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List of C&S Technical Specifications:

Items Section No. Description Nos Pages

1 01016 Particular Specifications 22
2 01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring 11
3 01018 Instrumentation and Monitoring 26
4 01019 Demolition and Site Clearance 26
5 02020 Pre-treatment of Cavities 9
6 02300 General Earthworks, Excavation and Filling 41
7 02370 Bored Piling 48
8 02483 Secant Pile Wall 36
9 02500 Sewer Works 23
10 02700 Road Works 76
11 02800 Drainage Works 29
12 03100 Formwork and Falsework 14
13 03200 Reinforcement 9
14 03300 Cast In-place Concrete Construction 37
15 03315 Pre-stressed Concrete 17
16 03410 Precast Concrete 20
17 05120 Structural Steel 72
18 07100 Water-resistance to Concrete Structures 27
19 07900 Designed Joints 19

List of relevant technical reports:

Items Section No. Description Nos Pages

1 - Soil Investigation Report by United Soil Sdn Bhd 236

--- End of Section ---

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1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

2.0 WORK SCOPE .................................................................................................................................3

3.0 SOIL CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTS ......................................................................................4

4.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTS ....................................................................4

5.0 PROGRAMME ..................................................................................................................................6

6.0 INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING ......................................................................................7

7.0 DESIGN OF STRUCTURES TO SUPPORT HEAVIER LOADINGS ...............................................7

8.0 EARTH RETAINING / STABILISING STRUCTURES .....................................................................8

9.0 CONTRACT COMMENCEMENT REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................9

10.0 COMPLIANCE WITH AUTHORITIES REQUIREMENTS ................................................................9

11.0 CONTRACTOR’S DESIGN AND BUILD WORKS ....................................................................... 10

12.0 SURVEY DURING CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................... 11

13.0 AS BUILT SURVEY....................................................................................................................... 12

14.0 TOLERANCES .............................................................................................................................. 12

15.0 DEFECTIVE WORK ...................................................................................................................... 12

16.0 SAFETY OF THE WORKS ............................................................................................................ 12

17.0 TEMPORARY ACCESS AND WORKS ........................................................................................ 14


19.0 DRAWINGS ................................................................................................................................... 15

20.0 REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR’S SUBMISSION ............................................................................. 15

21.0 SUBMISSION OF ALTERNATIVES ............................................................................................. 16


This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

20 Feb 2020 - SWT, JFS TCH

20 Mar 2020 A SWT, JFS TCH



1.1 Read with the General Requirements section, and all other contract documents.

1.2 This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow
for all obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification.
The Contractor is also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to
the nature and practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of
his failure to do all of the above.

1.3 The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The
Contractor is to note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means
the representative of the Consulting Engineers.

1.4 The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following
specification, such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending
Officer’s Representative (S. O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any
other person designated in writing by the Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.)
from time to time to exercise the power of the Architect or S.O..

1.5 When referred to, the term “Main Contractor” shall deemed to mean the contractor
appointed under this Contract.

1.6 The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform
Building By-Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices,
Malaysian Standards Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of
the local Building Authorities empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and
drawings supplied to the Contractor and any other instructions issued by the
Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.

1.7 The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications,
such term shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context
otherwise requires.

1.8 Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or
Code of Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the
applicable Standards or Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between
these Specifications and the MS, EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be
adopted. The Engineer has the sole discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications,
drawings and documents to comply fully with MS Eurocode requirements at no
additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.9 The Contract Works shall be programmed strictly in accordance with the requirements
of the Contract and Architect’s Instructions; no claims shall be entertained for
compliance with the programming restrictions so imposed.

1.10 The Contractor is to fully comply with all the safety requirements of the latest
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and Department of Occupational and
Health and Safety (DOHS) regulations; and all other relevant local By-Laws and

1.11 The working times are to conform to the Authorities' requirements and the Contractor
shall be responsible for obtaining permission to work beyond these times, if necessary,
to complete the Works as set out in the agreed programme.

1.12 The Contractor shall also comply with Authorities' requirements regarding the removal
and discharge of any spoil, debris or other materials.



1.13 The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting all method statements, working
sequence, detailed drawings and instrumentation results to the various authorities and
the Engineer for all necessary approvals. The Contractor shall be responsible for
liaison, complying with all the requirements and obtaining all approvals from the relevant
authorities to enable him to commence and complete the contract works, especially the
foundation and excavation works.

1.14 Procedurally, the Contractor shall be required to make his submissions to the
Architect/Engineer for their approval before making submissions to the Government
authorities. The Contractor shall make all modifications in his submissions as required
by the Architect/Engineer before submitting to the relevant authorities.

1.15 It is highlighted that the specifications frequently stipulate the requirement for the
Contractor to submit method statements, shop drawings, calculations, etc for Engineer’s
Review and Approach. The Contractor is explicitly advised that Engineer’s approval
does not absolve the Contractor of his sole responsibility that the methods, materials
and workmanship employed are safe and suitable and the contract works are
completed safely, within the contracted time and in full compliance of the specification
and intended use. All technical submissions made shall be prepared and certified by the
Contractor’s Professional Engineer.

1.16 The Contractor shall be responsible for accurately setting out the Works to the specified
positions, dimensions, levels, and building lines and also checking the site survey for
dimensional and level accuracy and reporting any discrepancies before any Work
commences. Any errors in position, level, dimension or alignment of any part of the
Works at any time shall be rectified by the Contractor at his own expense. The
Contractor shall provide the Engineer with all facilities, equipment and labour to enable
him to check the setting out and levels of the Works at all times. The checking of any
setting out point, line or level by the Engineer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor
of his responsibility. All setting out points, benchmarks, site rails, pegs and other survey
points shall be clearly marked and protected from damage or disturbance during the
execution of the Works.

1.17 The setting out shall be carried out by a Licensed Surveyor.

1.18 The quality of the Works throughout and of workmanship generally is to be to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.19 These Specifications shall equally apply to additional work where variations have been
authorised by the Engineer under the terms and conditions of the Contract.

1.20 Descriptions and compositions of materials and workmanship throughout are, unless
otherwise noted, applicable to all trades. Items referred to in one trade are deemed to
refer to any other trades where applicable.

1.21 All materials and workmanship are to comply with the latest relevant Malaysian or
Eurocode Specification and/or Code of Practice where applicable which are hereinafter
abbreviated as MS, EC and CP respectively. The Contractor is deemed to be
conversant with the relevant MS, EC and CP referred to and shall allow for complying

1.22 Materials complying with foreign standards may be accepted, subject to the Engineer's
approval, if unobtainable to the Standards specified.

1.23 All materials or articles specified to be of proprietary manufacture may be substituted by

material of a different manufacture. This is provided that such substituted material is
similar in design, detail, shape and quality to those specified and is equally suitable for
the purpose for which it is required and that approval of the substitution is obtained in



writing from the Engineer. Where materials are substituted at the Contractor's own
request, there shall be no admissible increase in price.

1.24 Where proprietary materials are specified, these are to be used and/or fixed strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and/or printed instructions.

1.25 All materials shall be new and approved by the Engineer before use in the Work.

1.26 All materials which do not comply with this Contract shall be removed from the Site at
the Contractor's own expense.

1.27 If, during the course of the Contract, certain materials required for use in the Works
should be unobtainable despite best efforts of the Contractor, then the Contractor may
offer for the approval of the Engineer substitute materials.

1.28 The substitute materials, although not complying fully with the Specifications, must
nevertheless be suitable and appropriate for use in the Works. Acceptance or refusal of
such substitute materials shall be at the sole discretion of the Engineer.

1.29 In the event of acceptance of the substitute materials, a suitable price reduction shall be
made in respect of decreases in quality or value but no price addition shall be made in
respect of increase in quality or value. In the event of refusal of the substitute materials,
the Contractor shall not be relieved of any of his obligations under the Contract.

1.30 Any defective work, materials and also deviations from the working details in respect of
setting out, correct lines and levels, verticality, sizes, thickness of members and/or any
other dimensional variation of any kind whatsoever, shall be removed and reconstructed
or otherwise rectified to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be
responsible for all additional cost and time incurred. All such remedial works shall be
executed without undue delay.


2.1 The scope of Works includes but not limited to the following:

a) site clearance, demolition and reinstatement of existing structures and

construction of surface drains, construction and re-instatement of site
hoardings and facilities, construction of silt control facilities and ancillaries,
b) carry-out pre-treatment of cavities in the Limestone layer prior to installation of
foundation bored piles and secant piles,
c) construction of secant bored piles, construction of foundation bored piles,
d) excavation to Basement 2, construct pile caps, construction of Level 1,
Basement 1 and Basement 2 floors,
e) early sectional completion of all works and hand-over of the partial site for the
Office Tower portion up to and inclusive of Grid 18 plus 1500 mm towards
Grid 19,
f) all other works as defined elsewhere in the contract documents including
those shown in the Architectural and M&E contract documents and drawings.

2.2 The Contractor shall be deemed to have included all other temporary and incidental
works necessary for the satisfactory completion of the contract works for the intended
use, even if not specifically shown in the contract documents. The Contractor shall be
fully responsible for the design and documentation of these temporary works and shall
provide certification by his PE. All temporary works shall be removed at the Contractor’s
expense. Where required, such temporary works shall be submitted to the Authorities
by the Contractor’s PE and the relevant approvals be obtained prior to commencement
on site.



2.3 The Contractor shall carry out an environment impact assessment and to minimize
noise, vibration, pollution and other environmental effects on the surroundings arising
from the proposed works. Notwithstanding the assessment, the maximum noise
permitted on site shall conform to the latest regulations or guidelines by the relevant
authorities having jurisdiction.

2.4 The Contractor shall make allowance in his tender for compliance with all the
specifications and other requirements necessary for proper execution and completion of
the works to the Engineer's satisfaction. The work shall be carried out on the basis of
site and ground as found.

2.5 The Contractor is solely responsible for investigating and ensuring the actual extent and
nature of the Works comprised in this Contract prior to submission of his tender. Any
doubts as to the actual extent or nature of Works shall be clarified with the
Architect/Engineer prior to the tender submission. The Contractor is advised that no
claims arising from lack of clarity or availability of information. Allowance for all and any
contingencies on account of this provision is deemed to be included in the tender.

2.6 The contractor is responsible to carry out a Building Damage Assessment on the effects
of ground movement to the neighbouring properties due to the works, for the purpose of
establishing suitable values for ‘Alert’ and “Work Suspension’ levels for monitoring. The
proposed values are indicated in the contract drawings. Also, take into account of site
access, space occupation, safety and safeguarding of adjoining properties and each
other’s works. Submit to Engineer with endorsement from a PE.

2.7 The Contractor is solely responsible for investigating and ensuring the actual extent and
nature of the Works comprised in this Contract prior to submission of his tender. Any
doubts as to the actual extent or nature of Works shall be clarified with the Engineer
prior to the tender submission. The Contractor is advised that no claim arising from lack
of clarity or availability of information shall be entertained by the Engineer. Allowance
for all and any contingencies on account of this provision is deemed to be included in
the tender.


3.1 The Contractor shall satisfy himself where relevant regarding subsoil conditions, the
underground water table, potential obstructions and the presence of varying conditions
below the Site.

3.2 The soil information, where available and included in this Contract, is for the reference
of the Contractor only. Neither the Consultants nor the Client accept responsibility for its
accuracy or implications, if actual soil conditions are found to be different during
progress of Works.

3.3 The tender shall be based on the condition of ground as found and no extras shall be
allowed for dealing with more difficult soil conditions than envisaged by the Contractor
at the time of tendering.

3.4 The Contractor may, at his own cost, conduct additional soil tests at his own cost and


4.1 Where relevant the Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding project site conditions, the
existing footing and sub-structures, obstructions and the presence of varying existing
structures below the ground.



4.2 The survey drawing and as-built drawings included in this Contract is for the reference
of the Contractor only. Neither the Consultants nor the Client accept responsibility for its
accuracy or implications, if actual site conditions are found to be different during
progress of Works.

4.3 The Contractor shall expose and carry out survey by a licensed surveyor the location of
the existing piles, if used in the existing structures, on the site. All existing piles shall be
cut and de-bonded from his proposed new foundation system. The contractor shall
submit the method statement of piles cutting and de-bonding to the Engineer’s
approval. All costs and time associated with the works shall be deemed to be included
within the contract, price and time.

4.4 The method of demolition, where required, shall be proposed by the Contractor at the
time of his tender submission and shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

4.5 The Contractor shall provide adequate numbers instruments as stipulated in the
Section 01018 Instrumentation and monitoring.

4.6 Where relevant, the contractor is to maintain a Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) of 6.0m
radius measured from the centre of the tree and shall comply with the following
conditions within the TPZ:

▪ No structures (including substructures) are allowed within the TPZ.

▪ Protective hoarding/ netting with a minimum height of 1.8m should be erected
around the TPZ;
▪ No trimming of the tree crown or branches unless necessary due to safety
▪ The existing soil level and circular planter structure around the tree shall be
retained where possible.
▪ No excavation of soil and no root removal shall be allowed;
▪ No storage of construction materials/waste, equipment/materials or use of heavy
machinery is allowed; and
▪ Adequate measures shall be put in place to prevent soil erosion or slope failure.

4.7 In the event that there are existing utility services such as pipes, cables etc. within the
said land, the contractor may be required to divert or protect such existing utility
services and the cost of diversion repair or protection (if any) shall be borne by the
contractor and shall be paid forthwith on demand to the Public Utilities Board or other
relevant Competent Authorities, agencies, bodies or corporations having the authority
over or being in charge of the matter. The Contractor shall carry out of underground
services detection works prior to the commencement of demolition works. The
Contractor shall arrange with the relevant Authorities to disconnect, terminate, capping
off or diversion of all utility services. The Contractor shall ensure such termination or
diversion will not cause any damage or disruption to the public services or the services
in the neighbouring properties.

4.8 Where the contract works or access to the site requires diversion of existing traffic, the
contractor shall prepare, co-ordinate and seek approval of his diversion plans from the
relevant authorities. All costs and time associated with implementing the traffic diversion
including the preparation of plans and seeking authorities’ approval shall be deemed to
be included within the contract, price and time.

4.9 The Contractor shall determine, probe and/or investigate the position of all existing
services within the Site and shall take all precautions to protect and prevent damage to
them. All damage caused to the active services shall be reinstated by the Contractor at
his own cost and time.



4.10 All the known underground services have either been shown in the Contract
Documents. Any other unknown services, which are found within the work areas shall
be either diverted or protected by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be entitled to
any additional cost or time on account of unforeseen services found within the Contract
boundaries, which may affect the Contract Work.

4.11 If any obstructions such as existing fences, structures, footings, boulders, concrete
blocks, pipes, drains, driveways or ramp are encountered during excavation, submit
proposals for their removal for the Architect’s acceptance.

4.12 All debris, waste and construction remnants are to removed off site before the handing
over of the site, by the Contractor at his own cost and time.

4.13 The Works are required to be carried out in close proximity to other existing structures,
services, adjacent existing buildings, sewer lines, drains, hoardings, signboards,
canopies, etc, which are to be adequately protected. The Contractor shall also ensure
these structures are monitored through this works and that there are no adverse effects
to these existing properties arising from his works. Ground movements resulting from
the excavations, borings, trenching and ground improvement works, if any, may cause
damage to these existing properties and services. The Contractor is therefore required
to carefully plan, design and implement all necessary temporary works and precautions
to prevent damage to these services. Contractor’s proposals in this respect, including
calculations and method statements, shall be submitted to the Engineer and the
relevant Authorities through the Contractor’s PE. All modifications and/or enhancements
to the Contractor’s proposal as required by the Engineer shall be implemented.
Implementing the Engineer’s requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of his sole
responsibility for the adequacy of his proposals and maintaining the stability of the
existing structures, including periodic inspections, any protective measures, and
assessments/reports by his PE. The Contractor is deemed to have allowed for all these
in his offer and no extra cost or time to the Contract shall be allowed on this account.

4.14 The Contractor shall carry out Pre- and Post- Construction photographic survey of all
existing structures and services as stipulated in SECTION 01017 CONDITION
SURVEY AND MONITORING as well as Pre- and Post- Construction CCTV of existing
sewer lines affected by the Works. The Works shall only commence after all Pre-
construction surveys have been completed and submit to the relevant Authorities and
Owners of the property/service.

4.15 The Contractor is explicitly advised that there is an existing temporary site entrance on
site. He shall take over the existing facility and regularise with the relevant Authorities
on all necessary submissions and approvals for the use of this site entrance. The
Contractor shall also note there are construction remnants within the site. He shall be
responsible to dispose off these items upon gaining possession of the Site. There shall
be no additional time and cost.


5.1 The Contractor shall with his tender, submit a detailed programme showing the
sequence and manner in which the superstructures and other temporary works are to
be executed. The actual construction would be carried out in a sequence and to a
programme agreed with the Engineer. Where a sequence is specified in the contract,
this shall be adhered to.

5.2 Where approval from authorities is required, such provisions shall be obtained and all
sequence and other requirements imposed shall be complied with at no extra cost or
time to the contract.




6.1 The minimum number of instruments to be installed and monitored are indicated in the

6.2 The contractor shall be solely responsible all instrumentation installation, monitoring and
reporting requirements required under the contract and/or imposed by the
Engineer/Authorities at any time during the contract, and shall submit the necessary
reports to the Engineer/Authorities as required from time to time.

6.3 The contractor shall responsible to coordinate with the instrumentation specialist for the
installation, monitoring, protection to the instruments and reporting requirements
required under the contract and/or imposed by the Engineer/Authorities at any time
during the contract, and shall provide full barricade and protection to the instrument
from disturb or damage from construction activities. Any defective work including
disturbance and damage to the instruments as the results of construction activities, shall
be reinstalled and replaced or otherwise rectified to the approval of the Engineer. The
Contractor shall be responsible for all additional cost and time incurred. All such
remedial works shall be executed without undue delay.

6.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for continuously monitoring the instrumentation
readings and effect necessary remedial works immediately, as soon as the ground
movements exceed the acceptable limits and/or pose safety risks to the contract works
and/or the existing structures and services. All such measures that may need to be
implemented shall be deemed to be included in the contract price and time.

6.5 The contractor shall be responsible for the continuously monitoring of the
instrumentation as stipulated in SECTION 01018 INSTRUMENTATION AND
MONITORING and/or additional as imposed by the Engineer/Authorities and taken
precaution measure immediately, as soon as it exceeds the acceptable limits. All such
measures that may need to be implemented shall be deemed to be included in the
contract price and time.

6.6 The Contractor shall install and monitor additional instruments, if he deem necessary for
the execution of his works. There shall be no time and cost for the installation and
monitoring of the additional instruments.

6.7 The responsibility to monitor the adjacent buildings, structures, underground services,
etc, throughout the Works lies solely with the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure
there are no adverse effects arising from his Works.


7.1 The structures are designed to support superimposed loads as indicated on the floor
plans. In the event the Contractor requires certain part of the structure to be used as
work area which may be required to support floor construction and/or heavier loading,
the Contractor shall designate such areas at the time of tender for Engineer’s approval.
The strengthening of the designated areas shall be undertaken based on the Engineer’s
design at the Contractor’s expense and time, including the redesign cost.

7.2 Any temporary openings required through the structures to facilitate the Contract Works
shall similarly be subject to Engineer’s approval and such modifications shall be
implemented at the Contractor’s expense and time.




8.1 The stability of any slope or temporary earth retaining structures before and after
excavation works shall be proposed and checked by the Contractor’s PE. He shall also
propose and check the backfilling/cutting of soil profile after excavation works, certifying
as safe and stable slope or temporary earth retaining structures. Slope stability or
temporary earth retaining structures calculation shall be provided by contractor's PE for
the Engineer’s approval. The contractor's PE shall submit his design for authorities’
approval, where necessary.

8.2 Any excavation, temporary works, site access and working platform required for the
safe execution of excavation works shall be submitted for the Engineer and relevant
authority approval. All scope related to such as any necessary design, submission and
supervision shall be deemed to be included in the tender sum.

8.3 Contractor PE shall encompass both the structural and geotechnical requirements in
accordance to the Building By-Lawss and the relevant authority jurisdiction.

8.4 All incidental / temporary works required for excavation work are deemed included in
the Contractor’s Tender Offer. The Contractor's PE shall provide all necessary design
calculation and checks, supervision and submissions to authorities for approval as and
when required.

8.5 Water ponding shall not be permitted at all times. All surface runoff shall be effectively
discharged into site drain and appropriate earth or silt control facilities and be treated
before discharging into public drains.

8.6 A notional scheme for the basement construction is indicated in the tender documents.
The Contractor shall be required to carry out an independent assessment and review of
the proposed excavation sequence and construction methodology to fully satisfy himself
that the notional scheme is adequate to accommodate his works, and include in his
tender any design modifications and additional provisions as he deems required. The
Contractor shall be fully responsible to develop the full details of the Earth
Retaining/Stabilising Structures (ERSS) for the whole development in conjunction with
his detailed work method, including but not limited to all localised excavation beyond
Basement formation level, lift pit or pile cap construction, sump/drain construction, etc.
The Contractor shall appoint a Professional Engineer to design and supervise the full
aspects of the ERSS works in tandem with his proposed work method.

8.7 The ERSS proposal shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, Accredited
Checker and all other relevant Authorities. All requirements imposed by the Engineer,
Accredited Checker and Authorities during the contract shall be implemented by the
Contractor at no extra cost or time. Compliance with the Engineer’s requirements shall
not absolve the Contractor of his sole responsibility to carry out the excavation and
complete the construction of substructure without exceeding the ground movement and
stress change requirements specified in the contract and without causing any damage
to existing properties and services.

8.8 The Contractor is required to prepare and submit the method statements, risk analysis
and assessment reports and detailed shop drawings for excavation works to the
Engineer and any other relevant Authority for approval, before any excavation works
can commence on site. There shall be no additional time or cost implication to the
contract as a result of any delay due to obtaining approvals from the Authorities and/or
the Engineer.

8.9 The Contractor shall propose his detailed sequence of excavation and construction
methodology, subject to the approval of the Engineer.



8.10 The Contractor shall be fully responsible to install and supervise the temporary works
that are required to support the earth retaining system, during excavation and
construction of the basement. The Contractor shall satisfy himself fully that the
basement wall/ secant pile wall design is adequate to accommodate his proposed
excavation sequence and construction methodology. Any strengthening to the wall,
ground improvement and additional structures required to execute the works shall be
deemed included in the contract price. There shall be no additional cost or time
implication to the Contract as a result of any such strengthening to the earth retention
system to suit the Contractor’s work method.

8.11 The Contractor shall, at the time of tender, submit details of his proposed temporary
works and construction sequences including his calculations for estimated ground
movements at various stages of the Contract Works to satisfy the Engineer that the
Contractor’s proposed Earth Retaining/Stabilising Structures have duly considered the
site constraints and all authorities’ requirements.


9.1 In the case that Permit to Commence Work or any related permit is necessary, the
Contractor shall be responsible to satisfy all the requirements, liaise with the Engineer
and submit the application for Permit to Commence Work to the relevant Authority
within one week from the date of award of the Contract. Any delays caused by the
authorities in granting all necessary permits shall not entitle the Contractor to any
additional cost or time. The contractor is advice to provide the followings:

a) Method statement and sequence of construction.

b) Preconstruction survey of the surrounding areas.
c) Design of temporary works for excavations (if any).
d) Monitoring programmes which should include type, location and frequency of
monitoring (to be indicated on a Site plan).
e) Estimated soil movements and ground water lowering and their effects on the
surrounding properties.
f) Precautionary measures to safeguard the integrity of the surrounding
buildings or public services and contingency measures should damage occurs
arising out of the construction works.

9.2 The Contractor is advised that, notwithstanding the contractual commencement date of
the Contract Works, the actual Works can only commence after the necessary Permit to
Commence Work has been granted.


10.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for all liaisons, preparing and making the required
submissions and follow up meetings with relevant authorities to obtain the necessary
approvals to execute with the contract works – both temporary and permanent. Any
delays caused by the authorities not issuing the necessary approvals shall not entitle
the Contractor to any additional cost or time.

10.2 The Contractor is required to implement sufficient precautionary measures during

demolition, piling and excavation works to ensure that there is no damage to
neighbouring properties and/or public services. The Contractor is required to carry out
preconstruction survey of the neighbouring properties and to give to each neighbouring
owner the portion of the report relevant to his property before works commences. A
complete copy of the report is to be kept at site by the Contractor.



10.3 For demolition, piling and excavation works (if any), the Contractor is required to make
submission by his professional engineer to authorities for approval, for a plan showing
the locations of the vibration monitoring devices before work commences.


11.1 The Contractor shall undertake the design, supply and installation of the following works

(a) All timber structures.

(b) All cladding systems, facade system including the structural supports, if required,
and all glass canopies with foundation systems.
(c) All aluminum screens, sunshade devices, aluminium perforated panel, aluminum
screens, aluminium extruded fin, aluminium louvres, windows etc including the
structural supports.
(d) All open jointed aluminum cladding system including the structural supports.
(e) Structural supports for architectural finishes such as claddings, precast panels,
sunshade screens etc.
(f) All pre‐cast non-load bearing wall system including the structural supports.
(g) Structures for hoist, gondola, working platform, raised platform etc.
(h) Catwalks including the structural supports if required.
(i) Building Maintenance Units System (BMU) including working platform, gondola
system, all steel staircases or cat ladders that connect between lower roof to
working Platform and facade systems and design.
(j) Telecom manholes and M&E Manholes and Inspection Chambers (IC)
(k) Any architectural and M&E elements shown in the architectural and M&E
drawing that requires structural design but not shown in the structural drawings.
(l) All types of balustrades, railings and barriers as required by Contract Documents
or Drawings.
(m) All non-load bearing walls design with connection details (include but not limited
to masonry, brick wall, block wall, PC vent block with stiffeners/capping beams,
façade, parapet, precast, partition, dry wall) to be under contractor PE's design
with submission to Authorities if necessary.
(n) All temporary works and ERSS works required for completion of permanent
structures shall have to be considered and designed by contractor's PE including
the submission to Authorities.
(o) Steel beams to support water tanks, sprinkler tanks, irrigation tanks, wet riser
tanks, sprinkler pump, break tank, hose reel tank and cooling tower and chiller
(p) All cat ladders and steel staircases for M&E services.
(q) All service trenches, if applicable.
(r) All supports for AV systems, sport equipment, giant screen, scoreboard, digital
advertisement board, speakers, LED display and sports curtain.
(s) All structures for light poles, fence, netting, soft netting, high mast and flag poles.
(t) All supporting system for all M&E facilities such as brackets, plinths, stumps &
platforms, cat ladders and any types of supports.
(u) Trees stability supports design with drawings and calculation if required as
advised by the Authorities.
(v) All temporary works required for completion of Works including but not limited to
ERSS works, traffic diversion works; services diversion, stabilization or
strengthening of existing infrastructure (eg: telecom/sewer manholes, sewer line
- as required by authority).

Any elements not shown in the structural plans but required for the completion of
building shall be deemed included in this list.

11.2 The layout and design intent of these structures are shown in the architecture drawings.
Based on the design intent, the Contractor shall engage qualified and competent



personnel and specialists including a Professional Engineer (Civil) (PE), to carry out the
design. according to the tender documents and tender drawings provided.

11.3 The design shall include but not limited to the design of the structural elements and
foundation and the interfacing with other structures. The design shall be carried out in
accordance and compliance with all relevant codes and authorities’ requirements. All
designs shall be in compliance with the Specifications and other documents as

11.4 The Contractor’s design shall be subjected to the approval of the Engineer and the
relevant authorities. Approval by the Engineer of the Contractors tender proposals or of
any subsequent revision thereof by the Contractor shall in no way relieve the Contractor
of his entire responsibility for the adequacy and practicality of his proposals. The cost of
all necessary remedial works, be it temporary or permanent ordered by the Engineer, as
a result of any inadequacy discovered at any time (i) in the Contractors tender proposal
or (ii) in the revised proposals, or (iii) due to the Contractors failure or inability to provide
and complete the Works shall be the entire responsibility of the Contractor and shall be
borne by him irrespective of whether such remedial work is performed by the Contractor
himself or by some party authorized by the Engineer. The cost of all necessary remedial
works not done by the Contractor shall be ascertained by the Engineer and deducted
from amounts due to the Contractor or shall be recoverable from him as a liquidated
demand in money.

11.5 The Engineer reserves the right to direct the Contractor's PE to amend the design
calculations, design parameters and assumptions made. Should, in the opinion of the
Engineer, the design be inadequate or in contravention of design codes or regulations,
the Contractor's PE shall re‐analyse and re‐submit for the acceptance of the Engineer
and the approval of the relevant Authority or other relevant statutory boards or
government ministries. The acceptance by the Engineer of the Contractor's PE design
shall not, however, absolve the Contractor and his specialists/PE of their responsibilities
and obligations with regard to the entire design.

11.6 All designs shall be carried out according to the specified Standards and Codes of
Practice and shall comply with all Building and Safety Regulations including the latest
Building By-Lawss and relevant Authorities regulations. The Contractor shall be liable
for any defects/ damages arising out of non‐conformity and all necessary remedial
works shall be carried out at the Contractor's own cost and time.

11.7 All designs and drawings shall be fully endorsed by a registered Professional Engineer
(PE), who has in force a valid practicing certificate issued by the competent authority or
relevant agency having jurisdiction.

11.8 The Contractor shall be responsible to make relevant submissions to the authorities for
approval. and secure all relevant authority approvals for the works to proceed on site.
There shall be no additional time and cost arising from the compliance to Authority
comments or the late approval from the authorities.

11.9 All design calculations and drawings submitted by the Contractor's PE shall form part of
the Contract only when such calculations and drawings are accepted by the Engineer
and approved by the Authority. All design calculations and drawings submitted by the
Contractor's PE shall be submitted to the Engineer at the Contractor's expense.


12.1 The Contractor shall carry out a verticality and level survey of each completed floor and
shall submit these records to the Engineer progressively at no more than one month
interval. The verticality of all the vertical elements shall be monitored and recorded after



completion of each floor. Any deviation from plumb beyond specified tolerances shall be
rectified immediately.

12.2 The Contractor is required to submit the locations of the permanent markers and 3-D
prisms (at least 4 sets each instrument each) at ground floor level, and at higher
relevant floor levels for weekly monitoring (with factual and interpretive report) the
building movement (vertically and laterally) during construction stage from the
commencement of the works to 6 months after completion of the whole superstructures.

12.3 The Contractor shall continuously monitor the floor levels as completed for all blocks
and any settlement arising from the foundation settlement and/or shrinkage/creep
shortening of the vertical element where relevant. These readings shall be taken after
completion of each two floors. Permanent markers will be installed around the perimeter
of each building facade. Similarly, permanent markers will also be installed at the 1st
floor level on the central core and its settlement and/or shrinkage/creep shortening
recorded. All these readings shall be taken throughout the construction period, until six
(6) months after completion of the structure and submitted to the Engineer progressively
at no more than one month intervals. The differential settlement/shortening between
the core and perimeter columns shall be tabulated and submitted to the Engineer.


13.1 The Contractor shall progressively carry out an as-built survey of all the structural
elements after completion of each floor and submit to the Engineer no later than a
month from the completion of the floor. The plans shall show the as-built position,
dimensions and levels of all horizontal and vertical elements including their sizes and
final deflections. These plans shall be submitted to the Engineer progressively and a
final set upon completion of the entire structure. The submission shall be effected both
in paper as well as CD-Rom.

13.2 The full pile survey / pile eccentricity plan, shall be submitted within 14 days after the
last pile has been trimmed to the final cut-off level or as directed by the Engineer, with
an endorsement by the Licensed Surveyor.


14.1 This project requires strict compliance by the Contractor to the tolerances specified in
the various specifications and contract documents forming part of this contract. Any
deviations from the specified tolerances shall be rectified to the Contractor’s expense
and time.


15.1 Defective work shall be all work which, in the opinion of the Engineer, does not fully
comply with this specification or the drawings. The Contractor shall make good or carry
out such additional works at his own expense as may be necessary to make good all
defective work to the Engineer's satisfaction.


16.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all persons on the Works, for the
safety of the public and others.

16.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of excavations and slopes and shall
take all necessary precautions for the safety of personnel in the area of construction



and excavation activities. The Contractor must ensure that no damage is caused to
adjoining properties or construction works adjoining the proposed building and would be
solely responsible for such consequences.

16.3 The Contractor shall comply all current legislation and regulations, all applicable safety
requirements of the DOHS and in particular the OSH Act and any amendments or re-
enactments thereto and other acts and regulations of Malaysia including any
amendments or re-enactments thereto.

16.4 Unless otherwise agreed, the Contractor shall be responsible for the proper fencing,
lighting, guarding and watching of all the Works on the Site until taken over by the
Employer and for the proper provision for a like period of temporary roadways,
footways, guards, fencing and hoardings so far as the same may be necessary for the
accommodation and protection of the owners and occupiers of the adjacent property,
the public and others.

16.5 In addition to enforcement procedures stated in the Acts and Regulations, the Engineer
may require the removal from the Site of any person who, in the opinion of the
Engineer, fails properly to observe safety procedures and that person shall not be again
employed on the Site without the written approval of the Engineer.

16.6 The Contractor shall provide and enforce the wearing of approved safety helmets, and
where necessary, eye goggles, ear protectors and other personal protective equipment
for all personnel. Safety helmets shall be colour-coded.

16.7 All platforms, covers, ladders, stairways and other provisions for access supplied under
the contract as part of the permanent works shall be installed and made available for
use as early as possible during the construction period. In cases where this is
impracticable the Contractor shall provide all necessary temporary access facilities
which shall be constructed, installed and maintained in a safe and secure manner.

16.8 The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s acceptance detailed proposals for fire,
emergency and safety procedures. Copies of approved plans shall be posted at notice
boards and such other places as directed. The language shall be in English, Chinese
and others as may be employed on the Works. The plans shall be maintained, revised
or replaced as necessary.

16.9 Temporary illumination for maintaining safe working conditions shall be in accordance
with the OSHA.

16.10 Notwithstanding the reporting requirements of the Factory and Machinery Act 1970 and
the Insurance Specification, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any
accident or dangerous occurrence associated with this Contract within 24 hours. Verbal
notification shall be carried out within 6 hours.

16.11 The Contractor shall be particularly aware of the requirements of the OSHA Confined
Spaces regulations and OSHA Construction Site regulations. Ventilation and lighting
requirements of the excavation are extremely important. The Contractor shall allow for
all the requirements as stated in the OSH Act with regard to air quality and supply as
well as all other requirements stated therein.

16.12 For basement excavation works, the Contractor shall submit at the time of tender his
proposed methods of ventilation of the basement excavation.



16.13 The Contractor shall allow all the appropriate monitoring devices to measure the various
requirements as stipulated in the relevant regulations. The monitoring devices are to be
of the portable type and recordings shall be taken at least twice daily unless stipulated
otherwise in the regulations. The readings shall be recorded and submitted to the
Resident Engineer / Resident Technical Officer/ Clerk Of Works daily.


17.1 The Contractor shall propose, construct and maintain all necessary temporary roads,
ramps and paths to provide adequate all-weather access to and within the Site and
reinstate the Site and all Works damaged or disturbed during the construction Works
and upon completion of the Contract to the satisfaction of the Architect. The Contractor
shall obtain approval of temporary crossings over existing monsoon drains if required.

17.2 The layout of the proposed roads, ramps and paths must be submitted to the Architect
for his approval prior to the commencement of the Work. The proposed temporary
roads, ramps and paths shall not have gradients or slopes steeper than 1 in 10. The
Architect/Engineer may issue directions to the Contractor regarding the layout and
method of forming temporary roads, ramps and path.


18.1 The Contractor shall be responsible and liable for the preparation of all
Shop/Construction Drawings required for the Works which shall be based on the
Contract Drawings, Working/Construction Drawings, Specifications issued and any
revised drawings issued by the Consultants from time to time during the Contract.
Working/Construction Drawings issued by the Consultants serve to illustrate the design
intent, which are sufficient for the Contractor to produce detailed shop drawings for
construction. All shop drawings shall be subjected to the approval of the Architect.

18.2 In preparing the Shop/ Construction Drawings, the Contractor shall provide all
construction-related design input and undertake construction coordination, inter-facing,
cross-checking, sequencing and construction detailing subject to the absolute approval
of the Architect.

18.3 No approval, disapproval and/or comment by the Architect on the Shop/Construction

Drawings shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation and liability for the same, nor
modify, limit or reduce such obligation and liability in any way whatsoever.

18.4 In preparing the Shop/Construction Drawings, the Contractor shall check the Contract
Drawings, Specifications and other parts of the Contract Documents and advise the
Engineer of any inadequacy, impracticality, unsuitability, discrepancies and/or lack of
integrity of any design or other information in such Drawings, Specifications and other
Contract Documents.

18.5 The Contractor shall note that this section shall also be read in conjunction with the
requirements for the preparation and submission of Shop Drawings/Construction
Drawings as defined in the other sections of the Technical Specifications.

18.6 The Contractor shall note that all reinforcement schedules issued by the Engineer are
for the purpose of illustrating the design and detailing requirements and for the
preparation of Shop Drawings by the Contractor.



18.7 The Contractor shall be responsible to prepare detailed reinforcement Shop Drawings
showing reinforcement plans, elevations and relevant sections for his construction
purpose. The reinforcement Shop Drawings shall include but not be limited to concrete
profiles, rebar arrangement, anchorages, curtailment, lap lengths, splicing, link spacing,

18.8 All reinforcement Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
the preparation of reinforcement schedule and fabrication.

18.9 The Contractor shall also comply with Clause 19 below when preparing and submitting
the shop drawings.


19.1 All drawings shall be drawn in a neat, clear and concise manner so that they can be
correctly and expeditiously interpreted.

19.2 The Contractor shall submit a complete list of drawing numbers and titles.

19.3 All levels, system of numbering of floors and grid system shall conform strictly to the
architectural drawings.

19.4 All abbreviations, notations and symbols used shall be dearly stated at the beginning of
the set of drawings, and consistently used throughout the drawings.

19.5 All drawings shall be accurate, detailed in length in millimetres (mm) and drawn to
suitable and legible scales.

19.6 All drawings submitted shall be produced in either A0 or A1 sizes. They shall be neatly
and securely bound together with the title of the project, the name of the Contractor and
the consultant dearly printed on the front cover. They shall be arranged systematically in
the following order: ‐

(a) Site plan, general notes and abbreviations, notations and symbols used, etc.
(b) Index of drawings.
(c) Loading layout plans.
(d) Foundation layout plans.
(e) Layout plans, elevations and sections.
(f) Foundations (including details of piles and pile caps).
(g) Columns and walls (where applicable).
(h) All floor beams and slab etc (where applicable).
(i) Trench, box drain u‐drain details etc.
(j) Miscellaneous details.

19.7 The Contractor shall ensure high standard and completeness of his drawings to
facilitate checking. He shall bear all costs involved in the submissions and any
resubmissions of his drawings to the Architect and the Building Authority.

19.8 If CAD format is used in the preparation of drawings, the Contractor shall use the latest
version of the AutoCAD software.

19.9 On completion of the Works and within two months after the completion, the Contractor
shall submit to the Architect/Engineer a complete set of “as‐built” drawings in three sets
of prints and soft copy in AutoCAD format. All “as‐built” drawings shall be endorsed and
signed by the Professional Engineers.




20.1 The Contractor shall allow 4 weeks for the reviewing and approval of technical
submissions, including but not limited to shop drawings, design proposals, co-ordination
drawings, etc. by the Engineer. The Contractor shall also allow a time frame of 2 weeks
for the Engineer to response to any Request For Information (RFI) raised by the
Contractor during the contract period.

20.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to programme his works taking into consideration
the above time frame required by the Engineer to review/approval technical
submissions or response to RFI. No claim for time extension shall be entertained in the
event should the Contractor fail to incorporate the above into his submission schedule.

20.3 All technical proposals, not limited to method statements and reports, shall be duly
endorsed by a Professional Engineer.


21.1 All alternatives shall be submitted at the time of tender submission with full design and
details, duly prepared and certified by a Professional Engineer.

21.2 Alternatives proposed by the Contractor shall satisfy the same design and performance
criteria as used by Engineer in the basic design, in all regards, including but not limited
to loading, structural, Codes, serviceability and overall structural performance.
Alternatives not complying with these requirements will be disqualified. The Contractors
wishing to propose alternatives must agree the design criteria with the Engineer during
the tendering period.

21.3 Any alternative proposed by the Contractor must be submitted at the time of tender with
full supporting documents. The alternatives shall be subject to the Engineer’s sole
approval. The Contractor shall implement all modifications and enhancements required
by the Engineer at no extra cost or time to the Contract.

21.4 All Contractors must submit the pricing and time schedule for the basic design as
contained in the tender documents, with a separate pricing and schedule for any
proposed alternatives.

21.5 The cost of re-design, checking by the Engineer, Consultants, Accredited Checker and
resubmission to the Authorities shall be borne by the Contractor. If the Contractor has
carried out detailed design and prepared drawings which fully comply with the
Engineer’s design and performance criteria during the tender stage, then the associated
cost will be limited to the cost of checking and re-submission only. The cost shall be
computed based on the following hourly rates:

21.6 The Engineer will carry out sufficient checks of alternative proposals to grant an in-
principle approval prior to award of the Contract.The alternative design proposal shall
not compromise the original design intent specified in the Contract Documents. The
proposed structural system shall not impose additional loadings onto the foundation
system, which is currently under construction.



Hourly Rate
Designation (Desktop Review)

Director 1050.00

Senior Associate Director / Associate Director 750.00

Senior Associate / Associate 600.00

Senior Engineer 540.00

Executive Engineer 450.00

Engineer 360.00

Draftspersons / Technical Officers 255.00

21.7 The alternative design proposal shall comply fully to the following design and
performance criteria: -

a) Codes of Practice

The design of the building structure shall be in compliance with the

requirements of the following current Eurocodes and the Malaysian
Standards as applicable: -

The Uniform Building By-Laws 1984. Malaysia

MS EN 1990 - Eurocode: Basis of Structural Design
MS EN 1991 - Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
MS EN 1992 - Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures
MS EN 1993 - Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures
MS EN 1994 - Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and
Concrete Structures
MS EN 1997 - Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design

b) Loads

21.7.b.1 The design imposed loadings are indicated on the floor plans.

21.7.b.2 Material Densities

Material Density

Concrete 25.0 kN/cu.m



Material Density

Brick walls 20.0 kN/m3.

Soil 18.0 kN/m3.

Water 10.0 kN/m3.

Steelwork 78.5 kN/m3.

Glass 26.0 kN/m3.

Stainless Steel 80.0 kN/m3.

Aluminum 27.0 kN/m3.

Lightweight Blocks 8.0 kN/m3.

Dry Wall Partitions (102mm thk) 0.33 kPa on surface area

100mm Brickwall with 20 Plaster each face 3.0 kPa on surface area

200mm Brickwall with 20 Plaster each face 5.0 kPa on surface area

21.7.b.3 Wind Loads

Basic Wind Velocities (m/s) - 20.0 (Mean value) (Minimum

and subject to Authorities’

21.7.b.4 Water Table R.L. (m) - 1.0 below existing ground

c) Deflection Criteria

21.7.c.1 Lateral deflection

Overall and inter-story deflection  Height/500

The designer shall also check the accelerations of the building

structure under wind loads against causing discomfort or alarm to
the occupants.

21.7.c.2 Vertical deflection of beams & slabs shall not exceed the following: -

Vertical deflection (gravity) for reinforced concrete and prestressed

reinforced concrete beams and slabs:
• Total long-term deflection (Self-weight + Qk) < span/250
or 25mm (max.)
• Incremental deflection after application of finishes for
brittle finishes < span/500 or 20mm max. whichever is
lesser (brittle finishes)



• Incremental deflection after application of finished for

non-brittle finishes < span/350 or 20mm max.
whichever is lesser (non -brittle finishes)

Vertical deflection (gravity) for steel and steel composite


• Total imposed load deflection (Qk only) < span/360 (for

brittle finishes condition)
Total imposed load deflection (Qk only) < span/200 or 20mm
max. whichever is lesser (for non-brittle finishes condition)

21.7.c.3 Natural frequency of structural floor system: -

All others – 4 Hz minimum

d) Serviceability Limit State

The design of the structural works shall take into account such effects as
temperature, creep, shrinkage, sway, settlement and cyclic loading, as
appropriate. The deformation of the structure or any part shall not adversely
affect the building’s efficiency/ appearance and shall be compatible with the
degree of movement acceptable by other elements including but not limited
to finishes, services, partitions, glazing, cladding, etc.

All elements shall be detailed so that they fit together on Site allowing for the
expected deflections, together with the tolerances allowed in the
Specification. Loss of performance, which includes but not limited to effects
such as excessive slope, ponding, cracking, etc shall not be permitted.
Excessive accelerations under lateral loads and excessive vibrations due to
fluctuating loads that may cause discomfort or alarm to occupants shall be

The steel content in floor slabs shall comply with the minimum percentage of
reinforcement in the relevant design codes and shall not be in any way
lesser than 10-250 mm c/c in any one direction and layer. Slab in contact
with earth and/or exposed to weather shall be reinforced continuously on
both faces with a minimum reinforcement percentage of 0.175% of the
concrete sectional area in each direction and face.

Swimming pools and water retaining structures shall be designed to limit the
concrete crack width to 0.2 mm at the serviceability state.

e) The tenderer shall submit the following documents for the alternative design
proposal at the time of tender submission:

(a) Design assumptions, if applicable.

(b) Detailed layout plans indicating clearly sizes of all structural elements.
(c) Reinforcement details of typical structural elements to illustrate clearly
the design intent.
(d) Calculations of typical structural elements.
(e) Lateral stability analysis, if applicable.

All design proposals shall be prepared and certified by the tenderer’s

Professional Engineer (Civil) at the time of tender submission.

Upon award of the Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible to prepare



all necessary structural calculations and drawings, submit to the authorities

for approval and obtain the necessary permits. The cost and time
associated with the design, checking by Engineer, Accredited Checker
Geotechnical, submission to authorities and obtaining the approvals and
permit shall deem to be included in the Contract price and duration.

--- End of Section ----





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2
1.5 Definitions ...............................................................................................................................3

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................3

2.1 The Survey .............................................................................................................................3
2.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring ..............................................................................................4
2.3 Noise Nuisance.......................................................................................................................4

3.0 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................5

3.1 Instrumentation .......................................................................................................................5
3.2 Camera ...................................................................................................................................5

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ...............................................................................................5

4.1 Working Method......................................................................................................................5
4.2 Photographic Record ..............................................................................................................5
4.3 Installation of Instrumentation.................................................................................................5
4.4 Crack Survey ..........................................................................................................................5
4.5 Level Survey ...........................................................................................................................6
4.6 Reflector Targets ....................................................................................................................6
4.7 Plumb Survey .........................................................................................................................6
4.8 Record of Defects ...................................................................................................................6
4.9 Reading of Crackmeters and Tiltmeters .................................................................................6
4.10 Readings of Vibration Sensors ...............................................................................................6
4.11 Monitoring Records ................................................................................................................6
4.12 Reinstatement.........................................................................................................................6

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .............................................................................................6

5.1 Submissions ...........................................................................................................................6
5.2 Survey Records ......................................................................................................................7
5.3 Monitoring Records ................................................................................................................7
5.4 Interpretative Reporting ..........................................................................................................8
5.5 Post-completion Survey Records ...........................................................................................9

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWT, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This specification covers the requirements for the condition survey and monitoring of
buildings, services and other structures within the area of influence of other
construction works. The survey may be carried out prior to and / or after the execution
of the other construction works.

It applies generally to buildings and structures that could be affected by works such

(a) Demolition
(b) Piling
(c) Earthworks

The requirements for instrumentation for monitoring are given in SECTION 01018

1.1.1 Prescribed Scope of Survey and Monitoring




1.2 Related Sections

Read this section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the following work


1.3 Standards and Regulations

Where the works are done as required by the authorities, comply with all standards
and regulation as directed by the authorities.

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

Propose suitable methods of survey and instrumentation for the purpose of

monitoring, for Engineer’s acceptance and comply with such.

Responsible for the provision of adequate numbers of inclinometers,

piezometers, water standpipes, 3D prism, vibration sensor, noise meter,
settlement markers along the site boundary, and building settlement markers
and tiltmeters at the adjacent properties, for monitoring during the excavation
and construction works.

Propose the locations to the Engineer acceptance.

Allow for minimum frequency of monitoring as specified in the respective
sections and drawings where indicated.

1.4.2 Access to Adjacent Sites

Obtain appropriate permission for access to adjacent sites prior to

commencement of the works.

1.4.3 Quality Control Plan

Submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with the Engineer.

1.4.4 Verification of information

Obtain relevant information on existing buildings and structures from the

Engineer. Verify the information given and, if necessary, carry out additional
investigation or request from the authorities to ensure that adequate
information is available to carry out the works

1.4.5 Notice of Survey

Provide within 2 weeks on contract commencement date, notice of the

intended date and scope of condition and post-condition surveys to the
affected parties.



1.4.6 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Install suitable instrumentation for continuous monitoring of the conditions of

the prescribed buildings in the course of other construction works. The
monitoring shall include but not limited to the following instrumentation: -

▪ Inclinometers
▪ Piezometers
▪ Water Standpipes
▪ Vibration Sensors
▪ Settlement Markers
▪ Load Cells

Based on the condition of the buildings surveyed, propose suitable schedule

of instrumentation and frequency of readings for Engineer’s acceptance.
Allow adequate time to procure and install the instruments and
subsequently provide initial readings prior to commencing any piling or
excavation works.

Take cognisance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

For general requirements of the instrumentation, refer to SECTION 01018


Engage qualified instrumentation engineer(s) to the Engineer’s

acceptance to install and record readings for all the instruments.

1.5 Definitions

(a) Trigger Value The value of movement or vibration detected as

reaching the “Alert” or “Work Suspension” level
as defined below.

(b) Alert Level The value of movement or vibration detected at

which the frequency of readings is reviewed and
the instrumentation checked.
(c) Work Suspension Level The value of movements or vibration detected at
which the work causing the movement or
vibration is halted pending further review of both
the structure and the methods of working.


2.1 The Survey

Provide adequate information to allow agreement as to the condition of the identified

buildings/structures/services prior to the commencement of the construction works
and any change in that condition that has occurred during and upon completion of the
construction works.

Sections of the report relating to individual owners of the nearby and adjacent
buildings/properties must be distributed to the respective owners prior to commencing
any Works on Site.



Confirm in writing to Architect/Engineer when this requirement has been complied


The overall precondition survey, certified by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer

(PE) must be submitted to the Engineer, not later than two weeks prior to any Works
commencing on Site. A copy of the complete report must be retained on Site.

Any delays in the commencement of work due to either an incomplete report, or a

report unacceptable by the Architect/engineer remains the full responsibility of the

2.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide adequate record to identify changes that occurred and to allow changes to
methods of the construction works such as to avoid or minimise damage to the
surveyed buildings.

When planning for suitable methods and instrumentation for the survey, take account
on the limits on movements and levels of vibration, refer to SECTION 01018
INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING, as well as in the respective specifications
relevant to the other construction works. Also take account of the frequency of
monitoring as indicated in the respective sections.

2.3 Noise Nuisance

Take all necessary actions to ensure compliance with the local authorities having
jurisdiction over noise pollution. In the absence of written requirements from the
competent authorities, the noise level (Maximum allowable equivalent continuous
noise level measured over a period of 5 minutes in dB) at the nearest occupied
building outside the site shall not exceed the following maximum permissible noise

Mon-Fri Sat/Eve of PH Sun/ PH

10pm to 7am

7pm to 10pm
7pm to 10pm

10pm to 7am

10pm to 7am
7pm to 10pm
7am to 7pm

7am to 7pm

7am to 7pm

Types of

(a) Hospital,
home for 75 55 75 55 No Work
the aged,
sick etc

(b) Residential
located less
than 150m 90 70 55 90 70
from the

(c) Buildings 90 70 90 70 90 70
other than



those in (a)
and (b)
Note: Noise levels in dBA (Leq 5mins)


3.1 Instrumentation

For general requirements of the instrumentation and monitoring works refer to


3.2 Camera

Use camera capable of producing digital records of the survey unless otherwise
agreed with the Engineer.


4.1 Working Method

Plan to carry out the Works in a manner that the Works do not cause any damage to
the buildings or properties. Submit a workable and reliable working method to the
Engineer for acceptance. If damage is inevitable provide a solution to rectify the
damage to the Engineer for acceptance prior to commencement of any work.

4.2 Photographic Record

Submit colour photographs, their negatives and *.jpg or *.bmp format files to the
Engineer for record. Comply with size and other requirements as described in the
contract. Where a digital camera is used, submit an electronic copy of the
photographs in either *.jpg or *.bmp format in place of the photograph negatives.

The photographs shall show clearly all required details and shall contain a graduated
scale and colour chart for reference. These shall be taken under natural light
condition and the intensity of light shall be uniform to reflect the natural colour of the
intended objects. Use flashlight only as agreed.

Ensure that all labels and markers are clearly identified within the photograph.

4.3 Installation of Instrumentation

Give at least 48 hours notice of the intention to install any instrument unless otherwise
agreed by the Engineer. Install all instruments and establish initial readings prior to
the construction activity or area of works to which they relate unless otherwise agreed
by the Engineer.

4.4 Crack Survey

Carry out a visual survey of all structural elements in the adjacent properties for
cracks in excess of 0.1mm. Notify the Engineer if there are signs of structural
damages. Mark the location of cracks thus identified on plans and elevations as

The survey shall include at least the cracks previously identified and agreed in the
report as described in the contract.



4.5 Level Survey

Establish the initial (datum) reading of each survey point and submit records to the
Engineer. Protect the datum during monitoring period.

4.6 Reflector Targets

Install prism reflector targets at the locations shown in the drawings.

4.7 Plumb Survey

Carry out a plumb survey to establish the verticality of the members where necessary.

4.8 Record of Defects

Record any obvious defects on plans/elevations.

4.9 Reading of Crackmeters and Tiltmeters

Typical details of acceptable installations for ground and building settlement points
are shown in the drawings.

Submit for approval details of any alternative installations.

Monitor and record the levels of ground survey and building settlement points
throughout the duration of the Works to the accuracy of 0.5mm.

4.10 Readings of Vibration Sensors

To be carried out by qualified personnel only.

4.11 Monitoring Records

Review the monitoring records on receipt. Notify the Engineer immediately if the alert
or work suspension levels are reached and agree any action proposed.

4.12 Reinstatement

Reinstate all affected or damaged areas to the acceptance of the Engineer.


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Method Statement

Submit to the Engineer for acceptance a method statement containing the

following information for each building/structure/service to be surveyed and

(a) nature of survey to be undertaken

(b) scheduling and timing of survey and monitoring
(c) differentiating between initial survey and subsequent monitoring
(d) effect of alert and work suspension levels on timing of subsequent
(e) personnel undertaking survey and monitoring
(f) special concern and method of survey and monitoring
(g) anticipated damage to the surveyed area and proposed method of




5.1.2 Proposals for Monitoring

Provide proposals for monitoring in the form of a method statement to the

Engineer prior to commencement of the work or as soon as practical during
the survey if the results indicate the need for additional monitoring.

The proposals shall include:

(a) proposed instrumentation

(b) details and drawings of instruments
(c) manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations for installation and
(d) details of sequence of assembly and connections
(e) location of instrumentation
(f) programme of installation
(g) details of monitoring arrangements and verification procedures
(h) frequency of readings
(i) format of records

5.1.3 Quality Control Plan

Submit a Quality Manual containing a QA/QC programme for the Works to

the Engineer for acceptance within directed time frame.

The Quality Manual is to include at least information on the following:

(a) Quality policy

(b) Organisation charts and responsibilities
(c) Internal quality control and audits
(d) Facilities and equipment
(e) Calibration and testing of equipment
(f) Testing and inspection procedures
(g) Subcontractors and suppliers

5.2 Survey Records

Submit survey records within 1 week after completion of the survey. Provide each
neighbouring owner a copy of relevant portion of the survey as directed by the

5.3 Monitoring Records

5.3.1 General

Submit two copies of preliminary records of the installation of each

instrument within 24 hours from the time of installation of each instrument.

Submit final records for each instrument incorporating any comments from
the Engineer within seven days of completion of installation of each

5.3.2 Record information

The records shall incorporate a graphical illustration of the instrument

installation and shall include the following information:



(a) Instrument number and location (in eastern and northern co-ordinates
and level).
(b) Names of personnel responsible for installation.
(c) Time and date for commencement and completion of instrument.
(d) Plant and labour used.
(e) Ground conditions encountered (if applicable).
(f) Details of instrument installation (grout, fixings etc).
(g) Instrument readings during installation, calibration and immediately
after installation are completed.
(h) Location of instrument terminals, housings and any leads or cabling.
(i) Details of any splices, numbers of casings or joins.
(j) Details of any breakdowns or delays.

5.3.3 Factual Reporting

Submit the factual reports prepared and endorsed by Professional Engineer

of monitoring results bi-weekly during piling and excavation works, and
weekly throughout the construction activities. Submit in an acceptable
format including a plan showing the location of the structure and
instrumented lines and comprise of at least the following:

(a) Plots of measured parameters vs time, depth and/or location of

construction activity with reference to each instrument etc. as agreed
with the Engineer.
(b) A comparison of data with predetermined trigger values (Alert or Work
suspension levels), e.g. Settlement Vs Time, horizontal deflections vs
time, load vs depth of excavation, settlement vs location of construction
activity / depth of excavation etc.
(c) Highlight of idle or damage instrument and provide estimated time
frame for corrective measures.

5.3.4 Interpretative Reporting Frequency

Based on the factual information received, submit interpretative

reports of monitoring results bi-weekly during piling and
excavation works, and weekly throughout the construction

When established trends indicate potential problems then such

areas of concern shall be re-appraised at intervals consistent with
the data collection and reports issued accordingly as required. Report content

Interpretative Reports shall include a summary plot of all

instrumented lines or points which indicate a trend (including
historical data where appropriate) that could result in a work
suspension level being exceeded and any instrumented line or
point in which a work suspension level has been exceeded.
Submit recommendations for any protective measures or actions
that are necessary.

5.4 Interpretative Reporting

5.4.1 Frequency

Based on the factual information received, submit interpretative reports of



monitoring results twice a week during piling and excavation works, and
weekly throughout the construction activities.

When established trends indicate potential problems then such areas of

concern shall be re-appraised at intervals consistent with the data collection
and reports issued accordingly as required.

5.4.2 Report content

Interpretative Reports shall include a summary plot of all instrumented lines

or points which indicate a trend (including historical data where appropriate)
that could result in a work suspension level being exceeded and any
instrumented line or point in which a work suspension level has been
exceeded. Submit recommendations for any protective measures or actions
that are necessary.

5.5 Post-completion Survey Records

Submit the post-completion survey for the Engineer for record. Follow the same
procedures as for the pre-condition survey unless otherwise required by the Engineer.

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................3

2.1 Quality of Instrumentation .......................................................................................................3

3.0 MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................3

3.1 Schedule of Instrumentation ...................................................................................................3
3.2 Remote Data Acquisition ........................................................................................................3
3.3 Inclinometer (Manual Read) ...................................................................................................5
3.4 In-place Inclinometers (Remote Read) ...................................................................................6
3.5 Magnetic Extensometers ........................................................................................................7
3.6 Rod Extensometers ................................................................................................................8
3.7 Tape Extensometers ..............................................................................................................8
3.8 Deep Levelling Datum ............................................................................................................9
3.9 Levels .....................................................................................................................................9
3.10 Piezometers ............................................................................................................................9
3.11 Vibration Monitors ................................................................................................................ 10
3.12 Settlement Markers ............................................................................................................. 10
3.13 Tell-Tales ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.14 Reflector Targets ................................................................................................................. 11
3.15 Temperature Sensors .......................................................................................................... 11
3.16 Strain Gauges ...................................................................................................................... 11
3.17 Water Standpipes ................................................................................................................ 11
3.18 Load Cell .............................................................................................................................. 11

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ............................................................................................ 12

4.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Instrument Reading and Records ........................................................................................ 14
4.3 Inclinometers (Manual Read) .............................................................................................. 16
4.4 In-place Inclinometers (Remote Read) ................................................................................ 17
4.5 Extensometers ..................................................................................................................... 18
4.6 Deep Levelling Datum ......................................................................................................... 19
4.7 Piezometers ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.8 Strain Gauges ...................................................................................................................... 20
4.9 Vibration Monitoring Device ................................................................................................. 21
4.10 Tell-Tales ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.11 Markers, Crackmeters and Tiltmeters ................................................................................. 21
4.12 Inspection of Adjacent Property........................................................................................... 21
4.13 Completion........................................................................................................................... 21

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 21

5.1 Submissions ........................................................................................................................ 21
5.2 Calibration of Instrumentation .............................................................................................. 23
5.3 Records and Reporting ........................................................................................................ 23

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This specification covers the requirements for instrumentation using a number of

different methods and monitoring of the various construction works to:

(a) Determine ground movements as a result of construction.

(b) Determine the effects of settlement on existing structures, services and utilities.
(c) Provide settlement and movement data in a form that will allow direct comparison
with performance criteria and design expectations.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:




1.3 Standards and Regulations

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply with the
relevant requirements of the Authorities, Regulations, Standards and Codes listed
below or referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and Codes
may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be demonstrated that
the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the requirements of the standards
specified. All Standards and Codes quoted are the current version, unless specific
year references are noted.

In the event that the standards or codes are revised or superseded, refer to the latest
edition or the appropriate substitution for the relevant subjects.

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

The schedule of instrumentation and monitoring for the project is indicated

in the drawings and in Clause 3.1 below.

Based on the information issue, propose and submit the following to the
Engineer for acceptance: Select suitable make and model of the instrumentation for the
project. Develop methods and details of the instrumentation installation

and monitoring. Propose suitable schedule for the monitoring reading and records.

1.4.2 Coordination with Other Works

Co-ordinate with other contractors who may carry out other works at the
same time at the site. Take into account of site access, space occupation,
safety and safeguarding of adjoining properties and each other’s works.

1.4.3 Existing Services Affected by the Works

Refer to Preliminaries and conditions and SECTION 01016 PARTICULAR

SPECIFICATION for the requirements to deal with existing services affected
by the works.

1.4.4 Quality Control Plan

Submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with the Engineer.

1.4.5 Specialist Personnel Borehole installation

Engage qualified crew of not less than two men to the Engineer’s
acceptance for the operation of each boring or drilling rig.

Engage qualified personnel to the Engineer’s acceptance for every

two drilling or boring rigs to supervise all drilling works and to
accurately record all drilling or boring and testing.



Engage a registered land surveyor for surveying of settlement of

the ground surface, roads, drains, buildings, and other structures. Installer

Engage qualified personnel to the Engineer’s acceptance to install

and record readings for all the instruments.

1.4.6 Safety

Provide safety precautions to comply with all current legislation and

regulations, notably:

(a) DOHS Regulations

(b) OSH Act


2.1 Quality of Instrumentation

Use instruments and measuring devices manufactured by companies with proven

experience in the field of construction or geotechnical instrumentation. Engage
materials, designs and construction of the highest quality to provide robust, corrosion
and vibration resistant instruments. Use only instruments with a satisfactory proven
working life and are fully functional through the duration of the works. The accuracy
and dependability of the equipment shall not be significantly affected by changes in
temperature, humidity, stray currents or contaminants that may be encountered.

2.1.1 Electrical Interference

Ensure that electrical instrumentation is not adversely affected by other

temporary or permanent electrical services and equipment, and does not
affect any other services, activities or equipment within or adjacent to the
Works. Where transformers are used, they shall have safety cutout devices
to guard against overheating.


3.1 Schedule of Instrumentation

Refer to Section 01016 Particular Specification and Drawings for the schedule of
instrumentation including the minimum frequency of reading to be implemented for
the works.

3.2 Remote Data Acquisition

Provide data acquisition set up as per requirement in the contract. Provide remote
data acquisition in compliance with the following:

3.2.1 Use of Readout Boxes for Remote Readout Remote readout facilities

All electrical measuring devices to be capable of being read

remotely using portable readout units connected via the readout



boxes. Supply readout units together with leads for plugging into
the measuring device and readout boxes. Instrument range

Readout boxes to be capable of being placed up to 200 m from

their associated instrumentation or transducers with the specified
accuracy of the instrumentation maintained. Remote readout cover boxes

Readout cover boxes to be made of robust water-resistant metal

construction with lockable sealed doors. Ensure all cable entries to
the cover boxes are through watertight glands. Link to site office

Include modem link and connection for direct computer link to

allow reading for all remotely read instrumentation and make links
to the site office(s) as directed.

Use readout unit devices with facilities for recording monitoring

data directly onto tape or magnetic disc for subsequent computer

3.2.2 Logger Stations General

Use reliable and safe remote data collection systems with back-up
facilities in the event of mains power failure. Prove the reliability of
the logger prior installation by demonstration and records of
previous works.

Use a flex outlet without switches for all loggers when connected
to the mains electrical supply. Do not use plug sockets. Station requirements

Logger stations are to be:

(a) Capable of reading all instrument types proposed for each

(b) Programmable to log data at any specified interval,
including real-time.
(c) Capable of accepting new instruments to extend or repair
the proposed system.
(d) Easily connected to an external computer by either a direct
hard wire or modem link as agreed with the Engineer.
(e) Unaffected by external electrical influence, and shall not
affect other electrical equipment.
(f) Safe: in the event of overheating or short circuiting, the
device shall shut down.

Logger stations are to collect the cabling from the various remotely
read instruments and from local terminal boxes, so that monitoring
can be conveniently carried out from a single position close to any
instrumented section.



3.2.3 Type of Cable

Use cabling and connectors that are robust, water resistant and corrosion
resistant for instrumentation. Use only low smoke zero halon cabling for all
cables, which is durable and suitable for the proposed locations in the

Use items that are extinguishable non-metallic and emit no toxic fumes in
the event of fire.

3.3 Inclinometer (Manual Read)

3.3.1 General

Inclinometers are to take the form of an access tube with four keyways (in
pairs at right angles), which shall be grouted in to a borehole.

Inclinometers, spread around the perimeter of the excavation, shall be

installed in the ground near to the edge of the excavation. These will monitor
the deflection of the ground caused by the earth pressure, water pressure and
other loads acting on the soil mass.

The orientation of the keyways to be such that they are parallel to and
perpendicular to the orientation of any tunnel, excavation or wall or
otherwise as accepted by the Engineer.

3.3.2 System Accuracy

The system accuracy of the inclinometer is to be ±6 mm per 25 m of casing

or better.

The inclinometer and logging system are to be capable of recording

movements in both directions (i.e. biaxial).

3.3.3 Probe

The probe used to have the following:

(a) A wheel base of 500mm.
(b) A measurement range of ±53° or greater from vertical.
(c) A resolution of 0.02mm or greater per 500mm with a repeatability of
(d) A minimum radius curve for retrieval of 2.2m or less.
(e) A working temperature range of -20° Celsius to +50° Celsius or greater.
(f) A construction (externally) of stainless steel.
(g) A Shock resistance 1000g for 4ms

3.3.4 Data Recorder

Data recorder is to have a capacity of 10,000 data points minimum, with an

operating time of 16 hours or more.

A backup battery is to be incorporated to keep data secure for a minimum of

72 hours on depletion of primary power source.

Signal shall be emitted to confirm power failure and confirm that the battery
pack is operative.



3.3.5 Taking Readings

When taking readings, insert the inclinometer probe in the tube. The
inclinometer shall travel along the whole length of the tube with its wheels
engaged in each pair of the keyways in turn to obtain deformation
measurements in both directions. A force balance accelerometer within the
probe shall respond to changes in alignment, which shall be displayed on a
portable readout unit.

3.3.6 Calibration Device

Provide a calibration device with the instrument, which calibrates both the
probe and the portable readout unit to the acceptance of the Engineer.

3.3.7 Tubing

Inclinometer tube is to be slotted plastic of 75 mm internal diameter that is

pre-grouted into a minimum 100 mm diameter borehole. Depth of the tube to
be greater than the temporary wall.

Tubing to be of uniform section and free of twist in manufacture and shall

not twist during installation.

3.3.8 Ground Level Installation

At the final ground level fit the inclinometer tubing with a removable cap
within a lockable vandal-proof cover set in a concrete surround.

To protect the installation from accident or vandalism is of the utmost

importance. It shall be done to manufacturer’s recommendations and
protection of these instruments.

The protection, cover and surround details shall be to the acceptance of the

3.4 In-place Inclinometers (Remote Read)

3.4.1 General

The orientation of the keyways to be parallel to and perpendicular to the

orientation of any tunnel, excavation or wall or otherwise as accepted by the

3.4.2 Sensor

Resolution of the sensor to be 0.04mm/m or better and the measuring range

to be at least ±10°. The precision of the sensor to be ±0.1mm per m. The
allowable maximum gauge length to be 3m.

The operating temperature range to be -20° to 50° Celsius and the

compensated temperature range to be 0 to 45° Celsius.



3.4.3 Electrolevel System

Where specified use electrolevel inclinometer consisting of a waterproof

sensor that is remotely monitored using a computer data logging system.
Use datalogger capable of at least 14 days operation in the event of power

3.4.4 System Accuracy

The system accuracy of the inclinometer is to be ±6 mm per 25 m of casing

or better.

The inclinometer and logging system are to be capable of recording

movements in both directions (i.e. biaxial).

3.5 Magnetic Extensometers

3.5.1 General

Use magnetic extensometers in the form of a series of magnetic rings

(“spider magnets”) fixed into a maximum 150mm diameter borehole with
plastic tubing of nominal 75mm minimum internal diameter allowing access
to the magnetic points for the measurement of settlement.

3.5.2 Installation of Magnetic Rings

Set a datum magnetic ring at the base of the inclinometer tubing and also
within the instrument chamber base, located at the top of the borehole.

Install the magnetic rings at the depths accepted by the Engineer or at

maximum 3m intervals.

Check that the reading system is reliable and require minimal maintenance
over the required monitoring period. Thermal or other influences shall be

3.5.3 System Precision

The system precision to be ±1.0mm.

3.5.4 Measurement of Relative Movement

Measure relative movement between the magnetic ring and the reference
magnetic ring at the top of the holes by a reed switch attached to a stainless
steel tape. Raise and lower the steel tape and reed switch assembly from
the top of the borehole.

The magnetic rings to be housed in splay PVC holders (“spider magnets”)

suited to the ground. Install to the acceptance of the Engineer.



3.6 Rod Extensometers

3.6.1 General

Use rod extensometers in the form of a rod anchored at the remote end of
the borehole passing into a plastic tube fixed in a reference collar at the
open end of the hole.

3.6.2 Restrictions on Rods

Install no more than six rods in a single hole with each rod of a different
length so that displacements at various borehole depths may be recorded.

Where more than six rods are required, prepare another borehole as close
as possible to the initial hole and rods set at alternate depths in each hole.

3.6.3 Materials

Rods to be fabricated from stainless steel. The grade of steel rod shall suit
the environment and duration of the project. Make provision for threading
the anchor points onto the rod.

3.6.4 Measurement of Relative Movement

Measure relative movement between the end anchor and the reference
collar by an automated measurement device (an electrical transducer)
registering on the free end of the rod and by manual means using a system
to the acceptance of the Engineer.

Extend the reading range beyond that of the measurement device by a

range adjustment device fitted at the reference collar.

3.6.5 Measuring Head

Measuring head to be of design to allow manual readings to be taken.

Extensometers to be of design that make the measurement of both

elongations and reductions in the length between anchorage point and
measuring head possible.

Undertake remote reading using the electrical transducers linked to a logger

station, with an overall accuracy of +0.25 mm and with a measuring range of
150 mm. In the event that movements potentially exceed 150 mm, make
adjustment to allow continued monitoring. Use transducers that are
waterproof to 15bar.

Cabling to the terminal box to be capable of accepting up to six

extensometers from each hole. Provide a battery operated digital readout
device capable of reading to the required overall accuracy.

3.7 Tape Extensometers

Use a tape extensometer comprising of a steel tape, portable measuring instrument

with metric dial calliper and a pair of anchor clips.



Provide a minimum of two tape extensometers at the commencement of work. These

are to be calibrated against each other, so that in the event of damage to one tape,
accuracy is not compromised.

Use a tape extensometer that is capable of being read to ±0.15 mm, and have a
range of 20 m. Demonstrate a repeatability of reading to ±0.15 mm prior to use.

3.8 Deep Levelling Datum

Deep Levelling Datum to comprise of a 25mm galvanised steel rod cast into a 250mm
diameter grout filled steel casing positioned within a 300mm diameter steel casing.

Fill the annulus between the two casings with grease. The top of the 25 mm steel rod
shall be domed and centre punched.

3.9 Levels

3.9.1 Standard Levelling

Use a basic Engineer’s optical level of an approved make and specification

with a single measurement precision of around ±1mm with a standard
measuring staff.

The accuracy of results here should be within ±3mm.

3.9.2 Precise Levelling

Where more accurate levelling is required provide more precise instrument

to the accuracy as within ±1mm.

3.10 Piezometers

Piezometers shall be in place and calibrated two weeks before any excavation work
starts. They shall be installed at about 1m from the external temporary wall system face,
if any, as soon as practicable after the wall system has been installed.

The piezometer shall measure pore water pressure with an accuracy of not less than
0.5% full scale 0.2m head of water and a resolution of 0.1m head of water.

3.10.1 Casagrande Piezometers Tube

The standpipe shall be of unplasticised Polyvinylchloride (uPVC),

to BS 3506 (1969) Class 6, of nominal diameter 19mm and
supplied in lengths of 3m.

The tube shall be connected at its lower end by suitable PVC

fitting to a piezometer tip. Filter

Clean sand between grading limits 1200 and 210 microns. Tip

Porous ceramic element or rigid uPVC perforated pipe having an

expanded Polystyrene lining moulded to form an inner tube of not
less than 13mm bore retained in position by a moulded flange as



approved, of minimum length 150mm and minimum diameter

35mm, protected by uPVC fittings. Permeability to be
approximately 3 x 10-4 m/s.

If the permeability test is to be carried out with a piezometer, the

filter tip shall be increased to at least 900mm in length.

3.10.2 Vibrating Wire Piezometers Type of Tip

Choose the type of tip to suit the expected maximum groundwater

pressure and the characteristics of the surrounding ground. Use
only piezometers with high air-entry tips. ‘Push-in’ Piezometers

Where accepted by the Engineer, ‘push-in’ vibrating wire

piezometers may be used utilising a mandrel of not less than 0.5m
in length. In such cases there will be no requirement for a sand
cell. Backfill using bentonite and grout as directed.

The combined accuracy of the instrument and the readout device

is to be within ±1.0 % of the true pressure. Use an instrument
capable of measuring pressures up to 15bar.

3.10.3 Pneumatic Piezometers

Do not use.

3.11 Vibration Monitors

Type and specification of vibration monitors are to be to manufacturer’s

recommendation and to the Engineer’s acceptance.

Vibration monitors shall be capable of taking and recording data on a continuous

basis. The monitors shall be capable of registering vibrations of magnitude, peak
particle velocities and frequencies above the threshold, and that reflect the normal
construction activities on site.

A plan showing location of all vibration monitoring sensors must be prepared by the
Contractor’s PE. All buildings/structures likely to be affected by either the temporary
works, excavation or piling works must be included with sensors installed.

3.12 Settlement Markers

Provide settlement markers with drive in or cast in survey nails to Engineer’s

acceptance and at agreed locations.

3.13 Tell-Tales

Type and specification of tell-tales to be to manufacturer’s recommendation and to

Engineer’s acceptance.

Tell tales to generally comprise of two clear plastic overlapping plates, one marked
with a millimetre scale the other with a cross-hair marking to allow reading on two

If the position of tell-tale is out of general sight, it shall be readable without




3.14 Reflector Targets

Install prism reflector targets at the locations shown in the drawings. Targets should
be durable, not damaged by rain and fixed so that they are not disturbed by vibration.

3.15 Temperature Sensors

Ensure the working range of the sensors to be at least –40° Celsius to +60° Celsius
with an accuracy of ±1° Celsius. All sensors to be capable of being remotely
monitored and the data being downloaded to a computer in an ASCII file format.

3.16 Strain Gauges

3.16.1 General

Vibrating wire strain gauges to have the following characteristics:

(a) Strain range 2500 x 10-6 m/m
(b) Accuracy ±3.0 x10-6 m/m
(c) Resolution 0.5 x 10-6 m/m
(d) Response time to be no more than 10 seconds.

3.16.2 Signal Cable

Shield signal cable with flexible polyurethane jacket. Temperature rated

minimum ranges 0° Celsius to 80° Celsius and to be compatible with the
environment in which the gauges are installed.

3.17 Water Standpipes

The water level is measured normally by lowering a dipmeter probe from ground level.
The water standpipes shall be installed where possible, in sandy layers of high
permeability. Water standpipes shall be in place and calibrated two weeks before any
excavation work starts. They shall be installed at about 1m from the external
temporary wall system face, if any, as soon as practicable after the wall system has
been installed.

The water standpipe shall measure water level with an accuracy of not less than 0.01m
head of water.

Water standpipes shall be installed and readings taken to manufacturer’s instructions.

The water table should not be reduced by more than 1m during excavation in any of the
water standpipes. Should the drop in water level approach this value, then the
Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and the Contractor must take
immediate action to prevent damage to relevant structures.

3.18 Load Cell

Load cells are to be used for measuring forces in the struts and braces of a strutted
excavation. It is very important to ensure that struts and bracing are accepting loads
and performing their tasks; also whether these members accept greater than designed
loads (indicating that additional struts/bracing may be required).

Measurements of this type would also complement inclinometer readings.




4.1 General

4.1.1 Instrument Maintenance

Maintain all instruments, including readout and data loggers, required for
monitoring in a satisfactory working order for the duration of the monitoring

Protect all instruments. Submit the proposal for rectification and

replacement should any damage occurs to the instrument during the course
of works, to engineer acceptance.

4.1.2 Storage

Securely store all equipment and installation accessories prior to installation

where they will not suffer physical damage or damage arising from
excessive moisture, extremes of temperature or any adverse conditions.

4.1.3 Installation and Testing

Install and test all equipment including connections and fittings in

accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Reconfirm the depth
of installation of underground instrumentation with the Engineer based on
the soil profile encountered in the borehole for the purpose. Grouting

Do not backfill boreholes with soil arisings, unless otherwise

agreed with the Engineer. Backfill all boreholes with cement
bentonite grout, with standpipes and piezometers together with
their response zones installed at the depths specified, or as
directed by the Engineer.

Introduce the grout using a tremie pipe which is kept below the
surface of the grout as filling proceeds. Agree on methods to be
used where ground conditions make normal grouting
impracticable. Leave the area in a clean and tidy condition. Testing

Undertake testing as necessary to ensure satisfactory functioning

of the equipment at each stage of the installation.

Report any instruments found to be malfunctioning at any time to

the Engineer within 24 hours of the fault being identified, and
replace at the earliest opportunity.

4.1.4 Fixing and Protection

Securely fix all instruments and adequately protect their terminations,

including any attendant wiring and terminal panels, against mechanical
damage and ingress of water and dirt.

Fix the equipment such that it is capable of resisting vandalism and adverse
climatic conditions at surface locations. In addition, protect all instruments
by hoarding or barriers as directed.



Tag all external visible protective covers to equipment using aluminum rigid
nameplates of minimum size 2500 mm2, swg 24 or similar to the acceptance
of the Engineer, identifying the following:

(a) Project title and Contract No.

(b) Equipment reference number.
(c) A contact name and contact telephone number. Protection details

Protection details for inclinometers, piezometers, extensometers

and settlement points are given in the Drawings. Develop
alternatives if necessary to fit in with site constraints and further
improve protection to the instruments.

Develop also protection systems for other instruments. These

protection systems shall provide a similar or better level of
protection as that provided by the systems shown in the Drawings.

Submit the drawings showing the proposed protection systems to

the Engineer for acceptance. Protect each instrument using the
accepted system. Prevention of damage

Take all sensible measures to prevent damage to the instruments

and ancillary equipment during handling, installation and
subsequent operations. Replace any instrument and/or ancillary
equipment damaged during handling, installation or subsequent
operation immediately.

Snake or coil cabling and tubing to provide sufficient slack to

accommodate potential ground movement.

4.1.5 Instrument Reference System

Establish a logical reference system for all the instrumentation equipment

prior to installation and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, so records for any
particular location can easily be recovered for interpretation or review.

4.1.6 Remote Readout Location of readout boxes

Position readout boxes for ease of access and protect from

damage during construction. Location of logger stations

Position logger stations for ease of access and protect from

damage during construction. Propose locations unless shown
otherwise in the drawings for acceptance by the Engineer. Cable fixing and identification

Fix cabling for the instrumentation neatly and securely to

appropriate cable trays which in turn shall be securely fixed to the
structure. Tag all cabling with an appropriate reference, identifying
the electrolevel or instrument to which it is attached.



Protect cables in galvanised pipes from ground level to one meter

below cut-off level. In addition, clearly label the cables at 0.5 metre
interval within the protected length. Where possible, use colour-
coded cables for the purpose of identification.

Use single length cable for newly installed vibrating wire

piezometer. Do not allow splicing unless otherwise agreed. When
splicing is allowed, ensure water tightness of the splices in the event
where the cables are damaged and need to be spliced. Identification of cables

Tag each individual cable at least at the instrument end

connection and at the logger connection identifying that cable.
Maintain a schedule showing all cables and their respective

4.2 Instrument Reading and Records

Records of all readings have to be kept up to date on Site for inspection at any time.
Records shall be kept in the Contractor’s site office and at the office of the Resident
Engineer. All records/data must be certified by the Contractor’s PE and submitted to
the Engineer within one week. The Engineer shall be notified immediately in the event
an alert level is reached for any of the instruments.

Each instrument shall be assigned an identification number. This number shall also be
indicated on: -

▪ The drawing of instrumentation layouts

▪ The instrument itself
▪ The records of measurements

4.2.1 Schedule of Monitoring

Submit a proposed schedule of readings for the acceptance of the Engineer.

Comply with the minimum frequency and duration of readings for each
instrument as stated in Clause 3.1.

Vary the frequency depending upon the stage of the works. In some cases
continuous logging will be required.

Increase the monitoring frequency at any stage as directed by the Engineer

if the performance of the Works being monitored does not perform as
predicted, or the Works are likely to cause adverse effects on the adjacent
properties if they proceed further.

4.2.2 Ground Movements and Vibrations

When planning for suitable methods and schedule for monitoring, take
account of the limits of movement and levels of vibration for the adjacent
buildings as set out in the Section 01016 Particular Specification and

4.2.3 Methods of Taking Readings

Do not use any form of instrument which uses electrical resistance methods
for taking readings unless otherwise agreed.



4.2.4 Initial Readings

Read all instruments as soon as possible after installation and at least once
per day for a period of two weeks thereafter. Where instruments appear not
to have stabilised, for example exhibiting a continued drift in the readings,
the cause shall be identified and the fault rectified and a new set of readings
provided. When all instruments are showing consistent results for a period
of 1 week, readings shall be averaged to provide a datum reading.

4.2.5 Site Conditions

When recording instrumentation readings, record all site conditions that may
affect the results, including temperature and humidity readings.

Record also the instrument type, location reference, datum and time of
reading, personnel carrying out the readings and measuring instrument or
readout unit reference.

Record any observations of unusual conditions that could influence the

instrumentation or the structure.

4.2.6 Reading Records

Record instrument readings in accepted format for subsequent analysis by


Take backup copies on a daily basis on two sets of disks; one set to be
stored remote from the site office.

Make corrections for temperature difference or other factors as appropriate,

but uncorrected data shall also be available.

Produce plots of deformation, stress, raw data readings against time

together with plots of temperature and humidity, or other data as directed
when relevant.

4.2.7 Consistency of Instrument Use

Use the same recording devices, e.g. tape extensometers, level, EDM and
Theodolite, etc. at any given location throughout the monitoring programme.

If this becomes impractical, take new datum readings immediately with a

replacement instrument, and use the new instrument for future readings.

4.2.8 Consistency of Readings

Readings shall be taken by the same personnel to maintain consistency. If

personnel need to be replaced for any reason, take a series of three
duplicate readings by both the outgoing person and his replacement.

4.2.9 Consistency of Location

Should a monitoring location become unavailable, read the instrument

previously read from this point from an alternative point, as soon as
practicable after the location becomes unavailable. Use this for all
subsequent readings.

Include a reference to such changes on the summary plots.



4.3 Inclinometers (Manual Read)

4.3.1 General

All inclinometer tubing and instrumentation shall be resistant to

aggressive/adverse substances in the ground and shall conform to the
requirements for sub-surface installations. For excavation works, the
inclinometers shall be installed such that the lower end is fixed at least 3m in a
rigid stratum and to a depth beyond the toe of the temporary earth retention

4.3.2 Installation

Insert a slotted plastic inclinometer tube of minimum 60mm internal

diameter into a minimum 100mm diameter borehole or a steel duct of at
least 150 mm cast into any pile or wall.

Withdraw any temporary casing used during boring/drilling at the time of

grouting the inclinometer tubing. Embed the toe of inclinometer into hard
stratum below which the ground movement is negligible. Prior to installation,
propose the installation level for acceptance of the Engineer.

4.3.3 Tubing

Provide the tubing with appropriate couplings for joining tube lengths to the
required borehole length. Cap the base of the tube.

Adequately fix and seal the cap and coupling joints so that the tube is grout-
and dirt-tight.

Lower the joined and sealed tubing into the borehole and grout the annulus
using a bentonite/cement grout tremied to the bottom of the hole. Fix the
tubing from rotation while being lowered.

4.3.4 Probe Location

Provide suitable means of measuring the position of the probe down the
borehole to an accuracy of ±10 mm from a reference point at the top of the

Establish the coordinate of the reference point prior to all readings by

surveying from a suitable stable benchmark.

4.3.5 Extension of Inclinometers

Where inclinometers already exist and are to be extended, the new tubing
shall match the existing tubing.

During earthworks operations, extend the inclinometer tubes in lengths and

ahead of the fill to a manner accepted by the Engineer.

4.3.6 Stability and Gain Check

Check stability and gain of the reading system at weekly intervals unless
otherwise agreed, and provide results to the Engineer.



4.3.7 Spiral and Inclination Check

Carry out spiral and inclination check prior to establishing the datum

4.4 In-place Inclinometers (Remote Read)

4.4.1 General

Ensure all inclinometer tubing and instrumentation to be resistant to

aggressive/adverse substances in the ground and conform to the
requirements for sub-surface installations. Ensure that the in-place
inclinometer is capable of providing continuous, unattended monitoring data.

4.4.2 Installation

Insert a slotted plastic inclinometer tube of 75 mm internal diameter into a

minimum 100mm diameter borehole or a steel duct of at least 150 mm cast
into any pile or wall.

Any temporary casing used during boring/drilling shall be withdrawn at the

time of grouting the inclinometer tubing. Embed the toe of inclinometer into
hard stratum below which the ground movement is negligible. Prior
installation, propose the installation level for the acceptance of the Engineer.

4.4.3 Tubing

Provide the tubing with appropriate couplings for joining tube lengths to the
required borehole length.

Cap the base of the tube.

Adequately fix and seal the cap and coupling joints so that the tube is grout-
and dirt-tight.

Lower the joined and sealed tubing into the borehole and grout the annulus
using a bentonite/cement grout tremied to the bottom of the hole. Fix the
tubing from rotation while being lowered.

4.4.4 Sensor

Install the biaxially electrolevels at spacing acceptable to the Engineer and

connect with a rod to give a fixed gauge length. At the end of the sensor and
the gauge extension fit a spring loaded wheel assembly. Do not use sensors
mounted on sleds. Check that the spacing of sensor is no greater than 3 m.

4.4.5 Stability and Gain Check

Check stability and gain of the reading system at weekly intervals by means
of three “dummy” electrolevels using precise resistors.

4.4.6 Spiral and Inclination Check

Carry out spiral and inclination checks prior to establishing the datum



4.5 Extensometers

4.5.1 Magnetic Inclinometer Extensometers Installation of assembly

(a) Grout the complete downhole assembly in place ensuring that

the access tube and magnets remain undisturbed during
grouting operations.

(b) Seal the access tube to prevent ingress of ground water. Level check

(a) Fix a level survey point to the top of the reference head of the
extensometer to allow precise levelling back to a datum.

(b) Check the level survey point each time the instrument is read,
unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer.

4.5.2 Rod Extensometers Rod assembly

Isolate each rod Individually by its own plastic sleeve and grout
the complete assembly in place, fixing the anchors to the ground
but allowing free movement of each rod within its sleeve.

Ensure a single reference housing receives all of the rods from a

drill hole and provide protection to the reference head and
measurement device. Survey point

Fix a level survey point to the top of the reference head of the
extensometer to allow precise levelling back to a datum. Use of casing

Use casing to stabilise holes through unstable ground.

Determine the lengths of rods using the level of the ground at the
hole location. For grout used for backfilling, use bentonite/cement
mix with just sufficient water to allow it to be tremied to the bottom
of the holes.

4.5.3 Tape Extensometers

Locate and fix anchors in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.

Take measurements by connecting the tape hook to the pertinent eyebolt

and the tape stretched across to the next bolt.

Adjust the tension of the tape and take the tape and calliper readings.
Use the same extensometer for each set of readings to maintain



4.6 Deep Levelling Datum

4.6.1 Installation

Install a 300mm diameter casing not less than 300 mm into firm ground.
Install the 250 mm diameter casing not less than 1500mm beneath the
300mm casing and fill with water cement grout that is just pumpable. Ensure
the founding depth of deep levelling datum to be such that the founding
strata is not affected by the construction activity.

4.6.2 Protection

Protect the top of the Deep Levelling Datum by a manhole cover and by a
surface protection barrier to the acceptance of the Engineer.

4.7 Piezometers

4.7.1 Installation of Sand Filter

In placing the sand, ensure that no sand adheres to the soil in the sides of
an unlined hole. Where there is water in a hole, allow sufficient time for all
the sand to settle, and take measurements of the upper surface of the sand
from time to time to ensure this. Record the final elevation of the top of the

4.7.2 Bentonite Seal

Tamp the bentonite seal formed of either stiff hard rolled balls or pellets over
the sand to a thickness of approximately 1500 mm. Backfill the hole with
bentonite/cement grout mix to the acceptance of the Engineer. Terminate
grout backfill at the base of the instrumentation chamber.

4.7.3 De-airing of Piezometer Tip

Check that the tip of each piezometer is air free and the porous stone of the
tip is fully saturated by submergence in clean de-aired water for a period of
at least 24 hours prior to installation.

Confirm complete de-airing of the porous stone by periodic weighing.

4.7.4 Piezometer Installation

Install each piezometer in a separate borehole of 100mm nominal diameter.

Carry out the complete installation as soon as practicable, no later than 24

hours after drilling, in order to minimise the amount of deterioration or
alteration of the ground at the location of the piezometer tip. Carry out
drilling to the required depth without the use of air-flush in the vicinity of the
tip position.

4.7.5 Use of Casing

Use casing to stabilise the hole through unstable ground.

If casing is used to maintain the hole open, withdraw it carefully so as not to

damage the instruments or cables, concurrently with the progress of the



4.7.6 Testing Before Installation

Test all piezometers before installation by submergence in still clean water

to a series of depths appropriate to the anticipated pressure range of
operation in order to verify the calibration and accuracy of the instrument.

4.7.7 Records

Keep accurate records of the depths of the piezometers, sand surrounds

and seals, and record readings at each stage of the installation. For push-in
piezometers, record the increase in pore pressure as well as dissipation
using a data logger.

Check the maximum pressure allowable during installation to be 50% of the

maximum for which the piezometer is rated.

4.7.8 Commissioning Test

On completion of the installation, commission all standpipes and

piezometers using a falling head test by filling the standpipe or piezometer
full with water to the top of the PVC tubing.

Monitor the drop in water level in the standpipe or piezometer at intervals of

15s, 30s, 1 min, 2 min, 4 min, 8 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr, 4 hr, 5
hr, 6 hr, 7 hr, 8 hr, 16 hr, 24 hr, or when the water level has returned to its
initial steady level.

The water standpipe or piezometer must be in working condition throughout

the monitoring period. Rectify any damaged water standpipe or piezometer
before handing over.

Take samples of ground water of not less than one litre from the standpipes
and piezometer when required.

Store the water samples in clean sealed containers; clearly label and deliver
to the laboratory for chemical tests.

The tests for sulphate content (% SO3), chloride content, acidity (pH value)
and degree of salinity shall be determined from the same sample.

4.8 Strain Gauges

Ensure strain gauges and cabling are compatible for their intended location. Protect
them against any disturbance from the site activities.

4.8.1 Strain Gauges Embedded in Concrete

Use the embedment variety or securely attach to mounting plates welded to

bars that are then attached to the reinforcement.

The method of attachment shall prevent displacement of the gauge or

damage to the wires and cables during fixing of reinforcement, concreting,
driving or other processes.

Attach the bars at two locations only to limit the bending induced in the bars
changes by less than 50µε.

4.8.2 Strain Gauges for Temporary Struts



Use spot weldable strain gauges to the Engineer’s acceptance. At the

beginning of the strut monitoring, install strain gauges in strut together with
load cells for calibration purposes. Establish a correlation between the
gauges and loads measured by the load cells and submit the results for
review by the Engineer. Gauges from the same type and source shall then
be used to monitor other selected struts in place of load cells. The locations
of struts required strain gauges are shown in the drawings.

4.9 Vibration Monitoring Device

Engage a specialist to carry out the monitoring and recording of readings.

4.10 Tell-Tales

Fix the overlapping plates securely so that a gap of not greater than 1 mm separates
them at the start of monitoring and so that the cross-hairs are zeroed. Record the
location, orientation and plate separation for each telltale on the reading sheets.

4.11 Markers, Crackmeters and Tiltmeters

Typical details of acceptable installations for ground and building settlement points
are shown in the drawings.

Submit for approval details of any alternative installations proposed.

4.11.1 Accuracy of Levels

Monitor and record the levels of ground survey and building settlement
points throughout the duration of the Works, using a precise level and staff
accurate to 0.5mm or better.

4.12 Inspection of Adjacent Property

Keep adjacent roads, neighbouring properties and structures clear of equipment and
spoils and regularly inspect the surface of the ground, properties and structures.

Report to the Engineer immediately any signs of subsidence or cracking.

4.13 Completion

Remove all specialist monitoring and make good all installations to the satisfaction of
the Engineer upon completion of the monitoring, or at other such times if accepted by
the Engineer.


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Description of Instrumentation

Provide fully detailed drawings, together with descriptions of the principal

features, mode of operation, the measuring range and the degrees of
accuracy of the equipment.

5.1.2 Method Statement

Submit detailed method statements for the installation of all instruments for
the acceptance of the Engineer prior to installation.



Method statements shall include, at least the following information:

(a) Details and drawings of instruments.
(b) Manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations for
installation and maintenance etc., details of drilling equipment
and drilling methods.
(c) Details of all materials (including samples).
(d) Details of sequence of assembly and connections.
(e) Details of any backfill, proposed grout mixes.
(f) Details of monitoring arrangements and verification

The method statement shall also include a programme of

installation related to the main construction activities to the
acceptance of the Engineer.

5.1.3 Installation Drawings

Submit detailed drawings showing the precise location and depth for
instrument installation for the acceptance of the Engineer prior to
commencement of installations.

5.1.4 Schedule of Manpower and Resources

Provide a detailed schedule of manpower and equipment resources to be

employed for the Works for Engineer’s acceptance before commencement
within timeframe as directed.

5.1.5 Data Management System

Submit full details of the proposed data management system for the
acceptance of the Engineer. These shall include proposed formats for data
acquisition, checking, processing, and subsequent reporting to the Engineer
for all instruments.

5.1.6 Calculations

Provide calculations to convert raw output to processed data for all


Provide a sample calculation with appropriate data listings to the Engineer,

endorsed by the Instrumentation Engineer.

5.1.7 Maintenance and Inspection Schedule

Submit a maintenance and inspection schedule prior to installation or use of

the instrumentation for the acceptance of the Engineer.

5.1.8 Quality Control Manual

Submit a Quality Manual containing a QA/QC programme for the Works to

the Engineer for acceptance within the directed time frame.

The Quality Manual is to include at least information on the following:

(a) Quality policy

(b) Organisation charts and responsibilities



(c) Internal quality control and audits

(d) Facilities and equipment
(e) Calibration and testing of equipment
(f) Testing and inspection procedures
(g) Subcontractors and suppliers

5.2 Calibration of Instrumentation

Correctly calibrate all the installed instrumentation in use.

Carry out calibration and provide certificates by an accepted accredited agency.

Carry out periodic checks at appropriate intervals to confirm the validity of calibration
of equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and make any
necessary adjustments. Check instruments to have a validity of calibration at least 3
months after their last intended reading in the project.

Repeat calibration if anomalous readings are recorded.

Keep records of checks, errors recorded and whether any adjustment was

5.2.1 Records of Calibration

Keep records of all calibration certificates and of dispatch of equipment off

site for re-calibration when required.

Retain copies of all certification and other records on site and make
available for the Engineer’s inspection when required.

5.3 Records and Reporting

5.3.1 General

Submit two copies of preliminary records of the installation of each

instrument within 24 hours from the time of installation of each instrument.

Submit final records for each instrument incorporating any comments from
the Engineer within seven days of completion of installation of each

5.3.2 Record Information

The records shall incorporate a graphical illustration of the instrument

installation and shall include the following information:

(a) Instrument number and location (in eastern and northern co-ordinates
and level).
(b) Names of personnel responsible for installation.
(c) Time and date for commencement and completion of instrument.
(d) Details and records of boreholes.
(e) Plant and labour used.
(f) Ground conditions encountered (if applicable).
(g) Details of instrument installation (grout, fixings etc).
(h) Instrument readings during installation, calibration and immediately
after installation are completed.
(i) Location of instrument terminals, housings and any leads or cabling.
(j) Details of any splices, numbers of casings or joins.
(k) Details of any breakdowns or delays.



5.3.3 Datum Readings of Survey Points

The registered surveyor shall establish the initial (datum) reading of each
survey point and submit records to the Engineer. Unless otherwise agreed,
submit the datum readings prior to any excavation and construction works.

5.3.4 Submission of Readings

Submit all instrument readings in approved tabular and graphical formats,

within 24 hours of monitoring.

5.3.5 Factual Reporting

Submit reports of monitoring results in a factual report at intervals of bi-

weekly during piling and excavation works, and weekly throughout the
construction activities, in an acceptable format including a plan showing the
location of the structure and instrumented lines and shall comprise at least
the following:

Submit the factual reports prepared and endorsed by the Professional

Engineer of monitoring results.

(a) Incorporate plots of measured parameters vs time, depth and/or

location of construction activity with reference to each instrument etc.
as agreed with the Engineer.
(b) Include a comparison of data with predetermined trigger values. (e.g.
Settlement against Time, horizontal deflections against time, load
against depth of excavation, settlement against location of
construction activity / depth of excavation etc.).
(c) Highlight idle or damaged instruments and provide estimated time
frame for corrective measures.

5.3.6 Interpretative Reporting Frequency

Based on the factual information received, issue interpretative

reports at intervals of bi-weekly during Piling Works, and weekly
throughout the construction activities.

When established trends indicate potential problems, such areas

of concern shall be re-appraised and monitored at revised
frequencies as directed. Report content

Interpretative Reports shall include a summary plot of all

instrumented lines or points which indicate a trend (including
historical data where appropriate) that could result in a trigger level
being exceeded and any instrumented line or point in which a
trigger level has been exceeded. Submit recommendations for any
protective measures or actions that are necessary.

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2
1.5 Definition .............................................................................................................................. 12

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 13

2.1 Contractor’s Design ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Falsework ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Ground Movements and Vibrations ..................................................................................... 13
2.4 Noise Nuisance.................................................................................................................... 13

3.0 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 14

3.1 Falsework ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.2 Backfill Material.................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Scaffolds and Access Equipment ........................................................................................ 14
3.4 Prohibited Equipment .......................................................................................................... 14

4.0 WORKMANSHIP ........................................................................................................................... 15

4.1 Survey .................................................................................................................................. 15
4.2 Demolition Methods ............................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Precautions against Uncontrolled Collapse ......................................................................... 15
4.4 Safety Measures .................................................................................................................. 15
4.5 Temporary Structures .......................................................................................................... 17
4.6 Excavation ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.7 Adjoining Properties ............................................................................................................ 17
4.8 Partly Demolished Structures .............................................................................................. 18
4.9 Location of Asbestos ........................................................................................................... 18
4.10 Precautions against Vibrations and Concussion ................................................................. 19
4.11 Earth Control Measures ....................................................................................................... 19
4.12 Unknown Hazards ............................................................................................................... 21
4.13 Open Basements ................................................................................................................. 21
4.14 Filling of Basements ............................................................................................................ 21
4.15 Reinstatement and Making Good to Disturbed Areas ......................................................... 21
4.16 Completion........................................................................................................................... 22
4.17 Preparation for Cultivation with Turfing ............................................................................... 22
4.18 Other Particular Requirement .............................................................................................. 22

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 22

5.1 Work Submissions ............................................................................................................... 22
5.2 As-built Survey..................................................................................................................... 24

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers the requirements for works involving the demolition of existing
buildings and other structures and general site clearance.

1.1.1 Particulars of project

The scope of demolition/modification works are generally shown in the

drawings. Refer to particular specifications, contract conditions and
drawings for particular requirements of the project if any.

The method of demolition shall be proposed by the contractor at the time of

his quotation submission and shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall demolish/modify the relevant works within the building
site. The Contractor shall engage a registered surveyor to survey the
existing steel and concrete elements, if any, and prepare existing survey.
The Contractor shall submit four (4) sets of the above drawings duly
endorsed by his registered surveyor upon completion of the works. All costs
related to these are deemed to be included in the Contractor’s quotation
price. No additional claims for cost or time shall be entertained on account



of the above.

Upkeeps and maintains the project site, hoardings, gates, earth control
measure plan, earth protection upon complete demolition for duration as
specified in the contract.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of SECTION 01016

1.3 Standards and Regulations

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

In the event that the Standards or Codes are partially superseded or

become obsolete, refer to the latest edition or the approved substitution for
the relevant clauses.

MS 2318: 2012 Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings

1.3.2 Statutory Regulations and Guidelines

Unless otherwise specified, the works shall comply with the relevant
sections of the following statutory requirements:

(a) DOHS Regulations

(b) OSH Act

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions & Proposals

Propose sequence and method of demolition in the form of a method


Do not vary methods on site from the agreed method statement without
prior acceptance. Notify the Engineer of any proposed variations to the
method statement within 14 days unless otherwise agreed.

Propose as a response plan in the event that measures taken to control

ground movement and vibration do not perform satisfactorily.

Provide all necessary temporary shoring, strutting, screening etc. necessary

for the proper execution of the demolition.

Along every sidewalk or thoroughfare bordering demolition operations, there

shall be erected a substantial barricade to the approval of the Engineer to
prevent unauthorized persons from entering the site of such operations.



Prices for all works of demolition are to include for labour, plant, tools, etc.
and materials where necessary for making good all work disturbed.

The whole of the works shall be carried out in a systematic manner and care
must be taken not to damage any property, not included in the demolition.

1.4.2 Engineering Design and Calculations General

Engage a PE (Civil) and other qualified and experienced

personnel to prepare all drawings and calculations for the
following works:
(a) Temporary support structures
(b) Temporary hoarding
(c) Scaffolding and staging Professional Engineer, PE (Civil)

The responsibilities of the PE include:

(a) Planning of sequence of installation and dismantling

(b) Assessment of the structural integrity of existing property and
abutting property
(c) Design of temporary vertical and lateral supports to prevent
uncontrolled collapse
(d) Design to control ground water and provision of temporary
(e) Assessment of construction loadings permitted on existing
(f) Submit all calculations to authorities for record.
(g) Supervise the demolition work in accordance with the
authorities guidelines. Temporary Hoarding

Design the temporary hoarding to withstand all imposed loads due

to wind, crowds and impact, where applicable, and to provide
protection to pedestrians. Scaffolding and Staging

Provide Professional Engineer’s, PE (Civil) endorsement when the

scaffolding and staging works exceeds any of the following

(a) The deck is more than 3m above ground.

(b) The deck carries an intensity of loading higher than 1.5 kN/m2.
(c) The staging is more than 3 tiers. Excavation and Strutting

Provide Professional Engineer’s endorsement for the excavation

and strutting works and temporary earth retaining system.



1.4.3 Supervision Demolition

Engage a full-time competent supervisor with appropriate

demolition experience to supervise the work strictly in
accordance with the directions of the engaged Professional

A competent supervisor shall have sufficient professional or

technical training, knowledge and actual experience to enable
them to:

(a) Carry out their assigned duties at the level of responsibility

allocated to them
(b) Understand fully any potential hazards related to the work
under consideration.
(c) Detect any technical defects or omissions in that work,
recognize any implications for health and safety caused by
those defects or omissions.
(d) Be able to specify a remedial action to mitigate those
implications. Scaffolding and Staging

Engage a registered scaffold erector to supervise the erection
of all scaffolding and staging in compliance with the WSH
(Scaffolds) Regulations.

1.4.4 Qualifications

Provide evidence of past experience for all personnel to the Engineer for
acceptance prior to commencement of the Works.

1.4.5 Verification of Information

Obtain from the Engineer and verify available information relevant to the

(a) Existing site surveys

(b) Existing services
(c) Existing building on the site
(d) Soil investigation

Carry out additional investigations or request from the Authorities to ensure

that adequate information is available to carry out the works.

Allow for conditions peculiar to the site and all other matters affecting the
proposed Work and allow as necessary for the types of materials to be
excavated. Existing Site Surveys

Engage a Registered Surveyor to carry out or, if given, to verify

the survey prior to commencement of the Works.



All the known underground services have either been diverted

outside the work area or to specified locations within the working
area as shown in the Contract Documents. Any other unknown
services, which are found within the work areas shall be either
diverted or protected by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not
be entitled to any additional cost or time on account of unforeseen
services found within the Contract boundaries, which may affect
the Contract Work.

Comply with all the statutory requirements in respect of the

existing services at and around the vicinity of the Site.

Terminate or divert all relevant existing services as required by the

authorities and ensure such termination or diversion will not cause
any damage or disruption to the public services or the services in
the neighbouring properties prior to commencement of the Works.

Obtain information on the existing services including services to

private properties. Verify actual sizes and locations of all services
and mark on site prior to commencement of the Work.

The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid

damage to services above and below ground, such as sewers,
drains, gas and water mains, electricity and other cables and all
structures above and below ground. The Contractor shall be solely
responsible for any damage caused to the services. If damage
should occur, the Engineer and Authorities (where applicable)
shall be immediately notified and the Contractor shall repair the
damage at the Contractor’s own expense. The location of any
existing services shown on given plans can only be approximate
and for the guidance of the Contractor only.

The Contractor shall determine, probe and/or investigate the

position of all existing services within the Site and shall take all
precautions to protect and prevent damage to them. All damage
caused to the active services shall be reinstated by the Contractor
at his own cost and time.

All electrical cable and wiring (irrespective of whether "live" or

"dead") and water pipework (both cold and hot) for plumbing, gas
and fire protection installation must be disconnected before any
demolition operation is allowed to be commenced.

Conduct underground services detection by means of electro-

magnetic detector or by means of hand-dug inspection pit.
Propose suitable method to the Engineer for acceptance.

Mark type and depth of underground services with signboards and

overhead services with headroom markers. Inform the Authorities
of any services encountered on site.

Prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a

condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant Authorities. Submit all records to the
Engineer and adjacent property owners where directed.

Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.



1.4.6 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide instrumentation to monitor the ground movement, vibration and

condition of adjacent properties. If necessary or as required by the
Authorities, propose and provide additional instrumentation and monitoring
for records.

Take cognizance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

For general requirements of the instrumentation and monitoring works refer

to Section 01016 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION, Clause 6.

1.4.7 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

Accept responsibility for the upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads,
footpaths etc., where applicable, together with the mains and services from
the time of taking possession of the site through the duration of the works.

Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and
keep clear of mud and debris. Weatherproofing of Adjoining Buildings

Allow for the weatherproofing of any surfaces of the adjoining

buildings that are exposed by the demolition as required.

Protection of Adjacent Structure to be Retained

The Contractor shall examine the walls of all structures adjacent to the
structure which is to be demolished, such as, examination of the thickness
and method of support. Where there is a reason to believe that an adjacent
structure is unsafe or liable to become unsafe, because of demolition
operations, no demolition shall be carried out until there has been provided
sheet pilings, shoring, bracing or other such beams as may be required to
ensure the stability of the adjacent structure and to prevent such structure or
other property from collapsing.

All necessary precautions, including any monitoring measures, must be

undertaken to avoid damage to existing property.

1.4.8 Site Safety General

Do not permit any person to do anything not in accordance with

the generally accepted principles of safe and sound practice.

Ensure a safe environment on the Site at all times. Maintain all

safety provisions properly and do not remove any specific
equipment etc. without the written acceptance of the Engineer.

Ensure that all personnel take necessary and sufficient safety




Site safety shall comply with the Occupational Health and Safety
Act (OSHA) and its subsidiary legislations. Site Safety Officer and Supervisor

Employ a site safety officer and supervisor with a recognised and
approved certification in construction safety on a full-time basis
throughout the duration of site works. The responsibilities of the
site safety supervisor include:

(a) To supervise safety and promote safety conduct

(b) To inspect and rectify any unsafe place of work
(c) To correct any unsafe practice
(d) To ensure that the provisions of the Factory and Machinery
Act and its subsidiary legislations are complied with.

1.4.9 Safety Measures to Ensure Public Safety and Prevention of Damage to

Adjoining Property

The Contractor shall provide and erect all protective screens, strutting,
shoring etc. that may be required to prevent damage, nuisance or
disturbance, any debris or dust to the existing building structure, public
roadways, persons or traffic passing nearby and all adjoining properties.

The Contractor shall engage his own Professional Engineer, PE(Civil) for
the design of temporary hoarding and submit to the Engineer for approval
before demolition work commences.

The Contractor shall provide, maintain and dismantle all necessary shoring,
strutting and other forms of support deemed necessary and also take all
other necessary precautions or adopt such other expedients as may be
necessary to preserve the stability of existing building structures and all
other properties including that of adjoining owners that may in any way be
endangered or affected by the works to be executed.

Demolition of walls and partitions shall proceed in a systematic manner and

all works above each tier of floor beams shall be completed before the
safety of its supports is impaired.

Masonry shall not be permitted to fall in such manner as to endanger the

structural stability of any floor or structural support.

Masonry shall not be permitted to fall in such a manner that will endanger
human lives.

1.4.10 Temporary Access Roads

Where the contract works or access to the site requires diversion of existing
traffic, the contractor shall prepare, co-ordinate and seek approval of his
diversion plans from the relevant authorities. All costs and time associated
with implementing the traffic diversion including the preparation of plans and
seeking Authorities’ approval shall be deemed to be included within the
contract, price and time.

Submit the proposed alignments and levels of temporary access roads to

the Engineer for acceptance prior to commencement of the Works.



Maintain all necessary temporary access roads with drainage ditches over
their full length. Divert and reinstate the permanent drainage system.

1.4.11 Temporary Access Stairways and Walkways

Provide temporary access stairways and walkways in compliance with BS

5395: Part 1, particularly with respect to minimum headroom and clearance,
both vertically and perpendicular to the plane of the stairs.

1.4.12 Temporary Works

Erect all temporary structures in strict compliance with the Professional

Engineer's design.

1.4.13 Temporary Hoarding General

Erect protective hoarding, safety netting/catch platform or other

structures to ensure public safety prior to starting demolition

Provide, erect and maintain a continuous hoarding around the

entire contract boundary prior to commencement of the works.

Erect the hoarding at not less than 300mm away from any
permanent structure such as footway, drain, pipeline, etc. unless
otherwise agreed. Type of Hoarding

It shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility to provide the

appropriate type of hoarding for the project and in compliance with
authorities’ requirements. The type and category of hoarding to be
erected shall depend on the building’s location and its demolition

In general, the categories of hoarding shall be as follows:

Category A: Protective hoarding for use where footway is


Category B: Protective hoarding for use where footway is not


Category C: Protective hoarding erected on carriageway;

Category D: Scaffold hoarding shall be minimum 6.8 meters

high where the distance between the building
edge and the hoarding is less than 1½ times the
height of the building;

Category E: Metal hoarding shall be minimum 2 meters high

where the distance from the building edge is more
than 1½ times the height of the building



Provide metal gates/doors with minimum 2 metres and maximum

4metres height as required for the project, for the main and side
entries located at approved positions. There shall be a maximum
of two entry points for the entire site unless otherwise agreed. Hoarding Decoration and Signage

Maintain the hoarding and gates at all times to ensure no

deterioration of the structure and fading of the paint works
throughout the duration of the Contract. Display "DANGER”,
“KEEP-OUT" and "NO TRESPASSING" signs in the four official
languages at conspicuous locations on the exterior side of the
hoarding. Paint such signs in red and white background with gloss
finishing enamel paint. Project Signboard

Where required, incorporate project signboard according to

architectural drawings as part of the hoarding.

