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1. Audiences 6
Targeting: Core Audiences 6
Lookalike Audiences 6
Custom Audiences 7
2. Audience Overlap 8
Recommended Audiences 8
Reaching Multicultural Affinity Audience 9
How to find your ideal audience on Facebook, Instagram,
and audience network 10
3. Apps 11
Promoting Successful App: From Install to Sales Webinar 11
App Engagement 11
App Installs 11
4. Instagram 12
Advance Performance Marketing Instagram 12
5. Reporting - Measurement 13
Recommended Targeting Solutions by Objective
Audience Outcomes 14
Brand Outcomes 14
Sales Outcomes 15
Facebook ads reporting attribution 15
Facebook Pixel 15
Mobile SDK 15
Offline events 15
Facebook Reporting vs Third Party Reporting 16
History Reporting 16
6. Ads - facebook 17
Acquiring New Customers - Lead Ads 17
Turn Shoppers into Buyers with Dynamic Ads 17
Book more business with dynamic Ads for Travel 18
A/B Testing 18
Ad Policies for Content, Creative and Targeting 19
Audience Network: Extend the reach of your fb campaigns 20
7. Branding 21
Brand Awareness: Earning Reach and Attention 21
Building Brand with Brand Awareness Objective - Webinar 23
Brand Lift 24
Brand Measurement Solutions 25
Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) 26
Nielsen Total Ad Ratings (TAR) 26
Facebook Brand Lift 26
8. Direct Response 27
Best Practices 27
9. Video 29
Video Views 29
10. Facebook Marketing Partners 30
Buying Channels 30
11. Ad Auction 31
Ad Auction Options 31
Ad Auction and Delivery Overview 31
Standard versus Accelerated Delivery 34
Reach and frequency buying on FB 34
Reach and frequency Troubleshooting 36
12. Troubleshooting Ads 37
Reach and frequency Webinar 37
Budget, Bidding, Scheduling 39
Plan reach & frequency campaigns with Campaign Planner 39
13. Power Editor (Advanced) 41
14. Facebook and TV 42
15. Engaging your Audience with Interactive Canvas Units 44
16. Additional Resources 46
1. Audiences
There are 3 different type of audiences within Facebook. It's key that you understand
the difference between all of them:

Core Audiences: sometimes also called "saved" audiences are based on the
following variables:
- Intent / Interest
- Geographic
- Lifestyle / life-stage
- Psychographic
- Demographic
- Purchase-based

Partner Categories: US, UK, France, Germany, Australia and Brazil.

Lookalike Audiences: target customers similar to what you have in your

custom audiences based on what you select from the following:
- Existing customers
- Website traffic
- Existing mobile app users
- Other countries similar to current customers
- Custom Audience: Facebook pixel or Facebook SDK.
- Facebook Page: fans
- CRM database: emails, phone numbers or user IDs
Keep in mind that you need at least 100 users in a custom audience in order to
expand and create a lookalike audience.

The larger the audience, the less similar to seed audience will be. 1% - 10%

Custom Audiences: are audiences based on various interactions within

Facebook, your website, mobile application, Instagram, offline activities or your

They are used for the following objectives

1. Awareness: Build your brand
2. Consideration: Drive intent with high-value prospects
3. Conversion: Acquire new customers by finding people who are most like your
best customers
4. Loyalty
2. Audience Overlap
Recommended Audience:
Based on your objective follow the guide to know when to use what type of audience:

A) Drive online Traffic from Facebook (will be referred as FB) and Instagram (will
be referred as IG)

Targeting Ad Units Ad format Measurement

Core Audiences

Custom Optimized for

Acquiring Link ads in
Audiences conversions FB pixel
new customers News Feed
Remarketing to Optimized for
Custom Link ads in
existing conversions FB pixel
Audiences News Feed
customers CPC

B) Drive in-store traffic from FB and IG

Targeting Ad Units Ad format Measurement

Core audiences/
Link ads in
Acquiring Custom News Feed Conversion
new customers Audiences lift tests
from your website Photo ads


Remarketing to Link ads in Optimized for

Custom News Feed Conversion
existing conversions
Audiences lift tests
customers Photo ads CPC
C) Drive mobile app Installs and conversions from FB and IG

Targeting Ad Units Bid Types Measurement

Facebook SDK + app
Acquiring new Optimized for
Custom Mobile app events or third-party
mobile app conversions
Audiences install ads mobile measurement

