P, P G E: 58 Business Studies

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After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

• explain the concept and characteristics of business;

• explain the features of different forms of public enterprises viz.,

departmental, statutory corporations and government companies;

• critically examine the changing role of the public sector;

• explain the features of global enterprises; and

• appreciate the benefits of joint ventures.


Anita, a student of class XI, was going through some newspapers. The headlines
stared at her face, Government plans to disinvest its shares in a few companies.
The next day there was another news item on one public sector company incurring
heavy losses and the proposal for closing the same. In contrast to this, she read
another item on how some of the companies under the private sector were doing
so well. She was actually curious to know what these terms like public sector,
disinvestment, privatisation meant. She realised that in certain areas there
was only the government which operates like the railways and in some areas
both the privately owned and government run business were operating. For
example, in the heavy industry sector SAIL, BHEL and TISCO, Reliance, Birlas
all were there and in the telecom sector, companies like Tata, Reliance, Airtel
operate and in airlines Sahara and Jet have recently gained entry. These
companies along with the Government-owned companies like MTNL, BSNL, Indian
Airlines, Air India. She then started wondering where from companies like Coca
cola, Pepsi, Hyundai came? Were they always here or did they operate somewhere
else, in some other country. She went to the library and was surprised to know
that there was so much information about all these in books, business magazines
and newspapers.

3.1 INTRODUCTION and towns has been greatly reduced.

This is because of plenty of private
You must have come across all types
courier services firms operating in
of business organisations in your daily
bigger towns. Then there are businesses
life. In your neighbourhood market,
which operate in more than one country
there are shops owned by sole
known as global enterprises. Therefore,
proprietors or big retail organisations
you may have observed that all types
run by a company. Then there are
of organisations are doing business in
people providing you services like legal
the country whether they are public,
services, medical services, being owned
private or global. In this chapter we
by more than one person i.e.,
shall be studying how the economy is
partnership firms. These are all
divided into two sectors, public and
privately owned organisations.
private, the different types of public
Similarly, there are other offices or
enterprises, their role and that of the
places of business which may be owned
global enterprises.
by the government. For example,
Railways is an organisation wholly
owned and managed by the
government. The post office, in your
locality is owned by the Post and There are all kinds of business
Telegraph Department, Government of organisations — small or large,
India, though our dependence on their industrial or trading, privately owned
postal services, particularly in cities or government owned existing in our


country. These organisations affect our private and public sector were clearly
daily economic life and therefore defined and the government through
become part of the Indian economy. various Acts and Regulations was
Since the Indian economy consists of overseeing the economic activities of
both privately owned and government both the private and public sector. The
owned business enterprises, it is Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956 had
known as a mixed economy. The also laid down certain objectives for the
Government of India has opted for a public sector to follow so as to
mixed economy where both private and accelerate the rate of growth and
government enterprises are allowed to industrialisation. The public sector was
operate. The economy, therefore, may given a lot of importance but at the
be classified into two sectors viz., same time mutual dependency of
private sector and public sector. public and private sectors was
The private sector consists of emphasised. The 1991 industrial
business owned by individuals or a policy was radically different from all
group of individuals, as you have the earlier policies where the
learnt in the previous chapter. The government was deliberating
various forms of organisation are disinvestment of public sector and
sole proprietorship, partnership, allowing greater freedom to the private
joint Hindu family, cooperative sector. At the same time, foreign direct
and company. investment was invited from business
The public sector consists of houses outside India. Thus,
various organisations owned and multinational corporations or global
managed by the government. These enterprises which operate in more than
organisations may either be partly or one country gained entry into the
wholly owned by the central or state Indian economy. Thus, we have public
government. They may also be a part sector units, private sector enterprises
of the ministry or come into existence and global enterprises coexisting in the
by a Special Act of the Parliament. The Indian economy.
government, through these enterprises
participates in the economic activities 3.3 FORMS OF O RGANISING P UBLIC
of the country. SECTOR ENTERPRISES
The government in its industrial Government’s participation in business
policy resolutions, from time-to-time, and economic sectors of the country
defines the area of activities in which needs some kind of organisational
the private sector and public sector are framework to function. You have
allowed to operate. In the Industrial studied about the forms of business
Policy Resolution 1948, the organisation in the private sector viz.,
Government of India had specified the sole proprietorship, partnership, Hindu
approach towards development of the undivided family, cooperative and
industrial sector. The roles of the company.


Indian Economy

Public Sector Private Sector

Departmental Government
Undertakings Companies Partnership Joint Cooperative Multinational
Hindu Corporations
Statutory Sole
Corporation Properietorship Company

Public Private
(Ltd.) (Ltd.)

