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A Best Practices Handbook for Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling in the Lower Mekong Sub-region

Distribution utilities in the Lower Mekong

Power Cable
A joint effort of LMS Technical Working Group 3 Subregion (LMS) are rehabilitating their
and Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand for power distribution systems to accelerate
the LMS Harmonisation Programme the economic development of their
respective countries. They are embracing
underground cabling systems for

transformational change in urban areas. But
they also face complex technical, capital
and workforce challenges in the conversion
of overhead lines to underground cables.

The harmonisation of underground cabling

Conversion of Overhead Lines
systems and processes can help LMS
utilities to serve as goals that they can work
to Underground Cables
towards to in the conversion from overhead
lines to underground cabling in their
electricity grids.
Specially published for the benefit of power utilities
The objectives of this handbook are to: Harmonisation of Power Distribution
companies, power engineers, power designers and
• Standardise and document guidelines for Systems in the Lower Mekong Subregion
best practices in the conversion of supply chain in the Lower Mekong Subregion
overhead lines to underground cabling.
• Enhance the knowledge and skills of LMS 2014 Edition
Utilities on the processes for converting
overhead lines to underground cabling.
• Promote the correct and efficient usage
and application of underground cables.

This is part of a technical initiative by

| Electricite du Cambodge
| Electricite du Laos
| Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand
| Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand
| Hanoi Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Northern Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Central Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Southern Power Corporation, Vietnam

|| 2014 Edition
Power Cable Handbook
Volume Three

Conversion of Overhead Lines

to Underground Cables

Copyright © 2014
International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd &
Provincial Electricity Authority
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,
or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Printed in Thailand

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  i
Message from PEA Governor

Provincial Electricity Authority is responsible for the provision of standardized electricity

services and related business to attain the customers’ satisfaction on products and services
through PEA’s continual corporate development plans with the recognition of social and
environmental responsibility. In response to the mission, PEA continuously improves the
power system to achieve the highest level of efficiency, safety and reliability.

For the development of power distribution system, PEA has a vision in developing the system
in several dimensions such as expansion of power distribution system in new power service
areas, construction of a strong power system, focus on social responsibilities and environmental
sustainability as well as provision on beautiful landscapes in cities and tourist attractions.
Therefore, PEA has launched the project of “Conversion Overhead System to Underground
System” by commencing in the well-prepared and appropriate areas. Currently, PEA has
already completed this project in many areas across the country. As a result, PEA employees
have gained particular knowledge, know-how and experiences from the project.

According to the collaboration between PEA and International Copper Association Southeast
Asia, PEA has developed the 2nd Handbook of Underground Cabling Design, Construction
and Installation which focuses on how PEA converting the Overhead System to Underground
System starting from the very first step to the end including project planning, financial analysis,
technical analysis, system design and construction site management. The collaboration on the
development of the handbook arising from the potential benefits that PEA was devoted to can
make fruitful advantages to Utilities in LMS.

ii |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling
Lastly, I do hope that the content of this handbook will benefit in power system development
to be well established, effective and trustworthy in Thailand and neighboring countries in
the Mekong Sub Region. As a result, it will directly impact to both economic and social
development. Moreover, it will also raise the quality of life of people in ASEAN equivalent to
other developed countries.

Mr. Numchai Lowattanatakul

PEA Governor

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  iii

It is my pleasure to write the foreword for this LMS Handbook on the “Conversion of Overhead
Power Lines to Underground Cabling”. The development of this handbook was tasked to
Technical Working Group No. 3 (TWG #3) which was set up in 2011 under the Program for
the Harmonization of Power Distribution Systems in The Lower Mekong Sub-Region (LMS).
TWG #3 was a regional collaborative effort with participation from nine Power Distribution
Utilities in the four LMS countries, namely Hanoi Power Corporation (EVNHANOI), Ho
Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC), Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC),
DaNang Power Company (EVNCPC PC DaNang), HaiPhong Power Company (EVNNPC PC
HaiPhong) from Vietnam; Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and Metropolitan Electricity
Authority (MEA) from Thailand; Electricite du Laos (EDL), from Lao People’s Democratic
Republic; and Electricite du Cambodge (EDC), from Cambodia.

The terms of reference for TWG #3 was to investigate the best practices in the conversion
from overhead power lines to underground cabling system. I am thankful to the Provincial
Electricity Authority (PEA), Thailand for dedicating a team to write the draft content for
this handbook. And it was also made possible with support from the International Copper
Association Southeast Asia (ICASEA).

As the Chairman of this Group, I also extend my appreciation to expert members of the PEA
team for their effort and time in writing the contents. This handbook focuses on international
standards and practical solutions in all aspects of the conversion exercise - from planning,
design, construction methods, financial source strategy, implementation management, operation
& maintenance to case studies such as Local Government Policies, City Centers, Tourist or
Historical Areas, Coastal Areas etc. This initiative is to assist LMS Power Distribution Utilities

iv |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling
to learn from successful procedures of conversion from overhead power line to underground
cabling system in order to increase their efficiency and improve their delivery of power supply.
Ultimately, the Utilities will stand to gain from a system that is more reliable and with a safer
environment at a lower cost.

TWG #3 held two meetings. The first in Pattaya hosted by PEA and the second in Ho Chi
Minh City hosted by EVNHCMC. The fruitful outcome of these two meetings were made
possible with the support and warm hospitality from PEA and EVNHCMC. The sharing of
their valuable experiences, practical knowledge and expertise from the site visits have enabled
the members of TWG #3 to better understand the practical ways of converting overhead power
lines to an underground cabling system.

Surapon Soponkanaporn
Chairman, TWG #1 (Transformers) &
TWG #3 (Conversion of Overhead to Underground)

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  v

The Lower Mekong Subregion (LMS)

Harmonisation Programme

Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Thailand and

Vietnam have achieved different levels of economic development. These
countries in the Lower Mekong Sub-region (LMS) have strong economic

Being developing countries, their power distribution systems, which are an essential
infrastructure, play a significant role in their economic development. Energy end-users are
dependent on the availability, reliability, and quality of electricity from the power distribution
systems. The level of development and advancement of power distribution systems has direct
impact on the developmental potential and economic growth, especially in urban areas.
The power distribution systems in the urban areas of these LMS countries, however, are not
at the same level of physical and technological development. It is widely acknowledged that
harmonisation in the development of power distribution systems can benefit these countries
and accelerate their economic growth.
In 2005, six power utilities signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the expressed
intention of close cooperation to share knowledge and experiences towards harmonisation
of power distribution systems in four LMS countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and
Vietnam. The founding partners are:
• Electricité du Cambodge (EDC), Cambodia
• Electricité du Laos (EDL), Lao PDR
• Ho Chi Minh City Power Company (HCMC PC), Vietnam
• Hanoi Power Company (HNPC), Vietnam
• Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Thailand
• International Copper Association Southeast Asia (ICASEA) [formerly known as Copper
Development Centre • Southeast Asia]

vi |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling
This MOU initiated a comprehensive review of power distribution systems of the signatory
utility partners in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam which resulted in the preparation of a
regional cooperation roadmap and action plan.
Building on the success of the first MOU, ICASEA and MEA inked a second MOU to continue
their strategic partnership in conducting further studies and facilitating programmes as outlined
in phase 2 of the road map and action plan. This impetus is to enable the LMS countries to
make further progress towards harmonisation and the realisation of the objectives as set out in
the MOU with all the partner utilities.
The study of power distribution systems in the LMS countries under the first MOU had revealed
that there exist many differences in the design and operation of power distribution systems in
this region. The objective of this second MOU was to narrow down the differences in six key
areas and enable the LMS countries to move towards greater harmonization of their power
distribution systems. Since then, the following LMS Utilities have joined the Harmonisation
• Danang Power Company (DNPC), Vietnam in 2009
• HaiPhong Power Company (HPPC), Vietnam in 2009
• Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), Thailand in 2010
• Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC), Vietnam in 2010
• Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC), Vietnam in 2012
• Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC), Vietnam in 2012

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  vii

Overhead power lines, a familiar sight in many old cities, are

slowly disappearing from city skylines. A noticeable trend towards
underground power cabling is gathering momentum around the
world. And nowhere else is this more evident than in Asia. City after
city, professionals involved in city planning and development, from
planners and architects to consultants and engineers, are deciding
in favour of underground power distribution, realising the immense
benefits that it offers.

LMS Utilities are also committed to its public responsibilities to carry out various projects
and activities for society and the environment. And one of these is to bury power lines in
cities and tourist sites to preserve the beauty of the original landscape.
Underground power cable systems offer far reaching benefits. Not only do these systems
dramatically improve the skyline of a city, they also result in better environment, lower power
distribution costs, higher reliability and greater protection against hazards associated with
overhead power lines.
The formation of a Technical Working Group for the Conversion of Overhead Power Lines
to Underground Cabling is a progression of the two previous successful TWGs. One for
transformers and the other for power cables.
The views of and input from participating Utilities are crucial in the development of best
practices for the harmonisation of conversion of overhead power lines to underground cabling
in the LMS. And with acceptance and implementation of the best practices LMS Utilities can
realise the immense benefits that it offers.
The objective of this TWG is to gather the views of and input from participating LMS
Utilities on the conversion of overhead power lines to underground cabling. This is crucial
in the development of a regional handbook if it is to serve as a useful guide for LMS Utilities
to adopt best practices based on international standards for the conversion of Overhead to
Underground with efficient cables.

viii |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling
Technical Working Group #3 for the Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cables:

Surapon Soponkanaporn Titti Trakulsinthong

Chairman Deputy Manager, Power System
Maintenance Division
Mana Papamakajonpon
Secretary/Coordinator Mana Patamakajonpong
Assistant Manager, Training Division
Iv Visal
Deputy Director - Distribution Dept, EDC Watchara Panchang
Chief of Section, Transmission System
Mixay Chittirath Design Division (Central)
Deputy Manager –
Vientiane Capital Region, EDL Somchai Sripoom
Chief of Section, Special Project Office 1
Dr Asawin Rajakrom
Director - Substation Equipment and UG Nongluk Suvanjumrat
Cable Installation Div, MEA Chief of Section, Power System
Maintenance Division
Somchai Songsiri
Manager, Power System Maintenance Komkrish Dornpromyung
Division, PEA Chief of Section, Corporate Social
Responsibility Project Management
Nguyen Tien Dat Division
Expert - Technical Dept, EVNHANOI
Phisutthisak Dulyapaphat
Nguyen Ngoc Khoa Chief of Section, Power System
Manager – Technical Dept, EVNHCMC Construction Division (Central, South)

Tran Van Gia

Deputy Director - Technical Dept, Technical Reviewer & Editor for Thai
EVNCPC Version of the Handbook:

Nguyen Dac Trung Surapon Soponkanaporn

Deputy Manager - Technical Dept, DNPC Chairman, LMS Technical Working
Group #1 and #3
Nguyen Quoc Khanh
Manager - Technical Dept, HPPC
International Copper Association
Southeast Asia (ICASEA):
PEA Content Development Team:
Louis Koh
Somchai Songsiri Program Consultant,
Manager, Power System Maintenance Power Distribution
Piyadith Lamaisathien
Songwut Khandee Country Manager - Thailand
Manager, Distributed Generation
Planning Division Huynh Hong Tan
Country Manager - Vietnam
Somchoke Boonchaisri
Deputy Manager, Distribution System
Project Office 1

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  ix

The harmonisation of power distribution systems in the LMS will

contribute to the expansion of the ASEAN Power Grid. However,
harmonisation requires a robust partnership and sustained effort over
many years.

The harmonization of technical specifications together with the development of this handbook
is taking the process a step closer towards the realization of the objectives as set out in the
strategic roadmap for the harmonization of power distribution systems in the LMS.
Strengthening regional cooperation to build the capacity of both technical and functional staff
would not have been possible without the endorsement and support of:

Electricité du Cambodge (EDC), EVNNPC Haiphong Power Company,

Cambodia: Vietnam:
Keo Rottanak, Managing Director Vu Duc Hoan, Director
Dr Chan Sodavath, Deputy Managing
Director EVNCPC Danang Power Company,
Electricité du Laos (EDL), Lao PDR: Le Thanh Minh, Director
Sisavath Thiravong, Managing Director
& CEO Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA),
Hanoi Power Corporation Numchai Lowattanatakul, Governor
(EVNHANOI), Vietnam: Chusak Anusaksatein, Deputy Governor –
Nguyen Anh Tuan, General Director Human Resource Development
Vu Quang Hung, Deputy General Director
Metropolitan Electricity Authority
Ho Chi Minh Power Corporation (MEA), Thailand:
(EVNHCMC), Vietnam: Arthorn Sinsawad, Governor
Le Van Phuoc, General Director
Tran Khiem Tuan, Vice General Director International Copper Association
Southeast Asia (ICASEA):
Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC), Steven Sim, Chief Executive Officer
Vietnam: Bek Chee Jin, Chief Operating Officer
Tran Dinh Thanh, General Director
Nguyen Thanh, Vice General Director

Southern Power Corporation

(EVNCPC), Vietnam:
Nguyen Thanh Duy, General Director
Ho Quang Ai, Deputy CEO

x |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1

Chapter 1 - Background
1.1 Introduction 3

1.2 Driving Forces 4

1.3 Return on Investment 6

Chapter 2 - Underground Cabling Plan

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Project Planning Criteria 8

2.3 Engineering Criteria 12

2.4 Key Success Factors 16

Chapter 3 - Underground Cabling System

3.1 Introduction 17

3.2 Site Survey and Detailed Design 17

3.3 Method for Construction 23

3.4 Construction Methods Comparison 28

3.5 Electrical Equipment for an Underground Power Cabling System 29

Chapter 4 - Financial & Economic Aspect

4.1 Introduction 39

4.2 Investment Cost 39

4.3 Sources of Funds and Cost Allocation 44

4.4 Operation and Maintenance Cost 45

4.5 Project Benefits 45

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  xi
Chapter 5 - Implementation Management
5.1 Introduction 55

