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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

Activities of National League for Democracy November 2010 News Bulletin No. ( 7 )

01 November
NLD leaders’ trip to Shan State
NLD team led by U Ohn Kyaing, Central Executive Committee member and U Aye Tha Aung,
secretary of Committee Representing People’s Parliament, comprising Daw Khin Moe Moe,
Shan State NLD committee member, U Kyi Toe from Magwe Division Committee and Ko
Myint Htay from Youth Wing, arrived Kengteng and explained ‘Kalay Declaration’ and ‘Second
Panglong Conference’ to members of NLD at the house of U Sai Pha Than, MP elect for
Kengteng. They also met with members of Shan Nationalities League for Democracy and other
members who came from far away villages in the Township. The team also explained NLD’s
positions towards elections.

The next day, the team continued to Namhsan Township and met with NLD members at the
house of U Aik Pone, member of Township Organizing Committee. They explained current
situation together with positions towards elections and ‘Second Panglong Conference’.

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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

The next day, they went to Loilen and met with members from Loilen and Panglong. Most of the
people they met promised not to vote in the elections and even if they had to vote, they said they
would vote for ‘White Tiger Party’ which is the Shan Nationals Democratic Party.

02 November
NLD members’ activities for No-vote campaign
NLD members in Hlaingtharyar, Southern Dagon, North Okkalapa and Shwepyithar Townships
of Rangoon Division distributed pamphlets to the people urging them not to vote in the coming
elections. In North Okkalapa, some police men in six police vehicle blocked the way of
campaigners who were going to the NLD township office. Two members in North Okkalapa
Township were arrested for distributing pamphlets.

In Yenanchaung, Magwe Division, NLD members wearing T-shirt with words saying ‘People
have right not to vote – Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, U Tin Oo and U Win Tin’ explained local
people not to go to the polling stations on the day of elections. They also distributed T-shirts who
are interested. NLD members distributed pamphlets in Chauk and Seikphyu Townships.

In Mandalay Division, NLD members distributed campaign pamphlets to the people in

Townships in city area of Mandalay and Mandalay East Myothit, Pyigyitagon, Tada-U,
Pyinoolwin, Thazi, Wundwin, Mahlaing, Meiktilar, Taungthar, Myingyan, Kyaukpadaung,
Pyawbwe, Yamethin, Lewe and Nyaung-U.

On 3rd November, Ko Aye Thwin, an NLD member from South Dagon Township was briefly
arrested by local policemen for holding camera and distributing pamphlets. They forced him to
sign a paper and released him an hour later.

3-9 November
Trip to Giri-affected areas
NLD team led by Dr. May Win Myint went to Kyauk Phyu, Rakhine State and donated 66 rice
bags, water guard tablets and clothes to Kyauk Phyu Township NLD organizing committee. The
Committee donated the materials to victims of Cyclone Giri living in some wards on Kyauk
Phyu and Taung Nyo, Paungneshe and Kanyintaw villages. The team continued their trip to
Myaybon and donated rice bags, water guard tablets, clothes and money to the victims.

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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

04 November
NLD leaders’ trip to Shan State
The NLD team arrived at Nyaungshwe and met with NLD organizers and members at the house
of U Tun Hlaing, MP elect, and discussed about various matters including ‘Kale Declaration’.
The team finished their trip at Nyaungshwe after travelling around the cities namely Tachilek,
Kengteng, Taunggyi, Namhsan, Monghpyak, Loilen, Mongping, Shwenyaung and returned to
Rangoon the next day.

05 November
Meeting with CRPP members
A meeting with members of Committee Representing People’s Parliament was held at the house
of U Tin Oo, Vice Chair of the NLD. In the meeting, they mainly discussed about convening of
the ‘Second Panglong Conference’ and finally agreed to realize it on the basis of Panglong
principles and spirit. They also discussed about feasibility of convening the conference on the
coming ‘Union Day’ which will fall on 12th February 2011. U Aye Thar Aung, who recently
returned from a trip to Shan State gave feedback from his trip and explained opinions of ethnic
leaders in Shan State.

No-vote campaign continues in Mandalay

NLD members in Mandalay Division simultaneously conducted ‘no-vote campaign’ in about 20
Townships in Mandalay Division including Chanayetharzan, Mahaaungmyay,
Aungmyaytharzan, Patheingyi, Amarapura, Pyigyitagon and Chanmyatharzi, Meikhila, Tharzi,
Wundwin, Mahlaing, Yamethin, Pyawbwe and Lewe. They distributed pamphlets to the people
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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

persuading them not to vote in the polling day explaining in the pamphlet that ‘Daw Aung San
Suu Kyi will not vote in the elections. She boycotts the elections. The National League for
Democracy does not participate in the elections.’ On the next day, NLD members from Madaya
Township, Mandalay Division also distributed pamphlets to the people living along the villages.

