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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Maddie Owens Program: UMF Secondary Course: Student

Education English Teaching

Lesson Topic / Title: Informational Writing Beginning Notes, Review, and Corrections from Central Idea

Lesson Date: March 02 & 03, Lesson Length: 60 Minutes Grade/Age: 7


Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based
on content standards.

Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

1) Students will be able to identify and record ● These objectives have been
characteristics of formal writing. chosen because they are
2) Students will be able to recall at least two measurable and will help students
characteristics of formal style. to build the foundational
3) Students will accurately complete their Central knowledge that they will need to
Idea Organizers from Central Idea. progress through this unt.
4) Students will be able to make corrections to their ● Having students begin the unit
Central Idea Organizer, if necessary, to meet the with the foundational skills will
above objective. help them to better reach the unit
goal of being able to apply formal
writing skills and produce a piece
of informational formal writing. By
asking students to identify and
record, we are engaging the first,
surface level facet of
understanding, and by asking
students to record, we are not only
engaging listening and speaking
skills, we are using brain to hand
engagement. This also ensures
that students have a reference
sheet to use in the future.
● Asking students to recall is the
first “level” of understanding and
will help to assess if students
understand what a characteristic
of formal style is.
● Students who have yet to
complete the organizer will be
asked to complete it, and students
who did not meet proficiency on
the assignment will be asked to
complete corrections on their
○ The feedback given to
students is in the check or
circle format. This means
that if a student sees a
check next to their work, it
is correct and nothing
needs to be added; if a
student sees a circle, it
means that something is
missing or incorrect. In
this format, students must
identify what they need to
add or change and make
that correction. When they
do this, they are reflecting
back on their work and
continuing to work
towards proficiency in the
target. Students who
correctly correct their
mistakes receive full credit
for their answers
Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

2. ​“Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic This lesson begins the process of working
and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the with informational writing. This will help
selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. students meet indicator E of writing
a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; standard #2. By asking students to identify
organize ideas, concepts, and information, using and record characteristics of formal style,
strategies such as definition, classification, we are helping them to build the skills
comparison/contrast, and cause/ effect; include formatting necessary to meet this standard. By
(e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and establishing the characteristics of formal
multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. style, students will be able to move
forward with the skills they already have
b. Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, from Central Idea to work towards
concrete details, quotations, or other information and exceeding this standard.

c. Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and

clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.

d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary

to inform about or explain the topic.

e. Establish and maintain a formal style.

f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows

from and supports the information or explanation
This target means that learners are able to
Marzano Target: Target: ELA.07.WTI.01.05: The learner tell us why they would use either formal or
is able to state how they would determine the informal style and when. This lesson helps
appropriateness of formal or informal style based on the students to meet this target through the
audience (using knowledge). foundational knowledge that it works
towards. Through this lesson, students will
be able to tell what the characteristics of
formal style are, and have a beginning
understanding of when to use formal style.

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

1. Formative #1: Central Idea Organizer/ Central 1. Students will complete their
Idea Organizer Corrections Central Idea Organizer. If
2. Formative: Pass the Ball necessary, students will complete
3. Formative: Exit Ticket the necessary corrections on their
Central Idea Organizer. By having
students do corrections, it places
the emphasis on the learning
rather than the grade (no grades
have been written on their
organizers). It also allows students
to ask questions and get the
support they need to be
successful with this target. By
doing this, it also sets students up
to be successful with the
Informational Writing Target,
which relies on skills from Central
a. There are ___ students
who still need to turn in
their organizer. These
students will be expected
2. Students will participate in a “pass
the ball” activity. This will serve as
a review game and a way for
students to begin solidifying their
knowledge of notes. The activity
will look like this:
a. Students will be asked to
put their notes off to the
side and turn and face
front. It will be explained
to students that they will
each have a turn with the
ball, and the only time
they can speak is if they
are holding the ball.
Students will be asked to
take turns naming one
thing they learned from
class today. If theirs has
been taken, they’re
expected to build off of
what someone else said.
If someone says “I
learned that in formal style
you can’t use “I”.” Another
student cannot say that,
but they can say, “In
formal style, I learned that
you can’t use “you”.” This
is built off of the same
idea and concept, but is
not the same. If it
becomes a students’ turn,
and they’re unsure, they
will pass the ball to the
person next to them, and
the ball will come back to
them at the end. This
allows the ball to make
multiple trips around, if
necessary, give students
time to think and process,
and not put any student
on the spot. Students will
be allowed to reference
notes if necessary.
3. Students will complete an exit
ticket for class today. This aims to
assess four things: students’
reflection of their learning, their
understanding of when to use
formal style (this was reviewed
during the pre-assessment review,
and will be a prompt during the
pass the ball activity), what they
think formal style is and what are
at least two characteristics of
formal style.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Teacher laptop ● Corrections Guide

