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Chapter One: Requirement Analysis

An automated teller machine (ATM) or the automatic banking machine (ABM) is
a banking subsystem (subject) that provides bank customers access to their
financial transactions, in a public space without the need for a cashier, clerk, or
bank teller.

User Requirements:
There is three users for this system: Customer, ATM technician, and the bank


- A customer must be able to make a cash withdrawal from his account.

(withdraw cash)
- A customer must be able to make a deposit to his account linked to the card
(deposit funds)
- A customer must be able to make a transfer of money between any two
accounts.(Transfer funds)
- A customer must be able to make a balance inquiry of any account linked to
the card. (check balance)

ATM Technician:
- Provide maintenance
- Repairs ATM tools
- Start the system
- Shut down the system

All these use cases also involve Bank employee user whether it is related to

customer transactions or to the ATM servicing.
Chapter Two: Use case modeling

In chapter one, we got the user requirements of the system. The atm machine will
allow the customer to make any bank transactions without entering to the bank.
In this chapter, we will apply the use case modeling:
A. Use case table
B. Use case diagram
C. Use case dependency
D. Use case narrative
E. Sequence diagram (not included in this project this semester)

For this system, we have three actors: Customer, IT Technician and Bank. The
main actor is the customer; the following are the list of its use cases:

- Check balance
- Withdraw cash
- Deposit funds
- Transfer funds

ATM Technician:
- Provide maintenance
- Repairs ATM tools
- Start the system
- Shut down the system
A. Use case Table

A table in the context of use cases is a text-based structured format used for
capturing one or more use cases. There is no universal format for use case
tables, but an organization will typically have one or more templates that can be
used as a starting point. A table may be used as a container for a series of high-
level use cases or a template for detailed individual use cases. Tables may be
supplemental to or used in lieu of detailed UML use case diagrams.

Actor Use Case Description ID

Customer Check balance The check balance use case starts when UC_01
the customer choose check balance
from the menu. The system will check
the PIN customer, in case of error; the
system will send a message to the
customer. If not, the system will
display the customer balance.
Withdrawal cash The withdrawal use case starts when UC_02
the customer chooses cash withdrawal
from the menu. The system will check
if the user PIN is correct or no and if
the there is sufficient money in the
customer account. If no error, the
system update the account.
Deposit funds The deposit use case starts from when UC_03
the customer chooses deposit from the
menu. The customer chooses the type
of currency. The system must check the
customer PIN. If it is incorrect, an error
message will be sent to the customer. If
no error, the system update the
Transfer funds The transfer funds use case starts when UC_04
the customer chooses transfer from the
menu. The customer select the other
account to transfer to, the currency and
the amount of money to send. The
system will check if there is enough
money to transfer and verify the PIN
code. In case of any error, a message
will be sent to the customer. If no error,
the system update the account.
IT Provide Maintenance use case UC_05
Technician maintenance includes Replenishing ATM with
Or maintain cash, ink or printer
ATM paper, Upgrades of hardware,
firmware or software, and remote
or on-site Diagnostics. 
Repairs ATM  Diagnostics is also included in UC_06
tools (shared with) Repair use case.

System startup The system is started up when the UC_07

operator turns the operator switch
to the "on" position. The operator
will be asked to enter the amount of
money currently in the cash
dispenser, and a connection to the
bank will be established. Then the
servicing of customers can begin.
System shutdown The system is shut down when the UC_08
operator makes sure that no
customer is using the machine, and
then turns the operator switch to
the "off" position. The connection
to the bank will be shut down. Then
the operator is free to remove
deposited envelopes, replenish cash
and paper, etc.

