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Live Research Project Report


A consumer purchase preference toward

toothpaste brands : Agra City

Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of two years full time
Master’s in Business Management
(2018 – 2020)

Faculty Guide Submitted By

Dr. Pallavi Mehta SURAJ PRASAD

Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research
Pacific Hills, Airport Road,
Pratap Nagar Extension,
Udaipur 313003

I, hereby declare that the work embodied in my Live Research Project,

entitled A consumer purchase preference toward toothpaste brands :

Agra City is my own bonafide work carried out by me under the supervision

of Dr. Pallavi Mehta. I have fulfilled all the requirement mandatory for the

completion of the Live Research Project Report.

Date :

Place : Signature of Student

'Consumer King' - There is deep truth in this statement. At present the success of any

company depends on customer satisfaction. To satisfy consumers, companies must know

about consumer behavior. Under these circumstances, it is very difficult to understand

consumers because of changes in technological innovation and changes in lifestyle.

According to the view given by the researchers, there are two factors that influence

consumers such as internal and external factors. It is difficult to classify consumers based

on traditional demographic factors and unless their thought processes and purchasing

behavior are solely the decisions made on the design and packaging of products, brands

and distribution channels tend to be inaccurate. With the inevitability of a big change on

the horizon. Indian companies must learn from their Western counterparts, not only to

identify the source, timing and direction of change affecting India, but also from new

competencies and perspectives that will be able to respond to these changes, broadly and


This research mainly focuses on understanding external factors such as demography,

social, culture, price, characteristics of quality products, etc. to buy toothpaste. The

market share of any product is determined by consumer buying behavior. To analyze

consumer priorities and consumer awareness, the following study was conducted by me to

ascertain consumer behavior. Descriptive research designs were adopted and data have

been collected through primary and secondary sources. The method used to conduct the

survey is a questionnaire. A simple random sampling technique was adopted for

consumer selection.


“It is not possible to prepare a project report without the assistance & encouragement of
other people. This one is certainly no exception.”

On the very outset of this report, I would like to extend my sincere & heartfelt obligation

towards all the personages who have helped me in this endeavor. Without their active

guidance, help, cooperation & encouragement, I would not have made headway in the


I am ineffably indebted to Dr. Pallavi Mehta ma’am for conscientious guidance and

encouragement to accomplish this assignment. I am extremely thankful and pay my

gratitude to my faculty Dr. Pallavi Mehta Ma’am for her valuable guidance and support
on completion of this project in it’s presently.

I extend my gratitude to Pacific Institute of management for giving me this opportunity.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and

member of my family & friends, who has always supported me morally as well as

At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped
me to complete this dissertation.


Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3

Chapter 2: Research Methodology 4-10

Chapter 3: Data Analysis & Interpretation 11-29

Chapter 4: Major Findings & Conclusion 30-31

Chapter 5: Bibliography 32-33

Chapter 6: Questionnaire 34-35

Chapter -1


Consumer behavior is termed as the behavior consumers seek for the purchase, use,

evaluation, and disposal of products, services, and ideas that they expect will meet their

needs. The study of consumer behavior is not only related to what consumers buy, but

also why they buy it, when and how they buy it, and how often they buy. It is concerned

with learning the specific meanings that the product has for consumers. Consumer

research occurs at every stage of consumption, before purchase, during purchase, and

after purchase.

According to Philip Kotler, consumer behavior is defined as "all the psychological,

social, and physical behavior of potential customers as they become aware of evaluation,

purchase, consumption, and others about products and services".

The scope of consumer behavior includes not only the actual buyer and the act of his

purchase, but also the different roles played by different individuals and their influence

on the final purchase decision. Personal consumer behavior is influenced by economic,

social, cultural, psychological and personal factors.

Indian Oral Care Industry

The Indian oral care market has shown significant growth over the years. The market is

primarily driven by changes in the lifestyle of Indian consumers, demand for premium

products, and increase in disposable income and awareness of hygiene and hygiene.