In the public sector, as it grows, an A public enterprise may take any

important question arises in respect of particular form of organisation
how it is to be organised or what form depending upon the nature of its
of organisation it should take. The operations and their relationship with
government has a major role to play in the government. The suitability of a
the formation of the public sector. But particular form of organisation would
the government acts through its people, depend upon its requirements. At the
its offices, employees and they take same time, in accordance with general
decisions on behalf of the government. principles, any organisation in the
For this purpose, public enterprises public sector should ensure organisational
were formed by the government to performance productivity and quality
participate in the economic activities of standards.
the country. They are expected to The forms of organisation which a
contribute to the economic deve- public enterprise may take are as
lopment of the country in today’s follows:
liberalised, competitive world. These (i) Departmental undertaking
public enterprises are owned by the (ii) Statutory corporation
public and are accountable to the (iii) Government company
public through the Parliament. They
3.3.1 Departmental Undertakings
are characterised by public ownership,
public funds being used for its activities This is the oldest and most traditional
and public accountability. form of organising public enterprises.


These enterprises are established as Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

departments of the ministry and are officers and civil servants who are
considered part or an extension of the transferable from one ministry to
ministry itself. The Government another;
functions through these departments (iv) It is generally considered to be
and the activities performed by them a major subdivision of the
are an integral part of the functioning Government department and is
of the government. They have not been subject to direct control of the
constituted as autonomous or ministry;
independent institutions and as such (v) They are accountable to the
are not independent legal entities. They ministry since their management
act through the officers of the is directly under the concerned
Government and its employees are ministry.
Government employees. These
undertakings may be under the central Merits
or the state government and the rules
Departmental undertakings have
of central/state government are certain advantages which are as follows:
applicable. Examples of these (i) These undertakings facilitate the
undertakings are railways and post Parliament to exercise effective
and telegraph department. control over their operations;
(ii) These ensure a high degree of
Features public accountability;
The main characteristics of (iii) The revenue earned by the
Departmental undertakings are as enterprise goes directly to the
follows: treasury and hence is a source of
(i) The funding of these enterprises income for the Government;
come directly from the Govern- (iv) Where national security is
ment Treasury and are an annual concerned, this form is most
appropriation from the budget of suitable since it is under the direct
the Government. The revenue control and supervision of the
earned by these is also paid into concerned Ministry.
the treasury;
(ii) They are subject to accounting Limitations
and audit controls applicable to This form of organisation suffers from
other Government activities; serious drawbacks, some of which are
(iii) The employees of the enterprise are as follows:
Government servants and their (i) Departmental undertakings fail to
recruitment and conditions of provide flexibility, which is essential
service are the same as that of for the smooth operation of business;
other employees directly under the (ii) The employees or heads of depart-
Government. They are headed by ments of such undertakings are


not allowed to take independent Features

decisions, without the approval of
Statutory corporations have certain
the ministry concerned. This leads
distinct features, which are discussed
to delays, in matters where
as below:
prompt decisions are required;
(i) Statutory corporations are set up
(iii) These enterprises are unable to
under an Act of Parliament and
take advantage of business
are governed by the provisions of
opportunities. The bureaucrat’s
the Act. The Act defines the objects,
over-cautious and conservative
powers and privileges of a
approval does not allow them to
statutory corporation;
take risky ventures;
(ii) This type of organisation is wholly
(iv) There is red tapism in day-to-day
owned by the state. The
operations and no action can be
government has the ultimate
taken unless it goes through the
financial responsibility and has
proper channels of authority;
the power to appropriate its
(v) There is a lot of political inter-
profits. At the same time, the state
ference through the ministry;
also has to bear the losses, if any;
(vi) These organisations are usually
(iii) A statutory corporation is a body
insensitive to consumer needs and
corporate and can sue and be
do not provide adequate services
sued, enter into contract and
to them.
acquire property in its own name;
(iv) This type of enterprise is usually
3.3.2 Statutory Corporations
independently financed. It obtains
Statutory corporations are public funds by borrowings from the
enterprises brought into existence by government or from the public
a Special Act of the Parliament. The Act through revenues, derived from
defines its powers and functions, rules sale of goods and services. It has
and regulations governing its the authority to use its revenues;
employees and its relationship with (v) A statutory corporation is not
government departments. subject to the same accounting
This is a corporate body created by and audit procedures applicable
the legislature with defined powers and to government departments. It is
functions and is financially independent also not concerned with the central
with a clear control over a specified budget of the Government;
area or a particular type of commercial (vi) The employees of these enterprises
activity. It is a corporate person and are not government or civil
has the capacity of acting in its own servants and are not governed by
name. Statutory corporations therefore government rules and regulations.
have the power of the government and The conditions of service of the
considerable amount of operating employees are governed by the
flexibility of private enterprises. provisions of the Act itself. At


