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Conference Paper · August 2014


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Paweł Rubinowicz
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin


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West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, Poland

ABSTRACT: The article examines concept of complexity in architecture and urban planning pre-
senting proposal of systematics within the four methods describing complex forms: decomposition,
deformation, dispersion and new complexity. The principles of each method are defined on general
level. However, within each of the methods, more complex simulations, possible for unequivocal
geometrical encoding, can be formulated. The methods can be applied for creation or analysis of
both, abstract (2D and 3D composition), and real (specific building or city) forms. The article puts
also under investigation application of these methods: for purpose of interpretation and systematics
of contemporary architectural creation, development of new tools in design and for better diagnosis
of city development principles. In recent years new tools enabling application of advanced digital
techniques for exploration of unique formal solutions in architecture and new analytic methods for
urban structures have appeared. The geometry becomes more and more universal language impor-
tant for establishing bases for new digital techniques and interpretation of structure of complex
forms in architecture and urban planning.

Keywords: contemporary architecture, urban analysis, fractal geometry, deterministic chaos, 3D

virtual city models.

in architecture and new methods of analyzing

1. INTRODUCTION the city space.
Contemporary digital tools create new pos- Catalysts of the new development in archi-
sibilities for developing buildings and cities. tecture include parametric modeling, NURBS
They so broaden aesthetic awareness. Using and new prefabrication techniques: possibility
computers in the architectural and urban plan- of recording a digital form of a facility (CAD)
ning is already a well-established process. It as a sequence of instructions (CAM) recog-
became popular in 1980s and 90s. Initially, the nized by CNC machines, dynamic development
application of new techniques boiled down to of techniques and growing accessibility of 3D
changing from analogue to digital tools. Al- print, etc. New technologies enable creating
though the new environment influenced quality complex forms and reducing building cost. A
and efficiency of work, it did not bring new sign of those changes is growing interest
values to designing, similarly to replacing a among young architects in programming, cre-
typewriter with a computer text editor did not ating scripts (e.g. Grasshopper) and conse-
influence the quality of content. Recent years quently more advanced form coding. Although
witnessed a major change. New tools and pos- the interest in complexity has been present in
sibilities of using more advanced digital tech- architecture since deconstructivism (1980s) and
niques become popular which enabled wider in its primary phase originated from philosophy
use of computer’s capacity. This has been fol- and literature, digital tools are the driving force
lowed by a search for unique formal solutions of the contemporary development.

Paper #189
However in urban planning, the recent tool presented in fig. 1, below. An example of com-
is 3D virtual city model. Development in positions developed can be seen in fig. 2.
geo-information research, airborne laser scan-
ning techniques (LIDAR), aerial photography 2.1 Decomposition
analytic techniques, make possible automation A set of possible operations within the
and significant acceleration in process of gen- mechanism of the method includes: break,
eration virtual city models and new standards crush, divide, separate, and fragmentation. The
of encoding urban structures (CityGML) – goal is to break the initial form or free compila-
cause, that accessibility and accuracy of 3D tion of various forms. The main feature of the
models is increasing in geometric progression. method is purposeful breaking and far reaching
Sitting at the desk and staring at computer transformation of a structure leading to new
screen, we can easily browse virtual landscapes composition and aesthetic values. It is based on
of most of world’s agglomerations, using two essential measures: A) dividing the form
common free software of Google Earth. The and separating specific parts of it in a way
applied tool extends possibilities of simple which does not result from its construction
visualization. 3D city models are more often a (form organization logic); B) composing a form
medium for application of advanced urban using independent parts – not by matching their
analyses, impossible to execute without com- shapes but by clashing them and allowing
puter support. mergers. Decomposition can be used to rebuild
Both, in architecture and urban planning, the the initial form (first A, and then B) or to de-
subject of creation or analysis is complexity. velop a new form (only B). The aim is to high-
However, geometry is universal code necessary light the heterogeneity of its construction,
for establishing bases of new digital techniques based on strong articulation of diversity of its
and for interpretation of complex forms. The parts and their geometrical independence.
article presents proposal of classification of this Measure A is presented in fig. 1. An example
problem in reference to architecture and urban of B is simple overlapping of two regular
planning. mashes, which leads to a much more complex
form (fig. 3).
PLEX FORMS 2.2 Deformation
The chapter presents proposed classification The method aims at plasticizing and trans-
of possible methods for developing complex forming the structure of a form and at the same
forms. Their hierarchy was created to interpret time preserving its indivisibility. Operations or
contemporary architectural projects. Methods terms typical for the method include the fol-
of decomposition, deformation, dispersion and lowing: link, connect, fold, unification, etc.
new order are described by the author in his Presuppositions of the method are associated
PhD thesis [15]. The description is general with mathematical topology. Composition
enough so it can apply to various real or ab- measures concentrate on the form, treated as a
stract spatial compositions, including urban whole, contained in one specific shape with all
structures. A form is understood as a specific constituent parts subordinated to it. The con-
shape, and the methods describe the construc- struction process involves two measures: A)
tion process. Definitions of the methods deter- transformation of the initial form while pre-
mine pattern and scope of possible geometrical serving links between its parts; B) making the
operations (measures). However, each method form of its parts – by their fluid merger leading
allows for more detailed simulations that pro- to their mutual unification. The method can be
vide for unequivocal, strict geometrical de- used for rebuilding the initial form (measure A)
scription. Presuppositions of those methods are or building a new form (measure B). The goal
Figure 1: Schemes presenting methods of decomposition, deformation and dispersion

