itage Area Act of 2000 to adjust the boundary
of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage
Pets Evacuation and Transportation Stand Area, and for other purposes
ards Act of 2006
H.R. 1728 / Public Law 109–319
H.R. 484.1 / Public Law 109–309
Ste. Genevieve County National Historic Site
To amend the Ojito Wilderness Act to make Study Act of 2005
a technical correction
H.R. 2720 / Public Law 109–320
S. 3187 / Public Law 109–310
Salt Cedar and Russian Olive Control Dem
To designate the Post Office located at 5755 onstration Act
Post Road, East Greenwich, Rhode Island,
as the “Richard L. Cevoli Post Office” H.R. 3443 / Public Law 109–321

S. 3613 / Public Law 109–311 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to con
vey certain water distribution facilities to the
To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 2951 New York Northern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis
Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as
the “Major George Quamo Post Office H.R. 5539 / Public Law 109–322
Building” North American Wetlands Conservation Re
authorization Act of 2006
H.R. 683 / Public Law 109–312
Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006 H.R. 6106 / Public Law 109–323
H.R. 2066 / Public Law 109—313 To extend the waiver authority for the Sec
General Services Administration Moderniza retary of Education under title IV, section
tion Act 105, of Public Law 109–148
S. 213 / Public Law 109–324
H.R. 2107 / Public Law 109–314
National Law Enforcement Officers Memo Rio Arriba County Land Conveyance Act
rial Maintenance Fund Act of 2005 S. 2146 / Public Law 109–325

Approved October 10 To extend relocation expenses test programs

for Federal employees
H.R. 5664 / Public Law 109–315
S. 2430 / Public Law 109–326
To designate the facility of the United States
Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration
Postal Service located at 110 Cooper Street
Act of 2006
in Babylon, New York, as the “Jacob Samuel
Fletcher Post Office Building” Approved October 12
H.R. 6159 / Public Law 109–316
H.R. 4109 / Public Law 109–327
To extend temporarily certain authorities of To designate the facility of the United States
the Small Business Administration
Postal Service located at 6101 Liberty Road
Approved October 11 in Baltimore, Maryland, as the “United
States Representative Parren J. Mitchell Post
H.R. 318 / Public Law 109–317 Office”
To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to
study the suitability and feasibility of desig H.R. 4674 / Public Law 109–328
nating Castle Nugent Farms located on St. To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 110 North Chestnut
* These Public Laws were not received in time Street in Olathe, Kansas, as the “Governor
for publication in the appropriate issue. John Anderson, Jr. Post Office Building”
1822 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
H.R.5224 / Public Law 109–329 nue in East St. Louis, Illinois, as the “Kath
To designate the facility of the United States erine Dunham Post Office Building"
Postal Service located at 350 Uinta Drive in
Green River, Wyoming, as the “Curt Gowdy H.R. 6033 / Public Law 109–334
Post Office Building” To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 39–25 61st Street
H.R. 5504 / Public Law 109–330
in Woodside, New York, as the “Thomas J.
To designate the facility of the United States Manton Post Office Building”
Postal Service located at 6029 Broadmoor
Street in Mission, Kansas, as the “Larry H.R. 6051 / Public Law 109–335
Winn, Jr. Post Office Building” To designate the Federal building and
United States courthouse located at 2 South
H.R. 5546 / Public Law 109–331
To designate the United States courthouse Main Street in Akron, Ohio, as the “John F.
to be constructed in Greenville, South Caro Seiberling Federal Building and United
States Courthouse”
lina, as the “Carroll A. Campbell, Jr. United
States Courthouse”
H.R. 6075 / Public Law 109–336
H.R. 5606 / Public Law 109–332 To designate the facility of the United States
To designate the Federal building and Postal Service located at 101 East Gay Street
United States courthouse located at 221 and in West Chester, Pennsylvania, as the “Rob
211 West Ferguson Street in Tyler, Texas, ert J. Thompson Post Office Building”
as the “William M. Steger Federal Building S. 56 / Public Law 109–337
and United States Courthouse”
Rio Grande Natural Area Act
H.R. 5929 / Public Law 109–333
To designate the facility of the United States S. 203 / Public Law 109–338
Postal Service located at 950 Missouri Ave National Heritage Areas Act of 2006
•! ! !! … :º) … •• •
* * * * * * * **
*** ^);', '', --★ → * * * ** ****

Joint Statements Statements by the President

United States of America and the Republic of Death of John J. “Buck" O'Neil–1767
Peru—1769 USS Cole, sixth anniversary of terrorist
Meetings With Foreign Leaders
Peru, President Garcia Perez—1768 Supplementary Materials
Proclamations Acts approved by the President—1821
General Pulaski Memorial Day–1799 Checklist of White House press releases—
National Energy Awareness Month—1813 1820

To Modify Rules of Origin Under the North Digest of other White House
American Free Trade Agreement—1800 announcements—1819
White Cane Safety Day—1814 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1820


** **
- **
* **

* *****


Ae 2.101; 42/42 FED-DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, October 23, 2006

Volume 42—Number 42
Pages 1823–1865


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Addresses and Remarks Bill Signings

See also Bill Signings; Meetings With Foreign John Warner National Defense Authorization
Leaders Act for Fiscal Year 2007, statement—1836
CVS Pharmacy, remarks to reporters—1856 Military Commissions Act of 2006, remarks—
Iftaar dinner—1830 1831
Medicare reform—1856
Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage
National Republican Senatorial Committee Wilderness Act, statement—1836
North Carolina
Communications to Congress
Tour of Victory Junction Gang Camp, Inc., Colombia, letter on continuation of national
in Randleman—1843
Waldo C. Falkener Elementary School in emergency with respect to significant
Greensboro—1837 narcotics traffickers—1855
North Korea, U.N. Security Council Sudan, blocking property of and prohibiting
Resolution—1830 transactions with Government, letter—1826
Pennsylvania, reception for congressional
candidate Don Sherwood and the Communications to Federal Agencies
Pennsylvania Victory Committee in La Provision of U.S. Drug Interdiction Assistance
Plume—1844 to the Government of Brazil,
Radio address—1827 memorandum—1830
Transportation Department, swearing-in
ceremony for Secretary Peters—1833 Executive Orders
Reception for senatorial candidate George Blocking Property of and Prohibiting
º Allen in Richmond—1850 Transactions With the Government of
º Sudan—1824
U.S. Air Force Memorial dedication in
U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan, meeting Meetings With Foreign Leaders
with organizations that support—1862 Croatia, Prime Minister Sanader–1835

(Continued on the inside back cover.)

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1 CFR Part 10). *
Week Ending Friday, October 20, 2006
Proclamation 8070—National acter Counts Week. I call upon public offi
Character Counts Week, 2006 cials, educators, librarians, parents, students,
and all Americans to observe this week with
October 13, 2006
appropriate ceremonies, activities, and pro
By the President of the United States grams.
of America In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this thirteenth day of October, in
A Proclamation
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
America's strength is found in the spirit of the Independence of the United States of
and character of our people. During National America the two hundred and thirty-first.
Character Counts Week, we renew our com George W. Bush
mitment to instilling values in our young peo
ple and to encouraging all Americans to re [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
member the importance of good character. 8:45 a.m., October 17, 2006]
As the primary teachers and examples of NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
character, parents help create a more com Federal Register on October 18. This item was
passionate and decent society. And as indi not received in time for publication in the appro
viduals, we all have an obligation to help our priate issue.
children become lº citizens and re
alize their full potential. By demonstrating
values such as integrity, courage, honesty, Proclamation 8071—National Forest
and patriotism, all Americans can help our Products Week, 2006
children develop strength and character. October 13, 2006
Countless individuals throughout our
country demonstrate character by volun By the President of the United States
teering their time and energy to help neigh of America
bors in need. The men and women of our
Armed Forces set an example of character A Proclamation
by bravely putting the security of our Nation During National Forest Products Week,
before their own lives. We also see character we take time to appreciate the natural splen
in the family members, teachers, coaches, dor of our country's forests and acknowledge
and other dedicated individuals whose hearts the importance of these woodlands to our
are invested in the future of our children. economic and environmental vitality. It is
Our changing world requires virtues that also an opportunity to renew our commit
sustain our democracy, make self-govern ment to conserving our natural resources and
ment possible, and help build a more hopeful to using them responsibly.
future. National Character Counts Week is Our forests are important to our economic
an opportunity to recognize the depth of well-being, supplying products that drive our
America's character and appreciate those economy and create jobs and opportunities.
who pass on our values to future generations. America's forests are also an important
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, part of our Nation's natural beauty, and we
President of the United States of America, must continue to conserve and use these re
by virtue of the authority vested in me by sources in a manner that preserves them for
the Constitution and laws of the United future generations. My Administration is
States, do hereby proclaim October 15 committed to protecting our forests and
through October 21, 2006, as National Char woodlands against fire damage. Through the
1824 Oct. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Healthy Forests Initiative, we have reduced I, George W. Bush, President of the
the danger of fires by removing hazardous United States of America, find that, due to
fuels from millions of acres of Federal land, the continuation of the threat to the national
making communities safer from catastrophic security and foreign policy of the United
fire and improving wildlife habitat. States created by certain policies and actions
Recognizing the “importance and heritage of the Government of Sudan that violate
of our vast forest resources which are insepa human rights, in particular with respect to
rably tied to our present and our future,” the the conflict in Darfur, where the Govern
Congress, by Public Law 86–753 (36 U.S.C. ment of Sudan exercises administrative and
123), as amended, has designated the week legal authority and pervasive practical influ
beginning on the third Sunday in October ence, and due to the threat to the national
of each year as “National Forest Products security and foreign policy of the United
Week” and has requested the President to States posed by the pervasive role played by
issue a proclamation in observance of this
week. the Government of Sudan in the petroleum
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, and petrochemical industries in Sudan, it is
in the interests of the United States to take
President of the United States of America,
do hereby proclaim October 15 through Oc additional steps with respect to the national
tober 21, 2006, as National Forest Products emergency declared in Executive Order
Week. I call upon all Americans to observe 13067 of November 3, 1997. Accordingly, I
this week with appropriate ceremonies and hereby order:
activities. Section 1. Except to the extent provided
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set in section 203(b) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C.
my hand this thirteenth day of October, in 1702(b)) or in regulations, orders, directives,
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and or licenses that may be issued pursuant to
of the Independence of the United States of this order, all property and interests in prop
America the two hundred and thirty-first. erty of the Government of Sudan that are
George W. Bush in the United States, that hereafter come
within the United States, or that are or here
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, after come within the possession or control
8:45 a.m., October 17, 2006] of United States persons, including their
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the overseas branches, are blocked and may not
Federal Register on October 18. This item was be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or
not received in time for publication in the appro otherwise dealt in.
priate issue. Sec. 2. Except to the extent provided in
section 203(b) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1702(b))
Executive Order 13412—Blocking or in regulations, orders, directives, or li
censes that may be issued pursuant to this
Property of and Prohibiting order, and notwithstanding any contract en
Transactions With the Government
of Sudan tered into or any license or permit granted
prior to the effective date of this order, all
October 13, 2006 transactions by United States persons relat
By the authority vested in me as President ing to the petroleum or petrochemical indus
by the Constitution and the laws of the tries in Sudan, including, but not limited to,
United States of America, including the oilfield services and oil or gas pipelines, are
International Emergency Economic Powers prohibited.
Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.)(IEEPA), the Na Sec. 3. (a) Any transaction by a United
tional Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et States person or within the United States that
seq.)(NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United evades or avoids, has the purpose of evading
States Code, and taking appropriate account or avoiding, or attempts to violate any of the
of the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act prohibitions set forth in this order is prohib
of 2006 (the “Act”), ited.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 13 1825

(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any (a) the term “person” means an individual
of the prohibitions set forth in this order is or entity;
prohibited. (b) the term “entity” means a partnership,
Sec. 4. (a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this association, trust, joint venture, corporation,
section, restrictions imposed by this order group, subgroup, or other organization;
shall be in addition to, and do not derogate (c) the term “United States person” means
from, restrictions imposed in and under Ex any United States citizen, permanent resi
ecutive Order 13067.
dent alien, entity organized under the laws
(b)(i) None of the prohibitions in section of the United States or any jurisdiction within
2 of Executive Order 13067 shall apply to the United States (including foreign
activities or related transactions with respect branches), or any person in the United
to Southern Sudan, Southern Kordofan/ States; and
Nuba Mountains State, Blue Nile State,
(d) the term “Government of Sudan” in
Abyei, Darfur, or marginalized areas in and cludes the Government of Sudan, its agen
around Khartoum, provided that the activi cies, instrumentalities, and controlled enti
ties or transactions do not involve any prop ties, and the Central Bank of Sudan, but does
erty or interests in property of the Govern not include the regional government of
ment of Sudan.
Southern Sudan.
(ii) The Secretary of State, after consulta
tion with the Secretary of the Treasury, may Sec. 7. For those persons whose property
define the term “Southern Sudan, Southern and interests in property are blocked pursu
Kordofan/Nuba Mountains State, Blue Nile ant to section 1 of this order who might have
State, Abyei, Darfur, or marginalized areas a constitutional presence in the United
in and around Khartoum” for the purposes States, I find that, because of the ability to
of this order. transfer funds or other assets instanta

(c) The function of the President under neously, prior notice to such persons of
subsection 6(c)(1) of the Comprehensive measures to be taken pursuant to this order
would render these measures ineffectual. I
Peace in Sudan Act of 2004 (Public Law 108–
therefore determine that for these measures
497), as amended by section 5(a)(3) of the
to be effective in addressing the national
Act, is assigned to the Secretary of the Treas
ury as appropriate in the performance of emergency declared in Executive Order
such function. 13067 there need be no prior notice of a de
(d) The functions of the President under termination made pursuant to section 1 of
subsection 6(c)(2) and the last sentence of this order.

6(d) of the Comprehensive Peace in Sudan Sec. 8. The Secretary of the Treasury,
Act of 2004 (Public Law 108–497), as amend after consultation with the Secretary of State,
ed by subsections 5(a)(3) and (b), respec is hereby authorized to take such actions, in
tively, of the Act, are assigned to the Sec cluding the promulgation of rules and regula
retary of State, except that the function of tions, and to employ all powers granted to
denial of entry is assigned to the Secretary the President by IEEPA as may be necessary
of Homeland Security. to carry out the purposes of this order. The
(e) The functions of the President under Secretary of the Treasury may redelegate any
sections 7 and 8 of the Act are assigned to of these functions to other officers and agen
the Secretary of State. cies of the United States Government, con
Sec. 5. Nothing in this order shall prohibit: sistent with applicable law. All executive
(a) transactions for the conduct of the offi agencies of the United States Government
cial business of the Federal Government or are hereby directed to take all appropriate
the United Nations by employees thereof; or measures within their authority to carry out
(b) transactions in Sudan for journalistic the provisions of this order and, where ap
activity by persons regularly employed in propriate, to advise the Secretary of the
such capacity by a news-gathering organiza Treasury in a timely manner of the measures
tion. taken. The Secretary of the Treasury shall
Sec. 6. For the purposes of this order: ensure compliance with those provisions of
1826 Oct. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
section 401 of the NEA (50 U.S.C. 1641) ap of Executive Order 13067 certain areas in
plicable to the Department of the Treasury Sudan, including Southern Sudan, Southern
in relation to this order. Kordofan/Nuba Mountains State, Blue Nile
Sec. 9. This order is not intended to, and State, Abyei, Darfur, and marginalized areas
does not, create any right, benefit, or privi in and around Khartoum.
lege, substantive or procedural, enforceable Pursuant to IEEPA and the NEA, I deter
at law or in equity by any party against the mined that the Government of Sudan con
United States, its departments, agencies, in tinues to implement policies and actions that
strumentalities, or entities, its officers or em violate human rights, in particular with re
ployees, or any other person. spect to the conflict in Darfur, where the
Sec. 10. This order shall take effect upon Government of Sudan exercises administra
the enactment of the Darfur Peace and Ac tive and legal authority and pervasive prac
countability Act of 2006. tical influence, and that the Government of
George W. Bush Sudan has a pervasive role in the petroleum
and petrochemical industries in Sudan. In
The White House, light of these determinations, and in order
October 13, 2006. to reconcile sections 7 and 8 of the DPAA,
I issued this order to continue the country
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, wide blocking of the Government of Sudan's
11:27 a.m., October 16, 2006]
property and to prohibit transactions relating
" to the petroleum and petrochemical indus
•: .-
NOTE: This Executive order was published in the
tries in Sudan.
Federal Register on October 17. This item was
not received in time for publication in the appro The order blocks the property and inter
priate issue. ests in property of the Government of Sudan
that are in the United States, that hereafter
come within the United States, or that are
Letter to Congressional Leaders on or hereafter come within the possession or
Blocking Property of and Prohibiting control of United States persons, including
Transactions With the Government their overseas branches. The order also pro
: of Sudan hibits all transactions by United States per
October 13, 2006 sons relating to the petroleum or petro
chemical industries in Sudan, including, but
Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:) not limited to, oilfield services and oil or gas
Consistent with subsection 204(b) of the pipelines.
International Emergency Economic Powers The order specifies that Executive Order
Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(b)(IEEPA), and section13067 remains in force, but that the prohibi
301 of the National Emergencies Act, 50 tions in section 2 of that order shall not apply
U.S.C. 1631 (NEA), I hereby report that I to activities and transactions with respect to
have issued an Executive Order (the “order”) Southern Sudan, Southern Kordofan/Nuba
to take additional steps with respect to the Mountains State, Blue Nile State, Abyei,
national emergency declared in Executive Darfur, or marginalized areas in and around
Order 13067 of November 3, 1997. Khartoum, provided that the activities or
On October 13, 2006, I signed into law transactions do not involve any property or
the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of interests in property of the Government of
2006 (DPAA), which, among other things, Sudan.
calls for support of the regional government Sincerely,
of Southern Sudan, assistance with the peace George W. Bush
efforts in the Darfur region of Sudan, and
provision of economic assistance in specified NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis
areas of Sudan. Section 7 of the DPAA main
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
tains the sanctions currently imposed on the and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate.
Government of Sudan. However, section 8(e) This item was not received in time for publication
of the DPAA exempts from the prohibitions in the appropriate issue.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 14 1827

The President’s Radio Address United States, as well as economic coopera

October 14, 2006 tion in energy, trade, and investment. And
the United States affirmed that we have no
Good morning. Earlier this week, the Gov nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula
ernment of North Korea proclaimed to the and no intention to attack or invade North
world that it had conducted a successful nu Korea.
clear weapons test. In response to North Ko Unfortunately, North Korea failed to act
rea's provocative actions, America is working on its commitment. And with its actions this
with our partners in the region and in the week, the North Korean regime has once
United Nations Security Council to ensure again broken its word, provoked an inter
that there are serious repercussions for the national crisis, and denied its people the op
North Korean regime. portunity for a better life. We are workin
North Korea has been pursuing nuclear for a resolution to this crisis. Nations .
weapons and defying its international com the world, including our partners in the six
mitments for years. In 1993, North Korea an party talks, agree on the need for a strong
nounced that it was withdrawing from the United Nations Security Council resolution
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. The that will require North Korea to dismantle
United States negotiated with North Korea its nuclear programs. This resolution should
and reached a bilateral agreement in 1994. also specify measures to prevent North Korea
North Korea committed to giving up its pur from importing or exporting nuclear or mis
suit of nuclear weapons in exchange for help sile technologies. And it should prevent fi
with peaceful nuclear power. nancial transactions or asset transfers that
After I came to office, we discovered that would help North Korea develop its nuclear
North Korea had been violating this agree or missile capabilities.
ment for some time by continuing work on By passing such a resolution, we will send
a covert nuclear weapons program. My ad a clear message to the North Korean regime
ministration confronted the North Korea re that its actions will not be tolerated. And we
gime with this evidence in 2002, and the will give the nations with the closest ties to
North Koreans subsequently walked away North Korea–China and South Korea—a
from the 1994 agreement. framework to use their leverage to pressure
So my administration decided to take a Pyongyang and persuade its regime to
new approach. We brought together other change course.
nations in the region in an effort to resolve As we pursue a diplomatic solution, we are
the situation through multilateral diplomacy. also reassuring our allies in the region that
The logic behind this approach is clear: America remains committed to their security.
North Korea's neighbors º. the most at We have strong defense alliances with Japan
stake, and they are North Korea's principal and South Korea, and the United States will
sources of food, energy, and trade, so it meet these commitments. And in response
makes sense to enlist them in the effort to to North Korea's provocation, we will seek
get the North Korean regime to end its nu to increase our defense cooperation with our
clear program. allies, including cooperation on ballistic mis
This diplomatic effort was called the six sile defense to protect against North Korean
party talks, and these talks included North aggression and cooperation to prevent North
and South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, and Korea from importing or exporting nuclear
the United States. In September of last year, or missile technologies.
these diplomatic efforts resulted in a wide Our goals remain clear: peace and security
ranging joint statement that offered a resolu in Northeast Asia and a nuclear-free Korean
tion to the problem and a better life for the Peninsula. We will do what is necessary to
North Korean people. In this joint statement, achieve these goals. We will support our al
North Korea committed to abandoning all lies in the region; we will work with the
nuclear weapons and existing nuclear pro United Nations; and together we will ensure
grams. North Korea was offered the prospect that North Korea faces real consequences if
of normalized relations with Japan and the it continues down its current path.
1828 Oct. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Thank you for listening. the vast and open skies and focuses our mind
NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on
on the endless possibilities of human flight.
October 13 in the Cabinet Room at the White Having flown an F-102, I know the exhila
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on October 14. ration of flight, and as a son of an aviator
The transcript was made available by the Office who was shot down in combat, I am keenly
of the Press Secretary on October 13 but was em aware of its dangers. I have spent a lot of
bargoed for release until the broadcast. The Office time with the aviators, and one thing about
of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan them that has always struck me, aviators, by
guage transcript of this address. their nature, are optimistic people. It takes
an optimist to climb into a steel tube, race
to the sky at 1,500 miles an hour heading
Remarks at the United States Air
toward danger, and expect to return home
Force Memorial Dedication in safely. Yet this is precisely what the men and
Arlington, Virginia women of the Air Force do for our country
October 14, 2006 every day.
America is grateful for your service, and
Thank you all. Thank you very much. Mr. I'm proud to i. the Commander in Chief
Secretary, thank you for your kind words. of such fine men and women.
Secretary Nicholson, General Hayden, Gen Today, it's hard to imagine a world without
eral Pace, Secretary Wynne, General the Air Force protecting us in the skies
Moseley, Chief Master Sergeant McKinley, above. Yet by the standards of history, air
Ross Perot, Jr., Major General Grillo, mem power is still a relatively new phenomenon.
bers of the Armed Forces, military veterans, Men have been fighting on land and sea for
and distinguished guests: Laura and I are thousands of years, but there are still Ameri
honored to join you on this historic day. cans alive today who were born before man
With today's ceremony, the United States had ever flown. Over the past century,
Air Force begins a year-long celebration of manned flight has gone from the dream of
its 60th birthday. As someone who recently two brothers working in an Ohio bicycle shop
crossed that milestone—[laughter]—it's not to an indispensable tool in our Nation's arse
all that bad. [Laughter] I can think of no bet nal.
ter way to begin the celebrations than by We saw the importance of air power 6 days
dedicating this magnificent monument. So, ago—six decades ago, after our Nation was
General Grillo, here in the company of the attacked at Pearl Harbor. Soon after the at
brave men and women of the United States tack, General Hap Arnold called Lieutenant
Air Force, I proudly accept the Air Force Colonel Jimmy Doolittle into his office and
Memorial on behalf of the American people. gave him an unprecedented mission—retali
A soldier can walk the battlefields where ate against Tokyo. Just over 4 months later,
he once fought; a marine can walk the beach Doolittle's raiders had shocked the world by
es he once stormed; but an airman can never striking the enemy capital some 4,000 miles
visit the patch of sky he raced across on a away from Pearl Harbor. To do it, they had
mission to defend freedom. And so it's fitting to load B-52 bombers on the deck of an air
that, from this day forward, the men and craft carrier, sail within a few hundred miles
women of the Air Force will have this memo of enemy territory, take off and drop their
rial, a place here on the ground that recog payloads, knowing they had little chance to
nizes their achievements and sacrifices in the make it safely to China.
skies above. But the Doolittle raid sent a clear message
Building this memorial took a lot of talent to America's enemies: If you attack this coun
and creativity and determination. Like the try and you harm our people, there is no cor
aircraft whose flight it represents, this memo ner of the Earth remote enough to protect
rial is a incredible feat of engineering. Like you from the reach of the aviators who wear
the country whose freedom it represents, this our Nation's uniform.
memorial is hopeful and optimistic. By its de Five years ago, our enemies learned this
sign, this monument raises our eyes toward lesson anew after the attacks of September
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 14 1829

the 11th, 2001. Within weeks of the attack, they are bringing us victory in the war on
pilots at Whiteman Air Force Base in Mis terror.
souri boarded B-2 stealth bombers, flew And the stakes in this war could not be
halfway across the world, refueling in mid higher. Terrorists and extremists are fighting
air, took out the Taliban and Al Qaida targets to overthrow moderate governments across
in Afghanistan, dropped into Diego Garcia the broader Middle East so they can take
for engine-running crew changes, and then control of countries and use them as bases
made the journey home. Jimmy Doolittle from which to attack America. If we do not
would have been proud. defeat these enemies now, we will leave our
Together with Navy and Marine aircrew, children to face a Middle East overrun by
submariners, Special Ops forces from every terrorist states and radical dictators armed
service, and a vast coalition of nations, the with nuclear weapons. We are in a war that
United States Air Force helped deliver jus will set the course for this new century and
tice to a regime nearly 7,000 miles away from determine the destiny of millions across the
the World Trade Center and helped put the world. Defeating the terrorists and extremists
terrorists on the run. Five years have passed is the challenge of our time and the calling
since the opening salvos in the war on terror, of this generation.
and every day in this war, we depend on the And like generations that came before, we
skill and determination of the men and will answer history's call with confidence. We
women of the United States Air Force. In will confront the threats to our way of life;
this war, battlefield airmen on the ground we will fight for our liberty without wavering;
scout out enemy positions, locate targets for and we will prevail.
aviators circling above, and use advanced Victory in this war depends on the one
laser guidance systems to steer bombs, allow thing that has not changed since the founding
ing us to strike the terrorists and spare inno of the Air Force six decades ago—the cour
cent civilians. age of the men and women who wear the
In this war, Air Force aviators in Nevada Air Force blue. We see that courage in the
step into a camouflage trailer on their base, men and women of the Air Force who return
sit down in front of computer consoles, and from battle with wounds they will carry with
fly Predator unmanned aerial vehicles half them for the rest of their lives. We see that
a world away over the skies of Iraq, using courage in the airmen who left our shores
them to find and remove terrorist nests in to defend freedom and did not live to make
remote corners of the world. the journey home. They gave their lives so
In this world—in this war, our airmen op that their fellow Americans could enjoy a
erate advanced space satellites circling the bright horizon of freedom and peace. We
Earth. They beam down real-time images of mourn every loss. We pray for their families.
terrorist positions to our troops on the And here at this memorial, we consecrate
ground so they can strike the enemy before their memory for the ages.
the enemy can strike our country. In this war, This memorial lies in sight of Arlington
Air Force C-130 crews deliver supplies to National Cemetery, where so many of those
our troops on the frontlines; Air Force teams fallen airmen are buried. This memorial also
disarm and remove roadside bombs; Air lies in sight of the Pentagon, where our Na
Force maintenance squadrons keep our tion came under attack. It is a fitting location.
planes in the air; Air Force A-10 Thunder Under these magnificent spires, we pay trib
bolts provide close air support for troops in ute to the men and women of the Air Force
contact with the enemy. And Air Force who stand ready to give all for their country.
search and rescue teams evacuate soldiers And looking from this promontory to a place
and sailors, airmen, and marines injured in once filled with smoke and flames, we re
the war on terror. member why we need them.
Whether they are serving on the frontlines Every man and woman who has worn the
or bases overseas or here in the homefront, Air Force uniform is part of a great history.
the men and women of the United States From the Berlin Airlift to the Korean war
Air Force bring honor to the uniform, and to Vietnam to the Gulf war to Kosovo and
1830 Oct. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
today's war on terror, a long blue line of he Memorandum on the Provision of
roes has defended freedom in the skies
United States Drug Interdiction
above. To all who have climbed sunward and Assistance to the Government of
chased the shouting wind, America stops to Brazil
say: Your service and sacrifice will be remem October 16, 2006
bered forever and honored in this place by
the citizens of a free and grateful nation. Presidential Determination No. 2007–03

May God bless you all.

Memorandum for the Secretary of State and
the Secretary of Defense
NoTE: The President spoke at 2:48 p.m. In his
remarks, he referred to Secretary of Defense Subject: Provision of U.S. Drug Interdiction
Assistance to the Government of Brazil
Donald H. Rumsfeld, who introduced him; Chief
Master Sergeant of the Air Force Rodney J. Pursuant to the authority vested in me by
McKinley; and H. Ross Perot, Jr., chairman of section 1012 of the National Defense Au
the board, and Maj. Gen. Edward F. Grillo, Jr., thorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995, as
USAF (Ret.), president, Air Force Memorial amended (22 U.S.C. 2291–4), I hereby cer
tify, with respect to Brazil, that (1) interdic
tion of aircraft reasonably suspected to be
Remarks on the United Nations
primarily engaged in illicit drug trafficking
in that country's airspace is necessary be
Security Council Resolution on cause of the extraordinary threat posed by
North Korea º
illicit drug trafficking to the
October 14, 2006 of that country; and (2) that country has ap
propriate procedures in º to protect
Today the United Nations Security Coun against innocent loss of life in the air and
cil passed a unanimous resolution, sending on the ground in connection with such inter
diction, which shall at a minimum include
a clear message to the leader of North Korea
regarding his weapons programs. This action effective means to identify and warn an air
craft before the use of force is directed
by the United Nations, which was swift and
tough, says that we are united in our deter against the aircraft.
mination to see to it that the Korean Penin The Secretary of State is authorized and
directed to publish this determination in the
sula is nuclear-weapons free. Federal Register and to notify the Congress
I have said all along there is a better way of this determination.
forward for North Korea. There's a better
George W. Bush
way forward for the people of North Korea.
If the leader of North Korea were to
verifiably end his weapons programs, the Remarks at the Iftaar Dinner
United States and other nations would be October 16, 2006
willing to help the nation recover economi
cally. Please be seated. Good evening, and
Ramadan Karim. Welcome to the White
The message today, however, says to the
leader of North Korea that the world is House. Laura and I are really glad you're
united in our opposition to his nuclear weap here. This is the sixth year that we have been
ons plans. pleased to host an Iftaar at the White House.
Thank you. We're honored to be with you, and once
again, we're honored to pay tribute to the
month of Ramadan.
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:30 p.m. on the Islam is a religion that brings hope and
South Grounds at the White House. In his re
marks, he referred to Chairman Kim Jong Il of
comfort to more . a billion people around
the world. It has transcended racial and eth
North Korea. He also referred to U.N. Security nic divisions. It has given birth to a rich cul
Council Resolution 1718.
ture of learning and literature and science.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 17 1831

And tonight we honor the traditions of a tains of Kashmir, where he helped treat the
great faith by hosting the Iftaar here at the victims of last year's devastating South Asian
White House. earthquake. Farooq's courage and compas
I'm so pleased our Secretary of State, sion represent the best of the American spir
Condi Rice, has joined us. Thank you, it.
Madam Secretary. I'm pleased that Dr. Elias Paramedic Muhammad is a proud Muslim;
Zerhouni, who is the Director of the NIH, he is a patriotic American. And those are
is with us. Good to see you, Elias. I thank characteristics he shares with the other spe
Imam Eid from the Islamic Institute of Bos
cial American guests gathered in this room.
ton, who's with us. I welcome all the ambas All of you bring credit to your faith. You
sadors and other members of the diplomatic make America a better and stronger country,
corps. and we're honored by your presence tonight.
Ramadan is the holiest month in the Mus
lim calendar. For Muslims in America and
The United States also appreciates the
many Muslim nations who stand with us in
around the world, Ramadan is a special time the war on terror—some of whom are rep
of prayer and fasting, contemplation of God's resented here tonight. You know that the ma
greatness, and charity and service to those jority of the victims of the terrorists have
in need. And for people of all faiths, it is been innocent Muslims, and many of you
a good time to reflect on the values we hold have seen terrorist violence in your own cities
in common, including love of family, grati and your streets. We welcome you here. We
tude to God, the importance of community, are proud to work with you to defeat the ter
and a commitment to tolerance and religious rorists and extremists and help bring a bright
er future to millions of Muslim people
America is a land of many faiths, and we throughout the world who yearn for modera
welcome and honor the Muslim faith in our
tion and peace.
Nation. Our society is enriched by our Mus
lim citizens. Your commitment to your faith On this special evening, we celebrate the
reminds us all of the precious gift of religious millions of Muslims that we are proud to call
freedom in our country. America is a more American citizens. We honor the many Is
hopeful nation because of the talents and lamic nations that America is proud to call
generosity and compassion of our Muslim friends. And we renew the ties of friendship
that should bind all who trace their faith back
to God's call on Abraham.
Tonight we have with us a group of special
guests—American Muslims who are serving Laura and I are grateful that you're here.
our country. We have with us New York City Once again, I wish you a blessed Ramadan.
police officers and a EMT worker who risked And now Imam Eid will say the blessing.
their lives to save their fellow citizens on
9/11, a military doctor, and a member of the NOTE: The President spoke at 6:52 p.m. in the
Navy's Chaplain Corps, members of our For State Dining Room at the White House. In his
eign Service, and military veterans who have remarks, he referred to Imam Talal Y. Eid, found
served in Afghanistan and Iraq to protect our er and director of religious affairs, Islamic Insti
tute of Boston.
country and help those nations build free and
democratic futures.
One of our guests is Farooq Muhammad.
Farooq is the son of Pakistani immigrants Remarks on Signing the Military
Commissions Act of 2006
and was born and raised in Brooklyn. He
spent the past decade with the New York October 17, 2006
City Fire Department, first as an emergency
medical technician and now as a paramedic. Please be seated. Welcome to the White
Farooq was at the World Trade Center on House on an historic day. It is a rare occasion
9/11, treating victims when the towers col when a President can sign a bill he knows
lapsed—he narrowly escaped death himself. will save American lives; I have that privilege
He also recently volunteered in the moun this morning. -
1832 Oct. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 is One of the terrorists believed to have
one of the most important pieces of legisla planned the 9/11 attacks said he hoped the
tion in the war on terror. This bill will allow attacks would be the beginning of the end
the Central Intelligence Agency to continue of America. He didn't get his wish. We are
its program for questioning key terrorist lead as determined today as we were on the morn
ers and operatives like Khalid Sheikh Mo ing of September the 12th, 2001. We'll meet
hammed, the man believed to be the master our obligation to protect our people, and no
mind of the September the 11th, 2001, at matter how long it takes, justice will be done.
tacks on our country. This program has been When I proposed this legislation, I ex
one of the most successful intelligence efforts plained that I would have one test for the
in American history. It has helped prevent bill Congress produced: Will it allow the CIA
attacks on our country. And the bill I sign program to continue? This bill meets that
today will ensure that we can continue using test. It allows for the clarity our intelligence
this vital tool to protect the American people professionals need to continue questioning
for years to come. The Military Commissions terrorists and saving lives. This bill provides
Act will also allow us to prosecute captured legal protections that ensure our military and
terrorists for war crimes through a full and intelligence personnel will not have to fear
fair trial. lawsuits filed by terrorists simply for doing
Last month, on the fifth anniversary of their jobs.
9/11, I stood with Americans who lost family This bill spells out specific, recognizable
members in New York and Washington and offenses that would be considered crimes in
.. Pennsylvania. I listened to their stories of the handling of detainees so that our men
loved ones they still miss. I told them Amer and women who question captured terrorists
; ica would never forget their loss. Today I can can perform their duties to the fullest extent
tell them something else. With the bill I'm of the law. And this bill complies with both
about to sign, the men our intelligence offi the spirit and the letter of our international
: cials believe orchestrated the murder of obligations. As I've said before, the United

nearly 3,000 innocent people will face justice. States does not torture. It's against our laws,
I want to thank the Vice President for join and it's against our values.
ing me today. Mr. Vice President, appreciate By allowing the CIA program to go for
: you. Secretary Don Rumsfeld, I appreciate ward, this bill is preserving a tool that has
your service to our country. I want to thank saved American lives. The CIA program
Attorney General Al Gonzales; General Mike helped us gain vital intelligence from Khalid
Hayden, Director of the Central Intelligence Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi bin al-Shibh,
Agency; General Pete Pace, Chairman of the two of the men believed to have helped plan
Joint Chiefs of Staff. and facilitate the 9/11 attacks. The CIA pro
I appreciate very much Senator John War gram helped break up a cell of 17 south
ner, chairman of the Senate Armed Services eastern Asian terrorist operatives who were
Committee, and Congressman Duncan being groomed for attacks inside the United
Hunter, chairman of the House Armed Serv States. The CIA program helped us uncover
ices Committee, for joining us today. I want key operatives in Al Qaida's biological weap
to thank both of these men for their leader ons program, including a cell developing an
ship. I appreciate Senator Lindsey Graham thrax to be used in terrorist attacks.
from South Carolina joining us; Congress The CIA program helped us identify ter
man Jim Sensenbrenner, chairman of the rorists who were sent to case targets inside
House Judiciary Committee; Congressman the United States, including financial build
Steve Buyer of Indiana; Congressman Chris ings in major cities on the east coast. And
Cannon of Utah, thank you all for coming. the CIA program helped us stop the planned
The bill I sign today helps secure this strike on U.S. marines in Djibouti, a planned
country, and it sends a clear message: This attack on the U.S. consulate in Karachi, and
Nation is patient and decent and fair, and a plot to hijack airplanes and fly them into
we will never back down from the threats Heathrow Airport and Canary Wharf in Lon
to our freedom. don.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 17 1833

Altogether, information from terrorists in who kill Americans: We will find you, and
CIA custody has played a role in the capture we will bring you to justice.
or questioning of nearly every senior Al Over the past few months, the debate over
Qaida member or associate detained by the this bill has been heated, and the questions
United States and its allies since this program raised can seem complex. Yet, with the dis
began. Put simply, this program has been one tance of history, the questions will be nar
of the most vital tools in our war against the rowed and few: Did this generation of Ameri
terrorists. It's been invaluable both to Amer cans take the threat seriously, and did we
ica and our allies. Were it not for this pro do what it takes to defeat that threat? Every
gram, our º community believes Member of Congress who voted for this bill
that Al Qaida and its allies would have suc has helped our Nation rise to the task that
ceeded in launching another attack against history has given us. Some voted to support
the American homeland. By allowing our in this bill even when the majority of their party
telligence professionals to continue this vital voted the other way. I thank the legislators
program, this bill will save American lives. who brought this bill to my desk for their
And I look forward to signing it into law. conviction, for their vision, and for their re
The bill I'm about to sign also provides solve.
a way to deliver justice to the terrorists we There is nothing we can do to bring back
have captured. In the months after 9/11, I the men and women lost on September the
authorized a system of military commissions 11th, 2001. Yet we'll always honor their
to try foreign terrorists accused of war memory, and we will never forget the way
crimes. These commissions were similar to they were taken from us. This Nation will
those used for trying enemy combatants in call evil by its name. We will answer brutal
the Revolutionary War and the Civil War and murder with patient justice. Those who kill
World War II. Yet the legality of the system the innocent will be held to account.
I established was challenged in the court, and With this bill, America reaffirms our deter
the Supreme Court ruled that the military mination to win the war on terror. The pas
commissions needed to be explicitly author sage of time will not dull our memory or sap
ized by the United States Congress. our nerve. We will fight this war with con
And so I asked Congress for that authority, fidence and with clear purpose. We will pro
and they have provided it. With the Military tect our country and our people. We will
Commission Act, the legislative and execu work with our friends and allies across the
tive branches have agreed on a system that world to defend our way of life. We will leave
meets our national security needs. These behind a freer, safer, and more peaceful
military commissions will provide a fair trial, world for those who follow us.
in which the accused are presumed innocent, And now, in memory of the victims of Sep
have access to an attorney, and can hear all tember the 11th, it is my honor to sign the
the evidence against them. These military Military Commissions Act of 2006 into law.
commissions are lawful; they are fair; and
they are necessary. NOTE: The President spoke at 9:35 a.m. in the
When I sign this bill into law, we will use East Room at the White House. S. 3930, approved
October 17, was assigned Public Law No. 109–
these commissions to bring justice to the 366. The Office of the Press Secretary also re
men believed to have planned the attacks of leased a Spanish language transcript of these re
September the 11th, 2001. We'll also seek marks.
to prosecute those believed responsible for
the attack on the USS Cole, which killed 17
American sailors 6 years ago last week. We Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony
will seek to prosecute an operative believed for Mary E. Peters as Secretary of
to have been involved in the bombings of Transportation
the American Embassies in Kenya and Tan October 17, 2006
zania, which killed more than 200 innocent
people and wounded 5,000 more. With our Thank you very much. Good afternoon.
actions, we will send a clear message to those We are here to congratulate Mary Peters on
1834 Oct. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
becoming our Nation's 15th Secretary of always thanked you for that, Norm. [Laugh
Transportation. ter]
Mary is a dedicated public servant, an ex After Hurricane Katrina, Norm and his
perienced leader, and one of our Nation's team helped quickly repair and reopen the
most innovative thinker on transportation major—area's major highways, airports, sea
issues. Mary brings more than two decades rts, and pipelines. He offered incentive
of knowledge and skill to her new post. She ased contracts and used other innovative
also brings to her position the love and sup ideas, and as a result, the Department of
port of her friends and her family. I want Transportation was to get critical infrastruc
to thank her family for being here, especially ture in place faster than usual. I want to
Mary's husband, Terry. thank you for your leadership, Norm, and I
I appreciate my Chief of Staff, Josh Bolten, want to thank you for your lifetime of service
who is here to administer the oath. Presi to our country, and I wish you all the very
dents can't administer the oath—[laugh best. And I want to remind you, Maria made
ter]—so I tapped my man, Josh. [Laughter] you look pretty good while you were in office.
I want to thank Maria Cino, who is the |Laughter]
Deputy Secretary, Acting Secretary. I thank Mary Peters is the right person to succeed
you for your service and your friendship. Norm as the Secretary of Transportation. She
I appreciate my friend Secretary Norm worked for several years with Secretary Mi
Mineta. I got some other stuff to say about neta, and she understands the fine legacy she
you here in a minute. [Laughter] I do want has to live up to. She also knows firsthand
to thank Rodney Slater for joining us, former the skills and dedication of the men and
Secretary of Transportation, as well as Jim women who work here at the Department
Burnley. Thank you both for coming. I'm of Transportation. She's going to be a fine
proud you're here, and I know Secretary Pe boss. She understands that to maintain our
ters appreciates it as well. Nation's competitiveness and to sustain our
The job of Secretary of Transportation is growing economy, we need a Secretary who
one of the most important in our Federal can see the challenges and be willing to con
Government. The American people rely on front them.
the Department of Transportation to main Mary Peters will provide strong leadership.
tain a safe, reliable, and efficient transpor She has spent a lifetime working on transpor
tation system. And the future of our growing tation issues in both the private and public
economy and changing infrastructure de sectors. Most recently, she has served as sen
pend on the decisions made by the Secretary ior executive for transportation policy at a
that will be put into action by this Depart major engineering firm. For 4 years before
ment. that, she led the Federal Highway Adminis
The Secretary of Transportation also plays tration. Before coming to Washington, she
an important role in our Nation's coordinated served in the Arizona Department of Trans
efforts to guard against terrorist threats to portation. For more than 15 years, she rose
our aircraft, seaports, and infrastructure. For through the ranks to become director in
the past 6 years, these responsibilities have 1998.
been carried out by Norm Mineta, who At both the State and Federal level, Mary
served our country with distinction, integrity, Peters has worked to improve safety and se
and dedication. Norm is our Nation's longest curity on roads and bridges. She's worked to
serving Secretary of Transportation, and he reduce traffic congestion and modernize
served at a time of great consequence for America's transportation infrastructure. As
our country. Secretary of Transportation, Mary will work
I remember after the attacks of September closely with Federal, State, and local leaders
the 11th, when Norm led the successful ef to ensure that America has a state-of-the-art
fort to bring tens of thousands of passengers transportation system so that we can meet
aboard commercial aircraft to safe landings. the needs of our growing economy.
He grounded quite a few planes, including In her new position, she will face impor
the ones my mom and dad were on. They've tant challenges. Next year she will lead the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 17 1835

Department's efforts to reauthorize our Na President Bush. We just had a very

tion's aviation programs. Our Nation is out lengthy and interesting discussion, which is
growing our aviation capacity. More people what you would expect friends to do. I con
are flying every year, and so we must mod sider the Prime Minister a friend; I consider
ernize our airports and our air traffic control. Croatia a friend as well.
We also face the challenges of reducing We talked about foreign policy issues,
congestion in our surface and maritime trans issues of peace. I thank the people of Croatia
portation systems. To accomplish these tasks, for their support in Afghanistan of the young
America needs creative thinking and innova democracy. I also believe it's in the world's
tive solutions, and I believe Mary Peters will interest that Croatia join NATO as well as
provide them. the European Union. And to that end, when
As Mary works to build a better transpor I go to Riga, I will make the case that Croatia
tation system, she will be a careful steward should be admitted. It seems like a reason
of the people's money. She brings to her new able date would be 2008.
position a reputation for fiscal discipline and We talked about bilateral relations. We
integrity. As head of the Federal Highway talked about investments, investment oppor
Administration, Mary introduced better fiscal tunities in Croatia. We talked about the need
oversight and accountability. She improved to enhance trade and commerce. The Prime
management for the largest transportation Minister has invited me to come. I've heard
projects. She worked closely with her depart unbelievably great things about your country,
ment's inspector general to eliminate waste, Mr. Prime Minister. I hear it's one of the
fraud, and abuse. She's going to carry this most beautiful places on the face of the
kind of diligence into her new job. Earth. I'd love to come sometime. I've got
She understands the importance of a mod to clear it first with my wife. [Laughter
ern infrastructure and good management. But nevertheless, all in all, it's been a very
And I'm pleased she has agreed to serve her good meeting. And I welcome you here, and
country once again. As she takes on this im thank you for coming.
portant position, she has my full trust and Prime Minister Sanader. Thank you, Mr.
my confidence. Mary, I look forward to work
President. I've been touched by the warmth
ing with you as the new Secretary of Trans of this reception during this visit and of the
portation. Congratulations. interest and understanding you have shown
It's now my honor to witness the swearing
in of Mary Peters. in Croatia and the challenges facing Europe
NoTE: The President spoke at 1:16 p.m. at the About the only question we disagreed was
Department of Transportation. In his remarks, he whether Croatia or the United States had the
referred to Terryl “Terry" Peters, Sr., husband most beautiful coastline.
of Secretary of Transportation Peters; and former President Bush. That's right. [Laughter]
Secretary of Transportation James H. Burnley IV. Prime Minister Sanader. I will let you
The transcript released by the Office of the Press
Secretary also included the remarks of Secretary and Mrs. Bush judge for yourselves when you
Peters. visit Croatia, where you certainly will be most
welcome, Mr. President.
The President and I, we discussed a range
Remarks Following Discussions With of issues of bilateral concerns, especially of
Prime Minister Ivo Sanader of the preparations of my country to join EU
Croatia and NATO. And I expressed my gratitude
October 17, 2006 to the President for his constant support for
Croatia on its way.
President Bush. It's been my honor to I also-we discussed a range of issues of
welcome the Prime Minister of Croatia here. regarding our region of southeastern Europe:
Mr. Prime Minister, welcome. final status of Kosovo; Georgia; Ukraine;
Prime Minister Sanader. Thank you very Moldova. We are very active. Croatia is not
much. forgetting that we are in the region
1836 Oct. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

where we still need a strong U.S. and Euro Statement on Signing the John
pean cooperation. We believe strongly in Warner National Defense
transatlantic partnership. There is no alter Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
native to this. I think that President Bush 2007
and the United States of America, along with October 17, 2006
the EU, have still to be very, very closely
cooperating in a couple of issues in Europe. Today, I have signed into law H.R. 5122,
the “John Warner National Defense Author
So thank you very much, Mr. President, ization Act for Fiscal Year 2007” (the “Act”).
for warm reception and very fruitful discus The Act authorizes funding for the defense
of the United States and its interests abroad,
President Bush. Thank you, sir. I appre for military construction, for national secu
ciate it. Good job. Thank you. rity-related energy programs, and for mari
time security-related transportation pro
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:16 p.m. in the Several provisions of the Act call for execu
Oval Office at the White House. tive branch officials to submit to the Con
gress recommendations for legislation, or
purport to regulate the manner in which the
President formulates recommendations to
Statement on Signing the Northern the Congress for legislation. These provisions
California Coastal Wild Heritage include sections 516(h), 575(g), 603(b),
Wilderness Act
705(d), 719(b), 721(e), 741(e), 813, 1008,
1016(d), 1035(b)(3), 1047(b), and 1102 of the
October 17, 2006 Act, section 118(b)(4) of title 10, United
States Code, as amended by section 1031 of
Today, I have signed into law H.R. 233, the Act, section 2773b of title 10 as amended
the “Northern California Coastal Wild Herit by section 1053 of the Act, and section 403
º age Wilderness Act.” The Act strengthens
protection of certain lands in California.
of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Pub
º lic Law 108–375) as amended by section 403
of the Act. The executive branch shall con
Section 4(i)(2) of the Act purports to give strue these provisions in a manner consistent
binding legal effect to guidelines in an ap
pendix to a report issued by a congressional with the President's constitutional authority
committee, which was not incorporated into to supervise the unitary executive branch and
to recommend for the consideration of the
the Act and for which presentment was not
made. Consistent with the bicameral ap Congress such measures as the President
proval and presentment requirements of the deems necessary and expedient.
Constitution for the making of a law, the ex
The executive . shall construe sec
ecutive branch shall, in carrying out the Act, tions 914 and 1512 of the Act, which purport
take appropriate account of the guidelines as to make consultation with specified Mem
a matter of comity between the executive and bers of Congress a precondition to the execu
tion of the law, as calling for but not man
legislative branches. dating such consultation, as is consistent with
the Constitution's provisions concerning the
George W. Bush separate powers of the Congress to legislate
and the President to execute the laws.
The White House, A number of provisions in the Act call for
October 17, 2006. the executive branch to furnish information
to the Congress or other entities on various
subjects. These provisions include sections
NOTE: H.R. 233, approved October 17, was as 219, 313, 360, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1227, 1402,
signed Public Law No. 109–362. and 3116 of the Act, section 427 of title 10,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 18 - 1837

United States Code, as amended by section broadly against disclosure of such informa
932 of the Act, and section 1093 of the Ron tion.

ald W. Reagan National Defense Authoriza George W. Bush

tion Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Public Law
The White House,
108–375) as amended by section 1061 of the October 17, 2006.
Act. The executive branch shall construe
such provisions in a manner consistent with NOTE: H.R. 5122, approved October 17, was as
the President's constitutional authority to signed Public Law No. 109-364.
withhold information the disclosure of which
could impair foreign relations, the national
security, the deliberative processes of the Ex Statement on the Population of the
ecutive, or the performance of the Execu United States Reaching 300 Million
tive's constitutional duties. October 17, 2006
The executive branch shall construe as ad For more than two centuries, America has
visory section 1011(b)(2) of the Act, which been a beacon of hope and opportunity for
purports to prohibit the Secretary of the people around the world, millions of whom
came here to live in freedom and make better
Navy from retiring a specified warship from
operational status unless, among other lives for themselves and their families. Today
things, a treaty organization established by we celebrate a significant milestone—the
the U.S. and foreign nations gives formal no population of the United States has now
tice that it does not desire to maintain and reached 300 million. Our continued growth
operate that warship. If construed as manda is a testament to our country's dynamism and
tory rather than advisory, the provision would a reminder that America's greatest asset is
our people.
impermissibly interfere with the President's America is built on a shared love of free
constitutional authority to conduct the Na dom and a belief in the dignity and matchless
tion's foreign affairs and as Commander in value of every human being. Our confidence
in our people has carried us to ever greater
achievements in all areas of human endeavor
The executive branch shall construe sec
tion 1211, which purports to require the ex
and allowed us to remain the world's most #
ecutive branch to undertake certain consulta vibrant and innovative country. And so long
as we insist on high standards in education,
tions with foreign governments and follow place our trust in the talents and ingenuity
certain steps in formulating and executing of ordinary Americans, and protect our free
U.S. foreign policy, in a manner consistent doms, we will remain the land of opportunity
with the President's constitutional authorities
for generations to come. We welcome this
to conduct the Nation's foreign affairs and milestone as further proof that the American
to supervise the unitary executive branch. Dream remains as bright and hopeful as ever.
As is consistent with the principle of statu
tory construction of giving effect to each of Remarks at Waldo C. Falkener
two statutes addressing the same subject Elementary School in Greensboro,
whenever they can co-exist, the executive North Carolina
branch shall construe section 130d of title
October 18, 2006
10, as amended by section 1405 of the Act,
which provides further protection against dis Thank you very much, Madam Secretary.
closure of certain homeland security infor I've known Margaret, as she said, a long time,
mation in certain circumstances, as in addi and I'm very proud of the job she's doing.
tion to, and not in derogation of the broader She knows what she's talking about when it
protection against disclosure of information comes to the schools in America, and she
afforded by section 892 of the Homeland Se and I are going to work to make sure that
curity Act of 2002 and other law protecting every child gets an excellent education.
1838 Oct. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I want to thank the good folks here at to a State what national defense is to the Fed
Falkener for inviting the President to come. eral Government. And so I took my role as
As you can tell, it's not an easy thing—[laugh Governor and being involved in public
ter)—to host the President. It’s like, the en school—just like Guy Hunt did—we over
tourage is pretty big, a lot of security. And lapped as Governors, and we prioritized pub
so for the school folks here, thank you very lic education. And so I spent a lot of time
much for accommodating us. I've come be with schools in Texas, and I learned one
cause I appreciate the example you set. thing, that these little centers of excellence
One of the things I like to do is to herald always depended upon having an aggressive
excellence. So the first thing I want to say principal, a principal who is willing to set
is, congratulations to the principal and the high standards and not allow for mediocrity
teachers and the parents for working hard to set in. So, Amy, I want to thank you for
to make this a fantastically interesting place your leadership and thank you for your hospi
for our children to go to school. tality.
I want to thank—you know, they say to I met Josette Hamrick, who is the teacher
me, “What do you want from the schools?” of the year. I congratulate you, Josette, for
I don't know if you recognize this, but we setting a good example. I think Josette is here
just had six Nobel Prize winners recently an somewhere—there she is. Thanks for being
nounced—America had six Nobel—all of here. I also have recently gone to Mary
whom went to public schools in America. Helen Parson's third grade school—third
And my hope as I travel through the halls grade class. And Tom “Ned”—Tom
of these schools—like this one—I'm meeting Niedziela—he is a-both of whom are dedi
Nobel Prize winners of the future. It's a cated teachers. And so I want to say some
noble aspiration for all of us to aim for. And thing about teaching. It is a noble profession.
so I want to thank you for letting me come. It is a necessary profession for this country.
I'm going to talk about No Child Left Be And for those of you who are teachers, I con
hind. I think you're about to find out I am gratulate you and thank you for serving our
a passionate advocate of this important law, country.
because I know it can save children's lives I oftentimes say to people that are asking
and I know it can help us meet a national me about—do you have any recommenda
objective, and that is, every child getting a tions for what I should be doing, and my an
good education in every school throughout swer is, teach. And to parents I say, remem
the country. ber, you're the child's first teacher. As a mat
I bring greetings from Laura. Most people ter of fact, schools succeed when a parent
say, “I wish Laura had come and the old boy understands that teaching begins at home,
stayed home.” [Laughter] She's actually in and it makes the job of the classroom teacher
El Paso, Texas, today—I think she's in El so much easier. But I want to thank the
Paso, Texas, today—I'm confident, I think teachers who are here, and thank you for set
that's what she told me—where a new school ting a good example.
out there is opening up the Laura Bush Li I want to thank the school board members
brary. And well deserved, I want you to who are here. I told the head of the school
know, because she has a great passion for board and the other man on the school
making sure that every child can read. So board, I said, “It’s a pretty tough job to be
I bring—as best I can—her passion here to on the school board.” [Laughter One fellow
this important school. said, “Do you want to switch jobs?" I said,
I'm proud to be here with Senator Richard “You know—I don't think so.” [Laughter
Burr from the great State of North Carolina. But thank you all for serving. Local control
Thank you for working on us—with—on edu of schools is important in order to achieve
cational excellence. I appreciate Virginia educational excellence, and I'm going to talk
Foxx, the Congresswoman, who joined us as a little about that in a minute.
well. Amy Holcombe is the principal. I also landed today and met a lady named
You might remember, I was a Governor Michelle Gilmore. Michelle is—there you
of a State. And I used to say, education is are. Thanks for coming. Michelle and her
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 18 1839

husband, Tiran, are here. Michelle volun that's a magnet school, that has got a pre
teers as a mentor. If you are concerned about international baccalaureate program.
the future of North Carolina or concerned We support magnet schools at the Federal
about the future of our country and you want level. First, let me just tell you my theory.
to make a difference, become a mentor. It's Most education needs to be funded at the
amazing what happens when an adult takes State and local level. I believe that is the
time out of her life, in this case, to say to proper role between the Federal Govern
a child, “I care about you, and I want to ment and the State government. And yet
help.” The true strength of the United States there are incentive programs that come out
of America lies in the hearts and souls of of Washington–Title I money, for example,
our citizens. And the amazing thing about is an incentive program. We also have put
our country is that there are millions of acts money in our budget for magnet schools. As
of kindness that take place on a daily basis, a matter of fact, the budget next year I've
and it hasn't required one government law. asked for has got about $100 million for mag
And the reason I mention Michelle and net schools. I think magnet schools are inter
the reason I welcomed her to Air Force One esting concepts to—that the local folks ought
is because I want to, one, thank you as an to decide to use. And so there's a little incen
individual, and remind people that you can tive from the Federal Government to en
serve America by loving a neighbor just like courage you.
you'd like to be loved yourself. And I appre I'm a-also understand, and I hope you
ciate you being here, Michelle. Thanks for do—I know those of you involved with public
coming. schools understand that we're now living in
I like the fact that this—we're at a school a global economy. North Carolina under
named for a civil rights pioneer. I happen stands that about as much as any State. What
to believe reading is a modern-day civil right; happens abroad affects the lives of our stu
that if you cannot read, you cannot realize dents in the near future. If a child in China
the great promise of the United States of gets a good engineering degree and a child
America. That's what I believe. And so I've in America doesn't, it means China is likely
come to this school because I believe schools to be more competitive in the 21st century.
should set high standards and insist upon re In other words, we've got to get education
sults, like teaching a child to read. I don't right not only because it's a national responsi
think it's too much to ask in schools around bility but because we're in a global world.
the United States of America. I know what Whether we like it or not, there is competi
happens when a child can't read at grade tion for jobs of the future that are going to
level. I know the despondency that can be that will take place. And therefore, it's impor
caused if a child is just simply shuffled tant that we make sure that our children get
through a school. a solid foundation early in order—so that our
Falkener is a magnet school. In other country can be competitive, as well as our
words, it's a school that—I equate that with children.
educational entrepreneurship. It means peo Now, let me talk about No Child Left Be
ple are willing to try things differently. This hind, because I'm really here to make clear
school is one that, interestingly enough, has to people in Congress, not only who are here
got a international baccalaureate program in but around the country, that the reauthoriza
herent in its curriculum. And that's impor tion of this important bill is going to be a
tant because international baccalaureate pro top priority of mine. And it's not only just
grams are programs that set high standards the reauthorization; it's the strengthening of
for children in later years. So in other words, the bill, and not the weakening of the bill.
it's kind of a pre-international baccalaureate There's been a lot of talk about No Child
experience—all aimed at making sure that a Left Behind Act. First, you've got to under
child who goes from here has a chance to stand, it was a bipartisan effort. I readily con
even have a greater skill level than antici cede that's a rare occurrence in Washington,
pated. So it's interesting to be in a school DC, but nevertheless, Republicans and
1840 Oct. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Democrats came together to get this impor that find problems early and solve the prob
tant piece of legislation passed. lems early, before it's too late. That's why
It said, “We'll spend more money at the I'm at this school. This school sets high stand
Federal level, but in return, we expect re ards.
sults.” It seems like a simple concept, but And by the way, if you set low standards,
nevertheless, it was not inherent in the edu guess what happens in schools? You get bad
cation programs out of the Federal Govern results. If you walk into a classroom full of
ment. We just never really asked; we just as the hard to educate and not have high stand
sumed everything was fine. As a matter of ards, the hard to educate remains hard to
fact, in many schools around the country, educate. So the law says: “Set high standards;
that's the way it was. If people said it was use curriculum that works; you can deter
fine, it was fine. mine what works by measuring whether or
You know, I remember, one time, going not students are meeting certain standards;
to a school in Houston, Texas, and I said to and correct problems early, before it's too
the teacher, “How's everything? Thanks for late.” That's what No Child Left Behind is
teaching.” She said, “My kids can't read.” I all about.
think it was ninth or tenth grade. It was a And it's working. It's working. You know,
shock to the Governor. It should be a shock the first year this school was tested under
to everybody when you hear a teacher say, No Child Left Behind, it didn't meet stand
my kids can't read by the time they get to ards—like, it just wasn't good enough. This
high school. Something was wrong. school decided to do something about it. See,
The point was made to me—and this is they recognized they had a problem, and so
when Margaret and I started working on this they used Federal funding to pay for new
concept of measurement—that if you don't laboratories, teacher collaboration, research
measure, you don't know. And the only way on what was going right and what was going
to prevent kids from just getting shuffled wrong. There's a new focus on results; there
through schools—until the point where the was frequent testing; they set up a Saturday
high school teacher says they can't read— Academy for children with low test scores
is to measure early. And so part of the No that needed extra help. And the results have
Child Left Behind Act says, “We expect re been impressive. Four years ago, about 46
sults, and you measure.” percent of third graders at this school were
I believe in local control of schools. I do reading at grade level. That's okay if you're
not believe the Federal Government should a parent of one of the 46 percent. It's not
be telling the people in North Carolina how okay if you're a parent of one of the 54 per
to run their schools. I think that would be cent. And the principal and the teachers un
a mistake if that were the case. I don't think derstood there was a problem, and they took
the Federal Government ought to design the steps to change the status !". And today,
test; the people of North Carolina should de 76 percent are reading at grade level.
sign the accountability tests. I do think the That's what No Child Left Behind does.
Federal Government ought to ask, “Can a It can't do the teaching; it can't be the leader:
child read?” but it can help people who care deeply about
Look, I understand kids—I understand the the lives of a child—the life of a child to
debate; you know, “They're teaching the succeed, to recognize problems, address the
test.” No, you're teaching a child to read so problem, correct the problem, and teach a
they can pass a comprehensive test. And if child to read. And that's what's—that's why
they can't pass a comprehensive test, some I'm at Falkener. This is a school that has gone
thing is fundamentally wrong. You know, “All from mediocre to excellent, because they've
we do is test." No, what you do is, you teach used the tools of the No Child Left Behind
so that the accountability system—when you Act.
do test, a child is proficient. You know, if In the fifth grade, about 68 percent of the
you don't test, you don't know. And if you students were reading at grade level 4 years
don't know, you can't correct. Active schools, ago; today, 88 percent of the students are
schools that are meeting excellence are those reading at grade level. I cannot thank you
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 18 1841

enough for taking advantage of a law that being bold on behalf of the children of your
really was living up to its name—no child State.

being left behind. Here's what your principal Your test scores are encouraging. The per
said: She said, “Falkener has greatly bene centage of fourth graders with basic math
fited from this legislation. Our test scores tell skills rose 10 points between 2000 and 2005.
our story of success.” The percentage of eighth graders with basic
I met Tom Ned—you call him “Ned,” math skills rose about six points between
2000 and 2005. African American fourth and
right? Niedziela. He focused on reading
comprehension and vocabulary, and his class eighth graders in North Carolina achieved
made the largest reading gains in the fourth some of the highest math scores in the Na
tion. How do we know? Because we measure.
grade. One girl whose first language is Span
ish—see, if the child's first language is Span It's got to make you feel good to hear Afri
ish, that child generally is what we call hardcan American kids are scoring some of the
to educate. And sometimes that label be highest tests in the Nation. Can you imagine
comes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Inner-city if the President came and said, “By the way,
kids tend to be labeled hard to educate, so your kids are scoring the lowest scores in the
all that mattered in the past was, if you're Nation”? I suspect you'd want to be doing
10, you're supposed to be here; and if you're something about that. At least I would hope
11, you're supposed to be there. It's unac you .
ceptable for this country, by the way. That There are good results of No Child Left
Behind across the Nation. In other words,
type of attitude is unacceptable. we're measuring—each State measures, and
This child started the year reading at the you're able to norm to determine how States
second grade level. Thanks to Mr. Ned, she do relative to each other. In reading, 9-year
now reads at the sixth grade level. I met her. olds have made the largest gains in the past
There's nothing more than helping a child's 5 years than at any point in the previous 28
self-esteem than to—teaching a child to read, years. That's good. In math, 9-year-olds and
just giving that child the basic skills necessary 13-year-olds earned the highest scores in the
to succeed in a hopeful society. history of the test.
Here's what Mr. Ned said: He said, “I told We have an achievement gap in America
them, if you want to be good at something, that is—that I don't like and you shouldn't
you've got to practice. If you want to play
like. It's the difference between reading of
football, you have to go to football practice. African American students and Latino stu
If you want to be good at reading, you have dents and White students. The gap is closing,
to practice reading.” And he said, “I’ve never and that's incredibly important for the
had a class work so hard.” I want to thank United States of America, to see that achieve
Mr. Ned; I want to thank the students. ment gap close. How do we know? Because
There's nothing more heartwarming than to we're measuring.
know that standards are being met. Inherent in No Child Left Behind are
We see the results in No Child Left Be some interesting reforms. First, if we find
hind across the State of North Carolina. I a child falling behind early, there is extra
don't know if you know this or not, but your Federal money to help that child. Think
State has been an innovative State. Your about that. For the first time, the Federal
State has been one that has not shied away Government has said, “Not only do we want
from accountability. In other words, you you to measure, but when we find a child
didn't use excuses about testing. You said, falling behind, there is extra money to be
“Look, we want to test because we want to used in either the private or public sector.”
know.” Your State was the first in the Nation See, measuring encourages parental in
to establish an accountability system and one volvement. If you measure and a parent finds
of the first to have the testing plans approved out that his or her child is not succeeding,
under No Child Left Behind. In other words, most parents are going to say, “Do something
your State led. And I congratulate the State about it.” And what the Federal Government
leaders and those involved with education for has said, “Here's some extra money to help
Oct. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
you, to get tutoring, to get you back up to school year begins, which is like—it doesn't
grade level.” work. So the bureaucracy, frankly, has got
If a school continues to fail—in other to be a little more facile in getting the results
words, a school doesn't make progress—I be out, and Margaret understands that.
lieve parents ought to be liberated from that I think we ought to continue doing what
school district if they so choose and go to we call the Teacher Incentive Fund. This is
another public school. In other words, there a further reform. It allows States and school
has to be a consequence at some point in districts to reward teachers who demonstrate
time for a school that won't—is not teaching results for their students. If this school board
and won't change, if you expect there to be decides they want to provide incentives for
concrete results. teachers based upon results, the Federal
This school started off with low scores, set Government will provide money to help you
high standards, and has achieved the objec do that. I like the idea. You may not like
tive. I suspect not many parents, even if they it, and that's fine. You got elected a school
could, would want to leave, because you're board member; I didn't. But, nevertheless,
meeting—you're doing the job. There are I do believe we ought to make sure that
schools around the country that are not doing school boards and school districts have the
the job, and that is unacceptable to society. option.
It ought to be unacceptable to school boards I also think there ought to be incentives
and parents and teachers. for teachers who make . decision to teach
In DC, we started something interesting. in some of the needier school districts, tough
We said that if the school fails, continue to er schools—to provide an incentive. We have
if there's persistent failure, that a child ought got a program I'm going to work with Con
to be able to go to not only a public school gress on to encourage math and science pro
but a private school. We provide what are fessionals to come into classrooms. And the
called opportunity scholarships. We work reason why is, in order for us to be competi
with the mayor to enhance—it's an inter tive in the future, our students have got to
esting opportunity—said, if you fail, and the be proficient in math and the sciences, and
school won't change, then the DC came up we have to have more emphasis on math and
with a scholarship that said this scholarship science. And there's no better way to encour
could be redeemed at a public school or a age a child to take math and science than
Catholic school, for example. to have a professional come in the class. We
There is a debate going on about whether call them adjunct professors.
we ought to reauthorize the No Child Left Margaret and I, one time, went over to
Behind Act. I think you can get a sense for a school in Maryland, and there were some
where I'm coming from. Not only do I think º from NASA there, two science guys
we ought to reauthorize it; I think we ought rom NASA that could talk the language of
to strengthen it. I think it would be a huge science. And their message was: It's cool to
mistake for the United States Congress not be a scientist. Some pretty cool guys that
to reauthorize this important piece of legisla were there, but they were saying to eighth
tion. And the reason I say that is that it's grade kids, “Science is interesting for you.”
working. In other words, there's just more Sometimes it takes somebody in the field to
than words there; we have achieved concrete be able to lend practical knowledge to con
results. vince children to continue to focus on science
I'm not suggesting the law shouldn't be and math and engineering.
improved; it should be improved. For exam I talked to you about how to make sure
ple, we ought to make sure that scores are parents get better information. I do believe
tested early, particularly for big districts, so we ought to fund a national opportunity
that people understand what the results are. scholarship program to make sure parents
Oftentimes in—I don't know how many big have choices—particularly poor parents have
districts, Margaret—but I've heard com choices beyond just public school choice.
plaints from school districts where the test I'm worried about high school, and I think
scores get posted for the parents after the the new law ought to focus a lot on high
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 18 1843

school. Four out of every—one out of every I understand what it means for public
four ninth graders in America does not grad schools to guess whether or not a child can
uate from high school on time. That's a prob read and write and add and subtract, and I
lem. If we live in a global world that's highly understand fully the consequences of a sys
competitive, our º have got to get out of tem that guesses. I also understand the con
high school, and they got to head to commu sequences of a system which measures, and
nity college or college, if we're going to be a system which measures and corrects prob
competitive. And so we need to bring the lems is a system which will help meet the
same standards to our high schools that we great promise of this country.
have brought thus far to elementary and jun I want to thank you for giving me a chance
ior high schools. to come and talk about something I feel
We need to test. If it's okay to test in the strong about, deeply passionate about. I'm
third grade, it ought to be okay to test in looking forward to getting these elections be
high school to determine whether or not cur hind us and start working on the reauthoriza
ricula works, whether or not teaching meth tion of the No Child Left Behind Act, for
odology is working, and whether or not our the good of every child in the United States
children are learning. of America. God bless.
Again, I told you about the international
baccalaureate program. It feeds into another NOTE: The President spoke at 2:07 p.m. In his
way for us to enhance the competitiveness remarks, he referred to former Gov. James Baxter
of this country, and that is to encourage AP Hunt, Jr., of North Carolina; Alan W. Duncan,
programs—Advanced Placement pro chairman, Guilford County Schools Board of Edu
grams—throughout classrooms all across cation; and Mayor Anthony A. Williams of Wash
America. One of the bottlenecks is—a bottle ington, DC. The Office of the Press Secretary also
neck is the number of teachers that are capa released a Spanish language transcript of these re
ble of teaching AP, I think it's a good use
of your taxpayers' money to train teachers
in Advanced Placement; 70,000 teachers—
is our initial goal to train in Advanced Place Remarks Following a Tour of Victory
ment, so that teachers have the skills nec Junction Gang Camp, Inc., in
essary to teach AP. But it works. Randleman, North Carolina
It's amazing what happens when you set October 18, 2006
high standards and give people the tools nec
essary to effect those standards. And so these The President. You know, it's a remark
are ideas and ways to strengthen No Child able place. I can't tell you how thrilled I am
Left Behind. We'll continue to listen to good to be with the Pettys and the champion race
ideas. We, of course, will listen to Members car drivers who have heard a call to help peo
of Congress from both parties. ple who need help. And I wish our fellow
This is a State that had a good idea. They citizens could see the physical layout here;
were deeply concerned about how to make and if you were here, you'd also feel a great
sure that the accountability system would sense of compassion. And, you know, the
measure progress without—in an accurate Petty family has been well known for a long
way. And so Margaret worked with the State time in America. And they've been known
leaders, worked with the Senator to provide as great athletes—now they will be known
flexibility for the accountability system, with as great humanitarians as well.
out undermining the whole concept of meas And so we really thank you.
urement. And so in other words, we'll be ra Kyle Petty. Thank you, sir.
tional and reasonable, but what we will not The President. This is a place that's in
do is allow schools to lower standards. And honor of their son, Adam. They have made
what we will not do is allow people to get a conscious decision to turn a tragic event
rid of accountability systems, because I be into a loving event, and that's what I feel
lieve the accountability system is the first here. And you guys did a good job. Thanks
step in making sure no child is left behind. for having me.
1844 Oct. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:56 p.m. in Adam's Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
Race Shop. In his remarks, he referred to President of the United States of America,
NASCAR driver Kyle Petty and his wife, Pattie, by virtue of the authority vested in me by
founders, Victory Junction Gang Camp, Inc. the Constitution and laws of the United
States, do hereby proclaim October 23, 2006,
Proclamation 8072–50th as a day of recognition in honor of the 50th
Anniversary of the Hungarian Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution. I
Revolution encourage all Americans to observe this day
with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
October 18, 2006 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this eighteenth day of October, in
By the President of the United States the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
of America of the Independence of the United States of
America the two hundred and thirty-first.
A Proclamation

On the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian George W. Bush

Revolution, we celebrate the Hungarians [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
who defied an empire to demand their lib 8:45 a.m., October 20, 2006]
erty, we recognize the friendship between
the United States and Hungary, and we reaf NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
firm our shared desire to spread freedom to Federal Register on October 23.
people around the world.
The story of Hungarian democracy rep
resents the triumph of liberty over tyranny. Remarks at a Reception for
In the fall of 1956, the Hungarian people Congressional Candidate Don
demanded change, and tens of thousands of Sherwood and the Pennsylvania
students, workers, and other citizens bravely Victory Committee in La Plume,
marched through the streets to call for free Pennsylvania
dom. Though Soviet tanks brutally crushed October 19, 2006
: the Hungarian uprising, the thirst for free
.! dom lived on, and in 1989 Hungary became Thank you all very much. Please be seated.
the first communist nation in Europe to I'm glad to be back again. Thanks for wel
make the transition to democracy. The lesson coming me. I am pleased to be here with
of the Hungarian experience is clear: liberty Don Sherwood. He is the right man to rep
can be delayed, but it cannot be denied. resent the people of the +. Congressional
Today, this beautiful country has held demo District from the State of Pennsylvania.
cratic elections, established a free economy, He has got a record of accomplishment.
and inspired millions around the world. He has been a strong supporter of those
The United States is grateful for the warm brave men and women who wear our Na
relationship between our countries and for tion's uniform. He has been a supporter of
Hungary's efforts to expand freedom and de the Tobyhanna Army Depot. He's a strong
mocracy around the world in places such as supporter of Pennsylvania's dairy farmers.
the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Cuba. By When it came time to make sure highway
spreading the blessings of liberty, Hungary money was available for Pennsylvania, he did
is helping to lay the foundation of peace for his job that you expect him to do. He's a
generations to come. person who has been working hard to in
As we celebrate this anniversary, we also crease jobs here in this part of the world.
recognize the many ways Hungarian Ameri He's worked to cut taxes on the working peo
cans have enriched and strengthened our ple. He understands it's important to keep
country. Their spirit and hard work have con the people of the district safe. I strongly be
tributed to the vitality, success, and pros lieve the people in this part of Pennsylvania
perity of our Nation, and we continue to be need to send Don Sherwood back to the
inspired by their courage and conviction. United States Congress.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 19 - 1845

And I'm glad Carol is here with us today. to do is make sure we become less dependent
I read Carol Sherwood's letter to the citizens on foreign sources of oil. You know, I under
of this congressional district. I was deeply stand the price of gasoline is dropping, but
moved by her words. Carol's letter shows that should not obscure the fact that we have
what a caring and courageous woman she is. a national security problem when it comes
I'm delighted to be here with Carol and their to relying upon oil from parts of the world
daughter, Maria. Thanks for coming. that don't like us.
I am not Sherwood's first choice to be here And so I want to continue to work with
at the fundraiser—[laughter)—both he and Congressman Sherwood to make sure we
Carol wanted Laura to come. [Laughter] But promote new technologies, new ways to
she sends her very best to the Sherwoods, power our automobiles. I envision a day
and she, like me, strongly believes Don Sher when ethanol becomes more widespread,
wood ought to be reelected to the United where Pennsylvania farmers are actually pro
States Congress. viding the fuel necessary to run our cars. For
I want to thank Dr. Ned Boehm, the presi the sake of economic security and for the
dent of Keystone College—and Regina. Re sake of national security, we must continue
ina told me she broke her foot playing golf. to diversify away from foreign sources of
i. In 2% years, I'm going to try that
out myself. [Laughter] But i. you very
crude oil.
No, we'll work together on issues like
much for letting us use this facility on this health care. I appreciate the fact that he was
beautiful campus, and thanks very much for a strong supporter of Medicare moderniza
being involved in higher education. I appre tion. For the seniors who are on prescription
ciate your leadership, and I know the people drugs here in this part of the district, they
of this part of the world do as well. understand that this new Medicare bill is a
I thank very much Rob Gleason, who's the good bill. No longer do poor seniors have
chairman of the Republican State Committee to choose between medicine and food, thanks
for Pennsylvania, and Bob Asher, who is the to people like Congressman Don Sherwood.
national committeeman. The reason I bring But as this campaign gets closer to the
up these folks is that a lot of politics depends stretch, you will hear a lot of rhetoric and
upon the capacity of the grassroots to do their a lot of partisan charges coming from the
job. So first, I want to thank you very much other side. Their goal is to distract you from
for raising the money, filling the hat. It's im the two main issues in this campaign, and
portant for Don Sherwood's campaign to be they are these: Which party will keep your
able to advertise, and he will continue to do taxes low, and which party will take the steps
so. But in order for him to win, we got to necessary to defend the United States of
turn out the vote. And so for those of you America?
who are involved with grassroots politics, I My administration, our party, and Don
want to thank you in advance for what you're Sherwood have clear records on both these
going to do to get people to the polls come issues. Let me first start with taxes. Repub
November. licans have a clear philosophy: We believe
I also want to thank my friend Bill Scran that the people who know best how to spend
ton, who's with us today. Bill and Maryla are your money are the people that earn that
fine citizens of this part of the world, and money, and that is you. The Democrats be
I'm proud to call him friend. And I really lieve that they can spend your money better
want to thank you for being here. Thanks than you can. So we worked hard to ensure
for coming. that the working families in this district and
It's a big campaign coming up, and I like all around the country kept more of their
being out on the campaign trail because I paychecks when we enacted the largest tax
like sharing with the people what I believe. cuts since Ronald Reagan was President of
And I'm looking forward to working with the United States.
Congressman Sherwood the next time Con Our record is clear, and so is the record
gress convenes in—not in a lameduck ses of the Democrats in Washington, DC. When
sion. We got a lot to do. One thing we got we cut taxes for everybody who pays income
1846 Oct. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
taxes, the Democrats voted against it. When You might remember, back in 1992, the
we reduced the marriage penalty, Democrats Democrats campaigned on a tax cut for the
voted against it. When we cut taxes on small middle class. They won, but when they took
businesses, Democrats voted against it. office, the middle class tax cut they promised
When we lowered taxes for families with chil turned out to be the largest tax increase in
dren, the Democrats voted against it. We put American history. The moral of the story is
the death tax on the road to extinction; the that when you hear Democrats talk about
Democrats voted against it time and time fairness, there's a pretty good chance they're
again. When the Democrats had a chance going to try to get in your pocket and raise
to deliver tax relief for the American people, your taxes.
they voted no. This is a party that is geneti There is no doubt in my mind that the
cally hostile to tax relief. [Laughter] key issue in this campaign, as far as domestic
With every vote they have cast, they make politics is concerned, is: Who is going to keep
clear to the American people, higher taxes your taxes low, and who will raise your taxes?
are part of the congressional Democrats' The Republican Party and Don Sherwood
DNA. When we passed tax relief over the will make sure the working people have more
Democrat objections in 2003, the minority money in their pocket.
leader in the House called it a tragedy and Our most important job is to protect
predicted it would not create jobs or grow America. The most important job of the Fed
our economy. eral Government is to use all our assets to
And here are the actual facts: The tax cuts
we passed put more than a trillion dollars protect the American people from an attack.
We are still under threat. I wish I could re
in the hands of American workers and fami
lies and small businesses and farmers, and port otherwise. I wish I could tell you every
.. the American people have used that money
to fuel a strong and growing economy. The
thing was fine in the world and the enemy
wasn't around that would come and try to
harm us again. But I wouldn't be doing my
* United States economy is the envy of the in
t dustrialized world. job if I reported that. An enemy still plots
Since overcoming the recession, the ter and plans to attack the American people.
rorist attacks, war, hurricanes, corporate These people are nothing but coldblooded
killers. They're not religious people. I don't
4: scandals, this economy has had 37 straight
months of job growth, since August of 2003. believe religious people kill innocent men
and women and children. I believe the Presi
And since that day, we've added 6.6 million
new jobs. The national unemployment rate dent must call these people by what they are:
is low. The progrowth economic policies that They are evil. And our most important job
Don sº supported have made this is to protect the American people from fur
ther attack.
economy strong, and we intend to keep it
growing. You can't negotiate with these people. You
As well, because of growing our economy, can't hope to have a treaty with these people.
which increases tax revenues into the Federal The best way to defend America from an at
tack is to defeat them overseas so we do not
Treasury, and being wise about how we
have to face them here at home.
spend your money, we met our goal of reduc
ing our Federal deficit in half 3 years ahead There are major differences between the
of schedule. Democrats may call this a trag political parties on the issue of how best to
edy; we call it success. protect the American people. You know, the
And now you're going to hear that same enemy has got to be right once, and we've
old, tired rhetoric—Washington Democrats got to be right 100 percent of the time to
talking about how they're going to raise taxes protect you.
only on the rich. You know, they say they're And that's why I thought it was very impor
for fairness and they're for tax relief for the tant to institute a program that would enable
middle class. But we've heard this before, our professionals at the Central Intelligence
and the American people shouldn't be fooled Agency to question people that we captured
by this kind of rhetoric. on the battlefield in order to be able to gain
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 19 1847

information necessary to do our most impor Rarely has a single series of votes summed
tant job, which is to protect the American up the difference between the two parties
people. so clearly. If the House Democrats had their
And recently we had a vote on a program way, the PATRIOT Act would have expired;
in the House of Representatives. When it the CIA interrogation program would have
came time to stand up and be counted, Don been shut down; the terrorist surveillance
Sherwood voted to support the professionals program would have been discontinued. And
at the CIA. And that cannot be said for most that is the record the Democrats have to run
of his Democrat colleagues in the House. on, and it is no record to be proud of in
The American people must understand that a time of war. We Republicans understand
nearly 80 percent of the House Democrats that we must give our professionals all the
voted to take away this vital tool, which is tools necessary to protect the American peo
necessary to protect the American people p le.
Iraq is an important issue in this campaign.
from further attack.
The other clear example is the PATRIOT I strongly believe that Iraq is a central front
in the war on terror. Oh, I know some of
Act. This good bill tore down the wall that
made it impossible for law enforcement and them in Washington are saying Iraq is a di
version from the war on terror. That's not
intelligence to share information. I know what Usama bin Laden thinks. That's not
that's hard for you to believe, that when intel what the number-two man in Al Qaida
ligence had information, they couldn't share thinks, Mr. Zawahiri. It's important to listen
it with those who were responsible for pro to the words of the enemy. Both of those
tecting you. But that's what happened. Over men have said that it's just a matter of time
time, there was a wall. And so I called for for America to lose her nerve and to leave
the Congress to pass the PATRIOT Act that Iraq. And that's what they want to do, so they
enabled us to share information so we could
can have a safe haven from which to plot
break up terrorist cells, which we have—in and plan and to attack America again.
California, in Texas, in New Jersey and Illi These extremists are bound by a common
nois and North Carolina, Ohio, New York,
ideology of hate, and their objective is to es
Virginia, and Florida. The tools inherent in tablish that ideology throughout the Middle
the PATRIOT Act have been vital and nec
East. Their objective is to topple moderate
essary to enable us to do our job, which is government. Their objective is to use energy
to protect the American people from further as a resource to bring the West to its knees.
attack. When this important piece of legisla And Iraq is a central part of this war against
tion came up for reauthorization, Congress them.
man Don Sherwood supported this vital law, On this question, the Democrats have
but more than 75 percent of the House been all over the place. Most leading Demo
Democrats voted to block it.
crats argue we should pull our troops out of
There's a fundamental difference of opin Iraq–some, “Right away,” others, “In just
ion all across the Nation about which party a few months,” even if the terrorists have
understands the stakes in this war on terror. not yet been defeated. Others recommend
After 9/11, I decided it was essential that if moving our troops to an island some 5,000
Al Qaida or an Al Qaida affiliate was making miles away. Nineteen House Democrats in
a phone call into the United States of Amer troduced legislation that would cut off all
ica, we needed to know why in order to be funds for our troops in Iraq. All these pro
able to do our job and protect you. Recently posals have one thing in common: They
this bill came up for a vote in the United would have our country quit in Iraq before
States Congress. The United States Con the job is done. For the sake of the security
gressman from the Tenth Congressional Dis of the United States of America, we must
trict of Pennsylvania voted to support our defeat the enemy in Iraq. For the sake of
professionals who are doing everything we world peace, for the sake of peace for our
can to protect you, but almost 90 percent children, we must not let the extremists have
of the House Democrats voted against it. their way in this vital front in the war on
1848 Oct. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
terror. So America will stay; we will fight; of our brave men and women who have sac
and we will win in Iraq. [Applause] Thank rificed in that country and have given their
This summer, we saw what happens when
yOll. lives in that country, which would mean their
sacrifice would be in vain. Retreating from
a Democrat rejects his party's doctrine of Iraq would crush the hopes of the millions
cut-and-run. Senator Joe Lieberman, a three of people who just simply want to live in
term Democrat from Connecticut, supports peace, if America were to retreat. Retreating
completing the mission in Iraq, supports vic from Iraq would embolden the terrorists and
tory in Iraq. And for taking this stand, he make our country more vulnerable to new
was purged from his party. Think about what attacks. If we were to leave Iraq before the
that means. Six years ago, the Democrats job is done, the enemy would follow us here
thought Joe Lieberman was good enough to to America.
run for Vice President of the United States. We know this because that's what the ter
Now, because he supports victory in Iraq, rorists tell us. Usama bin Laden states that
they don't think he's fit to be in their party. early American withdrawal from places like
There's only one position in the Democrat Beirut and Somalia are proof that the United
Party that everybody seems to agree on: If States does not have the stomach to stay in
you want to be a Democrat these days, you this fight. The terrorists are trying to wait
can be for almost anything, but victory in Iraq us out. They're hoping we will lose our nerve
is not an Ontion.
The .. in this war couldn't be higher. and retreat in disgrace. If we were to follow
the Democrat's prescriptions and withdraw
The security of the United States is at stake, from Iraq, we would be fulfilling Usama bin
and we have no illusions—it's tough. The Laden's highest aspirations. There can be le
fighting is tough, because an enemy under
gitimate disagreements on the best way to
stands what a defeat in Iraq would mean for win this war, and there are. But we should
their ambitions. We are a nation at war, and
we must do everything in our power to win at least be able to agree that the path to vic
that war. tory is not to do precisely what the terrorists
Our goal in Iraq is clear and unchanging:
Our goal is victory. What is changing are the The stakes in this war are high, and so are
tactics we use to pursue that goal and defeat the stakes in this election. I want to tell you—
our enemies. In Iraq, we face adversaries I want you to imagine what the House of
who are brutal, and they are sophisticated. Representatives would look like if the Demo
Our commanders on the ground are con crats get their way this November. The chair
stantly adjusting to stay ahead of the enemy. man of the House Ways and Means would
We have a strategy that allows us to be flexi be a Congressman who suggested cutting off
ble and to adapt to changing circumstances. funding for our troops in Iraq. The Speaker
We will continue to make the changes nec of the House, the official third in line for
essary to support our troops, and to support the Presidency, would be a Congresswoman
those 12 million people in Iraq who want to who voted against renewing the PATRIOT
be free, and to support the new democracy Act, against creating the Department of
in Iraq that represents the unity of that coun Homeland Security, against removing Sad
try. There is one thing we will not do: We dam Hussein from power, against continuing
will not pull out our troops from Iraq before the terrorist surveillance program, and
the terrorists are defeated. We will not pull against questioning terrorists in the CIA pro
out before Iraq can govern itself, sustain gram. The Speaker would be a Congress
itself, and defend itself. woman who has called liberating 25 million
I'm going to make it clear to the American Iraqis a grotesque mistake. The Speaker
people what a policy of retreat would mean. would be a Congresswoman who said catch
Retreating from Iraq would allow the terror ing Usama bin Laden would not make Amer
ists to gain a new state—new safe haven to ica any safer. No wonder she says this elec
replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. Re tion should not be about national security.
treating from Iraq would dishonor the service [Laughter]
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 19 1849

Given the Democrats' record on national never been to Elvis's place, and I thought
security, I understand why they want to it would be kind of fun to go down there.”
change the subject. I don't want to change Koizumi wanted to go to Elvis's place be
the subject. I'm going to keep talking about cause he's an Elvis fan. But I also wanted
this subject until election day. The most im to tell an interesting story about the power
portant job of the government is to protect of liberty to our fellow citizens.
See, I find it very interesting that an 18
We'll win. We will protect the American year-old George H.W. Bush volunteered to
people by staying on the offense. There's just fight the Japanese. After all, they were the
a different attitude in Washington, if you sworn enemy of the United States of Amer
really listen carefully to the debate. Some be ica. And then his son is on an airplane, Air
lieve that we should respond after attack. I Force One, flying down to Memphis, Ten
understand the consequences of attack, and messee, talking about the peace; talking about
so do you. We must take threats seriously how we can work together to convince the
before they fully materialize. leader in North Korea to give up his nuclear
We got a fantastic group of men and weapons ambitions; talking about why it was
women who wear our uniform. They are mo
tivated; they are skilled, and Don Sherwood important for Japan to have a thousand
and I will make sure they have all the tools troops helping that young democracy in the
heart of the Middle East.
necessary to protect the American people.
And we have one other asset at our dis See, Koizumi understands what I know,
posal to protect the American people, and that democracy will be a defeat to an ideology
that is the power of liberty. You know, there's of hatred in the long run. I found it inter
an interesting debate in the world about esting that my dad fought the Japanese and
whether or not liberty is universal or not. I his son is talking about the peace with the
believe it is. I believe there's an Almighty, Prime Minister of the former enemy. Some
and I believe a gift of the Almighty to each thing happened, and what happened was,
man and woman and child in this world is Japan adopted a Japanese-style democracy.
the desire to be free. That's what I believe. Democracies yield the peace we all want.
I'm not surprised when 12 million people de Someday, an American President will be sit
fied car bombers and said, “We want to live ting down, talking about the peace with duly
in a land of liberty.” elected leaders in the Middle East, and gen
You know, I was amazed that they defied erations of Americans will be better off.
the car bombers, but I'm not surprised, be That's the stake in the election. [Applause]
cause I believe everybody wants to be free. These are the stakes in this election.
I believe people have a deep desire to live I want to thank you for supporting Don
in peace, and I know that liberty can help Sherwood. I want to thank you for being in
yield the peace we want for generations to volved in the process. Now go out and turn
come. We're in an ideological struggle be
tween those of us who love liberty and ex out the vote, and he's going to win.
tremists who can't stand the thought of lib May God bless you, and may God bless
erty. And it's the call of our generation. It's our country.
the challenge of our time. But I have great
confidence that our generation will rise and
meet the challenge i. previous generations NOTE: The President spoke at 2:04 p.m. at Key
of Americans. stone College. In his remarks, he referred to Re
You know, I was reminded of that, and gina Boehm, wife of Edward G. Boehm, Jr., presi
dent, Keystone College, Pennsylvania guber
one of my favorite stories to share with our natorial candidate Bill Scranton, and his wife,
fellow citizens is my trip down to Memphis, Maryla. Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida
Tennessee, to Elvis's place, with former terrorist organization; former President Saddam
Prime Minister Koizumi. He was sitting Hussein of Iraq; former Prime Minister Junichiro
Prime Minister at the time. People say, “Why Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of
did you go down there?" I say, “Well, I had North Korea.
1850 Oct. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Remarks at a Reception for I really want to thank you all for coming.
Senatorial Candidate George Allen I appreciate you contributing to his cam
in Richmond, Virginia paign, and I want to thank the grassroots ac
tivists who are here for what you're fixing
October 19, 2006 to do. See, we're getting close to voting time.
We're coming down the stretch. And for
Thank you all. Thank you for coming. those of you who are going to be putting up
Thanks for the warm welcome, and thank you the signs and making the phone calls and
for supporting George Allen to be reelected going to your houses of worship or commu
United States Senator of the great State of nity centers urging people to ă, their duty
Virginia. as an American citizen and voting for George
I'm proud to be here with him. He's a man Allen, I want to thank you. A lot of times
who has earned the confidence of the people the grassroots folks don't get the thanks that
of this State as a delegate, as the Governor— you deserve. I'm here giving you thanks; I
and a very successful Governor—as a United know the Senator gives you thanks. Work
States Senator. He's the kind of fellow who hard. We need him in the United States Sen
says he's going to-what he tells you on the ate, for the good of the United States of
campaign trail, he does in office. He doesn't America.
need a poll or a focus group to tell him what I'm looking forward to continue to working
to think or what to say. George Allen is a with Senator Allen to diversify our energy.
man of strong principle; he is a leader; he I'm looking forward to promoting ethanol
is the right man to be the United States Sen and new technologies so that we can change
: * *
; : ator from the State of Virginia.
- - our habits and become less dependent on
.º And he married well, and so did I. See, foreign sources of oil. For the economic se
º: ;: we got something in common—we're both curity of the United States and for the na
i. º: : named George, and we both married smart, tional security of the United States, we need
+ beautiful women. Laura is very fond of the to get off oil.
:: #: Allens. She understands that they are honor
able, decent people—honest, good folks.
I'm looking forward to continue to work
with Senator Allen to make sure that patients
* tº: We're proud to call them friends, and I know and doctors make the decisions for health
#º the people of Virginia are proud to call care, not for people in Washington, DC.
George Allen United States Senator. Now, there's a lot of domestic issues that I
I appreciate the Lieutenant Governor— look forward to working with Senator Allen
Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling and his on, but there's no bigger issue than what we
wife, Jean Ann, and the family are with us do with the people's money—no bigger issue.
today. Governor, thanks for coming. Speaker There's a lot of rhetoric in these cam
Bill Howell is with us. Appreciate you being paigns, a lot of needless noise in a campaign.
here, Mr. Speaker. A lot of time it's to obscure the fundamental
I had the honor of meeting an interesting issues facing the people of Virginia and the
fellow at the airport today—as a matter of people all across our Nation. And the two
fact, he was at the steps there when I got biggest issues in this campaign, in any cam
off of Air Force One, and we traveled paign across the country, is which party will
throughout his senatorial district a little bit take the steps necessary to protect the Amer
because we went and bought some pump ican people and win the war on terror, and
kins. [Laughter. His name is State Senator which party is going to keep your taxes low
Benny Lambert. See, the Allen campaign un to keep this economy growing.
derstands that you reach across party line. George Allen and I have made our position
He did that as the Governor of the State of very plain. Nobody has to guess where we
Virginia; he has done that as the United stand. We got a clear record on taxes, and
States Senator. There's no doubt in my mind our philosophy is easy to understand. It says:
this good man will win by getting the votes We trust the people. See, we understand it's
of Republicans, discerning Democrats, and your money, not the government's money.
wise independents. We think the best people to spend the hard
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 19 1851

earned dollars that you make is you. We un cover, we had to let the people have more
derstand the economy grows when you have of their own money.
more money in your pocket to Save, spend, And one Democrat in the Senate said
or invest. these tax cuts would do nothing to create
And therefore, we worked together to de jobs. One of his colleagues called the tax cuts
liver the greatest tax cuts since Ronald the wrong prescription for our economy.
Reagan was the President of the United Those were the predictions, and here are the
States. We said, if you're going to have tax results: The tax cuts we passed have put more
relief, then everybody who pays taxes ought than a trillion dollars in the hands of Amer
to get relief. So we reduced the marriage ican workers and families and small busi
penalty as well. We doubled the child tax nesses—including millions of families living
credit. We understand that an economy right here in Virginia. And the amazing thing
grows when the small-business owners are is, the people did a much better job with
growing. And so we cut taxes on small busi your money than the Government did or
nesses; we cut taxes on capital gains and divi could have done.
dends to promote investment and jobs. And Since August 2003, our economy has had
to reward family businesses and farmers right 37 straight months of job growth. Since Au
here in the great State of Virginia for a life gust of 2003, we added 6.6 million new jobs.
time of .."work and savings, we put the
death tax on the road to extinction. Small businesses are flourishing. Home
ownership is up. This economy is strong, and
Our record on cutting taxes is clear, and we intend to keep it that way.
the Democrats in Washington, DC, have a
record of their own. The trouble is, they You know, I'm sure you've heard the line
don't want you to know about it. [Laughter] that the Democrats are just going to raise
It's interesting that recently the top Demo taxes on the rich. They say it every time. But
crat leader in the House of Representatives I want the people here in Virginia who are
made an interesting declaration. She said, listening to the debate on taxes to remember
“We love tax cuts.” Given her record, she what happened back in 1992, after the
Democrats campaigned on cutting the taxes
must be a secret admirer. [Laughter] It's just
not the so-called “tax cuts for the rich" she for the middle class. Well, they won, and they
opposes. came to power, and the middle class tax cut
When we cut taxes for everybody who pays they promised turned out to be one of the
income taxes, she voted against it. When we largest tax increases in American history.
reduced the marriage penalty, she voted We just have a different view of the world
against it. When we cut taxes on small busi when it comes to taxes. We believe you can
nesses, she voted against it. When we put spend your money well. The Democrats want
the death tax on the road to extinction, she the Government to spend your money. No,
voted against it. Time and time again, she the best way to make sure that this economy
and her party voted against tax cuts. Time stays strong is to make the tax cuts we passed
and time again, when she had an opportunity permanent. And the best thing the Virginia
to show her love for tax cuts, she voted no. citizens can do to make sure taxes stay low
If this is the Democrats' idea of love— is to send George Allen back to the United
[laughter]—I wouldn't want to see what hate States Senate.
looks like. [Laughter] It's interesting, if you look at the history
But, by the way, this view of taxes extends of tax cuts, the Democrat Party always—
beyond the House of Representatives. didn't always feel the way they feel today.
Democrats in the United States Senate had Back in the sixties, the Democrats under
the same point of view. I remember when stood that our economy grows when Ameri
we cut the taxes in 2003. See, we were com cans keep more of what they earn, when
ing out of a recession, and we were dealing Americans make their own decisions about
with the effects of a terrorist attack, and we how to save, spend, or invest. You might re
were dealing with the effects of corporate member, when President John F. Kennedy
scandal. And we knew that in order to re became President, he proposed across-the
1852 Oct. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
board tax cuts for American families and termine whether or not they have informa
small businesses, including tax cuts on capital tion that is necessary to protect you. We're
gains. at war with a group of killers. We pick people
In his message to the Congress in 1963, up off the battlefield, and I believe that it's
he explained that cutting taxes across the necessary to learn what they know so that
board, in his words, “would help strengthen we can anticipate attacks before they occur.
every segment of the American economy and This bill came up before the in front of
bring us closer to every basic objective of the United States Senate, and one of the
American economic policy.” John F. Ken strongest advocates for making sure our pro
nedy was right in 1963, and George Allen fessionals had the tools necessary to protect
and I are right in 2006. you was Senator George Allen of the State
Next month, the people of this State and of Virginia.
people all across the United States have a The same cannot be said for his Demo
basic choice to make: Do we keep taxes low
so we can keep the economy growing, or do cratic Senate colleagues. More than 70 per
we let the Democrats in Washington raise cent of the United States Senators from the
taxes, which will hurt our economic growth? Democrat Party voted to take away this vital
And I'm convinced, when people sift through tool in the war on terror. We just have a dif
all the noise and listen carefully to the de ferent point of view, a different look at the
bate, the people of this State and the people world.
across the United States will choose low taxes
You know, another clear example of the
and strong economy policy and growth, and difference of opinion came when we voted
that means reelecting George Allen to the for and reauthorized what we call the PA
United States Senate. TRIOT Act. There was a wall that existed
The biggest issue we face is protecting the between law enforcement and intelligence
American people. It's the most important job gathering in the United States. I know that's
of government. I learned that lesson on Sep hard to conceive, but it's true. In other
tember the 11th, 2001, and so did George

i !
Allen and a lot of other good folks. And we
learned that fateful day that our most impor
tant responsibility is to protect you, and this
is a fundamental issue in this campaign: What
candidate or what party has got the right poli
cies to protect the American people from fur
ther attack?
words, intelligence officers could not speak
with law enforcement officers. In this new
war on terror against these extremists we
have to have good intelligence. And that good
intelligence must be shared with profes
sionals all throughout government, in order
to be able to protect you.
We face a brutal enemy—an enemy that Right after September the 11th, when peo
uses murder to achieve political objectives. ple were deeply concerned about attacks and
You can't negotiate with these people. future attacks, George Allen voted yes on the
There's no such thing as a peace treaty with PATRIOT Act, as did 97 of his colleagues
these kind of killers. The best way to protect in the Senate. And yet the bill needed to
the American people is to stay on the offense be reauthorized years later. And so I called
and bring them to justice before they hurt upon the Senate. I said, “There's still a
America again. threat; we still face a threat.” And yet Senate
And the best way to protect America is Democrats filibustered the bill, the reauthor
to give our professionals the tools they need ization of a bill that would tear down the
to protect you from attack. We recently had walls between intelligence and law enforce
a debate—a series of debates in the House ment. Filibuster means they don't want it to
and the Senate that clarified the two political pass, so they talk a lot. [Laughter. It happens
parties' position on the war on terror on how quite a bit in Washington. [Laughter. The
best to protect the American people. Senate Democratic leader bragged, “We
I believe strongly that our CIA profes have killed the PATRIOT Act.” Think about
sionals should have authorization to question that. The main Democrat in the United
people we pick up on the battlefield, to de States Senate said, “We killed the PATRIOT
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 19 1853

Act.” He was asked later by a reporter wheth world to abandon our alliance with Israel;
er killing the PATRIOT Act was really some blackmail the free world to continue to force
thing to celebrate, and he answered, “Of the West to cater to their needs and their
course it is.” dark vision of the world.
There's a fundamental difference of opin When you couple all that with the possi
ion between Democrats and Republicans on bility of Iran having a nuclear weapon, you
this issue. They voted for it right after 9/11; begin to understand the stakes in the war
they tried to kill it 5 years later. Kind of on terror. You begin to think about how im
sounds familiar, doesn't it? [Laughter] They portant it is that when we confront the
voted for it right before they voted against enemy, we defeat the enemy.
it. [Laughter] You don't have to worry about I fully understand—[applause]—we have
George Allen being steadfast and making a fundamental disagreement in Washington,
sure our folks have the tools necessary to pro DC, on this central front in the war on terror.
tect you. A fundamental issue in this cam Most Democrats—most leading Democrats
paign is—who best to protect the United argue we should pull our troops out of Iraq–
States of America. Our record is clear, and some, “right away”; others, “in just a few
you need to send George Allen back to the months,” even if the terrorists have not been
United States Senate so we can do our duty, defeated. Others recommend moving our
so we can assume the responsibilities of this troops to an island 5,000 miles away. Nine
era and protect you from further attack. teen House Democrats introduced legisla
A big issue in this campaign, of course, tion that would cut off funds for our troops
is Iraq. Iraq is a central front in the war on in Iraq. All these programs have one thing
terror. Iraq is a part of defeating an enemy in common—they would have our country
that would like to hurt us again. Oh, I quit in Iraq before the job is done. That's
know—I've heard all the rhetoric; I'm sure why they are the party of cut-and-run.
you've heard it too, that people say Iraq is The United States of America will support
just a distraction from 4. war On terror. our allies in Iraq. We will stand with the 12
That's what a lot of Democrats believe. Well, million people who demanded freedom at
if you're out there listening and you're wor the ballot box. Our goal of Iraq that can de
ried about who to vote for and worried about fend itself and govern itself and sustain itself
which party has the clearest vision about how and an ally in the war on terror is an impor
to protect the American people, don't take tant goal. We will give our commanders the
my word for whether Iraq is part of the war flexibility they need to continue to change
on terror, listen to Usama bin Laden—or Mr. the tactics to achieve that goal. We will fight;
Zawahiri, he's the number-two man in Al we will stay; and we will win in Iraq.
Qaida. And I want to thank Senator Allen's stand.
These two killers have made it clear that This is tough; this is a tough fight. It's a tough
Iraq is an important part of their campaign fight when we see carnage on our television
to establish a totalitarian form of government screens. It's a tough fight when somebody
across the Middle East. They have made it you know has volunteered to serve the
clear in their words that they believe America United States and doesn't come home. It's
is weak, that it's just a matter of time; if they tough, but it's tough for a reason: because
murder enough people, that we will with the enemy understands the stakes in Iraq.
draw. They have ambitions. And it's up to this gen
And they want us to withdraw. They want eration to stand with our troops, to put forth
us to withdraw so that they can establish safe a strategy for victory, to not abandon those
haven from which to launch attacks. They voices in the Middle East—the millions of
want us to withdraw so they can topple mod people who simply want to live in peace. This
erate governments. They want us to with is the calling of our time.
draw because they got designs on energy. You know, the Democrat Party made a
They would like nothing more than to black clear statement about the nature of their
mail the free world with the fear of running party when it came to how they dealt with
up the price of energy; blackmail the free Senator Joe Lieberman. He's a three-term
1854 Oct. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Democrat from Connecticut who supports his nuclear weapons ambitions. We're talking
completing the mission in Iraq. He took a about the fact that Japan had 1,000 troops
strong, principled stand, and he was purged in Iraq because Prime Minister Koizumi and
from the Democrat Party. Think about what I know that freedom is how you defeat an
it means. Six years ago, the Democrats ideology of hatred; that we understand that
thought that Joe Lieberman was a good when you encourage liberty to flourish where
enough man and a good enough politician it hadn't flourished, it provides hope. It helps
to run as the Vice Presidential candidate. defeat those who prey on hopelessness.
Now, because he supports victory in Iraq for It's an amazing conversation—I’ve had
the sake of security in the United States, they several with him. But every time I have sat
don't think he's fit to be in their party. down with him, I find it interesting fact of
There's only one position in the Democratic history that my dad fought the Japanese, and
Party that everybody seems to agree on: If today, his son is working to keep the peace.
you want to be a Democrat these days, you Something happened. Japan adopted a Japa
can be for almost anything, but victory in Iraq nese-style democracy. It's—the example is,
is not an option. liberty has the capacity to change an enemy
These are serious times. It requires stead into an ally. Liberty has the capacity to turn
fast leadership, strong determination. People a region of hate into a region of compassion.
like George Allen need to be reelected—to Someday, an American President will be sit
stand strongly with our troops, the voices that ting down talking about the peace with duly
desire peace. We'll stay on the offense; we elected leaders from the Middle East, and
: will keep the enemy on the run. We will do a generation of Americans will be better off.
the hard fight now so a generation of Ameri God bless.

:. cans can grow up in peace. We've got fan

ii :
tastic assets on our side. We've got a military
that will get all the support and training they
need to defend the American people.
We also have the power of liberty. Free
dom is a powerful force. You know, I like
to tell people about an interesting experience
I had. That's when I went to Elvis's place—
NOTE: The President spoke at 5:33 p.m. at the
Science Museum of Virginia. In his remarks, he
referred to Susan Allen, wife of Senator George
Allen; Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida
terrorist organization; former Prime Minister
Junichiro Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Kim
Jong Il of North Korea.

[laughter)—with the then sitting Prime Min

ister of Japan. I went down there. I'd never Notice—Continuation of the
been to Elvis's place. I thought it would be National Emergency With Respect to
interesting to go there. [Laughter] Prime Significant Narcotics Traffickers
Minister Koizumi wanted to go to Elvis's Centered in Colombia
place because he loves Elvis. [Laughter] October 19, 2006
But I wanted to tell a story, and I'm going
to tell it to you right quick, the reason I went. On October 21, 1995, by Executive Order
You º remember, my dad, and I know 12978, the President declared a national
some of your relatives, fought the Japanese emergency pursuant to the International
as a sworn enemy. There was a lot of kids Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C.
in the early forties that signed up to fight 1701–1706) to deal with the unusual and ex
the Japanese. They had attacked us, and this traordinary threat to the national security,
country was going to defend ourselves. foreign policy, and economy of the United
I find it amazing, and I hope you do too, States constituted by the actions of signifi
that the son of Navy pilot George H.W. Bush, cant narcotics traffickers centered in Colom
the sitting President of the United States, is bia, and the extreme level of violence, cor
on Air Force One, flying down with the ruption, and harm such actions cause in the
Prime Minister of the former enemy talking United States and abroad.
about the peace. We're talking about North The order blocks all property and interests
Korea and how we can work together to con in property that are in the United States, or
vince the leader in North Korea to give up within the possession or control of United
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 19 1855

States persons, of foreign persons listed in Letter to Congressional Leaders on

an annex to the order, as well as of foreign Continuation of the National
persons determined to play a significant role Emergency With Respect to
in international narcotics trafficking centered Significant Narcotics Traffickers
in Colombia. The order similarly blocks all Centered in Colombia
property and interests in property of foreign
persons determined to materially assist in, or October 19, 2006
provide financial or technological support for
or goods or services in support of the nar Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:)
cotics trafficking activities of persons des Section 202(d) of the National Emer
ignated in or pursuant to the order. In addi gencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), provides for
the automatic termination of a national emer
tion, the order blocks all property and inter
ests in property of persons determined to be gency unless, prior to the anniversary date
owned or controlled by, or to act for or on of its declaration, the President publishes in
behalf of persons designated in or pursuant the Federal Register and transmits to the
to the order. The order also prohibits any Congress a notice stating that the emergency
transaction or dealing by United States per is to continue in effect beyond the anniver
sons or within the United States in property sary date. In accordance with this provision,
or interests in property of the persons des I have sent the enclosed notice to the Federal
ignated in or pursuant to the order. Register for publication, stating that the
Because the actions of significant narcotics emergency declared with respect to signifi
traffickers centered in Colombia continue to cant narcotics traffickers centered in Colom

threaten the national security, foreign policy, bia is to continue in effect beyond October
21, 2006.
and economy of the United States and to
The circumstances that led to the declara
cause an extreme level of violence, corrup
tion, and harm in the United States and tion on October 21, 1995, of a national emer
abroad, the national emergency declared on gency have not been resolved. The actions
October 21, 1995, and the measures adopted of significant narcotics traffickers centered in
pursuant thereto to deal with that emer Colombia continue to pose an unusual and
gency, must continue in effect beyond Octo extraordinary threat to the national security,
ber 21, 2006. Therefore, in accordance with foreign policy, and economy of the United
section 202(d) of the National Emergencies States and to cause unparalleled violence,
Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for corruption, and harm in the United States
1 year the national emergency with respect and abroad. For these reasons, I have deter
to significant narcotics traffickers centered in mined that it is necessary to maintain eco
Colombia. This notice shall be published in nomic pressure on significant narcotics traf
the Federal Register and transmitted to the fickers centered in Colombia by blocking
Congress. their property and interests in property that
are in the United States or within the posses
George W. Bush sion or control of United States persons and
by depriving them of access to the U.S. mar
The White House, ket and financial system.
October 19, 2006. Sincerely,

George W. Bush
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
1:14 p.m., October 19, 2006]
NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis
NOTE: This notice was published in the Federal Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Register on October 20. and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate.
1856 Oct. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Remarks to Reporters at a CVS NOTE: The President spoke at 11:04 a.m.

October 20, 2006 Remarks at a National Republican
Senatorial Committee Reception
Medicare Reform October 20, 2006
The President. Secretary Leavitt and I are
pleased to be here at this counter where sen Thanks for coming. Please be seated. I ap
iors come to buy prescription drugs. And one preciate you being here. On the way down,
of the interesting things that happens at this Mr. McConnell said, “Keep it short; they
counter is that these decent folks are con haven't had their food yet." [Laughter]
stantly reminding seniors that there is a cost But I want to thank you all for coming.
saving benefit, Plan D in Medicare, available As you well know, we're heading down the
for them. It's a new plan; it just started last stretch here in this important political sea
year. The Health and Human Services son. I want to thank you for helping our Sen
helped implement the plan, and millions of ate candidates. It means a lot. I don't know
seniors are benefiting. Our seniors are saving about you, but I am absolutely confident that
money. They're getting better coverage. It's Mitch McConnell will be the leader of the
a plan that I'm real proud of. United States Senate in 2007.
We will continue to work to make it as I appreciate Mitch's leadership, and I ap

g:. good as it possibly can be. I really do want preciate the leadership of Elizabeth Dole as
to thank these kind-hearted souls who say well. These are two of the finest United
i: to a senior that you no longer—poor seniors,
particularly—you no longer have to choose
States Senators we have.
Laura sends her best. She is a patient
:: * between food and medicine, because there's woman. [Laughter] She is doing just fine. I'm
a new way forward. Our compassionate ap real proud of her. She is a É. First
proach to health care is working for Amer Lady.
ica's seniors. And I want to thank you—you Oh, there's going to be a lot of noise here

i want to say anything about the enrollment

Secretary of Health and Human Serv
ices Michael O. Leavitt. On November
15th, people can go through an open enroll
ment period. Eighty percent of seniors who
at the end of the campaign. There always
is. And sometimes it's all meant to obscure
the main issues. Sometimes folks don't really
want to talk about the core issues that will
affect the future of this country. I think there
are two big issues that we need to stay fo
are on this plan are satisfied with their plan, cused on and I know our candidates are talk
and if they're satisfied, they don't need to ing about, and they're issues in which there
do anything. But over 80 percent will be able are big differences of opinion. And the first
to find a plan that's cheaper, if they want issue is taxes.
to, or that may, in fact, fit their particular There is a difference of opinion between—
situation. what we ought to be º with your money,
We'll have people available at 1–800– see. There are people in the Democrat Party
MEDICARE. There will be people at phar who think they can spend your money far
macies and at senior centers—and others better than you can. And we believe that
that can help them around the country. This you're plenty capable of spending your own
has been a big success, and we're going to money. As a matter of fact, we believe that
get better at it. We're getting better at it when you have more of your own money in
every year. It'll be better this year than it your pocket to save, invest, or spend, all of
was last, and it will be better the year after us benefit; that the economy grows; that
that, just like Medicare was in 1965. This is hope expands; that the entrepreneurial spirit
a very important American success story that is invigorated.
we'll now build upon. And so in times of economic difficulty, I
The President. Thank you all very much. worked with Members of the United States
Appreciate it. Senate and the United States House to pass
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 20 1857

the largest tax relief since Ronald Reagan was every major tax cut that we passed. Time and
President of the United States. We didn't time again, when she had her opportunity
think the Tax Code ought to penalize mar to show her love for tax cuts, she voted no.
riage, so we reduced the marriage penalty. If this is the Democrats' idea of love, I
We cut taxes for small businesses. There's wouldn't want to see what hate looks like.
a reason why we cut taxes for small busi |Laughter
nesses—because we understand that 70 per Now they're trotting out their old lines.
cent of new jobs in America are
small-business owners.
* by I'm sure Elizabeth and Mitch will tell you
what they're hearing out there. They're say
We cut the taxes on capital gains and divi ing, “Listen, we're just going to tax the rich.”
dends, because we wanted to encourage in It is the same old, tired excuse for raising
vestment. We understand that when people taxes. It sounds good, but that's not what they
invest, it means that someone is more likely believe. Look at the record. In 1992, when
to be able to find a job. We cut the taxes they took over the White House and they
on—we doubled the child tax credit. In other campaigned on middle class tax cuts, when
words, we cut the taxes on families with chil they got the capacity to deliver on their
dren. We put the death tax on the road to promises, they passed one of the largest tax
extinction. We don't think it's fair to tax you increases in American history.
twice, once while you're living and once after Raising taxes is what the Democrats want
you're dead. As a matter of fact, we cut taxes to do; make no mistake about it. If they take
on everybody who pays taxes. [Laughter] We over the Senate, they will run up your taxes.
don't believe in this selective tax cutting. We Raising your taxes would hurt our economy.
said, if you're going to pay income taxes, you Raising our taxes would diminish the entre
ought to get relief. preneurial spirit. Raising taxes would be bad
And we had a spirited debate about wheth for small-business owners. Raising taxes is a
er or not the tax cuts made sense. A lot of Democrat idea of growing the economy, and
the Democrats in the United States Senate it won't work. The best way to keep this econ
said, “These tax cuts are going to make the omy strong is to make the tax cuts we passed
economy worse.” They went around the permanent.
United States saying tax cuts don't make any The other issue in this campaign is which
sense, but they did make sense. party, which group of leaders can keep Amer
We've created 6.6 million new jobs since ica safe. We are at war, and it's a tough war,
August of 2003. This week a new report but it's a war that is necessary to protect you.
showed that real wages grew 2.2 percent over Our most important job, the solemn respon
the past 12 months. That's faster than the sibility of those of us who are honored to
average for the 1990s. Because of our serve you in Washington, DC, is to do every
progrowth economic policies, this economy thing in our power to protect the American
is strong. People are working. The entrepre people from further attack.
neurial spirit is up. People are buying homes. There is an enemy which—[applause]—
Our plan works, and our candidates have we face a coldblooded enemy. You can't ne
something to run on coming this November. fº with these people. You cannot hope
There's a difference of opinion here in or the best, because they are ideologues
Washington, and I'm going to continue re bound by the desire to inflict damage on na
minding people of the clear difference of tions which love freedom. They will murder
opinion in this campaign. Let me tell you the innocent. They have no conscience. And
what the recent—the top leader, the Demo they murder to achieve an objective, and
crat leader in the House of Representatives that's what's important for our fellow citizens
said recently. This is a person who aspires to understand. It may sound farfetched to
to be the Speaker of the House. She said, some Americans out there, but this group of
“We love tax cuts.” She actually said that. ideologues wants to establish a caliphate, a
Given her record, she must be a secret ad governing body, a-they want to spread their
mirer. [Laughter] Over the past 5 years, she ideology of hate from Indonesia to Spain.
and her Democrat colleagues voted against That's what they have so declared. And they
1858 Oct. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
recognize in order to do that, they must in ment who are in charge of protecting you
flict serious damage on America to the point what they know?
where we're willing to retreat from the Mid And so after September the 11th, I went
dle East—so they can topple moderate gov to the United States Congress and said,
“Let’s pass what we call the PATRIOT Act.”
Imagine a world in which radical extrem It was a chance to make sure that we gave
ists not only topple moderate governments our folks on the frontlines of protecting you
so they can have territory from which to plan, all the tools necessary to do so. Right after
plot, and attack America and our allies but September the 11th, both the House and the
they have the capacity to control oil re Senate overwhelmingly passed the bill, but
sources, which they would be more than will the bill needed to be reauthorized some
ing to use in order to blackmail America and years later. And when it came up for reau
our allies into further retreat. You can imag thorization, Democrat Members of the
ine a circumstance in which these radicals United States Senate tried to kill the bill—
say, "We'll run up the price of oil by denying they, what we call here in Washington, fili
oil on the markets unless you abandon your bustered. They didn't want to give that tool
allies such as Israel, or unless you further necessary to those who protect you.
withdraw from the world.” And compound There's just a difference of opinion. We
that with a nuclear Iran, and the world 20
believe we're at war and we should give all
or 30 years from now is going to say, “What
the folks protecting you the tools necessary
happened to them in 2006? How come they to do so. Evidently, Democrats don't. As a
couldn't see the threat? What blinded these
º in order that they did not do their matter of fact, the Democrat leader, the per

. OD:

One of the key issues in this election is

who best sees the future and who best has
son who aspires to be the majority leader in
the United States Senate, when asked about
his filibuster, he said—he proudly pro
the plan to deal with it? I firmly see the claimed he killed the bill. And a reporter
threats we face, and the best way for America gave him a chance to recant—he said, “No,
I'm proud of that.”

. to protect ourselves is to go on the offense

and to stay on the offense. [Applause] Thank
you all.
However, going on the offense is not going we
I don't think that's the kind of attitude that
is necessary—we can afford if the biggest job
have in Washington, DC, is to protect
to be enough to protect you. It's a part of you. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, and
a comprehensive strategy. You know, we've I was able to sign the reauthorization of the
got to be right 100 percent of the time in PATRIOT Act, thanks to people like Mitch
protecting this homeland from those who still McConnell and Elizabeth Dole.
want to attack, and the enemy has got to be I felt it was important that our profes
right one time. And therefore, I felt it was sionals at the Central Intelligence Agency
vital that our professionals who are in charge questioned people we picked up on the bat
of protecting you have all the tools necessary tlefield, in order to i. out what they know,
to do so. And so right after September the see. If you're at war, you need to make sure
11th, we worked with Congress, in some that you get as much information as possible,
cases—and in some cases, we felt like we in order to protect you. It's a different kind
didn't need to-to put tools in the hands of of war. We can't measure the size of an infan
professionals. try against these people; we don't go out and
One such tool was to tear down a wall that count the number of airplanes they have.
prevented law enforcement from talking to This is a war that requires precise intel
intelligence. I know that's hard to believe, ligence, good information, if the task is to
but that's the reality of what had happened protect you before an attack comes.
in our country; that's what grew up to be And so, yes, sir, I set up a program that
the case. How can you protect our country gave our CIA professionals the opportunity
when you've got people gathering intel to question people like Khalid Sheikh Mo
ligence and they can't tell the law enforce hammed, the person our intelligence officials
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 20 1859

think is responsible for the killings on Sep dential candidate who declared, “I don't like
tember the 11th–the mastermind. You communism, but I don't think we have any
could imagine my thought processes—they great obligation to save the world from it.”
tell me they captured Khalid Sheikh Moham It was a-it began a slow shift of philosophy
med; my first question was, “What does he in the Democrat Party. A few years later, at
know? Does he know anything else that we the height of the cold war, a Democrat Presi
need to know?" dent told the country that America had got
And so as a result of a Supreme Court rul ten over, quote, “inordinate fear of com
ing, I took this bill to the United States Sen munism.” In the mid-1980s, a Senator from
ate. The Court said, work with the Senate Massachusetts, whom Democrats would later
to set up a military tribunal. I felt it was im choose as their Presidential nominee, de
portant for us to give these killers the justice clared that Americans should, quote, “aban
that they had denied others. But as a result don the kind of thinking that suggests we can
of that bill, we also worked with the Senate gain a meaningful advantage over the Soviet
to put legislation in place that would make Union in the nuclear arms race.”
it clear to our professionals that they could In other words, this is a different attitude.
interrogate. The philosophy of that party began to shift.
I view this as a clarifying moment for the Fortunately, in the 1980s, America had a Re
country, a chance for Republicans, Demo publican President who saw things dif
crats, and independents to learn firsthand the ferently. Ronald Reagan declared, “My the
differences of opinion we have in Wash ory of the cold war is that we win and they
ington, DC, because 70 percent of the people lose.”
in the United States Senate who call them By this time, the Democrat Party did not
selves Democrat voted against giving our share his optimism or his strategy for victory.
professionals the tools necessary to question See, they'd gotten to the point where they
people so we can prevent attacks. These are didn't think that we could win. Many of their
fine people; they're patriotic people; but leaders fought the Reagan defense buildup;
they're wrong. They don't idºl the they fought his strategic defense initiative;
stakes in the war on terror. In order to pro they opposed the liberation of Grenada; they
tect America, we must stay on the offense didn't like America's support for freedom
against the enemy and give our professionals fighters resisting Soviet puppet regimes; they
the tools necessary to protect you. heaped scorn on him; they mocked him when
It is interesting what's happened to the he called the Soviet Union an “evil empire.”
Democrat Party. I'm reading a lot of history Despite all the opposition that the President
these days, and I read about Franklin Roo faced from the Democrats, he didn't waver.
sevelt, who was strong in his confrontation He stood for what he believed, and history
of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. His will remember Ronald Reagan as the man
strength of character, his vision helped set who brought down the Soviet Union and won
the course for victory in World War II— the cold war.
strong wartime leader. It was a Democrat, And now we're involved in what I have
President Harry Truman, who confronted called the great ideological struggle of the
the rise of Soviet communism, and he set 21st century. It's a struggle between the
the course for victory in the cold war. John forces of liberty and the forces of a tyrannical
F. Kennedy declared America's commitment vision that does not believe in freedom. It's
to, in his words, “pay any price and bear any a struggle between moderates who want to
burden” in the defense of freedom. These live in peace in the Middle East and extrem
Presidents understood the challenges of their ists and radicals who will use murder to
time and were willing to confront those chal achieve their objective.
lenges with strong i. . And at the This is going to be a long struggle, but
same time, they had great faith in the power in order to prevail, it requires perseverance
of liberty and freedom. and determination and a strong belief in the
And then something began to change. In power of liberty to conquer the ideology of
1972, the Democrats nominated a Presi hate. The Democrat Party that has evolved
1860 Oct. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
from one that was confident in its capacity Listen, I fully understand it's a tough fight
to help deal with the problems of the world in Iraq. I know it; you know it; and our troops
to one that is doubting today still has an ap know it. Last week—or earlier this week, I
proach of doubt and defeat. They believe that spoke with the Prime Minister of Iraq, Prime
the war in Iraq is a diversion from the war Minister Maliki, and we discussed the vio
on terror. I believe the war in Iraq is a central lence in his country. I told him I was amazed
part in defeating the terrorists, in order that at how tough the Iraqis are when it comes
we protect ourselves. to violence. Think about that. They haven't
If you don't believe me and if the citizens abandoned their hopes for a government of,
of our country don't believe me, then they by, and for the people; 12 million people
ought to at least listen to Usama bin Laden— voted; they still long to live in a free society.
[laughter]—and the number-two man in Al Yet they're putting up with unspeakable vio
Qaida, Mr. Zawahiri, both of whom have
made it perfectly clear that Iraq is a central There's a reason why the violence is in
part of their strategy to establish their caliph creasing. One reason is that our forces, coali
ate. They believe America is weak, and it's tion and Iraqi forces, are focused on oper
just a matter of time before we will lose our ations to bring security in Baghdad. In other
nerve and abandon that young democracy in words, we're on the move. We're confronting
those who would like to sow sectarian vio
the heart of the Middle East. That's what
they firmly believe, and they have said so and lence. We're confronting the criminals who
stated it clearly. are taking advantage of the situation. We're
- -

The same Democrats that doubt and don't confronting the militias who are harming in

* *

believe this is a part of the war on terror
also argue that we should pull out our troops
before the job is done. The person I ran
nocent people. We're operating in some of
the city's most violent neighborhoods to dis
rupt and bring to justice Al Qaida and IED
makers and death squad leaders. We're en

i{; against for President said there ought to be

a date certain for withdrawal. That means it
doesn't matter what's happening on the
ground; it just means, get out. You've had
a leader in the House say, “Well, the best
gaging the enemies, and they're putting up
a tough fight.
Another reason why is, the terrorists are
trying to influence public opinion around the
world and right here in the United States.
way to deal with this is to put our troops They carry video cameras, film their atroc
on an island some 5,000 miles away from ities, e-mail images and video clips to Middle
Iraq.” There's all kinds of difference of opin Eastern cable networks like Al-Jazeera and
ions, but none of them are, “Let’s do the opinion leaders throughout the West. They
hard work necessary to secure America.” operate web sites where they say their goal
We have a difference of opinion. And is to, quote, “carry out a media war that is
that's why I have said that the Democrat parallel to the military war.”
Party, the party that—where some leaders Our goal in Iraq is clear, and it's unchang
have said we shouldn't spend another dime ing: a country that can sustain itself, a country
on Iraq; others have said, get out now; others that can govern itself, a country that can de
said, get out in a couple of months—that's fend itself, and a country which will be an
why they are the party of cut-and-run. ally in the war against these extremists. Our
It's a difference of opinion, but it's a fun strategy is threefold: to help rebuild that
damental issue in this campaign. The voters country, to help the political process move
out there need to ask the question, which forward, and to help the Iraqis stand up secu
political party will support the brave men and rity forces that are capable of defeating the
women who wear our uniform when they do enemy themselves.
their job of protecting America? Which polit Our tactics are constantly changing. I talk
ical party is willing to give our professionals to our generals who are in charge of these
the tools necessary to protect the American operations, and my message to them is:
people? Which political party has a strategy Whatever you need, we'll give you; and what
for victory in this war on terror? ever tactics you think work on the ground,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 20 1861

you put in place. Our goal hasn't changed, with the full force and might of the United
but the tactics are constantly adjusting to an States. Kids signed up; many didn't come
enemy which is brutal and violent. home. They volunteered to fight for our free
My message to the United States of Amer dom, just like the kids are doing today, volun
ica is: Victory in Iraq is vital for the security teering to fight for our freedom.
of a generation of Americans who are coming One of them was an 18-year-old Navy
up. And so we will stay in Iraq; we will fight fighter pilot. I find it really interesting that
in Iraq; and we will win in Iraq. [Applause] his son was on Air Force One with the Prime
All right. Thank you. Sit down now. Thank Minister of the former enemy, talking about
you. I'm not through yet. [Laughter] I’m al the peace. See, going down to Memphis from
most through. [Laughter] The waiter is sig Washington, we didn't spend a lot of time
maling to me, you know, giving me one of analyzing Elvis's songs. [Laughter] We talked
these things. [Laughter] about North Korea and how Japan and the
I want to tell you one other thing we be United States could work together to con
lieve in, and I believe it's a difference be vince the leader of North Korea to give up
tween the philosophies of our parties—is that his nuclear weapons ambitions. We talked
I believe in the power of liberty to transform about the fact that Japan had 1,000 troops
regions and countries and yield the peace we in Iraq.
want. That's what I believe. I believe this is See, Prime Minister Koizumi knows what
an ideological struggle, and the way you de I know, that when you find a young democ
feat an ideology of hate is with an ideology racy that's battling against extremists, it's in
of hope. I believe in the universality of free our interests to help that young democracy
dom. I believe there's an Almighty, and I be succeed. It's in the interests of not only this
lieve a great gift of that Almighty to every generation, who has got the charge of pro
man, woman, and child on the Earth is free tecting ourselves from terrorists, but from fu
dom. ture generations, to help democracies flour
ish. He understands what I know, that the
I believe people—I believe America
should never condemn anybody to a society reason we're talking about the peace is be
that does not embrace freedom. I believe in cause something happened between World
freedom so much that I wasn't surprised War II, when Japan was the sworn enemy
when 12 million people defied car bombers of the United States, and 2006, when they're
and said, “I want to be free.” And I believe flying from Washington to Memphis on Air
free societies yield the peace we want. Force One. And what happened was, Japan
A story that I share all the time with people adopted a Japanese-style democracy.
is the story about my relationship with the The lesson is, liberty has the capacity to
Prime Minister of Japan—former Prime change an enemy into an ally. And someday,
Minister now, Prime Minister Koizumi. You American Presidents will be sitting down
might remember, the Prime Minister and I with duly elected leaders from the Middle
went down to Elvis's place—[laughter]—in East talking about keeping the peace, and
Memphis, Tennessee. I went down there be a generation of Americans will be better off
for it.
cause I'd never been. [Laughter. He went
down there—and asked me to take him down Thank you for your help. God bless.
there because he liked Elvis. [Laughter]
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:53 a.m. at the
But I wanted to tella story to the American Mayflower Hotel. In his remarks, he referred to
people. You see, my dad fought the Japanese. Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist
They were the sworn enemy of the United organization; Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of
States. And many of your relatives did the Iraq; former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of
same thing. They attacked us; we responded Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of North Korea.
Oct. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Remarks Following a Meeting With nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
not included elsewhere in this issue.
Organizations That Support the
United States Military in Iraq and
Afghanistan October 14
October 20, 2006 In the morning, at Camp David, MD, the
President had an intelligence briefing.
I've had an uplifting and heartwarming In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
conversation with fellow citizens of all ages Bush returned to Washington, DC. He and
from across our country who are supporting Mrs. Bush then traveled to Arlington, VA.
our troops. These folks don't really care Later, they traveled to Camp David, MD.
about politics; what they care about is how
best to send a strong message to the men October 15
and women who wear our uniform that
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
America supports them.
Bush returned to Washington, DC.
And so we've had examples of people who The President declared an emergency in
started web pages to get different supplies New York and ordered Federal aid to supple
to send to troops who are—who need a care
ment State and local response efforts in the
package; to a woman who started a group area struck by a lake-effect snowstorm on Oc
of people to sew garments to help the
wounded recover faster; to a guy who helped tober 12 and continuing.
start video conferencing capabilities so that October 16
loved ones can share big moments in their
lives together, even though one is in combat; In the morning, the President had separate
telephone conversations with Prime Minister
: to a child who started treasure hunts to raise
money to help kids go to school. It's a re
Manmohan Singh of India and President
Later, he had an intel

:: . markable country when we have people who

decide to step up and help men and women he
who are serving their country in a time of
Nuri al-Maliki
ligence briefing. Then, in the Oval Office,
met with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew

i **
And I want to thank you all for coming,
and I appreciate what you're doing. is a web site where
our fellow citizens can volunteer to help. You
can become a part of a group and find out shocks
of Singapore.
Later in the morning, the President par
ticipated in an interview with Bill O'Reilly
of FOX News, for later broadcast.
During the day, the President had a brief
on the October 15 earthquake and after
in Hawaii.
ways that you can support our men and
women in uniform. These are brave, coura The President declared a major disaster in
geous people who deserve the full support Alaska and ordered Federal aid to supple
of the American citizenry. ment State and local recovery efforts in the
So I want to thank you all for coming. I area struck by severe storms, flooding, land
appreciate you being here. Thanks very slides, and mudslides on August 15–25.
October 17

NOTE: The President spoke at 2:35 p.m. in the In the morning, the President had an intel
Roosevelt Room at the White House. ligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Office,
he participated in a bill signing ceremony for
H.R. 5122, the John Warner National De
fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007,
which was assigned Public Law No. 109–364.
Digest of Other He then met with United Nations Secretary
White House Announcements
General-designate Ban Ki-Moon.
The President declared a major disaster in
The following list includes the President's public Hawaii and ordered Federal aid to supple
schedule and other items of general interest an ment State and local recovery efforts in the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1863

area struck by an earthquake on October 15 ant Secretary of Mine Safety at the Depart
and related aftershocks. ment of Labor.
The President announced that he has re
October 18
cess appointed Jeffrey R. Brown as a member
In the morning, the President had a tele of the Social Security Advisory Board.
phone conversation with President Hosni October 20
Mubarak of Egypt. Later, he had an intel
ligence briefing. He then traveled to Greens In the morning, the President had an intel
boro, NC, where, upon arrival, he met with ligence briefing. Later, at the Department
USA Freedom Corps volunteer Michelle Gil of Health and Human Services, he partici
In Ore. pated in a roundtable discussion on Medi
In the afternoon, at Stamey's restaurant, care. He then participated in an interview
the President had lunch with community with Kevin Freking of the Associated Press.
The White House announced that the
leaders. Later, he toured Waldo C. Falkener
Elementary School. He then traveled to President will host Secretary General Jakob
Randleman, NC. Gijsbert “Jaap" de Hoop Scheffer of the
Later in the afternoon, the President par North Atlantic Treaty Organization at the
White House on October 27.
ticipated in an interview with George
Stephanopoulos of ABC News, for later
broadcast. He then traveled to Greensboro,
NC, where, at a private residence, he at
tended a Republican National Committee Nominations
Submitted to the Senate
In the evening, the President returned to
Washington, DC.
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
October 19 Senate during the period covered by this issue.
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Avoca,
PA, where, at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
International Airport, he met with USA Checklist
Freedom Corps volunteer Naomi Alamar. of White House Press Releases
He then traveled to La Plume, PA.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to
Clarks Summit, PA, where he visited patrons The following list contains releases of the Office
at Manny's Ice Cream & Milk. Later he trav of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
eled to Richmond, VA, where, upon arrival, items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.
he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer
William “Robert” Floyd, Sr. He then stopped
by the Pumpkin Patch and visited with owner Released October 15
William F. Gallmeyer. Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
In the evening, the President returned to assistance to New York
Washington, DC.
The White House announced that the Released October 16
President will welcome President-elect
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
Felipe Calderon of Mexico to the White retary Tony Snow
House on November 9.
The President announced his intention to Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
nominate Katherine Almquist to be Assistant that the President signed H.R. 138, H.R. 479,
H.R. 3508, H.R. 4902, H.R. 5094, H.R. 5160,
Administrator of the U.S. Agency for Inter
H.R. 5381, and S. 2562
national Development (Bureau of Africa).
The President announced that he has re Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
cess appointed Richard E. Stickler as Assist assistance to Alaska
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Released October 17 District of Columbia to honor the victims of
the manmade famine that occurred in
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec Ukraine in 1932–1933
retary Tony Snow
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing H.R. 1463 / Public Law 109–341
that the President signed H.R. 4957 and To designate a portion of the Federal build
H.R. 6197 ing located at 2100 Jamieson Avenue, in Al
Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster exandria, Virginia, as the “Justin W. Williams
assistance to Hawaii United States Attorney's Building"
Fact sheet: The Military Commissions Act of H.R. 1556 / Public Law 109–342
To designate a parcel of land located on the
Released October 18 site of the Thomas F. Eagleton United States
Courthouse in St. Louis, Missouri, as the
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec “Clyde S. Cahill Memorial Park”
retary Tony Snow
H.R. 2322 / Public Law 109–343
Fact sheet: A Day in North Carolina. Presi To designate the Federal building located at
dent Bush Highlights the Success of No 320 North Main Street in McAllen, Texas,
Child Left Behind
as the “Kika de la Garza Federal Building"
Released October 19
*::" H.R. 3127 / Public Law 109–344
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006
:: retary Tony Snow


Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by
President-elect Felipe Calderon of Mexico
Released October 20

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec

H.R. 4768 / Public Law 109–345
To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 777 Corporation
Street in Beaver, Pennsylvania, as the “Rob
ert Linn Memorial Post Office Building”

retary Tony Snow H.R. 4805 / Public Law 109–346
** Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of To designate the facility of the United States
NATO Secretary General “Jaap" de Hoop Postal Service located at 105 North Quincy
Scheffer Street in Clinton, Illinois, as the “Gene
Vance Post Office Building”
H.R. 4954 / Public Law 109–347
Security and Accountability for Every Port
Acts Approved Act of 2006
by the President
H.R. 5026 / Public Law 109–348
Approved October 13 * To designate the Investigations Building of
the Food and Drug Administration located
H.R. 315 / Public Law 109–339 at 466 Fernandez Juncos Avenue in San Juan,
To designate the United States courthouse Puerto Rico, as the “Andres Toro Building"
at 300 North Hogan Street, Jacksonville, H.R. 5428 / Public Law 109–349
Florida, as the “John Milton Bryan Simpson
United States Courthouse” To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 202 East Wash
H.R. 562 / Public Law 109–340 ington Street in Morris, Illinois, as the “Josh
To authorize the Government of Ukraine to ua A. Terando Morris Post Office Building"
establish a memorial on Federal land in the
H.R. 5434 / Public Law 109–350
* These Public Laws were not received in time To designate the facility of the United States
for publication in the appropriate issue. Postal Service located at 40 South Walnut
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1865

Street in Chillicothe, Ohio, as the “Larry Cox H.R. 5160 / Public Law 109–359
Post Office” Long Island Sound Stewardship Act of 2006
S. 2856 / Public Law 109–351 H.R. 5381 / Public Law 109–360
Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of National Fish Hatchery System Volunteer
2006 Act of 2006

S. 3661 / Public Law 109–352

S. 2562 / Public Law 109–361
Wright Amendment Reform Act of 2006 Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Ad
S. 3728 / Public Law 109–353 justment Act of 2006
North Korea Nonproliferation Act of 2006
Approved October 17
Approved October 16
H.R. 233 / Public Law 109–362
H.R. 138 / Public Law 109–354
Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage
To revise the boundaries of John H. Chafee Wilderness Act
Coastal Barrier Resources System Jekyll Is
land Unit GA-06P H.R. 4957 / Public Law 109–363

H.R. 479 / Public Law 109–355

To direct the Secretary of the Interior to con
vey the Tylersville division of the Lamar Na
To replace a Coastal Barrier Resources Sys tional Fish Hatchery and Fish Technology
tem map relating to Coastal Barrier Re Center to the State of Pennsylvania, and for
sources System Grayton Beach Unit FL–95P
other purposes
in Walton County, Florida
H.R. 5122 / Public Law 109–364
H.R. 3508 / Public Law 109–356
2005 District of Columbia Omnibus Author John Warner National Defense Authoriza
tion Act for Fiscal Year 2007
ization Act

H.R. 4902 / Public Law 109–357 H.R. 6197 / Public Law 109–365
Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006
Byron Nelson Congressional Gold Medal Act
H.R. 5094 / Public Law 109–358 S. 3930 / Public Law 109–366
Lake Mattamuskeet Lodge Preservation Act Military Commissions Act of 2006
•• • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • * * * · * ** * * * * * * *
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Notices Statements by the President

Continuation of the National Emergency With See also Bill Signings
Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Population of the U.S. reaching 300 million—
Centered in Colombia–1854 1837

Supplementary Materials
Proclamations Acts approved by the President—1864
50th Anniversary of the Hungarian º
Checklist of
O White
ite H leases—
House press releases

Digest of other White House
National Character Counts Week—1823 announcements—1862
National Forest Products Week—1823 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1863

- *-
-* -*
- - - * - ***
- - - - - - - - **** * * ********

20402 POSTA
Ae 2.104:42/#3 FED - DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, October 30, 2006

Volume 42—Number 43
Pages 1867–1906

Addresses and Remarks Letters and Messages

See also Bill Signings; Meetings With Foreign Eid al-Fitr, message–1870
Florida Meetings With Foreign Leaders
Reception for congressional candidate Vern Dominican Republic, President Fernandez
Buchanan in Sarasota—1871
Tour of Gyrocam Systems, LLC, in
Sarasota—1876 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Secretary
Iowa, luncheon for congressional candidate General de Hoop Scheffer—1903
Jeff Lamberti and Iowa Victory 2006 in Proclamations
Des Moines—1892
Michigan United Nations Day—1867
Reception for senatorial candidate Michael
Bouchard in Warren—1898 Resignations and Retirements
Remarks to reporters in Clinton Chief Usher Gary Walters, retirement,
Township—1898 statement—1877
Morley Candy Makers—1898
National Italian American Foundation Statements by the President
r dinner—1867

Radio address—1869 See Resignations and Retirements

Urban Trust Bank–1870
Supplementary Materials
Bill Signings Acts approved by the President—1906
Secure Fence Act of 2006, remarks—1891 Checklist of White House press releases—
Interviews With the News Media 1906

i :j :
º with reporters in the Oval Office—
News conference, October 25–1877
Digest of other White House
Nominations submitted to the Senate—1906

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607;
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, October 27, 2006
Proclamation 8073—United Nations of other areas under the flag of the United
Day, 2006 States to observe United Nations Day with
appropriate ceremonies and activities.
October 20, 2006
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
By the President of the United States my hand this twentieth day of October, in
of America the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
of the Independence of the United States of
A Proclamation America the two hundred and thirty-first.
On October 24, 1945, the United Nations George W. Bush
was formed to promote peace and inter
national security, further economic and social [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
development, protect fundamental human 8:45 a.m., October 24, 2006]
dignity, and recognize the equal rights of NotE: This proclamation was published in the
men and women. On United Nations Day,
Federal Register on October 25. This item was
we recognize the establishment of this im not received in time for publication in the appro
portant organization and underscore our priate issue.
commitment to making the world free and

The United Nations was built on the idea Remarks at a National Italian
that nations can act together to resolve con American Foundation Dinner
flict, and in the more than six decades since October 20, 2006
it was formed, the United Nations has ad
dressed significant international challenges. Ian [Ken] *, thank you for that kind intro
With 192 member countries, the United Na duction. But what you forgot to tell the peo
tions works to promote freedom, expand op ple was that my mother said, “Listen, son,
portunity, and reach out to those in need. I know you're going to be going over there
Today, as we work to combat extremism this evening. Remember your father has al
and terror with justice and dignity, the efforts ready spoken, so keep your remarks short.”
of the United Nations are as vital as ever. |Laughter
The world needs the members of the United I thank you for your kind words about my
Nations to stand together to help the organi mother and father. I am real proud they're
zation live up to its founding ideals, fulfill with you today. He is a remarkable guy and—
its mission, and spread hope and liberty to [applause]. The only mistake you made was
people around the globe. Together, we can not to insist that Laura spoke instead of me.
combat terrorism, help empower the voices |Laughter] She's doing great. She said,
of moderation, fight disease, and work for “Look, you keep it short too, because the
a world where all people are free to deter food is on the table.” [Laughter
mine their own destinies. But thanks for letting me come by to say
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, hello. I'm honored to be with you. I love to
President of the United States of America, pay homage to the Italian Americans that
by virtue of the authority vested in me by have made our country so great. And that's
the Constitution and laws of the United precisely what you do. The National Italian
States, do hereby proclaim October 24, 2006, American Foundation is an important organi
as United Nations Day. I urge the Governors zation because it reminds people of the great
of the 50 States, the Governor of the Com
monwealth of Puerto Rico, and the officials * White House correction.

1868 Oct. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Italian heritage of many of our citizens. It I'm sorry tonight that one outstanding
also heralds the great diversity of our coun Italian American can't join you, but he'll be
try. So thanks for what you're doing. Thanks joining me tomorrow at a meeting in the
for letting me come by to say hello. White House, and that's Peter Pace. Peter
I'm honored to be here with the Ambas “Pac"—[laughter)—four-star general in the
sador from the great country of Italy. Mr. United States Marine Corps, Chairman of
Ambassador, it's good to see you, sir. I am the Joint Chiefs. The reason I bring him up
proud to say that Italy is a strong ally of the and the reason I'm meeting with him—first,
United States of America. there's no finer American than Peter Pace.
I see we've got some of the third branch He's an outstanding American, an out
of Government with us–Justice Scalia and standing Italian American.
Justice Alito. Thank you all for being here. I bring it up because we are in a titanic
I know that you are paying Alito an honor, struggle between extremists and radicals who
and I tell you, he paid this country an honor cannot stand the way of life of America. They
by agreeing to serve on the Supreme Court don't like the thought that people from dif
of the United States. I make a lot of decisions ferent backgrounds are able to live under a
as your President, and one of the finest deci nation and work together and achieve great
sions I made was to ask this man to serve. ness. They can't stand the thought j'.
And I understand you're honoring Frankie societies flourishing in their midst.
Valli. Sorry I'm not going to be around to And generations of Italian Americans be
hear you, but rest assured, I've heard plenty fore this generation have served with such
: of you when I was growing up. [Laughter] valor to make sure freedom still stands, and
i: i Congratulations to both you men. You picked now another generation of Americans is chal
fine winners here. Thanks for letting me lenged. There are many Italian Americans
come and pay homage to them as well. who wear our uniform today, brave men and
I'm proud to be with Secchia—Peter women who have volunteered in the great
Secchia. See, he picks up the phone, calls challenge of the 21st century, which is to pro

4. ** !.
the Oval Office, and says, “Man, you're the tect our country from terrorist attack and,
only sitting President who's never come to at the same time, spread the great blessings
this organization.” He said, “You better get of liberty so that a generation of Americans
over here tonight.” [Laughter] I said, “All can grow up in peace.
right, Secchia.” But I'm proud to call you
Taking W. inspiration of those who have
come before us, there's no doubt in my mind
You know, the story of this country is a that this generation of Americans will suc
story of immigrants, and we've always got to ceed. We won't falter in the face of danger.
remember that. And some of the greatest sto We'll be steadfast in our resolve to protect
ries of our country are the result of your an you. We will be confident in the power of
cestors who came to America and realized liberty to transform hostile regions into hope
the big dream of our country. And what this ful regions. And when we persevere, some
country must always do is be a land of dream day, somebody will step up |. to this mike,
ers and doers, is to reward hard work and years from now, and say, “Thank goodness
honor faith and family. And the Italian Amer a generation of Americans did their duty for
icans inspire that greatness of America every the sake of the security of the United States
day through your acts of kindness and gen and the peace of the world.”
erosity and through your contributions to the So I come before you with a lot on my
country. mind. But one of the things that's on my
You know, the list of Italian Americans that mind is how grateful I am to be the President
have made a significant contribution to our of such a fabulous country, a country full of
country is long. I mean, Tommy Lasorda, spirited, entrepreneurial, decent, compas
Yogi Berra, and for you Colt 45 fans—that's sionate people.
the old Houston baseball team—“Holly I hope you enjoy your evening tonight.
wood" Kenny Aspromonte. Where are you, Thanks for letting me come by. God bless
Aspro’Yes, sir. you. God bless America.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 21 1869

NoTE: The President spoke at 7:43 p.m. at the that have been cleared of terrorist influence.
Washington Hilton. In his remarks, he referred And we will continue to be flexible and make
to A. Kenneth Ciongoli, chairman, and Ken every necessary change to prevail in this
Aspromonte, member of the board of directors, struggle.
National Italian American Foundation; Italy's Am
bassador to the U.S. Giovanni Castellaneta; enter Iraq's new leaders are beginning to take
tainer Frankie Valli; former U.S. Ambassador to the difficult steps necessary to defeat the ter
Italy Peter F. Secchia; and baseball Hall of rorists and unite their country. The Prime
Famers Tommy Lasorda and Yogi Berra. A tape Minister recently met with tribal leaders
was not available for verification of the content from Anbar Province, who told him they are
of these remarks. This item was not received in ready to stand up and fight the terrorists.
time for publication in the appropriate issue. He's also taken action to clean up the Iraqi
National Police. His government suspended
The President’s Radio Address
a National Police unit after allegations that
some of its members were linked to militias
October 21, 2006 and death squads. A battalion commander
was arrested for possible complicity in sec
Good morning. Earlier this week, I spoke tarian deaths. And earlier this week, two of
with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq. We dis Iraq's most senior police commanders were
cussed the recent increase in violence in his reassigned as part of a major restructuring
country. Attacks have grown significantly of the national police force.
during the first weeks of the Muslim holy Another reason for the recent increase in
month of Ramadan. attacks is that the terrorists are trying to in
There are a number of reasons for this in fluence public opinion here in the United
crease in violence. One reason is that coali States. They have a sophisticated propaganda
tion and Iraqi forces have been conducting strategy. They know they cannot defeat us
focused operations to bring security to Bagh in the battle, so they conduct high-profile at
dad. Side by side, Iraqi and American forces tacks, hoping that the images of violence will
are operating in the city's most violent areas demoralize our country and force us to re
to disrupt Al Qaida, capture enemy fighters, treat. They carry video cameras and film their
crack down on IED makers, and break up atrocities and broadcast them on the Inter
death squads. As we engage our enemies in net. They e-mail images and video clips to
their stronghold, these enemies are putting Middle Eastern cable networks like Al
up a tough fight. In a briefing in Iraq on Jazeera and instruct their followers to send
Thursday, General William Caldwell said the the same material to American journalists,
operation to secure Baghdad has “not met authors, and opinion leaders. They operate
our overall expectations.” He also explained, web sites, where they post messages for their
“It's no coincidence that the surge in attacks followers and readers across the world.
against coalition forces coincides with our in In one recent message, the Global Islamic
creased presence in the streets in Baghdad.” Media Front—a group that often posts Al
Our goal in Iraq is clear and unchanging: Qaida propaganda on web sites—said their
Our goal is victory. What is changing are the goal is to “carry out a media war that is par
tactics we use to achieve that goal. Our com allel to the military war.” This is the same
manders on the ground are constantly adjust strategy the terrorists launched in Afghani
ing their approach to stay ahead of the stan following 9/11. In a letter to the Taliban
enemy, particularly in Baghdad. General leader Mullah Omar, Usama bin Laden
Pete Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, wrote that Al Qaida intended to wage “a
recently put it this way: “From a military media campaign to create a wedge between
standpoint, every day is a reassessment day.” the American people and their Govern
We have a strategy that allows us to be flexi ment.”
ble and to adapt to changing circumstances. The terrorists are trying to divide America
We've 3. the way we train the Iraqi and break our will, and we must not allow
security forces. We have changed the way them to succeed. So America will stand with
we deliver reconstruction assistance in areas the democratic Government of Iraq. We will
1870 Oct. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

help Prime Minister Maliki build a free na Islam is a great faith that has transcended
tion that can govern itself, sustain itself, and racial and ethnic divisions and brought hope
defend itself. And we will help Iraq become and comfort to many people. Throughout
a strong democracy that is a strong ally in Ramadan, Muslims have fasted to focus their
the war on terror. minds on faith and to direct their hearts to
There is one thing we will not do: We will charity. Eid al-Fitr marks the completion of
not pull our troops off the battlefield before this holy month with the Festival of Breaking
the mission is complete. There are some in the Fast. During this joyous celebration,
Washington who argue that retreating from Muslims thank God for his guidance and
Iraq would make us safer. I disagree. Re blessings by gathering with family and
treating from Iraq would allow the terrorists friends, sharing traditional foods, and show
to gain a new safe haven from which to ing compassion to those in need.
launch new attacks on America. Retreatin America is strengthened by the countless
from Iraq would dishonor the men . contributions of our Muslim citizens, and we
women who have given their lives in that value our ties with Muslim nations through
country and mean their sacrifice has been out the world. For people of all faiths, Eid
in vain. And retreating from Iraq would em al-Fitr is an opportunity to reflect on the val
bolden the terrorists and make our country, ues we share and the friendships that bind
our friends, and our allies more vulnerable all who trace their faith back to God's call
to new attacks. to Abraham.
The last few weeks have been rough for Laura and I send our best wishes for a
our troops in Iraq and for the Iraqi people. joyous Eid and for health, happiness, and
The fighting is difficult, but our Nation has prosperity in the year ahead. #. Mubarak.

i: -
seen difficult fights before. In World War II
and the cold war, earlier generations of
Americans sacrificed so that we can live in
freedom. This generation will do its duty as
George W. Bush
NOTE: This message was released by the Office
of the Press Secretary on October 23. An original
was not available for verification of the content
well. We will defeat the terrorists everywhere
they make their stand, and we will leave a of this message.
more hopeful world for our children and our
º º
Thank you for listening.
Remarks at Urban Trust Bank
October 23, 2006
NOTE: The address was recorded at 1:30 p.m. on
October 20 in the Cabinet Room at the White The President. I want to thank Bob John
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on October 21. son and Dwight Bush for hosting this meet
The transcript was made available by the Office ing here at the Urban Trust Bank. I also want
of the Press Secretary on October 20 but was em to thank Tim and Tony and Kathy for joining
bargoed for release until the broadcast. In his ad us. These are local entrepreneurs who are
dress, the President referred to Prime Minister living the American Dream, which is, they've
Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq: Maj. Gen. William B. started their own businesses; they're growing
Caldwell IV, spokesman, Multi-National Force— their own businesses; they are hoping to ex
Iraq; and Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida
terrorist organization. The Office of the Press Sec pand and hire more people.
retary also released a Spanish language transcript One of the great things about America is
of this address. that somebody can start with nothing and
end up with something when it comes to
business. People can have a dream, and they
Message on the Observance of can work hard to achieve that dream. And
Eid al-Fitr the role of government, it seems to me, is
to make sure that the dreamers are rewarded
October 20, 2006
for their hard work and their ingenuity and
I send greetings to Muslims in the United success. And the best way to do that is to
States and around the world celebrating Eid reduce taxes on people. The more money a
al-Fitr. entrepreneur has in his or her pocket, the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 24 1871

more likely it is he or she will be able to Remarks at a Reception for

expand that business, which will create jobs. Congressional Candidate Vern
Government has got to be careful about Buchanan in Sarasota, Florida
the regulations it passes. We've got to be October 24, 2006
careful about the number of lawsuits that
threaten these young companies. Govern Thank you all. I'm proud to be here. I ap
preciate you turning out—to give me a
ment can do well at helping to team up with chance to say that Vern Buchanan is the right
private corporations to enhance capital flows. man to be the United States Congressman
But the strength of this economy depends from the 13th Congressional District. He is
upon the strength of the small-business sec smart; he is capable; he is successful; he
shares your values; he loves his family; he
practices his faith with sincerity. He's a de
We've added a lot of jobs since August of cent, honorable man who deserves to be
2003–6.6 million new jobs. And that's a re
elected to the United States Congress.
sult of small businesses growing and expand And I want to thank you for helping him.
ing. I was just talking to Tim. He's got 30 I appreciate you coming out. It makes me
employees. That's up from zero 5 years ago. feel good. I know it makes the Congressman
It's really enlightening and encouraging for to-be feel good. But it gives us a chance to
me to talk to these hard-working people. remind you that we're in the final stretches
One of the interesting things about our of this campaign. And he's been working
economy that's also important is that as the hard, and his family has been working hard.
economy has grown, the real wages for And he's going to count on you to turn out
the vote.
American workers has increased. Last year So I want to thank you in advance for what
it increased by 2.2 percent. That's the largest you're going to do, which is to find our fellow
increase in recent years. And that's impor Republicans—to remind our fellow citizens
tant, because not only does it mean the small we have an obligation to vote, and when you
businesses are doing well, it means our work get them headed toward the polls, tell them
ing families are doing as well. if they want a country that's strong and an
And so I want to thank you, Bob, for letting economy that's strong, send Vern Buchanan
me come by. Congratulations on the example to Washington, DC.
you've set. I was pleased to meet Sandy and James
and Matt—Sandy would be the wife—
Robert L. Johnson. My pleasure, sir. [laughter]—James and Matt, the sons. I told
them how much I appreciated them sup
The President. Appreciate you very porting Vern for his run. I know what it's
like to run for office, and it's important to
Mr. Johnson. Thank you, Mr. President. have a wife and family stand with you. It can
kind of get lonely out there on the campaign
The President. Thank you. trail sometimes. And to have that strong fam
ily standing with him means a lot for this

NOTE: The President spoke at 2:01 p.m. In his I know what I'm talking about, because
remarks, he referred to Robert L. Johnson, found I married well, just like Vern married well.
er and chairman, The RLJ Companies; Dwight And Laura sends her love to our good friends
L. Bush, president and chief executive officer, down here in Florida. And we've got a lot
Urban Trust Bank; Timothy Sullivan, founder and of friends down here. As a matter of fact,
chief executive officer, Fidelis Security Systems, I don't have a lot of friends down here—
Inc.; Tony Rome, president and chief executive I've got some relatives down here. You know,
officer, Maven Strategies; and Kathy Boden, presi Jeb and I share the same campaign consult
dent and chief executive officer, Bluehouse Water ant—[laughter)—our mother. [Laughter
And so for you little ones here, my advice
1872 Oct. 24 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
is, listen to your mother. At 60 years old, I'm taxes low, and therefore I was able to lead
still listening to mine. But Laura sends her the United States Congress to pass the larg
love; Mother sends her love; and I know Jeb est tax relief since Ronald Reagan was the
Bush is strongly for Vern Buchanan to be President of the United States.
the next Congressman from this district. And now the results of the tax relief are
I, too, want to thank my buddy, the Sen in. Tax cuts we passed have left more than
ator from the great State of Florida, Mel a trillion dollars in the hands of American
Martinez. Thank you for coming. workers and families, farmers, and small
There's a lot of issues that we can talk business owners. And the American people
about. I want to talk about two today. And have used that money to help fuel strong eco
the first issue I want to talk about is the taxes nomic expansion.
you pay. It's an important issue. We have The Democrats said the tax cuts were not
made our position clear. We believe in lower the solution to solving an economy that was
taxes, and we intend to keep them that way. slipping into recession, you might remember,
The Democrats consistently oppose cutting .. in 2001. The truth is, the tax cuts have
your taxes. It should tell you how they feel. helped make the American economy grow
See, we just have a fundamental disagree faster than any major industrialized nation.
ment. They think they can spend your money This economy is the envy of the world.
better than you can. We believe you can The Democrats said that the tax cuts
spend your money far better than the Gov would lead to a jobless recovery. The truth
ernment can. is that our economy has added jobs for 37
When you go to the voting booth in 2 months in a row, and since August of 2003,
weeks, the lever you pull will determine the our economy has created 6.6 million new
taxes you pay for years to come. Americans jobs.
will cast their ballots on November the 7th, The Democrats said tax cuts would not
but you will feel the results every April 15th. help increase wages. Well the truth is, real
We share a philosophy that when you have wages have grown 2.2 percent over the last
more money in your pocket to save, spend, 12 months.
or invest, the economy benefits. The Democrats said tax cuts would cause
He knows what he's talking about. It's im the deficit to explode. Well the truth is that
portant for people from this part of the great tax cuts led to economic growth, and that
State of Florida to have somebody who has growth has helped send tax revenues soaring.
been a successful entrepreneur represent And as a result, the deficit has been cut in
you. This is an entrepreneurial State; this is half 3 years ahead of schedule.
an entrepreneurial area; this is a man who The Democrats have made a lot of pre
has taken risks. He's built businesses, but dictions. Matter of fact, I think they may be
more importantly, he's employed people. He measuring the drapes. [Laughter] If their
is successful; he understands how the econ electoral predictions are as reliable as their
omy works. He has lived the American economic predictions, November 7th is going
Dream. -

to be a good day for the Republicans.

The Republican Party is dedicated to mak And here's the truth. One of the reasons
ing sure the American Dream is viable for that the Democrats will lose on election day:
every single American. We understand that Because they want to raise your taxes. No,
if you have more money in your pocket, it's I know they don't want to tell it that plainly,
easier to save for a child's education. We un but that's what they're going to do. You know,
derstand if you have more money in your the top Democrat leader in the House made
pocket, a young Floridian can afford a down an interesting statement recently. She said,
payment on a new home. We understand that “We love tax cuts.” Given her record, she
when small businesses have more money in must be a secret admirer. [Laughter
their treasury, it makes it more likely that When we cut taxes on everybody that paid
small business will grow and expand and hire income taxes, she and her colleagues—most
new people. Our economy grows and the of her colleagues—voted against it. When we
American Dream expands when you keep reduced the marriage penalty, she and most
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 24 1873

of her colleagues voted against it. When we It's important for you to understand this
cut the taxes on small businesses, she voted fact as you're rounding up people to go to
against it. When we lowered taxes for families the polls, as you're getting ready to get on
with children, she voted against it. When we the telephone, dial people and remind them
reduced the taxes on capital gains and divi to vote—and if somebody says, “Well, tell
me about this election”—when it comes to
dends, she voted against it. When we put the
death tax on the road to extinction, she voted taxes, here's the way it works in Washington.
against it. Time and time again, she had an Under the current law, the tax cuts we
opportunity to show her love for taxes. passed, many of them, are set to expire. In
[Laughter] If this is the Democrats' idea of other words, if Congress doesn't be
love, I wouldn't want to see what hate looks proactive, the tax cuts will go away. And if
like. the tax cuts go away, you're Fº higher
You know, you listen to the debate, and taxes. In other words, if Congress fails to act,
they're trotting out the same old stuff. your taxes go up.
They're saying they're only going to raise And so they asked the ranking member of
taxes on the rich. It's important for people the Ways and Means Committee—that's the
in this district not to be fooled by that lan tax-writing committee; he would be the one
who would take the lead in taxes—and his
guage. It's important for people all across the
United States who are making up their mind response to a question was, he couldn't think
who to vote for in these elections not to be of one of our tax cuts he would extend. See,
this is the attitude of those who want to run
fooled by the language, “Oh, we'll only tax
the rich.” the House of Representatives on the Demo
crat side. He said, he couldn't think of one
Some of you are old enough to remember of the tax cuts—he couldn't even think of
1992. [Laughter] They campaigned on saying one that he would extend. Asked if he meant
they will—for a middle class tax cut. You that would consider—asked if that meant he
might remember that rhetoric. But when would consider tax hikes across the income
they took office, the middle class tax cut they spectrum, he said, “Of course it would.” See,
promised turned out to be one of the largest they're genetically—[laughter)—disposed to
tax increases in history. See, here's what hap raise your taxes.
pens. You get up to Washington, DC, and If there is no legislation renewing or ex
you start spending the people's money if tending the tax cuts, every tax rate will go
you're a Democrat, and you start making all back up to the old level. The marriage pen
these promises on the campaign trail. Then alty will return. The death tax will spring |.
you get up and you say, “Well, I think I'm to life. The child credit will be cut in half,
going to spend money here or there.” from $1,000 per child to just $500 per child.
Earlier this year, the Democrats in the So I want people who are listening to the
House, for example, put a budget alternative debate in this election to think about what
to call for 177 billion additional dollars than that would mean, if the Democrats take con
that which we're going to spend. The prob trol.
lem is, if they only raise taxes on the rich— If you're sitting around the dinner table
raise taxes on people making $200,000 or and there's two children, your taxes just went
more—they would fall far short of meeting up $1,000, if they take control. If you're got
their spending promises. So guess who gets three children at the dinner table, your taxes
to pay the bill? All of a sudden, the tax cut went up by $1,500. If you're a family of four
on the rich means you have to pay. It means and you're working hard to make ends meet
the middle class in America have to pay. and the Democrats take control of the
America should not be fooled by the empty House, your taxes just went up $2,000. The
rhetoric of the Democrats running for Con best way to make sure you have more of your
gress. The best way to make sure that the own money in your pocket to spend on your
Democrats don't raise your taxes is to put family is to vote for Vern Buchanan, and we'll
Congressman Vern Buchanan in Wash work to make the tax cuts we passed perma
ington, DC. nent.
1874 Oct. 24 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I want to talk about another issue, if you've The idea of people—professionals being
got some time. The most important issue fac able to listen to Al Qaida and its affiliates
ing this Nation is to protect you. The most came to a vote on the floor of the United
important job in Washington, DC, is to do States Congress. The American people must
everything we can to protect you from an fully understand that the vast majority of
other attack. We face an enemy that is brutal; Democrats opposed the right of this adminis
they have no conscience. They have an ide tration to have a tool necessary to protect
ology which is the opposite of our ideology. you. We just have a different view. They must
They can't stand freedom. They have desires, not think we're at war. They must think that
and that is to spread a kind of caliphate, a the best way to protect you is to respond after
governing organization, throughout the Mid the attack. I understand this is a war, and
dle East from which to launch attacks and the United States of America will do every
spread their dark vision of the world. They thing we can to protect you before the enemy
use murder as a weapon to achieve their ob hits again.
jectives. There is no negotiation possible with This is a different kind of war, and we pick
these kind of people. You can't reason with up people off the battlefield, and we want
them. The best way to protect the American to know what they know. I'm sure you've
people is to stay on the offense and bring been reading recently about some of the peo
them to justice so they don't hurt us again. ple that we i. picked up since that fateful
We had a series of interesting votes in attack on us on September the 11th, 2001.
Washington, DC, recently that should ex We captured a man named Khalid Sheikh
plain the fundamental differences between Mohammed, who our intelligence officers
: i how we view the war on terror and how the
Democrats view the war on terror. I felt that
believe was the mastermind of the Sep
: tember the 11th attacks. I felt it was impor
;! the President should do everything in his tant that our professionals find out what he
power, within the Constitution, to protect knew, in order to make sure I could say to

: !.
And therefore, after 9/11, I made a couple
of decisions that recently were brought to a
vote on the floor of the House of Representa
tives, which should give you an indication
about the differences of opinion. I believe
you, standing right here, that we're doing ev
erything we can to protect you.
I felt it was important for these brave souls
who work for the intelligence service to have
the tools necessary to inquire to these killers
what they know, in order to be able to stop
that we must work to prevent attacks from a further attack. This vote came up on the
happening in the first place, but here in the floor of the United States House of Rep
homeland—by staying on the offense. But resentatives. The vast majority of Democrats
here in the homeland, I understand that the voted against giving our professionals the
enemy has to be right one time, and we have right to interrogate to protect America.
to be right 100 percent of the time in order These are patriotic souls, but their vision of
to protect you. And therefore, I feel it's im the world is wrong, and we need to make
portant to make sure our professionals have sure that we continue to control the House
the tools necessary to protect you. of Representatives to provide the protection
I felt like that if Al Qaida or an Al Qaida necessary for-[applause].
affiliate was making a phone call into the This is a global war. There are many fronts
United States of America from outside our in the war on terror. We've got some fantastic
country, our intelligence professionals need men and women who wear our uniform. The
to know why. This is a different kind of war. best way to protect the American people is
Past wars—in past wars, you could watch flo to keep the enemy on the run. It is hard
tillas of ships or count airplanes to determine to plot and plan when you're hiding in a cave.
the intent or the strength of the enemy; you It's hard to plot and plan when you know
could watch manpower being moved. This the mighty United States military and/or our
is a different kind of war. It's a war that re intelligence services are breathing down your
quires intelligence so that we can make sure neck. And therefore it is important to have
our professionals are able to protect you. Members of the United States Congress who
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 24 1875

understand the stakes of the world in which Twelve million Iraqis went to the polls.
we live and will join me in making sure our They said, “We want to be free.” You
troops have all the equipment, all the sup shouldn't be surprised. Freedom is universal.
port, all the pay that is necessary for them We don't own freedom in America. I believe
to do their job. there is an Almighty, and I believe one of
A central front in this war, a central part the great gifts of the Almighty is the deep
of protecting America from an enemy that desire to be free.
would like to strike us again, is Iraq. It's For those of you who understand military,
tough fighting in Iraq. It is tough fighting I'm running the war this way: I set the goal,
because the enemy understands the stakes and I count on our commanders on the
of success in Iraq. A lot of people in Wash ground and our Ambassador in Baghdad to
ington, a lot of Democrats, say that Iraq is set the tactics in order to achieve the goal.
a diversion on the war on terror. As you We're constantly changing. The enemy
know, I have a difference of opinion; I be changes, and we change. The enemy adapts
lieve it is a central front in the war on terror. to our strategies and tactics, and we adapt
And that's an honest debate to have, but to theirs. We're constantly changing to defeat
if you haven't made up your mind yet, listen this enemy.
to the words of Usama bin Laden or his num But if the Democrats were to take control,
ber-two person in Al Qaida, Mr. Zawahiri, their policy is pretty clear to me: It's cut
both of whom made it clear that their objec and-run. Oh, they try to claim it's not. They
tive is to inflict as much pain as possible so try to claim it's not, but if you listen to their
America will withdraw from Iraq, so they can leaders, the man I ran against for President
have safe haven from which to plot and plan in 2004 said we need a date certain from
attacks, so they can have more resources to which to withdraw. My attitude is, look, I
develop the weapons they would like to use want to bring our troops home as much as
against us, so they can topple moderate gov anybody, but I want to make sure they come
home with victory, not with defeat.
It is conceivable 20 years from now, people For the sake of these little kids here, we
would look back on this period of time in will fight in Iraq, and we will win in Iraq.
the midst of a world in which radicalism and And when we achieve our goal, we will have
extremism was prevalent, in which allies such dealt the enemy an incredible blow. You
as Israel were surrounded by incredibly hos know, we've got great assets on our side.
tile forces, in which Iran had a nuclear weap We've got a fantastic country, people that are
on, in which governments were in control of strong. We've got a military that is bold and
these radicals who then cut off oil supplies courageous. We got one other thing going
to the West. That's the scenario that will hap for us, too, and that is the great power of
pen if we withdraw before we achieve our liberty.
objectives. People will look back and say, Liberty is a powerful, powerful tool. You
“What happened to them in the year 2006? see, liberty will yield the peace we want. Free
How come they couldn't see the threat?” I societies will yield the peace. We're in an
see the threat. That is why we have got a ideological struggle between extremists and
strategy for victory in Iraq. radicals who hate and between moderate
The stakes are high, and the enemy under people who simply want to live in peace. It's
stands that. Our goal is to have a country a struggle between good and decent people
that can defend itself, sustain itself, govern and evil killers. It's a struggle that is going
itself, and be an ally in the war on terror. to take a while to achieve. But it is an ideolog
Our goal was to remove a threat. I made the ical struggle, and you can defeat an ideology
right decision in taking Saddam Hussein out of hate with an ideology of hope—and free
of power. And now our goal is to help this dom is that ideology of hope.
young democracy succeed, is to help these You know I–recently I had an interesting
brave souls defeat the thugs and the experience. I share this with people all
sectarians and the Al Qaida, from toppling around our country because I want to bring
their dreams. to life that which we are now accomplishing.
1876 Oct. 24 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

I went to Elvis's place—[laughter)—with the NOTE: The President spoke at 1:35 p.m. at the
former Prime Minister of Japan. He was the Sarasota Bradenton International Convention
sitting Prime Minister of Japan then. I went. Center. In his remarks, he referred to Gov. Jeb
Bush of Florida; Usama bin Laden, leader of the
I had never been there. [Laughter] The Al Qaida terrorist organization; U.S. Ambassador
Prime Minister wanted to go there. [Laugh to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, and former Prime Min
ter] See, he was an Elvis fan. [Laughter] ister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan.
But I wanted to tell an interesting story.
It's the story about a family—my family—
and a story about liberty. My dad fought the Remarks Following a Tour of
Japanese. You've had relatives—I know peo Gyrocam Systems, LLC, in Sarasota
ple here whose families fought the Japanese. October 24, 2006
They were the sworn enemy of the United
States. It was a bloody conflict. Thousands I wanted to stop by here at Gyrocam for
of people lost their lives. Young kids volun a couple of reasons: One, low taxes encour
teered to defend their country, just like peo age small-business growth. One of the rea
sons why we're adding jobs in this country
ple are volunteering today to defend our of ours is because our small-business sector
country, and a lot didn't come home. is flourishing. And in order to make sure that
As a matter of fact, it took us a while to
companies such as this little company con
get Japanese—slurs of Japanese people out tinue to expand, you got to keep taxes low.
of our vocabulary; the hate was so bad. I find If we run up taxes, it's going to make it hard
* i it interesting that I'm on the airplane flying er for the small businesses to expand.
down to Elvis's place with the Prime Minister There's a big—there's a significant issue
of a former enemy talking about the peace, in this campaign; make no mistake about it,
talking about bringing peace to the world. if the Democrats take control of the Con

For some of you young ones out there, 60 gress, they'll raise taxes by letting the tax cuts
may seem like a long time. For those of us expire. And we intend to
who are 60, it just seemed like a snap of the
fingers. [Laughter]
ſº taxes low.
The other thing that's interesting about
this little company is, one of the products
Something happened between 18-year-old they make is an IED detector. And I've been
º *
* : Navy fighter pilot George H.W. Bush and saying to the American people that our goal
his President—and his son, the President, in Iraq has not changed, which is a country
talking about keeping the peace with the that can sustain itself, defend itself, govern
Prime Minister of a former enemy. And what itself. Our tactics are adjusting. And one of
happened was, Japan adopted a Japanese the adjustments we had to make in order to
style democracy. Liberty has got the capacity protect lives and achieve our mission was to
to change hate into hope. Liberty has got the better detect IEDs. And this little company
capacity to help change an enemy into an right here makes an IED detector that en
ally. Someday, someday, an American Presi ables our troops to be able to ferret out an
IED before they come across it.
dent will be sitting down with duly elected And one of the interesting things I was
leaders from the Middle East talking about able to do was talk to a couple of Iraq vets
the peace, and a generation of Americans will who now work for this company. They're
be better off.
bringing their expertise off the battlefield to
The stakes in this election are high. I ask help this company design a product which
you to vote for Vern Buchanan. He'll be an will work. Interestingly enough, they then
ally in making sure your taxes stay low so send people back to maintain the detectors.
the economy grows and an ally in making At any rate, I want to thank you all for
sure the United States Government does ev giving me a chance to come by. I'm proud
erything in our power to protect the Amer to be with you. The entrepreneurial spirit
ican people and to make sure that a genera must remain strong in this country. It is
tion of Americans can grow up in peace. strong inside this company, and we intend
God bless, and thanks for coming. to keep it strong by keeping taxes low, less
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 25 1877

regulation, hopefully less lawsuits, and our large caches of weapons, including sniper
economy will remain strong. If we run up scopes and mortars and powerful bombs.
taxes, it will falter. There has been heavy fighting. Many enemy
Thank you. Appreciate it. fighters have been killed or captured, and
we've suffered casualties of our own. This
NoTE: The President spoke at 2:40 p.m. month we’ve lost 93 American service mem
bers in Iraq, the most since October of 2005.
Statement on the Retirement of During roughly the same period, more than
Chief Usher Gary Walters 300 Iraqi security personnel have given their
October 24, 2006
lives in battle. Iraqi civilians have suffered
unspeakable violence at the hands of the ter
Chief Usher Gary Walters has been a val rorists, insurgents, illegal militias, armed
ued public servant to seven First Families groups, and criminals.
for more than three decades at the White The events of the past month have been
a serious concern to me and a serious con
House. We have known Gary for many years
and are especially grateful for making our cern to the American people. Today I will
family feel at home and for managing and explain how we're adapting our tactics to
overseeing the operations of the White help the Iraqi Government gain control of
House, a museum of American history. the security situation. I'll also explain why,
While we are sad to see him leave, we wish despite the difficulties and bloodshed, it re
Gary all the best in his future endeavors. mains critical that America defeat the enemy
in Iraq by helping the Iraqis build a free na
NotE: This statement was released by the Office tion that can sustain itself and defend itself.
of the Press Secretary as a statement by the Presi
dent and the First Lady. Our security at home depends on ensuring
that Iraq is an ally in the war on terror and
does not become a terrorist haven like Af
The President’s News Conference ghanistan under the Taliban. The enemy we
October 25, 2006 face in Iraq has evolved over the past 3 years.
After the fall of Saddam Hussein, a sophisti
The President. Thank you all very much. cated and a violent insurgency took root.
I'm going to spend a little more time on my Early on this insurgency was made up of
opening comments than I usually do, but I'll remnants of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party
save plenty of time for questions. as well as criminals released by the regime.
Over the past 3 years, I have often ad The insurgency was fueled by Al Qaida and
dressed the American people to explain de other foreign terrorists, who focused most of
velopments in Iraq. Some of these develop their attention on high-profile attacks against
ments were encouraging, such as the capture coalition forces and international institutions.
of Saddam Hussein, the elections in which
We learned some key lessons from that
12 million Iraqis defied the terrorists and
voted for a free future, and the demise of early phase in the war. We saw how quickly
Al Qaida and other extremist groups would
the brutal terrorist Zarqawi. Other develop
ments were not encouraging, such as the come to Iraq to fight and try to drive us out.
bombing of the U.N. hº in Bagh We overestimated the capability of the civil
dad, the fact that we did not find stockpiles service in Iraq to continue to provide essen
of weapons of mass destruction, and the con tial services to the Iraqi people. We did not
tinued loss of some of America's finest sons expect the Iraqi Army, including the Repub
and daughters. lican Guard, to melt away in the way that
Recently American and Iraqi forces have it did in the face of advancing coalition
launched some of the most aggressive oper
ations on enemy forces in Baghdad since the Despite these early setbacks, some very
war began. They've cleared neighborhoods important progress was made in the midst
of terrorists and death squads and uncovered of an incredibly violent period. Iraqis formed
1878 Oct. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
an interim government that assumed sov more than 150,000 troops to ensure people
ereignty. The Iraqi people elected a transi could vote. Most recently, we have moved
tional government, |. and adopted the additional coalition and Iraqi forces into
most progressive democratic Constitution in Baghdad so they can help secure the city and
the Arab world, braved the car bombs and reduce sectarian violence.
assassins to choose a permanent government After some initial successes, our operations
under that Constitution, and slowly began to to secure Baghdad have encountered greater
build a capable national army. resistance. Some of the Iraqi security forces
Al Qaida and insurgents were unable to have performed below expectations. Many
stop this progress. They tried to stand up to have performed well and are fighting bravely
our forces in places like Fallujah, and they in some of Baghdad's toughest neighbor
were routed. So they changed their tactics. hoods. Once again, American troops are per
In an intercepted letter to Usama bin Laden, forming superbly under very difficult condi
the terrorist Zarqawi laid out his strategy to tions. Together with the Iraqis, they've con
drag Iraq's Shi'a population into a sectarian ducted hundreds of missions throughout
war. To the credit of the Shi'a population, Baghdad. They've rounded up or killed key
they resisted responding to the horrific vio insurgents and death squad leaders.
lence against them for a long time. As we fight this enemy, we're working with
Yet the persistent attacks, particularly last
February's bombing of the Golden Mosque the Iraqi Government to perform the per
º in Samarra, one of Shi'a Islam's most holy formance—to improve the performance of
--- º shrines, eventually resulted in sectarian re their security forces, so they can regain con
prisals. The cycle of violence, in which Al trol of the nation's capital and eventually as
sume primary responsibility for their coun
; Qaida insurgents attacked Shi'a civilians and
Shi'a death squads retaliated against Sunnis,
has sharply increased in recent months, par
ticularly in Baghdad.
try's security.
A military solution alone will not stop vio
lence. In the end, the Iraqi people and their
Government will have to make the difficult
As the enemy shifts tactics, we are shifting
our tactics as well. Americans have no inten decisions necessary to solve these problems.
*; |: tion of taking sides in a sectarian struggle
or standing in the crossfire between rival fac
tions. Our mission is to help the elected Gov
ernment in Iraq defeat common enemies, to
So in addition to refining our military tactics
to defeat the enemy, we're also working to
help the Iraqi Government achieve a political
solution that brings together Shi'a and Sunnis
bring peace and stability to Iraq, and make and Kurds and other ethnic and religious
our Nation more secure. Our goals are un groups.
changing. We are flexible in our methods to Yesterday our Ambassador to Iraq, Zal
achieving those goals. Khalilzad, laid out a three-step approach.
On the military side, our commanders on First, we're working with political and reli
the ground are constantly adjusting our tac gious leaders across Iraq, urging them to take
tics to stay ahead of our enemies. We are steps to restrain their followers and stop sec
tarian violence.
refining our training strategy for the Iraqi se
curity forces so we can help more of those Second, we're helping Iraqi leaders to
forces take the lead in the fight and provide complete work on a national compact to re
them better equipment and firepower to be solve the most difficult issues dividing their
successful. We've increased the number of country. The new Iraqi Government has con
coalition advisers in the Iraqi Ministries of demned violence from all quarters and
Defense and Interior so they can better plan agreed to a schedule for resolving issues,
and execute security operations against the such as disarming illegal militias and death
enemy. squads, sharing oil revenues, amending the
We have changed our force structure so Iraqi Constitution, and reforming the de
we can better respond to the conditions on Ba'athification process.
the ground. For example, during the Iraqi Third, we're reaching out to Arab States
elections, we increased our force levels to such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Jordan
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 25 1879

and asking them to support the Iraqi Govern efforts in Iraq are not worth it. To the con
ment's efforts to persuade Sunni insurgents trary, the consequences in Iraq will have a
to lay down their arms and accept national decisive impact on the security of our coun
reconciliation. The international community try, because defeating the terrorists in Iraq
is also supporting the international compact is essential to turning back the cause of extre
that outlines the support that will be pro mism in the Middle East. If we do not defeat
vided to Iraq as it moves forward with its the terrorists or extremists in Iraq, they will
own program of reform. gain access to vast oil reserves and use Iraq
These are difficult tasks for any govern as a base to overthrow moderate govern
ment. It is important for Americans to recog ments across the broader Middle East. They
nize that Prime Minister Maliki's unity Gov will launch new attacks on America from this
ernment has been in office for just over 5 new safe haven. They will pursue their goal
months. Think about that. This young Gov of a radical Islamic empire that stretches
ernment has to solve a host of problems cre from Spain to Indonesia.
ated by decades of tyrannical rule. And they I know many Americans are not satisfied
have to do it in the midst of raging conflict, with the situation in Iraq. I'm not satisfied
against extremists from outside and inside either. And that is why we're taking new
the country who are doing everything they steps to help secure Baghdad and constantly
can to stop this Government from suc adjusting our tactics across the country to
ceeding. meet the changing threat. But we cannot
We're pressing Iraq's leaders to take bold allow our dissatisfaction to turn into disillu
measures to save their country. We're mak sionment about our purpose in this war. We
ing it clear that America's patient is not un must not look at every success of the enemy
limited. Yet we also understand the difficult as a mistake on our part, cause for an inves
challenges Iraq's leaders face, and we will tigation, or a reason to call for our troops
not put more pressure on the Iraqi Govern to come home. We must not fall prey to the
ment than it can bear. The way to succeed sophisticated propaganda by the enemy, who
in Iraq is to help Iraq's Government grow is trying to undermine our confidence and
in strength and assume more control over its make us believe that our presence in Iraq
country as quickly as possible. is the cause of all its problems.
I know the American people understand If I did not think our mission in Iraq was
the stakes in Iraq. They want to win. They vital to America's security, I'd bring our
will support the war as long as they see a troops home tomorrow. I met too many wives
path to victory. Americans can have con and husbands who have lost their partners
fidence that we will prevail because thou in life, too many children who won't ever see
sands of smart, dedicated military and civilian their mom and dad again. I owe it to them
personnel are risking their lives and are and to the families who still have loved ones
working around the clock to ensure our suc in harm's way to ensure that their sacrifices
cess. A distinguished independent panel of are not in vain.
Republicans and Democrats, led by former Our country has faced adversity before
Secretary of State Jim Baker and former during times of war. In past wars, we've lost
Congressman Lee Hamilton, is taking a fresh young Americans who gave everything to
look at the situation in Iraq and will make protect our freedom and way of life. In this
recommendations to help achieve our goals. war, we've lost good men and women who've
I welcome all these efforts. My administra given their lives for a cause that is necessary
tion will carefully consider any proposal that and it is just. We mourn every loss, and we
will help us achieve victory. must ºrd ourselves for the sacrifices that are
It's my responsibility to provide the Amer yet to come. America's men and women in
ican people with a candid assessment on the uniform are the finest in the world. I’m awed
way forward. There is tough fighting ahead. by their strength and their character. As Gen
The road to victory will not be easy. We eral Casey reported yesterday in Iraq, “The
should not expect a simple solution. The fact men and women of the Armed Forces have
that the fighting is tough does not mean our never lost a battle in over 3 years in the war.”
1880 Oct. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Every American can take pride in our troops we lose in Iraq is if we leave before the job
and the vital work they are doing to protect is done.
us. And I'm confident we can succeed in the
Our troops are fighting a war that will set broader war on terror, this ideological con
the course for this new century. The outcome flict. I'm confident because I believe the
will determine the destiny of millions across power of liberty will defeat the ideology of
the world. Defeating the terrorists and ex hate every time, if given a chance. I believe
tremists is the challenge of our time and the that the radicals represent the few in the
calling of this generation. I'm confident this Middle East. I believe the majority of people
generation will answer that call and defeat want to live in a peaceful world. That's what
an ideology that is bent on destroying Amer I believe.
ica and all that we stand for.
And I know it's incumbent upon our Gov
And now I'll be glad to answer some of ernment and others who enjoy the blessings
your questions. Terry [Terence Hunt, Associ
of liberty to help those moderates succeed
ated Press].
because otherwise we're looking at the po
tential of this kind of world: a world in which
War on Terror/Democracy Efforts in Iraq
radical forms of Islam compete for power;
Q. Mr. President, the war in Iraq has a world in which moderate governments get
lasted almost as long as World War II for toppled by people willing to murder the in
the United States. And as you mentioned, nocent; a world in which oil reserves are con
October was the deadliest month for Amer
trolled by radicals in order to extract black
ican forces this year—in a year. Do you think mail from the West; a world in which Iran
we're winning, and why?
The President. First of all, this is a dif has a nuclear weapon. And if that were to
ferent kind of war than a war against the fas occur, people would look back at this day
cists in World War II. We were facing a na and age and say, “What happened to those
tion-state—two nation-states—three nation people in 2006? How come they couldn't see
states in World War II. We were able to find the threat to a future generation of people?”
an enemy by locating its ships or aircraft or Defeat will only come if the United States
soldiers on the ground. This is a war against becomes isolationist and refuses to, one, pro
extremists and radicals who kill innocent peo tect ourselves, and two, help those who de
ple to achieve political objectives. It has a sire to become—to live in a moderate, peace
multiple of fronts. ful world. And it's a hard struggle, no ques
Afghanistan was a front in this war against tion about it. And it's a different struggle.
the terrorists. Iraq is now the central front Q. Are we winning?
in the war against the terrorists. This war is The President. Absolutely, we're winning.
more than just finding people and bringing Al Qaida is on the run. As a matter of fact,
them to justice; this war is an ideological con the mastermind, or the people who they
flict between a radical ideology that can't think is the mastermind, of the September
stand freedom and moderate, reasonable the 11th attacks is in our custody. We've now
people that hope to live in a peaceful society. got a procedure for this person to go on trial,
And so it's going to take a long time, Terry. to be held for his account. Most of Al Qaida
I am confident we will succeed. I am con that planned the attacks on September the
fident we'll succeed in Iraq, and the reason 11th have been brought to justice.
I'm confident we'll succeed in Iraq is because Extremists have now played their hand,
the Iraqis want to succeed in Iraq. The ulti the world can clearly see their ambitions. You
mate victory in Iraq, which is a government know, when a Palestinian state began to show
that can sustain itself, govern itself, and de progress, extremists attacked Israel to stop
fend itself, depends upon the Iraqi citizens the advance of a Palestinian state. They can't
and the Iraqi Government doing the hard stand democracies. Extremists and radicals
work necessary to protect their country. And want to undermine fragile democracy be
our job is to help them achieve that objective. cause it's a defeat for their way of life, their
As a matter of fact, my view is, the only way ideology.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 25 1881

People now understand the stakes. We're likely to be able to govern yourself as well.
winning, and we will win, unless we leave But politics—the political way forward and
before the job is done. And the crucial battle the military way forward must go hand in
right now is Iraq. And as I said in my state hand.
ment, I understand how tough it is, really And what the General was saying yester
tough. It's tough for a reason: because people day is that there is a three-step process to
understand the stakes of success in Iraq. And enable the Iraqi forces to be able to help
my point to the American people is, is that this Government bring security. One was to
we're constantly adjusting our tactics to train and equip. The goal is 325,000 troops—
achieve victory. 137,000 military and the balance, police.
Steve [Steve Holland, Reuters]. Second was to put the Iraqi security forces
in the lead. Six of ten divisions now are in
Iraqi Military and Security Forces
the lead in helping this Government defend
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Are you con itself. The strategy has been to embed U.S.
sidering sending more U.S. troops to Iraq” personnel, officers and non-com officers, into
What would be the justification for it? And these forces to help them gain the confidence
how reliable is this new timetable of 12 to
18 months? and the capacity to be effective when they're
in the lead.
The President. I will send more troops
And the third step is for the Iraqi security
to Iraq if General Casey says, “I need more forces to be able to operate independently.
troops in Iraq to achieve victory.” And that's
the way I've been running this war. I have And this, perhaps, is going to be one of the
great faith in General Casey. I have great most difficult aspects of having the Iraqis
faith in Ambassador Khalilzad. I trust our ready to go, because that means they have
to be able to drive themselves, maintain their
commanders on the ground to give the best
advice about how to achieve victory. I want vehicles, provide logistics, have combat serv
to remind you, victory is a government that ice support. And that's what General Casey
can sustain itself, govern itself—a country was describing.
that can govern itself, sustain itself, and de The key is that our commanders feel that
fend itself, and serves as an ally in the war there—they have got enough flexibility to de
on terror—which stands in stark contrast to sign the program to meet the conditions on
a government that would be chaotic, that the ground. You know, last spring, I thought
would be a safe haven for the enemy to for a period of time we'd be able to reduce
launch attacks on us. our troop presence early next year. That's
what I felt. But because we didn't have a
One way for the American people to un
derstand what Iraq could look like is what fixed timetable and because General Casey
Afghanistan looked like under the Taliban, and General Abizaid and the other generals
a place where there was no freedom; a place there understand that the way we're running
where women were taken to the public this war is to give them flexibility, have the
square and beaten if they did not adhere to confidence necessary to come and make the
the strict, intolerant guidelines of the right recommendations here in Washington,
Taliban; a place where thousands trained to DC, they decided that that wasn't going to
attack America and our allies. Afghanistan happen. And so what he was describing to
doesn't have nearly the resources that Iraq you was the way forward to make sure that
has. Imagine a safe haven for an enemy that the Iraqis are fully prepared to defend them
ended up with the resources that it had.
It is—and so this is a war where I say to Q. What about the 12 to 18 month esti
our generals, “Do you have what it takes to
win?" Now, General Casey talked about part The President. It's a condition, a base es
of our strategy, and part of the strategy is timate. And that's important for the Amer
to give the Iraq Government the tools nec ican people to know. This notion about, you
essary to protect itself, to defend itself. If know, fixed timetable of withdrawal, in my
you're able to defend yourself, you're more judgment, is a-means defeat. You can't
1882 Oct. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

leave until the job is done. Our mission is Now, I'm giving the speech—you're asking
to get the job done as quickly as possible. me why I'm giving this speech today—be
Let's see here—Dave [David Gregory, cause there's—I think I owe an explanation
NBC News]. to the American people, and will continue
to make explanations. The people need to
Progress in Iraq know that we have a plan for victory. Like
Q. Mr. President, for several years you I said in my opening comments, I fully un
have been saying that America will stay the derstand. If the people think we don't have
course in Iraq; you were committed to the a plan for victory, they're not going to sup
policy. And now you say that, no, you're not port the effort. And so I'll continue to speak
saying, stay the course, that you're adapting out about our way forward.
to win, that you're showing flexibility. And Jessica [Jessica Yellin, ABC News].
as you mentioned, out of Baghdad we're now
hearing about benchmarks and timetables
from the Iraqi Government, as relayed by Iran and Syria
American officials, to stop the sectarian vio Q. Sir, you've called Iran part of the axis
lence. of evil and Syria a state sponsor of terrorism.
In the past, Democrats and other critics You said earlier today that your administra
of the war who talked about benchmarks and tion will consider any proposal that will help
timetables were labeled as defeatists, us achieve victory. So, I'm wondering, if it's
“defeatocrats,” or people who wanted to cut determined that Iran and Syria could help
and run. So why shouldn't the American peo you achieve victory in Iraq, would you be
ple conclude that this is nothing from you willing to work with them?
other than semantic, rhetorical games and all The President. Iran and Syria understand
politics 2 weeks before an election? full well that the world expects them to help
The President. David, there is a signifi Iraq. We've made that very clear to them.
cant difference between benchmarks for a
Let me talk about the Iranian issue. We've
government to achieve and a timetable for got a lot of issues with Iran. First is whether
withdrawal. You're talking about—when or not they will help this young democracy
you're talking about the benchmarks, he's succeed. The second issue, of course, is
talking about the fact that we're working with
the Iraqi Government to have certain bench whether or not they will help the Lebanese
marks to meet as a way to determine whether democracy succeed—the Siniora Govern
or not they're making the hard decisions nec ment, which is—a priority of this Govern
essary to achieve peace. I believe that's what ment is to help that Siniora Government. The
you're referring to. And we're working with big issue right now is whether or not Iran
the Iraqi Government to come up with will end up with a nuclear weapon. And so
benchmarks. our issues with Iran are many. And our posi
Listen, this is a sovereign government. It tion is very clear to the Iranians: There is
was elected by the people of Iraq. What a better way forward for the Government and
we're asking them to do is to say, when do the people than to be isolated.
And we will continue to work to make it
you think you're going to get this done, when
clear to the Iranian Government that all
can you get this done, so the people them
selves in Iraq can see that the Government three accounts and the sponsor of terrorists
is moving forward with a reconciliation plan will cause more isolation. We've got a very
and plans necessary to unify this Govern active diplomatic effort taking place. The Ira
ment. nians know our position on Iraq, and they
That is substantially different, David, from know it clearly. More importantly, they know
people saying, “We want a time certain to the Iraqis’ position relative to Iran. We're
get out of Iraq.” As a matter of fact, the helping a sovereign government succeed.
benchmarks will make it more likely we win. And the Iraqis have sent messages to the Ira
Withdrawing on an artificial timetable means nians: To help us succeed, don't interfere in
we lose. the internal affairs.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 25 1883

As to Syria, our message to Syria is con problems and bring the people together. And
sistent: Do not undermine the Siniora Gov if his point is, is that those benchmarks, or
ernment in Lebanon; help us get back the the way forward, can't be imposed upon Iraq
help Israel get back the prisoner that was by an outside force, he's right. This is a sov
captured by Hamas; don't allow Hamas and ereign government. But we're working close
Hizballah to plot attacks against democracies ly with the Government to be able to say,
in the Middle East; help inside of Iraq. They “Here's what's going to happen then; here's
know our position as well, Jessica. what we expect to happen now; here's what
Q. May I just follow? James Baker has should be expected in the future.”
himself said that he believes the U.S. should Second part of your question?
work with Iran. So would you be willing to Q. I was wondering—first of all, he
work with Iran in a way that allows some seemed to be pushing back with
sort of negotiations in Iraq, even if they don't The President. Oh, on the sectarian—on
come to the table in the P-3 and P-5 negotia the militias. I heard that, and I asked to see
tions? his complete transcript of this press con
The President. Jessica, Iran has a chance ference, where he made it very clear that mi
to come to the table with the United States litias harm the stability of his country. Mili
to discuss a variety of issues. And the way tias—people out—who operate outside the
forward is one that I had made clear at pre law will be dealt with. That's what the Prime
vious press conferences, and that is, if they Minister said in his press conference. The
would verifiably stop their enrichment, the idea that we need to coordinate with him is
United States will be at the table with them. a—makes sense to me. And there's a lot of
In the meantime, they understand our posi operations taking place, which means that
tion, and they understand, more importantly, sometimes communications may not be as
the Iraqi position about their interference in good as they should be. And we'll continue
side their country. to work very closely with the Government
to make sure that the communications are
Progress in Iraq solid.
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Prime Min I do believe Prime Minister Maliki is the
ister Maliki apparently gave his own news right man to achieve the goal in Iraq. He's
conference this morning, where he seemed got a hard job. He's been there for 5 months,
to be referring to Ambassador Khalilzad and a little over 5 months, and there's a lot of
General Casey yesterday, when he said, no pressure on him, pressure from inside his
body has the right to set any timetables in country. He's got to deal with sectarian vio
Iraq–and also seemed to be upset about the lence; he's got to deal with criminals; he's
raid in Sadr City, saying he wasn't consulted. got to deal with Al Qaida—all of whom are
And I believe the quote was, “It will not be lethal. These are people that will kill. And
repeated.” Do you still have full, complete, he wants to achieve the same objective I want
and total confidence in Prime Minister to achieve, and he's making tough decisions.
Maliki as a partner in Iraq” And what can I'm impressed, for example, by the way,
you tell the American people about his ability that he has got religious leaders, both Sunni
to rein in the militias, since he seems to de and Shi'a, to start working together. I appre
rive much of his power from them? ciate the fact that he has made a very clear
The President. Yes. First, this is back to statement on militias. And, by the way, death
the question that David asked about bench squad members are being brought to justice
marks. You called it “timetables.” in this—during these operations in Baghdad.
Q. He did, sir. I speak to him quite frequently, and I re
The President. Okay, he called it “time mind him we're with him, so long as he con
tables;” excuse me. I think he was referring tinues to make tough decisions. That's what
to the benchmarks that we're developing that we expect. We expect that the Iraqi Govern
show a way forward to the Iraqi people, and ment will make the hard decisions necessary
the American people for that matter, about to unite the country and listen to the will
how this unity Government is going to solve of the 12 million people.
1884 Oct. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Let's see here. Yes, sir, Bret [Bret Baier, that the war in Iraq is not going as well as
FOX News]. you want, and given that you're not satisfied
Situation in North Korea
as you just told us today, why hasn't anybody
been held accountable? Should somebody be
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. North Ko held accountable?
rean leaders apparently today warned South The President. Peter, you're asking me
Korea against joining international sanctions, why I believe Secretary Rumsfeld is doing
saying South Korea would pay a high price a good job, I think, if I might decipher
if they did so. Are you still confident that through the Washington code.
South Korea and China will implement the Q. —or someone else—
full force of the U.N.-passed sanctions? And The President. Well, let's start with
what happens if North Korea continues to Rumsfeld, Secretary Rumsfeld. I've asked
thumb its nose at the world? him to do some difficult tasks as the Sec
The President. I believe that—first of all, retary of Defense—one, wage war in two dif
I've been briefed on this subject recently by ferent theaters of this war on terror, Afghani
the Secretary of State, who just came back stan and Iraq, and at the same time, asked
from the Far East. She met with the Japa him to transform our military posture around
nese, the South Koreans, the Chinese, and the world and our military readiness here at
the Russians. Her report is that all countries home. In other words, the transformation ef
understand we must work closely together fort into itself is a big project for any Sec
rº to solve this problem peacefully. And that retary to handle. But to compound the job
º means adhering to the latest United Nations he has, he's got to do that and, at the same
º Security Council resolution that was passed. time, wage war. And I’m satisfied of how he's
The leader of North Korea likes to threat
en. In my judgment, what he's doing is just
done all his jobs.
He is a smart, tough, capable adminis
testing the will of the five countries that are trator. As importantly, he understands that
working together to convince him there is the best way to fight this war, whether it be
a better way forward for his people. I don't in Iraq or anywhere else around the world,
know the exact words he used, but he is— is to make sure our troops are ready, that
this is not the first time that he's issued morale is high, that we transform the nature
threats. And our goal is to continue to remind of our military to meet the threats, and that
our partners that when we work together, we give our commanders on the ground the
we're more likely to be able to achieve the flexibility necessary to make the tactical
objective, which is to solve this problem dip changes to achieve victory.
lomatically. And so I would report to you the This is a tough war in Iraq. I mean, it's
coalition remains firm, and we will continue a hard fight, no question about it. All you've
to work to see to it that it does remain firm. got to do is turn on your TV. But I believe
Baker [Peter Baker, Washington Post]. that the military strategy we have is goin
to work. That's what I believe, Peter. An
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld so we've made changes throughout the war,
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you we'll continue to make changes throughout
for taking questions today. the war. But the important thing is whether
The President. What was that? or not we have the right strategy and the
Q. Thank you for taking questions today. tactics necessary to achieve that goal. And
The President. Baker, I'm just happy to I believe we do.
be able to do so, brother. [Laughter] I can't Dick [Richard Keil, Bloomberg News].
tell you how joyful it is. [Laughter] Q. And from the
Q. When you first ran for President, sir, The President. Wait a minute, let me
you talked about the importance of account say—the ultimate accountability, Peter, rests
ability. We learned from Bob Woodward's with me. That's the ultimate—you're asking
recent book that Secretary Card, on two oc about accountability, that's—rests right here.
casions, suggested that you replace Secretary It's what the 2004 campaign was about. If
Rumsfeld, and both times you said no. Given people want to—if people are unhappy about
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 25 1885

it, look right to the President. I believe our easier for people to be able to recruit extrem
generals are doing the job I asked them to ists and kids, to be able to use their tactics
do. They're competent, smart, capable men to destroy innocent life. A defeat there would
and women. And this country owes them a dispirit people throughout the Middle East
lot of gratitude and support. who wonder whether America is genuine in
Yes, now Dick, sorry. our commitment to moderation and democ
War on Terror
And I told you what the scenario, Dick,
Q. Mr. President could look like, 20 or 30 years from now,
The President. It was a clever little fol if we leave before the job is done. It's a seri
lowup you slipped in there. Sorry, Gregory. ous business. And that's why I say it's the
I mean, look—Gregory is still mad he didn't call of this generation. And I understand how
get the followup, but it's okay. tough it is, see, but I also said in my remarks,
Q. You've said, Mr. President, several just because the enemy has been able to
times here this morning that the definition make some progress doesn't mean we should
of failure in Iraq would be to leave before leave. Quite the contrary, we ought to do ev
the job was done. But you also said that you erything we can to help prevent them from
have no intention of seeing our troops stand making progress. And that is what our strat
ing in the crossfire of a sectarian war within egy is.
that country. With many observers on the Elaine [Elaine Quijano, Cable News Net
ground saying that civil war in Iraq is as close work].
as it's ever been, how do you reconcile those Q. What if there is a civil war?
two statements? And what happens if a full
fledged civil war breaks out? Iraqi Government
The President. Dick, our job is to prevent The President. You're asking me
the full-scale civil war from happening in the hypotheticals. Our job is to make sure there's
first place. It's one of the missions, is to work not one, see. You been around here 5%
with the Maliki Government to make sure years; you know I won't answer hypotheticals.
that there is a political way forward that says Occasionally slip up, but
to the people of Iraq, it's not worth it. Civil Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You talk
war is not worth the effort—by them. That's about the U.S. Government and the Iraqi
the whole objective, is to help this Govern Government working closely together on
ment be able to defend itself and sustain benchmarks. I'm wondering, sir, why was
itself so that the 12 million people that Prime Minister Maliki not at the news con
voted—they didn't vote for civil war; they ference yesterday with General Casey and
voted to live under a Constitution that was Ambassador Khalilzad? Would that not have
passed. And so we will work to prevent that sent a strong message about there being a
from happening. I very close level of cooperation between the
Q. What about two Governments?
The President. Let me finish. I view that The President. Elaine, I have no idea why
this is a struggle between radicals and ex he wasn't there.
tremists who are trying to prevent there to Q. Was he invited, sir?
be a democracy, for a variety of reasons. And The President. I have no idea. I'm not
it's in our interest that the forces of modera the scheduler of news conferences. I do
tion prevail in Iraq and elsewhere in the Mid know they work very closely together, and
dle East. A defeat there—in other words, if they've got a very close working relationship,
we were to withdraw before the job is done, and that's important.
it would embolden extremists. They would
say, you know, we were right about America Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki
in the first place, that America did not have Q. May I ask you, sir, following up, when
the will necessary to do the hard work. That's you say that you're not satisfied with the way
precisely what Usama bin Laden has said, things are going in Iraq, why should that not
for example. A defeat there would make it be interpreted by some to mean that you are
1886 Oct. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
dissatisfied with Prime Minister Maliki's per Progress in Iraq
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Does the
The President. Because I know Prime United States want to maintain permanent
Minister Maliki; I know how hard his job is; bases in Iraq” And I would follow that by
and I understand that he is working to make asking, are you willing to renounce a claim
the decisions necessary to bring this country on permanent bases in Iraq”
together. And he's—look, we'll push him, but The President. Jim, any decisions about
we're not going to push him to the point permanency in Iraq will be made by the Iraqi
where he can't achieve the objective. And Government. And frankly, it's not in muc
we'll continue to work with him. He rep of a position to be thinking about what the
resents a government formed by the people world is going to look like 5 or 10 years from
of Iraq. It's a–and he's got a tough job. I now.They are working to make sure that we
succeed in the short term. And they need
mean, think about what his job is like. He's our help, and that's where our focus is.
got to deal with political factions. He's got But remember, when you're talking about
to deal with the hatred that is left over from
bases and troops, we're dealing with a sov
the tyranny of Saddam Hussein. ereign Government. Now, we entered into
There's a lot of people still furious about an agreement with the Karzai Government.
what happened to them during Saddam Hus They weren't called permanent bases, but
sein's period. You can imagine that. What they were called arrangements that will hel
happens if your brother or sister had been this Government understand that there wi
assassinated by Saddam Hussein and his po be a U.S. presence so long as they want them
litical party? You'd be—you wouldn't be there. And at the appropriate time, I'm con
happy about it. Reconciliation is difficult in fident we'll be willing to sit down and discuss
a society that had been divided and tortured the º security of Iraq. But right now
by a tyrant. we're discussing how to bring security to
Baghdad and what do we do in Al Anbar
And Prime Minister Maliki has got the dif province, where Al Qaida still uses violent
ficult job of reconciling these grievances and methods to achieve political objectives.
different political parties on top of that, plus You know, it's interesting, if you—I'm sure
dealing with violence. I've talked to him a people who watch your TV screens think the
lot. I like his spirit. I like his attitude. He's entire country is embroiled in sectarian con
confident we can achieve the mission. He's
flict and that there's constant killing every
not—he's realistic about how difficult it is
where in Iraq. Well, if you listened to Gen
in Iraq. eral Casey yesterday, 90 percent of the action
It's in our Government's interest that we takes place in 5 of the 18 provinces. And
help him succeed, because he wants a unified . Baghdad, it's within a 30-mile area.
country. And I believe we will succeed. I And the reason I bring that up is that while
it seems to our American citizens that noth
know we're not going to succeed, however,
if we set artificial timetables for withdrawal ing normal is taking place—and I can under
or we get out of there or we say to the enemy, stand why; it's a brutal environment there,
“Just keep fighting, we'll leave soon.” That's particularly that which is on our TV
not going to work. What will work is a strat screens—that there is farmers farming; there
egy that's constantly—tactics that constantly are small businesses growing; there's a cur
change to meet the enemy. And that's what rency that's relatively stable; there's an entre
I was describing in my speech; we're con preneurial class. There's commerce. General
stantly adjusting. As the enemy changes, we
Abizaid was describing to me what it was like
to go to Baghdad markets.
change. War is not a-this war, and other There's a lot of work to be done; don't
wars, they're not static. They're dynamic get me wrong, but it is—there are people
events. And we must adjust to meet those living relatively normal lives who I believe—
events, and we are. strongly believe that they want to continue
Jim [Jim Rutenberg, New York Times]. that normalcy, and it's up to Prime Minister
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 25 1887

Maliki to do everything he can to make the 500 for this one, and 500 for that one. That
situation as secure as possible. is a tax increase. And taking $2,000 out of
Ann [Ann Compton, ABC News]. Sorry, the pockets of the working people will make
Rutenberg; you're through. it harder to sustain economic growth.
2006 Elections
So the two issues I see in the campaign
can be boiled down to, who best to protect
Q. Thank you, sir. Is the coming election this country and who best to keep taxes low.
a referendum on Iraq” Should it be? That's what the referendum is about.
The President. I think the coming elec Let's see here—David [David Greene,
tion is a referendum on these two things: Baltimore Sun]. Hold on for a minute. David.
which party has got the plan that will enable
our economy continue—to continue to grow,
and which party has a plan to protect the Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki
American people. And Iraq is part of the se Q. Thank you, sir. You've long talked
curity of the United States. If we succeed— about the importance when the Federal Gov
and when we succeed in Iraq, our country ernment is involved in an effort, spending
will be more secure. If we don't succeed in money and resources, of measuring success,
Iraq, the country is less secure. accountability, as Peter said. Now you've set
The security of this country—and look, I some benchmarks on the Maliki Govern
understand here in Washington, some people ment. You've said that you're expecting him
say we're not at war. I know that. They're to make tough decisions. Can you tell the
just wrong, in my opinion. American people how you plan to measure
The enemy still wants to strike us. The his success in reaching those benchmarks,
enemy still wants to achieve safe haven from and what happens if he doesn't hit those
which to plot and plan. The enemy would benchmarks?
like to have weapons of mass destruction in The President. David, the first objective
order to attack us. These are lethal, cold
is to develop benchmarks that the Govern
blooded killers. And we must do everything
we can to protect the American ſº. in
ment agrees with and that we think are im
portant. You can't—it's really important for
cluding º detainees or listening to the American people to understand that to
their phone calls from outside the country say, “Okay, these are the benchmarks you
to inside the country. And there was—as you
know, there was some recent votes on that must live with,” is not going to work nearly
issue. And the Democrats voted against giv as effectively as if we have—when we have
ing our professionals the skill—the tools nec buy-in from the Government itself, the sov
essary to protect the American people. ereign Government of Iraq.
I will repeat, like I've said to you often: And so the step is to say to the Maliki Gov
I do not question their patriotism; I question ernment—which we're doing—let us work in
whether or not they understand how dan concert to develop a series of benchmarks
gerous this world is. And this is a big issue to achieve different objectives. And the pur
in the campaign. Security of the country is pose of that is to assure the Iraqi people that
an issue, just like taxes are an issue. If you this unity Government is going to work to
raise taxes, it will hurt the economy. If you for the improvement of the Iraqi people. In
don't extend the tax cuts, if you don't make other words, it will be beneficial for the Gov
them—in other words, if you let the tax cuts ernment to say to the Iraqi people, “Here
expire, it will be a tax increase on the Amer is what we intend to do, and here's when
we intend to do it.”
ican people.
Take the child tax credit; if it is not made It will also be beneficial for the American
permanent—in other words, if it expires— people to be able to see that this Iraqi Gov
and you got a family of four sitting around ernment is going to make the difficult deci
the breakfast table, the taxpayers can be sure sions necessary to move forward, to achieve
that their taxes will go up by $2,000–500 the goal. And that's what we're talking about
for that child, 500 for the one right there, when it comes to benchmarks. It's—again,
1888 Oct. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

I repeat: One should not expect our Govern going to have this size drape there, or this
ment to impose these benchmarks on a sov color.” But the American people are going
ereign government. You'd expect us to work to decide, and they're going to decide this
closely with that Government to come up race based upon who #" to protect the
with a way forward that the Government American people and who best to keep the
feels comfortable with. And there's probably taxes low.
going to be some bones of contention during Secondly, I'll tell you what I see—you
these discussions, but nevertheless, we'll re didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway.
spect the fact that the Iraq Government is I see there's a lot of enthusiasm amongst the
sovereign, and they must respect the fact that grassroots activists. Our people are going out
we've got patience but not unlimited pa there to man the phones and to put up the
tience. yard signs. You know, they're showing up
Q. What happens if that patience runs out? when it comes time to-these absentee
The President. See, that's that hypo votes. We're organized. We've got a fantastic
thetical Keil is trying to get me to answer. grassroots organization to turn out the vote.
Why don't we work to see to it that it doesn't This campaign has obviously got national im
work out—run out? That's the whole objec plications to it, no question about it—the
tive. That's what positive people do. They Iraq war, the security of the country, eco
say, “We’re going to put something in place, nomic vitality and growth. But each of these
and we'll work to achieve it.” elections turn out to be local in their scope
- Let's see here—Stephen [Stephen Dinan, and in their character.
Washington Times]. And we've got good candidates running
hard, and we're going to win. Now, I know
gf 2006 Elections that defies conventional wisdom here. I'm
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. With a Re not suggesting anybody in this august crowd

£ : publican Congress, you failed to achieve

three major goals of your second term: Social
Security reform, a Tax Code overhaul, and
a comprehensive immigration bill. Why
has determined the outcome of the election
already, but they're running profiles on who
this person is going to be running this office,
or this one that's going to be—magazines

::É # shouldn't Americans give Democrats a

chance to work with you on those issues, es
pecially when divided government seemed to
work in the late 1990s, on the budget?
have got all kinds of new stars emerging
when they haven't won the votes yet.
And anyway, thanks for asking about the
campaign. I'm enjoying it out there. I like
The President. That's a tricky little ques campaigning. It's what guys like me do in
tion there. [Laughter First, I haven't given order to get here. We campaign. We shake
up on any of those issues. I've got 2 years the hands, you know, and give the speeches.
left to achieve them. And I firmly believe And Laura is campaigning too. From my per
it is more likely to achieve those three objec spective, our people are ready to go out there
tives with a Republican-controlled Congress and vote for—vote our candidates back into
and a Republican-controlled Senate. And I power.
believe I'll be working with a Republican Let me see here, Michael Allen [Time].
controlled Congress and a Republican-con
trolled Senate. U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq
I understand here in Washington people Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Your com
have already determined the outcome of the ment earlier that last spring you believed that
election, like it's over even before the people troops would be able to come home early
actually start heading—voting. But that's not next year
what I see when I'm on the campaign trail. The President. Yes.
You know, we've got some people dancing Q. I wonder if you could talk to us
in the end zone here in Washington, DC; about how you came to believe that and over
they've got them measuring their drapes; what period of time or whether it was a single
they're going over to the Capitol and saying, development because you realized that
“My new office looks beautiful; I think I'm wasn't feasible.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 25 1889

The President. No, no, no, look, Mike, And that's a backhanded way of getting me
here's the way it works. I meet with our— to put a timetable. My answer is, we'll work
or talk to our generals all the time. And the as fast as we can get the job done.
security situation looked like, at that point Mark and then Richard.
in time, that beginning next year, we could Q. Thank you, sir.
reduce our troop presence. That's what we The President. That way it will give you
felt—until the conditions on the ground time to
changed. And when they changed, our gen
2006 Elections
erals changed their attitude. And when their
attitude changed, my attitude changed. Q. I understand why you would claim or
Look, I want to get our troops home as assert that the Republicans will win the mid
fast as we can. But I do not want to leave term elections. But if in your heart of hearts
before we achieve victory. And the best way you really didn't think that, would you tell
to do that is to make sure we have a strategy us so? [Laughter] And are you resentful that
that works, tactics that adjust to the enemy, some Republican candidates seem to be
and commanders that feel confident making distancing themselves from you?
recommendations to the Secretary and to the The President. You know, no, I'm not re
Commander in Chief. And that's how that sentful, nor am I resentful that a lot of
happened. In other words, they're saying it Democrats are using my picture. All I ask
looks like things are positive, things are step is that they pick out a good one. [Laughter]
ping up. The security situation is—looks like Make me look good, at least, on the picture.
it could be this way. And then when it Mark, the first part of your question, the
changed, we changed. And that's important serious part, if I thought we were going to
for the American people to know, that we're lose, would I tell you—we're not going to
constantly changing tactics to meet the situa lose, in my heart of hearts. [Laughter] No,
tion on the ground. again, I understand how—look, I read the
Knoller [Mark Knoller, CBS Radio]. look at the newspapers around here. I can
Q. Excuse me— see why you would think that I'm concealing
The President. No. something in my heart of hearts. The race
Q. May I follow up? is over as far as a lot of the punditry goes.
The President. Well, you're taking They've got it all figured out. And they just–
Wolffe's time. Is this your question, Wolffe as I said, they're dancing in the end zone.
[Richard Wolffe, Newsweek]? They just haven't scored the touchdown,
Q. No, sir, it's not. Mark, you know; there's a lot of time left.
The President. Okay, okay. And these candidates are working hard out
Q. But I yield. there. And my message to them is, keep talk
The President. Then it's your question. ing about the security of the United States
Q. Only for a moment. and keeping taxes low, and you'll come back
The President. Okay. here.
Q. I just wanted to ask you quickly, sir, Last question. Richard.
if you believe that Iraq will be able to defend,
Ethics in Government
sustain, and govern itself by the time you
leave office? Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Back in
The President. Mike, I believe Iraq will 2000, you campaigned around the country
be able to defend, govern, and sustain itself; saying you wanted to usher in the responsi
otherwise, I'd pull our troops out. See, you bility era, to end the days when people said,
all got to understand that, and the parents “If it feels good, do it, and if you've got a
of our troops must understand, that if I didn't problem, blame somebody else.”
believe we could succeed and didn't believe The President. Right.
it was necessary for the security of this coun Q. Yet over the last several months, we've
try to succeed, I wouldn't have your loved seen many members of your own party in
ones there. That's what I want these parents Congress embroiled in one scandal or an
to hear. other and all too ready to blame somebody
Oct. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
else, whether prosecutors or Democrats or I'm proud to be with a strong leader who
even the media. So I'm wondering, why do is focused on reform and rule of law and
you think it is so many people in your own prosperity.
party have failed to live up to the standards The President informed me that the econ
of the responsibility era? omy of the Dominican Republic grew by 9
The President. If any person in any party percent last year. And I want to congratulate
fails to live up to high standards, they ought you, Mr. President.
to be held to account, Richard. It's important We talked about how to continue eco
for there to be trust in the Halls of Congress nomic growth and vitality. It's in the interests
and in the White House and throughout gov of the United States that the Dominican Re
ernment. People got to trust elected leaders
in order for ... to work to its fullest public have a strong economy. We talked
about the need for us to help with the multi
extent. And I fully expect people to be held lateral institutions, to work with—for them
to account if there's wrongdoing, just like I to work with this Government to help with
expect corporate executives to be held to ac cash flows and cash demands so that this
count for wrongdoing, just like I expect peo economy can continue its growth and
ple throughout our society to be held to ac
count for wrongdoing. strength.
We talked about DR-CAFTA and how im
People do have to take responsibility for
the decisions they make in life. I take respon portant this piece of legislation is to the peo
sibility for the decisions I make. I also under ple of the Dominican Republic and to the
stand that those of us in positions of responsi people of the United States. And I assured
bility have the duty to bring honor to the the President that we will implement DR
offices we hold. People don't have to agree CAFTA as quickly as possible, as soon as pos
with somebody's opinion—there's all ºi. of sible. And to that end, I had my trade min
opinions here—but in order to make this ister, Ambassador Susan Schwab, here to
#::- t country work and to make democracy suc
ceed, there's got to be high standards, and
make sure that we both heard the message
of the President, that this was a very impor
people must be held to account to achieve tant piece of legislation and that we have
* |i those standards.
I thank you for your time. See you on the
campaign trail.
committed—our Government has
mitted to working with you, Mr. President,
to get this done as quickly as possible.

