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Review article

Textile Research Journal

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Development in the multiaxis ! The Author(s) 2015

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3D weaving technology DOI: 10.1177/0040517515612365

Ahmad Rashed Labanieh, Xavier Legrand, Vladan Koncar and

Damien Soulat

Multiaxis 3D weaving technology allows insertion of in-plane fibres reinforcements, designated as bias yarns, oriented in
directions other than 0 and 90 in the woven preform, unlike in the case of conventional weaving technology. By
different existing weaving advanced techniques, two opposite bias yarn layers are formed, with no possibility to separate
them by in-plane yarn layer oriented in 0 to reduce inter-layer angle. That could be the cause of weak interlaminar shear
resistance in the final composite structure. In this present paper, a novel development is proposed to solve the issues
related to the guide block technique, which is used to position the bias yarns in the weaving zone on the weaving loom.
Thus, in order to enable insertion of in-plane yarns layer oriented in 0 between the two opposite successive bias yarn
layers (y ). Furthermore, the proposed technique is upgraded to control the width of produced preform on the loom.
The proposed approach has reduced degradations of the in-plane warp and bias yarns during a weaving process caused by
the friction with reed blades. Geometrical characterization of manufactured preform, using the developed multiaxis 3D
weaving loom prototype, has been carried out to observe the yarn geometry inside the impregnated preform. Similarly,
the geometrical properties of the impregnated preform are compared with those of multiaxis 3D woven preforms
produced by the tube carrier weaving technique and the tube rapier weaving technique.

3D fibre reinforcement, multiaxis 3D weaving, geometrical characterization

The three-dimensional (3D) weaving technology is could be highlighted regarding the possibility of fabri-
developed in response to the poor delamination resist- cation of thick multiaxis 3D woven preforms with high
ance of laminated composite structures by insertion of fibre volume fraction.
through-the-thickness fibre reinforcements.1-4 Yet, this In the tube rapier weaving technique,22 both warp
technology3-7 is limited relative to the possibility of and bias yarns are passed through tube rapiers. These
insertion of in-plane fibre reinforcement in a direction tubes are arranged in a matrix corresponding to the
y other than 0 and 90 , denoted bias. That results in demanded shape for the preform cross-section.
reduction of the in-plane off-axis tensile properties and Needles passing between the tube rapiers of the bias
the in-plane shear resistance of the 3D woven compos- and warp yarns insert filler and binder yarns. That
ite.8-11 Therefore, multiaxis weaving technology has reduces the incurred damage to the warp and bias
been developed to allow this insertion. yarns, which is met in other technologies, by insertion
Compared with the conventional 3D weaving pro-
cess, guaranteeing a proper displacement of the bias
yarns (oriented in  y ) in the weaving zone during
weaving process is the essential requirement in the tech- ENSAIT, Lille 1 University - Science and Technology, France
nology. Several innovated technologies for multiaxis
2D12–17 and 3D9,18-25 weaving process were published Corresponding author:
Ahmad Rashed Labanieh, GEMTEX Laboratory, ENSAIT, Lille 1
in the literature. Among these technologies, the tube University - Science and Technology, 2 allée Louise et Victor Champier
carrier weaving technique and tube rapier weaving BP 30329, 59056 Roubaix, France.
technique presented by Bilisik and Mohamed21-25 Email:

