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Power Cables Handbook Cover.

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While the installation and use of much
energy-efficient equipment is being well

A Specifications Handbook for Power Cables in the Lower Mekong Sub-region

considered and actioned, the energy losses
in undersized power cables are frequently

ignored. If cables are installed with a
A joint effort This is part of a technical conductor size that is the minimum allowed
of a technical specification initiative by
to avoid overheating, energy losses can be
initiative by | Electricité du Cambodge, very significant.

| Electricité du Laos,

| Hanoi Power Company,

A reduction in losses brings about not only
a reduction in fuel costs, but also in plant HANDBOOK
capacity needed to provide the losses at
| Ho Chi Minh City Power Company, times of peak generation.
Specially published for the benefit of power utilities
Harmonisation of Power Distribution
| Metropolitan Electricity
The cost of energy is generally companies, power engineers, power designers and
Authority of Thailand & Systems in the Lower Mekong Subregion
supply chain in the Lower Mekong Subregion
increasing with inflation and the
| International Copper Association depletion of natural resources. 2011 Edition
Southeast Asia Ltd

Energy-efficient considerations are becoming

increasingly important. The use of conductor
cross-sections that have been chosen with
the cost of energy losses in mind can be
shown to save money now and will probably
show increased savings with time.

Increasing the cross-section of

conductors reduces these losses,
improves power quality, allows
headroom for future load growth

|| 2009 Edition
and improves reliability.

International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd.

Copyrights reserved
Underground Power Cable

Copyright © 2010
International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored

in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Printed in Singapore

Handbook of Underground Power Cables

Overhead power lines, a familiar sight in many old cities, are slowly disappearing from city skylines. A
noticeable trend towards underground power cabling is gathering momentum around the world. And
nowhere else is this more evident than in Asia. City after city, professionals involved in city planning
and development, from planners and architects to consultants and engineers, are deciding in favour of
underground power distribution, realising the immense benefits that it offers.

Underground power cable systems offer far reaching benefits. Not only do these systems dramatically
improve the skyline of a city, they also result in better environment, lower power distribution costs,
higher reliability and greater protection against hazards associated with overhead power lines. This
trend is a significant development especially for countries in the Lower Mekong Subregion (LMS)
and for the copper industry. Copper cables, due to much higher conductivity and other properties, are
better suited for underground applications. This means reliability and quality of power supply, critical
factors in reducing technical losses in the electricity grids of Utilities in the LMS.

In deciding on the choice of conductor for an underground cabling system, Utilities have to consider
the basic properties of the conductor material - electrical resistivity, tensile strength, melting point and
coefficient of thermal expansion. Other factors to consider include:

Underground cabling puts pressure to keep space requirements for trenches or ducts to the minimum.
Conductivity, resistance and losses of the conductor in relation to its diameter will therefore determine
its space efficiency. Allowable space must also be provided for thermal expansion of the conductor.

Current Carrying Capacity

The higher the conductivity of the material, the higher is the current rating for the same overall
diameter of the conductor.

Deterioration at cable joints and risk of mechanical damage can be minimised by the hardness of the
conductor material. Its resistance to corrosion can protect joints against water penetration. And

Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
functional problems due to heating and developing hot spots will be less prone in conductors with the
heating ability to withstand overloads/surges.

Studies and experiences of Utilities have shown that transformers and power cables are the two largest
‘loss makers’ in the electricity grid. So, much can be done in these two areas to help reduce significant
losses in the LMS power distribution systems.

I am therefore pleased to note that the development of this underground power cable handbook is a
progression of the power and distribution transformer handbooks. The development and harmonisation
of technical specifications for transformers as well as power cables, in relation to international
standards and best practices, can help to narrow the differences and gaps for LMS Utilities to work
towards further reducing losses in their electricity grids.

Development of handbooks is only an academic exercise. Reduction will only come when the
guidelines and recommendations are followed and implemented by all associated with the design of
the electricity grid, specifying the standards of equipment for procurement and subsequently operating
or maintaining them.

Victor Zhou
Director - China & Southeast Asia
ICA Asia

Handbook of Underground Power Cables

The Lower Mekong Subregion (LMS)

Harmonisation Programme

Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Thailand and

Vietnam have achieved different levels of economic development. These
countries in the Lower Mekong Subregion (LMS) have strong economic

Being developing countries, their power distribution systems, an essential infrastructure, play a
significant role in the economic development. Energy end-users are dependent on the availability,
reliability, and quality of electricity from the power distribution systems. The level of development
and advancement of power distribution systems has direct impact on the developmental potential and
economic growth, especially in urban cities.

The power distribution systems in the urban areas of these LMS countries, however, do not have the
same level of development. It is widely acknowledged that harmonisation in the development of power
distribution systems can benefit these countries and accelerate their economic growth.

In 2005, six power partners entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to share the intent
of working together towards harmonisation of power distribution systems in the following four LMS
countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. The founding partners are:

• Electricité du Cambodge (EDC), Cambodia

• Electricité du Laos (EDL), Lao PDR
• Ho Chi Minh City Power Company (HCMC PC), Vietnam
• Hanoi Power Company (HNPC), Vietnam
• Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Thailand
• International Copper Association Southeast Asia (ICASEA) [formerly known as Copper
Development Centre • Southeast Asia]

Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
This led to a study of power distribution systems of the power partners in Cambodia, Lao PDR and
Vietnam; and the preparation of a regional cooperation roadmap and action plan.

Building on the success of the first MOU, ICASEA and MEA inked a second MOU to continue their
strategic partnership in conducting further studies and facilitating programmes as outlined in phase 2
of the road map and action plan. This impetus is to enable the LMS countries to make further progress
towards harmonisation and the realisation of the objectives as set out in the MOU with all the power

The study of power distribution systems in the LMS countries under the first MOU had revealed that
there are many differences in the power distribution systems in this region. The objective of this
second MOU was to narrow down the differences in six key areas and enable the LMS countries to
move towards greater harmonization of their power distribution systems.

Joining this Harmonisation Programme in 2009 were:

Danang Power Company (DNPC), Vietnam

HaiPhong Power Company (HPPC), Vietnam

And in 2010,

Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), Thailand

Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC), Vietnam

Handbook of Underground Power Cables

Loss in the Power Distribution System is a common and pressing concern

expressed by Utilities in the LMS. Reducing loss is the priority given
the energy shortage arising from rapid economic growth and high oil

A Regional Loss Reduction Workshop for LMS Utilities was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 18 &
19 March 2008. It concluded with a consensus to, amongst other areas of collaboration, reduce losses
in the Power Distribution Systems of EDC, EDL, HCMC PC and HNPC by harmonising technical
specifications and developing a best practices handbook for energy efficient equipment based on
international standards.

The views of and input from participating Utilities were crucial in the development of technical
specifications for the harmonisation of power equipment in the LMS. Only with acceptance and
implementation of the technical specifications can LMS Utilities reduce losses associated with
inefficient power equipment. Hence, a 6-member Technical Working Group (TWG) comprising a
senior technical representative from each Utility and ICASEA was formed to participate and contribute
in discussions and meetings.

The objective of this TWG was to start with the development of technical specifications to harmonise
underground power cables in the LMS. This step-by-step approach was to enable the participating
Utilities to review and evaluate the result of this Technical Working Group before collectively moving
to the next step of harmonising other equipment.

This handbook was developed to help LMS Utilities implement low loss power cables. Reduction will
only come when the minimum performance guidelines are followed and implemented by all associated
with the design of the electricity grid, specifying the standards of equipment for procurement and
subsequently operating or maintaining them.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Members of the Technical Working Group for Power Cable:
Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA),
Chairman Thailand
Mr.Asawin Rajakrom
Mr. Werawat Buathong
Director, Electrical Equipment and UG Cable
Director, Electrical Engineering Division
Installation Division
Mr. Somchai Homklinkaew
Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand
Asst Director, Power System Planning Division
Electricite Du Cambodge (EDC), Cambodia Mr.Preecha Tongkaewkerd
Mr. Lim Sisophuon Senior Electrical Engineer, Power System
Deputy Chief, Dispatching Control Centre Planning Division

Electricite Du Laos (EDL), Lao People’s Ms. Sasianong Vacharasikorn

Democratic Republic Senior Electrical Engineer, Research and
Mr.Bounkheuth Vilayhak Development Dept.
Deputy Chief, Technical Standards Office International Copper Association Southeast
Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation
(HCMC PC), Vietnam Mr. Louis Koh
Mr.Nguyen Huu Vinh Project Leader, Power Distribution
Electrical Engineer, Technical Department Mr. Piyadith Lamaisathien
Country Manager, Thailand
Hanoi Power Corporation (HNPC), Vietnam
Mr.Dinh Tien Dung MEA Project Support Team
Expert, Technical Department Ms. Sutida Sindhvananda, Project Director,
International Service Business
Ms. Kunlathida  Pongchavee, Executive Project
Assistant, International Service Business
Mr. Prawit Chaikaew, Electrical Engineer,
International Service Business

Handbook of Underground Power Cables

The harmonisation of power distribution systems in the LMS will

contribute to the expansion of the ASEAN Power Grid. However,
harmonisation requires a robust partnership and sustained effort over
many years.

The harmonisation of technical specifications together with the development of this handbook is
taking the process a step closer towards the realisation of the objectives as set out in the strategic
roadmap for the harmonisation of power distribution systems in the LMS.

Strengthening regional cooperation to build the capacity of both technical and functional staff would
not have been possible without the endorsement and support of:

Electricité du Cambodge, Cambodia Hanoi Power Company, Vietnam

Mr. Keo Rottanak, Managing Director Mr. Tran Duc Hung, Director

Mr. Chan Sodavath, Deputy Managing Director Mr. Vu Quang Hung, Vice Director, Technical

Electricité du Laos, Lao People’s Democratic Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Vice Director, Business
Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand
Mr. Khammany Inthirath, Managing Director
Mr. Pornthape Thunyapongchai, Governor
Mr. Sisavath Thiravong, Deputy Managing
Mr. Danai Chitterapharb, Director, Business
Investment Dept.
Mr. Boun Oum Syvanpheng, Deputy Managing
International Copper Association Southeast
Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation, Vietnam
Mr. Steven Sim, Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Le Van Phuoc, Director

Mr. Tran Khiem Tuan, Deputy Director

Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Table of Contents
Introduction 1

Chapter 1 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objective 1
1.3 General Requirements
1.4 Principle Specifications 5
1.5 Existing Requirement for Electricite′ du Cambodge (EDC), Cambodia 10
1.6 Existing Requirement for Electricite′ du Laos (EDL), Lao People’s Democratic Republic 11
1.7 Existing Requirement for Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (HCMCPC), Vietnam. 11
1.8 Existing Requirement for Hanoi Power Corporation (HNPC) Vietnam 13
1.9 Additional Requirement for Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Thailand 14
1.10 Conclusion 16

Chapter 2 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Objective 17
2.3 Documents required for evaluation 17
2.4 Guideline for bid evaluation 22
2.5 Conclusion 24

Chapter 3 25
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Objective 25
3.3 Inspection Committee Management 25
3.4 Manufacturing Process Inspection 26
3.5 Factory acceptance tests 29
3.6 Conclusion 32

Handbook of Underground Power Cables
Chapter 4 34
4.1 Introduction 34
4.2 Objective 34
4.3 Acceptance Committee Management 34
4.4 Acceptance Process 35
4.5 Conclusion 39

Chapter 5 40
5.1 Introduction 40
5.2 Objective 40
5.3 Ampacity Calculation 40
5.4 Insulation and Sheath Thickness Calculation 55
5.5 Calculation on Cable Pulling Tension 58
5.6 Conclusion 71

Chapter 6 72
6.1 Introduction 72
6.2 Objective 72
6.3 Types of installation 72
6.4 Cable Laying Procedure 79
6.5 Installation Acceptance Process 88
6.6 Conclusion 89

Chapter 7 90
7.1 Introduction 90
7.2 Objective 90
7.3 Maintenance and Inspection 91
7.4 Field Tests on Cable 98
7.5 Cable Monitoring System 106
7.6 Conclusion 107

Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
References 108
APPENDIX A : Specification of 8.7/15 kV & 12/20 kV XLPE COPPER CABLE A-1
APPENDIX B : Specification of 69 & 115 kV XLPE COPPER CABLE B-1

Figure 1 : Cross-section of 69 & 115 kV PE Outer Sheath (Jacket) 10
Figure 2 : Cross-section of 69 & 115 kV PE Outer Sheath (Jacket) 15
Figure 3 : Cross-section of 69 & 115 kV Fire Retardant PVC Outer Sheath (Jacket) 16
Figure 4 : Cable Drawing 21
Figure 5 : Schematic diagram of Extrusion Line 28
Figure 6 : The geometric factor (G) and the Screening Factor 50
Figure 7 : Mutual Heating Effect 52
Figure 8 : Direct Burial Installation 73
Figure 9 : Semi-Direct Burial Installation 74
Figure 10 : Concrete Trough Installation 74
Figure 11 : Concrete Encased Installation 75
Figure 12 : Concrete Trench 76
Figure 13 : Horizontal Directional Drilling Construction Layout Crossing the River 77
Figure 14 : Cross Section of Concrete Pipe ID 1 m 78
Figure 15 : Pulling Eye 80
Figure 16 : Pulling Grips 80
Figure 17 : Direct Burial Cable Laying Procedure 82
Figure 18 : Cable Laying for Direct Burial 82
Figure 19 : Cable Laying Procedure for Duct Installation 83
Figure 20 : Test Rod or Dummy 84
Figure 21 : CCTV Camera for Checking Duct 84
Figure 22 : Checking Duct by Using CCTV Camera 84
Figure 23 : Method of Cable Pulling 84
Figure 24 : Cable Laying Procedure for Tunnel Installation 86
Figure 25 : Floor Mounting Rollers 87
Figure 26 : Cable Installation in Tunnel by Caterpillar Method 87
Figure 27 : Megger Test1 kV 88

Handbook of Underground Power Cables
Figure 28 : Insulation Testing 88
Figure 29: Murray Loop Bridge Method 95
Figure 30: Cable Fault Waveform Reflections 96
Figure 31 : Tan δ Test Results (K. Brown IEEE ICC Minutes Spring 2005) 104

Table 1 : Major characteristics of underground cable 5
Table 2 : Nominal diameters of round armor wires 12
Table 3 : Nominal thickness of armor tapes 12
Table 4: Sample of Proposed Technical Data for High Voltage XLPE Copper Cable 20
Table 5 : Partial Discharge Test 30
Table 6: Voltage Test 30
Table 7 : Routine and Special Tests Report 37
Table 8 : Acceptance Tests Report 38
Table 9 : Conductor AC Resistance 43
Table 10 : Dielectric losses of insulation 43
Table 11 : Sheath Resistance of each material 44
Table 12 : Thermal Resistances of each material 49
Table 13 : Nominal Thickness of PVC/B Insulation for Cable Rated Voltages 55

Table 14 : Nominal Thickness of Cross-lined Polyethylene (XLPE) Insulation 55

for Cable Rated Voltages
Table 15 : Nominal Thickness of Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) and Hard 56
Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) Insulation for Cable Rated Voltages
from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)
Table 16 : Maximum Cable Cross-sectional Area as a Percentage of Internal 58
Conduit or Duct Area (Refer to NEC)
Table 17 : Minimum Recommended Bending Radii for Unarmored Power Cables 60
for Cables Rated

Table 18 : Cable Configurations in Conduit 61

Table 19 : Recommended Basic Dynamic Coefficient of Friction, Straight Pulls 63
& Bearing Pressures
Table 20 : Recommended Maximum Pulling Tensions at Pulling Eyes 64
Table 21: Recommended Maximum Pulling Tensions Copper and Aluminum 65
Conductor Single

Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Table 22 : Definition of symbols 68
Table 23: Comparison of Different Methods of UG Cable Installation 79
Table 24: Value of Direct Voltage for Jacket Test 88
Table 25 : DC Test Voltage according to IEC 60502-2005 99
Table 26 : AC Test Voltage according to IEC 60840-2004 101
Table 27 : VLF Test Voltage according to IEEE 400.3-2006 102
Table 28: Summary of Different Tests 106
Table 29 : Methods for Monitoring Underground Cable System 107

Handbook of Underground Power Cables
This is the first ever handbook on underground cables. The objective of this handbook is to serve as
a desk and field compendium for the utilities of Lower Mekong Sub-region (LMS) countries. These
utilities are Electricite′ du Cambodge (EDC), Cambodia; Electricite′ du Laos (EDL), Lao People’s
Democratic Republic; Hanoi Power Corporation (HNPC); Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation
(HCMCPC), Vietnam; and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Thailand.

This handbook describes all the important processes -- from procurement to final acceptance --
involved in an underground power cable project. These processes include preparation of specifications,
bidding evaluation, cable manufacturing inspection, contract acceptance, calculations on cable, cable
installation, cable system operation, maintenance and testing.

The handbook refers to the reputable reference books, the latest editions of international and national
standards, and the current specifications of LMS utilities. Specifically, it covers underground cables
with voltage rating from 22 kV (minimum) to 115 kV (maximum) and frequency rating of 50 Hz.

The study of power distribution systems in the LMS countries reveals that there are many differences
in underground cable system practice, hence, to promote the harmonization of the LMS practice, the
common specification for underground cable of the LMS utilities shall be developed for concrete
implementation in the future. The normative technical specification of underground power cable is
then proposed in Appendices A and B for optional application in the LMS underground system.

1  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Chapter 1

Preparation of National Normative Technical Specification of

Underground Copper Cable
1.1 Introduction

Underground power cables have different electrical characteristics from overhead lines. These
differences must be taken into consideration during cable system planning, design and operation.
This chapter describes some of the most important requirements that should be considered by utilities
while preparing specifications of underground cables.

1.2 Objective

The objective is to provide general information on how to select, design, install and maintain a cable
system effectively. And also to help cable engineers reduce cost, which tends to increase due to
ineffective use and maintenance of underground cable. The information provided should also enable
utilities to minimize the need for new investments, learn about loss reduction programs and minimize
negative environmental impact.

The secondary objectives include encouraging greater energy efficiency; developing new national
standards; starting cost effective energy saving programs for both utilities and customers; reducing
losses from utility-owned underground cables; and minimizing life cycle costs. Eventually,
these programs would increase system capacity and decrease the cost of investment in constructing
new distribution substations.

1.3 General Requirements

This specification is for power utility companies in the Lower Mekong Sub-region (LMS). An
underground cable shall be installed in a cable tray or in a duct under the ground and also by direct
burial where fault level is up to 25 kA for MV system and 40 kA for HV system.

Site and Service Condition: LMS utilities operate in a tropical climate. The altitude ranges from 0
meter to 1,800 meters above sea level, ambient temperature ranges from 30ºC to 45ºC and relative

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 2
humidity measures 84%. The cable shall be suitable for continuous use at conductor temperature of
90ºC for normal operation and 250ºC for short-circuit condition.

Reference Standard: The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the common

reference standard for all LMS utilities as well as for a majority of countries around the world. For
MV underground cables, IEC 60502 series is the key reference. IEC 60840 is the reference for HV
underground cable, and IEC 60228 serves as the reference for conductor. For fire retardant cables, IEC
60332 and ISO 4589 shall be applied. Some utilities also refer to their own national standards, which
are mostly equivalent to IEC except for some addition requirements due to their specific experience
and local conditions.

Test, Inspection and Test Report: There will be three main tests:

Type test: The proposed cable should successfully pass all the type or design tests in accordance with
the reference standards.

In case the fire retardant jacket is required, the following tests shall be included:

• The oxygen index of non-metallic sheath material shall be not less than 30 according to ISO
4589 or equivalent.

• Testing on completed cable under fire condition according to IEC 60332-3-22 or equivalent.

The testing shall be done by a reputable independent testing agency or an agency acceptable to LMS

Cable manufacturers who do not have a type test report for the proposed cable shall alternatively
submit a type test report within the range of type approval as specified in IEC standard.

Routine tests: Routine tests shall be made on each reel of the finished cables in accordance with the
reference standards. At minimum, the following tests shall be included:

a) Measurement of electrical resistance of conductors

b) Partial discharge test
c) High voltage test

Special tests: The special tests shall be made on one length from each manufactured lot of the cables
of the same type and size. But these tests shall be limited to not more than 10% of the number of cable

3  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
lengths in the contract, rounded to the upper unity. Special tests, conducted in accordance with the
reference standards, will at least include the following items:

a) Conductor examination
b) Checking of dimensions including measurement of external diameter
c) Electrical test
d) Hot set test for XLPE insulation

Special and routine tests shall be carried out to determine whether the cable complies with the
specifications. For any additional tests required as per the mutual agreement between the purchaser
and the manufacturer, the test method shall be proposed by the manufacturer and approved by the
purchaser before proceeding with the testing.

Type tests help to validate design, raw material, workmanship and quality control during the
manufacturing process. Routine tests, as the name implies, are tests that are routinely performed on
each drum of cable to assure that cables are good quality and made according to required specification
before it leaves the factory. The utility reserves the right to send representatives to witness all
the required tests at the factory.

Routine and Special Test Report: Prior to shipment, the supplier shall submit to the utility six (6)
complete and certified sets of all test reports. The test reports shall include all the data required for
their complete interpretation, e.g., diagrams, methods, instruments, constants and values used in the
tests and the results obtained.

Drawings and Instruction: The supplier shall furnish six (6) sets of documents covering all
the significant details of the underground cable to the utility for approval within a stipulated

To protect mutual interest in cases of delayed or late submission, compensation terms shall be
specified in the contract. Special installation instructions and precautions, characteristic curves,
installation instructions and instruction manuals with the contract number marked thereon -
in the metric system - shall be machine printed or typed and delivered prior with the first

Rating and Features: The major characteristics of the underground cable must be properly specified,
such as shown in the following table:

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 4
Type Solid Extruded Dielectric
(MV) 15, 22, 24, 35 kV
System voltage level (kV)
(HV) 69, 110, 115 kV
(MV) 12.7/22, 12/20, 21/35 kV
Uº /U (kV)
(HV) 36, 64 kV
Frequency ( Hz ) 50
(MV) 70, 150, 240, 400
Conductor Size (sq.mm.)
(HV) 400, 800, 1000, 1200
Insulation XLPE
Metallic Screen COPPER WIRE
Non Metallic Outer Sheath PVC or PE or fire retardant PVC
Operating Temperature (ºC) 90
Table 1 : Major characteristics of underground cable

1.4 Principle Specifications

The following specifications apply to underground cables for LMS utilities.

