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Exercises Advanced

 I wish, I'd rather, as if, as though, it's high time, if only = Past Tense (for present and future)
example: I wish I knew how to dance.
                If only I could speak Italian.
1.   I wouldn't go there if  ________________ (be) you.
2.   It's high time you  ________________ (mend) your boat.
3.   He talks to us as if we  ________________ (be) stupid.
4.   If only I ________________ (find) the answer now.
5.   If we ________________ (arrive) on time we would see Tom Cruise.
6.   I'd rather you ________________ (not love) that terrible boy!
7. Playing in the snow is fun. I wish it ________________ (snow) here more often.

Phrasal Verbs
1. When we went to high school we used to ________________ on weekends in a nearby park.
2. When I retire I'll ________________ some new hobbies like fishing or playing golf.
3. Mum ________________ at the local fitness centre twice a week.
4. When we looked through the old albums we ________________ a photo of my aunt.
5. He tried really hard and ran as fast as he could but simply couldn't ________________ with the best runners.
6. We waited for over an hour but they simply didn't ________________. Something might have happened to them.
7. I am going home anyway so I can ________________ you ________________ wherever you want.
8. We decided to ________________ the south because the weather was much better there.

Narrative tenses

 I went on a trip last month to Dubai with my friend John.  I was very excited about going because I 
________________ (never, visit) Dubai before, and I ________________ (not, see) John for a long time,
because he lives in Australia.  Like myself, John is also from the UK, but has lived or ________________
(live) in Australia for 6 years.  I ________________ (arrive) at Dubai airport at around 8pm after a 4-hour
flight from the UK.  I ________________ (meet) John at the airport and we ________________ (check) into
our hotel.  I ________________ (want) to go and have a look around the city on the first evening, but John
________________ (be) really tired because he ________________ (sit) on a plane for 8 hours.   I
________________ (decide) to go and look around the city myself.  As I ________________ (walk)
through the city, I suddenly ________________ (look) up and ________________ (see) the amazing Burj
Khalifa tower.  I ________________ (never see) anything quite so incredible in my whole life!  Many people 
________________ (tell) me that it was a magnificent building, but it is only when you see it that you realise
just how big it is! I ________________ (stare) at the tower when I suddenly ________________ (realise) that
I ________________ (left) my camera back at the hotel! The rest of the trip ________________ (be) also
amazing, and since I have got back I ________________ (tell) people about it constantly. It is great to tell
people that I ________________ (see) the tallest building in the world!

Verb patterns

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