● Projector ○ This aims to help students
● Pencils self direct their
● Colored pens (for checking off student work) corrections. By having the
● Expo markers resources for them, they
● Marked up central idea organizers. will be able to
● Ball/ Talking Piece problem-solve more
● Copies (75) of cloze notes for characteristics of effectively, and further
formal writing (see below) their understanding of
● Copies (75) of exit ticket (see below) what is being asked of
● Extra copies (5-10) of Selfie ​article them to do.
○ This is for absent students or students
who have misplaced their articles. These materials unless specified as
● Extra copies (5-10) of ​central idea organizer “teacher” are available to students at all
○ This is for absent students, students who times.
did not complete their article organizer to
begin with, or students who have ● These are all relevant materials
misplaced theirs. and used in the lesson.
● Corrections Guide ● Students have access to their
computers daily and have pencils
available to them in the

Modifications for students with language

needs, disabilities, or giftedness:
● For this specific group of students,
there are no students with
identified language needs.
● There are no students identified
as special education.
● Because this lesson is the second
lesson plan in the unit and it is
split between finishing the last
unit, data from this lesson will help
to inform who needs

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

** Be sure to give specific times for students to stop Pass the ball instructions:
working...write on board.
a. Students will be asked to
** As students are walking in, greet them and ask if they put their notes off to the
have their SSR books. If they don’t, students should go side and turn and face
get them from wherever they are, as long as their getting front. It will be explained
them does not interrupt another teacher or cause them to to students that they will
need to wander. each have a turn with the
ball, and the only time
1. Agenda (5 Minutes) they can speak is if they
a. Students will come in, settle down and are holding the ball.
receive their workshop folders. Students will be asked to
Attendance should also be taken during take turns naming one
this time. thing they learned from
b. Students will be introduced to today’s class today. If theirs has
agenda. been taken, they’re
i. Agenda can be found in the same expected to build off of
spot every day: on the right hand what someone else said.
side of the board. If someone says “I
2. Notes (15-20 Minutes) learned that in formal style
a. Students will take notes on a cloze notes you can’t use “I”.” Another
format. student cannot say that,
3. Pass the Ball (10 Minutes) but they can say, “In
a. Students will participate in a pass the ball formal style, I learned that
activity. you can’t use “you”.” This
4. Exit Ticket (5-10 Minutes) is built off of the same
a. Students will complete the attached exit idea and concept, but is
ticket. not the same. If it
5. Corrections Guide (5-10 Minutes) becomes a students’ turn,
a. Students will listen while I go over the and they’re unsure, they
corrections guide for their Central Idea will pass the ball to the
Organizers. person next to them, and
b. This aims to help students to understand the ball will come back to
the mistakes they’ve made and how they them at the end. This
can fix them. allows the ball to make
6. Workshop (20 Minutes) multiple trips around, if
a. Any students who are not yet finished necessary, give students
with their organizers, or need to make time to think and process,
corrections should use this time to make and not put any student
them. on the spot. Students will
b. Students who are finished (and have be allowed to reference
made corrections) should use this time to notes if necessary.
read or check in or check out books.
Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
modifications, accommodations)

Whole Class Differentiation

Verbal: Students will have the opportunity to talk through

their learning.