Facebook SDK + app

Remarketing to Mobile app Optimized for
Custom events or third party
existing mobile engagement conversions
Audiences mobile measurement
app users ads CPI or CPA

Best practices for direct response ads

- Set different bids for low and high lifetime value users
- Bid your true value
- Increase your bid if you’re willing to pay more per objective

Reaching Multicultural Affinity Audience

- Three clusters of Multicultural Affinity Audiences in US market: Hispanic, African
American and Asian American
- US Hispanic
- 31 MM monthly users
- 25 MM return every day
- 30 MM mobile monthly avg users
- 96% facebook via mobile
- 66% access fb exclusively via mobile
- Audience's Interest
How to find your ideal audience on FB, IG, & audience
3. Apps

Promoting Successful App: From Install to Sales Webinar

● You can leverage dynamic ads to mobile app installs

App Engagement
● Integration with Facebook SDK is needed
● CTA:
a. Use App
b. Open link
c. Shop now
d. Book now
e. Play game
f. Listen now
g. Watch Video
h. Watch More
i. Download
j. Learn More
k. Sign Up
● Further reading:

App Installs
● App must report installs
● App account id-app id-mobile store trio must be non-fraudulent before CPA is
4. Instagram

Advance Performance Marketing Instagram

5. Reporting - Measurement

Recommended Targeting Solution by Objective:

● You can use Facebook (will be referred as FB) and Instagram (will be referred
as IG) targeting for different business goals.

Core Custom Lookalike

Audience Audience Audience
Driving online traffic
- Acquiring new customers X X X
- Remarketing to existing
Driving in-store traffic
- Acquiring new customers (Partner (Custom Audiences
Categories) from your website)

- Remarketing to existing
Driving mobile apps installs and conversions
- Acquiring new mobile app
- Remarketing to existing
mobile app users

Conversion Lift can be measured by the following:

1. Test Group vs. Control Group
2. Make sure you reach 75% of test group
3. Measure results
4. Calculate conversion lift => Compare conversion and sales volume between test
and control group

Further reading on conversion:
If your goal is... You should apply the FB pixel/App Event to...

General remarketing Main landing pages, search pages, category pages

Main landing pages, loyalty/rewards pages, newsletter
Lead generation
Mobile app installs
Activate App and App Purchase
(App SDK)
Mobile app
Activate App, App Purchase, Add to Cart, Initiated
re-engagement (App
Loyalty Loyalty/rewards pages
Loyalty/rewards pages, shopping cart
Retention with lapse
(exclude purchasers via FB pixel on checkout/thank you
Upselling Category/product pages

Audience Outcomes
● Facebook ads reporting (Ads Manager + Power Editor + Ads Insights API)
● Split Testing (
● Audience Insights
● Reach reporting
● Nielsen DAR/TAR
● Viewability and verification partners

Brand Outcomes
Determine if ads generated awareness for brand and shifted perception of brand.
Brand Lift:
● Brand Lift on Facebook
● Nielsen: analyzed data from 173 of their brand effect studies that included digital
● Millward Brown
Sales Outcomes
Determine if customer took desired action: buy a product, sign up for service or
downloaded app.
● Facebook conversion reporting: online and offline conversions
● Facebook conversion lift: determine additional business driven online, offline
and mobile app from people reached by fb ads across devices
● Partner lift: measure lift in sales using partner-based ROI measurement
● Attribution: rules-based attribution and results-driven multi-touch attribution to
help advertisers how their campaigns drive online, offline and cross-device
● Multi-touch attribution (MTA) partner: people-based MTA.
● Marketing mix modeling (MMM) partners
Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs): how fb drives installs and revenue for your

Facebook ads reporting attribution

It is used to understand the actions taken as a result of your ad during a particular
time period.
● How many people engaged with your brand on facebook
● How many people made a purchase on your website after seeing or clicking fb
● Conversions on website or app

Ways to measure it
1. Facebook pixel
○ Allows you to measure the amount of people that visit specific pages or
takes specific actions within your website.
○ All events will be able to be tracked for specific campaigns
○ You can use parameters and events to better track and measure your
campaign performance
2. Mobile SDK
○ Allows you to track performance of your campaigns to mobile app
○ Allows you to create marketing campaign for specific events in your mobile
3. Offline events
○ Allows you to compare transactions that occurred offline to the audience of
your campaigns, giving you a complete picture of the customer journey
and performance of digital ads.
○ All data must have an Event Time
○ All entries must have an Event Name:
Lead, Purchase, Other, ViewContent, Search, AddToCart, AddToWishList,
InitiateCheckout, AddPaymentInfo, CompleteRegistration
○ Value and currency

Clicks: A person clicked your ad and converted. This is called click-through

Views: a person saw your ad, didn’t click it, but converted. This is called view-through

Attribution Window
● Broken up in 1-day, 7-day and 28-day

Facebook Reporting vs Third Party Reporting

Refer to the following link:

History Reporting
- Search by user, activity and date.