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of the needles. Tube rapiers of bias yarns displaces only yarns inside the impregnated preform. Then the geo-
transversely with respect to the loom main axis. And metrical properties of the manufactured preform are
the bias yarns are folded when they reach the preform compared with those of multiaxis 3D woven preforms
edges with keeping them in the same layer resulting in produced by a tube carrier weaving technique and a
formation of a zigzag non-uniform bias yarn layer.25 tube rapier weaving technique.
The bias yarns layer could be placed in any layer in
through-the-thickness of the preform.
In order to obtain a pair of successive opposite uni-
form edge-to-edge bias yarns layers within multiaxis 3D The multiaxis 3D woven preform is composed of multi-
woven fabric, Bilisik and Mohamed23,24 have developed layer of four in-plane yarn sets (warp, filler and bias
another weaving technique using a tube carrier. Each yarns in +y and y direction). These yarn sets are
bias yarn is fed from individual bobbins, then it is defined according to the orientation of their main axis
passed through one tube. The tubes move transversely relative to the loom main axis. Figure 1 shows sche-
inside a box and when a tube reaches the fabric edge, it matics of the architecture of the produced multiaxis
is shifted up or down to the next opposite bias yarns 3D woven preform. The X-axis refers to the loom
layer so it changes its orientation form (y /+y ) to main axis and the Z-axis refers to the loom vertical
(+y /y ). The filler yarns and the binder yarns are axis. Figure 2 shows a top view of the produced
inserted in the same manner as the tube rapier weaving preform.
method by means of rapier needles. A special reed is From the top view of the preform schematic
used on this loom to face the trapezoidal weaving zone, (Figures 1(c) and 2), the warp yarns could be seen par-
characterizing the multiaxis weaving process. In this allel to the loom axis so they are termed 0 yarns. They
reed, the inter-blades space decreases as it advances are arranged in four layers in through-the-thickness of
toward the preform formation line. That allows the the preform (Figure 1(a)). The filler yarns are laid down
friction occurring between the inclined bias yarns and across the preform width along with Y-axis so they are
the reed blades in the trapezoidal weaving zone to be termed 90 yarns (Figures 1(c) and 2). Three duplicated
reduced. However, this type of reed still damages the filler yarns are inserted simultaneously. Two of them are
in-plane yarns24 where rotation of blades around its inserted on the two outer preform faces (upper face and
own vertical axis is required to keep its side face parallel lower face) and the third one is inserted at the preform
to the yarn axis. mid-plane (Figures 1(a) and (b)). The bias yarns are laid
In both techniques, two opposite bias yarns layers down in +y and y direction relative to the loom axis
oriented in +y and y are inserted with no possibil- and they are inserted in form of a pair of opposite suc-
ity to separate them by a warp yarn layer (0 ). A high cessive layers (y ). The opposite bias layers are sepa-
inter-layer angle (2y ) causes less interlaminar resist- rated by a warp yarn layer (Figure 1(a)). Two pairs of
ance likewise in the laminate composite where high bias yarn layers are arranged in the preform thickness
delamination stresses at the free edge of the structure and they are symmetric relative to the preform mid-
is observed in the case of an important angle between plane.
successive lamina.10,26,27 Thereby, the present preform is made of 11 in-plane
In the GEMTEX laboratory, novel multiaxis 3D layers in the following sequence according to the
weaving loom prototype is designed and realized in yarns orientation relative to the loom main axis: (90 /
order to produce a multiaxis 3D woven preform with 0 /+y /0 /y /90 /y /0 /+y /0 /90 ). The produced
the possibility to separate the two opposite successive preform is balanced and symmetric to the mid-filler
bias yarn layers (y ) by warp yarn layer (0 ). yarns layer (90 ).
Consequently, a better interlaminar resistance could Between the in-plane yarns, there are no interlace-
be assumed for the produced impregnated preform in ments and they are locked into position by binder
comparison with the produced preforms using tube car- yarns. The binder yarns are separated alternatively
rier and rapier carrier techniques. Also on this loom, into two sets (upper and lower) relative to weaving
the fabric width is controlled and it is maintained equal zone mid-plane. For each weaving cycle these two sets
to the weaving zone width during weaving process. alternate their position passing throughout the in-plane
That allows minimizing degradation of warp and bias layers in the weaving zone and over the last outer filler
yarns mechanical properties caused by friction with yarns. So, the path of the binder yarn in this architec-
reed blades. ture is similar to the orthogonal architecture of the 3D
In the present research paper, the achieved develop- woven preform. Furthermore, the separation of binder
ments for multiaxis 3D weaving technology are pre- yarns into to upper and lower layer allows simultan-
sented. Moreover, geometrical characterization is eous insertion of two outer filler yarns. As a result, the
conducted in order to describe the geometry of the two outer filler yarn layers are symmetric.

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Labanieh et al. 3

Figure 1. : Schematic of multiaxis 3D woven preform: (a) front view, (b) side view and (c) top view.

3. Bias yarns path pattern across the preform width.

Architecture characteristics of the bias yarns layer When the bias yarn does not extend the entire
Concerning the architecture characteristics of the bias fabric width, a ‘‘zig-zag’’ pattern is obtained25
yarn layer in multiaxis 3D woven preform, four basic (Figure 3(a)). While, when all bias yarn extends
characters, which are associated to the used multiaxis across the entire preform width an ‘‘edge-to-edge’’
weaving technique, could be defined as follow: pattern is produced25 (Figure 3(b) and (c)).
4. Uniformity of the bias yarn layer. The bias yarn alter-
1. Number of associated bias yarns layers formed by the nates its orientation from (y /+y ) to (+y /y )
multiaxis technique device (bias yarn positioning when it reaches the preform edge. If the bias yarn is
apparatus). Single independent bias yarns layer or folded to the next opposite bias layer, a pair of uni-
pair of inherent opposite (y and +y ) layers of form bias layers is obtained (Figure 3(b)). Figure 3(e)
bias yarns is formed. depicts the path of a bias yarn guide on the position-
2. Number and position of bias yarns layers in through- ing apparatus, where the continuous line refers to the
the-thickness of the produced preform. upper layer and the dashed line refers to the lower

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Figure 2. : Top view of the produced multiaxis 3D woven preform with an illustration the considered unit cell.