1.4.1 Medium Voltage (MV) Cable

The MV underground cable shall be extruded-dielectric XLPE type manufactured by dry

curing process only. The cables shall be installed direct burial, in ducts, trays. The requirement
of each layer shall be as follows.

Conductor: The conductor type shall be plain annealed copper and the construction shall be
compact round concentric lay stranded.

Conductor Screen: The conductor screen is a conducting material by the triple extrusion
with the insulation over the surface of the conductor. The thickness of the conductor screen
for each utility shall be between 0.0635 and 1.0 mm. The extruded conductor screen shall have
resistivity in accordance with the reference standards.

Semi-conductive tape may be applied between conductor and conductor screen.

Insulation: The insulation shall be cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) and simultaneously

extruded with the semi-conductive conductor screen and insulation screen layer. Electrical,

5  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
mechanical, and other properties shall comply with IEC 60502-2 or equivalent.

The dry curing process is required. Conventional steam or hot water curing processes are
not acceptable.

The average thickness of insulation shall not be less than the nominal value specified in the
reference standards. The minimum thickness shall not fall below the nominal value by more
than 0.1 mm + 10% of the nominal value, i.e.:

tm ≥ tn – (0.1+0.1 tn)

Where, tm is the minimum thickness

tn is the nominal thickness

Insulation Screen: The insulation screen shall consist of a nonmetallic covering directly over
the insulation in combination with metallic screen. Nonmetallic covering having maximum
volume resistivity at rated temperature shall be applied over the insulation in one or more

Nonmetallic screen may consist of a conducting tape or a layer of conducting compound

having thickness between 0.0635 and 1.0 mm.

Metallic Screen: Metallic screen shall consist of nonmagnetic metal component applied over
the nonmetallic covering. The metallic screen shall be made of copper.

Copper screen shall consist of plain annealed copper flat or round wires applied helically
over the nonmetallic covering. The wires shall be electrically continuous and bonded together
throughout the cable length with copper contact tape. The total cross-sectional area of the screen
and minimum number of wire shall be not less than the specified value in the contract.

Outer Sheath: The properties of outer sheath shall comply with mechanical requirements
specified in IEC 60502-2 or equivalent. It shall also be suitable for use with the cable having
maximum conductor temperature of 90ºC. The material of outer sheath shall be black PVC
or black PE (ST7).

If the fire retardant outer sheath is specified in the contract, the sheath shall be black flame
retardant PVC. The oxygen index of outer sheath material shall be not less than 30 as measured

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 6
according to ISO 4589 or equivalent. A certified test report from the raw material manufacturer
or an accepted reputable independent institution shall be submitted for approval. The flame
retardant outer sheath shall be able to stop flame propagation along vertical or horizontal cable
ways and delay damage to cables. Test on completed cable under fire condition according to
IEC 60332-3-22 or equivalent shall be done by reputable independent testing institution or at
the factory test station witnessed by utility’s representative. The test report shall be submitted
before shipment. Fire retardant is used only in confined area such as substation building or

Marking: The outer sheath shall be marked on the surface with, at minimum, cable
description, manufacturer’s name or symbol, and date of manufacturing. The details of the
marking shall be specified in the contract. Continuous marking on the sheath along the whole
cable length shall also be provided at 1 meter interval.

Cable End Sealing: Immediately after the factory test, the cable inner end shall be covered
with an end cap, and the cable outer end shall be connected to a moisture-proof pulling eye of
sufficient strength. Cable rib shall be removed before sealing. The material of cable end sealing
shall be a metal cap or a heat shrinkable cap.

1.4.2 High Voltage (HV) Cable

The HV underground cable shall be extruded-dielectric XLPE type, manufactured by dry curing
process only. The cables shall be installed by direct burial in ducts or in trays where they are
immersed in the water all the time. The detailed requirements for each layer are as follows:

Conductor: The conductor type shall be plain annealed copper. The construction shall be
compact round concentric lay stranded or compact segmental stranded for cross-section area
less than 1,000 mm. It will be compact segmental stranded for cross-section area 1,000 mm
and above.

Conductor Screen: The conductor screen shall be semi-conductive cross-linked polyethylene.

The conductor screen is a conducting material by the triple extrusion with the insulation over
the surface of the conductor. The thickness of the conductor screen for each utility shall be
between 0.8 to 1.5 mm. The extruded conductor screen shall have resistivity in accordance
with the reference standards.

7  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Semi-conductive tape may be applied between conductor and conductor screen.

Insulation: The insulation shall be cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) simultaneously extruded

with the semi-conductive conductor screen and insulation screen layer. Mechanical, electrical
and other properties shall comply with IEC 60840 or equivalent.

The dry curing process is required. Conventional steam or hot water curing processes are
not acceptable.

The minimum thickness of the insulation shall not be less than 90 per cent of the nominal value
specified, and additionally it should satisfy:

𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠

𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠

Where, maximum thickness and minimum thickness are the measured values at one and the
same cross-section of the insulation.

Insulation Screen: The conductor screen shall be semi-conductive cross-linked polyethylene.

The conductor screen is a conducting material applied by triple extrusion with the insulation
over the surface of the conductor. The thickness of the conductor screen for each utility shall
be between 0.8 to 1.5 mm. The extruded conductor screen shall have resistivity in accordance
with the reference standards.

Synthetic Water Blocking Layer: A semi-conductive, non-biodegradable water blocking

layer shall be provided under the metallic screen to provide a continuous longitudinal
watertight barrier throughout the cable length.

This layer shall be compatible with other cable materials and shall not corrode adjacent metal
layers during heat aging of the cable.

Metallic Screen (Grounding Screen): The metallic screen shall be a concentric layer of
copper wires, which is electrically continuous and bonded together throughout the cable length
with copper contact tape. The total cross-sectional area and minimum number of wires of the
metallic screen shall not be less than the value specified in the contract.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 8
Synthetic Water Blocking and Cushioning Tape: A non-conductive, non-biodegradable
water blocking tape shall be applied over the metallic screen to provide a continuous
longitudinal watertight barrier throughout the cable length. The tape shall have sufficient
thickness to perform well as a thermal stress relief layer and to provide for cushioning and

The tape shall be compatible with other cable materials and shall not corrode adjacent metal
layers during heat aging of the cable.

Radial Water Barrier: As a protection against formation of water trees in the insulation, a
traverse water barrier consisting of laminated aluminum tape coated on both sides with an
ethylene acrylic acid adhesive co-polymer or polyethylene shall be incorporated under the non-
metallic sheath. The average thickness of aluminum tape shall not be less than 0.19 mm.

Outer Sheath: The outer sheath shall be PVC or compound black polyethylene (PE) ST7. It
should be suitable for use with the cable having maximum conductor temperature of 90ºC and
130ºC under normal and emergency condition respectively. The mechanical properties shall
be in accordance with reference standard.

If the fire retardant outer sheath is specified in the contract, the sheath shall be black flame
retardant PVC. The oxygen index of outer sheath material shall be not less than 30 as measured
according to ISO 4589 or equivalent. A certified test report from the raw material manufacturer
or an accepted reputable independent institution, shall be submitted for approval. The flame
retardant outer sheath shall be able to stop flame propagation along vertical or horizontal cable
ways and delay damage to cables. Test on completed cable under fire condition according to
IEC 60332-3-22 or equivalent shall be done by reputable independent testing institution or at
the factory test station witnessed by utility’s representative, the test report shall be submitted
before shipment. Fire retardant is used only in confined area such as substation building or

Additional requirement for 69 & 115 kV PE outer sheath for the purpose of electrical
protection and ease of pulling, the sheath shall be ribbed type having crest width and depth of
approximately 2.5 mm and the center to center distance between crests shall be approx. 7 mm,
except for length marking. The crest width shall be approximately 10 mm. See Figure 1.

9  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
10 mm (APPROX.)


2.5 mm (APPROX.)

Figure 1 : Cross-section of 69 & 115 kV PE Outer Sheath (Jacket)

Marking: Manufacturer’s name or trade name, year of manufacturing and contract number
shall be provided at appropriate interval throughout the cable length. This will be done on
the outer longitudinal water blocking or on the outer sheath by inserting identification tape
between radial water barrier layer and outer longitudinal water blocking layer.

Cable End Sealing: Immediately after the factory test, the cable inner end shall be covered
with an end cap, and the cable outer end shall be connected to a moisture-proof pulling eye of
sufficient strength. Cable rib shall be removed before sealing. The material of cable end sealing
shall be a metal cap or a heat shrinkable cap.

1.5 Existing Requirement for Electricite` du Cambodge

(EDC), Cambodia

The additional specifications for MV underground cables required by Cambodia’s EDC utility are
as follows:

• Metallic screen shall be copper tape. The minimum thickness shall not be less than 0.2 mm.

• For 3 cores cable only, the cables shall include an armor layer, which will be double tape type.

• Water blocking is required by using swelling material in conductor strand.

HV underground cable specification is not currently employed.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 10
1.6 Existing Requirement for Electricite` du Laos (EDL),
Lao People’s Democratic \ Republic

The existing specification for MV underground cables required by EDL utility is as follows:

• Metallic screen shall be copper tape.

HV underground cable specification is not currently employed.

1.7 Existing Requirement for Ho Chi Minh City Power

Corporation (HCMCPC), Vietnam.

The existing specifications required by HCMCPC utility are as follows:

1.7.1 MV underground cables

• The metallic screen shall be double copper tape having maximum thickness of 0.127 mm
and minimum width of 12.5 mm.

• Inner covering and fillers are required for multi-cores cables. The cables shall have an
inner covering over the laid-up cores. The inner coverings and fillers shall be of suitable
materials. An open helix of suitable tape is permitted as a binder before applying an
extruded inner covering. The material used for inner coverings and fillers shall be suitable
for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulating material.

The thickness of extruded inner coverings shall be specified in accordance with the
reference standards.

• The cables shall have separation sheath. When the metal screen and armor are made
of different metals, these shall be separated by an impervious extruded sheath. This
may be instead of, or in addition to, an inner covering. The separation sheath shall be
thermoplastic compound (PVC, PE or similar materials) or vulcanized elastomeric
compound (polyethylene or similar materials). The quality of the material used for
the separation sheath shall be suitable for the operating temperature of the cable. The
nominal thickness of this sheath, rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm, shall be derived from
the formula:
Ts = 0.02D + 0.6 mm

11  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Where: D is the fictitious diameter under the sheath. The smallest nominal thickness
shall be 1.2 mm. The minimum thickness at any point shall not fall below 80% of the
nominal value by more than 0.2 mm.

• For multi-cores cables, the cables shall consist of armor layer. The armor shall be flat or
round wire (galvanized Fe, Pb-coated Fe, Al or Al alloy) or double tape (Fe., galvanized
Fe, Al or Al alloy).

Fictitious diameter under the armor [mm] Nominal diameter of armor

Above Up to and including wire [mm]

15 0.8
15 25 1.6
25 35 2.0
35 60 2.5
60 3.15

Table 2 : Nominal diameters of round armor wires

The dimension of round armor wires shall not fall below the nominal value by more than 5%.

Flat armor wires: For fictitious diameters under the armor greater than 15 mm, the nominal
thickness of the flat steel wire shall be 0.8 mm. The dimension of flat armor wires shall not fall
below the nominal value by more than 8%.

Fictitious diameter under the armor [mm] Nominal thickness of tape [mm]

Steel or galvanized Aluminum or

Above Up to and including
steel aluminum alloy
30 0.2 0.5

30 70 0.5 0.5
70 - 0.8 0.8
Table 3 : Nominal thickness of armor tapes

The dimension of armor tapes shall not fall below the nominal value by more than 10%.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 12
1.7.2 HV underground cables

The metallic screen (sheath) shall be of aluminum laminated or corrugated aluminum and
complying with the following requirements:

a. Laminated aluminum

The metallic screen shall consist of laminated aluminum. This screen shall be a combination of
a copper wire and a layer of aluminum tape.

The cross-section of the copper screen shall have sufficient area to withstand the thermal and
dynamic effect of a single-phase to ground short circuit current of 31.5 kA for 3 seconds. The
bidder shall submit the calculation for determining the cross-sectional area of the copper wire

b. Corrugated aluminum sheath

The metal sheath shall consist of a tube of corrugated aluminum. The thickness of the corrugated
aluminum sheath shall be sufficient to withstand the thermal and dynamic effect of a single-
phase to ground short circuit current of 31.5 kA for 3 seconds.

The bidder shall submit the calculations for determining the sheath thickness.

The sheath shall be designed and manufactured as a homogeneous construction with the following
characteristics: uniform thickness, close fitting, seamless and free from defects, porosity and
inter-crystalline fracture. The sheath corrugation shall be of annular ring or helix construction
designed to minimize the ingress of moisture even when the serving is damaged.

1.8 Existing Requirement for Hanoi Power Corporation

(HNPC) Vietnam

• The existing specifications of MV and HV Underground Cable required by HNPC utility

are as follows: Metallic screen shall be copper wires. The total cross-sectional area of the
copper wires screen shall be specified in the contract.

• For multi-cores cable, the cables shall consist of armor layer. The armor shall be steel tape

13  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
• Swelling material in conductor strand, longitudinal water blocking over copper wire screen
and radial water blocking below outer sheath are required.

1.9 Additional Requirement for Metropolitan Electricity

Authority (MEA), Thailand

In addition to 1.4 Principle specifications, the following specifications should be employed to enhance
safety, reliability, performance and maintenance:

1.9.1 MV underground cables

• The tension necessary to remove an extruded insulation screen from cable at room
temperature shall not be less than 13.3 N.

Copper wire screen will consist of plain annealed copper fate or round wires applied
helically over the nonmetallic covering. The wires shall be electrically continuous and
bonded together throughout the cable length with copper contact tape. The total cross-
sectional area of the screen and minimum number of wire shall be not less than the
specified value in the contract.

• If PVC fire retardant outer sheath is specified in the contract, the sheath shall be black,
flame retardant PVC. The oxygen index of outer sheath material shall be not less than
30 as measured according to ISO 4589 or equivalent. A certified test report from the
raw material manufacturer or a reputable independent institution, which is acceptable
to MEA, shall be submitted for approval. The flame retardant outer sheath shall be able
to stop flame propagation along vertical or horizontal cable ways and delay damage to
cables. Test on completed cable under fire condition according to IEC 60332-3-22 or
equivalent shall be done by reputable independent testing institution or at the factory
test station witnessed by MEA’s representative. The test report shall be submitted before

1.9.2 HV underground cables.

• If a fire retardant outer sheath is specified in the contract, the sheath shall be black, flame
retardant, and made of PVC. The oxygen index of non-metallic sheath material shall
be not less than 30 as measured according to ISO 4589 or equivalent. A certified test

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 14
report from the raw material manufacturer or a reputable independent institution, which
is acceptable to MEA, shall be submitted for approval. The flame retardant non-metallic
sheath shall be able to stop flame propagation along vertical or horizontal cable ways and
delay damage to cables. Testing on the completed cable under fire condition according to
IEC 60332-3-22 or equivalent shall be done by a reputable independent testing institution
or at the factory (to be witnessed by MEA’s representative). And the test report shall be
submitted before shipment.

• Additional requirement for 69 & 115 kV PE outer sheath for MEA: The sheath shall be
ribbed type having crest width and depth of approximately 2.5 mm and the center to
center distance between crests shall be approx. 7 mm, except for length marking. The
crest width shall be approximately 10 mm. See Figure 2.

10 mm (APPROX.)


2.5 mm (APPROX.)

Figure 2 : Cross-section of 69 & 115 kV PE Outer Sheath (Jacket)

• Additional requirement for 69 & 115 kV fire retardant PVC sheathed for MEA: The
sheath shall be ribbed type having crest width and depth of approx. 2.5 mm and the
center to center distance between crests shall be approx. 7 mm. The crest width at the
quarters shall be approximately 5 mm, and the crest width for length marking shall be
approximately 10 mm. See Figure 3.

15  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
10 mm (APPROX.)


2.5 mm (APPROX.)

5 mm (APPROX.)
Figure 3 : Cross-section of 69 & 115 kV Fire Retardant PVC Outer Sheath (Jacket)

1.10 Conclusion

From this chapter cable engineers can learn the specifications of other power utilities and compare
them with their own specifications. This will enable them to know the advantages and disadvantages
of different types of cable design and improve their specifications. The cable constructions for each
power utility may be different because of its unique installation requirements. It is recommended that
power utilities review their specifications for the cable insulation material from the point of view of
the cost as well as the losses. However, in order to promote the harmonization of the LMS practice,
the common specification for underground cable of the LMS utilities shall be developed for concrete
implementation in the future. The normative technical specification of underground power cable is
then proposed in Appendices A and B for optional application in the LMS underground system.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 16
Chapter 2

Bidding Evaluation
2.1 Introduction

Bidding evaluation is one of the most important processes to ensure that a utility gets good quality
cables on time. And to support bid evaluation, utilities must instruct suppliers to submit all the
necessary documents. Inefficient documents may lead to poor quality of cables. The specification
should clearly specify the necessary documents required to be submitted by the suppliers. Suppliers
should fill-in all tables and forms as required in the bid documents.

2.2 Objective

The objective of this chapter is to guide and assist the utilities to learn about documents, data and tables
required for evaluation. If a bidding document is complete, its evaluation will be easy and efficient. If
not, more documents will be requested and submitted in a limited period, otherwise the bid shall not
be considered. Only underground cables shall be discussed in this chapter.

2.3 Documents Required for Evaluation

Usually, there are five main documents required for evaluation: (i) type test report, (ii) proposed
technical data, (iii) deviation form, (iv) detail drawing and (v) reference list of supply. Additional
documents or samples may be required depending on special requirements of each utility.

Bids should be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee whose members are selected from related
departments. It is important not to get bids evaluated by only a single person or department.

The requirements and instructions for evaluating each of the above-mentioned five bid documents
are as follow.

2.3.1 Type test report

The proposed cables should pass all the type tests according to the reference standard specified
in the specifications. The tests shall be conducted by a reputable independent testing agency

17  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
acceptable to the utility. All test reports shall be submitted with the offer otherwise such offer
will not be considered.

Cable manufacturers who do not have type test reports of the proposed cables can submit a
type test report of the cable with the range of type approval specified in reference standard for
consideration or bigger sizes of conductor but same ratings and construction design.

In the case of fire retardant cable, the test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched
cables can be carried out after the award of contract but before shipment or else the right will be
reserved to purchase from the second lowest bidder with penalty to compensate for the balance
in order to keep delivery schedule.

2.3.2 Proposed technical data

Proposed technical data is important for bid evaluation as it provides information for the
Evaluation Committee to assess whether the proposed cables conform to the specifications.
Normally, the standard provides guidelines for the technical data required to be filled up in the
inquiry and order section. Any other additional requirements for technical data should also be
provided in this section.

Bidders are requested to fill in all the blank spaces in the technical proposal data form and return
with the bid. Failure to submit the form or incomplete forms may render the bid invalid and
constitute a sufficient case for bid rejection.

The sample of technical proposal data form is shown in Table 4.

2.3.3 Deviation form

Bidders must clearly indicate all deviations from the specifications fill in the Deviation Form
and attach it with the bid. If there is no deviation stated in the Deviation Form, the characteristics
of the proposed cables shall be considered to be in complete compliance with specifications.
However, if the delivered cable is found not in compliance with the specification, it will be

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 18
2.3.4 Drawing

The drawing of the proposed cables is also important for bid evaluation. It should show all
important details of the proposed cables, including cable construction, dimension, material, etc.

All information shall be in English or the country’s official language, machine printed or typed.
Information on drawing shall be in engineering lettering. All measurements and quantities shall
be expressed in the units of metric system. If they are expressed in other unit systems, the metric
equivalent shall also be indicated.

Figure 4 shows a sample of detailed drawing of a cable.

2.3.5 Reference list of supply and field experience

A reference list of bidder’s supply and field experience shall also be taken into consideration when
evaluating bids. Bidders should attach a reference list of supply and field experience in the same
design of cables as proposed with the quotation.

A reference list of previous supply projects is particularly important for evaluation in case the
cable(s) offered are of new manufacturers. This is to ensure that the manufacturer is qualified for
supplying cables as per the specifications and associated standards.

19  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Material Code 204-6500
Manufacturer ABC
Applied standard, publication number and year IEC 60840
Rated voltage 115 kV
Outline drawing number (to be attached) HVMAC-O5-155
Confirm to attach type test reports of the cable with similar design
(yes or no)
Confirm to attach the detail of water penetration test (yes or no) YES
Copper conductor
Applied standard, publication number and year IEC 60228
Volume conductivity at 20ºC, minimum IACS 100 %
Number of wires 53 (minimum)
Number of layers 4
Wire diameter (with tolerance) 4.47 ± 1% mm
Conductor temper (anneal, hard-drawn, etc.) ANNEALED
Material Code 204-6500
Lay ratio of the outer layer 10
Direction of lay of the outer layer LEFT- HAND
Nominal cross-sectional area 788 mm2
Stranding (concentric, compress or compact) COMPACT
Overall diameter 34 mm
Tolerance of overall diameter 1%
Weight 14,000 kg/km
Maximum dc resistance at 20ºC 0.221Ω/km
Conductor screen
Volume resistivity, maximum
At room temperature, .........ºC 1*104Ω.cm
At 90ºC 1*105Ω.cm
Average 1.5 mm
Minimum 1.2 mm
Table 4: Sample of Proposed Technical Data for High Voltage XLPE Copper Cable

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 20
Figure 4 : Cable Drawing

21 | Handbook of Underground Power Cables

2.4 Guideline for Bid Evaluation

The bid evaluation process is very important. All bids shall be scrutinized by the Evaluation Committee.
Only those bids which are complete in terms of data and information shall be evaluated. This process
takes a lot of time. It is recommended to make a request for more information in a limited period. so
that it will not delay the delivery schedule and the whole project. Usually, bids are evaluated based on
the following criteria and priorities.

2.4.1 Type Test report

As the top priority, type test report should be assessed first. The proposed cable should pass all the
type tests according to the reference standard as specified in the specifications. Otherwise, the bid
shall be rejected immediately, and there is no need to review other documents.

Manufacturers may not usually have the type test report for cables of the same size, design and
rating as the proposed cables. There is, however, no need to do type test for all sizes and ratings
of the cables and in such a case, the type test report of an identical cable may be acceptable on the
following conditions.

