Fasha Amalia Wulandari B1034181023 Accounting International Class Management Information System Apple Inc

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Fasha amalia wulandari


Accounting International Class

Management Information System

Apple inc .

Apple Inc. ( Previously named Apple Computer, Inc. ) is a company multinational that
is centered in Silicon Valley, Cupertino, California and engaged in the field
of design , development , and saleof goods that includes electronics consumers , device software
computer , as well as computer personal . Apple Inc. established on April 1, 1976 and
was incorporated into Apple Computer, Inc. on the date of 3 January , 1977. On 9 January ,
2007, the word "Computer" deleted to reflect the focus of Apple to the field of
electronic consumer launching iPhone.
Apple is known to be range of products device software including system operation OS
X and iOS , player music iTunes, as well as browser web Safari, and device hardware such
as computer desks iMac, a computer laptop MacBook Pro, player songs iPod, as well
as phone mobile iPhone.

 Apple.inc Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) in essentially has the meaning

of a process for meng'optimalisasi wealth of
intellectual and products in an organization / company for the benefit of the
organization / company 's own . The existence of KM
in a company not be immediately be visible result , regard it in because
of some things that related to Intellectual Property ( intellectual capital)
that it consists of components main , namely : human capital, Social capital, and corporate
capital. The third component is a component of the core of enterprise
knowledge. When any one of the three components was not able to be met by a company , then
it can besaid implementation of KM is not successful . Apple manages knowledge at every level
to :
1. Support the company's strengths and support the placement of all human
resources in the management pyramid .
2. Supporting the knowledge that already exist in order to not fail in selling its
products .
3. Support the creation of new knowledge in technology that is integrated in
the innovation of its products .
4. Supports the progress of the company Apple Inc. in order
to remain stable despite going on turnover of human resources to manage , even
a change of manager / CEO
 Expert system used by Apple,inc

Expert systems provide a technology that can help farmers run their businesses economically
by using computer programs that encode expert-level knowledge. This paper reports the
construction of an expert system, POMME, to help apple growers manage their orchards.
POMME advises growers about when and what to spray on their apples to avoid infestations.
The system also provides advice regarding treatment of winter injuries, drought control and
multiple insect problems. The knowledge structures employed in the construction of the expert
system are explained, and some sample interactions are provided. A model of the apple scab
disease cycle is incorporated into POMME to give the system a more fundamental reasoning
capability than available from the use of infection tables. Extension experts who have run many
trial cases on the system have approved its performance. Experience with a computer vision
system used for measurements on sweet potatoes has revealed a number of sources of error,
some from equipment and some from procedure. Nine sources - reflection, edge pixels, lens
quality, camera warm-up, auto black circuits, pixel aspect ratios, variation with screen location,
gray scale range, and object size versus gray scale range - are identified and discussed along with
results of tests to reveal the magnitude of the errors introduced.

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