Activities that can be seen:

● Account spending limit changes
● Campaign, ad set and ad status changes
● Campaign, ad set and ad creation
● Daily/lifetime budget changes
● Ad review approvals
● Ad set schedule changes
● Placement and targeting changes
● Campaign, ad set and ad name changes
● Ad bid type changes
● Billing-related changes
6. Ads - Facebook
Acquiring New Customers - Lead Ads
Different uses for Lead Ads
1. Newsletter or information sign ups
2. Deals, coupons, and offers for retailers or e-commerce
3. Inquiry or interest forms for education, financial or professional services
4. Product demos, test drives, and sample requests

Turn Shoppers into Buyers with Dynamic Ads

● Dynamically create and deliver personalized, relevant ads to customers, based
on the product they’ve already shown an interest in.
● Optimize for
- CPC → pay for clicks
- CPM → pay for views
- oCPM for product catalog sales → pay for product sales

Product Catalog
● Product Feed: A structured data file that contains information about your product
inventory, including pricing, availability, and descriptions. Each row in the file
contains columns of attributes that define each product. You can also use the
same product feed that you use from other services and import it directly into
● Product Set: A set of products that you want to advertise. For example, summer
dresses and winter coats would be two different product sets.
● Product ID: A unique code that represents an item in your catalog. Each product
has its own product ID.
● Dynamic Ad: A personalized ad delivered to the right person at the right time.
Book more business with dynamic Ads for Travel
● Be relevant
● Show dynamic pricing
● Scale your campaigns
● Deliver ads at the right time
● Enhance ROI

Hotel Catalog
● Hotel Catalog: A collection of your hotel feeds. For example, you may have
multiple feeds for hotels located in different regions.
● Hotel Feed: A structured XML, CSV, or TSV file that contains information about
your hotel inventory, including base prices, fees, availability, and property
descriptions. Each row represents a hotel and the columns represent different
● Hotel ID: A unique code that represents each hotel in your feed. Each hotel has
its own code.
● Dynamic Ad: A personalized ad delivered to the right person at the right time.

A/B Testing
● Choose a target audience, split into two groups and post a different version of
an ad to each group.
● FB Ads Manager and Power Editor can see results.
● Variables: titles, copy, images, calls to actions, and targeting options.

7 Creative elements that win

1. Focal Point
2. Brand Link
3. Brand Personality
4. Informational Reward
5. Emotional Reward
6. Noticeability
7. Call To Action: Shop Now, Book Now, Learn More, Sign Up, Download, Watch
More, Contact Us, Apply Now, Donate Now.
Ad Policies for Content, Creative and Targeting
These are thing you should NOT do with your marketing campaigns!
I will not go into details in this guide, but will provide general rules that I thought would
be helpful.

● Personal characteristics: Name, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical
or mental disability or medical condition, financial status or perceived

● Vulgar language
● Deceptive Claims: false, fraudulent or misleading claims
● Following Action Texts:
1. Acceptable:
a. "Click 'Like' to connect with X"
b. "Like our Page to receive updates, news, deals, etc"
c. "Like John's Page to show your support"
2. Unacceptable:
a. "Like our organization's Page to show your support for X."
b. "Click 'Like' if you agree"
c. "Like this ad to see the video"
d. "Like our Page to automatically enter our raffle"

● Before and after pictures
● Sexually suggestive
● Shock or scare tactics

Facebook logos:
● As long as you don’t imply a partnership you should be ok
● You can’t use other logos or previous ones
Audience Network: Extend the reach of your fb campaigns
● Eligible ads are converted into native, banner, interstitial or video ads on fb
approved publishers.