1.4.14 Site Inspection

Visit and inspect the site to understand the conditions and characters of the
Works and to ascertain the exact position and full extent of the Works.

The Contractor will be required to attend an inspection of adjoining

properties and prepare a schedule of conditions.

Throughout the whole demolition period, continuing inspections shall be

carried out by the Contractor to detect any hazards to his workmen resulting
from weakened or deteriorated floors or walls or loosened materials. No
workman shall be permitted to work where such hazards exist until they
have been corrected by shoring, bracing or other effective means to the
satisfaction of the Architect.

On completion of work a further inspection is to be carried out to establish

any variations in the original schedule of conditions which are attributed to
be caused by his working. Any such defects shall be rectified at the
Contractor's own risk.

1.4.15 Demolished Material

All materials arising from the demolition are to become the property of the
Contractor unless specifically identified in the contract and are to be carried
away from the site to a place provided by the Contractor.

Take possession of all demolished material. Hand over those identified in

the contract.

Dispose all debris at approved tips. Take special care to prevent debris from
site being carried or blown onto surrounding areas. Clean vehicle wheels
before the vehicle leaves site.

1.4.16 Rubbish

Take all reasonable steps to minimise waste production on site.



Dispose rubbish and unwanted non-hazardous materials at approved tips

and keep the site clean and tidy.

Remove all rubbish, dirt and residues from voids and cavities before filling
or closing in.

Sort and dispose of recyclable material at an approved Material Recycling

Facility where applicable.

Retain waste transfer documentation on site.

1.4.17 Burning on Site

Do not permit burning of materials.

1.4.18 Reinstatement and Making Good General

Avoid damage to existing structures, pavements and properties.

Reinstate and make good any damage caused by or as a result of

the Works.

Reinstatement and making good shall also include all affected

fixtures, fittings and finishes. Consents

If it is found necessary to break up existing pavement, road,

footpath, etc. for purposes as required in the Contract, notify the
Engineer accordingly prior to commencement of Works.

If work is to be carried out on public roads, obtain permission from

relevant authorities having jurisdiction.

1.4.19 Use of Explosive Prohibited

The Contractor is warned that under any circumstances whatsoever, the

use of explosive is strictly prohibited.

1.4.20 Cutting of Existing Trees

Only trees indicated within the specified boundary and as required in the
Contract Documents shall be felled and up-rooted and shall be included in
this Contract. The Contractor is responsible in obtaining clearance or
approval from relevant Authorities before felling any tree within the specified

1.4.21 Treasure Trove Coins, etc.

Any treasure trove, coins or objects of antiquity which may be found at the
site in the execution of the works shall remain the property of the Employer.
The Contractor shall carefully take out and preserve all such objects and
shall immediately or as soon as conveniently possible after the discovery of
such articles deliver the same into the possession of the Engineer
uncleaned and as excavated.



1.4.22 Demolition of Structural Steel

All steel construction shall be demolished column length by column length

and tier by tier. Every structural member that is being dismantled shall not
be under any stress other than its own weight and such member shall be
chained or lashed in place to prevent any uncontrolled swinging or dropping.
Large structural members shall not be thrown or dropped from the building,
but shall be carefully lowered. Where a derrick is used in the demolition of
building of framed/skeleton steel construction, the floor on which the derrick
rests shall be completely planked over and the floor shall be of adequate for
such operation.

1.4.23 Cleaning the Works Making Good

On completion, the Contractor shall remove all debris from the site to leave
a tidy working space and reinstate all surface/excavation to as close to the
original conditions as possible. The Contractor is not allowed to dump waste
materials on other phases of the building. No burning of waste materials on
site is permitted. Any work disturbed by reasons of the execution of the
demolition shall be made good by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the
Engineer at his own expense.

1.4.24 Interference

Throughout the whole duration of demolition, the work shall be carried out in
such a manner that it will not interfere, interrupt or obstruct the daily lives of
the neighbourhood. It shall also be the Contractor's responsibility to restrict
his workmen to only those areas where the work is to be carried out and to
prevent them from wandering within or entering into other neighbouring

1.4.25 Security

Adequately safeguard the site, products, materials, plants and any existing
buildings affected by the Works from theft.

1.4.26 Pest Control

Engage a pest control operator who is registered with the relevant authority
having jurisdiction to provide comprehensive pest control and surveillance
work on the site.

Submit the name of the pest control operator to the Engineer for acceptance
prior to commencement of the Works.

Pest control and surveillance programmes shall comply with the relevant
authorities requirements and the following:

(a) Submit a detailed pest control and surveillance programme to the prior
to commencement of the work.
(b) Maintain a site register containing an up-to-date record of pest control
and surveillance that have been carried out. Make site register
available for inspection by the Engineer.
(c) Take all necessary measures to prevent the site (including vacant flats
where relevant) from becoming conducive to the breeding or
harbouring of vectors.
(d) Carry out site checks at least once a week to detect and remove
breeding and harbouring grounds.



1.4.27 Pollution Control General

Take all reasonable precautions to prevent pollution of the site and

the general environment including streams and waterways. If
pollution occurs, inform the appropriate authorities and the
Engineer immediately and provide them with all relevant
information. Air Pollution Control

Take all necessary measures to abate the discharge of smoke,

fumes or obnoxious gases from any construction equipment.

Stop using construction equipment discharging excessive smoke,

fumes or obnoxious gases and replace it with the accepted

Comply with the relevant provisions of the Environmental

Protection and Management Regulations and/or any requirement
of other relevant authorities. Dust Control

Take all necessary measures to control the dust such as

periodically spraying demolition works with water.

For buildings exceeding 6 storeys, erect fine netting adequately

supported to a minimum height of 6m above the hoarding for
further dust control.

1.4.28 Fire Prevention

Take all necessary precautions to prevent personal injury, death and

damage to the Works or other properties from fire. Comply with BOMBA’s
requirement for Fire Prevention on Construction Sites.

1.4.29 As-Built Site Survey

Carry out a complete topographical survey of the site upon completion of

the works indicating levels of ground and remaining structures and services,
and other ground features remaining on site.

1.4.30 Quality Control Plan

Submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with the Engineer.

1.5 Definition

(a) Temporary Works. All construction works that are not part of the Permanent
Works but are required in order to complete the Permanent Works.




2.1 Contractor’s Design

2.1.1 Temporary Works

Design temporary works in accordance with BS EN 12811-1 and in

accordance with the relevant statutory requirements. The design shall
include foundations or other appropriate supports.

2.1.2 Hoarding Design

Design hoarding in accordance with the relevant statutory requirements.

Ensure that the hoarding erected is able to resist the design imposed

2.2 Falsework

2.2.1 Foundations

Foundations for false work shall be suitable to sustain the calculated

maximum loads without failure or unacceptable settlement.

2.2.2 Duration of Use

Falsework shall remain in place until the elements of the permanent

construction are capable of self-support.

2.2.3 Protection from Impact

Protect falsework from accidental impact such as passing vehicles, plant

and cranes. Where a residual risk of impact is identified design the system

2.3 Ground Movements and Vibrations

Generally comply with the requirements of BS 5228 Part 1.

Unless otherwise directed, refer to Section 01016 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION,

Clause 6 for general restrictions on ground movements and vibration limits for
adjacent structures where relevant.

2.4 Noise Nuisance

Take all necessary actions to ensure compliance with the latest noise control
regulations imposed by relevant authorities having jurisdiction. In the absence of any
guide the noise level (Maximum allowable equivalent continuous noise level
measured over a period of 5 minutes in dB) at the nearest occupied building outside
the Site is not to exceed the following maximum permissible noise level.



Mon-Fri Sat/Eve of PH Sun/ PH

Types of
7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm
to to to to to to to to to
7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am

(a) Hospital,
75 55 75 55
home for
the aged,
sick etc

No No Work
(b) Residential
located less
than 150m 90 70 55 90 70
from the dBA dBA dBA dBA dBA

(c) Buildings
other than
90 70 90 70 90 70
those in (a)
and (b)


3.1 Falsework

Comply with the requirements of BS 5975.

3.2 Backfill Material

Comply with the requirements of Section 01016 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION

Clause 2.10, unless otherwise agreed.

3.3 Scaffolds and Access Equipment

Comply with the requirements of BS EN 12811-1.

3.4 Prohibited Equipment

Do not use the prohibited equipment and methods as stipulated in the contract.




4.1 Survey

Prior to the commencement of the Works, verify all available information. Carry out a
detailed visual survey and examination of the physical condition and structural
stability of the building(s) to be demolished and other surrounding buildings.

Include photographs record of the survey information.

Carry out a further survey and examination of the structures on completion of the

4.2 Demolition Methods

Identify appropriate method for demolition by completing risk assessments for the

Adopt specific precautionary safety measures appropriate to the proposed method.

Establish and maintain safe working spaces and exclusion zones as appropriate.
Ensure all personnel are familiar with and trained in the use of the particular plant and
machinery that will be used.

Follow the requirements of the method statement for the Works.

4.3 Precautions against Uncontrolled Collapse

Ensure that the removal of certain parts of the building or structure during demolition
will not affect the structural integrity of other parts.

If at any time, it appears that the other parts have become unsafe or the structural
integrity of the building is compromised, propose all necessary remedial actions to
provide adequate support to the building to prevent uncontrolled collapse.

Pre-determine where temporary supports will be needed. If the structure abuts other
buildings, provide such lateral support to prevent collapse.

Provide adequate shoring before the existing lateral support is disturbed.

4.4 Safety Measures

4.4.1 Sequence

Demolish buildings and other structures in the reverse order to that of their
construction. The order of demolition for buildings should be progressive
storey-by storey, having regard to the type of construction.

4.4.2 Debris Restrictions on Free Falling of Debris

Allow demolition debris to fall freely to the ground internally or

externally only where the horizontal distance from the point of fall
to a public access or adjoining property is more than 6m or half the
height from which the debris is dropped, whichever is greater. In
any case, ensure the erection of protective hoarding, safety
netting/catch platform or other structures to protect public safety
prior to starting demolition works.



In cases when demolished material is allowed to fall freely

externally, provide a covered hoarding with catch fan. In other
cases, use chutes or skips.

Prior to demolition of walls, sections of the floors should be

removed by hand demolition to facilitate the free fall of debris. Debris Accumulation

Do not allow debris to accumulate above an average height of 2m

from ground level. Prevent debris from overloading scaffold
platforms. Use of Look-out

When material is being dropped, post a look-out man to ensure

safety generally.

4.4.3 Use of Swinging Ball Method

Use only machines designed for arduous or heavy duty. Do not use cranes
with telescopic jibs, tower canes and other high reach machines for this

The weight of the ball should not exceed 50% of the SWL (safe working
load) of the lifting machine at the working radius.

Do not swing the ball by slewing or by jib derricking.

The supporting ropes shall be of such length or be so restrained that is not

possible for the ball to swing against any structure other than that being

A rope from the second drum of the crane shall also be attached to the ball
to prevent an inadvertent increase in radius, which could cause an overload.

Carry out swinging using methods that do not overstress the jib or
compromise the stability of the machine.

Do not swing the ball in line with the jib where the angle of the jib exceeds
60° to the horizontal.

Use an anti-spin device on the hoist rope. A competent person shall inspect
the hoist rope, anti-spin device and all the attachments of the demolition ball
to the hoist rope by appropriate means at least twice a day.

Reduce progressively the length of the jib leaving sufficient distance

between the jib head and the structure being demolished to ensure safe

Ensure that the ball is not trapped when drop-balling arches, floor slabs or
similar elements because a sudden collapse can result in the machine being

In the event that the ball is trapped, use a second machine with a suitable
attachment to release the trapped ball.



The demolition by swinging ball method should not be used on parts of

buildings in excess of 24m in height.

Observe any other restrictions specified by the plant manufacturer.

4.4.4 Use of Explosives

Use of explosives will only be permitted subject to the following:

(a) Obtain permission from all relevant authorities

(b) Agree locations and times of use
(c) Comply with BS 5607
(d) Ensure that explosive charges are not excessive
(e) Protect properly charged boreholes
(f) Take proper precautions for the safety of persons and properties

4.4.5 Scaffolding Defects

Correct immediately any defects found during an inspection.

If this is not possible take it out of use immediately by removing all persons
from it and placing a barrier and warning sign at each access point.

4.5 Temporary Structures

Keep all such structures away from proposed roads, driveways, car parks and
services lines.

Maintain all such structures in a clean, hygienic and safe condition.

Remove all such structures on completion of the Works.

4.6 Excavation


4.7 Adjoining Properties

When demolishing structure(s) against adjoining properties, leave adequate

temporary supports and protection at each stage.

Maintain and alter temporary supports and protection as necessary as work


Ensure the works do not cause damage to adjoining properties and do not leave
unnecessary or unstable projections.

Do not disturb foundations of adjoining properties.

Report to the Engineer any defects exposed or becoming apparent in adjoining


Promptly repair any damage caused to adjoining properties by the Works. Make good
to ensure safety, stability, weather protection and security.



4.8 Partly Demolished Structures

Cut away and strip out with care to reduce the amount of making good to a minimum.
Prevent debris from overloading any part of the structures to be retained.

Leave partly demolished structures in a stable condition with adequate temporary

supports at each stage to prevent risk of uncontrolled collapse.

Prevent access of unauthorised persons to partly demolished structure(s).

4.9 Location of Asbestos

Undertake an independent survey to ascertain the presence, location, extent and

nature of asbestos materials in the buildings.

Report immediately to the Engineer any suspected asbestos materials discovered

during demolition.

Avoid disturbing such materials.

Removal should be carried out by an Approved Asbestos-Removal Contractor

(AARC), in accordance to the WSH (asbestos) regulations.

4.9.1 Regulations

Undertake all asbestos removal work in strict accordance to the “Workplace

Safety and Health Guidelines – Management and Removal of Asbestos”
issued by the Workplace Safety and Health Council (“WSHC”); and WSH
(Asbestos) Regulations.

In general, notify the Commissioner for Workplace Safety and Health (WSH)
at least seven (7) calendar days prior to commencement of the work in
accordance to the WSH (asbestos) Regulations. A copy of the notification
shall be made available on site and produced as and when required by the
Engineer or the Authorities.

4.9.2 Preparation of Area

A visual inspection should be carried out to verify that the area is not
contaminated before setting up the site for asbestos-removal work. If
necessary, air monitoring can be conducted to establish the level of
asbestos concentration in the air to determine if respiratory protection is
necessary during site preparation.

Prior to covering the asbestos work area with a polyethylene sheet, the area
should be precleaned using a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filtered
vacuum cleaner or wet wiped. Dry sweeping must never be used to collect
asbestos debris under any circumstances. All movable objects such as
furniture should be removed from the work area to prevent them from being
contaminated with asbestos. Non-movable objects which are to remain
within the work area such as circuit boxes and switch gears should be pre-
cleaned thoroughly with an industrial vacuum cleaner equipped with a
HEPA filter, or wet-wiped. They should then be sealed with two layers of
polyethylene sheets and securely taped down to protect them from
contamination. Any ventilation system serving or connected to the asbestos
work area should be disabled and the ventilation ducts leading to and from
the work area should be sealed for the whole duration of the asbestos-
removal work.



4.9.3 Safety Precautions

No person is allowed to enter the asbestos work area, except for those
involved in the asbestos removal work or authorized to enter the work area.

Workers whose work involves asbestos shall always put on the appropriate
personal protective equipment (PPE) such as disposable protective clothing
and respirators.

Decontamination shall be carried out to minimise the workers’ exposure to

residual asbestos fibres during the removal process.

Asbestos-containing waste, debris and contaminated clothing shall be

collected in sealed and impermeable bags or closed containers. All
asbestos waste shall be removed and disposed of accordingly by an
approved asbestos disposal contractor regulated by NEA. An application for
written permission to dispose of the asbestos waste should be made to
NEA. A copy of the receipt issued by the NEA when asbestos waste is
disposed of at a landfill shall also be kept

4.10 Precautions against Vibrations and Concussion

Take special care for demolition of tall buildings to ensure that no undue vibration or
concussion is caused which could result in damage to other properties, MRT
structures, pedestrian crossings, underground services or drains or other adjacent
properties by flying debris.

4.11 Earth Control Measures

The Contractor shall be responsible to for preventing silt from being washed into
public drain by implementing effective Earth Control Measures for the construction
site. During the tender submission, Contractor shall submit the schematic Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan of the construction site for whole duration of the contract
period taking into account the different phases of construction activities. The
proposed Earth Control Measures shall comply with the requirements of authorities.
Contractor shall note that the Earth Control Measures are for the containment and
treatment of silty discharge due to the impact of rainwater, not meant for the treatment
of wastewater due to construction activities, which shall be treated to comply with the
requirements of authorities.

Before commence works on site, Contract shall obtain Engineer’s approval on ESCP,
and the installation of the works shall according to the approved design. During the
course of the construction works, Contractor shall review the ESCP proposal regularly
to meet the changing needs of the construction activities. Proper records detailing the
maintenance works, supported by dated photograph, shall be kept by the Contractor
for verification. Earth Control Measures shall not be removed until all works are
completed and upon the advice of Engineer.

During construction, Contractor shall minimize the formation of bare surfaces under
the ESCP. The plan shall depict graphically the activities, including sequence of work,
type and duration for each phase of construction activities to include the following
measure to:

a) Sequence and schedule of the earthwork in stages and progressively with the
subsequent construction activities and building works.

b) Minimise site disturbance by keeping site clearance works to a minimum by

retaining as much of the existing vegetation as possible.



c) Pave up the bare surfaces and all construction access by concrete or milled
waste or other suitable materials

d) Protect the bare slope with close turfing, concrete grouting, and canvas or
erosion control blanket.

e) Protect the earth stockpiles with canvas or erosion control blanket.

f) Restore ground cover over disturbed areas, which are or have become bare, as
soon as possible.

g) Cover up the active works surfaces with canvas sheet during rain or at the end
of the workday.

The Contractor shall put in place the ECM’s Sediment Control Plan, which aims to
capture the sediments washed down from the construction sites. Some of these
sediment control measures and facilities, which must be in place before the works
start, shall include but not limited to the followings:

a) Concrete lined cut-off drain along the perimeter of the construction sites.

b) Silt fence proposed installed and embedded into ground along the perimeter cut-
off drain (between the construction site and the cut-off drain).

c) Sediment basin or any other sediment filtering or settling system of adequate

size and sufficient numbers along the perimeter cut-off drain and before the
discharge points into public drain.

d) A storage basin or tank may be required to temporary store the large amount of
rainwater falling on to the whole site before treatment.

e) A treatment system to treat silty discharge shall be provided before the discharge
points into public drain.

f) Turbidity curtains shall be installed along all the exposed slope/riverbanks for
works in or adjacent to water bodies, such as canals, rivers, sea or in
reclamation works. The silty discharge trapped within the turbidity curtain shall be
allowed to be settled or treated and removed.

The Contractor shall put in place a site monitoring and reporting system including but
not limited to the following:

a) Daily ECM inspection report by the appointed site personnel.

b) Regular site inspection by the appointed site personnel.
c) Continuous monitoring and recording system shall be installed at the discharge
point (after ECM) before public drain.

The Contractor shall submit full basis of design with design calculation to show clearly
how the perimeter cur-off drain, silt fence, sediment basin and storage basin/tank are
designed and sized as well as the design efficiency. The contractor shall also submit
the design specifications on the treatment system which can effectively treat the silty
discharge from the construction site. The intensity of one in two-year storm shall be
adopted for the proposed design.




No. Description Frequency
A. Engaging a Qualified Erosion Control
Professional to design, review and submit
Earth Control Measures proposal to the full
satisfaction of the Engineer. Monthly Monthly
inspection to the ECM implementation and
design review. All as specified, throughout
the whole duration of works.
B. All for the implementation and maintenance Continuously
of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan throughout the
(including the provision of the storage basin contract
and treatment facilities); all as specified (minimum weekly)

C. All for site reporting and monitoring system Continuously

throughout the whole duration of contract. throughout the
(minimum weekly)

4.12 Unknown Hazards

Inform the Engineer of any unrecorded tanks, chemicals etc. discovered during
demolition work. Agree with the Engineer methods for safe removal, filling etc.

4.13 Open Basements

Leave adequate buttress walls or provide temporary support to basement retaining

walls up to ground level.

Make the remaining sections of any retaining and buttress walls safe and secure.

Make holes in basement floors to allow water drainage or penetration (depending on

water table). Provide a hole not less than 600mm in diameter for every 10m² or as
agreed with the Engineer.

4.14 Filling of Basements

Leave adequate buttress walls or provide temporary support to basement retaining

walls up to ground level.

Make holes in basement floors to allow water drainage or penetration (depending on

water table). Provide a hole not less than 600mm in diameter for every 10m² or as
agreed with the Engineer.

Remove all organic material and soil from basements and other voids. Fill and
consolidate with material required under 02300 GENERAL EARTHWORKS

4.15 Reinstatement and Making Good to Disturbed Areas

4.15.1 Services



Temporarily disconnect and/or divert all affected services prior to the

commencement of Works and reinstate immediately upon Substantial
Completion of the Works.

Reinstate and make good the affected Works and services in such a
manner that upon substantial completion they shall be in as good order and
condition as they were at the commencement of the contract.

4.15.2 Backfilling / Levelling / Compaction


4.16 Completion

Clean all rubbish, debris and surplus materials and leave the whole site clean and
tidy. Complete to the required final condition of the site as described in the contract.

4.17 Preparation for Cultivation with Turfing

Clean all loose stones, gravels, tree stumps and building debris in the areas indicated
for turfing on the drawings.

Loosen the top 100mm deep layer and grade to fall as indicated.

For specific requirements on turfing refer to architectural specifications.

4.18 Other Particular Requirement

Comply with other project specific requirements or restrictions for the works as
described in the particular specifications if any.


5.1 Work Submissions

Refer to the list and timing for required submissions for the works. Comply with the
details of the applicable submissions as outline below.


Design Submission Yes 2 Weeks

Method Statements Yes 2 Weeks

Site Management Yes 2 Weeks

Site layout Plan Yes 2 Weeks

Earth Control Measures Yes 2 Weeks

Survey Report Yes 1 Week

Scaffolding/falsework Yes 1 Week

design and Inspection

Proposals for Monitoring Yes 2 Weeks



structures for Vibration

5.1.1 Design Submission

Submit the design, calculation and detailed drawings of temporary works,

temporary hoarding, scaffolding and staging to the Engineer for acceptance,
not more than 14 days before commencement of the relevant work.

5.1.2 Method Statements

Submit method statements covering the following and describing how and
when the following tasks are carried out within 14 days from
commencement of the relevant work.

(a) Sequence, method and schedule of demolition

(b) Sequence, method and schedule of excavation/backfilling
(c) Services detection
(d) Existing site surveys
(e) Temporary access roads
(f) Temporary access stairways and walkways
(g) Temporary works
(h) Temporary supports of buildings/services to be retained
(i) Temporary hoardings
(j) Scaffolding and staging
(k) Fans and any other temporary works required
(l) Plant and equipment
(m) Debris disposal
(n) Rubbish disposal
(o) Asbestos material removal
(p) Reinstatement and making good
(q) Noise nuisance control
(r) Vibration control
(s) Pest control
(t) Pollution control
(u) Dust control
(v) Fire prevention
(w) Safety measures

5.1.3 Site Management

Submit to the Engineer for acceptance the following details soon as

practical from commencement of the contract:

(a) Site organisation structure

(b) Names and qualifications of Contractor’s staff
(c) Names and qualifications of site safety supervisors
(d) Names and qualifications of pest control operators
(e) Names and qualifications of scaffolding inspectors
(f) Quality control plan
(g) Additional requirement as noted in the contract



5.1.4 Site Layout Plan

Submit a site layout plan to the Engineer indicating proposed locations of all
temporary structures for acceptance before their erection.

Notwithstanding such acceptance, relocate any such structures when

required to do so by the Engineer.

5.1.5 Survey Report

Submit a survey report to the Engineer covering at least the following


(a) Form, condition and demolition methods of the structure(s)

(b) Form, location and removal methods of any toxic or hazardous
(c) Type and location of adjoining properties which may be adversely
affected by noise, vibration, dust or removal of structure
(d) Identification and location of services above and below ground
(e) Type and location of any features of historical, archaeological or
geological importance
(f) Any potentially dangerous site conditions
(g) Any constituent materials have deteriorated in strength to an extent that
could result in instability due to a particular demolition process Scaffolding/ Falsework Inspection

Submit scaffolding inspection record to the Engineer including

date of inspection, name of inspector and any
defects/modifications/rectifications carried out.

5.1.6 Quality Control Plan

Prepare and submit the quality control plan for Engineer’s acceptance prior
to starting work.

5.2 As-built Survey

After the completion of the demolition works, engage a registered Surveyor to carry
out a site survey of the site and immediate surround.

Submit copies of the survey plan as directed by the Engineer showing at least
information such as:

(a) Level of ground and structures

(b) Existing structures known, both above and below ground
(c) Existing services
(d) Demarcation of property boundaries
(e) Reserved zones as required by the authorities
(f) Street furniture, drainage systems, etc
(g) Existing trees
(h) Additional information as scheduled in the contract

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards & Regulations ........................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................3

2.1 Pre-treatment of cavities and slump zones ............................................................................3

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWT, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This specification covers the requirements for pre-treatment of cavity slump zones
and cavities before the installation of micro-piles, foundation bored piles, contiguous
bored piles, secant piles or diaphragm walls in Limestone area.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the following work

02370 Bored Piling

02483 Secant Pile Wall



1.3 Standards & Regulations

1.3.1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted. Codes & Standards

BS EN ISO 22475: Geotechnical investigation and testing

MS EN 1997-1:2004: Geotechnical design - General rules

OSHA 1994: Occupational Safety and Health Act


FMA 1970: Factory and Machinery Act 1970 Other standards

API Specification Drilling Fluid

13A 5th Edition

API-RP-13B-1 2nd Standard procedure for field-

testing water-based drilling fluid Edition

BS EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete, specification

for sampling, testing and assessing the
suitability of water

BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and vibration

control on construction and open sites.

BS 5228-2:2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and vibration

control on construction and open sites.

BS 7123 Metal arc welding of steel for concrete


BS 8008 Guide to safety precautions and

procedures for the construction and
descent of machine-bored shaft piling
and other purposes.

BS EN 1538 Execution of special geotechnical work

- Diaphragm Walls

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 As part of this Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing
pre-treatment of cavity slump zones and cavities before the installation of



bored piles, secant piles, micro-piles or diaphragm walls in the Limestone


1.4.2 The Contractor shall plan a probing programme and pre-treatment of

cavities prior to the installation of bored piles, micro-piles, secant piles in the

1.4.3 The Contractor shall submit proposed methods and sequence for the cavity
pre-treatment program or procedure to the Engineer for approval.

1.4.4 The Contractor shall be the sole responsible party for the adequacy of the
pre-treatment program in order to perform his work satisfactorily. Any delay
in construction due to the inadequacy of the Contractor's program shall not
constitute any construction delay nor claims.

1.4.5 The Contractor shall allow a unit rate for probing of limestone strata to
establish the location, depth and size of fissures, cavities or soft layer within
the limestone bedrock below pile toe level for each pile socketed into the
limestone bedrock. All probes shall extend a minimum of 10 metres or the
depth spedfied by the Engineer. It is foreseeable that probing may exceed
the minimum length specified, the unit rate for probing shall a!low for this

1.4.6 The size of drilled holes shall suit the compaction grouting system which
may be needed for grouting or plugging lhe cavities. The grout shall be
agreed dense cement grout with a minimum 28 days strength of 20 N/mm2.
If extra grout is required for purposes other than to fill up the core hole
formed by cavity probing as in the treatment of cavities etc, such additional
grouting work shall be measured separately. The unit rate for probing
should clearly differentiate between rotary drilling through either flat or
inclined rock surfaces,drilling through cavities, fissures and soft soil layers
between rock and drilling in soil. Cavities and soft soil layers between rocks
shall be paid as drilling in soil where such cavities and soft layers extend
through thicknesses greater than 1.5 metres.

1.4.7 For the purpose of the tender, the provisional numbers of cavity probes shall
be specified or computedon the basis of one (1) probe at each rock
socketed pile. It is foreseeable that the actual numbers of probes may
exceed the provisional quantity allowed at tender, in which case it is held
that the contractor has provided for this contingency in his construction
programme and that he shall not be entitled to extra time on this account.
The contractor shall keep proper records of the drill!ng works as specified in
BS 5930. The RQD of limestone is to be recorded.

1.4.8 Cavity probing shall be a separately measured item distinct from other soil
investigation works (additional exploratory boreholes for soil sampling, SPT,
pressuremeter test etc) which the Contractor may undertake.Contractor’s
Submissions and Proposals


2.1 Pre-treatment of cavities and slump zones

Where cavities are encountered, the Contractor shall propose for the Engineer's
agreement suitable methods of construction to ensure the proper formation of a pile
or secant pile can carry the specified working load.



The Contractor's proposal shall comprise proven system(s) which have been installed
successfully in similar Limestone area/conditions. The proposed system(s) shall take
into consideration the condition, size and type of cavity, whether it is active or
inactive, filled or unfilled, single layered or multi-layered, and if multi-layered, whether
connected or unconnected.

A cavity which is devoid of any material within it is termed an unfilled cavity.

The successful treatment of cavities may involve but is not necessarily restricted to
one or a combination of the following methods:

a) Permanent casing method

The use of permanent casing may suit conditions where the cavity is
waterlogged, unfilled, large (extends vertically >2m) and connected. The
permanent casing shall span across the cavity space to form the side of pile.
The casing shall be extended a minimum of 1 m beyond the cavity at each ends.

The Contractor shall allow in the unit rate for permanent casing all provision for
supply and installation of the casing, including all material, labour and plant.
Permanent casing shall be thin walled mild steel cylindrical pipe section, spirally
welded or other similar construction. Where a permanent casing is to be made
from a series of a short sections, it shall be designed and placed so as to
produce a continuous water tight shaft. The dimensions and quality of the casing
shall be adequate to withstand without damage or distortion all handling,
construction and ground stresses to which they will be subjected, including the
pressure head exerted by concrete against the wall of casing during casting. The
casing shall have an internal diameter not less that the specified pile diameter
and shall be free from internal projections and encrusted concrete which might
prevent proper formation of the bored pile.

Where permanent casing is provided, the Contractor shall check the pile capacity
and if necessary, install an extra length of pile to compensate the loss of shaft
friction over the portion of encased pile.

b) Pre-treatment with micro-piles method

The use of micro-piles may suit conditions where the cavity is multi-layered,
extremely large, fairly active or waterlogged. For the construction of micro-pile,
Contractor shall submit his method statement including relevant calculations etc,
for Engineer consideration and approval. Micro-piles shall span across the cavity
space to underpin the base of bored pile. Micro-piles shall be embedded a
minimum of 2 metres within the bored pile and socketed into a moderately strong
limestones bedrock for a length which shall be the greater of 5 metres or the
calculated anchorage bond length derived from accepted principles of good
foundation engineering.

For the purpose of the tender, the Contractor shall provide unit rates for the
installation of micro-piles with working capacities of 100 and 125 tonnes per
pile. The details of micro-piles shall be included in the submission of the tender
for the Engineer review. Among other things, the unit rates for micro-pile shall
allow for the provision of all materials labour and plant for the drilling and
installation of micro-pile



c) Pre-grouting of cavities method

The use of grouting shall suit all cavity conditions including when the cavity is
multi-layered. The desired treatment of cavities shall create a stabilized zone for
sufficient rock socket and pile toe stability for subsequent pile installation. The
Contractor shall re-core the filled cavity using the probe hole to check the
effectiveness of grouting, and re-grout where necessary to a depth of 10 m below
the proposed toe of the pile.

Grout shall be injected under a grouting pressure not exceeding 25 kPa per
metre overburden height at the point of injection. The termination criterion for
grouting is achieved when the grout intake is less than ten (10) litres per minute
per stage of grouting, maintained for a period of ten minutes at an applied
grouting pressure of 10 bar. The actual pressure applied may be varied to suit
site conditions as encountered and shall be subject to the agreement of the

In the event that the grout intake has exceeded the theoretical volume of the pile
at the given grouting stage, the grouting shall be suspended for 24 hours for the
grout to harden. The grouting process can be repeated until the grouting
termination criterion is achieved.

The grouting equipment provided by the Contractor shall be capable of achieving

the grouting pressure of 60 bars and the pumping rate of 0.08 m3/min

The grout types which may be used in the treatment of cavities include neat
cement, sand-cement and cement-sodium silicate. The Young Modulus (E) for
the replace grouted column shall not be less than 20,000 MPa. For the purpose
of the tender, the mix proportions for each grout type shall be taken as follows:

Grout types Criteria

Neat cement Minimum grade 20.

w/c = 0.45
Sand-cement Minimum grade 20
w/c = 0.50
sand/cement = 1.1


Minimum grade 20
w/c = 0.50
sand/cement = 3:1, sand shall be uniformly
graded 100% passing through 4.75 mm and
not more than 10% passing 200 m
Cement-sodium silicate grout 100 litre sodium silicate to 80 kg cement

Any proposed additive to the grouts shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. The maximum slump of the mix shall not exceed 100 mm. The
Contractor shall take three cube samples of grout from a placement to be
nominated by the Engineer and arrange for the compressive strength and Young
Modulus tests at 28 days.

Trial grouting and re-coring to test the effectiveness of grout type and composition
shall be carried out by the Contractor for each case of cavity encountered. It is
foreseeable that the mix composition actually used for the works may vary from
the specified mix proportions, depending on the effectiveness of the grout. The



waiting period for the multistage grouting in the large cavities subjects to the
effectiveness of the trial mixes. It is held that the Contractor has included the
contingency of possible variation in mix proportions in his unit rates for each grout

The Contractor shall submit unit rates shall be allowed for the provision of all
necessary materials, labour and plant for drilling, grouting (inclusive of grout pipes,
grout type and mix) re-coring, unconfined compression test on grout cores and re-

The contractor shall keep proper records for each grout hole and shall submit two
signed copies of the records to the Engineer. Any unexpected drilling and grouting
shall be noted in the records.

The records shall include the followings:

i) Date, time and duration of drilling.

ii) Method of drilling and any peculiar events (water loss, etc).

iii) Types of grouting materials.

iv) Location, elevation, water table, depth, inclination and direction of each drill hole.
Date, time and duration of grouting, mix of grout, flow rate, volume of grout intake
and grouting pressure.

v) Direct Backfill;

The use of appropriate materials, such as sand, lean sand/cement grout or

concrete, to fill and plug up the cavity space locally may suit conditions where the
cavity is sufficiently close to the interface between rock and overlying soil, single
layered, small and unconnected. The Contractor shall allow unit rates for the
supply and placement of agreed materials used to backfill cavities. Such rates
shall apply only when the presence of cavities are confirmed by cavity probing.

In all cases of cavity treatment, the Contractor shall be required to submit for
agreement his proposed detailed method statement. The Contractor shall
schedule his submission ahead of his construction programme, giving due regard
to the time frame required by the Engineer for the review and approval of the

vi) Slump Zone Grouting And Jet Grouting Using High Pressure Injection;

This specification defines the general principles to be adopted for the

improvement of soil in slump zones.

The Contractor shall be responsible for specifying the detailed method to be

used. The Contractor or his appointed sub-contractor must provide evidence of
his previous experience of this type of work to justify the methods to be adopted.

Slump Zone Grouting and Jet Grouting (if any) shall be done using high pressure
injection technique.

The Contractor shall allow unit rates for slump zone grouting (compaction and jet
grouting). Such rates shall apply only when the presence of slump zones are
confirmed by probing.



vii) Contractor's Method Proposals.

Submit proposed grout pressure to be used for compaction grouting/jet grouting.

Submit details of procedures proposed for construction of the Compaction

Grouting/Jet Grouting.

Submit the trial mix proposal for the cement grout prior to construction of
Compaction Grouting/Jet Grouting.

Submit full descriptions of the equipment, materials and methods Contractor

proposes to use to complete the construction of Compaction Grouting for
approval by the Engineer.

Submit details including sequence of installation of Compact ion Grouting/Jet


At least 1 week prior to construction of Compaction Grouting the Engineer shall

hold a meeting to review related items including but not limited to the following:

Field interferences with existing utilities if any.

Method of construction of grout column.

Cement grout mix design to be used in Compaction Grouting/Jet Grouting.

Approval and coordination with Geotechnical Engineer, and testing laboratory.

Testing and storage facilities of cement grout test specimens.

Contractor's quality control procedures.

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related sections .....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................3
1.5 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 10

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 11

2.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Temporary Earth Retaining Supports .................................................................................. 11
2.3 Slope Stability ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Filling Works for Embankment............................................................................................. 11
2.5 Instrumentation and monitoring, Ground Movements and Vibrations ................................. 12

3.0 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTS ................................................................................................ 13

3.1 Definition and Classification of Earthwork Materials ........................................................... 13
3.2 Granular fill materials ........................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Special Fill Material ............................................................................................................. 15
3.4 Rock Fill ............................................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Hardcore .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.6 Classification of Materials .................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Materials with Excessive Moisture Content ......................................................................... 16
3.8 Blinding to Fill ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.9 Geotextile Sheet .................................................................................................................. 16

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ............................................................................................ 17

4.1 Preparatory Work................................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Excavation: Generally .......................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Excavations: Pits and Trenches .......................................................................................... 22
4.4 Excavations: Cuttings and Slopes ....................................................................................... 23
4.5 Excavation: Rock Blasting ................................................................................................... 24
4.6 Filling: Generally .................................................................................................................. 25
4.7 Filling: Compaction of Fill .................................................................................................... 27
4.8 Filling: Fill Adjacent to Bridge Abutments, Culverts and Retaining Walls ........................... 33
4.9 Filling: Embankments and Fill Slopes.................................................................................. 34
4.10 Hardcore Under Concrete Slabs ......................................................................................... 36
4.11 Use of Geotextile Sheet ....................................................................................................... 36
4.12 Preparation for Cultivation with Spot and Close Turfing...................................................... 36
4.13 Accuracy and Tolerance ...................................................................................................... 36

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 37

5.1 Submissions ........................................................................................................................ 37
5.2 Inspection and Tests of Temporary Works .......................................................................... 38
5.3 Fill Material Samples ........................................................................................................... 38
5.4 Testing of Fill Materials ........................................................................................................ 38

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers the requirements for the following general earthworks items for
building works:

(a) Excavation
(b) Filling
(c) Site-won and imported fill materials
(d) Rock-fill

1.2 Related sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:





1.3 Standards and Regulations

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Codes & Standards

MS EN 1997 Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical Design

NA to MS EN 1997

MS EN 12620 Specification for Aggregate for concrete

DOHS Guidelines on Building Construction and Engineering

Other Standards

BS EN 1537 Execution of special geotechnical work – Ground anchors

BS 812 Part 111 Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of

ten percent fines values (TFV)

BS 1377 Soils for civil engineering purposes.

Part 1: General requirements and sample preparation.

Part 2: Classification tests.
Part 3: Chemical and electro-chemical tests.
Part 4: Compaction-related tests.

BS 3882 Specification for topsoil

BS 5228 Part 1: Noise and vibration control on construction and open

sites – Code of practice for basic information and
procedures for noise and vibration control

BS 5835 Recommendations for testing of aggregates.

Part 1: Compatibility test for graded aggregates

BS 5930 Code of practice for site investigations

BS 6906 Methods of test for geotextiles.

Part 8: Determination of sand-geotextile frictional behaviour
by direct shear

BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites.

Part 1: Code of practice for excavation and filling

BS 8081 Code of practice for ground anchorages

In the event that the standards or Codes are revised or superseded, refer to
the latest edition or the appropriate substitution for the relevant subjects.



1.3.2 Technical References

Refer to the following technical reference for guidance in carrying out the

(a) BRE Digest 251 (1995) Assessment of damage in low rise building

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals Design for temporary works

Accept responsibility for the design, construction, maintenance

and removal of all temporary works, including embedded retaining
walls such as sheet piles, timbering, planking, strutting, shoring
and etc.

Engage a Professional Engineer to design and to make

submission to relevant authorities for approval for the temporary
works and precautionary measures including temporary slope,
retaining structures and supports for stability of the earthworks
including preparing all final construction drawings and
amendments to the permanent works where affected by the
temporary works.

A schematic temporary earth retaining support system including

embedded retaining walls such as sheet piles, secant pile walls,
diaphragm walls, and soil improvement works etc. may be
indicated in the drawings, together with the schematic strutting or
ground anchor system indicated in terms of the installation levels,
the required stiffness and preloading.

Based on the information, engage a Professional Engineer who is

experienced in similar scale of works to:

(a) Design, authorities’ submission and supervise the temporary

works and precautionary measures including temporary
slope, retaining structures and supports for stability of the
(b) Prepare a response plan in the event that the temporary
works do not perform as expected in the design.
(c) Prepare and submit all design including all drawings and
design calculations of the temporary works to the Engineer for
review, the authorities’ approval and obtain permit to
commence work, prior to commencement of work.

Take into account of the design requirements as specified in

clause 2 below.

Submit the CV of the PE to the Engineer for acceptance. Assessment on effects of ground movement

Carry out a Building Damage Assessment on the effects of ground

movement to the neighbouring properties due to the works, for the
purpose of establishing suitable values for ‘Alert’ and “Work
Suspension’ levels for monitoring. Submit to Engineer with



endorsement from a PE. Equipment and methods

Propose suitable equipment and methods to carry out the works. Temporary diversion of services

Where applicable, propose schemes and details for the temporary

diversion of existing above ground or underground services to
facilitate the works.

1.4.2 Coordination with other works

Co-ordinate with other contractors who may carry out other works at the
same time at the site. Take into account of site access, space occupation,
safety and safeguarding of adjoining properties and each other’s works.

1.4.3 Condition Survey

Where applicable, prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a
condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the requirements

Submit all records to the Engineer and adjacent property owners where

Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.

1.4.4 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide instrumentation to monitor the ground movement, vibration and

condition of adjacent properties. Refer to SECTION 01018
INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING, Clause 3.0, and the drawings
for the schedule of instrumentation required. If necessary or as required by
the authorities, propose and provide additional instrumentation and
monitoring for records.

Take cognisance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

For general requirements of the instrumentation and monitoring works refer


1.4.5 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

Accept responsibility for the upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads,
roadside tables, footpaths, drain etc., where applicable, together with the
mains and services including water mains, gas pipes, cables, sewerage
systems and etc from the time of taking possession of the site through the
duration of the works.

Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and
keep clear of mud and debris. Notify (in written) to the Engineer and
authorities immediately, if damage occurs and responsible to control, repair
and rectify the damage.



1.4.6 Verification of Site Information

Visit the Site and fully acquaint with the existing Site conditions and in
particular the proximity of adjacent property or other aspects liable to affect

Ascertain the extent of earthworks required and shall undertake thorough

compaction of all cut and fill areas based on the Contract Documents. Site Surveys

Verify and be satisfied that the information given in the existing
site survey plans provided are accurate.

Engage a registered Surveyor to carry out site survey before

commencing any work. Additional site investigation

Ascertain the nature of soil, type of materials to be excavated,

method of removing surplus excavated material from Site, type of
equipment suitable and amount of working space available on Site

Carry out additional ground investigation where additional

information is needed for the works or when directed by the

Carry out the boreholes progressively prior to commencement of

the works in areas according to the contractor’s construction
programme. On completion of drilling, backfill the boreholes with a
suitable bentonite/cement mix.

Submit the location and schedule for the boreholes to Engineer’s

acceptance prior to carrying out the works. On completion,
prepare the site investigation report and submit to the Engineer for
acceptance. Groundwater level

Verify the data on groundwater level from available ground

investigation reports. Contamination

Verify information on contamination identified or believed to be

present on site.

In the event that contamination is either positively identified or

suspected, draw to the attention of all personnel working on site
together with the need to take any precautionary measures in
handling contaminated materials, groundwater and obnoxious
vapours from the ground. Trial Pits

Carry out trial pits whenever and wherever necessary to satisfy the
site and subsurface information that might affecting execution of
the contract works.



1.4.7 Existing Services Affected by the Works

Refer to Preliminaries and conditions and SECTION 01016

PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION to deal with existing services affected by
the works.

Survey the site and subsurface of all existing services and in particular the
proximity of adjacent property or other aspects liable to affect construction.

Notify the Engineer of any mains, pipes or conduits met with during the
excavation and where any excavation is carried out adjacent to or under any
existing cable, and the like. Prevent damage by subsidence of all existing
services affected by the works.

The Contractor shall be responsible for control, mitigation diversion, and

repair the services affected by the Works.

1.4.8 Site Protection

Protect all equipment and working area using barriers, fencing or other
methods as accepted.

1.4.9 Temporary Access Roads and Oversite Drainage

Provide and maintain all necessary temporary access roads and divert and
reinstate the permanent drainage system.

Provide and maintain all weather access to and within the Site and reinstate
the Site and all works damaged or disturbed upon completion of the
Contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Submit the proposed alignments and levels of temporary access roads to

the Engineer for approval prior to the construction.

Provide all temporary roads with drainage ditches over their full length.

Provide a network of temporary cut-off drains, including silt traps, to

adequately drain the Site and to control mud/silt from flowing into adjoining
premises. The drainage system shall comply with the current requirements
of the appropriate Authorities. Submit the temporary overall drainage
proposals o the Engineer for perusal prior to commencement of the Work.

1.4.10 Earth Control Measures

Contractor shall be responsible to for preventing silt from being washed into
public drain by implementing effective Earth Control Measures for the
construction site. During the tender submission, Contractor shall submit the
schematic Erosion and Sediment Control Plan of the construction site for
whole duration of the contract period taking into account the different
phases of construction activities. The proposed Earth Control Measures
shall comply with the requirements of authorities. Contractor shall note that
the Earth Control Measures are for the containment and treatment of silty
discharge due to the impact of rainwater, not meant for the treatment of
wastewater due to construction activities, which shall be treated to comply
with the requirements of authorities.
Before commence works on site, Contract shall obtain Engineer’s approval
on ESCP, and the installation of the works shall according to the approved
design. During the course of the construction works, Contractor shall review



the ESCP proposal regularly to meet the changing needs of the construction
activities. Proper records detailing the maintenance works, supported by
dated photograph, shall be kept by the Contractor for verification. Earth
Control Measures shall not be removed until all works are completed and
upon the advice of Engineer.

During construction, Contractor shall minimize the formation of bare

surfaces under the ESCP. The plan shall depict graphically the activities,
including sequence of work, type and duration for each phase of
construction activities to include the following measure to:

a) Sequence and schedule of the earthwork in stages and progressively

with the subsequent construction activities and building works.

b) Minimise site disturbance by keeping site clearance works to a

minimum by retaining as much of the existing vegetation as possible.

c) Pave up the bare surfaces and all construction access by concrete or

milled waste or other suitable materials.

d) Protect the bare slope with close turfing, concrete grouting, and canvas
or erosion control blanket.

e) Protect the earth stockpiles with canvas or erosion control blanket.

f) Restore ground cover over disturbed areas, which are or have become
bare, as soon as possible.

g) Cover up the active works surfaces with canvas sheet during rain or at
the end of the workday.

The Contractor shall put in place the ECM’s Sediment Control Plan, which
aims to capture the sediments washed down from the construction sites.
Some of these sediment control measures and facilities, which must be in
place before the works start, shall include but not limited to the followings:

a) Concrete lined cut-off drain along the perimeter of the construction


b) Silt fence proposed installed and embedded into ground along the
perimeter cut-off drain (between the construction site and the cut-off

c) Sediment basin or any other sediment filtering or settling system of

adequate size and sufficient numbers along the perimeter cut-off drain
and before the discharge points into public drain.

d) A storage basin or tank may be required to temporary store the large

amount of rainwater falling on to the whole site before treatment.

e) A treatment system to treat silty discharge shall be provided before the

discharge points into public drain.



f) Turbidity curtains shall be installed along all the exposed

slope/riverbanks for works in or adjacent to water bodies, such as
canals, rivers, sea or in reclamation works. The silty discharge trapped
within the turbidity curtain shall be allowed to be settled or treated and

Contractor shall put in place a site monitoring and reporting system

including but not limited to the following:

a) Daily ECM inspection report by the appointed site personnel.

b) Regular site inspection by the appointed site personnel.

c) Continuous monitoring and recording system shall be installed at the

discharge point (after ECM) before public drain.

Contractor shall submit full basis of design with design calculation to show
clearly how the perimeter cur-off drain, silt fence, sediment basin and
storage basin/tank are designed and sized as well as the design efficiency.
The contractor shall also submit the design specifications on the treatment
system which can effectively treat the silty discharge from the construction
site. The intensity of one in two year storm shall be adopted for the
proposed design.


No. Description Frequency
A. Engaging a Qualified Erosion Control
Professional to design, review and submit
Earth Control Measures proposal to the full
satisfaction of the Engineer. Monthly Monthly
inspection to the ECM implementation and
design review. All as specified, throughout
the whole duration of works.
B. All for the implementation and maintenance Continuously
of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan throughout the
(including the provision of the storage basin contract
and treatment facilities); all as specified (minimum weekly)

C. All for site reporting and monitoring system Continuously

throughout the whole duration of contract. throughout the
(minimum weekly)

1.4.11 Obstructions
Remove obstructions such as existing fences, structures, foundation,
pilecaps/footings, boulders, reinforced concrete elements, concrete blocks,
steel piles, pipes, drains, driveways or ramp that encounter during

Submit proposals for their removal for the Engineer 's acceptance.



Engage a competent and suitably experienced site engineer to the

Engineer’s acceptance, to supervise the field works.

1.4.12 Licensed Surveyor

Employ a Licensed Surveyor who shall be responsible for surveying the site
and submit the results to the Engineer. Any excavation shall be carried out
from existing ground level, following a survey of the Site executed by a
Licensed Surveyor in accordance to the Engineer's Drawings and

1.4.13 Well Point and Deep Well Pumps

Should the Contractor intend to use well points or deep well pumps for
dewatering the Site, he has to comply with the following requirements:

▪ Before employing a well point or deep-well pump system, the Contractor

shall provide full details to the Engineer for approval.
▪ Preliminary site trials shall be conducted to determine the final layout of
the system and to verify its effectiveness. Based upon these trials, the
Contractor shall determine the spacing and depth of the points, as well
as the number of stages required.
▪ The manner of installation of the well points shall be such as not to
cause weakening or subsidence of the surrounding area nor any slips in
nearby slopes.
▪ Measuring devices to determine the water head and the flow rate shall
be incorporated into the system for purposes of control.
▪ Where auxiliary sand drains are installed, such shall be considered as
an integral part of the system.
▪ The system shall provide for sufficient valves in leaders and pipes to
maintain control over separate sections of the system.
▪ The contract sum shall be deemed to include for the above provisions, if
deemed necessary by the Contractor.

1.4.14 Quality Control Plan

Submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with the Engineer.

1.4.15 Safety

Provide safety precautions to comply with all current legislation and




1.5 Definitions

(a) Accredited testing The Testing Laboratory shall mean an organisation or

laboratory laboratory accredited under the Skim Akreditasi
Makmal Malaysia (SAMM) and fully equipped to carry
out all tests and checks required by the Specification.

(b) Topsoil Soil which by its nutrient content is capable of

supporting the growth of vegetation.
(c) Obstructions Include rock, concrete, reinforced concrete, solid
brickwork, sheet piles and the like, met within the
excavations, but excluding those met on the surface of
the ground.
(d) Formation The surface of the ground after completion of any
excavation or filling.
(e) Temporary works All construction works that are not part of the
permanent works but are required for their completion.

f. Suitable Material All that which is acceptable in accordance with the

Contract for use in the works and which is capable of
being compacted in the manner as specified to form a
stable fill having side slopes as indicated on the

g. Non-suitable Material Other than suitable material, including: a. Material

from swamps, marshes or bogs. b. Peat, logs, stumps
or other organic matter and perishable and toxic
materials. c. Material susceptible to spontaneous
combustion. d. Marine clay generally and clay of liquid
limit exceeding 70 and/or plasticity index exceeding
h. Rock Material with a large coherent mass of such size and
strength, which can be loosened or fractured only by
blasting, or the employment of heavy pneumatic tools,
or by chemical expansion methods. Loose boulders up
to 1m³ in volume that can be removed are not
classified as rock .




2.1 General

Carry out the earthworks in accordance with compliance to the requirement of local

2.2 Temporary Earth Retaining Supports

When carrying out detailed design for the temporary supports in clause,
ensure the temporary works will withstand all loads, including those due to the
hydrostatic pressure, earth pressure, surcharge loads, overburden, effects of
surrounding properties, varying load conditions due to different stages of
constructions and comply with the Authorities’ requirements.

Ensure the factor of safety and permissible wall deflection as stipulated are achieved
by taking into account the effects of the designed temporary strutting or anchoring

Verify the design based on MS EN 1997 unless otherwise agreed.

2.2.1 Pits and Trenches

Design, supply, fix and remove all planking and strutting for the excavation
as required. Ensure that the sides of pits and trenches remain stable at all
times against all anticipated loadings.

Ensure the safety of the workmen and to prevent damage to any adjoining

Ensure the design comply with the requirements of MS EN 1997.

2.3 Slope Stability

Provide necessary protective measures to ensure the stability of slopes during the
whole duration of the construction period and in the long term if relevant.

Check slopes from both cut and fill against slip failure to achieve the required factors
of safety as directed.

For slopes stabilized by beams, check the stability of both the overall slope and
slopes between beams.

For slopes formed in weathered or fresh rock such that joints dip into the excavation
are exposed, form the slopes on a continuous profile parallel to the joints to prevent
wedge failure.

2.4 Filling Works for Embankment

Design the filling works to remain stable at all times.

Before proceeding to higher fill at every stage of filling works, report the strength of
the underlying soil to the Engineer for review and consent to proceed.



2.5 Instrumentation and monitoring, Ground Movements and Vibrations

2.5.1 Ground Movement and Vibration Control for Existing Critical Structures or

Propose for Engineer’s acceptance, the allowable ground movement and

vibration due to the works, taking into account the vulnerability and
sensitivity of the adjacent properties after carrying out damage assessment
as stated in Clause State the values for “alert” and “work
suspension” levels in accordance with the requirements of Building Control

Notwithstanding the above, ensure that the ground movements and

vibrations generated by the works comply with the following if more

(a) Generally, comply with the requirements of BS 5228 Part 1.

(b) The threshold level of vibration to be determined by the Contractor’s PE
for the acceptable limiting maximum which will be selected based on the
condition/form of construction of surrounding buildings etc, with e a
warning level of vibration, suggested as 75% of the limiting maximum
acceptable value. The maximum acceptable vibration must avoid
damage to surrounding buildings/structures etc where DIN 4150 should
be used as a guide.
(c) The piezometric pressure should not be reduced by more than 10 kPa
during excavation in any of the piezometers. Should the drop in
pressure approach this value, then the Contractor shall immediately
notify the Engineer and the Contractor must take immediate action to
prevent damage to relevant structures.
(d) The water table should not be reduced by more than 1m during
excavation in any of the water standpipes. Should the drop in water level
approaches this value, then the Contractor shall immediately notify the
Engineer and the Contractor must take immediate action to prevent
damage to relevant structures.
(e) Unless otherwise directed, refer to Section 01018 Instrumentation
and Monitoring, clause 4.0, for general restrictions on ground
movements and vibration limits for adjacent structures where relevant.

2.5.2 Consolidation Settlement

Upon completion of the works, ensure that consolidation settlement due to

filling activities have achieved a degree as specified within 25 mm in the
long term and future settlement. Make good any settlement that may occur
up to the end of the period of maintenance.




3.1 Definition and Classification of Earthwork Materials

3.1.1 Top Soil

“Top soil” shall mean the top layer of soil that can support vegetation.

3.1.2 Approved Material

“Approved material” shall comprise all that is acceptable in accordance with

the Contract for use in the Works, and which is capable of being compacted
in the manner specified in Compaction Fill hereafter to form a stable fill.

3.1.3 Unsuitable Material

“Unsuitable Material” shall mean other than Approved Material and shall

(a) Material from swamps.

(b) Peat, logs, stumps and perishable materials.
(c) Material susceptible to spontaneous combustion.
(d) Soil of liquid limit exceeding 70 and/or plasticity index exceeding 35.
(e) Material having insitu moisture content greater than the maximum
permitted for such material in the Contract, unless otherwise permitted
by the Engineer.

3.1.4 Rock

“Rock” shall mean a naturally occurring material of a large coherent mass of

such size and strength as to require the loosening or fracture by blasting or
the use of heavy pneumatic tools. If excavating by hand, it shall require
breaking up by steel wedges and sledge hammers.

Loose boulders of a volume not exceeding one cubic metre each, concrete,
reinforced concrete, brickwork, steel or timber piles, materials such as earth,
gravel, disintegrated or decomposed masses, geologically semi-formed rock
like very dense cemented sand and other such hard and complex materials
that can be excavated using ordinary earth moving machines shall not be
classified as rock. Such materials shall be classified as ordinary materials.

3.2 Granular fill materials

In general, granular fill material shall conform to the requirements of types 1 and 2
materials as delineated below:

3.2.1 Type 1

Fill materials of this category shall consist of any combination of:

(a) Crushed rock (other than argillaceous rock)

(b) Crushed concrete
(c) Crushed (non-expansive) slag
(d) Well-burned non-plastic colliery shale
(e) Natural sand



3.2.2 Type 2

Fill materials of this category shall consist of any combination of:

(a) Crushed rock (other than argillaceous rock)

(b) Crushed concrete
(c) Crushed (non-expansive) slag
(d) Well-burned non-plastic colliery shale
(e) Natural gravel
(f) Natural sand

3.2.3 Gradation

The particle size distribution, determined in accordance with BS 1377-2,

shall be within the grading limits below:

Table 3.1.3 Gradation of Granular Fill Materials

% By mass passing
BS Sieve Size
Type 1 Type 2

75 mm 100 100

37.5 mm 85 - 100 85 - 100

20 mm 60 - 100 60 - 100

10 mm 40 - 70 40 - 100

5 mm 25 - 45 25 - 85

600 micron 8 - 22 8 - 45

75 micron 0 - 10 0 - 10

3.2.4 Moisture Content of Fill Type 1

The material shall be transported, laid and compacted without

drying out or segregation. Type 2

The material shall be transported, laid and compacted at a

moisture content within the range 1% above to 2% below the
optimum moisture content determined in compliance with BS 5835
and without drying out or segregation.

3.2.5 Plasticity of Fines

The material passing the 425 micron BS sieve, when tested in accordance
with BS 1377-2, shall be non-plastic for Type 1 granular material and shall
have a plasticity index of less than 6% for Type 2 granular material. Report
for each test the amount of material retained on the sieve.



3.2.6 Crushing Resistance

When tested in accordance with Section 8 of BS 812-111, the fill material

shall have the following minimum 10% fines values:

Material 10% Fines (kN)

Type 1 50
Type 2 50

3.3 Special Fill Material

When required in the project, special fill material may consist of suitable material of
which at least 95 per cent shall pass a 125 mm BS sieve and at least 90 per cent
shall pass the 75 mm BS sieve. Up to 5 per cent of the material may be made up from
isolated boulders of maximum dimensions not exceeding half the thickness of the
layer of material being placed, provided that the fill can be compacted in the manner
as specified in Clause 4.7.

The coefficient of uniformity shall be greater than 10. The fraction passing a 75µm BS
sieve shall be less than 20% by weight and shall have the following characteristics:

(a) Liquid limit not exceeding 35

(b) Plasticity index not exceeding 12

3.4 Rock Fill

Provide clean well-graded quarry waste from sources outside the Site. The material is
to be resistant to weathering. The maximum size particles in the material shall pass
through a rigid 200 mm square grid and the largest dimension of any particle shall not
exceed 300 mm. The material shall not have more than 10% of its particles passing a
0.75mm BS sieve.

Rock used in rock fill embankments shall, except for any specified external cover to
slopes or within 500 mm of formation levels, be of such size that it can be deposited
in horizontal layers each not exceeding 450 mm loose depth and extending over the
full available width of the embankment.

3.5 Hardcore

Hardcore shall consist of any combination of the above, together with broken brick
free from plaster, concrete, block or other sound hard materials broken to a maximum
gauge of 50mm thick (in any direction) well consolidated in layers not exceeding
150mm thick to the Engineer’s acceptance. The surface shall be dense and well

3.5.1 Crushing Resistance

When tested in accordance with Section 8 of BS 812-111, the hardcore

material shall have a crushing resistance of 50kN for 10% fines value.

3.6 Classification of Materials

For the purpose of compaction defined by Clause 4.0, materials are grouped as



3.6.1 Cohesive Soil

Includes clays with up to 20 percent of gravel and moisture content not less
than the value of the plastic limit (determined in accordance with BS 1377
Test No. 3) minus 4.

3.6.2 Well-Graded Granular and Dry Cohesive Soils

Include clays containing more than 20 per cent of gravel and/or having a
moisture content less than the value of the plastic limit (determined in
accordance with BS 1377 Test No. 3) minus 4, and well-graded sands and
gravel with a uniformity coefficient exceeding 10.

3.6.3 Uniformly-Graded Material

Includes sands and gravel with a uniformity coefficient of 10 or less, and all
silts and pulverised fuel ashes. Any soil containing 80 per cent or more
material in the particle size range 0.06 - 0.002 mm will be regarded as silt
for this purpose.

3.7 Materials with Excessive Moisture Content

Naturally occurring materials within the site that are non-suitable due only to
excessive moisture content may be spread and dried. The use of material treated in
this way shall subject to the acceptance of the Engineer.

3.8 Blinding to Fill

Blinding layer to the surfaces receiving sheet overlays or concrete shall be:

(a) Grade 15 concrete or

(b) Sufficient sand, fine gravel or other approved fine material applied to fill
interstices and moistened as necessary before final rolling to provide a flat, close
smooth surface.
(c) Sand for blinding shall meet the requirements of SS 31 Table 6, Type C or M.

3.9 Geotextile Sheet

Unless otherwise specified, geotextiles shall be non-woven and shall be made of

polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester or a combination of the aforesaid materials.

Geotextiles shall not be susceptible to bacteria and fungus attack and shall be
resistant to chemical action and not affected by exposure to ultra-violet light.

Use class A geotextiles where the geotextiles serve as a separation or reinforcement

function, Use class B geotextiles where the geotextiles serve as a filtration function.
The property requirements for class A and class B geotextiles are specified below.

Submit methods of laying and jointing prior to commencement of work.

3.9.1 Damp proof membrane/Vapour barrier

Unless otherwise specified. Dam proof membrane//Vapour barrier shall be a

layer of polythene sheet (Grade 500) or other approved with minimum
300mm laps.




Class of Geotextile Specification

Physical Property
Class A Class B
Minimum Unit 125 50 ASTM D5261 or ISO
Weight, g/m2 9864

Minimum Grab 530 270 ASTM D4632

Tensile Strength, N

Minimum Elongation 60 55 ASTM D4595 Or ISO

To Break, % 10319

Minimum 180 80 ASTM D4533

Trapezoidal Tear
Strength, N
2.0x10 -2 2.7x10 -2 Manufacturer’s test
Water Permeability, report to be
cm/sec submitted


4.1 Preparatory Work

4.1.1 General

Carry out at least the following in preparing the site for excavation or fill.
Confirm the extent of work before proceeding:

(a) Break out old foundations, beds, drains, etc. Seal off drain ends and
remove contaminated earth. Backfill as necessary.
(b) Remove existing fences, gates, walls, roads, paved areas and other
site features as required.
(c) Remove trees, shrubs and hedges as shown on the drawings. Cut
down, grub up main roots and fill voids. Dispose of all wood using
methods approved by the Authorities.
(d) Clear site of rubbish and vegetation. Grub up and dispose of large
(e) Remove unwanted materials from site.

4.1.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Establish an agreed datum to monitor ground movements at the start of the

Works. Piezometers and Water Standpipes

Prepare a monitoring plan showing details, locations and positions

by PE,

Install and calibrate two weeks before any excavation work starts.

Install at about 1m from the external temporary wall system face, if

any, as soon as practicable after the wall system has been



Prepare a vibration monitoring plan showing location of all

vibration monitoring sensors by PE. Install and monitor all
buildings/structures likely to be affected by either the temporary
works, excavation or piling works.

Include both threshold and limiting peak particle velocity, and

submit not later than 2 weeks before any piling, temporary or
excavation works commence on Site. Settlement Markers

Prepare a settlement monitoring plan showing details, locations

and positions of all markers by PE to the vicinity of
services/structures likely to be affected by settlement, eg.
structures of brickwork construction without piled foundation, road
kerbs or sensitive underground services such as drain or sewer,

Install surface settlement points around the perimeter of

excavation and perpendicular to it.

Install to a reasonable depth in the ground to prevent movement

caused by the wetting of the topsoil.

Protect the benchmarks in the form of hoarding and signs to

ensure that they will not be damaged or interfered with. The
hoarding shall be around the benchmark and about one metre
. Load Cell

Submit details of the proposed method of measurement and

proposed load cells by PE to the Engineer for approval, prior to the
commencement of any excavation work on Site.

Measure and monitor of the forces using load cells for at least
20% of the struts or anchors installed. The frequency of monitoring
shall be twice a week during the excavation and substructure
construction works.

4.1.3 Topsoil

Remove all Top Soil to full depth (including turf) from the areas of cuttings
and embankments, and other areas shown on the drawings. Remove topsoil
also from existing embankments required to receive additional fill and from
areas of new ditches and watercourses.

Stockpile all removed top soil for re-use, where practical.

Remove the top soil in accordance with BS 3882.

4.1.4 Areas for stockpiling

Make arrangements and provide appropriate areas for stockpiling of Top

Soil and/or Suitable Material.



4.1.5 Ground improvement by Jet Grouting Method

Carry out ground improvement if necessary prior to commencing the


4.1.6 Verification of Ground

Keep a copy of the site investigation report on site for verification of the

4.1.7 Ground preparation for roads & ground slabs

Remove all unsuitable materials evident on the surface.

Generally, this will be achieved by stripping off the top 500mm. The cleared
Site shall then be scarified to a minimum depth of 300mm. Any areas
where visual examination reveals the presence of unsuitable material shall
be excavated as necessary to remove such material. Any soft spots
indicating underlaying pockets of unsuitable materials shall also be
excavated and replaced with approved material.

Gently slope the earth surface to temporary ditches to enable surface water
to run off. Any ponding evident after rain shall be immediately pumped dry
and the area filled and compacted with suitable materials

4.1.8 Damp Proof membrane

Install and lay damp proof membrane / vapour barrier on blinding concrete
to receive floor slabs with minimum 300mm laps.

4.2 Excavation: Generally

Excavation for reduced levels, bases, trenches for pipes, drains, channels and pipes,
etc. shall be executed to the dimensions, depths or levels shown on the Drawings.
All excavation shall be carried out in a workmanlike manner to lines, levels and
grades indicated in the Drawings.

Bottoms of all excavations shall be kept free from mud and water, trimmed clean,
protected from the effects of weather and thoroughly compacted and consolidated in
an approved manner and means, subject to the requirements of compaction.

Fill any over-excavation with grade 15 concrete to the specified level.

No excavation for foundations or trenches shall be filled in or covered with concrete

until the Contractor has notified the Engineer that it is ready for inspection and has
received his approval to proceed with the Works.

No excavated approved material other than surplus to the requirements of the

Contract shall be removed from the Site, except on the direction or with the
permission of the Engineer. Replenish the deficit of filling with approved material for
any removal of approved material from the Site to suit site operation procedures,

Where the excavation reveals a combination of approved and unsuitable materials,

carry out the excavation in such a manner that the approved materials are excavated
separately for use in the Works without contamination by the unsuitable materials.

Record and submit on a plan the depth of every excavation when complete excavation.



4.2.1 Drainage of Excavations General

Arrange for the rapid dispersal of water shed on to the site from
any source. Where practicable, discharge the water into the
permanent outfall for the drainage system. Provide adequate
means for trapping silt on temporary systems discharging into
permanent drainage systems. Provision of temporary systems

Provide where necessary temporary water courses, ditches,

drains, pumping or other means of maintaining the earthworks free
from water. Maintain a sufficient minimum surface crossfall at all
times and, where practicable, a sufficient longitudinal gradient to
enable them to shed water and prevent ponding. Temporary obstruction of free drainage

Do not rely on pumping to provide drainage where temporary earth

dumping obstructs the free drainage of a cutting.

Construct temporary drains to a suitable outfall or install a

permanent drainage through the dumping to ensure free drainage
for the whole duration of the Works.

4.2.2 Dewatering General

Groundwater control and drawdown shall comply with the

requirements of SS CP 4 and in accordance with agreed methods.

The dewatering method chosen shall ensure the stability of the

excavation and the safety of nearby structures.

Assess the effects of dewatering settlement on structures,

services and land in the vicinity to the acceptance of the Engineer. Damage due to settlement

Where settlement due to consolidation is predicted to cause

unacceptable damage to structures or utilities, implement
measures to prevent such damage. Drainage control measures

For excavations carried out in permeable material below

groundwater level, make provisions for adequate drainage control
measures to prevent piping or a general weakening of the
foundations due to the flow of water.

4.2.3 Adjacent Excavations

Where excavations are to be made in close proximity to each other,

complete the deepest excavations first and, where required, fill.

Do not place excavated material adjacent to the excavation, unless the



additional surcharge from such placement has been considered in the


4.2.4 Surplus Excavated Material

Remove all surplus materials that are not specified to be spread and leveled
on site and dispose of to a suitable location.

4.2.5 Formations Generally

The excavation line for each foundation shall be not less than 50mm below
the foundation soffit.

(a) Remove the last 150 mm of excavations above formation level just
before inspection. Trim, level, water and well ram by approved
mechanical means to the excavations to the required profiles and
levels. Remove all loose, soft and defective materials, cut out the
sections and fill with Grade 15 concrete to receive the concrete binding.
(b) Keep the bottom of all excavations free from mud and water, trim clean,
protect from the effects of weather and thoroughly compact and
consolidate by approved means.
(c) Unless otherwise specified, seal formations within 4 hours of inspection
with concrete or other agreed blinding. The bottom of excavations for
raft, pad and spread foundations shall be inspected and approved by the
Engineer. The approved bearing strata must be quickly protected
against damage by laying the minimum thickness of concrete grade 15
within 4 hours of inspection.
(d) Remove any pockets of soft material or loose rock at the bottom of
excavation and fill the resulting cavities and any large fissures with
Grade 15 concrete, liquefied soil stabilizer or otherwise fill with Suitable
Material compacted in layers as required to achieve the design bearing
and settlement.

4.2.6 Trafficking in Cuttings

Do not permit constructional traffic other than that required for the
excavation and trimming, on the surface of the bottom of a cutting unless
the cutting is in Rock or as agreed.

Make good any damage to the sub-grade arising from such traffic on the
surface with same materials or materials having the same characteristics.

4.2.7 Separation of Materials

Where the excavation reveals a combination of Suitable and Not Suitable

Materials, carry out the excavation in such a manner that the Suitable
Materials are excavated separately for use in the works without
contamination by the Not Suitable Materials.

4.2.8 Temporary supports

The sides of excavation shall be adequately supported to prevent slips or

subsidence, and shall be close-sheeted where necessary to prevent the entry
of running sand, mud, etc.

Provide temporary supports including temporary retaining structures,

strutting and ground anchors where necessary, in accordance with the
accepted design proposals.



Ensure that the construction sequence comply with the accepted design
proposals. Obtain the approval from the Engineer and the design PE for
temporary supports for every level of strut before proceeding with further
excavations to the next level of struts.

4.3 Excavations: Pits and Trenches

4.3.1 General

Ensure the sides of pits and trenches remain stable at all times.

4.3.2 Supports to Excavation

Where required by the nature of the materials being excavated, provide all
necessary planking, strutting, shoring, ground anchoring and any necessary
stagings for upholding the face of the excavation.

Before removing any planking, ground anchors or struts demonstrate that

there is sufficient support to the retained ground to avoid excessive

For temporary ground anchors, as soon as progress of the works permits

and with the acceptance of the Engineer, de-stress temporary ties and
remove all strands if required. Identify locations where ties are to remain
and ensure these are accepted.

Alternatively, subject to the prior agreement, suitably batter the face of the

4.3.3 Struts and Walings

Struts and wailings shall be adequate to sustain the calculated maximum

loads without failure or unacceptable deflections.

When necessary, pre-load struts to remove any slackness of the propping

system. Submit the proposed magnitude of preloading for the Engineer’s

Ensure the gaps between the waler and the retaining wall are properly
wedged or packed to Engineer’s acceptance.

Indicate all working loads of struts clearly on the relevant construction


4.3.4 Width and Length of Pits and Trenches

Trenches and pits shall not be wider than is necessary for the efficient
laying and jointing of pipes or for other works to be carried out. Do not
excavate more than the agreed length of trench at any one time.

4.3.5 Base of Excavation

Ensure the bottom of all excavations is to the correct levels as required. Fill
any over-excavation of foundation pits or trenches below the specified levels
with Grade 15 concrete to the specified levels.

Remove any pockets of soft material or loose rock at the bottom of footing,
pits and trenches and fill the resulting cavities and any large fissures with
Grade 15 concrete, liquefied soil stabilizer or otherwise fill with Suitable



Material compacted in layers as required to achieve the design bearing and

settlement. Do not trim the side faces within 24 hours after placing such

4.3.6 Spoil

Remove all surplus spoil immediately on excavation and keep re-usable

material tidy at all times.

4.3.7 Backfilling of Pits and Trenches

Use Suitable Material and Approved material, deposited and compacted by

approved plant in accordance with Clause 4.7.

Remove timber sheeting and other excavation supports carefully as the

filling proceeds except where they are required to be left in position as

Make good, with approved material or concrete as directed by the Engineer,

the followings: -

(a) Any excavation greater than the nett volume required for the Works as
described in the Contract.
(b) Any additional excavation at or below the formation level to remove
unsuitable material.

4.4 Excavations: Cuttings and Slopes

Unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, the top edges of cutting shall
be neatly rounded to the dimensions shown on the Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. Such work shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor's rate for
cutting work.

4.4.1 Excavation in Rock

Unless otherwise specified, excavation in rock shall extend to at least

150mm below the specified formation level and backfilled with approved

4.4.2 Undulations

In all cuttings, whether in earth or rock, undulations in the general plane of

the slope will not be permitted.

4.4.3 Loose Material

Remove any overhanging, loose or unstable material on slopes.

4.4.4 Drainage

Ensure the working areas are adequately drained throughout the period of

4.4.5 Benching

Unless otherwise specified, when cutting through any material subject to

fretting, provide a 900mm wide horizontal bench at a height of 600mm
above the table drain. Slope the cut surface at both ends of the bench in
accordance with Clause 4.0.



In cutting earth overlaying rock, which is required to be cut to a slope

steeper than 1:2, provide a 900mm wide horizontal bench at the interface
and slope the rock and earth surfaces in accordance with Clause 4.0.

4.4.6 Required Slopes

Ensure the cut slopes achieve the stability as required in Clause 2.3.

4.4.7 Slopes to cutting

Unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, slopes to cutting

shall conform to the followings:

Table 1.1: Allowable Slopes in Cuttings

Material Slope (Horizontal to Vertical Rise)

Sand Five to One 5:1

Loose Gravel or Two to One and A Half 2 to 1½ : 1

Clay to One

Shale or Similar Soft One to One 1:1


Rock with Clay Three Quarters to One ¾:1


Jointed Laminated One Half to One ½:1

or Soft Rock

Massive Rock One Quarter to One ¼:1

Where shown on the Drawings, slopes on the cross sections represent the
estimated requirements for the expected types of materials and these
slopes shall be subject to re-determination by the PE according to his
assessment of the materials encountered.

4.5 Excavation: Rock Blasting

4.5.1 General

Should rock be met in the course of excavation, remove it by approved

means, which may include blasting.

4.5.2 Use of Explosives

On each occasion that the use of explosives is proposed:

(a) Obtain the written consent of the Engineer.

(b) Obtain all necessary licences from the appropriate authorities and
conform to all Government regulations relating to transport, storage,
handling and use of the explosives.
(c) Conform also to the rules set out by the authority in charge of Arms and



4.5.3 Safety Precautions General

When blasting is proposed, determine the danger zone likely to be

created and ensure that no damage is caused to persons or
property on or off site.

Provide full details as to the steps and precautionary measures to

be taken to safeguard the surrounding properties.

Prior to commencing blasting operations, submit a written report

listing any existing defects in the structures in the zone which may
be affected, supported by photographs where necessary, to the
Engineer. Road closures

When blasting operations are being carried out, close any road
affected to traffic and erect the appropriate signs in accordance
with the latest “Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Control”
published by the Land Transport Authority.

4.5.4 Removal of Loose Material

Upon completion, all rock faces shall be scaled of loose blocks.

4.6 Filling: Generally

4.6.1 General

Excavations shall only be backfilled after the permanent works therein have
been approved and after the removal of any building debris or deleterious
material from the excavations.

Filling works shall include the preparation, placing and compaction of

Suitable Material at specified areas.

4.6.2 Placing Fill

Ensure that the areas to be filled are free from loose soil, rubbish and
standing water.

Take all necessary precautions to ensure stability of adjacent structures.

Ensure plants employed for transporting, laying and compacting are suited
to the material.

Spread and level material in even horizontal layers over the full width laid in
thickness appropriate to the compaction plant used and compact as soon as
practical to the requirement as specified.

Lay differing materials separately so that only one type of material occurs in
each layer.

Ensure the embankments shall be maintained with a sufficient camber and

a surface sufficiently even to enable the surface water to drain readily from



If the material deposited as fill subsequently reaches a condition such that it

cannot be compacted in accordance with the requirements of the Contract: -

(a) Make good by removing the material off the fill either to tip or
elsewhere until it is in a suitable physical condition for re-use, and
replacing it with suitable materials or concrete grade 15;
(b) Make good the material by mechanical or chemical means to improve
its stability; or
(c) Cease work on the material until its physical condition is again such
that it can be compacted as described in the Contract.

4.6.3 Stability of Works

Ensure the filling works remain stable at all times.

4.6.4 Weather Condition

Stop all filling works when the weather is judged by the Engineer as would
adversely affect the compaction of the fill.

4.6.5 End Tipping

End tipping of fill is not permitted unless otherwise agreed.

4.6.6 Foundation of Fill Embankment construction: Include preparation and compaction of

the areas upon which embankments are to be placed to the
degree as specified Compaction; the placing and compacting of
approved material within areas from which unsuitable materials
have been removed as specified hereunder; and the placing and
compacting of embankment material in holes, pits, and other
depressions within the foundation area. Unless otherwise specified, the natural ground over which filling is
to be placed shall be cleared of all loose boulders, grass, topsoil,
bushes, trees, roots and other vegetation. If the Engineer
considers that any underlying material is unstable or unsuitable,
he may direct it to be removed and replaced with approved
material. Any overhanging rock ledges or caves within the foundation area
shall be removed before the placing of fill commences. Where ground water or extensive seepage is encountered in the

foundation area, suitable pipe drains be installed in the fill area, or
that deep open drains be excavated clear of the fill. The construction of any section of fill shall not commence until the
foundation of that section has been approved by the Engineer.



4.7 Filling: Compaction of Fill

4.7.1 General

All materials shall be compacted in layers as soon as practicable after

deposition and compact the soil to 95% of the maximum dry density as
determined by Test 12 of B.S. 1377. Where mechanical compaction is used,
the thickness of each layer of materials shall not be greater than 200mm and
where hand compaction is used, not greater than 150mm.

Upon completion and before overlaying, the surface of the layer shall be
free from ridges, cracks, loose material, potholes, ruts or other defects.
Rectify such defects to the full thickness of the layer before overlaying.

Before commencing any filling, test each class of material to be compacted

by an acceptable laboratory to establish the maximum value of the dry
density that can be achieved and the optimum moisture content for
compaction. Test in accordance with BS 1377 test no. 13.

4.7.2 Insitu ground compaction

Table 4.7.3 below may be used as a guide in establishing appropriate use of

compaction methods and plants. For suitable ground condition, upon
ground preparation, the whole area shall be thoroughly compacted using a
vibrating roller of approximately 5000 kg in dead weight, eg. Dynapac CA25
or Ingersoll-Rand DA30 roller as specified herein. Where small deep areas
have to be compacted following local excavation of unsuitable materials, the
filling shall be placed in layers not exceeding 200mm loose and compaction
may be carried out using approved vibrating tampers. The same degree of
compaction as specified herein shall be achieved.

4.7.3 Compaction by mechanical plants

Table 4.7.3 below may be used as a guide in establishing appropriate use of

compaction methods and plants.

The depth of each compacted layer shall not be greater than the maximum
depth of the compacted layer stipulated for each type of compaction plant.

Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment.

Alternative methods or plants may be accepted if it can be demonstrated to

the satisfaction of the Engineer at site trials that the required field density
can be achieved.



Table 4.7.3 Guidance for the use of Compaction Plants

Cohesive Soil Granular and Dry

Type of compaction plant

Graded Materials
Cohesive Soils

Compacted Layer (mm)

Compacted Layer (mm)

Compacted Layer (mm)


Min. No. of Passes

Min. No. of Passes

Min. No. of Passes

Max Depth of

Max Depth of

Max Depth of
Smooth- Force
Wheel- (kN) per
ed 100mm
Roller Width:

2.1-2.6 125 8 125 10 125 10

2.61-5.5 125 6 125 8 125 8
Un- Un-
>5.2 150 4 150 8
suitable suitable

Grid Force
Roller (kN) per

Un- Un-
2.6 - 5.2 150 10 150 10
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
5.3 - 7.8 150 8 125 12
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
> 7.8 150 4 150 12
suitable suitable

Pneuma Wheel
-tic Load
Tyred (ton):
Un- Un-
1 - 1.5 125 6 150 10*
suitable suitable
Un- Un- Un- Un-
1.5 – 2 150 5
suitable suitable suitable suitable
Un- Un-
2 - 2.5 175 4 125 12
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
2.5 - 4 225 4 125 10
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
4–6 300 4 125 10
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
6–8 350 4 159 8
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
8 – 12 400 4 175 8
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
> 12 450 4 175 6
suitable suitable



Cohesive Soil Granular and Dry

Type of compaction plant

Graded Materials
Cohesive Soils

Compacted Layer (mm)

Compacted Layer (mm)

Compacted Layer (mm)


Min. No. of Passes

Min. No. of Passes

Min. No. of Passes

Max Depth of

Max Depth of

Max Depth of
Vibrat- Force
ory (kN) per
Roller 100mm

0.25 - Un- Un-

75 16 150 16
0.45 suitable suitable
0.46 - Un- Un-
75 12 150 12
0.70 suitable suitable
0.71 -
100 12 125 12 150 6
1.26 -
125 8 150 8 200 10*
1.76 -
150 4 150 4 225 12*
2.31 -
175 4 175 4 250 10*
2.81 -
200 4 200 4 275 8*
3.51 -
225 4 225 4 300 8*
4.21 -
250 4 250 4 300 8*

Vibrat- Static
ory Pressure
Plate under
compact Base
or Plate

Un- Un- Un- Un-

8.6-10.3 75 6
suitable suitable suitable suitable
10.3- Un- Un-
75 10 100 6
12.1 suitable suitable
12.1 - Un- Un-
75 6 150 6
13.8 suitable suitable
13.8 -
100 6 125 6 150 4
17.2 -
150 6 150 5 200 4

> 20.7 200 6 200 5 250 4



Cohesive Soil Granular and Dry

Type of compaction plant

Graded Materials
Cohesive Soils

Compacted Layer (mm)

Compacted Layer (mm)

Compacted Layer (mm)


Min. No. of Passes

Min. No. of Passes

Min. No. of Passes

Max Depth of

Max Depth of

Max Depth of
Vibro- Mass
Tamper Kilo-

50 - 65 100 3 100 3 150 3

65 - 75 125 3 125 3 200 3
> 75 200 3 150 3 225 3

Power Mass
Rammer Kilo-

Un- Un-
100 150 4 150 6
suitable suitable
Un- Un-
> 100 275 8 275 12
suitable suitable

Tamp- More
ing than 40 225 4 150 12 250 4
roller kN

Drop- Drop of
ping hammer
weight of
compact weight
or over

1m to
600 4 600 8 450 8
Un- Un-
over 2m 600 2 600 4
suitable suitable

Read this table in accordance with the following definitions:

The depth of compacted layer is the height by which an embankment is

raised by each successive compacted layer.

The number of passes is the number of times that each point on the surface
of the layer being traversed by the compaction plant (or struck in the case of
power rammers or dropping weight compactors).



The effective width of a pneumatic-tyred roller is the sum of the widths of the
individual wheeltracks together with the sum of the spacing between the
wheeltracks provided that each spacing does not exceed 230mm. Where
the spacing exceeds 230mm the effective width shall be taken as the sum of
the widths of the individual wheeltracks only.

The force per 100mm width of roll is the total weight on the roller divided by
the total roll width. Where a smooth-wheeled roller has more than one axle
the machine shall be assessed on the basis of the axle giving the highest
value of force per 100mm width.

Wheel load is the total weight of the roller divided by the number of wheels.

For items marked with an asterisk (*), the rollers shall be towed by track-
laying tractors. Self-propelled rollers are unsuitable.

Where a combination of different types of plants are used, the following

additional definitions apply:

(a) The depth of layer shall be that for the type of plant requiring the least
depth of layer

(b) The number of passes shall be that for the type of plant requiring the
greatest number of passes

Disregard the above assessment when a lighter type of plant is used to

provide some preliminary compaction only to assist the use of heavier plant.

4.7.4 Required Field Density and Acceptance Criteria

Produce a compacted fill material having a field density of at least the

following percentage of the maximum dry density previously established for
that material from BS 1377 Tests No.12 (2.5 rammer) or No. 13 (4.5 kg

(a) 9 500mm of formation level (subgrade or foundation) - 95% (maximum

dry density using Test No. 13)
(b) From 500mm to 1500mm below formation level - 95% (maximum dry
density using Test No. 12)
(c) More than 1500mm below formation level - 90% (maximum dry density
using Test No. 12)

Notwithstanding compliance with the Table in 4.7.3, verify by site tests at a

rate of 3 tests per 300m2 per layer of material, 10m centres along the non-
suspended slab/road per layer of material or less unless otherwise agreed
at the surface and at depths of 1.0m and 3.0m below the surface, that the
required field density is being achieved and to the Engineer acceptance
before subsequent layer laid and make any adjustments to the compaction
methods if necessary.

4.7.5 Moisture Content

Maintain the moisture content of the in-situ material during compaction as

close to the optimum moisture content as possible. If necessary, adjust by
wetting or drying on site to consistently maintain the required in-situ field



4.7.6 Compaction Testing Characteristic Value

Relative compaction is defined as the ratio between the field dry

density and the maximum dry density obtained in the Standard or
Modified compaction test as appropriate expressed as a

The characteristic value of relative compaction of the lot will be

calculated as X - 0.92S for six tests per lot where X and S are
respectively the mean and the standard deviation of the individual
relative compaction test values for the lot.

The standard deviation of relative compaction test values is

defined by:

S² = The sum of (X - x)² from i = 1 to i = n


where x, i = 1,2,3,......n, is the individual relative compaction test

value and n is the number of tests per lot. Test Methods

Compaction testing shall be carried out according to BS1377 [Test

No. 15(A) (Sand Replacement Method) or Test No. 15 (F) (Water
Displacement Method]. Alternatively the Contractor may submit a
proposal for testing by Nuclear Testing Apparatus to the Engineer
for approval; however such approval will be entirely at the
Engineers discretion. Sites or times for testing shall be selected on
an essentially random basis. Testing and Records

All tests shall be reported in a format acceptable to the Engineer

and shall be submitted for his approval. Daily records of field tests
shall be kept available at the site for the Engineer's inspection. All
sampling and testing shall be undertaken by a laboratory to be
approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall propose the
names of at least 3 laboratories for approval.

4.7.7 Compacting Different Materials

When materials of widely divergent characteristics are used in fill areas,

compact in separate clearly defined areas for each type of material.

If it is not practical to define the areas in which each material occurs,

operate the compaction plant base on the material which requires the
greatest compacting effort.



4.7.8 Use of Rock Fill

Spread and level each layer of Rock fill and systematically compact by at
least 12 passes of either:

(a) A towed vibratory roller with a static load per metre width of roll of at
least 1800 kg, or
(b) A grid roller with a load per metre width of roll of at least 8000 kg, or
(c) Other approved plant.

If the rock contains sufficient soft material for satisfactory compaction to the
requirements of Table in 4.7.3 for well graded granular soil, compact the fill
according to the table.

4.7.9 Deterioration of Material

If the material deposited as fill subsequently reaches a condition such that it

cannot be compacted in accordance with the specified requirements, seek
agreement with the Engineer to either:

(a) Make good by removing the deteriorated material and replace with
Suitable Material, or
(b) Make good the material by mechanical or chemical means to improve
its property, or
(c) Cease work on the material until its physical condition is again such
that it can be compacted as required.

4.8 Filling: Fill Adjacent to Bridge Abutments, Culverts and Retaining Walls

4.8.1 Fill Material

Use approved, hard, durable, well graded sand and gravel.

Use Special Fill Material as defined in Clause 3.2 within the zones as
stipulated in table 4.8.1 below.

Table 4.8.1: Fill Adjacent to Abutments, Culverts and Retaining Walls

Minimum Width of Special Fill in

Full Height
Bridge Abutment & Wingwalls 2m

Culvert wingwalls Retaining H/3

walls Barrels of box culverts H/3 or full width of base, whichever is

greater H/3

Barrels of pipe culverts 600mm all round

4.8.2 Filter Drain

Provide a filter drain layer when filling behind structures with weepholes.

The filter drain shall consist of clean, hard and durable broken stones or
hardcore conforming to the grading as set out in the table below.



Table 4.8.2 Filter Drain Material

BS Sieve Size Percentage by weight passing

63mm 37.5mm 20mm 10mm 3.35mm 100 85 – 100 0 – 20 0 - 5 0

Place the larger stones adjacent to the weep-holes and the smaller particles
behind and above the larger layer.

Unless otherwise specified, the filter drain shall:

(a) Have a width of 300mm.

(b) Extend horizontally across the whole width of the structures.
(c) Cover every weephole vertically by at least 300mm.
(d) Fully wrapped round by approved Type A geotextile

4.8.3 Placing Fill

For framed structures, bring up fill at both ends of the structure

simultaneously with the difference in levels of fills at both ends limited to

Do not place fill against concrete structures within 21 days after placing
concrete unless sufficient supports have been provided to the walls to
withstand the pressure by filling to the acceptance of the Engineer.

4.8.4 Compaction

Place fill in horizontal layers of thickness and compact using the appropriate
plant in compliance with Clause 4.7.

The degree of compaction shall be at least 95% of the maximum dry density
achievable of the material.

Do not use heavy compaction equipment close to the back of the wall.

4.9 Filling: Embankments and Fill Slopes

4.9.1 Material

Ensure Suitable Materials are being used for embankment fill, including
materials which may be initially wetter than specified but become Suitable
after drying. For capping layers ensure specified material including topsoil
are placed to a consolidated thickness below the formation level.

4.9.2 Build-up and Compaction

Unless justified as impractical, build up embankments evenly over the full

width and maintain a sufficient cambered surface to enable ready drainage
of surface water. Compact fill material as per Clause 4.7.

4.9.3 Rock Fill Spreading and levelling

Using a crawler tractor weighing not less than 15 tonnes. Each

layer shall consist of well-graded rock.



Fill surface voids with broken fragments before the next layer is

Thoroughly blind the top surface and side slopes of embankments

with approved fine graded material to seal the surface. Use of isolated boulders

Isolated boulders each within the range 0.02 m 3 to 0.10 m3 in size

may be used provided that the specified compaction requirements
are met and no stone exceeding 0.02m3 shall be placed less than
0.5 metres below the top of the embankment fill.

4.9.4 Embankments Bridging Culverts etc.

In constructing embankments up to and over culverts, pipe drains and

bridges, bring the embankments up equally on both sides. Filling may
proceed over widths less than the full width of the embankment and in steps
not exceeding the depth of one layer above the adjoining area of fill.

4.9.5 Construction Traffic

During construction, control constructional traffic uniformly over the full width
of the embankments.

If it is intended to use the surface of embankments for constructional traffic

before trimming to formation level, bring up and maintain the area to a level
not less than 150 mm above formation level before allowing constructional
traffic on the surface. In areas of shallow filling where the ground level is
within 300 mm of formation level, bring up and maintain the surface level at
least 300 mm above formation level.

Make good any damage caused to the subgrade.

4.9.6 Formation of Slope Faces Form the slope faces of embankments by overfilling, cutting back

and trimming neatly to the determined profile. The formed slopes
shall achieve the stability as required by Clause 2.3. Where an embankment is to be constructed on a hillside, or where

the natural surface falls away at a slope steeper than one vertical
to four horizontal, cut a horizontal bench to support the toe. The
minimum width of the bench shall be one third of the vertical
height of the fill (measured from the toe) but not less than 600mm. Where an embankment is to be constructed on the slopes of

existing embankments exceeding one vertical to four horizontal,
the existing slope shall be cut in the form of horizontal terrace over
the full area to be covered by the new fill. Cut the terraces in
minimum width of 600mm and stepped progressively as the fill


GENERAL EARTHWORKS EXCAVATION AND FILLING At 1.2m below the embankment surface, no point on the

completed slope shall vary from the required face by more
than150mm measured at right angles to the slope. At greater than
1.2m below the surface, no point on the completed slope shall
vary by more than 300mm.

4.10 Hardcore Under Concrete Slabs

Use material as in Clause 3.4. Provide thicker layer than specified if necessary to
make up levels from stripped site levels to underside of slabs.

4.11 Use of Geotextile Sheet

4.11.1 General

(a) Protect from exposure to light, except for a maximum of 5 hours during
laying. Protect from all materials listed as potentially deleterious by the
(b) Before commencing laying, remove humps and sharp projections from
the ground and fill hollows. Do not stretch or bridge the geotextile over
irregularities and ensure that the specified lap is maintained.
(c) Take care to avoid damage to geotextile by vehicles, plant or by tipping
material from excessive height. Do not allow construction traffic over
geotextiles until covered by the full thickness of fill.
(d) Temporarily weight edges of sheet with fill and lay a maximum of 15m
of geotextile before covering to prevent uplift. Place fill as soon as
possible after laying and within a maximum of 24 hours.
(e) Place geotextile patches over tears with minimum lap of 300mm
beyond extent of damage and cover immediately to retain in place.

4.1.1. Jointing

Propose and comply with one of the following methods of jointing:

(a) 300mm overlap - Overlaps to be 300 to 1000mm, with the wider

overlap necessary on very soft subgrades to allow for movement when
trafficked by vehicles. Overlaps to be weighted down immediately with
small amounts of aggregate.
(b) Single stitched prayer seam with high tenacity polyester thread – Carry
out sewing with portable stitching machines using high tenacity
polyester or polyester/cotton thread in a single or double stitch to form
a prayer seam configuration. A single line stitch is generally adequate.
(c) Single welt with two rows of staggered, corrosion resistant staples –
Carry out stapling on welted seams with two rows of staggered,
corrosion resistant, staples.

4.12 Preparation for Cultivation with Spot and Close Turfing

Trim and cultivate cut or filled areas that are to be turfed as soon as possible after
completion of the earthworks.

For turfing requirements refer to the architectural specifications.

4.13 Accuracy and Tolerance

4.13.1 General

Comply with SS CP 18 except where noted below.



4.13.2 Permissible Deviations from Formation Levels

(a) Beneath mass concrete foundations: ±25 mm.

(b) Beneath ground bearing slabs and R.C. foundations: ±15 mm.
(c) Embankments and cuttings: ±50 mm.
(d) Ground abutting external walls: ± 50 mm, but such as to ensure that
finished level is not less than 150 mm below any damp proof course.

4.13.3 Blinding to Fill

Permissible deviations on surface level: +0, -25 mm


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Method Statement

Before work commences, submit to the Engineer for acceptance, with a

method statement including at least the following information as relevant:

(a) The sequence of excavation and method

(b) Proposed excavation and compaction plant.
(c) Maximum depth of each compacted layer.
(d) Minimum number of passes per layer.
(e) Method of treating slopes.
(f) Protection of formation and slopes.
(g) Proposed temporary works.
(h) Dewatering control.
(i) Proposed Instrumentation and monitoring, frequency of monitoring, and
(j) Ground anchors, etc.

5.1.2 Programme of Works

Submit to the Engineer prior to the start of the Work unless otherwise

5.1.3 Additional Site investigation Factual Report

Extend to the Engineer, a copy of the factual report for additional site
investigation conducted.

5.1.4 Temporary Works Design General

Before commencement of Work, submit details of proposals for

supporting the sides of all excavation which have slopes steeper
than 1:2, or less if poor conditions exist, or exceeding 1.5 m in
depth which will be formed during the course of the work.

Provide adequate information to justify the adequacy of his

proposals, if so requested.


GENERAL EARTHWORKS EXCAVATION AND FILLING Flow chart for ground movement monitoring

Submit a flow chart clearly indicating the proposed line of actions

and the person in-charge in connection with the actions to deal
with critical ground movements for the Engineer’s acceptance. Use of ground anchors

Where there are use of ground anchors as part of the temporary

works, submit to the Engineer a detailed specification for the
anchors as part of the method statement.

Provide an appraisal of the suitability of the proposed anchor

installation in relation to the ground conditions, the possible effects
on adjoining structures and services, and the rights of adjoining
owners whose structure or land may be affected.

Ensure all necessary approvals and permits have been obtained

from the Authorities.

5.1.5 Quality Control Plan

Prepare and submit the quality control plan for Engineer’s acceptance prior
to starting work.

5.2 Inspection and Tests of Temporary Works

Inspect the temporary works scheduled as follows:

(a) Intermediate inspections if the works are in place for more than 1 week.
(b) If there has been a change in loading conditions, including impact.
(c) After any adverse weather conditions.

Submit a method statement for acceptance indicating the proposed frequency and
details of the inspections.

5.2.1 Pull Out Tests for Ground Anchors

(a) Pull-out test shall comply with BS EN 1537

(b) Propose numbers of tests for acceptance in the method statement but
not lesser than 1%.
(c) Perform preliminary pull-out tests prior to the installation of working
ground anchors to verify the design capacity of ground anchors.
(d) Carry out acceptance tests on the working ground anchors.

5.3 Fill Material Samples

At least 21 days before filling work commences, submit full details of the sources and
types of the proposed filling materials together with 25kg representative samples of
each type from each source.

On request from the Engineer collect and dispose of these samples.

At the same time, deliver to an accepted accredited laboratory, sufficient

representative samples of each material for the specified tests, at a rate of one set of
tests per sample.

5.4 Testing of Fill Materials



Carry out the following tests on all proposed fill materials at the rate of one test for
each representative sample:

(a) BS 1377-1 Section 3: Classification

(b) BS 5930 Site Investigation
(c) BS 1377-2: Determination of the particle size distribution.
(d) BS 1377-2: Determination of the plasticity index (of material passing the 425
micron BS sieve; % of material retained to be reported).
(e) BS 1377-3: Determination of the total sulphate content.
(f) BS 812-111: Determination of the ten per cent fines value.
The following tests may be required for certain materials as directed:

(a) BS 1377-4: Determination of the dry density/moisture content relationship of

granular soil (vibrating hammer method).
(b) BS 1377-4: Determination of the California Bearing Ratio.
(c) BS 6906: Part 8: Determination of sand-geotextile frictional behaviour by direct
(d) BS 5835: Determination of strength of aggregates.

5.4.1 Additional Tests

When directed, test all imported fill for compliance with specified limits on
contamination to ensure that material is 'clean' relative to the proposed end
use. Propose and submit the specific criteria, schedule and timing of tests
required to Engineer for acceptance.

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope and General Conditions ...............................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................3
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................3
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................4
1.5 Definitions ...............................................................................................................................8
1.6 Pile Load Tests .......................................................................................................................8
1.7 Programme .............................................................................................................................9
1.8 Defective Work .......................................................................................................................9

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................9

2.1 Requirements for Design Verification .....................................................................................9
2.2 Performance Criteria for Piles Under Test .......................................................................... 10
2.3 Geotechnical Design of Piles ............................................................................................... 10
2.4 Penetration of Piles ............................................................................................................. 11
2.5 Load Test Factors ................................................................................................................ 11
2.6 System of Piling ................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 Permissible Damage Criteria for Existing Critical Structures or Services ........................... 12
2.8 The Survey .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.9 Instrumentation and Monitoring ........................................................................................... 13
2.10 Noise Nuisance.................................................................................................................... 13

3.0 PILE TESTING .............................................................................................................................. 14

3.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.2 Testing Equipment ............................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Pile Load Test Procedure .................................................................................................... 15
3.4 Ultimate Load Tests on Trial/Preliminary Piles .................................................................... 16
3.5 Working Pile Testing ............................................................................................................ 17
3.6 Abandonment of Test Load ................................................................................................. 17
3.7 Failure of Test Piles ............................................................................................................. 18
3.8 Remedial Measures ............................................................................................................. 19

4.0 MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................. 19

4.1 Source of Materials .............................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Drilling Fluid ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Water ................................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Concrete .............................................................................................................................. 20
4.5 Ready Mixed Concrete ........................................................................................................ 21
4.6 Grout .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.7 Reinforcement ..................................................................................................................... 23
4.8 Temporary Casings ............................................................................................................. 24
4.9 Permanent Steel Casings .................................................................................................... 24

5.0 WORKMANSHIP ........................................................................................................................... 24

5.1 General Workmanship Requirements ................................................................................. 24
5.2 Trial Bores ........................................................................................................................... 25
5.3 Boring Excavation ................................................................................................................ 26
5.4 Use of Drilling Fluid ............................................................................................................. 28
5.5 Cleanliness of Pile Bases .................................................................................................... 29
5.6 Reinforcement ..................................................................................................................... 29
5.7 Pile Casting.......................................................................................................................... 29


5.8 Backfilling Empty Boring ...................................................................................................... 34
5.9 Grouting of Piles .................................................................................................................. 34
5.10 Tolerances ........................................................................................................................... 35
5.11 Protection to Piles ................................................................................................................ 36
5.12 Replacement of Piles ........................................................................................................... 36
5.13 Cleaning Up ......................................................................................................................... 37
5.14 Non-Performance of Working Piles ..................................................................................... 37
5.15 Cutting Off Pile Heads ......................................................................................................... 37
5.16 Tension Piles ....................................................................................................................... 37
5.17 Lateral Load Resisting Piles ................................................................................................ 38
5.18 Noise and Disturbance ........................................................................................................ 38
5.19 As Built Pile Penetration Length, Final Survey and As-Built Drawing ................................. 38
5.20 Removal on Completion ...................................................................................................... 38

6.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 38

6.1 Submissions ........................................................................................................................ 38
6.2 Inspection and Test Certificates .......................................................................................... 40
6.3 Tests .................................................................................................................................... 41
6.4 Compliance Testing of Drilling Fluid .................................................................................... 42
6.5 Records of The Inspection of Bores .................................................................................... 44
6.6 Quality Control Test ............................................................................................................. 45

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 2


This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 3



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope and General Conditions

The Works under this section comprise the construction of small and large diameter
cast-in-place bored piles for the foundation of the proposed buildings.

1.1.1 This section covers the requirements for the construction of bored piles. The
piles may be used as foundations to support principally vertical loads, or
may be used to form embedded retaining walls resisting principally
horizontal loads, including: In-situ concrete bored piles Bored micro-piles

1.1.2 It is highlighted that the Specifications frequently stipulate the requirement

for the Contractor to submit method statements, shop drawings,
calculations, etc. for Engineer’s review and approval. The Contractor is
explicitly advised that the Engineer’s approval does not absolve the
Contractor of his sole responsibility that the methods, materials and
workmanship employed are safe and suitable and the Contract Works are
completed safely, within the contracted time and in full compliance of the

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 1


Specifications and intended use. All technical submissions made shall be

prepared and certified by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer (PE).

1.1.3 The Contractor shall make allowance in his tender for compliance with all
the Specifications and other requirements necessary for proper execution
and completion of the Works to the Engineer's satisfaction.

1.1.4 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for achieving the required loading
capacity for each pile with appropriate factor of safety and compliance with
other performance Specifications contained herein.

1.1.5 Temporary linings shall be provided for the full depth of top soil, soft clays
and loosed sand unless boreholes are stabilised with bentonite. Linings
shall be withdrawn. Lost casings will not be paid for.

1.1.6 The Contractor shall make provisions in his tender and submit details, at the
time of tender, of his proposed method for the inspection by the Engineer of
the formation of every borehole prior to concreting. The method must be
approved by the Engineer.

1.1.7 Every borehole must be inspected and approved by the Engineer prior to
concreting. Engineer's approval does not absolve the Contractor of his sole
responsibility to achieve the required load capacity for the piles.

1.1.8 Notwithstanding the provisional lengths allowed for in the bills, the
Contractor shall submit detailed geotechnical calculations for his proposed
length of each type of pile, and shall be responsible to ensure that the piles
shall carry the specified ultimate loads based on the length proposed by the

1.1.9 All piles shall be concreted using 'Tremie' pipe irrespective of the presence
or absence of water in the borehole.

1.1.10 The Contractor shall submit with his tender the name and Curriculum Vitae
(CV) of qualified Geotechnical Engineer(s) who shall be full time on Site and
who shall propose the formation level of all piles. The proposed
Geotechnical Engineer shall possess local relevant experience in piling
works as specified in Section 01016 Particular Specification.

1.1.11 There shall also be at least one (1) Geotechnical Engineer on standby, in
the events the Geotechnical Engineer(s) referred in Clause 1.1.10 is unable
to perform his duties temporarily. The standby Geotechnical Engineer shall
possess local relevant experience with piling works as specified in Section
01016 Particular Specification.

1.1.12 The Contractor shall submit to the Resident Engineer for record and send to
the Engineer, if required, properly identified and labelled soil samples taken
at every change of stratum for each pile.

1.1.13 The Contractor shall, during the Contract, maintain at Site all necessary
apparatus and equipment to carry out unconfined compression tests on soil
samples taken at the formation level of each pile. The test records shall be
supplied to the Engineer together with the piling records.

1.1.14 The Contractor shall submit the as-built pile penetration records prior to pile
head trimming. Also refer to Clause 5.19.

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 2


1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:

01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring

01018 Instrumentation and Monitoring
02020 Pre-treatment of Cavities

1.3 Standards and Regulations

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted. Codes & Standards

MS EN 12620 : 2008: Specification for aggregates for


MS 145: 2006: Welded steel fabric for reinforcement

of concrete

MS 146: 2006: Hot rolled steel bars for reinforcement

of concrete

MS EN 12390: 2012 Methods of Testing Hardened


MS EN 1997-1:2012: Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design -

General rules

MS EN 1992-1-1:2010: Design of concrete structures. General

rules and rules for buildings

OSHA 1994: Occupational Safety and Health Act


FMA 1970: Factory and Machinery Act 1970 Other Standards

API Specification Drilling Fluid

13A 5th Edition

API-RP-13B-1 2nd Standard procedure for field-

testing water-based drilling fluid

BS EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete,

specification for sampling, testing and
assessing the suitability of water

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 3


BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and

vibration control on construction and
open sites. Noise

BS 5228-2:2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and

vibration control on construction and
open sites. Vibration

BS 7123 Metal arc welding of steel for

concrete reinforcement

BS 8008 Guide to safety precautions and

procedures for the construction and
descent of machine-bored shaft piling
and other purposes.

BS EN 1536 Execution of special geotechnical

works- Bored Piles

BS EN 1538 Execution of special geotechnical

work - Diaphragm Walls

1.3.2 Technical References

Refer to the following technical reference for guidance in carrying out the

(a) BRE Digest 251 (1995) Assessment of damage in low-rise building.

(b) Construction Industry Research and Information Association, England
(CIRIA) Report 104 (1984) Design of retaining wall embedded in stiff

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Design Verification

The Contractor shall be responsible to engage technically competent

personnel with relevant geotechnical experience to Engineer’s acceptance,
to carry out:

(a) Verification of material excavated at the intended pile founding level

as consistent with the design requirements.
(b) Design verification checks based on actual ground conditions to
determine the required length of each pile and ensure that the
specified working load and settlement criteria of the piles are
(c) Proposals to amend the design including compensating piles as
necessary in the event that for any reasons the installed piles do not
perform as intended.
(d) Proposals to amend the pilecap design of the building in the event that
the piles are installed out of the permitted tolerance.
(e) Proposals as a response plan in the event that measures taken to
control ground movement and vibration do not perform satisfactorily.

Take into account of the design requirements as set out in Clause 2.1

Submit the design to the Engineer for acceptance. Design proposals in (c)
and (d) are to be endorsed by a PE (Civil).

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 4


Submit the CV of the personnel to be engaged for the above including the
PE’s, for Engineer’s acceptance.

1.4.2 Building Damage Assessment

The Contractor shall be responsible to carry out a Building Damage

Assessment on the effects of ground movement to the neighbouring
properties due to the works, for the purpose of establishing suitable values
for ‘Alert’ and “Work Suspension’ levels for monitoring and submit to
Engineer with endorsement from a PE.

The set values shall not be less onerous than the ones set forth in the
Instrumentation and Monitoring drawings.

1.4.3 Coordination with Other Works

The Contractor shall be responsible to co-ordinate with other contractors

who may carry out other works at the same time at the site. Take into
account of site access, space occupation, safety and safeguarding of
adjoining properties and each other’s works.

1.4.4 Condition Survey

Where applicable, prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a
condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the requirements
of Section 01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring. Submit all records to
the Engineer and adjacent property owners where directed.

Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.

1.4.5 Instrumentation and Monitoring

The Contractor shall be responsible to provide instrumentation to monitor

the ground movement, vibration and condition of adjacent properties. Refer
to the drawings for the schedule of instrumentation required. If necessary or
as required by the authorities, propose and provide additional
instrumentation and monitoring for records.

Take cognisance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

1.4.6 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

The Contractor shall be responsible to accept responsibility for the

upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads, footpaths etc., where
applicable, together with the mains and services from the time of taking
possession of the site through the duration of the Works.

Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and
keep clear of mud and debris.

1.4.7 Site Conditions and Ground Conditions Site Surveys

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 5


The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected the Site and

satisfied himself with regard to access, site conditions, existing
buildings and structures surrounding the Site.

The Contractor shall be responsible to verify and be satisfied that

the information given in the existing site survey plans provided are
accurate. If necessary, engage a registered Surveyor to carry out
additional site survey before commencing any work. Ground Conditions

The soil report included in this Contract is for the reference of the
Contractor only. Neither the Consultants nor the Client accept
responsibility for its accuracy or implications if actual soil conditions
are found to be different during the progress of Works.

The tender shall be based on the condition of ground as found and

no extras shall be allowed for dealing with more difficult soil
conditions than envisaged by the Contractor at the time of

The Contractor may, at his own cost and with the written approval of
the Engineer, conduct additional soil tests if he so desires. Additional site investigation

The Contractor shall carry out site investigation to sufficient extent

and depth to establish the significant soil strata and ground
variation. Boreholes should go more than 5 metres into hard stratum
with SPT blow counts of 100 or more than 3 times the pile
diameters beyond the intended founding level. The number of
boreholes should be the greater of

(a) one borehole per 300 sq m or

(b) one borehole at every interval between 10m to 30m, but no
less than 3 boreholes in the within project site.

Carry out the boreholes progressively prior to commencement of the

works in areas according to the contractor’s construction
programme. On completion of drilling, backfill the boreholes with a
suitable bentonite/cement mix.

Submit the location and schedule for the boreholes to Engineer’s

acceptance prior to carrying out the works. On completion, prepare
the site investigation report and submit to the Engineer for
acceptance. Groundwater level

The Contractor shall be responsible to verify the data on

groundwater level from available ground investigation reports. Contamination

The Contractor shall be responsible to verify information on

contamination identified or believed to be present on site.

In the event that contamination is either positively identified or

suspected, draw to the attention of all personnel working on site

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together with the need to take any precautionary measures in

handling contaminated materials, groundwater and obnoxious
vapours from the ground.

1.4.8 Existing Services Affected by the Works Site

The Contractor shall determine, probe and/or investigate the position of all
existing services within the Site and shall take all precautions to protect and
prevent damage to them. All damage caused to the active services shall be
reinstated by the Contractor at his own cost and time. The Engineer shall
provide to the Contractor, any information available to him for the guidance of
the Contractor only.

Any other unknown services which are found within the work areas shall be
either diverted or protected by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be
entitled to any additional cost or time on account of unforeseen services found
within the contract boundaries which may affect the Contract Work.

The Contractor shall also refer to other parts of the Contract Documents on
the requirements to deal with existing services affected by the Works.

1.4.9 Protection

The Contractor shall be responsible to protect all equipment and working

area using fencing or other methods as accepted.