times, some officers are taken (ii) Government and political

from government departments, interference has always been there
on deputation, to head these in major decisions or where huge
organisations. funds are involved;
(iii) Where there is dealing with public,
rampant corruption exists;
This form of organisation enjoys certain (iv) The Government has a practice of
advantages in its working, which are appointing advisors to the
as follows: Corporation Board. This curbs the
(i) They enjoy independence in their freedom of the corporation in
functioning and a high degree of entering into contracts and
operational flexibility. They are free other decisions. If there is any
from undesirable government disagreement, the matter is
regulation and control; referred to the government for final
(ii) Since the funds of these organi- decisions. This further delays action.
sations do not come from the
central budget, the government 3.3.3 Government Company
generally does not interfere in their A government company is established
financial matters, including their under The Companies Act, 2013 and
income and receipts; is registered and governed by the
(iii) Since they are autonomous provisions of The Act. These are
organisations they frame their own established for purely business
policies and procedures within the purposes and in true spirit compete
powers assigned to them by the with companies in the private sector.
Act. The Act may, however, According to the section 2(45) of the
provide few issues/matters which Companies Act 2013, a government
require prior approval of a company means any company in which
not less than 51 per cent of the paid
particular ministry;
up capital is held by the central
(iv) A statutory corporation is a
government, or by any state
valuable instrument for economic government or partly by Central
development. It has the power of government and partly by one or more
the government, combined with State governments and includes a
the initiative of private enterprises. company which is a subsidiary of a
government company. Under the
Companies Act 2013, there is no
This type of organisation suffers from change in the definition of a company.
several limitations, which are as follows: All provisions of the Act are applicable
(i) In reality, a statutory corporation to government companies unless
does not enjoy as much operational otherwise specified. A government
flexibility as stated above. All company may be formed as a private
actions are subject to many rules limited company or a public limited
and regulations; company. There are certain provisions


which are applicable to the (vi) These companies are exempted

appointment/retirement of directors from the accounting and audit
and other managerial personnel. rules and procedures. An auditor
From the above it is clear that the is appointed by the Central
government exercises control over the Government and the Annual
paid up share capital of the company. Report is to be presented in the
The shares of the company are Parliament or the State Legislature;
purchased in the name of the President (vii) The government company obtains
of India. Since the government is the its funds from government
major shareholder and exercises shareholdings and other private
control over the management of these shareholders. It is also permitted to
companies, they are known as raise funds from the capital market.
government companies. Merits
Government companies enjoy several
advantages, which are as follows:
Government companies have certain (i) A government company can be
characteristics which makes them established by fulfilling the
distinct from other forms of organisations. requirements of the Indian
These are discussed as follows: Companies Act. A separate Act in
(i) It is an organisation created under the Parliament is not required;
the Companies Act, 2013 or any (ii) It has a separate legal entity, apart
other previous Company Law. from the Government;
(ii) The company can file a suit in a (iii) It enjoys autonomy in all
court of law against any third management decisions and takes
party and be sued; actions according to business
(iii) The company can enter into a prudence;
contract and can acquire property (iv) These companies by providing
in its own name; goods and services at reasonable
(iv) The management of the company prices are able to control the
is regulated by the provisions of market and curb unhealthy
the Companies Act, like any other business practices.
public limited company; Limitations
(v) The employees of the company are
Despite the autonomy given to these
appointed according to their own
companies, they have certain
rules and regulations as contained
in the Memorandum and Articles of (i) Since the Government is the only
Association of the company. The shareholder in some of the
Memorandum and Articles of companies, the provisions of the
Association are the main documents Companies Act does not have
of the company, containing the much relevance;
objects of the company and its rules (ii) It evades constitutional
and regulations; responsibility, which a company


financed by the government should private sector companies in the same

have. It is not answerable directly industry. They were also held
to the Parliament; accountable for losses and return on
(iii) The government being the sole investment. If a public sector was
shareholder, the management and making losses continuously, it was
administration rests in the hands referred to the Board for Industrial
of the government. The main and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) for
purpose of a government complete overhauling or shut down.
company, registered like other Various committees were set up to
companies, is defeated. study the working of inefficient public
sector units with reports on how to
3.4 C H A N G I N G R O L E OF PUBLIC improve their managerial efficiency
SECTOR and profitability. The role of public
sector is definitely not what was
At the time of Independence, it was
envisaged in the early 1960s or 70s.
expected that the public sector
enterprises would play an important
(i) Development of infrastructure:
role in achieving certain objectives of
The development of infrastructure is a
the economy either by direct
prerequisite for industrialisation in any
participation in business or by acting
country. In the pre-Independence
as a catalyst. The public sector would
build up infrastructure for other sectors period, basic infrastructure was not
of the economy and invest in key areas. developed and therefore, industrialisation
The private sector was unwilling to progressed at a very slow pace. The
invest in projects which required heavy process of industrialisation cannot
investment and had long gestation be sustained without adequate
periods. The government then took it transportation and communication
upon itself to develop infrastructural facilities, fuel and energy, and basic and
facilities and provide for goods and heavy industries. The private sector did
services essential for the economy. not show any initiative to invest in heavy
The Indian economy is in a stage industries or develop it in any manner.
of transition. The Five Year Plans in They did not have trained personnel or
the initial stages of development gave finances to immediately establish heavy
lot of importance to the public sector. industries which was the requirement
In the post–1990s, the new economic of the economy.
policies, emphasised on liberalisation, It was only the government which
privatisation and globalisation. The could mobilise huge capital, coordinate
role of public sector was redefined. It industrial construction and train
was not supposed to play a passive technicians and workforce. Rail, road,
role but to actively participate and sea and air transport was the
compete in the market with other responsibility of the government, and