Objectives that Audience Network support:

Objective Banner Interstitial Native In Stream

Video Views Enabled
Mobile +
Mobile App Enabled Enabled Enabled
Installs and
Website click Enabled Enabled Enabled
Dynamic Enabled Enabled Enabled
Catalog Sales
7. Branding
Brand Awareness: Earning Reach and Attention
Brand Awareness measurement:
● Clicks are easy to measure but not correlated with brand outcomes
● Engagement is useful in some cases but time signals, like clicks, might be better
● Reach is important but much more you can do

Objective → maximize brand awareness by optimizing for reach and attention, or

how long someone is looking at an ad.

There are two ways you can optimize brand awareness campaigns:
● Brand Awareness: combination of reach and attention
○ Find people in target audience who pays attention to ads and then finds
more similar people.
○ Charged for impressions
● Reach optimization: maximize number of people who see ads given a specific
time period
○ You have to set up a budget and bid for reaching your audience
○ Set frequency resets

Reporting Metric → Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

● Real time data so you can get a pulse on your campaign while they are running.
● Estimated Ad Recall Lift: number of people that fb estimates would recall seeing
your ad.

Brand Awareness = Reach x Brand Attention x Message Quality x Other Factors

● Brand Awareness: Total number of people recalling the ad per dollar spent
● Reach: Number of people reached per dollar spent
● Attention: Amount of time people spend looking at ads relative to average ad
● Message Quality: Brand linkage, persuasion, memorability and so on
● Other Factors: Existing brand attributes, priming, product usage, and so on
How do Facebook measurements differs from various ad types:
● Brand Awareness vs Page Post Engagement → Brand Awareness factors time
a person spend on ads. Page post only toward people more likely to interact
with ad.
● Brand Awareness vs Video Views → depends on KPI or objective
● Reach Optimization vs. Unique daily reach → Reach optimization maximizes
specific reach over a period of time. Unique one day, not entire campaign.
● Reach Optimization vs Reach and Frequency → optimize reach beyond daily.

Estimated Ad Recall Lift is calculated by

● Reach: number of people you reached with your ads
● Relative attention: How much time people spent at your ads compared to other
content in their news feed
● Historical data: Data from more than 300 Nielsen Brand studies that show
correlation of attention and reach to ad recall

Why it's important Ad Recall

● Less sensitive to brand attributes
● One of the most common poll questions and brand measurement
● A common measurement of cut-through used across many media types

Brand Solutions for measurement:

● Facebook Brand Lift
● Nielsen Brand Effect
● Millward Brown Digital: Brand Lift Insights
Building Brand with Brand Awareness Objective - Webinar

● With brand awareness we can have direct control in reach and attention.
● The longer someone is looking at ad, the best the ad recall it is.
● Most people that are most likely to pay attention

Maximize ad recall and time watching ads, optimized for relative attention:
1. Reach Objective: maximum number of people you want to reach
2. Capture People's Attention: people most likely to pay attention. Cost effective
3. KPI is engagement: Page post engagement is most powerful

3 Tools to access: Power Editor / API / Create Ads

Brand Lift
● The direct impact your ads are having on perceptions and behaviors throughout
the consumer journey.
● Measuring how effective their communications activities are in changing
perceptions on one or more primary purchase funnel stages.
● A brand lift study will help you understand how ads are impacting
○ Ad Recall
○ Brand Awareness
○ Message Association

Examples of poll questions for a brand lift study:

○ Do you recall seeing an ad for [BRAND/PRODUCT] online or on a mobile
device in the last 2 days?
○ Which of the following comes to mind first when you think of [PRODUCT]?
○ Will you recommend [BRAND/PRODUCT] to a friend?
○ Have you heard of [BRAND]?
○ Will you buy/consider [BRAND/PRODUCT] the next time you shop for

What metrics or results will give me a brand lift study?

○ Estimated incremental number of people who remembered seeing your ad
○ Cost per estimated incremental person who remembered seeing your ad,
based on your budget
○ Percentage point lift, which is the difference in the percent of people who
recall seeing your ad in the exposed group versus those in the control

Other resources for more info on brand lift study:
Brand Measurement Solutions
● More clicks does not necessarily mean better results

● If focused on cookies, it’s easy to overstate reach and understate frequency of

brand campaigns.
● Facebook is people-based measurement:
○ Audience outcomes: Measure and optimize how you reach your audience
■ How many people did your ads reach? How frequently?
■ Did the ads reach the right people/audience?
■ Did the ads reach people cross-device?
○ Brand outcomes: Measure how your media spend impacts brand
■ Did the ads breakthrough? Are they memorable?
■ Did they generate brand awareness?
■ Did the ads change the perception of your brand?
○ Sales outcomes: Measure how your media spend impacts sales objectives
■ Did the ads drive your business outcomes? Did they contribute to
■ Did the ads results in sales, leads or app installs?

