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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint




Paper 1 Reading and Usage April 2017

50 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part.

The total number of marks for this paper is 45.

This document consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

© UCLES 2017

Part 1

Questions 1 – 10

Read the text below, and for each number, circle the correct word on the next page.

Asimo: a special little robot

What do you know (0) robots? Unless it’s quite a lot, you won’t (1) how

incredible it is that Asimo, a little robot (2) in 1986, can walk just like we do.

Before Asimo, robots had to stop walking in order to turn and (3) on in a new

direction. It was Asimo’s ability to turn (4) walking that made it so unusual.

Asimo was developed by the well-known Japanese electronics company, Honda.

Scientists there spent years (5) out exactly what Asimo needed to do to become

as human as possible. They taught it to understand simple spoken instructions. And

in (6) to that, they also (7) their robot the ability to walk and to recognise

different voices. Asimo had hands (8) could turn on switches, open doors and

move small objects.

(9) than just building a clever toy, Honda wanted to create a robot that would be

useful to people, perhaps (10) help to someone using a wheelchair. They



0 about around for with

1 suppose think realise notice [1]

2 dreamed designed imagined formed [1]

3 carry set come start [1]

4 until where again while [1]

5 getting working solving understanding [1]

6 addition extra advantage support [1]

7 included made gave showed [1]

8 which who what whose [1]

9 Apart Instead Even Rather [1]

10 producing permitting providing promoting [1]

[Turn over

Part 2

Questions 11 – 20

Complete the emails.

For questions 11 – 20, write ONE word in each space.

Example: (0) about

To: Gabby

From: Helen

Gabby, I’m writing (0) about the basketball match tomorrow. What time does it

start? And how (11) ………… you going to get there? If your dad’s driving, can I come

(12) ………… you? Let (13) ………… know if that’s OK. Also, I’ve lost my basketball

boots! Have you seen (14) ………… anywhere?

To: Helen

From: Gabby

Hi Helen, yes, (15) ………… course we’ll give you a lift. We’ll pick you up at 9 o’clock. I

(16) ………… you find your boots by then! (17) ………… you think they’re at school? If

not, I (18) ………… got an extra pair you can borrow. (19) ………… only problem is that

they are a bit bigger (20) ………… yours!

[Total: 10 marks]

Part 3

Questions 21 – 25

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does James say to Sarah?
For questions 21 – 25, write the correct letter A – H.


Sarah: Hello James, when did you get back from your holiday?

James: C
0 …………

Sarah: You look tired. Was it a long journey

A Well, we’re going there again next year!
James: 21 ………… [1]
B The city centre has lots of hotels.
Sarah: Did you take many pictures?
C Yesterday – we had a lovely time.
James: 22 ………… [1]
D There were a few problems, so we had to
Sarah: Where did you take this one? It’s
E They’re on my phone – look!
James: 23 ………… [1]
F We had to change flights, but it was OK.
Sarah: And what about the hotel you stayed in
– was it good?
G Thanks! We were at the top of a mountain.

James: 24 ………… [1]

H There were lots of them, but we enjoyed
Sarah: That’s a pity. But did you still enjoy

James: 25 ………… [1]

Sarah: Oh, so it really was good, then. Lucky


[Turn over

Part 4

Questions 26 – 35

Look at the text in each question.

What does it say?
For questions 26 – 35, circle the correct letter A, B or C.


0 A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia on

Saturday rather than on Sunday.

B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if

she’s not free on Saturday.

C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on both

Saturday and Sunday if possible.

26 A Theo and Callum must wait to hear whether

they can go to the show.

The school secretary says tickets B The secretary has warned that tickets for the
for the show have all gone. I gave show are likely to sell fast.
her our email addresses in case
anyone can’t make it and returns
theirs. C Theo should email the secretary to find out if
he can attend the show.


27 A Reception will tell you each month when you

need a new password.

B Get your new password details from college

College passwords must be staff every month.
changed monthly –
instructions on screen. C You will need a new password each month to
Any problems, see use the college computers.