their expansion has contributed to the employment to the workforce and

pace of industrialisation and ensured develop ancilliary industries. This was
future economic growth. The public achieved to some extent but there is
sector enterprises were to operate in scope for a lot more. Development of
certain spheres. Investments were to be backward regions so as to ensure a
made to: regional balance in the country is one
(a) Give infrastructure to the core of the major objectives of planned
sector, which requires huge capital development. Therefore, the govern-
investment, complex and upgraded ment had to locate new enterprises in
technology, big and effective backward areas and at the same time
organisation structures like steel prevent the mushrooming growth of
plants, power generation plants, private sector units in already
civil aviation, railways, petroleum, advanced areas.
state trading, coal, etc; (iii) Economies of scale: Where large
(b) Give a lead in investment to the core scale industries are required to be set
sector where private sector up with huge capital outlay, the public
enterprises are not functioning in sector had to step in to take advantage
the desired direction, like fertilizers, of economies of scale. Electric power
pharmaceuticals, petro-chemicals, plants, natural gas, petroleum and
newsprint, medium and heavy telephone industries are some
engineering; examples of the public sector setting
(c) Give direction to future investments up large scale units. These units
like hotels, project management, required a larger base to function
consultancies, textiles, auto- economically which was only possible
mobiles, etc. with government resources and mass
(ii) Regional balance: The government scale production.
is responsible for developing all regions (iv) Check over concentration of
and states in a balanced way and economic power: The public sector
removing regional disparties. Most of acts as a check over the private sector.
the industrial progress was limited to In the private sector there are very few
a few areas like the port towns in the industrial houses which would be
pre-Independence period. After 1951, willing to invest in heavy industries
the government laid down in its Five with the result that wealth gets
Year Plans, that particular attention concentrated in a few hands and
would be paid to those regions which monopolostic practices are encouraged.
were lagging behind and public sector This gives rise to inequalities in income,
industries were deliberately set up. which is detrimental to society.
Four major steel plants were set up in The public sector is able to set large
the backward areas to accelerate industries which requires heavy
economic development, provide investment and thus the income and


benefits that accrue are shared by a for the public sector. In 1991, only
large of number of employees and 8 industries were reserved for
workers. This prevents concentration the public sector, they were restricted
of wealth and economic power in the to atomic energy, arms and
private sector. communication, mining, and
(v) Import substitution: During the railways. In 2001, only three
second and third Five Year Plan period, industries were reserved exclusively
India was aiming to be self-reliant in for the public sector. These are
many spheres. Obtaining foreign atomic energy, arms and rail
exchange was also a problem and it transport. This meant that the private
was difficult to import heavy machinery sector could enter all areas (except
required for a strong industrial base. the three) and the public sector
At that time, public sector companies would have to compete with them.
involved in heavy engineering which The public sector has played a vital
would help in import substitution were role in the development of the
established. Simultaneously, several economy. However, the private sector
public sector companies like STC and is also quite capable of contributing
MMTC have played an important role substantially to the nation building
in expanding exports of the country. process. Therefore, both the public
(vi) Government policy towards the sector and the private sector need to
public sector since 1991: The be viewed as mutually complementary
Government of India had introduced parts of the national sector. Private
four major reforms in the public sector sector units also have to assume
in its new industrial policy in 1991. The greater public responsibilities.
main elements of the Government policy Simultaneously, the public sector
are as follows: needs to focus on achieving more in a
• Restructure and revive potentially highly competitive market.
viable PSUs (b) Disinvestment of shares of
• Close down PSUs, which cannot a select set of public sector
be revived enterprises: Disinvestment involves
• Bring down governments equity in the sale of the equity shares to the
all non-strategic PSUs to 26 per private sector and the public. The
cent or lower, if necessary; and objective was to raise resources and
• Fully protect the interest of encourage wider participation of the
workers. general public and workers in the
(a) Reduction in the number of ownership of these enterprises. The
industries reserved for the public government had taken a decision to
sector from 17 to 8 (and then to 3): withdraw from the industrial sector
In the 1956 resolution on Industrial and reduce its equity in all
policy, 17 industries were reserved undertakings. It was expected that