Figure 3. (a) Zigzag pattern of bias yarns and (d) the path of bias yarn guide. (b) Edge-to-edge pattern with uniform bias yarn layer
formation and (e) the corresponding path of bias yarn guide. (c) Edge-to-edge pattern with non-uniform bias yarn layer formation
(resultant layer order for each zone is shown in red) and (f) the corresponding path of the bias yarn guide.

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Labanieh et al. 5

layer. Contrariwise, if the bias yarn is folded and number of each yarn type per one unit cell of the struc-
kept in the same layer, non-uniform two bias yarn ture, the number of yarns per layer and number and
layers are formed relative to the stacking sequence order of in-plane yarn layers, are also listed in Table 1.
(Figure 3(c)).9 Figure 3(f) depicts the path of a bias The unit cell of this structure is defined as the repeated
yarn guide producing non-uniform layers. Four smallest unit of the structure on the mesoscale having
zones with different layers sequence are produced the same geometrical and architectural properties
on the already produced pair of layers across the preform (Figure 2).
(Figure 3(c)), whereas the layer sequence is the The geometrical and architecture properties of the
same in the uniform configuration. Otherwise, pro- manufactured preform will be compared with those of
ducing uniform bias layers requires necessarily preforms produced by means of the tube rapier weaving
rotating feeding system for bias yarns, as is noted technique22 and the tube carrier weaving technique.23,24
from the guide bias yarn path (Figure 3(e)). That is Therefore, the manufacturing and weaving parameters
to prevent intertwining of bias yarns while fabric of these preforms are also presented in Table 1, as
progresses and to guarantee continuous production. reported by Bilisik.25
However, this feeding system is not required for In the present produced preform, Kevlar fibre is used
producing non-uniform bias layers as is illustrated for the binder yarn unlike the in-plane yarns where
in Figure 3(f) representing the path of bias yarn glass fibre is used. That is because of high bending
guide. An individual tension-controlling apparatus curvature accomplished on binder yarns during weav-
is needed to maintain constant yarn tension during ing process when they pass throughout the weaving
the weaving process as the bias yarn’s path zone to alternate their position and to create an appro-
changes. priate shed to insert the filler yarns.

In the present multiaxis 3D woven preform, the Method

formed bias yarn layers are uniform with an edge-to-
edge pattern.
Multiaxis 3D weaving loom
As was mentioned earlier, the basic weaving operation
required on the loom to produce multiaxis 3D woven
Manufacturing and weaving parameters
structure is the transversal displacement of bias yarns in
For the produced preform on the present prototype the weaving zone. Where, the bias yarns have to be
loom, the manufacturing parameters, involving density moved one step for each weaving cycle transversely
and linear density of the used yarns, which are listed in with respect to the loom main axis, which corresponds
Table 1. Also, the weaving parameters, consisting of the to the warp yarns feeding direction.

Table 1. Manufacturing and weaving parameters

Guide blocks Tube rapier25 Tube carrier25

Material (density [g/cm3])

In-plane yarns Glass (2.58) Carbon Carbon
Binder yarns Kevlar (1.44) Carbon Carbon

Linear density [g/m]  number of yarns per unit cell

Warp yarn 2.4  3 0.398  1 0.398  1
Filler yarn 2.4  4 0.198  2 0.198  2
Bias  y yarn 2.4  2 0.398  2 0.398  2
Binder yarn 0.172 0.198 0.198

Number of yarns per layer  number of layers

Warp yarns 18  4 layers 32  2 layers 32  2 layers
Bias  y yarns 20  4 layers 32 rows  2 layers 32 rows  2 layers
Binder yarns 19 32 32
Filler yarn per insertion Double picks  3 layers Double picks  3 layers Double picks  3 layers