5.2 Sources of Funding 55

5.3 Project Management Organization 56

5.4 Construction Control for Underground Power Cabling System 59

Chapter 6 - Operation and Maintenance for Underground

Cabling System
6.1 Introduction 63

6.2 Operation 64

6.3 Maintenance of Underground Power Cable 65

6.4 Training for Underground Power Cable System 71

Chapter 7 - Case Studies

7.1 Introduction 72

7.2 Local Government Policy Project 72

7.3 Coastal Area Project 76

7.4 Tourist and Historical Area Project 79

7.5 City Center Area Project 83

7.6 Lesson Learned 87

xii |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling

Figure 1.1: The statistical data for causes of power outage that happened in rural of
Thailand in 2011 3
Figure 1.2: Landscape in Chiang Mai province after constructing underground system 5
Figure 2.1: 22, 33 kV Underground cable structure 12
Figure 2.2: Radial system 14
Figure 2.3: Open loop system 14
Figure 2.4: Open loop system with special spare line 15
Figure 2.5: Close loop system 15
Figure 3.1: High pressure gas pipe 18
Figure 3.2: GPR testing equipment 19
Figure 3.3: An example result from GPR 19
Figure 3.4: An example of configuration used for construction 23
Figure 3.5: Concrete encased duct bank, RTRC (red), and HDPE (black) 24
Figure 3.6: Lay conduit using Concrete Spacer Block 24
Figure 3.7: Concrete slab and markers to show cable line 25
Figure 3.8: Cross-section of direct burial 25
Figure 3.9: HDD machine is working and pulling conduits 26
Figure 3.10: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), drilling and pulling 26
Figure 3.11: Pushing a pipe by using Pipe jacking machine in sending manhole 27
Figure 3.12: Electrical conduits in pipe after injecting mortar 27
Figure 3.13: Transformer installed on single pole 30
Figure 3.14: Transformer installed on double pole 30
Figure 3.15: Undecorated Compact Unit Substation 30
Figure 3.16: Decorated Compact Unit Substation 30
Figure 3.17: SF6 Ring Main Unit 31
Figure 3.18: Riser pole 22kV 33
Figure 3.19: Riser wall for low voltage side 34
Figure 3.20: Riser pole for low voltage side 35
Figure 3.21: Distribution box 36
Figure 3.22: Meter cabinet and low voltage wiring 37
Figure 3.23: Fault indicator in line (left) and fault indicator inside RMU 37
Figure 3.24: Configuration of fault indicator 38
Figure 4.1: Pie chart for detailed cost analysis of underground power cable system
in major city 41
Figure 4.2: Ideal Electrical Substations and layout so that feeders are 100%
efficiently utilized for distribution 41

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  xiii
Figure 4.3: The substation service areas overlap and are not set out efficiently 41
Figure 4.4: Comparison among construction methods 42
Figure 4.5: Comparison among construction methods excluding low voltage and
connecting to end users 42
Figure 4.6: Net Present Value (NPV) for each end of planning period 43
Figure 4.7: Annual operating and maintenance cost (Baht/Km) between overhead line
and underground cable 45
Figure 4.8: PEA’s annual outage cost by types of customer in urban area 51
Figure 4.9: Annual losses of customer due to power outage for overhead and
underground systems for a typical town (Chiang Mai) 52
Figure 6.1: PEA’s underground cable test form 67
Figure 6.2: Example of Fault Locator 68
Figure 6.3: Example of a fault location 68
Figure 6.4: An example of OWTS tester 69
Figure 6.5: PD Mapping graph 71
Figure 7.1: Construction area 72
Figure 7.2: Landscape before the construction 75
Figure 7.3: Landscape before the construction 75
Figure 7.4: Landscape after completion 75
Figure 7.5: Landscape after completion 75
Figure 7.6: Construction area for underground power cable system 76
Figure 7.7: Landscape before the construction 79
Figure 7.8: Landscape before the construction 79
Figure 7.9: Landscape after completion 79
Figure 7.10: Landscape after completion 79
Figure 7.11: Construction area for underground power cable system 80
Figure 7.12: Landscape before the construction 83
Figure 7.13: Landscape before the construction 83
Figure 7.14: Landscape after completion 83
Figure 7.15: Landscape after completion 83
Figure 7.16: Construction area for underground power cable system 84
Figure 7.17: Landscape before the construction 87
Figure 7.18: Landscape before the construction 87
Figure 7.19: Landscape after completion 87
Figure 7.20: Landscape after completion 87

xiv |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling
Table 2.1: The proposed security levels and design criteria for various supply areas 10
Table 2.2: Technical Data of 22 kV XLPE Underground 13
Table 3.1: The advantage and disadvantage of each construction method 28
Table 3.2: Cost comparison of construction methods for 22kV per 1 circuit-km 29
Table 3.3: Cost comparison of construction methods for low voltage 400/230V
per 1 circuit-km 29
Table 3.4: Cost comparison for transformer installation 32
Table 3.5: Comparison factors to consider for transformer installation 32
Table 4.1: Detailed cost analysis of underground power cable system in major city 40
Table 4.2: A range of benefits from replacing overhead line to an underground
power cable system 46
Table 4.3: NPV for expense, operating and maintenance, and losses of
overhead line and underground power cable 47
Table 4.4: Losses of end users due to power outage 49
Table 4.5: PEA system reliability statistics from October 98 to March 99 50
Table 4.6 Cost of outage for existing overhead system in Chiang Mai 51
Table 4.7: The customer’s cost during interruption of underground
power cable system 53
Table 4.8: Economic benefits of an underground power cable 53
Table 5.1: Summary of problems and obstacles during construction 60
Table 6.1: Recommended maintenance for differing values of PDIV 70
Table 7.1: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side 74
Table 7.2: The detail of civil work for low voltage side 74
Table 7.3: The construction details for medium voltage side 74
Table 7.4: The details for transformer installation 74
Table 7.5: The construction details for low voltage side 75
Table 7.6: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side 77
Table 7.7: The detail of civil work for low voltage side 78
Table 7.8: The construction details for medium voltage side 78
Table 7.9: The details for transformer installation 78
Table 7.10: The construction details for low voltage side 78
Table 7.11: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side 81
Table 7.12: The detail of civil work for low voltage side 81
Table 7.13: The construction details for medium voltage side 82
Table 7.14: The details for transformer installation 82
Table 7.15: The construction details for low voltage side 82
Table 7.16: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side 85
Table 7.17: The detail of civil work for low voltage side 85
Table 7.18: The construction details for medium voltage side 86
Table 7.19: The details for transformer installation 86
Table 7.20: The construction details for low voltage side 86

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook |  xv
Executive Summary

As part of the Harmonization of Power Distribution System in Lower

Mekong Subregion, this handbook was prepared by International Copper
Association Southeast Asia (ICASEA) and Provincial Electricity Authority
(PEA) through the third LMS Technical Working Group (TWG #3) to
discuss issues relating to the conversion of overhead lines to underground

Members of the third technical working group who are from Electricité du Cambodge (EDC),
Electricité du Laos (EDL), Metropolitan Electricity Authority and Provincial Electricity
Authority (MEA), and Electricity Authorities from Vietnam, EVN Hanoi, EVN Ho Chi Minh
City, EVN Central, and EVN Da Nang shared their experiences in converting overhead power
lines to underground power cabling system. Exchanging experience and learning from good
practices help practitioners in developing and improving construction process.

PEA put together this handbook by gathering knowledge from theory and best practices
from past underground construction project. Most projects are required by municipalities to
cater to both to landscape preservation and development as well as to safeguard public safety
and property. These municipalities worked with PEA in launching underground projects with
funding also from other agencies.

Under normal circumstances, space in a typical construction area is limited. There

is little or no space to install switchgear and unit substation which consist of a ring main unit
and transformer. Residents at large were reluctant to let PEA conduct works at their premises,
which resulted to positioning or installing equipment in small alleys. Hence, an underground
power cable project must fulfil a set of appropriate guidelines or standards which spell the most
feasible way to meet end users’ demands and goals.

An underground power cable project requires a large investment and is difficult

to measure benefits in terms of cost savings. Other benefits lie in public safety, reliability
and stability of distribution system, reduction in operations and maintenance cost and tourism

1  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
promotion. Hence, cable conversion projects need support in term of policy making and
financing from other related parties, municipalities and other infrastructure agencies such as
water work authority, telecommunication agency, cable TV, etc. Alternative sources of fund
may be derived from government’s investment, joint investment from government and joint
investment from municipality and/or internal investment. The sources of funding selected in
each area will depend on the availability and suitability of a city, economy, and society. If a
construction project takes a long period of time to complete, it may need financial help from
the government and/or private bodies.

The key success factor in every conversion project lies in project control, stakeholder
management, and effective problem solving during construction. One of the most important
tasks is to reduce disruptions and inconvenience such as traffic jam and traffic obstruction.
Before construction, the management team shall make a construction plan, coordinate with
municipality and community, and conduct public education. In reality, unforeseen challenges
affect budgeting and the construction project at large.

This handbook discusses several important topics in seven chapters. Chapter 1

covers problems from obstacles and power stability including power security. Chapter 2
explains project planning, taking into consideration key success factors. Chapter 3 highlights
construction details while existing system is maintained till the completion of underground
cable project, and the comparison of construction methods, or selection of electrical equipment.
Chapter 4 illustrates economic and financial strategies and explained construction cost
details, sources of funds, cost allocation, and benefits. Chapter 5 presents key success factors,
especially construction structure and management organization required for operating an
undergrounding project. Chapter 6 offers operation and maintenance details for underground
power cabling. Lastly, Chapter 7 shares experiences from successful case studies such as Nong
Khai municipality, Pattaya municipality, Chiang Mai municipality, and Hat Yai municipality.

The editor and PEA executives together with the third LMS Technical Working Group
team from nine distribution utilities in four countries have contributed to the development of
this handbook. Experience and knowledge discussed in this handbook would be helpful to
develop an efficient underground power cabling project. This handbook would also be a solid
foundation to move forward and share success among utilities in the Lower Mekong Subregion.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 2
Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

A major portion of the power distribution networks in Lower Mekong Subregion is made up
of overhead line systems because overhead lines offer the lowest investment cost, require
minimum maintenance and are least difficult to operate. However, overhead line system is
the least reliable or stable. The demand for electricity is growing to an extent that drives the
extensive deployment of overhead line systems, especially when there is limited investment
budget and a strong need for rapid infrastructure expansion.

Over the past decades, the European and North America countries (including some countries in
Asia) have used underground power distribution system. The drivers for this power distribution
method lie in the need to increase power stability and prevent power outages caused by natural
calamities such as thunderstorm, avalanche, causing widespread detriment especially in cold
weather conditions. Major cities in Lower Mekong Subregion such as Bangkok, Hanoi, Ho
Chi Minh City, Vientiane, and Phnom Penh have begun to convert a portion of their power
distribution systems from overhead line to underground and this trend is growing.

Figure 1.1: Statistical data for power outage causes that took place in rural parts of Thailand in 2011

3  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Figure 1.1 illustrates statistical data of power outage causes that took place in rural parts of
Thailand, from January to October 2011. Most of the power outages can be prevented by
switching from overhead line to underground system.

1.2 Driving Forces

The various drivers that are instrumental in power distribution system in Lower Mekong
Subregion are as follows.

1.2.1 Natural Disasters

Lower Mekong Subregion has been impacted by monsoon storms or typhoons resulting
from the South China Sea or Pacific Ocean in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Power
reliability and safety in the use of overhead line system is affected by strong wind and
fallen trees that hit power poles, causing power outage. In this case, underground power
system can help to prevent such power outages. Figure 1.1 shows that natural disasters
contribute 11% of overall power outages.

1.2.2 Operational Problem

Overhead line system poses many challenges from permit license to design, and from
construction to maintenance. If an underground system is designed and installed
properly, its performance will be far better than that of an overhead line system. A well
designed and constructed underground cabling system involves various configurations
and cost consideration depending on service area and dexterity in operations.

1.2.3 Power Outage and Maintenance

Underground cabling system is not directly affected by disturbance from living

creatures and/or other objects that may come in contact with live conductors, causing
short circuits as well as power outages. If power line is installed underground, such
interference may be kept to a minimum and the cost spent on interference prevention
will be drastically reduced, if not totally eliminated.

1.2.4 Safety of Life and Property

Underground cabling system offers a lower level of risk in public hazard compared to

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 4
overhead lines that expose live conductors which may potentially be hazardous. In an
underground cabling system, the chance of earth fault is minimized and transfer voltage
that leads to property damages and fatalities is reduced. Figure 1.1 demonstrates that
this aspect contributed to 2% of overall power outage.

1.2.5 Reliability and Stability of Power System

The underground cabling system is not exposed to earth or ground. Reliability and
stability of underground cabling system is far better than that of an overhead line system.
Figure 1.1 demonstrates that this aspect contributed to 38% of overall power outage.

1.2.6 Loss Reduction

Underground cabling system offers far more capacitance than overhead lines. As the
capacitive reactive power can compensate the inductive reactive power produced in
distribution lines, loss in underground cables is less than that of overhead lines.

1.2.7 Rights over Land and Safety Distance

For maintenance purpose, overhead line system requires safety distance around 3-4
meters. This safety distance is nearly impossible to acquire in urban area. In some cases,
it is not possible to expand overhead line system due to land use limitation. However,
for underground cabling system, land area is required only during the construction
process. When the construction is completed, only switchboards and transformers are
installed above ground.

1.2.8 City Development and Landscape Planning

Figure 1.2: Landscape in Chiang Mai province after constructing underground system

5  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Underground cabling system offers advantages in city development and landscape
planning. A beautiful and orderly landscape can be restored after an underground
cabling system construction is completed. A beautiful and orderly landscape indirectly
promotes tourism. See Figure 1.2.

1.3 Return on Investment

Concern with reliability of power system and rising operating and maintenance cost, as well as
safety issue and quality of life are growing in tandem. Power utilities recognize the importance
in addressing the need for change from overhead line to underground system. This change will
bring about better service to end users.

Power distribution is a critical infrastructure for quality of life. If power is unavailable over a
long period of time, there will be a huge loss in economic activity. Thus, underground cabling
system is believed to be one of the key solutions contributing to the performance of a power
distribution system. The benefits of underground cabling system are listed below.