28 What is Gail doing in the email?

A recommending a guitar teacher to Lucy

B suggesting that Lucy takes up an instrument

C comparing Mike with Lucy’s old teacher


29 Where does Lucy want to meet Eugenie?

A opposite the library

You know I said
Eugenie, I
got your
wasn’t going away
text. I’d love to
this summer
meet you ––I’m
at B by the café
just come
the home
library justwith
tickets to Morocco!
See you outside the
10 minutes –
the one just
C outside the post office
opposite the Hope
post [1]
there’s time
office. for
shopping too!

30 A There is less sugar in these drinks than


B There is no more than 25% sugar in these


C There could be more than 25% fruit in these



[Turn over

31 A Jack is telling Sam about an opportunity to

meet an author they like.

Jack B Jack is telling Sam about a book which he

might enjoy.
I read that book you recommended. C Jack is saying thanks to Sam for lending him
It’s brilliant! Did you know there’s a book.
another one coming out by the
same author? He mentioned it in an [1]
interview I saw.

32 A Laura will need to send a different

Laura – your passport photograph before her application can be
application was sent back by approved.
the passport office. They’re
right – the photograph clearly B Laura’s mum refuses to send the passport
isn’t suitable. Let’s go this application with the photograph that Laura
afternoon and have another provided.
one taken.
C Laura’s passport is out-of-date so she has to
Mum get a new photograph taken.


33 A You will save yourself money if you pay

before tomorrow evening.

B Swimmers need to hand in their forms by

tomorrow evening or they can’t compete.

C Tell Mr Smith if you are going to be late for

the competition.


34 Frida and Jaya will pay

Hi Jaya
About the sculpture A nothing to see the sculptures they are
museum; it’s not interested in.
actually free
admission – well, B more if they visit the permanent collection.
only the permanent
collection. As this is
a special exhibition,
there’s a charge – C less than some other visitors.
luckily there’s a
student rate.
Frida [1]

35 A The essay is not due yet but students mustn’t

To: All geography students write too many words.
Subject: Geography homework
Give yourself an hour or more to do B Students must see the teacher before
the essay, and write at least 500 beginning the essay for information on word
words. Hand it in next Tuesday. limits.
See me if you have any questions.

C The essay must be a minimum length and

have enough time spent on it.

[Turn over

Part 5

Questions 36 – 40

The young people below all want to go to a film festival.

On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight film festivals for young people.
Decide which film festival would be suitable for the following people.
For questions 36 – 40, write the correct letter (A – H) in the box.

36 Joel would like to know about film-making competitions. He’s

interested in watching documentaries, and has some questions
he’d like to ask an expert.


37 Saskia’s interested in the lives of famous actors, and wants the

opportunity to discuss films with other film fans. She’d love to see
an award-winning international film.


38 Danny wants the chance to show his own film, and get comments
on it from film professionals. He’d like to meet others interested in
cinema and discuss the possibility of working on a film project.


39 Eva wants to know what it’s like to work as a film-maker, and

speak to someone in the film industry about how to train for this
career. She would love to make a film at the festival.


40 Charlie is interested in how music is used in films. He wants to

find out more about how special effects are created, and to learn
about the history of cinema.


Film Festivals
A Georgetown Screenings B IndieFilm
At Georgetown, film professionals At Indiefilm, local film-makers
will help you create a short film. show their films to an audience
Many have won prizes for their own for the first time. You’ll see
films, are experts in everything from exciting new films, and hear from
choosing equipment to creating film-makers and actors directly
soundtracks and are happy to share about techniques they used, and
their film-making experiences. If experiences they had during
cinema’s more than just a hobby, we filming – useful if you are
can advise on the best courses for thinking of studying this
you to take. fascinating subject.

