George Polya: December 1887 - September 1985

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George Polya

Polya’s First Principle: Understand the Problem

December 1887 - September 1985
George Polya was a Hungarian who immigrated to the This seems so obvious that it is often not even mentioned,
United States in 1940. His major contribution is for his yet students are often stymied in their efforts to solve
work in problem solving. problems simply because they don’t understand it fully, or
even in part. Polya taught teachers to ask students
Growing up he was very frustrated with the practice of questions such as:
having to regularly memorize information. He was an
excellent problem solver. Early on his uncle tried to  Do you understand all the words used in stating
convince him to go into the mathematics field but he the problem?
wanted to study law like his late father had. After a time at  What are you asked to find or show?
law school he became bored with all the legal
 Can you restate the problem in your own words?
technicalities he had to memorize. He tired of that and
 Can you think of a picture or a diagram that might
switched to Biology and the again switched to Latin and
help you understand the problem?
Literature, finally graduating with a degree. Yet, he tired
of that quickly and went back to school and took math and  Is there enough information to enable you to find a
physics. He found he loved math. solution?

His first job was to tutor Gregor the young son of a baron. Polya’s Second Principle: Devise a plan
Gregor struggled due to his lack of problem solving skills.
Polya (Reimer, 1995) spent hours and developed a method Polya mentions (1957) that it are many reasonable ways to
of problem solving that would work for Gregor as well as solve problems. The skill at choosing an appropriate
others in the same situation. Polya (Long, 1996) strategy is best learned by solving many problems. You
maintained that the skill of problem was not an inborn will find choosing a strategy increasingly easy. A partial
quality but, something that could be taught. list of strategies is included:

He was invited to teach in Zurich, Switzerland. There he

worked with a Dr. Weber. One day he met the doctor’s  Guess and check  Look for a pattern
daughter Stella he began to court her and eventually  Make and orderly list  Draw a picture
married her. They spent 67 years together. While in  Eliminate  Solve a simpler
Switzerland he loved to take afternoon walks in the local possibilities problem
garden. One day he met a young couple also walking and  Use symmetry  Use a model
chose another path. He continued to do this yet he met the  Consider special  Work backward
same couple six more times as he strolled in the garden. cases  Use a formula
He mentioned to his wife “how could it be possible to  Use direct reasoning  Be ingenious
meet them so many times when he randomly chose  Solve an equation
different paths through the garden”.
Polya’s third Principle: Carry out the plan
He later did experiment that he called the random walk
problem. Several years later he published a paper proving This step is usually easier than devising the plan. In
that if the walk continued long enough that one was sure general (1957), all you need is care and patience,
to return to the starting point. given that you have the necessary skills. Persistent
with the plan that you have chosen. If it continues not
In 1940 he and his wife moved to the United States to work discard it and choose another. Don’t be
because of their concern for Nazism in Germany (Long, misled; this is how mathematics is done, even by
1996). He taught briefly at Brown University and then, for professionals. Polya’s Fourth Principle: Look back
the remainder of his life, at Stanford University. He
quickly became well known for his research and teachings Polya mentions (1957) that much can be gained by taking
on problem solving. He taught many classes to elementary the time to reflect and look back at what you have done,
and secondary classroom teachers on how to motivate and what worked and what didn’t. Doing this will enable you
teach skills to their students in the area of problem to predict what strategy to use to solve future problems.
George Polya went on to publish a two-volume set,
In 1945 he published the book How to Solve It which Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning (1954) and
quickly became his most prized publication. It sold over Mathematical Discovery (1962). These texts form the
one million copies and has been translated into 17 basis for the current thinking in mathematics education
languages. In this text he identifies four basic principles and are as timely and important today as when they were
written. Polya has become known as the father of problem
. solving.

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