Y por fin, we talked about the need for

NOTE: The President's news conference began at us to work closely on drug trafficking. The
10:31 a.m. in the East Room at the White House.
United States of America must continue to
In his remarks, he referred to Gen. George W.
Casey, Jr., USA, commanding general, Multi-Na work to diminish the demand for drugs, and
tional Force—Iraq; Gen. John P. Abizaid, USA, we are. As well, we want to work with our
combatant commander, U.S. Central Command; partners in the hemisphere, particularly the
Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon; Prime Dominican Republic, to interdict the drugs
Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq; Chairman Kim and to help these countries be able to avoid
Jong Il of North Korea; tº Laden, leader
and fight off the scourge of drugs, because
of the Al Qaida terrorist organization; and Presi there is a direct correlation between drugs
dent Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. The Office of and crime. And the more we can cut down
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
guage transcript of this press conference. on drug use and drug trafficking and drug
supplies, the easier it will be for respective
countries to protect their people.
Remarks Following Discussions With Mr. President, I appreciate very much
President Leonel Fernandez Reyna your presence here. I thank you for your
of the Dominican Republic leadership in the hemisphere. I appreciate
October 25, 2006 the advice you have given me on how we
can work together to make sure our own
President Bush. Bienvenidos a mi amigo, neighborhood is secure and peaceful and
the President of the Dominican Republic. hopeful. Welcome.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 26 1891

President Fernandez Reyna. I thank you Remarks on Signing the Secure

very much, Mr. President. It's a pleasure to Fence Act of 2006
be here. And I want to thank President Bush
October 26, 2006
for the warm welcome that he has given me,
along with my delegation, here to the Oval Thank you all. Thank you. Please be seat
Office of the White House. ed. I'm pleased that you all are here to wit
As the President indicated, we have ness the signature of the Secure Fence Act
touched on a number of issues of mutual in of 2006. This bill will help protect the Amer
terest to our two countries. First of all, DR ican people. This bill will make our borders
CAFTA; its implementation, hopefully, will more secure. It is an important step toward
take place very soon. We are now in the final immigration reform.
phase. This is a bill now before our own Con I want to thank the Members of Congress
gress in the Dominican Republic. We are for their work on this important piece ºleg
dealing with some minor legal amendments, islation. I welcome you here to the White
and our two teams have been working very bill. House. I'm looking forward to signing this
hard to obtain a speedy implementation of
DR-CAFTA. President Bush and we have I appreciate the Vice President joining us
agreed to the need to accelerate this process today. I thank the Deputy Secretary, Michael
to benefit both our countries. Jackson, of the Department of Homeland Se
Second, as President Bush indicated, we curity. Rob Portman—he happens to be the
have also touched on the issues of disburse Director of the OMB. I want to thank Ralph
Basham, who is the Commissioner of the
ments by multilateral institutions. These are U.S. Customs and Border Protection—David
extremely important in order to help the Aguilar is the Chief of the U.S. Border Pa
progress of countries like the Dominican Re trol.
public to establish confidence, to maintain I appreciate the fact that Senate Majority
the confidence in our countries, and also to
Leader Bill Frist has joined us, as well as
help us sustain ability of our economies. House Majority Leader John Boehner. I ap
The Dominican Republic has agreements preciate them coming in from their respec
with these multilateral institutions, and we tive States as I sign this piece of legislation.
hope that they will be honored soon, with I want to thank Congressman Peter King,
regard to these disbursements. The sooner who's the chairman of the Homeland Secu
that they are complied with the better it will rity Committee in the House of Representa
be for us.
tives. I appreciate you being here, Peter.
And third, of course, we have touched on Ours is a nation of immigrants. We're also
a number of issues such as the issue of drug a nation of law. Unfortunately, the United
trafficking, as President Bush mentioned, the States has not been in complete control of
issue of crime, the issue of the good relations its borders for decades, and therefore, illegal
that we have had for so many years between immigration has been on the rise. We have
the United States and the Dominican Repub a responsibility to address these challenges.
lic, the issue of good governance, the issue We have a responsibility to enforce our laws.
of respect for human rights, and a number We have a responsibility to secure our bor
of other things. ders. We take this responsibility seriously.
It has been a very good meeting. Thank Earlier this year, I addressed the Nation
you so much. from the Oval Office. I laid out our strategy
President Bush. Gracias por su tiempo. for immigration reform. Part of that strategy
begins with securing the border. Since I took
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:20 p.m. in the
office, we have more than doubled funding
Oval Office at the White House. President for border security—from $4.6 billion in
Fernandez Reyna spoke in Spanish, and his re 2001 to $10.4 billion this year. We've in
marks were translated by an interpreter. The Of creased the number of Border Patrol agents
fice of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish from about 9,000 to more than 12,000, and
language transcript of these remarks. by the end of 2008, we will have doubled
1892 Oct. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

the number of Border Patrol agents during We must face the reality that millions of
my Presidency. illegal immigrants are already here. They
We've deployed thousands of National should not be given an automatic path to citi
Guard members to assist the Border Patrol. zenship; that is amnesty. I oppose amnesty.
We've upgraded technology at our borders. There is a rational middle ground between
We've added infrastructure, including new granting an automatic pass to citizenship for
fencing and vehicle barriers. We're adding every illegal immigrant and a program of
thousands of new beds in our detention fa mass deportation. And I look forward to
cilities so we can continue working to end working with Congress to find that middle
catch-and-release at our southern border. ground.
During the course of my administration, we The bill I'm about to sign is an important
have apprehended and sent home more than step in our Nation's efforts to secure our bor
6 million people entering our country ille der and reform our immigration system. I
gally. And I thank the Border Patrol for their want to thank the Members of Congress for
hard work. joining me as I sign the Secure Fence Act
of 2006.
The Secure Fence Act builds on this
progress. The bill authorizes the construction
of hundreds of miles of additional fencing NOTE: The President spoke at 9:34 a.m. in the
along our southern border. The bill author Roosevelt Room at the White House. H.R. 6061,

izes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and approved October 26, was assigned Public Law
lighting to help prevent people from entering No. 109–367. The Office of the Press Secretary
also released a Spanish language transcript of
our country illegally. The bill authorizes the these remarks.
;ii Department of Homeland Security to in

: crease the use of advanced technology like
cameras and satellites and unmanned aerial
vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the
Remarks at a Luncheon for
Congressional Candidate Jeff
†: 7 border. We're modernizing the southern bor. Lamberti and Iowa Victory 2006 in
: ; : . * the United º º we can . Des Moines, Iowa
2: ; º'
: º e American people were doing our job o
securing the border. By making wise use of October 26, 2006
- **
physical barriers and deploying 21st century Thanks for coming. Please be seated.
technology, we're helping our Border Patrol Thank you for the warm Iowa welcome. It's
agents do their job. kind of like old home week here when I look
The Secure Fence Act is part of our efforts around. [Laughter] It's good to be in the
to reform our immigration system. We have midst of a lot of friends who made possible
more to do. Meaningful immigration reform for me to stand here and address you as the
means that we must enforce our immigration President of the United States.
laws in the United States. It is against the I'm proud to be here with Jeff Lamberti.
law to hire someone who is here illegally. No doubt in my mind he is going to be the
We fully understand that most businesses next Congressman from this congressional
want to obey that law, but they cannot verify district. He is smart; he is capable; he is ac
the legal status of their employees because complished; he listens; and he cares. The
of widespread document fraud. So we're cre right man to represent the Third Congres
ating a better system for verifying documents sional District in Iowa is Jeff Lamberti.
and work eligibility and, in the meantime, I not only feel that way, but Laura feels
holding people to account for breaking the that way. [Laughter] She sends her best to
Jeff and Shannon and their family. She sends
We must reduce pressure on our border her best to you all. She has got to be the
by creating a temporary-worker plan. Willing most patient woman in America. [Laughter
workers ought to be matched with willing I also happen to believe, in all due respect
employers to do jobs Americans are not to my mother, she's the greatest First Lady
doing for a temporary—on a temporary basis. our country has ever had.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 26 1893

I am proud to be here with one of the the State has had. Thank you for coming. I
finest United States Senators any State has particularly look forward to telling Mother
ever produced in Chuck Grassley. Jeffrey, if and Dad that you're looking just fine, Bob.
you want to learn how to win, hire Grassley. [Laughter] And so are they.
[Laughter] Jeff and I were talking about what I want to thank all the grassroots activists
we can do together when he wins. And I said, who are here. I appreciate the chairman of
well, why don't we work with Senator Grass the Iowa party, Ray Hoffmann. Thank you
ley and Congressman Tom Latham, who is for coming. I want to thank all of you who
with us, and Congressman Steven King, who are involved with helping this good man. I
is with us, to make sure that this renewable appreciate you giving—helping fill the hat.
fuels initiative we started continues to remain
But I also want to encourage you to make
an important part of not only the Iowa econ sure you do more than contribute just of your
omy but an important part of making sure money. I ask you to contribute of your time
we become less dependent on foreign and your efforts. There's nothing better for
sources of oil.
a candidate coming down the stretch in a
I can remember when this guy from Texas campaign to know that he's got a lot of folks
came here in 2000 and said, “I support eth standing side by side with him. I ask you to
anol.” I think old Grassley didn't really be make the phone calls and put up the signs
lieve me. [Laughter] I think he kind of and turn out the vote.
thought, well, maybe that's just typical polit
ical talk. I meant what I said, and I mean I know the other side is already dancing
what I say today. I'm looking forward to in the end zone, except they haven't made
working with this new Congressman to make the end zone yet. [Laughter] They're up
sure that we use Iowa farm crops to power there in Washington already kind of picking
the U.S. economy. out their offices and measuring the drapes.
I do appreciate Congressman Latham [Laughter] This campaign only ends after the
coming down to say hello to the man you'll voters have had a chance to speak. No doubt
be serving with. And I appreciate Congress in my mind, with your help, Dave [Jeff!”
Lamberti will be the next United States Con
man Steve King coming over to be here with
Jeff. These are two fine, fine Members of
the United States Congress. I'm proud to call Dave [Jeff!” and I believe a lot of things.
them friends. I'm proud to serve with you We believe that you ought to keep more of
on behalf of the United States. your own money. We believe in family val
I ran into State Auditor Dave Vaudt. I said, ues. We believe values are important. And
“How's your campaign going?” [Laughter] we believe marriage is a fundamental institu
tion of civilization.
He said, “Pretty good.” [Laughter] What's
it like to run unopposed? [Laughter] But I'm Yesterday in New Jersey, we had another
proud of you, Dave, and I'm glad you're here activist court issue a ruling that raises doubts
with your wife, Jeanie. Thanks for coming. about the institution of marriage. I believe
Now that you've got a little spare time on that marriage is a union between a man and
your hands, why don't you help our man get a woman, and I believe it's a sacred institu
elected here in the Third Congressional Dis tion that is critical to the health of our society
trict? and the well-being of families, and it must
The next secretary of state of Iowa is some be defended. And I'm looking forward to
body I know quite well. I used to see her working with Jeff Lamberti to do just that.
all the time in the Oval Office—Mary Ann I think one of the biggest issues in this
Hanusa is with us today. Thanks for running. campaign is, is what's going to happen to the
Vote for her. She'll do a fine job. money in your pocket. A big issue in this
I'm proud that members of the ex-Gov campaign is whether you're going to have
ernors club are with us. [Laughter] I’m a more money to spend as you see fit. This
member. [Laughter] Two of the better mem election is going to have a direct impact on
bers are here: Governor Ray and Governor
Branstad, two of the finest public servants * White House correction.
1894 Oct. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

your family budget. When you go to the vot the past year. The Democrats said tax cuts
ing booth less than 2 weeks from today, the would cause the deficit to explode. Well, the
lever you pull will determine the taxes you truth is the tax cuts led to economic growth,
pay. Americans will cast their ballots on No and that economic growth helped send our
vember the 7th, but you're going to feel the tax revenues soaring. As a matter of fact, we
results every April 15th. And make no mis cut the deficit in half 3 years ahead of sched
take about it, there is a big difference in phi ule.
losophy when it comes to taxes. And now the Democrats have another pre
We believe—the Congressman-to-be and diction—they're predicting they're going to
I believe—the Senator, Congressman-to-be, win this November 7th. The truth is, if their
and two Congressmen and I believe that we electoral—election predictions are as good as
think you can spend your money far better their economic predictions—ſlaughter]—
than the Federal Government can spend Lamberti is going to win.
your money. We believe that when you have One big reason we're going to win is be
more of your own money in your pocket to cause the truth is, the Democrats will raise
save, spend, or invest, the economy benefits. your taxes. You know, you're not going to
We believe that the more money there is in hear much about it; they're not going to go
the hands of private citizens, the more likely bragging about that fact. But they've got a
it is people from all walks of life will be able record they're going to have to run on.
to realize the American Dream. That's what They're going to have to answer to the voters
we believe. why, time and time again, they voted against
Not only do we believe that; that's what the tax cuts we passed.
we acted on. I was proud to sign the largest They don't want you to know the truth.
tax relief since Ronald Reagan was the Presi As a matter of fact, recently, the top Demo
dent of the United States. And I thank Chair crat leader in the House made an interesting
man—yes, Chairman Grassley—see, he's the declaration. She said, we love tax cuts. Given
chairman of the Finance Committee—for her record, she must be a secret admirer.
taking the lead. These tax cuts would not |Laughter] It's just not—just the so-called tax

º e
have happened without the leadership of
Chuck Grassley nor without the support of
Latham and King.
And now the results of the tax cuts are
in. What matters in this business is results—
cuts for the rich she opposes. When we cut
taxes for everyone who pays income taxes,
she and her colleagues voted against them.
When we reduced the marriage penalty, she
and her colleagues voted against them. When
that's what matter. And the results are strong. we cut the taxes on small businesses, she and
Because of the tax cuts we passed, small busi her colleagues voted against them. When we
nesses flourish, the farm economy is strong, lowered the taxes for families with children,
American families have got more money in she and her colleagues voted against them.
their pocket. The United States economy is When we put the death tax on the road to
the envy of the industrialized world. extinction, she and her colleagues voted
The Democrats said the tax cuts were not against it. Time and time again, when she
a solution for the economy that was slipping had the opportunity to show her love for
into a recession. The truth is that the tax cuts taxes, she voted no. If this is the Democrats'
have helped make the American economy idea of love—[laughter]—I wouldn't want to
the fastest growing of any major industri see what hate looks like. [Laughter
alized nation. The Democrats said the tax Now they're throwing out the same old
cuts would lead to a jobless recovery. The line. I don't know if it's happening in this
truth is that our economy has added jobs for campaign, but in district after district, you
37 months in a row, and since August of can hear them saying, “Oh, we're just going
2003, our economy has created 6.6 million to tax the rich.” But that's not the way it
new jobs. works when you've got a spending appetite
The Democrats have said the tax cuts as big as their appetite. You might remember
would not help increase wages. The truth is what happened in 1992. They said, "We're
that real wages have grown 2.2 percent over going to run on middle-class tax cuts. Elect
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 26 1895

us—we're going to cut the taxes on the mid dent, but I am one. Not because the United
dle class.” Sure enough, they got elected, and States chose war, but because an enemy
we had the largest—one of the largest tax chose to attack us. And these folks are lethal,
increases in American history. and they are brutal. And the best way to deal
Now, the way it works is this: If the tax with them is to bring them to justice before
cuts we pass are not made permanent and they can hurt the American people again.
they are left to expire, your taxes are going We face an enemy that has an ideology
up. See, these tax cuts we passed are set to that is the opposite of what we believe. We
expire. And if they were to expire—some believe in freedoms. We believe in the uni
thing I'm against and something Jeff versality of freedom. We believe in the right
Lamberti is against and something Senator for people to choose how they worship. We
Grassley is against and these two Congress believe in freedom of the press. We believe
men are against—your taxes go up. And in freedom of dissent. They don't believe in
make no mistake about it, the Democrats any of those freedoms. And what makes this
want these tax cuts to expire. war a tough war is that they're willing to kill
Why do I say that? Recently the ranking innocent women and children to achieve
Democrat on the House Ways and Means their objectives. And they have objectives.
Committee—that's the committee that de They want to establish a governing authority
cides the level of your taxes—said he can't from Spain to Indonesia in which they can
think of one of the tax cuts that he would impose their dark vision of the world. These
extend. Those are his words, not mine. Asked are their words. The Commander in Chief
if that meant he would consider tax hikes must take the words of the enemy very seri
across the income spectrum, he answered, ously, particularly since the most important
“No question about it.” job that we have in Washington, DC, is to
I want you to think about that, what hap protect the American people from further at
pens if the tax cuts aren't made permanent. tack.
Say you're just º around the breakfast Here at the homeland, we must be right
table, and you have three children. If those 100 percent of the time in order to protect
tax cuts are not made permanent, you could you, and the enemy only has to be right one
look at that child and say, $500 more on my time. And so therefore, after 9/11, after Sep
taxes going to go up. Or you can look at that tember the 11th, 2001, I vowed to give our
other child sitting there with you, that's an professionals all the tools necessary to protect
other 500. If you got three children, your the American people from further attack. For
taxes are going up $1,500. Now, that may example, if Al Qaida or an Al Qaida affiliate
not seem like a lot to these Washington, DC, was making a phone call into the United
Democrats, but it's a lot to the working peo States of America, in order to make sure that
ple here in Iowa. The best way to make sure we're doing our job to protect you, we've got
your taxes stay low, the best way to make to understand what that person is saying. If
sure we keep economic vitality alive, is to the enemy is making a phone call, in this
elect Jeff Lamberti to the United States Con different kind of war that requires instant in
gress. formation to protect you, we better under
The biggest issue facing this country, as stand what the enemy is thinking and what
far as I'm concerned, is the security of the they're planning.
United States of America. I think about it Recently, the terrorist surveillance pro
every day. Every day I am briefed about the gram came up for a vote in the Halls of the
fact that there's still an enemy that lurks, United States Congress. Our Members stood
plans, and plots and wants to kill Americans. strong in understanding that the number-one
I wish I did not have to report that. You responsibility is to protect the American peo
know, when I campaigned here in 2000, I ple and that we must give our professionals
said [didn't say]”, “I want to be a war Presi the tools necessary to protect you. Over 80
dent.” No President wants to be a war Presi percent of the Democrats voted no, in giving
the professionals the tools they need. There's
* White House correction. just a different mindset in Washington, DC,
1896 Oct. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
in what we believe. They must not fear the country of ours must take threats seriously
enemy. You cannot wait to respond to the before they fully materialize. Saddam Hus
enemy after we have been attacked. To pro sein was a threat; the world is better off with
tect the American people, we have got to out Saddam Hussein in power.
make sure. And now the fundamental question is,
This is a different kind of war. I see we've does this country have the wherewithal and
got vets here, and I want to thank you for the perseverance to help this young democ
serving. But this is a war unlike any we have racy flourish in the heart of the Middle East?
fought before. In past wars, you could deter I will tell you, it's important to defeat the
mine success based upon the number of enemy overseas so we do not have to face
ships sunk or airplanes down or territory them here at home.
taken. This is a war that is global in nature, It's tough fighting in Iraq. It's tough fight
fought on a myriad of fronts, that requires ing because there are folks there who under
precise knowledge as how to interface and stand the stakes in this important battle in
react with this enemy. We pick people up the war on terror. They understand that if
off the battlefield. We pick people off the we lose our nerve and leave before the job
battlefield like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, is done that they will be able to gain safe
who our intelligence services believe was the haven from which to launch further attacks.
mastermind of the attacks that killed over They understand that if the United States
3,000 of our citizens on September the 11th. were to withdraw, it would be a significant
I felt that it was important to understand victory for them in the war on terror. It
:t and find out what Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
knew, in order to protect you. I authorized
would embolden them to recruit. It would
enable them to more likely topple moderate
the professionals of the Central Intelligence governments.

#: :i Agency to set up a program to inquire to

Mr. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed about what
he knew. This bill came in front of the United
I want you to envision a world 20 to 30
years from now in which there are violent
forms of radicals—violent radicals fighting


* States Congress to authorize the Govern
ment to be able to do so. Over 80 percent
of the Democrats in the House of Represent
for power in the Middle East, in which mod
erate governments have been toppled, in
which oil resources will have been used in
º atives voted against giving our professionals order to blackmail Western countries into re
the tools necessary to gain information so treat. And couple all that with an Iran with
that we can protect you. a nuclear weapon, and a generation of Ameri
There is a difference of opinion, and our cans will look at our generation and say,
voters in Iowa and across the country must “What happened to them? Couldn't they see
understand that the Democrats have a dif the threats? Weren't they able to see the dan
ferent view about this war on terror, a view gers?” Well, I want you to know I understand
that I think makes America less secure and the dangers. I see—clearly see the threats.
makes it harder for us to do our job to protect We will help this young democracy in Iraq
the American people. succeed.
This front—this war on terror is on many We will help the Iraqis defend their de
fronts. And the central front right now is in mocracy. We will help i. country become
Iraq. The lessons of September the 11th are a nation that can govern itself and sustain
many. One, we've got to stay on the offense itself and defend itself and serve as an ally
and keep the enemy on the run. It's hard in the war on terror. We will stand with the
to plan, plot, and attack if you're on the run. 12 million folks who went to the polls and
It's hard to plan, plot, and attack if you're said they want to live in freedom. We'll help
in a cave. X. we got great professionals who train the Iraqis so they can take the fight
are constantly keeping the pressure on this to the enemy, and then our boys and girls
enemy. But there's another lesson of Sep will come home with the honor they have
tember the 11th, and I just mentioned it— earned.
we cannot afford to wait when we see a There's a mighty debate in the United
threat. If this is a different kind of war, this States of America on this important subject.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 26 1897

I will tell you, if we leave before the job is Her position in the war on terror is wrong.
done, we will have let down a generation of You cannot win a war if you do not believe
Americans. If we leave before the job is done, we are in a war. It's very important for the
we will have not honored the sacrifice of in citizens of this important State to understand
credibly brave men and women who wear that if we leave Iraq before the job is done,
our uniform. If we leave before the job is the enemy will follow us here. The best way
done, we will embolden a dangerous enemy to secure the peace for the United States,
that still wants to strike the United States
the best way to do—the most important job
of America. No question, the fighting is of the Federal Government is to support the
tough, but the United States of America has troops, to support the young democracy, and
done this kind of tough fighting before. We defeat the enemy in Iraq and—what we'll do.
will adjust our tactics. We will support our And I'm proud to be standing here with Jeff
troops. We will fight, and we will win in Iraq. Lamberti, who understands the stakes in this
There is a difference of opinion in Wash War.

ington on this important issue. The Demo We've got one other asset at our disposal
crat leadership and many of the Democrats I want to share with you, and that is the
have a more limited view of the war on ter
power of liberty. One of my favorite stories
ror. Recently the top Democrat in the to share is the story that happened here a
House, who wants to become the Speaker, couple of weeks ago—or weeks ago—when
said this on a nationally televised interview: I went to Elvis's place in Memphis with then
She said, quote, “It’s not right to say that sitting Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan. The
Iraq is part of the war on terror.” She said, reason I like to share that story is because
instead, “The war on terror is the war in Af
it's got a good lesson for our citizens, particu
ghanistan.” larly younger citizens who may not have real
Her position must come as news to Usama ly studied that period of history too much,
bin Laden, who has proclaimed that the the history of Japan-U.S. relations.
“third world war is raging in Iraq.” Her posi People say, “Why did you go down there?”
tion would come as news to the number-two
Well, I'd never been. [Laughter] And the
man of Al Qaida, who has called the struggle Prime Minister, he wanted to go. [Laughter
in Iraq “the place for the greatest battle.”
Her position would come as news to the ter He was an Elvis fan. [Laughter] But here's
rorists from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the story I want to tell. My dad fought the
Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and other countries Japanese. He was an 18-year-old kid who vol
who come to Iraq to fight the rise of democ unteered, just like a lot of our troops are
racy and the United States. Her position doing today—they're all volunteers. By the
must come as news to the people of Iraq way, these men and women understand the
who have lost loved ones to terrorist car stakes. They understand the consequences of
bombings and assassinations and attacks in early retreat. They know what it's like to give
markets and mosques. Her position would up the ground to an enemy. They have volun
come as news to the American troops in Iraq teered during dangerous times. I want to
who are risking their lives every day to fight thank you for your service, brother. Thanks
the terrorists and prevent them from regain for joining us.
ing the safe haven like they had in Afghani That's what happened, too, after the Japa
Stan. nese attacked us, see. By the way, we lost
Her position on the war on terror, that it's more people on September the 11th than we
contained only to Afghanistan, would come did at Pearl Harbor. But a lot of the young
as news to the people in London and Madrid folks signed up. One of them was George
and Oman and Bali and Beslan and Riyadh H.W. Bush. And he and a lot of other brave
and Istanbul and Casablanca and other cities Americans fought tooth and nail to defeat the
where the terrorists have massacred and Japanese. They were the sworn enemy of the
murdered innocent men, women, and chil United States. And it was a bloody conflict,
dren. a tough fight. And yet, some 60 years later,
1898 Oct. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

the Navy pilot's son is on Air Force One fly Remarks to .." in Clinton
ing down to Elvis's place, talking about the Township, Michigan
peace. October 26, 2006
You see, on the flight down, the Prime
Minister of Japan, our former enemy, and Purchase at Morley Candy Makers
I talked about what we could do to work to
The President. They asked me why I
gether to make the world a more peaceful came here, and I said, one, I like small busi
place. We talked about the fact that Japan nesses, and two, I like sweets. [Laughter
had 1,000 troops in Iraq to help that young The º spirit is strong in this
democracy fight off the extremists and mod store. And the job of those of us in Wash
erates—to help the moderates fight off the ington who are lucky enough to serve the
extremists. See, Prime Minister Koizumi and American people is to keep the taxes low on
I understand we're in an ideological struggle the small-business people, as well as the peo
between moderate people and people who ple who work for º small-business people.
just want to live in peace, and extremists and And so we want to wish you all the best.
radicals who want to impose their view. He Thanks for thinking the big dream.
understands that. And he knows that as a free Ronald W. Rapson. Thank you very
nation, we need to help struggling democ much, Mr. President, for coming. Enjoy
racies survive if we want there to be peace Sanders hot fudge, one of the best products
for our children and our grandchildren. in the State of Michigan.
And we talked about North Korea. We
The President. Looking forward to it.
talked about helping HIV/AIDS victims in Mr. Rapson. A couple of Michigan State
Africa. We talked about making this world and Michigan candy bars for you there.
a better place. Isn't it interesting that the son The President. There you go. Now, the
of a man who fought the Japanese is able other thing is, is that the big money here
to talk the peace with the Prime Minister is, of course, with the press corps. And I
of a former enemy. What happened was, would fully suspect you all to shop. [Laugh
Japan adopted a Japanese-style democracy. ter|Fletcher [Michael Fletcher, Washington
The power of the of that lesson is this: Lib Post), how about it?
erty has got the capacity to transform an Q. Yes, sir.
enemy into an ally—just like liberty has got The President. All right. Thank you. Good
the capacity to transform a region of hate to be with you.
into a region of hope. Someday, an American
President will be talking with elected leaders NotE: The President spoke at 5:05 p.m. at Morley
from the Middle East about the peace, and Candy Makers. Participating in the event was
a generation of Americans, a generation to Ronald W. Rapson, president, Morley Brands
come, will be better off for it.
These are the stakes in this election. I'm
proud you're here. Thank you for standing Remarks at a Reception for
Senatorial Candidate Michael
with Jeff. Take it to the final day, and he'll
win. God bless. Bouchard in Warren, Michigan
October 26, 2006

NOTE: The President spoke at 12:42 p.m. at the Thank you all. Thanks for coming. The way
Iowa State Fairgrounds. In his remarks, he re to go from worst to first is elect Mike Bou
ferred to Robert Ray and Terry Branstad, former chard to the United States Senate. I am im
Governors of Iowa; former President Saddam pressed by Mike Bouchard's character, his
Hussein of Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader, and decency, his compassion for the people of
Ayman Al-Zawahiri, senior associate, Al Qaida ter Michigan. And there's no doubt in my mind,
rorist organization; and former Prime Minister with your hard work, he'll be elected to the
Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. United States Senate.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 26 1899

I thank you for coming. You know, it's an I'm looking forward to having this good
interesting year. The other side is dancing Senator vote to confirm the judges I nomi
in the end zone—except they're on the 15 nate to the Federal bench. Make no mistake
yard line. We got the issues on our side. We about it, one of the key issues in this cam
got the right candidates running. Mike Bou paign is the type of judiciary we end up hav
chard is going to win. And I appreciate you ing in America. My job is to appoint judges
coming to support him. who will strictly interpret the Constitution
And I'm proud to be here with Pam and and not use the bench from which to legis
his family. I thank—you know, there's moth late. And it would be—if you believe in that
ing better than having a candidate who has philosophy, it's important that you have at
got a strong family. I appreciate the fact that least one United States Senator from Michi
he puts family first in his life. And I know gan who will support a conservative judiciary,
what it's like to have a loving wife and kids and that's Senator Mike Bouchard.
that love you because I've got a loving wife. I mentioned his love for family. He under
And she understands what I know: Michael stands what I know, that marriage is a funda
Bouchard is the right man for this job. mental institution of our civilization. Yester
I appreciate Congressman Joe Knollen day in New Jersey, we had another activist
berg joining us. Congressman, I appreciate court issue a ruling that raises doubts about
you coming. We got the State attorney gen the institution of marriage. I believe that
eral, Michael Cox. Michael, where are you? marriage is a union between a man and a
Thanks for coming, buddy. [Applause] There woman. Mike and I believe that marriage is
you go. He's a good man to be running with. a sacred institution, that it is critical to the
He's a good, strong leader. I appreciate you health of our society and the well-being of
coming, Mike. families, and marriage must be defended.
I'm proud to be here with the grassroots Another big issue in this campaign, and
activists for the State of Michigan, the party one I'm looking forward to working with Sen
chairman, the national committeewoman; the ator Bouchard on, is taxes. You know, we be
cochair of the Michigan Republican Party lieve that we ought to keep your taxes low
happens to Jane Abraham. I know her hus because we believe you can spend your
band quite well. [Laughter] The reason I money better than the Government can. The
bring up the grassroots activists is, I want Democrats believe that they can spend your
to remind you that giving money is one thing; money better than you can and, therefore,
turning out the vote is the other. And coming will raise your taxes.
down the stretch, this good man is going to Make no mistake about it, this is a key
give it his all, but he needs you by his side. issue in this campaign. When we were con
He needs people getting on the telephones fronted with recession and corporate scandal
and putting up the signs and knocking on and an attack on the United States and the
doors and reminding people of Michigan, if war—needed to defend ourselves—and hur
they want good government and good results, ricanes and high energy prices, this economy
Mike Bouchard is the—should be the United was able to withstand those challenges be
States Senator. cause we cut the taxes. See, if you have more
And when he wins, we've got a lot to do money in your pocket to save, invest, or
together—got a lot to do together. One thing spend, this economy grows.
we're going to do together is to make sure Oh, you heard all the rhetoric during those
we continue to develop alternative fuel for tax debates. For those people who are unde
our automobiles. See, we've got a problem cided in this campaign, you might want to
here in America. We are too dependent on look up the words of the respective can
foreign sources of oil. And the |. way to didates when it came to cutting taxes. You
diversify away from foreign sources of oil is might want to make sure you understand the
to encourage renewable fuels like ethanol. record of people who are running in this race
We want Michigan farmers growing the fuel for the United States Senate when it comes
that runs our automobiles, for the sake of to taxes. You might remember, the Demo
economic security and national security. crats said that tax cuts were not the solution
1900 Oct. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
for an economy that was slipping into reces no. If this is the Democrat's idea of love—
sion. Truth is, the tax cuts have helped make [laughter]—I wouldn't want to see what hate
America's economy the fastest growing of any looks like. [Laughter]
major industrialized nation. No, taxes are a big issue—big issue. Oh,
The Democrats said the tax cuts would you'll hear them try to obscure the deal by
lead to a jobless recovery. You might remem saying, “We’re just—only going to tax the
ber that rhetoric. The truth is that our econ rich people.” I want you to tell your fellow
omy has added jobs for 37 months in a row, citizens who have yet to make up their mind
and since August of 2003, our economy has that in 1992, they campaigned on, “We’re
created more than 6.6 million new jobs. Oh, going to give you a middle class tax cut.” And
the Democrats said the tax cuts would cause when they had the power and the capacity
the deficit to explode. Well, the truth is that to make the decisions about taxes in the
the tax cuts led to economic growth, and that White House and in the Congress, we had
growth has helped send tax revenues soaring. the largest—one of the largest tax in
As a result, we cut the deficit in half 3 years creases—increases—in American history.
ahead of schedule. Their record is clear. They can run, but they
And now the Democrats are telling you can't hide. If the people of Michigan want
they're going to win on election day. But the low taxes, you vote for Mike Bouchard as
truth is, if their electoral predictions are as United States Senator.
reliable as their economic predictions— I want to talk about taxes just a little bit
[laughter]—November 7th is going to be a more. [Laughter] See, I know how important
good day for Michigan because Mike Bou they are for this economy of ours. I know
| chard is going to win the United States Sen
One of the reasons why we're going to hold
the Senate and hold the House on election
how important they are for small businesses.
I know how important it is for our farmers
and ranchers to get tax cuts. I know how im
portant it is for people who are working for
º day is because the Democrats are deter a living to be able to have more money in
mined to raise the taxes on the people that your pocket so you can make the decisions

ſ: i:
ºf * e
work in this country. Oh, I know, they're not
going to admit it out loud, but I want to re
mind you of what the top Democrat leader
for your family. I know how important it is
to keep taxes low. I've seen it work. We've
got a record that we can run on.
in the House said recently. She said, “We You know, the way it works is, is that these
love tax cuts.” Given her record, she must tax cuts we passed are set to expire, so, there
be a secret admirer. [Laughter] fore, they have to be renewed by Congress
It's just not the so-called tax cuts for the or made permanent. So recently they asked
rich that she opposes. When we cut taxes for the head man on the Ways and Means Com
everyone who pays income taxes, she and her mittee in the House of Representatives—he
House colleagues, as well as Members of the would be the head man; see, he's the ranking
United States Senate, voted against that tax member on the Ways and Means Com
cut. When we reduced the marriage penalty, mittee—they asked him about which tax cuts
she and her colleagues in Washington, DC, he would extend—the ones that maybe help
voted against it. When we cut the taxes on the family with children, or the ones that get
small business, she and her colleagues voted rid of the marriage penalty. He asked that—
against it. When we lowered taxes for families he couldn't think of one of those tax cuts
with children, she and her colleagues voted that he would extend. In other words, by not
against it. When we reduced the taxes on extending, he's raising your taxes. See, they
capital gains and dividends, she and her col try to hide behind the language.
leagues in Washington, DC, voted against it. I don't know if your opponent is trying to
When we put the death tax on the road to hide behind the language, but I doubt that
extinction, she and her colleagues in Wash she's going to be there to make sure these
ington, DC, voted against it. Time and time tax cuts we passed stay intact. I want to tell
again, when she had an opportunity to show you what that means. It means that if the
her love for tax cuts—[laughter]—she voted child tax credit were cut in half, if these tax
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 26 1901

cuts aren't extended, if you're having break Mike Bouchard. We need a Senator up there
fast with your family and you got one kid, who understands this is a global war fought
your taxes go up $500, if they get control. on a variety of fronts. One of the lessons of
Imagine having lunch with four children and September the 11th is, we must stay on the
the tax cuts don't get extended. That mother offense. Look, it's hard to plan, plot, and at
and father can rest assured that the Demo tack if you're running or hiding in a cave.
crats will have caused their taxes to go up And you got to know, we got immense pres
by 500 times four. That would be $2,000. sure on those who would do harm to the
That may not seem like a lot to the big spend United States.
ers in Washington, DC, but it's a lot to the The other lesson—another lesson is, is that
people who work for a living. If you want when we see a threat overseas, we must take
to keep your taxes low, you vote for Mike that threat seriously. America cannot wait to
Bouchard for the United States Senate. respond after we've been attacked. One of
Mike mentioned an issue that's on my the lessons of that fateful day is, we must
mind a lot. As a matter of fact, every day do everything in our power to protect you
I think about how best to protect the Amer before there's an attack. I saw a threat in
ican people, because that is the most impor Iraq. Getting rid of Saddam Hussein has
tant responsibility of your Government. I made the United States safer and the world
wish I didn't have to say that, but as your better off.
Commander in Chief and as the person re And now our job is to complete the mis
sponsible for rallying the Federal Govern sion, and that is to help Iraq become a gov
ment to use all assets to protect you, I've ernment—a country that can govern itself,
got to speak plainly to the American people. sustain itself, defend itself, a country that will
An enemy still lurks; a dangerous enemy still be an ally in the war against these extremists
exists, which will use any means they can to that want to harm us. And the stakes are high.
attack us again. And therefore, we must use It's important that we succeed. It's important
every means we have at our disposal to pro that we understand there's an enemy that will
tect you. The most important job I have, and kill innocent life so they can get their images
the most important job this United States on our TV screens, because they believe it's
Senator will have, is to make sure that we just a matter of time before we leave before
do everything in our power to protect the the job is done.
American people. If we were to listen to the Democrats in
See, we face an enemy that knows no Washington, DC, who say, “Let’s have a fixed
bounds of decency. They're ideologues, but date of withdrawal"—by the way, that's code
they're ideologues of hate. They have taken word for saying, leave before the job is
a great religion and have twisted it to their done—we would turn over this important
evil intentions. They want to establish a ca country to radicals and extremists who would
liphate, a governing structure, from Spain to plot and plan and attack.
Indonesia, in which they're able to impose I want you to think about a world in which
their dark vision on decent men and women. violent forms of extremists battle for power,
They want safe haven from which to launch a Middle East in which moderate govern
attack against America again. They would like ments have been toppled, a Middle East in
the wealth so they can develop weapons of which these extremists get ahold of oil and
mass destruction to use against us. energy and enable—to enable them to black
You cannot negotiate with these people. mail the United States. Imagine the message:
You cannot reason with these people. The “If you don't abandon your relationship with
best way to attack—the best way to defend Israel,” for example, “We'll run the price of
America is to go on the attack, stay on the oil up to-if you don't retreat to allow us
attack, and bring the people to justice before to continue to expand our caliphate or gov
they hurt us again. erning structure, we'll run the oil up.” Imag
And Michigan needs a United States Sen ine Iran with a nuclear weapon 20 or 30 years
ator who understands the stakes of the world from now. People would look back at this
in which we live, and that Senator will be period of time and say, “What happened to
1902 Oct. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
them? How come they couldn't see the And her position that the war on terror—
threats to a generation of Americans who are see, she went on to say it's only in Afghani
growing up? Why weren't they able to see stan—her position that the war on terror
the dangers that persisted?” should be fought only in Afghanistan would
I see the dangers. I understand the stakes. come as news to the citizens of London and
Victory in Iraq is essential for the security Madrid and Amman and Bali and Beslan and
of the United States of America. We will Riyadh and Istanbul and Casablanca and
change our plans; we will adjust our tactics; other cities where the terrorists have mur
but we will support our military. We will sup dered innocent men, women, and children.
port this young democracy, and we will win We need people in Washington, DC, who
in Iraq. understand the stakes of the world in which
And there's a fundamental difference of we live. Our most important duty is to pro
opinion. You listen to the rhetoric of the lead tect you. And the best way to protect the
ers of the Democrat Party. They have a dif American people is to confront the enemy
ferent view than I do about whether or not overseas so we do not have to face them here
this is a global war on terror. They have a at home. And the best way to confront the
different view about how aggressive the enemy is to be clear-eyed and understand
United States should be in pursuing enemies that if we were to leave Iraq before the job
overseas so we do not have to face them here is done, the enemy would follow us right here
at home. to the United States of America. We will
I want you to listen to what the-one of fight; we will win in Iraq.
the leaders in Washington, DC, said this past We got a lot of assets at our disposal. We
Sunday. She said—a Democrat leader in a got the finest military that has ever existed,
nationally televised interview—she said, “It and we need a United States Senator who
is not right to say that, quote, Iraq is part will support them. And when I say support
of the war on terror.’” In other words, they them, I mean give them all the tools nec
don't believe Iraq is a part of the war on essary so they can do their job. This Govern
terror. They believe it is a separate theater ment owes these young men and women and
of some kind. I'm not sure what they believe. their families all the support necessary, and
This is a global war we're—fight. You can't I'm confident that Senator Mike Bouchard
win a war if you don't believe we're in a war. will help me provide that support.
And therefore, we need leaders in Wash But we've got another asset, and that's the
ington, DC, who understand the stakes. power of liberty. I like to tell the story—as
And her position on Iraq would come as a matter of fact, I’m going to tell it as many
news to Usama bin Laden, who has pro times as people listen—[laughter)—
claimed that the “third world war is raging about my trip to Elvis's place. [Laughter] I
in Iraq.” Her position would come as news went down there, as you might recall, with
to the number-two man of Al Qaida, Mr. the then sitting Prime Minister of Japan, who
Zawahiri, who has called the struggle in Iraq no longer holds the office, Prime Minister
“the place for the greatest battle.” Her posi Koizumi. He's a friend of mine. We went
tion on Iraq would come as news to the ter down there. I'd never been, thought it would
rorists from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, be fun to go. He wanted to go a lot. [Laugh
Sudan, Lybia, Yemen, and other countries ter. He was an Elvis fan.
who have come to Iraq to fight America and But I also wanted to tell a story. And here's
the coalition forces. Her position would come the story: My dad, like many of your—who
as news to the people of Iraq who have lost got relatives here, many of you whose rel
loved ones as a result of terrorist bombings atives did the same thing, who are—you're
and beheadings and brutal acts of terror. Her here; the relatives probably aren't—[laugh
position would come as news to those brave ter]—joined the Navy to fight the Japanese.
men and women who wear the uniform of You know the kind of people I'm talking
the United States of America who are risking about. He's an 18-year-old kid; the Japanese
their lives every day to protect the American had attacked America. They killed more peo
people. ple on 9/11 than were killed at Pearl Harbor.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 27 1903

And yet he went, just like the kids who are senatorial candidate Michael Bouchard; Saulius
signing up today. We've got unbelievable “Saul." Anuzis, chairman, and Holly Hughes, na
men and women who are saying, “I under tional committeewoman, Michigan Republican
stand the stakes, and I want to go defend Party; former Secretary of Energy Spencer Abra
my country”—as volunteers. That's what ham; former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq;
Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist
happened in World War II. And it was a organization; former Prime Minister Junichiro
bloody war, and a lot of people lost their Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of
lives. It was a tough, tough fight. North Korea.
I find it to be really interesting that the
son of this Navy pilot is on Air Force One
flying down to Memphis, Tennessee, with Remarks Following Discussions With
the Prime Minister of the former enemy, Secretary General Jakob Gijsbert
talking about peace, talking about the fact “Jaap” de Hoop Scheffer of the
that this country of Japan has sent 1,000 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
troops into Iraq, because the Prime Minister
Koizumi and I understand that we're in and an Exchange With Reporters
October 27, 2006
volved in an ideological struggle between de
cent people who want to live in peace and President Bush. I'm proud to welcome
radicals and extremists who will battle de
the Secretary General of NATO here to the
mocracy in order to be able to impose their Oval Office. We've just had a fascinating dis
will. CuSS1On.
We talked about North Korea and the fact
First, Mr. Secretary General, you've been
that not only the North Korea—man trying a very strong leader. As a matter of fact,
to get him a nuclear weapon and how desta you've made NATO a values-based organiza
bilizing that would be, but we mourned the tion that is capable of dealing with the true
fact that thousands starve inside that country. threats of the 21st century. I appreciate your
We talked about HIV/AIDS on the continent
leadership. I particularly appreciate the fact
of Africa and our understanding that to that you have led the 26 nations of NATO
whom much is given, much is required; and into Afghanistan to help this young democ
that this great country, I assured him, would racy. You know what I know, that the real
continue to take the lead in providin challenge for the future is to help people of
antiretroviral drugs to help save lives. . moderation and young democracies succeed
we talked about helping Afghanistan build up in the face of threats and attacks by radicals
its democracy. and extremists who do not share our ide
Isn't it amazing? My dad fought the Japa ology, have kind of a dark vision of the world.
nese, and I’m talking about keeping the I appreciate the fact that you're reaching
peace. Something happened between World out to global partners, nations which share
War II and today, and what happened was, our value but have not been considered a
Japan adopted a Japanese-style democracy. necessarily considered a part of NATO. I
Democracies yield the peace. Liberty has got want to thank your view of making sure
the capacity to transform an enemy into an NATO continues to provide the opportunity
ally. Liberty has got the capacity to transform for other nations to join NATO.
regions of ſº to regions of light I'm looking forward to Riga. The Riga
and hope.
Someday, an American President will be summit is a time for us to celebrate the great
sitting down with duly elected leaders from successes of this partnership. Mr. Secretary
the Middle East talking about keeping the General and I will be there reminding our
peace, and our children and º dren partners that we have a lot of work to be
done in the noble cause of peace.
will be better off for it.
God bless. So, welcome.
Secretary General de Hoop Scheffer.
NOTE: The President spoke at 6:03 p.m. at the Mr. President, thank you very much, and
Mabry Banquet and Convention Center. In his thank you for giving me your time. I can echo
remarks, he referred to Pam Bouchard, wife of your words. NATO is delivering security in
1904 Oct. 27 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

the 21st century. And that means defending but whether they've doubled it or not, the
values, and that means defending values not idea of Iran having a nuclear weapon is unac
only in Europe but far away from NATO's ceptable, and it's unacceptable to the United
traditional area. And the case in point, of States, and it's unacceptable to nations we're
course, is Afghanistan, where there was a re working with in the United Nations—to send
gime which was grossly violating human a common message.
rights, no women's rights, public executions. Caren [Caren Bohan, Reuters].
There we are trying to assist the Afghan Gov
ernment to establish democracy, to establish Interrogation of Terrorists
human rights, to establish those values. Q. Sir, do you agree with the Vice Presi
And let me say that when, in those actions dent that a dunk in the water is a “no
of NATO, of those brave NATO soldiers, ci brainer” when it comes to interrogating a ter
vilians are killed, as happened 2 days ago, ror suspect?
that's always a tragedy. That's a tragedy. President Bush. This country doesn't tor
But let me convince you to look at the ture. We're not going to torture. We will in
broader picture. They are against democracy. terrogate people we pick up off the battle
Girls did not go to school when the Taliban field to determine whether or not they've got
was running Afghanistan. Now they go to information that will be helpful to protect
school. Now there is a precedence. Now the country.
there is a government. Civilian victims are Keil (Richard Keil, Bloomberg News].
a tragedy, but we are there in favor of democ
racy. They are there to destroy democracy, 2006 Elections
and they are there to destroy our values. Q. Mr. President, with the elections just
Mr. President, I'm looking forward to the about 10 days away, polls show that voters
Riga summit, where we'll see a 21st century are more iº with the Republican
NATO delivering security in many, many led Congress than at any time since 1994,
places of the world with 50,000 soldiers, in when the Democrats lost power. What expla
cluding many Americans, on three con nation or answer do you have for people who
tinents. That is the challenge, but I can tell feel that way?
you that NATO is up to the challenge. NATO President Bush. Keil, I understand peo
is delivering security, and NATO will con ple here in Washington have already deter
tinue to do this, indeed, with its presence, mined the outcome of the elections. As I said
but also with global partners, because ter in my press conference the other day, I've
rorism, proliferation, failed states, and failing seen it before, where people start measuring
states are global threats we have to face and the drapes in their new offices before the
to counter on a global scale. vote has been counted—in other words,
Mr. President, once again, thank you very they're taking the people's vote for granted.
much for being here. This election is going to be determined by
President Bush. Yes, sir. how our candidates run locally. And I believe
I'll answer a couple of questions this morn if they continue to emphasize the big
Fºr [Jennifer Loven, Associated issues—keeping taxes low and protecting the
American people—we'll win. And so we'll see
how the outcome comes. I know there's a
lot of speculation here in Washington, DC,
Q. Thank you, sir. What does it say to you and there's a lot of fascination about listening
that Iran is doubling its enrichment capacity? to these pundits and people who are giving
President Bush. It says to me that we their opinions.
must double our effort to work with the All I can tell you is what I see: I see enthu
international community to persuade the Ira siasm amongst Republicans; I see candidates
nians that there is only isolation from the who are saying, “Vote for me. I will work
world if they continue working forward on to make sure America doesn't get attacked
such a program. And I've read the specula again.” And I’m seeing candidates saying, “I
tion about that that's what they may be doing, understand that if we run up your taxes like
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1905

the Democrats do, it's going to hurt this attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Coopera
economy, and so we'll keep your taxes low.” tion Leaders' Meeting on November 18–19,
Thank you all very much. to meet with President Nguyen Minh Triet
and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung of
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:53 a.m. in the Vietnam on November 17, and that he will
Oval Office at the White House.
travel to Singapore and Indonesia.
October 24
In the morning, the President had an intel
Digest of Other ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Sara
White House Announcements sota, FL, where, upon arrival in the after
noon, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol
The following list includes the President's public unteer Tom Cooney.
schedule and other items of general interest an Later in the afternoon, the President trav
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and eled to Fort Lauderdale, FL, where, upon
not included elsewhere in this issue. arrival, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol
unteer David Greenberger. He then traveled
October 21 to Boca Raton, FL, where, at a private resi
dence, he attended a Republican National
In the morning, the President had an intel Committee dinner.
ligence briefing. In the evening, the President returned to
During the day, in the Roosevelt Room, Washington, DC.
the President met with National Security Ad The President declared a major disaster in
viser Stephen J. Hadley; Deputy National Se New York and ordered Federal aid to supple
curity . Jack D. Crouch II; State and ment State and local recovery efforts in the
Defense Department officials; military com area struck by severe storms and flooding on
manders; and Vice President Dick Cheney, October 12–13 and continuing.
who participated via video teleconference.
October 23 October 25

In the morning, the President had an intel In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, he met with Secret ligence briefing.
. Condoleezza Rice. He then met wi In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. President participated in an interview with
Later in the morning, in the East Room, print journalists.
the President participated in a photo oppor October 26
tunity with crew members of the Space Shut
tle Discovery, Space Shuttle Atlantis, and In the morning, the President had an intel
. Station Expeditions 11, 12, and 13. ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Des
Then, on the South Portico, he and Mrs. Moines, IA, where, upon arrival in the after
Bush participated in a photo opportunity noon, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol
with King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia unteer Sally Bates.
of Sweden. Later in the afternoon, the President trav
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. eled to Clinton Township, MI, where, upon
Bush had lunch with the King and Queen arrival, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol
Sweden. He then went to the Urban Trust unteer George Kolf. He then traveled to
Bank, where he participated in a discussion Warren, MI.
on the economy with small-business owners In the evening, the President returned to
and community bankers. Later, in the Old Washington, DC.
Family Dining Room, he participated in an October 27
interview with Maria Bartiromo of CNBC,
for later broadcast. In the morning, the President had an intel
The White House announced that the ligence briefing. Later, in the Map Room,
President will travel to Hanoi, Vietnam, to he participated in separate interviews with
1906 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Laurie Kinney of Hearst-Argyle Television, Statement by the Press Secretary: President

Grant Rampy of Tribune Broadcasting, and Bush To Attend the Asia-Pacific Economic
Jim Fry of Belo Broadcasting. Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Meeting in
In the afternoon, the President had a tele Vietnam and Travel to Singapore and Indo
phone conversation with Deputy Regional neSla

Forester Tom Tidwell of the U.S. Forest

Service to express his condolences for the Released October 24
deaths of four Forest Service firefighters in
the fire near Palm Springs, CA. Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
The President declared a major disaster in Secretary Tony Fratto
Alaska and ordered Federal aid to supple Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
ment State and local recovery efforts in the assistance to New York
area struck by a fire from August 3–4.
Released October 26

Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press

Secretary Dana Perino
Submitted to the Senate Fact sheet: The Secure Fence Act of 2006

Released October 27
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
Senate during the period covered by this issue. Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
assistance to Alaska
of White House Press Releases

The following list contains releases of the Office Acts Approved

of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as by the President
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.

Approved October 26
Released October 23

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec H.R. 6061 / Public Law 109–367
retary Tony Snow Secure Fence Act of 2006
, , , * ſae
Washington GPO
w was a s - w is e * -I w y

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, November 6, 2006

Volume 42—Number 44
Pages 1907–1975


"NOV2006 ~%


Addresses and Remarks Executive Orders

Georgia Blocking Property of Certain Persons

Georgia Victory 2006 rally in Perry—1937 Contributing to the Conflict in the
Georgia Victory 2006 rally in Statesboro– Democratic Republic of the Congo—1933
Joint Statements
Indiana, Indiana Victory 2006 rally in President George W. Bush and Prime
Sellersburg—1908 Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq–1916
Missouri Victory 2006 rally in Joplin—1966
Missouri Victory 2006 rally in Springfield– Continuation of National Emergency
1959 Regarding the Proliferation of Weapons of
Montana, Montana Victory 2006 rally in Mass Destruction—1916
Billings–1945 Continuation of the National Emergency With
Nevada, Nevada Victory 2006 rally in Elko– Respect to Sudan—1944
1952 Proclamations
Radio address—1907
South Carolina, Charleston Air Force Base— National Adoption Month—1929
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness
Sudan, meeting with Special Envoy Natsios— National American Indian Heritage Month—
1937 1930
Texas, Texas Victory 2006 rally in Sugar National Diabetes Month—1931
Land—1923 National Family Caregivers Month—1932
National Hospice Month–1936
Communications to Congress Veterans Day—1943
Democratic Republic of the Congo, letter World Freedom Day—1958
reporting on blocking property of certain Supplementary Materials
persons contributing to conflict—1935 Acts approved by the President—1975
Sudan, letter on continuation of national
Checklist of White House press releases—
emergency—1945 1974
Weapons of mass destruction, letter on, Digest of other White House
continuation of national emergency announcements—1972
regarding proliferation—1917 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1974

Editor's Note: The President was in Englewood, CO, on November 3, the closing date of this
issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607;
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, November 3, 2006
The President’s Radio Address up by 2.2 percent over the past year, which
October 28, 2006 means an extra $1,300 for the typical family
of four with two wage earners. And the eco
Good morning. Election day is around the nomic growth spurred by tax cuts has helped
corner, and one of the biggest issues at stake reduce the deficit. Tax revenues have soared
in this campaign is your taxes. Here is my as the economy has grown, allowing us to
philosophy: I believe that our economy grows meet our goal of cutting the Federal deficit
and the American Dream reaches more citi in half–3 years ahead of schedule.
zens when you keep more of what you earn. All these signs point to one conclusion:
With more money in your pocket, it is easier Cutting your taxes worked. Unfortunately,
for families to afford a good education, it is the Democrats are still determined to raise
easier for young people to afford the down your taxes, and if they gain control of the
payment on a home of their own, and it's Congress, they can do so without lifting a
easier for small-business owners to go out finger. Under current law, many of the tax
and invest and create jobs. cuts we passed have to be renewed by Con
So my administration and the Republican gress, or they will expire. In other words, if
Congress enacted the largest tax relief since Congress fails to act, your taxes will automati
Ronald Reagan was in the White House. We cally go up. If Democrats take control of the
cut taxes for every American who pays in House, the committee in charge of all tax
come taxes. We doubled the child tax credit. legislation would be chaired by a Democrat
We reduced the marriage penalty. We cut who recently said he cannot think of one of
taxes on small business. We cut taxes on cap our tax cuts that he would extend. And if
ital gains and dividends to promote invest there's no legislation to renew and extend the
ment and jobs. And to reward family busi tax cuts, every tax rate will go back up to
nesses and farmers for a lifetime of hard work its old, higher level.
and savings, we put the death tax on the path Take just one example: If Democrats have
to extinction. their way, the child tax credit will be cut in
Now the results of these tax cuts are in. half—from $1,000 per child to just $500 per
The tax cuts we passed have left more than child. And think of what that means for your
a trillion dollars in the hands of American family. Next time you're having dinner at
workers, families, and small businesses, and home, look around the table and multiply the
you have used that money to fuel a strong number of children you have by $500. That's
and growing economy. Last year, our econ how much more you will be sending to Wash
omy grew faster than any other major indus ington in taxes if Democrats take control of
trialized nation. This week, we learned that the Congress. If you have two children, that
our economy grew by 1.6 percent during the is an extra $1,000 the Democrats will add
third quarter of this year. As we expected, to your tax bill every year. If you have three
this rate is slower than in previous quarters. children, that's an extra $1,500. If you have
Yet the evidence still points to a vibrant econ four children, that's an extra $2,000. That
omy that is providing more jobs and better may not seem like a lot to Democrats in
wages for our workers, and helping reduce Washington, but for working families across
the Federal deficit. America, that is real money.
Since August 2003, the American economy The decision you make on election day will
has created more than 6.6 million new jobs, have a direct impact on America's economy
including over 1.7 million jobs in the past and on your family budget. So this coming
12 months alone. Real take-home wages are week I'll be traveling across America, and I'll
1908 Oct. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

be carrying this message. Whether you're a mine the course of this Nation. I want to
worker earning a paycheck, or a small-busi thank you for supporting this good man. The
ness owner who's thinking about hiring more election of Mike Sodrel is important for the
workers, or a family worried about gas prices United States of America.
or health care costs, the last thing you need Laura sends her love. Sodrel told me com
now is a higher tax bill. To keep this economy ing over—he said, “The event with Laura was
growing and delivering prosperity to more so great, we felt like asking you to stay at
Americans, we need leaders in Washington home and bring her back." [Laughter] I ap
who understand the importance of letting preciate being with Keta—Keta Sodrel. I ap
you keep more of your money, and making preciate being with all the Sodrel children
the tax relief we delivered permanent. and the grandchildren. These are people who
Thank you for listening. put family first, and that's important.
I want to thank all the statewide elected
NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on
October 27 in the Cabinet Room at the White
officials who are here today. Thank you for
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on October 28.
Audience members. U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
The transcript was made available by the Office U.S.A.!
of the Press Secretary on October 27 but was em The President. I want to thank all the
bargoed for release until the broadcast. The Office
grassroots activists who are here today. I
of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
guage transcript of this address. thank you for putting up the signs. I thank
you for making the phone calls. I thank you
do the work—I thank you for, in advance,
Remarks at an Indiana Victory 2006 what you're going to do in the next week,
Rally in Sellersburg, Indiana and that's send this good man back to the
October 28, 2006 United States Congress.
Election day is 10 days away, and we're
The President. Thank you all. Thank you going to sprint to the finish line. I understand
for your warm welcome. I appreciate being you've probably been paying attention to the
here. You know, recently the First Lady was pundits in Washington, DC. They think the
here. She told me there's no finer day to election is already over. As a matter of fact,
spend a Saturday than in southern Indiana. some of them in Washington are already
She also told me there's no finer Congress measuring the drapes for their new offices.
man for the people of this district than Mike Audience members. Boo-o-o!
Sodrel. As usual, Laura is right. Mike Sodrel The President. In other words, they're
needs to be sent back to the United States taking your vote for granted.
Congress. Audience members. Boo-o-o!
As a member of the Indiana National The President. This isn't the first time
Guard, he has served our country in uniform, that's happened. You might remember, back
and as a Congressman, he is a strong sup in 2004, they were picking out new offices
porter of the United States military. Mike in the West Wing. [Laughter] Things turned
Sodrel supports the veterans. out a little differently on election day. The
I think it's good to have a man rep movers never got the phone call. This No
resenting you who knows what it means to vember 7th, voters are going to defy all the
build a company from the bottom up, some pundits in Washington, DC, and send this
body who knows what it means to meet a good man back to the United States Con
payroll, somebody who brings fiscal dis gress. We will control the House of Rep
cipline to the Nation's Capital. As a father resentatives, and we will control the United
and a grandfather, Mike Sodrel understands States Senate. We will win this election be
Indiana values, and he's standing up for those cause we've got good, strong candidates like
values in Washington, DC. Mike Sodrel, and we will win this election
The stakes are high in this election. Your because we got a record to run on.
vote will have an impact not only on your For decades, our public schools failed too
lives here but a impact that will help deter many students. We passed the No Child Left
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 28 1909

Behind Act. We demanded high standards which party will take the necessary steps to
and strong accountability, and we are bring protect you from the terrorists?
ing America closer to the day when every Let me start with taxes. We have a clear
single child in this country gets a good edu philosophy; we believe that you know how
cation. to spend your money far better than the Fed
For decades, we've been growing depend eral Government does. We believe that when
ent on foreign oil. So we took the lead. We you have more money in your pocket to save,
passed an energy bill that supports conserva invest, or spend, the economy benefits. The
tion and expands domestic production. But Democrats believe they should raise your
we're also spending money to make sure that taxes so they can spend your money.
Indiana farmers produce the fuel for our cars Audience members. Boo-o-o!
in the future. Mike and I understand this: The President. We not only have a philos
When the agricultural economy is strong, ophy, we acted on that philosophy. We
that's good for the United States of America. passed the largest tax relief since Ronald
For decades, Medicare was outdated. It Reagan was the President of the United
wasn't serving our seniors as well as it could. States. We cut the taxes on everyone who
So we passed landmark legislation to mod pays income taxes. We doubled the child tax
ernize the Medicare system. Now 33 million credit. We reduced the marriage penalty. We
seniors have more choices and access to af cut taxes on small businesses. We cut taxes
fordable goods, and the days of our poor sen on capital gains and dividends to encourage
iors having to choose between food and med investment. And to reward hard work and
ICl Ine are OVer. small-business owners and farmers for a life
For decades, we have not had complete time of work, we put the death tax on the
control over our southern border, and illegal road to extinction.
immigration has been on the rise. So we have You might remember the debate. The
acted. I sent National Guard troops down Democrats in Washington predicted the tax
there to help our Border Patrol. We're add cuts wouldn't create jobs, would not create
ing thousands of new Border Patrol. We will wages, and would cause the Federal deficit
reform our immigration system, and we will to explode. Truth is, the facts are in. The
uphold the immigration laws of the United tax cuts have led to a growing economy that
States. has added 6.6 million new jobs since August
Activist judges try to define America by of 2003. Real wages have risen 2.2 percent
court order. Just this week in New Jer over the past 12 months. We have cut the
sey deficit in half 3 years ahead of schedule.
Audience members. Boo-o-o! And now the Democrats in Washington
The President. another activist court have another prediction—they're telling you
issued a ruling that raises doubt about the they're going win on election day. If their
institution of marriage. We believe that mar electoral predictions are as reliable as their
riage is the union between a man and a economic predictions, November 7th is going
woman, and should be defended. I will con to be a great day for the Republican Party.
tinue to appoint judges who strictly interpret They don't really want you to know their
the law and not legislate from the bench. position when it comes to taxes. They really
America is better off because John Roberts don't want you to know that they're going
and Sam Alito are serving on the Supreme to raise up your taxes. As a matter of fact,
Court of the United States. the Member from California, the ranking
We have a record to run on. And I appre leader, the minority leader in the House, who
ciate Mike Sodrel's support on these impor wants to be the Speaker
tant issues. There are big differences in Audience members. Boo-o-o!
Washington, DC, between Republicans and The President. Here's what she said the
Democrats, and when it comes—and per other day. She said, “We love tax cuts.”
haps the biggest differences can be seen in That's what she said. Given her record, she
two issues: Which party will keep your taxes must be a secret admirer. [Laughter. She and
low and keep this economy growing, and her party voted against reducing the marriage
1910 Oct. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

penalty, voted against cutting taxes on small raise your taxes, and the Republicans will
businesses, voting against lowering taxes on keep your taxes low.
families with children, voted against getting This election is taking place in an historic
rid of the death tax. Time and time again, time for our country. When people look back
when she and the Democrat Party had an at this period of time, the question will be,
opportunity to show their love for tax cuts, did we do everything in our power to protect
they voted no. If this is the Democrats' idea the American people and win the war on ter
of love, I wouldn't want to see what hate ror? And we are in a war. It came to our
looks like. [Laughter] shores on September the 11th, 2001. And on
See, here's the way it's going to work. If that day, I vowed to use every element of
we don't make permanent the tax cuts or if national power to defend the American peo
the tax cuts are not extended, you're going ple and to defeat the terrorists.
to get a tax increase. And so they asked the Audience members. U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
man who would be head of the Ways and U.S.A.!
Means Committee if we don't win—we will
win—he said he can't think of one of the The President. We face an enemy that—
tax cuts he would extend. See, in other words,
which is brutal. There is no negotiation with
these people. These are ideologues who have
he's going to let them all expire. Now, think a backward and hateful vision of the world.
about what that means if you are a small
business owner—and we've got a lot of small They do not believe in freedom. They hate
America because we do believe in freedom.
business owners here in southern Indiana. If
you're a small-business owner who pays taxes For those who say, “Bring them at the table
at the individual rate, the Democrats are to discuss our differences,” they do not un
going to raise your taxes. If you're a small derstand the nature of these people. The best
business owner who wants to expand and in way to protect the American people is to
vest in new equipment, the Democrats are bring them to justice before they hurt us
going to raise your taxes.
Audience members. Boo-o-o! We have been implementing a strategy to
The President. If you're a small-business protect you. You know, the enemy can be
owner who wants to pass on your life's work right one time, and we must be right 100
to your children and grandchildren, the percent of the time to protect the American
Democrats want to raise your taxes. If you're people. And that is why I said that we must
a small-business owner, you better vote for break down walls that prevent the intel
Mike Sodrel to make sure your taxes stay low. ligence community and enforcement com
When a Democrat can't—say they can't munity from sharing information. And so,
think of one of the tax cuts they would ex working with Members in Congress like
tend, I want you to think about what it means Mike Sodrel, we passed the PATRIOT Act.
for our families. The child tax credit would I understand this is a different kind of war.
be cut in half from $1,000 to $500. So when For you World War II vets here, this is not
you're sitting around the dinner table this a war that can be determined by how many
evening, and if you've got one child sitting airplanes we shoot down or what kind of ter
there, you can rest assured that your taxes, ritory we take. It's a different kind of war.
if the Democrats take over, will go up by And it means good intelligence; in order to
500. If you happen to have two children, be able to protect you, we must know what
that's $1,000 tax increase. If you have four the enemy is thinking and getting ready to
children, that's a $2,000 tax increase. That do. That's why when Al Qaida or an Al Qaida
may not seem like a lot to the Democrats affiliate is making a phone call from outside
in Washington, DC, but we understand it's the United States to inside the United States,
a lot for you, and we're going to keep your we want to know why.
taxes low. In this new kind of war, we must be willing
They want to get in your pocketbook, and to question the enemy when we pick them
we're not going to let them. A big issue in up on the battlefield. We have captured peo
this campaign is taxes. The Democrats will ple like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who our
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 28 1911

intelligence community thinks was the mas Audience members. Yes!

termind of the September the 11th attacks. The President. Do you want your Gov
When we captured him, I said to the Central ernment to question the terrorists?
Intelligence Agency, “Why don't we find out Audience members. Yes!
what he knows in order to be able to protect The President. Do you want your Gov
America from another attack.” ernment to do whatever it takes to bring jus
In the past year, Congress has voted on tice to the terrorists?
each of these critical tools in the fight against Audience members. Yes!
terror, and these votes have revealed a clear The President. And so when Republicans
pattern and a clear difference of opinion. ask for your vote on November 7, what's your
When it came time to renew the PATRIOT answer?
Act, more than 75 percent of the House Audience members. Yes!
Democrats voted against it. The President. We will continue to make
Audience members. Boo-o-o! sure our professionals have the tools nec
The President. When it came time on essary to protect you. And I want to thank
whether to allow the Central Intelligence Mike Sodrel for his strong support for our
Agency to continue to detain and question professionals on the frontline of protecting
terrorists, almost 80 percent of the House the American people. But the best way to
Democrats voted against it. protect you is to go on the offense and defeat
Audience members. Boo-o-o! the enemy overseas so we do not have to
The President. When it came time to vote face them here.
on whether the NSA should continue to One of the lessons of September the 11th
monitor terrorist communications through is that when we see a threat, we must take
the terrorist surveillance program, almost 90 it seriously before that threat comes home
percent of House Democrats voted against to hurt us. I saw a threat in Saddam Hussein;
it. members of both political parties in Congress
Audience members. Boo-o-o! saw a threat in Saddam Hussein; the United
The President. In all these vital measures Nations saw the threat in Saddam Hussein.
for fighting the war on terror, the Democrats Getting rid of Saddam Hussein was the right
in Washington follow a simple philosophy: policy; the world is better off for it.
Just say no. When it comes to listening in And now Iraq is a central front in this war
on the terrorists, what's the Democratic an against the terrorists. You know, in Wash
swer? Just say no. When it comes to detaining ington, DC
terrorists, what's the Democrat answer? Audience member. You're the man,
Audience members. Just say no! George!
The President. When it comes to ques The President. I want you to listen to the
tioning terrorists, what's the Democrat an words of a senior Democrat in the House
swer? of Representatives. The person went on to
Audience members. Just say no! say, “The President says that fighting them
The President. When it comes to tryingthere makes it less likely we will have to fight
terrorists, what's the Democrats' answer? them here. The opposite is true”—the per
Audience members. Just say no! son went on to say—“Because we're fighting
The President. So when the Democrats them there, it may become more likely we
ask for your vote on November the 7th, what will have to fight them here.”
are you going to say? Here's what that person does not under
ience members. Just say no! stand: You do not create terrorism by fighting
The President. Here are some questions the terrorists, and Iraq is not the reason the
we're asking all around the country: Do you terrorists are at war against us. I would re
want your Government to listen in on the mind that Democrat that our troops were not
terrorists? in Iraq when the terrorists first attacked the
Audience members. Yes! World Trade Center in 1993. We were not
The President. Do you want your Gov in Iraq when they blew up our Embassies
ernment to detain the terrorists? in Kenya and Tanzania. We were not in Iraq
1912 Oct. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

when they blew up the USS Cole. And we they don't understand this administration.
were not in Iraq when they killed nearly We will put a plan in place.
3,000 of our citizens on September the 11th. I can't tell you how proud I am to be the
Five years after September the 11th, too Commander in Chief of such incredibly
many Democrats still do not get it. The best brave men and women who have volunteered
way to protect this homeland is to find the to wear the uniform of the United States.
enemy and defeat them overseas. Oh, I know Audience members. U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
you've heard all the discussion about Iraq. U.S.A.!
They say—in Washington, the Democrats The President. And when it comes time—
say, it's not a part of the war against the ter and when they send those bills up there to
rorists; it's a distraction. Well, don't take my support our men and women in uniform, I
word for it—listen to Usama bin Laden. He don't have any doubt where Mike Sodrel is
has made it clear that Iraq is a central part going to land. He is a strong supporter of
of this war on terror. He and his number the military. He knows what I know: Any
two man, Zawahiri, have made it abundantly time you have an American in harm's way,
clear that their goal is to inflict enough dam he or she deserves the full support of the
age on innocent life and damage on our own American Government.
troops so that we leave before the job is done. We've got a strong asset in our military.
And why do they want to do that? They want We've got something else going for us in
to establish safe haven, like the safe haven Iraq, brave Iraqis. They have suffered unbe
they had in Afghanistan, from which to lievable violence. But they remember the 12
launch further attacks on the United States million people that voted. They want to suc
of America. They want to have a base from ceed. We've got a security track so that these
which to topple moderate governments. Iraqis can defend themselves. We've got a
Imagine a world in which violent radicals political track so that the Government is of
have seized power in the Middle East and and by and for the people. We've got an eco
they've toppled moderate governments and nomic track to help them realize the vast po
they use oil to extract blackmail from the tential of that country. We'll succeed. The
West. And couple that with an armed, nu only way we will not succeed is if we leave
clear Iran, and 30 years from now people are before the job is done.
going to look back and say, “What happened And all the people listening here, I want
to them in 2006? How come they couldn't you to think about the Democrat plan for
see the danger?” And that is why we will success: There isn't one. [Laughter] Iraq is
defeat the enemy in Iraq. the central front in this war, and yet leading
We have a plan for victory. Our goal is Democrats argue we should pull out right
a country that can sustain itself, govern itself, now.
and defend itself and will be an ally in the Audience members. Boo-o-o!
war on terror. The enemy's goal is to get us The President. Others suggest we should
to retreat before the job is done. I'm in close draw—withdraw on a specific date, even if
contact with our commanders. I tell them, we have not accomplished the mission.
“Whatever it takes to achieve victory, I sup Audience members. No-o-o!
port.” They tell me that they're constantly The President. Others recommend mov
adjusting their tactics to meet an enemy ing our troops to an island some 5,000 miles
which is changing its tactics. Oh, the fighting away.
is tough; I understand that. And it is brutal. Audience members. Boo-o-o!
The enemy has an advantage because they're The President. Nineteen House Demo
willing to kill innocent people, and that gets crats introduced legislation that would cut off
on our TV screens. It's hard to measure the funds for our troops in Iraq.
progress of a new hospital or new schools Audience members. Boo-o-o!
or people willing to be brave and tough. The The President. This week, one Democrat
enemy understands that it's a matter of time, Senator explained her party's position this
in their mind, before we retreat. But they way: “We haven't coalesced around a single
don't understand the American people, and plan, but we're in general agreement on the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 28 1913

basic principles.” She's right. They are in And yet on Air Force One was the Prime
agreement on one thing. They will leave be Minister of the former enemy and this Navy
fore the job is done. And we will not let them. fighter pilot's son talking about peace. We
I'm not saying these people are unpatri were talking about the fact that 1,000 Japa
otic; I'm saying they're wrong. You cannot nese troops were in Iraq helping this young
win a war if you're unwilling to fight the war. democracy. See, the Prime Minister knows
Retreat before the job was done would em what I know; that the radicals and extremists
bolden the enemy. It would provide new safe want to overturn democracy; they want to
haven. It would enable the enemy to recruit. spread their vision across what's called a ca
It would dash the hope of millions who want liphate, a vision opposite of what we believe.
to simply live in peace. It would dishonor That's their ambitions. That's their goals. And
the sacrifice of the men and women who
yet, when we find young democracies, those
have worn the uniform of the United States
of America.
of us who live in freedom have a duty to
support that democracy because democracies
This is a different kind of war, and it's im yield the peace.
portant for Republicans and Democrats and We talked about North Korea, how we
independents to understand this fact: If we could work together to convince the leader
were to leave before the job was done, the of North Korea to give up his nuclear weap
enemy would follow us to the United States. ons ambitions. We talked about HIV/AIDS
And that is why victory is our goal, and that on the continent of Africa, and how “to
is why we will achieve victory. A victory will whom much is given, much is required”
be a blow to the terrorists. A victory will say ought to apply to the United States and
to those in the Middle East—“Do you be
lieve in freedom?"—that we do. A victory will Japan, and how we must end the suffering
make Iraq an ally on the war on terror. A of those poor people on the continent of Afri
victory in Iraq will make generations of ca. We talked about a lot of big issues.
young Americans more secure. And that is But I find it interesting that my dad fought
why we will stay, we will fight, and we will the Japanese, and his son is talking about the
win. peace with the Japanese. Something hap
I want to share a story with you. I want pened, and what happened is, Japan adopted
to share—if you can stand it, I want to share a Japanese-style democracy. And the lesson
a story with you. I want to talk about some for our fellow citizens is, liberty has got the
thing really powerful that we've got at our capacity to transform enemies into allies.
disposal. It's called liberty. I don't know if Liberty has got the capacity to transform re
you remember, but recently I flew down to gions of hate to regions of hope. I firmly be
Elvis's place with the then-sitting Prime Min lieve that someday, an American President
ister of Japan. People said, “Why did you go will be sitting down with duly elected leaders
down there?” And I said, “Well, one, I've in the Middle East talking about the peace,
never been there.” [Laughter] Secondly, he and a generation of Americans will be better
wanted to go there. [Laughter] off.
But I also want to tell a story about the These are historic times. These are chal
power of liberty, and here it is. In the late lenging times. It is such an honor to rep
1940s, we got attacked. And by the way, more resent the United States of America during
people died on September the 11th than died these historic times. I ask you to go from
at Pearl Harbor. And a lot of young Ameri here and to call up your friends and neigh
cans—many of them probably your rel bors, find our fellow Republicans, discerning
atives—volunteered to fight the sworn Democrats—[laughter]—intelligence inde
enemy, the Japanese. One of them was Navy pendents—[laughter—and remind them of
fighter pilot George H.W. Bush, who at the the stakes, remind them that the outcome
age—[applause]. And he fought them with of this election will determine how much
all he had, just like a lot of other brave Amer money you have in your pocket. And remind
icans. Thousands and thousands didn't come them the outcome of this election will deter
home from that war. mine whether this Government does its most
1914 Oct. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

fundamental job, and that is to protect the make on a daily basis for this country. So,
American people. as the President of the United States, I want
No doubt in my mind, with your help, we to tell you plain and simple, the American
will win. Thanks for coming. God bless. people respect you; they appreciate you; and
I'll do everything in my power to make sure
NOTE: The President spoke at 1 p.m. at Silver the families and those who wear the uniform
Creek High School. In his remarks, he referred have all the support necessary to win this war
to Keta Sodrel, wife of Representative Mike On terror.
Sodrel; former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq; I'm impressed by the record of the folks
Usama bin Laden, leader, and Ayman Al here at Charleston Air Force Base. I’m im
Zawahiri, senior associate, Al Qaida terrorist orga
nization; former Prime Minister Junichiro pressed by your accomplishments and what
Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of you've done on behalf of this grateful Nation.
North Korea. Since September the 11th, 2001, the folks
who fly the airplanes, maintain the airplanes,
and load the airplanes—and fill up the
Remarks at Charleston Air Force tires—[laughter]—have launched more than
Base, South Carolina 14,000 C–17 missions from here. You have
October 28, 2006 airlifted more cargo to Operation Iraqi Free
dom than any other unit in the United States.
Thank you all very much. You know, I was You are the only unit in the world tasked
in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by with providing strategic airlift to our Special
to say hello here at Team Charleston. I am Operation forces.
proud to be here with the men and women The men and women here in Charleston
of the 437th and the 315th Air Wings. Yes— have also done more than just provided sup
I'm proud to be with members of the United ply to the war zones. You have provided hu
States Air Force and the United States manitarian aid that has saved countless lives.
Navy—proud to be with the rest of you, too. The folks here have airdropped 2.4 million
[Laughter] rations of humanitarian aid to the people of
Laura sends her love, and she sends all Afghanistan at the start of Operation Endur
her respect to those who support our mili ing Freedom. You delivered 53,000 pounds
tary. I'm proud to be here with the Governor of relief supplies to the tsunami victims in
of the great State of South Carolina, Gov Indonesia. And after Hurricane Katrina, you
ernor Mark Sanford, and his wife, Jenny, and delivered 2.5 million pounds of relief sup
their children. I thank Congressman Henry plies and evacuated 2,400 citizens from New
Brown for taking time out of a Saturday after Orleans. You have shown the great compas
noon to come and say hello to his buddy, sion of the American people, and I thank you
the President of the United States. I thank for your service.
Colonel Glen Joerger for his hospitality. I We are engaged in a global war on terror.
thank Colonel Tim Wrighton. I thank you all After September the 11th, 2001, I vowed to
for giving me a chance to come and share the American people that I would use every
some thoughts with you. thing at our disposal to do the number-one
The first thought I want to say is, I am job of government, and that is to protect you
proud to be the Commander in Chief of such from further attack. And I have been aided
a fine group of young men and women. We in protecting the American people by the
have an amazing nation when people say, “I fine United States military.
want to volunteer to defend this country.” We face an enemy that knows no bounds
I am constantly amazed, enthralled, and and no conscience. They're ideologues, but
buoyed by the fact that I'm the Commander their ideology is the exact opposite of ours.
in Chief of honorable, decent, courageous They kill innocent people to achieve their
men and women. And I thank you for coming evil objectives. But make no mistake about
to say hello. it, they have objectives. They have clearly
I'm also proud to be here with our military stated that they want to drive the United
families. I understand the sacrifices that you States from the world so they can establish
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 28 1915

a caliphate, a governing organization, from for the Iraqis, and for the moderates around
Indonesia to Spain that would allow them to the world.
spread their ideology of hate, allow them to And it's tough fighting, because the enemy
dominate a society in which people could not understands the stakes of a free Iraq. It's
worship freely or speak freely, in which peo hard fighting, and we've got a lot of brave
ple who did not adhere to their point of view citizens of ours in the midst of the fight. But
would be punished. They seek safe haven we have a plan for victory. We are in Iraq
from which to launch further attacks to to help that young democracy fight off the
achieve their objective. And their attacks radicals and the extremists. We're in the fight
would aim right here at the United States in Iraq to make sure there is not a safe haven
of America. from which to launch further attacks on the

I want you to think about a world in which United States. Our plan for victory says that
rival forms of radicals competed for power we want an Iraq that can defend itself and
in the Middle East to deny the hopes and govern itself and sustain itself.
aspirations of millions of people who simply And we've got some great things going for
want to live in peace. They would topple us. We've got a military that is constantly ad
moderate governments. They would use oil justing to the enemy on the ground. We've
as an economic weapon to bring the West got commanders who are wise and brave and
to her knees. And to mix all that in with a are bringing justice to our enemies there in
country with a nuclear weapon, and 20 or Iraq. And we've also got at our side brave
30 years from now, if that were to happen, Iraqis who have suffered unbelievable loss
but yet still cling to the hope, as reflected
people would look back and say, “What hap in the voices and votes of 12 million people
pened to them in 2006? How come they who defied the car bombers and the terror
couldn't see the challenge? How come they ists. They want to live in freedom.
couldn't see the threats to a generation of I believe in the universality of freedom.
I believe in everybody's soul is the desire to
I'm proud to be with people who see the be free. It is in this country's interests that
threats and know that the best way to protect we defeat the enemy in Iraq and help this
the American people is to defeat the enemy young democracy survive. You see, this is a
overseas so we do not have to face them here different kind of war. And make no mistake
at home. -

about it, if the United States of America were

One of the lessons of September the 11th to leave before the job is done, the enemy
is that when this country sees a threat, we will follow us here. And that is why we will
must deal with that threat before it fully ma support our military, and that is why we will
terializes. If we see a threat, we must take fight in Iraq, and that is why we will win
care of that threat. Otherwise, that threat in Iraq.
could come to haunt us, to destroy innocent And I thank you for being a part of this
life. I saw a threat in Saddam Hussein. The noble and just and important cause. You're
world saw a threat in Saddam Hussein. Get
fighting in a war that will set the course of
ting rid of Saddam Hussein was the right de a new century. The outcome will determine
cision, and the world is better for it. the destiny of millions across the world. The
And now you're involved in this global war outcome of this fight will determine whether
on terror, in the central front, which is Iraq. or not our children can grow up in the peace
I know some in America don't believe Iraq we want them to grow up in. Defeating the
is the central front in the war on terror, and terrorists and the extremists is the challenge
that's fine. They can have that opinion. But of our time and the calling of this generation.
Usama bin Laden knows it's a central front And like generations before us, we will do
in the war on terror. He has called Iraq the the hard work now, to make sure our chil
third world war. He has said of Iraq that he dren can grow up in freedom and peace.
will lead to victory or glory or humiliation. The time of war is a time of sacrifice. I
We have made our decision. Iraq will lead know the sacrifices you all make. But some
to victory and glory for the United States, have paid the ultimate price; really good men
1916 Oct. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
and women have lost their lives in this strug for a stable, democratic Iraq and for victory
gle. We will pray for their families. And I in the war on terror.
make them this pledge: We will honor their
sacrifice by completing the mission, by de NOTE: An original was not available for
feating the terrorists, and by laying the foun verification of the content of this joint statement.
dation of peace for generations to come.
I can't thank you enough for coming to
say hello. May God bless you all, and may Notice—Continuation of National
God continue to bless the United States.
Emergency Regarding the
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass
NOTE: The President spoke at 4:48 p.m. In his Destruction
remarks, he referred to Col. Glen G. Joerger, October 27, 2006
commander, USAF, 437th Airlift Wing. Col. Tim
othy J. Wrighton, USAF, commander, 315th Air On November 14, 1994, by Executive
lift Wing; former President Saddam Hussein of Order 12938, the President declared a na
Iraq; and Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida tional emergency with respect to the unusual
terrorist organization.
and extraordinary threat to the national secu
rity, foreign policy, and economy of the
Joint Statement by President George United States posed by the proliferation of
W. Bush and Prime Minister Nuri al nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons
Maliki of Iraq (weapons of mass destruction) and the means
of delivering such weapons. On July 28, 1998,
October 28, 2006 the President issued Executive Order 13094
amending Executive Order 12938 to respond
We were pleased to continue our consulta more effectively to the worldwide threat of
tions today. Via secure video, we discussed weapons of mass destruction proliferation ac
a range of issues of great importance to our tivities. On June 28, 2005, I issued Executive
common mission in Iraq, including the devel Order 13382 that, inter alia, further amend
opment of Iraqi security forces, efforts to ed Executive Order 12938 to improve our
promote reconciliation among all Iraqis, and ability to combat proliferation. Because the
the International Compact for Iraq and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
economic reforms associated with it. As lead
and the means of delivering them continues
ers of two great countries, we are committed to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat
to the security and prosperity of a democratic to the national security, foreign policy, and
Iraq and the global fight against terrorism economy of the United States, º national
which affects all our citizens.
emergency first declared on November 14,
We have three common goals: accelerating 1994, must continue in effect beyond No
the pace of training the Iraqi Security Force, vember 14, 2006. In accordance with section
Iraqi assumption of command and control 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50
over Iraqi forces, and transferring responsi U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year
bility for security to the Government of Iraq. the national emergency . in Execu
We have formed a high-level working group tive Order 12938, as amended.
including the Iraqi National Security Advisor, This notice shall be published in the Fed
Minister of Defense, Minister of Interior,
eral Register and transmitted to the Con
General Casey, and Ambassador Khalilzad to gress.
make recommendations on how these goals
can be best achieved. This working group will George W. Bush
supplement existing mechanisms to better
define our security partnership and enhance The White House,
our coordination. October 27, 2006.
We are committed to the partnership our
two countries and two governments have [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register.
formed and will work in every way possible 12:12 p.m., October 30, 2006]
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1917

NoTE: This notice was released by the Office of to be back in the State of Georgia. It is even
the Press Secretary on October 30, and it was pub better to be here with the next Congressman
lished in the Federal Register on October 31. from this district, Max Burns.
Max knows what it takes to be a United
States Congressman, because he's done it be
Letter to Congressional Leaders on fore. And when you turn out on November
Continuation of the National
7th, he's going to do it again.
Emergency Regarding the He understands Georgia values, because
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass he was born and raised in this district, and
he still lives on a family farm outside Syl
October 27, 2006 vania. I've been in Washington long enough
to know that it makes sense to have people
Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:) who live on a family farm, in the Halls of
Section 202(d) of the National Emer
the United States Congress.
gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for I appreciate the fact that Max was a teach
the automatic termination of a national emer
er. As a matter of fact, he taught right here
gency unless, prior to the anniversary date at Georgia Southern. I hope he gave a few
of its declaration, the President publishes in of the students A's. [Laughter] And for those
the Federal Register and transmits to the of you who did get an A, you might as well
Congress a notice stating that the emergency vote for him. [Laughter] I appreciate the fact
is to continue in effect beyond the anniver that when he was a Member of the United
sary date. In accordance with this provision, States Congress that he passed key legislation
I have sent the enclosed notice to the Federal
that helped farmers, that helped seniors file
Register for publication, stating that the their taxes, and helped our public schools re
emergency posed by the proliferation of cruit more math and science teachers. In
weapons of mass destruction and their means other words, he has the record to run on.
of delivery declared by Executive Order He's got something to say when he's out on
12938 on November 14, 1994, as amended,
the campaign stop, and he's also got a record
is to continue in effect beyond November to point to. There's no doubt in my mind
14, 2006.
that Max Burns is the right man to be the
Because the proliferation of weapons of United States Congressman.
mass destruction and the means of delivering You know who else agrees with that is
them continues to pose an unusual and ex Laura. She knows Max and Lora. She likes
traordinary threat to the national security, the Burnses. She likes a man of integrity, like
foreign policy, and economy of the United Max Burns. She says, like I’m saying, work
States, I have determined the national emer hard; turn out the vote; and send this good
gency previously declared must continue in man back to the United States Congress.
effect beyond November 14, 2006. And by the way, when you're out there
Sincerely, voting for Max, make sure you send a man
George W. Bush who has done a fabulous job as your Gov
ernor back to the statehouse, and that's
NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis Sonny Perdue. Sonny has got him a pair of
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, boots he can be proud of. By the way, it
and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. makes me feel comfortable to be a in a State
This letter was released by the Office of the Press
Secretary on October 30. where your Governor wears cowboy boots.
And I know it makes you feel comfortable
to live in a State where you got you a Gov
Remarks at a Georgia Victory 2006 ernor who's accomplished and can get the
Rally in Statesboro, Georgia job done.
October 30, 2006 I'm really pleased that Congressman Char
lie Norwood has come over from his United
The President. Thank you all very much. States congressional district to help his friend
Thank you for the warm welcome. It is great Max Burns run. Welcome, Charlie Norwood.
1918 Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
And I want to thank the mayor. Mr. took the lead. We passed a good energy bill
Mayor—Mr. Mayor Bill Hatcher, thank you that supports conservation and expands do
for welcoming us; thank you for being here. mestic production and expands new monies
I appreciate Perry McGuire, who is the can on technology. See, here's what we want—
didate for attorney general, joining us. I know Max Burns wants this; Sonny wants this; and
you'll support Perry if you want good law en so do I—we want Georgia farmers growing
forcement in your State. And I want to thank the fuel that will energize our automobiles
Eric Johnson, who is the senate president pro in the future. When you start running your
tem. Mr. Senator, thanks for coming; good car on Georgia corn, we'll become less de
to see you again. I appreciate Jesse Tyler, pendent on foreign sources of oil.
president of Georgia Southern University For decades, Medicare was an outdated
College Republicans, for helping organize program that wasn't serving our seniors as
this event. I do want to thank the president well as it could, so we passed landmark legis
of Georgia Southern for letting us come as lation that modernized the Medicare system.
well. And today, more than 33 million seniors have
We are 8 days away from the election, and more choices and access to affordable pre
you can bet one thing. We're going to sprint scription drugs. And the days of our poor sen
to the finish line. And we need your help. iors having to choose between medicine and
I appreciate you coming out because I know food are over.
you know what I know: This election is far For decades, we haven't had complete
from over, although there are some people control over our southern border, and illegal
in Washington who already think they know immigration has been on the rise. So I acted.
the outcome of the election. Some of them I sent the National Guard troops to help our
are already picking out their new offices at Border Patrol. We're adding thousands of
the Capitol. new Border Patrol agents. We are modern
Audience members. Boo-o-o! izing our border. We will reform our immi
The President. You might remember that gration system, and we will uphold the immi
around this time in 2004, some of them were gration laws of the United States.
picking out their new offices in the West For decades, activist judges have tried to
Wing. [Laughter] The movers never got the redefine America by court order. Just this
call. [Laughter] And this November 7th, last week in New Jersey, another activist
when our voters show up at the polls, we're court issued a ruling that raises doubt about
going to elect people like Max Burns to the the institution of marriage. We believe that
Congress, and we will keep control of the marriage is a union between a man and a
House and the Senate. woman and should be defended. And I be
We will win this election because Repub lieve I should continue to appoint judges who
licans understand the values and priorities of strictly interpret the law and not legislate
the American people. We will win this elec from the bench. America is better off be
tion because our priorities and our values do cause John Roberts and Sam Alito are serving
not shift with the latest political opinion poll on the Supreme Court of the United States.
or focus group. We will win this election be We've got a good record to run on. And
cause we got a good record to run on. with Max Burns back in the United States
For decades, our public school system Congress, we will build on that record.
failed too many American children, so we Now, there are big differences in Wash
passed the No Child Left Behind Act and ington between Republicans and Democrats.
demanded that schools show results in return Perhaps the biggest difference are on the two
for Federal dollars. Test scores are rising. biggest issues that we face: Which party is
The achievement gap is beginning to close, going to keep your taxes low and keep this
and we are bringing America closer to the economy growing, and which party will take
day when every single child gets a good edu the necessary steps to protect you from ter
cation. rorist attack?
For decades, America has been growing Let me start with taxes. Max and I have
more dependent on foreign oil, and so we a philosophy: We believe that you know how
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1919

to spend your money far better than the Fed opportunity to show their love for tax cuts,
eral Government does. We believe that when they voted no. If that's the Democrats' idea
you have more of your own money in your of love, I sure wouldn't want to see what hate
pocket to save, spend, or invest, the economy looks like. [Laughter]
benefits. Democrats believe they can spend See, here's the way it's working in Wash
your money better than you can. So over the ington: If we do not make the tax cuts perma
past 5 years, we have acted on our philosophy nent or if the tax cuts are not extended,
and passed the largest tax relief since Ronald you're going to get a tax increase. Recently
Reagan was in the White House. they asked a man who wants to be head of
In other words, we just didn't talk about the House Ways and Means Committee, if
philosophy—there's too many philosophers the Democrats win, what he thinks about ex
in Washington—we acted. We got the job tending the tax cuts. He said he couldn't
done. We cut the taxes on everybody who think of one of the tax cuts he would extend.
pays income taxes. We doubled the child tax This is what the Washington Democrats are
credit. We reduced the marriage penalty. We saying about your taxes. He couldn't think
cut taxes on small businesses. We cut taxes of one of the tax cuts we passed that he would
on capital gains and dividends to promote leave in place.
investment and jobs. And to reward family And so if you're a small-business person
businesses and farmers for a lifetime of hard and pay taxes at the income—at the indi
work and savings, we put the death tax on vidual income tax rate, it means the Demo
the road to extinction. crats will raise your taxes. If you're a small
We had a ferocious debate over taxes in business owner who wants to expand and in
Washington. The Democrats in Washington vest in new equipment, the Democrats are
predicted tax cuts wouldn't create jobs, going to raise your taxes. If you're a small
wouldn't increase wages, and would cause business owner who wants to pass your life's
the Federal deficit to explode. Well, the facts work to your children and grandchildren, the
are in. The truth is, the tax cuts have led Democrats want to raise your taxes. If you're
to a growing economy that's added 6.6 mil a small-business owner, my advice is, vote
lion new jobs since August of 2003. The truth for Max Burns.
is, real wages rose 2.2 percent over the past Now, if you happen to have children, I
12 months, and we have cut the deficit in want to just talk to you about what it means
half 3 years ahead of schedule. to not extend the tax cut—just like the man
Now those Democrats in Washington are who is going to be running the tax committee
making another prediction. They're telling said he's going to do, not extend the tax. You
you they're going to win on election day. see, if the child credit doesn't get extended,
Well, if their electoral predictions are as reli it means the tax credit gets cut in half from
able as their economic predictions, Novem $1,000 per child to $500 per child. So this
ber 7th is going to be a good day for the evening when you're sitting around the table
Republican Party. [Laughter] eating dinner and you've got children around
Now, during this campaign, the Wash your table, just count the number of children
ington Democrats really don't want you to you have and multiply it by 500, and that's
know their plans. As a matter of fact, the what the tax increase is going to be. So if
top Democrat leader in the House made an you've got four children, four times 500 is
interesting declaration. She said, “We love 2,000. Your tax bill will go up if the Demo
tax cuts.” But given her record, she must be crats take control of the House by $2,000.
a secret admirer. [Laughter] She and her If you got three kids, it's $1,500. It's easy
party voted against every single one of the to calculate.
tax cuts we passed. She voted against reduc I guess the $2,000 doesn't seem like a lot
ing the marriage penalty. She voted against of money to the people in Washington, DC,
cutting taxes on small businesses. She and but I know it's a lot of money for your family.
her party voted against lowering taxes for I know the child tax credit has meant a lot
families with children. Time and time again, for people working for a living. And there
when she and the Democrat Party had an fore, if you want to keep that money in your
Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
pocket instead of sending it to Washington, Now let me give you an example. We cap
DC, you vote for Republicans on election tured a fellow named Khalid Sheikh Moham
day. med; the intelligence community believes he
This election is taking place in an historic was the man who mastermind the September
time for our country. Our children and the 11th attacks. I thought it made sense—
grandchildren are going to look back on this if our most important job is to protect you,
period—one question will overwhelm all the it made sense to find out what Khalid Sheikh
rest: Did we do everything in our power to Mohammed knew. In other words, we've
fight and win the war on terror? That's the been giving the professionals the tools nec
question people will ask: Did this country do essary to defend America in this new kind
everything in our power to protect you? of war.
We face an enemy that is brutal. They kill And recently—recently there were votes
innocent people to achieve ideological objec in the floor of the House of Representatives,
tives. They're totalitarian in nature. They in the floor of the United States Senate to
hate freedom. We love freedom, and that is
provide these critical tools. In other words,
why they view us as their enemy. You cannot Congress voted on these tools. And I want
negotiate with these people. You can't try to everybody in this district and in this State
talk sense into these people. The best way and around the country to understand those
to protect you is to bring them to justice be votes, because they were critical votes. And
fore they hurt America again. it shows the difference of attitude between
I understand this is a different kind of war,
the two parties and the leaders in the two
and so do people in this congressional dis parties, about our responsibility to protect
trict—need to know it's a different kind of
war. I know we've got some vets here, and When it came time to renew the PA
I want to thank you for serving. But in pre
vious wars, particularly, say, World War II, TRIOT Act, more than 75 percent–75 per
it mattered how many airplanes you could cent of the House Democrats voted against
it. When it came time to vote on whether
shoot out of the sky or how much territory
an army took. This is a different kind of war. or not the CIA continue its program to detain
This is a war where people plot and plan in and question captured terrorists, almost 80
secret and then launch lethal attacks, which percent of the House Democrats voted
means our professionals need to have all the against it. They just have a different point
tools necessary to protect you. You see, the of view. They don't see it the way I see it
challenge facing the United States is that we or the way you see it. Otherwise, why
have to be right one time—I mean 100 per wouldn't they give the professionals the tools
cent of the time, and the enemy has to be necessary to protect you? When it came time
right one time, in order to protect you. to vote on whether the National Security
And so when I found out there was laws Agency should continue to monitor terrorist
preventing the intelligence community from communications, almost 90 percent of the
talking to the enforcement community, I House Democrats voted against it. In all
asked Congress to pass the PATRIOT Act these vital measures for fighting the war on
to tear down those walls so our folks had the terror, the Democrats just follow a simple
tools necessary to protect you. I believe that philosophy: Just say no.
if Al Qaida or an Al Qaida associate is making When it comes to listening to the terror
a phone call from outside the United States ists, what's the Democrats' answer? It's, just
to inside the United States, we need to know say no. When it comes to detaining terrorists,
why in order to be able to protect you. what is the Democrats' answer? Just say no.
This is a different kind of war that requires When it comes to questioning terrorists,
what's the Democrats' answer?
us to get good intelligence in order to protect
the American people. That's why I asked the Audience members. Just say no!
CIA to develop a program that would ques The President. When it comes to tryin
tion detainees that we picked up off the bat the terrorists, what's the Democrats' answer:
tlefield about what they know. Audience members. Just say no!
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1921

The President. So when the Democrats not in Iraq when the terrorists first attacked
ask for your vote, what's your answer? the World Trade Center in 1993. We were
Audience members. Just say no! not in Iraq when they bombed the USS Cole
We're going to continue to make sure our or the Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
professionals have the tools necessary to pro And we were not in Iraq when they killed
tect you, and you can count on Max Burns's nearly 3,000 people on September the 11th,
vote. 2001.
One of the lessons of September the 11th, You do not create terrorists by fighting the
2001, is that when this country sees a threat, terrorists. The best way to protect you, the
we must take those threats seriously before best way to protect the American people is
they come home to hurt us. I saw a threat to stay on the offense and defeat them over
in Saddam Hussein. Members of both polit seas so we do not have to face them here
ical parties in the United States Congress saw at home.
a threat in Saddam Hussein. The United Na
tions saw a threat in Saddam Hussein. Get
Our goal in Iraq is victory. Victory in Iraq
will come when that young democracy can
ting rid of Saddam Hussein was the right de sustain itself and govern itself and defend
cision, and the world is better off.
itself and be a strong ally in the war against
And now Iraq is the central front in this the terrorists. The fighting in Iraq is tough,
global war against these ideologues who mur and I understand it's tough, and you know
der innocent people to achieve their objec it's tough, and so does the enemy. They have
tives. You know, I think it's very important
for the Commander in Chief, as well as our no conscience. They kill innocent men,
women, and children. They film the atroc
citizens, to listen to the words of the enemy.
You know, in Washington, you hear people ities. They broadcast them for the world to
say, “Well, Iraq is just a distraction from the see. They offer no hopeful vision. The only
war on terror.” I believe it is a central part thing they know is death and destruction, but
of the war on terror. And so does Usama they hope these violent images will cause us
to lose our nerve.
bin Laden. Usama bin Laden calls this fight
the third world war. He says victory for the They make a big mistake: They do not un
terrorists in Iraq will mean America's defeat derstand the true strength of the United
States of America. We don't run in the face
and disgrace forever.
They have made it clear, they want to cre of thugs and assassins. We will defend our
selves. We will defeat them. We will defeat
ate as much carnage and death as possible
them because our commanders on the
to cause us to leave before the job is done.
They have ambitions: They want to topple ground have all the flexibility necessary to
moderate governments; they want to control make sure that we constantly stay ahead of
oil to blackmail the West; they want us to the enemy. We'll defeat them because we've
leave and dash the hopes and aspirations of got a fantastic United States military. And
I know I can count on Max Burns. And I
millions of people who want to live in peace.
And we have a different point of view. know you can count on Max Burns and I can
I want you to hear the words of a senior count on Max Burns—by making sure our
Democrat in the House of Representatives. troops have all that is necessary to do their
She said, “The President says fighting them job to defend the United States.
there makes it less likely we will fight them We will succeed in Iraq because the Iraqis
here. The opposite is true,” she said, “Be want to live in a peaceful society. Nearly 12
cause we are fighting them there, it may be million defied car bombers and assassins and
come more likely that we have to fight them terrorists and went to vote. They held up
there.” their purple ink-stained fingers, saying to the
Here's what this person and the leaders world, “We want to be free.” And they got
of the Democrat Party in Washington seem a unity Government that is working hard to
to not understand: Iraq is not the reason the repel the extremists who are preventing
terrorists are at war against us. I would re them. I believe strongly that with our help,
mind the House Democrats, our troops were they will be able to defend themselves. And
1922 Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

I believe strongly that they'll become a gov are battling for power, moderate govern
ernment of the people and by the people and ments are toppled, oil is controlled to use
for the people. As a matter of fact, I believe for blackmail, and a country has a nuclear
the only way we cannot succeed is if we leave weapon. If that were to happen, people
before the job is done. would look back at the year 2006 and ask,
And when you listen to this debate—and “What happened to them? How come those
it's raging across the country, this debate on folks couldn't see the threat? How come they
Iraq–if you listen carefully for a Democrat couldn't see the danger for a generation of
plan for success, they don't have one. Iraq Americans who were growing up?' I want
is the central front in the war on terror, yet you to know, I see the threat. I see the dan
they don't have a plan for victory. ger. That is why we will support our troops.
Last week, a Senator, Democrat Senator We will fight, and we will win in Iraq.
explained her party's position this way. She I want to share with you right quick a his
said, “We haven't coalesced around a single tory lesson—at least, I see it as history; after
plan, but we're in general agreement on basic all, we're on a college campus. [Laughter]
principles.” She's right; the agreement—they It's the power of freedom. You know, re
are in agreement on one thing—they will cently I went to—with the former Prime
leave before the job is done. That's what Minister of Japan—he was sitting Prime
they're in agreement on. They've come up Minister of Japan then—down to Elvis's
with a lot of creative ways to describe leaving place. Memphis, Tennessee—I don't know
Iraq before the job is done. Sometimes they if you've ever been there or not, but—[ap
say, immediate redeployment. Sometimes plause]—yes, you have? Well, I liked going
they say they wouldn't spend another dime there. It was interesting. And he really want
on our troops. Sometimes they say, the idea ed to go there because he liked Elvis.
that we're going to win this war is an idea [Laughter]
that, unfortunately, is just plain wrong. How But I wanted to tell an interesting story.
ever they put it, the Democrat approach in It's a story about a Navy fighter pilot who,
Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win, at the age of 18, volunteered, and he said,
and America loses. “I want to serve my country because the Jap
That's what's at stake in this election. The anese have just attacked us.” You've got rel
Democrat goal is to get out of Iraq. The Re atives who did the same thing. You've got
publican goal is to win in Iraq. a grandfather or a father, like I got, who said,
I'm not saying these Democrats are unpa “I want to fight the Japanese.” They were
triotic; I'm just saying they're wrong. You the sworn enemy. Thousands of people lost
cannot win a war unless you're willing to fight their lives. This country went to war against
the war. Retreat from Iraq before the job an enemy which attacked us.
is done would embolden the enemy and You know what's interesting? On the way
make us more vulnerable to attack. Retreat down from Washington to Memphis, Ten
would allow the terrorists to gain a new safe nessee, right there on Air Force One, Prime
haven from which to plot and plan, just like Minister Koizumi–the Prime Minister of
they had in Afghanistan. Retreat would en the former enemy of the United States of
able the enemy to be more able to recruit. America—and I discussed the peace. We
Retreat would say to people in the Middle talked about the fact that this country had
East, you can't count on America. It would 1,000 troops in Iraq to defend the young de
say to those folks desperate to live in freedom mocracy. He knows what I know: We're in
and peace, we no longer care or hear your an ideological struggle between people who
cries. Defeat would dishonor the sacrifice of hate and people who have hope. We've been
the men and women who wear the uniform through ideological struggles before. Free
of the United States of America. The con dom wins every time, if we-if we don't lose
sequences of retreat from Iraq will be felt Our nerve.

for generations. And that's the lesson I learned from my

I want the folks all throughout America friend Prime Minister Koizumi. It's amazing
to envision a Middle East where extremism what has happened between when 18-year
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1923

old fighter pilot George H.W. Bush fought you are here. I appreciate you taking time
this—fought the enemy, and his son is talking out of your day.
about keeping the peace with the same coun I thank you for joining me and saying loud
try. And the lesson is, liberty has got the ca and clear to the people of the 22d Congres
pacity to change enemies into allies. And my sional District. Shelley Sekula Gibbs is the
citizens, liberty has got the capacity to turn right person to serve you in the United States
regions of hate to regions of hope. Liberty Congress. She served in public office be
has got the capacity to yield the peace we fore—you might remember, she was a mem
ber of the Houston City Council, where she
Someday, an American President will be helped pass tax cuts. She's a doctor. She's
sitting down with duly elected leaders talking a doctor, where she's helped heal broken
about the duly elected leaders from the bodies. She is going—she's a mother who un
Middle East talking about the peace, and derstands the importance of family values.
generation of Americans will be better off She's the right person to send to Washington,
for it. DC.
And so these are the stakes in this election.
If you'll give me a chance maybe to-kind
It's an important election year. And I know of serve as the secretary of state for Texas
Max Burns joins me in saying, thanks for for a second—[laughter]—for those folks
coming out. Thanks for giving me a chance who haven't been paying attention to this
to share what's on my heart and where I want
to lead this country. And I thank you for get election yet—want good government, you get
ting ready—for doing what you're fixing to to vote twice for Shelley. You get to check
do, which is to go out of this hall and find her name in the special election portion of
fellow Republicans and discerning Demo the ballot, and then you get to write her
crats and reasonable independents, and re name in. See, if you want to send Shelley
mind them that if they want more money to the United States Congress, you're going
in their pocket, you vote Republican. And to have to take a pencil into the ballot box.
if you want this country to do everything we youNow, you can bring a piece of paper with
that's got her name on it, so you can
can to protect you from further attack and
lay the foundations for peace, you vote Re copy it down on the ballot. So remember,
publican. when you show up to vote on November the
I'm proud you've come today. May God 7th, bring your pencil; bring your paper; and
bless you, and may God continue to bless write Shelley's name in for good government.
the United States of America. Laura sends her love. As President, I make
a lot of decisions, but the best decision I have
NotE: The President spoke at 11:07 a.m. at Geor made as a person is asking Laura to marry
gia Southern University. In his remarks, he re me. Some of her friends are still wondering
ferred to Lora Burns, wife of Max Burns, can whether the best decision she ever made was
didate for Congress in Georgia's 12th Congres to say yes. [Laughter] But I'm real proud of
sional District; Mayor William S. Hatcher II of her. She's a fantastic wife, a great mom, and
Statesboro, GA; Bruce Grube, president, Georgia a great First Lady for the United States.
Southern University; former President Saddam Speaking about great ladies, this State is
Hussein of Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader of the
Al Qaida terrorist organization; and former Prime fortunate to have Kay Bailey Hutchison as
Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. the United States Senator. She is effective;
she is capable; she's all Texan. And it's impor
tant for this State to send her back to the
Remarks at a Texas Victory 2006 United States Senate with a strong, strong
Rally in Sugar Land, Texas vote. I appreciate Kevin Brady joining us.
October 30, 2006 He's the Congressman from over there.
|Laughter] I know him well. He's a good one.
The President. Thank you all very much. And I want to thank my friend Commis
Thank you. I always feel better when I'm in sioner Michael Williams, who's joined us
Texas. Thanks for coming out. I'm honored today. I want to thank all the statehouse folks;
1924 Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
they're sitting behind me. I remember serv United States. We're doing something else
ing with them when I was their Governor— that's smart too: We're spending money on
a little different here in Texas than it is in technology so that our automobiles will be
Washington. [Laughter] These are good peo able to be running on crops grown right here
ple, and I appreciate them joining us. in the State of Texas. We want to be less
I want to thank the mayor, Mayor David dependent on foreign sources of oil.
Williams [Wallace] *, right here from Sugar For decades, Medicare was outdated, so
Land, Texas, for joining us. I thank all the we did something about it. We passed land
grassroots activists who've joined us. I want mark legislation that modernized the Medi
to thank you for the job you're going to do, care system. Today, 33 million seniors have
and that is, turn out your neighbors on No more choices and more access to affordable
vember the 7th with a pencil and a piece drugs, and because of our action, poor sen
of paper, and tell them to write in Shelley iors no longer have to choose between food
Sekula Gibbs to be the next United States and medicine.
Congresswoman. For decades, we hadn't had complete con
I don't know about you, but I'm looking trol over our southern border. Illegal immi
forward to sprinting to the finish line. I'm gration has been on the rise. So we acted.
looking forward to this campaign. I like cam I sent the National Guard down there to help
paigning. I like getting out and about the the Border Patrol do their job. We're adding
people. I like telling them what's on my thousands of new Border Patrol agents.
mind. You know, what's interesting in Wash We're modernizing this border. We will re
ington, some of the folks over there are al form our immigration system, and this coun
ready picking out their new offices. [Laugh try of ours will enforce our immigration laws.
ter] For decades, activist judges have tried to
Audience members. Boo-o-o! redefine America by court order. I don't
The President. That's not the first time know if you've been following what hap
it's happened since I've been in Washington. pened in New Jersey recently: Another activ
You might remember in 2004, some of them ist court issued a ruling that raises doubts
were measuring the drapes in the West about the institution of marriage. We believe
Wing. [Laughter] They had their office suites marriage is a union between a man and a
all picked out. Except their problem was, the woman and should be defended. And I be
movers weren't needed. [Laughter] And the lieve I must continue to appoint judges who
same thing is going to happen this year. will strictly interpret the law and not legislate
We're going to elect Shelley, and we're going from the bench.
to control the House and the United States No, we got a strong record to run on. This
Senate. country is better off because John Roberts
We've got a record to run on. We've done and Sam Alito are serving on the Supreme
some things that are positive for the United Court of the United States. And I want to
States of America. For decades, the public thank Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison for her
schools failed too many children. And so we strong support helping get those nominees
passed the No Child Left Behind Act, which on the floor of the Senate and getting them
demanded results in return for Federal confirmed as Supreme Court Justices.
money. And now test scores are rising; the Now, there are big differences between
achievement gap is beginning to close; and the Democrats and the Republicans. Perhaps
we're bringing closer to the day when every the two biggest differences can be seen in
single child in America gets their quality edu these two issues: One, which party is going
cation. to keep your taxes low to keep this economy
For decades, we've been growing too de growing; and which party is going to take the
pendent on foreign oil. So we passed a good necessary steps to protect the United States
energy bill that encourages conservation, ad of America?
ditional production for oil and gas in the Let me start with taxes. Shelley and I have
a clear philosophy: We believe that you know
* White House correction. how to spend your money far better than the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1925

Federal Government can. We believe that nating the death tax. That's their record.
when you have more money in your pocket Time and time again, when she had a chance
to save, invest, or spend, the economy bene to show her love for tax cuts, she voted no.
fits. My attitude is, if this is the Democrats' idea
The Democrats want more of your money of love, I don't want to see what hate looks
because they think they can spend it better like. [Laughter]
than you can. Here's what happens: If we do not make
Audience members. Boo-o-o! the tax cuts we passed permanent or extend
The President. Over the past 5 years, the tax cuts, you'll get a tax increase. That's
we've acted on our philosophy. In other just the way it is. You know, it's interesting;
words, we just didn't go to Washington to they asked the man who would be the chair
talk. We went to Washington to get a job man of the House Ways and Means Com
done on your behalf. We passed the largest mittee—the Democrat who will be the chair
tax relief since Ronald Reagan was the Presi man of the Ways and Means Committee, if
dent of the United States. the Democrats were to take over the
When you're out there rounding up votes, House—which they're not—[applause]. And
remind them of this record: We cut taxes on here's what he said—it's important for Amer
everyone who pays income taxes; we doubled icans to know the facts. Here's what he said.
the child tax credit; we reduced the marriage He said, when asked about extending the tax
penalty; we substantially cut taxes on small cuts or making them permanent, he said he
businesses; we cut taxes on capital gains and couldn't think of one of the tax cuts he would
dividends to encourage investment and jobs; extend. In other words, what they're telling
and to reward family businesses and farmers you is, they're going to raise your taxes.
and ranchers for a lifetime of work, we put I want you to think about this. I want you
the death tax on the road to extinction. to think about this: If the child tax credit
I know Senator Hutchison and Congress were to expire, your taxes will go up by $500
man Brady remember the debate in Wash per child. See, in other words, we increased
ington. They remember those Democrats the child tax credit from $500 to $1,000 per
predicting that the tax cuts would not create child. For those of you with children, you
jobs, would not increase wages, and would know what I'm talking about. If that tax cut
increase the Federal deficit. Well, the facts were to expire—just like the man who wants
are in. The truth is, the tax cuts have led to be the head of the tax committee said—
to a growing economy that has added 6.6 mil your taxes per child go up $500. So when
lion new jobs since August of 2003. Real you're eating dinner tonight and you're look
wages are on the rise, and we cut the deficit ing around the table, you can take the num
in half 3 years ahead of schedule. ber of children around your table and mul
Around this country, a lot of people don't tiply it by $500, and that's going to be part
understand the Democrats' position on taxes. of the tax increase you have to pay.
So part of my job is to clarify matters, is to Audience members. Boo-o-o!
make it clear their intentions. Part of the con The President. You take a family working
fusion comes about because the leading lady hard to get ahead and they got four chil
in the Congress proclaimed this—you're not dren—they're looking at a $2,000 tax in
going to believe what she said, but she actu crease. That may not seem like a lot to
ally said this on TV the other—she said, Democrats in Washington, DC, but it seems
about the Democrats: “We love tax cuts.” like a lot to me. And I know it's a lot for
The problem is, given her record, she must you. And the best way to make sure it doesn't
be a secret admirer. [Laughter happen is to send Shelley to the United
She and her party voted against reducing States Congress.
the marriage penalty, voted against cutting So when they're out there campaigning
taxes on small businesses, voted against and somebody comes up and says, “Shel, tell
taxes—lowering taxes for families with chil me the difference between what the Repub
dren, voted against reducing taxes on capital licans are going to do and the Democrats,”
gains and dividends, voted against elimi it's real easy. We're going to keep your taxes
1926 Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
low, and they're going to raise your taxes. the plans are about attacks, we need to know
And a tax increase would not only be bad what they're thinking.
for your wallet; a tax increase would be bad See, this is a different kind of war. It re
for the economy of the United States of quires pinpoint intelligence, advanced
America. knowledge in order for us to do our job. And
We're meeting in historic times. This elec so we picked up people off the battlefield,
tion is happening during historic times. And like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. You might
when our children and grandchildren look have heard of him. He was the mastermind
back at this period, one question is going to of the 9/11 attacks; at least that's what our
overwhelm all the rest: Did we do everything intelligence people think. In other words, he
in our power to fight and win the war on was the-they think he was the person that
terror? organized and ordered the attacks that killed
We face an enemy that is brutal. They have nearly 3,000 people on one day. I thought
an ideology. It's the opposite of our ideology. it was important to have the CIA be in a
We love freedom. They hate freedom. They position to question him to find out what he
will kill innocent people to achieve their ob knew, in order to protect America.
jectives. You cannot negotiate with these If anybody has any doubts about the dif
radicals and extremists. You can't hope for ferences of opinion in Washington, DC, be
the best with these radicals and extremists. tween Republicans and Democrats, I want
The only way to protect America, which is them to analyze the recent votes that took
place on these important programs. When it
our most important job, is to stay on the of came time to renew the PATRIOT Act, more
fense and bring them to justice before they than 75 percent of the House Democrats
can hurt us again. voted against it.
Our most important job is to protect you. Audience members. Boo-o-o!
I wish I didn't have to report that there's The President. When it came time to vote
an enemy still out there, but there is. And on whether or not to allow the CIA to con
they want to attack again. We have to be right tinue its program to detain and question cap
100 percent of the time to protect the Amer tured terrorists, more than 80 percent of
ican people, and they have to be right one House Democrats voted against it.
time in order to achieve their objectives. And Audience members. Boo-o-o!
that's why I put some tools in the hands of The President. When it came time to vote
our professionals so they could better do on whether the National Security Agency
their job. should continue to monitor communications
You know, when I–right after 9/11 when that we think would be—contain information
we analyzed part of the problem, there was that would protect you, more than 90 percent
a wall that existed between our intelligence of the House Democrats voted against it.
gathering people and our law enforcement, Audience members. Boo-o-o!
and they couldn't share information. I know The President. In all these vital measures
that's hard for you to believe, but that's the for fighting a war on terror, the Democrats
way it was. So I asked Congress to pass the in Washington follow a simple philosophy:
PATRIOT Act, and thanks to Senators like Just say no. [Laughter. When it comes to lis
Kay Bailey Hutchison and Congressmen like tening in on the terrorists, what's the Demo
Kevin Brady, we passed the PATRIOT Act. crats' answer?
In this different kind of war, we must un Audience members. Just say no!
derstand what the enemy is thinking, in order The President. Just say no. When it comes
to be able to protect you. And so therefore, to detaining terrorists, what's the Democrats'
when we found Al Qaida or Al Qaida affili answer?
ates making phone calls into the United Audience members. Just say no!
States, I thought it was important to under The President. When it comes to ques
stand why, in order to protect you. We are tioning terrorists, what's the Democrats' an
picking up the enemy on the battlefield. And swer?
when we pick people who understand what Audience members. Just say no!
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1927

The President. When it comes to trying enemy has said. It's important for all Ameri
terrorists, what's the Democrats' answer? cans to listen carefully to the words of the
Audience members. Just say no! people who would do us harm.
The President. And so when the Demo Now I want you to listen to the words of
crats ask for your vote on November 7th, a senior Democrat in the House of Rep
what's your answer? resentatives, one of the leaders. She said,
Audience members. No! “The President says that fighting them
The President. No doubt in my mind, I there”—she's talking about Iraq– “makes it
can count on Shelley Sekula Gibbs to make less likely we will have to fight them here.”
sure that our professionals have the tools This is exactly what I've said. She went on
necessary to protect you in this dangerous to say, “The opposite is true; because we're
world. But the best way to protect you, the fighting them there, it may become more
best way to make sure that an enemy is un likely we will have to fight them here.”
able to do us harm, is to stay on the offense Here's what the person doesn't under
and keep the enemy on the run. It is hard stand: Iraq is not the reason the terrorists
to plot, plan, and attack when you're on the are in the war against us. I would remind
run. And that's precisely what we're doing. the House Democrat, our troops were not
I can't tell you how honored I am to be in Iraq when the terrorists first attacked the
a Commander in Chief of a military full of World Trade Center in 1993. We weren't in
decent and honorable Americans who have
Iraq when they blew up our Embassies in
volunteered to protect this country. And one Kenya or Tanzania, or blew up the USS Cole.
of the things that I make a pledge to the And we were not in Iraq when they killed
families of those who wear our uniform is
that we'll continue to make sure our troops nearly 3,000 people on September the 11th,
2001. We do not create terrorists by fighting
have all that is necessary to be able to do
the job that I have asked them to do. And istheto terrorists.
stay on the
The best way to protect you
offense and bring the terror
I know that Congresswoman Shelley Sekula
Gibbs will be a strong and steady vote for ists to justice wherever we find them.
the men and women of the United States Our goal in Iraq is clear: It's victory. We
military. want to help this young democracy grow so
One of the lessons of September the 11th it can sustain itself and govern itself and de
is that this Nation must take threats seriously fend itself and become an ally in the war
before they come home to hurt us. We must on terror. And the fighting is tough. I know
take every threat we see overseas very seri it's tough, and you know it's tough. It's tough
ously. Otherwise, if we don't, there's an because we fight an enemy that has no con
enemy that lurks and intends to hit us again. science. We fight an enemy that can't stand
I saw a threat in Saddam Hussein. Members the thought of a free society. We fight an
of both political parties saw a threat in Sad enemy whose ideology is the opposite of our
dam Hussein. The United Nations saw a ideology.
threat in Saddam Hussein. I made the right The enemy kills innocent men, women,
decision to get Saddam Hussein out of and children. They film the atrocities, and
power. they broadcast them for the world to see.
We're in a global struggle against these Our enemies hope these violent images will
killers. And the war is fought on many fronts, cause us to lose our nerve and pull out before
but right now, the central front in this war the job is done. They don't understand the
on terror is Iraq. Oh, I hear them in Wash United States of America. We will not run
ington say, “Iraq is a distraction from the war from thugs and assassins.
on terror.” Well, they shouldn't take my word I'll make sure our commanders have what
for it; they should take the word of Usama they need to complete this job. If they want
bin Laden, who has said that the fight in Iraq more troops, they get more troops. If they
is the third world war. He said victory for want less troops, they get less troops. They
the terrorists in Iraq will mean America's de are flexible. We're constantly adjusting our
feat and disgrace forever. That is what the tactics to meet the tactics of the enemy.
1928 Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

We got another asset going for us beside the sacrifice of the men and women who
our military—and these are brave Iraqis. have worn the uniform of the United States
They have suffered unspeakable violence. of America in Iraq to protect us. The con
Yet they're committed to a free society. sequences of failure in Iraq would be felt
They're committed to reject the extremists for generations.
and radicals who try to overturn their will. You see, the enemy has clearly stated they
They voted—nearly 12 million people—to want us to retreat. They want to topple mod
say, “We want to be free.” It’s in the United erate governments. They want their extre
States interest to help them succeed. It's in mism to become the philosophy of a gov
our interest to defeat the radicals. It's in our erming structure that stretches from Indo
interest to defeat the extremists. The only nesia to Spain. It's called a caliphate. That's
way we won't succeed in Iraq is by leaving what they've said. Imagine a Middle East in
before the job is done. which violent forms of extremists compete
You listen to the debate about Iraq, the for power, moderate governments are over
Democrat plan for success—well, they don't turned, oil-rich states are controlled by the
have a plan for success. [Laughter] It's a seri radicals who will use the energy to create
ous political party in the midst of a war, and blackmail for the United States, and in the
they have no plan for success. They don't midst, a country with a nuclear weapon that
even have a plan for victory. [Laughter] Last can't stand us. Thirty years from now, if that
week one Democrat Senator described her were to happen, people will look back and
party's position: “We haven't coalesced they'll say, “What happened to that genera
around a single plan, but we're in general tion in 2006? How come they couldn't see
agreement on the basic principles.” She's the impending danger? How come they
right—the only principle about which they couldn't see the threat?”
can agree is, get out before the job is done. I want you to know, I see the threat. That
You know, they put it different ways. Some is why we will support our troops; we will
say, immediate redeployment. Some say they fight; and we will win in Iraq.
wouldn't spend another dime on our troops We've got another º tool at our dis
in Iraq. Some say that the idea that we're posal, and it's called freedom. I would like
going to win this war is an idea that, unfortu to share a story with you about a recent expe
nately, is just plain wrong. Well, however rience I had. Well, it's when I went down
they put it, their approach comes down to to Elvis's place. [Laughter]
this: The terrorists win, and America loses. You might remember, my guest was the
Audience members. Boo-o-o! then-sitting Prime Minister of Japan. Laura
The President. The Democrat goal is to said, “Why you going down there?" I said,
get out of Iraq. The Republican goal is to because I never been. [Laughter] By the way,
win in Iraq. she decided to come too. Prime Minister
I'm not saying that these Democrats are Koizumi wanted to go because he loved
unpatriotic; I'm just saying they're wrong. Elvis.
You can't win a war unless you're willing to But I wanted to tell a story to the American
fight the war. Retreat from Iraq before the people about the power of liberty, and I want
job was done would embolden an enemy and to share it with you right quick. You see, after
make this country more vulnerable to attack; the Japanese attacked America, where more
would allow the terrorists to gain a new safe people—by the way, more people died on
haven, which is precisely what they said is September the 11th than the attack of Pearl
part of their plan, in Iraq. And why do they Harbor. When they attacked, a lot of brave
want a safe haven? They want a safe haven Americans, including one George H.W.
like they had in Afghanistan so they can Bush, volunteered to defend America.
launch further attacks. I bet you a lot of folks out here had rel
Retreat from Iraq would strengthen the atives who did the same thing. They said, “I
hands of these radicals and extremists and volunteer—I volunteer to protect this coun
enable them to recruit better. Retreat from try against a mortal enemy.” I’m flying down
Iraq before the job was done would dishonor on Air Force One with the Prime Minister
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1929

of the sworn—the country that used to be Proclamation 8074—National

our sworn enemy, talking about keeping the Adoption Month, 2006
peace. I was talking to him about the fact October 30, 2006
that Iraq had 1,000 troops—I mean, Japan
had 1,000 troops in Iraq because he knows By the President of the United States
what I know: In this ideological struggle, of America
when we find young democracies, which will
serve as a major defeat for ideologues who A Proclamation
hate, that we've got to support them. We
talked about convincing the leader of North During National Adoption Month, we en
Korea to give up his nuclear weapon for the courage the adoption of young people in
sake of peace. need, and we honor the adoptive and foster
families who have offered children a loving
In other words, we were talking about and supportive home.
The best of America is reflected in the
peace. Isn't it interesting? My dad fought the
Japanese as a sworn enemy; his son is sitting many citizens who have adopted children as
their own. Mothers and fathers are the most
down with the leader of that country talking
about peace. Let me tell you something. Lib important influences in a child's life, and
erty—liberty has got the capacity to change children with caring, involved parents can
an enemy into an ally. And liberty has got better realize the full promise of America.
the capacity to change a region of the world Parents help their children thrive by encour
aging them to aim high, work hard, and make
that is so desperate for freedom into a place
good choices that will lead to healthy, satis
of peace. Someday, an American President fying lives. On November 18, loving families
will be sitting down with duly elected leaders across America will celebrate National Adop
from the Middle East talking about the tion Day by finalizing their adoptions of chil
peace, and a generation of Americans will dren from foster care. This day will also raise
be better off.
awareness of the many children still waiting
So these are the stakes in this election, and to be adopted and encourage more Ameri
cans to choose adoption.
I thank you for giving me a chance to come My Administration is committed to help
out and urge you on, to urge you to go to ing place children with caring families.
the polls and to take your friends. Find Re Through the Collaboration to Adopt Uskids
publicans, discerning Democrats, discerning project at, we are working
independents, and remind them, if you want to provide guidance and support for parents
more money in your pocket, vote Repub considering adoption. We are also offering
lican. And if you want a party who will take tax credits to ease the financial burden on
the steps necessary to protect you today and adoptive families, and we are providing fund
to protect a generation of Americans coming ing to help strengthen State adoption services
up, vote for Shelley and vote for Republicans. through the Adoption Incentives Program
God bless. God bless America.
and the Promoting Safe and Stable Families
Program. Together, these efforts can help
connect children with loving families and
help provide greater hope and opportunity
for America's children.

NOTE: The President spoke at 5:04 p.m. at the During National Adoption Month, we pay
Sugar Land Regional Airport. In his remarks, he tribute to the parents who have opened their
referred to Michael L. Williams, commissioner, hearts and homes and helped provide love
Texas Railroad Commission; former President and stability for young people. By caring for
Saddam Hussein of Iraq; Usama bin Laden, leader the youngest members of our society, these
of the Al Qaida terrorist organization; former families are helping our children grow into
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan; and successful adults and building the future of
Chairman Kim Jong Il of North Korea. our country.
1930 Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, being made as more is learned about this dis
President of the United States of America, ease.

by virtue of the authority vested in me by America is blessed by our seniors, and they
the Constitution and laws of the United have earned our greatest respect. Citizens
States, do hereby proclaim November 2006 living with Alzheimer's disease deserve the
as National Adoption Month. I call upon all best possible care. National Alzheimer's Dis
Americans to observe this month with appro ease Awareness Month is an opportunity for
priate programs and activities to honor adop Americans to offer our support to Alz
tive families and to participate in efforts to heimer's patients and those who sacrifice to
find permanent homes for waiting children. help them live with dignity and comfort. The
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set strength and compassion of these individuals
my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the reflect the good heart of the American peo
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of ple.Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
the Independence of the United States of
America the two hundred and thirty-first. President of the United States of America,
by virtue of the authority vested in me by
George W. Bush the Constitution and laws of the United

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, States, do hereby proclaim November 2006
as National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness
8:45 a.m., November 1, 2006]
Month. I call upon the people of the United
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the States to observe this month with appropriate
Federal Register on November 2. programs and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the
Proclamation 8075—National
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of
Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness the Independence of the United States of
Month, 2006 America the two hundred and thirty-first.
October 30, 2006
George W. Bush
By the President of the United States
of America [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
8:45 a.m., November 1, 2006]
A Proclamation
During National Alzheimer's Disease NotE: This proclamation was published in the
Awareness Month, we renew our resolve in Federal Register on November 2.
the fight against this devastating disease, and
we take time to remember the loved ones
Proclamation 8076—National
taken from us by Alzheimer's. We also recog
nize the patients and family members who American Indian Heritage Month,
are affected by it, and we extend our grati
tude to the caretakers and researchers who October 30, 2006
are pursuing better treatments and a cure.
Age is the greatest risk factor for Alz By the President of the United States
heimer's disease, so the need for prevention, of America
improved treatments, and a cure becomes in A Proclamation
creasingly urgent as more Americans grow
older. My Administration is pursuing the tre During National American Indian Herit
mendous possibilities that science offers to age Month, we honor the generations of
improve the lives of the millions suffering American Indians and Alaska Natives who
from this disease. We continue to support have added to the character of our Nation.
Alzheimer's disease research through the Na This month is an opportunity to celebrate
tional Institutes of Health and the Depart their many accomplishments and their rich
ment of Veterans Affairs. New progress is ancestry and traditions.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 30 1931

America is blessed by the character and [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
strength of American Indians and Alaska Na 8:45 a.m., November 1, 2006]
tives, and our citizens are grateful for the
countless ways Native Americans have en NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
riched our country and lifted the spirit of our Federal Register on November 2.
Nation. We are especially grateful for the Na
tive Americans who have served and con
Proclamation 8077—National
tinue to serve in our Nation's military. These
brave individuals have risked their lives to Diabetes Month, 2006
protect our citizens, defend our democracy, October 30, 2006
and spread the blessings of liberty to people
around the world. By the President of the United States
My Administration is working to ensure of America
that American Indians and Alaska Natives
have access to all the opportunities of this A Proclamation
great land. My fiscal year 2007 budget pro
poses more than $12.7 billion for government National Diabetes Month is an oppor
programs for Native Americans. Education tunity to raise awareness of risk factors, pre
vention, and treatment of this serious dis
is vital to ensuring all citizens reach their full ease.
potential, and my budget includes funding
to help Native-American schools succeed and Diabetes is a chronic illness affecting near
meet the requirements of the No Child Left ly 21 million Americans of all ages and back
Behind Act. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is grounds. It can cause blindness, nontrau
matic amputations, kidney disease, and in
providing education for approximately creased risk of heart disease and stroke.
46,000 American-Indian and Alaska-Native
Though diabetes affects Americans of all ra
children. To help keep Native Americans cial and ethnic backgrounds, certain groups
safe, I have also proposed to increase law are at higher risk, including Hispanic, Asian/
enforcement personnel and improve law en Pacific, African, and Native Americans. A
forcement facilities in American-Indian com
small percentage of people with the disease
munities. My Administration will continue to suffer from Type 1 diabetes, once known as
work on a government-to-government basis juvenile diabetes. These individuals are usu
with tribal governments, honor the principles ally children or young adults whose bodies
of tribal sovereignty and the right to self-de are unable to make insulin. Type 2 diabetes
termination, and help ensure America re is more common and frequently occurs in
mains a land of promise for American Indi individuals who have a family history of the
ans, Alaska Natives, and all our citizens. disease and in people who are obese, inac
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, tive, or older. This form of diabetes stops a
President of the United States of America, person's body from using insulin properly. By
by virtue of the authority vested in me by maintaining healthy eating habits and exer
the Constitution and laws of the United cising daily, Americans can help prevent and
States, do hereby proclaim November 2006 reduce the effects of diabetes. Individuals
as National American Indian Heritage should consult with their doctors and receive
Month. I call upon all Americans to com a preventive screening to help detect diabe
memorate this month with appropriate pro tes in its earliest stages.
grams and activities. My Administration has demonstrated a
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set strong commitment to preventing and find
my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the ing a cure for diabetes. We have supported
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of funding for diabetes education programs and
the Independence of the United States of research initiatives, and this year the Na
America the two hundred and thirty-first. tional Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates
that more than $1 billion will be spent on
George W. Bush diabetes research. The NIH and the Centers
Oct. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
for Disease Control and Prevention are spon Proclamation 8078—National Family
soring the National Diabetes Education Pro Caregivers Month, 2006
gram, which has helped inform millions of October 30, 2006
Americans about the risk factors of diabetes
and the benefits of making healthy choices. By the President of the United States
By working together we can continue to of America
make significant strides in the battle to beat A Proclamation
this disease and provide a brighter future for
many of our citizens. Our country is blessed to have millions of
compassionate citizens who bring love and
As we observe National Diabetes Month, support to family members and friends who
we recognize the medical professionals, re are chronically ill, elderly, or disabled. Dur
searchers, and all those whose tireless efforts ing National Family Caregivers Month, we
are making a positive difference in the lives recognize these kind individuals who give of
of Americans suffering from this disease. their hearts, resources, and energy to assist
This month we reaffirm our commitment to loved ones in need.
fighting diabetes, and through medical ad Family caregivers exemplify the true spirit
vances, preventive programs, and quality of compassion by providing support to their
health care, we will help diabetes patients loved ones and assisting with their everyday
live longer, healthier, and happier lives. activities and special needs. These selfless
people must often make great personal sac
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, rifices to maintain the care and support their
President of the United States of America, family and friends require. Their assistance
by virtue of the authority vested in me by provides those who may be ill, aging, or dis
the Constitution and laws of the United abled an opportunity to stay in familiar sur
States, do hereby proclaim November 2006 roundings
and remain a part of their commu
as National Diabetes Month. I call upon all
Americans to learn more about the risk fac º,
Administration is committed to sup
tors and symptoms associated with diabetes porting family caregivers and their vital role
in our Nation's communities. The National
and to observe this month with appropriate Family Caregiver Support Program con
programs and activities.
tinues to provide information, counseling,
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set and services and encourages cooperation
my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the among agencies and other providers that
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of work with caregivers. These efforts assist
the Independence of the United States of caregivers and help ensure that all Americans
America the two hundred and thirty-first. receive the care they need.
As we observe National Family Caregivers
Month, we honor family caregivers who take
George W. Bush time out of their lives to improve the lives
of family and friends. Their efforts dem
onstrate the best of the American spirit.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, by virtue of the authority vested in me by
8:45 a.m., November 1 2006] *
the Constitution and laws of the United
States, do hereby proclaim November 2006
as National Family Caregivers Month. I en
courage all Americans to honor the selfless
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the service of caregivers who support their loved
Federal Register on November 2. The Office of ones in need.
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
guage version of this proclamation. my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 31 1933

º year of our Lord two thousand six, and of that are or hereafter come within the posses
the Independence of the United States of sion or control of United States persons, in
America the two hundred and thirty-first. cluding their overseas branches, of the fol
George W. Bush lowing persons are blocked and may not be
transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, otherwise dealt in:
8:45 a.m., November 1, 2006] (i) the persons listed in the Annex to this
NOTE: This proclamation was published in the order; and
Federal Register on November 2. (ii) any person determined by the Sec
retary of the Treasury, after consultation with
the Secretary of State:
Executive Order 13413—Blocking (A) to be a political or military leader of
Property of Certain Persons a foreign armed group operating in the
Contributing to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that im
Democratic Republic of the Congo pedes the disarmament, repatriation, or re
October 27, 2006 settlement of combatants;
(B) to be a political or military leader of
By the authority vested in me as President a Congolese armed group that impedes the
by the Constitution and the laws of the disarmament, demobilization, or reintegra
United States of America, including the tion of combatants;
International Emergency Economic Powers (C) to be a political or military leader re
Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the cruiting or using children in armed conflict
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in
et seq.) (NEA), section 5 of the United Na violation of applicable international law;
tions Participation Act, as amended (22 (D) to have committed serious violations
U.S.C. 287c) (UNPA), and section 301 of
title 3, United States Code, of international law involving the targeting
of children in situations of armed conflict in
I, George W. Bush, President of the
United States of America, determine that the the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in
situation in or in relation to the Democratic cluding killing and maiming, sexual violence,
Republic of the Congo, which has been abduction, and forced displacement;
marked by widespread violence and atrocities (E) to have directly or indirectly supplied,
that continue to threaten regional stability sold, or transferred to the Democratic Re
and was addressed by the United Nations Se public of the Congo, or been the recipient
curity Council in Resolution 1596 of April in the territory of the Democratic Republic
18, 2005, Resolution 1649 of December 21, of the Congo of arms and related materiel,
2005, and Resolution 1698 of July 31, 2006, including military aircraft and equipment, or
constitutes an unusual and extraordinary advice, training, or assistance, including fi
threat to the foreign policy of the United nancing and financial assistance, related to
States and hereby .. a national emer military activities;
gency to deal with that threat. To address (F) to have materially assisted, sponsored,
that threat, I hereby order: or provided financial, material, or techno
Section I. (a) Except to the extent that logical support for, or goods or services in
section 203(b)(1), (3), and (4) of the IEEPA support of, the activities described in sub
(50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(1), (3), and (4)) may sections (a)(ii)(A) through (E) of this section
apply, or to the extent provided in regula or any person listed in or designated pursu
tions, orders, directives, or licenses that may ant to this order; or
be issued pursuant to this order, and notwith (G) to be owned or controlled by, or acting
standing any contract entered into or any li or purporting to act for or on behalf of, di
cense or permit granted prior to the effective rectly or indirectly, any person listed in or
date of this order, all property and interests designated pursuant to this order.
in property that are in the United States, that (b) I hereby determine that, to the extent
hereafter come within the United States, or section 203(b)(2) of the IEEPA (50 U.S.C.
1934 Oct. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
1702(b)(2)) may apply, the making of dona tion made pursuant to subsection 1(a) of this
tions of the type of articles specified in such order.
section by, to, or for the benefit of any person
listed in or designated pursuant to subsection Sec. 5. The Secretary of the Treasury,
(a) of this section would seriously impair my after consultation with the Secretary of State,
ability to deal with the national emergency is hereby authorized to take such actions, in
declared in this order, and I hereby prohibit cluding the promulgation of rules and regula
such donations as provided by subsection (a) tions, and to employ all powers granted to
of this section. the President by the IEEPA and the UNPA
(c) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of as may be necessary to carry out the purposes
this section include but are not limited to of this order. The Secretary of the Treasury
(i) the making of any contribution or provi may redelegate any of these functions to
sion of funds, goods, or services by, to, or other officers and agencies of the United
for the benefit of any person listed in or des States Government, consistent with applica
ignated pursuant to subsection (a) of this sec ble law. All executive agencies of the United
tion, and (ii) the receipt of any contribution States Government are hereby directed to
or provision of funds, goods, or services from take all appropriate measures within their au
any such person. thority to carry out the provisions of this
Sec. 2. (a) Any transaction by a United order and, where appropriate, to advise the
States person or within the United States that Secretary of the Treasury in a timely manner
evades or avoids, has the purpose of evading of the measures taken. The Secretary of the
or avoiding, or attempts to violate any of the Treasury shall ensure compliance with those
prohibitions set forth in this order is prohib provisions of section 401 of the NEA (50
ited. U.S.C. 1641) applicable to the Department
(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the Treasury in relation to this order.
of the prohibitions set forth in this order is
prohibited. Sec. 6. The Secretary of the Treasury,
Sec. 3. For the purposes of this order: after consultation with the Secretary of State,
(a) the term “person” means an individual is hereby authorized to submit the recurring
or entity; and final reports to the Congress on the na
(b) the term “entity” means a partnership, tional emergency declared in this order, con
sistent with section 401(c) of the NEA (50
association, trust, joint venture, corporation, U.S.C. 1641(c)) and section 204(c) of the
group, subgroup, or other organization; and IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1703(c)).
(c) the term “United States person” means
any United States citizen, permanent resi Sec. 7. The Secretary of the Treasury,
dent alien, entity organized under the laws after consultation with the Secretary of State,
of the United States or any jurisdiction within is hereby authorized, subsequent to the
the United States (including foreign issuance of this order, to determine, and to
branches), or any person in the United take necessary action to give effect to that
determination, that circumstances no longer
Sec. 4. For those persons listed in or des warrant the blocking of the property and in
ignated pursuant to this order who might terests in property of, or the prohibiting of
have a constitutional presence in the United transactions with, a person listed in the
States, I find that, because of the ability to Annex to this order.
transfer funds or other assets instanta
neously, prior notice to such persons of Sec. 8. This order is not intended to, and
measures to be taken pursuant to this order does not, create any right, benefit, or privi
would render these measures ineffectual. I lege, substantive or procedural, enforceable
therefore determine that for these measures at law or in equity by any party against the
to be effective in addressing the national United States, its departments, agencies, in
emergency declared in this order, there need strumentalities, or entities, its officers or em
be no prior notice of a listing or determina ployees, or any other person.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 31 1935

Sec. 9. This order is effective at 12:01 a.m. humanitarian law by these militias and armed
eastern standard time on October 30, 2006. groups, including the massacre of civilians,
George W. Bush sexual violence against women and girls, and
the recruitment and use of children in the
The White House, hostilities. The perpetuation of the conflict
October 27, 2006. undermines the progress and promise of the
Global and All-Inclusive Agreement on the
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Transition in the Democratic Republic of the
12:12 p.m., October 30, 2006]
Congo, signed in 2002, which created a proc
NOTE: This Executive order was released by the ess that can lead to the long-term restoration
Office of the Press Secretary on October 31, and of peace and stability, national reconciliation,
it and its attached annex were published in the and establishment of the rule of law.
Federal Register on October 31. The order blocks the property and inter
ests in property in the United States, or in
the possession or control of United States
Letter to Congressional Leaders persons, of the persons listed in the Annex
Reporting on Blocking Property of to the order, as well as of any person deter
Certain Persons Contributing to the mined by the Secretary of the Treasury, after
Conflict in the Democratic Republic consultation with the Secretary of State
of the Congo • to be a political or military leader of a
October 27, 2006 foreign armed group operating in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo that
Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) impedes the disarmament, repatriation,
Consistent with subsection 204(b) of the or resettlement of combatants;
International Emergency Economic Powers • to be a political or military leader of a
Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(b)(IEEPA), and section Congolese armed group that impedes
301 of the National Emergencies Act, 50 the disarmament, demobilization, or re
U.S.C. 1631 (NEA), I hereby report that I integration of combatants;
have issued an Executive Order (the “order”) • to be a political or military leader re
blocking the property of certain persons con cruiting or using children in armed con
tributing to the conflict in the Democratic flict in the Democratic Republic of the
Republic of the Congo. In that order, I de Congo in violation of applicable inter
clared a national emergency to deal with the national law;
unusual and extraordinary threat to the for • to have committed serious violations of
eign policy of the United States posed by that international law involving the targeting
conflict, as described below. of children in situations of armed con
The conflict in the Democratic Republic flict in the Democratic Republic of the
of the Congo has been the deadliest conflict Congo, including killing and maiming,
since World War II, with an estimated four sexual violence, abduction, and forced
million dead since 1996, many from hunger displacement; or
and disease resulting from the fighting. The • to have directly or indirectly supplied,
United Nations Security Council, in Resolu sold, or transferred to the Democratic
tion 1596 of April 18, 2005, Resolution 1649 Republic of the Congo, or been the re
of December 21, 2005, Resolution 1698 of cipient in the territory of the Demo
July 31, 2006, and numerous other resolu cratic Republic of the Congo of arms
tions, has expressed serious concern over the and related materiel, including military
presence of armed groups and militias in the aircraft and equipment, or advice, train
Democratic Republic of the Congo, which ing, or assistance, including financing
perpetuate both the conflict in the country and financial assistance, related to mili
and a climate of insecurity throughout the tary activities.
entire region. The designation criteria will be applied
The conflict has been marked by serious consistent with applicable Federal law, in
violations of human rights and international cluding, where appropriate, the First
1936 Oct. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Amendment to the United States Constitu Proclamation 8079—National
Hospice Month, 2006
The order also authorizes the Secretary of October 30, 2006
the Treasury, after consultation with the Sec
By the President of the United States
retary of State, to designate for blocking any of America
person determined to have materially as
sisted, sponsored, or provided financial, ma A Proclamation
terial, or technological support for, or goods Americans demonstrate the great compas
or services in support of the activities listed sion of our country by caring for those in
above or any person listed in or designated need. During National Hospice Month, we
pursuant to the order. I further authorized recognize hospice caregivers for their dedica
the Secretary of the Treasury, after consulta tion to providing comfort and peace to indi
tion with the Secretary of State, to designate viduals in their last days and helping build
for blocking any person determined to be a society that values the life and dignity of
owned or controlled by, or acting or pur every person.
porting to act for or on behalf of directly Hospice physicians, nurses, counselors,
or indirectly, any person listed in or des and volunteers bring care and support to the
ignated pursuant to the order. The Secretary terminally ill through physical, psychological,
of the Treasury, after consultation with the social, and spiritual aid. By helping control
Secretary of State, is also authorized to deterpain and minimize other symptoms, these
mine that circumstances no longer warrant men and women bring relief to those who
the blocking of the property and interests in are terminally ill and show them the utmost
property of, or the prohibiting of transactionsrespect. Hospice care enables many of our
with, a person listed in the Annex to the citizens to spend their final days in comfort
order. and dignity surrounded by loved ones. This
palliative care plays a vital role in our Na
I delegated to the Secretary of the Treas tion's health care system, and the dedicated
ury, after consultation with the Secretary of work of hospice caregivers helps ensure that
State, the authority to take such actions, in our citizens receive the services and support
cluding the promulgation of rules and regula they need. Hospice caregivers also reach out
tions, and to employ all powers granted to to families and friends to provide guidance
the President by the IEEPA and the United and counseling after the loss of a loved one.
Nations Participation Act, as may be nec Our Nation is grateful for the tireless ef
essary to carry out the purposes of the order. forts of hospice volunteers and medical pro
All executive agencies are directed to take fessionals, and during National Hospice
all appropriate measures within their author Month, we recognize the kindness of hospice
ity to carry out the provisions of the order. caregivers and their devotion to making our
country a more loving and caring place.
The order, a copy of which is enclosed, Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
became effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern stand President of the United States of America,
ard time on October 30, 2006. by virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and laws of the United
Sincerely, States, do hereby proclaim November 2006
as National Hospice Month. I encourage all
George W. Bush Americans to observe this month with appro
priate programs and activities. I also ask
Americans to recognize our health care pro
fessionals and volunteers for their contribu
NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, tions to helping provide comfort and care to
and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. those facing terminal illness.
This letter was released by the Office of the Press In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
Secretary on October 31. my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 31 1937

year of our Lord two thousand six, and of a message to them on behalf of our Govern
the Independence of the United States of ment, that we're earnest and serious about
America the two hundred and thirty-first. their necessity to step up and work with the
George W. Bush international community. So thank you, An
drew, for that.
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Today, as well, we had news out of the
8:45 a.m., November 1, 2006] Far East. There is an agreement to restart
NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of. the six-party talks concerning North Korea.
fice of the Press Secretary on October 31, and I'm pleased, and I want to thank the Chinese
it was published in the Federal Register on No for encouraging the meeting that got the
vember 2. agreement to get the six-party talks restarted.
I've always felt like it is important for the
United States to be at the table with other
Remarks Following a Meeting With partners when it comes time to addressing
Special Envoy for Sudan Andrew S. this important issue.
Natsios And so I thank not only the Chinese but
October 31, 2006 the South Koreans, the Japanese, and the
Russians for agreeing to come back to the
I've just had a meeting with the Presi table with North Korea. We'll be sending
dential Special Envoy to Sudan, Andrew teams to the region to work with our partners
Natsios. I asked Andrew to serve our country to make sure that the current United Nations
and really serve the cause of humanity by Security Council resolution is enforced, but
taking on this important assignment. He's also to make sure that the talks are effec
working very closely with Secretary Rice. He tive—that we achieve the results we want,
brought—he was just there for 10 days, and which is a North Korea that abandons their
he came back with a grim report about the nuclear weapons programs and her nuclear
human condition of a lot of people who suf weapons in a verifiable fashion, in return for
fer. a better way forward for her people.
And, you know, Andrew—the good thing And so I'm very pleased with the progress
about Andrew is—one thing, he puts a report being made in the Far East. Obviously, we've
out there, but he also understands we've got still got a lot of work to do. But I want to
to do something about it. And the United thank the Secretary for her good work when
States is going to work with the international she went out to the region and assure the
community to come up with a single plan American people, we'll continue to work to
on how to address this issue and save lives. resolve this in a peaceful way.
And Andrew is going to work with other part Thank you.
ners in peace, and they'll take that plan to
the current Government of Sudan.
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:26 a.m. in the
One element of the plan is something that Oval Office at the White House. The Office of
I strongly supported all along, and that there the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
needs to be a credible and effective inter
guage transcript of these remarks.
national force to go into Darfur to save lives,
to make it clear that the international com
munity respects human life, and the inter Remarks at a Georgia Victory 2006
national community will work in concert to Rally in Perry, Georgia
save human life. October 31, 2006
Andrew, I want to thank you for taking
on this assignment. The situation in Darfur The President. Thank you all very much.
is on our minds. The people who suffer there Thanks for coming. Thanks for the warm wel
need to know that the United States will come. It's great to be back in the State of
work with others to help solve the problem. Georgia. Just seems like I was here yesterday.
And the Government of Sudan must under |Laughter] I must have Georgia on my mind.
stand that we're serious, when you deliver |Laughter
1938 Oct. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I got something else on my mind, and that to go to the polls. I want to thank you in
is to make sure Mac Collins becomes the next advance for what you're going to do.
United States Congressman from this dis We're driving toward victory. Now I know
trict. I appreciate you coming. He's a self up in Washington, they've already decided
made guy. He's a no-nonsense fellow. He's the outcome of the election.
got a lot of common sense—just the kind of Audience members. Boo-o-o!
person you want representing you in Wash The President. They're measuring the
ington, DC. drapes in their new offices.
You know, he kind of reminds me of a lot Audience members. Boo-o-o!
of folks in my home State. See, they didn't The President. The same thing happened
start off as a Republican. He was a Butts in 2004, you might remember. In 2004, the
County commissioner, and he ran as a Dem movers never showed up, and they're not
ocrat—a Reagan Democrat. And then he saw going to show up in 2006.
the direction of where the Washington, DC, One reason we're going to win this election
Democrats were taking his party, so he came is because we've accomplished a lot. We've
home. He came home to a party—[ap done what the people expect us to do. We
plause]—he feels like I feel: We don't want went up and represented the people's inter
Washington Democrats running the House ests. You know, for decades, the public
of Representatives. school system failed too many children, so
And I appreciate you coming to express we passed the No Child Left Behind Act and
your support for Mac. I'm honored you're demanded schools show results in return for
here. With your hard work, Mac Collins will money. Test scores are rising; an achieve
be elected, and we're going to keep control ment gap is closing; and we're bringing
of the House and the Senate. America closer to the day when every single
I'm proud to be here with Julie—that's child gets a quality education.
Mac's wife. She, like my wife, is a very pa For decades, we've been growing too de
tient person. Mac married above himself— pendent on foreign oil, so we decided to do
[laughter]—so did I. Laura sends her love. something about it. We passed a good piece
She sends her love to the Collinses, but she of energy legislation that encourages con
also sends her love to your Governor—you servation, encourages domestic production.
talk about a man who deserves to be re But it does something else: It spends your
elected, and that's Sonny Perdue. He's done money on new technologies so that we can
in office exactly what he said he's going to use Georgia crops to fuel and power auto
do, and the State of Georgia is better for it. mobiles.
I'm proud to be here with two United One thing you don't have to worry about
States Senators who are making a huge dif Mac, he understands what I know: If the
ference in the Nation's capital, folks who rep farm economy is strong, the American econ
resent your State with a lot of class and a omy benefits. So for the sake of national se
lot of dignity, Senator Saxby Chambliss and curity, we want our farmers growing the fuel
Senator Johnny Isakson. of the 21st century.
It's a good sign when you've got sitting Medicare was an outdated program. It's
Members of the United States Congress an important program. If you're a senior, you
coming in to help one of their former col know how important Medicare is. But you
leagues, see. It means they know him; they might remember, Medicare was becoming
respect him; they like him. So please join me old, and it needed to be modernized. As a
and welcome Charlie Norwood, Phil result of legislation that I signed, 33 million
Gingrey, and Tom Price. seniors have more choices and access to pre
I'm proud to be here with the next Lieu scription drugs, but more importantly, the
tenant Governor of the State of Georgia, days of poor seniors having to choose be
Senator Casey Cagle. I thank all the other tween food and medicine—they're over.
candidates, and I thank all the grassroots ac For decades, we haven't had complete
tivists. You're the people who put up the control over our southern border. Illegal im
signs, make the phone calls, convince people migration has been on the rise, so we acted.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 31 1939

I sent the National Guard down on the bor of our family businesses and farmers, we put
der to help our Border Patrol. We're in the the death tax on the road to extinction.
process of modernizing that southern border. Oh, you might remember the debates—
We're adding Border Patrol agents. We'll re I certainly remember them. Democrats in
form our immigration system, and we will Washington predicted the tax cuts would not
uphold the immigration laws of the United create jobs, would not increase wages, and
would cause the Federal deficit to explode.
For decades, activist judges have tried to Well, the facts are in. The tax cuts have led
redefine America by court order. I don't to a strong economy that's added 6.6 million
know if you paid attention recently to that new jobs since August of 2003. Real wages
New Jersey case—another activist court are on the rise, and the deficit has been cut
issued a ruling that raises doubt about the in half 3 years ahead of schedule.
institution of marriage. We believe that mar Tax cuts work, and Mac Collins under
riage is a union between a man and a woman stands that, and the Democrats don't. I want
and should be defended.
the folks out there who are trying to make
And I will continue to appoint judges who up their mind about this election to under
strictly interpret the law and not legislate stand that the Democrats don't want you to
from the bench. When you're out rounding know what their tax plans are. They just don't
up the votes, you remind people that Amer want you to know.
ica is better off with John Roberts and Sam
Alito as members of the Supreme Court. And Recently the top Democrat leader in the
I want to thank these two United States Sen House made this observation. She said, “We
love tax cuts.” Given her record, she must
ators for helping these two fine men become
confirmed. be a secret admirer. [Laughter] She and her
We've got something to run on. We've got party voted against reducing the marriage
a record to run on. And with Mac Collins penalty, reduced—voted against cutting taxes
back in the Congress, we're going to build on small businesses, voted against lowering
on that record. Obviously, there are big dif taxes for families with children, voted against
ferences between how Republicans think and every single tax cut. If this is her definition
of love, I'd hate to see her definition of hate.
Washington Democrats think. Perhaps the
two biggest areas of difference, though, come [Laughter]
down to how much money you're going to See, it's important for you to understand,
have in your pocket—that's taxes—and when you're out there hustling for the vote,
which political party is going to take the nec that if these tax cuts are not made permanent
essary steps to... you. or not extended, your taxes are going up. See,
First, let me talk about taxes. Mac and I that's what happens. If they don't extend the
have a philosophy. It says, you can spend tax cuts or pass a law that says they'll be a
your money better than the Government can. permanent part of the law, you can count
As a matter of fact, we believe that when on your taxes going up. I think it is interesting
you have more money in your pocket for you to note that the person who wants to be the
to save or spend or invest, the economy bene head of the Ways and Means Committee for
the Democrats said that he can't think of one
fits. The Democrats believe they need more
of your money to spend because they can tax cut that he would extend. See, that's code
spend it better than you can. word for “get ready.” If the Democrats take
Audience members. Boo-o-o! the House, your taxes are going up.
The President. But you know, sometimes Audience members. Boo-o-o!
philosophers don't act. We act. See, we say The President. And it's a fundamental
we're going to do something, and we do it. issue in this campaign. They may try to hide
And we cut the taxes on everybody who pays their intentions, but that's what's going to
income taxes; we doubled the child tax credit; happen. And I want you to think about it:
we reduced the marriage penalty; we cut If the tax cuts aren't made permanent or not
taxes on small businesses; we cut taxes on extended and you've got a child, your taxes
capital gains and dividends; and for the sake will go up $500 a child. The tax credit is now
1940 Oct. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

$1,000 per child, thanks to people like Mac hard for you to believe, but right around Sep
Collins. tember the 11th, 2001, the folks in charge
The man who wants to be the head of the of protecting you couldn't share intelligence.
tax committee said they're not going to ex And so I asked Congress to pass the PA
tend those tax cuts, which means the tax TRIOT Act to tear down that wall—ſap
credit goes from $1,000 a child to $500 a plause]—that enabled people to share infor
child. So when you i. to dinner tonight and mation.
This is a different kind of war. I know
you're sitting around the table with your chil
dren, you can just count heads—[laughter]— there's probably some World War II vets out
and multiply that by $500. So if you're a fam there. In those wars, you could measure
ily with four children, that's four times 500, progress by how many airplanes you were
is 2,000. That's a $2,000 tax increase. That able to shoot down, or you were able to meas
may not sound like a lot to Washington ure progress by how much landmass you
Democrats, but it sounds like a lot to me took. This is a different kind of war. This
and Mac Collins, and we're going to keep is a war that requires good information in
your taxes low. order for this Government to do its most im
This election is taking place in an historic portant job, which is to protect you. And so
time. When our children and grandchildren therefore, I felt it was important, if Al Qaida
look back on this period, one question will or an Al Qaida affiliate was making a phone
overwhelm all the rest: Did we do everything call into the United States, we better under
in our power to fight and to win the war on stand what they're calling about.
terror? That's the fundamental question this In this different kind of war, we pick up
generation faces. people off the battlefield. We captured peo
We face an enemy that is brutal. There ple like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who our
is no negotiation with these people. You can't intelligence officers believe was the master
try to talk reason into these totalitarians. mind of the September the 11th attacks. I
They have an ideology. Make no mistake felt it was important for the Central Intel
about it, they believe things. What they really ligence Agency to be in a position to question
believe is, they believe freedom is bad. They this person to determine if he knew informa
can't stand the thought of free societies. And tion that would be necessary to protect you.
that's why they hate what the United States Now I want you to-when you're out
of America stands for the ability for people rounding up the vote, and people say, “Well,
to worship freely. The ability for people to there's no difference between them,” or
vote and to express their opinion freely is they're saying, “Well, maybe I feel com
something we hold dear. It's the exact oppo fortable with the Washington Democrats,” I
site of what these ideologues believe in and want you to remind them about these three
what they're trying to impose on other parts votes we just recently had. There's a clear
of the world. pattern. When it came time to renew the PA
The best way to protect the American peo TRIOT Act, more than 75 percent of the
ple is to bring the enemies to justice before Members—Democrat Members in the
they hurt us again. And the best way to pro House of Representatives voted no.
tect you is to make sure our professionals Audience members. Boo-o-o!
have all the tools necessary to do their job. The President. When it came time to vote
When it comes time to protecting the home on whether to allow the CIA to continue its
land, the United States of America must be program to detain and question captured ter
right 100 percent of the time, and the enemy, rorists, almost 80 percent of the House
which desires to strike us again, only has to Democrats voted against it.
be right once. Audience members. Boo-o-o!
And that's why I decided to work with the The President. And when it came time
Congress and our professionals to change to vote on whether the National Security
some things. I decided it didn't make any Agency should continue to monitor terrorist
sense to have a wall between our intelligence communications, almost 90 percent of the
and our law enforcement folks. It may be House Democrats voted against it.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 31 1941

Audience members. Boo-o-o! Well, all I ask if you're undecided about this
The President. On all these vital meas important issue is, just listen to the words
ures—measures necessary to protect you— of Usama bin Laden or Mr. Zawahiri, the
the Democrats in Washington follow a sim number-two of Al Qaida. Usama bin Laden
ple philosophy: Just say no. When it comes calls this fight the third world war. He has
to listening in on the terrorists, what's the said that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will
Democrats' answer? Just say no. When it mean America's defeat and disgrace forever.
comes to detaining terrorists, what's the It's important to listen to the words of the
Democrats' answer? enemy if you're in war.
Audience members. Just say no! Now I want you to listen to the words of
The President. When it comes to ques a senior Democrat in the House of Rep
tioning terrorists, what's the Democrats' an resentatives. The reason I bring this up is,
swer? I want you to understand there is a different
Audience members. Just say no! mindset in Washington. She said, “The Presi
The President. When it comes to tryin dent says that fighting them there in Iraq
the terrorists, what's the Democrats' answer: means it's less likely we will have to fight
Audience members. Just say no! them here.” I did say that, and I strongly
The President. So when the Democrats believe it. “The opposite is true,” she went
ask for your vote on November the 7th, on to say, “Because we are fighting them
what's your answer? there, it may become more likely we will
Audience members. No-o-o! have to fight them here.”
The President. One thing is, the people I want to remind that person that Iraq is
in this district don't have to worry about Mac not the reason that the terrorists are in war
Collins giving the professionals the tools nec against us. We were not in Iraq when the
essary to protect you. Those tools are nec terrorists bombed the World Trade Center
essary—no question about it. But the best in 1993. We weren't in Iraq when they blew
way to protect you is to stay on the offense, up the USS Cole or the Embassies in Kenya
is to keep the pressure on the enemy. It's and Tanzania. And we were not in Iraq on
hard to plan and plot attacks against America September the 11th, 2001, when they killed
if you're on the run, and that's exactly what nearly 3,000 citizens on U.S. soil. You do not
our brave professionals are doing. create terrorists by fighting the terrorists.
It's important that the United States not The best way to protect you is to find the
forget the lessons of September the 11th, terrorists where they exist and bring them
2001. I assure you I'm not going to forget to justice so they can't hurt you again.
them. And one of the important lessons is Our goal in Iraq is victory. Our goal is for
that when we see a threat overseas, we've a young democracy to be able to sustain
got to take that threat seriously. When you itself, govern itself, and defend itself, and
see a threat, you just can't hope for the best serve as an ally in the war on terror. And
in this day and age where terrorists are capa the fighting is tough. No question about it,
ble of inflicting damage on the homeland. it's tough. It's tough because we face a brutal
I saw a threat in Saddam Hussein. Members enemy without conscience. It's tough be
of the United States Congress from both po cause the enemy kills innocent men, women,
litical parties saw that same threat. The and children. It is tough because they film
United Nations saw the threat. I made the the atrocities, and they broadcast them for
right decision in getting Saddam Hussein out the world to see. You see, they believe that
of power. the United States does not have the will nec
In this global war against extremists who essary to complete the mission. That's what
use murder as a weapon, Iraq is now the cen they believe. They don't understand this
tral front. Oh, I've heard all of the voices country. We will never run in the face of
in Washington, DC. They say—a lot of them thugs and assassins. We will defend our
say, “It’s just a distraction in the war on ter selves.
ror"—that it's not a part of the war on terror, Our goals haven't changed, but our tactics
people in Washington—Democrats say. constantly adjust. Our commanders on the
1942 Oct. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
ground have what it takes to succeed. And children. And yet when you listen to the na
if they don't, I'll make sure they do. The tional Democrats in Washington for their
enemy changes; we change. We got a lot of plan, if you listen for a plan, you will find
good things going for us in Iraq, starting with they don't have one. They do not have a plan
one of the finest United States militaries for victory on this vital issue.
Iraq is a central front in the war on terror,
In the midst of a heated campaign season, but the only thing they want to do is leave
there are some things we should all be able before the job is done. I want you to hear
to agree on. And one of the most important some of the voices of leading Democrats.
is that every one of our troops deserves our They say we should pull our troops off the
respect and our gratitude. battlefield right away. My opponent in 2004
Yesterday my opponent in 2004 Presi said there should be a fixed date for with
dential race, Senator Kerry, was speaking to drawal. Others suggest that we ought to move
a group of young people in California. our troops some 5,000 miles away to an is
Audience members. Boo-o-o! land. Nineteen House Democrats introduced
The President. I want you to listen to legislation that would cut off all the funds
what he said. He said, “You know education, for the troops in Iraq.
if you make the most of it, you study hard, Audience members. Boo-o-o!
you do your homework, and you make an The President. I thought it was illustrative
effort to be smart, you can do well; if you to listen to a United States Senator from the
don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” Democrat Party say last week, “We haven't
Audience members. Boo-o-o! coalesced around a single plan, but we're in
The President. The Senator's suggestion a general agreement on basic principles.”
that the men and women of our military are She's right; they are in agreement. They will
somehow uneducated is insulting and it is leave before the job is done.
shameful. The members of the United States Audience members. Boo-o-o!
military are plenty smart, and they are plenty The President. However they put it, the
brave, and the Senator from Massachusetts Democrat approach comes down to this: The
owes them an apology. terrorists win, and America loses. And that's
Whatever party you're in, in America, our what's at stake in this election. The Demo
troops deserve the full support of our Gov crats want to get us out of Iraq, and the Re
ernment. And I don't have any doubt that publican goal is to win in Iraq. I'm not saying
Mac Collins will stand strong for the men these good folks are unpatriotic; I'm just say
and women who wear the uniform of the ing they're wrong. You can't win a war if
United States. you're not willing to fight it.
Something else is going for us when it I want you to go home and think about
comes to victory in Iraq, and that is the Iraqi what retreat from Iraq would mean, before
citizens. They've endured unspeakable vio the job is done. It would embolden the
lence, but they are determined to repulse the enemy. It would enable them to ridicule
extremists and the radicals. Nearly 12 million countries like the United States to folks who
went to the polls and said, “We want to be are wondering where the balance of power
free.” You know, I was pleased with the turn will lay in the world. It will embolden the
out, but I wasn't surprised, because I believe extremists and radicals. It will enable them
there is an Almighty. And I believe one of to gain a new safe haven from which to
the great gifts of the Almighty to every man launch further attacks on the United States.
and woman on the face of the Earth is free It would strengthen the hand of the extrem
dom. ists and deny hope to millions and millions
We'll help the Iraqis build their economy; of people who simply want to live a peaceful
we'll help them make sure their political sys life. It would dishonor the sacrifice of the
tem unites the country, and we'll help them men and women who have worn our uni
defend themselves. The only way we can lose form.
in Iraq is if we leave before the job is done. I want you to understand, in this different
This is a vital issue for the security of our kind of war, if we leave Iraq before the job
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Oct. 31 1943

is done, the enemy will follow us here. Envi Audience members. No-o-o!
sion a world in which moderate governments The President. If you want leaders in the
have been toppled by the extremists because United States Congress who will do what it
we left; envision a world in which people use takes to defend America and keep our coun
oil—extremists use oil as blackmail to the try safe, then vote for Mac Collins on No
Western World; envision a world in which vember the 7th.
a country which can't stand America has a I can't thank you enough for coming. I
nuclear weapon. And people will look back hope you go forth from the hall and round
and say, “What happened to them in the year up our fellow Republicans, discerning
2006? How come they couldn't see the im Democrats, discerning independents and re
pending danger to a generation of young mind them about the stakes in this election.
Americans? Why weren't they willing to de If you want your taxes low, if you want more
fend our security at that moment?” of your own money to spend the way you
I see the impending danger. I will use all see fit, vote Republican and vote Mac Col
assets at my disposal to do the most impor lins. If you want this country to stay on the
tant job of the Government, and that is de offense, to do everything we can to protect
fend you. We will fight in Iraq, and we will you, to do everything we can to do our most
win in Iraq. Oh, I know there are Democrats fundamental duty—and that is to protect the
and independents in a great State like Geor United States of America—vote Republican
gia who do not share the views of the Demo and send Mac Collins to the United States
crat leadership in Washington. You may not Congress.
agree with Republicans on every issue, but I'm sure glad to be back in Georgia. I
you should also realize what voting Democrat thank you for coming. May God bless you,
in this election would mean for the war on and may God continue to bless the United
terror. States of America.
When you vote next Tuesday, your vote
will determine more than who is your local NOTE: The President spoke at 5:09 p.m. at the
Congressman. It will also determine which Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter. In
his remarks, he referred to former President Sad
party's leadership will set the agenda on Cap
itol Hill. A vote to send a Democrat to Con dam Hussein of Iraq; and Usama bin Laden, lead
er of the Al Qaida terrorist organization. The Of
gress is a vote for the liberal Democrat lead fice of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish
ership in Washington, DC. A vote to send language transcript of these remarks.
a Democrat to Congress is a vote to make
the Senate majority leader a man who
bragged about killing the PATRIOT Act. A Proclamation 8080—Veterans Day,
vote to send a Democrat to Congress is a 2006
vote to make the chairman of the Senate In
October 31, 2006
telligence Committee a man who said the
world would be better off if Saddam Hussein By the President of the United States
were still in power. of America
Audience members. No-o-o!
The President. A vote to send a Democrat A Proclamation
to Washington is a vote to make the chairman Through the generations, America's men
of the House Ways and Means Committee and women in uniform have defeated tyrants,
a man who has suggested cutting off funds liberated continents, and set a standard of
for our troops on the battlefield. courage and idealism for the entire world.
Audience members. No-o-o! On Veterans Day, our Nation pays tribute
The President. A vote to send a Democrat to those who have proudly served in our
to Congress is a vote to make the Speaker Armed Forces.
of the House—the third person in line for To protect the Nation they love, our vet
the Presidency—a woman who said that cap erans stepped forward when America needed
turing Usama bin Laden would not make them most. In conflicts around the world,
America any safer. their sacrifice and resolve helped destroy the
1944 Oct. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
enemies of freedom and saved millions from of the Independence of the United States of
oppression. In answering history's call with America the two hundred and thirty-first.
honor, decency, and resolve, our veterans
have shown the power of liberty and earned George W. Bush
the respect and admiration of a grateful Na

All of America's veterans have placed our [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
11:31 a.m., November 1, 2006]
Nation's security before their own lives, cre
ating a debt that we can never fully repay.
Our veterans represent the best of America, NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
and they deserve the best America can give Federal Register on November 2.
them. -

As we recall the service of our Soldiers,

Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guards Notice—Continuation of the
men, we are reminded that the defense of National Emergency With Respect to
freedom comes with great loss and sacrifice. Sudan
This Veterans Day, we give thanks to those November 1, 2006
who have served freedom's cause; we salute
the members of our Armed Forces who are
On November 3, 1997, by Executive Order
confronting our adversaries abroad; and we 13067, the President declared a national
honor the men and women who left Amer
emergency with respect to Sudan pursuant
ica's shores but did not live to be thanked
to the International Emergency Economic
as veterans. They will always be remembered Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–1706) to deal
by our country. with the unusual and extraordinary threat to
With respect for and in recognition of the the national security and foreign policy of the
contributions our service men and women
United States constituted by the actions and
have made to the cause of peace and freedom policies of the Government of Sudan. On
around the world, the Congress has provided April 26, 2006, by Executive Order 13400,
(5 U.S.C. 6103(a)) that November 11 of each I expanded the national emergency by deter
year shall be set aside as a legal public holiday mining that the conflict in Sudan's Darfur
to honor veterans.
region posed an unusual and extraordinary
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, threat to the national security and foreign
President of the United States of America, policy of the United States, and I ordered
do hereby proclaim November 11, 2006, as the blocking of property of certain persons
Veterans Day and urge all Americans to ob connected to that conflict. On October 13,
serve November 5 through November 11, 2006, I issued Executive Order 13412 to
2006, as National Veterans Awareness Week. amend the comprehensive sanctions with re
I encourage all Americans to recognize the spect to Sudan set forth in Executive Order
valor and sacrifice of our veterans through 13067.
ceremonies and prayers. I call upon Federal, Because the actions and policies of the
State, and local officials to display the flag Government of Sudan continue to pose an
of the United States and to support and par unusual and extraordinary threat to the na
ticipate in patriotic activities in their commu tional security and foreign policy of the
nities. I invite civic and fraternal organiza United States, the national emergency de
tions, places of worship, schools, businesses, clared on November 3, 1997, as expanded
unions, and the media to support this na on April 26, 2006, must continue in effect
tional observance with commemorative ex beyond November 3, 2006. Therefore, con
pressions and programs. sistent with section 202(d) of the National
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am
my hand this thirty-first day of October, in continuing for 1 year the national emergency
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and with respect to Sudan.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 2 1945