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An experimental and manual driven prototype of of the chain and it continues feeding the yarn but in the
multiaxis 3D weaving loom has been designed and man- opposite direction y . This movement of the bobbin
ufactured in the GEMTEX laboratory. On this loom, a carriers is associated with the movement of the yarn
new apparatus using guide blocks technique has been guide block on the yarn positioning apparatus in the
elaborated to accomplish this requirement. Also, the weaving zone. The passage of the bobbin carriers from
conventional weaving operations, such as shedding a side of the chain to the opposite one corresponds with
(binder yarn insertion), beating-up and take-up, are folding the bias yarn on the fabric edge from a layer to
adapted for this particular movement of the bias yarns. the next one. This folding operation requires an extra
The basic weaving operations realized on the loom yarn length with keeping the yarn tension constant that
to wave a multiaxis 3D woven structure are: warp, bias is ensured by the individual feeding and tension con-
and binder yarn feeding, bias yarn positioning in the trolling of the bias yarns. So, the group of bobbins
weaving zone, binder yarn insertion (shedding), filler attached to one chain feed the yarns forming a pair
yarn insertion, beating-up and take-up. A scheme of of bias yarn layers in opposite orientations. They are
these weaving systems on the GEMTEX loom is pre- separated by a warp yarn layer by means of a guide bar,
sented in Figure 4. placed in the chain centre, through which the warp
The warp, bias and binder yarns are fed to the weav- yarns are passed from the feeding bobbins to the pos-
ing zone, shown in Figure 5, from bobbins mounted on itioning apparatus (Figure 7(a) and (b)).
braider bobbin carriers which are equipped with a ten- The bias yarns of one unit cell are handed to the
sion compensation device serving to maintain the yarn weaving zone through an individual movable guide
tension constant while weaving process (Figure 6(a)). block arranged in a positioning apparatus (Figures 5
There, the bobbin is kept in position on the carrier and 7), while the warp and binder yarns enter the weav-
without rotation, to release the yarn, via a lock until ing zone through the stationary guide bar attached to
the yarn tension (F) surpasses the set tension magnitude the machine frame (Figure 5). The guide bar, as the
by ‘‘spring tension’’ (Figure 6(b)). The bobbins of warp guide blocks, distributes the yarns across the fabric
and binder yarns, which form one layer, are regrouped width. They also manage their position in the weaving
into one feeding unit and their carriers are fixed to the zone to create gaps between them suitable for insertion
machine frame. The bobbin carriers of bias yarns are of the binder and filler rapiers.
attached to rotating chain (Figure 7(a)), and that In the bias yarn positioning apparatus, the tongue
enables the transversal movement of bias yarns in the and groove technique is used where the guide block has
weaving zone without entanglement. The bias yarn grooves on two of its lateral faces and tongues on the
bobbin on the upper side of the chain, which feeds two other faces. These grooves and tongues fit with
the yarns in a direction +y for instance, moves trans- slots and projecting strips made on the internal faces
versely (along Y-axis) with the chain rotation until it of the apparatus frame. So the guide blocks can slide
reaches the fabric edge then it turns to the bottom side across the apparatus frame as well as they can slide on

Figure 4. Schematic view of multiaxis 3D weaving loom prototype illustrating the different weaving systems.

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Figure 5. Weaving zone on the constructed multiaxis 3D weaving loom prototype.

Figure 6. Braider bobbin carrier with tension compensation device (a), front cut view of braider bobbin carrier illustrates tension
compensation device principle (b).

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Figure 7. (a) Bias yarn positioning apparatus using the guide block technique with the rotating feeding unit. (b) The two operating
steps to move the bias yarns transversely along Y-axis for each weaving cycle.

each other. For the warp yarn layer inserted between dimension in the filler direction is related to the
the two opposite bias yarn layers, they are passed binder yarn count per unit length as well as a warp
through a guide bar having lateral face form consistent yarn. While its dimension in the warp direction is set
with that of the guide block. This guide bar is kept by the step distance of the fabric take-up device, which
stationary when the guide blocks slip between the bar is related also to the filler yarn count per unit length.
and the apparatus frame. Consequently, at the end of these two steps all guide
The present loom is equipped with two bias yarn blocks are displaced transversely one step, whereas the
positioning apparatus (Figure 5) but they are actuated central warp yarns are kept in position. The bias yarns
in opposite direction to obtain two symmetric pairs of on the two fabric edges are folded to the next opposite
bias yarn layers with respect to the fabric mid-plane. bias yarns layer.
For each weaving cycle, a transversal motion of two The binder yarns are passed through rapiers, which
steps is performed to give the bias yarns an orientation are distributed alternatively into two groups on upper
inside the preform in y relative to the warp yarns and lower sides of the weaving zone (Figures 5 and 8).
axis. In addition, a folding operation is realized for The binder rapiers move normal to the weaving zone
the bias yarns on the two-preform edge from bias and pass throughout it to alternate the binder yarns
layer (+/y ) to the opposite bias layer (/+y ). position (up/down) and create suitable shed to insert
These steps are shown in Figure 7(b). In the first step, the filler yarns. The rapier is used instead of the
the upper and lower guide block rows on the apparatus heddle which is used in the conventional weaving pro-
are moved horizontally along with the Y-axis one step cess for shedding operation, to enable the transversal
distance. This distance is related to the unit cell dimen- displacement of bias yarns. At the beginning of each
sion in the filler direction (Lf) (Figure 2). In the second weaving cycle, the rapiers have to move out of the
step, the two right and left vertical columns of the guide weaving zone. A supplementary tension compensation
block located on the two apparatus edges are moved device is used for the binder yarns to recompense the
down and up one step vertically. extra yarn length required when the rapiers move up/
The y angle of the bias yarns within the fabric is down (Figures 4 and 8).
controlled by the ratio between the two unit cell dimen- A simple rapier system is used to insert the filler
sions (in warp and filler directions). The unit cell yarns across the weaving zone width and it is similar

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Figure 8. Insertion of binder rapier throughout the weaving zone (a), first insertion of filler yarns (b), move back of the binder
rapiers and insertion of reed blades throughout weaving zone (c), move reed forward to pack filler to fabric (d).