1.4.10 Obstructions

If any obstructions such as existing fences, structures, footings, boulders,

concrete blocks, pipes, drains, driveways or ramp are encountered during
excavation, submit proposals for their removal for the Engineer's

1.4.11 Supervision of the Works

The Contractor shall be responsible to engage a competent and suitably

experienced site engineer to the Engineer’s acceptance, to supervise the
field works.

1.4.12 Quality Control Plan

The Contractor shall be responsible to submit and work to a Quality Control

Plan as agreed with the Engineer.

1.4.13 Safety

The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all slopes and
excavations, including bored holes for pile installation, and shall take all
necessary precautions for the safety of personnel in the area of piling
operations. Where rocks and hard material are encountered during boring
which require manual excavation with pneumatic tools, the Contractor shall
ensure that adequate linings are placed above the working level and that
sufficient ventilation is provided for the well-being of the workmen.

The Contractor must ensure that no damage is caused to adjoining

properties or construction works adjoining the proposed building and would
be solely responsible for such consequences.

The Contractor shall be responsible to provide safety precautions to comply

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with all current legislation and regulations, notably:

(a) Occupation Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA)

(b) Factory and Machinery Act 1970
Additionally, comply also with the following:

(a) BRE Digest 251 (1995) Assessment of damage in low rise building
(b) BS 8008: Guide to safety precautions and procedures for the
construction and descent of machine-bored shaft for piling and other

1.4.14 As-Built Pile Surveys

The Contractor shall be responsible to employ a Licensed Surveyor who is

to be responsible for surveying pile locations and eccentricities and submit
the as–built survey to the Engineer in format as directed within 14 days after
the piles have been trimmed to the cut-off level.

1.5 Definitions

(a) Pile Dimensions Piles dimension specified in pile layout drawing(s) / piling
schedule are the minimum acceptable dimensions
(b) Rock Material classified as grade I to III In table 10 “Scale of weathering grades
of rock mass” in BS 5930:1999+A2:2010.
(c) Rock Weathering classified as Grade I to IV in Table 2.2 and 2.3 in CP4:2003.

1.6 Pile Load Tests

1.6.1 At the outset and before the commencement of installation of working piles,
make provision for trial piles / ultimate test piles (UTP), numbers and load
as specified in Section 01016 Particular Specification, shall be carried out
to confirm the frictional and end-bearing parameters for the design of
working piles in this Contract. Number of piles to be tested shall be one (1)
number or not less than 0.5% of the total number of working piles in this
Contract, whichever greater. The locations of the ultimate load tests shall be
decided by the Engineer. The Contractor shall carry out soil investigation
adjacent to the trial pile location to the depth 5m below the pile toe, and
submit the report to the Engineer for approval prior to the pile installation.
The test piles shall be fully instrumented (with at least 4 VW strain gauges
at each soil stratum layers [at least 5 layers of VW strain gauges], and 3
telltales installed in the pile) to determine the frictional and end-bearing

1.6.2 In addition to the instrumentation of ultimate test piles, sufficient ground

instrumentation shall also be carried out to determine the extent of possible
ground movements that are likely to occur during the boring and installation
of working piles. The minimum ground instrumentation suggested by the
Engineer for this purpose is shown in the Tender Documents. The cost of
ultimate test piles shall include the cost of pile instrumentation as well as
ground instrumentation.

1.6.3 The Contractor shall, at the time of his tender, submit the details of
proposed instrumentation and the method of installation and testing the
ultimate test piles. The ultimate load test shall be carried out using
kentledge and jacking method. The method and the extent of
instrumentation shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval. Any additional
instrumentation required by the Engineer shall be installed at no extra cost
or time to the Contract.

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1.6.4 During the Contract, provisions shall also be made for carrying out working
load tests (WLT). Number of piles to be tested shall be two (2) numbers or
not less than 1.0% of the total number of working piles in this Contract,
whichever greater. The piles shall be tested to working load requirements at
locations decided by the Engineer. The provisional numbers of working load
tests to be carried out and their test loads are as specified in Section 01016
Particular Specification. These provisions may be changed at the
discretion of the Engineer.

1.6.5 All working load tests shall be carried out using kentledge and jacking
method within the Contract period. The Contractor shall submit details of the
load tests at the time of tender. The Contractor may also propose any other
appropriate means of carrying out these load tests, subject to the approval
of the Engineer.

1.6.6 In addition to the above, provisions shall also be made for carrying out Pile
Dynamic Analyser (PDA) tests and Pile Integrity Test (PIT) tests. Number of
piles to tested shall be two (2) numbers and not be less than 2.0% of the
total number of piles in this Contract, whichever greater, within the Contract
period. The provisional numbers of PDA and PIT tests to be carried out are
specified in Section 01016 Particular Specification. These provisions may
also be changed at the discretion of the Engineer.

1.7 Programme

1.7.1 The Contractor shall, with his tender, submit a detailed programme showing
the sequence and manner in which piling and other works are to be
executed. The actual construction would be carried out in a sequence and
to a programme agreed with the Engineer. Where a sequence is specified in
the Contract, it shall be adhered to.

1.8 Defective Work

1.8.1 Defective work shall be all work which, in the opinion of the Engineer, does
not fully comply with this Specification or the Drawings. The Contractor
shall make good or carry out such additional works at his own costs and
expenses as may be necessary to make good all defective work to the
Engineer's satisfaction.


2.1 Requirements for Design Verification

The required working load and sizes of the piles are indicated in the drawings,
together with an indication of the required pile penetration depth.

Based on actual ground conditions encountered as revealed by boring logs or ground

investigations, carry out design checks to confirm the required pile length as to
achieve the specified working loads within the specified limits for load settlement
behaviour as indicated in Clause 2.2. Account for effects of negative skin friction
where applicable.

Verify the design based on MS EN 1997-1:2004 unless otherwise agreed.

2.1.1 Piling to be Supervised by Competent Personnel

Piling Works must be carried out by supervisory staff experienced in the

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installation of such piles so as to assess the soundness of soil conditions at

the formation level to ensure that working loads can be achieved. The
requirement of geotechnical supervision under Clause 1.1 is additional to
this clause.

The Contractor shall submit written evidence and details of personnel who
would supervise the Works, to satisfy the Engineer that his supervisory staff
has relevant experience.

2.2 Performance Criteria for Piles Under Test

Any of the piles, when under static or dynamic load test, is to satisfy the performance
criteria as set out below, unless otherwise specified in the Section 01016 Particular

2.2.1 The maximum permitted settlement at one time the Specified Working load
(SWL) is to be 7mm, increased by 2.2% for every meter depth of pile length
beyond 30m.

2.2.2 The maximum permitted settlement at two times SWL is to be 13mm for
SWL lesser than 65 tonnes, increasing by 0.2mm for every tonne above 65
tonnes, until maximum 25mm.

2.2.3 The maximum permitted permanent or residual settlement after removal of

the test load is to be lesser than 40% of settlement under the test load or
10mm whichever is lesser.

2.2.4 The compression geotechnical capacity of the piles shall be designed in

accordance to MS EN 1997-1 2004 with Model Factor = 1.2, and the
unfactored working capacity shall be limited to total ultimate skin friction
divided by 2.0. The tension geotechnical capacity of piles shall be designed
in accordance to MS EN 1997-1 2004 with Model Factor = 1.4, and the
unfactored working capacity shall be limited to total ultimate skin friction
divided by 3.5

2.3 Geotechnical Design of Piles

2.3.1 The Contractor shall submit, at the time of tender, drawings showing the
sizes and distribution of piles under each column if other alternatives are

2.3.2 The design shall be generally in accordance with MS EN 1997-1:2004

except for modifications to comply with this Specification.

2.3.3 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the design and installation of
working piles which shall support the specified loads with the appropriate
factor of safety and partial factors in compliance with MS EN 1997-1 2004.
The Contractor shall guarantee that the differential settlement between any
two (2) piles shall be less than 5 mm.

2.3.4 The ultimate test pile shall be designed to fail beyond the ultimate
geotechnical capacity calculated by partial factors in compliance with MS
EN 1997-1 2004. The test load setup shall be designed accordingly.

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2.3.5 The compression geotechnical capacity of the piles shall be designed in

accordance to MS EN 1997-1 2004 with Model Factor = 1.2, and the
unfactored working capacity shall be limited to total ultimate skin friction
divided by 2.0. The tension geotechnical capacity of piles shall be designed
in accordance to MS EN 1997-1 2004 with Model Factor = 1.4, and the
unfactored working capacity shall be limited to total ultimate skin friction
divided by 3.5.

2.3.6 Piles resisting lateral loads shall have a minimum safety factor of 2.5.

2.3.7 The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer with detailed design calculations
that his proposed design is satisfactory and will have to make whatever
modifications as required by the Engineer. Engineer's approval does not
relieve the Contractor of his sole responsibility as stipulated under this

2.3.8 Round links or helix of appropriate size and spacing in accordance with the
Code shall be provided but shall not be less than 10 mm diameter and
space at not more than 12 times the diameter of the vertical reinforcement.

2.3.9 Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, reinforcement cages shall be

12m long and provided for approximately 11m length below the true cut off
level with a minimum 40 x bar diameter projection above for embedment
into the pile cap.

2.4 Penetration of Piles

2.4.1 Notwithstanding the provisional depths shown in the tender documents, the
Contractor shall submit at the time of tender, calculations showing the depth
of penetration for each type of pile.

2.4.2 In the case of rock is encountered during bored pile installation, the
Contractor shall ensure sufficient socketing length into rock. There will be no
additional time and cost in such cases. The socketing depth are indicated in
the contract drawings for each pile type and at each zone.

2.4.3 Should the results of ultimate load test and working load tests prove that the
penetration of piles proposed by the Contractor are inadequate, the
Contractor shall install longer pile penetrations and/or bigger sizes of piles
to achieve the specified geotechnical capacities as directed by the
Engineer, with no time implications.

2.4.4 Where on the instructions of the Engineer during execution of Works, the
piles are required to penetrate deeper than the Contractor's proposed and
approved levels, the Contractor will be paid for this length.

2.5 Load Test Factors

2.5.1 Refer to SECTION 01016 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION for the load

factor for standard load tests on working piles, without exceeding the limits
of settlement as defined elsewhere in this Specification.

2.5.2 Refer to SECTION 01016 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION for the load

factor for ultimate load test conducted on a pile installed for this purpose.

2.5.3 No working piles shall be installed until the ultimate load tests on the test
piles have been conducted and approved by the Engineer.

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2.6 System of Piling

The system and equipment offered by the Contractor shall be capable of sinking
bored holes between the ranges of 150mm to 300mm in diameter for micropiles
and 500 mm to 2500 mm in diameter for bored piles and to such depths as
necessary to achieve the required capacity of each pile. This would generally include
depths from 30m to 60m, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.

2.6.1 The equipment may generally include bucket auger, flight auger or grab
type system and shall be capable of being modified to deal with whatever
soil conditions encountered during the progress of Works. This shall include
but not limited to the followings: -

• Water bearing ground;

• Soft ground with peat etc which may cave in unless supported;
• Stiff and very stiff clays;
• Sand and gravels;
• Boulders or boulder-clay;
• Rock or fresh granite
• Shales or sand stone; and
• Tree roots or buried trunks.

2.6.2 The system should be able to sink and remove casings for the support of
the bored hole to whatever depth that may be required and without
disturbance to the ground surrounding the piles. Lost casings shall not be
paid for.

2.7 Permissible Damage Criteria for Existing Critical Structures or Services

Based on the results of the Building Damage Assessment as set out in Clause 1.4.2,
propose the allowable ground settlement and vibration limits due to the Works taking
into account the vulnerability and sensitivity of the adjacent properties.

State the values for alert and work suspension levels in the submission in accordance
with the requirements of Building Control Act and Building Control Regulations.

Notwithstanding the above, ensure that the ground movements and vibrations
generated by the works comply with the following if more stringent:

(a) Generally comply with the requirements of BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014 , BS 5228-

(b) The vibration generated by the works in MRT structures not to exceed a peak
particle velocity of 15mm/s.
(c) Unless otherwise directed, refer to Section 01018 INSTRUMENTATION AND
MONITORING, Clause 4.0 for general restrictions on ground movements and
vibration limits for adjacent structures where relevant.

2.8 The Survey

Provide adequate information to allow agreement as to the condition of the identified

buildings/structures/services prior to the commencement of the construction works
and any change in that condition that has occurred during and upon completion of the
construction works.

Sections of the report relating to individual owners of the nearby and adjacent
buildings/properties must be distributed to the respective owners prior to commencing
any Works on Site.

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Confirm in writing, if deemed required, to the relevant authorities.

The overall precondition survey, certified by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer

(PE) must be submitted to the Engineer, not later than two weeks prior to any Works
commencing on Site. A copy of the complete report must be retained on Site.

Any delays in the issuance of the Permit to Commence Piling/Building Works due to
either an incomplete report, or a report unacceptable to the Authorities remains the full
responsibility of the Contractor.

2.9 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide adequate record to identify changes that occurred and to allow changes to
methods of the construction works such as to avoid or minimise damage to the
Surveyed Buildings.

When planning for suitable methods and instrumentation for the survey, take account
of the limits of movement and levels of vibration, as well as in the respective
specifications relevant to the other construction works. Also take account of the
frequency of monitoring as indicated in the respective sections.

2.10 Noise Nuisance

Take all necessary actions to ensure compliance with the latest noise control
regulations imposed by the authority having jurisdiction. In the absence of any
guidelines, the values shown in the table herein shall be adopted. The noise level
(maximum allowable equivalent continuous noise level measured over a period of 5
minutes in dB) at the nearest occupied building outside the Site is not to exceed the
following maximum permissible noise level.

Mon-Fri Sat/Eve of PH Sun/ PH

Types of
7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm
to to to to to to to to to
7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am

(a) Hospital,
75 55 75 55 No Work
home for
the aged,
sick etc

(b) Residential
located less
than 150m 90 70 55 90 70
from the dBA dBA dBA dBA dBA

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 13


(c) Buildings
other than
90 70 90 70 90 70
those in (a)
and (b)


3.1 General

3.1.1 The Contractor shall programme his work in such a way that the ultimate
load test pile can be installed and tested prior to commencement of working

3.1.2 The installation of all working piles shall not commence until the completion of
trial/preliminary ultimate test pile and approval of the Engineer in writing has
been obtained.

3.1.3 The Contractor shall make provision for Ultimate Load Tests and Working
Load Tests as specified under Clause 1.6.

3.1.4 The Contractor shall submit detailed proposals of the method of testing for
the Engineer's approval.

3.1.5 The Contractor shall allow for all costs and expenses for building up the
piles and pile caps or other means, where the pile has a deep cut-off and
the testing is proposed from existing ground level.

3.1.6 The Contractor should also allow for any special excavation of a temporary
cofferdam as appropriate around the test pile so that friction from the top
soil above the true cut-off level can be excluded and to allow the pile cap

3.2 Testing Equipment

3.2.1 All test loads shall be monitored by the Engineer and arrangements for
testing approved by him, before commencement.

3.2.2 Settlement readings shall be taken by means of two (2) dial gauges to an
accuracy of 0.01 mm. Additional readings shall be taken by means of an
accurate dumpy level on a minimum of two scales reading to 0.5 mm
accuracy. Reference datum shall be two benchmarks, established for this
purpose on firm supports.

3.2.3 The Contractor will provide all equipment, facilities and competent
personnel to assist the Engineer in taking readings and monitoring testing.

3.2.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the testing
equipment and shall provide calibration certificates for the jacking, load cell
and dial gauge equipment, prior to the commencement of load test.

3.2.5 All instrument and equipment calibration shall be done in an accredited

laboratory to the Engineer’s acceptance.

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3.3 Pile Load Test Procedure

3.3.1 The piles generally shall be tested by means of kentledge, load cell and
jacking. Testing with other methods may be permitted subject to approval of
Contractor's proposal by the Engineer. In such cases, the Contractor will
have to make whatever modifications that are required by the Engineer at
no extra cost.

3.3.2 For working piles, the test load shall be twice the working load. For larger
piles, this load factor may be reduced at the Engineer’s discretion. The
Engineer reserves the right to modify the loading sequence and load factor
at no cost and time implication to the Contract.

3.3.3 Boring and installation of piles shall be suspended during a load test unless
prior approval from the Engineer is obtained.

3.3.4 Load shall be applied in accordance with Clause of BS EN 1997-

1:2004 in increments of 25% of working load of pile. The test load shall be
applied in equal increments with at least 60 minutes between each load
application or when equilibrium is reached, whichever is longer. Equilibrium
shall mean a rate of settlement not exceeding 0.1 mm in 60 minutes. Load
increments will be agreed with the Engineer and at his absolute discretion
and in no case more than 25 percent of the working load.

3.3.5 The test load shall be applied by means of a jack of capacity not less than
two and half times the working load and capable of measurement to within
one tonne of accuracy, against a kentledge which shall be to the approval of
the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the
testing equipment and will provide calibration certificate for all jacking
equipment. The Engineer will supervise the performance of the test. The
Contractor shall provide skilled staff to assist in taking and recording
readings of settlement and jack pressure gauges.

3.3.6 All readings of settlement shall be taken from a minimum of two (2) dial
gauges to an accuracy of 0.05 mm. Additional readings shall be taken from
a minimum of two (2) scales and two (2) benchmarks to an accuracy of 0.5
mm. The Contractor shall keep full records of load tests as directed by the
Engineer. Two (2) sets of such records must be submitted, including load
settlement curves.

3.3.7 The test load shall be applied by means of a jack of capacity not less than
three times the working load and capable of measurement to within one
tonne of accuracy, against a kentledge which shall be to the approval of the
Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the testing
equipment and will provide calibration certificates for all jacking equipment.
The Engineer will supervise the performance of the test. The Contractor
shall provide skilled staff to assist in taking and recording readings of
settlement and jack pressure gauges.

3.3.8 All readings of settlement shall be taken from a minimum of two (2) dial
gauges to an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Additional readings shall be taken from
a minimum of two (2) scales and two (2) benchmarks to an accuracy of 0.5
mm. The Contractor shall keep full records of load tests as directed by the
Engineer. Two (2) sets of such records must be submitted, including load
settlement curves.

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3.4 Ultimate Load Tests on Trial/Preliminary Piles

3.4.1 Install, prior to the commencement of piling work, the full instrumented trial
piles as stipulated in Clause 1.6 in this Contract. This pile shall not be a
working pile and is for the purpose of conducting an ultimate load test. The
position of such trial pile will be decided by the Engineer.

3.4.2 The trial piles shall therefore be installed to depths which will give ultimate
bearing resistance of at least three (3) times the nominal working load of the
pile. The onus for installing piles to achieve the ultimate bearing capacity
shall rest with the Contractor. Notwithstanding, the Engineer reserve the
right to amend the parameters if the Engineer, in his opinion, are not
representative of the results, with no time and cost

3.4.3 The Contractor shall submit detailed method statements for bored pile
installation and the carrying out of pile testing.

3.4.4 The Contractor shall conduct soil investigations with boreholes adjacent to
trial pile location. The depth of the borehole shall terminate at at least 5m or
at 3 times the trial pile diameters. The soil investigation shall obtain the soil
samples at each layer, with SPT conducted at 3m spacing in each of the
ultimate test piles.

3.4.5 The base of the pile shall be thoroughly clean, sound and free from loose
sand deposit, laitance, silt prior to concreting. The Contractor shall clean the
base using air lift and/or other approved method. All piles bases shall be
post grouted as per Specification.

3.4.6 The purpose of the ultimate load test is to determine the factor of safety for
the nominal working load specified and/or penetration depths to which all
subsequent working piles shall be installed. The trial pile is to be of the
same material and dimensions as the working piles and installed with the
same type of boring method, cleaning as stipulated in Clause and
5.5, and casting by the same method and the same workmanship of working
piles which are to be installed later.

3.4.7 If it is deemed necessary, at the completion of the ultimate load test, the
Engineer shall vary the soil design parameters for shaft and end bearing of
the working piles. The Contractor shall not claim for any extra payment as a
result of this change.

3.4.8 The trial pile shall be capable of sustaining a test load of not less than three
(3) times the nominal working load before ultimate failure.

3.4.9 The trial pile shall be loaded in cumulative equal increments of 25, 50, 75,
100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275 and 300 percent of the nominal
working load of the pile until ultimate failure. An increment of load shall be
permitted only if the settlement due to the previous increment has reached
equilibrium, i.e. 0.1mm settlement in 60 minutes. The trial pile shall be
deemed to have reached ultimate failure when the pile continues to settle
without an increase in the test load.

3.4.10 Cyclical loading consisting of three (3) cycles will be used at the discretion
of the Engineer. The first cycle of loading shall be loading the pile to 150
percent of the nominal working load in six equal increments and unloading
to zero percent of the nominal working load in 6 equal decrements. The
second cycle of loading shall be loading the pile in eight (8) equal
increments of 25 percent each up to 200 percent of the nomimal working

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load of the pile and unloading fully in eight (8) equal decrements to zero
percent of the nominal working load.

3.4.11 The third cycle of loading shall be loading the pile in twelve (12) equal
increments up to 300 etc percent of the nominal working load of the pile until
ultimate failure is reached.

3.4.12 Test load for ultimate load shall be at least 3.0 times the working load or the
load under which the pile fails, whichever is greater. The required test load
should be estimated before installing the testing equipment.

3.5 Working Pile Testing

3.5.1 Cyclic loading/unloading will be performed on each working test pile as

follows:- Load incrementally up to 1.5 times the working load and maintain
test load for 24 hours (1st cycle) or until equilibrium is reached,
whichever is greater. Levels and dial gauge readings will be
recorded hourly during this period. The pile would then be
unloaded in similar decrements and the residual settlement noted. Unload in similar decrements and record residual settlement. After minimum 12 hours wait, reload the pile incrementally to twice
the working load. Maintain the test load for at least 24 hours (2nd
cycle) or until equilibrium is reached, whichever is greater, with
hourly settlement readings. The pile will then be unloaded in
similar decrements and the residual settlement noted. Unload the pile in decrements and note any residual settlement.

3.5.2 In the course of piling operations, the Engineer will select a number of piles
which shall be load tested as described in the Specification. The actual
number of tests to be carried out shall be decided by the Engineer and the
rates quoted by the Contractor for the load testing in his tender shall apply,
except where additional tests are necessary due to the abandonment of the
pile tests or because of the failure of piles.

3.5.3 The working test piles shall be subjected to a test load of two (2) times the
working load, i.e. total load to be carried by each pile excluding its
selfweight. If the Engineer has any doubts about the carrying capacity of
any pile, the period of loading shall be extended at his discretion at the
Contractor's costs and expenses.

3.5.4 A working pile will be considered as having failed to satisfy the test if the
test is not meeting the performance criteria as stipulated in Clause 2.2 and

3.6 Abandonment of Test Load

3.6.1 Should any test (ultimate load test or working load test) have to be
discontinued due to: -

(a) Faulty jack or equipment

(b) Kentledge instability
(c) Improper setting of datum
(d) Unstable bench mark or scales
(e) Pre-jacking or pre-loading

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then the Contractor will have to carry out two (2) further tests entirely at his
own expense as directed by the Engineer.

The test shall be abandoned and the Contractor shall, entirely at his own cost
and expense, carry out two (2) further tests to the Engineer's instructions. The
cost of the abandoned test shall be borne by the Contractor.

3.7 Failure of Test Piles

3.7.1 A working test pile shall be deemed to have failed if its maximum settlement
at the pile cut-off level under the test load exceeds the performance criteria
as stated in the Contract.

3.7.2 A working test pile, loaded to 2.0 times working load, shall also be deemed
to have failed if the residual settlement exceeds 40% of the settlement
under test load or 10 mm whichever is less, even if the settlement under test
load is satisfactory.

3.7.3 Ultimate failure of a test pile shall be deemed to be at that loading under
which the trial test pile continues to settle or sink without addition to, or
increase of, the test load applied to the pile. The nominal working load shall
be deemed to be one-third of that load which causes ultimate failure.

3.7.4 An ultimate load test pile shall also be deemed to have failed under loading
test when any one of the following observations is recorded: -

(a) Any portion of the test pile is found to have cracked, crumbled,
distorted from its original shape or alignment or deflected from its
original position, etc.
(b) The pile under test load continues to settle or sink without any increase
in the load applied.
(c) The loading test is abandoned due to instability of the kentledge, or
altering or tampering of the reference benchmarks or datum, or scales
or dial gauges, or surveyor's levels by the Contractor.
(d) Any portion of the pile shaft shows any signs of failure such as cracks,
distortion or deflection, etc.
(e) The head of the pile settles 10% or more of the pile diameter, or 50 mm
whichever is less.
(f) The criteria for performance criteria as stated in the Contract for the
first two cycles for working test piles is exceeded, and/or 25mm at 2.5
times the nominal working load and/or test discontinued.

A further test shall then be carried out on another trial pile or working pile at
the Contractor's costs and expenses including any consequent standing

3.7.5 Should the ultimate capacity of a trial pile fail to reach three (3) times the
nominal working load of the pile, the trial pile shall be deemed to have failed
to achieve the required bearing capacity. The Contractor shall then install an
additional trial pile to a new depth and repeat the ultimate load test to
determine the depth and driving criteria to which working piles shall be
installed to sustain a load equal to at least three (3) times the nominal
working load of the pile.

3.7.6 Should the additional trial pile again fail to achieve the required bearing
capacity, two (2) new trial piles shall be installed and the ultimate load tests
repeated until the specified acceptance criteria is achieved. The time and
cost of installing all additional trial piles and carrying out further ultimate load

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tests as a result of failure of the first trial pile shall be borne entirely by the

3.8 Remedial Measures

3.8.1 For every working or ultimate pile that fails the test under Clause 3.6 and/or
Clause 3.7, the Contractor shall have to carry out two (2) further tests
including the installation of additional test piles, entirely at his own costs and
expenses and time, to the satisfaction of the Engineer and as directed.

3.8.2 In the event that eight or more piles fail then it shall be deemed that the
entire piling works has failed. All direct and consequential damages and/or
losses suffered due to failure of this part of the Contract will have to be
borne by the Contractor.

3.8.3 In the event of the working test pile failure, the Engineer may require
installation of additional and/or compensating piles as he deems fit and
entirely at the Contractor's costs and expenses. Engineering design costs
and the associated structural costs of remedial works shall also be at the
Contractor's costs and expenses.

3.8.4 Piles Carrying Lateral Loads

In the event that a pile fails a lateral working load test, carry out remedial
measures as follows: Carry out a structural assessment to ensure the pile is structurally

sound. Excavation of all materials for a distance of not less than 5 metres
from pile face around the entire pile to minimum 1m below the
level of the pile cap soffit. The width of excavation is to be the
same on all sides of the pile. Backfilling and compaction of the excavation hard against the pile
and testing and re-testing as appropriate. Finally, completion of
backfilling and compaction to the level of the top of the pile cap.

Alternative remedial measures such as compensating piles may be

proposed subject to the acceptance of the Engineer. Carry out additional
load tests as directed by the Engineer.


4.1 Source of Materials

Do not change sources of supply until it has been demonstrated that the materials
from the new source can meet all the specified requirements.

Remove from Site any material that fails to comply with the Specifications.

4.2 Drilling Fluid

4.2.1 General Requirement

Where drilling fluid is used it is to be such as to:

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(a) Provide continuous support of the excavation

(b) Be easily displaced during concreting
(c) Not pollute the ground at any stage
(d) Not coat the reinforcement such as to impair the steel/concrete bond

Drilling fluid including Bentonite supplied to the site and prior to mixing is to
be in accordance with API Specification 13A 5th Edition (1993) Drilling Fluid.

4.3 Water

Water used for the construction is to be clean and free from harmful matter in solution
or suspension.

Water quality shall comply with BS EN 1008.

4.4 Concrete

Concrete for piles shall be in accordance with the Concrete Section of this

4.4.1 Concrete shall be an approved mix, having characteristic strength at the age
of 28 days of 35 MPa unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, with
minimum slump of 100 mm. All materials for making concrete shall be of
best quality and shall comply with current issues of appropriate European
Standards (EN). The water/cement ratio shall at all times be the minimum
required to produce concrete of a workability appropriate to the method of
placing and compaction and to avoid softening of clay due to excess water
in the concrete, and in no event greater than 0.5.

4.4.2 Design Mixes: Mix design to comply with requirements as set out in Table 1.










Strength Class

Characteristic Strength at
50 45 40 35 32 25 20 16 12
28 days, fck (N/mm2)

Characteristic Strength at
60 55 50 45 40 30 25 20 15
28 days, fck,cube (N/mm2 )

Minimum cement content

in kg/m3 of fully 485 475 425 375 350 350 300 270 205
compacted concrete

Maximum cement content

in kg/m3 of fully 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
compacted concrete

Maximum water/cement
0.4 0.4 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.7

4.4.3 Aggregate shall be 20mm size, graded to MS EN 12620:2002+A1:2008.

Samples of coarse and fine aggregate shall be sent to an approved
independent laboratory for comprehensive testing in accordance with the

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relevant European Standards, and the results shall be sent to the Engineer
for his approval, prior to the commencement of Work.

4.4.4 The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval his proposals on
concrete mixes and suppliers of materials, including results of preliminary
tests on concrete prior to commencing work on Site.

4.4.5 In cases where it is intended that the temporary linings are to be withdrawn
without the assistance of the mechanical oscillation methods, a retarding
additive to concrete shall be used provided it is approved by the Engineer
and is used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

4.4.6 Chloride Content

Limit the chloride content of the proposed concrete, including chloride

contained in the admixtures, to that specified in MS EN 206 - 1,. Provide
written evidence of conformance.

4.4.7 Calcium Chloride

Not to be included in any concrete

4.4.8 Alkali-Silica Reaction

Take precautions, in accordance with MS EN 206 - 1,, to prevent alkali-silica

reaction. Test aggregates to determine any varieties of susceptible silicas
and for other local requirements.

4.4.9 Sulphates

Take precautions to restrict the amount of sulphate in the proposed

concrete, in accordance with MS EN 206 - 1.

4.5 Ready Mixed Concrete

Whenever possible, ready mixed concrete shall be used.

4.5.1 The Contractor shall furnish the name of the intended concrete supplier for
approval. The Engineer reserves the right to inspect the supplier's facilities
and to require samples of cement, fine and coarse aggregates and prepared
admixtures for testing. The cost of such tests shall be borne by the

4.5.2 The Contractor shall take full responsibility, notwithstanding the Engineer's
approval, to ensure that all ready-mixed concrete conforms to BS 1926 and
this Specification. Concrete which does not comply shall be rejected and
shall be immediately removed from the Site.

4.5.3 The Contractor shall furnish a valid copy of the Certificate of Conformity to
MS EN 206, prior to the commencement of Works.

4.5.4 In order to determine compliance with these Specifications, the Engineer

may call for tests to establish the cement content and the water/cement ratio
of the ready-mixed concrete delivered to the Site, and the Contractor shall
allow for such tests at no cost or time implication.

4.5.5 The Contractor shall furnish at least one day in advance the date set for
each casting of concrete.

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4.5.6 For each truck load of concrete delivered, the following information shall
appear on the delivery docket:

a) Name of ready-mixed concrete batching plant

b) Serial number of docket
c) Date and the license number of the truck
d) Name of the purchaser
e) Name and location of job
f) Specified characteristic concrete strength and the amount of cement
used (kg/m3) or the mix proportions
g) Quantity of concrete
h) Time of loading or of first mixing of cement and aggregate, whichever is
i) Agreed slump
j) Maximum size of coarse aggregates specified
k) Trade name of admixture, if any
l) The signature of the Engineer's representative (Resident Engineer or
Clerk of Works) who shall also enter the time of arrival of the truck and
the time of completion of discharge
m) Position where concrete is placed
n) Number of cubes taken, if any, and cube references
o) Any other requirements as may be instructed

4.5.7 The Contractor shall complete the following items of information on the
delivery docket after the discharge of each batch of concrete:

a) Arrival and departure times of the truck

b) Time of completion of discharge
c) Details of extra water or any other materials added on site
d) Position in the Works where concrete is placed

4.5.8 One copy of the docket shall be given to the Engineer's representative on
delivery which shall show the time when water was added to the mix, to
ensure the concrete can be placed in position without exceeding the two (2)
hour time limit following addition of water to the mix.

4.5.9 The Engineer reserves the right to instruct the Contractor to change the
supplier due to unsatisfactory performance or to rescind his approval for
further use of ready-mixed concrete during the progress of the Works, if any
of the requirement has, in his opinion, not been satisfactorily complied with.

4.5.10 No water shall be added to the concrete on the Site to increase its

4.5.11 While it is not being discharged, the concrete in a transit truck/truck

mixer/agitator shall be kept continuously agitated.

4.5.12 The concrete shall be placed in its final position and left undisturbed within
two (2) hours from the time when the water was added to the mix.

4.6 Grout

Grout containing fine aggregate may be used in place of concrete. Constituents are to
be water, ordinary Portland cement, fine aggregate where permitted and admixtures
subject to agreement.

4.6.1 Minimum Cement Content

Minimum cement content is to be 400kg/m³ for concrete to be placed under

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water or drilling fluid by tremie method.

4.6.2 Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate is to be In accordance with grading “C” or “M” of MS EN


4.7 Reinforcement

4.7.1 General

The reinforcement shall be high tensile strength steel to MS 145: 2006 and
MS 146: 2006, free from rust, scale, paint and grease, bent and placed in
accordance with the Engineer's Drawings. Cages and placing shall be
arranged so as not to interrupt concreting for more than twenty minutes.

The reinforcement shall be adequately fixed to avoid displacement and to

maintain the minimum specified cover during concreting and withdrawal of
linings. Reinforcement shall be placed with 75 mm cover and project a
minimum of 40 x bar diameter above the pile cut-off level, unless specified
otherwise on the Drawings.

4.7.2 Joints in Reinforcement

Ensure the main longitudinal reinforcing bars in piles not exceeding 12 m in

length is in one continuous length unless otherwise agreed. In piles
exceeding 12 m long, provide laps in main longitudinal bars at 12 m nominal
intervals. Joints in adjacent bars shall be staggered at least 1m apart along
the length of the pile. Joints in reinforcement shall be such that the full
strength of the bar is effective across the joint. Lap or splice joints shall be
provided with sufficient link bars to resist eccentric forces. Reinforcement shall
be designed to suit bending moment corresponding to maximum eccentricity
in conjunction with maximum design load.

Welded joints shall be made in accordance with MS EN 1011-2:2001

4.7.3 Spacers

Check that spacers are designed and manufactured using materials, which
will not lead to reinforcement corrosion or spalling of the concrete cover.
Detail, supply and fix all spacers, in accordance with MS EN 1992-1-1. Seek
Engineer’s acceptance for spacers where the concrete will be exposed
subsequently. Mortar spacers to have durability and strength characteristics
not less than the surrounding concrete.

4.7.4 Reinforcing Bars

Use the following types, to MS 145: 2006 & MS 146: 2006

• Plain bar reinforcement: Grade 250 as specified in the drawings.

• Deformed bar reinforcement: Grade 460 as specified in the drawings.

4.7.5 Galvanized Reinforcement

Comply with ISO 1460 and ISO 1461 after cutting and bending. Thickness
of galvanized coating to be in accordance with SO 1460 and ISO 1461.

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4.7.6 Stainless Steel Bar Reinforcement

To BS 6744, Type 304 S31 and 316 S33, strength Grade 250 for plain
round bars and Grade 500 for deformed high yield steel bars.

4.7.7 Epoxy Coated Bar Reinforcement

To BS ISO 14654, bond classification Type 1 or 2 as indicated in the

drawings. Handle and fix so as to avoid damage to the coating, and avoid
exposing the underlying steel.

4.7.8 Welded Fabric Reinforcement

Comply to MS 145: 2006

4.7.9 Couplers (Mechanical splicing)

Performance requirements of couplers shall be in compliance with CIRIA

Report 92. Carry out installation in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendation, subject to acceptance by the Engineer.

Welded or lap splices for vertical reinforcing steel shall not be permitted for
bars larger than T32 in size. For bars greater than T32, mechanical couplers
meeting Type 2 splice requirements in accordance with ACI 318-2002,
ICBO evaluation service acceptance criteria AC 133 mechanical connectors
for steel bar reinforcement (effective 1 October 2002), and ICC evaluation
service, shall be permitted.

4.8 Temporary Casings

Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, temporary casings of accepted quality or
an accepted alternative method is to be used to maintain the stability of pile
excavation. Propose to Engineer’s acceptance, the depth, size and thickness of
casing to be provided.

Temporary casings are to be free from significant distortion. They are to be of uniform
cross-section throughout each continuous length. During concreting they are to be
free from internal projections and encrusted concrete, which might prevent proper
formation of the piles.

4.9 Permanent Steel Casings

When permanent casings are required, use S275 steel sections in compliance with
MS EN 10210.


5.1 General Workmanship Requirements

Ensure the equipment set up and installation procedures are in conformance with MS
EN 1997-1:2004.

5.1.1 Depth of Penetration

Install each pile to a penetration as indicated in the drawings or as adjusted

as a result of the design verification check as stipulated under Clause 1.4
and 2.4.

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5.1.2 Socketing of End Bearing Piles

For all piles indicated as end bearing in the drawings or schedules, form a
socket of depth at least 3m or 2 times diameter, whichever is larger, into the
material that meets the founding conditions, unless indicated in the
drawings or modified as a result of the verification check in Clause 1.4.1 and
2.2, as approved by the Engineer.

5.1.3 Pile Toe

Adopt a construction method, which ensures that the soil below the pile is
not softened. Ensure that no drilling fluid or slurry remains at the base of the

5.1.4 Continuity of Construction Time for Excavation and Concreting

Each pile is to be excavated and concreted within twenty-four hours

from the start of excavation below any temporary casing.

Where this time restraint cannot reasonably be met, set out an

alternative in the method statement together with an estimate of the
likely effect on the performance and capacity of the pile. Construction without temporary casing

A pile constructed in a stable cohesive soil without the use of

temporary casing or other form of support is to be bored and
concreted without prolonged delay and in any case soon enough to
ensure that the performance of the pile is not impaired.

5.1.5 Construction Setting Out

The Contractor shall employ an approved licensed surveyor to set out the
grids based on the setting out plan provided by the Engineer. Piles shall be
set out from grid lines or from the building line where necessary. Setting out
must be agreed between the Contractor and the Engineer in writing prior to
the commencement of Work. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all
costs and delays arising from incorrect setting out, including any
consequential losses suffered by the Employer.

Where piles touch the building line, the Contractor must ensure that these
are installed within such restricted lines. Any special tolerances required
must be agreed with the Architect before Commencement of Work.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of locating and

positioning each pile. Any error in setting out shall be made good at the
Contractor's expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Subsequent
redesign of the structure due to errors in the setting out will be undertaken by
the Engineer at the Contractor's costs and expenses.

5.2 Trial Bores

Conduct trial bores to confirm the ground conditions and the feasibility of the
proposed method of installation.

Agree with the Engineer on the location, depth and size of the trial bores.

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5.3 Boring Excavation

5.3.1 General Submit a detailed method statement clarifying the procedure for

installing the bored piles including the method of overcoming any
obstructions encountered and drilling through hard rock for the
Engineer’s acceptance. The method of excavation is to ensure no
soil collapse in the bored holes. Do not commence working pile
excavation before method of excavation is accepted.

Carry out boring excavation generally using boring or reversed

circulation drilling equipment operating at the existing ground level.

Provide temporary steel casing and drilling fluid, if necessary, to

support the excavation.

Ensure the extreme dimensions (teeth to teeth) of the boring bucket

or auger is not smaller than the specified pile diameter.

Do not dewater within the excavated bored holes.

The boring shall be with an approved auger and shall be made in

one continuous operation. Each pile shall be concreted the same
day it is bored. Bores shall not be left open overnight. The sides of the bores must be kept intact and water free by use
of linings, supplemented by external grouting where appropriate. Casings shall be left in where ingress of water cannot be sealed

by grouting or where shaft sides are unstable. No loose material
shall be allowed to fall in the bottom of the bores Rates for boring shall be based on whatever ground conditions

found. No extra cost or time shall be allowed for boring through
more difficult soil conditions than those envisaged by the
Contractor. Each bored hole shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer
or his representative before any concrete is placed. The
Contractor shall provide all facilities including full depth temporary
lining, safety harness and breathing apparatus for the Engineer's
inspection. If ground water is found in any bored hole or if the sides of the
shaft tend to collapse, then steel casing and/or an approved
bentonite solution of sufficient strength to maintain the sides shall
be utilised, as appropriate. The Contractor will have to adopt all
measures as directed by the Engineer at no extra cost or time to
the Contract. Reinforcement cages shall be supported firmly and centrally within

the shaft so that no movement will occur during concreting

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 26

BORED PILING The bases of all the piles under this Contract shall be cleaned using
air-lift and/or other approved sophisticated means to ensure that the
pile bases are clean and sound, before concrete is placed.

5.3.2 Boring Proximity

Do not bore so close to piles that have been recently cast which contain
workable or partially set concrete that a flow of concrete or instability could
be induced or damage sustained by any previously formed piles.

Boring is to be kept clear from a minimum distance of 6 times pile diameter

from a newly cast pile within 24 hours after casting. Piles in Same Group

No two piles in the same group shall be constructed concurrently if

the minimum distance between them is less than 6 times the larger
pile diameter or 12 m, whichever is larger.

5.3.3 Ground Conditions

Report to the Engineer immediately any apparent variance in the ground

conditions from those reported or might have been inferred from reports.

5.3.4 Rock Socketting and Obstructions

When socketting through rock has been called for or in the event of
encountering obstructions below ground level during boring, use reverse
circulation drilling method, chiselling or propose other means for Engineer’s
acceptance to bore through the obstruction or rock.

Should the reverse circulation drilling method fail to clear the obstruction or
rock, propose and employ other methods including predrilling with coring to
assist in the clearing of the obstructions.

5.3.5 Temporary Casing

Unless otherwise agreed, provide a temporary casing of appropriate size

and length to support the excavation. Use low vibration equipment to install
and extract casing for bores in built-up areas.

5.3.6 Pumping from Pile Excavation

Do not pump from a pile excavation unless a casing has been placed into a
stable stratum, which prevents the flow of water from the other strata in
significant quantities into the boring, or unless it can be shown that pumping
will not have detrimental effect on the surrounding soil or property.

5.3.7 Determining Penetration Depth

Verify soil extracted as consistent with design assumptions in accordance

with Clause 1.4.1. above. Terminate boring at the level indicated in the
drawings, subject to modifications as a result of verification, check with
reference to Clause 1.4.1. and to Engineer’s approval. Keep soil samples
drilled at strata change and at 3m intervals for records for each pile.

5.3.8 Empty Bore

True cut-off levels generally vary and would go up to about 15m below

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ground. Therefore, where empty boring occurs, the Contractor shall take all
precautions not to contaminate the concrete at the head or elsewhere in the

The Contractor shall be responsible and pay for the removal and re-casting
of all concrete which is contaminated at or below the true cut-off level.

5.4 Use of Drilling Fluid

5.4.1 Proposal for Use

Propose for the Engineer’s acceptance for the need to use drilling fluid. If
acceptable, propose suitable type and method of drilling fluid to be used.

5.4.2 Storage

Store solid additives in separate waterproof stores or containers, which will

prevent the materials from becoming contaminated.

5.4.3 Use

Use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions unless there is a

demonstrable reason to do otherwise.

5.4.4 Mixing

Mix drilling fluid thoroughly with clean fresh water to make a suspension,
which will maintain the stability of the pile excavation for the period
necessary to place concrete and complete construction.

Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, take special

precautions to modify the drilling fluid suspension or prehydrate the drilling
fluid in fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respects for the
construction of piles.

5.4.5 Stability of Pile Excavation Using Drilling Fluid

Where the use of drilling fluid is accepted for maintaining the stability of a
boring, maintain the level of the fluid in the excavation so that the fluid
pressure always exceeds the pressures exerted by the soils and
groundwater. Use an adequate temporary casing in conjunction with the
method to ensure the stability of the strata near ground level until the
concrete has been placed.

Maintain the fluid level at a level not less than 2m above the level of the
groundwater unless otherwise agreed.

In the event of a rapid loss of drilling fluid from the pile excavation, backfill
the excavation without delay and inform the Engineer immediately. Obtain
directions from the Engineer before excavation at that location is resumed.

5.4.6 Spillage and Disposal

Take all reasonable steps to prevent the spillage of drilling fluid suspension
on the site in areas outside the immediate vicinity of boring. Remove
discarded drilling fluid from the site without delay. Disposal of drilling fluid is
to comply with the regulations of the appropriate authority.

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5.5 Cleanliness of Pile Bases

On completion of boring and immediately prior to casting, remove all loose, disturbed
or remoulded soil or rock from the base of the pile while avoiding disturbance to the
ground below the base. Maintain the stability of the bore at all times, using
appropriate levels of support fluid as required.

5.6 Reinforcement

5.6.1 General

Store reinforcement clear of the ground, and protect from mud, oil and other
substances that may adversely affect its use in the works.

Make up cages and fix securely in accordance with the reinforcement detail
drawings to provide adequate rigidity and to ensure that the specified cover
and required fit within the mould are achieved.

5.6.2 Fixing

Keep the number of joints in the longitudinal bars to a minimum. Arrange the
joints such that the full strength of each bar is effective.

Ensure the reinforcement cages are sufficiently rigid to enable them to be

handled, placed and concreted without damage.

Welding is to be in accordance with: BS EN ISO 17660-1:2006 and BS EN

ISO 17660-2:2006.

5.6.3 Placing

Lower the steel reinforcement accurately into position with sufficient spacer
blocks to ensure the correct cover is maintained at all times. Spacer blocks
are to be of suitable durability. Allow a vertical tolerance of +150/-50mm on
the level of the reinforcement projecting above the cut-off level.

5.6.4 Cover to Reinforcement

Ensure cover provided comply with MS EN 1997-1:2012 and MS EN 1997-

1:2012, unless otherwise indicated in the drawings.

5.7 Pile Casting

Read these clauses in conjunction with Clause 4.1 to 4.3.

Reinforcement shall be fixed and concreting commenced immediately after the

Engineer approves the condition of the bore. Each pile shall be concreted the same
day it is bored. Bores shall not be left open overnight.

Concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation from bottom to top and the top
3.0m below cut-off level shall be vibrated as the concrete is placed.

For the purpose of this Contract, all piles shall be concreted using a tremie pipe
whether the borehole contains water or not.

For concreting of all piles 1500 mm or larger in diameter, minimum two tremie pipes
must be used. Concreting using both the pipes must be simultaneous.

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An additional 750-1000 mm of concrete above the true cut-off level is to be provided

to allow for final cutting back by the Contractor, to sound concrete on completion of
piling. The trimming of piles to the final cut-off levels shall be carried out in
accordance with Section 01016 Particular Specification.

5.7.1 General

Adopt a method of placing, and a suitable workability of the concrete, so as

to form a continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section.

Place the concrete without such interruption as would allow the workability
of the previously placed batch to have deteriorated significantly. The method
of placing is to be accepted by the Engineer. If necessary, incorporate an
accepted set retarding additive into the mix in order to ensure extended
workability of the concrete after placement.

Take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete to
avoid arching of the concrete in a casing.

Prevent contamination of the concrete by spoil, liquid or other foreign


5.7.2 Workability of Concrete

Use slump testing for mixes with workability type A as in Table 5.7.2 below.
Use flow testing as an alternative workability test for higher workability
mixes if practical, submit proposals for Engineer’s acceptance.

Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile shaft or at the time of
discharge into the concrete pump hopper is to be in accordance with the
standards shown in the table below, unless otherwise agreed.

Do not use a concrete pump to place tremie concrete directly into the pile

Table 5.7.2

Class of Target Flow
Min Max Typical Condition of Use
Workability (mm)
(mm) (mm)

A Not applicable 75 125 Placed into water-free or

permanently lined shaft;
reinforcement spaced at not less
than 100mm centres
B 500+/-50 100 175* Where reinforcement is spaced
at less than 600mm, or pile bore
is water free and less than
600mm diameter

C 550+/-50 175 225* Where concrete is to be placed

by tremie under drilling fluid

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5.7.3 Compaction

Do not use internal vibrators to compact concrete in the pile shafts.

5.7.4 Placing Concrete in Dry Shafts

If the pile shaft is completely dry and stable, allow concrete to be discharged
directly into the borehole. Before placing of concrete, clean out all loose

Take necessary measures to avoid loosening of the sidewalls of the shaft,

segregation, and bleeding; and to ensure that the concrete at the bottom of
the borehole is not deficient in grout.

Use a hopper and a length of rigid delivery tube of not less than 3m to
ensure the concrete falls centrally down the shaft. The lower end of delivery
tube must be no more than 10m above the bottom of the reinforcement
cage. At no time must the concrete be allowed to free-fall more than 10m.

5.7.5 Placing Concrete Under Water or Under Drilling Fluid

Place concrete under water or drilling fluid using a tremie concrete pipe. Do
not engage alternative methods of underwater placement such as the use of
a drop bottom bucket or hose from a concrete pump unless otherwise

Do not discharge concrete freely into the water or drilling fluid.

Before placing the concrete, ensure, by a method acceptable to the

Engineer, that there is no accumulation of silt or other material at the base of
the boring, and ensure that heavily contaminated drilling fluid suspension,
which could impair the free flow of concrete from the pipe of the tremie has
not accumulated in the bottom of the hole.

Take a sample of the drilling fluid suspension from the top and the base of
the boring using an accepted sampling device. If the specific gravity of the
suspension exceeds 1.25 or does not comply in any respect with the stated
limits for the particular material, do not proceed with the placing of concrete.
In this event, modify or replace the drilling fluid as agreed to meet the
Specification. Tremie Equipment

Check that the hopper and pipe of the tremie is clean and watertight

Extend the pipe to the base of the boring and place a sliding plug or
barrier in the pipe to prevent direct contact between the first charge
of concrete in the pipe of the tremie and the water or drilling fluid. If
the plug or barrier is sacrificial, do not retain it in the mass of the
concrete. Tremie Procedure

Keep the tremie pipe outlet at least 2 m below the surface of the
concrete at all stages in the pour to prevent the re-entry of slurry
into the pipe and do not withdraw until concreting is complete.

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Develop a system of level checks for the concrete and pipe outlet to
ensure that this requirement is met.

At all times, maintain a sufficient quantity of concrete within the pipe

to ensure that the pressure from it exceeds that from the water or
drilling fluid. The internal diameter of the pipe of the tremie is not to
be less than 250 mm.

The number of tremie tubes per pile is to be acceptable to the

Engineer. Where more than one tremie pipe is employed during
concrete pouring to any one pile, arrange the charging of concrete
in the tubes so that it is evenly distributed between the tubes and no
differential head exists at the concrete/slurry interface over the
length of the pile. Confirm this level by soundings taken during the
concrete pour. Delay in Concreting Operation

Should a delay or breakdown occur during the concreting operation,

which in the opinion of the Engineer could cause a cold joint,
entrapment of laitance in the tremie concrete, or otherwise lead to
defective concrete, abandon the concrete placing. Ensure that an
adequate supply of concrete to the tremie is available at all times so
that placement is continuous.

5.7.6 Monitoring of Concrete Level During Pile Casting

For each truckload of concrete discharged, counter-check the rise in

concrete level against the expected increase. A graph showing the
theoretical and placed concrete volumes is to be plotted against depth
during concreting and submitted to Engineer for confirmation. If the rise in
concrete level is found to be higher than it is physically possible with the
amount of concrete discharged, demonstrate the integrity of the pile to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

5.7.7 Construction Joints

Construction joints will be allowed in case of an emergency, ie. total

breakdown of concrete supplies. In such cases, the concrete shall be
thoroughly vibrated, and dowel bars, similar to those in pile heads, inserted.
On resumption of concreting, the pile shall be inspected, thoroughly cleaned
and grouted.

The Contractor shall have available on Site, emergency reinforcement

cages at all times.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, no claim will be allowed for

such work.

5.7.8 Pile Head Casting Level Tolerances Piles cast in dry bores with temporary casing

Cast pile heads to a level above the specified cut-off so that a

sound concrete connection can be made after trimming. The casting
level is to be 0.75m to 1.0m above the cut-off level.

In the event of the ground water level being higher than the required
pile head casting level shown on the Drawings, submit proposals for

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 32


acceptance prior to placing concrete. Do not leave the pile head

below the ground water level unless acceptable precautions are
taken. Piles Cast in Dry Bores with Permanent Lining Tubes or Casings

Where permanent lining tubes or casings are used to where the cut-
off is in stable ground below the base of any casing used, cast pile
heads to a level above the specified cut-off so that a sound concrete
connection can be made after trimming. The casting level is to be
0.75 to 1.0m above the cut-off level.

Where cut-off levels are specified below the standing groundwater

level, do not reduce the borehole fluid level below the standing
groundwater level until the concrete has set.

5.7.9 Extraction of Casing General

Remove the casing in such a manner that no defect or damage will

be sustained by the newly cast piles. Workability of Concrete

Extract temporary casings before the initial setting time of the

concrete expires and when the concrete remains sufficiently
workable to ensure that it is not lifted. Should a semi-dry mix have
been accepted for formed piles, submit the means of ensuring that
the semi-dry concrete does not lift during extraction of the casing.

During extraction maintain the motion of the casing in the axial

direction of the pile. Concrete Level

When the casing is being extracted, maintain a sufficient quantity of

concrete within it to ensure that pressure from external water,
drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that the pile is neither reduced in
section nor contaminated.

Do not place concrete in the boring once the bottom of the casing
has been lifted above the top of the concrete; place it continuously
as the casing is extracted until the desired head of concrete is

Take adequate precautions in all cases where excess heads of

water or drilling fluid could be caused as the casing is withdrawn
because of the displacement of water or fluid by the concrete as it
flows into its final position against the walls of the shaft. Where two
or more discontinuous lengths of casing (double casing) are used in
the construction, the proposed method of working is to be
acceptable to the Engineer.

5.7.10 Overbreak

Ensure that the method of construction does not cause an overbreak of

larger than 100% of the nominal pile concrete volume. Where the overbreak
is larger than 100%, the pile is deemed to be defective. Propose suitable

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 33


remedial measures including load tests justifying the capacity of the piles for
Engineer’s acceptance.

5.8 Backfilling Empty Boring

After each pile has been cast, backfill any empty bore remaining carefully as soon as
possible with acceptable materials. Ensure the method of discharging is accepted by
the Engineer and in a manner that will not affect the integrity of the completed pile.

5.9 Grouting of Piles

5.9.1 Specific Requirement for Pile Grouting

Refer to the contract drawings for the need for pile grouting.

Where the base or sides of the pile are to be pressure grouted, construct
the piles with grout tubes and all other necessary equipment for grouting.

5.9.2 Grout Batching

Maintain weighing and water dispensing mechanisms to the levels

of accuracy stipulated in BS 1305. Measure the moisture contents
of aggregates immediately before mixing. Mixing

Mix all ingredients thoroughly to produce a homogeneous mix. After

mixing, pass mix through a 5mm aperture sieve and use within 30
minutes. Transporting

Transport so as to avoid segregation of the mix. Method of Grouting

The method adopted is to be such that all requirements of the

specification in regard to load-settlement behaviour and pile uplift
during grouting are met. Grout Tubes

Test the tubes to ensure that leakage at the joints does not occur
under pressure. Protect the tops of the tubes during and after

Clean the tubes by flushing with water after grouting is complete.

Re-grout if the specified uplift or target pressures are not achieved.

Monitor the grout pressure during all operations. Pile Uplift

Monitor the uplift of piles during grouting using an appropriate

monitoring device and reference frame. During base grouting the
pile uplift is to be within the range 0.2mm to 2.0mm.

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5.10 Tolerances

5.10.1 Setting Out

Establish all lines, levels and be responsible for the correct positions of all
piles. Carry out setting out from the main grid lines of the proposed
structure. Immediately before installation of the pile, mark the pile position
with suitable identifiable pins or markers. Casing position

Check the casing position during and after placing the casing. Boring

Full nominal cross-section must be maintained throughout its length.

The shaft shall not deviate from vertical by more than 1 in 100, and
shall be measured on Site using a plumb line at ground level and
rechecked at the cut-off level.

Depth of piles shall be confirmed with the Engineer as Work


5.10.2 Position

The maximum permitted deviation at cut off level of the pile centre from the
centre point shown on the setting out drawing is to be 75 mm in any
direction except piles up to 700 mm diameter where maximum tolerance is 50
mm. The centre of the pile at cut-off level shall be the theoretical centre. A
survey of the eccentricity of each pile and the pile group is to be carried out
by a Licensed Surveyor, with the results submitted to the Engineer within 14
days or as directed after the pile has been trimmed to its cut-off level.

5.10.3 Verticality

For vertical piles, the maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from
the vertical is 1 in 100.

5.10.4 Rake

For raked piles, the piling rig is to be set and maintained to attain the
required rake. The maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from
the specified rake is 1 in 25.

5.10.5 Pile Diameter

The cross-sectional dimension of the pile is not to be less than specified.

Check the auger width as required and record for each pile to ensure the
specified diameter is achieved.

Allow a tolerance of 5% on the auger width. Enlarged Pile Bases

Enlarged bases formed mechanically is to be not less than the

specified dimensions and concentric with the pile shaft within a
tolerance of 10% of the shaft diameter.

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 35


The angle between the sloping (upper) surface of the base and the
axis of the pile is not to exceed 35° and at the specified diameter of
the base at the perimeter the thickness of the base is not to be less
than 150mm.

5.10.6 Cut-Off

The permissible tolerance in the true cut-off level will be plus or minus 25 mm,
upon final trimming.

The Contractor will be responsible for all additional works such as pile caps,
tie beams, installation of compensating pile etc, including Cost of Redesign,
resulting from tolerances outside those specified herein. All corrective
redesign of the structure shall be carried out by the Engineer at the
Contractor's cost and expense and time. The cost of redesign by the Engineer
shall be based on the hourly rates listed in the Particular Specification.

5.10.7 Reinforcement

The as-installed location of reinforcement cages for the piles including the
projecting reinforcement at the cut-off level shall be within plus or minus 25
mm of the specified position on plan.

5.11 Protection to Piles

Ensure that, during the course of the work, no damage or displacement, which could
impair performance or durability, occurs to the completed piles.

Do not bore nor drive pile casing nearer than five times its diameter (measured centre
to centre) from an unfilled pile excavation or from an uncased concrete pile where the
concrete has been in place less than 24 hours.

5.11.1 Undesirable Imposed Forces

Do not subject installed piles to any forces (direct or indirect) prior to their
incorporation into the superstructure unless accepted by the Engineer.

Cracks, tilting or bending of piles are sufficient evidence that undesirable

forces have been imposed on the piles.

5.12 Replacement of Piles

5.12.1 Rejection of Piles

Any piles cracked, deformed, twisted or suspected to be damaged in any

way or not installed within the specified tolerance is to be rejected at the
discretion of the Engineer.

5.12.2 Remedial Proposals

In the event of pile rejection, propose remedial measures including replacing

the rejected piles or supplement by substitute piles for Engineer’s

Propose the details of modification of design to the pile caps, any required
compensating piles, and other measures as necessary. All proposals are to
be endorsed by a PE.

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5.13 Cleaning Up

Remove from the site periodically during the works and on completion all
unnecessary plant, rubbish and debris resulting from the activities.

All excavated material from boreholes shall be removed off-site to the approval of the

5.14 Non-Performance of Working Piles

Notify the Engineer if the performance of any pile is expected to be less than that of a
similar pile whose test behaviour has been accepted.

5.15 Cutting Off Pile Heads

The Contractor shall be responsible for the soundness of pile heads at cut-off level,
the specified level at which piles are required to terminate.

Notwithstanding any provisions of this Specification, concrete in pile heads shall be

thoroughly vibrated, reinforced and undisturbed by withdrawal of linings.

The concrete shall be clean, sound, uncontaminated by any foreign matter and free
from laitance.

On completion of installation of piles, cut-off the piles to the required level as shown
on the Drawings and to a tolerance of plus or minus 20 mm unless otherwise agreed.

Where a pile has been formed below the required cut-off level, build up the deficient
portion and ensure the reinforcement is to project for a minimum length as stipulated
below. Submit the method of cutting the pile heads for Engineer’s acceptance.

Take care to avoid shattering or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Cut away
any cracked or defective concrete and make good with new concrete properly bonded
to the old.

Table 5.15 Minimum Bond Length

Concrete Class of Pilecap C28/35 C32/40 or more

High Tensile Steel (fy=500N/mm2) 37D 32D

Mild Steel (fy=250N/mm2) 36D 31D

D = nominal diameter of bar

5.16 Tension Piles

When piles are subjected to net uplift, these shall be designed to provide a minimum
safety factor of 1.4 against maximum uplift during temporary condition.

The frictional parameters adopted to develop shaft friction shall be proven and a
partial safety factor applied to the proven ultimate skin friction parameters which shall
not be less than 3.5.

Reinforcement in tension piles shall be provided for the full length with adequate
tension splices (mechanical couplers) and lateral reinforcement to provide a durable
uplift-resistant system.

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5.17 Lateral Load Resisting Piles

Reinforcement in the piles shall be provided for the full length with adequate tension
splices and lateral reinforcement to provide a durable lateral resistant system.

The lateral deflection of the pile at cut-off level shall be limited to 12mm at one time
working load.

The Contractor shall submit the proposed design of the lateral load resisting piles and
the method statement for carrying out the load test at the time of tender submission.

5.18 Noise and Disturbance

Carry out the work in such a manner as to minimise noise, vibration and other

Comply with all current regulations and environmental controls.

5.19 As Built Pile Penetration Length, Final Survey and As-Built Drawing

The Contractor shall update and submit progressively to the Engineer, the as-built
records, including the penetration length calculations and drawings. The as-built
records shall be submitted to the Engineer fortnightly and no later than 14 days after
each and every pile installed.

After installation of the piles, the Contractor shall employ a licensed surveyor to
prepare a layout plan showing offsets of all installed piles from the theoretical
locations, and shall submit such drawings in triplicate to the Engineer. Inclinations of
all the piles shall also be surveyed and submitted as soon as possible.

On completion of the trimming to cut-off-levels of the piles, engage a registered land

surveyor to survey and prepare a survey plan and as-built drawing showing the
position, cut off level, founding levels and eccentricity of the piles.

Allow for the survey plans to be taken in batches and to carry out the survey work on
several visits. Submit within timing and format as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also submit six (6) certified copies plus six (6) nos. of CD-Rom
with the drawing showing the as-installed length and cut-off level of each pile within
14 days from the completion date. These as-built drawings shall be certified by
Contractor's own PE.

5.20 Removal on Completion

On completion of all pile testing, all temporary works and equipment shall be removed
by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer.


6.1 Submissions

6.1.1 Submission at Tender

Submit the following details with the tender:

(a) Proposals to deal with noise and vibration, and an assessment of

vibration characteristics for the different piling operations and how they
will attenuate with distance.

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 38


(b) Details of proposed method of boring and construction of piles.

(c) Details of method of achieving penetration of the piles, as well as
through obstructions.
(d) Method of fabrication and details of reinforcement cages for each size
of pile. The reinforcement shall not be less than that elsewhere
specified in this Specification.
(e) Methods adopted for ensuring a seal at the bottom of casings prior to
concreting and safe guards to be adopted if tremie pipes are used for
(f) Methods adopted for forming belled-bases, if any.
(g) Methods used for cleaning and examining the base before grouting.
(h) Calculations for pile lengths including the socketed lengths and
adopted parameters for bearing and skin friction.
(i) Details of method of avoidance of critical services.
(j) Work programme indicating the anticipated time required for installation
of the piles from (commencement of site works/start of excavation) to
(k) Track records showing evidence of experience of this type of work.
(l) General methods for control of the piling works.
(m) Confirm that the ground investigation information provided is adequate
for the piling works and design verification. List any concerns in the
(n) Details of the action that would be taken to stabilise an excavation if for
any reason the completion to the excavation of the concreting is
delayed or prevented.

6.1.2 Method Statement

Prior to commencement of piling works, submit a method statement for the

proposed method of installation to achieve the required performance

(a) All relevant details of the method proposed during tender, including
details of the method of transporting and placing concrete in piles and
how the specified casting level tolerance will be achieved.
(b) Method of overcoming any obstructions encountered and drilling
through hard rock and ensuring no soil collapse within the borehole.
Include details of the reversed circulation drilling, chiselling or other
method as proposed.
(c) Methods to achieve the specified maximum permitted verticality of pile.
Method of checking the verticality and corrective actions to be taken if
the deviation exceeds the maximum permitted limits.
(d) Methods for installing piles in ground which exhibits Artesian conditions
at depth.
(e) Details of proposed plant and boring equipment
(f) Details of proposed monitoring equipment
(g) Details of specialists used for grouting
(h) Details of concrete and grout mixes
(i) Methods of concreting and grouting
(j) Methods of handling reinforcement
(k) Details of spacers to be used on reinforcement cage
(l) Details of permanent casing and the method of installation
(m) Details and properties of support fluid.
(n) Do not commence work for working piles before proposed methods are

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 39


6.1.3 Piling Programme

Submit to Engineer’s acceptance the sequence and programme of working

pile installation. Inform the Engineer of the piling programme scheduled for
the following day and give adequate notice of any intention to work outside
normal hours and on weekends.

6.1.4 Monitoring of Adjacent Structures

Provide proposals for surveys and monitoring of movement and vibration in

adjacent structures and services before work commences.

6.1.5 As-Built Details

Submit the details for the As-Built Drawings for the piling works on A1 size
drawings including at least the following details:

(a) Final setting out plan, pile depths, pile sizes, pile capacities, pile
eccentricities, pile lengths and cut-off levels.
(b) Location of piles which have been discarded and not in use, e.g.
abandoned piles, unused existing foundation, rejected piles and
preliminary test piles.
(c) Location and type of pile load tests.

Submit these drawings to the Engineer endorsed by a PE within 2 weeks

upon completing the works.

6.1.6 Quality Control Plan

Prepare and submit the quality control plan for Engineer’s acceptance prior
to starting work.

6.2 Inspection and Test Certificates

6.2.1 General

Provide the Engineer with test certificates, analyses and mill sheets. Ensure
that adequate notice is given to the Engineer when the processes can be
inspected or tests can be witnessed.

Inspect each pile bore prior to the placing of concrete in it. Provide suitable
equipment to the Engineer’s acceptance for carrying out the inspection.

6.2.2 Inspection of Bores

Inspect each pile bore prior to the placing of concrete in it. Provide suitable
equipment to the Engineer’s acceptance for carrying out the inspection.

Where the borehole is dry inspect from ground level to ensure that:

(a) The base is adequately clean

(b) The shaft is stable
(c) The bore has been constructed within specified tolerances

Provide adequate lighting, measuring tapes and the means of measuring


Keep records of the inspection of bores.

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 40


6.3 Tests

6.3.1 Compliance Testing of Concrete and Reinforcement General

Provide the Engineer with test certificates, analyses and mill

certificates. Ensure that adequate notice is given to the Engineer to
inspect the process or test. Concrete Compliance Testing

Carry out sampling and testing during concreting operations in

accordance with MS EN 206 – 1 and the appropriate parts of BS EN
12350. Supply three copies of all test results to the Engineer as
soon as they are available. Testing of Concrete Cubes

Test concrete cubes in an accepted SAC accredited

laboratory independent of contractual parties in
accordance with MS EN 12390:2012.

Six (6) test cubes shall be taken from every pile or as

directed by the Engineer or his representatives. The
test cubes shall be tested by an independent approved
laboratory. Two (2) cubes shall be tested at the age of
seven (7) days, and the remaining four (4) at the age
of 28 days.

Cubes shall have the same marks as the pile members

and shall be suffixed A, B, C, D, E and F in each set.
Thus cubes 1/A, 1/B, 2/A, 2/B etc shall be tested at the
age of seven (7) days. Similarly, cubes 1/C, 1/D, 1/E,
1/F, 2/C, 2/D, 2/E, 2/F etc shall be tested at the age of
28 days

The cubes shall be made and tested in accordance

with MS EN 12390:2012. The results of the tests shall
be sent to the Engineer and also kept on the Site for

The average strengths of the two cubes tested at

seven (7) days shall be used as indication only. If the
average strength is less than 0.75 of the characteristic
strength, the Engineer may instruct that the mix design
be modified to increase the mean strength of
subsequent concrete until satisfactory evidence is
obtained of its adequacy.

Tests shall be carried out in an accredited laboratory

and approved by the Engineer. The appropriate
strength requirement shall be considered to be
satisfied if, for the cubes tested at the specified age,
none of the strengths is below the required strength at
the age tested; and the difference between their
strength is not more than 20% of the average.

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 41


If the tests fail to meet these requirements, the

Contractor may be required to increase the target
mean strengths of subsequent batches to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

For each batch or delivery of concrete, a slump test

shall be carried out. Slump to be minimum 100 mm
and maximum 150 mm. Non-Destructive Testing

Carry out non-destructive tests for piles installed by

coring as directed. Reinforcement Compliance Testing Mill Certification

Prior to putting the reinforcement on site, provide mill
certificate to confirm that each batch of steel and mesh
supplied to the site complies with MS 145:2006, MS
146:2006 as appropriate. Include also information such
as country of origin and the name of supplier for
review. Details of Welding Works

Submit full details of welder’s qualifications, welding
procedures and joint details for acceptance prior to
carrying out the works if required for the project. Sample Tests

Carry out the following tests in an approved laboratory
on every batch of reinforcement delivered to site.
Testing requirements and frequency to be in
accordance with Ms 146:2006 for reinforcement bars
and MS 145:2006 for welded steel fabric;

▪ Tensile test
▪ Bend and Re-bend test
▪ Weldability test.

6.3.2 Grout Testing

Carry out cube testing in accordance with BS EN 12504-2:2012.

Each sample is to comprise of six cubes, three for testing at seven days and
three for testing at 28 days after casting.

6.4 Compliance Testing of Drilling Fluid

6.4.1 Verification of Drilling Fluid Material

Provide a certificate from the manufacturer of the drilling powder, showing

the properties of each consignment delivered to the site. The properties to
be given by the manufacturer are the apparent viscosity range (in
centipoises) and the gel strength range (in Newton’s per square metre) for
solids in water.

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 42


6.4.2 Frequency of Testing

Propose the frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure
of sampling prior to the commencement of the work. The frequency may
subsequently be varied as required, depending on the consistency of the
results obtained.

Measure the density of freshly mixed drilling fluid suspension daily as a

check on the quality of the suspension being formed. The measuring device
is to be calibrated to read to within 0.005 g/ml.

6.4.3 Testing Laboratory

Establish a suitably equipped and maintained site laboratory for testing the
support fluid. Provide skilled staff and all necessary apparatus to carry out
the sampling and testing.

6.4.4 Testing Batch Testing

Tests to determine density, viscosity, shear strength and pH value is

to be applied to each batch of freshly mixed or reconditioned drilling
fluid supplied to the pile boring and the results submitted before the
batch is used in excavations. For average soil conditions, the results
are to generally be within the ranges stated in Table below.

Carry out the tests until a consistent working pattern has been
established, take account of the mixing process, any blending of
freshly mixed drilling fluid suspension and previously used drilling
fluid suspension and any process which may be used to remove
impurities from previously used drilling fluid suspension.

When the results show consistent behaviour, the tests for shear
strength and pH value may be discontinued, and tests to determine
density and viscosity is to be carried out as agreed. In the event of a
change in the established working pattern, tests for shear strength
and pH value is to be re-introduced for a period, if required. Testing from Bore

At least one sample of fluid is to be taken from the base of the

excavation and one from the top immediately prior to placing
reinforcement and concrete. Compliance values are as stipulated

Table Drilling Fluid Properties

Property Range of Range of Test Method

to be results – results –
measured Freshly sample from
mixed fluid bore prior to
placing steel
and concrete

Density Less than 1.10 Less than 1.10 Mud density

g/ml g/ml balance

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 43


Viscosity 30-90s or less 33-42 s Marsh cone or

than 20 cP Fann viscometer

Shear 1.4 – 10.0 1.4 - 10.0

strength N/m2 or 4.0 – N/m2 or 4.0 -
Shearometer or
(10 minute 40.0 N/m2 40.0 N/m2
Fann Viscometer

PH 9.5 - 12.0 9.5-12.0 pH indicator paper

strips or electrical
pH meter

Sand Less than 4% Less than 2% Wet sieving

content through 210 BS

6.5 Records of The Inspection of Bores

6.5.1 Keep records of the installation of each pile with information as below.
Submit two copies of these records to the Engineer the next working day
after the pile was installed or as directed. Note any unexpected boring
conditions in the record.

(a) Contract
(b) Dsignation of piles and pile reference number (location)
(c) Pile type
(d) Nominal cross-sectional dimensions or diameters
(e) Nominal diameter of underream
(f) Length of preformed pile
(g) Standing groundwater level
(h) Date and time of boring
(i) Date of concreting
(j) Ground level at commencement of installation of pile
(k) Working level
(l) Depth from working level to pile toe
(m) Toe level
(n) Depth from working level to pile head level
(o) Depth of boring
(p) Length of temporary casing
(q) Length of permanent casing
(r) A log of soil type encountered from start to finish of excavation and
observed water levels.
(s) Length and details of reinforcement
(t) Concrete mix
(u) Volume of concrete supplied to pile where this can be measured in
(v) A graph of theoretical and placed concrete volumes with depth.
(w) Concrete test cube numbers
(x) Concrete slump
(y) Level of concrete in pile before and after withdrawal of lining or tube
(z) All information regarding obstructions/delays and other interruptions to
the sequence of work

6.5.2 Records shall be signed as the Work proceeds by the Contractor’s

supervisor and the Engineer or his appointed representative.

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 44


6.5.3 The Contractor will be required to supply three copies of such records free
of charge to the Engineer by sending them once a week.

6.5.4 Grouting Records

Provide duplicate records within 24 hours of completion of grouting,


(a) Pile identification

(b) Date
(c) Leakage test
(d) Records of pressure and uplift
(e) Total uplift
(f) Grout test results

6.6 Quality Control Test

The following quality tests shall be conducted on bored piles.

6.6.1 Interface Coring Test at the Pile Base

Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, 5% of the total number of

working piles. For piles with base grouting, this shall be 2%.

Applicable for piles with characteristic unit end bearing resistance more than

6.6.2 Concrete Core Test below pile Cut-off level

Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, 5% of the total number of

working piles using concrete class greater than C32/40 and concrete
compressive stress under working load condition greater than 7.5MPa.

6.6.3 Pile Profile Test

Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, all piles with size larger than
1800 mm in diameter shall be tested for profile.

The Engineer may change these requirements at his sole discretion, with no time and
cost impact.

--- End of Section ---

02370 BORED PILING.doc Page 45




1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope and General Conditions ...............................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................3
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................4
1.5 Definitions ...............................................................................................................................8
1.6 Programme .............................................................................................................................8
1.7 Defective Work .......................................................................................................................8

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................8

2.1 Requirements for Design Verification .....................................................................................8
2.2 The Survey .............................................................................................................................9
2.3 Instrumentation and Monitoring ..............................................................................................9
2.4 Noise Nuisance.......................................................................................................................9

3.0 MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................. 10

3.1 Source of Materials .............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Drilling Fluid ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Water ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Concrete .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.5 Ready Mixed Concrete ........................................................................................................ 12
3.6 Grout .................................................................................................................................... 13
3.7 Reinforcement ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.8 Temporary Casings ............................................................................................................. 15
3.9 Permanent Steel Casings .................................................................................................... 15

4.0 WORKMANSHIP ........................................................................................................................... 15

4.1 General Workmanship Requirements ................................................................................. 15
4.2 Trial Bores ........................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Boring Excavation ................................................................................................................ 16
4.4 Use of Drilling Fluid ............................................................................................................. 18
4.5 Cleanliness of Pile Bases .................................................................................................... 19
4.6 Reinforcement ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.7 Pile Casting.......................................................................................................................... 20
4.8 Tolerances ........................................................................................................................... 24
4.9 Protection to Piles ................................................................................................................ 25
4.10 Replacement of Piles ........................................................................................................... 26
4.11 Cleaning Up ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.12 Cutting Off Pile Heads ......................................................................................................... 26
4.13 Noise and Disturbance ........................................................................................................ 27
4.14 As Built Pile Penetration Length, Final Survey and As-Built Drawing ................................. 27
4.15 Removal on Completion ...................................................................................................... 27

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 27

5.1 Submissions ........................................................................................................................ 27
5.2 Inspection and Test Certificates .......................................................................................... 29
5.3 Tests .................................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Compliance Testing of Drilling Fluid .................................................................................... 31
5.5 Records of The Inspection of Bores .................................................................................... 33

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 2



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope and General Conditions

The work under this section comprises the design of the penetration depths and
construction of the earh retaining system comprising cast in-situ secant pile walls with
ground anchors or strutting for the proposed works.

1.1.1 This section covers the requirements for the construction of secant pile wall.
The secant pile wall may be used principally an earth retaining system
resisting lateral earth pressure or as part of the building foundations system
to support vertical loads.

1.1.2 It is highlighted that the Specifications frequently stipulate the requirement

for the Contractor to submit method statements, shop drawings,
calculations, etc. for Engineer’s review and approval. The Contractor is
explicitly advised that the Engineer’s approval does not absolve the
Contractor of his sole responsibility that the methods, materials and
workmanship employed are safe and suitable and the Contract Works are
completed safely, within the contracted time and in full compliance of the
Specifications and intended use. All technical submissions made shall be
prepared and certified by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer (PE).

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1.1.3 The Contractor shall make allowance in his tender for compliance with all
the Specifications and other requirements necessary for proper execution
and completion of the Works to the Engineer's satisfaction.

1.1.4 A notional design of the earth retaining system, comprising secant pile wall
with strutting is included with tender drawings for the Contractor’s
information. The earth retaining system as shown in the tender drawings are
design solely to resist the permanent stage loadings only. The Contractor
shall satisfy himself of the wall adequacy for excavation stages and any
other transient stages of the Contractor’s work, and shall allow for all
necessary enhancement with respect to design, materials and workmanship
to complete the Works in accordance with the drawings and the

1.1.5 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the complete design of the
secant pile walls required to carry both the permanent and temporary stage
applicable horizontal and vertical loads. These shall be installed to sufficient
depths to carry the applicable loads with the required safety factors.

1.1.6 The Contractor shall submit the final secant pile wall with the intended
shoring design and drawings for the Engineer’s approval prior to

1.1.7 The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected the site and assessed
the geotechnical conditions applicable to his work. The work shall be carried
out on the basis of ground as found and no additional cost will be paid for
handling hard materials or other obstructions encountered during the works.

1.1.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for producing the detailed shop
drawings and layouts for all the secant pile wall included in the contract. The
drawings shall include plans, sections and elevations of all the wall panels,
including the reinforcement details.

1.1.9 Notwithstanding the provisional lengths allowed for in the bills, the
Contractor shall submit detailed geotechnical calculations for his proposed
length of each type of secant pile wall. The Contractor shall be responsible
to ensure that all the secant pile wall as designed and installed shall be able
to retain the lateral earth pressure and gravity loads based on the depth
proposed by the Contractor.

1.1.10 The Contractor shall submit with his tender the name and CV of a qualified
Geotechnical Engineers experienced in the design and installation of secant
pile wall, and who will be placed full-time on site and he/she shall propose
the formation level of all secant pile walls.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:

01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring

01018 Instrumentation and Monitoring
02020 Pre-treatment of Cavities
02370 Bored Piling

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1.3 Standards and Regulations

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted. Codes & Standards

MS EN 12620 : 2008: Specification for aggregates for


MS 145: 2006: Welded steel fabric for reinforcement

of concrete

MS 146: 2006: Hot rolled steel bars for reinforcement

of concrete

MS 26: Part 2: 1991 Methods of Testing Hardened


MS EN 1997-1:2004: Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design -

General rules

MS EN 1992-1-1:2004: Design of concrete structures. General

rules and rules for buildings

OSHA 1994: Occupational Safety and Health Act


FMA 1970: Factory and Machinery Act 1970 Other Standards

API Specification Drilling Fluid

13A 5th Edition

API-RP-13B-1 2nd Standard procedure for field-

testing water-based drilling fluid

BS EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete,

specification for sampling, testing and
assessing the suitability of water

BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and

vibration control on construction and
open sites. Noise

BS 5228-2:2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and

vibration control on construction and
open sites. Vibration

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BS 7123 Metal arc welding of steel for

concrete reinforcement

BS 8008 Guide to safety precautions and

procedures for the construction and
descent of machine-bored shaft piling
and other purposes.

BS EN 1538 Execution of special geotechnical

work - Diaphragm Walls

1.3.2 Technical References

Refer to the following technical reference for guidance in carrying out the

(a) BRE Digest 251 (1995) Assessment of damage in low-rise building.

(b) Construction Industry Research and Information Association, England
(CIRIA) Report 104 (1984) Design of retaining wall embedded in stiff

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Design Verification

The Contractor shall be responsible to engage technically competent

personnel with relevant geotechnical experience to Engineer’s acceptance,
to carry out:

(a) Verification of material excavated at the intended pile founding level

as consistent with the design requirements.
(b) Design verification checks based on actual ground conditions to
determine the required length of each pile and ensure that the
specified lateral and vertical working load, and settlement criteria of
the secant piles are achieved.
(c) Proposals to amend the design including compensating piles as
necessary in the event that for any reasons the installed piles do not
perform as intended.
(d) Proposals to amend the pile cap or capping beam design of the
building in the event that the piles are installed out of the permitted
(e) Proposals as a response plan in the event that measures taken to
control ground movement and vibration do not perform satisfactorily.

Take into account of the design requirements as set out in Clause 2.1

Submit the design to the Engineer for acceptance. Design proposals in (c)
and (d) are to be endorsed by a PE (Civil).

Submit the CV of the personnel to be engaged for the above including the
PE’s, for Engineer’s acceptance.

1.4.2 Building Damage Assessment

The Contractor shall be responsible to carry out a Building Damage

Assessment on the effects of ground movement to the neighbouring
properties due to the works, for the purpose of establishing suitable values
for ‘Alert’ and “Work Suspension’ levels for monitoring and submit to

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 4


Engineer with endorsement from a PE.

The set values shall not be less onerous than the ones set forth in the
Instrumentation and Monitoring drawings.

1.4.3 Coordination with Other Works

The Contractor shall be responsible to co-ordinate with other contractors

who may carry out other works at the same time at the site. Take into
account of site access, space occupation, safety and safeguarding of
adjoining properties and each other’s works.

1.4.4 Condition Survey

Where applicable, prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a
condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the requirements
of Section 01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring. Submit all records to
the Engineer and adjacent property owners where directed.

Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.

1.4.5 Instrumentation and Monitoring

The Contractor shall be responsible to provide instrumentation to monitor

the ground movement, vibration and condition of adjacent properties. Refer
to the drawings for the schedule of instrumentation required. If necessary or
as required by the authorities, propose and provide additional
instrumentation and monitoring for records.

Take cognisance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

1.4.6 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

The Contractor shall be responsible to accept responsibility for the

upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads, footpaths etc., where
applicable, together with the mains and services from the time of taking
possession of the site through the duration of the Works.

Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and
keep clear of mud and debris.

1.4.7 Site Conditions and Ground Conditions Site Surveys

The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected the Site and

satisfied himself with regard to access, site conditions, existing
buildings and structures surrounding the Site.

The Contractor shall be responsible to verify and be satisfied that

the information given in the existing site survey plans provided are
accurate. If necessary, engage a registered Surveyor to carry out
additional site survey before commencing any work.

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 5

SECANT PILE WALL Ground Conditions

The soil report included in this Contract is for the reference of the
Contractor only. Neither the Consultants nor the Client accept
responsibility for its accuracy or implications if actual soil conditions
are found to be different during the progress of Works.

The tender shall be based on the condition of ground as found and

no extras shall be allowed for dealing with more difficult soil
conditions than envisaged by the Contractor at the time of

The Contractor may, at his own cost and with the written approval of
the Engineer, conduct additional soil tests if he so desires. Additional site investigation

The Contractor shall carry out site investigation to sufficient extent

and depth to establish the significant soil strata and ground
variation. Boreholes should go more than 5 metres into hard stratum
with SPT blow counts of 100 or more than 3 times the pile
diameters beyond the intended founding level. The number of
boreholes should be the greater of

(a) one borehole per 300 sq m or

(b) one borehole at every interval between 10m to 30m, but no
less than 3 boreholes in the within project site.

Carry out the boreholes progressively prior to commencement of the

works in areas according to the contractor’s construction
programme. On completion of drilling, backfill the boreholes with a
suitable bentonite/cement mix.

Submit the location and schedule for the boreholes to Engineer’s

acceptance prior to carrying out the works. On completion, prepare
the site investigation report and submit to the Engineer for
acceptance. Groundwater level

The Contractor shall be responsible to verify the data on

groundwater level from available ground investigation reports. Contamination

The Contractor shall be responsible to verify information on

contamination identified or believed to be present on site.

In the event that contamination is either positively identified or

suspected, draw to the attention of all personnel working on site
together with the need to take any precautionary measures in
handling contaminated materials, groundwater and obnoxious
vapours from the ground.

1.4.8 Existing Services Affected by the Works Site

The Contractor shall determine, probe and/or investigate the position of all
existing services within the Site and shall take all precautions to protect and
prevent damage to them. All damage caused to the active services shall be

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 6


reinstated by the Contractor at his own cost and time. The Engineer shall
provide to the Contractor, any information available to him for the guidance of
the Contractor only.

Any other unknown services which are found within the work areas shall be
either diverted or protected by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be
entitled to any additional cost or time on account of unforeseen services found
within the contract boundaries which may affect the Contract Work.

The Contractor shall also refer to other parts of the Contract Documents on
the requirements to deal with existing services affected by the Works.

1.4.9 Protection

The Contractor shall be responsible to protect all equipment and working

area using fencing or other methods as accepted.

1.4.10 Obstructions

If any obstructions such as existing fences, structures, footings, boulders,

concrete blocks, pipes, drains, driveways or ramp are encountered during
excavation, submit proposals for their removal for the Engineer's

1.4.11 Supervision of the Works

The Contractor shall be responsible to engage a competent and suitably

experienced site engineer to the Engineer’s acceptance, to supervise the
field works.

1.4.12 Quality Control Plan

The Contractor shall be responsible to submit and work to a Quality Control

Plan as agreed with the Engineer.

1.4.13 Safety

The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all slopes and
excavations, including bored holes for pile installation, and shall take all
necessary precautions for the safety of personnel in the area of piling
operations. Where rocks and hard material are encountered during boring
which require manual excavation with pneumatic tools, the Contractor shall
ensure that adequate linings are placed above the working level and that
sufficient ventilation is provided for the well-being of the workmen.

The Contractor must ensure that no damage is caused to adjoining

properties or construction works adjoining the proposed building and would
be solely responsible for such consequences.

The Contractor shall be responsible to provide safety precautions to comply

with all current legislation and regulations, notably:

(a) Occupation Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA)

(b) Factory and Machinery Act 1970
Additionally, comply also with the following:

(a) BRE Digest 251 (1995) Assessment of damage in low rise building
(b) BS 8008: Guide to safety precautions and procedures for the
construction and descent of machine-bored shaft for piling and other

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1.4.14 As-Built Secant Pile Wall Surveys

The Contractor shall be responsible to employ a Licensed Surveyor who is

to be responsible for surveying secant pile locations and eccentricities and
submit the as–built survey to the Engineer in format as directed within 14
days after the piles have been trimmed to the cut-off level.

1.5 Definitions

(a) Pile Dimensions Piles dimension specified in pile layout drawing(s) / piling
schedule are the minimum acceptable dimensions
(b) Rock Material classified as grade I to III In table 10 “Scale of weathering grades
of rock mass” in BS 5930:1999+A2:2010.
(c) Rock Weathering classified as Grade I to IV in Table 2.2 and 2.3 in CP4:2003.

1.6 Programme

1.6.1 The Contractor shall, with his tender, submit a detailed programme showing
the sequence and manner in which piling and other works are to be
executed. The actual construction would be carried out in a sequence and
to a programme agreed with the Engineer. Where a sequence is specified in
the Contract, it shall be adhered to.

1.7 Defective Work

1.7.1 Defective work shall be all work which, in the opinion of the Engineer, does
not fully comply with this Specification or the Drawings. The Contractor
shall make good or carry out such additional works at his own costs and
expenses as may be necessary to make good all defective work to the
Engineer's satisfaction.


2.1 Requirements for Design Verification

The required working load and sizes of the piles are indicated in the drawings,
together with an indication of the required pile penetration depth.

Based on actual ground conditions encountered as revealed by boring logs or ground

investigations, carry out design checks to confirm the required pile length as to
achieve the specified working loads within the specified limits for load settlement
behaviour as indicated in Clause 2.2. Account for effects of negative skin friction
where applicable.

Verify the design based on MS EN 1997-1:2004 unless otherwise agreed.

2.1.1 Piling to be Supervised by Competent Personnel

Piling Works must be carried out by supervisory staff experienced in the

installation of such piles so as to assess the soundness of soil conditions at
the formation level to ensure that working loads can be achieved. The
requirement of geotechnical supervision under Clause 1.1 is additional to
this clause.

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The Contractor shall submit written evidence and details of personnel who
would supervise the Works, to satisfy the Engineer that his supervisory staff
has relevant experience.

2.2 The Survey

Provide adequate information to allow agreement as to the condition of the identified

buildings/structures/services prior to the commencement of the construction works
and any change in that condition that has occurred during and upon completion of the
construction works.

Sections of the report relating to individual owners of the nearby and adjacent
buildings/properties must be distributed to the respective owners prior to commencing
any Works on Site.

Confirm in writing to Building & Construction Authority (BCA) when this requirement
has been complied with.

The overall precondition survey, certified by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer

(PE) must be submitted to the Engineer, not later than two weeks prior to any Works
commencing on Site. A copy of the complete report must be retained on Site.

Any delays in the issuance of the Permit to Commence Piling/Building Works due to
either an incomplete report, or a report unacceptable to the Authorities remains the full
responsibility of the Contractor.

2.3 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide adequate record to identify changes that occurred and to allow changes to
methods of the construction works such as to avoid or minimise damage to the
Surveyed Buildings.

When planning for suitable methods and instrumentation for the survey, take account
of the limits of movement and levels of vibration, as well as in the respective
specifications relevant to the other construction works. Also take account of the
frequency of monitoring as indicated in the respective sections.

2.4 Noise Nuisance

Take all necessary actions to ensure compliance with the latest noise control
regulations imposed by the authority having jurisdiction. In the absence of any
guidelines, the values shown in the table herein shall be adopted. The noise level
(maximum allowable equivalent continuous noise level measured over a period of 5
minutes in dB) at the nearest occupied building outside the Site is not to exceed the
following maximum permissible noise level.

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 9


Mon-Fri Sat/Eve of PH Sun/ PH

Types of affected
buildings 7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm
to to to to to to to to to
7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am 7pm 10pm 7am

(a) Hospital,
school, home
75 55 75 55 No Work
for the aged,
sick etc

(b) Residential
located less
than 150m 90 70 55 90 70
from the dBA dBA dBA dBA dBA

(c) Buildings other

than those in
90 70 90 70 90 70
(a) and (b)


3.1 Source of Materials

Do not change sources of supply until it has been demonstrated that the materials
from the new source can meet all the specified requirements.

Remove from Site any material that fails to comply with the Specifications.

3.2 Drilling Fluid

3.2.1 General Requirement

Where drilling fluid is used it is to be such as to:

(a) Provide continuous support of the excavation

(b) Be easily displaced during concreting
(c) Not pollute the ground at any stage
(d) Not coat the reinforcement such as to impair the steel/concrete bond

Drilling fluid including Bentonite supplied to the site and prior to mixing is to
be in accordance with API Specification 13A 5th Edition (1993) Drilling Fluid.

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3.3 Water

Water used for the construction is to be clean and free from harmful matter in solution
or suspension.

Water quality shall comply with BS EN 1008.

3.4 Concrete

Concrete for piles shall be in accordance with the Concrete Section of this

3.4.1 Concrete shall be an approved mix, having characteristic strength at the age
of 28 days of 35 MPa unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, with
minimum slump of 100 mm. All materials for making concrete shall be of
best quality and shall comply with current issues of appropriate European
Standards (EN). The water/cement ratio shall at all times be the minimum
required to produce concrete of a workability appropriate to the method of
placing and compaction and to avoid softening of clay due to excess water
in the concrete, and in no event greater than 0.5.

3.4.2 Design Mixes: Mix design to comply with requirements as set out in Table 1.










Strength Class

Characteristic Strength
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 16 12
at 28 days, fck (N/mm2)

Characteristic Strength
at 28 days, fck,cube (N/mm2 60 55 50 45 37 30 25 20 15

Minimum cement
content in kg/m3 of fully 485 475 425 375 350 350 300 270 205
compacted concrete

Maximum cement
content in kg/m3 of fully 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
compacted concrete

Maximum water/cement
0.4 0.4 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.7

3.4.3 Aggregate shall be 20mm size, graded to MS EN 12620:2002+A1:2008.

Samples of coarse and fine aggregate shall be sent to an approved
independent laboratory for comprehensive testing in accordance with the
relevant European Standards, and the results shall be sent to the Engineer
for his approval, prior to the commencement of Work.

3.4.4 The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval his proposals on
concrete mixes and suppliers of materials, including results of preliminary
tests on concrete prior to commencing work on Site.

3.4.5 In cases where it is intended that the temporary linings are to be withdrawn
without the assistance of the mechanical oscillation methods, a retarding

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 11


additive to concrete shall be used provided it is approved by the Engineer

and is used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3.4.6 Chloride Content

Limit the chloride content of the proposed concrete, including chloride

contained in the admixtures, to that specified in SS EN 206 - 1,. Provide
written evidence of conformance.

3.4.7 Calcium Chloride

Not to be included in any concrete

3.4.8 Alkali-Silica Reaction

Take precautions, in accordance with MS EN 206 - 1,, to prevent alkali-silica

reaction. Test aggregates to determine any varieties of susceptible silicas
and for other local requirements.

3.4.9 Sulphates

Take precautions to restrict the amount of sulphate in the proposed

concrete, in accordance with MS EN 206 - 1.

3.5 Ready Mixed Concrete

Whenever possible, ready mixed concrete shall be used.

3.5.1 The Contractor shall furnish the name of the intended concrete supplier for
approval. The Engineer reserves the right to inspect the supplier's facilities
and to require samples of cement, fine and coarse aggregates and prepared
admixtures for testing. The cost of such tests shall be borne by the

3.5.2 The Contractor shall take full responsibility, notwithstanding the Engineer's
approval, to ensure that all ready-mixed concrete conforms to BS 1926 and
this Specification. Concrete which does not comply shall be rejected and
shall be immediately removed from the Site.

3.5.3 The Contractor shall furnish a valid copy of the Certificate of Conformity to
MS EN 206, prior to the commencement of Works.

3.5.4 In order to determine compliance with these Specifications, the Engineer

may call for tests to establish the cement content and the water/cement ratio
of the ready-mixed concrete delivered to the Site, and the Contractor shall
allow for such tests at no cost or time implication.

3.5.5 The Contractor shall furnish at least one day in advance the date set for
each casting of concrete.

3.5.6 For each truck load of concrete delivered, the following information shall
appear on the delivery docket:

a) Name of ready-mixed concrete batching plant

b) Serial number of docket
c) Date and the license number of the truck
d) Name of the purchaser
e) Name and location of job
f) Specified characteristic concrete strength and the amount of cement

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 12


used (kg/m3) or the mix proportions

g) Quantity of concrete
h) Time of loading or of first mixing of cement and aggregate, whichever is
i) Agreed slump
j) Maximum size of coarse aggregates specified
k) Trade name of admixture, if any
l) The signature of the Engineer's representative (Resident Engineer or
Clerk of Works) who shall also enter the time of arrival of the truck and
the time of completion of discharge
m) Position where concrete is placed
n) Number of cubes taken, if any, and cube references
o) Any other requirements as may be instructed

3.5.7 The Contractor shall complete the following items of information on the
delivery docket after the discharge of each batch of concrete:

a) Arrival and departure times of the truck

b) Time of completion of discharge
c) Details of extra water or any other materials added on site
d) Position in the Works where concrete is placed

3.5.8 One copy of the docket shall be given to the Engineer's representative on
delivery which shall show the time when water was added to the mix, to
ensure the concrete can be placed in position without exceeding the two (2)
hour time limit following addition of water to the mix.

3.5.9 The Engineer reserves the right to instruct the Contractor to change the
supplier due to unsatisfactory performance or to rescind his approval for
further use of ready-mixed concrete during the progress of the Works, if any
of the requirement has, in his opinion, not been satisfactorily complied with.

3.5.10 No water shall be added to the concrete on the Site to increase its

3.5.11 While it is not being discharged, the concrete in a transit truck/truck

mixer/agitator shall be kept continuously agitated.

3.5.12 The concrete shall be placed in its final position and left undisturbed within
two (2) hours from the time when the water was added to the mix.

3.6 Grout

Grout containing fine aggregate may be used in place of concrete. Constituents are to
be water, ordinary Portland cement, fine aggregate where permitted and admixtures
subject to agreement.

3.6.1 Minimum Cement Content

Minimum cement content is to be 400kg/m³ for concrete to be placed under

water or drilling fluid by tremie method.

3.6.2 Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate is to be In accordance with grading “C” or “M” of MS EN


3.7 Reinforcement

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3.7.1 General

The reinforcement shall be high tensile strength steel to MS 145: 2006 and
MS 146: 2006, free from rust, scale, paint and grease, bent and placed in
accordance with the Engineer's Drawings. Cages and placing shall be
arranged so as not to interrupt concreting for more than twenty minutes.

The reinforcement shall be adequately fixed to avoid displacement and to

maintain the minimum specified cover during concreting and withdrawal of
linings. Reinforcement shall be placed with 75 mm cover and project a
minimum of 40 x bar diameter above the pile cut-off level, unless specified
otherwise on the Drawings.

3.7.2 Joints in Reinforcement

Ensure the main longitudinal reinforcing bars in piles not exceeding 12 m in

length is in one continuous length unless otherwise agreed. In piles
exceeding 12 m long, provide laps in main longitudinal bars at 12 m nominal
intervals. Joints in adjacent bars shall be staggered at least 1m apart along
the length of the pile. Joints in reinforcement shall be such that the full
strength of the bar is effective across the joint. Lap or splice joints shall be
provided with sufficient link bars to resist eccentric forces. Reinforcement shall
be designed to suit bending moment corresponding to maximum eccentricity
in conjunction with maximum design load.

Welded joints shall be made in accordance with MS EN 1011-2:2001

3.7.3 Spacers

Check that spacers are designed and manufactured using materials, which
will not lead to reinforcement corrosion or spalling of the concrete cover.
Detail, supply and fix all spacers, in accordance with MS EN 1992-1-1. Seek
Engineer’s acceptance for spacers where the concrete will be exposed
subsequently. Mortar spacers to have durability and strength characteristics
not less than the surrounding concrete.

3.7.4 Reinforcing Bars

Use the following types, to MS 145: 2006 & MS 146: 2006

• Plain bar reinforcement: Grade 250 as specified in the drawings.

• Deformed bar reinforcement: Grade 460 as specified in the drawings.

3.7.5 Galvanized Reinforcement

Comply with ISO 1460 and ISO 1461 after cutting and bending. Thickness
of galvanized coating to be in accordance with SO 1460 and ISO 1461.

3.7.6 Stainless Steel Bar Reinforcement

To BS 6744, Type 304 S31 and 316 S33, strength Grade 250 for plain
round bars and Grade 500 for deformed high yield steel bars.

3.7.7 Epoxy Coated Bar Reinforcement

To BS ISO 14654, bond classification Type 1 or 2 as indicated in the

drawings. Handle and fix so as to avoid damage to the coating, and avoid
exposing the underlying steel.

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 14


3.7.8 Welded Fabric Reinforcement

Comply to MS 145: 2006

3.7.9 Couplers (Mechanical splicing)

Performance requirements of couplers shall be in compliance with CIRIA

Report 92. Carry out installation in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendation, subject to acceptance by the Engineer.

Welded or lap splices for vertical reinforcing steel shall not be permitted for
bars larger than T32 in size. For bars greater than T32, mechanical couplers
meeting Type 2 splice requirements in accordance with ACI 318-2002,
ICBO evaluation service acceptance criteria AC 133 mechanical connectors
for steel bar reinforcement (effective 1 October 2002), and ICC evaluation
service, shall be permitted.

3.8 Temporary Casings

Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, temporary casings of accepted quality or
an accepted alternative method is to be used to maintain the stability of pile
excavation. Propose to Engineer’s acceptance, the depth, size and thickness of
casing to be provided.

Temporary casings are to be free from significant distortion. They are to be of uniform
cross-section throughout each continuous length. During concreting they are to be
free from internal projections and encrusted concrete, which might prevent proper
formation of the piles.

3.9 Permanent Steel Casings

When permanent casings are required, use S275 steel sections in compliance with
MS EN 10210.


4.1 General Workmanship Requirements

Ensure the equipment set up and installation procedures are in conformance with MS
EN 1997-1:2004.

4.1.1 Depth of Penetration

Install each pile to a penetration as indicated in the drawings or as adjusted

as a result of the design verification check as stipulated under Clause 1.4
and 2.4.

4.1.2 Socketing of End Bearing Piles

For all piles indicated as end bearing in the drawings or schedules, form a
socket of depth at least 3m or 2 times diameter, whichever is larger, into the
material that meets the founding conditions, unless indicated in the
drawings or modified as a result of the verification check in Clause 1.4.1 and
2.2, as approved by the Engineer.

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4.1.3 Pile Toe

Adopt a construction method, which ensures that the soil below the pile is
not softened. Ensure that no drilling fluid or slurry remains at the base of the

4.1.4 Continuity of Construction Time for Excavation and Concreting

Each pile is to be excavated and concreted within twenty-four hours

from the start of excavation below any temporary casing.

Where this time restraint cannot reasonably be met, set out an

alternative in the method statement together with an estimate of the
likely effect on the performance and capacity of the pile. Construction without temporary casing

A pile constructed in a stable cohesive soil without the use of

temporary casing or other form of support is to be bored and
concreted without prolonged delay and in any case soon enough to
ensure that the performance of the pile is not impaired.

4.1.5 Construction Setting Out

The Contractor shall employ an approved licensed surveyor to set out the
grids based on the setting out plan provided by the Engineer. Piles shall be
set out from grid lines or from the building line where necessary. Setting out
must be agreed between the Contractor and the Engineer in writing prior to
the commencement of Work. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all
costs and delays arising from incorrect setting out, including any
consequential losses suffered by the Employer.

Where piles touch the building line, the Contractor must ensure that these
are installed within such restricted lines. Any special tolerances required
must be agreed with the Architect before Commencement of Work.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of locating and

positioning each pile. Any error in setting out shall be made good at the
Contractor's expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Subsequent
redesign of the structure due to errors in the setting out will be undertaken by
the Engineer at the Contractor's costs and expenses.

4.2 Trial Bores

Conduct trial bores to confirm the ground conditions and the feasibility of the
proposed method of installation.

Agree with the Engineer on the location, depth and size of the trial bores.

4.3 Boring Excavation

4.3.1 General Submit a detailed method statement clarifying the procedure for

installing the secant pile wall including the method of overcoming
any obstructions encountered and drilling through hard rock for the
Engineer’s acceptance. The method of excavation is to ensure no

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soil collapse in the bored holes. Do not commence boring before

method of excavation is accepted.

Carry out boring excavation generally using boring or reversed

circulation drilling equipment operating at the existing ground level.

Provide temporary steel casing and drilling fluid, if necessary, to

support the excavation.

Ensure the extreme dimensions (teeth to teeth) of the boring bucket

or auger is not smaller than the specified pile diameter.

Do not dewater within the excavated bored holes.

The boring shall be with an approved auger and shall be made in

one continuous operation. Each pile shall be concreted the same
day it is bored. Bores shall not be left open overnight. The sides of the bores must be kept intact and water free by use
of linings, supplemented by external grouting where appropriate. Casings shall be left in where ingress of water cannot be sealed

by grouting or where shaft sides are unstable. No loose material
shall be allowed to fall in the bottom of the bores Rates for boring shall be based on whatever ground conditions

found. No extra cost or time shall be allowed for boring through
more difficult soil conditions than those envisaged by the
Contractor. Each bored hole shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer
or his representative before any concrete is placed. The
Contractor shall provide all facilities including full depth temporary
lining, safety harness and breathing apparatus for the Engineer's
inspection. If ground water is found in any bored hole or if the sides of the
shaft tend to collapse, then steel casing and/or an approved
bentonite solution of sufficient strength to maintain the sides shall
be utilised, as appropriate. The Contractor will have to adopt all
measures as directed by the Engineer at no extra cost or time to
the Contract. Reinforcement cages shall be supported firmly and centrally within

the shaft so that no movement will occur during concreting
operations. The bases of all the piles under this Contract shall be cleaned using
air-lift and/or other approved sophisticated means to ensure that the
pile bases are clean and sound, before concrete is placed.

4.3.2 Boring Proximity

Do not bore so close to piles that have been recently cast which contain
workable or partially set concrete that a flow of concrete or instability could
be induced or damage sustained by any previously formed piles.

Boring is to be kept clear from a minimum distance of 6 times pile diameter

from a newly cast pile within 24 hours after casting.

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4.3.3 Ground Conditions

Report to the Engineer immediately any apparent variance in the ground

conditions from those reported or might have been inferred from reports.

4.3.4 Rock Socketting and Obstructions

When socketting through rock has been called for or in the event of
encountering obstructions below ground level during boring, use reverse
circulation drilling method, chiselling or propose other means for Engineer’s
acceptance to bore through the obstruction or rock.

Should the reverse circulation drilling method fail to clear the obstruction or
rock, propose and employ other methods including predrilling with coring to
assist in the clearing of the obstructions.

4.3.5 Temporary Casing

Unless otherwise agreed, provide a temporary casing of appropriate size

and length to support the excavation. Use low vibration equipment to install
and extract casing for bores in built-up areas.

4.3.6 Pumping from Pile Excavation

Do not pump from a pile excavation unless a casing has been placed into a
stable stratum, which prevents the flow of water from the other strata in
significant quantities into the boring, or unless it can be shown that pumping
will not have detrimental effect on the surrounding soil or property.

4.3.7 Determining Penetration Depth

Verify soil extracted as consistent with design assumptions in accordance

with Clause 1.4.1. above. Terminate boring at the level indicated in the
drawings, subject to modifications as a result of verification, check with
reference to Clause 1.4.1. and to Engineer’s approval. Keep soil samples
drilled at strata change and at 3m intervals for records for each pile.

4.4 Use of Drilling Fluid

4.4.1 Proposal for Use

Propose for the Engineer’s acceptance for the need to use drilling fluid. If
acceptable, propose suitable type and method of drilling fluid to be used.

4.4.2 Storage

Store solid additives in separate waterproof stores or containers, which will

prevent the materials from becoming contaminated.

4.4.3 Use

Use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions unless there is a

demonstrable reason to do otherwise.

4.4.4 Mixing

Mix drilling fluid thoroughly with clean fresh water to make a suspension,

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which will maintain the stability of the pile excavation for the period
necessary to place concrete and complete construction.

Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, take special

precautions to modify the drilling fluid suspension or prehydrate the drilling
fluid in fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respects for the
construction of piles.

4.4.5 Stability of Pile Excavation Using Drilling Fluid

Where the use of drilling fluid is accepted for maintaining the stability of a
boring, maintain the level of the fluid in the excavation so that the fluid
pressure always exceeds the pressures exerted by the soils and
groundwater. Use an adequate temporary casing in conjunction with the
method to ensure the stability of the strata near ground level until the
concrete has been placed.

Maintain the fluid level at a level not less than 2m above the level of the
groundwater unless otherwise agreed.

In the event of a rapid loss of drilling fluid from the pile excavation, backfill
the excavation without delay and inform the Engineer immediately. Obtain
directions from the Engineer before excavation at that location is resumed.

4.4.6 Spillage and Disposal

Take all reasonable steps to prevent the spillage of drilling fluid suspension
on the site in areas outside the immediate vicinity of boring. Remove
discarded drilling fluid from the site without delay. Disposal of drilling fluid is
to comply with the regulations of the appropriate authority.

4.5 Cleanliness of Pile Bases

On completion of boring and immediately prior to casting, remove all loose, disturbed
or remoulded soil or rock from the base of the pile while avoiding disturbance to the
ground below the base. Maintain the stability of the bore at all times, using
appropriate levels of support fluid as required.

4.6 Reinforcement

4.6.1 General

Store reinforcement clear of the ground, and protect from mud, oil and other
substances that may adversely affect its use in the works.

Make up cages and fix securely in accordance with the reinforcement detail
drawings to provide adequate rigidity and to ensure that the specified cover
and required fit within the mould are achieved.

4.6.2 Fixing

Keep the number of joints in the longitudinal bars to a minimum. Arrange the
joints such that the full strength of each bar is effective.

Ensure the reinforcement cages are sufficiently rigid to enable them to be

handled, placed and concreted without damage.

Welding is to be in accordance with: MS EN ISO 17660-1:2006 and MS EN

ISO 17660-2:2006.

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4.6.3 Placing

Lower the steel reinforcement accurately into position with sufficient spacer
blocks to ensure the correct cover is maintained at all times. Spacer blocks
are to be of suitable durability. Allow a vertical tolerance of +150/-50mm on
the level of the reinforcement projecting above the cut-off level.

4.6.4 Cover to Reinforcement

Ensure cover provided comply with MS EN 1997-1:2004 and SS EN 1997-

1:2004, unless otherwise indicated in the drawings.

4.7 Pile Casting

Read these clauses in conjunction with Clause 4.1 to 4.3.

Reinforcement shall be fixed and concreting commenced immediately after the

Engineer approves the condition of the bore. Each pile shall be concreted the same
day it is bored. Bores shall not be left open overnight.

Concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation from bottom to top and the top
3.0m below cut-off level shall be vibrated as the concrete is placed.

For the purpose of this Contract, all piles shall be concreted using a tremie pipe
whether the borehole contains water or not.

For concreting of all piles 1500 mm or larger in diameter, minimum two tremie pipes
must be used. Concreting using both the pipes must be simultaneous.

An additional 300 mm of concrete above the true cut-off level is to be provided to

allow for final cutting back by the Contractor, to sound concrete on completion of
piling. The trimming of piles to the final cut-off levels shall be carried out in
accordance with Section 01016 Particular Specification.

4.7.1 General

Adopt a method of placing, and a suitable workability of the concrete, so as

to form a continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section.

Place the concrete without such interruption as would allow the workability
of the previously placed batch to have deteriorated significantly. The method
of placing is to be accepted by the Engineer. If necessary, incorporate an
accepted set retarding additive into the mix in order to ensure extended
workability of the concrete after placement.

Take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete to
avoid arching of the concrete in a casing.

Prevent contamination of the concrete by spoil, liquid or other foreign


4.7.2 Workability of Concrete

Use slump testing for mixes with workability type A as in Table 5.7.2 below.
Use flow testing as an alternative workability test for higher workability
mixes if practical, submit proposals for Engineer’s acceptance.

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Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile shaft or at the time of
discharge into the concrete pump hopper is to be in accordance with the
standards shown in the table below, unless otherwise agreed.

Do not use a concrete pump to place tremie concrete directly into the pile

Table 5.7.2

Target Slump
Class of Flow
Min Max Typical Condition of Use
(mm) (mm) (mm)

A Not 75 125 Placed into water-free or

applicable permanently lined shaft;
reinforcement spaced at not less
than 100mm centres
B 500+/-50 100 175* Where reinforcement is spaced
at less than 600mm, or pile bore
is water free and less than
600mm diameter

C 550+/-50 175 225* Where concrete is to be placed

by tremie under drilling fluid

4.7.3 Compaction

Do not use internal vibrators to compact concrete in the pile shafts.

4.7.4 Placing Concrete in Dry Shafts

If the pile shaft is completely dry and stable, allow concrete to be discharged
directly into the borehole. Before placing of concrete, clean out all loose

Take necessary measures to avoid loosening of the sidewalls of the shaft,

segregation, and bleeding; and to ensure that the concrete at the bottom of
the borehole is not deficient in grout.

Use a hopper and a length of rigid delivery tube of not less than 3m to
ensure the concrete falls centrally down the shaft. The lower end of delivery
tube must be no more than 10m above the bottom of the reinforcement
cage. At no time must the concrete be allowed to free-fall more than 10m.

4.7.5 Placing Concrete Under Water or Under Drilling Fluid

Place concrete under water or drilling fluid using a tremie concrete pipe. Do
not engage alternative methods of underwater placement such as the use of
a drop bottom bucket or hose from a concrete pump unless otherwise

Do not discharge concrete freely into the water or drilling fluid.

Before placing the concrete, ensure, by a method acceptable to the

Engineer, that there is no accumulation of silt or other material at the base of
the boring, and ensure that heavily contaminated drilling fluid suspension,
which could impair the free flow of concrete from the pipe of the tremie has

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not accumulated in the bottom of the hole.