Intrapersonal: Students will have the opportunity to

process their thinking individually on both the exit ticket
and on their corrections.

Interpersonal: Students will have the opportunity to

process their thinking with a teacher support if needed for

Visual: Students will take notes from a visual presentation

of the notes on the projector screen.

Audio: Students will listen to the notes while they are

recording their notes.

Cloze Notes: Students will take notes in a cloze notes


- What this means is that students will be listening

for a single word or phrase to fill into a notes
sheet. Most of the definitions have been filled out
for them. Students will be given support to know
which word to fill out (audio and visual clues).
- Cloze notes help to lessen the cognitive
load and allows students to focus on
getting the most important piece, and

Selfie Article: Two lexile levels will be available to


- Students who are struggling, or identified as

needing reading support (there are no ​identified
students in Block C) will have the option of using
a lower level lexile copy of the Selfie Article. This
allows all students to access the materials and be
successful with this assignment and target.


○ Assigned Seating
■ Students identified with an IEP/
504 plan are placed in
preferential seating.
● There are 2 504 plans in
this class
■ The assigned seating also aims
to help students by placing them
in spaces most conducive to their
success (away from distractive
individuals, facing where their
computer screen can be visible).
○ Larger class so CM will need to be
tailored to a large class
○ Allow for more transition time
○ Ask students to get their SSR books
before class begins to help with
transitions and management. This will
also help keep students in the
classroom & keep leaving disruptions
at a minimum.

● Paper Copies
○ Activities for today’s class will be done on
paper copies, for all students (unless
otherwise noted in an IEP or an at
teacher discretion). This helps minimize
technology distractions for many
students, and does not ostracized
learners who are unable to access
technology--for whatever reason that
might be.
○ Student E, in Block C, will be permitted to
access materials on his computer to
complete the Central Idea Organizer due
to writing difficulties.
Field Courses Only – Post lesson

Post Lesson Reflection

Strength of the lesson & what went well

I feel that quite a few things went well during this lesson. I’d like to focus my reflection on
went well through two lenses: the first on the lesson itself, and the second with myself
delivering the lesson. Thinking about my delivery, I feel that I have fixed the problem that
I was having with the agenda. In previous lessons, I’ve been working on shortening the
agenda, and asking students to grab their SSR (silent, sustained reading) books prior to
class starting. By shortening the agenda and asking students to get their books early, it
sets the tone for class and sets students up to follow behavior expectations. Throughout
this lesson, I also worked on feedback given to me by my field supervisor to work on
getting more student engagement. I attempted to make changes here by using
strategies to ask for diverse student involvement, as well as using wait time. Wait time is
awkward for me, so I’m working on making it feel less unnatural to me. Another big thing
that went well for me today, is the way I felt during the lesson. I felt less anxious about it
being the first class to do this lesson and I feel that I stumbled over my words less than I
have with previous first lessons. The final thing that I think went really well with this
lesson is the stretch break that I implemented into the lesson. This was a spur of the
moment decision and was made after noticing that students appeared extra sleepy

Thinking about the actual lesson plan itself, I think the notes went well, and I think
students understood them. I am able to make that judgement based on the fact that
students were able to complete the ball activity. I think the ball activity went quite well as
well. All students participated with no problems and students appeared to be very
engaged. The exit ticket also felt comprehensive to the lesson.

Areas for growth & what would you change?

Things I would change for next time include the way that I structure notes, and I adjusted
that for the subsequent lessons taught today. I would give them the term on the left side,
and ask for input on the ones on the right. This would help students feel more supported
and hopefully build more student participation. I would also make adjustments to the
timing of this lesson. Notes took significantly longer than anticipated, as did the exit
ticket. I would change the timing of the lesson to include that time--I would also change
the structure of the way I did corrections. I would go over the corrections guide and let
students know that their corrections are due at the end of the week. I would then let
them know where to find the corrections guide (google classroom), and have them work.