this would lead to improving amongst workers of the units which

managerial performance and are to be closed down. A National
ensuring financial discipline. But Renewal Fund was set up by the
there remains a lot to be done in government to retrain or redeploy
this area. retrenched labour and to provide
The primary objectives of privatising compensation to public sector
public sector enterprises are: employees seeking voluntary
• Releasing the large amount of retirement.
public resources locked up in non- There are many enterprises
strategic Public Sector Enterprises which are sick and not capable of
(PSEs), so that they may be utilised being revived as they have
on other social priority areas such accumulated huge losses. With
as basic health, family welfare and public finances under intense
primary education. pressure, both central and state
• Reducing the huge amount of government are just not able to
public debt and interest burden; sustain them much longer. The only
• Transferring the commercial risk option available to the government
to the private sector so that the in such cases is to close down these
funds are invested in able projects; undertakings after providing a safety
• Freeing these enterprises from net for the employees and workers.
government control and Resources under the National
introduction of corporate Renewal Fund have not been
governance; and sufficient to meet the cost of
• In many areas where the public Voluntary Separation Scheme or
sector had a monopoly, for Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
example, telecom sector the (d) Memorandum of Understanding:
consumers have benefitted by more Improvement of performance
choices, lower prices and better through a MoU (Memorandum of
quality of products and services. Understanding) system by which
(c) Policy regarding sick units to be managements are to be granted
the same as that for the private greater autonomy but held
sector: All public sector units were accountable for specified results.
referred to the Board of Industrial Under this system, public sector
and Financial Reconstruction to units were given clear targets and
decide whether a sick unit was to operational autonomy for achieving
be restructured or closed down. The those targets. The MoU was between
Board has reconsidered revival and the particular public sector unit and
rehabilitation schemes for some their administrative ministries
cases and winding up for a number defining their relationship and
of units. There is a lot of resentment autonomy.


3.5 GLOBAL ENTERPRISES to sell any product in different

countries. Some of these corporations
At some time you must have come
may be slightly exploitative in nature
across products produced by Multi
and concentrate more on selling
National Corporations (MNCs). In the
consumer goods and luxury items
last ten years MNCs have played an
which are not always desirable for
important role in the Indian economy.
developing countries.
They have become a common feature
of most developing economies in the
world. MNCs as is evident from what
we see around us, are gigantic These corporations have distinct
corporations which have their features which distinguish them from
operations in a number of countries. other private sector companies, public
They are characterised by their huge sector companies and public sector
size, large number of products, enterprises. These are as follows:
advanced technology, marketing (i) Huge capital resources: These
strategies and network of operations all enterprises are characterised by
over the world. Global enterprises thus possessing huge financial resources
are huge industrial organisations which and the ability to raise funds from
extend their industrial and marketing different sources. They are able to tap
operations through a network of their funds from various sources. They may
branches in several countries. Their issue equity shares, debentures or
branches are also called Majority bonds to the public. They are also in a
Owned Foreign Affiliates (MOFA). These position to borrow from financial
enterprises operate in several areas institutions and international banks.
producing multiple products with their They enjoy credibility in the capital
business strategy extending over a market. Even investors and banks of
number of countries. They do not aim the host country are willing to invest in
at maximising profits from one or two them. Because of their financial
products but instead spread their strength they are able to survive under
branches all over. They have an impact all circumstances.
on the international economy also. This (ii) Foreign collaboration: Global
is evident from the fact that the sales of enterprises usually enter into
top 200 corporations were equivalent agreements with Indian companies
to 28.3 percent of the world’s GDP in pertaining to the sale of technology,
1998. This shows that top 200 MNCs production of goods, use of brand
control over a quarter of the world names for the final products, etc. These
economy. Therefore, MNCs are in a MNCs may collaborate with companies
position to exercise massive control on in the public and private sector. There
the world economy because of their are usually various restrictive clauses
capital resources, latest technology and in the agreement relating to transfer
goodwill. By virtue of this, they are able of technology, pricing, dividend


payments, tight control by foreign already have carved out a place for
technicians, etc. Big industrial houses themselves in the global market, and
wanting to diversify and expand have their brands are well-known, selling
gained by collaborating with MNCs in their products is not a problem.
terms of patents, resources, foreign (vi) Expansion of market territory:
exchange etc. But at the same time Their operations and activities extend
these foreign collaborations have given beyond the physical boundaries of their
rise to the growth of monopolies and own countries. Their international
concentration of power in few hands. image also builds up and their market
(iii) Advanced technology: These territory expands enabling them to
enterprises possess technological become international brands. They
superiorities in their methods of operate through a network of
production. They are able to conform subsidiaries, branches and affiliates in
to international standards and quality host countries. Due to their giant size
specifications. This leads to industrial they occupy a dominant position in the
progress of the country in which such market.
corporations operate since they are (vii) Centralised control: They have
able to optimally exploit local resources their headquaters in their home
and raw materials. Computerisation country and exercise control over all
and other inventions have come due to branches and subsidiaries. However,
the technological advancements this control is limited to the broad
provided by MNCs. policy framework of the parent
(iv) Product innovation: These company. There is no interference in
enterprises are characterised by having day-to-day operations.
highly sophisticated research and
development departments engaged in 3.6 JOINT VENTURES
the task of developing new products
and superior designs of existing
products. Qualitative research requires Business organisations as you have
huge investment which only global studied earlier can be of various types
enterprises can afford. private or government owned or global
(v) Marketing strategies: The enterprises. Now, any business
marketing strategies of global organisation if it so desires can
companies are far more effective than join hands with another business
other companies. They use aggressive organisation for mutual benefit. These
marketing strategies in order to increase two organisations may be private,
their sales in a short period. They posses government-owned or a foreign
a more reliable and up-to-date market company. When two businesses agree
information system. Their advertising to join together for a common purpose
and sales promotion techniques are and mutual benefit, it gives rise to a
normally very effective. Since they joint venture. Businesses of any size