Increased awareness about oral hygiene has created a huge demand for premium and

innovative products in metros and urban cities. The penetration rate of oral care products

is higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Low penetration rates in the rural sector

provide latent opportunities for global and domestic players to increase their oral care

products presence in India. As a result, players are now concentrating more in cities and

villages to increase sales penetration of their products. Rural Indian consumers have

started transitioning from toothpaste and toothbrushes to tooth powder. Premium

products such as mouthwash have gained popularity among upper middle class

consumers. Although the market is growing rapidly, the per capita consumption of oral

care products in India is much lower than in countries like UA, China etc.

According to "Indian Oral Care Market Review, 2016-2022", the oral care market is

classified into five main categories. Toothpaste, toothbrush, tooth powder, mouthwash

and others. Toothpaste dominates the space as it is a major product for Indians in their

daily hygiene care and their heavy presence in urban and rural India. The toothpaste

market is divided into two types of products - white and ordinary gel. Regarding its

benefits, toothpaste is also divided into standard / normal, herbal / natural, sensitivity and

beauty and whiteness. Amidst all this, the demand for herbal toothpaste in the country is

increasing and is currently a preferred trend among consumers and companies, who are

trying to launch more and more herbal variants. Toothbrushes are the second largest

category in the oral care market. They have two types of products, one is manual and the

other is electric and battery powered. Manual toothbrushes have great potential in the

Indian oral care market, while electric toothbrushes are a type of specialty product where

many wealthy people use them.

The tooth powder category is declining due to changing consumer tastes and preferences.

Before a few years, tooth powder had a large presence in rural India, but now they are

also moving towards toothpaste. Mouthwash is included in the premium category and as

a secondary product for oral hygiene. Consumers turn to mouthwash products for better

oral hygiene. Other products such as tongue cleaner and dental floss are gradually

developing in the Indian market. Some global players such as Colgate Palmolive India,

Hindustan Unilever, Gillette India Limited (P&G), GSK Consumer Healthcare and

Johnson & Johnson have strong presence in India. Dabur India and Patanjali Ayurved are

the only two strong domestic players in the market.

Chapter -2

Research Methodology

Research methodology is the process of solving the problems systematically by research.

The objectives of the study to solve the problem by using available data.

Research Design

Research design is a detailed blue print used to guide the research study toward its


Marketing research can be classify in one of three categories:

• Exploratory research

• Descriptive research

• Causal research

These classifications are made according to the objectives of the research. In some cases

the research will fall into one of these categories, but in other cases different phases of

the same research project will fall into different categories.

• Exploratory Research: It has the goal of formulating problems more precisely,

clarifying concepts and gathering explanations, gaining insight, climinating

impractical ideas and for forming hypotheses.

• Descriptive Research: It is more rigid than exploratory research and seeks to be

describing users of products, determine the proportions of the population that uses

a product, or predict future demand for a product.

• Descriptive Research: It is more rigid than exploratory research and seeks to

describe users of a product, determine the proportion of the population that uses

products or predict future demand for a product.

Descriptive research can be either quantitative or qualitative. It can be involve

collections of quantitative information’s that can be tabulated along a continuum in

numerical form, such as scores on a test or the number of times a person chooses to use a

certain feature of a multimedia program, or it can describe categories of information’s

such as gender or pattern of interactions when using technology in a group situations.

Descriptive research involves gathering the data than describe events and then organizes,

tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collections. It often uses visual aids such as

graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. Because the

human mind cannot extract the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive

statistics are very important in reducing the data to manageable form.

In this study, I used descriptive research design which is appropriate for my study.

• Casual Research: It seeks to find cause and affect relationship between variables.

It accomplishes this goal through laboratory and field experiments.

Sample Technique

Sample is the fraction of the population; sampling is a technique or a method of selection

of samples. Simple random technique is used for carrying out this research.

Simple random sampling:

Simple random sampling method, It is assumes that each and every unit in the population

has equal chance of occurrences or equal probability of occurrence. In other words the

sampling units are selected randomly. As unbiased random selection of individuals is

important so that in the long run, the sample represents the population. However, this

does not guarantee that a particular sample is a perfect representation of the population.

Simple random sampling merely allows one to draw externally valid conclusion about the

entire population based on the sample.

