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SP OTRTE) 1] ‘ f Lets Cut FaPer! — Your child will see fine motor contro] skills while hav: ing fun using scissors te cut lines and shapes. humon Virst Steps Workbooks help children develop fine Oe emo Mm ee Oe corey 1. This book's simple desi: important basic skills while ha » children as young as two learn oe fun, 2. This book allows parents and children to share meaningful playtime together. 3. This book is structured so that your child will develop fine motor control skills while acquiring new vocabulary. This book is designed for children that have completed “Let's Cut Paper!” The activities within this book were designed to be slightly harder than those in the first book. @ Develop fine motor skills Your child will improve his or her finger strength and dexterity, which in turn will help your child hold and use a pencil correctly. Bilmprove scissor control Once your child can manipulate scissors and cut along designated lines accurately, then he or she has acquired basic scissor control. For your child's safety, it is also very important ta teach him or her how to hold and use scissors properly. @ Enhance children's sense of shape As your child cuts along straight lines and curves, of cuts out circles and animals, his or her creativity and ability to create shapes will be greatly enhanced. [BBE How to use this book 1. To make the exercises easier for your child, please cut out the iHustrated portion ‘of each page for him or her. ‘2. This book requires scissors. Plaase use a pair of child-safe scissors and show your child how fo hold them. Teach him or her not to point scissors at others, not to cut things other than paper, and to be careful not to cut his or har fingertips. or other body parts. 3. When your child has completed each page, please offer him or her lots of praise, 4. Please refer to the “To parents” notes in this. book, which provide more comments. and advice on how to help your child enjoy learning from this book. 5. Try to limit the number of pages your child wall complete in a day. It is best to end the day's practice when your child. still wants to. do more. How to use this book”. @)* BB felox and enjoy! Kumon’s First Steps Workbooks are designed so that children and parents can learn and have fun together. Children learn best from active and participatory parents, so please help your child with the activities in this book. By helping, you are encouraging your child to develop a desire to learn, as well as laying the foundation for him or her to become a self-motivated learner. EE How to choose and hold scissors Scissors can be dangerous if not handled properly. Keep an eye on your child when he or she is doing the cutting exercises. How to choose a good pair of scissors © Choose safety scissors with round tips. ® Choose scissors with holes that suit your child's hands and fingers. ® Choose scissors your child can open and close easily. i Please choose easy-l0-use salety scissors. Pictured on the right are plastic salaty scissors. How to hold scissors properly Show your child how to put his or her thumb into the smaller hole and his or her forefinger and middle finger into the bigger hole on the scissors. If the bigger hole is large enough, have your child put his or her ring finger into the - hole as well. When your child holds scissors, please align his or her hand with the scissors so that they form a straight line when viewed from above. & Please try to align your child's hand with the ‘scissors So that they form a straight line oese* How to use this book ‘QO BB How to cut with scissors Show your child how to cut along the designated lines. It is perfectly okay if your child cannot cut completely accurately. He or she will gradually learn to do so. Ain the early stages, chikdren usually cul unevenly. The first step in cutting is learning how to properly manipulate scissors. Check to see if your child can easily open and close the scissors, and also check to See if he or she can hold the scissors at a right angle to the paper. Please do not be concerned if your child cuts off of the designated line, or if he or she cannot stop the scissors at a designated point. Encourage your child to learn to align the scissors with the cutting line. 4 Cutting @ rectangular line can be difficult, Show your child how to hold the paper away from the scissors, but near the cutting line. This is a difficult skill that requires some getting used to. Tips for cutting neatly Open the scissors wide and cut half an inch, then open the scissors wide again and cut another half an inch. Repeat this technique. «dln order to cut neatly, use the part of the blades, nearest to tha joint in the scissors, Clown ting short _ Teddy Bear iy id is having difficulty holding the paper steady while cutting, try holding the paper for him or her. Cut along A. 2 Parents, please cut aloag — for your child. Fold upwards along ===. Hug the teddy bear! teddy bear B: Robot To ts This okay if el paar cuts ao ite _ ‘of cuts unevenly. The important thin bates Cut along I. robot S¢ Parents, please cul along — for your child. Fold upwards along —-— as shown above. bag To parents Cut along (MM and arrange the parts as shown abov cap Ga Rain Boots —~# Cut along MMM and arrange the parts, as shown above. rain boots Pee ~f ler cutting then, and Cut along MI and arrange the parts as shown above. raincoat Playground ites This exercise is more complicated than the previous ones. If your child seems to be having a difficult time cutting