This notice shall be published in the Fed Remarks at a Montana Victory 2006
eral Register and transmitted to the Con Rally in Billings, Montana
gress. November 2, 2006
George W. Bush The President. Thank you for the warm
The White House, welcome. It's good to be in a part of the
November 1, 2006. world where the cowboy hats outnumber the
ties. And I'm proud to be here in Big Sky
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, country with a fine United States Senator in
11:31 a.m., November 1, 2006] Conrad Burns.
You might call him a plain-spoken fellow.
NOTE: This notice was published in the Federal [Laughter] As a matter of fact, I've heard
Register on November 2. some of them say that he's a little rough on
the English language. [Laughter. Where
Letter to Congressional Leaders on have I heard that before? [Laughter]
Continuation of the National Conrad, I'm keeping good company. We
don't need a lot of doublespeak in Wash
Emergency With Respect to Sudan ington. I think somebody who speaks plainly
November 1, 2006 for the values of Montana is somebody you
need to send back as your United States Sen
Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:) atOr.
Section 202(d) of the National Emer Laura sends her love. See, Conrad and I
gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for married above ourselves. [Laughter] I’m
the automatic termination of a national emer
really proud to be here with Phyllis Burns.
gency unless, prior to the anniversary date Phyllis, thank you for coming. There's noth
of its declaration, the President publishes in ing better than having a First Lady that you
the Federal Register and transmits to the can be proud of. And I'm really º
Congress a notice stating that the emergency my First Lady, and I know you are as well.
is to continue in effect beyond the anniver She knows Phyllis and Conrad well, and she
sary date. In accordance with this provision, joins me in saying. For the good of this State
I have sent the enclosed notice to the Federal
and for the good of the United States, send
Register for publication, stating that the Conrad Burns back to Washington.
Sudan emergency is to continue in effect be I'm proud to be here with Denny Rehberg.
yond November 3, 2006. He's one of the strong Members of the
The crisis constituted by the actions and United States Congress. Given my age and
policies of the Government of Sudan that led Conrad's age, I guess you could say he's a
to the declaration of a national emergency young star. [Laughter] But I'm proud to be
on November 3, 1997, and the expansion of with Denny and Jan. I want to thank the sec
that emergency on April 26, 2006, has not retary of state, Brad Johnson, who is with
been resolved. These actions and policies are us. The former Governor, Judy Martz, is with
hostile to U.S. interests and pose a con us. I want to thank all the grassroots activists.
tinuing unusual and extraordinary threat to Here's what a grassroots activist is: A grass
the national security and foreign policy of the roots activist is somebody who is putting up
United States. Therefore, I have determined
the signs and making the phone calls and
that it is necessary to continue the national turning out the vote. I want to thank you
emergency and to maintain sanctions against in advance for what you're going to do in
these last days of the campaign—turn out the
Sincerely, vote and send this man back to Washington.
George W. Bush And I know you'll join me in sprinting to
the finish line. It's interesting what's hap
NoTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis pening in Washington, however. Some of
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, them are already measuring the drapes for
and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. their new offices. [Laughter] See, they think
1946 Nov. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

this election is over. They don't understand of the Senate, and it is one of the most impor
that the people of Montana haven't voted yet. tant issues at stake in this election.
Oh, we've been through this before. You When the people of Montana cast the bal
might remember 2004. Some of them were lot on Tuesday, your vote will determine
picking out their new offices in the West more than who represents you in the Mon
Wing. [Laughter] The movers never got the tana—from Montana in the Senate. It will
call. [Laughter] And the same thing is going also determine what kind of judges sit on
to happen on November the 7th. We will Federal courts all across the United States.
win the Senate, and we will win the House. At this moment, there are 50 vacancies on
And we're going to win these elections be the Federal bench, and it is vital to maintain
cause we understand the values and priorities a Republican Senate so we can confirm the
of the American people. We're going to win men and women I have nominated to fill
this election because our values and our pri those positions. Our record on appointing
orities do not shift because of the latest pub judges is clear. With the support of Senators
lic opinion poll. We're going to win because like Conrad Burns, we have confirmed good
we've got an optimistic and hopeful agenda. judges, solid thinkers to the district court, to
Let me tell you something about Conrad the circuit courts, and to the Supreme Court.
Burns. I've worked with him closely. He un America is better off because John Roberts
derstands that when the ag economy is and Sam Alito are now serving on the Su
strong, the national economy benefits. He preme Court of the United States. The peo
spends a lot of time talking to me about— ple of Montana have got to understand, a
saying, “Let’s get those foreign markets open vote for a Democrat Senator would be a vote
for Montana beef.” We worked together on against highly qualified judges like these. All
you have to do is look at the record. When
a good piece of farm legislation that's helped
Montana's farmers and ranchers. If I were the Democrats held the Senate, they denied
a farmer and rancher in this State, I’d want a hearing to over one-third of my nominees
to make sure this man is sent back to the for the Court of Appeals. When they lost the
United States Senate. majority in 2002, the Democrats didn't
We got a lot to do. We're going to continue change their tactics. They filibustered or op
to work to make sure this country is less de posed 19 of my nominees to the Court of
pendent on foreign oil. So we worked to Appeals.
gether to pass good energy legislation that They tried to use the same tactics when
supports conservation, expands domestic Sam Alito's Supreme Court nomination came
production, and invests in cutting-edge tech before the Senate. More than half of the Sen
nologies. You got a lot of coal in this State. ate Democrats voted to filibuster him. And
It's very important for us to be able to use when he finally did get a vote, 40 of the 44
your coal in environmentally friendly ways. Democrats voted no. If the Democrats had
That's why Conrad Burns promotes clean their way, this man would not be sitting on
coal technology. And we're also investing to the Supreme Court.
bring alternative sources of fuel like ethanol John Roberts had to overcome strong
and biodiesel to the markets quicker. Here's Democrat opposition in the Senate to make
what I want: I want Montana farmers grow it to the Federal bench. More than a decade
ing crops that fuel our automobiles so I can ago, another President Bush nominated John
tell the American people, we're less depend Roberts to serve on the DC Court of Ap
ent on oil from parts of the world where peo peals. A Democrat-controlled Senate denied
ple don't like us. him even a hearing. When I took office, I
And Senator Conrad Burns understands renominated him to that seat, and another
the importance of having good judges on the Democrat chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Federal bench. We believe that judges ought denied him a hearing. I think you're begin
to strictly interpret the law and not legislate ning to see the pattern. It was only after the
from the bench. Confirming Federal judges Republicans took the Senate back in 2002
is one of the most important responsibilities that John Roberts got his hearing and got
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 2 1947

his vote and was confirmed for the DC Cir The truth is, the tax cuts have led to a grow
cuit. And then I put him up for the Supreme ing economy that has added 6.6 million new
Court, and we confirmed him as Chief Jus jobs since August of 2003. The unemploy
tice last year. ment rate in the great State of Montana is
Now I want you to hear this loud and clear: 3.6 percent. Real wages are on the rise, and
If the Democrats controlled the Senate, John we cut the deficit in half 3 years ahead of
Roberts would not be the Chief Justice today. schedule. The tax cuts we passed are work
He'd still be waiting for the Democrats to In91.
give him a hearing for his seat on the Court #he Democrats are going to raise your
of Appeals. If the people of Montana want taxes. They got a record too; they just don't
good judges, judges who will not legislate want you to know about it. Interestingly
from the bench, judges like John Roberts and enough, the top Democrat leader in the
Sam Alito, you vote for Conrad Burns for House made this statement: She said, “We
the United States Senate. love tax cuts,” speaking about the Democrats.
Now, there's a lot of big issues facing the Well, given her record, she must be a secret
voters around the country. The two biggest admirer. [Laughter]
issues are these: Which party is going to keep She and her party voted against reducing
your taxes low and keep this economy grow the marriage penalty. They voted against cut
ing; and which party is going to take the nec ting taxes on small businesses. They voted
essary steps to protect you in this war on ter against lowering taxes for families with chil
ror? dren. They voted against reducing capital
First, let me talk about taxes. See, we have gains and income—dividends, taxes on divi
a philosophy—Conrad and Denny and I have dends and capital gains. They voted against
a philosophy: We believe that you know how getting rid of the death tax. They voted
to spend your money far better than the Fed against every single tax cut. Time and time
eral Government does. That stands in stark again, when the Democrats in Washington
contrast to the Democrats, who want to take had a opportunity to show their love for tax
more of your own money because they think cuts, they voted no. If that's their idea of
they can spend it better than you can spend love, I sure would hate to see what hate looks
it. like.
Audience members. Boo-o-o! Those House Democrats have got a lot of
The President. We believe that when you company in the Senate too. We cut taxes in
have more money in your pocket to save, in 2003; 46 of 48 Democrats voted against it.
vest, or spend, the economy benefits. The During the debate over tax cuts, one senior
difference between some of them in Wash Democrat in the Senate called our policies
ington and those on the stage here is, we insulting. See, there's a mindset; when you
don't just talk philosophy; we act. And so we get in that box, I want you to remember,
passed the largest tax cuts since Ronald there's a mindset amongst the Democrats:
Reagan was the President. We cut taxes for It's insulting for you to have more of your
everybody who pays income taxes. We dou own money. And others said the tax cuts were
bled the child tax credit. We reduced the the wrong prescription for our economy.
marriage penalty. We cut taxes on small busi When people in Montana get in that voting
nesses. We cut taxes on capital gains and divi booth, you remember what those tax cuts
dends to encourage investment and jobs. And have done for our economy. If they take con
to reward family farmers and small-business trol of the Senate and the Congress, they
owners for a lifetime of hard work, we put don't have to lift a finger to raise your taxes.
the death tax on the road to extinction. See, these tax cuts are set to expire. And their
We got a record to run on. You might re leaders have said they're going to let it expire.
member the debate in Washington—the And if those tax cuts expire, it means your
Democrats predicted the tax cuts would not taxes are going up.
create jobs; they predicted they would not Let me give you an example: If the child
increase wages; and they said the Federal tax credit were to go from $1,000 to $500
deficit would explode. Well, the facts are in. per child—which is what would happen if
1948 Nov. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
these tax cuts were not extended or made So our strategy is twofold. We're on the
permanent—those of you with children get offense overseas, and we're doing everything
to pay $500-a-child tax increases. So when we can to protect you here at home. And
you get home this evening, I want you to it's a tough task because the enemy only has
think about the Democrat plan for you. You to be right one time, and we have got to be
can go around the table and count the num right 100 percent of the time to do our most
ber of children that are eating dinner, and important job, which is to protect the Amer
you can multiple that by $500 a child. So ican people.
if you've got four children and it's 500 a And so that is why, after the enemy hit
child—the Democrats win, you're paying us, I worked to figure out ways to give the
$2,000 more in taxes. That may not seem like professionals on the frontline of protecting
a lot to the Democrats in Washington, DC, you the tools necessary to do so. There was
but Conrad and I know it's a lot, and that's a wall that prevented our intelligence folks
why we're going to keep your taxes low. from sharing information with law enforce
I want you to not fall prey to one other ment. In this different kind of war, we need
trick the Democrats like to say. They like to to have the best kind of intelligence so we
say, “Oh, we're just going to tax the rich; we'll can protect you. We need to know what the
only tax people who make a lot of money.” enemy is thinking so that we can do every
That's not how it works in Washington. Their thing we can to stop attacks.
spending appetite exceeds their capacity to We designed a piece of legislation that
raise taxes. You might remember 1992; they protects our citizens and protects our civil
went around the country saying, “Vote for liberties. It was called the PATRIOT Act.
us; we'll give the middle class a tax cut.” And this act—[applause]—and this vital law
Well, that middle class tax cut turned out has helped break up terror cells across the
to be one of the largest tax increases in the United States. It's an important piece of leg
history of the United States. When it comes islation. If you expect the President and the
to taxes, the Democrats are going to tax who professionals in Washington to do our jobs
ever they can find, and we're not going to and protect you, you must put people in the
let them because we're going to put Conrad Congress who will make sure we have the
Burns back in the United States Senate. tools to do so.
This election is taking place in an historic When it comes to this piece of legislation,
time for this country. When our children and the Senate Democrats wanted to have it both
grandchildren look back on this period, one ways. In the 2000–2001, the Senate passed
question will overwhelm all the rest: Did we this bill 98 to 1. But when the bill came up
do everything in our power to fight and win for renewal in 2005, the Senate Democrats
the war on terror? I wish I could report to filibustered it. In fact, the Senate leader
you that there wasn't a war, but there is. bragged, “We killed the PATRIOT Act.”
There's still an enemy that like—would like There's just a different mindset in Wash
to strike the United States. These people are ington amongst these people.
brutal. They have no conscience. They do The Democrat attempt to filibuster the
have an ideology. They believe exactly the PATRIOT Act follows an approach that
opposite of what we believe. We believe in might sound familiar. They voted for it, right
basic freedoms: freedom to worship; freedom . they voted against it. [Laughter] Well,
to dissent; freedom to speak. They do not thanks to Senators like Conrad Burns, we
believe in those freedoms. overcame their filibuster. And I signed this
And yet they have a plan that says they're important piece of legislation.
going to extend their vision as far as they I want to talk about two other measures,
can extend it. It's called a caliphate. You can two other steps I’ve taken to make sure that
not negotiate with these people. You cannot this Government of ours can protect you. If
hope for the best in dealing with these peo Al Qaida is making a phone call into the
ple. The best way to protect the American United States, or an affiliate of Al Qaida is
people is to find them and bring them to making a phone call into the United States,
justice before they hurt us again. we want to know why. We want to know why
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 2 1949

they're making a call into our country. So The President. We are on the offense
when we created—I sent this bill up to the against the enemy wherever we can find
House, Denny supported it; 90 percent of them. One of the important lessons of Sep
the Democrats voted against it. It hasn't tember the 11th, in this new kind of war,
made it to the Senate floor yet, but rest as America must take threats seriously before
sured, the folks there have a different atti they come to the homeland. It's important
tude about what it takes to protect you. I for the people of this State to understand
felt it was important in this different kind that lesson. In other words, when we see a
of war to understand what the enemy is threat, we just can no longer hope that
thinking. oceans will protect us. We can no longer
And so when we captured people off the hope for the best—that in order to protect
battlefield, I instructed the professionals at you, we must be on the offense. I saw a threat
the Central Intelligence Agency to interro in Saddam Hussein. Members of both polit
gate them. We picked up a man named ical parties saw a threat in Saddam Hussein.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—let me tell you The United Nations saw a threat in Saddam
about him. Our intelligence folks thinks he Hussein. I made the right decision to take
was the mastermind of the September the Saddam Hussein from power.
11th attacks. He's the person that organized And now Iraq is the central front in the
and ordered the attacks. When we picked war on terror. See, this is a global war. It
him up, I felt it was important, in order to is being fought on a variety of fronts. And
protect you, that we found out what he knew. Iraq is now the central front in this war. Oh,
See, if he was the mastermind of one attack, I hear them in Washington all the time say
he might be masterminding another attack, ing, Iraq is just a distraction from the war
and therefore it made sense—if our most im on terror. I don't believe it's a distraction.
portant job is to protect you—to find out Our troops know it is not a distraction in the
what he knew.
war on terror. And guess who else doesn't
This bill came on the Senate floor. Conrad think it's a distraction? Usama bin Laden. He
Burns strongly supported. Seventy percent of has called Iraq the third world war. He says
the Senate Democrats voted against it. that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will
Audience members. Boo-o-o!
mean America's defeat and disgrace forever.
The President. On all these vital meas I want you to listen to the words of a Dem
ures—measures necessary to fight and win ocrat leader in Washington about Iraq, just
the war on terror—the Democrats in Wash
to give you a sense of the difference of opin
ington have followed a simple philosophy: ion, a different mindset: “The President says
Just say no. When it comes to listening on that fighting them makes—fighting them
to the terrorist—listening to the terrorists, there makes it less likely we'll have to fight
what's the Democrats' answer? Just say no. them there.” That's exactly what I said. I said
When it comes to detaining terrorists, what's it then; I'm going to keep saying it because
the Democrats' answer?
it's true. “The opposite is true,” this lady
Audience members. Just say no! went on to say, “Because we're fighting them
The President. When it came time to
there, it may be more likely that we will have
renew the PATRIOT Act, what was the to fight them here.” I want to remind the
Democrats' answer?
Democrats that you do not create terrorism
Audience members. Just say no! by fighting terrorists.
The President. When it comes time to
Our troops were not in Iraq when the ter
questioning the terrorists, what's the Demo rorists first hit the Trade Center in 1993. Our
crats' answer?
troops were not in Iraq when they attacked
Audience members. Just say no! in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole.
The President. And so when the Demo And our troops were not in Iraq on Sep
crats ask for your vote on November the 7th, tember the 11th, 2001, when they killed
what's your answer? nearly 3,000 people. The best way to protect
Audience members. No! you is, when we find a terrorist, is to bring
1950 Nov. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

them to justice. And that's exactly what we're have no idea how to win. Harsh criticism is
going to continue to do. not a plan for victory. [Laughter] Leading
We have a plan for victory in Iraq. I'm Democrats argue we ought to pull our troops
not going to leave our troops there unless off the battlefield right now. Others suggest
I can tell you we're going to win. And our we ought to withdraw at a-on a specific
plan for victory is an Iraq that can govern date, even though the job may not have been
itself, sustain itself, and defend itself and finished. Others recommend moving our
serve as an ally in the war on terror. And troops to an island some 5,000 miles away.
no question about it, the fighting in Iraq is These are serious leaders making these kinds
tough. It's tough because we face a brutal of suggestions.
enemy that is willing to kill innocent men, Nineteen House Democrats introduced
women, and children in order to achieve legislation that would cut off funds for our
their objective. And their objective is to troops in Iraq. Last week, one of Conrad's
shake the will of the United States. Their ob colleagues, a Democrat Senator, explained
jective is to get enough carnage on the TV her party's positions this way: “We haven't
screens so that we withdraw before the job coalesced around a single plan, but we're in
is done. I've got a message to the terrorists: general agreement on the basic principles.”
America does not flee in the face of thugs She's right; they're in agreement that we
and assassins. ought to leave Iraq before the job is done.
Our military is constantly adjusting to tac I'm not saying these people are unpatriotic;
tics necessary to stay ahead of the enemy. I'm saying they're . You can't win a war
When the enemy makes a decision, we move. unless you're willing to fight the war.
And our troops are performing brilliantly in Retreat from Iraq before the job is done
combat. No matter what your opinion is would embolden the enemy. It would make
about my decision to go into Iraq, America this country more vulnerable to attacks. This
needs to support the men and women who is a different kind of war. In this war, if we
wear our uniform. And I know the people leave early, if we leave before the job is done,
of Montana can count on Conrad Burns to the enemy will follow us here. If we leave
make sure our troops have all that is nec Iraq before the job is done, it would enable
essary to do the jobs I've asked them to do. these extremists and radicals to be able to
Our troops are brave, and so are the Iraqis. recruit. If we leave before the job is done,
They've been suffering unspeakable violence, it would embolden the extremists and it
yet they are dedicated to having a govern would dishonor the sacrifice of the men and
ment of and by and for the people. It's easy women who have worn the uniform of the
to forget, but nearly 12 million people went United States of America.
to the polls to defy car bombers and assassins The consequences of retreat from Iraq
and said, “We want to live in a free society.” would be felt for generations. The enemy has
I was pleasantly pleased, but I wasn't sur said that they want to drive us out of Iraq
prised, because I believe freedom is uni because they want to establish safe haven,
versal. I believe there's an Almighty, and I because they believe they can topple mod
believe in the heart of every soul is the desire erate governments. I want you to envision
to be free. a world in which extremists battle for power,
So we'll help this Government politically; in which moderate governments have been
we'll help them economically; and we'll help toppled, in which these radicals are then ca
train their security forces so they can take pable of using oil to extract blackmail from
the fight to the enemy. And we'll succeed. the West.
The only way we can fail is if we leave before Couple all that with a country with a nu
the job is done. And that's exactly what the clear weapon that can't stand America, and
Democrats want to do. a generation of Americans will say, “What
You know, imagine this: We're in the mid happened in 2006? How come the leaders
dle of a war on terror, and one of the mostcouldn't see the impending dangers? Where
fundamental fights is in Iraq, and yet the were they when the warning signs were evi
Democrats have no plan for victory. They dent?” I want you to understand, I see the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 2 1951

impending danger. That is why we will sup See, we're talking about the fact that Japan
port our troops; that is why we will fight the had 1,000 troops in Iraq. Prime Minister
enemy; and that's why we will win in Iraq. Koizumi understands what I know: In this
Victory in Iraq will be a blow to the terror ideological struggle of moderation versus ex
ists and the extremists and the radicals. Vic tremism, when you find a young democracy,
tory will say to those in the Middle East who you support that democracy. We talked about
long for peace, you've got a friend in Amer working to end the scourge of HIV/AIDS on
ica. Victory will make Iraq an ally in the war the continent of Africa—understanding, to
on terror. Victory will say to young democ whom much is given, much is required. We
racies, we're willing to stand with you. You were talking about the North Korean and
see, we not only got great assets in our mili how we must work together to convince him
tary; we got a fantastic asset in the power to give up his nuclear weapons.
of liberty. Something happened between World War
I want to share a story with you before II and talking about the peace: Japan adopted
we—before I unleash you to go turn out the a Japanese-style democracy. The lesson of
vote. [Laughter] It's a story of my recent trip history is, liberty has got the capacity to con
to Elvis's place. You might have heard about vert an enemy into an ally. Liberty has got
that. I went down there with then-sitting the capacity to turn regions of despair into
Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan. regions of hope. Freedom is universal. Peo
People said, “Well, why did you go to ple desire to be free, and the more people
Elvis's place?" Well, one, I had never been that become free, the more likely it is our
down there. And Laura was kind of [laugh children will live in peace.
ter)—pushing me. She said, it's about time Someday, duly elected leaders from the
we took a family vacation. [Laughter] Sec Middle East will be talking about keeping
ondly, Prime Minister Koizumi wanted to go the peace with an American President, and
to Elvis's place. He's a big believer in—he generations of Americans will be better off
loved Elvis, in other words.
for it. And that's why I say these are historic
But I also wanted to tell a story, and it's times. In the election—the differences of
a story that many of you share here, too, be opinion in this election are clear. If you want
cause you had a relative, just like I did, that your taxes to go up, just go ahead and vote
fought the Japanese. World War II came Democrat. If you want your taxes to stay low
about; the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Har so this economy continue to grow and create
bor. In Pearl Harbor, we lost fewer people opportunity, elect Conrad Burns to the
than we did at the World Trade Center and
United States Senate. If you want this coun
in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and at the Pen
tagon. But it was an attack on the homeland. try to do everything in its power to protect
Thousands of young Americans volun the American people, to stay on the offense
teered—just like happening today, by the against an enemy, and at the same time, cre
ate the conditions for lasting peace, you vote
for Conrad Burns for the United States Sen
One of those volunteers was George H.W.
Bush, Navy fighter pilot. And he, like a lot ate. And while you're in there, make sure
of other youngsters, fought hard against the Denny goes back to Washington too.
Japanese. Thousands and thousands died. It So my call for our fellow citizens is to leave
was a bloody war. I find it very interesting the hall, find our fellow Republicans, and tell
that on the plane down to Elvis's place, I them we have a duty to vote; find discerning
was talking about keeping the peace with the Democrats, and remind them about the
Prime Minister of the former enemy. Some stakes; find discerning independents, and tell
thing happened between my dad's being in them what's at stake in this election. Work
the Navy and your relatives being in the mili hard between now and election day. Turn
tary fighting the Japanese, and in 2006, the out the vote, and Conrad Burns will be re
President of the United States talking about elected for the United States Senate.
the peace. God Bless.
Nov. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:27 a.m. at the I want to thank the Elko High School
MetraPark Arena. In his remarks, he referred to Band. Let me ask you something. You're not
Janice Rehberg, wife of Representative Rehberg; skipping school, are you? (Laughter] You
former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq: Usama are? Well, I'm glad to provide a convenient
bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organi
zation; former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi excuse. [Laughter] If you're 18, just remem
of Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of North ber who got you out of school today—[laugh
Korea. ter]—and vote for who I ask you to vote for.
If not, get a substitute for you in the polls—
[laughter]—like mom or dad, brother or
Remarks at a Nevada Victory 2006 neighbor. Because see, we're here talking
Rally in Elko, Nevada about an election that is 5 days away.
By the way, in Washington, some of them
November 2, 2006 are already measuring the drapes in their
The President. Thanks for coming. I ap
new offices. |...}
Audience members. Boo-o-o!
preciate the warm welcome. It is nice to be
The President. The pundits have already
in a part of the country where the cowboy got it figured out what's going to happen on
hats outnumber the ties. I can't thank you election day, even before the people of Ne
enough for coming out to say hello. vada vote.
And I'm proud to be here with three peo Audience members. Boo-o-o!
ple who I know you're going to make sure The President. Oh, I’m used to that kind
win elections, starting with a fine United of stuff. I know you are. You might remem
States Senator in John Ensign. His family set ber 2004. They were already picking out their
tled in Nevada 100 years ago, so it's safe to offices in the West Wing. [Laughter Except
say he's got Nevada in his blood. I'm proud
to be here with the next Congressman from
things turned a little #. and they
didn't need the movers. And the same thing
this congressional district, Dean Heller. And is going to happen this November 7th. When
finally, I'm pleased to be up here with the you turn out the vote, we're going to hold
current Governor, my friend Kenny Guinn, the House and hold the Senate, and America
and the future Governor, Congressman Jim is going to be better off for it.
We're going to win these elections because
Laura sends her best. I wish she were here Republicans understand the values and the
in Elko with me. We were both raised in priorities of the American people. The other
a part of the world that's kind of like this, thing about Republicans is, our values and
except the land was flat. [Laughter] But the our priorities do not shift because of the lat
people were warm. Down-to-earth, com est poll or focus group. We got a record to
monsense people live right here. And that's run on. See, we've done a lot to raise stand
the kind of people we need in Washington, ards and accountability in public schools so
DC. We've got plenty of highfliers over no child is left behind. We're working to re
there; what we need is down-to-earth, com duce this country's dependence on foreign
monsense people like John Ensign and Dean oil. We're working to make sure Americans
Heller. have quality health care and that our seniors
I want to thank State Senator Bill Raggio have got affordable prescription drugs. We're
for joining us today. I appreciate your mayor, providing compassionate care for America's
Mayor Mike Franzoia. Thank you, Mac. veterans. You don't have to educate this polit
Good to see you again. I go over to Reno, ical party about what it's like to be a rancher
to do an event—and I get off Air Force One, or a farmer or a hunter. With John Ensign
and guess who's at the foot of Air Force One, in the Senate and Dean Heller in the House
your mayor. He welcomed me in Reno, and and Jim Gibbons in the Governor's office,
he's welcomed me here to Elko. Mr. Mayor, the lives of your fellow citizens are going to
thank you very much. I appreciate you and improve.
Anita being here today. I'm proud to be with And I want to thank you for coming out
you. and giving me a chance to tell you what's
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 2 1953

on my mind. One of the biggest threats to good, sound, conservative judges who will
the values we share is activist judges. John not legislate from the bench, you send Re
Ensign understands what I know, that a good publicans back to the United States Senate.
judiciary is one in which we've got judges I want to talk about two other issues that
who strictly interpret the law and not legis divide us, two issues that clearly show the
late from the bench. difference between how we think and how
So when you cast your ballot on Tuesday, the other bunch thinks. And the first issue
your vote will determine more than who rep I want to talk about are taxes, and the second
resents Nevada in the United States Senate. issue I'm going to talk to you about is who
It will also determine what kind of judges best to protect you from an enemy that wants
sit on Federal benches around the United to hurt us again.
States. At this moment, there are about 50 First let me talk about taxes. Here's what
vacancies on the Federal bench, and so it's those of us on this stage think. We think you
vital to maintain a Republican Senate so we can spend your money far better than the
can confirm the men and women I have Federal Government can. Make no mistake
nominated. about it, the Democrats in Washington think
Our record on judges is clear. With the they can spend your money better than you
support of Senators like John Ensign, we can. And that's why if they get control of the
have confirmed good judges to the district House and Senate, they're going to run up
courts, the circuit courts, and the Supreme your taxes.
Court. And this country is better off with Audience members. Boo-o-o!
John Roberts and Sam Alito as members of The President. Over the past 5 years, we
the United States Supreme Court. have done more than just talk philosophy.
A vote for a Democrat Senator in this State People of Elko, Nevada, want more than phi
or in any State in which there's a senatorial losophers in Washington, DC. You want
election is a vote against highly qualified doers. When I campaigned in this State in
judges like these. All you have to do is look 2000, I said, if you give me a chance to be
at the records. When the Democrats held the your President, I'd work with the Congress
Senate, they denied hearings to one-third of to cut your taxes, and that's exactly what
my nominees to the court of appeals. See, we've done. We delivered the largest tax cut
they've got a record. You can rest assured since Ronald Reagan was the President of
what's going to happen if the Democrats take the United States.
over the Senate. When they lost the majority We cut taxes on everybody who pays in
in 2002, they changed their tactics. Instead come taxes. We doubled the child tax credit.
of not giving them hearings, they just simply We reduced the marriage penalty. We cut
filibustered them. They tried the same tactics taxes on small businesses. We cut taxes on
when Sam Alito's Supreme Court nomination capital gains and dividends. And we put the
came before the Senate. More than half of death tax on the road to extinction.
Senate Democrats voted to filibuster him. All you remember the debate where
When he finally got his vote, 44 Democrats Democrats in Washington predicted the tax
voted no. Thankfully, we had a Senator like cuts wouldn't create jobs, wouldn't increase
John Ensign representing Nevada, who un wages, and would cause the deficit to ex
derstands a good judge when he sees one. plode. Well, the facts are in. The truth is,
The same thing happened to John Roberts. the tax cuts have led to a growing economy
When I nominated him for the DC Circuit, that has added 6.6 million new jobs since Au
it took—he had been denied a hearing when gust of 2003. The people in this State are
another President Bush named him. So he working, and real wages are on the rise, and
finally got his name up; he got in; and then we cut the deficit in half 3 years ahead of
the Senate finally º him. I will just schedule.
tell you this: If the Senate were controlled Cutting taxes works. The amazing thing is,
by Democrats, John Roberts would still be in spite of the record, the Democrats are
waiting for a hearing. There's a fundamental going to raise your taxes. No, I know they
difference in this campaign. If you want don't want you to know it. As a matter of
1954 Nov. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

fact, the top Democrat in the House made around the table this evening, count the
an interesting declaration the other day. She number of children—[laughter]—and mul
said, “We love tax cuts.” Well, given her tiply by 500. So if you've got four children,
record, she must be a secret admirer. your taxes are going to go up four times 500,
[Laughter] She and her party voted against which is 2,000. Now, that may not seem like
reducing the marriage penalty, against cut a lot to Democrats in Washington, DC, but
ting taxes on small businesses, against low it seems like a lot to those of us on this stage.
ering taxes for families with children, against That's why you're going to get Dean Heller
reducing the taxes on capital gains and divi and John Ensign back to Washington, and
dends, and against getting rid of the death we're going to keep your taxes low.
tax. Time and time again, when she and the This election is taking place at an historic
Democrat party had a chance to show their time for this country. When our children and
love—[laughter)—they voted no. [Laughter] grandchildren look back on this period, one
If that's their idea of love, I sure would question will overwhelm all the rest: Did we
hate—I’d hate to see what hate looks like. do everything in our power to fight and win
[Laughter] the war on terror? That's the fundamental
And by the way, this attitude doesn't ex question facing this country right now.
tend just to the House. John Ensign will tell We face an enemy that's brutal. I wish I
you that the Senate—46 Members of the 48 could tell you we weren't at war, but we are.
Members of the Democrat Senate voted I think about this every day. I understand
against the tax cuts we passed. Now, let me there's an enemy that wants to attack us, and
tell you how it's going to work. If we don't the most important responsibility I have and
have people in the Congress like Dean and the most important responsibility people
John Ensign, who are willing to extend the elected to Government in Washington have
tax cuts or make them permanent, your taxes is to protect you. It is the fundamental re
are going up. sponsibility of the Federal Government, and
Audience member. Make them perma we face an enemy that's brutal. They have
nent. no conscience; they kill to achieve ideological
The President. I agree. [Laughter] That goals.
man knows what he's talking about over They have an ideology. It's an ideology
there. [Laughter. He said, make it perma based upon hate. They do not believe in free
nent. There way be won't ſtape?] any doubt dom. They don't believe in freedom to wor
about it. But, see, they asked the man who ship. They don't believe in freedom to speak.
wants to be the top tax man in the Congress, They don't believe in freedom of dissent.
the Democrat, “Would you extend any of the They don't believe in freedom for women.
tax cuts?” He said, “Not a one.” That's what's We believe in the exact opposite, and that's
at stake in this election. why they consider us their enemy. And be
See, when you have the top tax man, the cause we're not going to change, they will
head of the Ways and Means Committee to continue to try to inflict damage on the
be, say they're not going to extend any tax American people.
cuts, that's code for, your taxes are going to Let me tell you, my most important job
go up. That's exactly what's going to happen. is to protect you at home. We got to be right
That's why we've got to put Dean Heller in 100 percent of the time to do so, and the
the United States Congress. enemy only has to be right one time, and
Let me give you an example of what I'm that's the challenge. And so after 9/11, I de
talking about. You might remember, we cided to review all the tools available for our
raised the child tax credit from $500 a child professionals, and if they didn't have them,
to $1,000 a child. Those of you with children let them have them so they can protect you.
understand what I'm talking about, particu See, this is a different kind of war. In old
larly when it came time to fill out your tax times, you could measure progress based
form. If those tax cuts are allowed to expire, upon territories seized or the number of air
just like the Democrats want, your taxes go planes shot down or the number of ships
up by $500 a child. So when you're sitting sunk. In this kind of war, in order to protect
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 2 1955

you, we got to know what the enemy is think termind of the September the 11th attacks.
ing. We've got to know what's on their mind, And when we had him in our custody, I ap
and we've got to make sure our professionals proved of a CIA program to question him.
have got the capacity to be able to protect I tell you why I did it. If he had knowledge
you. of the September the 11th attacks, we need
And so I saw walls that prevented the intel ed to know if he had knowledge of another
ligence folks from sharing information with attack.
the law enforcement people. I know that it's Audience members. Yes!
hard for you to believe. But that's what had The President. Our most important job
happened over time. And so you had a pro is to protect you from attack. This capacity
fessional say, “I know something that the to detain these terrorists and question them
enemy is thinking,” but you couldn't give it came up in front of the House and the Sen
to law enforcement. And that's why I asked ate. The vast majority of Democrats voted
the Congress to pass the PATRIOT Act, against giving us the tools necessary to pro
which tore down the wall and, at the same tect you.
time, protected your civil liberties. In all these vital measures for protecting
Right after 9/11, the Senate voted 98 to you in this war on terror, the Democrats in
1 to put the law in place. However, when Washington follow a simple philosophy: Just
it came up for renewal in 2005, they filibus say no. [Laughter
tered. As a matter of fact, your Senator— When it comes to listening on the terror
not this one, but the other one—[laughter]— ists, what's the Democrats' answer: Just say
bragged, “We killed the PATRIOT Act.” InO.
Audience members. Boo-o-o!
When it comes to detaining terrorists,
The President. That's what he said, “We what's the Democrats' answer?
killed the PATRIOT Act.” Well fortunately, Audience members. Just say no!
they didn't kill the PATRIOT Act. I was able The President. Yes, when it comes to
to sign it into law. Most of the House Demo questioning terrorists, what's the Democrats'
crats voted against the bill. And so you had answer?
a Senate bragging, we tried to kill it—a lead
ing Democrat. You can get a sense that Audience members. Just say no!
there's a difference of opinion. The President. When it comes to tryin
the terrorists, what the Democrats' answer:
When I found out that we had the capacity
to listen to phone calls on Al Qaida and affili Audience members. Just say no!
ates that they're making inside the country, The President. When it comes to trying
I said, “Let’s do that.” In this new kind of the terrorists, what's the Democrats' answer?
war, if Al Qaida is making that phone call Audience members. Just say no!
in the country, we want to know why, in The President. So when the Democrats
order to be able to protect you. Ninety per ask you for their vote on November the 7th,
cent of the House Democrats voted against what's your answer?
that bill. Audience members. Just say no!
Audience members. Boo-o-o! The President. John Ensign and Dean
The President. See, there's just a dif Heller will make sure the professionals have
ferent mindset. The people in Elko, Nevada, the tools necessary to do their jobs to protect
have got to understand that the people—a you. The best way to protect you, however,
lot of people in Washington, particularly the is to go on the offense and defeat the enemy
Democrats, don't share the same point of overseas so we do not have to face them here
view we do when it comes time to protecting at home.
We're picking a lot of these people up off One of the lessons of September the 11th
is, when this Nation sees a threat, we must
the battlefield, and I think it's important for take it seriously before it comes home to
us to know what they know. See, we picked haunt us. When we see a threat, you just can't
up a man named Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; ignore it anymore. If you see something that's
the intelligence folks think he was the mas brewing out there, we're going to have to
1956 Nov. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
deal with it. I saw a threat in Saddam Hus if I didn't believe we could succeed the mis
sein; members of both political parties saw sion, I'd pull them out. But I know we can
the same threat in Saddam Hussein; the succeed, and success is a government that
United Nations saw the threat in Saddam can defend itself and govern itself and sustain
Hussein. Getting rid of Saddam Hussein was itself—a new democracy in Iraq, in the heart
the right decision. .* of the Middle East.
And now Iraq is the central front in this But this is a tough fight. This is a tough
war on terror. See, we're in a global conflict. fight because the enemy understands the
If the goal is to defeat the enemy overseas stakes. This is a tough fight because we face
so we don't have to face them here, we con an enemy that kills innocent people in order
front the enemy where we find them. And to achieve their objective. This is a tough
the central front of this global war is Iraq. fight because the enemy knows when they
Oh, there's all kinds of opinions in Wash get images of carnage on our television
ington about this. The predominant opinion screens, it causes some Americans to wonder
amongst the Democrats is, Iraq is a distrac
whether it's worth it. But they don't under
tion from the war on terror. They just stand this administration, and the enemy
couldn't be more wrong. doesn't understand our country. We will
But don't take my word for it. Take the never run from thugs and assassins.
word of Usama bin Laden. He calls this fight And we've got a plan to defeat them. Our
the third world war. Usama bin Laden has
commanders are constantly adjusting our tac
said that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will tics on the ground. We're staying ahead of
mean America's defeat and disgrace forever.
Or listen to the words of leading Demo the enemy. We're inflicting damage. And at
crats in Washington. Here is what one the same time, we're helping this young Iraqi
woman said. She said, “The President says democracy succeed. We've got tremendous
that fighting them there makes it less likely stuff going for us, starting with the finest
we'll have to fight them here"—that's exactly United States military ever assembled.
what I say. She said, “The opposite is true. And whether or not you agree with my de
Because we're fighting them there, it may cision to go into Iraq, all Americans owe a
become more likely that we have to fight debt of gratitude for the men and women
them here.” who wear the uniform of our military. And
Audience members. Boo-o-o! I know Dean and Ensign will join me in mak
The President. You do not create ter ing sure they have all the equipment and all
rorism by fighting the terrorists. Iraq is not the support necessary to do the jobs that I
the reason the terrorists are at war with us. have asked them to do.
I would remind that Democrat that we were We've got—also got something. We've got
not in Iraq when the terrorists struck the brave Iraqis who want to succeed. These peo
World Trade Center in 1993; we were not ple have suffered unspeakable violence. And
in Iraq when they blew up the Embassies yet they want a government of and by and
in Kenya and Tanzania; we were not in Iraq for the people. Remember, it was 12 million
when they blew up the USS Cole; and we people—nearly 12 million people defied the
were not in Iraq on September the 11th, car bombers and assassins to make a declara
2001, when they killed nearly 3,000 of our tion, they want to be free. I was pleased with
citizens. the results, but I wasn't surprised. I'll tell
The best way to protect the American peo you why. One, I believe in an Almighty. Two,
ple is to stay on the offense and bring these I believe a great gift of the Almighty is free
terrorists to justice before they hurt us again. dom. Three, I believe freedom is universal.
Our goal in Iraq is victory. If I didn't think So we'll help-we'll help them on the po
we could win in Iraq, I wouldn't have our litical front. We'll help their economy grow,
sons and daughters there. and we'll train Iraqi troops and Iraqi police
The mothers and fathers of our troops so they can take the fight. And that's what's
have got to understand that the cause is noble happening. Matter of fact, the only way we
and just, and the sacrifice is important. And can lose is if we leave before the job is done.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 2 1957

Oh, I’ve heard the Democrats. I’m sure from which to launch further attacks—a safe
you have too. If you listen for their plan on haven like that which they had in Afghani
Iraq, they don't have one. On this crucial stan, where they trained thousands of killers
issue facing the country, they don't have a and plot—and planned the attacks of Sep
plan for victory. And I want to remind our tember the 11th. They have made it clear
fellow citizens, harsh criticism and second they want to topple moderate governments
guessing is not a plan. in the Middle East. They've made it clear
Oh, they've got some ideas. Some of their that they would like to use oil as an economic
leaders say we ought to pull out right now. weapon against countries which stand against
Others suggest we withdraw on a specific them.
date, even though the job might not be done. Now you can imagine all that with a nation
One of the House leaders, Democrat House that doesn't like America with a nuclear
leaders said, why don't we move the troops weapon. And 20 or 30 years from now, peo
to an island 5,000 miles away. [Laughter] ple will look back at this period of time, and
Nineteen House Democrats said they're they'll ask, “What happened to those folks
going to cut off the funds for our troops in in 2006? How come they couldn't see the
Iraq. One of John Ensign's fellow Senators, impending danger for a generation of Ameri
a Democrat lady, she said, “We haven't coa cans? What in the world clouded their vision
lesced around a single plan, but we're in gen to the threats that the free world would
eral agreement on the basic principles.” She's face?”
right; they're in general agreement about I'm going to tell you something. I see the
this: Get out of Iraq before the job is done, threat. I understand the consequences of re
is what their message is. I'm not saying these treat. I understand what will happen if Amer
people are unpatriotic; I'm saying they're ica tries to isolate ourselves off from the
wrong. problems of the world, and that is why we
You can't win a war if you're unwilling to will support our troops. We will stand, and
fight the war. Retreat from Iraq before the we will fight in Iraq, and we will win.
job is done would embolden the enemy and And a victory will be a blow to these ex
make this country more vulnerable. Unlike tremists and radicals. A victory will say to
other wars we have fought, this one is dif rational, moderate people, we hear your cries
ferent. If we leave Iraq before the job is for a peaceful life. A victory will mean we'll
done, the enemy will follow us here. Leaving have allies in the war on terror. A victory
Iraq before the job is done would provide will prevent them from spreading their rad
a tremendous propaganda boost for these ical view across the Middle East.
killers, which would enable them to recruit You know, we've got a lot going for us.
more. Leaving before the job was done We got great courage. We've got a fantastic
would dash the hopes of millions of people country and a great military. We got some
who simply want to live in peace, millions thing else going for us, and that is the power
of people in the Middle East who hunger of liberty. I want to share a quick story with
for something other than their extremist and you. It's the story about Prime Minister
radical agenda. And leaving before the job Koizumi, who was sitting Prime Minister at
is done would dishonor the sacrifice of the the time, and my trip to Elvis's place.
men and women who wear our uniform. And [Laughter] See, I went down to Memphis
that is why we'll win in Iraq. with the Prime Minister of Japan. People say,
I want to tell you something. If we leave “Why did you go to Elvis's place?" Well,
before the job is done in Iraq, the con Laura and I hadn't been on a trip for
sequences of that decision will be felt for awhile—[laughter—and Prime Minister
generations. Our enemies have made it clear Koizumi wanted to go to Elvis's place. He
that they believe we don't have the stomach liked Elvis. Like probably some of you, he
for the fight, and that it's just a matter of thought Elvis was cool. [Laughter]
time before we abandon our commitments. But I also wanted to tell a story. I wanted
And that's something they want us to do be to tell a story to generations of Americans
cause they need to establish new safe haven who really haven't thought much about the
1958 Nov. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

consequences of World War II. See, like your fellow Republicans and discerning Demo
relatives, my dad joined the Navy after our crats and wise independents, and tell them
country was attacked. That's what's hap we have an obligation to vote, and make sure
pening today, by the way. Thousands of they clearly understand the stakes. If you
young Americans have joined the military; want your taxes low, if you want more money
many have reenlisted; a lot are continuing in your pocket so you can save, spend, or
to join, because they understand the Nation invest, vote for John Ensign and Dean Hell
was under attack. er.

Same thing happened in the forties. And Remind them that we're at war. And if you
like your relatives and my dad, thousands want your Government to do everything in
fought—thousands died in a bloody conflict. our power to protect you and to stay on the
I think it's—found it really interesting when offense and to lay the foundation of peace
I was flying on Air Force One to Memphis, for generations to come, you vote for Dean
talking to the Prime Minister of the former Heller and you vote for John Ensign.
enemy about keeping the peace. See, we I can't wait to tell Laura how much fun
were talking about North Korea, how we can it was to come to Elko. You got beautiful
work together to make sure the Korean Pe country here, and you got great people. And
ninsula is nuclear-weapons free. We were it's my honor to be with you.
talking about the fact that Japan has 1,000 God bless you, and God bless the United
troops in Iraq. See, the Prime Minister States.
knows what I know, that when you find a
young democracy that's willing to reject ex NOTE: The President spoke at 1:35 p.m. at the
tremists and radicals, it's in our interest, it's Elko Regional Airport. In his remarks, he referred
in our mutual interests as free societies to
to Mayor Michael J. Franzoia of Elko, NV, and
support societies based upon liberty. We his wife, Anita; former President Saddam Hussein
talked about the scourge of HIV/AIDS on of Iraq; Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida
the continent of Africa, and why our nations terrorist organization; and former Prime Minister
ought to be involved with helping to eradi Junichiro Koizumi of Japan.
cate that pandemic. To whom much is given,
much is required. See, that's what we were Proclamation 8081—World Freedom
talking about, the peace.
Isn't it interesting? My dad fought the Jap Day, 2006
anese, and his son is talking about keeping November 2, 2006
the peace. Something happened. What hap
pened was, Japan adopted a Japanese-style By the President of the United States
democracy. The lesson is, liberty has got the of America
capacity to transform enemies into allies.
A Proclamation
Liberty has got the capacity to transform a
region of hopelessness and despair into a re On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall was
gion of light and optimism. The best way to torn down by the desire of a people to be
defeat this enemy in the long run is to deny free. On World Freedom Day, we com
them the recruiting tools and recruitments memorate this historic event and reflect on
made possible by resentment and hatred. liberty's power to change lives and raise soci
Liberty is a powerful force. eties.
Someday, elected officials in the United After decades of oppression, the fall of the
States will be sitting down with duly elected Berlin Wall brought the light of liberty to
leaders in the Middle East talking about how the people of East Berlin, and the events that
to keep the peace, and a generation of Amer followed set the course for a new era of free
icans is going to be better off for it. dom in Germany and in much of Central and
The stakes are high in the election. And Eastern Europe. Today, we again face an ide
I thank you for giving me a chance to come ological struggle with the enemies of free
and visit with you and talk about the stakes. dom, democracy, and moderation. In this
And I ask you to go—go from here and find struggle, America will continue to stand with
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1959

those who seek to build societies where peo know him. He's effective. He's a leader. He
ple live in freedom and at peace with each does not need to take a political opinion poll
other and the world. to tell him where to stand. I want to thank
The collapse of the Berlin Wall dem you for supporting him, and I urge you to
onstrated that when liberty flourishes, na turn out the vote for Jim Talent. Jim's elec
tions become more tolerant, hopeful, and se tion will be good for Missouri, and it will
cure. On World Freedom Day, we celebrate be good for the United States of America.
the power of freedom and democracy. We I not only feel that way in my family; so
are also reminded that free countries have does Laura. She sends her love to our friends
the responsibility to work together to protect here in Missouri. She sends her support to
the fundamental rights of all people and help the Talents, and she, like me, urges you to
others realize the blessings of liberty. get out and vote on November the 7th.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, I'm proud to be here with Brenda Talent
President of the United States of America, and their daughter, Chrissy. I don't know if
by virtue of the authority vested in me by you know much about the Talent family, but
the Constitution and laws of the United this man puts his family first. He just doesn't
States, do hereby proclaim November 9, talk family values; he lives family values. And
2006, as World Freedom Day. I call upon that's the kind of Senator you need from the
the people of the United States to observe State of Missouri.
this day with appropriate ceremonies and ac I'm proud to be here with the Governor,
tivities, reaffirming our dedication to free this boy's son—that boy's son. Where is the
dom and democracy. Governor? Blunt—how you doing, Blunt?
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set Governor Matt Blunt. It looks like it's—[ap
my hand this second day of November, in plause]. People from this part of the world
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and know how to find and elect and nourish good
of the Independence of the United States of public servants. You not only nourished one
America the two hundred and thirty-first. Blunt; you nourished another Blunt. I'm
George W. Bush proud to be up here with the majority whip
of the United States Congress, Congressman
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Roy Blunt.
8:45 a.m., November 6, 2006] I want to thank an effective Senator for

NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the joining us today. He's the senior Senator
Federal Register on November 7. from Missouri. He doesn't like me to empha
size the senior part. He is—[laughter]—he
likes—he, like Jim Talent, every time I'm
Remarks at a Missouri Victory 2006 around him, talk about one thing, what's
Rally in Springfield, Missouri good for Missouri—and that's Senator Kit
November 3, 2006
I want to thank the Lieutenant Governor,
The President. Thank you all. Thanks for Peter Kinder, for joining us. I appreciate all
coming. Thank you for the warm welcome. the elected officials. I want to thank all the
It's good to be back here in southwest Mis grassroots activists who are here. Grassroots
souri. This isn't my first time here. It's not activists are those who put up the signs, those
going to be my last time here, either. The who make the phone calls, those who turn
reason why is, I like the people from this out the vote. When Jim Talent wins, it's going
part of the world. Good, down-to-earth, com to be because he's a man of character, be
monsense people live in southwest Missouri. cause he's got good ideas, and because you're
And that's the kind of Senator you need in going to help turn out the vote to get him
Washington, DC, from this State—good and elected on November the 7th.
decent, down-to-earth and talented. We're going to sprint to the finish line.
I appreciate you coming, giving me a We got 4 days to go. What's interesting, how
chance to share with you some of my ever, is in Washington, DC, the pundits have
thoughts about Jim Talent. I've gotten to already decided who's going to win.
1960 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Audience members. Boo-o-o! If you're somebody who is worried about
The President. They forgot the people of methamphetamines in your State, Jim Talent
Missouri hadn't voted yet. Oh, that's not the is the right man to represent you. He's intro
first time they've been forecasting elections. duced and passed tough anti-meth legislation
You might remember, in 2004—some of the that gives law enforcement new tools to de
folks in Washington listened to the prognos feat this deadly drug and to shut down meth
ticators, and they started picking out their labs not only here in Missouri but around
offices in the West Wing. And then it turned the country. He's a leader. He's getting the
out the people went to the polls, and the job done.
movers weren't needed. And I want to talk about one other vital

With your hard work for the next 4 days, issue, and that is the nature of our judiciary.
you'll elect Jim Talent to the United States See, my job is to pick judges who will strictly
Senate. We'll keep control of the House, and interpret the law and not legislate from the
we'll keep control of the Senate. And the rea bench. And so when people go to the polls
son why I believe we're going to win around here in Missouri, you're not only voting for
this country is because Republicans under the United States Senator; you're voting to
stand the values and the priorities of the determine what kind of judges will sit on the
American people. We're going to win this bench. And here's why. If the Democrats
election because we got a record to run on. were to control the Senate—which they're
We've done some things that have made this not—but they would prevent judges like Sam
Alito and John Roberts from ever making it
country a better place. to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Let me start off with Jim Talent's record. I want to thank Jim Talent for being a
He and I have worked closely to achieve a strong voice for judicial restraint, a strong
great national objective, and that is to be voice for talented judges, and a strong advo
come less dependent on foreign oil. He has cate for Judge Roberts and Judge Alito. This
delivered for Missouri farmers. Let me say, country is better off by having those two men
if the farm economy is good, the national on the Supreme Court.
economy is good. The farmers and ranchers There's a lot of issues where there are dif
in Missouri need to send this man back to ferences between how we think and how the
the United States Senate. But we're working Democrats think. But there's no two more
on new technologies so that the automobiles clear issues than what's going to happen to
you drive will be powered by crops grown your taxes and whether or not this country
right here in Missouri. And Jim Talent is the will do everything in our power to protect
leader in this effort. If you want to become you.
less dependent on foreign oil, you need to First, let me start with taxes. We have a
send him back to the United States Senate. clear philosophy: We believe you can spend
Jim Talent is a friend of the small-business your money better than the Federal Govern
owner. You see, small businesses are impor ment can. And the Democrats want to raise
tant to our economic vitality. Small busi your taxes because they think they can spend
nesses are important to a hopeful America. your money better than you can.
And he understands that insurance costs are Audience members. Boo-o-o!
making it difficult for small-business owners. The President. We believe that when you
And so that's why he has proposed and have more of your own money in your pocket
passed, when he was in the House of Rep to save, invest, or spend, the economy bene
resentatives, what's called association health fits. Over the past 5 years, we have done
plans. These plans enable small businesses more than just philosophize. You don't want
to bind together so they can buy insurance philosophers representing you; you want
at the same discount that big businesses get doers representing you. And so we passed
to buy insurance. If you're a small-business the largest tax relief since Ronald Reagan was
owner in the State of Missouri, Jim Talent the President of the United States. We did
is the right man to represent you in the Sen more than just talk; we acted. We cut the
ate. taxes on every American who pays income
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1961

taxes. We doubled the child tax credit. We You see, their plan is to let the tax cuts
reduced taxes on small businesses. We re we passed expire. If we don't make the tax
duced the marriage—the tax on the marriage cuts permanent or extend the tax cuts, you
penalty. We cut taxes on capital gains and get a tax increase. And they've asked leading
dividends. And to reward family businesses Democrats, do they have any plans to keep
and farmers here in the State of Missouri, the tax cuts in place? And they don't—be
we put the death tax on the road to extinc cause they want to raise your taxes. A big
issue in this campaign is whether or not we're
Oh, you might remember the debate that going to have low taxes or higher taxes.
took place in Washington. The Democrats If those tax cuts expire—just like the man
predicted the tax cuts would not create jobs; who aspires to be the head of the Ways and
they predicted the tax cuts would not in Means Committee in the House has said is
crease wages; and they predicted that the tax going to happen—I want you to think about
cuts would cause the deficit to explode. Well, this: If you've got a child and those tax cuts
the facts are in. The tax cuts have led to a
expire, your taxes just went up by $500. The
strong and growing economy, and this morn child tax credit is 1,000. If the tax cuts are
ing we got more proof of that. The national not extended or made permanent, the child
unemployment rate has dropped to 4.4 per tax credit drops to $500 a child. So when
cent. That is the lowest rate in 5% years. you're at dinner this evening, you count the
Our economy added 92,000 jobs in the number of children you've got around the
month of October, and over the past 3 table. [Laughter] And then you multiply it
months, America has added 470,000 new
by $500 per child. So if you're a family—
jobs. Real wages rose 2.4 percent over the have got four children, just go, one, two,
past year, which means an extra $1,327 for three, four times 500—that’s $2,000. That's
the typical family of four with two wage earn a $2,000 tax increase if the Democrats take
ers. And finally, thanks to our growing econ
omy and fiscal restraint, we cut the deficit over. That may not seem like a lot to the
in half 3 years ahead of schedule. Democrats in Washington, DC, but it seems
like a lot to me, and it seems like a lot to
All those forecasts by the Democrats
turned out to be wrong. And now they're Roy, and it seems like a lot to Senator Talent.
Therefore, send him to the Senate, and we'll
forecasting they're going to win the elections.
Well, if their election forecasts are as good keep your taxes low.
as their economic forecasts, we're going to This election is taking place in an historic
have a great day on November the 7th. time for our country. And when our children
The Democrats don't want you to know and grandchildren look back at this period,
where they stand on taxes. You know, it's in one question will overwhelm all the rest: Did
teresting, the top Democrat leader in the we do everything in our power to fight and
House made this declaration: She said, “We win the war on terror? That is the funda
love tax cuts.” Well, given her record, she mental question facing this generation. I wish
must be a secret admirer. [Laughter] See, I could report to you that we were not at
when you all round up the vote, I want you war, but we are. We face an enemy that is
to remind undecided citizens in this State brutal, an enemy that is determined to inflict
that she and her party voted against reducing damage on America because of what we
the marriage penalty, voted against cutting stand for.
taxes on small businesses, voted against low See, they have an ideology. Their ideology
ering the taxes for family with children, voted is the opposite of our ideology. They don't
against reducing taxes on capital gains and believe in basic freedoms. They don't believe
dividends, and voting against cutting the in the freedom to worship; we do. They don't
death tax. That's their record. Time and time believe in the freedom of dissent, the free
again, when she and the Democrats had a dom of speech. They don't believe in the
chance to show their love for tax cuts, they basic freedoms that have helped define the
voted no. If that's their definition of love, societies of those of us who embrace liberty.
I'd sure hate to see what hate looks like. And they want to impose their view on the
1962 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

world. They believe that they should estab our professionals the tools necessary to pro
lish a caliphate, a governing body, a gov tect you.
erning organization, based upon their ide See, there's a different mindset in Wash
ology of hate that extends, initially, from In ington. There's an attitude that says, “It’s
donesia to Spain. That is their declared inten okay to wait,” and, “We'll respond after we're
tions. attacked.” Our attitude is, we're going to pre
The best way to protect you from these vent the attacks from happening in the first
enemies is to stay on the offense and to bring place.
them to justice before they can hurt you When we pick an enemy up on the battle
again. Part of our strategy is to do just that, field, we need to be able to question that
and we're doing that. The other part of our person. So I authorized the Central Intel
strategy is to protect this homeland. The ligence Agency to question people we have
enemy has to be right one time in order to picked up on the battlefield. Let me explain
attack us; we've got to be right 100 percent why. We picked up Khalid Sheikh Moham
of the time in order to protect you. And that med—our intelligence folks thinks he was
is why I made sure, as did these two gentle the person that masterminded the Sep
men, that our professionals on the frontline tember the 11th attacks. So you can imagine
of protecting you have the tools necessary why I wanted to know what he knew. If he
to do so. knew one attack, he might know another at
For example, there were walls that pre tack. If my job is to protect you, we better
vented our intelligence services from sharing give the professionals the tools necessary to
information with our law enforcement. Now, do so. And yet, when this program came up
I understand that—you probably say, “Well, on the floor of the United States Senate and
how did that happen?” Well, it just hap the United States House of Representatives,
pened. You cannot fight and win this war and the overwhelming number of Democrats
protect the American people unless our intel voted against it.
ligence folks can share the information they Audience members. Boo-o-o!
have gotten with those who are responsible The President. We need people in the
for protecting you. And that's why we de Congress who understand the stakes of this
signed the PATRIOT Act, to make sure our war. We need people in the Senate and the
professionals have the tools—and at the same Congress who understand our most impor
time, protect civil liberties. tant job is to protect you. We need to make
When it came time to renew the PA sure our professionals have the tools nec
TRIOT Act, the Senate Democrats voted essary to do so. That's why you've got to send
against it. As a matter of fact, the Senate mi Jim Talent to the United States Senate.
nority leader, the Democrat leader in the We're on the offense. Every day, this coun
Senate, bragged, “Well, we killed the PA try is on the offense against those who would
TRIOT Act.” Fortunately, we had Senators do you harm. You cannot plot and plan if
like Jim Talent who understand our most im you're on the run. It is hard to organize a
portant responsibility is to protect you in this strike on America if you're hiding. So you
new War. just got to know, there's a lot of really brave
This is a different kind of war that requires people on the hunt.
a strategy that says we're going to find out One of the lessons of September the 11th
what the enemy is thinking in order to pro is that when we see a threat, we have got
tect you. And that's why I authorized a pro to take that threat seriously before it mate
gram that said if Al Qaida or an Al Qaida rializes. It's an essential lesson in this new
affiliate is making a phone call into the war. I saw a threat in Saddam Hussein; Mem
United States of America, we want to know bers of the United States Congress, both po
why. We want to understand their intentions. litical parties, saw the same threat; the
When this bill came for a vote in the House United Nations saw the threat. Removing
of Representatives, the overwhelming num Saddam Hussein was the right decision, and
ber of House Democrats voted against giving the world is better off for it.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1963

We're in a global war against these terror shake the will of the Iraqis, in order to create
ists, and we're fighting on a variety of fronts. concern amongst the American people. They
The most important front is Iraq. I've heard have got a weapon, and that is their willing
all the language out of Washington—I’m sure ness to take innocent life. Americans value
you have as well—that said, Iraq is a distrac life. We appreciate life. But I want the enemy
tion in the war on terror. That's what the to understand this country. We will not run
Democrats say. I believe Iraq is central to in the face of thugs and assassins.
the war on terror. But don't take my word We have a plan for victory that gives our
for it. Don't take my word for it; listen to commanders all the flexibility they need to
Usama bin Laden. He has called Iraq–the stay ahead of the enemy. And we've got some
fight in Iraq the third world war. He under unbelievably brave and courageous people
stands the stakes. He says that victory for the wearing the uniform of the United States of
terrorists in Iraq will mean America's defeat America. Our troops understand the stakes
and disgrace forever. That's what the enemy in Iraq. They understand this is a central
says. front in the war on terror. And that is why
Now I want you to listen to the words of I am pleased to tell you that there's no doubt
a leading senior Democrat in Washington, in my mind, when it comes time to making
DC, about Iraq. She said, “The President sure our troops have all that is necessary to
says fighting them there makes it less likely do the jobs I have asked them to do, Senator
we will have to fight them here.” That's what Talent is strong for the military.
I have said, and that's what I'm going to con Something else we've got going for us to
tinue to say, because it's the truth. [Applause] achieve our goal, and those are the Iraqis.
Hold on for a minute. She went on to say, They've suffered unspeakable violence. Yet,
“The opposite is true—because we are fight you might remember, nearly 12 million of
ing them there, it may become more likely them said, “We want to be free.” I was
we'll have to fight them here.” pleased, but not surprised, that people said,
Audience members. No-o-o! “We want to be free.” I believe a gift from
The President. Iraq is not the reason why the Almighty to every soul on the face of
the terrorists are at war against us. When the Earth is the desire to be free. I believe
you're out rounding up the vote, you remind in the universality of freedom, and I believe
people that we were not in Iraq when they it is in our interest that we help people who
attacked the World Trade Center in 1993. desire to be free to be so.
We were not in Iraq when they blew up our And therefore, we'll help this young Gov
Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. We were ernment politically. We will help them eco
not in Iraq when they blew up the USS Cole. nomically, to realize their vast potential. We
And we were not in Iraq on September the will continue to train their military so they
11th, 2001, when they killed nearly 3,000 of get to take the fight, so they're the ones who
our citizens. You do not create terrorists by win, so they're the ones who defeat the ex
fighting the terrorists. The best way to pro tremists. And I believe that one day, Iraq will
tect you is to stay on the offense and defeat be a government of and by and for the peo
them overseas so we do not have to face them ple, unless we leave before the job is done.
here at home. The only way we can lose is if we leave before
Our goal in Iraq is victory. Victory in Iraq the job is done. And that's a central part of
will mean a country which can sustain itself, the debate in this campaign.
govern itself, and defend itself and serve as You listen to the debate, and try to listen
an ally in the war on terror. And there's no carefully for the Democrat plan for success.
question, the fighting is tough, because the Don't listen too long because they don't have
enemy understands the stakes of what a free one. They don't have a plan to win this im
society will mean to their ambitions to spread portant front in the war on terror. Oh, some
their dark vision throughout the Middle East of the leading Democrats in Washington
and then the world. See, they understand the argue we should pull out right now. Then
stakes, and we must understand the stakes. you got other voices saying we should with
The enemy kills innocent people in order to draw on a specific date, even though the job
1964 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
hasn't been completed. You actually had a and part of our plan is to send Jim Talent
Member of the House recommend moving back to the United States Senate.
troops to an island 5,000 miles away, as part Victory is vital for the future of this coun
of their plan. Nineteen House Democrats in try. Retreat from Iraq before the job is done
troduced legislation that would cut off funds would embolden the enemy. It would make
for our troops in Iraq. our country more vulnerable to attacks.
One of Jim Talent's colleagues, a Demo This is a different kind of war. I know I
crat Senator, explained her party's position keep saying that, but it's important for you
this way: “We haven't coalesced around a sin to understand how different it is. Unlike
gle plan, but we're in general agreement on other wars, if we were to leave Iraq before
the basic principles.” Well, she's right. the job is done, the enemy would follow us
They're in agreement about one thing. They here. Victory—defeat in Iraq, leaving before
will leave before the job is done. I'm not say the job is done, would give the enemy a new
ing these people are unpatriotic; I'm just say safe haven, just like they had in Afghanistan,
ing they're wrong. from which to plan and plot further attacks.
On this vital issue, on the issue that will
It would enable the enemy to recruit. It
determine the security of this country, the would strengthen the hand of the radicals
Democrats have taken a calculated gamble. and extremists. It would dash the hopes of
They believe that the only way they can win millions of people in the Middle East who
this election is to criticize us and offer no
want to live in peace. And it would dishonor
specific plan of their own. Here's how one the sacrifice of the men and women who
Democrat senior describes their strategy: have worn the uniform of the United States
“The election is about them,” this person of America.
said. So far, the Democrats have refused to
tell us their plan on how they're going to se The consequences of retreat would be felt
cure the United States. There's still 4 days for generations. I see a lot of young folks
left before the election, and there's still time here today. My job is to think not only how
for the Democrats to tell the American peo to protect you today but how to create the
ple their plan to prevail in this war on terror. conditions for peace in the long run. Retreat
So if you happen to bump into a Democrat ing from the Middle East because of the un
candidate, you might want to ask this simple speakable violence that the enemy inflicts on
question: What's your plan? If they say they others as well as their own troops would cre
want to protect the homeland but oppose the ate a dangerous world for you to grow up
PATRIOT Act, ask them this question: in. You see, the enemy has made it clear that
What's your plan? [Laughter] If they say they they expect us to lose our nerve. They have
want to uncover terrorist plots but oppose made it clear that they don't believe America
listening in on terrorist conversations, ask has what it takes to defend ourselves. They
them this question: What's your plan? If they want to topple moderate governments. They
say they want to stop new attacks on our want to be able to use energy as a tool to
blackmail the United States.
country but oppose letting the CIA detain
and question the terrorists who might know Imagine the radicals and extremists taking
what those plots are, ask them this question: over a country, and they were able to pull
What's your plan? If they say they want to millions of barrels of oil off the market, driv
win the war on terror but call for America ing the price up to 3 or $400 a barrel, what
to pull out from what Al Qaida says is the ever it would be, and saying, “Okay, we'll
central front in this war, ask them this ques reduce the price, all you've got to do is sur
tion: What's your plan? render. All you've got to do is abandon your
Audience members. What's your plan? alliance with Israel, and we'll lower the price.
The President. The truth is, the Demo All you've got to do is retreat.” And couple
crats can't answer that question. Harsh criti that with a country which doesn't like us,
cism is not a plan for victory. Second-guess with a nuclear weapon, and a generation of
ing is not a strategy. We have a plan for vic Americans will say, “What happened to them
tory. We have a plan to secure this country, in 2006? How come they couldn't see the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1965

impending danger? What was it that clouded fight the scourge and the pandemic of HIV/
their vision?” AIDS on the continent of Africa; or how we
Well, I want to assure you, I clearly see can work together to feed the hungry.
the threats facing a generation of Americans. I thanked him for the 1,000 Japanese
I see the problems we face, and that is why troops in Iraq, because he understands what
we will stay in Iraq. And that is why we will I know: In this ideological struggle, when we
fight in Iraq. And that is why we will win find young democracies that are willing to
in Iraq. Victory will be a blow to the terror stand strong against the extremists and radi
ists, a blow to the plans of the extremists and cals, those of us who live in liberty have a
radicals. Victory will help moderates—mod duty to help these young democracies suc
erate people, people who want to bring their ceed for the sake of peace. Isn't it inter
children up in a peaceful world, to have the esting? My dad fought the Japanese, and his
boldness to help us marginalize those radi son is talking about keeping the peace. Some
cals. Victory will say to reformers and women thing happened: Japan adopted a Japanese
who long for freedom, America will not aban style democracy.
don you. Victory will say to those who believe The lesson for all to hear is that liberty
they can impose their tyrannical vision on has got the capacity to transform an enemy
others, liberty is powerful. into an ally. Liberty has got the capacity to
I want to share a story with you about the transform a region of frustration and resent
power of liberty. You might remember, re ment into a region of hope. Someday, Amer
cently Laura and I took Prime Minister ican leaders will be sitting down with duly
Koizumi, who was then sitting as the Prime elected leaders from the Middle East talking
Minister of Japan, to Elvis's place. It was in about keeping the peace, and a generation
Memphis, Tennessee. You been there prob of Americans will be better off for it.
ably. See, I had never been there. Laura said, And so these are the stakes in this election.
“It’s about time we took a family vacation; These are historic times, and you can make
take me down to Elvis's place.” [Laughter] a significant difference in how our country
We also went because Prime Minister responds. When you leave the hall, go find
Koizumi, the Prime Minister of Japan, loved your fellow Republicans, discerning Demo
Elvis. [Laughter] But I also wanted to tell crats—[laughter]—and openminded inde
a story, and I want you all to listen to this pendents, and remind them of the stark dif
story, because it's a powerful story about lib ferences in this campaign. And the message
ert V. is this: If you want low taxes and a cor
". after Japan attacked America— respondingly strong economy, vote Repub
where, by the way, we lost fewer people in lican and send Jim Talent back to the United
Pearl Harbor than we did on September the States Senate. If you want this country of
11th–a lot of young Americans volunteered ours to give the professionals they need—
to defend our Nation, one of whom was my the tools they need to protect you and if you
dad, and I'm certain some of your relatives want the United States of America doing ev
did the same thing. Thousands of Americans erything we can to defeat an enemy and lay
volunteered to fight the enemy in a bloody the foundation for peace, vote Republican
war in which thousands and thousands of citi and send Jim Talent back to the United
zens on both sides of this war lost their lives. States Senate.
And here I am, on Air Force One, flying I am honored you're here. I'm grateful for
down to Elvis's place with the Prime Minister your time. I appreciate your enthusiasm. God
of the former enemy, talking about the bless you, and God bless the United States.
peace, talking about working together to se
cure peace. Isn't that interesting? Something NOTE: The President spoke at 9:16 a.m. at the
Springfield Exposition Center. In his remarks, he
happened between World War II and 2006, referred to former President Saddam Hussein of
when I'm on the airplane talking about how Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida
we can work together to send a clear message terrorist organization; former Prime Minister
to the leader in North Korea, no nuclear Junichiro Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Kim
weapons; or how we can work together to Jong Il of North Korea.
Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Remarks at a Missouri Victory 2006 thanks for coming. Party Chairman Doug
Rally in Joplin, Missouri Russell—all the grassroots activists, I thank
November 3, 2006 you for coming. Grassroots activists are those
who put up the signs, make the phone calls,
The President. Thanks for the warm wel put the envelopes in the mail. In other words,
come. It's good to be here in Joplin. you're the ones who are going to join Jim
Audience members. Welcome to Mis Talent in working hard until election day and
souri, George W. Bush! Welcome to Mis turn out the vote. Thank you for doing what
souri, George W. Bush! you're doing.
The President. As I was saying—[laugh I want to thank the Pierce Arrow Band.
ter]—it's good to be back here in southwest I'm sorry I wasn't here to hear them. [Laugh
Missouri. I like coming here. You've got pret ter] But from all accounts, they did a fabu
ty countryside, and you've got hard-working, lous job.
commonsense people. And that's what you Election is four days away, and I’m sprint
need in the United States Senate, someone ing to the finish line, and Talent is sprinting
with common sense, someone who brings to the finish line, and we're asking you to
good, sound Missouri values to the United join us as we sprint to the finish line.
States Senate, someone who has got the right You probably heard all the reports from
priorities, starting with his family, in the the punditry—[laughter—in Washington,
United States Senate. And that someone is DC. Some of them are already measuring for
Jim Talent. new drapes. That's not the first time, by the
I appreciate you coming. I appreciate your way, people have said the election's over be
interest in this campaign, and I urge you to fore the people vote. You might remember
do your duty as a citizen and vote. And when 2004. Some of the crowd up there was pick
you vote, your vote is not only going to be ing out their offices in the West Wing.
good for Missouri; it's going to be good for [Laughter. Then the people of Missouri and
the United States when you send Jim Talent people from around the country voted, and
back to the Senate. the movers were not needed.
There's unanimity in my family about who And the same thing is going to happen on
ought to be your Senator from Missouri— November the 7th, 2006. With your help,
Laura believes that Jim Talent ought to be we'll send Jim back to the United States Sen
the Senator from Missouri as well. She's not ate, and we're going to keep control of the
with me today; she's campaigning elsewhere. House and the Senate. And there's a reason
Tomorrow evening, however, I'm going to why—because our party understands the val
celebrate with her—her 60th birthday party. ues and the priorities of the American peo
But don't tell anybody. [Laughter] I want it ple. We don't need to take an opinion poll
to be a surprise. [Laughter. She sends her to tell us what to think, and we've delivered.
love. She sends her thanks. She knows what First, let me talk about some of the work
I know, Jim Talent is about as fine a United that Jim Talent has done in Washington. See,
States Senator as you'll ever have. I've seen him up close. I know he cares a
I'm proud to be with your Governor. I was lot about the people of Missouri, and he un
a Governor one time, but I didn't look as derstands that this Nation is at risk if we re
young as he looks. [Laughter] But he's doing main dependent on foreign oil.
a fine job, and you did a smart thing by send When you get oil from parts of the world
ing him to the statehouse. I'm proud to be where people don't like you, it's a national
with the Governor's father, Majority Whip security problem. And that's why I have
Roy Blunt, and Majority Whip Roy Blunt's worked closely with Jim to advance new tech
son Charlie, and today happens to be his sec nologies that will enable us to use Missouri
ond birthday. And from the looks of things, farm products to power our automobiles. We
he's trying to figure it out. [Laughter understand, by the way, that when the farm
I want to thank Lieutenant Governor Peter ers and ranchers are doing well, the Amer
Kinder for joining us today. Your mayor, Jon ican economy does well. And if you're a Mis
Tupper, is joining us today. Mr. Mayor, souri farmer or a Missouri rancher, it makes
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1967

economic sense to send Jim Talent back to what's going to happen to your taxes, and
the United States Senate. which party will take the necessary steps to
Jim understands small businesses. If you're defend you.
a small-business owner, he understands you. Let me start with taxes. We have a philos
See, he understands small businesses are ophy: We believe you can spend your money
having trouble getting insurance, and so he's far better than the Federal Government can.
proposed a plan called associated health Democrats want to raise your taxes because
plans, which enable small businesses to join they believe they can spend your money bet
together to pool risk so they can buy health ter than you can.
insurance at the same discounts big compa Audience members. Boo-o-o!
nies get to do. If you're a small-business The President. We believe that when you
owner in the State of Missouri, it's in your have more money to save, spend, or invest,
interest to send Jim Talent back to the the whole economy benefits.
United States Senate. We're not just people who philosophize.
Jim understands that this Nation must We're people who act. Thanks to Senators
have a focus On eliminating like Jim Talent and Congressmen like Roy
methamphetamines. He's done something Blunt, I signed the largest tax decreases since
about it. He passed good law that gives law Ronald Reagan was the President of the
enforcement new tools to defeat this deadly United States. Remind people of our record:
drug and to shut down meth labs in Missouri We cut the taxes on everybody who pays in
and around the United States. If you're con come taxes; we doubled the child tax credit;
cerned about what meth does to your fellow we reduced the marriage penalty; we cut
citizens, send Jim Talent back to the United taxes on small businesses; we cut taxes on
States Senate. capital gains and dividends; and we put the
I want to talk about another issue that's death tax on the road to extinction.
important, and that is the nature of the judi If you're a farmer here in Missouri, you
ciary. A lot of people in Missouri understand need to remember which Senator—or which
what Jim and I know, that in order to have candidate strongly supports making sure that
a good, sound judiciary, we need judges who death tax stays dead. We don't think it's right
strictly interpret the law and not legislate you pay taxes while you're alive and then you
from the bench. The people of this State pay taxes after you die.
have got to understand, when you cast your You might remember the debate. All the
vote on Tuesday, you're electing more than Democrats in Washington predicted the tax
just a United States Senator. Your vote will cuts would not create jobs. They predicted
determine what kind of judges we have. they would not increase wages, and they pre
You know, I named two really solid judges dicted the tax cuts would cause the Federal
for the Supreme Court, smart and capable deficit to explode. Well, the results are in.
men who share our judicial philosophy. The tax cuts have led to a strong and growing
Thankfully, we had Senators like Senator Tal economy.
ent and Senator Bond from Missouri who Just this morning, we got additional good
worked hard to get these men confirmed. news. The unemployment rate around the
However, if the Democrats had control of United States has dropped to 4.4 percent.
the Senate, they wouldn't be sitting on the That's the lowest rate in 5% years. Our econ
Supreme Court. You tell your friends and omy added 92,000 jobs in the month of Octo
neighbors who are still undecided in this race ber, and over the past 3 months, America
that if you want a judiciary full of judges who has added 470,000 new jobs. People are
will strictly interpret the law and not legis working in the United States. The tax cuts
late, send Jim Talent back to the United have worked. Real wages went up 2.4 percent
States Senate. over the past year, which means an extra
There are big differences between what $1,327 for the typical family of four with two
we think and what the other bunch thinks. wage earners.
Perhaps the two biggest issues can—two dif And finally, you might remember all the
ferences can be seen on two issues. One, forecasts, but we have cut the deficit in half
1968 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
3 years ahead of schedule. If the Democrats' just go, one, two, three, four times 500; that's
election predictions are as good as their eco a $2,000 tax increase, if the Democrats win.
nomic predictions—[laughter)—we're going That may not sound like a lot of money
to have a good day on November the 7th. to Washington Democrats, but it's a lot of
Now in this campaign, whether it's here money to me, and it's a lot of money to Tal
in Missouri or anywhere else across the coun ent. It's a lot of money to you. So my strong
try, the Democrats don't want you to know advice is, if you're a small-business owner,
their tax plans. Listen to the words of the if you've got children, if you pay income
top Democrat leader in the House, when she taxes, you're a farmer and you want to keep
said, “We love tax cuts.” Well, given her the money that you've worked hard to earn,
record, she must be a secret admirer. vote for Jim Talent for the United States Sen
|Laughter] She and her party voted against
reducing the marriage penalty, against cut This election is taking place in an historic
ting taxes on small businesses, against low time for our country. And when our children
and grandchildren look back on this period,
ering taxes for families with children, against
reducing taxes on capital gains and dividends,one question will overwhelm the rest: Did
and against cutting the death tax. I mean, we do everything in our power to fight and
time and time again, when they had their win the war against the terrorists? That is
chance to show their love for tax cuts, they the question which faces this generation.
voted no. Now, if this is their definition of I wish I could report to you here in Joplin
love, I'd sure hate to see what hate looks like. that we were not at war, but we are. We
Now there's a difference of opinion in face a determined enemy. They have no con
science. They kill the innocent in order to
Washington, DC, about what to do with your achieve objectives. These people are totali
money. If these tax cuts are not extended tarian, and they share an dº.
that is the
or made permanent, your taxes are going up. exact opposite of what we believe. We be
You see, if the tax cuts are not made perma lieve in the right of every person to worship
ment, you can bet the Federal Government freely; they don't. We believe in the freedom
is going to be in your wallet. to dissent, freedom to speak. We believe
And that's precisely what the Democrats every life is precious. We believe in human
want to do. They asked the man who would dignity.
be the chairman of the Ways and Means— Their totalitarian point of view is dark and
that's the tax-writing committee in Wash dismal, and yet they have objectives, and they
ington—could he think of any tax cuts he want to spread that point of view. And they
would extend. And he said, “Not a one.” Not want to create enough chaos and havoc to
a tax cut. Make no mistake about it, they may cause people to withdraw so they can spread
not be admitting it on the campaign trail, but their attitude. The best way to protect you
they're going to raise your taxes. is to stay on the offense and bring these peo
If the tax cuts aren't extended, think about ple to justice before they hurt America again.
what that does to the child tax credit. Right You can't negotiate with these people. You
now the tax credit is $1,000 per child. If those can't try to talk sense in these people.
tax cuts are not extended, those tax credits Audience members. No-o-o!
go down to $500 a child, which means you've The President. You must be firm and de
got yourself a $500 tax increase per child. termined to protect you. At the same time,
So tonight, when you're sitting around the here at home, we've got to do enough to be
dinner table, just count the heads. [Laughter] able to say, we're doing our duty. See, my
If you've got two children, you can count on most important job and the important job of
a $1,000 tax increase. If you got three little people elected to Washington is to protect
heads there, you can count on a $1,500 tax the American people. That's the call of this
increase. I know some people here in Joplin generation.
may have four children. Yes, there you are— The enemy has to be right one time when
the man right there has got four children, it comes time to attacking us again. We have
so when you're having dinner this evening, to be right 100 percent of the time to protect
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1969

you. And therefore, I made sure that our pro common sense, to say to our professionals,
fessionals had the tools necessary to protect “If he knew the first attack, he might have
you. There was a wall that separated the in information on another attack, and why don't
telligence community from sharing informa you see if you can find out if he does.”
tion with the law enforcement folks.
Seventy percent of the Senate Democrats
It's hard to rationalize that that happened, voted against that bill.
but that is what happened prior to Sep Audience members. Boo-o-o!
tember the 11th. In other words, you had— The President. We're at war. It's a dif
somebody had some intelligence about some ferent kind of war, but is, in fact, a war. That
body who might be coming our way, and he war came home on September the 11th,
couldn't share that information with some
2001. You should expect people in Wash
body whose job it was to stop them. I know ington, DC, to give our professionals the
it doesn't make sense, but it's the reality of tools necessary to protect you. It's a big dif
what we faced.
ference in this campaign, between what Re
So I asked the Congress to pass the PA publicans think and what Democrats think.
TRIOT Act, which brought down that wall. I'm going to tell you something. You can't
The Senate Democrats tried to filibuster that
reauthorization of that important bill. As a wait to respond after we're attacked. We
matter of fact, the Senate minority leader, must take the necessary measures to make
the head Democrat in the Senate, bragged, sure we're not attacked in the first place.
“We killed the PATRIOT Act.” See, there's That's why I feel so strongly about a person
a different mindset. If our most important like Jim Talent. He understands the stakes.
He also understands what I know: When we
job is to protect you, we've got to make sure
see a threat overseas, we must take that
our professionals have the tools necessary to
do so. threat seriously. That's one of the lessons of
I guess, maybe if–I'm just trying to guess September the 11th. It's important never to
the mentality, but they must not think there's forget lessons. That lesson is a clear lesson
to me. I saw a threat in Saddam Hussein;
an enemy that wants to hit us again. It's the
only justification I can give you for not mak members of both political parties in the Con
ing sure those professionals had the tools. gress saw the same threat; the United Na
tions saw the threat in Saddam Hussein. The
I decided to institute another program. If
Al Qaida or an Al Qaida affiliate is making decision to get rid of Saddam Hussein was
a phone call into the United States from out the right decision, and the world is better
side the United States, it seems like it makes off for it.

sense to know why. They hadn't voted on We're in a global war that's being fought
this bill in the Senate, but they did in the on a variety of fronts, and Iraq is the central
House, and by far, the overwhelming major front of that war. Now I understand you hear
ity of House Democrats voted against the the voices out of Washington, they say,
program. “Well, Iraq is a distraction in the war on ter
Audience members. Boo-o-o! ror.” To me, that's a dangerous point of view,
The President. We have got to under but nevertheless, that's what they say. Well,
stand what the enemy is thinking, in order the doubters about Iraq ought to listen to
to be able to protect you. And that's why Usama bin Laden before they make up their
I authorized the program through the Cen mind as to whether Iraq is the central front.
tral Intelligence Agency that would allow us See, Usama bin Laden calls the fight we're
to detain and question people we picked up in in Iraq the third world war. He says that
off the battlefield. victory for the terrorists in Iraq will mean
And let me give you a reason why. See, America's defeat and disgrace forever. Now
we captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed— there's a difference of opinion. I want you
our intelligence services think he's the person to listen to the words of a senior Democrat
that ordered and masterminded the Sep in Washington who—she said this: “The
tember the 11th attacks. And so when I heard President says that fighting them there
we captured him, I thought it made sense, makes it less likely we will fight them here.”
1970 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Yes, that's precisely what I said, and I strong And whether or not our citizens agree with
ly believe it's right. [Applause] She went on my decision to fight the enemy in Iraq, all
to say—hold on for a minute—she went on citizens owe a debt of gratitude to those who
to say, “The opposite is true; because we are wear our uniform. And those of us in Wash
fighting them there, it may become more ington owe it to our troops and their families
likely that we will have to fight them here.” to make sure they have the full support, all
Audience members. Boo-o-o! they need in order to do the jobs I've asked
The President. See, that's the kind of them to do.
mentality that you're voting on on November Our troops have got no finer supporter
the 7th. You do not create terrorists by fight
than Senator Jim Talent, another reason to
ing the terrorists. send him back to Washington. We've also got
Iraq is not the reason the terrorists are at
something else going for us, and that is brave
war against us. We weren't in Iraq when theIraqis. Listen, these people have suffered un
terrorists bombed the World Trade Center
speakable violence, and yet they still want
in 1993. We were not in Iraq when they to live under a free society. I was pleased
bombed our Embassies in Kenya and Tan at the outcome of the elections when the
zania. We weren't in Iraq when they bombed Iraqis voted, but I wasn't surprised. I believe
the USS Cole, and we weren't in Iraq when freedom is universal. I believe there's an Al
they attacked us on September the 11th, mighty, and a great gift of the Almighty to
each man and woman and child on the face
The best way to protect you is to bring of the Earth is the desire to be free.
the terrorists to justice wherever we find
them. And they are fighting us in Iraq be I'm not surprised when 12 million people
cause they can't stand the thought of a de say, “I want to be free.” It’s in our interests
mocracy in their midst. And so they're fight we help this young democracy. It's in our
ing with brutality, the likes of which we interests we defeat the enemy where we find
haven't seen in a long time. See, they'll kill them. It's in interests we help people realize
innocent people. the blessings of liberty. And that's why our
Our goal in Iraq is victory. Our goal in strategy is to help the politics of Iraq suc
Iraq is an Iraq that can sustain itself, an Iraq ceed, to help their economy grow, and to
that can govern itself, Iraq that can defend train Iraqi troops so they can take the fight.
itself, an Iraq that will be an ally against these One day Iraq will be a government of by,
extremists and radicals. But this enemy, and for the people—unless we quit.
which understands the stakes, also under If I didn't think we'd win, I wouldn't have
stands that their violence, their unspeakable our troops there. If I didn't know this mission
violence against innocent life gets on our tel is noble and important, I wouldn't have our
evision screens. And they are trying to shake troops there.
our will because they think our will is shak You know, the debate is interesting about
able. this vital part of protecting the country. If
Audience members. No-o-o! you listen carefully to what the Democrats
The President. They don't think we have say about Iraq, you think about what they're
the stomach necessary to defend ourselves saying about their plan for success, there isn't
in the long run, but they don't understand one. This is a major political party that has
this administration and many in our country. no plan for success in Iraq. As a matter of
We will not run from thugs and assassins. fact, their only plan is to leave before the
We are constantly adjusting our tactics to job is done. Oh, you listen to some of them—
meet the enemy. The enemy adjusts; we ad they say we pull out the troops now. And
just. I've given our commanders the flexi then they got a bunch of them saying, “Let's
bility necessary and whatever they need to have a fixed date,” and we'll leave on that
win this war. And we've got a lot going for fixed date, regardless of whether the job is
us. We got a strategy that helps us achieve done. They've actually got a Member of the
victory, and we got a military that is the finest House of Representatives who has rec
military any country has ever assembled. ommended moving our troops 5,000 miles
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1971

away on another island—on an island. Nine for victory. Second-guessing is not a strategy.
teen House Democrats introduced legisla You cannot win the war on terror if you don't
tion that would cut off funds for our troops have a plan to win the war.
in Iraq. The most important duty we have is to pro
Here we are in the middle of a national tect you. We have a plan, a strategy that we're
campaign that will determine our future, and implementing every single day, and part of
one of Jim Talent's Democrat colleagues put our plan to make sure that America does ev
it this way—she said, “We haven't coalesced erything we can to protect you is to send Jim
around a single plan, but we're in general Talent back to the United States Senate.
agreement on the basic principles.” She's Retreat from Iraq before the job is done
right. The principle they agree on is, get out would embolden the enemy, make our coun
before the job is done. try more vulnerable to attacks. This is a dif
Audience members. Boo-o-o! ferent kind of war. It's unlike any other war
The President. Look, I'm not saying these we have fought. If we retreat from Iraq be
people are unpatriotic; I'm just saying they're fore the job is done, the enemy will follow
wrong. us here. Leaving before the job is done would
On this important issue of Iraq and the enable these extremists and radicals to re
global war on terror, the Democrats have cruit better. Leaving before the job is done
taken a calculated gamble. They believe that would dash the hopes of millions of people
the only way they can win this election is who reject the ideology of hate and who want
to criticize and offer no plan of their own. to live a simple life that is a peaceful life.
Here's how one senior Democrat describes Retreating before the job is done would dis
their strategy: “The election is about them,” honor the sacrifice of the men and women
talking about me and us. So far, they've re who have worn the uniform of the United
fused to tell how they plan to secure this States of America. Retreating before the job
country—but there's still 4 days left. [Laugh is done would be felt for generations to
ter] There's still time. There's still time for COIne.

them to tell us how they intend to prevail. The enemy has said they expect us to re
Listen, if you happen to bump into a Dem treat, and they want us to retreat. This is their
ocrat candidate, you might want to ask this words, not mine. In a time of war, you must
simple question: What is your plan? [Laugh take the words of the enemy very seriously.
ter] If they say they want to protect the They would like to have another safe haven
homeland but opposed the PATRIOT Act, from which to plot and plan attacks—similar
ask them this question: What is your plan? to the safe haven they had in Afghanistan
If they say they want to uncover terrorist before we removed that safe haven. The
plots but oppose listening in on terrorist con enemy would like to be in a position to topple
versation, ask them the question: What's your moderate governments. They would use any
plan? You know, if they say they want to stop means necessary to do so. Can you imagine
new attacks on our country but opposed let what the world would look like if they were
ting the CIA detain and question the terror able to get ahold of oil resources which they
ists who might know what the plots are, ask would then use to extract economic black
them the question: What's your plan? mail against those of us who want—need to
Audience members. What's your plan? protect ourselves, and, two, to help freedom
The President. If they say they want to expand.
win the war on terror but called for America See, imagine what would happen if they
to pull out from what Al Qaida says is the were able to control enough energy, if they
central front in that war, ask them this ques pulled enough off the market to run the price
tion of oil up, and then said, “Fine, we'll let the
Audience members. What's your plan? price back down unless you give up your alli
The President. They're not going to be ance with Israel,” or, “until you withdraw,”
able to answer that question. They have no so that they could establish their-what
plan. When you're rounding up the vote, re they've declared they want to do, which is
mind people, harsh criticism is not a plan a caliphate.
1972 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

And in the midst, put a country that of Africa, which the United States is doing.
doesn't like us with a nuclear weapon. And We talked about feeding the hungry. We
what's going to happen 30 years from now talked about keeping the peace.
is, people will say, “What happened to those My dad fought the Japanese; his son is
folks in 2006? How come they couldn't see talking about keeping the peace with the Jap
the impending danger? What clouded their anese. Liberty—the lesson is this: Liberty has
vision?” got the capacity to change an enemy into an
I want to tell you all, my vision is clear. ally, and liberty has got the capacity to
I see the threat. I understand the con change a region of despair and hopelessness
sequences of the world in which we live. into a region of light and hope. Liberty is
America must lead. We will support our the best way to defeat the enemies of free
troops in Iraq. We will fight in Iraq, and we dom in the long run.
will win in Iraq. Someday, an American President will be
If you got a second, I'd like to share one sitting down with duly elected leaders from
other story about the power of liberty. the Middle East talking about keeping the
Audience member. [Inaudible.] peace, and a generation of Americans will
The President. Thank you. [Laughter] be better off.
Recently Laura and I took our friend, who These are the stakes in this election, and
was then the Prime Minister of Japan, to I'm asking you to go from the hall and find
Elvis's place. You might remember that. Oh, fellow Republicans, discerning Democrats,
they said, “Why did you go to Elvis's place?” and openminded independents, and remind
Well, I had never been there. [Laughter] them about the stakes in this election. If you
Prime Minister Koizumi wanted to go want your taxes low so you can have more
there—he was an Elvis fan. I also wanted money to spend and this economy continues
to tell a story. It's important for all people to be strong, vote for Jim Talent. If you want
to understand this story, but particularly for the United States to do everything that we
people who are trying to figure out the world can to protect you and to lay the foundation
in which we live and the power of liberty. of peace for generations to come, vote for
See, after the Japanese attacked our coun Jim Talent.
try, a lot of young Americans signed up. It's such an honor to be with you. I thank
You've got relatives who signed up to fight you for your time. May God bless you, and
the sworn enemy, the Japanese. So did I– may God continue to bless the United States.
my dad. And then he, like thousands, went
through a bloody battle. We lost a lot of NOTE: The President spoke at 11:55 a.m. at Mis
Americans, and the Japanese lost a lot—it souri Southern State University. In his remarks.
was a brutal war, brutal war. And yet it's he referred to Gov. Matt Blunt of Missouri:
amazing, isn't it, that years later his son is former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq: Usama
on the airplane with the Prime Minister of bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organi
the former enemy flying to Elvis's place. And zation; former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
guess what we talked about—keeping the of Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of North
peace. Isn't that interesting?
We talked about working together to con
vince the North Korean leader to give up
his nuclear weapons. We talked about the
fact that Japan has 1,000—had 1,000 troops Digest of Other
in Iraq. The Prime Minister and I understand White House Announcements
that when you find a young democracy in
this ideological struggle against reason versus
extremists, you got to help those young de
mocracies. It's in our long-term interests that The following list includes the President's public
schedule and other items of general interest an
we help people realize the blessings of lib nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
erty. We talked about the need to help fight not included elsewhere in this issue.
the pandemic of HIV/AIDS on the continent
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1973

October 28 The President announced his intention to

In the morning, the President had a tele appoint the following individuals as members
phone conversation with Prime Minister of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Ken
Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq. He then had an intel nedy Center for the Performing Arts: Elliott
ligence briefing. Bryan Broidy: Emilio Estefan, Jr.; Sheldon
Later in the morning, the President trav B. Kamins; James V. Kimsey, Norman Y. Mi
eled to Sellersburg, IN, where, upon arrival neta; and Stephen A. Wynn.
in the afternoon, he met with USA Freedom October 31
Corps volunteer Judy Seelye. Later, he had
a telephone conversation with Republican In the morning, the President had a tele
National Committee Chairman Ken phone conversation with President Luiz
Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil. He then had
Mehlman, which was broadcast to grassroots
campaign supporters throughout the country. an intelligence briefing.
Later in the afternoon, the President trav Later in the morning, in the Map Room,
eled to Charleston Air Force Base, SC. the President participated in separate inter
During the day, the President had a tele views with Alison Burns of Cox Broadcasting,
phone conversation with William O. DeWitt, Morris Jones of Sinclair Broadcast Group,
and Melissa Charbonneau of Christian
owner, St. Louis Cardinals, to congratulate
him on winning the Major League Baseball Broadcasting Network.
World Series. In the afternoon, the President traveled to
In the evening, the President traveled to Robins Air Force Base, GA, where, upon ar
Kiawah Island, SC, where, at a private resi rival, he met with USA Freedom Corps vol
dence, he attended a Republican National unteer Eloise Hadaway. He then traveled to
Committee dinner. Later, he returned to Perry, GA.
Washington, DC. In the evening, the President returned to
Robins Air Force Base, where he met with
October 29 families and passed out Halloween candy.
Later, he returned to Washington, DC.
In the afternoon, in the Family Theater,
the President and Mrs. Bush hosted a screen November 1
ing of the film “Children of Glory.” In the morning, the President had an intel
In the evening, in the Diplomatic Recep ligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Office,
tion Room, the President and Mrs. Bush
he met with Secretary of State Condoleezza
hosted a dinner for “Children of Glory” Rice.
guests. Later in the morning, the President par
ticipated in a telephone interview with Rush
October 30
Limbaugh of The Rush Limbaugh Show. He
In the morning, the President had an intel then met with Secretary of Defense Donald
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Hunter H. Rumsfeld.
Army Airfield, GA, where, upon arrival, he In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the
met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Re President participated in an interview with
bekah Rotton. He then traveled to Terence Hunt of the Associated Press, Steve
Statesboro, GA. Holland of Reuters, and Richard Keil of
In the afternoon, the President partici Bloomberg News.
pated in an interview with Sean Hannity of November 2
FOX News, for later broadcast.
Later in the afternoon, the President trav In the morning, the President had an intel
eled to Houston, TX, where, upon arrival, ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Bil
he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer lings, MT, where, upon arrival, he met with
Pat McWaters. He then traveled to Sugar USA Freedom Corps volunteer Mark
Land, TX. Polakoff.
In the evening, the President returned to In the afternoon, the President traveled to
Washington, DC. Elko, NV, where, upon arrival, he met with
1974 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
USA Freedom Corps volunteer Cathy with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Earl
McAdoo. Belt. He then traveled to Le Mars, IA.
Later in the afternoon, the President trav In the evening, the President traveled to
eled to Springfield, MO, where, upon arrival, Englewood, CO.
he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer The President announced that he has
Dennis Jones. named Craig M. Albright as Special Assistant
The President announced his designation to the President for Legislative Affairs.
of the following individuals as members of The President announced that he has
the Presidential delegation to observe the named Ross Kyle as Special Assistant to the
Presidential and legislative elections in Ma President for Cabinet Liaison.
nagua, Nicaragua, on November 5: Paul
Trivelli; J. Bennett Johnston; and Bill Paxon.
The President announced his intention to
nominate Dan Gregory Blair to be a member Nominations
of the Postal Rate Commission and, upon Submitted to the Senate
confirmation, to designate him as Chairman.
The President announced his intention to
nominate Scott A. Keller to be Assistant Sec NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
retary of Housing and Urban Development Senate during the period covered by this issue.
(Congressional and Intergovernmental Rela
The President announced his intention to
nominate Paul A. Schneider to be Under
Secretary for Management at the Depart
of White House Press Releases
ment of Homeland Security.
The President announced his intention to
nominate the following individuals to be The following list contains releases of the Office
members of the National Council on the of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
Arts: Benjamin Donenberg; Foreststorm items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Hamilton; Joan Israelite; Charlotte P. Other White House Announcements.

Kessler; Robert Bretley Lott; and William

Francis Price, Jr. Released October 30
The President announced his intention to
appoint Juan Carlos Iturregui and Leonard Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Sands as members of the President's Export Secretary Dana Perino
Statement by the Press Secretary: Congolese
The President declared a major disaster in Elections
Missouri and ordered Federal aid to supple
Released October 31
ment State and local recovery efforts in the
area struck by severe storms on July 19–21. Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
The President declared a major disaster in retary Tony Snow
Louisiana and ordered Federal aid to supple
ment State and local recovery efforts in the Statement by the Press Secretary: U.S.-EU
Economic Ministerial
area struck by severe storms and flooding on
October 16 and continuing. Excerpts of the President's remarks at a
Georgia Victory 2006 rally
November 3
Released November 1
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Joplin, Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
MO. retary Tony Snow
In the afternoon, the President traveled to Statement by the Press Secretary: Global Ini
Sioux City, IA, where, upon arrival, he met tiative To Combat Nuclear Terrorism
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 1975

Statement by the Press Secretary on support Released November 3

for Lebanon's democratically-elected gov Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Secretary Tony Fratto.
Released November 2 Fact sheet: Job Creation Continues—More
Than 6.8 Million Jobs Created Since August
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press 2003
Secretary Tony Fratto
Transcript of a press gaggle by a senior ad
ministration official on the President's cam
paign schedule Acts Approved
by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
assistance to Missouri
NOTE: No acts approved by the President were
Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster received by the Office of the Federal Register
assistance to Louisiana during the period covered by this issue.
20402 POSTA
AE 2.10%:42/45 FED-DOCS
Weekly Compilation of


Monday, November 13, 2006

Volume 42—Number 45
Pages 1977–2040

soº" ”.4.
S. %
* 'NOV2006 -


Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies

See also Appointments and Nominations; Determinations Under Section 1106(a) of the
Meetings With Foreign Leaders; Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of
Resignations and Retirements 1988—Socialist Republic of Vietnam,
Arkansas, Arkansas Victory 2006 rally in
Bentonville—2011 Executive Orders
Cabinet meeting—2036 Amendment to Executive Order 13402,
Colorado, Colorado Victory 2006 rally in
Greeley—1985 Strengthening Federal Efforts To Protect
Florida, Florida Victory 2006 rally in Against Identity Theft—1984
Pensacola—2006 Interviews With the News Media
Iowa, Iowa Victory 2006 rally in Le Mars– News conference, November 8—2023
Iraq, former President Hussein trial verdict— Meetings With Foreign Leaders
1992 Mexico, President-elect Calderon—2038
Kansas, Kansas Victory 2006 rally in Topeka– Proclamations
Nebraska, Nebraska Victory 2006 rally in National Farm-City Week—2036
Grand Island—1993
Radio address—1984
Resignations and Retirements
Representatives Pelosi and Hoyer, lunch— Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, remarks—2033
Statements by the President
Israeli airstrike in Gaza—2035
Departure from Waco—1992
Election day in Crawford—2022 Supplementary Materials
Perry for Governor 2006 rally in Dallas– Acts approved by the President–2040
Checklist of White House press releases—
Appointments and Nominations
Digest of other White House
Defense Department, Secretary, remarks— announcements—2038
2033 Nominations submitted to the Senate—2039

Editor's Note: In order to meet publication and distribution deadlines during the Veterans Day
holiday weekend, the cutoff time for this issue has been advanced to 5 p.m. on Thursday, November
9, 2006. Documents released after that time will appear in the next issue.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607,
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, November 10, 2006
Remarks at an Iowa Victory 2006 have somebody who understands what it
Rally in Le Mars, Iowa means to make a payroll. And in Congress
November 3, 2006 man King, you've got somebody who knows
what it means to make a payroll. He under
The President. Thanks you all very much. stands what you're going through. Send him
Thanks for coming. I've got something on my back to the United States Congress.
mind, but before I tell you, I want to bring And finally, I'm glad to share the same
Congressman Steve King up here. He asked stage with the chairman. That would be
for a little air time. [Laughter chairman of the Finance Committee; that
Representative Steve King. And the would be one of the most important people
President yielded the balance of his time in Washington, DC; that would be a good
to—no, he didn't. [Laughter] But I do want friend of mine, and that's a good friend of
to make sure we give the warmest of Le Mars yours, Chuck Grassley. I have campaigned
and Plymouth County welcome to the Presi in your State with Chuck Grassley, and
dent. We can't do that without having the there's nothing like it. You're riding down the
Bull Dogs up here to do that. road, and he says, “That's where old Smith
The President. I was hoping—I was hop lives.” [Laughter] And about two miles later,
ing to get a Bull Dog shirt. he says, “That's my friend, Jones.” I think
I'm glad to be back in Sioux land; I'm glad he has shaken hands with every single person
to be Le Mars, Iowa. And I can't thank you in this great State.
enough for coming. I like being in country All three of these men love Iowa, and they
like this. It's good to look at, but more impor love Iowans. You know how I know? They're
tantly, this part of the world is full of decent, always talking about you when I'm with
hard-working people with common sense. them. And somebody else who loves Iowa
And that's what you need in the statehouse in my family is my wife, Laura. She sends
here in Iowa, and that's what we need in the her best. She's been out on the campaign
Capitol in Washington, DC–good, old, plain trail. She's working hard for our candidates,
common sense, with a strong dose of values. and she's working her way back to Crawford.
I'm proud to be here with your next Gov See—don't tell her this—[laughter]—but to
ernor, Jim Nussle. I've seen him in action. morrow, I'm sliding back after one event be
When he says he's going to do something, cause we're going to have a birthday party
he'll do it. The thing about Jim Nussle is, for her. I'm not going to tell you her age—
he doesn't need to take a poll or have a focus [laughter)—but we were both born in the
group to tell him what to believe. When he same year, and I turned 60 this year. I guar
says he's going to work to have a first-class antee you she is just like the people you live
education, he means it. When he says he's next door to. She's raised in Midland, Texas.
going to work to have affordable health care, She is down-to-earth. She is a fabulous First
Jim Nussle means it. When he says he's going Lady for this country, and I'm proud to call
to reduce your taxes, you can take it to the her wife.
bank. I'm proud to be here, as well, with Jim's
I appreciate you coming out to support runningmate, Bob Vander Plaats, and his
Nussle, and I appreciate your support for wife, Darla. Speaking about wives, we got the
Steve King. Let me tell you something about next first lady of Iowa with us, and that would
Steve King. He is a self-made businessman. be Karen Nussle. State Auditor Dave Vaudt
Listen, we've got plenty of lawyers in Wash is with us. I saw him the other day in Des
ington, DC. [Laughter] It makes sense to Moines. I said, “How's your campaign
1978 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
going?” He said, “Pretty good. I don't have upon political polls. You have to stand for
an opponent.” [Laughter] What is that like? something. You have to believe in something.
|Laughter] We are working to raise
My friend Mary Ann Hanusa is with us; Audience members. U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
she is running for the secretary of state. I U.S.A.!
say she's my friend—she used to work in the The President. We believe in raising
Oval Office. She'll be a fine secretary of state. standards for our public schools and meas
Put her in there. Give her a chance. uring so we can make sure no child is left
Candidate for secretary of agriculture Bill behind in America. We have worked hard
Northey is with us today. I appreciate you to make sure our seniors have got affordable
coming, Mr. Secretary. Mayor Virgil Van prescription drugs, and the days of poor sen
Beek is with us. Mr. Mayor, thanks for com iors having to choose between drugs and food
ing. My only advice—you didn't ask for any— are over with.
[laughter]—and I recognize I'm at the Fed We have got a record to run on. Jim Nussle
eral level, but my only advice is, fill the pot has got a record to run on, and so does Steve
holes. [Laughter] King. We've got a record to run on when
I want to thank Le Mars High School it comes to making sure we're less dependent
Marching Band for being here today. I want on foreign oil. Oh, there's been a lot of talk
to thank the school for letting us come and about renewable fuels, but this administra
use this fantastic facility. I want to thank the tion and these public servants have delivered.
teachers who are here in this crowd. I want We understand that when America's agricul
to thank you for working in a noble profes tural economy is strong, the whole economy
is strong. And we are developing new tech
And I want to thank all the grassroots activ nologies that will enable Iowa's farmers to
ists. One reason I have come is to remind produce the fuels necessary to run our auto
you that all of us have a duty to vote, and mobiles.
on November the 7th, you have a duty to When people around this country go in the
show up at the polls. I'd like you to encour polls to vote, particularly where there's a
age your neighbors to go as well. Senate race, they're voting for more than just
You know, it's amazing what happens in a Senator. They're voting for what the judici
Washington. Some of them have already ary will look like. When I campaigned here
begun to measure for new drapes. [Laughter] in Iowa, I said to the people here in this
People are already deciding how this election State, “If I'm fortunate enough to be your
is going to turn out, before the people of President, I will name people to the bench
Iowa or anywhere else have shown up to who will strictly interpret the law and not
vote. You know, I’m used to that. I remember legislate from the bench.” And that is exactly
2004 campaign. The prognosticators said, what I have done. And make no mistake
“No way old George W. can carry Iowa.” You about it, if the Democrats were to control
proved them wrong. In 2004, a bunch of the United States Senate, judges like Sam
them in Washington were already picking out Alito and John Roberts would never have
their offices in the West Wing. And then the been confirmed to the Supreme Court. And
people went to the polls, and the movers I thank Senator Grassley for his stalwart sup
were not needed. port of the kind of judges you expect me to
And the same thing is going to happen this appoint.
year. The people are going to go to the polls; There's a lot of issues in these campaigns.
you're going to elect a Republican Governor; Jim Nussle talks about making sure this is
and we're going to have a Republican-con a fine place to do business—he'll deliver. Jim
trolled House and Senate, and the country Nussle talks about being fiscally wise with
will be better off for it. your money—he'll deliver.
We're going to win, because we under There's a lot of issues—I want to talk about
stand the values and the priorities of the two issues that confront the good folks of
American people. We understand—we un Iowa and the folks around this country. The
derstand, you can't make decisions based two big issues in this campaign are taxes and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1979

who best to defend the United States from don't want you to know about it. Here are
attack. Let me start with taxes. We believe the words of the ranking Democrat in the
you can spend your money better than the House of Representatives. They asked her
Federal Government can. The Democrats about tax cuts, and she said, “We love tax
will raise your taxes, because they think they cuts.” Given her record, she must be a secret
can spend your money better than you can. admirer. [Laughter] The record they have to
Audience members. No-o-o! run on is that every single tax cut we passed
The President. We believe that when you was opposed by the Democrats. When we
have more of your own money in your pocket made it easier for families with children, they
to save, invest, or spend, the economy bene voted no. When we made it easier for small
fits. But you didn't send us to Washington businesses, they voted no. When we said,
just to be philosophers; you sent us to act. “You shouldn't tax a fellow who owns a farm
I was proud to sign the largest tax cuts since when he's living and then tax him after he
Ronald Reagan was the President of the dies,” they voted no. Time and time again
United States. We cut taxes on everybody when they had the opportunity to show love
who pays income taxes. We doubled the child for-their love for tax cuts, they said no. If
tax credit. We reduced the marriage penalty. that's their definition of love, I sure would
We cut taxes on small businesses. We cut hate to see what hate looks like.
taxes on capital gains and dividends to en Let me explain to you how it works: If we
courage investment. And for the sake of our don't make the tax cuts we passed permanent
farmers and for the sake of our small-busi or extend them, your taxes go up. And that's
ness owners, we put the death tax on the why people here in Iowa and around the
road to extinction. country must take the words of those who
And Grassley, Nussle, and King were want to run the Congress very seriously. The
strong supporters in making sure you had person who thinks he will be the head of
more money. You might remember the de the Ways and Means Committee, the head
bate in Washington. Oh, the Democrats said Democrat, said he couldn't think of one tax
the tax cuts would not create jobs, and the cut that he would extend. If that were to hap
Democrats said the tax cuts would not in pen, the child tax credit would go from
crease wages, and the Democrats said that $1,000 a child to $500 a child.
those tax cuts would cause the Federal deficit Audience members. Boo-o-o!
to explode. Well, the facts are in. Reality has The President. So when you get home
now come to be. The tax cuts we passed have and have dinner this evening, count the num
led to a strong and growing economy. And ber of children you have at your table—
I want to share with you the news that came [laughter]—and multiple by 500. See, if they
out this morning. The national unemploy take control of the House, they're going to
ment rate is at 4.4 percent. We added 92,000 raise your taxes by not making the tax cuts
jobs in the month of October. Over the last we passed permanent. So if you've got three
3 months, Americans added 470,000 jobs. children, you can go one, two, three times
People are working in this country, and the 500, that's a $1,500 tax increase. If you hap
wages are going up. Real wages rose 2.4 per pen to have four children—I bet somebody
cent over the past 12 months. That means here has got four–ſlaughter)—there you
an extra $1,300 for the typical family of four go—you count them up, one, two, three—
with two wage earners. you got six? One, two, three, four, five, six.
And let me talk about the deficit. Instead [Laughter And you multiply those six chil
of exploding, we have cut the deficit in half, dren by $500 a head, you're paying $3,000
3 years ahead of schedule. If the Democrats' more in taxes. That may not seem like a lot
economic predictions—let me say, if their to those folks in Washington, but it seems
election predictions are as good as their eco like a lot to us. And that's why it's important
nomic predictions, we're going to have a fine to send Steve King back to the United States
day on November the 7th. Congress, to keep your taxes low.
The interesting thing about campaigns, if This election is taking place in an historic
somebody is going to raise your taxes, they time for our country. And when our children
1980 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
and grandchildren look back on this period, of law enforcement. And yet we couldn't do
one question will overwhelm all the rest: Did it. That's why I went to the Congress and
we do everything in our power to fight and asked Congress to pass the PATRIOT Act.
win the war on terror? I wish I could report The PATRIOT Act protects civil liberties. On
to you all that there was no war, but there the other hand, it tears down the barrier that
is. I see it every day. Our most important prevents people from sharing information. It
job in Washington is to protect you. It's by was a vital piece of legislation.
far the fundamental responsibility we have. When it came time to be renewed, the
And we face a brutal enemy that wants to Senate Democrats filibustered the bill. They
kill Americans again. Let me share some tried to kill it. As a matter of fact, the minor
thoughts with you about the enemy. You ity leader of the Senate said–bragged, “We
can't negotiate with them. You can't try to killed that bill.” See, there's a different
talk sense into them. The best way to protect mindset in Washington, and when people are
you is to find them where they are and bring thinking about going to the polls, they've got
them to justice so they won't hurt Americans to understand the differences of opinion.
I felt like if an Al Qaida or an Al Qaida
I know some ask, “Well, why would they affiliate was making a phone call into the
possibly want to hurt America?" We're full United States, we need to know why. If our
of decent and compassionate people, which job is to protect you, and this is a different
we are. And the reason why is these folks
kind of war that requires good, sound intel
are ideologues. They're totalitarians. They ligence, we ought to know why. And yet
believe in something, and what they believe
in is the opposite of what we believe in. We when that bill came up in front of the House
believe in the freedom of people to worship of Representatives, by far the vast majority
as they so choose; they don't. We believe in of Democrats voted against giving our profes
public dissent; they don't. We believe that sionals the tools. See, they must not think
you can criticize your government; they don't we're at war. Either that—they must think
believe that. They are the opposite of what it's okay to respond after we're attacked.
we stand for. And yet, they have ambitions. What we must do is to respond before we're
They want to establish a governing organiza attacked, to protect the American people.
tion, a caliphate. They want to impose their We're picking up people on the battlefield.
will. And that's why I have called this struggle One day the came in the Oval Office and
the ideological struggle of the 21st century. said, “Mr. President, we have captured
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.” Our intel
And so we're on the offense, and that's
part of our strategy. The other part of our ligence folks believe he was the mastermind
strategy is do everything we can to protect of the September the 11th attacks. I told the
you here at home, and it's a challenge. It's CIA that I think it's important for them, the
a challenge because we have to be right 100 professionals, to figure out what he knows.
percent of the time to protect Americans, See, if he ordered the first attack, he might
and they only have to be right one time. know something about another attack. And
And that is why I have worked with Con if our job is to protect you, we need to know
what these radicals and extremists are think
gress to provide our professionals with the
tools they need to protect you. And let me ing, what they're planning. And so I put the
share some of my thinking. You know that program in place. It came up for a vote—
there was a wall that prevented our intel in both bodies, the vast majority of Demo
ligence services from sharing information crats voted against giving the professionals
with law enforcement. That doesn't make any the tools necessary to protect you.
sense. I know it doesn't make any sense. It Audience members. Boo-o-o!
certainly had no common sense to it. But The President. We need to put people
nevertheless, that's what happened. This is in the Congress like Steve King. We need
a different kind of war, and when we find people all across the United States who are
intelligence, in order to protect you, it has running for the Senate and the House of
to be shared with the people on the frontline Representatives who understand we're at war
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1981

and will give us the tools necessary to protect Let me say something to you loud and
you from attack. clear: Iraq is not the reason why the terrorists
We've got a lot of great people who are are at war with us. We were not in Iraq when
the terrorists attacked the World Trade Cen
on the hunt. It is hard to plan and plot when
you're on the run. And that's exactly what ter in 1993. We were not in Iraq when they
we're doing. We're pressing on the offense. attacked the Embassies in Kenya and Tan
Anytime, anyplace we think there's an enemy zania. We were not in Iraq when they at
tacked the USS Cole. And we were not in
who will do harm to the American people,
we're moving. And you just need to know Iraq on September the 11th, 2001, when they
that. killed nearly 3,000 of our citizens. You do
One of the lessons of September the 11th not create terrorists by fighting the terrorists.
is this—and it's a lesson no President can The best way to protect you is to stay on
ever forget—that when we see a threat, we the offense and bring these folks to justice
must take that threat seriously, before it before they hurt the American people again.
comes home to hurt us. See, it used to be Our goal in Iraq is victory. Our goal is to
that if a threat were overseas, we could say, have a country which can govern itself, sus
“It's overseas.” September the 11th changed tain itself, and defend itself, and be an ally
that. It changed it once and for all in this in the war on terror. And it's a tough fight.
new kind of war. I saw a threat in Saddam I know it's a tough fight, and you know it's
Hussein; Members of the United States Con a tough fight. It's a tough fight because we
face an enemy that kills innocent people in
gress in both political parties saw a threat order to achieve their objectives. And they're
in Saddam Hussein; the United Nations saw
the threat in Saddam Hussein. I made the good at propaganda. They understand that
the carnage they create will end up on our
right decision to get rid of Saddam Hussein, TV screens, and they believe that the Amer
and the world is better off for it.
ican people do not have the will to protect
We're in a global war against these terror ourselves in the long run. That's what they
ists. And we must fight them where we find believe.
them, and right now Iraq is a central front But they don't understand this administra
in that war. Oh, I’ve heard them in Wash tion, and they don't understand the American
ington; you know, they say Iraq is a distrac people. We're not going to run from thugs
tion from the war on terror. Well, we just and assassins. My message to our com
have a difference of opinion. I believe Iraq manders on the ground is, you will have what
is central to the war on terror. Our troops it needs to succeed. You can adjust your tac
believe Iraq is central to the war on terror. tics the way you see fit, in order to be able
And so does Usama bin Laden. Usama bin
to defeat the enemy. As the enemy changes,
Laden has said that the fight in Iraq is the we change. As the enemy adjusts, we adjust.
third world war. He went on to say—and I We've got something going for us in Iraq–
want you to listen to the enemy's words— two things—that the American people must
he said that victory for the terrorists in Iraq understand. We've got a strategy for victory
will mean America's defeat and disgrace for that's being implemented by the finest
ever. That's what he said. United States military ever on the face of
But they think differently in Washington, the Earth. And around this country—I un
particularly the Democrats. I want you to derstand people don't agree with my decision
hear the words of one of the leading Demo on Iraq, but let me say this: Whether you
crats in Washington about this war on ter do or not, you owe the troops the full sup
ror—she said, “The President says that fight port.
ing there makes it less likely we will have When I went to the Congress to ask for
to fight them here.” I agree; I did say that the full support for our troops, I could count
because I believe that. She went on to say, on Jim Nussle, and I could count on Steve
“The opposite is true. Because we are fight King, and I could count on Chuck Grassley.
ing them there, it may become more likely You don't have to worry about these three
that we will have to fight them here.” people understanding that we owe it to our
Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
troops and their families to make sure they agreement on basic principles.” She's right.
have everything they need to do the jobs I've The basic principle is, get out before the job
asked them to do.
is done. I'm not saying these people are un
And there's something else that leads me patriotic; I'm saying they're wrong.
to believe we'll win. I'm going to tell you On this vital issue, the Democrats have
something pointblank: If I didn't think we taken a calculated gamble. They believe that
could win, I'd get our troops out. See, I can't the only way they can win this election is
look in the eyes of the loved ones who have to criticize and not offer a plan. One Demo
got somebody in harm's way and not believe crat said recently of the strategy, “This elec
in my heart of hearts that the cause is noble tion is about them,” talking about us. So far,
and necessary and that we'll achieve victory. they've refused to tell us how they intend
The Iraqis want success. They're suffering to win in Iraq and how they intend to secure
unspeakable violence, yet they are firm in this country. But there are 4 days left in the
their resolve to be a country which can gov election. There's still time. [Laughter]
ern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself. You
If you happen to bump into a Democratic
know, I was pleased when nearly 12 million candidate, you might want to ask this simple
people defied the car bombers and terrorists question: What's your plan? If they say they
and voted, but I wasn't surprised. I'll tell you want to protect the homeland but opposed
why I'm not surprised. I believe that one of the PATRIOT Act, ask them: What's your
the great gifts from an Almighty is a desire plan? If they say they want to uncover ter
to be free—in everybody's soul. I believe in
the universality of freedom. It didn't surprise rorist
plots but opposed listening in on ter
conversations, just ask them: What's
me that people, when given a chance, would
say, “We want to live in a free society.” your plan? If they say they want to stop new
So our strategy is to help this young de attacks on our country but oppose letting the
mocracy defeat the extremists by encour CIA detain and question the terrorists who
might know where those plots are, ask them:
aging a political system that unifies the coun
try, by helping their economy grow, and by win in isthe
What your plan? If they say they want to
war on terror but call for America
training Iraqis so they take the fight. And
I believe we'll succeed in having a govern to pull out from what Al Qaida says is the
ment of and by and for the people in Iraq, central front on the war on terror, ask them:
unless we leave before the job is done. What is your plan? See, they don't have a
This is an important issue facing the Amer plan. They have no plan.
ican voters. If you listen carefully for the Harsh criticism is not a plan for victory.
Democrats' plan for success in Iraq, you're Second-guessing is not a strategy. If we were
not going to hear anything. They don't have to leave Iraq before the job is done, the
a plan for success. Iraq is the central front enemy would be emboldened. This is a dif
in the war to protect you. And yet, they don't ferent kind of war. Unlike other wars—you
have a plan for victory. You can hear all kinds could leave the battlefield before the job was
of voices. You hear them say, “Pull out now.” done, and nothing would happen here at
Then you hear other candidates say, “We’re home. In this war, if we were to leave before
going to have a fixed date for withdrawal, the job was done, the enemy will follow us
regardless of whether or not we've suc here. If we were to leave before the job is
ceeded.” You've had a Member of the House done, it would strengthen the hands of the
of Representatives from the Democrat side radicals and extremists. If we were to leave
saying his recommendation is to move our before the job was done, it would dash the
troops to an island 5,000 miles away. You've hopes of millions in the Middle East who
had 19 House Democrats say, “We’re going want to simply live in peace. And if we were
to cut off the funds for our troops.” to leave before the job was done, it would
One of Chuck Grassley's colleagues, a dishonor the sacrifice of the men and women
Democrat Senator, explained her party's po who have worn our uniform. The con
sition this way: “We haven't coalesced around sequences of not fulfilling our strategy for
a single plan,” she said, “but we're in general victory would be felt for generations.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 3 1983

See, the enemy has made it clear that they work together to convince the leader in
believe they can drive us out of the Middle North Korea to give up his nuclear weapons
East so they can establish a safe haven from ambitions. I talked to him about the fact that
which to launch further attacks, just like the Iraq has-I mean, Japan has 1,000 troops in
safe haven they had in Afghanistan. The Iraq. See, he understands what I know. In
enemy has made it clear that they would like an ideological struggle against totalitarians,
to topple moderate governments to begin to you can defeat them with liberty. And there
impose their totalitarian ideology. The enemy fore, when we find young democracies, it's
has made it clear that they would like to use in our interest and the interest of our chil
energy resources to be able to blackmail the dren to help those young democracies sur
West. V1Ve.

Imagine a Middle East where the radicals We talked about how to whom much is
and extremists were able to use oil to say given, much is required, and that is why we
to America, “We’re going to run your price will continue to help save lives on the con
of oil up unless you abandon your allies such tinent of Africa by defeating the pandemic
as Israel,” or, “We’re going to run your price of HIV/AIDS. We talked about the need to
of oil up unless you just totally withdraw and feed the hungry. We talked about our re
let us be.” Aj you couple all that with a sponsibilities to do necessary work to keep
country which doesn't like us having a nu peace.
clear weapon, and 30 years from now, people Isn't that interesting that my dad fought
are going to look back and say, “What hap the Japanese, and yet, his son was able to
pened to them in 2006? How come they talk about keeping the peace. What hap
couldn't see the impending danger? What pened was, was that Japan adopted a Japa
clouded their vision?” nese-style democracy. Liberty has got the ca
My vision is clear. I see the danger. That pacity to change enemies into allies. And lib
is why we will support our troops. That is erty has got the capacity to change regions
why we will fight in Iraq. And that is why of frustration and hopelessness to regions of
we will win in Iraq. hope. Someday, an American President will
I would like to share one story with you, be sitting down with elected leaders from the
and then we'll all go outside and get some Middle East talking about keeping the peace,
oxygen. [Laughter] Pretty soon. Recently, I and a generation of Americans will be better
went with the then-sitting Prime Minister of off for it.
Japan to Elvis's place. [Laughter] I did so I'm honored you came out and let me
for a couple reasons: One, I had never been share some thoughts with you. My thought
in Elvis's place, thought it would be fun to to you is, go from here and find Republicans,
go. [Laughter] And Laura was kind of nudg discerning Democrats—[laughter)—open
ing me. [Laughter] Secondly, Prime Minister minded independents—[laughter]—and get
Koizumi wanted to go to Elvis's place be them to the polls, and remind them about
cause he liked Elvis. Thirdly, I want to tell the stakes. You got a chance to have a fan
a story, and it's a story about the power of tastic Governor in Jim Nussle in the state
liberty. house. The people in this State and around
The Japanese attacked us in the early for the country have an opportunity, in their
ties. People like George H.W. Bush, people votes, to decide how much money you have
like your relatives said, “I want to join the in your pocket. Make no mistake about it,
military to defeat the sworn enemy,” and a one of the big issues in this campaign is
lot of people did—just like people are doing whether or not your taxes are going to go
today, by the way. A lot of people—a lot of up or whether they're going to go low. You
[applause]. And it was a i. conflict, and know our choice. Our choice is, we're going
thousands and thousands of people lost their to keep your taxes low.
lives. And yet, I'm on Air Force One, flying And finally, the vote in 2006 will help de
down to Memphis, Tennessee, talking to the termine whether or not this country will use
Prime Minister of the former enemy about everything in our power to protect the Amer
peace. I'm talking to him about how we can ican people from attack and, at the same
1984 Nov. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

time, lay the foundation of peace for genera not received in time for publication in the appro
tions to come. priate issue.
I'm honored you're here. May God bless
you, and may God continue to bless the The President’s Radio Address
United States.
November 4, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 4:54 p.m. at Le
Mars Community High School. In his remarks, Good morning. I'm speaking to you today
he referred to former President Saddam Hussein from the Mile High Coffee i. in Engle
of Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida wood, Colorado. Mile High Coffee was
terrorist organization; former Prime Minister founded by Brian Verbeck, who is the city's
Junichiro Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Kim entrepreneur of the year. I'm here to have
Jhong Il of North Korea. This item was not re a cup of his famous coffee and have breakfast
ceived in time for publication in the appropriate with a group of local entrepreneurs to discuss
Our . and growing economy.

Yesterday we received more good news

Executive Order 13414– about our economy. The national unemploy
Amendment to Executive Order ment rate has dropped to 4.4 percent. It's
the lowest rate in more than 5 years. Over
13402, Strengthening Federal the past 3 months, America has added
Efforts To Protect Against Identity 470,000 new jobs, for a total of more than
6.8 million new jobs since August of 2003.
November 3, 2006 Real wages rose 2.4 percent over the past
year, which means an extra $1,327 for the
By the authority vested in me as President typical family of four with two wage earners.
by the Constitution and the laws of the Americans are finding jobs, and they're tak
United States of America, and in order to ing home more pay.
amend the date by which the Identity Theft The main reason for our growing economy
Task Force shall submit to the President its is that we cut taxes and left more money in
coordinated strategic plan, it is hereby or the hands of families and workers and small
dered that section 3(a) of Executive Order business owners. Entrepreneurs like the ones
13402 of May 10, 2006, is amended to read I'm having breakfast with this morning have
as follows: “review the activities of executive put that money to good use. They expanded
branch departments, agencies, and instru their businesses, and they're creating jobs in
mentalities relating to the policy set forth in their communities.
section 1, and building upon these prior ac One of the entrepreneurs with me today
tivities, prepare and submit in writing to the is Duke Hanson, the cofounder of a company
President by February 9, 2007, or as soon called Crocs. Crocs produces a hugely pop
ular line of lightweight shoes, and over the
as practicable thereafter as the Chairman and
Co-Chairman shall determine, a coordinated past 3 years, they've expanded dramatically.
strategic plan to further improve the effec Three years ago, Crocs had just 11 employ
tiveness and efficiency of the Federal Gov ees. Today, Crocs provides jobs for hundreds
ernment's activities in the areas of identity of Americans, and his shoes are sold all over
theft awareness, prevention, detection, and the world. Duke calls this “rocket-ship
prosecution.”. growth.” Here's what he says: “We’re bring
George W. Bush ing a lot of money in. We're employing peo
ple and providing a product that millions of
The White House, people love.”
November 3, 2006. Another entrepreneur with me today is
Rich Lewis. Rich is the founder, president,
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, and CEO of a technology company called
8:45 a.m., November 7, 2006]
RTL Networks. Rich's company sells and
NOTE: This Executive order was published in the maintains computer network hardware and
Federal Register on November 8. This item was infrastructure. His business is growing as
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 4 1985

well. Over the past 4 years, RTL Networks owners who hope to pass on their life's work
has expanded from 1 to 19 employees. Rich to their children and grandchildren will have
says, “We’ve been growing. I feel more se to worry about their families being hit by the
cure now as an entrepreneur and return of the death tax.
businessowner, and I see continued growth.” The choice you make on Tuesday will have
A third entrepreneur with me today is a direct impact on our economy, on the small
Luke Schmieder. He's the chairman and businesses that are creating jobs, and on the
CEO and cofounder of Mesa Labs. His com workers who depend on them. The last thing
pany sells kidney dialysis products, electronic American families and small businesses need
measuring instruments, and biological indi now is a higher tax bill, and that is what you'll
cators, which means they use technology to get if the Democrats take control of the Con
meet people's health care needs. His com gress.
pany got off to a rough start, until Luke mort America needs leaders in Washington who
gaged his house to turn things around. In understand that you know how to save,
the past 6 years, the company has grown 34 spend, and invest your money better than the
percent. Luke says, “Revenues are up; earn Federal Government. And we need leaders
ings are up. I say it's a good economy right who will work to make the tax relief we deliv
ered permanent. And now the decision is in
Our tax cuts have helped businesses like your hands, and however you decide, I urge
these create jobs and deliver prosperity you to get out and vote on Tuesday.
across Colorado and across the Nation. Yet I appreciate you listening.
Democrats in Washington have consistently NOTE: The address was recorded at 8:06 a.m. at
opposed cutting taxes. They predicted that
Mile High Coffee in Englewood, CO, for imme
the tax cuts would not create jobs, would diate broadcast. The Office of the Press Secretary
[not] * increase wages, and would cause the also released a Spanish language transcript of this
Federal deficit to explode. American workers address.
and entrepreneurs have proved all those pre
dictions wrong.
But the Democrats are still determined to Remarks at a Colorado Victory 2006
raise taxes. And if they gain control of the Rally in Greeley, Colorado
Congress, they can do so without lifting a November 4, 2006
finger. Under current law, many of the tax
cuts we passed have to be renewed by Con The President. Thank you. Thank you all
gress or they will expire. In other words, if very much. I appreciate you coming. Thanks.
Congress fails to act, your taxes will automati It's great to be back in Greeley. Thanks for
cally go up. If Democrats take control of the your hospitality. This isn't the first time I've
House, the committee in charge of all the been to Greeley. I like coming to places like
tax legislation would be chaired by a Demo Greeley, Colorado, because the people here
crat who recently said he can't think of one are down-to-earth, hard-working—people
of our tax cuts he would extend. And if here have a lot of common sense.
there's no legislation to renew and extend the That's what we need in Washington, DC,
tax cuts, every tax rate will go back up to common sense. And Marilyn Musgrave
its old, higher level. brings common sense to Washington, DC.
Think what that would mean for the small I'm not surprised she is a native of this im
business owners like the ones with me today. portant State, and she was raised right here
If the Democrats have their way, small-busi in this district. And you raised her well. She
ness owners like Rich Lewis, who pay busi understands your values; she knows what
ness taxes at individual rates, will see their you're thinking. Send her back to the United
taxes go up. Small-business owners who want States Congress.
to expand and invest in new equipment will I appreciate you coming today. I'm sorry
face a tax hike as well. And small-business that Laura is not with me. Yes—well, I don't
want her to know that I know it's her birth
* White House correction. day. [Laughter] Well, she knows I know. I'm
1986 Nov. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
just not telling you the gift I'm going to give because our values and priorities don't
her. It's a surprise. [Laughter] But she sends change because of the latest poll or the latest
her very best to our friends here in Colorado. focus group. We're going to win this election
She understands what I know: Marilyn because we've got a good, strong record to
Musgrave is a fine United States Congress run On.

woman and deserves your support. See, I got to know the Congresswoman
I'm proud to be here with Senator Wayne well. Last time I talked to her, she said,
Allard. He's doing a fine job for the people “Don’t you ever forget those Colorado ranch
of this State. I know firsthand. I deal with ers.” By the way, it's good to be in country
him all the time; he's always got Colorado where the cowboy hats outnumber the ties.
on his mind. She said, “Don't forget, we've got farmers
I'm proud to be here with a man who's here.” Let me tell you something. I know
done an excellent job as your Governor, Gov what she knows; if the ageconomy is strong,
ernor Bill Owens. And I'm also pleased that the United States overall economy is strong.
the next Governor of Colorado, Bob I understand something about ranching
Beauprez, is with us. So when you're in that and farming. You might remember, I was
box voting for Marilyn, make sure you put raised in west Texas. And I understand that
your check by Beauprez's name as well. we need to be opening up markets, and we
You're going to get good, solid government are. I also understand we have a fantastic op
with Bob Beauprez. portunity to use agricultural products grown
I appreciate very much that Mike Coffman right here in Colorado to make us less de
is with us. I appreciate Bob Schaffer is with pendent on foreign oil. And Marilyn under
us. I want to thank the mayor, Tom Selders, stands that as well. If you're a farmer or a
who's with us. Mr. Mayor, thanks for coming. rancher or count on the agricultural industry
I want to thank all the candidates and local to make a living, it is in your interest to send
officials. Marilyn Musgrave back to the United States
I particularly want to thank the grassroots Congress.
activists who are here. You're the people put One thing I don't have to worry about is
ting up the signs and making the phone calls her support for the United States military.
and turning out the vote. Rest assured, I don't have to worry about her strong sup
Marilyn is going to work hard, and she's |. for making sure our veterans get the
counting on you to work hard with her. enefits they deserve. She understands what
This election is just 3 days away. Oh, I know: We will honor those who have worn
you've probably heard them in Washington— the uniform and support those who wear it
all the pundits and prognosticators have al today.
ready determined the outcome of the elec Marilyn Musgrave understands the impor
tion. I want to remind them, the folks of Col tance of defending traditional values. In
orado haven't even voted yet. Oh, it's not the Washington, she's worked to defend the
first time we've been through this. You might Pledge Allegiance and to protect the flag
remember 2004. I suspect it was about the from desecration. She has worked to prevent
time I came to Greeley that some of them the institution of marriage from being rede
in Washington were already picking out their fined by activist judges. She understands
offices in the West Wing. [Laughter] And your values, and that's another reason to send
then you voted, and the movers weren't her back to the United States Congress.
needed. They're not going to be needed on Oh, there's big differences between how
November the 7th. With your help, we will the Democrats think and how we think, and
hold the House, Marilyn will win, and we there's no clearer difference on two big
will control the United States Senate. issues: One issue is taxes, and the other issue
And there's a reason. We've got a fantastic is who best to defend the United States of
group of folks who will turn out the vote. America.
But we also share the values with the major First, let me start with taxes. We have a
ity of the American people. We share their clear philosophy. This philosophy says this:
priorities. We're going to win this election We believe you know how to spend your
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 4 1987

money better than the Federal Government they don't want you to know it. [Laughter]
does. I know that the Democrats want to They asked the top Democrat leader in the
raise your taxes because they think they can House about tax cuts, and she made an inter
spend your money better than you can. esting statement. She said, “We love tax
Audience members. No-o-o! cuts.” But given her record, she must be a
The President. We understand that when secret admirer. [Laughter] See, she and her
you have more of your own money in your party voted against reducing the marriage
pocket to save, invest, or spend, the whole penalty, voted against cutting taxes on small
economy benefits. But you didn't expect peo businesses, voted against lowering taxes for
ple to go off to Washington and just philoso families with children, voted against reducing
phize; you expected us to act. And that's what taxes on capital gains and dividends, voted
we have done. I have signed the largest tax against putting the death tax on the road to
cut since Ronald Reagan was the President extinction. Time and time again, when she
of the United States, and Marilyn Musgrave had her opportunity to show love, she voted
is a strong supporter of lower taxes. no. [Laughter] If that's their definition of
We cut the taxes for every American who love, I'd sure hate to see what hate looks like.
pays income taxes. We doubled the child tax Let me explain to you how it works. Here's
credit. We cut taxes on small businesses. We how it works: If these tax cuts we passed are
cut taxes on—we reduced the marriage pen not extended or not made permanent, your
alty. We cut taxes on capital gains and divi taxes are going to go up.
dends to encourage investment. And I want Audience members. Boo-o-o!
the farmers and ranchers to listen carefully— The President. In other words, if we don't
we put the death tax on the road to extinc have people in Congress who will join me
tion. We don't think you need to be taxed in saying, “Let's make these tax cuts extend,”
when you're living and then when you die. or, “Make them permanent,” you'll be paying
Oh, I'm sure you remember the debate more taxes.

in Washington, DC. Democrats in Wash And so they asked the person who wishes
ington predicted that the tax cuts would not that he would be the . of the tax writing
create jobs, would not increase wages, and committee, the lead Democrat, whether any
that the tax cuts would cause the Federal def of the tax cuts we passed should be extended,
icit to explode. Well, the facts are in. The and the person said, “Not a one.” In other
truth is, the tax cuts have led to a strong and words, what they're advocating without com
growing economy. And just yesterday we got ing out and saying it is, “We’re going to raise
additional good news. The national unem your taxes.”
ployment rate is down to 4.4 percent. Our And let me explain how it will work for
economy added 92,000 months [jobs]* last you. If you have children, your child tax cred
month, and over the past 3 months, America it will go from 1,000 per child to $500 per
has added 470,000 new jobs. child. So when you're sitting around the din
The ag economy is strong in the United ner table tonight, you count the number of
States. Real wages rose 2.4 percent over the heads you've got at the table with you, and
past year. And thanks to our growing econ then you multiply by $500 a child, the sum
omy and being wise with your money, we of which will be how much you're going to
cut the deficit in half 3 years ahead of sched pay in increased taxes. So, just say you got
ule. Our economic policies are working. And three children, you go, one, two, three times
if the Democrats' election predictions are as 500—that's $1,500 additional taxes if the
good as their economic predictions—[laugh Democrats take over the House of Rep
ter]—next Tuesday is going to be a great day resentatives. Somebody has got more than
for Republicans. three children I bet in this crowd—ſap
It's important for people in this district and plause]. Yes, how many you got? Got four
around the country to understand, the children. There you go. Well, then you're
Democrats are going to raise your taxes, but going to go, one, two, three, four, times
500—that’s a $2,000 tax increase. That may
* White House correction. not seem like a lot to people in Washington,
Nov. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
DC, but it seems like a lot to me and Marilyn. is thinking and what they're about to do, in
And therefore, send her to the Congress, and order to protect you.
we'll keep your taxes low. And so I asked the Congress to pass what
And the American people must under we have called the PATRIOT Act, which
stand the facts. If you vote Democrat, you're makes it now possible for intelligence folks
voting for a tax increase. And if you're voting to give the information to law enforcement
Republican, you're voting for low taxes and officials so they can do their jobs. Interest
a strong economy. ingly enough, by far, the vast majority of
The election is taking place in an historic Democrats in the House of Representatives
time for our country. And when the children voted against the reauthorization of the PA
and grandchildren look back at this period, TRIOT Act. And the reason I'm telling you
one question will overwhelm all the rest: Did this, it's important, if you have not made up
we do everything in our power to fight and your mind in this election, to understand
there is a different mindset between what
win the war against the terrorists? I wish I
could come to Greeley and report this war Republicans and what you believe and what
Democrats in Washington believe. See, they
is over. It is not. There's still an enemy which
desires to inflict harm on America. I live it must not believe we're at war; otherwise, why
every day. I understand what I am talking wouldn't they have given them—our intel
about. Our most important job in Wash ligence folks and law enforcement folks—the
ington is to protect you—is to protect you tools necessary to protect you?
from further attacks. I've always believed that if the enemy, Al
We face an enemy which has no con phone or Qaida an Al Qaida affiliate, is making a
call from outside the United States
science. They kill innocent people to achieve to inside the United States, we must under
their objectives. They share an ideology, and stand why, if our job is to protect you. If
it's an ideology that's foreign to the United we want to protect you and somebody that
States. It's an ideology that is the exact oppo we know wants to harm a fellow citizen is
site of what we believe. We believe in basic
calling in to somebody, it makes sense to un
freedoms. We believe in human dignity. We derstand why. Yet, when this program came
value human life. They use human life to up in front of the United States Congress,
achieve objectives. They don't believe in by far, the vast majority of Democrats voted
freedom. They are totalitarians, and they against it. They must think it's okay to re
have a desire to spread their vision, their spond after we're attacked. I believe we've
point of view throughout as much of the got to do everything to prevent the attacks
world as possible. And they recognize we in the first place.
stand in the way, and that's why they want We capture the enemy on the battlefield.
to inflict damage on the United States of Recently—or not recently, a while ago, we
America. The best way to protect you is to picked up a fellow named Khalid Sheikh Mo
find these enemies overseas so we do not
hammed. Our intelligence folks believe he's
have to face them here at home.
the man that masterminded the September
Part of our strategy is to stay on the of the 11th attacks. And when they picked him
fense, and the other part of the strategy is up, I recognized it would be important to
to give our professionals the tools necessary find out what he knew. See, if he ordered
to protect you here at home. So after the the first attack, he might know something
attacks, I evaluated programs to determine about a further attack. And it makes sense,
what we could do better to do our most im if our job is to protect you, to say to the CIA
portant job, and that is to protect you. One professionals, “Find out what he knows.” It’s
of the problems we had is that over time, a different kind of war. We must understand
there was a wall that built up that prevented what the enemy is thinking in order to pro
the intelligence community from sharing in tect you. So I sent this bill up to the United
formation with law enforcement. That didn't States Congress. By far, the vast majority of
make any sense. You see, in this new kind Democrats in both bodies voted against giv
of war, we must understand what the enemy ing our professionals the tools necessary to
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 4 1989

protect you. There's just a different mindset. are fighting them there, it may become more
If you want to be protected, you send likely that we will have to fight them here.”
Marilyn Musgrave back to the United States Iraq is not the reason why the terrorists are
Congress. at war with us. You remind your citizens that
We are on the offense overseas. It's hard we were not in Iraq when they attacked the
to plot and plan if you're on the run. It's World Trade Center in 1993. We were not
hard to plot and plan if you're hiding. There's in Iraq when they bombed our Embassies
some fantastic people who have volunteered in Kenya—Tanzania and Kenya. We were
to serve your country, who are keeping the not in Iraq when they attacked the USS Cole.
pressure on this enemy. And we were not in Iraq on September the
One of the lessons of September the 11th, 11th, 2001.
a vital lesson of September the 11th, a lesson You do not create terrorists by fighting the
any President must always remember is that terrorists. The best way to protect you is to
when we see a threat overseas, we have got stay on the offense and bring these people
to take those threats seriously. You can't just to justice before they can hurt us again.
hope for the best in a war against people Our goal in Iraq is victory. Victory means,
who want to kill our citizens. And so when a country which can sustain itself, govern
you see a threat, for the sake of our children, itself, and defend itself and will be an ally
we must take those threats seriously. I saw in the war on terror. And this is tough fight
a threat in Saddam Hussein; Members of the ing. I know it's tough fighting, and you know
United States Congress from both political it's tough fighting. It's tough fighting because
parties saw the same threat; the United Na we face an enemy which is willing to kill in
tions saw the threat. My decision to remove nocent people in order to achieve an objec
Saddam Hussein was the right decision, and tive. See, they can't stand the thought of a
the world is better off for it. young democracy succeeding in the midst of
We are in a global struggle. By global their plans to spread a totalitarian vision of
struggle I mean, we will find and face the darkness. And that's why you're seeing the
enemy wherever we can. And we're on a mul struggle you're seeing.
tiple of fronts, the most important of which And the enemy understands that if they
is Iraq. It is the central front in the war on put enough carnage on the TV screen that
terror. I have heard Democrats in Wash America will—will be shaken. At least that's
ington say, Iraq is a distraction from the war what they believe. And that's what you're
on terror. What I'm describing to you over seeing. And that's why a lot of our fellow
and over again, there is a different mindset, citizens are justifiably concerned about Iraq.
and voters have got to understand when they But what the enemy doesn't understand
go into the polls, the difference of opinion. about this administration and millions of
See, I know Iraq is the central front in the Americans is, we're not going to run in the
war on terror, and so do our troops. But I face of thugs and assassins.
want people to listen to the words of Usama Our goals have not changed; our tactics
bin Laden. If you have doubt about whether constantly change. I have given our com
Iraq is important to this war on terror, listen manders all the authority they need to keep
to the words of the enemy. Usama bin Laden adjusting to the tactics of this enemy. And
calls this fight the third world war. He went we are; we're constantly altering the tactics.
on to say, victory for the terrorists in Iraq As the enemy changes, we change. And we've
will mean America's defeat and disgrace for got a lot going for us. We've got a good strat
ever. He understands the consequences. egy that's going to work, and we've got a fan
But I want you to hear the words of a sen tastic United States military that deserves the
ior Democrat in the House of Representa full support of the United States.
tives about her view. She said, “The Presi Whether or not the people of this country
dent says fighting them there makes it less agree with my decision, one thing they need
likely we will have to fight them here.” I do to do is to honor and respect the volunteers
say that, because I believe that. She went who wear the uniform. And you don't have
on to say, “The opposite is true. Because we to worry about Marilyn Musgrave making
1990 Nov. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
sure our troops have all they need to do the lesced around a single plan, but we're in gen
jobs I've asked them to do. eral agreement on the basic principles."
There's something else happening in Iraq. Well, she's right. They are in agreement on
There are brave Iraqis who've endured un one thing. They will leave before the job is
speakable violence, and the reason they have done.
is because they want to live in freedom. I Audience members. Boo-o-o!
was pleased at the outcome of their elections, The President. I'm not saying these peo
but I wasn't surprised. I'll tell you why I ple are unpatriotic; I'm just saying they're
wasn't surprised. I believe in the universality wrong. On this vital issue, the Democrats
of freedom. I believe there's an Almighty, have taken a calculated gamble. They believe
and one of the gifts of the Almighty to each that the only way they can win this election
man and woman and child on the face of is to criticize and not offer a plan of their
the Earth is a desire to be free. own. One senior Democrat describes their
So our strategy is to help this young de strategy, “Well, the election is all about
mocracy survive. And we'll help them politi them.”—that would be us. There's 3 days left
cally. The 12 million people—nearly 12 mil in this election, and there's still time for them
lion voted and said, “We want to be free.” to explain to the American people what they
I believe there will be a government of, by, intend to do. [Laughter]
and for the people. They've got good re If you happen to bump into a Democratic
sources, and we'll help them get their feet candidate, you might want to ask them this
on the ground after years of tyranny. And simple question: What's your plan? They say
we're going to help train—continue to train they want to protect the homeland but op
Iraqi troops so they take the fight, so they're pose the PATRIOT Act. Ask them this ques
capable of defending this country. There's no tion: What is your plan? If they say they want
doubt—let me say to you, if you've got a rel to uncover terrorist plots but oppose listening
ative in the military, I wouldn't have your in on terrorist conversations, ask them this
loved one in the theater if I didn't think we'd question: What's your plan? If they say they
win. I can't look at the mothers and fathers want to stop new attacks on our country but
and husbands and wives of those who wear oppose letting the CIA detain and question
our uniform who may be in Iraq, and say, the terrorists who might know what those
“It's noble,” but not think I can—we can win plots are, ask them this question: What's your
the-the only way we can win is if we leave plan?
before the job is I mean, the only way we Audience members. What's your plan?
can lose is if we leave before the job is done. The President. If they say they want to
That's the only way. win the war on terror but call for America
You know, it's an amazing debate here to pull out from what Al Qaida says is the
coming down the stretch. Iraq is vital to our central front on that war, ask them this ques
security. Iraq is the central front in this war tion: What's your plan?
on terror. But I've been listening for the Audience members. What's your plan?
Democrats' plan for success. [Laughter] The President. Well, they don't have a
There's national silence. [Laughter] They plan. [Laughter] I want the people of this
have no plan for victory. You know, some district and around the country to under
of the leading Democrats say we ought to stand, harsh criticism is not a plan for victory.
pull out now. Others suggest we ought to pull Second-guessing is not a strategy. You can't
out at a specific date, even though we may win a war if you don't think we're in a war.
not have done the job. One leading Demo We have a plan for victory, and part of that
Crat suggested we move our troops 5,000 plan is making sure we got people in the
miles away to an island. [Laughter Nineteen Congress who understands the stakes. Vote
House Democrats introduced legislation that for Marilyn Musgrave.
would cut off funds for our troops. Retreat from Iraq would embolden the
It was an interesting observation last week enemy and would make this country less se
by a Democrat Senator who explained her cure. This is a different kind of war. I know
party's position this way: “We haven't coa I said it once; I’m going to keep saying it,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 4 1991

because it's important for people to adjust sion was clouded to the point where they
their thinking about the stakes. In this war, could not see impending danger for young
if we were to leave Iraq before the job is Americans growing up?”
done, the enemy would follow us here. Leav Well, I want to assure you, I clearly see
ing Iraq before the job is done would provide the danger. I understand the consequences
a tremendous victory for the extremists and of retreat. That's why we'll support our
radicals. It would enable them to further re
troops. That's why we'll fight in Iraq, and
cruit. Leaving before the job is done would that's why we'll win in Iraq.
dash the hopes of the millions and millions I have been sharing this story with our fel
of people in the Middle East who long for low citizens all around the country because
a peaceful life and who reject the extremists I want people to pay attention to the power
and the radicals. And leaving before the job of liberty to help us defeat this ideology of
is done would dishonor the sacrifice of the
men and women who have worn the uniform
hate. You might remember, Laura and I had
of the United States of America.
the honor of taking then-sitting Prime Min
ister of Japan, Koizumi, to Elvis's place—
The consequences of retreat from Iraq [laughter)—Memphis, Tennessee. [Laugh
would be felt for generations. The enemy has ter] People said, “Why did you go down
made it clear that, one, they believe we'll there?" Well, I'd never been. [Laughter]
leave because if the fighting stays tough, that Secondly, the Prime Minister of Japan—he
we don't have the stomach for it; and they was the then-sitting Prime Minister; he's
want us to leave because they want to, one,
establish a safe haven, just like they had in since been replaced—loved Elvis. So I
Afghanistan. And the reason they want a safe thought it would be fun to take him down
haven is so they have a place from which there. But I wanted to tell the story.
to launch further attacks. The Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor,
and millions of Americans volunteered to
Secondly, they have an objective—by the
way, this is all their words. I'm just telling fight against the enemy. By the way, the same
you what they say. Secondly, they want to thing is happening today. We got kids—men
topple moderate governments. It's part of and women volunteering to fight the enemy.
their desire to spread their caliphate, their One of those people was my dad, and I'm
governing regime across as much of the certain some of your relatives did the same
world as they can. thing. They said, “We’re under attack; we're
Thirdly, you can imagine a world in which now going to go do everything we can to de
these extremists and radicals got control of feat the sworn enemy.” And it was a bloody
energy resources. And then you can imagine war, and thousands of people lost their lives.
them saying, “We’re going to pull a bunch And here I am on Air Force One flying
of oil off the market to run your price of down to Memphis, Tennessee, with the
oil up, unless you do the following.” And the Prime Minister of the former enemy, talking
following would be along the lines, “Well, about keeping the peace. We were talking
retreat and let us continue to expand our about how we can work together to convince
dark vision,” or it would be, “Give up your the leader in North Korea to give up his nu
alliance with Israel, because part of our ob clear weapons. We were talking about the
jective is to destroy your ally” or fact that Japan had 1,000 troops in Iraq. See,
Audience members. No-o-o! the Prime Minister and I know that when
The President. In other words, they you find a young democracy that is willing
would use energy as economic blackmail. to fight off extremists and radicals, we have
And then you can compound that further by a duty—those of us who are free have a duty
a nation which doesn't like us, at this point to support those young democracies. We're
in history, with a nuclear weapon. And 30 in an ideological struggle between extremists
years from now, or so, people will look back who cannot stand liberty and millions who
and say, “What happened in 2006?” They'll want to live free.
look back at this period and say, “What went We talked about the need for—to whom
wrong with our leaders? How come their vi much is given, much is required. And we'll
1992 Nov. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
continue to save lives on places like the con And if you think the way to best protect
tinent of Africa by battling HIV/AIDS. In America and win the war against these terror
other words, we talked about our obligations ists is to simply criticize and offer no plan,
in the world to make it more peaceful. vote Democrat. But if you believe the way
I find it interesting that my dad fought the to win the war on terror and to protect the
Japanese, and his son is working to keep the United States is to stay on the offense and
peace with the Japanese. Something hap to work hard to lay the foundation of peace
pened after World War II: Japan adopted a for generations to come, you vote Marilyn
Japanese-style democracy. And the lesson is, Musgrave back to the United States Con
liberty has got the capacity to convert an gress.
enemy into an ally. Liberty is powerful. Lib I'm proud to be with you. Go from this
erty has got the capacity to change regions hall and turn out the vote. Find your friends
of hopelessness and despair—the type of and neighbors, and get them to the poll. And
thing that the extremists exploit to achieve come election day, we'll have a great victory,
their dark vision—it has the capacity to and the country will be better off for it.
change regions to hope and optimism. Some God bless. May God bless America.
day, someday, elected leaders from the Mid
dle East will be sitting down with an Amer NOTE: The President spoke at 10 a.m. at Island
ican President talking about keeping the Grove Regional Park. In his remarks, he referred
to Colorado State Treasurer Mike Coffman;
peace, and a generation of Americans will
be better off for it. former Representative Robert W. Schaffer of Col
orado; Mayor Tom Selders of Greeley, CO:
And I thank you for giving me a chance former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq: Usama
to share with you the important issues facing bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organi
our electorate. And these are fundamental zation; former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
issues, and they're important issues that will of Japan; and Chairman Kim Jong Il of North
determine how you live and the world in Korea.

which your children grow up.

See, if you think health care decisions
should remain in the hands of bureaucrats Remarks on Departure From Waco,
and insurance companies, then you ought to
just vote for the Democrats. If you believe November 5, 2006
you and your doctor should control your
health care decisions, vote Republican. Former Iraqi President Hussein Trial
If you think trial lawyers should be allowed Verdict
to continue driving out good doctors and Today Saddam Hussein was convicted and
honest job creators, vote Democrat. If you sentenced to death by the Iraqi High Tri
believe that we should rein in the trial law
bunal for the massacres committed by his re
yers and protect our physicians and small gime in the town of Dujayl. Saddam Hus
business owners from junk lawsuits, support sein's trial is a milestone in the Iraqi people's
the Republicans. efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with
If you think activist judges should be al the rule of law. It's a major achievement for
lowed to redefine our country and issue new Iraq's young democracy and its constitutional
laws from the bench, vote Democrat. If you government.
believe that the role of the judge is to strictly During Saddam Hussein's trial, the court
interpret the Constitution and leave legis received evidence from 130 witnesses. The
lating to legislators, vote Republican. man who once struck fear in the hearts of
If you think your family budget can afford Iraqis had to listen to free Iraqis recount the
more taxes, you vote Democrat. If you be acts of torture and murder that he ordered
lieve you pay more than enough in taxes and against their families and against them.
you would rather invest your money and save Today the victims of this regime have re
your money and spend your money the way ceived a measure of the justice which many
you see fit, vote Republican. thought would never come.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 5 1993

Saddam Hussein will have an automatic 29th anniversary, I'm proud to say, I love her
right to appeal his sentence; he will continue dearly.
to receive the due process and the legal rights Seems like to me, when you want some
that he denied to the Iraqi people. Iraq has body to represent you in the Congress, you
a lot of work ahead as it builds its society need somebody who has lived here their
that delivers equal justice and protects all its whole life and who understands Nebraska
citizens. Yet history will record today's judg values. Seems like to me, if you're from this
ment as an important achievement on the part of the world, you'd better have you
path to a free and just and unified society. somebody who understands what it means
The United States is proud to stand with to be a farmer and a rancher representing
the Iraqi people. We will continue to support you in the United States Congress. And that
Iraq's unity Government as it works to bring person is Adrian Smith.
peace to its great country. We appreciate the I also appreciate you coming out to sup
determination and bravery of the Iraqi secu port Pete Ricketts. He's a small-business
rity forces, who are stepping forward to de man; he's a successful small-business man.
fend their free nation. And we give our Let me tell you, we've got too many lawyers
thanks to the men and women of America's in Washington. Send somebody to Wash
Armed Forces, who have sacrificed so much ington who has met a payroll, and that person
for the cause of freedom in Iraq–and is Pete Ricketts for the United States Senate.
they've sacrificed for the security of the I appreciate Susanne Ricketts for standing
United States. Without their courage and with Pete and working just as hard as he is.
skill, today's verdict would not have hap I want to thank your Governor, Governor
pened. On behalf of the American people, Dave Heineman, and his wife, Sally, for
I thank every American who wears the uni being with us today. One of these days he
form, I thank their families, and I thank them and I are going to be members of the ex
for their service and their sacrifice. Governors club. [Laughter] But I know
Thank you very much. you're proud of the job he's doing. He's set
ting high standards and working hard to ac
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:17 p.m. at the complish that which he said he would do on
Texas State Technical College Waco Airport. The the campaign trail.
Office of the Press Secretary also released a Span I appreciate very much being here with
a fine United States Senator—a man I call
ish language transcript of these remarks.
a friend and a person I know you call friend,
Chuck Hagel. From the First Congressional
Remarks at a Nebraska Victory 2006 District, Jeff Fortenberry and his wife, Ce
Rally in Grand Island, Nebraska leste, is with us. And from the Second Con
November 5, 2006 gressional District, Lee Terry and his wife,
Robyn, have joined us. It's a good sign when
The President. Thank you all very much. the Congressmen from neighboring districts
Thanks for coming. Thanks for inviting me. are coming in. See, they smell a winner. They
So Laura says, “What do you think we ought understand what's about to happen on elec
to do on our 29th wedding anniversary?" I tion day.
said, “Why don't I go to Grand Island, Ne Proud to be here with your Lieutenant
braska, because there are some people I want Governor, Sheehy, your attorney general,
to thank in advance of what you're going to Bruning, and your secretary of state, Gale.
do on November 7th.” Thank you all for coming.
I want to thank you for working hard. I I had an opportunity to say hello to his
want to thank you for voting. I want to thank honor, your mayor. Mr. Mayor, thank you
you for sending Adrian Smith and Pete for being here. I appreciate you coming. I'm
Ricketts to Washington, DC. You'd be happy honored you're here. My only advice is, pave
to hear she agrees. [Laughter. She said, “You the potholes. [Laughter. Although Mr.
go ahead on; you go tell them, I agree with Mayor, if you please, I didn't feel any on the
you.” So she sends her love, and on this, our way in.
1994 Nov. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

I want to thank you all. I really do want And if the Democrats were to control the
to thank the grassroots activists, the people United States Senate, judges like Alito and
who worked hard to get these candidates to Roberts would never have been seated on
where they are. And I just urge you to keep the Supreme Court.
working for the next 48 hours. No, we've got a record to run on, and
I know—I'm sure you've heard the same we've got stands we take that are totally dif
predictions I've heard. The prognosticators ferent from the Democrats. The two big
have already decided the outcome of this issues in this campaign, as far as I'm con
election before the good people of Nebraska cerned, is how many—how much tax are you
have voted. But don't worry about it, the going to pay, and whether or not this Govern
same thing happened in 2004. Some of them ment is going to do everything in our power
up in Washington had already picked out to protect you.
their new offices in the West Wing. [Laugh Let me start with taxes. See, our philos
ter] They listened to the prognosticators. ophy is this: You can spend your money far
Then the people showed up to the polls, and better than the Federal Government can. I
the movers were not needed. don't care what they're telling you in the
And the same thing is going to happen on races here, but the Democrats believe they
November the 7th. You're going to elect can spend their money better than you can.
Adrian Smith; you're going to elect Pete Audience members. Boo-o-o!
Ricketts. We're going to hold the House and The President. Our philosophy says that
hold the Senate. if you've got more of your own money in your
And there's a reason, because Republicans pocket to save, spend, or invest, the economy
understand the values and the priorities of benefits.
the American people. And by the way, we We just didn't go to Washington to be phi
don't shift our values and we don't shift our losophers. We went to Washington to act. I
priorities based upon the latest opinion poll. signed the largest tax cut since Ronald
We're running on a record. We've raised Reagan was the President of the United
standards for our public schools. No child is States. We cut the taxes for everybody who
going to be left behind in America, because pays income taxes. We doubled the child tax
of our reforms. credit. We reduced the marriage penalty. We
Adrian Smith and I understand, if the farm cut the taxes on the small businesses. We
economy is doing well in Nebraska, the en cut taxes on capital gains and dividends to
tire economy of the United States does well. encourage investment. And for the sake of
Adrian, Pete, and I understand that we've our small-business owners and for the sake
got a problem, because we're too dependent of our ranchers and for the sake of our farm
on foreign oil. And so we passed comprehen ers, we put the death tax on the road to ex
sive energy legislation that encourages new tinction.

technologies that will enable us to drive our I don't know if you can remember that far
cars as a result of crops grown right here back about the debate on taxes, but I can.
in the great State of Nebraska. Democrats in Washington predicted the tax
We're taking the lead. I remember when cuts would not create jobs; they predicted
I was campaigning with you, I said, “Vote the tax cuts would not increase wages; and
for me; I will put judges on the bench who they predicted that tax cuts would cause the
strictly interpret the law and not legislate Federal deficit to explode. That's what they
from the bench.” We've got a record to run predicted. Now the facts are in. The tax cuts
on. I want to thank Senator Chuck Hagel we passed have led to a strong and growing
for strongly supporting my nominees to the economy. Last Friday, we had more good
Federal bench, particularly Sam Alito and news about our economy. The national un
John Roberts. When you go in to vote for employment rate is down to 4.4 percent. Real
your United States Senator, just remember wages rose 2.4 percent over the past year.
you're not only voting for an individual, and we cut the deficit in half 3 years ahead
you're voting for the style of judiciary we of schedule. The tax cuts we passed are work
have. Ing.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 5 1995

And the Democrats are going to raise your The President. Now, that may not sound
taxes. like a lot to people in Washington, but it
sounds like a lot to me. It sounds like a lot
Audience members. Boo-o-o!
to Adrian Smith, and it sounds like a lot to
The President. Oh, they're not going to Pete Ricketts. That's why we're going to keep
tell you that. They won't admit it quite that your taxes low.
bluntly. As a matter of fact, they really don't On these issues, the Democrat party has
want you to know what they think. They adopted a clear strategy of opposition and
asked the Democrat leader in the House re obstruction. Recently the House Democrat
cently about tax cuts and she said, speaking leader explained the advice she's been fol
about the Democrats, “We love tax cuts.” lowing since I was reelected in 2004. She
Well, given her record, she must be a secret said, “You must take him down.” That him
admirer. [Laughter] would be me. One newspaper described her
approach as scorched-earth strategy, for re
She and her party voted against reducing fusing to negotiate with the GOP. Now I
the marriage penalty, voted against cutting want you to think about that. Think about
taxes on small businesses, voted against low that kind of vision. It's a sad commentary on
ering taxes for families with children, voted the Democrat party that its leaders have re
against putting the death tax on the road to sorted to knee-jerk opposition as their guid
extinction. If this is their definition of love, ing principle.
I'd sure hate to see hate.
You know if you're wondering what—
See, here's the way the tax cuts work. If where the Democrats stand on a major issue,
they are not extended or made permanent, there's an easy formula to figure it out: No
your taxes are going up. See, if the Congress matter what the issue, if the Republicans are
doesn't act to say, we're going to extend the for it, they're against it. [Laughter]
tax cuts, or we're just going to make the tax When we proposed tax relief for everybody
cuts permanent, then you get to pay an in who pays income taxes, the Democrats op
creased tax. They asked the man who aspires posed it. When Republicans proposed an en
ergy policy, an energy bill to make our Nation
to be the head of the Ways and Means Com less dependent on foreign oil, the Democrats
mittee in the House of Representatives— opposed it. When Republicans proposed as
that's the tax writing committee—they said, sociation health plans to help small busi
“Can you think of any of the tax cuts that nesses get coverage, insurance coverage at
were passed that you would extend?" He the same discounts big companies get,
said, “I can't think of a one.” In other words, Democrats opposed it. When Republicans
that's the Democrats' view of extending your proposed medical liability reform so our docs
tax cuts. This election is important because aren't run out of practice and your costs
it determines the size of your taxes. aren't run up, the Democrats opposed it.
I'm going to give you an example of what And here's the way I see it: If the Demo
I'm talking about. Right now the child tax crats are so good about being the party of
credit is up to $1,000. But if those tax cuts the opposition, let's just keep them in the
are not expired, it goes down to $500 a child. opposition. And the best way is to send Adri
So when you're sitting around the dinner an Smith to the United States Congress and
Pete Ricketts to the Senate.
table tonight, count heads. [Laughter] Any
of you got four children? Right here, here This election is taking place in an historic
you go, okay. I'm going to use you all as an time for our country. And when our children
example. So you're at dinner, number one and grandchildren look back on this period,
one question will overwhelm all the rest: Did
child, two children, three, four—multiply by
500, means that if the Democrats take con we do everything in our power to fight and
win the war on terror? We face an enemy—
trol of the House of Representatives, you get [applause]. I wish I could report to you we
yourself a $2,000 tax increase. weren't at war. Nobody wants to be at war.
Audience members. Boo-o-o! But the truth is, we face a brutal enemy that
1996 Nov. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

still desires to harm America. Many of our why.” We need to know what they're think
citizens say, “Why is that?” ing and what they're planning in order to pro
Well, this enemy has an ideology. They be tect you.
lieve the exact opposite of what we believe. When the terrorist surveillance program
We believe in basic, universal freedoms. We came up for votes in the United States House
believe people ought to worship the way they of Representatives, by far the vast majority
see fit. We believe people ought to be able of Democrats voted against that legislation.
to express themselves. We believe in public They just see the world differently. When
dissent; they don't. They also have a vision you're getting ready to go into the ballot box,
to spread their ideology as far corners—to remember the attitudes of the folks in Wash
the far corners of the world, and we stand ington, DC, about what it takes to protect
in their way. You can't negotiate with them. you. We're picking up people off the battle
You can't hope for the best with them. Our field, and we better know what they're think
most important job is to protect you, and the ing.
best way to do so is to stay on the offense I'm going to give you a short story here.
and bring them to justice before they hurt We found a man named Khalid Sheikh Mo
us again. hammad. Our intelligence people think he
The strategy is to stay on the offense, and was the mastermind of the September the
the strategy is to protect you here at home. 11th attacks. So I authorized the Central In
We have to be right 100 percent of the time, telligence Agency to find out what he knew.
and the enemy has to be right one time. And See, if he knew about one attack, he might
therefore, I reviewed all the procedures to know something about another attack. Our
make sure our professionals have what it job is to protect you. When the authority for
takes to protect you. There is a wall—there these CIA interrogators to continue their
was a wall that prevented our intelligence program came up in front of the House and
folks from sharing vital information with our the Senate, the vast majority of Democrats
law enforcement folks. I can't tell you why in both bodies voted against that legislation.
that happened; it just did; and it didn't make We need people like Adrian Smith and
any sense in this new kind of war. If our job Pete Ricketts in the House and the Senate
is to protect you, we better make sure the who understand our professionals need to be
intelligence our people gathers is passed on given the tools necessary to protect you. We
to the people whose job it is to prevent the are on the offense, and we're going to stay
attacks here in the homeland. on the offense. It is hard to plot and plan
And so I asked the Congress to pass the against America when you're on the run. It
PATRIOT Act. The PATRIOT Act is a vital is hard to plot and plan–America when
piece of legislation that has helped us break you're hiding.
up terror cells around the United States. It's I want you to know—let me share a lesson
a piece of legislation that guarded your civil about September the 11th that's important.
liberties. When that important piece of legis When we see a threat overseas, we've got
lation came up for renewal, the vast majority to take the threat seriously. It's important for
of Senate Democrats and House Democrats our fellow citizens never to forget that lesson.
voted against it. Now they must have a dif The days are gone when you see a threat
ferent attitude about this war on terror. and just hope for the best. When we see
See, my attitude is, you can't respond after threats, we must deal with them.
we're attacked; you must respond before Saddam Hussein was a threat. I saw him
we're attacked. In this new kind of war, we'd as a threat; members of both political parties
better understand what the enemy is think saw the threat; the United Nations saw the
ing. And so I talked to the our phone boys, threat. My decision to remove Saddam Hus
and I said, “If they're calling in, if Al Qaida sein was the right decision, and the world
is making a phone call from outside the is better off for it.
United States to inside, or if somebody affili And today we witnessed a landmark event
ated with the enemy is making a phone call in the history of Iraq. Saddam Hussein was
from outside to inside, we better understand convicted and sentenced to death by the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 5 1997

Iraqi High Tribunal. Saddam Hussein trial in the war on terror—to be an ally in this
is a milestone in the Iraqi people's efforts struggle against extremists who want to defy
to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule the hopes of reasonable people around the
of law, and it's a major achievement for this Middle East, these extremists who want to
young democracy. America congratulates the come and attack America again. And it's a
Iraqi people, and we give our thanks to the tough fight, no question about it. I under
men and women of America's Armed Forces, stand how tough it is, and so do our troops,
who have—[applause]. Without their cour and so do the families of our troops.
age and skill, today's verdict never would It's tough because we face an enemy that
have happened. And we are grateful for their is willing to kill innocent life to achieve their
sacrifice and service. objectives. They have no conscience, and
We are in a global war, and it's a war being they understand that these violent acts will
fought on a variety of fronts. And the central end up on our television screens. And they
front is Iraq. Oh, I've heard all the talk out believe the United States does not have the
of Washington. You probably have too. “Iraq stomach for the long fight. But what they
is a distraction in the war on terror,” they don't understand about this administration
say. Well, I don't believe that. Our troops and a huge number of Americans—we're not
don't believe that. And Usama bin Laden going to run from thugs and assassins.
doesn't believe that. Listen to his words: He Our goal is solid. Our tactics constantly
calls Iraq the third world war. He says victory change. I'm in touch with our commanders
for the terrorists in Iraq will mean America's all the time. I tell them, “Whatever you need
defeat and disgrace forever. to win, you'll have.” We give them the flexi
Now I want you to listen to the words of bility necessary to continue to adjust their
a senior Member of the House of Represent tactics to meet the changes the enemy are
atives from the Democrat party. The reason doing on the ground. And we got a lot going
I'm talking about this is the people of this for us. We got a strategy for victory that will
district have got to understand, there is a dif work, and we got a fantastic group of young
ferent mentality in Washington than what men and women who have volunteered to
you're used to. She said, “The President says defend you in the United States military.
that fighting them there makes it less likely And whether my fellow citizens agree with
we will have to fight them here.” That's ex my decisions or not, one thing they owe is
actly what I say, and it's exactly what I be they owe those who wear the uniform the
lieve. She went on to say, “The opposite is utmost respect. And those of us at the Fed
true. Because we are fighting them there, it eral Government owe them all they need, all
may become more likely we will have to fight the support to make sure they can do the
them here.” -

jobs that I've asked them to do.