I have taken 60 samples randomly from the total population.

Primary sources of data collected through questionnaire.

Secondary sources of data collected through magazines, journals and websites.

Sampling Plan:

Sample size: 60

Sampling unit: Buyers of toothpaste

Extent: Agra city

Type: Convenience

Instrument Design

Research Tool:

For collecting primary data a structured questionnaire has been used as research tool in

the study. It is the most popular method used when the population and sample size are

large. A questionnaire includes a number of questions, printed in proper sequence, for

presenting to respondents for their answers. Each question is contributing to research

objectives. Questionnaire was designed with most of closed ended questions and only

few open ended questions. It was designed to cater to all areas and aspects os the study.

Technique of survey & data collection:

Personal interview is the method of contact used with respondents. Personal interviewing

method is used because sample size is relatively small and interviewer can ask more


Tools for data analyzing:

After the data were collected in the questionnaire from the primary sources (respondents)

all data have been represented and interpreted through graphical methods. Based on the

analysis necessary recommendations and conclusions have been generated.


The purpose of the study is:

1. To examine the external factors influencing purchase decisions

2. To examine the consumer preference of toothpaste

3. To study the factors which affect buying objective decision of


4. To study the attributes preferred by consumers while purchasing


Chi Square Test

The chi square test is one of the simplest and most widely used non parametric tests in

statistical work. It makes no assumptions about the population being sampled. The

quantity 𝑥 2 describes the magnitude of discrepancy between theory and observation, i.e.,

with the help of 𝑥 2 test we can know whether a given discrepancy between

theory and observation can be attributed to chance or whether it results from

the inadequacy of theory to fit the observed fit the observed facts. If 𝑥 2 is

zero, it means the observed and expected frequencies completely coincide.

The greater the value of 𝑥 2 , the greater would be the discrepancy between

observed and expected frequencies. The formula for computing chi-square


2 (𝑂−𝐸)2
𝑥 =∑

O = Observed Frequency

E= Expected or theoretical Frequency

The calculated value of 𝑥 2 is compared with the table value of 𝑥 2 for given degrees of

freedom at specified level of significance. If the calculated value of 𝑥 2 is greater than the

table value, the difference between theory and observation is considered to be significant,

i.e., it could not have arisen due to fluctuations of simple sampling. On the other hand, if

the calculated value of 𝑥 2 is less than the table value, the difference between theory and

observation is not considered significant, i.e., it could have arisen due to fluctuation of


The number of degrees of freedom is described as the number of observations that are

free to vary after certain restriction have been imposed on the data. For a uniform

distribution, we place one restriction on the expected distribution- the total of sample


In a contingency table, the degree of freedom are calculated in a slightly different

manner. The marginal total or frequencies place the limit on our choice of selecting cell

frequencies. The ell frequencies of all columns but one (C-1) and of all rows but one (r-1)

can be assigned arbitrarily and so the number of degrees of freedom for all cell

frequencies is (c-1)(r-1) where, c refers to columns and r refers to rows. Thus, in a 2*2

table, the degrees of freedom would be (2-1)(2-1) = 1 and in a 3*3 table, the degrees of

freedom would be (3-1)(3-1) = 4.

Conditions for the applications of 𝒙𝟐 Test

The following five basic conditions must be met in order for chi-square analysis to be


1. The experimental data (sample observation) must be independent of each other.

2. The sample data must be drawn at random from the target population.
3. The data should be expressed in original units for convenience of comparison and
not in percentage or ratio form.
4. The sample should contain at least 50 observations.
5. There should not be less than five observations in any one cell(each data entry is
known as a cell). For less than 5 observations, the value of 𝑥 2 shall be
overestimated and result in too many rejections of the null hypothesis.

Use of the chi square table

To facilitate its many applications, the chi square distribution has been extensively
tabulated. The table of areas found in the appendix gives value of 𝑥 2 for various
probabilities and various degree of freedom. The value of α is given in the column
headings, the degrees of freedom v are given in the rows and the body of the table gives
the 𝑥 2 values.

As depicted in the following figures, the value of 𝑥 2 in the appendix table are given for
various combination of b and 1-α.