Figure 2: Compilation of schemes presenting creation of complex forms with examples of spatial
arrangements. From left: methods of decomposition, deformation and dispersion

Figure 3: Example of decomposition method application: simple overlapping of two regular

mashes leads to a much more complex form
is to highlight homogeneity of the form based ing, rotating, changing proportions, color, etc.).
on unification of its parts and their complete Although only one and the same type of trans-
subordination to the general geometrical pat- formation is applied to all constituent parts, the
tern of that form. Measure A is presented in a way it is used (for each part) depends on a ran-
chart (fig. 1). An example of using measure B dom factor. The method can be used for re-
is the simulation presented in fig. 8. building the initial form of an orderly structure.
By using dispersion, the structure undergoes
2.3 Dispersion gradual transformation losing its original clar-
The main feature of the method is using a ity. This principle is presented in fig. 1. The use
random (stochastic) factor in the process of of a random factor can be measurable as a
shaping the form. It is also necessary to distin- pre-set simulation parameter. Similarity of dis-
guish a number of equal constituent parts. Their persed forms is an interesting issue. It turns out
large number enhances the dispersion effect. that two forms can be similar, although none of
Building of a form involves independent trans- pairs of their constituent parts is identical. This
formation of those constituent part (e.g. mov- has been presented in the simulation (fig. 4).

Figure 4: Similarity of dispersed forms

Figure 5: The method of new complexity: complex forms (upper part)

are defined by simple rules (lower part): M set, 1D CA and IFS simulations

sky and Wolf D. Prix. The prevailing trait of
2.4 New complexity works by deconstructivists is heterogeneity of
The method aims at shaping complex forms architectural forms. In other words, they use a
by a simple process of formation. The principle number of independent and intentionally un-
of organizing (building) such forms is de- suitable parts and divisions which do not result
scribed as a system of higher order [15, 16]. from a logical structure, as well as clashes and
The method refers to the mathematical theory mergers of various elements. A rooftop remod-
of deterministic chaos, fractal geometry, and eling above Falkestrasse in Vienna, designed
emergency. Rules can be expressed in different by the Coop Himmelb(l)au Group in 1983
ways, for instance according to mathematical, (fig. 6) is a vivid example of the above with its
fractal and emergent models. Each of the mod- small scale and significance for a general ar-
els defines a separate category of form defini- chitectural arrangement. On the one hand,
tion. In the mathematical model, the form is Jacques Derrida’s philosophy had a major in-
defined using various formulas and rules. fluence on the development of the trend. On the
Computer simulations enable to observe basic other, geometry is the language of deconstruc-
systems of higher order at a purely theoretical tion. This can be seen in designs by Bernard
level, e.g. Mandelbrot set (fig. 5a). In the emer- Tschumi (in Parc de la Villette: clash between
gent model, the process involves solely deter- orthogonal networks of pavilions and natural
mining spatial relations and rules of mutual in- landscape and deconstruction of cube) and Pe-
fluence between particular elements of the form. ter Eisenman (use of geometrical diagram).
An example is a simulation of cellular automa- Deconstructivism continued developing until
ton CA (fig. 5b) [19]. The principle of the frac- the end of the 20th c. as an expression of van-
tal model is based on transformations that can guard. Although it has finished, it still influ-
be described in the form of a simple geometri- ences the contemporary architectural thought
cal pattern. An example of the above is a simu- being a source of cautious or not cautious in-
lation using IFS [11] (fig. 5c). spiration.