● To measure reach you can use

○ Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR)
○ Nielsen Total Ad Ratings (TAR)
Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR)
● Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings uses a combination of census data and Nielsen panel
data to provide advertisers with an independent read on their reach by age and
gender, by channel, and their on-target percentage.
● DAR is the only digital measurement solution available that provides a
campaign’s full digital audience across desktop and mobile devices. It’s a helpful
measurement solution in that it:
○ Allows you to hold FB accountable for reaching your intended audience.
○ Allows for a consistent reach metric across platforms that will allow you to
do brand and sales effectiveness comparison for relative reach.
○ Allows advertisers to understand reach for any campaign, which is helpful
if you’re looking to compare Facebook with your other online marketing
● Available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom,
and United States.

Nielsen Total Ad Ratings (TAR)

● TAR uses single-source panel data to measure the reach of a campaign across
TV & digital, revealing who saw your ad online, on TV, and in both places.
● TAR can help you invest in ways to maximize Gross Rating Points (GRPs) and
manage costs across cross-platform buys.
● Available in Italy, France, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States
● Brand Outcomes: Use CTR, engagement rate and conversion rate as metrics
○ How to do it: Randomize groups > Deliver ads to one group > Deliver polls
> Analyze lift

Facebook Brand Lift

● Do you recall seeing an ad for [BRAND/PRODUCT] online or on a mobile device
in the last 2 days?
● Which of the following comes to mind first when you think of [PRODUCT]?
● Will you recommend [BRAND/PRODUCT] to a friend?
● Have you heard of [BRAND]?
● Will you buy/consider [BRAND/PRODUCT] the next time you shop for
● Third Party Options for Brand Lift Insights:
○ Nielsen Brand Effect
○ Millward Brown Digital


Number of Compatible Platform Minimum (US-Only)

poll questions Ad Formats Available
Facebook 1 or 3 Image, Facebook Reach 5MM
Video, and impressions 20MM
Carousel Instagram spend $175K
Nielsen 3 Reach 30MM
impressions 40MM
Spend $350K
Millward 5 Reach 10MM
Impressions 40MM
Spend $500K

Advantages of using Ad Create Tool:

8. Direct Response
● Acquiring new customers
● Driving in-store
● Increasing awareness for a new product
○ Awareness: build top-of-mind-awareness, affinity, equity and consideration
■ Brand awareness
■ Local awareness
■ Reach
○ Consideration: Generate interest, demand and purchase intent for
products, services or promotions, both online and in-store
■ Traffic
■ Engagement
■ App Installs
■ Video Views
■ Lead Generation
○ Conversion: Encourage people to complete transactions Conversions
■ Product catalog sales
■ Store visits

Set up measurements for goals

● Lifetime value (LTV)
● Downstream value
● Average order value (AOV)
● Share of new customers

Set up measurements for campaigns

● Avg. order value
● Conversion rate
9. Video
Video Views
● Page Insights: Number of times page video has been viewed for more than
three seconds and more than 10 seconds.
● Ads Reporting Tool: Age, Gender, Age and Gender, Country and Region
● Video Engagement: Avg. Watch Time and Percentage Watched
● Sound on and off: for 10 second video views. Only in Page Insights and Ads
● Audience Retention: How much do people recall your ad

Video Optimization Through the Auction or Reach and Frequency

Reach and Frequency Optimize for Video Views

When to Use Drive targeted awareness of your Drive as many video views as possible
video with predictable reach and by delivering your ad to people who are
controlled frequency. most likely to view your videos.

Flight 1-90 days You select

Frequency You select frequency for entire Up to 2 per day; no lifetime frequency
duration of campaign capping. Up to 4 times a day for fans.

Targeting All facebook targeting capabilities. No All facebook targeting capabilities

website custom audience and
fan-exclusion targeting.