1.3.1 Reduce loss resulting from natural disasters and above-ground infrastructure

1.3.2 Reduce exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF). EMF is emitted from currents in
conductors. Internal structure of cable and layout also contribute to magnitude of EMF.

1.3.3 Underground cable needs working space of just 3-5 meters. When the construction
is completed, there is no further requirement for huge working space, which is different
in the case of overhead lines that need more safety distance.

1.3.4 Pilferage and sabotage are less likely to take place in an underground cabling

1.3.5 Although an underground cabling system is more expensive than overhead

lines, if considering the total life cycle cost including maintenance cost, power line
outage cost of revenue income and electrocution throughout the expected service life of
underground cable at least 20 years, then it results that underground cabling system may
be more economic than overhead line system depending on cabling methods.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 6
1.3.6 Although locating fault in overhead line is seem to be easier than in underground
system, due to technology for underground cabling system is more advanced, so that the
prevention of equipment damages and short circuit is more reliable and fault location
is faster than overhead line.

1.3.7 Since underground cabling system is not visible to the public eye, it does not
attract attention to cut or steal the cables.

1.3.8 Underground cabling system may be damaged by ground subsidence. Therefore,

the survey for underground cabling system is mandatory. A well-designed system can
last up to 50 years. On the other hand, overhead lines is subjected to accidental damages
resulting from natural disasters and human error and tension caused by pulling other
cables such as telephone and traffic signals.

Implementing an underground cabling systems enhnces the beauty of the landscape. It reduces
power outages. And it reduces maintenance cost. It also reduce the failure rate of overhead
lines by 50%.

7  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction

Today, most of the power distribution systems in Thailand are made up of overhead lines as
it is much cheaper than underground cabling. With the fast-paced economic and population
growth in major cities, the demand for electricity is increasing rapidly. To meet the increasing
demand, Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) has to expand its distribution networks amidst
construction restrictions in overhead lines and growing demand for power quality and safety.

Therefore, PEA has planned to build new underground cabling systems so as to enhance and
expand its power distribution network. PEA has also committed to change a portion of overhead
line systems to underground cabling. However, both short and long term planning was required
for this series of changes as PEA needed to consider its operating capability and availability of
financial and human resources. There is also an obligation to cause minimal disruption to the
public transportation system during the course of construction. In essence, PEA was resolute
to serve its strategic objectives to deliver service quality and achieve business growth.

2.2 Project Planning Criteria

2.2.1 Objectives

• To change from overhead line to underground cabling system.

• To increase power system stability and reliability
• To enhance urban landscape
• To increase safety of electrical systems at public places
• To improve electrical systems according to the requirement of the
Government and other agencies
• To serve the increasing demand from the end-users

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 8
2.2.2 Scope of Work

• To change from 22, 33 kV overhead line system to underground cabling

• To change from low voltage utility pole to underground cabling system
• To enhance undergrounding systems in urban area and/or municipal areas
that requires power reliability and security

2.2.3 Location Surveying and Selection

As undergrounding conversion warrants huge investment, PEA takes into consideration

specific needs per land type based on the nature of dwellings and land use.

• Area Type 1: High Technology Industry Areas

• Area Type 2: Provincial Large Town Central Business District
• Area Type 3: Commercial Tourist Center Areas
• Area Type 4: Historical and/or Aesthetically Important Areas
• Area Type 5: Suburban New Housing Development Areas
• Area Type 6: Municipal Policy and Funding: areas designed for
underground power cable system

Power distribution for Areas 1, 2, and 3 must provide high level of power stability,
power reliability, and power quality. Because Area 4 contains land use of historic and
aesthetic importance, it is necessary to design a power supply system that protects the
original environment with minimal disturbance in its surrounding landscape. In Area 5
which is mainly made up of new housing development, an undergrounding system will
have to be incorporated into the overall design of the township. Lastly, Area 6 must be
planned and designed to meet safety requirement and power reliability according to the
municipal policy.

The proposed security levels and design criteria for various supply areas is given in
Table 2.1.

2.2.4 Project Management Organizational Management Structure

PEA collaborates with the municipality who supports in terms of construction

budgeting, provision of facilities within the construction area and coordination
of other infrastructure such as telecommunication and waterworks. PEA

9  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Type Description Security and Reliability Level
1 Provincial large town N-1 open loop system, < 1 min interruption
central business district or N-1 closed loop system, no outage
2 Areas of historic and/or N-0 radial system
aesthetic importance or N-1 open loop system, > 1 min interruption
3 Commercial tourist center N-1 open loop system, > 1 min interruption
4 High technology industry N-1 closed loop system, no outage
5 Suburban new housing N-1 open loop system, > 1 min interruption
development area
6 Municipal policy and N-0 radial system or N-1 open loop system,
funding areas > 1 min interruption
Table 2.1: The proposed security levels and design criteria for the various supply areas

• N is number of system components, 0 and 1 is the number of spare system component

• N-0 means that the power system has a reserved capacity or a configuration such that in the
event of an outage of any single component, the power supply can be continued or restored
without the need to repair the faulted system component.
• N-1 means that the power system has a reserved capacity or a configuration such that in the
event of an outage of any single component, the power supply can be continued or restored
without the need to repair the faulted system component.

takes key responsibility of overall construction supervision, inclusive of

budgeting for underground power cable system and coordination with other
affiliated agencies. The construction office is made up of a project manager
and engineers who have experience in implementing action plans and running
construction projects. The undergrounding system is designed in accordance to
PEA’s standards while the project manager holds the responsibility to provide
situational assessment in adopting standard procedures. Acquisition and Procurement Procedure

All construction material acquisition and procurement must be made based on

PEA Material Acquisition Policy. The construction office provides technical
specifications for tender documents and also evaluates technical and price
proposals from all potential vendors. While a municipality is responsible for
civil works such as creating duct bank, manhole and other related works, PEA
is responsible for designing underground power cabling system, providing

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 10
and installing electrical equipment. Thereafter, PEA shall sign procurement
contracts with contractors and hands over the construction area within one
year after the end of the civil works. In the event the civil works is delayed or
discontinued, PEA shall retain the right to postpone signing a contract or call
off tender offers without having to make compensation. Design and Construction

Underground cabling system shall be designed to comply with PEA’s standard

and installed to comply with the standard of Engineering Institute of Thailand in
ensuring minimum disturbance to residents in the construction area. A permit
to allow the installation of electrical equipment will be helpful in resolving
disputes in the future.

Undergound cabling system construction is carried out by PEA or a contractor

working under the close supervision of PEA’s engineers and officers at every
stage of the construction. Construction Project Planning

To raise the quality of life as in developed countries and to attract more tourists,
major cities are planning to offer beautiful landscapes and/or scenery that
portrays facets of modernization in a developed city. An approach to make cities
more beautiful is to convert overhead lines to underground cabling system and
reduce visual pollution through disuse of power poles and telecommunication
wiring. Power cable conversion can also reduce traffic accidents that cause
power outage in the event where power poles were hit by moving vehicles.
With the above in perspective, PEA carries out project planning as follows:-

A. Long Term Plan - PEA sets the sequence of each construction activity
during the period of construction such as a five-year plan. The fundamental
data must be prepared as listed below:-

• Current electricity demand

• List of street names and the exact location for the construction area
• Details of investment plan
• Basic assumption and financial statement letter

11  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
• Information of ongoing and completed underground power cable

B. Short Term Plan - the construction office adjusts the construction plan
to cope with arising problems. Under normal circumstances, short term
planning is carried out annually by assessing long term plan and adapting with
current situation. With this information, the designer indicates scope of work,
objectives, extent of work, and budget requirement. Range of short term plan
may be around one year. Follow Up and Evaluation

PEA shall follow up and evaluate at every phase of the project. The construction
office writes a progress report every three months and submits this to related
agencies and PEA’s senior executives. A progress report covers details of
construction progress, expenditure status, and project setbacks including
resolutions to problems.

2.3 Engineering Criteria

To serve as guidelines for the design and

construction of underground cabling system and
clear work procedures, the engineering criteria are
illustrated as follows.

2.3.1 Cable Type and Size

Underground power cable shall be single

core copper XLPE cable with copper
screen. The underground cable structure
is shown in Figure 2.1 and cable size is
shown in Table 2.2.

Figure 2.1: 22, 33 kV Underground

Cable Structure

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 12
Nominal cross-
sectional area of 35 50 95 120 185 240 400 500
conductor (mm2)
Min. number of
6 6 15 18 30 34 53 53
wires in conductor
Diameter of
conductor + 1% 6.95 8.33 11.45 12.95 15.98 18.47 23.39 26.67
Approx conductor
screen thickness 0.5
Thickness of
insulation (mm)
Diameter over
insulation, approx. 19.0 20.5 23.5 25 28 30.5 35.5 39.0
Thickness of
insulation screen, 0.5
approx. (mm)
Total cross-
sectional area
of copper wire 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25
screen, minimum
Number of wire
20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30
screen, minimum
Thickness of non-
metallic sheath 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.6
Overall diameter,
28 30 33 34 38 42 48 52
approx. (mm)
Max. DC
resistance of
0.524 0.387 0.193 0.153 0.0991 0.0754 0.0470 0.0366
conductor at 20°C

Table 2.2: Technical Data of 22 kV XLPE Underground

13  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
2.3.2 Electrical Distribution Configuration Radial System

This configuration of underground system has only one supply side and
distributes power to users via switch and circuit break according to PEA’s
specification as shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Radial System Open Loop System

This configuration of underground system has at least two supply sides and
users receive power from one side (not both); and distributes power to end
customers via switch and circuit breaker according to PEA’s specification as
shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Open Loop System Open Loop System with Special Spare Line

This configuration of underground system has at least two supply sides and
users receive power from one side (not both); and distributes power to end

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 14
customers via switch and circuit breaker according to PEA’s specification.
There is a special spare line in case of emergency. Figure 2.4 shows Open
Loop System with Special Spare Line. Closed Loop System

This configuration of underground system has at least two supply sides and
users receive power from one side (not both), and distributes power to end
customers via circuit breaker and automatic switch, shown in Figure 2.5, but
this system is not popular since it requires large capital investment.

Figure 2.4: Open Loop System with Special Spare Line

Figure 2.5: Close Loop System

15  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
2.3.3 Type of Construction Open-cut method

(1) Concrete Encased Duct Bank

(2) Semi-Direct Burial
(3) Direct Burial No-dig method

(1) Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

(2) Pipe Jacking
The construction methods are explained in Chapter 3.

2.4 Key Success Factors

The key success factors for converting overhead line to underground power cabling system lie
in the hands of many parties. Among these are municipalities, telecommunication agencies,
and infrastructure agencies. Therefore, coordination is a crucial factor, leading to the success
of a project. Other factors are:

• Mutual Agreement and community participation in the construction process such as

construction planning, design, and control budget etc.
• The coordination among parties related to project
• Availability of capital investment and cost appraisal
• Efficiency in project management and resource planning because it requires coordina-
tion with other infrastructure agencies in the construction area to prepare budget and
time frame to relocate other telecommunication systems during or before completion of

Last but not least, city planning is also one of the critical considerations to ensure construction
efficiency. A good plan can support the construction of other infrastructures. For example,
the determination of an exact location of infrastructures will help to reduce land revocation to
construct sidewalk or road surface.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 16
Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction

Having a sound construction design in an undergrounding project affects power security,

investment, and living conditions of residents who live or work near the affected area. Among
the many construction designs, the designer must study and understand how to select the most
appropriate construction method and equipment to avoid extensive road repairs and disruption
to the public transportation system.

3.2 Site Survey and Detailed Design

3.2.1 Site Survey

The design engineer must survey site location before the actual on-site
construction starts work. Key information relating to design requirement include:

1) Information on existing overhead line system – in order to plan and design

the distribution system for underground cables, the survey engineer needs to
gather existing electrical information on the construction area in order to study
how the current electrical system is configured such as the number of medium and
low voltage circuits that are installed; the types, sizes and number of conductors
used; the number of transformers (owned by PEA as well as end users) that are
installed in the construction area; and the total electricity load in the construction
area. After collecting the information and data, the surveying engineer has to
validate data accuracy against PEA’s GIS data. Because there is a huge amount
of data collected, the surveying engineer also has to take pictures of the area
surveyed to serve as references for design and validation purposes.

2) Physical characteristics of the survey area - Physical characteristics of

the survey area will determine the appropriate construction types or methods.

17  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Information on the density and sizes of building, street dimensions, dimensions
for sidewalks and walkways must be recorded for plannning and designing the
preliminary cable layout. If there is enough space at the sidewalks, power cables
can be laid underneath sidewalks. If there is not enough space, power cables are
laid underneath the road surface.

3) Current demand and future forecast - this information is vital to determine

the number and sizes of transformers or the appropriate configuration including
a five year power distribution plan upon completion of an underground cabling
system. Current demand may be calculated based on electricity tariff; while future
forecast may be a projection computed based on power usage from all circuits of
power substations supplying to the construction site.

4) Visible and invisible infrastructure in the construction area – The survey

engineer shall coordinate with all agencies and obtain rightful information from
respective agencies on visible and invisible infrastructure in the affected area.
These include pipe work, telecommunication system and existing underground
power cable. Surveyors must also conduct preliminary check of all signs such as
utility pipe sign, water work sign, and so on. Figure 3.1 shows the sign for a high
pressure gas pipe.

Figure 3.1: High pressure gas pipe warning - “Caution! High pressure gas pipe. Do not
bury, dig or construct before permission. In case of leakage or damaging, please inform
PTT (Petrolium company)”

Physical examination of the road structure can be carried out by using an

underground detection instrument, also known as Ground Penetration Radar
(GPR). GPR is a fast-performing and a non-destructive testing equipment that

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 18
uses electromagnetic waves to detect reflection wave and analyze road structure
such as ground surface density. Figure 3.2 shows the GPR testing equipment.
Figure 3.3 illustrates the result from GPR.

Figure 3.2: GPR testing equipment

Figure 3.3: An example result from GPR

5) A well-furnished construction plan, covering both present and future needs,

helps the design engineer to factor in additional or future development, e.g.
annual development plan of municipalities. The design engineer estimates the
power capacity required to support future expansion plans in terms of sizes and
transformers’ location, sizes and circuit’s cables, preparation for appropriate extra
manholes and conduits.