06 November
NLD members distribute pamphlets
In Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Division, NLD members continued their distribution of
over 20,000 pamphlets for no-vote. Authorities watch the activities but do not harass them.

08 November
NLD formed an Enquiry Committee for electoral frauds
The Central Executive Committee meeting of the NLD was held at the house of U Tin Oo and
established a Committee led by U Han Thar Myint to investigate electoral frauds and
irregularities as well as injustices happened on the day of elections. According to what Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi asked her members to monitor the electoral process to know whether
authorities follow their own law, the NLD members have been collecting evidences about the
injustices around elections. The NLD will release a report after investigation and collection of

10 November
NLD leaders met with Australian Ambassador
NLD leaders including U Tin Oo, U Win Tin and U Nyan Win met with diplomats from
Australia Embassy led by Ms Michelle Chan, Ambassador of Australia to Burma at the house of
U Tin Oo. She invited NLD leaders to her farewell party and discussed about release of Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi, elections and activities of NLD.

11 November
Special Appeal for detention of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi turned down
The Supreme Court in Naypyidaw turned down the special appeal of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
after brief examination of trial comprised of three judges including U Aung Toe.

12 November
Supporters of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD members waiting for her release
Thousands of NLD members of supporters of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi waited for her release in
front of her house and the NLD office. In the late evening, U Tin Oo and U Win Tin requested
people to go back home and return the next day as she is not sure to be released that day. Some
NLD youth members donated blood at a local hospital in honor of her release.

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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

13 November
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi released from her house arrest
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the NLD was released from her house arrest in the
evening and briefly talked to the people coming to greet her in front of her house. She met with
NLD leaders as soon as she was released at her house.

14 November
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi addressed people in front of NLD Headquarters
In the following day of her release, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with diplomats before she made
a first public speech at her NLD office. About 100,000 people came and listened to her speech.
In the afternoon, she together with NLD leaders attended the cremation ceremony of the wife of
U Lwin, one of NLD’s senior leaders at Yayway cemetery.

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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

15 November
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with local NLD leaders
In the afternoon, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with NLD leaders coming from across the country
to meet and greet her before she was released. She listened to what local leaders talked about
their respective States and Divisions and answered their questions. About 100 representatives
attended the meeting held at the NLD headquarters. She encouraged representatives from NLD
States and Divisions committee to further their efforts despite illegal status of the NLD. She also
met with NLD legal aid committee and discussed about lawsuits against the current government
on the laws imposed on NLD to get deregistered.

16 November
Campaign for release of political prisoners in Mandalay
NLD members in Wundwin, Tharzi, Meiktilar from Mandalay Division continue ‘Tuesday
Prayer Campaign’ which originally conducted for the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and
political prisoners despite her release. They went to the Pagoada and say a prayer for release of
political prisoners and offered swan (food) to the monks in honor of them. Representatives from
these four Townships held a meeting to continue their activities.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi signed an affidavit
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi went to the Supreme Court to sign the affidavit for her lawsuit against
the military regime regarding dissolution of the National League for Democracy.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with ethnic leaders

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with leaders from United Nationalities Alliances comprised of 12
ethnic political parties and discussed about current affairs and second Panglong Conference.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi together with U Tin Oo, U Win Tin, U Than Tun, U Nyunt Wai and U
Hla Pe from the NLD side and leaders from Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, U Pu Cin
Sian Thang from ZNC, Nai Tun Thein from MNLD, U Htaung Co Thang from UNLD, and U
Thar Ban from ALD attended the meeting. Ethnic leaders briefed about their positions towards
elections and national reconciliation as well as possibility of convening 21st Century Panglong

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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

NLD Townships in Pegu meet

NLD members from Zigon, Thanatpin, Nattlin and Gyobingauk meet in Zigon and discussed
about how to implement what Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has instructed them, such as collect
voices of people, to persist people’s cooperation and to build up capacity of young people.

Daw Suu meets diplomats

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with diplomats from American Embassy in the morning and with
diplomats from EU in the evening at her residence. In the meetings, she focuses on release of
political prisoners.

17 November
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visits center for People living with HIV/AIDS
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visited rehabilitation centre for people living with HIV/AIDS in south
Dagon Township which accommodates more than 80 HIV patients and encouraged them. She
briefed delivered some greeting words to the audiences assembling in front of the center to see
and greet her. She also urged neighbors to take care of the people living in the centers.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi spoke with Mr. Ban Ki-moon on telephone
UN General Secretary Mr Ban Ki-moon briefly talked to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on telephone
and discussed about release of political prisoners and process of national reconciliation. She also
urged Mr Ban to send his special envoy to visit Burma to go between the NLD and the regime.

