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BY ROBERT J. NEBEL You released your new CD,

ROCKIN' AT THE "Blue Skies," In December. What
been a big year for Diana are your thouglIts on the recording

DeGarmo. The Snellville RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL process?
teen came in second on the I like it. You can go in and work
Diana DeGarmo
2004 season of Fox's perennial in your pajamas and be creative.
Rik Emmett
hit talent competition Shawn Mullins
What was It like when you
''American Idol," released her Luna Halo heard your IIrst single "EmotIonal"
debur album, "Blue Skies," in Sam Thacker on the radio lor the IIrst time?
December, and Saturday, May 21 I was in complete shock. It
later this month Peachtree Ridge High was like, "Is this on the radio
she graduates School or is it the CD?" ] was up in
from Shiloh High School. In 1555 Old Peachtree Ohio doing a radio promotion
addition, she performs this week Road, Suwanee when I heard it for the first time.
at "Rockin' at the Ridge," a It was cool.
benefit concert also featuring Ly~clsts like David Foster
Rik Emmerr (formerly of rhe and many others wrote the
Canadian hard rock band mate~al on Blue Skies. Would
Triumph) and Atlanta's own Shawn Mullins. you like to _ In the future?
The Sunday Paper recently talked with If I get a chance to do a second albwn,
DeGarmo. whose optimistic spirit and warm I will de/inirdy wrire.
laugh are as genuine as they appeared on Who do you consider to be an Inspiration?
"Idol," about her time on the show and her I am a big fan of TIna Turner, Celine Dion
plans for the future. and Parsy Cline.
Since you returned to school _r the
It's been one year since you were competition, have the kids at Shiloh been
:down to tile wire on "American Idol." treating you dlflerently?
What was that expe_ like? No, we all grew up rogerher and rhey
It was an incredible amount of pressure. knew me very well before "American Idol."
A but it was great when all of that emotion
kind of len and I was excited that it was over.
What do you plan On doing -. gladuatlon?
I will be touring. I will eventually go to
I was excited for Fantasia [Barrino. the first- college.
place winner]. What would you study?
What have you learned I'm not sure. History is my favorite subject.
since that time? How did you become Involved In this
The experience definirdy benelIt for Peachtree Ridge High School?
made me stronger. The principal ar Peachuee Ridge used ro be
Is ["Ame~can Idol" Judge] Simon Cewell my principal, so it does feel good to hdp our
putting on that snotty persona, or Is he really anorher school. Ir is a new high school and rhey
like that In person? are rrying ro ger rhe communiry involved. I did
No. He is really like rhar. We didn'r spend somerhing similar ro rhis for Shiloh, which
time together. would become my high school, when I was in
SImon said he felt you were too young lor the rhe fourrh grade. We raised rons of money.
competition. DId you ever agree with that? What are your favorite places to go to
No, I never did. He was wrong. I went up In Snellville?
rhere and worked really hard. I love Mellow Mushroom and irs dollar slice
What was It like to be around [host] Ryan night. Our entire senior class loves Chili's.
Seacrest? What aclvlce would you glve to a g1~ who
I loved Ryan. He's my fellow "Georgia wants to be the next Diana?
Peach." He made rhe process so much berrer and I just say, "Go for it and give it your
he really pumped us up. Ir was so much fun. best shot." SP

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