19  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
6) Cable layout and equipment arrangement determine area size for an
undergrounding route and the position of equipment fixture to avoid colliding
with other agencies’ installation.

7) The types and methods of an undergrounding construction (e.g. compact

unit substation or platform, open-cut method or no-dig method) must meet the
specifications of land area and resource budget, because the area density is crucial
in determining the type of constructions. For instance, sidewalks in some cities
may have enough space to accumulate a compact unit substation or Ring Main
Unit (RMU), while others offers limited space which only platform type may be

8) There are several types of important information that contribute to the success
of the project. Knowing which time slot in a day to carry out construction works
helps to reduce the traffic congestion. Rainfall information or maximum flood
water level is important in determining the height of equipment installation and
the foundation work of manholes i.e. whether concrete reinforcement is needed.

3.2.2 Design

After gathering all the important data, the design engineer evaluates and checks
for data accuracy. The steps for design construction are described below.

1) Group end users by current and future electricity usage; and consider load
density when designing load distribution to support load expansion

2) In designing electrical system based on PEA’s standards, the design engineer

uses commercial software such as Auto CAD to design 2D dimensions, as 3D
designing software is not adopted yet. However, the design plan corresponds
with data from the survey and complies with PEA’s design regulations in order
to support current and future expansion:-

• Service continuity is an important consideration in configuring the

underground cabling system which must comply with PEA’s regulations
and be appropriate for respective site locations. For instance, if the cable
of PEA’s main feeder is damaged, an open loop system is preferred. For

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 20
customer’s feeder, the choice between open loop and radial distribution
is considered as proper. For electrical equipment such as transformer
platforms, riser pole, compact unit substation, ring main unit (RMU), meters
etc, the installation should be appropriate for the area. Electrical equipment
is installed on side road to minimize visual pollution or obstruction.

• The size of transformers is based on normal load operations. In most

situations, PEA has several popular sizes of transformer, 500 kVA and
100 kVA. Transformers are installed at the center of loads taking into
account voltage drop and cable tension. The installation or placement of
other electrical equipment i.e. distribution box, meter cabinet, and ground
connection must comply with PEA’s regulation.

• The positions of high voltage cable riser and low voltage cable riser are laid
down in PEA’s regulation.

• Cable sizes are dependent on current and future loads and will determine the
number of medium voltage and low voltage circuits. For 22 kV systems,
PEA normally uses single core conductor with 240 sq mm. For connection
to individual customers, the main feeder shall be 185 sq mm. and the
customer feeder shall be 95 sq mm.

• In converting overhead lines to underground cabling the existing ground

system may cause high current short circuit if it is direct grounding. The
neutral grounding resistor or resonance grounding should therefore be
replaced to extend equipment lifespan and increase safety as well as to
improve power quality.

3) Civil works must be done in compliance with PEA standards and electrical

• Types of construction methods (open cut or no-dig method) are dependent

on on-site factors such as whether excavation can be carried out over a
period of time and the road traffic conditions. Design engineers shall work
closely with local authorities to reduce congestion. Types of construction

21  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
methods determine types of conduits. If open-cut method is used, High
Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (RTRC)
conduit, or steel conduit may be considered. If Horizontal Directional
Drilling (HDD) is used, HDPE is a suitable solution, as it is more soft and
flexible than that of RTRC and can be pulled by using HDD machine. Soil
bearing capacity needs to be assessed to determine whether foundation piles
are rquired in ethe construction of duct bank and manhole.

• The popular types, sizes, and numbers of conduit for an current and future
underground power cable are 160 sq mm in 22 kV and 110 sq mm in low
voltage and the number of spare conduits shall correspond with the number
of power cables in future.

• Types and location of medium voltage and low voltage hand holes must
cater for current and future growth. The manhole selection shall be matched
by applications. Also, the manhole shall accommodate enough conduits for
expansion. Manhole position is normally located at T-junction or end users’
main entry. Additionally, there should be a number of medium voltage
manholes for the future.

• The number of cable entries for medium voltage and low voltage shall be
made enough for all end users. Typically, cable entry’s location is located
in “Soi” to avoid blocking scenery. Cable conduits for 22 kV are installed in
end users’ area. For low voltage, one set of cable conduits is located at the
corner of the buildings and it shall be connected to end user via the ceiling,
but for single household, conduit location may be separately specified for
each house.

• Main switchboard and meters shall not block scenery and/or installed in
high risk area that is prone to cause accidents. Main switchboard shall be
located near loads to prevent voltage drop and losses for long distance cable

• When design and construction plan are completed, the design engineer shall
validate the construction plan and make physical examination on-site.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 22
3.3 Method for Construction

For the construction of underground cabling, the contractor must be familiar with the
construction area, existing distribution system, and new distribution system including electrical
equipment location as mentioned earlier. Figure 3.4 illustrates an example of configuration
used for construction.

Figure 3.4: An example of configuration used for construction

Sidewalks are usually narrow and power cable cannot be buried underneath, but laid at the
first traffic lane besides the sidewalk. Establishing a divert signboard or road barricades
is recommended and a lid to cover the manhole is needed to ensure public safety. Several
construction methods are available for consideration:-

3.3.1 Open Cut Methods

Open cut method has 3 types:

1) Concrete Encased Duct Bank - This method uses High Density Polyethylene
(HDPE) or Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) to encase power

23  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
cable and then enclose with reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete provides
mechanical protection for power cable. Concrete encased duct bank needs
manholes to pull, splice and split power cables or if a contractor needs to lay
power cable in a curved line, a contractor shall use cable route marker to show
duct bank line. A hole is created deep and wide enough for the construction to
take place. Then, before laying conduits, restoring and placing route marker, steel
bars must be bound in place as shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5: Concrete encased duct bank, RTRC (red), and HDPE (black)

If concrete-encased duct bank or medium voltage manhole and low voltage hand
hole, or prefabricated medium voltage manhole and low voltage hand hole is
used, it will reduce the steps and duration of construction for civil works.

2) Semi-Direct Burial - For this method, the cable runs through a flexible
corrugated conduit made of HDPE or RTRC. This construction method needs
block of concrete spacers to maintain the distance between each conduit. Figure
3.6 illustrated the construction steps in creating a recess, compacting sand and
laying conduit. Figure 3.7 illustrated steps in laying concrete slab, putting up
warning sign straps, restoring area and installing markers to show cable line.

Figure 3.6: Lay conduit using Concrete Spacer Block

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 24
Figure 3.7: Concrete slab (right) and markers to show cable line (right)

However, like concrete encased duct bank, this method need route markers place
along the route to indicate presence of manhole and hand hole.

3) Direct Burial - The cable does not run through conduits in reinforced concrete.
Instead, the cable is laid directly in the soil at depth that is recommended in
applied standard. Compacting sand, laying power cable, and then covering
concrete slab and putting warning sign strap over the pavement, and restoring
area are the steps involved in the construction. Cable route markers are placed
along the route to indicate presence of an underground cable under the pavement.
This also serves as a warning to other
utilities and municipality contractors to
be cautious when digging near the cable
route area. This method does not require
manhole and hand hole. Figure 3.8 show a
cross-sectional view of this method.

Figure 3.8: Cross-section of direct burial (Note:

unit is in millimeter, D is diameter of power

25  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
3.3.2 No-dig Methods

No-dig methods consist of two methods as below:

1) Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) - The cable runs through a conduit

made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. This construction method
involves a machine to drill a line with a depth that is recommended before
changing to back reaming and extending the drill hole progressively. After drilling
is completed, the contractor pulls HDPE pipe starting from the finishing point.
This construction method does not use encasement in concrete or concrete slabs
to protect cables. Like concrete encased duck bank, this construction method
needs route markers to indicate cable location and route as shown in Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9: HDD machine is working (above) and pulling conduits (below)

Figure 3.10: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), drilling (left) and pulling (right)

2) Pipe Jacking - This method starts with digging - two manholes, i.e. receiving
manhole and sending manhole. A pipe jacking machine is installed at the sending

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 26
manhole, using hydrolic to push a pipe until it reaches the receiving manhole as
shown in Figure 3.11. After installing HPDE or RTRC inside a pipe, contractor
will inject mortar inside the pipe and restore area as shown in Figure 3.12. Cable
route markers are installed to indicate cable location and route.

Figure 3.11: Pushing a pipe by using Pipe jacking machine in sending manhole

Figure 3.12: Electrical conduits in pipe after injecting mortar

Like concrete encased duct bank, this construction method needs manhole and
hand hole and cable route markers are installed to indicate cable location and
route. The advantage and disadvantage of these methods can be summarized in
Table 3.1.

27  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
3.4 Construction Methods Comparison

The following tables discussed the different construction methods and the respective
comparison of construction cost.

Open Cut Methods No-dig Methods

Items Semi
Direct Encased Pipe
Direct HDD.
Burial Duct Jacking
Safety of Underground Power
* ** *** ** ***
Change or Increase Size of
* *** *** *** ***
Cables in The Future
Avoidance Underground
*** *** ** ** *
Obstacles During Installation
Cost of Construction *** ** ** * *
Duration of Construction *** ** * ** *
Ventilation Ability *** ** * ** *
Damage to a Nearby Cable
* ** *** ** ***
During Short Circuit
Cost of Restoring Surface * * * ** **
Subsidence Chance During
** ** ** * *
Complexity in Construction *** *** ** ** *
Construction Impact on
* * * ** **
Nearby Residents
Space for Installation of
*** *** ** * *
Construction Equipment
Table 3.1: The advantage and disadvantage of each construction method

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 28
Estimated Cost
Methods of Construction Multiplier*
(Million Baht)
Overhead Line Bare Cable 1.5 0.75
185 sq.mm. Aerial Cable 2.0 1
Underground Direct Burial 11 5.5
XLPE Cable 240 Semi – Direct Burial 14.5 7.25
Duct Bank 15 7.5
Horizontal Directional Drilling 16 8
Pipe Jacking (Small sleeve) 20 10
Table 3.2: Cost comparison of construction methods for 22kV per 1 circuit-kilometer

Estimated Cost
Methods of Construction Multiplier*
(Million Baht)
Overhead Line 95 PVC Insulated Cables 0.8 1
Underground XLPE Direct Burial 5.5 6.87
Cable 185 sq.mm. Semi – Direct Burial 6.5 8.12
Duct Bank 8 10
Horizontal Directional 10 12.50
Drilling (HDD)
Table 3.3: Cost comparison of construction methods for low voltage 400/230 V per 1 circuit-kilometer

3.5 Electrical Equipment for an Underground Power Cable


3.5.1 Transformers

For an underground power cabling system, types of transformer installation are

different depending on factors such as power security, capital investment, location
for installation. Types of transformer installation can be divided into two types:

1) Transformer Platform - If compact unit substation cannot be installed on

sidewalk, an alternative method is to use transformer platform. There are two
types of transformer platforms, single pole and double poles. This method is
relatively cheap and requires small installation area, because transformer and

29  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
other electrical equipment are installed on power pole. Low voltage fuse and
circuit breaker are equipped on single pole. 160kVA or 250 kVA transformer
can be installed on single pole as shown in Figure 3.13. 315kVA, 400kVA, or
500kVA can be installed on double pole as shown in Figure 3.14.

Figure 3.13: Figure 3.14:

Transformer installed on single pole Transformer installed on double pole

2) Compact Unit Substation - Compact unit substation is used in the area where
aesthetic preservation and power security are prerequisites. There must be enough
space for the installation too. However, the downside is its high cost. Number of
compact unit substations is dependent on load requirement. PEA has 630kVA
and 1000kVA of compact unit substation as shown in Figure 3.15 and 3.16,

Figure 3.15: Figure 3.16:

Undecorated Compact Unit Substation Decorated Compact Unit Substation

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 30
Compact unit substation consists of three compartments, which are:

a) High voltage room contains Ring Main Unit (RMU), 22kV or 33kV that
connects to the open loop. RMU can be operated by closing or opening under
load current. The transformer feeder can be equipped with fuse or circuit breaker
as required. As PEA’s regulation, RMU is contained in totally SF6 gas insulated
gas-tight steel tank and degree of protection is specified as IP34. RMU’s medium
voltage part consists of two types of feeders: 1) cable feeder switch which
normally has two to three switches, connecting to power feeder via XLPE cable
size 240 sq.mm. 2) Transformer feeder switch which normally has at maximum
two switches, connecting to transformer via XLPE cable size 50 sq.mm.

Figure 3.17: SF6 Ring Main Unit

b) Transformer room has IP34 enclosure protection. Transformer room shall have
ventilation and is sealed to avoid pests like rodents. Types of transformer are
three-phase oil immersed permanently sealed and completely oil filled system
(without gas cushion), and natural self-cooled type. Transformer capacity is
up to 1,000kVA. However, popular capacities are 500kVA and 630kVA with
22kV-400/230v and 33kV-400/230v

31  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
c) Low voltage room has IP34 enclosure protection, containing low voltage
switching, local control panel, distribution management system (DMS)
interfacing equipment, and others. Incoming and outgoing is equipped with three-
phase molded case circuit-breaker; MCCB subject to IEC 60947-2 latest edition.

Considerations of compact unit substation enclosure include:

• Pass internal arc test according to PHELA No. 4, IEC 60298 latest edition,
or IEC 61330 latest edition
• Strong enough to protect live parts of transformer and switchgear from
external impact
• Numerous types to install in construction area
And internal arrangement include:

• Frontal access (only single door is need to access equipment)

• Diagonal access (easy to arrange equipment and suitable for large
• Longitudinal access (narrow enclosure to avoid obstruction for sidewalk

Transformer Transformer Installation Cost (Million Baht)

Size (kVA) Single Pole Double Poles Compact Unit Substation
160 0.4 0.5 -
250 0.5 0.6 -
500 - 0.8 3
630 - 1.0 3.5
1,000 - 1.2 4

Table 3.4: Cost comparison for transformer installation

Transformer Installation
Consideration Factors
Power Poles Compact Unit Substation
Power Stability * **
Safety * **
Capital Investment *** *
Beauty * **
Used Space *** *
Table 3.5: Comparison factors to consider for transformer installation

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 32
3.5.2 Riser Pole

Riser pole is medium voltage equipment for converting overhead line to

underground power cable. Riser pole consists of cable termination, disconnecting
switch or drop out fuse, lightning arrestor, and conduit protecting power cable.
Grounding process includes measuring soil’s resistance at the spot of installation.
Soil at some locations may need additional conductive element. The resistance
measurement is subject to international standards such as IEC. The equipment’s
selection, disconnecting switch or drop out fuse is dependent on load as proper.
Riser pole is shown in Figure 3.18.

