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1.Make these active sentences passive:

e.g. 1. Astrid sends emails. (active)

Emails are sent by Astrid. (passive)

2. Dad cuts the grass.

3.My boyfriend often steals cars.
4. Somebody writes short stories.
5. Dan loves Mary.
6.Mom cooks dinner every day.
7.Somebody washes the car every weekend.
8.Somebody builds new bridges every ten years.
9. James eats vegetables everyday.
10. Somebody sells cheese weekly.
11. Judy made mistakes.
12. Tolstoi wrote Anna Karenina.
13. My friend forgot the papers.
14. Klimt painted The Kiss.
15. Azaleea designed dress-up games.
16. The policeman has finished the report.
17. Somebody has killed Joanne.
18.My sister has ordered new books.
19. Chad has fixed the air conditioning.
20. Kafka has wrote a story about his family.
2. Correct de mistakes (if any):
1. This poster was coloring by an art student.
2. Amazon’s policy is that dammaged goods cannot being returned.
3. The coffe machine is filled with coins.
4. Robin Hood was catched by the sheriff of nottingham.
5. The tea bags were placed on the table.
6. This idea was being stolen.
7. The whole staff has been fired at the beginning of the year.
8. Sara’s dog was beated by a mean boy.
9. Italian is more and more being speak in Hollywood movies.
10. Little Women was nominated at the Oscars.

3. Underline the correct answer:

1. My letter was open/was opened by John.

2. The cookie was eaten/ will be eating while i was on the phone.
3. Will our exercises be corrected/were corrected by the teacher?
4. Computer games might cause/might causing violance.
5. The door can’t be opened/be open by the dog.
6. Dorothy was lifted/was lifting to the sky by the wind.
7. The entire house is being painted/is being paint right as we are speaking.
8. The baby is carrying/is being carried by his mom.

4. Translate de following text using the passive voice:

Mergand pe strada, Maria se gandea la ora de desen care tocmai se terminase. A fost o zi
nu prea norocoasa: pensulele i-au fost ascunse, iar etichetele acuarelelor au fost
amestecate de colegii sai. Maria stie ca Dana si Vlad au incercat sa-i joace o festa, insa
gluma nu a fost gustata. Din cauza asta, desenul pe care si-l propusese sa-l faca a trebuit
amanat pentru ora viitoare. Singurul lucru bun la ziua de azi a fost ca pernarul pe care si-l
pierduse saptamana trecuta, in sala de biologie, i-a fost inapoiat de o colega de la clasa

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