properly, you can guide his or her hand in the right direction. Cut along HE and arrange the parts as shown above. | A round Se Parents, please cut alotg me for your child 3 Eat an Apple os ot ees t I love apples! Cut along EE and arrange the parts as shown above. mon key Eat a Carrot our child ta cut curves slowly and steadily. When has successfully cut along the designated line, child how to open and close the rabbit's mouth. It's delicious! Cut along MEM and arrange the parts : as shown above. rabbit de Parents, please cut along — for your child on ~ e peat Some Nuts When your « child has finished cutting along the eS designated line, pretend to be the bear and say something like, “Heim, uray! Cut along MMM and arrange the ea as shown above. bear cut — for your child. Nice View | Crown eu» ee ae canine Ot a ~ 5 Whe 4d cutting along the designated line, pretend to be the king and say something like, “It's, dito be king!” Cut along i. king 3 Parents, cal, — for your chi, Country Town ma Ge In this exercise, the zigrag line is more difficult. Offer your child lots of praise when he or she has finished cutting. Cut along a. 3¢ Parents, please cut along — for your child. Uh-oh! I see = shark! Cut along EM and arrange the parts as shown ae sea bt Parents, please sl Down Below Dewn! Down! ae submarine é ae Hello Bear! Enock knock! door wy Cut along i eo Parents, please cut along — for your chikl, Fold downwards alo <<=. Parking the Car s To parents % > From this page on, your child will practice cutting long lines Sear and changing directions. By now, you have probably noticed a ve big improvement in your child's paper cuming skills, Honk honk! Cut along i. car det Parents. please cut along — for your child. A Bl Hiking a op fae Lie the cutting line is more difficul. When your ee f d cutting along the designated line, show Se led To parents In this exerci L the middie of the paper se that he or ' a ey, Cut along SE. mountain 3 Parents, please cut along — for your chi o> Flying a Kite CP > pigher an ™ higher! ng difficulty cutting along the ». Have fun holding the kite ah Cut along ag. fe kite th Parents, please cut along: ex for your child anal wate! Parade ot From this page on, your child will practice cutting long, curving lines. When your child has finished cutting, say something like, “What a nice parade!” ) F fe Cut along i. ’ chick $6 Parents. please cut along — for your child. EY] Yo-Yo To parents: ‘The cutting line here is more difficult to cut than in previous a exercises, Have fin moving the yo-yo up and down. You're good! Cut along EE. yo-yo Going Down! To parents. In this exercise, your child will held the paper and rotate i Here I go! in order to cut in a circular direction. After the exercise is a completed, your child can hold the sides of the paper and «| watch the parachute descend. \ = Cut along I parachute S€ Parents, please cul along —— for pour child fy Blast Off! ‘To parents Have fun holding the rocket and watching it blast off Cut along eS] = rocket ‘et Parents, please cut slang ——for your child. Yum-Yum! Bias From this page forward, your child will practice cuttings out the figures in the middle of the page. Cut along i. $< Parents, please cut along —— foe your child cake . | Dinner Time —@ To parents: When your child has suc hawe fun peetending to eat ly completed the exercise, nburger. Cut along I. hamburger Be Parents. please ¢ — for your child Snack Time To parents In this exercise, your child will practice — the paper while cutting in order to cut evenly curved Cut alon ; e) cookie In the Forest Meow as If your child is cutting off the line, help him or her adjust the direction of the scissors. M your child accidentally cuts into the illustration, just repair it with tape, After cutting the mask ‘out, you could pretend ta be a cat Cut along cat Parents, cut along == for your child. Bark Bark! Cut along Se Pan — 4 An Apple a Day To parents Starting with this page, your child will cut out fruit, When your child has finished eutting out the apple, pretend to take a bite, Cut along i. 3 Parents, please cut along — for your child. Pane) FY A Nice Bunch ‘To parents When your child has successfully cut out the grapes, you could preteod to eat them, Cut along Ps Summer Treat Da 0 parents Starting with this page, your child will cut oat illustrations af different foods. If your child is having difficulty, help him or her adjust the direction of the scissors. Cut along Sm. ice cream St Parents, please cut — for your child. ‘ Lunch Time 39 Orange Juice T Cut along oe = Rae : URIPJEND 10 JUuaIed ¥ Oe Ue papuasad jtedeg ?DD 5}2'T BIOW buipajdwios uo paynjnpoybues Aqayay 3) 1 st A | fUaWapaIyoY Jo a4DIIj4ID + Tea Pa aL) fists Steps Workbooks QQRR Lets Cut Paper! Hf your child enjoyed this First Steps Workbook, consider one of our other Kumon Workbook titles. Each workbook is designed to guide your child through a particular skill or learning concept. First Steps Workbooks ‘Your child will develop fine motor control skits and pencil ‘These skills are an important foundation for further learning. First Steps Workbooks are specially designed for children who have not yet mastered the use of a pencil i US $5.95 / CAN 86.95 Mumon Pubsishing North America, Inc. flor mery iafivmation ahve! ox WSOM-13: 978-1-933241-35-5 ‘Giensare Cri Ft, Hh Floor combanyar our books, Meas agente | TgH—10: 1=953241-33-0 rere brnc neo | Sem S05 95> Copprigte © 2008 by Kumon Pupmumang Co. Lt caresa mre Prosi oa heres

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