can use joint ventures to strengthen products or moving into new markets,
long-term relationships or to particularly in another country. It is
collaborate on short term projects. A becoming increasingly common for
joint venture can be flexible depending companies to create joint ventures with
upon the party’s requirements. These other businesses/companies and form
need to be clearly stated in a joint strategic alliances with them. The
venture agreement to avoid conflict at reasons for these alliances may be
a later stage. complementary capabilities and
A joint venture may also be the result resources such as distribution
of an agreement between two businesses channels, technology or finance. In this
in different countries. In this case, there kind of a joint venture, two or more
are certain provisions provided by the (parent) companies agree to share
governments of the two countries, which capital, technology, human resources,
will have to be adhered to. risks and rewards in the formation of a
Thus, we see that joint ventures new entity, under shared control.
may mean many things, depending In India, joint venture companies
upon the context we are using it in. But are the best way of doing business.
in a broader sense, a joint venture is There are no separate laws for these
the pooling of resources and expertise joint ventures. The companies
by two or more businesses, to achieve incorporated in India are treated the
a particular goal. The risks and same as domestic companies.
rewards of the business are also
shared. The reasons behind the joint Joint Ventures are of two types —
venture often include business Contractual joint venture
expansion, development of new Equity-based joint venture


3.6.1 Types of Joint Ventures (b) Shared ownership by the parties

(i) Contractual Joint Venture (CJV):
In a contractual joint venture, a new (c) Shared management of the
jointly-owned entity is not created. jointly owned entity;
There is only an agreement to work (d) Shared responsibilities regarding
together. The parties do not share capital investment and other
ownership of the business but exercise financing arrangements; and
some elements of control in the joint (e) Shared profits and losses
venture. A typical example of a
according to the agreement.
contractual joint venture is a franchisee
A joint venture must be based on a
relationship. In such a relationship the
memorandum of understanding signed
key elements are:
by both the parties, highlighting the
(a) Two or more parties have a
basis of a joint venture agreement. The
common intention – of running terms should be thoroughly discussed
a business venture; and negotiated to avoid any legal
(b) Each party brings some inputs; complications at a later stage.
(c) Both parties exercise some control Negotiations and terms must take into
on the business venture; and account the cultural and legal
(d) The relationship is not a background of the parties. The joint
venture agreement must also state that
all necessary governmental approvals
relationship but has a character and licences will be obtained within a
of relatively longer duration. specified period.
(ii) Equity-based Joint Venture (EJV):
Examples of Joint Ventures:
An equity joint venture agreement is
one in which a separate business entity, 1. AVI Oil India Pvt. Ltd.
jointly owned by two or more parties, Date of establishment: 4
is formed in accordance with the November, 1993
agreement of the parties. The key Joint Venture Holders: Balmer
operative factor in such case is joint Lawrie & Co. Ltd., NYCO SA,
ownership by two or more parties. The France.
form of business entity may vary — Areas of operation: Mineral-
company, partnership firm, trusts, based lubricating oil, defence
limited liability partnership firms, and civil aviation uses, greases.
venture capital funds, etc. 2. Green Gas Ltd.
(a) There is an agreement to either Date of establishment: 7
create a new entity or for one of October, 2005
the parties to join into Joint Venture Holders: GAIL
ownership of an existing entity; (India) Ltd. and IOCL


Areas of operations: Providing and human resources and is able to

safe and reliable natural gas to face market challenges and take
customers. advantage of new opportunities.
(ii) Access to new markets and
3. Delhi Aviation Fuel Facility Pvt.
distribution networks: When a
Ltd. business enters into a joint venture with
Date of establishment: 28 a partner from another country, it
March, 2010 opens up a vast growing market. For
Joint Venture Holders: BPCL example, when foreign companies form
and DIAL joint venture companies in India they
Areas of operations: gain access to the vast Indian market.
Construction, management, Their products which have reached
maintenance, developing, saturation point in their home markets
designing. The company is can be easily sold in new markets.
formed with a joint venture They can also take advantage of the
between Delhi International established distribution channels i.e.,
Airport Ltd. and Airport the retail outlets in different local
Authority of India with the view markets. Otherwise, establishing their
of maintenance, designing and own retail outlets may prove to be
modernisation. very expensive.
(iii) Access to technology:
3.6.2 Benefits Technology is a major factor for most
businesses to enter into joint ventures.
Business can achieve unexpected gains Advanced techniques of production
through joint ventures with a partner. leading to superior quality products
Joint ventures can prove to be saves a lot of time, energy and
extremely beneficial for both parties investment as they do not have to
involved. One party may have strong develop their own technology.
potential for growth and innovative Technology also adds to efficiency and
ideas, but is still likely to benefit from effectiveness, thus leading to reduction
entering into a joint venture because it in costs.
enhances its capacity, resources and (iv) Innovation: The markets
technical expertise. The major benefits are increasingly becoming more
of joint ventures are as follows: demanding in terms of new and
(i) Increased resources and innovative products. Joint ventures
capacity: Joining hands with another allow business to come up with
or teaming up adds to existing something new and creative for
resources and capacity enabling the the same market. Specially foreign
joint venture company to grow and partners can come up with innovative
expand more quickly and efficiently. products because of new ideas and
The new business pools in financial technology.