Billing Predictable CPM CPM

Pricing Based on audience size & frequency Based on your bid

Buying Ads Create Tool / Power Editor / API Ads Create Tool / Power Editor / API

Lead Time Campaigns can be booked up to 6 Can be set up immediately

months in advance

Measurement Impressions, views, completed views, quartile views, shares, link clicks (Page
Insights and Ads Reporting), Brand Effect, Nielsen Total Ad Rating, Nielsen
Digital Ad Rating, Datalogix.
Nielsen and Datalogix only in selected countries.
10. FB Marketing Partners

Buying Channels
You can work with Facebook Marketing Partners in several ways:
- Campaign strategy
- Campaign management
- Measurements and insights

- Building FB Pages
- Create FB or IG Ads
- Targeting the right audience
- Analyzing your ad campaign

- Supporting TV and radio ads with corresponding FB ads
- Building custom apps
- Analyzing current customer data to find similar customers on FB

Insertion Orders: Buy ads directly through a FB Sales Representative. When you
need to guarantee audience delivery.

The Ad Auction: FB uses more than 140 factors to determine which ads are shown
- Bid you input as you’re setting up your ad
- How we predict people in your audience will react to your ad
- How relevant we think they’ll find your ad

CPC CPM Conversion Optimization

You value Clicks Reach Click, reach, social impressions, and actions at
different levels

You pay for Clicks Impressions Impressions

We optimize Clicks Reach What you value the most; clicks, reach, social
for impressions, or actions such as conversion
11. Ad Auction
Ad Auction Options

TRP Buying = Target Rating Points

● TRP verified by Nielsen
● Billed by impressions on Nielsen DMA (Designated Market Areas)
● Only available in: UK, Germany, US, France, Italy, Brazil, Australia and Canada

Facebook recommends measuring your results based on three aspects:

Audience Outcomes
● How many people did your ad reach? How frequently?
● Did the ads reach the right people/audience?
● Did the ads reach people cross-device?
Brand Outcomes
● Did the ads breakthrough? Are they memorable?
● Did they generate brand awareness?
● Did the ads change the perception of your brand?
Sales Outcomes
● Did the ads drive your business outcomes? Did they contribute to ROI?
● Did the ads results in sales, leads or app installs?
Ad Auction and Delivery Overview
Buying Types
1. Reach & Frequency: Accurately plan and deliver campaigns with predictable
reach and controlled frequency. Schedule ads during most impactful times.
2. Auction: Reach audiences most likely to react to content. Takes into account:
bid, likelihood of driving desired outcomes, site performance, ad quality and
relevant ad to target audience.
3. TRP: lets advertisers plan and buy video campaigns using Nielsen-verified
TRPs on FB & IG. This allows video campaigns to be planned, bought and
reported like TV and other online video channels

How does Facebook Auction work:

● Balance between maximizing advertiser value and optimizing consumer
● Vickrey-Clarke-Groves auction is a combination of
○ Bids → stated bid
○ Estimated action rate → how fb expects people in the target audience to
take action after they see ad
○ Ad quality and relevance score → How relevant fb predicts target
audience will find ad

How is the bid calculated

eCPM + Ad Relevance Factors (expected engagement, expected positive feedback,
expected negative feedback) = Total Bid

Ad Relevance:
- eCTR: expected click-through rate
- eCVR: expected click-to-conversion rate
- Influenced by ad history, ad set history, campaign history, user characteristics,
page type, and activity on the specific ad.
Optimize for different bid types:
● Impressions (CPM): cost per mille
○ It’s the toughest one, and you may want to stay away from it as you could
spend lots of money without any results
○ Total Bid = eCPM x Ad Relevance factors
Total Bid = (CPM Bid) + Ad Relevance Factors
● Clicks (CPC): the price you pay for every click
○ You are paying for every kind of click on your ad (like, share, clicks, etc.)
○ The better the CTR, the lower your CPC will be.
○ Total Bid = eCPM x Relevance Factors
Total Bid = [(CPC Bid) x (expected CTR or eCTR) *1,000] + Ad Relevance
● Conversions (oCPM): you want FB to automatically optimize for your campaign
goal (website conversion, post engagement, offer claims, etc.)
○ You are not really bidding but telling FB the desired maximum cost for
goal’s actions. The delivery will be optimized to display ads to those users
most likely to complete the action you want.
○ Website conversions, engagement, website clicks, reach, page likes,
mobile app installs, and so on.
○ You will pay more for overall display of ads, but overall cost of conversion
will be much cheaper.
● Actions (CPA): you are looking for specific actions based on ad type (likes,
leads, etc.) with your Facebook campaigns.
○ You can not use CPA to promote external website conversions.
○ Total Bid = eCPM x Ad Relevance factors
Total Bid = (CPA or oCPM Bid) x (eCTR x Conversion probability, or
eCVR) + Relevance factors
Standard versus Accelerated Delivery