to that used on a multiaxis 3D weaving loom with tube to one, namely keeping the weaving zone form
carrier technique.24 This system consists of three hook rectangular.
rapiers and two engaging rods on both weaving zone On the 2D weaving loom, the fabric shrinkage is
sides (Figures 5 and 9). The three filler rapiers are produced due to the filler yarn waviness. Thus, in
inserted simultaneously from a weaving zone side to order to keep the width ratio equal to one, two temples
the opposite one to pick up three filler yarns. The inser- are used on both fabric edges at the fabric formation
tion location of filler yarns into the weaving zone line (Figure 10(a)).
between the warp and bias yarn layers and binder On a multiaxis weaving loom, the shrinkage ratio for
yarns are shown in Figures 1 and 8(b) and (c). multiaxis structure is much more important compared
In the weaving zone, the width ratio is defined as the with the 2D woven fabric because the folded bias yarns
ratio between the weaving zone width at warp and bias press the fabric literary inwards (Figure 10(b)). It is
yarn positioning apparatus and the fabric width at the affected by the tension (F) applied on the bias yarn
fabric formation line which is affected by the fabric by the feeding system and fabric take-up device.
shrinkage (Figure 10). When the width ratio is less However, a temple could not be used to hold the
than one, which means that the warp yarns are not fabric edge because of the high fabric thickness pro-
any more parallel to the loom axis so the weaving duced on the present loom and the need to fold the
zone no longer has a rectangular form. Consequently, bias yarns on the fabric edge. Consequently, the
high friction is produced between the yarns and the width ratio on the multiaxis weaving loom is less than
reed blades resulting in degradation of the warp yarns one, namely a trapezoidal weaving zone form. In this
mechanical properties and short life of the reed blades. case, the standard reed, which has a fixed inter-blades
Therefore, it is important to keep the width ratio equal space, could not be used because it will damage the

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Figure 9. Position of the bias yarns in the weaving zone: (a) at the beginning of the weaving process (initial position), (b) after
operating the transversal displacement.

Figure 10. Top view of the weaving zone formed on a conventional weaving loom (a) and on a classic multiaxis weaving loom (b).

warp and bias yarns as a result of the high abrasion a special reed is designed in which the inter-blades
between the yarns and reed blades. Furthermore, warp space decreases as the reed advances towards the
and bias yarns count per unit length will be distorted fabric from its back position near the yarn positioning
and uneven across the fabric width. For tube carrier apparatus. However, abrasion still occurred even
weaving loom,23,24 the width ratio is about 1/4.5, 1/ though this special, more complicated reed25 was
5.55 and 1/8.23 (see Table 5 below). In order to avoid used, where rotation of the blades around their own
the in-plane yarns damage by conventional reed, axis is also required to keep its side surface parallel to

