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Boston on the Frontier of the New

Urban Museum
by Anne D. Emerson

Anne Emerson was educated at Brown University, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
and the Boston University School of Management. She is the president of the Boston Museum
Project, and past president of the Bostonian Society from 1998 to 2002. From 1988 to 1998,
she was executive director of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard

We know who we are and can share dreams for a

common future when our roots in the past are

Jill Ker Conway

Board Member, Boston Museum Project

The Boston Museum Project began in

Chicago twenty years ago at that city’s great
historical society in Lincoln Park. At that time,
when I stood in the society’s museum, it made me
realize that my own city, Boston, though 250 years
older than Chicago, had no real city museum
despite its remarkable historic sites, authentic
places of the early colony and the republic of the
United States.

The next decade of my career took me to

Harvard University where I worked for a time with
Robert Putnam who had just written Making
Democracy Work, a study of Italy as it devolved
its central government into sixteen regional
governments in 1971. Putnam studied the strength
of these regional governments by fielding teams of
researchers who tested the responsiveness of
different regional governments. They sent away for
driver’s licence applications, death certificates and

ISSN 1350-0775, No. 231 (Vol. 58, No. 3, 2006) ª UNESCO 2006 85
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ (UK) and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 (USA)

the like. Their conclusion was that the highway next to the waterfront. The ‘Big Dig’ has
governments in the north of Italy were extremely opened up 30 acres (12 hectares) of prime
responsive; the governments in the south were not. parkland. There the Boston Museum will be one of
Taking their research to the next level they looked two cultural projects that will draw local and
at correlating factors in each society and found a international visitors.
dense network of horizontal associations in the
north – choral societies, football leagues and the Much of my time has been spent in recent
like. In the south they found a vertically organized years making the economic argument for the
society with a paternalistic approach. Historically, Boston Museum. I point out to my varied
the north was the place of tower societies watching audiences that American museums average
over their neighbours as they took their goods to 865 million visits a year and that this number has
market and of the Medici family with its creation increased by 50 per cent in a decade. There are
of banking, based, of course, on societal trust. approximately 16,000 museums in the United
States, and in the brief period between 1998 and
The museum as a start up 2000, $4.3 billion was spent to build or expand
150 museums in the United States. Here 81 per
As I encountered Robert Putnam’s research I cent of American travellers, or 118 million people,
thought about my own city of Boston, settled by are considered historic/cultural travellers. That
many different immigrant groups, within which number has risen 13 per cent from 1996. Cultural
there was much trust, but between which there was travellers spend more than other types of voyagers,
little. I began to put together the idea of the an average of $623 compared with $456 per trip
creation of a city museum rooted in history with (excluding transportation). In Massachussetts,
the idea of a museum that could be a social catalyst tourism is the third largest industry with $13.3
deepening the horizontal trust relationships that billion spent in 2000. Moreover, museums are big
are so essential to a vital democracy. This is the employers. It surprises many people that the
core of our concept. We hope to make it a reality. Museum of Fine Arts in Boston employs 1,300
people. A final point, museums are key factors in
The process of creating a major new what is now being called the creative economy
cultural institution as a start up in an American index based on Richard Florida’s work.1 The index
context is one of developing a concept sufficiently is a cluster of factors that determine whether a city
compelling that private individuals will support it is going to attract creative, professional people,
with their own funds. In our case, the Government which turns out to be a key economic driver in the
was supportive by giving us a prime site on the local economy. Museums are very much at the core
new Rose Kennedy Greenway. It is not often that of that attraction of creative talent because they
a city has a chance to re-programme a major augment the quality of life.
section of its downtown area without a natural
disaster or war intervening. Boston had this chance There are many examples of the great
as a result of the removal of a major elevated museum building boom that has taken place in the

86 Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ (UK) and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 (USA)
Boston on the Frontier of the New Urban Museum
Anne D. Emerson

ª Boston Museum Project


15. The scenic view of the museum by architectural illustrator Costantino, based on the designs by architect Moshe Safdie.

United States. More than thirty major new Center. All over America, we are seeing the
museums across the country have been created, creation of new urban museums. I believe this is, in
among them, the 400,000 square-foot (33,160 m2) part, because cultural institutions are becoming,
Minnesota History Museum and the Rock and Roll with the globalization of corporations and their
Hall of Fame, a tremendous new attraction on separation from place, the brand identities of cities
the shorefront of Cleveland, Ohio. We might and are enormous economic drivers for their
also mention, in the same state, the National communities. Much of the funding of these
Underground Railroad Freedom Center in institutions has come from private citizens.
Cincinnati opened in 2004, and the architect
Moshe Safdie’s Exploration Place in Wichita, Five years ago, the board of directors of the
Kansas, a stunning $62 million project, which is Boston Museum Project began work on the
now on the cover of the state’s tourist brochure. In development of the key goals of this new
Minnesota, the new Science Museum and the new institution. We knew it needed to be a spectacular
Children’s Museum illustrate the energy of one educational facility that would have high impact
community to anchor its public spaces with on the youth, enabling them to learn about the city
cultural institutions and enliven a cold, wintry in which they lived. We knew it needed to be a
climate with destination attractions. In place of great interest and excitement for the entire
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, $350 million have community, as well as for visitors from outside
been invested in the revitalization of Independence Boston, and that it had to be a common meeting
Mall and the creation of the National Constitution ground for our own citizens. We knew it needed to