Take a sample of the drilling fluid suspension from the top and the base of
the boring using an accepted sampling device. If the specific gravity of the
suspension exceeds 1.25 or does not comply in any respect with the stated
limits for the particular material, do not proceed with the placing of concrete.
In this event, modify or replace the drilling fluid as agreed to meet the
Specification. Tremie Equipment

Check that the hopper and pipe of the tremie is clean and watertight

Extend the pipe to the base of the boring and place a sliding plug or
barrier in the pipe to prevent direct contact between the first charge
of concrete in the pipe of the tremie and the water or drilling fluid. If
the plug or barrier is sacrificial, do not retain it in the mass of the
concrete. Tremie Procedure

Keep the tremie pipe outlet at least 2 m below the surface of the
concrete at all stages in the pour to prevent the re-entry of slurry
into the pipe and do not withdraw until concreting is complete.

Develop a system of level checks for the concrete and pipe outlet to
ensure that this requirement is met.

At all times, maintain a sufficient quantity of concrete within the pipe

to ensure that the pressure from it exceeds that from the water or
drilling fluid. The internal diameter of the pipe of the tremie is not to
be less than 250 mm.

The number of tremie tubes per pile is to be acceptable to the

Engineer. Where more than one tremie pipe is employed during
concrete pouring to any one pile, arrange the charging of concrete
in the tubes so that it is evenly distributed between the tubes and no
differential head exists at the concrete/slurry interface over the
length of the pile. Confirm this level by soundings taken during the
concrete pour. Delay in Concreting Operation

Should a delay or breakdown occur during the concreting operation,

which in the opinion of the Engineer could cause a cold joint,
entrapment of laitance in the tremie concrete, or otherwise lead to
defective concrete, abandon the concrete placing. Ensure that an
adequate supply of concrete to the tremie is available at all times so
that placement is continuous.

4.7.6 Monitoring of Concrete Level During Pile Casting

For each truckload of concrete discharged, counter-check the rise in

concrete level against the expected increase. A graph showing the
theoretical and placed concrete volumes is to be plotted against depth
during concreting and submitted to Engineer for confirmation. If the rise in
concrete level is found to be higher than it is physically possible with the
amount of concrete discharged, demonstrate the integrity of the pile to the

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satisfaction of the Engineer.

4.7.7 Construction Joints

Construction joints will be allowed in case of an emergency, ie. total

breakdown of concrete supplies. In such cases, the concrete shall be
thoroughly vibrated, and dowel bars, similar to those in pile heads, inserted.
On resumption of concreting, the pile shall be inspected, thoroughly cleaned
and grouted.

The Contractor shall have available on Site, emergency reinforcement

cages at all times.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, no claim will be allowed for

such work.

4.7.8 Pile Head Casting Level Tolerances Piles cast in dry bores with temporary casing

Cast pile heads to a level above the specified cut-off so that a

sound concrete connection can be made after trimming. The casting
level is to be 300 mm above the cut-off level.

In the event of the ground water level being higher than the required
pile head casting level shown on the Drawings, submit proposals for
acceptance prior to placing concrete. Do not leave the pile head
below the ground water level unless acceptable precautions are
taken. Piles Cast in Dry Bores with Permanent Lining Tubes or Casings

Where permanent lining tubes or casings are used to where the cut-
off is in stable ground below the base of any casing used, cast pile
heads to a level above the specified cut-off so that a sound concrete
connection can be made after trimming. The casting level is to be
300 mm above the cut-off level.

Where cut-off levels are specified below the standing groundwater

level, do not reduce the borehole fluid level below the standing
groundwater level until the concrete has set.

4.7.9 Extraction of Casing General

Remove the casing in such a manner that no defect or damage will

be sustained by the newly cast piles. Workability of Concrete

Extract temporary casings before the initial setting time of the

concrete expires and when the concrete remains sufficiently
workable to ensure that it is not lifted. Should a semi-dry mix have
been accepted for formed piles, submit the means of ensuring that
the semi-dry concrete does not lift during extraction of the casing.

During extraction maintain the motion of the casing in the axial

direction of the pile.

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When the casing is being extracted, maintain a sufficient quantity of

concrete within it to ensure that pressure from external water,
drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that the pile is neither reduced in
section nor contaminated.

Do not place concrete in the boring once the bottom of the casing
has been lifted above the top of the concrete; place it continuously
as the casing is extracted until the desired head of concrete is

Take adequate precautions in all cases where excess heads of

water or drilling fluid could be caused as the casing is withdrawn
because of the displacement of water or fluid by the concrete as it
flows into its final position against the walls of the shaft. Where two
or more discontinuous lengths of casing (double casing) are used in
the construction, the proposed method of working is to be
acceptable to the Engineer.

4.7.10 Overbreak

Ensure that the method of construction does not cause an overbreak of

larger than 100% of the nominal pile concrete volume. Where the overbreak
is larger than 100%, the pile is deemed to be defective. Propose suitable
remedial measures including load tests justifying the capacity of the piles for
Engineer’s acceptance.

4.8 Tolerances

4.8.1 Setting Out

Establish all lines, levels and be responsible for the correct positions of all
piles. Carry out setting out from the main grid lines of the proposed
structure. Immediately before installation of the pile, mark the pile position
with suitable identifiable pins or markers. Guide Wall position

Check the Guide Wall position during and after placing the casing. Boring

Full nominal cross-section must be maintained throughout its length.

The shaft shall not deviate from vertical by more than 1 in 100, and
shall be measured on Site using a plumb line at ground level and
rechecked at the cut-off level.

Depth of piles shall be confirmed with the Engineer as Work


4.8.2 Position

Maximum permitted deviation of pile center at cut-off level from specified

position shall be ±25 mm in any direction.

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4.8.3 Verticality

For vertical piles, the maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from
the vertical is 1 in 100.

4.8.4 Pile Diameter

The cross-sectional dimension of the pile is not to be less than specified.

Check the auger width as required and record for each pile to ensure the
specified diameter is achieved.

Allow a tolerance of 5% on the auger width. Enlarged Pile Bases

Enlarged bases formed mechanically is to be not less than the

specified dimensions and concentric with the pile shaft within a
tolerance of 10% of the shaft diameter.

The angle between the sloping (upper) surface of the base and the
axis of the pile is not to exceed 35° and at the specified diameter of
the base at the perimeter the thickness of the base is not to be less
than 150mm.

4.8.5 Cut-Off

The permissible tolerance in the true cut-off level will be plus or minus 25 mm,
upon final trimming.

The Contractor will be responsible for all additional works such as pile caps,
tie beams, installation of compensating pile etc, including Cost of Redesign,
resulting from tolerances outside those specified herein. All corrective
redesign of the structure shall be carried out by the Engineer at the
Contractor's cost and expense and time. The cost of redesign by the Engineer
shall be based on the hourly rates listed under Clause 1.6.

4.8.6 Reinforcement

The as-installed location of reinforcement cages for the piles including the
projecting reinforcement at the cut-off level shall be within plus or minus 25
mm of the specified position on plan.

4.9 Protection to Piles

Ensure that, during the course of the work, no damage or displacement, which could
impair performance or durability, occurs to the completed piles.

Do not bore nor drive pile casing nearer than five times its diameter (measured centre
to centre) from an unfilled pile excavation or from an uncased concrete pile where the
concrete has been in place less than 24 hours.

4.9.1 Undesirable Imposed Forces

Do not subject installed piles to any forces (direct or indirect) prior to their
incorporation into the superstructure unless accepted by the Engineer.

Cracks, tilting or bending of piles are sufficient evidence that undesirable

forces have been imposed on the piles.

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4.10 Replacement of Piles

4.10.1 Rejection of Piles

Any piles cracked, deformed, twisted or suspected to be damaged in any

way or not installed within the specified tolerance is to be rejected at the
discretion of the Engineer.

4.10.2 Remedial Proposals

In the event of pile rejection, propose remedial measures including replacing

the rejected piles or supplement by substitute piles for Engineer’s

Propose the details of modification of design to the pile caps, any required
compensating piles, and other measures as necessary. All proposals are to
be endorsed by a PE.

4.11 Cleaning Up

Remove from the site periodically during the works and on completion all
unnecessary plant, rubbish and debris resulting from the activities.

All excavated material from boreholes shall be removed off-site to the approval of the

4.12 Cutting Off Pile Heads

The Contractor shall be responsible for the soundness of pile heads at cut-off level,
the specified level at which piles are required to terminate.

Notwithstanding any provisions of this Specification, concrete in pile heads shall be

thoroughly vibrated, reinforced and undisturbed by withdrawal of linings.

The concrete shall be clean, sound, uncontaminated by any foreign matter and free
from laitance.

On completion of installation of piles, cut off the piles to the required level as shown
on the Drawings and to a tolerance of plus minor of 20 mm unless otherwise agreed.

Where a pile has been formed below the required cut-off level, build up the deficient
portion and ensure the reinforcement is to project for a minimum length as stipulated
below. Submit the method of cutting the pile heads for Engineer’s acceptance.

Take care to avoid shattering or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Cut away
any cracked or defective concrete and make good with new concrete properly bonded
to the old.

Table 5.15 Minimum Bond Length

Concrete Class of Pilecap C28/35 C32/40 or more

High Tensile Steel (fy=500N/mm2) 37D 32D

Mild Steel (fy=250N/mm2) 36D 31D

D = nominal diameter of bar

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4.13 Noise and Disturbance

Carry out the work in such a manner as to minimise noise, vibration and other

Comply with all current regulations and environmental controls.

4.14 As Built Pile Penetration Length, Final Survey and As-Built Drawing

The Contractor shall update and submit progressively to the Engineer, the as-built
records, including the penetration length calculations and drawings. The as-built
records shall be submitted to the Engineer fortnightly and no later than 14 days after
each and every pile installed.

After installation of the piles, the Contractor shall employ a licensed surveyor to
prepare a layout plan showing offsets of all installed piles from the theoretical
locations, and shall submit such drawings in triplicate to the Engineer. Inclinations of
all the piles shall also be surveyed and submitted as soon as possible.

On completion of the trimming to cut-off-levels of the piles, engage a registered land

surveyor to survey and prepare a survey plan and as-built drawing showing the
position, cut off level, founding levels and eccentricity of the piles.

Allow for the survey plans to be taken in batches and to carry out the survey work on
several visits. Submit within timing and format as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also submit six (6) certified copies plus six (6) nos. of CD-Rom
with the drawing showing the as-installed length and cut-off level of each pile within
14 days from the completion date. These as-built drawings shall be certified by
Contractor's own PE.

4.15 Removal on Completion

On completion of all pile testing, all temporary works and equipment shall be removed
by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer.


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Submission at Tender

Submit the following details with the tender:

(a) Proposals to deal with noise and vibration, and an assessment of

vibration characteristics for the different piling operations and how they
will attenuate with distance.
(b) Details of proposed method of boring and construction of secant pile
(c) Details of method of achieving penetration of the piles, as well as
through obstructions.
(d) Method of fabrication and details of reinforcement cages for each size
of pile. The reinforcement shall not be less than that elsewhere
specified in this Specification.

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(e) Methods adopted for ensuring a seal at the bottom of casings prior to
concreting and safe guards to be adopted if tremie pipes are used for
(f) Calculations for pile lengths including the socketed lengths and
adopted parameters for bearing and skin friction.
(g) Details of method of avoidance of critical services.
(h) Work programme indicating the anticipated time required for installation
of the soft and hard piles from (commencement of site works/start of
excavation) to completion.
(i) Track records showing evidence of experience of this type of work.
(j) General methods for control of the piling works.
(k) Confirm that the ground investigation information provided is adequate
for the piling works and design verification. List any concerns in the
(l) Details of the action that would be taken to stabilise an excavation if for
any reason the completion to the excavation of the concreting is
delayed or prevented.

5.1.2 Method Statement

Prior to commencement of piling works, submit a method statement for the

proposed method of installation to achieve the required performance

(a) All relevant details of the method proposed during tender, including
details of the method of transporting and placing concrete in piles and
how the specified casting level tolerance will be achieved.
(b) Method of overcoming any obstructions encountered and drilling
through hard rock and ensuring no soil collapse within the borehole.
Include details of the reversed circulation drilling, chiselling or other
method as proposed.
(c) Methods to achieve the specified maximum permitted verticality of pile.
Method of checking the verticality and corrective actions to be taken if
the deviation exceeds the maximum permitted limits.
(d) Methods for installing piles in ground which exhibits Artesian conditions
at depth.
(e) Details of proposed plant and boring equipment
(f) Details of proposed monitoring equipment
(g) Details of specialists used for grouting
(h) Details of concrete and grout mixes
(i) Methods of concreting and grouting
(j) Methods of handling reinforcement
(k) Details of spacers to be used on reinforcement cage
(l) Details of permanent casing and the method of installation
(m) Details and properties of support fluid.
(n) Do not commence work for working piles before proposed methods are

5.1.3 Secant Piling Programme

Submit to Engineer’s acceptance the sequence and programme of working

pile installation. Inform the Engineer of the piling programme scheduled for
the following day and give adequate notice of any intention to work outside
normal hours and on weekends.

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5.1.4 Monitoring of Adjacent Structures

Provide proposals for surveys and monitoring of movement and vibration in

adjacent structures and services before work commences.

5.1.5 As-Built Details

Submit the details for the As-Built Drawings for the piling works on A1 size
drawings including at least the following details:

(a) Final setting out plan, pile depths, pile sizes, pile capacities, pile
eccentricities, pile lengths and cut-off levels.
(b) Location of piles which have been discarded and not in use, e.g.
abandoned piles, unused existing foundation, rejected piles and
preliminary test piles.
(c) Location and type of pile load tests.

Submit these drawings to the Engineer endorsed by a PE within 2 weeks

upon completing the works.

5.1.6 Quality Control Plan

Prepare and submit the quality control plan for Engineer’s acceptance prior
to starting work.

5.2 Inspection and Test Certificates

5.2.1 General

Provide the Engineer with test certificates, analyses and mill sheets. Ensure
that adequate notice is given to the Engineer when the processes can be
inspected or tests can be witnessed.

Inspect each pile bore prior to the placing of concrete in it. Provide suitable
equipment to the Engineer’s acceptance for carrying out the inspection.

5.2.2 Inspection of Bores

Inspect each pile bore prior to the placing of concrete in it. Provide suitable
equipment to the Engineer’s acceptance for carrying out the inspection.

Where the borehole is dry inspect from ground level to ensure that:

(a) The base is adequately clean

(b) The shaft is stable
(c) The bore has been constructed within specified tolerances

Provide adequate lighting, measuring tapes and the means of measuring


Keep records of the inspection of bores.

5.3 Tests

5.3.1 Compliance Testing of Concrete and Reinforcement

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Provide the Engineer with test certificates, analyses and mill

certificates. Ensure that adequate notice is given to the Engineer to
inspect the process or test. Concrete Compliance Testing

Carry out sampling and testing during concreting operations in

accordance with MS 26: Part 2: 1991 and the appropriate parts of
MS EN 12350. Supply three copies of all test results to the Engineer
as soon as they are available. Testing of Concrete Cubes

Test concrete cubes in an accepted accredited

laboratory independent of contractual parties in
accordance with MS 26: Part 2: 1991.

Six (6) test cubes shall be taken from every pile or as

directed by the Engineer or his representatives. The
test cubes shall be tested by an independent approved
laboratory. Two (2) cubes shall be tested at the age of
seven (7) days, and the remaining four (4) at the age
of 28 days.

Cubes shall have the same marks as the pile members

and shall be suffixed A, B, C, D, E and F in each set.
Thus cubes 1/A, 1/B, 2/A, 2/B etc shall be tested at the
age of seven (7) days. Similarly, cubes 1/C, 1/D, 1/E,
1/F, 2/C, 2/D, 2/E, 2/F etc shall be tested at the age of
28 days

The cubes shall be made and tested in accordance

with MS 26L 1991. The results of the tests shall be
sent to the Engineer and also kept on the Site for

The average strengths of the two cubes tested at

seven (7) days shall be used as indication only. If the
average strength is less than 0.75 of the characteristic
strength, the Engineer may instruct that the mix design
be modified to increase the mean strength of
subsequent concrete until satisfactory evidence is
obtained of its adequacy.

Tests shall be carried out in an accredited laboratory

and approved by the Engineer. The appropriate
strength requirement shall be considered to be
satisfied if, for the cubes tested at the specified age,
none of the strengths is below the required strength at
the age tested; and the difference between their
strength is not more than 20% of the average.

If the tests fail to meet these requirements, the

Contractor may be required to increase the target
mean strengths of subsequent batches to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

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For each batch or delivery of concrete, a slump test

shall be carried out. Slump to be minimum 100 mm
and maximum 150 mm. Non-Destructive Testing

Carry out non-destructive tests for piles installed by

coring as directed. Reinforcement Compliance Testing Mill Certification

Prior to putting the reinforcement on site, provide mill
certificate to confirm that each batch of steel and mesh
supplied to the site complies with MS 145: 2006 and
MS146: 2006 as appropriate. Include also information
such as country of origin and the name of supplier for
review. Details of Welding Works

Submit full details of welder’s qualifications, welding
procedures and joint details for acceptance prior to
carrying out the works if required for the project. Sample Tests

Carry out the following tests in an approved laboratory
on every batch of reinforcement delivered to site.
Testing requirements and frequency to be in
accordance with MS 146: 2006 for reinforcement bars
and MS 145: 2006 for welded steel fabric;

▪ Tensile test
▪ Bend and Re-bend test
▪ Weldability test.

5.3.2 Grout Testing

Carry out cube testing in accordance with MS EN 12504-2:2012.

Each sample is to comprise of six cubes, three for testing at seven days and
three for testing at 28 days after casting.

5.4 Compliance Testing of Drilling Fluid

5.4.1 Verification of Drilling Fluid Material

Provide a certificate from the manufacturer of the drilling powder, showing

the properties of each consignment delivered to the site. The properties to
be given by the manufacturer are the apparent viscosity range (in
centipoises) and the gel strength range (in Newton’s per square metre) for
solids in water.

5.4.2 Frequency of Testing

Propose the frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure
of sampling prior to the commencement of the work. The frequency may
subsequently be varied as required, depending on the consistency of the
results obtained.

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Measure the density of freshly mixed drilling fluid suspension daily as a

check on the quality of the suspension being formed. The measuring device
is to be calibrated to read to within 0.005 g/ml.

5.4.3 Testing Laboratory

Establish a suitably equipped and maintained site laboratory for testing the
support fluid. Provide skilled staff and all necessary apparatus to carry out
the sampling and testing.

5.4.4 Testing Batch Testing

Tests to determine density, viscosity, shear strength and pH value is

to be applied to each batch of freshly mixed or reconditioned drilling
fluid supplied to the pile boring and the results submitted before the
batch is used in excavations. For average soil conditions, the results
are to generally be within the ranges stated in Table below.

Carry out the tests until a consistent working pattern has been
established, take account of the mixing process, any blending of
freshly mixed drilling fluid suspension and previously used drilling
fluid suspension and any process which may be used to remove
impurities from previously used drilling fluid suspension.

When the results show consistent behaviour, the tests for shear
strength and pH value may be discontinued, and tests to determine
density and viscosity is to be carried out as agreed. In the event of a
change in the established working pattern, tests for shear strength
and pH value is to be re-introduced for a period, if required. Testing from Bore

At least one sample of fluid is to be taken from the base of the

excavation and one from the top immediately prior to placing
reinforcement and concrete. Compliance values are as stipulated

Table Drilling Fluid Properties

Property Range of Range of Test Method

to be results – results –
measured Freshly sample from
mixed fluid bore prior to
placing steel
and concrete

Density Less than 1.10 Less than 1.10 Mud density

g/ml g/ml balance

Viscosity 30-90s or less 33-42 s Marsh cone or

than 20 cP Fann viscometer

Shear 1.4 – 10.0 1.4 - 10.0

strength N/m2 or 4.0 – N/m2 or 4.0 - Shearometer or
(10 minute 40.0 N/m2 40.0 N/m2 Fann Viscometer

02483 SECANT PILE WALL.doc Page 32



PH 9.5 - 12.0 9.5-12.0 pH indicator paper

strips or electrical
pH meter

Sand Less than 4% Less than 2% Wet sieving

content through 210 BS

5.5 Records of The Inspection of Bores

5.5.1 Keep records of the installation of each pile with information as below.
Submit two copies of these records to the Engineer the next working day
after the pile was installed or as directed. Note any unexpected boring
conditions in the record.

(a) Contract
(b) Dsignation of piles and pile reference number (location)
(c) Pile type
(d) Nominal cross-sectional dimensions or diameters
(e) Nominal diameter of underream
(f) Length of preformed pile
(g) Standing groundwater level
(h) Date and time of boring
(i) Date of concreting
(j) Ground level at commencement of installation of pile
(k) Working level
(l) Depth from working level to pile toe
(m) Toe level
(n) Depth from working level to pile head level
(o) Depth of boring
(p) Length of temporary casing
(q) Length of permanent casing
(r) A log of soil type encountered from start to finish of excavation and
observed water levels.
(s) Length and details of reinforcement
(t) Concrete mix
(u) Volume of concrete supplied to pile where this can be measured in
(v) A graph of theoretical and placed concrete volumes with depth.
(w) Concrete test cube numbers
(x) Concrete slump
(y) Level of concrete in pile before and after withdrawal of lining or tube
(z) All information regarding obstructions/delays and other interruptions to
the sequence of work

5.5.2 Records shall be signed as the Work proceeds by the Contractor’s

supervisor and the Engineer or his appointed representative.

5.5.3 The Contractor will be required to supply three copies of such records free
of charge to the Engineer by sending them once a week.

5.5.4 Grouting Records

Provide duplicate records within 24 hours of completion of grouting,


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(a) Pile identification

(b) Date
(c) Leakage test
(d) Records of pressure and uplift
(e) Total uplift
(f) Grout test results

The Engineer may change these requirements at his sole discretion, with no time and
cost impact.

--- End of Section ---

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1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................3

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................6

2.1 Contractor’s Submission .........................................................................................................6

3.0 MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................................6

3.1 Pipes and Fittings ...................................................................................................................6
3.2 Sewer Manholes .....................................................................................................................7
3.3 Paving .....................................................................................................................................8

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ...............................................................................................8

4.1 General ...................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Trial Holes ...............................................................................................................................8
4.3 Trench Excavation ..................................................................................................................9
4.4 Anchor and Trust Blocks ..................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Pipework Installation ............................................................................................................ 13
4.6 Manholes ............................................................................................................................. 16
4.7 Backfill and Reinstatement .................................................................................................. 17

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 19

5.1 Submission .......................................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Testing ................................................................................................................................. 19

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers are DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is
to note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of
the Consulting Engineers.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any
other person designated in writing by the Architect from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect as required.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of The Eurocodes, Malaysia
Standards and Codes of Practice current at the date of tender, the Building Regulations and local
By-laws and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities empowered to control the Works,
the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and any other instructions issued by
the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysia Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standard or
Code of Practice. Where the requirements of the Specifications are more onerous or stringent, it
shall take precedence over the requirements of MS, EC or CP. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers the requirements for the installation of pipelines for sewers, force
mains, delineated in these Contract Documents, and for providing all labour, materials
and equipment necessary for the installation of those works.

The following terms shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them expect where
the Contract clearly renders these meaning inapplicable:-

i. Pipe Means pipe or pipes, bends, junctions and other specials and
fittings, including joints and jointing parts.

ii. Installation Means supplying, hauling, handling, placing, fixing, jointing in

position, and testing whether in trench or elsewhere in Works.

iii. Pipeline Means those parts of the Works comprising pipes, manholes
and fittings.

The section covers the civil engineering aspects of the construction of sewers outside
of buildings, such as setting out, earthworks, concreting, ground monitoring and etc.
For requirements of piping works, pumps, vents and system testing etc., as well as
sanitary works within the building, refer to Mechanical specifications.

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 1


1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:



1.3 Standards and Regulations

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply with the
relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or referenced in the
body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and Codes may be proposed for
approval by the Engineer, provided it can be demonstrated that the alternative
Standards and Codes comply with the requirements of the standards specified. All
Standards and Codes quoted are the current version, unless specific year references
are noted.

Malaysia Standards

MSIG Vol. III Sewer networks and Pump Stations

MS 881 Specification for pre-cast concrete pipes and fittings for drainage and

MS 1228 Code of Practice for Design and Installation of Sewerage Systems.

Other Standards

BS 65 Specification for vitrified clay pipes, fittings and ducts, also flexible
mechanical joints for use solely with surface water pipes and fittings.

BS 1247 Manhole steps.

BS EN 295-1 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers –

BS EN 295-7 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers.
Requirements for vitrified clay pipes and joints for pipe jacking.

BS EN 598 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications – requirements and test methods.

BS EN 681 Elastomeric Seal. Materials requirement for pipe joint seals used in
water and drainage applications.

BS EN 682 Elastomeric Seal. Materials requirement for pipe joint seals used in
pipes and fitting carrying gas hydrocarbons fluids.

BS EN 1610 Construction and testing of drains and sewers.

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In the event that the Standards or Codes are partially superseded or become
obsolete, refer to the latest edition or the approved substitution for the relevant

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Specialist, Inspection and Testing

The Contractor may, at his cost, employ the services of specialist firm to
assist the Engineer as he may require in any matter connected to pipe,
manholes and fittings including the inspection of materials and workmanship
and the witnessing of test at any stage (including manufacture) during the
execution and maintenance of the Works. Such independent tests may be
carried out during any stage during the execution and Defects Liability
period of the Works, but they shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his
own obligations under the Contract.

To the extent ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide labour,
plant and materials (but not special equipment) for direct assistance to the
specialist firm in their inspection and independent testing and for any further
work of investigation and repair which the Engineer considers necessary as
a result of such inspection or testing.

The cost of providing labour, plant and materials as aforesaid shall be borne
by the Contractor if the inspection test or further investigation shows that
materials and/or workmanship provided by the Contractor does not comply
with the specified requirements.

1.4.2 Tools

The Contractor shall supply suitable tools for cutting, chamfering, jointing,
testing and any other requirement or satisfactorily installing the pipelines.

1.4.3 Handling and Storing Pipe

During storage, handling, and transporting, every precaution shall be taken

to prevent damage to the pipe and fittings. Pipe shall be handled only by
means of approved hooks on ends of sections, by means of fabric slings, or
other approved methods for the pipe used. Dropping or bumping of pipe will
not be permitted. Damaged pipes shall be replaced or repaired by the
Contractor at his expense and such repairs shall be approved by the
Engineer. Pipes shall not be dragged over the ground and, if rolled, shall be
rolled only over adequate timber bearers to prevent damage.

1.4.4 Storage of Pipes

Pipes may be stored in the open, but shall be placed on adequate timber
bearers to prevent damage. Pipes may be stacked one above the other up
to three pipes high provided suitable protective packing is placed between

1.4.5 Coordination with Other Works

Co-ordinate with other contractors who may carry out other works at the
same time at the site. Take into account of site access, space occupation,
safety and safeguarding of adjoining properties and each other’s works.

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1.4.6 Condition Survey

Where applicable, prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a
condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the requirements
records to the Engineer and adjacent property owners where directed.

Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.

1.4.7 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide instrumentation to monitor the ground movement, vibration and

condition of adjacent properties. Refer to SECTION 01018
INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING, and the drawings for the
schedule of instrumentation required. If necessary or as required by the
authorities, propose and provide additional instrumentation and monitoring
for records.

Take cognisance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

For general requirements of the instrumentation and monitoring works refer


1.4.8 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

Accept responsibility for the upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads,
footpaths etc., where applicable, together with the mains and services from
the time of taking possession of the site through the duration of the works.

Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and
keep clear of mud and debris.

1.4.9 Verification of Site Information Site Surveys

Verify and be satisfied that the information including the invert levels
and top levels of existing/proposed manholes given in the existing
site survey plans provided are accurate. Engage a registered
Surveyor to carry out additional site survey before commencing any
work. Additional site investigation

Carry out additional ground investigation where additional

information is needed for the works or when directed by the

Carry out the boreholes progressively prior to commencement of the

works in areas according to the contractor’s construction
programme. On completion of drilling, backfill the boreholes with a
suitable bentonite/cement mix.

Submit the location and schedule for the boreholes to Engineer’s

acceptance prior to carrying out the works. On completion, prepare
the site investigation report and submit to the Engineer for

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 4

SEWER WORKS Groundwater level

Verify the data on groundwater level from available ground

investigation reports.


Verify information on contamination identified or believed to be

present on site.

In the event that contamination is either positively identified or

suspected, draw to the attention of all personnel working on site
together with the need to take any precautionary measures in
handling contaminated materials, groundwater and obnoxious
vapours from the ground.

1.4.10 Existing Services Affected by the Works

Refer to Preliminaries and conditions of contract for the requirements to

deal with existing services affected by the works.

1.4.11 Site Protection

Protect all equipment and working area using fencing or other methods as

1.4.12 Obstructions

Make allowance for removing. If any obstructions such as existing fences,

structures, footings, boulders, concrete blocks, pipes, drains, driveways or
ramp are encountered during excavation, submit proposals for their removal
for the Engineer’s acceptance.

1.4.13 Accredited Laboratory

Engage a laboratory accepted by the Engineer and accredited under the

Malaysia Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAMM) to carry out tests as
required by this Specification.

1.4.14 Connection to Existing Services

Be responsible for the connection of the works to the receiving sewer

system to the acceptance of Authority.

1.4.15 Licensed Plumber

Engage a registered Licensed Plumber for completing the Works to the

satisfaction and approval of the Authority till acceptance and handing over of
the whole sewerage system.

1.4.16 Qualified Personnel

Specialist operations such as pipe jacking are to be carried out only by

experienced and qualified personnel. Submit the experience of the relevant
personnel engaged for the works for acceptance before work commences.

Supervision of the Works

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 5


Engage a competent and suitably experienced site engineer to the

Engineer’s acceptance, to supervise the field works.

1.4.17 Licensed Surveyor

Employ a registered surveyor throughout the Contract Period for the setting-
out of alignment and levels of the sewer line. Develop the details for the
setting-out based on the information given in the drawings.

1.4.18 As-Build Surveys

Engage a Licensed Surveyor to be responsible for surveying the position

and levels of the sewer system and submit the as–build survey to the
Engineer in format as directed upon completion of the works. Submit the as-
built surveys to the authorities where applicable.


2.1 Contractor’s Submission

The Contractor shall submit for approval detailed shop drawings of the pipes, joints,
reinforcement and all pipe specials, together with laying diagrams showing the

i. Location, depth, design designation and designation by number of each pipe

section and pipe special to be furnished and installed.
ii. Station and elevation of pipe invert at all changes in grade.
iii. All data on curves and bends for both the horizontal and vertical alignment.

All applicable provision of these Specifications shall apply to the preparation of

submitted said drawings, and their subsequent approval and possible revision. In the
event that the final “As-Built” condition varies from the original approved shop
drawings, the Contractor shall revise the shop drawings and laying diagrams to the
“As-Built” condition.


3.1 Pipes and Fittings

3.1.1 Vitrified Clay Pipes

All vitrified clay pipe and fittings shall be Extra Strength, conforming to the
requirements of BS EN 295. They shall be provided with rubber-ring flexible
joint to BS EN 681 and BS EN 682. All pipes and fittings shall be free of
injurious cracks, checks, blisters, broken ends and other imperfection.

3.1.2 Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings

All ductile iron pipes and fittings are to comply with BS EN 598. They are to
be internally lined with high alumina cement (HAC) mortar in accordance
with BS EN 598 or alternatively, sulphate resisting cement (SRC) complying
with the type tested for chemical resistance and abrasion resistance as
specified in BS EN 598 for HAC. They are also to be externally coated with
a layer of metallic zinc and covered by a bituminous coating finishing.

Unless otherwise approved by the Commission, all fittings and accessories

shall be provided with external and internal epoxy coating.

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 6


3.1.3 Reinforced Concrete (RC) Pipe and Fittings

All RC pipes shall consist of reinforced concrete constructed by the

centrifugal spun method or the vibrocast method of type, size, strength and
quality as indicated on the plans or as specified. RC pipes section shall be
in minimum length of 3m, except where shorter lengths may be required to
meet special conditions. RC pipes shall not exceed 5m. High Alumina Lining

All reinforced concrete pipes unless shown otherwise, shall be lined

with 13mm thick High Alumina Lining. Lining and testing of lining
shall be in accordance with BS EN 4550 and BS EN 14647. Visual Tests and Inspection

Visual Inspection may be made by the Engineer before and/or after

delivery of the pipe, for the purpose of determining the placement of
the reinforcement, size, shape, fractures, spalls, honeycomb or
other imperfection or damage. The Engineer shall have access to all
operations of the manufacture and may inspect and test any or all
equipment materials and operations used in the manufacturing
handling and curing of the pipe. Workmanship and Finish

Reinforced concrete pipes shall be substantially free from fractures

large of deep cracks and surface roughness. The planes of the ends
of a pipe shall be perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. Rejection

Reinforced pipes shall be subjected to rejection in account of failure

to conform to any of the specification requirements or on account of
any of the followings:-

i. Defects that indicate defective mixing and moulding.

ii. Surface defects indication honeycomb or open texture.

iii. Exposed reinforcement, which indicated that the reinforcement

is misplaced.

3.2 Sewer Manholes

3.2.1 Manhole

Pre-cast concrete manholes shall conform to MS 881 and BS 5911.Unless

otherwise indicated in the design drawings, all sewer manholes shall be
constructed with pre-cast concrete sections surrounded by an in-situ
concrete surround. Protecting lining/coating shall be provided to prevent
corrosion of the concrete due to sulphide attack. Only materials and
application processes approved by the Commission may be used.

Brick manholes shall not be used, due to high risk of excessive infiltration.

Details of manhole types and construction are shown in MSIG Volume III.
Straight back type taper top shall be used while reducing slabs type are

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 7


acceptable as alternative. Any other type of pre-fabricated manhole will

require prior approval of the Commission.

Unless otherwise agreed by the Commission, all manholes shall be sited in

public road reserve so that access can be gained for maintenance purpose.

The connections, details, and method of manhole construction shall be in

accordance to MS 1228. In addition, the current policy of the Commission
with respect to safety and operation shall be strictly followed.

3.2.2 Manhole Cover and Frames

Manhole covers and frames shall comply with the specification in MSIG
Volume III and BS EN 124. Manhole cover and frames shall be capable to
bearing wheel load up to 400 kN and, as such, shall meet the test load
requirement for Class D400 manhole covers and frames given in BS EN
124. The material of manhole covers and frames shall be of spheroidal or
nodular graphite iron (otherwise known as ductile iron) complying with the
requirement specified in BS EN 1563 for Grade 500/7.

Manhole covers and frames shall be certified as complying with the

requirements of MSIG Volume III. The product testing for certification
purposes shall be undertaken by SIRIM QAS, IKRAM QAS services or other
third part certification body. The approval of the product shall be from the

3.3 Paving

For paving on driveways and footways refer to SECTION 02700 ROADWORKS.

For finishing on concrete slab refer to architectural specifications.


4.1 General

In planning and executing the works, be guided by the requirements as set out in BS
EN 1610.

4.2 Trial Holes

A copy of the soil investigation report prepared by the specialist for the project is
available for the Contractor’s information. The report is intended solely as preliminary
and approximate guide to the nature of ground stratification as it is known to the
Engineer. Neither the completeness nor accuracy of the information provided is
guaranteed. No responsibility is assumed by the Employer or Engineer for any
opinion or conclusion five in the soil report. Trial holes shall be excavated well ahead
of the trench excavation to such depth as necessary to determine and confirm the
alignment for the trench.

Reinstatement of trial holes shall be carried out immediately after the required holes
are carried out to the approval of the Engineer and to the requirements of the relevant

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 8


4.3 Trench Excavation

4.1.1. General

Trench excavation means excavation in all material of whatever nature

encountered for trenches into which pipes are to be laid or pipe
appurtenances constructed and the term of pipe shall mean pipe of all kinds
and for whatever purposes, including pipe for sewers and force mains.

Trench excavation shall be carried out by such methods and to such lines,
dimensions and depths as shall allow for the proper construction of the
Works. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any rock in trench excavation shall
be so excavated that the clearance between the pipe when laid and the rock
sides and bottom of the trench is kept to the minimum limit necessary to
provide for the specified thickness of bedding and concrete protection of the
pipe. Socket holes and depressions for couplings, valves and the like shall
be excavated the same distance below these installations. The materials
excavated shall be used in the backfill or removed and disposed by the
Contractor, as required by the Engineer and as specified. The trench shall
be dug only so far in advance of pipe laying as the Engineer shall permit.
Minimum trench width shall be as required for proper assembly and joint
inspection, but in no case less than 300mm greater than nominal pipe
diameter. Maximum trench width shall not be greater than 1200mm. No
trench excavation shall commence until the pipe and fitting to be laid in that
length are available on the site.

4.1.2. Construction Alignment and Grade

The line and level of trenches shall be as shown on the drawings. Before
commencing trench excavations, the route of the trench shall be pegged out
accurately and the natural ground level shall be agreed with the Engineer.
Strong sight rail shall then be fixed and maintained at each change of
gradient, and at as many intermediate points as may be necessary. On
these rails shall be marked the center line and the level to which the
excavation is to be carried out, such rails being not more than 15 meter

4.1.3. Change in Line and Grade

In the event obstruction not shown on the plans are encountered during the
progress of the work which will require alteration to the plans, the Engineer
shall have the authority to change the plans and order the necessary
deviation from, the line and/or grade. The Contractor shall not make any
deviation from the specified line and/or grade without approval by the
Engineer. Should any deviations in line and/or grade be permitted by the
Engineer in order to reduce the amount of rock excavation or for other
similar convenience to the Contractor, any additional costs for the thrust
blocks, extra pipe footage, manholes or other appurtenances or additional
costs shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall include in his
unit rate in the Tender, provisions to cover any deviation from the invert
grade shown on the plans to facilitate extra depth required to eliminate
possible conflicts between culverts and other utilities with the force and
sewer mains.

4.1.4. Trench Excavation in Roads

All trench excavation and other work carried out within the limits of any
highway or roads shall be completed as rapidly as possible and the

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 9


Contractor shall make every effort to ensure that not more than half of the
width of the carriageway shall be obstructed at one time. Road drains and
curbs shall be kept free from obstruction.

The Engineer may direct that trench excavation in highways shall be located
in footpath or in verges rather than in the carriageway. If that is the case,
trench excavation shall wherever practicable be carried out such a way that
every part of the excavation is at least 900mm clear of the existing edge of
the carriageway.

In any event, the Contractor shall take special precautions from the time
when excavation has begun until the refilling of the trench is completed to
ensure that there is no disturbance of the adjacent road or road foundation.
Excavated material shall be removed from the site at the end of a day’s
work. Where excavated material has temporary been deposited on an
adjacent surface, the surface shall on completion of refilling be restored
entirely to its original condition and left free of loose stones.

All excavation carried out in the carriageway and footpath must be backfilled
with clean sand to be compacted in layers of not more than 230mm.
Backfilled excavation within carriageway shall be temporary covered with
M.S plate or surfaced with original road metaling or other approved hard
material emanating from trench excavation and a layer of premix 40mm
thick. Final reinstatement works shall be carried our soonest possible as

Where excavation involves closure of public roads, the Contractor shall

apply for a permit for such works from the Authority and extend a copy of
the permit to the Engineer for record.

4.1.5. Trench Excavation in Surfaces other than Roads

Trench excavation in surfaces other than roads shall include all surfaces
expect those asphalt surfaces, which require road reinstatement. These
surfaces include but not limited to fields, paddy fields, pasture land and the
like, footpaths, verges, non-asphalt roads, lanes, alleys and all private land.
Trench excavation located in fields shall in if the Engineer so requires have
temporary fencing erected around the length.
The Contractor is hereby notified that generally all sewer and force main
alignments not in streets, which are covered with a vegetation growth, must
be removed and disposed off the site of work. The Contractor shall have
particular regard to the safety of livestock in fields or which may be
introduced to the field, and shall ensure that all open excavations access
routes and steep or loose slopes arising from the Contractor’s operations in
these field are adequately fenced and protected. After the erection of
temporary fencing where required, the Contractor shall remove top soil to
such depth and over such area as may be necessary to provide sufficient
material to ensure adequate surface reinstatement of the working areas
occupied by the Contractor for construction of the pipeline.

4.1.6. Supporting Trench Excavation

The Contractor shall employ a Professional Engineer to design and provide

safe and effective support to the sides of all trench excavations which shall
include the use of steel sheet piles. Where necessary, to prevent any fall or
run from any portion of the ground outside the excavation into the trench
and to prevent settlement of or damage to structures adjacent to the
excavation. The Contractor shall deemed to have made his own allowance
for shoring up the sides of trenches, any extra excavation necessary to

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 10


provide space for such support and for any other working space. If for any
reason any portion of trench excavation shall give way, the Contractor shall
at his own expenses take all necessary remedial measures including the
excavation and removal of all the ground thereby disturbed.

4.1.7. Battered Trench Sides

Where the Contractor elects and is permitted by the Engineer to execute

excavations with battered sides instead of providing support as aforesaid,
they shall be excavated to stable slopes and height at a slope of not steeper
than 1 to 1 from a point of one foot above the top of the sewer pipe.

4.1.8. Inspection by Engineer

When the specified levels of trench excavations are reached, the Engineer
will inspect the ground exposed and if he consider that any part of the
ground is by its nature unsuitable, he may direct the Contractor to excavate
further and to refill the further excavation with such material as he may
direct. Should the bottom of any trench excavation while acceptable to the
Engineer at the time of his inspection subsequently become unacceptable
due to exposure to weather conditions or due to flooding or have become
puddled, soft or loosing during the progress of the Works, the Contractor
shall remove such damaged, softened or loosened material and excavate
further by hand. In this case, the cost of the extra excavation and of the
additional foundation materials required will be the Contractor’s

4.1.9. Disposing Material from Trench Excavation

Subject to any specific requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall

make his own arrangement for the temporary storage of any excavated
material which is required for use in refilling trench excavations, including
any necessary double handling. In this connection, the Contractor shall give
regard to the working areas available to him for the construction of the
pipeline particularly where this is located in roads or in other places to which
the public has free access.

Any temporary tips alongside the trench excavations shall be to stable

slopes and heights. Where the nature of the excavated material is suitable,
the Contractor’s temporary storage as aforesaid shall include for separate
storage as the Engineer may direct of any of the various grade of materials
hereinafter specified for the refilling and surface reinstatement of trench
excavations, namely, soft material, coarse material, hard material and

Any excavated material not required for or not suitable for use as refilling as
aforesaid or use elsewhere in the Works shall become the property of the
Contractor and he shall be entirely responsible for its removal from the Site
and for its ultimate disposal. The Contractor is reminded that when working
along carriageway it is often not possible to stack or place excavated
materials along the trench and they may be required to remove such
materials required for backfill to temporary sites to be provided by the
Contractor and to return these materials on completion of pipe laying.

4.1.10. Trenches not to be left open

Trench excavation shall be carried out expeditiously and, subject to any

specific requirements of the Contract, the refilling and surface reinstatement
of trench excavations shall be commenced and completed as soon as

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 11


reasonably practicable after the pipe have been laid and jointed. Pipe laying
shall follow closely upon the progress of trench excavation, and the
Contractor shall not permit unreasonably excessive lengths of trench
excavation to remain open while awaiting testing of the pipeline. Length of
the trench excavation shall be not more than 15 meters ahead of the pipe
laying operation.

The Contractor shall take precautions to prevent flotation of pipes in

locations where open trench excavation may become flooded, and these
precautions may include the partial refilling or the trench leaving pipe joints
exposed for tests of the joints. If the Engineer considers that the Contractor
is not complying with any of the foregoing requirements, he may prohibit
further trench excavation until he is stratified with the progress of laying and
testing of pipes and refilling of trench excavation. The Contractor will not be
permitted to excavate trench in more than one location in anyone road at a
given time without the Engineer’s permission.

4.1.11. Of Water

All excavation and placement of backfill and fill shall be carried out in dry
conditions. The Contractor shall furnish, install and operate all necessary
machinery, appliances and equipment to keep excavations free from water
during construction, and shall dewater and dispose of the water so as not to
cause injury to public or private property, or to cause it nuisance or a
menace to the public. He shall at all times have on hand sufficient pumping
equipment and machinery in good working condition for all ordinary
emergencies, including power outage, and shall have available at all times
competent workmen for the operation of the pumping equipment. During
excavation, construction of manholes, etc., installation of pipelines and
sewers, placing of structure and trench backfill and the placing and setting
of concrete, excavations shall be kept free of water. The Contractor shall
control surface runoff so as to prevent entry or collection of water in
excavations. The static water level shall be drawn down a minimum of one
foot below the bottom of the excavation so as to maintain the undisturbed
state of the foundation soils and allow the placement of any fill or backfill to
the required density. The dewatering system shall be installed and operated
so that the ground water level outside the excavation is not reduced to the
extent that would damage or endanger adjacent structures or property.
Before commencement of dewatering, the Contractor shall file for record
purposes only with the Engineer the method, installation and details of the
dewatering systems he proposes to use.

The release of groundwater to its static level shall be performed as to

maintain the undisturbed state of the natural foundation soils, prevent
disturbance of compacted fill or backfill and prevent flotation or movement of
structures, pipelines and sewers.

4.1.12. Appurtenant Structure in the Pipeline

The Contractor shall carry out further excavation as may be necessary to

accommodate structures such as manholes and chambers. Such
excavation shall include for disposal of surplus material and, where
appropriate, for backfilling round the structures.

4.1.13. Fill Adjacent to Structure

Fill materials adjacent to structures shall be placed in such a manner as will

ensure that they can be satisfactorily compacted without damage to the
structures. Compaction adjacent to all structures shall be carried out by

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 12


hand or by suitable hand operated plant. No fill material shall be placed and
no compaction shall be permitted adjacent to concrete for fourteen days
following placing of the concrete.

4.1.14. Surface Drain

When surface drains, culverts, or field drains are severed by trench

excavation, they shall be kept in effective temporary operation during
construction of the pipeline. At the appropriate stage of refilling the trench
excavation, the drains shall be permanently restored to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

4.1.15. Existing Services

Where trench excavation is carried out close to or across the line of sewers,
pipes, cables and other services, the Contractor shall where necessary
provide temporary supports or slings and where such sewer, pipe, cable or
other service is temporarily disturbed it shall be replaced. Where in the
opinions of the Engineer, construction of the pipeline cannot reasonably be
carried out unless the sewer pipe or other service is permanently diverted or
permanently supported by concrete he shall order the Contractor to
undertake such work. Notwithstanding any relevant information furnished by
the Employer or Engineer, the Contractor shall be responsible for
ascertaining from his own inspection of the Site and the respective supply
Authorities and other public bodies the position of all mains, pipes and
cables whether underground or overhead, within or near the Site.

4.1.16. Crossing Water source

The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for all the additional
measures necessary for the proper construction of the pipeline crossing
underneath or over rivers, culverts and other watercourses including
maintaining the full flow of water.

4.4 Anchor and Trust Blocks

In general, thrust blocks will be placed at all changes in pipe direction greater than
seven (7) degree. Each thrust block shall be designed to have a sufficient point.
Thrust devices shall be cast-in- place concrete metal harness, or other suitable
devices. Thrust blocks shall be constructed of 20 N/mm 2 Portland cement concrete
and shall be placed between fitting and trench wall or trench bottom, as the case may
be. The bearing faces of the block shall be placed against freshly cut and undisturbed
trench wall or bottom of sound material. If the thrust exceeds the bearing value of the
surrounding soil, the soil shall be pre-compacted before placing concrete. Formwork
shall be constructed wherever necessary to confine the concrete to the prescribed
dimensions for the block. All formwork shall be removed prior to testing.

4.5 Pipework Installation

4.5.1 General

The Contractor shall, after excavating the trench and preparing the proper
bedding for the pipe, furnish all necessary facilities for properly lowering and
placing sections of the pipe in the trench without damage and shall properly
install the pipe. The sections of pipe shall be fitted together correctly and
shall be laid true to line and grade in accordance with the bench marks
established by the Contractor. After the trench for the pipe has been
excavated to the proper line and grade in the manner before specified, the

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 13


pipe shall be laid therein in the following manner and the contractors shall
submit one set of 'as-built' intermediate tracing to the Engineer.

4.5.2 Pipe Laying

Prior to laying of pipes, the Contractor shall carry out independent survey on
the invert levels of the existing manholes or/and sewer line where the new
line will be connected. Such record of survey shall be submitted to the
Engineer for record.

No pipe shall be rolled into place for lowering into the trench. Before laying,
each pipe shall be cleaned out and inspected for defects. Any defective,
damaged or unsound pipe shall be rejected. Before any pipe is lowered into
place, the bedding shall be prepared so that each length of pipe shall have
a firm and uniform bearing over the entire length of the barrel. The pipes
shall be laid in straight lines, both in the horizontal and vertical planes,
between manholes or, where directed in the case of force mains and larger
diameter sewers to regular curves. Each pipe shall be plumbed to its correct
line and directed and accurately sighted by means of boning rods and sight
rails fixed to secure posts which shall be set up and maintained at each end
of the sewer to be laid and not more than 15 meter apart. Sight rails shall be
clearly painted in contrasting colour and be not less than 150mm deep,
straight and level. Boning rods shall be of robust construction clearly painted
and accurately made to the various lengths required, the lower end being
provided with a shoe of sufficient projection to rest on the invert of the pipe
as laid. The boning rod shall be complete with a vertical spirit level. Boning
rods and sight rails shall not be removed until the pipeline has been
checked and approved by the Engineer.

Whenever the work ceases for any reasons, the unfinished end of the
pipelines shall be securely closed with a tight fitting plug or cover. The
interior of each pipe after being laid shall be thoroughly cleaned. Each pipe
shall be carefully lowered onto its prepared bed by means of necessary
slings and tackle. A recess shall be left in the prepared bed to permit the
sling to be withdrawn. If the prepared bed is damaged the pipe shall be
raised and the bed made good before pipe laying is continued. Pipes shall
be laid upgrade. Any pipe which is not in true alignment, both vertical and
horizontal, or shows any undue settlement after laying, shall be taken up
and re-laid correctly by the Contractor at his own expense. All pipelines
adjoining structures (including manholes) shall have a mechanical joint
(flexible) within or at 300mm from the face of such structure. Where sub-soil
water is encountered it shall be kept below the sockets when adjoining by
pumping or other means. In no case shall pipes be jointed before being
lowered into position. If any damaged should occur to any pipes through
failure of the Contractor to comply with these conditions, the damage shall
be made good at the Contractor's expense.

4.5.3 Pipe Bending

The surface shall be firm and true to grade. If soft, spongy, unstable, or
other unsuitable material is encountered upon which the bedding material or
pipe is to be placed, this unsuitable material shall be removed to a depth
ordered by the Engineer and replaced with suitable densified crushed rock
bedding material and paid for at the unit rate in the Bill of Quantities.
Bedding shall be in accordance with details on the drawings.

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4.5.4 Concrete Protection of Sewer Pipe

Where indicated on the drawings, pipes shall be backfilled or encased in

concrete in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. Concrete
shall be unreinforced of the class shown on the drawing or specified. Such
concrete shall not be placed until the joints at each end of the pipe have
been completed. Each pipe to be encased shall be supported on at least
two purpose made precast blocks, which shall be left in place, and the full
width and depth of concrete encasement shall be placed and carefully
tamped beneath the pipe followed at one by the addition of the encasing
concrete. Uniformed surface shall be of spade finish. The pipe shall be
prevented from floating or other movement during concreting. Except where
shown otherwise, the continuity of concrete backfill or encasement to pipe
with flexible joints shall be broken at each joint. The rates for concrete
backfill and encasement will be deemed to cover all the requirements of this
clause, in addition to other requirements detailed. At all locations where
asbestos cement pipe is to be encased or backfilled in concrete, the pipe
shall be wrapped with a minimum of two layers of 6kg, asphalt impregnated
building felt, in such a manner that the concrete does not form a bond with
the pipe.

4.5.5 Cutting Pipes

The Contractor shall be responsible for taking the measurements required

to determine the lengths of cut portions of pipes for insertion as closing
lengths in pipelines. The pipe and methods of jointing shall be such that the
locations of fittings and lengths of pipe can be adjusted in the field to suit
field conditions and variations in stationing and no extra payment will be
made for such adjustments. A reasonable tolerance in the location of lines
will at the discretions of the Engineer be permitted. The Contractor shall
make all closures with suitable pipe and approved connections to
compensate for cumulative errors in pipeline installation. The cutting of
vitrified clay pipes and/or reinforced spun concrete pipes for inserting
specials, fittings or closure pieces shall be carried out in a neat and
workmanlike manner with an approved cutting machine without damage to
the pipe and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the
pipe. The cut ends of asbestos cement pipes shall be turned to the correct
diameter with an approved machine. The Contractor shall take every
precaution to ensure that both the measurements and the cutting of pipes
are to the accuracy required and should any errors occur, the Contractor
shall remedy the same at his own expense.

4.5.6 Closures and Short Section

For the purpose of reducing the angular deflections at pipe joints, and for
closure sections, the Contractor shall be permitted to install pipe sections of
less than standard length. Closing courses and short sections of pipe shall
be fabricated and installed by the Contractor as found necessary in the field.
Where closing pieces are required, the Contractor shall make all necessary
measurements and shall be responsible for the correctness thereof.

4.5.7 Deflection at Certain Joints

A change of direction to deflect force mains from a straight line, either in the
vertical or horizontal planes to avoid obstruction or where long radius curves
are permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that
required for satisfactory connection of the joint and shall be approved by the
Engineer. Where a change of direction cannot be made by deflection at the
joints of ordinary straight pipes, bends shall be used. The locations of such

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 15


bends and other specials are indicated upon the drawings and their exact
positions will be determined by the Engineer on the Site.

4.5.8 Stream and River Crossing

Work at any crossing of a watercourse shall be carried out as expeditiously

as possible to the satisfaction of the Engineer and any responsible Authority
with the minimum interference to the free flow of water in the watercourse.
Details of any temporary works which may affect the flow of the watercourse
shall be submitted to the Engineer at least 14 days before starting work.
Where the pipeline passes underneath a river, stream or ditch, unless
otherwise detailed on the drawings it shall be encased in concrete. The
minimum thickness shall be 150mm. Unless otherwise shown, the depth of
cover shall be not less than 600mm from the bed of the river, stream or
ditch to the top of the concrete. The Contractor shall fill the trench in both
banks with rock fill or concrete up to levels as shown in the drawings. The
extent of this work may be varied to suit each individual crossing. Unless
otherwise ordered, the concrete encasement of the pipe shall extend at
least to a section vertically below the tops of the banks. Protection against
erosion to the banks by means of stone pitching or rip rap shall be provided.

4.5.9 Measurements of Sewer Installation

The measurement for payment for sewer installation will be taken from
center-to-center of manholes and all eyes and specials will be included in
the linear measurement. The Contractor shall arrange his pipe lengths to
the best advantage for installation of sewer laterals. No extras will be
allowed for cutting pipes to waste on account of sewer laterals or for pipe
closures at manholes as detailed on the drawings.

4.6 Manholes

At each change of gradient or direction at each intersection with other sewers and at
such other points as shown on the drawings, a manhole shall be constructed in
accordance to the drawings. Channel inverts shall be accurately laid to meet pipe
invert elevations at the same time as the sewer pipes are laid, the bends being as
"slow" as possible by sitting the manholes "off-centre" at changes in direction. Short
lengths of not more than 300mm of pipe with flexible joints shall be provided at entry
and exit to manholes. Manhole floor shall be constructed with concrete formed to the
required shapes with concrete channel inverts including half round concrete channels,
bends, tapers, junctions and double junctions. The top of the in-situ benching shall be
sloped back at 1 in 12. Provision shall be made for future sewer connections to
manholes by laying one length of pipe sealed by a stopper or end capped where
ordered. The pipes shall be laid at the levels, slopes and in the directions instructed
by the Engineer.

Approved manhole covers shall be set to the road profile and be flush with the road
surface, Manhole covers located in unimproved areas shall be set at an elevation to
prevent the entry of surface water as directed by the Engineer. Drop of manholes
shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be formed where the upstream length of
sewer enters a manhole at a higher level than the manhole invert level. All manholes
shall be watertight on completion and where leakage is discovered the Contractor
shall perform such work and provide all materials as are necessary to make good
such faulty work. The Contractor shall take all necessary preventive measures and
ensure that the pipelines and manholes are clear of any rubbish and debris.

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4.7 Backfill and Reinstatement

4.7.1 Backfilling Trench Excavation

Trench excavations shall normally be refilled using suitable material

selected from the excavation. Soft material shall be deposited in 150mm
layers and thoroughly rammed with suitably shaped rammers working
alternately on either side of the pipe until the soft filling has been carried up
at least 300mm above the top of the pipe. The remainder of the refilling may
consist of coarse material (including broken rock from excavation in rock)
free from boulders and clods of earth larger than 150mm in size provided
that the compacted backfill is sufficiently dense to prevent material from
superimposed layers being washed into the voids in such backfill. This
coarse material shall be spread in layers of not greater depth than 200mm
and be thoroughly rammed by an approved mechanical rammer. The coarse
filling is to be carried up to the level at which (in roads and footpaths)
surface reinstatement is to commence or to such level as with the surface
reinstatement of the whole of the topsoil will leave the finished work
sufficiently proud to allow for future settlement to the original ground level.

Hard material such as broken rock and original road metaling shall normally
be used only for the surface reinstatement of roads as specified, but where
it is suitable and available in sufficient quantity, it may be used in place of or
as well as the aforesaid coarse material.

Where necessary, the Contractor shall adjust the moisture content of the
refill material either drying out or by adding water to assist the compaction of
the material. During compaction, the backfill shall have a uniform moisture
content equal to or a little above the optimum moisture content recorded in
the Compaction Test. Backfill shall be compacted to a dry density of not less
than 90 percent of the maximum dry density when tested in accordance with
these specifications.

Should the material being placed as refilling, while acceptable at the time
when approved, become unacceptable to the Engineer due to exposure to
weather conditions or due to flooding or have become puddle, soft or
segregated during the progress of works, the Contractor shall at his own
expense remove such damaged, softened or segregated material and
replace it with fresh approved material. To permit the proper consolidation of
backfill into the voids behind trench sheeting and supports, trench sheeting
shall be withdrawn gradually as backfill progresses in depth and along the
trench. On no account shall any excavated material be dozed back when
refilling trenches in roads and no backfilling shall be carried out unless in the
opinion of the Engineer, sufficient mechanical rammers are in operation on
that portion of the work.

4.7.2 Reinstatement General

As the work proceeds replace and maintain the surface soil and turf,
kerbs, paving, apron or other material to restore the disturbed
surfaces to their original state or condition to the Engineer’s
acceptance. Surface reinstatement in Asphalt Roads

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 17


Surface reinstatement of refilled trench excavations in asphalt

roads shall normally consist of the material shown hereunder
(reading from the top surface down) each layer being well
compacted to the thickness stated:

a. 25mm of bituminous premix macadam weaving course.

b. 75mm bituminous premix macadam base-course.
c. 225mm of crusher run.
d. 50mm of approved quarry dust or sand blinding.
e. 375mm total thickness of surface reinstatement.

The above materials and method of construction shall conform to

local authorities’ specification and requirements. Where thickness
of the existing carriageway foundation differs from that specified
herein the Contractor shall reinstate the carriageway to the
existing thickness or as requested by the Authorities.

The top layer of surface reinstatement to roads shall be well rolled

and finished leveled with existing surfaces and shall be so
maintained (including topping up with additional material when
necessary) until the end of the period of Defects Liability period or
until they have been taken over by the appropriate Highway or
other Authority whichever shall be the sooner. Surface reinstatement other than Roads

This section covers reinstatement of all surfaces other than those

included in Asphalt Roads. All non-asphalt road and all other
surfaces shall be restored to their original condition by the
Contractor. This reinstatement is deemed to be entirely covered by
the Contractor's rates for pipe installation, with the exception of
those instances where concrete is required in the reinstatement
process. In these cases, extra payment at the rates given in the
Contract will be made for the concrete. After he has refilled trench
excavations in fields, etc. in the manner and to the level specified,
the Contractor shall replace all topsoil previously removed and it
shall be evenly distributed and leveled over the full extent of the
stripped area. Areas that normally bear crops shall be dressed
with suitable fertilizers harrowed in so as to restore the original
level of fertility. Reinstatement of Existing Fences & Hedges

Replace and restore all fences and hedges with matching material
or as directed. Cleaning Up On completion of the Contract Works, clean the sewer

pipelines and manholes thoroughly cleaned and
washed throughout. No sewers or part of a sewer may
be put into use until a detailed inspection has been
carried out and the sewers cleaned and certified
satisfactory by the Engineer/Authority. Pump all water retaining and other structures dry,

wash and swept out free of all debris, mud, dirt and
construction materials.

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 18

SEWER WORKS Cleaned, grease and oil all equipment and fittings and
make all necessary adjustments to ensure their full
working efficiency. Sweep clean and dry all site roads, paths and drains
and remove all construction plant and materials from


5.1 Submission

5.1.1 Method Statement General
Provide a detailed method statement to the Engineer for acceptance
prior to commencement of the works.

Include proposals for the methods and sequence of works, proposal

for temporary works and or ground water control required, plant and
equipment, removal of debris, control of noise, dirt, dust and any
other potential nuisance.

Using BS EN 1610 as a guide, give detailed accounts of:

(a) Delivery, handling and storage of pipes and other materials

(b) Trenching work and supports for stability, dewatering,
backfilling and reinstatement.
(c) Pipe laying work, giving sequence, e.g. starting at
downstream end, line and level control, protection of the work
at intermediate stages, cutting and jointing and other
situations, e.g. pipes near structures.
(d) Testing sequence, methods and arrangements.

5.1.2 Programme

Submit the programme for various stages of work for acceptance.

5.1.3 Setting-out Plan

Submit the setting-out plan for the sewer line as endorsed by the registered
surveyor to the Engineer for acceptance prior to commencing the field

5.1.4 As-built Drawings

Submit as-built drawings of all sewers and manholes, duly endorsed by

Licensed Surveyor, to be submitted to Authorities' requirement to the
Engineer on completion of each phase of completion of work.

5.2 Testing

Submit for the Engineer's approval details of his proposed methods and program for
testing (including details of test equipment) and shall arrange for all tests to be
witnessed by the Engineer and/or Authority.

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 19


5.2.1 Testing for Earthworks Materials



5.2.2 Testing for Pavement Reinstatement Works

Refer to SECTION 02700 ROAD WORKS.

5.2.3 Testing Pipelines General

The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval details of

his proposed methods and programme for testing (including
details of test equipment) and shall arrange for all tests to be
witnessed by the Engineer, or any person authorized by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall provide the necessary equipment
for carrying out testing and cleaning including pumps, gauges,
piped connections, stop ends, and all other temporary works.
Pipelines shall be properly completed and supported before being
put under test except as hereinafter detailed. No testing will be
permitted until the thrust blocks and other holding down works
have gained the required strength. Trenches may not be left open
at joints prior to testing pipelines except when permitted by the
Engineer who may impose certain restricting conditions. In
addition to any tests of individual joints or other interim tests,
which may be specified elsewhere, the Contractor shall submit all
parts of the pipelines to a final test. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the Contractor may at any stage of construction carry out such
other tests as he considers desirable to check materials and
workmanship on the pipeline but this shall not relieve the
Contractor of his obligations to achieve successful tests results
under the Contract. Testing – Gravity Sewer

All gravity sewer mains shall be tested in accordance with

Malaysia Sewerage Industry Guidelines (MSIG) and others. The
Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish all equipment and
materials for making the test. Tests shall be performed before
backfilling is commenced and again after backfill and compaction
are completed, and after all utilities are in the ground including
sewer laterals, but prior to placing of permanent resurfacing. Tests
shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer, and shall
include the main and laterals as a unit. All pipes are to be clean
and empty at the time of testing. When leakage or infiltration
exceeds the amount allowed by the specifications, the Contractor
shall, at his own expense, overhaul the pipe and make the
necessary repairs or replacements in accordance with the
specifications to reduce the leakage or infiltration to the specified
limits. However, any individual detectable leaks shall be repaired,
regardless of the results of the test.

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 20

SEWER WORKS Testing – Infiltration

If, in the construction of a section of the sewer of any size,

excessive groundwater is encountered, a test for infiltration shall
be conducted if ordered by the Engineer. The upper end of the
sewer shall be closed sufficiently to prevent the entrance of water,
and pumping of water shall be discontinued for at least 3 days
prior to the test for infiltration. The infiltration shall not exceed 50
liters per mm diameter per km per day of that portion of main line
sewer in groundwater being tested, and does not include the
length of house laterals entering that section. This test may be in
lieu of, or in addition to the other tests, as determined by the
Engineer. Testing – Straightness and Obstruction

Tests for line, level and freedom from obstruction shall be carried
out by means of a mirror at one end and a light source at the
other. These tests shall be carried out whenever deemed
necessary by the Engineer or his representative. Record

All tests shall be properly recorded in the format approved by the

Engineer prior to the commencement of the respective tests. Two
sets of the records shall be submitted to the Engineer immediately
after completion of tests.

--- End of Section ---

02500 SEWER WORKS.DOC Page 21




1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Standards and Technical References ....................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................3

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................6

2.1 Contractor’s Proposals ...........................................................................................................6

3.0 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT....................................................................................................................7

3.1 Subgrade ................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Lower Subbase .......................................................................................................................8
3.3 Subbase ..................................................................................................................................9
3.4 Gravel Surfacing .................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 Crushed Aggregates Base Course ...................................................................................... 12
3.6 Bitumen Prime Coat ............................................................................................................ 14
3.7 Bituminous Tack Coat ......................................................................................................... 17
3.8 Bituminous Surface Dressing .............................................................................................. 18
3.9 Asphaltic Concrete............................................................................................................... 25
3.10 Bituminous Macadam .......................................................................................................... 41
3.11 Shoulders ............................................................................................................................. 43

4.0 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT ........................................................................ 45

4.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 45
4.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 45
4.3 Concrete Production ............................................................................................................ 47
4.4 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 47
4.5 Joint ..................................................................................................................................... 52
4.6 Surface Texture ................................................................................................................... 55
4.7 Rounding of Edges .............................................................................................................. 55
4.8 Curing .................................................................................................................................. 56
4.9 Removing Forms ................................................................................................................. 56
4.10 Opening to Traffic ................................................................................................................ 57
4.11 Treatment of Manholes and Gullies..................................................................................... 57


5.1 Horizontal Alignment ........................................................................................................... 57
5.2 Surface Levels ..................................................................................................................... 57
5.3 Surface Regularity ............................................................................................................... 58

6.0 ROAD FURNITURE....................................................................................................................... 59

6.1 Corrugated Sheet Steel Beam Highway Guardrail .............................................................. 59
6.2 Traffic Signs ......................................................................................................................... 62
6.3 Road Marking ...................................................................................................................... 69
6.4 Concrete Kerbs .................................................................................................................... 71

7.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 73

7.1 Submission .......................................................................................................................... 73
7.2 Tests .................................................................................................................................... 73

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Prepared and Checked By Approved By

Date Revision
(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK TCH

02700 Road Works.doc Page 2



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This works shall consist of construction of flexible pavement, Portland Cement

Concrete Pavement and installation of road furniture in accordance with this
Specification or as directed by S.O. Road works shall be constructed to the lines,
grades and cross section shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.

A flexible pavement is a layered structure consisting of a subbase course, base

course, binder course and wearing course.

Following are the definition and function of each layer:-

(a) Subgrade The uppermost part of the soil, natural or imported,

supporting the load transmitted from the overlaying

(b) Subbase Course The layer(s) of the specified material built up to the
required designed thickness immediately overlaying
the subgrade. It serves as an aid to disperse the load
from the base course before transmitting it to the

02700 Road Works.doc Page 1


(c) Base Course The layer(s) of specified material built up to the

required designed thickness normally overlaying the
subbase course. This layer plays a prominent role in
the support and dispersion of the traffic load.

(d) Surface Course All the bound layer(s) within the pavement i.e.
wearing course, intermediate course and binder
course are, embodied under this general terminology.
This layer forms an impermeable and flexible lining of
high elastic modulus.

(e) Binder Course The bound layer(s) overlaying the base course. Apart
from supporting and dispersing the traffic load, it also
resists shear.

(f) Wearing Course The topmost layer of the surface course. It is in direct
contact with the traffic and consequently, it must
resist abrasion and prevent skidding.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:



1.3 Standards and Technical References

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysian Standards

MS 29 Specification for aggregates from natural sources

MS 30 Methods of sampling and testing of mineral

aggregates, sand and fillers.

MS 124 Specification for Penetration Grade of Bitumen for use

in Pavement Construction

MS 125 Specification for gloss enamel paint

MS 134 Specification for latex emulsion paint for exterior and

interior use

02700 Road Works Page 2


MS 159 Specification for cut-back bitumen for use in the

construction and/or maintenance of pavement

MS 161 Specification for cationic bitumen emulsions for use in

pavement application

MS 522 Specification for Portland cement

ATJ 2D/85 Manual on Traffic Control Devices: Road Marking and


ATJ 2E/87 Guide Signs Design and Application

ATJ 5/85 Manual on Pavement Design

Other Standards

BS 594 Part 1: Hot rolled Asphalt for roads and other paved
areas. Specification for constituent materials and
Asphalt mixtures

BS 2499 Part 1: Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete

pavement. Specification for joint sealants

BS 5212 Cold applied joint sealant systems for concrete


BS 7263 Part 1: Precast concrete flags, kerbs, channels,

edgings and quadrants. Precast, unreinforced
concrete paving flags and complementary fittings.
Requirements and test method

BS 7533 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or

concrete pavers

In the event that the Standards or Codes are partially superseded or

become obsolete, refer to the latest edition or the approved substitution for
the relevant clauses.

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

The intended layout, design and details for the proposed road, footpath and
paving works including the type of paving, levels and alignments for the
project are shown in the drawings. Based on the information given engage
qualified and experienced personnel to propose the following for the works
to the Engineer’s acceptance: Equipment and Methods

Propose suitable equipment and methods to carry out the works

including mixing, transporting, laying, compacting and protection of
the various courses. Propose suitable product and
manufacturer/plants to comply with the design intent and
performance requirement including suitable mix design and plants
for Asphaltic Concrete Paving, details, equipment and construction
methods to lay and finish the paving material as proposed.

02700 Road Works Page 3

ROAD WORKS Design for Temporary Works

Engage a Professional Engineer (PE) to design and supervise the

temporary works (if necessary) and precautionary measures
including temporary slope, retaining structures and supports for the
stability of the works.

Submit the design to the Engineer for acceptance and to the

Authority where applicable. Assessment on Effects of Ground Movement

Carry out a Building Damage Assessment on the effects of ground

movement to the neighboring properties due to the works, for the
purpose of establishing suitable values for ‘Alert’ and “Work
Suspension’ levels for monitoring. Submit to Engineer with
endorsement from a PE. Temporary Diversion of Services

Propose schemes and details for the temporary diversion of existing

above ground or underground services to facilitate the works.
Obtain approval from the relevant services department.

1.4.2 Coordination with Other Works

Co-ordinate with other contractors who may carry out other works at the
same time at the site. Take into account of site access, space occupation,
safety and safeguarding of adjoining properties and each other’s works.

1.4.3 Condition Survey

Where applicable, prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a
condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the requirements
of section 01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring. Submit all records to
the Engineer and adjacent property owners where directed.

Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.

1.4.4 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide instrumentation to monitor the ground movement, vibration and

condition of adjacent properties. Refer to section 01017 Condition Survey
and Monitoring, and the drawings for the schedule of instrumentation
required. If necessary or as required by the authorities, propose and provide
additional instrumentation and monitoring for records.

Take cognisance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

For general requirements of the instrumentation and monitoring works Refer

to section 01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring.

1.4.5 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

Accept responsibility for the upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads,
footpaths etc., where applicable, together with the mains and services from

02700 Road Works Page 4


the time of taking possession of the site through the duration of the works.

Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and
keep clear of mud and debris.

1.4.6 Verification of Site Information Site Surveys

Verify and be satisfied that the information given in the existing site
survey plans provided are accurate. If necessary, engage a
registered Surveyor to carry out additional site survey before
commencing any work. Additional site investigation

Carry out additional ground investigation where additional

information is needed for the works or when directed by the

Carry out the boreholes progressively prior to commencement of the

works in areas according to the contractor’s construction
programme. On completion of drilling, backfill the boreholes with a
suitable bentonite/cement mix.

Submit the location and schedule for the boreholes to Engineer’s

acceptance prior to carrying out the works. On completion, prepare
the site investigation report and submit to the Engineer for
acceptance. Groundwater level

Verify the data on groundwater level from available ground

investigation reports. Contamination

Verify information on contamination identified or believed to be

present on site.

In the event that contamination is either positively identified or

suspected, draw to the attention of all personnel working on site
together with the need to take any precautionary measures in
handling contaminated materials, groundwater and obnoxious
vapours from the ground.

1.4.7 Existing Services Affected by the Works

Refer to Preliminaries and conditions of contract for the requirements to

deal with existing services affected by the works.

1.4.8 Temporary Access Roads

Provide and maintain all necessary temporary access roads and divert and
reinstate the permanent drainage system to the satisfaction of the relevant

02700 Road Works Page 5


Submit the proposed alignments and levels of temporary access roads to

the Engineer for approval prior to their construction.

Provide all temporary roads with drainage ditches over their full length.

1.4.9 Obstructions

If any obstructions such as existing fences, structures, footings, boulders,

concrete blocks, pipes, drains, driveways or ramp are encountered during
excavation, submit proposals for their removal for the Engineer’s

1.4.10 Accredited Laboratory

Engage a laboratory accepted by the Engineer and accredited under the

Malaysia Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAMM) to carry out tests as
required by this Specification.

1.4.11 Supervision of the Works

Engage a competent and suitably experienced site engineer to the

Engineer’s acceptance, to supervise the field works.

1.4.12 Licensed Surveyor

Employ a registered surveyor throughout the Contract Period for the setting-
out and levelling of the horizontal and vertical alignments, and all other
ancillary works.

Develop the details for setting-out for horizontal and vertical alignment
based on the information given in the drawings.

1.4.13 As-build Surveys

Engage a Licensed Surveyor to be responsible for surveying the alignment

and levels of the estate roadwork system and submit the as–build survey to
the Engineer in format as directed upon completion of the works. Submit the
as-built surveys to the authorities where applicable.


2.1 Contractor’s Proposals

When carrying out the contractor’s proposals as set out in clause 1.4.1, take into
account the following performance requirements:

2.1.1 Strength and Densities Requirement of the Respective Layers

Ensure the achievement of the strength and density requirements for the
sub-grade, sub-base and bases as stipulated below.

2.1.2 Strength Requirements of Varies Types of pavement

Achieve the strength and other property requirements for the various types
of pavement as indicated in the drawings or specified below.

02700 Road Works Page 6


2.1.3 Temporary Supports

Comply with the requirement of earth works as stipulated in Section 02300

General Earthworks – Excavation and Filling, including the requirements
for temporary supports, slope stability and control of ground movements to
adjacent structures and properties.

2.1.4 Surface Conditions

On completion of compaction the surface of any layer of material is to be

well-closed, free from movement under compaction plant, ridges, cracks or
loose material. Make good and re-compact all loose/segregated or
otherwise defective areas to the full thickness of the layer.


3.1 Subgrade

3.1.1 General

This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping

subgrade material in accordance with this Specification and the lines,
grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and/or
required by S.O.

3.1.2 Materials

Material for the top 300mm of subgrade shall have a minimum soaked
laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 5% when compacted to 95% of
the maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test
(4.5kg Heavy Rammed Method). Throughout the top 300mm of subgrade,
the material shall be compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum dry
density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5kg Heavy Rammed

In cut area, the top 300mm of the subgrade shall be sacrificed and
recompacted to 95% of the maximum dry density determined in the BS
1377 Compaction Test (4.5kg Heavy Rammed Method). If the S.O. is fully
satisfied that the subgrade in its natural state possesses a density
exceeding the requirements, then the surface of the subgrade shall be
trimmed and rolled to obtain a smooth finish. Where the material in cut area
is found to be unsuitable for use in the top 300mm of subgrade or to a
suitable level to be determined by the S.O., it shall be removed and
replaced with suitable material which shall be compacted as indicated
above. Alternatively, stabilizing agent may be used subjected to the S.O.

3.1.3 Construction Method

The subgrade shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner, and the
width of embankments and cuts shall be everywhere at least of those
specified or shown in the Drawings on both sides of the centerline. The top
surface of the subgrade shall have the required shape, superelevation,
levels and grades and shall be finished everywhere to within +10mm and -
30mm of the required level.

02700 Road Works Page 7


Where rock surfaces extend over the whole width of the formation, the rock
surface shall be trimmed to a free draining profile, at or below formation
levels. No high spot shall protrude above the formation level. Any voids or
cavities more than 0.5 meter below the formation level shall be filled up with
approved lean concrete having 7-days cube strength greater than 7 N/mm2.
The rock surface shall then be brought up to the formation levels with
approved crushed rock or gravel, regulated and blinded.

Where rock outcrop over part of the formation only, the rock outcrop shall be
cut down to at least the formation level.

3.2 Lower Subbase

3.2.1 General

This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping lower
subbase material on a prepared and accepted subgrade in accordance with
this Specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-
sections shown on the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

3.2.2 Materials

Lower subbase material shall be inorganic soil, sand, gravel, weathered or

fragmented rock, or a mixture of any of these materials, essentially free from
vegetative and other organic matter and expansive clay minerals. It shall
have a maximum particle size of 74mm or less, and shall have a CBR value
not less than that shown on the Drawings when compacted to 95% of the
maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5kg
rammer method) and soaked for 4 days under a surcharge of 4.5kg.

3.2.3 Construction Method

Prior to placing any lower subbase material, the underlying subgrade

(particularly the top 300mm of the subgrade) shall have been shaped and
compacted in accordance with the provisions of Sub Section 3.1.
Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished subgrade, any damage to
or deterioration of the subgrade shall be made good to the satisfaction of
the S.O. before lower subgrade is constructed.

Lower subbase shall be placed over the full width of the formation to the
required thickness as shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O. in one
layer or more, each layer not exceeding 200mm compacted thickness.
Where two or more layers are required, they shall be of approximately equal
thickness and none shall be less than 100mm compacted thickness.

Each layer of lower subbase shall be processed as necessary to bring its

moisture content to a uniform level throughout the material suitable for
compaction, and shall then be compacted using suitable compaction
equipment approved by the S.O. to not less than 90% of the maximum dry
density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 kg rammer
method). Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction along
the roadbed, and shall generally begin at the outer edge and progress
uniformly towards the crown on each side in such a manner that each
section receives equal compactive effort, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

The lower subbase shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner, and
shall have an average thickness over any 100 meter length not less than the
required thickness. The top surface of the lower subbase shall have the

02700 Road Works Page 8


require shape, super elevation, levels and grades, and shall be everywhere
within the tolerances specified in Section 5.

3.3 Subbase

3.3.1 General

This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping

subbase material on a prepared and accepted subgrade or lower subbase
in accordance with this Specification and the lines, levels, grades,
dimensions, and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and/or as required
by the S.O.

3.3.2 Materials

Subbase material shall be a natural or prepared aggregate comprising

crushed rock, weathered or fragmented rock, gravel or crushed gravel,
sand, or a mixture of any of these materials. It shall have a small proportion
of plastic or non-plastic fines and shall be essentially free from vegetative
and other organic matter, expansive clay minerals and lumps of clay. The
material shall conform to the following physical and mechanical quality

a. The liquid limit shall be not more than 25%

b. The plasticity index shall be not more than 6
c. The aggregate crushing value when tested in accordance with MS 30
shall be not more than 35.
d. Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings or directed by the S.O., the
material shall have CBR value of 30 or more when compacted to 95% of
the maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test
(4.5 kg rammer method) and soaked for 4 days under a surcharge of
e. The gradation shall conform to one of the envelopes shown in Table 3.1
with the fraction passing the BS 75 µm sieve not greater than 2/3 of the
fraction passing the BS 42 µm sieve.

Table 3.1 – Gradation Limits for Subbase Material

% by Weight Passing
BS Sieve Size

50.0mm 100 100 - - - -

25.0mm - 79 – 75 100 100 100 100

9.5mm 30 – 65 40 – 75 50 – 85 60 – 100 - -

4.75mm 25 – 55 30 – 60 35 – 65 50 – 85 55 – 100 70 – 100

02700 Road Works Page 9


2.00mm 15 – 40 20 – 45 25 – 50 40 – 70 40 – 100 55 – 100

425 um 8 – 20 15 – 30 15 – 30 25 – 45 20 – 50 30 – 70

75 um 2–8 5 – 20 5 – 20 5 – 20 6 – 20 8 – 25

3.3.3 Construction Method

Prior to placing any subbase material, the underlying subgrade (particularly

the top 300mm of the subgrade) or lower subbase shall have been shaped
and compacted in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Section 3.2 as
appropriate. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished subgrade or
lower subbase, any damage to or deterioration of the subgrade or lower
subbase shall be made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. before subbase
is constructed.

Subbase shall be placed with equipment approved by the S.O. over the full
width of the formation to the required thickness as shown on the Drawings
or directed by the S.O. in one layer or more each layer not exceeding
200mm compacted thickness. Where two or more layers are required, they
shall be of approximately equal thickness and none shall be less than
100mm compacted thickness.

Each layer of subbase shall be processed as necessary to bring its moisture

content to a uniform level throughout the material suitable for compaction,
and shall then be compacted using suitable compaction equipment
approved by the S.O. to not less than 95% of the maximum dry density
determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 kg rammer method).
Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction along the
carriageway, and shall generally begin at the outer where rolling shall begin
at the lower edge and progress uniformly towards the higher edge. In all
cases compaction shall be carried out in such a manner that each section
receives equal comp active effort, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Throughout the placing, adjustment of moisture content and compaction of

gravel surfacing material, care shall be taken to maintain a uniform
gradation of the material and prevent its separation into coarse and fine
parts, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

The subbase shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner. Its width
shall be everywhere at least that specified or shown on the Drawings on
both sides of the center-line, and its average thickness over any 100 meter
length shall be not less than the required thickness. The top surface of the
subbase shall have the required shape, superelevation, levels and grades,
and shall be everywhere within the tolerances specified in Section 5.

3.4 Gravel Surfacing

3.4.1 General

This work shall consist of furnishing, placing compacting and shaping gravel
surfacing material on a prepared and accepted subgrade or lower subbase
in accordance with this Specification and the lines, level grades, dimensions
and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

3.4.2 Material

02700 Road Works Page 10


Gravel surfacing material shall be natural or prepared soil-aggregate

mixture comprising gravel and sand size particles together with a small
proportion of plastic fines, and shall be essentially free from vegetative and
other organic matter, expansive clay materials and lumps of clay. The
material shall conform to the following physical and mechanical quality

a. The liquid limit shall be not more than 35%

b. The plasticity index shall be in the range 4 to 10
c. The aggregate crushing value when tested in accordance with MS 30
shall be not more than 35.
d. The gradation shall conform to one of the envelopes shown in Table 3.2
with the fraction passing the B.S. 75 µm sieve not greater than 2/3 of the
fraction passing the B.S. 425 µm sieve.

Table 3.2 – Gradation Limits for Gravel Surfacing

% by Weight Passing
BS Sieve Size

37.5mm 100 100 100 100

12.5mm 45 – 75 55 – 85 60 – 100 -

4.75mm 30 – 60 35 – 65 50 – 85 55 – 90

2.00mm 20 – 45 25 – 50 40 – 70 40 – 70

425 um 15 – 30 15 – 30 25 – 45 20 – 50

75 um 8 – 20 8 – 20 8 – 20 8 – 25

Material with maximum particle size of 37.5mm, while otherwise not

conforming to the gradation specification but satisfying the other
requirements, shall be acceptable provided that it shall have a CBR value of
30 or more when compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density
determined in the BS 1377. Compaction Test (4.5kg rammer method) and
soaked for 4 days under a surcharge of 4.5 kg.

3.4.3 Construction Method

Prior to placing any gravel surfacing material, the underlying subgrade

(particular the top 300mm of the subgrade) or lower subbase shall have
been shaped and compacted in accordance with the provisions of Sub-
Section 3.2 as appropriate. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished
subgrade or lower subbase, any damage to or deterioration of the subgrade
or lower subbase shall be made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. before
gravel surfacing is constructed.

Gravel surfacing shall be placed to the required width and thickness as

shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O. in one layer or more, each
layer not exceeding 200mm compacted thickness. Where two or more
layers are required they shall be of approximately equal thickness and none
shall be less than 100mm compacted thickness.

02700 Road Works Page 11


Each layer of gravel surfacing shall be processed as necessary to bring its

moisture content to a uniform level throughout the material suitable for
compaction, and shall then be compacted using suitable compaction
equipment approved by the S.O. to not less than 95% of the maximum dry
density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5kg rammer
method). Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction along
the carriageway, and shall generally begin at the outer edge and progress
uniformly towards the higher edge. In all cases compaction shall be carried
out in such a manner that each section receives equal compactive effort, all
to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Throughout the placing, adjustment of moisture content and compaction of

gravel surfacing material, care shall be taken to maintain a uniform
gradation of the material and prevent its separation into coarse and fine
parts, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

The gravel surfacing shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner its
width shall be everywhere at least that specified or shown on the Drawings
on both sides of the center-line. And its average thickness over any 100
meter length shall be not less than the required thickness and its minimum
thickness at any point shall be not less than the required thickness minus
20mm. The top surface of the gravel surfacing shall have the required
shape, superelevation, levels and grades, and shall be everywhere within
10mm if the required plan or such higher, approximately parallel plane, as
the S.O. shall approve.

3.5 Crushed Aggregates Base Course

3.5.1 General

This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping

crushed aggregate road base material on a prepared and accepted
subgrade or lower subbase or subbase in accordance with this Specification
and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown on the
Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

3.5.2 Materials

Crushed aggregate road base material shall be crushed rock, or crushed

gravel or mixture of crushed and natural aggregates, which is hard, durable,
clean and essentially free from clay and other deleterious materials.

The materials shall conform to the following physical and mechanical quality

a. The plasticity index shall be not more than 6

b. The aggregate crushing value when tested in accordance with MS 30
shall not more than 30
c. The flakiness index when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall be not
more than 30
d. Not less than 80% of particles retained on the BS 4.75mm sieve shall
have at least one fractured face
e. The weighted average loss of weight in the sodium sulphate soundness
test (5 cycles) when tested in accordance with AASHTO Test Method
T104 shall be not more than 12%.
f. The material shall have CBR value of not less than 80 when compacted
to 95% of the maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377

02700 Road Works Page 12


Compaction Test (4.5kg rammer method) and soaked for 4 days under a
surcharge of 4.5 kg.
g. The gradation shall comply with the envelope shown in Table 3.3 for the
type specified.

Table 3.3 – Gradation Limits for Crushed Aggregate Road Base

% Passing by Weight
BS Sieve Size
Type I Type II

50.0mm 100 100

37.5mm 95 – 100 85 – 100

28.0mm - 70 – 100

20.0mm 60 – 80 60 – 90

10.0mm 40 – 60 40 – 65

5.0mm 25 – 40 30 – 55

2.36mm 15 – 30 -

2.0mm - 20 – 40

600um 8 – 22 -

425um - 10 – 25

75um 0–8 2 – 10

3.5.3 Construction Method

Prior to placing any crushed aggregate road base material, the underlying
subgrade, lower subbase or subbase shall have been shaped and
compacted in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate Section of
this Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished subgrade
or lower subbase or subbase, any damage to or deterioration of the
subgrade or lower subbase or subbase shall be made good to the
satisfaction of the S.O. before crushed aggregate road base is constructed.

Prior to spreading, crushed aggregate road base shall be processed as

necessary to bring its moisture content to a uniform level throughout the
material suitable for compaction. Spread material shall be maintained at the
correct moisture content for proper compaction by sprinkling with water or
drying as may be necessary, and shall be compacted using suitable
compaction equipment approved by the S.O. to not less than 95% of the
maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5kg
rammer method).

Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction along the

carriageway, and shall generally begin at the outer edge and progress
uniformly towards the center on each side, except on superelevated curves

02700 Road Works Page 13


where rolling shall begin at the lower edge and progress uniformly towards
the higher edge. In all cases compaction shall be carried out in such a
manner that each section receives equal compactive effort, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

Throughout the placing, adjustment of moisture content and compaction of

crushed aggregate road base material, care shall be taken to maintain a
uniform gradation of the material and prevent its separation into coarse and
fine parts, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

The crushed aggregate road base shall be finished in a neat and

workmanlike manner. Its width shall be everywhere at least that specified or
shown on the Drawings on both sides of the center-line, and its average
thickness over any 100 meter length shall be not less than the required
thickness. The top surface of the crushed aggregate road base shall have
required shape, superelevation, levels and grades, and shall be everywhere
within the tolerances specified in Section 5.

3.6 Bitumen Prime Coat

3.6.1 General

This work shall consist of the careful and thorough cleaning of the surface of
a prepared and accepted crushed aggregate road base, and the furnishing
and application to the cleaned road base surface of a bituminous priming
material, all in accordance with this Specification and the lines, dimensions
and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and/or as required by S.O.

3.6.2 Material

The bituminous priming material shall be either cut-back bitumen or bitumen

emulsion. Cut-back bitumen shall be grade RC-70 or MC-70 conforming to
the requirement of MS 159. Bitumen emulsion shall be slow setting, grade
SS-1 or SS-1K, conforming to the requirements of MS 161, as appropriate
to the type of road base material to be primed and approved by the S.O.

3.6.3 Equipment

The equipment used by the Contractor shall include a power broom, a

compressed air blower, a self-propelled pressure distributor for bituminous
material, and as necessary, equipment for storing and heating bituminous

a. Power Broom

The power broom shall be a rotary type specifically designed for

sweeping road surfaces, and shall be approved by the S.O.

b. Compressed Air Blower

The compressed air blower shall comprise a portable air compressor of

3m3/min in a capacity at 0.7N/mm2 delivery pressure with a suitable hose
and nozzle for blowing clean a road surface after power brooming, and
shall be approved by the S.O.

02700 Road Works Page 14


c. Pressure Distributor for Bituminous Material

The distributor shall be a purpose built model of recognised manufacture

and shall be approved by the S.O. It shall conform to the requirements
described hereunder.

The distributor shall have a suitable capacity and shall be equipped with
a gas or oil fired heating system capable of heating a full charge of
bituminous material to 180°C. The beating system shall be such that
overheating of the bituminous material will not occur and shall be of a
type in which flames from the burner do not come into direct contact with
the casing of the tank containing the bituminous material. The tank shall
be insulated in such a manner that when filled with bituminous material
at 180°C and not heated, the drop in temperature shall be less than 3°C
per hour. A thermometer shall be provided to measure continuously the
temperature of the bituminous material in the tank and shall be so
arranged that the highest temperature in the tank is measured. The tank
shall be fitted with an accurately calibrated dipstick or contents gauge,
and the pipe for filling the tank shall be fitted with an easily replaceable

The distributor shall run on pneumatic tyred wheels of such width and
number that the load produced on the road surface when the vehicle is
fully charged shall not exceed 12kg/mm of tyre width. The vehicle shall
be equipped with a ‘fifth wheel’ tachometer system to accurately
measure its forward speed during spraying operations.

The distributor shall be equipped with a hand spraying system. The

meters for the ‘fifth wheel’ tachometer system and the bituminous
material pumping flow rate, pumping pressure and temperature shall be
located in such a manner that the vehicle driver can easily read them
while operating he distributor. The spray bar shall be controlled by a
second operator riding at the rear of the vehicle in such position that all
the discharge sprays are in his good view.

All measuring equipment on the distributor shall have been recently

calibrated, and accurate and satisfactory records of the calibrations shall
be submitted to the S.O. if in the course of the work the rates of
application of bituminous material are found to be inaccurate, the
distributor shall be withdrawn from the Works and recalibrated to the
satisfaction of the S.O. before being returned to service.

The S.O. may require such performance tests as he considers necessary

to check that the distributor is operating satisfactorily. As directed by the
S.O., the Contractor shall make the distributor and its equipment
available for such test and shall supply all necessary assistance,
materials, tools, testing apparatus, etc., all at the Contractor’s own

d. Storage and heating facilities for bituminous

Tanks for storage of bituminous material shall have a capacity suited to

the proposed rate of utilisation of the material and the method and
frequency of its delivery to the Works, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.
The tanks and, where necessary, barrel decanters shall be equipped
with heating systems which provide for effective and positive control of

02700 Road Works Page 15


the temperature of the bituminous material at all times up to the

temperature required for utilisation. The method of heating shall be such
that neither flames not the products of combustion shall come into direct
contact with the bituminous material or the casing of its immediate
container, and such that no portion of the bituminous material shall be
subject to overheating.

3.6.4 Construction Method

a. General Conditions

Bitumen prime coat work shall only be carried out in dry, warm weather
when the surface to be treated is essentially dry.

b. Surface preparation and cleaning

Prior to applying the prime coat, the crushed aggregate road base shall
have been shaped and compacted in accordance with the provisions of
Sub-Section 3.5. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished
crushed aggregates road base, any damage to or deterioration of the
road base shall be made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. before
prime coat is applied.

Immediately prior to applying the bituminous material, the full width of the
surface to be treated shall be swept using a power broom followed by a
compressed air blower and, if necessary, scarped using hand tools to
remove all dirt, dust and other objectionable material, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

c. Application of bituminous material

The bituminous priming material shall be sprayed onto the cleaned road
base surface by means of a pressure distributor. Any areas inaccessible
to the distributor spray bar shall be treated using the distributor’s hand
spraying system. The rate or rates of application shall be as directed by
the S.O. based on the results of test applications, but shall usually be in
the range 0.5 to 1.0 liter/m2. The temperature of cutback bitumen shall
be maintained in the range 50°C to 70°C during spraying operations. For
bitumen emulsions, the spraying temperature shall be in the range 25°C
to 45°C.

If necessary, in order to prevent the bituminous material from flowing on

the sprayed surface, the prescribed prime coat shall be applied in two
separate spraying operations. Where the condition of the treated surface
indicates that it is necessary, bituminous material additional to that
prescribed shall be applied as the S.O. shall direct.

Prime coat shall be distributed uniformly over the surface to be treated

without streaking. The quantities applied shall not deviate by more than
10% from those prescribed. Areas with insufficient bituminous material
shall be re-sprayed as necessary to make up the deficiency, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

The surfaces of structures, road furniture and tress adjacent to the areas
being sprayed shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent their
being spattered or marred by bituminous material. Bituminous materials
shall not be discharged into road

02700 Road Works Page 16


d. Curing and opening to traffic

Prime coat shall normally be left undisturbed for at least 24 hours after
application and shall not be opened to traffic until, in the opinion of the
S.O., it has penetrated the road base and cured sufficiently so that it will
not be picked up by the wheels of vehicles.
The Contractor shall maintain the prime coat, all to the satisfaction of the
S.O., until the overlying pavement course is constructed, which shall not
be within 24 hours after the application of the bituminous priming
material nor within such longer period as is required, in the opinion of the
S.O., for the prime coat to achieve maximum penetration of the road
base and become fully cured.

3.7 Bituminous Tack Coat

3.7.1 General

This work shall consist of the careful and thorough cleaning of the surface of
a prepared and accepted bituminous or bitumen primed pavement course,
and the furnishing and application to the cleaned surface of a bituminous
tack coat prior to the construction of an overlying bituminous pavement
course, all in accordance with this Specification and the lines, dimensions
and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

3.7.2 Material

Bituminous tack coat material shall be rapid setting bitumen emulsion of

grade RS-1 or RS-1K conforming to the requirements of MS 161.

3.7.3 Equipment

The equipment shall be as specified in the Sub-Section 3.6.3.

3.7.4 Construction Method

a. General Conditions

Bituminous tack coat shall only be applied to a clean, dry, bituminous or

bitumen primed surface. Bituminous tack coat shall only be applied as far
in advance of the construction of the overlying bituminous pavement
course as is necessary to achieve a satisfactory degree of tackiness
before the overlying material is placed, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

b. Surface Preparation and Cleaning

Prior to applying bituminous tack coat, the surface to be treated shall

have been prepared in accordance with the appropriate Sections of this
Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of this surface, any
damage to it or deterioration of it shall be made good before tack coat is
applied. Immediately prior to applying bituminous tack coat, the full width
of the surface to be treated shall be swept using a power broom followed
by a compressed air blower, and if necessary, scraped using hand tools,
to remove all dirt, dust and other objectionable material, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

02700 Road Works Page 17


c. Application of Bituminous Material

The bituminous tack coat shall be sprayed on to the cleaned bituminous

or bitumen primed surface by means of a pressure distributor. Any areas
inaccessible to the distributor spray bar shall be treated using the
distributor's hand spraying system. The rate or rates of application shall
be as directed by the S.O. based on the results of test applications, but
shall usually be in the range 0.25 to. 0.55 liters/m2. The temperature of
the bituminous shall be maintained in the range 25 °c to. 45°C during
spraying operations.

Tack coat shall be distributed uniformly aver the surface to be treated

streaking. The quantities applied shall not deviate by more than those
prescribed. Areas with bituminous material in excess of these limits shall
have the excess removed at the Contractor’s expense, and areas with
bituminous material shall be resprayed as necessary to make up all to
the satisfaction of the S.O.

The surfaces of structures, road furniture and trees adjacent to the,

sprayed shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent their being
spattered or marred by bituminous material. Bituminous material shall
not be into road drains, gutters, etc.

Traffic shall be kept off the tack coat at all times, and the Contractor shall
maintain the tack coat, all to the satisfaction of the S.O., until the
pavement course is constructed.

3.8 Bituminous Surface Dressing

3.8.1 General

This work shall consist of the careful and thorough cleaning of a prepared
and accepted bituminous or bitumen primed pavement the furnishing and
placing an the cleaned surface of one or two of bituminous material and
cover aggregate, all in accordance with this Specification and the lines,
dimensions and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and/or as required
by the S.O.

When one application of bituminous material and cover aggregate term

'single bituminous surface dressing' (SBSD) shall apply, applications of
bituminous material and cover aggregate are placed, the term 'double
bituminous surface dressing' (DBSD) shall apply.

3.8.2 Material

a. Bituminous Material

Bituminous binder for bituminous surface dressing shall be penetration

graded bitumen, or cut-back bitumen, or bitumen emulsion. Penetration
graded bitumen shall be 80-100 grade conforming. Cut-back bitumen
shall be grade RC-70 or MC-70 conforming to MS 159. Bitumen
emulsion shall be rapid setting of grade RS-1, RS-2K or RS-3K
conforming to MS 161. The grade of emulsion selected shall be anionic
or cationic as appropriate to the type of rock from which the cover
aggregate is derived, and shall be approved by the S.O.

02700 Road Works Page 18


b. Additives for Bituminous Material

An adhesion and anti-stripping agent shall be added to the bituminous

material if the S.O. shall so direct or approve. The additive shall be of a
by the S.O. and the required quantity of additive shall be thoroughly
mixed with the bituminous material in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions or as directed by the S.O. for such time as is
necessary to produce a homogenous mixture.

c. Aggregates for Bituminous Surface Dressing

For single bituminous surface dressing the cover aggregate shall be

nominal 20 mm, 14 mm, 10 mm or 6 mm size chippings as shown on the
Drawings and/or directed by the S.O. For double bituminous surface
dressing the cover aggregate for the first application of bituminous
material and cover aggregate shall be nominal 20 mm size chippings,
and the cover aggregate for the second application of bituminous
material and cover aggregate shall be nominal 10 mm size chippings.
Cover aggregates shall be screened, crushed stone and shall comprise
clean, dry, hard, tough, sound, angular and cubical chippings free from
vegetative and other organic matter, clay and other deleterious
substances, and containing few, if any, flaky or elongated particles.
Dusty chippings shall be washed clean, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.
Cover aggregates shall conform to the following physical and mechanical

i. Using the type of bituminous material to be used in the Works, treated

with additive if so required, the coated area in the coating and
stripping test for bitumen aggregate mixtures, AASHTO Test Method
T 182, shall not be less than 95%
ii. The aggregate crushing value when tested in accordance with MS 30
shall be not more than 30
iii. The weighted average loss of weight in the sodium sulphate
soundness test (5 cycles) when tested in accordance with AASHTO
Test Method T 104 shall be not more than 12%
iv. The flakiness index when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall be
not more than 25
v. The polished stone value when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall
be not less than 40
vi. The gradation shall conform to the appropriate envelope shown in
Table 3.4.

02700 Road Works Page 19


Table 3.4: Gradation Limits for Bituminous

% by Weight Passing
BS Sieve Size Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal
20mm 14mm 10mm 6mm
Chipping Chipping Chipping Chipping
25.0mm 100 - - -

20.0mm 85 – 100 100 - -

14.0mm 0 – 20 85 – 100 100 -

10.0mm - 0 – 20 85 -100 100

6.3mm - - 0 – 20 85 – 100

4.75mm 0–5 0–5 0 – 10 0 – 25

2.36mm 0–2 0–2 0–2 0 – 10

3.8.3 Equipment

The equipment shall include a power broom, a compressed air blower, a

self-propelled pressure distributor for bituminous material, all necessary
equipment for storing and heating bituminous material, aggregate spreading
equipment, a suitable number of tip-trucks and a self-propelled pneumatic
tyred roller.

a. Power broom

The power broom shall be as specified in Sub-Section 3.6.3.

b. Compressed air blower

The compressed air blower shall be as specified in Sub-Section 3.6.3.

c. Pressure distributor for bituminous material

The distributor shall be as specified in Sub-Section 3.6.3.

d. Storage and heating facilities for bituminous material

Storage and heating facilities for bituminous material shall be as

specified in Sub-Section 3.6.3.

e. Aggregate spreading equipment

Aggregates shall be placed using mechanical spreaders of a type

approved by the S.O. The spreaders shall be capable of applying
aggregate uniformly over the full width of the area being treated and shall
have controls to regulate the rate of spread as required by this
Specification, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

02700 Road Works Page 20


f. Tip-Trucks

The Contractor shall provide a suitable number of tip-trucks of a type

approved by the S.O., capable of spreading in accordance with this

g. Pneumatic tyred roller

The pneumatic tyred roller shall be of recognized manufacture and shall

be approved by the S.O. It shall conform to the requirements described
hereunder. The pneumatic tyred roller shall be self-propelled and
capable of being reversed without backlash. It shall be equipped with
power, steering and dual controls allowing operation from either the left
or right side.

The roller shall have nine wheels equipped with smooth treaded tyres all
of the same size and construction, and capable of operating at inflation
pressures of up to 0.9 N/mm2. Five wheels shall be on the driven axle
and four on the steering axle, all equally spaced on both axles and
arranged so that the tyres on the steering axle track midway between
those on the driven axle with a small overlap. The roller shall be
equipped with water tanks, sprinkler systems and pads of coconut
matting to keep all tyres evenly wetted during operation. The roller shall
be equipped with means of adjusting its total weight by ballasting so that
the load per wheel can be varied in the range 1.0 to 2.0 tonnes. In
operation, the ballasted weight and the tyre inflation pressure shall be
adjusted to meet the requirements of each particular operation. Each tyre
shall be kept inflated at the specified pressure such that the pressure
difference between any two tyres shall not exceed 0.04 N/mm2. Means
shall be provided for checking and adjusting tyre pressures at all times at
the place of the works.

The Contractor shall provide the S.O. with a calibration chart for the roller
showing the relationship between the quantity or depth of ballast and
total weight, and also a chart showing the relationship between wheel
load, tyre inflation pressure and contact pressure.

3.8.4 Construction Method

a. General conditions

Bituminous surface dressing shall only be carried out in dry, warm

weather when the surface to be treated is dry. Work shall be
discontinued when rain appears imminent and during periods of strong
wind. The S.O. may order the discontinuation of work on account of
adverse weather, unsatisfactory condition of materials, equipment or
surface to be treated, or such other conditions as he shall consider
detrimental to the work.

b. Surface preparation and cleaning

Prior to constructing a bituminous surface dressing, the surface to be

treated shall have been prepared in accordance with the appropriate
Sections of this Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of
this surface, any damage to or deterioration of it shall be made good
before surface dressing is commenced.

02700 Road Works Page 21


Immediately prior to commencing surface dressing, the full width of the

surface to be treated, together with an additional 300 mm width on each
side, shall be swept using a power broom followed by a compressed air
blower and, if necessary, scraped using hand tools to remove all loose
particles, dirt, dust and other objectionable material, all to the satisfaction
of the S.O.

In double bituminous surface dressing construction, the surface of the

first application of bituminous material and cover aggregate shall be
similarly made good and cleaned, immediately prior to commencing the
second application.

c. Application of bituminous material

The bituminous material for a single bituminous surface dressing or for

each application of bituminous material and cover aggregate of a double
bituminous surface dressing, shall be sprayed on to the cleaned surface
to be treated by means of a pressure distributor. Any areas inaccessible
to the distributor spray bar shall be treated using the distributor's hand
spraying system.

The rate or rates of application shall be as directed by the S.O. based on

the results of laboratory tests and/or test applications but for penetration
graded bitumen shall usually be in the appropriate range given in Table

Table 3.5: Rates of Application of Penetration Graded Bitumen

Rate of Application of Penetration Graded
Nominal Size of Aggregates

20.0mm 2.0 – 3.0 liter /m2

14.0mm 1.5 – 2.2 liter /m2

10.0mm 1.0 – 1.5 liter /m2

6.0mm 0.7 – 1.0 liter /m2

The rates of application for cut-back bitumen and bitumen emulsions

shall be commensurately higher depending on their residual bitumen
contents. The temperature of the bituminous material shall be maintained
during spraying operations within the appropriate range given in Table

Table 3.6: Spraying Temperature for Bituminous Material

Bituminous Material Spraying Temperature

80 – 100 Penetration grade bitumen 150°C to 165°C

Cut-back bitumen grade RC-70 or MC-70 50°C to 65°C

Bitumen emulsion 25°C to 45°C

02700 Road Works Page 22


The bituminous material shall be distributed uniformly over the surface to

be treated without streaking, the quantities applied shall not deviate by
more than 10% from those prescribed. The rate of application shall be
checked for each spraying run by measuring the volume of bituminous
material in the distributor before and after spraying and the area treated.
Adjustments shall be made as necessary to ensure that the prescribed
rate of application is maintained in subsequent runs. Spraying shall be
discontinued immediately if any defect develops in the distributor, and it
shall not be resumed until the fault has been rectified to the satisfaction
of the S.O.

The spraying of bituminous material over any portion of the surface to be

treated shall not be carried out more than two minutes in advance of
placing the cover aggregate on that portion at the specified rate; and the
progress of spraying the bituminous material shall be restricted as
necessary to comply with this requirement.

Bituminous materials shall not be heated to spraying temperatures too

soon in advance of requirements. Any bituminous material which has
been heated to spraying temperature for more than ten hours or which
has been overheated shall be rejected. In cases where the bituminous
material is applied in lanes there shall be a small overlap of bituminous
material at the joints between lanes equal in width to the edge strip of the
sprayed area which does not receive the full rate of application of
bituminous material. For double bituminous surface dressing, joints in the
second application of bituminous material shall be offset from those in
the first application by 150 - 300mm for longitudinal joints and by at least
1.0 meter, where possible, for transverse joints.

Each spraying run shall commence and terminate on lengths of building

paper placed across the full spraying width immediately before and after
the section to be sprayed. Sufficient building paper shall be placed so
that the distributor may be started and stopped with the spray bar over
paper, and so that the correct distributor road speed and rate of spraying
can be maintained over the entire length of the section to be sprayed, all
to the satisfaction of the S.O. Immediately after use and before
application of cover aggregate, the building paper shall be removed and
disposed of in a manner approved by the S.O.

Provision shall be made for a volume of bituminous material of at least

10% of the capacity of the distributor, or such other quantity as the S.O.
shall direct, to remain in the distributor tank at the completion of each
spraying run, in order to avoid air entrapment within the bitumen spraying
system. The surfaces of structures, road furniture and trees adjacent to
the areas being sprayed shall be protected in such a manner as to
prevent their being spattered or marred by bituminous material.
Bituminous material shall not be discharged into road drains, gutters, etc.

d. Application of Cover Aggregate

Before each spraying, run of bituminous material commences sufficient

aggregate to provide full cover at the prescribed rate of application over
the entire area to be sprayed shall have been loaded in trucks at the Site
of the Works in readiness for spreading. Immediately following the
application of the bituminous material, the clean, dry cover aggregate
shall be uniformly spread over the bituminous material using mechanical
spreaders approved by the S.O. The aggregate shall be placed as

02700 Road Works Page 23


quickly as practicable after the application of bituminous material on all

parts of the area to be covered, and for no portion of the surface to be
treated shall there be a delay of more than two minutes between the
application of the bituminous material and the spreading of the
aggregate. The trucks feeding the aggregate to the mechanical
spreaders shall operate backward during aggregate spreading in order
that the wheels of the spreaders and trucks shall not run on uncovered
bituminous material. The rate of application of cover aggregate shall be
as directed by the S.O. based on the results of laboratory tests and/or
tests applications, but shall usually be in the appropriate range given in
Table 3.7.

Table 3.7: Rates of Application of Cover Aggregate

Nominal Size of Aggregates Rate of Application

20.0mm 17 – 27 liter /m2

14.0mm 12 – 18 liter /m2

10.0mm 8 – 12 liter /m2

6.0mm 5 – 8 liter /m2

The rate of application shall be checked for each spraying run from
measurements of the quantities of aggregate in the trucks and the area
treated, or by sampling and measuring the aggregate spread on the
road. Any bare or insufficiently covered areas shall be made good by
hand spreading as quickly as possible. Aggregate in excess of the rate
prescribed shall be evenly distributed over the surface or removed as
quickly as possible, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

In cases where the surface dressing is constructed in lanes, the edge of

the aggregate spread adjacent to an untreated lane shall coincide with
the edge of the sprayed area which receives the full rate of application of
the bituminous material. This will leave a narrow strip of bituminous
material of partial thickness which shall be overlapped by the bituminous
material spray and aggregate spread of the adjacent lane.

Immediately following the spreading of the aggregate to the satisfaction

of the S.O., the aggregate shall be rolled with a pneumatic tyred roller
approved by the S.O. to embed the aggregate in the bituminous material.
Rolling shall commence as quickly as practicable after the application of
the bituminous material and aggregate on all parts of the area to be
covered, and for no portion of the surface to be treated shall there be a
delay of more than 3 minutes between the application of the bituminous
material and the commencement of rolling.

The pneumatic tyred roller shall be ballasted to an operating weight of 9 -

10 tonnes and its tyre inflation pressure shall be 0.53 N/mm2 for surface
dressing work. Rolling shall be continued for as long as is necessary to
thoroughly embed the aggregate in the bituminous material, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

02700 Road Works Page 24


Rolling shall generally begin at the outer edge of surface dressing and
progress uniformly towards the center on each side except on
superelevated curves where rolling shall begin at the lower edge and
progress uniformly towards the higher edge. Consecutive roller passes
shall generally overlap by about one half of the roller's width.

When, in the opinion of the S.O., the bituminous material has hardened
sufficiently to prevent the dislodgement of embedded aggregate by the
action of the power broom, all loose aggregate shall be swept from the
treated surface using the power broom and compressed air blower and
disposed of to the satisfaction of the S.O. Where the dressing so
prepared is the first application of a double bituminous surface dressing.
Construction of the second application of bituminous material and cover
aggregate shall then proceed as soon as is practicable.

e. Opening to traffic

Bituminous surface dressing shall normally not be opened to traffic until

such time as, in the opinion of the S.O., the surfacing shall have
developed sufficient strength to withstand normal traffic forces without
dislodgement of the aggregate. This will usually be not less than 24
hours after the completion of rolling. Where it is necessary to allow
earlier use of the finished surface to facilitate the movement of traffic,
vehicles may be allowed to run on the work after rolling has been
completed, provided that speeds are restricted to 30 km per hour or less
and sharp turning movements are prohibited. The finished surface shall
subsequently have to be closed temporarily to enable the loose
aggregate to be swept off and disposed of as described in Sub-Section

Ideally, the first application of bituminous material and cover aggregate

of a double bituminous surface dressing should not be opened to traffic
before construction of the second application. However, where it is
necessary to facilitate the movement of traffic, the first application may
be opened to traffic prior to construction of the second application.
Nevertheless, traffic movement on the completed first application shall
be kept to a practicable minimum and the second application shall be
constructed as soon as is practicable after the completion of the first.

