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Introduction to Computer

Networks and

Network Models and Asynchronous Communication

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

 Network Models
• Understand the OSI and TCP/IP model layers
• Understand the difference between Connection Oriented and
Connectionless Services

 Asynchronous Communication
• Understand Asynchronous communication (RS-232)
• Understand how digital information is sent via RS-232
• Understand the limitations of hardware
• Understand the concept of bandwidth

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

OSI Model Principles
 A layer should be created where a different abstraction
is needed
 Each layer should perform a well-defined function
 The function of each layer should be chosen with an
eye toward defining internationally standardized
 The layer boundaries should be chosen to minimize the
information flow across the interfaces
 The number of layers should be large enough that
distinct functions need not be thrown together in the
same layer out of necessity and small enough that the
architecture does not become unwieldy

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

7 Layer OSI Model

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Physical Layer
 Physical layer concerned with transmitting raw bits over
a communication channel
• Each side must recognize a 1 bit as a 1 bit, not a 0 bit
• How many volts should be used?
• How many nanoseconds a bit lasts?
• Simultaneous transmission
• Initial connection
• Network connector pins

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Data Link Layer
 Data link layer transforms a raw transmission facility
into a line that appears free of undetected transmission
errors to the network layer
• Sender breaks up data into data frames
• Receiver confirms each frame with an acknowledgement
• Controls flow rates based on buffer space
• Broadcast networks control channel access

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Network Layer
 Network Layer controls operation of the subnet
• Determines how ‘packets’ are routed from source to
• Determines the start of each conversation
• Regulate routing of packets
• Ensures heterogeneous networks can communicate with
each other

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Transport Layer
 Transport Layer accepts data from the upper layer,
splits it into smaller units, passes to the network layer
and ensures pieces arrive correctly at the other end
• Isolates service from upper layers
• Offers different types of services
• Provides end-to-end service

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Session Layer
 Session layer allows different machines to establish
sessions between them
• Provides dialog control (whose turn to transmit)
• Token management
• Synchronization (checkpointing)

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Presentation Layer
 Presentation layer is concerned with the syntax and
semantics of the information transmitted
• Electronic data interchange (EDI)

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Application Layer
 Application layer contains a variety of protocols such as
 HTTP, FTP, Email, and Network News

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

TCP/IP Reference Model

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

TCP/IP Model: Internet Layer
 The Internet Layer is a connectionless layer that injects
packets into the network traveling independently to
 Similar to international mail systems
 Packets arrive in different order than originally sent
 This layer delivers IP packets to where they are
supposed to go

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

TCP/IP Model: Transport Layer
 This Transport Layer allows entities to carry on a
 Consists of two protocols
• TCP – a connection oriented protocol
• Flow control
• Message assembly and re-assembly
• Error and sequencing control
• UDP – a connectionless protocol
• One time request-reply queries
• Time sensitive messages

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

TCP/IP Model: Application Layer
 Applications
• SMTP – Network management application
• FTP – File transfer application
• HTTP – Web server and client application
• USENET – Information application
• DNS – Internet name and IP service

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Connection Oriented and Connectionless
 Connection Oriented Networks
• Packets are sent through an establish route when the
connection is established
• Connection oriented networks allow service providers to
ensure a desired Quality of Service (QoS)
• Connection oriented networks provide a convenient
mechanism to bill

 Connectionless Networks
• Each packet is sent independently
• Software must deal with packet assembly at the destination

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Physical Layer
 Sending and receiving side must agree on what
constitutes a 1 bit and a 0 bit
 How many volts should be used to represent a 1 and a
 How many nanoseconds does the representation last?
 Set up and tear down of a connection?
 How many pins does the network connector have and
what are they used for?

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Asynchronous Communication
 Asynchronous communication means that the sender
and receiver do not have to coordinate before data can
be transmitted
 Sender can wait arbitrarily long between transmissions
 Sender sends when data is ready
 Receiver must be ready to receive whenever data
 Used for modems, keyboards, and terminals

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

 Specifies the transmission of characters
 Senders can transmit any time
 Transmission time can be any length
 Once transmission begins, there can be no delays
 Never leaves 0 volts on the line, negative voltage
corresponding to 1
 Sender and receiver must agree on length of time the
voltage will be held for each bit
 Sender must leave phantom 1 bit at the end of each
character (minimum idle time)

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

Baud Rate, Framing, and Errors
 Baud rate is the number of changes in the signal per
 that the hardware generates
 RS-232 connections operate at 300, 9600, and 19200
 per second
 Framing errors occur when voltages do not agree or the
 stop bit does not occur where it is supposed to occur
 With RS-232 connections, baud rate = bits/sec

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

 Bandwidth is the maximum rate that the hardware can
change a signal
 Bandwidth is measured in cycles per second or Hz
 4000 Hz hardware can transmit a signal that oscillates
back and forth at a rate of 4000 cycles per second
 Nyquists theorem states that the maximum rate at
which data can be sent is 2B, where B is the bandwidth
 If the transmission system uses K possible values of
voltage instead of 2, then the maximum rate in bits per
second is:
D = 2Blog2K

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan

 The OSI model presents 7 layers which are not all
implemented in today’s networks
 The TCP/IP model is currently used, but doesn’t define
all network functions required
 Each layer provides specific services and were
designed to be simple and efficient
 The physical layer defines and interprets the signals on
the physical medium
 Bandwidth is a function of the physical medium and the
number of bits that can be represented on the physical

Instructor: Van Vo Nhan


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