Chapter-3 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data has been collected with the help of questionnaire. And it has been analyzed and

interpreted with help of tale along with relevant descriptions. Appropriate treatment has

been done to the raw and logical conclusions are drawn based on the feelings.

Table 1 : Demographic Variable

Demographic Variable Number of respondents Percentage

i. Age(Years)
a. 7-18 11 18.33
b. 19-30 19 31.66
c. 31-45 14 23.33
d. Above 45(60) 16 26.66
ii. Gender
a. Male 33 55
b. Female 27 45
iii. Occupational
a. Student 14 23.33
b. Professional 28 46.66
c. Housewife/housemaker 9 15
d. Businessman/woman 9 15
iv. Qualification
a. 10+2 15 25
b. Graduate 26 43.33
c. PG/Higher studies 19 31.66
v. Income
a. Below 7000 0 0
b. 7000-12000 1 1.666
c. 12000-20000 29 48.333
d. Above 20000 30 50

Table 2 : Consumer Brushing Pattern:

Brushing Frequency Number of respondents Percentage

Once 28 46.66

Twice 41 68.33

Thrice 1 1.666

Consumer Brushing Pattern


Interpretation: With a view to finding the brushing frequency of consumer, the data

pertaining to this is presented in table 2. An examination of the data reveals that 46.66%

of the consumers brushing once. 18.33% of the consumers brushing twice, and 68.33%

brushing twice, and 1.666% brushing thrice. So the frequency of brushing was higher in

Agra city as per the dentist advice 2 times brushing.

Table 3: Frequency of purchase

Per month usage Number of respondents Percentage

Once 48 80

Twice 11 18.33

More than Two 1 1.66

Frequency of Purchase

More than two

Interpretation: With a view to finding the frequency of purchase by consumer in a

month, the data pertaining to this is presented in table 3. At examination of data reveals

that 80% of the consumers purchasing once, 18.33% of the consumer twice and 1.66%

more than twice time in a month.

Table 4: Most Preferred Brands:

Brands Number Of Respondents Percentage

Colgate 32 53.33

Pepsodent 5 8.33

Dabur 12 20

Meswak 1 1.666

Anchor 0 0

Others 10 16.666

Most Preferred Brands


Interpretation: With a view to finding the most preferred brand of the consumer, the

data pertaining to this is presented in table 4. An examination of the table reveals that

most of the people using Colgate, Dabur, Pepsodents and other products. As per the

respondents 53.33% using the Colgate brand.

Table 5: Usage of toothpaste brands

Usage of brand so far Number of respondents Percentage

Two 60 100

Three 0 0

More than three 0 0

Usage of toothpaste Brands

More than three

Interpretation: With a view to finding the Usage of toothpaste brand, the data pertaining

to this is presented in table 5. An examination of table reveals that most of the consumers

used two brands.

Table 6: Factors which makes consumer to buy toothpaste

Factors Number of toothpaste Percentage

Price 11 18.33

Availability 11 18.33

Packaging 3 5

All of the above 32 53.33

Others 3 5

Factors which makes consumer to buy


All of the above

Interpretation: With a view to finding the factor which consumer to buy toothpaste, the
data pertaining to this is presented in table 6. An examination of table reveal that,
consumer are influenced by price, availability, and packaging. Of the total respondents
53.33% of them are influenced by price, availability and packaging while 18.33% &
18.33% are influenced by price and availability and 5% & 5% are influenced by
packaging and others. When the respondents were asked to mention the factors which
motivate them to buy a particular brand of toothpaste their replies are mostly price and

Table 7: Preference of toothpaste

Preference Number of toothpaste Percentage

Brand 33 55

Quality 20 33.33

Flavor 7 11.66

Others 0 0

Preference of toothpaste


Interpretation: With a view to finding preference of toothpaste, the data pertaining to this

is presented in table 7. An examination of table reveals that most of the consumers

preferred brand, quality and flavor. In the above table 55% of the respondents preferred

brand name. 33.33 of the respondents preferred quality and 11.66% of the respondents

are preferred flavor. Brand name play a vital role in selection of toothpaste in Agra City.