3.9 Asphaltic Concrete

3.9.1 General

This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, shaping and compacting

asphaltic concrete binder course and/or wearing course on a prepared and
accepted bituminous or bitumen primed pavement course, and shall include
the careful and thorough cleaning of surfaces which are to be covered
without receiving a bituminous tack coat. The work shall be carried out all in
accordance with this Specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions
and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

3.9.2 Material

a. Aggregates

Aggregate for asphaltic concrete shall be a mixture of coarse and fine

aggregates and, if necessary, mineral filler. The individual aggregates

02700 Road Works Page 25


shall be of sizes suitable for blending to produce the required gradation

of the combined aggregate, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Coarse aggregates shall be screened crushed hard rock, angular in

shape and free from dust, clay, vegetative and other organic matter, and
other deleterious substances. They shall conform to the following
physical and mechanical quality requirements:

i. The aggregate crushing value when tested in accordance with MS 30

shall be not more than 30
ii. The weighted average loss of weight in the sodium sulphate
soundness test (5 cycles) when tested in accordance with AASHTO
Test Method T 104 shall be not more than 12%
iii. The flakiness index when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall be
not more than 30
iv. The water absorption when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall be
not more than 2%
v. The polished stone value when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall
be not less than 40 (only applicable to aggregates for wearing

Fine aggregates shall be clean natural sands, screened quarry fines, or

mining sand. Mining sand shall be thoroughly washed before use. Other
types of fine aggregate may be used subject to the approval of the S.O.
Fine aggregates shall be non-plastic and free from clay, loam,
aggregations of material, vegetative and other organic matter, and other
deleterious substances. They shall conform to the following physical and
mechanical quality requirements:

i. The weighted average loss of weight in the sodium sulphate

soundness test (5 cycles) when tested in accordance with AASHTO
Test Method T 104 shall be not more than 12%
ii. The water absorption when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall be
not more than 2%.

Notwithstanding compliance with the requirements of this Specification,

limestone aggregates shall not be permitted for use in wearing course.
The gradation of the combined coarse and fine aggregates, together with
ordinary Portland cement added as an adhesion and anti-stripping agent
and, if necessary, any other mineral filler, shall conform to the
appropriate envelope shown in Table 3.8.

Table 3.8: Gradation Limits for Asphaltic Concrete

Mix Type Wearing Course Binder Course Binder Course

Mix Designation ACW 14 ACB 14 ACB 28

B.S Sieve Size % Passing by Weight

37.5mm - - 100

28.0mm - - 80 – 100

20.0mm 100 100 72 – 93

14.0mm 80 – 95 70 – 95 58 – 82

02700 Road Works Page 26


Mix Type Wearing Course Binder Course Binder Course

Mix Designation ACW 14 ACB 14 ACB 28

B.S Sieve Size % Passing by Weight

10.0mm 68 – 90 56 – 81 50 – 75

5.0mm 52 – 72 40 – 65 36 – 58

3.35mm 45 – 62 32 – 58 30 – 52

1.18mm 30 – 45 20 – 42 18 – 38

425 µm 17 – 30 12 – 28 11 – 25

150 µm 7 – 16 6 – 16 5 – 14

75 µm 4 – 10 4–8 3-8

The gradation envelopes in the above Table are purposely wider than
the tolerances for good works control of asphaltic concrete mixes. For
each type of mix required in the Works, the Contractor shall establish a
job mix formula gradation which shall consist of a single definite
percentage passing for each sieve size in the above Table and shall
produce a smooth curve within and essentially parallel to the appropriate
gradation envelope. This job mix formula gradation, with the allowable
tolerances for a single test as specified in Sub-Section 3.9.3.c, then
becomes the job control envelope and this job control envelope must be
tot any within the limits of the appropriate gradation envelope in the
above Table.

b. Mineral Filler

Mineral filler shall be finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust,
limestone dust, hydrated lime, hydraulic cement, or such other suitable
material as the S.O. shall approve. At the time of mixing with bitumen it
shall be sufficiently dry to flow freely and shall be essentially free from
agglomerations. Not less than 70% by weight shall pass the B.S. 75 µn

c. Bituminous material

Bituminous binder for asphaltic concrete shall be penetration graded

bitumen of SO-100 grade conforming to MS 124.

d. Anti-stripping agent

Ordinary Portland cement shall be added to the combined aggregate for

asphaltic concrete to serve as an adhesion and anti-stripping agent. The
amount of cement added for this purpose shall be 2% by weight of the
combined aggregate. (Additional cement may also be added, if
necessary, to serve as filler.)

02700 Road Works Page 27


Ordinary Portland cement for this purpose shall conform to the

requirements of MS 522 and shall be dry, free flowing and free from
agglomerations at the time of use.

Notwithstanding the use of ordinary Portland cement as an anti-stripping

agent as specified above, the Contractor shall be responsible for
ensuring that the bitumen binder adheres satisfactorily to the aggregate
and does not strip from it during the service life of the asphaltic concrete.

Accordingly, the Contractor shall carry out bitumen stripping tests with
the proposed aggregates to demonstrate to the complete satisfaction of
the S.O. that the aggregates will perform satisfactorily in service with the
specified bitumen binder. Such tests shall be carried out in accordance
with AASHTO Test Method T 182, or such other test methods as the
S.O. shall direct or approve. When AASHTO Test Method T 182 is used,
the coated area at the end of the mixture's period of immersion in water
shall be not less than 95%.

Where, in the opinion of the S.O., ordinary Portland cement does not
perform satisfactorily as an anti-stripping agent, the Contractor may
propose to use another adhesion and anti-stripping agent in addition to,
or wholly or partially instead of, the ordinary Portland cement specified
above. Such agent shall be of a type approved by the S.O. and shall be
thoroughly mixed with the bituminous binder, all in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. In such a case, the agent shall be added to
the bitumen binder used in the bitumen stripping tests in the appropriate
amount and manner.

Aggregate which does not perform satisfactorily in the bitumen stripping

tests, using the approved adhesion and anti-stripping agent when
appropriate, shall not be used in asphaltic concrete.

3.9.3 Asphaltic concrete mix design

a. Job mix formulae

After obtaining supplies or production (as applicable) of all aggregates

consistent as to gradation and other qualities, the Contractor shall
propose a job mix formula for each class of mix required in the Works. In
order to attain optimum quality of the mixtures, the job mix formula for
each class shall be prepared on the basis of testing several trial
gradations within the limits set in Table 3.9 at an appropriate range of
bitumen contents. As a guide to the testing range of bitumen contents,
the design bitumen content will usually be in the appropriate range given
in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9: Design Bitumen Content

Mix Designation Bitumen Content

ACW 14 – Wearing Course 5.0 – 7.0%

ACB 14 – Binding Course 4.5 – 6.5%

ACB 28 – Binding Course 4.0 – 6.0%

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A sample of each trial mix (i.e. each combination of trial gradation and
bitumen content) shall be subject to a comprehensive Marshall Method
test and analysis as follows:

i. Preparation of specimens for the standard stability and flow test in

accordance with AASHTO Test Method T 245 using the 75
blows/face compaction standard
ii. Determination of the bulk specific gravity of the specimens in
accordance with AASHTO Test Method T 166
iii. Determination of the stability and flow values in accordance with
AASHTO Test Method T 245
iv. Analysis of the density and voids parameters to determine the
percentage of voids in the compacted aggregate, the percentage of
voids in the compacted aggregate filled with bitumen, and hence the
percentage of air voids in the compacted mix.

For each trial mix conforming to a proposed job mix formula, the
parameters of the above tests and analyses shall conform to the
requirements of the appropriate type of mix as given in Table 3.10.

Table 3.10: Test and Analysis parameters for asphaltic concrete

Parameter Wearing Course Binding Course

Stability, S > 500kg > 450kg

Flow, F > 2.0mm > 2.0mm

Stiffness, S/F > 250kg/mm > 225kg/mm

Air Voids in mix 3.0% - 5.0% 3.0% - 7.0%

Voids in aggregates filled with
75% - 85% 65% - 80%

Air voids shall be defined as the small pockets of air between the coated
aggregate particles in a compacted asphaltic concrete mix. The portion
of the bitumen absorbed into the aggregate particles must therefore be
allowed for when calculating the air voids. For combined aggregate with
water absorption of not more than 2.0%, the absorbed bitumen may be
estimated on the basis that the absorption of bitumen will be
approximately 20% of the water absorption.

Voids in the aggregate of a mix shall be calculated on the basis of the

weighted average bulk specific gravity on an oven dried basis of the
coarse and fine aggregate fractions (separated by the ASTM #10 sieve
or B.S. 2.0 mm sieve) as determined in accordance with AASHTO Test
Method T84 and T85 as applicable.

The Marshall density of an asphaltic concrete mix is defined as the

average density of a set of three (3) test specimens moulded for the
standard stability and flow test in accordance with AASHTO Test Method
T 245 using the 75 blows per face compaction standard. The Contractor
shall submit to the S.O. full details of his proposed job mix formula for
each class of mix required in the Works including:

i. The gradation analysis of each aggregates to be used in the mix

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ii. The proportions for cold batching the aggregates

iii. The mixing plant screen sizes, the smallest of which shall generally
be not more than 3.2 mm
iv. The gradation analysis of the aggregate in each of the mixing plants'
hot bins and of the mineral filler (including any ordinary Portland
cement added as anti-stripping agent)
v. The job mix formula gradation of the combined aggregate and filler
vi. The proportions for combining the hot bin aggregates and filler
vii. The bitumen content (by weight of total mix)
viii. The dry and wet mixing times if a batch plant is to be used, or the
mixing time if a continuous mix plant is to be used
ix. The full results of the comprehensive Marshall Method tests and
analyses as described above for each trial mix used in determining
the job mix formula.

The S.O. may require changes of any of the factors in each proposed job
mix formula and further tests and analyses in order to attain optimum
quality of the asphaltic concrete mixes.

b. Plant trials

After having received the S.O.'s preliminary approval of his proposed job
mix formulae, the Contractor shall arrange to mix, lay and compact
asphaltic concrete conforming to the proposed formula for each class of
mix required in the Works. A minimum of 10 tonnes of each mix shall be
placed in trial areas to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the S.O. that the
mixing, laying and compacting equipment conforms to the requirements
of this Specification, and that the proposed mixes are satisfactory. The
trial areas shall not be part of the Contract Works but shall be provided
by the Contractor at his own expense. They shall be approved' by the

As directed by the S.O., comprehensive sampling and testing of each

class of mix shall be carried out to check for satisfactory compliance with
its job mix formula, and for a satisfactory degree of compaction.

As a result of the plant trials, the S.O. may require amendments to the
job mix formulae, further tests and analyses, and possibly additional
plant trials before finally approving the mixes for full scale production and
use in the Works.

c. The S.O.’s final approval of the job mix formulae shall bind the
Contractor to furnish asphaltic concrete mixes meeting the precise
gradation and bitumen contents specified in these formulae within the
tolerances set forth in Table 3.11. Modification to a job mix formula may
only made with the approval of the S.O. Should the S.O. at any time
have reason to believe that the materials and methods of mixing and
laying are different from those approved, he shall so advise the
Contractor, and may order that asphaltic concrete works be discontinued
pending further trials and testing.

02700 Road Works Page 30


Table 3.11: Tolerances for Asphaltic Concrete Mixes

Permissible Variation %
by weight of total mix

Bitumen ± 0.2%

Fractions of combined aggregates passing 5.0mm

± 5.0%
and larger sieves
Fractions of combined aggregates passing
± 4.0%
3.35mm and 1.18mm sieves
Fractions of combined aggregates passing 425µm
± 3.0%
and 150µm sieves
Fractions of combined aggregates passing 75µm
± 2.0%

3.9.4 Equipment

The Contractor shall provide all the plant and equipment necessary for
executing the work in accordance with this Specification and shall furnish
the S.O. with such details of particular item of equipment, e.g. manufacturer,
model type, capacity, weight, operating features, etc., as the S.O. shall

a. Road cleaning equipment

Road cleaning equipment will be required where asphaltic concrete is to

be laid on a surface which is not to receive a tack coat. The equipment
shall be the same as that required for preparing a surface for a tack coat,
and shall include a power broom and com pressed air blower as
specified in Sub-Section 3.6.3.

b. Asphalt mixing plant

The asphalt plant shall be either a batch plant or a drum mix plant or a
continuous mix plant of recognized manufacture and shall be approved
by the S.O. It shall conform to the requirements described hereunder.

The mixing plant shall have a capacity suited to the Works and sufficient
to enable the paver to operate more or less continuously when paving at
normal speeds at the required thicknesses. The plant shall be so
designed as to enable consistent production of asphaltic concrete mixes
within the tolerances prescribed in this Specification, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

Scales for all weigh boxes or hoppers shall be of the springless dial type,
accurate to within 0.5% of the maximum load that may be required.
Scale dials and pointers shall be easily read from their operator's normal
position without significant parallax errors. Scales shall be substantially
constructed so that they shall maintain their accuracy after initial
adjustment. The Contractor shall furnish not less than ten 25 kg test
weights at the plant for checking, adjusting and calibrating scales.

Tanks for storage of bitumen shall have a capacity suited to the

proposed rate of utilization of the material and the method and frequency
of its delivery to the Works, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. The tanks
shall be provided with means of measuring the volume of their contents

02700 Road Works Page 31


at all times and of drawing off samples of the contents. The bitumen
feeding system shall provide for continuous circulation of hot binder
through the system and back into the feed tank. The end of the return
line discharging into the feed tank shall always be kept submerged in the
bitumen in the tank in order to prevent oxidation of the returning hot
binder. The storage tanks, and where necessary barrel decanters, and
all elements of the bitumen feeding system shall be equipped with
heating systems or insulating jackets as necessary to provide for
effective and positive control of the temperature of the bitumen at all
times up to the temperature required for utilization. The method of
heating shall be such that neither flames nor the products of combustion
shall come into direct contact with the bitumen or the casing of its
immediate container, and such that no portion of the bitumen shall be
subject to overheating.

The plant shall be provided with accurate mechanical means for

uniformly feeding the aggregates into the dryer so that uniform
production and temperature of the heated aggregates will be obtained. A
separate feed bin with an adjustable gate opening shall be provided for
each aggregate to be included in the combined aggregate for the mix,
normally four bins will be required. The feed bins and gates shall be so
constructed and equipped that they shall be readily accessible for
calibrating at all times, and shall provide for a continuous and uniform
flow of each aggregate required in the mix.

The plant shall have a rotary drum dryer of satisfactory design for drying
and heating the combined aggregate so that its temperature will be at the
required level at the time it is mixed with the bitumen. The burner shall
be so designed that complete combustion of the fuel will be obtained,
and the aggregate will remain clean and not become coated with soot or

The plant shall be equipped with four (or more) screens, the smallest of
which shall generally be not more than 3.2 mm. The screens shall have a
normal capacity slightly in excess of the maximum output of the mixing
plant. The screens shall be readily accessible for inspection.

The plant shall include four (or more) storage bins for screened
aggregates, each with a capacity of not less than twice the pugmill dead
load capacity. The bins shall be arranged so as to provide separate dry
storage for each screened fraction of the aggregate. Each bin shall be
provided with an overflow pipe of such size and location as to prevent
any backing up of material into other bins. Each bin shall be so
constructed that representative aggregate samples can be readily
obtained, and shall have means for observing the aggregate level.
Separate dry storage shall be provided for mineral filler, and the plant
shall be satisfactorily equipped to feed filler into the mixer.

Satisfactory means by either weighing or metering shall be provided to

obtain the prescribed amount of bitumen in the mix within the specified
tolerance. Means shall be provided for checking the quantity or flow rate
of binder entering the mixer. Suitable means shall be provided for
maintaining the prescribed temperature of the bitumen in the pipelines,
weigh bucket or flow meter, and spray bars.

An armoured thermometer with a range of 30 °C to 200 °C shall be fitted

in the bitumen feed line at a suitable location near the discharge valve at
the mixer unit. Suitable' dial-scale mercury actuated thermometers,

02700 Road Works Page 32


electric pyrometers or other thermometric instruments shall be fitted at

the discharge chute of the dryer and in each hot aggregate storage bin to
indicate the temperatures of the heated aggregates.

The plant shall be equipped with a dust collector so constructed as to

waste the material collected or feed it uniformly to the heated aggregate.

The plant shall be equipped with adequate and safe stairways to the
mixing platform and sampling locations, and guarded ladders and cat-
walks shall provide access to all other positions as necessary for proper
operation, inspection and maintenance of the plant, all to the satisfaction
of the S.O. All gears, pulleys, chains, sprockets and other dangerous
moving parts shall be properly guarded and protected. Ample and
unobstructed space shall be provided on the mixing platform, and clear
and unobstructed passage shall be maintained at all times in and around
the truck loading area, which shall be kept free from drippings from the

Special Requirement for Batch Plants

Each storage bin for screened aggregate shall be provided with a bottom
outlet gate so constructed as to prevent leakage when dosed. These
gates shall have a quick and complete closing action.

The plant shall be equipped with a weigh box or hopper for accurately
weighing out aggregate storage bins. The weigh box or hopper shall be
suspended from its scale’s lever mechanism and shall be sufficiently
large to hold a full batch equal to the pugmill capacity without hand
raking or spilling of the aggregate. The discharge gate shall be so
constructed as to allow rapid and complete emptying of the weigh box or
hopper into the mixer, and prevent leakage when closed.

The plant shall be equipped with a binder weigh bucket which shall be
charged through a fast acting non-drip valve in the binder feed pipe
located directly over the bucket. The bucket shall be suspended from its
scale's lever mechanism and shall have a capacity sufficient to weigh out
binder up to 20% of the weight of the pugmill dead load capacity. The
bucket shall have a discharge mechanism, which shall provide for rapid
and complete emptying of the bucket in a thin uniform sheet or multiple
sprays over the full length and width of the mixer. The discharge
mechanism shall not leak or drip when closed.

The batch mixer shall be a suitable twin-shaft pugmill, with a capacity of

at least 500 kg of asphaltic concrete, capable of producing a thoroughly
homogeneous mixture. The clearance of the paddle blades from all fixed
and moving parts of the mixer shall be not more than 20 mm. If the
pugmill is not enclosed it shall be equipped with a dust hood to prevent
loss of fines from the mixture. The discharge gate shall be so
constructed as to allow rapid and complete emptying of the mixer, and
prevent leakage of any mix constituent when closed.

The mixer shall be equipped with an accurate time lock system for
controlling the operations of a complete mixing cycle. It shall lock the
aggregate weigh box or hopper gate after charging the mixer with
aggregate, until the closing of the mixer gate at the completion of the
mixing cycle. It shall lock the binder weigh bucket discharge mechanism
during the dry mixing and wet mixing periods. (The dry mixing period is
defined as the interval of time between the openings of the aggregate
weigh box or hopper gate and the start of discharging the binder weigh

02700 Road Works Page 33


bucket. The wet mixing period is defined as the interval of time between
the start of discharging the binder weigh bucket and the opening of the
mixer gate.) The dry and wet mixing periods shall both be adjustable in
increments of not more than 5 seconds from zero to not less than 120
seconds total for dry and wet mixing.

Special Requirements for Drum Mix Plants

The cold material feeder unit shall consist of not less than 5
compartments with suitable heaped capacity appropriate for the plant.
Each bin shall be provided with a control gate and measuring feeder
suitable for accurate blending of the aggregates on to the cold feed
collecting conveyor. The cold feed system shall incorporate a device for
moisture compensation capable of producing an accurate and
continuous blend of the individual aggregate sizes from the cold feed
The drum mixer shall be of an inclined, oil-fired and parallel flow type in
which the aggregates and exhaust gases flow in the same direction. The
drum mixer length to diameter ratio shall be such as to ensure efficient
drying and intimate mixing of aggregate, filler and binder over the full
range of rated operating efficiencies. A bypass chute shall be
incorporated for sampling of cold aggregate.

Freshly mixed material shall be delivered and stored in a surge silo

through a proper conveyor system.

Special Requirements for Continuous Mix Plants

Each storage bin for screened aggregate shall be provided with an
accurately controlled variable orifice gate discharging on to an aggregate
feed mechanism. The discharge orifice shall be rectangular with one
dimension variable by means of an adjustable and lockable gate, which
shall have an indicator showing the distance it is open. These gates shall
be used for accurately proportioning the screened aggregates for the

The plant shall have means of calibrating the aggregate bin discharge
gate openings by weighing test samples obtained by diverting the
aggregate fed out of each bin into a suitable test box. Test boxes shall
have a capacity of not less than 100 kg each.

The plant shall have satisfactory means of effecting positive interlocking

control between the flow of screened aggregates from the storage bins
and the flow of binder from the meter or other proportioning device. This
control shall be accomplished by interlocking mechanical means or
another positive method satisfactory to the S.O.

The continuous mixer shall be a suitable twin-shaft pugmill with an

adjustable dam and paddles with reversible blade pitch for adjusting the
volume of mixture held in the pugmill. The clearance of the paddle
blades from all fixed parts of the mixer shall be not more than 20mm.
The binder shall be fed into the mixer through a spray bar directed on to
the aggregate across the full width of the pugmill at the feed end. The
discharging mixture shall pass over the dam into a hopper with a
discharge gate so constructed as to allow rapid and complete emptying
of the hopper, and prevent leakage of the mix when closed. The mixer
shall be equipped with a permanent gauge for measuring the depth of
mixture in the pugmill and a manufacturer’s calibration plate showing the
volume of mixture in the pugmill at each increment of depth.

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The mixing time shall be determined using the formula:-

Dead weight of mix in pugmill (kg)

Mixing time (seconds) =
Pugmill output (kg/sec)

And for a given output it may be varied slightly by adjusting the depth
(and hence weight) of the mixture held in the pugmill by varying the dam
height, the configuration of the paddle blades, or both. However for
substantial adjustments of the mixing time, in order to maintain the depth
at a level compatible with efficient mixing, i.e. so that the paddle tips just
break out of the mixture at the height their action, the rate of feed of
materials to the mixer (and hence output) should be changed.

c. Tip-trucks

The Contractor shall provide a suitable number of tip-trucks of a type

approved by the S.O. for transporting asphaltic concrete from the mixing
plant to the paving works. The trucks shall have trays with smooth, flat
beds and sides, and shall have load capacities of not less than 5 tonnes.
Prior to loading, the inside of each truck tray shall be lightly and evenly
coated with a soap or detergent solution, or such other liquid as the S.O.
shall approve, to prevent adhesion of the asphaltic concrete. The trucks
shall be equipped with covers of canvas or other suitable material to
protect the asphaltic concrete.

d. Asphalt paver

The asphalt paver shall be of recognized manufacture and shall be

approved by the S.O. It shall conform to the requirements described

The paver shall be self-propelled and capable of reverse as well as

forward travel. It shall be equipped with a hopper at the front designed to
receive the paving mixture from tip-trucks, and shall have a mechanical
distribution system for spreading the mixture evenly and without
segregation over the surface to be paved in front of a screeding and
compacting unit which shall be equipped with a suitable heating device

The screeding and compacting mechanism shall be capable of confining

the edges of the material being laid without the use of stationary side
forms, shall be adjustable to strike off the mixture to the thickness and
cross-section shape required, and shall be controlled by an automatic
leveling device to produce an even carpet of bituminous mixture with a
uniform surface texture free from indentations, ridges, tear marks or
other irregularities. The paver shall be capable of laying the bituminous
mixture in paving widths in the range 2.5 to 3.75m and of finishing the
pavement layer true to the required lines, grades, levels, dimensions and
cross-sections, subject to compaction by rolling, all to the satisfaction of
the S.O.

e. Rollers

A pneumatic tyred roller and two steel wheeled tandem rollers shall be
provided. However, a three wheeled steel roller may be substituted for
one of the tandem rollers if the S.O. shall so approve. All rollers shall be
of recognized manufacture and shall be approved by the S.O. The

02700 Road Works Page 35


pneumatic tyred roller shall be as specified in Sub-Section 3.8.3.g. Steel

wheeled rollers shall conform to the requirements described hereunder.

Steel wheeled rollers shall be self-propelled and capable of being

reversed without backlash. They shall be equipped with power steering
and dual controls allowing operation from either the left or right side.
They shall be equipped with water tanks, sprinkler systems and scraper
blades to keep all wheels evenly wetted and clean during operation.

Each steel wheeled roller shall be ballasted so that its total operating
weight is in the range 8 to 10 tonnes and its driven roll (or rolls) shall
exert a rolling force of not less than 3.5 tonnes/meter of roll width. The
Contractor shall provide the S.O. with a calibration chart for each roller
showing the relationships between the quantity or depth of ballast and
total weight and rolling force.

3.9.5 Construction Method

a. General Conditions

Asphaltic concrete paving work shall only be carried out in dry weather
when the surface to be covered is dry, or if so specified, has received a
bituminous tack coat which shall have achieved a satisfactory degree of
tackiness, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. All laying, rolling and finishing
work shall be carried out during daylight hours, unless the Contractor
shall have provided suitable flood-lighting for the job site, to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

The S.O. may order the discontinuation of work on account of adverse

weather, unsatisfactory condition of materials, equipment or surface to
be paved, or such 'other; conditions 'as he shall consider detrimental to
the work

b. Surface Preparation and Cleaning

Prior to constructing an asphaltic concrete pavement layer; the surface to

be covered shall have been prepared in accordance with this
Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of this surface, any
damage to or deterioration of it shall be made good before asphaltic
concrete paving work is commenced.

If the surface to be covered is not to be provided with a bituminous tack

coat, then immediately prior to commencing asphaltic concrete. paving, it
shall be swept using a power broom followed by a compressed air
blower and, if necessary, scraped using hand tools to remove all loose
particles, dirt, dust and other objectionable material, all to the satisfaction
of the S.O.

If the surface to be covered is to be provided with a bituminous tack coat,

then this shall be applied all in accordance with the provisions of Sub-
Section 3.7.

c. Aggregate Handling and Heating

Each aggregate to be used in the, asphaltic concrete mixes shall be

stored in a separate, stockpile near the mixing plant. Stockpiles of-sand
and other fine aggregates shall be kept dry using waterproof covers and
'other' means as necessary. In placing the aggregates in the stockpiles

02700 Road Works Page 36


and loading them into the mixing plant's cold aggregate feed bins, care
shall be taken to prevent segregation or uncontrolled combination of
materials of different gradation. Segregated or contaminated materials
shall be rescreened or rejected for use in the Works and removed from
the mixing plant site.

The aggregates shall be fed into the dryer at a uniform rate proportioned
in accordance with the appropriate job mix formula. The rate of feed for
each aggregate shall be maintained within 10% of the rate prescribed,
and the total rate of feed shall be such that, the plant's screens shall
never be overloaded.

The aggregates shall be, dried and heated so that when delivered to the
mixer they shall be at a temperature in the range 150 °C to 170 °C.
Immediately after heating, the aggregates shall be screened into four (or
more) fractions, which shall be separately stored in the hot aggregate
storage bins in readiness for mixing.

Ordinary Portland cement and/or other mineral filler to be used in the mix
shall be stored separately and kept completely dry. Its rate of feed into
the plant shall be accurately controlled by weight or volumetric
measurement, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

d. Heating of Bitumen

The binder shall be heated so that when delivered to the mixer it shall be
at a temperature in the range 140 °C to 160 °C.

e. Mixing Asphaltic Concrete

The mixing plant shall be so coordinated and operated as to consistently

produce asphaltic concrete mixes within the tolerances prescribed in this
Specification, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Mixing in Batch Plants

For each batch the screened hot aggregates shall be weighed out into
the aggregate weigh hopper in accordance with the proportions
prescribed in the appropriate job mix formula. The sequence of weighing
out shall commence with the largest sized aggregate and progress down
to the fines, unless the S.O. shall otherwise approve. Mineral filler shall
be weighed out into the filler weigh, hopper, where this is provided, or
added last to the aggregate weigh hopper, in accordance with the job
mix formula proportions.

The hot binder shall be weighed out into the binder weigh bucket in
accordance with the proportions prescribed in the job mix formula.

The hot aggregates and filler shall be discharged into the pugmill and
mixed dry for the dry mixing time prescribed in the job mix formula, which
shall usually be in the range 5 to 10 seconds. The hot binder shall then
be added and wet mixing performed for the wet mixing time prescribed in
the job mix formula. This shall be sufficient so that all particles of
aggregate are uniformly coated with bitumen, and shall usually be 45
seconds or more for dense graded mixtures.

The volume of each batch shall be such that the tips of the pugmill
paddle blades just break out of the mixture at the height of their action.

02700 Road Works Page 37


After the completion of wet mixing, each batch of asphaltic concrete shall
be discharged from the pugmill either into a storage hopper or directly
into a truck for hauling to the paving site. Care shall be taken that no
segregation of the mix occurs.

Mixing in Continuous Mix Plants

The screened hot aggregates and filler shall be fed continuously from
their storage bins in accordance with the proportions prescribed in the
appropriate job mix formula, combined in the plant, and fed continuously
into the mixer. The hot binder shall be sprayed on to the combined
aggregate as it enters the pugmill at the rate required to achieve the
bitumen content prescribed in the job mix formula. The materials shall
then be carried through the pugmill and in the process be thoroughly
mixed by the action of the paddles and discharged over the dam into the
storage hopper. The mixing time shall be as prescribed in the job mix
formula. This shall be sufficient so that all particles of aggregate are
uniformly coated with bitumen, and shall usually be 45 seconds or more
for dense graded mixtures.

The plant shall be so adjusted as to maintain the level of mixture in the

pugmill such that the tips of the paddle blades just break out of the
mixture at the height of their action.

f. Transportation of Asphaltic Concrete

Asphaltic concrete shall be transported from the mixing plant to the site
of the paving works in loads of not less than 5 tonnes using tip-trucks as
specified in Sub-Section 3.9.4.c. Except where asphaltic concrete is to
be hand laid, it shall be discharged directly into the paver hopper, as
required, from the tip trucks. Care shall be taken in the truck loading,
hauling and unloading operations to prevent segregation of the mix.
During transportation, the asphaltic concrete shall be protected from
contamination by water, dust, dirt and other deleterious materials.

The temperature of asphaltic concrete immediately before unloading

from the truck either into the paver hopper or on to the road for hand
spreading shall be not less than 125°C. Any load which has cooled
below the specified temperature in the truck shall be rejected for use in
the Works and removed from the Site of the Works.

g. Laying Asphaltic Concrete

The sequence of laying operations shall be planned in advance by the

Contractor and approved by the S.O. Generally each paving layer shall
have a compacted thickness of not less than twice the nominal maximum
aggregate size of the mixture, and not more than 100 mm. Where
applicable, e.g. on superelevated sections and on carriageways with
cross-slope in one direction only, laying shall commence along the lower
side of the carriageway and progress to the higher side. Laying shall not
be carried out in a downhill direction along any section of road.

As far as is practicable, laying shall be carried out using a paver

approved by the S.O. Hand-casting of bituminous mix on to the machine
finished surface shall be kept to the practicable minimum necessary for
correcting blemishes and irregularities. In any areas inaccessible to the
paver, laying shall be carried out by hand methods using rakes, lutes and
other hand tools, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. All laying of bituminous
mix shall be such that after compaction by rolling the specified course or

02700 Road Works Page 38


layer thickness and surface profile shall be achieved. Care shall be taken
to achieve a uniform surface texture free from indentations, ridges, tear
marks or other irregularities, and to prevent segregation of the mix.

At the commencement of initial rolling the temperature of asphaltic

concrete shall be not less than 110°C. Material which has cooled below
the specified temperature before laying shall not be used and shall be
removed from the Site of the Works. The Contractor shall provide
accurate thermometers at the paving site at all times, and shall check the
temperature of asphaltic concrete in the paver hopper at regular intervals
and before laying restarts after each interruption of the paving operation.

As far as is practicable, the paver shall be operated continuously and the

supply of bituminous mix shall be regulated so as to enable continuous
paving. Transverse joints in a paving lane shall be kept to a practicable
minimum, and intermittent stopping and restarting of the paver shall be
avoided as far as is practicable.

Care shall be taken that no bituminous mix is placed on expansion joints

at bridges, inspection covers for utilities ducts, drainage and sewerage
manholes and the like, and that catchpits, drainage openings through
kerbs, etc., remain and the like, and that catchpits, drainage openings
through kerbs, etc., remain properly open and serviceable. During laying
operations, such areas and openings shall be protected by suitably
shaped and secured boards or other materials approved by the S.O.,
and compaction of mix in the immediately surrounding or adjacent areas
shall be completed by hand methods, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.
Alternatively, bituminous mix shall be laid and compacted by hand
methods as necessary around surfacing discontinuities of these types, all
to the satisfaction of the S.O.

h. Construction Joints

Existing bituminous surfacing which new bituminous mix is to adjoin shall

be cut back to present a straight, vertical edge not less than 25 mm deep
and a smooth transition section not less than 0.5 meter long against
which to lay the new material. The specified thickness of the new
surfacing shall be built up gradually from the vertical joint to avoid any
bumps or ridges across the carriageway.

Where longitudinal or transverse joints are required in a layer of

bituminous mix under construction, the material first laid and compacted
shall be cut back to a vertical face for the full thickness of the layer on a
line satisfactory to the S.O. before the adjacent area is paved.

At all construction joints, a thin uniform coating of bitumen emulsion of

grade RS-1 or RS-1K shall be brushed on to the vertically cut joint faces
some 10 to 15 minutes before laying the next section of bituminous mix
commences to ensure good bonding. Also, all contact surfaces of kerbs,
gutters, manholes, catchpits, etc., shall be similarly treated with a coating
of bitumen emulsion before bituminous mix is placed against them.

Construction joints in a layer of bituminous mix shall be offset from those

in any immediately underlying bituminous layer by at least 100 mm for
longitudinal joints and at least 0.5 meter, where possible, for transverse

i. Compaction of asphaltic concrete

02700 Road Works Page 39


For each layer of asphaltic concrete, compaction by rolling shall

commence as soon after laying as the material will support the rollers
without undue displacement. Nevertheless the temperature of asphaltic
concrete at the commencement of rolling shall be not less than 110°c. In
any areas inaccessible to the rollers, proper compaction shall be carried
out using vibrating plate compactors, hand tampers or other suitable
means, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Initial (or breakdown) rolling shall be carried out with an approved steel
wheeled tandem roller or three wheeled steel roller. The principal heavy
rolling shall be carried out with an approved pneumatic tyred roller
immediately following the initial rolling; the pneumatic tyred roller shall be
ballasted to an operating weight of not less than 15 tonnes and its tyre
inflation pressure shall be not less than 0.7 N/mm2. The final rolling shall
be carried out with an approved steel wheeled tandem roller and shall
serve to eliminate minor surface irregularities left by the pneumatic tyred

All rollers shall operate in a longitudinal direction along the carriageway

with their driven wheels towards the paver. Roiling shall generally
commence at the lower edge of the paved width and progress uniformly
to the higher edge, except that where there is a longitudinal construction
joint at the higher edge, this shall be rolled first ahead of the normal
pattern of rolling. Generally, successive roller passes shall overlap by
half the width of the roller, and the points at which the roller is reversed
shall be staggered. However, when operating on gradients in excess of
4%, the breakdown roller shall not pass over any previously unrolled mix
when operating in the downhill direction.

In all cases, compaction shall be carried out in such a manner that each
section receives equal compactive effort, all to the satisfaction of the

The steel wheeled rollers shall operate at speed of not more than 5
km/hr and the pneumatic tyred rollers shall operate at speeds of not
more than 8 km/hr. No roller or heavy vehicle shall be allowed to stand
on newly laid bituminous mix before compaction has been completed
and the material has thoroughly cooled and set. Rolling shall continue as
long as is necessary to achieve the appropriate requirement as follows:

Type of Pavement Layer Required Compacted Density

Wearing course 98 - 100% Marshall density
Binder course 95 - 100% Marshall density

Care shall be taken to prevent over-compaction of asphaltic concrete.

Within 24 hours of laying and compaction of bituminous mix, the

Contractor shall cut core samples of not less than 100 mm nominal
diameter at locations selected by the S.O. The rate of sampling shall be
1 sample per 500 m2 of mix laid, but not less than 2 samples for the work
completed in each paving session. These core samples shall be used by
the S.O. to determine the thickness of the compacted layer of mix and
the compacted density of the material in accordance with either ASTM
Test Method D 1188 or ASTM Test Method D 2726, whichever is

02700 Road Works Page 40


j. Finished Asphaltic Concrete

Asphaltic concrete binder and wearing courses shall be finished in a neat

and workmanlike manner. Their widths shall be everywhere at least
those specified or shown on the Drawings on both sides of the center-
line. The average thickness over any 100 meter length shall be not less
than the required thickness, and the minimum thickness at any point
shall be not less than the required thickness minus 5 mm.

The top surface of a wearing or binder course shall have the required
shape, superelevation, levels and grades, and shall be everywhere
within the tolerances specified in Section 5.

k. Opening to Traffic

Asphaltic concrete shall not be opened to traffic until compaction has

been completed and the material has thoroughly cooled and set in the
opinion of the S.O. This will usually be not less than 4 hours after the
commencement of rolling. Where it is necessary to allow earlier use of
the finished surface to facilitate the movement of traffic, vehicles may be
allowed to run on the work after rolling has been completed, provided
that speeds are restricted to 30 km/hr or less and sharp turning
movements are prohibited.

3.10 Bituminous Macadam

3.10.1 Description

This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, shaping and compacting

bituminous macadam road base and/or leveling course and/or binder course
and/or wearing course on a prepared and accepted bituminous or bitumen
primed pavement course, and shall include the careful and thorough
cleaning of surfaces which are to be covered without receiving a bituminous
tack coat. The work shall be carried out all in accordance with this
Specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections
shown on the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

3.10.2 Material

The materials for bituminous macadam (aggregates, mineral filler,

bituminous binder and anti-stripping agent) shall comply with all the
requirements of Sub-Section 3.9.2, except for the combined gradation
requirements. For each bituminous macadam mix, the gradation of the
combined coarse and fine aggregates, together with Ordinary Portland
Cement added as an adhesion and anti-stripping agent and, if necessary,
any other mineral filler, shall conform to the appropriate envelope given in
Table 3.12. The binder content shall also be in accordance with Table 3.12.
Where the characteristics of the aggregates require binder content other
than that given in the Table 3.12, the revised target binder content shall be
agreed between the Contractor and the S.O. and the same tolerances shall

02700 Road Works Page 41


Table 3.12: Gradation Limit and Binder Content for Bituminous Macadam
Bound Bound Leveling Binder Binder Wearing Wearing
Mix Type
Roadbase Roadbase Course Course Course Course Course
BMR 40 BMR 28 BML 10 BMB 28 BMB 20 BMW 14 BMW 20
B.S Test
% Passing by Weight

50.0mm 100 - - - - - -

37.5mm 95 – 100 100 - 100 - - -

28.0mm 70 – 94 90 – 100 - 90 – 100 100 - 100

20.0mm - 71 – 95 - 71 – 95 95 – 100 100 95 – 100

14.0mm 56 – 76 56 – 80 100 58 – 82 65 – 85 95 – 100 65 – 85

10.0mm - - 85 – 100 - 52 – 72 70 – 90 52 – 72

6.3mm 44 – 60 44 – 60 30 – 60 44 – 60 39 – 55 45 – 65 39 – 55

3.35mm 32 – 46 31 – 45 15 – 25 32 – 46 32 – 46 30 – 45 32 – 46

1.18mm - - - - - 15 – 30 -

300µm 7 – 21 7 – 21 - 7 – 21 7 – 21 - 7 – 21

75µm 2–8 2–8 2–6 2–8 2–8 3–7 2–8

3.5 ±0.5% 4.0 ±0.5% 5.1 ±0.5% 4.7 ±0.6% 4.7 ±0.6% 5.0 ±1.5% 4.9 ±0.5%

3.10.3 Equipment

The equipment shall be all as specified in Sub-Section 3.9.4.

3.10.4 Construction Methods

All the provisions of Sub-Section 3.9.5 for the construction of asphaltic

concrete pavement courses shall apply as appropriate to the construction of
bituminous macadam pavement courses with the following variations and

a. Aggregate Heating

The aggregates shall be dried and heated so that when delivered to the
mixer they shall be at a temperature in the range 140 °C to 160 °C.

b. Rolling Temperature

The temperature of bituminous macadam at the commencement of

rolling shall be not less than 100°C.

02700 Road Works Page 42


c. Compacted Density

The compacted density of bituminous macadam shall be as follows:

Type of Pavement Layer Required Compacted Density

Bound roadbase 90 - 100% Marshall Density
Leveling course 90 - 100% Marshall Density
Binder course 90 - 100% Marshall Density
Wearing course 90 - 100% Marshall Density

The Marshall density of a bituminous macadam mix is defined as the

average density of a set of three test specimens moulded in the same
way as asphaltic concrete specimens are prepared for the standard
stability and flow test in accordance with AASHTO Test Method T 245
using the 75 blows per face compaction standard. The bulk specific
gravity of the specimens shall be determined in accordance with
AASHTO Test Method T 166.

The Marshall density of each mix shall be determined using a sample (or
samples) taken from the mixing plant soon after the commencement of
preparing each mix for the Works.
(Note: Stability and flow tests are not normally required for bituminous
macadam mixes.)

d. Finished Bituminous Macadam

Bituminous macadam road base shall be finished in a neat and

workmanlike manner. Its width shall be everywhere at least that specified
or shown on the Drawings on both sides of the center-line; and its
average thickness over any 100 meter length shall be not less than the
required thickness. The top surface of bituminous macadam road base
shall have the required shape, superelevation, levels and grades, and
shall be everywhere within the tolerances specified in Section 5.

Bituminous macadam leveling course shall be finished in a neat and

workmanlike manner. Its dimensions shall be as specified or shown on
the Drawings or as directed by the S.O., all to the satisfaction of the S.O.
The top surface of bituminous macadam leveling course shall have the
required shape, superelevation, levels and grades, and shall be
everywhere within the tolerances for binder course specified in Section 5.

Bituminous macadam binder and wearing courses shall be finished in a

neat and workmanlike manner. Their widths shall be everywhere at least
those specified or shown on the Drawings on both sides of the center-
line. The average thickness over any 100 meter length shall be not less
than the required thickness, and the minimum thickness at any point
shall be not less than the required thickness minus 5 mm. The top
surface of a wearing or binder course shall have the required shape,
superelevation, levels and grades, and shall be everywhere within the
tolerances specified in Section 5.

3.11 Shoulders

3.11.1 General

This work shall consist of furnishing, compacting and shaping earth or

gravel shoulder material on a prepared and accepted subbase or lower

02700 Road Works Page 43


subbase or subgrade, all in accordance with this Specification and the lines,
levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown on the Drawings
and/or as required by the S.O.

For paved shoulders, the bituminous surfacing and underlying pavement

courses shall be constructed as described in the appropriate Sections of this

3.11.2 Material

a. Earth Shoulder

Earth shoulder material shall be suitable material as described in Sub-

Section 3.2.2.

b. Gravel Shoulder

Gravel shoulder material shall conform to the requirements for gravel

surfacing material set forth in Sub-Section 3.4.2.

3.11.3 Construction Method

Shoulders shall be constructed in stages or in one operation as directed or

approved by the S.O., but in no instance shall a shoulder be built up to a
level higher than that part of the abutting carriageway structure which has
been completed and accepted.

Prior to placing any shoulder material, the underlying subbase or lower

subbase or subgrade shall have been shaped and compacted in
accordance with the provisions of Sub-Section 3.2.3, and the abutting
carriageway structure course or courses shall likewise have been shaped
and compacted in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate Sub-
Section or Sub-Sections of this Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier
approval of the underlying and abutting pavement courses, any damage to
or deterioration of these underlying and abutting pavement courses shall be
made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. before shoulder construction

Shoulders shall be placed to the required width and thickness as shown on

the Drawings or directed by the S.O. in one layer or more, each layer not
exceeding 200 mm compacted thickness at the point of maximum thickness.
Where two or more layers are required they shall be of approximately equal
shape and thickness, and none shall be less than 100 mm compacted
thickness at the point of maximum thickness.

Each layer of shoulder material shall be processed as necessary to bring its

moisture content to a uniform level throughout the material suitable for
compaction, and shall then be compacted using suitable compaction
equipment approved by the S.O. to not less than 95% of the maximum dry
density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 kg rammer
method). Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction along
the shoulder and shall generally begin at the outer edge and progress
uniformly towards the carriageway, except on superelevated curves where
rolling shall begin at lower edge and progress uniformly towards the higher
edge. In all cases, compaction shall be carried out in such a manner that
each section receives compactive effort appropriate to its thickness, all to
the satisfaction of the S.O.

02700 Road Works Page 44


Throughout the placing, adjustment of moisture content and compaction of

shoulder material, care shall be taken to maintain a uniform gradation of the
material and prevent its separation into coarse and separate parts, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

Where shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O., earth shoulders shall
be turfed in accordance with Sub-Section 3.2.3.

Shoulders shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner. The total

width of carriageway and shoulder shall be everywhere at least that
specified or shown on the Drawings on both sides of the center-line. The top
surface of each shoulder shall have the required shape, superelevation,
levels and grades, shall be everywhere within 10 mm of the required plane,
and shall provide a flush joint with the carriageway surface and shall be
uniformly free draining away from the carriageway, all to the satisfaction of
the S.O.


4.1 General

This work shall consist of constructing a Portland cement concrete pavement with or
without reinforcement in accordance with this Specification, including all relevant
requirements of Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete Construction and in
conformity with the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown on the
Drawings. Portland cement concrete shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement,
fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water, with or without admixture.

4.2 Materials

All materials shall conform to the relevant requirements in this Specification. In

addition the following requirements shall also be complied with:

4.2.1 Cement

Cement shall be ordinary Portland cement unless otherwise shown on the

Drawings or directed by the S.O.

4.2.2 Aggregate

Coarse aggregate to be used for at least the top 50mm of the slab shall
have polished stone value of not less than 40.

4.2.3 Joint Filler

The expansion joint filler shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO
M153 or M213.

4.2.4 Joint Sealant and Seal

Joint sealants shall consist of hot or cold-poured compounds or performed

seals as indicated on the Drawings and shall comply with the following

02700 Road Works Page 45


a. Hot-Poured Sealant

Hot-poured sealants shall comply with the requirements of BS 2499 for

type A2 sealants.

b. Cold-Poured Sealants

Cold-poured sealants shall comply with the performance requirements

for the Normal type of sealant given in BS 5212.

The sealant shall be composed of a curing agent and a base resin, which
shall be in such proportions as recommended by the manufacturer to
provide a fast cure if the material is mixed and applied by special
machines, or a retarded cure if mixed by hand. It shall cure within 1 hour
and remain active for not less than 4 hours. The sealant shall be applied
after the curing period of the primer and within the period that the primer
remains active.

Materials to be mixed and applied by hand shall be supplied in separate

containers and shall be mixed in the correct proportions using a powered
stirrer or mixer or any other method approved by the S.O.

c. Gunning Grade Sealants

Gunning grade sealants consisting of two-part poly-sulphide-based

sealing compounds shall comply with BS 4254. Alternatively, poly
urethane-based sealing compounds may be used provided their
performance is not inferior to BS 4254 material.

d. Preformed Compression Seals

Preformed compression seals shall be made from natural rubber and

shall conform to the requirements contained in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Specification for preformed natural rubber compression seal

Property Unit Requirements

Hardness IRHD 55 + 5

Tensile Strength minimum MPa 15

Elongation at break, minimum % 400

Compression Set, 24 hours at 100°C, Maximum % 40

Aging Resistance, maximum change from unaged

values after 72 hours, +0 hours, -2 hours at 100°C:

- Hardness IRHD 0 to +10

- Tensile Strength % -20

- Elongation at break % -25

02700 Road Works Page 46


Note: All test are in accordance to ISO Standards.

4.2.5 Waterproof Membrane

Plastic sheeting shall have a minimum thickness of 125 µm and shall be of

quality as approved by the S.O.

4.2.6 Curing Materials

The exposed surface of concrete pavements shall be cured immediately

after the surface treatment by the application of one of the following curing

a. White Pigmented Liquid Membrane-Forming Compound

White pigmented liquid membrane-forming compound shall conform to

the requirements of AASHTO M148, type 2.

b. Aluminised Curing Compound

Aluminised curing compound shall be stable and impervious to

evaporation of water from the concrete surface within 60 minutes after

It shall have test certificates from an approved testing laboratory to show

that the compound has a curing efficiency of 90%.

The curing compound shall contain sufficient flaked aluminium in finely

divided dispersion to produce complete coverage of the sprayed surface
with a metallic finish. The curing compound shall not react chemically
with the concrete to be cured and shall not crack, peel or disintegrate
within 2 weeks after application.

4.3 Concrete Production

4.3.1 Concrete

Concrete shall be of the grade shown on the Drawings and shall comply
with the relevant requirements of Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete

4.3.2 Equipment

All equipment used such as batching plant and mixers shall comply with the
relevant requirements of Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete

4.4 Construction Method

4.4.1 Preparation of Subgrade or Subbase

Prior to placing concrete pavement, the underlying subgrade or subbase

shall have been shaped and compacted in accordance with the provision of
Sub-Section 1.1.2 as appropriate and the waterproof membrane laid as
required in the Drawings. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished
subgrade or subbase, any damage to or deterioration of the subgrade or
subbase shall be made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. before the
waterproof membrane is laid and the concrete pavement constructed.

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4.4.2 Construction by Machine

The concrete slab shall be constructed either by fixed form or by slip form
paving plant in a continuous process in either one or two layers, as
approved by the S.O.

Prior to the placing of concrete, all of the required joint assemblies such as
dowel bars, tie bars, etc., shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements of Sub-Section 3.3.3. In one later construction, the slab
reinforcement shall also be installed and fixed in accordance with the
relevant requirements of Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete

In two-layer construction, the thickness of the top layer shall be not less
than 50mm or twice the maximum size of the coarse aggregates, whichever
is the greater, and shall be at least 15 mm thicker than the depth of the
groove former, if used. Placement of reinforcement and concreting of the
top layer shall be done immediately and in any case not more than 30
minutes, after the completion of the bottom layer.

a. Fixed form rails and guide wires from machine construction

Fixed form and rail

All forms and rails shall be made of steel and shall be sufficiently robust
and rigid to support the weight and pressure caused by the paving
equipment. Side forms for use with wheeled paving machines shall
incorporate metal rails firmly fixed at a constant height below the top of
the forms. The forms shall be secured by using not less than three pins
for each 3 length, having one pin fixed at each side of every joint. Forms
shall be tightly joined together by a locked joint, free from play or
movement in any direction.
Forms shall be cleaned and oiled immediately before each use. The rails
or running surfaces shall be kept clean in front of the wheels of any
paving machines. The forms shall be straight within a tolerance of 3mm
in 3m.

The forms shall be bedded on low moisture content cement mortar and
set to the pavement surface level as described in the Contract within a
tolerance of ±3mm. The bedding shall not extend under the slab. There
shall be no vertical step between the ends of adjacent forms greater than
3mm. The horizontal alignment for forms shall be to the required
alignment of the pavement edge as described in the Contract within a
tolerance of ± 10mm. The mortar or concrete bedding shall be broken
out after use. Prior to concreting, the forms shall be approved by the

Forms shall not be removed earlier than 6 hours after the completion of
the construction of the slab. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to
the concrete and any projecting tie bars during the removal of the forms.
If the removal of forms results in any damage to the concrete the period
of 6 hours shall be increased to that which is necessary to avoid further
damage and the Contractor shall make good the damaged areas.

Guide wire
Unless otherwise agreed by the S.O., a guide wire shall be provided
along each side of the slab to be constructed by slip form paving plant.
Each guide wire shall be at constant height above and parallel to the

02700 Road Works Page 48


required edges of the slab within a vertical tolerance of ± 3 min. In

addition, one of the wires shall be at a constant horizontal distance from
the required edge of the pavement within a lateral tolerance of ± 10mm.

The guide wires shall be supported from stakes not more than 8m apart
by connectors capable of fine horizontal and vertical adjustment, the
guide wire shall be tensioned on the stakes so that a 500 gram weight
shall produce a deflection of not more than 20mm when suspended at
the mid-point between any pair of stakes. The ends of the guide wires
shall be anchored to fixing points which shall be not closer to the edge of
the slab than the row of stakes and in no circumstances shall guide wire
be anchored to a stake.

b. Construction by fixed form paving machines

A fixed form paving train shall consist of separate powered machines,

which spread, compact and finish the concrete in a continuous operation.
Concrete shall be discharged without segregation into a hopper
spreader, which is equipped with the means to control its rate of
deposition on to the subbase or on to the lower layer. The concrete shall
be spread in each layer without segregation and to a uniform
uncompacted density over the whole area of the slab. The deposited
concrete shall be struck off to the necessary level by the underside of the
hopper as it is traversed across the spreading machine. The machine
shall be capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes in average and
differential surcharge necessitated by changes in slab thickness or cross

Prior to being compacted, the surface level of each loose spread layer
shall be adjusted to the correct surcharge by means of rotating strike off
blades or a screw device. The concrete shall be compacted by vibration
or by a combination of vibration and mechanical tamping so as to comply
with Sub-Section 4.3.1 throughout the full depth of the slab. Poker
vibrations shall be used adjacent to the side forms and the edge of
previously constructed slabs.

The initial regulation and finish to the surface of the slab shall be effected
by means of a beam oscillating transversely or obliquely to the
longitudinal axis of the pavement. This beam shall be readily adjustable
for both height and tilt. Joint grooves shall be constructed in compliance
with Sub-Section 4.5. The concrete shall be re-compacted around the
former by a hand held vibrating plate compactor drawn along or on each
side of the joint, prior to regulation of the surface by the diagonal
finishing beam.

The regulation and finishing of the surface of the slab shall be carried out
by a machine, which incorporates twin oblique oscillating finishing
beams, which shall be readily adjustable for both height and tilt. The
beams shall weigh not less than 170kg per linear meter be of rectangular
section and span the full width of the slab. The leading beam shall be
vibrated. The beams shall be supported on a carriage, the level of which
shall be controlled by the average level of not less than four points
evenly spaced over at least 35m of the supporting rail, beam, or slab, on
each side of the slab that is being constructed. The final regulation and
surface finishing of the slab shall be carried out after any wet forming of
joint grooves. After the final regulation and before texture is applied, any
excess concrete on top of the groove former shall be removed.

02700 Road Works Page 49


When a concrete slab is constructed in more than one width, flanged

wheels on paving machines shall not be run directly on the surface of
any completed part of the slab. The second or subsequent slabs shall be
constructed either by supporting machines with flange wheels on flat
bottom section rails weighing not less than 15kg/m laid on the surface of
the completed slab, or by replacing the flanged wheels on that side of the
machines by sooth flangeless wheels. Before flangeless wheels or rails
are used, the surface regularity of the slab over which they are to pass
shall comply with Sub-Section 4.4.1 and its surface shall be thoroughly
cleaned and brushed to remove all extraneous matter. Flangeless
wheels or rails shall be positioned sufficiently far from the edge of the
slab to avoid damage to that edge.

c. Construction by slip form paving machine

A slip form paving train shall consist of powered machines, which

spread, compact and finish the concrete in a continuous operation. A slip
form paving machine shall compact the concrete by internal vibration and
shape it between sliding side forms or over fixed side forms by means of
either a conforming plate or by vibrating and oscillating finishing beams.

The concrete shall be deposited without segregation in front of the slip

form paver across its whole width and to a height which at all times is in
excess of the required surcharge. The deposited concrete shall be struck
off to the necessary average and differential surcharge by means of a
strike-off plate or a screw auger device extending across the whole width
of the slab. The equipment for striking off the concrete shall be capable
of being rapidly adjusted for changes in the average and differential
surcharge necessitated by changes in slab thickness or crossfall.

The level of the conforming plate and finishing beams shall be controlled
automatically from the guide wires by sensors attached at the four
corners of the slip form paving machine. The alignment of the paver shall
be controlled automatically from the guide wires by at least one sensor
attached to the paver. The alignment and level of ancillary machines for
finishing, texturing and curing of the concrete shall be automatically
controlled relative to the guide wires or to the surface and edge of the

Slip form paving machines shall have vibration of variable output, with a
maximum energy output of not less than 2.5 kW per meter of slab per
300mm depth of slab for a laying speed of up to 1.5m per minute or pro
rata for higher speeds. The machines shall be of sufficient mass to
provide adequate reaction on the traction units maintain forward
movements during the placing of concrete in all situations.

Joint grooves shall be constructed in compliance with Sub-Section 4.5.

The concrete shall be compacted around the former, by a separate
vibrating plate compactor with twin plates. The groove former shall be
compacted to the correct level by another vibrating float, which may be
included with the transverse joint finishing beam. In addition a hand held
vibrating float, at least 1m wide, shall be drawn over the surface along
the joint. Any excess concrete on top of the groove former shall be
removed before the surface is textured. Where a concrete surface slab is
constructed in more than one width or where the edge needs to be
matched for level to another section of surface slab, and the surface
levels at the edges are not achieved, paving shall be carried out over
separate fixed side forms supporting the edge to the required levels.

02700 Road Works Page 50


d. Construction by hand guided method

Areas to be constructed by hand-guided method shall be agrees with the

S.O. the slabs shall be constructed in one layer. Dowel bars, tie bars and
reinforcement, if specified, shall be fitted in position as shown on the
Drawings. The concrete shall be spread uniformly without segregation or
varying degrees of pre-compaction, by conveyor, chute or by other
means approved by the S.O. The concrete shall be struck off by a screed
so that the average and differential surcharge is sufficient to ensure that
after compaction the surface is to the required level.

The concrete shall be compacted by vibrating finishing beams. In

addition, internal poker vibration shall be used for slabs thicker than
200mm and may be used for lesser thicknesses. When used, the pokers
shall be at points not more than 500mm apart over the whole area of the
slab, and adjacent to the side forms or the edge of a previously
constructed slab. The surface shall be regulated and finished to the level
of the top of the forms or adjacent slab or pavement layer by using twin
vibrating finishing beams. The beams shall be metal with a contact face
at least 50mm wide and a vibrating unit having, a minimum centrifugal
force of 4kN with a frequency recommended by the manufacturer or an
equivalent compactive effort. The vibrating beams shall be moved
forward at a steady speed of 0.5m to 1m per minute whilst vibrating over
the compacted surface to produce a smooth finish.

Details of joints shall be as shown on the Drawings. Joint grooves shall

be constructed in compliance with Sub-Section 4.5. Any irregularities at
wet formed joint grooves shall be rectified by means of a vibrating float at
least 1.0m wide drawn along the line of the joints. The whole area of the
slab shall be regulated by two passes of a scraping straight, edge not
less than 1.8m wide or by a further application of a twin vibrating
finishing beam. Any excess concrete on top of the groove former shall be
removed before the surface is textured. The surface shall be brushed-
texture as described in Sub-Section 4.6. The concrete shall be cured in
compliance with Sub-Section 4.8.

4.4.3 Manual Construction

Areas to be constructed by manual method shall be agreed with the S.O.

The slabs shall be constructed in one layer. Dowel bars, tie bars and
reinforcement, if specified, shall be fixed in position as shown on the
Drawings. The concrete shall be spread uniformly without segregation or
varying degrees of pre-compaction, by conveyor, chute or by other means
approved by the S.O. The concrete shall be struck off by a screed so that
the average and differential surcharge is sufficient to ensure that after
compaction the surface is to the required level.

The concrete shall be compacted by internal poker vibrator or other means

approved by the S.O. The vibrations shall be at point not more than 500mm
apart over the whole area of the slab, and adjacent to the side forms or the
edge of a previously constructed slab. The surface shall be regulated and
finished to the level of the top of the forms or adjacent slab or pavement
layer by using an approved portable hand screed. The screed shall be at
least 600mm longer than the width of the slab to be struck off and
compacted. It shall be of approved shape, sufficiently rigid to retain its
shape and constructed either of metal or of other material shod with metal.

02700 Road Works Page 51


Compaction shall be attained by raising and dropping the screed in

successive positions until the required compaction and reduction of surface
voids is secured. The screed shall then be placed on the forms and slid
song them, without lifting, in a combined longitudinal and transverse
shearing motion moving always in the direction in which the work is
progressing. If necessary, this shall be repeated until the surface is of
uniform texture, true to grade and contour, and free from porous areas.

After the concrete has been struck off and compacted, it shall be further
smoothed, screed and compacted by means of a longitudinal hand float or
other equipment as approved by the S.O. Details of joints shall be as shown
on the Drawings. Joints grooves shall be constructed in compliance with
Sub-Section 4.5. Any irregularities at wet formed joint grooves shall be
rectified by suitable means approved by the S.O. As soon as surplus water
has risen to the surface, the pavement shall be given a broomed finish. The
concrete shall be cured in compliance with Sub-Section 4.8

All side forms shall be made of steel and be sufficiently robust and rigid to
withstand construction forces. Timber forms shall only be used for work,
which is less than 200m in length. The forms shall comply with other
requirements of Sub-Section 4.4.2 as appropriate.

4.5 Joint

Joints shall be constructed as specified herein and/or directed by the S.O. Before any
joint materials are set in place, the underlying pavement course at those locations
shall have been approved by the S.O. performed expansion joint filler shall be placed
around each structure, which extends into or through the pavement over the full
interface with the concrete pavement slab before concrete is placed.

4.5.1 Transverse Expansion Joints

The components for each transverse expansion joint shall be assembled in

advance and placed in position as a unit. Each assembly shall consist of an
installing template, preformed joint filler of the required dimensions in a
single piece, dowel bars and sleeves of the required sizes and lengths at
the required locations, spacing and supporting elements for the dowel bars,
as shown on the Drawings.

The installing template shall be metal plate of adequate rigidity approved by

the S.O., cut to the required depth and crown of the slab and having a
length 10mm less than required length of the joint. It shall be slotted form
the bottom as necessary to permit removal. Suitable means shall be
provided on the template for facilitating its removal. One half length of each
dowel bar shall be thoroughly coated with a 200 pen bitumen blended with
creosote oil or other material as approved by the S.O. A dowel sleeve shall
be fitted on to the coated end of each dowel. The dowel support shall be
constructed so as to hold dowels in correct alignment, both vertically and
horizontally, subject to a tolerance of not more than 1 in 100.

When assembled, the top of the installing template shall be about 5mm
above the top of the preformed filler. The filler shall be vertical and shall be
in a plane at right angles to the centre line of the road, subject to a tolerance
of not more than 1 in 500. The joint assembly shall be placed so that the
installing template is on the side of the filler remote from pouring operations.
The top of the filler shall be 10mm below the required concrete surface, and
the bottom shall rest on or extend slightly into the underlying pavement

02700 Road Works Page 52


course. The assembly and its installation shall have been approved by the
S.O. before any concrete is placed against it. Stakes for supporting the
installing template shall be of a cross section and length satisfactory to the

4.5.2 Transverse Contraction Joints

Transverse contraction joints shall consist of planes of weakness created by

forming or cutting grooves in the surface of the pavement and, when shown
on the Drawings, shall include load transfer dowel bar assemblies. Planes of Weakness

a. Sawn grooves

When sawn grooves are specified, they shall be sawn in the

concrete after its initial set. Grooves shall be at right angles to
the enter line of the pavement, shall be true to line and shall
have the width and depth shown on the Drawings. All joints
shall be sawn before uncontrolled shrinkage cracking takes
places but not until the concrete has hardened to the extent
that tearing and ravelling is not excessive, usually 4 to 24 hours
after placing. If extreme conditions exist which make it
impracticable to prevent erratic cracking by early sawing,
formed grooves shall be used. Any procedure for sawing joints
that result in premature and uncontrolled cracking shall be
revised immediately by adjusting the sequence of cutting the
joints, or, the time interval involved between the placing of the
concrete, or, the removal of the curing medium and cutting of
the joints.

b. Formed grooves

When formed grooves are specified, they shall be made by

depressing an approved tool or device into the soft, freshly laid
concrete. The tool or device shall remain in place until the
concrete has attained its initial set and then be removed
without disturbing the adjacent concrete. The line, width and
depth shall be as shown on the Drawings. Load transfer assemblies

Load transfer assemblies for transverse contraction joints shall be

as shown on the Drawings. They shall be of similar construction to
the assemblies for transverse expansion joints except that no joint
filler shall be required and consequently, no installing template
shall be used.

4.5.3 Longitudinal Joints

Longitudinal joints shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings. Planes

of weakness shall be created by forming or cutting grooves as previously
specified. Tie bars across a longitudinal joint shall be placed perpendicular
to the joint and shall be rigidly supported as shown on the Drawings. The
bars shall not be painted or coated with bitumen or other material. When
adjacent lanes of pavement are constructed separately, steel side forms

02700 Road Works Page 53


shall be used which will form a key along the longitudinal joint as shown on
the Drawings.

4.5.4 Transverse Construction Joints

Concreting operation shall be planned such that transverse construction

joints shall be constructed at designed transverse expansion or contraction
joints. Transverse construction joint shall be keyed or butt joints formed by
placing suitable bulkheads approved by the S.O. when there is an
interruption of more than 30 minutes in the concreting operation, a
transverse construction joint shall be constructed. As far as is practicable,
this construction joint shall be formed at a designed transverse expansion or
contraction joint. When this is not possible, transverse construction joints
shall be constructed at least 3 meters from all transverse expansion or
contraction joints. In such cases, tie bars 12 mm in diameter and 1m long at
600mm center shall be placed at the transverse construction joints. Wire
fabric or bar mat reinforcement shall extend across all such transverse
construction joints.

4.5.5 Sealing Joints

Joints shall be sealed as soon after completion of the curing period as

feasible and before the pavement is opened to traffic, including construction
traffic. Immediately prior to sealing, each joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of
all foreign material, including membrane curing compound, and the joint
faces shall be clean and surface dry when the seal is applied.

The sealing material shall be applied in accordance with the dimension

shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O. Sealing material to be
applied hot shall be stirred during heating so that localized overheating does
not occur. The pouring shall be done in such a manner that the material will
not be spilled on to the exposed surfaces of the concrete. Any excess
material on the surface of the concrete pavement shall be removed
immediately and the pavement surface cleaned. The use of sand or similar
material as a cover for the seal will not be permitted.

Performed compression seals for sealing joints shall be of the cross-

sectional dimensions shown on the Drawings. Seals shall be installed using
suitable tools, without elongation, and secured in place with an approved
adhesive, which shall cover both sides of the concrete joints. The seals shall
be installed in a compressed condition and shall at time of placement be
below the level of the pavement surface by approximately 5mm. The seals
shall be in one piece for the full width of each transverse joint.
Notwithstanding the above, all sealants shall be applied or installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or recommendation.

4.5.6 Concrete Saw

When sawing of joints is specified, the Contractor shall provide sawing

equipment adequate in number of units and power to complete the sawing
with a water-cooled diamond edge saw blade, or an abrasive wheel, to the
required dimensions and at the required rate. The Contractor shall provide
at least one stand by saw in good working order. An ample supply of saw
blades shall be maintained at the site of the work at all the times during
sawing operation. The Contractor shall provide adequate artificial lighting
facilities for night sawing. All of this equipment shall be on the job before
and continuously during concrete placement.

02700 Road Works Page 54


4.6 Surface Texture

4.6.1 Texture of Running Surface

After the final regulation and before the application of the curing membrane,
the surfaces of concrete slabs to be used as running surfaces shall be brush
textured in a direction at right angles to the center-line of the carriageway.
The type of brush and method of application for surface texturing shall be
approved by the S.O. based on trial brushing to be conducted by the
Contractor. The texture depth shall be determined by the sand patch test as
described herein. The average texture depth for each set of 10 tests shall
not be less than 0.75mm and not more than one test of each set shall show
a texture depth of less than 0.65mm in no case shall the maximum texture
depth exceed 2mm.

4.6.2 Measurement of Texture Depth: Sand Patch Method Apparatus

a. A cylindrical container – 25ml capacity

b. A flat wooden disc 64mm in diameter with a hard rubber disc,

1.5mm thick, stuck to one face, the reverse face being provided
with handle.

c. Dry natural sand passing a 300µm B.S. sieve and retained on a

150µm B.S. sieve. Method

The surface to be measured shall be dried, any extraneous and/or

loose material removed, and the surface swept clean using a wire
brush both at right angles and parallel to the center-line of the
carriageway. The cylinder shall be filled with the sand, tapping the
base three times on a hard surface to ensure compaction, and
striking off the sand, level with the top of the cylinder. The sand
shall be poured into a heap on the surface to be tested. The sand
shall be spread over the surface, working the disc with its face
kept flat, in a circular motion so that the sand is spread into a
circular patch with the surface depressions filled with sand to the
level of the peaks. The diameter of the patch shall be measured to
the nearest 5mm. The texture depth in mm of concrete surfaces
shall be calculated as:-

where D is the diameter of the patch in mm

4.7 Rounding of Edges

Where shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O., edges of concrete slabs shall
be rounded as follows. After brush texturing but before the concrete has attained its
initial set, top edges of concrete slabs shall be worked with an approved tool and
rounded to a radius of 5mm. A well defined and continuous rounded edge shall be
produced and a smooth, dense mortar finish obtained. At all transverse joints, any
tool marks appearing on the slab adjacent to the joints shall be eliminated by
brooming the surface. In doing this, the rounding of the edge of the slab shall not be
disturbed. All concrete on top of joints shall be removed completely.

02700 Road Works Page 55


4.8 Curing

The exposed surfaces of concrete pavement shall be cured immediately after surface
texturing and rounding of edges by treating with a curing compound fulfilling the
requirements of Sub-Section 4.2.6. It shall be mechanically sprayed on to the surface
at a rate of 0.22 to 0.27 liter per square meter using a fine spray. The mechanical
sprayer shall incorporate an efficient mechanical device for continuous agitation and
mixing of the compound in its container during spraying. For the sides of slip formed
slabs or when the side forms are removed within the curing period, and for small
areas where a mechanical distributor cannot be used, the compound shall be sprayed
by hand lance at a rate of 0.27 to 0.36 liter per square meter.

The compound shall form a uniform, continuous, coherent film that shall not crack or
peel and shall be free from pin holes or other imperfections. If discontinuities, pin
holes or abrasions exist, an additional coat shall be applied within 30 minutes to the
affected areas. Necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure proper curing at the
joints and that none of the curing compound enters joints, which are to be sealed with
joint sealing compounds. Rope of moistened paper, fibre or other suitable material
shall be used to seal the top of the joint opening, and the concrete in the region of the
joint shall be sprayed with curing compound immediately after the rope seal has been

Approved stand-by facilities or approved alternative methods for curing concrete

pavement shall be provided at a readily accessible location at the site of the work for
use in the event of mechanical failure of the spraying equipment or any other
conditions which may prevent correct application of the membrane curing compound
at the proper time. In the event of a failure of the regular spraying equipment, the
paving operation shall be stopped, and the stand-by or alternative curing method shall
be used on the remaining portion of the paving already placed.

Concrete surfaces to which membrane curing compounds have been applied shall be
adequately protected for the duration of the entire curing period from pedestrian and
vehicular traffic, except as required for joint sawing operations and surface tests, and
from any other cause which will disrupt the continuity of the membrane. The curing
membrane so formed shall be maintained intact for a period of not less than fourteen
(14) days.

In addition, the entire surface shall be protected from the effects of solar radiation by
the use of frames covered with material with heat and rain deflecting properties for not
less than 4 hours after application of the curing compound. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, concrete surfaces which are subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after
the curing compound has been applied shall be resprayed, all as specified above at
no additional cost. Concrete liable to be affected by running water shall be adequately
protected from damage during the setting period.

4.9 Removing Forms

Forms shall not be removed until the freshly placed concrete has set for at least 6
hours. The forms shall be removed carefully so as to avoid damage to the pavement.
As soon as forms are removed, the ends of all expansion joints shall be cleaned of
concrete and the full width of the filler exposed for the full depth of the slab. Any areas
showing a minor degree of honeycombing shall be repaired with 1:3 cement mortar.
Where the S.O. considers that a major degree of honeycombing is present, the work
shall be considered defective and shall be removed and replaced at the expense of
the Contractor. In such cases, the section of concrete removed shall be to the full
width and depth of the slab and at least 3 meters long.

02700 Road Works Page 56


4.10 Opening to Traffic

No pavement shall be opened to any traffic earlier than twenty-eight (28) days from
the completion of concreting. The Contractor shall erect and maintain suitable
barricades and shall employ watchmen to exclude public traffic and that of his
employees and agents from the newly constructed pavement. These barriers shall be
arranged so as not to interfere with public traffic on any lane intended to be kept open
and necessary signs and lights shall be maintained by the Contractor clearly
indicating, any lanes open to traffic.

Where, as shown on the Drawings, it is necessary to provide for traffic across the
pavement, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, construct suitable and
substantial crossings to bridge the newly constructed concrete pavement for as long
as the S.O. shall direct. Any part of the pavement damaged by traffic or other cause
prior to its final acceptance shall be repaired or replaced all at the expense of the
Contractor in a manner suitably satisfactory to the S.O.

4.11 Treatment of Manholes and Gullies

Manhole covers, gullies and their frames shall be isolated from the main pavement
slab as shown on the Drawings and their surrounds cast in separate operations.
Manholes and gully recesses shall be formed by casting the main slab against
formwork boxes with vertical sides, placed and fixed accurately. The formwork boxes
shall be removed before the concrete around the manhole or gully cover is to be
placed and preformed joint filler, 20 mm thick, fixed to the slab edges so exposed.
This shall be to the full depth of the slab allowing for the depth of the groove required
for sealing. Alternatively, the recesses may be sawn out after the concrete has
hardened. Reinforcement shall be placed as shown on the Drawings and concrete
placed by hand in the space between the main slab and the manhole or gully frame.
This concrete shall be of the same grade as that of the main slab, and the mix shall
be modified as necessary to permit full compaction by the methods adopted.


5.1 Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment shall be determined from the center-line of the pavement
surface shown on the Drawings. The edges of the pavement as constructed and all
other parallel construction lines shall be correct within a tolerance of + 50 mm and
minus 0 mm from the center-line, except for kerbs, channel blocks and edge lines
which shall be laid with a smooth alignment within a tolerance of + 25 mm and minus
0 mm from the center-line.

5.2 Surface Levels

The design levels of pavement courses shall be calculated from the vertical profile,
crossfall and pavement course thicknesses shown on the Drawings. The level of any
point on the constructed surface of a pavement course shall be the design level
subject to the appropriate tolerances given in Table 5.1.

02700 Road Works Page 57


Table 5.1: Tolerances in Surface Level of Pavement Course

Pavement Course Tolerance

Wearing Course ± 5mm

Binder Course ± 5mm

± 0mm
Road Base
- 20mm

± 10mm
Subbase and Lower Subbase
- 20mm

The combination of permitted tolerances in the levels of different pavement courses

shall not result in a pavement thickness less than that shown on the Drawings. Each
pavement course shall have an average thickness not less than that shown on the

5.3 Surface Regularity

The regularity of surfaces shall be within the relevant limits given in Table 5.2.

A longitudinal irregularity is a variation in profile of the road surface as measured by

the rolling straight-edge or wedge and straight-edge device. The permissible number
of such longitudinal irregularities is indicated in Table 5.2.

The traverse length of 300 m and its associated maximum permissible number of
irregularities shall apply wherever the continuous length of the completed carriageway
is 300 m or more, whether or not it is constructed in shorter lengths.

Where the total length of pavement is less than 300 m the measurements shall be
taken on 75 m lengths.

The transverse regularity of a newly laid surface shall be measured with a 3 m

straight-edge and shall have no greater depression under the straight-edge than that
shown in Table 5.2.

02700 Road Works Page 58


Table 5.2: Tolerance for Surface Irregularities

Longitudinal Direction
Maximum Permissible Number of Surface
Class of Maximum
Surface Depth Exceeding 4mm Depth Exceeding 7mm Permissible
Regularity Depth of
Over Over Over Over Transverse
transverse transverse transverse transverse Irregularities
length of length of length of length of
300mm 75mm 300mm 75mm
Class SR1 20 9 2 1 4mm

Class SR2 40 18 4 2 8mm

Class SR3 60 27 6 3 12mm

Regularity and no longitudinal irregularity exceeding 15mm shall be permitted for
class SR2 and SR3 Surface Regularities.
The class of Surface Regularity for each portion of the Works shall be as stated on
the Drawing or in the Bills of Quantities.


6.1 Corrugated Sheet Steel Beam Highway Guardrail

6.1.1 General

This work shall comprise the supply and installation of corrugated sheet
steel beam highway guardrails inclusive of bolts, nuts, posts and other
ancillary works, all in accordance with this Specification, and the Drawings,
and as directed by the S.O.

6.1.2 Materials Beam Element

Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings, corrugated sheet

steel beam highway guardrails shall conform to the requirements
of AASHTO Specification M180 for Class 'A' Type II (galvanised)
guardrail with effective length of beam 3810 mm (12 feet 6
inches). Guardrails shall be fabricated and furnished complete with
terminal or buffer sections, connecting and splicing bolts, nuts and
washers, etc., all conforming to the requirements of AASHTO
Specification M180 and as necessary for erecting the guardrails as
shown on the Drawings or as required by the S.O. Posts

a. Steel Posts

Steel posts shall be channel sections of dimensions as shown

on the Drawings and the material shall conform to B.S. 449
Part 1 Grade 43. The block-out pieces, if used, shall be

02700 Road Works Page 59


channel sections of dimensions as shown on the Drawings and

shall be of the same material as that used for the posts. Both
the posts and block-out pieces shall be hot-dip galvanised in
accordance with Sub-Section

b. Timber Posts

Timber posts and block-out pieces shall be of medium

hardwood (except the species Merpauh and Rengas) as
classified by the Malaysian Timber Industry Board in its
publication 'Malaysian Hardwood', and shall be treated
according to MS 733. The preservative retention in the
outermost 25 mm shall not be less than 16 kg per cubic meter.
Heavy hardwood can also be used as an alternative with the
approval of the S.O.

Guardrail timber posts and block-out pieces shall be of the

dimensions as shown on the Drawings. The fibres of the block
should run in the same direction as those of the post. The post
shall be sound and free from loose knots or decay with no
cracks at the top. All cut faces shall be smooth and square as
shown on the Drawings.

All timber components shall be cut and drilled before treatment

with preservative.

6.1.3 Installation Setting Posts (Timber or Steel)

Before posts are erected, the alignment and finished levels of the
guardrails shall be set accurately on site for approval by the S.O.

Post holes at the correct positions shall be dug either manually or

mechanically to the required level. The posts shall then be set
plumb in the holes with the front face forming a smooth line to the
approval of the S.O. After the posts are in place, the holes shall be
backfilled with Grade C20 concrete compacted in such a manner
as not to displace the posts from correct alignment as shown on
the Drawings. Posts may be installed by means of driving with
suitable equipment if the S.O. is satisfied that the Contractor is
capable of installing the post to the designed depth, line and level,

Posts shall be spaced as indicated on the Drawings. Placing Beams

The guardrail beams shall be fixed firmly bolted together with the
blackout pieces on to the post to the lines and grades as shown on
the Drawings, and as directed by the S.O. Anchorages

Anchorages shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings and

as directed by the S.O.

02700 Road Works Page 60


6.1.4 Marking and Storage Marking

In addition to the marking specified in AASHTO Specification

Ml80, the JKR logo shall also be marked on each beam element. Storage

All galvanized beam elements, terminal sections, bolts, nuts and

washers and posts shall be stored under a cover that will protect
them from rain until they are erected or used. While in storage, the
material shall not be in direct contact with the soil and there shall
be a minimum space of 300 mm between the lowest most
elements and the ground surface.

6.1.5 Basis of Acceptance Beam Elements

All material shall be subjected to inspection and sampling in

accordance with AASHTO Specification M180 at a sampling rate
of 1 in every 200 or as directed by the S.O.

The Contractor shall provide and arrange the testing facilities and
the test pieces as and when requested by the S.O. The cost of all
sampling and testing shall be borne by the Contractor. If, in the
subsequent installation, there is detection of non-compliance with
the requirements of this Specification through random sampling
carried out by the S.O., then the material of the lot will be rejected
and the Contractor shall remove the same from the Site at his own
cost. Posts and Block-Outs

a. Steel

For each lot of 200 pieces or less of either steel posts or steel
block-outs supplied to the Site, the Contractor shall submit
certificates from an approved testing laboratory certifying
compliance with the properties required and the mill certificate.
However, the S.O. reserves the right to conduct further tests on
the materials supplied.

The Contractor shall provide and arrange the testing facilities

and test samples at his own expense as and when instructed
by the S.O. The steel which has been rejected by the S.O. shall
be removed from the Site.

b. Timber

For each lot of 200 pieces or less of either timber posts or

timber blackouts supplied to the Site, the Contractor shall
submit a test report from an approved testing laboratory
certifying compliance with specified timber species and other
qualities. However, the S.O. reserves the right to conduct
further tests on the materials supplied.

02700 Road Works Page 61


6.2 Traffic Signs

6.2.1 General

This work shall consist of the supply, assembly, erection and installation of
sign faces, sign plates, posts and backing frames, all in accordance with the
details shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. It shall include all
excavation and backfilling, all necessary foundations, anchorages, fixtures
and fastenings, brackets, lighting units and electrical installations where
required, application of paints and finishes, etc., to complete the work all to
the satisfaction of the S.O.

6.2.2 Sign Definition

For the purpose of this Specification, traffic signs are defined as follows:

a. Non-illuminated signs are those signs which are not lit either internally or
externally and shall be retro-reflective

b. Externally illuminated signs are those which comprise either retro-

reflective or non-retro-reflective facing with external lighting luminaire.

6.2.3 Sign Classification

For the purpose of this Specification, the following classifications shall


a. Permanent Traffic Signs

Any of the traffic signs defined in Sub-Section 6.2.2 above or any part
thereof as designated on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O. to
remain in position upon completion of the Works.

b. Temporary Traffic Signs

Any of the traffic signs defined in Sub-Section 6.2.2 above or any part
thereof designed by the Contractor with the approval of the S.O. which ill
not remain in position at the completion of the Works.

6.2.4 Standards

All traffic signs shall, except where specified otherwise, comply with the
requirements of ARAHAN TEKNIK (JALAN) Series 2, published by
Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, Kuala Lumpur.

6.2.5 Permanent Traffic Signs General Requirements

Permanent traffic signs shall be constructed, assembled, located

and erected as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.

Each complete traffic sign or part thereof shall be capable of

passing the tests specified in BS 873. All externally illuminated
traffic signs shall comply with Category 1 luminance of BS 873
unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Before the
commencement of fabrication of any traffic sign, unless otherwise

02700 Road Works Page 62


shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall submit for the S.O.'s
approval the details of fabrication drawings for all signs.

All traffic sign housings shall be provided with vandal and weather
resistant locks. Keys, in the quantities determined by the S.O.,
shall be provided to the S.O. Types of lock shall be kept to a

Traffic signs shall be carefully handled to prevent damage

(methods shall include the use of proper slings), and shall be
transported and stored in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. Foundations

The type and size of foundations for permanent traffic signs shall
be as shown on the Drawings and, unless otherwise stated
therein, shall comply with this Specification.

All excavations, erection of formworks, placing of reinforcement,

etc., for foundations shall be carried out in compliance with this
Specification and shall be approved by the S.O. before placing of
concrete and backfilling.
Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, signs supported by a
single post placed in the ground shall have the post installed
centrally in 300mm diameter holes filled with Grade C20 concrete
complying with Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete
Construction of this Specification to within 450 mm of the ground
surface. The hole shall be excavated either mechanically or

Posts shall be supported for a minimum of three (3) days after

placing the concrete. Backfilling shall not take place until at least
48 hours after placing the concrete or other period agreed by the

Where signs are illuminated, provision shall be made for cable

entry through the foundation by means of ducting as shown on the
Drawings. Where pockets are formed in concrete foundations their
plan dimensions shall be 100 mm larger than those of the post. All
backfilling of foundation pits and reinstatement of existing surfaces
above the foundations shall comply with the relevant requirements
of this Specification. Posts

Posts for permanent traffic signs shall be as shown on the

Drawings and shall comply with BS 873. Posts shall be of tubular
hollow section steel of not less than 50 mm outside diameter
complying with BS 1387.

Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, posts shall not protrude

above the top of the sign unless supporting an external luminaire
where the protrusion shall be kept to a minimum. Signs erected on
a single post shall be positioned so that the post is in the center of
the sign, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.

02700 Road Works Page 63


Compartments for electrical equipment shall be as shown on the

Drawings. In the case of signs supported by more than one post,
such compartments shall be on the post furthest from the carriage-
way unless otherwise directed by the S.O. Flange plates shall
have holes or slots as shown on the Drawings to accommodate
any holding down bolts. Sign Plates

All permanent sign plates shall be as shown on the Drawings and

shall comply with BS 873. Sign plates shall be made of 10 S.W.G.
sheets of aluminium alloy HS 30-WP conforming to BS 1470 with
a minimum thickness of 3 mm. A sign plate not exceeding 1.2 m in
height and 2.4 m in width shall be made from a single sheet.
Where more than one sheet is used to make up a sign plate, the
sheets shall be rectangular, of approximately the same size and
shape, and the position of the joints shall be to the approval of the

Sign plates shall be drilled at all locations where rivets or bolts are
required for attaching the plate to the backing frame or fixings
before application of the sign face. However, riveting shall be
carried out only after the application of the sign face.

Subject to the S.O.'s approval, double-sided "Very High Bond"

(V.H.B.) tapes may be used as an alternative to rivets.
Nevertheless, the tape shall comply with the following
a. Peel Adhesion - 440 N per 100mm
b. Tensile Adhesion - 910 kPa
c. Dynamic Shear - 550 kPa

Where top and bottom light spill screens are required as shown on
the Drawings, these shall extend for the whole width of the sign,
be fabricated out of the same material as the sign plate and shall
have corners cut to the same radius as the other corners of the
sign plate.

Top and bottom light spill screens shall be considered part of the
sign plate and any stiffeners and mounting fittings shall be
designed to accommodate the combined size. Sign Faces

Sign faces for permanent traffic signs shall be as shown on the

Drawings and shall comply with the Draft Malaysian Standard
Specification for Reflective Sign Face Materials (SIRIM Reference
D111 [ISCF]), and on replacement of this draft, the respective
Malaysian Standard Specification.

All retro-reflective plastic sheeting shall be fixed in accordance

with the manufacturer's instructions. Unless otherwise agreed by
the S.O., sign faces shall be formed from a single piece of plastic
sheeting. Where, with the agreement of the S.O., more than one
plastic sheet is used, the number of sheets shall be kept to a
minimum. All faces up to 1 m in size shall be produced with a
single sheet and no joint will be accepted.

02700 Road Works Page 64


Only vertical and horizontal joints shall be permitted and all joints
in plastic sheeting shall be overlapped by not less than 6 mm. The
overlap in the horizontal joints shall be from the top and the
vertical joints shall be from the left, butt joints in plastic sheeting
will not be accepted.

Plastic sheeting shall be applied evenly over the whole surface of

the sign plate and shall adhere fully. It shall be free from twists,
cracks, folds or cuts, air bubbles and other blemishes. All plastic
sheetings used on the same sign shall be carefully matched for
colour to produce a uniform appearance both by day and by night.
Non-uniform shades of colour on anyone sign will not be accepted.
The edges of all plastic sheeting shall be sealed. Edge sealing
shall be continuous and uniform and shall also be applied to all
bolt and rivet holes.

A coat of clear lacquer shall be applied to the whole of the face

and edges of each finished sign plate at the time of fabrication.
The lacquer shall be continuous and uniform and shall be of the
type specified or supplied by the manufacturer of the sheeting
material. Where sheeting is applied to be extruded sections by
pressure roller, it shall extend over the top and bottom edges of
these sections by not less than 3 mm.

Any cut-out letters, numerals, symbols and borders shall be of

material compatible with the sheeting to which they are applied.
They shall be applied in accordance with the sheeting
manufacturer's instructions.

Screen processed letters, numerals, symbols and borders shall be

screen printed with materials in accordance with the sheeting
manufacturer's instructions. Any inks, pastes and finishing coats
used shall be compatible with the sheeting material.

The finish of all sign faces shall be capable of passing the tests
described in BS 873, and the standards of fabrication and
workmanship shall be such that under normal conditions of service
and proper maintenance, the sign faces shall last not less than 5
years without any serious blemishes or defects for Engineering
Grade retro-reflective sheeting and 8 years for High Intensity retro-
reflective sheeting. The Contractor shall furnish to the S.O. a letter
of warranty for the specified period for all sign faces from the
supplier of the sheeting or the sign fabricator. Backing Frames

Backing frames for permanent traffic signs shall be as shown on

the Drawings and shall comply with this Specification. Signs
exceeding 600 mm in height or width shall be stiffened by means
of angles while signs exceeding 1 m in height or width shall have a
backing frame fabricated from 40 mm x 40 mm x 3 mm angles.
The angles used for the backing frames shall be made from
aluminium alloy HE9-TE conforming to BS 1474.

The angles shall be welded, bolted or riveted together to form the

backing frames as shown on the Drawings. Backing frames shall
not project beyond the face of the sign. Where large signs are built

02700 Road Works Page 65


in sections, the backing frames of these sections shall be bolted

together with 8m diameter bolts at not more than 200mm centers.

The details of joints between angles of the backing frame and of

joints between sections of large signs shall be to the approval of
the S.O. The sign plate shall be riveted or bonded with double-
sided V.H.B. tape to the backing frame after the application of the
sign face. Construction and Assembly

Traffic signs shall be constructed and assembled as shown on the

Drawings and shall comply with BS 873. All sign plates, backing
frames, purlins, posts and other components shall be de-burred
prior to assembly.

Where framing and stiffening are not an integral part of the sign
plate, their joints shall be welded or joined with suitable brackets
utilising nuts, bolts and washers.

Where purlins are adopted, they shall be attached to each vertical

member of the backing frame and the sign stiffening and framing
shall be continuous in the vertical direction. Unless otherwise
permitted by the S.O., purlins shall be spaced equally apart.
Connections shall be made at every point where a purlin crosses a
post. Where purlins are not adopted, the sign stiffening and
framing shall be continuous in the horizontal direction.
All rivets and other devices used in the fixing of sign plates to their
stiffeners or backing frames, or those used in the construction of
housings, shall be of a material compatible with the materials
being joined.

Spacing of rivets or other devices used in the fixing of sign plates

to their stiffeners or backing frames shall be uniform and shall not
exceed 150mm around the outside edge of any sheet or section of
a sheet, and shall not exceed 300mm on cross braces. Hollow
rivets shall be filled with a plastic plug flush with the head of the

An additional washer of neoprene, nylon or other material

approved by the S.O. shall be used against the sign face to protect
it from the effects of any metal nuts, bolts, washers and/or screws.
Where traffic signs, including external lighting luminaires or their
supports, are required to have holding down bolt fixings, the bolts
shall be lightly greased before final installation and they and their
anchorages shall be installed so as to achieve the loadings, torque
settings and requirements shown on the Drawings. Sign plates
shall be connected to posts by a method approved by the S.O.

Banding systems shall be of stainless steel. Where ferrous

components are permitted, any drilling of such components shall
be completed before the application of any finish.

Any hole drilled to accommodate rivets or bolts in plates with

plastic sheeting shall, immediately prior to the insertion of the rivet
or bolt, have a clear lacquer, as recommended by the
manufacturer of the plastic sheeting, applied to its edge to prevent
the ingress of moisture. The surfaces of rivets or bolts exposed on

02700 Road Works Page 66


the sign face shall be coloured by a material approved by the S.O.

to match that part of the face.

Traffic signs to be erected on road lighting columns shall have

fixings compatible with the column cross-section and finish. Unless
otherwise permitted by the S.O., columns shall not be drilled and
wiring shall be contained in approved external conduits. In addition
to the requirements of this Specification, variable message traffic
signs shall be of a type approved by the relevant authorities. Location and Erection

The approximate location of each permanent traffic sign shall be

as shown on the Drawings. All traffic signs shall have their exact
location determined by the S.O. and recorded on the as-built
Drawings. All posts shall be erected plumb and where two or more
posts are provided for anyone sign, the face of the posts shall be
lined up. Signs erected on two posts shall have each post
positioned so that the distance from the center of the post to the
edge of the sign plate is 300mm unless otherwise directed by the

Any pockets formed in concrete foundations to receive the posts

shall immediately prior to erection be cleaned out. The posts shall
be placed centrally in the pockets and be bedded on and filled up
to finished foundation level with Grade C20 concrete.

Traffic signs mounted on posts, except those on gantries, shall be

erected to have their faces plumb and orientated in relation to the
carriage-way in accordance with ARAHAN TEKNIK (JALAN)
2B/85. Traffic signs mounted on gantries shall be erected as
shown on the Drawings. No traffic sign shall be dismantled, re-
sited or removed without prior approval from the S.O. Covering of Permanent Traffic Signs

Where it is required in the Contract that permanent traffic signs are

to be blanked-out or are to have an alternative message, the
covering to be adopted shall comply with the following
requirements. The covering shall be 1.5mm (16 S.W.G.) thick
made from a material compatible with that of the sign plate, or a
material approved by the S.O. Cover plates shall be fixed by
means of 5mm diameter stainless steel bolts, washers and nuts or
non-ferrous rivets not more than 600mm apart, the bolts passing
through 12 nun diameter, 5 mm thick plastic distance pieces
between the sign face and cover plate. Any holes remaining in the
finished sign face shall be filled with blocked rivets coloured on the
face by methods approved by the S.O.

Where self-adhesive plastic film is used, it shall be compatible with

the sign face materials and be applied and removed in compliance
with the manufacturer's instructions.

Any loose covering used must be sufficiently opaque to prevent

reflection from the covered sign and be securely fastened to the
back of the sign. Under no circumstances shall tape or other
adhesive material be applied to the face of the sign. A minimum

02700 Road Works Page 67


space of 50 mm shall be left between the covering and the face to

permit airflow over the sign.

Traffic signs which are to be covered shall not be erected on

trafficked highways without the covering in place. Removal of any
covering shall be carried out with minimum disturbance to traffic
and only after the S.O. has given his approval. Irrespective of any
requirement in the Contract to cover signs, any traffic sign erected
at such a time that its legend does not relate either wholly or in
part to the traffic movement and route in operation, shall have its
sign face securely covered with one of the materials described
above until such time as the S.O. authorises its removal.

6.2.6 Temporary Traffic Signs

Temporary traffic signs shall be constructed either as non-illuminated or

externally illuminated signs as directed by the S.O.

Location and erection of temporary traffic signs shall be in accordance with

ARAHAN TEKNIK (JALAN) 2C/85. Erection of temporary traffic signs
mounted on posts shall comply with Sub-Section Any temporary
covering of temporary traffic signs shall comply with Sub-Section
Removal of temporary traffic signs shall be carried out as soon as they
become superfluous or a hazard to traffic. Methods of removal and making
good shall be submitted to the S.O. for approval beforehand. Making good
shall be carried out immediately after removal of the traffic sign to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

6.2.7 Traffic Sign on Gantry

Where traffic signs are erected on gantries, the signs shall comply with the
relevant requirements of this Specification. Fabrication and construction of
gantries shall be as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the S.O.

6.2.8 Preparation and Finish of Metal or Other Surface

Traffic signs shall be prepared, protected against corrosion and finished in

compliance with BS 873. Faces of sign plates shall be prepared to receive
sign face materials in compliance with BS 873 and in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. Steel backing frames, fittings and purlins
shall be prepared and protected in compliance with BS 873. Steel posts and
post housings shall be prepared and protected in compliance with BS 873.
Backs of aluminium or aluminium alloy sheets forming plate signs and
external parts of luminaire housings and other permanently exposed
components shall, to prevent retro-reflection, be dulled with paint using a
method approved by the S.O.

Ferrous steel shall be finished both inside and out by galvanising, electro-
plating or application of zinc or aluminium spray or other equivalent finish
approved by the S.O. Aluminium and other metals shall be left untreated
unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.

Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, stainless steel shall be left

untreated except where the component is visible against the sign face when
it shall be coloured on the face by methods approved by the S.O.

External surfaces shall be prepared and protected as described in the

Contract. Cabinets and feeder pillars shall have final coats of paint applied

02700 Road Works Page 68


on Site after final installation, including the fitting of any internal apparatus
required as part of the permanent Works. Internal surfaces shall, unless
otherwise shown on the Drawings, receive the same treatment as for
external surfaces except that final paint coats shall be applied before
internal components are installed.

6.3 Road Marking

6.3.1 General

This work shall consist of the supply of road marking material and its
application to form continuous or intermittent lines, letters, arrows, symbols
or figures. The markings shall be white or yellow laid to the dimensions and
at the locations shown on the Drawings and as specified herein or as
directed by the S.O. The work includes the supply of all labour, tools,
equipment, materials, and warning and traffic guidance signs as necessary
for the safe and efficient completion of the entire work.

6.3.2 Materials

The marking material shall be one of the types detailed below as indicated
on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.

a. Thermoplastic Material

Thermoplastic material shall comply with the requirements of BS 3262

Part 1. Yellow thermoplastic material shall be of standard colour BS
381C No. 356 (Golden Yellow).
b. Road Marking Paint

Road marking paint shall comply with the requirements of M.S. 164.
Yellow paint shall be of standard colour B.S.381C No. 356 (Golden

6.3.3 Site Preparation

Thermoplastic material and road marking paint shall be applied only on a

surface which is clean and dry. It shall not be laid over loose detritus, mud
or extraneous matter or over old material or paint marking incompatible with
the paint being applied. A tack coat compatible with the marking material
shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions prior to the
application of thermoplastic material.

If a primer or undercoat is necessary to ensure proper adhesion of the

marking paint to the road surface without bleeding or other discoloration, the
primer or undercoat shall be fully compatible with the marking paint and the
road surface. The rate of application of tack coat, primer or undercoat shall
be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and to the satisfaction
of the S.O.

6.3.4 Material Preparation

a. Thermoplastic Material

Thermoplastic material shall be supplied in block or powder form. If the

material is supplied in block form it shall be broken into pieces, each
weighing not more than 4 kg, which shall be melted in a heater fitted with
a mechanical stirrer to prevent local overheating.

02700 Road Works Page 69


A thermometer of sufficient accuracy shall be used during laying to

ensure that overheating of the material does not occur. Once molten
hydrocarbon resins shall be used within 6 hours and wood and gum
resins shall be used within 4 hours. The material shall not be heated
beyond the manufacturer's specified temperature during application.
Excess material shall be discarded on completion of application.

b. Road Marking Paint

All paint shall be thoroughly stirred before application to keep the

pigments in uniform suspension. The use of thinners or other additives
shall not be permitted unless otherwise approved by the S.O.

6.3.5 Laying

Centre lines, lane lines and edge lines shall be marked by approved
mechanical means or as directed by the S.O. Other markings shall be
applied by brush, spray, screed, hand-propelled or self-propelled machine
according to the marking configuration and the type of marking material
approved for use. The rate of application of the marking material for each
coat shall be that recommended by the manufacturer unless otherwise
specified. When more than one coat is used, the succeeding coat shall not
be applied until the previous coat has fully set.

Road markings of a repetitive nature other than center lines, lane lines, etc.,
shall, unless otherwise decided by the S.O., be set out with stencils which
comply with the size and spacing requirements as shown on the Drawings.
6.3.6 Protection of Marking

All markings shall be protected from traffic until they have dried sufficiently
so that no pick-up by vehicle tyre will occur.

6.3.7 Reflectoisation

Solid glass beads to be incorporated in marking materials prior to

application to road surfaces shall be Class 'A' glass beads complying with
the requirements of Table 1 of BS 6088.Solid glass beads for additional
surface reflectorisation shall be Class 'B' glass beads complying with the
requirements of Table 2 of BS 6088.

6.3.8 Thickness

The determination of thickness shall be in accordance with BS 3262 Part 3,

Appendices B and C.

a. Thermoplastic Material

Thermoplastic material shall be laid to the following thicknesses:

For synthetic hydrocarbon resin binder

i. Screed lines: not less than 2 mm nor more than 5 mm
ii. Sprayed lines other than yellow lines: not less than 1.5 mm
iii. Sprayed yellow edge lines (for 'no parking', 'no waiting', etc.) : not less
than 0.8 mm.

For gum or wood resin binders

i. Screed lines: not less than 3 mm not more than 5mm

02700 Road Works Page 70


ii. Sprayed lines other than yellow lines: not less than 2 mm
iii. Sprayed yellow edge lines (for 'no parking', 'no waiting', etc.) : not less
than 2 mm nor more than 3 mm.

b. Road Marking Paint

Road marking paint shall be laid to give a wet film thickness of not less
than 315 microns and not more than 400 microns.

6.3.9 Tolerance on Width

The tolerance on the specified width of the marking shall be within the range
of +10% and -0%.

6.3.10 Defective Material or Workmanship

Materials which are defective or which have been applied in an

unsatisfactory manner or to incorrect dimensions or in a wrong location,
shall be removed by approved chemical or mechanical means. To the
extent necessary, the road pavement shall be made good and the markings
reapplied all at the Contractor's own expense and to the approval of the
S.O. Where directed by the S.O., existing markings shall be removed in the
same manner as above.

6.3.11 Clearing Up

The Contractor shall clean up all spatters, splashes and smirches of

marking material completely to the satisfaction of the S.O.

6.4 Concrete Kerbs

6.4.1 General

This work shall consist of the supply and installation of cast in situ or precast
concrete kerbs constructed at the locations and in accordance with the
lines, levels, grades, dimensions and types as shown on the Drawings, all in
accordance with this Specification.

6.4.2 Materials

Concrete for kerb sections shall be Grade C25 concrete unless otherwise
indicated on the Drawings and shall conform to the requirements of
Concrete Section of this Specification. Unless otherwise shown on the
Drawings, bedding shall be Grade C15 concrete.

6.4.3 Installation Excavation

Excavation shall be made to the required depth and the base shall
be trimmed and compacted to a firm and even surface. All soft and
unsuitable material shall be removed and replaced with suitable
material as defined in Sub Section 4.2 of this Specification. The
bedding material shall then be placed and compacted to form a
bed of required thickness as shown on the Drawings.

02700 Road Works Page 71

ROAD WORKS Cast In-Situ Kerb

When a cast in situ kerb is placed next to a concrete pavement,

expansion joints in the kerb shall be located in line with expansion
joints in the pavement. Expansion joints shall be formed at the
intervals shown on the Drawings using preformed filler 10 mm in
thickness in accordance with the specification for the pavement
joint filler.

Concreting shall generally be in accordance with the requirements

of Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete Construction of this
Specification. Forms shall not be removed within 24 hours of the
concrete being placed. Minor defects shall be repaired with mortar
containing 1 part Portland cement to 2 parts sand. After placing
and compaction, the concrete shall be covered with suitable
material and kept moist for a period of 7 days. Precast Concrete Kerb

Precast concrete kerbs shall be cast using steel moulds and shall
be of the types as shown on the Drawings. Each kerb shall be set
so that its front top axis conforms to the line and grade required.
All spaces under the kerb shall be filled with bedding material
which shall be thoroughly tamped.

Kerbs shall be laid with joints as narrow as possible and fixed with
mortar containing 1 part Portland cement to 2 parts sand. Where a
Portland cement concrete pavement is to be constructed
contiguous to a kerb, expansion joints shall be constructed in the
kerb directly in line with pavement expansion joints. The
expansion joint in the kerb shall be 20 mm in width and shall be
filled with an expansion joint filler of the same nominal thickness
as the pavement joint. Any voids between filler and the concrete
kerb shall be filled with mortar. Slip Forming for Concrete Kerb

In situ concrete kerbs shall be laid by an approved automatic

kerbing machine or, if practicable in the case of concrete
pavements, by the concrete paver itself. The kerbs shall be dense
with regular sides, edges, arises and chamfers, finished to a fine
surface free from blow holes and dragging, and shall be
impervious. Backfilling

The spaces in the front and back of each kerb shall be refilled to
the required elevation with suitable material approved by the S.O.
which shall be tamped in layers of not more than 150 mm until
properly compacted. The finished work shall be true to line, grade
and level to within  10 mm and shall present a smooth
appearance free from kinks and distortion visible to the eye.

02700 Road Works Page 72



7.1 Submission

7.1.1 Method Statement

Provide a detailed method statement to the Engineer for acceptance prior to

commencement of the works.

Include proposals for sequence of works, any temporary works required,

plant and equipment, removal of debris, control of noise, dirt, dust and any
other potential nuisance.

7.1.2 Programme

Submit the programme for various stages of work for acceptance.

7.1.3 Setting-out Plan

Submit the setting-out plan as endorsed by the registered surveyor to the

Engineer for acceptance prior to commencing the field works. Include at
least the following information:

(a) The centerline of the road reserve/pavement

(b) The limits of any road reserve
(c) The inner edge and outer edge of all slip-roads and junctions
(d) The positions of culverts, bridges/underpasses and other structures
(e) All drain works
(f) Kerb lines of carriageway

7.1.4 As-built Drawings

Submit to the Engineer for record, as-built drawings on completion of each

phase of completion of work. The as-built drawings are to be certified as
correct by a Licensed Surveyor or a Professional Engineer as appropriate.
7.2 Tests

Samples of minimum 20 kg each for all materials proposed for use in the roadwork
construction shall be submitted to the Engineer two weeks prior to usage in the

7.2.1 Sub-bases Compaction

The depth of each compacted layer is to be compatible with the compaction

plant used and is to be in accordance with the requirements as shown in the
table in Sub Section 3.3.

Each layer is to be tested and accepted by the Engineer, prior to the placing
of the next layer.

The in-situ field density of the compacted layer is to be not less than 95% as
a percentage of the maximum dry density. Determine both densities in
accordance with BS 1377, with the former using the sand replacement
method (large pouring cylinder), and the latter using the 4.5kg rammer
method (soils with some course gravel-size particle).

02700 Road Works Page 73


Carry out at least 3 in-situ field test for every 500 m2 or less of surface area
of each compacted layer. Remove and replace with suitable material any
layer that fails to meet the density requirement represented by each in-situ
field test.

Subject to the Engineer’s acceptance, the in-situ field density may

alternatively be determined with nuclear device in accordance with ASTM
D2950. The maximum density is to be the average density of 3 laboratory
compacted specimens. Take the in-situ percentage level of compaction with
respect to this maximum density. In the event that the nuclear device shows
an in-situ percentage level of compaction above 100%, modify the
maximum density for that particular test to the maximum in-situ density

7.2.2 Compaction of Graded Granite Aggregate Base

Compact the graded granite aggregate base to a dry density of not less than
98% of the maximum dry density as determined in accordance with BS
1377 using the vibrating hammer method. Carry out the in-situ dry density
tests in accordance with sand replacement method (large pouring cylinder)
specified in BS 1377. Carry out blading and rolling alternately to obtain a
smooth, even and uniform compacted base.

Subject to the Engineer’s acceptance, the in-situ field density may be

determined with nuclear device in accordance with ASTM D2950 as above.

Take samples of graded granite aggregates at the rate of one per 100 m3 of
graded granite aggregate laid with at least 3 samples at each site in a day.

For a site where more than 400m3 of graded granite aggregate are laid in a
day, take a maximum of 5 samples. Mark these samples with the date laid
and location identification, and test at the accredited laboratory for

7.2.3 Test Results

Submit report of all test results in copies as directed, including the original
copy, to the Engineer immediately after they are available.

--- End of Section ---

02700 Road Works Page 74




1.0 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards and Regulations ....................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................5

2.1 Contractor’s Proposals ...........................................................................................................5

3.0 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING FOR DRAINAGE WORKS ....................................................6

3.1 Description ..............................................................................................................................6
3.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................6
3.3 Excavation ..............................................................................................................................7
3.4 Backfilling with Ordinary or Granular Backfill Material............................................................8

4.0 Channel Excavation ........................................................................................................................9

4.1 General ...................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................9
4.3 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 10

5.0 SURFACE DRAINAGE ................................................................................................................. 10

5.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 10
5.2 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 10

6.0 STONE PITCHING ........................................................................................................................ 11

6.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 11
6.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 11
6.3 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 12

7.0 BRICKWORKS .............................................................................................................................. 13

7.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 13
7.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 13
7.3 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 13

8.0 SUBSOIL DRAINS ........................................................................................................................ 14

8.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 14
8.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.3 Construction Methods .......................................................................................................... 15

9.0 R.C PIPE CULVERTS ................................................................................................................... 16

9.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 16
9.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 16
9.3 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 17

10.0 PRECAST BOX CULVERTS ........................................................................................................ 20

10.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 20
10.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 20
10.3 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 20

11.0 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CULVERTS .................................................................................. 21

11.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 21
11.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 21
11.3 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 23

12.0 GABIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 23

12.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 23
12.2 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 23
12.3 Construction Method ........................................................................................................... 25

13.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSION ............................................................................................. 25

13.1 Submission .......................................................................................................................... 25
13.2 Inspection and Testing ........................................................................................................ 25

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 2


This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any
other person designated in writing by the Architect from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect as required.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of The Eurocodes, Malaysia
Standards and Codes of Practice current at the date of tender, the Building Regulations and local
By-laws and to the satisfaction of the local Authorities empowered to control the Works, the
Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and any other instructions issued by the
Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysia Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standard or
Code of Practice. Where the requirements of the Specifications are more onerous or stringent, it
shall take precedence over the requirements of MS, EC or CP. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This Works shall consist of the construction of the construction of surface drains,
subsoil drains, pipe culverts, box culverts, sumps and other drainage structures in
accordance with this Specification or as directed by S.O. Drainage works shall be
constructed to the lines, grades and cross sections shown on the Drawings or as
directed by the S.O.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:



02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 1


1.3 Standards and Regulations

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysia Standards

Urban Storm Water Management for Malaysia (MSMA) 2nd Edition

MS 407 Steel Wire and wire product – Non-ferrous metallic

coatings on steel wire

MS 525 Specification of Concrete Porous Pipe for Under


MS 881 Specification for pre-cast concrete pipes and fittings

for drainage and sewerage

MS 2526 Urban Stormwater Management

Other Standards

BS 1052 Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes

BS 1196 Specification for clayware field drain pipes and


BS 4962 Specification for plastics pipes and fittings for use as

subsoil field drains

BS EN 588-1 Fibre-cement pipes for sewers and drains.

Pipes, Joints and fittings for gravity system

BS EN 1610 Construction and testing of drains and sewers

In the event that the Standards or Codes are partially superseded or

become obsolete, refer to the latest edition or the approved substitution for
the relevant clauses.

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

The intended layout and details for the proposed drainage system for the
project are shown in the drawings. Based on the information given engage
qualified and experienced personnel to propose the following for the works
to Engineer’s acceptance:

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 2

DRAINAGE WORKS Equipment and Methods

Propose suitable equipment and methods to carry out the works

including excavation, piling, laying of precast units, backfill and
compacting etc. Take into account of the performance requirement
as set out in clause 2.1 and submit the proposals to the Engineer for
acceptance. Design for Temporary Works

Engage a PE (Civil) to design and supervise the temporary works (if

necessary) and precautionary measures including temporary slope,
retaining structures, temporary trench supports and control of
ground water etc. for the stability of the works.

Submit the design to the Engineer for acceptance and to the

relevant Authority. Temporary Diversion of Services

Propose schemes and details for the temporary diversion of existing

above ground or underground services to facilitate the works.

1.4.2 Coordination with Other Works

Co-ordinate with other contractors who may carry out other works at the
same time at the site. Take into account of site access, space occupation,
safety and safeguarding of adjoining properties and each other’s works.

1.4.3 Condition Survey

Where applicable, prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a
condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the requirements
of Section 01017 Condition Survey and Monitoring.

Submit all records to the Engineer and adjacent property owners where

Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.

1.4.4 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide instrumentation to monitor the ground movement, vibration and

condition of adjacent properties. Refer to Section 01018 Instrumentation
and Monitoring, and the drawings for the schedule of instrumentation
required. If necessary or as required by the authorities, propose and provide
additional instrumentation and monitoring for records.

Take cognizance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may
be carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of
installation and readings.

For general requirements of the instrumentation and monitoring works Refer

to Section 01018 Instrumentation and Monitoring.

1.4.5 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

Accept responsibility for the upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads,

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 3


footpaths etc., where applicable, together with the mains and services from
the time of taking possession of the site through the duration of the works.

Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and
keep clear of mud and debris.

1.4.6 Verification of Site Information Site Surveys

Verify and be satisfied that the information given in the existing site
survey plans provided are accurate. If necessary, engage a
registered Surveyor to carry out additional site survey before
commencing any work. Additional site investigation

Carry out additional ground investigation where additional

information is needed for the works or when directed by the

Carry out the boreholes progressively prior to commencement of the

works in areas according to the contractor’s construction
programme. On completion of drilling, backfill the boreholes with a
suitable bentonite/cement mix.

Submit the location and schedule for the boreholes to Engineer’s

acceptance prior to carrying out the works. On completion, prepare
the site investigation report and submit to the Engineer for
acceptance. Groundwater level

Verify the data on groundwater level from available ground

investigation reports. Contamination

Verify information on contamination identified or believed to be

present on site.

In the event that contamination is either positively identified or

suspected, draw to the attention of all personnel working on site
together with the need to take any precautionary measures in
handling contaminated materials, groundwater and obnoxious
vapours from the ground.

1.4.7 Existing Services Affected by the Works

Refer to Preliminaries and conditions of contract for the requirements to

deal with existing services affected by the works.