Iraq is not the reason why these extremists And I thank Senator Hagel for his strong
and terrorists are at war with us. We were support. I thank the Members of Congress
not in Iraq when they bombed the World who are here for their strong support of the
Trade Center in 1993. We were not in Iraq United States military, and there's no doubt
when they bombed the Embassies in Tan in my mind Pete Ricketts and Adrian Smith
zania and in Kenya. We were not in Iraq will be strong supporters of the men and
when they attacked the USS Cole, and we women in the United States military.
were not in Iraq on September the 11th, We have something else going for us, and
2001. You don't create terrorists by fighting those are brave Iraqis. Iraqi citizens have suf
the terrorists. The best way to protect you fered unspeakable violence, yet they are
is to stay on the offense and defeat them committed to a government of and by and
overseas so we do not have to face them here for the people. Our strategy is to help their
at home. politics move forward. Our strategy is to help
And we got one goal in Iraq, and that is their economy improve. And our strategy is
victory. There's a country that—we're work to train Iraqis so they can take the fight to
ing for a country that can sustain itself and the few who want to dash the hopes of the
govern itself and defend itself and be an ally many.
1998 Nov. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

You know when nearly 12 million Iraqis the enemy would follow us here. Leaving be
voted, I was pleased, but I was not surprised, fore the job was done would make it easier
and I'll tell you why I wasn't surprised. I be for these extremists to recruit. Leaving be
lieve there is an Almighty. I believe a great fore the job was done would dash the hopes
gift of the Almighty to every man, woman, of the millions upon millions of people who
and child on Earth is the desire to be free. want to live a peaceful life in the Middle
And so when the Iraqis said, “We want to East. And leaving before the job is done
be free,” it is part of my belief in the uni would dishonor the sacrifice of the men and
versality of freedom. women who have worn the uniform of the
We have a strategy for victory, and the only United States.
way we won't achieve it is if we leave before And leaving before the job is done would
the job is done. If you listen to this debate be felt for generations to come. And let me
on Iraq, if you think about the Democrats' explain to you why: The enemy has made
plans for success, there isn't one. This is a it clear, they expect us to leave when the
vital issue facing our country. This is a central fighting stays tough because, one, they want
front in the war on terror, and yet they have a safe haven from which to launch further
no plan for victory. attacks on the United States, a safe haven
Oh, some of them are saying we ought to similar to the safe haven they had in Afghani
pull out now. Others are saying we ought to stan where they trained thousands of people
pull out at a fixed date, before the job is and where they planned and plotted to
done. Actually, one of the Members of the launch their attacks that killed nearly 3,000
House of Representatives, a distinguished of our citizens.
Member, said the best way to handle the situ They have said that they want to establish
ation is to remove our troops to an island a caliphate—a governing organization based
5,000 miles away. I'm not kidding you. That's upon their ideology—and it starts with top
not a plan for victory. Nineteen House Mem pling modern governments. They would like
bers introduced legislation that would cut off to get ahold of oil resources so they could
the funds for our troops. One Democrat Sen then say to the West, “Abandon your alliance
ator, one of Chuck's colleagues, she said, with Israel,” or, “Withdraw from the Middle
“We haven't coalesced around a single plan, East; otherwise you're going to be facing high
but we're in general agreement on basic prin priced oil, and we'll bring your economy
ciples.” Think about that. Yes, they're in down.” And when you put all in the mix a
agreement on principles: Get out before the country which doesn't like us with a nuclear
job is done. weapon, 30 years from now people are going
They've taken a calculated risk. By the to look back at this period in our history and
way, I'm not saying these folks are unpatri say, “What happened to them in 2006? Could
otic; I'm saying they're wrong. You can't win they not see the impending danger? Were
a war and protect the homeland if you're un they unable to see the threats to a generation
willing to fight the war. You know, the of Americans?”
Democrats have taken a calculated gamble Well, let me assure you, I see the danger.
in this campaign. They think the only way I clearly see the stakes. That is why we will
they can win is to criticize and not offer a support our troops. That is why we will fight
plan of their own. You know, let me say this in Iraq, and that is why we'll win in Iraq.
to you: Anger is not a plan; criticism is not I would like to share a story with you. I
a plan; pessimism is not a plan. This country share this story all around the country, so
needs people who understand the stakes and if you've heard it, I apologize. It's a story
are willing to support the fight to protect you. about the power of liberty. It's a story about
Retreat from Iraq before the job is done then-sitting Prime Minister of Japan,
would embolden the enemy and would make Koizumi, and me and Laura heading down
this country less secure. It's very important to Elvis's place in Memphis, Tennessee.
for our fellow citizens to understand this is They said, “Why did you go down there?"
a different kind of war, and if the United Well, I hadn't been down there. I thought
States were to leave before the job is done, it would be fun to go.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 5 1999

Koizumi, Prime Minister Koizumi wanted around our country, and people will be given
to go because he loved Elvis. He was a fan a choice between two political parties with
of Elvis Presley. But also I wanted to tell different philosophies. If you think your
a story. It's the story about—I’m sure your health care decisions should remain in the
relatives, just like my relative, my dad, volun hands of bureaucrats, then you ought to vote
teered to fight the Japanese after the attacks for the Democrats. If you think that you and
of Pearl Harbor. That's when the story be your doctors should control your healthcare
gins. They attacked us. Thousands of our fel decisions, vote Republican.
low citizens said, “I want to go, and I want If you think that trial lawyers should be
to fight for our freedoms against an enemy allowed to continue driving good doctors out
which has attacked us.” By the way, it's the of practice and running up your costs of med
same spirit today, around, where people have icine, you go ahead and vote Democrat. But
said, “I want to volunteer to defend Amer if you believe that we should trade in the
trial lawyers and protect our physicians from
My dad went. Your relatives went. They frivolous lawsuits, vote Republican.
fought like mad. Japan was the sworn enemy If you think activist judges should be al
of the United States. I'm now on the air lowed to redefine our country and issue new
plane, Air Force One, flying down to Elvis's laws from the bench, you need to go vote
place, and I was talking about keeping the Democrat. If you believe the role of the
peace with the Prime Minister of Japan. We judge is to strictly interpret our Constitution
talked about how we got to work together and laws and leave legislating to legislators,
to convince the North Korean to give up his vote Republican.
nuclear weapons ambitions. We talked about If you think Medicare was serving our sen
the fact that Iraq has 1,000 troops—I mean iors just fine and didn't need to be reformed,
Japan had 1,000 troops in Iraq. vote Democrat. But if you believe we were
He understands what I know: In this ideo right to expand choices for our seniors and
logical struggle of extremists versus rational, provide better access for affordable prescrip
reasonable people who want to live in peace, tion drugs, vote Republican.
when we find young democracies, we must If you think our farmers and ranchers
support them for the sake of peace. We ought to pay taxes while they're alive and
talked about how to whom much is given, then pay taxes after they're dead, you vote
much is required, and that we'll continue to Democrat. But if you think that the death
take the lead in trying to eradicate the pan tax is punitive and we need to get rid of it,
demic of HIV/AIDS in places like Africa. We you vote Republican.
talked about our responsibilities as friends If you think you can afford more taxes,
and allies. vote Democrat. But if you want our taxes
I find it amazing that my dad and your low and if you want people who believe you
relatives fought the Japanese, and today— can spend your money better than the Gov
then his son was talking about keeping the ernment can, you vote Republican.
peace. Something happened, and what hap And if you think the way to protect this
pened was, Japan adopted a Japanese-style country and win the war on terror is to criti
democracy. The lesson for all to hear is, lib cize your opponents and offer no plan for
erty has got the capacity to transform an victory, you vote for the Democrats. But if
enemy into an ally. Liberty has got the capac you believe the way to win this war is to stay
ity to transform a region of hate and resent on the offense and use every element of na
ment into a region of hope. tional power to protect you and lay the foun
Someday, American Presidents will be sit dation of peace for a generation, vote Repub
ting down with duly elected leaders in the lican.
Middle East talking about keeping the peace, So I appreciate your coming. Thanks for
and a generation of Americans will be better giving me a chance to share something that's
off for it. on my mind. I'm now asking you when you
In 48 hours, you're going to be walking go forth to find fellow Republicans and say,
into the booth, and so will millions of citizens you've got a responsibility to vote. But while
2000 Nov. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
you're doing it, don't overlook discerning I'm proud to be here, as well, with Senator
Democrats and openminded independents. Sam Brownback of the great State of Kansas.
Tell them to go to the polls. Tell them to More importantly, his wife, Mary, is here.
vote for Adrian Smith and Pete Ricketts, and Proud to be here with Congressman Todd
the United States will be better off for it. Tiahrt, who you just heard from, and his wife,
God Bless, and God bless America. Vicki, Jim Barnett, running for Governor,
and he needs your vote; Susan Wagle, run
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:58 p.m. at the ning for Lieutenant Governor; she could use
Heartland Events Center. In his remarks, he re your vote as well.
ferred to Susanne Ricketts, wife of senatorial can I appreciate very much that Chuck Ahner
didate John P. “Pete" Ricketts; Lt. Gov. Rick is with us. He's running for the Third Con
Sheehy of Nebraska, Nebraska State Attorney gressional District here in the State of Kan
General Jon Bruning, Nebraska State Secretary sas. We've got your attorney general for the
of State John A. Gale; Mayor Jay Vavricek of great State of Kansas here, who's asking for
Grand Island, NE; former President Saddam Hus
sein of Iraq; Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al the vote. Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh
Qaida terrorist organization; former Prime Min is with us today.
ister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan; and Chairman Most importantly, I want to say thanks to
Kim Jong Il of North Korea. the grassroots activists who are here. You're
the folks who put up the signs, make the
phone calls, and get your fellow citizens to
Remarks at a Kansas Victory 2006 the polls. I want to thank you for what you
Rally in Topeka, Kansas have done, and I want to thank you for what
November 5, 2006 you're going to do over the next 48 hours.
We're heading to the finish line, and we're
The President. Thank you all very much. asking for your help. Whatever you do, don't
It's an honor to be here. Thanks for coming pay attention to the prognosticators, the pun
out tonight. So Jim Ryun says, “Do you want dits. See, a bunch of them have already de
a race?" I said, “No, but I want you reelected cided that the verdict's in, but they forgot
to the United States Congress.” I appreciate that the folks of Kansas hadn't got to the polls
you coming. I'm proud to be here with Jim yet. But this isn't the first time this has hap
Ryun. He's a decent, honorable man who pened. You might remember in 2004—some
works hard on behalf of the people from of the folks in Washington were listening to
Kansas. He deserves to be reelected Con the prognosticators, and then they starting
gressman. picking out their offices in the West Wing.
He is a compassionate conservative. He [Laughter] And then the people actually
has run his own business. By the way, we've voted; the movers weren't ...
got plenty of lawyers in Washington. [Laugh When you turn out the vote and vote your
ter] Send somebody up there who has made self and put Jim Ryun back in the United
a payroll. He started Sounds of Success, that States Congress, we're going to control the
helped children with hearing difficulties real House, and we'll control the United States
ize their full potential. He doesn't need a poll Senate as well. And there's a reason why
or a focus group to tell him what to believe. we're going to win: One, we got you behind
I thank you for being here, and I'm asking us, but also we're going to win because we
you to send this good man back to the United share the values and the priorities of the
States Congress. I'm not the only one in my American people.
family who feels this way; Laura feels this And we've got a record to run on. We've
way. Some guy just yelled, “Happy anniver delivered results. One of the things that Jim
sary.” That's what I was supposed to say and I talk about is the need to make sure
today. You know, no better way to spend your our farm economy is strong. See, we believe
anniversary—your 29th anniversary—with if the ag sector is doing well, the entire U.S.
somebody you love, than being here asking economy does well.
for the vote for Jim Ryun. She sends her very We also understand that if you become de
best to Jim and Anne. pendent—if you stay dependent on foreign
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 5 2001

oil, it creates a national security risk. And We had a spirited debate in Washington
so, therefore, Jim Ryun has worked to make over these tax cuts. You might remember
sure that we encourage renewable fuel stand some of the Democrats' predictions. They
ards. In other words, we're going to use Kan said if we had tax cuts it wouldn't create jobs;
sas products to power our automobiles so we if we had tax cuts, it would not increase
become less dependent on oil. If you're wages; if we had tax cuts, it would cause the
somebody who makes a living because of ag Federal deficit to explode. Well, the facts are
riculture, it is in your economic interest to in. The tax cuts have led to a strong and
send Jim Ryun back to the United States growing economy. Last Friday we got more
Congress. good news about the economy. The national
Jim Ryun is a strong, strong supporter of unemployment rate is down to 4.4 percent.
programs to make sure our veterans' health In the last 3 months, we've added 470,000
care benefits work. See, he believes in sup new jobs. Real wages rose 2.4 percent over
porting our veterans just like he believes in the past year, and we cut the deficit in half,
supporting those who wear the uniform 3 years ahead of schedule. If the Democrats'
today. If you're involved with defense here election predictions are as good as their eco
in this congressional district, I strongly urge nomic predictions, we're going to have a
you to support Jim Ryun. good day on November the 7th.
I also want to talk about Jim's belief in If you live in this congressional district or
family values. He lives them. He not only in any other district around the country, you
believes in family values, he practices family must understand that if you vote Democrat,
values. And he is working to prevent the in you're voting for a tax increase.
stitution of marriage being redefined by ac Audience members. Boo-o-o!
tivist judges. The President. Now understand that in
I want to talk about two issues that divide a campaign like this, that the Democrats
Republicans from Democrats. One of them don't want you to know their plans. Listen
is taxes, and the other one is the defense of to the words of the leading Democrat in the
this homeland. Let me start with taxes. We House of Representatives, a woman who
believe that you can spend your money better thinks she's going to be the Speaker, but
than the Federal Government can. I don't she's not. She said—when they asked about
care what they're telling you here at home; tax cuts, she said, “We love tax cuts.” Well,
Democrats believe they can spend your given her record, she must be a secret ad
money better than you can.
mirer. [Laughter] She and her party voted
Audience members. Boo-o-o! against every single one of the tax cuts we
The President. We also believe that if you passed. If this is their definition of love, I'd
have more money in your pocket, more of sure hate to see what hate looks like.
your own money in your pocket to save, If the tax cuts we passed are allowed to
spend, or invest, the economy benefits. That expire, if the tax cuts we passed are not ex
is our philosophy, but you don't expect us tended, if the tax cuts we passed are not
to be in Washington philosophizing. You ex made permanent, you get a tax increase.
pect us to be doing something about it. That That's how it's going to work. And so they
is why I signed the largest tax cuts since Ron asked the person who thinks he's going to
ald Reagan was the President. be chairman of the House Ways and Means
We cut the taxes on everybody who pays Committee, “Can you think of any of the tax
income taxes. We doubled the child tax cred cuts we've passed that ought to be ex
it. We reduced the marriage penalty. We cut tended?” And see, the Ways and Means
taxes on small businesses. We cut taxes on Committee is the tax-writing committee in
capital gains and dividends to encourage in the House. They said, “Can you think of
vestment. And for the sake of our family busi one?” He said, “I can't think of one tax cut
messes and for the sake of our farmers and that should be extended.” In other words,
for the sake of our ranchers, we put the death every one of the tax cuts we passed ought
tax on the road to extinction. to lapse, which means your taxes go up.
Nov. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I'll give you an example. If the tax cuts ligence folks from sharing information with
are not extended or made permanent, the our law enforcement people. Now that's
child tax credit will go from $1,000 a child probably hard for you to understand, but that
to $500 a child, see. was the reality. In this new kind of war, we
Audience members. Boo-o-o! must have good intelligence, and the people
The President. So when you get home who are responsible for protecting you must
this evening and you're sitting around the be able to act on it. So I asked the Congress
table—anybody here got four kids? I'll use to pass the PATRIOT Act, and the PATRIOT
you as an example. There you are at the Act made sure that folks had the tools nec
table—you got five, okay. Five, okay. She's essary to protect you. And when that bill
got five kids. So when you get home: one, came up for reauthorization, the vast major
two, three, four, five times 500. That's ity of Democrats in the House and the Sen
$2,500. That's your tax increase if you vote ate voted against it.
Democrat. That's your tax increase if the Audience members. Boo-o-o!
Democrats take over the House of Rep The President. It's important for people
resentatives. That 2,500 may not seem like in this district and around the country to un
a lot to people in Washington, but it seems derstand there is a different mindset. You
like a lot to me and Jim Ryun, and that's cannot wait to respond to an attack. You got
why we're going to keep your taxes low. to act before the attack.
This election is taking place in an historic I felt like if Al Qaida was making a phone
time for our country, and when our children call into the United States from º the
and grandchildren look back on this period, United States, we better understand why. If
one question will overwhelm all the rest: Did our job is to protect you, we've got to have
we do everything in our power to win the the tools necessary to do so. When this bill
war on terror? I wish I could report to you Caine | in front of the House of Representa
that we were not at war, but we are. We tives, the vast majority of Democrats voted
face a brutal enemy that has no conscience, against it. I felt like it was important that
an enemy that does have an ideology. when we picked somebody up off the battle
People in our country wonder why an field, we better understand what that person
enemy would want to attack a compassionate is thinking.
people like those of us in the United States, Let me give you an example. We captured
and the answer is because we thwart their Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Our intelligence
ambitions to spread their dark vision around officers believe he was the mastermind of the
the world. They believe—we believe in free September the 11th attacks. My attitude is,
dom; they don't. We believe in liberty; they if he knew about one attack, he might know
don't. They understand America won't about another attack, and we better find out
change. why and what he knows.
You cannot negotiate with these people. The vast majority of Democrats voted
You can't hope for the best from these peo against giving our CIA professionals the tools
ple. The best way to do our most important necessary to question detainees. There is a
job—is to protect you—is to defeat them different º in Washington. The best
overseas so we do not have to face them here way to protect you is to make sure our profes
at home. sionals have the tools necessary to do so, and
Part of our strategy is to stay on the of. the best way to make sure they do is to send
fense. The other part of our strategy is to Jim Ryun back to the United States Con
protect you on the homeland. Now the prob gress.
lem we face is that the enemy has to be right We are in a global war against an enemy
one time, and we have to be right 100 per that wants to strike us. And this war is fought
cent of the time. So I went to Congress and on a variety of fronts. One of the lessons of
said, here are some vital tools that are nec September the 11th is that when we see a
essary to protect the American people. threat overseas, we must take each threat se
Let me give you three examples: One, riously, before it comes to hurt us. It's a les
there was a wall that separated our intel son that every President must understand in
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 5 2003

this new world we live in. I saw a threat in the 11th, 2001. You do not create terrorists
Saddam Hussein; Members of the Congress by fighting the terrorists. The best way to
from both political parties saw the same protect you is to stay on the offense and bring
threat; the United Nations saw the threat in them to justice before they can hurt us again.
Saddam Hussein. The decision I made to re Our goal is victory in Iraq. That is our goal,
move Saddam Hussein was the right deci and we got a plan to achieve victory. And
sion, and the world is better off for it. victory means a government that can sustain
And today we witnessed a landmark event itself, govern itself, defend itself, and serve
in the history of Iraq. Saddam Hussein was as an ally in the war against these extremists
convicted and sentenced to death by the and radicals and terrorists.
Iraqi High Tribunal. Saddam Hussein's trial We got a plan to do just that, but the
is a milestone in the Iraqi people's efforts enemy has got a plan to prevent us. See, they
to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule kill innocent men, women, and children,
of law. It's a major achievement for this knowing that those images will be on our TV
young democracy. We congratulate the Iraqi screens. And they believe that the United
people, and as I do so, I congratulate the States does not have the will or the capacity
men and women who wear the uniform of
the United States for their hard work. With to stay in the fight for the long run. And they
recognize that these images, which justifiably
out their courage and skill, this verdict never
horrify many of our citizens, will cause us
would have happened. to leave before the job is done. But they don't
Iraq is the central front in this war on ter
ror. Oh, I've heard all the lines, and I know understand this administration, nor do they
understand millions of our citizens. We're
you have as well. “No, it's a distraction in not going to run from thugs and assassins.
the war on terror,” the Democrats say in
Washington. Well, that's not what I think, Our goal remains the same. Our tactics
and that's not what our troops think, and constantly shift. I have given our com
that's not what Usama bin Laden thinks. manders on the ground all the flexibility they
Usama bin Laden has called this fight the need and all the tools necessary to achieve
third world war. He has said that victory for victory. And we got great assets for us. We
the terrorists in Iraq will mean America's de have a plan for victory that will work, and
feat and disgrace forever. They just think dif we got a fantastic United States military.
ferent in Washington. You just got to know Any time—first of all, no matter what your
that. When you go in the booth to vote, you view about the decisions I have made to pro
all got to understand that people don't see tect America, you owe, and everyone owes,
this world the way I do. I mº that. a debt of gratitude for the men and women
I want you to hear the words of the Demo in the United States military. And those of
us in Government owe the men and women
crat—leading Democrat in the House. She
said, “The President says that fighting them in uniform all the support necessary, all the
there makes it less likely we will have to fight pay, all the training, so they can do the job
them here.” I do say that because I believe we've asked them to, and Jim Ryun is a
that. She went on to say, “The opposite is strong supporter for the United States mili
true. Because we're fighting them there, it tary.
may become more likely we will have to fight There's something else going for us in
them here.” terms of victory in Iraq, and that's the Iraqis
Audience members. Boo-o-o! themselves. They have suffered unspeakable
The President. Iraq is not the reason the violence, yet they are committed to a govern
terrorists are at war with us. We were not ment of, by, and for the people. You know,
in Iraq when they bombed the World Trade I was pleased—I was pleased when nearly
Center in 1993. We were not in Iraq when 12 million people went to the polls saying,
they blew up the Embassies in Kenya and “We want to live in a free society,” but I
Tanzania. We were not in Iraq when they wasn't surprised. And the reason I wasn't sur
bombed the USS Cole. And we were not in prised is I believe a gift from the Almighty
Iraq when they attacked us on September to each man, woman, and child on the face
Nov. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
of the Earth is the desire to be free—is lib know about what those plots are, ask them
this question
And I believe in the universality of free Audience members. What's your plan?
dom. And I believe it's in our interests to
The President. If they say they want to
help this young democracy survive. It's in our win the war on terror but call for America
interests to help them on the political track to pull out of what Al Qaida says is the central
and on the economic track. And at the same
front in the war on terror, ask them this ques
time, we're training Iraqis so they can take tion
the fight to the enemy. We'll succeed. Let
me tell you this: If I didn't think we're suc Audience members. What's your plan?
ceed and if I didn't think the cause was noble The President. They don't have a plan.
and just, I'd pull our troops out. Harsh criticism is not a plan for victory, and
I can't look at the eyes of a mother or wife second-guessing is not a strategy. We have
or husband or dad of a troop in combat if a plan, and part of our plan is to send Jim
I didn't believe it was essential to the security Ryun back to the United States Congress.
of this country. As a matter of fact, the only Retreat from Iraq before the job is done
way we won't succeed is if we leave before will make this country more vulnerable to
the job is done. If people go to the polls, attack. This is a different kind of war. If we
I want you to think about the Democrats' were to leave before the job is done, the
plan for victory: There isn't one. enemy would follow us here. Leaving before
Iraq is the central front on this war, and the job is done would embolden the extrem
yet they have no plan for victory. Oh, some ists and the radicals and would dash the
of them say we ought to pull out now. Others hopes of millions of people in the Middle
say we ought to pull out on a fixed date, even East who want to live a peaceful life.
though the job hadn't been done. One of the Leaving before the job is done would dis
leaders in the House of Representatives— honor the sacrifice of the men and women
one of the Democrat leaders said—well, who have worn the uniform of the United
they're going to move the troops 5,000 miles States. The consequences of leaving before
away to an island. Nineteen people in the the job is done will be felt for generations.
House said, “We’re going to cut off the funds The enemy has made it clear that they want
right now.” In other words, they're all over to establish safe haven in order to launch fur
the lot, but they agree on one thing: Get out ther attacks, just like the safe haven they had
before the job is done. in Afghanistan.
Audience members. Boo-o-o!
They have made it clear that they want
The President. Listen, I'm not saying to drive us out of the Middle East to topple
these people are unpatriotic; I'm just saying
they're wrong. You can't win a war unless moderate governments as a part of spreading
you're willing to fight the war. The Demo their dark vision of the future throughout the
crats have taken a calculated gamble in this Middle East. They have made it clear that
election that—they think they can win by just they would like to control resources like en
criticizing. That's what they believe. You ergy in order to extract economic blackmail
from the West.
know, if you happen to run into a Democrat
candidate, you might want to ask them the Imagine if these enemy were able to con
simple question: What's your plan? trol countries and said, “We’re going to pull
See, if they say they want to protect the a bunch of oil off the market to run up the
homeland but opposed the PATRIOT Act, price of your oil unless you abandon your
ask them: What's your plan? If they say they alliances”—alliances with Israel, for exam
want to uncover terrorist plots but opposed ple—or, “unless you withdraw from the Mid
listening in on terrorists' conversations, just dle East.” Coupled with all this is a country
go ahead and ask them: What is your plan? which doesn't like us trying to possess a nu
If they say they want to stop new attacks on clear weapon. Thirty years from now, people
our country but oppose letting the CIA de would look back, if this were to happen, and
tain and question the terrorists who might say, “What happened the folks in 2006? How
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 5 2005

come they couldn't see the impending dan down with duly elected leaders from the
ger? What clouded their vision—which Middle East talking about the peace, and a
caused them not to do their duty?” generation of Americans will be better off
I want to assure you, I see the impending for it.
danger. I see the threats to a future for our And these are the stakes in this election.
children. Therefore, we will fight in Iraq, and And I thank you for coming out and giving
we will win in Iraq. me a chance to tell you what's on my mind.
We got one other thing going for us, and In 48 hours, our citizens around this country
that is the power of liberty. I don't know if are headed into the box, and they've got clear
you all remember, but recently Laura and choices to make. If you believe that your
I took then-sitting Prime Minister of Japan health care decisions ought to remain in the
to Elvis's place in Memphis. [Laughter] I'd hands of bureaucrats, vote Democrat. If you
never been there. [Laughter Koizumi want believe that you and your doctors should con
ed to go there. See, he loved Elvis. trol your health care decisions, vote Repub
But I also want to tell an interesting story lican.
about the power of liberty. After the Japa If you think trial lawyers should be allowed
nese attacked Pearl Harbor, my dad and to continue driving good doctors and honest
many of your relatives said, “I want to go job creators out of business, vote Democrat.
defend this country,” and they signed up by Audience members. Boo-o-o!
the thousands. By the way, the same thing The President. But if you believe that we
is happening now. And these Americans should rein in the trial lawyers and protect
fought the Japanese as a sworn enemy in a our physicians and small-business owners
bloody, bloody war. from junk lawsuits, you vote Republican. You
And yet I'm on Air Force One, flying down think activist judges should be allowed to re
to Memphis, talking about how to keep the define our country and issue new laws from
peace. Isn't that interesting? My dad fought the bench, vote Democrat.
the Japanese, and his son is talking to the Audience members. Boo-o-o!
leader of the Japanese—the leader of the The President. But if you believe that the
former enemy—talking about North Korea, role of the judge is to strictly interpret the
what we can do to work together to prevent Constitution and leave the legislating to the
the North Korea peninsula from having nu legislators, vote Republican.
clear weapons. If you think Medicare was serving our sen
We were talking about the fact that Japan iors just fine and did not need to be re
had 1,000 troops in Iraq. See, the Prime Min formed, vote Democrat. But if you believe
ister knows what I know. In this ideological we were right to expand choices for our sen
struggle of the 21st century, when you find iors and provide better access to affordable
a young democracy—a form of government prescription drugs, you vote Republican.
which defeats the radicals and extremists— You think your family budget can afford
you got to support it. We talked about, “To more taxes, vote Democrat.
whom much is given, much is required,” and Audience members. Boo-o-o!
therefore, we'll continue to lead the fight The President. If you believe you pay
against HIV/AIDS on the continent of Africa. more than enough in taxes as it is, and if
My dad fought them, and I'm working to you believe that you can spend your money
keep the peace with the leader of the very better than the Federal Government can,
same country. Something happened; what vote Republican.
happened was, Japan adopted a Japanese And finally, if you think the way to protect
style democracy. The message is, liberty has America and win the war on terror is to criti
got the capacity to change an enemy into an cize your opponents and offer no plan of your
ally, and liberty has got the capacity to own, vote Democrat.
change a region of the world that is resentful Audience members. Boo-o-o!
and hopeless to a region of the world that The President. But if you believe that the
has got hope and optimism. Someday— way to win the war on terror is to stay on
someday, American leaders will be sitting the offense, and if you believe it is necessary
Nov. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
to lay the foundation of peace for generations I'm proud to be here in the district of a
to come, you vote Republican. fine United States Congressman, Congress
I thank you for coming. Go vote. Get your man Jeff Miller. I want to thank you and
neighbors and friends to vote. And send Jim Vicki for being here. Miller always talks
Ryun back to the United States Congress. about the good folks in this district. Every
God bless. And God bless America. time I see him he's saying, “Don't you forget
the people in the panhandle.” And I say,
NOTE: The President spoke at 6:10 p.m. at the “Congressman, how could I forget them; I
Kansas Expocentre. In his remarks, he referred wouldn't be President without them.”
to Anne Ryun, wife of Representative Jim Ryun; We're 24 hours away from voting. Some
Kansas State Attorney General Phill Kline; former
President Saddam Hussein of Iraq: Usama bin of the folks in Washington already think they
Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organiza figured out the results.
Audience members. Boo-o-o!
tion; and former Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi of Japan. The President. That's what happened in
2004. [Laughter] Some of them up there
started listening to the prognosticators and
Remarks at a Florida Victory 2006 started picking out their offices in the West
Rally in Pensacola, Florida Wing. [Laughter] Then the people in Florida
November 6, 2006 voted, and the people around the country
voted, and the movers weren't needed. The
The President. Thank you all very much. same thing is going to happen tomorrow. Re
He just yelled, “Happy birthday,” to Laura— publicans are going to turn out. It's going
and happy anniversary. Imagine, in a short to be a great victory on November the 7th.
period of time, a birthday and anniversary And I thank you all for coming out today.
and Republican victory on Tuesday. I thank you for your interest. I thank you
I appreciate you recognizing Laura. No for what you have done to help these can
doubt about it, she is the A Team in my fam didates, and I thank you for what you're
ily, and she's a great First Lady for the going to do for the next 24 hours. You're
United States. And Jeb Bush has been a great going to pick up the phone; you're going to
Governor for Florida, and I want to thank make the phone calls; you're going to turn
you for standing with him during 8 years in out your friends and neighbors; and we're
which he worked hard to improve the lives going to win.
of every single citizen in this State, regardless We're also going to win because over the
of their political party. Jeb is the kind of fel past 5 years, we have accomplished great
low who did in office what he said he was things. Together we have taken an economy
going to do, and he's going to go down as from recession to strong and lasting growth.
one of the great Governors in your State's Together we have risen to the test of Sep
history. tember the 11th and have taken the fight to
I'm proud to be here with Senator Mel the terrorists all across the world. Together
Martinez, one of the fine United States Sen we found a calling for a generation of Ameri
ators. Tomorrow you get to vote for a new cans, a freedom agenda to replace tyranny
Governor, and I strongly suggest you vote with liberty, oppression with democracy, and
for Charlie Crist to be Governor of the State an ideology of hate with an ideology of hope.
of Florida. He's experienced; he's compas History has called upon our generation to
sionate; and he'll work hard on behalf of all lead, and we have led. We're also going to
the citizens of this important State. And win this election because Republicans under
while you're in there voting for Charlie, vote stand the values and the priorities of the
for Katherine Harris for the United States American people. We don't need an opinion
Senate and Bill McCollum to be the attorney poll to tell us what we believe. Our principles
general; Tom Lee to be the chief financial are rock solid. We're going to win because
officer. And if you know anything about agri we have a hopeful, optimistic agenda.
culture, you're going to want Charlie I knew we were going to finish strong be
Bronson to be your secretary of agriculture. cause I knew that when the American people
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2007

paid attention to the two most important Democrats in Washington. If that's their idea
issues, they would understand we stand with of love, I'd hate to see what hate looks like.
them. And the two most important issues is, Now here's the way this works. See, if the
how much money are you going to have in tax cuts we passed are not made permanent
you pocket—in other words, the size of the or are not extended, your taxes are going up.
taxes—and which group of folks can best win And so they asked the man who thinks he
the war on terror. is going to be the head of the tax writing
Let me start with taxes. See, our philos committee—he's not, but he thinks he's
ophy says, you can spend your money better going to be—they said, “Can you think of
than the Federal Government can. Our phi one of the tax cuts that you would extend?”
losophy says when you have more money in He said he couldn't think of one. See, rather
your pocket to save, invest, or spend, the en than saying, “I’m looking forward to raising
tire economy benefits. The Democrat philos the taxes on the American people,” this
ophy is, they can spend your money better Democrat shows a different way of saying
than you can, and that's why they want more he's going to raise taxes on—he just said, “I
of it. can't think of one of the tax cuts that I would
Audience members. Boo-o-o! extend.” So, for example, the child tax credit
The President. Oh, you might remember will go from $1,000 a child to $500 a child.
the debates that we had in Washington. They Audience members. Boo-o-o!
said the tax cuts—the Democrats said the tax The President. And if you've got four
cuts wouldn't increase job growth; it wouldn't kids—right there. I'm going to use you as
increase wages; it would cause the deficit to an example, if that's all right. So when you
explode. Well, the facts are in. Our economy get to dinner tonight and you're sitting
is strong. Americans are working. The na around the table, you go, one, two, three,
tional unemployment rate is down to 4.4 per four, and multiply that by $500 a child. That's
cent. The unemployment rate in this great $2,000. You'll be paying $2,000 more in taxes
State is 3.2 percent. Real wages are going if people across this country vote Democrat.
up, and we cut the deficit in half 3 years The best way for you to keep your taxes low
ahead of schedule. is to vote Republican.
People are beginning to pay attention to There are clear differences on this impor
this election, and they understand that if the tant issue. The Democrats want to raise taxes
Democrats win, they're going to raise your when you're born, when you're working,
taxes. when you're retired, and when you die.
Audience members. Boo-o-o! [Laughter] In other words, the Democrats'
The President. Oh, I know they don't philosophy is this: If it breathes, tax it.
want you to know that. See, they're going [Laughter] And if it stops breathing, find
to say everything they can to make sure you their children and tax them. [Laughter] Our
don't understand that reality. Matter of fact, philosophy is, we want you to have more of
I want you to listen to the words of the top your own money because we know the tax
Democrat leader in the House of Represent cuts have worked to keep this economy
atives. They asked her about tax cuts; she strong.
said, “We love tax cuts.” Well, given her These are historic times. When our chil
record, she must be a secret admirer. Every dren and grandchildren look back on this pe
tax cut we passed—and by the way, they're riod, there will be one overriding question—
the largest tax cuts since Ronald Reagan was one question will overwhelm all the rest: Did
the President. Every tax cut we passed, the United States do everything in our power
whether it be increasing the child tax credit, to win the war on terror? I wish I could tell
or reducing the marriage penalty, or putting you we weren't at war, but we are. We face
the death tax on the road to extinction, or a brutal enemy that has an ideology, an ide
cutting taxes on capital gains or dividends, ology so backwards that many of our citizens
or reducing all income taxes for people who can't possibly comprehend it. See, we believe
pay taxes, she was against. And so were the in basic freedoms; they don't. We believe in
2008 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

the freedom to worship; they don't. We be who our intelligence services think was the
lieve in freedom to dissent; they don't. We mastermind of September the 11th. Here's
believe in freedom of a press; they don't. my way of thinking. If he knew about one
And because we stand in the way of their attack, he might know about another attack.
ambitions, which is to spread their vision as When this bill came up in front of the House
far and wide as possible, they want to hurt and the Senate, the overwhelming majority
us. And so my most important job, when it of Democrats voted no. If the people of this
all boils down to Washington, DC, my most country expect their Government to do its
important job, and any of us in Washington's most important job, you better elect people
most important job, is to protect you. You who will give our professionals the tools nec
can't negotiate with these people. You cannot essary to protect you, and those people are
hope for the best with these people. The best Republicans.
way to protect you is to find them and bring We're involved in a global struggle, and
them to justice before they have a chance we will face the enemy where we find them,
to hurt us. no matter what the theater of war is. The
And we've got to make sure we're doing most important theater, however, is Iraq.
everything at home to protect you. The See, one of the lessons of September the
enemy has got to be right one time, and 11th is that when we see a threat, we have
we've got to be right 100 percent of the time got to take that threat seriously. I saw a threat
to do our job to secure this country. And so in Saddam Hussein; Members of the United
that is why I worked with the Congress to States Congress in both political parties saw
tear down walls that prevented our intel the same threat; the United Nations saw the
ligence services from talking to law enforce threat. My decision to get rid of Saddam
ment. It probably didn't make any sense to Hussein was the right decision, and the world
you that's what happened, but that's the case. is better off for it.
And so I asked Congress to pass the PA Audience members. U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
TRIOT Act. And they did. But when it came U.S.A.!
time to be renewed, the overwhelming ma The President. On Sunday, we witnessed
jority of the Democrats in the House and a landmark event in the history of Iraq. Sad
in the United States Senate voted no. dam Hussein was convicted and sentenced
Audience members. Boo-o-o! to death. We congratulate the Iraqi people.
The President. And the reason I'm bring We appreciate the fact that they're con
ing this up to you is that there is a different verting their country from a rule of a tyrant
mindset in Washington, DC, than what I be to rule of law. And as we congratulate the
lieve. See, I believe our professionals have Iraqi people, we've got to remember that
all the tools necessary to protect you; Demo there was a lot of brave men and women
crats don't. There's an attitude up there that who wear our uniform that made sacrifices
says, “Well, we'll respond after we're at necessary so that Iraq got to that position
tacked.” My attitude is, we're going to re in the first place.
spond before we're attacked. In our efforts to protect you, Iraq is now
I felt it was important, if Al Qaida or an the central front. Oh, you hear them all the
Al Qaida affiliate was making a phone call time in Washington say, “Well, Iraq isn't the
into the United States, that we knew why. central front in the war on terror,” or, “Iraq
In this different kind of war, we must under is a distraction from the war on terror.” I
stand what the enemy is thinking, if our job don't think it is; our troops don't think it is:
is to prevent an attack. When that bill came and neither does Usama bin Laden. He has
up in front of the United States House of said that the fight in Iraq is the third world
Representatives, the vast majority of Demo war. He has said that victory for the terrorists
crats voted against it. in Iraq will mean America's defeat and dis
I felt it was important that when we picked
grace forever. That's what he said.
somebody up off the battlefield that we had Oh, you hear them in Washington say, the
an opportunity to question that person. See, Democrats say, that because we're fighting
we picked up Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, them in Iraq, we're creating more enemies.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2009

Well, Iraq is not the reason that the terrorists So we'll help the Iraqis. We'll help them
are at war with us. We weren't in Iraq when politically; we'll help economically; and we
they bombed the World Trade Center in will continue to train their security forces so
1993. We weren't in Iraq when they attacked they get to take the fight to the enemy. And
our Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. We I want you to know, if you've got a loved
weren't in Iraq when they attacked the USS one in uniform, if you've got a loved one in
Cole. And we were not in Iraq on September Iraq, I would not have your loved one there
the 11th, 2001. You do not create terrorists if I didn't believe that the cause was noble
by fighting the terrorists. The best way to and just and that victory was attainable. As
protect you is to stay on the offense and de a matter of fact, the only way we will not
feat the enemy overseas so we do not have win is if we leave before the job is done.
to face them again here at home. This is an important part of this campaign.
Our goal in Iraq is victory, and victory It's an important part for your future. And
means a country that can sustain itself and if you listen for the plan of the Democrats,
defend itself and govern itself, and a country there isn't one. Oh, they've got some ideas.
which will be an ally in the war on terror Some of them say, “Get out right now.”
against these extremists and radicals. And Some of them say, “Get out at a fixed date,”
we've got a lot going for us. First of all, we even though the job hasn't been done. One
have a plan for victory. I have given our com of them said, “Let's move our troops to an
manders on the ground all the flexibility and island some 5,000 miles away.”
Audience members. Boo-o-o!
all the tools they need to be able to stay
ahead of the enemy. And we got a fighting The President. They don't have a plan,
force equal to none. We got the finest United but they've got a principle around which
States military ever. they're organized, which is: It's too tough;
get out before the job is done. That's what
I understand a lot of citizens don't agree they believe. I'm not saying they're unpatri
that Iraq is important for your security, but otic; I'm saying they're wrong. They have
our troops understand it. Morale is high. taken a calculated gamble. They believe the
They understand what's going on in this com only way they can win this election is to criti
bat zone. They understand the stakes. And cize and offer no plan. It's a huge election
therefore, those of us in government have issue, and they don't have a plan. So if you
the full responsibility to give them all the happen to bump into a Democrat candidate,
tools they need to do the jobs that I've asked you might want to ask this question: What
them to do. And you don't have to worry is your plan? If they say they want to protect
about Martinez and Miller. They understand the homeland but opposed the PATRIOT
that when we've got a man or woman in Act, ask them this question: What's your
harm's way, he or she deserves all the full plan? If they say they want to uncover ter
support of the Federal Government. rorist plots but opposed listening in on ter
We've got something else going for us, and rorist conversations, ask them this question:
those are brave Iraqis. These folks have suf What's your plan?
fered unspeakable violence, and yet they're Audience members. What's your plan?
still committed to a government of, by, and The President. If they say they want to
for the people. You know, when they went stop new attacks on our country but opposed
to the polls and defied the car bombers and letting the CIA detain and question the ter
assassins, I was pleased, but I wasn't sur rorists who might know what those plots are,
prised. And the reason I wasn't surprised is ask them this question: What's your plan?
because I believe in an Almighty, and I be Audience members. What's your plan?
lieve a great gift of the Almighty in each man The President. If they say they want to
and woman's soul is the desire to be free. win the war on terror but call for America
I believe in the universality of freedom. It to pull out from what Al Qaida says is the
shouldn't surprise you when people say, “I’d central front in the war on terror, ask them
rather be free than live under the hand of a simple question
a tyrant.” Audience members. What's your plan?
2010 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

The President. They don't have one. ger. That is why we will stay in Iraq, fight
[Laughter] I want you to remind your fellow in Iraq, and win in Iraq.
citizens when you ask them to go vote, harsh One of my favorite stories that I like to
criticism is not a plan for victory. Second share with our fellow citizens is the story
guessing is not a strategy. We have a plan about the time when Laura and I went to
for victory, and part of that plan is to make Elvis's place with sitting Prime Minister
sure Republicans control the House and the Koizumi of Japan. People say, “What the
heck did you go there for?” [Laughter] I said,
Retreat from Iraq before the job is done “Well, I hadn't taken Laura on a vacation
would embolden the enemy and would make for a while.” [Laughter Koizumi himself
this country less secure. In this war, if we wanted to go because he was an Elvis fan.
were to leave before the job is done, the [Laughter] But it also tells an interesting
enemy would follow us here to America. If story about the power of liberty, about the
we leave before the job is done, it would en capacity of liberty to change for the better.
able these radicals and extremists to be able
See, the Japanese attacked us, and thou
to recruit. If we leave before the job is done, sands of young Americans, like your relatives
it would dash the hopes of millions upon mil and our dad, said, “I volunteer. I volunteer
lions of people in the Middle East who sim to fight for the country.” It’s happening
ply want to live a peaceful existence. It would today, by the way. Thousands are doing the
condemn them to the violent ideology of same thing. And he went, and thousands
these haters. And if we were to leave before
the job was done, it would dishonor the sac went, and thousands died in a bloody war.
rifice of the men and women who have worn And yet his son is on Air Force One flying
our uniform. down to Memphis, Tennessee, talking about
The stakes in this fight in Iraq are impor the peace, talking about peace on the Korean
Peninsula, talking about the fact that Japan
tant, not only for today's generation but for
future generations. See, the enemy has made had 1,000 troops in Iraq. The Prime Minister
it abundantly clear that they believe we'll and I understand we're in an ideological
leave because we're soft. They believe if they struggle between extremists and people who
can put enough unspeakable violence on the want a better life than what they offer. And
TV screens that America will lose its nerve. the best way to defeat the ideology of hate
They don't understand; we don't run from is with an ideology of hope. We were talking
thugs and assassins. They believe it's a matter about the admonition, to whom much is
of time for us to leave, and they want us to given, much is required, and that's why we'll
so they can have safe haven from which to continue to lead the fight against the pan
launch further attacks. This is what they have demic of HIV/AIDS. We were talking about
said. They have said that they want us to our global responsibilities to foster peace.
leave so they can have room to topple mod Isn't that interesting; our dad fought the
erate governments, to begin to expand their Japanese, and one of his sons is talking about
ideological vision. keeping the peace. Something happened.
Can you imagine a world in the Middle Japan adopted a Japanese-style democracy.
East in which they controlled oil resources? The lesson is that liberty has got the capacity
And then they would say to the West, “Aban to transform an enemy into an ally; liberty
don your alliance with Israel; abandon your has got the capacity to transform a region
alliance with moderate governments; with of the world that is resentful and full of hate
draw, otherwise we'll bring you to your to a region of the world full of hope. Some
knees, economically.” And you couple that day, an elected leader from the United States
with a country with a nuclear weapon that will be sitting down with elected leaders from
doesn't like us, and people will look at this the Middle East talking about the peace, and
period of time and say, “What happened to a generation of Americans will be better off
them in 2006? How come they couldn't see for it.
the impending danger? What clouded their And those are the stakes in this election.
vision?” I want to assure you, I see the dan I urge our fellow citizens to go to the polls.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2011

I urge you to do your duty in this great de so people know where I'm coming from. And
mocracy, and that is to exercise your right here's where I'm coming from: Asa Hutch
as an individual to determine the course of inson is the right man to be your Governor.
this Nation. And as you're going into those I liked the fact that he and Susan have
polls, remember, if you want your taxes low, been married for 33 years. As a matter of
vote Republican. And as you go to the polls, fact, Laura and I celebrated our 29th wed
remember, we're at war. And if you want this ding anniversary. She was in Crawford, and
country to do everything in its power to pro I was campaigning. [Laughter] We've had
tect you and, at the same time, lay the foun quite a week there. She celebrated a birth
dation of peace for generations to come, vote day; we celebrated the 29th anniversary; and
Republican. on November the 7th, we're going to cele
Laura and I are so pleased you're here. brate a great victory.
Thank you for coming out. Thank you for I like the fact that when Asa was called
your interest. May God bless you, and may by his Government to come and serve, he
God continue to bless the United States. did. See, he understands that it's important
to put service ahead of self. And I gave him
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:24 p.m. at the some hard jobs. I didn't ask him to come
Pensacola Civic Center. In his remarks, he re
ferred to Vicki Miller, wife of Representative Jeff
to Washington just to push paper; I asked
Miller; former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq; him to come to Washington to fight drugs,
Usama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist which he did a fine job of and to help us
organization; and former Prime Minister Junichiro organize the Homeland Security Department
Koizumi of Japan. so we can better protect you.
I like the fact that Asa is running on a
good platform. See, when I was running for
Remarks at an Arkansas Victory 2006 Governor of Texas, I said, “Education is to
Rally in Bentonville, Arkansas a State what national defense is to the Fed
eral Government.” That's what Asa thinks.
November 6, 2006
The top priority of your government is to
The President. Thank you all for coming. make sure every single º gets a good edu
You know, Asa, I remember landing at this cation. He also understands, you need a Gov
airport in 2000, on the next to last event of ernor who is going to be strong about eradi
my quest for the Presidency. I was then here cating methamphetamines. You need a Gov
to ask for your vote for me. I'm coming back, ernor who is going to help small businesses
asking for you to vote and work for Asa flourish. You need a Governor that's going
Hutchinson. to keep your taxes low. And that Governor
I want to thank you for the interest in his is Asa Hutchinson.
campaign. I appreciate those of you who are I'm sure glad to be here with John and
putting up the signs and making the phone Cathy. I appreciate them being up here on
calls and turning out the vote. With your the stage. I appreciate your service. Boozman
help, he'll become the next Governor of Ar is well-respected in Washington. People like
kansas. And by the way, when you get people him up there because they understand he's
going into the polls, make sure they . d consistent, and he tells everybody where he
great United States Congressman back to stands. And the most important thing he tells
Washington, John Boozman. me is, “You make sure you remember north
Laura and I are pleased to be here to sup west Arkansas, Mr. President.”
port the Hutchinsons. We got to know them I want to thank State Senator Jim Holt,
in Washington. One thing you have to under who's the candidate for Lieutenant Gov
stand is, he spent time in Washington, but ernor, joining us today. Johnny Key is with
he never lost his Arkansas values. I guess us; he's the minority leader of the Arkansas
that's because he grew up on a farm near House of Representatives. Johnny, thanks for
Gra-VETTE–GRA-vette. No one has ever being here. I want to thank—welcome Gun
accused me of being the best English speaker ner DeLay, running for attorney general.
in America. [Laughter] But I try to talk plain Gunner, you're just going to win on your first
2012 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
name alone. [Laughter] I want to thank Jim right position on taxes, and we got the right
Lagrone, who's running for the secretary of position on what it takes to protect you from
state. Chris Morris is running for treasurer. attack.
I want to thank all the grassroots activists Let me first start talking about taxes. It's
who are here. I want to thank you for what a big issue in this campaign. We believe that
you're going to do here over the next 24 you can spend your money better than the
hours. I appreciate the members of the Shi Federal Government can spend your money.
loh Christian Saints Band that's been with
us. I want to thank the Pine Bluff Drum Line
We believe when you have more of your own
money in your pocket to save, spend, or in
that's with us. I don't know if you noticed, vest, the economy benefits. The Democrats
but I had quite a step coming in from Air believe they can spend your money better
Force One, thanks to you all. I want to thank
everybody else who's performed here. But of it. than you can, and that's why they want more
I want to really thank you all. Laura and I Audience members. Boo-o-o!
are so pleased you came out.
See, this election is coming soon, but The President. We have a philosophy, but
you've probably been reading about the fact you'll be happy to hear we did more than
that some of the prognosticators have already philosophize. [Laughter] We acted. I signed
decided the outcome of the election. the largest tax cut since Ronald Reagan was
Audience members. Boo-o-o! President of the United States.
The President. That's not the first time Oh, you might remember the debate in
that's ever happened. [Laughter) Oh, you Washington when the Democrats said the tax
might remember 2004. As a matter of fact, cuts aren't going to cause any people to find
some of them had already started to pick out jobs; the tax cuts aren't going to help wages:
their offices in the West Wing in 2004. and the tax cuts will cause the deficit to ex
|Laughter] But then the people of Arkansas plode. Well, when you're out rounding up
voted, and people voted all around the coun the people to vote, remind them of the facts.
try, and the movers were not needed. Same Our economy is strong, and it's getting bet
thing is going to happen this year. They can ter. We found out last week that the national
prognosticate all they want; then the people unemployment rate is 4.4 percent. These tax
get to decide. And the people of Arkansas cuts are working. Real wages are on the rise,
are going to send John back to Congress and and we cut the deficit in half 3 years ahead
Asa to the statehouse, and we're going to of schedule.
control the House and the Senate.
Whether it's here in Arkansas or around
And there's a reason why. Over the past the country, there's a difference in this cam
5 years, we have accomplished great things paign about taxes. And one of the interesting
together. We've taken the economy from re things about these national Democrats is
cession to one that is strong and growing.
We have risen to the test of September the they're not going to tell you that they're going
11th, and have taken the fight to the terror to raise your taxes. Let me just give you one
ists all around the world. In other words, example of what I'm talking about. They
we've led. We've done what the people ex asked the lady who thinks she's going to be
pected us to do. There's another reason we're the Speaker—but she's not—about tax cuts.
going to win—is because we understand the And she said on TV, “We love tax cuts.” Well,
values and the principles of the American given her record, she must be a secret ad
mirer—because when it came time to reduce
people. We don't need polls and focus groups
to tell us where we stand. Our principles are the marriage penalty or cut taxes on small
the principles of the majority of the people businesses, when it came time to lower taxes
in this country. We're going to win this elec on families with children, when it came time
tion because we're right on the big issues. to reducing taxes on capital gains and divi
You know, I knew we were going to finish dends, and when it came time to getting rid
strong. I knew that we were going to come of the death tax, she and her party voted no.
roaring into election day, because we got the Audience members. Boo-o-o!
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2013

The President. If that is their definition to spread their ideology throughout the
of love—[laughter]—I'd sure hate to see world.
what hate looks like. [Laughter Their ideology is the exact opposite of
Now here's the problem we've got if the what we believe. We believe in the right for
tax cuts we passed are allowed to expire or people to worship freely. We believe in the
are not made permanent—you're paying right for people to dissent. We believe in the
more taxes, see. Now, they're going to go right for people to participate in politics. We
around the country, and they say, “Oh, we're believe in government of, by, and for the
just going to let the tax cuts expire.” That people. They don't. There is—these are cold
means your taxes are going up. Don't take blooded killers. You cannot negotiate with
my word for it. Take the word of the person them. You cannot hope for the best. Therapy
who thinks he is going to be the head of the won't work. The best way to protect you is
Ways and Means Committee—which he's to defeat them overseas so we do not have
not. [Laughter] And so they asked him, to face them here at home.
“Could you think of any of the tax cuts that And so that is part of our strategy. And
you would extend,” in other words, keep in the other part of our strategy is to protect
place—he said, “I can't think of a one.” this homeland. I've told you Asa was a part
Well, let me give you an example of what of an important reorganization to make sure
that means for you. Anybody here got four that we can respond better. Right after Sep
kids, three kids? You got four? Four. Three, tember the 11th, I analyzed the laws to deter
okay. [Applause] Shhh. All right, wait, wait. mine whether or not our professionals had
[Laughter] I don't know why I asked that? what they need to protect you. And let me
[Laughter) Oh, I know why I asked it. When talk about three examples. First, there was
you're at dinner tonight—and, say, you got a wall that prevented the intelligence folks
four kids—if the tax cuts are not extended, from sharing information with law enforce
the child tax credit goes from $1,000 per ment. It doesn't make any sense. I under
child to 500, see. And so then you can start stand that, but, nevertheless, that was reality.
counting heads to determine how much the You can't protect you if our folks who know
Democrats are going to raise your taxes. If what the enemy may be doing can't tell the
you've got four children, at dinner, you can folks on the frontline of protecting you—with
just go, one child, two, three, four, times 500. that information. And so I said to Congress,
That's a $2,000 tax increase. Now that may “Pass the PATRIOT Act, to make sure that
not seem like a lot to the Democrats in Wash we can share information across jurisdictions
ington, but it seems like a lot to me, to Asa, within government.” And they passed the
and to John. And that's why you need to vote PATRIOT Act. But I want you to remember,
Republican to keep your taxes low. And we're when this important piece of legislation—
closing strong in this election because the legislation necessary to protect the American
American people have finally figured out our people—came up for reauthorization in the
tax cuts work, and the Democrats are going United States House and in the United States
to raise your taxes. Senate, the vast majority of Democrats voted
This election is taking place at a historic no.

time for our country. And when our children Audience members. Boo-o-o!
look back at this period, they're going to have The President. You see, there's a different
one question: Did we do everything in our mindset in Washington, DC. They must
wer to protect America and win the war think it—one, we're not at war, or it's okay
on terror? That's the fundamental question to respond after we're attacked. Our view is,
facing this country, and it's a fundamental let's make sure we're not attacked in the first
question in this campaign. I wish I could re lace.
port to you here in northwest Arkansas that I believe if Al Qaida or an Al Qaida affiliate
we were not at war, but we are. And we're is making a phone call into the United States
at war because of what we believe and what of America from outside our country, we bet
the enemy believes. And we're at war be ter understand why. We better make sure
cause we stand in the way of their ambitions that we understand the intentions of the
2014 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

enemy. When this piece of legislation came “Well, Iraq is just a distraction; Iraq is not
up on the floor of the House of Representa a part of the war.” Well, I don't believe that:
tives—the terrorist surveillance program, it's our troops don't believe that; and Usama bin
called—the vast majority of Democrats voted Laden doesn't believe that. [Laughter] He
In O.
has called the fight in Iraq the third world
Audience members. Boo-o-o! war. He has said that victory for the terrorists
The President. Your Congressman voted in Iraq will mean America's defeat and dis
yes. We picked up Khalid Sheikh Moham grace forever. We need to take his words se
med—if you haven't heard that name, he's riously. It doesn't matter what party you're
the person our intelligence officers believe in; you need to listen to the enemy.
masterminded the September the 11th at There's people in Washington who believe
tacks. And my attitude is, in order to protect that when we fight for Iraqi democracy and
you, we've got to be in a position to question when we fight to adhere to l. policy, “defeat
him. And so I authorized the Central Intel them there so we don't have to face them
ligence Agency, the professionals in the Cen here,” it creates terrorists. In other words,
tral Intelligence Agency, to question Khalid it makes the world more dangerous. But I
Sheikh Mohammed. I'll tell you why. If he want to remind you that the reason we're
knew about one attack, it's conceivable he at war with the terrorists is not because of
might know about another attack. Iraq. See, we weren't in Iraq when they
And so when it came time to vote on this bombed the World Trade Center in 1993.
valuable program that has prevented attacks We weren't in Iraq when they bombed our
on the homeland, the vast majority of Demo Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. We
crats voted no. And so when people go to weren't in Iraq when they bombed the USS
the polls, they have got to º that Cole. And we were not in Iraq on September
we're at war, and if you want to make sure the 11th, 2001, when they killed nearly 3,000
our professionals have the tools necessary to of our citizens.
do our most important job, which is to pro They just think different; the Democrats
tect the American people, you need to vote have a different view of the world. It's an
Republican. important part of this election. I'm going to
This is a global war fought on a variety remind our citizens, you do not create terror
of fronts. Where we find the enemy, we will ists by fighting the terrorists. The best way
confront them. One of the lessons of Sep to protect this country is to stay on the of
tember the 11th is that when this Nation sees fense and bring them to justice before they
a threat, it must take those threats seriously can hurt us again.
before they come home to hurt us. I saw a Our goal in Iraq is victory, and victory
threat in Saddam Hussein; the United States means a country which can govern itself, sus
Congress—people in both parties—saw the tain itself, and defend itself and be an ally
same threat; the United Nations saw the in the war on terror. And it's hard work. It
threat. The decision I made to get rid of Sad is really hard work because the enemy under
dam Hussein was the right decision, and the stands the stakes of a democracy in the midst
world is better off for it. of a region that desires for liberty. They un
On Sunday we witnessed a landmark event derstand that success in Iraq will be a major
in the history of Iraq: Saddam Hussein was blow to their desires. They also are willing
convicted of heinous crimes on his people. to use weapons that disturb the American
This is a country which is going from the people, and those weapons kill innocent men,
rule of a tyrant to rule of law, and we con women, and children. And the reason they
gratulate the Iraqi people. And as we do, we do so is they have no conscience, and they
remember that this never would have hap are convinced it's just a matter of time before
pened without the sacrifices of the United the United States loses its will.
States military. What they don't understand is they don't
And Iraq is the central front in this war understand this administration; they don't
to protect you. Oh, I've heard them in Wash understand the American people. We're not
ington. I know you have as well. They say, going to run from thugs and assassins. We've
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2015

got a strategy for victory where the goal is would cut off the funds for their troops. They
the same, but the tactics constantly change. don't have a plan, but they have—they're
I have told our commanders, whatever it united on principle, and that is, get out be
takes to get the job done you can have from fore the job is done.
Washington, DC. Our tactics are flexible. No, I'm not saying these folks are unpatri
We've got great assets at our disposal, start otic; I'm just saying they're wrong. You can't
ing with the finest United States military ever win a war unless you're willing to fight the
And Boozman and I understand this fact:
war. They've taken a calculated gamble. They
believe the only way they can win this elec
When you have anybody in harm's way rep tion is to criticize and not offer a plan. You
resenting the United States of America, our know, there's 24 hours left; they still have
Government must give them everything they an opportunity to step up and tell the Amer
need in order to get the job done. And I'd
like to share one other thought with you. ican people what they intend to do to prevail
Whether or not you agreed with my decision in this war against these terrorists.
or not to remove Saddam Hussein, you owe If you happen to run into a Democrat can
it to support our troops. didate, you might ask him these questions.
We got something else going for us, and If they say they want to protect the homeland
those are Iraqis that want to live in a free but oppose the PATRIOT Act, just ask them
society. These folks are suffering unspeak this question: What's your plan? If they say
able violence, yet they are determined to set they want to uncover terrorist plots but op
up a government that will reflect the will of pose listening in on the terrorist conversa
the nearly 12 million people who voted. Let tion, ask them this question: What's your
me say something. I was pleased by the vote, plan? If they say they want to stop new at
but I wasn't surprised. I'll tell you why I tacks on our country but oppose letting the
wasn't surprised. I believe that an Almighty's CIA detain and question the terrorists who
gift to each man, woman, and child is the might know about those plots, ask them this
desire to be free. I believe in the universality question: What's your plan?
of freedom. And so we'll help this Govern Audience members. What's your plan?
ment unify the country; we'll help their econ The President. Yes. If they say they want
omy grow; and we will train Iraqis so they to win the war on terror but call for America
can take the fight to defend their country. to pull out from what Al Qaida says is the
I want you to know that if you have a loved central front in this war on terror, ask them
one in harm's way, that I wouldn't have your a simple question
son or daughter there if I didn't believe the Audience members. What's your plan?
cause was noble and just and if I didn't be
lieve we could win. As a matter of fact, the The President. They can't answer it.
only way we cannot win is if we leave before Harsh criticism is not a plan for victory. Sec
the job is done. ond-guessing is not a strategy. We have a
This is a serious issue, and yet if you listen plan for victory. We've got a strategy to win.
to the debate, if you listen for the plan of And part of that is to elect Republicans to
the Democrats, they don't have one. It's the the Congress and to the Senate.
central front in the war on terror, and they Retreat from Iraq before the job is done
have yet to describe to the American people would embolden the enemy and make this
what they intend to do. Oh, they're beginning country less secure. In this war, if we were
to give us glimpses. Some of them have said, to leave before the job is done, the enemy
“Just get out now.” Others have said, “Let’s would follow us here. These radicals and ex
just set a date, and then get out before the tremists would be able to recruit better. Just
job is done.” One of the leaders in the House, imagine their propaganda, when they say,
one of the Democrat leaders, said, “Why “We caused the mighty United States to re
don't we move our troops to an island 5,000 treat.” It would dash the hopes of millions
miles away?" Nineteen of them up there, of of people in the Middle East who want to
the Democrats, introduced legislation that live a peaceful life. If we were to leave before
2016 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the job is done, it would dishonor the sac to fight the enemy. See, Japan was the sworn
rifice of the men and women who have worn enemy of the United States, and we fought
our uniform. them in a bloody war, and thousands lost
This issue on the war on terror—this issue their lives. And here I am on Air Force One
about Iraq is a vital issue. And the victory with the Prime Minister of the former enemy
there or retreat from Iraq, would be felt for talking about the peace. See, we were talking
generations. And that's why we want to make about how do we make sure the Korean Pe
sure that we understand that we're not only ninsula doesn't have a nuclear weapon. We
talking about this generation but generations were talking about the fact that Japan had
of Americans coming up. And I'll tell you 1,000 troops in Iraq, helping this young de
why. The enemy has made it abundantly mocracy. The Prime Minister knows what I
clear that they want us to retreat so they can know—in this ideological struggle, with ex
have, one, safe haven from which to launch tremism on one hand and reasonable folks
further attacks—safe havens similar to that on the other, any time you can help a young
safe haven they had in Afghanistan. Secondly, democracy survive, you're making the world
they want us to retreat so they can topple more peaceful. You're marginalizing the ex
moderate governments. They want to be able tremists.
to spread their ideology as far and wide as We talked about this concept that whom
possible, and they understand our presence much is given, much is required—that's what
prevents them from doing so. Thirdly, they I believe. And we talked about how we can
would like to control energy resources. work together, for example, to get rid of the
Imagine a world in which these extremists pandemic of HIV/AIDS on the continent of
and radicals, bound together by a hateful ide Africa. In other words, we were talking about
ology, was able to say to the West, to the our duties as responsible citizens of the world
United States, for example, “If you do not to lay the foundation for peace. Isn't it inter
abandon your alliances, if you do not with esting? My dad fought the Japanese and his
draw, we will run the price of oil up to the son is sitting down talking about the peace
point that it chokes your economy.” You can with the Prime Minister of the very same
imagine somebody saying, “Abandon Israel, country. What happened was, Japan adopted
or we will bring you to your knees,” or, “Get a Japanese-style democracy.
out of our way, or we'll bring you to your The lesson is that liberty has got the capac
knees.” And couple that with a country which ity to change an enemy into an ally. And lib
doesn't like us with a nuclear weapon, and erty has got the capacity to change a region
people will look back at this period of time, of resentment, a region that needs hope, into
and say, “What happened to them in 2006? a place where people can realize the benefits
How come they couldn't see the danger? of a rational life, where people can realize
What clouded their vision?" Well, I want you the benefits of a free society. Someday,
to know I clearly see the danger. That is why American Presidents will be sitting down
we will fight in Iraq and win in Iraq. with elected leaders from the Middle East
I want to share a story with you about the talking about keeping the peace, and a gen
power of liberty. Recently Laura and I had eration of Americans will be better off for
the honor of taking our friend the former it.
Prime Minister—he was the sitting Prime And these are the stakes in this election.
Minister at the time—of Japan—to Elvis's And I thank you for your interest. I ask you
place. They said, “Why did you go?” Well, to go forth and find fellow Republicans, dis
we hadn't been on a vacation lately. [Laugh cerning Democrats, and openminded inde
ter] We also went because Prime Minister pendents, and convince them, if you want
Koizumi liked Elvis. But I also wanted to tell a good Governor, vote for Asa Hutchinson.
a story, a tale about history and the power Remind them that if they want more money
of liberty. in their pocket, remind them if they want
Right after the Japanese attacked Pearl government that trusts you to make the right
Harbor, thousands and thousands of our citi decisions with your money, you vote Repub
zens—I’m sure your relatives—volunteered lican. And remind them—remind them that
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2017

we're in a tough fight against an enemy that anniversary. And Tuesday is going to be a
wants to do us harm. And if you want govern great victory for Republicans here in Texas.
ment that responds with all assets, a govern I appreciate Anita Perry, one of the fine
ment that will do everything in our capability first ladies in our State's history.
to protect you and, at the same time, lay the I'm proud to be here with the Lieutenant
foundation for peace for generations to Governor, David Dewhurst. He deserves to
come, vote Republican. be reelected. He's working on safe schools;
Thanks for coming. God bless you, and he worked with the Governor to do some
God bless America.
thing about school funding. He's got a strong,
solid record to run on, and when you get
NOTE: The President spoke at 4:23 p.m. at the in there to vote for Rick, make sure you vote
Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport. In his re for Dewhurst as well.
marks, he referred to Cathy Boozman, wife of I appreciate very much that the chairman
Representative John Boozman; Usama bin Laden, of the Railroad Commission is with us, Eliza
leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organization; and
former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of beth Ames Jones. A lot of people around the
Japan. country think the Railroad Commission has
a lot to do with railroads. [Laughter] The
Railroad Commission has got a lot to do with
Remarks at a Perry for Governor whether or not this State has got wealth to
2006 Rally in Dallas, Texas invest in our schools. And I appreciate her
November 6, 2006 leadership, and I appreciate the leadership
of my friend, Commissioner Michael Wil
The President. Thank you all very much. liams, who is with us. The speaker of the
Rick, thanks for the kind introduction. Let house from Midland, Texas, Tommy
me put it to you this way: Everything I Craddick—thanks for coming, Tommy.
learned, I learned right here in Texas. All Rick Perry knows what I know, that we
I've tried to do in Washington is what you need judges who strictly interpret the law
expected me to do when I was your Gov and not try to write law from the bench. I
ernor—speak plainly, make decisions based named two fantastic judges for the Supreme
upon principles, and stand strong with Texas Court, Sam Alito and John Roberts. Rick
Perry understands that, and we've got three
And that is exactly what Rick Perry has important Supreme Court nominees with us
done. I'm proud to be here with him. You today—actually sitting on the bench: Justice
know, one of the great comforts that I had Don Willett, Justice David Medina, and Jus
when I left the State to head up to Wash tice Dale Wainwright.
ington was knowing that Rick Perry was I appreciate the Members of the United
going to be the Governor. He's optimistic. States Congress who are here: Michael Bur
He's done in office what he said he would
do, and he's got a record. He's got a strong gess, Jeb Hensarling, and Michael Conaway.
record to run on: Taxes are low, budgets are Thanks for coming.
down, surpluses aplenty, fix the school fund But most of all, thank you all for being
here. It warms our heart to be with our fellow
ing issue. People are working here in the
State of Texas. He passed tort reform. Rick Texans. I must say, I miss it, living here in
Perry has got a record and deserves to be this State. But I want you to know, for the
reelected Governor of Texas. next 2% years, I'm going to sprint as hard
Laura and I are honored to be with the as I can to make this country as great as it
can be.
Perrys. You know, we've had quite a week—
well, quite a couple of days. First, we had We're in the home stretch of this cam
Laura's birthday. I'm not going to tell you paign, and you all will play an important part
how old she is, but we were born the same of making sure that our fellow citizens get
year. [Laughter] And 60 ain't all that bad. to the polls. When you send them to the
[Laughter] Then we had our 29th wedding
2018 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
polls, don't overlook those discerning Demo taxes on small businesses, voted against low
crats and wise independents, by the way, be ering taxes for families with children, voted
cause we've got a philosophy that's best for against reducing taxes on capital gains and
this country and for this State. dividends, and voted against putting the
Laura and I have been traveling quite a death tax on the road to extinction. If that's
bit, and we're enthused by the enthusiasm their definition for love, I'd sure hate to see
we see. We're closing strong because we're what hate looks like.
right on the issues. I understand you got the Here's how it's going to work. Unless these
largest phonebank in the country here in tax cuts are extended or made permanent,
Texas. That's what I expect. I thank you for your taxes go up. And the Democrat leaders
manning it. My encouragement to you is to have laid out their position. They asked them
go out and keep dialing and get people to about whether or not the tax cuts ought to
the polls. Send Rick Perry back to the Gov be extended, and they said they can't think
ernor's office, and the State will be better of one of them, see. So all they got to say
off for it. is, “Well, we're just not going to extend the
Oh, there's a lot of issues we differ on with tax cuts.” Really what they're saying is they're
the Democrats. I want to talk about two of going to raise your taxes. And I want you
them today. First is taxes. And there are big to think about what that means. For example,
differences. We have a clear philosophy. We if the child tax credit is not extended or made
think you can spend your money better than permanent, your taxes are going to go up if
the Government can. We believe that when you have children.
you have more money in your pocket to save, So, for example, anybody got four kids,
invest, or spend, the entire economy benefits. here? Nelson has got five. Senator Nelson
Democrats believe they can spend your has got five children. So when you're having
money better than you can. That's why they dinner this evening, Senator, and you're sit
want more of it. ting around the table, just count those
Audience members. Boo-o-o! heads—l child, 2, 3, 4, 5—and multiply by
The President. But you didn't elect us just 500—see, the tax credit goes from 1,000 to
to be philosophers. You elected us to get $500 a child if the tax cuts are not extended.
things done. Republicans have acted on that So you can just multiply 500 by 5–that's
philosophy. We delivered the largest tax cut $2,500. That may not sound like a lot of
since Ronald Reagan was the President. You money to people in Washington. But Rick
should have heard the debate. Democrats Perry knows it's a lot of money, and I know
said the tax cuts wouldn't create jobs; it it's a lot of money, and that's why we're going
wouldn't increase wages; and it would cause to work to keep your taxes low.
the Federal deficit to explode. Well, the facts This election is taking place in an historic
are in. The tax cuts have led to a strong and time for our country. And when our children
growing economy. The unemployment rate and grandchildren look back on this period,
has dropped to 4.4 percent. People are work one question will overwhelm all the rest: Did
ing here in Texas, and they're working we do everything in our power to fight and
around the country. Over the last 3 months, win the war on terror? I wish I could report
we added 480,000 new jobs. Real wages are to you that we're not at war, but we are. We
on the rise, and we cut the deficit in half face a brutal enemy. They're bound by an
3 years ahead of schedule. The tax cuts ideology that's the opposite of our ideology.
worked. We believe in basic freedoms, and they don't.
Taxes are an issue in this campaign. See, They also have designs to spread their ide
I'm convinced that your taxes go up when ology to the far corners of the world if they're
Democrats win. Now I know they don't want able, and they understand we stand in the
you to know about it. Back in Washington, way of that. And that's why they still want
the Democrats will tell you, “We love tax to inflict harm on us.
cuts.” But given their record, they must be I want to tell you something about these
secret admirers. They voted against reducing folks. You cannot negotiate with them; you
the marriage penalty, voted against cutting can't hope for the best with them. The best
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2019

way to protect this country is to stay on the case you haven't heard of him, he's the per
offense and bring them to justice so they son our intelligence officers think master
don't hurt us. minded the September the 11th attacks. So
That is part of our strategy. The other part my attitude was, if he knew about one attack,
of our strategy is to protect you here at home. he might know about another attack. And
See, that's our most important job. Those of therefore, we've got to question Khalid
us who are honored to serve you have got Sheikh Mohammed in order to protect you.
a vital job, and that is to protect you from This bill came up for a vote in the House
further attack. And so when I–after Sep and the Senate; the vast majority of Demo
tember the 11th, I reviewed the tools to see crats voted against it.
whether or not our folks had the tools nec Audience members. Boo-o-o!
essary to guard you. Let me talk about three The President. It is important that our
items. It will give you a sense about how peo professionals have the tools necessary to pro
ple are thinking in Washington, and thinking tect you, and I vow that so long as I'm the
around the country, by the way. President, we'll give them those tools.
First is, there was a wall that prevented This is a global war we're fighting, and
our intelligence folks from sharing informa we're facing the enemy on a multiple of
tion with law enforcement. Now I know that
fronts. One of the lessons of September the
doesn't make any sense to you, but that's 11th is, when we see a threat, the United
what happened. See, in this new kind of war, States must take those threats seriously, be
we can't protect you unless the intelligence fore they come home to hurt us. And it's a
folks whose job it is to figure out the designs lesson all Presidents must remember. I saw
and thinking of the enemy can share the in a threat in Saddam Hussein; Members of the
formation they have with the people whose United States Congress in both political par
job it is to stop the attacks. It's called the ties saw the same threat; the United Nations
PATRIOT Act. It's a vital piece of legislation.
saw the same threat. My decision to remove
It's a vital piece of legislation, but when it Saddam Hussein was the right decision.
came up for reauthorization, the vast major
ity of Democrats voted against it. And on Sunday, we witnessed a landmark
Audience members. Boo-o-o! event in the history of Iraq. Saddam Hussein
The President. There's just a different was convicted. You're watching a country
mindset. See, they must not think we're at evolve from the rule of a tyrant to the rule
war, or they must think it's okay to respond of law. And we congratulate the Iraqi people.
But I also want to remind our fellow citizens
after we're attacked. Our view is, let's re
spond before we're attacked. Let's prevent the reason this verdict was able to happen
the attack from happening in the first place. in the first place was because of the skill and
If the most important job of the Government the sacrifice of the United States military.
is to protect you, I thought it was vital to And now Iraq is a central front in this war
on terror. You know it's—I hear all the talk
listen to Al Qaida or Al Qaida affiliates mak
ing phone calls from outside the United out of Washington where the skeptics say,
States to inside the United States. The reason “Well, Iraq is a diversion from the war on
why we did that is because we've got to un terror,” or, “Iraq isn't that vital to the war
derstand what the enemy is thinking in this on terror.” I don't think it's true; our troops
new kind of war. When the terrorist surveil do not think it's true; and Usama bin Laden
lance program was brought to a vote on the doesn't think it's true. He has said the fight
floor of the House of Representatives, the in Iraq is the third world war. He has said
vast majority of Democrats voted against it. that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will
Audience members. Boo-o-o! mean America's defeat and disgrace forever.
The President. When we pick somebody Audience members. Boo-o-o!
up on the battlefield, we've got to be in a The President. There's a different
position to detain and question those folks. mindset—there's a different mindset that
you just got to know about. See, people have
And let me give you an example why. We
picked up Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—in claimed that fighting the terrorists in Iraq
2020 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

creates terrorists. I disagree. Fighting the ter is because I believe a gift from the Almighty
rorists in Iraq is not the reason why the ter to each man, woman, and child is the desire
rorists are fighting us. We weren't in Iraq to be free. I believe in the universality of
in 1993 when they bombed the World Trade freedom. I don't believe freedom is Amer
Center. We weren't in Iraq when they ica's gift to the world; I believe it is universal.
bombed our Embassies in Kenya and Tan And it doesn't surprise me when people de
zania. We were not in Iraq when they mand to be free.
bombed the USS Cole. And we were not in It's hard work for Iraq to have a govern
Iraq on September the 11th, 2001. You do ment that can defend and govern itself, but
not create terrorists by fighting the terrorists. we're on our way. We've got a political plan
The best way to protect this country is to to help them. Their economy will get help
find the enemy overseas and defeat them to improve, and we'll continue to train the
there so we don't have to face them here Iraqis so they can take the fight to the few
at home.
who want to stop the dreams of the many.
Our goal in Iraq is victory. And victory And we will succeed. I want you to know
means a country which can govern itself, sus this: If I didn't believe the cause was noble
tain itself, defend itself, and be an ally in and just and if I didn't believe we can achieve
the war against these extremists and killers. our objective, I wouldn't have our troops
And we're on our way to victory, but it's a there.
tough fight, and I know it's a tough fight, We're going to succeed, unless we leave
and so do you. We face a brutal enemy that before the job is done. And this is an impor
is willing to kill innocent men, women, and tant issue for our citizens around the country
children in order to achieve their objective. to think about. We've got a plan for victory.
And one of their objectives is to cause us But if you listen to the debate about Iraq
to leave Iraq. They don't believe we have the from the Democrats, I don't hear their plan
stomach for the fight. They believe that these for victory. On this vital issue, they don't have
images of carnage on our TV screens will a plan. Oh, they've got some ideas. Some of
weaken our resolve. They don't understand them say, “Get out now.” Some of them say,
this administration, nor do they understand “Have a fixed date and get out even though
millions of our fellow citizens. We're not
the job hasn't been done.” One fellow up
going to run from thugs and assassins. there said we ought to move our troops to
We have a plan to defeat them. I talk to an island 5,000 miles away. No, they don't
our commanders on the ground all the time. have a plan, but they got a principle, and
We give them whatever they need to achieve the principle is, get out before the job is
our objective, and we make sure our tactics done.
are constantly adjusting to those of the Audience members. Boo-o-o!
enemy. So, not only do we have a good plan,
we've also got unbelievable people carrying The President. I'm not saying these folks
out that plan. We've got the greatest military are unpatriotic; I'm saying they're wrong.
ever. And Rick Perry, who has worn the uni you might you happen to bump into a Democrat,
want to ask this simple question:
form, knows what I know, that any time we
have an American troop in harm's way, he What's your plan? If they say they want to
or she deserves all the support, all the help protect the homeland but oppose the PA
necessary to do the jobs I've asked them to TRIOT Act, ask them this question: What's
do. your plan?
And we've got something else going for Audience members. What's your plan?
us in this vital part of the war on terror, and The President. If they say they want to
that is the Iraqi citizens themselves. They've uncover terrorist plots but oppose listening
suffered unspeakable violence, yet they're in on terrorists' conversations, ask them this
still committed to a government of by, and question: What's your plan?
for the people. When the nearly 12 million Audience members. What's your plan?
Iraqis voted, I was pleased, but I was not The President. If they say they want to
surprised. And the reason I wasn't surprised stop new attacks on our country but oppose
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 6 2021

letting the CIA detain and question the ter oil up and crater your economy.” Or they'll
rorists who might know about the plots, ask say, “Withdraw, so we can establish our ca
them this question liphate.” And you couple all that with—and
Audience members. What's your plan? a country that doesn't like us with a nuclear
The President. Yes. If they say they want weapon, and they will look back 30 years—
to win the war on terror but call for America they'll look back and say, “What happened
to pull out from what Al Qaida says is the to them in 2006?” See, if that's the world
central front in the war on terror, ask them that we allow evolve, they'll look back and
a simple question. say, “What happened to those folks? Could
Audience members. What's your plan? they not see the impending danger? What
The President. I want to remind you they clouded their vision? What made it impos
don't have a plan. Harsh criticism is not a sible for them to see—to do their duty and
plan for victory. Second-guessing is not a see the threats?" Well, I want you to know,
strategy. We have a plan. Stick with us, and I clearly see the threat. I understand the
the country will be better off. stakes. That's why we will stay in Iraq, fight
Retreat from Iraq before the job is done in Iraq, and win in Iraq.
would embolden the enemy and make this If you got a second, I'd like to share one
country less secure. In this new kind of war, story with you. It's a story about liberty. It
if we leave before the job is done, the enemy happened recently when Laura and I took
will follow us here. Retreating from Iraq be then Prime Minister of Japan Koizumi to
fore the job is done will enable these extrem Elvis's place. People say, “Why did you do
ists and radicals to better recruit. Imagine that?” And I said, “Well, I had never been”—
their propaganda when they tell young re [laughter]—“and I thought it would be fun
cruits, “We have conquered the great Amer to go, and so did Laura.” Secondly, the Prime
ica; we have forced them to leave before the Minister wanted to go because he's an Elvis
job is done.” If we leave before the job is fan. Thirdly, I wanted to tell a story about
done, millions of people—who simply want the power of liberty.
to live a peaceful life in the Middle East— After Pearl Harbor was attacked, thou
hopes will be dashed. And if we leave before sands of citizens signed up to defend the
the job is done, it would dishonor the sac country, one of whom was my dad—and I'm
rifice of the men and women who have worn sure some of your relatives did the same
the uniform of the United States. thing. And we fought a bloody war against
The consequences of retreat from Iraq will a sworn enemy, and thousands of people lost
be felt for generations, and that's important their lives in this war. And yet I'm on Air
for our citizens to understand, because the Force One with the Prime Minister of the
enemy has made it clear what their ambitions former enemy talking about keeping the
are: One, they believe we will leave so they peace. We talked about how to prevent the
can establish safe haven from which to Korean Peninsula from having a nuclear
launch further attacks, safe haven like they weapon. We talked about the fact that Japan
had in Afghanistan, from which they had 1,000 troops in Iraq. The Prime Minister
trained—of which they launched the attacks knows what I know, that we're involved in
after having trained thousands of killers. a grand—in a great ideological struggle be
Secondly, they believe—they want us to tween extremists and reasonable people and
leave so they can topple moderate govern that when we find young democracies, we
ments. They want to spread their totalitarian have an obligation to help those democracies
ideology as far and wide as possible, starting survive and thrive, for the sake of peace. We
in the Middle East. talked about the admonition, to whom much
Thirdly, imagine a world in which they is given, much is required, and I assured him
controlled energy resources. You can just we'd continue to lead the fight against the
imagine the demands of the radicals and ex pandemic of HIV/AIDS on the continent of
tremists to the West and to the United States. Africa.
They would say things like, “Abandon Israel: I find it interesting that my dad fought the
otherwise we're going to run your price of Japanese and I'm sitting down talking about
2022 Nov. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
keeping the peace with the Prime Minister Appreciate it. Thank you all.
of the very same country. Something hap
pened: Japan adopted a Japanese-style de NOTE: The President spoke at 7:10 a.m. at the
mocracy. The lesson for all to hear is that Crawford Fire Station. The Office of the Press
liberty has got the capacity to change an Secretary also released a Spanish language tran
enemy into an ally, and liberty has got the script of these remarks. -

capacity to change a region of the world that

is full of hate and resentment, a region of
the world from which people were recruited Memorandum on Determinations
to launch attacks against us to a place of Under Section 1106(a) of the
hope. Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness
Someday, an American President will be Act of 1988—Socialist Republic of
sitting down with duly elected leaders from Vietnam
the Middle East talking about keeping the November 6, 2006
peace, and a generation of Americans are
going to be better off for it. Memorandum for the United States Trade
This is our last stop before voting, but it's Representative
been a tradition in our family that we always
end up the last stop in Texas. And there's Subject: Determinations under Section
1106(a) of the Omnibus Trade and
a reason why. And there's a reason why—
because Laura and I are inspired by our fel Competitiveness Act of 1988—Socialist
low Texans. We appreciate the prayers that Republic of Vietnam
uplift us on a daily basis. We thank you for Consistent with section 1006(a) of the Om
your friendship. We encourage you to vote. nibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of
Send Rick Perry back to the Governor's of. 1988 (19 U.S.C. 2905(a)) (the “Act”), I deter
fice, please. mine that state trading enterprises account
God bless you, and may God bless Texas for a significant share of the exports of the
and the United States. Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam) and
goods that compete with imports into Viet
NOTE: The President spoke at 7:09 p.m. at Re nam. I further determine that such state trad
union Arena. In his remarks, he referred to Texas
State Senator Jane Nelson; former President Sad
ing enterprises unduly burden and restrict,
dam Hussein of Iraq: Usama bin Laden, leader or adversely affect, the foreign trade of the
of the Al Qaida terrorist organization; and former United States or the United States economy,
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. or are likely to result in such burden, restric
tion, or effect.
Vietnam is seeking to become a member
Remarks on Election Day in of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Crawford, Texas The terms and conditions for Vietnam's ac
cession to the WTO include Vietnam's com
November 7, 2006
mitments that it will ensure that all state trad
Laura and I know it's a privilege to be able ing enterprises within the meaning of section
to cast our vote, and I encourage all Ameri 1106 will make purchases not for govern
cans to vote today. mental use and sales in international trade
We live in a free society, and our Govern based solely on commercial considerations
ment is only as good as the willingness of (including price, quality, availability, market
our people to participate in it. And therefore, ability, and transportation) and that U.S.
no matter what your party affiliation or if you firms will have an adequate opportunity, in
don't have a party affiliation, do your duty: accordance with customary business practice,
cast your ballot; and let your voice be heard. to compete for participation in sales to and
So we thank you for being a good citizen. purchases from these enterprises on non
It's good to be here voting in Texas. We're discriminatory terms and conditions. In addi
going to be heading back up to Washington tion, the Government of Vietnam will not in
here pretty soon and watch the results. fluence, directly or indirectly, commercial
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 8 2023

decisions on the part of state trading enter us and work together with the Democrats
prises, including decisions on the quantity, and independents on the great issues facing
value, or country of origin of any goods pur this country.
chased or sold, except in a manner consistent This morning I also spoke with the Demo
with the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing crats. I spoke with Senators Reid and Dur
the World Trade Organization (WTO Agree bin. I congratulated them on running a
ment) and the rights accorded to nongovern strong campaign in the Senate, and I told
mental enterprise owners or shareholders. them that, regardless of the final outcome,
The obligations that Vietnam will assume we can work together over the next 2 years.
under the WTO Agreement, including Viet I also congratulated Congresswoman Pelosi
nam's protocol of accession, meet the re and Congressman Hoyer. They ran a dis
quirements of section 1106(b)(2)(A) of the ciplined campaign. Their candidates were
Act (19 U.S.C. 2905(b)(2)(A)), and thus my well-organized and did a superb job of turn
determinations under section 1106(a) do not ing out their vote.
require invocation of the nonapplication pro I told Congresswoman Pelosi that I look
visions of the WTO Agreement. forward to working with her and her col
You are directed to publish this memo leagues to find common ground in the next
randum in the Federal Register. 2 years. As the majority party in the House
George W. Bush of Representatives, they recognize that in
their new role, they now have greater respon
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, sibilities. And in my first act of bipartisan out
8:45 a.m., November 9, 2006] reach since the election, I shared with her
the names of some Republican interior deco
NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of rators who can help her pick out the new
fice of the Press Secretary on November 8, and
it was published in the Federal Register on No drapes in her new offices.
vember 13. I believe that the leaders of both political
parties must try to work through our dif
ferences. And I believe we will be able to
The President’s News Conference work through differences. I've reassured the
House and Senate leaders that I intend to
November 8, 2006
work with the new Congress in a bipartisan
The President. Thank you. Say, why all way to address issues confronting this coun
the glum faces? try. I invited them to come to the White
Yesterday the people went to the polls, and House in the coming days to discuss the im
they cast their vote for a new direction in portant work remaining this year and to
the House of Representatives. And while the begin conversations about the agenda for
ballots are still being counted in the Senate, next year.
it is clear the Democrat Party had a good The message yesterday was clear: The
night last night, and I congratulate them on American people want their leaders in Wash
their victories. ington to set aside partisan differences, con
This morning I spoke with Republican and duct ourselves in an ethical manner, and
Democrat leadership in the House and Sen work together to address the challenges fac
ate. I spoke with Republican leaders, Senator ing our Nation.
Frist and Senator McConnell and Speaker We live in historic times. The challenges
Hastert and John Boehner and Roy Blunt. and opportunities are plain for all to see: Will
I thanked them for their hard-fought con this country continue to strengthen our econ
tests. I appreciated the efforts they put in omy today and over the long run? Will we
for our candidates. provide a first-class education for our chil
I'm obviously disappointed with the out dren? And will we be prepared for the global
come of the election, and as the head of the challenges of the 21st century? Will we build
Republican Party, I share a large part of the upon the recent progress we've made in ad
responsibility. I told my party's leaders that dressing our energy dependence by aggres
it is now our duty to put the elections behind sively pursuing new technologies to break
Nov. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
our addiction to foreign sources of energy? I'm deeply grateful to his service to our coun
And most importantly, will this generation of try.
leaders meet our obligation to protect the I've asked Bob Gates to serve as the Sec
American people? retary of Defense. Bob is a former Director
I know there's a lot of speculation on what of the CIA and current president of Texas
the election means for the battle we're wag A&M University. If confirmed by the Senate,
ing in Iraq. I recognize that many Americans Bob will bring more than 25 years of national
voted last night to register their displeasure security experience and a stellar reputation
with the lack of progress being made there. as an effective leader with sound judgment.
Yet I also believe most Americans and lead
He's served six Presidents from both political
ers here in Washington from both political parties and rose from an entry-level em
parties understand we cannot accept defeat. ployee in the CIA to become the Director
In the coming days and weeks, I and mem of Central Intelligence. During his service at
bers of my national security team will meet the CIA and at the National Security Coun
with the members of both parties to brief cil, Bob Gates gained firsthand knowledge
them on latest developments and listen to that will help him meet the challenges and
their views about the way forward. We'll also opportunities our country faces during the
provide briefings to the new Members of next 2 years. He is serving as a member of
Congress so they can be fully informed as the Baker-Hamilton Commission. He's a
they prepare for their new responsibilities. steady, solid leader who can help make the
As we work with the new leaders in Con
necessary adjustments in our approach to
gress, I'm also looking forward to hearing the meet our current challenges.
views of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, co
chaired by Secretary James Baker and Con I will have more to say about Secretary
gressman Lee Hamilton. This group is assess Rumsfeld and Bob Gates later today here at
the White House.
ing the situation in Iraq and are expected
to provide—and the group is expected to Amid this time of change, I have a message
for those on the frontlines. To our enemies:
provide recommendations on a way forward.
And I'm going to meet with them, I think, Do not be joyful; do not confuse the workings
early next week. of our democracy with a lack of will. Our
The election has changed many things in Nation is committed to bringing you to jus
Washington, but it has not changed my fun tice. Liberty and democracy are the source
damental responsibility, and that is to protect of America's strength, and liberty and de
the American people from attack. As the mocracy will lift up the hopes and desires
Commander in Chief, I take these respon of those you are trying to destroy.
sibilities seriously. And so does the man who To the people of Iraq: Do not be fearful.
served this nation honorably for almost 6 As you take the difficult steps toward democ
years as our Secretary of Defense, Donald racy and peace, America is going to stand
Rumsfeld. Now, after a series of thoughtful with you. We know you want a better way
conversations, Secretary Rumsfeld and I of life, and now is the time to seize it.
agreed that the timing is right for new leader To our brave men and women in uniform:
ship at the Pentagon. Don't be doubtful. America will always sup
Our military has experienced an enormous port you. Our Nation is blessed to have men
amount of change and reform during the last and women who volunteer to serve and are
5 years while fighting the war on terror, one willing to risk their own lives for the safety
of the most consequential wars in our Na of our fellow citizens.
tion's history. Don Rumsfeld has been a su When I first came to Washington nearly
perb leader during a time of change. Yet he 6 years ago, I was hopeful I could help
also appreciates the value of bringing in a change the tone here in the Capital. As Gov
fresh perspective during a critical period in ernor of Texas, I had successfully worked
this war. Don Rumsfeld is a patriot who with both Democrats and Republicans to
served our country with honor and distinc find commonsense solutions to the problems
tion. He's a trusted adviser and a friend, and facing our State. While we made some
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 8 2025

progress on changing the tone, I'm dis believe it's important that there be a fresh
appointed we haven't made more. I'm con perspective, and so does Secretary Rumsfeld.
fident that we can work together. I'm con Steve [Steve Holland, Reuters].
fident we can overcome the temptation to
divide this country between red and blue. Resignation of Secretary of Defense
The issues before us are bigger than that, Rumsfeld
and we are bigger than that. By putting this
election and partisanship behind us, we can Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Last week
launch a new era of cooperation and make you told us that Secretary Rumsfeld will be
these next 2 years productive ones for the staying on. Why is the timing right now for
American people. this, and how much does it have to do with
the election results?
I appreciate your interest. Now, I'll answer
some questions. Terry [Terence Hunt, Asso The President. Right. No, you and Hunt
ciated Press]. and Keil (Richard Keil, Bloomberg News]
came in the Oval Office, and Hunt asked me
the question one week before the campaign,
U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq and basically it was, “Are you going to do
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Does the something about Rumsfeld and the Vice
departure of Don Rumsfeld signal a new di President?” And my answer was, they're
rection in Iraq” A solid majority of Americans going to stay on. And the reason why is, I
said yesterday that they wanted some Amer didn't want to inject a major decision about
ican troops, if not all, withdrawn from Iraq. this war in the final days of a campaign. And
Did you hear that call, and will you heed so the only way to answer that question and
it? to get you on to another question was to give
The President. Terry, I'd like our troops you that answer.
to come home too, but I want them to come The truth of the matter is, as well—I
home with victory, and that is a country that mean, that's one reason I gave the answer,
can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend but the other reason why is, I hadn't had
itself. And I can understand Americans say a chance to visit with Bob Gates yet, and
ing, “Come home.” But I don't know if they I hadn't had my final conversation with Don
said come home and leave behind an Iraq Rumsfeld yet at that point.
that could end up being a safe haven for Al I had been talking with Don Rumsfeld
Qaida. I don't believe they said that. And so, over a period of time about fresh perspective.
I'm committed to victory. I'm committed to He likes to call it fresh eyes. He himself un
helping this country so that we can come derstands that Iraq is not working well
home. enough, fast enough. And he and I are con
Now, the first part about stantly assessing. And I'm assessing, as well,
Q. A new direction. all the time, by myself about, do we have
The President. Oh, a new direction. Well, the right people in the right place or do we–
there's certainly going to be new leadership got the right strategy? As you know, we're
at the Pentagon. And as I mentioned in my constantly changing tactics, and that requires
comments, that Secretary Rumsfeld and I COnStant assessment.
agree that sometimes it's necessary to have And so he and I both agreed in our meet
a fresh perspective, and Bob Gates will bring ing yesterday that it was appropriate that I
a fresh perspective. He'll also bring great accept his resignation. And so the decision
managerial experience. was made—actually, I thought we were going
And he is—I had a good talk with him on to do fine yesterday. Shows what I know. But
Sunday in Crawford. I hadn't—it took me I thought we were going to be fine in the
a while to be able to sit down and visit with election. My point to you is, is that, win or
him, and I did, and I found him to be of lose, Bob Gates was going to become the
like mind. He understands we're in a global InOlnlinee.
war against these terrorists. He understands Let's see here. Bret [Bret Baier, FOX
that defeat is not an option in Iraq. And I News].
2026 Nov. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Bipartisan Cooperation in Congress We will work with Members of Congress;
we will work with the Baker-Hamilton Com
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You said
you're interested in changing the tone and mission. My point is, is that while we have
committed to changing the tone in Wash been adjusting, we will continue to adjust to
ington. Just a few days before this election, achieve the objective. And I believe that's
in Texas, you said that Democrats, “No mat what the American people want.
ter how they put it, their approach to Iraq Somehow it seeped in their conscious that
comes down to terrorists win; America loses.” my attitude was just simply, stay the course.
What has changed today, number one? Num “Stay the course” means, let's get the job
ber two, is this administration prepared to done, but it doesn't mean staying stuck on
deal with the level of oversight and investiga a strategy or tactics that may not be working.
tion that is possibly going to come from one So perhaps I need to do a better job of ex
chamber or two in Congress? plaining that we're constantly adjusting. And
The President. What's changed today is so there's fresh perspective—so what the
the election is over, and the Democrats won. American people hear today is we're con
And now we're going to work together for stantly looking for fresh perspective.
2 years to accomplish big objectives for the But what's also important for the American
country. And secondly, the Democrats are people to understand is that if we were to
going to have to make up their mind about leave before the job is done, the country be
comes more at risk. That's what the Vice
how they're going to conduct their affairs.
And I haven't had a chance to talk with the President was saying—he said, “If the job is
leadership yet about these issues, but we'll not complete, Al Qaida will have safe haven
from which to launch attacks.” These radicals
begin consultations with the Democrat lead
ership starting Thursday and Friday. and extremists have made it clear they want
David [David Gregory, NBC News]. to topple moderate governments to spread
their ideology. They believe that it's just a
Implications of 2006 Elections/War on matter of time before we leave so they can
implement their strategies. We're just not
Q. Mr. President, thank you. You acknowl going to let them do that. We're going to
edged that this is a message election on the help this Government become a government
war in Iraq. And so the American public that can defend, govern, and sustain itself,
today, having voted, will want to know what and an ally in the war on terror.
you mean in terms of “course correction on Yes, sir.
Iraq.” And particularly in light of this fact, Q. The message today is not full speed
that last week the Vice President pointed out ahead? Is that right, that it's not
that you and he aren't running for anything The President. We've got another man
anymore, and that it's full speed ahead on with the mike, David, please.
Iraq. So which is it? Are you listening to the
voters, or are you listening to the Vice Presi Robert M. Gates
dent? And what does that mean?
The President. David, I believe Iraq had Q. Mr. President, thank you. Can I just
a lot to do with the election, but I believe start by asking you to clarify, sir, if, in your
there was other factors as well. People want meeting with Steve and Terry and Dick, did
their Congress–Congressmen to be honest you know at that point
and ethical. So in some races, that was the The President. I did not.
primary factor. There were different factors Q. you would be making a change on
that determined the outcome of different Secretary Rumsfeld?
races, but no question, Iraq was on people's The President. No, I did not. And the
minds. And as you have just learned, I am reason I didn't know is because I hadn't vis
making a change at the Secretary of Defense ited with his replacement—potential replace
to bring a fresh perspective as to how to ment.
achieve something I think most Americans Q. But you knew he would be leaving, just
want, which is a victory. not who would replace him?
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 8 2027

The President. No, I didn't know that at In that very same interview you quoted,
the time. one of these three characters asked me about
Q. Okay. May I ask you about Nancy minimum wage. I said, there's an area where
Pelosi I believe we can make some—find common
The President. The other thing I did ground. And as we do, I'll be, of course, mak
know, as well, is that that kind of question, ing sure that our small businesses are—
a wise question by a seasoned reporter, is there's compensation for the small businesses
in the bill.
the kind of thing that causes one to either
inject major military decisions at the end of Q. What about tax cuts?
The President. Keil.
a campaign, or not. And I have made the
decision that I wasn't going to be talking
about hypothetical troop levels or changes in Vice President Cheney
command structure coming down the Q. Thank you, Mr. President. In our dis
stretch. cussion with you last week, which you've ref
erenced here several times
And I'll tell you why I made that decision.
I made that decision because I think it sends The President. Are you bringing this up
a bad signal to our troops if they think the so everybody else gets kind of jealous?
Commander in Chief is constantly adjusting |Laughter]
tactics and decisions based upon politics. And Q. Certainly. Certainly.
I think it's important in a time of war that, The President. Like Gregory, for exam
to the extent possible, we leave politics out ple—he wishes he were there. [Laughter]
of the major decisions being made. And it Q. This is a very competitive environment.
was the right decision to make, by the way. No, but we asked you about the fate of Sec
And secondly, I hadn't visited with Bob retary Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney.
Gates. I told you I visited with him last Sun Vice President Cheney, of course, has
day in Crawford. You can't replace somebody made—takes many of the same positions that
until you know you got somebody to replace Secretary Rumsfeld did on the war. Does he
him with. And finally, I hadn't had my last still have your complete confidence?
The President. Yes, he does.
conversation with Secretary Rumsfeld, which
I had yesterday. Q. Do you expect him to stay
The President. The campaign is over. Yes,
he does.
Representative Nancy Pelosi Q. And he'll be here for the remainder
Q. Mr. President, I'd like to ask you: of your term?
Nancy Pelosi has been quite clear about her The President. Yes, he will. Thank you.
agenda for the first 100 hours. She mentions Suzanne [Suzanne Malveaux, Cable News
things like raising minimum wage, cutting in Network].
terest rates on student loans, broadening
stem cell research, and rolling back tax cuts. Bipartisan Cooperation in Congress
Which of those can you support, sir? Q. Thank you, Mr. President. With all due
The President. I knew you'd probably try respect, Nancy Pelosi has called you incom
to get me to start negotiating with myself. petent, a liar, the emperor with no clothes,
I haven't even visited with Congresswoman and as recently as yesterday, dangerous. How
Pelosi yet. She's coming to the Oval Office will you work with someone who has such
later this week; I'm going to sit down and little respect for your leadership and who is
talk with her. I believe on a lot of issues we third in line to the Presidency?
can find common ground, and there's a sig The President. Suzanne, I've been around
nificant difference between common ground politics a long time; I understand when cam
and abandoning principle. She's not going to paigns end, and I know when governing be
abandon her principles, and I’m not going gins. And I am going to work with people
to abandon mine. But I do believe we have of both parties.
an opportunity to find some common ground Look, people say unfortunate things at
to move forward on. times. But if you hold grudges in this line
2028 Nov. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

of work, you're never going to get anything Q. But the results are being interpreted
done. And my intention is to get some things as a repudiation of your leadership style in
done. And as I said, I'm going to start visiting some quarters. I wonder what your reaction
with her on Friday, with the idea of coming is to that. And do you—should we expect a
together. very different White House? Should we ex
Look, this was a close election. If you look pect a very different leadership style from
at race by race, it was close. The cumulative you in these last 2 years, given that you have
effect, however, was not too close—it was a whole new set of partners?
a thumping. But nevertheless, the people ex The President. You know, I really
pect us to work together. That's what they haven't—I’m still going to try to speak plainly
expect. And as I said in my opening com about what I think are the important prior
ments, there comes responsibility with vic ities of the country, and winning this war on
tory. And that's what Nancy Pelosi told me terror is, by far, the most important priority.
this morning. She said in the phone call she And making sure this economy continues to
wants to work together. And so do I. And grow is an important priority. And making
so that's how you deal with it. sure our children have a good education is
This isn't—this isn't my first rodeo. In an important priority.
other words, I haven't—this is not the first
Obviously, there's a shift in the Congress
time I've been in a campaign where people and, therefore, in order to get legislation
have expressed themselves, and in ić.
passed, we've got to work with the Demo
kinds of ways. But I have learned that if you crats. They're the ones who will control the
focus on the big picture, which, in this case, committees; they're the ones who will decide
is our Nation and issues we need to work
how the bills flow. And so you'll see a lot
together on, you can get stuff done. For ex of meetings with Democrats and a lot of dis
ample, the No Child Left Behind Act is going cussion with Democrats.
to come up for reauthorization. There's an
area where we must work together for the And in terms of the election, no question
sake of our children and for the sake of a Iraq had something to do with it. And it's
competitive America. And I believe we can tough in a time of war when people see car
get a lot done. And I know it's the spirit of nage on their television screens. The amazing
the new leadership to try to get a lot done, thing about this election, and what surprised
and I look forward to talking to them about me somewhat—which goes to show I should
it. not try punditry—is that this economy is
Rutenberg [Jim Rutenberg, New York strong. And a lot of times, off years are de
Times]. cided by the economy. And yet, obviously
there was a different feel out there for the
electorate. The economy—the good news in
Implications of 2006 Elections the economy was overwhelmed by the tough
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You just de ness of this fight and toughness of the war.
scribed the election results as a “thumping.”
And so, Jim, look, I understand people
The President. I said the cumulative—
don't agree—didn't agree with some of my
make sure—who do you write for? decisions. I'm going to continue making deci
Q. The New York Times, Mr. President. sions based upon what I think is right for
The President. Oh, yes, that's right. the country. I've never been one to try to
[Laughter] Let's make sure we get it—the fashion the principles I believe or the deci
facts. I said that the elections were close; the
sions I make based upon trying to-kind of
cumulative effect short-term popularity. I do understand where
Q. Is a thumping. the people—the heart of the people. I under
The President. thumping. [Laugh stand they're frustrated. I am too, as I said
ter] the other day. I wish this had gone faster.
Q. But the results So does Secretary Rumsfeld. But the reality
The President. It's a polite way of say is, is that it's a tough fight, and we're going
ing—anyway, go ahead. [Laughter to win the fight. And I truly believe the only
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 8 2029

way we won't win is if we leave before the the war on terror, and it's—I think back to
job is done. Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. I
Yes, Jim. mean, Harry Truman began the cold war,
and Eisenhower, obviously, from a different
Bipartisan Cooperation in Congress party, continued it. And I would hope that
Q. May I follow that, sir? would be the spirit that we're able to work
The President. I know, terrible principle. together. We may not agree with every tactic,
I'm sorry. but we should agree that this country needs
Q. Thank you, sir. to secure ourselves against an enemy that
Q. [Inaudible] would like to strike us again. This enemy is
The President. You think I’m nuts? not going away after my Presidency.
[Laughter] You think my sensibility has left And I look forward to working with them.
me as a result of working hard on the cam And I truly believe that Congresswoman
paign trail, Gregory? [Laughter] Pelosi and Harry Reid care just about as
Q. But to follow, we were speaking about much—they care about the security of this
the war, and during the campaign, two very country, like I do. They see the-no leader
different viewpoints of the war came out. You in Washington is going to walk away from
spoke a lot, as Bret mentioned, about what protecting the country. We have different
you saw as the Democratic approach to the views on how to do that, but their spirit is
war, which you were greatly concerned such that they want to protect America.
about. Are you worried that you won't be That's what I believe.
able to work with the Democrats, or do you Just like I talked about the troops. I meant
feel like you have to prevail upon them your what I said. Look, the people that's—are
viewpoint? going to be looking at this election—the
The President. Well, I think we're going enemy is going to say, “Well, it must mean
to have to work with them, but—just like I America is going to leave.” And the answer
think we're going to have to work with the is, no, that doesn't—what it means. Our
Baker-Hamilton Commission. It's very im troops are wondering whether or not they're
portant that the people understand the con going to get the support they need after this
sequences of failure. And I have vowed to election. Democrats are going to support our
the country that we're not going to fail. We're troops just like Republicans will. And the
not going to leave before the job is done. Iraqis have got to understand, this election—
And obviously, we've got a lot of work to do as I said, don't be fearful. In other words,
with some Members of Congress. I don't don't look at the results of the elections and
know how many Members of Congress said, say, “Oh, no. America is going to leave us
“Get out right now”—I mean, the candidates before the job is complete.” That's not what's
running for Congress in the Senate. I haven't going to happen, Jim.
seen that chart. Some of the comments I read Yes, sir, Fletcher [Michael Fletcher,
where they said, “Well, look, we just need Washington Post).
a different approach to make sure we suc
ceed”—well, you can find common ground “District of Columbia Fair and Equal
there. House Voting Rights Act of 2006”
See, if the goal is success, then we can Q. Thank you, sir. There's a bill that could
work together. If the goal is, get out now come before the lameduck session of Con
regardless, then that's going to be hard to gress that would extend voting rights to the
work together. But I believe the Democrats District of Columbia, in Congress, and also
want to work together to win this aspect of give an extra seat to Utah. You've been pas
the war on terror. sionate about democracy in Iraq. Why not
I'm also looking forward to working with here in DC, and would you support this bill?
them to make sure that we institutionalize, The President. Yes, I haven't—it's the
to the extent possible, steps necessary to first I’ve heard of it. I didn't know that's
make sure future Presidents are capable of going to come up from the lameduck.
waging this war. Because Iraq is a part of Q. —Congressman Davis's bill.
2030 Nov. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

The President. Yes, well, it may or may fort on your behalf without a lot of results.
not come up. I'm trying to get the Indian I wonder if you could tell us what parts of
deal done, the Vietnam deal done, and the their agenda are still on your radar screen,
budgets done. But I'll take a look at it. It's and if you think they're right to be frus
the first I’ve heard of it. Thanks. trated? And also, Mr. President, may I ask
Let's see here. Yes, sir. you if you have any metrics you'd be willing
to share about your reading contest with Mr.
Iraq/Vietnam Analogy Rove.
Q. Mr. President, you mentioned the pros The President. I'm losing. I obviously was
pect that your successor would be dealing working harder in the campaign than he was.
with the war. You'll be making your first trip [Laughter]
to Vietnam in roughly a week. Some people Audience members. Oooooh!
are still—are looking at the war as another The President. He's a faster reader.
Vietnam war. Are they wrong to do so? And You know, Michael, I must confess, I can
if so, why? not catalog for you in detail the different
The President. I think they are. I think criticisms. In this line of work you get criti
they are. First of all, Iraq is—after the over cized from all sides. And that's okay; it's just
throw of the tyrant, voted on a Constitution
that is intended to unite the whole country. part of the job. And so I'm not exactly sure
what you're talking about, but I can tell you
And then they had elections under that Con that I believe the faith-based and commu
stitution where nearly 12 million people
voted for this unity Government. Secondly— nity-based—the Faith and Community
which is different from Vietnam. Based Initiative is a vital part of helping solve
Secondly, in terms of our troops, this is intractable problems here in America. And
a volunteer army. Vietnam wasn't a volunteer I would hope that I could work with Con
army, as you know. And in this volunteer gress to make sure this program, which has
army, the troops understand the con been invigorated, remains invigorated.
sequences of Iraq and the global war on ter And the reason why I believe in it so much
ror. That's why reenlistment rates are up, and is that there are just some problems that re
that's why enlistment is high. quire something other than government
Thirdly, the support for our troops is help, and it requires people who have heard
strong here in the United States, and it wasn't a call to help somebody in need. And I be
during the Vietnam era. So I see differences; lieve we ought to open up grants to competi
I really do. And you hear all the time, “Well, tive bidding for these types of organizations,
this may be a civil war.” Well, I don't believe and we have done that. And it's very impor
it is, and the Maliki Government doesn't be tant that that program stay strong.
lieve it is. Zal, our Ambassador, doesn't be But, you know, Michael, you're probably
lieve it is. But we've got to make sure it isn't following all these—the different lists of con
by implementing a strategy which helps—a cerns people have with my Presidency, and
politics strategy which helps unify the coun I respect that. I just—frankly, I'm not sure
try, and a security strategy that makes sure exactly what you're talking about in this ques
that the Iraqis are better capable of fighting tion. I'm sure there are some people who
off the extremists and the radicals that want aren't perfectly content, but there are some
to stop progress in Iraq. people that aren't perfectly content from dif.
So I don't think it is a parallel. ferent parties and different philosophies. All
Mike [Michael Allen, Time]. I know to do is to make decisions based upon
principles that I believe are important, and
President’s Decisionmaking now work with Democrat leaders in the Con
Q. Thank you, sir. During this campaign gress because they control the committees
season some religious conservatives ex and they control the flow of bills. And I'm
pressed support and appreciation for the going to do that for the good of the country.
work you've done. But some also expressed Let's see here—yes, McKinnon [John
that they felt like they expended a lot of ef McKinnon, Wall Street Journal].
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 8 2031

Analysis of 2006 Elections Ann [Ann Compton, ABC News].

Q. Thank you, Mr. President. If you had Bipartisan Cooperation in Congress
any do-overs to do in this race—
The President. You don't get to do them. Q. Americans have heard it before,
[Laughter] Sorry. “There's going to be cooperation; we're going
Q. Or if Mr. Rove had any do-overs to to get along.” What can you do to show
do in this race Americans that there—that you'll stop and
The President. You don't get do-overs. avoid any gridlock? Because they've seen it
Anyway, ; ahead. come anyway.
Q. Well, what would they be? I mean, are The President. Well, we had some pretty
there any tactical—[laughter]. good success early on in this administration.
The President. Look—yes, well—I, frank We got the No Child Left Behind Act passed,
ly, haven't analyzed the election nearly as which was an important piece of bipartisan
much as some of you have. You know, again, legislation. We got some tax cuts passed with
I think when you really look close at the re Democrat votes.
sults—first of all, there's a lot of close elec Q. partisan
tions. No question Iraq had an impact. But The President. Let me—I know you're
it's hard to win an election when you're trying anxious, but—but so we've just now got to
to win a write-off—a write-in campaign in show people we're capable of doing it. I
our State of Texas. I mean, you could have mean, you're right; there's—people are skep
the greatest positions in the world on issues tical, and the way you defeat skepticism is
and be the most articulate person on an issue, perform. And I was very pleased with my
but to try to get—to win on a write-in is really conversation with Congresswoman Pelosi. It
hard to do. was a very gracious conversation and—albeit
We had the race in Florida, the Foley seat. a little early in the morning, I must confess,
That's a hard race to win in a Republican but nevertheless, it was a good one. And my
district because people couldn't vote directly fault, since I was the person who initiated
for the Republican candidate. And all I'm the call.
telling you, John, is that there's a–when you But I do believe we can get some things
dig into the races, there's a–look, I had to done. I think we can set an agenda—I hope
go down to Houston, in Sugar Land, and act so. I hope so. I didn't come to Washington
as the secretary of state: Take your pencil just to occupy the office; I came to get some
into the box, and then write it in. And my positive things done on behalf of the country.
only—the reason I bring that up is, I'm not And there are some big issues we got to deal
sure Iraq had much to do with the outcome with. No Child Left Behind is one. Entitle
of that election. ments, that's going to be an interesting issue
Now, it certainly did in other places. One to try to deal with. And it's going to be very
of the interesting observations I had from last important in entitlements for people to feel
night was that if you take a look at New York comfortable about bringing ideas to the table
State, Senator Clinton ran a very strong race, and—people being Republicans and Demo
but she ran a race that appeared to me to crats. If we do not have Republicans and
be on—just a Senate race. She wanted to Democrats at the table for entitlements,
show people she had the capacity to help oth nothing is going to happen.
ers win. And the same thing happened in And therefore, I've instructed Secretary
Pennsylvania with Governor Rendell. He ran Paulson to reach out to folks on the Hill to
a very strong race, as did Senator-elect see if we can't at least get a dialog started
Casey. And my only point to you is, is that that will enable us, hopefully, to move for
I'm sure Iraq had something to do with the ward on a very important issue that will affect
voters' mind, but so did a very strong turnout this country for a long time if we don't solve
mechanism in those two important States. it. And that is the unfunded liabilities inher
So they're just going to have to analyze ent in these entitlement programs.
all the different results. As far as do-overs, We need to continue to talk about energy.
look, talk to them. Dependency upon foreign oil is a national
2032 Nov. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

security and economic security problem, and Social Security Reform

it's a problem that requires bipartisan co Q. Mr. President, you mentioned entitle
operation. I know the Democrats are con ments, and one of the big, hot-button issues
cerned about this issue, as am I.
for the Democratic Party is Social Security
So, in other words, there's areas where I and the idea of partial privatization, which
believe we can get some important things you have talked about. And I wonder if
done. And to answer your question, though, there's anything in your agenda in that way
how do we convince Americans that we're
that you're willing to adjust in the spirit of
able to do it? Do it. That's how you do it. bipartisanship or back off from, given how
You get something done. You actually sit important that is to the core of the Demo
down, work together, and I sign legislation cratic Party?
that we all agree on. And my pledge today The President. I told—Ken, I told Hank
is, I'll work hard to try to see if we can't Paulson to tell the Members that we'd sit
get that done. down and we'd listen to everybody's ideas.
Herman [Ken Herman, Austin American I put out my ideas, as you recall, I think in
Statesman]. the State of the Union last time. And we want
to hear their ideas. And hopefully out of this
Analysis of 2006 Elections concept of folks sitting around a table sharing
Q. I wanted to ask you about the thumpin' ways forward, that we will come up with
you took at yesterday's rodeo. You said you commonality, that we are able to then say
were disappointed; you were surprised to the American people, “We’ve helped solve
The President. There you go. Rutenberg, this problem.”
you notice that? Taking one— But this is a tough issue. Look, I fully un
Q. And that was “thumpin’ ” without a derstand how hard it is. Social Security is—
“g,” correct? I just want to make sure we people are generally risk-adverse when it
comes time to
have it right for the transcript. [Laughter with that is, is that Social Security. My problem
You said you were surprised; you didn't see the longer you wait, the
it coming; you were disappointed in the out more difficult the issue is going to become.
come. Does that indicate that after 6 years And some will keep pushing it, and hopefully
in the Oval Office, you're out of touch with we can get something done.
Richard [Richard Wolffe, Newsweek].
America, for something like this kind of wave
to come and you not expect it? And on a
somewhat related note, does Nancy Pelosi National Security
look much like Bob Bullock to you? Q. A little earlier you said that you truly
The President. [Laughter] That's an in believe that the Democratic leaders care
side joke; I’m not commenting on it. about the security of this country as much
Secondly, I'm an optimistic person, is what as you do. Yet just about at every campaign
I am. And I knew we were going to lose seats; stop, you expressed pretty much the oppo
I just didn't know how many. site. You talked about them having a different
Q. How could you not know that and not mindset
be out of touch? The President. I did.
The President. You didn't know it, either. Q. about having a different philos
Q. A lot of polls showed it. ophy, about waiting—about being happy that
The President. Well, there was a-I read America gets attacked before responding.
those same polls, and I believe that—I The President. What did you just say,
thought when it was all said and done, the “happy”?
American people would understand the im Q. You said they will be satisfied to see
portance of taxes and the importance of secu America
rity. But the people have spoken, and now The President. No, I didn't say, “happy."
it's time for us to move on. Let's make sure.
Ken [Kenneth T. Walsh, U.S. News and Q. You left that impression, forgive me.
World Report]. The President. With you. Go ahead.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 8 2033

Q. Well, I'm wondering, looking back at The President. Well, that's got to be an
the campaign and previous campaigns, do integral part of a comprehensive plan. When
you think that it's been harder to pull the you're talking comprehensive immigration
country together after the election by making reform, one part of it is a guest-worker pro
such partisan attacks about national security? gram, where people can come on a tem
The President. Richard, I do believe they porary basis to do jobs Americans are not
care about the security. I don't—I thought doing. I've always felt like that would be an
they were wrong not making sure our profes important aspect of securing the border. In
sionals had the tools, and I still believe that. other words, if somebody is not trying to
I don't see how you can protect the country sneak in in the first place, it makes—de
unless you give these professionals tools. creases the work load on our Border Patrol
They just have a different point of view. That and lets the Border Patrol focus on drugs
doesn't mean they don't—want America to and guns and terrorists. But that's a–I ap
get attacked. That's why I said what I said. preciate you bringing that up. I should have
Yes, Jackson [David Jackson, Dallas Morn remembered it.
ing News]. Listen, thank you all very much for your
time. I appreciate your interest.
Immigration Reform
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. On immigra NOTE: The President's news conference began at
tion, many Democrats had more positive 1 p.m. in the East Room at the White House.
things to say about your comprehensive pro In his remarks, he referred to former President
posal than many Republicans did. Do you Saddam Hussein and Prime Minister Nuri al
think a Democratic Congress gives you a bet Maliki of Iraq, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay
ter shot at comprehensive immigration re Khalilzad; and Gov. Edward G. Rendell and Sen
form? ator-elect Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.
The President. You know, I should have
brought this up. I do. I think we have a good
chance. And thank you. It's an important Remarks on the Resignation of
issue, and I hope we can get something done Secretary of Defense Donald H.
Rumsfeld and the Nomination of
on it. I meant to put that in my list of things
that we need to get done. Robert M. Gates To Be Secretary of
I would hope Republicans have recognized Defense
that we've taken very strong security meas November 8, 2006
ures to address one aspect of comprehensive
immigration reform. And I was talking to The President. Good afternoon, and wel
Secretary Chertoff today; he thinks that these come to the White House. Earlier today I
measures we're taking are beginning to have announced my intent to nominate Robert
measurable effects and that catch-and-re Gates to be the next Secretary of the De
lease has virtually been ended over the last fense, and now I'm pleased to introduce him
couple of months. And that's positive. to the American people. I also am looking
And that's what some Members were con forward to paying tribute to the man he will
cerned about prior to advancing a com succeed.
prehensive bill. In other words, they said, America remains a nation at war. We face
“Show me progress on the border, and then brutal enemies who despise our freedom and
we'll be interested in talking about other as want to destroy our way of life. These en
pects.” Well, there's progress being made on emies attacked our country on September
the border in terms of security, and I would the 11th, 2001. They fight us in Afghanistan
hope we can get something done. It's a vital and Iraq, and they remain determined to at
issue. It's an issue that—there's an issue tack our country again. Against such enemies,
where I believe we can find some common there's only one way to protect the American
ground with the Democrats. people: We must stay on the offense and
Q. What are the odds for a guest-worker bring our enemies to justice before they hurt
provision? us again.
2034 Nov. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
In this time of war, the President relies A&M. When the A&M board of regents
on the Secretary of Defense to provide mili interviewed him for the job, he described
tary advice and direct our Nation's Armed himself as an agent of change. As president,
Forces as they engage our enemies across the he delivered on that promise, initiating wide
world. The Secretary of Defense must be a ranging reforms to almost every aspect of
man of vision who can see threats still over campus life. He'll bring that same trans
the horizon and prepare our Nation to meet formational spirit to his work in the Depart
them. Bob Gates is the right man to meet ment of Defense.
both of these critical challenges. Bob Gates is a patriot whose love for coun
Bob is one of our Nation's most accom
try was nurtured in the Kansas community
plished public servants. He joined the CIA where he was raised. He's worn our Nation's
in 1966 and has nearly 27 years of national uniform. He's a strategic thinker who was
security experience, serving six Presidents of educated at three of America's finest univer
both political parties. He spent nearly 9 years sities, receiving his bachelor's degree from
serving on the National Security Council William & Mary, a master's degree in history
staff. And at the CIA, he rose from an entry from Indiana University, and a doctorate in
level employee to become the Director of Russian and Soviet history from Georgetown.
the Central Intelligence. And his experience He's a leader in the business community
has prepared him well for this new assign who served on the boards of several major

Bob understands the challenges we face

corporations. He's a man of integrity, candor,
in Afghanistan. As President Reagan's Dep
and sound judgment. He knows that the chal
uty Director of Central Intelligence, he
lenge of protecting our country is larger than
helped lead America's efforts to drive Soviet any political party, and he has a record of
forces from Afghanistan. Success in these ef working with leaders of both sides of the aisle
forts weakened the Soviet regime and helped to strengthen our national security. He has
hasten freedom's victory in the cold war. my confidence and my trust, and he will be
Bob understands the challenges facing our an outstanding Secretary of Defense.
Nation in Iraq. He served as Deputy Na Bob follows in the footsteps of one of
tional Security Adviser to the first President America's most skilled and capable national
Bush during Operation Desert Storm, as security leaders, Donald Rumsfeld. Don is
American troops repelled Iraqi aggression the longest serving member of my Cabinet,
and drove Saddam Hussein's forces from Ku and next month he will reach another mile
wait. More recently, he served as a member stone when he becomes the longest serving
of the Iraq Study Group, a distinguished Secretary of Defense in the history of our
independent panel of Republicans and Nation. I appreciate his willingness to con
Democrats led by former Secretary of State tinue serving until his successor is in place,
Jim Baker and former Congressman Lee because in a time of war, our Nation cannot
Hamilton. As part of this commission, he has be without a strong and steady hand leading
traveled to Iraq and met with the country's our Department of Defense.
leaders and our military commanders on the Don has served in times of great con
ground. He'll provide the Department with sequence for our Nation. Few will forget the
a fresh perspective and new ideas on how image of Don Rumsfeld as he helped rescue
America can achieve our goals in Iraq. workers carry the victims from the rubble of
Bob understands how to lead large, com the Pentagon on September the 11th, 2001.
plex institutions and transform them to meet In the weeks that followed, he directed the
new challenges. As Director of Central Intel effort to plan our Nation's military response
ligence following the collapse of the Soviet to an unprecedented attack on our soil.
Union, he was responsible ; leading all the Under his leadership, U.S. and coalition
foreign intelligence agencies of the United forces launched one of the most innovative
States. And he's brought that same leader military campaigns in the history of modern
ship and abilities as his work as president of warfare, driving the Taliban and its Al Qaida
our Nation's sixth largest university, Texas allies from power in a matter of weeks.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 8 2035

In 2003, on my orders, he led the planning Mr. Secretary, here is a known known: Your
and execution of another historic military service has made America stronger and made
campaign, Operation Iraqi Freedom, that America a safer nation. You will be missed,
drove Saddam Hussein from power and and I wish you and Joyce all the best in the
helped the Iraqi people establish a constitu years to come.
tional democracy in the heart of the Middle
East. History will record that on Don Rums Don Rumsfeld is a tough act to follow.
feld's watch, the men and women of our mili That's why I picked a man of Bob Gates's
tary overthrew two terrorist regimes, liber caliber to succeed him. When confirmed by
ated some 50 million people, brought justice the Senate, Bob will bring talent, energy, and
to the terrorist Zarqawi and scores of senior innovation to the Department of Defense.
Al Qaida operatives, and helped stop new He'll work every day to keep the American
terrorist attacks on our people. people safe and to make our Nation more
America is safer and the world is more se
secure. And he'll do a superb job as Amer
cure because of the service and the leader
ica's next Secretary of Defense.
ship of Donald Rumsfeld. As he led the Pen
tagon in an unprecedented war, Don never Bob, I appreciate you agreeing to serve our
took his eye off another vital responsibility: Nation again, and congratulations.
preparing America for the threats that await
us as this new century unfolds. He developed
a new defense strategy. He established a new |At this point, Secretary-designate Gates and
Northern Command to protect the home Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld made brief re
land, a new Joint Forces Command to focus marks.]
on transformation, a new Strategic Com
mand to defend against long-range attack, NOTE: The President spoke at 3:30 p.m. in the
and transformed the U.S. Special Operations Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks,
Command for the war on terror. he referred to former President Saddam Hussein
He led our efforts to create a new NATO
of Iraq; and Joyce Rumsfeld, wife of Secretary
Response Force that allows NATO to deploy of Defense Rumsfeld. The transcript released by
rapidly anywhere in the world. He undertook the Office of the Press Secretary also included
the most sweeping transformation of Amer the remarks of Secretary-designate Gates and Sec
ica's global force posture since the end of retary of Defense Rumsfeld. The Office of the
World War II. He revitalized America's ef Press Secretary also released a Spanish language
forts to develop and deploy ballistic missile transcript of these remarks.
defenses, and led a comprehensive review of
America's nuclear forces that has allowed us
to undertake dramatic reductions in offensive
Statement on Israeli Airstrike in
nuclear weapons.
Don's work in these areas did not often Gaza
make the headlines. But the reforms that he
has set in motion are historic, and they will November 8, 2006
enhance the security of the American people
for decades to come. The United States is deeply saddened by
Over the past 6 years, I've relied on Don the injuries and loss of life in Gaza today.
Rumsfeld's advice and counsel. I've come to We send our condolences to the families of
know his character and his integrity. As the all those affected. We have seen the Israeli
Secretary of Defense, he has been dedicated Government's apology and understand an in
to his mission, loyal to his President, and de vestigation has begun. We hope it will be
voted to the courageous men and women of completed quickly and that appropriate steps
our Armed Forces. will be taken to avoid a repetition of this trag
Don once famously said, “There are ic incident. We call on all parties to act with
known knowns; there are known unknowns: care and restraint so as to avoid any harm
and there are unknown unknowns.” Well, to innocent civilians.
2036 Nov. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Proclamation 8082—National Farm Farm-City Week. I encourage all Americans
City Week, 2006 to join in recognizing farmers, ranchers, and
November 8, 2006 other professionals who work to produce our
agricultural abundance.
By the President of the United States In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
of America my hand this eighth day of November, in the
A Proclamation
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of
the Independence of the United States of
Throughout our history, America's farmers America the two hundred and thirty-first.
and ranchers have demonstrated the values
of determination, faith, love of family, and George W. Bush
patriotism. The contributions of America's
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
farmers and ranchers help keep our economy 8:45 a.m., November 13, 2006]
moving forward, and during National Farm
City Week we underscore the vital partner NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
ship between America's rural and urban in Federal Register on November 14.
By providing raw materials, energy, and a
safe and healthy food supply, our farmers and Remarks Following a Cabinet
ranchers help enrich our lives and create eco Meeting
nomic opportunities across our Nation. As November 9, 2006
good stewards of the land, they help preserve
the farming industry and way of life for fu The President. Earlier this week the
ture generations. American people went to the polls, and they
Farmers are playing an increasingly impor cast their ballots for a new Congress. The
tant role in reducing our dependence on for American people made their decision. I re
eign oil by growing crops such as soybeans spect the results, and so does my Cabinet.
and corn that can be used as alternative I want to congratulate the Democrat leaders
sources of energy. Our agricultural sector on the victory they achieved for their party.
also cooperates with shippers, processors, In a few minutes, Congresswoman Pelosi
marketers, transporters, and others to make and Congressman Hoyer will be here for
these vital goods available to the public. My lunch. I'm looking forward to that visit. I'm
Administration is committed to helping these also looking forward to my visit with Senator
dedicated individuals succeed, and we must Reid and Senator Durbin tomorrow. We'll
continue investing in agricultural research discuss the way forward for our country, and
programs, working to reduce tariffs and other I'm going to tell him what I just told our
trade barriers, and opening up markets for Cabinet: It is our responsibility to put the
American products overseas. elections behind us and work together on the
During National Farm-City Week, and great issues facing America.
throughout the year, we honor the farmers, Some of these issues need to be addressed
ranchers, and all those working to build before the current Congress finishes its legis
strong relationships between our rural and lative session, and that means the next few
urban communities. Our economy is strong weeks are going to be busy ones. First order
and growing, and behind the numbers are of business is for Congress to complete the
the stories of hard-working Americans who work on the Federal spending bills for this
help spur our economic prosperity and feed year, with strong fiscal discipline and without
our country and the world. diminishing our capacity to fight the war on
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, terror.
President of the United States of America, Another important priority in the war on
by virtue of the authority vested in me by terror is for the Congress to pass the Ter
the Constitution and the laws of the United rorist Surveillance Act. We also need to pass
States, do hereby proclaim November 17 the bipartisan energy legislation that's now
through November 23, 2006, as National before Congress. And on the foreign policy
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 9 2037

front, we need to complete the work on legis Remarks Following a Lunch With
lation that will allow us to cooperate with Representatives Nancy Pelosi and
India on civilian nuclear technology and pass Steny H. Hoyer
trade legislation that will enable us to recog
nize Vietnam as a member of the WTO. November 9, 2006

As the new Members of Congress and The President. We just had a really im
their leaders return to Washington, I've in portant lunch. First, I want to congratulate
structed my Cabinet to provide whatever Congresswoman Pelosi for becoming the
briefings and information they need to be Speaker of the House, and the first woman
able to do their jobs. The American people Speaker of the House. This is historic for our
expect us to rise above partisan differences, country. And as a father of young women,
and my administration will do its part. it is—I think it's important; I really do. And
I appreciate Congressman Hoyer coming as
One of the most important challenges fac well. We've had a-I would call it a very con
ing our country is the war on terror, and Iraq
structive and very friendly conversation.
is the central front in this war. Our country Both of us recognize—or all three of us
now has more than 149,000 men and women
recognize that when you win, you have a re
serving bravely in that country. Whatever sponsibility to do the best you can for the
party we come from, we all have a responsi country. I was pleased with a wide-ranging
bility to ensure that these troops have the discussion about important issues facing
resources and support they need to prevail. America. The elections are now behind us,
I'm open to any idea or suggestion that will and the Congresswoman's party won. But the
help us achieve our goals of defeating the challenges still remain.
terrorists and ensuring that Iraq's democratic And therefore, we're going to work to
Government succeeds.
gether to address those challenges in a con
Yesterday I accepted the resignation of structive way. We won't agree on every issue,
one of the original members of my Cabinet, but we do agree that we love America equal
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. He could not ly, that we're concerned about the future of
be with us today because he's at Kansas State this country, and that we will do our very
University to deliver the prestigious Landon best to address big problems.
Lecture and to help dedicate the university's And so I want to thank you for coming.
military science building as the General This is the beginning of a series of meetings
Richard B. Myers Hall. we'll have over the next couple of years, all
aimed at solving problems and leading the
Don has been an outstanding Secretary of country. So, welcome. Congratulations again.
Defense, a trusted adviser, and a loyal friend
to me and his fellow Cabinet secretaries. I've [At this point, Representative Pelosi made
named a good man to succeed Don Rums brief remarks.]
feld, former CIA Director Bob Gates. Sec
The President. Thank you. Steny.
retary Rumsfeld has agreed to stay until Bob
is confirmed, and I’m deeply grateful to Don |Representative Hoyer made brief remarks.]
for his service to our country.
The President. Thank you, Steny. Thank
Thank you all very much. you all.

NOTE: The President spoke at 1:04 p.m. in the

NOTE: The President spoke at 11:28 a.m. in the Oval Office at the White House. The transcript
Rose Garden at the White House. The Office of released by the Office of the Press Secretary also
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan included the remarks of Representatives Pelosi
guage transcript of these remarks. and Hoyer.
2038 Nov. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Remarks Following Discussions With We want to foster our trade relationship—
President-Elect Felipe Calderon of our economic relationship even more. We
Mexico both understand that the only solution to
November 9, 2006 many of the problems that we have is to cre
ate well-paid jobs in Mexico. And for that,
we need even more investment. We will con
President Bush. It is my pleasure to have
welcomed the President-elect of Mexico here tinue to show the importance of democracy,
to the Oval Office. I have had a fascinating the importance of free trade, the importance
of all of these issues that will make us an
and important conversation. This is a man
who won a very good election. I'm proud of even stronger nation, which will also
the Mexican people for conducting an elec strengthen the bilateral relationship.
And we were able to have a conversation
tion that is—was open and honest. We've
spent a lot of time talking about vital issues. between two people—two people who have
I have made it very clear to the President very much in common. And we both look
elect that Mexico is a priority of this adminis forward to a very constructive relationship in
tration. -
the future.
I know a fair amount about Mexico; after President Bush. Gracias. Thank you.
all, I was the Governor of Texas. I assured
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:31 p.m. in the
him that we will work very closely together. Oval Office at the White House. President-elect
We talked about trade. We talked about mu
Calderon spoke in Spanish, and his remarks were
tual interests, fighting drugs, and we talked, translated by an interpreter.
of course, about migration. And I assured the
President-elect that the words I said in the
very Oval Office that we sit, about a com
prehensive immigration vision, are words I
still believe strongly. Digest of Other
And so I want to welcome you here. I wish White House Announcements
you all the best as you—on your Inaugura
tion, on your big day. And I'm looking for The following list includes the President's public
ward to working very closely with you. schedule and other items of general interest an
President-elect Calderon. Yes. Thank
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
you, Mr. President. not included elsewhere in this issue.
[At this point, President-elect Calderon spoke
in Spanish, and no translation was provided.] November 4
President Bush. Si, senor. Gracias. In the morning, in Englewood, CO, the
Did you understand that? President had an intelligence briefing. Later,
Q. No. at Mile High Coffee, he had breakfast with
President-elect Calderon. President small-business owners. He then traveled to
Bush and I had a very good conversation Greeley, CO.
today. And we reaffirmed the purpose that Later in the morning, he traveled to Au
we both had, which is to strengthen the bilat rora, CO, where, at Buckley Air Force Base,
eral relationship between Mexico and the he met with family members of a Navy serv
United States even more. iceman who was killed in Afghanistan.
I expressed to President Bush my concern In the afternoon, the President traveled to
regarding the issue of migration. President the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX.
Bush was very open to all the arguments that During the day, the President met with
I have presented to him. And we both Robert M. Gates, president, Texas A&M
stressed the need to have a comprehensive University.
vision with which we can move forward. This
is, of extremely important issue.
course, an November 5

It is not the only issue in our bilateral rela In the afternoon, the President traveled to
tionship. Grand Island, NE, where, upon arrival, he
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2039

met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer 2006 National Medals of Arts and National
Holly Theis. Later, he traveled to Topeka, Humanitarian Medals.
KS, where, upon arrival, he met with USA The President announced his intention to
Freedom Corps volunteer Sharon Meissner. nominate Andrew G. Biggs to be Deputy
In the evening, the President returned to Commissioner of Social Security.
the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX. The President announced his intention to

November 6
nominate Terry L. Cline to be Administrator
of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
In the morning, the President had an intel Services Administration of the Department
ligence briefing. Later, he and Mrs. Bush of Health and Human Services.
traveled to Pensacola, FL, where, upon ar The President announced his intention to
rival in the afternoon, he met with USA Free nominate Richard Allan Hill to be a member
dom Corps volunteer Honor Bell. of the Board of Directors of the Corporation
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. for National and Community Service.
Bush traveled to Bentonville, AR. Later, they The President announced his intention to
traveled to Dallas, TX, where, upon arrival, nominate Diane Humetewa to be a member
he met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer of the Board of Trustees of the Morris K.
Lori Whitlow. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National
In the evening, the President and Mrs. Environmental Policy Foundation.
Bush returned to the Bush Ranch in The President announced his designation
Crawford, TX. of the following individuals as members of
The White House announced that the a Presidential delegation to Ankara, Turkey,
President will welcome Prime Minister Ehud to attend the funeral of former Prime Min
Olmert of Israel to the White House on No ister Bulent Ecevit of Turkey on November
vember 13. 11: Jeffrey Clay Sell (head of delegation);
The President announced his intention to Ross Wilson; and W. Robert Pearson.
nominate Anthony W. Ryan to be Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury (Financial Mar
The President announced his intention to
nominate Leon R. Sequeira to be Assistant Nominations
Submitted to the Senate
Secretary of Labor (Policy).
November 7
The following list does not include promotions of
In the morning, the President had an intel members of the Uniformed Services, nominations
ligence briefing. Later, at the Crawford Fire to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
Station, he and Mrs. Bush voted. eign Service officers.
Later in the morning, the President and
Mrs. Bush returned to Washington, DC. Submitted November 9
During the day, in the Oval Office, the
President met with Secretary of Defense John Robert Bolton,
Donald H. Rumsfeld.
of Maryland, to be the Representative of the
United States of America to the United Na
November 8
tions, with the rank and status of Ambassador
In the morning, the President had an intel Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and the
ligence briefing. Representative of the United States of Amer
November 9 ica in the Security Council of the United Na
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, in his private dining John Robert Bolton,
room, he had a breakfast meeting with Re of Maryland, to be Representative of the
publican congressional leaders. Then, in the United States of America to the Sessions of
Oval Office, he and Mrs. Bush presented the the General Assembly of the United Nations
2040 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

during his tenure of service as Representa Released November 7

tive of the United States of America to the
United Nations. Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow

Released November 8

Checklist Fact sheet: Dr. Robert M. Gates: The Right

of White House Press Releases Choice for Secretary of Defense
Announcement of the National Medal of Arts
The following list contains releases of the Office and National Humanities Medal recipients
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Released November 9
Other White House Announcements.

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec

Released November 4 retary Tony Snow
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec Transcript of a press briefing by National Se
retary Tony Snow curity Adviser Stephen J. Hadley
Released November 5

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec

retary Tony Snow
Released November 6 Acts Approved
by the President
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Statement by the Press Secretary: President NOTE: No acts approved by the President were
Bush To Welcome Prime Minister Olmert received by the Office of the Federal Register
of Israel during the period covered by this issue.

20402 POSTAG
AE 2.101: 42/44 FED-DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, November 20, 2006

Volume 42—Number 46
Pages 2041–2072


Addresses and Remarks Communications to Congress—Continued

See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders Malaysia-U.S. treaty on mutual legal assistance
Automobile manufacturers, meeting with chief in criminal matters, message transmitting—
executive officers—2051 2052
Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial, Interviews With the News Media
groundbreaking ceremony—2046
Radio address—2044 Exchanges with reporters
Republican National Committee, meeting Hanoi, Vietnam—2062
with new leaders—2052 Oval Office—2048
Senators Reid and Durbin, meeting—2042
Joint Statements
Dinner hosted by Prime Minister Lee of Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the United
Singapore—2060 States of America—2065
National Singapore University—2055
Vietnam, state banquet hosted by President Meetings With Foreign Leaders
Triet of Vietnam in Hanoi—2068 Australia, Prime Minister Howard—2062
Virginia Israel, Prime Minister Olmert—2048
Dedication of the National Museum of the Singapore, Prime Minister Lee—2054, 2060
Marine Corps in Quantico—2042 Vietnam, President Triet—2065, 2068
Veterans Day ceremony in Arlington—2045 Notices
Communications to Congress
Continuation of the National Emergency With
China, letters certifying exports—2054 Respect to Iran–2041
Industrial designs, message transmitting Proclamations
Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement
concerning international registration—2051 America Recycles Day—2053
Iran, message on continuation of national National Family Week—2061
emergency—2041 Thanksgiving Day—2062

(Continued on the inside cover.)

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Dºcu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607;
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, November 17, 2006
Statement on the Death of Ed continuing for 1 year this national emergency
Bradley with respect to Iran.
November 9, 2006 This notice shall be published in the Fed
eral Register and transmitted to the Con
Laura and I are deeply saddened by the gress.
death of Ed Bradley. For over 40 years, the
American people have turned to Ed as a George W. Bush
trusted source of information about events
The White House,
that have shaped our Nation. From serving November 9, 2006.
as a White House correspondent to his many
years as a journalist for a television news
magazine, he produced distinctive investiga [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
10:31 a.m., November 9, 2006]
tive reports that inspired action and ce
mented his reputation as one of the most ac
complished journalists of our time. NOTE: This notice was published in the Federal
Today our thoughts and prayers are with Register on November 13. This item was not re
ceived in time for publication in the appropriate
Mr. Bradley's family and colleagues. issue.

NOTE: This item was not received in time for pub

lication in the appropriate issue. Message to the Congress on
Continuation of the National
Notice—Continuation of the Emergency With Respect to Iran
National Emergency With Respect to November 9, 2006
November 9, 2006 To the Congress of the United States:
Section 202(d) of the National Emer
On November 14, 1979, by Executive gencies Act (50 U.S.C 1622(d)) provides for
Order 12170, the President declared a na the automatic termination of a national emer
tional emergency with respect to Iran pursu gency unless, prior to the anniversary date
ant to the International Emergency Eco of its declaration, the President publishes in
nomic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–1706) to the Federal Register and transmits to the
deal with the unusual and extraordinary Congress a notice stating that the emergency
threat to the national security, foreign policy, is to continue in effect beyond the anniver
and economy of the United States con sary date. In accordance with this provision,
stituted by the situation in Iran. Because our I have sent the enclosed notice to the Federal
relations with Iran have not yet returned to Register for publication, stating that the Iran
normal, and the process of implementing the emergency declared in Executive Order
January 19, 1981, agreements with Iran is still 12170 on November 14, 1979, is to continue
underway, the national emergency declared in effect beyond November 14, 2006.
on November 14, 1979, must continue in ef Our relations with Iran have not yet re
fect beyond November 14, 2006. Therefore, turned to normal, and the process of imple
consistent with section 202(d) of the National menting the January 19, 1981, agreements
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am with Iran is still underway. For these reasons,

2042 Nov. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I have determined that it is necessary to con released by the Office of the Press Secretary also
included the remarks of Senators Reid and Dur
tinue for 1 year the national emergency de bin.
clared on November 14, 1979, with respect
to Iran.

George W. Bush Remarks at the Dedication of the

National Museum of the Marine
The White House,
November 9, 2006. Corps in Quantico, Virginia
November 10, 2006
NOTE: This item was not received in time for pub
lication in the appropriate issue. The President. Thank you all. Thank you
for the warm welcome. General Hagee,
Remarks Following a Meeting With thank you for your service to our country.
Senators Harry Reid and Richard J. Secretaries of the Army and Navy and Air
Durbin Force; I'm proud to be here with the Chair
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Pete
November 10, 2006 Pace, the first United States marine to have
The President. I want to thank Senator ever held this position. Senator Warner and
Congresswoman Davis; former Governor
Reid and Senator Durbin. Dick and I have
Warner and former Senator Glenn; honored
had a really good discussion with them. The guests; veterans; General Christmas and all
elections are over; the problems haven't gone those responsible for this fine museum;
away. And I assured the Senators that we United States marines everywhere: Please
will cooperate as closely as we can to solve join me in wishing a very happy Marine
common problems. I, of course, said this Corps birthday to every man and woman who
after I congratulated them on great victories. has ever worn the eagle, the globe, and the
I know they were proud of their team's ef. anchor.
forts, and they ran good campaigns, and they As Jim Lehrer reminded you, we celebrate
talked about issues that the people care the 231st birthday of one of the world's pre
about, and they won. mier fighting forces. And we mark the open
My attitude about this is that there is a ing of our Nation's most modern military mu
great opportunity for us to show the country seum. For too long, the only people to have
that Republicans and Democrats are equally direct experience of the Marine Corps have
as patriotic and equally concerned about the been the marines themselves—and the
future and that we can work together. Sen enemy who's made the mistake of taking
ator Reid and I are both from the West. I'm
them on. The National Museum of the Ma
from west Texas; he's from Nevada. And we
rine Corps fixes this problem. In this mu
tend to speak the same language, pretty seum, you will experience life from a ma
!". people, which should bode well rine's perspective. In this museum, you'll feel
or our relationship. what it's like to go through boot camp—no,
So I appreciate you all coming. I'm really thanks—[laughter]—make an amphibious
looking forward to working with you. landing under fire, or deploy from a heli
|At this point, Senator Reid made brief re copter in Vietnam.
marks.] The museum will not make you into a ma
The President. Thank you, sir. Dick, do rine—only a drill instructor can do that—but
you want to say something? by putting you in the boots of a marine, this
museum will leave you with an appreciation
[Senator Durbin made brief remarks.] of the rich history of the Corps and the pride
The President. I was hoping you would that comes with earning the title United
States marine.
notice that. Thank you all.
The history of the Corps is as important
NotE: The President spoke at 12:18 p.m. in the to each marine as his rifle. Every marine
Oval Office at the White House. The transcript knows the Corps traces its founding to a
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 10 2043

Philadelphia tavern in 1775. Every marine come before them, this new generation is
can name the famous battles, legends, and serving freedom's cause in distant lands. Like
heroes that stretch from the halls of Monte the marines who have come before them, this
zuma to the deserts of Iraq. Every marine new generation faces determined enemies.
understands that the Corps reputation for And like the marines who have come before
honor and courage is a sacred inheritance them, this new generation is adding its own
from marines past, and a solemn trust to be chapters to the stories of liberty and peace.
passed on to marines to come. The marines And years from now, when America looks out
believe that you cannot know what you stand on a democratic Middle East growing in free
for if you do not know where you came from, dom and prosperity, Americans will speak of
and they teach their history because they are the battles like Fallujah with the same awe
determined to repeat it. and reverence that we now give to Guadal
The history of the Corps is now preserved canal and Iwo Jima.
within these walls. Many of you here today Like the marines who have come before
do not need a museum to tell you this history them, this new generation has also given
because you wrote it yourselves with your some of its finest men in the line of duty.
sweat and your sacrifice in places like One of these fine men was Jason Dunham.
Tarawa, Chosin, and Khe Sahn. These walls Jason's birthday is November the 10th, so
pay tribute to your contributions to American you might say that he was born to be a ma
freedom. These walls remind all who visit rine. And as far back as boot camp, his supe
here that honor, courage, and commitment riors spotted the quality that would mark this
are not just words. They are core values for young American as an outstanding marine,
a way of life that puts service above self. And his willingness to put the needs of others be
these walls will keep the history of the Ma fore his own.
rine Corps alive for generations of Americans Corporal Dunham showed that spirit in
to come. This is an important place, and I April 2004, while leading a patrol of his ma
thank you for supporting it. rines in an Iraqi town near the Syrian border.
The museum is shaped in the form of the When a nearby Marine convoy was am
famous photograph of the flag raising on Iwo bushed, Corporal Dunham led his squad to
Jima. Iwo Jima is one of the most important the site of the attack, where he and his men
battles in American history. It is fitting that stopped a convoy of cars that were trying to
Iwo Jima is one of the most important exhib make an escape. As he moved to search one
its in this museum. The Japanese who de of the vehicles, an insurgent jumped out and
fended that island had learned from costly grabbed the Corporal by the throat. The Cor
battles that they could not defeat American poral engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand
forces. Yet they believed that by inflicting combat. At one point he shouted to his fellow
maximum casualties on our forces, they marines, “No, no, no, watch his hand.” Mo
would demoralize our Nation and make ments later, an enemy grenade rolled out.
America tire of war. Corporal Dunham did not hesitate; he
In that battle, the Japanese succeeded in jumped on the grenade to protect his fellow
taking the lives of more than 6,000 men. marines; he used his helmet and his body
They did not succeed in stopping the marines to absorb the blast.
from achieving their mission. And that flag A friend who was there that terrible day
that was raised on Mount Suribachi would put it this way: “Corporal Dunham had a gift
become an enduring symbol of American re from God. Everyone who came in contact
solve and a lasting icon of a democracy at with him wanted to be like him. He was the
toughest marine but the nicest guy. He
The history of the Corps is now being writ would do anything for you. Corporal
ten by a new generation of marines. Since Dunham was the kind of person everybody
the attacks of September the 11th, 2001, wants as their best friend.” Despite surviving
more than 190,000 men and women have the initial blast and being given the best of
stepped forward to wear the uniform of the medical care, Corporal Dunham ultimately
Marine Corps. Like the marines who have succumbed to his wounds. And by giving his
2044 Nov. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
own life, Corporal Dunham saved the lives made to preserve our freedom and way of
of two of his men and showed the world what life.
it means to be a marine. One freedom that defines our way of life
Corporal Dunham's mom and dad are with is the freedom to choose our leaders at the
us today on what would have been this brave ballot box. We saw that freedom earlier this
young man's 25th birthday. We remember week, when millions of Americans went to
that the marine who so freely gave his life the polls to cast their votes for a new Con
was your beloved son. We ask a loving God gress. Whatever your opinion of the out
to comfort you for a loss that can never be come, all Americans can take pride in the
replaced. And on this special birthday, in the example our democracy sets for the world
company of his fellow marines, I'm proud to by holding elections even in a time of war.
announce that our Nation will recognize Cor Our democratic institutions are a source of
poral Jason Dunham's action with America's strength, and our trust in these institutions
highest decoration for valor, the Medal of has made America the most powerful, pros
Honor. perous, and stable nation in the world.
As a result of this week's elections, the
As long as we have marines like Corporal
Dunham, America will never fear for her lib Democrats now hold a majority in both
erty. And as long as we have this fine mu Houses of Congress. After the elections, I
called the Democratic leaders in the House
seum, America will never forget their sac
rifice. and the Senate to congratulate them on the
May God bless you, may God bless the victory they achieved for their party. On
marines, and may God bless the United Thursday I had lunch with Congresswoman
States. Pelosi and Congressman Hoyer, and on Fri
day I met with Senators Reid and Durbin.
We had good discussions. I told them what
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:12 p.m. at the I have told the men and women in my admin
National Museum of the Marine Corps. In his re istration: We must put these elections behind
marks, he referred to former Gov. Mark Warner
of Virginia; former Senator John H. Glenn, Jr., us and work together on the great issues fac
of Ohio; Lt. Gen. G.R. Christmas, USMC (Ret.), ing America.
president, Marine Corps Heritage Foundation; The elections will bring changes to Wash
Jim Lehrer, anchor of PBS's NewsHour with Jim ington. But one thing has not changed:
Lehrer; and Dan and Deb Dunham, parents of America faces brutal enemies who have at
Corp. Jason Dunham, USMC, who was killed near tacked us before and want to attack us again.
Husaybah, Iraq, on April 14, 2004. I have a message for these enemies: Do not
confuse the workings of American democracy
with a lack of American will; our Nation is
The President’s Radio Address
committed to bringing you to justice; and we
November 11, 2006 will prevail.
Iraq is the central front in this war on ter
Good morning. This weekend we com ror. I look forward to listening to ideas from
memorate Veterans Day, a day when Amer the new leaders of Congress on the best way
ica honors every man and woman who has to support our troops on the frontlines and
worn the uniform of our military. In Veterans win the war on terror. I also look forward
Day celebrations across our Nation, we re to hearing recommendations on the way for
member those who have served in previous ward in Iraq from a bipartisan panel led by
wars, those who are serving today, and those former Secretary of State James Baker and
who did not live to become veterans. Espe former Congressman Lee Hamilton. In the
cially in a time of war, we see in our veterans meantime, I have made an important change
an example of people who stepped forward to my national security team. On Wednesday
to serve a cause larger than themselves. This I accepted Don Rumsfeld's resignation as
weekend I ask you to take a moment to thank Secretary of Defense and announced my in
our veterans for their service and express tent to nominate Bob Gates to replace him.
your appreciation for the sacrifices they have Bob is a proven leader who has served six
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 11 2045

Presidents—four Republicans and two for being here; and I thank our veterans. I
Democrats. As a former CIA Director and am proud to join you on this day of honor.
the current president of Texas A&M Univer On this day, in this month, at this hour,
sity, he has experience leading large and our Nation remembers the moment when
complex organizations, and he has shown that the guns of World War I went silent, and
he is an agent of change. As Secretary of De we recognize the service and the sacrifice of
fense, he will provide a fresh outlook on our our Nation's veterans. From Valley Forge to
strategy in Iraq and what we need to do to Vietnam, from Kuwait to Kandahar, from
prevail. Berlin to Baghdad, our veterans have borne
Bob replaces the longest serving member the costs of America's wars, and they have
of my Cabinet, Don Rumsfeld. History will stood watch over America's peace. The
record that on Secretary Rumsfeld's watch, American people are grateful to the veterans
the men and women of our military over and all who have fought for our freedom.
threw two terrorist regimes, brought justice Since the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln,
to scores of senior Al Qaida operatives, and the National Cemetery has reminded our
helped stop new terrorist attacks on our peo citizens of the cost of liberty. The simple
ple. America is safer and the world is more white markers testify to honor fulfilled and
secure because of the leadership of Don duty served. Most of these markers stand
Rumsfeld, and I am deeply grateful for his over graves of Americans who came home
to enjoy the peace they earned. Too many
The message of this week's elections is stand over the graves of those who gave their
clear: The American people want their lead lives to protect that peace. This day is dedi
ers in Washington to set aside partisan dif cated to all who answered the call to service,
ferences, conduct ourselves in an ethical whether they live in honor among us or sleep
manner, and work together to address the in valor beneath this sacred ground.
challenges facing our Nation. This is impor On this Veterans Day, we give thanks for
tant work that will demand the hard effort the 24 million Americans who strengthen our
and good faith of leaders from both sides of Nation with their example of service and sac
the aisle, and I pledge to do my part. rifice. Our veterans are drawn from many
Thank you for listening. generations and from many backgrounds.
Some charged across great battlefields. Some
fought on the high seas. Some patrolled the
NOTE: The address was recorded at 12:15 p.m.
on November 10 in the Cabinet Room at the open skies. And all contributed to the char
White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on No acter and to the greatness of America.
vember 11. The transcript was made available by On this Veterans Day, we honor a new
the Office of the Press Secretary on November generation of men and women who are de
10 but was embargoed for release until the broad fending our freedom. Since September the
cast. The Office of the Press Secretary also re 11th, 2001, our Armed Forces have engaged
leased a Spanish language transcript of this ad the enemy, the terrorists, on many fronts. At
dress. this moment, more than 1.4 million Ameri
cans are on active duty, serving in the cause
of freedom and peace around the world.
Remarks at a Veterans Day They are our Nation's finest citizens. They
Ceremony in Arlington, Virginia confront grave danger to defend the safety
November 11, 2006 of the American people. They've brought
down tyrants; they've liberated two nations;
Thank you. Thanks for coming. Secretary they have helped bring freedom to more than
Nicholson, thank you for your kind words and 50 million people. Through their sacrifice,
for your leadership. Members of the Cabinet; they're making this Nation safer and more
Members of Congress; members of the secure, and they are earning the proud title
United State military; all veterans; all volun of veteran.
teers who have sworn to uphold the security On this Veterans Day, we're humbled by
of the United States, I thank your families the strong hearts of those who have served.
2046 Nov. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Last week, Secretary Nicholson told me We have gathered in tribute to Dr. Martin
about a visit he made to New York City, Luther King, to the ideals he held, and to
where he met a group of veterans who lost the life he lived. Dr. King showed us that
limbs in this war. Secretary Nicholson asked a life of conscience and purpose can lift up
them how they could keep their spirits up. many souls. And on this ground, a monument
One man answered,"Sir, it is because we feel will rise that preserves his legacy for the ages.
the American people are so appreciative of Honoring Dr. King's legacy requires more
our service.” Many of our veterans bear the than building a monument; it required the
scars of their service to our country, and we ongoing commitment of every American. So
are a nation that will keep its commitments we will continue to work for the day when
to those who have risked their lives for our the dignity and humanity of every person is
freedom. That young man was right—we do respected and the American promise is de
appreciate the service of those who wear our nied to no one.
uniform. This project has been over a decade in the
To help Americans show our appreciation making, and I thank those who have worked
to those who have served, Secretary Nichol to bring about this day. I particularly want
son has asked all our Nation's veterans to
to thank my predecessor, the man who
wear their medals today. I urge our citizens signed the legislation to create this memorial,
to go up to those men and women and shake President Bill Clinton. It sounds like to me
a hand and give a hug and give a word of they haven't forgotten you yet. [Laughter]
thanks. I ask you to consider volunteering at He's become, as you know, my fourth broth
a veterans hospital or a nursing home. I en er. [Laughter
courage you to work with your local veterans I want to thank Harry Johnson. I appre
group to help support our troops in the field ciate the members of my Cabinet who are
and their families here at home.
here. I welcome the Members of Congress.
As we raise our flag and as the bugle I thank my mayor, Tony Williams, who is
sounds taps, we remember that the men and here. I'm proud to be with the members of
women of America's Armed Forces serve a
the King family. I thank the representatives
great cause. They follow in a great tradition, of the community and civil rights groups who
handed down to them by America's veterans. have joined us. I thank the Martin Luther
And in public ceremonies and in private King, Jr., National Memorial Project Foun
prayer, we give thanks for the freedom we dation board members and executive cabinet.
enjoy because of their willingness to serve. Most of all, thank you all for coming.
I thank you for honoring those who serve Our Declaration of Independence makes
today and for honoring those who have set it clear that the human right to dignity and
such a sterling example, our Nation's vet equality is not a grant of government. It is
erans. May God bless our veterans; may God the gift from the Author of Life. And Martin
bless all who wear the uniform; and may God Luther King considered the Declaration one
continue to bless the United State of Amer
of America's great, as he called it, “charters
of freedom.” He called our Founders' words,
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:39 a.m. in the “a promise that all men—yes, black men, as
Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery. well as white men—would be guaranteed the
unalienable right of liberty, life, and the pur
suit of happiness.”
Remarks at the Groundbreaking Throughout Dr. King's life, he continued
Ceremony for the Martin Luther to trust in the power of those words, even
King, Jr., National Memorial when the practice of America did not live
November 13, 2006 up to their promise. When Martin Luther
King came to Washington, DC, in the sum
Thank you all very much. I'm honored to mer of 1963, he came to hold this Nation
join you today in today's ceremony. I'm to its own standards and to call its citizens
proud to dedicate this piece of our Nation's to live up to the principles of our founding.
Capital to the lasting memory of a great man. He stood not far from here, on the steps of
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 13 2047

the Lincoln Memorial. With thousands gath Within days of Rosa Parks's lonely protest,
ered around him, Dr. King looked out over Dr. King helped organize a boycott that cap
the American Capital and declared his fa tured the attention of our country. When Dr.
mous words, “I have a dream.” King's leadership—with Dr. King's leader
His dream spread a message of hope that ship, the boycott forced America to confront
echoed from his hometown of Sweet Auburn, the glaring contradiction between the sign on
the bus and the words of our Declaration
Georgia, to the pulpit of Dexter Avenue Bap
tist Church to the Edmund Pettus Bridge. of Independence. And on this date, exactly
An assassin's bullet could not shatter the 50 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled the
dream. Dr. King's message of justice and segregation of public buses unconstitutional.
brotherhood took hold in the hearts of men And so today we celebrate the courage that
and women across the great land of ours. It won victories and helped spark one of the
continues to inspire millions across the greatest movements for equality and freedom
world. in American history.
As we break ground, we give Martin Lu Eventually, the civil rights movement
ther King his rightful place among the great would succeed in persuading Congress to
Americans honored on our National Mall. pass sweeping legislation that represented a
The King Memorial will span a piece of new founding for our Nation. On July 2,
ground between the Jefferson and Lincoln 1964, President Johnson signed the Civil
Memorials. And by its presence in this place, Rights Act at the White House. As of that
date, no longer could weary travelers be de
it will unite the men who declared the prom nied a room in a hotel or a table at a res
ise of America and defended the promise of taurant on account of their race. And no
America with the man who redeemed the
longer could any American be forced to drink
promise of America. from a separate water fountain or sit at the
The memorial will reflect the arc of Dr.
back of the bus just because of their race.
King's life, his search for justice, and the en Dr. King liked to say that our Civil Rights
during beauty of his words. The memorial Act was written in the streets by citizens who
will include a wall where visitors can read marched for the idea that all men are created
passages from Dr. King's sermons and equal. He was right; yet there is no doubting
speeches through a stream of water. And on that the law came as it did when it did be
the banks of the Potomac, visitors will walk cause of the courage and leadership of Mar
from the Mountain of Despair to the Stone tin Luther King.
of Hope, where Dr. King's image is ren As we break ground, we recognize our
duty to continue the unfinished work of
Today we see only these open acres, yet American freedom. America has come a long
we know that when the work is done, the way since Dr. King's day, yet our journey to
King Memorial will be a fitting tribute, pow justice is not complete. There are still people
erful and hopeful and poetic, like the man in our society who hurt; neighborhoods are
it honors. As we break ground, we remember too poor. There are still children who do not
the great obstacles that Dr. King overcame get the education they need to fulfill their
and the courage that transformed American God-given potential. There's still prejudice
history. The years of Martin Luther King's that holds citizens back. And there's still a
life were tumultuous, difficult, and an heroic need for all Americans to hear the words of
time in the life of our country. Across our Dr. King so we can hasten the day when his
Nation, African Americans faced daily cruel message of hope takes hold in every commu
ties and pervasive wrongs. In 1955, a woman, nity across our country.
Rosa Parks, challenged these wrongs on a bus We go forward with the knowledge that
in Montgomery, Alabama, when she refused the Creator who wrote the desire for liberty
a driver's order to give her seat to a white in our hearts also gives us the strength and
man. Her act of defiance inspired a young wisdom to fulfill it. We go forward with trust
Baptist minister and changed our Nation for that God, who has brought us thus far on
ever. the way, will give us the strength to finish
2048 Nov. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

the journey. And we go forward with the con the Iranians propose, as does—that the Ira
fidence that no matter how difficult the chal nians pose, as does the Prime Minister. We
lenge, if we remain true to our founding prin talked about Iraq. We talked about a variety
ciples, America will overcome. of issues.
Dr. King was on this Earth just 39 years, But the whole central thrust of our discus
but the ideas that guided his work and his sions was based upon our understanding that
life are eternal. Here in this place, we will we're involved in an ideological struggle be
raise a lasting memorial to those eternal tween extremists and radicals versus people
truths. So in the presence of his family, his who just simply want to live in peace, and
coworkers in freedom's cause, and those who that as democracies we have an obligation,
carry on his legacy today, I'm proud to dedi obviously, to listen to the will of our people,
cate this ground on behalf of the American but at the same time, work together to help
people as the site of the Martin Luther King, those who want to live in a peaceful society
Jr., Memorial. achieve their ambitions.
May God bless you all. Mr. Prime Minister, it has been a delight
to be with you again, and welcome back.
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:07 a.m. on the Prime Minister Olmert. Thank you very
National Mall. In his remarks, he referred to
much. President—there's nothing that I can
Harry E. Johnson, Sr., president and chief execu
tive officer, Washington, DC Martin Luther King, add to the very accurate analysis that you
Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc.; made with regard to these big issues. We in
the Middle East have followed the American
and Mayor Anthony A. Williams of Washington,
DC. policy in Iraq for a long time, and we are
very much impressed and encouraged by the
stability which the greatest operation of
Remarks Following Discussions With America in Iraq brought to the Middle East.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of And we pray and hope that this policy will
Israel and an Exchange With be fully successful so that this stability which
was created for all the moderate countries
in the Middle East will continue.
November 13, 2006
We shared thoughts about the Iranian
President Bush. Mr. Prime Minister, wel threat. There is no question that the Iranian
come back to Washington. The Prime Min threat is not just a threat for Israel but for
ister and I had a fascinating discussion the the whole world. The fanaticism and the ex
last time he was here. We were sitting on tremism of the Iranian Government, and the
the Truman Balcony. We spent probably an fact that the leader of a nation such as Iran
hour-and-a-half strategizing about how we can threaten the very existence of another
can work together to achieve peace. Our con nation, as he does towards the State of Israel,
versation today continued this—that impor is not something that we can tolerate or will
tant dialog. ever tolerate, and certainly not when we
know that he is trying to possess nuclear
I appreciate the Prime Minister's strategic
weapons. And I'm very encouraged by our
thoughts. He cares deeply about his country,
and he cares deeply about securing the discussion and thoughts that we have ex
peace. We talked about our commitment to changed about what needs to be done in the
a two-state solution. We talked about the Middle East, Mr. President.
need for a Palestinian Government to em Finally, I say time and again, on different
brace the principles of the Quartet and the occasions, that we want to open a serious dia
roadmap, which both our Governments log with the Chairman of the Palestinian Au
strongly support. thority, and I will make every possible effort
We spent a great deal of time on Iran and to help Abu Mazen to get into such a dialog
about how we can work together with other with us. Indeed, we hope that the new Gov
nations of the world to convince the Iranians ernment will be established soon on the basis
to abandon their nuclear weapons ambitions. of the Quartet and the roadmap, and that
I recognize the threat to world peace that will allow an immediate contact between him
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 13 2049

and me that I'm sure will lead into a serious Syria-Israel Relations
negotiation process. Q. Mr. President, do you see any change
And again, Mr. President, it's always a in the administration's position regarding
great joy to be your guest. And I always thank Syria? Do you support the resumption of
you for your friendship—your personal Israeli-Syrian negotiations? And the same
friendship and, even more important, your question to the Prime Minister, if I may. In
friendship for the State of Israel. the past, you rejected the resumption of the
President Bush. Thank you, sir. We'll an Syrian and Israeli negotiations under—one
swer two questions a side. Tom [Tom Raum, of the reasons was the rejection of the Amer
Associated Press]. ican administration regarding the policies of
Syria. Do you see now, after you discuss this
Iraq Study Group matter with the President, any change in your
position regarding Syria?
Q. Mr. President, the Senate—the incom President Bush. My answer to your ques
ing Senate Democratic leaders have called tion is, Prime Minister Olmert knows how
for a phased withdrawal of troops from Iraq. to run his own foreign policy. And he can
You met this morning with the Baker com figure out his policy towards them. My policy
mission. Would you accept any solution that towards Syria is this: That we expect the Syr
included a timetable, and what options did ians to be, one, out of Lebanon so that the
you discuss this morning with the Baker com Lebanese democracy can exist; two, not har
boring extremists that create—that empower
President Bush. Tom, I'm not going to these radicals to stop the advance of democ
prejudge the Baker commission's report. I racies; three, to help this young democracy
was pleased to meet with them. I was im in Iraq succeed. And the Syrian President
pressed by the quality of the-of their mem knows my position. We have told that to him
bership. I was impressed by the questions through my administration. We do have an
they asked. They are—they want us to suc Embassy there in Syria. But our position is
ceed in Iraq, just like I want to succeed. very clear, and we would like to see some
And so we had a really good discussion. progress toward peace from the Syrians.
I’m not sure what the report is going to say. Prime Minister Olmert. I share the same
I'm looking forward to seeing it. I believe opinion with President Bush. We are not
this: I believe that it's important for us to against negotiations with Syria. We would
succeed in Iraq, not only for our security but love to be able to have negotiations with
for the security of the Middle East, and that Syria, but that must be based on a certain
I'm looking forward to interesting ideas. In reasonable, responsible policy, which is not
the meantime, General Pete Pace is leading preformed by Syria for the time being. Ev
investigations within the Pentagon as to how erything that they are doing is to the other
to reach our goal, which is success—a gov direction—in Lebanon, in Iraq, and the
ernment which can sustain, govern, and de sponsorship of Hamas and Khaled Meshal as
fend itself and will serve as an ally in this the main perpetrators of terror against the
war On terror.
State of Israel. With some changes in the
I believe it is very important, though, for Russian—I'm sorry, in the Syrian attitude on
people making suggestions to recognize that these major issues, I hope that one day the
the best military options depend upon the conditions for contacts between them and us
conditions on the ground. will be created. But to be honest, I don't
And so it's an interesting period here in think at the present time they manifest any
Washington, Mr. Prime Minister. You might such attitude. And that makes it impossible.
realize the opposition party won—won the President Bush. Matt [Matthew
Senate and the House. And what's inter
Spetalnick, Reuters].
esting is, is that they're beginning to under
stand that with victory comes responsibilities. Iran/Nuclear Weapons Development
And I'm looking forward to working with the Q. Yes. Mr. President, Tony Blair today
Democrats to achieve common objectives. is going to be calling for a reaching out to
2050 Nov. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
both Syria and Iran to help calm the situation I also, when I speak about Iran, speak about
in Iraq. What is your response to that? a government, not about the Iranian people.
President Bush. I haven't seen his com I believe the Iranian people want a better
ments, but you just heard my response on way forward. I don't think they want to con
Syria. And my comments on Iran is this: If front the world. I believe they need—I be
the Iranians want to have a dialog with us, lieve they could benefit by more trade and
we have shown them a way forward, and that more openness with the world. But their
is for them to verify—verifiably suspend their leaders have to make the decision, and the
enrichment activities. We put that proposal decision is abundantly clear to them. And I
on the table awhile back. We said that if you say this in the interest of world peace, that
want to have a dialog with us, we're willing if Iran has a nuclear weapon, it will be in
to come to the table with the EU, as well credibly destabilizing and obviously threat
as Russia and China, to discuss a way for ening to our strong ally.
ward. But first, you must verifiably suspend And so my attitude is: Let's work in con
your enrichment activities. cert to convince the Government that it's not
Our focus of this administration is to con just the Israeli voices speaking or the United
vince the Iranians to give up its nuclear States voices speaking, but there's a lot of
weapons ambitions. And that focus is based other voices saying the exact same thing, and
upon our strong desire for there to be peace present them with a choice.
in the Middle East. And an Iran with a nu Assistant Press Secretary John
clear weapon would be a destabilizing influ Deckard. Thank you all.
ence. And so we have made it very clear, President Bush. Wait a minute. That
our position in regards Iran, and it hasn't seems a little unfair. He's got a strong answer
changed. coming—I can feel it. [Laughter]
Q. Mr. President, do you think that it's Prime Minister Olmert. She said it in
better to impose sanctions on Iran or to han Hebrew, and you can't blame him; he didn't
dle dialog with them? understand the Hebrew part of the question.
I'll answer in Hebrew for the Israeli voters.
[At this point, a reporter asked a question President Bush. Sure.
in Hebrew, and no translation was provided.]
[Prime Minister Olmert spoke in Hebrew,
President Bush. I think it's very impor and no translation was provided.]
tant for the world to unite with one common
voice to say to the Iranians that, “If you Prime Minister Olmert. And again, I
choose to continue forward, you'll be iso want to thank you, President Bush, for being
lated.” And one source of isolation would be so gracious to me and to the State of Israel.
economic isolation. In other words, there has President Bush. Yes, sir. Proud to have
to be a consequence for their intransigence. you here.
They have—we went to the United Nations; Thank you all.
we made it very clear—“we” being a lot of
the world—have made it clear that the Ira NOTE: The President spoke at 11:45 a.m. in the
nian nuclear weapons ambitions are not in Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks,
the world's interest. And therefore, if they he referred to James A. Baker III, cochair, Iraq
continue to move forward with a program, Study Group; and President Bashar al-Asad of
there has to be a consequence. And a good Syria. Prime Minister Olmert referred to Presi
dent Mahmud Ahmadi-nejad of Iran; President
place to start is working together to isolate Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian
the country. Authority; and Khaled Meshal, leader of the
And my hope is, is that there are rational Hamas terrorist organization. A reporter referred
people inside the Government that recognize to Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United King
isolation is not in their country's interest. And dom.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 14 2051

Message to the Senate Transmitting scribed in the accompanying report of the

the Geneva Act of the Hague Department of State.
Agreement Concerning the George W. Bush
International Registration of The White House,
Industrial Designs November 13, 2006.
November 13, 2006

To the Senate of the United States: Remarks Following a Meeting With

Chief Executive Officers of United
With a view to receiving the advice and States Automobile Manufacturers
consent of the Senate to ratification, I trans
November 14, 2006
mit herewith the Geneva Act of the Hague
Agreement Concerning the International The Vice President and members of my
Registration of Industrial Designs (the Cabinet, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of
“Agreement”), adopted in Geneva on July 2, Transportation, members of my staff, and I
1999, and signed by the United States on July have just had a constructive and meaningful
6, 1999. I also transmit, for the information dialog with CEOs of the U.S. automobile
of the Senate, a report of the Department manufacturers.
of State with respect to the Agreement. First, these leaders have—are making dif
ficult decisions, tough choices to make sure
This Agreement promotes the ability of that their companies are competitive in a
U.S. design owners to protect their industrial global economy. And I'm confident that
designs by allowing them to obtain multi they're making the right decisions, and that's
national design protection through a single good news for the American people because
deposit procedure. Under the Agreement, the automobile manufacturers play such a
U.S. design owners would be able to file for significant part of our economy and a vital
design registration in any number of the part of our employment base.
Contracting Parties with a single standard We've had a fascinating discussion about
ized application in English at either the U.S. a lot of major issues that we share in com
Patent and Trademark Office or at the Inter mon. One, of course, is rising health care
national Bureau of the World Intellectual costs. And I assured these leaders that the
Property Organization (WIPO). Similarly, re Government is addressing rising health care
newal of a design registration in each Con costs through a variety of initiatives that I
tracting Party may be made by filing a single think, over time, are going to make a signifi
request along with payment of the appro cant difference in not only their cost but the
priate fees at the International Bureau of cost to the U.S. taxpayer as well.
We talked about our mutual desire to re
WIPO. This Agreement should make access
to international protection of industrial de duce our dependence on foreign oil. Obvi
signs more readily available to U.S. busi ously, as these automobile manufacturers
neSSes. begin to incorporate new technologies that
will enable us to power our cars in different
In the event that the Senate provides its ways, it will make it easier for me to be able
consent to ratify the Agreement, the United to tell the American people, we're using less
States would not deposit its instrument of foreign oil. And that's in our economic inter
ratification until the necessary implementing ests as well as in our national security inter
legal structure has been established domesti eStS.
cally. And finally, they've—these gentlemen are
well aware that I'm on my way overseas this
I recommend that the Senate give early evening. And one of the issues I'll be talking
and favorable consideration to this Agree about with our partners in APEC is free
ment and give its advice and consent to its trade, but fair trade. And my message to our
ratification, subject to the declarations de trading partners is: Just treat us the way we
2052 Nov. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
treat you. Our markets are open for your for, and that is, his parents put him on a plane
products, and we expect your markets to be to come to the United States from Cuba be
open for ours, including our automobiles. cause they love freedom. That was Mel's first
And so we've found a lot in common. We'll taste for the beauty of liberty and freedom.
have a continuing dialog. It's in our interest And he worked hard, started with little, and
that in Government we find out ways that ended up being here, the United States Sen
we'll be able to work to make sure that this ator from Florida and the honorary chairman
industry is as vibrant and solid as possible. of our party. He's going to be an excellent
And so this is the beginning of a series of spokesman for the Republican Party. He'll
discussions we'll have—not only with me but be a person who'll be able to carry our mes
also with people in our Government. I really sage as we go into an important year in 2008.
do want to thank you all for coming. I appre And Duncan has been involved with grass
ciate you coming. roots politics for a long period of time. He
Thank you very much. comes from a Democrat State that is now
a Republican State because he understands
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:03 p.m. in the that you win votes by organizing and turning
Oval Office at the White House. Participating in out the vote. And of course, Jo Ann has been
the event were Alan Mulally, president and chief
executive officer, Ford Motor Co.; Thomas W. around our party for years. And she brings
LaSorda, chief executive officer and president, a lot of stability and a lot of common sense.
Chrysler Group; and Rick Wagoner, chairman and And so I do want to thank you three. I'm
chief executive officer, General Motors Corp. looking forward to working with you. I'm
looking forward to reminding the people that
we've got plans to keep the country secure
Remarks Following a Meeting With and keep our prosperity strong. And once
the New Leaders of the Republican again, I want to thank you for your service.
National Committee
NOTE: The President spoke at 3:17 p.m. in the
November 14, 2006 Oval Office at the White House. The Office of
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
I have just been meeting with the new guage transcript of these remarks. A tape was not
team that's going to run the Republican Na available for verification of the content of these
tional Committee. I am so proud my friend remarks.
Mel Martinez, Senator from Florida, is going
to be the honorary [general]" chairman. My
friend Mike Duncan from Kentucky is going Message to the Senate Transmitting
to be the chairman. And Jo Ann Davidson the Malaysia-United States Treaty on
is going to be the cochairman. Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal
I want to thank you all very much for Matters
agreeing to serve our party. I do want to say November 14, 2006
that Ken Mehlman did a whale of a job as
the chairman of the Republican Party. It's To the Senate of the United States:
been a joy working with you. I appreciate With a view to receiving the advice and
the fact that you went to neighborhoods consent of the Senate to ratification, I trans
where Republicans have never been to talk mit herewith the Treaty between the United
to people about our message of ownership States of America and Malaysia on Mutual
and hope. And I wish you all the very best. Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed
One of the things I like to tell my friends on July 28, 2006, at Kuala Lumpur. I transmit
about the Republican Party is that we're a also, for the information of the Senate, the
party that really believes in entrepreneurship report of the Department of State with re
and small businesses and good-quality edu spect to the Treaty.
cation and accountability. And Mel Martinez The Treaty is one of a series of modern
represents what I believe our party stands mutual legal assistance treaties being nego
tiated by the United States in order to
* White House correction. counter criminal activities more effectively.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 15 2053

The Treaty should enhance our ability to in efforts to conserve and maintain our natural
vestigate and prosecute a wide variety of resources. The Environmental Protection
crimes. The Treaty is self-executing. Agency is encouraging businesses, industries,
The Treaty provides for a broad range of and communities to work together to pro
cooperation in criminal matters. Under the mote recycling through the Resource Con
Treaty, the Parties agree to assist each other servation Challenge (RCC). Partnerships be
by, among other things: providing evidence tween government agencies, businesses, in
(such as testimony, documents, items, or dustries, and private organizations help us to
things) obtained voluntarily or, where nec improve practices of recycling, re-use, and
essary, by compulsion; arranging for persons, waste reduction. In addition, my Administra
including persons in custody, to travel to the tion is working with businesses through the
other country to provide evidence; serving Plug-In To eCycling Campaign to collect and
documents; executing searches and seizures; re-use computers, cell phones, and other
locating and identifying persons, items, or electronics that would otherwise become
laces; examining objects and sites; freezing solid or hazardous waste. To further reduce
and forfeiting assets or property; and identi greenhouse gas emissions and save energy,
fying or tracing º of crime. the EPA is also partnering with manufactur
I recommend that the Senate give early ers, utility companies, and construction com

and favorable consideration to the Treaty, panies through the Industrial Materials Re
and give its advice and consent to ratification. cycling effort to increase the safe re-use of
George W. Bush industrial byproducts.
Americans are united in the belief that we
The White House,
November 14, 2006. have an obligation to be good stewards of
the environment, and America Recycles Day
is an opportunity to recommit ourselves to
Proclamation 8083—America wisely managing our natural resources. By
Recycles Day, 2006 promoting responsibility and good citizen
November 14, 2006
ship, we can build a brighter future for our
children and our Nation.

By the President of the United States Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,

of America President of the United States of America,
by virtue of the authority vested in me by
A Proclamation the Constitution and laws of the United
Good stewardship of the environment is States, do hereby proclaim November 15,
a personal responsibility and an important 2006, as America Recycles Day. I call upon
public value, and on America Recycles Day, the people of the United States to observe
we highlight the many benefits of recycling. this day with appropriate programs and ac
By taking steps to reduce waste and re-use tivities.

materials, we can save precious natural re In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
sources, enhance the beauty of our commu my hand this fourteenth day of November,
nities, and add to the health and prosperity in the year of our Lord two thousand six,
of our Nation. and of the Independence of the United
Our citizens play an important role in pro States of America the two hundred and thir
tecting our environment, and throughout our ty-first.
country, we are recycling, composting, and
helping turn materials that would otherwise George W. Bush
become waste into valuable resources. Recy
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
cling helps conserve energy, prevent green 8:45 a.m., November 16, 2006]
house gas emissions and water pollutants,
and decrease the need for new landfills and
NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of.
fice of the Press Secretary on November 15, and
Recognizing the importance of recycling, it was published in the Federal Register on No
my Administration is promoting cooperative vember 17.
Nov. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Statement on the Upcoming State Letter to Congressional Leaders
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II of Certifying Exports to the People's
England and Prince Philip, Duke of Republic of China
Edinburgh November 15, 2006
November 15, 2006
Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
Laura and I welcome Her Majesty Queen In accordance with the provisions of sec
Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince tion 1512 of the National Defense Authoriza
Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, for a state tion Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (Public Law
visit in May 2007 to celebrate the 400th anni 105–261), I hereby certify that the export to
versary of the Jamestown Settlement. The the People's Republic of China of i. fol
United States and the United Kingdom enjoy lowing items are not detrimental to the U.S.
an extraordinary friendship that is sustained space launch industry and that the material
by deep historical and cultural ties and a and equipment, including any indirect tech
commitment to defend freedom around the nical benefit that could be derived from such
world. We look forward to Her Majesty's exports, will not measurably improve the mis
state visit as an occasion to celebrate these
sile or space launch capabilities of the Peo
enduring bonds. ple's Republic of China:
• 110,000 pounds of fine grain bulk
graphite to be distributed to seven com
Letter to Congressional Leaders panies in the People's Republic of
Certifying #. to the People's China for machining into industrial
Republic of China components; and
November 15, 2006 • A motorized mixer with a stainless steel
vacuum mixing tank to Dow Corning
Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) (Shanghai) Company in the People's
In accordance with the provisions of sec Republic of China.
tion 1512 of the National Defense Authoriza Sincerely,
tion Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (Public Law
105–261), I hereby certify that the export to George W. Bush
the People's Republic of China of the fol
lowing items is not detrimental to the U.S. NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis
space launch industry and that the material Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
and equipment, including any indirect tech and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate.
nical benefit that could be derived from such This letter was released by the Office of the Press
exports, will not measurably improve the mis Secretary on November 16.
sile or space launch capabilities of the Peo
ple's Republic of China:
• Twelve Honeywell model HG1138 iner Remarks Following Discussions With
tial measurement units to be incor Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of
porated into oil pipeline inspection Singapore in Singapore
equipment by the United Kingdom firm November 16, 2006
PII Group.
Sincerely, Prime Minister Lee. Well, I have just a
few words to say. I'm very happy to have
George W. Bush President Bush here and visiting Singapore
for the second time in 3 years. We've had
NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis a very good conversation on many issues. Our
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, bilateral relationship is excellent. We've had
and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. a very good time talking about it. We dis
This letter was released by the Office of the Press cussed what was happening in the region,
Secretary on November 16. what's happening in the Middle East, what's
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 16 2055

happening all over Asia, our economic mat pore for such gracious hospitality. I'm par
ters, as well as security issues, as well as ter ticularly pleased that my friend the Senior
Minister Goh and his wife are with us today.
And on many of these areas, we not only Mr. Minister, thank you for joining us.
exchanged notes but found a significant de I also had a very fine meeting with Prime
gree of matching in our views. Maybe it's Minister Lee earlier. I've come to know him
because we've exchanged views so many as a wise man. I appreciate his good counsel.
times and we know how each other think, He's a friend and a partner, and he's a strong
but I think it's also because our interests are
voice for peace and prosperity in Asia.
aligned. And Singapore is very happy that Our roots, America's roots in Singapore
America has a stake in the region and is grow are deep and enduring. I don't know if you
ing the stake in the region. And we would know this or not, but our first counsel to
like to help this to happen and to ensure that Singapore arrived in the 1830s to promote
this continues for a long time to come. American trade in this region. His wife was
So welcome, sir.
President Bush. Mr. Prime Minister, the daughter of one of America's most fa
thanks. Thank you for your hospitality, again. mous patriots, Paul Revere. She came to love
Laura and I feel very comfortable in your the city, and she came to love its people. And
to show that love, she donated a bell that
country, and we feel comfortable in your
presence. You're right; we had a wide-rang was cast by the Revere Foundry to the old
St. Andrew's Church. The Revere bell is now
ing discussion. I always benefit when I get
your advice and your counsel on the neigh in the National Museum of Singapore, and
borhood. And I think America's presence in it is a symbol of the long affection between
the Far East is very important for our own the people of our two nations.
country. And therefore, when you share your The story of Singapore is a story of people
thoughts with me, it makes it much easier who overcame challenges and transformed a
for us to conduct wise foreign policy. small port city into one of the most pros
We've got a lot in common, particularly perous nations on Earth. Many of you have
our desire to continue to promote free and parents or grandparents who remember
fair trade, because your country has shown riding ox carts, and now fly across the oceans
that open markets are capable of lifting up from one the world's most modern airports.
an entire people. And I congratulate you on Some learned four national anthems over
your leadership, congratulate the people of their lifetime—Britain's, Japan's, Malaysia's,
Singapore for really being a model for the and finally, Singapore's. Others recall Singa
neighborhood. pore's early days and the pessimists who pre
And I'm looking forward to the dinner to dicted that a small country with no natural
night that you're giving. resources was doomed to fail.
Prime Minister Lee. Thank you very By your effort and enterprise, you have
much. -

proven the pessimists wrong. And today,

Singapore has one of the most vibrant econo
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:29 p.m. at the mies in the entire world. In many ways,
Istana. A tape was not available for verification
of the content of these remarks. Singapore's transformation from a small trad
ing outpost to a confident and prosperous
leader is the story of Asia. Like Singapore,
Remarks at the National Singapore this region was mired in poverty after the
University in Singapore Second World War. Like Singapore, the re
November 16, 2006 gion had to overcome challenges that in
cluded war and occupation and colonialism.
Thank you very much. Good evening. Like Singapore, the region faced threats from
Laura and I are really pleased to be back movements that sought to destabilize govern
in Singapore, and I appreciate the chance to ments and impose their ideology on others.
come and speak to you at this fine university. And like Singapore, the region has overcome
I thank the Government, the people of Singa these challenges, and the Asia we see today
2056 Nov. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
is the fastest growing and most dynamic re The United States has long been com
gion in the world. mitted to a global trading system that is free
The United States has long recognized that and that is fair. And so is Singapore. Singa
it is in our interests to help expand hope and pore was the host of the first meeting of the
opportunity throughout Asia. And our poli World Trade Organization in 1996, where we
cies have reflected this commitment for more announced an important new agreement on
than six decades. By opening our doors to information technology goods. A decade
Asian goods, America has ensured that Asian later, America and Singapore are again close
workers and businesses and entrepreneurs partners working toward a common purpose,
would have access to the world's largest a breakthrough in the Doha negotiations.
economy. By maintaining a strong military Only an ambitious Doha agreement with real
presence in the region, America has helped market access can achieve the economic
provide stability. And with these actions, growth and development goals that this
America has helped contribute to the mod world has set, and we look to nations across
ern and confident Asia we see today—a re the Asia-Pacific region to help put these vital
gion where people's incomes and opportuni talks back on track.
ties are rising, where businesses compete in To help build momentum for more open
the global economy, and where citizens know global trade, we're also opening up markets
that a world growing in trade is a world ex with individual nations. On this side of the
panding in opportunity. Pacific, America has negotiated free trade
In this new century, America will remain agreements with Singapore and Australia,
engaged in Asia, because our interests de and we're negotiating similar agreements
pend on the expansion of freedom and op with Malaysia and South Korea. On the other
portunity in this region. In this new century, side of the Pacific, we have successful free
our trade across the Pacific is greater than trade agreements with Canada and Mexico
our trade across the Atlantic, and American and Chile, and we've concluded negotiations
businesses see a bright future in your thriving with Peru. America believes in free and fair
economies and rising middle class. trade, and we will continue to open up new
In this new century, we see threats like avenues to commerce and investment across
terrorism and proliferation and disease that this region.
have the potential to undermine our pros Tomorrow I'm going to travel to Vietnam
perity and put our futures in doubt. Amid for the annual summit of the Asia-Pacific
these challenges, we hear voices calling for Economic Cooperation Forum. APEC has a
us to retreat from the world and close our vital role to play in promoting more open
doors to its opportunities. These are the old trading. In 1994, in Bogor, Indonesia, APEC
temptations of isolationism and protec reached an historic agreement to liberalize
tionism, and America must reject them. We trade and investment throughout the region
must maintain our presence in the Pacific. by 2020, and the United States strongly sup
We must seize on our common opportuni ports this goal. Recently some APEC mem
ties. We must be willing to confront our com bers have advanced the idea of a free trade
mon threats. And we must help our partners agreement for the entire APEC region. I be
build more hopeful societies throughout this lieve this idea deserves serious consideration.
vital part of the world. The United States believes that APEC is the
Building more hopeful societies starts with premier economic forum in the region. We
opening up to the opportunities of a global believe APEC has immense potential to ex
trading system. By opening up to trade, pand free trade and opportunity across the
countries attract foreign investment they Pacific, and we will do our part to help APEC
need to provide jobs and opportunities for become a stronger organization that serves
their people. By opening up to trade, coun as an engine for economic growth and oppor
tries help attract the know-how that will en tunity throughout the region.
able them to compete in a global market The remarkable economic growth that this
place. And by opening up to trade, countries region has achieved points to a clear lesson:
build wealth and empower their citizens. The expansion of trade is the most certain
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 16 2057

path to lasting prosperity. America will con the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Devel
tinue to pursue trade at every level with indi opment and Climate, the United States is
vidual countries, across all regions, and working with Australia and China and India
through the WTO. We will work to remove and Japan and South Korea to share best
barriers to trade and investment, and by practices and deploy new energy tech
doing so, we will help reduce poverty and nologies. Last month, our partnership an
promote stability. And we will give citizens nounced nearly 100 new projects, ranging
on both sides of the Pacific a brighter future. from clean coal to renewable energy to more
Building more hopeful societies means efficient buildings. These new technologies
working together to confront the challenges are helping us to improve our energy secu
that face the entire region. Open markets and rity, and as importantly, are helping to im
the entrepreneurial spirit have set off historic prove air quality by cutting greenhouse gas
economic booms in Asia. This economic eInlSS10ns.

growth creates new opportunities, and yet Through the Global Nuclear Energy Part
we've got to recognize it creates new chal nership, America is working with other lead
lenges. We must find the energy to power ers in nuclear energy, like Russia and France
our growing economies. We must counter and Japan, to help developing nations use ci
the risk of pandemic disease. And we must vilian nuclear energy, while guarding against
bring more people into the circle of develop weapons proliferation. And through the
ment and prosperity. Meeting these chal APEC Biofuels Task Force, we're working
lenges will require the effort of every nation, with nations across the region to search for
and you can count on the commitment of new ways to replace oil with clean fuels made
the United States.
As the economies of the Asia-Pacific thrive from palm oil and sugar cane and other nat
and expand, one of our most pressing needs ural products.
will be an affordable, reliable supply of en My hope is that the investments that we
ergy. Four of the world's top five energy con make today will enable you to drive different
sumers are APEC members, and the region's kind of automobiles and to heat your homes
need for energy is going to continue to rise. and air-condition your homes using different
The answer to this challenge is familiar in sources of energy. It's in the world's interest
Asia: Harness the power of technology. To that we work together to end our addiction
from oil.
gether, we must unleash the same spirit of Keeping our economies growing also re
innovation and enterprise that sparked the
Asian economic revolution to spark a new quires protecting the health of our people.
revolution in new energy technologies. Four years ago, we saw the SARS virus inflict
America knows the importance of devel terrible damage on Asian-Pacific economies,
a virus that claimed the lives of hundreds of
oping new energy sources because we are
too dependent on a single source, and that people all across the world. Now this region
is oil. So we're investing aggressively in clean faces a new threat of avian flu, and we're
coal technology, renewable fuels like ethanol working together to address that threat. Viet
and biodiesel, and hydrogen fuel cells. Since nam was recently among the nations hardest
2001, we've spent nearly $10 billion on clean hit by avian flu. Then Vietnam's leaders start
energy technologies, and we're going to in ed to share information with the international
vest even more in the years to come. Across community, and improve monitoring and
this region, we're cooperating with friends public awareness, and take the difficult step
and allies to share our discoveries. We are of culling birds that might be infected. Viet
learning from your experiences, and we're nam's decisive actions have paid off. When
going to work together to improve new en I arrive in Hanoi for the APEC summit to
ergy technologies—it's in our mutual interest morrow, the country will have gone more
to do so. than a year without a human case of avian
This cooperation includes several key ini flu. Our strategy is beginning to work.
tiatives that hold the promise of a cleaner At our summit, leaders will reaffirm our
and more energy-efficient world. Through mutual responsibilities to report new avian
2058 Nov. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
flu cases, to contain the spread of animal out
sions with Peru. And tomorrow we will sign
breaks, and to follow wise preparedness an agreement with Indonesia. By providing
plans. We've taken the important steps to governments that are committed to reform
stop the spread of avian flu, but we must vital aid, we will help bring this region closer
continue to increase cooperation to ensure to a day when the benefits of economic
that if the pandemic ever does break out, growth and |. reach every citizen.
the world will be ready to deal with it. America has a clear approach to the chal
America has committed over $15 billion lenges of the Asia-Pacific region. We believe
to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS across the that alleviating poverty and fighting disease
world. Today, Vietnam has an estimated and harnessing the benefits of technology re
280,000 citizens who suffer from this deadly quire partnership, not paternalism. And the
virus, and many more who are in danger of United States makes this pledge: Every na
becoming infected. Through our emergency tion that works to advance prosperity, health,
plan for AIDS relief, we're working with and opportunity for all its people will find
Vietnam to do something about it. We've a ready partner in the United States.
launched an ambitious 5-year program to Building more hopeful societies depends
help Vietnam meet three clear goals: to sup on a foundation of security. At the start of
port treatment for 22,000 people; to support this young century, the nations of the Asia
care for 110,000 people; and to support test Pacific region face a profound challenge: The
ing and prevention for 660,000 people. same technology and global openness that
Since 2004, we've provided more than have transformed our lives also threaten our
$138 million for this plan. We've helped lives. The same innovations that make it easi
bring relief to * of Vietnamese. It er to build cars and computers make it easier
is in our interest to help defeat the spread to build weapons of mass destruction. The
of HIV/AIDS. This is a global challenge that same advances in international transportation
grows daily and must be confronted directly. and finance that allow a manufacturer in
And I look forward to working with our Asian Singapore to sell electronics to a store in San
partners to do our duty to defeat this disease. Francisco would also allow a proliferating re
Our partners also know they can count on gime in the Far East to sell §º tech
the United States when a disaster strikes sud nologies to a terrorist organization in the
denly. After the tsunami struck in 2004, we Middle East.
quickly dispatched military assistance and The danger is unmistakable. In an age of
humanitarian relief to save lives and help unprecedented technological advances, irre
devastated communities rebuild. By coming sponsible behavior by a few can have cata
to the aid of people in dire need, America strophic consequences for the entire world.
showed the good heart of our citizens and The people of this region understand the
the depth of our friendship in this region. threat that the world faces because they have
Our commitments extend far ...' re been the targets of terrorist violence. The
sponding to disaster, and they must if we ex terrorists have attacked a nightclub in Bali,
pect this world to be peaceful and pros a hotel in Jakarta, a ferry packed with pas
perous. We're helping countries like the Phil sengers in Manila Bay, a school full of chil
ippines and Indonesia to provide their chil dren in Russia, Australia's Embassy in Indo
ren an education that prepares them to suc nesia, and other targets.
ceed in the global economy. My administra The killers who committed these acts of
tion started a new and bold foreign policy— terror are more than criminals; they are fol
foreign aid initiative called the Millennium lowers of a clear and focused ideology that
Challenge Account. The United States will hates freedom and rejects tolerance and de
provide financial assistance to developing na spises all dissent. Their stated goal is to estab
tions that govern justly—in other words, fight lish a totalitarian Islamic empire stretching
corruption—that invest in their people and from Europe to Southeast Asia. The greatest
enforce the rule of law. We've signed a Mil danger in our world today is that these terror
lennium Challenge threshold agreement with ists could get their hands on weapons of mass
the Philippines. We will soon begin discus destruction and use them to blackmail free
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 16 2059

nations or to kill on an unimaginable scale. takes place largely through bilateral defense
This threat poses a risk to our entire civiliza relations.
tion, and all our nations must work together America places the highest value on these
to defeat it.
partnerships. We're committed to strength
In this region, the most immediate threat ening our existing partnerships and to build
of proliferation comes from North Korea. ing new ones. With Japan, we continue to
America's position is clear: The transfer of work closely to field a missile defense system
nuclear weapons or materiel by North Korea to protect both our countries and others in
to states or non-state entities would be con
the region from rogue regimes threatening
sidered a grave threat to the United States, blackmail and/or destruction. With South
and we would hold North Korea fully ac Korea, we have upgraded our deterrent capa
countable for the consequences of such ac bilities, while reducing our footprint and
tion. For the sake of peace, it is vital that repositioning U.S. troops stationed in the
the nations of this region send a message to country. With Australia, we're working to im
North Korea that the proliferation of nuclear prove joint training of our forces and increase
technology to hostile regimes or terrorist net cooperation in areas such as intelligence and
works will not be tolerated.
missile defense research. With the Phil
After North Korea's recent nuclear test,
ippines, we're working to improve the capa
the United Nations Security Council passed bilities of the nation's armed forces to fight
a unanimous resolution making it clear that terrorism and other threats. With India, we
the regime's pursuit of nuclear weapons is signed an historic agreement to expand de
unacceptable. The resolution imposes sanc fense cooperation, increase joint exercises,
tions on North Korea's regime, and America and improve intelligence sharing. With Viet
will work with our partners to enforce those
sanctions. We'll also continue working with nam, our Navy has made four port calls over
Japan and China and South Korea and Russia the past 3 years, the first visits by U.S. mili
through the six-party talks. Our nations are tary ships since the Vietnam war. And with
speaking with one voice: The only way for Singapore, we signed a new strategic frame
North Korea to move forward, for the good work agreement that provides for joint mili
of their people, is to abandon its nuclear tary exercises and cooperation in military re
weapons programs and rejoin the inter search and development.
national community. By building new defense relationships and
North Korea recently took an encouraging strengthening existing alliances, we are en
step when it agreed to come back to the table suring that the forces of freedom and mod
and restart the six-party talks. The United eration in this region can defend themselves
States wants these talks to be successful, and against the forces of terror and extremism.
In addition to these bilateral defense rela
we will do our part. If North Korea chooses
a peaceful path, America and our partners tionships, America welcomes the growing
in the six-party talks are prepared to provide multilateral security cooperation in this re
security assurances, economic assistance, and gion. Today, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,
other benefits to the North Korean people. and Indonesia are coordinating patrols in the
Ultimately, the success of these talks de Strait of Malaka and working to combat ter
pends on the regime in North Korea. rorism, piracy, and human trafficking.
Pyongyang must show it's serious—show it Through the Proliferation Security Initiative,
is serious by taking concrete steps to imple 80 countries are cooperating to stop the
ment its agreement to give up its nuclear spread of weapons of mass destruction and
weapons and weapons programs. related materiel through air, land, and sea.
As we work for a Korean Peninsula free APEC members know that advancing trade
of nuclear weapons, we're also strengthening and opportunity throughout the Pacific re
defense cooperation in the Asia-Pacific re quires safe travel and transport, so we will
gion. Unlike Europe, where our security co continue to work together to improve the se
operation takes place through the NATO Al curity of our ports and airports and transpor
liance, America's security cooperation in Asia tation routes.
206() Nov. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
With all these efforts, the nations of this and peaceful and prosperous future for our
region are answering the threats of the 21st children and our grandchildren.
century. And in doing so, we are laying the I appreciate your hospitality. Thank you
foundation of security and peace for genera for letting me come by and share some
tions to come. In the long run, the surest thoughts with you. May God bless the people
path to security is the expansion of liberty of Singapore.
and freedom. History shows that free soci
eties are peaceful societies. Democracies do NOTE: The President spoke at 6:04 p.m. in the
not attack each other. Governments account
University Cultural Centre Theatre. In his re
able to voters focus on building roads and marks, he referred to Senior Minister Goh Chok
schools, not weapons of mass destruction. Tong of Singapore, and his wife, Tan Choo Leng.
Young people who have a say in their future and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singa
are less likely to search for meaning in extre pore.
mism. And nations that commit to freedom
for their people don't support terrorists and
extremists but, in fact, will join together to Remarks at a Dinner Hosted by
defeat them. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of
America is committed to advancing free Singapore in Singapore
dom and democracy as the great alternatives November 16, 2006
to repression and radicalism. We will take
the side of democratic leaders and reformers. President Bush. Thank you all. Mr. Prime
We will support the voices of tolerance and Minister and Ms. Lee, thank you very much
moderation across the world. We will stand for your gracious hospitality. Laura and I are
with the mothers and fathers in every culture thrilled to be back here. I'm always amazed
who want to see their children grow up in when I think about Singapore, a country that
a caring and peaceful society. wasn't supposed to be; a part of the world
We recognize that every democracy will where people basically said, “There's no
reflect the unique culture and history of its chance for the good folks to survive and
people. Yet we recognize that there are uni thrive.” I’m amazed at your successes, and
versal freedoms, that there are God-given I appreciate the values on which your suc
rights for every man, woman, and child on CeSSes rest.

the face of this Earth. The people of Asia I congratulate the people of Singapore for
have faith in the power of freedom because being such a vivid example of enterprise and
you've seen freedom transform nations across markets and hard work. I congratulate the
your continent, Government for being visionary in its leader
At the beginning of World War II, this side ship. And I am thrilled that you allowed me
of the Pacific had only two democracies: Aus to give a speech at one of your fine univer
tralia and New Zealand. Today, millions of sities, talking about the importance of the Far
Asians live in freedom. Freedom has un East to the future of the United States.
leashed the creative talents of people I thank you very much for serving that
throughout Asia. Freedom has helped pros meat. [Laughter. It was so good, it had to
perity sweep across the region. be from Texas. [Laughter]
lm all that lies ahead, the people of this The Prime Minister and I have had a lot
region will have a partner in the American of discussions about a variety of issues, and
Government and a friend in the American I shared with them one of my chief concerns,
people. Together the people of America and that our country would become—could pos
Asia have endured dark and uncertain hours. sibly become isolationist and protectionist. In
Together we've seen modem nations rise my speech today to the university, Mr. Prime
from the rubble of war and launch dynamic Minister. I assured the listeners that it is in
economies that are the envy of the world. our interest to remain engaged in the world
Together we will confront the challenges of It's in our economic interests and it's in our
the new century and build a more hopeful national interests that the United States work
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 17 2061

with strong friends and allies such as Singa young people to realize the bright future
pore to spread prosperity and hope and to America offers each child.
work to lay the foundations for peace. My Administration is committed to ensur
Mr. Prime Minister, I appreciate your ing that our children grow up in loving, stable
clear vision of the threats that we face. I ap homes. Earlier this year, I signed legislation
preciate the fact that you see the ideological that creates new grants for faith-based and
struggle before us. I cannot think of a more community organizations to support healthy
steadfast leader in you, and your willingness marriages and responsible fatherhood. By re
to make the hard steps necessary to deal with ducing the marriage penalty and doubling
this challenge today so that our children the child tax credit, we have also provided
won't have to deal with it in more severe important tax relief that helps parents to sup
terms tomorrow. port and provide for their families.
I'm proud to call you friend. Laura and During National Family Week and
I are proud to be in your presence. May God throughout the year, we also extend our ap
bless you and your important country. preciation and support to our courageous
Prime Minister Lee. Thank you very military families, who have borne the hard
much. ships of war with dignity and devotion. Our
Nation has remained strong and free because
NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 8:26 the brave men and women of our Armed
p.m. at the Istana. In his remarks, he referred Forces defend this country and our beliefs.
to Ho Ching, wife of Prime Minister Lee. The By supporting their loved ones in uniform,
transcript released by the Office of the Press Sec
retary also included the remarks of Prime Minister our military families are also serving our
Lee. A tape was not available for verification of country, and America is grateful for their
the content of these remarks. service and sacrifice.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
Proclamation 8084—National Family by virtue of the authority vested in me by
Week, 2006 the Constitution and laws of the United

November 16, 2006 States, do hereby proclaim November 19

through November 25, 2006, as National
By the President of the United States Family Week. I invite the States, commu
of America nities, and all the people of the United States
to join together in observing this week with
A Proclamation appropriate ceremonies and activities to
honor our Nation's families.
Families are indispensable to a stable and
free society. They pass along the traditions In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
and principles that help make America com my hand this sixteenth day of November, in
passionate, decent, and hopeful. During Na the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
tional Family Week, we honor our families of the Independence of the United States of
and recognize their contributions to keeping America the two hundred and thirty-first.
our country strong.
George W. Bush
Today's fast-changing world needs the an
chor of values and virtues that families can
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
provide. Strong families instill responsibility 8:45 a.m., November 20, 2006]
and character in our children and teach them
the ideals that make us a great Nation. NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of
Through their love and sacrifice, America's fice of the Press Secretary on November 17, and
parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, it will be published in the Federal Register on
and other family members help prepare our November 21.
2062 Nov. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Proclamation 8085—Thanksgiving Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,

Day, 2006 President of the United States of America,
November 16, 2006 by virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and laws of the United
By the President of the United States States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, No
of America vember 23, 2006, as a National Day of
A Proclamation
Thanksgiving. I encourage all Americans to
gather together in their homes and places of
As Americans gather with family and worship with family, friends, and loved ones
friends to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, we to reinforce the ties that bind us and give
give thanks for the many ways that our Na thanks for the freedoms and many blessings
tion and our people have been blessed. we enjoy.
The Thanksgiving tradition dates back to In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
the earliest days of our society, celebrated my hand this sixteenth day of November, in
in decisive moments in our history and in the year of our Lord two thousand six, and
quiet times around family tables. Nearly four of the Independence of the United States of
centuries have passed since early settlers America the two hundred and thirty-first.
gave thanks for their safe arrival and pilgrims George W. Bush
enjoyed a harvest feast to thank God for al
lowing them to survive a harsh winter in the [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
New World. General George Washington ob 8:45 a.m., November 20, 2006]
served Thanksgiving during the Revolu NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of.
tionary War, and in his first proclamation fice of the Press Secretary on November 17, and
after becoming President, he !. No it will be published in the Federal Register on
vember 26, 1789, a national day of “thanks November 21.
giving and prayer.” During the Civil War,
President Abraham Lincoln revived the tra
dition of proclaiming a day of thanksgiving, Remarks Following Discussions With
reminding a divided Nation of its founding Prime Minister John Howard of
ideals. Australia and an Exchange With
At this time of great promise for America, Reporters in Hanoi, Vietnam
we are grateful for the freedoms guaranteed November 17, 2006
by our Constitution and defended by our
Armed Forces throughout the generations. President Bush. I just had an enjoyable
Today, many of these courageous men and lunch with my friend John Howard. We
women are securing our peace in places far talked about a variety of subjects. I talked
from home, and we pay tribute to them and to John about Iraq. I appreciate the Aus
to their families for their service, sacrifice, tralian contributions to helping this young
and strength. We also honor the families of democracy succeed. There's a lot of ques
the fallen and lift them up in our prayers. tions, I know, in the press around the world
Our citizens are privileged to live in the about our troop posture and about the atti
world's freest country, where the hope of the tudes of our Government. I assured John that
American dream is within the reach of every we will get the job done. We will continue
person. Americans share a desire to answer to help i. Maliki Government meet the as
the universal call to serve something greater pirations of the Iraqi people.
than ourselves, and we see this spirit every And that—I'm sure there's some questions
day in the millions of volunteers throughout by the Australian press about what the elec
our country who bring hope and healing to tions mean. The elections mean that the
those in need. On this Thanksgiving Day, and American people want to know whether or
throughout the year, let us show our grati not we have a plan for success, and that—
tude for the blessings of freedom, family, and and I assured John that any repositioning of
faith, and may God continue to bless Amer troops, if that's what we choose to do, will
be done in close consultation with John and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 17 2063

his Government. But I also assured him that coming Switkowski report that is going to
we're not leaving until this job is done, until deal with the whole question of nuclear
Iraq can govern, sustain, and defend itself. power in the overall equation.
We talked about the climate. John has got President Bush. We'll answer a couple of
some very strong ideas about the use of tech questions. Jennifer [Jennifer Loven, Associ
nologies to enable countries like our own and ated Press].
the rest of the world to be able to grow and,
at the same time, protect the environment. Vietnam-U.S. Relations
And I appreciated his views. And I share
those views. I assured him that we will con Q. Thank you, sir. What does it mean to
tinue to spend research dollars to develop you personally and what do you think it
technologies such as clean coal technologies, means to other Americans who experienced
something that Australia is interested in, or some of the turbulence of the Vietnam war
the use ºethanol, for example, to power our that you're here now, talking cooperation and
automobiles, or money spent to develop hy peace with a former enemy?
drogen fuel cells, all aimed at changing our President Bush. You know, Laura and I
energy habits and, at the same time, pro were talking about—we were talking about
tecting the environment. how amazing it is we're here in Vietnam. And
We talked about the neighborhood that
Australia is in. I always admire John's stra one of the most poignant moments of the
tegic vision of the world. I really appreciate drive in was passing the lake where John
the chance to have lunch with you. McCain got pulled out of the lake. And he's
a friend of ours; he suffered a lot as a result
Prime Minister Howard. Well, thank you
very much, George. We did cover all of those of his imprisonment, and yet we passed the
subjects, and we spent a lot of time, naturally, place where he was, literally, saved, in one
talking about Iraq. Our views are very similar. way, by the people pulling him out.
It's not easy, but we hold to the view, and I guess my first reaction is, history has a
I've said it back in Australia, and I'd repeat long march to it and that societies change
it here today, that the idea of the coalition and relationships can constantly be altered
leaving in circumstances where the Iraqi peo to the good. And I'm looking forward to my
ple were not soon to be able to look after meetings with the President and the Prime
themselves and to enjoy the democracy they Minister here shortly. I found it really inter
want would be a catastrophic defeat for our esting, for example, that the Prime Minister's
cause, not only in the Middle East, but it children were educated in the United States.
would embolden terrorists in that region. The Prime Minister of Vietnam who, as I
And it would embolden terrorism in coun
understand it, was part of the Viet Cong,
tries like Indonesia.
sends his children to our country to get edu
Our discussions about climate change cated, and one of his children ended up
were very valuable. Our thinking is similar. marrying a Vietnamese American. And it
We don't believe that Kyoto is the answer. shows how hopeful the world can be and how
Both our countries are committed to dealing people can reconcile and move beyond past
with the growth of greenhouse gasses. We difficulties for the common good.
can have debate about the severity of the
problem, but there's really no debate about Vietnam is an exciting place. It's a place
the desirability of responding to it, provided with an enormous future, and they obviously
we do it in a way that maintains economic have got to work through difficulties like reli
growth in our societies and the world. gious freedom, for example, but neverthe
And we certainly have a similarity of com less, there's certainly a new hopefulness to
mitment to doing things in the area of tech this country. And so I'm—thought a lot about
nology. And I indicated to the President that what it was like, what my impressions of Viet
Australia is looking very seriously at the place nam were growing up, and here I am in this
of nuclear power in our own response. And country today, and I guess my answer is, it's
the Australian media will be aware of the up very hopeful.
2064 Nov. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Democracy Efforts in Iraq President Bush. Where was that report?

Q. Are there lessons here for the debate Q. In the Guardian newspaper.
over Iraq.”
President Bush. I think one thing—yes, President Bush. Guardian newspaper?
I mean, one lesson is, is that we tend to want Well, I don't read that paper often. But I–
there to be instant success in the world, and look, I'm going to listen to our commanders,
the task in Iraq is going to take awhile. But Steve. Ours is a condition-based strategy, and
I would make it beyond just Iraq. I think Pete Pace is conducting a thorough study—
the great struggle we're going to have is be he's the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. John
tween radicals and extremists versus people Abizaid has got some ideas, and the Baker
who want to live in peace, and that Iraq is Hamilton Commission is looking. I want to
a part of the struggle. And it's just going to hear from Democrats on Capitol Hill what
take a long period of time to-for the ide their views may be. I want to hear from my
ology that is hopeful, and that is an ideology fellow Republicans on Capitol Hill. And then
of freedom, to overcome an ideology of hate. I'll make up my mind. So I'm not aware of
Yet, the world that we live in today is one the Guardian article.
where they want things to happen imme
diately. North Korea
And it's hard work in Iraq. That's why I'm
so proud to have a partner like John Howard Q. Are you getting sufficient cooperation
who understands it's difficult to get the job from South Korea on North Korea? And will
done. We'll succeed unless we quit. The this be something you talk to them about to
Maliki Government is going to make it unless morrow?
the coalition leaves before they have a chance
to make it. And that's why I assured the President Bush. Oh, absolutely. I'll re
Prime Minister we'll get the job done.
Do you want to ask somebody? Q. they're not following through on
the sanctions as hard as they could have.
Australia-U.S. Cooperation on Iraq President Bush. I'll, of course, talk to the
Q. Mr. President, did the Prime Minister South Korean President about implementing
raise any new ideas on Iraq during your talks? the United Nations Security Council resolu
Can you tell us what they are, and will you tion. I'll talk to Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao,
be taking them up? and Prime Minister Abe as well. I'm meeting
President Bush. The Prime Minister's
with all our partners in the six-party talks.
main concern was that we consult closely to
gether. And I assured him that's going to be The APEC is an important summit; it's an
the case. That's the way it has been through important opportunity to talk about the im
out this war on terror. We value Australia's portance of free trade. But it's also important
commitments; I value John Howard's advice. to give us a chance to talk about other
And when our deliberations are complete— issues—and a key issue that John and I, by
and as you may or may not know, we've got the way, talked about—is going to be North
Korea. We have a chance to solve this issue
a lot of people looking at different tactical
adjustments—once I make up my mind what peacefully and diplomatically. It's important
those will be, I'll share it with him right off for the world to see that the Security Council
the bat. resolutions which were passed are imple
Let's see here—yes, Steve [Steve Holland, mented. So part of my discussions will be
Reuters]. how we fully implement those sanctions that
the world has asked for, but also it's a chance
U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq to set the conditions right so that the six
Q. You mentioned troop postures in Iraq. party talks will succeed. North Korea, as you
There's a report that you may want to send know, has decided to come back to the table,
30,000 additional troops to Iraq. Is that and it gives us a chance to solve this problem
something peacefully.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 17 2065

Military Tribunals Remarks Following Discussions With

President Nguyen Minh Triet of
Q. Mr. President, did you discuss the issue Vietnam
of David Hicks at all with the Prime Min in Hanoi

ister? And when do you think he might come November 17, 2006
to trial?

President Bush. Yes, we did. The Prime

Mr. President, thank you very much for
your hospitality. Laura and I have been
Minister brought it up. He was pleased that struck by the friendliness of the people of
I was able to sign the military tribunal bill— Vietnam. In our drive through this beautiful
in other words, a way forward for somebody city, we were pleased to see thousands of
like Hicks to be able to get a day in court. your citizens with smiles on their faces. And
And he was asking me, do I have a timetable we're so grateful.
in mind as to when Hicks's trial will be com
I've been reading and studying about your
ing forth? I told him I didn't, although we country, and I have seen now firsthand the
hope that Hicks is one of the early people great vibrancy and the excitement that's tak
that will have a day in court. ing place in Vietnam. You're like a young
Interestingly enough, as I understand, tiger, and I look forward to continuing to
Hicks has lawyers that may be trying to ap work to make sure our bilateral relations are
peal certain aspects of the law we passed. close. And thank you for hosting APEC. And
If that's the case, he's having his day in court thank you for hosting a dinner for us tonight.
in an interesting way. But I believe Hicks We're really looking forward to it.
deserves a trial and is going to get it.
Thank you all very much. NOTE: The President spoke at 2:35 p.m. at the
Presidential Palace. A tape was not available for
Prime Minister Howard. Thank you. verification of the content of these remarks.

Q. One more, do you feel generous, one

Joint Statement by the Socialist
President Bush. No, I'm not generous. Republic of Vietnam and the United
It's also hot out here, Gregory [David Greg States of America
ory, NBC News]. We're in the sun; you're
not. [Laughter November 17, 2006
Q. I don't see you sweat. President Nguyen Minh Triet of the So
President Bush. That's the problem; you cialist Republic of Vietnam was pleased to
might see me sweat. welcome United States President George W.
Bush to Vietnam. Looking back on the June
2005 Joint Statement by President Bush and
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:17 p.m. at the then Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, both
Sheraton Hanoi. In his remarks, he referred to leaders expressed satisfaction at the progress
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq; President the bilateral relationship has made, resulting
Nguyen Minh Triet and Prime Minister Nguyen in a U.S.-Vietnam relationship today that is
Tan Dung of Vietnam; Gen. John P. Abizaid, USA, multi-faceted and forward looking. It encom
combatant commander, U.S. Central Command;
passes significant and growing trade and eco
President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea; Presi
dent Vladimir Putin of Russia; President Hu Jintao
nomic ties, an emerging military-to-military
of China; Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan; relationship, successful cooperation on
and Australian citizen David M. Hicks, a detainee health and development issues, growing cul
at the U.S. Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay, tural and educational links, a commitment to
Cuba. A tape was not available for verification of resolving remaining issues stemming from
the content of these remarks. the war, a shared interest in ensuring peace,
2066 Nov. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific re The two leaders pledged to increase co
gion, and frank and candid discussion of dif
ferences. The two sides reaffirmed their ef
º to halt the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction and related technology
forts to ensure that bilateral relations are sta and materials in accordance with inter
ble, constructive, broad-based, and con national and national laws and each country's
ducted on the basis of sovereign equality and capacities. They also pointed to the agree
mutual benefit. ment on nuclear ſº at the
President Triet and President Bush ap Dalat Research Reactor, and the signing of
plauded the historic milestone of Vietnam's a Memorandum of Understanding between
accession to the World Trade Organization the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
and President Bush reiterated his firm sup Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security, as ex
port for the earliest possible Congressional amples of the diverse ways in which the two
approval of Permanent Normal Trade Rela countries are working together to protect the
tions. President Triet confirmed that Viet safety and security of their peoples and oth
nam would fully uphold the rules-based trad ers in the region.
ing system embedded in the WTO and join The two leaders looked especially to co
other members in their efforts to create a operation on the health front as an example
level playing field based on fairness, open of the tangible benefits of the United States
ness, and transparency. He welcomed Presi and Vietnam working closely together. Presi
dent Bush's assurances that the United States dent Bush praised Vietnam's timely, effec
would maintain open access to the U.S. mar tive, and transparent response to avian influ
ket and support Vietnam's process of integra enza in the country, which has prevented any
tion with the world economy. The two lead further human outbreaks in Vietnam since
ers anticipated an even greater amount of bi October 2005. He noted that Vietnam's ef
lateral trade and investment, benefiting the forts were a model for the region, and
people of both nations. President Bush also pledged continued U.S. support in respond
welcomed the Vietnamese leadership's de ing to the threat of avian influenza. As Viet
termination to accelerate the course of doi nam is one of the focus countries for Presi
moi reforms, build the rule of law, and com dent Bush's PEPFAR initiative on HIV/
bat corruption, and held that such efforts are AIDS, the United States and Vietnam have
important for Vietnam's economic vitality also worked closely together to combat the
and favorable business and investment cli scourge of this disease. The two leaders
mate. The two Presidents also looked for agreed to further strengthen the present
ward to the signing of a Maritime Transport positive cooperation. President Triet praised
Agreement at an early date to further accel the work of the STAR initiative in Vietnam
erate growth in our vibrant economic rela and the extension of this activity. President
tionship. Triet also expressed appreciation for the U.S.
President Bush and President Triet dis Government's increasing development assist
cussed the growing cooperation between the ance to Vietnam and urged the U.S. side to
United States and Vietnam to address re increase humanitarian assistance including
gional and global concerns. President Bush through cooperation on areas such as
welcomed Vietnam's active engagement in unexploded ordinance and continued assist
international affairs aimed at maintaining ance to Vietnamese with disabilities. The
peace, cooperation and development in the United States and Vietnam also agreed that
Asia-Pacific region and the world, and noted further joint efforts to address the environ
his appreciation of Vietnam's support for a mental contamination near former dioxin
denuclearized Korean Peninsula and the storage sites would make a valuable contribu
consensus views of the UNSC as expressed tion to the continued development of their
in UNSCR 1718. President Triet welcomed bilateral relationship.
the reconvening of the Six Party Talks and President Bush explained the National Se
expressed the hope that a peaceful solution curity Strategy of the United States, which
for the denuclearization of the Korean Penin stresses the importance to world peace and
sula would be reached. stability of the development in every country
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 17 2067

of full respect for human rights and funda Statement on Senate Passage of the
mental freedoms. President Triet apprised United States-India Nuclear
President Bush of recently promulgated laws Cooperation Bill
and regulations on religious freedom that are November 17, 2006
to be implemented in all localities of Viet
nam. The two leaders also noted the impor The United States and India enjoy a stra
tance of continuing to make progress in the tegic partnership based upon common val
bilateral human rights dialogue and re ues. Today the Senate has acted to further
affirmed that it should be conducted in a strengthen this relationship by passing legis
comprehensive, constructive and results-ori lation that will deliver energy, nonprolifera
ented manner. tion, and trade benefits to the citizens of two
great democracies.
The two leaders expressed satisfaction with The U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Cooperation
progress on resolving outstanding issues from agreement will bring India into the inter
the war and agreed that the two sides would national nuclear nonproliferation mainstream
continue cooperation in this respect. Presi and will increase the transparency of India's
dent Triet reaffirmed his Government's con entire civilian nuclear program. As India's
tinued efforts to assist the United States to economy continues to grow, this partnership
ensure the fullest possible accounting for will help India meet its energy needs without
Americans who remain missing in action, increasing air pollution and greenhouse gas
through both joint and enhanced unilateral emissions. It will also help reduce India's de
actions. President Bush reaffirmed U.S. con pendence upon imported fossil fuels. By in
tributions to help obtain information on Viet creasing India's demand for civil nuclear
namese MIA cases. technology, fuel, and support services, this
historic agreement creates new business op
Presidents Triet and Bush discussed co portunities for American companies and en
operation in regional affairs, and President hances our trade relationship.
Bush praised Vietnam's hosting of APEC this I appreciate the Senate's leadership on this
year as a demonstration of Vietnam's active important legislation and look forward to
and important role in promoting trade and signing this bill into law soon.
economic liberalization and strengthening
NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 5682,
security in the region. President Triet noted
the robust engagement by the United States which was passed with amendments by the Senate
on November 16.
with ASEAN, and looked towards increasing
that cooperation through the U.S.-ASEAN
Enhanced Partnership. The two leaders Statement on the Death of Milton
pledged continued efforts to seek mutual un Friedman
derstanding on issues of regional and global November 17, 2006

America has lost one of its greatest citi

The two leaders noted the importance of zens. Milton Friedman was a revolutionary
high-level visits between the two countries thinker and extraordinary economist whose
to the development of Vietnam-U.S. relations work helped advance human dignity and
in the future. President Bush invited Presi human freedom.
dent Triet to visit the United States in 2007 A champion of limited government and
to continue these discussions; President Triet personal freedom, Friedman proposed bold
thanked President Bush and accepted the in ideas about school choice, tax reductions, and
vitation with pleasure. an all-volunteer army that serve as the foun
dation of many of America's most successful
Government reforms. His work dem
NOTE: An original was not available for onstrated that free markets are the great en
verification of the content of this joint statement. gines of economic development. His writings
2068 Nov. 17 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
laid the groundwork that transformed many my visit, they have the friendship of the
of the world's central banks, helping deliver American people.
economic stability and improved living stand And so, Mr. President, I would like to pro
ards in countries around the world. pose a toast to you and Madam Chi and to
Milton Friedman, a recipient of the Nobel the fine people of Vietnam.
Prize, will be remembered as one of the most
influential economists in history. The Nation NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 7:15
is grateful for his profound contributions. p.m. at the International Convention Center. In
his remarks, he referred to Tran Thi Kim Chi,
Our thoughts and prayers are with the wife of President Triet. A tape was not available
Friedman family. for verification of the content of these remarks.

