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Episode 1 What Lies Ahead?

NCBTS Domain 1 Strand 1.1;
LET-TOS No. 1 (1.1, 1.2 and 1.7)

My Learning Episode Overview

My first episode will explain the expectations of my Teacher Education Institution
Name of your college/ university
CITY. Name of your cooperating school

This will allow me to better understand the do’s and don’ts of teaching and the real workplace.
The orientation conducted by my practicum supervisor and the cooperating principal will ensure
my success as a student intern.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:
 Analyze the expectations of my cooperating school and that of my teacher education
 Reflect on the things I need to do to become a successful student intern.
 Follow all the policies and procedures of my cooperating school.
 Accomplish the matrix of expectations
 Write my responsibilities as a student intern

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

To get to know my cooperating school better, I must do the following:
Read the vision, mission, goals, and cores values of the school.

Attend the orientation session with my practicum supervisor with cooperating principal.

Record important notes during the orientation

Ask questions, if necessary.

Accomplish the learning episode

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)
As a student intern, I need to know the following terms to fully understand my learning episodes.

ORIENTATION: the act or process of orienting or the state of being oriented.

EXPECTATIONS: a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
COOPERATING SCHOOL: is a public elementary or high school institution where
student teachers will have their off-campus practice teaching.
COOPERATING PRINCIPAL: the person with the highest authority or most important
position in an organization, institution, or group, particularly of the cooperating school.
COOPERATING TEACHER: a teacher with a minimum of three years teaching
experience and a Master's degree who is mentoring a teacher candidate in the area in which
the candidate is earning his/her certification.

My Tasks(Activities)
A. After the orientation conducted by my practicum supervisor / cooperating principal, what are
the things that I need to remember?

Name of Cooperating Principal: Dr. Nimfa T. Tenefrancia, ED. D.

Name of Cooperating school: Andres Bonifacio Elementary School, Caloocan City E

Expectations What I need to Do
 Will work hand-in hand for the  I should make sure I prepare
learners. myself every day. I should study
my lessons in advance.

 I should make sure the records

 Give and take principle between such as; attendance and
cooperating teacher and student performance were
teacher. cumulatively and accurately
recorded. I should always
ensure the credibility of the
students’ scores.

B. After my orientation session with my practicum supervisor and cooperating principal, I need
to equip myself with the Practice Teaching kit to better prepare myself in this wonderful
world of teaching.
 I will able to implement appropriate
teaching methodologies and strategies.
 Adapting to the existing curriculum.
 Utilizing and maximizing appropriate
instructional materials.
 Promoting HOTS questions.
 Giving psychomotor activities.
 Giving activities that will impel students to
show their talents such as dancing, singing
Skills and acting.
 Promoting activities that will make students
to go out from their comfort zone.
 Advising students with regards to problems
that affect their focus in studying.
 Self-reflection
 Relating lesson in real-life situation.
 Motivating students to participate in the
 Knowing their family backgrounds
 Analyzing their attitudes
Habits  Promoting good values
 Monitoring their habits

My Analysis
Complete the structured frame.

I need to follow the policies and procedure of the cooperating schools so that it will never
Orientation sessions
affect the good are conducted
relationship because they
of both institutions: provide anschool
my cooperating opportunity to answer
and the Teacher
questions andInstitution.
Education define roles, assess
Also, skill level and
our cooperating experience,
school set expectations,
will continue and practice
accepting more anticipate
head off problems.
teachers They are also
in the succeeding conducted
years, in order(La
making LCC-C to ensure the orderly
Consolacion transition
College- of moods,
Caloocan) to
behaviors, and to size up the produce
needs ofmore
the new environment
professional as well as my clients. Orientation
sessions give background to pre-service teacher to what is and what is not, to how and to why
a certain rule needs to enact.

My Reflections/ My Insights
A. How did I feel after the orientation? Complete the empty face and explain why you felt
that way? What are your joys/ apprehensions?
I need to follow the policies and procedures of the
cooperating school so that our cooperating school, Andres
Bonifacio Elementary School, Caloocan City, will continue
accepting more practice teachers in the succeeding years,
making La Consolacion College to produce more
professional teachers. Policies is also important in
propelling good relationship with the school personnel.
Making friend with people at the is a pleasure. It somehow
emphasizes that being a student teacher is not just about
teacher but it is also about having friend which you would
never forget in your whole life

B. Am I really prepared to teach? Why and Why not?

For three years I had spent in La Consolacion College Caloocan, there is no reason why I am not
ready because I’ve experienced so many things about teaching and we were already trained so
much to be a good teacher, and for me I am already ready to teach and also to touch the lives of
my students. To make sure that they are motivated while they were in school.
Being prepared and ready is not just enough, but my willingness also pushes me to continue.
Willing is one of the profound reason in teaching because willingness emanates good teaching
performance and how you will able to sustain it.

My Application (Form Theory to Practice)

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. There is a need to have orientation sessions to:
I. Establish the right atmosphere
II. Formulate guidelines to follow
III. Develop good relationships
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

2. Why do we need to know the do’s and don’ts of the cooperating school?
A. To have better relationships with the school community
B. To ensure the completion of the required units
C. To strengthen the ties between the Teacher Education Institution and the Cooperating
D. To complete the requirements set by the school.

3. Meeting the expectations of the Teacher Education Institution is important:

A. To have better relationship between the Teacher Education Institution and the
cooperating school.
B. To ensure completion of the course
C. To fully attain the objectives set forth by the College
D. To stress the need for standardization of requirements.
My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence, Records, etc.)
My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

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