Did the students meet the learning goals? How do you know? Evidence of student
learning/ interpretation of assessment

How many students met the objectives? Partially met? Did not meet? After Analyzing the
assessment data what will you do to help all students meet the objectives?

What does your assessment data tell you? What did you learn? How will this impact
your next lesson?


1. Students will be able to identify and record (at least 2) characteristics of formal
a. Meets: 12
b. Partially Meets: 3
c. Did Not Meet: 0
2. Students will accurately complete their Central Idea Organizers from Central
a. Meets:
b. Partially Meets:
c. Did Not Meet:
3. Students will be able to explain what formal style in writing is.
a. Meets: 5
b. Partially Meets: 3
c. Did Not Meet: 9

After analyzing the data, it is clear that not all students met today’s lesson objectives. It
is clear though, that more students met the goal for characteristics than they did for the
ability to define what formal style is. This tells me that students will need some
reteaching of what formal style is, and a review of formal style characteristics. This will
impact my next lesson because it determines what students need to be successful. By
knowing what students will need to be successful, I am able to adapt lesson plans to
include time for this. Because these are vital foundational skills for this target, it is vital
that students understand the learning goals.
Teaching Standards and Rationale


“Standard #8 Instructional Strategies The teacher understands and uses a variety of

instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content
areas and their connections, and to build skills to access and appropriately apply

In my own words:

This standard means that I, the teacher, will use many different instructional strategies to
ensure that all learners in my classroom are gaining the necessary skills and information
to understand the content, at a deeper level. Using these strategies, students should
also be able to make connections to other areas of school and their lives, and be able to
apply this information in a greater context.


“8 (h) Uses a variety of instructional strategies to support and expand learners'

communication through speaking, listening, reading, writing, and other modes”

In my own words:

8 (h). This indicator means that I, the teacher, will use a variety of strategies including,
speaking, listening, reading, and writing to ensure that students are gaining the
necessary skills to communicate proficiently and effectively. Although, these should not
be the only strategies used to help learners gain these skills.


I believe this lesson plan, “​Informational Writing Beginning Notes, Review, and Corrections
from Central Idea” is a strong example of Standard 8 and Standard 8(h) because of the varied
instructional strategies used. This lesson plan, as seen in the modifications section, has students
working verbally, learning through visuals and listening, and developing understanding through
writing. Verbally, students are learning using the pass the ball activity. Listening, reading and
writing are all worked with through students’ independent work on their central idea organizer,
and through the class notes. By asking students to take notes and process intrapersonally, it sets
them up to be more successful with the pass the ball activity because all students have had the
opportunity to think before. By asking students to individually complete the exit ticket, we are
asking them to work with the beginning stages of application of knowledge.

Standard Two: "The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures
and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to reach
his/her full potential."

In my own words:

Standard two is essentially saying that as that as the teacher, I will show a solid understanding of
the learners in my classroom. It also means that I will provide differentiated instruction to make
sure that all of my students are included in the classroom. I will also provide different pathways
for students to succeed in my classroom.


“2(f) Accesses resources, supports, and specialized assistance and services to meet particular
learning differences or needs.”

In my own words:

Standard 2(f) is essentially saying that I as the teacher will use different resources, materials,
support methods, and any services necessary to ensure that I am meeting all of my students
diverse needs within the classroom and learning expectations.


This lesson plan, “Informational Writing Beginning Notes, Review, and Corrections from Central
Idea”, is a good example of Standard Two and 2(f) because of its variety in resources and variety
of differentiation strategies. Diverse resources of this lesson plan include two lexile levels for
students to work with on the Selfie Article and CLOZE notes to help ensure that all students are
able to access the material, and also decrease the cognitive load on students so that they are
able to focus on the information, rather than their ability to take notes. Differentiation strategies
include allowing students to work independently, verbally, visually and audibly. These strategies
are all outlined in the “Meeting students’ needs” section of this lesson plan.