Once the type tests on cable(s) of specific cross-section(s), rated voltage and construction have
been successfully performed and “cleared/passed”, the same type approval shall be considered
valid for cables of other cross-sections, rated voltages and constructions as long as all of the
following conditions are met:

1. The voltage group is not higher than that of the tested cable(s).
2. The conductor cross-section is not larger than that of the tested cable(s).
3. The cable has the same or similar construction to that of the tested cable(s).
4. The calculated nominal electrical stress at cable conductor screen does not exceed the
electrical stress at cable conductor screen of the tested cable(s) by more than 10%.
5. The calculated nominal electrical stress at cable insulation screen does not exceed the
electrical stress at cable insulation screen of the tested cable(s).

The type test on cables of different voltage ratings and conductor cross-sectional areas are required
if these cables are of different materials and/or have been produced using different manufacturing

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 22
Repetition of ageing test on pieces of a complete cable to check the compatibility of materials may
be required in the following condition: The combination of materials applied over the screened
core is different from that of the cable on which the type tests have been successfully carried

2.4.2 Proposed technical data

After the type test report has been scrutinized and found in compliance with the specifications,
the next step is to review the proposed technical data provided by the supplier.

This data is also important because it provides the key details of the proposed cable, that are cable
construction, physical & electrical characteristics, materials applied and packing details.

If the proposed technical data is not in compliance with the specifications, the bid will be rejected
unless explanation is given in a deviation form. In case, some of proposed technical data has not
been asked or specified clearly in the specifications, it could be accepted, provided that it does not
have implications on the installation, rating and life time of the cable.

2.4.3 Deviation form

The Deviation Form clearly describes the characteristics of the proposed cable that are different
from the specifications. If there are any major deviations, the proposed cable shall be rejected.
In the event of minor deviations, the decision shall be made based on certain key factors, such as
effect on installation, rating and life span of the cable.

2.4.4 Drawings

Drawings are required to allow the committee members understand the detailed construction and
characteristics of the proposed cable.

Drawings containing all information required shall be attached with the bid. Drawings and
the proposed technical data should be evaluated together. If there are any major deviations, the
proposed cable shall be rejected. In the event of minor deviation(s), the related departments shall
be consulted and the decision shall be made based on the likely impact on installation, capacity
and life span of the cable.

23  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
2.4.5 Reference list of supply and field experience

Sometimes, one supplier offers two options of cables, one from a reputable manufacturer and
the other from an inexperienced manufacturer whose price is lower than that of the former
manufacturer. In this case, a reference list of supply field experience is needed. Some utilities
may make a trip to visit the factory of the new manufacturers to make sure they are qualified.
If necessary, it is recommended that utilities make a special requirement for reference list of
supply field experience of the proposed cable manufacturer in their specification; for example, a
specific number and year of supply of the proposed cable(s) to other countries. Another solution
to purchase from the new manufacturer is called trial contract which the utility can specify in
the tender’s condition to purchase not more than 10% of the tender quantity and to purchase the
balanced quantity from the fully comply tender’s condition bidder.

2.5 Conclusion

The bid evaluation process and documents required of each LMS utility may be similar. However,
it takes a lot of time to get through the process. To complete the evaluation process in a short period
of time, all required documents and data to be included in the bid shall be clearly specified in the
specifications. Also, the Evaluation Committee shall be represented by qualified personnel.

It is also recommended to perform separate evaluation if proposed cables have different construction
characteristics and/or made of different materials.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 24
Chapter 3

Cable Manufacturing Inspection

3.1 Introduction

After the procurement contract for underground cables is signed, several processes need to be verified
to ensure that cables comply with the specifications and conditions specified in the contract. Drawings
shall be provided for approval.

If necessary, the test method shall be, by the agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer,
proposed by the manufacturer and approved by the utility. Representatives from the utility, who are
appointed based on experience in various aspects, such as specification handling, installation, testing,
maintenance and purchasing, shall inspect the production of cables at the factory.

3.2 Objective

The inspection of cable manufacturing processes is required to ensure all processes run according to
contractual requirements. If any processes are found not conforming to the reference standard and
specifications, the Inspection Committee shall reserve the right to suspend the production and resolve
all issues before restarting the production line.

This chapter describes the cable manufacturing processes and testing, which includes partial discharge
test and high voltage test. A diligent inspection of cable manufacturing processes is fundamental to
ensuring satisfactory quality of cables and operating life of at least 25 years.

3.3 Inspection Committee Management

Each utility may have different practices and regulations depending on their own policies. This proven
practice is very useful as it can prevent introduction of poor cables in the service. It also has a track record
of success in a utility that is responsible for distributing electricity in capital and other main cities.

After the contract is signed, an Inspection Committee should be approved by the top management. The
committee members will be selected from the related departments, such as:

25  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
• Electrical Engineering Department: The department responsible for specification or term of
reference (TOR).

• Installation and Construction Department: The department with field experience in installation
and construction of the cables and their accessories.

• Testing Division or Maintenance Department: The departments with experience in testing and
preventive maintenance of cables.

• Purchasing or Contract Department: The department that controls all the related documents --
quotation, technical and commercial condition agreement and the approval drawings.

All engineers and technicians represented in the production Inspection Committee will be given the
approval drawings and the related correspondence for their references before they go witnessing the
cable production line and testing.

The supplier shall provide free access to the production facilities and shall satisfy the representatives
that the material and equipment are in accordance with the specifications and the contract.

In the event of a disagreement or dispute, for example, if either the contract details are not clear or the
supplier would like an exception to be made, the issues should be discussed with the top management.
The meeting with the top management should keep the interests of the utility as the main focal point
while deciding on such disputed matters. This should be considered as a standard practice.

3.4 Manufacturing Process Inspection

This section describes manufacturing process of extruded-dielectric cables, which are used nowadays.
Once the production of cables starts, the Manufacturing Inspection Committee will be requested to
visit the factory and inspect the production line of cables. This is to make sure that manufacturing is
according to the specifications in the contract.

The manufacturing process begins by making copper wires and then stranding the conductor. Stranding
is performed using the conventional method regardless of whether the conductor is concentric, round,
compressed, compact, or segmental, and with or without strand blocking. The stranded conductor is
reeled onto a drum, which is placed into its position on the extrusion line. Then the drum becomes the
payoff reel or the first subsystem in a series of subsystems that comprise the extrusion process.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 26
Other subsystems (not all required for all insulation types) are:

• Accumulator: Provides in-line conductor time for changing reels and welding the conductor for
continuous extruder operation.

• Conductor preheating: It shortens the curing time by 20-60% depending on conductor size,
consequently increasing the line speed and plant production.

• Compound Handling Subsystem; Stores, dries, and feeds the compound into the extruders and,
in some cases, incorporates in-line inspection.

• Extruder: The polymer materials are supplied mixed with additives and cross-linking catalysts,
and are heated to a plastic state. The extruder screw compresses the material and forces it
through a fine mesh screen into the crosshead through which the conductor travels.

• Crosshead: In a true-triple extrusion process, one crosshead contains the extruder for the
insulation and the two semiconducting layers. The three layers are formed onto the conductor
simultaneously through their respective dies. This special process will prevent the impurity such
as moisture, dust or any pollution particles from penetrating the insulation layer

• Vulcanizing Tube: It provides the pressure and temperature required for the cross-linking process
used for XLPE and EPR (Ethylene Propylene Rubber) insulations.

• Cooling Tubes: It provide a carefully controlled cooling zone following the cross-linking process
for XLPE or EPR.

• Traction Units: The capstan and caterpillar maintain the proper line tension required for catenary
vulcanizing lines.

• Control Unit: It monitors and controls the temperature and pressure, and provides synchronized
operation between the line speed and the extruder screw speed.

• Take-Up: This final step reels completed cable core onto a drum and hauls the drum away for
subsequent processes in cable assembly.

27  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Take up
(Copper wire)
Pay off

Cleaning Drawing Reducing

Copper Wire Making Process

Take up
Pay off

Cleaning Stranding 1 Stranding 2 Stranding 3 Tractive

Conductor Making Process

Compound Take up

Pay off

Dio Preheat Corss Head Cooling Monitor Electrotechnical Length

monitor for 3 layer monitor Counter

Extrusion Line
Figure 5 : Schematic Diagram of Extrusion Line

Of the three insulation types, only PE doesn’t require curing tube since there is no cross-linking of the
polymer. After the insulation and extrusion of the two semi-conducting layers onto the conductor, the
line passes through a controlled cooling chamber (frequently a closed, pressurized tube) before being
reeled on a take-up drum.

Dry-Cure Systems: The radiant dry-cure system, as opposed to the steam-cure system, features
independent control of pressure and temperature. This system uses an inert gas, such as nitrogen, as
the pressurizing medium. Pressure prevents the premature release of the volatile curing agents. The
temperature is maintained by an electrically heated curing tube. Heat is transferred from the tube to
the cable by radiation.

In the gas-cure system, both pressure and temperature are provided by a high-pressure, nitrogen
circulating system. This system circulates nitrogen through a curing tube, then through a heat
exchanger and finally back to the curing tube. In the long-land die-curing system, the extruder die is
50-66 ft (15-20 m) long and the required temperature and pressure are maintained within the die, which
serves as the curing tube. Because the die is full and under high pressure, there is little opportunity for
gravity to pull the extruder off the center.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 28
Cooling: Opinions vary as to which is the best method of cooling. Some manufactures believe
that even the driest cables have some residual moisture that cannot be reduced. They claim that the
moisture is not from the cooling water, but rather is a by-product of the curing process. Others claim
that water cooling shocks the insulation and sets up mechanical stresses which, in turn, intensify the
shrink-back phenomenon. Dry-cooling methods use gas or silicone-oil circulating systems. It is in the
cooling system that cables release volatile by-products of cross-linking, which must be carried away.
The cable continues to de-gas for about three weeks.

Without de-gassing, cable outer sheath may swell when subject to high temperature in tropical climate
of LMS, then the manufacturer or contractor should take response to release all generated gas by
pumping machine until the cable resume as standard specification requirement before installation.

Hermetic Sealing: The industry practice is that if the cable is to be installed in a wet environment
where moisture ingress through the jacket is probable, the cable should be hermetically sealed. This is
to prevent moisture ingress and initiated treeing under voltage stress. The types of hermetic sealing in
common use are lead sheath, corrugated aluminum or copper sheath, and metal laminates.

3.5 Factory Acceptance Tests

When the production is finished, the cable is ready to undergo routine and special tests required
by the customer -- the utility. The routine and special tests witnessed by the Inspection Committee
are called “Factory Acceptance Tests” or FAT. The Inspection Committee will witness at least the
following tests.

Testing Procedure

Routine tests

1. Partial discharge test: The partial discharge test shall be carried out in accordance with
IEC 60885-3, except that the sensitivity as defined in IEC 60885-3 shall be 10 pC or less.
The test voltage shall be raised gradually to hold at 1.75 Uo for 10s and then slowly reduced
to 1.5 Uo. The magnitude of the discharge at 1.5 Uo shall not exceed 10 pC. Values of the test
voltage for the standard rated voltages are given below.

29  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Rated voltage U
22 - 24 45 - 47 60 - 69 110 - 115 132 - 138 150 - 161
Rated voltage Uo
12 26 36 64 76 87
First raised voltage 1.75
21 45.5 63 112 133 152.3
Uo kV
Test voltage 1.5 Uo
18 39 54 96 114 131
Table 5 Partial Discharge Test

2. Voltage test: The voltage test shall be made at ambient temperature using an alternating
test voltage at power frequency. The test voltage -- between the conductor and metallic
screen/sheath -- shall be raised gradually to the specified value and held there for 30
minutes. The test voltage shall be 2.5 Uo. There will be no breakdown of the insulation.
The voltage test values are shown below.

Rated voltage U
22 - 24 45 - 47 60 - 69 110 - 115 132 - 138 150 - 161
Rated voltage Uo
12 26 36 64 76 87
Test voltage 2.5 Uo
30 65 90 160 190 218
Table 6: Voltage Test

3. Electrical test on non-metallic sheath

If required in contract, the non-metallic sheath shall be subject to the routine electrical test
as specified in IEC 60229.

Special tests

Special tests shall be done on the cables for about 10% of total drums.

1. Construction and dimension check: Construction and dimension of each layer shall be
checked. The test method shall be in accordance with clause 8 of IEC 60811-1-1.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 30
Requirement for insulation

The lowest measured thickness at any point shall not fall below 90% of the nominal
Tmin ≥ 0.9 Tn

Additionally: (Tmax- Tmin)/ Tmax ≤ 0.15

Where Tmax : The maximum thickness (mm)

Tmin : The minimum thickness (mm)
Tn : The nominal thickness (mm)

Note: Tmax and Tmin are measured at the same cross-section of the sample. Thickness of
the semi-conducting screen on the conductor and over the insulation shall not be included
in the thickness of the insulation.

Requirement for the non-metallic sheath

The lowest measured thickness shall not fall below 85 % of the nominal thickness by
more than 0.1 mm.
Tmin ≥ 0.85 Tn- 0.1

Where Tmin : The minimum thickness (mm)

Tn : The nominal thickness (mm)

2. Conductor resistance test: The complete cable length, or a sample thereof, shall be
placed in a test room, which shall be maintained at a reasonably constant temperature
for at least 12 hours before the test. In case of a doubt that the conductor temperature is
not the same as the room temperature, the resistance shall be measured after the cable
has been in the test room for 24 hours. Alternatively, the resistance can be measured on
a sample of conductor conditioned for at least 1 hour in a temperature-controlled liquid
bath. The D.C. resistance of the conductor shall be corrected to a temperature of 20°C and
1 km length in accordance with the formulae and factors given in IEC 60228. The D.C.
resistance of each conductor at 20°C shall not exceed the appropriate maximum value
specified in IEC 60228, if applicable.

31  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
For example, the maximum D.C. resistance of conductor at 20°C for stranded copper
conductor size 70, 150, 240, 400, 800, 1000 and 1200 mm 2 are 0.268, 0.124, 0.0754,
0.0470, 0.0221, 0.0176 and 0.0151 Ω/km respectively.

3. Hot set test of insulation: The test piece shall be suspended in an oven and weights
attached to the bottom jaws to exert a force as specified in the applicable standard. After
15 min in the oven at the specified temperature, the distance between the marker lines
shall be measured and the percentage elongation shall be calculated. If the oven does
not have a window and the oven door has to be opened to make the measurement, the
measurement shall be made not more than 30 seconds after opening the door. In case of
a dispute, the test shall be carried out in an oven with a window and the measurement
made without opening the door.

The tensile force shall then be removed from the test piece (by cutting the test piece at
the lower grip), and the cable piece shall be left to recover for 5 minutes at the specified
temperature. The test piece shall then be removed from the oven and allowed to cool
slowly to the ambient temperature, after which, the distance between the marker-lines
shall be measured again.

For the evaluation of results, the median value of the elongation -- derived after 15
minutes at the specified temperature with the weight attached -- shall not exceed the
value specified in the standard. And the median value of the distance between the marker
lines -- after removing test piece from the oven and allowing it to get cool -- should not
increase compared to the value before inserting the piece in the oven by more than the
percentage specified in the standard.

4. Capacitance test: The capacitance shall be measured between conductor and metallic
screen/sheath. The measured value shall not exceed (usually by more than 8%) the
nominal value declared by the manufacturer.

3.6 Conclusion

Usually, utilities have their own inspection committee teams to inspect the production line, and witness
routine and special tests at the factory. In case the factory is located outside the country, utility may
send a representative of the Inspection Committee to the factory or hire a third party inspector.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 32
Some utilities may have their own inspection forms or special documents to process the comments
and some corrections during the inspection, such as witness tests, material and construction check,
discussion, etc. In case of no inspection form, it is necessary for inspection committee to investigate
the production process and quality control before signing in every document which is usually prepared
by the factory and make a request for a copy for their reference and every comment to the factory
should be sent in official paper.

33  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Chapter 4

Contract Acceptance
4.1 Introduction

The purchasing contract includes all commercial conditions and technical requirements. After
the contract is signed, contract acceptance has to be done to ensure that the quality of the cables
complies with the contract requirements. This process is also important for utilities to ensure cables
are delivered as per the contractual delivery period. The contract acceptance becomes a problem when
the delivered cables do not conform to the contract requirements, such as construction, physical and
electrical characteristics, or when the cables are damaged during transportation. All such problems
shall be settled before cables are accepted.

4.2 Objective

Usually, the contract acceptance is done by an Acceptance Committee and not by one person or a
department. The contract acceptance process and procedure may be different for each utility. The
objective of this chapter is to share the experience in preventing and solving problems faced during
contract acceptance process. Various scenarios have been explained as a guide to solving problem.

4.3 Acceptance Committee Management

This follows the same procedure as mentioned for the Production Inspection Committee in Chapter 3.
The Acceptance Committee should be approved by the upper management after the contract is signed.
The members will be selected from the related departments, such as: Maintenance Department which
is responsible for cable maintenance and repair.

• Installation and Construction Department that has field experience in installation and construction
of the cables and their accessories.
• Testing Division which is experienced in testing and preventive maintenance of cables.
• Purchasing or Contract Department that deals with all the related document like quotation,
technical and commercial agreement, and approval drawings.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 34
All engineers and technicians who are members of the Acceptance Committee will be given the
approval drawings and the related correspondence for their reference. They will use these documents
during sampling of the delivered cables for testing. The supplier shall submit the routine test report
and special report of all cables to the utility before the shipment of the cables. After that the routine
tests and special reports will be sent to the Acceptance Committee for approval.

In the event of a disagreement or dispute, for example, if the contract details are not clear or the
supplier would like an exception to be made, the issue should be presented at a meeting with the
top management. During discussions on the dispute, the meeting participants should address the
disadvantages and advantages to the utility as the main focal point. This convention should be
considered as a standard practice.

4.4 Acceptance Process

Practically, the contract acceptance process comprises three steps. The first step is visual inspection.
The second step is routine and special reports verification and the third is acceptance test or
sampling test by utility. Routine and special reports and acceptance test report shall be reviewed
by the Acceptance Committee. The detailed specification with approval drawings shall be used as a
reference. Here is a practical guideline for contract acceptance process.

The delivered cables shall be accepted provided that all three following conditions are met:

4.4.1 Visual Inspection

After the delivery of cables, the Acceptance Committee will conduct a visual inspection
at the site to check the quantity of the cables (according to the invoice of the supplier)
and any damages that may have occurred during transportation. If any damaged cable is
found, the Committee will ask the supplier to replace it with a new one.

During visual inspection, the Committee will also randomly select the quantity of cables
as stated in the contract for acceptance tests by utility itself. The quantity typically does
not exceed 3 meters per drum and not in exceed of 3 drums due to the constraints of cost,
time and laboratory capacity.

35  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
4.4.2 Routine and Special Tests Verification

The routine and special tests shall be carried out in order to determine whether the cable
complies with the specification. The specification includes the required tests. The routine
and special test reports shall be submitted to the utility before shipment. If the test result
of any cable does not comply with the specification, the cable shall be rejected. Samples
of routine and special tests report are shown in Table 7.

As minimum, the following acceptance tests should be done at the utility’s laboratory.

Special tests
a) Construction and dimension check
b) Conductor resistance test
c) Hot set test of insulation
d) Capacitance test

Routine test
a) Partial discharge test
b) Voltage test
c) Electrical test on non-metallic sheath

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 36
Routine and Special Tests Report
Customer: Drum No.:

Cable Type: 115 kV XLPE Copper cable, 800 mm 2

Sample Condition:

Contract No.: Ambient Temp.:

Reference Standard: Manufacturer:

Test Items Unit Specification Test Results

Routine tests
1. Partial discharge test at 96 kV pC 10 (Max) 0.5
2. AC. High Voltage Test at 160 kV for 30 minutes - No breakdown No breakdown
3. Electrical test on non-metallic sheath at 15 kV - No breakdown No breakdown

Special tests
1. Conductor examination & check of dimensions
- Material - Plain annealed copper Plain annealed copper
- Design type - Compact circular strand Compact circular strand
- Number of wires - 53 (Min) 61
- Diameter of conductor mm 34.0± 1% 33.9

2. Separator tape
- Material - Semi-conductive tape Semi-conductive tape

3. Conductor screen
- Material - Semi-conductive XLPE Semi-conductive XLPE
- Average thickness mm 1.5 1.9
- Minimum thickness mm 1.2 1.7

4. Insulation
- Material -
- Average thickness mm XLPE XLPE
- Minimum thickness mm 16 16.9
- Diameter over insulation mm 14.4 16.2
69-72 70
5. Hot set test
- Elongation under load % 175 (Max) 75
- Elongation after cooling % 15 (Max) 0.8

6. Insulation screen
- Material Semi-conductive XLPE Semi-conductive XLPE
- Average thickness mm 1.5 1.8
- Minimum thickness mm 1.2 1.7

7. Synthetic water blocking tape

- Material Semi-conductive Semi-conductive
- Thickness - 0.45 0.45
- Width mm 40 40

Table 7 : Routine and Special Tests Report

4.4.3 Acceptance Tests

It is recommended that even though the supplier performs the entire routine and special
tests on the cables, the utility should also perform sample tests for its own verification
before acceptance. The utility should implement a detailed step by step acceptance test

37  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
protocol to verify that the delivered cables conform to the specification, are of good
quality and condition. In case the utility doesn’t have its own laboratory to perform
acceptance tests because of technical and/or monetary reasons, it is recommended that
a third party shall be employed to witness the tests and approve all contract documents
at the factory. This may require a monetary investment, but the value outweighs the cost
due to the high cost of owning testing equipment.

As minimum, the following acceptance tests should be done at the utility’s laboratory.

a) Construction check
b) Dimension check
c) Conductor resistance
d) Cross-section area
A sample of acceptance tests performed by the utility is shown in Table 8.