ISSN 1350-0775, No. 231 (Vol. 58, No. 3, 2006) 87


bring visitors to Boston for its economic we were receiving thousands upon thousands of
development and tourism. In order to succeed, the impoverished Irish refugees from the potato famine
Boston Museum had to have significant scale, high in Ireland. In a decade the city population
visibility and outstanding quality. It had to be a increased to four times what it had been fifty years
partner-based service organization that would before. Bostonians turned inward, started private
strengthen all of our small historic sites in the city clubs and began the layering of our civic society.
of Boston. Today we have a culture in which our many tribes
live in parallel worlds. San Francisco is a city noted
More recent work has made it clear that for its tolerance and energetic pursuit of wealth.
this institution will be a family-focused museum, a Boston is noted for its entrepreneurial energy and
place where visitors will be encouraged to leave its difficulty in collaboration.
their contributions and have their voices heard and
recorded, a place that will touch their hearts as Another challenge we have as a city is that
well as their minds, that it will entertain through it is extremely difficult for our residents and our
interactive engagement. Lastly, we hope it will be a visitors to navigate; we need visitor facilities that
place that will transform our understanding of the will help them do that. We have many small under-
region and the people who live here. funded historic sites that together do not make a
critical mass, nor do they tell a coherent story.
The Boston Museum Project challenges Therefore the creation of an institution that would
create an overall narrative framework for these
In making our case, we have sought to outline the stories seems crucial. We have a severe lack of
challenges that face Boston. The first is that we public exhibition space in Boston, and yet we also
have a history gap. Literally, we are missing have many outstanding museum collections that
200 years of history in the presentation of the city’s cannot be seen because of the lack of space. So the
story. The story of the American Revolution is an Boston Museum will offer 8,000-square feet
exciting, uncontested story that brings visitors (745 m2) of travelling exhibit space.
from all over the world. The 200 years of history
subsequent to that, which are the years that all of The city is made up of 53 per cent non-
our immigrant populations can connect to their white people. We need to make new places and
own story, are much more difficult and are new ways to include their voices in our city
essentially told nowhere. That gives us a rich arena dialogue. Boston is traditionally a place of
of stories to explore. One approach may be to considerable tribalism and strong neighbourhood-
compare cities like Boston and San Francisco at a based ethnic communities. Making these
given moment in time, say 1849, when San communities visible to each other is the key goal of
Francisco was created in a single moment with the this institution. In addition to focusing our exhibits
Gold Rush. People of every colour and stripe on these issues of contemporary significance, we
arrived simultaneously with one thought on their also plan to have a Dialogue Center, a non-
minds: to get rich. At the same moment in Boston hierarchical space for community conversations,

88 Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ (UK) and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 (USA)
Boston on the Frontier of the New Urban Museum
Anne D. Emerson

comparable to the Wosk Centre for Public will be function rental spaces, public meeting
Dialogue in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. rooms, a large ‘town hall’ space and the Dialogue
Center mentioned above. Each of these has
The global concept of the Boston Museum revenue implications for the museum.
is to create a new front door for Boston. The
National Park Service has been an important The Boston Museum Project invested
partner in the planning of this new institution, in heavily in visitor research, co-ordinating 650
the funding site and transportation analyses, a intercept interviews and five focus groups. The
needs assessment of other historical institutions results of these surveys indicate that 96 per cent of
and an economic impact study which together our residents and 90 per cent of foreign visitors are
assess the value of this new institution at interested in visiting the museum. Both residents
$40 million annually for the region. and visitors thought that this would increase their
interest in learning about Boston’s history and
The Boston Museum will be located at visiting other sites. This was a critical argument to
Columbus Park. Moshe Safdie’s extraordinary calm the fears of the existing tourist and historic-
design for the Museum won this parcel of land, sites markets: we would not steal their visitors, but
which lies in the heart of the historic district and rather we would increase the number of people
adjacent to the Faneuil Hall Marketplace where interested in visiting Boston overall.
20 million visitors come annually. The site
consists of the air rights over the tunnel exit The timeline for our opening begins with
ramps at this spot. Safdie’s design cleverly conceals our capital campaign in 2007. We hope to break
these ramps under a hillside park, which is the ground in 2010 and open in two stages in 2012 and
roof-top of three levels of museum programme. 2013. This depends very much on our ability to
Above the park floats a glass-and-steel structure make the case to private donors. We are fortunate
(enclosing gallery spaces) that resembles the hull that the case is a good one, the place is ideal and
of a ship. In addition there will be a passage the need is great.
through the building to connect the parkland on
either side, all in a free zone so that the public, as
they traverse the structure, can use it as a street NOTES
passing through the gateway orientation centre.
The gallery spaces are focused on five major 1. Florida, Richard, The Rise of the Creative Class, Basic Books, 2004, and
themes: people, innovation, history, sports and Cities and the Creative Class, Routledge, 2005.

environment. There will be a futures lab to make

visible the many studies and databases that allow
us to see the trajectory on which our city is
moving. The education centre is comprised of a
model building studio, a situation room and a
series of labs and classrooms. In addition, there

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