1.4.8 Site Protection

Protect all equipment and working area using fencing or other methods as

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 4


1.4.9 Obstructions

If any obstructions such as existing fences, structures, footings, boulders,

concrete blocks, pipes, drains, driveways or ramp are encountered during
excavation, submit proposals for their removal for the S.O.’s acceptance.

1.4.10 Accredited Laboratory

Engage a laboratory accepted by the Engineer and accredited under the

Malaysia Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAMM) to carry out tests as

1.4.11 Connection to Existing Drains

Be responsible for the connection of the works to the receiving drainage

system to the acceptance of Authority.

1.4.12 Supervision of the Works

Engage a competent and suitably experienced site engineer to the

Engineer’s acceptance, to supervise the field works.

1.4.13 Licensed Surveyor

Employ a registered surveyor throughout the Contract Period for the setting-
out of alignment and levels of the drains. Develop the details for the setting-
out based on the information given in the drawings.

1.4.14 As-Build Surveys

Engage a Licensed Surveyor to be responsible for surveying the position

and levels of the drain system and submit the as–build survey to the
Engineer in format as directed upon completion of the works. Submit the as-
built surveys to the authorities where applicable.


2.1 Contractor’s Proposals

When carrying out the contractor’s proposals as set out in clause 1.4.1, take into
account the following performance requirements:

2.1.1 General Requirements of the Drainage System

Ensure the following basic performance requirements to which the drainage

systems operate are achieved:

(a) The drains are to operate without blocking or stagnation of water

(b) Public health and life are to be safeguarded
(c) Drains are not to endanger existing adjacent structures and utility
(d) Drains are to achieve and maintain the structural integrity and required
(e) Drains are generally watertight at the joints and connections.
(f) Appropriate openings and ventilation are provided for safe
maintenance of box drains and culverts.

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 5


2.1.2 Temporary Supports

Ensure the adequate provision of temporary supports to provide stability for

the excavation and for the control of ground water draw down and ground
movement to safeguard adjacent properties.


3.1 Description

This works shall consist of excavation for the construction of surface drains, subsoil
drains, cast in situ box culvert, pipe culverts, and other drainage structure, not
otherwise provided for in this Specification, and shall include furnishing, placing,
compacting and shaping foundation bedding materials, backfilling excavations
against completed structures with suitable material or granular backfilling where
specified, and the removal and disposal of all excess excavated material, in
accordance with this Specification and as shown on the Drawings and as required
by the S.O.

3.2 Materials

3.2.1 Excavation

Material excavated shall be classified as common excavation or rock, refer

to Section 02300 General Earthworks – Excavation and Filling.

3.2.2 Granular Bedding Material

Granular bedding material for the foundations of structures shall be suitably

graded broken rubble, crushed stone, crushed gravel, sand or other material
as specified on the Drawings or as required by the S.O.

3.2.3 Concrete Bedding

Concrete bedding or blinding for the foundation of the structures shall

conform to the requirements of Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete
Construction for the class of concrete specified on the Drawing or required
by the S.O.

3.2.4 Ordinary Backfilling Material

Ordinary backfill material shall be suitable material as defined in Section

02300 General Earthworks – Excavation and Filling. The maximum
particle size of the backfill material shall be 50mm.

3.2.5 Granular Backfilling Material

Granular backfill material shall be sand, crushed stone, crushed gravel or a

mixture of crushed and natural aggregates, shall be essentially free from
vegetative and other organic matter and clay, and shall not contain lateritic
or concretionary materials.

The material shall conform to the following physical and mechanical quality

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 6


a. The fines shall be on-plastic;

b. Sand shall have a gradation as shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Grading Limits for Sand Backfill

BS Sieve Size % by Weight Passing

10 mm 100

5.0 mm 90 – 100

1.18 mm 45 – 80

300 um 10 – 30

150 um 2 – 10

c. Material other than sand shall have gradation as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Grading Limits for Granular Backfill other than Sand
% by Weight Passing
BS Sieve Size

37.5mm 100 - -

28.0mm 70 – 100 100 -

20.0mm 60 – 90 70 – 100 100

10.0mm 45 – 75 45 – 75 -

5.0mm 30 – 60 35 – 65 45 – 75

2.0mm 20 – 50 25 – 50 30 – 60

425 um 10 – 30 10 – 30 15 – 35

75 um 0–2 0–2 0–2

3.2.6 Concrete Backfill

Concrete backfill where specified shall be of the grade as shown on the

Drawing and shall conform to Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete

3.3 Excavation

The Contractor shall notify the S.O. sufficiently in advance of the beginning of any
excavation so that cross-section elevations and measurements may be taken of the
undisturbed ground. The natural ground adjacent to the structure shall not be

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 7


disturbed without permission of the S.O.

Trenches and foundation pits for structures and structure footings and under-drains
shall be excavated to the lines, grades and elevations shown on the Drawings or as
directed by the S.O. Excavation must be kept free from water and temporary drains,
sumps, and pumps shall be provided when necessary. The rate of excavation and
backfill shall be approved by the S.O. The elevations of the bottoms of footings
shown on the Drawings are approximate only and the S.O. may order in writing such
changes in the dimensions or elevations of footings as may be deemed necessary
to secure a satisfactory foundation.

Boulders, logs and other objectionable materials encountered in excavation shall be


After each excavation is completed, the Contractor shall notify the S.O. to that effect
and no footing, bedding material or structure shall be placed until the S.O. has
approved the depth of excavation and the character of the foundation material.

Rock and other hard foundation material shall be cleared of all loose material and
cut to a firm surface, either level or stepped or serrated, as specified or shown on
the Drawings or directed by the S.O. All seams and crevices shall be cleared out
and grouted with Portland cement grout at the time the footing is placed.

All loose and disintegrated rock and thin strata shall be removed. When the footing
is to rest on material other than rock, special care shall be taken not to disturb the
bottom of the excavation, and excavation to final grade shall be deferred until just
before the footing is to be placed. When, in the opinion of the S.O., the foundation
material is soft or mucky or otherwise unsuitable, the Contractor shall remove the
unsuitable material and insert foundation fill material or concrete as specified or
shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O. If foundation fill material is required,
it shall be placed and compacted in layers not more than 150mm thick or as directed
by the S.O. The degree of compaction shall be equivalent to that of the surrounding

All excavation surfaces and surfaces of backfill material against which concrete is to
be placed shall be even and firm and true to line and level.

All excavated material, so far as suitable, shall be utilized as backfill or

embankment. The surplus material, whether or not temporarily allowed to be placed
within a stream area, shall be finally disposed of in such a manner as not to obstruct
the stream nor otherwise impair the efficiency or appearance of the works, nor is it
to endanger the partly finished structure.

Excavated material suitable for use as backfill may be deposited by the Contractor
in storage piles at points convenient for re-handling of the material during the
backfilling operation.

Excavated material shall be deposited in such places and in such a manner as not
to cause damage to highway, services or property either within or outside the road
reserve, and so as to cause no impediment to the drainage of the Site or
surrounding area.

3.4 Backfilling with Ordinary or Granular Backfill Material

All spaces excavated under this Specification and not occupied by a permanent
structure shall be backfilled. Backfill material shall be free from large lumps, wood and
other extraneous material.

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 8


Backfill not within the embankment areas shall be placed in layers not more than
250mm in depth (compacted measurement) and shall be compacted to a density
comparable with the adjacent undisturbed material.

Backfill within the embankment areas shall be made with approved material placed in
uniform layers not to exceed 150mm in depth (compacted measurement) and each
layer shall be constructed in accordance with Section 02300 General Earthworks –
Excavation and Filling expect that mechanical tampers may be used for
compaction. Each layer of backfill shall be wetted uniformly as necessary and
compacted to the same requirements as the adjacent earthwork as specified. Unless
otherwise approved by the S.O., hand tamping will not be accepted.

In placing backfill and embankment, the material shall be placed insofar as possible to
approximately the same height on both sides of the structure. If conditions require
backfilling appreciably higher on one side, the additional material on the higher side
shall not be placed until permission is given by the S.O. or until the S.O. is satisfied
that the structure has enough strength to withstand any pressure created. Backfill for
embankment shall not be placed behind the walls of box culverts until the top slab is
placed for the required time and not less than three days. Backfill and embankment
behind abutments held at the top by superstructure shall be carried up simultaneously
behind opposite abutments and side walls.

No backfilling shall be placed against any structure until permission shall have been
given by the S.O. Jetting of fill or other hydraulic methods involving, or likely to
involve, liquid or semi-liquid pressure shall be prohibited.

Special care shall be taken to prevent any unduly high pressures against the

The placing of embankment and the benching of slopes shall continue in such a
manner that at all times there will be a horizontal berm of thoroughly compacted
material for a distance at least equal to the height of the abutment or wall to be
backfilled against.

4.0 Channel Excavation

4.1 General

This work shall consist of excavation for waterway channels both inside and outside
the road reserve as shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O., and shall
include all required excavation for widening, training or permanently diverting rivers,
streams and irrigation and drainage channels other than drains and ditches
appurtenant to the roadway, except excavation of topsoil for use in the Works and
excavation required for clearing and grubbing. This work shall also include the
backfilling of old channels, haulage to their points of utilization in the Works or the
removal and disposal of all excavated materials, the construction of appurtenant
bunds, dikes and berms, and the shaping and finishing of all earthworks involved in
the construction of channels in accordance with the required lines, levels, grades,
and cross-sections.

4.2 Materials

Channel excavation shall be classified as common excavation or rock as specified in

Section 3.

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 9


4.3 Construction Method

All suitable materials removed from channel excavations shall be used for backfilling
waterways to be abandoned and constructing bunds, dikes and other earth
appurtenances as required. Surplus suitable materials shall be used as far as is
practicable in constructing the roadway. The Contractor shall provide borrow of
satisfactory quality and approved by the S.O. should this be necessary to complete
the work. Borrow which is required to replace suitable excavated materials needed for
construction which the Contractor elects waste shall not be paid for.

Excavated unsuitable materials, suitable material surplus to that needed for

construction and suitable material that the Contractor elects to waste, shall be
disposed of at designated areas in such a manner as to present a neat appearance
and not obstruct flow in any channels, ditches or drains, nor cause damage to
highway works or property, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

During construction, channel excavations shall be kept drained as far as is practicable

and the work shall be carried out in a neat and workmanlike manner.

All channels and appurtenances shall be excavated and constructed to the lines,
levels, grades and cross-section shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.
Excavation beyond the limits required shall not be paid for and shall be backfilled at
the Contractor’s expense as directed by the S.O. should he deem it necessary.
Sections of channel abandoned owing to diversion shall be backfilled as directed by
the S.O.


5.1 General

Surface drains shown on the Drawings shall be constructed to the lines, levels,
grades and cross-sections as specified or as directed by the S.O. Surface drains shall
include interceptor drains, roadside drains, embankment toe drains, shoulder drains,
bench drains, berm drains, median drains, outfall drains, cascade drains, etc.

Any of the above drains may be constructed either unlined or lined using cast in situ
concrete, precast or porous concrete section or stone pitching.

5.2 Construction Method

5.2.1 Unlined Drains

Excavation for unlined drains shall be trimmed to form a smooth, firm

surface to the required lines, levels, grades and cross-sections as shown on
the drawings or as required by the S.O.

Any areas of over excavation shall be made good to the satisfaction of the
S.O., all at the Contractor’s expense.

5.2.2 Cast In-Situ Concrete Drains

Excavation shall be carried out to the lines and levels as specified and as
shown on the Drawings. Templates which may be of timber or steel shall
then be poured in sections not exceeding 2m in length and shall be carried

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 10


out between end forms in alternate bays. Construction joints shall not be
formed in the inverts.

All concrete shall be Grade C25 unless otherwise specified and shall
conform to the requirement of Concrete Section of this Specification. Weep
holes shall be cast in situ as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the

5.2.3 Pre-Cast Concrete Drain Sections

Precast concrete block inverts shall be of the shapes and dimensions as

shown on the Drawings and shall be of Grade C25 conforming to the
requirements of Concrete Section of this Specification or of porous concrete
unless otherwise specified. The precast concrete drain sections shall be
manufactured using good quality moulds and the finished product shall be
round and have smooth inside surfaces all to the approval of the S.O.
Readymade precast concrete drain section may be used subject to the
approval of the S.O. Samples of readymade drain sections shall be
submitted to the S.O. for his approval before placing of orders.
Notwithstanding any approval given by the S.O., any defective or broken
drain section shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense before
or after laying in position.

Precast concrete drain sections shall be laid on concrete bedding in

trenches excavated to the lines and level as specified and jointed to
produce a neat even alignment and gradient. The joint shall be grouted with
1:3 cement mortars complying with Sub-Section 5.2.2 and weep holes shall
be provided as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.

Porous concrete shall comply with the requirements of porous concrete for
pipes as described in MS 525. Cement and aggregates used in the
manufacture of the porous concrete drain sections shall conform to the
requirements of Concrete Section of this Specification.

Mass concrete for bases shall be of Grade C15 concrete or as specified and
to the dimensions and thickness as shown on the Drawings.


6.1 General

This work shall consist of the construction of all structures or parts of structures to be
composed of stone pitching either grouted or ungrouted as shown on the Drawings or
as directed by the S.O. including erosion protection pavements and aprons, drain
linings, culvert inlets and outlets etc. The works shall be carried out all in accordance
with this Specification and to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections
shown on the Drawings and as required by the S.O.

6.2 Materials

6.2.1 Stone

Stone shall be clean rough quarry stone, or pit or river cobbles, or a mixture
of any of these materials, and shall be essentially free from dust, clay,
vegetative matter and other deleterious materials. Individual pieces of stone
shall be approximately cubical or spherical and shall have least dimensions
in the range 100 to 150mm and a maximum dimension of 250mm, unless

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 11


otherwise specified. The stone shall be hard, tough, durable and dense,
resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all respects for the
purpose intended.

6.2.2 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar, unless otherwise specified, shall contain 1 part Ordinary

Portland cement to 3 parts fine aggregate by volume. Water shall be added
to the mix to produce a suitable consistency for the intended use, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O. The constituent materials of the mortar shall comply
with the appropriate requirement of Concrete Section of this Specification.

The ingredients for mortar shall be measured in proper gauge boxes and
mixed on a clean boarded platform or in an approved mechanical batch

All mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing and no reworking of

mortar shall be permitted thereafter.

6.3 Construction Method

6.3.1 Grouted Stone Pitching

Prior to constructing grouted stone pitching, the surfaces against which it is

to be placed shall have been finished in accordance with the appropriate
provisions of this Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of
these finished surfaces, any damage to or deterioration of them shall be
made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. before grouted stone pitching is
Construction of grouted stone pitching shall commence at the lowest part of
each structure or section of a structure and continue progressively upward.
Long structures such as drain linings and slope protection pavement shall
be constructed in sections of practicable length, to the satisfaction of the
S.O. The surface against which the work is to be placed shall be moistened
with clean water a little in advance of construction, and covered with a layer
of cement mortar about 50mm thick. Stones shall then be firmly set by hand
into the mortar, densely packed against adjacent stones and built up to form
a stone structure of more or less uniform thickness which shall nowhere be
less than 150mm (measured perpendicularly to the surface covered). All the
while that stones are being placed, all voids in the structure shall be packed
solidly with mortar and stone spalls. However the surfaces of stones in the
exposed faces and edges shall not be covered with mortar. The exposed
surfaces and edges of the structure shall be constructed such that they
have as large a proportion as practicable composed of stone faces. Weep
holes shall be provided as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the

Mortar which has been mixed for more than 30 minutes shall not be used in
the works. Nor shall mortar be laid against the supporting surface more than
2 minutes before pitching stone and building up the structure to full
thickness is commenced on any section of the work, as the construction

The work shall be carried out and finished all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 12


6.3.2 Ungrouted Stone Pitching

Where shown on the Drawings, ungrouted stone pitching shall be hand set
to provide maximum interlocking effect. The stones, the largest of which
shall be used at the bottom, shall be well bedded on a 75mm layer of gravel
or aggregate rammed to an even surface. The whole work shall be finished
to the satisfaction of S.O.


7.1 General

This work shall include the laying of brickwork to the lines, levels and grades shown
on the Drawings and/or as directed by S.O.

7.2 Materials

7.2.1 Common Brick

Common brick shall be sound, hard, well burnt, of proper size and clean and
shall give a clear ring when struck. They shall be Class 3 standard format
complying with the requirements of MS 76. Bricks shall be obtained from
manufacturers approved by the S.O.

7.2.2 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar for brickwork shall comply with requirement of Sub-Section


7.3 Construction Method

7.3.1 Brick Laying

Brickwork shall be executed with cement mortar and shall be of the

thickness and bonds as shown on the Drawing. Bricks shall be kept damp
until used and shall be laid on a full bed of mortar. The brickwork shall be
true to line and plumb, and courses shall be kept truly level. The thickness
of mortar joints shall not exceed 10 mm and shall be such that 4 courses of
brickwork form a height of 300mm. Newly laid brickwork shall be protected
from the harmful effects of sunshine, rain, running and surface water and
shocks. Any brickwork that is damaged shall be taken down and rebuilt and
the joints raked out and pointed as directed by the S.O. Any such remedial
work shall be at the Contractor’s own expenses.

7.3.2 Plastering Brickwork

All exposed brickwork surfaces shall be plastered. The plaster shall be

applied in 2 coats generally to a total thickness of 20mm and shall be
finished with a steel trowel for internal surfaces and with a wooden float for
external surfaces.

Plain plaster shall consists of 1 part masonry cement complying with M.S.
794 to 3 parts of sand by volume. Where ordinary Portland cement is used,
plasticizer of a type approved by the S.O. may be added to the mix in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 13


Weep holes shall be provided as shown on the Drawings or as directed by

the S.O.


8.1 General

This work shall include the supply and installation of subsoil drains constructed in
accordance with this Specification at the locations and in accordance with the lines,
levels and grades as shown on the Drawings and/or directed by the S.O.

8.2 Materials

8.2.1 Pipes

Porous concrete pipes for subsoil drain shall comply with MS 525.

Clay pipes for subsoil drain shall comply with BS 1196.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes for subsoil drain shall comply with BS 3656.

8.2.2 Filter Materials

Filter material used in the construction of subsoil drains shall consist of

hard, clean sand conforming to the grading limits given in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1: Grading Limits for Filter Materials

BS Sieve Size % by Weight Passing

10 mm 100

5.0 mm 90 – 100

2.36mm 75 – 100

1.18mm 55 – 90

600 um 35 – 59

300 um 8 – 30

150 um 0 – 10

The material passing the 425 µm sieve shall be non-plastic when tested in
accordance with BS 1377.

8.2.3 Filter Cloth

The synthetic filter cloth shall be a non-woven type of approved

manufacture having the following properties:

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 14


a. Chemical Composition Requirements

Fibers used in the manufacture if the engineering fabric shall consist of a

long chain synthetic polymer, composed of at least 85% by weight of
polypropylene, -ethlene, -esteramide or –vinylidene chloride and shall
contain stabilizers and/or inhibitors added to the base plastic (as
necessary) to make the fabric resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet
and heat exposure.

b. Physical Property Requirements

The physical properties of the filter cloth shall comply with Table 8.2.

Table 8.2: Physical properties requirement for Filter Clothes

Physical Property Specification

Grab Strength 0.90 kN ASTM D1682

Puncture Strength 0.40 kN ASTM D3787-80a

Burst Strength 2100 kN/m2 ASTM D3786-80a

c. Filtration Requirements

Equivalent opening size of the filter cloth determined by sieving as

described in ASTM D422 shall be less than the 85%, size of the adjacent

d. Permeability Requirements

The equivalent Darcy Permeability of the filter cloth shall be greater than
10 times the Darcy Permeability of the soil to be drained.

8.2.4 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar for pipe joint shall comply with requirement of Sub-Section

8.3 Construction Methods

Excavation for subsoil drains shall be carried out all in accordance with the
appropriate provisions of Section 3.

Filter material as described in Sub-Section 8.2.2. shall be placed and uniformly

compacted by a suitable method approved by the S.O. to form a firm, even bedding
for the pipe drain as shown on the Drawings.

The pipe sections shall be set firmly against the filter material bedding with the flow
lines in the design position. For pipes with mating joints, the receiving ends shall be
upgrade, and the pipe joints shall be fully mated. For butt jointed pipes with collars,
the pipe sections shall be fully contiguous, and the collars properly centered over the

Joints shall be spot mortared as necessary to hold the pipe sections correctly

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 15


centered and aligned, but not so as to unduly restrict the infiltration of water through
the joints.

Slotted or perforated pipes shall be tightly wrapped in filter cloth such that the entire
length of the mortared pipe is covered by at least 2 layers of cloth. All joints in both
layers shall have an overlap of at least 100mm and joints in the outer layer shall be
offset by at least 300mm from joints in the inner layer, all to the satisfaction of the

After pipe laying and , if appropriate, wrapping has been approved by the S.O., the
remainder of the filter material shall be placed and uniformly compacted by a suitable
method approved by the S.O. to form a dense, even surround to the pipe as shown
on the Drawings. Care shall be taken that the pipe is neither damaged nor displaced.

Backfill shall then be placed and compacted in accordance with the appropriate
provisions of Sub-Section 3.4.


9.1 General

This works shall comprise the supply and installation of reinforced concrete pipe
culverts, inclusive of excavation, backfilling, jointing, bedding, construction of
headwalls, wing walls, aprons and sumps and channel protection works, all in
accordance with this Specification and the details shown on the Drawings.

9.2 Materials

9.2.1 Pipes

Reinforced concrete pipes shall conform to the requirements of MS 881 and

shall be supplied by manufacturers approved by the S.O.

Rebated pipes of diameter 600mm and above shall be internally rebated.

Collars shall be precast with Grade C25 concrete and shall be suitably
reinforced all in accordance to Section 03300 Cast in-place Concrete
Construction. The width of the collar shall be not less than 150mm and the
minimum thickness shall be 50mm.

9.2.2 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar for pipe culvert joint shall be complied with requirement of
Sub-Section 6.2.2.

9.2.3 Bedding Materials

Type A bedding shall consist of Grade C15 concrete complying with Section
9 of this Specification.

Type B bedding shall consist of clean, natural sand or gravel sand of

suitable gradation and quality, approved by the S.O. The material shall have
maximum particle size of not more than 12mm.

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 16


9.3 Construction Method

9.3.1 Excavation

Unless otherwise directed by the S.O., prior to construction of a pipe culvert,

the earthworks at the required location shall have been constructed to a
level at least 600mm above the top of culvert design levels or to the top of
sub-grade levels, whichever is lower.

Pipe culverts specified to be constructed in trench conditions shall be

excavated in accordance with Sub-Section

Where drainage conditions or other circumstances so require, the S.O. may

direct the Contractor to construct the pipe culvert without first constructing
the earthworks to the level specified above, in which case excavation and
foundation preparation shall be in accordance Sub-Section Trench Method

The trench to receive a culvert pipe shall be of sufficient width and

depth to enable the placing of bedding material and construction of
pipe joints in accordance with this Specification, and the bottom of
the trench shall be trimmed to a suitably smooth plane surface
which shall be kept free from water, all to the satisfaction of the

Where rock or other hard unyielding foundation material is

encountered in the trench, it shall be excavated to a depth below
the bottom of pipe design levels of at least 300mm or 12.5mm per
300mm of fill to be placed over the top of the pipe, whichever is
greater, up to a maximum of 75% of the internal diameter of the
pipe. The hard material so excavated shall be replaced with
suitable material uniformly compacted in layers of not more than
150mm compacted thickness to provide satisfactory support for
the pipe, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. Open Ground Method

Where existing ground levels are above top of bedding material

design levels and firm foundation materials are encountered,
excavation and foundation preparation shall be similar to that
described in the trench method above. Otherwise a firm foundation
plane shall be prepared, which shall be essentially free draining
along the line of culvert, by trimming the existing ground, or such
fill as it is necessary to place and compact, over a width sufficient
to permit satisfactory construction of the pip bedding, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O. Hard materials shall be excavated from the
pipe foundation over a width equal to the outside diameter of the
pipe to the same depth as specified in the trench method, and
shall be replaced with suitable material uniformly compacted in
layers of not more than 150mm compacted thickness to provide
satisfactory support for the pipe, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Where soft or unstable soil is encountered in the foundation, it

shall be excavated over a width of at least 1.5 times the outside
diameter of the pipe on each side of the culvert center-line to the
depth directed by the S.O., and replaced with suitable material

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 17


uniformly compacted in layers of not more than 150mm

compacted thickness to provide satisfactory support for the pipe,
all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

9.3.2 Installation

The type, size and class of pipe to be installed at each location shall be as
shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O. Culverts shall not be
installed at any location until the type of pipe, the exact location, the lines,
levels and grades, the length of pipe and details of inlet and outlet structures
have been confirmed by the S.O. In addition, special requirement
recommended by the manufacturer with respect to assembly and installation
shall be complied with. Especially where elliptically reinforced pipe sections
are used, care shall be taken to ensure that the loading axes are positioned
exactly vertically. Butted Ended Pipe Culverts with Precast Concrete Collars

The pipes shall be laid on Type A bedding in conformity with the

dimension shown on the Drawings. Before placing any concrete
bedding, the pipes shall be assembled complete with precast
concrete collars to the correct levels and grades on precast
concrete spacing blocks of the same class of concrete as the
bedding material and of sufficient size to eliminate any risk of
settlement of the pipes before or during concreting.

All joints shall be full mortared with 1:3 cement mortar before
concreting of the cradle, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. The
concrete cradle below the underside of the pipe may be
constructed monolithically at least 24 hours before the assembly
and mortaring up of the pipe sections and collars, on condition that
shear connectors are provided across horizontal construction
joints to the satisfaction of the S.O.

During installation, the ends of the pipes shall be butted and the
collar centered about the joint using wedges or other approved
means. The annular shall be completely filled with 1:3 cement
mortar with only sufficient water added to ensure adequate
workability and the wedges removed before finally fairing the joint.
Special care shall be taken to ensure that excess cement mortar is
neatly cleaned off. For pipes over 900mm in diameter the jointing
space shall be filled from inside the pipe after completion of
embankment construction using 1:3 cement mortar. When
installed, the clearance between the outer diameter of pipe and
the inner diameter of collar shall be at least 20mm.

Following pipe assembly and mortaring up as above, the

remainder of the cradle shall be cast monolithically, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

Where vertical construction joints in the concrete cradle are

unavoidable due to circumstances on Site, transfer bars shall be
provided to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Special care shall be taken when placing the concrete cradle to

avoid the entrapment of air underneath the pipe. To eliminate this
possibility, concrete shall be placed to one side of the pipe only
until such time as the level of the concrete surface rises above the

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 18


underside of the pipe on the side remote from that on which

concrete is being placed. The concrete shall then be brought up at
the same level on both sides of the pipe. Rebated Pipe Culverts

The pipes shall be laid on Type A bedding in conformity with the

dimensions shown on the Drawings.

The method of construction shall follow that described in Sub-

Section 9.4.2 for butt ended pipe culverts except for the exclusion
of precast concrete collars.

The rebated joint shall be internally flush and fully mortared with
1:3 cement mortar, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. Spigot and Socket Pipe Culverts

The pipes shall be laid on Type B bedding in conformity with the

dimensions shown on the Drawings. The bedding material shall be
accurately shaped by a template to fit the lower part of the pipe
exterior for a height of at least 10% of the outside diameter of the
pipe. Gaps shall be left in the bedding material and recesses dug
in the earth foundation of sufficient width and depth to
accommodate the socket without it resting on the bottom of the
recess. The widths of the recesses in the foundation and the
bedding shall both exceed the width of the socket by more than

Jointing of the pipes shall be carried out strictly in accordance with

the manufacturer’s recommendations, all to the satisfaction of the

Concrete pipe as specified above shall be laid true to line and

level, each pipe being separately boned between side rails. Pipes
shall be laid in an upstream direction with the sockets towards the
inlet and shall rest on even foundations for the full length of the
barrel. Rubber ring joints shall be installed strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions. Prior to jointing, rubber rings
and jointing surfaces shall be cleaned of all contaminants except
for specified lubricants. The spigot of each pipe shall be inserted
concentrically in the socket of the one previously laid, and the pipe
then adjusted and fixed in its correct position with the spigot
correctly entered in the socket.

Care shall be taken to see that the rubber ring is adequately

compressed to seal the joint. All pipes shall be laid to the
satisfaction of the S.O Extension of Pipe Culverts

The existing wing walls, aprons and concrete bedding shall be

demolished wherever indicated on the Drawings to expose the
existing pipe culvert to be extended shall then be wire-brushed or
some other means employed to give a clean pipe end.

Extension joints shall be formed as shown on the Drawings by

injecting Thioflex 600 – Gun Grade or its equivalent to a thickness

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 19


of not less than 25mm in the 15mm wide gap between the existing
pipe and the new pipe. The remaining space in the gap shall then
be filled with Flexcell Expansion Filler.

9.3.3 Backfilling

Backfilling against reinforced concrete pipe culverts and their appurtenant

structures shall be carried out in accordance with the construction methods
described in Sub-Section 3.4, using material conforming to the requirements
of Sub-Section 3.2.5. Special care shall be taken to properly compact
backfill against the undersides of culvert pipes without disturbing or
damaging the pipes and joints. Backfill shall be built up evenly on both sides
of each pipe culvert along its entire length.

Heavy plant and equipment shall not operate within 1.5m of any pipe culvert
until backfilling and, where appropriate, pavement construction has
advanced to a stage which provides at least 600mm of cover to the culvert.
Subject to the approval of the S.O., light compaction equipment may be
operated above pipe culvert after a minimum of 300mm of cover has been
placed and compacted.


10.1 General

This work shall comprise the supply and installation of precast box culverts inclusive
of excavation, backfilling, jointing, bedding, construction of headwalls, wing walls,
aprons and sumps and channel protection works, all in accordance with this
Specification and the details shown on the Drawings.

10.2 Materials

10.2.1 Precast Box Culverts

Precast box culverts shall be of approved manufacture complying with

Australian Standard 1597 Part 1, or any equivalent alternative standard
acceptable and approved by the S.O.

10.2.2 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar for jointing of box culverts shall comply with requirement of
Sub-Section 6.2.2.

10.2.3 Bedding Materials

Unless otherwise stated, precast box culverts shall be bedded on Type B

bedding as specified in Sub Section 9.2.3.

10.3 Construction Method

10.3.1 Excavation

Unless otherwise directed by the S.O., prior to construction of a precast box

culvert, the earthworks at the required location shall been first constructed
to a level at least 600mm above the top of the culvert design levels or to the
top of sub-grade levels, whichever is lower, and the precast box culvert shall
then be constructed in a trench excavated in accordance with Sub Section

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 20


Where drainage conditions or other circumstances so require, the S.O. may

direct the Contractor to construct the precast box culvert without first
constructing the earthworks to the level specified above, in which case
excavation and foundation preparation shall be in accordance with Sub

10.3.2 Installation

The type and size of precast box culvert to be installed at each location shall
be as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O. Precast box
culverts shall not be installed at any location until the exact location, the
lines, levels and grades, the length of culvert and details of inlet and outlet
structures have been confirmed by the S.O. In addition, special
requirements recommended by the manufacturer shall be complied with.

All joints shall be fully mortared, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. In addition,
a 3mm layer of cement mortars shall be spread on top of the legs of the
invert in order to ensure uniform bearing between the invert and lid.

Lifting holes shall be filled with cement mortars.

10.3.3 Backfilling

Backfilling against precast box culverts and their appurtenant structures

shall be carried out in accordance with the construction methods described
in Sub-Section 3.4, using material conforming to the requirement of Sub-
Section 3.2.5. Special care shall be taken to properly compact backfill
without disturbing or damaging the precast box culvert sections. Backfill
shall be built up evenly on both sides of each box culvert along its entire

Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., heavy plant and equipment shall
not operate within 2.0 m of any precast box culvert until backfilling and,
where appropriate, pavement construction has advanced to a stage which
provides at least 300mm of cover to the culvert.


11.1 General

The work shall comprise the supply and installation of bolted, corrugated metal pipe
culverts inclusive of excavation, backfilling, jointing, bedding, construction of
headwalls, wing walls, aprons and sumps and channel protection works, all in
accordance with this Specification and the details shown on the Drawings.

11.2 Materials

11.2.1 Pipes

The pipe sections shall be fabricated from zinc-coated (galvanized) steel

sheets conforming to AASHTO M218 or from structural plates conforming to
AASHTO M167 depending on the pipe size requirements.

The dimensions of the pipes shall conform to ASSHTO M36. All pipes shall
be clearly identified by making on each section the following information:

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 21


a. Name of manufacturer
b. Diameter of pipe
c. Gauge number
d. Date of manufacture

The above markings shall have been marked by the manufacturer.

The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. the material test certificates from the
manufacturer showing the chemical composition and mechanical properties
of the base metal and the amount of zinc coating for every lot of pipes
supplied. The S.O. may order further tests in the sections supplied to Site at
the rate of not more than 1 in 100.

All cost on such tests shall be borne by the Contractor.

11.2.2 Bitumen Coating

Where specified, the pipe sections or plates shall be coasted with an

approved bitumen coating at the factory by the hot-dip process for Type A
as specified in AASHTO M190. Before coating, any damage to the
galvanizing shall be made good in manner approved by the S.O.

11.2.3 Bolts and Nuts

All bolts and nuts shall be of high strength carbonated steel meeting the
provisions of ASTM A449 and ASTM A563 Grade ‘C’ respectively. The
galvanizing on bolts and nuts must meet the requirement of ASTM A153.

Diameters of bolts holes in the longitudinal seams, except those at the plate
corners, shall not exceed the bolt diameter by more than 3mm. The bolt
holes in the circumferential seams, including those at the plate corners,
shall not exceed the bolt diameter by more than 6mm. The minimum
distance from the center of a hole to the edge of a plate shall be 1.75 times
the diameter of the bolt.

For pipe material conforming to AASHTO M218 (corrugation 68mm pitch x

13mm depth) with diameters of 1500mm or smaller, 12 mm diameter bolts
shall be used. Bolt holes along circumferential seams shall have spacing of
not more than 314mm.

For pipe material conforming to AASHTO M167 (corrugation 150mm pitch x

50mm depth) with diameters of 1500mm or larger, 19mm diameter bolts
shall be used. Four bolt holes per 300mm of longitudinal seam shall be
provided and these shall be staggered in rows 51mm apart with holes in one
row in the trough and holes in the other row in the crest of the corrugation.
Bolt holes in the circumferential seams shall have spacing of not more than

Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall satisfy the S.O. as to the
adequacy of all bolted connections.

11.2.4 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar shall comply with requirement of Sub-Section 6.2.2.

11.2.5 Bedding Materials

Corrugated metal pipe culverts shall be bedded on Type B bedding as

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 22


specified in Sub-Section 9.2.3.

11.3 Construction Method

11.3.1 Excavation

Unless otherwise directed and/or approved by the S.O., the pipe culvert
shall laid in a trench excavated in accordance with Sub-Section

Where the open ground method is approved, the work shall comply with

11.3.2 Installation

The culvert sections shall be assembled, strutted, and protected during

construction in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Special
attention shall be given to the sequence of tightening bolt and the specified
torque to be applied during assembly. After assembly the bitumen coating
shall, where damaged, be repaired and made good with further application
of the bitumen coasting.

For corrugated metal pipe culverts of 1800mm diameter or more, or where

directed by the S.O. for pipes of smaller diameters, a 1:3 cement mortar
lining shall cover the inverts of the pipes to a thickness of 25mm above the
crest of the corrugations over a minimum of third of the circumference
centrally placed along the entire length of the culvert. The lining shall be
constructed after completion of earthworks and wing walls

11.3.3 Backfilling

Backfilling against corrugated metal pipe culverts and their appurtenant

structures shall be carried out in accordance with the construction methods
described in Sub-Section 3.4, using material conforming to the requirements
of Sub-Section 3.2.5. Special care shall be taken to properly compact
backfill against the undersides of culvert pipes without disturbing or
damaging the pipes and joints. Backfill shall be built up evenly on both sides
of each pipe culvert along its entire length.

Heavy plant and equipment shall not operate within 1.5m of any pipe culvert
until backfilling and, where appropriate, pavement construction has
advanced to a stage which provides at least 600mm of cover to the culvert.
Subject to the approval of the S.O., light compaction equipment may be
operated above pipe culvert after a minimum of 300mm of cover has been
placed and compacted.


12.1 General

This work shall consist of the construction of miscellaneous erosion protection and
retaining structure to be composed of stone filled wire mesh gabions. The work shall
be carried out all in accordance with this Specification and as shown on the Drawings
and/or as approved by the S.O.

12.2 Materials

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 23


12.2.1 Wire Mesh Gabions

Gabions shall be rectangular baskets of the required dimensions as shown

on the Drawings or ordered by the S.O. Unless otherwise specified, they
shall be of the following standard dimension:

a. Width = 1.00 meter

b. Length = 1.00, 2.00 or 3.00 meters
c. Height = 0.50 or 1.00 meter

Gabions longer than 1.00m shall be divided into compartments of equal

length not exceeding 1.00m by wire mesh diaphragms securely tied along
all edges. Each gabion or compartment of a gabion shall be provided with at
least four cross-connecting wires if its height is 0.50m or less, and with at
least eight cross-connecting wires if its height is in the range 0.50 to 1.00

Gabions shall be fabricated from steel wire manufactured in accordance

with BS 1052 and galvanized in accordance with MS 407, or such similar
standards as the S.O. shall approve. The galvanized wire sizes used shall
be in accordance with Table 12.1

Table 12.1: Glavanised wire sizes for gabions

Type of Wire Minimum Diameter

Selvage (perimeter) wire 3.50mm

Mesh wire 2.70mm

Typing and connecting wire 2.20mm

Gabions mesh shall be triple twisted and shall have a uniform hexagonal
pattern with openings of 100 x 120mm or less. The mesh shall be securely
tied to selvage wires to form rectangular panels which shall be securely
wired together to form the completed gabion baskets. The ties and
connections for each gabion basket shall comprise not less than 8% of its
total weight, and the fabrication shall be all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

12.2.2 Polyvinyl Chloride Coating

When specified on the Drawings, all wire used in the fabrication of gabions
and in the wring operation during construction shall, after galvanizing, have
extruded on to it a coating of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The PVC coating, not
inclusive of galvanizing, shall not be less than 0.55mm in thickness.

12.2.3 Stone

Stone fill for gabions shall be clean rough quarry stone, or pit or river
cobbles, or a mixture of any these materials, and shall be essentially free
from dust, clay, vegetative matter and other deleterious materials. Individual
pieces of stone shall have least dimensions not less than 20 mm larger than
the gabion mesh openings and greatest dimensions not more than 250 mm.
The stone shall be hard, tough, durable and dense, resistant to the action of
air and water, and suitable in all aspects for the purpose intended. The
material shall be approved by the S.O.

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 24


12.3 Construction Method

Prior to placing gabions, the surface on and against which they are to be constructed
shall have been prepared and finished in accordance with the relevant provisions of
this Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of these finished surfaces, any
damage to or deterioration of them shall be made good to the satisfaction of the S.O.
before gabions are placed.

Each gabion basket shall be put in place in its turn, completely fabricated except for
the fastening down of the lid, stretched to the correct shape and dimensions, and
fastened securely to all contiguous baskets along each edge with tying wire. The
basket shall then be tightly packed with approved stone by hand in such a manner
that voids are kept to a practicable minimum and are uniformly distributed in the stone
mass. Finally, the lid of the basket shall be securely fastened down with tying wire
along all hitherto unfastened edges, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. In no case shall
the weight of the finished gabion be less than 1300 kg per cubic meter.

As a gabion structure is built up, backfilling against finished gabions shall be carried
out as necessary for proper progressive construction, all in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the appropriate Section of this Specification. Unless otherwise
specified, vertical joints between gabions shall be staggered in gabions structures in a
pattern similar to the joints in running bond brickwork.

13.1 Submission

13.1.1 Method Statement

Provide a detailed method statement to the Engineer for acceptance prior to

commencement of the works.

Include proposals for the methods and sequence of works, proposal for
temporary works and or ground water control required, plant and equipment,
removal of debris, control of noise, dirt, dust and any other potential nuisance.

13.1.2 Programme

Submit the programme for various stages of work for acceptance.

13.1.3 Setting-out Plan

Submit the setting-out plan for the sewer line as endorsed by the registered
surveyor to the Engineer for acceptance prior to commencing the field

13.1.4 As-built Drawings

Submit to the Engineer for record as-built drawings on completion of each

phase of completion of work.

13.2 Inspection and Testing

13.2.1 Testing For Concrete Work

Refer to Section 03300 Cast In-Place Concrete Construction.

13.2.2 Testing For Reinforcement Work

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 25


Refer to Section 03200 Reinforcement.

13.2.3 Testing for Earthworks Materials

Refer to Section 02300 General Earthworks, Excavation and Filling.

13.2.4 Testing for Pavement Reinstatement Works

Refer to Section 02700 Road Works.

13.2.5 Drain Testing

Test the drain for flow and alignment by water. Propose and rectify any
defects before backfilling and reinstatement.

--- End of Section ---

02800 Drainage Works.doc Page 26




1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards ...............................................................................................................................1
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................2

2.1 Design Requirements .............................................................................................................2
2.2 Formwork and Falsework .......................................................................................................3
2.3 Cambers .................................................................................................................................5

3.0 MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................................7

3.1 Formwork Material ..................................................................................................................7
3.2 Permanent Formwork .............................................................................................................7
3.3 Release Agents ......................................................................................................................7
3.4 Formwork Ties ........................................................................................................................8

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ...............................................................................................8

4.1 Formwork ................................................................................................................................8
4.2 System Forms ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Formwork Ties ..................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Block Outs and Cast-in Items .............................................................................................. 10
4.5 Striking ................................................................................................................................. 10

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 12

5.1 Submissions ........................................................................................................................ 12

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Pte Ltd. No reproduction either in part or in
whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Pte Ltd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Pte Ltd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers the general requirements for falsework and formwork used for
structural concrete works except precasting mould, which is covered in precast

1.2 Related Sections


1.3 Standards

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted



are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Codes & Standards

MS EN 12812: 2004 Falsework - performance requirements and general


In the event that the standards or codes are revised or superseded, refer to
the latest edition or the appropriate substitution for the relevant subjects.

1.1.1. Technical reference

Refer to the following technical for guidance in carrying out the works.

(a) Formwork: a guide to good practice (Concrete Society Publication, 2
Edition 1995)
(b) Plain formed concrete finishes (Concrete Society Technical Report
52, 1999)
(c) Formwork Striking Times – criteria, prediction and methods of
assessment (CIRIA Report 136)

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submission and Proposal

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to carry out design and

supervision of the formwork and falsework supports in accordance with
statutory requirements and all relevant regulations. The design of
falseworks shall be endorsed by a professional engineer (civil) and submit
to MOM when required statutorily.

1.4.2 Concrete profile drawing

Submit coordination drawings for the concrete structure, based on

Architectural and Structural Engineers' drawings comprising:-

• Site plan and sections incorporating all external works, roads,

culverts, drains, slopes, etc. showing all existing and proposed levels.
Drawings showing all existing information within and around the site
shall be submitted at the commencement and updated subsequently
to incorporate proposed works.

All floors layout plans with sections showing all structural members with sizes
and incorporating structural and finished levels, including all openings, voids
required architecturally or to accommodate M&E services. These drawings
shall be submitted and approved prior to fabrication and fixing of any
formwork and reinforcement.


2.1 Design Requirements

Carry out the design of the formwork and falsework system in accordance with MS
EN 12812: 2004. Account for all construction loads and dead weight of the structures.
Account also for the intended surface finish to the concrete members.



Notwithstanding the comments by the Engineer, the strength and adequacy of the
formwork and its supports shall remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor and/or
his Professional Engineer.

2.1.1 Special Consideration for Formwork to Support Post Tensioned Structure

Depending on the sequence of post-tensioning, a substantial relocation of

loads on the formwork may take place. For example, if slabs are stressed first,
they may be lifted off the formwork and this weight is transferred on to the
beams. Before the beams are stressed, this supporting formwork receives the
sum of the weights of the beam and adjoining slab. Allowance is to be made
for this effect, in the design and erect the supports for the formwork, and
submit to the Engineer acceptance.

All formwork shall be removed without damage to the concrete. The

Contractor shall be responsible for any injury to the work and any
consequential damage caused by or arising from the method adopted for the
striking or moving of the formwork or supports.

Immediately after the removal of the formwork, it is the Contractor's

responsibility to notify the Engineer for inspection and any remedial treatment
required by the Engineer shall be carried out without delay. Any remedial
treatment which has been carried out before the Engineer's inspection and
approval shall render the member liable for rejection.

2.2 Formwork and Falsework

2.2.1 Construction Formwork shall be in accordance with MS EN 12812: 2004 and

shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for
forming the concrete, together with all temporary constructions
required for their support. Construct formwork so as to contain the concrete, to give the

required surface finish to the concrete and to adequately support
the concrete in the desired final position throughout the period of
use. All formwork shall be of such quality and strength as will ensure
rigidity throughout the placing, ramming, vibration and setting of
the concrete without visible deflection. All formwork shall be so constructed that there shall be no loss of

material from the concrete. After setting, the concrete shall be in
the position and of the shape and dimensions prescribed. The
finished surface of exposed concrete shall be of a quality specified
on the drawings and approved by the Engineer. Unless otherwise provided on the drawings or directed by the

Engineer, all exposed edges shall be bevelled by using dressed,
mill-cut hardwood metal or plastic, triangular moulding, having
twenty (20) millimetres sides. Details of the bevels are to be
submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to their use in the


FORMWORK AND FALSEWORK All curved surfaces shall be formed with approved plywood or

steel. The Contractor shall in all cases request the approval of the
formwork by the Engineer's representative in sufficient time to
allow an inspection to be made and shall not commence
concreting until such approval is obtained. The period between the
Contractor's request for approval and his intention to commence
concreting shall be not less than one clear normal working day
and the Engineer's representative may require a longer period if,
in his opinion, the formwork is of such complexity as to require it. Such approval shall not absolve the Contractor of his

responsibilities under the Contract. Where internal metal ties are permitted, they or their removable
parts shall be extracted without damage to the concrete and the
remaining holes fully filled with a low shrink mortar approved by
the Engineer. No permanently embedded metal part shall have
less than 40mm cover to the finished concrete surface or the
specified cover to the reinforcement whichever is the greater. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval
strength and deflection calculations and shop drawings of the
formwork he proposes to use. The Contractor shall ensure that
adequate time is given to enable the Engineer to examine the
calculations and drawings and also to inspect the formwork before
concrete is placed within it. Appropriate formwork shall be used to achieve dimensional

tolerances specified in Clause 4.12: 03300 CAST IN-PLACE

2.2.2 Falsework Detailed drawings for falsework shall be prepared by the

Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval. The
drawings must be approved by the Engineer before the work is
started. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval at least
one (1) month before commencing work, complete and full details
of his proposed system of falsework, including detailed drawings
and calculations. Falsework shall be capable of accommodating
temperature changes without causing damage to the concrete. Falsework shall be designed and constructed to provide the

necessary rigidity to support all loads placed upon it without
appreciable settlement or deformation. Falsework columns shall
be supported on wood or metal bases to support all falsework that
cannot be founded on rock, shale or thick deposits of other
compact material in their natural beds. Falsework shall not be
supported on any part of the structure, except the footings, without
the written permission of the Engineer. The number and spacing of
falsework columns, the adequacy of sills, caps and stringers and
the amount of bracing in the falsework framing shall be subject to
approval of the Engineer.


FORMWORK AND FALSEWORK All timber shall be of sound wood, in good condition and free from
defects that might impair its strength. If the vertical members are
of insufficient length to cap at the desired elevation for the
horizontal members, they shall preferably be capped and frames
constructed to the proper elevation. Ends of the vertical members
shall be cut square for full bearing to preclude the use of wedges.
If vertical splices are necessary, the abutting members shall be of
the same approximate size, the ends shall be cut square for full
bearing, and the splices shall be scabbled in a manner approved
by the Engineer. All steel members shall be in good condition, free from damage,
kinks, corrosion or any other defect that might impair their
strength. The Contractor shall provide means for accurately measuring

settlement in falsework during placement of concrete, and shall
provide a competent observer to observe and correct the
settlement. In designing forms and centring, concrete shall be regarded as a

liquid. In computing vertical loads, a weight of two thousand five
hundred and fifty (2,550) kilograms per cubic metre shall be
assumed, and not less than thirteen hundred and sixty (1,360)
kilograms per cubic metre shall be assumed in computing
horizontal pressure. The Engineer may refuse permission to proceed with other phases
of the work if he deems the falsework unsafe or inadequate to
support properly the loads to which it will be subjected. The review or approval of falsework drawings by the Engineer or

permission to proceed with the work shall not relieve the
Contractor of the responsibility for successful erection or
satisfactory results.

2.3 Cambers

2.3.1 Formwork To make allowances for any settlement or deflection of formwork

which is likely to arise during construction so that the hardened
concrete conform accurately to the specified line and level within
the tolerances specified in this specification. The Contractor shall make allowance for any deflection that is
likely to arise during construction and taking building movement
controls into consideration for early loading to the young concrete
that will induce long term deflection to the hardened concrete, so
that the hardened concrete conforms to the specified line and level
and generally is in accordance with the following requirements.
These requirements are provided as a guideline and the
Contractor shall be responsible for its adequacy based on his
construction method etc.


FORMWORK AND FALSEWORK All slabs and beams more than 5 metres in span shall
be laid to a camber. The Contractor shall be
responsible for determining the magnitude of the
camber. The following formula may be used subject to
the Contractor verifying its applicability:

Camber = (Span)2 / (7200 x depth)

(all values in mm) The Contractor’s shop drawings shall clearly identify

the camber applied to the formwork of each element,
which shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the soffits of beams and
slabs of 5 m span and over shall be given a camber towards the
centre of 5 mm for every 2 m of span. The cambers to which flat
slabs are laid shall be agreed with the Engineer prior to work
commencing. For post-tensioned walls or beams, the Contractor must consult

the Engineer before erection of the formwork. For cantilever beams or slabs, 5mm upward camber shall be

provided for every 1m of span. In special cases, where structural members are exposed in

elevation or in any position in which architectural details are
affected the camber to be used shall be agreed with the Engineer
prior to work commencing. The Engineer will review the Contractor's computations. Long,

tapered hardwood wedges or screw jacks shall be used in all
falsework construction and shall be so placed that they can be
adjusted to give proper form alignment. The Contractor shall, if
required by the Engineer, provide means for adjusting forms to
offset any excessive settlement, if screw jacks are used, they shall
be adequately braced and secured in such a manner that will
prevent tipping of the jacks in any direction. Anchoring of the
falsework to the Permanent Works shall only be allowed by prior
approval of the Engineer.

2.3.2 Shores and Supports General: Comply with ACI 347 or BS 5975: 1996 for shoring and
reshoring in multi-storey construction, and as herein specified. Extend shoring from ground to roof for structures 4 stories or less,
unless otherwise permitted. Extend shoring at least 3 floors under floor or roof being placed for
structures over 4 stories. Shore floor directly under floor or roof
being placed, so that loads from construction above will transfer
directly to these shores. Space shoring in stories below this level
in such a manner that no floor or member will be excessively
loaded or will induce tensile stress in concrete members where no
reinforcing steel is provided. Extend shores beyond minimum to
ensure proper distribution of loads throughout structure.


FORMWORK AND FALSEWORK Remove shores and reshore in a planned sequence to avoid

damage to partially cured concrete. Locate and provide adequate
reshoring to support work without excessive stress or deflection. Keep reshores in place a minimum of 15 days after placing upper

tier, and longer if required, until concrete has attained its required
28-day strength and heavy loads due to construction operations
have been removed.

2.3.3 Preparation of Formwork before Concreting The inside surfaces of forms shall, except for permanent

formwork, or unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, be coated
with a release agent approved by the Engineer. Release agents
shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and shall not come into contact with the reinforcement.
Different release agents shall not be used in formwork to concrete
that will be visible in the finished Works. A panel shall be
constructed utilising the proposed release agent for the Engineer's
approval. The surface of the panel shall not exhibit discoloration.
Surface retarding agents shall not be used. Immediately before concreting all forms shall be thoroughly

cleaned out. All formwork shall be inspected and approved by the
Engineer before any concrete is placed in it but such approval
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for the safety,
accuracy or efficiency of the work. Consideration will be given to the use of controlled permeability

formwork to assist in achieving the durability requirements.


3.1 Formwork Material

Use materials that suit the method of construction to be employed and the surface
finish required for the final work. Both timber and steel are acceptable materials.

3.2 Permanent Formwork

May be used subject to the agreement of the Engineer.

Use at double slab or conceal area and area where the total clear height within the
conceal area is lesser than 1m where not possible to extract formworks.

Use only anti-termite treated formwork or galvanized steel decking such as Bondek or
equivalent. No left in timber form is allowed. No untreated formwork shall be left in.

Submit to Engineer’s for approval.

3.3 Release Agents

Propose release agents to the acceptance of the Engineer to suit the method of
construction and the finish required, taking note of the requirements of subsequent



All release agents used to be non-staining, non-injurious to the finished concrete and
not to be adversely affected by the weather.

3.4 Formwork Ties

Submit proposals for Engineer’s acceptance. Use only metal ties.

In water-resisting construction, use ties of a type that does not induce seepage and
reduce the water-resistance of the structure. Use ties with cone and length that
provide minimum 40mm concrete cover protection.

Use approved epoxy grouting or high strength non-shrink grout to the cone and ties
recess. Submit the proposed epoxy grouting to Engineer’s acceptance.


4.1 Formwork

4.1.1 General

Formwork shall be constructed in accordance with MS EN 12812: 2004. The

formwork shall be constructed so as to support the concrete in its fluid state
together with all construction loads without appreciable movement or
deflection. It shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of grout from the
concrete and be free from undulations and distortions.

The formwork shall, unless otherwise directed, have smooth even faces and
be supported as to provide a plain surface with clean and true arises. The
surfacing material shall be renewed as necessary during the period of the
contract and all accumulations of hardened concrete on the faces shall be
removed before use.

Formwork shall be provided for the top faces of sloping work and anchored to
prevent floatation where the slope exceeds 15 degrees.

If so instructed, the calculations and designs for the formwork shall be

submitted for review and comments before construction.

The Contractor may be required to cut out or re-execute the work at his own
expense where openings, holes, conduits and the like which are shown on the
drawings have not been formed.

Forms for walls and thin sections shall be provided with openings and other
devices which will permit the concrete to be placed in a manner to prevent
segregation or the accumulation of hardened concrete on the form or on the
reinforcement above the level of the concrete surface.

If the formwork for a column or wall is erected to its full height, concrete
placement openings shall be left in one side and closed as placing of the
concrete proceeds.

No untreated formwork shall be left in. Should it be not possible to extract

formworks, in such areas anti-termite treated formwork or bondek shall be
used as permanent formwork.

4.1.2 Condition of formwork



Ensure formwork is clean and clear of all debris and free water before
concrete is placed.

4.1.3 Reuse of Forms

Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in Work. Split, frayed,

delaminated, or otherwise damaged form-facing material will not be
acceptable for exposed surfaces. Apply new form-coating compound as
specified for new formwork.

When forms are extended for successive concrete placement, thoroughly

clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close joints.
Align and secure joint to avoid offsets. Do not use "patched" forms for
exposed concrete surfaces except as acceptable to Architect.
4.1.4 Joints

Seal all joints in formwork to avoid leakage of grout and staining of concrete

Formwork across structure joints shall be erected such that it overlaps

adjoining finished concrete by at least 150 mm and held tightly to it.
Formwork shall run continuously across construction joints.

4.1.5 Existing construction

Do not cast concrete directly against existing construction or faces of

excavations without prior agreement of the Engineer except as shown on
the drawings.

4.1.6 Support from Ground

Where structural concrete relies on permanent or temporary support from

the ground, ensure that the support is well compacted and firm enough for
the concreting operations.

4.1.7 External vibrator

External vibrators, where approved, shall be fixed to the framing members

and not to individual boards on the face.

4.1.8 Cleanliness

All rubbish, chippings, shavings, etc shall be removed from the interior of
formwork immediately before concrete is placed, first by compressed air and
then by a jet of water. Temporary openings shall be formed for the inspection
of the inside of the formwork and for the escape of water used for washing.

4.1.9 Form oil

Use approved form oil which is compatible with the required finish to coat the
faces of the formwork in contact with the concrete. Such oils shall be insoluble
in water, non-staining, not injurious to the concrete and shall not become flaky
or be removed by rain or wash water. Diesel oil and liquids which retard the
setting of the concrete shall not be used. The same approved type of form oil
shall be used throughout all works. The application of the form oil shall be
such that no reinforcement or prestressing tendons shall be coated by the oil
and there shall be no accumulation of the oil at the bottom of the formwork.



4.2 System Forms

Where system formwork is proposed to be used, comply strictly to manufacturer’s

requirements and recommendations. Submit details for Engineer’s acceptance.

4.3 Formwork Ties

Ensure that no ferrous metals are left in the concrete cover zone when the formwork
has been struck.

Make good any holes left exposed to view in the faces of the concrete by approved
epoxy grouting or high strength non-shrink grout to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

In the case of water-resistant construction, do not fix formwork in a manner which

result in holes through the concrete section permanently.

4.4 Block Outs and Cast-in Items

Bolts and other metal fittings used in formwork erection shall be constructed so as to
permit their easy removal to a depth of at least 50mm from the face without injury to the
concrete and so that upon their removal the cavities left are of the smallest possible
size. Ensure:

(a) Clear out block out items after concreting.

(b) Set out and fix all cast-in items shown or referenced on the drawings.
(c) Resolve any clashes between holes, cast-in items and reinforcement before any
concrete is placed.

Anchor bolts to be permanently installed in concrete, fixing, box-outs, cores and other
devices used for forming openings, holes, pockets, recesses and other cavities shall be
fixed firmly to the formwork. These fixings shall be as rigid as the formwork itself so as
to prevent the leakage of any grout. No holes shall be cut in cast concrete except with
the approval of the Engineer. If the Contractor fails to provide for any box out, hole or
opening which he may reasonably be expected to anticipate from the drawings and if
the Engineer considers that cutting the concrete to provide such opening may impair
the strength of the member, then the Contractor shall at his expense adopt any other
method which the Engineer may deem fit to provide for such opening.

4.4.1 Construction

The arrangement of formwork shall be such that it can be dismantled and

removed readily from the cast concrete without causing shock, disturbance or
damage. For beams and slabs the arrangement shall be such that the
formwork and supports for the slab soffits and beam sides can be removed
without disturbing the formwork and supports of the beam soffits.

All holes left in the concrete shall be filled with mortar and finished to the
approval of the Engineer. Wire ties passing through the concrete may be used
only when approved and the ends of the wire shall be concealed and
measures taken to prevent rust stains on the concrete.

4.5 Striking

4.5.1 Support

Provide support for the concrete in the required position until it has gained
adequate strength. Determine the strength of concrete required to support
its own weight and any construction loads, without short- or long-term



distress, and propose for Engineer’s acceptance.

Supports of an upper floor shall rest on the lower floor only if the lower floor
has developed adequate strength to bear the load. If in the opinion of the
Engineer, the lower floor does not have the required strength to carry the
support of the upper floors, then the method adopted to support the formwork
of the upper floor shall have to be approved by the Engineer.

4.5.2 Removal of Formwork The Engineer shall be informed in advance when the Contractor

intends to strike any formwork. At the time of striking any
formwork, the concrete shall be of sufficient age and strength for it
to withstand the effects of striking, including the effect of thermal
shock or the loss of surface durability upon premature exposure,
and to be able to withstand the resulting stresses without adverse
effects. Where accurate determination of the striking time is required then

temperature matched curing of test cubes shall be used. When formwork is removed during the curing period the provision
of approved curing methods shall immediately follow the removal
of the formwork. Formwork shall be constructed so that the side forms of members

can be removed without disturbing the soffit forms and, if props
are to be left in place when the soffits forms are removed, these
props shall not be disturbed during the striking. Formwork shall be removed without damage to the concrete.

4.5.3 Striking

Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, allow for the minimum period as
follows before striking the formworks:

Minimum period before striking

(surface temperature of concrete
Location not less than 16°C)
(1day = 24 hours from the time of
completion of placing concrete)
Vertical formwork to columns, walls
1 day
and beams
Slab soffits (props undisturbed) 3 days
Props to slab 7 days
Beam soffits (props undisturbed) 7 days
Props to beams 9 days

If earlier striking time is desired, proposed for Engineer’s acceptance, giving

due consideration to the concrete strength at the time of removal, the
ambient conditions and the curing and protection of the concrete when the
formwork has been removed.



4.5.4 Sequence

Propose and agree with the Engineer, the sequence of propping/re-propping

and back-propping through the structure. Ensure that there are no
damaging effects on the permanent structure. Consider the immature
concrete and early loading effects during the construction sequence in the
Engage a PE to submit the impact assessment of the sequence of
propping/re-propping and back-propping during construction to the overall
performance of structures including slab and beam in long term effects.


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Method Statement

Submit the proposed sequence of propping/re-propping and backpropping

through the structure in a method statement and agree in advance with the
Engineer prior to procuring any material and execution of the works.

Include details of:

(a) materials for falsework and formwork

(b) target age and strength of concrete at striking
(c) method of determining strength
(d) calculation of imposed loads on lower slabs
(e) Calculation of concrete stress and effects of the long term deflection
due to early loading to immature young concrete by concrete imposed
(f) methods to ensure that slabs are not struck understrength/overloaded

5.1.1. System Forms

Where jump-forming or slip-forming are proposed, submit full details for

Engineer’s acceptance in advance to engaging the system. Include at least
the following information:

(a) materials to be used

(b) proposed rate of slip
(c) concrete mix
(d) methods of checking strength during the pour
(e) methods of forming openings
(f) details of cast-ins
(g) methods of fixing reinforcement
(h) placing methods
(i) procedures for stopping the slip
(j) protection
(k) concrete repair

5.1.2 Falsework support

Submit all design for falsework supports to Engineer for acceptance prior to
commencing the works. Submit to the authorities such as Ministry of
Manpower for records where required.

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Codes & Standards ................................................................................................................1
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2

2.0 MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................................4

2.1 Reinforcement ........................................................................................................................4
2.2 Welded Fabric Reinforcement ................................................................................................4
2.3 Couplers .................................................................................................................................4
2.4 Spacers ...................................................................................................................................5

3.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ...............................................................................................5

3.1 Storage ...................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Cutting, Bending and Fixing ...................................................................................................5
3.3 Tying and Welding of Reinforcement .....................................................................................5
3.4 Surface Condition ...................................................................................................................6
3.5 Cages for Precast Units ..........................................................................................................6
3.6 Cover ......................................................................................................................................6
3.7 Ground Bearing Slabs ............................................................................................................6
3.8 Laps ........................................................................................................................................6
3.9 Anchorages .............................................................................................................................7
3.10 Exposed Reinforcement .........................................................................................................7
3.11 Accuracy .................................................................................................................................7

4.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .............................................................................................7

4.1 Submissions ...........................................................................................................................7
4.2 Sample Tests ..........................................................................................................................7

This specification section is the copyright of DP Engineers Pte Ltd. No reproduction either in part or in
whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DP Engineers Pte Ltd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DP Engineers Pte Ltd. The Contractor is to note
that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers general requirements for bars and welded fabric reinforcements
used in reinforced concrete elements.

1.2 Related Sections

No item.

1.3 Codes & Standards

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

03200 REINFORCEMENT.doc Page 1


Malaysian Standards

MS 146: 2006 Specification for hot-rolled steel bars for the

reinforcement of concrete

MS 145: 2006 Specification for welded steel fabric for the

reinforcement of concrete

MS EN 1992-1-1:2004 Design of concrete structures. General rules and

rules for buildings

Other Standards

BS 6744 Stainless steel bars for the reinforcement of and

use in concrete – requirements and test methods

BS 7123 Metal arc welding of steel for concrete


BS 8666 Specification for scheduling, dimensioning,

bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for

BS ISO 14654 Epoxy-coated steel for the reinforcement of


In the event that the standards or codes are revised or superseded, refer to
the latest edition or the appropriate substitution for the relevant subjects.

1.3.2 Technical Reference

Refer to the following technical reference for guidance in carrying out the

(a) CIRIA Report 92 (1981) Reinforcement connector and anchorage

(b) Concrete Society Technical Report No. 51 Guidance on the use of
stainless steel reinforcement
(c) Spacers for reinforcement concrete by Concrete Society Report CS
101 (1989)

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Detail Reinforcement Drawings

Produce detail reinforcement drawings based on reinforcement schedules

shown in the structural drawings.

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to prepare the detail

reinforcement drawings for submission to the Engineer for acceptance prior
to construction.

03200 REINFORCEMENT.doc Page 2


Submit coordination drawings for the concrete structure, based on

Architectural and Structural Engineers' drawings comprising:-

• Site plan and sections incorporating all external works, roads,

culverts, drains, slopes, etc. showing all existing and proposed levels.
Drawings showing all existing information within and around the site
shall be submitted at the commencement and updated subsequently
to incorporate proposed works.

All floors layout plans with sections showing all structural members with sizes
and incorporating structural and finished levels, including all openings, voids
required architecturally or to accommodate M&E services. These drawings
shall be submitted and approved prior to fabrication and fixing of any
formwork and reinforcement.

Similarly, drawings for minor sewer incorporating all existing and proposed
lines, manholes, connections, etc shall be submitted as and when required by
the Engineer.

1.4.2 Workshop Drawings and Bar Schedules

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to prepare workshop drawings

and bar schedules prior to construction.

1.4.3 Offsite Prefabricated Reinforcement

Unless otherwise stated, the reinforcement shall be offsite fabrication cage

or welded fabricated mesh for all structural elements for buildability

(a) Walls
(b) Columns
(c) Beams and Slabs

1.4.4 Quality Control Plan

Submit testing plan and frequency for the tests (by approved laboratory) on
every batch of reinforcement delivered to site. Sampling of test samples by
the Engineer on site.

Testing requirements and frequency to be in accordance SS 560 for

reinforcement bars and SS 561 for welded steel fabric.

(a) Tensile test

(b) Bend and Re-bend test
(c) Weldability test

Allow for all costs involved in making the tests and for bars mutilated in
obtaining test pieces.

All reinforcement shall be of the diameter, length and material shown on the
Drawings. Prepare all bar bending schedules.

03200 REINFORCEMENT.doc Page 3



2.1 Reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be free from pitting, loose rust, mill scale, paint, oil, grease,
adhering earth or any other material that may impair the bond between concrete and
the reinforcement or cause the disintegration of the concrete. No adhering limewash or
cement grout shall be permitted.

Each consignment of reinforcement may be tested for compliance with the relevant MS
standards, and certificates of origin shall be produced. Selection of test pieces shall be
made by the Engineer.

2.1.1 Reinforcing bars

Use the following types, to MS 146: 2006.

(a) Deformed bar reinforcement: Grade 460, as specified in the drawings.

Denoted with the letter T.

2.1.2 Galvanized Reinforcement

Comply with MS EN ISO 1461:2009 after cutting and bending. Thickness of

galvanised coating to be in accordance with MS EN ISO 1461:2009.

2.1.3 Stainless Steel Bar Reinforcement

To BS 6744:2001+A2:2009, type 304 S31 and 316 S33, strength grade 250
for plain round bars and grade 460 for deformed high yield steel bars.

2.1.4 Epoxy Coated Bar Reinforcement

To BS ISO 14654: 1999, bond classification type 1 or 2 as indicated in the

drawings. Handle and fix so as to avoid damage to the coating, and avoid
exposing the underlying steel.

2.2 Welded Fabric Reinforcement

To comply with MS 145: 2006

2.3 Couplers

The ends of the bars to be joined by mechanical splices, shall be machined dead
square and flat, installed with the bearing surfaces in contact in full compliance with
manufacturer's specification.

The fit shall be "no-go" for any feeler gauge when using end bearing splices.

All splices shall be installed so that inspection is possible. Before concreting any
member where mechanical splices are used, obtain the Engineer's approval of the
splices installation. Make good of all unsatisfactory installations to the Engineer's

Performance requirements of couplers shall be in compliance with CIRIA Report 92.

Carry out installation in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation,
subject to acceptance by the Engineer.

03200 REINFORCEMENT.doc Page 4


2.4 Spacers

Detail, supply and fix all spacers, in accordance with MS EN 1992-1-1, Clause 7.3.
Seek Engineer’s acceptance for spacers where the concrete will be exposed

Mortar spacers to have durability and strength characteristics not less than the
surrounding concrete.


3.1 Storage

Store reinforcement specified on site stock schedules in easily accessible, weather

protected racks, clear of the ground, and protect from mud, oil and other substances
that may adversely affect its use in the works.

Deliver and store steel fabric in flat.

3.2 Cutting, Bending and Fixing

Provide power plant necessary for the cutting and bending of reinforcement on Site in
accordance with bending schedules prepared.

Bars shall be bent cold and by machine in accordance with BS 8666:2005

Bars incorrectly bent shall be used only if the means used for straightening and
rebending will not damage the material. In accordance with MS EN 1992-1-1

3.3 Tying and Welding of Reinforcement

Reinforcement projecting from work being concreted or already concreted shall not be
bent out of its correct position for any reason unless approved and shall be protected
from deformation or other damage.

Adequate precautions shall be taken at all times to ensure that reinforcement in slabs
and beams is protected from displacement by constructional traffic by the use of, for
example, properly constructed and supported barrow runs and walking boards.

Distribution reinforcement shall be scheduled, where possible, in standard stock

lengths. Fix it in accordance with the general instructions contained on the Engineer's
drawings by either cutting suitable lengths on site or pre-ordering cut lengths from his

No concreting shall be commenced until the Engineer has inspected the reinforcement
in position and until his approval has been obtained.

3.3.1 Tying Reinforcement

Tie reinforcement with black annealed mild-steel 16-gauge tying wire.

Tie stainless steel reinforcement using 16 SWG annealed stainless steel


3.3.2 Tying Wire

Care shall be taken that the binding wire is kept well clear of the face of the

03200 REINFORCEMENT.doc Page 5


concrete to prevent damage due to corrosion of the wire. Stainless tying wire
shall be used for exposed concrete surfaces where the wire is within the
cover zone.

Bend all ends away from the concrete face and remove all loose ends
before placing concrete.

3.3.3 Welding of Reinforcement

Permitted only with the prior written approval of the Engineer. Where
permitted, carry out in accordance with MS EN 1992-1-1 and BS EN ISO
17660-1:2006 and BS EN ISO 17660-2:2006 .

3.3.4 Welding Procedures

All work is to be carried out by properly qualified welders using approved


3.3.5 Welding of Galvanised Reinforcement

Not permitted.

3.4 Surface Condition

At the time of placing concrete, ensure the reinforcement are clean, free of corrosive
pitting, loose rust and mill scale and other substances that may adversely affect the
bond with concrete. Light surface rust is acceptable.

3.5 Cages for Precast Units

Make up cages and fix securely in accordance with the reinforcement drawings to
provide adequate rigidity and to ensure that the specified cover and fit within the
moulds are achieved.

Reinforcement not exceeding 12mm in diameter which projects from the face of the
units may be bent to facilitate the casting or demoulding of the unit subject to approval
for each case.

3.6 Cover

Maintain concrete cover to reinforcement as shown on reinforcement drawings.

Ensure that the actual cover to all reinforcement is not less than the nominal cover
minus 5 mm.

Before concreting, check thoroughly that the specified cover dimensions have been

3.7 Ground Bearing Slabs

Where these are reinforced with a single layer of fabric in the upper part of the slab,
the fabric may be placed in position on top of the first compacted layer of concrete,
followed by the top layer of concrete, placed within 30 minutes of the first layer.

3.8 Laps

Lap reinforcement as shown on the drawings unless otherwise agreed with the

03200 REINFORCEMENT.doc Page 6


Bars in lapped splices shall be in close contact and should be wired together. Bending
of bars hot or splicing of bars by welding is not permitted, unless shown on the
Drawings or approved by the Engineer.

Where laps required are not shown in the drawings, propose suitable location for
Engineer’s acceptance. Comply with the requirements of MS EN 1992-1-1

3.9 Anchorages

Protect all steel parts from corrosion and keep all threaded parts protected until used.
Keep all devices free from any coating or contamination.

Anchorages, including buried dead anchorages, shall be fixed with due regard to
cover requirements for corrosion resistance and fire protection.

3.10 Exposed Reinforcement

In the event that reinforcement are expected to be exposed for a prolonged period
over three months or such that loose rust and scale may form, apply a corrosion
protection coating to Engineer’s acceptance. Ensure the coating is compatible with
the concrete and will not reduce the bond of the reinforcement.

3.11 Accuracy

3.11.1 Cover to Reinforcement

Unless otherwise specified, ensure tolerances to be in accordance MS EN



4.1 Submissions

4.1.1 Mill Certification / Factory Production Control Certification

Prior to putting the reinforcement on site, provide Mill Certificate to confirm

that each batch of steel and mesh supplied to the site complies with MS
146:2006 and MS145: 2006 as appropriate. Include also information such
as country of origin and the name of supplier for review.

4.1.2 Details of Welding Works

Submit full details of welder’s qualifications, welding procedures and joint

details for acceptance prior to carrying out the works if required for the

4.2 Sample Tests

Carry out the following tests in an approved laboratory on every batch and size of
reinforcement delivered to site. Testing requirements and frequency to be in
accordance with MS 146:2006 for reinforcement bars and MS 145: 2006 for welded
steel fabric.

(a) Tensile test

(b) Bend and Re-bend test
(c) Weldability test
--- End of Section ---

03200 REINFORCEMENT.doc Page 7




1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards ...............................................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................3

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................3

2.1 Concrete Generally .................................................................................................................3
2.2 Concrete Mix and Concreting Process ...................................................................................4
2.3 Control on Shrinkage and Temperature Effects .....................................................................4
2.4 Construction Loads .................................................................................................................4

3.0 MATERIAL .......................................................................................................................................4

3.1 General ...................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Cement ...................................................................................................................................5
3.3 Fine Aggregates .....................................................................................................................6
3.4 Coarse Aggregates .................................................................................................................6
3.5 Water ......................................................................................................................................7
3.6 Admixtures ..............................................................................................................................7
3.7 Concrete Mix Constituents .....................................................................................................7
3.8 Ready-Mix Concrete Plant ......................................................................................................9
3.9 Surface Hardener ...................................................................................................................9
3.10 Waterproof Concrete ..............................................................................................................9

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ...............................................................................................9

4.1 Transportation of Concrete .....................................................................................................9
4.2 Inserts .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.3 Placing and Compaction ...................................................................................................... 11
4.4 Kickers ................................................................................................................................. 14
4.5 Construction Joints .............................................................................................................. 14
4.6 Concreting in Hot Weather .................................................................................................. 16
4.7 Pours with Temperature Control .......................................................................................... 16
4.8 Protection from Rain ............................................................................................................ 17
4.9 Surface Finishes .................................................................................................................. 17
4.10 Curing and Protection .......................................................................................................... 19
4.11 Accuracy of Construction ..................................................................................................... 20
4.12 Structural Movement Joints ................................................................................................. 29
4.13 Water Stops ......................................................................................................................... 30
4.14 Walling and Partitions .......................................................................................................... 30
4.15 Pile caps Construction ......................................................................................................... 30

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 31

5.1 Submission .......................................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Compliance Testing ............................................................................................................. 32
5.3 Inspection ............................................................................................................................ 35
5.4 Temperature Control ........................................................................................................... 35
5.5 Non-Destructive Testing ...................................................................................................... 35

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Pte Ltd. No reproduction either in part or in
whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Pte Ltd.

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Pte Ltd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers general requirements for the use of structural quality concrete in
plain, reinforced or prestressed structures. Relevant requirements may also be
adopted for non-structural concrete, for example in external works. For particular
requirements of specialists works such as prestressing and pre-cast, refer to the other
respective sections.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:




1.3 Standards

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysian Standards

MS EN 1992-1-1:2010 Design of concrete structures. General rules

and rules for buildings

MS EN 197: 2010 Cement - Composition, specifications and

conformity criteria for common cements

MS EN 12620 : 2010 Specification for aggregates for concrete

MS EN 12350 Testing fresh concrete Slump-test

MS 523 Concrete - Specification, performance,

production and conformity

MS 934 Admixtures for concrete mortar and grout

MS 26: 1991 Testing of hardened concrete

MS 30 Grading and testing of aggregates

Other Standards

BS EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete, specification for

sampling, testing and assessing the suitability
of water

BS 4027 Sulfate-resisting Portland cement

BS 5606 Guide to Accuracy in Building

BS 5262 Code of practice for external rendered finishes

In the event that the standards or codes are revised or superseded, refer to
the latest edition or the appropriate substitution for the relevant subjects.

1.3.2 Technical Reference

Refer to the following technical for guidance where appropriate when

carrying out the works:

(a) Kickerless Construction (British Cement Association guide, 47.023,




1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Mix Design

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to prepare and submit

concrete mix design to Engineer’s acceptance.

1.4.2 Quality Control Plan

Constituent materials shall be obtained from suppliers operating quality

systems in accordance with either ISO 9000 series or an in-house system
approved by the Engineer.

Concrete Generally - The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the

control of the quality of concrete manufactured and placed in the Works.
Where concrete is required to resist water pressure, the Contractor shall
ensure that the concrete remains completely watertight and shall guarantee
the water-tightness of all such structures. The Contractor shall, at his own
expense, carry out any remedial measures to the satisfaction of the
Engineer which may be necessary to make such structures watertight
whether leakage is through the concrete or through the joints.

1.4.3 Construction Joints

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to prepare and submit suitable

construction joints and details for acceptance by the Engineer.

1.4.4 Coordination drawings

Submit coordination drawings for acceptance prior to fabrication and

construction for the concrete structure, external works, minor sewer and
services, based on Architectural and Engineers' drawings comprising :-

▪ Site plan and sections incorporating all external works, roads, culverts,
drains, slopes, etc. showing all existing and proposed levels. Drawings
showing all existing information within and around the site shall be
submitted at the commencement and updated subsequently to
incorporate proposed works.
▪ All floors layout plans with sections showing all structural members with
sizes and incorporating structural and finished levels, including all
openings, voids required architecturally or to accommodate M&E services.
Submit for acceptance prior to fabrication and fixing of any formwork and
▪ Similarly, drawings for minor sewer incorporating all existing and
proposed lines, manholes, connections, etc shall be submitted as and
when required by the Engineer.


2.1 Concrete Generally

The Contractor shall be responsible for the control of the quality of concrete
manufactured and placed in the Works. Where concrete is required to resist water
pressure, the Contractor shall ensure that the concrete remains completely watertight
and shall guarantee the water-tightness of all such structures. The Contractor shall, at



his own expense, carry out any remedial measures to the satisfaction of the Engineer
which may be necessary to make such structures watertight whether leakage is through
the concrete or through the joints.

The fact that the Contractor has used materials etc. to the approval of the Engineer
shall in no way relieve him of his responsibilities of producing a concrete of the required
characteristic strength, workability, shrinkage characteristics, etc for the purpose to
which it is placed. Any defects due to materials and workmanship not in accordance
with this Specification shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer by the
Contractor at his own expense. All such remedial work shall be executed without undue

2.2 Concrete Mix and Concreting Process

Ensure the concrete mix delivered and the concreting process will achieve the
specified strength and consistently for all concrete members as indicated in the
drawings, taking into consideration of site conditions and reinforcement details.

Take note that unless otherwise specified, concrete mix for structural elements to
achieve minimum grade as specified in the drawings.

2.3 Control on Shrinkage and Temperature Effects

Control the construction such that any crack due to shrinkage and temperature effects
does not exceed 0.1mm wide.

Propose and obtain the Engineer's approval for sections of structure to be temporarily
omitted to allow the major part of the shrinkage of the structure to take place. Where a
building dimension is larger than 60m and no expansion joints are shown on the
drawing, at least one shrinkage bay must be provided.

The width of pourstrip shall take into account of the reinforcement lapping length.

Such shrinkage bays are to be left open for 56 days or such other times as the
Engineer shall direct.

For retaining walls, shrinkage joints incorporating water bars of the form approved by
the Engineer shall be provided at not more than 8m centres. Construction joints shall
coincide with shrinkage joints.

2.4 Construction Loads

Ensure during construction that the structure is not subjected to loads that will cause
short-term or long-term distress to the concrete.


3.1 General

Materials used in the Works shall be of the qualities and kinds specified herein and
equal to approved samples.

Delivery sufficiently in advance to enable samples to be taken and tested if required.

Use only approved materials unless otherwise agreed. Remove materials not approve
immediately from the Works at the Contractor's expense.



Transport, handle and store materials on Site or elsewhere in such a manner as to

prevent damage, deterioration or contamination, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Obtain materials used as aggregate from sources known to produce aggregate

satisfactory for concrete work. Unless otherwise specified, use maximum size of 20
mm for the coarse aggregate for the concrete at all locations.

Do not use aggregate with clay plus silt content in excess of the limits specified in MS
EN 12620: 2008 as a fine aggregate without the prior approval of the Engineer who
may instruct that such aggregate be rewashed at the Contractor's expense.

Materials shall comply with the appropriate Standards, with preference for materials of
local manufacture. Where the requirements of the relevant Standards are in conflict with
this Specification, then this Specification shall take precedence.

Submit the appropriate certificate of compliance with the Standards to Engineer’s

acceptance. Carry out tests as and when directed by the Engineer in accordance with
the relevant Standards.

3.2 Cement

3.2.1 Portland Cement

Comply with the requirements of MS EN 197.

3.2.2 Rapid Hardening Portland Cement

Comply with the requirements of MS EN 197, ASTM C150.

3.2.3 Sulfate-resisting Portland Cement

Comply with the requirements of BS 4027.

3.2.4 Pulverized Fuel Ash (Pfa)

Comply with the requirements of MS EN 197-1, Clause 5.2.4 (Fly ashes).

3.2.5 Portland Blast Furnace Cement

Comply with the requirements of BS 146 and ASTM C205.

3.2.6 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)

Comply with the requirements of MS EN 197-1, Clause 5.2.2 (Granulated

blast furnace slag).

3.2.7 High Alumina Cement

Do not use.

3.2.8 Silica fume

Do not use without approval. To MS EN 197-1, Clause 5.2.7 (Silica fume) if


3.2.9 Delivery and Storage

Seal all cement delivered to Site and branded bags of the manufacturer or in



properly designed bulk containers.

Store all cement in a weatherproof dry shed with raised boarded floor, or in
properly designed bulk storage tanks.

Keep cement of different manufacture and of different types separately and

shall not be used in the same mix.

Do not use cement that becomes lumpy or otherwise deteriorated in transit or

storage for concreting. Remove all cement unfit from Site immediately.

Use consignment of cement in the order of delivery.

Submit a certificate showing the date and place of manufacture of the cement.
Submit testing for engineer’s acceptance. Reject any cement failing to comply
with the requirements of the relevant standards.

3.3 Fine Aggregates

Fine aggregate shall be natural sand or crushed stone sand complying with the
requirements of MS EN 12620, BS 882 and not to be alkali reactive. All-in-aggregate
shall not be used.

3.3.1 Testing

In accordance with MS EN 12620.

3.3.2 Grading

Based on sieve analysis as described MS EN 12620, and to be within the

limits of one of the grading zones described in the standards subject to a
tolerance of 5%.

3.3.3 Delivery and Storage

Aggregates delivered to Site shall be stored on clean hard surfaces or in

bunkers in such a manner that intermingling of materials of different sizes in
separate stockpiles and contamination of materials shall not occur.

The Engineer shall reserve the right to draw samples of aggregates from any
stockpile at any time and have them tested at an approved laboratory in
accordance with MS EN 12620. Aggregate whose grading is found to fall
outside the approved zone for any criteria specified in MS EN 12620 shall be
liable for rejection.

3.4 Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregate shall be crushed or uncrushed gravel, crushed or uncrushed stone

complying with MS EN 12620 and not to be alkali reactive. All-in-aggregate shall not
be used.

3.4.1 Size

Not to exceed 40mm for lean and mass concrete.

Not to exceed 20mm for reinforced concrete.
To be graded down to a size retained on a 5mm mesh.



3.4.2 Grading

To be in accordance with MS EN 12620. Aggregates not complying with MS

EN 12620 not to be used.

3.4.3 Delivery and Storage

Refer to clause 3.3.3.

3.5 Water

All water used for mixing concrete, mortar and grout, for cleaning out formwork and
for curing to be clean and free from harmful matter in solution or suspension.

The water quality shall conform to BS EN 1008.

3.6 Admixtures

To comply with the requirements MS EN 206, BS 1014, BS 3892 and BS 5075: Part 1.
Acceptance of admixtures will only be made upon provision of satisfactory information
relating to name, type, effects of over-dosage and under-dosage, chemical name and
its main constituents of the admixture, design dosage and justification for use.
Requests for permission to use other types of admixtures not covered by these
Standards may only be considered when accompanied by full supporting information.

3.6.1 Air Entrainment

Admixtures to be based on Vinsol resin and comply with MS EN 934

3.6.2 Chloride Content

Any admixtures used not to be substantially Calcium Chloride based.

3.6.3 Waterproofing Admixture


STRUCTURES, clause 3.0 for general requirements of waterproofing

3.7 Concrete Mix Constituents

3.7.1 Concrete Mixes

The concrete mixes specified shall follow the MS recommendations for

specifying concrete for strength.

The Contractor shall submit the proposed mix design for approval.
Notwithstanding the Engineer's acceptance, the Contractor shall be
responsible for required properties of the mix, including strength.

The mix design shall ensure that no excessive bleeding occurs. The mix
must have the abilities to achieve the specified surface finish.

Whenever possible, ready mixed concrete shall be used. Site mix may be
used if ready mixed concrete is not available or in case of small quantities,
but only with the prior approval in writing from the Engineer. Mixing on site
by hand is not allowed unless approved by the Engineer.



3.7.2 Design Mixes

Mix design to comply with requirements as set out in the drawings. Unless
otherwise stated, concrete mix means designed mix. The concrete is
specified by its characteristic strength (= concrete grade) as defined in MS
EN 1992-1-1 Clause but compliance to MS 523, particularly to
minimum and maximum cement content and to maximum water/cement
ratio is also required. The concrete mixes to be used in the Works in any
particular location are as specified on the Drawings. Design concrete mixes,
unless otherwise specified for protection against aggressive soil, shall
comply with the specifications below.

Table 3.7.2: Specifications for Concrete Mixes









Strength Class

Characteristic Strength at 28
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 16 12
days, fck (N/mm2)

Characteristic Strength at 28
60 55 50 45 37 30 25 20 15
days, fck,cube (N/mm2 )

Minimum cement content in

kg/m3 of fully compacted 485 475 425 375 350 350 300 270 205

Maximum cement content in

kg/m3 of fully compacted 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550

Maximum water/cement
0.4 0.4 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.7

The limitations of the materials or proportions or both in the above table

shall be modified by the Engineer, at any time during the progress of the
Works, as deem necessary to meet the requirements of the structure.

3.7.3 Chloride Content

Limit the chloride content of the proposed concrete, including chloride

contained in the admixtures, to that specified in MS EN 206 – 1: 2016

Provide written evidence of conformance.

3.7.4 Calcium Chloride

Not to be included in any concrete.

3.7.5 Alkali-Silica Reaction

Take precautions, in accordance with MS EN 206 – 1: 2016, to prevent

alkali-silica reaction. Test aggregates to determine any varieties of
susceptible silicas and for other local requirements.

3.7.6 Sulphates



Take precautions to restrict the amount of sulphate in the proposed

concrete, in accordance with MS EN 206 - 1.

3.7.7 Additions or Changes

Additions or changes to the fresh concrete not to be made after batching

without the prior agreement of the Engineer.

3.8 Ready-Mix Concrete Plant

Obtain from an approved source. Ensure that the concrete supplied complies with the
requirements of this specification and the recommendations MS EN 206 - 1: 2016.

Forward details of the ready-mix concrete plant proposed for use to the Engineer for
acceptance. Provide contingency plans prior to commencement of work in the event
of supplies being interrupted during a pour due to a plant breakdown. Where feasible,
details of a suitable back-up plant/supplier should be submitted to the Engineer for

Arrange inspection to the supplier's facilities and to require samples of cement, fine and
coarse aggregates and provide admixtures for testing. The cost of such tests shall be
borne by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall take full responsibilities, notwithstanding the Engineer's approval,
to ensure that all ready-mixed concrete conforms to MS EN 206 and this Specification.
Concrete which does not comply shall be rejected and shall be immediately removed
from Site.

3.9 Surface Hardener

To consist of aggregate particles which have a hardness of not less than 7, as

measured by Moh’s scale.

3.10 Waterproof Concrete

Waterproof concrete shall consist of structural concrete as specified herein and with the
addition of an approved waterproofing additive. This shall be mixed in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions and as detailed in the Bill of Quantities.


4.1 Transportation of Concrete

Supply and transport all Ready-Mix Concrete to the point of discharge from the
mixer/agitator in accordance with MS EN 206 - 1

4.1.1 Delivery Tickets

Information to be in accordance with MS EN 206 – 1: 2016 and to be

completed and available prior to discharge of concrete into the structure.
The Contractor shall furnish, at least one day in advance, the date set for
each casting of concrete.

For each truck load of concrete delivered, the following information shall
appear on the delivery docket:

▪ name of ready-mixed concrete batching plant



▪ serial number of docket

▪ date and the license number of the truck
▪ name of the purchaser
▪ name and location of job
▪ specified characteristic concrete strength and the amount of cement used
(kg/m3) or the mix proportions
▪ quantity of concrete
▪ time of loading or of first mixing of cement and aggregate, whichever is
▪ agreed slump
▪ maximum size of coarse aggregates specified
▪ trade name of admixture, if any
▪ the signature of the Engineer's representative (Resident Engineer or
Clerk-of-Works) who shall also enter the time of arrival of the truck and the
time of completion of discharge
▪ position where concrete is placed
▪ number of cubes taken, if any, and cube references
▪ any other requirements as may be instructed

One copy of the docket shall be given to the Engineer's representative on


The Engineer reserves the right to instruct the Contractor to change the
supplier due to unsatisfactory performance or to rescind his approval for
further use of ready-mixed concrete during the progress of the Works, if any
of the requirements has, in his opinion, not been satisfactorily complied with.

No water shall be added to the concrete on the Site to increase its


While it is not being discharged, the concrete in a transit truck/truck

mixer/agitator shall be kept continuously agitated.

4.1.2 Site Mixing

Cement shall be batched in whole bags. When stored on Site, it shall be

measured by weight. The fine and coarse aggregates shall be measured
separately by weight, allowing for moisture in the aggregates. When adding
water, allowance has to be made to the water content of the aggregates.

The accuracy of the weighing equipment shall be ± 3% of the quantity mixed.

The measuring equipment shall be calibrated before commencement of the
Works and subsequently as the Engineer may direct.

Volume batching of aggregates shall be restricted to minor works subject to

the approval of the Engineer.

Mixing shall continue until the concrete shows uniform consistency and
colour. The mixer shall be operated to the manufacturer's recommendations.

The drum of the mixer shall always be entirely discharged before materials for
the next batch are fed into it. Mixers which have been out of use for more
than 30 minutes should be thoroughly cleaned before the next batch.

No hand-mixing is allowed except in exceptional circumstances. In such a

case, the Contractor shall increase the cement content by 10% at his own



4.1.3 Workability

The required workability shall be determined by the Contractor but subject to

agreement of the Engineer and in no case shall this exceed the specified
water/cement ratio.

Workability shall be determined on Site at the discharge point of the ready

mixed concrete truck or the mixer on Site by a slump test in accordance with
BS 1881. The concrete may be rejected at the discretion of the Engineer if
the deviation of the slump from the agreed value is more than ± 25 mm.

Water must not be added after the completion of the mixing.

4.1.4 Distribution of Concrete

The distribution to the position of placing concrete must not cause


4.1.5 Pumping

Pumping shall commence first with blowing of water through the pipeline,
followed by cement mortar and these should be discharged away from the
area to be concreted.

When a stoppage cannot be avoided, the concrete in the hopper must be

maintained at a level to prevent entry of air into the pipeline.

Pumping should be stopped if

▪ the level in the hopper is too low

▪ extra length of pipe is to be added
▪ unsuitable concrete has been poured in the hopper

Standby equipment shall be provided to maintain the continuous concrete

supply in the event of a breakdown.

4.2 Inserts

Ensure that any cast-in inserts are securely fixed prior to placing concrete.

4.3 Placing and Compaction

No concrete shall be placed without approval of the Engineer.

Place and compact the concrete in accordance with MS EN 1992-1-1: 2010

Place and fully compact the concrete to avoid cold joints and honeycombing, and to
minimize segregation, excessive blemishes or other defects in the hardened concrete.

Concrete shall be deposited continuously or in layers of such thickness that no

concrete will be deposited on concrete which has set sufficiently to cause the
formation of seams and planes of weakness within the section. No re-vibration of
concrete which has already set shall be permitted.

The formwork shall be thoroughly wetted prior to placing concrete. Construction joints
shall be wetted and/or if specified, treated with a bonding agent to its manufacturer's



No more than 30 minutes shall pass between adding the cement to the mix and the
completion of the placing. This interval may be increased to maximum 2 hours if the
concrete is transported by agitating trucks and/or retarders are used. The concrete
supplier must guarantee the mix for use and higher strength concrete may require
reduced times. The interval in all cases between the discharge from the agitators and
the placing of concrete shall not exceed 20 minutes.

No vibration from piling or any other equipment shall be accepted during placing and 24
hours after placing the concrete.

In depositing concrete, care shall be taken to prevent displacing reinforcement and

water bars. The free fall of concrete shall not exceed 2000 mm. A record shall be kept
by the Contractor of the time and date of placing of concrete in each part of the Work.
Where concrete is laid on hollow tiles or other absorbent material, this shall be wetted
before the concrete is deposited.

Before proceeding to place the concrete, the shuttering shall be realigned, if necessary,
and water and rubbish therein shall be removed by approved means. Immediately prior
to placing the concrete the shuttering shall be well wetted and inspection openings shall
be closed.

4.3.1 Placing Concrete under Water

Concrete may be placed under water only with the prior written permission of
the Engineer and using a tremie pipe.

4.3.2 Compacting of Concrete

Structural concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of approved

mechanical vibrators and carefully worked around the reinforcement,
embedded fixtures and into corners of the formwork.

Accumulation of water on the surface of the concrete due to water gain,

segregation or other causes, during the placing and compacting by vibrators
shall be removed and adjustments to be made in the mix if necessary.

Vibrators shall be of sturdy construction, adequately powered and capable

of transmitting to the concrete not less than 10,000 cycles for internal type
and 3,000 cycles for external type per minute. The vibration shall be
sufficiently intense to cause the concrete to flow or settle into place and to
visibly affect the concrete over a radius of at least 450mm if used with
concrete having a 75mm slump. A sufficient number of vibrators shall be
employed so that at the required rate of placement, vibrating throughout the
entire volume of each layer of concrete and complete compaction is
secured. At least one extra vibrator shall be in hand for emergency use.

Vibration, with any type of vibrator, shall not be continued in any one spot to
the extent that pools of grout are formed. Care shall be given to avoid any
disturbance of concrete which has become too stiff to regain plasticity when
vibrated. Vibration shall not be applied directly to reinforcement.

Vibration shall be continued until concrete reaches a state of compaction,

when air bubbles cease to break the surface and all loose stones are
absorbed into the mass and the surface is free from pockets and is moist
and glistening. Internal vibrators shall not be permitted to touch the shutters.
They shall not be used to push the concrete along the forms and an ample
supply of concrete shall always be available in front of the needle. External
vibrators shall be securely clamped to the shutter frames or stiffeners (as in



columns) or against the shutter face with chain or vice.

The types of vibrators to be used under various conditions are as follows:

▪ Internal vibrators shall be used in all sections which are sufficiently large
to permit their use.
▪ Form vibrators shall only be used when sections which are too small for
the internal type and subject to the Engineer's approval.

Internal vibrators shall be placed in the concrete with a slow and uniform
motion and shall be kept there until the escape of air bubbles from the
concrete ceases. They shall then be withdrawn with a slow and uniform
motion in order that a pocket shall not be left in the concrete at the point
from which the vibrator is withdrawn. The vibrator shall be applied in like
manner at points uniformly spaced and not further apart than the radius over
which the vibrator is visibly effective. They shall be applied close enough to
the formwork to effectively vibrate the surface concrete.

With internal and form vibrators, the vibration shall be such that the concrete
becomes uniformly plastic.

4.3.3 Waterproofing Concrete

Contractor's attention is drawn to the special care required for casting ponds,
swimming pools, water features and all underground structures including
basement floor, retaining walls, sumps, pits, etc. These are designed to MS
EN 1992-3. The Contractor shall ensure that workmanship and curing is up to
the required standard. The crack width in such structures shall not exceed
0.2mm. The Contractor shall take full responsibility for ensuring that the
resulting construction is completely watertight and free from penetration of

Before commencement of Work, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's

approval of the methods to be used to support and maintain the water-bars
in the correct location while the concrete is placed and also the layout and
form of all additional construction joints other than those shown on the
Drawings. Unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings, all construction
joints in waterproof concrete shall be formed incorporating water-bars to
Engineer's approval.

When, in the opinion of the Engineer, damp patches and/or leakage of water
in the finished Work are due to failure of the Contractor to comply with the
Specifications, the affected Work shall be made good at the Contractor's

Water bars shall be provided in all construction joints and the type of water-
bar shall be as specified or to the approval of the Engineer. All water bars
shall be joined by welding strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and all multiple joints and special intersections shall be
manufactured by the supplier. All water bars shall have a minimum width of
300 mm and shall be centrally placed in the middle of the structural
members across the construction joint.

All service holes cast in shall incorporate sleeves with puddle flanges and
temporary openings for services should incorporate water-bars.

Care shall be taken at all times to ensure that water-bars are not perforated
or damaged in any way and the concrete shall be carefully placed and



compacted around the water-bars to ensure void free impervious concrete.

All kickers or starter plinths to walls (if used) on the periphery of the
watertight construction shall be cast monolithically with the base.

The formwork shall comply with this Specification and in addition any bolt or
fastening embedded in or passing through the concrete shall be to the
approval of the Engineer and not impair the water tightness of the structure.
The use of through bolts and sleeves is strictly prohibited.

Special attention shall be given to the elimination of shrinkage or thermal

cracking. The size of any bay or slab or wall and sequence of pouring shall
be such as to minimise cracking (refer to Control on shrinkage and
temperature effects, and construction joints).

Slotted inserts or sockets cast into the structural concrete shall be provided
for all fixings, including services. The cutting of holes in watertight concrete
is strictly prohibited.

The Contractor is completely responsible for making all basements

absolutely watertight. If any leakage or moist patches occur, the cost of any
repair etc. to make the basements fully watertight will be borne by him. The
Contractor is to give a 10-year warrantee for water tightness, from the date
of certification for completion of the Works. The form of warrantee is to be to
the satisfaction of the Client. Should any leakage or dampness occur during
the guarantee period of ten years, the Contractor shall, at no cost to the
Client, immediately re-waterproof the defective area or areas and make
good all damages to surface finishes such as plaster, painting, panelling,
tiling, etc, electrical or other installations or other property, caused by leaks
or dampness or reimburse the Client for making good such damages.

Water tightness of swimming pools shall be inspected and tested in

accordance with MS EN 1992-3.

4.3.4 Blinding

At least 50 mm blinding layer of lean concrete shall be provided under all

reinforced concrete works in contact with the ground unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer. Where ground conditions are soft, the lean
concrete shall be increased to 100 mm at the discretion of the Engineer.

4.4 Kickers

Kickers are to be monolithic with the slab of sound construction and not less than 100
mm high.

Where Kickerless Construction is specified on the drawings, form horizontal

construction joints for walls and columns without kickers taking guidance from the
British Cement Association Guide: Kickerless Construction, Ref. 47.023, 1988.
Ensure robustness of the chosen method of construction and cast a sample wall and
column panel for the Engineer’s approval.

4.5 Construction Joints

4.5.1 General

Construction joints shall be either truly vertical or truly horizontal over the full



section of the concrete and shall, on no account, be formed along the natural
line of slope of the wet concrete. Neither horizontal joints in the beams nor
vertical joints in columns shall be permitted without the written approval of the

▪ Position and form joints such as to suit the structure and to avoid
distress to the structure.
▪ Construction joints shall occur within the end thirds of spanning members
unless for design reasons other positions are specifically indicated on the
Engineer's Drawings.
▪ Construction joints in slabs supported by retaining walls shall coincide with
shrinkage joints in the walls.
▪ Ground beams shall be cast monolithic with the ground slab and no
construction joints shall be permitted in these members either horizontally
at the underside of the slab or vertically on the side of the beam. If slabs
are cast separately, additional shear reinforcement to withstand horizontal
interface shear shall be calculated and provided by the Contractor at his
own cost.
▪ Pile caps shall be cast monolithically with the basement/ground slab and
no construction joints shall be permitted in these members, either
horizontally at the underside of the slab or vertically through the pile cap.
If the basement/ground slabs are cast separately with the pile caps
resulting in horizontal joints within the pile cap, additional shear
reinforcement (not lesser than T12-300 both ways) to withstand horizontal
interface shear shall be calculated and provided by the Contractor at his
own cost.

Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, the limit pour sizes as given in
the following table:

Construction Max. Area (m²) Max. Dimension (m)

Water-resisting walls 25 5
Water-resisting slabs 100 10
Slabs with major
100 13
restraint at both ends
Slabs with major 250 20
restraint at one end only
Slabs with little restraint
500 30
in any direction
Walls 40 10

4.5.2 Preparation of Construction Joints

As soon as possible after casting, but in any case after no longer than 24
hours, carefully prepare such joints ,thoroughly roughened by means of water
jetting, scrabbling and wire brushing in order to expose the aggregate to
provide a key. They shall be well cleaned of all foreign matter and laitance
and saturated with water prior to depositing the new concrete

Apply a layer of cement grout on the joint surface prior to pouring fresh
concrete against a construction joint.



4.6 Concreting in Hot Weather

Comply with the recommendations of MS EN 1991-1 and ACI Standard 305-72:

Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting where appropriate.

Ensure no standing water is left in formwork.

The following precautions should be adopted as necessary to comply with the above
limits: -
(a) Shading of aggregate stock piles.
(b) Insulation of water tanks, pipelines and formwork.
(c) Refrigeration of mixing water.
(d) Addition of ice to concrete mix to lower temperature.
(e) Shading of formwork and reinforcement from the sun and drying winds.
(f) Cooling of formwork and reinforcement or other material with water prior to and
ahead of casting of the concrete by mist spraying.
(g) Covering and spraying with water of hardening concrete surfaces.
(h) Concreting during the cooler part of the day.

4.7 Pours with Temperature Control

In pours when temperature control measures are necessary to achieve the

performance requirement of crack control due to temperature and shrinkage in clause
2.3, or when rich mixes are to be placed at high ambient temperatures, or where
Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF) is a risk or when sections are 1500 mm thick or
more, or when directed by the Engineer:

(a) Propose suitable methods and proposals to Engineer’s acceptance to ensure the
temperature of the concrete does not exceed 70°C during hydration.

(b) Control the temperature gradient across the section by the provision of thermal
insulation or reduce placement temperature or altering the mix design or
combinations to prevent a differential temperature that is not greater than
(c) Monitor the temperature of the concrete through the section.

(d) Continue temperature monitoring until the hottest part of the section is less than
27.7°C greater than the minimum daily ambient temperature.
(e) Protect the concrete from abrupt changes in temperature at the end of the curing
period. Ensure good drainage system around concrete, and submit proposal to
the Engineer acceptance.



(f) Inspect and remove any bleeding water and weak concrete at the top surface
prior to setting of concrete, replace the surface concrete and re-compact if

The limits on temperature differential may be adjusted by agreement with the

Engineer, subject to assessment of information concerning the aggregate type and its
effect on the thermal coefficient of expansion of the concrete.

4.8 Protection from Rain

Protect the concrete during transportation and after placing using tarpaulins,
polythene sheeting etc.

If heavy rain commences during concreting, implement appropriate protection

measures before continuing.

4.9 Surface Finishes

Surface finishes shall generally comply with MS EN 13670.

4.9.1 Formed Finishes

An ordinary finish is to be provided unless otherwise specified in the


Whichever method the Contractor uses for obtaining each finish, the same
method shall be used for the remainder of the work.

Remedial treatment to the finish of the concrete, additional to that specified,

requires the approval of the Engineer. Basic Finish

A basic finish is that normally applicable to such items as the sides

of foundations and ground beams where no particular requirement
is need other than to ensure compliance to all other clauses of the
Specification such as concrete compaction and cover to

There are no requirements for finish other than to enable adequate

compaction, to provide adequate cover to reinforcement and to
achieve specified tolerances. Ordinary Finish

Generally, this is for use where visual quality is not important or it is

to receive finishes. This finish shall not be used where surface is
only to be painted. The use of small panel forming systems is
considered suitable for such surfaces.

There are no special formwork requirements for this finish. Concrete

should be thoroughly compacted and the formed surface should be
free from major inherent blemishes and honeycombing. There is no
requirement for consistency of colour for the stuck surface. Surface
defects may be made good subject to agreeing a method with the
Engineer. Steps at joints between forms to be a maximum of 5mm.



Generally. a plain finish is for use where visual quality is of some

importance such as areas occasionally seen or to be directly
painted. The use of sheet material to limit joint in forming material is
considered suitable for producing this finish. In any one visible
elevation the sheets should eb of the same type and have had the
same number of previous uses.

A plain concrete finish requires the careful selection of the concrete,

release agent, and the use of good quality formwork. The concrete
must be thoroughly compacted and all surfaces should be true with
clean arrases. Only very minor inherent surface blemishes should
occur, with no discolouration from the release agent or grout runs
from adjacent pours. The struck surface should be of a consistent
colour from the materials used. The arrangement of formwork
panels and tie-bolts holes should be in a regular pattern. Steps at
joints between forms to be a maximum of 3mm. It is expected that
this finish will not require making good. Special Finish

A special finish requires the careful selection of the concrete,

release agent, the use of good quality formwork and thorough

Sample panels will be required using the forming system and

concrete to be used on this project for producing this particular
finish. The size and complexity of the sample should be agreed to
test the architectural details and confirm that the execution can be
produced repeatedly.

The Contractor shall refer to the architectural specifications for


4.9.2 Unformed Finishes

A basic finish is to be provided unless otherwise specified in the


For driveways, carpark, loading/unloading bay, the floor to finish with

monolithic concrete with wood trowel finishes to Plain Finish, and cast to fall
as per architectural drawings.

Provide floor hardener, either liquid or powder form to protect all monolithic
floors to architect’s acceptance.

Provide Plain Finish to floor receiving waterproofing. The surface should be

levelled with wood trowel.

For precast beams and slabs surface receiving in-situ structural topping, the
surfaces shall be particularly finish to ensure the composite action is
achieved. Basic Finish

A basic finish is that normally applicable for areas to receive a

levelling or wearing screed.



The concrete shall be levelled by skip float, or other similar process

to produce a closed uniform surface. No further work shall be
carried out. Ordinary Finish

Generally, this is for use in areas to receive flooring materials, types

of false floor or other raised finish. This finish may not be suitable for
thin vinyl flooring without grinding or underlayment. If thin vinyl with
minimum additional work is required, a plain finish should be used.

The concrete shall be finished by hand or power floating or panning

or a similar process, to produce a level, uniform surface. The finish
shall be free from ridges. No further work shall be carried out. Plain Finish

Generally, this is for use in areas without any other finish than paint
and surface coatings, and provides a dense smooth surface. This
finish is suitable for directly trafficked surfaces.

The concrete shall be finished by trowelling, or a similar process, to

produce a dense, smooth, level, uniform surface. No further work
shall be carried out. Special Finish

Generally, this is for industrial floors, areas of special trafficking or

areas requiring a specific texture.

The finish is produced by further working or other improvement

stated in the Specification.

The Contractor shall refer to the architectural specifications and

TR34: Concrete Industrial Ground Floors, for guidance.

4.10 Curing and Protection

4.10.1 Curing

Cure the surface of the concrete to avoid premature drying-out. Methods of

curing to be in accordance with MS EN 1991-1 and as agreed with the

Commence curing immediately after compaction: protection from radiation

to be in place within 30 minutes of final tamping.

Curing membranes to be compatible with any finishes to be applied


Cure for not less than 3 days after casting.

4.10.2 Protection

After setting, concrete shall be protected during the first state of hardening



from the structure against damage, the harmful effects of rain, sunshine and
drying winds. The concrete shall be covered with a layer of sacking, canvas,
hessian or similar absorbent material, or a layer of sand and kept consistently
wet for 7 days. After thorough wetting, the concrete may be covered by a
layer of approved waterproof paper kept in contact with the concrete for 7

Propose methods for the repair of any damage occurring and make good
subject to the agreement of the Engineer.

4.11 Accuracy of Construction

The structure shall be built to dimensions and levels shown on the Architect's drawings.
Deviation from true positions and/or levels will be accepted only if they do not effects
the finished dimensions, positions and levels as shown on the Architect's drawings.

Construct all work within the permissible deviations given below. Refer to contract
conditions for items where tighter accuracy is required.

Note that the tolerances given here are not cumulative. Carry out regular checks on
the accuracy of the structure and if a part of the structure is found to be out of
tolerance, propose any remedial work required.

All structural tolerances given above for curtain walls must also be achieved for external
structural faces of building affecting set out of masonry, windows and other

4.11.1 All setting out

Permitted deviations = ± 5mm. Slab thickness

Permitted deviations on slab thickness to be as follows:

Thickness, t (mm) Permitted deviation, D (mm)

Up to and including 600 ±5

Over 600 up to and including 1000 ± 10
Over 1000 ± 15 Formed elements

The linear dimension L of formed elements (including beams,

columns, walls, openings) will be accurate to within the following
(where L is length, height or width of element in the direction

L Permitted deviation, D (mm)

Up to and including 1.5m 5
Over 1.5m up to and including 8m 10



Over 8m up to and including 15m 15

Over 15m up to and including 30m 20
Over 30m 20 + 1mm per metre or part over 30m

4.11.2 Twist of Elements

The distance from any one corner to the plane containing the other three
corners to be accurate within the following:



L Permitted deviation, D (mm)

Up to and including 600mm ±6
Over 600mm up to and including 3m ± 10
Over 3m up to and including 8m ± 15
Over 8m ± 15 + 2mm per metre or part over 8m

4.11.3 Squareness of Elements

L Permitted deviation, D (mm)

Up to and including 600mm ±6
Over 600mm up to and including 2m ± 10
Over 2m up to and including 4m ± 15
Over 4m ± 15 + 1mm per metre or part over 4m

4.11.4 Position on Plan Foundations

Permitted deviation for position on plan of any element of the

foundation relative to the intended position = ± 10 mm.



Permitted deviation for position on plan of any element above the

foundation relative to the intended position = ± 10 mm measured at
floor level. Edge of slab

PD of position on plan of slab edges relative to the intended position

= ± 10mm measured at floor level.

4.11.5 Level of Elements

The following tolerances are for surfaces that will receive further leveling
finishes and are pre-strike. Intended level from datum

Permissible deviation from intended level from datum = ± 10mm. Foundation Surface against ground (underside)

Permissible deviation = +100 mm/-20mm Top surface of bases or piers

Permissible deviation = +10 mm/-10mm Level of intersecting beams

Permissible deviation of beams intended to be at the same level = ±

10 mm. Position of Slab Edge

Permissible deviation = ±5 mm. Level between two points 5 m apart

Permissible deviation = 5mm.




5m Any point under a 3 m straight edge Permissible deviation for any
position on floor = 5mm.




5mm 5mm

4.11.6 Cast-in Fixings

Permissible deviation from intended position = 5mm

4.11.7 Verticality of Elements

Plumb over a height including beams or edges above each other will be
accurate to within the following:





(a) Column and Wall

Height ∆ mm

Plumb up to and including 5m 5

Plumb over 5m up to and including 10m 10

Plumb over 10m up to and including 20m 15

H/1000 <
Plumb over 20m

Cross diagonal distortion in storey height between columns or walls 5

(b) Building Vertical alignment (from Foundation to Roof)

Permissible deviation from intended position = ±20 mm

(c) Inside faces of lift shaft in storey height

Permissible deviation from intended position = ±5 mm

(d) Inside faces of lift shaft in full height

Permissible deviation from intended position = ±15 mm

4.11.8 Bow of Elements Unspecified bow as measured between extremities Permissible

deviation not to exceed the following:

Length, m ∆ mm
Up to and including 1.5 +/-5
Over 1.5 up to and including 3 +/-8
Over 3 up to and including 5 +/-10
Over 5 up to and including 8 +/-15
Over 8 +/-15 + 1mm per metre or part over 8m
(with a maximum of 25mm)



Permissible deviation not to exceed the following:

Specified camber mm mm
Up to and including 20 ±5
Over 20, up to and including 40 ± 10
Over 40 ± 15

4.11.9 Abrupt Changes to Continuous Surfaces where Finish is not Specified

∆ = Permitted up to 3 mm.