Acceptance Tests Report — By Testing Division

Cable type: 115 kV XLPE Copper Cable Customer:

Contract No.: Date of receipt:
Manufacturer: Date of test:
Test Items Units Specification Test Results
Nominal cross-sectional area mm2 800 798

Minimum number of wires in the conductor 53 61

Diameter of conductor mm 34 33.9

Thickness of conductor screen mm 1.5 1.7

Thickness of insulation mm 16 16.7

Range of diameter over insulation mm 69-72 70

Thickness of insulation screen mm 1.5 1.68

Total cross-sectional area of copper wire screen (minimum) mm 2

120 120

Minimum number of screen wires wire 70 70

Average thickness of aluminum tape in radial water barrier mm 0.19 0.2


Thickness of non-metallic sheath (excluding rib) mm 3.5 3.6

Range of diameter over rib-bottom of the sheath mm 86-91 89

Maximum dc resistance of conductor at 20ºC Ω/km 0.0221 0.022

Table 8 : Acceptance Test Report

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 38
4.5 Conclusion

The purpose of this chapter is to guide the utilities to learn and share experience in solving these
problems in contract acceptance process. The process and solutions mentioned in this chapter have
been used by some utilities and proven successful. More steps may be required, if necessary. In reality,
there may be many different opinions or arguments due to different policies of each utility.

In case a utility does not have its own laboratory, it is recommended that the utility should engage
an independent testing company to conduct contract acceptance tests. This may require a monetary
investment, but the value outweighs the cost due to the high cost of testing equipment as well as

39  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Chapter 5

Calculations on Cable
5.1 Introduction

This chapter will explain the important principles and calculations for cable ampacity, cable sheath
thickness, and cable pulling tension.

5.2 Objective

This chapter will enable the readers to understand the principles, methods, parameters and formulae
for calculating cable ampacity, cable sheath thickness and cable pulling tension.

5.3 Ampacity Calculation

Underground cables are far more expensive to install and maintain than overhead lines. The major
cost of underground installation comes from the cables itself; labor; and the time required to
manufacture the cables, excavate, backfill the trench, and to install the cables. Most underground
installations are constructed in congested urban areas and also as leads from generating plants to

The cable must carry the load currents without overheating and also without producing excessive
voltage drop. This voltage is known as IZ drop after the formula used to determine it, but in
underground systems, this is rarely a limiting factor.

In addition to the normal loads, a transmission system is customarily designed to carry overloads.
These overloads may happen due to equipment and line outages or other abnormal system
conditions for limited periods of time. These overload periods could often be 10 hours or even
longer. Cables are permitted to operate at higher than normal temperatures during these overload
periods, and the response of the cable system to these overloads is evaluated in transient rating

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 40
The ampere rating of an electric power cable will depend on its construction and the method of
installation. There is a great variety of cable constructions currently used around the world. Also,
installation conditions vary widely.

Cable Ampacity Calculation Sheets

5.3.1 General Data
f (Hz) = system frequency
U (V) = cable operating voltage (phase-to-phase)
LF = daily load factor
θt, θs, θa = temperature of tape, sheath and armor respectively
θamb = ambient temperature

5.3.2 Cable Parameters

S (mm2) = cross-sectional area of conductor
De (mm) = external diameter of cable or equivalent diameter
De* (m) = external diameter of cable or equivalent diameter of cable (cables in air)
dc (mm) = external diameter of conductor
c′ (mm) = conductor diameter of equivalent solid conductor having the same central
oil duct
di (mm) = conductor inside diameter
n = number of conductors in a cable
Di (mm) = diameter over insulation
t1 (mm) = insulation thickness between conductor and sheath
ρ (K ∙ m/W) = thermal resistivity of the material *
* The same symbol is used for thermal resistivity of various materials. The appropriate numerical value
taken from clause 5.3.1 will correspond to the material considered.

Ds(mm) = sheath diameter
d (mm) = sheath mean diameter
p2, q2 = ratios of minor section lengths where minor section lengths are a, p2a,
q2a and a is the shortest section
ζ (Ω ∙ m) = electrical resistivity of sheath material at operating temperature

41  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Armor or Reinforcement
A (mm2) = cross-sectional area of the armor
Da (mm) = external diameter of armor
da (mm) = mean diameter of armor
df (mm) = diameter of armor wires
d2 (mm) = mean diameter of reinforcement
na = number of armor wires
nt = number of tapes
ℓa (mm) = length of lay of a steel wire along a cable
ℓT (mm) = length of lay of a tape
tt (mm) = thickness of tape
Wt (mm) = width of tape
β = angle between axis of armor wire and axis of cable
tJ (mm) = thickness of the jacket
t3 (mm) = thickness of the serving

5.3.3 Cable parameters – installation conditions

Duct Bank/Thermal Backfill
LG (mm) = distance from the soil surface to the center of a duct bank
x, y (mm) = sides of duct bank/backfill (y > x)
N = number of loaded cables in duct bank/backfill
ρc (K ∙ m/W) = thermal resistivity of concrete used for a duct bank or of
the backfill
ρe (K ∙ m/W) = thermal resistivity of earth surrounding a duct bank/

Cables in Ducts
Dd (mm) = internal diameter of the duct
Do (mm) = external diameter of the duct
θm (ºC) = mean temperature of duct filling medium

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 42
5.3.4 Conductor AC Resistance

Material Resistivity (ρ20) Temperature Coefficient

∙ 10 −8 (α20) ∙ 10 −3
Ω ∙ m at 20ºC per K at 20ºC

Copper 1.7241 3.93

Aluminum 2.8264 4.03
Table 9 : Conductor AC Resistance

R’ = 1.02 ∙ 106ρ20
[1 + α20 (θ – 20)]
R’ = Ω∙m

5.3.5 Dielectric Losses

Type of Cable ε tan δ
Cable with other kinds of insulation
Butyl rubber 4 0.050
EPR – up to 18/30 kV 3 0.020
EPR – above 18/30 kV 3 0.005
PVC 8 0.1
PE (HD and LD) 2.3 0.001
XLPE up to and including 18/30 (36) 2.5 0.004
kV – unfilled 2.5 0.001
XLPE above 18/30 (36) kV – unfilled 3 0.005
XLPE above 18/30 (36) kV – filled 2.8 0.001
Paper-polypropylene-paper (PPL)
Table 10 : Dielectric Losses of Insulation

𝑊𝑑 = 2𝜋𝑓 ∙ 𝐶 ∙ 𝑈02 ∙ tan𝛿

𝑊𝑑 = W/m

43  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
5.3.6 Sheath Loss factor
Sheath Resistance

Material Resistivity (𝜌20) 10−8 Temperature Coefficient

Ω ∙ m at 20ºC (𝛼20) ∙ 10−3
per K at 20ºC
Lead or lead alloy 21.4 4.0
Steel 13.8 4.5
Bronze 3.5 3.0
Stainless Steel 70 Negligible
Aluminum 2.84 4.03
Table 11 : Sheath Resistance of Each Material
𝜌20 ∙ 10−6
𝑅𝑠= [1+𝛼20(𝜃𝑠−20)]
𝜋 ∙ 𝑑 ∙ 𝑡𝑠

𝑅𝑠 = Ω/m

For lead sheath reinforced with nonmagnetic tapes :

[1+( 𝜋𝑑ℓ ) ] [1+𝛼

𝜌20∙10−6 2
𝑅𝑡= 20
𝑤𝑡∙𝑛𝑡∙𝑑𝑡 𝑇

𝑅t= Ω/m

If ≥0.44, 𝑅𝑡 shall be multiplied by 2.

To calculate sheath losses, use the combined resistance of sheath and reinforcement.


Substitute 𝑅𝑠𝑡 for 𝑅𝑠 in what follows.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 44
5.3.7 Sheath resistance
For single conductors in flat formation -- regularly transposed and sheaths bonded at
both ends:
𝑋1 = 4𝜋𝑓 ∙ 10−7 ∙ ln 2 ∙ 3√2 ( )]
𝑋1= Ω/m

Single-conductor cables
(1) Sheath bonded both ends – triangular configuration:
𝑅𝑠 1
𝜆1′= ∙
𝑅 𝑅𝑠 2
1+ ( )
𝜆1′= ______

𝜆1′′= 0

(2) Sheath bonded both ends – flat configuration, regular transposition:

𝑅𝑠 1
𝜆1′= ∙
𝑅 𝑅𝑠 2
1+ ( )
𝜆1′= ______

𝜆1′′= 0

Large Segmental Conductors

When conductor proximity effect is reduced, for example, by large conductor having
insulated segments, 𝜆1′′ cannot be ignored and is calculated as follows:


45  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Cable in flat formation with equidistant spacing:


𝜆1′′ is calculated by multiplying the value of the eddy current sheath loss factor
calculated below by 𝐹.

Sheaths Single-point Bonded or Cross Bonded

Lead-sheathed cables



For corrugated sheaths, the mean outside diameter shall be used.

√ 10 𝜁
𝛽1= 4𝜋𝜔


(𝐷 )
𝑔𝑠=1+ (𝛽1𝐷𝑠 ∙ 10−3 − 1.6)

The frequency-to-resistance ratio (𝑚) can be calculated by the following equation.

𝑚 = ∙ 10−7

If 𝑚 ≤ 0.1, ∆1=0, ∆2=0

Three Single-conductor Cables in Flat Configuration
(1) Center cable:

𝑑 𝑚2
( )
𝜆0 = 6 2𝑠 1+𝑚2

( 2𝑠 )
Δ1 = 0.86𝑚3.08

Δ2= 0

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 46
(2) Outer cable leading phase:

𝑑 𝑚 2
( ) 1+𝑚
𝜆0 = 1.5 2𝑠 2


( 2𝑠 )
Δ1 = 4.7𝑚0.7


( 2𝑠 )
Δ2 = 21𝑚3.3

Δ2 =

(3) Outer cable lagging phase:

𝑑 𝑚2
( )
𝜆0 = 1.5 2𝑠 1+𝑚2


0.74 (𝑚+2) 𝑚0.5

( 2𝑠𝑑 )
Δ1 =
2 + (𝑚−0.3) 2


( 2𝑠𝑑 )
Δ2 = 0.92𝑚3.7

Δ2 =

[𝑔 𝜆 (1+Δ +Δ )+ ]
𝑅𝑠 (𝛽1𝑡𝑠)4
𝜆1′′ = 𝑠 0 1 2 ∙10−12
𝑅 12


5.3.8 Sheaths Cross Bonded

The ideal cross-bonded system will have equal lengths and spacing in each of the
three sections. If the section lengths are different, the induced voltages will not sum
up to zero, and as a result, circulating currents will be present. These circulating

47  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
currents are taken into account by calculating current loss factor 𝜆1′, assuming the
cables were not cross bonded, and multiplying this value by a factor to take into
account the variations in length. This factor 𝐹𝑐 is given by

[ 𝑝𝑝 +𝑞
+𝑞 +1 ]
𝐹𝐶= 2 2

2 2

Where: 𝑝2𝑎 = length of the longest section

𝑞2𝑎 = length of the second longest section
𝑎 = length of the shortest section
This formula deals only with the differences in the length of minor sections. Any
deviations in spacing must also be taken into account. Where the lengths of the minor
sections are not known, IEC 287-2-1 (1994) recommends that the value for 𝜆1′ based
on experience with carefully installed circuit be

𝜆1′ = 0.03 for cables laid directly in the ground

𝜆1′ = 0.05 for cables installed in ducts

5.3.9 Total Sheath Loss Factor

𝜆1 = 𝜆1′ + 𝜆1′′

5.3.10 Armor Loss factor

For cables without armor, the armor loss factor (𝜆 2) is equal to zero.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 48
5.3.11 Thermal Resistances

Material Thermal Resistivity Thermal Capacity

(𝜌) ( 𝑐 ∙10−6 )
( 𝐾 ∙ 𝑚/𝑊 ) [ 𝐽/(𝑚3 ∙ 𝐾)]
Insulating materials*
PE 3.5 2.4

XLPE 3.5 2.4

Polyvinyl chloride
up to and including 3 kV cables 5.0 1.7
greater than 3 kV cables 6.0 1.7
up to and including 3 kV cables 3.5 2.0
great than 3 kV cables 5.0 2.0
Butyl rubber 5.0 2.0
Rubber 5.0 2.0
Paper-polypropylene – paper (PPL) 6.5 2.0
Protective coverings
Compounded jute and fibrous materials 6.0 2.0
Rubber sandwich protection 6.0 2.0
Polychloroprene 5.5 2.0
up to and including 35 kV cables 5.0 1.7
greater than 35 kV cables 6.0 1.7
PVC/bitumen on corrugated aluminum sheaths 6.0 1.7
PE 3.5 2.4
Materials for duct installations
Concrete 1.0 2.3
Fiber 4.8 2.0
Asbestos 2.0 2.0
Earthenware 1.2 1.8
PVC 6.0 1.7
PE 3.5 2.4
Table 12 : Thermal Resistances of Each Material

* For the purpose of current rating computations, the semiconducting screening materials are assumed
to have the same thermal properties as the adjacent dielectric materials.

49  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
5.3.12 Insulation Thermal Resistance
Single-conductor Cables
𝜌 2t1
𝑇1 =
ln 1+

𝑇1= ____________________ K ∙ m/W

Three-conductor Shielded Cables

(1) With round or oval conductors:

𝑡1= ____________________ mm

The geometric factor (G) and the screening factor (K) are obtained from the following

Figure 6 : The geometric factor (G) and the screening factor

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 50
𝑇1=𝐾 𝐺

𝑇1= ____________________ K ∙ m/W Jacket Thermal Resistance

𝜌 2tJ
𝑇2 =
ln 1+

𝑇2= ____________________ K ∙ m/W Serving Thermal Resistance

𝜌 2t3
𝑇3 =
ln 1+

𝑇3= ____________________ K ∙ m/W External Thermal Resistance of Buried Cables

For buried cables, two values of the external thermal resistance are calculated: T4,
which corresponds to dielectric losses (100% load factor), and T4µ, which is the
thermal resistance corresponding to the joule losses, where allowance is made for the
daily load factor (𝐿𝐹) and the corresponding loss factor µ

𝜇 = 0.3 ∙ (𝐿𝐹) + 0.7 ∙ (𝐿𝐹)2

𝜇= __________________

The effect of the loss factor is considered to start outside a diameter D x, defined as
𝐷𝑥=61200 √ 𝛿 (length of cycle in hours) , where 𝛿 is soil diffusivity (m 2/h). For a
daily load cycle and typical value of soil diffusivity of 0.5∙10 −6 m 2/s, Dx is equal to
211 mm (or 8.3 in). The value of Dx is valid even when the diameter of the cable or
pipe is greater than Dx.

Mutual Heating Effect

A factor 𝐹 accounts for the mutual heating effect of the other cables or cable pipes
in a system of equally loaded, identical cables or cable pipes. The distances needed
to compute factor 𝐹 are defined in the following diagram. These are center-to-center

51  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Figure 7 : Mutual Heating Effect

For cable p:

( 𝑑 ) ( 𝑑 ) … ( 𝑑𝑑 ) …( 𝑑𝑑 )
𝑑′𝑝1 𝑑′𝑝2 ′

𝐹 =
𝑝1 𝑝2 𝑝k 𝑝q

𝐹 = __________________

There are (q – 1) terms, with term d’pp/dpp excluded. The rating of the cable system is
determined by the rating of the hottest cable or cable pipe, usually the cable with the
largest ratio L/Do . For a single isolated cable or cable pipe, F = 1.

Single-conductor Cables

When the losses in the sheaths of single-core cables laid in a horizontal plane are
appreciable, and the sheaths are laid without transposition and/or the sheaths are
bonded at all joints, the inequality of losses affects the external thermal resistance of
the cables. In such cases, the value of the factor F used to calculate T4µ is modified
by first computing the sheath factor (𝑆𝐻𝐹):

1 + 0.5 (𝜆′11+𝜆′12)

𝑆𝐻𝐹= __________________

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 52
Then calculate:

𝐹′= __________________

(1) Equally loaded similar cables:

Directly buried cables.

For cables in pipes, use 𝐷𝑜 in place of 𝐷𝑒 in the following formulas.

𝜌𝑠 4𝐿 ∙ 𝐹
𝑇4 = ln
2𝜋 𝐷𝑒
𝑇4= __________________ K ∙ m/W

( 𝐷𝐷 )
𝜌𝑠 𝑥
4𝐿 ∙ 𝐹
𝑇4𝜇 = ln + 𝜇 ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑒

𝑇4𝜇= __________________ K ∙ m/W

(2) Cables in ducts:

Installation Condition 𝑈 𝑉 𝑌
In metallic conduit 5.2 1.4 0.011
In fiber duct in air 5.2 0.83 0.006
In fiber duct in concrete 5.2 0.91 0.010
In asbestos cement
duct in air 5.2 1.2 0.006
duct in concrete 5.2 1.1 0.011
Earthenware ducts 1.87 0.28 0.0036

𝑇′4 =

𝑇′4= __________________ K ∙ m/W

𝜌 𝐷𝑜
𝑇′′4 = ln
2𝜋 𝐷𝑑

𝑇′′4= __________________ K ∙ m/W

𝜌 is the thermal resistivity of duct material.

For metal ducts, 𝑇4′′=0.

53  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
The equivalent radius of the envelope (𝑟𝑏) is obtained by the following equation

( ) ( )
1 𝑥 4 x 𝑦2 𝑥
ln𝑟𝑏 = − ln 1+ In+
2 𝑦 𝜋 y 𝑥2 2
𝑟𝑏= __________________ mm

𝑢= __________________

𝐺𝑏= ln[𝑢+√𝑢2−1]

𝜌𝑐 4𝐿 ∙ 𝐹 𝑁
𝑇4′′′ = ln + (𝜌𝑒−𝜌𝑐)𝐺𝑏
2𝜋 𝐷𝑜 2𝜋
𝑇4′′′= _________________ K ∙ m/W

(ln D )+ 𝜇
𝜌𝑐 Dx 4𝐿 ∙ 𝐹 𝑁
𝑇4𝜇′′′= + 𝜇ln (𝜌𝑒−𝜌𝑐)𝐺𝑏
2𝜋 o 𝐷x 2𝜋

𝑇4𝜇′′′′ = __________________ K ∙ m/W

𝑇4 = 𝑇4′+𝑇4′′+𝑇4′′′
𝑇4 = __________________ K ∙ m/W

𝑇4𝜇 = 𝑇4′+𝑇4′′+𝑇4𝜇′′′
𝑇4𝜇 = __________________ K ∙ m/W


Buried Cables

[ ]
∆𝜃−𝑊𝑑[ 0.5,𝑇1+𝑛(𝑇2+𝑇3+,𝑇4)]−∆𝜃𝑖𝑛𝑡 0.5

𝐼 =
𝑅𝑇1+𝑛𝑅(1+𝜆1) 𝑇2+𝑛𝑅(1+𝜆1+𝜆2) (𝑇3+𝑇4 𝜇)

𝐼 = __________________ A

Temperature Rise of Cable Components (buried cable)

Δθ𝑎 = Δ𝜃𝑖𝑛𝑡+𝑛{[𝑊𝑐(1+𝜆1+𝜆2)(𝑇3+𝑇4𝜇)]+𝑊𝑑(𝑇3+𝑇4)}

Δ𝜃𝑎= __________________ ºC

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 54
5.4 Insulation and Sheath Thickness Calculation

5.4.1 Insulation Thickness

IEC 60502 specifies the nominal insulation thickness for cables of rated voltages from
6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) in Tables 13 to 15.

The thickness of any separator or semi-conducting screen on the conductor or over the
insulation shall not be included in the thickness of the insulation.

Nominal cross-sectional Nominal thickness of insulation at rated voltage

area of conductor 3.6/6 (7.2) kV
mm2 mm
10 to 1600 3.4

Table 13 : Nominal Thickness of PVC/B Insulation for Cable Rated Voltages

from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)

Nominal cross- Nominal thickness of insulation at rated voltage

sectional area of U0/U (Um)
conductor 3.6/7 (7.2)kV 6/10 (12)kV 8.7/15 (17.5)kV 12/20 (24)kV 18/30 (36)kV
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm

10 2.5 - - - -
16 2.5 3.4 - - -
25 2.5 3.4 4.5 - -
35 2.5 3.4 4.5 5.5 -
50 to 185 2.5 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
240 2.6 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
300 2.8 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
400 3.0 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
500 to 1600 3.2 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
Table 14 : Nominal Thickness of Cross-lined Polyethylene (XLPE) Insulation for Cable Rated
Voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)

55  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Nominal thickness of insulation at rated voltage
Nominal cross- U0/U (Um)
sectional area of
3.6/7 (7.2)kV 8.7/15 (17.5)
conductor 6/10 (12)kV 12/20 (24)kV 18/30 (36)kV
mm2 Unscreened Screened kV
mm mm mm
mm mm mm

10 3.0 2.5 - - - -
16 3.0 2.5 3.4 - - -
25 3.0 2.5 3.4 4.5 - -
35 3.0 2.5 3.4 4.5 5.5 -
50 to 185 3.0 2.5 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
240 3.0 2.6 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
300 3.0 2.8 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
400 3.0 3.0 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0
500 to 1600 3.2 3.2 3.4 4.5 5.5 8.0

Table 15 : Nominal Thickness of Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) and Hard Ethylene Propylene
Rubber (EPR) Insulation for Cable Rated Voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) to 30 kV
(Um = 36 kV)

5.4.2 Sheath Thickness

Unless otherwise specified, the nominal thickness ts expressed in millimeters shall be

calculated by the following formula:


where D is the fictitious diameter (in millimeters) immediately under the oversheath.
(See IEC 60502-1 and 60502-2 for calculation details)

The value resulting from the formula shall be rounded off to the nearest 0.1 mm.

For unarmored cables and cables with oversheath not applied directly over the armor,
metallic screen or concentric conductor, the nominal thickness shall be not less than
1.4 mm for single-core cables and 1.8 mm for three-core cables.

For cable with oversheath applied directly over the armor, metallic screen or concentric
conductor, the nominal thickness shall be not less than 1.8 mm.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 56
Calculation Example

Determining sheath thickness of 240 mm 2 12/20 kV XLPE cable

• Find 𝑑𝐿(fictitious diameter of conductor) from IEC 60502-2

𝑑𝐿=17.5 mm

• Calculate (fictitious diameter of any core) from IEC 60502-2


𝐷𝑐=17.5 + 2(5.5)=28.5 mm

Where, 𝑡𝑖= insulation thickness (XLPE) from Table 7

• Calculate 𝐷𝑓 (fictitious diameter over laid-up cores) from IEC 60502-2


𝐷𝑓=1×28.5=28.5 mm

Where, 𝑘 = assembly coefficient is equal to 1 for single-core cable

• Calculate 𝐷𝐵(fictitious diameter over inner covering) from IEC 60502-2


𝐷𝐵=28.5 + 2(0.4)=29.3 mm

Where, 𝑡𝐵=0.4 when 𝐷𝐵≤40 mm

• Find increase of diameter for concentric conductors and metallic screens

from Table A.2 in IEC 60502-2

𝐷=𝐷𝐵 + increment number

𝐷=29.3+5.0=34.3 mm

• Calculate sheath thickness from equation in clause 5.4.2


𝑡𝑠=0.035(34.3)+1.0=2.2 mm

So sheath thickness of 240 mm 2 12/20 kV XLPE cable is 2.2 mm.