Figure 3.18: Riser pole 22kV

33  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
3.5.3 Service Line

Service line is used to feed power to end users. Main components of service
line are service entrance, circuit breaker (mounted in box), steel conduit for
protection for an underground cable, and grounding. Service line can be installed
into building walls from feeder power with existing riser wall; or on power pole
to feed power to end users who live in smaller lanes as shown in Figure 3.19 and
3.20, respectively.

Figure 3.19: Riser wall for low voltage side

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 34
Figure 3.20: Riser pole for low voltage side

3.5.4 Distribution Box

Distribution box is low voltage distribution equipment that supplies power to

end users and is connected to transformer for emergency case. Main components
- two main circuit breakers and branch circuit breakers - feed power to each end
user via electrical panel box. Figure 3.21 illustrates a distribution box.

35  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Figure 3.21: Distribution box

3.5.5 Meter Cabinet

Meter cabinet is low voltage meter that cannot be installed at house’s wall as
shown in Figure 3.22 with following recommendation:-

1) It can be installed near to a fence, house’s pole, or building’s pole

2) Water proof connection shall have the same rating as rated current or load and
shall be disconnected whenever required.

3) Circuit breakers are installed at outgoing line to prevent short circuit in main
feeder of main entrance or end users’ building.

4) Connect circuit breaker directly to equipment, but connection point shall be


5) Use hinge that can be dismantled from steel frame. Water proof handle may
be locked by master key.

6) Cable resistance between conductor and meter’s surface must higher than 0.5
mega ohms.

7) Wiring work in cabinet shall include warning sign, phase specification and the
number of circuit for easy maintenance.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 36
8) Fault indicator must be installed in feeder or service low voltage feeder to
locate fault.

Figure 3.22: Meter cabinet and low voltage wiring

3.5.6 Fault Indicator

Fault indicator is the equipment to locate fault position for underground power
cabling. It can be equipped at cable feeder terminal or inside RMU as shown in
Figure 3.22. Configuration of fault indicator is shown in Figure 3.24.

Figure 3.23: Fault indicator in line (left) and fault indicator inside RMU (right)

37  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Figure 3.24: Configuration of fault indicator

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 38
Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction

In an overhead to underground conversion project, assessment of the total construction cost

including electrical installation is imperative. Additional outlays may be incurred especially
in situations where unforeseen works are carried out to avoid causing damages to the natural
landscape. As mentioned in previous chapters, undergrounding does not only bring about
benefits for PEA or the authorities, it also has its advantages for the local residents. Hence,
local authorities, whose priorities lie in the welfare of residents in the long run, should work
together with PEA in implementing and financing the project.

4.2 Investment Cost

The cost of underground power cabling construction includes civil construction works such
as construction of duct bank, pipe jacking, hand or manhole and restoration construction area
as well as electrical construction works such as cable pulling, dismantling of existing system,
installation of transformers and switchgears.

Capital investment in a typical undergrounding project may appear high comparing investment
of overhead line project. Decision makers should thus evaluate and select the appropriate
solution to minimize overall costs.

4.2.1 Least Cost Analysis

The Planning and Analysis Model is applied to determine the least cost option
in each scenario. The model compares relative quantities and costs of main
equipment used in the construction of a large-scale underground cable network
and provides a clear picture of the key engineering effort required to minimize

39  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
The project cost breakdown provided in the model is useful for the assessment of
relative cost proportion incurred by each type of system component based on the
respective quantities required in an underground cable network.

Capital cost reductions can be achieved in two ways:

• Optimize the efficient utilization of equipment according to its capacity

• Choose least cost equipment from a range of alternative each of which is
recognized as adequate for the intended purpose

Direct Pipe
Cost Structure Encased
Burial Jacking
Duct Bank
Total Construction Cost (USDmil) 41.40 45.90 $52.20
Additional Cost of Direct Burial 100.0% 110.9% 126.1%

Power Cables 29.1% 35.5% 42.7%

Unit Substation 4.7% 4.2% 3.7%
Low Voltage Cable 30.4% 27.4% 24.1%
Connecting to End Users 11.8% 10.7% 9.4%
Installation of Unit Substation 10.0% 9.0% 7.9%
Installation of Power Cable 9.9% 8.9% 7.8%
Dismantle 0.4% 0.3% 0.3%
Engineering Work 3.8% 3.9% 4.0%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Table 4.1: Detailed cost analysis of underground power cable system in a major city

Table 4.1 shows the cost structure of a underground power cable system in a
major city. The cost breakdown is illustrated as a pie chart in Figure 4.1.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 40
Figure 4.1: Pie chart for detailed cost analysis of underground power cable system in a
major city

An ideal electrical substation is shown in Figure 4.2. Electrical standby substations

with main feeders are shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.2: Figure 4.3:

Ideal Electrical Substations and layout so The substation service areas overlap and
that feeders are 100% efficiently utilized are not set out efficiently. Much of the
for distribution distribution network is redundant

As shown in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1, the best way to minimize construction cost
is to select a suitable distribution network of low voltage or medium voltage, since
low voltage and medium voltage distribution cost around 60% - 80% of overall
construction cost and they contribute up to 4 times over the sub transmission
cost. In comparing medium voltage and low voltage circuit cost to substation
cost, the substation cost is quite small. If the substation cost increases by 50%,
the overall project cost increases by just 5% and the cabling cost goes up by only
7%. As mentioned above, the key implementation factors to reduce the overall
project cost are:

• An efficient network layout

• Low per-unit circuit cost

41  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
An efficient network layout can be achieved by positioning the network near the
substation with optimal distance from distribution substation so that the medium
and low voltage networks are efficient. In Figure 4.2, all feeders from substation
have ideal equal distance so that each circuit can feed up to 100% efficiency. In
Figure 4.3, feeders are overlapped and inefficient which make them redundant.
Efficient network layout can only be achieved if network master planning covers
a wide area of the town. These factors have been discussed in Chapter 2. The
importance of an efficient, minimal-cost low voltage network lies in increasing
the performance of distribution substation. In comparison, among all project costs
using direct burial method as a basis, Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 show the impact
cost resulted from selecting different method of distribution cable installation.

Figure 4.4: Comparison among construction methods

Figure 4.5: Comparison among construction methods excluding low voltage and
connecting to end users

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 42
4.2.2 Impact of Planning Period on Least Cost

A project’s time frame will not only help in cash flow management, it also
incrementally creates other benefits in enhancing an efficient distribution system.
Economic and financial benefits will be discussed in details later.

A major determinant of project cost is the size or capacity of the system that will
be constructed. With increasing demand for electricity, the longer the forward
planning period, the larger is the system. On the other hand, if investment on cable
lines and substations is higher than end user’s demands, then the underground
power cable system may not viable or makes economic sense. Figure 4.6 shows
relationship between Net Present Value (NPV) of Chiang Mai underground
power cable project and at respective planning period. The data in this Figure
used load growth rate 4% and finance rate of 12%. The relationship showed that
15 years is a suitable planning period under the prevailing conditions of system
growth and financial costs.

Figure 4.6: Net Present Value (NPV) for each end of planning period

4.2.3 Other sources of funds

As the least cost analysis offers just guidelines for determining the construction
cost, one should take into account other factors to fully analyze the overall
cost issue such as dismantle cost, landscape improvement cost, operating cost,
maintenance cost. These cost factors contribute directly to maximize utility,
feed electricity in undergrounding capacity, reduce outage and increase safety.
Therefore, to calculate total capital investment, the above mentioned cost must
be included.

43  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
4.3 Sources of Funds and Cost Allocation
4.3.1 Sources of funds

For the investment in high cost project, there are loans available from either local
or foreign sources. Soft loan, a loan with a below market interest rate and longer
repayment periods, is also available from World Bank, Asian Development Bank,
and Japan Bank for International Cooperation. Therefore, the selection of fund
sources is dependent on the ability of repayment.

4.3.2 Cost Sharing

In the long term perspective, it is essential to examine cost sharing for common
expenses. Underground power cabling system has a relatively higher cost of
investment, but it is a worthwhile project to help reduce maintenance cost. Five
choices of main funding for underground cabling (including communication
cables) are:

• PEA funds entirely

• PEA and telecommunication companies (telephone, cable TV, etc. ) share cost
• PEA and municipality share cost
• PEA and land owners share cost
• Land owners fund entirely
The form of a joint venture depends on the availability of all other agencies. Thus,
all related main agencies must be involved in managing the project.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 44
4.4 Operation and Maintenance Cost
Comparison of annual operating and maintenance cost (Baht/km) between overhead line and
underground power cable system is shown in Figure 4.7. Annual operating and maintenance
cost is substantially reduced for underground system.

Figure 4.7: Annual operating and maintenance cost (Baht/km) between overhead line and
underground cable

The annual cost for underground system is brought into NPV using the discount rate of
12% over 30 years. The estimated overall NPV of O&M expenditures excluding losses are
40,000 Baht per kilometer of distribution line (sum of both medium voltage and low voltage
distribution lines). Electrical losses are around 35,000 Baht (estimated) per kilometer.

4.5 Project Benefits

4.5.1 Overview of Benefits of Underground Distribution System

A range of benefits from replacing overhead line to an underground power cable

system is shown in Table 4.2. Some intangible benefits are demonstrated in fewer
power outages. Benefits for end users from fewer power outages are examined
in this handbook. However, there are many indirect benefits that are difficult
to evaluate such as removing unsightly cables hanging from poles to improve
city’s skyline for a better environment. PEA also enjoys benefits from lower
operation and maintenance cost, but other benefits are difficult to quantify i.e.
beautiful streets and building and public safety. There are different opinions on

45  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
benefits brought about from underground power cabling system. Some countries
such as Austria and Sweden claim that an underground cable system is worth
the investment, while some countries like USA, Australia, and UK still view
underground cabling as high investments. From the residents’ perspective,
undergrounding brings about elimination of unsightly cable clutter which
will give way to better view of scenery for national monuments and/or other
landscaping attraction.

Benefits Opinions Beneficiary
Reliable Benefit, but when End users receive Society and
Distribution power outage more reliable Economics
System occurs, it takes long distribution (better
time to restore system productivity)
Improvement of Very benefit, but End user in Society receives
Landscape difficult to quantify construction area benefits if
including tourists landscape is
improved and
attracts tourist
Number of Important benefit Commuters Society receives
accidents and insurance reduced
decreases company insurance fee
Number of Important benefit Residents and Society and
casualties from Workers who economic
electric shock work near power
decreases line
Maintenance Benefit, since Electricity End user pay
cost decreases maintenance cost Authority less electrical
down up to 80% bill
Losses in Larger cable’s Electricity
transmission size than that of Authority
reduces overhead line (better
Reduction of Research shows that Residents
electromagnetic there is no harm to
field health from power
Reduction of Minimum benefit Resident no need
Electromagnetic to buy better
Interfere antenna
Table 4.2: A range of benefits from replacing overhead line to an underground power
cable system

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 46
Removing overhead line may offer these benefits if the undergrounding project
covers both low voltage power distribution and telecommunication lines. If these
are not included during the construction, there will be an additional cost in the

Undergrounding incentives are now getting recognized in Thailand. PEA moves

forward the underground power cable project with the public and begins to survey
more potential locations in accordance with PEA’s policies. Some municipal
authorities have shown interest and want to work with PEA on underground

4.5.2 Financial Benefits of Underground Power Cable

Normally, an underground power cable system costs around 4,300,000 Baht

per kilometer (including medium voltage and low voltage cable), much more
expensive than overhead line. Time to completion of an underground power cable
is also longer than that of overhead line. NPV of investment is around 3,100,000
Baht per kilometer. NPV for expense, operating and maintenance, and losses of
overhead line and underground power cable is shown in Table 4.3.

Overhead Line
Power Cable
NPV for expense Nil 3,100,000
NPV for operating and maintenance 160,000 40,000
NPV for losses 130,000 40,000
Total (excluding NPV for expense) 290,000 80,000
Therefore, PEA can save money from underground cable 210,000 Baht out of
3,100,000 Baht (NPV for investment)

Table 4.3: NPV for expense, operating and maintenance, and losses of overhead line and
underground power cable( (Note: Data in Table 4.3 refer PEA’s project study)

The conclusion is that the financial benefit of PEA is quite low compared to
total underground power cable construction cost (5-10%). Based on this survey,
PEA will not proceed with the underground power cable project as the capital

47  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
investment cost is too high. PEA may carry out underground power cabling in
areas with lower level of salt vapors (which is a cause for short circuit) or urban
area that is more economical to invest.

4.5.3 Economic Benefits of Underground Power Cable Overview of economic benefits

National economic benefits are as follow:-.

• Reduce production loss due to fewer outage

• Reduce road accidents or car collision on power poles
• Increase tourists due to a beautiful city and monument (no messy
power wires)

These national economic benefits are sometimes difficult to quantify

and are still debatable. For example, in Florida, injuries caused by road
accidents or car crashes at power poles is lower compared to places like
Thailand where sidewalks or pavements are crowded as there are more
pedestrians or road users. One may argue that the removal of power poles
may increase the chances of traffic accidents for pedestrians, since cars
might hit pedestrians rather than power poles. Also if trees are planted at
the same location of power poles, cars might also collide trees, equally as
severe as smashing power poles.