4.11.10 Cast-in Foundation Bolts

Pre-set foundation bolt or bolt groups when prepared for adjustment.

Permitted deviation from specified position as follows:



Pre-set foundation bolt or bolt groups when not prepared for adjustment.
Permitted deviation from specified position as follows:

Pre-set wall bolt or bolt groups when not prepared for adjustment. Permitted
deviation from specified position as follows:

4.11.11 Openings for Services

Permitted deviations for openings = ± 5 mm for size and ± 10 mm for


4.11.12 Cover to reinforcement

Member ∆ mm
Member up to 500mm thick ±5
Over 500mm, up to and including 1000mm -5/+10
Over 1000mm, up to and including 2000mm -5/+15
Over 2000mm -5/+20

4.11.13 Element supporting façade or surface affecting façade setting out

(a) Maximum permitted deviations vertically from the defined position

immediately after stripping of formwork = 10 mm

(b) Permitted deviations laterally from the defined position immediately

after stripping of formwork and prior to any prestressing = 10 mm or
floor to floor height, H/500 whichever is smaller.

(c) This laterally out of position tolerance includes all local deviations in
edge of slab or edge of beam as well as overall building tolerance.




(i) The thickness of slab shall not be lesser than 95% of the nominal
thickness as specified.
(ii) Where stated in the architectural drawings, slabs shall be laid to the
specified falls.
(iii) Gaps and slots for the sealants shall satisfy the requirement and
approval to architect.
(iv) Permitted deviations for structural separation joints and Expansion
joints = ± 5 mm

4.12 Structural Movement Joints

4.12.1 General

Structural movement joints shall be provided in the position indicated on the

Engineer's drawings.

Such joints shall be formed in the manner indicated on the drawings.

The filling medium used is to be adequately secured to one of the members

which it separates so as to prevent subsequent displacement. Unless
otherwise specified the separating material for vertical joints shall be 10mm
foamed polystyrene sheet.

All exposed face of such joints shall be sealed by approved 10mm x 10mm
polysulphide sealant all round. Similarly, such joints shall be protected by a
layer of volclay or approved equivalent all round the joint along the mid depth
of the joint. Such material shall be secured to already cast concrete member.

4.12.2 Retaining Walls

Shrinkage joints incorporating water bars of the form approved by the

Engineer shall be provided at not more than 8m centres. Construction joints
shall coincide with shrinkage joints.

4.12.3 Shrinkage Bays

The Contractor shall propose and obtain the Engineer's approval for
sections of structure to be temporarily omitted to allow the major part of the
shrinkage of the structure to take place. Where a building dimension is
larger than 70m and no expansion joints are shown on the drawing, at least
one shrinkage bay must be provided.

Such shrinkage bays are to be left open for 56 days or such other times as
the Engineer shall direct.

4.12.4 Load Bearing Joints (Sliding Joints)

The joints shall be formed to the details shown on the Engineer's drawings.

The vertical separating medium shall, unless otherwise specified, be 10mm

foam polystyrene sheet.

The width of sheet used for the vertical separating medium shall be equal to
the depth of joints indicated on the drawings and the width of the horizontal
separating medium shall be equal to the width of the concrete bearing
surface shown on the drawings.



The horizontal separating medium shall carry the loading indicated on the
drawings. A horizontal movement of 25mm shall be allowed for unless noted
otherwise on the drawings. The concrete surfaces in contact with the
separating medium shall be true to line and level and smoothly finished with
all arises chamfered.

The horizontal separating medium shall be laid first in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions, the edge of the material being accurately
aligned with the "free" edge of the bearing surface.

The vertical separating medium shall then be fixed to the concrete using a
suitable adhesive taking care that its edges are true, square and in contact
with horizontal separating medium for its full length.

When the separating mediums have been finally positioned they shall be
completely covered with a suitable gauge of polythene sheet in order to
exclude grout during subsequent casting operations.

Immediately after removal of the formwork the exposed edges of the joint
shall be cleaned and the edges of the separating media left exposed.

4.13 Water Stops

Water stops shall be provided at all horizontal and vertical construction, contraction
and expansion joints of ponds, swimming pools and basement floor, walls, and any
other structure founded below the ground. These shall be of an approved type and
shall not be punctured in fixing. All waterstops to be capable of providing hydrostatic
resistance appropriate to the structure and joint in which they are installed.

4.13.1 Active Waterstops

Expanding type or hydrophilic waterstops shall have a volumetric increase

of between 200% and 300% when in contact with water. Do not use
bentonite-based hydrophilic waterstops. Use Hydrophilic waterstops
provided with a delay coating that retards the onset of expansion so as to
prevent premature expansion prior to concrete casting.

4.13.2 Passive Waterstops

Use flexible rubber or pvc of 300mm wide central bulb or rearguard


4.14 Walling and Partitions

Where partitions are built up to the soffits of a reinforced concrete beam or slab a
10mm horizontal joint is to be left clear below the soffit. This joint shall be filled with
approved compressible material and fire-rated to the Architect’s acceptance.
Galvanised hoop iron, stainless steel or other approved brick ties of appropriate
length shall be cast in the concrete for building into the horizontal joints of brick/block
partitions at every 4th brick course.

4.15 Pile caps Construction

All piles are trimmed and finished to the Engineer's acceptance before constructing
pile caps.



The piles shall be thoroughly washed clean of all adhering foreign matter before the
blinding layer is placed. A temporary sump pit shall be excavated beside each pile
cap to provide approximately 0.5 m3 below blinding level for rain water runoff. Blinding
shall be laid with falls to the sump.

When formwork is fixed, drainage outlets shall be provided to allow rainwater to pass
into the sump. During concreting, the Contractor shall take suitable precautions to
prevent rain from damaging the mix. The concreting programme shall be arranged
such that a sloping face is always provided away from previously cast areas and this
face is worked towards the drainage outlets. Pumps shall be on hand throughout
concreting in case of rain.

Pile caps shall be cast in one continuous operation, construction joints shall not be
allowed as specified in Clause 4.51. The Contractor shall exercise particular attention
in vibrating the concrete around starter bars and pile heads.


5.1 Submission

The Contractor shall submit the following information on his proposals and obtain the
approval of the Engineer before any Work commencement:-

• Source of supply of all aggregates

• Source of supply of cement
• Source of supply of water
• Grading curves for coarse and fine aggregates
• Certificate of soundness of cement
• Results of tests for organic and inorganic impurities of aggregates and water
• Results of tests of drying shrinkage of aggregates
• Source of supply of ready-mix concrete
• Concrete mix design
• Identity of the Testing Authority which the Contractor proposes to use for the
purposes of the Contract
• Source of supply of reinforcing steel and pre-stressing tendons
• Test certificates for reinforcing steel and pre-stressing tendons
• Types of water bars
• Types of joint fillers and sealants
• Type of formwork
• Design of formwork/falsework for all main structural members, designed and
certified by Contractor's Professional Engineer (PE)
• Design of formwork structure by Contractor's PE as required under Building
Operations and Works of Engineering Construction (BOWEC) Regulations

The Contractor shall submit the following items to the Engineer for his approval during
the course of the Works :-

• Plans depicting location/detail of all proposed construction joints and sequence of

construction to suit his concreting programme prior to construction of any level.
• Location of coordinated services penetrations and/or pipe sleeves through
structural members, on a floor by floor basis, at least two weeks in advance of the
intended date of concrete casting of that level. No hacking is permitted.
• Quarterly schedule of structural works, commencing from the date of issue of
Commencement of Works
• As-built dimensioned plans of each section of the Works completed.



No concrete of any particular mix proportions shall be incorporated into the Works
until all the requirements of this Specification have been met in respect of those mix
proportions and have been approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall not alter the source of supply of any material from that initially
approved by the Engineer, without the written permission of the Engineer.

5.2 Compliance Testing

Carry out sampling and testing during concreting operations in accordance with MS
EN 206 and the appropriate parts of MS EN 12350.

Supply three copies of all test results to the Engineer as soon as they are available.

5.2.1 Trial Mixes

Trial mixes are required to verify the mix design for each concrete grade on
the project. Twelve 150 mm compression test cubes should be prepared from
each trial mix. Six cubes shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining six cubes
at 28 days of age. The sampling, making, curing and testing of these work
test cubes shall be in accordance to BS 1881. The mean strength and
individual strength of these work test cubes are to comply with the
requirements of MS EN 206 "Concrete - Specification, performance,
production and conformity”. No concrete shall be placed until the trial mix
results are approved by the Engineer.

The Engineer may accept evidence of test results furnished by the concrete
supplier proving that the prepared mix is satisfactory. In such cases, the trial
mixes may be waived.

The Engineer may, at his discretion, instruct the Contractor to modify/improve

the mix design during the Works if he deems it necessary to meet the
requirements. This shall not entitle the Contractor to any extra payment.

5.2.2 Concrete Compressive Strength Test

Test concrete cubes in an accepted accredited laboratory independent of

contractual parties in accordance with MS EN 206. Electronic Tagging for Concrete Testing Cubes

Unless otherwise agreed, all concrete cubes are to be electronically

tagged to allow accurate tracing of the cube samples. Propose
suitable electronic tagging system for Engineer’s acceptance.

Propose and provide an electronic recording system with the

following capability:

(a) Relevant data can be authenticated at the request of the

(b) Results can be transmitted to the Engineer via the internet
system, within 3 hours of the test
(c) Data management software is supplied and capable of
providing analysis of the results including standard deviation
computations. The software shall also be capable of
displaying the cube testing data and analysis graphically.
(d) All data can be compiled in a CD ROM to be submitted to the
Engineer at the end of the project.


CAST IN-PLACE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Works Test Cubes shall be made of all structural concrete

incorporated into the Works. Unless otherwise directed by the
Engineer, one set of cubes of any particular mix shall be taken
from either: -

(a) each 10 m3 or part thereof in columns

(b) each 30 m3 in walls and small foundations
(c) each 50 m3 in slabs, beams and large foundations, or
(d) each day's production whichever is the more frequent.

Each set of the Works Test Cubes shall comprise six 150mm cubes
made from a single sample of concrete taken from the point of final
deposition of the set concrete under the Engineer's supervision.
Two cubes shall be tested for 7 days compressive strength while
the remaining four shall be tested after 28 days.

The sampling, making, curing and testing of Works Test Cubes shall
be carried out in accordance with BS 1881. Test results shall be
recorded on approved forms and submitted in duplicate to the
Engineer immediately following the test.

A sample of concrete shall be taken at random on eight separate

occasions during each of the first five days of using that mix. The
number of samples per day and the times which they are taken shall
be varied at random (thereafter at least one sample shall be taken
each day the concrete of that particular mix is made). From each
sample, six cubes shall be made. Two for test at 7 days, and the
other four for test at 28 days.

In addition to the minimum numbers stated above, the Engineer

may, at his absolute discretion, instruct the Contractor to make
additional test cubes from whichever batch as he may choose. Standard of Acceptance - Cubes Tested at 7 Days

(a) The average strength of the two cubes tested at 7 days shall
be used as an indication only. If the average strength is less
than 0.75 of the characteristic strength, the Engineer may
instruct that the mix design be modified to increase the mean
strength of subsequent concrete until satisfactory evidence is
obtained of its adequacy. If the average 7-day strength is less
than 0.67 of the characteristic strength, no more concrete shall
be placed on the suspected concrete until the 28-day strength
is found to comply or unless the Engineer specifically
approves. Any additional expense and/or delay shall be borne
solely by the Contractor.
(b) Tests shall be carried out in approved laboratory. The
appropriate strength requirements are to comply with the
requirements of MS EN 206 “Concrete - Specification,
performance, production and conformity”.
(c) Tests failing to meet these requirements shall require that the
hardened concrete be tested as specified below or that a
structure test be carried out. If any single cube result is less
than 90% of the specified strength, the Engineer reserves the
right to instruct, without any further tests, that the section of
concrete represented by the cubes be removed and replaced



by concrete meeting this Specification or that other measures

shall be taken at the Contractor's own expense.
(d) The core tests shall be deemed to have failed if the insitu
strength is found to be less than 85% of the specified cube
strength. In such event, the Engineer may instruct removal of
the concrete represented by the core or instruct further tests,
all at the Contractor's expense.

5.2.3 Slump Tests

The consistency of the concrete shall be checked for every truck of wet
concrete delivered to Site during the placing operations by means of a
standard slump test in accordance with BS 1881. The slump shall be the
minimum to allow for efficient placing, vibration and consolidation of the
concrete and shall be agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor prior
to commencement of the Work and not altered without the approval of the

5.2.4 Tests on Hardened Concrete

The Contractor shall make allowance in this tender for taking cores, testing
them and dry packing and pressure grouting the core locations. 1 to 2 cores
may be taken for every 1,000m2 area to confirm the in-situ strength.

The Engineer may instruct that tests by made on any portion of the Works for
the purpose of checking the strength of cast-in-situ concrete. If ordered, such
tests shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations of BS EN

Alternatively, samples may be cored and tested in compression.

The Contractor shall bear the costs of these tests, if they are required
because of cube test failure.

5.2.5 Structure Tests

The Engineer may instruct that a load test be made on the Works or any part
thereof for any of the following reasons: -

(a) Concrete test cubes have failed to attain the specified strength.
(b) The shuttering was prematurely removed.
(c) There had been overloading during construction of the Works or part
(d) The concrete was improperly cured.
(e) Any other circumstances attributable to alleged negligence on the part of
the Contractor which, in the opinion of the Engineer, results in the Works
or part thereof being of less than the expected strength.
(f) Any concrete subjected to fire.

If the loading test is instructed to be made solely or in part for the reason as
in (a), the test shall be made at the Contractor's own cost. If the test be
required for one or more of the reasons (b) to (f) inclusive, the Contractor
shall be reimbursed for the cost of the test if the result thereof be



If there is reasonable doubt as to the adequacy of the strength of

the structure, loading tests shall be made. Such tests need not be
made until the expiry of 56 days of effective hardening of the
concrete. In such tests, the structure shall be subjected to a
superimposed load equal to one and a quarter times the specified
superimposed load used for design and this load shall be
maintained for a period of 24 hours before removal. During the
tests, struts strong enough to take the whole load shall be placed in
position leaving a gap under the members. If within 24 hours of the
removal of the load the structure does not show a recovery of at
least 75% of the maximum deflections shown during the 24 hours
under load, the test loading shall be repeated. The structure shall
be considered to have failed to pass the test if the recovery after the
second test is not at least 75% of the maximum shown during the
second test. If, during the test or upon the removal of the load, the
structure shows signs of weakness, undue deflections of faulty
constructions, it shall be reconstructed or strengthened to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Engineer may modify the above conditions for a test load if he
deems it necessary.

5.2.6 Addition of Water

If water or other materials are added to the ready-mix truck mixer drum
before discharge, comply with SS EN 206. Carry out additional concrete
cube strength testing where designed mixes are used. The water added to
be recorded on the delivery ticket.

5.3 Inspection

5.3.1 Inspection Before Concreting

Inspect the formwork, spacers, fixed reinforcement and inserts before

placing the concrete. Allow concrete to be placed only when the works are
inspected and satisfactorily accepted by the Engineer.

5.3.2 Inspection After Concreting

Inspect the concrete after the specified curing period. Identify any remedial
work required and submit proposal of rectification for agreement by the

5.4 Temperature Control

Provide evidence that the temperature of the concrete will not exceed 70°C and not
exceed 27.7°C for differential temperature during hydration where large sections
and/or rich mixes are being used.

5.5 Non-Destructive Testing

Carry out non-destructive tests as indicated in the Particular Specifications, or as

directed. Carry out the tests in accordance with MS EN 12390.

--- End of Section ---




CLAUSE............................................................................................................................................. PAGE

1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

2.0 CONCRETE MIXES IN PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE WORK ......................................................4



5.0 PLACING CONCRETE IN PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE WORK .................................................5

6.0 COMPACTION OF CONCRETE IN PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE WORK ..................................6

7.0 CONCRETING OF ANCHORAGE RECESSES ..............................................................................6

8.0 PRE-STRESSING STEEL ................................................................................................................6

9.0 SUPPLY OF SHEATHING ...............................................................................................................7

10.0 SUPPLY OF ANCHORAGE DEVICES ............................................................................................8

11.0 PLACING OF REINFORCEMENT IN POST-TENSIONED SYSTEM .............................................8

12.0 STRESSING .....................................................................................................................................9

13.0 STRESSING PRECAUTIONS ..........................................................................................................9

14.0 EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................. 10

15.0 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT OF TENSIONING FORCES ........................................................... 10

16.0 TENSIONING FORCES REQUIRED ............................................................................................ 10

17.0 STRESSING PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................... 11

18.0 GROUTING .................................................................................................................................... 13

19.0 TOLERANCES .............................................................................................................................. 14

20.0 REMOVAL OF FALSEWORK FOR PRE-STRESSED MEMBERS ............................................. 14


This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn

Date Revision Prepared and Checked By Approved By

(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers requirements for the contractor’s design, supply and installation of
pre-stressed concrete elements

1.1.1 The pre-stressed concrete works in this Contract are designed in

accordance with provisions of MS EN 1992-1-1.

1.1.2 If, at any stage during the work, it is discovered that the Contractor failed to
comply with all Specifications, such work, whether completed or in progress,
shall be liable to rejection without any payment.

1.1.3 The layout and design intent of the concrete structures are shown in the
drawings. Based on the design intent, the contractor is responsible to
engage qualified and experienced personnel including a Professional
Engineer (PE) where appropriate, to carry out the following proposals for the
works to Engineer’s acceptance.



1.1.4 The contractor is to make relevant submissions to the authorities for

approval as directed. All structural calculations and drawings are to be
endorsed by the PE.

1.1.5 The contractor shall submit in the tender the pre-stressed concrete
components to be adopted at site, and the site utilization plan. The
contractor shall submit in the tender, the name(s) of the supplier(s) and

1.1.6 The contractor shall engage qualified personnel to develop the design
drawings and produce shop drawings for the pre-stressing elements. Submit
all shop drawings for Engineer’s acceptance prior to work include the

1.1.7 Plans and elevations of each pre-stressed element showing all positions
and dimensions of all details of all cables/tendons, non-tensioned
reinforcement, type of sheathings, anchorage devices, stressing sequence
and jacking details/procedures. These shall include all trimming, local
bursting and full section depth/width end block reinforcement considered
necessary by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer (PE) for satisfactory
completion of these works.

1.1.8 The Contractor shall submit at no extra cost to the Engineer for approval, full
shop drawings details of all cables/tendons, non-tensioned reinforcement,
type of sheathings, anchorage devices, stressing sequence and jacking
details/procedures. These shall include all trimming, local bursting and full
section depth/width end block reinforcement considered necessary by the
Contractor’s Professional Engineer (PE) for satisfactory completion of these

1.1.9 The shop drawings/details shall consider and show the anchors and
associated reinforcement together with all other reinforcement in
accordance with Engineer’s drawings, to avoid congestion and satisfactory
concreting in these regions. All modifications advised by the Engineer to
achieve satisfactory workmanship shall be incorporated without claims for
variations in cost or time.

1.1.10 The Contractor shall make allowance for at least 4 weeks for approval of
shop drawings by the Engineer prior to commencement of relevant work.

1.1.11 During the construction, the Contractor shall maintain such records and
perform or arrange to perform such tests as the Engineer may deem
necessary to ensure compliance with the various provisions in this

1.1.12 The contractor shall provide all necessary temporary supports and ensure
that the load transfer during stressing of the slab to the beam and provide all
necessary precautionary measures to ensure that any part of the concrete
structures is not subjected to loads that will cause short or long-term

1.1.13 The contractor shall submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with
the Engineer.



1.1.14 The contractor shall submit a copy of the Manufacturer’s Test Certificates
covering each coil to be used. Arrange for testing of samples, at least two
test samples representative of each batch, in accordance with the relevant
European or Singapore Standards in an approved laboratory at no cost to
the Contractor.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:



1.3 Standards

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysian Standards

MS EN 1992 Design of concrete structures

MS EN 197 Cement - Composition, specifications and conformity

criteria for common cements

MS EN 15167 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag for Use in

Concrete, Mortar and Grout

MS EN 12620 Specification for aggregates for concrete

MS 146 Specification for hot-rolled bars for the reinforcement

of concrete

MS 145 Specification for welded steel fabric for the

reinforcement of concrete

MS 523 Concrete - Specification, performance, production

and conformity

MS 934 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout

Other Standards

BS 1008 Mixing water for concrete

BS 1881 Testing Concrete



BS EN 12350 Testing Fresh Concrete

BS EN 12390 Testing Hardened Concrete

BS 4449 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete. Weldable

Reinforcing Steel. Bar, Coil and Decoiled Product.

BS 4483 Steel Fabric for the Reinforcement of Concrete.


BS 6744 Stainless steel bars for the reinforcement of and use

in concrete – requirements and test methods

BS 5896 Specification for High Tensile Steel Wire and Strand

for the Prestressing of Concrete

BS4486 Specification for Hot Rolled and Processed High

Tensile Alloy Steel Bars for the Prestressing of

Technical References

Refer to the following technical reference for guidance in carrying out the

BRE Digest 330 (2004) Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete.


2.1 Only specially designed concrete mixes complying with the requirements specified
hereunder shall be used for pre-stressed concrete work. Trial batches shall be made
and tested to prove the mix before construction commences.

Concrete Class C28/35 C32/40 C40/50 C50/60

Minimum Works Cube at 7 Days 30 30 40 50

Min. Cube Strength (N/mm2) at 28 Days 35 40 50 60

Min. Cement Content (kg/m3) of Fully

350 350 425 485
Compacted Concrete

Max. Cement Content (kg/m3) of Fully

530 550 550 550
Compacted Concrete

Max. Water / Cement Ratio 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.4



2.2 Mix design shall be based on target average strength equal to the specified minimum
works cube strength plus twice the expected standard deviation or plus 7 N/mm2
whichever is greater. Concrete mix proportions shall be so adjusted that no
segregation shall occur with the method of handling adopted on Site. Segregation or
patches of uncompacted concrete shall be taken as incorrect mix design or improper
workmanship and shall be removed or replaced with concrete meeting this
Specification at the Contractor’s expense. Excess bleeding of the concrete shall
likewise require adjustments to the concrete mix proportions. Segregation and
bleeding shall be determined by visual inspection.

2.3 The slump for the above mixes shall generally not exceed 75mm, unless otherwise
approved by the Engineer.

2.4 Other grades of concrete may be used only if approved by the Engineer.

2.5 Unless agreed by the Engineer, neither admixtures nor cements containing additives
shall be used. The use of calcium chloride in any form is prohibited.

2.6 The 03300 CAST IN-PLACE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Specification for

reinforced concrete works shall also apply to pre-stressed concrete, except where
differently specified herein.


3.1 In addition to the minimum numbers of test cubes specified in the 03300 CAST IN-
PLACE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Specification, the Engineer may require 150
mm cubes to be made for the purpose of determining the concrete strength at
transfer. These cubes shall be stored under the same conditions as the concrete they
represent and which has been cast in the Works.

3.2 The minimum concrete strength at transfer shall be 75% of 28 days cube strength but
no less than 30 N/mm2. A higher strength may be required by the Engineer at his sole


4.1 The grading of the coarse and fine aggregates shall be determined at least once for
every 60 tonnes supplied to check whether the gradings are similar to those of the
samples used in the trial mixes.

4.2 Single-size aggregates shall be recombined for use if, in the opinion of the Engineer,
variations in grading of the all-in aggregates are too wide. The relative proportions of
the single-size aggregates shall be determined on the basis of trial mixes and subject
to the approval of the Engineer.


5.1 Concrete in one member or panel shall be placed in one operation continuously
without interruption. The Contractor shall provide such protective cover as and when
necessary to avoid stoppage due to sudden rain. Otherwise, concreting shall be
carried out continuously between pre-formed construction joints.



5.2 For post-tensioned construction, where necessary, temporary openings shall be

provided in the formwork to enable placing and adequate compaction of concrete
especially around and underneath sheathing and anchorages. Care shall be taken to
avoid damaging the sheathing.


6.1 All concrete shall be fully compacted in the manner specified in the 03300 CAST IN-
PLACE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Specification. The Engineer may order the
Contractor to discontinue the use of any type of vibrator if, in his opinion, it is
unsuitable for use in any part of the Works.

6.2 Vibrators shall not come into direct contact with the sheathing in the case of post-
tensioned work. If the sheathing is damaged during concreting, the whole or a portion
of the concrete cast may be rejected by the Engineer. Sheathing shall be cleaned out
within half an hour of completion of each concreting operation by blowing oil free
compressed air through the length of the sheathing.


7.1 For post-tensioned work, wires or strands shall not be cut or bent within 305 mm of
the anchorages until 7 days after grouting. The tendon shall be cut back to give a
minimum of 32 mm cover after concreting of the recesses.

7.2 The interior surfaces of anchorage recesses shall be scrabbled.

7.3 Steel reinforcement shall be accurately placed as designed.

7.4 Concrete, conforming to the requirements of the Specification shall be cast in the
recesses to the shapes designed. Prior to concreting, the surface of anchorage
recesses shall be coated with an approved epoxy resin bonding agent.


8.1 The pre-stressing steel, wire or strand used in pre-stressing tendons shall comply with
MS EN 1992-1-1: 2010.

8.2 The material selected for use in the tendons shall have an ultimate tensile strength of
not less than 1.67 times the specified forces after losses.

8.3 A copy of the Manufacturer's Test Certificates covering each coil to be used shall be
supplied to the Engineer. If Test Certificates relating to the material cannot be
supplied, the Contractor shall arrange for testing of samples in accordance with CP
115. The cost of this testing shall be borne by the Contractor.

8.4 Even for cases where Test Certificates are supplied, the Engineer may require the
Contractor to supply one test sample representative of each batch. Testing of these
samples will be carried out at an approved laboratory at no cost to the Contract.

8.5 High tensile steel wire or high tensile steel strand shall be supplied in coils of a
sufficiently large diameter so that it will retain its physical properties and will be
reasonably straight as it unwinds from the coil.



8.6 All wires shall be cut from certified coils. The Contractor shall keep records so as to
enable identification of the wires with the coil from which they were cut. At least two
tensile strength samples shall be tested against each coil number.

8.7 The manufacture and assembly of tendons shall be performed in accordance with the
best quality of workmanship appropriate to the pre-stressing system being used.

8.8 Tendons shall be made to the required length plus an allowance, where applicable, at
each end for stressing operation.

8.9 Splicing of strands or wires forming a tendon will not be permitted.

8.10 Flame cutting of wire or strand within 76 mm of where the tendon will be gripped by
the anchorage or jacks will not be permitted. Flame cutting shall be done under the
supervision of the Engineer and care shall be taken to ensure that the flame does not
play on the anchorage or on the tendon within 25 mm of the anchorage.

8.11 A durable metal label, on which shall be stamped the length of the tendon and the coil
number of the wire or strand used, shall be tied to each tendon.

8.12 Care shall be taken that tendons are not damaged, kinked or bent, and tendons so
impaired shall not be used.

8.13 Only a thin, tightly adherent film of rust will be permitted on tendons. Tendons shall be
kept free from loose rust, oil, grease, tar, paint, mud or any other deleterious

8.14 In cleaning tendons, they shall not be brought to a smooth polished condition.

8.15 Material for tendons and assembled tendons shall be stored under a waterproof
shelter, supported above ground level and shall be protected from damage and
deterioration from exposure or any other causes.


9.1 All sheathing required in monolithic post-tensioned construction shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer.

9.2 Sheathing shall be of a type suitable for the pre-stressing system to be used and shall
be strong enough to withstand the placing and compaction of the concrete without
suffering damages or deformation. The sheathing and all splices shall be mortar tight.

9.3 Internal and external diameters of sheathing shall be within the limits specified in the
design or approved by the Engineer.

9.4 Steel sheathing shall be galvanised or lead coated.

9.5 The manufacturer's value for the friction coefficients of the proposed sheathing shall
be stated by the Contractor.

9.6 Enlarged portions of the sheathing at couplings or anchorages shall be of sufficient

length to provide for the extension of the tendons.

9.7 Grout holes shall be provided at both ends of the sheathing and shall be at least 10
mm in diameter. Each of the grouting holes shall be equipped with a plug valve or
similar device capable of withstanding a pressure 1.0 N/mm2 without loss of water,
grout or air.



9.8 Additional vents with plug valves shall be provided at 10 m centres along the
sheathing for the purpose of bleeding air and water and to ensure the complete filling
of the duct with grout. A drain point with plug valve shall also be provided at the low
point of the sheathing.


10.1 Anchorage devices shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Each anchorage
device shall be capable of transmitting a force not less than the ultimate tensile
strength of the tendon without overstressing the concrete. Full section depth/width
overall end block reinforcement and any other spiral reinforcement specified by the
manufacturer as being required for this purpose is considered to be part of the
anchorage devices and shall be of the size and dimensions recommended by the
manufacturer for the pre-stressing system being used. The cost of the anchorage
devices and end block reinforcement shall be deemed to be included in the pre-
stressing system. Certificates of origin shall be provided by the Contractor for all
anchorage devices.

10.2 Damaged anchorage parts shall not be used. All steel parts shall be protected from
corrosion to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All threaded parts and fittings shall be
protected by wrappings or plugs until used.

10.3 The anchorage devices shall be kept free from dirt, mortar, loose, rust, paint, oil, or any
other deleterious matter.


11.1 Sheathing and Tendons

11.1.1 Tendons shall be sheathed and placed in position prior to concreting.

Where the permanent tendons cannot be placed, temporary tendons or
other methods approved by the Engineer shall be used to stiffen the

11.1.2 Tendons shall be handled with care and shall be pushed or pulled through
the sheathing in such a manner as to avoid damage or contamination to
either the tendon or the sheathing.

11.1.3 Sheathing shall be securely fixed at points sufficiently close together to

maintain a smooth tendon profile throughout the length of the tendon within
a tolerance of plus or minus 5 mm of the position shown in the design. At
peaks and valleys, the position of the sheathing shall be adjusted to ensure
that the tendon profile is within the specified tolerance.

11.1.4 Sheathing shall be fixed by methods which will not damage nor deform the

11.1.5 If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the sheathing is liable to be damaged or
deformed during the placing of the concrete, the Contractor shall take
additional precautions to maintain the position and shape of the sheathing at
no cost or time implication to the Contract.



11.1.6 Any temporary opening in the sheathing shall be satisfactorily plugged and
all joints between sheathing and any other part of the pre-stressing system
shall be effectively sealed to prevent the entry of mortar, dust, water or other
deleterious matter.

11.1.7 Sheathing shall be neatly fitted at joints without internal projection or

reduction of diameter. The joints shall be mortar-tight.

11.1.8 Where directed by the Engineer, the tendons shall be pulled back and forth
for at least 300 mm to ensure that the tendons are free.

11.1.9 Unless otherwise stipulated in the design, the minimum cover of concrete to
the outside surface of any sheathing shall be 50 mm for beam soffits and 40
mm elsewhere. This minimum cover shall be increased by 20 mm for
members in contact with earth or water or over salt water and by 25 mm for
members in contact with salt water

11.2 Anchorages

11.2.1 Each anchorage device shall be set square to the line of the corresponding
pre-stressing tendon and shall be positioned securely to prevent movement
during concreting.

11.2.2 The placing and securing of the anchorage shall be subject to the approval
of the Engineer.

11.2.3 The anchorage devices shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer
prior to the placing of concrete. Any mortar or concrete which adheres to
bearing or wedging surfaces shall be removed immediately.

11.2.4 Provision shall be made for covering the anchorages with lightly reinforced
concrete after completion of stressing. The minimum cover shall be 50 mm
over the anchorages and 32 mm over the reinforcement.


12.1 Strength and Age

12.1.1 The pre-stressing force shall not be applied to a member until it has attained
the compressive strength stated in Clause 3.2.

12.1.2 Consideration will be given to application of partial pre-stress at any earlier

date to overcome handling or shrinkage problems or to permit early removal
of formwork. Details of proposals shall be submitted to the Engineer for


13.1 Care shall be taken during stressing to ensure the safety of all personnel engaged on
the Work and of other persons in the vicinity.

13.2 Jacks shall be secured in such a manner that they will be restrained should they lose
their grip on the tendons. No person shall be permitted to stand behind the jacks or
close to the line of the tendons while tensioning is in progress.



13.3 The operation of jacks, the measurements of elongation and associated operations
shall be carried out in such a manner and from such positions that the safety of all is

13.4 During actual stressing operations, warning signs shall be displayed at both end of
the member being tensioned.

13.5 Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is danger to the general public or to
property, special precautions in the form of substantial barriers will be required.


14.1 All tensioning equipment shall be approved by the Engineer prior to use. Hydraulic
pumps shall be power driven unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The power
unit shall be so adjusted that the rate of extension of the tendon is within the limits
specified or as directed by the Engineer.

14.2 Dynamometers and each set of equipment comprising pump, jack and pressure
gauge shall be calibrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the true force
determined from the calibration. All equipment shall be recalibrated at intervals not
exceeding 3 months. Calibration certificates shall be submitted to the Engineer at
least one week prior to jacking. Dynamometers, pressure gauges and scales shall
permit force and elongation to be determined within an accuracy of two per cent.

14.3 Pressure gauges shall only be used as a substitute for dynamometers where
approved by the Engineer. These pressure gauges shall be concentric scale gauges
complying with the requirements of the MS EN 837-1 which requires gauges to be
accurate to within one per cent of their full capacity. They shall be selected so as to
be used between 50 and 90 per cent of their full capacity and the maximum load, and
shall not be less than 200 mm in diameter. Where pressure gauges are used, a
suitable device shall be fitted so as to protect the gauge against sudden release of
pressure. Provision shall also be made by such means as a tee construction, for the
attachment of a second gauge which shall be attached and used as a check
whenever so requested by the Engineer.


15.1 The tensioning force applied to any tendon shall be determined by direct
measurement of the force and checked by measurement of the elongation of the

15.2 The secant modulus determined from test samples or shown on test certificates shall
be used when interpreting the measurement of elongation. The design shall specify
the required values for the elongation and for the force in the tendon at the jack.
Allowance shall be made for any anticipated draw-in at the anchorage devices on
release of the jack for elastic shortening of the member and for anticipated losses due
to stressing of subsequent tendons.


16.1 The tensioning forces required are to be shown on the drawings.



16.2 Allowance shall be made for any slippage or draw-in at the anchorage devices on
release of the jacks. The final forces in each tendon, as measured by the
dynamometer shall be within an accuracy of plus or minus two per cent of the values

16.3 If, on completion of tensioning each tendon to the required force, the check
measurement of elongation differs from its required value by more than five per cent,
the Engineer may direct that some or all of the following steps be taken: -

16.3.1 Recalibration of equipment

16.3.2 Testing of tendon material to check secant modulus

16.3.3 Tendons released and re-stressed (secant modulus applicable to second

stressing to be adopted)

16.3.4 Lubrication of tendons to reduce friction losses. Only water soluble oils shall
be used in ducted systems and these shall be washed out before grouting.

16.3.5 Where only one jack was used previously, the tendon shall be tensioned
from both ends using two jacks.

16.3.6 Other methods as directed by the Engineer.


17.1 General

17.1.1 All stressing operations shall take place in the presence of the Engineer or
his representative. No member shall be stressed until the concrete has
attained the strength specified.

17.1.2 The stressing operation shall be performed only by personnel trained and
experienced in this type of work. Special care shall be taken to apply the
tensioning force smoothly and evenly.

17.1.3 The stressing operation shall be performed in accordance with the best
practice applicable to the particular system approved.

17.1.4 The sequence of pre-stressing shall be as shown on the working drawings

and approved by the Engineer.

17.1.5 In general, pre-stressing shall proceed symmetrically to avoid lateral

distortion and development of tension on one side. At no time shall the
permissible stresses in concrete and steel be exceeded.

17.1.6 In the case of patented systems, all stressing shall be in accordance with
the recommendations of the patentees. However, full details of the patented
systems shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before work can

17.1.7 Unless otherwise approved for transverse pre-stress, the bars or cables in
the stiffeners shall be stressed first and for slabs, pre-stressing shall be
applied to alternate bars or cables for a span and one day shall elapse
before the remaining bars or cables are stressed. Extension and pressures
shall agree with the calculated values after due allowance for friction and
wobble effect of the ducts.



17.1.8 No member shall be left partly stressed without the permission of the
Engineer unless the design requires the member to be stressed in stages.

17.1.9 If ducts are not to be grouted within 7 days of the commencement of

stressing, the ducts shall be sealed to protect tendons from corrosion, and
an approved corrosion inhibitor placed in the ducts. Single stage stressed
tendons are to be grouted within 7 days.

17.1.10 Tendon ducts shall be cleaned out by blowing oil free compressed air
through them, and anchorages shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to
commencement of tensioning. The protruding ends of tendons shall be
cleaned of any coating, such as rust, mortar, oil or mud which would loosen
the grip of wedges of anchorage devices. Tendons shall be checked before
tensioning to ensure that they are free to move inside the duct.

17.1.11 The Jacks shall be set accurately in the line of the tendons.

17.1.12 The force which is applied initially to take up the slack of the tendon, shall
be sufficient to seat the jack firmly but shall not exceed the amount normally
associated with the particular method of pre-stressing. For multi strand
systems, all strands must be stressed together. After taking up the slack, the
tendon shall, where possible, be accurately marked at both ends and
elongations or draw-in measured from these markings. When requested by
the Engineer, readings of force and elongation shall be taken at stages
during the tensioning of a tendon and plotted to determine the zero error in
measuring elongation. Where tendons consist of a number of individual
components, each component shall be marked so that any slip may be

17.1.13 Where one or more components or tendons of a group being stressed

together slips during stressing operations, the Engineer may permit a
compensating increase in the elongation of the remaining tendons of the
group provided that the jacking force does not exceed 80 per cent of the
minimum ultimate tensile strength of the remaining tendons.

17.1.14 In the case of a tendon breaking or slipping after tensioning, the tendon
shall be released, replaced and re-stressed. Under no circumstances shall
maximum jacking force exceed the rated capacity of the jacking equipment
used, or 80 per cent of the specified minimum ultimate strength of the
tendon whichever is the lesser.

17.2 Strand Stressing Records

17.2.1 Complete stressing records shall be kept of pressure gauge readings and
strand extensions for each strand of every cable. A daily return shall be
submitted to the Engineer for record.

17.2.2 The following data where applicable, shall be recorded: -

(a) Identification number of each dynamometer, gauge, pump and jack.

(b) Identification particulars of tendons.
(c) Initial forces (or pressures) when tendons are marked for measurement
of elongation.
(d) Final forces (or pressure) and elongations obtained on completion of
(e) Elongations remaining after release of jacks.



(f) Elongations obtained at intervals during tensioning, together with

corresponding force (or pressure), if and when required by the Engineer.


18.1 General

Tendons shall be pressure-grouted as soon as practicable after stressing the member

unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. No cutting of strands or grouting shall
take place without approval of the Engineer. Before grouting, pre-stressing
anchorages shall be sealed to prevent loss of grout. Grout holes shall be left at the
ends of each duct. The Contractor shall grout both ends if instructed by the Engineer
at no cost or time implication to the contract.

18.2 Materials

Grout for filling pre-stressing ducts shall be composed of cement, water and additive to
reduce shrinkage and bleeding. The water cement ratio shall be as low as possible,
consistent with adequate workability but shall not exceed 0.45 unless approved by the
Engineer. The materials and the proportions of the grout mixture shall be to the
approval of the Engineer.

18.3 Properties and Tests

18.3.1 The grout shall have a minimum compressive strength measured on a

100mm cube of 20 N/mm2 at 7 days and 30 N/mm2 at 28 days. Two sets of
three cubes shall be taken on each day of grouting of which one set shall be
tested at 7 days and the other at 28 days. The test cubes should be cured in
a moist atmosphere for the first 24 hours, and subsequently in water.

18.3.2 The grout shall be sufficiently fluid and of a uniformly colloidal consistency to
enable the cable ducts to be grouted using a maximum pressure of 0.52
N/mm2. All grout shall pass through a screen of 1.7 mm maximum clear
opening prior to being introduced into the group.

18.3.3 The bleeding of the grout shall not exceed 2% of the volume at three hours
after mixing and shall not exceed 4% of the volume at any time. All
separated water shall be absorbed within 24 hours. Bleeding shall be
measured in metal or glass cylinder with an internal diameter of
approximately 100 mm. During the test, the container shall be covered to
prevent evaporation.

18.4 Mixing and Pumping Equipment

18.4.1 Mixing and pumping equipment shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. Grout shall be mixed in a high speed mechanical mixer, for at
least two minutes until a uniform colloidal consistency is produced. Mixing
by hand will not be permitted.

18.4.2 Water shall be added to the mixer first, then the cement shall be added
gradually and the grout stirred continuously until pumped into the duct. The
hoppers to the pumps shall be fitted with BS 14 Sieve strainers. Grout shall
not be used later than one hour to one and a half hour after the addition of
cement to the mix.



18.4.3 Pumps shall be capable of continuous operation with little pressure variation
and shall have a system for re-circulating the grout whilst actual grouting is
not in progress. Pumps shall be fitted with a pressure gauge and shall be
capable of delivery at pressures up to 1 N/mm2.

18.4.4 All equipment, especially piping, shall be thoroughly washed with clean
water after each series of operations and more frequently, if necessary.

18.5 Grouting Procedure

18.5.1 The ducts shall be flushed with water before injecting grout. After flushing,
the surplus water shall be removed by oil-free compressed air or other
approved means.

18.5.2 Grout shall then be injected into each duct at a speed of between 30 mm
and 60 mm per second. A continuous steady flow of grout shall be
maintained until the duct is completely filled and pure grout issues from all
vents and from the far end and until all entrapped air has been expelled.
The vents shall be progressively closed as required to ensure the complete
filling of the duct. The grout pressure shall then be held at 0.69 N/mm2 for at
least one minute after which the grouting vent shall be plugged. All vents
and ends shall be kept closed until final setting of the grout has taken place.
Where directed by the Engineer, duct openings shall be inspected two or
three days after grouting and topped up if necessary.

18.5.3 If serious leaks occur, the grouting shall be stopped, the duct flushed clean
with water and the leakage plugged before continuing with grouting.

18.5.4 If a blockage occurs, pumping may be transferred quickly to the far end of
the duct if there are sufficient vents to ensure that the ducts will be filled with
grout. Alternatively, ducts may be flushed with clean water to clear the
blockage. The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete filling of the
ducts with grout. If several blockages occur, the grout mix may be rejected
and a new mix designed.

18.5.5 On completion of grouting and after the grout has hardened sufficiently, any
vents or grouting tubes which extend to the surfaces of the concrete shall be
cut off 25 mm below the concrete surface and the recess plugged with
approved non-shrink grout.

18.6 Grouting Records

Complete records shall be kept on all grouting of cable ducts and a copy of the
records submitted to the Engineer.


Tolerances for pre-stressed concrete shall follow the tolerances specified under the 03300 CAST


20.1 Props removal shall be in accordance with 03300 CAST IN-PLACE CONCRETE
CONSTRUCTION Specification except: -

a) Soffits of slabs – after stressing



b) Soffits of beams – 14 days

20.2 All props to pre-stressed beams and slabs shall be of adjustable heights. These shall
be adjusted to support the members following each stressing operation, if required,
for back-propping for casting of the floors above.

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards and References .....................................................................................................2
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................4

2.1 Contractor’s Proposal Brief .....................................................................................................4
2.2 Erection ...................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Joints and Connections ..........................................................................................................5

3.0 MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................................5

3.1 Moulds ....................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Concrete .................................................................................................................................6
3.3 Reinforcement ........................................................................................................................6
3.4 Prestressing Components ......................................................................................................6
3.5 Structural Steel Components..................................................................................................6
3.6 Non-Shrink Grout ....................................................................................................................7
3.7 Mortar .....................................................................................................................................7
3.8 Permanent Inserts or Fixings ..................................................................................................7
3.9 Waterproofing .........................................................................................................................7
3.10 Jointing ...................................................................................................................................7

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ...............................................................................................8

4.1 Fabrication ..............................................................................................................................8
4.2 Storage ................................................................................................................................ 11
4.3 Erection ................................................................................................................................ 12
4.4 Site Construction ................................................................................................................. 13

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 14

5.1 Submissions ........................................................................................................................ 14
5.2 Mock-up Sample of Elements .............................................................................................. 17
5.3 Fabrication Inspection ......................................................................................................... 17
5.4 Records ............................................................................................................................... 17
5.5 Tests .................................................................................................................................... 18

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn

Prepared and Checked By Approved By

Date Revision
(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers requirements for the contractor’s design, fabrication, handling,
storage, transportation and erection of structural precast concrete elements, including
elements used in composite structures.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the following work



For precast concrete used as cladding refer also to architectural specifications.



1.3 Standards and References

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysian Standards

MS EN 1992 Design of concrete structures

MS EN 1992-3 Design of concrete structures – Liquid retaining and

containment structures

MS EN 197 Ordinary Portland Cement

MS EN 12620 Aggregates for concrete

MS EN 206-1 Concrete – Specification, performance, production

and conformity

In the event that the Standards or Codes are partially superseded or

become obsolete, refer to the latest edition or the approved substitution for
the relevant clauses.

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

The layout and design intent of the concrete structures are shown in the
drawings. Based on the design intent, engage qualified and experienced
personnel including a Professional Engineer (PE) where appropriate, to
carry out the following proposals for the works to Engineer’s acceptance.

Make relevant submissions to the authorities for approval as directed. All

structural calculations and drawings are to be endorsed by the PE.

Submit in the tender the precast concrete components to be casted at site,

and the site utilization plan.

Submit in the tender, the name(s) of the supplier(s), location of plants and
quantities to be supplied by each supplier, if any precast component is
obtained from the suppliers. Change of the supplier(s) is not permitted
without the Engineer’s consent. Develop the Design of Precast Concrete Elements

Develop the design to produce the necessary details for fabrication

and incorporation of the precast elements to the main structure.



Allow for a structural concrete topping of 75mm of not be less than

Class C28/35 to be placed on top of the precast slabs with one layer
of WSFR A10 (steel area of 392.5mm2 both directions) unless
otherwise stated or shown on the Drawings. Include loading and
effects in the design of precast units: self-weight, construction loads,
imposed dead and live loads, wind loads, temperature loads and
effects of differential shrinkage and creep.

Propose and develop the joint connections and sealant details

between precast units for acceptance.

Design and detail the structural connections for diaphragm action

for lateral loads and for protection against water, weather, corrosion
and fire so as to provide continued water and weather tightness and
structural integrity of the building.

Allow for the provision of openings to electrical, mechanical and

other services ducts, and provisions for securing fan hooks and
drain pipes.

Avoid sharp corners and edges and provide suitable bearing

including steel plate to prevent chipping and spalling of the concrete
due to shear stress, bearing stress, etc.

Prior to commencement of the works, submit shop drawings

supported by suitable structural calculations endorsed by PE for

Design for fire-resistance of 2 hours except those elements in

basement carpark with a fire-resistance of 4 hours. Mould and formwork

Design all mould and formwork for the fabrication of the precast
elements including all accessories for the lifting, handling and
storage of the elements. Temporary supports

Provide all necessary temporary supports and ensure that the

precast elements are stable after erection but before the completion
of the building structure.

Provide all necessary precautionary measures to ensure that any

part of the concrete structures is not subjected to loads that will
cause short or long-term distress.

1.4.2 Shop Fabrication Drawings

Engage qualified personnel to develop the design drawings and produce

shop fabrication drawings for the fabrication of the precast elements. Submit
all shop fabrication drawings for Engineer’s acceptance prior to fabrication
include the followings:

(a) Plans and elevations of each precast element showing all positions and
dimensions of all cast-in items, openings, service ducts and pipes, and
lifting/erection inserts to be incorporated.
(b) Sections and details indicating sizes, numbers and positions of all



reinforcement and prestressing strands. Information on minimum

characteristic strength of concrete required for handling, demoulding,
storage, transportation and erection of precast units; characteristic
strength of reinforcement; prestressing force and estimated cambers
shall be given.
(c) Handling techniques for precasting, lifting, storage and transportation.
(d) Joint details showing connections.

1.4.3 Erection Drawings

Engage qualified personnel to develop the erection drawings of the precast

elements. Submit erection drawings for Engineer’s acceptance prior to
erection include the followings:

(a) Erection sequences and handling requirements of the precast

components with layout of lifting equipment and plant.
(b) Details of method of positioning and supporting unconnected precast
components including temporary bracing, packers/ shims/wedges,
struts and props and their installation method with calculations as
(c) Full-height precast columns shall be lifted with lifting hooks attached at
not more than 3 points (locations) on the column all to the Engineer’s
acceptance. Propose temporary stiffener brackets at the beam/column
junction during the erection process to prevent buckling of exposed
rebars for the Engineer’s acceptance.
(d) Methods of ensuring stability of the structure or precast components
during each stage of construction. Provide bracings of full-height
precast columns after erection for lateral and accidental loads.
(e) All critical dimensions and their erection tolerances.
(f) Procedure and sequence of installation of sealant on site in relation to
erection sequence and handling requirements.

Any amendments to the drawings or details must be approved by the

Engineer prior to execution of the works.

1.4.4 Maintenance / Replacement Manual

Prepare and submit a maintenance / replacement manual for components

and connections as listed in the Contract.

1.4.5 Quality Control Plan

Submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with the Engineer.


2.1 Contractor’s Proposal Brief

In carrying out the design and proposals in clause 1.4.1, account for the input
requirements as set out below.

2.1.1 Design Code

Design the elements in accordance with MS EN 1992.

2.1.2 Design Consideration



Design and detail the elements for all stresses induced by the worst loads,
movement, creep and shrinkage during the intended design life.

The elements and their inserts or fixings are to be capable of resisting all
stresses induced during the processes of manufacturing, lifting/handling,
demoulding, transportation, storage and erection.

Design loads are to comply with requirements stipulated in the Building

Control Regulations. Refer to the design drawings for other information on
design loadings if any.

Refer to the 01016 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION for additional design

consideration if any.

2.1.3 Joints and Connections

Design the joints and connections to transmit all forces developed at the
joints of structures.

2.1.4 Water Retaining Structure

In the case of water retaining structure, design the elements for maximum
crack width of 0.2 mm, or otherwise in accordance with SS EN 1992-3, for
durability and low permeability against water seepage.

2.2 Erection

Erect the precast concrete elements at the designated location in accordance with the
design intention. Any deviation is to be within the acceptable tolerance limit as
specified in clause 4.3.3 below.

2.3 Joints and Connections

Fabrication and erect the elements in such manner that the joints are in accordance
with the design and detail. Any deviation in the joint width is to be within the
acceptable tolerance such that it will not affect the effectiveness of the joint’s
resistance against the forces developed as well as its protection against water,
weather, corrosion and fire where applicable.

Connection details are to be compatible with the design assumptions for the precast
concrete structure. Materials used for connections are to be robust and compatible
with the durability requirements of the overall structure. Avoid harmful bi-metallic
contacts, which may result in galvanic corrosion.


3.1 Moulds

Ensure that all moulds, regardless of materials, conform to the shape, lines and
dimensions of the precast concrete elements to be fabricated.

Design the moulds to prevent damage to the concrete from the following at all stages,
during concreting, curing and demoulding:

restraint as the concrete shrinks

stripping operation when the precast concrete elements are lifted from the mould



dimensional changes due to demoulding of precast concrete elements

Use rubber lining with sufficient rigidity and consistency to allow repeated use for
achieving a consistent quality of patterned finish.

Use high quality rubber mat to Engineer’s acceptance for carrying the tiles of precast
concrete elements with tile finish.

Self-vibrating moulds may be used subject to satisfactory demonstration of the

component quality achieved in terms of compaction and surface finish using the mix
proposed for the fabrication of the elements.

3.2 Concrete

Refer to Section 03300 CAST IN-PLACE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION for general

requirements for material of concrete.

3.3 Reinforcement

Refer to Section 03200 REINFORCEMENT for general requirements for material of


3.4 Prestressing Components

Refer to Section 03315 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE WORKS for general material

requirement for prestressing.

Design to MS EN 1992-1-1 and restrict the tensile stress in the slabs to -2.0N/mm2 at
transfer stage and -3.0N/mm2 at final stage.

Use low relaxation strand prestressing steel and conform to relevant Eurocodes and
Singapore Standards. The prestressing steel, wire or strand used in prestressing
tendons shall comply with MS EN 1992-1-1 or BS 5896 as appropriate. Provide
minimum 40mm concrete cover to prestress stands.

Submit a copy of the Manufacturer’s Test Certificates covering each coil to be used.
Arrange for testing of samples, at least two test samples representative of each batch,
in accordance with the relevant British Standards in an approved laboratory at no cost
to the Contractor.

Provide bearing neoprene strips (6mm thick) for proper seating of precast
slabs/beams onto beams/columns or other supporting members. The bearing pad
shall be capable of supporting compressive stress of 20 N/mm2 without cracking,
splitting or delaminating.

For precast prestressed slab, conduct load tests in accordance with the latest MS EN
1992-1-1 on selected samples. One working load test and one ultimate load test shall
be carried out for each type of precast slab.

Submit method statements of load tests for Engineer’s acceptance.

3.5 Structural Steel Components

Refer to Section 05120 STRUCTURAL STEELWORK for general material

requirement for structural steel component in the precast elements, and for the
corrosion protection of such components.



3.6 Non-Shrink Grout

Non-shrink grout for structural bedding of precast concrete elements is to be of at

least 125% of precast concrete element strength of the building structures, or higher
as required in the design to account for the effective bearing area.

The grout is to be able to minimise stress induced arising from shrinkage, which
cause crack along the interface between the grout and the precast concrete elements.

Proprietary products may be used as an alternative to mortar or non-shrink grout,

subject to the Engineer’s acceptance. Demonstrate compliance of the product with
the specified requirements.

3.7 Mortar

Mortar for non-structural bedding of precast concrete elements is to be made of sand,

cement and water in proportions by volume of:

(a) 1 part of portland cement to MS EN 197

(b) 2 parts of sand to MS EN 12620

Determine the quantity of water required to achieve a mix suitable for jointing details
shown on the drawings. Do not add other ingredients without the Engineer’s

Mortar designated as dry-pack for non-structural bedding of precast concrete

elements is to be of such a consistency that it can be properly compacted by

3.8 Permanent Inserts or Fixings

Cast-in inserts or fixings which would be permanently exposed either externally or

within the cavity of the building envelope is to be of corrosion resistant material, e.g.,
hot-dip galvanised, painted mild steel or stainless steel subject to the Engineer’s
acceptance. In other situations, agree with the Engineer any protective treatment

3.9 Waterproofing


clause 3.0 for general requirements of material for concrete waterproofing.

3.9.1 Sealant


STRUCTURES, clause 3.0. Use suitable backer rod at joints where sealant
is required for waterproofing.

3.10 Jointing

3.10.1 General

Refer to MS EN 1992-1-1 (Structural Connections between Precast

Concrete Units). Provide minimum of concrete class C35/45 or same
strength of the precast element of the concrete building, and use
approximately 10-14mm aggregates.



3.10.2 Sleeve Jointing

Either of the following types may be used subject to satisfactory tests to
determine strength and deformation characteristics:

(a) Grouted, resin-filled or swaged sleeve capable of transmitting both

tensile and compressive forces.
(b) Sleeves that mechanically align the square-sawn ends of two bars to
allow the transmission of compressive forces only.

Submit proposals and details to the Engineer for acceptance.

Refer to the 01016 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION for proprietary products

selected for the project if any.

3.10.3 Welding

Refer to Section 03200 REINFORCEMENT for welding of reinforcement

and Section 05120 STRUCTURAL STEELWORK for welding of structural
steel components.

3.10.4 Joint Sealant

Provide technical information, samples, technical reports, and proven

performance records of the joint sealant for Engineer’s acceptance. Test
proposes sealant for performance, submit to Engineer’s acceptance prior to
installation on site.

Carry out batch testing of sealant compounds delivered to site.

The use of membranes and admixtures for grout, mortar or concrete with
backer rods for improving water and weather tightness must be approved
before use. All sealant materials used at public accessible areas such as
access balcony, stair-cases, stair-landings etc. shall be protected.

Apply liquid membranes to manufacturer’s specifications (thickness and

width) over the sealant for external exposed face for water and weather


4.1 Fabrication

4.1.1 Moulds

Seal all mould joints as necessary to prevent leakage of cement paste or


4.1.2 Reinforcement General

Refer to Section 03200 REINFORCEMENT, clause 4.0, for

general requirements for workmanship of reinforcement.

Make up cages and fix securely in accordance with the

reinforcement detail drawings to provide adequate rigidity and to



ensure that the specified cover and required fit within the mould are
achieved. Rebending of reinforcement

Reinforcement up to 16mm in diameter that projects out from the

face of the elements may be bent to facilitate the casting or
demoulding of the elements, subject to the Engineer’s acceptance
in each case.

Do not re-bend to the final position in the structure before the

concrete has achieved two-thirds of its specified strength. Spacer blocks

Use of spacer blocks for exposed concrete surface is to subject to

the Engineer’s acceptance.

4.1.3 Concreting

Cast all precast concrete components under control conditions with the
strictest supervisory and quality control acceptable to the Engineer. Submit
the technical specifications and quality control plans for manufacture of
precast concrete units at the factory/on site for acceptance.


clause 4.0 for general requirements of workmanship for concreting.

4.1.4 Normal Curing


clause 4.0 for general requirements of curing.

4.1.5 Steam Curing

Precast concrete elements may be steam cured at atmospheric conditions

subject to the Engineer’s acceptance. Carry out steam curing under a
suitable enclosure to retain the live steam to minimise moisture and heat
losses. The enclosure is to allow free circulation of the steam around the
sides and tops of members. Position steam jets so that they do not
discharge directly on the concrete, formwork or mould.

In addition, ensure compliance with the following conditions: Total chloride ion content

The total content of the concrete from the aggregate, water and any
admixtures is not to exceed 0.1% of the weight of the cement. Timing

Commence steam curing after the concrete attains its initial set.
Prevent surface drying by means of a coating of membrane curing
compound or otherwise agreed with the Engineer during the period
between placement of concrete and application of steam. Temperature



The temperature of the enclosure surrounding the elements is not to

exceed 65° C when measured close to the surface of the elements. Rate of ambient temperature

Increase the temperature of the enclosure surrounding the elements

uniformly at a rate of approximately 20° C per hour (40° F per hour)
until it reaches the maximum temperature stated above. Rate of cooling

Take adequate precautions to prevent the elements being damaged

by an excessive rate of cooling. Rate of cooling is to be less than
20° C per hour. Duration of curing

Continue curing, with or without steam, for a period in accordance

with MS EN 1992-1-1.

4.1.6 Finishes

For surfaces with specified architectural finishes such as plain finish,

patterned finish, tile finish, etc., agree the method of production with the
Engineer and comply with the recommendations from the product supplier
of the finishes.

For surfaces to structural elements, refer to Section 03300 CAST IN-

PLACE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, clause 4.0 for general
workmanship requirements to surface finishes. The finished surface of the
concrete shall be smooth and free from major blemishes, honeycombs,
discoloration and stains, and shrinkage cracks all to the satisfaction of

4.1.7 Demoulding

For elements cast under factory conditions determine the minimum period
before removing the formwork/mould on the basis of the assessed
compressive strength of the component. The concrete strength at
demoulding is to be minimum 10 N/mm² or higher if required by design.

4.1.8 Fabrication Tolerances

Before fabrication ensure that allowance has been made for all construction
tolerances to ensure proper final fit-up of the structure.

Tolerances for manufacturing and casting of precast concrete elements are

to be in accordance with relevant Standards:

(a) Dimensions
(b) Lifting Points/ Inserts
(c) Block outs
(d) Sleeve systems
(e) Cast-in steel items
(f) Bolted/welded connections

Tolerances for manufacturing and casting of precast components are as




(a) Length: ± 6mm for up to 3m

± 9mm for 3m to 4.5m
± 12mm for 4.5m to 6m
Add 6mm for every subsequent 6m
(b) Cross-sectional Dimension: + 10mm / -5mm
(c) Position of void of H.C. slabs: +/-3mm
(d) Camber, variation from design: +/-9mm
(e) Seating, Nominal design seating is 100mm.
(f) Soffits of precast/prestressed slab shall be of smooth surface
acceptable to skim coating

Evaluate any deviation from the agreed values and submit proposals for any
necessary remedial work to the Engineer for acceptance.

4.1.9 Lifting/handling

Do not lift any component from the mould on which it was cast, before the
concrete has attained its design demoulding strength.

Determine the need for any additional reinforcement and inserts or fixings
that may be necessary for lifting or handling the elements until they are
incorporated into the structure.

Handle and transport the precast concrete elements taking into account
their shapes and design to avoid excessive stresses or damages in the
elements. Place paddings at the contact points between the tie down rope
and the precast concrete elements.

Lift the precast concrete elements only at appropriate points shown in the
fabrication/ erection shop drawings. A minimum safety factor of 3 shall be
used to design the lifting devices.

Make provisions for any temporary supports and make good any inserts or
fixings, holes, etc. used for lifting or handling or temporary bracing/supports.

4.1.10 Minor Remedial Work

Carry out minor repair of chipping and spalling in the factory unless
otherwise agreed by the Engineer. Do not attempt major repair until the
proposed methods for the repair have been accepted by the Engineer.

4.1.11 Marking

Clearly mark each item before delivery in accordance with the drawing to
indicate its weight, location and orientation in the structure so as to facilitate
correct delivery and erection. All marks are not to be easily removed.
Position all marks at the concrete surface that can be easily viewed.

Submit proposals for marking identification and date of casting of each

precast concrete component for acceptance.

4.2 Storage

Ensure that large enough storage spaces are provided for the elements with
adequate room for lifting equipment and delivery truck to manoeuvre. Store the
elements on firm supports clear of the ground.



Ensure that the ground is clean, hard, level and well drained to prevent warp, bowing,
chipping, cracking, discoloration, staining or soiling of the precast concrete elements.

Provide the Engineer with proposals for storage. Issue storage instructions for all
precast concrete elements, defining the storage position, the allowable support points,
the maximum height of any stack and any protective measures required.

Protect the component faces to be exposed in the finished construction from

mechanical damage, dirt, staining, rust marks and other disfiguration. Also, protect
the elements to prevent breakage and staining.

4.3 Erection

4.3.1 Site Inspection

Inspect all precast concrete elements before and after erection with
particular regard to the following:

(a) Soiling
(b) Cracking
(c) Chipping
(d) Damage to built-in items
(e) Tolerances
(f) Accuracy of location of bearing surfaces, anchorages and connections

Remove any defective elements from site.

Do not carry out permanent jointing or connection between adjacent

elements without the Engineer’s acceptance.

Check the number, type and size of rebars at the connections before
erection to prevent cutting of starter bars.

4.3.2 Erection

Ensure that any precast concrete items to be incorporated into the structure
are kept stable in the erected position until the items can safely carry the
construction loads without distress.

Submit the erection techniques, PE’s structural calculations and details for
precast concrete units including structural calculations and details for the
lifting and erection devices.

4.3.3 Erection Tolerances

Control the alignment of precast concrete elements during

erection/installation. Position precast concrete elements in the frame within
the tolerances of relevant Standards.

(a) Alignment, plumb and level

(b) Interface requirements

Evaluate any deviation from the agreed values and submit proposals for any
necessary remedial work to the Engineer for acceptance.



4.4 Site Construction

4.4.1 Falsework

Provide suitable falsework support and temporary bracings for the erected
precast concrete elements in accordance with the contractor’s PE design.
Refer to Section 03100 FORMWORK AND FALSEWORK, clause 4.0 for
general requirement of the falsework.

4.4.2 Joint Formwork

Comply with the following tolerance values from CONQUAS for the
alignment, plumb and level of joint formwork:

(a) Tolerance for plumb: 3mm/m up to a maximum of 10mm.

(b) Deviation of any point from its position: ±10mm.
(c) Deviation of any point from its intended level: ±10mm.

Ensure the transition from a joint to an element is flushed.

4.4.3 Concrete Joint Infill for Composite Construction

Thoroughly remove loose materials, clean all dust, dirt and grease and wet
surfaces of the precast concrete elements prior to concreting. Place and
compact concrete in accordance with Section 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE
CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, clause 4.0. Maintain support to elements
to prevent elements from moving until the concrete has gained sufficient
strength to ensure stability.

4.4.4 Load bearing joints

Provide non-shrink grout or mortar bedding fully to the load bearing joints
and connections.

Submit respective mix design for Engineer’s acceptance.

Carry out tests in the mix design in accordance with appropriate code or,
proprietary requirements. Refer to Section 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE

Non-shrink grout for structural bedding of precast concrete elements is to be

of at least 125% of precast concrete element strength of the building
structures, or higher as required in the design to account for the effective
bearing area.

The grout is to be able to minimise stress induced arising from shrinkage,

which cause crack along the interface between the grout and the precast
concrete elements.

Demonstrate compliance of the product with the specified requirements.

4.4.5 Joint Sealant

Ensure joints and joint sealants of precast concrete structures are correctly
installed, so as to provide continued water and weather tightness of
buildings without maintenance. The use of membranes and admixtures for
grout, mortar or concrete with backer rods for improving water and weather



tightness must be approved before use. All sealant materials used at public
accessible areas such as access balcony, stair-cases, stair-landings etc.
shall be protected.

Provide technical information, samples, technical reports, and proven

performance records of the joint sealant for Engineer’s acceptance. Test
proposes sealant for performance, submit to Engineer’s acceptance prior to
installation on site. Carry out batch testing of sealant compounds delivered
to site. Ensure sealant and primer are supply by the same manufacturer,
and use the compatible primer as recommended for the particular sealant

Apply liquid membranes to manufacturer’s specifications (thickness and

width) over the sealant for external exposed face for water and weather

Before sealing the joints, clean and free concrete surface to sound and
smooth from all mortar dust or other contaminants that may affect adhesion.

Prepare and install the joints surface, primers, sealant compounds and
backup materials to give the highest standard of materials and
workmanship. These should conform to all applicable specifications.

Whenever possible, apply sealant with a power-actuated gun which should

have nozzle of proper size and provide sufficient pressure to completely fill
the joints.

Clean and remove all compound smears, primers, solvents etc. used in
caulking and sealing works immediately from adjacent materials as the work

4.4.6 Testing of Joints Against Weather and Water

Test all joints of the floor slabs with concrete topping for water tightness
after all pipes, trunking, etc. install, and penetrations are sealed to the
Engineer’s acceptance. Submit the method of testing to ensure such
requirement for acceptance. The test is deemed to have failed if any
seepage or dampness occurs at the soffit of the slab during the test or
within a period of 48 hours. Carry out joints rectification and to repeat the
test if test is unsatisfactorily.


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Design Submission

Submit design calculations and drawings within time as directed by the

Engineer for acceptance. Include at least the following information:

(a) drawing references

(b) type of construction
(c) overall depth (excl. finishes)
(d) span
(e) self-weight
(f) distributed dead load of finishes, fixtures
(g) allowance for general partitions



(h) concentrated dead loads

(i) distributed imposed load
(j) concentrated imposed loads
(k) deflections
(l) basic fire resistance (as determined without regard to finishes)
(m) finish to soffit
(n) finish to top surface
(o) other requirements

5.1.2 Fabrication/ Erection Drawings

Submit within time frame directed for Engineer’s acceptance, the

fabrication/erection drawings, showing the following information:

(a) general arrangement of elements and details of reinforcement.

(b) additional reinforcement for lifting/handling stress, inserts or fixings and
devices for lifting/handling.

Where applicable, submit shop drawings for joint waterproofing to the

Engineer for acceptance.

5.1.3 Method Statement

Submit to the Engineer for acceptance before work commences, a method

statement including at least the following information: Fabrication plant

(a) Details of plant

(b) QA certification
(c) Name of PE’s Supervision Concrete batching plant

(a) Details of plant

(b) QA certification
(c) Concrete mix design Reinforcement fabrication

(a) Concrete spacer

(b) Materials for inserts/fixings
(c) Corrosion protection for inserts/fixings Mould

(a) Type of mould

(b) Marking identification
(c) Date of casting
(d) Method of vibration
(e) Surface treatment
(f) Method of curing
(g) Minimum concrete age for demoulding Lifting/Handling

(a) Minimum concrete age for lifting/handling

(b) Additional reinforcement for lifting/handling stress



(c) Method of lifting/handling

(d) Device for lifting/handling
(e) Location of lifting/handling device
(f) Details for lifting/handling device
(g) Equipment for lifting/handling Storage

(a) Ground preparation

(b) Supporting frame
(c) Safety features Transportation

(a) Supporting frame

(b) Wedging to cushion the base of precast concrete elements
(c) Tie down detail Erection

(a) Erection sequence

(b) Size of backers/shims
(c) Laying of bedding
(d) Device for temporary props/bracing
(e) Details for temporary supports/bracing
(f) Details for protection
(g) Method of positioning, propping and installation Connections

(a) Details
(b) Preparation
(c) Grouting
(d) Grout mix design
(e) Temporary shims Repairs

(a) Method of repairs Finishes

(a) Method of achieving the specified surface finishes

5.1.4 Maintenance / Replacement manual

At the end of the project submit a maintenance / replacement manual for all
components and connections to be carried out by the building owners.

5.1.5 As Build Survey

Submit as constructed survey within time frame as directed for the

completed structure demonstrating compliance with permitted tolerances.

5.1.6 Quality Control Manual

Submit a Quality Manual containing a QA/QC programme for the Works to

the Engineer for acceptance within directed time frame.



The Quality Manual is to include at least information on the following:

(a) Quality policy
(b) Organisation charts and responsibilities
(c) Internal quality control and audits
(d) Facilities and equipment
(e) Calibration and testing of equipment
(f) Testing and inspection procedures
(g) Subcontractors and suppliers

5.2 Mock-up Sample of Elements

Prior to mass production of precast concrete elements, produce at least one or

otherwise agreed number of sample of each type of precast concrete element for
Engineer’s acceptance. Display the accepted sample at the fabrication plant and use
it as a yardstick for the minimum standard and quality to be achieved for all precast
concrete elements.

5.3 Fabrication Inspection

Inspect all precast concrete elements before they leave the factory with particular
regard to the following:

(a) Cracking
(b) Chipping
(c) Tolerances
(d) Accuracy of location of inserts or fixings

In the case of precast concrete elements cast on site, inspect the elements before
transferring the elements to storage or erection.

Repair minor defects in accordance with the method in clause 6.6 of SS CP 81.

Submit the results of the inspection for Engineer’s acceptance. Ensure that no
defective precast concrete elements are delivered for erection.

5.4 Records

5.4.1 Casting Records

Keep casting records for all elements and allow for Engineer’s inspection.
Include the following information:

(a) Component reference (marking)

(b) Date cast
(c) Mix details
(d) Finish
(e) Method of curing
(f) Age and strength at demoulding
(g) Age and strength at lifting

5.4.2 Inspection Records

Engage PE for the supervision and inspection for the precast production,
and keep all inspection record.

Keep inspection records properly and allow for Engineer’s inspection.



5.5 Tests

5.5.1 Material Compliance Tests

Refer to all related work sections in clause 1.2 above for test requirements
to verify compliance of the quality of at least the following materials:

(a) Concrete
(b) Grout and mortar
(c) Reinforcements
(d) Prestressing components
(e) Structural steelwork and connections
(f) Steel work protections
(g) Sealants
(h) Waterproofing

Submit all test results to the Engineer as soon as they are available. Submit
also the certificates from the supplier of any proprietary products used in the
works demonstrating compliance with the specified requirements.

5.5.2 Water tightness Test

Conduct water tightness test for the joints of the precast concrete elements
as per the following, unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer:

(a) For floor, flood the floor with 25mm depth of water at the highest point.
Test all floor joints before waterproofing for not lesser than 48 hours.
The test is deemed to have passed if there is no water seepage or
dampness observed at the face behind the face subject to the water

(b) For external wall, spray with a continuous water jet corresponding to
600 litres per hour from a water hose with a nozzle velocity of 2 m per
second and a cone scatter of approximately 60 degree. Hold the hose
at 30 degree to the horizontal plane and at 1.2 m away from the wall
surface. Place the hose with the nozzle in line with the vertical joint and
at a level of horizontal joints so that the jet cone scatter will cover the
vertical and horizontal joints. Test all external facing joints not lesser
than 60min. The test is deemed to have passed if there is no water
seepage or dampness observed at the face behind the face subject to
the water test.

--- End of Section ---





1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards and Technical Reference ......................................................................................1
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................7
1.5 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 10


2.1 Design Brief ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Loading During Construction ............................................................................................... 10
2.3 Protective Works for Structural Steelworks ......................................................................... 10

3.1 Steel Sections/Elements ...................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Welding Consumables ......................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Fasteners ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.4 Profiled Steel Decking ......................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Protective Finishes .............................................................................................................. 15
3.6 Grout .................................................................................................................................... 17


4.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 17
4.2 Quality Control Plan ............................................................................................................. 18
4.3 Storage and Handling .......................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Fabrication ........................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Bolting .................................................................................................................................. 25
4.6 Welding ................................................................................................................................ 27
4.7 Permitted Deviations (PDs) of Fabrication .......................................................................... 30
4.8 Erection ................................................................................................................................ 39
4.9 Permitted Deviations (PDs) in Erection ............................................................................... 42
4.10 Protective Coatings ............................................................................................................. 48
4.11 Surface Preparation ............................................................................................................. 49
4.12 Shop Painting ...................................................................................................................... 49
4.13 Field Repair and Touch-up Painting .................................................................................... 50
4.14 Touch-up Paint to Site Welded and Bolted Connections .................................................... 50
4.15 Hot Dip Galvanising ............................................................................................................. 50
4.16 Paint Coatings ..................................................................................................................... 51
4.17 Application of Thin Film Intumescent Paints ....................................................................... 53
4.18 Sprayed-on Fireproofing ...................................................................................................... 53
4.19 Dry Lining ............................................................................................................................. 55


5.1 Submission .......................................................................................................................... 55
5.2 Procedural Trial and Trial Assemblies ................................................................................. 59
5.3 Inspection and Testing ........................................................................................................ 59
5.4 Non-Destructive Testing of Welds ....................................................................................... 60
5.5 Mock-up and Samples ......................................................................................................... 61
5.6 Verification Tests ................................................................................................................. 62

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn

Prepared and Checked By Approved By

Date Revision
(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers the requirements for the fabrication and erection of normal
structural steelwork in buildings. It does not cover the use of stainless steel in special

1.2 Related Sections

No items.

1.3 Standards and Technical Reference

1.3.1 Standard

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the



requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted

are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysian Standards

MS EN 1993-1-1: 2010 Design of Steel Structures

MS EN 1994-1-1: 2010 Design of Composite Steel and Concrete


Other Standards

ANSI/AWS D1.1-02 Structural Steel welding code

ASTM E165 Standard test method for liquid penetrant


ASTM E709 Standard guide for magnetic particle


ASTM E747 Controlling quality of radiographic testing

using wire penetrameters

BS EN ISO 898-1 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of

carbon steel and alloy steel. Bolts, screws
and studs

BS EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanised coatings on fabricated

iron and steel articles.

Specifications and Test Methods

BS EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanised coatings on fabricated

iron and steel articles.

BS EN 10024 Hot rolled taper flange I sections.

Tolerances on shape and dimensions

BS EN 10025 Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural

steels. Technical delivery conditions

BS EN 10029 Tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass

for hot rolled steel plates 3mm thick or

BS EN 10051 Specification for continuously hot-rolled

uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy
and alloy steels. Tolerances on dimensions
and shape

BS EN 10113 Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain

structural steels
Part 1: General delivery conditions
Part 2: Delivery conditions for normalised/
normalised rolled steels
Part 3: Delivery conditions for
thermomechanical rolled steels



BS EN 10137 Plates and wide flats made of high yield

strength structural steel in the quenched
and tempered or precipitation hardened
Part 1: General delivery conditions
Part 2: Delivery conditions for quenched
and tempered steels
Part 3: Delivery condition for precipitation-
hardened steels

BS EN 10155 Structural steels with improved atmospheric

corrosion resistance. Technical delivery

BS EN 10163 Specification for delivery requirement for

surface condition of hot rolled steel plates,
wide flats and sections
Part 1: General requirements
Part 2: Plates and wide flats Part 3:

BS EN 10210 Hot finished structural hollow sections of

non-alloy and fine grain structural steels
Part 1: Technical delivery requirements
Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and
sectional properties

BS EN 10219 Cold formed welded structural hollow

sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels

BS EN 10279 Hot rolled steel channels. Tolerances on

shape, dimension and mass

BS EN 10034 Structural steel I and H section. Tolerance

on shape and dimensions

BS EN 10055 Hot rolled steel equal flange tees with

radiused root and toes. Dimensions and
tolerances on shape and dimensions.

BS EN 10056-1 Structural steel equal and unequal leg

angles. Dimensions

BS EN 10056-2 Specification for structural steel equal and

unequal leg angles. Tolerances on shape
and dimensions

EN 10025 : 2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels

General technical delivery conditions

BS 476-20:1987 Fire tests on building materials and

structures. Method for determination of the
fire resistance of elements of construction
(general principles)

BS 476-21 Fire tests on building materials and

structures. Methods for determination of the
fire resistance of load bearing elements of




BS 476-22: 1987 Fire tests on building materials and

structures. Method for determination of the
fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements
of construction

BS 476-23: 1987 Fire tests on building materials and

structures. Methods for determination of the
contribution of components to the fire
resistance of a structure

BS 476-24: 1987 ISO 6944:1985 Fire tests on building

materials and structures. Method for
determination of the fire resistance of
ventilation ducts

BS 2583 Podger spanners

BS 3692 ISO metric precision hexagon bolts, screws

and nuts – specification

BS 4190 ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and

nuts – specification

BS 4320 Metal washers for general engineering


BS EN 14399 BS 4429 Specification for rigging screws and

turnbuckles for general engineering lifting
purposes and pipe hanger applications

BS 4652 Zinc-rich priming paint (organic media)

BS 4921 Specification for sherardised coatings on

iron and steel

BS 4933 ISO metric black cup and countersunk head

bolts and screws with hexagon nuts

BS 6213:2000+A1:2010 Guide to the selection of construction




BS 7079 Preparation of steel substrates before

application of paints and related products
Part A1: Visual assessment of surface
cleanliness. Specification for rust grades
and preparation of uncoated steel
substrates and of steel substrates after
overall removal of previous coatings
Part C1: Surface roughness characteristics
of blast-cleaned steel substrates.
Specification for surface profile comparators
for assessment of abrasive
Part C2: Surface roughness characteristics
of blast-cleaned steel substrates. Method
for the grading of the surface profile of
abrasively blast-cleaned steel using a
Part C3: Surface roughness characteristics
of blast-cleaned steel substrates. Method
for the calibration of surface profile
comparators and for the determination of
surface profile using a focusing microscope
Part C4: Surface roughness characteristics
of blast-cleaned steel substrates. Method
for the calibration of surface profile
comparators and for the determination of
surface using a stylus instrument

BS 7419 Specification for holding down bolts

BS EN 14399-9:2009 High strength structural bolting for

preloading. System HR or HV. Direct
tension indicators for bolt and nut

BS 7668 Weldable structural steels. Hot finished

structural hollow sections in weather
resistant steels

BS 8202 Coatings for fire protection of building

elements Part 2: Code of practice for the
use of intumescent coating systems to
metallic substrates for providing fire

BS EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanised coatings on fabricated

iron and steel articles. Specification and test

BS EN ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test

BS EN ISO 2808 Paints and varnishes - Determination of film


ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes. Pull-off test



BS EN ISO 12944 Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection

of steel structures by protective paint
Part 1: General introduction
Part 2: Classification of environments
Part 3: Design considerations
Part 4: Types of surface and surface
Part 5: Protective paint systems
Part 6: Laboratory performance test
Part 7: Execution and supervision of
Part 8: Development of specifications for
new work and maintenance

BS EN ISO 14713 Protection against corrosion of iron and

steel in structures - Zinc and aluminium
coatings – Guidelines

BS EN 22063 Metallic and other inorganic coatings -

Thermal spraying - Zinc, aluminium and
their alloys

ASTM B117 Standard practice for operating salt spray

(fog) apparatus

ASTM E119 Standard test method for fire tests of

building construction and materials

ASTM E605 Standard test method for thickness and

density of sprayed fire-resistive material
(SFRM) applied to structural members

ASTM E736 Standard test method for

cohesion/adhesion of sprayed fire-resistive
material (SFRM) applied to structural

ASTM E759 Standard test method for effect of deflection

on sprayed fire-resistive material (SFRM)
applied to structural members

ASTM E760 Standard test method for effect of impact on

bonding of sprayed fire-resistive material
(SFRM) applied to structural members

ASTM E761 Standard test method for compressive

strength of sprayed fire-resistive material
(SFRM) applied to structural members

ASTM E859 Standard test method for air erosion of

sprayed fire-resistive materials (SFRMs)
applied to structural members

ASTM E937 Standard test method for corrosion of steel

by sprayed fire-resistive material (SFRM)
applied to structural members



ANSI / UL 263 Fire Tests of Building Construction and


In the event that the Standards or Codes are partially superseded or

become obsolete, refer to the latest edition or the approved substitution for
the relevant clauses.

1.3.2 Technical Reference

When carrying out the works, take guidance from the following technical

a) UK’s National Structural Steelwork Specification.

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

The structural steelwork layout and design are shown in the drawings. Accept responsibility for the design, supply of materials, labour,

plant, fabrication, delivery, assembly, erection, bolting, site
welding, NDT, site painting, interface and Supervision of all
steelwork, including all structural steel supports, bracket, fittings
bracings, etc (herein termed collectively as steelworks) Accept responsibility for the design development, connection

design, drawings, supply, installation and testing of connections
for all steelworks to the loading & forces provided and agreed with
the Engineer. Engage a PE to develop the design of the
connections based on the structural design drawings and
submission to authorities for approval. Temporary Works

Engage a PE to plan, design and supervise any necessary

temporary supports to ensure the structural steelwork is stable
throughout the construction, paying attention to the safe erection of
structural steelwork in accordance with SS CP 79: 1999. Protective Work for Structural Steelworks

All structural steelworks require protection against corrosion and

areas where protection against fire is required are indicated.

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to develop the design

intent and propose the following for Engineer’s acceptance:

(a) Complete system of protection against corrosion and fire

including types and manufacturer of the materials to be applied
and details such as coating thickness etc., based on the
performance requirements as set out in clause 2.1 below. The
system may consist of corrosion or fire protection materials or
a combination of both.

(b) Details of methods of application including preparations and




1.4.2 Shop Drawings

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to prepare coordinated shop

drawings for the fabrication and erection of the steelwork.

1.4.3 Qualifications Steel Fabricators

Engage steel fabricators who are accredited under the Structural

Steel Fabricators Accreditation Scheme of the Singapore Structural
Steel Society for the fabrication works.

Also refer to Particular Specification. Supervisors

All structural steelwork and associated works are to be undertaken

and supervised by appropriately experienced personnel.

All protective works and associated works are to be undertaken and

supervised by experienced personnel.

Provide evidence of personnel’s past experience and certificate to

the Engineer for acceptance prior to commencement of the Works. Welder Qualification

Submit evidence of welders’ competence toundertake the specified


The welders are to be tested to meet the requirements of

ANSI/AWS D1.1 Section 4 Part C. The welder’s test is to be
conducted and certificates are to be issued by the Independent
Inspection and Testing Agency.

All welders shall possess valid test certificates in accordance with

BS EN 287-1 or BS EN ISO 9606, certified by a BCA Approved
Training and Testing Centre (ATTC) or an independent assessment
body The welder shall have at least a certificate to qualify him to do
3G welding and only certified welders with qualification to 4G
welding shall be allowed to do overhead welding. The qualifications
shall be subjected to the Engineer and ITA’s acceptance.

1.4.4 Quality Control Plan

Refer to clause 4.2 and 5.3.

Submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with the Engineer.

1.4.5 Accredited Laboratory

Engage a laboratory accepted by the Engineer and accredited under the

“Skim Akreditasi Makmak Malaysia (SAMM)” to carry out tests and checks
as required by this Specification, including all on site weld tests where



1.4.6 Independent Inspection and Testing Agency (ITA)

Appoint an independent Inspection and Testing Agency (ITA) who will carry
out all the inspections and non-destructive testing specified herein. The cost
of providing the inspection services, NDT and quality control to be
undertaken by the appointed Inspection Agency shall be deemed included
in the contract.

In either of the above cases, make available to the ITA the following:

(a) All requested documentation and a detailed programme to allow the

ITA to discharge its duties and to witness significant stages in the
fabrication and erection process.

(b) Any instruments or other equipment required checking the accuracy

and quality of the works.

1.4.7 Maintenance Manual

Prepare and submit a maintenance / replacement manual covering the

entire protective systems and materials for the project.

1.4.8 Warranty

Warrant the Works in accordance with contract conditions for a minimum

period of 10 years against all defects from the date of completion.

For the sprayed-on fireproofing, warrant that the materials will not flake,
dust, delaminate or erode.

1.4.9 Safety

Provide safety precautions to comply with all current legislation and

regulations, notably:

(a) DOHS Regulations

(b) OSH Act



1.5 Definitions

(a) Design Drawings Drawings showing the dimensioned layout of the steel
structure with the size and material grades of all
members, the forces to be developed in their
connections and any cambers etc, from which shop
drawings are made.

(b) Shop Drawings Drawings showing all necessary information to

fabricate the structural steelwork, including the piece
markings with the location in the structure.

(c) Reaming Forming, shaping, tapering, or enlarging a hole with a


(d) Faying Surfaces Surfaces which are tightly or closely fitted.

(e) DFT Dry Film Thickness (local thickness of a sprayed

metal or galvanised coating).

(f) Intumescent Types of fire-retardant paint that Paint protect the

substrates to which they are applied.


2.1 Design Brief

When carrying out design as described in Clause 1.4, ensure the design conforms to
the requirements of MS EN 1993-1-1 or other design codes as indicated in the

2.2 Loading During Construction

Ensure that the steelwork is adequately braced or restrained to withstand all loadings
liable to be encountered during construction without inducing excessive stresses,
deflections or distortion in the structure.

2.3 Protective Works for Structural Steelworks

2.3.1 Contractor’s Proposal Brief

When carrying out the proposal for the protective system in Clause 1.4,
account for the following performance requirements: Durability

Account for the required durability range of 10 years.

Assess the level of coating failure before the first major

maintenance in accordance with EN ISO 12944. Level of Corrosion Protection Environmental Exposure Class



Account for the environmental exposure class for the

protective coating system:

Immediately after surface preparation of the steel and

blast clean to Swedish Standard SA 2.5, apply
structural steel primer paint. The protective coatings
are to be as outlined below for normal internal and
external applications. For more aggressive
environments, higher performance Marine Paint
systems are to be used:

Internally / Externally Exposed Steel:

a) Primer – Ethyl Zinc Silicate 80 micron minimum

dry film thickness conventionally sprayed.

b) Barrier Coat – Two pack Epoxy MIO 125 micron

(Mist coat/Full coat) minimum dry film thickness,
conventionally sprayed.

c) Finish Coat – Aliphatic Polyurethane 75 micron

minimum dry film thickness conventionally

Internally / Externally Concealed Steel:

a) Primer – Ethyl Zinc Silicate 80 micron minimum

dry film thickness, conventionally sprayed.

b) Barrier Coat – Two pack Epoxy MIO 75 micron

(Mist coat/Full coat) minimum dry film thickness,
conventionally sprayed.

c) Finish Coat – Two Pack Epoxy Enamel 75

micron minimum dry film thickness,
conventionally sprayed. Required Systems

The required corrosion protective system (paint coating

or galvanising) at various locations for the project is
indicated in the drawings.

For paint coatings comply as a minimum, the

recommended thickness for protective coating systems
for various environments given in Annex A of EN ISO

For galvanised protective systems comply as a

minimum, the recommended thickness for various
environments given in Table 2 of BS EN ISO 14713.
Also account for the rate of corrosion indicated in
Table 1 of BS EN ISO 14713.



Obtain the manufacturer’s recommendation if the fire

protection coatings are included as parts of the system
for corrosion protection. Level of Fire Protection Period of Fire Resistance

Account for the required period of fire resistance for

minimum of 2 hour rating for structural steel within the
building envelope except 4 hour rating for structural
steel at basement level or below grade. Compliance with Authorities’ Requirements

All sprayed-on fireproofing shall comply with the

applicable requirements of the Authorities (e.g.
BOMBA etc) and the requirements of the Underwriters'
Laboratories Inc. (UL). In case of conflict, refer to the
Engineer for resolution, the Engineer’s decision is be
final. Environmental Requirements

Ensure that all materials comply with the requirements of NEA in

terms of chemical and organic compositions as well as level of
volatile emissions. Architectural Finishes

For architecturally exposed steelworks, account for the required

finish effects as stipulated in the Contract and Architectural
finishing schedule.


3.1 Steel Sections/Elements

3.1.1 Material Qualities

Material qualities, dimensions and tolerances are to comply with the

appropriate standard as tabulated below:




Form / Shape Material Qualities


ing steels




Universal Beams & Columns BS 4 -1

Joists BS 4 -1

Channels BS 4 -1

Rolled Asymmetric Beams “d” “d”


10056-1 10056-2
BS EN 10137-2 “
BS EN 10113

BS EN 10155
BS EN 10025 “

Rolled Tees
10055 10055

Split Tees BS 4 - 1

Plates BS EN
(Reversing Mill) 10029

Plates BS EN
(Cut from Coil) 10051

Bars and Rods - -

Wide Flats - NORM
Hollow Sections (Hot-Finished)
“e” BS EN 10210-1 - BS 7668 BS EN 10210-2

Hollow Sections (Cold-

BS EN 10219-1 - - BS EN 10219-2 “d”
Formed) “e”

Turnbuckles BS 4429

a. Product without specified maximum manganese content or are not supplier with carbon equivalent value (CEV)
options. Additional requirement may therefore need to be specified, eg option 5 or 6 of BS EN 10025
b. Grade S275 and S355 only. If the steel is to incorporate welded connection “option 5” must be ordered.
c. Only Plate and Wide Flats – Grade 460
d. See manufacturers’ information for rolled asymmetric beams and S235 Cold Formed Hollow Sections
e. All Hollow Sections are to be Hot Finished to BS EN 10210-1, unless otherwise specified on drawings.

3.1.2 Mill Certificates

All steel elements are to have the manufacturer’s mill test certificates
indicating compliance with the specified codes.



3.1.3 Surface Condition General Condition

Steel for fabrication is not to be more heavily pitted or rusted than

Grade C of BS 7079 Part A1. Rectification of Surface Defects

For hot rolled plates and wide flats, if there are surface
imperfections and defects as classified in BS EN 10163-2 Clause 4
(Requirements) revealed during surface preparation, rectify the
surface in accordance to BS EN 10163-2 Clause 5 (Repair

For hot rolled sections, if there are surface imperfections and

defects as classified in BS EN 10163-3 Clause 4 (Requirements)
revealed during surface preparation, rectify the surface in
accordance to BS EN 10163-3 Clause 5 (Repair Procedures).

For hot rolled hollow sections, rectify the surface imperfections and
defects revealed during surface preparation in accordance to BS EN
10210-1 Clause 6.8 (Surface Condition).

3.2 Welding Consumables

Welding consumables for metal arc welding are to comply with ANSI/AWS D1.1
Clause 5.3 (Welding Consumables and Electrode Requirements).

Ensure compatibility between welding consumables and parent materials used for the

3.3 Fasteners

3.3.1 Ordinary Bolt Assemblies

Ordinary bolts (full and part threaded length) are to comply with BS 4190 for
all grades.

Ordinary nuts are to comply with BS 4190 (grade 4 for grade 4.6, 8 for 8.8
and 10 for 10.9).

For galvanised or sherardised bolts use class 10 nuts for 8.8 bolts and class
12 nuts for 10.9 bolts.

Black steel washers are to comply with BS 4320 Section 2.

3.3.2 Countersunk Bolt Assemblies Bolts

Comply with BS 4933 for grade 4.6 (cup headed bolts and 90°
countersunk head bolts).

Comply with BS 4933 (dimensions) and BS EN ISO 898-1 (material)

for grade 8.8 bolts.



Comply with BS 4190 (grade 4) for grade 4.6 bolts.

Comply with BS 3692 (grade 8) for grade 8.8 bolts. Washers

Ordinary steel washers (normal diameter series) are to comply with

BS 4320 Section 2.

3.3.3 High Strength Friction Grip Fasteners

Bolts, nuts and washers are to comply with:

a) BS 4395-1 for general grade bolts

b) BS 4395-2 for higher grade bolts

3.3.4 Lock Nuts for Bolt Assemblies

Comply with BS 3692 or BS 4190 as appropriate.

3.3.5 Holding Down Assemblies Bolts

Comply with BS 7419 for grades 4.6 and 8.8. Nuts

Comply with BS 4190:

(a) Grade 4 for grade 4.6 bolts.

(b) Grade 8 for grade 8.8 bolts.
(c) Class 10 for galvanised or sherardized grade 8.8 bolts. Washers

Comply with BS 4320 Section 2 (normal diameter series) for bolts

grades 4.6 and 8.8.

3.3.6 Shear Studs

Proprietary headed studs are to have the following properties:

(a) Minimum yield strength of 350 N/mm2
(b) Minimum ultimate tensile strength of 450 N/mm2
(c) Elongation of 15% on a gauge length of 5.65; A, where A = area of test
(d) Diameter and nominal length as noted on the drawings

3.4 Profiled Steel Decking

Comply with SS EN 1993 and SS EN 1994 unless otherwise agreed.

3.5 Protective Finishes

3.5.1 Hot-Dip Galvanising Materials



Comply with BS EN ISO 1461.

3.5.2 Sherardised Coatings

Comply with BS 4921.

3.5.3 Metallic Blast Cleaning Abrasives

(a) Comply with BS 7079-E2 for chilled iron grit.

(b) Comply with BS 7079-RE3 for cast steel grit.

3.5.4 Surface Coatings Proprietary Products

When proprietary products had been selected for the project as

indicated in the drawings or this specification, verify that the
products will satisfy the requirements as above. In case that the
selected product is unable to satisfy the desired performance, notify
the Engineer and propose alternative product for acceptance. Paint Coating Materials Source of Materials

Unless otherwise agreed, obtain all products in a

particular paint and coating scheme from a single
manufacturer. Prefabrication Coating

Provide prefabrication coating required as indicated in

the contract. When required, apply the prefabrication
coating in order to provide protection to blast-cleaned
steel prior to specified coatings. This coating is
additional to the specified protection system.

The prefabrication coating is to be fully compatible with

the specified protection system. Sealants

Comply with BS 6213. Refer to the contract and architectural

drawings for proprietary product selected for the project if any. Fireproofing Materials

All fire protection materials are to be approved by FSSB and comply

with stipulations in the Code of practice for fire precautions in

Submit evidence of the approval for Engineer’s acceptance. Intumescent Paints

Comply with the requirements of BS 8202-2.



Refer to the contract drawings for the proprietary

product selected for the project if any. Sprayed-on Fireproofing

(a) Protection of internal steelwork

Use mineral fibre products unless otherwise

agreed by the Engineer.

(b) Protection of external steelwork

Use heavy duty, high density vermiculite cement

products unless otherwise agreed by the

(c) Proprietary Products

Refer to the contract drawings for the proprietary

products selected for the project if any. Dry Lining

Refer to the contract drawings for the proprietary

product selected for the following items, if any.

(a) Board Lining: Comply with ASTM E119, ANSI/UL

263, BS 476-8 or BS 476-21.
(b) Material Wrapping Compatibility of Products

Ensure that all products to be used are compatible. Obtain

confirmation from manufacturer of their compatibility.

3.6 Grout

Grout is to comply with BS EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011.

Grout around anchor bolts under base plates and between steel plates and concrete
surface is to have a minimum compressive strength at 28 days of 40 N/mm2.

Proprietary grouts are not to contain high alumina cement.


4.1 General

4.1.1 Traceability

All steel elements are to be identified and traceable to the manufacturer’s

material/mill test certificates.

4.1.2 Marking

Mark all pieces so that they can be identified at all stages of fabrication.



Mark completed components in locations that will not be covered up by

other material after erection to avoid confusion.

Hard stamping may be used other than where specified in the Architectural
Drawings as exposed steel structures.

Keep areas of steelwork free of all markings where so required on the


4.1.3 Source Quality Control General

Materials and fabrication procedures are subject to inspection and

tests in mill, shop, and field, conducted by a qualified inspection
agency. Promptly remove and replace materials or fabricated
components that do not comply. Design of Members and Connections

Details shown are typical; similar details apply to similar conditions,

unless otherwise indicated. Verify dimensions at site whenever
possible without causing delay in the work.

Promptly notify the Engineer whenever design of members and

connections for any portion of structure are not clearly indicated or
changed due to fabrication or site constraints

4.1.4 Work Procedures

Carry out the Works strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's

recommendations and agreed methods.

4.1.5 Transportation, Storage and Handling

Establish procedures for transportation, storage and handling of all

materials in order to minimise the risk of damage and contamination.

Deliver materials in original unopened packages. Ensure that material store

above floor level, under cover and in a dry location until ready for use.
Reject and remove from the site, all materials that have been exposed to
water/air before use or have overrun the expiry date.

Mark or label all products and store them in such a way that identification of
product and batch numbers is available at all times.

4.1.6 Multiple Coats

Where two or more coats of the same product are to be applied, use a
different colour for alternate coats in order to provide visual indication of the
stage reached or progress of the coating work.

4.2 Quality Control Plan

Engage an independent testing and inspection agency to inspect, paints,

high-strength bolted connections and welded connections and to perform tests and
prepare test reports. The Contractor shall pay for all tests and inspections undertaken
by the agency.



Owner may also, at his own discretion, engage an independent testing and inspection
agency to randomly inspect paints, high-strength bolted connections and welded
connections and to perform tests and prepare test reports.

Testing agency shall conduct and interpret tests, state in each report whether test
specimens comply with requirements, and specifically state any deviations therefrom.

Provide access for testing agency to places where structural steel work is being
fabricated or produced so that required inspection and testing can be accomplished.

Testing agency may inspect structural steel at plant before shipment.

Correct deficiencies in structural steel work that inspections and laboratory test
reports have indicated to be not in compliance with requirements. Perform additional
tests, at Contractor's expense, as necessary to reconfirm any non-compliance of
original work and to show compliance of corrected work.

4.2.1 Shop-Bolted Connections

Inspect or test in accordance with SS EN 1993-1-8.

a) Verify that gaps of installed Direct Tension Indicators are less than gaps
specified in ASTM F 959, Table 2.

4.2.2 Shop Welding

Inspect and test during fabrication of structural steel assemblies, as follows:

a) Certify welders and conduct inspections and tests as required. Record

types and locations of defects found in work. Record work required
and performed to correct deficiencies.
b) Perform visual inspection of all welds.
c) Perform tests of welds as follows.
d) Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E 165.
e) Magnetic Particle Testing: BS 4397
f) Radiographic Inspection: BS 2600; minimum quality level "2-2T."
g) Ultrasonic Inspection: BS 3923.

4.2.3 Field-Bolted Connections

Inspect in accordance with AISC specifications.

For Direct Tension Indicators, comply with requirements of ASTM F 959.

Verify that gaps are less than gaps specified in Table 2.

4.2.4 Welding Inspection

Submit for approval by the Engineer details of the proposed quality control
system and personnel to be used during shop and field welding work.
Ensure the competent personnel and certified by an acceptable to the
engineer organization, to carry out and record compliance with approved
procedures by qualified welders and visual inspection of welds and to carry
out and record dimensional checks.



Welds shall be specified by the Engineer either "Class A" or “Class

B”. The acceptance parameters shall be as stated in the AWS D1.1
standard and the same for both classes of weld but the extent of
inspection shall be as follows.

(a) Class A Welds

100% of each weld pass shall be visually inspected, before the

next weld pass in made and 100% of the final weld pass, to
ensure compliance with the acceptance criteria shown in BS
EN 1011

(b) Class B Welds

The capping pass of all fillet and partial penetration grove

welds, as well as the root pass of the latter are to be visually
inspected. In addition, in the case of fillet welds, not less than
5% of each welder’s work shall be visually inspected after the
root pass has been made and before any further weld pass is
made as to ensure compliance with the acceptance criteria of
the AWS D1.1 standard.

4.2.5 Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Non destructive testing, (NDT), may include the following:

(a) Liquid penetrant inspection (LPI).

(b) Magnetic particle inspection (MPI).
(c) Radiographic testing (RT).
(d) Ultrasonic testing. (UT).

All of the above shall be carried out in accordance with the AWS
D1.1 Standard. Extent of NDT

Welds shall be tested as follows:

(a) Class "A" Welds

All Full Penetration welds (labelled CJP on drawings) are to be

100% UT or RT inspected. If UT is used, the capping pass is to
be 100% MPI tested.

Class "A" field welds shall be subject to 100% RT or UT testing

as specified by the Engineer.

(b) Class "B" Welds

Not less than 30% of each welder’s work shall be subjected to

LPI or MPI testing. Partial Penetration Grove welds are to be
inspected as follows; the 25% of the root pass length and 5%
of the capping pass length shall be MPI tested.

30% of all fillet weld length is to be MPI tested.



All Class "B" field welds shall be subjected to NDT, the testing
method to be specified by the Engineer. Documentation

Institute a record system, and submit to the Engineer’s acceptance,

to show full details of all testing and inspection. Verification

Engage full time independent third-party inspectors to carry out

inspections and testing and to audit the Contractors record keeping
and documentation at the fabrication shop. Grant free access to his
premise and to all relevant records, drawings and documents.
Carry out LPI or MPI or RT or UT testing at the request of the
appointee. Weld Quality

Weld acceptance criteria shall be as specified in ANSI/AWS D1.1

(2002) and all welders must maintain a consistently acceptable
standard of work. Should any welder (s) fail to maintain an
acceptable standard then the Engineer may, without notice, specify
an increased level of inspection and/or NDT or withdraw the
qualified status from such welder (s).

Should any weld fail RT or UT testing then two further welds

selected at random from work carried out by that welder in the same
period of seven days during which the failed joint was welded, shall
be subjected to the same method of testing. Weld Repairs

Submit weld repair procedures for approval by the Engineer’s

acceptance. No repairs shall be made except by an “approved
welding repair procedure”. Any repaired weld shall, as a minimum,
be subjected to the same degree of inspection and testing as was
the original weld.

Weld Classes

The weld classes are to be as follows:

(a) Class A

All full penetration groove welds.

Any Partial Penetration Groove welds located in member at

position of high load or bending moment, as decided by the

(b) Class B

All other welds.



4.3 Storage and Handling

Prepare and comply with proper storage and handling procedures in approved
method statement to ensure achievement of the desired quality and to minimise
damage to the steelwork.

Protect all open ends of Tubular members at all times from the ingress of water or
deleterious materials.

4.3.1 Holding Areas

Lay steel in separate holding areas and keep clean.

4.3.2 Storage

Adequately support steel clear of the ground. Keep clean and do not allow
water to accumulate on components. Protect steel against corrosion.

Ensure individual piece markings are visible when members are stacked.

4.3.3 Handling

Plan and carry out bundling, packing, handling and transport in a manner
designed to prevent permanent distortion to the steelwork and minimise
damage to any protective coating.

4.3.4 Storage and Drying of Welding Consumables

Store and protect welding consumables that have been removed from the
original package so that the welding properties are not affected.

Carry out drying or re-baking, where necessary, in accordance with the

manufacturer’s recommendations.

4.4 Fabrication

Prepare and comply with proper fabrication procedures to Engineer’s acceptance, to

ensure achievement of the desired quality.

Fabricate and assemble structural assemblies in shop to greatest extent possible.

Fabricate items of structural steel in accordance with the AISC Specifications and as
indicated on final shop drawings. Provide camber in structural members where

Ensure properly mark and match-mark materials for field assembly. Fabricate for
delivery sequence that will expedite erection and minimize field handling of materials.

Where finishing is required, complete assembly, including welding of units, before

start of finishing operations. Provide finish surfaces of members exposed in final
structure free of markings, burrs, and other defects.

Open ends of tubular members at all times shall be securely protected from the
ingress of water or dust or deleterious materials.

4.4.1 Cutting

Comply with BS EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011



Cut and shape steel by sawing, shearing, cropping, nibbling, plasma or

laser cutting and thermal or flame cutting.

Thermal cutting are not permitted at the areas indicated in the Architectural
Drawings as exposed steel structures. Hand Flame Cutting

Use only where it is impractical to use machine flame cutting. Flame Cut Edges

Flame-cut edges that are free from significant irregularities require

no further treatment other than dressing as specified in

4.4.2 Holing

Comply with BS EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011 Forming

Drill, punch, plasma or laser cut and thermal or flame cut round
holes perpendicular to metal surfaces for fasteners.

Thermal holing or full size hole punching are not permitted.

Do not flame-cut holes or enlarge holes by burning. Drill holes in

bearing plates. Plates thicker than 20mm shall not be punched. Matching

Ensure all matching holes are formed such that fasteners can be
inserted freely through the assembled members at right angles to
the contact faces.

Drifting to align holes may be used provided it neither enlarges nor

distorts the holes. Drilling through Multiple Thickness

Tightly clamp the separate parts before drilling and remove any
burrs after separating the parts.



Punching of full-size holes is permitted when all the following

conditions are satisfied:

a) The tolerance on distortion of the punched hole does not

exceed that specified;
b) The holes are free of burrs which would prevent solid seating
of the parts when tightened;
c) The thickness of the material is not greater than 30mm, nor
greater than the diameter of the hole being punched
d) In spliced connections when the holes in mating surfaces are
punched in the same direction and the splice plates marked
to show the assembly faces, if packed separately. Punching and Reaming

When the conditions in is not satisfied, punching is still

permitted provided that the holes are punched at least 2mm less in
diameter than the required size and the holes are then reamed to
the full diameter after assembly.

4.4.3 Dressing Removal of Burrs

Dress cut edges or holes to remove dross, burrs, irregularities and

protruding edges.

If holes are drilled through components that are clamped together

not intended to be separated after drilling, removal of burrs is not
required. Dressing of Sharp Edges

Ensure all sharp edges are dressed.

A 90° rolled, sheared or machined cut edge requires no further


4.4.4 Curving and Straightening

Curve or straighten components during fabrication using mechanical means

or the local application of heat. Heating

Control the temperature carefully and do not let the temperature

exceed 650°C. Inspection

After the process is complete, visually inspect all welds within the
area of curving or straightening. Carry out non-destructive testing of
welds, where directed.



4.4.5 Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel

Comply with fabrication requirements, including tolerance limits, of AISC’s

“Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges” for structural
steel identified as architecturally exposed structural steel.

a) Fabricate with exposed surfaces smooth, square, and free of surface

blemishes including pitting, rust, scale, seam marks, roller marks, rolled
trade names, and roughness.

b) Remove blemishes by filling or grinding or by welding and grinding,

before cleaning, treating, and shop priming.

4.5 Bolting

4.5.1 Hole Sizes for Bolting Ordinary and HSFG Bolts

(a) For bolts ≤ 24mm diameter, hole sizes are to be bolt diameter
(b) For bolts > 24mm diameter, hole sizes are to be bolt diameter
+3mm. Holding Down Bolts

Hole sizes are to be bolt diameter +6mm with sufficient clearance to

ensure the bolt can be accommodated through the base plate when
adjusted. Fitted Bolts

Clearance of bolt in hole is not to exceed 0.3mm.

4.5.2 Ordinary Bolted Assemblies Make-up of Bolt Assemblies

Refer to Clause 3.3.1(Ordinary Bolt Assemblies) for strength grade

combination of bolt/nuts/washers. Condition of Bolts

Bolt assemblies are to be in such condition immediately before

installation that the nut turns freely on the bolt. Differing Grades of Bolts

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, do not use different bolt

grades of the same diameter in the same structure. Bolt Length

The length of bolt is to be such that at least one clear thread shows
above the nut after tightening, and at least one thread plus the
thread run out is clear between the nut and the unthreaded shank of
the bolt.



Use at least one washer placed under the nut or bolt head being
rotated in each bolt assembly where the rotation might damage the
surface protective treatment on the members being connected. Use
a plate or heavy duty washer under the head and nut where the
members being connected have oversize or slotted holes. Taper Washers

Place under bolt heads and nuts bearing on surfaces sloping 3° or

more from a plane at right angles to the bolt axis. Galvanised Nuts

Check after galvanizing to ensure free running on the bolt. Re-tap

nuts, if necessary, to ensure satisfactory tightening. Tightening

Use power tools or by hand using appropriate spanners to BS 2583. Locking of Nuts

Secure nuts used in connections subject to vibration or reversal of

stresses to prevent loosening. If not specified on the drawings,
include the proposed method in the erection details. Fit-up Using Ordinary Bolt Assemblies

Draw connected parts firmly together. If there is a remaining gap

more than 2mm, which may affect the integrity of the joint, take the
joint apart and insert a pack of the same steel material. Reaming

Reaming may be used where the connection design allows the use
of larger diameter holes and bolts in cases where drifting would
distort the steelwork.

4.5.3 High Strength Friction Grip Fasteners Make-up of Bolt Assemblies

Refer to Clause 3.3.3(High Strength Friction Grip Fasteners) for

strength grade combination of bolt/nuts/washers.

Place the hardened washer under the nut or head being turned. Tightening

Use high strength friction grip bolts in compliance with SS EN 1993-

1-8:2005 Use the torque control method, the part-turn method or
direct tension indicators in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations for tightening in compliance with SS EN 1993-1-


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Calibration of Torque Equipment

Calibrate torque devices at least once each shift.

Recalibrate where necessary in accordance with SS EN 1993-1-

8:2005 Discarded Bolt Assemblies

If after tightening, a bolt or nut is slackened off for any reason,

discard the complete bolt assembly and do not re-use in the Works. Fit-up Using High Strength Friction Grip Fasteners

Draw connected parts firmly together with all bolts partially

tightened. If there is a remaining gap, take the joint apart and insert
a pack of the same steel material before continuing tightening. Reaming

Reaming may be used where the connection design allows the use
of larger bolts in cases where drifting would distort the steelwork.

Demonstrate by calculation that the connection is adequate for the

specified forces. Faying Surfaces for HSFG Fasteners

Remove all mill-scale from the faying surfaces of friction grip joints.

Ensure the faying surfaces of friction grip joints are free of distortion,
deformities or contaminants, which may reduce the slip factor below
the design value.

4.5.4 Slotted Holes Bolts

Where slotted holes are provided for movement connections ensure the
joint is free to move.

4.5.5 Holes in Hollow Sections

Seal bolt holes and vent holes in hollow sections to prevent the ingress of

If not specified on the design drawings, show the proposed method on the
shop drawings.

4.6 Welding

4.6.1 Welding Processes

Processes for Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), submerged arc welding
(SAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW) except GMAW-S, short circuiting
transfer and flux cored arc welding (FCAW) which conform to all of the
requirements of ANSI/AWS D1.1 Section 3 are deemed as pre-qualified and
accepted for use without performing the Welding Procedure Specifications
(WPS) Qualification Tests.



Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), electro-slag welding (ESW) or electro-

gas welding (EGW) and gas metal arc welding - short circuiting transfer
(GMAW-S) are to conform to all of the requirements of ANSI/AWS D1.1
Section 4.

4.6.2 Welding Supervisor

Carry out welding under the direction of a welding supervisor with

appropriate qualifications.

4.6.3 Welding Procedures Specifications Preparation

Prepare Written Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) in

accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.1 Section 4 Part B for acceptance
by the Independent Inspection and Testing Agency. Procedure Tests

All procedure tests conducted are to be witnessed by the

Independent Inspection and Testing Agency. Availability of Welding Procedure Specifications

Make WPS available to the welder, the Engineer and the

Independent Inspection and Testing Agency prior to the
commencement of the works. Inspection and test plans

Submit all inspection and test plans for Engineer’s acceptance prior
to carrying out welding works.

4.6.4 Assembly Fit-up

Fit up joints to the dimensional accuracy in accordance with the


a) ANSI/AWS D1.1 Clause 3.9 (Fillet Weld Requirement) for

Fillet Welding
b) ANSI/AWS D1.1 Clause 3.11 (Common Requirements of
Partial and Complete Joint Penetration Groove Welds) and
Clause 3.12 (Partial Joint Penetration Requirements) for
Partial Penetration Butt Welding
c) ANSI/AWS D1.1 Clause 3.11 (Common Requirements of
Partial and Complete Joint Penetration Groove Welds and
Clause 3.13 (Complete Joint Penetration Requirements) for
Partial Penetration Butt Welding.


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Temporary Welds and Tack Welds

Temporary welds are subject to the same welding procedure

requirements as the final welds. Remove the temporary welds
unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer. Make flush the surface
with the original surface after the removal.