3. COMPLEXITY IN ARCHITECTURAL 3.2 Deformation in architecture

CREATION The endeavor of contemporary architects
The chapter presents possible applications of aimed at larger complexity of forms also in-
decomposition, deformation, dispersion and clude designs focusing on fluid, flexible and
new complexity methods for interpreting con- streamlined forms. Instead of straight lines,
temporary architecture facilities (since 1980s to various curves are used. Planes are replaced by
present). complicated non-ruled surfaces. In the middle
of 1990s, folding stood in opposition to decon-
3.1 Decomposition in architecture structivism in the contemporary architecture. In
Deconstructivism is a clear example of the 1993, a special edition of Architectural Design
effort towards developing complex forms in was entitled ‘Folding in architecture’. The edi-
architecture by using the method of decomposi- tor was architect Greg Lynn. The article by the
tion. It started in the early 1980s, and matured editor signified a new turn in architecture, and
in 1988 when the Museum of Modern Art in one chapter of the article was particularly tell-
New York (MoMA) organized and exhibition ing: ‘Curving away from Deconstructivism’ [8].
of ‘Deconstructivist Architecture’. The exhibi- The new trend developed under the influence of
tion presented works by the then little known philosophical works by Gilles Deleuze. On the
architects, such as Bernard Tschumi, Rem other hand, attempts made by architects to pre-
Koolhaas, Peter Eisenman, Daniel Libeskind, serve homogeneity of form and combine vari-
Zaha Hadid, Frank O. Gehry, Helmut Swiczin- ous elements of the composition are deeply
rooted in geometry and mathematical topology. ics of medieval tenement houses with similar
Möbius strip and Klein bottle are frequently forms of regular and repeated structure. The
referred symbols. Contemporary architects try majority of method applications refers to the
to blur boundaries between notions considered composition of facades. Randomness can be
to stand in opposition to one another, such as: fixed in a building (e.g. distribution of win-
interior and exterior of a building (e.g. Möbius dows and colors of materials in Sharp Centre
House, designed by Ben van Berkel), or mate- for Design in Toronto by William Alsop) and
rial and virtual space (e.g. Virtual Trading may result from the way those facilities are
Floor, designed by Asymptote). used (e.g. mobile light breakers in National Li-
The idea of folding fits into presuppositions brary in Paris by Dominique Perrault). Yet an-
of the deformation method presented in the ar- other example of the application of a random
ticle. New computer modelling tools (e.g. factor is the Torre Agbar building in Barcelona
NURBS) and new building techniques (CNC by Jean Nouvel. Its external concrete shell is
prefabrication) became catalysers for the archi- perforated by 4400 random square openings.
tectural development in the field. A pioneer Additional layers are placed on the main con-
example of using new technologies is the Gug- struction, including corrugates steel sheet clad-
genheim Museum in Bilbao by Frank O. Gehry. ding of variable colors (from red to blue) and
Below you can see photographs of the museum glass panels as light breakers (fig. 9).
with computer simulations by the author re-
sulting from topological transformation of three 3.4 New complexity in architecture
cubes (fig. 7). Application of the deformation The development of forms according to the
method also includes the blob architecture. An new complexity method is something new in
example of the above is Peter Cook and Colin architecture, and searching for possible appli-
Fournier’s Kunsthaus in Graz (fig. 8). cations in its early stage. However, inspirations
derived from the mathematical theory of de-
3.3 Dispersion in architecture terministic chaos and fractal geometry already
Although the dispersion method is used for appeared in the output of several architects as
designing many contemporary architectural fa- well as publications by architecture critics [5]
cilities, it is hard to define any wider ideologi- in 1990s. For example, the design of a new op-
cal background for it, specific trend or style era house in Cardiff of 1994, American archi-
which would highlight the significance of sto- tect Greg Lynn used a method which he de-
chasticity in shaping architectural forms. The scribed as ‘branching’. Branching referred to
issue was a subject of few research projects fractal geometry [7]. However, there is a dif-
[e.g. 6, 17]. Example of using the methods is ference between inspiration and application.
the Holocaust Monument in Berlin by Peter We are able to provide only a few examples of
Eisenman. Within an orderly orthogonal system architectural facilities developed, where high
of 2711 concrete blocks we may distinguish complexity results from a deterministic process.
irregularities (slight deviations from vertical It is also important that the specific nature of
plane and variable height of elements). Those designing such processes and forms changes
irregularities give a specific aesthetic dimen- our understanding of creation in architecture.
sion of the whole facility. Dispersion is associ- One of preliminary examples of new com-
ated with natural conditions, perception of plexity being applied in architecture is a multi-
which is closer to a man. We may compare, for function complex of buildings at Federation
example, a wall made of various size stones, Square in Melbourne designed by Australian
free surface made of granite brick, and tecton- architects Donald Bates and Peter Davidson in

