Tell Me Your Features: Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

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Name of FS Student _Deliman, Jundel L.__________________________________________

Course _Bachelor of Secondary Education________________________ Year & Section _III_
Resource Teacher _Melojane A. Sarabia ________ Signature __________Date: Sept. 29, 2016
Cooperating School _JH Cerilles State College Dumingag Campus H.S. Dep’t. ____________

Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 4, Episode 6 - Tell Me Your Features
Focused on: The six (6) features of a curriculum
Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
Observation/Documentation 4 3 2 1

My Analysis 4 3 2 1

My Reflection 4 3 2 1

My Portfolio 4 3 2 1

Submission 4 3 2 1

Sub Totals

Rating: (Based on
Over-all Score

_______________________ _______________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date
above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84
My Tools
Interview a teacher in the school you visited and inquire how they have utilized their

parents as school partners in education.

Parents are very important in the educative process. of course, they

are the owners of what the teacher called – learners. This leads us to

concludes that having a good relationship between the school (teachers) and

the home (parents) is helpful in achieving a quality education.

According to Ma’am Sarabia, parents play important roles in the

beautification of the school especially during ‘pahina’ and ‘brigada-


The school treats parents as a very important stakeholder. Parent-

Teacher Association was established to maintain the relationship of the two

sides. Through this, there is a close interaction between the two. Through

this also, arising problems regarding students’ learning will be tackled and

addressed accordingly.

In general, Miss Sarabia pointed out that they utilized parents in a

way that they treat them as second teachers and conversely, the teachers as

the second parents.

My Analysis

1. As a future teacher, I need to know and understand the six (6) features of the curriculum


it will help me in achieving my dream and every teacher’s duty

which is to become an effective persona in delivering a holistic learning.

The six features made up the curriculum. This simply implies that even one

feature is missed, then the curriculum is not on its fullness.

A teacher’s task is to make curriculum every day. How will he/she

make such if he/she don’t have knowledge nor understands the features?

Therefore, these six features are very needed for me as a future teacher.
My Reflections

The features of a curriculum are what the curriculum

made of. Like a house which has posts, windows, doors, roofs,

etc. a curriculum also has parts which plays different roles yet,

all are important. These parts are the teacher, the learner, the

subject matter taught, the strategies and methods used in

teaching, the performances of the learners and the community


From the six features I realized that the school is a social

institution since it includes community as its partner. Of

course, the community is the one who will provide resources

to the school and help the school in any way possible.

As I’ve said, every feature of the curriculum counts.

My Portfolio

Make two (2) posters/placards on the features/approaches of the curriculum.

We’re important,
We’re at the center
Go for


Bac k gr ound picture:

Fagi nski, Er ica (201 6), Ludl ow Public Sc hools retrieved from http://w ww.l udlowps.or g/?Di visionID=11167&ToggleSideNav = on 11-26-1 6.

Cl i partBro.c om (201 6), Cur ric ulum & A ssessment Child Care Learning Center retrieved from http://w w w.clipartbro.c om/clipart-
i mage/c urric ulum-&-assesment -child-c are-learning-c enter-c lipart -156087 on 11-26-1 6.

CLIPA RT KID (201 6), Cur r iculum Clipart retrieved from http://w ww.c lipartkid.c om/c urriculum-cliparts/ on 11-26-1 6.

Cl i part Ki d (201 6), El a Clipart retrieved from http://w ww.c lipartkid.c om/ela-cliparts/ on 1 1-26-1 6.

Cl i partPanda.c om (201 4), Teac her Clipart retrieved from http://w ww.c lipartpanda.c om/c ategories/teacher-clip-art on 1 1-26-1 6.

Luf k i n high Sc hool (201 6), K-5 Cur riculum and Instruction retrieved f rom
http://l ms/pages.phtml?pageid=315508 on 1 1-26-1 6.

Ri c hmond, Emi ly (2008). Student -Centered Learning, r etrieved from http://w entered-learning on September 29,
201 6.

______(201 5), U N ITED W AY OF ALA MA NCE COUN TY COMMU N ITY PARTNERS r etrieved from https://uw alamance.or g/for-
nonpr ofits/c ommunity-partners/ on 1 1-26-1 6.

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