However, another measureable benefit that is in the losses experienced

by end users due to power outage. Research shows that this benefit could
be calculated by some criteria. Cost of power outage in overhead line

I. Evaluation Method

Evaluation of end user losses due to power outage is difficult to conduct

and a survey of a large sample size may be required. However, such
survey is not a topic in this handbook; thus, other evaluation methods will

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 48
be examined. Expenses of end user vary depending on types of end users
and related factors such as:

• Type of business during outage

• The time of day the outage occurred
• Length of the disruption of production
• Degree of notice (if any)

PEA’s research related to losses of end users is summarized in Table

4.4. Normally, losses experienced by end users in major cities are around
90 Baht per kilowatt-hour of lost sale. According to WorleyParsons
Consulting, estimated losses model suggested losses at around 130
Baht per kilowatt-hour of lost sale. Lower loss value estimated by PEA
indicated that PEA may be conservative in estimating loss. As the Thai
economy develops, GDP per unit of power consumption will grow. Value
of end users’ losses may be even higher.

Losses of end users in case of 60

Type of end user minutes power outage (Baht per
kilowatt, average)
Resident 35
Industry 80
Business (including retailers) 120
Non-profit government agencies 50
Total 285

Table 4.4: Losses of end users due to power outage

II. PEA’s system reliability statistics

PEA applied system reliability statistics to data during October 98 to

March 99 to characterize the reliability performance of the PEA system.
See detail in Table 4.5. The definitions of reliability statistics are:

(Total number of customer minutes lost)/(Total number of customers)
(Total number of customer interruptions)/ (Total number of customers)
Average duration of customer interruptions (minutes)

49  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
PEA - - -
Urban Area 8.6 613.9 72
Industrial Estate 1.8 74.8 42
MEA - - -
Urban Area 1.0 0.1 39
Industrial Estate 0.0 0.2 0
End Users - - -
Urban Area 0.1 4.1 29
Industrial Estate 0.2 1.9 12
Table 4.5: PEA system reliability statistics from October 98 to March 99

The conclusions from Table 4.5 are:

• The reliability of power supply to large industrial power customers is

• The power supply to urban areas is much less reliable
• Most of the interruptions in urban areas are due to the reliability of
the PEA system
The power reliability is a key consideration for business. Singapore
attracts high-tech investors with its power infrastructure and power
reliability. PEA too realized the value of power system reliability and
changes its overall power reliability targets

III. Outage costs to customers

PEA’s system reliability statistics and losses of customers are gathered

to determine the average losses of customers during outage. Table 4.6
illustrates Chiang Mai customer’s losses during outage.

The average outage cost is 90 Baht per kWh of lost supply, an average
multiplier of 40 times the average cost to customers of electricity. In
Figure 4.8, most of the annual outage cost falls on the industrial and
commercial sectors. From Figure 4.8, these conclusions can be drawn:

• The outage costs of customers are much higher than the costs of lost
sales, typically 20-50 times higher
• Most cost of outages will fall on the industrial and commercial busi-
nesses located within towns

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 50
Business (incl
Type of end users Resident Industry government Total

Number of
51,388 6,227 963 400 58,978

Average load in
future during 4,015 25,767 18,411 1,193 49,386
planning (kVA)

CAIDI (minute) 72 72 72 72

Average per unit

for 60 minute 35 100 100 50
outage (Baht)

PEA’s SAIFI 3 497 2,294 179

customers’ losses 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.58
due to power
Losses of
customer during 1,446,994 26,530,074 18,956,291 613,977 47,547,336
outage (Baht)

Table 4.6 Cost of outage for existing overhead system in Chiang Mai

Figure 4.8: PEA’s annual outage cost by types of customer in urban area

51  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook Cost of outage in an underground power cable system

Using the same methodology described above, the customer’s cost during
interruption of underground power cable system has been estimated
as shown in Table 4.7. The customer outage cost for overhead and
underground systems for a typical town (Chiang Mai) are compared
in Figure 4.9. Customer outage cost is considerably reduced due to
increasing power system reliability of a properly designed and installed
underground system. Economic evaluation of an underground power cable system

• PEA’s benefits for an underground power cable lie in the reduction

of operation and maintenance cost including reduction of losses
suffered in power outages compared to that of overhead line. Table 4.8
illustrates economic benefits of an underground power cable.

The main conclusions that can be drawn from the Table are:

• The financial benefits to PEA from reduced O&M and reduced losses
are small proportion of the total economic benefit

• The economic benefits to customers of fewer PEA outages are much

more significant than the benefits to PEA

Figure 4.9: Annual losses of customer due to power outage for overhead and
underground systems for a typical town (Chiang Mai)

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 52
Business (incl
Type of end users Resident Industry government Total

Number of
51,388 6,227 963 400 58,978

Average load in
future during 4,015 25,767 18,411 1,193 49,386
planning (KVA)

CAIDI (minute) 72 72 72 72

Average per unit

for 60 minute 35 100 100 50
outage (Baht)

PEA’s SAIFI 3 331 2,294 149

customers’ losses 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.58
due to power
Losses of
customer during 140,539 2,061,389 2,209,358 59,633 4,470,919
outage (Baht)

Table 4.7: The customer’s cost during interruption of underground power cable system

% Saving
Overhead Underground Saving
line (Baht) cable (Baht) (Baht)
with NPV
NPV for expenses Nil 3,100,000
NPV for operating and 290,000 70,000 220,000 7%
maintenance costs
NPV for losses of customer 750,000 70,000 680,000 22%
due to power outage

Table 4.8: Economic benefits of an underground power cable

53  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
PEA together with the consulting company discovered that there was
around 90% of losses due to power outage that had affected industry and
business customer. Therefore, the economic benefits can offset capital
investment because the density of commercial and industrial consumers
is more than four times the average of residential customers. This is a
common observation found in the central business district of the town.

In summary, while the benefits of reduced outages do not justify an

underground conversion in residential districts, the benefits in other town
areas will suffice to justify this course of action. As the Thai economy
develops, the economics will become more and more favorable for an
underground power cable, especially in major cities.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 54
Chapter 5

5.1 Introduction

Underground power cabling system requires large capital investment. The complexity of
underground cable construction begins before the construction phase and extends even beyond
the completion of construction, since the construction has to be carried out in areas where
existing power system is live and cooperation with various agencies is necessary. Therefore,
project management is crucial. Coordination, finance management, job control inspection and
approval are needed to achieve the goals within the schedule.

In addition, the undergrounding construction may encounter various challenges such as space
constraint resulting from narrow traffic lanes, traffic congestion management, restriction in
work hours and others. To effectively achieve project objective, efficient management is an
important factor. This chapter outlines the overall picture of a typical management process of
underground power cable construction.

5.2 Sources of Funding

Because the conversion of overhead lines to underground cables requires large capital
investment, considering only return on investment is not sufficient. Project worthiness has
to be weighed based on meeting key objectives. The objectives of underground power cable
system is as follows.

5.2.1 Enhance the reliability and stability of power system (i.e. to reduce outage)

• To increase public safety in urban areas

• To preserve the environment and improve city landscape so as to promote
• To reduce operating and maintenance cost

55  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
5.2.2 Sources of Fund

Funds for undergrounding projects may come from various sources depending
on the availability of state-owned entities in the respective areas i.e. municipality
and Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning and agencies
that directly benefit from the project. These organizations provide funding and
coordinate among the group to efficiently carry out the construction process.
Source of funds are listed as follows.

• Revenue from each agency

• Subsidy or budget from government
• Domestic loan
In the past, there is no grant or low interest loan from international sources since
undergrounding projects are carried out in urban areas, instead of rural areas
where the project directly benefits residents.

5.2.3 From previous experiences, other sources of funding for undergrounding may
come from these parties:-.

• Municipality, responsible for both civil work and electrical work expense
• Municipality, responsible for either civil work or electrical work expense
• PEA, responsible for all expense

5.3 Project Management Organization

5.3.1 Duties and responsibilities of each party

The organizational structure of past projects by PEA warrants cooperation

between municipalities and PEA, as well as telecommunication agencies and
other agencies. Duty and responsibility are divided as below. Municipality

• To provide funding for civil works such as manhole, duck bank, etc.
• To supervise and approve civil works (according to topic 5.3.2)
• To coordinate with other agencies in areas such as electricity
authority, telecommunication agency, traffic control agency, public
works authority to design a construction plan to avoid overlaps and
design area for construction where underground cables are laid and
work zones are dismantled after the completion of the construction.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 56
The infrastructure layout plan must be validated to ensure smooth
operations and to mitigate obstacles.
• To organize public hearing at construction area
• To file application to use a public area
• To design and adjust landscape and lighting system after the
completion of the construction PEA

• To design underground power cabling system

• To provide sources of funding for electrical system expenses such as
underground cables, control panels etc.
• To supervise and approve civil work and/or electrical work (case by
case). See detail in topic 5.3.2.
• To disconnect and dismantle overhead lines Telecommunication agency and other agencies

• To design and change related equipment from overhead line to under-

ground power cabling system
• To provide sources of funds for both civil work and electrical works
• To supervise and approve civil work for their responsible areas
• To disconnect and dismantle their equipment according to construc-
tion schedule

5.3.2 Project Management Models

As highlighted in Chapter 2, project management model is adjusted to the

readiness of each municipality. The advantages and disadvantages of each model
are as below. PEA is the main contractor who takes responsibility of both civil and
electrical works and municipality will pay for expenses incurred in civil works.

• Swiftness to resolve obstacles during course of construction
• Better coordination among parties and better follow up
• Ease in adding and reducing works during construction phase including cost
and time negotiation

• Delay in purchasing equipment since procurement goes under government
regulation and construction activities may not be fulfilled as scheduled
• If project management is inefficient and cause delays, penalty for delay can-
not be applied
• Construction cost is higher than that of other contractors, since PEA man-
hour cost is higher

57  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook Hire contractor to perform civil work and electrical work. PEA will be
a party to the contract and supervises the construction according to the contract
(only electrical work). Municipality will supervise and be responsible for civil
work according to the contract. Thus, only one contractor shall be hired for civil
work and electrical work to minimize obstacles.

• Swiftness to purchase and procure with the reduction of bureaucracy and
• Ease in supervising construction since penalty for delay is high
• Lower workload on PEA when there are many projects to handle at any one

• If obstacles surface during construction, corrective actions may be delayed
because there are many procedures involved and the contractor may not be
specific with the rightful accountabilities
• Contractor normally hires subcontractor to reduce costs, leading to poor
work and equipment quality
• Contractor may find way to reduce the quality of service to save cost and/or
add task on project for high profitability or time extension, creating problems
for project management staff

5.4 Construction Control for Underground Power Cable


5.4.1 Principle of Construction Control

Superintendent who is responsible for the undergrounding construction shall

have knowledge and experience with installing underground cabling in both civil
and electrical works since both are closely related. If civil work is poorly done,
challenges for electrical work will surface, e.g. cannot install equipment properly,
leading to equipment downgrade. Therefore, these are the minimum experience
and knowledge each superintendent should possess:- Superintendent shall have knowledge or must be educated in underground

cable regulation and installation standards.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 58 Superintendent shall be able to read a construction plan layout and get
an insight into details Superintendent shall know and understand the details of terms of

agreement in the contract Superintendent shall know restrictions and technical details of installed

equipment Superintendent shall know testing steps and procedures for using
materials and equipment Superintendent shall have experience to cope with problems and obstacles
during construction according to technical subject matters

5.4.2 Construction Quality Control

The Civil Engineer shall be the chief of construction quality control team,
since civil work of undergrounding construction is related to civil works such
as creating manhole, duct bank, road repairs after digging manhole, installing
conduits and riser pole, and running groundwork for electrical equipment e.g.
Ring Main Unit, Compact Unit Substation etc. From past experience, common
problems and obstacles can be summarized in Table 5.1.

59  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Problems and Obstacles Remedy
1. Not enough working area 1. Plan and coordinate to close traffic
due to narrow traffic lane with responsible agencies such aas police
department and municipality and install
man-at-work signs for both day and night
2. Announce and publicize road blocks to
commuters to avoid traffic congestion during
construction period
3. Road surface must be temporarily restored
if work cannot be completed
2. Narrow traffic lane causes 1. Plan and coordinate with police
material handling problems department, municipality and other related
2. Temporarily close traffic for moving
3. Limited stowing area 1. Coordinate with agencies and resident in
construction area
2. Reduce working time to move equipment
4. Inconvenience arising 1. Plan and coordinate with police
from traffic congestion department, municipality, and other related
agencies to close traffic
2. Announce and publicize road block to
warn commuters during construction period
5. Limited work hour 1. Coordinate with related agencies to
determine working hours
2. Plan appropriate working time window
either by using more manpower or

Table 5.1: Summary of problems and obstacles during construction

5.4.3 Electrical Installation Control

In every electrical installation control step, the superintendent shall have

knowledge, experience, and eye for details to minimize any damage of equipment
that may arise, Equipment damages occur with mishandling and improper
installation. Thus, having professionally trained personnel who have technical
skills and experience is important especially for splicing and termination which
require certification from equipment manufacturers.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 60
5.4.4 Management for Undergrounding Project

Normally, PEA will manage project with an overall view, covering civil and
electrical work. PEA executive will appoint project manager who has knowledge
and experience to cope with problems and obstacles. Personnel who have not
been a part of a purchase and procurement committee may not be able to resolve
or expedite a resolution of operational problems due to lack of experience.
Therefore, these are the guidelines in which PEA recommends:- Project obstacles during and after construction, which are not included
in the contract, pose big problems and there is a tendency for contractors to ask
for more time and higher payment. PEA should request for regular reporting
of as-built drawing updates or state in the contract to enforce presentation of
work details or challenges. PEA should also expedite approval process to resolve
respective issues. There may be situations where power poles cannot be removed because
telecommunication wiring cannot be dismantled properly.. In this case, PEA,
responsible for underground power cable project, shall undertake steps to inform
the related parties or authorities, by organizing a meeting to notify all parties (or
agencies) of project progress and set dismantling plans according to the progress
of the project. Should there be a lack of co-operation, PEA will dismantle the
power pole and address minute of meeting to members of public. Presently, the procurement for underground power cable system is

conducted through competitive bidding due to large investment. Bidders mostly
compete based on the lowest price in order to win the contract. Unlike experience
contractor companies, small contractor companies who lack the experience and
funding may win the bid but suffer project incompletion at the end. Therefore,
PEA shall specify the requirement for company experience in undergrounding by
indicating the length of underground cable to match with contenders’ experience
and track record. The contract awarding process should take into account one’s
track record in addition to the specifications for equipment.