Consumer has a more positive attitude toward the product with a brand image than

toward the product with no brand image.

Table 8: Preference of attribute

Attribute Number of Respondents Percentage

Healthy tooth & Gums 16 26.66

Long tasting freshness 14 23.33

Prevention of tooth decay 15 25

Whiteness 11 18.33

Use of normal herbs 4 6.66

Preference of attribute

Healthy tooth & gums

Long lasting freshness
prevention of toothdecay
Use of normal herbs

Interpretation: With a view to find the reasons to buy a toothpaste based on attribute, the data
pertaining to this is presented in table 8. An examination of the table reveals that, most of the
consumers preferred healthy tooth& gums, prevention of decay , long lasting freshness, whiteness
and use of normal herbs. The above table clearly shows that 26.66% of the respondents preferred
healthy tooth & gums, 25% respondents preferred prevention of tooth decay, 18.33% of
respondents preferred whiteness, 23.33% respondents preferred long lasting freshness and 6.66%
respondents preferred use of normal herbs. So analyzing the requirement of people is important
factor for selling the product successfully in the market.

Table 9: Person who influenced consumer to purchase toothpaste

Persons Number of respondents Percentage

Friends 7 11.66

Kids 0 0

Parents 52 86.66

Spouse 0 0

Self 1 1.66

Person who influenced consumer to

purchase toothpaste


Interpretation: With a view to finding the person who influenced consumer to purchase,

the data pertaining to this is presented in table 9. An examination of the table reveal that,

the people who influenced more are, parents, friends, spouse, kids and self decision.

Based on the above data, parents are the main deciding authority for buying toothpaste

with 86.66%. So the reference group also influencing the consumer in decision making.

Table 10: Which mode of promotion consumer gets attached

Mode of Promotion Number of respondents Percentage

Advertisement 45 75

Celebrity 0 0

Banner 0 0

Others 15 25

Mode of promotion


Interpretation: With a view to finding the most preferred brand of the consumer, the

data pertaining to this is presented in table 10. An examination of the table reveals that,

most of the consumer preferred advertisement and other. Majority of the respondents

75% preferred advertisements and 25% of the respondents preferred other mode of

promotion. Advertisement creates attention and stimulates the consumer to buy particular


Table 11: Factors which makes consumer to buy toothpaste

Promotion tools Number of respondents Percentage

Gifts 0 0

Discounts 17 28.33

Extra Quantity 6 10

Price off 27 45

Others 10 16.66

Factors which makes consumer to buy


Extra quantity
Price off

Interpretation: By having a view to find the promotion tools preferred by consumer, the data

pertaining to this is presented in table 11. An examination of the above data reveals that most of

the consumer preferred price off, discount, extra quantity, gifts, others. Above table indicates that

price off attracted more respondents 45%, 28.33% of the respondents preferred discount, 16.66%

of respondents preferred others and 10% of respondents are preferred extra quantity.

Table 12: Switching to other brand

Reasons for switching Number of respondents Percentage

Impact of Packaging 0 0

Price rise of current brand 5 8.33

Scheme of brands 31 51.66

Advertisement impact 10 16.66

Consumer brand is not 12 20


To try new one 1 1.66

Influence by others 0 0

Switching to other brand

Impact of packaging
Price rise of current brand
Scheme of brands
Advertisement impact
Consumer brand is not available
To try new one
Influence other

Interpretation: With a view to finding switching to other brand, the data pertaining to

this is presented in table 12. An examination of the table reveals that, most of the

consumers switches to other brand due to strong scheme of brand, next factor was

consumer brand is not available and advertisement impact, price rise of current brand and

to try new one, etc. In this analysis 51.66% respondents changed to the brand due to the

schemes of the brand, 20% respondents changed due to consumer brand is not available,

16.66% respondents changed due to advertisement impact, 8.33% respondents changed

due to price rise of the current brand and 1.66% respondents changed due to try new


Table 13: Way to buying toothpaste

Packing Number of respondents Percentage

Separately 24 40

Box set 36 60

way to buying toothpaste

Box set

Interpretation: An examination of table reveals that most of the consumer to buying

toothpaste packs as separately or box set. 60% of respondents purchased box set( family

pack or big pack) and 40% of respondents purchased separately.

