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Coronavirus is a virus that causes illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe
diseases. It has been a couple of months since the outbreak. There are many cases in the
whole world, and lots of people, sadly, died from it. People can catch the virus from others
who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets
from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales,
so it is important to stay at home as much as you can. But the thing is, what will the world be
like after all of this stops?

In my opinion social life, health care and education will change a lot. Since we are still
quarantined, and not available to see each other because there is social distancing, I think
we will appreciate more the times we go out. We did not appreciate it while we were free to
hang out, and never thought something like this would happen. I believe that the
relationship with our family members will improve much more than it was before. I will
spend more time with my family, and we will be much more bonded. I believe that we will
be more careful when it comes to our health. Even if we catch a simple cold we will be much
more scared then we were before. Hospitals will be more careful when it comes to handling
patients. They will be more equppied and prepared in case of another outbreak. People will
use more anti-bacterial soaps and wipes and I think that people will be healthier in general.
Personally I think that education system will change in a positive way because schools are
testing new online programs and students will become more emmerce in class and the
classes will be a bit easier. Personally, I have learned much more while having online classes
then actually going to school, and it was easier for me to study. Research has shown that
COVID-19 is actually good for our envirenment. Dolphins came back to canals in Venice, but
before that you could hardly see anything in the water of how dirty it was. Pollution in the
air became low in some countries at the moment, but it will lower even more in the future.
Towns will be more clean then they were, and trash is going to be more frequently picked
up. Nature is regenerating itself.

This is a virus that destroys humans but builds up nature. Even if it is bad for humans, I think
this virus actually helped nature grow more then it have infected people.

Brajić Inela, IV-4

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