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Nama : fatimah

Kelas : 4b keperawatan

Saya sudah menyerahkan tugas sebelum

teman-teman saya datang kemarin
i submitted the assignment before
my friends came yesterday
Sekarang saya berada di Jakarta, besok Now I am in Jakarta, later I will be in
saya akan berada di Surabaya Surabaya

Mereka sedang belajar ketika orang tua they learn when their parents come
mereka datang

Mereka sedang belajar selama 1 jam They are studying for 1 hour compilation
ketika orang tua mereka datang of their parents coming

Buku yang saya baca kemarin adalah The book I read yesterday was my
buku teman saya friend's book

Saya membeli makanan di pedagang kaki I bought food at a street vendor last
lima tadi malam night

Saya sudah bilang kepada mereka I have told them many times

Apakah anak laki-laki itu belum dikhitan? Has the boy not been circumcised?

Mereka belum datang ketika saya tiba di They didn't come when I arrived at their
rumah mereka kemarin house yesterday

Kami sudah sampai/tiba We arrived / arrived

Waktunya sudah tiba. The time has come.


1. What is the matter with mrs . william ?

2. How long has mrs . william had a cough ?
3. When did it start ?
4. What did mrs . williams cough produce ?
5. Is she a smoker ?
6. Is she a heavy smoker ?
7. Has she a heavy coughed up and blood ?
8. What did she feel with high temperature ?


1. Mrs williams having some trouble with his chest

2. It started about a mount ago
3. About a week ago
4. He spends 15-20 cigaretters a day
5. No
6. Not really
7. No , never
8. He feel awful

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