Class Intervals Frequency Mid value FM

7-18 14 12.5 175

19-30 28 24.5 686

31-45 9 38 342

45- above(60) 9 52.5 472.5

∑f=n= 60 ∑fm = 1675.5

∑f= n= 60, ∑fm= 1675.5

∑𝐟𝐦 1675.5
Mean = = = 27.925
∑𝐟 60

The grouped mean is 27.925.

Class Frequency(f) Mid M-Mean (𝑴 𝐟(𝑴

Interval value(M) − 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒏)𝟐 − 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒏)𝟐

7-18 14 12.5 -15.425 237.93 3331.02

19-30 28 24.5 -3.425 11.73 328.44

31-45 9 38 10.075 101.50 913.50

45- 9 52.5 24.575 603.93 5435.37


Total (∑) 60 10008.33

∑f= n= 60,

∑𝐟(𝑴 − 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒏)𝟐 = 10008.33

Standard deviation = 𝝈2

∑𝐟(𝑴−𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒏)𝟐 10008.33
𝝈2 = = = 169.63
𝐧−𝟏 59

𝝈 = √169.63 = 13.02

The standard deviation is 13.02.

Chi-Square Test

Cross Table

Factors Male Female Total

Brand 22 11 33
Quality 5 15 20
Flavor 7 0 07
Other 0 0 00
Total 34 26 60

O E (𝑶 − 𝑬)𝟐 (𝑶 − 𝑬)𝟐 /𝑬
22 18.7 10.89 0.582
5 11.33 40.06 3.535
7 3.96 8.76 2.212
00 00 00 00
11 14.3 10.89 0.761
15 8.66 40.19 4.640
0 0 0 0
00 00 00 00
TOTAL(∑) - - 11.73

D.f. = (C-1)*(R-1)

D.F.= (2-1)*(4-1) = 3

𝑥 2 = 7.81, V= 3

The table value of 𝑥 2 for 3 d.f. at 5% level of significance is 7.81. The

calculated value of 𝑥 2 is much greater than the table value. The null

hypothesis is rejected. Factors of respondents have no respondents

significant relationship with preference of toothpaste.

Chi-Square Test

Cross Table

Age Group Male Female Total

7-18 5 6 11
19-30 9 10 19
31-45 7 7 14
Above 45(60) 13 3 16
Total 34 26 60

O E (𝑶 − 𝑬)𝟐 (𝑶 − 𝑬)𝟐 /𝑬
5 6.23 1.5129 0.242
9 10.76 3.0976 0.287
7 7.7933 0.8649 0.109
13 9.06 15.5236 1.713
6 4.76 1.5376 0.323
10 8.23 3.1329 0.380
7 6.06 0.8836 0.1458
3 6.93 15.449 2.229
TOTAL(∑) - - 5.4288

D.f. = (C-1)*(R-1)

D.F.= (2-1)*(4-1) = 3

𝑥 2 = 7.81, V= 3

The table value of 𝑥 2 for 3 d.f. at 5% level of significance is 7.81. The

calculated value of 𝑥 2 is much greater than the table value. The null

hypothesis is rejected. 𝐻01 Gender of respondents have no significant


Chapter – 4

Conclusion and Recommendation

Consumer behavior is not exactly predicted one, somewhat it is predicted with the help of

research activity. Starting and ending of the survey ends with only one statement

‘consumer is king’. So the companies concentrate in analyzing the requirement of people

thoroughly to satisfy and retaining the consumer.

This study revealed that consumer awareness of toothpaste is less in Agra city.

Oral care market offers huge potential as penetration an d per capita consumption of oral

care product is very low in India. However, rising per capita income and increasing

awareness is driving demand of oral care products, the dentist population is also in India.