Bank All use cases

B. Use case Diagram:

Use cases are a technique for capturing the functional requirements of a system. A
use case describes a desired behavior independently of implementation details. The
goal of use cases is to capture all system-level functions that the users envision.
Use cases are about what the system should do, from the perspective of a user. A
use case captures a contract between the stakeholders of a system about its
behavior. The use case describes the system's behavior under various conditions as
the system responds to a request from one of its stakeholders, called the primary
C. Use case dependency Diagram:

<<extends>> Handle
invalid PIN
D. Use case narrative:

A use case narrative is a largely text-based description of a use case that could be

supplemented with decision trees or other easily understood notations. The
description should be written in the user's language, and thus provides an important
communication tool between developers of systems and the intended users.
(Note: (1)The following table will be our template to fill the use case narrative. (2)
each use case must have its own use case. Your project must have at least 5 use
case narratives)
Use case narrative for withdraw cash use case:
Withdraw cash
Use Case Type
UC_02 Business Requirements 
Priority: high
Business Customer
Participatin Bank
g Actors:
Description This use case allow the customer to withdraw cash amount from
: his account without entering to the bank using the ATM machine.
- The customer must have a bank account to use the ATM
- The bank Customer must possess a bank card.
Preconditio - The customer must logged into the account
n: - The customer must choose the withdraw option
- Amount must be numeric and must be positive
- Amount must be less or equal to the available balance
Post If successful, the given amount is subtracted from the balance of
Condition: the account
Course Of


Trigger: The use case starts when the customer choose the withdraw option
from the menu
Conclusion: The user will get his money from the ATM.

Use case narrative for deposit funds use case:

Deposit funds
Use Case Type
UC_03 Business Requirements 
Priority: high
Business Customer
Participatin Bank
g Actors:
Description This use case allow the customer to deposit amount to his account
: without entering to the bank using the ATM machine.
- The customer must have a bank account to use the ATM
- The bank Customer must possess a bank card.
- The customer must logged into the account
- The customer must choose the deposit option
- Amount must be numeric and must be positive
Post If successful, the given amount is added to the balance of the
Condition: account.
- ATM queries which account should be deposited to
Course Of
Events: (Checking or Savings Account)
- System asks if deposit will be a check or cash
(Normal - User is prompted to enter deposit.
- If deposit is cash, the system counts amount entered and
displays the amount on screen, asks if the amount read is
- If deposit is a check, system attempts to read account

The use case starts when the customer choose the deposit option
from the menu
Conclusion: The user will put his money into his account using ATM.

Use case narrative for transfer funds use case:

Transfer funds
Use Case Type
UC_03 Business Requirements 
Priority: high
Business Customer
Participatin Bank
g Actors:
Description This use case describes how a Bank Customer uses an ATM to
: transfer money between different accounts.
Preconditio - The customer must have a bank account to use the ATM
- The bank Customer must possess a bank card.
- The customer must logged into the account
- The customer must choose the transfer funds option
- Amount must be numeric and must be positive
- ATM has connection to Bank Consortium
If successful,
- Card return
Post - Accounts updated (balance in from account will be
Condition: subtracted and the balance in to account will be added the
given amount)
- Receive card if demanded
Typical 1- Insert Card: The customer insert his card in ATM
Course Of machine. The ATM validates the card.
Events: 2- Enter PIN: The ATM asks for the customer PIN code. The
Bank Customer enters the PIN code. The ATM verifies the
3- Select ‘Transfer Funds’: The ATM displays the different
alternatives that are available on this unit. The Bank
Customer selects “Transfer Funds”.
4- Enter ‘From Account’, ‘To Account’ and Amount: The
ATM asks for account to withdraw from, account to deposit
into and amount to transfer. The Bank Customer enters
accounts and amount.
5- Transfer Funds: The ATM sends the card id, PIN, amount
and account to the Bank Consortium. The Bank Consortium
replies that the transfer is accepted.
6- Receive Card and Receipt: The ATM system returns the
Bank Card to the Bank Customer and prints a receipt. The
use case ends.

- Not a valid card

Alternate - Wrong PIN
Courses: - Card stuck in card reader while reading card
- "From account" does not exist
(Exception) - "To account" does not exists
The use case starts when the customer choose the transfer option
from the menu

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