57  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
5.5 Calculation on Cable Pulling Tension

5.5.1 Technical Parameter

Cable Diameters & Weights

Cable diameters and weights listed in manufacturers’ catalogs and specification

sheets are generally approximate and subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.
Possible variations in cable diameters are taken into consideration in the formulae
for cable clearance and jam ratio. Catalog weights are generally adequate except for
marginal cable pulls, for which more accurate weights should be requested from the
cable manufacturer.

Determining Conduit Size

The National Electric Code (NEC) specifies limitations with regard to cable and
conduit size for installations under its jurisdiction. As stated in the code, the cross-
sectional area of cables shall not be larger than certain percentages of the duct, as
shown in Table 16.

Types of Number of Cables

Cable 1 2 3 4 Over 4
Cable (not
53% 31% 40% 40% 40%
Cable Lead
55% 30% 40% 38% 35%
Table 16 : Maximum Cable Cross-sectional Area as a Percentage of Internal Conduit or Duct
Area (Refer to NEC)

Cable Clearance

In applications where the NEC limits do not apply, it is necessary to calculate the
clearance between the cable(s) and conduit to ensure that the cables can be pulled
through the conduit. It is recommended that the calculated clearance should not be
less than 0.5 inches. A lesser clearance, as low as 0.25 inches, may be acceptable for
essentially straight pulls. The clearance should also be adequate to accommodate the
pulling eye or cable grip, which will be employed for the cable pull.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 58
a) Single Cable Pull


b) Three Cable Pull (Based on Triangular Configuration)

𝐷 1
√ [ 𝐷−𝑑 ]
𝑑 2
𝐶= − 1.366𝑑+ (𝐷−𝑑) 1−
2 2

c) Four Cable Pull (based on Diamond Configuration with 𝐷/𝑑 ≤ 3)

Where: 𝐷 = conduit I.D. (inches)

𝑑 = 1.05 x nominal cable O.D. (inches)

𝐶 = clearance (inches)

To account for variations in cable and conduit dimensions, and the ovality of conduit
at bends, the nominal cable diameter has to be increased by 5 percent for use in the
above formulae.

Jam Ratio

When the ratio of the inside diameter of the duct to the cable diameter is equal to 3.0,
one of the cables in a group of three or four cable pull may slip between two other
cables causing the cables to jam in the conduit. This is most likely to occur when the
cables are pulled around a bend rather than in a straight pull. The following guidelines
are suggested to minimize the risk of such and occurrence during cable installation in
conduit. The limits on Jam Ratio indicated herein recognize variations in cable and
conduit diameter and ovality in conduit diameter at bends:

1.05𝐷 𝐷
<2.9 <3.1
𝑑𝑛 1.03d𝑛


𝐷 = conduit I.D (inches)

𝑑𝑛 = nominal cable O.D. (inches)

To conform to these guidelines one of the above two expressions should be satisfied.

59  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Minimum Bending Radius of Cables

The minimum recommended bending radii for various types of cables are presented
in Table 17. These limits should be observed during planning and installation to avoid
damage to the cable structure.

1. Single and multiple conductors, unshielded cables with or without lead sheath.

Overall Diameter of Cable (inches)

Thickness of Cable
1.000 & less 1.001 to 2.000 2.001 & over
Insulation (mils*)
Min. Bending Radius as a Multiple of Cable Diameter
155 & less 4 5 6
170 – 310 5 6 7
325 & over *** 7 8

*1 mil = 1/1000 inch

Table 17 : Minimum Recommended Bending Radii for Unarmored Power Cables for Cables
Rated up to and including 35 kV (ICEA Standard)

2. Single and multiple conductor, wire shielded cables: Same as above.

3. Single and multiple conductor tape shielded cable: Twelve times the overall
diameter of the completed cable.

Cable Configuration in Conduit

The relative position of cables in a conduit in a multiple cable pull is important in

that it affects the weight distribution of cables and hence the normal force between
the cable(s) and the conduit.

In case of a three cable pull, when the ratio of inside diameter of the conduit to the
nominal diameter of the cable is greater than 2.4 and less than 3.0 , the cables can
form a cradled or triangular configuration along straight sections of the duct (see
Table 18). At a bend the cables are usually pulled into a cradled formation at these
ratios. At ratios greater than 3.0, the cables will assume a cradled formation.

In case of four cable pulls with the ratio of conduit inside diameter to the nominal
cable diameter is less than 3, the cables will tend to align in a diamond configuration
(see Figure 18).

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 60
Single Cable Three Cables Three Cables Four Cables
Triangular Cradled Diamond
Table 18 : Cable Configurations in Conduit

Calculation of Weight Correction Factor

The Weight Correction Factor accounts for the weight distribution of single cables in a
multiple cable pull. The factor depends on the relative position of cables in a conduit,
which produces a greater normal force between cables and conduit than the force in
case of a single cable. This can be viewed as an effective increase in the weight of the
cable(s) and leads to the development of the Weight Correction Factor (Wc)

Wc for a single cable pull is unity.

Wc for three cable pulls in cradled and triangular configurations and for four cable
pulls in a diamond configuration can be calculated as shown below:

a) Three Single Cables in Cradled Configuration:

[ ]
4 𝑑
𝑊𝑐 = 1+
3 (𝐷−𝑑)

b) Three Single Cables in Triangular Configuration:

𝑊𝑐 =

√ [ (𝐷−𝑑) ]

c) Four Single Cables in Diamond Configuration:

[ (𝐷−𝑑) ]
𝑊𝑐 = 1+2


𝑊𝑐 = weight correction factor (dimensionless)

𝐷 = inside diameter of conduit (inches)
𝑑 = nominal outside diameter of a single conductor cable (inches)

61  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Coefficient of Friction

Effective Coefficient of Friction The effective coefficient of friction for three or

more conductors is a function of the basic coefficient of friction and the relative
occupancy of the conductors in a pipe. This is because when three or more conductors
are pulled into a duct, wedging action exists, which increases the effective pressure
between the cables and the duct. The effect of this action is taken into consideration
by use of the Weight Correction Factor (𝑊𝑐).

The effective coefficient of friction (𝐾) is, therefore, expressed as the product of the
basic coefficient of friction (𝐾𝑜) and Weight Correction Factor (𝑊𝑐).

𝐾 = 𝐾𝑜𝑊𝑐

Dynamic Coefficient of Friction The dynamic coefficient of friction is defined as

the factor which is multiplied by the normal force exerted by the cable on a conduit
by virtue of its weight and the weight of other motion. The basic dynamic coefficient
of friction is a function of the materials that are in contact with each other and the
pulling lubricant that is employed. It does not vary significantly with the speed of
pulling. It is influenced to some extent by the ambient temperature.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 62
Three Cables
Cable Outer One Cable Per Duct
Duct Material Per Duct
75ºF 20ºF 75ºF
PVC XLPE 0.40 0.40 0.60
PE 0.40 0.35 0.45
PVC 0.50 0.25 0.60
N 0.90 0.55 1.50
CN 0.40 0.40 -
Pb 0.25 0.25 -
PE XLPE 0.45 0.35 0.55
PE 0.25 0.20 0.85
PVC 0.30 0.20 0.45
N 0.65 0.45 -
CN 0.20 0.20 -
Pb 0.20 0.25 -
FIBRE XLPE 0.30 0.20 0.65
PE 0.25 0.35 0.60
PVC 0.40 0.20 0.45
N 0.40 0.30 0.55
CN 0.40 0.35 -
Pb - - -
PE 0.35 - -
PVC 0.55 - -
N 0.50 - -
CN - - -
Pb 0.55 - -

Table 19 : Recommended Basic Dynamic Coefficient of Friction, Straight Pulls & Bearing Pressures
Less than 150 lbs/ft (Soap & Water Base Lubricants)

Start-up and Surging The coefficient of friction of the pulling line affects the
maximum tension in the early stages of the pull. And therefore, it governs the required
capacity of the pulling equipment.

Stopping and starting during the pull and surging phenomena are complicated transient
conditions, which can result in higher levels of pulling tension than what would be
expected from the analysis of a steady pulling condition.

Pulling Tension Limits for Pulling Eyes and Bolts

The maximum recommended pulling tensions when employing pulling eyes and
pulling bolts are listed in Table 20. The values listed are for standard compression type

63  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
aluminum pulling eyes. It should be noted that higher pulling tension are attainable
when aluminum epoxy filled eyes are used with aluminum conductor cables and when
solder type cups are used with copper conductor cables.

Maximum Tension - psi

Conductor – Metal & Type
Al. Compression Eye1 Epoxy Filled Eye
Copper (annealed) 14,000 -
Solid (1/2 thru Full Hard) 8,000 10,000
Stranded (3/4 & Full Hard) 10,000 14,000
Table 20 : Recommended Maximum Pulling Tensions at Pulling Eyes

1) When the strength of the compression eye is limiting the length of the pull, the use
of a solder type copper pulling eye will permit pulling tensions up to 16,000 psi.

For three single conductor cables in parallel configuration, the allowable conductor
stress should be based on two cables sharing the load.

Pulling Tension Limits for Pulling Grips

The maximum recommended pulling tensions when using steel wire basket grip are
given in Table 21. The four inches of cable immediately under the back of the grip
should be cleaned and wrapped with two half lapped layers of cloth friction tape. The
back end of the grip should be secured with a punch lock type band to aid in initially
seating the grip and to prevent it from loosening in case the pulling tension is relaxed
during the pull.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 64
Maximum Tension, lbs1
Single Cable Multi Cable
XLPE Insulation/Jacket – 600 V Cable 2,000 2,000
EPR – Neoprene – 600 Cable 2,000 2,000
PE & XLPE insulation, concentric wire
shield, with & without encapsulating 10,000 5,000
PE & XLPE insulation, LC shield,
LDPE jacket
15, 25 & 35 kV Cable 8,000 4,000
69 & 138 kV Cable 4,000 2,500
PE & XLPE insulation, concentric wire
or tape shield, LDPE & PVC sleeved 10,000 5,000
EPR, insulation, concentric wire or tape
10,000 10,000
shield, LDPE & PVC sleeved jackets
Lead sheathed cable, with & without
XLPE insulation 16,0002 16,0002
EPR insulation 8,000 8,000
XLPE insulation, copper wire or ribbon
18,000 9,000
shield, MDPD jacket
Table 21: Recommended Maximum Pulling Tensions Copper and Aluminum Conductor Single
and Multi Cables per Pull, Pulling Grips

1) When considering use of the above pulling grip tensions, the stress on the cable
conductor should not exceed the following values :

16,000 psi for copper conductor (annealed)

14,000 psi for stranded aluminum conductor (1/2 thru Full Hard)

10,000 psi for solid aluminum conductor (3/4 & Full Hard)

For three single conductor cables in parallel configuration, the allowable conductor
stress should be based on two cables sharing the load.

2) The values are the maximum stress in psi computed on the total cross-sectional
area of the lead sheath.

It should be noted that the maximum tension may be reduced when three cables
are pulled in one grip because the grip in most instances will not grab the cables as
effectively as is the case when a single cable is pulled.

65  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
For lead sheathed cables the maximum limit is based on the stress computed on the
area of the lead sheath.

Maximum Sidewall Bearing Pressure (SWBP)

IEEE 690 recommends that the maximum side wall bearing pressure (SWBP) is 500
lb/ft. For single cable pulls the SWBP is the ratio of the pulling tension to the inside
radius of the duct bend (SWBP = T/R).

The inside radius of the duct bend should be used when calculating the SWBP. For
specially fabricated elbows, the inside radius should be measured or calculated using
the following formula:

𝑅𝑖 = inside radius of bend (feet)
𝑅𝑐 = centerline radius of bend (inches)
𝐷 = duct diameter (inches)

The cable sidewall bearing pressure is the radial pressure experienced by the cable as
it is pulled through a curved section. The pressure is caused by the tension and weight
of the cable, which presses it against the conduit wall. The parameters that influence
the SWBP are cable(s) tension, weight, and inside radius of the bend. For practical
purposes the weight of a cable(s) is negligible compared to the resultant radial force.
Consequently, the cable (s) weight has been omitted from the general SWBP formulae
included herein.

For a single cable in conduit pulls:

The SWBP for three cable pulls should be calculated for the cable that presses hardest
against the conduit.

In cradled formation, the center cable presses hardest against the conduit and the
SWBP for that cable is expressed as follows:

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 66
In triangular formation, the bottom two cables bear the load equally and experience
the greatest SWBP. For this condition, the SWBP equation is as follows:

For four cable pulls in a diamond configuration, the bottom most cable will be
subjected to the greatest crushing force as it is being pulled around a bend. The
recommended SWBP equation for this formation is as follows:


𝑆𝑊𝐵𝑃 = sidewall bearing pressure on cable with greatest radial load
𝑇 = maximum combined tension of cables for multiple cable pulls or
tension on one cable for single cable pulls when exiting the bend
𝑅 = inner radius of conduit bend
𝑊𝑐 = weight correction factor for multiple cable pulls

5.5.2 Calculation of Pulling Tensions

The following formulae can be used to determine pulling tensions for a cable
installation. Each equation applies to a specific conduit configuration. In order to
use the formulae, the cable pull should be subdivided into specific sections. The
configuration of each section should be identical with one of the graphical depictions
accompanying the equations.

The mathematical expression associated with each of the accompanying sketches

will yield the cumulative tension (T2) on the leading end of the cable as it exits from
a specified section. And T1 is the tension in the cable entering that section. The
maximum tension obtained when pulling in one direction often differs from that
obtained when pulling in the opposite directions due to the location of the bends and
the slope of the pull. Therefore, the required pulling tension should be calculated for
both directions.

A listing of the symbols employed and their definitions are as follows:

67  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 

Symbol Definition Units

𝑇1 Section incoming cable tension Pounds
𝑇2 Section outgoing cable tension Pounds
𝑅 Inside radius of conduit bend Feet
𝑊 Total weight of cables in conduit Pounds/foot
𝜃 Angle subtended by bend for curved
sections or
Angle of slope measured from horizontal
for inclined planes
𝜃𝑎 Offset angle from vertical axis Radians
𝜃𝑏 Total angle from vertical axis Radians
𝐾 Effective coefficient of friction -
𝐿 Actual length of cable in section Feet
𝐷′ Depth of dip from horizontal axis Feet
2𝑆 Horizontal length of dip section Feet
Table 22 : Definition of symbols

5.5.3 Pulling Tension Formulae for Cable in Conduit

𝑇2 = 𝑇1 + 𝑊KL


𝑇2 = 𝑇1 cosh 𝐾𝜃 + √ 𝑇12+(𝑊𝑅)2 sinh 𝐾𝜃


Note: Angle 𝜃 measured from horizontal axis

𝑇2 = 𝑇1+𝐿𝑊(sin𝜃 + 𝐾cos𝜃)


Note: Angle 𝜃 measured from horizontal axis

𝑇2 = 𝑇1−𝐿𝑊(sin𝜃 − 𝐾cos𝜃)

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 68

Where 𝐷′ is small compared to 𝑆 (i.e., tan𝜃/2=sin𝜃/2=𝐷′/𝑆)

𝜃 =

𝑅 =

𝑇 = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃 + 𝑅𝑊 [𝑒𝐾𝜃−1]

(Use coefficient of friction corresponding to SWBP < 150 lbs/ft in the equation

For 𝑇>𝑅𝑊


For 𝑇≤𝑅𝑊



A. For angle 𝜃 measured from vertical axis

𝑇2=𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃+ [2𝐾𝑒𝐾𝜃 sin𝜃+(1−𝐾2)(1−𝑒𝐾𝜃cos𝜃)]

69  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
B. For angle 𝜃 offset from vertical axis by angle 𝜃𝑎 (derived from (A) above)

𝑇𝑏 = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃𝑏+ [2𝐾𝑒𝐾𝜃𝑏 sin𝜃𝑏+(1−𝐾2)(1−𝑒𝐾𝜃𝑏 cos𝜃𝑏)]
𝑇b− [2𝐾𝑒𝐾𝜃a sin𝜃a+(1−𝐾2)(1−𝑒𝐾𝜃a cos𝜃a)]
𝑇2 =
𝑇2 = 𝑇𝑏−𝑇𝑎+𝑇1


A. For angle 𝜃 measured from vertical axis

𝑇2 = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃 + [2𝐾 sin𝜃 − (1−𝐾2)(𝑒𝐾𝜃 − cos𝜃)]

B. For angle 𝜃 offset from vertical axis by angle 𝜃𝑎 (derive from (A) above)

𝑇a = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃a − [2𝐾 sin𝜃a−(1−𝐾2)(𝑒𝐾𝜃a − cos𝜃a)]
𝑇b = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃𝑏 + [2𝐾 sin𝜃b−(1−𝐾2)(𝑒𝐾𝜃b − cos𝜃b )]

𝑇2 = 𝑇𝑏− 𝑇𝑎+ 𝑇1


A. For angle 𝜃 measured from vertical axis

𝑇2 = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃 − [2𝐾 sin 𝜃 − 2𝐾 sin 𝜃 (1−𝐾2)(𝑒𝐾𝜃 − cos𝜃)]

B. For angle 𝜃 offset from vertical axis by angle 𝜃𝑎 (derive from (A) above)

𝑇a = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃a − [2𝐾 sin𝜃a−(1−𝐾2)(𝑒𝐾𝜃a − cos𝜃a)]
𝑇b = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃b − [2𝐾 sin𝜃b−(1−𝐾2)(𝑒𝐾𝜃b − cos𝜃b)]

𝑇2 = 𝑇𝑏−𝑇𝑎+𝑇1

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 70

A. For angle 𝜃 measured from vertical axis

𝑇2 = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃− [2𝐾𝑒𝐾𝜃 sin𝜃 + (1−𝐾2)(1−𝑒𝐾𝜃 cos𝜃)]

B. For angle 𝜃 offset from vertical axis by angle 𝜃𝑎 (derived from (A) above)

𝑇𝑏 = 𝑇1𝑒𝐾𝜃𝑏− [2𝐾𝑒𝐾𝜃𝑏 sin𝜃𝑏+(1−𝐾2)(1−𝑒𝐾𝜃𝑏 cos𝜃𝑏)]
𝑇b+ [2𝐾𝑒𝐾𝜃a sin𝜃a+(1−𝐾2)(1−𝑒𝐾𝜃a cos𝜃a)]
𝑇2 =

5.6 Conclusion

Cable ampacity is an important consideration for the design of an underground cable system. It
helps the designer to decide on cable configuration and selection of suitable cable size for particular

Cable sheath is important for the protection against mechanical damage that could happen both
during installation and operation. Therefore, the identification of suitable cable sheath thickness
is necessary for minimizing damage to the cables.

The calculation for cable pulling tension that occurs during installation will help the designer to
check if it is higher than the maximum tensile strength of cable. The calculation also enables the
designer to come up with the proper design of cable installation to avoid damage to the cables
during installation.

The thorough and precise calculations of each aspect are important for the most efficient and long
working life of the cables. It will also reduce cable maintenance costs.

71  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Chapter 6

6.1 Introduction

Cable installation is one of the costliest items in an underground cable system project. The  underground
cable shall be installed with proper methods and equipment to minimize cable damage during installation
which may cause higher installation and maintenance cost. Although some utilities have their own
installation crews, many utilities rely on contractors to install cables. In either case, a properly prepared
instruction manuals is essential for a quality installation.

Chapter 6 is devoted to the specifications and procedure for installing underground cables.

6.2 Objective

This chapter describes underground cable installation methods, cable laying procedure, and installation
acceptance process. There are mainly three types of installations: direct burial, duct installation and
tunnel installation. This chapter can be used as a guide to learn about the cable laying procedure and
also about equipment for cable pulling.

6.3 Types of Installation

This chapter presents the typical methods of installation of underground cable, which are typically used
by power utilities around the world. The three main installations will be classified into eight installation
methods are discussed in this chapter.

6.3.1 Direct Burial

A direct burial installation is defined as installing cable without pulling into a pipe or
duct, but by pulling or laying cables in an open trench and having the earth in direct
contact with the cable jacket or sheath after backfilling, as shown in Figure 8. To
avoid the excavation by a stranger, it is recommended that utility apply this method
only in the specific areas, e.g., in substation.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 72
Figure 8 : Direct Burial Installation

Advantages Disadvantages
• Low construction cost No mechanical protection of the cables and therefore lower
• Quick construction reliability.
Insufficient protection in case of short circuit.
Maintenance is difficult.
Restrictions in place because there is no protection to the specific
Since the cables are touching each other and surrounded by normal
ground with uncontrolled thermal resistivity, the allowable ampacity
may be reduced.
During installation, the trench has to be opened for the entire cable
route, which can impact traffic on site.

6.3.2 Semi-Direct Burial

Semi-direct burial installation is similar to direct burial but the cables are pulled into
the conduits.

Conduits provide mechanical protection to cables as shown in Figure 9. To avoid the

excavation by a stranger, some utilities apply this method in only the specific areas,
e.g., in substation and foot path.

73  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Figure 9 : Semi-Direct Burial Installation

Advantages Disadvantages
• Low construction cost • Restrictions in place because there is no
• Quick construction protection to the specific area.
• Easy maintenance. (especially cable • During installation, the trench has to be opened
replacement) for the entire cable route, which can impact
traffic on site.

6.3.3 Concrete Troughs

Concrete troughs installation is similar to direct burial but the cables are pulled into
the concrete troughs. Concrete troughs provide mechanical protection to cables. The
following Figure 10 shows a typical cross-section of a concrete trough.

Figure 10 : Typical Cable Laying in Concrete Trough

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 74
Advantages Disadvantages
• Limited installation cost due to width reduction • Cables touch each other, which leads to mutual
of cable trench. heating and can result in damage to all three
• Very good control of cable during pulling all phases in case of a fault on any one cable.
along the cable route. • The trench has to be opened only the section
• No stress on the cable head or conductor during of installation and resumed back to public
pulling due to the use of motorized rollers. utilization before starting the next section until
the installation is finished.
• Use of prefabricated elements possible.