For promoting the product consumption and creating awareness government has taken

initiative like dental health camps. Manufactures have used advertising campaigns to

promote higher consumption of toothpaste. Creating the awareness is a part of social

responsibility of the company. Most of the consumer are ready to accept the suggestion

of dentist, so the government is also responsible for appointing more dentists to create


There are some important factors considered by the consumer for decision

making. Brand image, advertising, ad offer play an important role in purchasing

toothpaste, sometime based on the offer the consumer compare with competitor product

and select the best one. Product attribute also analyzed by the consumer for deciding a

brand. Switching of one product to other company product is mainly based on

advertisement, brand name, packaging, availability of product, price rise, etc. So the

companies analyze all these factors and find out the best suitable tools for promoting their

toothpaste in India.


Our study suffers from some limitation. This study failed to talk about the

psychographics of the consumer. Understanding psychographics of the consumer is an

important tool to understand the inner feelings, and attitude of the consumer. The

changing demographics profile of the population in terms of education, income, size of

family and so on, are important by what will be more substantive in days to come will be

the psychographics of customers that is how they feel , think or behave. Marketers will

have to constantly monitor and understand the underlying psychographics to map their

respective industries are moving and decide what needs to be done by way of adding

value that motivates customers to buy the company’s product and influence the future

industry structure.

One more problem in this was questionnaire. Most of the questions are closed ended it

limits the respondents answers.

Chapter -5



• Marketing Management by Philip Kothari, 11th edition

• Marketing Management in India Context by V S Ramanswamy & S.


• Research Methodology by CP Kothari

• Consumer behavior(In India Context ) by Srivastava, Khandari

• Business statistics by S.P. Gupta

• Statistics for management by Richard l Levin, David S. Rubin, Seventh edition\

• Business statistics by SC Gupta

• Management Research management by K.N. Krishnaswamy, Appa Iyer

Sivakumar, M. Mathirajan , 3rd edition.



• brand







A consumer purchase preference toward toothpaste
brands : Agra City
Dear Respondent,

I am a MBA DUAL (Marketing and supply chain management) of PACIFIC

UNIVERSITY, UDAIPUR. As a part of my study, I am conducting a survey and would be
grateful if you could spare some of your precious time to fill this questionnaire for the same.

1. Consumer Profile:
Name :
Phone number:
i. Age (Years):-
a) 7-18 c) 31-45
b) 19- 30 d) Above 45
ii. Gender:-
a) Male b) Female
iii. Educational Qualifications:-
a) Upto 10+2 c) PG/ Higher
b) Upto graduation
iv. Occupation:-
a) Student c) Housewife/Homemaker
b) Professional d) Businessman/woman
v. Monthly (Family) Income:-
a) Below 7000 c) 12000 – 20000
b) 7000 – 12000 d) Above 20000
2. Number of times do you brush your teeth per day?
a) Once c) Thrice
b) Twice
3. What is the frequency do you use toothpaste?
a) One c) More than two
b) Two
4. What is your most preferred brand?
a) Colgate d) Meswak
b) Pepsodent e) Anchor
c) Dabur f) Others
5. What number of brand of toothpaste you use so far?
a) Two c) More than three
b) Three
6. Which factor make you to buy toothpaste?
a) Price d) All of the above

b) Availability e) Others
c) Packaging
7. What factor makes you most preference of toothpaste?
a) Brand c) Flavour
b) Quality d) Other
8. Which attribute is most preferable to you for selecting toothpaste?
a) Healthy tooth& gums
b) Long lasting freshness
c) Prevention of tooth decay
d) Whiteness
e) Use of natural hubs

9. By whom are you influenced during purchase toothpaste?

a) Friends d) Spouse
b) Kids e) Self
c) Parents

10. By which mode of promotion are you get attached?

a) Advertisement c) Banner
b) Celebrity d) Others

11. Which promotional tools make to buy toothpaste?

a) Gift d) Price off
b) Discount e) Others
c) Extra Quantity

12. For which reason you switch to other brand?

a) Impact of packaging
b) Price rise of current brand
c) Scheme of brands
d) Advertisement impact
e) Consumer brand is not available
f) To try new option
g) Influence by others

13. Approximately how much do you spend on toothpaste in a month?

14. In what way do you prefer buying toothpaste?
a) Separately
b) Box set


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