Remarks at a State Banquet Hosted

by President Nguyen Minh Triet of
Vietnam in Hanoi
Digest of Other
White House Announcements
November 17, 2006
Mr. President and Madam Chi, the reason
I’m smiling is because I'm really happy to The following list includes the President's public
schedule and other items of general interest an
be here, and so is Laura. And we thank you nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
for your warm hospitality. First, I want to not included elsewhere in this issue.
congratulate you for your success on hosting
APEC. I’m confident our fellow leaders will
have the same sense of gratitude and respect November 10
that we feel from the Vietnamese people. In the morning, the President had a tele
Vietnam is a remarkable country. For dec phone conversation with President Alvaro
ades you had been torn apart by war. Today, Uribe Velez of Colombia. He then had an
the Vietnamese people are at peace and see intelligence briefing.
ing the benefits of reform. The Vietnamese In the afternoon, the President traveled to
own their own businesses, and today, the Vi Quantico, VA. Later, he met with Dan and
etnamese economy is the fastest growing in Deb Dunham, whose son, Corp. Jason
Southeast Asia. Vietnamese students have Dunham, USMC, was killed in Iraq and post
great opportunities here at home and abroad. humously awarded the Medal of Honor. He
The Vietnamese people are traveling around then returned to Washington, DC.
the world and sharing this ancient culture
with peoples of the world. And the United November II
States, as well as other APEC partners, look In the morning, the President had an intel
forward to strengthening our ties. ligence briefing. Later, he and Mrs. Bush
The American people welcome the traveled to Arlington, VA, where they partici
progress of Vietnam. And we want to con pated in a Veterans Day wreath-laying cere
tinue to work together to better our relations. mony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Ar
We will work with you to help combat avian lington National Cemetery.
flu and HIV/AIDS. We have signed agree In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
ments to protect religious freedom. We Bush returned to Washington, DC.
strongly support Vietnam in the World Trade During the day, the President and Mrs.
Organization. Bush hosted a reception for members of the
Vietnam is a country that's taking its right 555th Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion who
ful place as a strong and vibrant nation. Mr. served during World War II.
President, your leadership is helping your November 13
country succeed. I can see it as I drive on
the streets; the people of your country have In the morning, the President had a tele
hope. And I hope they know, as a result of phone conversation with President Pervez
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2069

Musharraf of Pakistan. He then had an intel ister Lee Hsien Loong and his wife, Ho
ligence briefing. Later, in the Roosevelt Ching. Later, they returned to the Shangri
Room, he met with members of the Iraq La Hotel.
Study Group.
In the afternoon, the President had a November 17
working lunch with Prime Minister Ehud In the morning, the President had an intel
Olmert of Israel. Later, he hosted a reception ligence briefing. He and Mrs. Bush then trav
for newly elected Members of Congress. eled to Hanoi, Vietnam, where, upon arrival,
The President announced his intention to they went to the Sheraton Hanoi.
nominate Mark Everett Keenum to be In the afternoon, the President had lunch
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and with Prime Minister John Howard of Aus
Foreign Agricultural Services and to be a tralia. Later, at the Presidential Palace, he
member of the Board of Directors of the and Mrs. Bush participated in an arrival cere
Commodity Credit Corporation. mony and official photograph with President
The President announced his intention to Nguyen Minh Triet of Vietnam and his wife,
nominate Ellen C. Williams to be a Governor Mrs. Chi.
of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal Later in the afternoon, the President and
Service. Mrs. Bush paid a courtesy call on President
Triet and Mrs. Chi. The President then had
November 14
separate meetings with President Triet and
In the morning, the President had an intel Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung of Viet
ligence briefing. nam. Then, at the Communist Party Head
In the evening, the President and Mrs. quarters, he met with General Secretary
Bush traveled to Moscow, Russia, arriving Nong Duc Manh of the Communist Party
the following day. of Vietnam.
November 15 Later in the afternoon, the President re
turned to the Sheraton Hanoi.
In the morning, aboard Air Force One, the In the evening, at the International Con
President had an intelligence briefing. vention Center, the President and Mrs. Bush
In the afternoon, upon arrival at the participated in a state banquet. They then
Vnukovo II International Airport in Moscow, returned to the Sheraton Hanoi.
the President and Mrs. Bush met with Presi
dent Vladimir Putin of Russia and his wife,
Later in the afternoon, the President and
Mrs. Bush traveled to Singapore, arriving the Nominations
following day. Submitted to the Senate
November 16
In the morning, upon arrival in Singapore, The following list does not include promotions of
the President and Mrs. Bush went to the members of the Uniformed Services, nominations
to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
Shangri-La Hotel. Later, he had an intel
eign Service officers.
ligence briefing.
Later in the morning, the President and
Mrs. Bush visited the the Asian Civilisations Submitted November 13
Museum. Then, at the Shangri-La Hotel,
they greeted U.S. Embassy personnel and Katherine Almquist,
their families. of Virginia, to be an Assistant Administrator
In the afternoon, the President went to the of the U.S. Agency for International Devel
Istana where he met with Acting President opment, vice Lloyd O. Pierson, resigned.
J.Y. Pillay of Singapore. Later, he and Mrs.
Bush returned to the Shangri-La Hotel. Andrew G. Biggs,
In the evening, at the Istana, the President of New York, to be Deputy Commissioner
and Mrs. Bush had dinner with Prime Min of Social Security for the remainder of the
2070 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
term expiring January 19, 2007, vice James tember 3, 2012, vice Don V. Cogman, term
B. Lockhart III. expired.
Andrew G. Biggs, Mark Everett Keenum,
of New York, to be Deputy Commissioner of Mississippi, to be Under Secretary of Agri
of Social Security for a term expiring January culture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural
19, 2013 (reappointment). Services, vice J. B. Penn.
Dan Gregory Blair, Mark Everett Keenum,
of the District of Columbia, to be a Commis
sioner of the Postal Rate Commission for a of Mississippi, to be a member of the Board
of Directors of the Commodity Credit Cor.
term expiring October 14, 2012, vice George poration, vice J. B. Penn.
A. Omas, term expired.
Terry L. Cline, Scott A. Keller,
of Oklahoma, to be Administrator of the Sub of Florida, to be an Assistant Secretary of
stance Abuse and Mental Health Services Housing and Urban Development, vice Ste
Administration, Department of Health and ven B. Nesmith, resigned.
Human Services, vice Charles Curie, re
Charlotte P. Kessler,
signed. of Ohio, to be a member of the National
Benjamin Donenberg, Council on the Arts for a term expiring Sep
of California, to be a member of the National tember 3, 2012, vice Katharine DeWitt, term
Council on the Arts for a term expiring Sep expired.
tember 3, 2012, vice Maribeth McGinley,
term expired. Robert Bretley Lott,
of Louisiana, to be a member of the National
Charles E. Dorkey III, Council on the Arts for a term expiring Sep
of New York, to be a member of the Advisory tember 3, 2012, vice Teresa Lozano Long.
Board of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Devel term expired.
opment Corporation, vice James S. Simpson.
Foreststorn Hamilton, William Francis Price, Jr.,
of California, to be a member of the National
of New York, to be a member of the National
Council on the Arts for a term expiring Sep
Council on the Arts for a term expiring Sep tember 3, 2012, vice Evelyn Dee Potter
tember 3, 2012, vice Mary Costa, term ex Rose, term expired.
Richard Allan Hill, Anthony W. Ryan,
of Montana, to be a member of the Board of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Sec
of Directors of the Corporation for National retary of the Treasury, vice Timothy S.
and Community Service for a term expiring Bitsberger.
June 10, 2009, vice Juanita Sims Doty, term Paul A. Schneider,
of Maryland, to be Under Secretary for Man
Daine Humetewa, agement, Department of Homeland Secu
of Arizona, to be a member of the Board rity, vice Janet Hale, resigned.
of Trustees of the Morris K. Udall Scholar
ship and Excellence in National Environ Leon R. Sequeira,
mental Policy Foundation for a term expiring of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of
August 25, 2012, vice Richard Narcia, term Labor, vice Veronica Vargas Stidvent.
Ellen C. Williams,
Joan Israelite, of Kentucky, to be a Governor of the U.S.
of Missouri, to be a member of the National Postal Service for a term expiring December
Council on the Arts for a term expiring Sep 8, 2016 (reappointment).
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2071

Submitted November 14 expiring July 1, 2009, vice Read Van de

Water, term expiring, which was sent to the
Steven G. Bradbury, Senate on May 25, 2006.
of Maryland, to be an Assistant Attorney
General, vice Jack Landman Goldsmith III, Peter W. Tredick,
resigned. - of California, to be a member of the National
Mediation Board for a term expiring July 1,
Paul DeCamp, 2007, vice Edward J. Fitzmaurice, Jr., term
of Virginia, to be Administrator of the Wage expired, which was sent to the Senate on
and Hour Division, Department of Labor, March 27, 2006.
vice Tammy Dee McCutchen, resigned.
Peter W. Tredick,
Elizabeth Dougherty, of California, to be a member of the National
of the District of Columbia, to be a member
of the National Mediation Board for a term Mediation Board for a term expiring July 1,
expiring July 1, 2007, vice Edward J. 2010 (reappointment), which was sent to the
Fitzmaurice, Jr., term expired. Senate on July 18, 2006.
Submitted November 16
Elizabeth Dougherty,
of the District of Columbia, to be a member
of the National Mediation Board for a term Terrence W. Boyle,
expiring July 1, 2010 (reappointment). of North Carolina, to be U.S. Circuit Judge
for the Fourth Circuit, vice J. Dickson Phil
Arlene Holen, lips, Jr., retired.
of the District of Columbia, to be a member
of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Re William James Haynes II,
view Commission for a term of 6 years expir of Virginia, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the
ing August 30, 2010, vice Robert H. Beatty, Fourth Circuit, vice H. Emory Widener, Jr.,
Jr., term expired. retiring.

Richard Stickler, Peter D. Keisler,

of West Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of Maryland, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the
of Labor for Mine Safety and Health, vice District of Columbia Circuit, vice John G.
David D. Lauriski, resigned to which position Roberts, Jr., elevated.
he was appointed during the last recess of
the Senate. William Gerry Myers III,
of Idaho, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the
Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, Ninth Circuit, vice Thomas G. Nelson, re
of Virginia, to be a member of the Broad tired.
casting Board of Governors for a term expir
ing August 13, 2007 (reappointment). James Edward Rogan,
of California, to be U.S. District Judge for
Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, the Central District of California, vice Nora
of Virginia, to be Chairman of the Broad M. Manella, resigned.
casting Board of Governors (reappointment).
Peter W. Tredick, Margaret A. Ryan,
of California, to be a member of the National of Virginia, to be a Judge of the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Armed Forces for the term
Mediation Board for a term expiring July 1, of 15 years to expire on the date prescribed
2009, vice Read Van de Water, term expired. by law, vice Herman F. Gierke, term expired.
Withdrawn November 14
Benjamin Hale Settle,
Elizabeth Dougherty, of Washington, to be U.S. District Judge for
of the District of Columbia, to be a member the Western District of Washington, vice
of the National Mediation Board for a term Franklin D. Burgess, retired.
2072 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Norman Randy Smith, arrest warrants for the July 18, 1994, terrorist
of Idaho, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the attack on the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Asso
Ninth Circuit, vice Stephen S. Trott, retired. ciation building in Buenos Aires
Scott Wallace Stucky, Released November 13
of Maryland, to be a Judge of the U.S. Court Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
of Appeals for the Armed Forces for the term retary Tony Snow
of 15 years to expire on the date prescribed
by law, vice Susan J. Crawford, term expired. Statement by the Press Secretary: Statement
on Mali Signing Millennium Challenge Cor
Michael Brunson Wallace, poration Compact
of Mississippi, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for
Released November 16
the Fifth Circuit, vice Charles W. Pickering,
Sr., retired. Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow and National Security Ad
viser Stephen J. Hadley
Fact sheet: Working Together To Build
Checklist More Hopeful Societies in the Asia-Pacific
of White House Press Releases Region
Released November 17
The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of retary Tony Snow and Deputy National Se
Other White House Announcements. curity Adviser for International Economic
Affairs David H. McCormick

Released November 10 Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec

retary Tony Snow
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow º

Fact sheet: President Bush Dedicates the

National Museum of the Marine Corps and
Announces He Will Award Corporal Jason Acts Approved
Dunham the Medal of Honor by the President
Released November 11
NoTE: No acts approved by the President were
Statement by the Press Secretary on an Ar received by the Office of the Federal Register
gentine Federal judge ordering international during the period covered by this issue.

Statements by the President Supplementary Materials

Death of Ed Bradley—2041 Acts approved by the President–2072
Death of Milton Friedman—2067
Checklist of White House press releases—
England, upcoming state visit of Queen 2072
Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Digest of other White House
Edinburgh—2054 announcements—2068
U.S.-India nuclear cooperation bill, Senate Nominations submitted to the Senate—2069

Editor's Note: The President was in Hanoi, Vietnam, on November 17, the closing date of this
issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.
AE 1:44/47

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, November 27, 2006

Volume 42—Number 47
Pages 2073–2090

ow UM,
• %2.
k- *

* DEC 2006 -


Addresses and Remarks Joint Statements

See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders Joint Statement Between the United States of
Hawaii, troops at Hickam Air Force Base in America and the Republic of Indonesia–
Honolulu—2085 2082
Indonesia, discussion with civic leaders in Joint Statement by President George W. Bush
and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of
Radio address—2074 Iraq–2086
Thanksgiving turkey presentation ceremony— Meetings With Foreign Leaders
China, President Hu-2076
Indonesia, President Yudhoyono—2078
Business leaders in Ho Chi Minh City, Japan, Prime Minister Abe—2073, 2074
meeting—2077 Russia, President Putin—20.76
Church service in Hanoi—2075 South Korea, President Roh–2073, 2074
Tour of the Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi
Minh City—2077 Statements by the President
Assassination of Minister of Industry Pierre
Communications to Federal Agencies Gemayel of Lebanon—2086
Death of Glenn E. “Bo” Schembechler–2075
Presidential Determination on Waiving
Prohibition on United States Military Supplementary Materials
Assistance With Respect to Comoros and Acts approved by the President—2090
Saint Kitts and Nevis, memorandum—2088
Checklist of White House press releases—
Interviews With the News Media
Digest of other White House
Exchange with reporters announcements—2088
Bogor, Indonesia–2078 Nominations submitted to the Senate—2089

Editor's Note: The President was at Camp David, MD, on November 24, the closing date of
this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

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Week Ending Friday, November 24, 2006
Remarks Following a Meeting With nomic incentives for the North Korean peo
President Roh Moo-hyun of South ple.
Korea in Hanoi, Vietnam I appreciate your commitment to peace,

November 18, 2006 and I appreciate our mutual friendship, Mr.

President. And I've enjoyed yet another
President Roh. Today President Bush and meeting in our quest to achieve our common
I had a very good discussion on the North objectives.
Korean nuclear issue. We agreed on the prin Thank you very much.
ciple that North Korea should dismantle its
nuclear weapons and its nuclear program, NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 8:38
that our two countries fully support the U.N. a.m. in the Sheraton Hanoi. In his remarks, he
Security Council Resolution 1718, and our referred to Chairman Kim Jong Il of North Korea.
two countries will implement this resolution President Roh spoke in Korean, and his remarks
in a faithful manner. were translated by an interpreter.
Although the Republic of Korea is not tak
ing part in the full scope of the PSI, we sup
port the principles and goals of the PSI and Remarks Following a Lunch With
will fully cooperate in preventing WMD ma Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan
in Hanoi
teriel transfer in the Northeast Asia region.
And we also agreed that we will actively seek November 18, 2006
to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue
within the six-party talks framework and also President Bush. Mr. Prime Minister,
by actively engaging in bilateral talks within thank you very much for your time. We just
this framework. had a very frank and full discussion. I admire
In conclusion, the President and I had very the Prime Minister's intellect; I’m very com
satisfactory discussions on this issue, and we fortable with his style, and I'm very confident
had very useful and indepth discussions on we'll be able to work together for the com
resolving the North Korean nuclear issue. mon good.
President Bush. Mr. President, I agree. The relationship between Japan and the
We had a discussion like you would expect United States is strong, and we will keep it
allies to have a discussion. We are allies in that way. And a strong relationship between
peace. We are allies in working to improve our two countries is good for the security of
the lives of our fellow citizens. the East. We talked a lot of issues. And we
We did discuss 1718, Resolution 1718, and spent time talking about North Korea and
our mutual desire to effectively enforce the our common commitment to see that the six
will of the world. I appreciate the coopera party talks succeed. We spent a lot of time
tion we're receiving from South Korea on the talking about bilateral issues. And one of the
Proliferation Security Initiative. Our desire most interesting issues we discussed was our
is to solve the North Korean issue peacefully. common desire to continue to cooperate on
And as I've made clear in a speech as recently a ballistic missile defense.
as two days ago in Singapore, that we want I told the Prime Minister he needs to get
the North Korean leader to hear that if he over to the United States quickly. I'm looking
gives up his weapons and nuclear weapons forward to hosting you. And thank you for
ambitions, that we would be willing to enter your time.
into security arrangements with the North Prime Minister Abe. I was able to spend
Koreans as well as move forward new eco a very meaningful and wonderful time with
2074 Nov. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the President today. So thank you very much, And so I want to thank you all very much
Mr. President. for joining. I appreciate your time, and I'm
Japan and U.S. share an alliance which is looking forward to our dialog. Thank you.
based on fundamental values, such as free
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:02 p.m. at the
dom, democracy, basic human rights, and the Sheraton Hanoi.
rule of law. And we agreed with each other
that strengthening our alliance would be a
good in maintaining peace and security of The President’s Radio Address
not just Japan and the region surrounding November 18, 2006
Japan but the entire world.
Also concerning North Korea, as the Presi Good morning. This week I'm visiting
dent mentioned, we agreed that we would Singapore, Indonesia, and Vietnam, where
take a coordinated approach to reach a final I'm attending the annual summit of the Asia
resolution of the issue and also to achieve
Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum. On
some concrete results at an early stage. We this trip, I am carrying a message for the peo
also agreed to strengthen and accelerate our ple of this region: America will remain en
cooperation concerning ballistic missile de gaged in Asia because our interests depend
fense, and we will instruct our foreign min on the expansion of freedom and opportunity
isters and defense ministers to conduct con
in this vital part of the world.
sideration concerning this matter. Asia is important to America because pros
We are faced with many difficult issues, perity in our country depends on trade with
like North Korea, the fight against terror, and Asia's growing economies. Today, America's
also Iraq. But we agreed that we will be uti trade across the Pacific is greater than our
lizing the alliance we have between Japan trade across the Atlantic, and we need to con
and the United States for the good of the tinue opening up markets in this part of the
world and the region for a long time. world to American goods and services.
And I'm looking forward to visiting the My position is clear. As long as the playing
United States sometime next year and seeing field is level, America's farmers, small busi
the President. Thank you. nesses, and workers can compete with any
one. So America will continue to pursue free
NOTE: The President spoke at 12:47 p.m. in the and fair trade at every level with individual
Sheraton Hanoi. Prime Minister Abe spoke in Jap countries, across whole regions, and through
anese, and his remarks were translated by an in the World Trade Organization. By opening
terpreter. new markets for American goods and serv
ices, we help create new customers for our
products abroad and jobs and opportunities
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With for our workers and small businesses at
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan home.
and President Roh Moo-hyun of Asia is also important to America because
South Korea in Hanoi our nations face common challenges like en
November 18, 2006 ergy and disease that transcend borders. Our
growing economies are too dependent on oil,
I want to thank the leaders of two of Amer and we have a common interest in pursuing
ica's strongest allies, the President of South affordable, reliable energy alternatives. So
Korea and the Prime Minister of Japan, for we're working with our partners in this re
joining in this trilateral discussion. It is an gion to develop new energy technologies that
important dialog between three democracies, will make us less dependent on oil, including
all of which are committed to peace and se clean coal and ethanol, biodiesel and hydro
curity. I look forward to discussing a wide gen fuel cells.
range of issues with these two leaders. There We are also working with our partners in
is no doubt, when we work together, we can the region to address the threat of diseases
bring peace and stability and prosperity for like avian flu, which has the potential to claim
our peoples. many lives and inflict terrible damage on our
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 19 2075

societies if not detected and stopped quick with our allies in the Asia-Pacific region, we
ly—so we're sharing information and putting will defend our free way of life, confront the
wise preparedness plans in place to help en challenges of a new century, and build a
sure that we can contain the spread of avian more hopeful, peaceful, and prosperous fu
flu and be ready if a pandemic ever occurs. ture for our children and grandchildren.
By coming together to address these and Thank you for listening.
other challenges, we're helping build more
hopeful societies in Asia and stronger part NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:20 a.m.,
ners for America.
local time, on November 16 at the Shangri-La
Finally, Asia is important to America be Hotel in Singapore, for broadcast at 10:06 a.m.,
cause we face common threats to our secu
es.t., on November 18. The transcript was made
rity. The people of this region understand available by the Office of the Press Secretary on
the terrorist threat because they have been November 17 but was embargoed for release until
targets of terrorist violence. Since September the broadcast. The Office of the Press Secretary
the 11th, the terrorists have attacked a night also released a Spanish language transcript of this
club in Bali, a hotel in Jakarta, a ferry packed
with passengers in Manila Bay, a school full
of children in Russia, Australia's Embassy in Statement on the Death of
Indonesia, and many other targets. The kill Glenn E. “Bo” Schembechler
ers who committed these acts of terror are
followers of a clear and focused ideology that November 18, 2006
hates freedom, rejects tolerance—and their
Bo Schembechler was a true legend of col
stated goal is a radical Islamic empire stretch
ing from Europe to Southeast Asia. lege football. I was saddened to . of his
The greatest danger in our world today is death. He inspired generations of players and
that these terrorists could get their hands on fans by insisting that his teams play hard, play
weapons of mass destruction and use them fair, and bring honor to themselves and their
to blackmail free nations or kill on an un school by finishing their educations and con
imaginable scale. This threat poses a risk to tributing to society. He was an extraordinary
our entire civilization, and we're working leader and role model who will be missed.
with our partners in the Asia-Pacific to defeat Laura and I join fans of the Big Blue in ex
it. tending our sympathies to his wife Cathy and
In my meetings with leaders in the region, his family and friends.
we discussed the threat of proliferation from
North Korea. After North Korea's recent nu
clear test, the United Nations Security Coun Remarks Following a Church Service
in Hanoi
cil passed a unanimous resolution imposing
sanctions on North Korea's regime, and November 19, 2006
America is working with our partners to en
force those sanctions. We will also continue Laura and I just had a moment to converse
working with Japan, China, South Korea, and with God in a church here in Hanoi. We were
Russia through the six-party talks. Our na touched by the simplicity and the beauty of
tions are speaking with one voice: North the moment. We appreciate very much the
Korea must abandon its nuclear weapons congregation for allowing us to come and
programs, and we will not tolerate North Ko worship with them.
rea's proliferation of nuclear technology to A whole society is a society which wel
hostile regimes and terrorist networks. comes basic freedoms, and there's no more
In the long run, the surest path to security basic freedom than the basic—the freedom
is the expansion of freedom. History shows to worship as you see fit. And Laura and I
that free societies are peaceful societies. So were proud to worship with believers here
America is committed to advancing freedom in Hanoi. And we, again, thank the church
and democracy as the great alternative to re for the opportunity to come by. My hope is
pression and radicalism. And by standing that people all across the world will be able
2076 Nov. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
to express º [religious] * freedom. And President Bush. Well, thank you.
it's our way of expressing our personal faith President Hu. So, with this, I would like
and, at the same time, ...; societies to feel to turn it over to you.
comfortable with and confident in saying to President Bush. Thank you, Mr. Presi
their people, if you feel like praising God, dent. You're right; you and I have had a lot
you're allowed to do so in any way you see of meetings. And the reason why is because
we recognize that working together, we can
God bless, and thank you. accomplish a lot for the security of the world
NOTE: The President spoke at 8:14 a.m. at Cua
and for the prosperity of our people. China
Bac Cathedral. is a very important nation, and the United
States believes strongly that by working to
gether, we can help solve problems such as
North Korea and Iran.
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With
President Hu Jintao of China in Our bilateral relations are very good, and
Hanoi we—you and I are committed to keeping
November 19, 2006 them that way. Obviously, with as much com
merce between our countries as there is,
President Hu. It's a great pleasure to see there's going to be trade difficulties, but nev
you again, Mr. President. I remember, in the ertheless, we both adopt a spirit of mutual
course of this year, we have already met each respect and the desire to work through our
other three times; we had four telephone problems for the common good of our peo
conversations; and we also maintained fre ples.
I strongly support your vision, Mr. Presi
.." exchange of letters. So it is fair to say dent, of encouraging your country to become
at we are keeping very close touch and this
a nation of consumers and not savers, which
has vigorously promoted China-U.S. rela will inure to the benefit of our manufactur
I'm pleased to see new progress in China ers, both large and small, and our farmers
as well.
U.S. relations since our meeting in St. Peters
burg in July this year. Our two countries have I always enjoy our frank and friendly dis
... a frequent exchange of visits at cussions, and I'm looking forward to this one
the top levels and at different levels. And ac as well. And I thank you for your hospitality.
tually, our trade has also been expanding very Thank you, sir.
rapidly, and I do have a piece of good news
to share with you. According to U.S. statis NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 8:34
tics, in first 7 months of this year, U.S. ex a.m. at the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel. President Hu
ports to China jumped 35 percent. spoke in Chinese, and his remarks were translated
Nationally, our mechanism for having stra by an interpreter.
tegic economic dialog has also been
launched, and the first inaugural dialog will
be held in Beijing around the middle .#. Remarks Following a Meeting With
month. And Chinese naval ships have again President Vladimir Putin of Russia in
paid a visit to the continental America for Hanoi
the first time in 6 years. And even as we November 19, 2006
speak, our naval ships of the two countries
are conducting joint search and rescue ma President Bush. Today Vladimir and I are
neuvers in Chinese waters. pleased to report that after along set of nego
So, all in all, we feel very happy about the tiations, Representative Gref and Ambas
healthy and stable extension of China-U.S. sador Schwab have signed agreements that
relations. I think we would not have achieved will be good for the United States and good
such a state of our bilateral relations had it for Russia—and that is, we support Russia's
not been for your outstanding leadership. accession into the WTO. I congratulate you
all for your hard work and thank you very
* White House correction. much for the hard work.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 20 2077

I repeat, this is a good agreement for the Remarks Prior to a Meeting With
United States. And equally important, it's a Business Leaders in Ho Chi Minh
good agreement for Russia, and it's a good City, Vietnam
agreement for the international trading com
munity. And I thank you very much, Vladi November 20, 2006
mir, for working hard on this agreement. Thank you all very much for—thank you
As usual, we've had a very important dia very much for joining me and the Secretary
log. And we talked about common interests of State. I find it really interesting that my
and how we can work together to solve some first meeting in Ho Chi Minh City is at the
of the world's problems, including North stock exchange, and I'm meeting with entre
Korea and Iran. And I want to thank you preneurs, people who have taken a look at
the markets in Vietnam and have decided
for your time and friendship.
that this is a good place to invest.
President Putin. On my part, I would like I want to thank you all for coming to share
to add that we've been in the process of dif some of your stories with me. I'm very inter
ficult and lengthy work, 5 years of intense ested in hearing what the opportunities are
effort which has been culminated today with like and the obstacles you face and how, per
the signing of a protocol on Russia's acces haps, the United States can help foster the
sion to the World Trade Organization, which market economy that is growing here.
has been a successful outcome of this effort. I must tell you, I am, first of all, unbeliev
ably grateful for the welcome that Laura and
And I would like to underscore that this I have been received with here in Ho Chi
would not have been possible to achieve Minh City—I've never seen as many people
without expert and professional involvement line the streets with such a friendly attitude.
both on the side of the U.S. and Russia, and Secondly, when I read about the recent eco
without good will expressed in this—should nomic history of Vietnam, I am amazed at
I say, in the right term would be to use the size of the growth and the fact that are
here—very businesslike approach in their people are beginning to realize dreams. I rec
dealing. ognize that some of you here at the table
were born in Vietnam, came to the United
On top of that, it would not have been States in the midseventies, and have decided
possible without a political will, which has to return. And I’m really interested in hear
been here expressed by the President of the ing what that has been like and the contrast
United States of America. And I agree with in lifestyles and why you made the decisions
you, George, that this lays out very favorable you made.
conditions to us to jointly tackle the very per And I do want to hear from you all.
timent and acute problems of international
relations together.
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:15 a.m. at the
It also lays out favorable conditions to fur Ho Chi Minh City Securities Trading Center.
ther develop the scope and volume of com
merce and economic interaction between the
business partners—between our two coun Remarks Following a Tour of the
tries involved with other countries. Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh
November 20, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 4:16 p.m. at the Laura and I are honored to be here at the
Sheraton Hanoi. In his remarks, he referred to
Minister of Economic Development and Trade center of an effort to help Vietnam battle
German Oskarovich Gref of Russia; and Ambas HIV/AIDS. And Doctor, thank you for this
sador Susan C. Schwab, U.S. Trade Representa wonderful tour. We've got a comprehensive
tive. President Putin spoke in Russian, and his strategy involved Hºff our PEPFAR pro
remarks were translated by an interpreter. gram with the country. We've got a very
2078 Nov. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
strong mother-to-child transmission program Remarks Following a Meeting With
to prevent the children from developing President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono of Indonesia and an
The doctor has been explaining to us their Exchange With Reporters in Bogor
strategy on how to detect HIV/AIDS not only
in the cities but in the provinces. And part November 20, 2006
of our comprehensive strategy to help this President Yudhoyono. Your Excellency,
country is to distribute antiretroviral drugs. President Bush, members of the press, allow
Laura and I have come by to thank the me to speak in Bahasa Indonesia.
doctor and her staff for their compassionate
work, and to assure the Vietnamese people [At this point, President Yudhoyono contin
that we will still help them fight HIV/AIDS. ued his remarks in Bahasa Indonesia, and
they were translated by an interpreter.]
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:29 a.m. In his Ladies and gentlemen, today we have re
remarks, he referred to Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, ceived a visit of President Bush, who has
director, Pasteur Institute. come here to increase our cooperation and
friendship between Indonesia and the
Remarks in a Discussion With Civic United States. And we just discussed a num
ber of agenda in order to improve—increase
Leaders in Bogor, Indonesia our relations.
November 20, 2006 In the bilateral meeting, I expressed my
thanks for the cooperation and assistance
Mr. President, thank you very much. given by the United States to Indonesia in
Thank you all for joining. I'm really looking the field of economics, investment, trade,
forward to this discussion. I admire Indo education, health, technology, military, and
nesia's pluralism and its diversity. I admire so on. I also expressed thanks for the U.S.
your President's commitment to reform and assistance, and also other countries, during
strengthening democracy. It's very important the Aceh tsunami and also, more recently,
for the people of America to understand that during the earthquake in Yogyakarta and
this vast country has got not only tremendous central Java, which shows solidarity and co
potential, but it's got a prominent role to play operation between the two countries.
in the world—showing how it's possible for After that, we discussed in detail a number
people of good will to live together in peace of cooperation in our agenda. We discussed
and harmony. And that's the lesson I want health cooperation, especially on how to fight
avian flu and other infectious diseases, which
to hear from you all as well. I'm looking for
ward to our discussion. are found in the tropical areas, especially in
I cannot thank you enough for taking time
out of your busy day to come up here and On education, we already have a good co
operation, and we will continue this coopera
share thoughts with us. I'm very interested tion and hope this cooperation will be contin
in learning how our Government can con ued between Indonesia and the U.S. as part
tinue to work with your Government as it of our educational agenda.
so chooses, to help, particularly areas like We also discussed energy, and we spent
education and health.
time discussing bioenergy fuels. And I'm glad
And so with that, Mr. President, thank you that President Bush has said that he would
very much for setting this up. I appreciate share technology in other matters relating to
the opportunity to meet some of your fine development of alternative energy.
citizens. Thank you. Lastly, we discussed how to deal with nat
ural disasters, especially on how to build an
NoTE: The President spoke at 5:35 p.m. at Bogor early warning system in Indonesia. I ex
Palace. In his remarks, he referred to President pressed my appreciation to the assistance
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia. given by the United States Government, and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 20 2079

we also cooperate also with other countries We are committed to helping you on all
on building this early warning system. these initiatives. Last week, we signed a $55
We also discussed a number of inter million Millennium Challenge Account
national issues, global issues, such as the situ threshold agreement. This agreement means
ation in the Middle East, the situation in that the American people will support Indo
North Korea, Iraq, and also Palestine. And nesia's efforts to reform its democratic insti
of course, we agree on the need to find a tutions and strengthen governance. We
solution to these issues. would not have made this commitment, Mr.
After the discussions, we had a meeting President, if you were, yourself, not com
with civic leaders, and we discussed all the mitted to reform.
things that we discussed earlier in the bilat The agreement is going to help fund your
eral meeting, especially on how to improve strategy to immunize your children against
the quality of life and how to make Indo deadly diseases. We support your attempts
nesia-U.S. partnership—contribute to im to modernize your education system. We
proving this quality of life. have pledged and provided over $150 million
The discussions were open, frank, con to the Indonesian Government to help pro
structive, sometimes critical, and what is im vide the tools that will give the next genera
portant is that we tried to discuss cooperation tion of Indonesians the chance to realize
on how to make Indonesia-U.S. relations their enormous potential. One thousand
touch on the lives of our people. schools spread across eight provinces in In
President Bush. Mr. President, thank you donesia are now benefiting from our edu
very much. Thanks for the invitation to come cation partnership. And as I told you in our
back to your beautiful country. Laura and I meeting, we will continue to help.
are thrilled to be here, and we're looking for Our two nations continue to build strong
ward to our dinner tonight with you and your trade and investment relationships. We're
wife and your delegation. You lead a large determined to grow our economies in a way
and diverse nation with a very bright future. that are sustainable. Last week, we signed
During my visit here, we're going to con an agreement to help Indonesia conserve its
tinue to work to build a relationship between forests. Together our nations will fight illegal
our two nations that will last beyond the im logging while promoting trade in forest prod
mediate. It's a relationship that should last ucts that does not threaten the region's envi
for decades to come. It's important to our ronmental quality.
nation that we have good, strong relations Our two nations recognize we must ex
with Indonesia. plore alternatives to fossil fuels. The Presi
We've just come from the APEC summit dent and I have spent quite a bit of time
in Vietnam, and the people of Indonesia talking about this important issue. The peo
should know that when their elected leader ple of Indonesia have got to know that, for
speaks, other leaders listen, as do I. Mr. national security purposes and for economic
President, you're well respected in the inter security purposes, America must spend re
national community, ...” I appreciate your search money to enable us to have alternative
perspective on global and international sources of energy from oil.
issues, and thank you for sharing them with I told the President that I am committed
me again today. to sharing technologies as they become de
This afternoon we also discussed bilateral veloped to help us all become less dependent
initiatives that will expand opportunity for on oil. And I appreciate your commitment,
the people of Indonesia and, at the same sir, to biofuels as an alternative source of en
time, deepen Our partnership. We support ergy.
your country's reform efforts, Mr. President. We talked about avian influenza. In this
I thank you for your leadership on that im world of ours today, if there's an influenza
portant issue. The Indonesian President un outbreak in Vietnam, it could affect Indo
derstands that economic reform and fighting nesia or the people of America. And there
corruption and investing in people will help fore, we need to work in a collaborative way
this important nation succeed. to deal with this grave threat. We'll continue
2080 Nov. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

to fund our partnership on this issue, Mr. President Bush. How many questions do
President, as well as our partnership to pro you get to ask? [Laughter] Keep firing away.
tect public health in Indonesia. You're just setting a bad example for the
We support Indonesia's growing global American press corps. [Laughter
role. Indonesia will soon take a seat on the Q. Well, lots of Indonesians think that you
United Nations Security Council. We dis have a hidden agenda going here—
cussed threats to global security and how to President Bush. Oh, yes?
gether our two nations can help provide a Q. such as securing your Exxon deal
peaceful way forward. in Natuna. And what is your comment on
We discussed North Korea, and we dis that?
cussed Iran. Both regimes have nuclear am President Bush. Well, we didn't discuss
bitions. Nuclear weapons in the hands of it.
these regimes would make the people of the Q. [Inaudible]
Middle East and Northeast Asia less secure. President Bush. No, we did not discuss
The President and I discussed how the Inter
it. You asked about Indonesian democracy—
national Atomic Energy Agency and the six here's living proof right here. He ran a cam
party talks provide the best opportunity to }. he said, “Vote for me; I will do the
seek peaceful, diplomatic solutions to our ollowing things"; he's following through on
concerns about these weapons programs. his promises. The elections were open; the
The United Nations requires . to be elections were clean; the elections were fair.
come a more effective institution, and I know And you elected a good President, who is
that Indonesia will be a strong voice for posi working hard to-in a tough job. And I don't
tive change in the United Nations. And we think the American people understand how
look forward to having you on the Security big Indonesia is 17,000 islands, 6,000 of
them inhabited, with a variety of demo
The American people and the Indonesian graphics. The President kindly hosted a
people have both suffered from the acts of meeting today with civil society leaders,
violent extremists. Our nations are deter
which points up to the diversity of this great
mined to take effective action against terror nation—different religions, different back
networks that plot new attacks against inno grounds, different people, all united under
cent people. Indonesia is an example of how a democratic—under a democracy.
democracy and modernization can provide And so I would say, your progress is very
an alternative to extremism. And we appre good. But we all have work to do in our re
ciate your leadership, Mr. President. Your spective democracies. Our transition to de
democracy is making Indonesia strong and mocracy wasn't all that smooth in America.
better able to play a positive role in Southeast If you study American history, we had some
Asia and the world. Our talks today have rough go for awhile. And it's hard work to
been very constructive. I appreciate your make sure the institutions are sound so that
hospitality. And I presume we'll take some people can live in a free society that's based
questions. upon the rule of law. But the President is
President Yudhoyono. Thank you very committed to it, and he's working hard to
much, Mr. President. it, and I would say you're making good
Democracy in Indonesia
Terry Hunt [Terence Hunt, Associated
Q. I would like to ask you—as you men Press]—go ahead and yell it.
tioned before, Indonesia now is growing to
ward democratization, and how do you think
the process of democratization in Indo U.S. Troops in Iraq
nesia—the progress of democratization is Q. Mr. President
going? And I have a second question. President Bush. Oops, don't yell it.
President Bush. How many do you get [Laughter]
to ask here in Indonesia? Q. Mr. President, you've talked about the
Q. Excuse me? dangers of leaving Iraq too soon, but you
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 20 2081

haven't talked about what risks might be in currently developing alternative energy,
volved in adding tens of thousands of troops mainly biofuel. Are you willing to cooperate
to secure Baghdad, as Senator McCain has in this area? And can the United States share
suggested. What are the downsides, if any, its technology with Indonesia and, for the ex
to that approach? ample, trading biofuels. Thank you.
And I'd like to ask the President of Indo President Bush. Yes, thanks. I'm very
nesia, what suggestions did you make to supportive of biofuel initiatives, starting in
President Bush about his Iraq policy? our own country. It's important for us to de
President Bush. Terry, we haven't made velop alternative ways to power our vehicles
up—I haven't made any decisions about if we want to become less dependent on oil.
troop increases or troop decreases, and won't And so for example, we're now consuming
until I hear from a variety of sources, includ about 5 billion gallons of ethanol, which is
ing our own United States military. As you a fuel made, in our case, from corn. The
know, General Pace, who is the Chairman President and I spent a fair amount of time
talking about the ability to develop biofuels,
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is in the process
of evaluating a lot of suggestions from the particularly in Indonesia's case, from sugar
field and from people involved with the Cen cane as well as palm oil. And the technologies
tral Command as well as at the Pentagon. are available to convert sugar into ethanol.
And they will be bringing forth the sugges For example, the country of Brazil powers
tions and recommendations to me here as its automobiles with about 85 percent of all
quickly as possible. fuels from ethanol from sugar cane.
But, so I haven't—there's no need to com The other interesting fact for people to un
ment on something that may not happen. But derstand is that the technology to have a gas
if it were to happen, I will tell you the upsides oline-driven automobile be powered by eth
and downside. anol is very simple. It's what's called flex
President Yudhoyono. My view on how fuel automobiles. And so there's—we're on
could we work together at ending conflict in the beginning stages of really a change in
Iraq or in finding a proper and realistic solu how we consume energy. And it's in the
tion for Iraq is that global community must world's interest that we promote biofuels.
be also responsible in solving the problems Where the United States needs to go
in Iraq. Talking about long-term state build though, is that we can't rely upon corn onl
ing, nation building in Iraq, I think it's not to develop our ethanols. And so we're º
only the responsibility of the missions of the ing a lot of money on cellulosic research, and
United States and other countries who are that is the ability to convert wood chips, for
now involved in Iraq but, of course, is the example, to ethanol. And as those tech
roles and responsibility of other nations as nologies become feasible and economic, we
well—other communities as well. will share them with other countries. It's in
Indonesia believes very strongly, if we our interests, it's in the U.S. interest that oth
could work together, if we share and ex ers use biofuel, as well as our own.
change of ideas, then there must be a proper And so I'm optimistic about the tech
and realistic solution in the long term in find nologies that are developing. I'm also realistic
ing, again, a proper solution for Iraq that's to understand it's going to take awhile to get
good for Iraq, good for neighboring coun them—to bring them to the to make them
tries, good for the U.S., good for Indonesia, economic. But we're spending a lot of money
and good for all communities in the world. on this º of research. And the President
needs to know that as it becomes commer
Alternative Fuel Sources/Indonesia
cially capable, we'll share it.
Q. I would like to ask Mr. President Matt [Matthew Spetalnick, Reuters].
Bush—President Bush—[inaudible]—rela
tions between the United States and Indo
nesia is strong, and as you—[inaudible)—the U.S. Foreign Policy
United States is a longstanding partner of In Q. President Bush.
donesia. As you probably know, Indonesia is President Bush. Yes, Matt.
2082 Nov. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Q. Here in the world's most populous President Yudhoyono. Well, to elaborate

Muslim nation, thousands have dem my first view on Iraq, I would like to say
onstrated for days, saying that your policy in that probably we have to think about devel
the Middle East and Iraq and elsewhere is oping a triple-track solution. One is really im
anti-Islamic. How do you fight that impres portant is having national reconciliation in
sion? And doesn't it require more than just Iraq, together with the empowerment of the
a reassertion of your existing foreign policy existing national Government is very impor
goals? tant, so Iraq can handle her own problem.
And for President Yudhoyono, did you, in Second is, of course, we have to involve
your talks with President Bush, urge him to other parties. We have to probably deploy
begin a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and employ new setup of security forces in
as soon as possible? parallel with some day, this on a proper time
President Bush. I mean, I'll be glad to table, the disengagement of U.S. military
answer it for him—no, he didn't. But he can forces and other coalition forces from Iraq.
And of course, the third track is also not
answer it for himself. [Laughter]
Look, I applaud a society where people to be neglected, is how do the international
are free to come and express their opinion. community work together in conducting re
And it's to Indonesia's credit that it's a society construction and rehabilitation of Iraq after
the conflict.
where people are able to protest and say what So I think we have to combine all those
they think. And it's not the first time, by the three solutions before, actually, the United
way, where people have showed up and ex States can determine what the possible poli
pressed their opinion about my policies. But cies to be developed in the future related
that's what happens when you make hard de to the withdrawal or disengagement of the
U.S. forces from Iraq.
My answer to people about whether or Q. So do you believe—[inaudible]—U.S.
not—how do you comfort people of the Mus forces should remain in Iraq then?
lim faith that our policies are open, is that President Yudhoyono. I think I have ex
I believe freedom is universal and democracy plained my view on those three tracks of solu
is universal. I don't believe it's the sole right tion. And the future disengagement of U.S.
of the United States or the sole right of forces from Iraq must be connected to the
Methodists. I believe in the universality of other two that I have mentioned already.
freedom. And therefore—and I believe peo Thank you.
ple desire to live in free societies, and I be
lieve the vast majority of people want to live
in moderation and not have extremists kill NoTE: The President spoke at approximately 6:45
innocent people. p.m. at Bogor Palace. In his remarks, he referred
to Kristiani Herawati, wife of President
And so therefore, our policies are to pro Yudhoyono. President Yudhoyono spoke partly in
mote that kind of form of government. It's Bahasa Indonesia, and those portions of his re
not going to look like America; it's going to marks were translated by an interpreter.
be different from America. And I also would
tell people that democracies yield peace. De
mocracies don't fight each other. One of the Joint Statement Between the United
reasons why I am proud to call this President States of America and the Republic
friend is because he understands the power of Indonesia
of democracy, and he understands it's a uni November 20, 2006
versal right.
And so therefore, to say spreading democ President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and
racy is antireligious—it's the opposite of that.
President George W. Bush today reaffirmed
Democracy means you can worship any way the strength and vitality of the bilateral rela:
you choose, freely. And so, look, people pro tionship between Indonesia and the United
test; that's a good sign. It's a good sign of States, and reviewed the highly positive de
a healthy society. velopment of U.S.-Indonesia relations over
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 20 2083

the past two years. The two Presidents recog tance of education for democracy, tolerance
nized the special and enduring bonds be and economic progress and reaffirmed their
tween the two countries and their people, commitment to working together to revitalize
demonstrated recently by the close coopera their cooperation in education. The Presi
tion following the devastating tsunami in dents also expressed their desire to encour
Aceh and Hurricane Katrina. President Bush age more people-to-people contacts through
expressed his admiration for the resilience travel, educational exchanges, and tourism
and determination of the Indonesian people between Indonesia and the United States.
and government in rebuilding areas affected President Yudhoyono and President Bush
by the earthquake in Yogyakarta and Central noted with satisfaction the continuing devel
The two Presidents reaffirmed that Indo opment of U.S.-Indonesia economic and
trade relations. They welcomed the strong
nesia and the United States are bound by support by APEC Leaders for the conclusion
a broad-based democratic partnership based of an ambitious Doha Round agreement and
on equality, mutual respect, common inter noted their joint commitment to do every
ests and shared values of freedom, pluralism thing possible to realize the development
and tolerance. The Presidents committed goals of the Doha negotiations. President
themselves to broadening and deepening Yudhoyono briefed President Bush on his
such partnership. government's program to strengthen the in
President Bush congratulated Indonesia vestment climate by improving infrastruc
on the successful signing and implementation ture, reducing red tape, enhancing the rule
of a Memorandum of Understanding that has of law and respect for contracts. They wel
brought peace to the province of Aceh, and comed a number of positive developments
renewed the United States' firm support for since their May 2005 meeting in Washington
Indonesia's peace-building efforts in Aceh. DC, including:
President Bush also re-emphasized the • The establishment of the ASEAN-U.S.
United States' strong support for Indonesia's Enhanced Partnership;
national unity and territorial integrity, and • Signing of a U.S.-ASEAN Trade and In
opposition to secessionist movements in any vestment Framework Arrangement
part of Indonesia. President Bush stressed (TIFA):
the importance of a united, democratic, plu • The June 2006 extension of U.S. Ex
ralistic and prosperous Indonesia to the re port-Import Bank coverage to private
gion and beyond. Indonesian corporations for the first
President Bush congratulated President time since 1998;
Yudhoyono on signing an agreement with the • The upgrading of Indonesia from the
Millennium Challenge Corporation for a $55 Special 301 Priority Watch List in No
million Threshold program, noting that it vember 2006 based on steps to improve
represents a resounding endorsement of intellectual property rights enforce
President Yudhoyono's anti-corruption pro ment; and
gram and “pro-growth, pro-job, and pro • The strengthening of our dialogue
poor” economic strategy. President Bush ex through our bilateral Trade and Invest
pressed confidence that the threshold pro ment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to
gram will have a transformative effect on In further promote and facilitate trade and
donesia's development and international investment.
competitiveness. The Presidents praised two recently signed
Noting the strength and importance of MOUs, one on Cooperation in Trade in Tex
educational and cultural links, the Presidents tile and Apparel Goods and another on Com
reviewed the excellent work being done bating Illegal Logging and Associated Trade
through the US$157 million U.S.-Indonesia in the context of the TIFA between the two
Education Initiative on basic education, the countries. They also applauded the resump
cornerstone of U.S. assistance to Indonesia tion of cooperation and capacity building ac
and a symbol of our forward-looking partner tivities between the U.S. Forest Service and
ship. The Presidents highlighted the impor the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry.
2084 Nov. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

The two Presidents discussed the grave tem that will safeguard Indonesia's tsunami
threat posed by Avian Influenza (AI), and prone areas by 2009.
President Yudhoyono reiterated his Govern The two leaders noted the tremendous op
ment's firm commitment to combating its portunities for cooperation between Indo
spread. He briefed President Bush on Indo nesia and the United States in the areas of
nesia's completion of a unified national re alternative fuels and environmental protec
sponse plan, increase in the AI budget for tion. President Yudhoyono briefed President
2007, and active participation in the Inter Bush on his ambitious biofuel development
national Partnership on Avian and Pandemic initiative and the Presidents endorsed the
Influenza. President Bush announced the U.S.-Indonesia Energy Policy Dialogue as a
United States would increase its AI assistance forum to discuss ways and means to acquire
to Indonesia to expand animal surveillance clean and safe alternative energy, including
and response efforts and strengthen nation biofuels.
wide public awareness. President Bush con As the leaders of two nations which have
firmed that the U.S. Centers for Disease both suffered terrorist attacks on their soil,
Control and Prevention and Animal and the two leaders reaffirmed their solidarity in
Plant Health Inspection Service would assign defeating the scourge of terrorism. Both
permanent staff to Indonesia to build more Presidents expressed satisfaction at the suc
effective partnerships with their counterparts cessful arrest and conviction in Indonesia of
in Indonesia. President Yudhoyono thanked suspects involved in the 2002 incident in
President Bush for the United States' work Timika, and agreed to begin negotiations to
in support of the Indonesian Ministry of ward a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty.
Health's efforts to identify human AI cases President Bush and President Yudhoyono
and investigate AI outbreaks. The two Presi discussed a broad range of regional and glob
dents stressed the imperative of continued al security issues. President Bush and Presi
and enhanced cooperation between Indo dent Yudhoyono welcomed the successful
nesian and American health workers and restoration of bilateral military ties, and
medical scientists to fight infectious diseases, pledged to make such ties sustainable and
including through the Naval Medical Re mutually beneficial in the support of peace
search Unit (NAMRU-2), which has been in and stability. They agreed that such ties
operation since 1968. They agreed that nego would be primarily targeted at increasing co
tiations to extend the research work of ordination on disaster relief, exchanges and
NAMRU-2 should be expedited. training on the role of militaries in demo
President Bush and President Yudhoyono cratic societies, increasing mutual profes
reviewed the expanding partnership between sional development and enhancing regional
the U.S. and Indonesia in the area of disaster and maritime security. They agreed to ex
management, emergency preparedness, and plore the possibility of a Status of Forces
mitigation. The two Presidents noted the Agreement.
steady progress on constructing the west President Bush congratulated Indonesia
coast road in Aceh Province that will restore on its election as a non-permanent member
communication and economic links to com of the United Nations Security Council. Both
munities that were devastated by the tsu Presidents pledged to work closely together
nami, and agreed on the importance of expe on issues |. the Council in order to
diting land acquisition so that the road can maintain international peace and security, es
be completed on schedule. President Bush pecially the challenge posed by North Ko
applauded the significant progress made in rea's nuclear weapons program. President
reconstructing Aceh, paving the way for sus Bush applauded Indonesia's participation in
tained peace and economic growth. Presi maintaining peace in southern Lebanon by
dent Bush and President Yudhoyono also volunteering forces to join UNIFIL. The two
welcomed the recent agreement between Presidents also discussed the Arab-Israeli
their two governments to cooperate on the conflict, and both Presidents stressed their
development of a tsunami early warning sys support for the establishment of a viable,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 21 2085

independent, democratic and sovereign Pal Siniora's Government. And one clear way to
estine state that would live side by side in do so is for the United Nations Security
peace with Israel. Council to take all remaining steps needed
The two Presidents stressed the impor to establish a special tribunal concerning the
tance of inter-civilizational and inter-faith assassination of former Prime Minister Hariri
dialogues. The two Presidents expressed and to assure that those behind that killing,
their concern to see growing religious intol and others that followed, are brought to jus
erance in some parts of the world and their tice. I strongly believe the United Nations
common desire to work against it. President Security Council ought to act today. For the
Bush expressed great admiration and respect sake of peace, the free world must reject
for Indonesia's long history of religious toler those who undermine young democracies
ance and moderate Islamic thought. and murder in the name of their hateful ide
NOTE: An original was not available for ology.
verification of the content of this joint statement. I want to thank our Secretary of State for
joining us. You know, one of the jobs of the
President is to surround himself with smart,
Remarks to the Troops at Hickam Air capable, strong people—and I have done so
Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii in Condoleezza Rice.
November 21, 2006 I also did so at the altar. [Laughter] And
I'm pleased Laura is here as well. We're on
Thank you all. Admiral, thanks for the in our way back home after a trip in Southeast
troduction. Thanks for the warm breakfast,
Asia. I had meetings in Singapore and Indo
and thanks for the good view. I appreciate nesia, as well as a meeting at the Asia-Pacific
the tight ship you run here. And I thank you Economic Cooperation in Vietnam. And
all very much for serving our country. they're important meetings. It gave me a
Laura and I are honored to be with you. chance to discuss with leaders from the Pa
We're honored to say thanks on behalf of a cific region about our common threats: the
grateful nation. And I'm pleased to tell you common threat of terrorism; the common
that the work you're doing will lead to peace
for generations to come. threat of pandemic outbreaks; and the com
You serve at a time when we witness an mon threat of North Korea's nuclear weap
ideological struggle between those who love onsI program.
told them that the United States of
freedom and those who hate freedom. And
America remains committed to Asia because
the outcome of this struggle will determine
how your children and grandchildren live. we have key economic and national security
And I'm determined, like you are deter interests in the region. It's in our national
interests that we be involved in the Asia-Pa
mined, that freedom prevails.
Today we saw again the vicious face of cific region. And the Pacific Command bares
those who oppose freedom. We strongly con the primary responsibility for defending our
demn the assassination today in Lebanon of interests in that part of the world. You rep
Pierre Gemayel, who was a minister in the resent the oldest and largest unified com
Government of Prime Minister Siniora. We mand in the United States military. You
support the Siniora Government and its de cover an area that spans more than half of
mocracy, and we support the Lebanese peo the surface area of the Earth. You've got a
ple's desire to live in |." And we support really important job, and I'm here to thank
their efforts to defend their democracy you for doing a good job.
against attempts by Syria, Iran, and allies, to You serve freedom's cause in a lot of ways.
foment instability and violence in that impor When you help deliver humanitarian relief
tant country. to victims of natural disasters, you serve free
I call for a full investigation of the murder dom's cause. When you fight terrorists wher
to identify those people and those forces be ever we find them, you serve freedom's
hind the killing. We call on the international cause. Every branch of our military is playing
community to support Prime Minister a vital role. The Army and Marine Corps
2086 Nov. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
have deployed thousands of soldiers and ma Command; and Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of
rines to Afghanistan and to Iraq. You've been
joined by units from Hawaii's Army and Air
National Guard.
Statement on the Assassination of
Earlier this year, the Pacific fleet con
ducted one of the largest multinational mari Minister of Industry Pierre Gemayel
of Lebanon
time exercises in the world, involving 8 na
tions, 35 ships, 180 aircraft, and 19,000 per November 21, 2006
sonnel. You serve freedom's cause when you
help others be able to defend themselves. Today's assassination of Lebanese Industry
You serve freedom's cause when you help Minister Pierre Gemayel shows yet again the
young democracies fight off the extremists viciousness of those who are trying to desta
who try to impose their hateful vision of the bilize that country.
world. What happens in Asia-Pacific matters The United States remains fully com
to America's security here at home. mitted to supporting Lebanon's independ
The Air Force has brought humanitarian ence and democracy in the face of attempts
aid to victims in earthquakes and typhoons. by Syria, Iran, and their allies within Leb
You provided airlift support to places like anon to foment instability and violence. Syr
East Timor. The Coast Guard works closely ia's refusal to cease and desist from its con
with China as part of an effort to improve tinuing efforts to destabilize Lebanon's
enforcement ...” laws against maritime drug democratically elected Government is a re
traffickers. peated violation of United Nations Security
Some of the troops from this command Council Resolutions 1559 and 1701. The
who were deployed to combat operations in United States will continue its efforts with
Iraq and Afghanistan didn't come home. We allied nations and democratic forces in Leb
remember their courage; we pray for their anon to resist these efforts and protect Leb
families and loved ones left behind, and we anon's sovereignty and democratic institu
resolve to honor their sacrifice by completing tions. -

the missions for which they gave their lives. We urge the U.N. Security Council and
The men and women who wear the uni the Secretary-General today to take the re
form are the best that America has to offer. maining steps needed to establish the special
You belong to the finest Armed Forces the tribunal for Lebanon that will try those ac
world has ever known. I appreciate the fact cused of involvement in the assassination of
that you have volunteered to wear our uni former Prime Minister Hariri, and to ensure
form in these troubled times, that you have that that tribunal can also bring to justice
volunteered knowing the dangers into which those responsible for related assassinations,
you might be sent. It's an incredible country assassination attempts, and other terrorist at
when people of character stand up and say, tacks. We also demand that Syria treat Leb
"I want to serve something greater than my anon as a genuinely sovereign neighbor, es
self-interests.” tablishing full diplomatic relations with Leb
I want to thank you for your sacrifice. I anon, and delineating its border with that
particularly thank your families for joining country including, in particular, in the Shaba
you in this noble cause. We'll succeed, and Farms area, through a bilateral agreement.
when we do, generations of Americans will
look back on this period and say, “Thank God
the United States had such men and women Joint Statement by President George
W. Bush and Prime Minister Nuri
of character at the beginning of the 21st cen
tury.” al-Maliki of Iraq
God bless, November 21, 2006

Note: The President spoke at 7:45 a.m. in the We are pleased to announce that we will
Officers Club. In his remarks, he referred to Adm. meet in Amman, Jordan, on November 29–
William J. Fallon, USN, commander, U.S. Pacific 30 to continue our consultations on building
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 22 2087

security and stability in Iraq. We will focus your scout masters and your parents for set
our discussion on current evelopments in ting such a good example for you.
Iraq, progress made to date in the delibera We're here in the Rose Garden. This is
tions of the high-level Joint Committee on a place where Barney likes to hang out. Bar
Transferring Security Responsibility, and the ney is my dog. And he likes to chase a soccer
role of the region in supporting Iraq. We ball here. He came out a little early, as did
would like to express our gratitude to His Flyer, and instead of chasing the soccer ball,
Majesty King Abdullah II of the Hashemite he chased the bird. [Laughter And it kind
Kingdom of Jordan, who has graciously of of made the turkey nervous. See, the turkey
fered to host our consultations. We look for was already nervous to begin with. Nobody
ward to meeting with His Majesty in Amman. has told him yet about the pardon I'm about
We reiterate our common commitment to
to give him. [Laughter
building the foundations of a peaceful, demo Tomorrow is our day of thanksgiving. It's
cratic, secure, and unifie Iraq, and to a national observance first proclaimed by
strengthening the partnership between our George Washington. In our journey across
two nations.
the centuries from a few tiny settlements to
a prosperous and powerful nation, Americans
NOTE: An original was not available for
verification of the content of this joint statement. have always been a grateful people, and we
are this year as well. We're grateful for our
beautiful land. We're grateful for a harvest
Remarks at the Thanksgiving Turkey big enough to feed us all, plus much of the
Presentation Ceremony world. We're grateful for our freedom. We're
November 22, 2006 #. for our families, and we're grateful
or life itself.

Good morning. Thanks for coming. Wel So on Thanksgiving Day, we gather with
loved ones and we lift our hearts toward
come to the Rose Garden. I appreciate being
| here with Mike Briggs and Alice Johnson heaven in humility and gratitude. As we
of the National Turkey Federation, and I count our blessings, Americans also share our
thank you for bringing along our feathery blessings. We're a generous country. We're
guest. [Laughter] We're glad you're here. filled with caring citizens who reach out to
Mike, thanks for bringing your family as well. others, people who've heard the universal
The name of the National Thanksgiving call to love a neighbor as we want to be loved
Turkey has been chosen by online voting at ourself. On Thanksgiving and every day of
the White House web site. By the decision the year, Americans live out of a spirit of
of the voters, this turkey is going to be called compassion and care, and I thank you for
Flyer. And there's always a backup bird, just that. It's the spirit that moves men and
in case the guest of honor can't perform his women to be mentors to the young, to be
duties, and the backup bird's name is Fryer. scout leaders, to be helpers of the elderly,
[Laughter Probably better to be called Flyer to be comforters of the lonely and those who
are left out.
than Fryer.
These birds were hatched on a farm in We love our country, and the greatest ex
Missouri and raised there by Matthew Nutt ample of that devotion is the citizen who
and his mom and dad, Carol [Donna] * and steps forward to defend our Nation from
Lynn, and we're glad you all are here. Thanks harm. The members of our military have set
aside their own comfort and convenience and
for coming. They did a fine job of raising
these birds. safety to protect the rest of us. Their courage
I also welcome the Girl Scouts who've keeps us free. Their sacrifice makes us grate
joined us. Thanks for coming—yes, I'm glad ful, and their character makes us proud. Es
you're here. These are troops from Virginia pecially during the holidays, our whole Na
and Maryland and Washington, DC. And we tion keeps them and their families in our
thank you for being in scouting, and we thank thoughts and prayers.
And now to the ceremonial task of the day.
* White House correction. Why don't we have a look at Flyer? There
2088 Nov. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

you go. I think Flyer heard Barney barking • Waive the prohibition of section 2007(a)
over there. [Laughter] It's a fine looking bird, of the Act with respect to these coun
isn't it? Flyer is probably wondering where tries for as long as such agreements re
he's going to wind up tomorrow. He's prob main in force.
ably thinking he's going to end up on some You are authorized and directed to report
body's table. Well, I'm happy to report that this determination to the Congress, and to
he and Fryer both have many tomorrows arrange for its publication in the Federal Reg
ahead of them. This morning I am grateful— ister.

I am granting a full Presidential pardon so George W. Bush

they can live out their lives as safe as can
be. -
NOTE: An original was not available for
verification of the content of this memorandum.
In fact, it gets even better. Later today
Flyer and Fryer will be on a plane to
Disneyland—[laughter)—where they're
going to achieve further celebrity as the hon
orary grand marshal of the Thanksgiving Day Digest of Other
White House Announcements
Thank you all for coming. God bless, and
happy Thanksgiving.
The following list includes the President's public
NoTE: The President spoke at 10:22 a.m. in the schedule and other items of general interest an
Rose Garden at the White House. In his remarks, nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
he referred to Mike Briggs, chairman, and Alice not included elsewhere in this issue.
L. Johnson, president, National Turkey Federa
November 18

In the morning, at the Sheraton Hanoi in

Presidential Determination on Hanoi, Vietnam, the President had an intel
Waiving Prohibition on United States ligence briefing. Later, at the International
Military Assistance With Respect to Convention Center, he met with leaders of
Comoros and Saint Kitts and Nevis the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
November 22, 2006 Later in the morning, the President visited
the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command.
Presidential Determination No. 2007–04 Then, at the Sheraton Hanoi, he greeted U.S.
Embassy personnel and their families.
Memorandum for the Secretary of State In the afternoon, at the National Con
Subject: Presidential Determination on ference Center, the President participated in
the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Waiving Prohibition on United States
Military Assistance With Respect to Comoros (APEC) Leaders’ Retreat I. Later, he partici
and Saint Kitts and Nevis pated in the APEC Leaders’ Dialogue with
the APEC Business Advisory Council.
Consistent with the authority vested in me In the evening, at the National Convention
by section 2007 of the American Center, the President and Mrs. Bush at
Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002 (the tended a gala dinner and cultural perform
“Act”), title II of Public Law 107–206 (22 ance.

U.S.C. 7421 et seq.), I hereby: The President announced his intention to

• Determine that Comoros and Saint nominate Michael W. Tankersley to be In
Kitts and Nevis have each entered into spector-General of the Export-Import Bank.
an agreement with the United States November 19
pursuant to Article 98 of the Rome Stat
ute preventing the International Crimi In the morning, at the National Con
nal Court from proceeding against U.S. ference Center, the President participated in
personnel present in such countries: the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
and (APEC) Leaders’ Retreat II.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2089

In the afternoon, the President partici November 22

pated in the APEC Leaders' official lunch In the morning, the President had an intel
and the APEC Leaders' official photograph. ligence briefing.
Later, he participated in the APEC Leaders' In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
Declaration. He and Mrs. Bush then traveled
Bush traveled to Camp David, MD.
to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The White House announced that the
President will welcome President Oscar Arias
November 20 Sanchez of Costa Rica to the White House
on December 6.
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, he greeted U.S. Em November 23
bassyP.". and their families. He then
toured the Ho Chi Minh City Securities In the morning, the President had an intel
Trading Center. ligence briefing. Later, he had several
Later in the morning, at the Pasteur Insti Thanksgiving holiday telephone conversa
tute, the President and Mrs. Bush partici tions with members of the U.S. military.
pated in a briefing on HIV/AIDS and avian November 24
influenza. They then visited the Ho Chi
Minh City History Museum. In the morning, the President had an intel
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. ligence briefing.
Bush traveled to Jakarta, Indonesia, where,
upon arrival at Halim Perdanakusuma Inter
national Airport, they greeted U.S. Embassy
personnel and their families. Later, they trav Nominations
eled to Bogor, Indonesia. Then, at the Bogor Submitted to the Senate
Palace, the President participated in a discus
sion with civic leaders.
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
In the evening, the President and Presi
dent Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indo Senate during the period covered by this issue.
nesia participated in an education event
hosted by President Yudhoyono's wife,
Kristiani Herawati, and Mrs. Bush. Later, he
and Mrs. Bush had dinner with President Checklist
Yudhoyono and Mrs. Herawati. of White House Press Releases
Later in the evening, the President and
Mrs. Bush traveled to Honolulu, HI, crossing
the international dateline and arriving in the The following list contains releases of the Office
evening. Upon arrival, they had dinner with of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
Adm. William J. Fallon, USN, commander, items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.
U.S. Pacific Command, and his wife, Mary.

November 21 Released November 18

In the morning, the President had an intel Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
ligence briefing. Later, at the Officers Club retary Tony Snow
at Hickam Air Force Base, he and Mrs. Bush
had breakfast with military personnel. Later, Transcript of a press briefing by National Se
at the Nimitz-MacArthur Conference Cen curity Adviser Stephen J. Hadley
ter, he participated in a briefing by Adm. Statement by the Press Secretary on the
William J. Fallon, USN, commander, U.S. President's acceptance of the recommenda
Pacific Command. tion of the Committee on Foreign Invest
Later in the morning, the President and ment in the United States on the proposed
Mrs. Bush returned to Washington, DC, ar merger of Lucent Technologies, Inc., and
riving in the evening. Alcatel
2090 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing Transcript of a teleconference press briefing
that on November 17 the President signed by Council of Economic Advisers Chairman
H.R. 6326 and H.J. Res. 100 Edward P. Lazear on the administration's up
dated economic forecast
Released November 19
Released November 22
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by
President Oscar Arias Sanchez of Costa Rica
Transcript of a press briefing by Deputy Na
tional Security Adviser for International Eco
nomic Affairs David H. McCormick

Fact sheet: Asia-Pacific Economic Coopera

tion (APEC) 2006 Acts Approved
by the President
Released November 21

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec Approved November 17

retary Tony Snow and National Security Ad H.R. 6326 / Public Law 109–368
viser Stephen J. Hadley
To clarify the provision of nutrition services
Transcript of a teleconference press briefing to older Americans
by National Security Council Senior Director
for European Affairs Judy Ansley on the H.J. Res. 100 / Public Law 109–369
President's trip to Estonia and Latvia and the Making further continuing appropriations for
NATO summit the fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes
! 14 .*) \* . * • •






AE 2.104 42/43 FED-DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, December 4, 2006

Volume 42—Number 48
Pages 2091–2118


JAN 0 9 2007

Addresses and Remarks Joint Statements

See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders Joint Statement by President George W. Bush
Estonia and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of
Democracy proponents, meeting—2093 Iraq–2112
Lunch hosted by President Ilves of Estonia
in Tallinn–2098 Meetings With Foreign Leaders
Latvia, Latvia University in Riga–2099 Estonia
Radio address—2091 President Ilves—2094, 2098
World AIDS Day—2114 Prime Minister Ansip—2093
Communications to Congress Iraq, Prime Minister Maliki–2104, 2112
Latvia, President Vike-Freiberga–2098
Locality pay increases payable to civilian
Federal employees, letter transmitting Proclamations
alternative plan—2113 National Methamphetamine Awareness Day—
Communications to Federal Agencies 2092

Waiving the Prohibition on the Use of Fiscal World AIDS Day—2112

Year 2006 Economic Support Funds With Statements by the President
Respect to Various Parties to the Rome
Statute Establishing the International
Criminal Court, memorandum—2093 Frank Madla, Mary Cruz, and Aleena
Executive Orders Police Officer Steve Favela—2092
Assignment of Certain Pay-Related Northern Ireland agreement—2115
Supplementary Materials
Interviews With the News Media
Acts approved by the President—2118
News conferences Checklist of White House press releases—
November 28 with President Ilves of 2117
Estonia in Tallinn, Estonia—2094 Digest of other White House
November 30 with Prime Minister Maliki of announcements—2115
Iraq in Amman, Jordan–2104 Nominations submitted to the Senate—2117

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents,
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http:”
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Dºcu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607,
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, December 1, 2006
The President’s Radio Address ery and service and that we will never forget
those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
November 25, 2006
One American who made the ultimate sac
Good morning. This week Americans rifice was Marine Corporal Jason Dunham.
across our Nation gather with loved ones to Two-and-a-half years ago in Iraq, Corporal
give thanks for the many blessings we share. Dunham gave his life when he threw himself
We're grateful for our friends and families, on top of an enemy grenade and absorbed
who fill our lives with meaning and purpose. the blast. His selfless act saved the lives of
We're grateful to live in a land of plenty and two of his fellow marines, and earlier this
during a time of great prosperity. And we're month, I announced that our Nation will rec
grateful to Almighty God for the freedom to ognize Corporal Dunham with our highest
enjoy all these gifts. decoration for valor, the Medal of Honor.
Every Thanksgiving we remember the Corporal Dunham's friends remember
story of the Pilgrims who came to America him as the kind of guy who would do any
in search of a better life and religious free thing for you; his superiors remember him
dom. Much has changed in the four centuries as a model marine; and a grateful Nation will
since these humble settlers landed at Plym forever remember him as one of America's
outh Rock. While they were only a shivering most valiant heroes. This Thanksgiving our
few, we are now a strong and growing nation
of more than 300 million. And the desire for thoughts and prayers are with his family and
with all military families, especially those
freedom that led the Pilgrims to the New mourning the loss of a loved one.
World still guides our Nation today.
Americans believe that every person has During this holiday season, we also think
the right to live, work, and worship in free of those still working to recover from the dev
dom. And we're thankful to the men and astating hurricanes that struck our Nation last
women of our Nation's Armed Forces who year. We are grateful to the armies of com
risk their lives to protect those rights. This passion who rallied to bring food, water, and
Thanksgiving we are mindful that many of hope to those who had lost everything, and
our finest citizens are spending the holiday we renew our commitment to help those who
far from their homes and loved ones, and are still suffering and to rebuild our Nation's
we know that their service makes it possible gulf coast.
for us to live in freedom. Thanksgiving reminds us that the true
On Tuesday I had the chance to visit our strength of our Nation is the compassion and
troops and their families at Hickam Air Force decency of our people. And as we count our
Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. Our blessings, we remember that those blessings
servicemembers there have deployed around are meant to be shared. I encourage all
the world—to fight the terrorists in Afghani Americans to look for a way to help those
stan and Iraq, conduct important maritime in need—from tutoring a child to working
exercises in the Pacific, help deliver humani in a shelter to giving a hand to a neighbor.
tarian aid to the victims of disaster, and fight I thank all those Americans who volunteer
drug trafficking. I told the men and women this season, and Laura and I wish every
at the base that we're grateful for their brav American a safe and happy holiday.

2092 Nov. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Thank you for listening. Proclamation 8086—National
Methamphetamine Awareness Day,
NOTE: The address was recorded at 11:20 a.m. 2006
on November 22 in the Cabinet Room at the November 27, 2006
White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on No
vember 25. The transcript was made available by By the President of the United States
the Office of the Press Secretary on November of America
24 but was embargoed for release until the broad
cast. The Office of the Press Secretary also re A Proclamation
leased a Spanish language transcript of this ad Methamphetamine abuse shatters families
and threatens our communities. On National
Methamphetamine Awareness Day, we un
Statement on the Deaths of Frank derscore the dangers of methamphetamine
Madla, Mary Cruz, and Aleena and reaffirm our collective responsibility to
combat all forms of drug abuse.
Jimenez Methamphetamine is a powerfully addict
November 26, 2006 ive drug that dramatically affects users'
minds and bodies. Chronic use can lead to
Laura and I are deeply saddened by the violent behavior, paranoia, and an inability
deaths of Frank Madla, his mother-in-law,
to cope with the ordinary demands of life.
Mary Cruz, and his granddaughter, Aleena Methamphetamine abusers can transform
Jimenez. Frank was a dedicated public serv homes into places of danger and despair by
ant who devoted more than three decades
neglecting or endangering the lives of their
of his life to serving his State and all its peo children, spouses, and other loved ones. Ad
ple in the Texas house and senate. Frank ditionally, methamphetamine production ex
never hesitated to reach across party lines poses anyone near the process to toxic chemi
to do what was best for his fellow Texans,
cals and the risk of explosion.
and I was proud to work with him when I My Administration is committed to fight
was Governor. Texas has lost a fine man.
ing the spread of methamphetamine abuse
Laura and I pray for the full and speedy re throughout our country. While the number
covery of Frank's wife, Helen. We send our of teens who have tried this deadly drug and
deepest sympathies to the entire family for the number of people testing positive for
their loss.
methamphetamine in the workplace have de
creased in recent years, methamphetamine
Statement on the Death of Police use is still a dangerous public health prob
Officer Steve Favela lem. In the Synthetic Drug Control Strategy
released earlier this year, my Administration
November 26, 2006 set goals of a 15 percent decrease in meth
Laura and I are deeply saddened by the amphetamine use and 25 percent reduction
death of Officer Steve Favela of the Hono in domestic methamphetamine labs over the
lulu Police Department. Officer Favela died next 3 years. To help reach these objectives,
my proposed 2007 budget includes $25 mil
from injuries he suffered while protecting us lion to help ensure that Americans have ac
during our visit to Hawaii. We send our con
dolences to his wife, Barbara, his entire fam cess to effective methamphetamine abuse re
ily, and his fellow law enforcement officers. covery services and programs. Earlier this
We pray that God will comfort them and that year, I also signed into law the Combat
their friends and loved ones will sustain them Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005,
in this difficult time. which makes manufacturing the drug more
difficult and imposes tougher penalties on
Officer Favela risked his life every day to those who smuggle or sell it.
protect the people of his community. In this The struggle against methamphetamine is
time of great sadness, we give thanks for his a national, State, and local effort. To find out
life of service. how to raise awareness and to learn more
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2093

about the battle against methamphetamine • Determine that it is important to the

abuse, concerned citizens may visit national interests of the United States and By to waive the prohibition of section
working together, we can build a stronger, 574(a) of the Act with respect to Bolivia,
healthier America for generations to come. Costa Rica, Cyprus, Ecuador, Kenya,
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, Mali, Mexico, Namibia, Niger, Para
President of the United States of America, guay, Peru, Samoa, South Africa, and
by virtue of the authority vested in me by Tanzania; and
the Constitution and laws of the United • Waive the prohibition of section 574(a)
States, do hereby proclaim November 30, of the Act with respect to these coun
2006, as National Methamphetamine Aware tries.
ness Day. I call upon the people of the You are authorized and directed to report
United States to observe this day with appro this determination to the Congress, and to
priate programs and activities. arrange for its publication in the Federal Reg
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set ister.

my hand this twenty-seventh day of Novem George W. Bush

ber, in the year of our Lord two thousand
six, and of the Independence of the United NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of
States of America the two hundred and thir fice of the Press Secretary on November 28.
George W. Bush Remarks Prior to Discussions With
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip of
8:45 a.m., November 29, 2006) Estonia in Tallinn, Estonia
November 28, 2006
NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of
fice of the Press Secretary on November 28, and [The Prime Minister's remarks are joined in
it was published in the Federal Register on No progress.]
vember 30.
Prime Minister Ansip. —once again,
thank you very much for your support and
Memorandum on Waiving the for the support of your country.
Prohibition on the Use of Fiscal Year President Bush. Thank you, Mr. Prime
2006 Economic Support Funds With Minister. We're honored to be here. It's a
Respect to Various Parties to the great country. And I thank you for your lead
Rome Statute Establishing the ership. I'm very proud of the economic ac
International Criminal Court complishments and your contributions to
November 27, 2006 peace and liberty around the world. I've real
ly been looking forward to coming here. I'm
Presidential Determination No. 2007–5 honored that you agreed to-[inaudible].
Thank you.
Memorandum for the Secretary of State NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 9:37
Subject: Waiving the Prohibition on the Use a.m. at the Stenbock House. A tape was not avail
able for verification of the content of these re
of Fiscal Year 2006 Economic Support Funds marks.
with Respect to Various Parties to the Rome
Statute Establishing the International
Criminal Court
Remarks Following a Meeting With
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Proponents of Democracy in Tallinn
the Constitution and laws of the United
November 28, 2006
States, including section 574 of the Foreign
Operations, Export Financing, and Related It's an amazing country you have here.
Programs Appropriations Act, 2006 (the They've got an e-government system that
“Act”), Public Law 109–102, I hereby: should be the envy of a lot of nations. They've
2094 Nov. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
got a tax system that is transparent, open, summit of NATO in Riga. This summit shows
and simple; people file their taxes over the how far the Baltic States have developed and
how strong the support of our allies is for
You're doing a fine job, Mr. Prime Min us. We want to give a strong message at the
ister. Proud of you. summit, and that is that the doors to NATO

NOTE: The President spoke at 10:31 a.m. at the

are not closed and this is becoming a very
Stenbock House. In his remarks, he referred to mature, good organization.
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip of Estonia. A tape And I want to tell Mr. Bush, welcome to
was not available for verification of the content Estonia.
of these remarks.
President Bush. I'm proud to be the first
sitting American President to visit Estonia.
The President’s News Conference
I'm really glad I came. Yours is a beautiful
With President Toomas Ilves of
country and a strong friend and ally of the
United States. I appreciate the warm wel
Estonia in Tallinn
come I've received. My only regret is that
November 28, 2006 Laura is not with me. She's receiving the
Christmas tree at the White House. She
President Ilves. Again, I'm very happy to sends her very best, Mr. President.
greet the President of the United States, We had a lot—we had a really good discus
George W. Bush, in our fall weather here sion. The President and I spent a lot of time
in Tallinn. Unfortunately, the weather isn't talking about the issue of freedom and liberty
better than it is, but that's how it happens. and peace. I appreciate very much the lead
This visit and these very open meetings that ership Estonia is providing inside NATO.
we have had, President Bush has had with We talked about how our nations can co
me as well as with the Prime Minister,
Andrus Ansip, truly prove that Estonia and operate to achieve common objectives and
the United States are close allies. promote common values, values such as
One of the main messages today was the human dignity and human rights and the
message of freedom to those states who, like freedom to speak and worship the way one
sees fit.
us, have chosen the way to democracy and
freedom and will not bow to pressure from Estonia is a strong ally in this war on ter
any of their neighbors, and by these countries ror. I appreciate so very much the President's
we mean Georgia, Ukraine, the Balkan understanding of the need to resist tyranny.
States. We should not hesitate to support Of all the people in the world who under
these states. And we should not falter when stand what tyranny can do, it's the Estonian
any of our allies are losing hope or faith, and people. I appreciate very much the fact that
we will help them in every way we can. Estonia is helping others resist tyranny and
We will also not falter in making Afghani realize their dreams of living in a free society.
stan more secure, where Estonian soldiers In Afghanistan, Estonians are serving as
are helping to protect the welfare of Afghan a part of NATO's International Security As
citizens, again, together, hand in hand with sistance Force in a dangerous province that
the United States. NATO's greatest foreign the extremists, the Taliban, seeks to control.
operation in the post-cold-war period—it is I appreciate the fact that your forces are serv
the greatest challenge of the postwar period. ing bravely, Mr. President. The people of Es
It is a challenge not only for the neighbors tonia need to be proud of their military. It's
of these countries but also for the whole a fine military. And the commitment of your
world, as was proved by September the 11th. people is important to helping secure the
We are hoping to strengthen the ties be peace.
tween European countries and the United I appreciate the troops that you have sent
States. Conflicts between us are minor or to Iraq. I also understand Estonian soldiers
nonexistent, and any issues will be easy to have been wounded and two soldiers have
resolve. President Bush's visit to Tallinn is given their lives. We hold their families in
taking place at a time immediately before the our hearts. We lift them up in prayer. And
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2095

Americans are grateful to be serving along ing. And the more we can share information,
side such brave allies. the easier it will be for me to get Congress
Estonia is sharing its democratic experi to make it easier for Estonians to travel to
ence with other nations. You have made a the United States.
very successful transition to democracy, and We want people to come to our country.
you're helping other nations do the same, and We understand a lot of Estonians have rel
that is a vital contribution to world peace. atives in America. It's in our Nation's interest
I appreciate the fact that you're training lead that people be able to come and visit, and
ers from Georgia to Moldova to the Ukraine. it's important, at the same time, to make sure
I appreciate the assistance programs you're that those who want to continue to kill Amer
providing to the Afghan people. I also appre icans aren't able to exploit the system.
ciate the fact that you work with your neigh I'm going to go to Riga right after our
bors and through the European Union to lunch. We have an ambitious agenda there.
promote freedom in this region and around More than 50,000 NATO soldiers are pro
the globe. viding security in six missions on three con
This morning the Prime Minister and I tinents. These deployments have shown that
had a chance to meet as well, and he intro our alliance remains as relevant today as it
duced me to some of your citizens who are was during the height of the cold war.
helping to build democracies, and I thanked Our alliance defends freedom and, so
them for their work. We also discussed how doing, helps make us all more secure. We
Estonia has built a strong economy and will discuss NATO's largest deployment, and
raised the standard of living for the people. that is Afghanistan. We're partnering with
I appreciate the fact that you've got a flat Afghan security forces to defeat the Taliban
tax; you got a tax system that's transparent and strengthen that young democracy. To
and simple. I also am amazed by the e-gov succeed in Afghanistan, NATO allies must
ernance you have here in your country. You provide the forces NATO military com
really are on the leading edge of change, and manders require. And I appreciate Estonia's
you're setting a really strong example. commitment. Like Estonia, member nations
We talked about the fact that Estonians must accept difficult assignments if we ex
want to be able to travel to America visa pect to be successful.
free. Both the President and the Prime Min In Riga, we'll discuss how our alliance
ister made this a important part of our discus must build on what we have learned in Af
sions. They made it clear to me that if we're ghanistan. We will continue to transform
a ally in NATO, people ought to be able to NATO forces and improve NATO capabili
come to our country in a much easier fashion. ties so that our alliance can complete 21st
It is clear to me that this is an important century missions successfully. The threat has
issue for the Estonian people as well. I appre changed. Our capabilities must change with
ciate their leaders being straightforward and the threats if NATO is to remain relevant.
very frank. There's no question where they The President understands that, and I appre
stand. ciate our discussion along those lines today.
I am pleased to announce that I'm going We're also going to discuss NATO's fur
to work with our Congress and our inter ther enlargement. By inviting qualifying de
national partners to modify our visa waiver mocracies to join our alliance at the next
program. It's a way to make sure that nations NATO summit in 2008, we'll continue to
like Estonia qualify more quickly for the pro build a Europe that is whole, free, and at
gram and, at the same time, strengthen the peace.
program's security components. I want to thank you for your hospitality
The new security component of the visa again. I know the people of this country are
waiver program would use modern tech proud of their accomplishments. The Amer
nology to improve the security regime for ican people would be amazed at what your
international travelers to and from the country has done, and I'm proud for you.
United States. In other words, we need to And I'm proud to call you friend. Thank you,
know who is coming and when they're leav Mr. President.
2096 Nov. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
President Ilves. Thank you, Mr. Presi diplomats to convince people there is a better
dent. way forward than through violence. We
President Bush. Is there some questions? haven't seen violence yet. The idea is to head
it off in the first place. I spoke to Vladimir
U.S. Visa Policy Putin about this very subject when I saw him
Q. I have a question for both Presidents. in the Far East last week. I know that the
Mr. Bush, you said that you really appreciate President has spoken with President
everything that Estonia has done and that the Saakashvili as well. The tenor of the con
U.S. is very interested in seeing Estonians versation appears to be improving to me, that
visit your country. But you, as President, eople understand that the best way to re
when will you be proposing to Congress this solve their differences is to sit down at the
change in the visa laws to give us visa-free table and solve them diplomatically. And so
travel? And the second part of the question we'll continue to work along those lines.
is, what should Estonia do in order to help I don't know if you want to add anything
you resolve this issue more quickly? to that.
President Bush. to work on our 3 President Ilves. Briefly, just that we sin
percent requirement, and at the same time, cerely hope that Russia will understand that
assure Members of Congress that in loos a democratic state on its borders is not a dan
ening the visa waiver issue, or changing the ger to Russian security. And we hope Russia
visa waiver issue, that we'll still be able to will understand that authoritarian states at its
protect our country from people who would borders will not guarantee its own stability.
exploit the visa waiver program to come to President Bush. That's Deb [Deb
our country to do harm. And that process Riechmann, Associated Press], AP, Yes, Deb.
is beginning shortly.
President Ilves. And I may add that Esto War on Terror/Democracy in the Middle
nia is constantly—has been raising this ques
tion. I had a very long discussion, even back Q. Mr. President, thank you, sir. What is
when I was a delegate in European Par the difference between what we're seeing
liament. I would say that we have come quite now in Iraq and civil war? And do you worry
a long way from the time we started these that calling it a civil war would make it dif
discussions 2 years ago with Nick Burns, and ficult to argue that we're fighting the central
we are prepared when the security require front of the war on terror there?
ments have been clarified, have been ex President Bush. You know, the plans of
plained, then we will be able to implement Mr. Zarqawi was to foment sectarian vio
them in our passports. And that is simply a lence. That's what he said he wanted to do.
technical problem, but it is resolvable. The Samarra bombing that took place last
President Bush. Are you going to call on winter was intended to create sectarian vio
anybody? lence, and it has. The recent bombings were
to perpetuate the sectarian violence. In other
Russia-Georgia Relations words, we've been in this phase for awhile.
Q. First, my respect to both of you, Mr. And the fundamental objective is to work
Bush, Mr. Ilves. A question for Mr. Bush: with the Iraqis to create conditions so that
You said that you discussed with Mr. Ilves the vast majority of the people will be able
the situation in Georgia. Estonia and the to see that there's a peaceful way forward.
United States have helped in the develop The bombings that took place recently was
ment of this country of Georgia, and we are a part of a pattern that has been going on
hoping to see some progress—in this coun for about 9 months. I'm going to bring this
try. But the conflict between Russia and subject up, of course, with Prime Minister
Georgia is putting a stop to this. What do Maliki when I visit with him in Jordan on
you think we should do to help resolve this Thursday. My questions to him will be: What
conflict between Russia and Georgia? do we need to do to succeed? What is your
President Bush. Precisely what we ought strategy in dealing with the sectarian vio
to do is help resolve the conflict and use our lence? I will assure him that we will continue
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2097

to pursue Al Qaida to make sure that they By far, the vast majority of the people want
are unable to establish a safe haven in Iraq. to live in peace. Twelve million people voted.
I will ask him: What is required and what They said, “We want to live under a Constitu
is your strategy to be a country which can tion which we approved.” And our objective
govern itself and sustain itself? And it's goingmust be to help them realize their dreams.
to be an important meeting, and I'm looking This is the this is an important part of an
forward to it. ideological struggle that is taking place here
Q. people who are saying that we're in the beginning of the 21st century. And
moving forward to a full war are wrong? the interesting contribution that a country
President Bush. Deb, there's all kinds of like Estonia is making is that, people
speculation about what may be or not hap shouldn't have to live under tyranny—"We
pening. What you're seeing on TV has started just did that; we don't like it.” They under
last February. It was an attempt by people stand that democracies yield peace. This
to foment sectarian violence, and no—no President is a strong advocate for democ
question, it's dangerous there and violent. racies, because he understands. He under
And the Maliki Government is going to have stands what it means to live under subjuga
to deal with that violence, and we want to tion, and he understands the hope that de
help them do so. It's in our interest that we mocracy brings to regions of the world. And
succeed. A democracy in the heart of the I appreciate your steadfast leadership.
Middle East is an important part of defeating Toby Tabassum Zakaria, Reuters]. Last
the radicals and totalitarians that can't stand question?
the emergence of a democracy. Q. Yes.
One of the interesting things that's taking President Bush. I'll follow your instruc
place—and people have got to understand tions.
what's happening—is, when you see a young
democracy beginning to emerge in the Mid Iran-Iraq Relations
dle East, the extremists try to defeat its emer Q. Mr. President, would direct talks be
gence. tween the United States and Iran and Syria
That's why you see violence in Lebanon. help stem the violence in Iraq” And would
There's a young democracy in Lebanon run you agree to such a step?
by Prime Minister Siniora. And that Govern President Bush. I think that, first of all,
ment is being undermined, in my opinion, Iraq is a sovereign nation which is conducting
by extremist forces encouraged out of Syria its own foreign policy. They're having talks
and Iran. Why? Because a democracy will with their neighbors. And if that's what they
be a major defeat for those who articulate think they ought to do, that's fine. I hope
extremist points of view. their talks yield results. One result that Iraq
We're trying to help get a democracy start would like to see is for the Iranians to leave
ed in the Palestinian Territory. Prime Min them alone. If Iran is going to be involved
ister Olmert has reached out, at one point, in their country, they ought to be involved
to Prime Minister Abbas—or President in a constructive way, encouraging peace.
Abbas. And you know what happens as soon That is the message that the Iranians—the
as he does that? Extremists attack, because Iraqis have delivered to the Iranians. That's
they can't stand the thought of a democracy. the message that Prime Minister Maliki has
And the same thing is happening in Iraq. And made clear, that he expects the neighbors to
it's in our mutual interest that we help this encourage peaceful development of the
Government succeed. country.
And no question, it's tough, Deb; no ques As far as the United States goes, Iran
tion about it. There's a lot of sectarian vio knows how to get to the table with us, and
lence taking place, fomented, in my opinion, that is to do that which they said they would
because of these attacks by Al Qaida, causing do—which is verifiably suspend their enrich
people to seek reprisal. And we will work ment programs. One of the concerns that I
with the Maliki Government to defeat these have about the Iranian regime is their desire
elements. to develop a nuclear weapon, and you ought
2098 Nov. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
to be concerned about it too. The idea of ence of those who wear the uniform of Esto
this regime having a nuclear weapon by nia. I know our military has great respect for
which they could blackmail the world is unac the Estonian soldiers.
ceptable to free nations. And that's why we're I am amazed to be in a country that has
working through the United Nations to send been able to effect a flat tax in such a positive
a clear message that the EU–3 and the way. I am impressed by the e-governance
United States, Russia, and China do not ac that you have here in Estonia.
cept their desires to have a nuclear weapon. All in all, this has been a very worthwhile
There is a better way forward for the Ira and exciting visit for me, and I thank you
nian people. And if they would like to be for your warm hospitality. And I'd like to
at the table discussing this issue with the raise my glass to the leadership of this impor
United States, I have made it abundantly tant country, to our friendship, and most im
clear how they can do so, and that is portantly, to the people of Estonia.
verifiably suspend the enrichment program.
And then we'll be happy to have a dialog
with them. NOTE: The President spoke at approximately
11:42 a.m. in the Estonian Theater. In his re
But as far as Iraq goes, the Iraqi Govern
marks, he referred to Prime Minister Andrus
ment is a sovereign government that is capa Ansip of Estonia. The transcript released by the
ble of handling its own foreign policies and Office of the Press Secretary also included the
is in the process of doing so. And they have remarks of President Ilves. A tape was not avail
made it abundantly clear, and I agree with able for verification of the content of these re
them, that the Iranians and the Syrians marks.
should help, not destabilize this young de
Thank you. Remarks Following Discussions With
President Ilves. Thank you very much. President Vaira Vike-Freiberga of
Latvia in Riga, Latvia
NOTE: The President's news conference began at November 28, 2006
11 a.m. at the National Bank of Estonia. In his
remarks, he referred to President Vladimir Putin
of Russia; President Mikheil Saakashvili of Geor
President Vike-Freiberga. Well, ladies
and gentlemen, it's been a great pleasure to
gia; Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq: Prime have the President of the United States here
Minister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon; Prime Min
ister Ehud Olmert of Israel; and President in Riga for the second time in less than 2
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian years. And I expressed how delighted we are
Authority. President Ilves spoke in Estonian, and to be receiving him and his delegation here
his remarks were translated by an interpreter. on the occasion of the Riga 2006 summit.
The United States has been our strong
supporter all those years when Latvia was not
Remarks at a Lunch Hosted by free, has been our supporter after we re
President Toomas Ilves of Estonia in gained our independence, and I'm most
Tallinn grateful to the United States for the under
November 28, 2006 standing and support we got in our direction
and our movement towards NATO. Now that
Mr. President, thank you very much, and, we are fully members, Latvians certainly
Mr. Prime Minister, thank you as well for sleep better at night knowing that they are
your gracious hospitality. I'm really thrilled protected by an alliance that will spare them
to be here in Estonia. I love being in a coun the sorts of experiences they had in earlier
try that values liberty and freedom. I appre years.
ciate being in a country that understands But of course I'm delighted to be ºvel
there are duties and obligations beyond her coming the President of the United States
border to help others realize the benefits of as the representative of what still remains as
liberty and freedom. I'm very proud of your a shining example of the free world, of the
military, and I'm pleased to be in the pres sort of success one can achieve in a country
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2099

that has been working at its democracy for Remarks at Latvia University in Riga
a long time, that keeps perfecting it. I would November 28, 2006
hope that Latvia, as well, has the same oppor
tunities; that we can go ahead, have our own Thank you all. Labdien. Madam President,
choices, make our own mistakes, and do so thank you for your kind words. Thank you
with the help and understanding and support for your leadership, and thank you for your
of fellow nations who share the same values friendship. Mr. Speaker: Mr. Prime Minister;
aS UIS. Senator Sessions from the great State of Ala
bama, who is with us; Marc Leland, my
President Bush. Madam President, friend from a long period of time. I want
thanks for inviting me back to Riga. Our ex to thank the rector of this important univer
perience was so good the first time that we sity. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentle
couldn't wait to get back. I want to congratu men, thank you for your warm welcome. I'm
late you on hosting this very important delighted to be back in Riga.
NATO summit. You and your Government I appreciate the Latvian Transatlantic Or
have done a spectacular job, and I want to ganization, the Commission of Strategic
thank the people of Riga for accommodating Analysis, and the German Marshall Fund of
all the world leaders who have come to this the United States for organizing this impor
important meeting. tant conference. This is my third visit to the
Baltics as the President of the United States,
I appreciate very much your strong belief and it's my second visit to this beautiful city.
that liberty has got the capacity to transform I just can't stay away. I'm thrilled and hon
the world for the good. I thank you and the ored to be back here, and I bring the greet
Latvian people for supporting young democ ings and good wishes of the American peo
racies in Afghanistan and in Iraq. ple.
We spent time talking about our bilateral Not far from where we meet today stands
relations. Trade is good between the United Riga's Freedom Monument. It was erected
States and Latvia, and that's very positive. in 1935, during this country's brief period of
The President brought up the visa waiver independence between the two world wars.
program. She is deeply concerned that the During the dark years of Soviet occupation,
people of Latvia aren't able to travel to the the simple act of laying flowers at the foot
of this monument was considered a crime
United States as freely as she would like. And
I fully understand your concerns, Madam by Communist authorities. In 1989, the
monument was the scene of one of the most
President. And to this end, I'll be sending
to Congress a new proposal to make it easier remarkable protests in the history of free
for the citizens of Latvia to come to the dom. Hundreds of thousands of people stood
United States and, at the same time, for us together and formed a human chain that
to share information to make sure that we're stretched nearly 400 miles across the Bal
able to thwart any type of terrorist activities tics—from Tallinn in the north, through
in our country. And I'm confident we can downtown Riga, and into the heart of Vilnius.
work this through. By joining hands, the people of this region
showed their unity and their determination
And I want to thank you for working hard to live in freedom, and it made clear to the
on this issue. Every time I've met with you, Soviet authorities that the Baltic peoples
you brought it up, because you deeply care would accept nothing less than complete
about the people of your country. I want to independence.
congratulate you on your strong leadership, It took more years of struggle, but today,
and again, thank you for your very warm hos the Baltic nations have taken their rightful
pitality. place in the community of free nations, and
Latvia is a host for an important NATO sum
mit—the first time our alliance has met in
NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 3:40
p.m. at Riga Castle. A tape was not available for one of the “captive nations” annexed by the
verification of the content of these remarks. Soviet Union. This is a proud day for the
Nov. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
people of Latvia and all the Baltic States. And their aspirations to join the Atlantic alliance.
on behalf of the American people, I thank Georgia is seeking NATO membership as
you for your hospitality, your friendship, and well, and as it continues on the path of re
the courage you are showing in the NATO form, we will continue to support Georgia's
desire to become a NATO ally. We are also
As members of NATO, you are a vital part supporting the leaders of Ukraine as they
of the most effective multilateral organiza work to curb corruption, promote the rule
tion in the world and the most important of law, and serve the cause of peace. Our
military alliance in history. As NATO allies, position is clear. As democracy takes hold in
you will never again stand alone in defense Ukraine and its leaders pursue vital reforms,
of your freedom, and you'll never be occu NATO membership will be open to the
pied by a foreign power. Ukrainian people if they choose it.
Each of the Baltic countries is meeting its
obligations to strengthen NATO by bringing We're also working with Russia through
new energy and vitality and clarity of purpose the NATO-Russia Council. We recognize
to the alliance. Your love of liberty has made that Russia is a vital and important country,
and that it's in our interests to increase our
NATO stronger. And with your help, our alli
ance is rising to meet the great challenges cooperation with Russia in areas such as
and responsibilities of this young century by countering terrorism and preventing the
making NATO the world's most effective spread of weapons of mass destruction. By
united force for freedom. building ties between Russia and this alli
One of the great responsibilities of this alli ance, we will strengthen our common secu
ance is to strengthen and expand the circle rity, and we will advance the cause of peace.
of freedom here in Europe. In the nearly As we help the new democracies of Eu
six decades since NATO's founding, Europe rope join the institutions of Europe, we must

has experienced an unprecedented expansion not forget those who still languish in tyranny.
of liberty. A continent that was once divided Just across the border from here lies the na
by an ugly wall is now united in freedom. tion of Belarus—a place where peaceful pro
Yet the work of uniting Europe is not fully testers are beaten and opposition leaders are
complete. Many nations that threw off the “disappeared” by the agents of a cruel re
shackles of tyranny are still working to build gime. The existence of such oppression in
the free institutions that are the foundation
our midst offends the conscience of Europe,
of successful democracies. NATO is encour and it offends the conscience of America. We
aging these nations on the path to reform— have a message for the people of Belarus:
and as governments make hard decisions for The vision of a Europe whole, free, and at
their people, they will be welcomed into the peace includes you, and we stand with you
institutions of the Euro-Atlantic community. in your struggle for freedom.
After I took office in 2001, I declared that
the United States believes in NATO mem Another great responsibility of this alliance
is to transform for new challenges. When
bership for all of Europe's democracies that
seek it and are ready to share the responsibil NATO was formed in 1949, its principal mis
sion was to protect Europe from a Soviet tank
ities that NATO brings. The following year
in Prague, we invited seven nations to join invasion. Today, the Soviet threat is gone.
our alliance—Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ro And under the able leadership of the Sec
mania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Here retary General, NATO is transforming from
a static alliance focused on the defense of
in Riga, allies will make clear that the door
to NATO membership remains open, and at Europe, into an expedentiary [expedi
Our next summit in 2008, we hope to issue tionary]* alliance ready to deploy outside of
additional invitations to nations that are Europe in the defense of freedom. This is
a vital mission.
ready for membership.
Today, Croatia, Macedonia, and Albania
are all participating in NATO's Membership
Action Plan, and the United States supports * White House correction.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2101

Over the past 6 years, we've taken decisive International Security Assistance Force in
action to transform our capabilities in the alli Afghanistan, NATO has expanded it from a
ance. We created a new NATO trans small force that was operating only in Kabul
formation command to ensure that our alli into a robust force that conducts security op
ance is always preparing for the threats of erations in all of Afghanistan. NATO is help
the future. We created a new NATO bat ing to train the Afghan National Army. The
talion to counter the threats of enemies alliance is operating 25 Provincial Recon
armed with weapons of mass destruction. We struction Teams that are helping the central
created a new NATO Response Force, to en government extend its reach into distant re
sure that our alliance can deploy rapidly and gions of that country. At this moment, all 26
effectively. NATO allies and 11 partner nations are con
Here in Riga, we're taking new steps to tributing forces to NATO's mission in Af
build on this progress. At this summit, we ghanistan. They're serving with courage, and
will launch a NATO Special Operations they are doing the vital work necessary to
Forces Initiative that will strengthen the abil help this young democracy secure the peace.
ity of special operations personnel from We saw the effectiveness of NATO forces
NATO nations to work together on the bat this summer, when NATO took charge of se
tlefield. We will announce a new Strategic curity operations in Southern Afghanistan
Airlift Initiative that will ensure that partici from the United States. The Taliban radicals
pating NATO members have a dedicated who are trying to pull down Afghanistan's de
fleet of C-17 aircraft at their disposal. We mocracy and regain power saw the transfer
will launch the Riga Global Partnership Ini from American to NATO control as a window
tiative that will allow NATO to conduct joint of opportunity to test the will of the alliance.
training and joint exercises and common de So the Taliban massed a large fighting force
fense planning with nations like Japan and near Kandahar to face the NATO troops
Australia—countries that share NATO's val head on. It was a mistake. Together with the
ues and want to work with our alliance in Afghan National Army, NATO forces from
the cause of peace. We will launch a new Canada and Denmark and the Netherlands
NATO Training Cooperation Initiative that and Britain and Australia and the United
will allow military forces in the Middle East States engaged the enemy—with operational
to receive NATO training in support from Romanian, Portuguese, and Es
counterterrorism and counterproliferation tonian forces. According to NATO com
and peace support operations. And as we take manders, allied forces fought bravely and in
these steps, every NATO nation must take flicted great damage on the Taliban.
the defensive—must make the defensive in General David Richards, the British com
vestments necessary to give NATO the capa mander of NATO troops in Afghanistan, puts
bilities it needs, so that our alliance is ready it this way: “There were doubts about NATO
for any challenge that may emerge in the and our ability to conduct demanding secu
decades to come. rity operations. There are no questions about
The most basic responsibility of this alli our ability now. We've killed many hundreds
ance is to defend our people against the of Taliban, and it has removed any doubt in
threats of a new century. We're in a long anybody's mind that NATO can do what we
struggle against terrorists and extremists who were sent here to do.”
follow a hateful ideology and seek to establish Taliban and Al Qaida fighters and drug
a totalitarian empire from Spain to Indonesia. traffickers and criminal elements and local
We fight against the extremists who desire warlords remain active and committed to de
safe havens and are willing to kill innocents stroying democracy in Afghanistan. Defeat
anywhere to achieve their objectives. ing them will require the full commitment
NATO has recognized this threat. And 3 of our alliance. For NATO to succeed, its
years ago, NATO took an unprecedented commanders on the ground must have the
step when it sent allied forces to defend a resources and flexibility they need to do their
young democracy more than 3,000 miles jobs. The alliance was founded on a clear
from Europe. Since taking command of the principle: An attack on one is an attack on
2102 Nov. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
all. That principle holds true whether the at forces and training the next group of Iraqi
tack is on our home soil or on our forces military leaders, NATO is helping the Iraqi
deployed on a NATO mission abroad. Today, people in the difficult work of securing their
Afghanistan is NATO's most important mili country and their freedom.
tary operation, and by standing together in Tomorrow I'm going to travel to Jordan
Afghanistan, we'll protect our people, defend where I will meet with the Prime Minister
our freedom, and send a clear message to of Iraq. We will discuss the situation on the
the extremists—the forces of freedom and ground in his country, our ongoing efforts
decency will prevail. to transfer more responsibility to the Iraqi
Every ally can take pride in the trans security forces, and the responsibility of
formation that NATO is making possible for other nations in the region to support the
the people of Afghanistan. Because of our security and stability of Iraq. We'll continue
efforts, Afghanistan has gone from a totali to be flexible, and we'll make the changes
tarian nightmare to a free nation with an necessary to succeed. But there's one thing
elected President, a democratic Constitution, I'm not going to do: I’m not going to pull
and brave soldiers and police fighting for our troops off the battlefield before the mis
their country. sion is complete.
Over 4.6 million Afghan refugees have The battles in Iraq and Afghanistan are
come home. It's one of the largest return part of a struggle between moderation and
movements in history. The Afghan economy extremism that is unfolding across the broad
has tripled in size over the past 5 years. er Middle East. Our enemy follows a hateful
About 2 million girls are now in school— ideology that rejects fundamental freedoms
compared to zero under the Taliban—and like the freedom to speak, to assemble, or
85 women were elected or appointed to the to worship God in the way you see fit. It
Afghan National Assembly. A nation that was opposes the rights for women. Their goal is
once a terrorist sanctuary has been trans to overthrow governments and to impose
formed into an ally in the war on terror, led their totalitarian rule on millions. They have
by a brave President, Hamid Karzai. Our a strategy to achieve these aims. They seek
work in Afghanistan is bringing freedom to to convince America and our allies that we
the Afghan people; it is bringing security to cannot defeat them and that our only hope
the Euro-Atlantic community; and it's bring is to withdraw and abandon an entire region
ing pride to the NATO alliance. to their domination. The war on terror we
NATO allies are also making vital con fight today is more than a military conflict:
tributions to the struggle for freedom in Iraq. it is the decisive ideological struggle of the
At this moment, a dozen NATO allies, in 21st century. And in this struggle, we can
cluding every one of the Baltic nations, are accept nothing less than victory for our chil
contributing forces to the coalition in Iraq. dren and our grandchildren.
And 18 NATO countries plus Ukraine are We see this struggle in Lebanon, where
contributing forces to the NATO Training last week, gunmen assassinated that country's
Mission that is helping develop the next gen Industry Minister, Pierre Gemayel, a promi
eration of leaders for the Iraqi security ment leader of the movement that secured
forces. To date, NATO has trained nearly Lebanon's independence last year. His mur
3,000 Iraqi personnel, including nearly 2,000 der showed once again the viciousness of
officers and civilian defense officials trained those who are trying to destabilize Lebanon's
inside Iraq, plus an additional 800 Iraqis young democracy. We see this struggle in
trained outside the country. NATO has also Syria, where the regime allows Iranian weap
helped Iraqis stand up a new military acad ons to pass through its territory into Lebanon
emy near Baghdad, so Iraqis can develop and provides weapons and political support
their own military leaders in the years to to Hizballah. We see this struggle in Iran,
come. And NATO has contributed $128 mil where a reactionary regime subjugates its
lion in military equipment to the Iraqi mili proud people, arrests free trade union lead
tary, including 77 Hungarian T-72 battle ers, and uses Iran's resources to fund the
tanks. By helping to equip the Iraqi security spread of terror and pursue nuclear weapons.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2103

We see this struggle in the Palestinian Terri this courage in the nearly 12 million Iraqis
tories, where extremists are working to stop who refused to let the car bombers and assas
moderate leaders from making progress to sins stop them from voting for the free future
ward the vision of two democratic states, of their country. We see this courage in the
Israel and Palestine, living side by side in more than one million Lebanese who voted
peace and security. for a free and sovereign government to rule
In each of these places, extremists are their land. And we see this courage in citizens
using terror to stop the spread of freedom. from Damascus to Tehran, who, like the citi
Some are Shi'a extremists; other are Sunni zens of Riga before them, keep the flame
extremists; but they represent different faces
of liberty burning deep within their hearts,
of the same threat. And if they succeed in knowing that one day its light will shine
undermining fragile democracies and drive throughout their nations.
the forces of freedom out of the region, they There was a time, not so long ago, when
many doubted that liberty could succeed in
will have an open field to pursue their goals.
Each strain of violent Islamic radicalism Europe. Here in the Baltics, many can still
would be emboldened in its efforts to gain recall the early years of the cold war when
control of states and establish new safe ha freedom's victory was not so obvious or as
vens. The extremists would use oil resources sured. In 1944, the Soviet Red Army reoccu
to fuel their radical agenda and to punish pied Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, plunging
industrialized nations and pursue weapons of this region into nearly five decades of Com
mass destruction. Armed with nuclear weap munist rule. In 1947, Communist forces were
ons, they could blackmail the free world, threatening Greece and Turkey, the recon
spread their ideologies of hate, and raise a struction of Germany was faltering, and mass
mortal threat to Europe, America, and the starvation was setting in across Europe. In
entire civilized world. 1948, Czechoslovakia fell to communism,
If we allow the extremists to do this, then France and Italy were threatened by the
50 years from now, history will look back on same fate, and Berlin was blockaded on the
our time with unforgiving clarity and demand orders of Josef Stalin. In 1949, the Soviet
to know why we did not act. Our alliance Union exploded a nuclear weapon. And
has a responsibility to act. We must lift up weeks later, Communist forces took control
and support the moderates and reformers in China. And in the summer of 1950, seven
who are working for change across the broad North Korean divisions poured across the
er Middle East. We must bring hope to mil border into South Korea, marking the start
lions by strengthening young democracies of the first direct military clash of the cold
from Kabul to Baghdad to Beirut. And we war. All of this took place in the 6 years fol
must advance freedom as the great alter lowing World War II.
native to tyranny and terror. Yet today, six decades later, the cold war
I know some in my country and some here is over, the Soviet Union is no more, and
in Europe are pessimistic about the pros the NATO alliance is meeting in the capital
pects of democracy and peace in the Middle of a free Latvia. Europe no longer produces
East. Some doubt whether the people of that armed ideologies that threaten other nations
region are ready for freedom, or want it badly with aggression and conquest and occupa
enough, or have the courage to overcome the tion. And a continent that was for generations
forces of totalitarian extremism. I understand a source of instability and global war has be
these doubts, but I do not share them. I be come a source of stability and peace. Free
lieve in the universality of freedom. I believe dom in Europe has brought peace to Europe,
that the people of the Middle East want their and freedom has brought the power to bring
liberty. I'm impressed by the courage I see peace to the broader Middle East.
in the people across the region who are fight Soon after I took office, I spoke to students
ing for that liberty. at Warsaw University. I told them America
We see this courage in the 8 million Af had learned the lessons of history. I said, “No
ghans who defied terrorist threats and went more Munichs and no more Yaltas.” I was
to the polls to choose their leaders. We see speaking at the time about Europe, but the
2104 Nov. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
lessons of Yalta apply equally across the example you set for liberty. I appreciate your
world. The question facing our nations today hospitality at this summit. America is proud
is this: Will we turn the fate of millions over to call you friends and allies in the cause of
to totalitarian extremists and allow the enemy peace and freedom. May God bless you, and
to impose their hateful ideology across the may God continue to bless America. Thank
Middle East, or will we stand with the forces you very much.
of freedom in that part of the world and de
fend the moderate majority who want a fu NOTE: The President spoke at 4:30 p.m. in the
ture of peace? Grand Hall. In his remarks, he referred to Presi
My country has made its choice, and so dent Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Speaker of the Saeima
has the NATO alliance. We refuse to give Indulis Emsis, and Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis
of Latvia; Marc Leland, cochairman, German
in to the pessimism that consigns millions Marshall Fund; Ivars Lacis, rector, Latvia Univer
across the Middle East to endless oppression. sity; Secretary General Jakob Gijsbert "Jaap" de
We understand that, ultimately, the only path Hoop Scheffer of the North Atlantic Treaty Orga
to lasting peace is through the rise of lasting nization; and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of
free societies. Iraq.
Here in the Baltic region, many under
stand that freedom is universal and worth the
struggle. During the Second World War, a The President’s News Conference
young girl here in Riga escaped with her fam With Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki
ily from the advancing Red Army. She fled of Iraq in Amman, Jordan
westward, moving first to a refugee camp in November 30, 2006
Germany and then later to Morocco, where
she and her family settled for 5% years. President Bush. Good morning. It's good
Spending her teenage years in a Muslim na to be in Amman. I first want to thank His
tion, this Latvian girl came to understand a Majesty King Abdullah for his gracious hospi
fundamental truth about humanity: Moms tality.
and dads in the Muslim world want the same Prime Minister Maliki and I just had a very
things for their children as moms and dads productive meeting. This is the third time
here in Riga–a future of peace, a chance we've met since he took office 6 months ago,
to live in freedom, and the opportunity to and with each meeting, I'm coming to know
build a better life. him better. He's a strong leader who wants
Today, that Latvian girl is the leader of a free and democratic Iraq to succeed. The
a free country—the Iron Lady of the Baltics, United States is determined to help him
the President of Latvia. And the lessons she achieve that goal.
learned growing up in Casablanca guide her I told the Prime Minister we're ready to
as she leads her nation in this world. Here make changes to better support the unity
is how she put it earlier this year in an ad Government of Iraq and that certain key
dress to a joint meeting of the United States principles behind our strategy remain firm,
Congress: “We know the value of freedom and they're fixed. First, we believe the suc
and feel compassion for those who are still cess of Prime Minister Maliki's Government
deprived of it. Every nation on Earth is enti is critical to the success in Iraq. His Govern
tled to freedom,” your President said. She ment was chosen by the Iraqi people through
said, “We must share the dream that some free elections in which nearly 12 million peo
day, there won't be a tyranny left anywhere ple defied terrorists to cast their ballots. I've
in the world. We must work for this future, told the Prime Minister that our goal in Iraq
all of us, large and small, together.” is to strengthen his Government and to sup
Like your President, I believe this dream port his efforts to build a free Iraq that can
is within reach. And through the NATO alli govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself.
ance, nations large and small are working to and is an ally in the war against the terrorists.
gether to achieve it. Secondly, the success of the Iraqi Govern
We thank the people of Latvia for your ment depends on the success of the Iraqi
contributions to NATO and for the powerful security forces. During our meetings, the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 30 2105

Prime Minister and I heard an update from havens, and impose their hateful ideology on
all important group that our Government es millions. If the Iraqis succeed in establishing
tablished last month: the Joint Committee on a free nation in the heart of the Middle East,
Accelerating the Transferring of Security Re the forces of freedom and moderation across
sponsibility. We agreed on the importance the region will be emboldened, and the cause
of speeding up the training of Iraqi security of peace will have new energy and new allies.
forces. Our goal is to ensure that the Prime Mr. Prime Minister, I want to thank you
Minister has more capable forces under his again for your time. I appreciate your friend
control so his Government can fight the ter ship, and I appreciate the courage you show
rorists and the death squads, and provide se during these difficult times as you lead your
curity and stability in his country. country.
Third, success in Iraq requires a united Prime Minister Maliki. Thank you. In the
Iraq where democracy is preserved, the rule name of God. Beginning, I would like to
of law prevails, and minority rights are re thank King Abdullah for hosting this meet
spected. The Prime Minister made clear that ing. And I would also like to thank the Presi
splitting his country into parts, as some have dent of the United States for his response
suggested, is not what the Iraqi people want, and for the role that he has shown in dealing
and that any partition of Iraq would only lead most positively with all the files that we've
to an increase in sectarian violence. I agree. discussed.
In the long term, security in Iraq requires And I would like, during this occasion as
reconciliation among Iraq's different ethnic we leave this transitional stage, we have won
and religious communities, something the initially when we have accomplished democ
overwhelming majority of Iraqis want. racy in Iraq and when we give Iraq the per
The Prime Minister and I also discussed manent Constitution and the Parliament and
the review of our strategy in Iraq that is now the unity Government. And all these are vic
nearing completion. I assured the Prime tories—that are victories with the principles
Minister that our review is aimed at strength that we believe in. And therefore, these vic
ening the capacity of the sovereign Govern tories were our decision not to let those who
ment of Iraq to meet their objectives, which would like to tamper with the fates of the
we share. As part of the review, I've asked region, or those who oppose democracy, to
our military leaders in the Pentagon and win so that the despotic regime comes back.
those on the ground in Iraq to provide their And Iraq will never be a safe haven for ter
recommendations on the best way forward. rorists who are trying to spread darkness in
Others outside the Government are con stead of light, the light that started in Meso
ducting their own review, and I look forward potamia.
to hearing their recommendations. I want to We have many visions and many ideas
hear all advice before I make my decisions about the transformation process, and we are
about adjustments to our strategy and tactics determined to succeed in the face of all the
in Iraq to help this Government succeed. challenges that we believe are probably—
My consultations with the Prime Minister should exist in a situation such as the situa
and the unity Government are a key part of tion that Iraq is going through. These are
the assessment process. And that's why I ap not outrageous challenges. There are crimi
preciate him coming over from Iraq so that mals, there are people who are breaking the
we could have a face-to-face visit. The Prime law. But the steel strength of the national
Minister and I agree that the outcome in Iraq unity Government would help us face all
will affect the entire region. To stop the ex those who are breaking the law, or those who
tremists from dominating the Middle East, are trying to take down democracy in Iraq,
we must stop the extremists from achieving or those who are conspiring and trying to
their goal of dominating Iraq. If the extrem have coups or basically bring down the na
ists succeed in Iraq, they will be emboldened tional unity Government.
in their efforts to undermine other young de We are active with anybody who are work
mocracies in the region, or to overthrow ing within the framework of the Constitution.
moderate governments, establish new safe Because we established the Constitution,
2106 Nov. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

we'll abide by it, we'll protect it, and we'll Democracy Efforts in Iraq/Security
be protected by it. We assure everybody that Situation in Iraq
we are in alliance with international commu
Q. Mr. President, the memo from your
nity in facing all the challenges that the world National Security Adviser has raised the pos
is facing. And foremost in those challenges sibility the United States should press Prime
is terrorism. Terrorism is not a danger only
Minister Maliki to break with Muqtada Al
to Iraq; it's a culture; it's an ideology. The Sadr. Is this, in fact, your strategy? And did
whole civilized world must face it as one line, you raise this issue with the Prime Minister
one unit. Some people might not understand this morning?
the successes that we have as we daily face And to the Prime Minister, I'd like to ask,
terrorism in Iraq and as the security forces the President's Adviser has said that a central
in Iraq chase them down, arrest them. This problem in Iraq is your close alliance with
is solid strength based on our vision, and our Mr. Al Sadr, and did you make any represen
vision is that terrorism, terroristic ideology, tations to the President that you would break
extremism, sectarianism are all issues that
with Al Sadr, and could your Government
will rob humans from happiness. survive such a break?
We are ready to cooperate with everybody President Bush. I will let the Prime Min
who believe that they need to communicate ister talk about his relations with Al Sadr.
with the national unity Government, espe I will tell you that he and I spent a lot of
cially our neighbors. Our doors are open, and time talking about the security situation in
our desire is strong that between us and our side of Iraq. I expressed my concern about
neighbors, we will have strong relationships the security situation; he expressed his con
based on mutual respect and staying away cern about the security situation. After all,
from everybody's internal business. Iraq is one of his most important jobs is to provide
for Iraqis, and its borders will be sound, and security for the Iraqi people. Part of the
we'll not allow anybody to violate these bor Prime Minister's frustration is, is that he
ders or interfere in our internal affairs.
doesn't have the tools necessary to take care
So everybody who is trying to make Iraq of those who break the law.
their own influences appear on the account I was reassured by his commitment to a
of the Iraqi people needs to recalculate, be pluralistic society that is politically united,
cause it will not happen. And all the political and a society in which people are held to
forces in Iraq have agreed on that. They want account if they break the law—whether those
to form a very strong political base to support people be criminals, Al Qaida, militia, who
the national unity Government. We have vi ever.

sions in Iraq, and we are at the steps of trans He discussed with me his political situa
formation into a new stage where we'll have tion, and I think it is best that he talk to
security plans that we will believe will be ef you about the Sadr group or any other group
fective and will deliver what is required. he wants to talk about inside of Iraq.
In Iraq, we don't only deal with terrorism. Prime Minister Maliki. Matter of fact,
We're dealing with building a whole state in my coalition is not with only one entity. The
all its aspect—political, economic, security, national unity Government is a government
militarily—and all these are signs of maturity formed of all the entities that participated
that are now very obvious in Iraq. And we in it. Therefore, that coalition basically rep
hope that they will be complemented and resent a national responsibility.
supported by the international community And Mr. Sadr and the Sadrists are just one
and by our neighbors, who I hope that will component that participate in the Parliament
be supportive not only for the benefit of Iraq, or in the Government. And I think partici
for the benefit of those countries as well.
pating in the Government is a responsibility,
President Bush. We will take a couple of and it's a mutual commitment, and those who
questions. Abramowitz [Mike Abramowitz, participate in this Government need to bear
Washington Post].
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 30 2107

responsibilities. And foremost upon those re I think the Prime Minister agrees with me.
sponsibilities is the protection of this Govern I know that we're providing a useful addition
ment, the protection of the Constitution, the to Iraq by chasing down Al Qaida and by
protection of the law, not breaking the law. securing—by helping this country protect
Therefore, I do not talk about one side itself from Al Qaida.
at the expense of the other. I'm talking about Al Qaida wants a safe haven in Iraq. Al
a state; I’m talking about law; I'm talking Qaida made it clear earlier that suicide
about commitments. And this should apply bombers would increase sectarian violence.
to all the partners in the Government who That was part of their strategy. One of our
have chosen to participate in the political goals is to deny safe haven for Al Qaida in
process. Iraq, and the Maliki Government expects us
As to the issues that would pertain to vio and wants us to provide that vital part of se
lating the law or breaking the law, we would curity.
deal with them the same way, because the So we'll be in Iraq until the job is com
most important principle is the sovereignty plete, at the request of a sovereign govern
and the power and the establishment of the ment elected by the people. I know there's
state that must be borne by the state, but a lot of speculation that these reports in
only our partners should participate in that. Washington mean there's going to be some
kind of graceful exit out of Iraq. We're going
Insurgency and Terrorist Attacks in Iraq to stay in Iraq to get the job done, so long
Q. Hizballah has denied that his forces as the Government wants us there.
trained Muqtada Al Sadr forces, but do you We want the people of Iraq to live in a
have any information if Hizballah has actually free society. It's in our interests. In my judg
trained the forces of Muqtada Al Sadr’ ment, if we were to leave before the job is
Prime Minister Maliki. I think—[inaudi done, it would only embolden terrorists. It
ble]—expressed itself and expressed its re would only embolden the extremists. It
sponsibilities. And one—another time I would dash the hopes of millions of people
would like to say that Iraq and all the Iraqis who want to live in a free society, just like
in the political process; nobody has the right, the 12 million people who voted in the Iraqi
outside of Iraq, to interfere in the political election. They want to live in a free society.
or the security situation inside of Iraq. We And we support this Government, because
invite everybody to cooperate with us, but the Government understands it was elected
as far as this issue related to training, by the people. And Prime Minister Maliki
Hizballah denied, and they're responsible for is working hard to overcome the many obsta
their denial. cles in the way to a peaceful Iraq, and we
President Bush. Our objective is to help want to help him.
the Maliki Government succeed. And today Let's see—Martha [Martha Raddatz, ABC
we discussed how to further the success of News].
this Government. This is a government that
is dedicated to pluralism and rule of law. It's Iraqi Military and Security Forces/
a government elected by the Iraqi people Transfer of Security Responsibilities
under a Constitution approved by the Iraqi Q. Mr. President, is there a time limit on
people, which, in itself, is an unusual event meeting any of these goals for Prime Min
in the Middle East, by the way. ister MalikiP And you keep mentioning that
We talked today about accelerating au the U.S. goal is to fight Al Qaida. Does that
thority to the Prime Minister so he can do mean you believe it's up to the Iraqis to stop
what the Iraqi people expect him to do, and the sectarian violence and quell the sectarian
that is bring security to parts of his country violence, and this is something you don't
that require firm action. It's going to-the want U.S. troops involved in?
presence of the United States will be in Iraq And Prime Minister Maliki, can you tell
so long as the Government asks us to be in us why you canceled the meeting last night?
Iraq. This is a sovereign government. I be President Bush. What was the first part
lieve that there is more training to be done. of your three-part question? [Laughter]
2108 Nov. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Q. Time limit on meeting goals. Is there bility to the Iraqi Government so this person
a time limit on meeting goals? elected by the people can take the fight to
President Bush. A time limit—as soon as those who want to destroy a young democ
possible. But I'm realistic, because I under racy.
stand how tough it is inside of Iraq. The You had a question
Prime Minister is dealing with sectarian vio Q. Sir, there are no time limits here?
lence. The Prime Minister is having to deal President Bush. As quick as possible,
with Al Qaida. The Prime Minister is having Martha. As quick—I've been asked about
to deal with criminal elements. And we want
timetables ever since we got into this. All
to help him. timetables mean is that it is a timetable for
And, yes, I talked about making sure that withdrawal. You kept asking me those ques
Al Qaida doesn't take—doesn't provide— tions. All that does is
gets safe haven in Iraq. Sure, that's an impor Q. Mr. President
tant part of our strategy. But I also have said President Bush. Hold on a second. All
that the goal is a country that can defend, that does is set people up for unrealistic ex
sustain, and govern itself. And therefore, to pectations. As soon as possible. And today
the extent that our troops are needed to help we made a step toward as soon as possible
do that, we're willing to do that. That's part by transferring a-accelerating the transfer
of the operation in Baghdad. Part of the plan of authorities, military authorities to the
in Baghdad was to prevent killers from taking Prime Minister.
innocent life.
Q. Did you put any pressure
Q. Including sectarian violence? President Bush. Hold on a second. Hold
President Bush. Well that's—killers tak
on, please, sir. Please. Thank you.
ing innocent life is, in some cases, sectarian. Prime Minister Maliki. I emphasize what
I happen to view it as criminal as well as the President has just said, that we have
sectarian. I think any time you murder some agreed together, and we are very clear to
body, you're a criminal. And I believe a just gether, about the importance of accelerating
society and a society of that holds people the transfer of the security responsibility.
to account and believes in rule of law protects And be assured that the Iraqi forces and the
innocent people from murderers, no matter security forces have reached a good level of
what their political party is. competency and efficiency to protect Iraq as
And I discussed this with the Prime Min
a country and to protect its people.
ister, and I don't want to put words in his As far as the other issue related to the
mouth, but I received a satisfactory answer meeting, I have met with King Abdullah,
about the need to protect innocent life. And then have met again with his Prime Minister
that's exactly what our troops have been and a group of his ministers, and we've dis
doing, along with the Iraqis. My plan, and cussed bilateral relations that are of concern
his plan, is to accelerate the Iraqis' responsi to both nations—Iraq and Jordan—and that
bility. See, here's a man who has been elect relationship is based on mutual friendship
ed by the people. The people expect him to and being a good host and a good neighbor.
respond, and he doesn't have the capacity And there was not part of our agenda a tri
to respond. And so we want to accelerate that lateral meeting, so there is no problem.
capacity. We want him to be in the lead in Please.
taking the fight against the enemies of his
own country.
And that's exactly what we discussed today. Iraq-Iran Relations
We had a Joint Committee on Accelerating Q. Did you discuss with the President the
the Transfer of Security Responsibility Re Iranian influence that is expanding in Iraq
port. And it was a report that General Casey, and how, and the almost complete Iranian
who is with us today, and our Ambassador, control over Baghdad, as the press sources
Zal Khalilzad, who is with us today, as well seems to indicate? In Iraq, did you build this
as the Prime Minister's team, delivered to big wall between Iraq and Iranian? So and
both of us about how to accelerate responsi are you going to deal with
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 30 2109

President Bush. Did I–I didn't under we would part of the EU-3 plus Russia plus
stand your first question. China discussions. They know how to get us
Q. To deal with Iranian directly? to the table. The choice is theirs to make.
President Bush. Am I going to meet with It's the choice of the Iranian Government
the Iranians directly, is that the question? as to whether or not they make the right deci
Q. The question of Iraq, yes. sions, for not only the sake of the diplomacy,
Prime Minister Maliki. As far as the first but for the sake—more importantly, for the
question that was mentioned by the reporter, sake of their people.
I think these are wrong and exaggerated in We might as well keep going, Prime Min
formation, and they are being used as one ister.
of the propaganda mechanisms to give the Richard [Richard Wolffe, Newsweek).
impression of sectarian strife so that will Please, sir. Please. Thank you.
reach a point of no return. Because we want
to emphasize that we will not allow anybody Prime Minister Maliki's Leadership
to exert their control over any part of Iraq. Q. When you were in Baghdad 6 months
If there is any talk about intervention in Iraq ago, you expressed the same kind of con
and all the discussion, all the talks about peo fidence in the Prime Minister and his Gov
ple or other nations exerting control over ernment that you've expressed today. Yet
Iraq, this is not true. This is a political process there have been repeated rounds of dis
in Iraq. We want good relationships with our appointments when it comes to the Prime
neighbors; we want complementary relation Minister's Baghdad Security Plan, with his
ships with our neighbors to protect the re plans for reconciliation. I'm wondering, if
gion from tensions. But the main principle anything, if you've had any doubts over the
underlying all this is the respect of the Iraqi last 6 months about the strength of his Gov
borders and the internal affairs of Iraq. ernment, about the Prime Minister's own
President Bush. I believe the Iranians abilities. And what gives you such confidence
fear democracy, and that's why they desta today to think that he can achieve what he
bilized Lebanon; that's why they are worried hasn't done over the last 6 months?
about the establishment of a Palestinian President Bush. Well, as you mentioned,
State. he's been in power for 6 months, and I've
I appreciate the Prime Minister's views been able to watch a leader emerge. The first
that the Iraqis are plenty capable of running thing that gives me confidence is that he
their own business and they don't need for wants responsibility. A sign of leadership is
eign interference from neighbors that will be for somebody to say, “I want to be able to
destabilizing the country. I am very worried, have the tools necessary to protect my peo
as should the world, about Iran's desires to ple.” One of his frustrations with me is that
have a nuclear weapon, and therefore, will he believes we've been slow about giving him
continue to work with the world to send a the tools necessary to protect the Iraqi peo
clear message to the Iranians, the Iranian ple. And today we had a meeting that will
Government, that we will—they will become accelerate the capacity for the Prime Min
more isolated. And my message to the Ira ister to do the hard work necessary to help
nian people is, we have no beef with the Ira stop this violence. No question, it's a violent
nian people. We respect their heritage; we society right now. He knows that better than
respect their history; we respect their tradi anybody. He was explaining to me that occa
tions. I just have a problem with a govern sionally the house in which he lives gets
ment that is isolating its people, denying its shelled by terrorists who are trying to fright
people benefits that could be had from en en him.
gagement with the world. And so the second point I make to you
I told the Prime Minister, we'll continue is that I appreciate his courage. You can't
to work with the world community to insist lead unless you have courage. And he's got
that Iran abandon its nuclear weapons pro courage, and he's shown courage over the
grams. And I have said that if they were to last 6 months. Thirdly, he has expressed a
verifiably suspend their enrichment program, deep desire to unify his country. You hear
Nov. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
all kinds of rumors about the politics inside joint plans developed between the Iraqi Gov
of Iraq. I'm talking to the man face to face, ernment, the sovereign Government of Iraq,
and he says that he understands that a unified and our Government, to make sure that we
government, a pluralistic society, is important accelerate the transfer of capacity to the
for success. And he's making hard decisions Prime Minister. And I know he's looking for
to achieve that.
ward to more capacity being transferred so
No question, it's been tough. It would have he can do his job.
been a lot easier had people not tried to de Anyway, he's the right guy for Iraq, and
stabilize the young democracy. His job would we're going to help him, and it's in our inter
have been more simple had there not been est to help him, for the sake of peace.
terrorists trying to create sectarian violence.
Now, I want everybody to remember that Situation in the Middle East
it was Mr. Zarqawi of Al Qaida who said,
“Let us bomb Shi'a in order to create the Q. Mr. President—[inaudible)—what is
conditions necessary for sectarian violence.” your—[inaudible]—Prime Minister Olmert
The Samarra bombing started off this new and President Abu Mazen to keep this cease
phase of violence. The Prime Minister comes fire agreement? And what should be done—
in about halfway through that phase in order [inaudible].
to—he'd been selected, and now he's dealing President Bush. Well, first of all, there's
with a serious situation on the ground. And no question that if we were able to settle
what I appreciate is his attitude. As opposed the Palestinian-Israeli issue, it would help
to saying, “America, you go solve the prob bring more peace to the Middle East. And
lem,” we have a Prime Minister who's saying, therefore, our Government is focused on
“Stop holding me back; I want to solve the helping develop the two-state solution. As a
problem.” matter of fact, I was the-our Government
And the meeting today was to accelerate strongly believes in the two-state solution,
his capacity to do so. It's not easy for a mili and I believe it's in the Palestinian people's
tary to evolve from ground zero, and I appre interest that they have their own state, and
ciate our forces and I appreciate General I believe it's in Israel's interest that there be
Casey, who have worked very hard to train a democracy on her border. And therefore,
the Iraqis so they become a capable fighting we're working to that end.
force, as well as a unifying element for Iraq. Look, there are extremists who want to
But it's one thing to put people in uniform stop the development of a Palestinian state,
and another thing to have clear command just like there are extremists who want to de
structure, or the capacity to move troops stabilize Lebanon—and we're strongly in
from point A to point B, or the capacity to support of the Siniora Government—just like
make sure that the troop carrier from point there are extremists who want to destabilize
A to point B has got the necessary air in its this young democracy. Isn't it interesting that
tires or oil in its engine. In other words, this the radicals and extremists fear democracy
is a sophisticated operation to get a unifying so much that they're willing to kill innocent
army stood up. people? And the task at hand is to support
And one of the reasons I appreciate the moderate, reasonable people in their quest
Prime Minister is that he, on the one hand, for free societies. And that means that Abu
sees that it's a sophisticated operation to get Mazen, who I believe wants there to be a
a military up from zero, but on the other Palestinian state living side by side with
hand, is frustrated by the pace. And the rea peace in Israel, deserves the support of the
son why he's frustrated is because he wants world. And he deserves support in peeling
to show the people who elected him that he his Government away from those who do not
is willing to take the hard tasks on necessary recognize Israel's right to exist.
to provide security for the Iraqi people, such And therefore, Condoleezza Rice will be
as hunting down those who are killing the going to talk to Abu Mazen tomorrow, as well
innocent. And the reason I came today to as Prime Minister Olmert, working with both
be able to sit down with him is to hear the parties together to see how we can advance
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 30 2111

the vision that the Prime Minister himself What has been accomplished is the libera
talked about earlier this week. tion of a country from a tyrant who is now
Q. And your advice to both of them? sitting in jail getting a trial that he was unwill
President Bush. My advice is, support ing to give thousands of people he murdered
reasonable people and reject extremists. Un himself, or had murdered.
derstand that most people want to live in Secondly, this country has a Constitution,
peace and harmony and security. It's very im which is one of the most modern constitu
portant for the American people to under tions ever written in the Middle East. This
stand that most Muslim mothers want their is a government that had been elected by
children to grow up in peace, and they're the people. No question, it's tough. But the
interested in peace. And it's in our interest reason why terrorists are trying to stop the
to help liberty prevail in the Middle East, advance of freedom in Iraq is the very reason
starting with Iraq. why we need to help them, because they
And that's why this business about graceful can't stand democracies and they want to im
exit just simply has no realism to it at all. pose a hateful vision on as much of the world
We're going to help this Government. And as possible. They want safe haven from which
I'm able to say that it is—that we have a to launch attacks again. A safe haven in Iraq,
government that wants our help and is be a country that has got a lot of resources,
coming more capable about taking the lead would be very dangerous for America.
in the fight to protect their own country. The It didn't take but 19 people who were
only way that Iraq is going to be able to suc trained in Afghanistan to get on airplanes and
ceed is when the Iraqis, led by a capable per come and kill over 3,000 citizens in my coun
son, says, “We’re tired of it; we don't want try. Threats that gather overseas must be
violence; we want the peace that our 12 mil taken seriously if we want to protect our
lion people voted for.” And it's in the world's selves. And the best way to protect ourselves
interest that Iraq succeed. is to hunt down the terrorists and to help
Mr. Prime Minister, you want to answer young democracies survive. Freedom and
some more questions? [Laughter Go ahead. liberty is the great alternative to the hateful
Hold on for a minute. Wait, wait, wait. vision of those who are willing to murder in
Prime Minister Maliki. We said six ques nocent lives to achieve their objective.
tion; now this is the seventh—this is the And so you bet it's worth it in Iraq, and
eighth—eight questions. Mr. President? necessary. And I was very proud and pleased
President Bush. Yes, this guy? to see 12 million Iraqis go to the polls, to
be able to express their desires, their wishes,
as they helped put a government in place
Progress in Iraq that this man now leads.
Q. In light of the war that the United Prime Minister Maliki. Thank you very
States is fighting against terror in Iraq, what much.
has been accomplished? What do you expect President Bush. Good to see you; thank
to be accomplished after 3-year confronta you.
tion? Prime Minister Maliki. Thank you.
Another question—other people are ac President Bush. Thank you all.
cusing the United States of bringing ter
rorism to Iraq, and the proof is that what's NOTE: The President's news conference began at
9:43 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel Amman. In
going on in Iraq and what's going on in Af
ghanistan. The proof is that. And the biggest his remarks, he referred to King Abdullah II of
loser is the Iraqi citizen. Jordan; Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada Al Sadr, Gen.
George W. Casey, Jr., USA, commanding general,
President Bush. It's an interesting anal Multi-National Force–Iraq: Prime Minister
ysis: The biggest loser for a free society is Fuad Siniora of Lebanon; President Mahmoud
the Iraqi citizen when this society was just Abbas (Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian Authority;
liberated from the grips of a brutal tyrant Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel; and former
that killed thousands and thousands of the President Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Prime Min
Iraqi citizens. ister Maliki referred to Prime Minister Marouf
2112 Nov. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
al-Bakhit of Jordan. Prime Minister Maliki and We discussed accelerating the transfer of
some reporters spoke in Arabic, and their remarks security responsibilities to the Government
were translated by an interpreter. of Iraq, our hopes for strengthening the fu
ture relationship between our two nations:
Joint Statement by President George and joint efforts to achieve greater coopera
W. Bush and Prime Minister Nuri al tion from governments in the region and to
counter those elements that are fueling the
Maliki of Iraq conflict.
November 30, 2006 We received an interim report from the
high-level Joint Committee on Accelerating
We were pleased to continue our consulta the Transferring of Security Responsibility,
tions on building security and stability in and encouraged the Committee to continue
Iraq. We are grateful to His Majesty King its good work. We agreed that reform of the
Abdullah II of Jordan for hosting these meet Iraqi security ministries and agencies and ad
ings here in Amman. dressing the issue of militias should be accel
Our discussions reviewed developments in erated. The ultimate solution to stabilizing
Iraq, focusing on the security situation and Iraq and reducing violence is true national
our common concern about sectarian vio reconciliation and capable and loyal Iraqi
lence targeting innocent Iraqis. In this re forces dedicated to protecting all the Iraqi
gard, the Prime Minister affirms the commit people.
ment of his government to advance efforts We are committed to continuing to build
toward national reconciliation and the need the partnership between our two countries
for all Iraqis and political forces in Iraq to as we work together to strengthen a stable,
work against armed elements responsible for democratic, and unified Iraq.
violence and intimidation. The Prime Min
NOTE: The Office of the Press Secretary also re
ister also affirms his determination with help leased a Spanish language version of this joint
from the United States and the international statement. An original was not available for
community to improve the efficiency of gov verification of the content of this joint statement.
ernment operations, particularly in con
fronting corruption and strengthening the Proclamation 8087—World AIDS
rule of law.
We discussed the plague of terrorism in Day, 2006
Iraq which is being fomented and fueled by November 30, 2006
Al Qaeda. The people of Iraq, like the people
of the United States and the entire civilized By the President of the United States
world, must stand together to face this com of America
mon threat. The Prime Minister affirmed A Proclamation
that Iraq is a partner in the fight against Al HIV/AIDS is a global health crisis and a
Qaeda. We agreed that defeating Al Qaeda constant struggle for many of our families,
and the terrorists is vital to ensuring the suc friends, and neighbors. On World AIDS Day,
cess of Iraq's democracy. We discussed the we underscore our commitment to fight the
means by which the United States will en AIDS pandemic with compassion and deci
hance Iraq's capabilities to further isolate ex sive action.
tremists and bring all who choose violence America leads the world in the fight
and terror to full justice under Iraqi law. against HIV/AIDS, and through the Emer
We agreed in particular to take all nec gency Plan for AIDS Relief we are com
essary measures to track down and bring to bating the disease in countries around the
justice those responsible for the cowardly at world. Through the New Partners Initiative,
tacks last week in Sadr City. The Prime Min we are supporting faith-based and commu
ister has also pledged to bring to justice those nity organizations that offer much of the
responsible for crimes committed in the health care in the developing world, so that
wake of this attack. we can reach more people more effectively.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 30 2113

In addition, the United States and other con of the Independence of the United States of
cerned countries are promoting a com America the two hundred and thirty-first.
prehensive strategy to prevent the spread of
HIV/AIDS. This includes the ABC ap George W. Bush
proach—encouraging abstinence, being [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
faithful, and using condoms, with abstinence 10:44 a.m., December 1, 2006]
as the only sure way to avoid the sexual trans
mission of HIV/AIDS. NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
As we work to fight HIV/AIDS globally, Federal Register on December 4, 2006. The Of.
we must also ensure our citizens at home fice of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish
have the resources and support they need language version of this proclamation.
for treatment and prevention of this disease.
Today, more than 1 million Americans are Letter to Congressional Leaders
living with HIV/AIDS, and many of these in
dividuals are unaware that they are infected. Transmitting an Alternative Plan for
We will continue to provide medical care, Locality Pay Increases Payable to
counseling, and testing for those in greatest Civilian Federal Employees
need of HIV/AIDS assistance, and I have November 30, 2006
asked the Congress to reform and reauthor
ize the Ryan White CARE Act and provide Dear Mr. Speaker (Dear Mr. President:)
new funding to improve distribution of HIV/ I am transmitting an alternative plan for
AIDS medicines in America. The Federal locality pay increases payable to civilian Fed
Government is also working closely with eral employees covered by the General
Schedule (GS) and certain other pay systems
faith-based and other community organiza in January 2007.
tions to provide services to individuals with Under title 5, United States Code, civilian
HIV/AIDS and end the stigma of AIDS. Federal employees covered by the GS and
America is blessed with scientific knowl
certain other pay systems would receive a
edge and compassionate citizens, and we are two-part pay increase in January 2007: (1)
guided by our founding conviction that each a 1.7 percent across-the-board adjustment in
life has matchless value. On World AIDS
scheduled rates of basic pay derived from
Day and throughout the year, we stand with Employment Cost Index data on changes in
our friends and partners around the world the wages and salaries of private industry
in the urgent struggle to fight this virus, com workers, and (2) a 6.9 percent locality pay
fort those who are affected, and save lives. adjustment based on Bureau of Labor Statis
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, tics' salary surveys of non-Federal employers
President of the United States of America, in each locality pay area. According to the
by virtue of the authority vested in me by statutory formula, for Federal employees
the Constitution and laws of the United covered by the locality pay system, the overall
States, do hereby proclaim December 1, average pay increase would be about 8.6 per
2006, as World AIDS Day. I urge the Gov cent. The total Federal employee pay in
ernors of the States and the Commonwealth crease would cost about $8.8 billion in fiscal
of Puerto Rico, officials of the other terri year 2007 alone.
tories subject to the jurisdiction of the Title 5, United States Code, authorizes me
United States, and the American people to to implement an alternative locality pay plan
join me in appropriate activities to remember if I view the adjustment that would otherwise
those who have lost their lives to AIDS, to take effect as inappropriate due to “national
work to prevent this deadly disease, and to emergency or serious economic conditions
comfort and support those living with HIV/ affecting the general welfare.” For the rea
AIDS. sons described below, I have determined that
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set it would be appropriate to exercise my statu
my hand this thirtieth day of November, in tory alternative plan authority to set an alter
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and native January 2007 locality pay increase.
2 || 4 Nov. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
A national emergency, within the meaning NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis
of chapter 53 of title 5, has existed since Sep Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
tember 11, 2001, that includes Operation and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate.
Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Oper
ation Iraqi Freedom. The growth in Federal
requirements is straining the Federal budget. Remarks on World AIDS Day
Full statutory civilian pay increases costing December 1, 2006
$8.8 billion in 2007 alone would interfere
Laura and I welcome our guests—this is
with our Nation's ability to pursue the war World AIDS Day. It's a day for the world
On terrorism.
Such cost increases would threaten our ef to recognize the fact that there are 39 million
people living with HIV/AIDS and a day to
forts against terrorism or force deep cuts in remember the fact that 25 million people
discretionary spending or Federal employ have died of AIDS. It's a day, as well, for
ment to stay within budget. Neither outcome the United States to remember that we have
is acceptable. Therefore, I have determined
a duty to do something about this epidemic,
that a locality pay increase of 0.5 percent this pandemic.
would be appropriate for GS and certain And today Laura and I met with the Sec
other employees in January 2007. Our na
retary of HHS, as well as Mark Dybul, our
tional situation precludes granting larger lo U.S. Coordinator for our AIDS effort, and
cality pay increases at this time.
people who are involved with helping to save
Accordingly, I have determined that under lives, people from our country and people
the authority of section 5304a of title 5, from around the world who have come to
United States Code, locality-based com share with us the stories of compassion and
parability payments for the locality pay areas courage.
in amounts set forth in the attached table
This country is committed—we're com
shall become effective on the first day of the mitted in helping solve this problem by dedi
first applicable pay period beginning on or cating a lot of resources to the battle against
after January 1, 2007. When compared with HIV/AIDS. The American taxpayers have
the payments currently in effect, these com
funded over $15 billion to help groups
parability payments will increase the General around this table save lives. Before the
Schedule payroll by 0.5 percent. PEPFAR program—that's the name of the
Finally, the law requires that I include in program that we–that's what we call the
this report an assessment of the impact of program that we dedicate money to, to help
my decision on the Government's ability to save lives—before it became into being.
recruit and retain well-qualified employees. there was about 50,000 people receiving life
I do not believe this decision will materially saving drugs. Today, there are over 800,000
affect our ability to continue to attract and people receiving lifesaving drugs, and we
retain a quality Federal workforce. To the thank those who are on the ground in the
contrary, since any pay raise above what I countries around the world who are using
have proposed would likely be unfunded, taxpayers' money to save lives. We believe
agencies would have to absorb the additional that it's one thing to spend money; we also
cost and could have to freeze hiring in order believe it's another thing to say that we ex
to pay the higher rates. Moreover, GS “quit” pect there to be results. And the American
rates continue to be very low (2.0 percent people need to know, we're getting good re
on an annual basis), well below the overall
sults with your money, and we'll continue to
average "quit” rate in private enterprise. spend it wisely.
Should the need arise, the Government has
We also-as we think about people af.
many compensation tools, such as recruit fected with HIV/AIDS in countries around
ment bonuses, retention allowances, and spe the world, we remember those who have got
cial salary rates, to maintain the high quality HIV/AIDS here at home. And it's very im
workforce that serves our Nation so very well. portant for the American people to under
Sincerely, stand we're spending over $18 billion to help
George W. Bush save lives here at home. And I call upon the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2115

Congress to reauthorize the Ryan White Act. Section I. Assignment of Functions. The
The bill has passed the United States House functions of the President under sections
of Representatives; the Senate has time to 4505a, 5305, and 5377 of title 5, United
act before it goes on recess. It is an important States Code, are assigned to the Director of
piece of legislation that will enable us to con the Office of Personnel Management.
tinue our fight against HIV/AIDS domesti Sec. 2. Revocations. (a) Sections 3 and 6
cally. of Executive Order 12748 of February 1,
I can't thank you all enough for coming, 1991, as amended, are revoked. Sections 4,
and I thank you for being such decent, com 5, 7, 8, and 9 of Executive Order 12748 are
passionate people. The pandemic of HIV/ renumbered as sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, re
AIDS can be defeated, and the United States spectively.
is willing to take the lead in that fight. But (b) Section 2 of Executive Order 12828
we can't do it alone. And so for our inter of January 5, 1993, is revoked. Section 3 of
national partners, we appreciate what you do. Executive Order 12S2S is renumbered as
For the faith-based community, we thank section 2.
you for hearing the universal call to love a Sec. 3. General Provision. This order is
neighbor. And for the taxpayers, we appre not intended to, and does not, create any
ciate your generosity in showing the world right or benefit, substantive or procedural,
the good heart and compassion of the Amer enforceable at law or in equity against the
ican people. United States, its departments, agencies, en
Thank you. tities, officers, employees, or agents, or any
other person.
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:41 a.m. in the
Roosevelt Room at the White House. A tape was George W. Bush
not available for verification of the content of
these remarks.
The White House,
December 1, 2006.

Statement on Northern Ireland [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
8:49 a.m., December 4, 2006)
December 1, 2006 NOTE: This Executive order will be published in
the Federal Register on December 5.
The United States welcomes the recent
progress made by the Northern Ireland par
ties and the British and Irish Governments
to implement the agreement reached at St.
Andrews, and I recognize the leadership Digest of Other
White House Announcements
shown by the political party leaders. The
United States fully supports the agreed way
forward for Northern Ireland: a power-shar The following list includes the President's public
ing government by the end of March next schedule and other items of general interest an
year, based on support for the rule of law nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
and policing. not included elsewhere in this issue.

November 25
Executive Order 13415—Assignment
of Certain Pay-Related Functions In the morning at Camp David, MD, the
December 1, 2006 President had an intelligence briefing.
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
By the authority vested in me as President Bush returned to Washington, DC.
by the Constitution and the laws of the November 27
United States of America, including section
301 of title 3, United States Code, it is hereby In the morning, the President had an intel
ordered as follows: ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Tallinn,
2116 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Estonia. While en route, aboard Air Force In the afternoon, the President partici
One, he had separate telephone conversa pated in a NATO leaders group photograph.
tions with President Hu Jintao of China, He then had lunch with NATO leaders.
President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and In the evening, the President traveled to
President Jacques Chirac of France. Amman, Jordan, where, upon arrival, he
In the afternoon, aboard Air Force One,
went to the Raghadan Palace where he met
the President had a telephone conversation with King Abdullah II of Jordan. They then
with former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
had dinner.
of Italy.
In the evening, upon arrival in Tallinn, the Later in the evening, the President went
President went to the Radisson SAS. to the Four Seasons Hotel Amman.
The President announced his intention to
November 28 appoint Laura L. Rogers as Director of the
In the morning, the President had an intel Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Moni
ligence briefing. Later, he met with U.S. Em toring, Apprehending, Registering, and
bassy personnel and their families. Tracking at the Department of Justice.
The President announced his intention to
Later in the morning, the President went
to Kadriorg Palace where he participated in appoint Carlos Marin as Commissioner of the
an arrival ceremony and official photograph International Boundary and Water Commis
with President Toomas Ilves of Estonia. sion (United States and Mexico).
Later, in the State Council Hall, he met with The President announced his intention to
President Ilves. appoint the following individuals as members
In the afternoon, the President went to the of the President's Board of Advisers on Tribal
Estonian National Opera House where he Colleges and Universities: Verna Fowler. Jo
had lunch with President Ilves.
seph George Hiller; Richard Dennis Ste
Later in the afternoon, the President trav phens; and Edward K. Thomas.
eled to Riga, Latvia, where, upon arrival, he The President announced his intention to
went to Riga Castle where he met with Presi appoint the following individuals to be mem
dent Vaira Vike-Freiberga of Latvia. Later, bers of the President's Board of Advisers on
he went to the Radisson SAS.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities:
In the evening, the President went to the Belinda Childress Anderson; Delbert W.
Latvian National Opera where he attended Baker, Brett Everett Fuller, Ivory V. Nelson:
a cultural performance. He then had a work and Beverly Daniel Tatum.
ing dinner with NATO members. Later, he The President announced his intention to
returned to the Radisson SAS.
The President announced his designation designate Mary Beth Buchanan as Designate
of the following individuals as members of Acting Director of the Office of Violence
Against Women at the Department of Jus
the Presidential delegation to attend the In tice.
auguration of Felipe de Jesus Calderon
The President announced that he has
Hinojosa as President of Mexico on Decem
ber 1: former President George H.W. Bush named Scott Stanzel as Deputy Assistant to
(head of delegation); Antonio O. Garza; the President and Deputy Press Secretary.
Alberto R. Gonzales; and Carlos M. Gutier The President announced that he has
named Alan Swendiman as Special Assistant
to the President and Director, Office of Ad
November 29 ministration.
The President announced that he has
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. He then met with U.S. Em named Christopher G. Oprison as Associate
Counsel to the President.
bassy personnel and their families. Later, he
The President announced that he has
went to the Olympic Sports Centre where
he participated in a working session for the named Cheryl Stanton as Associate Counsel
North Atlantic Council. to the President.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2117

November 30 Released November 27

In the morning, the President had an intel Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
ligence briefing. Later, he had breakfast with retary Tony Snow and National Security Ad
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq. They viser Stephen J. Hadley
then had a meeting. Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
In the afternoon, the President returned
to Washington, DC. that the President signed S. 435, S. 819, S.
The White House announced that the 1131, S. 2464, and S. 3880
President will welcome President Thabo
Released November 28
Mbeki of South Africa to the White House
on December 8. Transcript of a press briefing by National Se
The President announced his intention to curity Adviser Stephen J. Hadley
appoint Daniel J. Carroll, Jr., and Howard Fact sheet: NATO Summit 2006
L. Lance as members of the President's Na
tional Security Telecommunications Advisory Released November 29
The President announced his intention to Transcript of a press briefing by senior ad
ministration officials on the NATO summit
designate Gary D. Forsee as Chairman of the
President's National Security Telecommuni Transcript of a press briefing by a senior ad
cations Advisory Committee. ministration official on the President's dinner
The President announced his intention to with King Abdullah II of Jordan *
designate Randall L. Stephenson as Vice
Chairman of the President's National Secu Transcript of a press briefing by senior ad
ministration officials
rity Telecommunications Advisory Com
mittee. Transcript of a press gaggle by Counselor to
the President Dan Bartlett
December 1
Transcript of a press gaggle by Assistant Sec
In the morning, the President had an intel retary of State for European and Eurasian
Affairs Daniel Fried
ligence briefing.
Statement by the Press Secretary: Congolese

Released November 30
Submitted to the Senate Transcript of a press briefing by National Se
curity Adviser Stephen J. Hadley on the
President's meeting with Prime Minister
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq
Senate during the period covered by this issue. Transcript of a press briefing by a senior ad
ministration official on the President's meet
ing with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of

Statement by the Press Secretary on an eco
nomic grant agreement with El Salvador
of White House Press Releases
Statement by the Press Secretary: President
Bush To Welcome President Thabo Mbeki

The following list contains releases of the Office of the Republic of South Africa to the White
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements. * This briefing was released by the Office of
the Press Secretary on November 30.
21 18 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Released December 1 H.R. 860 / Public Law 109–376

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing To provide for the conveyance of the rever
that the President signed H.R. 409, H.R. 860, sionary interest of the United States in cer
H.R. 1129, H.R. 3085, H.R. 5842, S. 101, tain lands to the Clint Independent School
S. 1140, and S. 4001 District, El Paso County, Texas
Fact sheet: World AIDS Day 2006 H.R. 1129 / Public Law 109–377
Pitkin County Land Exchange Act of 2006

H.R. 3085 / Public Law 109–378

Acts Approved To amend the National Trails System Act to
by the President update the feasibility and suitability study
originally prepared for the Trail of Tears Na
Approved November 27 tional Historic Trail and provide for the in
S. 435 / Public Law 109–370
clusion of new trail segments, land compo
nents, and campgrounds associated with that
Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook trail, and for other purposes
Wild and Scenic River Study Act of 2005
S. 819 / Public Law 109–371 H.R. 5842 / Public Law 109–379
Pactola Reservoir Reallocation Authorization Pueblo of Isleta Settlement and Natural Re
Act of 2005 sources Restoration Act of 2006

S. 1131 / Public Law 109–372

Idaho Land Enhancement Act S. 101 / Public Law 109–380
To convey to the town of Frannie, Wyoming.
S. 2464 / Public Law 109–373
certain land withdrawn by the Commissioner
Fort McDowell Indian Community Water of Reclamation
Rights Settlement Revision Act of 2006
S. 3880 / Public Law 109–374 S. 1140 / Public Law 109–381
Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act To designate the State Route 1 Bridge in the
State of Delaware as the “Senator William
Approved December 1 V. Roth, Jr. Bridge”
H.R. 409 / Public Law 109–375
Sierra National Forest Land Exchange Act S. 4001 / Public Law 109–382
of 2006 New England Wilderness Act of 2006
* **
wae º,
20402 POSTAG
AE 2.101: 42/44

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, December 11, 2006

Volume 42—Number 49
Pages 2119—2146


JAN 0 9 2007
3. \


Addresses and Remarks Meetings With Foreign Leaders

See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders; Costa Rica, President Arias Sanchez—2127
Resignations and Retirements Iraq, Chairman Hakim of the Supreme
Children's holiday reception—2121 Council for the Islamic Revolution—2122
Congress, meeting with Members—2128 South Africa, President Mbeki—2141
Congressional leaders, meeting—2141 United Kingdom, Prime Minister Blair—2129
Defense Department, meeting with Secretary Proclamations
of Defense-designate Gates—2124
Iraq Study Group, meeting—2126 National Drunk and Drugged Driving
National Christmas Tree, lighting—2140 Prevention Month—2119
Radio address—2120 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day—
Communications to Federal Agencies
Resignations and Retirements
Presidential Determination on Waiver of
United Nations, U.S. Permanent
Conditions on Obligation and Expenditure
of Funds for Planning, Design, and Representative, resignation
Construction of a Chemical Weapons Statement—2123
Destruction Facility in Russia for Calendar
Year 2007, memorandum—2129 Statements by the President
Executive Orders See also Resignations and Retirements
Death of Jeane J. Kirkpatrick—2142
Establishing an Emergency Board To National economy—2143
Investigate Disputes Between Metro-North Robert M. Gates to be the Secretary of
Railroad and Certain of Its Employees Defense, Senate confirmation—2128
Represented by Certain Labor
Organizations—2128 Supplementary Materials
Strengthening Surface Transportation Acts approved by the President—2146
Security—2124 Checklist of White House press releases—
Interviews With the News Media
Digest of other White House
News conference with Prime Minister Blair of announcements—2143
the United Kingdom, December 7–2129 Nominations submitted to the Senate—2144

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Dºcu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per year
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing'.
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http.
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of materia
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Dºu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the nuents.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607.
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, December 8, 2006
Proclamation 8088—National Drunk drugs. My Administration is also supporting
and Drugged Driving Prevention community and faith-based programs that
Month, 2006 encourage others to avoid the devastating
December 1, 2006 consequences of impaired driving.
Every person has a responsibility to drive
By the President of the United States -
free of alcohol and drugs and to insist that
of America friends and family do the same. By helping
fight drunk and drugged driving, Americans
A Proclamation everywhere can save lives and send a strong
Each year, thousands of Americans lose message that driving under the influence is
their lives in accidents involving drunk and not acceptable.
drugged driving. During National Drunk and Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
Drugged Driving Prevention Month, we con President of the United States of America,
tinue our efforts to promote awareness of the by virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and laws of the United
dangers of impaired driving and encourage
fellow citizens to never drive under the influ States, do hereby proclaim December 2006
ence of alcohol or drugs. as National Drunk and Drugged Driving Pre
All Americans can play an important role vention Month. I encourage all Americans to
in preventing drunk and drugged driving. make responsible decisions and to help pre
Family members can discuss the dangers of vent drunk and drugged driving.
impaired driving; businesses, schools, and or In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
ganizations in our communities can help my hand this first day of December, in the
spread the message of awareness; and indi year of our Lord two thousand six, and of
viduals can help protect family and friends the Independence of the United States of
by identifying a designated driver. During America the two hundred and thirty-first.
the holiday season, it is especially important George W. Bush
to encourage responsible driving and to help
ensure the safety of friends and loved ones. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
My Administration is committed to saving 8:45 a.m., December 6, 2006]
lives by stopping drunk and drugged drivers NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
before they put themselves and others at risk. Federal Register on December 7. This item was
We continue to work with communities
across our Nation to increase public aware
not received in time for publication in the appro
priate issue.
ness and prevention of this serious offense.
The Department of Transportation's Na
tional Highway Traffic Safety Administration Proclamation 8089—National Pearl
has partnered with State and local law en Harbor Remembrance Day, 2006
forcement agencies to carry out the cam December 1, 2006
paign, “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit.
Under Arrest.” This program aims to keep By the President of the United States
impaired drivers off our Nation's roads by of America
creating new public education programs and A Proclamation
toughening enforcement. The Office of Na
tional Drug Control Policy works to warn Sixty-five years ago, more than 2,400
young drivers and their parents about the Americans lost their lives in a surprise attack
dangers of driving under the influence of on Pearl Harbor. On National Pearl Harbor
2] 19
2120 Dec. 1 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Remembrance Day, we think of those who the Independence of the United States of
died on December 7, 1941, and honor all America the two hundred and thirty-first.
those who sacrificed for our liberty during George W. Bush
World War II.
On that peaceful Sunday morning, our [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register.
country suffered a vicious, unprovoked attack 8:45 a.m., December 6, 2006]
that changed the course of history. Though NOTE: This proclamation was published in the
our Pacific Fleet was nearly destroyed, our Federal Register on December 7. This item was
citizens were inspired by the great acts of not received in time for publication in the appro
heroism from those who survived and from priate issue.
those who did not. In the days that followed,
our grief turned to resolution, and America
embarked on a mission to defeat two of the The President’s Radio Address
most ruthless regimes the world has ever December 2, 2006
known. We pledge to always remember the
character and sacrifice of the brave individ Good morning. I returned home this week
uals at Pearl Harbor. Their selfless service from a visit to the Middle East. On my trip,
helped deliver a great victory for the cause I met with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq to
of freedom and, ultimately, transformed ad discuss how we can improve the situation on
versaries into the closest of friends. the ground in his country and help the Iraqis
After the devastating attacks on Pearl Har build a lasting democracy.
bor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt de My meeting with Prime Minister Maliki
was our third since he took office 6 months
clared, “We are going to win the war and ago. With each meeting, I'm coming to know
we are going to win the peace that follows.” him better, and I'm becoming more im
In the 21st century, freedom is again under pressed by his desire to make the difficult
attack, and young Americans have stepped choices that will put his country on a better
forward to serve in a global war on terror path. During our meeting. I told the Prime
that will secure our liberty and determine the Minister that America is ready to make
destiny of millions around the world. Like changes to better support the unity Govern
generations before, we will answer history's ment of Iraq, and that several key principles
call with confidence, confront threats to our
will guide our efforts.
way of life, and build a more peaceful world First, the success of Prime Minister
for our children and grandchildren. Maliki's Government is critical to success in
The Congress, by Public Law 103–308, as Iraq. His unity Government was chosen
amended, has designated December 7 of through free elections in which nearly 12 mil
each year as “National Pearl Harbor Remem lion Iraqis cast their ballots in support of de
brance Day.” mocracy. Our goal in Iraq is to strengthen
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, his democratic Government and help Iraq's
President of the United States of America, leaders build a free nation that can govern
do hereby proclaim December 7, 2006, as itself, sustain itself, and defend itself—and
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. is an ally in the war on terror.
I encourage all Americans to observe this sol Second, the success of the Iraqi Govern
emn occasion with appropriate ceremonies ment depends on the success of the Iraqi
and activities. I urge all Federal agencies, in security forces. The training of Iraqi security
terested organizations, groups, and individ forces has been steady, vet we both agreed
uals to fly the flag of the United States at that we need to do more, and we need to
half-staff this l)ecember 7 in honor of those do it faster. The Prime Minister wants to
who died as a result of their service at Pearl
show the people who elected him that he's
Harbor. willing to make the hard decisions necessary
In Witness Whereof. I have hereunto set to provide security.
my hand this first day of December, in the To do that, he needs larger and more capa
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of ble Iraqi forces under his control, and he
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 4 21.21

needs them quickly. By helping Iraq's elect to undermine young democracies across the
ed leaders get the Iraqi forces they need, we region and give the extremists an open field
will help Iraq's democratic Government be to overthrow moderate governments, take
come more effective in fighting the terrorists control of countries, impose their rule on
and other violent extremists, and in providing millions, and threaten the American people.
security and stability, particularly in Bagh Our Nation must not allow this to happen.
dad. Success in Iraq will require leaders in
Third, success in Iraq requires strong insti Washington—Republicans and Democrats
tutions that will stand the test of time and alike—to come together and find greater
hardship. Our goal in Iraq is to help Prime consensus on the best path forward. So I will
Minister Maliki build a country that is united, work with leaders in both parties to achieve
where the rule of law prevails and the rights this goal. Together we can help Iraqis build
of minorities are respected. The Prime Min a free and democratic nation in the heart of
ister made clear that splitting his country into the Middle East, strengthen moderates and
parts is not what the Iraqi people want and reformers across the region who are working
that any partition of Iraq would lead to an for peace, and leave our children and grand
increase in sectarian violence. children a more secure and hopeful world.
Security in Iraq requires sustained action Thank you for listening.
by the Iraqi security forces, yet in the long
term, security in Iraq hinges on reconcili NOTE: The address was recorded at approximately
7:50 a.m. on December 1 in the Cabinet Room
ation among Iraq's different ethnic and reli
at the White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m.
gious communities. And the Prime Minister
has committed his Government to achieving on December 2. The transcript was made avail
able by the Office of the Press Secretary on De
that goal. cember 1 but was embargoed for release until the
The Prime Minister and I also discussed
broadcast. The Office of the Press Secretary also
the review of America's strategy in Iraq that released a Spanish language transcript of this ad
is now nearing completion. As part of this dress.
review, I've asked our military leaders in the
Pentagon and those on the ground in Iraq
to provide their recommendations on the Remarks at the Children's Holiday
best way forward. Reception
A bipartisan panel, led by former Secretary December 4, 2006
of State James Baker and former Congress
man Lee Hamilton, is also conducting a re Thanks for coming. Laura and I want to
view. And I look forward to receiving their welcome you all to the White House. We're
report next week. I want to hear all advice really happy you're here. I think you're going
before I make any decisions about adjust to really enjoy this special occasion. My job
ments to our strategy in Iraq. is to introduce my wife, Laura Bush. [Laugh
I recognize that the recent violence in Iraq ter. Before I do so, though, I want to say
has been unsettling. Many people in our something about your moms and dads. I
country are wondering about the way for thank you very much for supporting your
ward. The work ahead will not be easy, yet mom and dad as they're on a very important
by helping Prime Minister Maliki strengthen mission for our country. I want you to know
Iraq's democratic institutions and promote that they love you dearly and the American
national reconciliation, our military leaders people love and respect those who wear our
and diplomats can help put Iraq on a solid uniform a lot.
path to liberty and democracy. The decisions I know it's tough to have your mom or
we make in Iraq will be felt across the broad dad overseas, and we wish you all the best.
er Middle East. But it's really important work. And so we
Failure in Iraq would embolden the ex wanted to welcome you here to the White
tremists who hate America and want nothing House to, first of all, thank you for your
more than to see our demise. It would strength, and so that you would do me a favor
strengthen the hand of those who are seeking and e-mail your mom or dad who is overseas
Dec. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
how much the Commander in Chief respects serve as an ally in the war against the extrem
them, admires them, and supports them. ists and radicals and terrorists.
So welcome to the White House. We're So, Your Eminence, welcome back. Thank
glad you're here. And now I'm going to intro you for the very constructive conversation we
duce my wife, Laura Bush. had.
Chairman Hakim. In the name of God.
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:40 a.m. in the the merciful, the passionate, and blessing
East Room at the White House. The transcript upon Prophet Mohammed and his purified
released by the Office of the Press Secretary also family and his loyal companions. My meeting
included the remarks of the First Lady. with President Bush today emerges from our
shared commitment towards continued dia

Remarks Following Discussions With log and consultation among us and also on
Chairman Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim of the basis of our conviction that the Iraqi issue
is a mutual interest. It's an issue that requires
the Supreme Council for the Islamic coordination between the two sides in a way
Revolution in Iraq that concerns both of us politically and from
December 4, 2006 a security point of view and economic point
of view as well.
President Bush. Your Eminence, wel
come back to the Oval Office. This is the Therefore, our conversation today focused
second opportunity I've had to meet with one on ways to advance the work of the Iraqi
Government, the elected Government, as
of the distinguished leaders of a free Iraq.
This is a man whose family suffered unbeliev well as to advance the whole situation in Iraq
able violence at the hands of the dictator, and move it forward. Also, we have discussed
Saddam Hussein. He lost nearly 60 family ways in order to provide all the necessities
members, and yet rather than being bitter, that the Iraqi Armed Forces will need, in
he's involved with helping the new Govern terms of armament, in terms of trainings, in
ment succeed. order to be in a position to assume the secu
We talked about a lot of important issues. rity file.
I appreciate so very much His Eminence's The Iraqi situation is being subjected to
commitment to a unity government. I as a great deal of defamation, and the true pic
sured him the United States supports his ture is not being presented in order to show
work and the work of the Prime Minister to a dark side of what's happening in Iraq. We
unify the country. Part of unifying Iraq is for see the attempts to defame and distort the
the elected leaders and society leaders to re situation in Iraq, not taking into consider
ject the extremists that are trying to stop the ation the democratic steps that that country
advance of this young democracy. I appre has taken, writing the Constitution and estab
ciated very much His Eminence's strong po lishing a state that depends heavily on the
sition against the murder of innocent life. Constitution, that it is unified and that it is
We talked about the need to give the Gov strong. There are attempts to show the sec
ernment of Iraq more capability as quickly tarian strife in an attempt to weaken the posi
as possible, so that the elected Government tion in Iraq.
of Iraq can do that which the Iraqi people The U.S. interests, the Iraqi interests, the
want, which is to secure their country from regional interests, they are all linked. There
the extremists and murderers. I told His Em fore, it is very important when we deal with
inence that I was proud of the courage of this issue, we look at the interests of the Iraqi
the Iraqi people. I told him that we're not people. If we don't, this whole issue could
satisfied with the pace of progress in Iraq. backfire and could harm the interests of the
and that we want to continue to work with region, the United States, and Iraq as well.
the sovereign Government of Iraq to accom Therefore, we believe that the Iraqi issue
plish our mutual objectives, which is a free should be solved by the Iraqis with the help
country that can govern itself, sustain itself. of friends everywhere. But we reject any at
and defend itself—a free country which will tempts to have a regional or international
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 4 2123

role in solving the Iraqi issue. We cannot by he deserved to be confirmed is because I

pass the political process. Iraq should be in know he did a fabulous job for the country.
a position to solve Iraqi problems. We wel And I want to thank you and Gretchen for
come any effort that could enhance the serving in a very important position, and
democratic reality in Iraq and protect the doing so in a way that a lot of Americans
constitutional role of that state. really... John. We're going to miss
We have gone a long way to establish a you in this administration. You've been a stal
democratic and pluralistic society in Iraq. We wart defender of freedom and peace. You've
have given a great deal of sacrifice toward been strong in your advocacy for human
achieving that objective. We cherish all the rights and human dignity. You've done every
sacrifices that took place for the liberation thing that can be expected for an Ambas
and the freedom of Iraq, sacrifices by the sador.
Iraqi people, as well as friendly nations, and And I accept your letter, and I wish you
on top of that list, sacrifices by the Ameri and Gretchen all the very best.
cans. We have now an elected government Ambassador Bolton. Many thanks.
in Iraq, a government that it is so determined The President. Thank you. Thanks for
to combat both violence and terror, a govern serving.
ment that it is—strongly believes in the unity
of that government and of that country and NOTE: The President spoke at 3:49 p.m. in the
the society, a government that deals and will Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks,
deal with all the sources of terrorism regard he referred to Gretchen Bolton, wife of Ambas
less where they come from. sador Bolton. The Office of the Press Secretary
We will work very hard and seek all forms also made available Ambassador Bolton's letter of
of cooperation at the international level and resignation.
the regional level in order to defeat ter
rorism, that it is trying to use Iraq as a base
in order to sabotage the future of that nation. Statement on the Resignation of
Thank you very much, Mr. President, for John R. Bolton as United States
allowing me this opportunity to meet with Permanent Representative to the
you. I would like to take this opportunity also United Nations
to thank the American people and their sym December 4, 2006
pathy toward Iraq, those who helped Iraq to
get rid of a brutal dictatorship and to enjoy It is with deep regret that I accept John
freedom and liberties. Bolton's decision to end his service in the
President Bush. Thank you, sir. Thank administration as Permanent Representative
you all. of the United States to the United Nations

NOTE: The President spoke at 2:26 p.m. in the when his commission expires.
Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks, Over a year ago, I appointed Ambassador
he referred to former President Saddam Hussein Bolton because I knew he would represent
America's values and effectively confront dif
and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq. Chair
man Hakim spoke in Arabic, and his remarks were ficult problems at the United Nations. He
translated by an interpreter. served his country with extraordinary dedica
tion and skill, assembling coalitions that ad
dressed some of the most consequential
Remarks on the Resignation of issues facing the international community.
John R. Bolton as United States During his tenure, he articulately advocated
Permanent Representative to the the positions and values of the United States
United Nations and advanced the expansion of democracy
December 4, 2006 and liberty.
Ambassador Bolton led the successful ne
The President. I received the resignation gotiations that resulted in unanimous Secu
of Ambassador John Bolton. I accepted; I'm rity Council resolutions regarding North Ko
not happy about it. I think he deserved to rea's military and nuclear activities. He built
be confirmed. And the reason why I think consensus among our allies on the need for
2124 Dec. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Iran to suspend the enrichment and reproc Robert M. Gates. Thank you, Mr. Presi
essing of uranium. His efforts to promote the dent. Thank you very much.
cause of peace in Darfur resulted in a peace The President. Best of luck up there on
keeping commitment by the United Nations. Capitol Hill. Good luck to you.
He made the case for United Nations reform Mr. Gates. Thank you.
because he cares about the institution and The President. Thank you all.
wants it to become more credible and effec
tive. NOTE: The President spoke at 7:48 a.m. in the
Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House.
I am deeply disappointed that a handful
of United States Senators prevented Ambas
sador Bolton from receiving the up-or-down Executive Order 13416–
vote he deserved in the Senate. They chose Strengthening Surface
to obstruct his confirmation, even though he Transportation Security
enjoys majority support in the Senate and
December 5, 2006
even though their tactics will disrupt our dip
lomatic work at a sensitive and important By the authority vested in me as President
time. This stubborn obstructionism ill serves
by the Constitution and the laws of the
our country and discourages men and women United States of America, and to strengthen
of talent from serving their Nation. the security of the Nation's surface transpor
I thank John Bolton for the dedication and tation systems and thereby enhance the pro
skill with which he performed his duties, and tection of the people, property, and territory
his wife, Gretchen, and daughter, Jennifer of the United States of America against ter
Sarah, for their support as Ambassador rorist attacks, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Bolton served his country. All Americans owe Section I. Policy. The security of our Na
John Bolton their gratitude for a job well tion's surface transportation systems is a na
tional priority, vital to our economy, and es
sential to the security of our Nation. Federal,
NOTE: The Office of the Press Secretary also State, local, and tribal governments, the pri
made available Ambassador Bolton's letter of res vate sector, and the public share responsi
ignation. bility for the security of surface transpor
tation. It is the policy of the United States
to protect the people, property, and territory
Remarks Following a Meeting With of the United States by facilitating the imple
Secretary of Defense-Designate mentation of a comprehensive, coordinated.
Robert M. Gates and efficient security program to protect sur
December 5, 2006 face transportation systems within and adja
cent to the United States against terrorist at
The President. Good morning. I just had tacks.
a breakfast with my nominee to be the Sec Sec. 2. Definitions. For purposes of this
retary of Defense, Bob Gates. Bob Gates will order:
be a fine Secretary of Defense. I appreciate (a) “agencies” means those executive de
the fact that he's getting a hearing today in partments enumerated in 5 U.S.C. 101, inde
the United States Senate. I hope for a speedy pendent establishments as defined by 5
confirmation so he can get sworn in and get U.S.C. 104(1), government corporations as
to work. defined by 5 U.S.C. 103(1), and the United
Those who wear the uniform know they'll States Postal Service;
have a friend in Bob Gates in the Defense (b) “Secretary” means the Secretary of
Department. He admires our military; he re Homeland Security:
spects those who have volunteered to serve (c) “security guideline” means any secu
our country. He's going to do an excellent rity-related guidance that the Secretary rec
job for us. ommends, for implementation on a voluntary
Again, Bob, I thank you for agreeing to basis, to enhance the security of surface
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 5 2125

(d) “security requirement” means any of Federal, State, local, and tribal gov
“regulatory action” as defined in section 3 ernments and the private sector;
of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, (ii ) schedules and protocols for annual re
1993, as amended (Regulatory Planning and views of the effectiveness of surface
Review), including security directives when transportation security-related infor
appropriate, to implement measures to en mation sharing mechanisms in bring
hance the security of surface transportation; ing about the timely exchange of sur
(e) “surface transportation modes” means face transportation security informa
mass transit, commuter and long-distance tion among Federal, State, local, and
passenger rail, freight rail, commercial vehi tribal governments and the private
cles (including intercity buses), and pipe sector, as appropriate; and
lines, and related infrastructure (including (iii) a process for assessing (A) compliance
roads and highways), that are within the terri with any security guidelines and secu
tory of the United States, but does not in rity requirements issued by the Sec
clude electric grids; and retary for surface transportation, and
(f) “surface transportation” means any (B) the need for revision of such
conveyance of people, goods, or commodities guidelines and requirements to en
using one or more surface transportation sure their continuing effectiveness;
modes. (d) in consultation with State, local, and
Sec. 3. Functions of the Secretary of tribal government officials and the private
Homeland Security. The Secretary is the sector, not later than 180 days after the date
principal Federal official responsible for in of this order, identify surface transportation
frastructure protection activities for surface modes, or components thereof, that are sub
transportation. To implement the policy set ject to high risk of terrorist attack, draft ap
forth in section 1 of this order, the Secretary propriate security guidelines or security re
shall, consistent with the National Infrastruc quirements to mitigate such risks, and ensure
ture Protection Plan (NIPP), in coordination that, prior to their issuance, draft security re
with the Secretary of Transportation, and in quirements are transmitted to the Office of
consultation with the heads of other relevant Management and Budget for review in ac
agencies: cordance with Executive Order 12866 and
(a) assess the security of each surface draft security guidelines receive appropriate
transportation mode and evaluate the effec interagency review;
tiveness and efficiency of current Federal (e) develop, implement, and lead a proc
Government surface transportation security ess, in collaboration with other agencies,
initiatives; State, local, and tribal governments, and the
(b) building upon current security initia private sector, as appropriate, to coordinate
tives, not later than December 31, 2006, de research, development, testing, and evalua
velop a comprehensive transportation sys tion of technologies (including alternative
tems sector specific plan, as defined in the uses for commercial off-the-shelf tech
NIPP, nologies and products) relating to the protec
(c) not later than 90 days after the com tion of surface transportation, including—
prehensive transportation systems sector spe (i) determining product and technology
cific plan is completed, develop an annex to needs to inform the requirements for
such plan that addresses each surface trans and prioritization of research, devel
portation mode, which shall also include, at opment, testing, and evaluation,
a Inlininnurn— based on the security guidelines and
(i) an identification of existing security security requirements i. pur
suant to subsection (c) of this section
guidelines and security requirements
and any security gaps, a description and evolving terrorist threats to the
of how the transportation systems sec security of surface transportation;
tor specific plan will be implemented (ii) collecting information on existing and
for such mode, and the respective planned research, development, test
roles, responsibilities, and authorities ing, and evaluation efforts; and
2126 Dec. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
(iii) not later than 180 days after the date Remarks Following a Meeting With
of this order, consistent with section the Iraq Study Group
313 of the Homeland Security Act of December 6, 2006
2002, as amended (6 U.S.C. 193), es
tablishing and making available to I just received the Iraq Study Group re
Federal, State, local, and tribal gov port, prepared by a distinguished panel of
ernment entities, and private sector our fellow citizens. I want to i. James
owners and operators of surface trans Baker and Lee Hamilton and the panel
portation systems, lists of available members for spending a lot of time on this
technologies and products relating to really difficult issue. And I thank you for
the protection of surface transpor coming into the White House today to give
tation; and me a copy of this report.
(f) use security grants authorized by law I've told the members that this report,
to assist in implementing security require called “The Way Forward,” will be taken
ments and security guidelines issued pursu very seriously by this administration. This re
ant to law and consistent with subsection (c) port gives a very tough assessment of the situ
of this section. ation in Iraq. It is a report that brings some
really very interesting proposals, and we will
Sec. 4. Duties of Heads of Other Agencies. take every proposal seriously, and we will act
Heads of agencies, as appropriate, shall pro in a timely fashion.
vide such assistance and information as the The commission is headed up to Congress,
Secretary may request to implement this and I urge the Members of Congress to take
order. this report seriously. While they won't agree
Sec. 5. General Provisions. This order: with every proposal—and we probably won't
agree with every proposal—it, nevertheless,
(a) shall be implemented consistent with is an opportunity to come together and to
applicable law and the authorities of agen work together on this important issue.
cies, or heads of agencies, vested by law, and The country, in my judgment, is tired of
subject to the availability of appropriations; pure political bickering that happens in
(b) shall not be construed to impair or oth Washington, and they understand that on this
erwise affect the functions of the Director important issue of war and peace, it is best
for our country to work together. And I un
of the Office of Management and Budget re derstand how difficult that is, but this report
lating to budget, administrative, and legisla will give us all an opportunity to find com
tive proposals; and mon ground, for the good of the country—
(c) is not intended to, and does not, create not for the good of the Republican Party or
any rights or benefits, substantive or proce the Democrat Party, but for the good of the
dural, enforceable at law or in equity by a country.
party against the United States, its agencies, We can achieve º peace for this
instrumentalities, or entities, its officers, em country, and it requires tough work. It also
ployees, or agents, or any other person. requires a strategy that will be effective. And
we've got men and women of both political
George W. Bush parties around this table who spent a lot of
time thinking about the way forward in Iraq
The White House, and the way forward in the Middle East, and
December 5, 2006. I can't thank them enough for your time. You
could be doing a lot of other things. You
could have i. a lot more simple life than
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, to allow your government to call you back
11:43 a.m., December 6, 2006] into service, but you did allow us to call you
back into service, and you've made a vital
NOTE: This Executive order was published in the contribution to the country. Our fellow citi
Federal Register on December 7. zens have got to know that it is possible for
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 6 2127

people of good will to come together to help it comes to forms of government. And I ap
make recommendations on how to deal with preciate you sharing with me your insights
a very serious situation. as to the different countries and different
And we applaud your work. I will take it leaders and how best that we can work to
very seriously, and well act on it in a timely gether to achieve peace and stability.
fashion. Thank you very much. It's an honor to have you here, sir. You
NOTE: The President spoke at 7:58 a.m. in the represent a fine country that a lot of Ameri
Cabinet Room at the White House. In his re cans have had firsthand knowledge with. And
I'm proud to welcome you.
marks, he referred to James A. Baker III and Lee
H. Hamilton, cochairs, Iraq Study Group. The Of President Arias Sanchez. Well, thank
fice of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish you, Mr. President, for your time. This room
language transcript of these remarks. is familiar to me. I visited the Oval Office
in the past, during the Reagan years and
when President Bush was President. I was
Remarks Following Discussions With telling President Bush that in the past, every
President Oscar Arias Sanchez of
time I came to the White House, it was not
Costa Rica
to talk about Costa Rica, but about Nica
December 6, 2006 ragua, and I'm very happy that we had a
chance to talk about Costa Rica this time.
President Bush. Mr. President, welcome.
And as he just mentioned, my country is
I'm glad to welcome you back to the White
a small country—we produce what we do not
House. I appreciate the very important dis consume, and we consume what we do not
cussions we had. Our discussions started with
the bilateral relationship between the United produce. This is why trade is so important
States and Costa Rica. It is an important rela to us. Costa Rica is a very open economy,
tionship. It's an important relationship when is the second-largest open economy in this
it comes to trade; it's an important relation hemisphere, after Chile. And this is why
ship when it comes to interchanges between CAFTA is important to us and this is why
our governments and our peoples. we're so determined to approve CAFTA, rat
Mr. President, you spent a lot of time talk ify CAFTA in our Congress as soon as pos
ing about the importance of education, and sible. And we are in the process of initiating
I respect you for that, and I appreciate your negotiations with the European Union about
emphasis on education. And we will inves free trade agreement with the whole of Eu
tigate ways to determine whether or not the rope, the European Union.
United States can help, if you so desire, on Concerning education, this is my priority.
matters of education. And I congratulate you Peace was my priority 20 years ago; now it's
on being very successful in educating the education. I was asking President Bush that
younger children of your country. And I, his program, No Child Left Behind, could
again, admire your focus on extending the be applied in many Latin American coun
education through all grades in Costa Rica. tries. You are all aware that what explains
Secondly, we spent time on CAFTA. It's our failures, among other things, is the fact
an important initiative for this administra that average schooling in Latin American
tion. I appreciate your dedication to the issue countries is only 6% years, and that explains
of trade. The President understands full well the social inequality and the poverty of our
that trade is the best way to help reduce pov people.
erty around the world, and so he made it So at the beginning of the 21st century,
clear to me his deep desire for the United we're going to spend more on education,
States to take the lead on the Doha round which is my dream and my determination to
of the trade discussions, which I assured him spend as much as 8 percent of GDP on edu
we would. cation. We are simply condemning our chil
I appreciated very much your advice, Mr. dren to remain poor as their grandfathers—
President, on the neighborhood in which we and this is something that certainly the peo
live. I thank you for your clear vision when ple of Latin America don't deserve.
2128 Dec. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
President Bush. Thank you, sir. Glad NOTE: The President spoke at 3:27 p.m. in the
Cabinet Room at the White House.
you're here. Good job.