61  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook Underground power cabling system project may create noise and air
pollution. PEA shall monitor the effects on the environment brought about by
the undergrounding project. In some countries, there is regulation to control
pollution. PEA shall assign committee to coordinate and supervise contractors
to adhere with the regulation.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 62
Chapter 6

6.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the details of operations and maintenance for PEA’s underground cabling
system. Typically, PEA will feed power according to its standards and notify all end users to
follow. The issues that PEA considers before feeding power are:

6.1.1 Sufficient Supply

Before feeding power into grid, PEA uses computer software to calculate power
usage of all end users and evaluate the computation that has to comply by PEA’s
plan and capability. PEA also controls distribution system according to its

6.1.2 Power Reliability

Although PEA must provide sufficient electricity power, PEA also prepares
an emergency plan to feed power into grid in case of equipment breakdown,
malfunction, human error, or surge in electric demand.

6.1.3 Power Stability

To enhance the availability of electricity, PEA has a development plan for medium
and low voltage distribution, distribution transformers and capacitor banks. PEA
has a project to improve the maintenance of the distribution system to enhance
stability and reliability.

6.1.4 Safety of Life and Property

PEA is committed to ensure public safety and protect property and the environment
by using equipment that is of international standards.

63  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
6.1.5 Distribution System Efficiency

PEA’s efficiency enhancement plan includes acquiring automatic and remote-

control systems that are effective in reducing power outage. These systems allow
operators to assess the system quickly and mitigate power losses arising from
power outage. Distribution automation system, geographic information system,
supervisory control and data acquisition add to performance assurance.

6.1.6 Monitor and Maintenance

Upon commissioning of the underground cable into service with PEA Distribution
Network, PEA will monitor its performance and conduct the required maintenance
throughout its service life. The following types of maintenance are done:

• Preventive Maintenance
• Corrective Maintenance
• Condition Based Maintenance

6.2 Operation

The load capacity or ampacity of underground power cable is governed by the temperature rise
within the cable and its surroundings. The maximum permissible service temperature of XLPE
cable is determined by four main factors. These four main factors that have an impact on the
ampacity rating of underground cable are:-

6.2.1 Ambient Temperature

To ensure that the ampacity of underground power cable matches to that

of overhead line, the conductor of underground cables must be larger as thick
insulation of underground cable will give rise to higher temperature compared to
thinner (or none) insulation of overhead line. Therefore, if ambient temperature
of underground cable is high, the ampacity of underground cable will be reduced.

6.2.2 Cable Design and Construction

Consideration of heat ventilation and cable characteristics play a part in sound cable
design and construction. Single-core cables provide higher ampacity compared to
three-core cables.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 64
6.2.3 Condition of Installation

The thickness of insulation also affects the ampacity of the power cable due to
heat transfer efficiency. It can be said that thicker insulation lowers ampacity. And
ampacity is different for different types of cable laying and the number of circuits
nearby. The vertical installation allows for 5% less current capacity compared to
the horizontal installation.

6.2.4 Effects from Neighboring Cables

Vertically installed cables have 5% less current carrying capacity than cables that
are installed horizontally. Underground cables with different layout and depth
including the number of circuits will affect the load capacity and the ampacity
which can be calculated according to IEC standard. The lowest carrying current of
underground cable will be determined before energizing. If an underground cable
carries load current more than its carrying capacity, it might damage or explode.

Therefore, the design, production, installation and power feeding of underground

cable must comply with the standards, consisting of:

• Standard voltage: The range of minimum and maximum voltage applied to

circuit such as in 24 kV, PEA may regulate maximum voltage at 23.6 kV and
minimum voltage at 21.8 kV

• Standard Load: Normally, PEA will feed power according to rating of its
equipment under normal operation and emergency with advance planning for
load shedding.

• Stand Equipment: PEA selects standards of equipment according to international


6.3 Maintenance of Underground Power Cable

An underground power cabling system is comprised of 24 kV switchgears, transformers,

unit substation, ring main unit, low voltage cables, molded case circuit breaker and etc. The

65  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
maintenance shall strictly follow manual guides and apply three types of maintenance as
discussed earlier. From PEA’s past experiences, it is important to record all key statistical data
so that PEA can compare the strengths and weaknesses for each maintenance measure. An
underground power cabling system may enjoy a life span of 20-25 years if proper maintenance
is in place. This chapter will focus only on the underground cable maintenance.

6.3.1 Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is carried out every year throughout the cable service life.
Preventive maintenance includes monitoring plan, repairing or changing cables
when impaired cables are detected. The following diagnostic tests form part of the
annual preventive maintenance program: Infra-red Thermal Viewer of all electrical joints. Mitigative action is

dependent on the scan results but typically the following is recommended.

a. Temperature T < 30°C, continue with normal maintenance plan

b. 30°C ≤ Temperature T ≤ 60°C, repeat maintenance within 1 month
c. Temperature T ≥ 60°C, repeat maintenance within 1 week
Condition “a” and “b” are normally associated with poor electrical contact.
Immediate action can be taken to clean and re-torque the jointing and re-scan to
check whether temperature is within normal range. Visual inspection of joints and splices, physical check on integrity and
condition of ground connection. Cleaning of the termination joint outer surface of all dust and contaminant
deposits. Contact resistant test for all electrical connections – the value must be less
than 5 micro ohms at 100A DC test current. As a safety measure, conduct an insulation test (Megger test). For medium
voltage cable, apply 5 kV for 1 minute duration. For low voltage cable, apply 1 kV
for one minute. Thus, the resistance value should be higher than 2G ohms before
re-commissioning the cable. If any incipient faults are detected during preventive
maintenance tests, the testers will correct the faults or record all the data for the

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 66
Figure 6.1: PEA’s underground cable test form

67  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
sake of future maintenance planning. PEA’s underground cable test form is shown
in Figure 6.1.

6.3.2 Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance is carried out whenever faults occur due to failure or

damage in an underground power cable. Causes of faults may be associated to
intended or unintended disasters such like floods that cannot be predicted. The
following steps are recommended to be part of corrective maintenance procedure: Visual check and physical inspection Use insulation tester to measure the insulation cable resistance between
conductor and shield ground Use insulation tester to measure the cable insulation jacket between shield
ground and cable ground to assess extent of damage Use fault locator to locate cable faults, if it is high impedance damage type,
the resistance > 15 kohm or use Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR), if it is low
impedance damage type, the resistance ≤ 1.5 kohm. Example of Fault Locator is
shown in Figure 6.2 and example of fault location is shown in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.2: Figure 6.3:

Example of Fault Locator Example of a fault location

Note: Red line represented damaged cable (Phase A) and black line represented
functional cable (Phase C). From Figure 6.3, total length of cable is 77.09 meter
and damaged cable is at 20.50th meter.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 68
Figure 6.4: An example of OWTS tester If faults occur in jacket, use sheath test to locate faults. Example of Sheath
Tester is shown in Figure 6.4 Root cause of damaged cable commonly comes from two main reasons:
human error and the quality of cable and/or termination (including splice). Human
errors are associated to problems associated with poor cable termination (or
splicing) and/or improper installation and cable pulling (not according to PEA’s
standard). When the quality of cable does not meet the standards or regulations,
there may be higher chance of cable damage. Therefore, practitioners must also test
other cable circuits that is commissioned by the same group of people who installed
damaged cable. Fix or repair damaged cable after error was detected. If damage occurs at
termination or splicing, replacement shall be required. Measure insulation of power cable. AC-withstand voltage test for 24 hours
test must be carried out after repair works to ensure normal performance. Follow repaired cable after re-commissioning.

69  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
6.3.3 Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)

Condition based maintenance is the predictive maintenance based on the

assessment of power equipment condition through analyzing data and predicting
equipment’s condition. This methodology helps practitioners in devising an
efficient maintenance plan. The follow-up maintenance is another method that
is carried out after several years of service. This type of maintenance shall be
performed if there are two or less indicators of damage. Partial discharge for an underground power cable

Presently, PEA uses Oscillating Wave Test System (OWTS) for CBM of
underground and submarine cables. OWTS is able to identify, evaluate, and
locate Partial Discharge (PD) faults in cable insulation, joints, and terminations.
PD Mapping is used to locate faults along the cable section under test.

It utilizes the well-known principle of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) to

identify a fault location properly. Two parameters, amplitude of PD and Partial
Discharge Inception Voltage (PDIV), are used to dictate follow-up maintenance
actions required. The maintenance of underground power cable after testing by
OWTS is done based on amplitude of PD and values of PDIV condition as shown
in Table 6.1.

PDIV Values Amplitude of PD Maintenance Action

PDIV ≤ Uo ≥ 500 pc Change immediately
PDIV ≤ Uo 250-499 pc Repeat test after 3 months
PDIV ≤ Uo 100-249 pc Repeat test after 6 months
PDIV ≤ Uo < 100 pc Repeat test after 1 year
PDIV ≤ Uo - Repeat test after 12 year

Table 6.1: Recommended maintenance for differing values of PDIV (Note: Uo is

Voltage phase to ground of an underground power cable at normal voltage rate.)

Figure 6.4 and 6.5 show an example of OWTS tester and PD Mapping graph.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 70
Figure 6.5: PD Mapping graph

6.4 Training for Underground Power Cable System

Operation and maintenance of an underground power cabling system is essential due to the
increased number of undergrounding projects. PEA has established the design, installation,
testing, and operation and maintenance department. Training may take several months (or
years) according to level of system voltage for practitioner to work on sites. Normally, PEA
will train personnel and technicians in theory and practice based on its standards and practices.

Reference: PEA’s maintenance manual

71  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Chapter 7

7.1 Introduction

Nine electricity authorities of Lower Mekong Sub-Region, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos
and Thailand had examined various past experiences and identified the following cases as good
experience-sharing scenarios for underground conversion projects.

7.2 Local Government Policy Project

The underground power cabling system was constructed in Nong Khai municipality, Nong
Khai province in Thailand.

7.2.1 Objective of Project

1) To improve Nong Khai municipality and to develop a beautiful landscape according

to Nong Khai municipality’s policy through converting overhead line to underground
power cabling system as shown in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1: Construction area

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 72
7.2.2 Construction Area

1) From Janjobtit Road to Prajak Silapakhom Road (Raw Saw Pau Junction to Soi
Vietnam Nusorn) Distance of 1.2 kilometers

7.2.3 Budget

1) Total construction cost is 52,510,000 Baht

2) Nong Khai municipality and PEA jointly funded the underground power cable project.

3) Nong Khai municipality funded for civil works, 22,356,000 Baht

4) PEA funded for electrical works, 30,154,000 Baht

5) Other infrastructure such as telephone, water work, cable TV, and so on, were funded
by owners

6) Road repair and landscaping improvement were funded and operated by Nong Khai

7.2.4 Construction Duration

1) 197 days (11 July 2011 to 24 January 2012)

7.2.5 Project Management

1) PEA and Nong Khai municipality signed the memorandum of understanding to

undertake the underground power cable project as a joint effort

2) PEA was responsible for both civil and electrical works. The detail of civil work is
in displayed Tables 7.1 and 7.2. The detail of electrical work for medium voltage is
displayed in Tables 7.3 and 7.4. The detail of electrical work for low voltage is also
found in Table 7.5.

73  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
The detail of civil work for medium voltage
Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 1,164 meters
2. Pipe Jacking No -
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial No -
5. Direct Burial No -
Table 7.1: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side

The detail of civil work for low voltage

Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 645 meters
2. Pipe Jacking No -
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial Yes 1,370 meters
5. Direct Burial No -
Table 7.2: The detail of civil work for low voltage side

Details Construction Detail for Medium Voltage

1. Power Cables Single Core Copper XLPE Cable
1.1 Main Feeder (1 Line) - Cable Size 240 sq.mm. (4,182 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 50 sq.mm. (1,585 meters)
2. Configuration - Open Loop
3. Switches and Protection Switches in Loop and Protection Devices for
Devices Distribution Feeder
3.1 Switches - Disconnection switch
3.2 Protection Devices - Fuse cut-out

Table 7.3: The construction details for medium voltage side

Details Transformer Installation Details

1. Types of Installation Oil-Immersed Transformer
1.1 Single Pole - 160 kVA 1 set, 250 kVA 2 sets
1.2 Double Poles - 160 kVA 1 set, 160 kVA 1 set, 500 kVA 2 sets
1.3 Compact Unit - 500 kVA 1 set

Table 7.4: The details for transformer installation

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 74
Details Construction Detail for Low Voltage
1. Power Cables Single Core CV Cables
1.1 Main Feeder - Cable Size 185 sq.mm ( 10,469 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 95, 50 sq.mm (3,718 meters)
2. Configuration - Radial
3. Protection Device Transformer and Distribution Feeder
3.1 Transformer Protection - Circuit Breaker
3.2 Feeder Protection Devices - Circuit Breaker

Table 7.5: The construction details for low voltage side

3) Pictures before and after completion of the project were taken to serve as record for
the next project. Figure 7.2 and 7.3 illustrate the scene before the completion of the
project. Figure 7.4 and 7.5 illustrate the scene after completion of the project.

Figure 7.2: Figure 7.3:

Landscape before the construction Landscape before the construction

Figure 7.4: Figure 7.5:

Landscape after completion Landscape after completion

75  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
7.3 Coastal Area Project

The underground power cable system was constructed in Pattaya, Chonburi province in
Thailand as shown in Figure 7.6.