6.3.4 Concrete Encased

The cables are laid in conduits which are arranged in rectangular formation and
covered by reinforced concrete to be named as double protection. A group of conduits
can also be called “Duct Bank”. Conduit spacing shall be 25 cm. Nowadays, this
method is commonly selected for construction as main line because it can prevent
damage to cable from unintentional excavation by manual or machine due to double
protection, but it has an effect on the environmental, especially the traffic jam in
urban area. Figure 11 shows the construction of concrete encased ductbank.

Figure 11 : Concrete Encased Installation

Advantages Disadvantages
• The phase spacing and cable configuration can • Due to small spacing of the cables, the sheath
be adjusted easily. voltage or current is higher than in the case of
• During installation, the pulling force on the
cable end can be very high, depending on the
cable weight and cable route.
• A visual control of the cables after pulling is
not possible.
• The ducts have to be inspected by a camera
before cable pulling.

75  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
6.3.5 Trenches

Trenches are commonly used in substations. The trenches are generally accessible
from the surface for the ease of extension or maintenance. Cables are laid in
reinforced concrete trench and backfilled with sand. The trench can be easily accessed
by opening the top cover. Some utilities apply this method only in the specific areas,
e.g., in substation. Typical drawing of cable trench is illustrated in Figure 12.

Figure 12 : Concrete Trench

Trenches are only used in substations or restricted areas because they do not provide
sufficient protection against mechanical aggression. Furthermore, due to the limited
air volume compared to tunnels and galleries, the ventilation may not be sufficient and
the allowable ampacity may be reduced significantly. Since the trenches are covered
by steel or concrete covers, the impact in case of a cable fault can lead to danger, even
in substations.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Low construction cost • Restrictions in place because there is no protection to the
• Quick construction specific area.
• Easy maintenance • Fewer circuits can be installed.
• Use of prefabricated concrete • The trench has to be opened only the section of
trench installation and resumed back to public utilization before
starting the next section until the installation is finished.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 76
6.3.6 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

HDD process begins with boring a small, horizontal hole (pilot hole) under the obstacle
(e.g., a highway or river) that needs to be crossed. This is done with a continuous
string of steel drill rod. When the bore head and rod emerge on the opposite side
of the crossing, a special cutter called a back reamer will be attached and pulled
back through the pilot hole. The reamer bores through the pilot hole, enlarging it
so that a pipe can be pulled through. The pipe is usually pulled through from the
side of the crossing opposite to the drill rig. Utilities usually apply this method for
crossing obstacles such as a river or a road. The following figure shows the horizontal
directional drilling construction layout.

Figure 13 : Horizontal Directional Drilling Construction Layout Crossing the River.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Quick construction • No mechanical protection for cables.
• Minimal impact to traffic • When more pipelines have to be constructed, it should be well
• Able to avoid obstacles planned of the spacing of the ducts group , level, size, etc.
• Low Construction cost

6.3.7 Pipe Jacking

Pipe Jacking is a method of constructing a pipeline under the ground. The technique
involves pushing a pipe through the ground with the thrust provided by hydraulic
jacks. The excavation of soil takes place at the same time the pipe moves into the
ground. This provides a structurally flexible and watertight finished conduit. This
method is commonly adopted for underground cables.

Nowadays, it is the main method used for laying pipe to preserve the natural
environment and maintain pleasant living conditions. Some utilities use reinforced
concrete pipes with internal diameter from 1.0- 1.8 m as a jacking pipe with small
conduits arranged inside (see Figure 14).

77  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Figure 14 : Cross Section of Concrete Pipe ID 1 m

This is the preferred choice for constructing the main line because it helps to minimize
environmental effects.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Quick construction • Very high construction cost.
• Minimal impact to traffic • To avoid obstacles, the pipeline should be
• Many circuits can be installed constructed quite deep from the ground level.
• Due to its construction at depth, the current
ampacity of the cables is relatively lower.

6.3.8 Tunnels

Burial installation has the advantage of relatively low construction and installation
cost due to the limited civil works. However, direct burial is not realistic in case of
a high number of circuits (20 or more) or circuits with high transmission capacities
or in countries with high average temperatures and dry soil, the installation of direct
burial is not realistic any more.

With burial installation, big conductor cross-section would be required because of

higher temperature compared with installation in tunnel. That means more expensive
cable. In addition, cables installed in tunnels can be inspected and monitored easier.

For all these reasons, more and more utilities opt to install cables in tunnel. In some
cases cables are buried on a long section and installed in a tunnel, for example at the
entrance of substation where there are many joints or splicing.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 78
Advantages Disadvantages
• No environmental impact • Very high construction cost
• Minimal impact to traffic • Higher technology
• Multiple circuits feasible • Longer duration of construction.
• Less tension for pulling the cable because the • Higher impact on surroundings due to
duct is straight relatively bigger dimensions.
• Easy control of temperature and cooling
by means of ventilation or other means, if
• Excellent protection of the cables from
mechanical aggression
• Cable pulling without excessive force on the
cable end
• Easy monitoring of cable status and access for
maintenances (oil leakage)
• Easy for future cable laying

Cost of Impact to Cable

Norm Maintenance
construction traffic protection
Direct Burial low high poor difficult
Semi-direct Burial low high fair difficult
Concrete Troughs fair high fair easy
Concrete Encased high high good fair
Trenches low high fair easy
HDD high low fair difficult
Pipe Jacking very high fair excellent fair
Tunnels extremely high fair excellent easy
Table 23: Comparison of Different Methods of UG Cable Installation

6.4 Cable Laying Procedure

The cable laying procedure depends on the cable type, installing method and the condition of the
cable route. Particularly huge equipment is required for installing large-sized extra high tension
cables for long distance circuits. In addition, various new machines suitable for the road and traffic
conditions have also been developed.

6.4.1 Preparations for Cable Laying

Work Starting Procedure

It is necessary to fully examine the work specifications and plans before starting with
cable laying. The following applications must be completed before starting the work:

79  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
• Application for approval by the concerned authorities

• Application for private use of road (to road managing authorities)

• Items specified by the road coordinating council

• Application for permission for railway crossing (to railway companies)

• Inquiries on underground installations for utilities, such as gas, service water,

telephone, etc.

• Start of road excavation notification

• Application for permission for using roads (to the police)

Preparations for Cable Laying

The following preparations must be made before starting cable laying work:

• Examination of Work Specifications and work Plans, and determination of

installation method

• Coordination of work schedules with other projects if they are existing on the

• Checking and adjustment of tools and equipment used for cable pulling

• Establishment of measures for safety and prevention of environmental pollution

6.4.2 Cable Laying Work

Each cable is usually cut to the required length at the factory. One end of the cable is
made moisture proof (through termination processing) before it is wound on a cable
drum. The pulling end of the cable is provided with a pulling eye as shown in Figure
15. However, solid cables, such as XLPE cables, are sometimes provided only with
termination processing at both the ends. A net-like pulling grip is used as shown in
Figure 16 when no pulling eye is used. Such a net is sometimes used as a pulling aid
by attaching it at middle of a cable.

Figure 15: Pulling Eye Figure 16: Pulling Grips

Handbook of Underground Power Cables | 80

Some important items to be considered for pulling works are as follows:

• Site considerations

• Measures for prevention of environment ( such as pollution, noises and vibrations


• Measures for prevention of traffic troubles

• Measures for prevention of working temperature, moisture and gas absorption in

pulling the cable

• Confirmation of safety of equipment in manhole

• Measures for human safety

6.4.3 Cable Laying for Direct Burial

Cable laying procedure

The cable laying procedure for direct burial is as shown in Figure 17.

Laying method

An example of ordinary cable laying method is illustrated in Figure 18. When the
pulling length is long or the route involves bends, caterpillars may be used in the
middle of the route, and cable laying vehicles may be used when drums are large.
After cable pulling is over, cut off the excessive cable and apply caps on both ends of
the cable for moisture protection until jointing.

81  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Route excavation

Trough arrangement

Roller stationing

Drum stationing
Winch stationing
Small scant plate removal
Pulling wire feeding
Cable releasing

Pulling eye-fixing Swivel fixing

Connection of the wire to the pulling eye

Cable pulling

Sand filling in trough Sand filling in trough


Sand burying

Protection plate laying

Figure 17 : Direct Burial Cable Laying Procedure

Figure 18 : Cable Laying for Direct Burial

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 82
6.4.4 Cable Pulling for Duct Installation

Cable laying procedure

The cable laying procedure for duct installation is as shown in Figure 19.

Leading wire pulling

Passing of cable piece or
duct check by video
Test rod passing
camera is carried out to
check the duct further
Pulling wire feeding depending on the result
of the test rod Passing.

Drum stationing Laying vehicle Winch stationing

Jack up Recorder and other instrument installation

Small scant plate removal Snatch block fixing

Preparations in manhole
Cable releasing

Pulling eye fixing Swivel fixing at the head of wire

Roller positioning in manhole

Connection of pulling eye and wire

The oil tank must be
Cable pulling switched for oil fill cables

Fixing of waterproofing device to duct opening

Cable end processing and cable protection

Removal of pulling equipment

Figure 19 : Cable Laying Procedure for DUct Installation

83  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Test of the internal condition of duct

To test the internal condition of a duct before cable pulling, a test rod passing is
carried out. An example of the test rod is shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20: Test Rod or Dummy Figure 21: CCTV Camera for
Checking Duct

When external scars are observed on the dummy or when bumps are suspected in the
duct, a short cable of about 5 meter length is pulled into the duct. This is to check the
duct in more detail by observing the appearance of the pulled test cable. CCTV camera
is pulled into the duct, if necessary, to visually check specific obstacles in the duct. A
method of checking duct by using a CCTV camera is illustrated in Figure 22.

Figure 22 : Checking Duct by Using CCTV Camera

Method of cable pulling

Single or three cables are pulled into a duct. The general machine arrangement for each
case is shown in Figure 23

Figure 23 : Method of Cable Pulling

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 84
At the end of cable pulling, workers have to check the protective covering by using a
Megger test for proper insulation resistance; then cut the excessive cable as necessary;
cover the cable ends with some protective material; and support the cable in manhole
to avoid excessive bending. Make sure to attach a water-proofing device to the duct

6.4.5 Cable Pulling for Tunnel Installation

Winch method

In the winch method, guide rollers are fixed in the tunnel, and the cable is pulled on
the guide rollers as in the case of the duct installation. A wire is attached to the leading
end of the cable through a swivel, and the cable is pulled on the guide rollers by pulling
the wire.

Cable laying procedure

The cable laying procedure by winch method is shown in Figure 24.

Roller installation

Equipment to be installed on the ground, such as the winch and drums, can be positioned
in the same manner as that for cable pulling for duct installation.

But cable rollers are installed in the tunnel. There are three ways for roller installation
in the tunnel:

Rack mounting: Each roller is mounted on a rack.

Wall mounting: Each roller is mounted on wall using a vertical metal support.

Floor mounting: Rollers as shown in Figure 25 are mounted on the floor.

85  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Safety trough installation

Arrangement in tunnel

Pulling wire feeding

Drum positioning Laying vehicle

stationing Winch positioning
Jack up
Recorder setting
Small scant plate removal

Preparations in manhole
Cable releasing
Preparations in
manhole Snatch block fixing
Pulling eye fitting

Connection of pulling eye and wire

Cable pulling

Cable installation in trough

Cable end processing and cable protection

Safety trough covering

Fire detector
Safety trough sanding

Removal of Pulling equipment

Figure 24 : Cable Laying Procedure for Tunnel Installation

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 86
Figure 25 : Floor Mounting Rollers

Caterpillar method

Electric caterpillars or powered rollers are used in the caterpillar method. The caterpillar
method has following advantages over the winch method:

• No pulling eye is required.

• The cable pulling can be carried out with relative ease even when there are many
bends along the route.

• It allows installation of long-span cables.

• It allows the snake installation easily.

• A number of cables can be pulled in one preparation.

The caterpillar method is illustrated in Figure 26.

Figure 26 : Cable Installation in Tunnel by Caterpillar Method

87  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
6.5 Installation Acceptance Process

Usually, utilities hire contractors to install cables. Therefore, installation acceptance is needed to
complete the contract.

Only an electrical test after installation is necessary. The test procedure is described below.

Test procedure: Apply direct voltage as per Table 23 between the metallic sheath or concentric wires
or tapes and the outer electrode or jacket for a period of 1 min.

Value of direct voltage for test (kV)

Rated voltage
Size of cable
U0 / U (kV)
70 mm2 240 mm2 400 mm2 800 mm2
8.7 / 15 7.2 8.0 9.2 -
12 / 20 7.2 8.0 9.2 10.0
Table 24: Value of Direct Voltage for Jacket Test

Considerations: The outer electrode or jacket of cable must not breakdown.

Megger test of 1 kV is employed as shown in Figure 27 to ensure the integrity of the cables after

Test process: Megger test (Figure 28) is used to examine the insulation resistance between:

Conductor – Shielding Wires

Conductor – Ground

Shielding Wires – Ground

Considerations: Resistance should not be less than 2000 MΩ.

Figure 27 : Megger Test1 kV Figure 28 : Insulation Testing

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 88
6.6 Conclusion

Utilities select the method of underground cable system construction based on construction cost, impact
on traffic, ease of maintenance and the capacity as shown in Table 23. In normal cases, duct bank is
selected. Pipe jacking method is the first choice for construction of main line to minimize environmental
effects. Utilities usually employ horizontal directional drill for river and road crossing situations. Tunnels
are selected only in case of a huge power project requiring very high capacity to accommodate a number
of main lines.

The method of cable laying depends on the budget, cable type, the installation method and the condition
of the cable route. Usually, underground system construction and cable laying are carried by contractors.
However, some utilities have their own workers. In both cases, qualified and trained workers are required,
especially for cable laying.

89  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Chapter 7

Operation, Maintenance and Testing

7.1 Introduction

Whenever a cable system is put into operation, it is comes under the following four types of stresses:

• Electrical stress
• Thermal stress
• Mechanical stress
• Radiation environmental stress

These stresses can harm the integrity of cable insulation. If these stresses are controlled within design
limits, the cables are affected only by the natural ageing process and can perform satisfactorily over their
full life expectancy which is 50 years well proved in MEA. if the stresses are higher than the acceptable
levels, ageing process will be accelerated.

The ageing of solid insulation materials is the process of irreversible changes that adversely affect
performance and shorten useful life. The degree and the rate of aging of insulation depend on:

• The physical and chemical properties of the material;

• Material processing and treatment during manufacturing, and subsequent use in equipment;
• Defects that exist in insulation body; and
• The degree and duration of induced stresses.

If the ageing process happens fast, the insulation may fail even if the cable is new. The full useful life
of a cable can be achieved by preventing or reducing the abnormal ageing process of cable insulation.
This can be done through proper cable loading and health monitoring as well as appropriate testing and
maintenance methodologies.

7.2 Objective
Power cable shall be operated within its designed criteria in friendly environment. Violation of operating
condition leads to premature degradation of cable, or if critically overstressed the cable is subject to fail.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 90
However, failure of cable due to premature ageing can be alleviated by appropriate maintenance strategy.
This handbook discusses the basic principle on failure mechanism and detection of defects existed in
solid insulation (XLPE) of cable and provides some guidelines for inspection, testing and maintenance
of underground cable system. For informative purpose, this handbook also provides introductory
information on the cable monitoring system.

7.3 Maintenance and Inspection

After manufacturing, cables are tested at well above their working voltage. And so, if the cables are
installed correctly, there is a low risk of cable failure. Similarly, with modern accessories and well-
trained construction personnel, the risk of failure is limited. Furthermore, before putting the cables into
service, their condition can be checked by conducting an acceptance test. So within the normal operating
conditions, good health of a cable system is assured throughout its design working life. However, no
one can guarantee that cable would not be exposed to harmful stresses or other problems during the
operating life span. Therefore, proper maintenance processes should be in place to ensure smooth and
efficient cable operation.

7.3.1 Cable System Inspection

Unlike overhead lines, transformers, switchgears or other above ground facilities where
visual inspection can be easily performed, the inspection of underground cables requires
special technique and tools.

1) Frequency of underground system inspections

The frequency of inspection of a cable system is largely determined by the importance of

the equipment or facility it serves. Inspections can vary in frequency from 6 months to 5
years, but a 2-year cycle of inspection is recommended. The records of each inspection
should be maintained.

2) Structural inspections

Inspect structures and check their cleanliness and physical condition -- cracking of
walls, roofs or floor slabs; spalling of concrete; and the condition of frames and covers.
Inspect for corrosion of pulling eyes; collapsed grounds; and other miscellaneous
fixtures, such as cable racks, arms, and insulators.

91  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
3) Cable inspections

Patrol the route of underground direct-burial cable circuits to inspect for potentially
harmful conditions. Changes in grade caused by washouts can expose cables to
adverse conditions. Adjacent new construction should be closely monitored. Examine
connections to equipment terminals or cable terminations, both in the structure and
above-ground. In structures, check duct entrances, fireproofing, splices, cable tags, and
ground connections to cable shielding and sheathes. Look for partial discharge noise or
signs of traction on cable terminations or direct-burial cable, which may be a result of
the expansion and contraction of the cable.

a. Cable supports. Check mountings and supports to ensure they are secure. Remove
rust and corrosion, and clean and repaint supports with corrosion-resistant paint.

b. Duct entrances. End bells are usually used to prevent cable damage at duct
entrances. If they were not installed or are damaged, strips of hard rubber or similar
material should be used to protect the cable at the duct entrance.

c. Testing. Cable insulation integrity cannot be visually checked; it requires testing,

which will be elaborated in section 7.4.

d. Cable faults. Inspection alone may reveal the location of a cable fault or it may
require complicated process using test equipment. Visual check and test procedures
are covered in section 7.3.2.

4) What to look for during underground cable system inspections?

Here are some guidelines for personnel who perform visual inspection on underground

a. Above Ground: Make sure the cover is in good physical condition and fits the
opening properly. If a vented cover is used, verify that the vents are clear of debris.
Also ensure that the cover is at grade.

b. Water and Debris: Look for water and debris in the structure. Does the structure
need to be pumped or cleared before inspection? Are the cables or equipment
submerged? Are the ducts free of debris? Verify the operation of a sump pump

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 92
if it is present. (This can usually be accomplished by lifting the float switch and
observing if the pump starts.)

c. Structural Conditions: Check the overall cleanliness and physical condition of the
structure. Look for cracks, spalling or exposed reinforced bar. Check the conditions
of the floor, roof and walls. If cover tethers are used, verify that they are installed
properly and appear to be in good physical condition.

d. Racks and Saddles: Do the cable racks, saddle, and other structural components
appear to be in good working order? Are any saddles missing their porcelain

e. Ducts: Are the duct entrances chipped or cracked and in need of grouting? Are
the ducts properly sealed?

f. Cables, services, and other conductors: Inspect all cables for insulation wear or
abrasion. Be especially mindful of exposed conductors and visible burnouts. Is the
insulation swollen, damaged, peeling, cracked, or burnt? Do the cables show signs
of excessive heating? Inspect for leaking cables.

g. Joints: Look for leaking, swollen, imploded, or otherwise deformed joints. Do any
joints show signs of excessive heating? What about burning or arcing?

h. Neutral cable and connections: Do the neutral conductors and connections appear
to be in good working condition? Is any bond broken? Is the neutral bus appearing
to be in good working condition?

i. Transformers and other equipment: Does all equipment appear to be in good

working condition? Are there any leaks? Are there any cracked or damaged bushings?
Does any equipment show signs of arcing, burning, or excessive heating?

7.3.2 Cable Fault and Fault Locations

Use fault locating equipment when a check of associated equipment and lines confirms
that the fault is actually in the cable, and visual methods fail to locate the fault. Since
no single test will locate all types of faults, the type of fault must be determined in
order to use the most suitable test method to locate it. To determine the type of fault, a

93  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
portable insulation testing set, such as Megger is most commonly employed. For safety
purpose, the section of cable under test must be disconnected from feeders, buses, and

1) Types of faults: Cable insulation failures result in low- or high-resistance faults,

because one or combinations of the following conditions occur:

a. Ground fault: One or more of the conductors may be grounded.

b. Short circuit: Two or more conductors may be short circuited.

c. Open circuit: One or more conductors may be open circuited.

d. Combination of above.

2) Checking for fault types

In case of a cable fault, the information about the fault, such as type of fault, distance
to fault, is made available from substation relay. If such information is not available,
supplementary procedures are required to attain the necessary fault information.

a. Grounded conductor: In checking for a grounded conductor, the insulation tester

is successively connected between each conductor and ground with the far end of
the cable open circuited. A good conductor will indicate a resistance commensurate
with that of its insulation. A grounded conductor will show a very low resistance.

b. Short circuit: In checking for a short circuit, the insulation tester is successively
connected between each possible combination of conductors. Far ends of the
cable must be open-circuited. A low reading indicates a short circuit between the
conductors under testing.

c. Open circuit: The continuity of the conductors is determined by grounding the

conductors at the far end and then testing between each conductor and ground. If
the conductors are continuous, the resistance reads low. If an open circuit exists, the
tester will indicate a very high resistance.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 94
3) Fault location

The method that generally applied for locating the cable fault comprises the

a. The halving method: The procedure consists of isolating the fault by progressively
limiting it to one half of the previously considered length of cable. Start cutting the
cable halfway down and megger both sections to identify which of two sections
contains the fault. Next, cut the faulty section halfway and megger both sub-sections.
Continue until a small faulty section is isolated. It is time consuming and costly.
Preferably, modern methods utilizing sophisticated signaling instruments should
be applied, if feasible.

b. Murray loop resistance bridge method: To use this method, the grounded
conductor must be continuous at the fault and a continuous ungrounded conductor
in the faulted cable must be available. The accuracy of this method is directly related
to the accuracy of the plans showing cable routing. The fault is located in terms
of the distance from its cable terminal by measuring and comparing electrical
characteristics of the faulted cable and an unfaulted conductor. It is essentially a
Wheatstone bridge of the slide-wire type. When the bridge is balanced, the fault
distance is found as indicated in Figure 29. Instructions for use, including applicable
mathematical formulas, should be supplied with the instrument.