Reach and frequency buying on FB

● Buy ads on FB and IG through Ads Manager, Power Editor and API.
● You must have 200,000 people in audience to use reach and frequency buying
● Reach and frequency can be a good fit if you want to:
○ Accurately predict the reach, frequency, and cost of your brand campaigns
○ Extend the reach of your TV campaigns onto FB and IG
○ Plan and book your campaigns in advance
○ Tell your brand’s story and deliver your message to people in a sequence
○ Deliver ads across devices
○ Flexibility on targeting and buy size
○ Predictable delivery
○ Efficient pricing for advertisers
○ Controlled delivery to real people
● The reach objective lets to show ads to the maximum number of people in your
audience and maximize the number of impressions people in your audience
● Reach and frequency buying guidelines
○ Cost is always CPM

Some guidelines to keep in mind when planning and buying ads using reach and

● Reach optimization will show your ads to the maximum number of people
● Impressions optimization will show your ads as many times as possible
○ The same person may see ad several times
● Ad Sets must be 1-90 days in length and can be booked six months in advance
of your launch date
● You must reach a minimum of 200,000 people per Ad Set
● You can deliver ads on FB and IG
● The system delivers to hit the reach and frequency target while also prioritizing
the selected objective. If your primary KPI is action based — conversions or
website clicks — consider the auction for more optimal buying options.
● Frequency planned is a cap, not a guarantee. We will deliver to an average
without going above the set cap.
● You may cancel or make changes any time before your Ad Set starts.
● Audience holdouts can be up to 5%.
● Ads must be uploaded to the Ad Set within six hours after the scheduled start
time. If they are uploaded after that, the Ad Set will be cancelled.
● Supports image, video ads, carousel ads, slideshow ads and canvas ads
● CTA: apply now, book now, contact us, download, learn more, save, sell now,
shop now, sign up, watch more, get directions, call now, message now.

Ad Sets
● Can contain multiple ads. If there are multiple ads within a reach and frequency
Ad Set, delivery will optimize toward the best-performing ads based on the
objective you’ve selected.
● You may choose to manually rotate creative within an Ad Set or use ad
scheduling to set the rotation schedule in advance.
● You may choose to use ad sequencing to have control over the order that the
ads in your Ad Set are seen.
● Each Ad Set has its own Budget, Reach, Frequency, Targeting, and

● You may target one country per campaign, so if you’re interested in reaching
people in multiple countries, you’ll need to set up separate reach and frequency
Ad Sets.
● It's best to avoid creating too narrow of an audience in order to maximize
● You can use exclusion targeting when retargeting audiences with video.
● Reach and frequency campaigns are compatible with the majority of Facebook’s
targeting capabilities, but the following are exceptions:
○ Website Custom Audiences
○ Fan-exclusion targeting
○ Friends of Connections targeting
○ Operating system specific targeting
Reach and frequency Troubleshooting
● You will always need to be running one ad set.
○ If you have one, you won’t be able to delete it. To delete, add a new one
and delete old one.
● To add video and canvas you need to set up at ad set level.
● You can cancel a campaign but not an ad set.

● Campaigns will deliver most at start of frequency intervals.
○ For example, if your frequency is 2 impressions every 6 days, most of the
delivery is likely to be in the first 3 days, to increase the chances of
showing the same people a second impression in the last 3 days.

● You CAN’T use it with website custom audiences, fan or video
engagement-exclusion targeting, friends of connections or operating
● It must be at the country level
12. Troubleshooting Ads

Reach and frequency Webinar

● Most cookie based measurement understate frequency by as much as 141%
● Biggest advantage is multi-screen
With reach and frequency you can predict:
1. Reach and CPM
2. Frequency distribution
3. Spend per day
4. Placement distribution

Ad Sequencing
● Run ads in order
Use Cases
● Plan brand campaigns in advance
○ Use campaign planning tools
○ Lock in buy/campaigns up to 6 months in advance
○ Plan brand campaign with reach confidence
● Complement TV Buys
○ Build frequency early
○ Use FB + IG during dark periods
● Tell more complex stories with controlled delivery