Figure 6: Decomposition method in architecture: left: rooftop remodeling above Falkestrasse in
Vienna (by Coop Himmelb(l)au, 1983), right: project development of the University
in Frankfurt am Main (by P. Eisenman, 1987)

Figure 7: Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (by F. Gehry, 1997) in comparison to computer simu-
lations made by author – as an example of deformation of architectural form

Figure 8: Computer modeling of blob forms – example of deformation. Left: simulation with use
of Bryce 5.5 program; right: Kunsthaus in Gratz (by P. Cook, C. Fournier, 2003)

Figure 9: Application of dispersal in the composition of the facade of office building

– Torre Agbar in Barcelona (by J. Nouvel, 2006)

2003. The composition of all facades is deter- 4.1 Application of the complexity classifica-
mined by ‘pinwheel tiling’, an non-periodic tion in urban planning
tiling developed and described several years Methods for developing complex forms:
earlier by American mathematician Charles deconstruction, deformation, dispersion and
Radin [13]. A simple and repeatable construc- new complexity have been formulated to sup-
tion produces a complex result (fig. 10). Al- port methodical division and creation of archi-
though the complex is a rather direct quotation tectural forms. In urban planning, the method
from mathematics, the mechanism of develop- gain their new meaning and other applications.
ing its form can be planned. The rule of ‘pin- The decomposition method in architecture is
wheel tiling’ can be described using the IFS closely linked with ideas of deconstruction, and
method [15, 11]. Minor modifications of the can be a tool for various geometrical experi-
rule comprise a specific encyclopaedia of com- ments and computer simulations, which may
plex forms, and intuitive predicting of the result inspire the process of architectural design. In
extends beyond human imagination (fig. 10). the urban scale, an equivalent of applying the
Another later example of a facility is the centre method is imposing a new structure in a city,
of water sports in Beijing developed for the such as rebuilding of Paris in the 19th c. ac-
Olympic Games of 2008 (by PTW Architects), cording to plans by Georges Eugene Hauss-
where the geometrical form results from using mann. The decomposition method can be a
the Weaire-Phelan model. mere tool for a methodical organization of such
spatial transformations of a city. The potential
4. CITY COMPLEXITY AND URBAN of the method in creating new geometrical
PLANNING simulations in urban planning is doubtful (may
Methods of complex form classification lead to controversies).
presented in the article can also be used in ur- The deformation method in architecture is
ban planning as tools for interpreting the de- mainly expressed by effort of creating fluid,
velopment of a city and its structures. However, liquid forms and using complex ruled or
it is not possible to extrapolate architectural non-ruled structures. However, both presuppo-
observations directly on urban planning. It re- sitions of the method and origin of architectural
sults from basic differences between the notion folding are much broader. The first pioneering
of architectural and urban creation. The goal of examples of the trend is an urban project of the
architecture is to develop building facilities Rebstockpark Housing Estate in Frankfurt on
from scratch. The immediate spatial context, Main by Peter Eisenman (1990) [15]. The ur-
neighbourhood of other buildings, can be im- ban parametric modeling (UPM) [18, 10] fits
portant for design decisions. However, by na- into the formula of the method, which proves
ture, creating architectural facilities is a one off the possibility of recording and transforming
activity enclosed in time (from design to build- the structure of the city as a set of combined
ing). Obviously, the process of city develop- elements from the scale of projection to façade
ment is much more complicated and has a dif- detail.
ferent nature. Usually, a city already exists at The dispersion method in architecture,
the moment of ‘urban intervention’. It is de- which introduces a random factor to the com-
veloped continuously. Thus, complexity is not position, has the strongest influence on the fa-
a predetermined goal but a starting point for cade or outer surface of a building. The sig-
designing. For these reasons, contrary to archi- nificance of stochasticity in urban planning is
tectural creation, an analytical process is a ba- much broader, naturally embedded into the
sis for urban planning. process of planning and the structure of the city.
Master plans usually define objectives at a gen-
eral level while reserving space for individual
architectural solutions (e.g. color, composition mata CA.
of facade, roofing, variable height of a building The degree of complexity of contemporary
within permissible scope, etc.). Possible appli- cities is much larger and even if we find spe-
cations of the dispersion method in urban plan- cific mechanisms of mathematical self-organi-
ning are much broader than in architecture. zation, undoubtedly the stochastic factor is an
New tools can be used for e.g. analyzing plans important component of their structure. Figure
and examining the morphology of urban struc- 12 includes an example of using the dispersion
ture. method while analyzing a part of Berlin, Ger-
New complexity, as a method of creating or many. Consecutive stages of the simulation use
interpreting forms, is more developed in urban simple transformation of the city structure
planning than in architecture. It is sufficient to (shifting, rotating). Slight ‘movement’ of
refer to research by Michael Batty presented in buildings in Berlin changes completely its ur-
the several publications and books: ‘Fractal ban tissue. Differences in urban systems blur at
Cities’ (1994) [2] and ‘Cities and Complexity’ various stages of the simulation, which can de-
(2007) [1]. Using emergence in urban planning fine the degree of the primary organization. An
is expressed in methods of simulating urban attempt to interpret complexity was made by
growth using cellular automata (CA) or simula- the author in his exhibition of ‘Images of Com-
tions supported by the agent based modeling. plexity’ [14] which artistic aim was to look for
The scope of searching for the system of higher relations between the structure of a city and
order focuses on the area of analysis rather than dispersion and new complexity (fig. 13).
creating new spatial solutions. However, A visual complexity of a city provides a
nowadays the potential resulting from ad- separate plane for interpreting. Urban structure
vanced urban analyses is crucial for the direc- reflected in a projection is a mere simplifica-
tion of city development. tion. In fact, a man perceives a city as a set of
thousands of various views, combined into a
4.2 The nature of the city complexity certain whole in minds of inhabitants [9]. Tall
What is the source of complexity in con- buildings have particular significance for de-
temporary cities? Is it the result of stochastic veloping of the ‘image of a city’, which range
activities or phenomena (related to dispersion of visual impact is in principle larger [3, 20].
method)? It the organization based on mecha- The development of simulation techniques cre-
nisms described in the article as a part of the ates possibility of precise analysis which is a
new complexity method? Trying to find an- subject of research under the 2TaLL Project.
swers to those questions is inspiring in itself. Further research should focus among others on
Although one cannot expect equivocal results, defining comparative relations between visual
each examining the boundaries between vari- complexity and complexity of the city geomet-
ous categories of complexity of the urban tissue rical structure.
broadens our knowledge about the structure of
a city and enhances our designing capacity. 5. CONCLUSIONS
This issue has been a subject of various re- Tendency of shift from classic understand-
search [1, 12]. A fractal organization can be ing of systematics towards creation of complex
found in some simple urban systems. The lan- forms in contemporary architecture is clearly
guage of the new complexity method can be seen. It is influenced by new techniques of
used to describe an African village of Ba-ila [4], computer modeling and digital CNC prefabri-
or plans of renaissance ideal cities. Figure 11 cation. In recent years we can also observe in-
below presents examples of computer simula- disputable progress in sphere of modeling and
tions developed using IFS and cellular auto-