NoTE: The President spoke at 11:41 a.m. in the Statement on Senate Confirmation of
Oval Office at the White House. The Office of
the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan
Robert M. Gates To Be the Secretary
of Defense
guage transcript of these remarks.
December 6, 2006
Remarks Following a Meeting With I am pleased the Senate has overwhelm
Members of Congress ingly voted to confirm Dr. Robert Gates as
December 6, 2006 the next Secretary of Defense. In his con
firmation hearing, Dr. Gates demonstrated
I've just met with Members of Congress he is an experienced, qualified, and thought
from both political parties. My message is ful man who is well respected by members
this: I want to work with the Congress; I want of both parties and is committed to winning
to work with people in both parties, so that the war on terror. Throughout his career, Dr.
we can send a message to the American peo Gates has transformed the organizations he
ple that the struggle for freedom, the strug has led and empowered them to successfully
gle for our security is not the purview of one address complex issues. I am confident that
party over the other. The American people his leadership and capabilities will help our
want us to work together, and my intention country meet its current military challenges
is to do just that. and prepare for emerging threats of the 21st
Today the Baker-Hamilton Commission, century.
the Iraq Study Group put out what I thought I thank Chairman Warner and Ranking
was a very interesting report. There's some Member Levin for leading dignified and con
very good ideas in there. Not all of us around structive hearings, and I thank the Senate for
the table agree with every idea, but we do moving quickly on this nomination.
agree that it shows that bipartisan consensus
on important issues is possible—really im
portant for the American people to know that Executive Order 13417–
there are people of good will here in town Establishing an Emergency Board To
willing to set aside politics and focus on the Investigate Disputes Between
security of this country and the peace of the Metro-North Railroad and Certain of
Its Employees Represented by
And I want to thank you all for taking time
out of your schedules to come. It means a Certain Labor Organizations
lot to me, and I think it means a lot to the December 6, 2006
American people, to recognize that there are
people in this town who are concerned more Disputes exist between Metro-North Rail
about the security of this country than they road (Metro-North) and certain of its em
are about the security of their own political ployees represented by certain labor organi
positions. And I'm proud to be with you. And zations. The labor organizations involved in
I want to thank you for your thoughts. I take these disputes are designated on the attached
your comments very seriously. I take your list, which is made a part of this order.
ideas very seriously. And it's important to me The disputes have not heretofore been ad
that we continue to hear from the Congress justed under the provisions of the Railway
as we fashion a way—a new way forward in Labor Act, as amended, 45 U.S.C. 151 et.
Iraq, a new look, to achieve our objective seq. (RLA).
of a country which can sustain itself, govern A party empowered by the RLA has re
itself, defend itself, and be an ally in this war quested that the President establish an emer
against extremism and terrorism. gency board pursuant to section 9A of the
Thank you all very much. RLA (45 U.S.C. 159a).
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 7 2129

Section 9A(c) of the RLA provides that the Presidential Determination on

President, upon such request, shall appoint Waiver of Conditions on Obligation
an emergency board to investigate and report and Expenditure of Funds for
on the disputes. Planning, Design, and Construction
Now, Therefore, by the authority vested of a Chemical Weapons Destruction
in me as President by the Constitution and Facility in Russia for Calendar Year
the laws of the United States, including sec 2007
tion 9A of the RLA, it is hereby ordered as December 6, 2006
Presidential Determination No. 2007–06
Section 1. Establishment of Emergency
Board (Board). There is established, effec
tive 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on De Memorandum for the Secretary of State
cember 7, 2006, a Board of three members Subject: Presidential Determination on
to be appointed by the President to inves Waiver of Conditions on Obligation and
tigate and report on these disputes. No mem Expenditure of Funds for Planning, Design,
ber shall be pecuniarily or otherwise inter and Construction of a Chemical Weapons
ested in any organization of railroad employ Destruction Facility in Russia for Calendar
Year 2007
ees or any carrier. The Board shall perform
its functions subject to the availability of Consistent with the authority vested in me
by section 1303 of the National Defense Au
Sec. 2. Report. The Board shall report to thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Public
the President with respect to the disputes Law 108–375) (the “Act”), I hereby certify
within 30 days of its creation. that waiving the conditions described in sec
tion 1305 of the National Defense Authoriza
Sec. 3. Maintaining Conditions. As pro tion Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Public Law
vided by section 9A(c) of the RLA, from the 106–65), as amended, is important to the na
date of the creation of the Board and for 120
tional security interests of the United States,
days thereafter, no change in the conditions and include herein, for submission to the
out of which the disputes arose shall be made Congress, the statement, justification, and
by the parties to the controversy, except by plan described in section 1303 of the Act.
agreement of the parties. This waiver shall apply for calendar year
Sec. 4. Records Maintenance. The records 2007.
and files of the Board are records of the Of You are authorized and directed to trans
fice of the President and upon the Board's mit this certification, including the state
termination shall be maintained in the phys ment, justification, and plan, to the Congress
ical custody of the National Mediation Board. and to arrange for the publication of this cer
Sec. 5. Expiration. The Board shall termi tification in the Federal Register.
nate upon the submission of the report pro George W. Bush
vided for in section 2 of this order.
NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of
fice of the Press Secretary on December 7.
George W. Bush
The White House,
The President’s News Conference
December 6, 2006.
With Prime Minister Tony Blair of
the United Kingdom
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, December 7, 2006
8:50 a.m., December 7, 2006]
President Bush. Thank you all. Please be
NOTE: This Executive order and its attached list seated. I just had a good visit with Prime
were published in the Federal Register on Decem Minister Tony Blair. I appreciate you coming
ber 8. back, Mr. Prime Minister. I always enjoy our
21:30 Dec. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
discussions. And I appreciate your clear view mocracy.” You were right, and I appreciate
that we are confronted with a struggle be your comments.
tween moderation and extremism, and this The primary victims of the sectarian vio
is particularly evident in the broader Middle lence are the moderate majority of Iraqis—
East. Sunni and Shi'a alike—who want a future of
I talked about my recent trip to Jordan, peace. The primary beneficiaries are Sunni
where I talked to Prime Minister Maliki. I and Shi'a extremists, inside and outside of
briefed the Prime Minister on my visit with Iraq, who want chaos in that country so they
can take control and further their ambitions
His Eminence, Mr. Hakim, one of the major
political players in Iraq. We discussed the re to dominate the region.
These Sunni and Shi'a extremists have im
port I received yesterday from the Iraq Study
Group, a report chaired by Secretary of portant differences, yet they agree on one
State—former Secretary of State James thing. The rise of free and democratic soci
Baker and former Congressman Lee Ham eties in the Middle East, where people can
ilton. I told the Prime Minister I thought this practice their faith, choose their leaders, and
was a very constructive report. I appreciated live together in peace would be a decisive
blow to their cause.
the fact that they laid out a series of rec
ommendations, and they're worthy of serious And so they're supporting extremists
study. I also updated the Prime Minister on across the region who are working to under
the reviews that are being conducted by the mine young democracies. Just think about
Pentagon and the State Department and our the Middle East. In Iraq, they support terror
National Security Council. I talked to him ists and death squads who are fomenting sec
about the consultations I'm having with the tarian violence in an effort to bring down the
elected Government of Prime Minister
United States Congress.
We agree that victory in Iraq is important; Maliki. In Lebanon, they're supporting
Hizballah, which recently declared its inten
it's important for the Iraqi people; it's impor tion to force the collapse of Prime Minister
tant for the security of the United States and Siniora's democratically elected Parliament
Great Britain; and it's important for the civ and Government. In Afghanistan, they're
ilized world. We agree that an Iraq that can supporting remnants of the Taliban that are
govern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself seeking to destabilize President Karzai's Gov
as an ally on the war on terror is a noble ernment and regain power. In the Palestinian
goal. The Prime Minister and I seek a wide Territories, they are working to stop mod
range of opinions about how to go forward erate leaders like President Abbas from mak
in Iraq, and I appreciate your opinions and
ing progress toward the vision of two demo
your advice. cratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side
The increase in sectarian attacks we're see
by side in peace and security.
ing in and around Baghdad are unsettling. In each of these places, radicals and ex
It has led to much debate in both our coun
tremists are using terror to stop the spread
tries about the nature of the war that is taking of freedom. And they do so because they
place in Iraq. And it is true that Sunni and want to spread their ideologies, their
Shi'a extremists are targeting each other's in ideologies of hate and impose their rule on
nocent civilians and engaging in brutal re this vital part of the world. And should they
prisals. It's also true that forces beyond Iraq's succeed, history will look back on our time
borders contribute to this violence. And the with unforgiving clarity and demand to know,
Prime Minister put it this way. He said, “The what happened? How come free nations did
violence is not an accident or a result of faulty not act to preserve the peace?
planning. It is a deliberate strategy. It is the Prime Minister Blair and I understand that
direct result of outside extremists teaming up we have a responsibility to lead and to sup
with internal extremists—Al Qaida with the port moderates and reformers who work for
Sunni insurgents and Iran with the Shi'a mili change across the broader Middle East. We
tia—to foment hatred and to throttle, at also recognize that meeting this responsi
birth, the possibility of a nonsectarian de bility requires action. We will take concerted
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 7 21.31

efforts to advance the cause of peace in the tremists and the radicals. We will help a
Middle East. Prime Minister Blair informed young democracy prevail in Iraq. And in so
me that he will be heading to the Middle doing, we will secure freedom and peace for
East soon to talk to both the Israelis and the millions, including our own citizens.
Palestinians, and I support that mission. I Mr. Prime Minister, welcome.
support the mission because it's important Prime Minister Blair. Thank you very
for us to advance the cause of two states liv much, Mr. President. And thank you, firstly,
ing side by side in peace, and helping both for stressing again the strength of the rela
parties eliminate the obstacles that prevent tionship between our two countries, which
an agreement from being reached. And your is important for us, but I think it's important
strong leadership on this issue matters a lot. for the wider global community as well.
We'll support the democratic Government Thank you also . the clarity of your vision
of Prime Minister Maliki as he makes dif about the mission that we're engaged in at
ficult decisions and confronts the forces of the moment, which is a struggle between
terror and extremism that are working hard freedom and democracy on the one hand and
to tear his country apart. terrorism and sectarianism on the other. And
Britain and America are old allies, and the it's a noble mission, and it's the right mission,
Prime Minister and I are strong friends. But and it's important for our world that it suc
Britain and America aren't standing together ceeds.
in this war because of friendship. We're And so the question is, how do we make
standing together because our two nations sure that it does, indeed, succeed? And in
face an unprecedented threat to civilization. respect of Iraq, I, like you, welcome the
We're standing together to prevent terrorists Baker-Hamilton study group. It offers a
and extremists from dominating the Middle strong way forward. I think it is important
East. We stand together to prevent extrem now we concentrate on the elements that are
ists from regaining the safe haven they lost necessary to make sure that we succeed, be
in Afghanistan, a safe haven from which they cause the consequences of failure are severe.
launched attacks that killed thousands of our And I believe this is a mission we have to
citizens. We stand together because we un succeed in and we can succeed in.
derstand the only way to secure a lasting And I think there are three elements that
peace for our children and grandchildren is we can take forward. The first is to make
to defeat the extremist ideologies and help sure that we are supporting the Maliki Gov
the ideology of hope, democracy prevail. We ernment in making sure that that Govern
know the only way to secure peace for our ment's nonsectarian nature is reflected in the
selves is to help millions of moms and dads policies of that Government and the way that
across the Middle East build what our citi it conducts itself. I think in respect of govern
zens already have: societies based on liberty ance and security and capability—particu
that will allow their children to grow up in larly economic capability—there is much that
peace and opportunity. we are doing, but can do even more in order
It's a tough time, and it's a difficult mo to make sure that they are supported in the
ment for America and Great Britain. And the vital work that they do and in the work of
task before us is daunting. Yet our nations reconciliation, in bringing the different parts
have stood together before in difficult mo of Iraq together in order to give effect to
ments. Sixty-five years ago this day, America the will of the Iraqi people, expressed in their
was jolted out of our isolationism and democratic election.
plunged into a global war that Britain had I think, secondly, it's important that all of
been fighting for 2 years. In that war, our us who are engaged in this, but particularly
Nation stood firm. And there were difficult those in the region, live up to their respon
moments during that war, yet the leaders of sibilities in supporting the Maliki Govern
our two nations never lost faith in the capac ment, in ensuring that Iraq is able to proceed
ity to prevail. in a democratic and nonsectarian way.
We will stand firm again, in this first war And I think that, finally, as you rightly em
of the 21st century. We will defeat the ex phasize, it is important that we do everything
21:32 Dec. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
we can in the wider Middle East to bring achieve the objective, which is an Iraq which
about peace between Israel and the Palestin can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend
ians. This is something that I know you feel itself and be an ally in the war on terror.
deeply and passionately about. You are the And the Baker-Hamilton report did some
first President who committed yourself to the very interesting things. First, it shows that
two-state solution, and I believe that by mov Republicans and Democrats can work to
ing this forward, we send a very strong signal gether to achieve an—to come up with a
not just to the region but to the whole of strategy to achieve an objective, something
the world that we are evenhanded and just the American people don't think is possible
in the application of our values, that we want to happen. In other words, they've seen elec
to see an Israel confident of its security and tions, and they saw all the bitterness and fin
a Palestinian people able to live in peace and ger-pointing and name-calling and wonder
justice and democracy. whether or not we can work together on this
And that brings me back, finally, to the important cause. And I believe we can, and
point that I began with, because I think it the Baker-Hamilton commission showed it's
is the central point—yes, it is immensely possible for people of good will to sit down
tough at the moment and very challenging, at the table and design away forward.
and everybody knows that. But there are only And so that's why I'm sitting down with
two ways that the Middle East can go. Its
the Members of Congress, to say to both Re
people can either be presented with a choice
between a secular or a religious dictatorship, publicans and Democrats, “This is an impor
which is not a choice that any free people tant cause. It's important for our security. It's
would ever choose, or alternatively, they can important to help lay the foundations for
enjoy the same possibilities of democracy peace, and I want to hear your ideas.” And
that we hold dear in our countries. And this I thought the report did a good job of show
is not a view that we hold—I hold because ing what is possible. The Congress isn't going
of idealism alone; it is because I also believe to accept every recommendation in the re
that the only realistic path to security is by port, and neither will the administration, but
ensuring the spread of liberty. there's a lot of very important things in the
So, Mr. President, thank you again for wel report that we ought to seriously consider.
And as the Prime Minister talked about,
coming me here, and we will work closely
with you in the time to come in order to there's three aspects to the report. One is,
achieve the mission we have set ourselves. how do we empower the Maliki Government
so that the Maliki Government—the elected
President Bush. Thank you, sir. Thank
you. We'll answer a couple of questions. Government of the Iraqis—can help with the
economy, can help secure peace, can do hard
Iraq Study Group Report/Situation in the work necessary to achieve stability and to
Middle East achieve the objective?
Q. Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister, It talked about the regional—the countries
neither of you has shown much doubt about in the region and the responsibilities of the
your Iraq policies. Do you acknowledge that region to help this Iraqi Government. And
your approach has failed, as Baker-Hamilton the idea of having an international group is
suggests? And are you willing to engage di an interesting idea. We've already got the
rectly with Syria and Iran and pull out most Compact, and I think the Baker-Hamilton re
combat forces by early 2008, unless there's port suggests that we broaden the Compact
unexpected circumstances? beyond just economic measures.
President Bush. The thing I liked about But one thing is for certain: When
the Baker-Hamilton report is, it discussed ple—if people come to the table to discuss
the way forward in Iraq. And I believe we Iraq, they need to come understanding their
need a new approach. And that's why I've responsibilities to not fund terrorists, to help
tasked the Pentagon to analyze the way for this young democracy survive, to help with
ward. That's why Prime Minister Blair is here the economics of the country. And if people
to talk about the way forward, so we can are not committed, if Syria and Iran is not
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 7 2133

committed to that concept, then they the basis upon which we discuss Iraq has got
shouldn't bother to show up. to be clear, and it's got to be a basis where
Thirdly, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is we are all standing up for the right principles,
important to have—is important to be solved. which are now endorsed in the United Na
I'm committed to a two-state solution. I be tions resolutions, in respect of Iraq. In other
lieve it is in Israel's interest and the Pales words, you support the democratic elected
tinian people's interest to have two states liv Government; you do not support sectarians;
ing side by side for peace. And the Prime and you do not support, arm, or finance ter
Minister shares that goal, and he is willing rorists.
to take time to go over and help remove ob Now, the very reason we have problems
stacles toward achieving that goal. in parts of Iraq–and we know this very well
And there are two notable obstacles: One down in the south of Iraq–is that Iran, for
is the prisoner; and secondly, is for there to example, has been doing that. It's been basi
be a unity government that recognizes the cally arming, financing, supporting terrorism.
principles of the Quartet, with which Israel So we've got to be clear the basis upon which
can negotiate. And we want to help. we take this forward. And as I say, it's got
And so I view this as a very important way to be on the basis of people accepting their
forward, with important concepts. And the responsibilities.
American people expect us to come up with And finally, in relation to what the Presi
a new strategy to achieve the objective which dent was just saying a moment or two ago
I've been talking about and which is laid out on Israel and Palestine, I mean, I think that
in the Baker-Hamilton report. one thing that is very clear is that the old
Prime Minister Blair. Look, I think the Middle East had within it the origins of all
analysis of the situation is not really in dis the problems we see. I mean, this terrorist
pute. The question is, how do we find the problem that we faced in the last few years,
right way forward? And what we've got at it didn't originate, I'm afraid, a few years ago.
the moment is something that is at one level It's been building up over decades. It's come
very simple to describe but at another level out of a series of states of oppression, of
very profound and difficult to deal with, and warped ideology based on a perverted view
that is that the outside extremists are linking of the faith of Islam. This has been building
up with internal extremists, basically to cre up for a long period of time, and it has basi
ate the circumstances of sectarianism, where cally come out of the Middle East.
it's very, very difficult then for democracy Now my view in the end is that you go
and ordinary institutions to function. back to the origins of this and say, well, how
And I think the Baker-Hamilton report al do we resolve it? And the only way we resolve
lows us to—as the situation has evolved in it is by having the right vision and then the
Iraq–to evolve our strategy in order to meet practical measures to achieve it.
it in the ways that I've just described. But Now I think the vision is absolutely cor
I think we've got to be very, very clear about rect. What we've got to do now—and this
this: It will require everybody to face up to is exactly why the President is talking about
their responsibilities—us, of course, because the way forward—is that we've got to get the
we are principal actors in this, but also the right way forward—this is where Baker
Iraqi Government. They've got to be pre Hamilton helped—in order that we have the
pared to make the moves necessary—full practical policy that bolsters and gives effect
overnance, full capability, reconciliation, to the vision, because the vision is the right
and full help and security—and we will be vision. You leave a Middle East in which the
there to support them. Israel-Palestine issue is not solved, in which
But then there's responsibilities, as the there's no moves towards democracy, in
President was saying a moment or two ago, which Iraq goes back in its old state, in which
on the region and the neighbors. And let me the Iranian people have no chance to express
come directly to the Iran and Syria point. themselves, maybe not in the months or one
The issue for me is not a question of being year, 2 years, but you'll have the same prob
unwilling to sit down with people or not, but lem. You know, the reason we are faced with
2134 Dec. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

this issue is because in the end, everything important it is to prevail, I believe we will
that happened in that region erupted, in fact, prevail. I understand how hard it is to prevail.
on the streets of New York. But it—the ori But I also want the American people to un
gins of this went way, way back before that. derstand that if we were to fail—and one way
And so it is—there's a tendency, I think, to assure failure is just to quit, is not to adjust,
sometimes, to see this as a battle between and say, it's just not worth it—if we were
the idealists on the one hand and the realists to fail, that failed policy will come to hurt
on the other. In my view, the only modern generations of Americans in the future.
form of realism is one that has ideals at the And as I said in my opening statement,
center of it. I believe we're in an ideological struggle be
tween forces that are reasonable and want
War on Terror
to live in peace and radicals and extremists.
Q. Mr. President, the Iraq Study Group And when you throw into the mix radical
described the situation in Iraq as grave and Shi'a and radical Sunni trying to gain power
deteriorating. You said that the increase in and topple moderate governments, with en
attacks is unsettling. That won't convince ergy which they could use to blackmail Great
many people that you're still in denial about Britain or America or anybody else who
how bad things are in Iraq, and question your doesn't kowtow to them, and a nuclear weap
sincerity about changing course. on in the hands of a government that is—
President Bush. It's bad in Iraq. Does would be using that nuclear weapon to black
that help? [Laughter] mail to achieve political objectives, historians
Q. Why did it take others to say it before will look back and say, how come Bush and
you've been willing to acknowledge it to the Blair couldn't see the threat? That's what
world? they'll be asking. And I want to tell you, I
President Bush. In all due respect, I've see the threat, and I believe it is up to our
been saying it a lot. I understand how tough governments to help lead the forces of mod
it is, and I've been telling the American peo eration to prevail. It's in our interests.
ple how tough it is, and they know how tough And one of the things that has changed
it is. And the fundamental question is, do for American foreign º is, a threat over
we have a plan to achieve our objective? Are seas can now come home to hurt us. And
we willing to change as the enemy has September the 11th should be a wake-up call
changed? And what Baker-Hamilton study for the American people to understand what
has done is, it shows good ideas as to how happens if there is violence and safe havens
to go forward. What our Pentagon is doing in a part of the world. And what happens
is figuring out ways to go forward, all aiming is, people can die here at home.
to achieve our objective. And so, no, I appreciate your question. I
Make no mistake about it, I understand appreciate—as you can tell, I feel strongly
how tough it is, sir. I talk to the families who about making sure you understand that I un
die. I understand there's sectarian violence. derstand it's tough. But I want you to know,
I also understand that we're hunting down sir, that I believe we'll prevail. I know we
Al Qaida on a regular basis and we're bring have to adjust to prevail, but I wouldn't have
ing them to justice. I understand how hard our troops in harm's way if I didn't believe
our troops are working. I know how brave that, one, it was important, and two, we'll
the men and women who wear the uniform succeed. Thank you.
are, and therefore, they'll have the full sup
port of this government. I understand what Diplomatic Efforts To Achieve Peace in
the Middle East
long deployments mean to wives and hus
bands, and mothers and fathers, particularly Q. Prime Minister, if I may, briefly—isn't
as we come into a holiday season. I under what the
stand. And I have made it abundantly clear Prime Minister Blair. You're not going
how tough it is. to do a followup, are you? (Laughter]
I also believe we're going to succeed. I Q. No, no, forgive me. I just wanted to
believe we'll prevail. Not only do I know how ask you about your Middle East mission, if
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 7 2135

I may. Given your trip to the Middle East, War on Terror Strategy
isn't the truth of what the Arab-Israeli solu
Q. Thank you, sir. You mentioned Iran and
tion—sorry, isn't the truth of what the Arab Syria as part of this regional effort. Are you
Israeli problem requires is not, however hard willing to engage with them directly as the
you try, another visit by a British Prime Min report recommends? And back to the issue
ister, but the genuine commitment—and not of the troops, is it possible to get them out
merely in words—of an American adminis of Iraq by early 2008, as the report talks
tration that's serious about doing something about? And when do you hope to have this
about it? report? Sorry to—
Prime Minister Blair. Well, I believe that President Bush. How many questions do
we have that commitment. And I mean, you got, Steve?
you're right in this sense, there would be no Q. Sorry about that. [Laughter]
point in me going unless it was part of a mis President Bush. You mean, when do I
sion that was supported fully by our Amer hope to announce the strategy, is that what
ican allies. But it is—we agree—the vision— you're talking about?
I mean, the one thing that I find very frus Q. Yes, sir.
trating about the situation, Israel-Palestine, President Bush. After I get the reports.
is that there is actually an agreement as to And Baker-Hamilton is a really important
the solution we want to see, which is a two part of our considerations. But we want to
state solution. And really, everybody is make sure the military gets their point of
agreed to that. So the question is, how do view in. After all, a lot of what we're doing
you get there? is a military operation. I want to make sure
And there are critical obstacles that stand the State Department is able to help us ana
in the way of that that require detailed atten lyze the strategy to make sure that we've got
tion and management, and it's not merely the right political emphasis, not only inside
myself who's going to be engaged in this, of Iraq but outside Iraq.
I appreciated the Prime Minister's answer
course, but as you know, the Secretary of to this lad—we call them lads, in Great Brit
State has been very closely involved in this.
aim—lad's question, is that—[laughter].
She's been visiting the region recently, and Prime Minister Blair. You've made a
I know is, again, fully committed to it. friend, I think, there. [Laughter] It's a long
I think what is interesting from what you time since anyone's called him that, yes.
have from this today is an acceptance and, |Laughter]
indeed, a clear belief that you look at these President Bush. You got to understand—
issues together. There is a kind of whole vi well
sion about how we need to proceed that links Q. He calls me a number of other things.
what happens inside Iraq with what happens President Bush. Our Secretary of State
outside Iraq. And again, I think that the is very much engaged in this issue. She works
Baker-Hamilton report put this very simply hard on the issue. And as much as we'd like
and very clearly. to impose the settlement, it's important for
And you know, there is no way that you you to understand, sir, that the Israelis and
ever succeed in these things unless you just the Palestinians must accept responsibility
carry on trying, and that's what we will do. and must sign off on an agreement. It's kind
And one of the things I learned in all the of easy to sit back and say, okay, we're going
long years that you followed me in relation to impose this on them. We can help, and
to Northern Ireland is that you just—you we will help.
don't accept that you ever give up. You just So, Steve, that's—we're spending a lot—
carry on doing it. And I am sure that it is I know, I'm heading back. We're spending
possible to resolve this, and I also do believe a lot of time considering the new course, be
that if we do, then it would send a signal cause the decisions that we make affect lives.
of massive symbolic power across the world. They affect the lives of our soldiers; they af.
President Bush. Steve [Steve Holland, fect the lives of the Iraqi people. But one
Reuters]. thing is central to this new course, and that
2136 Dec. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
is, the Iraqi Government must be given more Is that the third part of your question?
responsibility so they can prove to their peo You've got to stop these long questions, Ste
ple and to their allies that they're capable ven. Steven.
of making hard decisions necessary for their
young democracy to move forward. U.S. Troop Levels in Iraq/War on Terror
Second part of your long question? Q. Combat troops out by early 2008, is
that possible
Iran/Syria President Bush. One of the things the re
Q. Well, are you willing to engage direct port did mention, and I think you've said it
talks with in your comment, that if conditions so
President Bush. Oh, Iran and Syria. allow—and we want our combat troops out
Q. just a regional effort as quick as possible. We want the Iraqis tak
President Bush. No, no, I understand. ing the fight. But it's very important to be—
Steve, let me talk about engaging Iran. We as we design programs, to be flexible and re
have made it clear to the Iranians that there alistic. And as the report said—I don't got
is a possible change in U.S. policy, a policy the exact words, but it was along the lines
that's been in place for 27 years, and that that, you know, “depending upon condi
is that if they would like to engage the United tions,” I believe is what the qualifier was.
States that they've got to verifiably suspend And I thought that made a lot of sense. I've
their enrichment program. We've made our always said we'd like our troops out as fast
choice. Iran now has an opportunity to make as possible. I think that's an important goal.
its choice. I would hope they would make On the other hand, our commanders will
the choice that most of the free world wants be making recommendations based upon
them to make, which is, there is no need whether or not we're achieving our stated ob
to have a weapons program; there is no need jective. And the objective, I repeat, is a gov
to isolate your people; there's no need to con ernment which can sustain, govern, and de
tinue this obstinance when it comes to your fend itself—free Government of Iraq that
stated desires to have a nuclear weapon. It's can do that—and will be an ally in this move
not in your interest to do so. ment—against this movement that is threat
And should they agree to verifiably sus ening peace and stability. And it's real.
pend their enrichment, the United States will I like to remind people, it’s akin to the
be at the table with our partners. cold war in many ways. There's an ideological
It's really interesting to talk about con clash going on. And the question is, will we
versations with countries—which is fine; I have the resolve and the confidence in liberty
can understand why people speculate about to prevail? That's really the fundamental
it—but there should be no mistake in any question facing—it's not going to face this
body's mind, these countries understand our government or this government, because we
position. They know what's expected of made up our mind. We've made that part
them. clear. But it will face future governments.
There is—if we were to have a conversa There will be future opportunities for people
tion, it would be this one, to Syria: Stop de to say, “Well, it's not worth it; let's just re
stabilizing the Siniora Government. We be treat.” I would strongly advise a government
lieve that the Siniora Government should be not to accept that position because of the
supported, not weakened. Stop allowing dangers inherent with isolationism and re
money and arms to cross your border into treat.
Iraq. Don't provide safe haven for terrorist
groups. We've made that position very clear. Situation in the Middle East
And the truth of the matter is, is that these Q. I'll try to be succinct. Mr. President,
countries have now got the choice to make. 2 years ago you said that you were ready to
If they want to sit down at the table with expend political capital on the Israel-Pales
the United States, it's easy—just make some tinian situation. With hindsight, do you think
decisions that will lead to peace, not to con you've fulfilled that intention? How closely
flict. do you see a linkage between what happens
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 7 21:37

in Israel-Palestine and a settlement in Iraq, the Quartet just because it may sound easy.
achieving your goals? We can't do that. When nations lay out prin
And Prime Minister, given that you were ciples, you've got to adhere to those prin
so recently in the Middle East and the situa ciples—just like when we laid out a vision,
tion hasn't exactly improved since then, is you adhere to that vision.
there anything specific you're hoping to And so the Prime Minister's visit, like
achieve next week when you go back? Condi's visit recently to the Middle East, are
President Bush. Want me to start? I’m all aiming to help countries remove obstacles
getting older, so you're going to have to re necessary to achieve the vision. And it's hard
eat the second part of your question. work, but it's necessary work. And so I do
Laughter] Let me answer the first part. believe there is a-I know there's a change
What's important is for people to accept the of attitude. And now the fundamental ques
goal of two states living side by side for tion is, can we help the moderates prevail?
peace. And what has changed in the Middle And make no mistake about it, radicals and
East is that Israel and Palestine—at least the extremists will kill in order to stop the
current leadership of both countries, or progress. And that's what's difficult. But it
both—one entity and one country—accept should be a signal to those of us who have
that goal. That's important. got the comfort of liberty to understand the
To that end, the previous Prime Minister consequences of this ideological struggle
made a decision to unilaterally withdraw we're fighting. One of the consequences is
from Gaza, which I felt was a good decision, the denial of a Palestinian state.
which would expedite the potential arrival of This is ironic, isn't it—I think it is, and
a state. And so to answer your question, yes, it's sad.
we're spending a lot of capital getting people Prime Minister Blair. I mean, I think,
headed in the same direction, which if you first of all, it's important to understand how
look at the history of the Middle East, is a much has begun—how much work there's
change. been. I mean, I know I've had many, many
Secondly, one of the reasons why there meetings on this issue over the past few
hasn't been instant success is because radi months. I know Secretary Rice has been im
cals and extremists are trying to stop the ad mensely active on it over these past months
vance of a Palestinian state. Why? Because as well. Now, some of that is visible and out
democracy is a defeat for them. That's what there at press conferences and meetings, and
I strongly believe. I find it interesting that a lot of it is behind the scenes.
when Prime Minister Olmert reaches out to But in essence, what we've got to do is
Palestinians to discuss a way forward on the to try to resolve two issues. First of all, we
two-state solution, Hizballah attacks Israel. need to get the release of Corporal Shalit,
Why? Because radicals and extremists can't which, as Prime Minister Olmert made clear
stand the thought of a democracy. And one the other day, would then allow the release
of the great ironies is that people in the Mid of many Palestinian prisoners as well. And
dle East are working hard to prevent people this is obviously a very important issue.
in the Middle East from realizing the bless But then, secondly, and this is, I think,
ings of a free society in a democracy. really—one of the core questions is, we are
And so, no question, progress has been prepared to release the money to the Pales
spotty. But it's important for people to un tinian Authority. We are prepared to take the
derstand, one of the reasons why is, is be peace process forward and get into a process
cause radicals are trying to prevent it, and of negotiation. But we need a government
they're willing to kill innocent people to pre on both sides that is committed to the basic
vent progress. Now, our goal is to help the principles of that negotiation. And at the
Abbas Government strengthen its security present time, we are not able to achieve a
forces, and we're doing that. Our goal is to national unity government on the Palestinian
help the Abbas Government form a govern side. And the reason for that is that we are
ment that adheres to the principles of the saying, not as a matter of dogma at all, but
Quartet. We can't abandon the principles of you can't have a government that everyone
2138 Dec. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
can deal with and you can then negotiate a it's kind of barred at the moment. It needs
peace between Israel and Palestine, unless to be opened. And that's the task, I think,
it's on the basis that everyone accepts the for the next period.
other's right to exist. So that's the difficulty. President Bush. Thank you. L.A. Times
It's not a kind of technical point; it's abso Man, Jim [Jim Gerstenzang, Los Angeles
lutely at the heart of it. Times].
Now, what we have got to do is to find
either a way of unlocking the problem of Iraq Study Group Report
forming that national unity government, on Q. Mr. President, you have said that you
the principles laid down by the United Na have the Baker-Hamilton report; you also
tions as well as the rest of the Quartet, or have the you're waiting to hear from the
alternatively, a different way forward, but Pentagon; you're waiting to hear from the
whatever way forward will have to be on the State Department. This report was prepared
basis you get an empowered Palestinian Gov by a bipartisan group, the only one you'll get.
ernment with whom everyone can negotiate Secretary Baker has a special relationship
and deal with. with the family. Should this report not get
Now, you know, again, it's a very, very ob extra consideration? Does it not carry more
vious thing. It's not just for the Israelis and weight than any of the others?
the Palestinians but also for the whole of the President Bush. That's an interesting
region. You know, you can't negotiate this question. It's certainly an important part of
unless everyone accepts the basic principles our deliberations, and it was certainly an im
of the negotiation. But if people were to do portant part of our discussions this morning.
that—and after all, we're only asking people Some reports are issued and just gather dust.
to accept the position that the United Na And truth of the matter is, a lot of reports
tions and, really, the whole of the inter in Washington are never read by anybody.
national community—you could move this To show you how important this one is,
forward quickly. I mean, I don't think there's I read it, and our guest read it. The Prime
any doubt at all that if you could get an em Minister read—read a report prepared by a
powered Palestinian Government able to me commission. And this is important. And there
gotiate, Israel has made it clear it is prepared are some—I don't think Jim Baker and Lee
to negotiate. Hamilton expect us to accept every rec
I'm not saying there aren't very tricky ommendation. I expect them—I think—I
issues. There are—things like Jerusalem, the know they expect us to consider every rec
right of return, which are very, very difficult. ommendation, Jim, that we ought to pay
But actually, it's not beyond our wit to put close attention to what they advise. And I
it together. We could put it together. But told them yesterday at our meeting that we
you need to get these initial steps taken. would pay close attention and would seri
Now, what I'm wont to do when I go out ously consider every recommendation. We've
there is just explore what is the way that we discussed some of their recommendations
get that ability to get the negotiation under here at this press conference. And we are—
way, trying to work round these obstacles. we will spend a lot of time on it.
And it's something—we were talking about And I–and so you ask its relative impor
Iran and Syria moments ago; it's something tance. I'd call it a very important report and
all of those countries could help with if they a very important part of our working to a
wanted to help with it. So I kind of feel one new approach, a new way forward in Iraq.
thing that is important is that everyone un And I can't—I really do thank those citi
derstands that there's no shortage of willing zens for taking time out of busy lives to spend
ness, energy, commitment on our side. time helping us look at different options
And believe me, I've talked about this with These are distinguished souls. They got plen
the President many, many times, and I don't ty to do. They're busy people, and yet they
believe there's any shortage of those qualities took 9 months out. And they talked to a lot
on his part at all. But we need to get this— of people; they went to Iraq: they thought
we need to get the door unlocked because about it a lot. And it was a very considerate.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 7 2139

important report. And I will take their rec So, yes, I think you'll see something dif
ommendations very seriously. ferently, because it's a practical answer to a
situation on the ground that's not the way
we'd like it. You wanted frankness—I
War on Terror Strategy
thought we would succeed quicker than we
Q. Mr. President, the Iraq Study Group did, and I am disappointed by the pace of
said that leaders must be candid and forth Success.

right with people. So let me test that. Are Prime Minister Blair. I mean, look, there
you capable of admitting your failures in the isn't any—as I said a moment or two ago,
past, and perhaps much more importantly, there isn't any doubt about how tough this
are you capable of changing course, perhaps is. It's hugely challenging. But what the re
in the next few weeks?
port did not say is that we should just get
President Bush. I think you're probably out and leave it. What it did say is that it's
going to have to pay attention to my speech immensely important that we succeed.
coming up here when I get all the rec Now, the question is, therefore, how do
ommendations in, and you can answer that we do it? And in that regard, I think the re
question yourself. I do know that we have port is practical; it's clear; and it offers also
not succeeded as fast as we wanted to suc the way of bringing people together.
ceed. I do understand that progress is not The other thing that we want to do, be
as rapid as I had hoped. And therefore, it cause this is part of succeeding in this mis
makes sense to analyze the situation and to sion, is actually to make people understand
devise a set of tactics and strategies to that this is something where you've got to
achieve the objective that I have stated. try and bring people together around a set
And so if the present situation needs to of common objectives and a practical set of
be changed, it follows that we'll change it methods to achieve those objectives.
if we want to succeed. What's really inter And, you know, the issues that the report
esting is, the battle has changed in Iraq from raises—I mean, these aren't issues that, obvi
the rejectionists and former Ba'athists and ously, no one has ever thought of these
definitely foreign fighters who have entered aren't issues that haven't been part of the
the country that were trying to destabilize continual discussion and debate and iteration
the new government to one that Mr. Zarqawi within the coalition and, indeed, between us
stated clearly—he said, “Look, let's kill Shi'a and the Iraqi Government. But those essen
in order to create enough chaos and confu tial elements—we want to make sure, in the
sion and doubt of the government, and set light of the changing situation that there is
off a sectarian battle.” And he succeeded in there, that, one, we have the Iraqi Govern
that extent. He didn't succeed at avoiding us, ment able to operate effectively, but in a non
but he did succeed at starting off sectarian sectarian way, because that's what we began
strife. And now the fundamental question is, with. Secondly, that we make sure that every
what strategy is necessary to deal with this one in the region is supporting that. And
type of violence? thirdly, that we set this within the context
We'll continue after Al Qaida. Al Qaida of a broader vision for the Middle East, not
will not have safe haven in Iraq. And that's least in respect of Israel and Palestine.
important for the American people to know. Now, in respect of the elements of that
We've got special operators. We've got better strategy, this report gives us a basis on which
intelligence. And there is—Al Qaida is effec we can move forward—but we've obviously
tive at these spectacular bombings, and we'll then got to look at the practical measures
chase them down, and we are, along with that are necessary in order to give effect to
those elements. And that's what we'll do. And
the Iraqis. The strategy now is how to make
sure that we've got the security situation in I think that, you know, the one thing that
place such that the Iraqi Government is capa no one who is dealing with this on a day
ble of dealing with the sectarian violence, as to-day basis has any doubt about is how tough
well as the political and economic strategies it is. But the question is how we make sure
as well. that we overcome those tough conditions and
2140 Dec. 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
succeed, because the need to succeed is so President Bush. Thank you, buddy.
huge. Prime Minister Blair. Okay.
President Bush. Good job. Thank you.
British Armed Forces in Iraq and
Afghanistan NOTE: The President's news conference began at
11:05 a.m. in Room 450 of the Dwight D. Eisen
Q. Prime Minister, just a brief supple hower Executive Office Building. In his remarks,
mentary—sorry, I didn't get to ask you the he referred to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of
question. You promised some time—I'm Iraq: Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, chairman, Supreme
sorry. Council for the Islamic Revolution of Iraq: Prime
President Bush. Look, I agree; this is a Minister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon; President
total violation of [laughter]. Our press Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan; President
corps is calling you down, man. I mean, there Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) of the Palestinian
you are—no, go ahead. [Laughter] Authority; Cpl. Gilad Shalit, Israel Defense
Q. You're encouraging it. Forces, who was captured during a terrorist attack
President Bush. I'm not encouraging it. in Israel on June 25, and Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert and former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
He's not a member of the American press— of Israel. Prime Minister Blair referred to former
it's the Prime Minister. [Laughter] Chief of the General Staff Michael Jackson of the
Q. He's my guy. [Laughter] United Kingdom.
Q. Only because you cut me off, Mr. Presi
President Bush. Okay. [Laughter] Remarks on Lighting the National
Press. Ohhhhh! [Laughter] Christmas Tree
Q. Prime Minister, you promised the Brit December 7, 2006
ish military whatever it takes to fight in Iraq
and Afghanistan, but the former head of the Thank you all very much. Laura and I are
British Army says the British military is not pleased to welcome you to the Christmas
being funded properly for the job it's being Pageant of Peace. Christmas is a season of
asked to do. Do you accept that? glad tidings and a time when our thoughts
Prime Minister Blair. We get from our turn to the source of joy and hope born in
military advice as to what they need, and we a humble manger 2000 years ago. And to
do our level best to meet it. I mean, we'll— night we gather to observe one of the great
I haven't actually read Mike Jackson's com traditions of our Nation's Capital, the lighting
ments. I think it's Mike's speech you're talk of the National Christmas Tree.
ing about. And let me tell you, he's someone I'm really glad Santa made it. [Laughter
I have enormous amount of respect for and I'm glad he could find a place to park.
did a fantastic job when he was chief of our [Laughter] And I'm glad you all joined us
staff. tonight.
But in relation to this, we've worked close I want to thank Vin for his leadership of
ly with the military the whole time. It's im the National Park Foundation. I thank Dep
portant we carry on doing it. And I simply uty Secretary of the Interior Lynn Scarlett
make the point that in the last few years, for joining us. I am pleased to be here with
and not least yesterday in the pre-budget re members of my Cabinet; Members of the
port of the chancellor, we gave another sig Congress; Mary Bomar, who is the Director
nificant increase in funding. But it's impor of the National Park Service: Joe Lawler. Re
tant we do this. I mean this is a mission in
gional Director of the National Capital Re
which it is—because it's important that we gion, National Park Service. I want to thank
succeed, it's important that we equip our all the National Park Service employees for
armed forces properly. But I've got noth their hard work.
ing—if you'll forgive me, I've not got any I appreciate Dr. Robert Schuller for lead
thing to comment on in detail until I've actu ing the invocation. I want to thank our fabu
ally read the speech that he made. Not that— lous entertainers for entertaining us tonight.
I'm not saying you wouldn't give me a fair We have gathered for this ceremony for
resume of it. [Laughter] more than 80 years. We come together to
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 8 2141

celebrate a simple and inspiring story. It's for joining me and the Vice President and
a story of a miraculous birth in a humble members of my team. We just had a very
place. It is a story of a single life that changed constructive conversation. We talked about
the world and continues to change hearts. Iraq. We talked about the need for a new
And for two millennia, this story has carried way forward in Iraq, and we talked about the
the message that God is with us and He of. need to work together on this important sub
fers His love to every man, woman, and child. ject. We also talked about other key issues.
During the Christmas season, we seek to I assured the leaders that the White House
reflect that love in our lives. Millions of door will be open when the new Congress
Americans will celebrate at home in fellow shows up. And I think we ought to meet on
ship with friends and family. Millions will a regular basis; I believe there's consensus
reach out with a compassionate hand to help toward that. And the reason you meet on a
brothers and sisters in need. And all will give regular basis is so that the American people
thanks to the bonds of love and affection that can know that we're working hard to find
bring fulfillment to our lives and the hope common ground. That's what they expect us
of peace around the world. to do; they expect us to work on big problems
At this time of year, we give thanks for and solve them.
the brave men and women in uniform who I want to say something about my two
are serving our Nation. Many of those who friends here. Senator Frist, we appreciate
have answered the call of duty will spend this your service to the United States of America.
Christmas season far from home and sepa You brought a lot of dignity to the office.
rated from family. We honor their sacrifice. And I appreciate the Speaker being, as
We are proud of their service and that of well—Mr. Speaker, you've done a fine job
their families. We will keep them close to as Speaker.
our hearts and in our prayers. I look forward to working with Senator
And now, as an expression of our own hope Reid and Congresswoman Pelosi for doing
for peace in this Christmas season, we will what's right for the country. And again, I
light the National Tree. We've asked three want to thank you all for coming down. I
representatives from the National Park Serv appreciate your interest, appreciate your ad
ice's Junior Ranger Program to help. The vice, appreciate the input that you've given.
Junior Ranger Program teaches children and Thank you.
families about science, nature, and steward
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:16 a.m. in the
ship of our national parks. Cabinet Room at the White House.
And so, Attiyah Jenkins, Stephen Scott,
and Dana Bederson will help me light the
National Christmas Tree. Remarks Following a Meeting With
Come on up, guys. President Thabo Mbeki of South
I ask all of you to join us in the count Africa
down—five, four, three, two, one. December 8, 2006
NOTE: The President spoke at 5:55 p.m. on the President Bush. It's been my honor to
Ellipse at the White House. In his remarks, he
referred to Vin Cipolla, president and chief execu welcome a man for whom I have a great deal
tive officer, National Park Foundation; and Robert of respect, and that is the President of South
H. Schuller, minister, Reformed Church in Amer Africa, President Mbeki, here back to the
1Ca. Oval Office. I so very much appreciate the
time you've given and the great discussion
we just had.
Remarks Following a Meeting With We talked about a wide range of subjects.
Congressional Leaders We talked about Darfur and the need for
South Africa and the United States and other
December 8, 2006
nations to work with the Sudanese Govern
I want to thank the Members of Con ment to enable a peacekeeping force into
gress—both Houses, both political parties— that country to facilitate aid and save lives.
2142 Dec. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

And I expressed my concerns about the situa President Bush. Yes, sir.
tion with the President. He shares my con President Mbeki. and the President,
cerns that the situation is dire. And now is together, we are very keen that, indeed,
the time for action. And I appreciate your something must move there. This was a failed
thoughts, Mr. President. state. It's necessary to support transitional
We talked about, interestingly enough, the government, to restoring a government, and
Darfur [Doha) * round. The President is con to reunify the country and so on. It's an im
cerned about whether or not the World portant thing because the problem—one of
Trade Organization round will go forward. the big problems is that as it is, it provides
He recognizes, like I recognize, that trade a base for terrorists—find safe haven there
will lift more people out of poverty than any and then can spread out to the rest of the
other mechanism. And I told the President, continent. It's something that is of shared
I am committed to the Darfur [Doha) * COIncern.

round. I believe in trade, and I believe in But again, of course, I was very, very reas
the necessity of trade. And so we'll work to sured when the President said he is com
see if we can't get that issue solved. mitted to the success of the WTO negotia
We talked about a lot of issues. We talked tions. It's a very important part, in terms of
about Iran; we talked about the Middle East; addressing the agenda of the poor of the
we talked about our bilateral relations and world. They need these market-access issues
his Government's commitment to fighting addressed, and so on. I was very, very
HIV/AIDS and our willingness to provide pleased, indeed, that President said indeed
over $600 million to the folks in South Africa we must work to make sure that WTO nego
to help deal with this terrible pandemic. tiating process succeeds.
I would call our relations strong and good We—finally, President, I'd like to say I was
and necessary. And Mr. President, welcome very pleased that, indeed, you said we shall
back, and the floor is yours. need to work even—together even more in
President Mbeki. Thank you very much, tensely than we have in the past, because
President. Well, I was very glad, indeed, that with effect from the 1st of January, South
we had this opportunity to meet with the Africa, of course, joins the Security Council
President to discuss precisely these matters as a nonpermanent member. As I'm saying.
that he has indicated. Of course of immediate I was very glad that the President said that's
importance to us is the support we get from going to mean we'll need better interaction
the President and the U.S. Government with so that we could work together, indeed, to
regard to the resolution of these African con help to find solutions to all these wide range
flicts. of issues that are on the agenda of the Secu
And indeed, we are, all of us, keenly inter rity Council.
ested that we must increase the troops de But thank you very much, Mr. President.
ployed in Darfur, to address these issues that President Bush. Proud you're back.
the President mentioned, and hopefully the Thank you, sir. Thank you.
Security Council will move quickly on that
to do that larger deployment of troops. It's NOTE: The President spoke at 2:12 p.m. in the
very urgent, very necessary, and we will abso Oval Office at the White House.
lutely do everything to make sure that, from
the African side, we remove any obstacles
that might be to such bigger deployment in Statement on the Death of
Darfur. It's very necessary. Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
Because also I mentioned, I discussed with December 8, 2006
the President the impact of the situation in
Darfur on the neighboring countries, particu Laura and I are deeply saddened by the
larly Chad and the Central African Republic. death of Jeane Kirkpatrick. As a professor,
But also the difficult situation in Somalia author, ambassador, and adviser to Presi
dents, she influenced the thinking of genera
* White House correction. tions of Americans on the importance of
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2143

American leadership in advancing the cause December 3

of freedom and democracy around the globe. In the afternoon, in the East Room, the
She defended the cause of freedom at a piv President and Mrs. Bush hosted a reception
otal time in world history, and her coura for Kennedy Center honorees.
geous service as our United Nations Ambas
In the evening, the President and Mrs.
sador inspired her fellow Americans and Bush went to the John F. Kennedy Center
lovers of liberty around the world. Jeane's for the Performing Arts where they attended
powerful intellect helped America win the the Kennedy Center Honors ceremony.
cold war. Her insights and teachings will con Later, they returned to the White House.
tinue to illuminate the path ahead for the
United States in the world. We send our con
December 4
dolences to Jeane's family and friends, and
on behalf of all Americans, we give thanks In the morning, the President had an intel
for her extraordinary life. ligence briefing.
In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the
President participated in an interview with
Statement on the National Economy Brit Hume of FOX News.
The White House announced that the
December 8, 2006
President will host Prime Minister Tony Blair
Today we received a new report that con of the United Kingdom at the White House
on December 7.
firms the continued strength of the American
economy. The November jobs report showed The President announced his designation
that 132,000 more Americans found work last of the following individuals as members of
month and that job creation in previous the Presidential delegation to attend the in
months was stronger than first estimated, auguration of Joseph Kabila as President of
adding 42,000 jobs to the numbers released the Democratic Republic of the Congo on
December 6: Elaine L. Chao (head of dele
last month. The unemployment rate re
mained low at 4.5 percent. This is good news gation); Roger Meece: Thelma J. Askey:
for American workers, and they are also see Jendayi E. Frazier; Edward Brehm; Michael
ing good news in their paychecks. As we look E. Hess; and John Fenn.
The President announced his intention to
forward, our goal is to maintain the
nominate Gregory B. Cade to be Adminis
progrowth policies that have strengthened trator of the U.S. Fire Administration at the
our economy and will stimulate the creation
Department of Homeland Security.
of good jobs and higher wages. The President announced his intention to
nominate Sam Fox to be Ambassador to Bel
The President announced his intention to

Digest of Other nominate Stanley Davis “Dave” Phillips to

be Ambassador to Estonia.
White House Announcements
The President announced his intention to
nominate Jill E. Sommers to be Commis
sioner of the Commodity Futures Trading
The following list includes the President's public Commission.
schedule and other items of general interest an The President announced his intention to
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and
not included elsewhere in this issue. appoint Maria Cino as a member of the Na
tional Surface Transportation Policy and
Revenue Study Commission.
The President announced his intention to
December 2
designate Robert M. Couch as Acting Gen
In the morning, the President had an intel eral Counsel of the Department of Housing
ligence briefing. and Urban Development.
2144 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
December 5 Then, in the Oval Office, he had a meeting
with Democrat Members of the House of
In the morning, the President had break
fast with Secretary of Defense-designate Representatives.
Robert M. Gates. Later, he had an intel In the evening, on the State Floor, the
ligence briefing. President and Mrs. Bush hosted a holiday
In the afternoon, the President had lunch reception.
with James A. Baker III, cochair, Iraq Study The President declared a major disaster in
Group. Alaska and ordered Federal aid to supple
In the evening, the President and Mrs. ment State and local recovery efforts in the
Bush hosted a dinner for Secretary-General area struck by severe storms, flooding, land
Kofi Annan of the United Nations and his slides, and mudslides on October 8–13.
wife, Nane Maria Annan.
December 6

In the morning, the President had an intel Nominations

ligence briefing. Submitted to the Senate
The President announced his intention to
nominate Michael J. Burns to be Assistant
to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and The following list does not include promotions of
Chemical and Biological Defense Programs. members of the Uniformed Services, nominations
The President announced his intention to to the Service Academies, or nominations of For
nominate Rosemary E. Rodriguez to be a eign Service officers.
member of the Election Assistance Commis
Submitted December 4
December 7
Robert M. Gates,
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Office, of Texas, to be Secretary of Defense, vice
he met with Prime Minister Tony Blair of Donald Henry Rumsfeld, resigned.
the United Kingdom. Submitted December 5
The White House announced that the
President will welcome President Thomas
Jeffrey Robert Brown,
Yayi Boni of Benin to the White House on of Illinois, to be a member of the Social Secu
December 14.
rity Advisory Board for a term expiring Sep
The President announced his designation tember 30, 2008, vice Bradley D. Belt, re
of the following individuals as members of signed, to which position he was appointed
the Presidential delegation to attend the 60th during the last recess of the Senate.
anniversary of King Bhumibol Adulyadej's
accession to the throne, to be held in Bang Gregory B. Cade,
kok, Thailand, December 11: George H.W. of Virginia, to be Administrator of the U.S.
Bush (head of delegation); Barbara Bush; Fire Administration, Department of Home
and Ralph Boyce. land Security, vice R. David Paulison, re
December 8 signed.
In the morning, the President had separate Sam Fox,
telephone conversations with Prime Minister of Missouri, to be Ambassador Extraordinary
Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Presi and Plenipotentiary of the United States of
dent Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Re America to Belgium.
public of the Congo. He then had an intel
ligence briefing. Frederick J. Kapala,
Later in the morning, in the Yellow Oval of Illinois, to be U.S. District Judge for the
Room, the President and Mrs. Bush partici Northern District of Illinois, vice Philip G.
pated in an interview with People magazine. Reinhard, retiring.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2145

Heidi M. Pasichow, David H. Laufman,

of the District of Columbia, to be an Asso of Texas, to be Inspector General, Depart
ciate Judge of the Superior Court of the Dis ment of Defense, vice Joseph E. Schmitz,
trict of Columbia for the term of 15 years, resigned, which was sent to the Senate on
vice Anna Blackburne-Rigsby, elevated. June 5, 2006.
Submitted December 7
Stanley Davis Phillips,
of North Carolina, to be Ambassador Ex
Thomas Alvin Farr,
traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America to the Republic of Estonia. of North Carolina, to be U.S. District Judge
for the Eastern District of North Carolina,
Jill E. Sommers, vice Malcolm J. Howard, retired.
of Kansas, to be a Commissioner of the Com
modity Futures Trading Commission for the
remainder of the term expiring April 13,
2009, vice Sharon Brown-Hruska, resigned. Checklist
of White House Press Releases
Michael W. Tankersley,
of Texas, to be Inspector General, Export
Import Bank (new position). The following list contains releases of the Office
Submitted December 6
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.
Michael J. Burns,
of New Mexico, to be Assistant to the Sec
Released December 4
retary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical
and Biological Defense Programs, vice Dale Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
Klein, resigned. retary Tony Snow
Beryl A. Howell, Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of
of the District of Columbia, to be a member British Prime Minister Tony Blair
of the U.S. Sentencing Commission for a Released December 5
term expiring October 31, 2011 (reappoint
ment). Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Rosemary E. Rodriguez,
of Colorado, to be a member of the Election Released December 6
Assistance Commission for the remainder of
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
the term expiring December 12, 2007, vice retary Tony Snow
Raymundo Martinez III, resigned.
Released December 7
John R. Steer,
of Virginia, to be a member of the U.S. Sen Statement by the Press Secretary: President
tencing Commission for a term expiring Oc Bush To Welcome President Thomas Yayi
tober 31, 2011 (reappointment). Boni of the Republic of Benin to the White
Withdrawn December 6 Text of citations for the Presidential Medal
of Freedom
Tracy A. Henke,
of Missouri, to be Executive Director of the Released December 8
Office of State and Local Government Co
ordination and Preparedness, Department of Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
Homeland Security, vice C. Suzanne retary Tony Snow
Mencer, resigned, which was sent to the Sen Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
ate on September 5, 2006. assistance to Alaska
2146 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Fact sheet: Job Creation Continues—More Acts Approved

Than 7 Million Jobs Created Since August by the President

NOTE: No acts approved by the President were

received by the Office of the Federal Register
during the period covered by this issue.
20402 P

A E 2.161; 4.2/so FED-DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, December 18, 2006

Volume 42—Number 50
Pages 2147–2171


JAN 1 0 2007

Addresses and Remarks Letters and Messages

See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders Hanukkah 2006, message—2168
Presidential Medal of Freedom,
Meetings With Foreign Leaders
Radio address—2148 Benin, President Yayi–2157
State Department, meeting with senior Iraq, Deputy President Hashimi–2152
Armed Forces Full Honor Review for Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld–2166 Human Rights Week—2147
Defense Department, meeting with senior Wright Brothers Day—2168
officials in Arlington—2153 Statements by the President
White House Summit on Malaria—2158
Congressional passage
Communications to Federal Agencies Fisheries management legislation—2150
Designation of Officers of the Department of Outer Continental Shelf legislation—2149
Justice, memorandum—2148 Ryan White CARE Act, reauthorization
Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of legislation—2150
the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act U.S.-India nuclear energy cooperation
of 1962, as Amended, memorandum—2162 legislation—2151
Presidential Determination on Sanctions Vietnam, permanent trade relations
Against North Korea for Detonation of a legislation—2150
Nuclear Explosive Device, memorandum— Sudan, Darfur situation—2151
2147 Syrian Government—2156
Executive Orders Supplementary Materials
Amendment to Executive Order 13317, Acts approved by the President–2171
Volunteers for Prosperity—2162 Checklist of White House press releases—
Interviews With the News Media
Digest of other White House
Exchange with reporters in Arlington, VA— announcements—2169
215.3 Nominations submitted to the Senate—2170

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Week Ending Friday, December 15, 2006
Presidential Determination on Proclamation 8090—Human Rights
Sanctions Against North Korea for Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human
Detonation of a Nuclear Explosive Rights Week, 2006
Device December 8, 2006

December 7, 2006 By the President of the United States

of America
Presidential Determination No. 2006–07 A Proclamation

Peace and justice prevail when people are

free to speak, assemble, and worship, when
Memorandum for the Secretary of State their rights are protected, and when govern
ments are accountable to their citizens.
Subject: Presidential Determination on These blessings of freedom are guaranteed
Sanctions Against North Korea for for Americans in the Bill of Rights of our
Detonation of a Nuclear Explosive Device Constitution. During Human Rights Day,
Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week,
In accordance with section 102(b)(1) of we celebrate the ideals of our founders and
the Arms Export Control Act and section 129 reaffirm the belief that freedom is the gift
of the Atomic Energy Act, I hereby deter of God and the right of all mankind.
mine that North Korea, a non-nuclear-weap Just over six decades ago, the future of
on state, detonated a nuclear explosive device freedom seemed bleak, with only a small
on October 9, 2006. The relevant agencies number of democracies around the world.
and instrumentalities of the United States Today, citizens of over 100 nations enjoy the
Government are hereby directed to take the blessings of democracy, and freedom is tak
necessary actions to impose on North Korea ing root in places where liberty had been un
the sanctions described in section 102(b)(2) imaginable. The United States will continue
of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended to support the growth of democratic move
ments and institutions in every nation.
(22 U.S.C. 2799aa–1), and section 129 of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 The advance of freedom is the story of our
U.S.C. 2158). time, and new chapters are being written be
fore our eyes. Around the world, freedom
You are authorized and directed to trans is replacing tyranny and giving men and
mit this determination to the appropriate women the opportunity to enjoy lives of pur
committees of the Congress and to arrange pose and dignity. Because Americans are
for its publication in the Federal Register. committed to the God-given value of every
life, we cherish the freedom of every person
in every nation and strive to promote respect
George W. Bush for human rights. By standing with those who
desire liberty, we will help extend freedom
to many who have not known it and lay the
foundations of peace for generations to
NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of
fice of the Press Secretary on December 8. This Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
item was not received in time for publication in President of the United States of America,
the appropriate issue. by virtue of the authority vested in me by
2] 47
2148 Dec. 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the Constitution and laws of the United United States Attorney for the Southern
States, do hereby proclaim December 10, District of New York;
2006, as Human Rights Day; December 15, United States Attorney for the Eastern
2006, as Bill of Rights Day; and the week District of Virginia; and
beginning December 10, 2006, as Human United States Attorney for the Western
Rights Week. I call upon the people of the District of Texas.
United States to mark these observances with Sec. 2. Exceptions. (a) No individual who
appropriate ceremonies and activities. is serving in an office listed in section 1 in
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set an acting capacity, by virtue of so serving.
my hand this eighth day of December, in the shall act as Attorney General pursuant to this
year of our Lord two thousand six, and of memorandum.
the Independence of the United States of (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of this
America the two hundred and thirty-first. memorandum, the President retains discre
tion, to the extent permitted by the Federal
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, 5 U.S.C. 3345
8:45 a.m., December 13, 2006] et seq., to depart from this memorandum in
designating an acting Attorney General.
NoTE: This proclamation was published in the Sec. 3. The Memorandum for the Attor
Federal Register on December 14. This item was ney General of March 19, 2002, entitled
not received in time for publication in the appro
priate issue.
“Designation of Officers of the Department
of Justice,” is hereby revoked.
Sec. 4. The Attorney General is authorized
Memorandum on Designation of and directed to publish this memorandum in
Officers of the Department of Justice the Federal Register.
December 8, 2006 George W. Bush
Memorandum for the Attorney General [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register.
10:31 a.m., December 11, 2006)
Subject: Designation of Officers of the
Department of Justice NOTE: This memorandum was published in the
Federal Register on December 12. This item was
By the authority vested in me as President not received in time for publication in the appro
by the Constitution and the laws of the priate issue.
United States of America, including the Fed
eral Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, 5 U.S.C.
3345 et seq., I hereby order that: The President’s Radio Address
Section 1. Order of Succession. During December 9, 2006
any period when the Attorney General, the
Deputy Attorney General, the Associate At Good morning. This week, I held impor
torney General, and the officers designated tant meetings at the White House about the
by the Attorney General pursuant to 28 situation in Iraq.
U.S.C. 50S to act as Attorney General have On Monday, I met in the Oval Office with
died, resigned, or otherwise become unable one of Iraq's most influential Shi'a leaders,
to perform the functions and duties of the His Eminence Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim. We dis
office of Attorney General, the following offi cussed the desire of the Iraqi people to see
cers of the Department of Justice, in the their unity Government succeed and how the
order listed, shall perform the functions and United States can help them achieve that
duties of the office of Attorney General, if goal.
On Thursday, I had breakfast with Prime
they are eligible to act as Attorney General
under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of Minister Tony Blair of Britain. We discussed
1998, until such time as at least one of the the sectarian violence in Iraq and the need
officers mentioned above is able to perform to confront extremists inside Iraq and
the functions and duties of the office of At throughout the region. The Prime Minister
torney General: explains it this way: “The violence is not an
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 9 2149

accident or a result of faulty planning. It is I look forward to receiving their rec

a deliberate strategy. It is the direct result ommendations. I want to hear all advice as
of outside extremists teaming up with inter I make the decisions to chart a new course
nal extremists—Al Qaida with the Sunni in in Iraq.
surgents and Iran with Shi'a militia—to fo I thank the members of the Iraq Study
ment hatred and thus throttle, at birth, the Group for their hard work and for the exam
possibility of nonsectarian democracy.” ple of bipartisanship that they have set. The
The Prime Minister and I also discussed group showed that Americans of different
the report I received this week from the Iraq political parties can agree on a common goal
Study Group, chaired by former Secretary of in Iraq and come together on ways to achieve
State James Baker and former Congressman it. Now it is the responsibility of all of us
Lee Hamilton. Their report provides a in Washington–Republicans and Democrats
straightforward picture of the grave situation alike—to come together and find greater
we face in Iraq. The Iraq Study Group's re consensus on the best way forward.
port also explicitly endorses the strategic goal As part of this effort, I met this week with
we've set in Iraq: an Iraq that can “govern House and Senate leaders from both parties,
itself, sustain itself, and defend itself.” as well as senior members of the Armed
The report went on to say, quote, “In our Services, Foreign Relations, and Intelligence
view, this definition entails an Iraq with a Committees. We had productive discussions
broadly representative government that about our shared duty to forge a bipartisan
maintains its territorial integrity, is at peace approach to succeed in Iraq. The future of
with its neighbors, denies terrorism a sanc a vital region of the world and the security
tuary, and doesn't brutalize its own people. of the American people depend on victory
Given the current situation in Iraq, achieving
in Iraq. I'm confident that we can move be
this goal will require much time and will de yond our political differences and come to
pend primarily on the actions of the Iraqi gether to achieve that victory. I will do my
people.” part.
I agree with this assessment. I was also Thank you for listening.
encouraged that the Iraq Study Group was
clear about the consequences of a precipitous NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. on
withdrawal from Iraq. The group declared December 8 in the Cabinet Room at the White
that such a withdrawal would, quote, “almost House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on December
certainly produce greater sectarian violence” 9. The transcript was made available by the Office
and lead to “a significant power vacuum, of the Press Secretary on December 8 but was
greater human suffering, regional destabiliza embargoed for release until the broadcast. In his
tion, and a threat to the global economy.” address, the President referred to Abdul Aziz Al
The report went on to say, “If we leave and Hakim, chairman, Supreme Council for the Is
Iraq descends into chaos, the long-range con lamic Revolution in Iraq. The Office of the Press
sequences could eventually require the Secretary also released a Spanish language tran
United States to return.” script of this address.
The Iraq Study Group understands the ur
gency of getting it right in Iraq. The group Statement on Congressional Passage
also understands that while the work ahead
of Outer Continental Shelf
will not be easy, success in Iraq is important,
and success in Iraq is possible. The group
proposed a number of thoughtful rec December 9, 2006
ommendations on a way forward for our
country in Iraq. My administration is review I commend Congress for passing the
ing the report, and we will seriously consider Outer Continental Shelf legislation, which
every recommendation. At the same time, will help to reduce our dependence on im
the Pentagon, the State Department, and the ported sources of energy by increasing access
National Security Council are finishing work to domestic sources of oil and gas. Devel
on their own reviews of our strategy in Iraq. oping these reliable domestic resources in an
2150 Dec. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

environmentally sound manner will help ad malizing relations with Vietnam and will ben
dress high energy prices, strengthen our en efit both our nations. This designation will
ergy security, and protect manufacturing advance our trade and investment relations
jobs. The bill also provides the º
States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, an
with Vietnam and ensure that the United
States shares in the economic benefits gen
Alabama a share in the royalty revenues from erated by Vietnam's imminent membership
OCS leases. I appreciate the commitment by in the World Trade Organization. Vietnam
the State of Louisiana to use revenues from
these leases to restore coastal wetlands.
is demonstrating its strong commitment to
continuing economic reforms, which will
NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 6111. support political reform and respect for
human rights. The American people wel
come the remarkable transformation and
Statement on Congressional Passage economic progress in Vietnam, and we will
of Legislation To Reauthorize the continue to work together to strengthen our
Ryan White CARE Act
December 9, 2006

In 1990, Congress passed the Ryan White NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 6406.
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency
(CARE) Act to advance our domestic battle
against HIV/AIDS. This landmark legislation
has provided Americans in need with better Statement on Congressional Passage
access to medical care, antiretroviral treat of Fisheries Management Legislation
ments, and counseling and has helped them
live longer lives. The act also supports HIV December 9, 2006
testing to prevent the further spread of this
devastating disease. I applaud Congress for working in a bipar
Laura and I thank the House and Senate tisan manner to pass a stronger Magnuson
for reauthorizing the Ryan White CARE Act. Stevens Act. Our Nation is committed to
This legislation focuses on life-saving and maintaining our thriving commercial and rec
life-extending services and increased ac reational fishing communities. This billem
countability and will provide more flexibility braces my priorities of ending overfishing
to the Secretary of Health and Human Serv and rebuilding our Nation's fish stocks
ices to direct funding to areas of greatest through more effective, market-based man
need. The Ryan White CARE Act dem agement and tougher enforcement. This
onstrates the compassionate and generous
landmark legislation also provides stronger
spirit of America, and I look forward to sign tools to achieve progress internationally to
ing this important legislation into law. ensure healthy fish stocks, promote better
NotE: The statement referred to H.R. 6143. management, and halt destructive fishing
practices based on sound science.
Since my administration released the
Statement on Congressional Passage Ocean Action Plan in 2004, we have been
of Legislation To Authorize making great strides in our efforts to make
Permanent Trade Relations With our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes cleaner.
healthier, and more productive. Enactment
December 9, 2006 of this bill is one of the top priorities of the
Ocean Action Plan and is another significant
I commend the Congress for its bipartisan bipartisan environmental achievement.
support for my request to approve legislation
authorizing the grant of permanent normal
trade relations to Vietnam. PNTR marks a
significant step forward in the process of nor NotE: The statement referred to H.R. 5946.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 11 2151

Statement on Congressional Passage support for the Darfur Peace Agreement and
of United States-India Nuclear pressuring all sides to implement an imme
diate cease-fire. We will continue to work
Energy Cooperation Legislation
December 9, 2006 with the Congress, the United Nations, the
African Union, and the international commu
Congress has agreed upon bipartisan legis nity to provide aid to those who are suffering.
lation that will strengthen the strategic rela The United States is committed to achieving
tionship between America and India and de stability, lasting peace, and the restoration of
liver valuable benefits to both nations. I am basic human rights for the people of Darfur.
pleased that our two countries will soon have
increased opportunities to work together to
meet our energy needs in a manner that does Remarks Following a Meeting With
not increase air pollution and greenhouse gas Senior State Department Officials
emissions, promotes clean development, sup December 11, 2006
ports nonproliferation, and advances our
trade interests. Thank you all for coming. I just had a
I appreciate Congress's support for the briefing with my senior policy advisers here
U.S.-India civil nuclear cooperation initiative at the State Department. I want to thank you
and would like to thank Chairman Hyde, for your hospitality, Madam Secretary.
Ranking Member Lantos, Chairman Lugar, We talked about a lot of things. We talked
and Ranking Member Biden for their leader about what's taking place on the ground in
ship on this extraordinary legislation. I look Iraq, particularly from the perspective of the
forward to signing this bill into law soon. State Department. I must tell you, there are
NOTE: The statement referred to H.R. 5682.
some fantastic, brave souls who are heading
PRTs, Provincial Reconstruction Teams.
These are our civilian components on the
Statement on the Situation in Darfur, ground there in Iraq. And we got a briefing
Sudan from Baghdad, with one of our PRT leaders
here in Washington, about the challenges
December 10, 2006 and the tasks to help this Iraqi Government
I send my greetings to those participating get a country that can sustain and govern and
defend itself.
in events around the world protesting the sit
uation in Darfur. It is only fitting that we No question in my mind, there are some
take the time today to remember the value very brave State Department officials who
of every human life and the right of every are engaged in this really important endeav
person in the world to live in peace with dig or, and I want to thank them and their fami
nity and respect. lies. I appreciate the advice I got from those
Our Nation is appalled by the genocide folks in the field. And that advice is an impor
in Darfur, which has led to the spread of tant part and an important component of
fighting and hostility in the Republic of Chad putting together a new way forward in Iraq.
and the Central African Republic. We call Like most Americans, this administration
on the Government of the Republic of Sudan wants to succeed in Iraq, because we under
and the rebel groups to cease fighting and stand success in Iraq will help protect the
pursue peace. United States in the long run.
We continue to work on establishing a We also talked about the neighborhood,
credible and effective peacekeeping force to the countries that surround Iraq and the re
stop the violence in Darfur. To this end, we sponsibilities that they have to help this
are aggressively engaging all stakeholders to young Iraqi democracy survive. We believe
implement U.N. Resolution 1706 to transi that most of the countries understand that
tion the African Union Mission in Sudan to a mainstream society, a society that is a func
a strong international peacekeeping oper tioning democracy, is in their interests. And
ation. We are urgently seeking to broaden it's up to us to help focus their attentions
215.2 Dec. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

and focus their efforts on helping the IraqisRemarks Following a Meeting With
Deputy President Tariq al-Hashimi
I appreciate so very much the Iraqi leader of Iraq
ship taking the lead in its neighborhood. December 12, 2006
After all, one of the things we're trying to
do is help this Government get on its feet President Bush. It's been my honor to
so it can govern and it can conduct its own meet with the Vice President of Iraq again.
foreign policy. But the role of America is to I had the pleasure of meeting the Vice Presi
help this young democracy survive. dent in Baghdad. It was there that I invited
him to come to Washington, DC, and I did
I'm looking forward to continuing my de so because I understand his importance to
liberations with the military. There's no ques the future of Iraq.
tion, we've got to make sure that the State The Vice President has suffered unspeak
Department and the Defense Department able violence in his family. He's lost loved
are—the efforts and their recommendations ones to violent action. And yet, in spite of
are closely coordinated so that when I do his grief and in spite of pain in his heart,
speak to the American people, they will know he was willing to work for a united Iraq and
that I've listened to all aspects of Govern a peaceful Iraq, an Iraq that can govern itself
ment and that the way forward is the way and sustain itself and defend itself, a free Iraq
forward to achieve our objective: to succeed that will be an ally in the war against extrem
in Iraq. And success is a country that governs, ists and radicals.
defends itself, that is a free society, that And Mr. Vice President, I respect your
serves as an ally in this war on terror.Q06 courage, and I respect your advice.
And the reason why that's vital is because I spent time with the Vice President today
Iraq is a central component of defeating the talking about the conditions in Iraq and what
extremists who want to establish safe haven the United States can do to help this Iraqi
in the Middle East, extremists who would use Government succeed. He brought me up to
their safe haven from which to attack the date on the terrible violence that is taking
United States, extremists and radicals who place in some of the neighborhoods in Bagh
have stated that they want to topple mod dad. He spoke eloquently about the suffering
erate governments in order to be able to that innocent families have gone through.
And my heart goes out to those, Mr. Vice
achieve assets necessary to effect their dream President, who have suffered at the hands
of spreading their totalitarian ideology as far of extremists and killers.
and wide as possible. Our objective is to help the Iraqi Govern
ment deal with the extremists and killers and
This is really the calling of our time, that
is, to defeat these extremists and radicals. support the vast majority of Iraqis who are
And Iraq is a component part, an important reasonable people who want peace.
part of laying the foundation for peace. And so, Mr. Vice President, my message
to you today, and to the Iraqi people is, we
And so, Madam Secretary, thank you for want to help you. We want to help your Gov
the briefing. I want to thank your team here ernment be effective. We want your help
in Washington for their good work, and I your Government live up to its words and
thank those out in the field who have shown ideals. And I thank you for being a leader
such incredible bravery to do the hard work of one aspect of Iraqi society—you're the
necessary to secure our country. leader of many Sunnis and you're committed
to a government that is Shi'a, Sunni, Kurdish,
Thank you all. and everybody else in your country, every
other group in your country that will help
us yield peace.
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:55 a.m. at the And I welcome you, I thank you, and I
Department of State. praise your courage.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 13 215.3

Deputy President Hashimi. I would like and to struggle until we meet that success,
to express my sincere thanks to Mr. President inshallah.
for the invitation, first of all, and too when President Bush. Thank you, sir. Thank
he expedites my visit to the States, which left you very much. Thank you.
a really positive message to the Iraqi people
NotE: The President spoke at 1:51 p.m. in the
that the American administration, while they Oval Office at the White House. Deputy President
are revising their strategy, they are looking Hashimi referred to Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, chair
for a balance and fair analysis from diversi man, Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution
fied leaders in Iraq. in Iraq.
So this visit coming after the visit of Mr.
Hakim, I would like also to express my appre
ciation to the unique and unforgettable com Remarks Following a Meeting With
mitment of the President when he said, and Senior Department of Defense
continued saying that we are committed to Officials and an Exchange With
the success in Iraq. And I share his views Reporters in Arlington, Virginia
and aspirations that there is no way but suc December 13, 2006
cess in Iraq.
We have no other option in Iraq but to The President. I've just concluded a very
achieve that success. And with the coopera productive meeting with the Secretary of De
tion with our friends and Mr. President and fense Rumsfeld and Chairman of the Joint
the American administration, we will join Chiefs Pete Pace, the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Vice President. I thank these men who wear
forces to achieve that success in the foresee
able future. our uniform for a very candid and fruitful
discussion about the about how to secure
There is a chance, and I can assure you this country and how to win a war that we
there is a great and real chance to get out now find ourselves in.
of this present dilemma. It is a hard time We spent a lot of time talking about a new
that the Iraqis face in time being, but there way forward in Iraq, to help the Iraqi Gov
is a light in the corridor. There is a chance, ernment confront and defeat the enemies of
but we need a good will and a strong deter a free Iraq. We all agree it's in our Nation's
mination, the same strong determination that interest that we help this Government suc
the Mr. President has. There will be a chance
ceed. We recognize that there are enemies
for the country and for Iraq to succeed. that would like to topple this young democ
During my discussion and dialog with the racy so they could have safe haven from
Mr. President, I had really a frank and posi which to plot and plan attacks against mod
tive dialog and conversation. We tackled key erate nations in the Middle East, as well as
issues. And hopefully at the end of the day, attacks against the United States. It's in our
I would like to see my comments and obser interest that we help this Government suc
vations welcomed, because at the end of the ceed.
day, what I say to Mr. President is achiev There have been a lot of violence in Iraq,
ing—or could be seen as a genuine and— and the violence has been horrific. Scores
[inaudible)—part in the way of achieving the of innocent men, women, and children are
being brutally killed by ruthless murderers.
I thank Mr. President again for the time Our troops are engaged in offensive oper
given to myself and to my colleagues. And ations, and we mourn the loss of life. We
I leave United States with a great hope that are saddened by the loss of every single life
we do have friends in Washington, that they amongst our service men and women. Our
are very much interested, in fact, to help us folks are very active in Al Anbar and in Bagh
in these very difficult times, and to achieve dad, which is where the enemy is con
the unforgettable, the long-waited success. centrated.
Whatever the sacrifices, my family and the Our commanders report that the enemy
country, at the end of the day, we have no has also suffered. Offensive operations by
other option but to maintain this momentum Iraqi and coalition forces against terrorists
2154 Dec. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
and insurgents and death squad leaders have against radicals and extremists who would do
yielded positive results. In the months of Oc us harm. Secondly, that our troops deserve
tober, November, and the first week of De the solid commitment of the Commander in
cember, we have killed or captured nearly Chief and our political leaders and the Amer
5,900 of the enemy. ican people.
While the enemy is far from being de You have my unshakable commitment in
feated, there should be no doubt in anybody's this important fight to help secure the peace
mind that every day and night, the Iraqi Gov for the long term. I pledge to work with the
ernment and our brave men and women of new Congress to forge greater bipartisan
the Armed Forces are taking the fight to the consensus to help you achieve your mission.
enemy; that in spite of the fact that I am I will continue to speak about your bravery
conducting a strategic review of the best way and your commitment and the sacrifices of
forward in Iraq, there are a lot of operations your families to the American people. We're
taking place, day and night. not going to give up. The stakes are too high
Yesterday, the Secretary and the Vice and the consequences too grave to turn Iraq
President and General Pace and I were on over to extremists who want to do the Amer
the SVTS with General Casey, and he's talk ican people and the Iraqi people harm.
ing about the hard work our troops and Iraqi I thank you for your service. I'm proud
troops are doing to defeat these enemies. to be your Commander in Chief. We'll honor
I do want to say something to those who the sacrifices you are making by making sure
wear our uniform. The men and women in your children and grandchildren can grow up
uniform are always on my mind. I am proud in a more peaceful world.
of them. I appreciate their sacrifices. And I God bless.
want them to know that I am focused on de I'll take a couple of questions. AP man
veloping a strategy that will help them |Ben Feller, Associated Press].
achieve their mission. Oh, I know there's a
lot of debate here at home, and our troops War on Terror Strategy
pay attention to that debate. They hear that Q. Mr. President, thank you. You've been
I am meeting with the Pentagon or the State gathering advice, as you said, from leaders
Department or outside officials, that my na here and from leaders in Iraq. As you've gone
tional security team and I are working closely through that extensive process, have you
with Iraqi leaders, and they wonder what that heard any new ideas at all, anything that
means. Well, I'll tell you what it means. It would change your thinking?
means I am listening to a lot of advice to The President. I've heard some ideas that
develop a strategy to help you succeed. would lead to defeat, and I reject those
There's a lot of consultations taking place, ideas—ideas such as leaving before the job
and as I announced yesterday, I will be deliv is done; ideas such as not helping this Gov
ering my—my plans, after a long delibera ernment take the necessary and hard steps
tion, after steady deliberation. I'm not going to be able to do its job.
to be rushed into making a difficult decision, I've heard interesting ideas. I won't share
a necessary decision, to say to our troops, them with you because I want to make sure
“We’re going to give you the tools necessary I continue to collect those ideas and put
to succeed and a strategy to help you suc them together in a strategy that our military
ceed.” I also want the new Secretary of De and the commanders and our national secu
fense to have time to evaluate the situation, rity team understands will lead to an Iraq
so he can provide serious and deliberate ad that can govern and sustain and defend itself.
vice to me.
I put off my speech—actually, I was quite
I do want our troops to understand this, flexible about when I was going to give my
though: that this Government and this group speech to begin with but—and one of the
of military leaders are committed to a stra main reasons why is, I really do want the
tegic goal of a free Iraq that is democratic, new Secretary of Defense to have time to
that can govern itself, defend itself, and sus get to know people and hear people and be
tain itself and be a strong ally in this war a part of this deliberation. And he will not
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 13 215.5

be sworn in until next Monday. I also-one Iraq Study Group Report

of the interesting things about this experi Q. Thank you, sir. You said you would re
ence is that there's a lot of ideas and a lot
ject plans that would lead to defeat. Would
of opinions. And I want to make sure I hear you put the Baker-Hamilton report in that
from as many of those ideas and opinions category?
as possible. The President. No, my opinion of Baker
Today I heard from some opinions that Hamilton hasn't changed. One, I appreciated
matter a lot to me, and these are the opinions their look. Secondly, I thought it was inter
of those who wear the uniform. These gen esting that both Democrats and Republicans
erals have spent a lot of time thinking about could actually work in concert to help
this issue. There's nobody who cares more achieve an objective. And the objective they
about our troops than they do, and nobody stated, that was necessary in their report, was
who wants us to achieve more—than to a government that could defend itself, govern
itself, sustain itself and serve as an ally in
achieve our objectives than they do. And it the war on terror. I thought there were some
was a fascinating discussion we had. These good ideas in there. And I–as I told both
are smart people and capable people and Baker and Hamilton and the American peo
people whose judgment I listen to. And at ple after I received the report, I take every
the appropriate time, I will stand up in front one of their considerations seriously.
of the Nation and say, “Here's where we're
headed.” War on Terror Strategy
But one thing people got to understand Q. As you give the new Defense Secretary
is, we'll be headed toward achieving our ob time to get more in the mix, what is the strat
jectives. And I repeat: If we lose our nerve, egy that you're looking to build? Is it a mili
if we're not steadfast in our determination tary strategy for success in Iraq or a political
to help the Iraqi Government succeed, we
will be handing Iraq over to an enemy that The President. I think that our military
cannot do this job alone. Our military needs
would do us harm, the consequences of a political strategy that is effective. And that
which—of leaving Iraq before the job is includes things such as an oil law passed by
done, for example, would be grave for the the Iraqis that basically says to the people,
American citizens.
“All of you, regardless of where you live or
As we learned on September the 11th, the your religion, get to share in the bounty of
enemy has got the capacity to strike us. And our Nation.” It requires a reconciliation ef
there's no doubt in my mind, a failure in Iraq fort, including a rational de-Ba'athification
would make it more likely the enemy would law.
strike us. It would certainly make it more Q. That's not something you can do with
likely that moderate people around the Mid your new strategy, is it?
dle East would wonder about the United The President. Oh, absolutely. Abso
States will. Moderate people—moderate gov lutely, I can do that with my new strategy.
ernments in the Middle East would be mak I mean, it is—I can hold people to account.
ing irrational decisions about their future. It It's something the military recognizes that
would be a disaster for governments that they're not—that's not their job; it's my job
to convince the Maliki Government to make
have got energy resources to be in the hands
of these extremists. They would use energy the hard decisions necessary to move his
to extract blackmail from the United States. country forward.
But the good news is, he agrees. In my
And when you couple all that with a regime conversations with him, I have said, you
that is—doesn't like the United States having know, “Are you going to promote a unity gov
a nuclear weapon, you can imagine a world ernment or will you be so divisive in your
of turmoil. And we're not going to let it hap approach that you can't achieve the objec
pen. tives that the Iraqi people expect you to
Caren [Caren Bohan, Reuters]. achieve?” How do I know they expect to
2156 Dec. 13 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
achieve? They voted; 12 million of them ac And so the stakes are high in this fight.
tually went to the polls and expressed their Nobody knows that better than the gentle
opinions. men standing behind me. They clearly un
And so there needs to be a political track; derstand the stakes that are confronted—that
and we're working very hard with the Maliki confront this Nation. And I am proud to have
Government to achieve that political track. listened to their points of view. And I'm
That's what I've been doing the last couple proud to be working with them, as they help
of days. As a matter of fact, today on the lead the greatest military ever assembled—
telephone I spoke to the two Kurdish leaders. a military, by the way, in which we've got
These men have been outspoken about the brave volunteers, people who understand the
desire to have a moderate governing coali stakes of this fight, saying, “I want to be in:
tion, which we support. I met with the major I want to serve my country.”
Sunni leader yesterday, all talking about how It's a remarkable period in American his
we hope that there is political reconciliation tory right now. And as I deliberate the way
and a commitment to a political process that forward, I keep in mind that we've got brave
says to the Iraqi people, “You count; you mat souls that need—to need to know that we're
ter for the future of our country.” in this fight with a strategy to help them
There needs to be an economic compo achieve the objectives that we've got.
ment. As you know, part of our successful Listen, thank you all very much.
strategies in parts of Iraq have been based
upon a “clear, hold, and build.” Well, “build”
means getting projects up and running in key NOTE: The President spoke at 2:45 p.m. at the
Pentagon. In his remarks, he referred to Gen.
parts of the country, so that people see the George W. Casey, Jr., USA, commanding general,
benefits of either working with coalition Multi-National Force–Iraq: Secretary of De
forces and/or the benefits of supporting a fense-designate Robert M. Gates; James A. Baker
government. And so this is much more than III and Lee Hamilton, cochairs, Iraq Study
a military operation. Group; Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, President
And finally, there's the foreign policy piece Jalal Talabani, and Deputy President Tariq al
that's necessary. And we spend a lot of time Hashimi of Iraq: Masoud Barzani, president.
in our Government talking to people like Kurdistan region in Iraq; and King Abdallah bin
Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Jordan or Turkey Abd al-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia.
and sending messages, clear messages, to
countries like Syria and Iran. And I believe, Statement on the Government of
for example, the Saudis are committed to a
government that will bring peace and sta Syria
bility, and that's a unity government. It's in December 13, 2006
their interest they do so. And we're working
hard with them to figure out a strategy to The United States supports the Syrian
help the Maliki Government succeed. people's desire for democracy, human rights,
I'm pleased when Iraqi leaders go to Saudi and freedom of expression. Syrians deserve
Arabia and talk to my friend, the King of a government whose legitimacy is grounded
Saudi Arabia, and talk about how they can in the consent of the people, not brute force.
work together to achieve stability. It's in The Syrian regime should immediately
Saudi's interest; it's in Jordan's interest; it's free all political prisoners, including Aref
in the gulf coast countries' interest that there Dalila, Michel Kilo, Anwar al-Bunni,
be a stable Iran, an Iran that is capable of Mahmoud Issa, and Kamal Labwani. I am
rejecting Iranian influence—I mean Iraq that deeply troubled by reports that some ailing
is capable of rejecting Iranian influence. It's political prisoners are denied health care
in our interests that we succeed in Iraq so while others are held in cells with violent
that we can continue to send a clear message criminals.
to those in Iran that are desirous of a free Syria should disclose the fate and where
society that freedom is possible in your abouts of the many missing Lebanese citizens
neighborhood. who “disappeared” following their arrest in
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 14 2157

Lebanon during the decades of Syrian mili law, decency, and education. And to the ex
tary occupation. The Syrian regime should tent that we can help-continue to help your
also cease its efforts to undermine Lebanese country, Mr. President, we will do so.
sovereignty by denying the Lebanese people Welcome, I'm glad you're here.
their right to participate in the democratic President Yayi. I have come here to, first
process free of foreign intimidation and in and foremost, thank Mr. President Bush for
terference. all the initiatives that have been taken so far
The people of Syria hope for a prosperous to eradicate poverty on the continents. As
future with greater opportunities for their you may know, among these initiatives, we
children and for a government that fights have the agua initiative, empowerment of
corruption, respects the rule of law, guaran women, the fight against HIV/AIDS, and the
tees the rights of all Syrians, and works to initiative of MCA–that is Millennium Chal
ward achieving peace in the region. lenge Account. It is very important for us
in Africa because the MCA will help us eradi
cate poverty. And I would like to thank Presi
Remarks Following a Meeting With dent Bush for that last initiative he took.
President Thomas Yayi Boni of Benin Africa is aware of her responsibility in the
December 14, 2006 roles she has to play, globally speaking, be
cause we have to reach prosperity, and that
President Bush. It's been my honor to prosperity has some conditions. We need
have a visit with the President of Benin. We peace. We need stability. We need security.
had a very long discussion about a variety And Africa—America has a leading role to
of subjects. My administration is committed play in our combat to restore a peaceful con
to helping the democracies on the continent tinent.

of Africa deal with very significant problems. Of course, we have to be together with
The President and I are about to go to a America to build—succeed in all these chal
summit where the United States of America lenges, to take up all these challenges. And
will commit resources, time, and talent to multilaterally, it should be also a part of con
help rid much of Africa of malaria. cern of the American people. We are aware
And, Mr. President, I'm proud to an of the fact that America can really play a very
nounce today that you're one of the countries important role to continue building capacity
that we'll be concentrating our help upon. among the institutions like IMF and the
We cannot succeed, however, unless there's World Bank, and the institution of [inaudi
an administration that is willing and capable ble)—which is very important for us also.
to do the hard work necessary to educate And the efforts should continue being
people, spread nets, insecticides necessary to made by the American Government within
deal with a disease that can be defeated. the G–8 group, because Africa needs a lot
We talked about the Millennium Chal from this G–8, and international exchanges
lenge Account. It's one of the most innova also have to be reenforced. The Doha nego
tive foreign policy initiatives ever proposed tiations need to find a solution now—try to
by an administration. It's having a positive make it easier because cotton is but one of
effect around the world. And I want to thank our important products in Africa, and in my
you for working toward that end. country, two people out of three live out of
We talked about the need for us to work cotton. It's the same reality in countries like
together to deal with problems such as Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, where cotton
Darfur. The President recognized the geno is a very important product.
cide taking place in Darfur, as does the ad So some subsidies granted to some coun
ministration. We want to work through the tries like America here cause a kind of
United Nations to have a very strong and ca disfunctioning in our country and on the con
pable AU force, augmented by United Na tinent also. So America should help us
tions help, to save lives. smooth this mechanism. I'm very happy to
One thing I’m impressed with is the Presi hear that America is trying to set up a parallel
dent's commitment to democracy, rule of mechanism that would really help promote
Dec. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
the production of cotton. So by the time the The President is committed to a free soci
WTO will also reach an agreement, I think ety. He understands the need to confront ill
that this problem of Doha will be definitely ness so his people can live in peace. And,
solved. Mr. President, I thank you very much for
Let me end my speech by saying that I your commitment and your willingness to
want to thank the American Government, work with those who want to help to elimi
thank President Bush, and the American nate malaria in your country.
people for all they are doing to really help I want to thank members of my Cabinet
us eradicate poverty on African continent. who are here, particularly Madam Secretary
President Bush. Thank you, sir. of Education, Margaret Spellings. Thanks for
coming. I thank Randy Tobias. He's the Di
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:02 a.m. in the
Oval Office at the White House. President Yayi rector of USAID. He, by the way, led the
spoke in French, and his remarks were translated initiative to help put America squarely in the
by an interpreter. fight to eliminate HIV/AIDS on the con
tinent of Africa. Randy, you will have a won
derful legacy in your service to our country,
Remarks at the White House Summit and I want to thank you.
on Malaria I appreciate Admiral Tony [Timothy]"
Ziemer. He is the U.S. Malaria Coordinator.
December 14, 2006
I see a lot of people who are working hard
The President. Thank you. Please be seat in my administration on these initiatives, and
ed. Thanks for inviting me to what sounded I thank you for your participation. I thank
like a festive occasion. [Laughter] I'm hon members of the diplomatic corps who have
ored to be here. I'm pleased to visit with you joined us. I want to thank Members of Con
all here at the National Geographic Society, gress—I think that's Senator Leahy, Senator
and I want to thank you for inviting me to Frist—[laughter)—thank you all for coming.
come to this important conference. I appre Thank you for taking an interest in it—Con
ciate all of today's speakers, including my gressman Smith. I'd better stop. [Laughter
personal favorite—[laughter]—Laura. I think I'm going to leave somebody out. But
As you conclude this summit, we turn our I want to thank you all for your interest in
thoughts to those who carry the burden of this initiative.
sickness during this holiday season. There are I appreciate John Fahey—he's the presi
members of our own families here in Amer dent and CEO of National Geographic Soci
ica who are ill, and they live in villages half ety—and Gil Grosvenor. I want to thank Ray
way around the world. For many of their ill Chambers, who is the chairman of the board
nesses, there is a known relief; for many, of Malaria No More. I thank all the social
there is no known relief. Yet for malaria, we entrepreneurs who are here. I think people
know exactly what it takes to prevent and will understand that there is a call to act
treat the disease. The only question is wheth when we see a crisis at hand, and I want
er we have the will to act. All of you have to thank you for acting. I appreciate Isaiah
heard the call to act, and you have re Washington, who is the emcee of this event.
sponded, and I appreciate your compassion. I want to thank all the program participants.
Because of your work, children ". Once Thank you all for coming.
wanted [sic] to die are now preparing to live, By bringing together such a wide variety
and whole regions are replacing suffering and of people, this summit is sending a clear mes
fear with hope and health. We can take pride sage that we are determined to defeat ma
in the progress we have made, and today we laria. We are also sending a broader message
will renew our commitment to a world with about America's purpose in the world. In this
out malaria. new century, there is a great divide between
I've just had a state visit, an important visit, those who place no value on human life and
with a remarkable leader from Benin. Mr. rejoice in the suffering of others and those
President and Mrs. Yayi, welcome to Amer
ica, and thank you for being here. * White House correction.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 14 21.59

who believe that every life has matchless do. I believe that our country must help and
value and answer suffering with compassion continue to take the lead. That's why last
and kindness. year, I announced an initiative to increase
The contrast is vivid, and the position of our commitment to fighting malaria in Africa.
America is clear: We will lead the cause of And I want to thank the Members of Con
freedom, justice, and hope, because both our gress for supporting this initiative.
values and our interests demand it. We be We're spending $1.2 billion over 5 years
lieve in the timeless truth: To whom much to provide bed nets and indoor spraying and
is given, much is required. We also know that antimalaria medicine in 15 African countries.
nations with free, healthy, prosperous people We are focusing our efforts to eradicate ma
will be sources of stability, not breeding laria on 15 countries. We are insisting on
grounds for extremists and hate and terror. measuring. This project is measurable. We
By making the world more hopeful, we make can determine whether or not nets are being
the world more peaceful. And by helping distributed or medicine is being provided.
others, the American people must under But more importantly, We Can measure

stand, we help ourselves. whether or not we're saving lives. We look—

One area in which America has a tremen work toward this historic goal to cut the num
dous potential to help is in the fight against ber of malaria-related deaths in half. That's
malaria. At home, malaria was eliminated what we're headed for, as quickly as possible.
decades ago. It is possible to eliminate ma The malaria initiative is off to a strong
laria. In Africa, malaria remains a persistent start. We have launched the program in three
killer. I think our citizens will be amazed to countries: Uganda, Angola, and Tanzania. I
hear that last year, about a million Africans want our fellow citizens to hear this startling
died of malaria. The vast majority were chil statistic: In a short period of time, more than
dren under five; their lives ended by nothing 6 million people have benefited. It's in our
more than a mosquito bite. In some coun interests that the 6 million people we've
tries, more people die of malaria than HIV/ helped—lives have been improved. In Ugan
AIDS, and last week, a new study showed da, groups funded by our malaria initiative
that people who contract malaria become distributed more than 300,000 nets and al
more likely to spread HIV. The burden of most 300,000 doses of medicine to children
malaria costs sub-Saharan Africa an esti and pregnant women. In Angola, the initia
mated $12 billion a year. And if the disease tive supported a spraying campaign that pro
continues to spread, the cost in lives and lost tected the homes of more than a half a mil
productivity is going to grow exponentially lion people. And in Tanzania, the initiative
worse. Now is the time to act. paid for local health clinics to distribute more
Allowing Africa to continue on that path than 130,000 nets and spray homes for more
is just simply unacceptable. So we are acting, than a million people. We're in action. Your
and we're leading. And with partners across taxpayers' money is working to save lives.
the world, we are helping the people of Afri The statistics are impressive, and behind
ca turn the tide against malaria. The goal of them are the stories of families with renewed
defeating malaria is a challenging goal, yet hope in the future. Not long ago, the Zanzi
it can be done. It's not going to require a bar islands off the coast of Tanzania were
miracle; it just requires a smart, sustained, a hotbed of malaria infection. Then, with the
focused effort. And that's what we're here support of the malaria initiative, local groups
to talk about. launched a campaign called “Kataa Ma
Experts have identified four key steps for laria”—which is Swahili for “Reject Malaria.”
combating malaria in Africa: distributing in Workers went door-to-door to teach people
secticide-treated bed nets; expanding indoor how to use bed nets; they launched a cam
insecticide spraying; providing antimalaria paign of TV and radio ads; and they spoke
medicine to pregnant women; and delivering in mosques about malaria prevention and
cutting-edge drugs to people with the dis treatment. Now the people of Zanzibar are
ease. These are four things that, if done, will beginning to see results. One island reported
save lives. They are not impossible things to that in the first 9 months of this year, the
2160 Dec. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
number of malaria cases dropped almost 90 to get money into the hands of those who
percent compared to the same time last year. are recruiting and encouraging volunteers to
One man said this: “Personally, the initiative be on the frontline of fighting malaria.
gives me a leap of faith. The ultimate out I want to thank all the grassroots volun
come is that we should have a malaria-free teers who are here. I want to thank you for
Zanzibar. There is no turning back.” doing what you're doing. I hope that you can
He's right; there's no turning back. We're do more, and I hope that this summit, which
going to continue to expand the malaria ini Laura and her team put together, enables
tiative to reach other countries across Africa
you to go out and recruit, because the
as quickly as possible. Earlier this year, Laura quicker we eliminate malaria, the better off
announced that four nations will join the ini the world will be.
tiative in '07: Senegal, Malawi, Rwanda, and Defeating malaria requires cooperation
Mozambique. Today I am going to announce between Government and the private sector.
eight more countries will join in '08; Ghana, When I announced the malaria initiative, I
Madagascar, Mali, Zambia, Kenya, Liberia, called on foundations and corporations to
Ethiopia, and Benin. President, I can assure participate. In other words, I said, “You've
the people that you are determined to beat got to be with us; the Government alone can't
malaria. And it's that determination by the solve the problem. We can address it; we can
leadership of a country that is required for fund it; but we need your help.” I want to
our initiative to be as successful as quickly thank the Gates Foundation. Melinda, thank
as it possibly can. You can count on us as
a steady, reliable partner. you for being here. This foundation is a fan
Defeating malaria is going to require a lot tastic example of social entrepreneurship. It
was caused to be because of fantastic busi
more work than just the action of the U.S.
Government. Defeating malaria requires co ness entrepreneurship. It is now using the
operation between government and grass business acumen and the rewards of being
roots volunteers. I want to thank the leader smart to fund unbelievable programs. And
ship of Malaria No More, which is energizing I'm proud of what you're doing.
I want to thank the Red Cross. And,
the grassroots and raising money and mobi
lizing thousands of volunteers to fight ma Bonnie, thank you very much. You've trained
thousands of health workers in sub-Saharan
laria. There's a lot of people out of our coun
try who, if called to serve and to love, will Africa, and you're going to train more. I want
to thank the Global Business Coalition that
do so. Rick Warren has got a church called
Saddleback Church. He believes like I be thus far has brought more than 200 compa
lieve: To whom much is given, much is re nies together to raise money for bed nets and
quired. They're going to send thousands of other supplies. Two hundred is a little short.
as far as I'm concerned. In other words, I
volunteers into African villages and clinics.
These groups rely upon the skill of doctors view it as a good start, kind of a down pay
and nurses. And for doctors and nurses who ment. [Laughter]
are serving in Africa to help achieve the goal I want to thank ExxonMobil and Marathon
of eliminating malaria, I thank you on behalf Oil, who funded—which have funded
of a grateful nation. antimalaria projects in some of Africa's most
I am pleased to announce that I am going heavily affected nations. I think it's in your
to expand a Federal program called Volun corporate interests that the people of Africa
teers for Prosperity, which allows organiza see that you're willing to invest in the future
tions that recruit skilled volunteers to receive of their countries. America's businesses and
Federal grants more easily. I believe it's in foundations are showing a lot of wisdom and
our interests to use taxpayers' money to en generosity. I appreciate your support.
courage these private-sector initiatives. Orga Defeating malaria requires cooperation
nizations involved with the malaria initiative between our country and the international
will find it easier to receive Federal funds, community. We have given nearly $2 billion
I hope. The point is, we're going to try to to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS—and I
eliminate as much bureaucracy as possible want to thank the leader of the fund, who
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 14 216.1

is here today by the way—Fight AIDS, Tu signed compacts with five African nations,
berculosis, and Malaria. And nearly a quarter and we're working on more.
of that money has been used for antimalaria We launched one of the most important
projects. We support the efforts to fight ma initiatives in American history, as far as I'm
laria being led by the WHO and the new concerned, and that is the Emergency Plan
leader, as well as UNICEF and my friend, for AIDS Relief, which thus far has brought
Ann Veneman, and the World Bank, where lifesaving drugs to more than 800,000 people
Paul Wolfowitz has made antimalaria on the continent of Africa in 5 short years.
projects a high priority. Some of our allies Development aid is one thing, but so is
in Europe have committed resources to these the capacity for us to help nations through
efforts, and frankly, they should commit trade. I appreciate the work of my prede
more. This is a global effort to fight malaria. cessor, President Clinton, and subsequent
The United States is proud to take the lead. Congresses to pass and now extend the Afri
I encourage other countries—to whom much can Growth and Opportunity Act, which has
is given, much is required—to step up and enabled me to report to you that between
give. I want to thank those who understand Africa
and America, trade has doubled since
that malaria is a global problem, and we've
got to work to solve it together. In all these ways, we stand with the people
Defeating malaria requires cooperation of Africa in their time of need. And by doing
between America and African nations. The so, we help lift a burden of unnecessary suf
fering, and we help reduce the appeal of radi
malaria initiative is based on partnership, Mr. calism, and we forge lasting friendships on
President, not paternalism. Leaders like you a continent that is growing in strategic impor
know your people; you know their problems, tance.
and you are determined to solve them. Our As we come to the end of this historic sum
job is to help you. I fully understand that mit, every citizen can be proud of the work
many times people have got great ambitions our Nation is doing to fight disease and de
and great intentions, but they have no money spair. Our development agenda in Africa and
to do—to help. And that's why this Govern beyond is the most ambitious commitment
ment is committed to providing money and America has made since the Marshall plan.
technology to help the leaders accomplish And once again, our efforts are showing the
the objectives that we've set forth. world what kind of country America is. We're
African leaders also understand, in the a nation of optimistic people and generous
long run, that defeating malaria requires people and decent people who value human
more than nets and sprays and drugs. It re life. We're a nation that believes that we're
quires changing the conditions that help ma fortunate and that through our fortune, we
laria thrive: poverty and the lack of education ought to help others. We're a compassionate
and unresponsive governments and corrup people who care deeply about the future of
tion and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. To help the world. And it is my honor to lead such
African leaders overcome these challenges, a people.
this administration has doubled development God bless you all.
aid to Africa during my Presidency, and I
propose to double it again by the end of this NOTE: The President spoke at 11:55 a.m. at the
decade. National Geographic Society. In his remarks, he
We've created the Millennium Challenge referred to President Thomas Yayi Boni of Benin
Account to support nations that govern justly. and his wife, Chantal de Souza Yayi; Gilbert M.
Grosvenor, chairman of the board, National Geo
It doesn't make any sense for us to send tax
payers' monies to countries that steal the graphic Society; Richard D. “Rick” Warren,
money. We give to-and part of the Millen founder and senior pastor, Saddleback Church,
Lake Forest, CA; Melinda French Gates, cochair,
mium Challenge Account, headed by Ambas Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Bonnie
sador Danilovich, is to encourage countries McElveen-Hunter, chairman, American Red
to invest in their people and to encourage Cross; Richard G.A. Feachem, executive director,
economic freedom. And so far, we have Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and
Dec. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Malaria; Margaret Chan, director-general-elect, amended, 22 U.S.C. 2601(c)(1), I hereby de
World Health Organization; and Ann M. termine that it is important to the national
Veneman, executive director, United Nations
Children's Fund.
interest that up to $5.215 million be made
available from the U.S. Emergency Refugee
and Migration Assistance Fund for the pur
Executive Order 13418– pose of meeting unexpected urgent refugee
Amendment to Executive Order and migration needs resulting from conflicts
in Somalia and Sri Lanka. These funds may
13317, Volunteers for Prosperity be used, as appropriate, to provide contribu
December 14, 2006 tions to international, governmental, and
nongovernmental organizations and, as nec
By the authority vested in me as President
by the Constitution and the laws of the essary, for administrative expenses of the Bu
United States of America, and to add com reau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.
You are authorized and directed to inform
bating malaria as one of the objectives of the the appropriate committees of the Congress
global prosperity agenda, it is hereby ordered of this determination and the obligation of
that section 1(a) of Executive Order 13317
funds under this authority and to publish this
of September 25, 2003, is amended by: determination in the Federal Register.
(a) striking “, and stemming the spread
of HIV/AIDS.” and inserting in lieu George W. Bush
thereof “, stemming the spread of
HIV/AIDS and controlling malaria.";
and NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of.
(b) striking “, and the Middle East Part fice of the Press Secretary on December 15.
nership Initiative.” and inserting in
lieu thereof “, the Middle East Part
Remarks on Presenting the
nership Initiative, and the President's Presidential Medal of Freedom
Malaria Initiative.”.
December 15, 2006
George W. Bush
The White House, The President. Please be seated. Thank
December 14, 2006. you all for coming. Welcome. Mr. Vice Presi
dent, members of my Cabinet, Laura and I
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, are please you could join us on this special
8:45 a.m., December 15, 2006] occasion. We're delighted to welcome our
NOTE: This Executive order was published in the distinguished honorees as well as their fami
lies and friends to the White House. Thanks
Federal Register on December 18.
for coming.
The Presidential Medal of Freedom is our
Memorandum on Determination Nation's highest civil honor. The Medal rec
Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the ognizes high achievement in public service,
Migration and Refugee Assistance science, the arts, education, athletics, and
Act of 1962, as Amended other fields. Today we honor 10 exceptional
December 14, 2006 individuals who have gained great admiration
and respect throughout our country.
Presidential Determination No. 2006–08 Norman Y. Mineta personifies the terms
“public servant” and “patriot." He served as
an Army intelligence officer, the mayor of
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Subject: Determination Pursuant to Section San Jose, California, 10-term U.S. Congress
man, and a Cabinet member under Presi
20)(1) of the Migration and Refugee dents of both parties. He was my Secretary
Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended
of Transportation. No Secretary of Transpor.
Pursuant to section 2(c)(1) of the Migra tation ever served longer or confronted
tion and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as greater challenges than Norm Mineta.
Administration ofGeorge W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 15 2163

On September the 11th, 2001, he led the One day in 1961, Ruth Colvin of Syracuse,
effort to bring thousands of commercial and New York, read a disturbing statistic in the
private aircraft swiftly and safely to the morning newspaper. She learned that more
ground. Norm was calm, and he was decisive than 11,000 people in her hometown could
in a moment of emergency. He showed those not read. Ruth wondered, “Why isn't some
same qualities in the months and years after body doing something about it?" Ruth de
ward, ably transforming his Department to cided that she would do something. Working
face the dangers of a new era. out of her basement, she formed a network
Norm Mineta's whole life has been an ex of citizens willing to donate their time as
traordinary journey. At the age of 10, he was reading tutors. Before long, that network
sent with his mom and dad to an internment reached beyond Syracuse and beyond New
camp for Japanese Americans. Such wrongful York, and it had a name: Literacy Volunteers
treatment could have left a person bitter, but of America. Over the years, the volunteers
not Norm Mineta. Instead he has given his have helped hundreds of thousands of adults
country a lifetime of service, and he's given learn the reading and language skills they
his fellow citizens an example of leadership, need to build a better life. Ruth rightly says,
devotion to duty, and personal character. Mr. “The ability to read and write is critical to
Secretary, you're a good friend and a great personal freedom and the maintenance of a
man, and our country honors you. democratic society.”
With us today is Warren O'Neil, who will Ruth's good influence has continued to
accept the Medal of Freedom on behalf of grow. She travels the world promoting lit
his brother, John Jordan “Buck" O'Neil. eracy with her husband and best friend, Bob.
Buck O'Neil passed away in October, after She started literacy campaigns on multiple
a baseball career spanning more than seven continents. Ruth has also made many dear
decades. He joined the Negro League in friends, including another great crusader for
1938, as a first baseman for the Kansas City literacy—my mother. [Laughter Ruth's chil
Monarchs. Buck O'Neil won two batting ti dren, Terry and Lindy, know what I know—
tles and played on nine championship teams, that you better listen to your mother.
and as a manager, guided the Monarchs to |Laughter Ruth has said, “I am and always
four league titles. After finishing his playing have been a volunteer.” More than that, Ruth
career, Buck O'Neil joined the Chicago Cubs Colvin is a person of intelligence and vision
as a scout and later as the first African Amer and heart, and she has earned the gratitude
ican coach in the major leagues. He never of many and the admiration of us all. Con
did slow down. For the rest of his life, he gratulations.
was active in baseball—not just from the Like Ruth, Dr. Norman C. Francis has
stands or the dugout. dedicated his life to education. He achieved
In July of this year, he took a turn at bat early distinction as the first African American
in a minor league all-star game in Kansas to graduate from the Loyola University Col
City. They wisely pitched around him— lege of Law. In 1968, he became president
[laughter—he drew a walk—at the age of of his alma mater, Xavier University in New
94 years old. [Laughter] Buck O'Neil is also Orleans, and he is today the longest serving
remembered as one of the game's best histo university president in the United States. Dr.
rians and ambassadors. He was the driving Francis is known across Louisiana and
force behind the Negro Leagues Baseball throughout our country as a man of deep in
Museum; he was proud to be its chairman. tellect and compassion and character. He's
But he once said: “It never should have been an Army veteran. He led the United Negro
a Negro League. Shouldn't have been.” Buck College Fund. He was chairman of the board
O'Neil lived long enough to see the game of the Educational Testing Service, and he
of baseball and America change for the bet holds only 35 honorary degrees. [Laughter]
ter. He's one of the people we can thank Last year, after Hurricane Katrina did
for that. Buck O'Neil was a legend, and he great damage to the Xavier campus, Dr.
was a beautiful human being. And we honor Francis vowed the university would over
the memory of Buck O'Neil. come and reopen its doors by January, and
2164 Dec. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

he kept that pledge. Dr. Francis continues Israel, winning four elections to the Knesset
to help the people of southeast Louisiana as and serving more than 8 years in the Cabinet.
the leader of the Louisiana Recovery Author He remains, above all, an eloquent champion
ity. As they continue to rebuild from the dev for liberty and democracy. Natan reminds us
astation of the hurricanes, the people of the that every soul carries the desire to live in
Pelican State will benefit from the leadership freedom and that freedom has a unique
of this good man. And all of us admire the power to lift up nations, transform regions,
good life and remarkable career of Dr. Nor and secure a future for peace. Natan
man C. Francis. Sharansky is a witness to that power, and his
Joshua Lederberg has always seemed testimony brings hope to those who still live
ahead of his time. He was researching genet under oppression. We honor Natan
ics when the field was scarcely understood. Sharansky for his life of courage and convic
He was studying the implications of space tion.
travel before there were astronauts. And The struggle between freedom and tyr
even three decades ago, he was warning of anny has defined the past 100 years, and few
the dangers of biological warfare. All of his have written of that struggle with greater skill
life, people have seen something special in than Paul Johnson. His book, “Modern
this rabbi's son from Montclair, New Jersey. Times: The World from the Twenties to the
Someone who knew him in college said, “You Eighties,” is a masterful account of the griev
could tell that Joshua was in the lab because ous harm visited on millions by ideologies
you could hear the breaking glass." [Laugh of power and coercion. In all his writings,
ter] “He was so young, bursting with poten Paul Johnson shows great breadth of knowl
tial.” edge and moral clarity and a deep under
He earned his Ph.D. in his early twenties. standing of the challenges of our time. He's
At the age of 33, he won the Nobel Prize. written hundreds of articles and dozens of
Dr. Lederberg has remained at the top of books, including “The History of the Jews."
the scientific field as a professor, researcher, “The History of Christianity,” “The Quest for
and writer. As a columnist and adviser to God,” and “The Birth of the Modern.” Obvi
many administrations, he brought clear, ously, the man is not afraid to take on big
independent thinking and wisdom to matters subjects. [Laughter]
of public policy, especially in national secu Eight years ago, he published “A History
rity and nonproliferation. For his brilliant ca of the American People,” which Dr. Henry
reer, his high ethical standards, and his many Kissinger said, was "as majestic in scope as
contributions to our country, the United the country it celebrates.” In the preface,
States thanks Joshua Lederberg. Paul Johnson called Americans “the most re
Americans first came to know Natan markable people the world has ever seen."
Sharansky as a voice for freedom inside an He said, “I love them, and I salute them."
empire of tyranny. As a Jew applying to im That's a high tribute from a man of such
migrate to Israel, he was refused and har learning and wisdom, and America returns
assed by the Soviet regime. Natan Sharansky the feeling. Our country honors Paul Johnson
became a leading dissident and advocate for and proudly calls him a friend.
human rights. And after a show trial, he was One of America's unique gifts to the world
sentenced to a gulag for 10 years. The au is a music called the blues. And in that music
thorities may have hoped the world would two names are paramount—B.B. King and
forget the name Sharansky. Instead, leaders his guitar, Lucille. [Laughter] It has been
like President Reagan and Ambassador Kirk said that when John Lennon was asked to
patrick spoke often of his persecution, and name his great ambition, he said, "to play
the case of Natan Sharansky became a sym the guitar like B.B. King.” Many musicians
bol of the moral emptiness of imperial com have had that same goal, but nobody has ever
in lini Sin. been able to match the skill or copy the
Today, the Soviet Union is history, but the sound of the “King of the Blues.”
world still knows the name Sharansky. As a He came up the hard way in the Deep
free man, he's become a political leader in South, living alone when he was 9 years old.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 15 2165

walking miles to school and picking cotton better for the contributions of William Safire.
for 35 cents a day. Barely out of his teens, Congratulations.
he made his first trip to Memphis, Ten David McCullough has won the Pulitzer
nessee, with his guitar and $2.50 in his pock Prize twice—for “Truman” and “John
et. He made his name on Beale Street, and Adams,” two of the most successful biog
his studio recordings made him a national raphies ever published. In person and on the
favorite. B.B. King has sold more than 40 printed page, David McCullough shares the
million records. He won 14 Grammys. He lessons of history with enthusiasm and in
has a place on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. sight. He has written definitive works on the
He's influenced generations of musicians Johnstown flood, the building of the Brook
from blues to rock, and he's performed in lyn Bridge, and the digging of the Panama
venues from roadside nightclubs to Carnegie Canal. His first book out came—came out
Hall. He's still touring, and he's still record nearly 40 years ago; all of his books are still
ing, and he's still singing, and he's still playing in print. David McCullough is also, for mil
the blues better than anybody else. In other lions of Americans, the voice of history, as
words: The thrill is not gone. [Laughter the narrator of Ken Burns's “The Civil War”
America loves the music of B.B. King, and and other films.
America loves the man himself. Congratula For those who question the importance of
history, David likes to quote Harry Truman,
William Safire joined the White House who said, “The only thing new in the world
staff nearly 38 years ago as a speechwriter is the history you do not know.” David
to the President. President Nixon once intro
McCullough reminds us that “the laws we
duced Bill this way: “This is Safire, absolutely live by, the freedoms we enjoy, the institu
trustworthy, but watch what you say—he's tions that we take for granted are all the work
a writer.” [Laughter] Writing has been at the of other people who went before us.” He's
center of Bill Safire's eventful life, going back a passionate man about our responsibility to
to his days in the U.S. Army and as a PR know America's past and to share it with
man in New York. As a young speechwriter every new generation. He's fulfilled that duty
drafting remarks for a New York City official, in his own career with splendid results. This
he used the word “indomitable.” When they chronicler of other times is one of the emi
asked Bill to find a better speech-word, he nent Americans of our own time. The Nation
suggested “indefatigable.” [Laughter] They owes a debt of gratitude to a fine author and
fired him. [Laughter] We're a little more le a fine man, David McCullough.
nient about speechwriting here. [Laughter] Now the military aide will read the cita
From the White House, Bill moved to the tions for the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
New York Times, where he spent more than
30 years as a columnist who was often skep [At this point, Lt. Comdr. Robert A. Roncska,
tical about our government but never cynical USN, Navy Aide to the President, read the
about our country. He always was committed citations, and the President presented the
to the cause of human freedom. His wit and medals.]
style and command of English earned him
another spot, his own page in the Times mag The President. Thank you all for coming.
azine every Sunday. Bill has said that his “On Congratulations to our honorees. Laura and
Language” column attracts more mail than I would like to invite you to a reception here
any of his other work. People write me about to pay tribute to some of the finest citizens
my language too. [Laughter] Bill Safire has the Almighty has ever produced.
also written novels and a respected political God bless you all.
dictionary. He won the Pulitzer Prize for
commentary. He's a voice of independence NOTE: The President spoke at 10:18 a.m. in the
and principle, and American journalism is East Room at the White House.
2166 Dec. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Remarks at an Armed Forces Full today, as we honor a fine man, we also honor
Honor Review for Secretary of his family, Joyce Rumsfeld and his children.
Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld in Don is the only man—Don Rumsfeld is
Arlington, Virginia the only man to have served as Secretary of
Defense for two Presidents in two different
December 15, 2006
centuries. [Laughter] In 2001, I called him
Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you very back to the same job he held under President
much, Mr. Secretary and Joyce. Mr. Vice Gerald Ford, and I gave him this urgent mis
President, thank you for your kind words. sion: Prepare our Nation's Armed Forces for
Lynne and Senator Warner, Deputy Sec the threats of a new century.
retary England, Secretary Harvey, Winter, Don Rumsfeld brought vision and enthu
Wynne, General Pace, members of the Joint siasm to this vital task. He understood that
Chiefs of Staff, distinguished guests, men the peace of the post-cold-war years was real
and women of the Armed Forces: I'm
ly the calm before the next storm and that
pleased to join you as we pay tribute to one America needed to prepare for the day when
of America's most i. energetic, and new enemies would attack our Nation in un
dedicated public servants, the Secretary of precedented ways. That day came on a clear
Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.
September morning, and in a moment of cri
Don Rumsfeld has been at my side from sis, our Nation saw Donald Rumsfeld's char
the moment I took office. We've been
acter and courage.
through war together. We have shared some When the Pentagon was hit, Secretary
of the most challenging moments in our Na Rumsfeld's first instinct was to run toward
tion's history. Over the past 6 years, I have danger. He raced down smoke-filled hallways
come to appreciate Don Rumsfeld's profes
sionalism, his dedication, his strategic vision, to the crash site so he could help rescue
his deep devotion to the men and women workers pull the victims from the rubble.
And in the weeks that followed, he directed
of our Nation who wear the uniform, and
his love for the United States of America. the effort to plan our Nation's military re
That devotion began at an early age, in sponse to the deadliest terrorist attack in our
spired by a man in uniform he called dad. Nation's history.
His father, George, was 37 when America Under Secretary Rumsfeld's leadership,
was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Too old to be U.S. and coalition forces launched one of the
drafted, he volunteered for service in the most innovative military campaigns in the
United States Navy. One of Don's earliest history of modern warfare, sending Special
memories is of standing on the hangar deck Operations forces into Afghanistan to link up
of his dad's aircraft carrier, the USS with anti-Taliban fighters, to ride with them
Hollandia, at the age of 11. He was taking on horseback, and to launch a stunning as
in the sights and sounds of the ship as it pre sault against the enemy. In Operation Endur
pared to leave for the Pacific war. ing Freedom we combined the most ad
His father's example stayed with him, and vanced laser-guided weapons with one of the
after graduating from Princeton, Don Rums oldest tools in the military arsenal—a man
feld joined the United States Navy, rising to with a weapon on a horse.
become a pilot, a flight instructor, and a History will record that the first major
member of the Naval Reserve for nearly 20 ground battle in the 21st century involving
years. American forces began with a cavalry charge.
In the decades since he first put on the I guess that's what you get when you bring
uniform, Don Rumsfeld has served with dis together a President from Texas with a Sec
tinction in many important positions: Con retary of Defense who actually remembers
gressman, Counsellor to the President, Am when America had a cavalry. [Laughter
bassador to NATO, White House Chief of In 2003, on my orders, Secretary Rumsfeld
Staff, Secretary of Defense. Yet, to this day, led the planning and execution of another
the title that has brought him his greatest historic military campaign, Operation Iraqi
pride is dad, and now granddad. And so Freedom. In this operation, coalition forces
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 15 2167

drove Saddam Hussein from power in 21 a ballistic missile headed for our country and
days. And in the years that followed, Don destroy it before it harms our people.
Rumsfeld helped see the Iraqi people Most importantly, he worked to establish
through the resumption of sovereignty, two a culture in the Pentagon that rewards inno
elections, a referendum to approve the most vation and intelligent risk taking and encour
progressive Constitution in the Middle East, ages our military and civilian leaders to chal
and the seating of a newly elected Govern lenge established ways of thinking.
ment. The record of Don Rumsfeld's tenure is
On his watch, the United States military clear. There have been more profound
helped the Iraqi people establish a constitu change—there has been more profound
tional democracy in the heart of the Middle change at the Department of Defense over
East, a watershed event in the story of free the past 6 years than at any time since the
dom. Department's creation in the late 1940s.
As he met the challenges of fighting a new And these changes were not easy, but be
cause of Don Rumsfeld's determination and
and unfamiliar war, Don Rumsfeld kept his
eyes on the horizon and on the threats that leadership, America has the best equipped,
still await us as this new century unfolds. the best trained, and most experienced
He developed a new defense strategy and Armed Forces in the history of the world.
a new command structure for our Nation's All in all, not bad for a fellow who calls him
Armed Forces, with a new northern com self a “broken-down ex-Navy pilot.” This
man knows how to lead, and he did, and the
mand to protect the homeland, a new joint
forces command to focus on transformation, country is better off for it.
a new strategic command to defend against In every decision Don Rumsfeld made
long-range attacks, and a transformed U.S. over the past 6 years, he always put the
troops first, and the troops in the field knew
special operations command ready to take it. A few years ago, the editors at Time maga
the lead in the global war on terror. zine came to his Pentagon office, and Don
He launched the most significant trans correctly suspected they were thinking of
formation of the Army in a generation. He naming him “Person of the Year.” Without
led my administration's efforts to transform hesitation, Don Rumsfeld told them, “Don’t
the NATO Alliance, with a new NATO re
give it to me. Give it to our men and women
sponse force ready to deploy quickly any in uniform.” And that's exactly what Time
where in the world. On his watch, NATO
magazine did.
sent its forces to defend a young democracy Don Rumsfeld's selfless leadership earned
in Afghanistan, more than 3,000 miles from him the admiration of our soldiers and sailors
Europe. It was the first time NATO has de and airmen and marines. And we saw how
ployed outside the North Atlantic area in the they feel about him this week when he paid
history of the Alliance. a farewell visit to our troops in Iraq.
He helped launch the Proliferation Secu Don Rumsfeld's strong leadership has
rity Initiative, an unprecedented coalition of earned him my admiration and deep respect.
more than 80 nations working together to We stood together in hours of decision that
stop shipments of weapons of mass destruc would affect the course of our history. We
tion on land, at sea, and in the air. walked amid the rubble of the broken Pen
He undertook the most sweeping trans tagon the day after September the 11th,
formation of America's global defense pos 2001. He was with me when we planned the
ture since the start of the cold war, repo liberation of Afghanistan. We were in the
sitioning our forces so they can surge quickly Oval Office together the day I gave the order
to deal with unexpected threats and setting to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
the stage for our global military presence for In these and countless other moments, I
the next 50 years. have seen Don Rumsfeld's character and his
He took ballistic missile defense from the integrity. He was—always ensured I had the
ory to reality. And because of his leadership, best possible advice, the opportunity to hear
America now has an initial capability to track and weigh conflicting points of view. He
Dec. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
spoke straight. It was easy to understand him. Each year, the glow of the menorah is a
He has a sharp intellect, a steady demeanor, reminder of the blessings of a just and loving
and boundless energy. He began every day God and the sacrifices made over the cen
at the Pentagon with a singular mission—to turies for faith and freedom. Laura and I pray
serve his country and the men and women that this holiday season will be a time of hap
who defend her. piness in every home and a time of peace
Mr. Secretary, today your country thanks throughout the world.
you for 6 outstanding years at the Depart Happy Hanukkah.
ment of Defense. And I thank you for your
sacrifice and your service and your devotion NOTE: An original was not available for
to the men and women of our Armed Forces. verification of the content of this message.
I want to thank Joyce for her poise and
her grace and for the example she has set Proclamation 8091—Wright
for our Nation's military families. Laura and Brothers Day, 2006
I will miss you both, and we wish you all December 15, 2006
the best in the years to come.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I bring By the President of the United States
to this podium America's 21st Secretary of of America
Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.
A Proclamation
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:50 p.m. at the America has a rich history of exploration
Pentagon. In his remarks, he referred to Lynne and discovery, marked by scientific and tech
Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney; Sec nological achievements that have trans
retary of the Navy Donald C. Winter; and Sec
retary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne. The formed the world. On Wright Brothers Day,
transcript released by the Office of the Press Sec we remember two aviation pioneers from
retary also included the remarks of Secretary of Ohio whose big dreams and extraordinary ac
Defense Rumsfeld. complishments helped change the course of
human history.
On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wil
Message on the Observance of bur Wright completed the first manned.
Hanukkah 2006 powered flight in history and ushered all of
December 15, 2006 mankind into a new era of possibility and
promise. With Orville at the controls, the
I send greetings to all those celebrating Wright brothers' small aircraft traveled 120
Hanukkah, the festival of lights. feet in 12 seconds above the dunes of Kitty
During Hanukkah, Jewish people every Hawk, North Carolina. The age of flight had
where honor the liberation of Jerusalem and begun, and in the decades that followed, ad
the great miracle witnessed in the Holy Tem vancements in aviation would enable deter
ple more than 2,000 years ago. After Jeru mined American risk-takers to cross oceans,
salem was conquered by an oppressive king break the sound barrier, and walk on the
and the Jews lost their right to worship in Moon.
freedom, Judah Maccabee and his followers Today, our Nation follows the Wright
courageously set out to reclaim Jerusalem brothers' example of innovation as we con
from foreign rule. Though their numbers tinue to explore the frontiers of air and space.
were small, the Maccabees' dedication to My Administration has outlined a vision for
their faith was strong, and they emerged vic space exploration that includes a return to
torious. When they returned to their Holy the Moon and a long-term human and
Temple for its rededication, the Maccabees robotic program to explore Mars and the
discovered enough oil to burn for only one solar system. By working to expand the realm
day. Yet the oil lit the Holy Temple for eight of the possible, we can gain a better under
days, and the light of hope still shines bright standing of the universe and continue the
in Jewish homes and synagogues throughout journey that the Wright brothers began more
the world. than a century ago.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2169

The Congress, by a joint resolution ap In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the
proved December 17, 1963, as amended (77 President participated in an interview with
Stat. 402:36 U.S.C. 143), has designated De Stephen F. Hayes of the Weekly Standard.
cember 17 of each year as “Wright Brothers Later, also in the Oval Office, he met with
Day” and has authorized and requested the outside experts on Iraq.
President to issue annually a proclamation in The President announced his intention to
viting the people of the United States to ob appoint Patricia Hanahan Engman, Robert
serve that day with appropriate ceremonies E. Peterson, and Peter W. Tredick as mem
and activities. bers of the Presidential Emergency Board
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, No. 240, and, upon appointment, to des
President of the United States of America, ignate Peter W. Tredick as Chair.
do hereby proclaim December 17, 2006, as December 12
Wright Brothers Day.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set In the morning, in his private dining room,
my hand this fifteenth day of December, in the President had breakfast with Secretary
the year of our Lord two thousand six, and of Defense-designate Robert M. Gates.
of the Independence of the United States of Later, he had an intelligence briefing.
America the two hundred and thirty-first. Later in the morning, in the Roosevelt
George W. Bush Room, the President participated in a video
conference call with U.S. military com
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, manders and Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay
11:34 a.m., December 18, 2006] Khalilzad.
In the evening, on the State Floor, the
NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
Federal Register on December 19. President and Mrs. Bush hosted two holiday
The President declared a major disaster in
Washington and ordered Federal aid to sup
plement State and local recovery efforts in
Digest of Other the area struck by severe storms, flooding,
White House Announcements landslides, and mudslides on November 2–
The President declared a major disaster in
The following list includes the President's public New York and ordered Federal aid to supple
schedule and other items of general interest an ment State and local recovery efforts in the
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and area struck by severe storms and flooding on
not included elsewhere in this issue.
November 16–17.

December 9 December 13

In the morning, the President had an intel In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. ligence briefing. Later, he had separate tele
phone conversations with President Jalal
December 10 Talabani of Iraq and Masoud Barzani, presi
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. dent of the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
Bush went to the National Building Museum In the afternoon, the President traveled to
where they participated in the taping of the Arlington, VA. Later, at the Pentagon, he and
annual “Christmas in Washington” concert Vice President Dick Cheney met with U.S.
for later television broadcast. military personnel. Later, he returned to
In the evening, the President and Mrs. Washington, DC.
Bush returned to the White House. In the evening, on the State Floor, the
President and Mrs. Bush hosted a holiday
December 11
In the morning, the President had an intel The White House announced that the
ligence briefing. President will welcome President Jose
217() Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Manuel Barroso of the European Commis items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements.
sion to the White House on January 8, 2007.
The President announced the recess ap
pointment of Dabney Langhorne Friedrich
and Beryl A. Howell as members of the U.S. Released December 9
Sentencing Commission. Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
The President announced the recess ap that the President signed H.J.Res. 102
pointment of John R. Steer as a member of
the U.S. Sentencing Commission and des Released December 11
ignated him Vice Chair.
December 14
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing. Released December 12
In the evening, on the State Floor, the
President and Mrs. Bush hosted a holiday Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
reception. retary Tony Snow
December 15 Statement by the Press Secretary: Holocaust
Denial Conference Sponsored by Iranian Re
In the morning, the President had a tele gime
phone conversation with Prime Minister
Abdullah bin Ahmad Badawi of Malaysia. He Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
then had an intelligence briefing. that the President signed H.R. 2383, H.R.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to 3817, H.R. 4000, H.R. 4559, H.R. 5061, H.R.
Arlington, VA. Later, he returned to Wash 5103, H.R. 5585, H.R. 5690, and H.R. 612]
ington, DC. Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
Later in afternoon, the President and Mrs. assistance to Washington
Bush went to the State Department where
they participated in a holiday reception for Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster
assistance to New York
members of the diplomatic corps. Later, they
returned to the White House.
In the evening, on the State Floor, the Released December 13
President and Mrs. Bush hosted a holiday
reception. Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of
European Commission President Jose
Submitted to the Senate Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that the President signed H.R. 4377
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the
Released December 14
Senate during the period covered by this issue.
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow

Checklist Released December 15

of White House Press Releases Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow
The following list contains releases of the Office Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as that the President signed H.R. 3699
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2171

Acts Approved County, Virginia, which is currently owned

by the United States and administered by the
by the President Forest Service, to facilitate the restoration
and reuse of the property, and for other pur
Approved December 9 poses
H.J.Res. 102 / Public Law 109–383 H.R. 55.85 / Public Law 109–390
Making further continuing appropriations for Financial Netting Improvements Act of 2006
the fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes
Approved December 12 H.R. 5690 / Public Law 109–391

H.R. 2383 / Public Law 109–384

Ouachita National Forest Boundary Adjust
ment Act of 2006
To redesignate the facility of the Bureau of
Reclamation located at 19550 Kelso Road in H.R. 6121 / Public Law 109–392
Byron, California, as the “C.W. Bill Jones To amend the Federal Water Pollution Con
Pumping Plant” trol Act to reauthorize a program relating to
H.R. 3817 / Public Law 109–385 the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, and for other
Valle Vidal Protection Act of 2005 purposes

H.R. 4000 / Public Law 109–386 Approved December 13

To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to
revise certain repayment contracts with the H.R. 4377 / Public Law 109–393
Bostwick Irrigation District in Nebraska, the To extend the time required for construction
Kansas Bostwick Irrigation District No. 2, the of a hydroelectric project, and for other pur
Frenchman-Cambridge Irrigation District, poses
and the Webster Irrigation District No. 4,
all a part of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Approved December 14
Program, and for other purposes
H.R. 4766 / Public Law 109–394
H.R. 4559 / Public Law 109–387
Esther Martinez Native American Languages
To provide for the conveyance of certain Na Preservation Act of 2006
tional Forest System land to the towns of
Laona and Wabeno, Wisconsin, and for other S. 2250 / Public Law 109–395
purposes Congressional Tribute to Dr. Norman E.
H.R. 5061 / Public Law 109–388 Borlaug Act of 2006
Paint Bank and Wytheville National Fish
Hatcheries Conveyance Act Approved December 15
H.R. 5103 / Public Law 109–389 H.R. 3699 / Public Law 109–396
To provide for the conveyance of the former Federal and District of Columbia Govern
Konnarock Lutheran Girls School in Smyth ment Real Property Act of 2006






A E 2.10%; 4.2/st FED - DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, December 25, 2006

Volume 42—Number 51
Pages 2173–2206

JAN 2 6 2007

Addresses and Remarks Bill Signings–Continued

See also Bill Signings Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006,
Hanukkah menorah, lighting—2180
Radio address—2173 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act,
Virginia, Defense Department, swearing-in Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006
ceremony for Secretary Gates in
Arlington—2179 Statement—2195
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, remarks
220.1 a visit with wounded troops— Communications to Congress
U.S. combat-equipped Armed Forces, letter
Bill Signings reporting on deployments around the
- world—2174
Combating Autism Act of 2006, statement—
Communications to Federal Agencies
Henry J. Hyde United States-India Peaceful Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for
Atomic Energy Cooperation Act of 2006 Commercial Air Carrier Service in
Domestic and International Operations,
Statement—2179 memorandum—2201
National Transportation Safety Board Suspension of Limitations Under the
Reauthorization Act of 2006, statement— Jerusalem Embassy Act, memorandum—
2199 2174

(Continued on the inside of the back cover.)

Editor's Notes: The President was at Camp David, MD, on December 22, the closing date
of this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not
received in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

In the printed version of the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents for Monday, December
18, 2006, two Presidential determinations were inadvertently assigned incorrect numbers. The num
bering is corrected as follows:

Presidential Determination on Sanctions Against North Korea for Detonation of a Nuclear Explosive
Device, appearing on page 2147, is corrected to read “Presidential Determination No. 2007–07."

Memorandum on Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assist
ance Act of 1962, as Amended, appearing on page 2162, is corrected to read “Presidential Deter
mination No. 2007–08.”

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PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office. Washington, DC 2042
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Dºcuments will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per wear
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $300 ($3.75 for foreign mailing
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
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The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of materiº
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Dºcu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607,
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, December 22, 2006
The President’s Radio Address Federal spending—such as a swimming pool
December 16, 2006 or a teapot museum tucked into a big spend
ing bill. And over the last decade, the Con
Good morning. Christmas is fast approach gressional Research Service reports that the
ing, and I know many of you are busy trying number of earmarks has exploded—increas
to finish up your holiday shopping. This ing from about 3,000 in 1996 to 13,000 in
week, we received good news about the 2006. I respect Congress's authority over the
economy that should brighten the season and public purse, but the time has come to re
keep us optimistic about the year ahead. form the earmark process and dramatically
reduce the number of earmarks.
First, the Commerce Department released
figures showing that sales for America's re Reforming earmarks is the responsibility
tailers were up in November and that the of both political parties. Over the past year,
increase is much larger than expected. These the Republican Congress succeeded in elimi
figures are important because for many nating virtually all earmarks for three major
American businesses November and Decem Cabinet Departments. And I'm pleased that
ber are their highest sales months for the Democratic leaders in Congress recently
year. So the healthy increase in retail sales committed themselves to support reforms
is a good sign for American employers and that would restore transparency and account
workers. ability to earmarks. For this year's budget,
America's working families also received they pledged to maintain current levels of
another bit of holiday cheer this week. We spending and not include any earmarks, and
learned that real hourly wages rose by 2.3 they agreed to a temporary moratorium on
percent over the past year. That may not earmarks. This is a good start, but Congress
sound like a lot, but for the typical family needs to do much more. My administration
of four with both parents working, it means will soon lay out a series of reforms that will
an extra $1,350 for this year. At the same help make earmarks more transparent, that
time, our growing economy continues to cre will hold the Members who propose ear
ate jobs and that has brought unemployment marks more accountable, and that will help
reduce the number of earmarks inserted into
down to just 4.5 percent. These numbers give
all Americans a reason to celebrate: More large spending bills.
Republicans and Democrats alike have an
people are working than ever before, and opportunity to demonstrate our commitment
paychecks are going further than they used
to. to spending restraint and good government
When you decide how to spend your pay by making earmark reform a top priority for
check, you have to set priorities and live with the next Congress. When it comes to spend
ing your money, you expect us to rise above
in your means. Congress needs to do the
same thing with the money you send to party labels. By working together to cut down
Washington. That was one of the clear mes on earmarks, we can show the American peo
sages American voters sent in the midterm ple that we can be fiscally responsible with
elections. And one of the best ways we can their money and that we can come together
impose more discipline on Federal spending in Washington to get results.
is by addressing the problem of earmarks. Thank you for listening.
Earmarks are spending provisions that are
often slipped into bills at the last minute, so NOTE: The address was recorded at 9:40 a.m. on
they never get debated or discussed. It is not December 15 in the Cabinet Room at the White
surprising that this often leads to unnecessary House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on December
2174 Dec. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
16. The transcript was made available by the Of Memorandum on Suspension of
fice of the Press Secretary on December 15 but Limitations Under the Jerusalem
was embargoed for release until the broadcast.
The Office of the Press Secretary also released Embassy Act
a Spanish language transcript of this address. December 15, 2006
Presidential Determination No. 2007–09

Message on the Observance of

Kwanzaa 2006 Memorandum for the Secretary of State
December 8, 2006 . Subject: Suspension of Limitations Under the
Jerusalem Embassy Act
I send greetings to those observing Pursuant to the authority vested in me as
President by the Constitution and the laws
During the seven days of Kwanzaa leading of the United States, including section 7(a)
up to the New Year, friends and family come of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Pub
together in a spirit of love and joy to honor lic Law 104–45)(the “Act”), I hereby deter.
their rich African heritage, reflect on the mine that it is necessary to protect the na
Seven Principles, and give thanks for the tional security interests of the United States
blessings of freedom and opportunity. Forty to suspend for a period of 6 months the limi
years after the first Kwanzaa, this hopeful oc tations set forth in sections 3(b) and 7(b) of
casion remains an opportunity to build the the Act. My Administration remains com
bonds of family, community, and culture and mitted to beginning the process of moving
move ever closer to the founding promise of our Embassy to Jerusalem.
liberty and justice for all. You are hereby authorized and directed to
Our Nation is a better place because of transmit this determination to the Congress,
the contributions African Americans have accompanied by a report in accordance with
made to our strength and character over the section 7(a) of the Act, and to publish the
generations. As you gather to celebrate your determination in the Federal Register.
ancestry this Kwanzaa, I encourage you to This suspension shall take effect after
transmission of this determination and report
take pride in your many achievements and
to the Congress.
look to the future with confidence in your
abilities and faith in a brighter tomorrow. George W. Bush
Laura and I send our best wishes for a
joyous Kwanzaa and a blessed New Year. NOTE: This memorandum was released by the Of.
fice of the Press Secretary on December 18.
George W. Bush

NOTE: This message was released by the Office Letter to Congressional Leaders
of the Press Secretary on December 18. An origi Reporting on the Deployments of
nal was not available for verification of the content United States Combat-Equipped
of this message. Armed Forces Around the World
December 15, 2006

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)

I am providing this supplemental consoli
dated report, prepared by my Administration
and consistent with the War Powers Resolu
tion (Public Law 93–148), as part of my ef
forts to keep the Congress informed about
deployments of U.S. combat-equipped
armed forces around the world. This supple
mental report covers operations in support
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 18 2175

of the war on terror, Kosovo, and Bosnia and ISAF under NATO command is to assist the
Herzegovina. Government of Afghanistan in creating a safe
and secure environment that allows recon
struction and the reestablishment of Afghan
Since September 24, 2001, I have re authorities. Currently, all 26 NATO nations
ported, consistent with Public Law 107–40 contribute to the ISAF. Eleven non-NATO
and the War Powers Resolution, on the com contributing countries also participate by
bat operations in Afghanistan against al providing military and other support per
Qaida terrorists and their Taliban supporters, sonnel to the ISAF.
which began on October 7, 2001, and the The United States continues to detain sev
deployment of various combat-equipped and eral hundred al-Qaida and Taliban fighters
combat-support forces to a number of loca who are believed to pose a continuing threat
tions in the Central, Pacific, and Southern to the United States and its interests. The
Command areas of operation in support of combat-equipped and combat-support forces
those operations and of other operations in deployed to Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay,
Our War On terror. Cuba, in the U.S. Southern Command area
I will direct additional measures as nec of operations since January 2002 continue to
essary in the exercise of the U.S. right to self conduct secure detention operations for the
defense and to protect U.S. citizens and in approximately 435 enemy combatants at
terests. Such measures may include short-no Guantanamo Bay.
tice deployments of special operations and The U.N. Security Council authorized a
other forces for sensitive operations in var Multinational Force (MNF) in Iraq under
ious locations throughout the world. It is not unified command in U.N. Security Council
possible to know at this time either the pre Resolution 1511 of October 16, 2003, and
cise scope or duration of the deployment of reaffirmed its authorization in U.N. Security
U.S. Armed Forces necessary to counter the Council Resolution 1546 of June 8, 2004. In
terrorist threat to the United States. U.N. Security Council Resolution 1637 of
United States Armed Forces, with the as November 8, 2005, the Security Council,
sistance of numerous coalition partners, con noting the Iraqi government's request to re
tinue to conduct the U.S. campaign to pursue tain the presence of the MNF, extended the
al-Qaida terrorists and to eliminate support MNF mandate for a period ending on De
to al-Qaida. These operations have been suc cember 31, 2006. In U.N. Security Council
cessful in seriously degrading al-Qaida's Resolution 1723 of November 28, 2006, the
training capabilities. United States Armed Security Council extended the MNF man
Forces, with the assistance of numerous coa date until December 31, 2007. Under Reso
lition partners, ended the Taliban regime and lutions 1546, 1637, and 1723, the mission of
are actively pursuing and engaging remnant the MNF is to contribute to security and sta
al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. bility in Iraq, as reconstruction continues.
Approximately 10,400 U.S. personnel also are These contributions have included assisting
assigned to the International Security Assist in building the capability of the Iraqi security
ance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. This num forces and institutions as the Iraqi people
ber is higher than that stated in the last re drafted and approved a constitution and es
port because in late October 2006 additional tablished a constitutionally elected govern
U.S. forces were reassigned to ISAF. The ment. The U.S. contribution to the MNF is
total number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan approximately 134,000 military personnel.
is approximately 21,000. The U.N. Security In furtherance of our efforts against terror
Council authorized the ISAF in U.N. Secu ists who pose a continuing and imminent
rity Council Resolution 1386 of December threat to the United States, our friends and
20, 2001, and has reaffirmed its authorization allies, and our forces abroad, the United
since that time, most recently, for a 12 States continues to work with friends and al
month period from October 13, 2006, in lies in areas around the globe. These efforts
U.N. Security Council Resolution 1707 of include the deployment of U.S. combat
September 12, 2006. The mission of the equipped and combat-support forces to assist
Dec. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
in enhancing the counterterrorism capabili and control and rules of engagement. The
ties of our friends and allies. United States KFOR coordinates with and supports
combat-equipped and combat-support forces UNMIK at most levels; provides a security
continue to be located in the Horn of Africa presence in towns, villages, and the country
region, and the U.S. forces headquarters ele side; and organizes checkpoints and patrols
ment in Djibouti provides command and in key areas to provide security, protect mi
control support as necessary for military op norities, resolve disputes, and help instill in
erations against al-Qaida and other inter the community a feeling of confidence.
national terrorists in the Horn of Africa re In accordance with U.N. Security Council
gion, including Yemen. In addition, the Resolution 1244, UNMIK continues to trans
United States continues to conduct maritime fer additional competencies to the Kosovo
interception operations on the high seas in Provisional Institutions of Self-Government,
the areas of responsibility of all of the geo which includes the President, Prime Min
graphic combatant commanders. These mari ister, multiple ministries, and the Kosovo As
time operations have the responsibility to sembly. The UNMIK retains ultimate au
stop the movement, arming, or financing of thority in some sensitive areas such as police,
international terrorists. justice, and ethnic minority affairs.
NATO continues formally to review
NATO-LED KOSOVO FORCE (KFOR) KFOR's mission at 6-month intervals. These
As noted in previous reports regarding reviews provide a basis for assessing current
U.S. contributions in support of peace force levels, future requirements, force struc
keeping efforts in Kosovo, the U.N. Security ture, force reductions, and the eventual with
Council authorized Member States to estab drawal of KFOR. NATO has adopted the
lish KFOR in U.N. Security Council Resolu Joint Operations Area plan to regionalize and
tion 1244 of June 10, 1999. The mission of rationalize its force structure in the Balkans.
KFOR is to provide an international security The UNMIK international police and the
presence in order to deter renewed hos Kosovo Police Service (KPS) have full re
tilities; verify and, if necessary, enforce the sponsibility for public safety and policing
terms of the Military Technical Agreement throughout Kosovo. The UNMIK inter
between NATO and the Federal Republic national police and KPS also have begun to
of Yugoslavia (which is now Serbia); enforce assume responsibility for guarding patrimo
the terms of the Undertaking on Demili nial sites and established border-crossing
tarization and Transformation of the former checkpoints. The KFOR augments security
Kosovo Liberation Army; provide day-to-day in particularly sensitive areas or in response
operational direction to the Kosovo Protec to particular threats as needed.
tion Corps; and maintain a safe and secure
environment to facilitate the work of the NATO HEADQUARTERS IN BOSNIA
U.N. Interim Administration Mission in AND HERZEGOVINA
Kosovo (UNMIK). Pursuant to the June 2004 decision made
Currently, there are 24 NATO nations by NATO Heads of State and Government,
contributing to KFOR. Eleven non-NATO and in accordance with U.N. Security Coun
contributing countries also participate by cil Resolution 1575 of November 22, 2004,
providing military personnel and other sup NATO concluded its Stabilization Force op
port personnel to KFOR. The U.S. contribu erations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and es
tion to KFOR in Kosovo is about 1,700 U.S. tablished NATO Headquarters-Sarajevo to
military personnel, or approximately 11 per continue to assist in implementing the Peace
cent of KFOR's total strength of approxi Agreement in conjunction with a newly es
mately 16,000 personnel. The U.S. forces tablished European Force. The NATO
have been assigned to the eastern region of Headquarters-Sarajevo, to which approxi
Kosovo. For U.S. KFOR forces, as for KFOR mately 100 U.S. personnel are assigned, is,
generally, maintaining a safe and secure envi with the European Force, the legal successor
ronment remains the primary military task. to SFOR. The principal tasks of NATO
The KFOR operates under NATO command Headquarters-Sarajevo are providing advice
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 18 2177

on defense reform and performing oper I'm proud to be joined here by Secretary
ational supporting tasks, such as of State Condi Rice. This bill would not have
counterterrorism and supporting the Inter happened without her leadership. I thank
national Criminal Tribunal for the Former very much the Members of the Senate and
Yugoslavia. the House who have joined us up here, peo
I have directed the participation of U.S. ple from both parties who worked hard to
Armed Forces in all of these operations pur get this bill passed: Senator Bill Frist and
suant to my constitutional authority to con Senator Dick Lugar and Senator George
duct U.S. foreign relations and as Com Allen; Congressman Gary Ackerman; Frank
mander in Chief and Chief Executive. Offi Pallone; Joe Crowley; Thad McCotter. Thank
cials of my Administration and I commu you all for joining us. Thanks for your good
nicate regularly with the leadership and other work.
Members of Congress with regard to these I appreciate our Ambassador, David
deployments, and we will continue to do so. Mulford, and wife, Jeannie, for joining us.
Sincerely, Thanks for your good work, Ambassador. I'm
also proud to be joined by Ambassador Jassal.
George W. Bush I want to thank you for coming, Ambassador.
I thank the Indian American community
NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis leaders who are here today. The Indian
Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, American community was vital to explaining
and Ted Stevens, President pro tempore of the this strategic bill to our fellow citizens. I ap
Senate. This letter was released by the Office of preciate so very much your carrying the mes
the Press Secretary on December 18. sage not only here at home but in India. And
I want you to know that your voice was very
effective, and I welcome it.
Remarks on Signing the The United States and India are natural
Henry J. Hyde United States-India partners. The rivalries that once kept our na
Peaceful Atomic Energy tions apart are no more, and today, America
Cooperation Act of 2006 and India are united by deeply held values.
December 18, 2006 India is a democracy that protects rule of law
and is accountable to its people. India is an
Thank you all. Welcome; please be seated. open society that demands freedom of
Thanks for coming. Welcome to the White speech and freedom of religion. India is an
House. Today I have the honor of signing important ally in the war against extremists
a bill that will strengthen the partnership be and radicals. Like America, India has suf
tween the world's two largest democracies. fered from terrorist attacks on her own soil.
The relationship between the United States And like America, India is committed to
and India has never been more vital, and this fighting the extremists, defeating their hate
bill will help us meet the energy and security ful ideology, and advancing the cause of
challenges of the 21st century. I want to human liberty around the world.
thank the Congress for delivering this his The United States and India are working
toric bill to my desk. I'm look forward to sign together to expand economic opportunities
ing it. in both our countries. India's economy has
The Henry Hyde United States-India more than doubled in size since 1991, and
Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act it is one of the fastest growing markets for
passed with strong bipartisan support. It is American exports. If you visit India today,
a fitting tribute to its sponsor and the man you are going to see a lot of people using
whose name it carries. During his 32 years goods and services made by American com
in Congress, Chairman Hyde earned the re panies, and that helps raise the standard of
spect of his colleagues on both sides of the living not only in India but here at home.
aisle. I appreciate his effective and principled Trade is good for both countries, and we're
leadership. I wish him all the very best in going to continue to work with India to pro
his retirement. mote free and fair trade.
2|78 Dec. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
In our meetings in Washington and in New Burning coal produces air pollution and
Delhi, Prime Minister Singh, for whom I greenhouse gases, and as India's economy
have a lot of respect—we discussed the im has grown, emission levels have risen as well.
portance of working together to meet the en We must break the cycle, and with nuclear
ergy needs of our growing economies. We power, we can. We can help India do so, and
recognize that energy, clean energy is going we can do so here at home by the use of
to be important to the advancement of our nuclear power.
economies. And on my visit to India earlier Nuclear power is the one source of energy
this year, we concluded an historic agree that can generate massive amounts of elec
ment that will allow us to share civilian nu
tricity without producing any air pollution or
clear technology and bring India's civilian nu greenhouse gases. And by sharing advanced
clear program under the safeguards of the civilian nuclear technology, we will help our
IAEA. This cooperation will help the people friend India meet its growing demand for en
of India produce more of their energy from ergy and lower emissions at the same time.
clean, safe nuclear power, and that, in turn, Finally, the bill will help keep America
will help their economy grow. And it's in our safe by paving the way for India to join the
interest that the Indian economy continue to global effort to stop the spread of nuclear
grow. It helps make America more secure. weapons. India has conducted its civilian nu
As part of the agreement, the United clear energy program in a safe and respon
States and India have committed to take a
series of steps to make nuclear cooperation sible way for decades. Now, in return for ac
a reality, and we're going to fulfill these com cess to American technology, India has
mitments. The bill I sign today is one of the agreed to open its civilian nuclear power pro
most important steps, and it's going to help gram to international inspection. This is an
clear the way for us to move forward with important achievement for the whole world.
this process. The bill is going to help us After 30 years outside the system, India will
achieve four key goals. now operate its civilian nuclear energy pro
First, the bill will help us strengthen co gram under internationally accepted guide
operation between India and United States lines, and the world is going to be safer as
a result.
on one of the most important challenges in
the 21st century, and that is energy. India The bill I'm about to sign is evidence of
is now the world's fifth largest consumer of the growing bonds of trust between our two
energy, and its demand for electricity is ex countries. Congress acted quickly and passed
pected to double by 2015. The United States it with overwhelming bipartisan support. You
has a clear interest in helping India meet this know why? Because the American people
demand with nuclear energy. By helping have come to see India as a friend. And I
India expand its use of safe nuclear energy, view the Prime Minister as a trustworthy man
this bill lays the foundation for a new stra and a friend. I appreciate Prime Minister
tegic partnership between our two nations Singh's leadership on this very important
that will help ease India's demands for fossil issue. I look forward to continuing to work
fuels and ease pressure on global markets. with him to make civil nuclear cooperation
Second, the bill will help promote eco a reality.
nomic growth. This bill helps open a new And now it is my honor to sign the Henry
important market for American businesses by J. Hyde United States-India Peaceful Atomic
paving the way for investment in India's civil Energy Cooperation Act of 2006.
ian nuclear industry for the first time ever.
This new trade will help American compa NOTE: The President spoke at 10:46 a.m. in the
nies gain new customers abroad and create East Room at the White House. In his remarks.
new jobs here at home. he referred to India's Ambassador to the U.S.
Third, the bill will help make it possible Raminder Singh Jassal; and Prime Minister
for India to reduce emissions and improve Manmohan Singh of India. H.R. 5682, approved
its environment. Today, India produces near December 18, was assigned Public Law No. 109–
ly 70 percent of its electricity from coal. 401.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 18 2179

Statement on Signing the ecutive, or the performance of the Execu

tive's constitutional duties.
Henry J. Hyde United States-India
Peaceful Atomic Energ. George W. Bush
Cooperation Act of 2006 The White House,
December 18, 2006.
December 18, 2006
NOTE: H.R. 5682, approved December 18, was
assigned Public Law No. 109–401. An original was
Today I have signed into law H.R. 5682, not available for verification of the content of this
an Act containing the “Henry J. Hyde United Statement.
States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Co
operation Act of 2006.” The Act will
strengthen the strategic relationship between Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony
the United States and India and deliver valu for Robert M. Gates as Secretary of
able benefits to both nations. Defense in Arlington, Virginia
Section 103 of the Act purports to establish December 18, 2006
U.S. policy with respect to various inter
national affairs matters. My approval of the Thank you all. I'm pleased to join you here
at the Pentagon. We're here to congratulate
Act does not constitute my adoption of the Bob Gates on becoming our Nation's 22d
statements of policy as U.S. foreign policy. Secretary of the Defense.
Given the Constitution's commitment to the
Bob Gates entered public service 40 years
presidency of the authority to conduct the ago. He is an experienced and thoughtful
Nation's foreign affairs, the executive branch leader. He has got a track record of steering
shall construe such policy statements as advi large organizations through change and
sory. Also, if section 104(d)(2) of the Act transformation. I know Bob Gates will be an
were construed to prohibit the executive outstanding Secretary of the Defense.
branch from transferring or approving the I want to thank Bob's wife, Becky, and
transfer of an item to India contrary to Nu their family and their many friends who are
clear Suppliers Group transfer guidelines with us here today. I appreciate the fact that
that may be in effect at the time of such fu the Vice President is here to administer the
ture transfer, a serious question would exist oath. I want to thank the members of my
as to whether the provision unconstitution Cabinet who have joined us in welcoming
ally delegated legislative power to an inter a new member to the Cabinet. I appreciate
national body. In order to avoid this constitu so very much Senator John Warner and Sen
tional question, the executive branch shall ator Carl Levin for joining us. I thank the
construe section 104(d)(2) as advisory. The other Members of the United States Con
executive branch will give sections 103 and gress who are with us today, not the least
104(d)(2) the due weight that comity be of whom is my Congressman, Chet Edwards,
tween the legislative and executive branches from central Texas. [Laughter] I suspect he's
here because of the Texas A&M connection.
should require, to the extent consistent with
U.S. foreign policy. |Laughter
I want to thank Deputy Secretary England
The executive branch shall construe provi for joining us. I thank Dr. Harvey and Dr.
sions of the Act that mandate, regulate, or Winter and Michael Wynne, Secretaries of
prohibit submission of information to the
the Army, Navy, and Air Force, for joining
Congress, an international organization, or us here today. I appreciate so very much
the public, such as sections 104, 109, 261, General Pete Pace, Chairman of the Joint
271, 272, 273, 274, and 275, in a manner Chiefs, and his wife, Lynne, as well as the
consistent with the President's constitutional other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
authority to protect and control information I thank our distinguished guests.
that could impair foreign relations, national Most importantly, I thank those who wear
security, the deliberative processes of the Ex our uniform. This has got to be an exciting
2180 Dec. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
time for Bob Gates. I can't tell you what an great consequence for our Nation. He knows
honor it is to be the Commander in Chief the stakes in the war on terror. He recognizes
of unbelievably fine people, and I suspect he this is a long struggle against an enemy unlike
will share that same sense of enthusiasm as any our Nation has fought before. He under
the Secretary of the Defense. stands that defeating the terrorists and the
The job of Secretary of Defense is one of radicals and the extremists in Iraq and the
the most important positions in our Govern Middle East is essential to leading toward
ment. The Secretary must understand the peace.
challenges of the present and see the threats As Secretary of Defense, he will help our
of the future and find the best ways to pre country forge a new way forward in Iraq so
pare our Armed Forces to meet them. that we can help the Iraqis achieve our
We are a nation at war. And I rely on our shared goal of a unified democratic Iraq that
Secretary of Defense to provide me with the can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend
best possible advice and to help direct our itself and be an ally in our struggle against
Nation's Armed Forces as they engage the extremists and radicals.
enemies of freedom around the world. Bob Bob Gates is a talented and innovative
Gates is the right man to take on these chal leader who brings a fresh perspective to the
lenges. He'll be an outstanding leader for our Department of Defense. I'm pleased that
men and women in uniform, and he's going he's answered the call to serve our Nation
to make our Nation proud. again. He has my trust and my confidence,
Bob is a man of vision, integrity, and exten and he has the gratitude and the prayers of
sive experience. In 1966, Bob began his rise the American people.
from an entry-level position at the Central And so I look forward to working with Bob
Intelligence Agency to become its director. Gates. I congratulate you, sir. I appreciate
During his years of public service, Bob Gates you taking on this job. And now I'm going
has worked under six Presidents from both to ask the Vice President to administer the
parties. He spent nearly 9 years at the White oath of office for our Nation's 22d Secretary
House working on the National Security of Defense.
Council staff. He's amassed nearly 30 years
of experience in national security matters. NOTE: The President spoke at 1:22 p.m. at the
Bob Gates's lifetime of preparation will serve Pentagon. The transcript released by the Office
him well as the Secretary of Defense. of the Press Secretary also included the remarks
Bob follows a superb leader at the Depart of Secretary of Defense Gates. The Office of the
ment of Defense. For nearly 6 years, Don Press Secretary also released a Spanish language
Rumsfeld has served with exceptional transcript of these remarks.
strength and energy at a time of challenge
and change, and he produced impressive re
sults. During his tenure, he developed a new Remarks on Lighting the Hanukkah
defense strategy, established a new command Menorah
structure of our Armed Forces, helped trans December 18, 2006
form the NATO Alliance, took ballistic mis
sile defense from theory to reality, and un Thank you all very much. Welcome to the
dertook the most sweeping transformation of White House. I'm pleased you all could join
America's global defense posture since the us. I appreciate members of my Cabinet who
start of the cold war. He led our Armed have joined us: Secretary Michael Chertoff.
Forces with determination and distinction. Ambassador Susan Schwab, and Chief of
And on Friday at the Pentagon, the men and Staff Joshua Bolten.
women he led showed their admiration and Tonight is the fourth night of Hanukkah,
devotion to him. I want to thank Don Rums a holiday which commemorates a victory for
feld for his service, and I wish him and his freedom and the courage and faith that made
family all the very best. it possible. Laura and I are honored to have
As Bob Gates raises his hand and takes this Hanukkah menorah here at the White
the oath of office, he does so at a time of House. It's a symbol that the White House
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 18 2181

is the people's house, and it belongs to Amer NOTE: The President spoke at 5:36 p.m. in the
icans of all faiths. Bookseller's Area at the White House.

The story of Hanukkah celebrates a great

miracle. More than 2,000 years ago, the land Message Sending Holiday Greetings
of ancient Israel was conquered, its most sa to Members of the Armed Forces
cred temple was desecrated, and Jews were
December 18, 2006
forbidden to practice their faith. A patriot
named Judah Maccabee and his followers To the Men and Women of the United States
took a stand for freedom and rose up against Armed Forces
their oppressors to take back Jerusalem. On behalf of all Americans, Laura and I
When the Maccabees returned to reclaim
send our best holiday wishes to you and your
their holy temple, the oil that should have families.
lasted only one day burned for 8. That mirac During this hopeful time of year, the
ulous light brought hope. And today, by light hearts of Americans are filled with gratitude
ing the menorah, Jews around the world cele for the many blessings in our lives. We are
brate the victory of light over darkness and especially thankful for the priceless gift of
give thanks for the presence of a just and freedom that our Armed Forces help defend
loving God. by serving the cause of peace and standing
We're honored to have a beautiful meno watch over our security. As courageous Sol
rah here from Lisa and Alan Stern of Los diers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast
Angeles. The ceramic plaques around the Guardsmen, you have set aside comfort and
base feature biblical scenes of the Hanukkah convenience to protect the rest of us, earning
story. And between the menorah branches the respect of a grateful Nation and a proud
Commander in Chief.
are painted doves, which represent the eter
nal wish for peace. Many of you are confronting our adver
I want to thank Ariel Cohen and her family saries abroad and observing the holidays in
for being here. Ariel, you did a wonderful places far from home, but you are close to
our hearts. You are serving at a time when
job of saying the Hanukkah blessings and our Nation needs you, and your fellow citi
lighting the candles. I also thank the Indiana zens appreciate the many sacrifices that you
University's Hillel HooShir Choir for your and your families are making every day. Over
wonderful performance. We're really glad the holidays and throughout the New Year,
you came. Thanks for coming. we will continue to ask the Almighty to be
On Hanukkah, we're especially mindful of stow His care on you and your loved ones.
the sacrifices that freedom requires. Our Na Laura and I wish each of you a safe and
tion is grateful to the men and women of joyous holiday season. May God bless and
every faith who serve our country in uniform watch over you, and may God bless America.
and who are away from their families this
holiday. We pray for them and their families, George W. Bush
and we pray that those who still live in the NOTE: An original was not available for
darkness of tyranny will someday see the light verification of the content of this message.
of freedom.
The word “Hanukkah” means dedication,
and the message of Hanukkah calls on us to Message on the Observance of
Christmas 2006
dedicate ourselves to recognizing the mir
acles in our daily lives. This dedication has December 18, 2006
the power to lift our souls and to make us “For unto us a child is born . . . and His
better people and to make the world a better
place. name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
Laura and I wish all the people of the Jew Mighty God. Everlasting Father, Prince of
ish faith around the world a Happy Hanuk
kah, and thank you all for coming. Isaiah 9:6
2182 Dec. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
For centuries, patient men and women lis dren with autism. I am proud to sign this
tened to the words of prophets and lived in bill into law and confident that it will serve
joyful expectation of the coming Messiah. as an important foundation for our Nation's
Their patience was rewarded when a young efforts to find a cure for autism.
virgin named Mary welcomed God's plan
with great faith, and a quiet birth in a little NOTE: S. 843, approved December 19, was as
town brought hope to the world. For more signed Public Law No. 109–416. An original was
than two millennia, Christians around the not available for verification of the content of this
world have celebrated Christmas to mark the Statement.

birth of Jesus and to thank the Almighty for

His grace and blessings.
In this season of giving, we also remember The President’s News Conference
the universal call to love our neighbors. Mil December 20, 2006
lions of compassionate souls take time during
the holidays to help people who are hurt, The President. Thank you all. Good
feed those who are hungry, and shelter those morning. This week I went to the Pentagon
who need homes. Our Nation also thinks of for the swearing-in of our Nation's new Sec
the men and women of our military who are retary of Defense, Bob Gates. Secretary
spending Christmas at posts and bases Gates is going to bring a fresh perspective
around the world and of the loved ones who to the Pentagon, and America is fortunate
pray for their safe return. America owes a that he has agreed to serve our country once
debt of gratitude to our service members and again. I'm looking forward to working with
their families. him.
The simple story of Christmas speaks to Secretary Gates is going to be an important
every generation and holds a sense of wonder voice in the Iraq strategy review that's under
and surprise. During this time of joy and way. As you know, I've been consulting close
peace, may we be surrounded by the love ly with our commanders and the Joint Chiefs
of family and friends and take time to reflect of Staff on the strategy in Iraq and on the
on the year ahead. Laura and I pray that this broader war on terror. One of my top prior
season will be a time of happiness in every ities during this war is to ensure that our men
home and a time of peace throughout the and women wearing the uniform have every
world. Merry Christmas. thing they need to do their job.
George W. Bush This war on terror is the calling of a new
generation; it is the calling of our generation.
NOTE: An original was not available for Success is essential to securing a future of
verification of the content of this message. peace for our children and grandchildren,
and securing this peace for the future is going
to require a sustained commitment from the
Statement on Signing the Combating American people and our military.
Autism Act of 2006 We have an obligation to ensure our mili
December 19, 2006 tary is capable of sustaining this war over the
long haul and performing the many tasks that
For the millions of Americans whose lives we ask of them. I'm inclined to believe that
are affected by autism, today is a day of hope. we need to increase in the permanent size
The “Combating Autism Act of 2006” will of both the United States Army and the
increase public awareness about this disorder United States Marines. I've asked Secretary
and provide enhanced Federal support for Gates to determine how such an increase
autism research and treatment. By creating could take place and report back to me as
a national education program for doctors and quickly as possible.
the public about autism, this legislation will I know many Members of Congress are
help more people recognize the symptoms interested in this issue, and I appreciate their
of autism. This will lead to early identification input. As we develop the specifics of the pro
and intervention, which is critical for chil posals over the coming weeks, I will not only
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 2183

listen to their views, we will work with them As we work with Congress in the coming
to see that this becomes a reality. year to chart a new course in Iraq and
Two thousand and six was a difficult year strengthen our military to meet the chal
for our troops and the Iraqi people. We lenges of the 21st century, we must also work
began the year with optimism after watching together to achieve important goals for the
nearly 12 million Iraqis go to the polls to American people here at home. This work
vote for a unity government and a free future. begins with keeping our economy growing.
The enemies of liberty responded fiercely to As we approach the end of 2006, the Amer
this advance of freedom. They carried out ican economy continues to post strong gains.
a deliberate strategy to foment sectarian vio The most recent jobs report shows that our
lence between Sunnis and Shi'a. And over economy created 132,000 more jobs in No
the course of the year, they had success. vember alone, and we've now added more
Their success hurt our efforts to help the than 7 million new jobs since August of 2003.
Iraqis rebuild their country. It set back rec The unemployment rate has remained low
onciliation; it kept Iraq's unity Government at 4.5 percent. A recent report on retail sales
and our coalition from establishing security shows a strong beginning to the holiday shop
and stability throughout the country. ping season across the country—and I en
We enter this new year clear eyed about courage you all to go shopping more.
the challenges in Iraq and equally clear about Next year marks a new start with a new
our purpose. Our goal remains a free and Congress. In recent weeks, I've had good
democratic Iraq that can govern itself, sustain meetings with the incoming leaders of Con
itself, and defend itself and is an ally in this gress, including Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi
War On terror.
and Senate Majority Leader-elect Harry
I'm not going to make predictions about Reid. We agreed that we've got important
what 2007 will look like in Iraq, except that business to do on behalf of the American
it's going to require difficult choices and ad people and that we've got to work together
ditional sacrifices, because the enemy is mer to achieve results. The American people ex
ciless and violent. I'm going to make you this pect us to be good stewards of their tax dol
promise: My administration will work with lars here in Washington. So we must work
Republicans and Democrats to fashion a new together to reduce the number of earmarks
way forward that can succeed in Iraq. We'll inserted into large spending bills and reform
listen to ideas from every quarter. We'll the earmark process to make it more trans
change our strategy and tactics to meet the parent and more accountable.
realities on the ground. We'll never lose sight The American people expect us to keep
that on the receiving end of the decisions America competitive in the world. So we
I make is a private, a sergeant, a young lieu must work to ensure our citizens have the
tenant, or a diplomat who risks his or her skills they need for the jobs of the future
life to help the Iraqis realize a dream of a and encourage American businesses to invest
stable country that can defend, govern, and in technology and innovation. The American
sustain itself. people expect us to reduce our dependence
The advance of liberty has never been on foreign oil and increase our use of alter
easy, and Iraq is proving how tough it can native energy sources. So we must step up
be. Yet the safety and security of our citizens our research and investment in hydrogen fuel
requires that we do not let up. We can be cells, hybrid plug-in and battery-powered
smarter about how we deploy our manpower cars, renewable fuels like ethanol and cel
and resources. We can ask more of our Iraqi lulosic ethanol and biodiesel, clean coal tech
partners, and we will. One thing we cannot nology, and clean sources of electricity like
do is give up on the hundreds of millions nuclear, solar, and wind power.
of ordinary moms and dads across the Middle Another area where we can work together
East who want the hope and opportunity for is the minimum wage. I support the proposed
their children that the terrorists and extrem $2.10 increase in the minimum wage over
ists seek to deny them, and that's a peaceful a 2-year period. I believe we should do it
in a way that does not punish the millions
21 S4 Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
of small businesses that are creating most of them to know that I'm going to work with
the new jobs in our country. So I support the military and the political leaders to de
pairing it with targeted tax and regulatory re velop a plan that will help us achieve the
lief to help these small businesses stay com objective. I also want our troops to under
petitive and to help keep our economy grow stand that we support them, that I believe
ing. I look forward to working with Repub that tough mission I've asked them to do is
licans and Democrats to help both small going to be accomplished, and that they're
business owners and workers, when Congress doing good work and necessary work.
convenes in January. I want the Iraqis to understand that we
To achieve these and other key goals we believe that if they stand up—step up and
need to put aside our partisan differences lead—and with our help, we can accomplish
and work constructively to address the vital the objective. And I want the enemy to un
issues confronting our Nation. As the new derstand that this is a tough task, but they
Congress takes office, I don't expect Demo can't run us out of the Middle East, that they
cratic leaders to compromise on their prin can't intimidate America. They think they
ciples, and they don't expect me to com can. They think it's just a matter of time be
promise on mine. But the American people
fore America grows weary and leaves, aban
do expect us to compromise on legislation
that will benefit the country. The message dons the people of Iraq, for example. And
of the fall election was clear: Americans want that's not going to happen.
us to work together to make progress for our What is going to happen is we're going to
country. And that's what we're going to do develop a strategy that helps the Iraqis
in the coming year. achieve the objective that the 12 million peo
And now I'll be glad to answer some ques ple want them to achieve, which is a govern
tions. Terry |Terence Hunt, Associated ment that can—a country that can sustain
Press]. itself, govern itself, defend itself, a free coun
try that will serve as an ally in this war against
Progress in Iraq extremists and radicals.

Q. Mr. President, less than 2 months ago Caren [Caren Bohan, Reuters].
at the end of one of the bloodiest months
in the war, you said, “Absolutely we're win U.S. Military Forces in Iraq
ning.” Yesterday you said, “We’re not win
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. If you con
ning; we're not losing.” Why did you drop clude that a surge in troop levels in Iraq is
your confident assertion about winning? needed, would you overrule your military
The President. My comments—the first commanders if they felt it was not a good
comment was done in this spirit: I believe idea?
that we're going to win. I believe that—and
by the way, if I didn't think that, I wouldn't The President. That's a dangerous hypo
have our troops there. That's what you got thetical question. I'm not condemning you:
to know; we're going to succeed. you're allowed to ask anything you want. Let
My comments yesterday reflected the fact me wait and gather all the recommendations
that we're not succeeding nearly as fast as from Bob Gates, from our military, from dip
I wanted when I said it at the time and that lomats on the ground—I'm interested in the
conditions are tough in Iraq–particularly in Iraqis' point of view—and then I'll report
Baghdad. And so we're conducting a review back to you as to whether or not I support
to make sure that our strategy helps us a surge or not. Nice try.
achieve that which I'm pretty confident we Q. Would you overrule your coin
can do, and that is have a country which can
govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself. The President. The opinion of my com
You know, I–when I speak, like right now, manders is very important. They are bright,
for example—I’m speaking to the American capable, smart people whose opinion matters
people, of course, and I want them to know to me a lot.
that I know how tough it is, but I also want Bret [Bret Baier, FOX News].
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 2.185

War on Terror Strategy/Iraqi gether and, in so doing, will marginalize

Government those who use violence to achieve political
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You have objectives.
reached out to both Sunni and Shi'a political And so we support the formation of the
leaders in recent weeks, and now there's unity Government and the moderate coali
word that the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani tion. And it's important for the leader Sistani
is supporting a moderate coalition in Iraq. to understand that's our position. He is a
Has the U.S. reached out to him? How im he lives a secluded life, but he knows that
portant is he in the equation moving for we're interested in defeating extremism, and
ward? And what do you say to people who we're interested in helping advance a unity
say more troops in Iraq would increase the government.
sectarian split and not calm things down? Kelly [Kelly O'Donnell, NBC News].
The President. Well, I haven't made up Situation in the Middle East/War on
my mind yet about more troops. I’m listening Terror
to our commanders; I'm listening to the Joint
Chiefs, of course; I’m listening to people in Q. Good morning, Mr. President. Your
and out of government: I'm listening to the former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rums
folks on the Baker-Hamilton commission feld, advocated for a lighter, more agile mili
about coming up with a strategy that helps tary force. Have you now concluded that that
us achieve our objective. And so as I said approach was wrong?
to Caren—probably a little more harshly than The President. No, I strongly support a
she would have liked—hypothetical ques lighter, agile Army that can move quickly to
tions, I'm not going to answer them today. meet the threats of the 21st century. I also
I'm not going to speculate out loud about supported his force posture review and rec
what I'm going to tell the Nation, when I'm ommendations to move forces out of pre
prepared to do so, about the way forward. vious bases that—you know, they were there
I will tell you we're looking at all options. for the Soviet threat, for example, in Europe.
And one of those options, of course, is in So he's introduced some substantive changes
creasing more troops. But in order to do so, to the Pentagon, and I support them strongly.
there must be a specific mission that can be However, that doesn't necessarily preclude
accomplished with more troops. And that's increasing end strength for the Army and the
precisely what our commanders have said— Marines. And the reason why I'm inclined
as well as people who know a lot about mili to believe this is a good idea is because I
tary operations—and I agree with them that understand that we're going to be in a long
there's got to be a specific mission that can struggle against radicals and extremists, and
be accomplished with the addition of more we must make sure that our military has the
troops before I agree on that strategy. capability to stay in the fight for a long period
Secondly, whatever we do is going to help of time. I'm not predicting any particular the
the Iraqis step up. It's their responsibility to ater, but I am predicting that it's going to
govern their country. It's their responsibility take awhile for the ideology of liberty to fi
to do the hard work necessary to secure nally triumph over the ideology of hate.
Baghdad. And we want to help them. I know you know I feel this strongly, but
Thirdly, I appreciate the fact that the I see this—we're in the beginning of a con
Prime Minister and members of the Govern flict between competing ideologies, a conflict
ment are forming what you have called a that will determine whether or not your chil
moderate coalition, because it's becoming dren can live in peace. A failure in the Mid
very apparent to the people of Iraq that there dle East, for example, or failure in Iraq or
are extremists and radicals who are anxious isolationism will condemn a generation of
to stop the advance of a free society. And young Americans to permanent threat from
therefore, a moderate coalition signals to the overseas. And therefore, we will succeed in
vast majority of the people of Iraq that we Iraq. And therefore, we will help young de
have a unity government, that we're willing mocracies when we find them—democracies
to reconcile our differences and work to like Lebanon, hopefully a Palestinian state
21S6 Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

living side by side in peace with Israel, the I thought the election said they want to
young democracy of Iraq. see more bipartisan cooperation; they want
It is in our interest that we combine secu to see us working together to achieve com
rity with a political process that frees people, mon objectives. And I'm going to continue
that liberates people, that gives people a to reach out to Democrats to do just that.
chance to determine their own futures. I be Sheryl (Sheryl Gay Stolberg, New York
lieve most people in the Middle East want Times].
just that. They want to be in a position where
they can chart their own futures, and it's in The Presidency/U.S. Military Casualties
our interest that we help them do so. in Iraq
Jim [Jim Axelrod, CBS News]. Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. Presi
dent, Lyndon Johnson famously didn't sleep
Public Opinion on Iraq during the Vietnam war, questioning his own
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. In the latest decisions. You have always seemed very con
CBS News poll, 50 percent of Americans say fident of your decisions, but I can't help but
they favor a beginning of an end to U.S. mili wonder if this has been a time of painful real
tary involvement in Iraq: 43 percent said, ization for you as you yourself have acknowl
“Keep fighting, but change tactics.” By this edged that some of the policies you hoped
and many other measures, there is no clear would succeed have not. And I wonder if you
mandate to continue being in Iraq in a mili can talk to us about that.
tary form. I guess my question is: Are you The President. Yes, thanks.
still willing to follow a path that seems to Q. Has it been a painful time?
be in opposition to the will of the American The President. The most painful aspect
people? of my Presidency has been knowing that
The President. I am willing to follow a good men and women have died in combat.
path that leads to victory, and that's exactly I read about it every night. My heart breaks
why we're conducting the review we are. Vic for a mother or father, or husband or wife,
tory in Iraq is achievable. It hasn't happened or son and daughter; it just does. And so
nearly as quickly as I hoped it would have. when you ask about pain, that's pain. I reach
I know it's—the fact that there is still un out to a lot of the families. I spend time with
speakable sectarian violence in Iraq, I know them. I am always inspired by their spirit.
that's troubling to the American people. But Most people have asked me to do one thing.
I also don't believe most Americans want us and that is to make sure that their child didn't
just to get out now. A lot of Americans under die in vain—and I agree with that—that the
stand the consequences of retreat. Retreat sacrifice has been worth it.
would embolden radicals. It would hurt the We'll accomplish our objective; we've got
credibility of the United States. Retreat from to constantly adjust our tactics to do so.
Iraq would dash the hopes of millions who We've got to insist that the Iraqis take more
want to be free. Retreat from Iraq would en responsibility more quickly in order to do so.
able the extremists and radicals to more likely But I–look, my heart breaks for them: it
be able to have safe haven from which to just does, on a regular basis.
plot and plan further attacks. Q. But beyond that, sir, do you question
And so it's been a tough period for the your own decisions?
American people. They want to see success, The President. No, I haven't questioned
and our objective is to put a plan in place whether or not it was right to take Saddam
that achieves that success. I'm often asked Hussein out, nor have I questioned the ne
about public opinion. Of course, I want pub cessity for the American people—I mean,
lic opinion to support the efforts. I under I've questioned it; I've come to the conclu
stand that. But, Jim, I also understand the sion it's the right decision. But I also know
consequences of failure. And therefore, I'm it's the right decision for America to stay en
going to work with the Iraqis and our military gaged and to take the lead and to deal with
and politicians from both political parties to these radicals and extremists and to help sup
achieve success. port young democracies. It's the calling of
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 21.87

our time, Sheryl. And I firmly believe it is portant part of the legislative agenda going
necessary. forward in 2007.
And I believe the next President, whoever I also spoke about energy in my opening
the person is, will have the same charge, the remarks. In my judgment, we're going to
same obligations to deal with terrorists so have to get off oil as much as possible to
they don't hurt us and to help young democ remain a competitive economy, and I'm look
racies survive the threats of radicalism and ing forward to working with Congress to do
extremism. It's in our Nation's interest to do just that. I'm optimistic about some of the
so. But the most painful aspect of the Presi reports I've heard about new battery tech
dency is the fact that I know my decisions nologies that will be coming to the market
have caused young men and women to lose that will enable people who—people to drive
their lives. the first 20 miles, for example, on elec
McKinnon [John McKinnon, Wall Street tricity—that will be the initial phase—and
Journal]. then up to 40 miles on battery technologies.
That will be positive, particularly if you live
National Economy/Legislatire Agenda in a big city. A lot of people don't drive more
than 20 miles or 40 miles a day. And there
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You men fore, those urban dwellers who aren't driving
tioned a need earlier to make sure that U.S.
that much won't be using any gasoline on
workers are skilled, that U.S. businesses keep a daily basis, and that will be helpful to the
investing in technology. You also mentioned country.
that you want targeted tax and regulatory re I'm pleased with the fact that we've gone
lief for small businesses in the coming year. from about a billion gallons of ethanol to over
Can you describe those ideas a little more? 5 billion gallons of ethanol in a very quick
And also, can we really afford new tax breaks period of time. It's mainly derived from corn
at this point, given the cost of the war on here in the United States. But there's been
great progress, and we need to continue to
The President. John, the first question all spend money on cellulosic ethanol. That
of us here in Washington ask is, how do we means that new technologies that will enable
make sure this economy continues to grow? us to use wood chips, for example, or switch
A vibrant economy is going to be necessary grass as the fuel stocks for the development
to fund not only war but a lot of other aspects of new types of fuels that will enable Amer
of our Government. We have shown over the ican drivers to diversify away from gasoline.
past 6 years that low taxes have helped this I spent a lot of time talking about nuclear
economy recover from some pretty signifi power, and I appreciate the Congress's sup
cant shocks. After all, the unemployment rate port on the comprehensive energy bill that
is 4.5 percent and 7 million more Americans I signed. But nuclear power is going to be
have been—have found jobs since August of an essential source, in my judgement, of fu
2003. And we cut the deficit in half a couple ture electricity for the United States and
of years in advance of what we thought would places like China and India. Nuclear power
happen. is renewable, and nuclear power does not
The question that Congress is going to emit one greenhouse gas. And it makes a lot
have to face, and I'm going to have to con of sense for us to share technologies that will
tinue to face is, how do we make sure we enable people to feel confident that the nu
put policy in place to encourage economic clear powerplants that are being built are
growth in the short term, and how do we safe, as well as technologies that will eventu
keep America competitive in the long term? ally come to fore that will enable us to reduce
Part of the competitive initiative, which I the wastes, the toxicity of the waste, and the
have been working with Congress on, recog amount of the waste.
nizes that education of young—of the young I'm going to continue to invest in clean
is going to be crucial for remaining competi coal technologies. We've got an abundance
tive. And that's why the reauthorization of of coal here in America, and we need to be
No Child Left Behind is going to be an im able to tell the American people we're going
21 SS
Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
to be able to use that coal to generate elec leak case. I wonder, sir, what is your reaction
tricity in environmentally friendly ways. to that? Is that something you'll resist?
My only point to you is, we've got a com The President. I read it in the newspaper
prehensive plan to achieve the objective that today, and it's an interesting piece of news.
most Americans support, which is less de And that's all I'm going to comment about
pendency upon oil. an ongoing case. I thought it was interesting.
I think it's going to be very important, Ann [Ann Compton, ABC News].
John, to keep this economy growing—short
term and long term—by promoting free Mary Cheney
trade. It's in our interest that nations treat
Q. Thank you, sir. Mary is having a baby.
our markets, our goods and services the way And you have said that you think Mary Che
we treat theirs. And it's in our interest that ney will be a loving soul to a child. Are there
administrations continue to promote more any changes in the law that you would sup
opening up markets. We've had a lot of dis port that would give same-sex couples great
cussions here in this administration on the er access to things such as legal rights, hos
Doha round of WTO negotiations. And I'm pital visits, insurance, that would make a dif
very strongly in favor of seeing if we can't ference, even though you've said it's your
reach an accord with our trading partners preference—you believe that it's preferable
and other countries around the world to pro to have one man-one woman
mote—to get this round completed so that The President. I've always said that we
free trade is universal in its application. ought to review law to make sure that people
Free trade is going to be good for pro are treated fairly.
ducers of U.S. product and services, but free On Mary Cheney, this is a personal matter
trade is also going to be the most powerful for the Vice President and his family. I
engine for development around the world. strongly support their privacy on the issue,
It's going to help poor nations become although there's nothing private when you
wealthier nations. It's going to enable coun happen to be the President or the Vice Presi
tries to be able to find markets for their goods dent—I recognize that. And I know Mary,
and services so that they can better grow and I like her. And I know she's going to
their economies and create prosperity for be a fine, loving mother.
their people. Baker [Peter Baker, Washington Post]. I'm
So we've got a robust agenda moving for not going to call on you again. You got too
ward with the Congress, and I'm looking for much coverage yesterday, you know?
ward to working with them. And there are |Laughter Created a sense of anxiety
a lot of places where we can find common amongst—no, no, you handled yourself well
ground on these important issues. though.
Elaine [Elaine Quijano, Cable News Net Don [Don Gonyea, National Public
work]. Radio].

CIA Employee Identity Disclosure
Investigation Q. Thank you, Mr. President. A question
about the Iraq Study Group Report. One of
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. This week the things that it recommends is greater dia
we learned that Scooter Libby log, direct talks with Syria and Iran. James
The President. A little louder, please. Ex Baker himself, Secretary of State under your
cuse me—getting old. [Laughter] father, says that it's a lot like it was during
Q. I understand, Mr. President. the cold war when we talked to the Soviet
The President. No, you don't understand. Union. He says it's important to talk to your
|Laughter] adversaries. Is he wrong?
Q. You're right, I don't. The President. Let me start with Iran. We
This week, sir, we learned that Scooter made it perfectly clear to them what it takes
Libby's defense team plans to call Vice Presi to come to the table, and that is a suspension
dent Cheney to testify in the ongoing CIA of their enrichment program. If they
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 21.89

verifiably suspend—that they've stopped en see. We've talked to them about—they've got
richment, we will come to the table with our to leave the democrat Lebanon alone.
EU–3 partners and Russia and discuss a way I might say—let me step back for a sec
forward for them. Don, it should be evident ond—I'm very proud of Prime Minister
to the Iranians, if this is what they want to Siniora. He's shown a lot of tenacity and
do. toughness in the face of enormous pressure
I heard the Foreign Minister—I read the from Syria as well as Hizballah, which is
Foreign Minister say the other day that, “Yes, funded by Iran.
we'll sit down with America, after they leave But we made it clear to them, Don, on
Iraq.” If they want to sit down with us, for how to move forward. We've had visits with
the good of the Iranian people, they ought the Syrians in the past. Congressmen and
to verifiably suspend their program. We've Senators visit Syria. What I would suggest,
made that clear to them. It is obvious to them that if they're interested in better relations
how to move forward. with the United States, that they take some
The Iranian people can do better than be concrete, positive steps that promote peace
coming—than be an isolated nation. This is as opposed to instability.
a proud nation with a fantastic history and Knoller [Mark Knoller, CBS Radio].
tradition. And yet they've got a leader who
constantly sends messages to the world that Investigations of Internal Leaks
Iran is out of step with the majority of think Q. Thank you, sir. Mr. President, did you
ers, that Iran is willing to become isolated— or your Chief of Staff order an investigation
to the detriment of the people. of the leak of the Hadley memo before your
I mean, I was amazed that, once again, meeting with Prime Minister al-MalikiP And
there was this conference about the Holo if the leak wasn't authorized, do you suspect
caust that heralded a really backward view someone in your administration is trying to
of the history of the world. And all that said undermine your Iraq policy or sabotage your
to me was, is that the leader in Iran is willing meeting with Prime Minister al-Maliki a few
to say things that really hurts his country and weeks back?
further isolates the Iranian people. The President. I'm trying to think back
We're working hard to get a Security if I ordered an investigation. I don't recall
Council resolution. I spoke to Secretary Rice ordering an investigation. I do recall express
about the Iranian Security Council resolution ing some angst about ongoing leaks. You all
this morning. And the message will be that work hard to find information and, of course,
you—"you," Iran—are further isolated from put it out for public consumption, and I un
the world. derstand that. But I don't appreciate those
My message to the Iranian people is: You who leak classified documents. And it's an
can do better than to have somebody try to ongoing problem here, it really is—not just
rewrite history. You can do better than some for this administration, but it will be for any
body who hasn't strengthened your economy. administration that is trying to put policy in
And you can do better than having somebody place that affects the future of the country.
who's trying to develop a nuclear weapon And we've had a lot of leaks, Mark, as you
that the world believes you shouldn't have. know, some of them out of the I don't know
There's a better way forward. where they're from, and therefore, I'm not
Syria—the message is the same. We have going to speculate. It turns out you never
met with Syria since I have been the Presi can find the leaker. It's an advantage you
dent of the United States. We have talked have in doing your job. We can moan about
to them about what is necessary for them it, but it's hard to find those inside the Gov
to have a better relationship with the United ernment that are willing to give, in this case,
States, and they're not unreasonable re Hadley's document to newspapers.
quests. We've suggested to them that they You know, there may be an ongoing inves
no longer allow Saddamists to send money tigation of this; I just don't know. If there
and arms across their border into Iraq to fuel is—if I knew about it, it's not fresh in my
the violence—some of the violence that we mind. But I do think that at some point in
2190 Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
time, it would be helpful if we can find some ing. It's been hard work, but our special ops
body inside our Government who is leaking teams, along with Iraqis, are on the hunt and
materials, clearly against the law, that they bringing people to justice.
be held to account. Perhaps the best way to There's issues in the south of Iraq, mainly
make sure people don't leak classified docu Shi'a-on-Shi'a tensions. But primarily, the
ments is that there be a consequence for toughest fight for this new Government is
doing so. inside of Baghdad. Most of the deaths, most
Jim [Jim Gerstenzang, Los Angeles of the violence is within a 30-mile radius of
Times]. Baghdad, as well as in Anbar Province. In
other words, a lot of the country is moving
Iraq/War on Terror Strategy along positively. But it's this part of the fight
Q. Mr. President, if we could return to that is getting our attention. And frankly, we
the reflexive vein we were in a little while have—it has been that aspect of the battle,
ago— toward a government which can defend and
The President. The what? Excuse me. govern itself and be an ally in the war on
Q. Reflexive—reflective. terror that—where we have not made as
The President. Reflective stage. much progress as we'd have hoped to have
Q. Part of the process of looking at the made.
way forward could reasonably include consid Listen, last year started off as an exciting
ering how we got to where we are. Has that year with the 12 million voters. And the at
been part of your process? And what les tack on the Samarra mosque was Zarqawi's
sons—after 5 years now of war, what lessons successful attempt to foment this sectarian
will you take into the final 2 years of your violence. And it's mean. It is deadly, and
Presidency? we've got to help the Iraqis deal with it.
The President. Look, absolutely, Jim, that Success in Iraq will be success—there will
it is important for us to be successful going be a combination of military success, political
forward is to analyze that which went wrong. success, and reconstruction. And they've got
And clearly, one aspect of this war that has to go hand in hand. That's why I think it's
not gone right is the sectarian violence insideimportant that the moderate coalition is
Baghdad—a violent reaction by both Sunni standing up. In other words, it's the begin
and Shi'a to each other that has caused a ning of a political process that I hope will
lot of loss of life as well as some movements marginalize the radicals and extremists who
in neighborhoods inside of Baghdad. It is a are trying to stop the advance of a free Iraq.
troubling, very troubling, aspect of trying to That's why the oil law is going to be a very
help this Iraqi Government succeed. And important piece of legislation.
therefore, a major consideration of our plan In other words, when this Government be
ners is how to deal with that and how to gins to send messages that we will put law
help-more importantly, how to help the in place that help unify the country, it's going
Iraqis deal with sectarian violence. to make the security situation easier to deal
There are a couple of theaters inside of with. On the other hand, without better,
Iraq, war theaters. One, of course, is Bagh stronger security measures, it's going to be
dad, itself, where the sectarian violence is hard to get the political process to move for
brutal. And we've got to help them. We've ward. And so it's—we've got a parallel strat
got to help the Maliki Government stop it egy. So when you hear me talking about the
and crack it and prevent it from spreading, military—I know there's a lot of discussion
in order to be successful. about troops, and there should be—but
I fully understand—let me finish. Sec we've got to keep in mind we've also got to
ondly, is the battle against the Sunnis, Sunni make sure we have a parallel political process
extremists—some of them Saddamists; some and a reconstruction process going together
of there are Al Qaida—but all of them aiming concurrently with a new military strategy.
to try to drive the United States out of Iraq I thought it was an interesting statement
before the job is done. And we're making that Prime Minister Maliki made the other
good progress against them. It's hard fight day about generals, former generals in the
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 2191

Saddam army, that they could come back in tisan cooperation, which I believe was one
or receive a pension. In other words, he's of the lessons of the campaigns.
beginning to reach out in terms of a reconcili I will tell you, I felt like we had a pretty
ation plan that I think is going to be impor successful couple of years when it comes to
tant. legislation. After all, we reformed Medicare;
I had interesting discussions the other day we put tax policy in place that encouraged
with Provincial Reconstruction Team mem economic growth and vitality; we passed
bers in Iraq. These are really brave souls who trade initiatives; passed a comprehensive en
work for the State Department that are in ergy bill. I'm signing an important piece of
these different provinces helping these pro legislation today that continues a comprehen
vincial governments rebuild and to see a po sive approach to energy exploration, plus ex
litical way forward. And one of the things tenders on R&D, for example, tax credits.
that—most of these people were in the Sunni It's been a pretty substantial legislative
territory, that I had talked to, and most of record if you carefully scrutinize it.
them were very anxious for me to help them However, that doesn't mean necessarily
and help the Iraqi Government put reconcili that we are able to achieve the same kind
ation plans in place. There's a lot of people of results without a different kind of ap
trying to make a choice as to whether or not proach. After all, you're right, the Democrats
they want to support a government or wheth now control the House and the Senate. And
er or not their interest may lay in extremism. therefore, I will continue to work with their
And they understand that a political process leadership—and our own leaders, our own
that is positive, that sends a signal, “We want Members—to see if we can't find common
to be a unified country,” will help these folks ground on key issues like Social Security or
make a rational choice. immigration.
And so it's a multifaceted plan. And abso I strongly believe that we can and must
lutely, we're looking at where things went get a comprehensive immigration plan on my
wrong, where expectations were dashed, and desk this year. It's important for us because,
where things hadn't gone the way we wanted in order to enforce our border, in order for
them to have gone. those Border Patrol agents who we've in
Let's see here—Julie [Julie Hirschfeld, creased down there and given them more
Baltimore Sun). equipment and better border security,
they've got to have help and a plan that says,
“If you're coming into America to do a job,
Legislative Agenda/Immigration Reform you can come legally for a temporary basis
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. You said this to do so.”
week that your microphone has never been I don't know if you've paid attention to
louder on some of the key domestic priorities the enforcement measures that were taken
you've talked about, particularly Social Secu recently where in some of these packing
rity and immigration. Your use of the Presi plants they found people working that had
dential microphone hasn't yielded the results been here illegally, but all of them had docu
that you wanted. So I'm wondering—the ments that said they were here legally. They
Democratic Congress, at this point, Repub were using forged documents, which just re
licans no longer controlling things on Capitol minded me that the system we have in place
Hill—why you think your microphone is any has caused people to rely upon smugglers
louder, and how you plan to use it differently and forgers in order to do work Americans
to get the results that you're looking for? aren't doing.
The President. Yes, microphone being In other words, it is a system that is all
loud means—is that I'm able to help focus aimed to bypass no matter what measures
people's attentions on important issues. we take to protect this country. It is a system
That's what I was referring to. In other that, frankly, leads to inhumane treatment of
words, the President is in a position to speak people. And therefore, the best way to deal
about priorities. Whether or not we can get with an issue that Americans agree on—that
those priorities done is going to take bipar is, that we ought to enforce our borders in
2.192 Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
a humane way—is we've got to have a com The President. Thank you. Yes.
prehensive bill. Q. I've just two questions related to the
And I have made a proposal. I have spoken amazing fact that a quarter of your Presi
about this to the Nation from the Oval Of
dency lies ahead. First, I keep reading that
fice. I continue to believe that the micro
you'll be remembered only for Iraq, and 1
phone is necessary to call people to action. wonder what other areas you believe you're
And I want to work with both Republicans building a record of transformation you hope
and Democrats to get a comprehensive bill will last the ages. And second, a followup on
to my desk. It's in our interest that we do Julie's question, what is your plan for either
changing your role or keeping control of the
In terms of energy, there's another area agenda at a time when Democrats have both
where I know we can work together. There Houses on the Hill, and when the OS can
is a consensus that we need to move forward
with continued research on alternative forms didates are doing their thing?
of energy. I've just described them in my The President. Well, one is to set prior
opening comments, and be glad to go over ities. That's what I've just done, setting a pri
them again if you'd like, because they're posi ority. My message is: We can work together.
tive. It's a positive development. We're mak And here are some key areas where we've
ing progress, and there's more to be done. got to work together, reauthorization of No
So, I'm looking forward to working with Child Left Behind, minimum wage. I hope
them. There's a lot of attitude here that says, we're able to work together on free trade
“Well, you lost the Congress, therefore, agreements. We can work together on Social
you're not going to get anything done.” Quite Security reform and Medicare reform, enti
the contrary; I have an interest to get things tlement reform. We need to work together
done. And the Democrat leaders have an in on energy, immigration, earmarks.
terest to get something done to show that The leadership has expressed their disdain
they're worthy of their leadership roles. And for earmarks; I support their disdain for ear
it is that common ground that I'm confident marks. I don't like a process where it's not
we can get—we can make positive progress, transparent, where people are able to slip this
without either of us compromising principle. into a bill without any hearing or without any
And I know they don't—I know they're recognition of who put it in there and why
not going to change their principles, and I'm they put it in there. It's just not good for
not going to change mine. But nevertheless, the system, and it's not good for building con
that doesn't mean we can't find common
fidence of the American people in our proc
ground to get good legislation done. That's ess or in the Congress.
what the American people want. The truth The first part of the oh, last 2 years. I'm
of the matter is, the American people are going to work hard, Michael. I’m going to
sick of the partisanship and name-calling.
I will do my part to elevate the tone, and sprint to the finish, and we can get a lot done.
I'm looking forward to working with them. And you're talking about legacy. Here—I
It's going to be an interesting new challenge. know, look, everybody is trying to write the
I'm used to it, as Herman [Ken Herman, Cox history of this administration even before it's
News can testify. I was the Governor of over. I’m reading about George Washington
Texas with Democrat leadership in the house still. My attitude is, if they're still analyzing
and the senate, and we were able to get a number 1, 43 ought not to worry about it
lot of constructive things done for the State and just do what he thinks is right and make
of Texas. And I believe it's going to be pos the tough choices necessary.
sible here—to do so here in the country. We're in the beginning stages of an ideo
Michael [Michael Allen, Time]. logical struggle, Michael. It's going to last a
while. And I want to make sure this country
President's Legacy is engaged in a positive and constructive way
Q. Thank you, Mr. President. Merry to secure the future for our children. And
Christmas. it's going to be a tough battle.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 219.3

I also believe the Medicare reform—the In a few moments I'm going to sign a bill
first meaningful, significant health care re that will extend tax relief to millions of Amer
form that's been passed in a while—is mak ican families and small businesses and add
ing a huge difference for our seniors. No momentum to a growing economy. The Tax
Child Left Behind has been a significant edu Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 will
cation accomplishment, and we've got to re maintain key tax reforms, expand our com
authorize it. We have proven that you can mitment to renewable energy resources,
keep taxes low, achieve other objectives, and make it easier for Americans to afford health
cut the deficit. The entrepreneurial spirit is insurance, and open markets overseas for our
high in this country, and one way to keep farmers and small-business owners.
it high is to keep—let people keep more of This is a good piece of progrowth legisla
their own money. tion, and I'm looking forward to signing it
So there's been a lot of accomplishment.
But the true history of any administration is into law. And I appreciate members of my
not going to be written until long after the Cabinet who have joined me in thanking the
person is gone. It's just impossible for short Congress for their good work here at the end
term history to accurately reflect what has of this session. I want to thank Secretary of
taken place. Most historians, you know, prob the Treasury Hank Paulson, Secretary of the
ably had a political preference, and so their Interior Dirk Kempthorne, and Ambassador
view isn't exactly objective—most short-term Sue Schwab for joining us today. Thanks for
historians. And it's going to take a while for your service.
people to analyze mine or any other of my I appreciate the Speaker for being here.
predecessors until down the road when Mr. Speaker, good piece of work. I thank
they're able to take—watch the long march you for your hard work at the end of the
of history and determine whether or not the session. You deserve a lot of credit for this
decisions made during the 8 years I was fine piece of legislation, as does Senator Bill
President have affected history in a positive Frist, Senate majority leader.
way. I appreciate key Members of the Senate
I wish you all a happy holiday. Thank you and the House, who got this piece of legisla
for your attendance. Have fun. Enjoy your tion passed, for joining us today. I want to
self. For those lucky enough to go to thank Pete Domenici and Mike DeWine and
Crawford, perhaps I’ll see you down there. Rick Santorum for the Senate—I’m going to
Thank you. save the Louisianans here for a minute—and

NOTE: The President's news conference began at I want to thank the chairman, Bill Thomas,
10 a.m. in the Indian Treaty Room of the Dwight for not only this bill but a lot of other good
D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. In his pieces of legislation we were able to work
remarks, he referred to James A. Baker III and together on.
Lee H. Hamilton, cochairs, Iraq Study Group: I want to say something about these
Prime Minister Nuri al Maliki and former Presi
Louisianans. I appreciate them coming. This
dent Saddam Hussein of Iraq: Grand Ayatollah
Ali al-Sistani, Iraqi Shiite Leader, Minister of For is a really important piece of legislation for
eign Affairs Manuchehr Motaki and President Louisiana for a lot of reasons, not the least
Mahmud Ahmadi-nejad of Iran; and Prime Min of which is, it will help provide money so
ister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon. A reporter referred that we can help restore the wetlands in Lou
to I. Lewis Libby, former Chief of Staff to the isiana. It's an issue that has united the people
Vice President.
of Louisiana. People are rightly concerned
about the evaporation of wetlands, and this
bill is going to help deal with that important
Remarks on Signing the Tax Relief issue. And I want to thank Mary and David
and Health Care Act of 2006
Vitter for good work on this important bill.
December 20, 2006 Congratulations. Texas people kind of like
Thank you all. Please be seated. Thanks Louisianans. [Laughter. A lot of us spent
for coming. Welcome to the White House. some of our youth in Louisiana. [Laughter]
2.194 Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
As we approach the end of 2006, our econ There is a great spirit of entrepreneurship
omy is strong, it's productive, and it's pros on the gulf coast, and the incentives in this
perous. The most recent jobs report shows bill will help our fellow citizens help revive
that our economy created 132,000 new jobs those communities. It's in our Nation's inter
in November. That's good. We have added est that this piece of legislation pass, and it's
more than 7 million new jobs since August in our interest that the people of the gulf
of 2003—more than Japan and the European coast recover as quickly as possible.
Union combined. Secondly, this bill will help expand and di
The unemployment rate has remained low versify energy supplies. The bill will increase
at 4.5 percent. More Americans are finding America's energy security by reducing de
work, and more American workers are taking pendence on foreign sources of energy. And
home bigger paychecks. The latest figures that's a key goal of the Advanced Energy Ini
show that real hourly wages increased 2.3 tiative that my administration has laid out.
percent in the last year. For the typical family To encourage the development of new
of four with both parents working, that sources of energy, the bill will extend tax
means an extra $1,350 for this year. credits for investment in renewable elec
As we look forward, our goal is to maintain tricity resources, including wind, solar, bio
progrowth economic policies that strengthen mass, and geothermal energy. It will encour
our economy and help raise the standard of age the development of clean coal technology
living for all our citizens. The bill I sign today and renewable fuels like ethanol. And it will
will continue important progress in four key help promote new energy efficient tech
ways. First, the bill will extend key tax relief nologies that will allow us to do more with
measures that are critical to expanding op less. In other words, it encourages conserva
portunity, continuing economic growth, and tion.
revitalizing our communities. Meeting the needs of our growing econ
To keep America competitive in the world omy also requires expanding our domestic
economy, we must make sure our people production of oil and natural gas. If we want
have the skills they need for the jobs of the to become less dependent on foreign sources
21st century. Many of those jobs are going of oil and gas, it is best we find some here
to require college, so we're extending the de at home. This bill will allow access to key
ductibility of tuition and higher education ex portions of America's Outer Continental
penses to help more Americans go to college Shelf so we can reach more than 1 billion
so we can compete. additional barrels of oil and nearly 6 trillion
And to keep our Nation leading the world cubic feet of natural gas.
in technology and innovation, we're extend By developing these domestic resources in
ing and modernizing the research and devel a way that protects our environment, we will
opment tax credit. By allowing businesses to help address high energy prices, we'll protect
deduct part of their R&D investments from American jobs, and we'll reduce our depend
their taxes, this bill will continue to encour ence on foreign oil.
age American companies to pursue innova The bill will help open new markets for
tive products, medicines, and technologies. American goods and services around the
The bill will also extend vital provisions of world. I believe in free and fair trade. I be
the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act that I signed lieve free and fair trade is in the interests
last year. The bill will keep in place key tax of the working people of this country. The
credits that we passed to help rebuild gulf bill authorizes permanent normal trade rela
coast communities that were devastated by tions with Vietnam. And, Mr. Ambassador,
the hurricanes that hit the region in 2005. thanks for joining us.
It will allow us to maintain our commitment Vietnam will join the World Trade Organi
to provide a 50-percent bonus depreciation zation in January. Isn't that amazing? I think
for Go Zone properties in the hardest hit it is. You'd be amazed at what it's like to
areas. It will encourage businesses to build be in Vietnam; Laura and I just returned.
new structures and purchase new equipment You were there, Mr. Ambassador. You saw
in Mississippi and Louisiana. the outpouring of affection for the American
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 2195

people. There's amazing changes taking reach of more of our citizens and ensure that
place in your country as your economy has more Americans can get the quality care they
opened up. Vietnam is demonstrating a deserve.
strong commitment to economic reform, and With all these steps, we're working to im
I believe that's going to encourage political prove the health and prosperity of the Amer
reform and greater respect for human rights ican people and to keep our economy grow
and human dignity. ing. We're going to continue to support wise
With this bill, America will broaden our policies that encourage and enhance the en
trade relations with Vietnam. It's going to trepreneurial spirit in America, so this coun
help the Vietnamese people build a strong try of ours can remain the economic leader
economy that's going to raise their standards in the world.
of living. It's in our interest to help those I want to thank the Members of Congress
who struggle. It's in the interest of the for joining us. I appreciate the members of
United States to promote prosperity around my Cabinet. It's now my honor to sign the
the world, and the best way to do so is Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006.
through opening up markets and free and
fair trade. NOTE: The President spoke at 11:43 a.m. in Room
The bill is going to extend a series of pro 450 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Of
fice Building. In his remarks, he referred to Sen
grams with other developing nations to give ator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana; and Vietnam's
duty-free status to products they export to Ambassador to the U.S. Nguyen Tam Chien. H.R.
the United States. By encouraging exports, 6111, approved December 20, was assigned Pub
we're going to help nations in sub-Sahara Af lic Law No. 109—432.
rica, the Caribbean, and Latin America de
velop their economies and ultimately create
new markets for U.S. goods and services. Statement on Signing the Tax Relief
Trade is an engine of economic growth, and Health Care Act of 2006
and I'm looking forward to continuing to December 20, 2006
work with the new Congress to open up mar
kets for U.S. farmers and manufacturers and Today I have signed into law H.R. 6111,
service providers, and provide new opportu the “Tax Relief and Health Care Act of
nities for people around the world, and help 2006.” The Act prevents tax increases that
eliminate poverty. would have taken effect in the absence of
Fourth, the bill will help make health care the Act, facilitates effective use of health sav
affordable and accessible for more Ameri ings accounts, makes available natural re
cans. This bill strengthens health savings ac sources of the outer continental shelf, and
counts, which we created in 2003. These ac strengthens American laws in support of free
counts allow people to save money for health trade.
care tax free and to take their health savings The executive branch shall construe provi
accounts with them if they move from job sions of the Act, including section 406(c)(2)
to job. So far, an estimated 3.6 million HSAs in Division A and section 203(b) in Division
have been opened in America. B, that call for executive branch officials to
To encourage even more people to sign submit legislative recommendations to the
up for HSAs, the bill will raise contribution Congress, in a manner consistent with the
limits and make accounts more flexible. It constitutional authority of the President to
will let people fund their HSAs with one supervise the unitary executive branch and
time transfers from their IRA accounts. It to recommend for congressional consider
will allow them to contribute up to an annual ation such measures as the President shall
limit of $2,850, regardless of the deductible judge necessary and expedient.
for their insurance plan. The executive branch shall construe as ad
We'll give them the option to fully fund visory provisions of the Act that purport to
their HSAs regardless of what time of year require concurrence of State officials as a
they sign up for the plan. These changes will precondition to execution of the laws, includ
bring health savings accounts within the ing section 415(b) of the Surface Mining
2196 Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 as constitutional authority of the President to
amended by section 207 in Division C and supervise the unitary executive branch and
section 311(d) in Division C, as is consistent to take care that the laws be faithfully exe
with the Constitution's vesting in the Presi cuted.
dent of the executive power and the duty to The executive branch shall construe sec
take care that the laws be faithfully executed. tion 407 of title 39, as enacted by section
The executive branch shall construe provi 405 of the Act, in a manner consistent with
sions of the Act, including section 4005(b) the President's constitutional authority to
in Division D and section 213A(f) of the Car conduct the Nation's foreign affairs, includ
ibbean Basin Economic Recovery Act as ing the authority to determine which officers
amended by section 5002 in Division D, that shall negotiate for the United States and to
purport to make consultation with commit ward what objectives, to make treaties by and
tees of Congress a precondition to execution with the advice and consent of the Senate,
of the law, to call for but not mandate such and to supervise the unitary executive
consultation, as is consistent with the Con branch.
stitution's provisions concerning the separate The executive branch shall construe sub
powers of the Congress to legislate and the sections 202(a) and 502(a) of title 39, as en
President to execute the laws. acted by subsections 501(a) and 601(a) of the
George W. Bush Act, which purport to limit the qualifications
of the pool of persons from whom the Presi
The White House, dent may select appointees in a manner that
December 20, 2006.
rules out a large portion of those persons best
NOTE: H.R. 6111, approved December 20, was qualified by experience and knowledge to fill
assigned Public Law No. 109–432. the positions, in a manner consistent with the
Appointments Clause of the Constitution.
The executive branch shall also construe as
Statement on Signing the Postal advisory the purported deadline in sub
Accountability and Enhancement Act section 605(c) for the making of an appoint
December 20, 2006 ment, as is consistent with the Appointments
Today I have signed into law H.R. 6407, The executive branch shall construe sub
the “Postal Accountability and Enhancement section 404(c) of title 39, as enacted by sub
Act.” The Act is designed to improve the section 1010(e) of the Act, which provides
quality of postal service for Americans and for opening of an item of a class of mail oth
to strengthen the free market for delivery erwise sealed against inspection, in a manner
Services. consistent, to the maximum extent permis
The executive branch shall construe sec sible, with the need to conduct searches in
tions 3662 and 3663 of title 39, United States exigent circumstances, such as to protect
Code, as enacted by section 205 of the Act, human life and safety against hazardous ma
not to authorize an officer or agency within terials, and the need for physical searches
the executive branch to institute proceedings specifically authorized by law for foreign in
in Federal court against the Postal Regu telligence collection.
latory Commission, which is another part of The executive branch shall construe provi
the executive branch, as is consistent with sions of the Act that call for executive branch
the constitutional authority of the President officials to submit legislative recommenda
to supervise the unitary executive branch and tions to the Congress in a manner consistent
the constitutional limitation of Federal courts with the constitutional authority of the Presi
to deciding cases or controversies. dent to supervise the unitary executive
The executive branch shall construe sub branch and to recommend for congressional
section 409(h) of title 39, as enacted by sec consideration such measures as the President
tion 404 of the Act, which relates to legal shall judge necessary and expedient. Such
representation for an element of the execu provisions include subsection 504(d) and sec
tive branch, in a manner consistent with the tion 2009 of title 39, as amended by section
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 20 2197

603 of the Act, and sections 701(a)(2), Sec. 2. Functions of the Director of the
702(b), 703(b), 708(b), and 709(b)(2) of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. To
Act. implement the policy set forth in section 1
of this order, the Director of the Office of
George W. Bush Science and Technology Policy (the “Direc
The White House, tor”) shall:
December 20, 2006. (a) review the funding and activities of the
Federal Government relating to aeronautics
NOTE: H.R. 6407, approved December 20, was R&D;
assigned Public Law No. 109—435. (b) recommend to the President, the Di
rector of the Office of Management and
Budget, and the heads of executive depart
Executive Order 13419—National
ments and agencies, as appropriate, such ac
Aeronautics Research and tions with respect to funding and activities
Development of the Federal Government relating to aero
December 20, 2006 nautics R&D as may be necessary to
(i) advance United States technological
By the authority vested in me as President leadership in aeronautics;
by the Constitution and the laws of the (ii) support innovative research leading to
United States of America, including section significant advances in aeronautical
204 of the National Science and Technology concepts, technologies, and capabili
Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of ties;
1976, as amended (42 U.S.C. 6613), section (iii) pursue and develop advanced aero
101(c) of the National Aeronautics and Space nautics concepts and technologies, in
Administration Authorization Act of 2005 cluding those for advanced aircraft
(Public Law 109–155), and section 301 of systems and air transportation man
title 3, United States Code, it is hereby or agement systems, to benefit Amer
dered as follows: ica's security and effective and effi
Section I. National Aeronautics Research cient national airspace management;
and Development Policy. Continued progress (iv ) maintain and advance United States
in aeronautics, the science of flight, is essen aeronautics research, development,
tial to America's economic success and the test and evaluation infrastructure to
protection of America's security interests at provide effective experimental and
home and around the globe. Accordingly, it computational capabilities in support
shall be the policy of the United States to of aeronautics R&D;
facilitate progress in aeronautics research (v) facilitate the educational develop
and development (R&D) through appro ment of the future aeronautics work
priate funding and activities of the Federal force as needed to further Federal
Government, in cooperation with State, terri Government interests;
torial, tribal, local, and foreign governments, (vi) enhance coordination and commu
international organizations, academic and re nication among executive depart
search institutions, private organizations, and ments and agencies to maximize the
other entities, as appropriate. The Federal effectiveness of Federal Government
Government shall only undertake roles in R&D resources; and
supporting aeronautics R&D that are not (vii) ensure appropriate Federal Govern
more appropriately performed by the private ment coordination with State, terri
sector. The National Aeronautics Research torial, tribal, local, and foreign gov
and Development Policy prepared by the ernments, international organizations,
National Science and Technology Council academic and research institutions,
should, to the extent consistent with this private organizations, and other enti
order and its implementation, guide the aero ties.
nautics R&D programs of the United States Sec. 3. Implementation of National Aero
through 2020. nautics Research and Development Policy.
21.98 Dec. 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
To implement the policy set forth in section thorization Act of 2005, except the function
1 of this order, the Director shall: of designation, are assigned to the Director
(a) develop and, not later than 1 year after of the Office of Science and Technology Pol
the date of this order, submit for approval icy. In performing these assigned functions,
by the President a plan for national aero the Director shall, as appropriate, consult the
nautics R&D and for related infrastructure, Administrator of the National Aeronautics
(the “plan”), and thereafter submit, not less and Space Administration, the Secretary of
often than biennially, to the President for ap Defense, the Secretary of Transportation, the
proval any changes to the plan; Director of the Office of Management and
(b) monitor and report to the President Budget, and other heads of executive depart
as appropriate on the implementation of the ments and agencies as appropriate. The Di
approved plan; rector also shall ensure that all actions taken
(c) ensure that executive departments and in the performance of such functions are con
agencies conducting aeronautics R&D: sistent with the authority set forth in sub
(i) obtain and exchange information and sections (a) through (d) of section 6 of Execu
advice, as appropriate, from organiza tive Order 13346 of July 8, 2004.
tions and individuals outside the Fed (c) This order shall be implemented in a
eral Government in support of Fed manner consistent with:
eral Government planning and per (i) applicable law, including section
formance of aeronautics R&D; 102A(i) of the National Security Act
(ii) develop and implement, as appro of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C. 403–
priate, measures for improving dis 1(i)), and subject to the availability of
semination of R&D results and facili appropriations; and
tating technology transition from (ii) statutory authority of the principal of
R&D to applications; and ficers of executive departments and
(iii) identify and promote innovative poli agencies as the heads of their respec
cies and approaches that complement tive departments and agencies.
and enhance Federal Government (d) This order shall not be construed to
aeronautics R&D investment; and impair or otherwise affect the functions of
(d) report to the President on the results the Director of the Office of Management
of the efforts of executive departments and and Budget relating to budget, administra
agencies to implement paragraphs (c)(i) tive, and legislative proposals.
through (iii) of this section. (e) This order is not intended to, and does
Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) In imple not, create any rights or benefits, substantive
menting this order, the Director shall: or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity
(i) obtain as appropriate the assistance of by a party against the United States, its de
the National Science and Technology partments, agencies, instrumentalities, or en
Council in the performance of the Di tities, its officers, employees, or agents, or
rector's functions under this order, any other person.
consistent with Executive Order
12881 of November 23, 1993, as
The White House,
(ii) coordinate as appropriate with the December 20, 2006.
Director of the Office of Manage
ment and Budget; and
(iii) obtain information and advice from [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register.
all sources as appropriate, including 10:38 a.m., December 22, 2006]
individuals associated with academic
and research institutions and private
(b) The functions of the President under
subsection (c) of section 101 of the National NotE: This Executive order will be published in
Aeronautics and Space Administration Au the Federal Register on December 26.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 21 2199

Statement on Signing the National NOTE: H.R. 5076, approved December 21, was
Transportation Safety Board assigned Public Law No. 109–443. An original was
not available for verification of the content of this
Reauthorization Act of 2006
December 21, 2006
Today I have signed into law H.R. 5076,
the “National Transportation Safety Board
Reauthorization Act of 2006.” The Act au
thorizes funding for the Board and makes ad Statement on Signing the Palestinian
justments to its authority and duties. Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006
Section 2(a)(2) of the Act requires the
Board to develop an operating plan for the December 21, 2006
National Transportation Safety Board Acad
emy, obtain and respond to comments from Today I have signed into law S. 2370, the
a legislative agent regarding that plan, submit “Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006.”
the plan to congressional committees with a The Act is designed to promote the develop
description of modifications made in re ment of democratic institutions in areas
sponse to comments from the legislative under the administrative control of the Pales
agent, and then implement the plan within tinian Authority.
2 years. The executive branch shall construe Section 2 of the Act purports to establish
the provision in a manner consistent with the U.S. policy with respect to various inter
Constitution's provisions concerning the sep national affairs matters. My approval of the
arate powers of the Congress to legislate and Act does not constitute my adoption of the
the President to execute the laws.
The executive branch shall construe sec statements of policy as U.S. foreign policy.
Given the Constitution's commitment to the
tion 11 13(c) of title 49, United States Code,
as amended by section 9(f) of the Act, which presidency of the authority to conduct the
relates to the Board's review and comment Nation's foreign affairs, the executive branch
or approval of documents submitted to the shall construe such policy statements as advi
President, Director of the Office of Manage sory. The executive branch will give section
ment and Budget, or Congress, in a manner 2 the due weight that comity between the
consistent with the constitutional authority of legislative and executive branches should re
the President to supervise the unitary execu quire, to the extent consistent with U.S. for
tive branch and to recommend for the con eign policy.
The executive branch shall construe sec
sideration of the Congress such measures as
the President shall judge necessary and expe tion 3(b) of the Act, which relates to access
dient. to certain information by a legislative agent,
The executive branch shall construe sec and section 11 of the Act, which relates to
tion 11(c) of the Act, relating to executive a report on certain assistance by foreign
branch reports to the Congress concerning countries, international organizations, or
investigations of alleged criminal and fraudu multilateral development banks, in a manner
lent activities in connection with a specified consistent with the President's constitutional
project, in a manner consistent with the con authority to withhold information that could
stitutional authorities of the President to su impair foreign relations, national security,
pervise the unitary executive branch and to the deliberative processes of the Executive,
withhold information the disclosure of which
or the performance of the Executive's con
could impair the performance of the Execu stitutional duties.
tive's constitutional duties, including the con Section 620K(e)(2)(A) and
duct of investigations and prosecutions to 620L(b)(4)(B)(i) of the Foreign Assistance
take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Act of 1961, as enacted by sections 2(b)(2)
George W. Bush and 3(a) of the Act, purport to require the
The White House, President to consult with committees of the
December 21, 2006. Congress prior to exercising certain authority
2200 Dec. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

granted to the President by sections 620K as adjusted under 5 U.S.C. 5303(a), are set
and 620L. Because the constitutional author forth on the schedules attached hereto and
ity of the President to supervise the unitary made a part hereof.
executive branch and take care that the laws (a) The General Schedule (5 U.S.C.
be faithfully executed cannot be made by law 5332(a)) at Schedule 1:
subject to a requirement to consult with con (b) The Foreign Service Schedule (22
gressional committees or to involve them in U.S.C. 3963) at Schedule 2; and
executive decisionmaking, the executive (c) The schedules for the Veterans Health
branch shall construe the references in the Administration of the Department of Vet
provisions to consulting to require only noti erans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 7306, 7404; section
fication. 301(a) of Public Law 102–40) at Schedule
The executive branch shall construe sec 3.
Sec. 2. Senior Executive Service. The
tion 7 of the Act, which relates to establishing
or maintaining certain facilities or establish ranges of rates of basic pay for senior execu
ments within the jurisdiction of the United tives in the Senior Executive Service, as es
States, in a manner consistent with the Presi tablished pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 53S2, are set
forth on Schedule 4 attached hereto and
dent's constitutional authority to conduct the
Nation's foreign affairs, including the author made a part hereof.
Sec. 3. Certain Executive, Legislative, and
ity to receive ambassadors and other public
ministers. Judicial Salaries. The rates of basic pay or
The executive branch shall construe as ad salaries for the following offices and positions
are set forth on the schedules attached here
visory the provisions of the Act, including
section 9, that purport to direct or burden to and made a part hereof:
(a) The Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C.
the conduct of negotiations by the executive
5312–5318) at Schedule 5:
branch with entities abroad. Such provisions,
if construed as mandatory rather than advi (b) The Vice President (3 U.S.C. 104) and
sory, would impermissibly interfere with the the Congress (2 U.S.C. 31, and section 137
President's constitutional authorities to con of Public Law 109–289, division B, as amend
duct the Nation's foreign affairs, including ed by section 7 of Public Law 109–3S3) at
Schedule 6: and
protection of American citizens and Amer
ican military and other Government per (c) Justices and judges (28 U.S.C. 5. 44 d.
135, 252, and 461(a): section 140 of Public
sonnel abroad, and to supervise the unitary Law 97–92), at Schedule 7.
executive branch.
Sec. 4. Uniformed Services. Pursuant to
George W. Bush section 601(a)–(c) of Public Law 109–364,
The White House, the rates of monthly basic pay (37 U.S.C.
December 21, 2006. 203(a)) for members of the uniformed serv
NotE. S. 2370, approved December 21, was as ices, as adjusted under 37 U.S.C. 1009, and
signed Public Law No. 109—446. An original was the rate of monthly cadet or midshipman pay
not available for verification of the content of this (37 U.S.C. 203(c)) are set forth on Schedule
Statement. 8 attached hereto and made a part hereof
Sec. 5. Locality-Based Comparability Pay
Executive Order 13420– (a) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5304a, locality
Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay based comparability payments shall be paid
December 21, 2006 in accordance with Schedule 9 attached here
to and made a part hereof.
By the authority vested in me as President (b) The Director of the Office of Per
by the Constitution and the laws of the sonnel Management shall take such actions
United States of America, including the laws as may be necessary to implement these pay
cited herein, it is hereby ordered as follows: ments and to publish appropriate notice of
Section 1. Statutory Pay Systems. The such payments in the Federal Register.
rates of basic pay or salaries of the statutory Sec. 6. Administrative Law Judges. The
pay systems (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 5302, 1)), rates of basic pay for administrative law
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 22 220.1

judges, as adjusted under 5 U.S.C. and to the extent provided in Chapter 443
5372(b)(4), are set forth on Schedule 10 at of 49 U.S.C.:
tached hereto and made a part hereof. (a) until August 31, 2007;
Sec. 7. Effective Dates. Rates for the Con (b) after August 31, 2007, but no later
gress, under Schedule 6, are effective on than December 31, 2007, when the
February 16, 2007. Schedule 7 reflects con Secretary determines that such insur
tinuation of the pay rates in effect as of the ance or reinsurance cannot be ob
first day of the applicable pay period begin tained on reasonable terms and con
ning on or after January 1, 2006. Schedule ditions from any company authorized
8 is effective on January 1, 2007. The other to conduct an insurance business in
schedules contained herein are effective on a State of the United States; and
the first day of the first applicable pay period 3. delegate to the Secretary the authority
beginning on or after January 1, 2007. vested in me by 49 U.S.C. 44306(c) to extend
Sec. 8. Prior Order Superseded. Executive this determination for additional periods be
Order 13393 of December 22, 2005, is super yond August 31, 2007, but no later than De
seded. cember 31, 2007, when the Secretary finds
George W. Bush that the continued operation of aircraft to be
insured or reinsured is necessary in the inter
The White House,
December 21, 2006.
est of air commerce or the national security,
or to carry out the foreign policy of the
United States Government.
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
10:38 a.m., December 22, 2006] You are directed to bring this determina
NOTE: This Executive order and the attached an
tion immediately to the attention of all air
carriers within the meaning of 49 U.S.C.
nexes will be published in the Federal Register 40102(2), and to arrange for its publication
on December 26.
in the Federal Register.

