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English Task

Muhammad Agil Wijaya Faradis | PSKED A 2019



1. Anosognosia = A/nosos/gnosis
a. A : Not/without
b. Nosos : Disease
c. Gnosis : Knowledge

The inability of a person to recognize his or her own illness or handicap.

2. Proctalgia = Procto/Algia
a. Procto : Anus
b. Algia : Pain

Pain in Anus

3. Trichotillomania : Trikhos/tillo/mania
a. Trikhos : Hair
b. Tillo : Pull
c. Mania : Madness

A medical disorder in which the patient compulsively pulls his/her own hair out.

4. Prosopagnosia : Prosopon/agnosia
a. Prosopon : Face
b. Agnosia : Non-knowledge

A form of visual agnosia characterised by difficulty with face recognition despite intact low-
level visual processing.

5. Anxiogenic : Anxio/genic
a. Anxio : Anxiety
b. Genic : Produce/causing

Causing anxiety

6. Cardialgia : Cardio/algia
a. Cardio : Heart
b. Algia : Pain

Pain in heart

7. Gossypiboma : Gossypium/oma
a. Gossypium : Cotton
b. Oma : Mass

surgical sponge left inside a patient's body after surgery.

English Task
Muhammad Agil Wijaya Faradis | PSKED A 2019

Reason Why I Choose Doctor as My Path

I stared at shiny big boulder, which sat arrogantly facing the gleaming sun. To 4 years old version of
me, that black monolith is an epiphany that I had found an enormous playground which no one
knows before. A single spark of curiosity emerged. I must become the first people to reach that
summit. I asked my older brother to help me reached the highest point of that boulder. But,
something unpredictable happened.

When I touched the cold surface of the boulder, A thousand of red ants suddenly emanated from
boulder gaps. The ants prepared a siege upon me. Thousands of the red army has engulfed me like
Lilliputians did when they found Lemiel Gulliver washed ashore. Terror flowed through my veins. I
just stood and cried, too afraid even to move my body. The ant began to bite. I felt all of my body
burned. My brother pulled me and escort to nearby water sources to repel that tiny creatures.

Arrived at my house, my body was still trembling. I sobbed and my mother asked what happened.
While my mother calmed me down by giving me a glass of milk, my brother attempted explaining all
thing that happened. He came up with an encyclopaedia about ants, pointing his finger to an ant
picture that very similar with one that bite me before. It was from the encyclopaedia, did I find many
types of ants; the red one who bite me or the black one which usually wander in our ordinary house.
I discovered a species of ants capable of doing farming, wonderful isn’t it? Or honeypot ants that
have honey reservoir in their body. The more I discover about it, the less my fear is toward the
species. It changed into a deep curiosity instead, and subsequently I promise to myself to explore all
countries to learn all ant species in the world. From this experience I also realize that biology is my
keen interest after all.

To satisfy my hunger of biology, I joined science club in my high school, an extracurricular that
accommodate student interest toward science, and of course I joined in biology specialization.

One day, my teacher who take responsibility for the club, offered me a chance to join one of the
most prestigious events for high school student in Indonesia, the National Science Olympiad. The
competition would select 4 national best student to become representative of Indonesia in 29th
International Biology Olympiad, in Shiraz, Iran.
From that competition, I learn many medical textbooks and journal, and by doing
that, I want to be a doctor with concentration in research, especially in
Biochemistry and Biomolecular level, and become the part of scientific society,
develop and understanding biomechanism that occur in our body, hoping that
can explain uncharted knowledge in that area.

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