Figure 29: Murray Loop Bridge Method

95  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
c. Time domain reflectometer (TDR) method: This method is based upon the
measurement of the time t it takes a generated pulse to reach the fault and be reflected
back. The fault distance d equals the cable propagation velocity v multiplied by t and
divided by two, which results in the equation below.


The TDR analyzer measures the reflection time and the fault distance is automatically
calculated based on the entered velocity of the pulse travel, which is usually the ratio of
the cable’s propagation factor to the speed of light (a value of less than one). The analyzer
can determine whether the fault is open-circuited or short circuited based on waveform
reflections as shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30: Cable Fault Waveform Reflections

4) Selection of cable fault locating methods

The fault locating method differs dependent upon the way the cable is installed.

a. Duct line: Pinpointing the fault between structures, e.g., manholes, is unnecessary
since the entire length between structures of a faulty cable must be replaced. Normal
tracing methods (e.g., gas sniffer) or visual signs (e.g., manhole cover blown out)
may be implemented. Murray loop resistance bridge method can be employed as
supplementary to the previous mentioned method.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 96
b. Direct burial: The fault-locating method for direct-burial installations must
pinpoint the fault, so that the repairs can be made at the point of failure. Generally,
such faults can be best located with impulse equipment such as with the TDR
method. Faults can also be located by patrolling the cable and listening for the noise
of an impulse discharge. On longer cables it may be preferable to use some other
means, such as a Murray Loop resistant bridge method, to obtain an approximate
fault location. In the absence of audible noise, test holes must be dug so that detector
tests can be carried out using a tracer method.

7.3.3 Cable Repair Procedure

After the location of a fault has been pinpointed, the cable needs to be repaired to
restore the power. While repair methods described below are basically the same for
any underground cable, there may be some variations depending on the installation

1) Direct burial: While there may be splice boxes, normally there is no structure to
consider, and a hole will have to be dug to repair the cable. This could well be a test
hole used earlier to pinpoint the fault location. Such access may have to be enlarged if
the repair involves an appreciable length of cable. The major challenge in repairing a
direct-burial cable is ensuring dry environment for the repair work. A temporary shelter
may be required.

2) Duct line: If the faulty cable length is in a duct line between structures (e.g., manholes),
there are several possible repair methods. Usually, only one circuit is installed in a duct
line in order to avoid the derating of cable capacity.

a. Spare duct: If there is a spare duct available, the simplest solution may be to pull a
new length of a cable into this duct and connect it to the good ends of the faulty cable.
Then pull out the faulty cable, if possible, to provide a spare duct. At the very least,
put a tag at both ends to indicate that the cable is faulty and has been abandoned. .

b. No spare duct: The faulty cable should be pulled out and replaced by a new
cable. If this is not possible because of duct damage, a new duct must be installed.
Alternately, it may be faster and more economical to open up the duct line at the

97  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
point of fault. If the cable can be repaired without a splice, the duct line can be closed
again. It may be necessary to build one or more new structures at the fault location
to house any new cable by splicing into the existing cable. The method to be used is
largely a matter of judgment based on all the factors known at the time.

7.4 Field Tests on Cable

7.4.1 Need for Field Testing

Although medium and high voltage power cables are carefully tested by manufacturers
before shipment, some defects may still not be detected. More likely, damage
during shipment, storage, or installation may occur. Additional testing of completed
installations including all the joints and terminations may be conducted prior to being
put in service. Many users observe that as the time passes, these cable systems degrade
and service failures become more frequent. Cable users may perform periodic tests to
reduce or eliminate failures. Further, cable users need special diagnostic tests as an aid
to determine the most optimum economic replacement interval for deteriorated cables.

7.4.2 Definitions Installation Tests: Field tests that are conducted after cable installation but
before jointing (splicing) or terminating. The test is intended to detect any damages
occurred during shipping, storage, or installation. Acceptance Test: A field test made after cable system installation but before it is
placed in normal service. It includes testing terminations and joints.. The test is intended
to further detect any damages during installation and also to show any gross defects or
errors in the installation of other system components. Maintenance Test: A field test made during the operating life of a cable system.
It is intended to detect deterioration of the system and to check the serviceability so that
suitable maintenance procedures can be initiated. Type 1 Field Test: A test intended to detect defects in the insulation of a cable
system in order to improve the service reliability after the defective part is removed and
appropriate repairs are performed. These tests are usually achieved by application of

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 98
moderately increased voltages across the insulation for a prescribed duration. Such tests
may be categorized as pass/fail or go/no go or withstand/ destructive test. Type 2 Field Test: A diagnostic test intended to provide indications of insulation
deterioration. Some of these tests will show the overall condition of a cable system,
while others will indicate the locations of discrete defects, which may become the
sites of future failures. Both varieties of such tests are usually performed by means of
moderately increased voltages applied for relatively short duration, or by means of low
voltages. Due to the relatively low level of harmful stress involved, this test is also called
diagnostic or non-destructive test.

7.4.3 Methods of Field Test on Cable DC High-Potential Test

The DC hi-potential withstand test is a Pass/Fail test that has been applied to all types of
cables and accessories. The advantage of this test lies in its relatively simple and light-
weight, portable test equipment. The test involves the measurement of leakage current
when a high voltage (above nominal) is applied to the conductor while the metallic shield
of the cable is grounded. The behavioral characteristics of the leakage current are evaluated
to determine the condition of the cable, specifically the insulation. To perform the test on
distribution cables, the DC test voltage equal to 4 U0 shall be applied for 15 min.

Rated voltage U0/U (Um) 3.6/6 6/10 8.7/15 12/20 18/30

(kV) (7.2) (12) (17.5) (24) (36)
Test voltage (kV) 14.4 24 34.8 48 72
Table 25 : DC Test Voltage according to IEC 60502-2005

Although IEC 60502-2005 still allows DC withstand test on MV XLPE cable, the
results from various studies and utility experiences have shown that DC testing mostly
finds conductive type gross workmanship errors in extruded dielectric cable systems. It
hardly detects insulation defects -- even a massive one -- in extruded dielectric insulation.
Consequently, DC hi-potential testing is recommended only for paper insulated cable
systems and for performing a safety check before switching an extruded cable system into
service (to prove that the system is not grounded).

99  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Furthermore, DC hi-potential testing of extruded insulation cables that have been service-
aged in a wet environment at the currently recommended DC voltage levels may cause
the cables to fail after they are returned to service. Space charges (trapped charge) that can
occur under elevated DC voltages at the sites of these water trees or other defect sites in
insulation can result in localized stress enhancements. With the reapplication of normal
AC power to the cable, these localized stressed areas at the water tree sites can ultimately
lead to an electrical tree or trees. Once an electrical tree has been initiated, complete cable
failure is normally imminent and inevitable. Such failures would not have occurred at that
point in time if the cables had remained in service and not been tested with DC. AC Voltage Withstand Test

Alternating voltage tests at power line frequencies stress the insulation in a manner similar
to normal operation. The test is similar to that used in the factory on new reels of cable.
A serious disadvantage of power frequency AC tests at increased voltage levels is the
requirement for heavy, bulky, and expensive test transformers that may not be readily
transportable to a field site. And the additional disadvantage is the high power consumption
of test unit. Thus the AC test voltage to be applied shall be subject to an agreement between
the supplier and the user.

For distribution cable, an AC withstand voltage test at power frequency can be performed
as follows:

a) Test for 5 min with the phase-to-phase voltage of the system applied between the
conductor and the metallic screen/sheath; or

b) Test for 24 hours with the normal operating voltage of the system.

For transmission cable, the waveform of AC test voltage shall be substantially sinusoidal
and the frequency shall be between 20 Hz and 300 Hz. Alternatively, the AC voltage test at
power frequency may be conducted for 24 hours with the normal operating voltage of the
system applied to the primary insulation.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 100
Value of U0 for
Highest voltage for Voltage test after
Rated voltage Determination of test
equipment installation
U (kV) Um (kV) U0(kV) (kV)
45 to 47 52 26 52
60 to 69 72.5 36 72
110 to 115 123 64 128
132 to 138 145 76 132
150 to 161 170 87 150

Table 26 : AC Test Voltage according to IEC 60840-2004 Very Low Frequency Test

In order to leverage the benefits of both DC and AC test philosophy, a very low frequency
(VLF) testing incorporates the application of an AC voltage at a low frequency (in the range
of 0.01 to 1.00 Hz). The typical frequency applied is 0.1 Hz. VLF testing methods can be
categorized as withstand (Type 1) or diagnostic (Type 2). In withstand testing, insulation
defects are caused to break down (fault) at the time of testing. Faults are repaired, and the
insulation is retested until it passes the withstand test. The withstand test is considered to
be a destructive test.

Diagnostic testing allows the identification of the condition of a degraded cable system and
establishes, by comparison with figures of merit, if a cable system can or cannot continue
operation. Diagnostic testing is considered nondestructive.

The recommended test voltage is 2.0 to 3.0 times the cables’ normal line to ground voltage
(2U0 – 3U0). The recommended test duration is 15 to 60 minutes. The test voltage and
time are dependent on the type of test being performed (i.e., installation, acceptance, or
maintenance). A properly implemented VLF test will not cause damage to good insulation,
but will reveal any cable system defects during the test.

101  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Cable Rating phase to Installation Test Acceptance Test Maintenance Test
phase (rms) phase to ground phase to ground phase to ground
kVrms (or peak) kVrms (or peak) kVrms (or peak) kVrms (or peak)
5 9 (13) 10 (14) 7 (10)
8 11 (16) 13 (18) 10 (14)
15 18 (25) 20 (28) 16 (22)
25 27 (38) 31 (44) 23 (33)
35 39 (55) 44 (62) 33 (47)

Table 27 : VLF Test Voltage according to IEEE 400.2-2004 Partial Discharge Test

Partial Discharge (PD) testing is a diagnostic (Type 2) test that analyzes cable systems for
defects occurred during manufacturing, transportation, and installation. A partial discharge
is a localized electrical breakdown in the electrical insulation system under voltage stress
that only partially bridged the insulation between conductors. It may or may not occur
adjacent to a conductor. The discharge may occur in a gas-filled void within the extruded
cable insulation. It can occur at the interface between a shield protrusion and the insulation,
at a shield skip, at the boundaries of a contaminant, or at the tip of a well-developed water
tree. PD can also occur in a cable termination, in a joint, in air, or within a cable. PD
testing can be implemented online or offline and is the only test that can detect, locate,
and characterize defects in cable insulation. Both methods – online and offline -- have
advantages and disadvantages. There are also different types of partial discharge detection
methods, one using the time domain and the other the frequency domain. Both types can
locate the source of the partial discharge.

Online methods do not require the cable system to be de-energized. It typically employs
high frequency current transformers (CTs) or capacitively coupled voltage sensors to detect
transient signals from discharges. Acoustic PD measurement techniques could potentially
be applied to parts of the cable system that allow direct contact. No external voltage source
is needed as the online technique provides testing under normal operating conditions.

Offline techniques energize the cable system with an external voltage source. The source
could be a power frequency sinusoidal source or alternative voltage sources that are non-

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 102
sinusoidal and/or having frequencies other than power frequency. The latter alternative
voltage sources may include VLF, damp alternating voltage, or impulse voltage. An
elevated AC voltage, about 1.5-1.7U0, is applied between the conductor and metallic shield
of the cable under test. An oscilloscope and/or proprietary digital signal analysis platform
is used to detect transient microvolt or microampere level signals that are generated at the
discharge site and travel through the cable to the detection equipment.

Partial discharge threshold levels have been established for factory testing of terminations,
joints, connectors and cable. Comparison of these values provides excellent reference for
the condition of the cable system. Dissipation Factor Test

Dissipation factor (DF) or tan delta (Tan δ) testing is a diagnostic test that provides a means
of measuring the AC dielectric losses of the insulation and then making a determination of
the condition of the cable based on this information. In theory, a shielded cable, which is a
dielectric sandwich between a central conductor and a surrounding metallic earth conductor,
is a perfect capacitor, if insulation is a perfect dielectric. However, such perfection may
not be obtained. This is because defects, such as water trees, electrical trees, moisture and
air pockets, are always existing in insulation body. As the cable ages, the dielectric loss
increases, and therefore, it is an important indication of the dielectric quality.

In a perfect capacitor, the voltage and current have the phase difference of 90 degrees, and
the current through the insulation is capacitive. If there are impurities in the insulation, like
those mentioned above, the resistance of the insulation decreases, resulting in an increase
in resistive current through the insulation. It is no longer a perfect capacitor. The current
and voltage will no longer have 90 degrees phase difference. It will be something, say δ
degrees, less than 90 degrees. This will indicate the level of resistance in the insulation.
By measuring and comparing resistive current over capacitive current (IR/IC), we can
determine the quality of the cable insulation. In a perfect cable, the angle would be
nearly zero. An increasing angle indicates an increase in the resistive current through the
insulation, meaning insulation contamination or deterioration. The greater is the angle, the
worse is the cable.

103  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
The cable to be tested must be de-energized and each end isolated. Using a VLF or other
AC voltage sources, the test voltage is applied to the cable while the tan δ controller takes
measurements. Typically, the applied test voltage is raised in steps, with measurements first
taken up to 1U0, or normal line to ground operating voltage. If the tan δ numbers indicate
good cable insulation, the test voltage is raised up to 1.5 – 2U0. The tan δ numbers at the
higher voltages are compared to those at lower voltages and an analysis is done. However,
there are not standard formulae or benchmarks to ascertain the success of a tan δ test. The
health of the insulation is obtained by observing the nature of the trend, which is plotted.
A steady, straight trend would indicate a healthy insulation, while a rising trend would
indicate an insulation that has been contaminated with water and other impurities.

Figure 31 shows an example of test results, which can be interpreted as New, Aged or
Highly Degraded cable.

Figure 31 : Tan δ Test Results (K. Brown IEEE ICC Minutes Spring 2005) Test on Cable Jacket

For the tests stated in clauses –, the test voltage is applied between cable
conductor and metallic earth sheath. These tests prove the insulation integrity (Type
1) or help to diagnose the deterioration of insulation (Type 2). The cable outer jacket
(oversheath), which protects metallic earth sheath against aggression from external

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 104
environment, also requires proving its integrity. Damaged cable jacket can lead to water
ingress into inner metallic layer, resulting in its corrosion. Breaks in the metallic shield on
polymeric cables may lead to points of high electrical stress, which, in turn, may lead to
local partial discharge and eventual failure.

Oversheath integrity can be tested during installations tests. The test voltage shall be applied
between each metal sheath and metallic screen and the ground. As specified in IEC 60229,
a direct voltage of 4 kV per millimeter of specified thickness of extruded oversheath shall
be applied (with a maximum of 10 kV) between the metallic sheath or concentric wires or
tapes and the outer electrode for a period of 1 min. For the test to be effective, it is necessary
that the ground makes good contact with the complete outer surface of the oversheath. A
conductive layer on the oversheath, which may be moist backfill or a graphite layer, can
serve as an outer “electrode”. Selection of Test Methods

Each utility may select test methods according to its specific objectives, test objects and
the prevailing environment. Some utilities may still prefer DC hi-potential test because of
its light weight and ease of use. They may use this test to prove the gross conductive defect
occurred during installation. Some utilities, however, may not allow DC hi-potential test
but employ 24-hour cable energization instead. They may take this approach believing that
the installation process is strictly controlled and DC hi-potential test is harmful to the cable.
Since AC hi-pot test with fixed frequency at 50/60 Hz is comparatively heavy and costly,
VLF, resonance or damped AC voltage tester might be a compromised solution if an AC
hi-pot test is required.

Along with the operation of a cable system, maintenance testing is required to detect
deterioration and defective site development. In such cases the diagnostic methods of
partial discharge and tan δ are the most appropriate options. Table 28 summarizes the
ageing mechanisms, their causes and the most suitable diagnostic test methods that best
detect such imperfection.

105  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Cause Diagnostic Test Method
Water treeing (WT) Localized defects (LD), Water, Dissipation Factor(DF)
Electrical treeing (ET) LD, WT, Voltage PD
Partial discharges (PD) LD, ET, Voltage PD
Tracking Surface contamination, PD, visual
Interfacial voids, Voltage
Intrinsic breakdown Lightning none
Chemical changes, e.g., High temperature or direct DF
oxidation, hydrolysis contact with aggressive liquids
Thermomechanical Current overloading Visual, PD (if voids form due
to mechanical deformation)
Dielectric heating, thermal Current overloading, Visual (signs of overheating)
runaway, hot spots DF
Hardening/softening of High temperatures, exposure to Visual, PD if voids form,
insulation/shields/jackets solvents, etc. otherwise none
Concentric neutral corrosion Water, aggressive chemicals Time domain reflectometry
(TDR), resistance measurement
Weak spots Manufacturing, installation Hi-potential test: AC, VLF
Conductive type defects Workmanship errors Hi-potential test: DC, AC, VLF
Table 28: Summary of Different Tests

7.5 Cable Monitoring System

Utilities need to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of their underground cable system. This
objective can only be achieved through continuous monitoring and analysis of the condition of the
cable. It also gives the owner and operator confidence to make correct decisions regarding the available
capacity in the cable system. On the other hand, the main objectives of cable monitoring are preventing
cable failure by early detection of any deterioration; improving the operational availability; reducing
downtime of the system; and achieving loading optimization. Table 29 lists the methods for monitoring
an underground cable system.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 106
Measured Parameter Objectives
Operational current and voltage • Loading optimization for the network
• Short circuit current
• Temporary overvoltage
Axial distribution of cable • Hot spot recognition
temperature • Prediction of temperature trend due to overload
• Optimized thermal loading
Partial discharge monitoring • Early recognition, localization and assessment of cable
failure including its accessories
• Damage limitation
• Scheduling for shutdown and repairs
Water permeability under the cable • Localization of jacket damage
shield • Prevention of water treeing and cable shield corrosion
• Supplement to cable sheath test
SF6 monitoring of gas sealing end • Early recognition and assessment of leakage at cable
termination in gas insulated switchgear
• Damage limitation
• Scheduling for shutdown and repairs
Table 29 : Methods for Monitoring Underground Cable System

7.6 Conclusion

In order to maintain the reliability of power supplied by an underground cable system, one has to
understand the degradation and failure mechanisms of power cables. The most conservative approach
is to strictly operate the cable at less than its ampacity limit. However, this is not an option for utilities
anymore; utilities are now required to extract the best performance out of their cable system.

A utility has to cautiously manage its underground cable network. The cable testing as well as cable
monitoring system can help to identify the possible defects and prevent future failures. It is already known
that the failure of an underground cable results in relatively longer periods of power breakdown. Hence,
the implementation of appropriate maintenance and inspection procedures is extremely important.

107  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 

[1] Department of the Army, the Navy and the Air force: Technical Manual for Facilities
Engineering - Electrical Exterior Facilities

[2] Electric Power Research Institute, Utility Line Inspections and Audits: A Power Quality and
Reliability Guidebook: EPRI, Palo Alto, CA, 2007.

[3] IEEE Std 400 (2001): IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of
Shielded Power Cable Systems

[4] IEEE 400.2 (2004) : Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using
Very Low Frequency (VLF)

[5] IEC 60229 (1982): Tests on cable oversheaths which have a special protective function and
are applied by extrusion

[6] IEC 60502-2 (2005): Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) – Part 2: Cables for rated
voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)

[7] IEC 60840 (2004): Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated
voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) – Test methods and

[8] Prysmian’s Wire and Cable Engineering Guide

[9] Online Partial Discharge Monitoring and Diagnosis at Power Cable, 2009 Doble Engineering
Company – 76th Annual International Dobel Client Conference

[10] Cable Condition Monitoring to Improve Reliability, Olex Australia

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | 108


8.7/15 kV & 12/20 kV XLPE COPPER CABLE

100A Scope

This specification describes the requirements with which the manufacturer shall comply in order
to supply single conductor, copper cable, cross-linked polyethylene insulated, copper wire screen,
polyethylene sheathed and/or fire retardant PVC jacket, for 12 kV & 24 kV, 3 phase, 50 Hz,
solidly grounded neutral system, to Lower Mekong Sub-region utilities ( LMS).

100B Site and Service Condition

The cable shall be suitable for use in ducts, trays and for direct burial in ground. The cable is
subject to immerse in water all the time.

100C Reference Standards

Except otherwise specified elsewhere in the specification, the cable required by LMS shall be
manufactured and tested in conformity with the latest revision of the standards listed below : -

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Publication 60228(1978-01) : Conductors of Insulated Cables.
Publication 60502-2 (1997-04) : Power cables with extruded insulation and their
accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV(Um=1.2
kV) up to 30 kV (Um=36 kV)
Part 2 : Cable for rated voltage from 6 kV
(Um=7.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um=36 kV)
Publication 60332-3-22 (2000) : Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-
mounted bunched wires-Category A.
International Standard (ISO)
Publication 4589 (1996) : Determination of burning behavior by oxygen

If there are any minor parts deviated from the standards, they shall be clearly mentioned in the

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | A-1
The cable conforming to other national standards having similar characteristics and providing
equal performance and/or quality to those specified may be proposed. In this case, the complete
ENGLISH language copies of the standards shall be submitted with the quotation, otherwise such
offer may not be considered.

100D Test, Inspection and Test Report

100D1 The proposed cable shall have successfully passed all the type tests or design tests in
accordance with the reference standards except for fire retardant property as specified in clause 100I3.
The test shall be done by reputable independent test station or test station accepted by LMS.

The test reports of the proposed cables are required. Test reports of identical units are acceptable.
All test reports or a letter of confirmation that test report will be submitted to LMS within 30
(thirty) days after opening date shall be attached to the bid. If the type test reports are not delivered
to LMS within 30 (thirty) days after the opening date, LMS will not consider such offer.

100D2 The following routine tests shall be made on each reel of all finished cables in
accordance with the reference standards.

a) Measurement of electrical resistance of conductors.

b) Partial discharge test.
c) High voltage test.

100D3 The following special tests shall be made in accordance with the reference standards.

a) Conductor examination.
b) Check of dimension including measurement of external diameter.
c) Electrical test.
d) Hot set test for XLPE insulation.

The number of test sample shall be in accordance with clause 17.2 of IEC Publication 60502-2
or equal.

100D4 LMS reserves the right to send the representative at his expense to inspect and witness
tests of the material and equipment during manufacturing, at the time of shipment or at any time
he deems necessary. The supplier shall provide free access to the facilities where the equipment
is being manufactured and shall satisfy the representatives that the material and equipment are in
accordance with this specification and purchase contract.