(v) Low cost of production: When partners in PPP are Government

international corporations invest in entities, i.e., ministries, government
India, they benefit immensely due to the departments, municipalities or state-
lower cost of production. They are able owned enterprises. The private partners
to get quality products for their global can be local or foreign (international)
requirements. India is becoming an and include businesses or investors
important global source and extremely with technical or financial expertise
competitive in many products. relevant to the project. PPP also
There are many reasons for this, low includes NGOs and/or community-
cost of raw materials and labour, based organisations who are the
technically qualified workforce; stakeholders directly affected by the
management professionals, excellent project. PPP is, therefore, defined as a
manpower in different cadres, like relationship between public and
lawyers, chartered accountants, private entities in the context of
engineers, scientists. The international infrastructure and other services.
partner thus, gets the products of Under the PPP model, public sector
required quality and specifications at a plays an important role and ensures
much lower cost than what is prevailing that the social obligations are fulfilled
in the home country. and sector reforms and public
(vi) Established brand name: When investment are successfully met. The
two businesses enter into a joint government’s contribution to PPP is in
venture, one of the parties benefits from the form of capital for investment and
the other’s goodwill which has already transfer of assets that support the
been established in the market. If the partnership in addition to social
joint venture is in India and with an responsibility, environmental awareness
Indian company, the Indian company and local knowledge. The private
does not have to spend time or money sector’s role in the partnership is to
in developing a brand name for the make use of its expertise in operations,
product or even a distribution system. managing tasks and innovation to run
There is a ready market waiting for the the business efficiently.
product to be launched. A lot of Sectors in which PPPs have been
investment is saved in the process. completed worldwide include power
generation and distribution, water
3.7 PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) a n d sanitation, refuse disposal,
pipelines, hospitals, school buildings
The Public Private Partnership model and teaching facilities, stadiums, air
allocates tasks, obligations and risks traffic control, prisons, railways,
among the public and private partners roads, billing and other information
in an optimal manner. The public technology systems, and housing.


PPP Model
• Contract with the private party to design and build public facility.
• Facility is financed and owned by the public sector.
• Key driver is the transfer of design and construction risk.
• Suited to capital projects with small operating requirement.
• Suited to capital projects where the public sector wishes to retain the
operating responsibility.
• Transfer of design and construction risk.
• Potential to accelerate project.
• Conflict between parties may arise on environmental considerations
• Does not attract private finance easily.
• Kundli Manesar Expressway Ltd.: In this 135 km expressway, land
has been provided by the government and surface has been laid out
by the company.
Key Terms
Public sector Departmental undertaking Globalisation
Public enterprises Government companies Global enterprises
Statutory corporation Disinvestment Public Sector Undertakings
Joint ventures Public accountability
Public Private Partnership Privatisation

Private sector and public sector: There are all kinds of business
organisations — small or large, industrial or trading, privately owned or
government owned existing in our country. These organisations affect our
daily economic life and therefore, become part of the Indian economy. The
Government of India has opted for a mixed economy, where both private
and government enterprises are allowed to operate. The economy, therefore,
may be classified into two sectors viz., private sector and public sector. The
private sector consists of business owned by individuals or a group of
individuals. Various for ms of organisation are sole proprietorship,
partnership, joint Hindu family, cooperative and company. The public sector
consists of various organisations owned and managed by the government.
These organisations may either be partly or wholly owned by the Central or
State government.


