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同僚に「几帳面だね」と言われることがある Got tell as OCD by


2. 衝動買いは一回以上する Impulse shopping at least one a month.

3. 友人や会社の同僚に自慢話をする Like to talk/brag about


4. 大勢でワイワイ騒ぐのが好き One of people that like to make noise


5. 人から注目されるとうれしい Like to get attention

6. 同期の友達が自分より成績がよいとき、喜べる?If your scored

get higher than your friends, would you get pleased?

A: 自分のことのように喜べる Yes

B: 喜べない No

7. 人前だと緊張してうまく話せない Get nervous in front of people.

8. 新しい場所になじむのに時間がかかる Takes time to adapt into a

new environment.

9. 自分は、あまり他人に親切だと思わない People tend to say that

you’re unfriendly.
10. 学校帰りに寄りたいのはどっち? Where would like to go

after school?

A:落ち着いたカフェ Relaxing cafe

B:にぎやかな居酒屋 Crowded izakaya

11. 小さな失敗でもクヨクヨしないほうだ Sad even though you

made a small mistake.

12. しんどいことは極力したくない Doesn’t want to work hard on

complicated things.

13. 人より優位な立場に立つことが多い Get in a better position

than others.

14. 学校の友達ともめたりトラブルが起こることがよくある You

often get trouble with your friends

15. 自分の思っていることは人に受け入れてもらわないと気が

済まない You get unsatisfied if your opinions doesn’t get enough


16. ファッションセンスはいいほうだ Is your style good?

17. 心配性と言われることがよくある Do you get worried easily?

18. 洋服や小物派手な色が好き Do you like western/bright

colored things?

19. 他人に温かく接しようと努力している Work hard to

communicate with other.

20. 自分では地味で目立たないタイプだと思う You don’t like

get attention.
Active and curious about everything! You have a courageous personality. You’re a hard-worker, but a
little sluggish! Since you’re concentrated on your current job too much, you’re not good at thinking about
the future.
To take advantage of your original ideas and curiosities, start by listening to the opinions of others before
you act. Don't ask for other people's evaluation, sometimes try to have a strong will!


You are calm and quiet and have modesty. However, your passive behavior tends to lower the reputation
of others at work. You have a naive aspect in your personality where you can feel stress even a little.
Think about your “successful self-image” before doing something. Take action even for little things and
don't forget to reward yourself! Finding your way to relieve stress will make you feel better!


You are the person who always attracts people's attention. You are good at challenging anything and
claiming your originality, so you don't feel stressed. On the other hand, other people may think that the
attitude is dominant and sultry and insensitive to feelings.
Although your opinion is important, try to listen to others' opinions. Look for the strengths of people
around you and think about how you can pull it out.


You are good at interacting with any person while maintaining cooperation, and you are able to
sympathize with the others’ opinions. However, because you tend to change your opinions by others'
opinions, sometimes you may lose your personality.
Occasionally forget about incoming calls and emails on your mobile phone and enjoy your time alone. In
addition to being liked by people, aiming to become the person you like.


Your personality can be used as it is in any situation. You seem to be known as an easy-going or friendly
person from the surroundings. However, you are not good at prioritizing and bad at time management and
easily to give up, so the sense of responsibility tends to be weak.
First, let ’s organizes the desk. Make a list and prioritize what work you should do. Sometimes it's a good
idea to take on a responsible job

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