Budget, Bidding, Scheduling

Plan reach & frequency campaigns with Campaign Planner

Allow to:
● Predict reach and frequency: add details like your target, schedule, and budget
to predict reach, frequency and pricing
● Play with budgets, schedules, audiences, placements, and ad impressions per
● Create and compare versions: Create multiple versions of a given media plan
and compare to decide which version is more effective for your campaign
● Share plans easily: keep your clients and colleagues informed on your plans

Use it for:
● Predict reach and frequency of your campaign
● Optimize campaign performance by comparing versions
● Share media plans with others

Intended for Media planners and facebook marketing partners. For media planning
Create a plan and versions of the plan
1. Create a base plan
a. Audience
b. Frequency cap
c. Schedule
d. Placements
e. Objective
f. Creative format for campaigns
2. Create versions of the plan
a. Up to six versions of each plan
b. Tweak: schedule, audience, targeting and more
3. Compare versions
a. Estimated reach delivery
b. Frequency distribution
c. Placement distribution
d. Spend per day
e. Targeting

Access through Ads Manager or Power Editor.

13. Power Editor

Mass Operations Done at large scale.

● Edit campaign settings
● Create multiple variations of existing
campaigns, ad sets, and ads
● Rename campaigns, ad sets, and ads
● Adjust targeting
● Change bids
● Modify budgets by dollar amount or percent
● Plan scheduling
● Add creative elements to ads

Duplicate Duplicate existing items

Editing Ads, Ad Sets and Campaigns

● Campaign / Ad Set / Ad Name
● Budget
● Ad Set Dates
● Status
● Audience
● Placement
● Optimization & Pricing

Split Testing
14. Facebook and TV
TRP Buying on FB and IG
● Target Rating Points (TRP): measure impressions as a percentage of the target
population for an advertising campaign and are a core aspect of how TV ads are
purchased and measured.
● It includes Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings on each campaign

Three challenges being addressed

● Allow TV buyers to buy in their measurement currency
● Provide predictable delivery and measurement in terms of TRPs verified by
● Make it easier to buy

● Predictable delivery: Highly predictable delivery across devices: reach new
audiences, launch a product, or increase online sales or foot traffic. Understand
reach, frequency, and TRP’s of a campaign.
● Measurement: Dedicated reporting interface including day, demo and placement
● Executional flexibility: Choose placement and videos of different lengths.

● Sight, sound and motion
● Massive reach at the center of discovery
● Extend your TV campaigns to accurately reach the people you want to reach

TRP Buying Process

● TRP Goal
● Target audience
● Flight dates
● Budget
● Frequency
● Platform: FB or IG
● Minimum spend: Please contact your Facebook rep to find out the latest
minimum spend requirement.
● Targeting: Available in Nielsen markets including Australia, Brazil, Canada,
France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, UK, and US.
Dayparting is available globally, while targeting based on designated marketing
area (DMA) is only available in the US.
● Timelines: Campaigns must be confirmed at least seven days prior to launch.
● Creative assets: Creative must be in a video format. Creative can be changed
after 48 hours. However, creative rotations and weightage cannot be
● Availability: TRP Buying is currently available in Australia, Brazil, Canada,
France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, UK, and US.
15. Engaging your Audience
Engaging your Audience with Interactive Canvas Units
- Immersive
- Visual
- Fast
- Reduce bounce rates
- Increase time spent with brand

Objectives currently supported:

● Website Clicks
● Website Conversions
● Mobile App Installs
● Mobile App Engagement
● Video Views
● Brand Awareness
● Page Post Engagement

● Canvas View Duration – the average time spent in seconds, within a Canvas
● Canvas View Percentage – the average percentage of the Canvas seen. Note:
This only includes components in the initial (root) Canvas and not Linked
● Canvas Component Duration Percentage – the average percentage of time
spent viewing each component of a Canvas experience
● Link Clicks – the total number of clicks on your Canvas ad, which may include
clicks to open Canvas as well as links to offsite content. A full breakdown of Link
Click types is available within Canvas Component-level reporting. This will show
you link clicks by component within Canvas.
Creative Considerations:
● Open Strong
● Make content relevant to people
● Structure your story
● Combine photos, videos or text
● Let people interact at their own pace
● Guide people along
● Use existing assets

Accesing Canvas through:

● Page composer
● Page Publishing Tools
● Ads Manager
● Power Editor
16. Additional Resources

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3. DOWNLOAD our FREE Glossary of

Facebook Terms

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