Bms College of Architecture Test: I Semester & Section: IV SEM "A" SECTION Maximum Marks: 40 Note: Answer All The Questions

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Test: I
Semester & Section: IV SEM “A” SECTION Date: 22/04/2020
Title of the Subject: MMBC - IV Subjecct code: 18ARC4.2
Maximum Marks: 40 Duration of the test: 90 Min

Note : Answer all the questions.

1) What are moment frame structures? Explain with examples and sketches. 10M

2) Explain with sketches the concept of filler slab; the materials used, the
reinforcement details and the advantages and disadvantages of filler slabs.

3) Design a flat slab for a room measuring 20m*20m.

(a) plan – 5M
(b) Section through column – column strip – 5M
(c) Section through middle strip -2.5M
(d)Any one detail – 2.5M

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