Tack welds are subject to the same quality requirements as the final
welds, with the following exceptions:

a) Preheat is not mandatory for single-pass tack welds which

are re-melted and incorporated into continuous submerged
arc welds.
b) Discontinuities, such as undercut, unfilled craters and porosity
need not be removed before the final submerged arc welding.
c) Tack welds, which are incorporated into the final weld, are to
be made with electrodes meeting the requirements of the final
welds and are to be cleaned thoroughly. Multiple-pass tack
welds are to have cascaded ends.

Remove tack welds, which are not incorporated into the final weld,
unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer. Control of Distortion and Shrinkage

Procedure and sequence of welding is to be in accordance with

ANSI/AWS D1.1 Clause 5.21 to minimise distortion and shrinkage. Temporary Attachments

Welding of temporary attachments required for fabrication or

erection is to be carried out in accordance with the requirements for
permanent welds.

Remove after use where required by flame cutting or gouging at a

point not less than 3mm from the surface of the parent metal.

Grind flush and inspect the area visually.

Where the parent metal is more than 20mm thick, check by

magnetic particle testing method inspection using the acceptance
criteria stipulated in Clause 5.4 (Non-Destructive Testing of Welds).

Do not remove temporary attachments by hammering.

4.6.5 Shear Stud Welding Method

Fix shear studs in accordance with the manufacturer’s

recommendations for materials, procedures and equipment. Welding Procedure Trial

Where required, carry out welding procedure trial of studs to

demonstrate the suitability of the proposed welding system and
equipment before commencement of the work.



The trial is to use the materials and procedures proposed for the
works. Test a minimum of ten studs in the trial.

During the work, at the commencement of each shift, each welder is

to undertake a minimum of two trial welds. Visual Inspection

Visually inspect all studs. They are to exhibit full 360 degree ‘flash’
with no evidence of undercut into the stud base. Bend Test

Subject studs to bend tests at locations agreed with the Engineer.

Test at least 5% of studs and not less than two per beam.

Bend the head of the stud by striking the head of the stud to an
angle of approximately 30° from their original axis with a hammer.
Under this test the weld is to show no visible signs of cracking or
lack of fusion.

Do not straighten any studs so tested. Defective Studs

Replace any studs with defective welding and re-test as above.

Where defective studs are removed check the surface to ensure

comply to the surface preparation.

Remove slag by light hammering, wire brushing or other means that

do not deform the surface of the weld.

4.7 Permitted Deviations (PDs) of Fabrication

4.7.1 PDs in Rolled Components After Fabrication Cross Section After Fabrication

In accordance with the appropriate standards given in clause 3.1.1

(Material Qualities).


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Squareness of Ends not Prepared for Bearing

PD = D/300, where D is the depth of the section. Squareness of Ends Prepared for Bearing

PD = D/1000, where D is the depth of the section and the deviation

is measured relative to the longitudinal axis of the member. Straightness

PD of a member from a straight line drawn between adjacent points

of subsequent effective lateral restraint = 3mm or L/1000, whichever
is greater, where L is the distance between restraints. Camber

PD from specified or proposed camber at mid-length = 6mm or

L/1000, whichever is greater, where L is the length of the member.



PD after cutting, measured on the centre line of the section or on

the corner of angles = 2mm.

4.7.2 PDs of Fabricated Components Position of Fittings

PD from the intended position for fittings and components whose

location is critical to the force path = 3mm.



PD from the intended position of hole or group of holes = 2mm. Punched Holes

Distortion caused by a punched hole is not to exceed D/10 or 1mm,

whichever is greater, where D is the nominal hole diameter. Sheared or Cropped Edges of Plates or Angles

Deviation from a 90° edge is not to exceed t/10 where t = plate




Gaps in joints that depend on contact bearing when assembled

during fabrication are not to exceed 0.75mm and are to be less than
0.25mm over 50% of the length of contact of the section.

4.7.3 PDs in Plate Girder Sections Depth

PD measured on centre line = ± 4mm. Flange Width

For flange width B < 300mm, PD = ±3mm.

For flange width B ≥ 300mm, PD = ±5mm.


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Squareness of Sections

For flange width B, PD on out of squareness = B/100 or 3mm,

whichever is greater. B Flange width Web Eccentricity

PD on intended position of web from one edge of flange = ± 5mm. Flanges

For flange width B, PD on out of flatness = B/100 or 3mm,

whichever is greater.

Δ= B/100 or 3mm whichever is the greater

Top Flange of Crane Girder PD on out of flatness where rail seats =




PD on length on centre line = ± 3mm. Flange Straightness

PD on straightness of individual flanges = L/1000 or 3mm,

whichever is greater, where L is length. Curve or Camber

PD on intended curve or camber at mid-length of curved portion =

L/1000 or 6mm, whichever is greater, where L is length and
deviation is measured with web horizontal.

Deviation = L/1000 or 6mm whichever is the greater Web Distortion

PD on distortion on web depth (or gauge length) = d/150 or 3mm,

whichever is greater, where d is depth of web.

Δ= d/150 or 3mm whichever is the greater Cross Section at Bearings



PD on squareness of flanges to web = D/300 or 3mm, whichever is

greater, where D is depth of section.

Δ= d/300 or 3mm whichever is the greater Web Stiffeners

PD on straightness of stiffener out of plane with web after welding =

d/500 or 3mm, whichever is greater, where d is depth of stiffener.

Δ= d/500 or 3mm whichever is the greater

PD on straightness of stiffener in plane with web after welding =

d/250 or 3mm, whichever is greater, where d is depth of stiffener.

Δ= d/250 or 3mm whichever is the greater Plate Widths

For Bf or Bw < 300mm, PD = ±3mm, where Bf, Bw are flange width

and web depth respectively. For Bf or Bw ≥ 300mm, PD = ± 5mm.

Bf or Bw <300, Δ= 3mm; Bf or Bw ≥300, Δ= 5mm Squareness



PD on squareness measured at diaphragm positions = D/300,

where D is section depth. Plate Distortion

PD on distortion on width or gauge length = w/150 or 3mm,

whichever is the greater, where w is depth of web.

Δ= w/150 or 3mm, whichever is the greater Web or Flange Straightness

PD on straightness of individual web or flanges = L/1000 or 3mm,

whichever is the greater, where L is full length.

∆ = L / 1000 or 3mm whichever is the greater Web Stiffeners

PD on straightness out of plane with plate after welding = d/500 or

3mm, whichever is the greater, where d is depth of web.

∆ = d/500 or 3mm whichever is the greater

PD on straightness in plane to plate after welding = d/250 or 3mm,

whichever is the greater, where d is depth of web.

Δ= d / 250 or 3mm whichever is the greater



PD on length measured on centre line = ± 3mm.

Δ= 3mm Curve or Camber

PD on deviation from intended curve or camber at mid-length of

curved portion when measured with the un-cambered side
horizontal = L/1000 or 6mm, whichever is the greater, where L is
length of the curved portion.

Δ= L / 1000 or 6mm whichever is the greater

4.8 Erection

4.8.1 General

Prepare and comply with proper erection procedures to Engineer’s

acceptance, to ensure achievement of the desired quality and safety, paying
attention to site conditions, constraints and restrictions.

Engage a licensed land surveyor for accurate erection of structural steel.

Check elevations of concrete and masonry bearing surfaces, and locations
of anchor bolts and similar devices, before erection work proceeds, and
report discrepancies to Architect. Do not proceed with erection until
corrections have been made or until compensating adjustments to structural
steel work have been agreed upon with the engineer.

Adopt an erection procedure such that all members can be placed and fixed
in position without distortion.

Allow in contract of temporary erection works such as Trestle Towers,

Strengthening bracings, Sliding platforms, Jacking works, Stools etc.,
required and any professional advice required in connection with such
temporary works.

4.8.2 Site Safety Consideration



Take note of safety requirements, erection cranes, equipment, scaffolding

and staging and comply clause 1.4.

Accept responsibility for the Safety and Stability of the Steelwork during
erection and until such time as it is finally completed and handed over, must
take all precautions including temporary bracings necessary to ensure
stability of partially assembled structure against wind forces, and those
stresses exerted due to erection equipment and its operation tending to
distort or deform the framework.

Accept responsible for the Inspection and Testing of all Temporary works.

Prepare and submit the inspection procedure / check lists for Engineer’s

4.8.3 Erection Loads

Ensure that the structure is not overloaded by stacking of materials.

4.8.4 Temporary Supports

Provide temporary shoring and bracing members with connections of

sufficient strength to bear imposed loads.

Any temporary supports used may be removed after the structure has been
lined, levelled and plumbed, provided sufficient components have been
erected and secured to ensure the overall structure remains stable under
the worst anticipated conditions of loading.

Remove temporary members and connections when permanent members

are in place and final connections are made.

All Temporary cleats for lifting, site welding, site fit-ups etc., shall be
removed, ground flush and Non-Destructive tested when permanent
members are in place and final connections are made.

4.8.5 Field Assembly

Set structural frames accurately to lines and elevations indicated. Align and
adjust various members forming part of complete frame or structure before
permanently fastening. Clean bearing surfaces, faying surfaces and other
surfaces that will be in permanent contact before assembly. Perform
necessary adjustments to compensate for discrepancies in elevations and

4.8.6 Alignment

Provide temporary guy lines to achieve proper alignment of structures as

erection proceeds.

Align each part of the structure as soon as practicable after erection. Do not
make permanent connections between members until the structure has
been sufficiently aligned, levelled, plumbed and temporarily connected so
that members will not be displaced during subsequent erection or alignment
of the remainder of the structure.



4.8.7 Temperature Adjustment

Take due account of the effects of temperature on the structure and

measuring equipment when measurements are made for setting-out and
erection, and for dimensional checks carried out subsequently.

Adopt 30°C as the reference temperature unless otherwise agreed.

4.8.8 Site Welding

Carry out site welding only by agreement with the Engineer or as shown on
the design drawings.

Carry out all site welding in accordance with clause 4.5(Welding) above.

Do not carry out site welding in inclement weather unless adequate weather
protection is provided for welders and materials.

4.8.9 Foundation Bolts

Hold foundation bolts firmly in position during all setting-in operations.

Protect bolts, threads and nuts against damage, corrosion and

contamination at all stages of construction. Keep pockets formed around
foundation bolts clean and free from all extraneous matter.

Use templates to set in the holding-down bolts.

4.8.10 Packs and Wedges

Plumb and level columns using steel packs and wedges of adequate
strength and stiffness, and not larger than necessary for the purpose.

Where packings are to be left in position and subsequently grouted, place

them such that they are totally enclosed by the grout.

4.8.11 Setting Bases and Bearing Plates

Clean concrete and masonry bearing surfaces of bond-reducing materials

and roughen to improve bond to surfaces. Clean bottom surface of base
and bearing plates.

a) Levelling of base or bearing plates shall be done using levelling grout

(minimum compressive strength of 50N/mm2) with galvanised plate at
the top.
b) Set loose and attached base plates and bearing plates for structural
members on wedges or other adjusting devices.
c) Tighten anchor bolts after supported members have been positioned
and plumbed. Do not remove wedges or shims, but if protruding, cut off
flush with edge of base or bearing plate prior to packing with grout.
d) Pack grout solidly between bearing surfaces and bases or plates to
ensure that no voids remain. Finish exposed surfaces, protect installed
materials, and allow to cure as required by product specification.
e) For proprietary grout materials, comply with manufacturer's



4.8.12 Grouting

Carry out grouting in accordance with BS EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011

Do not carry out grouting under column base plates until a sufficient portion
of the structure has been aligned, levelled, plumbed and adequately braced.

Immediately before grouting, clean the space under the column base plates
to be free of all extraneous matter.

Prepare, mix and place proprietary grout in accordance with the

manufacturer’s recommendations.

4.8.13 Profiled Steel Decking

Install in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, including the

provision of edge trims, temporary supports, lapping, etc.

4.9 Permitted Deviations (PDs) in Erection

Erect steelwork within the PDs in the following clauses.

4.9.1 Receiving Structures and Connections

Ensure that structures by others to which the steelwork attaches is

constructed within the anticipated PDs before commencing steel erection.

Where components and fixings are cast in by others ensure that they are
also within the anticipated PDs before commencing steel erection.

Inspect for position and level in good time before the planned start of
steelwork erection.

In the event of any discrepancies found, notify the Engineer, propose and
correct the discrepancies.

4.9.2 PDs of Holding Down Bolts Bolts or Bolt Groups with Allowance for Adjustment

a) Bolt level: +25/-5mm.

b) Minimum clearance: 25mm at top of concrete
c) Bolt centroid: ±10mm from specified position at top of


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Bolts or Bolt Groups with No Allowance for Adjustment

(a) Bolt level: +45/-5mm.

(b) Bolt centroid: ±3mm from specified position at top of concrete. Bolts or Bolt Groups Cast into Walls (No Allowance for

(a) End of bolt: +45/-5mm.

(b) Bolt centroid: ±3mm position in plan and elevation.

4.9.3 PD of Level of Base Plate

PD of level of column base plate = 5mm.

4.9.4 PDs of Erected Components Position of Columns at Base

PD of section centreline from the specified position = 10mm.



PD on length or width = 20mm for L < 30m and [20 + 0.25 (L-30)]
mm for L ≥ 30m, where L is the specified overall dimension in
metres. Plumb of Single Storey Columns

PD of top relative to base = ± h/600 or 5mm, whichever is greater,

on main axes, excluding portal frame columns, where h is the storey
height. Plumb in Multi Storey Columns

PD in each storey of column = h/600 or 5mm, whichever is greater,

where h is the storey height.

PD of column at top storey relative to specified position at base

plate = 50mm maximum.


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Alignment of Adjacent Perimeter Columns

PD of one column relative to the next on a line parallel to the grid

line = 10mm when measured at the base or splice level. Gap Between Bearing Surfaces

PD = (D/1000 +1) mm where D is the dimension along the bearing

surface. Level of Beams

a) PD of two or more beams meeting at a column = ± 5mm.



b) PD on level of beam at its ends = 5mm.

c) PD on level of adjacent beams within a distance of 5m =


d) PD from specified level of beam at supporting column =


e) PD of beam relative to adjacent beam above or below = 5mm

for h < 3m and h/600 for h >3m, where h = storey height in m.


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Plumb of Crane Gantry Columns

PD = ± Hc/1000 or 5mm, whichever is greater to a maximum of

±25mm. Crane Gantries Gauge of Rail Tracks PD from true gauge = ±

10mm. Joints in Gantry Crane Rails

a) PD on rail surface across joint = 0.5mm.

b) PD on rail edge alignment across joint = 1mm.


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Profile Steel Floor Decking

PD of dimension between deck edge trim and perimeter beam = ±

10mm for deck span in either direction.

4.9.5 Deviations Exceeding PDs

Inform the Engineer as soon as possible if checks show that the deviation in
position of the steelwork as erected exceeds the PDs given above. Propose
and carry out remedial measures as required.

4.10 Protective Coatings

4.10.1 General

All Steelworks shall be provided with a Protective Coating system with a 20-
year minimum Design Life for the performance and Colour Chalk and Fade
out. The Coatings are to be provided over the full surface area of Steelwork.
Shop paint the structural steel in accordance with BS EN 1997-1:2004 (BS
EN ISO 12944-1:1998, BS EN ISO 14713:1999), except those members or
portions of members to be embedded in concrete or mortar. Paint
embedded steel that is partially exposed on exposed portions and initial 2
inches of embedded areas only.



(a) Do not paint surfaces to be welded or high-strength bolted with

friction-type connection, unless an AISC Class B primer is used, then
only the second coat is to be masked.
(b) Do not apply finishing coat to surfaces scheduled to receive sprayed-on
(c) Paint Samples, Technical catalogues and Manufacturers Application
Procedures are to be submitted for Approval before commencement of
Paint application.

4.11 Surface Preparation

For corrosion protective system, carry out surface preparation as below. For fire
protection system, carry out in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation.

4.11.1 Surface Cleanliness

Remove loose rust, loose mill scale, and spatter, slag, or flux deposits.
Clean the steel of dirt, grease and other contaminants.

The surface cleanliness at the time of coating is to be in accordance with BS

7079 Part A1, Grade SA 2½, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer.

4.11.2 Surface Roughness

After surface preparation the surface roughness is to be compatible with the

coating to be applied in accordance with BS 7079 Part C2.

4.11.3 Measurement of Surface Profile

Measure the surface profile of the steelwork to be coated using the methods
in BS 7079 Group C.

4.11.4 Surface Defects

Rectify all defects exposed during surface preparation using the methods
given in BS 7079 Group C.

4.11.5 Cleaning Prior to Application of Full Coating

Blast-clean all areas and welds prior to applying the full coating.

4.12 Shop Painting

Immediately after surface preparation, apply structural steel primer paint. The
protective coatings are to be as outlined below for normal internal and external
applications. For more aggressive environments, higher performance Marine Paint
systems are to be used:

4.12.1 Internally / Externally Exposed Steel:

a) Primer – Ethyl Zinc Silicate 80 micron minimum dry film thickness

conventionally sprayed.
b) Barrier Coat – Two pack Epoxy MIO 125 micron (Mist coat/Full coat)
minimum dry film thickness, conventionally sprayed.
c) Finish Coat – Aliphatic Polyurethane 75 micron minimum dry film
thickness, conventionally sprayed.



4.12.2 Internally / Externally Concealed Steel:

a) Primer – Ethyl Zinc Silicate 80 micron minimum dry film thickness,

conventionally sprayed.
b) Barrier Coat – Two pack Epoxy MIO 75 micron (Mist coat/Full coat)
minimum dry film thickness, conventionally sprayed.
c) Finish Coat – Two Pack Epoxy Enamel 75 micron minimum dry film
thickness, conventionally sprayed.

4.13 Field Repair and Touch-up Painting

All damages to the Coating System while transportation, handling and erection shall
be repaired by abrading the damaged surfaces to SSPC-SP3 and recoating with the
following paint system:

a) Primer – Surface Tolerant Epoxy Primer 80 micron minimum dry film thickness,
conventionally sprayed.
b) Barrier Coat & Finish Coat – Same as Clause 4.12.

4.14 Touch-up Paint to Site Welded and Bolted Connections

All locations shall be Spot Blasted to SA 2½ specification and Coated with the
following Paint system:

a) Primer – Surface Tolerant Epoxy Primer 80 micron minimum dry film thickness,
conventionally sprayed.
b) Barrier Coat & Finish Coat – Same as Clause 4.12.

4.15 Hot Dip Galvanising

Where noted "Galvanized" on the drawings or specified, Steelwork is to be chemically

descaled and cleaned to SSPC-SP6, so that rust, mill scale, oil, grease and other
foreign matter are removed immediately prior to galvanising. Tubular sections are to
have bleed holes as necessary. The size and location of bleed holes to be shown on
Shop drawings.

All steelworks, holding down bolts, embedded plates, shear keys etc., cast in concrete
have to be hot dip galvanized to a minimum DFT of 100 microns for both interior and

All purlins shall be hot-dip coating composed of essentially 50% - 60% aluminium with
the remainder zinc but incorporating minor additions of control elements (with a
chromate passivation treatment in conjuction with a thin clear organic coating, not
oiled) to a minimum coating mass of 600 g/m2 on both sides or DFT of 85 microns.

4.15.1 Procedures

Carry out galvanising in accordance with BS EN ISO 1461 Annex A to D.

Where higher strength steels are to be galvanised, propose for Engineer’s

acceptance, suitable precautions to minimise the risk of critical welds

Following Galvanizing, the Steel work is to be left to cure for 48 hours

before transportation to Shop / Site.



4.15.2 Vent Holes

Positions vent holes in hollow members in compliance with BS EN ISO

14713 Clause A.4 (Design Features) of Annex A (Design for Hot-Dip
Galvanising of Products).

4.15.3 Distortion due to Galvanising

Ensure the Steelwork does not distort as a result of Galvanising. The size of
components, preheating requirements, and dipping method are to be
reviewed to achieve minimal distortion and Maintain Steelwork Tolerances.

4.15.4 Making Good of Hot-Dip Galvanised Coatings

Where uncoated areas exceed 0.5% of total surface of a member or 10cm²,

re-galvanise the component.

Otherwise, repair uncoated areas by:

a) Zinc thermal spraying in accordance with BS EN 22063; or

b) Zinc rich primer to BS 4652

4.15.5 Painting of Hot-Dip Galvanised Steel Surface preparation

Degrease using a detergent wash or steam cleaning followed by

etch priming with T-wash. Barrier

Apply Epoxy Micaceous Iron Oxide (MIO) at 100 microns minimum

DFT. Finish

Apply Acrylic Urethane 50 microns minimum DFT.

4.15.6 Procedures

Apply aluminium or zinc sprayed coatings to the surface in accordance with

SS 37 (aluminium) and BS EN 22063 (zinc).

4.15.7 Sealing Before Overcoating

For sprayed metal coatings which are to be subsequently overcoated, seal

before applying the overcoating in accordance with BS EN 12944.

4.16 Paint Coatings

4.16.1 General

Apply the designated system in layers according to manufacturer’s


Shop and Field Painting shall be inspected and tested in compliance with
the relevant standards and codes of practice. The tests shall be carried out
randomly and at the sole discretion of the Supervision Consultant.



4.16.2 Sealing of Joints

Seal all bolted joints against the ingress of water.

Before site painting commences, seal gaps at joints with compressible

washers or sealant as appropriate.

Avoid water trapped within the joint.

4.16.3 Painting of Site Welds and Fasteners

Clean, to the level of Clause 4.9(Surface Cleanliness), all site welds and
fasteners that are not suitably protected with an accepted protective system.

Paint the weld areas and fasteners with an approved protective system with
similar properties, performance and compatibility with the protective
treatment used on the surrounding surfaces.

4.16.4 Minimum and Maximum Overcoating Time

Adhere to any minimum and maximum time recommended by the


4.16.5 Stripe Coats

Apply extra stripe coats of primer over all edges and corners to seal gaps
between adjacent components such as bolted connections for all steelwork
that will be externally exposed in the finished works.

4.16.6 Coating of Surfaces to be Encased in Concrete

Where surfaces are to be encased in concrete, blast cleaning and painting

are not required unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

Do not allow a primer to be applied where composite action is required

unless adequate shear keys have been provided as verified by the
Engineer. Take note that the paint will significantly reduce the bond.

4.16.7 Making Good Damaged Coatings

Propose to the Engineer for acceptance method statement for making good
damaged coatings.

Repair all areas of damaged coating in accordance with the requirements of

this Specification and to the standard of the original work, the
manufacturer’s recommendations and the accepted method statement.

All making good is to be in accordance with the agreed method statement.



4.16.8 Surface of Through Deck Stud Welding

Where a metal deck is to be attached by through deck stud welding, keep

the top flange of the beam free from all paint with the following exceptions:

a) Procedural trials are held on representative samples of the work, in

which the primer is applied before welding, and the soundness of the
fastening can be demonstrated.
b) Weldable paint is specified.

4.17 Application of Thin Film Intumescent Paints

Do not apply where standing water can occur that does not drain away freely.

4.18 Sprayed-on Fireproofing

All structural Steelwork where required by authorities to be Fire-proofed which shall

be protected by approved Fire-proofing material and must be approved by authorities.
All manufactured material shall be delivered in original, unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and recognised testing body’s label verifying
compliance with said body’s quality control inspection programme and appropriate fire
resistance ratings.

4.18.1 Surface Conditions

Fireproofed steel structure shall be blasted to SA 2½ and coated with zinc

phosphate epoxy primer at 75 microns DFT.

Ensure that surfaces to be fireproofed are in a suitable condition according

to the manufacturer’s recommendation to receive the sprayed-on material.

They are to be dry, free form oil and other contaminants that are likely to
impair adhesion. They are to also be chemically resistant and non-reactive
to the fireproofing materials.

Painted surfaces are to be properly cured and in a sound condition.

4.18.2 Application

Comply with the manufacturer's recommendations for the type of material

and condition of substrate in each case.

Obtain details from the manufacturer, conditions not fully covered by the
printed recommendations and record in writing any oral recommendations

Copy any such recommendations to the Engineer and the manufacturer.

4.18.3 Equipment

Use spray equipment recommended by the manufacturer including

equipment used for measuring, mixing and auxiliary equipment such as air

4.18.4 Thickness

Extend full thickness of the material over the entire substrate such that it is
covered in a monolithic blanket of uniform fine texture.



Check the thickness of the sprayed-on material with a single point gauge or
a site thickness indicator.

Where required by the manufacturer to meet FSSB's approval, tamp the

surface of the freshly sprayed-on fireproofing to provide a smooth texture of
the required thickness.

The average thickness recorded for each the location is not to be less than
that required to achieve the specified fire resistance.

4.18.5 Condition of Material

Do not use material that has partially set or caked or lumpy material.

4.18.6 Sealer

Apply sealer to sprayed-on fireproofed surfaces to prevent flaking, dusting,

delaminating or erosion of the sprayed-on material in accordance with the
manufacturers' recommendations.

Sealer material is to be as furnished by the manufacturer and is to be tested

as part of the required fire rating assembly.

4.18.7 Fixing of Lath

Fix metal lath where it is required for the application of the sprayed-on
fireproofing to the parent steel surface, using methods that will not adversely
affect the properties and strength of the steel members in accordance with
agreed proposals.

4.18.8 Application General

Prior to starting work, cover all adjoining finished surfaces with a

layer of heavy polyethylene film in a manner that precludes the
subsequent dispersal of sprayed-on particles.

The covering is to remain in place until work of sprayed-on

fireproofing is completed. Protection to Personnel

During spraying operations, provide necessary protection to

persons in the vicinity against harm and/or injury and to protect
against health hazards from exposure of the sprayed-on
fireproofing. Comply with requirements from the authorities where
applicable and take at least the following precautions:
(a) Before the start of spraying operations, clean and clear the
floor of the area of all objects, material and equipment other
than that employed in the application of the fireproofing.

(b) Enclose the area of the floor to be fireproofed with plastic or

plastic-coated tarpaulins in a manner, which is to preclude the
escape of material from the enclosure.



(c) Sweep up wet material, which has fallen to the floor and place
in a suitable container marked for legal disposal off the Site.

(d) After drying, thoroughly vacuum the floors and enclosure

before its removal. Dispose off the bags in a safe manner,
which disallows escape of the material. Completion of Operations

Upon completion of spraying operation, protect all fireproofing from

damage by subsequent building construction operations and effects
of weather. Protection methods is to be as recommended by the
manufacturer of the accepted sprayed-on fireproofing system.

4.18.9 Patching

Do all patching, cutting, and repairing of damaged or unsatisfactory

sprayed-on fireproofing or improper application of sprayed-on fireproofing as
directed by the Engineer.

4.19 Dry Lining

Fix boards and wrapping materials in accordance with the manufacturer’s



5.1 Submission

5.1.1 Design Submission

When required in Clause 1.4.1, submit to the Engineer for acceptance

calculations and drawings for the connection details within time as directed
by the Engineer prior to commencement of the Works.

5.1.2 Shop Drawings

Prepare the shop drawings under supervision of PE, including complete

details and schedules for fabrication and assembly and erection of structural
steel members, procedures, and diagrams.

Submit to the Engineer for acceptance complete and coordinated shop

drawings within time as directed by the Engineer prior to commencement of
any works. Include all details of the steel structures incorporating at least
the following information:

a) Number of pieces of steel sections

b) Dimensions
c) Tolerances
d) Connection details
e) Bearing locations and details
f) All other fabrication and erection details
g) Details of cuts, holes
h) Pre-camber



Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installation of anchor

bolts and other anchorages to be installed as work of other sections.

Provide sequence of installation and erection of steel members and


5.1.3 Material

Submit to the Engineer for acceptance the Product data, certificates and
manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for following
products. Include mill certificates, laboratory test reports and other data to
show compliance with specifications (including specified standards).

(a) Structural steel (each type), including certified copies of mill reports
covering chemical and physical properties.
(b) High-strength bolts (each type), including nuts and washers.
(c) Include Direct Tension Indicators if used.
(d) Structural steel primer barrier coat and final coat paint.
(e) Shrinkage-resistant grout.
(f) Fire-proof paint
(g) Studs

5.1.4 Method Statement

Provide a detailed method statement to the Engineer for acceptance within

directed time prior to commencement of any works. Include at least the
following information:

(a) A site plan showing the work layout area, position and type of cranes,
access routes, datum level, setting-out lines, storage area, etc.
(b) Fabrication procedure/manual, locations (local and/or overseas), list of
subcontractors/suppliers and their scope of works, quality assurance
system, etc.
(c) Storage and handling.
(d) Maximum size of structural steel components that can be delivered to
the site.
(e) Assembly of structural members on the ground level before erection,
where partial or complete fabrication work is required on site.
(f) Sequence and method of erection and assembly of structural members
taking into account the site conditions, site constraints, site restriction
and interface with other trades.
(g) Detailed drawings and calculations for temporary works.
(h) Details of proposed site inspection systems by the Accredited
Inspection Body.
(i) Details of staging, platforms and weather protection where site welding
is to take place.
(j) Remedial procedures for damaged steelwork during fabrication,
transportation, storage, handling and erection.
(k) Safety procedures for handling and erection of steelwork on site.

5.1.5 Proposed Protective Works for Structural Steelworks System and Methods

Provide details of the proposals to the Engineer for acceptance within

directed time frame prior to commencement of the works.



The submission is to include at least information on the following:

a) Materials and system proposed including product data, schemes of the

coatings, certificates and manufacturer’s recommendation indicating
suitability with regard to the specified performance requirements.
b) Method of transportation, storage and handling
c) Surface preparation
d) Method of application
e) Schedule of tests and inspection
f) Sequential details of all procedures involved
g) Supervision
h) Details of the proposed method of remedial or rectification work
including surface preparation, materials to be used and method of
i) Fabrication techniques that help or affect application
j) Painting of areas that will be made inaccessible at a later stage

5.1.6 Construction Information

Provide the following information within time as directed by the Engineer

prior to commencement of the Works:

(a) Welder qualification records, welding procedure records, stud welding

procedure records.
(b) Details of welding procedures in accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.1 for
all welds, including tack and sealing welds.
(c) Details of proposed shop inspection system by the Independent
Inspection and Testing Agency.

5.1.7 Programme

Provide a detailed programme to show the planned timing of the various

items of work to be done within time as directed by the Engineer, including:

a) Preparation and submission of construction information

b) Order and delivery of materials
c) Fabrication
d) Application of protective coatings
e) Transportation to site
f) Erection

Include in the programme, the time required for all procedural trials,
inspection and testing, and trial assemblies.

5.1.8 Material Certificates

Submit to the Engineer for acceptance, material certificates duly verified by

the Independent Inspection and Testing Agency within time as directed by
the Engineer prior to commencement of any work. Mill Certificates

Provide mill certificates for every batch of supply confirming

compliance with the specified standards before the supply of
material to the works.


STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Test Certificates/Reports for Bolts and Inserts

Provide test certificates/reports and demonstrate by testing on 2%

of actual materials used that bolts and inserts used in the Works
conform to the specified requirements.

5.1.9 Inspection by ITA

Submit all reports from the Independent Inspection and Testing Agency to
Engineer periodically as agreed with the Engineer.

5.1.10 As-built Drawings

Submit as-built drawings to the Engineer for record upon completion of the
Works. Include information on all element type, sizes, position including
deviation exceeding the permitted PD if any, connection and assembly
details, and protective works applied if any.

5.1.11 Quality Control Manual

Submit a Quality Manual containing a QA/QC programme for the Works to

the Engineer for acceptance within directed time frame.

The Quality Manual is to include at least information on the following:

a) Quality policy
b) Organisation charts and responsibilities
c) Internal quality control and audits
d) Facilities and equipment
e) Calibration and testing of equipment
f) Testing and inspection procedures
g) Subcontractors and suppliers

5.1.12 Data on Fire Protection System Schedule of Thickness of Fireproofing

Provide a thickness schedule for all members to the Engineer for

acceptance within directed time frame.

Support the proposed thickness by accepted test reports, which

verify that it will provide the specified fire resistance.

Submit shop drawings on the thickness schedule with the

endorsement of an approved specialist.

5.1.13 FSSB’s approval

Submit FSSB’s approval on the fire protection materials to be used to the



STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Accredited Laboratory Report

Submit test data report from an accredited laboratory to confirm


(a) The fire protection system meets fire rating and performance in
accordance with ASTM E119, ANSI/UL 263, BS 476-8 or BS
(b) The fire protection materials contain no asbestos or free
crystalline silica.
(c) There is no flaking, dusting, delaminating or erosion to the fire
protection materials after sealer is applied.

5.1.14 Warranty

Submit warranty from the manufacturers of the works upon completion.

5.1.15 Maintenance Manual

Submit maintenance/ replacement manual at the completion of the


5.2 Procedural Trial and Trial Assemblies

Carry out procedural trial and trial assemblies as agreed with the Engineer, including
tests on material and workmanship in accordance with the Specification, prior to
commencement of the Works. Give adequate period of notice as agreed with the

Keep records of all tests and make them available to the Engineer and the
Independent Inspection and Testing Agency for examination throughout the duration
of the Works.

5.3 Inspection and Testing

Test reports conducted on shop, site/field-bolted and welded connections. Include

data on type(s) of tests conducted and test results.

5.3.1 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)

Refer to the Inspection and Test plan for Fabrication and Erection in
Appendix-A for guidance. Submit the ITP for approval if appendix A is

5.3.2 Inspection of Accuracy of Fabrication and Erection

Provide inspection reports in agreed batches endorsed by the Independent

Inspection and Testing Agency, verifying that the fabrication and erection of
the works comply with the specified requirements.

5.3.3 Visual Inspection of Welds

Carry out visual inspection over the full lengths of all welds prior to any Non-
Destructive Testing (NDT).

Immediately examine any welds that will be covered up before loss of




The acceptance criteria for visual inspection are to be in accordance with

ANSI/AWS D1.1 Table 6.1.

5.3.4 Inspection by ITA

Submit all reports for steel protective works from the Independent Inspection
and Testing Agency to Engineer periodically as agreed with the Engineer.

5.4 Non-Destructive Testing of Welds

5.4.1 Scope of Inspection

Carry out Non-Destructive Testing as tabulated below unless otherwise


Inspection requirements may be reduced by agreement with the Engineer

based on satisfactory performance in the initial tests.



5.4.2 Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) and Penetrant Testing (PT)

Where magnetic particle testing (MT) is required in accordance with Clause

5.4.1(Scope of Inspection), the procedure and technique are to be in
accordance with ASTM E709.

If Magnetic Particle testing is impractical, use Penetrant testing in

accordance with the procedure and technique given in ASTM E165.

5.4.3 Ultrasonic Examination (UT)

Where ultrasonic testing is required in accordance with Clause 5.4.1(Scope

of Inspection), the procedure and technique are to be made in accordance
with ANSI/AWS D1.1 Section 6 Part F.

If ultrasonic testing is impractical, for example when the plate thickness is

less than 8mm, use radiographic testing in accordance with the procedure
and technique given in ANSI/AWS D1.1 Section 6 Part E.

5.4.4 Radiographic Examination (RT)

Where radiographic testing is required in accordance with Clause

5.4.1(Scope of Inspection), the procedure and technique are to be in
accordance with ASTM E94 and ASTM E747.

5.4.5 Acceptance Criteria and Corrective Actions

Acceptance criteria are to be in accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.1 Section 6

Part C. Propose corrective actions to the Engineer for acceptance if the
welds do not conform to the acceptance criteria.

5.4.6 Weld Test Records

Record the results of all visual inspections and non-destructive testing and
make all records available for inspection.

5.5 Mock-up and Samples

5.5.1 Reference Areas for Paint Protection Coating

Prepare reference areas, at least 4 number of reference areas to the

Engineer for acceptance within directed time frame prior to commencement
of the related work.

Prepare the reference areas where the corrosive stresses are

representative for the structure on each important constituent element of the
structure as follows:

(a) Surface preparation

(b) Application of each of the specified coatings including thickness of
each coat

Obtain acceptance for each step of preparation and application prior to

commencement of the actual operation.

Record details the accepted reference areas accurately.



5.5.2 Mock-up of Sprayed-on Fireproofing

Apply sprayed-on fireproofing on a mock-up at a location as directed or

indicated in the drawings prior to the proposed on-site application of

Construct the mock-up to demonstrate compliance with the specified

requirement, in the same manner and using the same materials as intended
for the rest of the Works involving sprayed-on fireproofing.

The accepted mock-up is to form part of the Works and is to be left in an

environment similar to the actual location. Tests on Mock-up

Carry out all tests listed in Clause 5.6 (Testing on Sprayed-on

Fireproofing Material) on the mock-up.

Submit a full report on the mock-up tests to the Engineer for

acceptance within directed time frame after the completion of the

The report is to include at least information on the following:

(a) Detail results of the tests

(b) Application procedure

If in the opinion of the Engineer, the tests on the mock-up fail to

comply with this specification, submit a new proposal for the testing
of additional mock-ups for the acceptance of the Engineer.

If the tests on the mock-up are accepted, proceed with the

application of sprayed-on fireproofing to the rest of the Works in a
similar manner.

5.5.3 Samples

Submit samples and manufacturer's recommendation for each type of

product to the Engineer for acceptance within directed time frame.

5.6 Verification Tests

5.6.1 Schedule of Tests

Refer to the contract for the schedule and applicability of tests for the

Select four number tests at each location in an area not exceeding 100m².
For each test location, take a total of nine readings at two positions 300mm
apart and determine the average of the eighteen readings.



5.6.2 Testing on Paint Systems General

Check coatings for compliance with the specified requirement as


(a) 100% by area by visual assessment for uniformity, colour and

surface defects
(b) 4 number of tests in area not exceeding 1100m² ,by area by
use of instruments for compliance with requirements for dry
film thickness, adhesion and porosity with location submit to
Engineer’s acceptance. Test for Dry Film Thickness

Check dry film thickness of coating at the completion of each

coating using agreed methods in accordance with BS EN ISO 2808.

Use notch-cutter measurements where destructive testing is

required. Test for Adhesion

Test adhesion using destructive methods in accordance with BS EN

ISO 2409 or ISO 4624. Test for Porosity/Pinhole

Test porosity/pinholes using low or high-voltage hollowness

detectors. The test can be carried out using any one of the following

(a) DC low voltage sponge

(b) DC high voltage
(c) AC high voltage

Ensure safety requirements against potential hazards such as

electrical shock, explosion or fire.

5.6.3 Testing on Hot-Dip Galvanised Coatings

Sampling, reference areas, procedures and acceptance criteria are to be in

accordance with BS EN ISO 1461.

5.6.4 Testing on Sprayed-on Fireproofing Material Test for Dry Density and Thickness

Dry density of the fireproofing material is to be determined in

accordance with ASTM E605. The field density measured is to be
consistent with that reported in the performance tests.

The thickness of the fireproofing material applied to structural

members such as beams, columns, etc. is to be determined in
accordance with ASTM E605.



Select one test location per area not exceeding 1000m² but not less
than two test locations per floor. Test for Air Erosion

Determine the loss of fireproofing material due to air movement

across its surface in accordance with ASTM E859. Test for Deflection

The fireproofing material is not to crack when tested in accordance

with ASTM E759.

Select randomly 10%. Test for Compressive Strength

The fireproofing material is not to deform more than 10% when

subjected to 500 psf compressive forces in accordance with ASTM
E761. Test for Bond Impact

Subject the fireproofing material to impacts in accordance with

ASTM E760.

Select randomly 10%. Test for Cohesion/Adhesion

Determine the cohesion/adhesion of fireproofing material applied

over uncoated or galvanised steel in accordance with ASTM E736.
Sample as follows:

(a) Beams
Select four number test locations in an area not exceeding
200m². Take a total of nine readings at two positions 300mm
apart and determine the average of the eighteen readings.

(b) Trusses and Columns

As stipulated for beams except take a total of twelve readings
and determine the average of twenty-four readings. Test for Contribution to Corrosion

Determine contribution to corrosion in accordance with ASTM E937. Salt Spray Testing

Engage an accredited laboratory to carry out salt spray test for the
fireproofing material in accordance with ASTM B117.



Appendix A: Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)

(Minimum requirement)











--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related Sections.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Standards ...............................................................................................................................3
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................4

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................5

2.1 General ...................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Design Input Requirements ....................................................................................................6

3.0 MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................................8

3.1 Materials Compatibility ...........................................................................................................8
3.2 Damp-proof Membranes .........................................................................................................8
3.3 Tanking Membranes ...............................................................................................................8
3.4 Integral Waterproofing ......................................................................................................... 10
3.5 Pile Head Treatment ............................................................................................................ 12
3.6 Waterstops ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.7 Injection System .................................................................................................................. 13
3.8 Chemical/cement Grout ....................................................................................................... 13
3.9 Materials for Joints............................................................................................................... 13
3.10 Waterproof Renders ............................................................................................................ 14
3.11 Formwork Ties ..................................................................................................................... 14

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ............................................................................................ 14

4.1 Construction Loads .............................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Concrete Conditioning ......................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Concrete Surface Preparation ............................................................................................. 15
4.4 Storage ................................................................................................................................ 16
4.5 Protection ............................................................................................................................. 16
4.6 Water Curing........................................................................................................................ 16
4.7 Pour Sizes ........................................................................................................................... 16
4.8 Fixing Formwork .................................................................................................................. 17
4.9 Pipe Penetrations ................................................................................................................ 17
4.10 Pipe Head Treatment .......................................................................................................... 17
4.11 Temporary Propping ............................................................................................................ 17
4.12 Inspection ............................................................................................................................ 17
4.13 Repairs ................................................................................................................................ 17
4.14 Waterstops ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.15 Bonded Membrane Systems ............................................................................................... 18
4.16 Liquid Membranes ............................................................................................................... 19
4.17 Integral Waterproofing System ............................................................................................ 19
4.18 Pressure Grouting................................................................................................................ 20
4.19 Workmanship for Joints ....................................................................................................... 20
4.20 Membrane Flashing ............................................................................................................. 21

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 21

5.1 Submissions ........................................................................................................................ 21
5.2 Samples / Mock-ups ............................................................................................................ 24
5.3 Inspection and Rectification ................................................................................................. 24
5.4 Water Testing ...................................................................................................................... 24

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn

Prepared and Checked By Approved By

Date Revision
(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 2020 - SWK, JFS TCH




Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineers.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers primarily the requirements of waterproofing for below ground in-
situ concrete structures to exclude portable water. It may be adapted to cover the
concrete element of water retaining structures e.g. tanks and swimming pools. For
waterproofing applied as surface finish to such structures refer to Architectural

1.1.1 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the design, supply, proper
installation and performance of an approved waterproofing system to make
the subgrade and earth retaining structures completely watertight. The
Contractor shall produce test certificates to verify that the proposed system
meets the specification and is suitable for the intended use. The Contractor
shall submit his proposal of the proposed waterproofing system at the time
of tender.



1.1.2 The Contractor shall engage a qualified waterproofing specialist sub-

contractor to supply and install the waterproofing system, all in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations. The waterproofing specialist
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be selected on the
basis of proven track record, technical reliability, capability and agreement
to supply full technical assistance, expert supervision during installation and
performance guarantee. The Contractor shall submit the name of his
Specialist Contractor at the time of tender.

1.1.3 All basement, below-grade and earth retaining structures (including lift pits,
water tanks, fuel tanks, etc) shall be protected by the waterproofing system
all round.

1.1.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the implementation and

maintenance of a temporary dewatering system to keep the site dry at all
times for proper installation of the waterproofing system. Where relief holes
and/or relief panels are required to be left in the subgrade structures to
prevent hydro-static uplift during construction, these shall be cast back with
full water proofing treatment following completion of the superstructure
and/or when directed by the Engineer.

1.1.5 The Contractor shall submit the waterproofing system for the basement, all
sub-grade and earth retaining structures at the time of tender.

1.1.6 The waterproofing system shall be an approved waterproofing concrete

additive with proven track records of being successfully used in Singapore.
Product specifications, test reports and track record shall be submitted with
the tender.

1.1.7 The materials for construction and workmanship of all structural works
should generally conform to the Specifications, requirements and
recommendations of the design codes, and where applicable, to other
relevant latest European (EN) or Singapore Standards (SS).

1.1.8 If, at any stage during the work, it is discovered that the Contractor failed to
comply with all Specifications, such work, whether completed or in progress,
shall be liable to rejection without any payment.

1.1.9 The layout and design intent of the concrete structures are shown in the
drawings. Based on the design intent, the contractor is responsible to
engage qualified and experienced personnel including a PE (civil) where
appropriate, to carry out the following proposals for the works to Engineer’s

1.1.10 The contractor is to make relevant submissions to the authorities for

approval as directed. All structural calculations and drawings are to be
endorsed by the PE.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the
other work sections as follows:




1.3 Standards

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply
with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysian Standards

MS EN 1992 Design of concrete structures

MS EN 934 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout

Other Standards

BS 2782 Methods of testing plastics

BS 3177 Method for determining the permeability to

water vapour of flexible sheet materials
used for packaging

BS 6213 Guide to the selection of construction


BS 8102 Code of practice for protection of structures

against water from the ground

ASTM D638-02 Standard test method for tensile properties

of plastics

ASTM D5385-93e1 Standard test method for hydrostatic

pressure resistance of waterproofing

ASTM E96-00e1 Standard test methods for water vapour

transmission of materials

ASTM E154-99 Standard test methods for water vapour

retarders used in contact with earth under
concrete slabs, on walls, or as ground cover

In the event that the standards or codes are revised or superseded, refer to
the latest edition or the appropriate substitution for the relevant subjects.



1.3.2 Technical Reference

Refer to the following technical for guidance in carrying out the works.

(a) CIRIA Report 139 Water-resisting basements

(b) BE 27: Appendix B: Part C(vi) & (vii) Waterproofing and surfacing of
bridge decks, Appendix B: Department of transport checks and test for
the approval of waterproofing systems for concrete decks to highway

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

Engage qualified and experienced personnel to develop the design and

propose a complete waterproofing system for basements, swimming pool,
all sub-grade structures (including lift pits, water holding tanks, fuel tanks, all
sunken pits, trenches, etc) to comply with the performance and quality
requirements as set out in this specification.

The waterproofing system shall be of an approved waterproofing membrane

with proven track records of being successfully used in Singapore. Product
specifications, test reports and track record shall be submitted with the

1.4.2 Coordination with Other Works

Coordinate all relevant interfacing work packages and trades as follows:

(a) Structural substrate works

(b) Services work crossing or penetrating the waterproofing works

1.4.3 Temporary Dewatering System

Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of a temporary

dewatering system to keep the Site dry at all times for proper installation of
the membrane system. Where relief holes and/or relief panels are required
to be left in the basement structure to prevent hydro-static uplift during the
construction stage, cast back with full water proofing treatment following
completion of the superstructure and/or when directed by the Engineer.

1.4.4 Warranty

Provide a ten (10) year indemnity and warranty for watertightness for the
entire waterproofing system including all components and accessories of
the basements, swimming pool and other below-grade structures (including
lift pits, water holding tanks, fuel tanks, all sunken pits, trenches, etc),
effective from the date of completion of the whole Works. The indemnity
and warranty shall be submitted in the specified format and shall be subject
to the approval and acceptance by the Employer. Should any leak, moist
lines, points or patches occur during the indemnity and warranty period,
carry out the necessary remedial Works immediately to restore the
watertightness of the structure at no cost to the Employer. Make good
damages to all finishes (such as plaster, paint, panelling, tiling, etc),
electrical or other installations, or other property, caused by water leakage
or dampness. Alternatively, reimburse the Employer for making good such



1.4.5 Maintenance Manual

Prepare and submit a maintenance / replacement manual for the

waterproofing system, including the joint fillers and sealants, to be carried
out by the building owners.

1.4.6 Quality Control Plan

Submit quality control plan including specialist applicator’s team, application

method statement, concrete surface preparation and finishing faces, and site
mockup for Engineer acceptance. Submit tests (by approved laboratory) for

Carry out a visual mock up of the waterproofing system on all the structural
elements affected for inspection/approval by the Engineer prior to actual
installation of the system on Site.

The Contractor shall bear all costs involved in making the tests.

1.4.7 Specialist Personnel

Engage a qualified waterproofing specialist as a Sub-contractor to

design, supply, install and protect the waterproofing membrane system,
all in accordance with the membrane manufacturer's recommendations.

The waterproofing works are to be executed by experienced operatives

who have performed satisfactorily on similar work. Use the specialists
for all aspects of the works. The waterproofing specialist shall be
approved by the Engineer and shall be selected on the basis of past
track record, technical reliability, capability and willingness to supply
technical assistance, and reputation for standing behind his product and
work. Submit the name of his Specialist Contractor at the time of tender.


2.1 General

The contractor is responsible for the design, supply, installation and protection of the
waterproofing membrane system to make the basement structures, all sub-grade and
earth retaining structures absolutely watertight. Produce test certificates to verify that
the membrane meets the Specification and is suitable for the end use intended.

Allow for, if any additional reinforcement to control shrinkage and crack widths in
order to be compatible with the propose waterproofing system.

Include all internal faces of lift pits in contact with the ground and of concrete tanks
holding non-potable water, including the underside of tank roofs.

For portable water tank, ensure non-toxic waterproofing system provided to internal
face of concrete tanks holding potable water for consumption and approved for such
use by the local governmental and/or health authorities. Provide test certificates
issued by an approved and accredited testing authority as proof of non-toxicity and fit
for the intended use.



The Contractor shall provide an indemnity for waterproofing of as defined in the

Preliminaries and/or elsewhere in the contract documents. The guarantee shall be
submitted in the specified format and shall be subject to the approval and acceptance
by the Employer.

Should any leaks, moist lines, points and/or damp patches occur during the indemnity
period, the Contractor shall immediately carry out the necessary remedial Works to
restore the watertightness of the structure as required under the indemnity.

The Contractor shall make good, damages to all finishes (such as plaster, paint,
paneling, tiling, etc) electrical or other installations and/or other property, caused by
the water leakage and/or dampness. Alternatively, he shall reimburse the Employer
for making good such damages.

2.2 Design Input Requirements

Account for the following design input requirements when carrying out the design
proposals in clause 1.4.1.

2.2.1 Durability

Provide 15 years for the required design life of the waterproofing system.

2.2.2 Basemen/Below Grade/Earth Retaining Structures

Four grades of internal environment, with regard to basement usage,

underground structures and performance level, are defined in Table 1 of BS
8102. The table is reproduced below with additional guidance on the
functional environmental requirements for different uses within each grade
of basement as recommended in CIRIA Report 139.

Provide minimum Grade 3 Habitable for all.

Refer to the Contract specification for the basement/below grade

designation of the areas shown on the drawings. The performance
requirements given in the standard shall be met.

Grade 1 (Basic Utility)

Likely usage of Basement Car parks, plant rooms other than electrical equipment, workshops
Form of Construction Tanked protection system using well lapped joints to membranes and
multi layers as appropriate. Structurally integral protection. Concrete
design to MS EN 1992-1- 1: Waterproofing admixtures may be
Target Performance Level Running, standing water and seepage not acceptable. Some damp
patches tolerable.
Commentary Unless there is good ventilation, or local drainage, visible water may
not be acceptable even for the suggested uses. Note: MS EN 1992-1-
1: 2010 contains only limited guidance on crack control and lacks
consideration of early thermal movement. Using Part 1 may result in
the formation of cracks with widths unacceptable in permeable
ground. Calculated crack widths will be less than 0.3mm - which can
still leak water. Check groundwater for chemicals etc which could
have a deleterious effect on the structure



Grade 2 (Better utility)

Likely usage of Basement Workshops, plant rooms. Electrical rooms requiring drier environment,
retail storage areas
Form of Construction Tanked protection system using well lapped joints to membranes and
multi layers as appropriate. Structurally integral protection –
Reinforced design to BS EN 1992-3. Waterproofing admixtures may
be considered. Drained cavity will be used where there is a diaphragm
or piled basement wall.
Target Performance Level No water penetration acceptable. Limited moisture vapour tolerable.
Commentary Membranes may be applied in multiple layers with well-lapped joints.
The performance assumes no serious defects in workmanship,
although these may be masked in dry conditions or impermeable
ground. Groundwater should be checked as for Grade 1. A high level
of supervision of all stages of construction is required. Note that
design to BS EN 1992-3still has cracks, although of limited width,
which will still allow water passage

Grade 3 (Habitable)
Likely usage of Basement Ventilated residential and working areas including
offices, restaurants, leisure centres.
Form of Construction Tanked protection system as above. Drained cavity system to wall
and floor.

Structurally integral protection using design to BS EN 1992-3.

Waterproofing admixtures may be considered. Vapour proof
membranes may also be used in some circumstances
Target Performance Level Dry environment.
Commentary Comments as for Grade 2. If the ground is highly permeable multi-
element systems will probably be required.

Grade 4 (Special)
Likely usage of Basement Archives and stores requiring special controlled environment
Form of Construction Tanked protection system as above. Drained cavity system to wall
and floor, with vapour barrier to inner skin of wall and to cavity floor.
Structurally integral protection with design BS EN 1992-3and a vapour
proof membrane
Target Performance Level Totally dry environment. The humidity levels will be important.
Commentary Comments as for Grade 3. There would be a high risk in using
Integral protection alone.

2.2.3 Material Performance Material quality

Ensure that all materials comply with the relevant product standards
as defined in this specification. Hydrostatic head resistance



All materials used for waterproofing the structure are to be capable

of resisting the hydrostatic head associated with the relevant site


3.1 Materials Compatibility

Ensure that all materials used are compatible and comply with manufacturer’s

If available, Architectural Specifications shall take precedence over Clause 3.2 and

3.2 Damp-proof Membranes

Suitable materials for the damp-proof membrane include:

a) Heavy-duty polyethylene sheets

b) Bituminous sheet
c) Bituminous felt

Minimum thickness of the damp-proof membranes to be used for different types of

ground conditions shall be in accordance with BS 8215. The sheeting shall be laid
and jointed in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions, lapped 150 mm
at joints and taped with a waterproof tape, laid over lean concrete.

3.3 Tanking Membranes

3.3.1 The proposed membrane shall comply to German Standards DIN 16729 or
approved equivalent for waterproofing of underground structures subject to
hydrostatic pressure.

3.3.2 Use preformed membranes or liquid applied membranes.

3.3.3 Use civil engineering/tunnelling grade suitable for waterproofing of

underground structures, subject to hydrostatic pressure according to DIN
18195. It shall not contain any filler or plasticizers, has a signal layer to
facilitate detection of damages and have been used with the same
composition for at least 10 years. Ensure all joint are by hot air welded with
double seams with a test channel for integrity verification without any use of
adhesives or solvents. Proper accessories such as preformed corners,
outlets, pipe collars and terminations shall be used.

3.3.4 The proposed waterproofing membrane shall have high biaxial strength,
elongation and puncture resistance and resistant to most chemicals
including all ground chemicals and be root-impenetrable.

3.3.5 Preformed Bonded Membranes Suitable Materials

Suitable materials for bonded membrane include:

a) Flexible and self-adhesive bituminous membrane with

minimum thickness 1.5mm, based on high performance 250
micron thick polymer films.



b) Flexible membrane capable of forming a full bond with

concrete subsequently cast, minimum thickness 1.5mm.
c) Do not use Bentonite membranes. Required properties of bonded membranes

Property Test Method Results

Normal thickness (mm) 2.5 mm (min)

Tensile strength DIN 53455 12 / 11 N/mm2
Tensile strength (Carrier Film) ASTM D638-02 Longitudinal 48.4 N/mm2
Transverse 45.4 N/mm2
Elongation at break DIN 53455 781 / 892%
Modulus of elasticity DIN 53457 141/150 N/mm2
Tear propagation DIN 53363 230/194 N/mm2
Dimensional changes at 80°C/6 hr DIN 53377 <2.0%
Slit pressure resistance DIN 53454 passed
Seam strength DIN 16726 8.0 N/mm2
Water absorption at 28 days DIN 53495 0.14%
Storage in lime-link:
Variation of tensile strength DIN 16726 -5.4 to 14.6%
Variation of elongation DIN 16726 -2.9 to 10.4%
Storage in sulphurous acid:
Variation of tensile strength DIN 16726 3.3 / 11.4%
Variation of elongation DIN 16726 7.3 / 6.1%
Methane permeability at 5 bar/28 days - Impermeable

Hydrostatic head resistance ASTM D5385-93 >70m

Puncture resistance ASTM E154-99 280N

3.3.6 Liquid Membranes Components

Provide a system comprising a primer and one or more layers of a

two-component liquid applied Elastomeric membrane. Required properties of liquid applied membranes



Performance Typical Value Test Method

Total dry film thickness Minimum 2.5 mm

Water vapour transmission 3.36 BS EN ISO 535:2014 Paper and

board. Determination of water
absorptiveness. Cobb method)
Tensile strength BS 2782
Unaged 8.6
180 days heat aged at 70°C 10.6
28 days water soaked at 23°C
500 hour UV aged


Elongation to failure (%) BS 2782

Unaged 117
180 days heat aged at 70°C 124
28 days water soaked at 23°C
500 hour UV aged


Resistance to cracking BE27, Appendix B: Part C(vi)

23°C No damage
0°C No damage

Tensile bond strength to BE27, Appendix B: Part C(vii)

concrete (Nmm-2)
Unaged 0.62
28 days heat aged at 70°C 0.62
28 days water soaked at 23°C
0.55 Primer

For bituminous membrane, use a bituminous primer in accordance

with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

3.4 Integral Waterproofing

3.4.1 If waterproofed concrete is specified, they are to be watertight.

3.4.2 Admixture shall not contain any amount of chloride.



3.4.3 The Portland Cement, cement content shall not be less than 350 kg/m3 of

3.4.4 Where the required waterproofing performance is to be achieved by the use

of concrete waterproofing admixture system such as Cementaid 3CC-PB
system or an equivalent.

3.4.5 The concrete shall contain Cementaid Superplastet or equal high range
water reducer, such that the free water/binder (w/b) ratio shall not exceed

3.4.6 The concrete shall contain time-proven hydrophobic pore-blocking

ingredient, such as Cementaid 3CC-PB, or a proven equals and approved in
writing by the Engineer and in strict accordance with the manufacturer
detailed technical specifications.

3.4.7 Prior to construction, trial mixes are to be conducted under the supervision
of the Engineer or his representatives and with the 3CC-PB manufacturer
present, to confirm that the proposed mix conforms with the strength, w/b
ratio, slump and other requirements.

3.4.8 The concrete shall have a corrected 30-minute water adsorption of not
greater than 1.0%, as measured by BS 1881: Part 122: 1983, except that
the age of the test shall be 7 days.

3.4.9 The trial mix concrete shall further have an average water penetration depth
of not greater than 15 mm as measured by DIN 1049:Part 5: 1991.

3.4.10 The supplier shall satisfy the Architect that any admixture or ingredient other
than cement, aggregate or approved water-reducing admixture, used by the
contractor to comply with the absorption and permeability requirements,
must be shown by an independent authority to have had no reduction in
performance after field exposure for a minimum of 15 years.

3.4.11 All movement and construction joints in the structural members shall be
formed with an approved centrally-placed waterstop of at least 300 mm
width. Location of all construction joints shall be submitted to the Engineer
for approval at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the works on
site. The Contractor is deemed to have allowed for compliance with this
requirement in his tender.

3.4.12 Any additional reinforcement to control shrinkage and crack widths which
the Contractor deems necessary in order to be compatible with the
waterproofing system he proposes, shall be provided at no extra cost and
time to the Contract.

3.4.13 The maximum size of each slab pour during concreting shall be limited to
100m2 in plan area. For walls, the length of each pour shall be limited to 6m.

3.4.14 All leaking and/or wet cracks and damp surfaces/patches shall be pressure-
grouted with an approved waterproofing compound to the Engineer’s
satisfaction at the Contractor’s own cost and time.

3.4.15 The Contractor shall be responsible for designing the concrete mix to meet
the requirements of the waterproofing system. At least 2 sets of trial mixes
(6 test cubes each) shall be carried out to determine the compressive



strength of the concrete at both 7 days (4 cubes) and 28 days (8 cubes).

Other tests (2 sets each) carried out on the trial mixes shall include slump,
absorption, water permeability and tests specified in table 1. All test results
shall be approved by the Engineer in writing prior to proceeding with the

3.4.16 The contractor shall submit the provisions he will make (eg pre-formed
grouting holes – to grout the leaking joints, etc) to rectify any leaks,
especially those through the construction joints. It is highlighted that the
construction joints in the slab will become inaccessible once the topping
(non-structural) concrete is placed, including diaphragm wall construction.

3.4.17 The proposed waterproofing system shall be installed in full accordance with
the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations.

Table 1: Requirements of testing

Requirement Testing Standard Criteria
1. Permeability CRD–C–48–73 No leakage under 106 metres water
head of pressure at 120 hours

2. Suitability for use in Potable NSF Standard 61 Suitable for use on potable water
water containments containments
AS/NZ 4020.1999

3. Resistant to Chloride ASTM C 672–76 Chloride ion concentration below

penetration 500 ppm at 2 cm deep

NT Build 443 32 mpa concrete made up of 330kg

of 38% slab blended cement with a
0.55 w/c ratio. Using Fick’s Second
Law, a diffusion coefficient of less
than 5 x 10-12 m2/s at 42 days.
4. Chemical resistance Chemical resistance No detrimental effect

5. Carbonation JAERI–M–89–211 Carbonated thickness below 8.4mm

6. Evidence of Crystal Growth Scanning Electron Samples to be a 60% Slag blend

Microscopy concrete and prepared in
accordance with ACCI Reference
JI-176 using x2000 magnification.
5. Water Absorption Test at 7 BS 1881 Pt 122: 1983 Less than 1.0% (other areas
days specified)

3.5 Pile Head Treatment

The material used for pile head treatment shall be three component resin grout
comprising of high performance fluid resin system or approved equivalent designed to
encapsulate and ensure water tightness with the following properties:



(a) Compressive Strength 81 N/mm2 at 7 days

(b) Tensile Strength 13 to 14 N/mm2
(c) Product Polybit –Polygrout EY 3000 (or equivalent)
FOSCROC –Supucast EPT (or equivalent)

3.6 Waterstops

All waterstops to be capable of providing hydrostatic resistance appropriate

to the structure and joint in which they are installed.

3.6.1 Active Waterstops

Expanding type or hydrophilic waterstops shall have a volumetric increase

of between 200% and 300% when in contact with water.

Do not use bentonite-based hydrophilic waterstops.

Use Hydrophilic waterstops provided with a delay coating that retards the
onset of expansion so as to prevent premature expansion prior to concrete

3.6.2 Passive Waterstops

Use flexible rubber or pvc.

3.7 Injection System

Provide a complete system, including hoses, junction boxes, resin, pumps and all
other components required for its installation and use.

3.7.1 Resin

Use flexible aqua-reactive injection resin which is chemically resistant and

will produce an expanded closed-cell foam on contact with water.

Provide details of the proposed product to the Engineer for agreement prior
to starting work.

3.7.2 Hoses

Shall be tough, flexible and chemically inert, and capable of re-injection at a

later date if further leakage occurs.

3.8 Chemical/cement Grout

It is to be approved chemical grout, which will form a continuous, uniform gel. Mix
proportions are to be as recommended by the manufacturer.

3.9 Materials for Joints

Use approved Silicone, Polyurethane or Polysulphide according to the classification of

relevant Codes and Standards.

3.9.1 Sealants for Joints

The gap of the joints must be sealed for water tightness. Sealants are
classified as elastic, elastoplastic or plastic according to their response to



Where there is permanent contact with water sealants use approved

Polyurethane or Polysulphide sealants. Sealants for use in Traffic Loads

Use high modulus sealants in these conditions.

3.9.2 Gaskets

Use natural rubber compounds protected by a synthetic rubber skin. If

special properties, such as resistance to oils, are desired, synthetic rubber
and plastics materials have to be specifically formulated for the intended
use. Gaskets can be solid or hollow sections of various profiles formed from
cellular or non-cellular material or combinations of these materials or

3.9.3 Sealing Strips

Two basic types are acceptable: mastic strips and impregnated or coated
cellular strips, in compliance with relevant Codes and Standards.

3.9.4 Joint fillers

Use cellular plastics and rubbers, which comply with relevant Codes &

3.9.5 Baffles

Comply with relevant Codes and Standards.

3.10 Waterproof Renders

Where required, propose proprietary product, organic or inorganic, which modifies the
permeability of the concrete.

Refer to Contract and specification for proprietary product specified for this project if

3.11 Formwork Ties

Propose for Engineer’s acceptance, a type capable of maintaining the water

resistance of the structure.


Propose for Engineer’s acceptance, a type capable of maintaining the water resistance of the

4.1 Construction Loads

Ensure during construction that the structure is not subjected to loads that will cause
short-term or long-term distress to the concrete and the waterproofing system.



4.2 Concrete Conditioning

The membrane material shall be compatible with the surface of concrete and not
impact the design strength. The use of curing compounds, release coatings on
concrete forms, or admixtures in the concrete that interfere with the adhesion of the
barrier material to concrete shall not be permitted.

If curing compound is used, conduct field tests to demonstrate that complete removal
of the compound can be achieved before application of the membrane. Alternatively,
the Contractor may perform field tests to establish the compatibility of the compound
with the membrane materials and the concrete surface.

Do not use release agents such as oil, wax, grease and silicone which transfer to the
concrete surface during placement, and contribute to poor adhesion between
membrane system and concrete. The use of proprietary paint systems applied to
forms and formulated to prevent contamination of the concrete surface, or the use of
polyethylene lined forms, may be considered.

Do not use special purpose admixtures, such as water-immiscible chemicals intended

to retard evaporation of water during cure, which may create adhesion problems.

4.3 Concrete Surface Preparation

Generally, surfaces shall be dry and must be newly exposed concrete, free of
chemical contaminants and loose, weak or unsound materials.

Prior to application of waterproofing system, inspect concrete and repair as required

to provide proper surfaces to receive waterproofing. All surfaces must be free of
voids, spalled areas, loose aggregate and sharp protrusions, with no coarse
aggregate visible. Remove all contaminants such as grease and oil, from exposed
concrete surface. Clean surface to remove dust, dirt, loose stones and debris.
Remove the honeycombed and defective concrete areas down to sound concrete and
clean. If chipping is necessary, the edges shall be perpendicular to the surface or
slightly undercut. No feather edges are permitted.

Repair concrete in following manner:

(a) Plug bug holes over 13mm in length and 6mm deep with concrete and finish
flush with surrounding surfaces.
(b) Form tie rod holes must be filled flush with surrounding surfaces with approved
grouting material.
(c) Grind fins smooth.
(d) Remove scaling to sound, unaffected concrete. Repair exposed area.
(e) Correct irregular construction joints by feathering repair or by grinding. Materials
and methods to be used for repair work must be compatible with membrane
material to be used and approved by manufacturer.
(f) Seal cracks and joints with recommended material and sealant. Use proper
depth-width ratio as recommended by sealant manufacturer.
(g) Surface joints, including walls and substrate shall be 6mm or less. Repair all
joints wider than 6mm with sealer before proceeding with installation.
(h) Remove fins, protrusions or similar irregularities projecting from the concrete
surface by chipping, bush-hammering, needle-gunning, or wire-brushing.

Ensure a reasonably planar surface for application of the membrane system.

Mechanically abrade the sharp offsets in the surface, such as those caused by
formwork misalignment to provide gradual and smooth transitions between the offset



For membrane system, unless specifically recommended by the material

manufacturer, do not use normal mix Portland cement-based patching materials for
the repair of small surface voids and rutted cracks on account of their relatively poor
adhesion to cured concrete. Use suitable resin-based materials composed of the
same resin found in the protective membrane material mixed with inert fillers with
specific recommendation of the membrane system. Omit Coarse aggregate.

Dry packed with graded aggregate and pressure grouted with approved non-shrink
cementitious mortar for large surface voids and rutted cracks. Submit the method
statement for Engineer’s acceptance prior to work.

Damp the area to be patched and a band at least 150mm wide surrounding to prevent
absorption of water from the patching mortar. After surface water has evaporated
from the area to be patched, use an approved bonding agent well brushed into the
prepared surface. Ensure the premixed patching mortar thoroughly consolidated into
place, struck off so as to leave the patch slightly higher than the surrounding surface
and left undisturbed for at least one hour to allow for some initial shrinkage before
being finally finished. Keep the patched area damp for seven (7) days.

Proprietary compounds may be used in lieu of or in addition to the foregoing patching

procedures. Such compounds must be used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. Obtain specific approval from the membrane
manufacturer before proprietary compounds are used for patching. These materials
shall be compatible with the membrane system and the concrete, and not interfere
with good adhesion between the two.

Employ a suitable method of repair to stop any seepage or flow of water into or
through the concrete structure prior to application of the membrane system.

4.4 Storage

Keep all materials clean and dry, avoid damage and use strictly in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations.

4.5 Protection

Apply protection immediately following the application and pressure testing to

materials in accordance with the accepted proposals given in the Method Statement.

No membrane material shall be left permanently exposed for any period of time after

4.6 Water Curing

Provide Water Curing as follows:

(a) Keep concrete surface continuously wet by covering with water.

(b) Use continuous water-fog spray.
(c) Cover concrete surface with absorptive cover, thoroughly saturate cover with
water, and keep continuously wet. Place absorptive cover to provide coverage of
concrete surfaces and edges, with minimum 100mm lap over adjacent absorptive

4.7 Pour Sizes

Control pours sizes to minimise shrinkage and temperature stresses in the concrete
structure. Refer to the requirement of Section 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE
CONSTRUCTIONS, clause 2.2.



4.8 Fixing Formwork

Do not use methods of fixing formwork which result in holes through the concrete
section when the formwork is removed.

4.9 Pipe Penetrations

Use a puddle flange or other appropriate sealing detail. Avoid post-formed openings.

4.10 Pipe Head Treatment

a) Store the materials in a dry and temperature controlled area preferably in the
range of +20 to +25°C.
b) Ensure that the surface temperature of the pile head is kept within the
temperature range of +10 to +40°C.
c) Application should be done when the day time atmospheric temperatures are
considerably low.
d) The equipments for mixing such as the paddle mixer, mixing bowl should be kept
cool so that they do not impact additional temperature to the material when it is
being mixed.
e) Clean the top surface of the pile head of any loosely adhering particles or dust.
f) Cut a uniform groove all around the base of the reinforcement. When the grout is
poured it will fill the groove and seal that particular area which are the weak
points for water penetration.
g) Place a clean mould around the pile head, treated with sufficient height to
accommodate specified layer of grout on top of pile head.
h) Mix resin grout as per manufacturer instruction and pour the mixed grout onto the
mould from one end in one continuous pour to a thickness shown on the
i) Leave for curing. The grout will achieve its full cure after 7 days.

4.11 Temporary Propping

Allow adequate area around any temporary penetrations to incorporate waterstops

and ensure full compaction. Agree details in advance with the Engineer.

4.12 Inspection

Carry out jointly with the Engineer before backfilling or covering up to identify defects
which may lead to water penetration. Carry out further joint inspection to identify any
water penetration after backfilling and when any ground water has returned to normal

4.13 Repairs

Where concrete shows signs of leakage or damp patches, submit proposals, including
details of proposed materials and methods of application, for rectification to the
Engineer. Comply with BS8102 Clause 8.8 and 8.9.

Ensure that all repair materials are compatible with materials used in the original

4.14 Waterstops

Use waterstops in all construction and movement joints in concrete specified as water
resistant unless otherwise noted and agreed with the Engineer. Use an approved



centrally-placed waterstop of at least 300 mm in width for all construction and

movement joints in concrete.

Submit all location of the construction joints to the Engineer for approval at least four
(4) weeks prior to the commencement of the Works on Site.

Obtain the agreement of the Engineer for the methods to be used to maintain the
waterstops in position and to avoid damage during concreting and formwork removal.

Allow for compliance of the joints preparation, treatment and waterstops for all
construction and movement joints in concrete specified as water resistant with this
requirement in the contract.

4.14.1 Internal Waterstops

Submit details to the Engineer of the methods to be used to ensure full

compaction around the waterstop.

4.14.2 Hydrophilic Waterstops

Locate in a smooth groove formed in the kicker or at the edge of a slab.

4.15 Bonded Membrane Systems

Allow the waterproofing membrane for anchoring to the underside of the basement
slab and therefore ensuring the waterproofing integrity is independent of the substrate
integrity. Ensure terminates at the top of vertical walls at least 300mm minimum
above ground level, pile caps, etc.

For horizontal areas, protect the waterproofing membrane with a minimum 25mm
thick 1:3 cement and sand screed render prior to the commencement of further
construction activities.

For vertical surfaces, cover the waterproofing membrane with the approved protection
material prior to backfilling.

4.15.1 Finishes

The finishes shall meet the membrane manufacturer’s requirements. In

general, provide the following minimum conditions:

a) Prepare slabs to receive a waterproof membrane to a U3 finish as

defined in Section 03300 CAST IN-PLACE CONCRETE
CONSTRUCTIONS, clause 4.10.

b) For vertical surfaces provide a Type A finish as defined in Section

and where necessary, grind to remove arises and fill locally with mortar
using a steel trowel to produce a smooth finish.

4.15.2 Application

Lay primer and membrane strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s

instructions, including length and location of laps.

4.15.3 Change in Concrete Surface



Lay the material across a change in the plane of the concrete surface
provided it is sufficiently pliable to enable the adhesive to remain in contact
with the primed concrete. Where this cannot be achieved, provide
preformed angles or other fixtures as required and bond to the concrete

4.15.4 Protection

Provide protection as soon as possible after laying by boards or other

material to the agreement of the Engineer, in accordance with the
membrane manufacturer’s recommendations.

4.15.5 Continuity

Ensure that there is continuity of waterproofing at all junctions within the

structure and provide explicit details showing how this will be achieved.

4.16 Liquid Membranes

Apply to concrete which is 28 days old and with moisture content less than 5% prior to
application, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer.

Allow the waterproofing membrane for overlapping to the underside of the basement
slab and therefore ensuring the waterproofing integrity is independent of the substrate
integrity. Ensure terminates at the top of vertical walls at least 300mm minimum
above ground level, pile caps, etc.

For horizontal areas, protect the waterproofing membrane with a minimum 25mm
thick 1:3 cement and sand screed render prior to the commencement of further
construction activities.

For vertical surfaces, cover the waterproofing membrane with the approved protection
material prior to backfilling.

4.16.1 Temperature

Generally, apply at temperature less than 35°C unless otherwise

recommended by the manufacturer.

4.17 Integral Waterproofing System

The contractor is responsible to concrete mix to meet the requirements of the

waterproofing system and design concrete compressive strength.

Use waterproofing concrete additive that is hydrophobic, pore blocking ingredient or

crystallize upon immediate contact with water/moisture, expand and form into an
impervious gel to completely bridge and seal the cracks, if any, to prevent water from
seeping through the cracks in the structure.

The Waterproof Concrete shall be used to the full thickness of structural elements
(beams, slab and walls) of all Concrete Water Tanks and bases of lift pits

Carry out at least two (2) sets of trial mixes (of six test cubes for each set) to
determine the compressive strength of the concrete at both 7 days (4 cubes) and 28
days (8 cubes). Other tests (2 sets each) carried out on the trial mixes shall include
slump, absorption, water permeability and any other tests specified by the
waterproofing system manufacturer.



All test results shall be approved by the Engineer in writing prior to proceeding with
the works.

Allow for two pressure penetration tests on a concrete sample t be carried out under a
hydrostatic head of at least 20 m.

4.18 Pressure Grouting

Drill grouting holes in carefully selected locations.

a) Locate drill holes away from embedded reinforcement by using a magnetic

induction digital display type cover meter. If drill hits reinforcement, stop drilling
immediately, relocate hole and inform Engineer.

b) On completion make good holes with a damp 1:3 cement: sharp sand mix
thoroughly rammed in and finished neat and flush.

4.19 Workmanship for Joints

The waterproofing specialist shall give careful consideration to the design of

membrane details at expansion, contraction and construction joints in the concrete
substrate to minimise damage to the membrane due to differential movement. The
Contractor shall demonstrate how the water proofing of joints will be affected. The
waterproofing details shall be designed to accommodate a movement of 20mm in
any direction at all movement and expansion joints.

Where the movement of soil substrate is likely to occur, the waterproofing specialist in
association with the Contractor shall take appropriate measures to ensure the
integrity of the waterproofing system is not compromised.

Unless otherwise shown in the drawings, provision shall be made for at least one
number of 300mm wide centrally-placed water stop to be placed across all movement
and construction joints formed in the structural elements.

All construction joints and cast-in projection for wall and slab shall be treated with one
coat of approved waterproofing coating slurry, in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instruction, in between concrete pour.

For structures subjected to high hydrostatic pressure, an additional coating shall be

installed in preformed 25x30mm grooves in the construction joint, either on the
positive or negative side of water pressure (depending on accessibility) after stripping
of formwork, in accordance to manufacturer’s instruction.

A swellable hydrophilic waterstop, Superswell 47B or equivalent, to be provided

around pipe penetrations and construction joints.

4.19.1 Sealants for Joints

Prepare the joints and apply the sealants, back-up materials, bond breakers
and joint fillers in accordance with relevant Codes and Standards

4.19.2 Gaskets

Apply in accordance with relevant Codes and Standards.



4.19.3 Sealing Strips

Apply in accordance with relevant Codes and Standards.

4.20 Membrane Flashing

Use compatible flashing materials with those used in the waterproofing system.
Compatibility as specify the membrane manufacturer. The flashing material used shall
be of approved and durable type, and shall be resistant to weathering and mechanical
damage and compatible with all other material employed in the membrane system.

Provide flashing at the line or joint where the membrane will terminate, particularly at
the basement walls and pile foundations.

The surface of adjoining building elements that are used to form the terminus of the
waterproofing membrane shall meet the same requirements as the surfaces that
receive the barrier.

A treated timber nailer or equivalent device shall be used to mechanically secure the
top edge of the flashing material according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Reglets shall not be used as a substitute for a nailing strip or device.


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Tender

Submit details of the proposed waterproofing system and supporting

documents like method statement, material testing results, samples,
maintenance procedure during and after the warranty period, and track
record with the tender submission for Engineer’s review and acceptance.

5.1.2 Method Statement

Submit a detailed method statement describing the waterproofing system to

be used, installation details, manufacturers’ details and requirements and
protective measures to be adopted at all stages of the application.

5.1.3 Design Mix

Prior to construction, and at least 30 days before the actual waterproof

concrete is to be cast, carry out trial mixes, under the supervision of the
Engineer or his representative, and with waterproofing specialist present, to
confirm that the proposed mix conforms with the absorption limit. Carry out
at least two (2) sets of trial mixes (of six test cubes for each set) to
determine the compressive strength of the concrete at both 7 days (4
cubes) and 28 days (8 cubes). Other tests (2 sets each) carried out on the
trial mixes shall include slump, absorption, water permeability and any other
tests specified by the waterproofing system manufacturer. All test results
shall be approved by the Engineer in writing prior to proceeding with the

5.1.4 Suitability of System

Before starting work provide written confirmation to the Engineer from the
supplier of the waterproofing system that the proposed concrete mix,



placing methods, release agents, curing compounds, movement joint

details, surface finishes, methods of supporting reinforcement and loads will
not adversely affect the performance of the system.

5.1.5 Pile Head Treatment

Submit product date, shop drawings and method statement for approval for
pilehead treatment to ensure water tightness.

5.1.6 Shop Drawings

Submit the comprehensive shop drawings showing all details and

procedures for the relevant parts of the Works to the Engineer for
acceptance showing the positions of joints and details of all materials to be
used. Details shall include schedules of junction pieces and isometric
layouts of waterbars.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval of the comprehensive
shop drawings showing all the details and procedures for the relevant parts
of the Works. In the programme for the production and review of shop
drawings, at least 4 weeks shall be allowed for review by the Engineer for
each submission. Delays caused by the late submission of shop drawings or
repeated amendments to drawings due to inadequate or inaccurate
drawings shall not entitle the Contractor to any additional cost or time

The manufacturer's standard application details shall be used only as a

guide for the preparation of shop drawings. The Contractor is deemed to
have given due consideration to the particular requirements of this contract.
Where necessary, the Contractor is expected to improve upon the
manufacturer's standard details to suit the project requirements and such
amendments shall be shown in the shop drawings for approval of the
Engineer. The Contractor shall not be entitled to extra contract cost and/or
time in this respect.

5.1.7 Details

Submit coordinated details for acceptance including the following:

a) Junctions between roof/base slabs and external walls.

b) Pipe penetrations through external walls.
c) Junctions between base slab and piles/king posts.

5.1.8 Water Testing

Allow for the cost of carrying out ponding test on the balancing tank and
backwash tank in the contract. The ponding tests shall be carried out prior
to the application of the waterproofing system and finishes. The pools and
tanks shall be filled up with water to the design level and maintain for a
minimum duration of 72 hours during the test. Rectify all water
seepage/leakage noted during and after the tests to the Engineer’s

Carry out watertightness test of below-grade holding structures in full

compliance with MS EN 1992-3 within Contract period. Rectify any leaks
found and re-tested in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations to the Engineer’s satisfaction.



Where required by the Engineer, carry out water testing to check the
performance of horizontal membrane applications. Flood the area to be
tested with at least 25mm of water. Plug and kerb up the drains (temporary
or permanent) to retain the water for a period of at least 72 hours.

Where it is impractical to water test an area because the slope of the

substrate would produce excessive water depths, test the membrane by
allowing water to run continuously over the area for a period of at least 8
hours. During the 8-hour period, keep the whole area completely immersed.

Where water testing is not possible because of job conditions, location, etc,
carry out a thorough inspection to check all laps, terminations and flashings
for any evidence of 'fish mouths', incomplete adhesion or other conditions
that may be detrimental to the watertight integrity of the membrane.

5.1.9 Product Certificates

For all materials proposed, submit certificate from manufacturers showing

evidence of compliance with the specified quality requirements.

5.1.10 Maintenance / Replacement Manual

Cover all waterproofing systems used and materials in the maintenance

manual to be submitted before handing over.

5.1.11 Warranty

Submit the warranty for Engineer’s acceptance upon completion of the


5.1.12 Quality Control Plan

Prepare and submit a quality control plan for Engineer’s acceptance prior to
commencing. Submit all quality control records periodically during the
course of construction.

During construction, carry out two (2) absorption samples at the same time
as samples for compressive strength testing. Non-Compliance of Samples

Non-Compliance of Samples - In the event that an absorption

sample in the structure does not comply with the specification, the
Contractor shall take the following actions:

The affected concrete in the structure will continue to be cured with

fresh water by the use of bleeder hoses or similar system as
approved by the Engineer.

Cores will be taken from the structure under the supervision of the
Engineer. Should these core samples fail to comply with the
specification, the requirements of Clause will apply. Non-Compliance of Samples- Further Remedial Action

If the measured absorption of the concrete in the structure is greater

than 1% but less than 3% the contractor shall apply a latex-modified



skin coat, properly bonded to the surface of the concrete, or other

approved treatment.

If the measured absorption of the concrete in the structure is greater

than 3% but less than 5% the contractor shall apply a fiber
reinforced non-absorptive render in a thickness of not less than
15mm, properly bonded to the surface of the concrete. The
absorption of the render shall be not more than 1%.

If the measured absorption is greater than 5%, or it is not possible to

apply the above treatments, or other approved systems of
rectification, reconstruction will be necessary.

5.2 Samples / Mock-ups

Submit samples of the proposed system and materials for Engineer’s acceptance
prior to ordering of the material. Identify and label all samples appropriately.

5.3 Inspection and Rectification

Carry out visual inspection to the completed works.

If there is any leakage, dampness and presence of seepage water resulting from
hydrostatic pressure or capillary action on the surfaces of the structural elements that
are visible, submit proposals for rectification for acceptance and carry out the

The rectification works shall achieve the same design life and performance as the
waterproofing system specified.

5.4 Water Testing

5.4.1 Watertightness test of all below-grade structures shall be carried out in full
compliance with MS EN 1992-3, all at the Contractor’s expense within the
contract period. Any leaks found shall be rectified in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations, at the Contractor’s expense and re-
tested to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

5.4.2 Watertightness test shall be carried out for all water tanks by filling with
water up to the design level.

5.4.3 Where required by the Engineer, water testing shall be carried out to check
the performance of the waterproofing system. The area to be tested shall be
flooded with at least 25mm of water. Drains shall be plugged and kerbings
(temporary or permanent) shall be formed to retain the water for a period of
at least 24 hours. Any leaks found during this period shall be repaired in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the area shall
then be retested. Before repairing the surfaces, they shall be dry.

5.4.4 Where it is impractical to water test an area because the slope of the
substrate would produce excessive water depths, the waterproofing system
shall be tested by allowing water to run continuously over the area for a
period of at least 8 hours. During the 8-hour period, the whole area shall be
kept completely immersed.



5.4.5 The Contractor shall allow for the cost of carrying out ponding test on the
water features pool, balancing tank and backwash tank in this tender. The
ponding tests shall be carried out prior to the application of the finishes. The
pools and tanks shall be filled up with water to the design level and maintain
for a minimum duration of 72 hours during the test. All water
seepage/leakage noted during and after the tests shall be rectified at the
Contractor’s own cost to the Engineer’s satisfaction. The pools and tanks
shall be further tested for watertightness by repeating the above procedure
upon completion of application of finishes. All water seepage/leakage
observed shall be rectified at the Contractor’s own cost and retested for
watertightness to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

--- End of Section ---





1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Related sections .....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Standards ...............................................................................................................................1
1.4 Trade Preambles ....................................................................................................................2

2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................3

2.1 Contractor’s proposal .............................................................................................................3

3.0 MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................................6

3.1 Movement Joint System and Fillers........................................................................................6
3.2 Joint Waterproofing Material ...................................................................................................6
3.3 Dowel System .........................................................................................................................6
3.4 Sheet Membrane for Sliding Joints.........................................................................................7
3.5 Crack inducers ........................................................................................................................7
3.6 Bearings ..................................................................................................................................7

4.0 EXECUTION AND WORKMANSHIP ...............................................................................................8

4.1 Forming Joints ........................................................................................................................8
4.2 Construction Joints .................................................................................................................9
4.3 Workmanship for Joint Waterproofing ....................................................................................9
4.4 Crack-inducing Grooves ...................................................................................................... 10
4.5 Bottom of Slab Crack Inducers ............................................................................................ 10
4.6 Inserted Strip Crack Inducers .............................................................................................. 10
4.7 Bearings ............................................................................................................................... 10

5.0 VERIFICATION AND SUBMISSIONS .......................................................................................... 12

5.1 Submission .......................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Samples / Mock-ups ............................................................................................................ 13
5.3 Tests .................................................................................................................................... 13

This specification section is the copyright of DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. No reproduction either in part or
in whole in any manner whatsoever is allowed without written permission from DPE Consultants Sdn

Prepared and Checked By Approved By

Date Revision
(Project Engineer) (Project Director)

21 Feb 220 - SWK, JFS TCH



Read with the Particular Specification, and all other contract documents.

This technical specification shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall allow for all
obligations, requirements, considerations, etc. to comply with the specification. The Contractor is
also deemed to have visited the site and fully acquainted himself as to the nature and
practicability of the works. No claims will be entertained as a result of his failure to do all of the

The Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer is DPE Consultants Sdn Bhd. The Contractor is to
note that when the term ‘Engineer’ in the following Specification means the representative of the
Consulting Engineer.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Engineer is referred to in the following specification,
such term shall be deemed to mean The Architect or Superintending Officer’s Representative (S.
O. Rep.) as defined in the Articles of Agreement or any other person designated in writing by the
Architect or the Superintending Officer (S.O.) from time to time to exercise the power of the
Architect or S.O.

The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-
Laws of Malaysia, the Malaysian Standards and Codes of Practices, Malaysian Standards
Eurocodes current at the date of tender and to the satisfaction of the local Building Authorities
empowered to control the Works, the Specifications and drawings supplied to the Contractor and
any other instructions issued by the Engineer/Architect or their representative from time to time.
The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

The Contractor is to note that when the term Client is referred to in the Specifications, such term
shall be deemed to mean the Employer/Developer unless the context otherwise requires.

Any reference in the Specifications to a Malaysian Standard (MS), Eurocodes (EC) or Code of
Practice (CP) shall imply the latest version at the time of tender of the applicable Standards or
Code of Practices. Should there be any discrepancy between these Specifications and the MS,
EC or CP, the more onerous requirement/s shall be adopted. The Engineer has the sole
discretion to modify or upgrade the specifications, drawings and documents to comply fully with
MS Eurocode requirements at no additional cost and time to the Contract.

1.1 Scope

This section covers general requirements for designed settlement and expansion
joints, and bearing joints in concrete structures. It also covers crack induced
construction joints. For general requirements of normal construction joints refer to

1.2 Related sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:



1.3 Standards

1.3.1 Standards

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, ensure all of the Works comply

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 1


with the relevant requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or
referenced in the body of the Specification. Alternative Standards and
Codes may be proposed for approval by the Engineer, provided it can be
demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply with the
requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Malaysian Standards

MS 146 Specification for hot-rolled steel bars for the

reinforcement of concrete

MS 145 Specification for welded steel fabric for the

reinforcement of concrete

SMS EN 1992-1-1:2010 Design of concrete structures. General rules

and rules for buildings

British Standards

BS 5400 Part 9.1 Steel, concrete and composite bridges.

Bridge bearings. Code of practice for design
of bridge bearings

BS 5400 Part 9.2 Steel, concrete and composite bridges.

Bridge bearings. Specification for materials,
manufacture and installation of bridge

BS 6177 Guide to selection and use of elastomeric

bearings for vibration isolation of buildings

BS 6093 Code of Practice for design of joints and

jointing in building construction

In the event that the standards or codes are revised or superseded, refer to
the latest edition or the appropriate substitution for the relevant subjects.

1.3.2 Technical references

Refer to the following technical for guidance in carrying out the works.

(a) CIRIA Report 146 Design and construction of joints in concrete

(b) Concrete Society Technical Report TR 34
(c) Department of Transport Standard BD20/92 – Bridge Bearings

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractor’s Submissions and Proposals

The type of designed joints and locations are indicated in the drawings.
Engage qualified and experienced personnel to propose the following for
Engineer’s acceptance:

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 2

DESIGNED JOINTS Suitable joint materials including joint fillers and waterproofing

element etc. to comply with the performance requirements as set
out in clause 2.1 below. Details and construction method to install the joint materials as


1.4.2 Provide Spare Material

Deliver to site in strong protective packages marked for identification, and

store where directed, 1% of additional joint materials for minor replacement
or repairs in the near future, as listed in the contract.

1.4.3 Warranty

Warrant all design joints for a minimum period of 10 years, in accordance

with contract conditions against all defects from the date of completion.

1.4.4 Maintenance Manual

Prepare and submit a maintenance / replacement manual covering the

designed joints and materials for the project. Refer to the Contract
Requirement for details.

1.4.5 Quality Control Plan

Submit quality control plan including specialist applicator’s team, application

method statement and site mockup for Architect and Engineer acceptance.
Submit tests (by approved laboratory) for acceptance.

Submit construction joints plan and method statement of the joint preparation
before and after concreting, and before joining to fresh concrete of next

The Contractor shall bear all costs involved in making the tests.


2.1 Contractor’s proposal

When carrying out the proposals as set out in clause 1.4.1, take account of the
following requirements and provide manufacturer’s data to confirm suitability.

2.1.1 Characteristics of the Joints

Satisfy the required characteristics of the joints in compliance to the product

specification and specialist’s installation standard as set out in the contract.

Submit to Architect and Engineer for acceptance.

2.1.2 Durability

Where used in this Contract, all designed joints and bearings shall be
warranted against all defects and any malfunctioning for a minimum period
of ten (10) years from the date of Completion of the whole of the Works and
all defects occurring during this period shall be made good by the
Contractor. The Warranty shall be provided jointly and severally by the

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 3


Contractor and the manufacturer.

2.1.3 Proprietary products

When a proprietary product is specified, verify and submit evidence that the
product will satisfy the performance requirements as above. In case that the
desired performance of the selected product cannot be verified, notify the
Engineer and propose alternative product for acceptance.

2.1.4 Bearing Design

The specialist/ manufacturer shall carry out the detailed design of the
bearings. The bearings shall be designed for the loads and movements
specified in the Drawings. The design shall meet the technical and testing
requirements of this Specification and the Drawings.

For all construction methods, the bearings and their support structure shall
be detailed to prevent damage of the concrete cover.

Provisions shall be made in the design for the removal and replacement of
the bearings, including all their fixings. All bearings shall be designed with
suitable handling attachments to the bearings to facilitate the removal and
replacement process.

All bearings shall be of a proven design. Untried material and design will not
be accepted. Mechanical Pot Bearings Design and Manufacture

Bearings shall be fixed to the structures with fixing

bolts or by similar means. Reliance on friction between
the surfaces of the bearing and its bedding medium is
not permitted.

Bearings shall be designed for replacement subject to

a limiting vertical lift of 25mm.

The fixing positions shall be arranged to avoid

overlapping of the top and bottom plate sockets to
facilitate easy removal and replacement.

Each bearing shall be marked with a serial number for


All bearings shall be designed such that they do not

sustain damage that would affect their correct
functioning, or incur excessive maintenance costs
during their intended life. Great care shall be exercised
to ensure that lateral restraint bearings are correctly
orientated. Design for Horizontal Loads

For the bearing connections between the bearing and

the concrete faces, it shall be assumed that up to 10%
of the design ultimate horizontal load is caused by

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 4


friction between the bearing and the concrete face.

The connections for any one face shall be designed to
take 0.9 times the design ultimate limit state (ULS)
lateral load specified in the Schedule. The lateral load
shall be shared equally between the connecting bolts. Additional Requirements for Bearing Replacement

The total time for bearing replacement shall not exceed

4 hours.

The Contractor shall submit method statement on how

the bearings can be removed and replaced. The
Contractor shall carry out bearing replacement trials by
replacing bearings installed to prove compliance with
the criteria. The trials shall be carried out for each of
the main bearing types selected at random by the

The cost of carrying out the replacement trials shall be

included in the Contractor's contract price.
Notwithstanding earlier acceptance, if the replacement
requirements are not met, the Engineer shall reject all
the bearings. Bearing used for the replacement test
can be incorporated in the works provided it has not
been damaged in any way during the replacement

The Contractor shall carry out bearing replacement

trial after completion of all structures of the floor it is
supporting. All designs shall be able to cope with the
limiting vertical lift.

The warranty specified for the bearing shall not be

invalidated due to the replacement trial. Laminated Elastomeric Bearings Design and Manufacture

The bearing shall be detailed to facilitate installation

and to allow subsequent replacement without having to
jack up the structure by more than 3 mm. Buckling Stability

All bearings shall comply with the requirement of

Clause 10.8 of Section 9.1 of BS 5400. Bearings shall
also be tested in accordance with the requirements of
Clause 9.4 of BS 6177. Exact details of the test
including failure criteria shall be proposed by the
Contractor and subject to the acceptance of the
Engineer. Protective Treatment

The protective treatment for the bearings shall be

appropriate to the required design life.

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 5



3.1 Movement Joint System and Fillers

Comply with BS 6093 Table 2 – Fillers for movement joints.

Refer to contract and drawing for the type of joint system and filler selected for the

Submit the material specification for acceptance.

3.2 Joint Waterproofing Material

Refer to contract and drawing for selected proprietary products for the project if any.
Submit the material specification for acceptance.

3.2.1 Waterstops


clause 3.6.

3.2.2 Sealants, Gaskets and Baffles


clause 3.9.

3.2.3 Primer

To be applied for concrete surfaces to facilitate the application of sealant.

Primer to sealant manufacturer’s recommendation and to be compatible

with the proposed sealant.

3.2.4 Preformed Compressible Sealing Strips


clause 3.9.

3.3 Dowel System

3.3.1 Sliding Dowel System

Refer to contract specification and drawing for the type of sliding dowel
system selected for the project if any. Submit the material specification for

3.3.2 Tie Bars

To be grade 250, clean and free from loose mill scale, loose rust, oil and
other deleterious substances.

3.3.3 Mesh Tie Strips

To SS 561, clean and free from loose mill scale, loose rust, oil and other
deleterious substances.

3.3.4 Dowel Bars

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 6


To SS 560, provide in straight, with sawn (not sheared) ends. Debonding

Propose a proprietary debonding compound or plastic sleeve to

Engineer’s acceptance. Apply to half of the dowel bars. Cap

Propose suitable product to Engineer’s acceptance. Fit with not less

than 20mm of compressible material to the debonded end of the

3.4 Sheet Membrane for Sliding Joints

Refer to contract specification and drawing for the product selected for the project if
any. Submit the material specification for acceptance.

3.5 Crack inducers

3.5.1 Bottom of Slab Crack Inducer

Refer to contract specification and drawing for the product selected for the
project if any. Submit the material specification for acceptance.

3.5.2 Inserted Crack Inducer

Refer to contract specification and drawing for the product selected for the
project if any. Submit the material specification for acceptance.

3.5.3 Crack Inducing Grooves

Refer to contract specification and drawing for the required dimension of the
grooves if any. Submit the material specification for acceptance.

3.6 Bearings

3.6.1 Mechanical Pot Bearings General

The sliding plates shall be of stainless steel.

Where bearings are provided with side guides, they shall be aligned
in the direction of movement as required in the design.

PTFE filled with 25% glass fibres by weight shall be used to for the
vertical sliding surfaces to each rocker plate in contact with the side
guides. The vertical sliding surfaces of the side guides shall be of
stainless steel.

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 7

DESIGNED JOINTS Bearing Components including Fixings

All components of metal bearings including the mechanical fixings

shall be fabricated from austenitic stainless steel of minimum grade
304 SS 33. Materials used shall also comply with the following:

Wrought stainless steel : BS970 Part 1, grade 304

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS1449 Part 2, grade 304
Stainless steel Washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 304
Stainless steel fasteners : BS EN ISO 3506, grade A4-70

Stainless steel sliding surfaces of bearings shall receive no

protective treatment and care shall be taken to protect these
surfaces from being damaged or coated during the application of
the protective treatment to other parts of the structure.

3.6.2 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings General

Laminated elastomeric bearings that contain any forms of wax are

not acceptable.

Vulcanised natural elastomer shall comply with the requirements of

BS 1154 for Groups Z40, Z50 or Z60.

Vulcanised synthetic elastomer shall comply with the requirements

of BS 2752 for compounds C50, C60 or C70.

Steel plate reinforcement for laminated bearing shall comply with

the requirements of BS EN 10025.

The thickness of outer and inner plates shall not be less than 3 mm
and 1.5 mm respectively. No welding operation shall be carried out
on an elastomeric bearing.

Dowel bars or shear pins shall not be used as restraints for fixed
and guided sliding bearings. Alternative means of restraints (e.g.
concrete restraint blocks) that can be easily inspected, maintained
and replaced shall be adopted.


4.1 Forming Joints

4.1.1 General

Structural movement joints shall be provided in the position indicated on the

Engineer's drawings. Such joints shall be formed in the manner indicated on
the drawings.

Refer to the Load Bearing Joints (Sliding Joints) requirements in SECTION


The filling medium used is to be adequately secured to one of the members

which it separates so as to prevent subsequent displacement. Unless

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 8


otherwise specified the separating material for vertical joints shall be 10mm
foamed polystyrene sheet.

All exposed face of such joints shall be sealed by approved 10mm x 10mm
polysulphide sealant all round. Similarly such joints shall be protected by a
layer of volclay or approved equivalent all round the joint along the mid depth
of the joint. Such material shall be secured to already cast concrete member.

4.1.2 Accuracy

Position and form joints accurately, straight, well-aligned and truly vertical or
horizontal or parallel with setting out lines of the building. Construct the joint
within an acceptable tolerance of 2mm unless otherwise specified.

4.1.3 Pour Sequence

Plan the pour sequence in such manner as to minimise restraints.

Do not use a chequered board sequence for water-resisting construction.

4.1.4 Modifications

Modifications to any joint design or location, if necessary, to be agreed

before proceeding.

4.1.5 Placing Concrete

Prevent concrete entering joints or penetrating compressible joint fillers and

making movement joints ineffective.

Do not place concrete simultaneously on both sides of movement joints.

4.2 Construction Joints

Propose suitable joint location and detail for Engineer’s acceptance. Take note of any
desired location that may be indicated in the drawings.

Refer to the requirements in SECTION 03300 CAST IN-PLACE CONCRETE

CONSTRUCTION, clause 4.5.

4.2.1 Shrinkage Joints

Refer to requirement in SECTION 03300 CAST IN-PLACE CONCRETE

CONSTRUCTION, clause 2.2.

4.2.2 Retaining Walls

Shrinkage joints incorporating water bars of the form approved by the

Engineer shall be provided at not more than 8m centres. Construction joints
shall coincide with shrinkage joints.

4.3 Workmanship for Joint Waterproofing

For general requirement refer to Section 07100 WATER-RESISTANCE TO


4.3.1 Sealants

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 9


Apply in accordance manufacturer’s recommendation. Avoid overspill onto

the adjacent concrete surface.

4.4 Crack-inducing Grooves

Insert temporary strips into the fully compacted concrete. Compact and level the slab
along the strips. Remove strips.

If the type of aggregate so permits, saw grooves in the top surface of the slab
sufficiently early (within 24 hours of casting slab) to prevent random cracking.

4.5 Bottom of Slab Crack Inducers

Fix securely to sub-base.

4.6 Inserted Strip Crack Inducers

4.6.1 Forming groove

Fully compact and level the concrete, insert steel T bar and withdraw to
form void.

4.6.2 Placing strip

Carefully insert strip to accurate line and level, then re-compact and re-level
4.7 Bearings

4.7.1 Inspection of Bearings

Bearings shall be dismantled to enable visual inspection at the

manufacturer's works prior to delivery.

4.7.2 Marking, Delivery and Storage of Bearings

All bearings shall be suitably marked to identify their types and locations. Marking

Permanent luminous ‘movement indicator’ shall be marked on the

side of the bearing plate. The markings shall be visible after
installation to facilitate monitoring of the bearings. For in-situ post-
tensioning, pre-setting shall be taken into consideration. Delivery

Bearings shall be delivered fully assembled. The upper and lower

parts of the bearing shall be secured with transportation bolts. Storage

Bearings shall be transported and unloaded carefully and then

stored under cover in clean and dry conditions until required. An
inspection shall be carried out shortly before installation, and
bearings that have been damaged in store shall be rejected.

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4.7.3 Bearing Installation and Protection General

Bearings shall be installed strictly under the supervision of the

specialist supplier in accordance with the approved Method
Statement and the Drawings.

Bearing seating shall be of mortar bedding of non- shrink

cementitious grout, polyester resin or epoxy resin, with cube
crushing strength of at least 40 N/mm2 (MPa) at 7 days. The
seating shall not exceed 25mm in height. Unless otherwise
indicated in the drawings, bursting and spalling reinforcement shall
be designed and provided based on the applied load.

Transfer of superstructure weight on to bearings shall not be

allowed until the bedding has developed sufficient strength. Mechanical Pot Bearings

Prior to the installation of pot bearings, the position of box-outs

provided, dimensions and levels of the substructures and all
relevant information shall be investigated, verified and approved by

4.7.4 Bearing Installation Tolerances

The bearing plate shall not be recessed in to RC structure or the bedding.

Mechanical pot bearings and laminated elastomeric bearings shall be fixed

within the tolerances as shown below.

Description Tolerance
(a) Variation from true level Simply-supported structures:
± 3 mm
Continuous structures:
0.0001 times the sum of the adjacent
spans but not exceeding ± 5mm
(b) Tilt of top and base plates 1 in 500
(c) Centrelines of the bearing to their ± 3mm
correct position
(d) Orientation on plan 1 in1000 (to required direction)

4.7.5 As-built Submission

After the bearings have been installed, the Contractor shall take all
protection measures necessary to ensure that the bearings remain free from

Upon completion, the Contractor shall submit as-built drawings for all the
bearings installed. The as-built drawings shall include information on the
schedule of bearings. The final recorded movements shall be based upon
completion of the structure (not project).

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5.1 Submission

5.1.1 Tender submission

Submit the following information with the tender:

(a) Technical details including catalogues of the joint system.

(b) Certificates to show compliance with the codes set out in the
(c) Sample of typical joint materials.
(d) Records of past projects where the proposed joint system has been
successfully installed.

5.1.2 Method Statement

Provide a Method Statement for the acceptance of the Engineer prior to

commencement of the works containing at least the information given
below: Materials

For each material or system proposed, manufacturers’ data, test

results, design life certificates, health and safety information. Sequence

Proposed sequence for each of the operations required to complete

the works. Methods

All tools and equipment to be used, application methods, proposed

methods for undertaking the various elements of the work, including
details of access and indicating how any restrictions on noise and
nuisance are to be met. Site organisation and quality control

Details of how the works are to be controlled, sampling regimes,

proposed testing methods and organisation.

5.1.3 Product Certificates

For all materials proposed, submit certificate from manufacturers showing

evidence of compliance with the specified quality requirements.

5.1.4 Maintenance / Replacement manual

Cover all joint systems and materials in the maintenance manual to be

submitted before handing over.

5.1.5 Warranty

Submit the warranty for Engineer acceptance upon completion of the works.

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5.2 Samples / Mock-ups

Submit samples of all joint system and materials for Engineer’s acceptance prior to
ordering of the material. Identify and label the samples appropriately.

5.3 Tests

5.3.1 Watertightness

For joints specified as watertight, test all joints after installation with a
spraying hose for watertightness.

If there is any leakage, dampness and presence of seepage water, propose

and carry out rectification or replacement to the Engineer’s acceptance.

5.3.2 Fire Resistance

For joints specified with fire rating requirements, submit certificate or

evidence demonstrating compliance with BOMBA requirements. If certificate
is not available, submit samples of the materials to BOMBA for testing to
obtain the certification.

5.3.3 Testing Requirements for Mechanical Pot Bearings General

Tests shall be carried out at a laboratory accredited under SAMM.

The test methods shall be subject Engineer’s acceptance. The
equipment for testing the bearings shall be capable of determining
to an accuracy of 3% of the design SLS load of the bearing to be
tested and deflection to 0.1 mm.

The Engineer’s approval shall be explicitly sought if the tests are

proposed to be carried out within the manufacturer’s laboratory or
premises. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of
the testing equipment and shall provide calibration certificates for
the instruments and equipment. All equipment and instruments
calibration shall be done in laboratories accredited under the SAMM
or other accreditation bodies under the Mutual Recognition
Arrangements (MRAs).

All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer. The
Engineer shall be given at least 7 and 14 calendar days’ notice for
tests carried out locally and overseas respectively. The notice
period shall exclude any time required for travel visa application and

All transportation to and from the laboratory shall be deemed

included. For overseas testing, air transportation and
accommodation (if required) shall also be included.

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Nominations for routine test for each bearing type shall be in

accordance with the following: -

(a) 3 bearings out of the first batch of 10 bearings produced.

(b) 1 bearing out of each subsequent batch of 10 bearings.

However, if there are less than 6 bearings of one type, all bearings
of that type shall be load tested. Each bearing code number given in
the Drawings shall be considered as a bearing type.

Routine tests for each bearing shall include:

(a) Vertical load test

(b) Test for coefficient of friction (where applicable)
(c) Test for lateral load
(d) Test for rotation Additional Tests

Should any bearing fail the routine tests, or the Contractor propose
modifications to the already accepted bearing details, additional
bearing tests shall be performed to demonstrate compliance with
the requirements. The type and number of additional tests shall be
subject to the Engineer’s acceptance. Test for Vertical Load

The bearing shall be loaded in compression to 1.2 times the

maximum vertical SLS load given in the Drawings. The load shall be
maintained for a minimum of three minutes. Test for Coefficient of Friction

The coefficient of friction of the sliding surfaces of the bearing shall

be determined by test. The value of the coefficient of friction shall be
taken as the average result of five tests and shall be determined for
both the maximum and 50% of the maximum vertical SLS load
given in the Drawings. The sliding surfaces shall not be lubricated
before the tests but the bearings may be given two preliminary
sliding runs under load prior to taking the test readings. Test for Lateral Load

The bearing shall be tested to 0.9 times the ULS lateral load shown
on the Drawings while loaded in compression to 10% of the
maximum vertical load shown on the Drawings. Test for Rotation

The bearing shall be tested in rotation to the value for rotation given
in the Drawings whilst being loaded in compression to the maximum
vertical SLS load shown on the Drawings.

07900 DESIGNED JOINTS.doc Page 14

DESIGNED JOINTS Failure to Meet Requirements

The bearing will be rejected, if, following the tests for load or
rotation, it exhibits any signs of failure such as:

(a) Splitting or permanent deformation of the elastomer,

(b) Tearing, cracking, debonding, or permanent deformation of the
PTFE sliding surfaces,
(c) Cracking or permanent deformation of the sealing ring or other
part of the bearing,
(d) Abrasive marks indicating abnormal contact between the metal
surfaces of the bearing plates or piston and the pot. Test Certificates

The Contractor shall supply copies of the test certificates showing

details of the test results of each bearing tested. The test certificates
shall indicate if tolerances have been exceeded and if any faults
have been observed.

5.3.4 Testing Requirements for Laminated Elastomeric Bearings General

Testing shall be carried out at a laboratory accredited under the

SAMM scheme and the method of testing the bearing shall be
subject to acceptance of the Engineer.

The equipment for testing bearings shall be capable of determining

load to an accuracy of 3% of the Serviceability Limit State (SLS)
load of the bearing to be tested and deflection to 0.1 mm.

The Engineer’s approval shall be explicitly sought if the tests are

proposed to be carried out within the manufacturer’s laboratory or
premises. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of
the testing equipment and shall provide calibration certificates for
the instruments and equipment. All equipment and instruments
calibration shall be done in laboratories accredited under the SAMM
or other accreditation bodies under the Mutual Recognition
Arrangements (MRAs).

All tests, except for the compression stiffness testing, shall be

carried out in the presence of the Engineer. The Engineer shall be
given at least 7 and 14 calendar days’ notice for tests carried out
locally and overseas respectively. The notice period shall exclude
any time required for travel visa application and approval.

All transportation to and from the laboratory shall be deemed

included. For overseas testing, air transportation and
accommodation (if required) shall also be included.

The first test shall allow for at least 6 persons representing the SO
or Employer. Subsequent routine test shall allow for 2 persons.

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Nominations for routine test for each bearing type shall be in

accordance with the following: -

(a) 3 bearings out of the first batch of 10 bearings produced.

(b) 1 bearing out of each subsequent batch of 10 bearings.

However, if less than 6 bearings of one type are to be produced,

two bearings of that type shall be load tested. Bearing code number
given in the Drawings shall be considered as a bearing type.

Routine tests for each bearing shall include:

(a) Vertical load test

(b) Buckling stability test
(c) Shear stiffness test Material Tests

Three samples of the elastomer for each bearing type shall be

tested for compliance with the accepted materials specification.

Test methods shall conform to BS 903 and the sampling method

shall be to the acceptance of the Engineer. For each sample, tests
for the following properties and requirements shall be performed:

(a) Ozone resistance

(b) Tensile strength
(c) Tear resistance
(d) Compression set
(e) Accelerated ageing
(f) Hardness
(g) Tensile strength
(h) Ultimate tensile strain
(i) Shear modules
(j) Creep

For each bearing, the elastomer hardness shall be measured. Dimensional Checks

Each bearing will be subjected to the following dimensional checks:

(a) Plan size and height in mm

(b) Cover of elastomer over steel plate. Test for Vertical Load

One (1) bearing in 5 selected at random shall be tested in

accordance with BS 6177 to 150% of the rated SLS vertical load
and held for six hours under zero shear deflection conditions. The
load shall then be released and the bearing checked for damage
and undue creep as per Clause 9.3 of BS 6177.

The sample after testing shall be discarded unless it can be

demonstrated to the Engineer that it satisfactorily, retains its load
deflection characteristics as per Clause 9.3 of BS 6177.

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DESIGNED JOINTS Test for Static Compression Stiffness

One (1) bearing in 5 selected at random shall be subject to a static

compression stiffness test in accordance with Clause 9.6 of BS
6177. Tests shall be carried out at zero shear deflection conditions.

The load deflection curve shall be used to check the specified

deflection of the bearing under the vibration load and shall be
included with the Test Certificate. Test for Buckling Stability

One (1) bearing in 5 selected at random shall be tested for stability

in accordance with the requirements of clause 9.4 of BS 6177. The
stability test shall be carried out at 200% of the rated load. Failure to Meet Requirements

The bearing will be rejected, if following the load tests, it exhibits

any signs of failure such as: -

(a) splitting or permanent deformation of the elastomer

(b) evidence of inadequate steel elastomer band or uneven plate
(c) failed to meet the specified load capacity, compressive
deflection of stability requirements.

The generation of unusual load deflection curves during the tests

shall also be cause for rejection by the Engineer. Test for Static Shear Stiffness

One (1) bearing in 5 selected at random shall be subjected to

simultaneous test loading in compression and shear in accordance
with clause 9.5 of BS 6177. Test Certificates

The Contractor shall supply copies of the test certificates showing

details of the test results of each bearing tested. The test certificates
shall indicate if tolerances have been exceeded and if any faults
have been observed.

--- End of Section ---

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