Memorandum on Provision of George W. Bush

Aviation Insurance Coverage for
Commercial Air Carrier Service in
Domestic and International
Remarks Following a Visit With
Wounded Troops at Walter Reed
Operations Army Medical Center
December 21, 2006
December 22, 2006
Memorandum for the Secretary of Laura and I are honored to be here to
thank the folks working here at this service
Subject: Provision of Aviation Insurance project. What you're seeing is some young
Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service kids wrapping gifts for children whose fami
in Domestic and International Operations lies are here in Washington, DC, as a result
By the authority vested in me as President of an injury that they've received—that their
by the Constitution and laws of the United parent received in combat.
States, including 49 U.S.C. 44302, et seq., We've also just come from Walter Reed.
and 3 U.S.C. 301, I hereby: I got to tell you, it's a remarkable experience
1. determine that continuation of U.S.-flag to go through the hospital. It's remarkable
commercial air service is necessary in the in because of the unbelievable compassion and
terest of air commerce, national security, and care of the people who work at Walter Reed.
the foreign policy of the United States: And it's also remarkable to me, these men
2. approve provision by the Secretary of and women who have volunteered to serve
Transportation (Secretary) of insurance or our country, who've received terrible
reinsurance to U.S.-flag air carriers against wounds, but whose spirits are strong; their
loss or damage arising out of any risk from resolve is strong; and their dedication to our
the operation of an aircraft in the manner country remains strong.
22()2 Dec. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
I want all our fellow citizens to understand December 19
that we're lucky to have men and women who In the morning, the President had an intel
have volunteered to serve our country like ligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Office.
those who wear our uniform. We're lucky to the President signed H.R. 6143, the Ryan
have their families support them so strongly. White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization
We owe them all we can give them—not only Act of 2006, and S. 3678, the Pandemic and
for when they're in harm's way but when they All-Hazards Preparedness Act.
come home, to help them adjust if they have Later in the morning, in the Oval Office,
wounds or help them adjust after their time the President participated in an interview
in service. We owe a huge debt of gratitude with the Washington Post.
for incredible men and women. And I–
In the afternoon, the President partici
every time I come to Walter Reed, I am pated in a photo opportunity with U.S. Am.
moved by the courage and bravery of the bassadors. Later, in the Roosevelt Room, he
people I meet. met with White House Fellows.
And so on behalf of a grateful nation, I In the evening, on the State Floor, the
want to thank our military families, thank the President and Mrs. Bush hosted a holiday
folks here who are wrapping gifts for the mili reception.
tary families, and ask for God's blessings on
our citizens. December 20
Thank you.
In the morning, the President had an intel
ligence briefing.
NotE: The President spoke at 12:01 p.m. The President announced his intention to
appoint John V. Cogbill III as a member of
the National Capital Planning Commission
and, upon appointment, designate him as
Digest of Other The President announced his intention to
White House Announcements
appoint Stephen J. Cassidy as a member of
the Medal of Valor Review Board (Fire
The following list includes the President's public fighting).
The President announced his intention to
schedule and other items of general interest an
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and appoint M. Josephine Beach and Phillip M.
not included elsewhere in this issue. Schofield as members of the Advisory Board
on Radiation and Worker Health.
The President announced the recess ap
December 16 pointment of Warren Bell as a member of

In the morning, the President had an intel the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
ligence briefing. The President announced the recess ap
pointment of Wayne Cartwright Bever as a
December 18 member of the Federal Labor Relations Au

In the morning, the President had break thority.

The President announced the recess ap
fast with Secretary of State Condoleezza pointment of Mark McKinnon as a member
Rice. Later, he had an intelligence briefing
and met with the National Security Council. of the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
Then, in the Oval Office, he met with Sec
December 21
retary of Defense Robert M. Gates.
Later in the morning, in the Roosevelt In the morning, the President had an intel
Room, the President met with Jewish higher ligence briefing.
education leaders.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to December 22

Arlington, VA. Later, he returned to Wash In the morning the President had an intel
ington, DC. ligence briefing. Later, the President and
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2203

Mrs. Bush went to Walter Reed Army Med Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
ical Center where he presented Purple Heart that the President signed H.R. 5466, H.R.
medals to 14 soldiers. They then volunteered 6143, S. 843, and S. 3678
to wrap gifts for family members of wounded Fact sheet: The Ryan White HIV/AIDS
Treatment Modernization Act of 2006
In the afternoon, the President and Mrs.
Bush traveled to Camp David, MD. Fact sheet: Combating Autism Act of 2006
Released December 20
Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
Nominations that the President signed H.R. 394, H.R. 758,
Submitted to the Senate H.R. 854, H.R. 864, H.R. 1285, H.R. 1674,
H.R. 4057, H.R. 4416, H.R. 4510, H.R. 4583,
H.R. 5132, H.R. 5136, H.R. 5646, H.R. 6131,
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the H.R. 6316, S. 1346, S. 1998, S. 3938, S. 4044,
and S. 4046
Senate during the period covered by this issue.
Fact sheet: Tax Relief and Health Care Act
of 2006

Released December 21
of White House Press Releases Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that the President signed H.R. 1492, H.R.
3248, H.R. 6342, and H.R. 6429
The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as Released December 22
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of
Other White House Announcements. Statement by the Press Secretary announcing
that the President signed H.J. Res. 101, S.
214, S. 362, S. 707, S. 895, S. 1096, S. 1378,
Released December 18 S. 1529, S. 1608, S. 2125, S. 2150, S. 2205,
S. 2653, S. 27.53, S. 3421, S. 3546, S. 38.21,
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec
S. 4042, S. 4091, S. 4092, and S. 4093
retary Tony Snow
Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec
retary Tony Snow and Undersecretary of
State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing Acts Approved

that the President signed H.R. 1472, H.R. by the President
4246, H.R. 4720, H.R. 5108, H.R. 57.36, H.R.
5857, H.R. 5923, H.R. 5989, H.R. 5990, H.R. Approved December 18
6078, H.R. 6102, H.R. 6151, S. 1219, S. 1820,
S. 3759, S. 4050, and S. 4073 H.R. 1472 / Public Law 109–397

Fact sheet: Implementation of the National To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 167 East 124th
Strategy for Pandemic Influenza. Six-Month
Status Report Street in New York, New York, as the “Tito
Fact sheet: The United States-India Peaceful
Puente Post Office Building"
Atomic Energy Cooperation Act H.R. 4246 / Public Law 109–398

Released December 19 To designate the facility of the United States

Postal Service located at 8135 Forest Lane
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec in Dallas, Texas, as the “Dr. Robert E. Price
retary Tony Snow Post Office Building”
2204 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
H.R. 4720 / Public Law 109–399 H.R. 6102 / Public Law 109–408
To designate the facility of the United States To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 200 Gateway Drive Postal Service located at 200 Lawyers Road.
in Lincoln, California, as the “Beverly J. Wil NW in Vienna, Virginia, as the “Captain
son Post Office Building" Christopher P. Petty and Major William F.
Hecker, III Post Office Building"
H.R. 5108 / Public Law 109–400
To designate the facility of the United States H.R. 6151 / Public Law 109–409
Postal Service located at 1213 East Houston To designate the facility of the United States
Street in Cleveland, Texas, as the “Lance Postal Service located at 216 Oak Street in
Corporal Robert A. Martinez Post Office Farmington, Minnesota, as the “Hamilton H.
Building” Judson Post Office”
H.R. 56S2 / Public Law 109–401 S. 1219 / Public Law 109–410
To authorize certain tribes in the State of
To exempt from certain requirements of the
Montana to enter into a lease or other tem
Atomic Energy Act of 1954 a proposed nu
porary conveyance of water rights to meet
clear agreement for cooperation with India
the water needs of the Dry Prairie Rural
H.R. 57.36 / Public Law 109–402 Water Association, Inc.
To designate the facility of the United States S. 1820 / Public Law 109–411
Postal Service located at 101 Palafox Place
in Pensacola, Florida, as the “Vincent J. To designate the facility of the United States
Postal Service located at 61.10 East 51st Place
Whibbs, Sr. Post Office Building"
in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as the “Dewey F. Bart
H.R. 5S57 / Public Law 109–403 lett Post Office”

To designate the facility of the United States S. 3759 / Public Law 109–412
Postal Service located at 1501 South
To name the Armed Forces Readiness Cen
Cherrybell Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, as the
“Morris K. Mo Udall Post Office Building” ter in Great Falls, Montana, in honor of Cap
tain William Wylie Galt, a recipient of the
H.R. 5923 / Public Law 109–404 Congressional Medal of Honor
To designate the facility of the United States S. 4050 / Public Law 109–413
Postal Service located at 29–50 Union Street
To designate the facility of the United States
in Flushing, New York, as the “Dr. Leonard Postal Service located at 103 East Thompson
Price Stavisky Post Office” Street in Thomaston, Georgia, as the "Ser
H.R. 59S9 / Public Law 109–405 geant First Class Robert Lee Bobby Hollar.
To designate the facility of the United States Jr. Post Office Building"
Postal Service located at 10240 Roosevelt
S. 4073 / Public Law 109—414
Road in Westchester, Illinois, as the "John To designate the outpatient clinic of the De
J. Sinde Post Office Building" partment of Veterans Affairs located in
H.R. 5990 / Public Law 109–406
Farmington, Missouri, as the “Robert Silvey
Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient
To designate the facility of the United States Clinic”
Postal Service located at 415 South 5th Ave
nue in Maywood, Illinois, as the “Wallace W. Approved December 19
Sykes Post Office Building"
H.R. 6143 / Public Law 109–415
H.R. 607S / Public Law 109–407 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Mod.
To designate the facility of the United States ernization Act of 2006
Postal Service located at 307 West Wheat
Street in Woodville, Texas, as the “Chuck S. S.43 / Public Law 109–416
Fortenberry Post Office Building" Combating Autism Act of 2006
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 2205

S. 3678 / Public Law 109–417 H.R. 4583 / Public Law 109–428

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act Wool Suit Fabric Labeling Fairness and
H.R. 5466 / Public Law 109–418
International Standards Conforming Act
Captain John Smith Chesapeake National H.R. 5132 / Public Law 109–429
Historic Trail Designation Act River Raisin National Battlefield Study Act
Approved December 20 H.R. 5136 / Public Law 109–430

H.R. 394 / Public Law 109–419

National Integrated Drought Information
System Act of 2006
To direct the Secretary of the Interior to con
duct a boundary study to evaluate the signifi H.R. 5646 / Public Law 109–431
cance of the Colonel James Barrett Farm in To study and promote the use of energy effi
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and cient computer servers in the United States
the suitability and feasibility of its inclusion
H.R. 6111 / Public Law 109–432
in the National Park System as part of the
Minute Man National Historical Park, and Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006

for other purposes H.R. 6131 / Public Law 109—433

H.R. 758 / Public Law 109 420 To permit certain expenditures from the
To establish an interagency aerospace revital Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust
ization task force to develop a national strat
egy for aerospace workforce recruitment, H.R. 6316 / Public Law 109–434
training, and cultivation To extend through December 31, 2008, the
H.R. 854 / Public Law 109–421 authority of the Secretary of the Army to ac
To provide for certain lands to be held in cept and expend funds contributed by non
trust for the Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe Federal public entities to expedite the proc
essing of permits
H.R. 864 / Public Law 109–422
H.R. 6407 / Public Law 109—435
Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drink
ing Act Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act
H.R. 1285 / Public Law 109–423 S. 1346 / Public Law 109—436

Nursing Relief for Disadvantaged Areas Re Michigan Lighthouse and Maritime Heritage
authorization Act of 2005

H.R. 1674 / Public Law 109–424 S. 1998 / Public Law 109—437

Stolen Valor Act of 2005
Tsunami Warning and Education Act
H.R. 4057 / Public Law 109–425 S. 3938 / Public Law 109–438

To provide that attorneys employed by the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of

Department of Justice shall be eligible for
compensatory time for travel under section S. 4044 / Public Law 109–439
5550b of title 5, United States Code
Religious Liberty and Charitable Donation
H.R. 4416 / Public Law 109–426 Clarification Act of 2006

To reauthorize permanently the use of pen S. 4046 / Public Law 109–440

alty and franked mail in efforts relating to Iraq Reconstruction Accountability Act of
the location and recovery of missing children 2006

H.R. 4510 / Public Law 109–427

Approved December 21
To direct the Joint Committee on the Library
to accept the donation of a bust depicting H.R. 1492 / Public Law 109–441
Sojourner Truth and to display the bust in To provide for the preservation of the his
a suitable location in the Capitol toric confinement sites where Japanese
2206 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Americans were detained during World War H.R. 6342 / Public Law 109—444
II, and for other purposes Veterans Programs Extension Act of 2006
H.R. 32.48 / Public Law 109–442 H.R. 6429 / Public Law 109—445
Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2006 Fallen Firefighters Assistance Tax Clarifica.
tion Act of 2006
H.R. 5076 / Public Law 109–443
National Transportation Safety Board Reau S. 2370 / Public Law 109—446
thorization Act of 2006 Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006

Executive Orders Letters and Messages–Continued

Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay–2200 Kwanzaa 2006, message—2174
National Aeronautics Research and
Development—2197 Statements by the President
See Bill Signings
Interviews With the News Media
Supplementary Materials
News conference, December 20–2182
Acts approved by the President–2203
Checklist of White House press releases—
Letters and Messages 2203
Christmas 2006, message—2181 Digest of other White House
Holiday greeting to members of the Armed announcements—2202
Forces, message—2181 Nominations submitted to the Senate—2203
20402 POSTAG
A £ 2. foºl:42/62 FED - DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


Monday, January 1, 2007

Volume 42—Number 52
Pages 2207–2224

JAN 2 6 2007
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Addresses and Remarks Executive Orders

Radio address—2207 Providing for the Closing of Government
Texas Departments and Agencies on January 2,
Death of former President Gerald R. Ford
from Crawford—2209 Proclamations

Meeting with the National Security Council Announcing the Death of Gerald R. Ford—
in Crawford—2211 2209
National Day of Mourning for Gerald R.
Bill Signings Ford—2210
National Mentoring Month–2208
Office of National Drug Control Policy To Eliminate Tariffs on Certain
Reauthorization Act of 2006, statement— Pharmaceuticals and Chemical
2212 Intermediates—2213
To Extend Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Communications to Federal Agencies (Normal Trade Relations Treatment) to the
Products of Vietnam—2214
Assignment of Function Under Section 721(k)
of the Defense Production Act of 1950, To Modify the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of
memorandum—2222 the United States, To Adjust Rules of
Origin Under the United States-Australia
Eligibility of Vietnam To Receive Defense Free Trade Agreement and for Other
Articles and Defense Services Under the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the To Take Certain Actions Under the African
Arms Export Control Act, memorandum— Growth and Opportunity Act and the
Generalized System of Preferences—2220

(Continued on the inside of the back cover.)

Editor's Note: The President was at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX, on December 29, the
closing date of this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary
but not received in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu
PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $8000 per wear
Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents.
ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The
ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing
materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http:
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub
lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg There are no restrictions on the republication of material
ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under
appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Dºcu
regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments.
Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607.
1 CFR Part 10).
Week Ending Friday, December 29, 2006
The President’s Radio Address triotic groups and charities all across America
December 23, 2006 are sending gifts and care packages to our
service men and women, visiting our troops
Good morning. As families across our Na recovering at military hospitals, reaching out
tion gather to celebrate Christmas, Laura and to children whose moms and dads are serving
I send our best wishes for the holidays. We abroad, and going to airports to welcome our
hope that your Christmas will be blessed with troops home and to let them know they are
family and fellowship. appreciated by a grateful nation.
At this special time of year, we give thanks One man who's making a difference this
for Christ's message of love and hope. Christ holiday season is Jim Wareing. Jim is the
mas reminds us that we have a duty to others, founder of New England Caring for Our
and we see that sense of duty fulfilled in the Military. This year, Jim helped organize a gift
men and women who wear our Nation's uni drive by thousands of students from Massa
form. America is blessed to have fine citizens chusetts and New Hampshire. Students from
who volunteer to defend us in distant lands. kindergarten to high school collected more
For many of them, this Christmas will be than 20,000 gifts for our troops abroad. The
spent far from home, and on Christmas our gifts are being sent to troops stationed in
Nation honors their sacrifice and thanks Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Korea, Japan, and
them for all they do to defend our freedom. Africa. The care packages include books and
At Christmas, we also recognize the sac puzzles, board games, phone cards, fresh
rifice of our Nation's military families. Stay socks, and T-shirts, and about 7,000 hand
ing behind when a family member goes to made holiday greeting cards and posters. Jim
war is a heavy burden, and it is particularly says, quote, “It’s probably always hard for
troops to be far away from home, but espe
hard during the holidays. To all our military
families listening today, Laura and I thankcially hard on the holidays. I use this as an
you, and we ask the Almighty to bestow His opportunity to try to pay them back for my
protection and care on your loved ones as freedom.”
they protect our Nation. Citizens like Jim Wareing represent the
This Christmas season comes at a time of true strength of our country, and they make
change here in our Nation's Capital—with America proud. I urge every American to
a new Congress set to arrive, a review of our find some way to thank our military this
Iraq strategy underway, and a new Secretary Christmas season. If you see a soldier, sailor,
of Defense taking office. If you're serving on airman, marine, or a member of the Coast
the frontlines halfway across the world, it is Guard, take a moment to stop and say,
natural to wonder what all this means for you. “Thanks for your service.” And if you want
I want our troops to know that while the to reach out to our troops or help out the
coming year will bring change, one thing willmilitary family down the street, the Depart
not change, and that is our Nation's support ment of Defense has set up a web site to
for you and the vital work you do to achieve help. It is This web
a victory in Iraq. The American people are site lists more than 150 compassionate orga
keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, and nizations that can use your help. In this sea
we will make sure you have the resources son of giving, let us stand with the men and
you need to accomplish your mission. women who stand up for America.
This Christmas, millions of Americans are At this special time of year, we reflect on
coming together to show our deployed forces the miraculous life that began in a humble
and wounded warriors love and support. Pa manger 2,000 years ago. That single life
2208 Dec. 23 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
changed the world and continues to change our deepest sympathies to Betty Ford and
hearts today. To everyone celebrating Christ all of President Ford's family. Our thoughts
mas, Laura and I wish you a day of glad tid and prayers will be with them in the hours
ings, and days ahead.
Thank you for listening, and Merry Christ
NotE: The Office of the Press Secretary also re
NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:35 a.m. on leased a Spanish language version of this state
December 22 in the Cabinet Room at the White
House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on December
23. The transcript was made available by the Of Proclamation 8092—National
fice of the Press Secretary on December 22 but
was embargoed for release until the broadcast. In Mentoring Month, 2007
his address, the President referred to Secretary December 22, 2006
of Defense Robert M. Gates. The Office of the
Press Secretary also released a Spanish language By the President of the United States
transcript of this address. of America

A Proclamation
Statement on the Death of
During National Mentoring Month, we
James Brown honor the caring individuals across our Na
December 25, 2006
tion who are committed to helping the next
Laura and I are saddened by the death generation of Americans reach their full po
of James Brown. For half a century, the inno
vative talent of the “Godfather of Soul" en Mentors help teach important skills that
riched our culture and influenced genera are necessary #. a healthy, successful life
tions of musicians. An American original, his and help shape the character of our young
fans came from all walks of life and back eople. They instill compassion and responsi
grounds. James Brown's family and friends |. in our children and help motivate them
are in our thoughts and prayers this Christ to do their best in school. By providing lead
IIlaS. ership and guidance, mentors can inspire
young people to set high goals and help them
achieve a bright future.
Statement on the Death of Former My Administration is committed to help
President Gerald R. Ford ing the next generation realize the promise
December 26, 2006 of our Nation. Through the USA Freedom
Corps, we are providing |...". for
Laura and I are greatly saddened by the mentors to connect with children in schools.
passing of former President Gerald R. Ford. after-school programs, and community
President Ford was a great American who groups. The Helping America's Youth initia
gave many years of dedicated service to our tive, led by First Lady Laura Bush, raises
country. On August 9, 1974, after a long ca awareness about the challenges facing our
reer in the House of Representatives and youth and encourages adults to connect with
service as Vice President, he assumed the youth in three key areas: family, school, and
Presidency in an hour of national turmoil and community. The initiative also supports com
division. With his quiet integrity, common munity partnerships that develop opportuni
sense, and kind instincts, President Ford ties for mentoring and positive youth devel
helped heal our land and restore public con opment.
fidence in the Presidency. I appreciate the contributions of all those
The American people will always admire who serve as mentors, and I encourage all
Gerald Ford's devotion to duty, his personal Americans to get involved in mentoring pro
character, and the honorable conduct of his grams. To learn about mentoring opportuni
administration. We mourn the loss of such ties, citizens can visit the USA Freedom
a leader, and our 38th President will always Corps website at By joining
have a special place in our Nation's memory.
On behalf of | Americans, Laura and I offer º coaches, religious leaders, relatives.
and other mentors, individuals can use their
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 27 2209

talents and experiences to enrich the lives 9th, 1974, he stepped into the Presidency
of young people and demonstrate the com without ever having sought the office. He as
passionate spirit of America. sumed power in a period of great division
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, and turmoil. For a nation that needed healing
President of the United States of America, and for an office that needed a calm and
by virtue of the authority vested in me by steady hand, Gerald Ford came along when
the Constitution and laws of the United we needed him most.
States, do hereby proclaim January 2007 as During his time in office, the American
National Mentoring Month. I call upon the people came to know President Ford as a
people of the United States to recognize the man of complete integrity who led our coun
importance of mentoring, to look for oppor try with common sense and kind instincts.
tunities to serve as mentors in their commu Americans will always admire Gerald
nities, and to observe this month with appro Ford's unflinching performance of duty and
the honorable conduct of his administration
priate activities and programs.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set and the great rectitude of the man himself.
my hand this twenty-second day of Decem We mourn the loss of such a leader, and our
ber, in the year of our Lord two thousand 38th President will always have a special
six, and of the Independence of the United place in our Nation's memory.
States of America the two hundred and thir President Ford lived 93 years, and his life
ty-first. was a blessing to America. And now this fine
George W. Bush man will be taken to his rest by a family that
will love him always and by a nation that will
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, be grateful to him forever.
8:49 a.m., December 28, 2006] May God bless Gerald Ford.
NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of. NOTE: The President spoke at 6:56 a.m. at the
fice of the Press Secretary on December 27, and Bush Ranch. The Office of the Press Secretary
it was published in the Federal Register on De also released a Spanish language transcript of
cember 29. these remarks.

Remarks on the Death of Former Proclamation 8093—Announcing the

President Gerald R. Ford From Death of Gerald R. Ford
Crawford, Texas December 27, 2006
December 27, 2006
By the President of the United States
of America
My fellow Americans, all of us are sad
dened by the news that former President A Proclamation
Gerald R. Ford passed away last night. I
spoke with Betty Ford. On behalf of all To the People of the United States:
Americans, Laura and I extend to Mrs. Ford It is my sad duty to announce officially the
and all President Ford's family our prayers death of Gerald R. Ford, the thirty-eighth
and our condolences. President of the United States, on December
President Ford was a great man who de 26, 2006.
voted the best years of his life in serving the President Ford was a great man who de
United States. He was a true gentleman who voted the best years of his life to serving the
reflected the best in America's character. Be United States of America. He was also a true
fore the world knew his name, he served with gentleman who reflected the best in Amer
distinction in the United States Navy and in ica's character. Before the world knew his
the United States Congress. name, he served with distinction in the
As a Congressman from Michigan and United States Navy and the United States
then as Vice President, he commanded the House of Representatives. As a congressman
respect and earned the good will of all who from Michigan, and then as Vice President,
had the privilege of knowing him. On August he commanded the respect and earned the
221() Dec. 27 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
goodwill of all who had the privilege of know States of America the two hundred and thir
ing him. On August 9, 1974, he stepped into ty-first.
the presidency without having ever sought
the office. George W. Bush
During his time in office, the American
people came to know President Ford as a [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register
man of complete integrity, who led our coun 8:45 a.m., January 3, 2007]
try with common sense and kind instincts.
Americans will always admire Gerald Ford's NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
unflinching performance of duty, the honor Federal Register on January 4, 2007.
able conduct of his Administration, and the
great rectitude of the man himself. We
mourn the loss of such a leader, and our thir Proclamation 8094—National Day of
ty-eighth President will always have a special Mourning for Gerald R. Ford
place in our Nation's memory. December 28, 2006
President Ford lived 93 years, and his life
was a blessing to America. Now this fine man By the President of the United States
will be taken to his rest by a family that will of America
love him always and by a Nation that will
be grateful to him forever. A Proclamation
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America, As a further mark of respect to the mem
by the authority vested in me by the Con ory of Gerald R. Ford, the thirty-eighth
stitution and laws of the United States, in President of the United States,
honor and tribute to the memory of Gerald Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America,
R. Ford, and as an expression of public sor
row, do hereby direct that the flag of the by the authority vested in me by the Con
stitution and laws of the United States, in
United States be displayed at half-staff at the
White House and on all buildings, grounds, honor and tribute to the memory of Gerald
and Naval vessels of the United States for R. Ford, and as an expression of public sor
a period of 30 days from the day of his death. row, do appoint Tuesday, January 2, 2007.
I also direct that for the same length of time, as a National Day of Mourning throughout
the United States. I call on the American
the representatives of the United States in
foreign countries shall make similar arrange people to assemble on that day in their re
ments for the display of the flag at half-staff spective places of worship, there to pay hom
over their Embassies, Legations, and other age to the memory of President Ford. I invite
facilities abroad, including all military facili the people of the world who share our grief
ties and stations. to join us in this solemn observance.
I hereby order that suitable honors be ren In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
dered by units of the Armed Forces under my hand this twenty-eighth day of December
orders of the Secretary of Defense. in the year of our Lord two thousand six,
In a further expression of our national and of the Independence of the United
States of America the two hundred and thir
grief, I will appoint in a subsequent procla
mation a National Day of Mourning through ty-first.
out the United States when the American
people may assemble in their respective George W. Bush
places of worship, there to pay homage to
the memory of President Ford. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set 8:45 a.m., January 3, 2007]
my hand this twenty-seventh day of Decem
ber, in the year of our Lord two thousand NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
six, and of the Independence of the United Federal Register on January 4, 2007.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 28 2211

Executive Order 13421—Providing hand what they saw, what they found. It's
for the Closing of Government an important part of coming to closure on
Departments and Agencies on a way forward in Iraq that will help us
January 2, 2007 achieve our objective, which is a country that
can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend
December 28, 2006
itself. And, Mr. Secretary, thank you for your
By the authority vested in me as President timely trip, and thank you for this important
by the Constitution and laws of the United briefing.
States of America, it is hereby ordered as fol I've got more consultation to do until I
lows: talk to the country about the plan. Obviously,
Section I. All executive departments, we'll continue to work with the Iraqi Govern
independent establishments, and other gov ment. The key to success in Iraq is to have
ernmental agencies shall be closed on Janu a government that's willing to deal with the
ary 2, 2007, as a mark of respect for Gerald elements there that are trying to prevent this
R. Ford, the thirty-eighth President of the young democracy from succeeding.
United States. That day shall be considered We want to help them succeed. And so
as falling within the scope of Executive Order we'll continue to consult with the Iraqis. I'm
11582 of February 11, 1971, and of 5 U.S.C. going to talk to Congress—not only will I
5546 and 6103(b) and other similar statutes continue to reach out to Congress, but mem
insofar as they relate to the pay and leave bers of my team will do so as well. I fully
of employees of the United States. understand it's important to have both Re
Sec. 2. The first sentence of section 1 of publicans and Democrats understanding the
this order shall not apply to those offices and importance of this mission. It's important for
installations, or parts thereof, in the Depart the American people to understand success
ment of State, the Department of Defense, in Iraq is vital for our own security. If we
the Department of Justice, the Department were to not succeed in Iraq, the enemy—
the extremists, the radicals—would have safe
of Homeland Security, or other departments, haven from which to launch further attacks,
independent establishments, and govern
mental agencies that the heads thereof deter they would be emboldened, they would be
mine should remain open for reasons of na in a position to threaten the United States
of America. This is an important part of the
tional security or defense or other essential War On terror.
public business.
I'm making good progress toward coming
George W. Bush up with a plan that we think will help us
The White House, achieve our objective. As I think about this
December 28, 2006. plan, I'm always—have our troops in mind.
There's nobody more important in this global
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, war on terror than the men and women who
8:45 a.m., January 3, 2007] wear the uniform and their families. And as

NOTE: This Executive order will be published in we head into a new year, my thoughts are
the Federal Register on January 4, 2007. with them. My thoughts are with the families
who have just gone through a holiday season
with their loved one overseas. My thoughts
Remarks Following a Meeting With are with the troops as we head into 2007.
the National Security Council in People always ask me about a New Year's
Crawford, Texas resolution—my resolution is, is that they'll
be safe and that we'll come closer to our ob
December 28, 2006
jective, that we'll be able to help this young
I just had a meeting with my national secu democracy survive and thrive, and therefore,
rity team, and this is the first time we've had we'll be writing a chapter of peace. I can't
a chance to sit down with Secretary Gates thank our families enough for supporting
since he came back from Iraq. General Pace their loved one who wears the uniform, and
went with the Secretary; they reported first I can't thank those who—soldiers and sailors
2212 Dec. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
and airmen and Coast Guard men and unitary executive branch and to recommend
women, folks in the Air Force—who rep for congressional consideration such meas
resent the United States of America. May ures as the President shall judge necessary
God continue to bless them. and expedient. Such provisions include sec
Thank you all very much. tion 711(a)(4) of the 1998 Act as enacted by
section 103(f) of the Act and sections
NOTE: The President spoke at 11:59 a.m. at the 1 103(2)(D) and 11.10(c) of the Act.
Bush Ranch. In his remarks, he referred to Sec
The executive branch shall construe provi
retary of Defense Robert M. Gates. sions of the Act that concern the making of
reports or the submission of classified na
Statement on Signing the Office of tional security information to the Congress
in a manner consistent with the constitutional
National Drug Control Policy
Reauthorization Act of 2006 authority of the President to supervise the
unitary executive branch and to withhold in
December 29, 2006 formation the disclosure of which could im

Today I have signed into law H.R. 6344, pair foreign relations, the national security,
the “Office of National Drug Control Policy the deliberative processes of the Executive,
Reauthorization Act of 2006” (the “Act”). or the performance of the Executive's con
The Act amends the Office of National Drug stitutional duties. Such provisions include
sections 704(c)(2)(A), 706, 711(a)(4), and
Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 1998
(Title VII in Division C of Public Law 105– 711(b)(4) of the 1998 Act, as enacted by sec
tions 103(f), 105(b), and 201 of the Act, and
277) (the “1998 Act”) and adjusts the au sections 1104, 1109, and 1110 of the Act.
thorities and duties of the Director of the
Office of National Drug Control Policy. The executive branch shall construe provi
The executive branch shall construe sec sions of the Act, including sections
tion 704(f)(5) of the 1998 Act, as amended 704(c)(1)(C) and 704(c)(3)(C) of the 1998
by section 103(e) of the Act, which prohibits Act, as enacted by section 105 of the Act,
taking certain action if it is contrary to the that purport to regulate the content of execu
expressed intent of the Congress, as referring tive agency budget submissions to an officer
to action contrary to a law. The executive within the executive branch in the develop
branch shall also construe provisions of the ment of the President's annual budget sub
Act that refer to submission of requests to mission, in a manner consistent with the con
the Congress for reprogramming or transfer stitutional authority of the President to re
of funds, or to obtaining congressional com quire the written opinions of the principal
mittee approval, such as sections 708(c)(6) officers of the executive departments and to
and 709(b)(2) of the 1998 Act, as enacted supervise the unitary executive branch.
by sections 401 and 501 of the Act, as requir
ing only notification. Any other construction George W. Bush
of these provisions would be inconsistent The White House,
with the constitutional principles enunciated
by the Supreme Court of the United States December 29, 2006.
in INS v. Chadha.
The executive branch shall construe provi NOTE: At the time of publication, H.R. 6344 ap
sions of the Act that purport to authorize or proved December 29, had not been received by
require executive branch officials to submit the Office of the Federal Register in time for as
legislative recommendations to the Congress signment of a Public Law number. An original
in a manner consistent with the constitutional was not available for verification of the content
authority of the President to supervise the of this statement.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 29 2213

Proclamation 8095–To Eliminate Trade Representative (USTR) submitted a

Tariffs on Certain Pharmaceuticals report to the Committee on Ways and Means
and Chemical Intermediates of the House of Representatives and the
Committee on Finance of the Senate (the
December 29, 2006
“Committees”) that set forth the proposed
By the President of the United States further revision to the list of products subject
of America to tariff eliminations.

A Proclamation
4. Section 604 of the Trade Act, as amend
ed (19 U.S.C. 2483), authorizes the President
1. During the Uruguay Round of Multilat to embody in the Harmonized Tariff Sched
eral Trade Negotiations (the “Uruguay ule of the United States (HTS) the substance
Round"), a group of major trading countries of the relevant provisions of that Act, and
agreed to reciprocal elimination of tariffs on of other acts affecting import treatment, and
certain pharmaceuticals and chemical inter actions thereunder, including the removal,
mediates, and that participants in this agree
ment would revise periodically the list of modification, continuance, or imposition of
products subject to duty-free treatment. On any rate of duty or other import restriction.
December 13, 1996, at the Ministerial Con 5. Pursuant to section 111(b) of the URAA,
I have determined that Schedule XX should
ference of the World Trade Organization
(WTO), the United States and 16 other major be modified to reflect the implementation by
trading countries agreed to eliminate tariffs the United States of the multilateral agree
on additional pharmaceuticals and chemical ment on certain pharmaceuticals and chem
intermediates. On April 1, 1997, the United ical intermediates negotiated under the aus
States implemented this agreement in Proc pices of the WTO. In addition, I have deter
lamation 6982. The second revision to the mined that the pharmaceuticals appendix to
list of products was negotiated under the aus the HTS should be modified to reflect the
pices of the WTO in 1998. The United States duty eliminations provided for in that agree
implemented this revision on July 1, 1999, ment and to make certain technical correc
in Proclamation 7207. In 2006, the United tions in the manner in which Schedule XX
States and 30 other WTO members con identifies particular products in order to en
cluded negotiations, under the auspices of sure that they are accorded the intended duty
the WTO, on a further revision to the list treatment.
of pharmaceuticals and chemical intermedi Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
ates to receive duty-free treatment. President of the United States of America,
2. Section 111(b) of the Uruguay Round acting under the authority vested in me by
Agreements Act (URAA)(19 U.S.C. 3521(b)) the Constitution and the laws of the United
authorizes the President under specified cir States of America, including but not limited
cumstances to proclaim the modification of to section 111(b) of the URAA and section
any duty or staged rate reduction of any duty 604 of the 1974 Act, do proclaim that:
set forth in Schedule XX-United States of
America, annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol (1) In order to implement the multilateral
to the GATT 1994 (Schedule XX) for prod agreement negotiated under the auspices of
ucts that were the subject of reciprocal duty the WTO to eliminate tariffs on certain phar
maceutical products and chemical intermedi
elimination negotiations during the Uruguay ates, and to make technical corrections in the
Round, if the United States agrees to such
action in a multilateral negotiation under the tariff treatment accorded to such products,
the HTS is modified as set forth in the Annex
auspices of the WTO. Section 111(b) also au
thorizes the President to proclaim such to this proclamation.
modifications as are necessary to correct (2) Such modifications to the HTS shall
technical errors in, or make other rectifica be effective with respect to articles entered,
tions to, Schedule XX. or withdrawn from warehouse for consump
3. On October 3, 2006, consistent with sec tion, on or after the date set forth in the
tion 115 of the URAA, the United States Annex for the respective actions taken.
2214 Dec. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
(3) Any provisions of previous proclama longer be subject to chapter 1 of title IV of
tions and Executive Orders that are incon the 1974 Act.
sistent with the actions taken in this procla 2. The extension of nondiscriminatory
mation are superseded to the extent of such treatment to the products of Vietnam shall
inconsistency. be effective as of the date of signature of
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set this proclamation.
my hand this twenty-ninth day of December, 3. All provisions of previous proclamations
in the year of our Lord two thousand six, and Executive Orders that are inconsistent
and of the Independence of the United with this proclamation are superseded to the
States of America the two hundred and thir extent of such inconsistency.
ty-first. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this twenty-ninth day of December,
George W. Bush in the year of our Lord two thousand six,
and of the Independence of the United
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, States of America the two hundred and thir
11:03 a.m., January 3, 2007]
NOTE: This proclamation and its annex will be George W. Bush
published in the Federal Register on January 4,
2007. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register.
11:03 a.m., January 3, 2007]
Proclamation 8096—To Extend NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
Federal Register on January 4, 2007.
Nondiscriminatory Treatment
(Normal Trade Relations Treatment)
to the Products of Vietnam Memorandum on Eligibility of
December 29, 2006 Vietnam To Receive Defense Articles
and Defense Services Under the
By the President of the United States Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and
of America the Arms Export Control Act
A Proclamation December 29, 2006
1. Vietnam has demonstrated a strong de Presidential Determination No. 2007–10
sire to build a friendly and cooperative rela
tionship with the United States and has been Memorandum for the Secretary of State
found to be in full compliance with the free Subject: Eligibility of Vietnam to Receive
dom of emigration requirements under title Defense Articles and Defense Services under
IV of the Trade Act of 1974 (the “1974 Act”)
the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the
(19 U.S.C. 2431 et seq.). Arms Export Control Act
2. Pursuant to section 4002 of H.R. 6111,
signed on December 20, 2006, I hereby de Pursuant to the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and laws of the United
termine that chapter 1 of title IV of the 1974
Act (19 U.S.C. 2431–2439) should no longer States, including section 503(a) of the For
apply to Vietnam. eign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, section 3(a)(1) of the Arms Export Control
President of the United States of America, Act, as amended, I hereby find that the fur
acting under the authority vested in me by nishing of defense articles and defense serv
the Constitution and the laws of the United ices to Vietnam will strengthen the security
States of America, including but not limited of the United States and promote world
to section 4002 of Public Law 109–432 do peace.
proclaim that: You are authorized and directed to report
1. Nondiscriminatory treatment (normal this finding to the Congress and to publish
trade relations treatment) shall be extended it in the Federal Register.
to the products of Vietnam, which shall no George W. Bush
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 29 2215

Proclamation 8097—To Modify the tation Act (the “NAFTA Implementation

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Act”) (19 U.S.C. 3331), the staged reductions
United States, To Adjust Rules of in rates of duty that the President deter
Origin Under the United States mined to be necessary or appropriate to carry
out articles 302, 305, 307, 308, and 703 and
Australia Free Trade Agreement and Annexes 302.2, 307.1, 308.1, 308.2, 300–B,
for Other Purposes 703.2, and 703.3 of the NAFTA. In order
December 29, 2006 to ensure the continuation of such staged re
By the President of the United States ductions in rates of duty for originating goods
of America of Mexico under tariff categories that are
being modified to reflect the amendments
A Proclamation to the Convention, I have determined that
1. Section 1205(a) of the Omnibus Trade additional modifications to the HTS are nec
and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (the “1988 essary or appropriate to carry out the duty
Act”) (19 U.S.C. 3005(a)) directs the United reductions previously proclaimed.
States International Trade Commission (the 4. Presidential Proclamation 6763 of De
“Commission”) to keep the Harmonized Tar cember 23, 1994, implemented with respect
iff Schedule of the United States (HTS) to the United States the trade agreements
under continuous review and periodically to resulting from the Uruguay Round of multi
recommend to the President such modifica lateral trade negotiations, including Schedule
tions to the HTS as the Commission con XX-United States of America, annexed to the
siders necessary or appropriate to accomplish Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agree
the purposes set forth in that subsection. The ment on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (Schedule
Commission has recommended modifica XX), that were entered into pursuant to sec
tions to the HTS pursuant to sections 1205(c) tions 1102(a) and (e) of the 1988 Act (19
and (d) of the 1988 Act (19 U.S.C. 3005(c) U.S.C. 2902(a) and (e)) and approved in sec
and (d)) to conform the HTS to amendments tion 101(a) of the Uruguay Round Agree
made to the International Convention on the ments Act (URAA) (19 U.S.C. 35.11(a)).
Harmonized Commodity Description and 5. Pursuant to the authority provided in
Coding System (the “Convention"). section 111 of the URAA (19 U.S.C. 3521)
2. Section 1206(a) of the 1988 Act (19 and sections 1102(a) and (e) of the 1988 Act,
U.S.C. 3006(a)) authorizes the President to Proclamation 6763 included the staged re
proclaim modifications to the HTS based on ductions in rates of duty that the President
the recommendations of the Commission determined to be necessary or appropriate
under section 1205 of the 1988 Act, if he to carry out the provisions of Schedule XX.
determines that the modifications are in con In order to ensure the continuation of such
formity with United States obligations under rates of duty for imported goods under tariff
the Convention and do not run counter to categories that are being modified to reflect
the national economic interest of the United the amendments to the Convention, I have
States. I have determined that the modifica determined that additional modifications to
tions to the HTS proclaimed in this procla the HTS are necessary or appropriate to
mation pursuant to section 1206(a) of the carry out the duty reductions previously pro
1988 Act (19 U.S.C. 3006(a)) are in con claimed, including certain technical or con
formity with United States obligations under forming changes within the tariff schedule.
the Convention and do not run counter to 6. Presidential Proclamation 7351 of Octo
the national economic interest of the United ber 2, 2000, implemented section 211 of the
States. United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Part
3. Presidential Proclamation 6641 of De nership Act (CBTPA) (title II of Public Law
cember 15, 1993, implemented the North 106–200, 114 Stat. 286) in order to provide
American Free Trade Agreement (the certain preferential tariff treatment to eligi
“NAFTA") with respect to the United States ble articles that are the product of any coun
and, pursuant to section 201 of the North try that the President designates as a
American Free Trade Agreement Implemen “CBTPA beneficiary country” and that the
2216 Dec. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
President determines to have satisfied the re States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
quirements of section 213(b)(4)(A)(ii) of the (USSFTA) with respect to the United States
Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act and, pursuant to section 201 of the United
(CBERA) (19 U.S.C. 2703(b)(4)(A)(ii)). Sec States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Im
tion 213(b)(3) of the CBERA (19 U.S.C. plementation Act (the “USSFTA Act") (19
2703(b)(3)) provides that the tariff treatment U.S.C. 3805 note), the staged reductions in
accorded at any time under the CBTPA to rates of duty that I determined to be nec
any article referred to in section 213(b)(1)(B) essary or appropriate to carry out or apply
through (F) of the CBERA (19 U.S.C. articles 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.12 of the USSFTA
2703(b)(1)(B) through (F)) that is a CBTPA and the schedule of reductions with respect
originating good shall be identical to the tariff to the Republic of Singapore set forth in
treatment that is accorded at such time under Annex 2B of the USSFTA. In order to ensure
Annex 302.2 of the NAFTA to an article de the continuation of such staged reductions
scribed in the same 8-digit subheading of the in rates of duty for originating goods under
HTS that is a good of Mexico and is imported tariff categories that are being modified to
into the United States. reflect the amendments to the Convention,
7. Pursuant to section 213(b) of the I have determined that additional modifica
CBERA, Proclamation 7351 included the tions to the HTS are necessary or appropriate
staged reductions in rates of duty that the to carry out the duty reductions previously
President determined to be necessary or ap proclaimed.
propriate to provide such identical tariff 10. Presidential Proclamation 7746 of De
treatment to CBTPA originating goods. In cember 30, 2003, implemented the United
order to ensure the continuation of the rates States-Chile Free Trade Agreement
of duty for imported goods under tariff cat (USCFTA) with respect to the United States
egories that are being modified to reflect the and, pursuant to section 201 of the United
amendments to the Convention, I have de States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Imple
termined that additional modifications to the mentation Act (the “CFTA Act") (19 U.S.C.
HTS are necessary or appropriate to carry 3805 note), the staged reductions in rates of
out the duty reductions previously pro duty that I determined to be necessary or
claimed. appropriate to carry out or apply articles 3.3
8. Presidential Proclamation 7512 of De (including the schedule of United States duty
cember 7, 2001, implemented the Agree reductions with respect to originating goods
ment Between the United States of America set forth in Annex 3.3 to the USCFTA), 3.7.
and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 3.9, and 3.20(8), (9), (10), and (11) of the
the Establishment of a Free Trade Area USCFTA. In order to ensure the continu
(JFTA), with respect to the United States ation of such staged reductions in rates of
and, pursuant to section 101 of the United duty for originating goods under tariff cat
States-Jordan Free Trade Area Implementa egories that are being modified to reflect the
tion Act (the “JFTA Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2112 amendments to the Convention, I have de
note), the staged reductions in rates of duty termined that additional modifications to the
that I determined to be necessary or appro HTS are necessary or appropriate to carry
priate to carry out the concessions set forth out the duty reductions previously pro
in Annex 2.1 to the JFTA. In order to ensure claimed.
the continuation of such staged reductions 11. Presidential Proclamation 7857 of De
in rates of duty for originating goods under cember 20, 2004, implemented the United
tariff categories that are being modified to States-Australia Free Trade Agreement
reflect the amendments to the Convention, (USAFTA) with respect to the United States
I have determined that additional modifica and, pursuant to section 201 of the United
tions to the HTS are necessary or appropriate States-Australia Free Trade Agreement Im
to carry out the duty reductions previously plementation Act (the “USAFTA Act") (19
proclaimed. U.S.C. 3805 note), the staged reductions in
9. Presidential Proclamation 7747 of De rates of duty that I determined to be nee
cember 30, 2003, implemented the United essary or appropriate to carry out or apply
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 29 2217

articles 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 of the USAFTA and duty for originating goods under tariff cat
the schedule of reductions with respect to egories that are being modified to reflect the
Australia set forth in Annex 2B of the amendments to the Convention, I have de
USAFTA. termined that additional modifications to the
12. Because the substance of the changes HTS are necessary or appropriate to carry
to the Convention will be reflected in slightly out the duty reductions previously pro
differing form in the national tariff schedules claimed.
of the parties to the USAFTA, the rules of 16. Presidential Proclamations 7987 of
origin set out in Annexes 4A and 5A of that February 28, 2006, 7991 of March 24, 2006,
Agreement must be changed to ensure that 7996 of March 31, 2006, and 8034 of June
the tariff and certain other treatment ac 30, 2006, implemented the Dominican Re
corded under the USAFTA to originating public-Central America-United States Free
goods will continue to be provided under the Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR Agreement)
tariff categories that are being modified to with respect to the United States and, pursu
reflect the amendments to the Convention. ant to section 201 of the Dominican Repub
The USAFTA parties have agreed to make lic-Central America-United States Imple
these changes. mentation Act (the “CAFTA-DR Act") (19
13. Section 203 of the USAFTA Act pro U.S.C. 4031), the staged reductions in rates
vides certain rules for determining whether of duty that I determined to be necessary
a good is an originating good for the purposes or appropriate to carry out or apply articles
of implementing tariff treatment under the 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.21, 3.26, 3.27, and 3.28, and
USAFTA. Section 203(o) of the USAFTA Act Annexes 3.3 (including the schedule of the
authorizes the President to proclaim the United States duty reductions with respect
rules of origin set out in the USAFTA and to originating goods), 3.27, and 3.28. In order
any subordinate tariff categories necessary to to ensure the continuation of such staged re
carry out the USAFTA. ductions in rates of duty for originating goods
14. I have determined that the modifica under tariff categories that are being modi
tions to the HTS proclaimed in this procla fied to reflect the amendments to the Con
mation pursuant to sections 201 and 203 of vention, I have determined that additional
the USAFTA Act are necessary or appro modifications to the HTS are necessary or
priate to ensure that the tariff and certain appropriate to carry out the duty reductions
other treatment accorded under the previously proclaimed.
USAFTA will continue to be given to origi 17. Presidential Proclamation 8039 of July
nating goods under tariff categories that are 27, 2006, implemented the United States
being modified to reflect the amendments Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (USBFTA)
to the Convention and to carry out the duty with respect to the United States and, pursu
reductions previously proclaimed. ant to section 201 of the United States-Bah
15. Presidential Proclamation 7971 of De rain Free Trade Agreement Implementation
cember 22, 2005, implemented the United Act (the “USBFTA Act”) (19 U.S.C. 3805
States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement note), the staged reductions in rates of duty
(USMFTA) with respect to the United States that I determined to be necessary or appro
and, pursuant to section 201 of the United priate to carry out or apply articles 2.3, 2.5,
States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement Im 2.6, 3.2.8, and 3.2.9, and the schedule of re
plementation Act (the “USMFTA Act") (19 ductions with respect to Bahrain set forth in
U.S.C. 3805 note), the staged reductions in Annex 2–B of the USBFTA. In order to en
rates of duty that I determined to be nec sure the continuation of such staged reduc
essary or appropriate to carry out or apply tions in rates of duty for originating goods
articles 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 4.1, 4.3.9, 4.3.10, 4.3.11, under tariff categories that are being modi
4.3.13, 4.3.14, and 4.3.15 of the USMFTA fied to reflect the amendments to the Con
and the schedule of reductions with respect vention, I have determined that additional
to Morocco set forth in Annex IV of the modifications to the HTS are necessary or
USMFTA. In order to ensure the continu appropriate to carry out the duty reductions
ation of such staged reductions in rates of previously proclaimed.
2218 Dec. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
18. Section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974, tion 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from
as amended (the “Trade Act”) (19 U.S.C. warehouse for consumption, on or after each
2483), authorizes the President to embody of the dates specified in section F of Annex
in the HTS the substance of the provisions II of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in
of that Act, and of other Acts, affecting im the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1–
port treatment, and actions thereunder, in Special subcolumn for each of the HTS sub
cluding the removal, modification, continu headings enumerated in section F of Annex
ance, or imposition of any rate of duty or II shall be deleted and the rate of duty pro
other import restriction. Section 1206(c) of vided in such section inserted in lieu thereof.
the 1988 Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. (3) In order to provide for the continuation
3006(c)), provides that any modifications of previously proclaimed staged duty reduc
proclaimed by the President under section tions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special sub
1206(a) of that Act may not take effect before column for goods under the terms of general
the thirtieth day after the date on which the note 17 to the HTS that are classifiable in
text of the proclamation is published in the the provisions modified by Annex I of Publi
Federal Register. cation 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, warehouse for consumption, on or after each
President of the United States of America,
of the dates specified in section H of Annex
acting under the authority vested in me by II of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in
the Constitution and the laws of the United
the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1–
States of America, including but not limited Special subcolumn for each of the HTS sub
to sections 1102 and 1206 of the 1988 Act,
section 214 of the CBERA, section 201 of headings enumerated in section H of Annex
II shall be deleted and the rate of duty pro
the NAFTA Implementation Act, section 111 vided in such section inserted in lieu thereof.
of the URAA, section 101 of the JFTA Act,
section 201 of the USSFTA Act, section 201 (4) In order to provide for the continuation
of the USCFTA Act, sections 201 and 203 of previously proclaimed staged duty reduc
of the USAFTA Act, section 201 of the tions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special sub
USMFTA Act, section 201 of the CAFTA— column for originating goods of Jordan under
DR Act, section 201 of the USBFTA Act, the JFTA that are classifiable in the provi
and section 604 of the Trade Act do proclaim sions modified by Annex I of Publication
that: 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from ware
(1) In order to modify the HTS to conform house for consumption, on or after each of
it to the Convention or any amendment the dates specified in section D of Annex II
thereto recommended for adoption, to pro of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in the
mote the uniform application of the Conven HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1–Special
tion, to establish additional subordinate tariff subcolumn for each of the HTS subheadings
enumerated in section D of Annex II shall
categories, and to make technical and con
forming changes to existing provisions, the be deleted and the rate of duty provided in
HTS is modified as set forth in Annex I of such section inserted in lieu thereof.
Publication 3898 of the United States Inter (5) In order to provide for the continuation
national Trade Commission, entitled, “Modi of previously proclaimed staged duty reduc
fications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule tions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special sub
of the United States Under Section 1206 of column for originating goods of Singapore
the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act under USSFTA that are classifiable in the
of 1988,” which is incorporated by reference provisions modified by Annex I of Publica
into this proclamation. tion 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from
(2) In order to provide for the continuation warehouse for consumption, on or after each
of previously proclaimed staged duty reduc of the dates specified in sections J of Annex
tions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special sub II of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in
column for originating goods of Mexico the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1–
under the NAFTA that are classifiable in the Special subcolumn for each of the HTS sub
provisions modified by Annex I of Publica headings enumerated in section J of Annex
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 29 2219

II shall be deleted and the rate of duty pro II shall be deleted and the rate of duty pro
vided in such section inserted in lieu thereof. vided in such section inserted in lieu thereof.
(6) In order to provide for the continuation (10) In order to provide for the continu
of previously proclaimed staged duty reduc ation of previously proclaimed staged duty
tions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special sub reductions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special
column for originating goods of Chile under subcolumn for originating goods under gen
USCFTA that are classifiable in the provi eral note 29 to the HTS that are classifiable
sions modified by Annex I of Publication in the provisions modified by Annex I of Pub
3898 and entered, or withdrawn from ware lication 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from
house for consumption, on or after each of warehouse for consumption, on or after each
the dates specified in sections C, K, and L of the dates specified in section G of Annex
of Annex II of Publication 3898, the rate of II of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in
duty in the HTS set forth in the Rates of the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1–
Duty 1–Special subcolumn for each of the Special subcolumn for each of the HTS sub
HTS subheadings enumerated in sections C, headings enumerated in section G of Annex
K, and L of Annex II shall be deleted and II shall be deleted and the rate of duty pro
the rate of duty provided in such section in vided in such section inserted in lieu thereof.
serted in lieu thereof. (11) In order to provide for the continu
(7) In order to provide for the continuation ation of previously proclaimed staged duty
of previously proclaimed staged duty reduc reductions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special
tions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special sub subcolumn for originating goods of Bahrain
column for originating goods of Australia under USBFTA that are classifiable in the
under USAFTA that are classifiable in the provisions modified by Annex I of Publica
provisions modified by Annex I of Publica tion 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from
tion 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after each
warehouse for consumption, on or after each of the dates specified in section B of Annex
of the dates specified in section A of Annex II of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in
II of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1–
the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1– Special subcolumn for each of the HTS sub
Special subcolumn for each of the HTS sub headings enumerated in section B of Annex
headings enumerated in section A of Annex II shall be deleted and the rate of duty pro
II shall be deleted and the rate of duty pro vided in such section inserted in lieu thereof.
vided in such section inserted in lieu thereof. (12) Any provisions of previous proclama
(8) In order to modify the rules of origin tions and Executive Orders that are incon
under the USAFTA to reflect the modifica sistent with the actions taken in this procla
tions to the HTS being made to conform it mation are superseded to the extent of such
to the Convention and to make certain con inconsistency.
forming changes, general note 28 to the HTS (13)(a) The modifications and technical
is further modified as provided in Annex III rectifications to the HTS set forth in Annexes
to Publication 3898. I and III to Publication 3898 shall be effec
(9) In order to provide for the continuation tive with respect to goods entered, or with
of previously proclaimed staged duty reduc drawn from warehouse for consumption, on
tions in the Rates of Duty 1–Special sub or after the later of (i) February 1, 2007, or
column for originating goods of Morocco (ii) the thirtieth day after the date of publica
under USMFTA that are classifiable in the tion of this proclamation in the Federal Reg
provisions modified by Annex I of Publica ister.
tion 3898 and entered, or withdrawn from (b) The modifications to the HTS set forth
warehouse for consumption, on or after each in Annex II to Publication 3898 shall be ef
of the dates specified in section E of Annex fective with respect to goods entered, or
II of Publication 3898, the rate of duty in withdrawn from warehouse for consumption,
the HTS set forth in the Rates of Duty 1– on or after the respective dates specified in
Special subcolumn for each of the HTS sub each section of such Annex for the goods de
headings enumerated in section E of Annex scribed therein.
222() Dec. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set set forth or referenced therein, and I have
my hand this twenty-ninth day of December, decided to designate Liberia as an eligible
in the year of our Lord two thousand six, sub-Saharan African country and as a bene
and of the Independence of the United ficiary sub-Saharan African country.
States of America the two hundred and thir 5. I further determine that Liberia satisfies
ty-first. the criterion for treatment as a “lesser devel

George W. Bush oped beneficiary sub-Saharan African coun

try” under section 112(b)(3)(B) of the
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, AGOA.
11:03 p.m., January 3, 2007] 6. Pursuant to sections 501 and 502(a) of
the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2461, 2462(a)), the
NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the
Federal Register on January 4, 2007. President is authorized to designate coun
tries as beneficiary developing countries and
to designate any beneficiary developing
Proclamation 8098–To Take country as a least-developed beneficiary de
Certain Actions Under the African veloping country, for purposes of the Gener
Growth and Opportunity Act and the alized System of Preferences (GSP) program.
Generalized System of Preferences 7. Section 502(b)(1)(C) of the 1974 Act (19
December 29, 2006 U.S.C. 2462(b)(1)(C)) specifies that Euro
pean Union Member States may not be des
| the President of the United States
of America
ignated as beneficiary developing countries
for purposes of the GSP.
8. Section 507(2) of the 1974 Act (19
A Proclamation
U.S.C. 2467(2)) provides that in the case of
1. Section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of an association of countries that is a free trade
1974, as amended (the “1974 Act”)(19 U.S.C. area or customs union, or that is contributing
2466a(a)(1)), as added by section 111(a) of to a comprehensive regional economic inte
the African Growth and Opportunity Act gration among its members through appro
(title I of Public Law 106–200)(AGOA), au priate means, the President may provide that
thorizes the President to designate a country members of such an association other than
listed in section 107 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C. members that are barred from designation
3706) as a “beneficiary sub-Saharan African under section 502(b) of the 1974 Act (19
country” if the President determines that the U.S.C. 2462(b)) shall be treated as one coun
country meets the eligibility requirements set try for purposes of the GSP.
forth in section 104 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C. 9. Pursuant to section 502 of the 1974 Act.
3703), as well as the eligibility criteria set and taking into account the factors set forth
forth in section 502 of the 1974 Act (19 in section 502(c)(19 U.S.C. 2462(c)), I have
U.S.C. 2462). determined that East Timor should be des
2. Section 104 of the AGOA authorizes the ignated as a beneficiary developing country
President to designate a country listed in sec under the GSP.
tion 107 of the AGOA as an “eligible sub 10. Pursuant to section 502 of the 1974
Saharan African country” if the President de Act, and having considered the factors set
termines that the country meets certain eligi forth in sections 501 and 502(c), I have also
bility requirements. determined that East Timor should be des
3. Section 112(b)(3)(B) of the AGOA (19 ignated as a least-developed beneficiary de
U.S.C. 3721(b)(3)(B)) provides special rules veloping country for purposes of the GSP.
for certain apparel articles imported from 11. In accordance with section
“lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan 502(b)(1)(C) of the 1974 Act, I have deter
African countries.” mined that Bulgaria and Romania may no
4. Pursuant to section 104 of the AGOA longer be designated as beneficiary devel
and section 506A(a)(1) of the 1974 Act, I oping countries for purposes of the GSP, ef
have determined that the Republic of Liberia fective for each of these countries when it
(Liberia) meets the eligibility requirements becomes a European Union Member State.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Dec. 29 2221

12. On June 29, 2005, I determined that (6) East Timor is designated as a least-de
currently qualifying members of the South veloped beneficiary developing country for
Asian Association for Regional Cooperation purposes of the GSP.
(SAARC) should be treated as one country (7) In order to reflect this designation in
for purposes of the GSP. In Proclamation the HTS, general note 4(b)(i) is modified by
7912 of that date, I added SAARC and the adding in alphabetical order “East Timor,”
currently qualifying countries to general note effective with respect to articles entered, or
4(a) to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule withdrawn from warehouse for consumption,
(HTS). Pursuant to section 507(2) of the on or after the sixty-fifth day after the date
1974 Act, I have determined that Afghanistan of this proclamation.
should be designated as a member of SAARC (8) Bulgaria and Romania shall no longer
for purposes of the GSP on the date that be designated as beneficiary developing
it becomes a SAARC member. countries for purposes of the GSP upon the
13. Section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. date that each country becomes a European
Union Member State. The United States
2483), as amended, authorizes the President
to embody in the HTS of the United States Trade Representative shall announce each
the substance of relevant provisions of that such date in a notice published in the Federal
Act, or other acts affecting import treatment, Register.
and of actions taken thereunder. (9) In order to reflect these changes in the
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, HTS, general note 4(a) to the HTS is modi
President of the United States of America, fied by deleting “Bulgaria” and “Romania”
acting under the authority vested in me by from the list entitled, “Independent Coun
the Constitution and the laws of the United tries,” effective for each of these countries
States of America, including but not limited with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn
to section 104 of the AGOA and title V and from warehouse for consumption, on or after
section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2461– the day on which that country becomes a Eu
67, 2483), do proclaim that: ropean Union Member State.
(10) Afghanistan is designated as a mem
(1) Liberia is designated as an eligible sub ber of the South Asian Association for Re
Saharan African country and as a beneficiary gional Cooperation (SAARC) for purposes of
sub-Saharan African country. the GSP on the date that it becomes a
(2) In order to reflect this designation in SAARC member. The United States Trade
the HTS, general note 16(a) to the HTS is Representative shall announce such date in
modified by inserting in alphabetical se a notice published in the Federal Register.
quence in the list of beneficiary sub-Saharan (11) In order to reflect this determination
African countries “Republic of Liberia,” ef in the HTS, general note 4(a) to the HTS
fective with respect to articles entered, or is modified by adding in alphabetical order
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, “Afghanistan” to the list entitled, “Member
on or after January 1, 2007. Countries of the South Asian Association for
(3) For purposes of section 112(b)(3)(B) Regional Cooperation (SAARC),” effective
of the AGOA, Liberia is a lesser developed with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn
beneficiary sub-Saharan African country. from warehouse for consumption, on or after
(4) East Timor is designated as a bene the day on which Afghanistan becomes a
ficiary developing country for purposes of the SAARC member.
GSP. (12) Any provisions of previous proclama
(5) In order to reflect this designation in tions and Executive Orders that are incon
the HTS, general note 4(a) to the HTS is sistent with the actions taken in this procla
modified by adding in alphabetical order mation are superseded to the extent of such
“East Timor” to the list entitled, “Inde inconsistency.
pendent Countries,” effective with respect to In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
articles entered, or withdrawn from ware my hand this twenty-ninth day of December,
house for consumption, on or after the twen in the year of our Lord two thousand six,
tieth day after the date of this proclamation. and of the Independence of the United
2222 Dec. 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
States of America the two hundred and thir Gen. Peter Pace, USMC, Chairman, Joint
ty-first. Chiefs of Staff, to discuss Iraq policy.
George W. Bush December 24

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, During the day, the President had several
11:03 a.m., January 3, 2007] Christmas Eve telephone conversations with
NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the members of the U.S. military.
Federal Register on January 4, 2007. December 25

In the morning, the President had an intel

Memorandum on Assignment of ligence briefing.
Function Under Section 721(k) of the December 26
Defense Production Act of 1950 In the morning, the President had an intel
December 29, 2006 ligence briefing. Later, he had a telephone
conversation with President Yoweri Kaguta
Memorandum for the Secretary of the Museveni of Uganda.
Treasury Later in the morning, the President and
Mrs. Bush traveled to the Bush Ranch in
Subject: Assignment of Function Under
Section 721(k) of the Defense Production Crawford, TX, arriving in the afternoon.
Act of 1950 In the evening, the President had a tele
phone conversation with former First Lady
By the authority vested in me by the Con Betty Ford.
stitution and the laws of the United States,
December 27
including section 301 of title 3, United States
Code, I hereby assign to you the function In the morning, the President had an intel
of the President under section 721(k) of the ligence briefing.
Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. December 28
. 2170(k)), for purposes of submitting
In the morning, the President had an intel
such report by February 28, 2007.
You are authorized and directed to publish ligence briefing.
The President announced that he has
this memorandum in the Federal Register.
George W. Bush named Maggie Grant as Deputy Assistant to
the President and Director of Intergovern
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, mental Affairs.
8:49 a.m., January 4, 2007] The President announced that he has
named Paul R. Eckert as Associate Counsel
NOTE: This memorandum will be published in the to the President.
Federal Register on January 5, 2007.
December 29

In the morning, the President had an intel

ligence briefing.
The White House announced that the
Digest of Other
White House Announcements President will welcome Chancellor Angela
Merkel of Germany to the White House on
January 4, 2007.
The following list includes the President's public The President declared a major disaster in
schedule and other items of general interest an Oregon and ordered Federal aid to supple
nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and ment State and local recovery efforts in the
not included elsewhere in this issue.
area struck by severe storms, flooding land
slides, and mudslides on November 5–S.
December 23
The President declared an emergency in
In the morning, at Camp David, MD, the Illinois and ordered Federal aid to supple
President had an intelligence briefing. ment State and local response efforts in the
During the day, the President met with area struck by record snow on November 30
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and through December 1.
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

The President declared a major disaster in Acts Approved

Missouri and ordered Federal aid to supple by the President
ment State and local recovery efforts in the
area struck by severe winter storms on No
vember 30 through December 2. Approved December 22
H.J.Res. 101 / Public Law 109—447
Appointing the day for the convening of the
first session of the One Hundred Tenth Con
Nominations gress
Submitted to the Senate
S. 214 / Public Law 109–448
United States-Mexico Transboundary Aqui
NOTE: No nominations were submitted to the fer Assessment Act
Senate during the period covered by this issue.
S. 362 / Public Law 109–449
Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and
Reduction Act

Checklist S. 707 / Public Law 109—450

of White House Press Releases Prematurity Research Expansion and Edu
cation for Mothers who deliver Infants Early
The following list contains releases of the Office
of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as S. 895 / Public Law 109–451
items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Rural Water Supply Act of 2006
Other White House Announcements.
S. 1096 / Public Law 109—452
Released December 26 Musconetcong Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press S. 1378 / Public Law 109–453
Secretary Scott M. Stanzel National Historic Preservation Act Amend
ments Act of 2006
Released December 27
S. 1529 / Public Law 109—454
Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press
Secretary Scott M. Stanzel City of Yuma Improvement Act
S. 1608 / Public Law 109–455
Released December 29
Undertaking Spam, Spyware, And Fraud En
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary:
forcement With Enforcers beyond Borders
President Bush To Welcome Chancellor Act of 2006
S. 21.25 / Public Law 109–456
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary an Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief,
nouncing that the President signed H.R. Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary:
S. 2150 / Public Law 109—457
African Growth and Opportunity Act
Eugene Land Conveyance Act
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on
disaster assistance to Oregon S. 2205 / Public Law 109—458
Blunt Reservoir and Pierre Canal Land Con
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on
disaster assistance to Illinois veyance Act of 2006
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on S. 2653 / Public Law 109–459
disaster assistance to Missouri Call Home Act of 2006
2224 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
S. 27.35 / Public Law 109—460 S.4042 / Public Law 109–464
To amend the National Dam Safety Program To amend title 18, United States Code, to
Act to reauthorize the national dam safety prohibit disruptions of funerals of members
program, and for other purposes or former members of the Armed Forces

S. 4091 / Public Law 109—465

S. 3421 / Public Law 109—461
Social Security Trust Funds Restoration Act
Veterans Benefits, Health Care, and Infor of 2006
mation Technology Act of 2006
S. 4092 / Public Law 109—466
S. 3546 / Public Law 109—462 To clarify certain land use in Jefferson Coun
Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription ty, Colorado
Drug Consumer Protection Act S. 4093 / Public Law 109—467
To amend the Farm Security and Rural In
S. 3821 / Public Law 109—463 vestment Act of 2002 to extend a suspension
Creating Opportunities for Minor League of limitation on the period for which certain
Professionals, Entertainers, and Teams borrowers are eligible for guaranteed assist
through Legal Entry Act of 2006 ance

Statements by the President Supplementary Materials

See also Bill Signings Acts approved by the President–2223
Checklist of White House press releases—
Deaths 2223
Former President Gerald R. Ford–2208 Digest of other White House
James Brown–2208 Nominations submitted to the Senate—2223






AE 2.101:43/ANNual-rnpEx FED-DOCS

Weekly Compilation of


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Annual Index
Volume 42
January–December 2006


MAR 272007
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List of Issues Covered by This Index

Number Date of Issue Pages Number Date of Issue Pages

l Jan. 9, 2006 1–22 27 July 10, 2006 1259–1299

2 Jan. 16, 2006 23–72 28 July 17, 2006 1301–1337
3 Jan. 23, 2006 73–98 29 July 24, 2006 1339–1377
4 Jan. 30, 2006 99–140 30 July 31, 2006 1379–1418
5 Feb. 6, 2006 141–189 31 Aug. 7, 2006 1419–1440
6 Feb. 13, 2006 191–229 32 Aug. 14, 2006 1441–1454
7 Feb. 20, 2006 231–281 33 Aug. 21, 2006 1455–1477
8 Feb. 27, 2006 283–345 34 Aug. 28, 2006 1479–1509
9 Mar. 6, 2006 347–396 35 Sept. 4, 2006 1511–1552
10 Mar. 13, 2006 397–452 36 Sept. 11, 2006 1553–1594
11 Mar. 20, 2006 453–493 37 Sept. 18, 2006 1595–1623
12 Mar. 27, 2006 495–560 38 Sept. 25, 2006 1625–1662
13 Apr. 3, 2006 561–626 39 Oct. 2, 2006 1663–1701
14 Apr. 10, 2006 627—667 40 Oct. 9, 2006 1703–1763
15 Apr. 17, 2006 669–718 41 Oct. 16, 2006 1765–1822
16 Apr. 24, 2006 719_750 42 Oct. 23, 2006 1823–1865
17 May 1, 2006 751—823 43 Oct. 30, 2006 1867–1906
18 May 8, 2006 825–861 44 Nov. 6, 2006 1907–1975
19 May 15, 2006 863–921 45 Nov. 13, 2006 1977–2040
20 May 22, 2006 923–963 46 Nov. 20, 2006 2041–2072
21 May 29, 2006 965–1036 47 Nov. 27, 2006 2073–2090
22 June 5, 2006 1037–1072 48 Dec. 4, 2006 2091–2118
23 June 12, 2006 1073–1115 49 Dec. 11, 2006 2119–21.46
24 June 19, 2006 1117–1167 50 Dec. 18, 2006 2147–2171
25 June 26, 2006 1169–1218 51 Dec. 25, 2006 2173–2206
26 July 3, 2006 1219–1257 52 January 1, 2007 2207–2224

Editor's Note: This annual index covers documents dated December 31, 2005–December 29, 2006.

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Annual Subject Index
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
ABC News–1591, 1863 African Growth and Opportunity Act of 2000–
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission— 682, 1141, 2161, 2220
226 African Union—l 11, 885, 886, 1335, 1372, 1636
Academic Competitiveness Council—449 Agriculture, Department of
Adoption Month, National—1929 Assistant Secretaries
Advancement of Colored People, National Asso Administration—138, 226
ciation for the (NAACP)–1366 Civil Rights—1113
Afghanistan Congressional Relations—279
Afghan military and security forces—7, 218, Commodity Credit Corporation—1164, 1254,
1690, 1691 1437, 1590, 2069
Counter-narcotics programs—1669 Forest Service—1906
Democracy efforts—7, 11, 105, 370, 372, 404, Under Secretaries
458, 533, 643, 1635, 1668, 1689
Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services—
Former regime—5, 93, 103, 154, 265, 331, 2069
527, 532, 533, 591, 1559, 1689, 1881, 2101 Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services—
Human and minority rights—541 1164
International assistance—218, 653, 1406,
1635, 1668, 1673, 1690
Marketing and Regulatory Programs—1254
Research, Education, and Economics—71
Judiciary—1691 Agriculture, legislation—1946
NATO, role–7, 497, 1903, 2095, 2101, 2102
President–369, 394, 858, 1070, 1105, 1508, AIDS. See HIV/AIDS; specific country or region
1621, 1659, 1664, 1668, 1669, 1677, 1688, Air and Space Museum, National. See Smithso
nian Institution
President Bush's visit—369, 372, 373, 394 Air Force, Department of the
Private organizations, assistance—530, 1862 57th Bomb Wing—1819
Reconstruction and infrastructure develop 60th anniversary—1828
ment—1691, 2102 Air Force Academy, U.S.–344
Assistant Secretaries
Relations with Pakistan—1673, 1674
Relations with U.S.—1677 Acquisition, Research, and Development—
Terrorist attacks–1540, 1668
U.S. Embassy, dedication—372 Manpower and Reserve Affairs—716
U.S. humanitarian assistance—201, 372–374, Thunderbirds air demonstration team—1820
888, 1669 United States Air Force Memorial—1828
U.S. military assistance—1668
U.S. military forces Hoover Public Safety Center in Hoover—
Casualties—137, 491, 665, 1264, 1508, 1699
1694, 1695, 2038, 2086 President's visits—734, 749, 1679, 1680, 1699
Deployment–7, 373, 404, 642, 775, 1221, Republican Party event—1680
1235, 1540, 1578, 1689–1691 Tuskegee University—734, 749
Women, status of 411 Unemployment rate—1681
Women's Council, U.S.-Afghan—410 Alaska, disaster assistance—1437, 1862, 1906,
Women's Teacher Training Institute—1631 2144
Africa Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects—
See also Developing countries; specific coun 1113
try Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month—
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief—2161 1507
HIV/AIDS epidemic, prevention and treat Alfalfa Club—186
ment—652, 683, 1047, 1075, 1275, 1370 Algeria, U.S. Ambassador—717
Malaria, prevention and treatment—2159– Al Qaida. See Terrorism
2161 Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, Na
Waivers and reports concerning—956 tional—1930
African American History Month, National— America Recycles Day—2053
136, 320 American. See other part of subject
A–2 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
“American Idol" finalists, meeting with Presi Armed Forces, U.S.–Continued
dent—1416 Service members—Continued
American Indian Heritage Month, National— Casualties—2, 19, 31, 222, 267, 343, 859.
1930 912, 919, 994, 1038, 1043–1045, 1265.
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, anni 1436, 1599, 1915, 2201, 2203
versary—1388 Citizenship requirements—564, 934, 1380.
Americas. See Central America; specific country 1381
Amtrak Reform Board—20, 961, 1760 Deployment—70, 131, 538, 733, 793, 932
Anadromous Fish Commission, North Pacific— 937, 953, 1081, 1160, 1262, 1430, 1432.
961 1441, 1444, 1603, 2089, 2174, 21Sl.
Antigua and Barbuda, U.S. Ambassador—1375 2182, 2207, 2222
ANWR. See Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Hispanic and Mexican American service
Appropriations. See Budget, Federal members—853, 1102, 1759
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Com Meetings with President–749, 820, 961,
pliance Access Board—961 1235, 1372, 1388, 1550, 2089. 2169, 2222
Archives and Records Administration, National Service and dedication—90, 497, 507, 532,
Archivist—546 540, 549, 771, 866, 1043–1045, 1264.
Charters of Freedom—76
1543, 1767, 1914, 2087, 2091, 2156, 21Sl
Emancipation Proclamation–76 Armenia
Historical Publications and Records Commis
sion, National—1475
Relations with Turkey—785
U.S. Ambassador–1034
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—789, 900, 1019 Armenian Remembrance Day—785
Arctic Research Commission, National—1374 Arms and munitions
Argentina, U.S. Ambassador–665
Arizona See also specific country
Disaster assistance—1591 Nuclear weapons and material
President's visits—951, 961, 1734, 1740, 1761 Nonproliferation efforts—1346, 1356, 1357.
1563, 1582, 1696, 2059, 2066
Republican Party event—1734
Yuma Sector Border Patrol Headquarters— Security—1345, 1346, 1356, 1357
961 Proliferation Security Initiative—1215, 1275.
Arkansas 1563, 1582, 1611, 2167
Disaster assistance—716 Weapons of mass destruction—1342, 1563.
President's visits—1530, 1550, 2011, 2039 1916, 1917
Republican Party events—1550, 2011 Army, Department of the
Armed Forces, U.S. 555th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion—206S
See also Defense, Department of Defense Army Special Operations Command, U.S.
and national security; specific military (USASOC)—1297
branch Assistant Secretary for Financial Manage.
All-Volunteer Force–89, 222, 647 ment—1437
Expansion—2182, 2185 Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio.
Funding—261, 525, 538, 554, 649, 650, 708, TX—2, 19
783, 841, 871, 1231, 1316, 1587, 1698, 1727 General Counsel—187
Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunities Military Academy, U.S.–278, 1037, 1038
Act—1070 Under Secretary–96
Humanitarian aid and relief missions—1914 Walter Reed Army Medical Center–1415.
International Criminal Court, exemption of 2201, 2203
U.S. troops—1708 Arts
Military families–1235, 1389, 1914, 2201, See also Smithsonian Institution
2203, 2207 “Children of Glory,” White House screen
Military Personnel Financial Services Protec ing—1973
tion Act—1699 Dance Theatre of Harlem—196, 225
National Guard—216, 217, 532, 932, 937, 953, Ford's Theatre Gala—1253
1081, 1430, 1432, 1441 “Glory Road,” White House screening—344
Private organizations, assistance—1221, 1265, “United 93.” White House screening–1070
1862, 2201, 2207 “Voyage to Kure,” White House screening–
Reorganization—131, 1041, 2167, 2185 665
Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act— Arts, National Council on the 1335, 1974
1070, 1538 Arts, National Endowment for the-1699
Service members Arts, National Medal of 1550, 2039
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–3

Asia Basic Pilot Program. See Homeland Security,

See also specific country Department of
Asia-Pacific clean energy and development Belarus
partnership—312, 2057 Blocking property of persons undermining
Defense relationship with U.S.–2059 democratic processes or institutions—1174,
Trade with U.S.–2056, 2057, 2074 1176

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)— Democracy efforts—393,561, 2100

1905, 2056, 2068, 2074, 2085, 2088, 2089 Government leaders, personal wealth—485
Asia Society—309 Persons threatening democratic transition,
Asian American and Pacific Islanders, Presi U.S. entry restrictions—927
U.S. Ambassador—1375
dent's Advisory Commission on–20, 917
Asian Nations, Association of Southeast Weapons and weapons-related technologies,
(ASEAN)—2088 sale or delivery—485
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month—825, Belgium
916 Congo, Democratic Republic of the, role—
Associated Press—1863, 1973
Prime Minister—77
Atlantic Tunas, International Commission for the Relations with U.S.—77
Conservation of 20
U.S. Ambassador—2143
Atomic Energy Agency, International (IAEA)— Belo Broadcasting—1906
193, 194 Benin
Attorney General. See Justice, Department of President–665, 2144, 2157, 2158
Australia U.S. Ambassador—919
Ambassador to U.S.—960
Big Brother and Big Sister of the Year Award—
Asia-Pacific clean energy and development 1416
partnership. See Asia Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—2160
Detainee at Guantanamo Bay—2065 Bioethics, President's Council on—492, 961
East Timor, role—1071 Black Music Month—1019, 1223
Free trade agreement with U.S.–2215 Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Pur
Iraq, role—2062, 2064 chase From People Who Are—858
Prime Minister–918, 927, 934, 935, 937, 941, Bloomberg News—1973
960, 1071, 1819, 2062, 2069 Board. See other part of subject
Relations with U.S.–927, 934, 935, 937, 941 Bolivia
U.S. Ambassador—451 President—187
War on terror, role—934, 935 U.S. Ambassador—1335
Austria Bosnia-Herzegovina, NATO Headquarters Sara
Austrian National Library in Vienna—1217 jevo, U.S. military forces, deployment—2176
Chancellor—1217 Boundary and Water Commission (U.S. and
Foreign students, meeting with President Mexico), International —2116
Bush—1205 Boy Scouts of America—1374
President—1217 Boys & Girls Clubs of America—1660
President Bush's visit—859, 1113, 1189, 1205, Boys and Girls Nation—1416
1216, 1217
U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President Drug interdiction efforts—1830
Bush–1217 President—1355, 1973
Avian influenza. See Diseases U.S. Ambassador—10.34

Aviation, air carrier insurance—220.1 Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National—

Awards. See Decorations, medals, and awards
Azerbaijan Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005–
1099, 1144
Iraq, role—809
President–716, 809 Broadcasting Board of Governors—2202
U.S. Ambassador—717 Budget, Federal
See also specific Federal agency or organiza
Bahrain, free trade agreement with U.S.–70, tion
1403 Amendments—142, 661, 1235, 1641
Balkans, Western. See Europe Appropriations
Bangladesh, U.S. Ambassador—20 Border security—959
Banks. See Development banks and funds Defense and national security—23, 1836,
Barbados, U.S. Ambassador—1374 1862
A—4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Budget, Federal–Continued California—Continued
Appropriations—Continued Cisco Systems, Inc., in San Jose–751
Defense, Department of 1703 Disaster assistance—187, 1112
District of Columbia–1706 George W. Bush Elementary School in Stock
Energy and water—1017 ton—1760
Homeland Security, Department of 1740, Governor—751
1742 Hoover Institution Fellows, meeting with
Hurricane Katrina, recovery–262, 794 President–750
Science, State, Justice, and Commerce De Levee repairs—780
partments—1249 Local officials, meeting with President–820
Supplemental—261, 485, 1049, 1056, 1129, Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San
| 158 Diego—1474
War on terror—1159 Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage
Congressional spending restraint—1, 15, 25, Wilderness Act—1836
82, 83, 132, 166, 208, 210, 211, 407, 408, President's visits—749–751, 761, 762, 766,
525, 554, 664, 696, 841, 842, 945, 948, 970, 768, 769, 819, 820, 1719, 1725, 1731, 1760,
978, 1004, 1067, 1220, 1231, 1239, 1317, 1761
1323, 1347, 1398, 1569, 1605, 1667, 1798, Republican Party events—1719, 1725, 1761
2173. 2183 U.S. Representative, retirement—409
Deficit—15, 82, 160, 213, 215, 224, 360, 487, Wildfires–1731, 1760, 1906
488, 649, 1053, 1317, 1319, 1323, 1347, Canada
1399, 1472, 1534, 1548, 1779, 1782, 1796, Afghanistan, role—610, 1270, 1271
1798 Counterterrorism efforts—1270
CTV 582
Fiscal year 2007 budget—213, 217,408, 525,
650, 696, 857, 956, 2036 Prime Minister–138, 450, 607, 610, 611, 619,
Government programs, spending reductions— 621, 625, 1034, 1270, 1298, 1761
208, 211, 212, 1667, 1798, 1818 Relations with U.S.–571, 576, 577, 582, 5S4.
Bulgaria, digital computers, U.S. exports—194 610, 619, 621, 622
Burma, U.S. national emergency, continuation— Trade with U.S.–577, 583, 610, 612, 615,
958, 959 807, 1271
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative—1271.
Business and industry
See also Commerce, international; Employ 1273, 1274
ment and unemployment; specific State or Cancer Advisory Board, National—1416
Cancer Control Month–604
Cancer Panel, President's—138, 961
Automobile industry—2051
Business leaders, meetings with President— Capital Planning Commission, National—2202
226, 625, 1278, 1298, 1665, 1905, 2051 Captive Nations Week–1358
Caribbean-American Heritage Month—1077
Counterfeiting—483 Catholic. See Roman Č. Church; Holy See
Manufacturing industry—1397, 1398
Railroad industry, labor disputes—1260, 2128 (Vatican City)
CBS News–138, 1590
Small and minority business—51, 61, 82, 88, Central America
99, 207, 250, 321, 548, 706–708, 710, 712,
839, 1369, 1451, 1465, 1759, 1796, 1797, See also Commerce, international; specific
1870, 1871, 1905, 1960, 1967, 1984, 1985, country
2038 Central American Free Trade Agreement,
Dominican Republic- (DR-CAFTA)—366,
Cabinet 561, 628, 992, 1252, 1425, 1890, 2127
See also specific position under Federal de Energy initiative—608
partment or executive branch agency Immigrants to U.S.–575, 773
Former members, meetings with President— Severe storms and mudslides, recovery ef.
8, 21, 915 forts—69, 71
Members, meetings with President—142, 328, Trade with U.S.–612
578, 1062, 1569, 2036 Central America Free Trade Agreement, Do
Cable News Network television—1298, 1659 minican Republic- (DR-CAFTA). See Central
CAFTA, DR-. See Central America; Commerce, America; Commerce, international
international Central Intelligence Agency—491, 857, SS3.
California 926, 1032, 1049, 1070, 1570, 1572–1575.
California Fuel Cell Partnership in West Sac 1596, 1603, 1608, 1613, 1627, 1646, 1676.
ramento–762, 819 1683, 1687, 1715, 1723, 1724, 1729, 1730.
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–5

Central Intelligence Agency—Continued Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation—

1738, 1739, 1747, 1832, 1833, 1846, 1847, 1254
1852, 1858, 1896 Cinco de Mayo–852
Chamber of Commerce, U.S.–1055 Citizen Corps. See Homeland Security, Depart
Character Counts Week, National—1823 ment of
Charter Schools Week, National—801 Civil Aviation Organization, International–71
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Civil rights
See also Human rights
Child Abuse Prevention Month, National—605 Civil Rights Museum, National, in Memphis,
Child Health Day—1687 TN—1366
Children and youth Freedom of religion—444,651, 875, 1102
See also Education; Law enforcement and Freedom of speech—444,678
Freedom of the press—435, 542
Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act Minorities
of 2006–1373, 1395
African-American civil rights movement—
AMBER Alert program—1396 76, 77, 197, 1366, 1392, 2046, 2047
“Child Custody Protection Act”—1387 Political participation—1367, 1368
Helping America's Youth Initiative—152, 184 Voting Rights Act of 1965–321, 816, 1222,
Junior 8 (J–8) project–1373 1371, 1391
Mentoring–164, 1839 Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and
Project Safe Childhood—1396 Amendments Act of 2006, Fannie Lou
Safe and Timely Interstate Placement of Fos Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott
ter Children Act of 2006–1297
Child's Day, National—1065
Chile Civil Rights Museum, National. See Civil rights
President–96, 394, 1071, 1104, 1113, 1117 Climate change. See Environment
Relations with U.S.—l 104, 1117, 1118
CNBC television–859, 1905
China CNN Espanol—579
CNN. See Cable News Network television
2008 Olympics in Beijing–745
Central Military Commission, Vice Chair Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act
man—1374 of 2006–1325

China, Congressional Executive Commission Coast Guard, U.S. See Homeland Security, De
on the People's Republic of 1475 partment of
Coastal Barrier Resources Reauthorization Act
Commercial products, exports from U.S., cer of 2005–1019
tification—1420, 2054
Democracy and human rights issues—112,
596, 597, 919 Free trade agreement—1505
Economic Dialogue, U.S.-China Strategic, es Illegal drugs, interdiction efforts—260
tablishment—1640 Narcotics traffickers, continuation of national
Economic reforms and growth–112, 113 emergency—1854, 1855
Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, President—259, 393, 1113, 1137, 1437, 2068
U.S.-China—716 Trade with U.S.–259, 260, 393, 1138
Nuclear energy–270 U.S. drug interdiction assistance–1471
President—l 12, 113, 557, 740, 741, 745, 749, Colorado
758, 1070, 1352, 1819, 2076, 2116 Mile High Coffee in Englewood—2038
Relations with Japan—680 President's visits—297, 309, 344, 1372, 1375,
Relations with Taiwan—741 1743, 1761, 1974, 1985, 2038
Relations with U.S.—112, 446, 679, 680, 740– Renewable Energy Laboratory, National, in
742, 744, 745, 1640, 2076 Golden–297, 344
State Councilor—1819 Republican Party events—1375, 1743, 1985
Trade and economic practices—112,446, 680, Columbus Day—1756
712, 743, 758 Combating Autism Act of 2006–2182
Trade with U.S.–740, 741, 744, 2076 Commerce, Department of
Vice Premier—716 Assistant Secretaries
Chinese Leadership Program Fellows–1112 Communications and Information—858
Christian Broadcasting Network—1973 Export Administration—1335
Christmas and winter holidays—2121, 2140, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs—
2144, 2169, 2170, 218.1, 2201–2203, 2207, 344, 1254
2222 Oceans and Atmosphere—1698
A–6 Administration of George W. Bush, 2005
Commerce, Department of Continued Comoros
Standards and Technology, National Institute President–1034
of-174 U.S. military assistance—2088
Under Secretary for Economic Affairs—1437 Competitiveness Initiative, American—150, 163
Commerce, international 177, 180, 191–193, 233, 241, 353, 760, 767,
See also specific country or region 965, 1296, 1301, 1401
Central American Free Trade Agreement, Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Dominican Republic- (DR-CAFTA)—366, Belgian assistance—77
561, 628, 992, 1252, 1425, 1890, 2127 Blocking property of persons contributing to
Certain pharmaceuticals and chemical inter the conflict—1933, 1935
mediates, elimination of tariffs—2213 President—2143, 2144
Doha Development Agenda. See Developing Congo, Republic of the
countries President–918, 1070, 1074
Export controls, U.S. national emergency— Sudan, role—1075
1435 Congress
Free and fair trade—18, 85, 110, 149, 160, Bipartisanship—145, 148, 2025, 2028, 2029.
172, 180, 241, 311, 350, 390, 442, 544, 577, 2031, 2032, 2126, 2128, 2132, 2184, 2186.
597, 712, 722, 897, 971, 1279, 1304, 1402, 2.192
1424, 1463, 1556, 1588, 2051, 2055, 2056, China, Congressional Executive Commission
2074, 2188 on the People's Republic of 1475
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)— cºfpicnic–1162, 1164
323, 1251, 2220 Ethics—129, 151, 164, 545, 1890
Group of Eight (G-8) nations—1112, 1306, House of Representatives
1307, 1346, 1352, 1373, 1374, 1379, 1452 Majority leader-elect—2037
Harmonized Tariff Schedule, U.S., modifica Speaker—960
tion—2215 Speaker-elect—2027, 2037
Industrial designs, international registration Members, meetings with President—137. 138.
of-2051 226, 279, 450, 482, 491, 625, 665, 794, 820,
Intellectual property rights—483, 2051 845, 858, 1112, 1253, 1335, 1359, 1415,
North American Free Trade Agreement 1436, 1437, 1698, 2039, 2069, 2128, 214]
(NAFTA)—1088, 1425, 1800 2144
Patent Law Treaty—1568 Page ſº 1793
Search warrant on U.S. Representative's of.
Trade promotion authority—1141
Commission. See other part of subject fice, execution—1017, 1018
Commodity Credit Corporation. See Agriculture, Senate
Department of Assistant majority leader-elect—2042
Commodity Futures Trading Commission— Majority leader—960
1164, 2143 Majority leader-elect—2042
Communications Senate Youth Program, U.S.—450
See also specific news organization, State, or Connecticut
country Disaster assistance—858
Interception. See Terrorism President's visits—633, 665, 1698
News media Republican Party event—1698
Arabic media–10 Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitu.
Freedom of the press—435, 542 tion Week—1606
Presidential interviews—138, 306, 316, 324, Consumer Week, National—191
345, 348, 350, 432, 571, 579, 582, 666, Corporation. See other part of subject
859, 867, 874, 918, 961, 1163, 1297, Costa Rica
1298, 1306, 1436, 1475, 1508, 1550, Education, reforms—2127
1590, 1591, 1621, 1659, 1699, 1862, President–858, 2089, 2127
1863, 1905, 1973, 2143, 2144, 2169, 2202 Relations with U.S.—2127
White House Correspondents' Associa Cote d'Ivoire, blocking property of certain per
tion—858 sons contributing to the conflict—197, 199
Television broadcast standards—1145 Cox Broadcasting—1973
Communications Commission, Federal—187, Credit Rating Agency Reform Act—1699
820, 1145 Crime Victims' Rights Week, National—759
Community Development Advisory Board—1217 Crime. See Law enforcement and crime
Community Service, Corporation for National Criminal Court, International. See Armed
and—20, 450, 1437, 2039 Forces, U.S.
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–7

Croatia Decorations, medals, and awards

European Union, membership bid–1835 Arts, National Medal of 1550, 2039
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, member Big Brother and Big Sister of the Year
ship bid–1835 Award—1416
Prime Minister—1699, 1835 Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2006 Youth
Relations with U.S.—1835 of the Year finalists—1660
U.S. Ambassador—821 Democracy, National Endowment for, De
Cuba mocracy Award—1233
Anchorage and movement of vessels, emer Environmental Youth Awards, President's—
gency authority—39, 40
Cuba, Commission for Assistance to a Free— Humanitarian Medals, National—2039
1297, 1304 John Thompson Legacy of a Dream Award—
Cuban Independence Day—965
Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity MATHCOUNTS National Competition
(LIBERTAD) Act of 1996–78, 1354 Awards—960
Democracy efforts—1304, 1434, 1448 Mathematics and Science Teaching, Presi
dential Award for Excellence in—859
Guantanamo Bay, U.S. Naval Base, detention
of alleged terrorists—66, 870, 871, 1106, Medal of Honor—2044, 2068, 2091
1128, 1192, 1244, 1245, 1282, 1283, 1570, Nobel Prize—1838
1574, 1596 Preserve America Presidential Awards—830
President–777, 1343, 1448 Presidential Medal of Freedom—2162
Czech Republic, U.S. Ambassador—1335 Principals of the Year, National and Distin
D.A.R.E. Day, National–669 Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor—491
Deaths Purple Heart Medal–19, 1415, 1436, 2203
Basayev, Shamil–1313 Science and Technology, National Medals
Bentsen, Lloyd–1002 of-232
Bradley, Ed—2041 Scientists and Engineers, 2005 Presidential
Brown, James—2208 Early Career Awards for—1416
Cruz, Mary—2092 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Free
Ecevit, Bulent, former Prime Minister of Tur dom Award—1660
key—2039 Spelling Bee champion, Scripps National—
Favela, Steve—2092 1660
Ford, Gerald R.—2208–2211, 2222 Teachers of the Year, National and State—
Friedman, Milton—2067 798
Gemayel, Pierre, Minister of Industry of Leb Volunteer Service Award, President's—322,
anon—2086 916
Hashimoto, Ryutaro, former Prime Minister Defense and national security
of Japan—1437 See also Armed Forces, U.S.; Defense, De
Jimenez, Aleena—2092 partment of Terrorism
King, Coretta Scott–144, 145, 195, 196, 225 Border security—48, 49, 119, 161, 275, 344,
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J-2142 514, 528, 565, 573, 574, 581, 583, 607, 608,
Lee Jong-wook—996 613, 615, 617, 618, 620, 622, 772, 931, 932,
Madla, Frank—2092 937, 938, 948, 952–954, 959, 961, 982, 990,
Meri, Lennart, former President of Estonia— 1058, 1080, 1085, 1093, 1271, 1273, 1430–
557 1432, 1437, 1441, 1442, 1611, 1740, 1741,
Montgomery, G.V. “Sonny”—917,924 1795, 1816, 1891, 1892
Nelson, J. Byron, Jr.—1674 Classified information—2189, 2190
O'Neil, John J. “Buck"—1767 Container Security Initiative—1426, 1605
Penalver Mazorra, Eusebio-927 Customs-Trade Partnership Against Ter
Richards, Ann–1605, 1617 rorism—1605, 1817
Rugova, Ibrahim, President of Kosovo–120, Intelligence—9, 108, 399, 506, 653, 679, 884,
138 911, 926, 1466, 1570–1573, 1578, 1580,
Schembechler, Glenn E. “Bo”—2075 1596, 1608, 1610, 1627, 1654, 1676, 1683,
Sheikh Jabir al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah, Amir 1687, 1693, 1716, 1723, 1724, 1729, 1730,
of Kuwait—78, 225 1738, 1739, 1747, 1781, 1811, 1832, 1833,
Weinberger, Caspar—582 1846, 1852, 1858, 1859, 1874, 1896
Zarqawi, Abu Musab Al–1100, 1107, 1108, Intelligence Estimate, National—1670, 1671,
1110, 1111, 1113, 1118, 1120, 1121 1684–1686, 1694, 1706
A–8 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Defense and national security—Continued Defense, Department of Continued
Maritime Transportation Security Act—1816 Deputy Secretary—20
National Security Language Initiative—9–11 Employer Support Freedom Award–1660
National Security Strategy—485 Funding–1641, 1698, 1703
Port and shipping security—306–309, 329, Improvised Explosive Device Joint Center of
364, 365, 438, 819, 854, 1426, 1427, 1605, Excellence—462
1816, 1817 Inspector General–1070
“Port Security Improvement Act of 2006"— Joint Chiefs of Staff—70, 2222
1605 Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Or.
SAFE Port Act—1815, 1817 ganization—454, 456, 462, 463
Surface transportation security—2124 North America Aerospace Defense Command
War on terror—5, 9, 20, 31, 40, 41, 45, 104– (NORAD)–1271
106, 125, 138, 146, 148, 154, 155, 218– Operation Jump Start—1432, 1441
220, 222, 262, 264–266, 279, 285, 331, 333, Operational Test and Evaluation Director–
337, 353, 355, 359, 370, 373, 378, 391, 424, 1254
428, 437, 441, 444, 486, 496, 504, 509, 520, Pacific Command, U.S.—2085, 2086, 2089
522, 526, 531–533, 538, 543, 551–553, 568, Secretary—8, 21, 91, 96, 142, 344, 491, 522
78, 579, 641–643, 653, 654, 675, 696, 733, 715, 724, 829, 859, 1254, 1297, 1374, 1416,
761, 770, 771, 782, 792, 846, 859, 876, 877, 1437, 1456, 1475, 1621, 1659, 1884, 1905.
912, 919, 946, 966, 976, 984, 992, 1011, 1973, 2024, 2025, 2027, 2033, 2037, 2039.
1027, 1031, 1037, 1039–1042, 1051, 1110, 2044, 2045, 2124, 2128, 2144, 2166, 2169.
1111, 1123, 1132, 1136, 1178, 1179, 1185, 2179, 2182, 2202, 2211, 2222
1236, 1264, 1280, 1288, 1294, 1321, 1426, Senior officials, meeting with President—2153
1446, 1450, 1455, 1460, 1462, 1463, 1466, Stars and Stripes newspaper—1297
1467, 1475, 1489, 1490, 1530, 1532, 1538, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board—1590
1539, 1542, 1545, 1553, 1558, 1560, 1561, Defense Transportation Day, National, and Na.
1564, 1569, 1570, 1574–1576, 1581, 1585, tional Transportation Week—923
1596–1598, 1602, 1603, 1608, 1609, 1619, Deficit Reduction Act of 2005–213, 215, 1399
1644, 1649, 1656, 1664, 1668–1670, 1672, Delaware, disaster assistance—1297
1676, 1677, 1679, 1683, 1684, 1686, 1688, Democracy, National Endowment for—410.
1689, 1691–1694, 1706, 1715, 1716, 1721, 1142, 1233
1724, 1727, 1731, 1737, 1739, 1745, 1748, Democratization. See Foreign policy, U.S.
1767, 1779, 1789, 1793, 1810, 1812, 1829, Denmark
1831–1833, 1846–1848, 1852, 1857, 1859, Iraq, role—1105
1868, 1874, 1875, 1880, 1887, 1895–1897, Prime Minister—226, 750, 1105, 1113
1901, 1902, 1910, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1920, Relations with U.S.—1106
1921, 1926, 1927, 1940, 1941, 1948, 1949, Taxation Convention, Denmark-U.S.—1709
1954, 1956, 1961, 1963, 1968, 1969, 1980, Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal–278,
1981, 1988, 1989, 1995, 1997, 2002–2004, 858
2007, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2018–2020, 2029, Deposit Insurance Reform Conforming Amend
2043, 2045, 2058, 2075, 2085, 2101, 2102, ments Act of 2005, Federal—279
2111, 2131, 2134, 2152, 2166, 2175, 2182, Developing countries
2185, 2187 See also Development banks and funds; spe
Defense Appropriations Act, 2007, Department cific country or region
of-1703 Debt relief–1118
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006, Democratic transformation—1142
National—23 Doha Development Agenda–390, 682, 1141,
Defense, Department of 1306, 1329, 1355, 1402, 1425, 2056, 2142.
See also Armed Forces, U.S.; Defense and 2188
national security; specific military branch Global Development Alliance—1144
America Supports You program—451, 1221, Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People
1265, 2207 (HELP) Around the Globe Commission—
Assistant Secretaries 138, 1217
Legislative Affairs—1216 Millennium Challenge Accounts—592, 682.
Public Affairs—20 683, 698, 1140, 1143, 1270, 2058. 2079,
Assistant to the Secretary for Nuclear and 2157, 2161
Chemical and Biological Defense Pro Private sector aid—1144
grams—1415, 2144 Trade and economic growth–992, 1140.
Defense Policy and Programs Team–1456 1141, 1191, 2195
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–9

Developing countries–Continued Disaster assistance—Continued

U.S. assistance—l 140, 1142, 1143, 1631 North Dakota—20, 1112
U.S. military assistance—883 Ohio–1297, 1429, 1437
Development banks and funds Oklahoma—70, 716
See also Developing countries; World Bank Oregon—557, 2222
African Development Fund–1335 Pennsylvania—1255
Asian Development Bank–1659 Philippines, severe mudslides, U.S. assist
Asian Development Fund–1335 ance—344
Development Fund for Iraq–957, 958 South Carolina—97
European Bank for Reconstruction and De South Dakota—ll 12
velopment—1335 Tennessee—665
Inter-American Development Bank–1118, Texas–70, 1474
1335 Virginia–1336, 1660
International Bank for Reconstruction and Washington–961, 2169
Development—1335 Diseases
Development, U.S. Agency for International— See also HIV/AIDS
96, 1374, 1550, 1863 Avian influenza—491, 613, 620, 621, 1508,
Diabetes Month, National—1931 2057, 2066, 2074, 2079, 2084, 2089
Disability Employment Awareness Month, Na Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
tional—1733 Malaria—74, 2160, 2161
Disability, National Council on–918 Influenza viruses and quarantinable commu
Disaster assistance nicable diseases—620, 621
See also Natural disasters; specific State, coun Malaria—1508, 2157, 2158
try, or executive branch agency SARS virus—2057
Alº,"; 1862, 1906, 2144 District of Columbia
Arizona–1591 Archbishop of Washington—1374
Arkansas–716 “District of Columbia Fair and Equal House
California—187, 1112 Voting Rights Act of 2006"—2029, 2030
Central America, severe storms and D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program—1753
mudslides, private sector aid–69 Federal appropriations—1706
Connecticut—858 FedEx Express DCA Facility—1761
Delaware—1297 Georgetown University–76
Hawaii–859, 1862 Judicial Nomination Commission—1297
Hurricane Katrina Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority—
Federal assistance—56, 58–60, 62, 95, 127, 1070
128, 152, 164, 205, 262, 415, 443, 517, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced Inter
525, 650, 806, 817, 1367, 1487, 1488, national Studies—671
1504, 1512–1517, 1519, 1522, 1523, 1525 Republican Party events—567, 1698
International assistance—607 U.S. Circuit Judge—1032, 1064
Private sector aid—56, 95, 164, 442, 531, Urban Trust Bank–1870, 1905
1515, 1517, 1523, 1526, 1538, 1550 Walter Reed Army Medical Center–1415,
Idaho-393 2201, 2203
Illinois—625, 2222 Woodridge Elementary and Middle Cam
Indiana—1761 pus–1750, 1761
Indonesia, earthquake, U.S. assistance—1044 Djibouti, U.S. Ambassador–918
Kansas–138, 716 Doha Development Agenda. See Developing
Louisiana—1254, 1974 countries
Maine—345, 1034 Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Na
Maryland—1297 tional–1704
Massachusetts—1034 Dominica, U.S. Ambassador—1375
Minnesota—20, 1112 Dominican Republic
Mississippi—450, 1254 Central America Free Trade Agreement, Do
Missouri–491, 665, 1375, 1974, 2223 minican Republic-. See Central America;
Nebraska—138 Commerce, international
Nevada—187 Economic growth–1890
New Hampshire—1034 President—1819, 1890
New Jersey—1298 Donate Life Month, National—606
New Mexico—1551 DR-CAFTA. See Central America; Commerce,
New York–1297, 1862, 1905, 2169 international
A–10 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Drug abuse and trafficking Education—Continued
See also specific country Gulf Coast School Library Recovery Initia
Foreign narcotics traffickers—1066 tive—1520, 1524
Illicit drug production and transit countries— High schools, improvement efforts–1843
1627 Higher education leaders, meeting with Presi.
Interdiction efforts—48, 324, 1770, 1830, dent—2202
1890 Literacy initiatives—28, 163, 1630, 1631
Methamphetamine, production and distribu Local control of schools—29, 30, 1840
tion, efforts to combat—425, 1239, 1960, Magnet schools—1839
Math and science programs—51, 151, 163.
Drug Control Policy, Office of National–749 175, 176, 179, 182, 206, 233, 264, 355, 543.
Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 727–729, 738, 739, 753, 754, 779, 800, S45.
2006, Office of National—2212 897, 973, 974, 1005, 1296, 1401, 1754, 1842
Drug-Free Communities, Advisory Commission Math Now program—729, 739
on—450, 1699 Minority students—321, 1368, 1759
Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, National Mathematics Advisory Panel–729.
National—2119 731, 739, 974
East Timor No Child Left Behind Act—16, 17, 26–28.
Ethnic conflict—1071 50, 86, 175, 181, 182, 211, 264, 321, 361,
International assistance—1071 431, 446, 447, 512, 556, 727, 728, 737, 73S.
U.S. assistance—2220 753, 768, 778, 779, 799, 844, 972, 973.
Easter—714 1005, 1172, 1279, 1292, 1324, 1368, 1400,
Economic Advisers, Council of 186, 278, 406, 1535, 1588, 1644, 1749, 1751–1753, 1765.
1471, 1475 1838–1842, 1908, 1918, 1924, 1938, 2028.
Economy, international. See Commerce, inter
national Opportunity scholarships—1754, 1842
Parental involvement—28, 50, 726, 1368, 1774
Economy, national
See also Budget, Federal, Employment and Public School Choice Program—1754
School safety—1725, 1744, 1751, 1765, 1770.
unemployment; specific State
Capital investment—387, 1284, 1304 1774, 1776
Improvement—1, 12, 13, 81, 83, 100, 125, Secondary education
134, 154, 159, 170, 171, 179, 203, 204, 213, Community colleges—17, 18, 52, 86, 184.
224, 240, 263, 284, 289, 333, 354, 360, 407, 756, 913, 966, 1092, 1279, 1293, 1555
430, 435, 482, 487, 517, 526, 553, 554, 569, Historically Black Colleges and Univer
633, 649, 663, 664, 706, 783, 787, 811, 831, sities—1369
839, 857, 881, 943, 947, 969, 978, 984, Loans—117, 210, 215, 509
1004, 1012, 1017, 1026, 1045, 1056, 1067, Pell grants—17, 117, 509, 739, 740, 754,
1186, 1220, 1229, 1238, 1278, 1292, 1301, 779, 974, 1005, 1369
1303, 1316, 1347, 1398, 1451, 1471, 1472, Standards and school accountability—27–29.
1475, 1479, 1534, 1548, 1549, 1616, 1720, 50, 51, 175, 285, 447, 512, 555, 556, 728.
1726, 1735, 1745, 1757, 1761, 1779, 1782, 897, 1368, 1465, 1648, 1682, 1745, 1752–
1789, 1796, 1809, 1851, 1857, 1871, 1905, 1754, 1759, 1773, 1840, 1843
1907, 1909, 1919, 1925, 1939, 1947, 1953, Supplemental Service Initiative—1752
1961, 1967, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1994, 2001, Teacher Incentive Fund—1754, 1842
2007, 2143, 2173. 2183, 2187. 2.194 Teachers—17, 799, 1754, 1774, 1838
Strengthening efforts—386, 407, 509, 517, Tutoring, funding—1754
664, 685, 811, 1472, 1475, 1480, 1757, Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.—660
1761, 1905, 2194 Education, Department of
Education Acting Under Secretary–96
See also specific State Assistant Secretaries
Advanced Placement programs—163, 176, Communications and Outreach–1591
182, 191, 233, 728, 738, 754, 779, 973, Postsecondary Education—859
1296, 1400, 1755, 1843 Vocational and Adult Education—918
Corporate involvement—182 Chief Financial Officer—450, 820
D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program—1753 Higher Education, Commission on the Future
Federal funding—29, 211 of-1674
Foreign exchange programs—10, 11, 1206, Secretary—1621
1383 Under Secretary—1550
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A—ll

Egypt Energy—Continued
Democracy efforts—598 Gasoline, oil, and natural gas costs—
Elections—598 Continued
President–820, 1336, 1863, 2116 812, 815, 843, 845, 871, 898–900, 991,
Terrorist attacks in Dahab–782, 820 1006, 1026, 1310, 1487, 1588, 1679, 1727,
Eid al-Adha—25 1736, 1802, 1803, 1845
Eid al-Fitr—1870 Local fuel requirements, waiver—788
El Salvador National energy plan—15, 16, 1188, 1309,
President–71, 226, 345, 1112, 1659 1401, 1535, 1643, 1727, 1736, 1803, 1807,
U.S. Ambassador—1508 1809, 1845, 1850, 1909, 1918, 1924, 1938,
Election Assistance Commission, U.S.–1621, 1946, 1960, 1966, 1978, 1994, 2001, 2183,
2144 2187. 2192, 2.194
Election Commission, Federal—20 Natural gas—1806
Nuclear energy—288, 294, 295, 379, 872,
See also specific State 1008–1010, 1310, 1401, 1807, 2057
2006 congressional elections—412, 521, 946, Oil supply and refining—788, 789, 1284,
1131, 1285, 1490, 1491, 1616, 1642, 1735, 1643, 1803, 1806
1789, 1790, 1793, 1848, 1853, 1854, 1887– Renewable Energy Conference, National—
1889, 1893, 1904, 1907, 1908, 1918, 1924, 1802
1945, 1946, 1952, 1959, 1960, 1966, 1978, Energy Awareness Month, National–1813
1986, 1994, 2000, 2006, 2012, 2017, 2018, Energy, Department of
2022–2024, 2026–2028, 2031, 2032, 2036, Advanced Energy Initiative—150, 288, 291,
2037, 2039, 2042, 2044, 2062, 2069 293, 353, 377, 450, 488, 760, 789, 1057,
2008 Presidential election—683 2.194
Emergency Management Agency, Federal. See Assistant Secretaries
Homeland Security, Department of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reli
Employment and unemployment ability—1698
See also Economy, national; specific State Nuclear Energy—278
Job creation and growth–12, 24, 83, 149, Energy Regulatory Commission, Federal—
170, 179, 181, 204, 707, 1316, 1398, 1759, 450, 1113
1797, 2143 Natural gas technology program—212
Job training programs—16, 85, 86, 1279, 1555 Nuclear Security Administration, National—
Minimum wage increase—2183,2184 138, 919
Unemployment rate—204, 1316, 1319, 1398, Science, Office of 174
1424, 1555, 1797, 2143 Energy Regulatory Commission, Federal. See
Energy Energy, Department of
See also Environment; specific State Engineering Companies, American Council of
Alternative and renewable sources and tech 838
nologies—85, 150, 162, 163, 172, 173, 180, England. See United Kingdom
183, 185, 205, 242, 263, 270–272, 284, 290– Environment
293, 295–297, 307, 344, 355, 361, 431, 436, See also Energy
479, 488, 538, 539, 555, 570, 594, 608, 613, Climate change—593, 1222
620, 633, 634, 657, 697, 713, 752, 763– Environmentally friendly technologies—479,
766, 784, 788, 790, 791, 815, 872, 898, 899, 746, 763, 995, 1006, 1806, 2057, 2063
950, 971, 972, 979, 991, 992, 1006, 1013, Kyoto Protocol—479, 593, 594, 872
1188, 1239, 1284, 1293, 1306, 1309, 1402, Pollution prevention and cleanup efforts—763
1535, 1548, 1555, 1588, 1679, 1680, 1682, Wetlands conservation and expansion—763
1719, 1736, 1778, 1803–1805, 1807, 1899, Environmental Cooperation, Commission for
1946, 2051, 2057, 2063, 2074, 2079, 2081, 820
2187. Environmental Protection Agency–96, 393, 395,
Boutique fuels—789 624, 1436
Coal and clean coal technologies—85, 294, Environmental Youth Awards, President's—745
539, 1806, 1807 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission—
Developing countries, energy sources—1309, 624, 1550, 1591, 1621
1402 Equitorial Guinea, U.S. Ambassador—1254
Domestic sources—1007, 1806, 21.49 Estonia
Electricity—1007, 1008, 1013 Afghanistan, role—2094
Gasoline, oil, and natural gas costs—61, 293, Democracy promotion efforts in Europe—
294, 657, 723, 724, 764, 768, 784, 787, 807, 2095
A–12 Administration of George W. Bush, 200
Estonia—Continued Faith-based and community organizations
Democracy proponents, meeting with Presi Charitable choice legislation—422
dent Bush—2093 Government funding—94, 273, 335, 336,412.
Estonian military forces, casualties—2094 4.17, 420, 421, 423, 541, 979, 1370, 1535,
Extradition Treaty, U.S.-Estonia—1710 1588, 1589, 2030
Former President—557 Programs and services—273, 355, 418, 421–
National Opera House in Tallinn–2116 423, 512, 541, 1535, 1727, 2030
President–2094, 2098, 2116 Family Caregivers Month, National—1932
President Bush's visit—1591, 2093, 2094, Family Day—1663
2098, 2115, 2116 Family Week, National—2061
Prime Minister—2093 Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta
Taxation system—2094 Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization
U.S. Ambassador—2143 and Amendments Act of 2006. See Civil rights
U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President Farm-City Week, National—2036
Bush—2116 Farm Credit Administration—1437
Visa policy, U.S.–2095 Farm Safety and Health Week, National—1625
Ethics, Office of Government—278 Father's Day—1090
Ethiopia, U.S. Ambassador—1591 FBI. See Justice, Department of
Europe Federal. See other part of subject
See also specific country Federal Funding Accountability and Trans
Cooperative threat reduction funds, usage— parency Act of 2006–1601, 1666
1033 FEMA. See Homeland Security, Department of
European Union Fetus Farming Prohibition Act—1362
Democratization and human rights, joint FFA. See Future Farmers of America Organiza
European-U.S. agenda—1197 tion, National
Finland-U.S. Taxation Convention—1709
Energy and the environment, joint Euro
Fire Prevention Week—1756
pean-U.S. agenda—1202
Energy cooperation with U.S.–1191 Fish commissions. See specific organization
European Commission President—2170 Flag Day and National Flag Week–1089
Extradition Agreement, U.S.-EU–1678 Flag, U.S.
Global challenges, joint European-U.S. Desecration ban, proposed constitutional
agenda—1200 amendment—1234, 1538
Iraq, role–l 190 Freedom to Display the American Flag Act
of 2005–1382, 1415
Leaders, meetings with President Bush—
1189, 1217 Flood Insurance Program, National—549
Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement, U.S.-
EU–1677 Coast Guard Integrated Support Command
U.S., in Miami–1436
Relations with U.S.–77, 1197
Summit with U.S.–859, 1113, 1189, 1197,
1217 Hurricane Center, National, in Miami–1435
Trade and economic growth, joint Euro Job creation and growth–1424
pean-U.S. agenda—1201 Miami community leaders, meeting with
U.S. Representative—96 Mission San Luis—830
Western Balkans, role—l 191
Prophet Mohammed depictions, reaction— Offshore drilling, restrictions—1643
Port of Miami–1422, 1427
202, 226, 315, 316
President's visits—71, 262, 279, 283, 888, S89
Relations with Arab States—877
901, 918, 1422, 1427, 1435, 1436, 1641.
Relations with U.S.–877, 1180
1646, 1647, 1659, 1871, 1876, 1905, 2006.
Trade with U.S.–1191
Western Balkans, U.S. national emergency, Republican Party events—279, 283, 918, 1436.
continuation—1213, 1214
1641, 1647, 1871, 2006
Executive orders, amendments and revoca
tions—925, 1249 Unemployment rate—263, 284, 1422, 1424.
Export Council, President's—279, 918, 1974 Wildfires—901
Export-Import Bank of the U.S.–278, 369, Folklife Center, American. See Library of Con
1217, 1375, 2088 eSS

Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, White Fº and Agricultural Development, Board for
House National Conference—418 International—665
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52
Food and Drug Administration. See Health and Georgia
Human Services, Department of Georgia Public Policy Foundation—1576
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Presi Governor—427, 1584
dent's—96, 1590 President's visits—196, 226, 426, 450, 1576,
Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Re 1583, 1590, 1777, 1819, 1917, 1937, 1973
lated Programs Appropriations Act, 2006– Republican Party events—426, 1583, 1777,
2093 1917, 1937
Foreign policy, U.S. Georgia, Republic of
See also Human rights; specific country or Democracy and reform efforts—1267
region Economic development—1267
Democratization—1, 10, 44–46, 92, 93, 107– Iraq, role—1267
109, 146, 147, 157, 158, 180, 221, 268, 287, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, member
ship bid—1269, 1310
326, 332, 338, 339, 342, 343, 356, 360, 392,
429, 430, 434, 441, 458, 504, 508, 527, 533,
p." ii. 1267
Relations with Russia—2096
537, 553, 569, 586, 587, 591, 592. 597–
600, 646–648, 681, 684, 685, 696, 772, 866, German-American Day—1733
870, 894, 947, 968, 978, 994, 1012, 1027, Germany
1038–1042, 1052, 1142, 1171, 1179, 1195, Afghanistan, role–64
ARD German Television—859, 867
1205, 1237, 1270, 1289, 1295, 1296, 1308,
1322, 1412, 1413, 1419, 1420, 1423, 1445,
Bild of Germany—859, 874
Chancellor–64, 71, 96, 226, 450, 664, 716,
1447, 1448, 1457, 1458, 1460, 1467, 1468,
847, 859, 867, 873, 881, 896, 1070, 1254,
1481, 1482, 1485, 1532, 1534, 1536, 1539,
1306, 1327, 1335, 1416, 1437, 1508, 2222
1540, 1543, 1547, 1564, 1583, 1586, 1587, Former Chancellor—69, 1307
1596, 1599, 1600, 1614, 1630, 1634, 1635,
1645, 1650, 1651, 1659, 1686, 1717, 1748,
Iraq, role–64, 878
President Bush's visit—849, 867, 881, 1254,
1781, 1782, 1786, 1787, 1812, 1849, 1854, 1306, 1326, 1327, 1335
1861, 1875, 1876, 1880, 1897, 1902, 1913, Relations with U.S.–69, 847, 849, 867, 878,
1922, 1928, 1929, 1951, 1957, 1958, 1965, 1307, 1327, 1329
1970, 1972, 1983, 1990–1992, 1998, 1999, St. Nikolai Church in Stralsund—1335
2003–2005, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2020–2022,
Taxation Convention, Germany-U.S.–1710
2048, 2060, 2075, 2082, 2103, 2104, 2158, Ghana, President—665, 698, 716
2159, 2186 Global Business Coalition—2160
Kleptocracy (government corruption)–1451 Global Development Alliance. See Developing
Trafficking in persons, efforts to combat—38, countries
39, 680, 1675 Global Literacy, White House Conference on—
Women's rights—48,411,412, 598,681 1629
Forest Products Week, National—1823 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership—288, 295,
Forest Service. See Agriculture, Department of 3.13
Forests, fire prevention initiatives—484, 763, Gold Star Mother's Day—1640
1099 Government National Mortgage Association—20
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies— Government organization and employees
457 See also Budget, Federal; specific agency or
FOX News television—1436, 1862, 1973, 2143 organization
France Combined Federal Campaign—1601
Lebanon, role—1473, 1484, 1505 Disaster response capabilities, review—1512,
Minister of the Interior and Regional Devel 1515, 1522
opment—1621 Ethics—129, 151, 164, 278
President–1070, 1351, 1632, 2116 Faith-based and community organizations ini
Relations with U.S.–1632 tiative. See Faith-based and community or
Freedom Corps, USA—143, 144, 186 ganizations, Government funding
Freedom House—586 Federal departments and agencies, closing in
remembrance of President Gerald R.
Freedom, Presidential Medal of 2162
Future Farmers of America Organization, Na
tional—1416 Federal health care programs, promoting
quality and efficiency—1501
General Pulaski Memorial Day–1799 Information sharing or disclosure—491
General Services Administration—665 Locality pay increases—2113
Geneva Convention, amendments—l 188 Management Agenda, President's—212
A–14 Administration of George W. Bush, 20%
Government organization and employees— Health and Human Services, Department of
Continued Continued
Pay-related functions, assignment of 2115 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Adminis.
Rates of pay, adjustments—2200 tration—2039
Safety, Health, and Return-to-Employment Health and medical care
(SHARE) Initiative—1705 See also Diseases; HIV/AIDS: Science and
Volunteer community service—808 technology
Governors Association, National—353, 354 Association health care plans—250, 711, 87.
Great Britain. See United Kingdom 1960, 1967
Great Lakes Fishery Commission—820 Bioethics. See Science and technology
Great Outdoors Month—1003
Community health centers—89, 212, 244, 25
634, 777, 784, 834, 989
2004 Olympic games in Athens–550 Cost control reforms—16, 53, 54, 84, 88, 89.
Afghanistan, role—550 100, 150, 162, 172, 204, 205, 239, 25
Relations with U.S.—550
254, 334, 335, 439, 477, 489, 630, 633
Greek Independence Day: A National Day of 635, 785, 832, 833, 843, 895, 950, 989.9%
Celebration of Greek and American Democ
1014, 1188, 1401, 1494, 1498, 1715, 1727.
racy—495, 549 1809, 2051
Grenada, U.S. Ambassador—1375
Gridiron Club—490 Emergency contraception, FDA approval
Group of Eight (G-8) nations. See Commerce,
international Health savings accounts, tax-free—245–24
257–259, 635–637, 710, 834, 835. 1495.
Guantanamo Bay, U.S. Naval Base. See Cuba 1501, 2195
Guard and Reserve Week, National Employer
Support of the 1651 Information technology—53, 249, 250 *
Guard Association of the United States, Na 475, 478, 635, 711, 836, 837, 1495, 14%
tional—216 Medical liability reform—251, 711, 837. S4
Guard, National. See Armed Forces, U.S.; spe 886, 1026, 1293, 1324, 1466, 1495, 14%
1500, 1548
cific State
Gulf Coast School Library Recovery Initiative. Medicare and Medicaid–52, 53, 82, S4, 14
See Education 160, 161, 171, 209, 210, 214, 215, 231. 232
Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005—2194 242, 243, 252, 254, 263, 264, 284, 308,334
335, 352, 353, 436, 465–467, 471–473. 48%.
Guyana, U.S. Ambassador–665 491, 525, 554, 634, 686, 693, 694, 699. 709.
Habitat for Humanity—1550 716, 784, 833, 834, 842, 859, 863, 889, sº
896, 901, 950, 989, 1014, 1172, 1187. º
Democracy and economic development ef 1239, 1303, 1318, 1323, 1324, 1367. 13%
forts–1118 1401, 1470, 1472, 1495, 1644, 1648, 1799.
President—344, 625, 918 1845, 1856, 1863, 1909, 1918, 1924, 1938
Pricing transparency—249, 279, 480, 635 'll
Hampton Hotels, Save-a-Landmark program— 836, 1480, 1496, 1499 -

Hanukkah—2168, 2180 Seniors and disabled persons, prescripº
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation—1217
drug benefits—161,
467, 472, 231,694,232,
473, 686, 693. 699, 243. "
716. S}}
863, 889, 895, 896, 901, 1367
Disaster assistance—859, 1862
Earthquake, damage and recovery efforts— Hearst-Argyle Television—1906
1862 Heart Month, American—167, 187
Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu—2089 HELP Commission. See Developing count”
President's visit—2085, 2089
Heritage Areas Act of 2006, National–1815
Highway Administration, Federal. See Trans?"
Health and Human Services, Department of
Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emer tation, Department of
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Nation.
gency Preparedness—1415
Cancer Institute, National—1475 See Transportation, Department of -:

Food and Drug Administration—491 Hispanic Heritage Month. National–16% "

Funding–1362 Hispanic Prayer Breakfast, National–110]
General Counsel–1551 Historic preservation—830
Medicare and Medicaid Services, Centers Historic Preservation. Advisory Council on-"
for-1566 624, 1216
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–15

Historical Publications and Records Commis Homeland Security, Department of Continued

sion, National. See Archives and Records Ad Secret Service, U.S.–186, 1070
ministration, National State and Local Government Coordination
Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Preparedness, Office of 20
Week, National—1595 Under Secretaries
Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Management—1974
President's Board of Advisers on—2116 Science and Technology—394, 1253
Homeownership Month, National–1014
See also specific country or region Honduras, President—138, 1034, 1075, 1659
Coordinator of the U.S. Government Activities
Hospice Month, National–1936
to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally—1374 Hospital Association, American–831
Domestic prevention and treatment strategy—
“Expanding American Homeownership Act of
Global strategy—2058, 2114 2006’—1391
Minorities—152, 1370
Homeownership and minority homeowner
Ryan White CARE Act—152, 1370, 2115, ship—322, 512, 1369, 1465
Mortgage interest tax deduction—270
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Moderniza Housing and Urban Development, Department
tion Act of 2006–2202 of
World AIDS Day—2112, 2114 Acting General Counsel—2143
Holocaust Memorial Council, U.S.–749, 1508
Assistant Secretary for Congressional and
Holy See (Vatican City) Intergovernmental Relations—1974
See also Roman Catholic Church
Chief Financial Officer—394
Papal Nuncio to U.S.–1374 Housing Administration, Federal—1391
Pope Benedict XVI—663, 882
Pope John Paul II–662 Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office of Fed
Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007,
Department of 1740, 1742 Housing Finance Board, Federal–1164
Homeland Security Council—19, 1474, 1508, Human rights
1551 See also Civil rights; specific country
Detainee Treatment Act of 2005–1573, 1608,
Homeland Security, Department of 1610, 1613
See also Defense and national security; Ter
rorism Torture, prohibition—134, 1573, 1904
Universal freedoms—1205
Assistant Secretary for Bureau of Immigration
and Customs Enforcement—20 Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and
Basic Pilot Program–1060, 1266 Human Rights Week—2147
Chief Financial Officer–96 Humanitarian Assistance Code of Conduct—929
Chief Human Capital Officer–1415, 1475 Humanitarian Medals, National—2039
Citizen Corps—1055 Humanities, National Council on the 1164,
Citizenship, Office of 564, 1091
Coast Guard, U.S.–63, 96, 1015, 1427, 1436 Hungary
Customs and Border Enforcement, Bureau 1956 Memorial Monument in Budapest—
of-186 1217
Customs and Border Protection, U.S.—1078 1956 revolution, 50th anniversary—481, 1208,
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office—1817 1210–1212, 1698, 1844
Emergency Management Agency, Federal— Afghanistan and Iraq, role—1209, 1212
665 Democracy efforts—1211
Faith-based and community organizations ini Political party leaders, meeting with President
tiatives—412 Bush–1217
Fire Administration, U.S.—2143 President—1208, 1210
Funding–1740, 1742 President Bush's visit—ll 13, 1208–1211, 1217
Gulf Coast Rebuilding Office, Federal Coordi Prime Minister—821, 1209, 1210
nator for—1641 Speaker of Parliament—1217
Infrastructure Advisory Council, National— U.S. Ambassador—820
1216, 1374 U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President
New Americans Task Force—1091, 1096 Bush–1217
Operation Texas Hold 'Em immigration con Visa policy, U.S.–1209
trol program–1433 Western Balkans, role—1212
Public Alert and Warning System—1226 Hurricane Preparedness Week, National—980
A–16 Administration of George W. Bush, 20%
Hurricanes. See Disaster assistance; Natural dis India—Continued
asters; specific Federal agency or State Agricultural Knowledge Initiative with U.S.–
Disaster assistance—393 Bharatiya Janata Party leader—394
Business leaders, meeting with Presideſ
Experience Idaho Initiative—484 Bush—374
Business students, meeting with President
Cabot Microelectronics Corp., in Aurora— Bush—385
Defense relationship with U.S.–310,383,3}.
Chicago Board of Trade—21 Doordarshan of India—348
Chicago, mayor–1278, 1288 Economic reforms and growth—311, 31.
Disaster assistance—625, 2222 390, 2177
Job creation and growth–1278, 1301 Energy cooperation with U.S.—312, 313, 3It
Job training programs—1279 325, 382, 405, 1402, 2067, 2151, 2178
President's visits—12, 21, 984, 1033, 1278, Global Democracy Initiative, U.S.-India—310
1291, 1296, 1298, 1808, 1819 392
Republican Party events—1291, 1808 Henry J. Hyde U.S.-India Peaceful Atom;
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District—1283 Energy Cooperation Act of 2006–217.
Unemployment rate—1278, 1292, 1301 2179
Immigration and naturalization India School of Business in Hyderabad–38
See also Defense and national security; spe Indian National Congress Party leader–34
cific country or region Kashmir, conflict with Pakistan—317, 351.
American “melting pot"–933,955, 983, 1061, 399
1084, 1434, 1759, 1868 Mahatma Gandhi Memorial in New Delhi
Citizenship—563, 564, 774, 933, 938, 949, 394
955, 982, 1061, 1083, 1086, 1088, 1095, Nuclear energy—326, 348, 349, 371, 37.3's
1380, 1433, 1611 380, 388, 391, 405, 478, 510, 540, 20.
Faith-based and community organizations, in 2067, 2151, 2178
volvement—663, 1091 President—385, 394
Illegal immigration—150, 514, 529, 565, 566, President Bush's visit—374, 375, 380, 35l.
773, 931, 932, 952, 954, 1057, 1059, 1060, 385, 388, 394
1079, 1081, 1094, 1432, 1433, 1740, 1741, Prime Minister–310, 324, 375, 380, 381, 394
1795 1354, 1862
Reform—344, 515, 528, 529, 546, 547, 562, Relations with Pakistan—315, 327, 393, 3%
563, 565–567, 572–576, 580, 601, 602, 608, 510
616, 617,632, 658, 663, 670, 671, 713, 761, Relations with U.S.—309–311, 324, 348-3%
769, 772, 778, 794, 818, 853, 931, 933, 948, 371, 375–377, 379–381, 383, 3S4, 389, 391.
949, 951, 952, 955, 982, 983, 985, 996, 509, 511, 1354, 2177
1018, 1057, 1062, 1075, 1078, 1080, 1084, Religious leaders, meeting with President
1085, 1087, 1091, 1093, 1096, 1102, 1103, Bush—381
1187, 1266, 1279–1281, 1381, 1394, 1422, Science and technology, cooperation with
1425, 1426, 1430, 1431, 1441, 1442, 1610, U.S.–382
1611, 1740, 1741, 1760, 1891, 1892, 1909, Strategic partnership with U.S.–381, 385
1918, 1924, 1938, 1939, 2033, 2038, 2191 Student visa policy, U.S.–387
Refugees—1801 Terrorist attacks in Mumbai–1325
Temporary-worker program, proposed—49, Trade with U.S.–376, 381, 384, 387, 39.
| 19, 120, 161, 275, 276, 514, 529, 546, 566, 405
567, 573, 580, 581, 616, 617, 773, 774, 932, “U.S. and India Nuclear Cooperation Prº
933, 938, 949, 954, 955, 982, 1059, 1060, motion Act of 2006”—2067
1082, 1086, 1094, 1433, 1795, 2033 U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President
Visa policy—10, 119, 176, 177, 319, 320, 327, Bush—394
351, 387, 457, 564, 851, 1209, 1392, 1394, Indian Education, National Advisory Council
1579, 1602, 2095, 2096, 2099 on—279
Independence Day—1225, 1259–1262, 1297 Indiana
India Disaster assistance—1761 -

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agriculture University— President's visits—329, 344, 551, 557, 19°
394 1973
Afghanistan, role—311, 327, 376, 392 Republican Party events—329, 551, 1908
º Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–17

Indonesia Iran–Continued
s: Banda Aceh, tsunami recovery efforts—2084 Earthquakes, damage and recovery efforts—
Civic leaders, meeting with President Bush— 618, 624
--- 2078, 2089 “Iran Freedom Support Act”—1707
- Democracy and reform efforts—2078, 2080, Nuclear weapons development–64, 67, 112,
2082, 2083 129, 143, 148, 158, 193, 194, 317, 326, 342,
-: Earthquake, damage and recovery efforts— 371, 400, 445, 446, 505, 516, 518, 540, 595,
1044, 1070 618, 676, 677, 723, 744, 811, 813, 814, 848,
- Economic reforms and growth–2079, 2083 856, 868, 869, 879, 880, 893, 997, 1000,
... Education, reforms—2083 1024, 1025, 1048, 1062, 1063, 1070, 1071,
- Energy cooperation with U.S.–2084 1085, 1106, 1108, 1180, 1181, 1192, 1194,
Lebanon, role—1708, 2084 1286, 1287, 1312, 1313, 1329, 1330, 1332,
President–1070, 2078, 2082, 2089 1342–1344, 1407, 1411, 1427, 1445, 1482,
President Bush's visit—1905, 2078. 2089 1484, 1508, 1540, 1562, 1611, 1612, 1632,
Relations with U.S.–2079, 2082, 2083 1636, 1787, 1792, 1882, 1883, 1904, 2048,
U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President 2050, 2080, 2097, 2098, 2109, 2136, 2188.
Bush—2089 21.89

Initiative for Global Development—1139 President–67, 111, 814, 880, 21.89

Insurance trust funds, Federal–749 Relations with Iraq–463, 515, 516, 518, 594,
Intel Science Talent Search—491 595, 1882, 2097
Relations with Israel–67, 111, 445, 505, 869
Intelligence. See Defense and national security;
specific Federal agency Relations with Syria—1348
Intelligence, Office of the Director of National Terrorism, sponsorship—148,463, 1348–1351,
1359, 1379, 1406, 1409, 1419, 1423, 1443,
Acting Principal Deputy Director–1112 1445, 1456, 1457, 1460, 1473, 1481–1483,
* General Counsel–20
1540, 1562, 1597, 1882, 2109
Intelligence Director, National–888 U.S. national emergency, continuation—464,
Intelligence Oversight Board—226 2041
Inter-American Foundation—20, 1659
Interior, Department of the Ambassador to the U.S.–1046
Assistant Secretaries
Indian Affairs—1436
American hostage, release—606
Antiquities, U.S. import restrictions—883
Land and Mineral Management—1436 Business, cultural, and education leaders,
Geological Survey, U.S.–859 meeting with President Bush–1163
Healthy Forests Initiative—484, 763, 1099, Civilians, casualties—1788
1732, 1736 Compact for Iraq, International–1635, 1638
Outer continental shelf—2149
Democracy efforts—1, 5, 8, 11, 32, 33, 42,
Park Service, National 79, 93, 106, 156, 221, 266, 286, 332, 340,
90th anniversary—1506 341, 359, 429, 437, 440, 455, 458, 459, 486,
Director—1590 496, 497, 499, 501, 502, 516–518, 524, 535,
Future goals—1506 537, 552, 579, 581, 587, 589–591, 600, 601,
Maintenance backlog reduction—764 631, 645, 646, 673, 674, 733, 761, 762, 767–
º Reclamation Commissioner–1374 769, 771, 783, 786, 792, 820, 827–829, 856,
Secretary—449, 484, 1032, 1098 869, 879, 916, 946, 968, 983, 985, 986,
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforce 1020, 1026, 1046, 1100, 1108, 1109, 1170,
ment, Office of 960 1185, 1322, 1383, 1386, 1389, 1449, 1481,
Internal Revenue Service. See Treasury, Depart 1533, 1541, 1546, 1561, 1614, 1635, 1638,
ment of the 1784, 1860, 1878, 1879, 1882, 1883, 1885,
Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board. See 1887, 2030, 2064, 2097, 2107, 2111, 2120,
Treasury, Department of the 2155, 2184, 2185, 2190, 2211
International. See other part of subject Development Fund and certain other prop
Investigation, Federal Bureau of See Justice, erty, U.S. national emergency, continu
Department of ation–957, 958
Iowa Enemy casualties—2153,2154
President's visits—693, 694, 716, 1892, 1905, Energy
1974, 1977 Electricity—1134
Republican Party events—694, 1892, 1977 Oil supply and refining–1122, 1129, 1134
Iran Former regime, criminal activities—41, 42,
Democratization—342, 1181, 1635 79, 105, 266, 339, 496, 503, 506, 515, 534,
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Iraq–Continued Iraq–Continued
Former regime, criminal activities— Iraqi Women's Democracy Initiative—411
Continued Judiciary—1126
587, 588, 590, 643, 644, 672, 869, 879, Kurdistan region, president—2169
1020, 1612, 1886, 1992, 2111 NATO, role—497, 2102
Golden Mosque in Samarra, terrorist attack— President Bush's visit—1122, 1123, 1125,
322, 328, 329, 332, 440, 455, 459, 502 1132, 1134, 1163, 1173, 1180
Government Prisoners, treatment by U.S. soldiers—655.
Formation—983, 985, 1040, 1043, 1105, 870, 1109, 1128, 1794
1119, 1120, 1263 Private organizations, assistance—530, 1862
President–819, 985, 1163, 1638, 21.69 Reconciliation efforts—1126, 1129, 1130.
Prime Minister–820, 985, 1020, 1105, 2105, 2121, 2155, 2156, 2185, 2190, 2191
1113, 1122, 1125, 1132, 1135, 1163, Reconstruction efforts—2151, 2156
1173, 1212, 1263, 1295, 1335, 1382, Relations with Arab States—454, 455, 674
1388, 1406, 1415, 1416, 1862, 1869, Relations with Iran—516, 518, 595, 1882,
1883, 1886, 1916, 1973, 2086, 2102, 2097, 2098
2104, 2109, 2112, 2117, 2120 Relations with Syria—2098
Speaker of the Council of Representa Security Responsibility, Joint Committee on
tives—820, 986, 1135, 1163 Accelerating the Transferring of-2105.
Vice President–1783, 2152 2108, 2112
Hussein, former President Saddam, trial ver Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution
dict—1992, 2014, 2019 in Iraq–2122, 2148
Infrastructure and economic development— U.S. º 1277, 2169
36, 43, 44, 156, 267, 287, 502, 523, 535, U.S. military forces
645, 1126, 1130, 1886 Casualties—3, 4, 42, 70, 147, 279, 344, 463,
Insurgency and terrorist attacks–6, 7, 33, 34, 487, 491, 503, 534, 557, 665, 675, S66.
42, 43, 93, 106, 107, 340, 364, 437, 454, 918, 934, 987, 1182, 1234, 1253, 12S1,
456, 462, 463, 486, 495, 498–501, 503, 507, 1380, 1389, 1415, 1453, 1508, 1543,
508, 517, 518, 520, 534–536, 579, 581, 589, 1582, 1877, 1879, 1993, 2043, 206S,
590, 594, 598, 672, 674, 675, 696, 775, 828, 2086, 2091, 2186
869, 987, 1001, 1020, 1100, 1109, 1119, Deployment–3, 6, 7, 35–37, 44, 54, 55.
1125–1127, 1132, 1262, 1277, 1280, 1289, 105, 107, 147, 155, 157, 221, 266, 267.
1294, 1322, 1382, 1385, 1449, 1452, 1467, 332, 340, 359, 394, 429, 438, 455, 456,
1481, 1485, 1491, 1533, 1541, 1553, 1560, 460–462, 486, 496, 502, 503, 520, 527.
1585, 1599, 1614, 1618, 1783, 1784, 1786, 534, 536, 553, 584, 590, 591, 645–647.
1788, 1791, 1860, 1869, 1877–1879, 1883, 655, 673, 675, 678, 762, 775, 776, 792.
1885, 1886, 2030, 2096, 2097, 2105–2110, 814, 867, 878, 916, 968, 987, 1022, 1023.
2112, 2122, 2130, 2134, 2139, 2148, 2152– 1028, 1029, 1108, 1109, 1119, 1123,
2154, 2183, 2185, 2186, 2190 1128, 1130, 1131, 1133, 1136, 1137.
Interagency team on Iraq, meetings with 1186, 1221, 1235, 1237, 1263, 12S6
President Bush–1120, 1163 1289, 1290, 1295, 1382, 1383, 1385.
International assistance—36, 37, 603, 653, 1389, 1467, 1481–1483, 1489–1492, 1533.
674, 1121, 1127, 1173, 1180, 1267, 1383, 1541–1543, 1546, 1547, 1553, 1583, 1586.
1878, 2132, 2151, 2156 1599, 1618, 1619, 1645, 1650, 1670.
Iraq Study Group—1138, 2024, 2049, 2069, 1673, 1684–1686, 1706, 1707, 1722, 1784.
2121, 2126, 2128, 2130, 2132, 2135, 2138. 1786, 1789, 1790, 1794, 1811, 1848.
2144, 21.49, 2155 1853, 1854, 1860, 1861, 1870, 1875.
Iraqi citizens, meetings with President Bush— 1878, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1886.
79, 749 - 1889, 1896, 1901, 1902, 1912, 1913.
Iraqi Leaders Initiative—1383 1922, 1928, 1942, 1943, 1950, 1956,
Iraqi military and security forces—5, 6, 34, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1970, 1971, 1982.
35, 43, 106, 107, 156, 267, 287, 332, 438, 1983, 1989–1991, 1993, 1998, 2003–2005.
440, 456, 460, 461, 500, 501, 517, 519, 522, 2009, 2010, 2014–2016, 2020, 2021.
523, 535–537, 552, 587, 589, 603, 604, 645, 2024–2026, 2028, 2029, 2037, 2062. 2064.
646, 654, 673, 1001, 1028, 1030, 1107, 2081, 2102, 2107, 2108, 2111, 2134.
1109, 1121, 1126, 1130, 1277, 1382, 1385, 21:36, 2149, 2154, 2155, 2169, 21S3–21S6.
1386, 1542, 1553, 1784, 1869, 1877, 1878, 2207, 2211
1881, 1916, 2102, 2104, 2105, 2108–21 10, Haditha incident, investigation—1048, 1063.
2112, 2120 1128
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–19

Iraq–Continued John Thompson Legacy of a Dream Award—

U.S. military forces–Continued 76
Missing in action—664 John Warner National Defense Authorization
Women's rights—48,411 Act for Fiscal Year 2007–1836, 1862
See also United Kingdom, Northern Ireland King–187, 202, 226, 1070, 1336, 2087, 21.16
Prime Minister—451, 489, 491 President Bush's visit—2104, 2112, 2116,
Relations with U.S.–490 2117
U.S. Ambassador–1164
Terrorist attacks in Amman—220, 221
Irish-American Heritage Month—348 Judiciary
Israel Federal court nominations and confirma
See also Middle East
tions—1551, 1899, 1909, 1918, 1924, 1939,
Parliamentary elections—625 1946, 1953, 1960, 1967, 1994
Former Prime Minister—8, 9, 64, 70, 855,
997 Medical liability reform. See Health and med
ical care
Gaza and West Bank, withdrawal of settle
ments—997, 2137
Supreme Court
Hamas conflict—1332, 1336, 1349, 1352– Justice O'Connor, retirement—716
Nominations—26, 70, 71, 115, 116, 123,
1354, 1408, 1416, 1597
Israeli-Hizballah conflict. See Lebanon 124, 126, 141, 143, 145, 151, 164–166,
187, 1535, 1549, 1924, 1939, 1946, 1953,
Minister of Foreign Affairs—1621 1960, 1967, 1978, 1994
Prime Minister–70, 625, 960, 997, 1033,
Tort reform—16, 85, 100, 172, 361, 555, 1057
1070, 1341, 1349, 1453, 2039, 2048, 2069
Relations with Iran–869, 997 Juneteenth–1163
Relations with U.S.–855, 997, 2048 Justice, Department of
See also Law enforcement and crime
Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv–723
U.S. assistance—1481 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,
Bureau of 1551
Italian American Foundation, National—1867
Italian Legions of Merit, American Society of AMBER Alert program—1396
the-1071 Assistant Attorneys General
Criminal Division—1639
Afghanistan and Iraq, role–1308 National Security—425, 491, 1658
Former Prime Minister—1311, 2116 Associate Attorney General–1590
Prime Minister–344, 363, 750, 1311, 1348, Attorney General—226
1474, 1508 Federal Bureau of Investigation—1580
Relations with U.S.–364, 1348 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission—187
Identity Theft Task Force—909, 1984
Jamaica Justice Statistics, Bureau of 186
Prime Minister—625
Operation Predator—1396
Prime Minister-designate—625 Order of succession—2148
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Founda Project Safe Childhood—1396
tion—491, 1761 Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Appre
Japan hending, Registering, and Tracking. Office
Afghanistan, role–1241 of-2116
Iraq, role–1241, 1242, 1295, 1322 Violence Against Women, Office of 2116
North Korea, past abductions of Japanese citi
zens–810, 1243, 1315, 1793 Kansas
Prime Minister–11, 110, 1034, 1070, 1163, Disaster assistance—138, 716
1240, 1242, 1247, 1249, 1250, 1254, 1468, Kansas State University in Manhattan—101
1699, 1819, 2073, 2074 President's visits—101, 137, 2000, 2039
Relations with China—680, 1312 Republican Party event—2000
Relations with South Korea—680, 1312 Kazakhstan
Relations with U.S.–679, 1241, 1242, 1247, Defense relationship with U.S.–1697
1249, 1312, 1699, 2073 Democracy efforts—1696
U.S. beef imports—110 Economic reforms and growth–1697
Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, suspension of Energy cooperation with U.S.–1697
limitations—1160, 2174 Iraq and Afghanistan, role—1695, 1697
Jewish American Heritage Month—759 President–70, 1621, 1695
Jewish Committee, American–855 Relations with U.S.–1696, 1697
A–20 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Kazakhstan—Continued Lebanon
World Trade Organization, membership bid— American citizens, evacuation—1362
1697 Democracy efforts—432, 433, 724, 1333.
Kennedy Center. See Smithsonian Institution 1473, 1635
Kentucky Former Prime Minister, assassination—136,
President's visits—40, 70, 961, 965, 975 239, 432, 2085, 2086
Republican Party event–975 Future Television—432
Kenya, U.S. Ambassador—450 International assistance—1379, 1386, 1406.
Klamath River Compact Commission—1761 1409–1411, 1419, 1443, 1480, 1505, 1635
Kleptocracy (government corruption). See For Israeli-Hizballah conflict—1332, 1333, 1336,
eign policy, U.S. 1341, 1348, 1349, 1351–1354, 1359, 1360.
Korea. See North Korea; South Korea 1362, 1374, 1379, 1383, 1386, 1387, 1393,
Kosovo 1406, 1408–1411, 1414, 1416, 1419–1423,
KFOR international security force, U.S. mili 1436, 1437, 1442–1445, 1448–1450, 1452,
tary forces, deployment—1206, 2176 1453, 1456, 1457, 1459, 1461, 1468, 1472–
President—120, 138 1474, 1479, 1480, 1483, 1484, 1486, 1505,
Relations with Serbia—1206 1508, 1540, 1597, 1635, 1665, 1698
Kuwait Minister of Industry, assassination—2085.
Amir—78, 225, 1550, 1557, 1590 2086
Relations with U.S.—1557 Parliament member—136
Kwanzaa–2174 Partnership Fund, U.S.-Lebanon–1665
Kyoto Protocol. See Environment President—433
Prime Minister—716, 724, 1336, 1474, 1698,
Labor Day—1549, 1554 21.89
Labor, Department of Relations with Syria—2086, 2157
Assistant Secretaries
Syrian occupation—136, 695, 1333, 1360.
Mine Safety—1863 1411, 1447, 1473, 1540, 2156
Policy—2039 U.S. assistance—1383, 1480, 1481, 1493, 1665
Public Affairs—1436
Legal Services Corporation—491
Secretary—192 Legion, American–96, 336, 1537, 1761
Wage and Hour Division—186, 1551 Leif Erikson Day–1749
Labor Relations Authority, Federal–1112, 2202 Lesotho, U.S. military assistance—1430
Labor Relations Board, National—20, 96, 1436 Liberia
Economic sanctions—1360, 1361
Afghanistan and Iraq, role—2099 Former President—585, 593
Extradition Treaty, U.S.-Latvia—1711 Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)—
President–1113, 2098, 2104, 2116 323
President Bush's visit—1591, 2098, 2099,
President–71, 76, 80, 411, 491, 529, 557, 593
Relations with U.S.–529, 530
Riga U.S. assistance—2220
Freedom Monument—2099
Latvia University—2099 Library of Congress
American Folklife Center–1436, 1590
Latvian National Opera—2116 Book Festival Gala, National—1699
Trade with U.S.–2099
U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President Libya
Bush—2116 Export-Import Bank of the U.S., programs—
Visa policy, U.S.–2099 State sponsor of terrorism status, revocation—
Law Day, U.S.A.—826 929
Law enforcement and crime
See also Drug abuse and trafficking; Ter Liechtenstein, U.S. Ambassador—919
rorism; specific State or country Line-item veto. See Presidency, U.S.
AMBER Alert program—1396 Literacy Advisory Board, National Insititute
Identity theft victims, meeting with Presi
dent–908 Literacy Day—1625
Law enforcement officers, memorial service— Literacy Volunteers of America—2163
929 Lithuania, U.S. Ambassador–665
Operation Predator—1396
Property rights, protection—1219 Disaster assistance—1254, 1974
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–21

Louisiana—Continued Marriage—Continued
Hurricane Katrina, recovery efforts—56, 414, Same-sex marriage, proposed constitutional
442, 444, 450, 806, 816, 821, 1487, 1488, amendment to prohibit—1073, 1074, 1076,
1504, 1512, 1519, 1520, 1550, 2163, 2164 1077, 1099
Louisiana Recovery Authority—2164 Marshall Islands, U.S. Ambassador—1374
New Orleans Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal holiday—73
Law enforcement issues—1525
Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial—
Mayor—1033, 1550 2046
Mayoral elections—816 Maryland
Rebuilding plans—414, 415,443, 450 Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act—1055
Community Initiatives, Office of 1055
WVUE-TV—1508 Disaster assistance—1297
WWL Radio—1550 Education, reforms—1054
Environment, conservation—1055
President's visits—56, 70, 414, 450, 806, 821, Governor—1050
Maryland Heritage Areas—830
State and local officials, meeting with Presi National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda—
1427, 1436
Loyalty Day–827 North Glen Elementary School in Glen
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Reauthorization Act of 2006– Parkland Magnet Middle School for Aero
1207, 2150 space Technology in Rockville–749
Maine President's visits—26, 70, 71, 95, 97, 121, 137,
Disaster assistance—345, 1034 138, 224, 226, 472, 491, 497, 556, 624, 716,
President's visit—1508, 1550 725, 749, 919, 960, 1034, 1050, 1070, 1105,
Major Cities Chiefs Association—226 1113, 1120, 1163, 1254, 1297, 1427, 1436,
Major County Sheriffs Association—226 1471, 1475, 1508, 1551, 1554, 1590, 1620,
Make-a-Wish Foundation—1437 1699, 1760, 1770, 1819, 1862, 2089, 2115,
Malaria. See Diseases 2203, 2222
Malaria No More organization—2160 Massachusetts, disaster assistance—1034
Malaysia MATHCOUNTS National Competition
Free trade agreement with U.S.—417 Awards—960
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Mathematics and Science Teaching, Presidential
Treaty, U.S.-Malaysia–2052 Award for Excellence in—859
Prime Minister–859, 1632, 2170 Mauritania, U.S. Ambassador—858
Malta-U.S. Extradition Treaty—1711 Mauritius, U.S. Ambassador—1112
Management and Budget, Office of Medal of Honor—2044, 2068, 2091
Administrator for Federal Procurement Pol Medal of Valor Review Board—2202
icy—749 Medals. See Decorations, medals, and awards
Deputy Director—1113 Mediation and Conciliation Service, Federal—
Director—721, 749, 1037, 1066 20
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office Mediation Board, National—624, 1034, 1374
of-961, 1436 Medical liability reform. See Health and medical
Mid-Session Review—1315 Care

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research–1228 Medicare and Medicaid Services, Centers for.
Manufacturers, National Association of 1396 See Health and Human Services, Department
March for Life—101 of
March of Dimes—1298 Medicare and Medicaid. See Health and medical
Marine Corps, U.S. See Navy, Department of Care
the Memorial Day—1043, 1044
Maritime Administration. See Transportation, Mentoring Month, National—2208
Department of Merchant Marine Academy, U.S. See Transpor
Maritime affairs tation, Department of Maritime Administra
Fisheries and fishing practices—1718 tion
Jones Act—1556 Merit Systems Protection Board—138
Maritime Day, National—980 Methamphetamine Awareness Day, National—
Marriage 2092
Defense of Marriage Act—1074, 1076 Metro-North Railroad, labor disputes—2128
A–22 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Mexico Mine Safety and Health Review Commission,
Chichen-Itza archaeological ruins–607, 625 Federal–1436, 1551
Economic reforms and development—575, Minnesota
608 3M corporate headquarters in Maplewood–
Illegal immigrants to U.S.–572, 574 169, 187
Job creation and growth–1088 Disaster assistance—20, 1112
President—344, 450, 607, 611, 619, 621, 625, President's visits—169, 187, 1494, 1508
1863, 2038, 2116 Republican Party event—1508
President Bush's visit—450, 606, 607, 610, Minorities. See Civil rights
611, 625 Minority Enterprise Development Week—1503
Presidential election—616, 2038 Mississippi
Relations with U.S.–571, 572, 575, 577, 607, Community leaders, meeting with President–
619, 621, 622, 853, 2038 1513
Trade with U.S.–571, 572, 580, 608, 612, Disaster assistance—450, 1254
615, 1088 Hurricane Katrina, recovery efforts—57, 58.
Mexico Border Health Commission, U.S.- —344 60–63, 416, 417, 443, 450, 807, 821, 911–
Michigan 913, 1487, 1488, 1504, 1512, 1513, 1519,
President's visits—296, 344, 1591, 1898, 1905 1550

Republican Party events—1591, 1898 Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College in

United Solar Ovonic in Auburn Hills—296,
344 President's visits—57, 71, 416, 450, S07, 821.
Middle East 911, 919, 1513, 1518, 1550
See also Palestinian Authority and Palestin United States Marine, Inc., in Gulfport—1518
WLOX-TV Biloxi−1508
ians; specific country
Arab States, relations with Iraq–454, 455, Mississippi River Commission—1437
674 Missouri
Arabic media–10 Disaster assistance—491, 665, 1375, 1974.
Gaza Disengagement, Quartet Special Envoy President's visits—686, 716, 1235, 1254, 1591.
Israeli airstrike in Gaza—2035 1802, 1819, 1959, 1966, 1974
Israeli-Hizballah conflict. See Lebanon Republican Party events–1235, 1591, 1959.
Peace and democracy efforts—47, 48, 112, Moldova, U.S. Ambassador—492
126, 147, 157, 221, 222, 339, 341, 434, 997,
Monaco, U.S. Ambassador—1659
999, 1191, 1341, 1349, 1380, 1406, 1409,
1447, 1479, 1634, 1636, 1637, 1639, 1656, Monetary Fund, International–96, 1335, 1415
1664, 2048, 2097, 2103, 2110, 2131, 2133, Mongolia
Great Mongolian State, 800th anniversary—
2135, 2137
Prophet Mohammed depictions, reaction— U.S. Ambassador—491
202, 226, 315, 316
Relations with Europe—877 President's visit—1945, 1973
Relations with U.S.–434, 877
Terrorism–79, 80, 343, 434, 631, 1329, 1332, Republican Party event—1945
1333, 1336, 1341, 1350, 1351, 1353, 1354, Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in
1359, 1360, 1386, 1393, 1408, 1410, 1450, National Environmental Policy Foundation–
1374, 1699, 2039
1457, 1458, 1479, 1482, 1539, 1582, 2097,
2130, 2137 Mother's Day—854
Women's rights—681 Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Federal–
Military Academy, U.S. See Army, Department Motto, national (“In God We Trust"), 50th anni
of the
Military Commissions Act of 2006–1646, 1676, Mourning for Gerald R. Ford, National Day
1687, 1831
Military Officers Association of America—1557
Museum and Library Services Board, National–
Millennium Challenge Accounts. See Developing 859

Millennium Challenge Corporation–820, 2083 NAACP. See Advancement of Colored People.