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bias and warp yarns axis. On the present prototype 2nd step: the guide blocks of the bias yarn positioning
loom, another technique has been developed based on apparatus are moved one step. So, the + y and y
maintaining the width ratio equal to one where a small bias yarns are crossed in the weaving zone and they
engaging hook is inserted between last two bias yarns are no longer parallel to the warp yarns as shown in
on the two preform edges (Figures 5 and 9) at the Figure 9(a).
beginning of each weaving cycle and before displacing 3rd step: the rapiers of the binder yarns on both weav-
the bias yarns in the weaving zone. The hooks accom- ing sides alternate their position (move up/down) to
pany the fabric on the take-up device. As a result, bias create appropriate shed to insert the filler yarns
yarn on the fabric edge will be folded over the inserted (Figure 8(a)).
engaging hook instead of being folded over the last 4th step: the three rapiers of filler yarns are inserted
binder yarn (Figures 5 and 9). That prevents the folded simultaneously across the weaving zone width to pick-
bias yarns to press fabric literary causing width shrink- up three filler yarns, and then they are taken back
age. Thereby, the preform width is held even to weaving (Figures 8(b) and 9(a)). So duplicated three filler
zone width and the weaving zone form becomes rect- yarns are inserted near to the yarn positioning appar-
angular (Figure 9). A reed with fixed inter-blades space atus where the gap between layers is higher. Two
is used with less abrasion as the yarns are kept parallel to engaging rods are used on both weaving zone edges
reed blades. Otherwise, that maintains uniform yarns to pick up the filler yarns as the yarns are released
density along with the filler direction. from the rapiers and these rods accompany the reed
The reed blades have to be moved out of the weaving motion toward the fabric in the next step to keep the
zone for each weaving cycle, as with the binder rapiers, filler yarns in the right position.
due to the transversal movement of the bias yarns. 5th step: the binder rapiers are moved back to their
Therefore, an open reed is used on the present loom initial position out of the weaving zone. Then the reed
with two movement steps. In the first step, the reed is moved up and its blades are inserted throughout the
blades are inserted throughout weaving zone along weaving zone (Figure 8(c)). Then, it advances toward
the Z-axis after insertion of the filler yarn fabric to pack-up the inserted filler yarns (Figures 8(d)
(Figure 8(c)). As with the binder rapiers, the reed and 9(b)).
blades have to be inserted exactly at the created gaps 6th step: the reed is moved down and back to its initial
by crossed bias yarns and the warp yarns in order to position.
prevent yarns degradation. They are inserted as near as 7th step: a second set of filler yarns is inserted and
possible to the positioning apparatus, where the gap packed up to the fabric. So the filler insertion and
width is maximum, and behind the inserted filler beating up operation are effectuated twice for one
yarns (Figure 9(b)). In the second step of the reed weaving cycle which forms one row of unit cell
movement, the reed is moved forward along with the along with filler yarn direction.
X-axis to pack the inserted filler yarns into the fabric 8th step: the formed fabric (one row of unit cell) is
(Figure 8(d)). Then, the reed blades are driven out of moved out of the weaving zone by actuating one step
the weaving zone and they are moved back toward the of the take-up device, so that the tension of warp and
positioning apparatus. bias yarns increases and a suitable length is released
The produced fabric is a multi-layer structure with from the feeding system to keep the set tension mag-
an important thickness so a take-up system with trans- nitude by the tension compensation device.
lational motion is used to take the formed fabric out of
the weaving zone.
Preform impregnation
Manufacturing process
A multiaxis 3D woven preform has been manufactured
The manufacture process on the present multiaxis 3D on the GEMTEX loom prototype, then it has been
weaving loom consists of a series of operating steps for impregnated with the resin epoxy SR 8200 via the
the different weaving systems with predefined order, Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process
these steps are repeated for each weaving cycle. (VARTM). This resin has been hardened by SD 7206
hardener at 24 C for 10 days.
1st step: following the last weaving cycle, the warp and
bias yarns are parallel to loom axis and the binder
Geometrical characterization
rapiers, filler rapiers and reed blades are out of the
weaving zone. Two engaging hooks are inserted The geometrical parameters of a woven preform could
between the two last bias yarns on both fabric edges be subdivided into: yarn parameters and unit cell par-
(Figure 9(a)). ameters. The yarns parameters describe the geometry of

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the yarns inside the preform and they involve yarn structure. They are specified depending on the position
cross-section area and the two major and minor dimen- of the binder yarn and the crossing point between the
sions (width and thickness) of the yarn cross-section. two opposite-bias yarns. In Figure 11, a top view of a
Also the packing factor of the composed filaments representative unit of the impregnated preform showing
inside the yarns denoted Pf, the bias yarn orientation only the bias and binder yarns path is illustrated. On
angle inside the structure denoted y and the yarn crimp this representative schema the four cut planes are
percentage in the through-thickness direction, denoted defined. Two cut planes are in warp direction and the
e. The unit cell parameters describe the repeated char- two others are in filler direction. For the two cut planes
acterizing unit of the woven architecture. They include in warp direction, one passes through the binder yarn
the two in-plane unit cell dimensions along with the (denoted ‘‘warp a’’) and the other is at the middle
warp and filler yarns directions, denoted Lw and Lf, between two binder yarns (denoted ‘‘warp b’’). For
respectively (Figure 2), the total unit cell thickness the two planes in filler direction, one is when the cross-
denoted H, the areal density of the preform, denoted ing point of the two opposite-bias yarns (+y and y )
Suc, which quantifies the mass of the dry textile preform is on the plane of binder yarn (‘‘filler a’’) and the other
per one square centimetre, the fibre volume fraction is when this crossing point is between two binder yarns
(FVF) which quantifies the fibre volume relative to (‘‘filler b’’).
the unit cell volume, and the proportions of each com- The area and the two main dimensions (width and
ponent yarns type relative to the total volume of fibres. thickness) of each yarns cross-section could be mea-
The basic yarn and unit cell parameters are mea- sured on the captured micrographs by means of
sured by means of microscopic observation of the image-j software by outlining the yarn cross-section as
impregnated preform cross-section at specific cut shown in Figure 11. In the same manner, the dimen-
planes. Four cut planes are defined to obtain a suitable sions of the unit cell (Lw, Lf, H) could be measured.
description of the component yarns within the Then the bias yarn in-plane orientation could be

Figure 11. Captured micrographs for a unit cell of impregnated preform at the four mentioned cut plane.