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18 November
Court hearing about NLD dissolution case
U Nyan Win on behalf of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended the hearing of the Supreme Court in
Naypyidaw about lawsuit against the regime on reversing the order of dissolution. The Court has
not provided any decision on the case yet.

Daw Suu met with international media

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with reporters from international media including Aljazeera and
CNN and took their questions.

19 November
Daw Suu talks to Greek Prime Minister
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi talks to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on phone. Greek
Prime Minister expresses his joy and satisfaction and closely monitor the development of Burma.

20 November
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi paid respect to veteran politicians
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended the paying respect ceremony to veteran politicians held at U
Thein Pe, a veteran politician. U Tin Oo, Nai Ngwe Thein and Thakin Thein Pe on behalf of
respected politicians delivered words for greeting and thanks. She was entrusted by all veteran
politicians including ethnic leaders who signed the ‘Kale Declaration’ to take responsibility to
convene the ‘21st Century Panglong Conference’. After the ceremony, she herself goes to the
houses of other leaders such as Dagon Taryar, U Aung Shwe, U Lwin and U Lun Tin and pay

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NLD News Bulletin November 2010 

22 November
Youth members meeting
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended the meeting of youth members from across the country held in
the Headquarters of the NLD. Over 300 representatives from different States and Divisions
discussed about different issues and reported situations of their respective areas. Daw Suu urged
youth members to focus on establishing a ‘Democracy Network’ among young people.

Supreme Court refused NLD’s legal action

The Supreme Court in Naypyidaw turned down the lawsuit of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on
dissolution of NLD. But the appeal will be submitted to the Supreme Court as a final attempt in
legal way to test whether there is rule of law in the country.

Daw Suu talks to Philippines President and Desmond Tutu

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi talks to Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III and Mr Desmond Tutu
on the telephone.

24 November
NLD women wing members meet
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with representatives of women wings in States and Divisions at
the Headquarters of the NLD to enquire about the activities of the NLD women across the
country. About 200 women from all over the country except from Kayah State attended the
meeting and discussed with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. She urged women leader to accelerate
social aids program and capacity building initiatives across the country, and to try to take part in
leading role of political movement. They also discuss about organizational matters and local

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Daw Suu visits Shwedagon Pagoda and anniversary of the demise of U Aung Than
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visits Shwedagon Pagoda in the morning with her son, Ko Htein Linn.
Then she continued to visit anniversary of the demise of U Aung Than, brother of Bogyoke
Aung San and meets there with her cousins.

NLD donated money for victims of cyclone Giri

After Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has met with women wing leaders at the HQs of the NLD, she
meets separately with three women leaders from NLD Rakhine State Organizing Committee
namely Daw Nyo Aye, Ko Soe Lay and U Than Hlaing who have been actively working for
social aids to victims of Cyclone Giri and handed them over 3.9 million kyats for their relief

25 November
Meeting with political parties
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD leaders met
with leaders from Democratic Party (Myanmar)
led by U Thu Wai and Diversity and Peace Party
which contested in the previous elections. They
generally discussed about the present situation and
agreed to find out some common ground to work
together. They firstly agreed to work on social
activities such as health and education in
Tanintharyi Division. After the separate meeting
with two political parties, she also meets with
some 88 generation students such as Ko Toe Kyaw
Hlaing, Ko Ba Thet Aung, Ko Myat San and Ko Kyaw

27 November
Meeting with Mr. Vijay Nambiar
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi together with NLD leaders and
ethnic leaders from Committee Representing People’s
Parliament meet with Mr. Vijay Nambiar chief of staff
for U.N. secretary general Mr. Ban Ki-moon and his

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special envoy for Burma at her residence and discussed for more than an hour. Daw Aung San
Suu Kyi urged the U.N to pressure on the regime to release political prisoners and resume
attempts for dialogue.

29 November
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meet with families of political prisoners
Daw Suu attended the 3rd anniversary of the demise of the mother of Ko Htay Kywe, one of the
top leaders of 88 General Students held at the Pandita Rama monastery. There she meets with
about 100 family members of political prisoners and encourage them. She also apologizes them
for not being able to meet separately with them due to her tight schedule.

Daw Suu meets with Pakistan Ambassador

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with Pakistan Ambassador in the NLD office. She also meets
with reporters from local and international news agencies.

30 November
Daw Suu visits Bogyoke market
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi together with her son visits Bogyoke Aung San market to shop for her
son who is returning back to his family in the U.K soon. A big crowd of people greets her in the

Daw Suu meets South Africa Ambassador

In the evening, Daw Aung san Suu Kyi meets with Ambassador of South Africa at her residence.

Documented by
National League for Democracy (Liberated Area)

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