C Central Film D Real-2-Reel

At Central Film, watch great new Real-2-Reel shows the best films
films – fiction or fact, including an from competitions around the world.
important film about endangered The on-site café’s great for meeting
animals – and talk to professionals people and chatting with others
about getting great results in your about good (and bad!) films you’ve
own films, and maybe even learn seen and picking up some
some industry secrets! Leave your recommendations – listen to music
e-mail address so we can contact from great films while you do so!
This year there’s an exhibition on
you about opportunities to win
cinema stars, past and present.
fantastic prizes with your film-

E MovieCity F Showcase
We’ve got stalls with information Showcase helps you to develop your
on everything related to film, from own film-making with this chance to
hugely expensive films set in space see some little-known films from
and other exotic locations, to local- around the world. Share opinions with
interest documentaries. Seen
other fans, and enter our competition:
something you loved or hated?
Write a comment for the MovieCity
Name that Film – identify the movies
noticeboard, and be sure to read each piece of music comes from and
some other fans’ reviews too. win cinema tickets!

G FilmWorld H CineHub
Filmworld shows you how science-fiction Cinehub supports future film-makers,
films look so realistic by teaching you about so as well as seeing hits from around
computer animation and giving technical tips the world, you can watch new films
for your own work. Films aren’t just about by young film-makers – perhaps even
actors – speak to directors, or people who enter one of your own! It’ll be seen
write the songs for many films today, and by successful directors who’ll give
enjoy displays showing cinema from its early you advice about it. There are
days right up to the present. opportunities to exchange and
develop ideas with other festival-
goers – who knows what you might
create together?

[Turn over

Part 6

Questions 41 – 45

Read the text and questions below.

For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

The Tie Maker

Looking smart has always been important for teenager Mo Bridges. He likes to wear suits
whenever possible – even when just going to the shops! He was inspired by his grandfather,
who always looked great. ‘I feel better in nice clothes – it makes me feel important!’ Mo

When Mo saw famous singers wearing special ties called ‘bow-ties’, he decided he wanted one
too. But when he went shopping, all he found were plain, boring ones. He wanted something
more interesting, so he asked his grandma, who had years of sewing experience and many
pieces of old material, to teach him to make one himself.

The first bow-tie he made was ‘a big mess – like something a clown would wear!’ He was
determined to do better, and made bow-ties on his grandma’s sewing machine until finally his
skills improved. Eventually, his family bought him his own machine, and he kept sewing
(when he wasn’t playing football – Mo says it’s important to have a balance in life!) People
started noticing his designs. ‘They’d see me wearing my bow-ties and say, “That’s great – I
want one!” So I decided to sell them!’ explains Mo.

Soon, he was using modern colourful material in his designs, and he started selling the ties
online. As the number of orders increased, he asked family members for help. No two of Mo’s
bow-ties are the same, and can be worn by people of any age. He gets orders out to customers
on time and values their feedback. His success has encouraged him and in future, he wants to
develop a clothing range. As Mo explains, ‘If you have an ambition, don’t wait until you’re
older – go for it!’

41 What is the main purpose of this article?

A to recommend using a hobby as a way to make money

B to explain how a young person started a successful business
C to remind people of the importance of family support in business
D to describe how useful the internet is for selling products

42 Mo decided he wanted to make his own bow-ties when

A he noticed some other people wearing them.
B he saw how good his grandfather looked in one.
C his grandmother offered to teach him to sew.
D he saw some really attractive ones in shops.

43 When Mo started sewing he

A found it easy to improve his technique.

B spent all his free time practising his new skill.
C discovered it was a skill that took time to learn.
D liked having his own equipment to work with.

44 Why is Mo’s company successful?

A Every tie is made by Mo himself.
B People can have a tie that nobody else has.
C People can order ties in any colour they choose.
D The ties go well with the clothes he produces.

45 What would Mo say about his life?

I know I missed the chance I’m grateful to my family for
to play football like other all their support, especially
teenagers, but it’s all been when I have had so many
worth it. orders that I have had to
disappoint customers.

I think looking professional Young people should follow
at work is really important their dreams. Setting up a
but like most teenagers I business doesn’t always
feel more comfortable in require a great deal of
casual clothes. previous knowledge!


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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
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© UCLES 2017

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