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Labanieh et al. 13

deduced by tangent function for the warp length of the cross-section shape, of the yarns cross-section are mea-
unit cell to the filler length. sured on the micrographs at each cut-plane and the
The through-the-thickness crimp percentage (e) of mean values are listed in Table 2.
filler yarns is measured on the captured micrographs On the ‘‘warp a’’ cut-plane micrograph (Figure 11),
‘‘filler a’’ and ‘‘filler b’’. Here, the yarn length, which three cross-sections are distinguished for the filler yarn
corresponds to the yarn centre line length (L0 ), denoted depending on its location in through-the-thickness of
real length, is measured for predefined straight distance the preform. On the outer surface of the preform
(L) on the preform, denoted apparent length. The yarn when the binder yarn passes over the filler yarn, its
centre line is defined as a spline passing through the cross-section become more compressed with a semi-
midpoint of vertical segments corresponding to the elliptic shape, denoted ‘‘filler outer under binder’’
yarn thickness as shown in Figure 11 on the ‘‘filler b’’ (Figure 11), resulting in high packing factor value
micrograph. Then the crimp percentage is computed as (Table 2). While the filler yarn on the opposite outer
follows e ¼ (L0  L)*100/L. In the same manner, the preform surface, denoted ‘‘filler outer’’ (Figure 11), has
crimp percentage of warp yarn was measured on the a lower packing factor value (Table 2) with an elliptic
‘‘warp b’’ and ‘‘warp a’’ cut plane and that of the shape where there is less contact pressure on the yarn
binder yarn on ‘‘warp a’’ cut-plane. outer side (no binder yarn). At the preform mid-plane,
The packing factor could be computed based on the the filler yarn, denoted ‘‘filler inner’’ (Figure 11), has
measured area of the yarn cross-section (S [mm2]), the less contact pressure applied from the surrounding
linear density of the yarns (l [g/Km]) and the fibre yarns compared with ‘‘filler outer under binder’’
density (r [g/cm3]). where the in-plane yarns have no interlacement. So,
the filler-inner yarn is more rectangular with lower
103 packing factor. The variation of the shape and area
pf ¼ ð1Þ of the filler yarns cross-section along its path could be
followed by observing these cross-section parameters
The density measurement method is implemented to on the ‘‘Warp b’’ cut-plane also. On this cut-plane
compute the fibre volume fraction in the impregnated (Figure 11), only two cross-sections are noted; filler-
preform. This method involves the measurement of the outer and filler-inner with no binder yarn at this
density of the produced composite part in addition to the plane. So the shape and area of the cross-section of
density of the component yarns and that of the resin.28 the filler-outer yarns change along with its path due
The proportion of each yarn type could be evaluated to the passage of the binder yarn. The differences in
by the analytical model presented previously by the the area and the aspect ratio of the filler-outer under
authors.29 This model is based on a simplified approxi- binder yarn section relative to the filler-outer section
mation concerning the in-plane yarn path within the are 16.3% and 10.47%, respectively. Otherwise, the
structure with constant cross-section area along with coefficient of variations of the area and the aspect
its path. ratio of the filler-inner section between the ‘‘warp a’’
and ‘‘warp b’’ cut-planes are listed in Table 2. In the
same manner, the variation of the area and the shape of
the cross-section of the warp and binder yarn along
The packing factor, the area, the two dimensions and with its path is observed through the coefficient of vari-
the aspect ratio, which indicates the variation in the ation of these parameters between the ‘‘warp a’’ and

Table 2. Mean values of the packing factor, area, two main dimensions (width and thickness) and aspect ratio of the yarns cross-
section with the coefficient of variation (CV) of these values between the different cut-planes

Area Width Thickness

Packing [mm2] mean [mm] mean [mm] mean Aspect ratio
Yarns factor (CV%) (CV%) (CV%) mean (CV%)

Warp 0.73 4.05 (11.87) 6.86 (3.84) 0.75 (27.83) 9.68 (31.93)
Filler-inner 0.58 2.9 (6.01) 4.85 (26.61) 0.6 (30.56) 8.76 (54.52)
Filler- outer free 0.55 3.24 4.98 0.73 6.78
Filler-outer under binder 0.65 2.71 4.26 0.7 6.07
Bias 0.62 2.98 (5.54) 4.51 (5.94) 0.74 (12.66) 6.25 (16.67)
Binder 0.9 0.13 (0.02) 0.93 (0.23) 0.14 (0.02) 6.52 (2)

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14 Textile Research Journal 0(00)

