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The Earthquake

In Chapter 4, why did the people do these things?

Match each Why question (a–g) to an answer (i–vii).

a. Why did Silvia sit on her mother’s bed and cry?

b. Why did her feet hurt?
c. Why couldn’t she stay inside the building?
d. Why didn’t she want to think about Marco or Gabriel?
e. Why did she shake Mr. Enriques’s arm?
f. Why did Mr. Garcia take Silvia’s mother to Liberty Park?
g. Why did Silvia go back into the flat?

i. Because he didn’t see or hear her at first.

ii. Because he wanted to go away from the buildings.
iii. Because it wasn’t safe.
iv. Because she couldn’t find her mother.
v. Because she had walked a long way from the Oasis restaurant.
vi. Because she wanted to get her mother’s medicines.
vii. Because she was too worried about her mother.

Match the beginnings (a–p) and endings (i–xv) of

these sentences from Chapter 5.

a. At the time of the earthquake,

b. A lot of people wanted to buy tickets,
c. Gabriel was safe
d. Gabriel didn’t see the buildings
e. Some rubble hit him on the head
f. He stood up slowly
g. ‘I can help Mrs. Delgado
h. His right arm hurt very badly,
i. By accident,
j. When Gabriel opened his eyes again,
k. ‘Thousands of people are waiting for help, ‘said a nurse,
l. ‘Stay here quietly,
m. He had to go
n. He was weak,
o. Gabriel left the hospital

i. a woman hit his arm.

ii. and find Mrs. Delgado.
iii. and he fell to the ground.
iv. and his head, too.
v. and looked round.
vi. and perhaps I’ll hear news of Silvia.’
vii. and sleep.’
viii. and started to walk back into town.
ix. and they went inside.
x. ‘and we haven’t got medicines for all of them.’
xi. because he waited outside.
xii. but he could walk.
xiii. Gabriel was outside the Plaza.
xiv. he felt very ill.
xv. when they fell.

In the first part of Chapter 6, what does Silvia find

out about …
(a) The city?
(b) Marco?
(c) Herself?

What does the pronoun in italics refer to in each case?

(a) She couldn’t see very well in the thick smoke.

(b) ‘She’s here, ‘said Mr. Garcia. ‘And she’s all right.’
(c) ‘But she’s very worried about you.’
(d) ‘I’ll tell you later.’
(e) ‘Come with me.’
(f) Her eyes were open but her face was white.
(g) Silvia sat and watched her.
Ref: © Pearson Education 2001

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