A-2  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
The number of samples to be witnessed shall be as follows :-

Numbers to be witnessed
For routine tests as specified in clause 100D2 At least 10% of the total test samples
For special tests as specified in clause 100D3 All test samples

100D5 Prior to the shipment, the supplier shall submit to LMS the complete and certified reports
of all tests made in 6 (six) copies. The test reports shall contain all data required for their complete
understanding such as; diagrams, methods, instruments, constants and values used in the tests and
the results obtained.

100E Conductor

The conductor shall be plain annealed copper and shall be compact round concentric lay stranded
construction conformable to IEC Publication 60228-1978 or equal or compact segmental

100F Conductor Screen

100F1 The conductor screen is a conducting material of at least 0.0635 mm thick applied by the
tandem extruded with the insulation over the surface of the conductor.

100F2 The extruded conductor screen shall have a maximum volume resistivity of 5,000 Ω.cm
at room temperature, and 50,000 Ω.cm at 90°C, and have 100 per cent minimum elongation after
air oven test at 121°C for 7 (seven)days.

100G Insulation

100G1 The insulation shall be unfilled, no carbon black, cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE),
simultaneously extruded with the semi-conductive conductor screen and insulation screen layer,
whose properties meet electrical requirements specified in column 5 of Table 15, mechanical
requirements in column 6 of Table 17 and particular requirements in column 5 of Table 21 of IEC
Publication 60502-2 or equal.

100G2 Only the dry curing process is required. Conventional steam or hot water curing processes
are not accepted.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | A-3
100G3 The average thickness of insulation shall not be less than the nominal value specified in
the table of clause 100N.

100G4 The minimum thickness shall not be less than 90 per cent of the nominal value specified
in the table of clause 100N.

100H Insulation Screen

The insulation screen shall consist of nonmetallic covering directly over the insulation and
nonmagnetic metal component directly over the nonmetallic covering. Nonmagnetic metal
component shall be copper wire only.

100H1 Nonmetallic covering having maximum volume resistivity of 50,000 Ω.cm at room
temperature and rated temperature shall be applied over the insulation in one or more layers in
direct contact and shall be plainly identified as being conducting.

Nonmetallic screen may consist of a conducting tape or a layer of conducting compound having
minimum thickness of 0.0635 mm. If an extruded covering is used, the tension necessary to
remove an extruded covering from cable at room temperature shall not be less than 13.3 N.

100H2 Copper wire screen shall consist of plain annealed copper flat or round wires applied
helically over the nonmetallic covering. The wires shall be electrically continuous and bonded
together throughout the cable length with copper contact tape.

The total cross-sectional area of the screen and minimum number of wire shall be not less than
the specified value in the table of clause 100N.

100I Nonmetallic Sheath

100I1 Over the copper ground screen, a fabric or mylar tape shall be applied for the manner of
separator under nonmetallic sheath.

100I2 For PE sheathed copper cable, the sheath shall be ST7 compound black polyethylene
whose properties meet mechanical requirements specified in column 6 of Table 18 of IEC
Publication 60502-2 or equal and shall be suitable for use with the cable having maximum
conductor temperature of 90°C.

A-4  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
100I3 For fire retardant PVC sheathed copper cable, the sheath shall be black, flame retardant,
PVC. The oxygen Index of non metallic sheath material shall be not less than 30 measured
according to ISO 4589 or equivalent, certified test report from raw material manufacturer or
reputable independent institution accepted by LMS shall be submitted for approval. The flame
retardant non-metallic sheath shall be able to stop flame propagation along vertical or horizontal
cable ways and delay damage to cables. Test on completed cable under fire condition according
to IEC 60332-3-22 or equivalent by reputable independent institution accepted by LMS or LMS
‘s approved test station witnessed by LMS ‘s representative shall be submitted before shipment.

100I4 The average thickness of sheath shall not be less than the nominal value specified in the
table of clause 100N.

100I5 The minimum thickness shall not be less than 80 per cent of the nominal value specified
in the table of clause 100N.

100I6 The sheath shall be resistant to petrol, oil, acids and alkalis.

100J Marking

100J1 On the surface of the sheath, it shall have the following information marked at the interval
of not more than 50 cm.

For PE sheathed copper cable

LMS underground cable for A kV system size B mm2, Contract No. C : D.


A : system voltage.
B : the nominal cross-sectional area of conductor.
C : the Purchase Contract Number.
D : Manufacturer’s name or symbol.

The colour of making shall be white.

For fire retardant PVC sheathed copper cable

LMS fire retardant PVC sheathed underground cable for A kV system size B mm2, Contract
No. C : D.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | A-5
A : system voltage.
B : the nominal cross-sectional area of conductor.
C : the Purchase Contract Number.
D : Manufacturer’s name or symbol.
The colour of making shall be yellow.

100J2 Continuous reel length marking(in figure) shall be made on the sheath at every 1 meter
starting from “0”

100K Additional requirements for Packing

100K1 The cable shall be delivered on returnable metallic drums having preferable dimensions
as followings :-

Unit 70-240 mm2 400 mm2 800 mm2

Flange diameter cm 160 180 220
Drum diameter cm 80 80 120
Outer width cm 95 95 95

100K2 The standard length of cable per reel shall be 500 m with the tolerance of 5 per cent. The
length of cable per reel less than the specified standard length shall not be accepted.

100K3 An amount not exceeding 10 per cent of the total may be delivered in random length, the
said lengths are to be not less than 50 per cent of the standard length.

100K4 Reel shall be lagged with suitable lagging of wood thickness not less than 23 mm or
equivalent lagging. A steel plate of 7 mm minimum thickness (10 mm thickness preferred) shall
be fixed at an arbor hole of each outer face of the reel. The steel plate shall be drilled for insertion
of temporary axle. Arbor hole diameter shall be between 70-110 mm.

100K5 The reel shall be marked with at least the following :-

a) Conductor type and size.

b) The system voltage
c) Manufacturer’s name or symbol.
d) Contract number and year of production.
e) Length of cable.
f) Gross and Net weight.
g) The wording “Returnable Drum” on both flanges of reel.

A-6  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
100K6 LMS will not be responsible for the payment of the supplied cables excessive from the
length specified in the contract, and on the contrary if the supplied cables are shorter than the
length required in the contract, LMS will pay according to the actual length supplied only.

100L Return of Cable Drum

100L1 LMS will inform the supplier to bring back the empty drum within 540 days after the cable
has been arrived and accepted by LMS. If the supplier does not bring the drums to his belonging
within 30 days after being informed, LMS reserves the right to take action at LMS’s discretion.

100L2 LMS will return the drum at normal wear and tear conditions. If the drum requires to be
refurbished such as repainting, it shall be borne by the supplier.

100M Additional Requirement for Responsibility

If the cable is damaged within the guaranteed period, the manufacturer shall promptly investigate,
repair or replace it if the damaged is cause by the cable itself. The replacement shall be submitted
to LMS within 60 days after being first informed otherwise the performance security shall be

100N Attached Table

Table of 8.7/15 kV and 12/20 kV XLPE copper cable are as follow:-

Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 70 240 400

Min. number of wires in conductor 12 34 53
Diameter of conductor mm 9.73 ± 1% 18.47 ± 1% 23.39 ± 1%
Thickness of conductor screen, minimum mm 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635
Thickness of insulation mm 4.5 4.5 4.5
Range of diameter over insulation mm 19.7-21.7 28.5-31.4 33.4-36.7
Thickness of insulation screen, minimum mm 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635
Number of wire screen, minimum 20 30 30
Total cross-sectional area of copper wire screen, minimum mm 2
10 25 25
Thickness of non-metallic sheath mm 1.8 2.0 2.3
Range of overall diameter mm 26.0-27.1 37.5-40.0 43.0-45.5
Max. dc resistance of conductor at 20°C Ω /km 0.268 0.0754 0.0470

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | A-7
Nominal cross- mm2 70 120 240 400 800
sectional area of
Min. number of wires 12 18 34 53 53
in conductor
Diameter of conductor mm 9.73 ± 1% 12.95 ± 1% 18.47 ± 1% 23.39 ± 1% 34.00 ± 1%

Thickness of mm 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635

conductor screen,
Thickness of mm 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Range of diameter mm 21.7-23.9 25.0-27.4 30.5-33.5 35.4-38.9 46.0-50.6
over insulation
Thickness of mm 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635
insulation screen,
Number of wire 20 20 30 30 35
screen, minimum
Total cross-sectional mm2 10 10 25 25 25
area of copper wire
screen, minimum
Thickness of non-metallic mm 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.6
Range of overall diameter mm 28.0-30.0 31.0-35.0 39.0-42.2 44.5-48.0 57.5-61.0
Max. dc resistance of Ω/km 0.268 0.153 0.0754 0.0470 0.0221
conductor at 20ºC

Table of 12/20 kV XLPE Copper Cable

A-8  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 



200A Scope

This specification describes the requirements with which the manufacturer shall comply in order
to supply 69 kV and 115 kV XLPE copper cable, single conductor, cross-linked polyethylene
insulated, copper wire screen, polyethylene sheathed and/or fire retardant PVC sheated for 69 kV
and 115 kV solidly grounded neutral system to Lower Mekong Sub-region utilities(LMS).

200B Site and Service Conditions

The cable shall be suitable for use in ducts, trays and direct burial in ground, subjected to immerse
in water all the time.

The cable shall be suitable for use at conductor temperature of 90ºC continuously for normal
operation, 130ºC for emergency overload condition and 250ºC for short-circuit condition.

200C Reference Standards

Except otherwise specified elsewhere in the specification, the cable required by LMS shall be
manufactured and tested in conformity with the latest revision of the standards listed below : -

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Publication 60228 (1978-01) : Conductors of Insulated Cables
Publication 60840 (1999-02) : Tests methods and requirements for Power cables with
extruded insulation for rated voltages above 30 kV
(Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV)
Publication 60332-3-22 (2000) : Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted
bunched wires-Category A
International Standard (ISO)
Publication 4589 (1996) : Determination of burning behavior by oxygen index

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | B-1
If there are any minor parts deviated from the standards, they shall be clearly mentioned in the

The cable conforming to other national standards having similar characteristics and providing
equal performance and/or quality to those specified may be proposed. In this case, the complete
ENGLISH language copies of the standards shall be submit-ted with the quotation, otherwise
such offer may not be considered.

200D Test, Inspection and Test Report

200D1 The proposed cable shall have successfully passed all the type tests ac-cording to the
reference standard except for fire retardant property as specified in clause 200N2. The test shall
be done by reputable independent test station accepted by LMS. All test reports or a letter of
confirmation that test report will be submitted to LMS within 15 (fifteen) days after opening date
shall be attached to the bid. If the documents are not de-livered to LMS within 15 (fifteen) days
after the opening date, LMS will not consider such offer.

200D2 Cable manufacturer, who have no type test report of the proposed cable, can submit a
type test report of the higher voltage XLPE Cable with the same or larger conductor size for
consideration, without the need to do the type test after contract. In case the cable components from
test report are different from the proposed cable, the type test reports for the cable components
including fire retardant property (if applicable) shall be done be-fore shipment.

200D3 The following special tests and routine test shall be carried out in order to determine
whether the cable comply with the specification. If any tests required the agreement between
the purchaser and the manufacturer, the test method shall be proposed by the manufacturer and
approved by LMS be-fore such tests can be proceeded. Where test voltages are specified in this
specification as multiples of the rated voltage Uo, the value of Uo for the determination of the test
voltages shall be as specified in table I.

Rated nominal voltage Value of Uo for determination of test voltages

(kV) (kV)
69 36
115 64
Table I

B-2  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
200D4 Special tests

The special tests shall be made on one length from each manufacturing se-ries of the same type
and size of cable, but shall be limited to not more than 10% of the number of lengths in the
contract, rounded to the upper unity.

a) Conductor examination and check of dimensions

b) Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor
c) Hot set test
d) Measurement of capacitance

Note : The test in 200D4 b) and d) may be made on complete drum length of cable, taken to
represent batches.

200D5 Routine tests

a) Partial discharge test

b) Voltage test
c) Electrical test on non-metallic sheath

200D6 LMS reserves the right to send the representative at his expense to inspect and witness
tests of the material and equipment during manufacturing, at the time of shipment or at any time
he deems necessary. The supplier shall provide free access to the facilities where the equipment
is being manufactured and shall satisfy the representatives that the material and equipment are in
accordance with this specification and purchase contract.

The number of samples to be witnessed shall be as follows : -

Special test Numbers of sample to be witnessed

• Conductor examination and check of dimensions
• Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor 1
• Hot set test
Table II

Routine test Numbers of sample to be witnessed

• Partial discharge test
• Voltage test 2
• Electrical test on non-metallic sheath
Table III

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | B-3
200D7 Prior to the shipment, the supplier shall submit to LMS the complete and certified reports
of all tests made in 6 (six) copies. The test reports shall contain all data required for their complete
understanding such as; diagrams, methods, instruments, constants and values used in the tests and
the results obtained.

200E Conductor

The conductor shall be plain annealed copper and shall be compact round concentric lay stranded
construction conformable to IEC Publication 60228 or compact segmental stranded.

200F Conductor Screen

200F1 Over the conductor, semi-conductive cross-linked polyethylene shall be extruded as

conductor screen layer.

200F2 The average thickness of the conductor screen shall not be less than the nominal value
specified in table V of clause 200S.

200F3 The minimum thickness of the conductor screen shall not be less than 80 per cent of the
nominal value specified in table V of clause 200S.

200G Insulation

200G1 The insulation shall be unfilled, no carbon black, cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE),
simultaneously extruded with the semi-conductive conductor screen layer and insulation screen

200G2 Only the dry curing process is required. Conventional steam or hot water curing processes
are not accepted.

200G3 The average thickness of the insulation shall not be less than the nominal value specified
in table V of clause 200S.

200G4 The minimum thickness of the insulation shall not be less than 90 per cent of the nominal
value specified in table V of clause 200S and additionally :

maximum thickness - minimum thickness

≤ 0.12
maximum thickness

B-4  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
where maximum thickness and minimum thickness are the measured values at one and the same
cross-section of the insulation.

200H Insulation Screen

200H1 Over the XLPE insulation, semi-conductive cross-linked polyethylene shall be extruded
as insulation screen layer.

200H2 The average thickness of the insulation screen shall not be less than the nominal value
specified in table V of clause 200S.

200H3 The minimum thickness of the insulation screen shall not be less than 80 per cent of the
nominal value specified in table V of clause 200S.

200I Synthetic Water Blocking Layer

200I1 A semi-conductive non-biodegradable water blocking layer shall be provided under the
metallic screen to provide a continuous longitudinal watertight barrier throughout the cable

200I2 This layer shall be compatible with other cable materials and shall not effect corroding
acting on adjacent metal layers during heat aging of the cable.

200J Metallic Screen (Grounding Screen)

200J1 The metallic screen shall be a concentric layer of copper wires which is electrically
continuous and bonded together throughout the cable length with copper contact tape.

200J2 The total cross-sectional area and minimum number of wires of the metallic screen shall
not be less than the value specified in table V of clause 200S.

200K Synthetic Water Blocking and Cushioning Tape

200K1 A non-conductive non-biodegradable water blocking tape shall be applied over the
metallic screen to provide a continuous longitudinal watertight barrier throughout the cable

200K2 The tape shall have sufficient thickness to perform well as a thermal stress relief layer and
to provide for cushioning and bedding.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | B-5
200K3 The tape shall be compatible with other cable materials and shall not effect corroding
acting on adjacent metal layers during heat aging of the cable.

200L Radial Water Barrier

As a protection against formation of water trees in the insulation, a traverse water barrier consisting
of laminated aluminum tape having average thickness at least 0.19 mm coated on both sides with
an ethylene acrylic acid adhesive co-polymer or polyethylene shall be incorporated under the
non-metallic sheath.

200M Marking

Manufacturer’s name or trade name, year of manufacture, and contract number at appropriate
interval shall be provided throughout the cable by inserting identification tape between radial
water barrier layer and outer longitudinal water blocking layer, or on the outer longitudinal water

200N Non-metallic Sheath

200N1 The sheath shall be ST7 compound black polyethylene suitable for use with the cable
having maximum conductor temperature of 90ºC and 130ºC under normal and emergency
condition respectively unless other-wise specified.

200N2 For fire retardant cable, the sheath shall be black, flame retardant, PVC. The oxygen
Index of non metallic sheath material shall be not less than 30 measured according to ISO 4589
or equivalent, certified test report from raw material manufacturer or reputable independent
institution accepted by LMS shall be submitted for approval. The flame retardant non-metallic
sheath shall be able to stop flame propagation along vertical or horizontal cable ways and delay
damage to cables. Test on completed cable under fire condition according to IEC 60332-3-22
or equivalent by reputable independent institution accepted by LMS shall be submitted before

200N3 For 69 & 115 kV PE sheathed, the sheath shall be of ribbed type having crest width and
depth of approx. 2.5 mm each and center to center distance between crests shall be approx. 7 mm.
see figure 1

B-6  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Figure 1

200N4 For 69 & 115kV fire retardant PVC sheathed, the sheath shall be of ribbed type same as
clause 200N3 except the crest width at the quarters four shall be approx. 5 mm. instead of 2.5
mm. see figure 2

Figure 2

200N5 The average thickness of the sheath (excluding rib) shall not be less than the nominal
value specified in table V of clause 200S.

200N6 The minimum thickness of the sheath (excluding rib) shall not be less than 85 per cent of
the nominal value specified in table V of clause 200S.

200O Cable End Sealing

Immediately after factory test, the cable inner end shall be greased by silicone paste and covered
by PVC end cap, and the cable outer end shall be connected with mois-ture-proof pulling eye of
sufficient strength. Cable rib shall be removed before seal-ing.

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | B-7
200P Additional Requirements for Packing

200P1 The cable shall be delivered on returnable metallic drums having maxi-mum dimensions
as follows:-

69 & 115 kV
800 mm2
Flange diameter cm 300
Drum diameter cm 170
Outer width cm 170

200P2 Length of 69 & 115 kV 800 mm2 cable per drum shall be 500 + 5 m and maximum weight
shall be approximately 8500 kg.

200P3 Cable length of the last drum shall be adjustable to meet the length specified in the
purchase contract but not less than 50 per cent of the length of cable per drum.

200P4 The cable drums shall be arranged to take a round spindle and to be lagged with strong,
closely fitting battens so as to prevent damage to the cable. Each drum shall bear a distinguishing
number, either branded or neatly chiseled on the outside of one flange. Manufacturer name,
particulars of the cables, i.e. voltage, length, conductor size, number of cores, gross and net
weights, and the wording “Returnable Drum” shall be shown clearly on both flanges of the
drum. The direction of rolling shall be indicated by an arrow.

200P5 A steel plate, round, square or hexagonal in shape of suitable thickness shall be fixed
at arbor hole of each outer face of the drum. The steel plate shall be drilled for insertion of
temporary axle. Diameter of hole shall be 13 cm.

200P6 LMS will not be responsible for the payment of the supplied cables excessive from the
length specified in the contract, and on the contrary if the supplied cables are shorter than the
length required in the contract, LMS will pay according to the actual length supplied only.

200Q Return of Cable Drum

200Q1 LMS will inform the supplier to bring back the empty drum within 540 days after the
cable has been arrived and accepted by LMS. If the supplier does not bring the drums to his
belonging within 30 days after being in-formed, LMS reserves the right to take action at LMS’s

B-8  |  Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
200Q2 LMS will return the drum at normal wear and tear conditions. If the drum requires to be
refurbished such as repainting, it shall be borne by the supplier.

200R Additional Requirement for Responsibility

If the cable is damaged within the guaranteed period, the manufacturer shall promptly
investigate, repair or replace it if the damaged is cause by the cable itself. The replacement
shall be submitted to LMS within 60 days after being first in-formed otherwise the performance
security shall be forfeited.

200S Attached Table

Table of 69 and 115 kV XLPE copper cable is as follows:-

Table V
69 kV and 115 kV XLPE Copper Cable

Rated nominal voltage kV 69 115

Nominal cross-sectional area mm 2
800 800
Minimum number of wires in the conductor 53 53
Diameter of conductor mm 34 34
Thickness of conductor screen mm 1.5 1.5
Thickness of insulation mm 11 16
Range of diameter over insulation mm 59-62 69-72
Thickness of insulation screen mm 1.5 1.5
Total cross-sectional area of copper wire
mm2 120 120
screen, minimum
Minimum number of screen wires 50 70
Average thickness of aluminum tape in radial
mm 0.19 0.19
water barrier, minimum
Thickness of non-metallic sheath (excluding
mm 3.5 3.5
Range of diameter over rib-bottom of the
mm 76-81 86-91
Maximum dc resistance of conductor at 20ºC Ω/km 0.0221 0.0221

Handbook of Underground Power Cables  | B-9

Handbook of Underground Power Cables 
Power Cables Handbook Cover.pdf 5/9/11 3:56:57 PM

While the installation and use of much
energy-efficient equipment is being well

A Specifications Handbook for Power Cables in the Lower Mekong Sub-region

considered and actioned, the energy losses
in undersized power cables are frequently

ignored. If cables are installed with a
A joint effort This is part of a technical conductor size that is the minimum allowed
of a technical specification initiative by
to avoid overheating, energy losses can be
initiative by | Electricité du Cambodge, very significant.

| Electricité du Laos,

| Hanoi Power Company,

A reduction in losses brings about not only
a reduction in fuel costs, but also in plant HANDBOOK
capacity needed to provide the losses at
| Ho Chi Minh City Power Company, times of peak generation.
Specially published for the benefit of power utilities
Harmonisation of Power Distribution
| Metropolitan Electricity
The cost of energy is generally companies, power engineers, power designers and
Authority of Thailand & Systems in the Lower Mekong Subregion
supply chain in the Lower Mekong Subregion
increasing with inflation and the
| International Copper Association depletion of natural resources. 2011 Edition
Southeast Asia Ltd

Energy-efficient considerations are becoming

increasingly important. The use of conductor
cross-sections that have been chosen with
the cost of energy losses in mind can be
shown to save money now and will probably
show increased savings with time.

Increasing the cross-section of

conductors reduces these losses,
improves power quality, allows
headroom for future load growth

|| 2009 Edition
and improves reliability.

International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd.

Copyrights reserved

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