Table 3. Mean and standard deviation (s) of the measured Table 4. Crimp percentage of warp, filler and binder yarn in the
thickness and the two unit cell dimensions for the impregnated through thickness direction of the impregnated preform
preform on four cut-planes
Cut plane Crimp [%]
H [mm] Lw [mm] Lf [mm]
Warp yarn Warp a 0.14
Section Mean s Mean s Mean s Filler yarn Filler a Outer 0.1
Warp a 6.98 0.12 9.71 0.1 Inner 0.06
Warp b 7.02 0.10 9.64 0.28 Filler b Outer 0.28
Filler a 6.67 0.04 10.37 0.22 Inner 0.12
Filler b 6.81 0.03 10.19 0.29 Binder Warp a 103

density value of the used resin epoxy is 1.1 g/cm3. The

‘‘warp b’’ cut-plane. Similarly for bias yarns, where the density values of the used yarns are listed in Table 1.
coefficient of variation of these parameters is observed The architecture and geometrical properties of the
between the four cut-planes (Table 2). From this obser- manufactured preform using the constructed multiaxis
vation, an important variation is noted regarding the 3D weaving are compared with those of the produced
warp, bias and filler-inner yarn cross-section shape preforms by means of tube rapier weaving technique22
along its path. However, less variation is noted regard- and tube carrier weaving technique24,25 in Table 5. Like
ing the cross-section area. This shape variation is the tube carrier technique edge-to-edge bias yarns path
affected by the yarns rearrangement inside the struc- pattern and uniform bias yarns layers are obtained.
ture, which is attributed to the open weave structure Unlike the tube carrier technique, the bias yarns layer
(inter-yarns gap) of the produced fabric and to the could be placed in different order not only on the two-
applied pressure in the through-the-thickness direction preform surfaces.
of the preform by the binder yarns, in addition to the The width ratio on the present loom is equal to one
applied pressure during the impregnation process. corresponding to fabric width equal to weaving zone
Consequently, the in-plane yarns distort and displace width. That results in less degradation induced on the
(transversely and through-the-thickness) inside the warp and bias yarns by the friction with reed blades.
structure in order to have lower internal energy. The Also higher preform width is obtained. Like the com-
mean values of the measured inter-yarns gaps on posite produced by the tube carrier weaving technique25
the same layers are 0.28, 0.35, and 0.01 mm for warp, high fibre volume fraction is obtained. In Table 5 for all
bias, and filler-inner yarn, respectively. Furthermore, as introduced preform the proportion of bias yarns in y
a consequence of this rearrangement, a variation of the is equal to that of bias yarns in +y . However, the
unit cell thickness is observed between the four cut- proportion of both bias yarns and binder yarns relative
planes sections and is listed in Table 3. The inter-yarn to the unit cell volume, for the produced preform using
gape (open weave) could be managed via the yarns a guide blocks technique, is lower compared with that
linear density, their count per unit length and the unit of the produced preform by tube rapier and tube carrier
cell dimensions. techniques.
The crimp percentage of the warp and filler yarns
yarn in the through-the-thickness direction of the
impregnated preform are measured and listed in
Table 4. The too low crimp percentage is related to In the present paper, a novel multiaxis 3D weaving
the preform architecture where no interlacement technique is presented. This technique is dedicated to
between the in-plane yarns. However, for the outer enabling the insertion of a warp yarn layer between two
filler yarns, a higher crimp percentage is noted because opposite uniform edge-to-edge bias yarns layers using
of the path of the binder yarn, passing over the outer the guide-block technique. An experimental manually
filler yarns when it alternates its position. Contrariwise, driven multiaxis 3D weaving loom prototype is con-
a high crimp percentage is measured for binder yarn as structed in this work. On this loom, the preform
it passes throughout the preform thickness twice for width is controlled and kept equal to the weaving
each weaving cycle (Figure 11). zone width in order to minimize the in-plane yarns deg-
The unit cell dimensions of the impregnated preform radation caused by the friction with reed blades. A pre-
are measured on the captured micrographs and they are form using glass and Kevlar fibres has been produced
listed in Table 3. The fibre volume fraction is computed on the present loom prototype.
(Table 5) based on a density method where the mea- The geometrical characterization method has been
sured density of the composite is 1.77 g/cm3 with a conducted on the impregnated preform using captured

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Labanieh et al. 15

Table 5. Architecture and geometrical parameters of the produced impregnated preform. Comparison with other techniques

Guide blocks Tube rapier25 Tube carrier25

Bias yarns path pattern Edge-to-edge Zig-zag edge-to-edge

Uniformity of bias yarns orientation Uniform Non-uniform Uniform
Bias yarns feeding Rotating braiders Fixed bobbins Rotating braiders
Bias yarn layers placement in the preform thickness Any layer Any layer Only top and bottom
Layers sequence [90/y/0/y/0/90]s [90/y/y/0/90]s [90/y/y/0/90]s
Possibility to separate opposite bias layers by warp layer Yes No No
Width ratio 1/1 1/4.5 1/5.55 1/8.23
Preform width [mm] 190 77.25 62.36 42
Bias yarn orientation  y [degrees] 43.80 34 30 40
H [mm] 6.99 2.26 2.73 3.1
FVF [%] 45.47 1.2 33.9 38.5 47.5
Warp/unit cell [%] 15.88 8.45 10.5 13.7
Filler/unit cell [%] 14.68 4.82 5.42 4.77
Bias in y /unit cell [%] 7.26 8.62 9.43 11.7
Binder/unit cell [%] 0.41 3.36 3.67 5.61

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