“ISTE, Learning Catalyst: #5 Designer”: “Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and
environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.”

In My Own Words: ISTE Standard #5 means that I, as the teacher, will design and implement
technology in a way that is student focused and learner driven. This means technology is used to
reach all learners.

Indicator: Educators: 5(a): ​“Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences
that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.”

In My Own Words: ISTE Indicator 5(a) means that I will create and use learning experiences that
reach each learner.
Rationale: This lesson plan is a strong example of ISTE Standard #5 and 5(a) because of its use
of technology to ensure that all learners have access to the notes. By using the projector and
online notes, students are able to watch them being filled in, in real time, as well as listen and
talk. This ensures that all learners are able to watch and see the notes, if verbal direction is not
the best way for them to learn. This accommodates all students, as well as personalizes the
experience of each class, as the notes area adapted to each class’ answers.


ISTE #7. “Analyst Educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support
students in achieving their learning goals.”

In My Own Words:

This standard means that I understand how to use data to plan instruction and how to use the
same data to ensure that all students are meeting the learning goals.


“7(a): Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their
learning using technology.”

In My Own Words:

As a teacher, I will use alternate methods of completion to allow students to demonstrate mastery
of subject material by using technology.


This lesson plan is a solid example of ISTE Standard 7 and 7(a) because of its ability to
differentiate for learners needs, by using technology. As seen in the modifications section,
Student E was allowed to access his “Selfie Organizer” on the computer because of difficulties
with their handwriting abilities. This modification made it possible for this student to show mastery
by using technology, as an adaption to the assignment.
Exit Ticket
Name: __________________________________________________ Block: ________


1. At first I thought _________________________________________________ about

formal writing style, but now I think __________________________________________.

2. What is formal style in writing?

3. What are two times when you should use formal style?

4. What are two characteristics of formal style?

Characteristics of Formal Style

Name: __________________________________________________ Block: ________


Target: ELA.07.WTI.01.05: The learner is able to state how they would determine the
appropriateness of formal or informal style based on the audience (using knowledge).

________________________ is a style of writing that is used to show your ________________

how educated and professional you can be. ________________________ is used when writing

academic or ___________________ works.

There are four main ________________________ of formal style.

Characteristic Notes

- No ___________________words (ex: cool, nasty, awesome)

- Avoid emotive (intense emotion) punctuation like


- No _________, ________ or __________ statements. This

means you should not say ______ or ______ or address

your reader as “you”.

Ex: One should always be on time for school.

- No _________________________ (a.k.a)

- Write out ____________ less than 10.

Exception: Unless they are part of a specific numerical address, title,

or page reference.

Ex: 38 Falcon Dr, Auburn, ME

- No ________________
- No _______________ or
This means saying things like: “it’s raining cats and dogs!”, or things
like metaphors, puns, or irony.
Characteristics of Formal Style

Name: __________________________________________________ Block: ________


Target: ELA.07.WTI.01.05: The learner is able to state how they would determine the
appropriateness of formal or informal style based on the audience (using knowledge).

Formal style​ is a style of writing that is used to show your ​audience ​how educated and

professional you can be. ​Formal style ​ is used when writing academic or ​professional ​works.

There are four main ​characteristics ​of formal style.

Characteristic Notes

Objective - No ​emotion ​words (ex: cool, nasty, awesome)

- Avoid emotive (intense emotion) words like ​exclamation

Third Person - No ​I ,​ ​we ​or ​you ​statements. This means you should not
say​ I think​ or ​we should ​or address your reader as “you”.
Ex: One should always be on time for school.

Complete Words - No ​abbreviations ​(a.k.a)

- Write out ​numbers l​ ess than 10.
Exception: Unless they are part of a specific numerical address,
title, or page reference.
Ex: 38 Falcon Dr, Auburn, ME

No Slang - No ​slang
- No ​idioms (something that has a figurative, different
than literal meaning) ​or ​figures of speech​.
This means saying things like: “it’s raining cats and dogs!”, or
things like metaphors, puns, or irony.

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