Mine Improvement and New Emergency Re National Association for the
sponse (MINER) Act of 2006–1100, 1146 NAFTA. See Commerce, international
Mine Safety and Health Administration—1147 National. See other part of subject
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–23

National security. See Defense and national se New Mexico—Continued

curity Disaster assistance—1551
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization Intel New Mexico in Rio Rancho-177
Natural disasters Job creation and growth–181
See also Disaster assistance; specific State or Law Enforcement Training Center, Federal,
country in Artesia—l 112
Disaster assistance for victims, improvement— President's visits—177, 187, 1078, 1112, 1164,
1527 1169
Federal disaster response capabilities, re Republican Party event—1169
view–63, 135, 328, 806, 816, 817, 995, New York
1512, 1515, 1522 African Burial Ground National Monument in
Hawaii, earthquake—1862 New York City, establishment—356
Hurricane Ernesto—1550 Disaster assistance—1297, 1862, 1905, 2169
Hurricane Katrina President's visits—465, 471, 491, 1037, 1070,
First anniversary—1511, 1550 1177, 1216, 1597, 1620, 1621, 1629, 1633,
Recovery efforts—95, 128, 443, 449, 817, 1637, 1639, 1659, 1698
1367, 2091 Tribute WTC Visitor Center in New York
Indonesia, earthquake—1044, 1070 City—1597, 1620
Iran, earthquakes—618, 624 News media. See Communications
Pakistan, earthquake—121, 272, 314, 315, Newspaper Association, National—434
318, 398, 406, 449 Nicaragua, Presidential and legislative elec
Philippines, mudslides—344 tions—1974
Navy, Department of the Nigeria
General Counsel—1254 Leon H. Sullivan summit in Abuja—1334
Guantanamo Bay, U.S. Naval Base. See Cuba President—557, 584, 918
Marine Corps, U.S.–768, 820, 859, 1048, Nobel Prize–1838
1063, 1064, 2042, 2068 No Child Left Behind Act. See Education
National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, NORAD. See Defense, Department of
MD–1427, 1436 North America Aerospace Defense Command.
Naval Academy, U.S.–717, 792, 1254 See Defense, Department of
USS George H.W. Bush, christening—1766 North American Competitiveness Council–619–
NBC News–1550, 1591 621
Nebraska North American Energy Security Initiative—621
Catholic Charities-Juan Diego Center in North American Free Trade Agreement. See
Omaha—1112 Commerce, international
Disaster assistance—138 North Atlantic Council—2116
President's visits—1091, 1112, 1993, 2038 North Atlantic Treaty Organization–7, 64, 279,
Republican Party event—1993 492, 497, 1039, 1041, 1269, 1310, 1591, 1668,
Nevada 1673, 1690, 1691, 1835, 1863, 1903, 2094,
Disaster assistance—187 2095, 2099, 2100–2102, 2104, 2116, 2167
President's visits—781, 820, 1713, 1760, 1952, North Carolina
1973 Education, reforms—1841
Republican Party events—781, 1713, 1952 Fort Bragg Army Base—1297
Unemployment rate—783 President's visits—641, 658, 665, 1259, 1261,
New Americans Task Force. See Homeland Se 1297, 1837, 1843, 1863
curity, Department of Waldo C. Falkener Elementary School in
New England Caring for Our Military organiza Greensboro—1863
tion—2207 North Dakota, disaster assistance—20, 1112
New Freedom Initiative—166 North Korea
New Hampshire Ballistic missiles, testing—1222, 1243, 1268,
Disaster assistance—1034 1269, 1272, 1273, 1275, 1281, 1283, 1297,
New Hampshire Business and Industry Asso 1314, 1379
ciation—202 Chairman—1273, 1274, 1282, 1314
President's visit—202, 226 Counterfeit U.S. currency—132, 133, 1488
Unemployment rate—204 Defectors, meeting with President Bush—810
New Jersey, disaster assistance—1298 Human rights—679, 810, 1792
New Mexico Human Rights, U.S. Special Envoy for—1792
Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute— Japanese citizens, past abductions—810, 1243,
183 1315, 1793
A–24 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
North Korea—Continued Painters and Allied Trades, International Union
Missile technology, sale to Iran and Syria— of-568
1768 Pakistan
Nuclear weapons Counterterrorism efforts—218, 313, 319. 349,
Development—132, 679, 1193, 1281, 1287, 398–400, 405, 406, 1654, 1657, 1692, 1693
1288, 1309, 1312–1314, 1329, 1342, 1343, Defense relationship with U.S.–403
1352, 1359, 1379, 1473, 1488, 1604, Democracy efforts—314, 317, 318, 351, 400,
1783, 1785, 1787, 1791, 1792, 1794, 401, 1654, 1693
1827, 1884, 1937, 2059, 2064, 2066, Earthquake, recovery efforts—121, 272, 314,
2073, 2075, 2080 315, 318, 398, 406, 449, 1654, 1656
Testing—1767, 1768, 1783, 1785, 1787, Economic reforms and growth–314, 318,
1788, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1819, 1827, 1654
1830, 1884, 1937, 2059, 2075, 2147 Education, reforms—314, 399, 403, 1654
Sanctions, U.S.—2147 Energy cooperation with U.S.—400, 403, 1658
United Nations Security Council resolution— Kashmir, conflict with India—317, 351, 399.
1830 1654, 1658
Pakistan Television—350
Northern Ireland. See United Kingdom
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National President—310, 313, 316, 351, 397, 402. 405,
Monument, establishment—1147, 1150 449, 510, 654, 1508, 1621, 1653, 1659,
Nowruz—516 1664, 1669, 1677, 1688, 1692, 1699, 2069
Nuclear energy. See Energy; specific country President Bush's visit—394, 397, 402, 405.
Nuclear Power 2010 Initiative—295 449
Nuclear Regulatory Commission—295, 821 Prime Minister—71, 121, 138
Nuclear Security Administration, National. See Relations with Afghanistan—1654, 1673, 1674
Energy, Department of Relations with º 327, 393, 398, 510,
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board—344 1654, 1658
Nuclear weapons. See Arms and munitions; spe Relations with U.S.–121, 309, 310, 350, 351,
cific country 399, 402, 509, 1508, 1619, 1654, 1677, 1693
Science and technology, cooperation with
Oceans Week, National—1073 U.S.—404
Office. See other part of subject Strategic partnership with U.S.–402, 403
Ohio Terrorist attacks in Karachi—378, 398
City Club of Cleveland—498 Trade with U.S.–351, 352, 403, 510
Disaster assistance—1297, 1429, 1437 U.S. assistance—201, 1693
Lake County Emergency Management Agency U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President
in Mentor—1429 -

Meyer Tool, Inc., in Cincinnati-1698 Visa policy, U.S.–319, 320, 351
President's visits—239, 279, 344, 498, 557, Palestinian Authority and Palestinians
664, 1254, 1429, 1437, 1665, 1698, 1699 See also Middle East
Republican Party events—344, 1254, 1437, Democracy and reform efforts—602, 1448.
1698, 1699 1636, 2110, 2137
Unemployment rate—241 Economic development—682
Wendy's International, Inc., corporate head Elections—126, 127, 143, 308, 342, 603, 656,
quarters in Dublin–239, 279 657, 681, 855, 870, 1636
Palestine Liberation Organization—715, 1818
Disaster assistance—70, 716 Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006–2199
Oklahoma State University in Stillwater—864 President–127, 997, 1380, 1639, 2110
President's visit—864, 918 Security forces—2137
Older Americans Month—825 U.S. assistance—130, 308, 603, 1259
Olympic games. See Sports Pan American Day and Pan American Week—
Oman, free trade agreement with U.S.–1228, 669
1372, 1639, 1698 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act—
OPIC. See Overseas Private Investment Cor 2202
poration Papua New Guinea, U.S. Ambassador—717
Oregon, disaster assistance—557, 2222 Parents' Day—1326
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, National— Park Service, National. See Interior, Department
1528 of the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation—20. Park Week, National—730
1415 Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act—1760
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A—25

Passover—698 Prayer and Remembrance, National Days of

PATRIOT Act, USA. See USA PATRIOT Act (September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks)–1566
Patriot Day—1589 Prayer Breakfast, National—137, 168
Peace Corps—1415 Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day—940
Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Prayer, National Day of 846, 850
Week—915 Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad,
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, National— Commission for—919
2119 Preserve America Initiative—484
Preserve America Presidential Awards—830
Disaster assistance—1255 Presidency, U.S.
Harley-Davidson Vehicle Operations in Agenda—521, 523, 683, 684, 813, 2.192
York–1475 Former President George H.W. Bush–1766
Limerick Generating Station in Pottstown— Former President Gerald R. Ford—769, 1334,
1034 2208–2211, 2222
President's visits—557, 1003, 1010, 1034, Former President Harry S. Truman—1038,
1463, 1475, 1620, 1844, 1863 1039

Republican Party events—557, 1010, 1463, Line-item veto, proposed—408,409, 482, 488,
1844 526, 709, 842, 1104, 1213, 1220, 1231–
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Au 1233, 1253, 1318, 1319, 1321, 1399, 1601,
1667, 1798
thority, labor dispute—1260, 1297, 1335
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation—1071 Presidential pardons—1475, 1486
President's health–1436
People magazine—2144
People with Intellectual Disabilities, President's President. See other part of subject
Committee for—624, 1070, 1590 Presidential Emergency Boards
No. 239–1297, 1335
Personnel Management, Office of 2115 No. 240–2169
Presidential Scholars—1253, 1254
Economic reforms and growth–448 Presidential Scholars, Commission on–919,
Free trade agreement with U.S.–24, 448,
716, 1768
President—447, 449, 450, 716, 1112, 1335, Principals of the Year, National and Distin
1374, 1475, 1768 guished—450
Relations with U.S.–1768, 1769 Prisoner of War Recognition Day, National
Trade Promotion Agreement, U.S.-Peru—
1770 Proliferation Security Initiative—1215, 1275,
1563, 1582, 1611, 2167
Philippines Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, National—
Severe mudslides, recovery efforts—344 PROTECT Act of 2003—1396
Physical Fitness and Sports Month, National—
747 Public Broadcasting, Corporation for—1216,
Physical Fitness and Sports, President's Council Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor—491
on—821, 1034
Purple Heart Medal—19, 1415, 1436, 2203
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin
istration. See Transportation, Department of Radiation and Worker Health, Advisory Board
Poison Prevention Week, National—453 on—2202
Poland Ramadan–1663, 1830
President–96, 223, 226 Red Cross, American—347, 2160
Prime Minister—1621 Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund, U.S.
Relations with U.S.—223 Emergency—855
Pope, Roman Catholic. See Holy See (Vatican Refugees. See Immigration and naturalization
City) Religious Freedom Day–73
Population, U.S.–1837 Religious leaders
Portugal, President—394 See also specific country, State, or position
Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act— Meetings with President—381, 1551, 1819,
2196 2202
Postal Rate Commission—1974 Remembrance of Hurricane Katrina, National
Postal Service, U.S.–21, 395, 440, 918, 1437, Day of 1511
1698, 2069 Renewable Fuels Association—786
POW/MIA Recognition Day, National—1607 Republican Institute, International—410
A–26 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Republican Party Russia—Continued
See also specific State Relations with U.S.–596, 878, 1331, 1334.
Congressional Republican conferences—138, 1340, 1342, 1356
224, 1602, 1621, 1679 Relations with Ukraine—878
National Republican Congressional Com Secretary of the Security Council–859
mittee—485 Strategic Offensive Weapons Reduction Trea
National Republican Senatorial Committee— ty with U.S.–118
278, 1856 Warsaw Pact—1038
President's Dinner—1184 Weapons
Republican Governors Association—358 Chemical weapons destruction, U.S. assist
Republican National Committee—71, 279, ance—2129
665, 766, 945, 1253, 1415, 1436, 1621, Nuclear weapons and material, risk of pro
1659, 1761, 1820, 1863, 1905, 1973, 2052 liferation—1183, 1184
Reserve Officers Association—1688 World Trade Organization, membership bid—
Reserve System, Federal–88, 137, 138, 145, 1307, 1308, 1341, 2076
194, 195, 961, 1129, 1254 Rwanda
Restaurant Association, National—984 1994 genocide—1048
Retirement. See Social Security and retirement Economic development—1047
Reuters—1973 President—1034, 1047
Rio Grande Natural Area Act—1815 Sudan, role—1047, 1049
Roman Catholic Church
Safe Boating Week, National–924
See also Holy See (Vatican City) Saint Kitts and Nevis
Archbishop of Washington—1374 U.S. Ambassador—1374
Catholic Prayer Breakfast, National–662 U.S. military assistance—2088
Saint Patrick's Day—489, 491
Afghanistan and Iraq, role–1393 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, U.S. Ambas
President–1298, 1392, 1416 sador—1375
Relations with U.S.–1392
Salary Council for Labor Relations and Pay Pol
Visa policy, U.S.–1392, 1394, 1395 icy, Federal—1070
Western Balkans, role—1394 Same-sex marriage. See Marriage
Roosevelt Campobello International Park Com San Marino, U.S. Ambassador—1659
mission—1374 Sanctity of Human Life Day, National–99
Rosh Hashanah–1651 Saudi Arabia
Rush Limbaugh Show, The-1973 Counterterrorism efforts—219, 654
Russia Khobar Towers terrorist attack, 10th anniver
Civic leaders, meeting with President Bush— sary—1225
1333 Minister of Foreign Affairs—961, 1415
Counterterrorism efforts—1313 Save Your Vision Week—365
Debt reduction for nonproliferation—1360 School Lunch Week, National—1755
Democracy issues—596, 872, 877, 1330, 1331, Science and technology
1334, 1344 See also Health and medical care
Joint Commission on POW/MIAs, U.S.-Rus Aeronautics research and development—2197
sia—820 Bioethics issues—151, 1362–1365
Minister of Foreign Affairs—449 Broadband technology–91, 92, 754, 755, 780
Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Lenin Privacy issues—543
grad in St. Petersburg—1336 Research and development—150, 173–175.
NATO-Russia Council—2100 179, 181, 183, 193, 206, 233, 241, 290. 291.
Nuclear energy, cooperation with U.S.—1356, 298, 304, 334, 355, 361, 436, 489, 556, 634.
1357 712, 726, 727, 736, 737, 749, 752, 784, S32.
Nuclear Terrorism, Global Initiative to Com 844, 865, 897, 898, 972, 1013, 1296, 1400.
bat—1345, 1582 1463, 1803
President—187, 858, 872, 878, 1070, 1112, Stem cell research–1362–1365
1298, 1306, 1336, 1339, 1345, 1356, 1373, Science and Technology, National Medals of
1760, 1819, 2069, 2076 232
President Bush's visits—1306, 1333, 1336, Science and Technology Policy, Office of 1374
1339, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1373, Science and Technology, President's Council of
1374, 2069 Advisers on—394
Relations with Georgia—2096 Science Board, National—239, 1436
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–27

Science Foundation, National—174, 1164 Social Security and retirement—Continued

Science, President's Committee on the National Deputy Commissioner of Social Security—
Medal of 278 2039
Scientists and Engineers, 2005 Presidential Early Pension Protection Act of 2006–1469, 1470
- Career Awards for—1416 Personal retirement accounts, proposed—94,
Secret Service, U.S. See Homeland Security, 116, 117
Department of Private pensions—16, 441, 442, 1441, 1469
Secure Fence Act of 2006—1891 Social Security Advisory Board—1659, 1863
Securities and Exchange Commission—961 Social Security reform—52, 53, 82, 83, 116,
Securities Investor Protection Corporation—187 149, 160, 171, 172, 209, 214, 215, 244, 276,
Security Agency, National–121, 138 334, 436, 523, 525, 544, 554, 650, 709, 842,
Security Council, National–97, 225, 278, 345, 843, 970, 1230, 1303, 1318, 1323, 1324,
393, 450, 557, 666, 859, 960, 1297, 1436, 1399, 1470, 1472, 1799, 2032
1474, 1551, 2202, 2211 Solomon Islands, U.S. Ambassador—717
Security Education Board, National—1375 Somalia
Security Telecommunications Advisory Com Separatist conflict—1086
mittee, President's National—450, 919, 2117 U.S. assistance—2162
Senegal, President—1761 South Africa
Sentencing Commission, U.S.—2170 President—2117, 2141
Serbia, relations with Kosovo–1206 Relations with U.S.—2142
Service and Civic Participation, President's U.S. Ambassador—665
Council on–278, 1164, 1217 South Carolina
Seychelles, U.S. Ambassador–1112 Disaster assistance—97
Sinclair Broadcast Group—1973 President's visit—1914, 1973
Singapore South Dakota, disaster assistance—1112
Acting President—2069 South Korea
Asia Civilisations Museum—2069 Free trade agreement with U.S.—177
Economic reforms and growth–2055 President–110, 1475, 1602, 1621, 1819, 2073,
Minister Mentor—1862 2074
National Singapore University—2055 Relations with Japan—680
President Bush's visit—1905, 2054, 2055, Relations with U.S.—1602, 2073
2060, 2069 U.S. military forces, deployment—679, 1603
Prime Minister–2054, 2055, 2060, 2061, Visa policy, U.S.—1602
2069 War reserves stockpile, transfer of items—956
Relations with U.S.—2055 Southern Baptist Convention—1819
Senior Minister—1071 Soviet Union, former. See Russia, Warsaw Pact
U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President Space program, shuttle—344, 1335, 1358, 1905
Bush—2069 Space Station, International—1905
Slavery (historical) in U.S.–1366, 1371 Spain, former President–225
Slovakia Special Olympics. See Sports
Prime Minister—345, 456 Spelling Bee, Scripps National—1660
Visa policy, U.S.–457 Sports
Slovenia Baseball—235, 665, 1767, 1973, 2163
Afghanistan and Iraq, role—1302 Basketball—939
President—1113 Cricket—449
Prime Minister—1302 Football—225, 792, 1068, 1550, 1659
Relations with U.S.–1302 Golf–71, 137, 1674
Small Business Administration—61, 712, 820, Indianapolis 500–1374
1591 NASCAR–138, 1843
Small Business Week—548, 706 NCAA championship teams—21, 237, 658
Smithsonian Institution Olympic games—186, 278, 344, 363, 745, 942
Air and Space Museum, National–96, 1761 Paralympic games—394, 942
Board of Regents—1621 Soccer—749, 873, 882, 1163
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Softball–70
Arts—961, 1508, 1622, 1660, 1973, 2143 Special Olympics—1305, 1334
Social Security Administration—720, 1621 Tee-ball—1214, 1421
Social Security and retirement Tour de France—1415
401(k), 403(b), and IRA accounts—94, 1369, Sri Lanka
1470 U.S. Ambassador–1034
A–28 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Sri Lanka—Continued Sudan–Continued
U.S. assistance—2162 Special Envoy for Sudan, President's—1636.
Standards and Technology, National Institute of 1712, 1937
See Commerce, Department of Sudan Liberation Movement Army leader—
Stars and Stripes newspaper—1297 1415
State, Department of U.S. national emergency, continuation—1944,
Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues— 1945
665 U.S. assistance—1556
Ambassadors. See specific country Supply Management, Institute of 1398
Assistant Secretaries Supreme Court. See Judiciary
Administration—138 Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary
Economic and Business Affairs—717 Force/Headquarters European Theater of Op
Intelligence and Research–1113 erations U.S. Army Veterans Association—
International Security and Non-Prolifera
tion—1335 Surface Transportation Board—1070
Population, Refugees, and Migration—20 Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue
South Asian Affairs—96 Study Commission, National–666, 2143
Deputy Secretary—142 Suriname, U.S. Ambassador—665
Foreign Service, U.S.–395 Swaziland, U.S. military assistance—1183
Secretary—8, 19, 21, 70, 91, 97, 226, 279,
450, 557, 661, 716, 749, 829, 859, 1297, King and Queen—1820, 1905
U.S. Ambassador—858
1374, 1435, 1436, 1442, 1452, 1453, 1457,
1508, 1621, 1699, 1905, 1973, 2202, 2222 Switzerland, U.S. Ambassador—919
Senior officials, meeting with President—2151 Syria
United Nations, U.S. representatives to. See Blocking property of certain persons, U.S. na
United Nations tional emergency—794, 796, 887
State of the Union Address—145 Democracy and human rights issues—2156
“Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of Relations with Iran—1348, 1636
2005”–1362, 1365 Relations with Iraq–594
Relations with Lebanon–594, 2086, 2157
Stop Counterfeiting in Manufactured Goods Relations with U.S.–2049, 2189
Strategic Offensive Weapons Reductions Treaty, Terrorism, sponsorship—132, 1332, 1348–
U.S.-Russia. See Russia 1351, 1359, 1360, 1379, 1406, 1411, 1419.
1423, 1443–1445, 1456, 1457, 1460, 1473.
Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy (STOP') 1481, 1483, 1597, 1636, 1883, 2136, 2189
Sudan Troops and intelligence officers in Lebanon.
withdrawal–595, 1333, 1360, 1411, 1447.
African Union, peacekeeping efforts—111, 1473, 1540
885, 886, 1372, 1636
Blocking property of and prohibiting trans Tajikistan, U.S. Ambassador—820
actions with the Government, U.S. national Tanzania, President—1659
emergency—1824, 1826 Tauck World Discovery–831
Blocking property of persons involved in the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006–2.193.
Darfur conflict, U.S. national emergency— 2195
802, 804 Taxation
Darfur, conflict and human rights crisis—111, Charitable donations, deductions—SS. 420
277, 279, 491, 497, 584, 585, 593, 812, 818, Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation
819, 856, SS4, SS5, 918, 969, 1047, 1049, Act of 2005–943
1075, 1106, 1271, 1372, 1407, 1508, 1615, Tax relief–12–14, 24, 25, 52, 81–84, 100.
1636, 1712, 1713, 1761, 1937, 2141, 2151, 149, 159, 160, 171, 206–208, 334, 407, 430.
2157 435, 487, 526, 554, 556, 570, 629, 630. 633.
First Vice President—1372, 1374 649, 664, 707, 70S, 719, 720. 7S3, S39–
Former First Vice President–277 S41, 857, 909, 914, 944, 945, 948, 970. 978
Minister of Transportation, Roads, and 987, 988, 1004, 1012, 1053, 1056, 1062,
Bridges—226, 234 1067, 1129, 1171, 1186, 1229, 1230. 1238,
Peace efforts—ll 1, 277, 884–886 1292, 1301, 1303, 1316, 1317, 1319, 13-3,
President–858 1347, 1397, 1422, 1424, 1451, 1465. 1491,
Security Sector Transformation (SST) Pro 1534, 1548, 1554, 1587, 1616, 1642, 1543.
gram—1556 1648, 1665, 1666, 1681, 1714, 1720, 1721,
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–29

Taxation—Continued Terrorism—Continued
Tax relief—Continued Hizballah terrorist group—Continued
1726, 1735, 1736, 1745, 1757, 1778, 1779, 1460, 1468, 1472, 1473, 1481–1483, 1486,
1789, 1793, 1796, 1797, 1809, 1810, 1845, 1540, 1562, 1597
1846, 1850, 1851, 1856, 1857, 1870, 1872, Khobar Towers attack, 10th anniversary—
1873, 1876, 1887, 1894, 1895, 1898–1900, 1225
1907, 1909, 1910, 1919, 1925, 1939, 1940, Persons who commit, threaten to commit, or
1947, 1948, 1953, 1954, 1960, 1961, 1967, support terrorism, U.S. national emer
1968, 1979, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1994, 1995, gency—1652, 1653
2001, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2018 September 11, 2001, attacks—103, 264, 427,
Teachers of the Year, National and State—798 505, 519, 532, 846, 848, 882, 1042, 1178,
Telecommunication Union, International–1305 1195, 1492, 1508, 1558, 1566, 1569, 1577–
Telemundo—1436 1579, 1581, 1585, 1595, 1597, 1598, 1600,
Tennessee 1607, 1612, 1620, 1621, 1626, 1633, 1689,
Civil Rights Museum, National, in Memphis— 1831, 2134, 2166
1366 Strategy for Combating Terrorism, National—
Disaster assistance—665 1563
Graceland in Memphis—1250, 1254 Terrorist attacks, U.S. national emergency—
Grand Ole Opry—152 1567
President's visits—152, 187, 1163, 1250, 1254, Terrorist Screening Center—1580
1366, 1531, 1550, 1699 Terrorist Surveillance Act—2036
Republican Party events—1531, 1699 Terrorists
Tennessee Valley Authority—1437 Detention, conditions—1570, 1571, 1573–
Terrorism 1575, 1603, 1608, 1610, 1613, 1618,
See also Defense and national security; spe 1676, 1832, 1833, 1904
cific country or region Prosecution—1573, 1576, 1578, 1596, 1608,
Al Qaida terrorist group–7, 45, 93, 104, 122, 1616, 1618, 1626, 1646, 1677, 1683,
º 155, 219, 220, 265, 352, 429, 440, 441, 445, 1687, 1832, 1859, 2065
499, 507, 522, 533–535, 551, 552, 642, 644, USS Cole bombing, sixth anniversary—1813
682, 846, 848, 876, 880, 1100, 1110, 1132, Texas
1288, 1394, 1449, 1462, 1466, 1485, 1558– Brooke Army Medical Center in San Anto
1561, 1571, 1572, 1577, 1657, 1670, 1684, nio—2, 19
2112, 2139 Disaster assistance—70, 1474
Communications, interception—2, 3, 46, 47, Laredo Border Patrol Sector Headquarters—
109, 122, 123, 128–131, 133, 148, 158, 159, 1112
268, 269, 333, 428, 511, 524, 656, 911, 926, Mary Help of Christians School in Laredo—
936, 947, 1462, 1474, 1489, 1579, 1609, 1112
1616, 1627, 1683, 1715, 1722, 1723, 1729, President's visits—2, 19, 187, 191, 225, 412,
1730, 1738, 1747, 1781, 1811, 1847, 1874, 450, 625, 664, 1085, 1112, 1164, 1216,
1895 1375, 1415, 1430, 1437, 1452, 1453, 1474,
Counterterrorism Center, National–1474, 1550, 1923, 1973, 1992, 2017, 2022, 2038,
1580 2039, 2209, 2211, 2222
Counterterrorism efforts—64, 108, 122, 653, Republican Party events—1453, 1923, 2017
1223, 1237, 1238, 1450, 1451, 1453, 1455, Texas A&M University—961, 2038
1461, 1462, 1466, 1474, 1563, 1564, 1569, U.S. Representative, resignation—630, 665
1570, 1578–1581, 1599, 1608, 1617, 1646, Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Magnet Center
1676, 1679, 1715, 1789, 1816, 1858, 1910, in Dallas–191
1911, 1920, 1926, 1940, 1941, 1948, 1949, Thailand, King—2144
1955, 1962, 1969, 1980, 1988, 1996, 2002, Thanksgiving—2062, 2087, 2089, 2091
2008, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2033 Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz—1621
Global threat—47, 123, 222, 504, 654, 886, Thomas Jefferson Day—714
1342, 1350, 1450, 1455, 1463, 1558, 1561, Torture, prohibition. See Human rights
1562, 1577, 1633, 1673, 2075 Trade agreements or negotiations. See Com
Hamas terrorist grou 1329, 1332, 1341, merce, international; specific country or re
1349, 1353, 1408, 1412, 1447, 1457 ton

Hizballah terrorist group—1329, 1332, 1341, Trade Commission, U.S. International—1164,

1348, 1349, 1353, 1354, 1359, 1360, 1379, 1591
1386, 1393, 1406, 1408, 1409, 1411, 1412, Trade Policy and Negotiations, Advisory Com
1419, 1442–1448, 1450, 1456, 1457, 1459, mittee for—188
A–30 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Trade Representative, Office of the U.S.–721, Turkey—Continued
749, 1139, 1164, 1437 Terrorist attacks—1374
Trade. See Business and industry; Commerce,
international Uganda, President–2222
Trading With the Enemy Act—1601
Trafficking in persons. See Foreign policy, U.S. Babyn Yar massacre, 65th anniversary—1659
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Orange Revolution and democracy efforts—
Act of 2005–38, 39
Trade with U.S.–547, 627
Transportation, Department of U.S. Ambassador—858
Assistant Secretaries
Aviation and International Affairs—226 World Trade Organization, membership bid—
Governmental Affairs—96
Transportation Policy–96 Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences—ll 12
Federal Transit Administrator—96
Former Secretary—2162 Union. See other part of subject
Highway Administration, Federal—450 United Kingdom
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Na Defense relationship with U.S.–1032, 1033
tional—96 Duke of Edinburgh—2054
Inspector General–1335 Farnborough International Aerospace and De
Maritime Administration fense Exhibition and Air Show—1335
Northern Ireland
Administrator—96, 1254
Merchant Marine Academy, U.S.–1177 Community leaders and peace activists,
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad meetings with President Bush—451, 491
ministration—138 Political institutions, restoration of 2115
Prime Minister—113, 114, 218, 1020, 1032,
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Cor
1034, 1113, 1348, 1375, 1406, 1416, 1436,
poration—1550, 1761
Secretary–1216, 1565, 1590, 1707, 1833 1452, 1453, 1597, 2129, 2143, 2144
Transportation, highway improvement legisla Queen—2054
tion–86, 87, 271, 780 Relations with U.S.–114, 1032, 1407, 2131
Transportation Safety Board, National–717, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland—451
1112, 1659 Terrorist attacks, prevention—1450, 1453.
Transportation Safety Board Reauthorization Act 1455, 1461, 1462, 1466, 1474, 1479, 1489.
of 2006, National—2199 1532, 1536, 1577, 1585, 1649, 1789
United Nations
Treasury, Department of the
Assistant Secretaries Democracy Fund—311, 376
Economic Policy—1698 Disarmament, Conference on–919
Financial Markets—2039 General Assembly—1621, 1626, 1633, 1637.
Public Affairs—1621 1659, 1664
Tax policy—918 Human Rights Commission—378
General Counsel—1415, 1699 Human Rights, Universal Declaration of
Internal Revenue Service–87, 821 1634
Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board— Iraq, International Compact for—1635, 1638
1550 Kyoto Protocol. See Environment
Mint, Director—1254 Lebanon, role—1508
Secretary—631, 1045, 1070, 1240, 1302, 1437, Peacekeeping operations—886, 1508
1590 Reform—234, 325, 378, 1024
Under Secretary for Domestic Finance—1590 Secretary-General—21, 187, 234, 1314, 150S,
Tribal Colleges and Universities, President's 1615, 1637, 1659, 1862, 2144
Board of Advisers on—2116 Security Council–325, 378, 1484, 1830, 2080,
Tribune Broadcasting—1906 2084
Tunisia, U.S. Ambassador—450 Sudan, role—1372, 1407, 1615, 1712
Turkey U.S. Ambassador—1659, 2123
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline, opening–1335 U.S. representatives—21, 226, 450, 820, 919
Economic reforms and growth–1713 United Nations Day—1867
European Union, membership bid–1713 United Service Organizations, Inc.–96, 1622
Former Prime Minister—2039 Urban Radio Network, American—1550
Prime Minister—1374, 1621, 1712, 2144 Urugua
Relations with Armenia—785 President—820, 851
Relations with U.S.–1712 Trade with U.S.—632
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–31

Uruguay—Continued Vietnam—Continued
U.S. Ambassador—1621 Trade with U.S.–2022, 2066, 2150, 2194,
Visa policy, U.S.–851 2.195, 2214
U.S. See other part of subject U.S. Embassy staff, meeting with President
USA Freedom Corps. See Freedom Corps, USA Bush—2088, 2089
USA PATRIOT Act—4, 19, 47, 108, 158, 268, U.S. military assistance—2214
385, 423–425, 427, 487, 524, 947, 1462, 1580, U.S. service members' remains, recovery ef
1616, 1683, 1722, 1723, 1729, 1738, 1746, forts—2067
1780, 1811, 1812, 1847, 1852, 1858 Vietnam war—2030, 2063
USA Today newspaper–1475 World Trade Organization, membership bid—
USAID. See Development, U.S. Agency for 2022, 2037, 2066, 2150
International Vietnam Education Foundation—226, 624
Utah Violence Against Women and Department of
President's visit—1536, 1537, 1544, 1550, Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005–21
1551 Virginia
Republican Party event—1544 Arlington National Cemetery—1044, 2045,
Valles Caldera Trust—187
Counterterrorism Center, National, in
Valor Review Board, Medal of 20
McLean—1474, 1580
Vanuatu, U.S. Ambassador—717
Disaster assistance—1336, 1660
Vatican. See Holy See (Vatican City)
Venezuela, President—581 Europa Stone Distributors, Inc., in Sterling—
Veterans Affairs, Department of Jamestown Settlement, 400th anniversary—
Acting General Counsel—1659 2054
Assistant Secretaries
Congressional Affairs—492, 1217 Museum of the Marine Corps, National, in
Information and Technology—1550 President's visits—5, 20, 80, 96, 699, 716, 720,
Policy and Planning–1034, 1255 749, 961, 1044, 1049, 1070, 1266, 1297,
Deputy Secretary–1819 1388, 1416, 1456, 1462, 1474, 1508, 1621,
Funding—337, 1240, 1537
1819, 1828, 1850, 1862, 2042, 2045, 2068,
Medical care system, funding–142, 337, 1538 2153, 2166, 2169, 2170, 2179, 2202
Secretary–96 Republican Party events—961, 1416, 1508,
Under Secretary for Benefits—625 1850
Veterans Benefits Act—337
Veterans Business Development Corporation, Small and minority business—81
National—492, 1416
Unemployment rate–83
United States Air Force Memorial in Arling
Veterans Day—1943, 2044–2046, 2068 ton—1828
Veterans of Foreign Wars—31, 37, 1819 Visa policy, U.S. See Immigration and naturaliza
Vice President. See White House Office
tion; specific country
Volunteer Service Award, President's—322, 916
Business leaders, meeting with President Volunteer Week, National—748
Volunteers for Prosperity—2160, 2162
Communist Party General Secretary—2069
Democracy and human rights issues—2063, Wall Street Journal–138, 1699
2067, 2075 Washington
Economic reforms and growth–2066 Disaster assistance—961, 2169
HIV/AIDS—2058, 2066, 2077, 2078, 2089 President's visit—l 164
Ho Chi Minh City Republican Party event—1164
History Museum—2089 Washington, DC. See District of Columbia
Pasteur Institute—2077, 2089 Washington Post–2202
Securities Trading Center—2089 Weapons of mass destruction. See Arms and mu
Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command in
Hanoi—2088 Weekly Standard—2169
President–1905, 2065, 2068, 2069 Welfare system, reform—215
President Bush's visit—1905, 2062, 2065, West Virginia
2068, 2069, 2073–2077, 2088, 2089 Governor—4, 5, 19, 138, 531
Prime Minister–1905, 2069 National Guard–532
Relations with U.S.–2063, 2065, 2068 President's visit—531, 557
A–32 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
West Virginia–Continued White House Office—Continued
Sago Run Mine, accident–4, 5, 19, 20, 531, Assistants to the President—Continued
1164 Presidential Correspondence Director–
Western Hemisphere -
See also Central America; Commerce, inter Presidential Personnel—188, 1475, 1551
national; Developing countries Public Liaison Deputy Director–395
Americas, Free Trade Area of the, proposed— South and Central Asian Affairs, Senior Di
1118 rector for—188
Democracy and economic development ef Speechwriting—625
forts—l 117 Speechwriting, Deputy Director of 1551
Inter-American Democratic Charter—l 117 Staff Secretary—1070
U.S. assistance—1138
White House Management—1453
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. See Can Associate Counsel to the President—1217.
ada 1436, 1453, 2116, 2222
Whaling Commission, International—187 Chief of Staff—578,579, 631, 723
White Cane Safety Day—1814 Chief Usher—1877
White House Counterterrorism team—1462
James S. Brady press briefing room, renova First Lady, Office of the, Chief of Staff—
tion—1428, 1492 1590
Tree planting—1760 Foreign policy team—1457
White House Correspondents' Association–858 Former Assistant to the President for Domes
White House Fellowships, President's Commis tic Policy—454
sion on—20 Interns—625
White House News Photographers Association— Management Council, President's—1818
National Security Council Legal Advisor and
White House Office General Counsel—1819
Assistants to the President
Press Secretary—733, 734, 797
Administration Office, Director—2116 Senior Associate Counsel to the President—
Agriculture, Trade, and Food Assistance— 1819
1217 Vice President–259, 260, 1621, 1699, 1905,
Cabinet Liaison—1974 2027, 2188
Communications—625, 1335 White House Fellows—20, 2202
Deputy Director of Political Affairs—188 White House Summit on Malaria—215S
Deputy National Security Adviser—1905 Wisconsin
Deputy Press Secretary—625, 1698, 2116 Fox Valley Metal-Tech, Inc., in Green Bay—
Domestic Policy—223, 1034, 1436, 1453 1453
Economic Policy—188, 395, 1217, 1436
Johnson Controls Battery Technology Center
Faith-based and Community Initiatives Di in Milwaukee—344
rector—730, 1437 President's visits—289, 344, 1319, 1320, 1335.
Homeland Security Adviser–1453 1450, 1451, 1453
Intergovernmental Affairs Director—2222 Republican Party events—1320, 1453
International Economic Affairs, Deputy Na Women's Day, International—409
tional Security Adviser for-1475 Women's Democracy Network—411
Iraq, Senior Director for-188
Women's Equality Day—1493
Legislative Affairs—1217, 1436, 1819, 1974 Women's History Month—358, 409
Legislative Affairs, Deputy Assistant—395, Women's rights. See Foreign policy, U.S.: spe
cific country or region
National Security Adviser–859, 1113, 1374, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Schol
1436, 1452, 1453, 1621, 1699, 1905 ars—226, 1621
National Security Council Press Secretary— World AIDS Day—2112, 2114
World Freedom Day—1958
National Security Council, Senior Director World Trade Organization—1307, 1308, 1341.
for Relief, Stabilization, and Develop 1697
World Trade Week—981
National Security Council, Special Assistant
for African Affairs—1819 Wright Brothers Day—2168
Policy—1622 Yemen, President—1698
Policy, Deputy Chief of Staff for—749 Yom Kippur–1687
Annual Subject Index to Issues 1–52 A–33

Yugoslavia, former. See Europe, Western Bal- Zimbabwe, blocking property of persons under
kans; specific country or territory mining democratic processes or institutions—
Annual Name Index

Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

Abbas, Mahmoud “Abu Mazen”–126, 127, 997, Alamar, Naomi–1863
999, 1329, 1341, 1349, 1353, 1380, 1409, Albright, Craig M.–1974
1420, 1445, 1447, 1448, 1457, 1636, 1639, Alcantara, Yirela–71
1664, 2097, 2110, 2130, 2137 Alexander, Keith B-121
Abbott, Mark R.—l 164, 1165 Alexander, Lamar—153, 163, 164, 178, 1184
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem—1223 Alito, Laura—75, 124, 142, 145, 165
Abdul Karim, Zahara—886 Alito, Martha-Ann–75, 124, 142, 145, 165
Abdullah bin Ahmad Badawi-859, 1632, 2170 Alito, Philip S.–75, 124, 142, 145, 165
Abe, Shinzo—1699, 1768, 1783, 1819, 2064, Alito, Rose—145, 165
2073, 2074 Alito, Rosemary–165
Abercrombie, Neil—l 147 Alito, Samuel A., Jr.—26, 70, 71, 74, 75, 115 •

Abernathy, Juanita—1391 123, 126, 141–143, 145, 151, 164, 165, 187,
Abizaid, John P.-5, 7, 32, 43, 262, 272, 578, 283, 426, 438, 531, 578, 951, 1014, 1188,
579, 1110, 1120, 1483, 1490, 1533, 1542, 1240, 1535, 1549, 1868, 1909, 1918, 1924,
1547, 1619, 1881, 1886, 2064 1939, 1946, 1947, 1953, 1960, 1967, 1978,
Abraham, Jane—1899 1994, 2017
Abraham, Spencer–1899 Aliyev, Ilham–716, 809 .
Abramoff, Jack A.—129, 135 Aliyeva, Leyla–810
Abrams, Debra–749 Aliyeva, Mehriban–810
Abramson, Jerry E-41, 48 Allard, A. Wayne–1744, 1986
Abudi, Yuarib Nadhim al- —l 126 Allard, Joan—1744
Ackerman, Elliot—586 Allawi, Ayad—517
Ackerman, F. Duane—394 Allen, Claude A.—223,454
Ackerman, Gary L-1707, 2177 Allen, Clyde—1016
Ackerman, Peter—586, 597 Allen, George—836, 1145, 1389, 1508, 1850,
Acosta, R. Alexander—ll 14 2177
Adams, Mary Nelson—1591 Allen, Jannese—224
Adams, Paul—782 Allen, Jason E-1254
Adams, Scot L-1093 Allen, Pamela A.—1015
Adams, Timothy D.—70 Allen, Susan—1850
Addison, Linda Leuchter—919 Allen, Thad W.-96, 1015, 1016, 1423, 1427,
Advani, L.K.—394 1514, 1521, 1601
Agosto, Benjamin—942 Allen, Will—238
Aguila, Alex–1424, 1471 Allred, C. Stephen—1436, 1438
Aguilar, Alfonso—563 Almquist, Katherine—1863, 2069
Aguilar, David V.-951, 1056, 1058, 1079, 1431, Alvarez, Carlos—1423
1891 Ama Jan, Safia–1668
Aguirre, Eduardo—852 Amin, Rizgar Mohammed—590
Ahern, Bertie—451, 489, 491 Anderson, Belinda Childress—2116
Ahern, Jayson P-1079 Anderson, Carl–322
Ahmadi-nejad, Mahmud–67, 111, 317, 445, Anderson, John—531
595, 814, 869, 880, 893, 1024, 1282, 1287, Anderson, Paul M.–394
1315, 1342, 1562. 21.89 Anderson, Steven—984
Ahner, Chuck—2000 Anderson, Thomas D.—920
Aiken, Clayton—1590 Andretti, Mario—278, 344
Aiona, James R., Jr.—450 Annan, Kofi-21, 187, 234, 277, 1271, 1314,
Aitken, Steven D.—961 1350, 1352, 1354, 1508, 1615, 1633, 1637,
Ajami, Fouad–588 1659, 2086, 2144 -

Akaka, Daniel Kahikina–1147 Annan, Nane Maria—1637, 2144

Akin, Lulli—1802 Ansip, Andrus—2093–2095, 2098
Akin, W. Todd–1802 Anthony, Perry E.-858
Akins, Elaine—417 Anuzis, Saulius “Saul"—1899
Akins, Jerry—417 Aranoff, Shara L.-1164

B–2 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Archuleta, Edmund G-1216 Bakoyianni, Theodora—549
Arcos, Cresencio-138 Ball, Karl'Nequa–322
Arey, D. Franklin, III—624 Ball, Katie—322
Ban Ki-Moon—1862
Argyros, George L., Sr.—770
Arias Sanchez, Oscar–858, 889, 2089, 2127 Bangura, Zainab Hawa—1233, 1234
Armitage, Richard L.-1444, 1656 Barbour, Haley–57–62, 416,417, 807, 816, 912.
Armstrong, William L-1744
Arnold, Devardy—1182 Barbour, Marsha D.—57, 60, 416, 1514
Arnold, Kay K.—1659, 1660 Bardo, Marvin—557
Artman, Carl J.-1436, 1438 Barefield, Kelly—1660
Arvizu, Dan–297, 298, 300, 301, 304 Barksdale, James L-59
Asad, Bashar al-–595, 1332, 2049 Barnard, Susan—799
Barnes, Susan Schanlaber—394, 1216
Ashcroft, John—1064
Asher, Robert–1464, 1845 Barnett, Jim—2000
Askey, Thelma J.—2143 Barnett, Mickey D.—395
Aspromonte, Ken—1868 Baroch, Charles J.-298
Assayesh, Ali–1266 Barraza, Ricardo, Jr.—624
Astrue, Michael J.-1621, 1622 Barreto, Hector V., Jr.—706, 712, 852
Barreto, Robin—852
Atala, Anthony—1416 Barrett, Barbara McConnell—1621
Atea, Khaled—1135
Augustine, Norman R.—178 Barrett, Craig R.—178, 179, 182
Aung San Suu Kyi–376, 411 Barrett, Thomas J.-138, 139
Barrett, Tom—289
Aurakzai, Ali Muhammad Jan–1654
Auriana, Lawrence E.-344 Barth, John M.–289
Austerman, Alan—961 Bartiromo, Maria—1905
Austin, Al—283, 1647 Bartlett, Herbert—624
Bartlett, Roscoe Gardner–1364
Austin, Beverly—283
Austin, Denise—82.1 Barton, Joe L-1145
Austin, Patti—1224
Barzani, Masoud—2156, 2169
Autry, Alan—624 Basayev, Shamil–1313
Basescu, Traian—1298, 1392, 1416
Ayad, Hamid–1542, 1553
Ayalon, Daniel—458 Basham, Judith—1078
Aziz, Shaukat—71, 121, 138, 316, 318 Basham, W. Ralph–186, 188, 1056, 1078, 1431.
Aznar, Jose Maria—225 Bashir, Umar Hassan Ahmad Al- —858, SS6
Baase, Catherine M.–821 Bass, Charles F.—203, 213
Ba'Attash, Walid–1813 Bates, Sally—1905
Baca, Chris–184, 185 Battle, Carlos—1753
Bachelet, Michelle–96, 394, 411, 1104, 1113, Battle, Pamela—1753
1117, 1118 Baucus, Max Sieben—1240
Bachmann, Michele—1508 Bauer, Kirk M.–394, 821
Bacino, Geoffrey S.–1164, 1165 Baxter, Frank—1621, 1622
Bagge, Christian—1234, 1253 Beach, M. Josephine—2202
Bailey, John P-1255 Beard, Alana—1223
Bailey, Tom, Jr.—1819 Beauchamp, E. William—659
Baines, Harold D.—235, 236 Beauprez, Bob-298, 662, 1743, 1986
Bair, Sheila C.–858, 860 Beauprez, Claudia—1743
Baird, James N.—821 Becker, Ed—124, 141
Baker, Delbert W.-2116 Bederson, Dana—2141
Baker, Howard H., Jr.—1531 Beehler, Alex A.—1436, 1438
Baker, James A., III–681, 1138, 1786, 1790, Begosa, Francisco A.—962
1879, 2024, 2026, 2029, 2034, 2044, 2049, Belbin, Tanith—942
2064, 2121, 2126, 2128, 2130, 2132–1235, Bell, Honor, Sr.—2039
2138, 2144, 2149, 2155, 2185 Bell, Warren—1216, 1255, 2202
Baker, Jodie–690, 691 Belt, Earl–1974
Baker, Oliver K.—278 Bement, Arden L., Jr.—232
Baker, Richard H.-442 Benbow, Camilla Persson—1164, 1165
Baker, Rick—262 Benecke, Andrew—1254
Baker, Valerie L.-860 Bennett, Ken—952
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–3

Bennett, Robert–407, 1536, 1537, 1544, 1816 Bingham, Suzanne—187

Bennett, Samuel R.—799 Bird, Stephen—1590
Bennett, Shannon–720 Birhaheka, Immaculee—1233, 1234
Bense, Allan G.-283 Birkett, Joseph E.-1291
Benson, Bruce D.—1744 Bishop, Clyde—1374, 1375
Bentsen, Beryl A.—1003 Bishop, Robert–1536, 1537, 1544
Bentsen, Lloyd M., Jr.—1002 Black, Gary W.-1584
Bentz, Rhonda–1216 Blackaby, Henry T-850
Berger, Katherine M.B.—859, 860 Blackaby, Marilynn–850
Bergner, Kevin J-188 Blackburn, Marsha—1223, 1531
Berlusconi, Silvio-344, 363, 1311, 2116 Blackburne-Rigsby, Anna–1035
Bernanke, Alyssa G-194 Blackwell, J. Kenneth–1437
Bernanke, Anna—194 Blair, Anita K.—716, 821
Bernanke, Ben S.–88, 96, 97, 145, 194, 203, Blair, Dan G.-1974, 2070
270, 406, 1129, 1303 Blair, Tony—113, 218, 786, 1020, 1032, 1034,
Bernanke, Joel—194 1043, 1048, 1113, 1128, 1179, 1348, 1350,
Bernanke, Sharon—194 1375, 1406, 1416, 1419, 1420, 1436, 1449,
Bernardi, Roy A.—57 1450, 1452, 1453, 1461, 1489, 1597, 1636,
Bernhardt, David Longly—1591 1694, 1706, 2050, 2129, 2143, 2144, 2148,
Bernstein, Wilma E.-1622 2149
Berra, Lawrence P. “Yogi"—1868 Blake, Robert O., Jr.—1034, 1035
Bertini, Catherine A.—665 Blanchard, Felix A. "Doc,” Jr.—58
Berwick, Bruce A.—1437, 1438 Blanco, Kathleen Babineaux–56, 58, 414, 415,
Bettis, Jerome—1069 443, 806, 816, 817, 1488, 1525
Betts, Roland—186 Bliss, Donald T-71, 97
Beverly, Delmar “Pete"—344 Blitzer, Wolf–1659
Bevilacqua, Anthony J.-662 Bloom, Floyd E. 492
Beyer, Wayne Cartwright—ll 12, 1113, 2202 Bloom, Ronald H.-919
Biden, Joseph R., Jr.—502, 2151 Blosser, Jim—283
Biden, R. Hunter–961, 962 Blum, H. Steven—1058, 1431
Biggert, Judith Borg–12, 410, 984 Blunt, Alexander C. “Charlie”–1966
Biggs, Andrew G.—2039, 2069, 2070 Blunt, Matt—358, 624, 1236, 1959, 1966
Bilbray, Brian P-767 Blunt, Melanie Anderson—358, 1236
Bilbray, James H.-1437, 1438 Blunt, Roy—168, 213, 224, 424, 486, 1098,
Bilirakis, Emmanuel—1641 1236, 1666, 1959, 1961, 1966, 1967, 2023
Bilirakis, Evelyn–283, 1642 Blunt, William Branch–1236
Bilirakis, Gus M.–1641 Blyth, Myrna—20
Bilirakis, Michael–262, 283, 1641, 1642 Bock, Adam—1537
Bilirakis, Nicholas—1641 Bock, Elaine—1537
Bilirakis, Theodore—1641 Bock, Thomas L-336, 1537
Billington, James H.-418 Boden, Kathy—1870
Billmire, Valerie–1590 Bodman, Samuel W.-232, 399, 400, 1015,
Bilyeu, Dana K–1659, 1660 1127, 1802–1804
bin al-Shibh, Ramzi–642, 1571, 1573, 1610, Boehlert, Sherwood L.-232, 466, 1148
1693, 1747, 1832 Boehm, Edward G., Jr.—1845
bin Laden, Usama—45, 122, 123, 133, 146, 147, Boehm, Regina—1845
219, 220, 313, 331, 370, 372, 589, 591, 642, Boehner, John A.—213, 224, 486, 943, 1145,
674, 771, 880, 886, 1100, 1107, 1119, 1186, 1146, 1184, 1303, 1469, 1617, 1891, 2023
1288, 1542, 1546, 1558–1561, 1571, 1573, Boles, James—1590
1577, 1578, 1580, 1582, 1586, 1596, 1598, Bolling, Bill—1850
1599, 1619, 1644, 1650, 1657, 1670, 1673, Bolling, Jean Ann—1850
1677, 1685, 1689, 1692, 1693, 1716, 1717, Bolten, Joshua B.—407,578–580, 586, 631, 721–
1721, 1728, 1737, 1746, 1789, 1811, 1847, 723, 733, 1067, 1162, 1834, 2180
1848, 1853, 1860, 1869, 1875, 1878, 1885, Bolton, Gretchen–2123, 2124
1897, 1902, 1912, 1915, 1921, 1927, 1941, Bolton, Jennifer S.–2124
1943, 1949, 1956, 1963, 1969, 1981, 1989, Bolton, John R.—234, 595, 1479, 2039, 2123
1997, 2003, 2008, 2014, 2019 Bomar, Mary A—1590, 1591, 2140
Bingaman, Jesse F. "Jeff.” Jr.—178, 1078 Bond, Christopher S. “Kit”–568, 569, 686,
Bingham, Mary R.—1524 1802, 1959, 1967
B–4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Bond, Julian—1367, 1391 Brown, Dorothy—231
Boni, Thomas Yay–665 Brown, Gayleatha B.—919, 920
Bonner, Zachary–1659 Brown, Henry E., Jr.—1914
Bono, Mary–767, 770, 772 Brown, James—2208
Booth, Donald E.-71 Brown, Jeffrey R.—1863, 2144
Boozman, Cathy—2011 Brown, Larry W.-1590, 1591
Boozman, John–2011–2015 Brown, Lyle—1750
Borders, Carmel—1254, 1256 Brown, Mack—21, 237–239
Boren, Daniel D.—458 Brown, Rachel "Jane"—1494, 1500, 1501
Borlaug, Norman E-391 Brown, Robert A.—394
Bornstein, Steven—82.1 Brown, Sally—237,239
Boskin, Chris—1216, 1255 Brown, Stephanie–1590
Bost, Eric M.–665, 666 Brown, Walter E-1584
Botella, Ana—225 Brown-Waite, Virginia–283
Botero, Jorge Humberto-260 Brownback, Mary–799, 2000
Bouchard, Michael J.-1591, 1898 Brownback, Sam D.—38, 102, 111, 113, 799,
Bouchard, Pam—1899 1101, 1145, 1364, 2000
Boucher, Frederick C.—1146 Bruer, John T-1164, 1165
Boucher, Richard A.—96, 97 Brulte, James L–772
Bovin, Dennis–1590 Bruning, Jon—1993
Bowden, Corey–930 Brunson, Catherine Thatcher—1699
Boxer, Barbara—1621, 1660, 1730 Bryan, Irene—908
Boyce, Ralph—2144 Bryant, Vanessa L-139
Boyle, Terrence W.-1550, 1591, 2071 Bryner, Gary C.—1659, 1660
Bradbury, Steven G.-139, 2071 Bryson, Jim—1531
Bradley, Ed—2041 Bucelo, Armando J., Jr.—187, 227
Bradley, Jeb–203, 213 Buchanan, Gale A.—71, 97
Bradshaw, Eva–1699 Buchanan, James—1871
Bradtke, Robert A.—821, 822 Buchanan, Mary Beth—2116
Brady, Bill–1291 Buchanan, Matt—1871
Brady, James S.–1428 Buchanan, Sandy—1871
Brady, Kevin P.-1923, 1925, 1926 Buchanan, Vern—1871
Brady, Sarah–1428 Buckley, George W.-169
Branning, Christopher—1216 Buestrin, Mary–1321
Bransby, David–1680, 1805 Bulani, Jawad al- –1100, 1105, 1119, 1126,
Branstad, Terry—1893 1173, 1916
Brant, Tim–1215 Bumb, Renee M.–139
Brantner, Mark–1216 Bunni, Anwar al-–2156
Brantner, Robert–1216 Bunning, James P.D.—966,976
Brazile, Donna—1367 Bunning, Mary C.–966, 976
Brehm, Edward—2143 Bunting, Josiah, III–1164, 1165
Brehm, Ward—665 Burgess, Michael C.–2017
Bridges, Jerry Gayle—450, 451 Burgess, Ronald L., Jr.—1112
Briggs, Mike—2087 Burke, David A.—919
Bright, Vonette—850 Burke, John–821
Brin, Sergey–563 Burnham, Neal—1453
Brinkley, Cynthia—686 Burnley, James H., IV—1834
Brister, Patricia P.-226, 227, 410 Burns, Alison—1973
Brock, Roslyn McCallister–1367 Burns, Conrad–567, 836, 1315, 1945–1951
Brock, Thomas L.-96 Burns, Ella K.—567
Brody, William R.—671, 672 Burns, Garrett—567
Broidy, Elliott B.-1973 Burns, Kate—567
Bronson, Charles H.-283, 2006 Burns, Keely—567
Brooks, Max–1750 Burns, Lawrence D.—301, 302
Broome, David–1819 Burns, Lora—427, 1584, 1917
Brosius, Karen–859, 860 Burns, Martin A.—1421
Brotman, Charlie–1421 Burns, Max—427, 1583, 1917–1919, 1921, 1923
Brown, Brent—1584 Burns, Michael–102
Brown, Bryan D.—262 Burns, Michael J.-2144, 2145
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–5

Burns, Phyllis–567, 1945 Bush, Laura—Continued

Burns, R. Nicholas—325, 403 1770, 1777, 1782, 1808, 1828, 1830, 1831,
Burns, William J.-1333, 1444 1835, 1838, 1845, 1850, 1856, 1867, 1870,
Burr, Richard M.–1261, 1838, 1843 1871, 1888, 1892, 1899, 1908, 1914, 1917,
Bush, Barbara—152, 153, 216, 236, 406, 410, 1923, 1928, 1938, 1945, 1951, 1952, 1957–
458, 549, 686, 695, 768, 873, 881, 889, 905, 1959, 1965, 1966, 1972, 1977, 1983, 1985,
966, 988, 1169, 1261, 1320, 1431, 1497, 1629, 1991, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2010–
1642, 1714, 1720, 1726, 1750, 1758, 1766, 2012, 2016–2018, 2021, 2022, 2041, 2054,
1834, 1867, 1871, 1892, 1893, 2144, 2163 2055, 2060, 2061, 2063, 2065, 2068, 2075,
Bush, Barbara P-71, 80, 90, 92, 115, 186, 410, 2077–2079, 2085, 2091, 2092, 2094, 2114,
873, 940, 1169, 1205, 1243, 1334, 2037 2121, 2122, 2140, 2142, 2150, 2158, 2160,
Bush, Columba-283, 830, 889 2162, 2165, 2168, 2.174, 2180–2182, 2194,
Bush, Dwight L-1870 2201, 2207–2209
Bush, George H.W.-11, 41, 45, 75, 92, 107, Bush, Mary K.—138
149, 152, 153, 158, 216, 236, 262, 268, 332, Bush, Patricia R.—1236
338, 360, 394, 430, 441, 458, 466, 508, 537, Bush, William H.T. “Bucky”–1236
549, 553, 569, 599, 648, 686, 704, 722, 772, Butenis, Patricia A.—20, 97
798, 881, 968, 976, 978, 994, 1012, 1052, Buyer, Stephen E.-551, 942, 1832
1148, 1171, 1241, 1247, 1261, 1290, 1295, Byrd, Robert C.—141, 1146
1312, 1322, 1464, 1534, 1547, 1587, 1645,
1646, 1650, 1695, 1714, 1717, 1733, 1748, Cabral, Anna Escobedo—852, 1758
1758, 1766, 1767, 1782, 1812, 1828, 1834, Cabral, Victor G.-852, 1758
1849, 1854, 1861, 1867, 1876, 1893, 1897, Cabrera, Cesar Benito—ll 12, 1113
1898, 1902, 1903, 1913, 1922, 1923, 1928, Caceres, Sylvia T-902
1929, 1946, 1951, 1953, 1958, 1965, 1972, Cade, Gregory B-2143,2144
1983, 1991, 1992, 1999, 2005, 2010, 2016, Cadet, Emie—801
2021, 2034, 2116, 2144 Caesar, Shirley—1223
Bush, Jeb–263, 271, 283, 285, 287, 354, 658, Cagle, Casey—427, 1938
733, 799, 830, 889, 890, 892, 897, 900, 901, Calderon Hinojosa, Felipe de Jesus—1863,
918, 988, 995, 1422, 1425, 1426, 1641, 1643, 2038, 2116
1647, 1648, 1772, 1871, 2006 Caldiero, Raymond P-96
Bush, Jenna—90, 92, 115, 410, 873, 940, 1169, Caldwell, William B., IV—1869
1205, 1243, 1334, 2037 Callison, Jan—1494
Bush, Laura—8, 25, 30, 40, 45, 57, 71, 76, 78, Calvert, Ken—770, 772
80, 85, 90–92, 95, 102, 103, 108, 112, 115, Cameron, Joy–1550
117, 120, 121, 125, 144, 145, 152, 153, 156, Campbell, Catherine—770
163–165, 167–169, 177, 182, 184, 196, 202, Campbell, John—770, 772, 777, 1334
203, 224, 262, 276, 283, 296, 324, 350, 353, Campbell, Valencia—96
361, 363, 369, 372–374, 376, 380, 385, 388, Cannon, Christopher B.-1536, 1537, 1544,
397, 404, 405, 409–412, 414–417, 426, 446, 1832
466, 472, 484, 485, 490, 516, 529–531, 533, Cannon, Joseph A.—1544
537, 541, 551, 563, 567, 578, 582, 633, 641, Canterbury, Kenneth C. “Chuck,” Jr.—929
643, 686, 694, 695, 698, 714, 730, 740, 745, Cantor, Eric—836, 943
746, 766, 769, 776, 781, 786, 798, 799, 830, Capito, Shelley Moore—531, 544, 1146, 1416
831, 838, 864, 867, 873, 874, 889, 901, 912, Capka, Richard—450, 451
917, 927, 934, 939, 942, 945, 965, 974, 975, Carbonell, Josefina—904, 905
984, 996, 1002, 1016, 1044, 1050, 1051, 1065, Card, Andrew H., Jr.—408, 454, 578, 579, 631,
1079, 1093, 1098, 1139, 1147, 1162, 1169, 723, 1178
1172, 1179, 1184, 1205, 1207, 1210–1212, Card, Kathleene—578
1214, 1216, 1223–1225, 1235, 1236, 1240, Cardin, Benjamin L-792
1243, 1249, 1250, 1259, 1261, 1267, 1278, Carey, Charles P-12
1291, 1305, 1306, 1320, 1325, 1327, 1328, Carlson, Victoria Ray–918, 919
1334, 1421, 1428, 1430, 1464, 1506, 1507, Carper, Thomas R.—1666
1512–1514, 1517, 1520, 1521, 1524, 1531, Carr, Aaliyah–1524
1536, 1537, 1544, 1549, 1556, 1584–1586, Carr, Deborah—240
1588, 1597, 1605, 1626, 1629, 1631, 1641, Carranza, Jovita—1591, 1592
1647, 1650, 1651, 1653, 1663, 1668, 1674, Carrillo, Jose—1431
1681, 1687, 1688, 1713, 1714, 1717, 1720, Carroll, Daniel J., Jr.—2117
1725, 1726, 1735, 1743, 1758, 1765–1767, Carroll, Jill–606
B–6 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Carrozza, Paul–821 Cheney, Lynne A.V.-165, 2166
Carter, Herbert–735 Cheney, Mary—2188
Carter, James E., Jr.—1859 Cherecwich, Paul, Jr.—821, 859
Carter, Mildred L-735 Chertoff, Michael–165, 424,521, 529, 672, 806,
Carter, Steve—330, 551 817, 1015, 1017, 1055, 1056, 1078. 1091.
Case, Ed—l 147 1271, 1273, 1462, 1522, 1558, 1611, 1816.
Case, Jean M.–1164, 1521 2033, 2180
Casey, Bob-2031 Chi, Tran Thi Kim–2068, 2069
Casey, George W., Jr.—3, 5, 6, 8, 34, 43, 131, Chien, Nguyen Tam—2194
156, 340, 440, 455, 517, 527, 535, 579, 604,
Chiles, Jonann E-491, 492
646, 809, 1022, 1028, 1030, 1109, 1110, 1120, Chin, Curtis S.–1659, 1661
1121, 1123, 1125, 1126, 1130, 1133, 1217, Chinnici-Zuercher, Marilee—240
1221, 1222, 1263, 1289, 1290, 1295, 1382,
1385, 1614, 1618, 1619, 1783, 1786, 1788,
Chirac, Jacques—1048, 1070, 1351, 1473, 1505.
1632, 2116
1790, 1791, 1879, 1881, 1886, 1916, 2108, Chocola, Caroline—330
2110, 2154
Chocola, Chris—329
Casey, Kathleen L-961, 962 Chocola, Colin—330
Cashell, Robert–1714
Chocola, Sarah—330
Cassidy, Stephen J-2202 Chretien, Jean—582, 584
Castellaneta, Giovanni–1868
Christensen, Allen C.—665
Castle, Michael Newbold—1229
Christensen, Donald G.-1416
Castro Ruz, Fidel—777, 1304, 1448
Christensen, LaVar—1545
Cava, Jeffrey—248 Christiansen, Sabine—867
Cavaco Silva, Anibal Antonio—394
Cavanaugh, Twinkle Andress—1681 Christie, Jennifer–1475
Cavuto, Neil–1436 Christmas, George R. “Ron"—2042
Christopherson, Charles R., Jr.—1437, 1438
Cellini, Julianna M.–226
Centrowitz, Lauren—659 Christy-Wright, Beverly—344
Centrowitz, Matt—659 Chung Seong-san–810
Chabner, Bruce A.—1416 Cianchette, Peter E.-1550, 1591
Chagares, Michael A.—139 Ciment, Sholom—850
Chambers, Elaine—751 Cino, Maria—1565, 1834, 2143
Chambers, John T-751–756, 758, 1665, 1698 Ciongoli, A. Kenneth–278, 344, 1867
Chambers, Raymond G-278, 2158 Ciotola, Francesco “Frank"—240
Chambliss, Julianne–1777 Cipolla, Vin—2140
Chambliss, Saxby—426, 1576, 1584, 1777, 1938 Cirillo, Joseph A.—961
Champlin, Joseph-491 Cirovski, Sasho-659
Chan, Margaret—2161 Clapp, Bill—1139
Chanan, Laura—820 Clark, Aliza—930
Chandler, Imogene–800 Clark, Amanda—1302
Chandran, Anjana–716 Clark, J. Murray—330, 551
Chao, Elaine L-410, 418, 482, 699–702, 916, Clark, Janet C.—551
1015, 1146, 1469, 2143 Clark, Shauna—279
Chapman, Beth–1681 Clarke, David A., Jr.—289
Chapman, Morris H.-1819 Clay, Clarence W. “Bud,” Jr.—147
Charbonneau, Melissa—1973 Clay, Lisa—147
Chase, Jim—1498, 1499 Clay, Sara Jo-147
Chavez, Edward J.-1720 Clement, Paul D.—1018
Chavez Frias, Hugo–581 Clements, Rita C.—237
Chealander, Steven R.—1659, 1661 Clerihue, Randolph J-1436, 1438
Cheek, Joey—942 Cline, Terry L-2039, 2070
Chellaraj, Rajkumar—138, 139 Clinton, Hillary Rodham—2031
Cheney, Dick–19, 70, 145, 165, 213, 259, 260, Clinton, William J–105, 124, 141, 149, 6S2,
278, 320, 344, 485, 557, 624, 659, 666, 683, 1002, 1074, 1076, 1141, 1220, 1232, 2046.
716, 820, 858, 915, 943, 1064, 1066, 1069, 2161
1070, 1098, 1164, 1297, 1330, 1374, 1569, Close, Katharine “Kerry”—1660
1621, 1699, 1832, 1891, 1905, 2025–2027, Cloud, John A., Jr.—665,666
2042, 2051, 2141, 2153, 2154, 2162, 2166, Coats, Daniel R.—165, 428
2169, 21.79, 2180, 218.8 Coburn, Thomas A.—1666
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–7

Cochran, William “Thad”–57, 416, 912, 1158, Craddick, Tom—2017

1229, 1231, 1514, 1515, 1558 Craig, Larry E-1098
Coffey, Donald S.–1416 Cramer, Steven—330
Coffin, Tris, Jr.—821 Crane, Christopher M.–1004
Coffman, Cynthia–1744 Crapo, Michael D.—1098
Coffman, Mike—1744, 1986 Crear, Robert—1437, 1438
Cogan, Brian M.–139 Creighton, Robert J-20
Cogbill, John V., III–2202 Crenshaw, Ander–1316
Cohen, Ariel—2181 Crisp, Debra L–1761
Cohen, Benedict S.—187, 227 Crist, Charlie—283, 1647, 2006
Cohen, Jay M.–1253, 1256 Cristina Alvarez, Ana—1758, 1760
Colbert, Jennings D.—1217 Crocker, Ryan C.—320, 402
Colburn, Ronald S.–951 Cross, Tom—1291, 1809
Cole, Bruce—830 Crotty, Richard T. 283, 902, 1647
Cole, Tom—458
Crotty, Tyler—283, 902, 1647
Coleman, Norm—137, 168, 1494, 1500, 1621, Crouch, Jack D., II–1905
1660, 1816
Crowley, Joseph—2177
Colley, Chad–394, 918, 919 Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah—202
Collins, Julie—427, 1777, 1938 Cruz, Mary—2092
Collins, Michael A. “Mac”—427, 1777, 1938– Cudlip, Brittain Bardes—961
1940, 1942, 1943
Cuellar, Henry—1229
Collins, Nancy—1015, 1016 Culvahouse, Arthur B-226
Collins, Susan M.–1666, 1816 Cummings, Jan—1281
Collins, Thomas H-1015, 1016
Curtis, Greg J–1537, 1544
Colloton, Steven M.–1761
Cusick, Robert I., Jr.—278, 279
Colvin, Bob-2163
Colvin, Linda—2163 Daggett, Jeff M.–838
Colvin, Ruth Johnson—2163 D'Agostino, Thomas P-138, 139
Colvin, Terry—2163 Dailey, Joe—1416
Conaway, K. Michael–2017 Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso—112,597
Coneway, Peter R.—919, 920 Daley, Richard M.–17, 235, 984, 1278, 1279,
Conlin, Linda Mysliwy—1217, 1255 1288, 1294
Connaughton, Sean T-1254, 1256 Dalila, Aref-2156
Conner, Charles F.—1590, 1591 Daly, Leo A., III—310
Connor, Charles P.-850 Dane, John, III–1518
Conway-Welch, Colleen—1112, 1114 Danforth, John C.—111, 277, 722, 812
Cook, Matthew—1760 Daniels, Cheri—551
Cook, Steven–943 Daniels, Mitchell E., Jr.—551, 554, 555, 733
Cooney, Tom—1905 Danilovich, John J.-820, 1140, 1143,2161
Cooper, Daniel L.-625, 626 Davenport, Nancy—1475
Cooper, Ronald S.–624, 625 Davidson, Jo Ann–945, 2052
Corbett, Bryan—1436 Davidson, Richard J.-831
Corbett, Tom—1464 Davis, Geoffrey C.—965, 975
Corker, Bob-1531, 1699 Davis, Jo Ann–2042
Corker, Elizabeth—1531 Davis, Michele A.—1621, 1700
Cornellier, Michelle—665 Davis, Pat—975
Cornyn, John—491 Davis, Thomas M., III–1389, 1666
Correll, John R.—960, 962, 1592 Dawsy, Jeffrey—1771
Cortes, Luis, Jr.—1101 Dayish, Felissa M.–179
Cortez, Richard F.—1431, 1434 Dayish, Frank, Jr.—178
Corzine, Jon S.–353 Dayish, Virginia—178
Cote, David M.–1216 Dayton, Keith W-19
Couch, Robert M.–20, 97, 2143 De Bow, Samuel P., Jr.—1437, 1438
Couric, Katie—1590 de Hoop Scheffer, Jakob Gijsbert “Jaap"—279,
Courville, Cindy L-71, 1335, 1336 492, 497, 509,819, 1863, 1903, 2100
Cousteau, Jean-Michel–1148, 1149 de Icaza Gonzalez, Carlos Alberto-852
Cowher, Bill—1069 de Vries, Gijs—1673
Cox, John W-394, 395 Deal, J. Nathan—426, 1364
Cox, Michael—1899 Deal, Virgil T-1380
B–8 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Dean, Laura—1495, 1499, 1500 Dorkey, Charles E., III–1761, 2070
Dean, Mark—2043 Dougherty, Elizabeth—1034, 1035, 2071
DeCamp, Paul–186, 188, 1551, 1593, 2071 Douglass, Wilbur C., III—1015
Deckard, ſº Dow, Jody—961
DeGabrielle, Donald J., Jr.—279 Dowdell, James—1042, 1600
DeGioia, John J.-76 Dowdell, Patrick—1042, 1600
DeGregorio, Ron—1004 Dowdell, Rose Ellen—1042, 1600
Dehnert, Allen R.—1431 Downey, Roberta “Robin"—254, 255
DeLay, Gunner—2011 Drake, Thelma D.—961
DeLay, Thomas D.—630, 665 Drees, Ralph A.—976
Delis, Sam—1550 Dreier, David–1315
Dell, Susan Lieberman–821 Duchossois, Craig J.-717
DeMaster, Douglas–187 Duckwitz, Bailie—18
DeMint, James W-836 Duckwitz, Julie–18
Dempsey, Martin E-5, 7,461, 1385 Duckwitz, Rhiannon–18
Denett, Paul A.—749, 821 Dudley, Susan E-1436, 1438
Deng, Simon—819 Duffy, Michael F.—1436, 1438, 1551, 1593
Dennis, Jay—850, 851 Duffy, Terrence A.—12
Dennis, Sharman Word—624 Duggan, Terry—694
Denogean, Guadalupe—564,934 Duncan, Alan W.-1838
Derse, Anne E.-717, 821 Duncan, John J., Jr.—1531
Desai, Vishakha N.—309 Duncan, Robert M. “Mike”—666, 2052
Deshler, Donald D.—1254, 1256 Dung, Nguyen Tan—1905, 2063. 2069
Detring, Linda—689, 690 Dung, Trung–226
Dewhurst, David—2017 Dunham, Dan—2044, 2068
DeWine, Michael–344, 1254, 1698, 2193 Dunham, Deb—2044, 2068
DeWitt, William O.-1973
Dunlap, Daniel A.—1429
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln—1423 Dunn, B. Winfield Culberson—1531
Diaz-Balart, Mario—1423 Dunn, David L.-96
Diaz, Manuel A.—1423 Dunn, Janet—137
Diaz, Nils J-295 Dunn, Lucetta—770
Dicciani, Nance K.—394 Dunn, Michael V.-1164, 1165
Diekmann, Kai–874 Dunne, Patrick W.-1034, 1035
Dieruf, Emily—1265 Dunnock, Mary–1750
Dietrich-Hall, Vellie–699
Dunwoody, Catherine–763, 766
Dietz, Patsy–1695 DuPuy, Robert A.—235
Dineen, Bob-786 Durant, Karl—1453
DiSilvio, Heather—1070
Doan, Lurita A.—665, 666
Durao Barroso, Jose Manuel–1190–1192, 1194,
Dobrev, Klara—1210 Durbin, Richard J–12, 235, 2023, 2036, 2042.
Dobriansky, Paula J-410 2044
Dobson, James—850 Durrani, Mahmud Ali–1688
Dobson, Shirley—850 Duvall, Tyler D.—96, 97
Dodd, Thomas J.-1659, 1660 Dybul, Mark R.—1374, 1375, 2114
Dodds, DeLoss—237
Dye, Jermaine—236, 237
Doggett, Jane M.–1375
Dole, Elizabeth Hanford–1184, 1856–1858 Dyke, James T., Jr.—96
Dzurinda, Mikulas—345, 456
Domenici, Pete Vichi–178, 1078, 2193
Domino, Antoine “Fats"—1521, 1550 Eady, Alyse—1660
Donahue, Mike—203 Earle, Sylvia–1148
Donegan, Rebecca R.—1573 Earp, Naomi Churchill—1550
Donenberg, Benjamin—1974, 2070 Easter, Robert A.—665
Donohue, Mary O-1255 Easton, Arlyn–1665
Donohue, Thomas J.-1055 Easton, Beau–1665
Donovan, Billy—658 Easton, Edward W.-1508
Dooley, Marion—1044 Eberhard, Eric D.—1699, 1700
Dooley, Peter—1044 Eberstadt, Nicholas—492
Doolittle, John T.–763, 939, 1725 Ebert, Roger–1278
Doolittle, Julia–763 Ecevit, Bulent—2039
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52

Eckert, Paul R.—2222 Farr, Thomas A.—2145

Edgar, Brenda–1291 Farrow, Margaret—1321
Edgar, Jim–1291 Favela, Barbara—2092
Edlund, Anna—187 Favela, Steve—2092
Edwards, Thomas C. “Chet”—2179 Favre, Edward A.—57
Edwards, William J.-1590 Feachem, Richard G.A.—2160
Ehrlich, Kendel S.–26, 1051 Feeney, Tom—284
Ehrlich, Nancy—1051 Feinstein, Dianne—1730
Ehrlich, Robert L., Jr.—26, 1050 Feld, Linda—1659
Ehrlich, Robert L., Sr.—1051 Feldstein, Martin S.–1590
Eid, Talal Y.—1831 Feltman, Jeffrey—1698
Eid, Troy A—1114 Fenn, John—2143
Eikenberry, Karl W.-373, 1669 Fenty, Kristin—1045
Einhorn, Eddie—235 Fenty, Lauren—1045
Einhorn, Jessica P-672 Ferguson, Roger W., Jr.—195
Ejtemai, Abolhossein–1266 Fernandez Reyna, Leonel—1819, 1890
Eldridge, Robert C. “Chip"—1264, 1265 Fiddelke, Deb–1453
Ellingwood, Zane—1215 Field, Andrew S.–706
Elliott, Gerri–1630 Finn, Daniel—588
Ellis, Frederick–1771 Fischer, Heinz–1190, 1217
Ellis, Steve—322 Fischer, Nora Barry–1336
Elway, John—1744 Fisher, Alice S.–1639
Emling, John G.-344, 395, 822, 1217 Fisher, Bradley—1591
Emsis, Indulis—2099 Fitzgerald, Brenda—1577
England, Gordon–20, 227, 2166,2179 Fitzgerald, Patrick J.—679, 1131, 1136, 1283
Engler, John M.–1233, 1397 Fitzpatrick, James—1010
Engman, Patricia Hanahan–2169 Fitzpatrick, Jimmy—1010
Enriquez, Blanca E.-1254, 1256 Fitzpatrick, Kathleen—1010
Enriquez, Matt—423 Fitzpatrick, Mary—1010
Ensign, Darlene—781 Fitzpatrick, Michael G.-547, 1010–1014
Ensign, John E.-781, 785, 836, 1714, 1952– Fitzwater, Marlin—1428
1958 Flake, Jeff—952
Enzi, Michael B.-1146, 1469 Fletcher, Ernie—41, 53, 1146
Epifani, Lisa E.-395 Fletcher, Michael–1898
Epright, Daniel J.-153 Flowers, Larry L-240
Erbe, David–1215 Floyd, Cecil E.-1621, 1660
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip—1374, 1621, 1712, Floyd, William “Robert,” Sr.—1863
1714, 2144 Foglesong, Robert H.-820
Estefan, Emilio, Jr.—1758, 1973 Foley, April H.–820, 822, 1698
Foley, Mark A.—889, 1725, 1793, 2031
Estes, John—1064
Estes, Nancy—1064 Foley, Thomas C.—1164, 1165
Folias, Christos—549
Estrada, Miguel A.—138
Etchart, John N.—96 Folkman, Judah–1416
Evans, Anthony T-1370 Fong, Bernadine C.—756
Evans, Daniel F., Jr.—255, 256 Fong, Clayton S.–699
Ford, Charles A.—138
Evans, Daniel J.-1139 Ford, Elizabeth A.—769, 1334, 2208, 2209, 2222
Evans, Donald L.—226, 1066, 1303
Ford, Gerald R.—769, 1334, 2166, 2208–2211
Eversen, Lloyd K.—1416
Ford, Johnny—735
Fabrizi, John M.–633 Ford, Kenneth W.-930
Fahey, John—2158 Ford, Nelson M.–1437, 1439
Falcon, Antonio—344 Ford, Robert S.–717, 821
Fallon, Mary—2089 Forsee, Gary D.—2117
Fallon, Seth–1214, 1215 Fort, Randall M.–1113, 1164
Fallon, William J.-2085, 2089 Fortenberry, Celeste—1993
Farha, Todd S.–187, 227 Fortenberry, Jeff—1993
Farmer, Ed—235 Foti, Charles C., Jr.—1521
Farmer, Kenneth L., Jr.—1380 Fowler, Heather—1092
- Farouq, Omar al-–1668 Fowler, Verna—2116
B–1() Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Fox Quesada, Vicente—49, 344, 450, 571, 572, Garza, Antonio O., Jr.—852, 2116
574, 575, 577, 581, 603, 607, 611, 619, 621, Gashi, Rezarta—1206
625, 1088 Gates, Becky—2179
Fox, Sam—946, 2143, 2144 Gates, Melinda French—2160
Foxx, Virginia A.—1838 Gates, Robert M.–2024–2026, 2033, 2037.
Foy, David—378, 398 2038, 2044, 2045, 2124, 2128, 2144, 2154.
Frago, Heather—940 2169, 21.79, 2182, 2184, 2202, 2207, 2211.
Francis, Norman C.—95, 1521, 1523, 1525, 2222
2163 Gates, William S.—1254
Francois, M. Rony—918 Gatlin, Larry—152, 155
Frank, Barney—194 Gatsas, Theodore L-203
Franklin, Aretha-1223 Gault, Jeffrey W.-1416
Franks, Josephine—1735 Geddes, Raymond R.—665
Franks, Tommy R.—775 Gelpi, Gustavo A.—821
Franks, Trent–952, 1735, 1736, 1740 Gemayel, Pierre—2085, 2086, 2102
Franz, John D., Jr.—1431 George, Samantha-1526
Franz, John D., Sr.—1431, 1434 Georges, Fahd Jamil–1066
Franzoia, Anita Anacabe—1952 Gerber, Sander R.—226
Franzoia, Michael J.-1952 Geren, Preston M. “Pete”—96, 97
Fratto, Tony—1698 Gerlach, Jay—1010
Frazer, Jendayi E-71, 2143 Gerlach, Jim—547, 1010–1014
Freakley, Benjamin C.—373 Gerlach, Joel–1010
Freeman, Bradford M.–186, 766 Gerlach, Karen—547, 1010
Freking, Kevin—1863 Gerlach, Katelyn–1010
Frese, Brenda—658 Gerlach, Katie–1010
Frey, Bill–302, 303 Gerlach, Robby—1010
Fried, Daniel—557 Ghafari, Yousif -1698
Friedman, Milton–2067 Giambastiani, Edmund P., Jr.—793
Friedrich, Dabney Langhorne–1438, 2170 Gibbons, James A.—216, 782, 785, 1714, 1952
Frist, Bill–76, 82, 132, 153, 161, 162, 164, 165, Gibbs, Shelley Sekula—1923–1925, 1927, 1929
168, 213, 930, 943, 945, 960, 1145, 1146, Gibson, Charles—1591
1184–1186, 1188, 1233, 1323, 1531, 1535,
Gibson, Chris–1045
1536, 1679, 1816, 1891, 2023, 2141, 2158, Gigot, Paul A.—1591
2177. 2193 Gilchrest, Wayne T–26
Frist, Karyn–76 Gildenhorn, Joseph B.-1621
Gill, Vince—930
Frizzell, Gregory K–1114 Gilmore, Michelle—1838, 1839, 1863
Fry, Jim—1906 Gilmore, Tiran—1839
Fuller, Brett E. –2116
Fulton, Sylvester–1416 Gingrey, Phil—426, 1938
Gioia, Dana—1699, 1700
Gale, ſº A.—1092, 1993 Gipp, Chuck—695
Gallagher, Tom—283 Giuliani, Rudolph W.-278, 344
Gallmeyer, William F.—1863 Glassman, Cynthia A.—1437, 1439
Galloway, Patricia D.—1164, 1165 Glazer, Charles L.-1508, 1592
Galvez, Amy—1543 Gleason, Robert A., Jr.—919, 1464, 1845
Galvez, Tony—1543 Glenn, John H., Jr.—2042
Gandhi, Sonia—394 Glick, Sally—636
Ganem, Sally—1993 Glick, Steven—636, 637
Gantz, George—203 Gobioff, Mordechai E.-919
Garang, Rebecca—226, 234, 277 Godec, Robert F.—450, 451
Garcia, Andres A.—1422 Gogolak, Peter K–1698
Garcia, Mike—238 Goh Chok Tong—2055
Garcia Perez, Alan—ll 12, 1374, 1475, 1768– Gold, Martin Berson—919
1770 Goldberg, Philip S.–138, 1335, 1336
Gard, John G.-289, 1321, 1453 Golden, Thomas M.–139
Gardner, Dale—304, 305 Goldsmith, Stephen–20, 227, 418, 551
Gardner, John–21 Goldwasser, Ehud-1332, 1341, 1349, 1353,
Garlock, John “Buzz”–1112 1419, 1423, 1457
Garm, Edwin J. "Jake"—1545 Gomez, Jose H.-662
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–11

Gonzales, Alberto R.—38, 131, 133, 138, 159, Grillo, Edward F., Jr.—1828
165, 226, 269, 424, 482, 563, 787, 908, 1049, Grimsson, Olafur—1305
1064, 1101, 1126, 1283, 1391, 1395, 1396, Grosvenor, Gilbert M.–2158
1525, 1558, 1569, 1725, 1744, 1751, 1758, Grube, Bruce—1918
1765, 1770, 1771, 1775, 1776, 1832, 2116 Guha, Subhendu—297
Gonzales, Carmela Vargas—624 Guilford, Andrew J-139
Gonzales, Rebecca Turner–38 Guillen, Ozzie-235
Gonzales, Ron—751 Guinn, Dema—1714
Gonzalez, Emilio T-1380 Guinn, Kenny C.—781, 1714, 1952
Gonzalez, Nelson—1424, 1471 Guinta, Frank C.—203
Goode, Asia—1753 Gulliford, James B.-96, 97
Goodwin, William “Bruce”—257, 258 Gunawan, Gun Gun Rusman—1571
Goon, Julie–1217 Guo Boxiong–1374
Gordon, Bruce S.–76, 1366, 1367, 1369, 1391 Gupta, Rajat—386
Gorman-Bernardi, Betsy–1416 Gutierrez, Carlos M.–194, 232, 407, 418, 482,
Gorsuch, Neil M.–920 1066, 1126, 1148, 1304, 1374, 1437, 2116
Goss, Eugene–664 Gutierrez, Philip S.–821
Goss, Porter J-108,653, 857, 884, 1050 Gutknecht, Gilbert W.—786
Graber, Richard W.-1321, 1335, 1336 Gyurcsany, Ferenc-821, 1209–1211
Graham, Lindsey O.-1246, 1832
Grandmaison, J. Joseph—1217, 1255 Habeck, Mary—1164
Grant, Maggie—2222 Hackman, John Roberts—1700
Grasmick, Nancy S.–726 Hadaway, Eloise—1973
Grassley, Charles E. –693–695, 697, 914, 943, Hadley, Stephen J.-733, 859, 867, 1113, 1277,
1240, 1893, 1894, 1977–1979, 1981, 1982 1312, 1374, 1436, 1452, 1453, 1621, 1699,
1905, 2189
Grassley, Pat—653, 695
Gravel, Greg—639, 710 Hagee, Michael W.-2042
Graves, Linda—81 Hagel, Charles T. “Chuck"—1091–1093, 1993,
Graves, William H.-1437, 1439 1994, 1997, 1998
Graves, William P.-81 Hagood, Lois–557
Gray, C. Boyden–96, 227 Hain, Peter—451
Gray, Nellie J.-101 Hakim, Abdul Aziz Al- —2122, 2130, 2148
Gray, Patricia—1550 Halbert, Margaret R.—1591
Gray, S. Pamela—139 Hall, Ahmard—238
Green, A.C., Jr.—320 Hall, Floyd–20, 227
Green, Alex–1320 Hall, Ralph M.–1431
Green, Anna—1320 Hamdan, Salim Ahmed—1244, 1245, 1282,
Green-Chamberlain, Lillian R.—821 1573, 1616, 1789
Green, Darrell—278 Hamill, Dorothy—186
Green, Elizabeth—1320 Hamilton, Foreststorn—1974, 2070
Green, Jeremy—1320 Hamilton, Lee H.—1138, 1786, 1879, 2024,
Green, John—568 2026, 2029, 2034, 2044, 2064, 2121, 2126,
Green, Mark—289, 1320 2128, 2130, 2132–2135, 2138, 2149, 2155,
Green, Phillip J-1114 2.185
Green, Rachel–1320 Hammond, Donald V.-821, 859
Green, Sue—1320 Hampton, Casey—1069
Greenberger, David–1905 Hampton, William—2044, 2091
Greene, Larry D.—1429 Hamrick, Josette—1838
Greene, Richard E.-746 Handel, Karen—1584
Green-Jefferson, Andrea—1521 Hannah, Lonnie, II–943
Greenspan, Alan—120, 137, 195, 203 Hannity, Sean—1973
Greer, William—821 Hansen, James Vear—1545
Gref, German Oskarovich—2076 Hanson, Lyndon “Duke"—1984
Gregg, Judd A.—202, 203, 205, 209–213, 1229 Hanusa, Mary Ann–1893, 1978
Grey, Angela Baraquio—1164 Hardiman, Thomas M.–1622
Griffith, Dennis–1699 Hariri, Nazek—136
Griffith, Yolanda Y.—939, 940 Hariri, Saad—136
Griffiths, Jose-Marie–1164, 1165 Harlow, Julia—1726
Grignard, Alain—1574 Harman, Jane F.—46, 1684
B–12 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Harper, Katrina–1016 Heller, Lynne–1713
Harper, Mary—1265 Hemmings, Fred—1148
Harper, Stephen J.-138, 450, 571, 574, 577, Hemond, Roland—235
582, 584, 603, 607, 610, 611, 619, 621, 625, Henderson, Helen L-1508
808, 990, 1034, 1270, 1298, 1761 Henderson, Jerry W.-256, 257
Harris, Bill—240 Hendrix, John W-1557
Harris, Katherine—262, 283, 1642, 1647, 2006 Henke, Robert J.-858
Harris, Rick—1583 Henke, Tracy A—20, 227, 1056, 1592, 2145
Harris, Romalice—414 Henley, Ernest—1516
Harvey, Darrell–633 Henley, Francois J.-753, 757, 758
Harvey, Francis J-1037, 2042, 2166, 2179 Henry, Brad—864
Harvey, Thomas E-492, 1217, 1255 Hensarling, Jeb–1666, 2017
Hasan, Karim Wahid al-–1127, 1135 Hense, Donald L.-1750
Hasan, Malik M.–961 Herald, Tom—102
Hashimi, Amer al-–1783 Herawati, Kristiani—2079, 2089
Hashimi, Tariq al-–1783, 2152, 2156 Herman, Richard H.-394
Hashimoto, Ryutaro–1437 Hermandez, Adriana—1266
Haslam, James A., II–1508 Hernandez, Nancy—1524
Hastert, J. Dennis–12, 15, 82, 132, 145, 213, Hertell, Hans H.-852
224, 424, 481, 482, 485, 487–489, 943, 945, Hess, Karl—1164, 1165
960, 984, 989, 990, 1135, 1184–1186, 1188, Hess, Michael E.-2143
1291–1296, 1323, 1725, 1793, 1808–1812, Heverly, Sandra—450
2023, 2141, 2193 Hewson, Paul “Bono”—168, 169
Hastings, Doc—942 Hickey, James—672
Hasz, Paul H.-336 Hickman, Doris—716
Hatch, Elaine—1544 Hickok, Eugene—98
Hatch, Orrin G.-1536, 1537 Hicks, David M.–2065
Hatcher, William S., II–1918 Hiler, John P-330
Haughey, Charles—726 Hill, Christopher R.—1475, 1792
Haybeck, Mary—1165 Hill, J. French–1217
Hayden, Harry, Sr.—1050 Hill, John H.-961, 962
Hayden, Jeanine—884, 1050 Hill, Mary—472
Hayden, Liam–1050 Hill, Richard A.—2039, 2070
Hayden, Margaret–1050 Hiller, Joseph G-2116
Hayden, Michael V.—108, 122, 128, 130, 268, Hillman, Noel L.-139
269, 333, 428, 506, 511, 883, 919, 926, 1032, Hingle, Ronald–58
1049, 1050, 1068, 1569, 1828, 1832 Hipp, Darren—1453
Hayes, Robert G.-20 Hipsher, Marla–248
Hayes, Robert “Robin"—641 Ho Ching–2060, 2069
Hayes, Stephen F.—2169 Hoagland, Richard E-1034, 1035
Haynes, William J., II–1551, 1592, 2071 Hobbs, Kevin A.—725, 726
Hays, Sharon L-1374, 1375 Hobson, David L.-240, 1017
Hayworth, John D., Jr.—952, 1734, 1736, 1740 Hoekstra, Peter—46
Healey, Sean M.–918 Hoffman, Alfred, Jr.—394
Heaton, Rodger A–1416 Hoffman, Diane—801
Heſley, Joel M.–1744 Hoffmann, Ray—695, 1893
Heſley, Lynn–1744 Hogan, Nadine–20, 227, 1661
Heiden, Eric—186 Hogan, Redmond J-138
Height, Dorothy I.–76, 320, 1223, 1391 Hogarth, William—187
Heilbrun, Kim—237 Hoglander, Harry R.—624, 625
Hein, Jay—1437 Holbrooke, Richard C.—310
Heineman, Dave—1092, 1993 Holcombe, Amy—1838, 1840, 1841
Heineman, Sally—1092 Holding, George E.B.-1114
Heller, Dean—782, 1713, 1952, 1954–1956, Holen, Arlene—2071
1958 Holland, Steve—1973
Heller, Drew–1713 Hollin, Harris N.—624
Heller, Emmy—1713 Holloway, A.J.-912, 1514
Heller, Harris—1713 Holloway, Kristen—532,557
Heller, Hilary–1713 Holmes, Jerome A.—279, 860
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–13

Holt, Jim—2011 Huntsman, Mary Kaye–1537, 1544

Holt, Rush–9 Hussein, Saddam—33, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44, 78,
Homan, Benjamin K–1217 79, 93, 105, 106, 114, 155, 156, 266, 286,
Hone, Caitlin—l 169 287, 331, 338–340, 359, 429, 437, 441, 455,
Hone, Jay—1169 456, 458, 486, 496, 499, 500, 503, 505, 506,
Hone, Joshua-1169 508, 515, 519, 534–536, 552, 568, 579, 587–
Honore, Russel L.-1514, 1521, 1577 591, 594, 599, 643–646, 672, 674, 768, 771,
Hooks, Benjamin L-1366, 1391 856, 869, 879, 946, 967, 968, 977, 983, 985,
Hooks, Frances—1391 1020, 1026, 1029, 1031, 1040, 1043, 1052,
Hoover, Annette—706 1109, 1119, 1122–1124, 1130, 1134, 1135,
Hoover, Eric—706, 708 1170, 1185, 1236, 1286, 1295, 1321, 1389,
Hope, Edy—557 1491, 1492, 1533, 1541, 1542, 1546, 1585,
Hopkins, Arthur T–1415 1598, 1599, 1611, 1612, 1619, 1634, 1644,
Horne, Lena—321 1645, 1649, 1650, 1685, 1716, 1724, 1728,
Hornish, Crystal–1374 1731, 1780, 1794, 1811, 1848, 1875, 1877,
Hornish, Sam, Jr.—1374 1886, 1896, 1901, 1911, 1915, 1921, 1927,
Houghton, Andrew D.—858 1941, 1943, 1949, 1956, 1962, 1969, 1981,
Houlihan, G. Thomas—799 1989, 1992, 1996, 2003, 2008, 2014, 2015,
House, James—858 2019, 2034, 2035, 2111, 2122, 2167, 2186,
Howard, Janette—934, 935, 941, 942, 960 2191
Howard, John–918, 927, 934, 935, 941, 960, Hustead, Katie–1698
1819, 2062, 2069 Husted, Jon—240
Howard, Marcia Morales—1114 Hutchinson, Asa—1530, 1550, 2011–2013, 2016
Howard, Robert T.-1550, 1592 Hutchinson, Susan–2011
Howe, Michael—1497, 1498 Hutchison, Kathryn A. Bailey "Kay"—238, 943,
Howell, Beryl A.—2145, 2170 1923–1926
Howell, William J.-1850 Hutchison, Susan—1621
Hoyer, Steny H.-792, 2023, 2036, 2037, 2044 Hutter, Paul J.-1255, 1659
Hoyt, Robert F.—1699, 1700 Hyde, Henry J.-12, 481, 1707, 2151, 2177,
Hu Jintao—112, 113, 557, 596, 597, 680, 712, 2179
723, 726, 735, 740, 741, 745, 749, 751, 758,
776, 971, 1063, 1070, 1181, 1272, 1275, 1281, Ibrahim, Dawood—1066
1352, 1488, 1640, 1768, 1783, 1785, 1819, Ihlenfeld, Jay V—169
2064, 2076, 2116 Ikuta, Sandra Segal—227
Ilves, Toomas—2094, 2098, 2116
Hubbard, Allan B-811, 1640
Hubbard, R. Glenn.—407 Ingram, Dana—422
Huckabee, Mike—353 Ingram, Robert A.—1416
Huffines, James R.—237 Inouye, Daniel K–699, 1207
Iorio, Pam—262
Hughes, Edward–966 Irani, Ray–1698
Hughes, Holly—1899 Isaacson, Walter—414
Hughes, Jerry–873
Hughes, John—449, 484 Isakson, Johnny—426, 1576, 1584, 1938
Hughes, Karen P.-69, 394, 410, 665, 873, 1630 Isamuddin, Nurjaman Riduan “Hambali"—219,
220, 1571
Hughes, Lisa B. Schreiber–665,666
Hughes, Robert–873 Israelite, Joan—1974, 2070
Issa, Mahmoud—2156
Hulshof. Kenny—686, 1162 Iturregui, Juan C.—1974
Hume, Brit—2143
Humetewa, Diane—2039, 2070 Ivanov, Igor Sergeyevich–859
Humphreys, Keith N.—450 abir al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah—78, 225
Hunkins, Leah—1819 }. Martin J.-962
Hunt, James B., Jr.—1838 Jackson, Alphonso R.—138, 320, 322, 939, 1223,
Hunt, Lorraine T-782 1334
Hunt, Roger L-1217, 1255 Jackson, Frank G.-498
Hunt, Terence—1973 Jackson, Jesse L., Jr.—1278
Hunter, Caroline C.—1621, 1622 Jackson, Jesse L., Sr.—1366, 1391
Hunter, Duncan L-1832 Jackson, Michael P-1891
Hunter, Thomas O.-183 Jacob, Gregory—1453
Huntsman, Jon M., Jr.—1536, 1537, 1544, 1545, Jacobson, Tracey A.—820, 822
1548 James, Arleen—866
B–14 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
James, Bradley–866 Jones, Malcolm–1514
James, Dana–216 Jones, Morris–1973
James, Daniel, III–31, 216, 734 Jonker, Robert J-1256
James, Molly—866 Jordan, Carole J-283, 1647
James, Ronald J-1375, 1415 Jordan, Daniel Porter, III–821
Janney, Dorian Wood—725, 729, 738, 754, 779, Jordan, Kent A.—1256
1842 Jordan, Myriah–1622
Jansa, Janez—ll 13, 1302 Joyner, Donna Richardson—821
Jao, Frank—624 Jungreis, Esther—749
Jaquish, Gail A.—344 Junker, Timothy A—395
Jardine, Raymond, Jr.—492 Justesen, Troy R.—918, 919
Jarvey, John A.—1255
Jassal, Raminder Singh—2177 Kabila,!" h—2143, 2144
Jawad, Said Tayeb-1688 jºiá,
Jeelani, Shaik–734 Kaczynski, Lech–96, 223, 226, 1215
Jefferson, William Jennings—806, 1017, 1521 Kagame, Paul–1034, 1047
Jeffrey, William—232 Kaine, Timothy M.–85, 353
Kalam, Abdul—310, 385, 394
Jenkins, Attiyah—2141
Jennings, J. Scott—188 Kalvitis, Aigars—2099
Jennings, Toni—283 Kamigaki, Masanobu “Mas"—1760
Kamins, Sheldon B.-1973
Jeong, Barry–988, 1033
Jeong, Tanya–988, 1033 Kampelman, Max M.–586
Jeremiah, David E-226 Kane, John M.–1051
Jewison, David–1508 Kapala, Frederick J-2144
Jiang Zemin—680 Kaplan, Joel D.—749
Jimenez, Aleena—2092 Kapur, Sanjiv K.—498
Jimenez, Farah M.–1217 Karamat, Jehangir—310
Jimenez, Frank R.—1254, 1256 Karr, Roger S.–96, 97
Jindal, Bobby—1521 Karzai, Hamid—7, 146, 218, 369, 372, 374, 394.
Jischke, Martin C.—394 404, 410, 497, 533, 642, 643, 858, 1040, 1070.
Joerger, Glen G-1914 1105, 1508, 1582, 1621, 1628, 1634, 1654,
1659, 1664, 1668, 1677, 1688, 1690–1693,
Johanns, Mike—70, 354, 1093, 1126, 1335, 1402,
1802, 1804 1699, 1886, 2102, 2130
Johndroe, Gordon—1819 Kasner, Herlind—881
Johner, Nancy Montanez–1164, 1165 Kasner, Horst—867, 881
Johnson, Alice L-2087 Kasuri, Khurshid Mahmood—403
Johnson, Arthur E-919 Katz, Jeremy—1622
Johnson, Bill—1423 Kaur, Gursharan—380, 394
Johnson, Brad–1945 Kavanaugh, Ashley—1064
Johnson, Clay, III–1666, 1667, 1818 Kavanaugh, Brett M.–139, 1032, 1064
Johnson, Collister, Jr.—1550, 1592 Kavanaugh, Ed–1064
Johnson, Debbie—745 Kavanaugh, Margaret M.–1064
Johnson, Donald C.–1254, 1256 Kavanaugh, Martha-1064, 1065
Johnson, Eric—426, 1584, 1918 Kavelin, John H.-1774
Johnson, Harry E., Sr.—2046 Kavli, Fred—394
Johnson, Jim—465 Kawar, Karim Tawfiq-458
Johnson, Nancy L-252, 253 Kearney, Bing–1642
Johnson, Paul–792, 793, 2164 Keener, Cheryl—1215
Johnson, Robert L-1870, 1871 Keener, Stephen D.—1215, 1421
Johnson, Robert W.-1374, 1375 Keenum, Mark E.-2069, 2070
Johnson, Sandra—908 Keil, Richard—1973
Johnson Sirleaf, Ellen–71, 76, 411, 491, 529, Keisler, Peter D.—1257, 2071
557, 585, 593, 1358, 1361 Keleher, William B.-187
Johnson, Stephen L-745, 747, 788, 789, 830, Keller, Richard—283
1802 Keller, Scott A.—1974, 2070
Johnston, J. Bennett—1974 Keller, Temp-757
Jones, Dennis–1974 Kelley, Vincent—901
Jones, Elizabeth Ames—2017 Kelly, Art—1771
Jones, James L-1690 Kelly, Brian J.-1590
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52

Kelly, Craig A.—394 King Gyanendra—376

Kelly, Dan–976 King Juan Carlos I–1758
Kempthorne, Dirk—484, 822, 1032, 1098, 1148, King, Bernice—1391
1815, 2193 King, Coretta Scott—144, 145, 195, 196, 225
Kempthorne, James H.-1098 King, Larry–1298
Kempthorne, Jeff—1098 King, Lewis O-216
Kempthorne, Patricia J.—450, 484, 1098 King, Martin L., III–1391
Kennedy, Anthony M.–1064, 1065 King, Paige—1681
Kennedy, Edward M.–491, 794, 1146, 1724, King, Peter T-424, 1816, 1891
1731, 1859 King, Riley “B.B.”–1224, 2164
Kennedy, Kendrick—914 King, Steve-695, 1893, 1894, 1977–1981
Kennedy, Mark—262, 263, 1494 King, Troy—1681
Kennedy, Mary—1064 Kingston, Jack—786
Kerkush, Salim Sherif-588 Kinney, Laurie—1906
Kerry, John—124, 126, 141, 482, 526, 709, 1233, Kinzer, Debra L–463, 464, 487
1399, 1790, 1875, 1942 Kinzer, William S., Jr.—463
Kessinger, Shawn—240 Kirby, Michael D.—492, 625
Kessler, Charlotte P.-1974, 2070 Kirk, Mark S.–12
Kethledge, Raymond M.–1256 Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.-601, 2142
Key, Johnny—2011 Kirsanow, Peter N.—20, 228
Keyes, Emily–1744 Kissinger, Henry A.—2164
Khai, Phan Van—2065 Klauser, James R.—1321
Khalifa, Sheikha Haya Rashed Al–1633, 1637, Klein, Andrew M.–919
1659 Klein, Dale—821, 822
Khalilzad, Zalmay—5, 8, 156, 266, 340, 440, 496, Kline, John–792, 1469, 1494
497, 499, 515, 517, 518, 535, 578, 590, 733, Kline, Phill–2000
809, 820, 1111, 1120, 1123, 1126, 1131, 1277, Klingler, Richard—1819
1280, 1389, 1614, 1878, 1881, 1916, 2030, Klinsmann, Jurgen–874
2108, 2169 Kneuer, John M.R.—858, 859
Khan, Abdul Qadeer—326,438, 1563, 1582 Knight, Bruce I-1254, 1256
Khan, Majid–1571 Knollenberg, Joseph-482, 1316, 1899
Kickbusch, Consuelo Castillo—1758 Koch, Dorothy Bush–1766
Kidde, John E.—1217, 1255 Kohn, Donald L.-961, 962
Kiir, Salva—1372, 1374 Koizumi, Junichiro—11, 44, 45, 92, 107, 110,
Kikwete, Jakaya Mrisho—1659 158, 268, 332, 338, 360, 430, 441, 508, 537,
Kildow, Lindsey—942 569, 599, 648, 653, 679, 772, 870, 894, 947,
Kilgust, Richard R.—919 968, 978, 994, 1012, 1034, 1048, 1052, 1070,
Kilo, Michel–2156 1163, 1171, 1237, 1240, 1242, 1247, 1249,
Kilroy, Pat—725, 729, 738, 754, 779, 974, 1005, 1250, 1254, 1272, 1275, 1281, 1282, 1290,
1754, 1842 1295, 1312, 1322, 1366, 1468, 1534, 1547,
Kim Guang Choel–810 1586, 1587, 1645, 1646, 1650, 1717, 1748,
Kim Han-Mee—810 1782, 1812, 1813, 1849, 1854, 1861, 1876,
Kim Jong Il–11, 978, 1012, 1194, 1222, 1243, 1897, 1898, 1902, 1903, 1913, 1922, 1928,
1245, 1269, 1272–1275, 1281, 1282, 1286– 1929, 1951, 1957, 1958, 1965, 1972, 1983,
1288, 1295, 1309, 1312, 1314, 1315, 1342, 1991, 1998, 1999, 2005, 2010, 2016, 2021,
1488, 1604, 1650, 1782, 1785, 1787, 1791, 2022
1812, 1830, 1849, 1854, 1861, 1884, 1903, Kolbe, James T-952
1913, 1929, 1951, 1965, 1972, 1983, 1991, Kolevar, Kevin M.–1698, 1699
1999, 2073 Kolf, George—1905
Kimmitt, Robert M.–194, 1127, 1303 Konerko, Paul—236, 237
Kimsey, James V-1973 Koper, Stephen M.–216
Kinder, Peter D.—686, 1236, 1959, 1966 Koppel, Ted—992
Kinder, Nancy G.-1508 Kostelnik, Michael C.—1431
King Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud—307, Kostunica, Vojislav—1206
2156 Kottkamp, Jeffrey D.—1647
King Abdallah II–187, 202, 226, 1070, 1336, Kouzes, Nichola–1421
2087, 2104, 2112, 2116 Kozinski, Alex—1064
King Bhumibol Adulyadej-2144 Krasovskaya, Irina—393, 411
King Carl XVI Gustaf-1820, 1905 Kriens, Scott G.-450
B–16 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Kripke, Margaret L-138 Lazear, Julie—406
Krolicki, Brian K.—1714 Lazear, Rose—406
Krom, Beth—770 Lazear, Victoria—406
Kroszner, Randall S.—138, 139 Lazenby, Fred Wiehl–961
Kruger, Dave—1298 Leahy, Patrick J–930, 1724, 1730, 1946, 215s
Kudlow, Lawrence—859 Leal-Cardenas, Eduardo—1380
Kufuor, John Agyekum—698, 716 Leavitt, Anne—1497
Kufuor, Theresa—716 Leavitt, Michael O.-231, 249, 252, 264, 320.
Kuhl, John R. “Randy,” Jr.—466,471, 1666 354, 472 475, 478–480, 635, 646, 688, TU2.
Kuhn, Charles–80 836, 888–891, 904, 995, 1364, 1494–1498.
Kuhn, Shirley–80 1548, 1856, 2114
Kunder, James R.—1374, 1376, 1550 LeClerc, Paul—1630
Kunkel, David W.-1423 Lederberg, Joshua-2164
Kupfer, Jeffrey F.—188 Ledley, Robert S.–232
Kurpius, Gary—1819 Lee, Gerry—1720
Kustoff, David F.—280 Lee Hsien Loong—2054, 2055, 2060, 2069
Kvamme, E. Floyd–751 Lee Jong-wook—996
Kyl, Caryll–1734 Lee, Kenneth Kiyul–1436
Lee Kuan Yew—1862
Kyl, Jon L–943, 1734, 1736, 1740
Lee, Montorie—1660
Kyle, Ross–1974
Lee, Robyn—1993
Labwani, Kamal—2156 Lee Seong Hee—810
Lacis, Ivars—2099 Lee, Tom—283, 2006
LaFave, John S.–465 Leebern, Robert D., Jr.—961
LaFont, Janis—531 Leffall, LaSalle Doheny, Jr.—961
Lagrone, Jim—2012 Lefkowitz, Jay P-1792
LaHood, Ray H.-235, 984 Lehr, Deborah—1640
Lambert, Benjamin J., III–1850 Lehrer, Jim—2042
Lamberti, Jeff—695, 1892 Leiter, Al–1421
Lamberti, Shannon—1892 Leland, Marc-2099
Lambright, James—278, 279 Lemelle, Ivan L.R.—816
Lance, Howard L-2117 Lempke, Roger P-216
Landis, Floyd–1415 Lenhard, Robert D.—20, 228
Landrieu, Mary L-1521, 1522, 2193 Lennox, William J., Jr.—1037
Landrieu, Mitch—56, 1521 Leon, Luis—778
Langdale, Mark–858 Lerner, Norma–749
Langley, Sandi–1254 Lessey, Samuel K., Jr.—27
Lantos, Annette Tillemann–481 Lester, Mary–1761
Lantos, Thomas P.-481, 482, 506, 547, 1707, Leti, Liridon—819
2151 Levens, Margaret—912
Larijani, Ali–1287 Levens, Matthew—912
Larkin, Maurine—27 Levin, Carl—2128, 2179
Larson, Charles W., Jr.—450, 695 Levin, Jamie–765
Larson, Stephen R.—1415 Lewis, Charles J. "Jerry”—1017, 1129, 115s.
Laskowski, Edward R.—821 1249
Lasorda, Thomas C. “Tommy”—1868 Lewis, John R.—1391
LaSorda, Thomas W.-2051 Lewis, Richard—1984, 1985
Lastovka, Harald–1327 Lewis, Ron—41
Latham, Thomas—1893, 1894 Li Baiguang–918
Lauer, Matt—1591 Li, Howard H.-20
Laufman, David H.-1070, 1113, 2145 Lialios, Eva—1641
Lauritzen, Brian W.-1389 Libbi, Abu Faraj al-–219
Lautenbacher, Conrad C., Jr.—1148 Liberi, Dawn M.–858, 859
Lavergne, Gloria S.–906 Lieberman, Joseph I-1848, 1853
Lavin, Franklin L.-1475 Liebman, Wilma B.—1436, 1438
Lavrov, Sergey V.-445, 449 Limbaugh, Rush H., III–197
Lawatsch, Diane—470 Lincoln, Blanche Lambert–1469
Lawler, Joseph M.–2140 Linder, John E-426
Lazear, Edward P.-186, 188, 406, 811 Lingle, Linda—1147
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–17

Lioi, Sara E. –1336 Maliki, Nuri al-Continued

Lippman, Harley–919 1110, 1111, 1113, 1119, 1121–1127, 1129,
Lisaius, Kenneth A.—625 1132, 1134, 1135, 1163, 1170, 1173, 1174,
List, Robert F., Sr.—782 1180, 1185, 1191, 1212, 1963, 1277, 1280,
List, Robert F., Jr.—782 1295, 1308, 1322, 1335, 1382, 1388, 1406,
Little-McVearry, Julie—26, 27 1415, 1416, 1420, 1449, 1481, 1483, 1533,
Liu Yongqing–740, 741, 745, 749 1541, 1542, 1582, 1784, 1860, 1862, 1869,
Livingston, Debra A.—1256 1870, 1879, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1916, 1973,
Livni, Tzipora "Tzipi"—1621 2030, 2064. 2086, 2096, 2097, 2102, 2104,
Lockhart, James B., III–821, 822 2112, 2117, 2120–2122, 2130–2132, 2155,
Lockhart, Joe—1429 2156, 2185, 2190
Loftin, Bill–336 Mallias, Alexandros—549
Longaberger, Tamala L-226 Maloney, Carolyn Bosher—38
Longo, Tommy—58, 60, 1514 Maloney, Paul L-1256
Looney, Andrea Becker–1436 Malosh, Charles—913
Lopez, Nicole—184 Malosh, Tracy—913
Lopez, Sergio-1380 Malosh, Trevor—913
Lott, C. Trent—57, 416, 912, 1514, 1515, 1517, Manchin, Gayle—531
1519 Manchin, Joe, III–4, 5, 19, 138, 531, 538, 539,
Lott, Patricia Thompson—1514, 1519 544, 733, 1146
Lott, Robert B.-1974, 2070 Manh, Nong Duc-2069
Lott, Willis—911 Mankiw, N. Gregory—407
Lowenkron, Barry F.—1475 Mann, Nancy M.–26
Lowery, Joseph E.-1391 Manning, Bob-70
Lugar, Richard Green—9, 458, 547, 586, 2151, Manning, Elisha N. “Eli"—821
2177 Manning, James—859
Lukashenko, Aleksandr–927, 928, 1176 Mansfield, Gordon H.-1819
Luke, John A., Jr.—1396, 1397, 1399, 1401 Mansfield, John E.-1590, 1592
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inacio—173, 1306, 1355, Manzullo, Donald A.—235, 1809
1973 Marable, Vester—749
Lund, Jack–1217 Marburger, John H., III–232
Marin, Carlos-21 16
Lundsager, Margrethe “Meg"—1415, 1416
Marino, Claire–1422
Lungren, Bobbi—1726 -

Lungren, Daniel E.-458, 662, 763, 1726, 1816 Marino, Daniel C., Jr.—1422
Lusk, Herbert H., II–1334 Marquez, Ralph B-820
Marron, Catherine C.—1630
Luxton, Jane C–1698, 1699
Marsh, David—659
Lynn, George F.—831
Marshall, Cecilia—165
Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria—344, 411 Marshall, Thurgood, Jr.—1698, 1699
MacDonald, Daniel—35 Marston, Troy–1714
MacDougald, Jim—283 Martella, Roger R., Jr.—1436, 1438
MacDougald, Joe, II–279 Martin, Frederick H.-1215
Mack, Connie, III–428 Martin, Gregg F–1437, 1439
Mack, Connie, IV—767 Martin, Kevin J–820, 822, 1145
MacLean, Barbara—1761 Martin, Mike—187
Madden, Jeff—237, 238 Martin, Paul–582
Maddox, Lauren M.–1591, 1593 Martin, Robert S.–1164, 1165
Madla, Frank—2092 Martinez, Bob-1744
Madla, Helen–2092 Martinez, Kathryn "Kitty”—283
Madras, Bertha K.—749 Martinez, Melquiades R. “Mel"—283, 1872,
Madrid, Manuel—1079 2006, 2009, 2052
Magan, Michael–1436 Martinez, Robert–265
Mahmud, Adam–720 Martinez, Tommy—902
Mahoney, Bobby—1516 Martinson, Wendy—2
Mainella, Fran P-830 Martz, Judy—1945
Majoras, Deborah P-908 Mashhadani, Mahmoud al- —768, 771, 783, 787,
Maliki, Nuri al- —768, 771, 783, 786, 820, 827, 820, 827, 829, 869, 915, 983, 986, 1026, 1135,
829, 935, 946, 983, 986, 1020, 1021, 1026, 1163
1028, 1030, 1043, 1048, 1101, 1104, 1105, Mason, Sally K–278
B–18 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Matchaba-Hove, Reginald—1233, 1234 McGee, James D.—1034
Mathes, Patricia—1254, 1256 McGovern, George S.–1859
Matheson, James D.—1536 McGuire, Perry—1584, 1778, 1918
Matsui, Doris Okada—939 McIntosh, Brent J-1453
Matsuura, Koichiro—1629 McIntyre, Mike—792
Mattheiss, Lisa—918, 919 McKay, Margo M.–1113, 1164
Matthews, Brian—1464 McKenna, Andy—1291, 1809
Matthews, Jim–1464, 1468 McKeon, Howard P. “Buck”—486, 1146, 1469
Matthews, Jimmy—1464 McKeon, Patricia—486
Matthews, Peggy—1526 McKinley, Rodney J.-1828
Matthews, Steven—1464 McKinnon, Mark—2202
Maupin, Carolyn–664 McLaughlin, Jack–1725
Maupin, John E., Jr.—1661 McLaughlin, Jim–659
Maupin, K. Matthew—665 McLean, Donna R.—961, 962
Maupin, Keith—664 McMaster, H.R.—500
Mauskopf, Roslynn R.—1438 McMillin, Stephen S.–1113, 1165
May, Clifford D.—457 McNamara, Thomas E.-491
Mayer, Margery W.-799 McNeely, Lanny B-216
Mayes, Taylor–1591 McNeil, Carole J-961
Mayfield, Irvin—1224, 1225 McNerney, Jerry–1721
Mays, Willie H.-1421 McPherson, Bruce—767
Mbeki, Thabo Mvuyelwa–2117, 2141 McPherson, Mary–767
McAdoo, Cathy—1974 McQueary, Charles E.-1254, 1256
McBride, Anita B.—633, 1590 McQuiller, Norma—l 164
McCabe, William—450 McSweeney, David—1292, 1808
McCain, John—134, 794, 1229, 1233, 1573, McSweeney, Margaret—1808
1608, 1610, 2063 McWaters, Pat—1973
McCallum, Robert D., Jr.—451, 492 Mead, Kenneth M.–1835
McCarrick, Theodore E. Cardinal—662, 1374 Medina, David—2017
McCaw, Susan Rasinski–1205 Medley, Alexina—1521
McChrystal, Stanley A.—1110 Meece, Roger—2143
McClay, Wilfred M.–1164, 1165 Meharg, Missy—658
McClellan, Mark B.-252, 254, 255, 468, 469, Mehlman, Kenneth B.-767, 945, 1973, 2052
688–690, 692, 702, 703, 1566 Meigs, Montgomery C.—454, 456, 462, 463
McClellan, Scott–733, 798 Meisburg, Ronald E.-20, 228
McClellan, Stephanie–1566 Meissner, Sharon—2039
McCloy, Anna–1146, 1164 Melancon, Charles J.-1521
McCloy, Randal, Jr.—1146, 1164 Melancon, Peachy—1521
McCollum, Bill—2006 Meneses, Karen Dow—1416
McConnell, Addison M. “Mitch”–165, 213, Mercer, William W.-1590, 1592
943, 1146, 1184, 1679, 1856–1858, 2023 Meri, Lennart—557
McCormack, Brian V-395 Merkel, Angela—64, 71, 96,226,411, 450, 664,
McCormick, David–1475 716, 811, 847, 856, 857, 859, 867, 868, ST3,
McCormick, Walter B., Jr.—919 880, 881, 896, 1048, 1070, 1254, 1306, 1307.
McCotter, Thaddeus G.-1162, 2177 1312, 1326, 1327, 1335, 1416, 1437, 1508.
McCrery, James O., III–1184 2222
McCrory, Patrick—641 Meron, Daniel—1551, 1593
McCullough, David—2165 Metcalf, Vera K.—1374
McDermott, Leo “Chip"—1514 Metters, Samuel—492, 1416
McDonald, Lynette Boggs—1254 Miaoulis, Ioannis N.—859, 860
McDonnell, Robert F.—81, 85 Mica, John L-283
McDowell, Jo Ann C. “Jody"—1092 Mica, Patricia—283
McDowell, Robert M.–187, 227 Michel, Christopher G-625
McElhany, Andy—298 Miers, Harriet E. –269, 410, 454
McElveen-Hunter, Bonnie—2160 Millard, Elisabeth—188
McElwain, Dave—465 Miller, Candice S.–547
McElwain, Debbie—465 Miller, Gary G-770, 772
McElwain, Jason—465 Miller, Gray Hampton—139
McFadden, Eliza—1254, 1256 Miller, Jeff—2006, 2009
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–19

Miller, Kelly—2044, 2091 Mufriji, Abd al-Qadir al- –1105, 1107, 1119,
Miller, Martha-1551 1121, 1126, 1173, 1916
Miller, Richard T.-21, 139 Muhammad, Farooq-1831
Miller, Ron–786 Mulally, Alan–2051
Miller, Vicki–2006 Mulcahy, Edward J.-838
Minawi, Minni–1415 Mulford, David C.–386, 2177
Minchew, Randy–80 Mulford, Jeannie Simmons—2177
Mineta, Danealia—472, 1216, 1565 Mullen, Michael G.-793
Mineta, David—751, 1216 Mullens, Bonnie Mooney—439
Mineta, Lauryn–751 Mullins, Steven K.—70
Mineta, Norman Y. —472, 751, 762, 815, 916, Munoz, Jesse—1429
961, 1015, 1177, 1216, 1311, 1437, 1565, Munsil, Len—1735
1834, 1973, 2162, 2163 Murkowski, Lisa—836
Mineta, Stuart—1216 Murphy, Kathleen—799
Minton, Mark C.—491, 492 Murphy, Mark B-1761
Mirza, Sania—389 Murphy, Patty–820
Mishkin, Frederic S.–1254, 1257 Murphy, Stephen J., III–1256
Mitchell, Arthur—196 Murphy, Timothy—1068
Mitchell, T.L. “Tedd”–821 Murphy, William M.–344
Moak, Steve—1699 Murray, Patty—1816
Moeller, Philip D.—450, 451 Murtha, John P., Jr.—590
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh—45, 219, 265, 642, Museveni, Yoweri Kaguta—277, 2222
1571–1573, 1578, 1579, 1608, 1610, 1627, Musgrave, Marilyn N.—1229, 1316, 1985–1990,
1693, 1716, 1724, 1730, 1739, 1747, 1781, 1992
1811, 1832, 1858, 1874, 1896, 1910, 1920, Musharraf, Pervez—121, 218, 219, 272, 310,
1926, 1940, 1949, 1955, 1962, 1969, 1980, 3.13–320, 349–351, 370, 371, 377–379, 393,
1988, 1996, 2002, 2008, 2014, 2019 397, 402, 405, 449, 478, 510, 642, 654, 1508,
Molnau, Carol–169 1619, 1621, 1653, 1659, 1664, 1669, 1673,
Moncrief, L. Raymond—1217 1674, 1677, 1688, 1692, 1693, 1699, 2069
Mone, Lawrence J-1228 Musharraf, Sehba–397, 405, 449, 1653
Montgomery, G.V. “Sonny”—917, 924 Myers, Julie L-20, 228, 1056
Moore, Charles H., Jr.—821 Myers, Margaret J. “Dee Dee”–1428
Moore, Dennis—102, 799
Myers, Mark–859, 860, 1592
Moore, Gary–976 Myers, William G., III–1551, 1592, 2071
Moore, Gwendolynne S.–289 Myklegard, Heather—1098
Moore, Kimberly A—962 Myles, Darren L-450
Moore, Robert Y.-278
Mysliwy, Linda–1217
Moore, Stephene–799
Moorhead, Hunter—1217 Nagin, C. Ray–56, 58, 414, 415, 443, 806, 816,
Morales Ayma, Juan Evo–187 1033, 1488, 1525, 1550
Morales, Hector E.-1659, 1660 Najim, Abdullah Abid al-Jibouri–503
Moran, James P-1389 Nakamoto, Bob-705
Moran, Jerry—102 Napolitano, Janet—952, 1058, 1081, 1740
Moran, Verna—640 Nash, Marvin—1775
Morial, Marc H.-1391 Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim al-–1813
Morin, Paul A.—1761 Nason, Nicole R.—96, 97
Morris, Chris—2012 Nasrallah, Sayyed Hasan—1562
Mosbacher, Robert, Jr.—1140, 1665 Natalicio, Diana S.–1084
Moseley, T. Michael–1828 Natsios, Andrew S.–1636, 1712, 1937
Moss, Adrian–658 Nau, Barbara E. “Bobbie”—830
Moss, Dianne I.-1415, 1416 Nau, John L., III—624, 830
Motaki, Manuchehr—2189 Naugle, Scott—1516
Moukalled, Diana—432 Navarro, Peter—905, 906
Moussaoui, Zacarias—846, 848, 1579, 1580 Naway, Ali–1066
Moy, Edmund C.—1254, 1257 Nazarbayev, Nursultan–70, 1621, 1695, 1697
Mubarak, Mohammed Hosni–820, 1336, 1863, Neff, Janet T-1256
2116 Negroponte, John D.—9, 108, 424, 463, 506,
Mueller, James R.—31 549, 653, 883, 884, 1049, 1050, 1569, 1670,
Mueller, Robert S., III–424, 1049 1671
B–20 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Neill, Wayne E.-665 O'Halloran, Casey P-624
Nelson, C. William—1707 O'Hollaren, Sean—395
Nelson, Earl B. “Ben”—1233 Ohs, Karl—568
Nelson, Ivory V—2116 Ohs, Sherri—568
Nelson, J. Byron, Jr.—1674 Ojeda, Ramon A–902
Nelson, Jane—2018 Oliver, Jack L., III–946, 1236
Nelson, Lawrence K.—952 Oliver, Kimberly—799–801
Nelson, Marilyn Carlson—1498, 1500 Oliver, Rachel–1236
Nelson, Peggy—1674 Oliver, Veronica—799
Nesbitt, William T.-1577 Oliver, Vincent–799
Nesterczuk, George—1070 Oliverio, Michael, II–531
Neumann, Ronald E.-372 Olmert, Aliza—997
Nicholson, James B.-1216 Olmert, Ehud-70, 625, 855, 960, 997. 1033.
Nicholson, R. James—31, 96, 418, 662, 1828, 1070, 1341, 1349, 1360, 1408, 1419, 1447.
2045, 2046 1453, 1457, 1459, 1636, 2039, 204S, 2ſº.
Nicholson, Suzanne M.–662 2097, 2110, 2137
Nickles, Donald L.-568 Olsen, Kathie L-232
Nickovich, Elaine—1760 Omar, Mullah–1560, 1869
Niederhuber, John E.-1475 O'Neil, John J. “Buck”–1767, 2163
Niedorff, Michael F.—1508 O'Neil, Warren–2163
Niedziela, Tom—1838, 1841 O'Neill, Beverly—770
Nimmo, Elizabeth–1774 O'Neill, Lawrence J-1438
Nitze, William A.—672 O'Neill, Molly A.—624, 626
Nober, Roger P-1297 Onorato, Lin—639, 640
Noglows, William P-1296 Oprison, Chrisopher G-2116
Norquist, David L-96, 97 Ordway, John M.–70
Northey, Bill—1978 O'Reilly, William J.-1862
Northup, Anne Meagher—41 Orender, Donna—939
Norton, Gale A.—449, 484, 579, 1099 Orr-Cahall, Christina—859, S60
Norton, Jane Bergman—1744 Ortiz, Patricia—l 164
Norton, Mike—1744 Ortiz, Ramon–906–90S
Norwood, Charles W., Jr.—831, 1917, 1938 Orton, Gary D.—626
Nottingham, Charles D.—1070, 1113 Osborne, Thomas—418, 1092
Novello, Antonia—466 Ose, Doug—1726
Noyce, Jerry V—821 Osteen, William, L., Jr.—1700
Nunn, Michelle—278 Ostolaza, Alexa—1298
Nussle, James A–213, 694, 956, 1977–1979, Ourisman, Mary Martin—1374, 1376
1981, 1983 Owen, Jim–178
Nussle, Karen—694, 1977 Owens, Bill–298, 1744, 1815, 1986
Nussle, Lori–695 Owens, Frances W.-1744
Nussle, Mark—695 Oxley, Michael G-194
Nussman, J. Michael–1148 Ozerden, Halil Suleyman—1592
Nutt, Donna—2087
Pace, Lynne—1015, 2179
Nutt, Lynn–2087 Pace, Peter–5, 454, 579, 829, 1015, 1044, 1048.
Nutt, Matthew—2087
1063, 1214, 1828, 1832, 1868, 1869. 2042
Obama, Barack—235, 1666 2049, 2064, 2081, 2153, 2154, 2166, 21.79.
Obasanjo, Olusegun—557, 584, 593, SS5, 918 2211, 2222
Obleas, Miguel "Mike"—720 Pacheco, Robert–717
Obsitnik, Vincent—1659 Pacheco, Veronica—564
O'Connor, John J., III–145, 716 Padilla, Christopher A–1335. 1336
O'Connor, Michael–1215 Padilla, Fred—630, 672
O'Connor, Sandra Day—145, 151, 165, 411, 716 Page, Dayle—1819
O'Connor, William "B.J.”—918 Page, Frank—1819
Odland, Stephen–666 Palau, Luis—112
O'Donnell, Rick–1375 Pallone, Frank, Jr.—2177
Oestreicher, Michael R.—187 Palmer, David—1621, 1622
O'Gara, James F.X. —749, 1592 Palmer, John L-749
O'Grady, Liam–1438 Pamintuan, Rudy–916
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–21

Pankau, Carole—1291 Perry, Rick–1058, 1081, 1085, 1086, 1088,

Parker, Reggie—1679, 1680, 1682, 1805 1430, 2017
Parker, Willie–1069 Perry, Stephen J-57
Parks, Charles—216 Petelos, Tony—1679, 1680, 1682
Parson, Mary Helen–1838 Peters, Joseph-1525
Pasichow, Heidi M.–2145 Peters, Mary E.-666, 1565, 1590, 1593, 1707,
Pataki, George E-1698 1760, 1833, 2051
Patrick, Connie L.-1079 Peters, Terryl "Terry,” Sr.—1834
Patterson, Percival J.-625 Peterson, Collin C.—1162
Patterson, Sandy—1513, 1516 Peterson, Erik C.—821
Patterson, Thomas “Lynn"—1513 Peterson, Robert E.-1297, 2169
Pattillo, Marilyn Castor Mashon—624 Petty, Kyle E-1843
Paulison, R. David—665,666, 1423 Petty, Pattie–1843
Paulose, Rachel K.—1439 Peyton, John–1217, 1255
Paulson, Henry M., III–1302 Phelps, Thomas—769, 770
Paulson, Henry M., Jr.—1045, 1070, 1218, 1240, Phillips, Stanley D. “Dave"—2143,2145
1302, 1315, 1318, 1335, 1336, 1399, 1437, Picard, Cecil J.-1521
1469, 1470, 1590, 1640, 1757, 1758, 1796, Piccolomini, Manfredi—1164, 1166
1797, 1799, 2031, 2032, 2051, 2193 Pickens, J. Bryan–919
Paulson, Marianna—1302 Pickering, Charles W. “Chip,” Jr.—57, 1145,
Paulson, Wendy—1302 1223, 1514
Pawlenty, Mary–169 Pickett, Sandra–859, 860
Pawlenty, Tim–169, 175, 1374, 1494, 1501 Piegari, Dorcas—1435
Paxon, L. William—946, 1974 Pillay, J.Y. —2069
Payne, James Hardy—451 Pina, Salvador–1091, 1103
Payton, Benjamin F.—734 Pinkert, Dean A.—1591, 1593
Payton, Sue C.—820, 822 Pittman, Bobby, Jr.—1819
Pearce, Drue—1113, 1165 Pitts, Joseph R.—1145, 1464
Pearce, Stevan—178, 1078 Plame, Valerie—678
Pearson, Daniel—l 164 Plank, Kevin—1797
Pearson, W. Robert—2039 Platts, Todd–1464
Peck, Robert M.–1335 Pleil, Matthias W.-183, 184
Peera, Firoz—641 Poe, Ted—942
Pelosi, Nancy—14, 24, 168, 487, 629, 708, 719, Poitevint, Alec-426, 1778
841, 1642, 1648, 1724, 1731, 1739, 1778, Poitevint, Doreen—426
1793, 1810, 1848, 1851, 1857, 1872, 1894, Poizner, Steve—767
1897, 1900, 1902, 1909, 1911, 1919, 1921, Polakoff, Mark—1973
1925, 1927, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1947, 1949, Polimeni, Ellen—466
1954, 1956, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1968, 1969, Polk, Deeneaus—918
1971, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1990, Pombo, Annette—1720
1995, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2012, 2023, Pombo, Onita—1720
2027–2029, 2031, 2036, 2037, 2044, 2141, Pombo, Rachel–1720
2183 Pombo, Ralph–1720
Penalver Mazorra, Eusebio-927 Pombo, Rena—1720
Pence, Mike—551, 1316 Pombo, Richard W.-1019, 1719
Pence, Robert F.—946, 961 Pomerantz, Marvin A.—749
Pence, Stephen B-41 Poochigian, Chuck—767
Pence, Susan—946 Poochigian, Debbie—767
Pendery, Steve—976 Pope Benedict XVI—663, 882
Perdew, Kelly—1164 Poplau, Ronald W.-799
Perdue, Mary—426 Porter, Joey—1069
Perdue, Sonny—358, 426,427, 431, 1576, 1584, Porter, Jon C.—781, 1162
1777, 1917, 1918, 1938 Portman, Jane—722, 1066
Perez, Marta Brito—1475 Portman, Jed—1066
Perino, Dana M.–625 Portman, Robert Jones—682, 721, 749, 822,
Perkins, Chiarasay E. “Chiara"—1772 1037, 1066, 1229–1231, 1315, 1399, 1469,
Perkins, James, Jr.—1391 1666, 1796, 1798, 1818, 1891
Perot, H. Ross, Jr.—1828 Portman, Sally—1066
Perry, Anita–2017 Portman, Will—1066, 1315
B–22 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Portman, William C. “Wym,” III–1066 Rangel, Charles B.-1643, 1648, 1848, 1873.
Potter, Sharon L.-1114 1900, 1907, 1910, 1919, 1925, 1939, 1940.
Powell, Benjamin A–20, 228 1943, 1954, 1961, 1968, 1979, 1985, 1987.
Powell, Colin L.—104, 105, 111, 321, 327, 510, 1995, 2001, 2007, 2013
654, 812, 1139–1143, 1444, 1656 Ranneberger, Michael E.-450, 451
Powell, Dina–1698 Rants, Christopher—695
Powell, Donald E.–56, 59–62, 95, 414, 1223, Rao, M. Rammohan—386
1487, 1488, 1504, 1514, 1521, 1522, 1525 Rapson, Ronald W-1898
Powers, William, Jr.—237 Rapuano, Kenneth—135
Prager, Dennis–1508 Rasmussen, Anders Fogh—226, 750, 1105, 1113
Rasmussen, Anne-Mette—1105, l l 13
Prazynski, John–665 Rataczak, David P.-952
Prescott, Stephen M.–1374, 1375 Rausch, Carl—686
Presley, Lisa Marie–1250
Presley, Priscilla—1250 Ray, Robert D.—695, 1893
Preston, Steven C.—820, 822, 1796 Raymond, David A.—838
Preval, Rene—344, 625, 918 Raza, Ayla—397
Price, Tom—426, 1938 Rea, Jeffrey L-330
Price, William F., Jr.—1974,
2070 Reagan, Charles—102
Reagan, Joe—40, 45
Prince Felipe de Borbon—1758, 1760 Rechtshaffen, Alan N.—749
Prince Philip—2054 Reed, Daniel A.—394
Pringle, Curt—770 Reed, Ralph—427
Proctor, Michael–90 Reese, Susan—1254
Prodi, Romano–750, 1311, 1348, 1474, 1508 Regev, Eldad–1332, 1341, 1349, 1353, 1419,
Pryce, Deborah D.—38, 240, 943, 1699 1423, 1457
Pryor, David H.-1216, 1255 Rehberg, Dennis–568, 1945, 1947, 1949
Pryor, Mark–137, 168 Rehberg, Janice—1945
Pucci, Mary M.–1590 Reichert, David G.-232, 1164
Pullman, Roderick “Rocky”—58 Reid, Dana—1016
Purcell, Bill—153 Reid, Harry—487, 524, 713, 947,1642, 1723.
Putin, Vladimir—118, 187, 445, 480, 596, 858, 1729, 1738, 1746, 1781, 1852, 1943, 1948,
868, 872, 878, 1049, 1062, 1070, 1112, 1181, 1955, 1962, 1969, 1980, 2023, 2029,
1194, 1272, 1275, 1281, 1286, 1298, 1306– 2042, 2044, 2141, 2183
1308, 1329–1331, 1334, 1336, 1339, 1345, Reidinger, Martin K–1700
1349, 1356, 1373, 1760, 1768, 1783, 1819, Reilly, Arthur K.—1436, 1438
2064, 2069, 2076, 2096 Reilly, Thomas J.-624
Putina, Lyudmila–1306, 1336, 1340, 2069 Reimel, Vernette—226
Putnam, Adam—262, 889 Reinsdorf, Jerry—235–237
Putney, Michael–1436 Rell, M. Jodi-633, 635
Qadama, Abu-1262 Rempt, Rodney P-793
Qien He—703, 704 Rendell, Edward G.-124, 126, 141, 1146, 203]
Quave, Rusty—1514 Renzi, Rick, Jr.—1734
Renzi, Rick, Sr.—1734, 1740
Queen Elizabeth II—326, 2054
Renzi, Rob—1734
Queen Silvia—1820, 1905
Renzi, Roberta—1734
Queen Sofia–1758
Renzi, Ron—1734
Rabon, Timothy A.—665 Reppert, Jerry—434
Racicot, Marc-568 Rethmeier, Blain—625
Radogno, Christine—1291 Retton, Mary Lou-821
Rafiekian, Bijan—1375, 1376 Reyes, Luis A.—188
Raggio, William J.-1952 Reynolds, Rod—271
Rainey, John Stringer—278 Reynolds, Thomas M.–486, 1184
Ramos, Reynaldo—1266, 1267 Rhatigan, Steven C.—625
Rampy, Grant—1906 Rhodes, Deborah J. Johnson—1417
Ramsey, Charles H.-424 Rice, Condoleezza—8–11, 19, 21, 31, 38, 39.
Ramsey, Ron—1531 67, 69–71, 76, 80, 91, 97, 104, 126, 130, 226,
Ramstad, James—1494 279, 319–321, 372, 374, 386, 387, 394, 402.
Randle El, Antwaan—1069 411, 450, 529, 557, 579, 593, 595, 600, 618.
Randolph, Sharon—187 631, 641, 645, 673, 680, 684, 716, 733, 749,
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–23

Rice, Condoleezza—Continued Rogers, Mike D.—735

756, 771, 828, 829, 859, 867, 873, 878, 884, Roh Moo-hyun-110, 1272, 1275, 1281, 1475,
886, 893, 915, 986, 999, 1000, 1062, 1063, 1602, 1621, 1768, 1783, 1785, 1819, 2064,
1086, 1108, 1126, 1269, 1271, 1272, 1277, 2073, 2074
1281, 1297, 1304, 1332, 1359, 1360, 1371, Rokita, Todd–551
1373, 1374, 1379, 1383, 1386, 1393, 1394, Rokos, Richard—659
1406, 1408, 1414, 1419, 1420, 1422, 1423, Romano, Neil—625
1427, 1435, 1436, 1442, 1452, 1453, 1457, Rome, Tony–1870
1479, 1480, 1508, 1540, 1569, 1621, 1629, Romney, Ann—358
1636, 1699, 1831, 1884, 1905, 1937, 1973, Romney, Mitt—358, 360
2077, 2085, 2110, 2135, 2137, 2151, 2152, Rood, John C.–1335, 1336
2177. 21.89, 2202 Rooney, Arthur J., II–1068
Richard, Valerie J. Rumsfeld–2166 Rooney, Daniel M.–225, 1068
Richards, Ann—1605, 1617 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana—1422, 1423, 1707
Richards, David J-2101 Ros, Suzanne—416
Richards, Theo—450 Rosa, Melissa–1819
Richardson, Bill—179, 1058, 1078, 1081 Rosales, Cecilia–344
Richardson, Dennis—927, 960 Rose, Mary M.–138
Richardson, Dorothy G.-821 Rosen, Harvey S.–278, 407
Richardson, Gail—850 Rosen, J. Philip—749
Richardson, Glenn—426 Rosenberg, Charles P-860
Richie, Lionel B., Jr.—734 Rosenfeld, Arthur F.—20, 228
Richter, John C.–280 Rosenker, Mark V.-717, 822
Ricker, James M.–768 Roskam, A.J.-1808
Ricketts, John P. “Pete"—1993–1997, 2000 Roskam, Elizabeth—1808
Ricketts, Susanne—1993 Roskam, Frankie–1808
Rickman, Gregg–1659 Roskam, Gracey—1808
Riley, Bob-734, 1680 Roskam, Peter–1808
Riley, Patsy–1681 Roskam, Steve—1808
Ringstorff, Harald–1327 Rothman, William G.-492
Rizzo, John A.—491, 492 Rotton, Rebekah—1973
Robb, Charles S.–506 Rounds, M. Michael—438
Roberts, C. Patrick—9, 31, 46, 101, 102, 109, Rove, Karl—1131, 1136, 2030
111, 113, 424 Rowe, John, W-1004
Roberts, Duane R.—1622 Rowe, Leslie V.-717, 822
Roberts, Harold F.—1517 Rowland, Janet—1744
Roberts, Jane M.–662 Rowland, Lance—1744
Roberts, John G., Jr.—151, 165, 166, 283, 426, Royal, Darrell—237
438, 578, 662, 951, 1014, 1188, 1240, 1302– Rubaie, Mouwafak al-–1916
1304, 1535, 1549, 1909, 1918, 1924, 1939, Rubin, Tibor “Ted”–661
1946, 1947, 1953, 1960, 1967, 1978, 1994, Rubio, Marco–1423
2017 Ruckelshaus, William D.—1139
Robinette, Garland—1550 Rugova, Ibrahim—120, 138
Robinette, Helen–691–693 Ruiz, Hector de Jesus—394
Robinson, Adam M., Jr.—1427, 1428 Rumsfeld, Donald H.-5, 8, 9, 21, 91, 96, 142,
Robinson, David M.–665, 666 344, 454, 458, 462, 491, 522, 641, 677, 715,
Rocca, Christina B.-919, 920 724, 733, 775, 828, 829, 858, 915, 986, 1028,
Rockefeller, John D. “Jay,” IV—46, 1685, 1716, 1044, 1126, 1221, 1244, 1245, 1254, 1269,
1794, 1943 1282, 1283, 1297, 1374, 1416, 1431, 1437,
Roddick, Andrew—821 1456, 1475, 1603, 1621, 1659, 1783, 1828,
Rodolofich, Wayne V.-416 1832, 1884, 1889, 1905, 1973, 2024, 2025,
Rodriguez, Charles G-216, 1431 2027, 2028, 2033, 2037, 2039, 2044, 2045,
Rodriguez, Rosemary E-2144, 2145 2153, 2154, 2166, 2180, 2185
Roelofs, Sandra—1267 Rumsfeld, Joyce—2035, 2166,2168
Roethlisberger, Ben—1069 Rumsfeld, Nicholas—2166
Roettger, Charles W., III–966 Runge, Jeffrey W.-394
Rogan, James E.-2071 Runowicz, Carolyn D.—1416
Rogers, Harold D.—1146 Ruppersberger, C.A. “Dutch”—26
Rogers, Laura L–2116 Rush, Bobby L-1145
B–24 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Russell, Doug—1966 Scalise, George—751
Russo, Joe—749 Scamman, W. Douglas, Jr.—203
Rutherford, Boyd K.—138, 140 Scarlett, P. Lynn–830, 1015, 1098, 2140
Rutherford, Dan—1291 Schaffer, Robert W.-1986
Ruvo, Larry–961 Schar, Dwight—945
Ryan, Anthony W-2039, 2070 Schar, Martha-945
Ryan, April–445, 1550 Schelske, Sara Evans—278
Ryan, Daniel P-626 Schembechler, Cathy—2075
Ryan, Margaret A.—2071 Schembechler, Glenn E. “Bo”–2075
Ryan, Norbert R., Jr.—1558 Schieber, Sylvester J-1659
Ryan, Patrick G.-1809 Schieck, Frederick W.-418, 1034
Ryan, Paul–289, 1213, 1229, 1319, 1321–1324 Schieffer, Bob-138
Rymer, Jon T-278, 280 Schieffer, John T-1437
Ryun, Anne–407, 2000 Schiff, Adam–31, 458
Ryun, Jim–102, 407, 942, 2000–2002, 2004, Schiller, Harvey W.-919
2006 Schmidly, David L.-864
Schmieder, Luke R.—1985
Saad, Henry W.-626 Schneider, Carl E.-961
Saakashvili, Mikheil–1216, 1267, 2096 Schneider, Paul A.—1974, 2070
Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah—225, 1550, Schofield, Phillip M.–2202
1557, 1590
Schoomaker, Peter J-131
Sabbit, Abdul Jabbar—1692 Schroeder, Gerhard—69, 849, 867, 878, 1307
Saca Gonzalez, Elias Antonio—71, 226, 345, Schroeder, Thomas D.—1700
ll 12, 1659 1197.
Schuessel, Wolfgang–1189–1194, 1196,
Sacco, Michael—1554–1556 1217
Sadr, Muqtada Al–2106 Schuessler, John T-240
Safire, William—2165 Schuller, Robert H.-2140
Salazar, John P.-1659, 1660 Schumacher, Jerry—659
Salazar, Kenneth L-298 Schumer, Charles E.-1240
Salih, Ali Abdallah–1698 Schwab, Gerald—722
Salim, Wijdan Mikhail—1128 Schwab, Joan–722
Salinas, Norberto “Beto"—1431, 1434 Schwab, Susan C.—721, 749, 808, 860, 1139.
Sambi, Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed—10.34 1142, 1164, 1306, 1397, 1402, 1425, 1890.
Sambi, Pietro—1374 2076, 2180, 2193
Sampson, David A.—232, 557 Schwabe, Charles—1584
San Filippo, Bruce D.—344 Schwarzenegger, Arnold—751, 753–758, 765
Sanader, Ivo–1699, 1835 767, 780, 1058, 1081
Sanborn, David C.–96, 97,626 Sclavos, Stratton D.—394
Sanchez, Justin—185, 186 Scott, Craig–1773–1775
Sanders, Jackie Wolcott—21, 97 Scott, Darrell—1773, 1774
Sanderson, Janet A.—918 Scott, Robert Cortez—482
Sands, Leonard–1974 Scott, Stephen—2141
Sanford, Blake—1914 Scovel, Calvin L-1335, 1336
Sanford, Bolton—1914 Scranton, Bill—1845
Sanford, Jenny—1914 Scribante, A.J.-344
Sanford, Landon—1914 Seaton, Edward—102
Sanford, Mark—1914 Sebelius, Kathleen—102, 113
Sanford, Marshall—1914 Sedgwick, Jeffrey L-186, 188
Santorum, Richard J. “Rick"—213, 662, 836, Seelye, Judy—1973
1068, 1364, 1707, 2193 Seidel, Robert, Jr.—1043
Santos-Dilone, Noe “Lito”–1381 Selders, Tom—1986
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros—549, 1707 Sell, Clay—786
Sarkozy, Nicolas–1621 Sell, Jeffrey C.–1335, 2039
Sassou-Nguesso, Denis—885, 918, 1070, 1074 Sellars, Jesse—502
Saud al-Faysal bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud—961, Sembler, Betty—262
1415 Sembler, Melvin–262
Sauerbrey, Ellen R.—20, 228 Sen, Ronen—310
Saving. Thomas R.—749 Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr.—424, 482, 1832
Scalia, Antonin—1098, 1868 Sequeira, Leon R.—2039, 2070
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52
Sereigo-Wareing, James—2207 Slaughter, John Brooks—394
Sessions, Jefferson B., III–735, 2099 Smart, Elizabeth A.—1395
Setliff, Louis F., III—414
Smith, Adrian—1993–1997, 2000
Settle, Benjamin H.-2071 Smith, Anita—1334
Sevcec, Pedro—1436
Shadegg, John B.-952 Smith, Benny, Jr.—1297
Shahin, Maisoon–564 Smith, Christopher H.-38, 662, 2158
Shahristani, Husayn al-–1127 Smith, Dorrance—20, 228
Shalikashvili, John M.–1139 Smith, Frederick W.-1758
Shalit, Gilad–1329, 1353, 1419, 1423, 1457, Smith, Garrett–659
1883, 2133 Smith, Gary T-961
Shamshur, Oleh-547 Smith, Jean Kennedy–1622
Shanahan, Timothy—1254, 1256 Smith, John M.–1217
Shannon, Thomas A., Jr.—1659, 1660 Smith, Linda—1699
Sharansky, Natan Anatoly—2164 Smith, Michael P-1688
Sharon, Ariel–8, 9, 64, 70, 855, 997, 2137 Smith, Michael W.—1217, 1535
Sharon, Gilad—997 Smith, Milan D., Jr.—280
Sharon, Omri—997 Smith, Norman R.—1551, 1592, 2072
Sharpton, Alfred C.—1391 Smith, Patrick C., Sr.—395
Shatto, Barbara—706 Smith, Scott—1389
Shatto, Leroy–706 Snelling, Charles D.—1070, 1113
Shaw, E. Clay, Jr.—889, 918, 1423 Snow, John W.-424,631,653, 943, 1025, 1045,
Shaw, Linda O.-919 1062, 1126, 1304
Shays, Christopher H.-633, 634, 942 Snow, Tony—797, 1428, 1429
Shea, Robert M.–31 Sobel, Clifford M.–1034, 1035
Sheehy, Rick—1092, 1993 Sodi, Federica—607
Shelby, Richard C.–735, 1707 Sodrel, Keta—551, 1908
Shelly, David–1660 Sodrel, Michael E. –41, 551, 1908–1912
Shepherd, Bobby E.-962 Solana, Javier—1085, 1287
Sherwood, Carol—1845
Sherwood, Don—1844 Solberg, Camille Q.-450
Solomon, Eric—918, 919
Sherwood, Maria—1845
Shimkus, John M.–12 Solyom, Erzsebet—1210
Shiner, Josette Sheeran–70 Solyom, Laszlo-1208, 1210, 1211
Shokouh, Arash—758 Sommer, John F., Jr.—336
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy–1305, 1306 Sommers, Jill E-2143,2145
Shufelt, Heather—1699 Sooter, Gerald—691, 693
Siegel, Mark S.–961 Sosa, Enrique J-20, 228
Siegel, Ned L-1621 Sosa, Sammy—236
Silberman, Laurence H.-506 Southwick, Leslie—1114
Silverman, Leslie-1591 Souza Yayi, Chantal de—2158
Silverthorne, Joyce A.—279 Spanos, Alex G-1720
Simon, John A.—20, 98, 1334 Spanos, Dean A–1508
Simonyi, Andras–481 Spanos, Faye—1720
Simpson, James S.–96, 98 Sparachane, Nicholas A.—531
Simpson-Miller, Portia—625 Specter, Arlen–75, 165,424, 1068, 1364
Singh, Amargeet—665 Speed, Leland–95
Singh, Manmohan—310, 313, 315, 324–326, Spellings, Margaret–9, 26, 394, 410, 447, 725,
348-351, 374, 375, 378, 380, 381, 384, 385, 726, 729, 734, 738–740, 779, 799, 974, 1621,
388, 390–392, 394, 398, 399, 405, 510, 511, 1629, 1659, 1674, 1682, 1725, 1744, 1749–
1354, 1654, 1658, 1862, 21.78 1751, 1754, 1765, 1770–1772, 1776, 1837,
Siniora, Fuad—716, 724, 1332, 1333, 1336, 1840, 1842, 1843, 2158
1353, 1359, 1360, 1386, 1409, 1411, 1419, Spitzer, Marc-1113, 1165
1445, 1448, 1459, 1473, 1474, 1486, 1665, Spogli, Ronald P.-186, 278, 344, 394, 1659,
1698, 1882, 1883, 2085, 2097, 2110, 2130, 1661
2136, 2189 Spratt, John McKee, Jr.—1303, 1779
Sistani, Ali al- —340, 459, 518, 2185 Spurgeon, Dennis R.—278, 279
Skellie, Billy, Jr.—1514 Srivatsa Goswami, Acharya—381
Slater, Rodney E-1834 St. James, Rebecca—850
B–26 Administration of George W. Bush, 20%
Stabenow, Deborah A.—1900, 1912, 1922, 1928, Sullivan, Kevin—1335
1942, 1950, 1957, 1964, 1971, 1982, 1990, Sullivan, Mark J.-186, 1070
1998 Sullivan, Michael J.-1551
Stafford, Arthur—422, 423 Sullivan, Sean P-1215
Stagg, J.C.A.—491, 492 Sullivan, Timothy–1870, 1871
Stahl, Suzanne–1518 Sumaydi, Samir Shakir al- –1046, 1101, llll
Stann, Brian–793 1119, 1389
Stanton, Cheryl—2116 Summer, John F., Jr.—96
Stanzel, Scott—2116 Sumwalt, Robert L., III–1112, 1114
Staples, George McDade—394, 395 Sundheim, Duf-767
Stapleton, Craig Roberts—1659, 1661 Sundquist, Don—1531
Stapleton, Walter K–1064 Sununu, John E.-203, 209, 213
Starnes, Linda Hampton—1590 Suraj Naresh Hinduja–279
Starnes, Nancy—394 Suroveic, Stephen H-1590
Starr, Kevin O.-859, 860 Suthers, Janet—1744
Steel, Robert K.—1590, 1592 Suthers, John W.-1744
Steele, Michael S.–1051, 1055 Swagel, Phillip L-1698, 1700
Steer, John R.—2145, 2170 Swann, Braxton—1464
Stein, Ben–767 Swann, Charena—1464
Steinberg, Andrew B-226, 228 Swann, Lynn C.–1463
Stella, Frank D.—1622 Swann, Shafer—1464
Stengel, Joe—298 Sweezy, Dallas R.—625, 1070, 1590
Stephanopoulos, George R.—1863 Swendiman, Alan R.—2116
Stephens, Laurie—943 Symington, W. Stuart, IV—918, 919
Stephens, Richard D.—2116 Szili, Katalin—1217
Stephenson, Randall L-2117
Sterling, Terry—531 Taban, Alfred—1233, 1234
Stern, Alan—2181 Taft, Bob-240, 243, 251
Stern, Elizabeth M.–919 Talabani, Jalal–517, 768, 771, 783, 786. $20.
Stern, Lisa—2181 827, 829, 915, 946, 983, 985, 1026, 1163.
Stetson, Frank H.-726 1634, 1638, 1664, 2156, 2169
Stevens, Theodore F.—586, 599, 1098, 1145, Talbot, Ronald—58
1207, 1315, 1558 Talent, Brenda—1235, 1959
Stewart, Elizabeth A.—961 Talent, Chrissy–1236, 1959
Stewart, Joseph D.—1177, 1178 Talent, James M.–686, 1235, 1591, 1802, 1959.
Stewart, Karen B.-1375, 1376 1960–1967, 1969–1972
Stewart, Todd I-1375, 1376 Talent, Michael–1236
Stewart, Tony—138 Tamargo, Mauricio J.-187, 227
Stickler, Richard E.-1147, 1592, 1863, 2071 Tang Jiaxuan—1819
Stine, Katie Kratz—966 Tankersley, Michael W-2088,2145
Stipe, Dick—918 Tatum, Beverly Daniel—2116
Stivers, Steve—240 Taylor, Anna Diggs–1474, 1489, 1579
Stollenwerk, John—1319, 1320 Taylor, Charles—585, 593, 1361
Stone, Douglas M.–768 Taylor, G. Eugene—57, 60
Strachan, Linda Avery–279, 280 Taylor, Laneie—27
Strange, Luther—1681 -
Taylor, Robert V-216
Straw, Jack—510 Taylor, Stanley E-1761
Strom, Leland A.—1437, 1438 Taylor, Thomas N.—1164, 1166
Strong, William H.-278 Taylor, William B., Jr.—858, 859, 1659
Struble, James C–1374 Tegen, Peter—659
Strug, Kerri–186 Tellefsen, Stephanie Spencer—961
Stucky, Scott W.-2072 Templin, Robert G., Jr.—699
Studdard, Kasey—238 Ten Eyck, Gregg–840, 841
Stufflebeem, John D.—394 Terry, Lee—1993
Stulp, Patty—302 Thapar, Amul R.—280
Styslinger, Lee J., III–279 Theis, Holly—2039
Sudani, Abd al-Falah al-–1126 Thiessen, Marc—1551
Sufaat, Yazid–1572 Thomas, Craig L-830, 942
Sullivan, Daniel S.—717, 822 Thomas, David-238
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–27

Thomas, Debi—186 Turley, Kevin—1421

Thomas, Edward K.—2116 Turner, Janine L.-1164
Thomas, Joan—322 Turner, Michael R.—1066
Thomas, John–939 Tweedie, Neale—238
Thomas, Oliver M., Jr.—1525 Tydingco-Gatewood, Frances M.–822
Thomas, Peter J-226 Tyler, Jesse—1918
Thomas, Randi Parks—20
Thomas, Sharon—409 Udall, Anne J-1374, 1375
Udall, Mark–298, 1213, 1229
Thomas, William M.–409, 909, 943, 1469, 2193
Udall, Thomas–178, 1078
Thompson, John, III–76
Thompson, Phyllis D.—1035 Udvar-Hazy, Steven F.—1698
Thompson, Richard F.—1164, 1166 Uebbing, Daniel—471
Thompson, Tiffany—76 Uebbing, Stephen J.-466,471
Ullrich, David A.—820
Thornburgh, Richard L-1068
Thornburgh, Ron—2000 Ulmer, Sylvia—1725
Tiahrt, Todd–2000 Umholtz, Stewart—1291
Tiahrt, Vicki–2000 Underdown, Lynne M.–1431
Tiberi, Patrick J.-240 Unobskey, Sidney R.—1374
Unwin, Melissa—866
Tichenor, Warren W.-450, 492
Tidwell, Jerry—436,446 Upton, Frederick S.—1145
Tidwell, Tom—1906 Uribe Velez, Alvaro-259, 393, 1113, 1137,
1437, 2068
Tien, Nguyen Thi Kim—2077, 2078
Tienken, William E.-1590 Vaccarella, Rockey—1504, 1512
Tillman, Mark—1134, 1261 Vaclavik, Lori—303
Tinsley, Edward R., III—984 Vajpayee, Atal Bihari—510
Tinsley, Meredith—984 Valentine, John L-1537, 1544
Tobey, William H.-919, 920 Valentine-Thomas, Sharon—1004
Tobias, Randall L-96, 280, 1139, 1143, 1629, Valli, Frankie–1868
2158 Van Beek, Virgil–1978
Tobin, Katherine C.—395 Van Hollen, Christopher—725
Toebben, Gary–966 Van Kirk, Carol—336, 1537
Toledo, Alejandro—11, 439, 446, 447, 449, 450, Van Tine, Kirk–1297
716, 1335 Vandenburgh, Daisy—71
Toledo, Eliane Karp de—1335 Vander Plaats, Darla—695, 1977
Tolman, Brett L.-1114 Vander Plaats, Robert L-695, 1977
Tomlinson, Kenneth Y. —2071 Vanderfeltz, Bob-692, 693
Tompkins, David–918 Vanderwagen, W. Craig–1415
Ton Choo Leng—2055 Varela, Carlos-720
Topinka, Judy Baar—1285, 1291 Vargas, Pete—1773–1775
Torrijos, Vivian Fernandez de—1305 Vasquez, Gaddi H.-820, 822, 852, 1101
Towey, H. James—418, 419,730 Vaudt, David A.—695, 1893, 1977
Towey, Mary–730 Vaudt, Jeanie–1893
Townsend, Frances Fragos—135, 328, 410, 549, Vaughn, Jack–1659, 1660
816, 1453 Vaughn, John R.—918, 919
Trachtenberg, Francine Zorn—458 Vavricek, Jay—1993
Trachtenberg, Stephen J-458 Vazquez, Tabare—820, 851
Trakatellis, Archbishop Demetrios—549, 550, Veneman, Ann M.–2161
850 Verbeck, Brian—1984
Treadwell, Louis Mead, II–1374 Verhofstadt, Guy–77
Tredick, Peter W.-624, 626, 1335, 1374, 1375, Vermeil, Donald E. –757
2071, 2169 Veroneau, John K.—1437, 1439
Triet, Nguyen Minh–1905, 2063, 2065–2069 Vest, Charles M.–178
Trinh, David–961 Vike-Freiberga, Vaira—1113, 2098, 2099, 2104,
Trivelli, Paul–1974 2116
Trulio, David–1551 Villaraigosa, Antonio R.—770
Tschetter, Ronald A.—1415, 1416 Vilsack, Thomas J.-733
Tucci, Joseph M.–394 Vincent, Patricia K.—305, 306
Tucker, Sara Martinez—1550, 1592 Vines, John R.—1261
Tupper, Jon—1966 Vitter, David—1521, 2193
B–28 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Vitter, Wendy—1521 Warshawsky, Mark J.-1659, 1661
Voelker, David—414 Washington, Isaiah—2158
Voinovich, George V-240 Watson, Harry A—1214
Volcker, Paul A.—195 Waxman, Henry A—1667
von Eschenbach, Andrew C.—491, 492, 1492 Wayne, Earl A.—665,666
von Spakovsky, Hans—20, 228 Weast, Jerry D.—726, 801
Vorosmarty, Charles J.-1374 Wefald, Jon—102
Votruba, James C.—965 Weh, Allen–l 170
Vucanovich, Barbara Farrell—1714 Wehrum, William L., Jr.—393, 395, 1592
Weiers, James P-952
Wade, Abdoulaye—1761 Weinberger, Caspar—582
Wagenaar, Richard P-414 Weiner, Anthony D.—1042
Wagle, Susan–2000 Weinstein, Allen–76
Wagner, Kevin–1523 Weinstein, David C.—961
Wagoner, Porter—153 Weinstein, Kenneth R.—1164, 1166
Wagoner, Presley Merritt–563 Weintraub, John–857
Wagoner, Rick—2051 Welch, Franklin A.—1015
Waili, Shirwan al- –1100, 1119
Wainstein, Kenneth L-491, 492, 1658
Welch, Jenna—686, 1079, 1629
Welden, W. Edgar—821
Wainwright, Dale—2017 Weldon, David J-1162, 1364
Waite, Harvey—283 Weldon, W. Curtis—547
Wakim, Christopher—531 Weller, Gerald C.—786
Walczak, Marcy K. Rumsfeld–2166 Wellinghoff, Jon—450, 451
Waldron, Thomas P.-799 Wellington, Robert “Kent,” II—1698
Walker, George H.-481 Werthmann, Owen—720
Walker, Helgard C.—1297 West, Bill, Jr.—637–639
Walker, Herschel–186 West, Catherine G.-821, 859
Walker, Scott—289 West, John E.-1451, 1472
Walker, Stacey—1660 Westine, Lezlee—751
Wall, Richard J-226 Westmoreland, Lynn A.—426, 1777
Wallace, Chris–1723, 1729, 1746, 1853 Wetzel, Ken—1550
Wallace, David G.-1924 Whisenant, John–939
Wallace, Mark D.—21, 98 Whisenant, Joyce–939
Wallace, Michael Brunson—227, 1551, 1592, White, Geraldine—1808
White, Jan—1517
Wallace, Robert E.-1819 White, Kevin E-1808
Wallace, Roger W-20, 228 White, Miles D.—12
Waller, Reggie–1034 White, Richard–191, 738, 754
Walpin, Gerald–1437, 1439 White, Shaun—943
Walsh, Dennis P.-96, 228 Whitlow, Lori—2039
Walsh, John—1395 Whitmire, Charles—1079
Walsh, Reve—1395 Whitney, Frank D.—280
Walter, Scott–1436 Whitney, Julie—918
Walters, Gary J.-1877 Whittington, Harry—259, 260
Walters, John P.-424, 1066 Wienecke, Nathaniel F.—1254, 1257
Walther, Steven T-20, 228 Wiesel, Elie-749, 856
Wamp, Zachary P.-1531 Wigenton, Susan Davis—139
Wang Guangya–67 Wiggins, Mike—1584
Wang Yi—918 Wilber, Susan—469, 470
Ward, Hines—1069 Wilder, Dennis C.—1551
Warder, Lawrence A.—820, 822 Wilensky, Gail—253
Wark, William B.-1216, 1255 Wilkie, Robert L.-1216, 1255
Warner, John W.—336, 340, 569, 586, 604, Willett, Don R.—2017
1389, 1558, 1786, 1790, 1832, 1836, 1862, Williams, Anthony A—481, 1391, 1753, 1842.
2042, 2128, 2166, 21.79 2046
Warner, Mark R.—2042 Williams, Brian—1550
Warr, Brent—1514 Williams, David A.—1217
Warren, Richard D. “Rick”—770, 2160 Williams, David L.-966
Warsh, Kevin M.–138, 140 Williams, Ellen C.–918, 919, 2069, 2070
Annual Name Index to Issues 1–52 B–29

VVilliams, Ethel–806, 807 Yanes, Raul F.—1070

Williams, James A–568 Yao Ming—744
VVilliams, Ken—235 Yarington, C. Thomas, Jr.—1112, 1114
VVilliams, Kenneth—1580 Yayi Boni, Thomas—2144, 2157, 2158, 2160,
VVilliams, Michael L.-1923, 2017 216.1
Williams, Nancy R.—961 Ybarra, Greg—1591
VVilliams, Tommie–1584 Yining Wang–704
VWilliams, Vickie–1517 Yokata, Megumi–810, 1243, 1315, 1793
Williamson, Irving A.—1591, 1593 Yokata, Sakie—810, 1243, 1315, 1793
Williamson, John C.–665,666 Yokata, Takuya—810
Willingham, Brian—344 Young, Charles W. “Bill"—262, 1335
Wilson, Addison G. “Joe”—458 Young, Felicia—239
Wilson, Cassandra—1526 Young, Vincent P., Jr.—238,239
Wilson, Dan—1421
Yu Jie–918
Wilson, Heather—178, 1169
Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang–272, 1070, 2078,
Wilson, Michael–808 2082–2084, 2089
Wilson, Ross–1335, 2039
Wince-Smith, Deborah L.-821, 860
Yudof. Judith—237, 749
Yudof. Mark G.-237, 278
Wine, Bradley D.—749 Yudof, Samara—237
Winik, Jay—1164, 1166 Yushchenko, Viktor—547
Winokur, Peter S.–1590, 1592
Winter, Donald C.–793, 2042, 2166, 2179 Zaheri, Becky–1523
Winters, Jackie—344 Zanelotti, Gail—256, 257
Wisner, Frank—138 Zarnegin, Robert–919
Wisnieff, Bob 470, 471, 473 Zarqawi, Abu Musab Al–6, 7, 34, 35, 42, 106,
Wisnieff, Eleanor—470, 471 147, 221, 267, 456, 461, 499, 501, 506, 508,
Witt, Robert E.-394 519, 520, 522, 535, 589, 591, 644, 654, 674,
Wolf, Frank R.—1249, 1786 828, 869, 880, 987, 993, 1029, 1100, 1104,
Wolfensohn, James D.—130, 682,859 1107, 1108, 1110, 1113
Wolfowitz, Paul D.—2161 Zatkin-Butler, Ilene—961
Wong, Marleen—1771, 1772 Zavadskaya, Svyatlana–393, 411
Wood, Janet R.—1699 Zawahiri, Ayman al- —642, 880, 1394, 1542,
Wood, Lisa Godbey—1165 1546, 1559–1561, 1582, 1586, 1650, 1684,
Wood, Michael–858, 860 1716, 1721, 1728, 1737, 1746, 1789, 1811,
Wood, William B.-1437 1847, 1853, 1860, 1875, 1902, 1912, 1941
Woods, Carrol S.–735 Zeidman, Fred S.–855, 1659
Wos, Aldona Z.—557 Zeiss, Beth—641
Wright, Otis D., II–1592 Zeiss, P. Anthony—641
Wright, Patrick—1513 Zelaya Rosales, Manuel–138, 1034, 1075, 1659
Wright, William E.-1216, 1255 Zelikow, Philip D.—1127
Wrighton, Timothy J.-1914 Zellers, Jeffrey—529
Wu, George H.-1592 Zerhouni, Elias A.—1364, 1831
Wu Yi—716
Ziemer, R. Timothy—2158
Wuerffel, Daniel C.—l 164
Zimiga, Arthur W.-279
Wuerl, Donald W.-1374 Zinsmeister, Karl—10.34
Wynn, Stephen A.—1973 Zoellick, Robert B.-9, 142, 884, 885
Wynne, Michael W.-1828, 2042, 2166, 21.79 Zubair, Abu-1571
Wyvill, John C.–961 Zubaydah, Abu-45, 1571, 1573, 1610, 1693,
Yamada, Tadataka–394 1747
Yamamoto, Donald Y. —1591, 1593 Zylar, Amie–1395
Annual Document Categories List
Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Addresses to the Nation Addresses and Remarks—Continued
Immigration reform—931 California Fuel Cell Partnership in West Sac
State of the Union—145
ramento, CA–762
War on terror—1597 California Highway Patrol Academy in Sac
ramento, CA–761
Addresses and Remarks Camp David, MD, arrival from—497
Central American relief and reconstruction ef
See also Addresses to the Nation; Appoint
ments and Nominations; Bill Signings (and forts, business leaders, meeting–69
Vetoes); Interviews With the News Media; Central Intelligence Agency Director Michael
Meetings With Foreign Leaders and Inter V. Hayden, swearing-in ceremony in Lang
national Officials; Resignations and Retire ley, VA—1049
ments - Charleston Air Force Base in Charleston,
Afghanistan SC–1914
agram Air Base, remarks to coalition Chicago, IL, mayor and business leaders, din
troops—373 ner–1278
U.S. Embassy, dedication ceremony in Children's holiday reception—2121
Christmas, national Christmas tree lighting
African American History Month celebra ceremony—2140
Cinco de Mayo celebration—852
Allen-Edmonds Shoe Corporation in Port Cisco Systems, Inc., in San Jose, CA–751
Washington, WI–1319 City Club of Cleveland in Cleveland, OH,
American competitiveness
Highland Heights, KY—965 remarks and a question-and-answer ses
Rio Rancho, NM–177
American Council of Engineering Compa Clinton Township, MI, remarks to reporters—
nies—838 1898

American Hospital Association—831 Coconut Creek, FL, remarks to reporters—

American Jewish Committee, centennial din
ner—855 Commander in Chief's Trophy, presentation
American Legion—336 to the U.S. Naval Academy midshipmen—
Asia Society—309
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month cele Congress
bration—916 Congressional leaders, meetings–1359,
Australia, White House trees, presentation to
Australian Embassy–927 Congressional picnic–1162
Austria, discussion with foreign students in House Republican Conference in Cam
Vienna—1205 bridge, MD–224
Automobile manufacturers, U.S., chief execu House Republican Conference, meeting—
tive officers, meeting—2051
Bagge, S. Sgt. Christian, meeting—1234 Members, meetings—482, 794, 845, 2128
Biloxi, MS National Republican Senatorial Committee,
BP gas station—807 reception—1856
Community leaders, meeting—1513 Republican Senate Conference, meeting—
Hands On Gulf Coast Civic Action Cen 1679
ter–807 Cº. candidates
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, Bilirakis, Gus, reception in Tampa, FL–
commencement address—911 1641
Black Music Month reception—1223 Buchanan, Vern, reception in Sarasota,
Business and Industry Association of New FL–1871
Hampshire in Manchester, NH-202 Burns, Max, reception in Pooler, GA.—1583
Cabinet meetings–142, 328, 578, 1062, 1569, Chocola, Representative Chris, reception in
2036 Mishawaka, IN–329
Cabot Microelectronics Corporation in Au Collins, Mac, reception in Macon, GA.—
rora, IL–1296 1777

Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Addresses and Remarks—Continued Addresses and Remarks—Continued
Congressional candidates–Continued Customs and Border Protection Commissioner
Davis, Representative Geoff, reception in W. Ralph Basham, swearing-in ceremony in
Florence, KY—975 Artesia, NM-1078
Doolittle, Representative John T., reception CVS Pharmacy, remarks to reporters—1855
in El Dorado Hills, CA–1725 Dance Theatre of Harlem—196
Heller, Dean, reception in Reno, NV-1713 Defense Department, senior officials, meeting
Lamberti, Jeff, luncheon in Des Moines, in Arlington, VA—2153
IA–1892 Dubai International Capital LLC–309
McSweeney, David, reception in Chicago, Economic advisers, meeting at Camp David
IL–1808 MD–1471

Pombo, Representative Richard W., break Economic Club of Chicago in Chicago, IL–
fast in Stockton, CA–1719 12

Porter, Representative Jon, luncheon in Las Economy, national

Vegas, NV-781 Green Bay, WI–1451
Sterling, VA—80, 720
Renzi, Representative Rick, breakfast in Washington, DC 663, 811, 857, 1757
Scottsdale, AZ–1734
Roskam, Peter, reception in Chicago, IL– Economy, national, and the Federal budget—
Education, Department of 1749
Sherwood, Representative Don, reception Election day, remarks in Crawford, TX—412.
in La Plume, PA—1844 2022
Sodrel, Representative Michael E., recep Energy
tion in Indianapolis, IN–551 Čion. CO—297
Wilson, Representative Heather, reception Hoover, AL–1679
in Albuquerque, NM –1169 Milwaukee, WI–289
cº elections campaign rallies
Arkansas victory 2006 in Bentonville, AR–
Pottstown, PA—1003
Estonia, democracy proponents, meeting in
2011 Tallinn–2093
Colorado victory 2006 in Greeley, CO— Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, meet
1985 ing—417
Florida victory 2006 in Pensacola, FL– Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke.
2006 swearing-in ceremony—194
Georgia victory 2006 in Perry, GA.—1937 Ferris Hills at West Lake Senior Center in
Georgia victory 2006 in Statesboro, GA.— Canandaigua, NY–471
1917 Ford, former President Gerald R.
Indiana victory 2006 in Sellersburg, IN– Death of, remarks in Crawford, TX—2209
1908 Visit in Rancho Mirage, CA–769
Foundation for the Defense of Democ
Iowa victory 2006 in Le Mars, IA—1977 racies—457
Kansas victory 2006 in Topeka, KS-2000 Freedom House, remarks and a question-and
Missouri victory 2006 in Joplin, MO-1966 answer session—586
Missouri victory 2006 in Springfield, MO— George W. Bush Elementary School in Stock
ton, CA–1725
Montana victory 2006 in Billings, MT Georgetown University’s “Let Freedom Ring"
Nebraska victory 2006 in Grand Island, Georgia Public Policy Foundation in Atlanta
Nevada victory 2006 in Elko, NV-1952 Greek Independence Day celebration—549
Pennsylvania Congressional Victory Com Green Bay, WI, arrival–1450
mittee, dinner in Philadelphia, PA—1010 Gubernatorial candidates
Texas victory 2006 in Sugar Land, TX Beauprez, Bob, reception in Englewood
1923 CO–1743
Cotham's in the City in Little Rock, AR– Crist, Charlie, reception in Orlando, FL
1530 1647
Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Ed Ehrlich, Governor Robert L., Jr., reception
ward P. Lazear, swearing-in ceremony—106 in Baltimore, MD–1050
Counterterrorism team, meeting in McLean, Green, Mark, reception in Milwaukee,
VA—1462 WI–1320
Annual Document Categories List to Issues 1–52 C–3

Addresses and Remarks—Continued Addresses and Remarks—Continued

Gubernatorial candidates–Continued Ira -

Nussle, Jim, reception in Des Moines, IA— Amºdor to the U.S., remarks on receiv
694 ing diplomatic credentials—1046
Perry for Governor 2006 rally in Dallas, bºil remarks to U.S. troops—l 123
TX—2017 Former President Saddam Hussein, trial
Riley, Bob, luncheon in Birmingham, AL–
1680 Government, formation—983
Swann, Lynn C., reception in Lancaster, Interagency team, meeting at Camp David,
PA–1463 MD–l 120

Topinka, Judy Baar, luncheon in Chicago, Iraq Study Group, meetings—1138, 2126
IL–1291 Iraqi citizens, meeting—79
Gulf coast recovery efforts Strategy for victory—497
Bay St. Louis, MS-57 U.S. Ambassador, meeting—1277
Biloxi, MS 807, 1513 Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. private organiza
Gautier, MS-416 tions assisting and supporting citizens and
New Orleans, LA—56, 414, 806, 1520 U.S. troops, meetings—530, 1221, 1862
Private organizations, meeting—95 Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Or
Gulf Coast School Library Recovery Initiative, ganization, briefing—454
discussion in New Orleans, LA—1520 King, Coretta Scott, funeral service—196
Gyrocam Systems, LLC, in Sarasota, FL, Labor Day in Piney Point, MD–1554
tour—1876 Lake County Emergency Management Agency
in Mentor, OH, tour–1429
Hanukkah menorah lighting—2180 Laredo, TX, Border Sector Patrol Head
Harley-Davidson Vehicle Operations in York, quarters—1085
Health care Latvia, Latvia University in Riga–2099
Line-item veto, meeting with Governors—
Bridgeport, CT-633 | 104
Dublin, OH−239
Los Angeles, CA, remarks on California
Minneapolis, MN-1494 wildfires—1731
Washington, DC–252, 563, 630 Management and Budget, Office of
Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, HI, re
Director Robert J. Portman, swearing-in
marks to U.S. troops—2085 ceremony—1066
Hispanic Heritage Month reception—1758 Mid-Session Review—1315
Hungarian Contributions to Democracy cele Manhattan Institute for Policy Research—
bration—481 1228
Identity theft victims, meeting—908 Maplewood, MN–169
Iftaar dinner—1830
March for Life, telephone remarks—101
Immigration reform Marriage, proposed constitutional amend
Alexandria, VA—1266 ment—1076
Artesia, NM-1078
Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial,
Charlotte, NC–658
groundbreaking ceremony—2046
Irvine, CA–769 McElwain, Jason, meeting in Rochester, NY–
McAllen, TX—1430 465
Omaha, NE–1091 Medicare prescription drug benefits
Washington, DC–546,632 Annandale, VA—699
Independence Day celebration at Fort Bragg, Canandaigua, NY–465
NC–1261 Jefferson City, MO-686
India Orlando, FL–901
American and Indian business leaders, Silver Spring, MD–472
meeting in New Delhi–374 Sun City Center, FL–889
Business students, discussion in Memorial Day ceremony in Arlington, VA—
Hyderabad–385 1044
New Delhi, remarks—388 Mexico, tour of Mayan archaeological ruins
Religious leaders, meeting in New Delhi— in Chichen-Itza—607
3S 1 Meyer Tool, Inc., in Cincinnati, OH, tour—
Indonesia, discussion with civic leaders in 1665
Bogor—2078 Miami, FL, remarks to reporters—1422
Initiative for Global Development, national Middle East conflict—1420
summit—l 139 Middle East, U.S. Governors' visit—733
C–4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Addresses and Remarks—Continued Addresses and Remarks—Continued
Military and diplomatic leaders, meetings— North Korea
8, 915 Defectors and family members of Japanese
“Military Commissions Act of 2006,” Senate abducted by North Korea, meeting—S10
action, remarks in Orlando, FL–1646 Nuclear weapons test—1767
Military Officers Association of America— United Nations Security Council resolu
1557 tion—1830
Morley Candy Makers in Clinton Township, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Na
MI—1898 tional Monument, establishment—l 147
Nashville, TN—152 Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK
National and State Teachers of the Year, pres commencement address—864
entation—798 Olympic and paralympic teams, remarks hon
National Archives and Records Administra oring—942
tion, remarks to reporters—76 Pakistan, community members, discussions in
National Association for the Advancement of Islamabad—402
Colored People (NAACP), annual conven Parkland Magnet Middle School for Aero
tion—1366 space Technology in Rockville, MD–725
National Association of Manufacturers—1396 Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced Inter
National Catholic Prayer Breakfast–662 national Studies, remarks and a question
National Day of Prayer—850 and-answer session—671
National Endowment for Democracy Award Port of Miami in Miami, FL
recipients, meeting—1233
National Governors Association Conference Tour—1427
Dinner—353 Preserve America Presidential Awards, pres
Remarks—354 entation—830
National Guard Association of the United Presidential Medal of Freedom, presen
States—216 tation—2162
National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast–1101 President's Dinner—1184
National Italian American Foundation, din President's Environmental Youth Awards.
National Medals of Science and Technology, President's Management Council, meeting—
presentation—232 1818
National Museum of the Marine Corps in President's Volunteer Service Awards, presen
Quantico, VA, dedication—2042 tation—916
National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Radio addresses—1, 24, 74, 99, 141, 192, 231,
MD, remarks to reporters—1427 288, 352, 404, 455,495, 562, 629, 670, 719.
National Newspaper Association Government 760, 827, 863, 926, 982, 1043, 1073, 1118.
Affairs Conference, remarks and a question 1173, 1220, 1259, 1301, 1346, 1379, 1419.
and-answer session—434
1441, 1455, 1479, 1512, 1553, 1595, 1626,
National Peace Officers Memorial Service—
1664, 1706, 1765, 1827, 1869, 1907, 1984,
2044, 2074, 2091, 2120, 2148, 2173. 2207
National Prayer Breakfast—168 Renewable Fuels Association—786
National Renewable Energy Conference in St. Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Steny H.
Louis, MO-1802
Hoyer, lunch–2037
National Republican Congressional Com Republican Governors Association, recep
mittee, dinner—485 tion—358
National Security Agency at Fort Meade,
Rºº. National Committee
National Security Council, meeting in Indian Wells, CA, reception—766
Crawford, TX-2211 New leaders, meeting—2052
National Singapore University in Singapore— Republican Party of Florida, dinner in Lake
2055 Buena Vista, FL–283
Naturalization ceremonies, remarks—563, Republican Party of Georgia, President's Day
1380 Dinner in College Park, GA.—426
NCAA championship teams—237, 658 Reserve Officers Association—1688
New Orleans, LA, small-business owners and Russia, discussion with civic leaders in St. Pe.
community leaders, meeting—56 tersburg–1333
No Child Left Behind Act in Glen Burnie, Saint Patrick's Day shamrock presentation
MD–26 ceremony—489
Annual Document Categories List to Issues 1–52 C–5

Addresses and Remarks—Continued Addresses and Remarks—Continued

Salt Lake City, UT Supreme Court, Associate Justice nominee
American Legion national convention— Samuel A. Alito, Jr.—Continued
1537 -

Remarks to reporters—26
Arrival—1536 Swearing-in ceremony—165
San Antonio, TX, visit with wounded troops, Taxes and the economy, meeting in Sterling,
remarks to reporters—2 VA—720
School of Science and Engineering in Dallas, Terrorist surveillance program, remarks—911
Thanksgiving turkey presentation ceremony—
School safety, discussion in Chevy Chase, 2087
MD–1770 Tribute WTC Visitor Center in New York
Secretaries of State and Defense, meeting— City, NY, tour—1597
Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, AL–734
Secretary of Defense and the Defense Policy Twentynine Palms, CA, remarks to military
and Programs Team, meeting in Arlington, personnel and their families—768
United Kingdom, terrorist attacks, preven
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, tion—1450
Armed Forces full honor review in Arling United Nations in New York City, NY
ton, VA—2166 General Assembly—1633
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates Luncheon hosted by Secretary-General Kofi
Meeting—2124 Annan–1637
Swearing-in ceremony in Arlington, VA—
United Solar Ovonic in Auburn Hills, MI–
2179 296
Secretary of State and the foreign policy team, United States Air Force Memorial in Arling
meeting–1457 ton, VA, dedication—1828
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, United States Marine, Inc., in Gulfport, MS,
swearing-in ceremony—1098 tour—1518
Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, United States University Presidents Summit
Jr., swearing-in ceremony—1302 on International Education—9
Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters, Urban Trust Bank–1870
swearing-in ceremony—1833 U.S. Chamber of Commerce—1055
Senatorial candidates
Allen, Senator George, reception in Rich U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Colum
mond, VA—1850 bia Brett M. Kavanaugh, swearing-in cere
Bouchard, Michael, reception in Clinton mony—1064
Township, MI–1898 U.S. Coast Guard, change of command cere
Burns, Senator Conrad, reception—567 mony—1015
Corker, Bob, dinner in Nashville, TN— U.S.-Lebanon Partnership Fund, meeting with
1531 business leaders—1665
Hatch, Senator Orrin G., reception in Salt U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings
Lake City, UT-1544 Point, NY, commencement address—1177
Talent, Senator James M., dinner in St. U.S. Military Academy in West Point, NY,
Louis, MO-1235 commencement address—1037
Senators Harry Reid and Richard J. Durbin, U.S. military personnel
meeting—2042 Aurora, CG-1372
Senior citizens, visit in Des Moines, IA—693 Fort Belvoir, VA—1388
Small Business Week Conference—706 St. Louis, MO,-1235
Special Olympics dinner–1305
State Department senior officials, meeting— USS George H.W. Bush christening ceremony
2151 in Newport News, VA—1766
Sudan Vaccarella, Rockey, meeting—1504
Human rights situation, meeting—818 Veterans Day ceremony in Arlington, VA—
Peace agreement—884
Special Envoy for, meetings—1712, 1937 Veterans of Foreign Wars—31
Sun City Center, FL, fire station—901 Victory Junction Gang Camp, Inc., in
Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers— Randleman, NC, tour—1843
1068 Vietnam
Supreme Court, Associate Justice nominee Business leaders, meeting in Ho Chi Minh
Samuel A. Alito, Jr. City–2077
Former clerks, meeting—123 Church service in Hanoi—2075
C–6 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Addresses and Remarks—Continued Bill Signings and Vetoes
Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City, See also Acts Approved at the end of each
Waco, TX, departure from-1992 Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act
of 2006, remarks—1395
Waldo C. Falkener Elementary School in
Greensboro, NC–1837 Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005.
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, visit with
wounded troops—2201 Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act
War on terror of 2006, statement—13.25
Arlington, VA—5 Coastal Barrier Resources Reauthorization Act
Charlotte, NC–641 of 2005, statement—1019
Chicago, IL–984 Combating Autism Act of 2006, statement—
Louisville, KY—40 2182
Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
Manhattan, KS-101
Salt Lake City, UT-1536 Statement—215
Tampa, FL–262
Department of Defense Appropriations Act
Washington, DC–792, 1569 2007, statement—1703
Wheeling, WV-531 Department of Homeland Security Appropria:
White House
tions Act, 2007
James S. Brady press briefing room, renova Remarks in Scottsdale, AZ–1740
Tee-ball–1214, 1421
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
White House Conference on Global Literacy for Defense, the Global War on Terror.
in New York City, NY–1629 and Hurricane Recovery, 2006, statement—
White House National Conference on Faith 1159
Based and Community Initiatives—418 Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta
White House Summit on Malaria—2158
Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthoriza
Women's History Month and International tion and Amendments Act of 2006, re
Women's Day celebration—409 marks—1391
Women's National Basketball Association
champion Sacramento Monarchs—939 Federal Funding Accountability and Trans.
parency Act of 2006, remarks—1666
Woodridge Elementary and Middle Cam Fetus Farming Prohibition Act, remarks—
pus–1750 1362
World AIDS Day—2114 Freedom to Display the American Flag Act
World Series champion Chicago White Sox– of 2005, statement—13S2
Henry J. Hyde United States-India Peaceful
Yuma, AZ, border tour—951
Atomic Energy Cooperation Act of 20.5
Zarqawi, Abu Musab Al, death–1100 Remarks—2177
Appointments and Nominations John Warner National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2007, statement—1836
See also Digest, Nominations Submitted, and
Checklist at the end of each issue Military Commissions Act of 2006, remarks—
Central Intelligence Agency, Director, re
marks—SS3 Mine Improvement and New Emergency Re
Defense Department, Secretary, remarks— sponse (MINER) Act of 2006, remarks—
2033 1146
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Interior Department, Secretary, remarks—AS4
Year 2006, statement—23
Management and Budget, Office of Director,
remarks—721 National Heritage Areas Act of 2006, state
ment—1S 15
Transportation Department, Secretary, re
marks—1565 National Transportation Safety Board Reau
Treasury Department, Secretary, remarks— thorization Act of 2006, statement—2199
1045 Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage
Wilderness Act, statement—1S36
United States Trade Representative, re
marks—721 Office of National Drug Control Policy Real
White House Office thorization Act of 2006. statement—ºll
Chief of Staff, remarks—578 Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006, state
Press Secretary, remarks—797 ment—2199
Annual Document Categories List to Issues 1–52 C–7

Bill Signings and Vetoes—Continued Communications to Congress—Continued

Pension Protection Act of 2006 Cuba, U.S. national emergency relating to the
Remarks—1469 anchorage and movement of vessels, letter
Statement—1470 on continuation—40
Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity
statement—2196 (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996, review of title
Rio Grande Natural Area Act, statement— III, letters—78, 1354
1815 Denmark-U.S. Taxation Convention, message
SAFE Port Act
transmitting protocol amending—1709
District of Columbia Fiscal Year 2007 Budget
Secure Fence Act of 2006, remarks—1891 Request Act, message transmitting—1706
“Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of Drug trafficking, interdiction of aircraft, letter
2005,” veto transmitting report—324
Message—1365 Dubai International Capital LLC, letter on
Remarks—1362 proposed acquisition of Ross Catherall US
Stop Counterfeiting in Manufactured Goods Holdings Inc.—819
Act, remarks—482 Estonia-U.S. Extradition Treaty, message
Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation transmitting—1710
Act of 2005, remarks—943 Export control regulations, U.S. national
Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 emergency, letter on continuation—1435
Remarks—2193 Federal budget, letters transmitting amend
Statement—2195 ments—661, 1235, 1641
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Federal employees, locality pay increases, let
Act of 2005 ter transmitting alternative plan—2113
Remarks—38 Finland-U.S. Taxation Convention, message
Statement—39 transmitting protocol amending—1709
Ukraine, extension of nondiscriminatory treat Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act,
ment to the products of remarks—547 letter transmitting designations—1066
Geneva Convention amendments, message
transmitting report–1188
Germany-U.S. Taxation Convention, message
transmitting protocol amending—1710
Communications to Congress Gulf coast recovery efforts, letters transmitting
Belarus requests for additional funds—262, 794
Activities in, letter transmitting report—485 Health and Human Services, Department of
Executive order blocking property of per letter transmitting budget amendments—
sons undermining democratic processes 1362
or institutions, message—l 176 Industrial designs, international registration of
Border security, letter requesting additional message transmitting the Geneva Act of the
funds—959 Hague agreement—2051
Bulgaria, export of digital computers, letter Iran, U.S. national emergency, messages on
transmitting report—194 continuation—464, 2041
Burma, U.S. national emergency, message on Iraq, Defense Fund and certain other prop
continuation—959 erty, U.S. national emergency, message on
China, letters certifying U.S. exports—1420, continuation—958
2054 Latvia-U.S. Extradition Treaty, message trans
Free trade agreement with U.S., letter Lebanon, letter on departure of American citi
transmitting notice of intent—1505 zens—1362
Significant narcotics traffickers, U.S. na Liberia
tional emergency, letter on continu Blocking property of certain persons and
ation—1855 prohibiting the importation of certain
Congo, Democratic Republic of the, blocking goods, U.S. national emergency, message
property of certain persons contributing to on continuation—1361
the conflict, letter reporting on—1935 Generalized System of Preferences benefits,
Cote d'Ivoire, Executive order blocking prop letter on extension—323
erty of certain persons contributing to the Line-item veto, message transmitting pro
conflict, message—199 posed legislation—409
C–8 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Communications to Congress—Continued Communications to Congress—Continued
Malaysia-U.S. Mutual Legal Assistance in Uruguay-U.S. treaty on the encouragement
Criminal Matters Treaty, message transmit and reciprocal protection of investment
ting—2052 message transmitting—632
Malta-U.S. Extradition Treaty, message trans Veterans Affairs, Department of letters trans.
mitting—1711 mitting budget requests—142, 1240
Middle East, terrorists who threaten to dis Weapons of mass lº. U.S. national
emergency, letter on continuation—1917
rupt the peace process, U.S. national emer
gency, letter on continuation—80 Western Balkans, U.S. national emergency.
message on continuation—1214
Military and intelligence operations, letter
Zimbabwe, U.S. national emergency, message
transmitting supplemental appropriations on continuation—362
Military commissions, message transmitting Communications to Federal Agencies
draft legislation—1576 Afghanistan
National Science Board, message transmitting rawdown of defense articles and services,
report—239 memorandum—201
Oman-U.S. free trade agreement, message U.S. assistance, assignment of function
transmitting legislation—1228 memorandum—888
Patent Law Treaty, message transmitting reg Africa, waivers and reports, assignment of
ulations—1568 functions, memorandum—956
Peru-U.S. free trade agreement, letter trans Brazil, drug interdiction assistance, memo
mitting notice of intent—24
Russian Federation, U.S. national emergency Colombia, U.S. drug interdiction assistance.
continuation, memorandum–1471
with respect to weapons-usable fissile mate Combined Federal Campaign, memo
rial, message on continuation—1184 randum—1601
Commercial air carrier service, provision of
Blocking property of and prohibiting trans aviation insurance coverage, interno
actions with the Government, letter— randum—2201
Comoros and Saint Kitts and Nevis, U.S. mili
Blocking property of persons in connection tary assistance, memorandum—2088
with the Darfur conflict, message trans Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance
mitting Executive order–804 Fund, delegation of funds, memorandum–
U.S. national emergency, letter on continu 855
Fisheries, promoting sustainable and ending
Syria destructive fishing practices, memo
Blocking property of additional persons in randum—1718
connection with the national emergency, Foreign military forces, programs to build ca
message transmitting Executive order— pacity, memorandum—883
796 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal
U.S. national emergency, message on con Year 2003, implementation, memo
tinuation—887 randum—1259
Telecommunication Union Constitution and Former Soviet Union, use of cooperative
Convention, International, message trans threat reduction funds for outside States,
mitting amendments—1305 assignment of certain functions, memo
Terrorism, persons who commit, threaten to
Humanitarian Assistance Code of Conduct, as
commit, or support, U.S. national emer
gency, message on continuation—1653 signment of functions, memorandum—929
Terrorist attacks, U.S. national emergency, Illicit drug production and transit countries.
message on continuation—1567 International Criminal Court
U.S. combat-equipped Armed Forces, deploy Waiver of prohibition on U.S. military as:
ment, letters reporting on—1160,2174 sistance to participating parties, memo:
U.S.-EU Extradition Agreement, message randum—1708
transmitting—1678 Waiver of prohibition on use of Fiscal Year
U.S.-EU Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement, 2006 funds for participating parties.
message transmitting—1677 memorandum—2093
U.S. National Security Strategy, message Iraq, import restrictions on antiquities, assign.
transmitting report—485 ment of functions, memorandum—883
Annual Document Categories List to Issues 1–52 C–9

Communications to Federal Agencies— Communications to Federal Agencies—

Continued Continued

Jerusalem Embassy Act, suspension of limita State, Department of

tions, memorandums—1160, 2174 Assignment of function, memorandum—
Justice, Department of 2222
Designation of officers to act as Attorney Assignment of reporting function on Iraq
General, memorandum—2148 policy, memorandum—661
Handling of materials after execution of a Sudan Security Sector Transformation (SST)
º search warrant, memorandum—1018 Program, U.S. military assistance, memo
Korea, Republic of transfer of items in war randum—1556
* reserves stockpile, assignment of function, Swaziland, eligibility to receive defense arti
cles and services, memorandum–1183
Labor, Department of, assignment of report Trading With the Enemy Act, continuation
ing function, memorandum—192 of the exercise of certain authorities, memo
Defense Department drawdown to support
transport of Indonesian peacekeeping Trafficking in persons, foreign Governments'
forces, memorandum—1708 efforts, memorandum—1675
Refugee assistance, memorandum—1493
Lesotho, U.S. military assistance, memo Eligibility to receive defense articles and
randum—1430 services, memorandum—2214
Libva Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of
Export-Import Bank programs, ineino 1988, memorandum on determinations—
randum—369 2022
Rescission of state sponsor of terrorism des War on terror, assignment of certain func
ignation, memorandum—929 tions, memorandum—1031
National Archives and Records Administra
tion, designation of officers to be Archivist, Executive Orders
Aeronautics research and development, Na
National Flood Insurance Program, memo tional—2197
National Intelligence, Office of the Director Amending Executive Order 13381 to extend
of authority for issuance of certain direc its duration by one year—1249
tives, memorandum—888 Amendments to multiple Executive orders
and revocation of Executive Order 13011–
National parks, future of, memorandum— 925
North Korea, sanctions against for detonating Belarus, blocking property of persons under
a nuclear device, memorandum—2147 mining democratic processes or institu
Pakistan, waiver of coup-related sanctions,
memorandum—201 Congo, Democratic Republic of the, blocking
property of certain persons contributing to
Palestine, Palestine Liberation Organization,
the conflict—1933
waiver and certification of statutory provi
º sions, memorandums—715, 1818 Cote d'Ivoire, blocking property of persons
Refugee admissions numbers FY 2007 and au contributing to the conflict—197
thorizations of in-country refugee status, Disaster assistance, improvement for victims—
memorandum—1801 1527
Russia Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, re
Chemical weapons destruction facility sponsibilities of the Department of Home
funds, waiver of conditions, Inerno
land Security—412
randum—2129 Federal employees
Debt reduction for nonproliferation, assign Certain rates of pay, adjustments—2200
ment of functions, memorandum—1360 Pay-related functions, assignment of 2115
Safety, Health, and Return-to-Employment Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis
(SHARE) Initiative, memorandum on ex and Malaria, designation as a public inter
tension—1705 national organization—74
Social Security Administration, designation of Government departments and agencies, clo
officers to act as Commissioner, memo sure on January 2, 2007–2211
randum—720 Health care, promoting quality and efficiency
Somalia and Sri Lanka, refugee assistance, in Federal Government administered or
memorandum—2162 sponsored programs—1501
C–10 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006
Executive Orders—Continued Interviews With the News Media—Continued
Identity theft
Federal efforts to protect against, amend Bild of Germany—859, 874
ment—1984 Bloomberg News—1973
Strengthening Federal efforts to protect Business and financial journalists—666
against–909 Cable News Network—1298, 1659
Metro-North Railroad disputes, emergency CBS News—138, 1590
board, establishment—2128 Christian Broadcasting Network—1973
National Mathematics Advisory Panel, estab CNBC–859, 1905
lishment—731 CNN Espanol—579
Property rights of the American people, pro Cox Broadcasting—1973
tection—1219 CTV of Canada—582
Public alert and warning system—1226 Doordarshan of India—348
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Au Florida print media—918
thority dispute, emergency board, establish Foreign journalists—1306
ment—1260 Foreign print journalists—571
Sudan FOX News–1436, 1862, 1973, 2143
Blocking |. of and prohibiting trans
actions with the Government—1824
Future Television of Lebanon—432
Hearst-Argyle Television—1906
Blocking property of persons in connection Indian journalists—324, 345
with the Darfur conflict—802
NBC News—1550, 1591
Surface transportation security, strengthening
Pakistan Television—350
Syria, blocking property of additional per Pakistani journalists—316, 345
sons—794 People magazine—2144
Radio Mambi—1436
Task Force on New Americans, establish
Volunteer community service, responsibilities Rush Limbaugh Show—1973
of Federal departments and agencies—808 Sinclair Broadcast Group—1973
Volunteers for Prosperity, amendment—2162 Stars and Stripes newspaper—1297
Interviews With the News Media Tribune Broadcasting—1906
Exchanges with reporters USA Today newspaper—1475
Arlington, VA—2153 Various journalists—306,961, 1163
Aurora, CO−1372 Various print journalists—1621
Wall Street Journal—138, 1591, 1699
Bogor, Indonesia–2078
Camp David, MD–1120, 1471 Washington Post–2202
Cancun, Mexico—606 Weekly Standard—2169
WGNO-TV New Orleans—1508
Gulfport, MS-1518 WLOX-TV Biloxi−1508
Hanoi, Vietnam—2062
WPLG-TV Miami–1436
Islamabad, Pakistan—397
WVUE-TV New Orleans—1508
Kabul, Afghanistan—369 WWL Radio New Orleans—1550
Laredo, TX—1085
WWL-TV New Orleans—1508
Little Rock, AR–1530
New Delhi, India—375 Joint news conferences
Afghanistan, President Karzai–1668
New York City, NY–1632 Australia, Prime Minister Howard–935
Rochester, NY–465
San Antonio, TX—2 Canada, Prime Minister Harper—1270
Strelna, Russia—1348 Canada, Prime Minister Harper, and Mex
ico, President Fox–611
Washington, DC–1457 Denmark, Prime Minister Rasmussen—
White House—142, 259, 328, 363, 454,
630, 721, 741, 811, 847, 1047, 1062,
1221, 1267, 1359, 1392, 1428, 1602, Estonia, President Ilves—2094
1903, 2048 European Union leaders—l 189
Interviews Germany, Chancellor Merkel–64, 1327
ABC News–1591, 1863 Iraq, Prime Minister Maliki–1382. 2104
American Urban Radio Network—1550 Israel, Prime Minister Olmert—997
ARD German Television–859, 867 Japan, Prime Minister Koizumi–1242
Associated Press—1863, 1973 Pakistan, President Musharraf-1653
Belo Broadcasting—1906 Russia, President Putin—1339
Annual Document Categories List to Issues 1–52 C–11

Interviews With the News Media—Continued Letters and Messages–Continued

Joint news conferences–Continued Kwanzaa, message—2174
United Kingdom, Prime Minister Blair— Labor Day, message—1549
1020, 1406, 2129 Nowruz, message—516
News conferences
Park Service, National, 90th anniversary, mes
January 26—125 sage—1506
March 21—516
Passover, message—698
June 14–1125 Ramadan, message—1663
July 7–1278 Rosh Hashanah, message—1651
August 7–1442 Yom Kippur, message—1687
August 21–1480
September 15–1607 Meetings With Foreign Leaders and
October 11–1782 International Officials
October 25–1877
See also Joint Statements
November 8—2023
Afghanistan, President Karzai–369, 394, 858,
December 20–2182 1070, 1508, 1668, 1677, 1699
Joint Statements Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC),
leaders—2088, 2089
Canada, Prime Minister Harper, and Mexico, Association of Southeast Asian Nations
President Fox: The Security and Pros (ASEAN), leaders—2088
perity Partnership of North America Australia, Prime Minister Howard—927, 934,
Next Steps—621 935, 941, 960, 1071, 1819, 2062, 2069
Progress—619 Austria
Chile, President Bachelet–1117 Chancellor Schuessel—l 189, 1217
European Union-U.S. Summit Declaration— President Fischer—1217
1197 Azerbaijan, President Aliyev–809
Group of Eight (G-8) nations, statement on Belgium, Prime Minister Verhofstadt—77
the Middle East situation—1352 Benin, President Yayi Boni—2157
India, Prime Minister Singh Bolivia, President Morales Ayma—187
Joint statement—381 Brazil, President Lula da Silva—1355, 1973
Canada, Prime Minister Harper—138, 607,
Indonesia, President Yudhoyono—2082 610, 611, 619, 621, 625, 1270, 1298, 1761
Iraq, Prime Minister Maliki–1916, 2086, Chile, President Bachelet–96, 1104, 1113,
Japan, Prime Minister Koizumi, alliance with China
President Hu-740, 741, 745, 749, 1070,
Kazakhstan, President Nazarbayev–1696 1352, 1819, 2076, 21.16
Pakistan, President Musharraf, strategic part State Councilor Tang–1819
nership—402 Vice Premier Wu–716
Peru, President Garcia Perez–1769 Colombia, President Uribe Velez—259, 393,
Russia, President Putin 1137, 2068
Global initiative to combat nuclear ter
Congo, Democratic Republic of the, President
Joint statement—1356 Congo, Republic of the, President Sassou
United Kingdom, Prime Minister Blair—1032 Nguesso–918, 1074
Vietnam, President Triet—2065 Costa Rica, President Arias Sanchez—2127
Letters and Messages Croatia, Prime Minister Sanader–1835
Denmark, Prime Minister Rasmussen–226,
See also Communications to Congress 1105, 1113
Armenian Remembrance Day, message—785 Dominican Republic, President Fernandez
Belarus, freedom efforts, message—561 Reyna–1890
Christmas, message—2181 Egypt, President Mubarak-820, 1336, 1863,
Cuban Independence Day, message—965 2116
Easter, message—714 El Salvador, President Saca Gonzalez–71,
Eid al-Adha, message—25 345, 1112, 1659
Eid al-Fitr, message—1870 Estonia
Hanukkah, message—2168 President Ilves—2094, 2098, 2116
Holiday greeting to members of the Armed Prime Minister Ansin–209.3
Forces, message—2181 European Union, lommission President
Juneteenth, message—l 163 Durao Barasso—l 189
C–12 Administration of George W. Bush, 2005

Meetings With Foreign Leaders and Meetings With Foreign Leaders and
International Officials—Continued International ials—Continued
France, President Chirac—1070, 1351, 1632, Jordan, King Abdallah II—202, 226, 107
2116 1336, 2116
Georgia, President Saakashvili–1267 Kazakhstan, President Nazarbayev–1695
Germany, Chancellor Merkel–64, 71, 96, Kuwait, Amir Sabah—225, 1557, 1590
226, 450, 664, 847, 859, 1070, 1326, 1327, Latvia, President Vike-Freiberga–1113, 2098.
1335, 1416, 1437, 1508 2116
Ghana, President Kufuor—698, 716 Lebanon
Group of Eight (G-8), leaders—1352, 1373, Parliament Member Hariri–136
1374 Prime Minister Siniora—724, 1336, 1474
Haiti, President-elect Preval–344, 625 Liberia, President Johnson Sirleaf-529. 557
Holy See (Vatican City), Papal Nuncio to the Malaysia, Prime Minister Abdullah–859.
U.S. Archbishop Sambi—1374 1632, 2170
Honduras, º. Zelaya Rosales—1075, Mexico
President-elect Calderon–2038
Hungary President Fox–344, 607, 611, 619, 621.
Political party leaders—1217 625
President Solyom—1208, 1210 Nigeria, President Obasanjo-584, 918
Prime Minister Gyurcsany—820, 1209, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
121() Leaders—2116
Speaker of Parliament Szili–1217 Secretary General de Hoop Scheffer—279.
India 497, 1903
Bharatiya Janata Party leader Advani—394 Pakistan
Indian National Congress Party chairman President Musharraf-397, 402, 405. 449.
Gandhi-394 1508, 1653, 1677, 1699, 206S
President Kalam—385, 394 Prime Minister Aziz–121, 138
Prime Minister Singh—375, 380, 394, 1354, Palestinian Authority, President Abbas–1639
1862 Peru
President Toledo—447, 450, 716, 1335
Indonesia, President Yudhoyono—1070, 2078, President Garcia Perez—ll 12, 1768
Iraq Philippines, President Macapagal-Arroyo-344
Ambassador Sumaydi-1046 Poland, President Kaczynski–223, 226
Kurdistan Region of Iraq, President Romania, President Basescu-1392, 1416
Barzani—2169 Russia
President Talabani–819, 1163, 1638, 2169 Minister of Foreign Affairs Lavrov–449
Prime Minister Maliki–820, 1113, 1122, President Putin—187, 858, 1070, 1112.
1163, 1382, 1388, 1298, 1336, 1339, 1345, 1356, 1373.
1415, 1416, 1862,
1973, 2104, 2117 1760, 1819, 2069, 2076
Speaker of the Council of Representatives Security Council Secretary Ivanov–859
Mashhadani—820, 1163 Rwanda, President Kagame—1047
Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution Saudi Arabia, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Saud—961, 1415
in Iraq, chairman Hakim—2122
Vice President Hashimi–2152 Senegal, President Wade–1761
Ireland, Prime Minister Ahern—489, 491 Singapore
Israel, Prime Minister Olmert–70, 625, 997, Acting President Pillay—2069
Minister Mentor Lee—1862
1033, 1070, 1453, 2048, 2069
Italy Prime Minister Lee—2054, 2060, 2069
Prime Minister Berlusconi—363, 2116 Senior Minister Goh—1071
Prime Minister Prodi–750, 1348, 1474, Slovakia, Prime Minister Dzurinda—456
1508 Slovenia, Prime Minister Jansa–1302
Jamaica South Africa, President Mbeki—2141
Prime Minister-designate Simpson-Miller— South Korea, President Roh–1602, 1621.
625 1819, 2073, 2074
Prime Minister Patterson—625 Spain, former President Aznar—225
adan Sudan
'ºne Minister Abe-1699, 1819, 2073, First Vice President Kiir–1372
2074 Minister of Transportation, Roads, and
Prime Minister Koizumi–1070, 1240, 1242, Bridges Garang—226
1247, 1249, 1250, 1254 President Bashir—858
Annual Document Categories List to Issues 1–52 C–13

Meetings With Foreign Leaders and Proclamations

International Officials—Continued
Sudan–Continued African Burial Ground National Monument,
Sudan Liberation Movement Army leader
Minawi-1415 African Growth and Opportunity Act, actions
Sweden, King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen
Silvia—1905 America Recycles Day—2053
Tanzania, President Kikwete—1659 American Heart Month—167
American Red Cross Month—347
Turkey, Prime Minister Erdogan—1374, 1712,
2144 Americans With Disabilities Act, anniver
Uganda, President Museveni–2222 sary—1388
United Kingdom, Prime Minister Blair—1020, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month—825
1032, 1034, 1113, 1348, 1406, 1416, 1436, Bahrain-United States Free Trade Agreement,
1452, 1453, 2129, 2144 implementation—1403
United Nations
Belarus, suspension of entry of persons re
General Assembly President Khalifa–1659 sponsible for policies or actions that threat
Secretary-General Annan–21, 234, 1508, en transition to democracy—927
1637, 1659, 2144 Black Music Month—1019
sº Ban—1862 Cancer Control Month—604
Uruguay, President Vazquez—851 Captive Nations Week–1358
Communist Party General Secretary Caribbean-American Heritage Month—1077
Manh—2069 Certain pharmaceuticals and chemical inter
President Triet–2065, 2068, 2069 mediates, elimination of tariffs—2213
Prime Minister Dung–2069 Child Health Day—1687
Yemen, President Salih–1698 Columbus Day–1756
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Con
Notices stitution Week—1606
Death of Coretta Scott King–195
Colombia, free trade agreement with U.S.—
1505 Death of G.V. Sonny Montgomery–924
Death of Gerald R. Ford—2209
Peru, free trade agreement with U.S.–24
U.S. national emergencies, continuation Dominican Republic-Central America-United
Burma—958 States Free Trade Agreement, implementa
Colombia, significant narcotics traffickers—
1854 Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.—660
Cuba, anchorage and movement of ves El Salvador, Dominican Republic-Central
sels—39 America-United States Free Trade Agree
Export control regulations—1435 ment, implementation—561
Iran–464, 2041 Family Day—1663
Iraq, Development Fund and certain other Father's Day—1090
Fire Prevention Week—1756
Liberia, blocking property of certain per Flag Day and National Flag Week–1089
sons and prohibiting the importation of General Pulaski Memorial Day–1799
certain goods—1360 Generalized System of Preferences, duty-free
Middle East, terrorists who threaten to dis treatment—323, 1251
rupt the peace process—79 German-American Day—1733
Russian Federation, risk of nuclear pro Gold Star Mother's Day—1640
liferation created by the accumulation of Great Outdoors Month—1003
weapons-usable fissile material—l 183 Greek Independence Day: A National Day
Sudan—1944 of Celebration of Greek and American De
Syria–887 mocracy—495
Terrorism, persons who commit, threaten to Guatemala, Dominican Republic-Central
commit, or support—1652 America-United States Free Trade Agree
Terrorist attacks—1567 ment, implementation—1252
Weapons of mass destruction—1916 Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S.,
Western Balkans—1213 modification—2215
Zimbabwe, blocking property of persons Honduras and Nicaragua, Dominican Repub
undermining democratic processes or in lic-Central America-United States Free
stitutions—362 Trade Agreement, implementation—628
C–14 Administration of George W. Bush, 20f
Proclamations—Continued Proclamations—Continued
Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and National Farm Safety and Health Week–
Human Rights Week—2147 1625
Hungarian Revolution, 50th anniversary— National Forest Products Week–1823
1844 National Former Prisoner of War Recognitº
Independence Day—1225 Day—661
Irish-American Heritage Month—348 National Hispanic Heritage Month–1605
Jewish American Heritage Month—759 National Historically Black Colleges and Uni.
Law Day, U.S.A.—826 versities Week—1595
Leif Erikson Day–1749 National Homeownership Month—1014
Literacy Day—1625 National Hospice Month–1936
Loyalty Day—827 National Hurricane Preparedness Week—º
Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday— National Maritime Day—980
73 National Mentoring Month—2208
Minority Enterprise Development Week— National R. Awareness Day—
1503 2092
Mother's Day–854 National motto, “In God We Trust.” 50th an
National Adoption Month—1929 niversary–1403
National African American History Month— National Oceans Week—1073
136 National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month—
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recov 1528
ery Month—1507 National Park Week—730
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day—
Month—1930 2119
National American Indian Heritage Month— National Physical Fitness and Sports Month—
1930 - 747
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month— National Poison Prevention Week—453
1732 National POW/MIA Recognition Day—167
National Character Counts Week—1823 National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month—
National Charter Schools Week—801 1529
National Child Abuse Prevention Month—605 National Safe Boating Week—924
National Child's Day—1065 National Sanctity of Human Life Day–99
National Consumer Protection Week—191 National School Lunch Week—1755
National Crime Victims' Rights Week—759 National Volunteer Week—748
National D.A.R.E. Day–669 North American Free Trade Agreement, rules
National Day of Mourning for Gerald R. of origin modification—1800
Ford—2210 Older Americans Month—825
National Day of Prayer—846 Pan American Day and Pan American
National Day of Remembrance of Hurricane Week—669
Katrina—1511 Parents' Day—1326
National Days of Prayer and Remembrance Patriot Day—1589
(September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks)– Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police
1566 Week—915
National Defense Transportation Day and Na Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day 940
tional Transportation Week—923 Religious Freedom Day–73
National Diabetes Month–1931 Save Your Vision Week—365
National Disability Employment Awareness Small Business Week—548
Month—1733 Thanksgiving Day—2062
National Domestic Violence Awareness Thomas Jefferson Day–714
Month–1704 Ukraine, extension of nondiscriminatory trade
National Donate Life Month—606 treatment (normal trade relations status—
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Preven 627
tion Month—2119 United Nations Day—1867
National Employer Support of the Guard and USA Freedom Corps, fourth anniversary–143
Reserve Week–1651 Veterans Day—1943
National Energy Awareness Month—1813 Vietnam, extension of nondiscriminatory trade
National Family Caregivers Month—1932 treatment (normal trade relations status
National Family Week—2061 2214
National Farm-City Week—2036 White Cane Safety Day—1814
Annual Document Categories List to Issues 1–52 C–15

Proclamations—Continued Statements by the President—Continued

Women's Equality Day—1493 Cuba—Continued
Women's History Month—358 Government, transfer of power–1434
VVorld AIDS Day—2112 Deaths

World Freedom Day—1958 Bentsen, Lloyd–1002

World Trade Week—981 Bradley, Ed—2041

Wright Brothers Day—2168 Brown, James—2208
Cruz, Mary—2092
- Hesignations and Retirements Favela, Steve—2092
Ford, Gerald R.—2208
Central Intelligence Agency, Director, res Friedman, Milton—20.67
ignation, remarks—857
Jimenez, Aleena—2092
Defense Department, Secretary, resignation, King, Coretta Scott–144
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J-2142
Interior Department, Secretary, resignation, Lee Jong-wook—996
Madla, Frank—2092
Medicare and Medicaid Services, Centers for,
Administrator, resignation, statement—1566
Montgomery, G.V. “Sonny”—917
Nelson, J. Byron, Jr.—1674
Transportation Department, Secretary, res O'Neil, John J. “Buck"—1767
ignation, statement—1216 Penalver Mazorra, Eusebio-927
United Nations, U.S. Permanent Representa
Richards, Ann–1605
Remarks—2123 Rugova, Ibrahim, President of Kosovo–120
Schembechler, Glenn E. “Bo”–2075
White House Office Sheikh Jabir al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah,
Amir of Kuwait—78
Assistant to the President for Domestic Pol
icy, resignation, statement—223 Weinberger, Caspar—582
Defense Department Secretary, support for
Chief of Staff, resignation, remarks—578 715
Chief Usher, retirement, statement—1877
“Department of Defense Appropriations Act,
. Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Di
rector, resignation, statement—730
2007,” congressional action—1698
Earmarking rules reform, House of Rep
Press Secretary, resignation, remarks—733 resentatives action—1605
Statements by the President Economy, national—1017, 2143
Energy legislation, House of Representatives
See also Appointments and Nominations; Bill actions—1017, 1019
Signings (and Vetoes); Joint Statements; “Expanding American Homeownership Act of
Resignations and Retirements 2006,” House of Representatives action—
Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act 1391
of 2006, Senate action—1373
Federal budget, fiscal year 2007, House of
Alito, Samuel A., Jr., Senate confirmation as Representatives actions—166,485,956
a Supreme Court Associate Justice—143, “Federal Funding Accountability and Trans
145 parency Act of 2006,” House of Represent
American flag, amendment to prohibit dese atives action—1601
cration, Senate action—1234 Fisher, Alice S., Senate confirmation as Assist
Appropriations legislation, congressional ac ant Attorney General of the Justice Depart
tion—l 158 ment's Criminal Division—1639
Bernanke, Ben S., Senate confirmation as Fisheries management legislation
Chairman of the Federal Reserve System— Congressional passage—2150
145 Senate action—1207
“Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act,” con Ford, former President Gerald R., birthday—
gressional action—1099
Canada, softwood lumber trade framework Gates, Robert M., Senate confirmation as Sec
agreement—807 retary of Defense—2128
“Child Custody Protection Act,” Senate ac Gemayel, Pierre, Minister of Industry of Leb
tion—1387 anon, assassination—2086
China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue, es Hayden, Michael V., Senate confirmation as
tablishment—1640 Director of the Central Intelligence Agen
Cuba cy—1032
Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, Higher Education, Commission on the Future
report—1304 of report—1674
C–16 Administration of George W. Bush, 200:
Statements by the President—Continued Statements by the President–Continued
Immigration reform legislation, Senate pas Oman, free trade agreement with U.S.
sage—1018 House of Representatives action—1372
India Senate action—1639
Nuclear energy cooperation legislation, Outer Continental Shelf legislation, conger
U.S.-India, congressional passage—2151 sional passage—2149
Terrorist attacks on commuter trains in Paulson, Henry M., Jr., Senate confirmatiºn
Mumbai–1325 as Secretary of the Treasury–1240
Indonesia, earthquake—1044 Pension reform legislation—1441
“Iran Freedom Support Act,” congressional Peters, Mary E., Senate confirmation as Sec.
retary of Transportation—1707
“Port Security Improvement Act of 2005
Earthquakes—624 Senate action—1605
International Atomic Energy Agency
Port security legislation, House of Represent:
(IAEA) report on nuclear nonprolifera tives action—854
Portman, Robert J., Senate confirmation is
Bombing of the Golden Mosque in Director of the Office of Management aſ:
Samarra—322 Budget—1037
Government, formation—983 Proliferation Security Initiative—1215
Terrorist attacks in Najaf-1452 Ryan White CARE Act reauthorization legisla.
Israel, health of Prime Minister Sharon–8 tion, congressional passage—2150

Jefferson, Rep. William J., Department of Jus Saudi Arabia, Khobar Towers terrorist attack
tice's handling of investigative materials— 10th anniversary—1225
1017 Scientific research legislation, House of Rep.
resentatives action—1249
Kavanaugh, Brett M., Senate confirmation as
U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Co South Korea, free trade agreement with
lumbia—1032 U.S.—177

Kempthorne, Dirk, Senate confirmation as Space shuttle Discovery, landing–1358

Secretary of the Interior—1032 Sudan, Darfur situation—2151
Syrian Government—2156
Kleptocracy (government corruption)–1451
Lebanon ax legislation
Deployment of French troops to—1505 House of Representatives action—909
Senate action—914
Former Prime Minister Hariri, first anniver
sary of death—239 Thomas, Rep. William M., decision not tº
seek reelection—409
“Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 2006,”
House of Representatives action—1213 United Kingdom
Northern Ireland agreement—2115
Malaysia, free trade agreement with U.S.— Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
Duke of Edinburgh, state visit—2054
Marriage amendment, Senate action—1099
“United States and India Nuclear Cooperatiºt
Medical liability reform legislation—886 Promotion Act of 2006,” Senate passage
Middle East
Israeli airstrike in Gaza—2035
Prime Minister Blair of the United King U.S. population reaching 300 million—lsº
USA PATRIOT Act, Senate action—385
dom, visit—1597
Middle East situation, U.N. Security Council USS Cole terrorist attack, sixth anniversan
resolution—1456 1813

“Military Commissions Act of 2006" Vietnam, legislation authorizing permanent

House of Representatives action—1676 trade relations, congressional passage—215
Senate action—1687 Voting Rights Act of 1965, reauthorization leg
Mine safety legislation, congressional action— islation—1371
1100 Wainstein, Kenneth L., Senate confirmation
Moussaoui, Zacarias, conviction—846 as Assistant Attorney General for Nation
New Freedom Initiative—166 Security at the Justice Department—lº
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