7.3.1 Objective of Project

1) To improve power system stability in coastal area of Pattaya by converting overhead

line to underground power cabling system

Figure 7.6: Construction area for underground power cable system

7.3.2 Construction Area

1) Pattaya no. 1 road (Loma circle to southern Pattay T-junction) Distance of 3.5

7.3.3 Budget

1) Total construction cost is 334,148,659 Baht

2) Pattaya City Hall and PEA jointly funded an underground power cable project

3) Pattaya City Hall funded for civil works, 232,710,280 Baht

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 76
4) PEA funded for electrical works, 101,438,379 Baht

5) Other infrastructure such as telephone, water work, cable TV, and so on, were funded
by owners

6) Road repair and landscape improvement were funded and operated by Pattaya City

7.3.4 Construction Duration

1) 1,111 days (13 May 2004 to 24 January 2007)

7.3.5 Project Management

1) PEA and Pattaya City Hall mutually agreed to launch the project. The project was
initiated through a bidding process and each of them signed the contracts separately.
Pattaya City Hall called tenders for civil works and signed the contract with awarded
contractor. PEA also called tenders for electrical works and signed the contract with
awarded contractor. Electrical works began after civil works had completed, which
Pattaya City Hall handed over the construction area to PEA to complete with electrical

2) PEA and Pattaya City Hall separated their works respectively. The detail of civil work
is found in Tables 7.6 and 7.7. The detail of electrical work for medium voltage is
shown in Tables 7.8 and 7.9. The detail of electrical work for low voltage is also found
in Table 7.10.

The detail of civil work for medium voltage

Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 5,840 meters
2. Pipe Jacking No -
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial No -
5. Direct Burial No -

Table 7.6: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side

77  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
The detail of civil work for low voltage
Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 4,739 meters
2. Pipe Jacking No -
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial No -
5. Direct Burial No -
Table 7.7: The detail of civil work for low voltage side

Details Construction Detail for Medium Voltage

1. Power Cables Single Core Copper XLPE Cable
1.1 Main Feeder (1 Line) - Cable Size 240 sq.mm. (26,010 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 50 sq.mm. (3,444 meters)
2. Configuration - Open Loop
3. Switches and Protection Switches in Loop and Protection Devices for
Devices Distribution Feeder
3.1 Switches - Ring Main Unit (Load Break Switch)
3.2 Protection Devices - Fuse
Table 7.8: The construction details for medium voltage side

Details Transformer Installation Details

1. Types of Installation Oil-Immersed Transformer
1.1 Single Pole - 160 kVA 2 sets, 250 kVA 6 sets
1.2 Double Poles - 2500 kVA 4 sets, 160 kVA 3 sets, 630 kVA 4 sets
1.3 Compact Unit - 500 kVA 8 sets

Table 7.9: The details for transformer installation

Details Construction Detail for Low Voltage

1. Power Cables Single Core CV Cables
1.1 Main Feeder - Cable Size 185 sq.mm (29,445 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 50 sq.mm
2. Configuration - Open Loop
3. Protection Device Transformer and Distribution Feeder
3.1 Transformer Protection - Circuit Breaker
3.2 Feeder Protection Devices - Circuit Breaker

Table 7.10: The construction details for low voltage side

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 78
3) PEA took pictures for documentation purpose before and after completion of the
project so as to serve as point of reference for the next project. Figure 7.7 and 7.8
illustrated the scene before the completion of the project. Figure 7.9 and 7.10 illustrated
the scene after completion of the project.

Figure 7.7: Figure 7.8:

Landscape before the construction Landscape before the construction

Figure 7.9: Figure 7.10:

Landscape after completion Landscape after completion

7.4 Tourist and Historical Area Project

The underground power cable system was constructed in Chiang Mai municipality, Chiang Mai
province in Thailand as shown in Figure 7.11.

79  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Figure 7.11: Construction area for underground power cable system

7.4.1 Objective of Project

1) To improve landscape and historical landmark and attract tourists by converting

overhead line to underground power cabling system

7.4.2 Construction Area

1) From Tah Prae Road to Chang Clan Road, Distance of 1.96 kilometers

7.4.3 Budget

1) Total construction cost is 116,543,779 Baht

2) Chiang Mai municipality and PEA jointly funded an underground power cable project

3) Chiang Mai municipality funded for civil work, 30,356,000 Baht

4) PEA funded for electrical work, 86,187,779 Baht

5) Other infrastructure such as telephone, water work, cable TV, and so on, were funded
by owners

6) Road repair and landscape improvement were funded and operated by Chiang Mai

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 80
7.4.4 Construction Duration

1) 2,478 days (9 September 2003 to 21 June 2010)

7.4.5 Project Management

1) PEA and Chiang Mai municipality signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU)
to launch the underground power cable project as a joint effort

2) Chiang Mai municipality called for tenders to carry out civil works and signed the
contract with awarded contractor. PEA also called for tenders to carry out electrical
work and signed the contract with the other awarded contractor. Electrical works began
after civil works completed, so Chiang Mai municipality handed over construction
area to PEA to continue with electrical works.

3) PEA and Pattaya City Hall separated their works respectively. The details of civil
works are found in Tables 7.11 and 7.12. The details of electrical works for medium
voltage are illustrated in Tables 7.13 and 7.14. The details of electrical works for low
voltage are also found in Table 7.15.

The detail of civil work for medium voltage

Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 5,637 meters
2. Pipe Jacking Yes 16,495 meters
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial No -
5. Direct Burial No -

Table 7.11: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side

The detail of civil work for low voltage

Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 36,163 meters
2. Pipe Jacking No -
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial No -
5. Direct Burial No -

Table 7.12: The detail of civil work for low voltage side

81  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Details Construction Detail for Medium Voltage
1. Power Cables Single Core Copper XLPE Cable
1.1 Main Feeder (1 Line) - Cable Size 240 sq.mm. (10,729 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 50 sq.mm. (3,429 meters)
2. Configuration - Open Loop
3. Switches and Protection Switches in Loop and Protection Devices for
Devices Distribution Feeder
3.1 Switches - Ring Main Unit (Load Break Switch)
3.2 Protection Devices - Fuse

Table 7.13: The construction details for medium voltage side

Details Transformer Installation Details

1. Types of Installation Oil-Immersed Transformer
1.1 Single Pole - 160 kVA 3 sets, 250 kVA 6 sets
1.2 Double Poles - 250 kVA 5 sets, 315 kVA 1 set, 500 kVA 2 sets
1.3 Compact Unit - 500 kVA 9 sets, 600 KVA 2 sets

Table 7.14: The details for transformer installation

Details Construction Detail for Low Voltage

1. Power Cables Single Core CV Cables
1.1 Main Feeder - Cable Size 185 sq.mm (27,849 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 95 sq.mm. (20,914 meters)
2. Configuration - Open Loop
3. Protection Device Transformer and Distribution Feeder
3.1 Transformer Protection - Circuit Breaker
3.2 Feeder Protection Devices - Circuit Breaker
Table 7.15: The construction details for low voltage side

4) PEA took pictures for documentation purpose before and after the completion of
the project to serve as a point of reference for the next project. Figures 7.12 and
7.13 illustrated the scene before the completion of the project. Figures 7.14 and 7.15
illustrated the scene after completion of the project.

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 82
Figure 7.12: Figure 7.13:
Landscape before the construction Landscape before the construction

Figure 7.14: Figure 7.15:

Landscape after completion Landscape after completion

7.5 City Center Area Project

The underground power cable system was constructed in Hat Yai municipality, Songkhla
province in Thailand as shown in Figure 7.16.

7.5.1 Objective of Project

1) To improve the landscape of Hat Yai business area by converting overhead line to
underground power cabling system

7.5.2 Construction Area

1) From Phetkasem Road (Hotel VL to Kho Hong T-junction, Distance of 3.88 kilometers

83  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Figure 7.16: Construction area for underground power cable system

7.5.3 Budget

1) Total construction cost is 216,500,000 Baht

2) Hat Yai municipality and PEA jointly funded an underground power cable project

3) Hat Yai municipality funded for civil work, 101,695,000 Baht

4) PEA funded for electrical work, 114,805,000 Baht

5) Other infrastructure such as telephone, water work, cable TV, and so on, were funded
by owners

6) Road repair and landscape improvement were funded and operated by Hat Yai

7.5.4 Construction Duration

1) 360 days (9 May 2011 to 13 May 2012)

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 84
7.5.5 Project Management

1) PEA and Hat Yai municipality signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) to
launch the underground power cable project as a joint effort

2) PEA also called tenders for both civil and electrical works and signed the contract
with awarded contractors separately. Hat Yai municipality signed the contract for civil
works. PEA signed the contract for electrical works.

3) PEA and Hat Yai municipality separated their works respectively. The details of civil
works are found in Tables 7.16 and 7.17. The details of electrical works for medium
voltage are illustrated in Tables 7.18 and 7.19. The details of electrical work for low
voltage are found in Table 7.20.

The detail of civil work for medium voltage

Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 1,130 meters
2. Pipe Jacking No -
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial No -
5. Direct Burial No -
Table 7.16: The detail of civil work for medium voltage side

The detail of civil work for low voltage

Construction Method
Yes/No Quantities
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Yes 645 meters
2. Pipe Jacking No -
3. Concrete Encased Duct Bank No -
4. Semi-Direct Burial Yes 1,585 meters
5. Direct Burial No -
Table 7.17: The detail of civil work for low voltage side

85  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
Details Construction Detail for Medium Voltage
1. Power Cables Single Core Copper XLPE Cable
1.1 Main Feeder (1 Line) - Cable Size 240 sq.mm. (4,845 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 50 sq.mm. (1,425 meters)
2. Configuration - Open Loop
3. Switches and Protection Switches in Loop and Protection Devices for
Devices Distribution Feeder
3.1 Switches - Ring Main Unit (Load Break Switch),
3.2 Protection Devices Disconnection Switch
- Fuse
Table 7.18: The construction details for medium voltage side

Details Transformer Installation Details

1. Types of Installation Oil-Immersed Transformer
1.1 Single Pole - 160 kVA 1 set , 250 kVA 6 sets
1.2 Double Poles - 250 kVA 5 sets , 315 kVA 1 set , 500 kVA 10 sets,
1.3 Compact Unit - 800 kVA 2 sets, 1250 kVA 4 sets
Table 7.19: The details for transformer installation

Details Construction Detail for Low Voltage

1. Power Cables Single Core CV Cables
1.1 Main Feeder - Cable Size 185 sq.mm. 185 (9,200 meters)
1.2 Distribution Feeder - Cable Size 95, 50 sq.mm. (3,920 meters)
2. Configuration - Open Loop
3. Protection Device Transformer and Distribution Feeder
3.1 Transformer Protection - Circuit Breaker
3.2 Feeder Protection Devices - Circuit Breaker

Table 7.20: The construction details for low voltage side

4) PEA took pictures for documentation purpose before and after completion of the
project to serve as a point of reference for the next project. Figures 7.17 and 7.18
illustrated the scene before completion of the project. Figures 7.19 and 7.20 illustrated
the scene after completion of the project

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 86
Figure 7.17: Figure 7.18:
Landscape before the construction Landscape before the construction

Figure 7.19: Figure 7.20:

Landscape after completion Landscape after completion

7.6 Lessons Learnt

7.6.1 Poor design layout and survey for all infrastructure and inaccurate information
can cause a lot of problems during the construction, as design is not feasible and
changes are necessary to mitigate challenges which resulted in delays and additional
costs for unforeseen works.

7.6.2 Infrastructure agencies may not be ready to shoulder the construction cost. This
created problems for residents who live or work near the affected construction area.
The construction office needed to coordinate between municipality and infrastructure
agencies to inform and enquire about action. Each agency should plan for its portion
of work commitment, secure funding in advance, and regularly participate at the

87  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
follow-up meetings to keep abreast of project status so to adjust work schedule and
ensure full collaboration.

7.6.3 Compact Unit (transformer) cannot be installed in locations with space

constraints. Therefore, overhead transformers have to be used which bring about
visual pollution. Alternative solution lies in the use of submersible switchgear and
transformer which is commonly adopted in the United States.

7.6.4 Survey was needed to locate switchgear’s position along with cable in and out
positions. Permission from owner in construction area is needed before the construction
takes place because PEA might need to identify a new location for a construction and
electrical equipment installation to avoid demolition of newly constructed floors.

7.6.5 A lack of coordination between civil work and purchasing electrical equipment
including electrical equipment installation create problems for the management team.
Internal and external factors such as regulations, inept buying, unexpected underground
obstacles and delayed approval pertaining to design changes, or transportation delay
contribute to overall project inefficiency.

7.6.6 Civil works must be constructed in accordance to PEA standards and regulation.
If standards and regulation are not observed, problems may occur and lead to project
delays and extra expenses.

7.6.7 Advisory pertaining road works near the construction area must be made in
advance to members of public to avoid traffic congestion.

7.6.8 Main contractor hiring sub-contractors, who lack experience or expertise,

affect completion of project. They might postpone handing over construction area by
claiming problems and obstacles they faced. Common claims for postpone include
changing method of the construction and electrical equipment brands which require
efforts in assessing electrical and mechanical properties and calculating compensation
or extending guarantee period.

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89  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook

Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook  | 90

91  |  Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling Handbook
A Best Practices Handbook for Conversion of Overhead Lines to Underground Cabling in the Lower Mekong Sub-region
Distribution utilities in the Lower Mekong

Power Cable
A joint effort of LMS Technical Working Group 3 Subregion (LMS) are rehabilitating their
and Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand for power distribution systems to accelerate
the LMS Harmonisation Programme the economic development of their
respective countries. They are embracing
underground cabling systems for

transformational change in urban areas. But
they also face complex technical, capital
and workforce challenges in the conversion
of overhead lines to underground cables.

The harmonisation of underground cabling

Conversion of Overhead Lines
systems and processes can help LMS
utilities to serve as goals that they can work
to Underground Cables
towards to in the conversion from overhead
lines to underground cabling in their
electricity grids.
Specially published for the benefit of power utilities
The objectives of this handbook are to: Harmonisation of Power Distribution
companies, power engineers, power designers and
• Standardise and document guidelines for Systems in the Lower Mekong Subregion
best practices in the conversion of supply chain in the Lower Mekong Subregion
overhead lines to underground cabling.
• Enhance the knowledge and skills of LMS 2014 Edition
Utilities on the processes for converting
overhead lines to underground cabling.
• Promote the correct and efficient usage
and application of underground cables.

This is part of a technical initiative by

| Electricite du Cambodge
| Electricite du Laos
| Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand
| Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand
| Hanoi Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Northern Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Central Power Corporation, Vietnam
| Southern Power Corporation, Vietnam

|| 2014 Edition

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