Figure 10:Composition of the facade of Federation Square in Melbourne (by Lab A-S) – example of
application of new complexity in architecture. Original view of façade (above) and example of
radical reorganization of composition by micro modification of its construction scheme

Figure 11: Sample computer simulations prepared with application of IFS method and cellular au-
tomata (CA) method. Above: African village of Ba-ila, below: plans of Renaissance ideal cities
compared to simulations of cellular automata (CA)

Figure 12: Dispersion method used in analyzing a part of Berlin, Germany

Figure 13: Interpretation of city complexity as a part of authors exhibition

‘Images of Complexity’ (Toruń 2014)

visualizations of cities. Quantity and accuracy Therefore, the presented methods can be a de-
of accessible 3D virtual city models increases sign tool as well.
rapidly. However, in architectural design the
purpose is creation of new forms (buildings), so ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in urban planning the key importance is process This research was funded by a Norwegian Fi-
of analysis of city. 3D city models allow appli- nancing Mechanism. Digital model of Berlin
cation of advanced computer simulations for provided by Berlin Partner GmbH. All other
exploring complex urban structures. Both in 3D city models used for simulation were made
architecture and urban planning, important by Cyber Urban Center at WPUT Szczecin.
subject of creation or subject of analysis is I gratefully acknowledge this support.
complexity. Geometry becomes universal lan-
guage necessary for creation of bases for new REFERENCES
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[17] P. Rubinowicz. Parametric Modeling –
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Austin, 1998.


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