Forms of organising public sector enterprises: Government’s participation

in business and economic sectors of the country needs some kind of
organisational framework to function. A public enterprise may take any
particular form of organisation depending upon the nature of it’s operations
and their relationship with the government. The suitability of a particular
form of organisation would depend upon its requirements. The forms of
organisation which a public enterprise may take are as follows:
(i) Departmental undertaking
(ii) Statutory corporation
(iii) Government company
Departmental undertakings: These enterprises are established as
departments of the ministry and are considered part or an extension of the
ministry itself. The Government functions through these departments and
the activities performed by them are an integral part of the functioning of
the government.
Statutory corporations: Statutory corporations are public enterprises
brought into existence by a Special Act of the Parliament. The Act defines
its powers and functions, rules and regulations governing its employees
and its relationship with Government departments. This is a corporate body
created by legislature with defined powers and functions and financially
independent with a clear control over a specified area or a particular type
of commercial activity.
Government company: A Government company means any company in
which not less than 51 percent of the paid up capital is held by the central
government, or by any state governments or government or partly by central
government and partly by one or more state governments and includes a
company which is a subsidiary company of such a government company.
Changing role of public sector: At the time of Independence, it was expected
that the public sector enterprises would play an important role in achieving
certain objectives of the economy either by direct participation in business
or by acting as a catalyst. The Indian economy is in a stage of transition.
In the post 90’s period, the new economic policies emphasised liberalisation,
privatisation and globalisation. The role of the public sector was redefined.
It was not supposed to play a passive role but to actively participate
and compete in the market with other private sector companies in the
same industry.
Development of infrastructure: The process of industrialisation cannot
be sustained without adequate transportation and communication facilities,
fuel and energy, and basic and heavy industries. It is only the government
which could mobilise huge capital, coordinate industrial construction and
train technicians and workforce.


Regional balance: The government is responsible for developing all regions

and states in a balanced way and removing regional disparties. Development
of backward regions so as to ensure a regional balance in the country is
one of the major objectives of planned development. Therefore, the
government had to locate new enterprises in backward areas and at the
same time prevent the mushrooming growth of private sector unit in already
advanced areas.
Economies of scale: Where large scale industries are required to be set up
with huge capital outlay, the public sector had to step in to take advantage
of economies of scale.
Check over concentration of economic power: The public sector acts as
a check over the private sector. In the private sector there are very few
industrial houses which would be willing to invest in heavy industries with
the result that wealth gets concentrated in a few hands and monopolostic
practices are encouraged.
Import substitution: During the second and third Five Year Plan period,
India was aiming to be self-reliant in many spheres. Public sector companies
involved in heavy engineering which would help in import substitution were
Government policy towards public sector since 1991. Its
main elements are: Restructure and revive potentially viable PSUs, Close
down PSUs, which cannot be revived. Bring down governments equity in
all non-strategic PSUs to 26 per cent or lower if necessary; and fully protect
the interest of workers.
(a) Reduction in the number of industries reserved for the public sector from
17 to 8 (and then to 3): This meant that the private sector could enter all
areas (except 3) and the public sector would have to compete with them.
(b) Disinvestment of shares of a select set of public sector enterprises:
Disinvestment involves the sale of the equity shares to the private sector
and the public. The objective was to raise resources and encourage
wider participation of the general public and workers in the ownership
of these enterprises. The government had taken a decision to withdraw
from the industrial sector and reduce its equity in all undertakings.
(c) Policy regarding sick units to be the same as that for the private sector: All
public sector units were referred to the Board of Industrial and Financial
Reconstruction to decide whether a sick unit was to be restructured or
closed down.
Memorandum of Understanding: Improvement of performance through a
MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) system by which managements are
to be granted greater autonomy but held accountable for specified results.
Global enterprises: In the last ten years MNCs have played an important
role in the Indian economy. They are characterised by their huge size, large
number of products, advanced technology, marketing strategies and network


of operations all over the world. Global enterprises thus are huge industrial
organisations which extend their industrial and marketing operations
through a network of their branches in several countries.
Features: These corporations have distinct features which distinguishes
them from other private sector companies, public sector companies and public
sector enterprises i.e., (i) Huge capital resources, (ii) Foreign collaboration,
(iii) Advanced Technology, (iv) Product innovation, (v) Marketing strategies,
(vi) Expansion of market territory, (vii) Centralised control.
Joint ventures: Joint ventures may mean many things, depending upon
the context we are using it in. But in a broader sense, a joint venture is the
pooling of resources and expertise by two or more businesses, to achieve a
particular goal. The risks and rewards of the business are also shared. The
reasons behind the joint venture often include business expansion,
development of new products or moving into new markets, particularly in
another country.
Benefits: Business can achieve unexpected gains through joint ventures
with a partner. The major benefits of joint venture are as follows:
(i) Increased resources and capacity (ii) Access to new markets and
distribution networks (iii) Access to technology (iv) Innovation (v) Low cost
of production (vi) Established brand name.
Public Private Partnership: It is a relationship among public sector and
private sector for allocation and completion of development projects.


Short Answer Questions

1. Explain the concept of public sector and private sector.
2. State the various types of organisations in the private sector.
3. What are the different kinds of organisations that come under the public
4. List the names of some enterprises under the public sector and classify
5. Why is the government company form of organisation preferred to other
types in the public sector?
6. How does the government maintain a regional balance in the country?
7. State the meaning of public private partnership.


Long Answer Questions

1. Describe the Industrial Policy 1991, towards the public sector.
2. What was the role of the public sector before 1991?
3. Can the public sector companies compete with the private sector in
terms of profits and efficiency? Give reasons for your answer.
4. Why are global enterprises considered superior to other business
5. What are the benefits of entering into joint ventures and public private

1. Make a list of Indian companies entering into joint ventures with foreign
companies. Find out the apparent benefits derived out of such ventures.


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